That is how We have made for each apostle opponents, the satans among men and jinns, who inspire one another with deceitful talk. But if your Lord had willed they would not have done so. Pay no attention to them and to what they fabricate.
Kuma kamar wancan ne Muka sanya wa kõwane Annabi maƙiyi; shaiɗãnun mutãne da aljannu, sãshensu yanã yin ishãra zuwa sãshe da ƙawãtaccen zance bisa ga rũɗi. Kuma dã Ubangijinka Yã so, dã ba su aikatã shi ba, don haka ka bar su da abin da, suke ƙirƙirãwa.
Let those who do not believe in the life to come, listen to it and be pleased with it, and let them gain what they may gain.
Kuma dõmin zukãtan waɗanda ba su yi ĩmãni da Lãhira ba su karkata saurãrẽ zuwa gareshi, kuma dõmin su yarda da shi, kuma dõmin su kamfaci abin da suke mãsu kamfata.
(Say): "Then should I seek (the source of) law elsewhere than God, when it is He who has revealed this Book to you, which distinctly explains (everything)?" Those to whom We have given the Book know it has been sent by your Lord in truth. So be not a sceptic.
Shin fa, wanin Allah nake nẽma ya zama mai hukunci, alhãli kuwa Shĩ ne wanda Ya saukar muku da Littãfi abin rabẽwadaki-daki? Kuma waɗanda Muka bai wa Littãfi sunã sanin cẽwa lalleshi (Alƙur'ãni) abin saukarwa ne daga Ubangijinka, da gaskiya? Sabõda haka kada ku kasance daga mãsu shakka.
Perfected are the laws of your Lord in truth and justice, and there is no changing His laws. He is all-hearing and all-knowing.
Kuma kalmar Ubangijinka tã cika, tanã gaskiya da ãdalci. Babu mai musanyãwa ga kalmõminSa, kuma Shi ne Maiji, Masani.
If you follow the majority of people on the earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God, for they follow only conjecture and surmise.
Kuma idan ka bi mafiya yawan waɗanda suke a cikin ƙasa da ɗã'a sunã ɓatar da kai daga hanyar Allah. Ba su bin kõme sai fãce ƙaddari-faɗi suke yi.
Your Lord surely knows those who have strayed from his path, and knows those who are rightly guided.
Lalle ne Ubangijinka Shĩ ne Mafi sani ga wanda yake ɓacẽwa daga hanyarsa kuma Shi ne mafi sani ga masu shiryuwa.
Eat only that over which the name of God has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His commands.
Sabõda haka ku ci daga abin da aka ambaci sũnan Allah kansa, idan kun kasance mãsu ĩmãni da ãyõyinSa.
And why should you not eat of that over which the name of God has been pronounced, when He has made it distinctly clear what is forbidden, unless you are constrained to do so. Surely many (men) mislead others into following their vain desires through lack of knowledge. Your Lord certainly knows the transgressors.
Kuma mẽne ne ya sãme ku, bã zã ku ci ba daga abin da aka ambaci sũnan Allah a kansa, alhãli kuwa, haƙĩƙa, Ya rarrabe, muku daki-daki, abin da Ya haramta a kanku, fãce fa abin da aka bukãtar da ku bisa lalũra zuwa gare shi? Kuma lalle ne mãsu yawa sunã ɓatarwa, da son zũciyõyinsu, ba da wani ilmi ba. Lalle ne Ubangijinka Shĩ ne Mafi sani ga mãsu ta'addi.
Discard both the visible and invisible sin. For those who sin will be punished for what they have done.
Kuma ku bar bayyanannen zunubi da ɓõyayyensa. Lalle ne waɗanda suke tsiwurwurin zunubi za a sãka musu da abin da suka kasance sunã kamfata.
Do not eat of that over which God's name has not been pronounced, for that would amount to exceeding the limits of law. Certainly the devils inspire their proteges to dispute with you: If you obey them, you will surely become an idolater.
Kada ku ci daga abin da ba a ambaci sũnan Allah ba a kansa. Kuma lalle ne shĩ fãsiƙanci ne. Kuma lalle ne, shaiɗãnu, haƙĩƙa, suna yin ishãra zuwa ga masõyansu, dõmin su yi jãyayya da ku. Kuma idan kuka yi musu ɗã'a, lalle ne kũ, haƙĩƙa, mãsu shirki ne.
Can he who was lifeless, to whom We gave life, and gave him a light in whose glow he walks among men, be like him who is used to darkness from which he can never emerge? Thus have been their doings made attractive to unbelievers.
Shin, kuma wanda ya kasance matacce sa'an nan Muka rãyar da shi, kuma Muka sanya wani haske dõminsa, yanã tafiya da shi, yanã zama kamar wanda misãlinsa yanã cikin duffai, shĩ kuma ba mai fita ba daga gare su? Kamar wancan ne aka ƙawãta wa kãfirai abin da suka kasance sunã aikatãwa.
And thus have We placed in every city the greatest of the sinners to contrive and deceive; yet they contrive against no one but themselves even though they do not know.
Kuma kamar wancan ne Mun sanya a cikin kõwace alƙarya, shugabanni sũ ne mãsu laifinta dõmin su yi mãkirci a cikinta, alhãli kuwa ba su yin makirci fãce ga rayukansu, kuma ba su sansancẽwa.
Every time a sign comes to them they say: "We shall never believe till what God's apostles had been given comes to us." God knows best where to direct His messages. A degradation will befall the sinners and chastisement from God for deceiving.
Kuma idan wata ãyã ta je musu sai su ce: "Ba zã mu yi ĩmãni ba, sai an kãwo mana kamar abin da aka kãwo wa manzannin Allah." Allah Mafi sanin inda Yake sanya manzancinSa. Wani wulaƙanci a wurin Allah da wata azãba mai tsanani zã su sãmi waɗanda suka yi laifi, sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã yi na mãkirci.
Thus God guides whomsoever He please by opening wide his breast to surrender; and Straitens the breasts of those He allows to go astray, (who feel suffocated) as if they were ascending the skies. Thus will God punish those who do not believe.
Dõmin haka wanda Allah Ya yi nufin ya shiryar da shi sai ya bũɗa ƙirjinsa dõmĩn Musulunci, kuma wanda Ya yi nufin Ya ɓatar da shi, sai Ya sanya ƙirjinsa mai ƙunci matsattse, kamar dai yanã tãkãwa ne a ckin sama. Kamar wannan ne Allah Yake sanyãwar ƙazanta a kan waɗanda bã su yin ĩmãni.
This is the straight path of your Lord. Distinct have We made Our signs for those who reflect.
Wannan ita ce hanya ta Ubangijinka madaidaiciya. Lalle ne Mun bayyana ãyõyi daki-daki ga mutãne mãsu karɓar tunãtarwa.
For them is an abode of peace with their Lord. He will be their defender as reward for what they did.
Sunã da gidan aminci a wurin Ubangjinsu, kuma Shĩ ne Majiɓincinsu, sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã aikatãwa.
On the day He will gather them together, (He will say:) "O you assembly of jinns, you made great use of men." But their proteges among men will say: "O our Lord, we lived a life of mutual gain, but have now reached the term You ordained for us." "Your abode is Hell," He will say, "where you will dwell for ever, unless God please otherwise." Verily your Lord is wise and all-knowing.
Kuma rãnar da yake tãra su gaba ɗaya (Yanã cẽwa): "Yã jama'ar aljannu! Lalle ne kun yawaita kanku daga mutãne." Kuma majiɓantansu daga mutãne suka ce: "Yã Ubangjinmu! Sãshenmu ya ji dãɗi da sãshe, kuma mun kai ga ajalinmu wanda Ka yanka mana!" (Allah) Ya ce: "Wuta ce mazaunarku, kunã madawwama acikinta, sai abin da Allah Ya so. Lalle ne Ubangijinka Mai hikima ne, Masani."
Thus do We place some sinners over others as requital for their deeds.
Kuma kamar wancan ne Muke jiɓintar da sãshen azzãlumai ga sãshe, sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã tãrãwa.
O you assembly of jinns and men, did not apostles come to you from among you, communicating My signs to you, bringing warnings of this your day (of Doom)?" They will answer: "We bear witness to our sins." They were surely deluded by the life of the world, and bore witness against themselves because they were unbelievers.
Yã jama'ar aljannu da mutãne! Shin, manzanni daga gare ku ba su jẽ muku ba sunã lãbarta ãyõyiNa a kanku, kuma sunã yi muku gargaɗin haɗuwa da wannan yini nãku? Suka ce: "Mun yi shaida a kan kãwunanmu." Kuma rãyuwar dũniya tã rũɗẽ su. Kuma suka yi shaida a kan kãwunansu cẽwa lalle ne sũ, sun kasance kãfirai.
And this (so that it may be clear) that your Lord does not destroy towns and cities arbitrarily while the citizens remain unaware.
Wanan kuwa sabõda Ubangijinka bai kasance Mai halaka alƙaryõyi sabõda wani zãlunci ba ne, alhãli kuwa mutãnensu sunã jãhilai.
Every one has his place according to his deeds, for your Lord is not negligent of what you do.
Kuma ga kõwanne, akwai darajõji daga abin da suka aikata. Kuma Ubangijinka bai zama mai shagala ba daga abin da suke aikatãwa.
Your Lord is all-sufficient and full of benevolence. He can take you away if He please, and make whom He will succeed you, as He had raised you from the progeny of others.
Kuma Ubangijinika Wadãtacce ne Ma'abũcin rahama. Idan Yã so zai tafi da ku, kuma Ya musanya daga bãyanku, abin da Yake so, kamar yadda Ya ƙãga halittarku daga zũriyar wasu mutãne na dabam.
The promise that was made to you is bound to be fulfilled. It is not in your power to defeat it.
Lalle ne abin da ake yi muku wa'adi lalle mai zuwa ne kuma ba ku zama mãsu buwãya ba,
Tell them: "O my people, go on acting on your part, I am acting on mine. You will soon know whose is the guerdon of life to come." The wicked will not succeed.
Ka ce: "Yã ku mutãnena! Ku yi aiki a kan halinku, lalle ne nĩ mai aiki ne, sa'an nan da sannu zã ku san wanda ãƙibar gida zã ta kasance a gare shi. Lalle ne shi, azzãlumai bã zã su ci nasarã ba."
They allocate a share from God's own created fields and cattle to God, and they say: "This is God's" -- or so they think -- "and that, of the compeers of God," so that what belongs to the compeers does not reach God, but that which is God's may reach the compeers (set up by them). How bad is the judgement that they make!
Kuma sun sanya wani rabõ ga Allah daga abin da Ya halitta daga shũka da dabbõbi, sai suka ce: "Wannan na Allah ne," da riyãwarsu "Kuma wannan na abũbuwan shirkinmu ne." Sa'an nan
In the same way have their companions shown many unbelievers the killing of their children as desirable in order to ruin them and falsify their faith. If God had so willed they would never have done so. Leave them to their falsehoods.
Kuma kamar wancan ne abũbuwan shirkinsu suka ƙãwata wa mãsu yawa, daga mãsu shirkin; kashewar 'ya'yansu, dõmin su halaka su kuma dõmin su rikitar da addininsu a gare su, Kuma dã Allah Yã so dã ba su aikatã shi ba. Sabõda haka ka bar su da abin da suke ƙirƙirãwa.
They also say: "These cattle and these crops are consecrated. None may eat of them other than those we permit," -- so they assert. "And the use of these cattle is forbidden for carrying burden." They do not pronounce the name of God on certain animals, inventing lies against Him. He will punish them for what they fabricate.
Kuma sukace: "Waɗannan dabbõbi da shũka hanannu ne; bãbu mai ɗanɗanar su fãce wanda muke so," ga riyãwarsu. Da wasu dabbõbi an hana bãyayyakinsu, da wasu dabbõbi bã su ambatar sũnan Allah a kansu, bisa ƙirƙiren ƙarya gare Shi. Zai sãka musu da abin da suka kasance sunã ƙirƙirãwa.
And they say: "Whatever is in the wombs of these cattle is only meant for men and forbidden our women; but in case it should be still-born both could eat it." God will punish them for what they assert. He is all-wise and all-knowing.
Kuma suka ce: "Abin da yake a cikin cikkunan waɗannan dabbõbi kẽɓantacce ne ga mazanmu, kuma hananne ne a kan mãtan aurenmu. Kuma idan ya kasance mũshe, to, a cikinsa sũ abõkan tãrayya ne, zai sãka musu sifantãwarsu. Lalle ne Shĩ, Mai hikima ne, Masani."
They will surely perish who kill their offspring in ignorance foolhardily, and forbid the food that God has given them by fabricating lies against God. Misguided are they surely, and will never come to guidance.
Lalle ne waɗanda suka kashe ɗiyansu sabõda wauta, ba da ilmi ba, sun yi hasãra! Kuma suka haramta abin da Allah Ya azurta su, bisa ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah. Lalle ne sun ɓace, kuma ba su kasance mãsu shiryuwa ba.
It is He who grew the gardens, trellised and bowered, and palm trees and land sown with corn and many other seeds, and olives and pomegranates, alike and yet unlike. So eat of their fruit when they are in fruit, and give on the day of harvesting His due, and do not be extravagant, for God does not love those who are prodigal.
Kuma Shĩ ne Wanda Ya ƙãga halittar gõnaki mãsu rumfuna da wasun mãsu rumfuna da dabĩnai da shũka, mai sãɓãwa ga 'yã'yansa na ci, da zaituni da rummãni mai kama da jũna da wanin mai kama da jũna. Ku ci daga 'ya'yan itãcensa, idan ya yi 'yã'yan, kuma ku bãyar da hakkinSa a rãnar girbinsa, kuma kada ku yi ɓarna. Lalle ne Shĩ, ba Ya son mafarauta.
He has created beasts of burden and cattle for slaughter. So eat of what God has given you for food, and do not walk in the footsteps of Satan who is surely your declared enemy.
Kuma daga dabbõbi (Ya ƙãga halittar) mai ɗaukar kãya da ƙanãna; Ku ci daga abin da Allah Ya azurta ku, kuma kada ku bi zambiyõyin shaiɗan: LalLe ne shi, a gare ku, maƙiyi ne bayyananne.
There are eight pairs, two of the species of sheep and two of goats. Ask them which has He forbidden, the two males or the two females, or what the females carry in their wombs? Produce the sanction if you are truthful.
Nau'õ'i takwas daga tumãkai biyu, kuma daga awãkai biyu; ka ce: Shin mazan biyu ne Ya haramta ko mãtan biyu, ko abin da mahaifar mãtan biyu suka tattara a kansa? Ku bã ni lãbãri da ilmi, idan kun kasance mãsu gaskiya.
And there are two of camels and two of oxen. Ask them: "Which has He forbidden, the two males or the two females, or what the females carry in their wombs?" Were you present at the time God issued this command?" Who then could be more wicked than he who fabricates a lie and ascribes it to God to mislead men, without any knowledge? God does not guide the miscreants.
Kuma daga rãƙuma akwai nau'i biyu, kuma daga shãnu biyu; ka ce: Shin, mazan biyu ne Ya hana ko mãtan biyu Ya hana, kõ abin da mahaifar mãtan biyu suka tattara a kansa? Kõ kun kasance halarce ne a lõkacin da Allah Ya yi muku wasiyya da wannan? To, wãne ne mafi zãlunci daga wanda ya ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah, dõmin ya ɓatar da mutãne bã da wani ilmi ba? Lalle ne, Allah bã Ya shiryar da mutãne azzãlumai.
You tell them: "In all the commands revealed to me I find nothing which men have been forbidden to eat except carrion and running blood and flesh of the swine for it is unclean, or meat consecrated in the name of some other than God, which is profane. But if one is constrained to eat of these without craving or reverting to it, then surely your Lord is forgiving and kind."
Ka ce: "Bã ni sãmu, a cikin abin da aka yõ wahayi zuwa gare Ni, abin haramtãwa a kan wani mai ci wanda yake cin sa fãce idan ya kasance mũshe kõ kuwa jini abin zubarwa kõ kuwa nãman alade, to lalle ne shi ƙazanta ne, kõ kuwa fãsiƙanci wanda aka kurũrũta, dõmin wanin Allah da shi." Sa'an nan wanda larũra ta kãmã shi, bã mai fita jama'a ba, kuma bã mai ta'addi ba, to, lalle Ubangijinka Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
We made unlawful for the Jews all animals with claws or nails, and the fat of the oxen and sheep, except that on their backs or their intestines, or which remains attached to their bones. This was the punishment for their insubordination; and what We say is true.
Kuma a kan waɗanda suka tũba (Yahũdu) Mun haramta dukan mai akaifa, kuma daga shãnu da bisãshe Mun haramta musu kitsattsansu fãce abin da bãyukansu suka ɗauka, kõ kuwa kãyan ciki, kõ kuwa abin da ya garwaya da ƙashĩ wannan ne Muka sãka musu sabõda zãluncinsu, kuma Mu, haƙĩƙa, Mãsu gaskiya ne.
If they call you a liar, tell them infinite is the mercy of your Lord; but His vengeance will not be turned back from the sinners.
To, idan sun ƙaryatã ka, sai ka ce: "Ubangijinku Ma'abũcin rahama ne Mai yalwa; kuma bã a mayar da azãbarSa daga mutãne mãsu laifi."
But the idolaters say: "If God had so willed we would not have associated (others with Him), nor would have our fathers, nor would we have forbidden any thing." So had others denied before them, and had to taste Our punishment in the end. Ask them: "Have you any knowledge? Then display it. You follow nothing but conjecture, and are nothing but liars."
Waɗanda suka yi shirki zã su ce: "Dã Allah Yã so dã ba mu yi shirki ba, kuma dã ubanninmu ba su yi ba, kuma dã ba mu haramta wani abu ba." Kamar wannan ne mutãnen da suke a gabãninsu suka ƙaryata, har suka ɗanɗani azãbarMu. Ka ce: "Shin, kunã da wani ilmi a wurinku dõmin ku fito mana da shi? Bã ku bin kõme fãce zato kuma ba ku zama ba fãce ƙiri-faɗi kawai kuke yi."
Say: "To God belongs the consummate argument. Had He willed He would surely have guided all of you aright."
Ka ce: "To Allah ne da hujja isasshiya, sabõda haka: Dã Yã so, dã Yã shiryar da ku gabã ɗaya."
Tell them: "Bring your witnesses to testify that God has forbidden this (and this)." Then even if they testify, you should not testify with them; and do not follow the wishes of those who deny Our signs and believe not in the Hereafter, and make others the equal of their Lord.
Ka ce: "Ku kãwo shaidunku, waɗanda suke bãyar da shaidar cẽwa Allah ne Ya haramta wannan." To idan sun kãwo shaida kada ka yi shaida tãre da su. Kuma kada ka bi son zũciyõyin waɗanda suka ƙaryata, game da ãyõyinMu, da waɗanda bã su yin ĩmãni da Lãhira, alhãli kuwa sũ daga Ubangijinsu suna karkacẽwa.
Tell them: "Come, I will read out what your Lord has made binding on you: That you make none the equal of God, and be good to your parents, and do not abandon your children out of poverty, for We give you food and We shall provide for them; and avoid what is shameful, whether open or hidden, and do not take a life which God has forbidden, unless for some just cause. These things has God enjoined on you. Haply you may understand.
Ka ce: "Ku zo, in karanta abin da Ubangijinku Ya haramta." wãjibi ne a kanku kada ku yi shirkin kõme da Shi, kuma ga mahaifa biyu (ku kyautata) kyautatãwa, kuma kada ku kashe ɗiyanku sabõda talauci, Mũ ne Muke azurta ku, kũ da su, kuma kada ku kusanci abũbuwa alfãsha, abin da ya bayyana daga gare ta da abin da ya ɓõyu, kada ku kashe rai wanda Allah Ya haramta, fãce da hakki. Wannan ne (Allah) Ya yi muku wasiyya da Shi: Tsammãninku, kunã hankalta.
Do not spend the belongings of the orphans but for their betterment, until they come of age; and give in full measure, and weigh justly on the balance. God does not burden a soul beyond capacity. When you say a thing, let it be just, even though the matter relate to a relative of yours, and fulfil a promise made to God. These are the things that He has enjoined that you may take heed.
Kada ku kusanci dũkiyar marãya fãce da wadda take ita ce mafi kyau, har ya kai ga ƙarfinsa. Kuma ku cika mũdu da sikẽli da ãdalci, bã Mu kallafã wa rai fãce iyãwarsa. Kuma idan kun faɗi magana, to, ku yi ãdalci, kuma ko dã yã kasance ma'abũcin zumunta ne. Kuma da alkawarin Allah ku cika. wannan ne Ya yi muku wasiyya da shi: Tsammãninku, kunã tunãwa.
(He has further commanded:) 'This is My straight path, so walk along it, and do not follow other ways, lest you should turn away from the right one.' All this has He commanded. You may perhaps take heed for yourselves."
Kuma lalle wannan ne tafarkĩNa, yana madaidaici: Sai ku bĩ shi, kuma kada ku bi wasu hanyõyi, su rarrabu da ku daga barin hanyãTa. Wannan ne Allah Ya yi muku wasiyya da shi tsammãninku, kunã yin taƙawa.
To that end We gave the Book to Moses, a perfect law, distinctly explaining all things, and a guidance and grace, so that they should believe in the meeting with their Lord.
Sa'an nan kuma Mun bai wa Mũsã Littãfi, yanã cikakke bisa ga wanda ya kyautata (hukuncin Allah) da rarrabẽwa, daki-daki, ga kõwane abu, da shiriya da rahama, tsammãninsu, sunã yin ĩmãni da haɗuwa da Ubangijinsu.
Blessed is this Book We have revealed; so follow it and preserve yourself from evil that you may qualify for grace,
Kuma wannan Littãfi ne, Mun saukar da shi, mai albarka ne, sai ku bĩ shi kuma ku yi taƙawa, tsammãninku, anã jin ƙanku.
Lest you say: "The Book that was sent before was meant only for two groups; we were not aware of their teachings;"
(Dõmin) kada ku ce: "Abin sani kawai, an saukar da littãfi a kan ƙungiya biyu daga gabãninmu, kuma lalle ne mũ, mun kasance, daga karatunsu, haƙĩƙa, gãfilai."
Or that: "Had the Book been sent down to us we would surely have been guided better than they." So you have now received from your Lord a clear proof and a guidance and grace. Then who is more wicked than he who denies the signs of God and turns away from them? We shall punish those severely who turn away: A requital indeed for having turned aside.
Kõ kuwa ku ce: "Dã dai lalle mũ an saukar da Littãfi a kanmu, haƙĩƙa, dã mun kasance mafiya, shiryuwa daga gare su." To, lalle ne wata hujja bayyananniya, daga Ubangijinku, tã zo muku, da shiriya da rahama. To, wãne ne mafi zãlunci daga wanda ya ƙaryata game da ãyõyin Allah, kuma ya finjire daga barinsu? Zã Mu sãka wa waɗanda suke finjirẽwa daga barin ãyõyinMu da mugunyar azãba, sabõda abin da suka kasance sunã yi na hinjirẽwa.
What are the people waiting for? For the angels to come down, or your Lord to appear, or some signs from your Lord? The day when certain signs appear from your Lord, the embracing of faith shall not be of any avail to one who did not come to belief at first, or who did not perform good deeds by virtue of his faith. Tell them: "Wait on, we are waiting too (for the good and evil to become distinct)."
Shin, sunã jiran (wani abu), fãce dai malã'iku su je musu kõ kuwa Ubangijinka Ya je, kõ kuwa sãshen ãyõyin Ubangijinka ya je. A rãnar da sãshen ãyõyin Ubangijinka yake zuwa, ĩmãnin rai wanda bai kasance yã yi ĩmãnin ba a gabãni, kõ kuwa ya yi tsiwirwirin wani alhẽri, bã ya amfãninsa. Ka ce: "Ku yi jira: Lalle ne mũ, mãsu jira ne."
As for those who have created schisms in their order, and formed different sects, you have no concern with them. Their affair is with God. He will tell them the truth of what they were doing.
Lalle ne waɗanda suka rarraba addininsu, kuma suka kasance ƙungiyã-ƙungiyã, kai ba ka zama daga gare su ba, a cikin kõme: abin sani kawai al'amarinsu zuwa ga Allah yake. Sa'an nan Ya bã su lãbãri game da abin da suka kasance sunã aikatãwa.
He who does a good deed will receive ten times its worth; and he who does evil will be requited to an equal degree; and no one will be wronged.
Wanda ya zo da kyakkyãwan aiki guda, to, yanã da gõma ɗin misãlansa. Kuma wanda ya zo da mũgun aiki gũda, to, bã zã a sãka masa ba fãce da misãlinsa. Kuma sũ bã a zãluntar su.
Tell them: "My Lord has directed me to a path that is straight, a supreme law, the creed of Abraham the upright who was not an idolater."
Ka ce: "Lalle nĩ, Ubangijina Yã shiryar da ni zuwa ga tafarki madaidaici, addĩni, ƙĩmantãwa (ga abũbuwa), mai aƙĩdar Ibrãhĩm, mai karkata zuwa ga gaskiya, kuma bai kasance daga mãsu shirki ba."
Tell them: "My service and sacrifice, my life and my death, are all of them for God, the creator and Lord of all the worlds.
Ka ce: "Lalle ne sallãta, da baikõna, da rãyuwãta, da mutuwãta, na Allah ne Ubangijin tãlikai."
No equal has He, I am commanded (to declare), and that I am the first to submit."
"Bãbu abõkin tãrayya a gare Shi. Kuma da wancan aka umurce ni, kuma ni ne farkon mãsu sallamãwa."
Say: "Shall I search for another lord apart from God when He is the only Lord of all and everything?" Each soul earns (what it earns) for itself, and no man shall bear another's burden. You have to go back to your Lord in the end when He will tell you about the things you disputed.
Ka ce: "Shin wanin Allah nake nẽma ya zama Ubangiji, alhãli kuwa Shĩ ne Ubangijin dukan kõme? Kuma wani rai bã ya yin tsirfa fãce dõmin kansa, kuma mai ɗaukar nauyi, bã ya ɗaukar nauyin wani, sa'an nan kuma kõmawarku zuwa ga Ubangijinku take; Sa'an nan Yã bã ku lãbãri ga abin da kuka kasance, a cikinsa, kunã sãɓã wa jũnã?"
It is He who made you trustees on the earth, and exalted some in rank over others in order to try you by what He has given you. Indeed your Lord's retribution is swift, yet He is forgiving and kind.
"Kuma Shĩ ne wanda Ya sanya ku mãsu maye wa jũnaga ƙasa. Kuma Ya ɗaukaka sãshenku bisa ga sãshe da darajõji; dõmin Ya jarraba ku a cikin abin da Ya bã ku." Lalle ne, Ubangijinka Mai gaggãwar uƙkũba ne, kuma lalle ne Shi, haƙĩƙa, Mai gãfara ne, Mai jin ƙai.
Alif Lam Mim Sad.
A. L̃. M̃. Ṣ̃.
This Book has been sent down to you; so do not hesitate to warn (the unbelievers) through it, and remind the faithful.
Littãfi ne aka saukar zuwa gare ka, kada wani ƙunci ya kasance a cikin ƙirjinka daga gare shi, dõmin ka yi gargaɗi da shi. Kuma tunãtarwa ne ga mũminai.
Follow what has been revealed to you by your Lord, and do not follow any other lord apart from Him. Yet little do you care to remember.
Ku bi abin da aka saukar zuwa gare ku daga Ubangijinku, kuma kada ku dinga bin wasu majiɓinta baicinSa. Kaɗan ƙwarai kuke tunãwa.
Many a habitation have We laid low before: Our retribution came upon them in the night or in the midst of siesta at noon.
Kuma da yawa wata alƙarya Muka halaka ta, sai azãbarMu ta jẽ mata da dare kõ kuwa sunã mãsu ƙailũla.
And when Our punishment overtook them they had nothing to say except crying out: "We have indeed been sinners."
Sa'an nan bãbu abin da yake da'awarsu, a lõkacin da azãbarMu ta jẽ musu, fãce suka ce: "Lalle ne mũ muka kasance mãsu zãlunci,"
(On the Day of Reckoning) We shall question the people to whom We had sent Our apostles, (if they followed their teachings), and will question the apostles.
Sa'an nan lalle ne Munã tambayar waɗanda aka aika zuwa gare su, kuma lalle Munã tambayar Manzannin.
We shall recount (their deeds) to them with knowledge, for We were never absent (and saw all they did).
Sa'an nan haƙĩƙa Munã bã su lãbãri da ilmi kuma ba Mu kasance mãsu fakowa ba.
And the weighing will be just on that Day. Then those whose (deeds) are heavier in the balance will find fulfilment,
Kuma awo a rãnar nan ne gaskiya. To, wanda sikẽlansasuka yi nauyi, to, waɗannan sũ ne mãsu cin nasara.
And those whose (deeds) are lighter in the scale shall perish for violating Our signs.
Kuma wanda sikẽlansa suka yi sauƙi, to, waɗannan ne waɗanda suka yi hasarar rayukansu, sabõda abin da suka kasance, da ãyõyinMu, sunã yi na zãlunci.
We settled you on the earth, and provided means of livelihood for you in it; but little are the thanks you give.
Kuma lalle ne haƙĩƙa, Mun sarautar da ku, a cikin ƙasa, kuma Mun sanya muku abũbuwan rãyuwa, a cikinta; kaɗan ƙwarai kuke gõdẽwa.
Verily We created you and gave you form and shape, and ordered the angels to bow before Adam in homage; and they all bowed but Iblis who was not among those who bowed.
Kuma lalle ne haƙĩƙa Mun halittã ku sa'an nan kuma Mun sũrantã ku, sa'an nan kumaMun ce wa malã'iku: "Ku yi sujada ga Ãdam." Sai suka yi sujada fãce Iblĩs, bai kasance daga mãsuyin sujadar ba.
"What prevented you" (said God), "from bowing (before Adam) at My bidding?" "I am better than him," said he. "You created me from fire, and him from clay."
Ya ce: "Mẽne ne ya hana ka, ba ka yi sujada ba, alõkacin da Na umurce ka?" Ya ce: "Nĩ ne mafĩfĩci daga gare shi, Ka halitta ni daga wuta alhãli kuwa Kã halitta shi daga lãka."
So God said: "Descend. You have no right to be insolent here. Go, and away; you are one of the damned."
Ya ce: "To, ka sauka daga gare ta; dõmin bã, ya kasancẽwa a gare ka ga ka yi girman kai a cikinta. Sai ka fita. Lalle ne kanã daga mãsu ƙasƙanci."
"Grant me respite," said he, "till the raising of the dead."
Ya ce: "Ka yi mini jinkiri zuwa ga rãnar da ake tãyar da su."
And God said: "You have the respite."
Ya ce: "Lalle ne, kanã daga waɗanda aka yi wa jinkiri."
"Since You led me into error," said Iblis, "I shall lie in wait for them along Your straight path.
Ya ce: "To inã rantsuwa da halakarwar da Ka yi mini, lalle ne, inã zaune musu tafarkinKa madaidaici."
And I shall come upon them from the front and behind, right and left; and You will not find among them many who would give thanks."
"Sa'an nan kuma haƙĩƙa, Inã je musu daga gaba gare su, kuma daga bãya gare su, kuma daga jihõhin damansu da jihõhin hagunsu; Kuma bã zã ka sãmi mafi yawansu mãsu gõdiya ba."
"Begone," said (God), "contemptible and rejected! As for those who follow you, I shall fill up Hell with all of you.
Ya ce: "Ka fita daga gare ta kanã abin zargi kõrarre. Lalle ne wanda ya bĩ ka daga gare su, haƙĩƙa, zã Ni cika jahannama daga gare ku, gabã ɗaya."
And you, O Adam, and your spouse, live in the Garden and eat your fill wheresoever you like, but do not approach this tree, or you will become iniquitous."
"Kuma ya Ãdam! Ka zauna kai da matarka a Aljanna sai ku ci daga inda kuka so; kuma kada ku kusanci wannan itãciya, har ku kasance daga azzãlumai."
But Satan suggested (evil) to them, in order to reveal their hidden parts of which they were not aware (till then), and said: "Your Lord has forbidden you (to go near) this tree that you may not become angels or immortal."
Sai Shaiɗan ya sanya musu waswãsi dõmin ya bayyana musu abin da aka rufe daga barinsu, daga al'aurarsu, kuma ya ce: "Ubangijinku bai hanã ku daga wannan itãciya ba fãce dõmin kada ku kasance malã'iku biyu ko kuwa ku kasance daga madawwama."
Then he said to them on oath: "I am your sincere friend;"
Kuma ya yi musu rantsuwa; Lalle ne nĩ, a gare ku, haƙĩƙa, daga mãsu nasĩha ne.
And led them (to the tree) by deceit. When they tasted (the fruit) of the tree their disgrace became exposed to them; and they patched the leaves of the Garden to hide it. And the Lord said to them: "Did I not forbid you this tree? And I told you that Satan was your open enemy.
Sai ya saukar da su da rũɗi. Sa'an nan a lõkacin da suka ɗanɗani itãciyar, al'aurarsu ta bayyana gare su, kuma suka shiga sunã lĩƙawar ganye a kansu daga ganyen Aljanna. Kuma Ubangjinsu Ya kira su: "Shin, Ban hanã ku ba daga waccan itãciya, kuma Na ce muku lalle ne Shaiɗan, a gare ku, maƙiyi ne bayyananne?"
They said: "O our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we shall certainly be lost."
Suka ce: "Ya Ubangijinmu! Mun zãlunci kanmu. Kuma idan ba Ka gãfarta mana ba, kuma Ka yi mana rahama, haƙĩƙa, Munã kasancẽwa daga mãsu hasãra."
"Go," said God, "one the antagonist of the other, and live on the earth for a time ordained, and fend for yourselves.
Ya ce: "Ku sauka, sãshenku zuwa ga sãshe yanã maƙiyi, kuma kunã da matabbata a cikin ƙasa, da ɗan jin dãɗi zuwa ga wani lõkabi."
You will live there, and there will you die," He said, "and be raised from there (On the Day of Doom)."
Ya ce: "A cikinta kuke rãyuwa, kuma a cikinta kuke mutuwa, kuma daga gare ta ake fitar da ku."
O sons of Adam, We have revealed to you a dress that would both hide your nakedness and be an adornment, but the raiment of piety is best. This is one of the tokens of God: You may haply reflect.
Yã ɗiyan Ãdam! Lalle ne Mun saukar da wata tufa a kanku, tanã rufe muku al'aurarku, kuma da ƙawã. Kuma tufar taƙawa wancan ce mafi alhẽri. Wancan daga ãyõyin Allah ne, tsammãninsu sunã tunãwa!
O sons of Adam, let not Satan beguile you as he did your parents out of Eden, and made them disrobe to expose their disgrace to them. For he and his host can see you from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils the friends of those who do not believe,
Yã ɗiyan Ãdam! Kada Shaiɗan, lalle, ya fitine ku, kamar yadda ya fitar da iyãyenku, biyu daga Aljanna, yanã fizge tufarsu daga gare su, dõmin ya nũna musu al'aurarsu. Lalle ne shĩ, yanã ganin ku, shi da rundunarsa, daga inda bã ku ganin su. Lalle ne Mũ, Mun sanyaShaiɗan majiɓinci ga waɗanda bã su yin ĩmãni.
Who say when they commit shameful acts: "Our ancestors used to do so, and God has enjoined us to do the same." Say to them: "God never enjoins a conduct that is shameful. You impute such lies to God as you do not know."
Kuma idan suka aikata alfãsha su ce: "Mun sãmi ubanninmu akanta." Kuma Allah ne Ya umurce mu da ita."Ka ce: "Lalle ne, Allah bã Ya umurni da alfãsha. Shin kunã faɗar abin da bã ku da saninsa ga Allah?"
Tell them: "My Lord has enjoined piety, devotion in all acts of worship, and calling upon Him with exclusive obedience. For you will be reverted back to what you were (when) created first."
Ka ce: "Ubangjina Yã yi umurni da ãdalci; kuma ku tsayar da fuskõkinku a wurin kõwane masallãci, kuma ku rõƙẽ Shi, kunã mãsu tsarkake addini gare Shi. Kamar yadda Ya fãra halittarku kuke kõmãwa."
A Section (among them) were guided, a section were bound to go astray, (for) instead of God they took the devils as their friends; yet they think they are on the right path.
Wata ƙungiya (Allah) Yã shiryar, kuma wata ƙungiya ɓata tã wajaba a kansu; lalle ne sũ, sun riƙi shaiɗanu majiɓinta, baicin Allah, kuma sunã zaton, lalle sũ, mãsu shiryuwa ne.
O sons of Adam, attire yourselves at every time of worship; eat and drink, but do not be wasteful, for God does not like the prodigals.
Yã ɗiyan Ãdam! Ku riƙi ƙawarku a wurin kõwane masallãci kuma ku ci, kuma ku sha; Kuma kada ku yi ɓarna. Lalle ne Shĩ (Allah), bã Ya son mãsu ɓarna.
Ask them: "Who forbids you attire that God has given to His creatures, and the good things that He has provided?" Tell them: "They are (meant) for believers in the world, and will be theirs on the Day of Judgement." That is how We explain Our signs to those who know.
Ka ce: "Wãne ne ya haramta ƙawar Allah, wadda Ya fitar sabõda bãyinSa, da mãsu dãɗi daga abinci?" Ka ce: "Sũ, dõmin waɗanda suka yi ĩmani suke a cikin rãyuwar dũniya, suna keɓantattu a Rãnar Kiyãma. "Kamar wannan ne Muke bayyana ãyõyi, daki-daki, ga mutãnen da suke sani.
Tell them: "My Lord has forbidden repugnant acts, whether open or disguised, sin and unjust oppression, associating others with God, of which He has sent down no authority, and saying things of God of which you have no knowledge."
Ka ce: "Abin sani kawai, Ubangijina Yã hana abũbuwanalfãsha; abin da ya bayyana daga gare su da abin da ya ɓõyu, da zunubi da rarraba jama'a, bã da wani hakki ba, kuma da ku yi shirki da Allah ga abin da bai saukar da wani dalĩli ba gare shi, kuma da ku faɗi abin da ba ku sani ba, ga Allah."
A term is fixed for every people; and when their appointed time is come there will neither be a moment's delay nor haste.
Kuma ga kõwace al'umma akwai ajali. Sa'an nan idan ajalinsu ya je, bã zã a yi musu jinkiri ba, sa'a guda, kuma bã zã su gabãce shi ba.
O sons of Adam, when apostles come to you from among you, who convey My messages, then those who take heed and amend will have neither fear nor regret.
Yã ɗiyan Ãdam! Ko dai wasu manzanni, daga cikinku, su jẽ muku, sunã gaya muku ayõyiNato, wanda ya yi taƙawa, kuma ya gyara aikinsa, to, bãbu tsoro a kansu, kuma bã su yin baƙin ciki.
But those who deny Our signs and disdain them, shall belong to Hell, where they will abide for ever.
Kuma waɗanda suka ƙaryatã game da ãyõyinMu, kuma suka yi girman kai daga gare su, waɗannan sũ ne abõkan wuta, sũ, a cikinta madawwama ne.
Who could be more wicked than he who imputes lies to God or denies His revelations? Such as these will receive what is declared in the Book, and when Our angels come to draw out their souls and ask: "Where are they you worshipped other than God?" They will answer: "They have left us and fled;" and bear witness against themselves for being infidels.
To, wãne ne mafi zãlunci daga wanda ya ƙirƙira ƙarya ga Allah, kõ kuwa ya ƙaryata game da ãyõyinSa? Waɗannan rabonsu daga Littãfi yanã sãmunsu, har a lõkacin da ManzanninMu suka je musu, sunã karɓar rãyukansu, su ce: "Ĩnã abin da kuka kasance kunã kira, baicin Allah?" Su ce: "Sun ɓace daga gare mu, "Kuma su yi shaida a kansu cẽwa lalle sũ, sun kasance kãfirai."
"Enter then the Fire," will God say, "with the past generations of jinns and men." On entering each batch will condemn the other; and when all of them shall have entered one after the other, the last to come will say of those who had come before them: "O our Lord, they are the ones who led us astray; so give them double chastisement in the Fire." He will answer: "For all it will be double; but this you do not know."
Ya ce: "Ku shiga a cikin al'ummai waɗanda, haƙĩƙa, sun shige daga gabãninku, daga aljannu da mutãne, a cikin Wuta. A kõ da yaushe wata al'umma ta shiga sai ta la'ani 'yar'uwarta, har idan suka riski jũna, a cikinta, gabã ɗaya, ta ƙarshensu ta ce wa ta farkonsu: "Ya Ubangijinmu! Waɗannan ne suka ɓatar da mu, sai Ka kãwo musu azãba ninki daga wuta." Ya ce: "Ga kõwane akwai ninki; kuma amma ba ku sani ba."
Then the former will say to the latter: "You have no privilege over us. So taste the punishment for what you had done."
Kuma ta farkonsu ta ce wa ta ƙarshe: "To, bã ku da wata falala a kanmu, sai ku ɗanɗana azãba sabõda abin da kuka kasance kunã tãrãwa!"
Verily for those who deny Our signs and turn away in haughtiness from them, the gates of heaven shall not be opened, nor will they enter Paradise, not till the camel passes through the needle's eye. That is how We requite the transgressors:
Lalle ne waɗanda suka ƙaryatã game da ãyõyinMu, kuma suka yi girman kai daga barinsu, bã zã a bubbuɗe musu kõfõfin sama ba, kuma bã su shiga Aljanna sai raƙumi ya shiga kafar allũra, kuma kamar wannan ne Muke sãka wa mãsu laifi.
For them is a flooring of Hell and a covering (of fire). That is how We requite the iniquitous.
Sunã da wata shimfiɗa daga Jahannama kuma daga samansu akwai wasu murafai. Kuma kamar wancan ne Muke sãka wa azzãlumai.
As for those who believe and do good, We never burden a soul beyond capacity. They are men of Paradise where they will abide for ever.
Kuma waɗanda suka yi ĩmãni, kuma suka aikata ayyukan ƙwarai, bã Mu ƙallafa wa rai fãce iyãwarsa, Waɗannan ne abõkan Aljanna, sũ, a cikinta, madawwma ne.
Whatever the rancour they may have in their hearts We shall (cleanse and) remove. Streams of running water shall ripple at their feet, and they will say: "We are grateful to God for guiding us here. Never would we have been guided if God had not shown us the way. The apostles of our Lord had indeed brought the truth." And the cry shall resound: "This is Paradise you have inherited as meed for your deeds."
Kuma Muka fitar da abin da yake a cikin ƙirãzansu, daga ƙiyayya, ƙõramu sunã gudãna daga ƙarƙashinsu, kuma suka ce: "Gõdiya ta tabbata ga Allah, wanda Ya shiryar da mu ga wannan. Kuma ba mu kasance munã iya shiryuwa ba, bã dõmin Allah Ya shiryar da mu ba. Lalle ne haƙĩƙa, Manzannin Ubangjinmu, sun jẽ mana da gaskiya." Kuma aka kira su, cẽwa: "Waccan Aljlnna an gãdar da ku ita, sabõda abin da kuka kasance kunã aikatãwa."
And the inmates of Paradise will call to the residents of Hell: "We have found that the promise made to us by our Lord was true. Have you also found the promise of your Lord to be true?" They will answer: "Yes (it is so)." Then a crier will call from among them: "The curse of God be on the vile,
Kuma 'yan Aljanna suka kirãyi 'yan Wuta suka ce: "Lalle ne mun sãmi abin da Ubangijinmu Ya yi mana wa'adi, gaskiya ne. To, shin, kun sãmi abin da Ubangijinku Ya yi muku wa'adi, gaskiya?" Suka ce: "Na'am." Sai mai sanarwa ya yi yẽkuwa, cẽwa: "La'anar Allah ta tabbata a kan azzãlumai."
"Who obstruct those who follow the path of God and try to make it oblique, who do not believe in the life to come."
"Waɗanda suke kangẽwa daga hanyar Allah, kuma sunã nẽman ta ta zama karkatacciya,. kuma sũ, game da Lãhira, kãfirai ne."
There will be a veil between them, and on the wall will be the men (of al-A'raf) who will recognise everyone by their distinguishing marks, and will call to the inmates of Paradise: "Peace on you," without having entered it themselves though hoping to do so.
Kuma a tsakãninsu akwai wani shãmaki, kuma a kan A'arãf akwai wasu maza sunã sanin kõwa da alãmarsu; Kuma suka kirãyi abõkan Aljamia cẽwa: "Aminci ya tabbata a kanku: "Ba su shige ta ba, alhãli kuwa sũ, sunã tsammãni.