And when the relatives and orphans and the needy collect at the time of the division (of property) provide for them too, and talk kindly to them.
Kuma idan ma'abũta zumunta da marãyu da matalauta suka halarci rabon, to, ku azurta su daga gare shi, kuma ku faɗa musu magana sananniya ta alhẽri.
Let people fear the day when they leave small children behind them unprovided, and how concerned they would be for them. So fear God and say the right things to them.
Kuma waɗanda suke dã sun bar zuriyya mãsu rauni a bãyansu, zã su ji tsõro a kansu, su yi sauna, sa'an nan su bi Allah da taƙawa, kuma su faɗi magana madaidaiciya.
Those who devour the possessions of the orphans unjustly devour only fire, and will surely burn in Hell.
Lalle ne, waɗanda suke cĩn dũkiyar marãyu da zãlunci, to, wuta kawai suke ci a cikin cikkunansu, kuma za su shiga cikin wata wuta mai tsanani.
As for the children, God decrees that the share of the male is equivalent to that of two females. If they consist of women only, and of them more than two, they will get two-thirds of the inheritance; but in case there is one, she will inherit one half. The parents will each inherit a sixth of the estate if it happens the deceased has left a child; but if he has left no children, and his parents are his heirs, then the mother will inherit one-third; but if he has left brothers, the mother will inherit one-sixth after payment of legacies and debts. Of parents and children you do not know who are more useful to you. These are the decrees of God who knows all and is wise.
Allah Yanã yi muku wasiyya a cikin 'ya'yanku; namiji yanã da rabon mãtã biyu. Idan sun kasance mãtã ne fiye da biyu kuwa, to, suna da biyu daga kashi uku ɗin abin da ya bari, kuma idan ta zama guda ce (kawai) to, tana da rabi. Kuma iyãyensa biyu kõwane ɗaya daga cikinsu yanã da ɗaya daga kashi shida ɗin abin da ya bari idan wani rẽshe ya kasance gare shi, to, idan rẽshe bai kasance gare shi ba, kuma iyãyensa ne (kawai) suka gãje shi, to, uwa tanã da sulusi (ɗaya daga cikin kashi uku). Sa'an nan idan 'yan'uwa sun kasance gare shi, to, uwarsa tana da sudusi (ɗaya daga cikin kashi shida) daga bayan wasiyya wadda ya yi kõ kuwa bãshi. Ubanninku da 'yã'yan ku, ba ku sani ba, wannensu ne mafi kusantar amfani, a gare ku. Yankawa daga Allah. Lalle ne, Allah Yã kasance Masani Mai hikima.
Your share in the property the wives leave behind is half if they die without an issue, but in case they have left children, then your share is one-fourth after the payment of legacies and debts; and your wife shall inherit one-fourth of what you leave at death if you die childless, if not, she will get one-eighth of what you leave behind after payment of legacies and debts. If a man or a woman should die without leaving either children or parents behind but have brother and sister, they shall each inherit one-sixth. In case there are more, they will share one-third of the estate after payment of legacies and debts without prejudice to others. This is the decree of God who knows all and is kind.
Kuma kunã da rabin abin da mãtanku na aure suka bari idan rẽshe bai kasance gare su ba. Sa'an nan idan rẽshe ya kasance gare su, to, kunã da rubu'i (ɗaya daga cikin kashi huɗu) daga abin da suka barin, daga bãyan wasiyya wadda suka yi kõ kuma bãshi. (Sũ) kuma suna da rubu'i daga abin da kuka bari idan rẽshe bai kasance ba gare ku, idan kuwa rẽshe ya kasance gare ku, to, sunã da sumuni (ɗaya daga cikin kashi takwas) daga abin da kuka bari, daga bãyan wasiyya wadda kuka yi kõ kuwa bãshi. Idan wani namiji ya kasance ana gãdon sa bisa kalãla, ko kuwa wata mace alhãli kuwa yana da ɗan'uwa kõ 'yar'uwa to, kõwane ɗaya daga cikinsu yana da sudusi (ɗaya daga cikin kashi shida), sai idan sun kasance mafi yawa daga wannan, to, sũ abõkan tãrayya ne a cikinsulusi (ɗaya bisa uku), daga bãyan wasiyya wadda aka yi kõ kuma bãshi. Bã da yana mai cũtarwa ba, ga wasiyya, daga Allah. Kuma Allah Masani ne Mai haƙuri.
These are the limits set by God, and those who follow the commandments of God and the Prophet, will indeed be admitted to gardens with streams of water running by, where they will for ever abide; and this will be success supreme.
Waɗancan iyãkõkin Allah ne. Wanda ya yi ɗã'a ga Allah da ManzonSa, (Allah) zai shigar da shi gidãjen Aljanna (waɗanda) ɗõramu suna gudana daga ƙarƙashinsu, suna madawwama a cikinsu, kuma wannan shi ne rabo babba.
Those who disobey God and the Prophet and exceed the bounds of law, will be taken to Hell and abide there for ever and shall suffer despicable punishment.
Kuma wanda ya sãɓã wa Allah da ManzonSa, kuma ya ƙẽtare iyãkõkinSa, zai shigarda shi wuta, yana madawwami a cikinta, kuma yana da wata azãba mai walãkantarwa.
If any of your women is guilty of unnatural offence, bring four of your witnesses to give evidence; if they testify against them, retain them in the houses until death overtakes them or God provides some other way for them.
Kuma waɗanda suka je wa alfãsha daga mãtanku, to, ku nẽmi Shaidar mutãne huɗu daga gare ku a kansu. To, idan sun yi shaida, sai ku tsare su a cikin gidãje har mutuwa ta karɓi rãyukansu, ko kuwa Allah Ya sanya wata hanya a gare su.
If two (men) among you are guilty of such acts then punish both of them. But if they repent and reform, let them be, for God accepts repentance and is merciful.
Kuma waɗanda (mazã biyu) suka je mata daga ku, to, ku cũtar da su, sa'an nan idan sun tũba kuma suka kyautata hãlãyensu, sai ku kau da kai da ga barinsu. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Mai kaɓar tũba ne, Mai jin ƙai
God does accept repentance, but only of those who are guilty of an evil out of ignorance yet quickly repent, and God turns to them again, for God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Abar da take tũba kawai ga Allah, ita ce ga waɗanda suke aikatãwar mugun aiki da jãhilci sa'an nan su tũba nan kusa to, waɗannan Allah Yanã karɓar tũ barsu kuma Allah Yã kasance Masani ne, Mai hikima.
But (He does not accept) the repentance of those who continue indulging in evil until death draws near and they say: "We now repent;" nor of those who die disbelieving. For them We have a grievous retribution in wait.
Bã tũba ba ce ga waɗanda suke aikatãwar mũnanan ayyuka har idan mutuwa ta halarci ɗayansu ya ce: "Lalle ne ni, na tũba yanzu," kuma bã tũba ba ce ga waɗanda suke mutuwa alhãli kuwa sunã kãfi rai Waɗannan mun yi musu tattalin wata azãba mai raɗaɗi
O believers, you are not allowed to take perforce the women (of dead relatives) into your heritage, or tyrannise over them in order to deprive them of what you have given them, unless they are guilty of open adultery. Live with them with tolerance and justice even if you do not care for them. For it may well be you may not like a thing, yet God may have endued it with much goodness.
Ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Bã ya halatta a gare ku, ku gãji mãtã a kan tĩlas kuma kadaku hana su aure dõmin ku tafi da sãshen abin da kuka ba su, fãce idan suka zo da wata alfãsha bayya nanniya kuma ku yi zamantakẽwa da su da alhẽri sa'an nan idan kun ƙĩ su, to akwai tsammãnin ku ƙi wani abu alhãli kuwa Allah Ya sanya wani alhẽri mai yawaa cikinsa.
If you want to take another wife in place of the one you are married to, then even if you have given her a talent of gold, do not take back a thing. Would you take it away by slandering and using unjust means?
Kuma idan kun yi nufin musanya mãta a matsayin wata mãta, alhãli kuwa kun bai wa ɗayarsu ƙinɗari to kada ku karɓi kõme daga gare, shi, shin, zã ku karɓe shi da ƙarya da zunubi bãyyananne?
How could you do that having slept with one another, and when they had taken a solemn pledge from you?
Kuma yãyã zã ku karɓe shi alhãli kuwa, haƙĩƙa, sãshenkuyã sãdu zuwa ga sãshe, kuma sun riƙi alkawari mai kauri daga gare ku?
And do not wed the women your fathers had wed. What happened in the past is now past: It was lewd and abhorrent, and only the way of evil.
Kuma kada ku auri abin da ubanninku suka aura daga mãtã, fãce abin da ya shige. Lalle ne shi, ya kasance alfãsha da abin ƙyãma. Kuma ya mũnana ya zama hanya.
Unlawful are your mothers and daughters and your sisters to you, and the sisters of your fathers and your mothers, and the daughters of your brothers and sisters, and foster mothers, foster sisters, and the mothers of your wives, and the daughters of the wives you have slept with who are under your charge; but in case you have not slept with them there is no offence (if you marry their daughters); and the wives of your own begotten sons; and marrying two sisters is unlawful. What happened in the past (is now past): God is forgiving and kind.
An haramta muku uwãyenku, da 'yã'yanku, da 'yan'uwanku mãtã, da goggonninku, da innoninku, da 'yã'yan ɗan'uwa, da 'ya'yan 'yar'uwa, da uwãyenku waɗanan da suka shãyar da ku mãma, da 'yan'uwanku mãtã na shan mãma, da uwãyen mãtanku, da agõlolinku waɗanda suke cikin ɗãkunanku daga mãtanku, waɗanda kuka yi duhũli da su, kuma idan ba ku yi duhũli da sũ ba, to, bãbu laifi a kanku, da mãtan 'yã'yanku waɗanda, suke daga tsatsonku, kuma kada ku haɗa tsakanin 'yan'uwa biyu mãtã, fãce abin da ya shige. Lalle ne, Allah Yã kasance Mai gãfara ne Mai jin ƙai.
Also forbidden are married women unless they are captives (of war). Such is the decree of God. Lawful for you are women besides these if you seek them with your wealth for wedlock and not for debauchery. Then give those of these women you have enjoyed, the agreed dower. It will not be sinful if you agree to something (else) by mutual consent after having settled the dowry. God is certainly all-knowing and all-wise.
Da tsararrun auren wasu maza, fãce dai abin da hannuwanku suka mallaka. (Ku tsare) Littãfin Allah a kanku. Kuma an halatta muku abin da yake bayan wancan. Ku nẽma da dukiyõyinku, kunã mãsu yin aure, bã mãsu yin zina ba. sa'an nan abin da kuka ji daɗi da shi daga gare su, to, ku bã su ijãrõrinsu bisa farillar sadãki. Bãbu laifia gare ku ga abin da kuka yi yardatayya da shi a bãyan farillar sadãki. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Masani ne, Mai hikima.
If one of you cannot afford to marry a believing gentlewoman (let him marry) a maid who is a believer. God is aware of your faith: The one of you is of the other; so marry them with the consent of their people, and give them an appropriate dowry. They are women (seeking) wedlock, and not lechery, nor secretly looking for paramours. But if they are married and guilty of adultery, inflict on them half the punishment (enjoined) for gentlewomen. This is for those who are afraid of doing wrong. In case they can wait, it is better for them. God is forgiving and kind.
Kuma wanda bai sãmi wadãta ba daga cikinku bisa ga ya auri 'ya'ya mũminai, to, (ya aura) daga abin da hannuwanku na dãma suka mallaka, daga kuyanginku mũminai. Kuma Allah ne Mafi sani ga ĩmãninku, sãshenku daga sãshe. Sai ku aurẽ su da izinin mutãnensu. Kuma ku bã su ijãrõrinsu bisa ga abin da aka sani, suna mãsu kamun kai bã mãsu zina ba, kuma bã mãsu riƙon abõkai ba. To, idan aka aure su, sai kuma suka zo da wata alfãsha, to, akwai a kansu rabin abin da ko a kan, 'ya'ya daga azãba. wancan (auren kuyanga) ga wanda ya ji tsõron wahala ne daga gare ku. Kuma ku yi haƙuri shi ne mafi alhẽri a gare ku. Kuma Allah Mai gãfara ne Mai jin ƙai.
God wishes to make it clear to you and guide you through the example of earlier people, and to forgive you, for God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Allah Yanã nufin Ya bayyana muku, kuma Ya shiryar da ku hanyõyin waɗanda suke a gabãninku kuma Ya karɓi tũbarku. Kuma Allah Masani ne Mai hikima.
God likes to turn to you, but those who are lost in the pleasures of the flesh wish to turn you astray, far away.
Kuma Allah Yanã nufin Ya karɓi tũbarku. Kuma waɗanda suke bin sha'awõyi suna nufin ku karkata, karkata mai girma.
God would like to lighten your burden, for man was created weak.
Allah Yana nufin Ya yi muku sauƙi, kuma an halitta mutum yana mai rauni.
O believers, you should not usurp unjustly the wealth of each other, but trade by mutual consent; and do not destroy yourselves. God is merciful to you.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku ci dũkiyõyinku a tsakãninku da yaudara, fãce idan ya kasance, daga fatauci ne, bisa yardatayya daga gare ku. Kuma kada ku kashe kãnku. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance, game da ku, Mai jin ƙai ne.
If someone does so through oppression or injustice, We shall cast him into Hell: This is how (the Law of) God works inevitably.
Wanda ya aikata wancan bisa ta'adi da zãlunci, to, zã Mu ƙõne shi da Wuta. Kuma wannan yã kasance ga Allah (abu ne) mai sauƙi.
If you keep away from the deadly sins that have been forbidden, We shall efface your faults, and lead you to a place of honour.
Idan kuka nĩsanci manyan abubuwan da ake hana ku aikatãwa, to, zã Mu kankare mũnanan ayyukanku daga gare ku, kuma Mu shigar da ku mashiga ta karimci.
Do not covet what God has favoured some with more than He has some others. Men have a share in what they earn, and women have theirs in what they earn. Ask God for His favours. Surely God has knowledge of everything.
Kuma kada ku yi gurin abin da Allah Ya fifita sãshenku da shi a kan sãshe; maza suna da rabo daga abin da suka tsirfanta, kuma mãtã suna da rabo daga abin da suka tsirfanta. Ku rõƙi Allah daga falalarSa. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance ga dukkan kõme, Masani.
For each We have appointed heirs to what parents and relatives leave behind. And to those you have given your pledge in marriage give their share, for God is witness to everything.
Kuma ga kõwa, Mun sanya magada daga abin da mahaifa da mafiya kusancin zumunta suka bari. Kuma waɗanda rantsuwõyinku suka ƙulla ku bã su rabonsu. Lalle ne, Allah Yã kasance, a kan dukkan kõme, Mahalarci.
Men are the support of women as God gives some more means than others, and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). So women who are virtuous are obedient to God and guard the hidden as God has guarded it. As for women you feel are averse, talk to them suasively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them) and go to bed with them (when they are willing). If they open out to you, do not seek an excuse for blaming them. Surely God is sublime and great.
Maza mãsu tsayuwa ne a kan mãtã, sabõda abin da Allah Ya fifita sãshensu da shi a kan sãshe kuma sabõda abin da suka ciyar daga dũkiyõyinsu. To, sãlihanmãtã mãsu ɗã'a ne, mãsu tsarẽwa ga gaibi sabõda abin da Allah Ya tsare. Kuma waɗanda kuke tsõron bijirewarsu, to, ku yi musu gargaɗi, kuma ku ƙaurace musu a cikin wurãren kwanciya, kuma ku dõke su. Sa'an nan kuma, idan sun yi muku ɗa'a, to, kada ku nẽmiwata hanya a kansu. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Maɗaukaki, Mai girma.
If you fear a breach between them, appoint one arbiter from the people of the man and one from the people of the woman. If they wish to have a settlement then God will reconcile them, for God is all-knowing and cognisant.
Kuma idan kun ji tsõron sãɓãwar tsakãninsu to ku aika da wani mai sulhu daga mutãnensa da wani mai sulhu daga mutãnenta. Idan sun yi nufin gyãrãwa, Allah zai daidaita tsakãninsu (ma'auran). Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Masani Mai jarrabãwa.
Pay homage to God, and make none His compeer, and be good to your parents and relatives, the orphans and the needy and the neighbours who are your relatives, and the neighbours who are strangers, and the friend by your side, the traveller and your servants and subordinates. God does not surely love those who are arrogant and boastful,
Kuma ku bauta wa Allah kuma kada ku haɗa wani da Shi, kuma ga mahaifa ku yi kyautatãwa, kuma ga ma'abũcin zumunta da marãyu da matalauta, da maƙwabci ma'abũcin kusanta, da maƙwabci manĩsanci, da abõki a gẽfe da ɗan hanya, da abin da hannuwanku na dãma suka mallaka. Lalle ne Allah bã Ya son wanda ya kasance mai tãƙama, mai yawan alfahari.
Who are miserly and bid others to be so, and hide what God has given them in His largesse. We have prepared for unbelievers a shameful punishment.
Waɗanda suke yin rõwa, kuma sunã umurnin mutãne da yin rõwa, kuma suna ɓõyewar abin da Allah Ya bã su na falalarSa. Kuma Mun yi tattali, sabõda kãfirai, azãba mai walãkantarwa.
Those who spend of their wealth to show off and do not believe in God and the Last Day, take Satan as companion, and how evil a companion (have they)!
Kuma waɗanda suke ciyar da dũkiyõyinsu dõmin nũna wa mutãne, kuma bã su yin ĩmãni da Allah, kuma bã su yin ĩmãnida Rãnar Lãhira kuma wanda Shaiɗan ya kasance abõkin haɗi a gare shi, to, yã mũnana ga abõkinhaɗi.
Would something have befallen them if they had believed in God and the Last Day, and spent of what has been given them by God? God is fully aware of all they do.
Kuma mẽne ne a kansu, idan sun yi ĩmãni da Allah, kumada Rãnar Lãhira, kuma sun ciyar da abin da Allah Yã azurtã su, kuma Allah Ya kasance, gare su, Masani?
God does not wrong any one, not even the equal of an atom; and if men do good He multiplies it by two, and adds a great reward of His own.
Lalle ne, Allah bã Ya zãluncin gwargwadon nauyin zarra, idan ta kasance alhẽri ce, zai riɓanya ta, kuma Ya kãwo daga gunsa ijãra mai girma.
How shall it be when We call witnesses from each and every people and call you as witness over them?
To, yãyã, idan Mun zo da shaidu daga dukkan al'umma, kuma Muka zo da kai a kan waɗannan, kana mai shaida!
On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Prophet, shall wish they were levelled with the dust, and shall not be able to conceal a thing from God.
A rãnar nan, waɗanda suka kãfirta kuma suka sãɓã wa Manzo, sunã gũrin dã an baje ƙasa dasu, kuma bã su ɓõye wa Allah wani labãri.
O you who believe, do not perform your service of prayer when you are intoxicated until you are sure of what you are saying, nor when in a state of seminal pollution, until you have taken a bath, except when you are travelling. But in case you are ill or are travelling, or you have relieved yourself of nature's call, or cohabited with a woman, and cannot find water, then take wholesome dust and pass it over your face and hands: God is benign and forgiving.
Yã ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Kada ku kusanci salla alhãli kuwa kuna mãsu mãye, sai kun san abin da kuke faɗa kuma haka idan kuna mãsu janaba, fãce mai ƙẽtare hanya, har ku yi wanka. Kuma idan kun kasance majinyata, ko kuwa a kan tafiya ko kuwa wani daga cikinku, idan ya zo daga kãshi, kõ kuwa kun shãfi mãtã ba ku sãmi ruwa ba, to ku nufi, fuskar ƙasa mai kyau, ku yi shãfa ga fuskokinku da hannuwanku. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Mai yãfẽwa Mai gãfara.
Have you not seen the people who were given a share of the Book, but who purchased only error, and wish that you also go astray?
Shin, ba ka gani ba, zuwa ga waɗanda aka bai wa rabo daga Littafi, suna sayen ɓata, kuma suna nẽman ku ɓace daga hanya?
But God knows your enemies well: and sufficient is God to protect you, and sufficient is God for all help.
Kuma Allah ne Mafi sani ga maƙiyanku, kuma Allah Yã isa Ya zama Majibinci, kuma Yã isa Ya zama Mataimaki.
Some among the Jews distort the words out of context and say (in place of the right words): "We have heard and do not obey;" and, "hear without hearing," and "listen to us," twisting their tongues and reviling the faith. But if they had said: "We have heard and obey," and, "hear and regard us," it would have been better for them and more appropriate. But God has disgraced them for their lack of belief; and so only a few of them believe.
Daga waɗanda suka tũba (Yahũdu), akwai wasu sunã karkatar da magana daga wurãrenta suna cẽwa: "Munjiya kuma mun ƙiya, kuma ka jiya a wani wurin jiyãwa, kuma rã'ina (da ma'anar 'ruɓaɓɓe'), ka tsare mu," dõmin karkatarwa da harsunansu, kuma dõmin sũkã a cikin addini. Kuma dã lalle sũ, sun ce: "Mun jiya kuma mun yi ɗa'a, kuma ka saurãra kuma ka dãkata mana," haƙĩƙa, dã ya kasance mafi alhẽri a gare su, kuma mafi daidaita; amma Allah Yã la'anẽ su, sabõda kãfircinsu don haka bã zã su yi ĩmãni ba, sai kaɗan.
O people of the Book, believe in what We have revealed, which confirms what is already with you before We disfigure your visages and turn your faces about and curse you, as We did with those who had broken the Sabbath; and what God decrees comes to pass.
Yã kũ waɗanda aka bai wa Littãfi! Ku yi ĩmãni da abinda Muka saukar, yana mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake tãre da ku, tun gabanin Mu shãfe wasu fuskõki, sa'an nan Mu mayar da su a kan bãyayyakinsu, ko Mu la'ane su kamar yadda Muka la'ani masu Asabar. Kuma umurnin Allah ya kasance abin aikatãwa.
God does not forgive that compeers be ascribed to Him, though He may forgive aught else if He please. And he who ascribes compeers to God is guilty of the gravest sin.
Lalle ne, Allah ba Ya gãfarta a yi shirki game da Shi, kuma Yana gãfarta abin da yake bãyan wannan ga wanda Yake so, kuma wanda ya yi shirki da Allah, to, lalle ne ya ƙirƙiri zunubi mai girma.
Have you not seen the people who call themselves pure? Yet God purifies whom He pleases, and none shall be wronged even the breadth of a thread.
Shin, ba ka gani ba, zuwa ga waɗanda suke tsarkake kansu? Ã'a, Allah ne Yake tsarkake wanda Yake so. Kuma ba za a zalunce su da zaren gurtsun dabĩno ba.
See how they fabricate lies about God, which is a clear sin.
Ka dũba yadda suke ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah! Kuma shi ya isa ga zama zunubi bayyananne.
Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book, who believe in false deities and evil powers, and say of unbelievers: "These are better guided than those who believe."
Shin, ba ka gani ba zuwa ga waɗanda aka bai wa rabõ da ga Littafi suna ĩmãni da gunki da Shaiɗan kuma suna cẽwa ga waɗanda suka kãfirta: "Waɗannan ne mafiya shiriya daga waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni ga hanya"?
They are the ones who were cursed by God; and those who are cursed by God will have none to protect them.
Waɗannan ne waɗanda Allah Ya la'ane su, kuma wanda Allah Ya la'ana to bã zã ka sãmi mataimaki a gare shi ba.
Have they a share in the kingdom? (If they had,) they would never have given an iota to the people.
Ko suna da rabõ ne daga mulki? To, a sa'an nan bã zã su iya bai wa mutãne hancin gurtsun dabino ba.
Are they so envious of others for what God has given them of His bounty? So We had given the Book and the Law to Abraham's family, and given them great dominion.
Ko suna hãsadar mutãne ne a kan abin da Allah Ya bã su daga falalarSa? To, lalle ne, Mun bai wa gidan Ibrãhĩm Littãfida hikima kuma Mun bã su mulki mai girma.
Then some of them believed in it, and some turned away from it; yet sufficient is Hell, the flaming Fire!
To, daga cikinsu akwai wanda ya yi ĩmãni da shi, kuma daga cikinsu akwai wanda ya kange daga gare shi. Kuma yã isa Jahannama ta hũru da shi.
And those who disbelieve Our revelations shall be cast into Hell; and when their skin is burnt up and singed, We shall give them a new coat that they may go on tasting the agony of punishment, for God is all-mighty and all-wise.
Lalle ne waɗanda suka kãfirta da ayõyinMu za Mu ƙõne su da wuta, kõ da yaushe fãtunsu suka nuna, sai Mu musanya musu wasu fãtun, dõmin su ɗanɗani azãba. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Mabuwãyi, Mai hikima.
But those who believe and do good deeds We shall admit into gardens with streams of running water, where they will abide for ever, with fairest of companions and coolest of shades.
Kuma waɗanda suka yiĩmãni, kuma suka aikata ayyuka na ƙwarai, zã Mu shigar da su gidãjen Aljanna, (waɗanda) ƙõramu sunã gudãna daga ƙarƙashinsu, sunã dawwamammu a cikinsu har abada suna da, a cikinsu, mãtan aure mãsu tsarki, Kuma Munã shigar da su a wata inuwa matabbaciyar lumshi.
God enjoins that you render to the owners what is held in trust with you, and that when you judge among the people do so equitably. Noble are the counsels of God, and God hears all and sees everything.
Lalle ne Allah Yanã umurnin ku ku bãyar da amãnõni zuwa ga mãsu sũ. Kuma idan kun yi hukunci a tsakãnin mutãne, ku yi hukunci da ãdalci. Lalle ne Allah mãdalla da abin da Yake yi muku wa'azi da shi. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Mai ji ne, Mai gani.
O you who believe, obey God and the Prophet and those in authority among you; and if you are at variance over something, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day. This is good for you and the best of settlement.
Yã kũ waɗanda suka yiĩmãni! Ku yi ɗã'a ga Allah, kuma ku yi ɗã'a ga ManzonSa, da ma'abũta al'amari daga cikinku. Idan kun yi jãyayya a cikin wani abu, to ku mayar da shi zuwa ga Allah da ManzonSa idan kun kasance kunã ĩmãni da Allah da Rãnar Lãhira. wannan ne mafi alhẽri, kuma mafi kyau ga fassara.
Have you never seen those who aver they believe in what has been revealed to you and had been to others before you, yet desire to turn for judgement to evil powers, even though they have been commanded to disbelieve in them? Satan only wishes to lead them astray, far away.
Shin, ba ka gani ba, zuwa ga waɗanda suke riyãwar cẽwa sunã ĩmãni da abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ka da abin da aka saukar daga gabãninka, sunã nufin su kai ƙãra zuwa ga ¦ãgũtu alhãli kuwa, lalle ne, an umurce su da su kãfirta da shi, kuma Shaiɗan yanã nẽman ya ɓatar da su, ɓatarwa mai nĩsa.
When they are told: "Come to that which God has revealed, and to the Prophet," you should see the hypocrites, how they hesitate and turn their faces away.
Kuma idan aka ce musu: "Ku zo zuwa ga abin da Allah Ya saukar, kuma zuwa ga Manzo" zã ka ga munãfukai sunã kange mutãne daga gare ka, kangẽwa.
How shall it be when they suffer misfortunes for their own misdeeds? Then they will come to you swearing by God and saying: "We wish for nothing but good and amity."
To, yaya, idan wata masĩfa ta sãme su, sabõda abin da hannuwansu suka gabãtar sa'an nan kuma su je maka sunã rantsuwa da Allah cẽwa, "Ba mu yi nufin kõme ba sai kyautatawa da daidaitãwa."?
The secrets of the hearts of these people are well known to God. So leave them alone, and counsel them and speak to them eloquent words that would touch their very souls.
Waɗannan ne waɗanda Allah Ya san abin da ke cikin zukãtansu. Sabõda haka ka kau da kai daga gare su, kuma ka yi musu gargaɗi, kuma ka gaya musu, a cikin sha'anin kansu, magana mai nauyi da fasãha.
We have sent no apostle but that he should be obeyed by the will of God. If they had come to you after wronging themselves and asked forgiveness of God, and you had also asked forgiveness for them, they would surely have found God forgiving and merciful.
Kuma ba Mu aiki wani Manzo ba fãce dõmin a yi masa ɗã'a da izinin Allah. Kuma dã dai lalle sũ a lõkacin da suka zãlunci kansu, sun zo maka sa'an nan suka nẽmi gãfarar Allah kuma Manzo ya nẽma musu gãfara, haƙĩƙa, dã sun sãmi Allah Mai karɓar tũba Mai jin ƙai.
Indeed, by your Lord, they will not believe till they make you adjudge in their disputes and find no constraint in their minds about your decisions and accept them with full acquiescence.
To, a'aha! Ina rantsuwa da Ubangijinka, ba za su yi ĩmãni ba, sai sun yarda da hukuncinka ga abin da ya sãɓa a tsakãninsu, sa'an nan kuma ba su sãmi wani ƙunci a cikin zukãtansu ba, daga abin da ka hukunta, kuma su sallama sallamãwa.
If We had commanded them to lay down their lives and to go forth from their homes, only a few would have obeyed; though had they followed what they had been commanded it would surely have been good for them and the strengthening of their faith.
Kuma dã dai lalle Mũ, Mun wajabta musu cẽwa, "Ku kashe kanku, ko kuwa ku, fita daga gidãjenku," dã ba su aikata shi ba, fãce kaɗan daga gare su. Kuma dã dai lalle sũ sun aikata abin da ake yi musu gargaɗi da shi, haƙĩƙa, dã yã kasance mafi alhẽri dagagare su, kuma mafi tsanani ga tabbatarwa.
And We would have bestowed on them a great reward of Our own,
Kuma a sa'an nan, haƙĩƙa, dã Mun bã su, lãda mai girma, daga gunMu.
And led them to the path that is straight.
Kuma lalle ne, dã Mun shiryar da su hanya madaidaiciya.
Those who obey God and the Prophet are with those who are blessed by God, the prophets, the sincere and the trustful, the martyrs and the upright; and how excellent a company are they!
Kuma waɗannan da suka yi ɗã'a ga Allah da Mazonsa, to, waɗannan sunã tãre da waɗanda Allah Ya yi ni'ima a kansu, daga annabãwa da mãsu yawan gaskatãwa, da masu shahãda da sãlihai. kuma waɗannan sun kyautatu ga zama abõkan tafiya.
This is a favour from God; and sufficient is God, the all-knowing.
Waccan falalar daga Allah take, kuma Allah Yã isa zama Masani.
O believers, take precautions, and advance in detachments, or go all together in a body.
Yã kũ waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Ku riƙi shirinku sa'an nan ku fitar da hari jama'a, jama'a ko ku fitar da yaƙi gaba ɗaya.
Someone among you will surely lag behind, and if calamity should befall you, will say: "God was gracious to me that I was not among them."
Kuma lalle ne daga cikinku akwai mai fãsarwa. To idan wata masĩfa ta sãme ku, sai ya ce: "Lalle ne, Allah Ya yi mini ni'ima dõmin ban kasance mahalarci tãre da su ba."
But if success comes to you from God he will say, as though no love existed between you and him: "I wish I were with them, for I would have certainly met with great success."
Kuma lalle ne idan wata falala daga Allah ta sãme ku haƙĩƙa, tabbas, yanã cẽwa, kamar wata sõyayya ba ta kasance a tsakãninku da shi ba: "Yã kaitona! Dã na zama tãre da su dai, dõmin in rabonta da rabõ mai girma!"
Those who barter the life of this world for the next should fight in the way of God. And We shall bestow on him who fights in the way of God, whether he is killed or is victorious, a glorious reward.
Sai waɗanda suke sayar da rayuwar dũniya su karɓi ta Lãhira su yi yãƙi, a cikin hanyar Allah. Kuma wanda ya yi yãki a cikin hanyar Allah to a kashe shi ko kuwa ya rinjãya, sa'an nan zã Mu ba shi ijãra mai girma.
What has come upon you that you fight not in the cause of God and for the oppressed, men, women and children, who pray: "Get us out of this city, O Lord, whose people are oppressors; so send us a friend by Your will, and send us a helper."
Kuma mẽne ne ya sãme ku, bã ku yin yãƙi a cikin hanyar Allah, da waɗanda aka raunanar daga maza da mata da yãra sunã cewa: "Yã Ubangijinmu! Ka fitar da mu daga wannan alƙarya wadda mutãnenta suke da zãlunci, kuma Ka sanya mana majiɓinci daga gunKa, kuma Ka sanya mana mataimaki daga gunKa."?
Those who believe fight in the way of God; and those who do not, only fight for the powers of evil; so you should fight the allies of Satan. Surely the stratagem of Satan is ineffective.
Waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, sunã yãki a cikin hanyar Allah, kuma waɗanda suka kãfirta sunã yãƙi a cikin hanyar ¦ãgũtu (Shaiɗan). To, ku yãƙi majiɓintan Shaiɗan. Lalle ne kaidin Shaiɗan yã kasance mai rauni.
Have you not seen the people who were told: "Hold back your hands (from attacking), observe your devotional obligations and pay the zakat?" But when they were commanded to fight, behold, a section among them were filled with fear of men as though it were the fear of God and even more, and said: "O Lord, why did you make war compulsory for us? Why did you not allow us to live a little more?" Say to them: "How short-lived is the commerce of this world; but that of the next is best for those who fear God; and you will not be wronged the breadth of a thread."
Shin, ba ka gani ba zuwa ga waɗanda aka ce musu: "Ku kange hannuwanku, kuma ku tsayar da salla, kuma ku bãyar da zakka."? To a lõkacin da aka wajabta musu yãƙi sai ga wani ɓangare daga cikinsu sunã tsõron mutãne kamar tsõron Allah kõ kuwa mafi tsanani ga tsõron, kuma suka ce: "Ya Ubangijinmu! Don me Ka wajabta yãƙi a kanmu? Me ya hana Ka jinkirta mana zuwa ga wani ajali na kusa?"Ka ce: "Jin dãɗin dũniya kaɗan ne, kuma Lãhira ce mafi alhẽri ga wanda ya yi taƙawa. Kuma bã a zãluntar ku da sĩlĩlin hancin gurtsun dabĩno!
Death will overtake you wheresoever you be, even in the mightiest of towers. Yet if some good comes their way they say: "It is from God;" and if it is evil that befalls them, they say: "It is indeed from you." Say to them: "Every thing is from God." O, what has come upon the people that even this they fail to understand!
"Inda duk kuka kasance, mutuwa zã ta riske ku, kuma kõ da kun kasance ne a cikin gãnuwõyi ingãtattu!"Kuma idan wani alhẽri ya sãme su sai su ce: "Wannan daga wurin Allah ne," kuma idan wata cũta ta sãme su, sai su ce: "Wannan daga gare ka ne."Ka ce: "Dukkansu daga Allah ne." To, me ya sãmi waɗannan mutãne, bã su kusantar fahimtar magana?
What comes to you of good is verily from God; and what comes to you of ill is from your own self (your actions). We have sent you as apostle to all mankind; and God is sufficient as witness.
Abin da ya sãme ka daga alhẽri, to, daga Allah yake, kuma abin da ya sãme ka daga sharri, to, daga kanka yake, kuma Mun aike ka zuwa ga mutãne, (kana) Manzo, kuma Allah Yã isa ga zama shaida.
He who obeys the Apostle obeys God; and if some turn away (remember) We have not sent you as warden over them.
Wanda ya yi ɗã'a ga Manzo, to, haƙĩƙa, yã yi ɗã'a ga Allah. Kuma wanda ya jũya bãya, to, ba Mu aike ka ba don ka zama mai tsaro a kansu.
They say: "We obey;" but when they leave your company, a section of them discuss at night other things than you had said; but God takes note of what they discuss. So turn aside from them and trust in God; and God is sufficient as protector.
Kuma sunã cẽwa, "Dã'a" sa'an nan idan sun fita daga wurinka, sai wata ƙungiya daga cikinsu ta kwãna da niyyar wanin abin da take faɗa, alhãli kuwa Allah na rubũta abin da suke kwãna da niyyarsa. Sabõda haka ka kau da kai daga gare su, kuma ka dõgara ga Allah, kuma Allah Yã isa ya zama wakĩli.
Do they not ponder over the Qur'an? Had it been the word of any other but God they would surely have found a good deal of variation in it.
Shin, bã su kula da Alƙur'ãni, kuma dã yã kasance daga wurin wanin Allah haƙĩƙa, dã sun sãmu, a cikinsa, sãɓã wa jũnamai yawa?
And when any tidings of peace or war come to them they spread the news around. Had they gone to the Prophet or those in authority among them, then those who check and scrutinize would have known it, And but for the favour of God and His mercy you would certainly have followed Satan, except a few.
Kuma idan wani al'amari daga aminci ko tsõro ya je musu, sai su wãtsa shi. Dã sun mayar da shi zuwa ga Manzo da ma'abũta al'amari daga gare su, lalle ne, waɗanda suke yin bincikensa, daga gare su, zã su san shi. Kuma bã dõmin falalar Allah bã a kanku da rahamarSa, haƙĩƙa, dã kun bi Shaiɗan fãce kaɗan.
So fight on in the way of God (irrespective of the others). You cannot compel any one except your own self; but urge the believers to fight. It may well be that God will keep back the might of the infidels, for God's might is greater, and severe His punishment.
Sabõda haka, ka yi yãƙi a cikin hanyar Allah, ba a kallafa maka ba, face a kanka, kuma ka kwaɗaitar da mũminai. Akwai tsammãnin Allah Ya kange gãfin waɗanda suka kãfirta, kuma Allah ne Mafi tsananin gãfi, kuma Mafi tsananin azabtãwa.
He who intercedes in a good cause will surely have a share in the recompense; and he who abets an evil act will share the burden thereof; for God (equates and) is watchful of all things.
Wanda ya yi cẽto, cẽto mai kyau, zai sãmi rabo daga gare shi, kuma wanda ya yi cẽto, cẽto mummũna, zai sãmi ma'aunidaga gare shi, Kuma Allah Yã kasance, a kan dukkan kõme, Mai ƙayyade lõkaci.
When you are greeted with a greeting, then greet with one fairer, or repeat the same greeting. For God takes account of all things.
Kuma idan an gaishe ku da wata gaisuwa, to, ku yi gaisuwa da abin da yake mafi kyau daga gare ta, kõ kuwa ku mayar da ita. Kuma Allah Yã kasance a kan dukkan kõme Mai lissãfi.
God: There is no god but He. He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection which is certain to come; and whose word is truer than God's?
Allah bãbu abin bautawa face Shi. Lalle ne haƙĩƙa Yana tãra ku har zuwa ga Yinin ¡iyãma bãbu shakka a cikinsa. Kuma wãne ne mafi gaskiya daga Allah ga 1ãbãri.
How is it that you are divided in two factions about the hypocrites? God has routed them for what they were doing. Do you wish to guide him to the path whom God has allowed to go astray? As for him whom God allows to go astray you will not find a way.
To, mẽne ne ya sãme ku a cikin munãfukai kun zama ƙungiya biyu, alhãli kuwa Allah ne Ya mayar da su sabõda abin da suka tsirfanta? Shin, kunã nufin ku shiryar da wanda Allah Ya ɓatar ne? Kuma wanda Allah Ya ɓatar to bã zã ka sãmi wata hanya ba zuwa gare shi.
They wish you to become disbelievers as they are, so that you should become like them. Therefore hold them not as friends until they go out of their homes in the way of God. If they do not, seize them wherever they are and do away with them. Do not make them your friends or allies,
Suna gũrin ku kãfirta kamar yadda suka kãfirta, dõmin ku kasance daidai. Sabõda haka kada ku riƙi wasu masõya daga cikinsu, sai sun yõ hijira a cikin hanyar Allah. Sa'an nan idan sun jũya, to, ku kãmã su kuma ku kashe su inda duk kuka sãme su. Kuma kada ku riƙi wani masõyi daga gare su ko wani mataimaki.
Except those who take refuge with a people allied to you, or those who, weary of fighting you or their people, come over to you. If God had so willed He would surely have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. If they keep aloof and do not fight, and offer peace, God has left you no reason to fight them.
Fãce dai waɗanda suke sãduwa zuwa ga wasu mutãne waɗanda a tsakãninku da su akwai alkawari, kõ kuwa waɗanda suke sun je muku (domin) ƙirãzansu sun yi ƙunci ga su yãke ku, kõ su yãƙi mutãnensu. Kuma dã Allah Yã so lalle ne, dã Yã bã su ĩko a kanku, sa'an nan, haƙĩka, su yãke ku. To, idan sun nĩsance ku sa'an nan ba su yãƙe ku ba, kuma suka jẽfa sulhu zuwa gare ku, to, Allah bai sanya wata hanya ba, a gare ku, a kansu.
You will also find persons who, while wishing to live in peace with you as well as with their own people, turn to civil war the moment they are called to it. If they do not keep away from you, nor offer you peace nor restrain their hands, seize them and kill them wherever they are. We have given you a clear sanction against them.
Za ku sãmi wasu sunã nufin su amintar da ku kuma su amintar da mutãnensu, kõ da yaushe aka mayar da su ga fitina, sai a dulmuyã su a cikinta. To, idan ba su nĩsance ku ba, kuma sun jẽfa sulhu zuwa gare ku, kuma sun kange hannuwansu, to, ku kãmã su, kuma ku kashe su inda duk kuka kãmã su, kuma waɗannan, Mun sanya muku dalĩli bayyanannea kansu.
It is not for a believer to take a believer's life except by mistake; and he who kills a believer by mistake should free a slave who is a believer, and pay blood-money to the victim's family unless they forego it as an act of charity. If he belonged to a community hostile to you but was himself a believer, then a slave who is a believer should be freed. In case he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then give blood-money to his family and free a believing slave. But he who has no means (to do so) should fast for a period of two months continuously to have his sins forgiven by God, and God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Kuma bã ya kasancẽwa ga mũmini ya kashe wani mũmini, fãce bisa ga kuskure. Kuma wanda ya kashe mũmini bisa ga kuskure, sai ya 'yanta wuya mũmina tare da mĩƙa diyya ga mutãnensa, ãce idan sun bari sadaka. Sa'an nan idan (wanda aka kashe) ya kasance daga wasu mutãne maƙiya a gare ku, kuma shi mũminine, sai ya 'yanta wuya mũmina. Kuma idan ya kasance daga wasu mutãne ne (waɗanda) a tsakãninku da tsakãninsu akwai alkawari, sai ya bãyar da diyya ga mutãnensa, tare da 'yanta wuya mũmina. To, wanda bai sãmi (wuyan ba) sai azumin watanni biyu jẽre, dõmin tũba daga Allah. Kuma Allah Yã kasance Masani, Mai hikima.
Any one who kills a believer intentionally will be cast into Hell to abide there for ever, and suffer God's anger and damnation. For him a greater punishment awaits.
Kuma wanda ya kashe wani mũmini da ganganci, to, sakamakonsa Jahannama, yana madawwami a cikinta kuma Allah Yã yi fushi a kansa, kuma Ya la'ane shi, kuma Ya yi masa tattalin azãba mai girma.
O believers, when you go out on a journey in the way of God, be discreet and do not say to anyone who greets you in peace: "You are not a believer." You desire the gain of earthly life, but there are prizes in plenty with God. You were also like him (an unbeliever) in the past, but God has been gracious to you. So be careful and discreet, for God is aware of what you do.
Yã kũ waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Idan kun yi tafiya (a cikin ƙasa), dõmin jihãdi, to, ku nẽmi bãyani. Kuma kada ku ce wa wanda ya jĩfa sallama zuwa gare ku: "Bã Musulmi kake ba." Kunã nẽman hãjar rãyuwar dũniya, to, a wurin Allah akwai ganimõmi mãsu yawa. Kamar wannan ne kuka kasance a gabãnin ku musulunta, sa'an nan Allah Ya yi muku falala. Sabõda haka ku zan nẽman bayãni. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance, ga abin da kuke aikatãwa, Masani.
The faithful who sit idle, other than those who are disabled, are not equal to those who fight in the way of God with their wealth and lives. God has exalted those in rank who fight for the faith with their wealth and souls over those who sit idle. Though God's promise of good is for all, He has granted His favour of the highest reward to those who struggle in preference to those who sit at home.
Mãsu zama daga barin yãƙi daga mũminai, wasun ma'abũta larũra da mãsu jihãdi a cikin hanyar Allah da dũkiyõyinsu da rãyukansu, bã su zama daidai. Allah Yã fĩfĩta mãsu jihãdi da dũkiyoyinsu da rãyukansu a kan mãsu zama, ga daraja. Kuma dukansu Allah Yã yi musu alkawari da abu mai kyau. Kuma Allah yã fĩfĩta mãsu jihãdi a kan mãsu zama da lãda mai girma.
For them are higher ranks with God, and forgiveness and grace; and God is forgiving and kind.
Darajõji daga gare Shi da gãfara da rahama. Kuma Allah Yã kasance Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
As for those whose souls are taken by the angels (at death) while in a state of unbelief, they will be asked by the angels: "What (state) were you in?" They will answer: "We were oppressed in the land." And the angels will say: "Was not God's earth large enough for you to migrate?" Their abode will be Hell, and what an evil destination!
Lalle ne, waɗanda malã'ĩku suka karɓi rãyukansu, (alhãli) sunã mãsu zãluntar kansu, sun ce (musu): "A cikin me kuka kasance?" (Su kuma) suka ce: "Mun kasance waɗanda aka raunana a cikin ƙasa." Suka ce: "Ashe ƙasar Allah ba ta kasance mayalwaciya ba, dõmin ku yi hijira a cikinta?" To, waɗannan makõmarsu Jahannama ce. Kuma tã mũnana ta zama makõma.
But those who are helpless, men, women and children, who can neither contrive a plan nor do they know the way,
Fãce waɗanda aka raunana daga maza da mãtã da yãra waɗanda bã su iya yin wata dabãra, kuma bã su shiryuwa ga hanya.
May well hope for the mercy of God; and God is full of mercy and grace.
To, waɗannan akwai tsammãnin Allah Ya yãfe laifi daga gare su, kuma Allah Yã kasance Mai yãfẽwa ne, Mai gãfara.
Whosoever leaves his country in duty to God will find many places of refuge, and abundance on the earth. And he who leaves his home and becomes an emigre in the way of God and His Messenger, and death overtake him, is sure to receive his reward from God; for God is forgiving and kind.
Kuma wanda ya yi hijira a cikin hanyar Allah, zai sãmu, a cikin ƙasa, wurãren jũyãwa mãsu yawa da yalwa. Kuma wanda ya fita daga gidansa yana mai hijira zuwa ga Allah da ManzonSa, sa'an nan kuma mutuwa ta riske shi, to, lalle ne, lãdarsa tã auku ga Allah, Kuma Allah Yã kasance, a gare ku, Mai gãfara, Mai jin ƙai.
When you travel in the land there is no sin if you curtail your service of prayer if you fear the unbelievers may harass you, for indeed your open enemies are the infidels.
Kuma idan kun yi tafiya a cikin ƙasa to, bãbu laifi a kanku ku rage daga salla idan kun ji tsõron waɗanda suka kãfirta su fitine ku. Lalle ne kãfirai sun kasance, a gare ku, maƙiyi bayyananne.
When you are among them, and have to lead the service of prayer, let one group stand up with you, but let them keep their arms. After they have paid their homage they should go to the rear, and let the group which has not done so yet offer their service of prayer with you, remaining cautious and armed, The infidels wish to find you neglectful of your arms and provisions, to attack you unawares. It will not be a sin if you put aside your arms when you are troubled by rain, or you are ill; but take full precautions. God has reserved for infidels a despicable punishment
Kuma idan kã kasance a cikinsu, sai ka tsayar musu da salla, to, wata ƙungiya daga gare su ta tsaya tãre da kai, kuma sai su riƙe makãmansu. Sa'an nan idan sun yi salla, to, sai su kasance daga bãyanku. Kuma wata ƙungiya ta dabam (ta) waɗanda ba su yi sallar ba, ta zo, sa'an nan su yi sallar tãre da kai. Kuma su riƙi shirinsu da makãmansu. Waɗanda suka kãfirta sun yi gũrin dã dai kuna shagala daga makamanku da kãyanku dõmin su karkata a kanku, karkata guda. Kuma bãbu laifi, a kanku idan wata cũta daga ruwan sama ta kasance a gare ku, kõ kuwa kun kasance mãsu jinya ga ku ajiye makãmanku kuma dai ku riƙi shirinku. Lalle ne, Allah Yã yi tattali, ga kãfirai, azãba mai walakantarwa.
If you are late in performing your service of prayer honour God by remembering Him, standing or sitting or lying on your sides. And when you have security perform your act of prayer befittingly; and praying at fixed hours is prescribed for the faithful.
Sa'an nan idan kun ƙãre salla, to ku ambaci Allah tsaye da zaune da a kan sãsanninku. Sa'an nan idan kun natsu, to, ku tsayar da Salla. Lalle ne salla tã kasance a kan mũminai, farilla mai ƙayyadaddun lõkuta.
And do not be chary of pursuing them. If you suffer, they shall also suffer like you. But while you have hope (of success) from God, they have none. Surely God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Kuma kada ku sassauta a cikin nẽman mutãnen idankun kasance kuna jin zõgi, to, lalle sũ ma, suna jin zõgi kamar yadda kuke jin zõgi. Kuma kuna tsammãni, daga Allah, abin da bã su tsammãni. Kuma Allah Yã kasance Masani Mai hikima.
We have sent down to you the Book containing the truth, in whose light you should judge among the people as God has shown you, and do not be a contender for deceivers.
Lalle ne, Mũ, Mun saukar, zuwa gare ka, Littãfi da gaskiya, dõmin ka yi hukunci a tsakãnin mutãne da abin da Allah Ya nũna maka, kuma kada ka kasance mai husũma dõmin mãsu yaudara.
And seek God's forgiveness, for God is surely forgiving and kind.
Kuma ka nẽmi Allah gãfara. Lalle ne Allah Yã kasance Mai gãfara, Mai jin ƙai.
Do not argue for those who harbour deceit in their hearts, for God does not love the treacherous and the iniquitous.
Kuma kada ka yi jãyayya dõmin tunkuɗe wa waɗanda suka yaudari kansu. Lalle ne Allah ba Ya son wanda ya kasance mai yawan hã'inci mai yawan zunubi.