That is why We decreed for the children of Israel that whosoever kills a human being, except (as punishment) for murder or for spreading corruption in the land, it shall be like killing all humanity; and whosoever saves a life, saves the entire human race. Our apostles brought clear proofs to them; but even after that most of them committed excesses in the land.
Daga sababin wannan, Muka rubuta a kan Banĩ lsrã'ĩla cewa, lalle ne wanda ya kashe rai bã da wani rai ba, ko ɓarna a cikin ƙasa, to kamar yã kashe mutãne duka ne, kuma wanda ya rãya rai, to, kamar yã rãyar da mutãne ne gabã ɗaya. Kuma lalle ne, haƙĩƙa, ManzanninMu sun je musu da hujjõji bayyanannu, sa'an nan kuma lalle ne, mãsu yawa daga gare su, a bãyan wannan, haƙĩƙa, mãsuɓarna ne a cikin ƙasa.
The punishment for those who wage war against God and His Prophet, and perpetrate disorders in the land, is to kill or hang them, or have a hand on one side and a foot on the other cut off, or banish them from the land. Such is their disgrace in the world, and in the Hereafter their doom shall be dreadful.
Abin sani kawai sakamakon waɗanda suke Yãƙin Allah da Manzonsa, kuma sunã aiki a cikin ƙasa dõmin ɓarna a kashe su ko kuwa a ƙere su, kõ kuwa a kakkãtse hannuwansu da ƙafãfunsu daga sãɓãni, ko kuwa a kõre su daga ƙasa. Sannan gare su wulakanci ne a cikin rãyuwar duniya, kuma a Lãhira sunã da wata azãba mai girma.
But those who repent before they are subdued should know that God is forgiving and kind.
Fãce fa waɗanda suka tuba tun a gabãnin ku sãmi ĩko akansu, to, ku sani cewa lalle ne, Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
O you who believe, follow the path shown to you by God, and seek the way of proximity to Him, and struggle in His way: you may have success.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Ku bi Allah da taƙawa, kuma ku nemi tsari zuwa gare shi, kuma ku yi jihãdi a cikin hanyarsa, tsammãninku, za ku ci nasara.
As for unbelievers, if they possess the riches of the whole earth, and two times more, and offer it as ransom for release from the torments of the Day of Resurrection, it will not be accepted from them, and their punishment will surely be painful.
Lalle ne waɗanda suka kãfirta, lalle dã sunã da abin da ke a cikin ƙasa gabã ɗaya da misãlinsa tãre da shi, dõmin su yi fansa da shi daga azãbar Rãnar ¡iyãma, bã a karɓarsa daga gare su, kuma sunã da azãba mai raɗadi.
They would like to escape from the Fire, but will never succeed, and their suffering will be constant
Sunã nufin su fita ne daga wuta, kuma ba su zama mãsu fita daga gare ta ba, kuma sunã da azãba zaunanniya.
As for the thief, whether man or woman, cut his hand as punishment from God for what he had done; and God is all mighty and all wise.
Kuma ɓarãwo da ɓarauniya sai ku yanke hannuwansu, bisa sakamako ga abin da suka tsirfanta, a kan azãba daga Allah. Kuma Allah Mabuwãyi ne, Mai hikima.
But those who repent after a crime and reform, shall be forgiven by God, for God is forgiving and kind.
To, wanda ya tuba a bãyan zãluncinsa, kuma ya gyãra (halinsa), to, lalle ne Allah Yanã karɓar tubarsa. Lalle Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
Do you not know that God's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whom He will, and pardons whom He please, for God has the power over all things.
Shin, ba ka sani ba cewa lalle ne, Allah Shi ne da mulkin sammai da ƙasa, Yanã azãbtar da wanda Yake so, kuma Yanã yin gãfara ga wanda yake so, kuma Allah a dukkan kõme, Mai ĩkon yi ne?
Be not grieved, O Apostle, by those who hasten to outrace others in denial, and say with their tongues: "We believe," but do not believe in their hearts. And those of the Jews who listen to tell lies, and spy on behalf of others who do not come to you, and who distort the words (of the Torah) out of context, and say: "If you are given (what we say is true) accept it; but if you are not given it, beware." You cannot intercede with God for him whom God would not show the way. These are the people whose hearts God does not wish to purify. For them is ignominy in this world and punishment untold in the next --
Yã kai Manzo! Kada waɗanda suke tseren gaugawa a cikin kãfirci su ɓãta maka rai, daga waɗanda suka ce: "Mun yi ĩmãni" da bãkunansu, alhãli zukatansu ba su yi ĩmãnin ba, kuma daga waɗanda suka tuba (watau Yahudu) mãsu yawan saurare ga wasu mutane na dabam waɗanda ba su je maka ba, sunã karkatar da zance daga bãyan wurarensa, sunã cewa: "Idan an bã ku wannan, to, ku karɓa, kuma idan ba a bã ku shĩ ba, to, ku yi sauna."Kuma wanda Allah Ya yi nufin fitinarsa, to bã zã ka mallaka masa kõme ba, daga Allah. Waɗannan ne waɗanda Allah bai yi nufin Ya tsarkake zukãtansu ba. Sunã da kunya a cikin duniya, kuma sunã da wata azãba mai girma a cikin 1ãhira.
Eavesdropping for telling lies, earning through unlawful means! So, if they come to you, judge between them or decline. And if you decline, they can do you no harm; but if you judge, you should do so with justice, for God loves those who are just.
Mãsu yawan saurãre ga ƙarya ne, mãsu yawan ci ga haram, to, idan sun zo maka, sai ka yi hukunci a tsakãninsu kõ ka bijira daga gare su. Kuma idan ka bijira daga gare su, to, bã zã su cuce ka da kõme ba, kuma idan ka yi hukunci, to, sai ka hukunta a tsakãninsu da ãdalci. Lalle ne, Allah Yanã son mãsu ãdalci.
But why should they make you a judge when the Torah is with them which contains the Law of God? Even then they turn away. They are those who will never believe.
Kuma yãya suke gabãtar da kai ga hukunci, alhãli a wurinsu akwai Attaura, a cikinta akwai hukuncin Allah, sa'an nan kuma sunã karkacewa a bãyan wannan? waɗannan bã muminai ba ne!
We sent down the Torah which contains guidance and light, in accordance with which the prophets who were obedient (to God) gave instructions to the Jews, as did the rabbis and priests, for they were the custodians and witnesses of God's writ. So, therefore, do not fear men, fear Me, and barter not My messages away for a paltry gain. Those who do not judge by God's revelations are infidels indeed.
Lalle ne Mu, Mun saukar da Attaura, a cikinta akwai shiriya da haske Annabãwa waɗanda suke sun sallamã, sunã yin hukunci da ita ga waɗanda suka tuba (Yahudu), da mãlaman tarbiyya, da manyan malamai ga abin da aka neme su da su tsare daga Littãfin Allah, kuma sun kasance, a kansa, mãsu bã da shaida. To, kada ku ji tsõron mutãne kuma ku ji tsõroNa kuma kada ku sayi 'yan kuɗi kaɗan da ãyoyiNa. wanda bai yi hukunci ba da abin da Allah Ya saukar, to, waɗannan su ne kafirai.
And there (in the Torah) We had ordained for them a life for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear, and a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds retribution, though he who forgoes it out of charity, atones for his sins. And those who do not judge by God's revelations are unjust.
Kuma Mun rubuta a kansu, a cikinta cewa, lalle (anã kashe) rai sabõda rai, kuma (anã ɗebe) idõ sabõda idõ, kuma (ana katse) hanci sabõda hanci, kuma kunne sabõda kunne kuma haƙori sabõda haƙõri kuma a raunuka a yi sakayya. To, wanda ya yi sadaka da shi, to, shi kaffãra ce a gare shi. Kuma wanda bai yi hukunci ba da abin da Allah Ya saukar, to, waɗannan su ne azzãlumai.
Later, in the train (of the prophets), We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming the Torah which had been (Sent down) before him, and gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, which corroborated the earlier Torah, a guidance and warning for those who preserve themselves from evil and follow the straight path.
Kuma Muka biyar a kan gurãbansu da Ĩsa ɗan Maryama, yãnã mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake a gaba gare shi daga Attaura, kuma Muka bã shi Injĩla a cikinsa akwai shiriya da haske, yanã mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake a gaba gare shi daga Attaura, kuma shi shiriya ne da wa'azi ga mãsu taƙawa.
Let the people of the Gospel judge by what has been revealed in it by God. And those who do not judge in accordance with what God has revealed are transgressors.
Kuma sai mutãnen injĩla su yi hukunci da abin da Allah ya saukar a cikinta. Kuma wanda bai yi hukunci ba da abin da Allah ya saukar, to, waɗannan su ne fãsiƙai.
And to you We have revealed the Book containing the truth, confirming the earlier revelations, and preserving them (from change and corruption). So judge between them by what has been revealed by God, and do not follow their whims, side-stepping the truth that has reached you. To each of you We have given a law and a way and a pattern of life. If God had pleased He could surely have made you one people (professing one faith). But He wished to try and test you by that which He gave you. So try to excel in good deeds. To Him will you all return in the end, when He will tell you of what you were at variance.
Kuma Mun saukar da Littãfi zuwa gare ka da gaskiya, yanã mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake a gaba gare shi daga Littãfi (Attaura da Injĩla), kuma mai halartãwa a kansa. sai ka yi hukunci a tsakãninsu da abin da Allah Ya saukar kuma kada ka bĩbiyi son zũciyõyiniu daga abin da ya zo maka daga gaskiya. Ga kõwanne daga gare ku Mun sanya sharĩa da hanya (ta bin ta). Kuma dã Allah Yã so, dã Yã sanya ku al'umma guda, kuma amma dõmin Ya jarraba ku a cikin abin da Ya bã ku. Sai ku yi tsere ga ayyukan alheri. Zuwa ga Allah makõmarku take gabã ɗaya. Sa'an nan Ya bã ku lãbãri ga abin da kuka kasance kunã sãɓãwa a cikinsa.
Judge between them in the light of what has been revealed by God, and do not follow their whims, and beware of them lest they lead you away from the guidance sent down to you by God. If they turn away, then know that God is sure to punish them for some of their sins; and many of them are transgressors.
Kuma ka yi hukunci a tsakãninsu da abin da Allah Ya saukar kuma kada ka bĩbiyi son zũciyõyinsu, kuma ka yi saunar su fitine ka daga sãshen abin da Allah Ya saukar zuwa gare ka. To, idan sun juya bãya, to, ka sani cewa, kawai Allah yana nufin Ya sãme su da masĩfa ne sabõda sãshen zunubansu. Kuma lalle ne, mãsu yawa daga mutãne, haƙĩƙa, fãsiƙai ne.
Do they seek a judgement of the days of pagan ignorance? But who could be a better judge than God for those who are firm in their faith?
Shin, hukuncin Jãhiliyya suke nema? Kuma wane ne mafi kyau ga hukunci daga Allah sabõda mutãne waɗanda suke yin yaƙĩni (tabbataccen ĩmãni)?
O believers, do not hold Jews and Christians as your allies. They are allies of one another; and anyone who makes them his friends is surely one of them; and God does not guide the unjust.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku riƙi Yahudu da Nasãra majiɓinta. Sãshensu majiɓinci ne ga sãshe. Kuma wanda ya jiɓince su daga gare ku, to, lalle ne shĩ, yanã daga gare su. Lalle Allah bã Ya shiryar da mutãne azzãlumai.
You will notice that those whose hearts are afflicted with sickness (of doubt) only hasten to join them and say: "We fear lest misfortune should surround us." It may well be that God may soon send (you) success, or other command of His. Then will they be repentant of what they had concealed in their hearts.
Sai ka ga waɗanda a cikin zukatansu akwai cuta, sunã tseren gaugawa a cikinsu, sunã cewa: "Munã tsõron kada wata masĩfa ta sãme mu." To, akwai tsammãnin Allah Ya zo da buɗi, kõ kuwa wani umurni daga wurinSa, har su wãyi gari a kan abin da suka ɓõye a cikin zukatansu, sunã mãsu nadãmã.
Then the believers will say: "Are these the people who had sworn by God on solemn oath and said: "We are surely with you?" Wasted have been all their deeds, and losers they remain.
Kuma waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni sunã cewa: "Shin, waɗannan ne waɗanda suka yi rantsuwa da Allah iyãkar rantsuwõyinsu, cewa su, lalle sunã tãre da ku?" Ayyukansu sun ɓãci, sabõda haka suka wãyi gari sunã mãsu hasãra.
O believers, any one of you who turns back on his faith (should remember) that God could verily bring (in your place) another people whom He would love as they would love Him, gentle with believers, unbending with infidels, who would strive in the way of God, unafraid of blame by any slanderer. Such is the favour of God which He bestows on whomsoever He will. God is infinite and all-knowing.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! wanda ya yi ridda daga gare ku daga addininSa, to, Allah zai zo da wasu mutãne, Yanã son su kuma sunã son Sa, mãsu tawãlu'i a kan muminai mãsu izza a kan kãfurai. Sunã yin, jihãdi a cikin hanyar Allah, kuma bã su tsõron zargin wani mai zargi. Waccan falalar Allah ce, Yanã bãyar da ita ga wanda Yake so. Kuma Allah Mayalwaci ne, Mai ilmi.
Your only friends are God and His Messenger, and those who believe and are steadfast in devotion, who pay the zakat and bow in homage (before God).
Abin sani kawai, majiɓincinku Allah ne da ManzonSa da waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, waɗanda suke sunã tsayar da salla kuma sunã bãyar da zakka kuma sunã ruku'i,
And those who take God and His Prophet and the faithful as their friends are indeed men of God, who will surely be victorious.
Kuma wanda ya jiɓinci Allah da ManzonSa da waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, to, ƙungiyar Allah sune mãsu rinjãya.
O believers, do not make friends with those who mock and make a sport of your faith, who were given the Book before you, and with unbelievers; and fear God if you truly believe;
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku riƙi waɗanda suka riƙi addininku bisa izgili da wãsa, daga waɗanda aka bai wa Littãfi daga gabãninku da kãfirai, masõya, Kuma ku bi Allah da taƙawa idan kun kasance muminai.
(Nor make friends with) those who, when you call (the faithful) to prayer, make mock of it and jest, because they do not understand.
Kuma idan kuka yi kira zuwa ga salla, sai su riƙe ta bisa izgili da wãsa. Wannan dõmin lalle ne su, mutãne ne (waɗanda) bã su hankalta.
Say to them: "O people of the Book, what reason have you for disliking us other than that we believe in God and what has been sent down to us, and was sent down before, and because most of you are disobedient?"
Ka ce: "Ya Mutãnen Littãfi! Shin, kunã ganin wani laifi daga gare mu? Fãce dai dõmin mun yi ĩmãni da Allah da abin da aka Saukar zuwa gare mu da abin da aka saukar daga gabãni, kuma dõmin mafi yawanku fãsiƙai ne."
Say: "Shall I inform you who will receive the worst chastisement from God? They who were condemned by God, and on whom fell His wrath, and those who were turned to apes and swine, and those who worship the powers of evil. They are in the worse gradation, and farthest away from the right path."
Ka ce: "Shin, in gaya muku mafi sharri daga wannan, dõmin sakamako daga wurin Allah? wanda Allah Ya la'ane shi kuma Ya yi fushi da shi, kuma Ya sanya daga gare su birai da aladai, kuma ya bauta wa ¦ãguta. Waɗannan ne mafiya sharrin wuri, kuma mafiya ɓata daga tsakar hanya."
When they come to you they say: "We believe;" but unbelieving they came and unbelieving go; and God is aware of what they conceal in their hearts.
Kuma idan sun zo muku sai su ce: "Mun yi ĩmãni." Alhãli kuwa haƙĩƙa, sun shigo da kãfirci, kuma su lalle ne, sun fita da shi, kuma Allah ne Mafi sani ga abin da suka kasance sunã ɓõyewa.
You will see among them many who rush into sin and wickedness, and devour unlawful gain. How evil are the things they do!
Kuma kana ganin mãsu yawa daga gare su, sunã tseren gaugawa a cikin zunubi da zãlunci da cinsu ga haram. Haƙĩƙa, tir da abin da suka kasance suna aikatãwa.
Why do not their rabbis and priests prohibit them from talking of sinful things and from devouring unlawful gain? Evil are the acts they commit!
Don me Malaman Tarbiyya da manyan malamai (na Yahudu) ba su hanã su daga faɗarsu ga zunubi da cinsu ga haram ba? Haƙiƙa, tir daga abin da suka kasance sunã sanã'antãwa.
The Jews say: "Bound are the hands of God." Tied be their own hands, and damned may they be for saying what they say! In fact, both His hands are open wide: He spends of His bounty in any way He please. But what your Lord has revealed to you will only increase their rebellion and unbelief. So We have caused enmity and hatred among them (which will last) till the Day of Resurrection. As often as they ignite the fires of war they are extinguished by God. Yet they rush around to spread corruption in the land; but God does not love those who are corrupt.
Kuma Yahudu suka ce: "Hannun Allah abin yi wa ƙuƙumi ne. " An sanya hannuwansu a cikin ƙuƙumi! Kuma an la'ane su sabõda abin da suka faɗa. Ã'a, hannuwanSa biyu shimfiɗaɗɗu ne, Yanã ciyarwa yadda Yake so. Kuma lalle ne abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ka yanã ƙãra wa mãsu yawa daga gare su, girman kai da kãfirci. Kuma Mun jefa a tsakãninsu, ƙiyayya da ƙeta, zuwa Rãnar ¡iyãma, kõ da yaushe suka hura wata wuta dõmin yãƙi, sai Allah Ya bice ta. Sunã aiki a cikin ƙasa dõmin ɓarna, alhãli kuwa Allah bã Ya son mãsu fasãdi.
If the people of the Book had believed and feared, We would surely have absolved them of their sins, and admitted them to gardens of delight.
Kuma dã dai lalle Mutãnen Littãfi sun yi ĩmãni, kuma sun yi taƙawa, haƙĩƙa, dã Mun kankare miyãgun ayyukansu daga gare su, kuma dã Mun shigar da su gidãjen Aljannar Ni'ima.
And if they had followed the teachings of the Torah and the Gospel, and what has been sent down to them by their Lord, they would surely have enjoyed (blessings) from the heavens above and the earth below their feet.
Kuma dã dai lalle su, sun tsayar da Attaura da Injĩla da abin da aka saukar zuwa gare su daga Ubangijinsu, haƙĩƙa, dã sun ci daga bisansu da kuma daga ƙarƙashin ƙafãfunsu. Daga gare su akwai wata al'umma mai tsakaitãwa kuma mãsu yawa daga gare su, abin da suke aikatawa yã munana.
Some among them are moderate, but evil is what most of them do! O Prophet, announce what has reached you from your Lord, for if you do not, you will not have delivered His message. God will preserve you from (the mischief of) men; for God does not guide those who do not believe.
Yã kai Manzo! Ka iyar da abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ka daga Ubangijinka. Kuma idan ba ka aikata ba, to, ba ka iyar da manzancinSa ba ke nan. Kuma Allah Yanã tsare ka daga mutãne. Lalle ne, Allah bã Ya shiryar da mutãne kãfirai.
Say to them: "O people of the Book, you have no ground (for argument) until you follow the Torah and the Gospel and what has been revealed to you by your Lord." But what has been revealed to you by your Lord will surely increase rebellion and unbelief in many; so do not grieve for those who do not believe.
Ka ce: "Yã ku Mutãnen Littãfi! Ba ku zama a kan kõme ba, sai kun tsayar da Attaura da Injĩla da abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ku daga Ubangijinku."Kuma lalle ne, abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ka daga Ubangijinka, yanã ƙara wa mãsu yawa daga gare su girman kai da kãfirci. To, kada ka yi baƙin ciki a kan mutãne kãfirai.
All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret.
Lalle ne, waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni da waɗanda sukatuba (Yahũdu) da Karkatattu da Nasãra, wanda ya yi ĩmãni da Allahda Rãnar Lãhira, kuma ya aikata aiki na ƙwarai, to, bãbu tsõro a kansu, kuma bã su zamo sunã baƙin ciki ba.
We had taken a solemn pledge from the children of Israel, and sent messengers to them; but whenever an apostle came to them bringing what did not suit their mood, they called one imposter, another they slew,
Lalle ne haƙĩƙa Mun riƙi alkawarin Bani Isrã'ĩla, kumaMun aiki manzanni zuwa gare su, ko da yaushe wani manzo ya je musu da abin da rãyukansu bã su so, wani ɓangare sun ƙaryata, kuma wani ɓangare sunã kashewa,
And imagined that no trials would befall them; and they turned deaf and blind (to the truth). But God still turned to them; yet many of them turned blind and deaf again; but God sees everything they do.
Kuma suka yi zaton cewa wata fitina bã zã ta kasance ba sai Suka makanta, kuma suka kurubta, sa'an nan Allah Ya karɓi tuba a gare su, sa'an nan suka makanta kuma suka kurunta mãsu yawa daga gare su, alhãli Allah Mai gani ne ga abin da suke aikatãwa.
They are surely infidels who say: "God is the Christ, son of Mary." But the Christ had only said: "O children of Israel, worship God who is my Lord and your Lord." Whosoever associates a compeer with God, will have Paradise denied to him by God, and his abode shall be Hell; and the sinners will have none to help them.
Lalle ne haƙĩƙa waɗanda suka ce: "Lalle ne Allah, shĩne Masĩhu, ɗan Maryama," sun kãfirta. Alhãli kuwa Masĩhu yã ce: "Yã Banĩ Isrã'ĩla! Ku bauta wa Allah Ubangijina, kuma Ubangijinku." Lalle ne shĩ, wanda ya yi shirki da Allah, to, lalle ne, Allah Yã haramta masa Aljanna. Kuma bãbu wasu mataimaka ga azzãlumai.
Disbelievers are they surely who say: "God is the third of the trinity;" but there is no god other than God the one. And if they do not desist from saying what they say, then indeed those among them who persist in disbelief will suffer painful punishment.
Lalle ne, haƙĩƙa, waɗanda suka ce: "Allah na ukun uku ne," sun kãfirta, kuma babu wani abin bautãwa fãce Ubangji Guda. Kuma idan ba su hanu daga abin da suke faɗa ba, haƙĩƙa, wata azãba mai raɗaɗi tãnã shãfar waɗanda suka kãfirta daga gare su.
Why do they not turn to God and ask His forgiveness? God is forgiving and kind.
shin fã, bã su tuba zuwa ga Allah, kuma su neme Shi gãfara, alhãli kuwa Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai?
The Christ, son of Mary, was but an apostle, and many apostles had (come and) gone before him; and his mother was a woman of truth. They both ate the (same) food (as men). Behold, how We show men clear signs, and behold, how they wander astray!
Masĩhu ɗan Maryama bai zama ba fãce Manzo ne kawai, haƙĩƙa, manzanni sun shige dage gabãninsa, kuma uwarsa siddika ce. Sun kasance sunã cin abinci. Ka duba yadda Muke bayyana musu ãyõyi. Sa'an nan kuma ka duba yadda ake karkatar da su.
Tell them: "Leaving God aside, will you worship something that has no power over your loss or gain?" But God is all-hearing and all-knowing.
Ka ce: "Ashe kunã bauta wa, baicin Allah, abin da ba ya mallakar wata cuta sabõda ku kuma haka wani amfani alhãli kuwa Allah Shi ne Mai ji, Masani?"
Tell them: "O people of the Book, do not overstep the bounds of truth in your beliefs, and follow not the wishes of a people who had erred before, and led many others astray, and wandered away from the right path."
Ka ce: "Yã ku Mutanen Littãfi! Kada ku zurfafa a cikin addininku, abin da bã gaskiya ba, kuma kada ku bĩbiyi son zuciyõyin waɗansu mutãne waɗanda suka riga suka ɓace a gabãni, kuma suka ɓatar da wasu mãsu yawa, kuma suka ɓace daga tsakar hanya."
Cursed were disbelievers among the children of Israel by David and Jesus, son of Mary, because they rebelled and transgressed the bounds.
An la'ani waɗanda suka kãfirta daga Banĩ Isrã'ĩla a kan harshen Dãwuda da Ĩsa ɗan Maryama. wannan kuwa sabõda sãɓãwar da suka yi ne, kuma sun kasance suna ta'addi.
They did not restrain one another from the wicked things they used to do; and vile were the things that they were doing!
Sun kasance bã su hana juna daga abin ƙi, wanda suka aikata. Haƙĩƙa abin da suka kasancesunã aikatãwa yã munana.
You can see among them many allying themselves with the infidels. Vile it was what they sent ahead of them, so that God's indignation came upon them; and torment will they suffer an eternity.
Kana ganin mãsu yawa daga gare su, sunã jiɓintar waɗanda suka kãfirta. Haƙĩƙa tir da abin da rãyukansu suka gabãtar sabõda su, watau Allah Yã yi fushi da su, kuma a cikin azãba su mãsu dawwama ne
If they had believed in God and the Prophet and what had been revealed to him, they would never have held them as allies; and many among them are transgressors.
Kuma dã sun kasance sunã ĩmãni da Allah da Annabi da abin da aka saukar zuwa gare shi, dã ba su riƙe su masõya ba. Kuma amma mãsu yawa daga gare su, fãsiƙai ne.
You will find the Jews and idolaters most excessive in hatred of those who believe; and the closest in love to the faithful are the people who say: "We are the followers of Christ," because there are priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.
Lalle ne kana sãmun mafiya tsananin mutãne a adãwa ga waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, Yahudu ne da waɗanda suka yi shirki. Kuma lalle ne kanã sãmun mafiya kusantarsu a sõyayya ga waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni su ne waɗanda suka ce: "Lalle mu ne Nasãra." Wancan kuwa sabõda akwai ¡issawa da ruhubãnãwa daga cikinsu. Kuma lalle ne su, bã su yin girman kai.
For when they listen to what has been revealed to this Apostle, you can see their eyes brim over with tears at the truth which they recognise, and say: "O Lord, we believe; put us down among those who bear witness (to the truth).
Kuma idan suka ji abin da aka saukar zuwa ga Manzo, kanã ganin idanunsu sunã zubar da hawãye, sabõda abin da suka sani daga gaskiya, sunã cewa: "Yã Ubangijinmu! Mun yi ĩmãni, sai ka rubuta mu tãre da mãsu shaida.
And why should we not believe in God and what has come down to us of the truth? And we hope to be admitted by our Lord among those who are upright and do good?"
"Kuma mene ne yake gare mu, bã zã mu yi ĩmãni daAllah ba, da kuma abin da ya zo mana daga gaskiya, kuma munã gurin Ubangijinmu Ya shigar da mu tãre da mutãne sãlihai?"
God will reward them for saying so with gardens where streams flow by, where they will live for ever. This is the recompense of those who do good.
Sabõda haka, Allah Yã sãkã musu, dõmin abin da suka faɗa da gidãjen Aljanna (waɗanda) ƙõramu sunã gudãna a ƙarƙashinsu, sunã madawwama a cikinsu, kuma wannan ne sakamakon mãsu kyautatãwa.
But those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations are residents of Hell.
Kuma waɗanda suka kãfirta kuma suka ƙaryata game da ãyõyinMu, waɗancan ne abõkan Wuta.
O believers, do not forbid the good things God has made lawful for you; and do not transgress. God does not love transgressors.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku haramta abubuwa mãsu dãɗi da Allah Ya halatta muku, kuma kada ku ƙetare haddi. Lalle ne, Allah bã Ya son mãsu ƙetare haddi.
Eat what is lawful and good of the provisions God has bestowed on you, and fear God in whom you believe.
Kuma ku ci daga abin da Allah Ya azurta ku, halat mai daɗi, kuma ku bi Allah da taƙawa, wanda yake ku, mãsu ĩmãni ne da shi.
God does not punish you but for what you swear in earnest. The expiation (for breaking an oath) is feeding ten persons who are poor, with food that you give your own families, or clothing them, or freeing a slave. But he who cannot do so should fast for three days. This is the expiation for an oath when you have sworn it. So abide by your oaths. Thus God makes His commandments clear to you: You may perhaps be grateful.
Allah bã Ya kãmã ku sabõda yãsassa a cikin rantsuwõyinku, kuma amma Yanã kãmã ku da abin da kuka ƙudurta rantsuwõyi (a kansa). To, kaffãrarsa ita ce ciyar da miskĩni gõma daga matsakaicin abin da kuke ciyar da iyãlanku, kõ kuwa tufãtar da su, kõ kuwa 'yantãwar wuya. Sa'an nan wanda bai sãmu ba, sai azumin kwãna uku. wannan ne kaffãrar rantsuwõyinku, idan kun rantse. Kuma ku kiyãye rantsuwoyinku. Kamar wannan ne Allah Yake bayyana muku ãyoyinsa, tsammãninku kunã gõdewa.
O believers, this wine and gambling, these idols, and these arrows you use for divination, are all acts of Satan; so keep away from them. You may haply prosper.
Ya ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Abin sani kawai, giya da cãca da refu da kiban ƙuri'a, ƙazanta ne daga aikin shaiɗan, sai ku nĩsance shi, wa la'alla ku ci nasara.
Satan only wishes to create among you enmity and hatred through wine and gambling, and to divert you from the remembrance of God and prayer. Will you therefore not desist?
Abin sani kawaĩ Shaiɗan yanã nufin ya aukar da adãwa da ƙeta a tsakãninku, a cikin giya da cãca, kuma ya kange ku daga ambaton Allah, kuma daga sallah. To, shin, ku mãsu hanuwa ne?
Obey God and the Prophet, and beware. If you turn away, remember, that the duty of Our Apostle is to give you a clear warning.
Ku yi ɗã'a ga Allah, kuma ku yi ɗã'a ga Manzo, kuma ku kiyãye. To, idan kun jũya, to, ku sani abin da kawai yake kan ManzonMu, iyarwa bayyananniya.
Those who believe and perform good deeds will not be held guilty for what they have eaten (in the past) if they fear God and believe, and do good things and are conscious (of God) and believe, and still fear and do good, for God loves those who do good.
Bãbu laifi a kan waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, kuma suka aikata ayyukan ƙwarai, a cikin abin da suka ci, idan sun yi taƙawa kuma suka yi ĩmãni, kuma suka aikata ayyukan ƙwarai, sa'an nan suka yi taƙawa kuma suka yi ĩmãni, sa'an nan kuma suka yi taƙawa kuma suka kyautata. Kuma Allah Yana son mãsu kyautatãwa.
O you who believe, God will surely try you with the game that you take with your hands or your lances, in order to know who fear Him unseen. Whosoever transgress after this will suffer grievous punishment.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Lalle ne, Allah zai jarraba ku da wani abu, daga farauta, hannuwanku da mãsunku sunã sãmun sa dõmin Allah Ya san wanda yake tsoron Sa a fake. To, wanda ya yi ta'addi a bãyan wannan, to, yanã da azãba mai raɗaɗi.
O you who believe, do not kill game when you are on pilgrimage. And anyone among you who does so on purpose should offer livestock of equivalent value, determined by two honourable persons among you, (as atonement), to be brought to the Ka'bah as an offering; or else expiate by giving food to the poor, or its equivalent in fasting, so that he may realise the gravity of his deed. God has forgiven what has happened in the past; but any one who does so again will be punished by God. And God is severe in requital.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku kashe farauta alhãli kunã mãsu harama. Kuma wanda ya kashe shi daga gare ku, yanã mai ganganci, sai sakamako misãlin abin da ya kashe, daga dabbõbin ni'ima, ma'abuta ãdalci biyu daga cikinku sunã yin hukunci da shi. Ya zama hadaya mai isa ga Ka'aba ko kuwa kaffãra da abincin miskĩnai ko kuwa a matsayinsa ya yi azumi dõmin ya ɗanɗani masifar al'amarinsa. Allah Yã yafe laifi daga abin da ya gabãta. Kuma wanda ya kõma, to, Allah zai yi azãbar rãmuwa daga gare shi, kuma Allah Mabuwãyi ne, ma'abũcin azabãr rãmuwa.
Lawful is all game of the water for you, and eating of it as food, so that you and the travellers may benefit by it. But unlawful is game of the jungle when you are on pilgrimage. Fear God before whom you have to gather in the end.
An halatta muku farautar ruwa da abincinsa dõmin jin dãɗi a gare ku, kuma dõmin matafiya. Kuma an haramta farautar tudu a kanku, matuƙar kun dawwama mãsu harama. Kuma ku bi Allah da taƙawa, wanda yake zuwa gare Shi ne ake tãra ku.
God has made the Ka'bah, the Sacred House, a means of support for mankind, as also the holy month, the sacrificial offerings, and consecrated cattle, so that you may understand that known to God is all that is in the heavens and the earth, and God has knowledge of everything.
Allah Ya sanya Ka'aba ¦aki Tsararre, ma'aunin addini ga mutane, kuma Yã sanya watã Mai alfarma da hadaya da rãtayõyin Allah Yã san abin da yake a cikin sammai da abin da yake a cikin ƙasa, kuma cewa lalle Allah, ga dukkan, kõme, Masani ne.
Know that the punishment of God is severe, but that God is also forgiving and kind.
Ku sani cewa lalle Allah Mai tsananin uƙuba ne, kuma lalle Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
It is for the Prophet to convey the message: God knows what you reveal and what you hide.
Bãbu abin da yake a kan Manzo, sai iyarwa, kuma Allah Yanã sanin abin da kuke bayyanãwa da abin da kuke ɓõyewa.
Tell them: "The unclean and the pure are not equal, even though the abundance of the unclean may be pleasing to you." So fear God, O men of wisdom; you may haply find success.
Ka ce: "Mummuna da mai kyau bã su daidaita, kuma kõ dã yawan mummuan yã bã ka sha'awa. Sabõda haka ku bi Allah da taƙawa, yã ma'abuta hankula ko la'alla zã ku ci nasara."
O believers, do not ask about things which, if made known to you, may vex you. But if you ask about them when the Qur'an is being revealed they will be unfolded to you. God has overlooked (your failings) in this (respect), for God is forgiving and forbearing.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku yi tambaya ga abubuwa, idan an bayyana muku (hukuncinsu) su ɓãta muku rai. Kuma idan kuka yi tambaya a gare su a lõkacin da ake saukar da Alƙur'ãni, zã a bayyana maku. Allah Yã yãfe laifi daga gare su, Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai haƙuri.
Such things were asked by a people before you, but they disbelieved them afterwards.
Lalle ne wasu mutãne sun tambaye su daga gabãninku, sa'an nan kuma suka wãyi gari da su sanã kãfirai.
God has not sanctioned Baheerah or Sa'ibah, Waseelah or Ham. The unbelievers fabricate lies of God, for many of them are devoid of sense.
Kuma Allah bai sanya wata bahĩra ba, kuma haka sã'iba, kuma haka wasĩla, kuma haka hãmi, amma waɗanda suka kãfirta, su suke ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah, kuma mafi yawansu bã su hankalta.
When you say to them: "Come to what God has revealed, and the Prophet," they say: "Sufficient to us is the faith that our fathers had followed," even though their fathers had no knowledge or guidance.
Kuma idan aka ce musu: "Ku zo zuwa ga abin da Allah Ya saukar, kuma zuwa ga Manzo," sai su ce: "Mai isarmu shi ne abin da muka iske ubanninmu a kansa." Shin, kuma kõ dã ubanninsu sun kasance bã su sanin kõme kuma bã su shiryuwa?
O you who believe, on you rests (the responsibility) for your own selves. If you follow the right path those who have gone astray will not be able to do you harm. To God have all of you to return, when He will tell you what you were doing.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Ku lazimci rãyukanku, wanda ya ɓace bã zai cuce ku ba idan kun shiryu, zuwa ga Allah makõmarku take gabã ɗaya. Sa'an nan Ya bã ku lãbari ga abin da kuka kasance kunã aikatãwa.
O you who believe, let two honest men among you be witness when you dictate your last will and testament as (the hour of) death draws near; and if death approaches while you are on a journey, two men other than yours. Detain them after the service of prayer, and if you doubt their word make them swear by God that: "We shall not take a bribe even though it be offered by a near relative, nor hide the testimony of God, for then we shall surely be sinful."
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Shaidar tsakãninku, idan mutuwa ta halarci ɗayanku, a lõkacin wasiyya, maza biyu ne ma'abuta ãdalci daga gare ku, kõ kuwa wasu biyu daga wasunku idan kun tafi a cikin ƙasa sa'an nan masĩfarmutuwa ta sãme ku. Kunã tsare su daga bãyan salla har su yi rantsuwa da Allah; idan kun yi shakka: "Bã mu sayen kuɗi da shi, kõ dã ya kasance ma'abucin zumunta kuma bã mu ɓõye shaidar Allah. Lalle ne mu, a lõkacin, haƙĩƙa, munã daga mãsu zunubi."
If it transpires they have concealed the truth, two of those who are immediately concerned should take their place and swear by God: "Our testimony is truer than theirs. We have stated no more (than the truth), or else we shall be unjust"
To, idan aka gane cewa lalle sũ, sun cancanci zunubi to sai wasu biyu su tsayu matsayibsu daga waɗanda suka karɓa daga gare su, mutãne biyu mafiya cancanta, sa'an nan su yi rantsuwa da Allah: "Lalle ne shaidarmu ce mafi gaskiya daga shaidarsu, kuma ba mu yi zãlunci ba. Lalle mu, a lõkacin haƙĩƙa, munã daga azzãlumai."
It is thus likely that men will bear witness rightly, or else fear that their oaths may be disproved by oaths given after them. So fear God, and do not forget that God does not guide the iniquitous.
Wannan ne mafi kusantar su zo da shaida a kan fuskarta kõ kuwa su yi tsõron a tũre rantsuwõyi a bãyan rantsuwõyinsu. Kuma ku bi Allah da taƙawa kuma ku saurara, kuma Allah bã Ya shiryar da mutãne fãsiƙai.
The day God will gather the apostles and ask: "What answer was made to you?" They will say: "We know not. You alone know the secrets unknown."
A ranar da Allah Yake tãra manzanni sa'an nan Ya ce: "Mene ne aka karɓa muku?" (zã) su ce: "Bãbu ilmi a gare mu. Lalle ne Kai, Kai ne Masanin abubuwan fake."
And when God will say: "O Jesus, son of Mary, remember the favours I bestowed on you and your mother, and reinforced you with divine grace that you spoke to men when in the cradle, and when in the prime of life; when I taught you the law and the judgement and the Torah and the Gospel; when you formed the state of your people's destiny out of mire and you breathed (a new spirit) into it, and they rose by My leave; when you healed the blind by My leave, and the leper; when you put life into the dead by My will; and when I held back the children of Israel from you when you brought to them My signs, and the disbelievers among them said: "Surely these are nothing but pure magic."
A lõkacin da Allah Ya ce: "Yã Ĩsã ɗan Maryama! Ka tuna ni'ima Ta a kanka, kuma a kan mahaifiyarka, a lõkacin da Na ƙarfafa ka da Rũhul ¡udusi, kanã yiwa mutãne magana a cikin shimfiɗar jariri, da kuma kanã dattijo. Kuma a lõkacin da Na sanar da kai rubutu da hikima da Attaura da Injĩla, kuma a lõkacin da kake yin halitta daga lãkã kamar surar tsuntsu da izinĩNa, sa'an nan ka hura a cikinta sai ta zama tsuntsu da izinĩNa, kuma kanã warkar da haifaffen makaho da kuturu, da izinĩNa, kuma a lõkacin da kake fitar da matattu da izinĩNa, kuma a lõkacin da Na kange Banĩ Isrã'ĩla daga gare ka, a lõkacin da ka je musu da hujjõji bayyanannu, sai waɗanda suka kãfirta daga cikinsu suka ce: 'Wannan bã kõme ba ne, fãce sihiri bayyananne.'
And when I inspired the disciples (through Jesus) to believe in Me and My apostle, they said: "We believe, and You bear witness that we submit"
"Kuma a lõkacin da Na yi wahayi zuwa ga Hawãriyãwa cewa ku yi ĩmãni da Ni, kuma da ManzoNa. Suka ce: "Mun yi ĩmãni, kuma ka shaida da cewa lalle mu, mãsu sallamãwa ne."
When the disciples said: "O Jesus, son of Mary, could your Lord send down for us a table laid with food?" he said: "Fear God, if indeed you believe."
A lõkacin da Hawarãyãwa suka ce: "Ya Ĩsa ɗan Maryam! shin, Ubangijinka Yanã iyãwa Ya saukar da kaɓaki a kanmu daga samã?" (Ĩsã) Ya ce: "Ku bi Allah da taƙawa idan kun kasance muminai."
They said: "We should like to eat of it to reassure our hearts and to know that it's the truth you have told us, and that we should be witness to it."
Suka ce: "Munã nufin mu ci daga gare shi ne, kuma zukãtanmu su natsu kuma mu san cewa lalle ne, kã yi mana gaskiya, kuma mu kasance daga mãsu shaida a kansa."
Said Jesus, son of Mary. "O God, our Lord, send down a table well laid out with food from the skies so that this day may be a day of feast for the earlier among us and the later, and a token from You. Give us our (daily) bread, for You are the best of all givers of food."
Ĩsã ɗan Maryam ya ce: "Yã Allah. Ubangijinmu! Ka saukar da kaɓaki a kanmu daga sama dõmin ya zama ĩdi ga na farkonmu da na ƙarshenmu, kuma ya zama ãyã daga gare Ka. Ka azurta mu, kuma Kai ne Mafĩfĩcin mãsu azurtawa."
And said God: "I shall send it down to you; but if any of you disbelieve after this, I shall inflict such punishment on him as I never shall inflict on any other creature."
Allah Ya ce: "Lalle ne Nĩ mai saukar da shi ne a kanku sa'an nan wanda ya kãfirta daga gare ku, to, lalle ne Nĩ, Inã azabta shi, da wata azãba wadda bã Ni azabta ta ga kõwa daga tãlikai."
And when God will ask: "O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to mankind: 'Worship me and my mother as two deities apart from God?' (Jesus) will answer: "Halleluja. Could I say what I knew I had no right (to say)? Had I said it You would surely have known, for You know what is in my heart though I know not what You have. You alone know the secrets unknown.
Kuma a lõkacin da Allah Ya ce: "Yã Ĩsã ɗan Maryama! Shin, kai ne ka ce wa mutãne, 'Ku riƙe ni, ni da uwata, abubuwan bautãwa biyu, baicin Allah?" (Ĩsã) Ya ce: "Tsarkinka yã tabbata! Bã ya kasancewa a gare ni, in faɗi abin da bãbu wani hakki a gare ni. Idan nã kasance nã faɗe shi, to lalle Ka san shi, Kanã sanin abin da ke a cikin raina, kuma bã ni sanin abin da ke a cikin nufinKa. Lalle ne Kai Masanin abubuwan fake ne."
I said nought to them but what You commanded me: Worship God, my Lord and your Lord. And so long as I dwelt with them I was witness over their actions. And after my life had been done, You were their keeper; and You are a witness over all things.
"Ban faɗa musu ba fãce abin da Ka umurce ni da shi; watau: 'Ku bauta wa Allah Ubangijina kuma Ubangijinku;' kuma nã kasance mai shaida a kansu matuƙar nã dawwama a cikinsu, sa'an nan a lõkacin da Ka karɓi raina Kã kasance Kai ne mai tsaro a kansu, kuma Kai, a kan dukkan kõme, Halartacce ne.
If You punish them, indeed they are Your creatures; if You pardon them, indeed You are mighty and wise."
"Idan Ka azabta su, to lalle ne su, bãyinKa ne, kuma idan Ka gãfarta musu, to, lalle ne Kai ne Mabuwayi Mai hikima."
God will say: 'This is the day when the truthful shall profit by their truthfulness. For them will be gardens with streams running by, where they will for ever abide." God will accept them, and they will be gratified in (obeying) Him. This will surely be happiness supreme.
Allah Ya ce: "Wannan ce rãnar da mãsu gaskiya, gaskiyarsu take amfãninsu. Sunã da gidãjen Aljanna, ƙõramu sunã gudãna daga ƙarƙashinsu, sunã madawwama a cikinsu har abada. Allah Yã yarda da su, kuma sun yarda da Shi. wannan ne babban rabo mai girma."
To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, and His the power over everything.
Allah ne da mallakar sammai da ƙasa da abin da ke a cikinsu kuma shi, a kan dukkan kõme Mai ĩkon yi ne.
ALL PRAISE BE to God who created the heavens and the earth, and ordained darkness and light. Yet the unbelievers make the others equal of their Lord.
Gõdiya ta tabbata ga Allah wanda Ya halitta sammai da ƙasa, kuma Ya sanya duffai da haske, sa'an nan kuma waɗanda suka kãfirta, da Ubangijinsu suke karkacewa.
It is He who created you from clay then determined a term (of life) for you, and a term (is fixed) with Him. Even then you doubt.
Shi ne wanda Ya halitta ku daga lãkã, sa'an nan kuma Ya yanka ajali alhãli wani ajali ambatacce yanã wurinSa. Sa'an nan kuma ku kunã yin shakka.
He is God in the heavens and the earth. He knows what you hide and bring out into the open, and knows what you earn (of good and evil).
Kuma Shĩ ne Allah a cikin sammai, kuma a cikin ƙasa Yanã sanin asĩrinku da bayyanenku, kuma Yanã sanin abin da kuke yi na tsirfa.
Yet no sign of their Lord comes to them but they turn away from it.
Kuma wata ãyã daga Ubangijinsu ba zã ta jẽ musu ba, fãce su kasance, daga gare ta, mãsu bijirẽwa.
So they disbelieved the truth when it came to them; but they will soon come to know the reality of what they had ridiculed.
Sabõda haka, lalle sun ƙaryata (Manzo) game da gaskiya, a lõkacin da ta jẽ musu, to lãbãrun abin da suka kasance sunã izgili da shi, zã su jẽ musu.
Do they not see how many generations We laid low before them, whom We had firmly established in the land as We have not established you, and showered abundant rain on them, and made rivers lap at their feet, yet whom We destroyed for their sins, and raised new generations after them?
Shin, ba su gani ba, da yawa Muka halakar da wani ƙarni daga gabãninsu, Mun mallaka musu, a ckikin ƙasa, abin da ba Mu mallaka muku ba kuma Muka saki sama a kansu tanã ta zuba, kuma Muka sanya kõguna sunã gudãna daga ƙarƙashinsu, sa'an nan Muka halakã su sabõda zunubansu kuma Muka ƙãga halittar wani ƙarni na dabam daga bayansu?
Even if We had sent you a transcript on paper which they could feel with their hands, the unbelievers would have said: "This is nothing but clear sorcery."
Kuma dã Mun sassaukar da wani littãfi, zuwa gare ka, a cikin takarda, sa'an nan suka taɓa shi da hannuwansu, lalle dã waɗanda suka kãfirta sun ce: "Wannan bai zama ba, face sihiri bayyananne."
They say: "How is it no angel was sent down to him?" Had We sent an angel down the matter would have come to end, and they would have had no respite.
Suka ce: "Don me ba a saukar da wani malã'ika ba a gare shi?" to dã Mun saukar da malã'ika haƙĩƙa dã an hukunta al'amarin sa'an nan kuma ba zã a yi musu jinkiri ba.
Even if We had sent down an angel as messenger he would have appeared in the garb of a man and filled them with confusion, like the one they are filled with.
Kuma dã Mun sanya malã'ika ya zama manzo lalle ne dã Mun mayar da shi mutum, kuma dã Mun rikita musu abin da suke rikitãwa.
Surely the apostles have been mocked before you; but what they had mocked rebounded on the mockers themselves.
Kuma lalle ne, haƙĩƙa, an yi izgili da manzanni daga gabaninka, sai waɗanda suka yi izgilin, abin da suka kasance sunã izgili da shi ya fãɗa musu.
Say: "Travel in the land and see what happened to those who disbelieved."
Ka ce: "Ku yi tafiya a cikin ƙasa, sa'an nan kuma ku dũba yadda ãƙibar mãsu ƙaryatãwa ta kasance."