"Let us not go astray, O Lord, having guided us already. Bestow on us Your blessings for You are the benevolent.
Yã Ubangijinmu! Kada Ka karkatar da zukãtanmu bãyan har Kã shiryar da mu, kuma Ka bã mu rahama daga gunKa. Lalle ne, Kai, Kai ne Mai yawan kyauta.
You will gather mankind together, O Lord, on a day that is certain to come, and God does not fail in His promise.
"Yã Ubangijimu! Lalle ne Kai, Mai tãra mutãne ne dõmin wani yini wanda bãbu shakka a gare shi, Lalle ne Allah bã Ya sãɓãwar lõkacin alkawari."
As for those who deny, neither their wealth nor their children will help them in the least against God. They shall be but faggots for (the fire of) Hell,
Lalle ne waɗanda suka kãfirta, dũkiyõyinsu bã su tunkuɗe musu kõme daga Allah, kuma 'ya'yansu bã su tunkuɗẽwa, kuma waɗannan, sũ ne makãmashin wuta.
Like the people of the Pharaoh, and those before them, who rejected Our signs, and were punished for their sins by God; and the punishment of God is severe.
Kamar ɗabi'ar mutãnen Fir'auna da waɗanda ke a gabãninsu, sun ƙaryata ãyõyinMu, sai Allah Ya kãmã su sabõda zunubansu, kuma Allah Mai tsananin uƙũba ne.
So tell the disbelievers: "You will surely be subdued and driven to Hell: How bad a preparation!"
Ka ce wa waɗanda suka kãfirta: "Za a rinjãye ku, kuma a tãraku zuwa Jahannama, kuma shimfiɗar tã mũnana!
There was a token for you in the two armies which clashed (in the battle of Badr), one fighting for God, the other of unbelievers who saw with their own eyes the faithful to be two times as many as they, for God reinforces with His help whomsoever He will. In this is a lesson for those who have eyes.
"Lalle ne wata ãyã tã kasance a gare ku a cikin ƙungiyõyi biyu da suka haɗu; ƙungiya guda tana yãƙi a cikin hanyar Allah, da wata kãfira, suna ganin su ninki biyu nãsu, a ganin ido. Kuma Allah Yana ƙarfafa wanda Yake so da taimakonSa. Lalle ne a cikin wannan, hakĩƙa, akwai abin kula ga maabũta basĩra.
Enamoured are the people of the lust of (earthly) pleasures, of women and of children and hoarded heaps of gold and silver, well-bred horses, and tilled land and cattle, all (vain) goods and chattels of the life of this world, while the best of abodes is with God.
An ƙawata wa mutãne son sha'awõyi daga mãtã da ɗiya da dũkiyõyi abũbuwan tãrãwa daga zinariya da azurfa, da dawãki kiwãtattu da dabbõbin ci da hatsi. Wannan shi ne dãɗin rãyuwar dũniya. Kuma Allah a wurinsa kyakkyãwar makõma take.
Say: "Shall I tell you of (things) even better? With the Lord are gardens with running streams of water for those who keep from evil and follow the straight path, where they will live unchanged with the purest of companions and blessings of God." And under God's eyes are devotees
Ka ce: Shin kuma, in gaya muku mafi alhẽri daga wannan? Akwai gidãjen Aljanna a wurin Ubangiji sabõda waɗanda suka bi Shi da taƙawa, kõguna suna gudãna daga ƙarƙashinsu, suna madawwama a cikinsu, da mãtan aure tsarkakakku, da yarda daga Allah. Kuma Allah Mai gani ne ga bãyinSa.
who say: "O Lord, we believe; forgive our trespasses and save us the torment of Hell."
Waɗanda suke cẽwa: "Ya Ubangijinmu! Lalle ne mu, mun yi ĩmãni, sai Ka gãfarta mana zunubanmu kuma Ka tsare mu daga azãbar wuta."
They are the patient, the sincere and devout, full of charity, who pray for forgiveness in the hours of dawn.
Mãsu haƙuri, da mãsu gaskiya, da mãsu ƙanƙan da kai, da mãsu ciyarwa da mãsu istingifari a lõkutan asuba.
God is witness there is no god but He, and so are the angels and men full of learning. He is the upholder of justice. There is no god but He, the mighty and all-wise.
Allah Ya shaida cẽwa: Lalle ne bãbu abin bautãwa fãce Shi kuma malãiku da ma'abũta ilmi sun shaida, yana tsaye da ãdalci, bãbu abin bautãwa face Shi, Mabuwãyi, Mai hikima.
The true way with God is peace; and the people of the Book did not differ until knowledge (of this revelation) had come to them, out of mutual opposition. But those who deny the signs of God (should remember) He is swift in the reckoning.
Lalle ne, addini a wurin Allah, Shi ne Musulunci. Kuma waɗanda aka bai wa Littafi ba su sãɓã ba, fãce a bãyan ilmi ya je musu, bisa zãlunci a tsakãninsu. Kuma wanda ya kãfirta da ãyõyin Allah, to, lalle ne Allah Mai gaugãwar sakamako ne.
Even then if they argue, tell them: "I have bowed in submission to God, and so have my followers." And tell the people of the Book and the Arabs: "Do you submit?" If they do, they will find the right path; if they turn away, your duty is to deliver the message. And God keeps an eye on His votaries.
To, idan sun yi musu da kai, sai ka ce: "Nã sallama fuskata ga Allah, kuma wanda ya bi ni (haka)." Kuma ka ce wa waɗanda aka bai wa littãfi da Ummiyyai: "Shin kun sallama?" To, idan sun sallama, haƙĩƙa, sun shiryu kuma idan sun jũya, to, kawai abinda ke kanka, shi ne iyarwa. Kuma Allah Mai gani ne ga bãyinSa.
To those who deny the signs of God, and slay the apostles unjustly, and slay the upholders of justice, give news of painful punishment.
Lalle ne waɗanda suke kãfirta da ãyõyin Allah, kuma suna kashe Annabãwa bã da wani hakki ba, kuma suna kashe waɗanda ke umurni da yin ãdalci daga mutãne, to, ka yi musu bushãra da azãba mai raɗaɗi.
Their good deeds will be wasted in this world and in the next, and none will they have to help them.
Waɗannan ne waɗanda ayyukansu suka ɓãci a cikin dũniya da Lãhira, kuma bã su da wasu mataimaka.
Have you not seen the people who have received a part of Revelation who are called to the Book of God that it may judge (in their disputes) between them? But some, being averse turn away,
Shin, ba ka ga waɗanda aka bai wa rabo daga littãfi ba ana kiran su zuwa ga Littãfin Allah dõmin ya yi hukunci a tsakãninsu sa'an nan wata ƙungiya daga cikinsu ta jũya bãya, kuma sunã mãsu bijirẽwa?
For they say: "The Fire will not touch us for more than a few days." They have been deceived by the lies they have themselves fabricated, and stray from their faith.
Wannan kuwa, dõmin lalle ne su sun ce: "Wutã bã zã ta shãfe mu ba, fãce a 'yan kwãnaki ƙidãyayyu." Kuma abin da suka kasance sunã ƙirƙirãwa na ƙarya ya rũɗẽ su a cikin addininsu.
How shall it be when We gather them together on a day that is certain to come, when each will receive his reward without (favour or) wrong?
To, yãya idan Mun tãra su a yini wanda bãbu shakka a cikinsa, kuma aka cikã wa kõwane rai sakamakon abin da ya tsirfanta, alhãli kuwa, sũ bã zã a zãlunce su ba?
Say: "O Lord of all dominions, You give whom it pleases You the kingdom, and You take away the power from whosoever You will; You exalt whom You please and debase whom You will. All goodness is Yours (entirely). Indeed You have the power over all things.
Ka ce: "Yã Allah Mamallakin mulki, Kanã bayar da mulki ga wanda Kake so, Kanã zãre mulki daga wanda Kake so, kuma Kanã buwãyar da wanda Kake so, kuma Kanã ƙasƙantar da wanda Kake so, ga hannunKa alhẽri yake. Lalle ne Kai, a kan kõwane abu, Mai ĩkon yi ne."
You make the night succeed the day, the day succeed the night, raise the living from the dead, the dead from the living, and give whomsoever You please, and in measure without number."
"Kanã shigar da dare a cikin yini, kuma Kanã shigar da yini a cikin dare, kuma Kana fitar da mai rai daga mamaci, kuma Kanã fitar da mamaci daga mai rai, kuma Kanã azurta wanda Kake so bã da lissafi ba."
Those who believe should not take unbelievers as their friends in preference to those who believe -- and whoever does so should have no (expectations) of God -- unless to safeguard yourselves against them. But God commands you to beware of Him, for to God you will journey in the end.
Kada mũminai su riƙi kãfirai masõya, baicin mũminai. Kuma wanda ya yi wannan, to, bai zama a cikin kõme ba daga Allah, fãce fa dõmin ku yi tsaro daga gare su da 'yar kãriya. Kuma Allah yana tsõratar da ku kanSa. Kuma zuwa ga Allah makõma take.
Say: "Whether you conceal or reveal whatsoever is in your hearts it is all known to God, as is known to Him all that is in the heavens and the earth; and God has the power over all things."
Ka ce: "Idan kun ɓõye abin da ke a cikin ƙirãzanku, kõ kuwa kun bayyana shi, Allah Yana sanin sa. Kuma Yana sanin abin da ke a cikin sammai da ƙasa. Kuma Allah a kan kõwane abu Mai ĩkon yi ne."
On the day when every man will find whatever of good he has earned and of evil, and is confronted with it, he shall wish that a distance appeared between him and that day -- (that it were far away). God bids you beware of Him, though compassionate is God to His votaries.
A Rãnar da kõwane rai yake sãmun abin da ya aikata daga alhẽri, a halarce, da kuma abin da ya aikata daga sharri, alhãli yana gũrin, dã dai lalle a ce akwai fage mai nĩsa a tsakãninsa da abin daya aikata na sharrin! Kuma Allah Yanã tsõratar da kũ kanSa. Kuma Allah Mai tausayi ne ga bãyinSa.
Say: "If you love God then follow me that God may love you and forgive your faults; for God is forgiving and kind."
Ka ce: "Idan kun kasance kunã son Allah to, ku bĩ ni, Allah Ya sõ ku, kuma Ya gãfarta muku zunubanku. Kuma Allah Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai."
Say: "Obey God and His Messenger;" and if they refuse (then remember) God does not love disbelievers.
Ka ce: "Ku yi ɗã'a ga Allah da Manzo." To, amma idan sun jũya bãya, to, lalle ne Allah bã Ya son kãfirai.
God had chosen Adam and Noah and the families of Abraham and 'Imran in preference to others.
Lalle ne Allah Yã zãɓi Ãdama da Nũhu da Gidan Ibrãhĩma da Gidan Imrãna a kan tãlikai.
They were descendants of one another; and God hears all and knows everything.
Zuriyya ce sãshensu daga sãshe, kuma Allah Mai ji ne, Masani.
Remember, when the wife of 'Imran prayed: "O Lord, I offer what I carry in my womb in dedication to Your service, accept it, for You hear all and know everything."
A lõkacin da mãtar Imrãna ta ce: "Ya Ubangijina! Lalle ni, nã yi bãkancen abin da ke cikin cikĩna gare Ka; ya zama 'yantacce, sai Ka karɓa daga gare ni. Lalle ne Kai, Kai ne Mai ji, Masani."
And when she had given birth to the child, she said: "O Lord, I have delivered but a girl." -- But God knew better what she had delivered: A boy could not be as that girl was. "I have named her Mary," (she said), "and I give her into Your keeping. Preserve her and her children from Satan the ostracized."
To, a lõkacin da ta haife ta sai ta ce: "Ya Ubangijina! Lalle ne nĩ, nã haife ta mace!"KumaAllah ne Mafi sanin abin da ta haifa." Kuma namiji bai zama kamar mace ba. Kuma nĩ nã yi mata suna Maryamu kuma lalle ne ni, ina nẽma mata tsari gare Ka, ita da zũriyarta daga Shaiɗan jẽfaffe."
Her Lord accepted her graciously, and she grew up with excellence, and was given into the care of Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah came to see her in the chamber, he found her provided with food, and he asked: "Where has this come from, O Mary?" And she said: "From God who gives food in abundance to whomsoever He will."
Sai Ubangijinta Ya karɓe ta karɓa mai kyau. Kuma Ya yabanyartar da ita yabanyartarwa mai kyau, kuma Ya sanya rẽnonta ga Zakariyya. Ko da yaushe Zakariyya ya shiga masallãci, a gare ta, sai ya sãmi abinci a wurinta. (Sai kuwa) ya ce: "Yã Maryamu! Daga ina wannan yake gare ki?" (Sai) ta ce: "Daga wurin Allah yake. Lalle ne Allah yana azurta wanda Ya so ba da lissafi ba."
Then prayed Zachariah to his Lord: "O Lord, bestow on me offspring, virtuous and good, for You answer all prayers."
A can ne Zakariyya ya rõki Ubangijinsa, ya ce: "Ya Ubangijina! Ka bã ni zuriyya mai kyau daga gunKa. Lalle ne Kai Mai jin addu'a Kake."
Then the angels said to him as he stood in the chamber at prayer: "God sends you good tidings of John who will confirm a thing from God and be noble, continent, and a prophet, and one of those who are upright and do good."
Sai malã'iku suka kirãye shi, alhãli kuwa shĩ yanã tsaye yana salla a cikin masallãci. (Suka ce), "Lalle ne Allah yana bã ka bushãra da Yahaya, alhãli yana mai gaskatãwar wata kalma daga Allah, kuma shugaba, kuma tsarkakke kuma annabi daga sãlihai."
"How can I have a son, O Lord," he said, "for I am old and my wife is barren?" "Thus," came the answer, "God does as He wills."
Ya ce: "Yã Ubangijina! Yãya yãro zai sãmu a gare ni, alhãli kuwa, lalle tsũfa ya sãme ni, kuma mãtãta bakarãriya ce?" Allah ya ce, "Kamar hakan ne, Allah yana aikata abin da Yake so."
And Zachariah said: "Give me a token, O Lord." "The token will be," was the reply, "that you will speak to no man for three days except by signs; and remember your Lord much, and pray at evening and sunrise."
Ya ce: "Yã Ubangijinã! Ka sanya mini wata alãma!" (Allah) Ya ce "Alãmarka ita ce ba zã ka iya yi wa mutãne magana ba har yini uku face da ishãra. Sai ka ambaci Ubangijinka da yawa. Kuma ka yi tasbĩhi da marece da sãfe."
The angels said: "O Mary, indeed God has favoured you and made you immaculate, and chosen you from all the women of the world.
Kuma a lõkacin da malã'iku suka ce: "Ya Maryamu! Lalle ne, Allah Ya zãɓe ki, kuma Ya tsarkake ki, kuma Ya zaɓe ki a kan mãtan tãlikai."
So adore your Lord, O Mary, and pay homage and bow with those who bow in prayer."
"Yã Maryamu! Ki yi ƙanƙan da kai ga Ubangijinki, kuma ki yi sujada, kuma ki yi rukũ'i tãre da mãsu rukũ'i."
This is news of the Unknown that We send you, for you were not there when they cast lots with quills (to determine) who should take care of Mary, nor when they disputed it.
Wannan yana daga lãbarun gaibi, Munã yin wahayinsa zuwa gare ka (Muhammadu). Ba ka kasance ba a wurinsu a lõkacin da suke jẽfa alƙalumansu (domin ƙuri'a) wãne ne zai yi rẽnon Maryam. Kuma ba ka kasance a wurinsu ba a lõkacin da suke ta yin husũma.
When the angels said: "O Mary, God gives you news of a thing from Him, for rejoicing, (news of one) whose name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in this world and the next, and one among the honoured,
A lõkacin da malã'iku suka ce "Yã Maryamu! Lalle ne Allah Yana bã ki bushãra da wata kalma daga gare Shi; sũnansa Masĩhu ĩsa ɗan Maryama, yana mai daraja a dũniya da Lãhira kuma daga Makusanta.
Who will speak to the people when in the cradle and when in the prime of life, and will be among the upright and doers of good."
"Kuma yana yi wa mutãne magana a cikin shimfiɗar jariri, da kuma lõkacin da yana dattijo, kuma yana daga sãlihai."
She said: "How can I have a son, O Lord, when no man has touched me?" He said: "That is how God creates what He wills. When He decrees a thing, He says 'Be', and it is.
Ta ce: "Yã Ubangijina! Yãya yãro zai kasance a gare ni, alhãli kuwa wani mutum bai shãfe ni ba?" (Allah) Ya ce: "Kamar wannan ne, Allah yana halittar abin da Yake so. Idan Ya hukunta wani al'amari, sai ya ce masa, "Ka kasance!, Sai yana kasancẽwa."
He will teach him the Law and the judgement, and the Torah and the Gospel,
Kuma Ya sanar da shi rubũtu da hikima da Taurata da injĩla.
And he will be Apostle to the children of Israel, (saying:) 'I have come to you with a prodigy from your Lord that I will fashion the state of destiny out of mire for you, and breathe (a new spirit) into it, and (you) will rise by the will of God. I will heal the blind and the leper, and infuse life into the dead, by the leave of God. I will tell you what you devour and what you hoard in your homes. In this will be a portent for you if you do believe.
Kuma (Ya sanya shi) manzo zuwa ga Bani Isrãila'ĩla (da sãko, cẽwa), Lalle ne, ni haƙĩƙa nã zõ muku, da wata ãyã daga Ubangijinku. Lalle ne ni ina halitta muku daga lãka, kamar siffar tsuntsu sa'an nan in hũra a cikinsa, sai ya kasance tsuntsu, da izinin Allah. Kuma ina warkar da wanda aka haifa makãho da kuturu, kuma ina rãyar da matottu, da izibin Allah. Kuma ina gayã muku abin da kuke ci da abin da kuke ajiyẽwa acikin gidãjenku. Lalle ne, a cikin wannan akwai ãyã a gare ku, idan kun kasance mãsu yin ĩmãni.
I (have come to) confirm the truth of the Torah which was sent down before me, and make certain things lawful which have been forbidden until now; and I come to you with a sign from your Lord; so be fearful of God and follow me.
"Kuma inã mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake a gabãnina daga Taurata. Kuma (nãzo) dõmin in halatta muku sãshen abin da aka haramta muku. Kuma nã tafo muku da wata ãyã daga Ubangijinku. Sai ku bi Allah da taƙawa, kuma ku yi mini ɗã'ã.
Surely God is my Lord, and your Lord, so worship Him; and this is the right path.
"Lalle Allah shi ne Ubangijina, kuma Ubangijinku, sai ku bauta Masa. Wannan ce hanya madaidaiciya."
When Jesus perceived their unbelief he asked: "Who will help me in the way of God?" "We," the disciples answered, "shall be the helpers of God. We believe in God; and you be our witness that we submit and obey.
To, a lõkacin da Ĩsa ya gane kãfirci daga gare su, sai ya ce: "Su wãne ne mataimakãna zuwa ga Allah?" Hawãriyãwa suka ce: "Mu ne mataimakan Allah. Mun yi ĩmani da Allah. Kuma ka shaida cẽwa lalle ne mu, mãsu sallamãwa ne.
"O Lord, we believe in Your revelations and follow this Apostle. Enroll us among the witnesses."
"Yã Ubangijinmu! Mun yi imãni da abin da Ka saukar, kuma mun bi ManzonKa, sai Ka rubũta mu tãre da mãsu shaida..
But they (the unbelievers) contrived a plot, and God did the like; and God's plan is the best.
Kuma (Kãfirai) suka yi mãkirci, Allah kuma Ya yi musu (sakamakon) makircin, kuma Allah ne Mafi alhẽrin mãsu sãka wamãkirci.
When God said: "O Jesus, I will take you to Myself and exalt you, and rid you of the infidels, and hold those who follow you above those who disbelieve till the Day of Resurrection. You have then to come back to Me when I will judge between you in what you were at variance."
A lõkacin da Ubangiji Ya ce: "Ya Ĩsa! Lalle NĨ Mai karɓar ranka ne, kuma Mai ɗauke ka ne zuwa gare Ni, kuma Mai tsarkake ka daga waɗanda suka kãfirta, kuma Mai sanya waɗanda suka bĩ ka a bisa waɗanda suka kãfirta har Rãnar ¡iyãma. Sa'an nan kuma zuwa gare Ni makõmarku take, sa'an nan in yi hukunci a tsakãninku, a cikin abin da kuka kasance kuna sãɓã wa jũna.
Those who are infidels will surely receive severe punishment both in this world and the next; and none will they have to help (or save) them.
"To, amma waɗanda suka kãfirta sai In azabta su da azãba mai tsanani, a cikin dũniya da Lãhira, kuma bã su da wasu mãsu taimako.
But those who believe and do good deeds shall be given their recompense in full; but God does not love the unjust.
Kuma amma waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, kuma suka aikata ayyukan ƙwarai, sai (Allah) Ya cikã musu ijãrõrinsu. Kuma Allah bã Ya son azzãlumai.
These verses that We read to you are signs and reminder full of wisdom.
"Wannan Muna karanta shi a gare ka (Muhammad) daga ãyõyi, da Tunatarwa mai hikima (Alƙur'ãni)."
For God the likeness of Jesus is as that of Adam whom He fashioned out of dust and said "Be" and he was.
Lalle ne misãlin Ĩsã a wurin Allah kamar misãlin Ãdama ne, (Allah) Yã halitta shi daga turɓãya, sa'an nan kuma Ya ce masa: "Ka kasance: "Sai yana kasancewa.
This is the truth from your Lord, so do not be in doubt.
Gaskiya daga Ubangijinka take sabõda haka kada ka kasance daga mãsu shakka.
Tell those who dispute this with you even after the knowledge that has reached you: "Come, let us gather our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, and pray and solicit God to condemn those who lie."
To, wanda ya yi musu da kai a cikinsa, a bãyan abin da ya zo maka daga ilmi, to ka ce: "Ku zo mu kirãyi, 'yã'yanmu da 'yã'yanku da mãtanmu da mãtanku da kanmu da kanku sa'an nan kuma mu ƙanƙantar da kai sa'an nan kuma mu sanya la'anar, Allah a kan maƙaryata."
And this verily is the true account. There is no god but God, and God is all-mighty and all-wise.
Lalle ne wannan, haƙĩƙa, shi ne lãbãri tabbatacce, kuma bãbu wani abin bautawa fãce Allah, kuma lalle ne, Allah, haƙĩƙa, Shi ne Mabuwãyi Mai hikima.
If they turn away (remember) God knows the mischief-mongers.
To, idan sun jũya bãya, to, lalle Allah Masani ne ga maɓannata.
Tell them: "O people of the Book, let us come to an agreement on that which is common between us, that we worship no one but God, and make none His compeer, and that none of us take any others for lord apart from God." If they turn away you tell them: "Bear witness that we submit to Him."
Ka ce: "Yã ku Mutãnen Littãfi! Ku tafo zuwa ga kalma mai daidaitãwa a tsakã ninmu da ku; kada mu bauta wa kõwa fã ce Allah. Kuma kada mu haɗa kõme da Shi, kuma kada sãshenmu ya riƙi sãshe Ubangiji, baicin Allah." To, idan sun jũya bã ya sai ku ce: "ku yi shaida cẽwa, lalle ne mu masu sallamã wa ne."
O people of the Book, why dispute about Abraham? The Torah and the Gospel were sent down after him: Do you not understand?
Yã Mutãnen Littãfi! Don me kuke hujjacẽwa a cikin sha'anin lbrãhĩma, alhãli kuwa ba a saukar da Attaura da injĩla ba fãce daga bãyansa? Shin bã ku hankalta?
Remember you are those who disputed the things you knew; so wherefore dispute about things you do not know? And God has the knowledge, while you do not know.
Gã ku yã waɗannan! Kun yi hujjacẽwa a cikin abin da yake kunã da wani ilmi game da shi, to, don me kuma kuke yin hujjacẽwa a cikin abin da bã ku da wani ilmi game da shi? Allah yana sani, kuma kũ, ba ku sani ba!
Neither was Abraham a Jew nor a Christian, but upright and obedient, and not an idolater.
Ibrãhĩma bai kasance Bayahũde ba, kuma bai kasance Banasãre ba, amma yã kasance mai karkata zuwa ga gaskiya, mai sallamãwa, kuma bai kasance daga mãsu shirki ba.
Of all men the nearest to Abraham are those who follow him, and then this Prophet and the faithful; and God is the protector of all believers.
Lalle ne mafi hakkin mutãne da Ibrãhĩma haƙĩƙa, sũ ne waɗanda suka bi shi a (zamaninsa) da wannan Annabi (Muhammadu) da waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni. Kuma Allah ne Majiɓincin mũminai.
Some among the people of the Book wish to lead you astray, yet they lead none astray but themselves, though they do not realise.
Wata ƙungiya daga Mutãnen Littãfi sun yi gũrin su ɓatar da ku, to, ba su ɓatar da kõwa ba fãce kansu, kuma bã su sansancewa!
O people of the Book, why do you disbelieve the signs of God having witnessed them yourselves?
Yã Mutãnen Littãfi! Don me kuka kãfirta da ãyõyin Allah, alhãli kuwa kũ, kuna shaida (cẽwa sũ gaskiya ne)?
O people of the Book, why do you mix the false with the true, and hide the truth knowingly?
Yã Mutãnen Littãfi! Don me kuke lulluɓe gaskiya da ƙarya, kuma kuke ɓõye gaskiya, alhãli kuwa kuna sane?
A section of the people of the Book say: "Believe in the morning what has been revealed to the faithful, and deny in the evening; they might perhaps turn back;
Kuma wata ƙungiya daga Mutãnen Littãfi ta ce: "Ku yi ĩmãni da abin da aka saukar a kan waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni (da Muhammadu) a farkon yini, kuma ku kãfirta a ƙarshensa; tsammãninsu, zã su kõmõ."
"And do not believe those who do not belong to your faith." Say: "True guidance is the guidance of God -- that any may be given the like of what has been given you." Will they argue with you before your Lord? Say: "God's is the bounty. He gives whomsoever He please, for He is infinite and all-wise."
"Kada ku yi ĩmãni fãce da wanda ya bi addininku." Ka ce: "Lalle ne, shiriya ita ce shiriyar Allah. (Kuma kada ku yi ĩmãni) cẽwa an bai wa wani irin abin da aka bã ku, kõ kuwa su yi musu da ku a wurin Ubangijinku." Ka ce: "Lalle ne falala ga hannun Allah take, yana bãyar da ita ga wanda Yake so, kuma Allah Mawadãci ne, Masani."
He may choose whom He likes for His favours, for great is His bounty.
Yanã keɓance wanda Ya so da rahamarSa, kuma Allah Ma'abucin falala ne, Mai girma.
There are some among the people of the Book who return a whole treasure entrusted to them; yet some there are who do not give back a dinar until you demand and insist, because they say: "It is not a sin for us to (usurp) the rights of the Arabs." Yet they lie against God, and they know it.
Kuma daga Mutãnen Littãfi akwai wanda yake idan ka bã shi amãnar kinɗãri, zai bãyar da shi gare ka, kuma daga gare su akwai wanda idan ka bã shi amãnar dĩnari, bã zai bãyar da shi gare ka ba, fãce idan kã dawwama a kansa kanã tsaye. Wannan kuwa, dõmin lalle ne sũ sun ce, "Bãbu laifi a kanmu a cikin Ummiyyai." Suna faɗar ƙarya ga Allah, alhãli kuwa suna sane.
But certainly whoever keeps his promise and follows the right path (will be blessed), for God loves those who shun evil and follow the right course.
Na'am! Wanda ya cika alkawarinsa, kuma ya yi taƙawa, to, lalle ne Allah yana son mãsu taƙawa.
Those who trade on the promises of God, and who purchase a little gain from their oaths, will have no share in the life to come. God will not address or even regard them on the Day of Resurrection, nor perfect them, and their suffering will be painful.
Lalle ne waɗanda suke sayen 'yan tamani kaɗan da alkawarin Allah da rantsuwõyinsu, waɗannan bãbu wani rabo a gare su a Lãhira, Kuma Allah bã Ya yin magana da su, kuma bã Ya dũbi zuwa gare su, a Rãnar ¡iyãma, kuma bã Ya tsarkake su, kuma sunã da azãba mai raɗaɗi.
Among them is a section which distorts in reading the Scripture in a way that though it sounds like the Scripture, in fact it is not; yet they say it is from God, when they know it is not; and they lie about God, and knowingly.
Kuma lalle ne, daga gare su akwai wata ƙungiya suna karkatar da harsunansu da Littãfi dõmin ku yi zaton sa daga Littãfin, alhãli kuwa bã shi daga Littãfin. Kuma suna cẽwa: "Shi daga wurinAllah yake." Alhãli kuwa shi, bã daga wurin Allah yake ba. Sunã faɗar ƙarya ga Allah, alhãli kuwa sunã sane.
It is not for a mortal to whom God reveals the Book and the judgement and the prophethood to say to the people: "Be my votaries instead of God's," but (to say): "Become learned in divine law, by virtue of teaching and studying the Book."
Ba ya yiwuwa ga wani mutum, Allah Ya bã shi Littãfi da hukunci da Annabci, sa'an nan kuma ya ce wa mutãne: "Ku kasance bãyi gare ni, baicin Allah." Amma (zai ce): "Ku kasance mãsu aikin ibãda da abin da kuka kasance kuna karantar da Littãfin, kuma da abin da kuka kasance kuna karantãwa."
He will surely not bid you make the angels and the prophets your lords. Would he order you disbelief after you have submitted (and accepted the law of God)?
Kuma ba ya umurnin ku da ku riƙi malã'iku da annabãwa lyãyengiji. Shin, zai umurce ku da kãfirci ne a bãyan kun riga kun zama mãsu sallamãwa (Musulmi)?
Remember when God covenanted the prophets (and said): "If after I have given you the Law and the judgement there comes an apostle to you who confirms the truth already with you, you will surely believe him and help him;" and asked: "Do you accept and agree to the terms of My covenant?" They said: "We accept." "Then you be witness," said God, "and I shall be witness with you.
Kuma a lõkacin da Allah Ya riƙi alkawarin Annabãwa: "Lalle ne ban bã ku wani abu ba daga Littãfi da hikima, sa'an nan kuma wani manzo ya je muku, mai gaskatãwa ga abin da yake tãre da ku; lalle ne zã ku gaskata Shi, kuma lalle ne zã ku taimake shi." Ya ce: "Shin, kun tabbatar kuma kun riƙi alkawarĩNa a kan wannan a gare ku?" suka ce: "Mun tabbatar." Ya ce: "To, ku yi shaida, kuma Nĩ a tãre da ku Inã daga mãsu shaida."
Then any one who turns away will be a transgressor."
To, waɗanda kuma suka jũya bãya a bãyan wannan, to, waɗannan sũ ne fãsiƙai.
Do they seek another way than God's? But whosoever is in the heavens and the earth is submissive to God and obedient (to Him), by choice or constraint, and will be returned to Him.
Shin wanin Addinin Allah suke nẽma, alhãli kuwa a gare Shi ne waɗanda ke cikin sama da ƙasa suka sallama wa, a kan sõ da ƙĩ, kuma zuwa gare Shi ake mayar da su?
Say: "We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us, and in what had been sent down to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their offspring, and what had been revealed to Moses and to Jesus and to all other prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between them, and we submit to Him and obey."
Ka ce: "Mun yi ĩmãni da Allah kuma da abin da aka saukar mana da abin da aka saukar wa Ibrãhĩma da Isma'ĩla da Is'hãƙa da Yãƙũba da jĩkõki, da abin da aka bai wa Mũsã da ĩsã da annabãwa daga Ubangijinsu, bã mu bambantãwa a tsakãnin kõwa daga gare su. Kuma mũ, zuwa gare Shi mãsu sallamãwa ne."
And whoever seeks a way other than submission to God, it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the world to come.
Kuma wanda ya nẽmi wanin Musulunci ya zama addini, to, bã zã a karɓa daga gare shi ba. Kuma shi a Lãhira yana daga cikin mãsu hasãra.
How can God show the way to those who, having come to faith, turned away, even though they had borne witness that the Messenger was true, and the clear signs had reached them? God does not show the unrighteous the way.
Yãya Allah zai shiryar da mutãne waɗanda suka kãfirta a bãyan ĩmãninsu, kuma sun yi shaidar cẽwa, lalle Manzo gaskiya ne, kuma hujjõji bayyanannu sun je musu? Allah bã Ya shiryar da mutãne azzãlumai.
For such the requital is the curse of God and the angels and of men.
Waɗannan, sakamakonsu shi ne, lalle a kansu akwai la'anar Allah da mãla'iku da mutãne gabã ɗaya.
They shall live under it, and none of their agony decrease nor be respite for them.
Sunã mãsu dawwama a cikinta, bã a sauƙaƙa azãbar gare su, kuma ba su zama ana yi musu jinkiri ba.
But those who repent and reform, God is surely forgiving and merciful.
Fãce waɗanda suka tũba daga bãyan wannan, kuma suka yi gyãra, to, lalle ne Allah Mai gãfara ne Mai jin ƙai.
Those who deny, having once come to faith, and persist in denial, will not have their repentance accepted, for they have gone astray.
Lalle ne waɗanda suka kãfirta a bãyan ĩmãninsu, sa'an nan kuma suka ƙãra kãfirci bã zã a karɓi tũbarsu ba. Kuma waɗannan sũ ne ɓatattu.
From those who deny and die disbelieving will never be accepted an earthful of gold if proferred by them as ransom. For them is grievous punishment, and none will help them.
Lalle ne wanɗanda suka kãfirta, kuma suka mutu alhãli kuwa suna kãfirai to bã zã a karɓi cike da ƙasa na zinãri daga ɗayansu ba, kõ dã ya yi fansa da shi, waɗannan sunã da azãba mai raɗaɗi, kuma bã su da wasu mataimaka.
You will never come to piety unless you spend of things you love; and whatever you spend is known to God.
Bã zã ku sãmi kyautatãwa ba, sai kun ciyar daga abin da kuke so. Kuma abin da kuka ciyar, kõ mẽne ne, to, lalle ne Allah, gare shi, Masani ne.
To the children of Israel was lawful all food except what Israel forbade himself before the Torah was revealed. Say: "Bring the Torah and recite it, if what you say is true."
Dukan abinci yã kasance halal ne ga Bani lsrã'ĩla, fãce abinda Isrã'ĩla ya haramta wa kansadaga gabãnin saukar da Attaura. Ka ce: "To, ku zo da Attaura sa'an nan ku karantã ta, idan kun kasance mãsu gaskiya ne.
And anyone who fabricates lies about God even after this, is wicked indeed.
"To, wanda ya ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah daga bãyan wannan, to, waɗannan sũ ne azzãlumai."
Say: "God has veritably spoken the truth. So now follow the way of Abraham the upright, who was not of idolaters."
Ka ce: "Allah Ya yi gaskiya, sabõda haka ku bi aƙĩdar Ibrãhĩma mai karkata zuwa ga gaskiya; kuma bai kasance daga mãsu shirki ba."
The first House of God to be set up for men was at Bakkah the blessed, a guidance for the people of the world.
Kuma lalle ne, ¦aki na farko da aka aza dõmin mutãne, haƙĩƙa, shi ne wanda ke Bakka mai albarka kuma shiriya ga tãlikai.
It contains clear signs, and the spot where Abraham had stood. And anyone who enters it will find security. And whosoever can afford should visit the House on a pilgrimage as duty to God. Whosoever denies, should remember that God is independent of the peoples of the world.
A cikinsa akwai ãyõyi bayyanannu; (ga misãli) matsayin Ibrãhĩma. Kuma wanda ya shige shi yã kasance amintacce. Kuma akwai hajjin ¦ãkin dõmin Allah a kan mutãne, ga wanda ya sãmi ĩkon zuwa gare shi, kuma wanda ya kafirta to lalle Allah Mawadãci ne daga barin tãlikai.
Say: "O people of the Book, why do you reject the word of God when God is a witness to all that you do?"
Ka ce: "Ya kũ Mutãnen Littãfi! Don me kuke kãfirta da ãyõyin Allah, alhãli kuwa Allah Mai shaida ne a kan abin da kuke aikatãwa?"
Then say: "O people of the Book, why do you turn the believers away from the path of God, looking for obliquities in the way when you are witness to it? And God is aware of all that you do."
Ka ce: "Ya ku Mutãnen Littãfi! Don me kuke taushe wanda ya yi ĩmani, daga hanyar Allah, kuma kunã nẽman ta zama karkatacciya, alhãli kuwa kunã mãsu shaida? Kuma Allah bai gushe daga abin da kuke aikatãwa ba yana Masani."
O believers, if you follow what some of the people of the Book say, it will turn you into unbelievers even after you have come to belief.
Ya ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Idan kun yi ɗã'aga wani ɓangare daga waɗanda aka bai wa Littãfi, zã su mayar da ku kãfirai a bãyan ĩmãninku!
And how can you disbelieve? To you are being recited the messages of God, and His prophet is among you. And whosoever holds fast to God shall verily be guided to the path that is straight.
Kuma yãyã kuke kãfircẽwa alhãli kuwa anã karanta ãyõyin Allah a gare ku, kuma a cikinku akwai manzonSa? Kuma wanda ya nẽmi tsari da Allah, to, an shiryar da shi zuwa ga hanya miƙaƙƙiya.
O believers, fear God as He should be feared, and do not die but submitting (to Him).
Ya ku waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni! Ku bi Allah da taƙawa, a kan hakkin binsa da taƙawa, kuma kada ku mutu fãce kuna mãsu sallamawa (Musulmi).
Hold on firmly together to the rope of God, and be not divided among yourselves, and remember the favours God bestowed on you when you were one another's foe and He reconciled your hearts, and you turned into brethren through His grace. You had stood on the edge of a pit of fire and He saved you from it, thus revealing to you His clear signs that you may find the right way perchance.
Kuma ku yi daidami da igiyar Allah gabã ɗaya, kuma kada ku rarraba. Kuma ku tuna ni'imar Allah a kanku a lõkacin da kuka kasance maƙiya sai Ya sanya sõyayya a tsakãnin zukãtanku sabõda haka kuka wãyi gari, da ni'imarSa, 'yan'uwa. Kuma kun kasance a kan gãɓar rãmi na wutã sai Ya tsãmar da ku daga gare ta, Kamar wannan ne Allah Yake bayyana muku ayõyinSa, tsammãninku, zã ku shiryu.
So let there be a body among you who may call to the good, enjoin what is esteemed and forbid what is odious. They are those who will be successful.
Kuma wata jama'a daga cikinku, su kasance suna kira zuwa ga alhẽri, kuma suna umurnida alhẽri, kuma suna hani dagaabin da ake ƙi. Kuma waɗannan, sũ ne mãsu cin nasara.
So be not like those who became disunited and differed among themselves after clear proofs had come to them. For them is great suffering.
Kuma kada ku kasance kamar waɗanda suka rarrabu kuma suka sãɓã wa jũna, bãyan hujjõji bayyanannu sun je musu kuma waɗannan sunã da azãba mai girma.
On the Day when some faces would be bright, and some others will be black (with despair), those with black faces (will be told): "Having come to the faith you denied it; now taste therefore the penalty for you disbelieved."
A rãnar da wasu fuskõki suke yin fari kuma wasu fuskõki suke yin baƙi (zã a ce wa waɗanda fuskokinsu suke yin baƙin): "Shin kun kãfirta a bayan ĩmãninku? Don haka sai ku ɗanɗani azãba sabõda abin da kuka kasance kuna yi na kãfirci."
And those with bright faces shall be under God's grace and enjoy it for ever.
Kuma amma waɗanda fuskõkinsu suka yi fari, to sũ suna cikin rahamar Allah kuma, su a cikinta, madawwama, ne.