And ask: "To whom belongs what is in the heavens and the earth?" Say: "To God." He has prescribed grace for Himself. He will gather you on the Day of Resurrection which is certain to come. Only they who are lost of soul will not come to believe.
Ka ce: "Na wãne ne abin da yake a cikin sammai da ƙasa?" Ka ce: "Na Allah ne." Yã wajabta rahama ga kanSa. Lalle ne Yanã tãra ku zuwa ga Rãnar ¡iyãma, babu shakka a gare Shi. Waɗanda suka yi hasãrar rãyukansu, to, sũ ba zã su yi ĩmani ba."
Whatsoever dwells in the night and day belongs to Him. He is all-hearing and all-knowing.
"Kuma Shĩ ne da mallakar abin da ya yi kawaici a cikin dare da yini, kuma Shi ne Mai ji, Masani."
Say: "Should I find some other protector besides God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who nourishes all and is nourished by none? Say: "I am commanded to be the first to submit to Him, and not be an idolater."
Ka ce: "Shin, wanin Allah nike riƙo majiɓinci, (alhãli Allah ne) Mai ƙãga halittar sammai da ƙasa, kuma Shi, Yanã ciyarwa, kuma ba a ciyar da Shi?" Ka ce: "Lalle ne nĩ, an umurce ni da in kasance farkon wanda ya sallama, kuma kada lalle ku kasance daga mãsu shirki."
Say: "If I disobey my Lord, I fear the punishment of a grievous Day."
Kace: "Lalle ne nĩ inã tsõron azãbar Yini Mai girma, idan nã sãɓã wa Ubangijina."
Whosoever is spared that Day will surely have mercy shown to him, and this will be a clear triumph.
"Wanda aka jũyar da shi daga gare shi, a wannan Rãnar, to, lalle ne, (Allah) Yã yi masa rahama, Kuma wannan ne tsĩra bayyananniya."
If God sends you harm, there is no one but He who can take it away; and if He bring you good, surely He has power over everything.
"Idan Allah Ya shãfe ka da wata cũta, to, babu mai kuranyẽwa gare ta, fãce Shĩ, kuma idanYa shãfe ka da wani alhẽri to shĩ ne, a kan kõme, Mai ĩkon yi."
It is He who prevails over His creatures, and He is all-wise and aware.
"Kuma Shĩ ne mai Tanƙwasa a kan bayinSa, kuma Shi ne Mai hikima, Masani."
Ask: "Of all things what is most vital as evidence?" Say: "God (who) is witness between you and me that this Qur'an has been revealed to me that I may warn you on its strength, and those whom it reaches. Do you really bear witness there are other gods with God?" Tell them: "I bear no such Witness." Say: "Verily He is the only God, and I am clear of what you associate (with Him)."
Ka ce: "Wane abu ne mafi girma ga shaida?" Ka ce: "Allah ne shaida a tsakãnina da tsakaninku. Kuma an yiwo wahayin wannan Alƙur'ãni dõmin in yi muku gargaɗi da shi, da wanda lãbãri ya kai gare shi. Shin lalle ne ku, haƙĩƙa, kunã shaidar cẽwa, lalle ne tãre da Allah akwai wasu abũbuwan bautawa?" Ka ce: "Bã zan yi shaidar (haka) ba." Ka ce: "Abin sani, Shi ne Abin bautãwa Guda kumã lalle ne nĩ barrantacce ne daga abin da kuke yi na shirki."
Those to whom We have given the Book know it distinctly as they know their sons; but those who are lost of soul do not believe.
Waɗanda Muka bã su Littãfi sunã sanin sa kamar yadda suke sanin ɗiyansu. Waɗanda suka yi hasãrar rãyukansu, to, sũ bã su yin ĩmãni.
And who is more wicked than he who invents lies about God or denies His revelations? Surely the wicked will not succeed.
Wãne ne mafi zãlunci daga wanda yake ƙirƙira karya ga Allah, kõ kuwa ya ƙaryata game da ãyõyinsa? Lalle ne shĩ, azzalumai bã zã su ci nasara ba.
The day We shall gather all of them together and say to those who ascribe (partners to God): "Where are the compeers who you claimed (were equal to God)?"
Kuma rãnar da Muka tãra su gabã ɗaya, sa'an nan Mu ce wa waɗanda suka yi shirki: "Inã abõkan tãrayyarku waɗanda kuka kasance kunã riyãwa?"
Then their excuse will be but to say: "By God our Lord, we were not idolaters."
Sa'an nan kuma fitinarsu ba ta kasance ba, fãce dõmin sun ce: "Munã rantsuwa da Allah Ubangijinmu, ba mu kasance mãsu yin shirki ba."
You will see how they will lie against themselves, and all their slanderings will be vain.
Ka dũba yadda suka ƙaryata kansu! Kuma abin da suka kasance sunã ƙirƙira ƙaryarsa, ya ɓace daga gare su.
There are some among them who listen to you; but We have put a covering on their hearts so that they fail to understand it, and a deafness appears in their ears. Even if they saw all the signs they would not believe in them; and even when they come to you to dispute with you, the unbelievers say: "This is nothing but fables of antiquity."
Kuma daga cikinsu akwai wanda yake saurãre gare ka. Kuma Mun sanya abũbuwan rufi a kan zukãtansu dõmin kada su fahimcẽ shi kuma a cikin kunnuwansu (Mun sanya) wani nauyi. Kuma idan sun ga kõwace ãyã bã zã su yi ĩmãni da ita ba har idan sunjẽ maka sunã jãyayya da kai, waɗanda suka kãfirta sunã cẽwa: "Wannan bai zama ba fãce tãtsũniyõyin mutãnen farko."
And they forbid others from (believing in) it, and themselves keep away from it. But they ruin none but themselves, and do not understand.
Kuma sunã hanãwa daga gare shi, kuma sunã nĩsanta daga gare shi, kuma bã su halakarwa, fãce kansu, kuma bã su sansancẽwa.
If you should see them when they are stood before the Fire, they will say: "Ah would that we were sent back (to the world)! We shall not deny the signs of our Lord, and be among those who believe."
Kuma dã kanã gani, a lõkacin da aka tsayar da su a kan wuta, sai suka ce: "Yã kaitõnmu! Dã ana mayar da mu, kuma bã zã mu ƙaryata ba daga ãyõyin Ubangijinmu, kuma zã mu kasance Daga mũminai."
But no. What they were hiding has now become clear to them. If they were sent back they would surely return to what had been forbidden them, for surely they are liars.
Ã'aha, abin da suka kasance suna ɓõyẽwa, daga gabãni, ya bayyana a gare su. Kuma dã an mayar da su, lalle dã sun kõma ga abin da aka hana su daga barinsa. Kuma lalle ne sũ, haƙĩƙa, maƙaryata ne.
They say: "There is no other life but that of this world, and we will not be raised (from the dead)."
Kuma suka ce: "Ba ta zama ba, fãce rayuwarmu ta duniya, kuma ba mu zama waɗanda ake tãyarwa ba."
If you see them when they are put before their Lord, He will say to them: "Is not this the truth?" They will answer: "Indeed, by our Lord." He will say: "Then taste the agony of punishment for what you had denied."
Kuma dã kana gani, a lõkacin da aka tsayar da su ga UbangiJinsu, Ya ce: "Ashe wannan bai zama gaskiya ba?" Suka ce: "Nã'am, muna rantsuwa da Ubangijinmu!" Ya ce: "To ku ɗanɗani azaba sabõda abin da kuka kasance kuna yi na kãfirci."
They are surely lost who call the meeting with God a lie. When the Hour comes upon them unawares, they will say: "Alas, we neglected it!" and carry their burdens on their backs: How evil the burden they will carry!
Lalle ne waɗanda suka ƙaryata game da gamuwa da Allah sun yi hasara, har idan Sa'a ta je musu kwatsam, sai su ce: "Yã nadãmarmu a kan abin da muka yi sakaci a cikinta!" Alhãli kuwa su suna ɗaukar kayansu masu nauyi a kan bayayyakinsu. To, abin da suke ɗauka yã mũnana.
As for the life of this world, it is nothing but a frolic and frivolity. The final abode is the best for those who are pious and fear God. Do you not comprehend?
Kuma rãyuwar dũniya ba ta zama ba, fãce wãsa da shagala, kuma lalle ne, Lãhira ce mafi alhẽri ga waɗanda suka yi taƙawa. Shin, ba za ku yi hankali ba?
We know what they say distresses you. It is not you in fact they accuse of lies, but the wicked deny the revelations of God!
Lalle ne Muna sani cewa haƙĩƙa, abin da suke faɗa yana ɓãta maka rai. To, lalle ne su, bã su ƙaryata ka (a cikin zukatansu) kuma amma azzãlumai da ãyõyin Allah suke musu.
Many an apostle has been accused of lies before you. Yet they bore with fortitude the falsehoods and the hurt until our help arrived. There is no changing the word of God: The news of (past) apostles has come to you already.
Kuma lalle ne, haƙĩƙa, an ƙaryata manzanni daga gabãninka, sai suka yi haƙuri a kan abin da aka ƙaryata su, kuma aka cũtar da su, har taimakonMu ya je musu, kuma babu mai musanyãwa ga kalmõmin Allah. Kuma lalle ne (abin da yake natsar da kai) ya zo maka daga lãbãrin (annabãwan) farko.
If their aversion still weighs upon you, seek out a tunnel (going deep) into the earth, or a ladder reaching out to the skies, and bring them a sign: (Even then they will not believe). If God had willed He would have brought them all to the right path. So be not like the pagans.
Kuma idan yã kasance cewa finjirewarsu tã yi nauyi a gare ka, to, idan kana iyãwa, ka nemi wani ɓullõ a cikin ƙasa, kõ kuwa wani tsãni a cikin sama dõmin ka zo musu da wata ãyã, (sai ka yi). Kuma dã Allah Yã so haƙĩƙa dã Yãtãra su a kan shiriya. Sabõda haka, kada lalle ka kasance daga jãhilai.
Only they will respond who can hear. As for the dead, raised they will be by God, then to Him they will be returned.
Abin sani kawai, waɗanda suke saurare ne suke karɓãwa, kuma matattu Allah Yake tãyar da su, Sa'an nan kuma zuwa gare Shi ake mayar da su.
They say: "How is it no miracle was sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "God certainly has power to send down a miracle; but most men cannot understand."
Kuma suka ce: "Don me ba a saukar da ãyã ba, a kansa, daga Ubangjinsa?" Ka ce: "Lalle ne Allah Mai ĩko ne a kan Yasaukar da ãyã, kuma amma mafi yawansu, ba su sani ba."
There is not a thing that moves on the earth, no bird that flies on its wings, but has a community of its own like yours. There is nothing that We have left out from recording. Then they will all be gathered before their Lord.
Kuma bãbu wata dabba a cikin ƙasa kuma bãbu wani tsuntsu wanda yake tashi da fukafukinsa fãce al'umma ne misãlanku. Ba Mu yi sakacin barin kõme ba a cikin Littãfi, sa'an nan kuma zuwa ga Ubangjinsu ake tãra su.
Those who deny Our revelations are deaf, dumb, and lost in the dark. God sends whosoever He wills astray, and leads whom He will to the straight path.
Kuma waɗanda suka ƙaryata gameda ãyõyinMu, kurãme ne kuma bebãye, acikin duffai. Wanda Allah Ya so Yanã ɓatar da shi, kuma wanda Ya so zai sanya shi a kan hanya madaidaiciya.
Say: "Have you thought if the punishment of God or the Hour (of Doom) came upon you, would you call to any other than God? Answer, if you are men of truth."
Ka ce: "Shĩn, kun gan ku, idan azãbar Allah ta zo muku, kõ Sã'ar Tashin Kiyãma ta zo muku, shin wanin Allah kuke kira, idan dai kun kasance mãsu gaskiya?"
No: You will call to Him alone; and He will, if He please, remove (the distress) for which you had called Him; and forget those you associate as compeers (with Him)
"Ã'a, Shĩ dai kuke kira sai Ya kuranye abin da kuke kira zuwa gare Shi, idan Ya so, kuma kunã mantãwar abin da kuke yin shirkin tãre da shi."
We have indeed sent (apostles) to many a people before you, and inflicted upon them hardships and afflictions so that they might submit.
Kuma lalle Mun aika zuwa ga al'ummai daga gabãninka, sai Muka kãmã su da tsanani da cũta, tsammãninsu zã su ƙanƙan da kai,
Then why did they not submit when Our punishment came upon them? But their hearts were hardened, and Satan made things they were doing look attractive to them.
To, don me, a lõkacin da tsananinMu ya jẽ musu ba su yi tawãlu'i ba? Kuma amma zukatansu sun ƙẽƙashe kuma shaiɗan yã ƙawãta musu abin da suka kasance sunã aikatãwa.
When they had become oblivious of what they were warned, We opened wide the gates of everything to them; yet as they rejoiced at what they were given, We caught them unawares, and they were filled with despair.
Sa'an nan kuma alõkacin da suka manta da abin da aka tunãtar da su da shi, sai Muka bũɗe, a kansu, ƙõfõfin dukkan kõme, har a lõkacin da suka yi farin ciki da abin da aka ba su, Muka kãmã su, kwatsam, sai gã su sun yi tsuru tsuru.
Thus were the wicked people rooted out of existence to the last. All praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.
Sai aka katse ƙarshen mutãnen, waɗanda suka yi zãlunci. Kuma gõdiya tã tabbata ga Allah Ubangijin tãlikai.
Say: "Imagine if God takes away your hearing and sight, and sets a seal on your hearts, what deity other than God will restore them to you?" See how We inflect Our signs: Even then they turn aside.
Ka ce: "Shin, kun gani, idan Allah Ya riƙe jinku, da gannanku, kuma Ya sanya hãtimi a kan zukãtanku, wane abin bauttãwa ne, wanin Allah, zai jẽ muku da shi?" Ka dũba yadda Muke sarrafaãyõyi, Sa'an nan kuma sũ, sunã finjirẽwa.
Say: "Imagine if the punishment of God were to come unawares, or openly, who will perish but the evil-doers?"
Ka ce: "Shin, kun gan ku, idan azãbar Allah ta jẽ muku, kwatsam, kõ kuwa bayyane, shin, anã halakãwa, fãce dai mutãne azzãlumai?"
We do not send apostles but to give good tidings and to warn. Then those who believe or reform will have neither fear nor regret.
Kuma bã Mu aikãwa da manzãnni fãce mãsu bayar da bushãra, kuma mãsu gargaɗi. To, wanda ya yi ĩmãni kuma yagyãra aiki, to, babu tsõro a kansu, kuma ba su yin baƙin ciki.
But those who deny Our messages will be seized by nemesis for being disobedient.
Kuma waɗanda suka ƙaryata game da ãyõyinMu, azãba tanã shãfar su sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã yi na fãsiƙanci.
Tell them: "I do not say that I possess the treasures of God, or have knowledge of the Unknown, or that I am an angel. I only follow what is sent down to me." And say: "How can a blind man and a man who can see, be alike? Will you not reflect?"
Ka ce: "Ba zan ce muku, a wurina akwai taskõkin Allah ba. Kuma ba ni sanin gaibi, kuma ba ni gaya muku cẽwa ni malã'ika ne. Ba ni bi, fãce abin da ake yiwo wahayi zuwa gare ni." Ka ce: "Shin, makãho da mai gani sunã daidaita? Shin fa, ba ku yin tunãni?"
Warn those who fear, through this (Qur'an), that they will be gathered before their Lord, and they will have none to protect or intercede for them apart from Him. They may haply take heed for themselves.
Kuma ka yi gargaɗi da shi ga waɗanda suke jin tsõron a tãra su zuwa ga Ubangijinsu, ba su da wani masõyi baicinSa, kuma babu mai cẽto, tsammãninsu, sunã yin taƙawa.
Do not turn away those who supplicate their Lord morning and evening, seeking His magnificence. You are not accountable for them in the least, nor they for you at all. If you drive them away you will only be unjust.
Kuma kada ka kõri waɗanda suke kiran Ubangijinsu sãfe da maraice, sunã nufin yardarSa, babu wani abu daga hisãbinsu a kanka, kuma babu wani abu daga hisãbinka a kansu, har ka kõre su ka kasance daga azzãlumai.
Thus do We try men through one another so that they may ask: "Are these the ones of all of us who have been favoured by God?" Does God not know who are the grateful?
Kuma kamar wannan ne, Muka fitini sãshensu da sãshe, dõmin su ce: "Shin waɗannan ne Allah Ya yi falala a kansu daga tsakãninmu?" Shin, Allah bai zama Mafi sani ba ga mãsu gõdiya?
When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say to them: "Peace on you." Your Lord has prescribed grace for Himself, so that in case one of you commits evil out of ignorance, then feels repentant and reforms, He may be forgiving and kind.
Kuma idan waɗanda suke yin ĩmãni da ãyõyinMu suka jẽ maka, sai ka ce: "Aminci ya tabbata a gareku; Ubangjinku Ya wajabta rahama ga kanSa, cẽwa lalle ne wanda ya aikata aibi da jãhilci daga cikinku, sa'an nan kuma ya tũba daga bãyansa, kuma ya gyãra, to, lalle Shi, Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai."
Thus distinctly do We explain Our signs that the way of sinners may become distinct.
Kuma kamar wannan ne Muke bayyana ãyõyi, daki-daki, kuma dõmin hanyar mãsu laifi ta bayyana.
Tell them: "I am forbidden to worship those you invoke apart from God." And say: "I will not follow your wishes. If I do, I shall be lost and not be one of those who follow the right path."
Ka ce: "Lalle ne ni, an hana ni in bauta wa waɗanda kuke kira daga baicin Allah." Ka cc: "Ba ni bin son zũciyõyinku, (dõmin in nã yi haka) lalle ne, nã ɓace. A sa'an nan, kuma ban zama daga shiryayyu ba."
Tell them: "A clear proof has come to me from my Lord, and Him you deny. But what you wish to be hastened is not within my power. The judgement is only God's. He unfolds the Truth, and is the best of judges."
Ka ce: "Lalle ne inã kan hujja daga Ubangjina, kuma kun ƙaryata (ni) game da Shi; abin da kuke nẽman gaugãwarsa, bã ya wurina, hukunci kuwa bai zama ba fãce, ga Allah, Yanã bãyar da lãbãrin gaskiya, kuma shĩ ne mafi alhẽrin mãsu rarrabẽwa."
Say: "If what you wish to be hastened were in my power, all matters between you and me would have been settled; God is cognisant of those who are unjust."
Ka ce: "Lalle ne, dã a wurina akwai abin da kuke nẽman gaugãwa da shi, haƙĩƙa dã an hukunta al'amarin, a tsakãnina da tsakãninku, kuma Allah Shĩ ne Mafi sani ga azzũlumai."
He has the keys of the Unknown. No one but He has knowledge; He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkest (recess) of the earth, nor any thing green or seared that is not recorded in the open book (of nature).
Kuma a wurinSa mabũdan gaibi suke, babu wanda yake sanin su fãce Shi, kuma Yanã sanin abin da ke a cikin tudu da ruwa, kuma wani ganye ba ya fãɗuwa, fãce Yã san shi, kuma bãbu wata ƙwãya a cikin duffan ƙasã, kuma babu ɗanye, kuma babu ƙẽƙasasshe, fãce yanã a cikin wani Littãfi mai bayyanãwa.
It is He indeed who sends you to death at night, and knows what you do in the day, then makes you rise with it again in order that the fixed term of life be fulfilled. Then to Him you will be returned when He will tell you what you did.
Kuma Shĩ ne wanda Yake karɓar rãyukanku da dare, kuma Yanã sanin abin da kuka yãga da rãna, sa'an nan Yanã tãyar da ku a cikinsa, dõmin a hukunta ajali ambatacce sa'an nan kuma zuwa gare shi makõmarku take, sa'an nan kuma Ya ba ku lãbari da abin da kuka kasance kunã aikatãwa.
He has power over His creatures, and appoints guardians to watch over them. When death comes to one of you, Our messengers take away his soul, and do not falter.
Kuma Shĩ ne Mai rinjãya bisa ga bãyinSa, kuma Yanã aikan mãsu tsaro a kanku, har idan mutuwa ta jẽ wa ɗayanku, sai manzanninMu su karɓi ransa alhãli su ba su yin sakaci.
Then they are taken to God, their real lord and master. His indeed is the judgement; and He is swift at reckoning.
Sa'an nan kuma a mayar da su zuwa ga Allah Ubangjinsu na gaskiya. To! A gare shi hukunci yake, kuma Shi ne Mafi gaugãwar mãsu bincike.
Ask: "Who is it who comes to your rescue in the darkness of the desert and the sea, and whom you supplicate humbly and unseen: 'If You deliver us from this, we shall indeed he grateful?'
Ka ce: "Wane ne Yake tsĩrar da ku daga duhũhuwan tududa ruwa, kunã kiran Sa bisa ga ƙanƙan da kai Kuma a ɓõye: 'Lalle ne idan Ka tsĩrar da mu daga wannan (masĩfa), haƙĩƙa, muna kasancẽwa daga mãsu gõdiya?'"
Say: "God delivers you from this and every calamity. Even then you ascribe compeers (to Him)!"
Ka ce: "Allah ne Yake tsĩrar da ku daga gare ta, kuma daga dukan baƙin ciki sa'an nan kuma ku, kunã yin shirki!"
Say: "He has power to send you retribution from the skies above, or the earth beneath your feet, or confound you with divisions among you, and give one the taste of the vengeance of the other." See, how distinctly We explain Our signs that they may understand.
Ka ce: "Shĩ ne Mai ĩko a kan Ya aika da wata azãba a kanku daga bisanku, kõ kuwa daga ƙarƙashin ƙafãfunku, kõ kuwa Ya gauraya ku ƙungiyõyi, kuma Ya ɗanɗanã wa sãshenku masĩfar sãshe." "Ka dũba yadda Muke sarrafa ãyõyi, tsammãninsu sunã fahimta!"
This (Book) has been called by your people a falsehood though it is the truth. Say: "I am not a warden over you."
Kuma mutãnenka sun ƙaryata (ka) game da Shi, alhãli kuwa Shi ne gaskiya. Ka ce: "Nĩban zama wakĩli a kanku ba."
A time is fixed for every prophecy; you will come to know in time.
"Akwai matabbata ga dukan lãbãri, kuma zã ku sani."
When you see them argue about Our messages, withdraw from their company until they begin to talk of other things. In case the Devil makes you forget, leave the company of these unjust people the moment you remember this.
Kuma idan kã ga waɗanda suke kũtsawa a cikin ãyõyinMu, to, ka bijire daga gare su, sai sun kũtsa a cikin wani lãbãri waninsa. Kuma imma dai shaiɗan lalle ya mantar da kai, to, kada ka zauna a bayan tunãwa tãre da mutãne azzãlumai.
As for the heedful and devout, they are not accountable for them, but should give advice: They may haply come to fear God.
Kuma babu wani abu daga hisãbinsu (mãsu kutsãwa a cikin ayõyin Allah (a kan mãsu taƙawa amma akwai tunãtarwa (a kansu), tsãmmãninsu (mãsu kutsawar) zã su yi taƙawa.
Leave those alone who have made a sport and frolic of their faith, and have been seduced by the life of this world. Remind them hereby lest a man is doomed for what he has done. He will have none to help him, or intercede for him, other than God; and even if he offer all the ransoms they will not be accepted from him. They are those who will be destroyed by their own acts. There will be scalding water to drink for them and painful punishment, for they had disbelieved.
Kuma ka bar waɗanda suka riƙi addĩninsu abin wãsa da wargi alhãli rãyuwar dũniya tã rũɗe su, kuma ka tunãtar game da shi (Alƙur'ãni): Kada a jẽfa raia cikin halaka sabõda abin da ya tsirfanta; ba shi da wani majiɓinci baicin Allah, kuma babu wani mai cẽto; kuma, kõ ya daidaita dukan fansa, ba zã a karɓa ba daga gare shi. Waɗancan ne aka yanke wa tsammãni sabõda abin da suka tsirfanta; sunã da wani abin shã daga ruwan zãfi, da wata azãba mai raɗaɗi, sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã yi na kãfirci.
Say: 'Should we call in place of God one who can neither help nor do us harm, and turn back after having been guided by God, like a man beguiled by the devils who wanders perplexed in the wilderness while his friends call him back to the right path, saying: 'Come to us, this way?' Say: "God's guidance is (true) guidance, and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of all the worlds.
Ka ce: "Shin, zã mu yi kiran abin da bã ya amfãninmu, baicin Allah, kuma bã ya cũtar damu, kuma a mayar da mu a kan dugãduganmu, a bayan Allah Yã shiryar da mu kamar wanda shaiɗãnu suka kãyar da shi a cikin ƙasa, yanã mai ɗĩmuwa, yanã da abõkaisunã kiran sa zuwa ga shiriya, 'Ka zo mana'" Kace: "Lalle ne, shiriyar Allah ita ce shiriya. Kuma an umurce mu, mu sallama wa Ubangijin tãlikai."
Observe (your) devotional obligations and fear (God), for it is He before whom you will be gathered (in the end)."
"Kuma (an ce mana): Ku tsai da salla kuma ku bĩ shi (Allah) da taƙawa kuma Shi ne wanda Yake zuwa gare Shi ake tãra ku."
It is He who created the heavens and the earth with a definite purpose. The day He will say "Be, " it will be. His word is the truth, His alone the power on the Day when the blast of the trumpet will be sounded. He knows the hidden and the visible. He is all-prudent and all-knowing.
Kuma Shĩ ne wanda Ya halitta sammai da ƙasa da mulkinSa, kuma a Rãnar da Yake cẽwa: "Ka kasance," sai abu ya yi ta kasancẽwa. MaganarSa ce gaskiya, kuma gare Shi mulki yake a Rãnar da ake bũsa a cikin ƙaho. Masanin fake da bayyane ne, Kuma Shi ne Mai hikima Masani.
Remember when Abraham said to Azar, his father: "Why do you take idols for God? I certainly find you and your people in error."
Kuma a lõkacin da Ibrãhĩma ya ce wa ubansa Ãzara: "Shin, kanã riƙon gumãka abũbuwan bautãwa? Lalle nĩ, inã ganin ka kai damutã- nenka, a cikin ɓata bayyananniya."
Thus We showed to Abraham the visible and invisible world of the heavens and the earth, that he could be among those who believe.
Kuma kamar wancan ne, Muke nũna wa Ibrãhĩma mulkin sammai da ƙasa, kuma dõmin ya kasance daga mãsu yaƙĩni.
When the night came with her covering of darkness he saw a star, and (Azar, his father) said: "This is my Lord." But when the star set, (Abraham) said: "I love not those that wane."
To, a lõkacin da dare ya rufe a kansa, ya ga wani taurãro, ya ce: "Wannan ne, ubangijina?" Sa'an nan a lõkacin da ya faɗi, ya ce: "Ba ni son mãsu fãɗuwa."
When (Azar) saw the moon rise all aglow, he said: "This is my Lord." But even as the moon set, (Abraham) said: "If my Lord had not shown me the way I would surely have gone astray."
Sa'an nan a lõkacin da ya ga watã yanã mai bayyana, ya ce: "Wannan ne Ubangijina?" Sa'an nan a lõkacin da ya fãɗi, ya ce: "Lalle ne idan Ubangijina bai shiryar da ni ba, haƙĩƙa, inã kasancẽwa daga mutãne ɓatattu."
When (Azar) saw the sun rise all resplendent, he said: "My Lord is surely this, and the greatest of them all." But the sun also set, and (Abraham) said: "O my people, I am through with those you associate (with God).
Sa'an nan a lõkacin da ya ga rãnã tanã bayyana, ya ce: "Wannan shĩ ne Ubangijina, wannan ne mafi girma?" Sa'an nan a lõkacin da ta fãɗi, ya ce: "Ya mutãnena! Lalle ne ni barrantacce nake daga abin da kuke yi na shirki."
I have truly turned my face towards Him who created the heavens and the earth: I have chosen one way and am not an idolater."
"Lalle ne nĩ, na fuskantar da fuskata ga wanda, Ya ƙãga halittar sammai da ƙasa, inã mai karkata zuwa ga gaskiya, kuma bã ni cikin mãsu shirki."
His people argued, and he said: "Do you argue with me about God? He has guided me already, and I fear not what you associate with Him, unless my Lord wills, for held within the knowledge of my Lord is everything. Will you not reflect?
Kuma mutãnensa suka yi musu da shi. Ya ce: "Shin kunã musu da ni a cikin sha'anin Allah, alhãli kuwa Yã shiryai da ni? Kuma bã ni tsõron abin da kuke yin shirki da shi, fãce idan Ubangijina Yã so wani abu. Ubangijina Ya yalwaci dukkan kõme da ilmi. Shin, ba zã ku yi tunãni ba?"
And why should I fear those you associate with Him when you fear not associating others with God for which He has sent down no sanction? Tell me, whose way is the way of peace, if you have the knowledge?
"Kuma yãyã nake jin tsõron abin da kuka yi shirki da shi, kuma ba ku tsõron cẽwa lalle ne kũ, kun yi shirki da Allah, abin da (Allah) bai saukar da wata hujja ba game da shi? To, wane ɓangare daga sãshen biyu ne mafi cancanta da aminci, idan kun kasance kunã sani?"
They alone have peace who believe and do not intermix belief with denial, and are guided on the right path."
"Waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, kuma ba su gauraya ĩmãninsu da zãlunci ba, waɗannan sunã da aminci, kuma sũ ne shiryayyu."
This is the argument We gave to Abraham against his people. We exalt whosoever We please in rank by degrees. Your Lord is wise and all-knowing.
Kuma waccan ita ce hujjarMu, Mun bayãr da ita ga Ibrãhĩma a kan mutãnensa. Munã ɗaukaka wanda Muka so da darajõji. Lalle ne Ubangijinka Mai hikima ne, Masani.
And We gave him Isaac and Jacob and guided them, as We had guided Noah before them, and of his descendants, David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. Thus We reward those who are upright and do good.
Kuma Muka bã shi Is'hãƙa da Yãƙubu, dukansu Mun shiryar, kuma Nũhu Mun shiryar da shi a gabãni, kuma daga zuriyarsa akwai Dãwũda da Sulaimãnu da Ayyũba, da Yũsufu da Mũsã da Hãrũna, kuma kamar wancan ne Muke sãka wa mãsu kyautatãwa.
Zachariah and John We guided, and guided Jesus and Elias who were all among the upright.
Da Zakariyya da Yahaya da Isa da Ilyasu dukansu daga sãlihai suke.
We gave guidance to Ishmael, Elisha and Jonah and Lot; And We favoured them over the other people of the world,
Da Ismã'la da Ilyasa, a da Yũnusa da Luɗu, kuma dukansu Mun fĩfĩtã su a kan tãlikai.
As We did some of their fathers and progeny and brethren, and chose them, and showed them the right path.
Kuma daga ubanninsu, da zũriyarsu, da 'yan'uwansu, kuma Muka zãɓe su, kuma Muka shiryar da su zuwa ga hanya madaidaiciya.
This is God's guidance: He gives among His creatures whom He will. If they had associated others with Him, surely vain would have been all they did.
Wancan ne shiryarwar Allah, Yanã shiryar da wanda Yake so daga bayinSa. Kuma dã sun yi shirki dã haƙĩƙa abin da suka kasance sunã, aikatãwa yã lãlãce.
Those were the people to whom We gave the Book and the Law and the Prophethood. But if they reject these things We shall entrust them to a people who will not deny.
Waɗancan ne waɗanda Muka bai wa Littãfi da hukunci da Annabci. To idan waɗannan (mutãne) sun kãfirta da ita, to, haƙĩƙa, Mun wakkala wasu mutãne gare ta, ba su zama game da ita kãfirai ba.
Those were the people who were guided by God; so follow their way. Say: "I ask no recompense of you for this. It is but a reminder for all the people of the world."
Waɗancan ne Allah Ya shiryar, sabõda haka ka yi kõyi da shiryarsu. Ka ce: "Ba ni tambayar ku wata ijãra. Shĩ (Alƙur'ãni) bai zama ba fãce tunãtarwa ga tãlikai."
But they failed to make a just estimation of God when they said: "He did not reveal to any man any thing." Ask them: "Who then revealed the Book that Moses brought, -- a guidance and light for men, -- which you treat as sheafs of paper, which you display, yet conceal a great deal, though through it you were taught things you did not know before, nor even your fathers knew?" Say: "God," and leave them to the sport of engaging in vain discourse.
Kuma ba su ƙaddara Allah a kan hakkin ƙaddara shi ba, a lõkacin da suka ce: "Allah bai saukar da kõme ba ga wani mutum." Ka ce: "Wãne ne ya saukar da Littãfi wanda Mũsã ya zo da shi, yanã haske da shiriya ga mutãne, kunã sanya shi takardu, kũna bayyana su, kuma kunã ɓõye mai yawa, kuma an sanar da ku abin da ba ku sani ba, ku da ubanninku?" Ka ce: "Allah," sa'an nan ka bar su a cikin sharhõliyarsu sunã wãsã.
And this (Qur'an) is another Book that We have revealed, blessed, affirming the earlier (revelations), so that you may warn the people of (Makkah) the town of towns, and those who live around it. Those who believe in the life to come shall believe in it and be watchful of their moral obligations.
Kuma wannan Littãfi ne, Mun saukar da shi, mai albarka ne, mai gaskata wanda yake a gabansa ne, kuma dõmin ka yi gargaɗi ga Uwar Alƙaryu (Makka) da wanda yake gefenta. Kuma waɗanda suke yin ĩmãni da Lãhira sunã ĩmãni da shi (Alƙur'ãni), kuma sũ, a kan sallarsu, sunã tsarẽwa.
Who is more vile than he who slanders God of falsehood, or says: "Revelation came to me," when no such revelation came to him; or one who claims: "I can reveal the like of what has been sent down by God?" If you could see the evil creatures in the agony of death with the angels thrusting forward their hands (saying): "Yield up your souls: This day you will suffer ignominious punishment for uttering lies about God and rejecting His signs with arrogance."
Kuma wãne ne mafi zãlunci daga wanda ya ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah, kõ kuwa ya ce: "An yi wahayi zuwa gare ni," alhãli kuwa ba a yi wahayin kõme ba zuwa gare shi, da wanda ya ce: "zan saukar da misãlin abin da Allah Ya saukar?" Kuma dã kã gani, a lõkacin da azzãlumai suke cikin mãyen mutuwa, kuma malã'iku sunã mãsu shimfiɗa hannuwansu, (sunã ce musu) "Ku fitar da kanku; a yau anã sãka muku da azãbar wulãƙanci sabõda abin da kuka kasance kunã faɗa, wanin gaskiya, ga Allah kuma kun kasance daga ãyõyinSa kunã yin girman kai."
"You have come before Us all alone," (God will say), "as when you were created first, leaving behind all that We had bestowed on you. We do not see your intercessors with you who, you imagined, had partnership with you. Shattered lie your ties with them now, and gone are the claims you made."
Kuma lalle ne haƙĩƙa, kun zo Mana ɗai ɗai, kamar yadda Muka halittã ku a farkon lõkaci. Kuma kun bar abin da Muka mallaka muku a bayan bayayyakinku, kuma ba Mu gani a tãre da kũ ba, macẽtanku waɗanda kuka riya cẽwa lalle ne sũ, a cikinku mãsu tãrayya ne. Lalle ne, hãƙĩƙa, kõme yã yanyanke a tsakãninku, kuma abin da kuka kasance kunã riyãwa ya ɓace daga gare ku.
Indeed it is God who splits up the seed and the kernel, and brings forth the living from the dead, the dead from the living. This is God: So whither do you stray?
Lalle ne, Allah ne Mai tsãgewar ƙwãyar hatsi da kwalfar gurtsu. Yanã fitar da mai rai daga mamaci, kuma (Shi) Mai fitar da mamaci ne daga mai rai, wannan ne Allah. To, yãya ake karkatar da ku?
He ushers in the dawn, and made the night for rest, the sun and moon a computation. Such is the measure appointed by Him, the omnipotent and all-wise.
Mai tsãgẽwar sãfiya, kuma Ya sanya dare mai natsuwa, kuma da rãna da watã a bisa lissãfi. vwannan ne ƙaddarãwar Mabuwãyi Masani.
It is He who made the stars by which you reckon your way through the darkness of the desert and the sea. Distinct have We made Our signs for those who recognise.
Kuma Shi ne Ya sanya muku taurãri dõmin ku shiryu da su a cikin duffan tudu da ruwa. Lalle ne Mun bayyana ãyõyi daki-daki, ga mutãne waɗanda suke sani.
It is He who produced you from a single cell, and appointed a place of sojourning, (the womb of the mother), and a place of depositing, (the grave). How clear have We made Our signs for those who understand.
Kuma Shi ne Ya ƙãga halittarku daga rai guda, sa'an nan da mai tabbata da wanda ake ajẽwa. Lalle ne Mun bayyanã ãyõyi daki-daki, ga mutãne waɗanda suke fahimta.
It is He who sends down water from the skies, and brings out of it everything that grows, the green foliage, the grain lying close, the date palm trees with clusters of dates, and the gardens of grapes, and of olives and pomegranates, so similar yet so unlike. Look at the fruits, how they appear on the trees, and they ripen. In all these are signs for those who believe.
Kuma Shi ne Ya saukar da ruwa daga sama, Muka fitar da tsiron dukkan kõme game dã shi, sa'an nan Muka fitar da kõre daga gare shi, Muna fitar da kwãya ɗamfararriya daga gare shi (kõren), kuma daga dabĩno daga hirtsinta akwai dumbuje-dumbuje makusanta, kuma (Muka fitar) da gõnaki na inabõbi da zãitũni da rummãni, mãsu kamã da jũna da wasun mãsu kama da jũna. Ku dũba zuwa 'ya'yan itãcensa, idan ya yi 'ya'yan, da nunarsa. Lalle ne a cikin wannan akwai ãyõyi ga waɗanda suke yin ĩmãni.
Yet they ascribe to jinns a partnership with God, although He created them; and they ascribe to Him sons and daughters, without possessing any knowledge. All praise be to Him. He is much too exalted for things they associate (with Him).
Kuma suka sanya wa Allah abõkan tãrayya, aljannu, alhãli kuwa (Shi) Ya halitta su. Kuma sun ƙirƙira masa ɗiya da 'yã'ya, bã da ilmi ba. TsarkinSa yã tabbata! Kuma Ya ɗaukaka daga abin da suke sifantãwa.
Creator of the heavens and the earth from nothingness, how could He have a son when He has no mate? He created all things, and has knowledge of all things.
Mafarin halittar sammai da ƙasa. Yãya ɗã zai zama a gare Shi alhãli kuwa mãta ba ta kasance ba, a gare Shi, kuma Ya halitta dukkan, kõme, kuma Shĩ, game da dukan kõme, Masani ne?
This is God, your Lord; there is no god but He, the creator of all things. So pay homage to Him, for He takes care of everything.
Wancan ne Allah Ubangijinku. Bãbu wani abin bautãwa fãce Shĩ, Mahaliccin dukan kõme. Sabõda haka ku bauta Masa kuma Shi ne wakĩli a kan dukan, kõme.
No eyes can penetrate Him, but He penetrates all eyes, and He knows all the mysteries, for He is all-knowing.
Gannai bã su iya riskuwarSa, kuma Shĩ Yanã riskuwar gannai, kuma Shĩ ne Mai tausasãwa, Masani.
To you have come signs from your Lord, (and the light of understanding). So any one who sees (and understands) does so for himself, and any one who turns blind shall suffer the consequences alone. (Say:) "I am not a guardian over you (to make you understand)."
Lalle ne abũbuwan lũra sun je muku daga Ubangijinku, to, wanda ya kula, to, dõmin kansa, kuma wanda ya makanta, to, laifi yanã a kansa, kuma nĩ, a kanku, bã mai tsaro ba ne.
Thus in varied ways We explain Our signs so that they may say: "You have been instructed," and that We might make it clear to those who understand.
Kamar wannan ne Muke sarrafa ãyõyi, kuma dõmin su ce: "Kã karanta!" Kuma dõmin Mu bayyana shi ga mutãne waɗanda sunã sani.
So follow what is sent down to you by your Lord, for homage is due to no one but God, and turn away from idolaters.
Ka bi abin da aka yi wahayi zuwa gare ka daga Ubangijinka; babu wani abin bautãwa fãce Shi, kuma ka bijire daga mãsu shirki.
Had He willed they would not have been idolaters. We have not appointed you their guardian, nor are you their pleader.
Kuma dã Allah Yã so, dã ba su yi shirki ba, kuma ba Mu, sanya ka mai tsaro a kansu ba, kuma ba kai ne wakĩli a kansu ba.
Do not revile those who invoke others apart from God, lest they begin to revile God out of malice and ignorance. We have made attractive their deeds to every people. They have to go back to their Lord, when He will tell them what they used to do.
Kuma kada ku zãgi waɗanda suke kira, baicin Allah, har su zãgi Allah bisa zãlunci, ba, da ilmi ba. Kamar wannan ne Muka ƙawãta ga kõwace al'umma aikinsu, sa'an nan zuwa ga Ubangijinsu makõmarsu take, sa'an nan Ya ba su lãbari da abin da suka kasance sunã aikatãwa.
They solemnly swear by God: "If a sign comes to us we shall certainly believe in it." Tell them: "The signs are with God." Yet for all you know they will not believe if the signs came to them.
Kuma suka yi rantsuwa da Allah iyakar rantsuwõyinsu (cẽwa) lalle ne idan wata ãyã ta jẽmusu, haƙĩƙa, sunã yin ĩmãni da ita. Ka ce: "Abin sani kawai, ãyõyi a wurin Allah suke. Kuma mẽne nezai sanya ku ku sansance cẽwa, lalle ne su, idan ãyõyin sun je, ba zã su yi ĩmãni ba?"
We shall turn their hearts and their eyes, for they did not believe them at the very first, and leave them to wander perplexed in bewilderment.
Kuma Munã jujjũya zukãtansu da ganansu, kamar yadda ba su yi ĩmãni da shi ba a farkon lõkaci kuma Munã barin su a cikin kũtsãwarsu, sunã ɗĩmuwa.
Even if We send down the angels to them, and the dead should speak to them, and We gather all things before their eyes, they will not believe, unless God should will, for most of them are ignorant.
Kuma dã a ce, lalle Mũ Mun saukar da Malã'iku zuwa gare su, kuma matattu suka yi musu magana, kuma Muka tãra dukkan kõme a kansu, gungu-gungu, ba su kasance sunã iya yin ĩmãni ba, sai fa idan Allah Yã so, Kuma amma mafi yawansu sunã jãhiltar haka.