{ "id": "Dalam pertemuannya dengan Wapres, Lee menyampaikan optimismenya bahwa Indonesia akan mampu mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang telah ditargetkannya.", "en": "In his meeting with the vice president, Lee expressed optimism that Indonesia would be able to achieve its economic growth target." }
{ "id": "Dan tentu saja, ahli kimia itu tidak melakukannya di dalam tubuhnya sendiri, melainkan di laboratorium.", "en": "Unquestionably, chemists can perform such an operation not within their bodies, but only in laboratories." }
{ "id": "Beckham merupakan pemain kelima Inggris yang sudah tampil 100 kali dalam membantu tim nasional mereka, setelah sebelumnya Billy Wright, Sir Bobby Charlton, Bobby Moore dan Peter Shilton.", "en": "Beckham will be the fifth England player to win a ton of caps after Billy Wright, Sir Bobby Charlton, Bobby Moore and Peter Shilton." }
{ "id": "Kebutuhan energi abad ini merupakan kebutuhan yang esensial di tengah menipisnya sumber daya alam yang ada.", "en": "This century?s energy need is an essential need amidst the depletion of the existing natural resources." }
{ "id": "Namun demikian, sebuah komputer dapat diprogram untuk melakukan hal ini dengan hanya beberapa perintah sederhana.", "en": "On the other hand, a computer may be programmed to do this with just a few simple instructions." }
{ "id": "Seluruh fungsi imigrasi adalah untuk merekrut lebih banyak orang untuk memperluas keluarga Australia,? kata Howard dalam konperensi pers.", "en": "The whole purpose of immigration is to recruit more people to the broader Australian family, Howard told a news conference." }
{ "id": "Kekalahan pada Senin menyusul tersingkirnya Ferrero pada babak kedua Marseille Terbuka pekan lalu.", "en": "Monday's defeat followed Ferrero's second-round exit at last week's Marseille Open." }
{ "id": "Tiga perdana menteri telah bekerja di bawah Conte selama dua dasawarsa terakhir, dan semuanya berakhir dengan dipecat.", "en": "Three prime ministers have served under Conte over the past two decades and all either been sacked or quit." }
{ "id": "Meskipun demikian, adalah benar bahwa rekonstruksi tersebut terbengkelai dan semua fasilitas kini menjadi puing-puing. Tetapi rakyat Irak terus berusaha untuk bangkit dari abu peperangan, ujarnya melalui seorang penerjemah.", "en": "However, it is true that reconstruction is being delayed and all facilities are in ruins. But the Iraqi people are making utmost efforts to rise from the ashes, he said through an interpreter." }
{ "id": "Kita masih ingat dengan kulit jeruk kita dapat membuat mobil-mobilan untuk mainan anak saat kita kecil dulu.", "en": "We still remember that from pomelo peels we could make toy cars for children to play with, when we we children." }
{ "id": "Tim Andalucia tersebut, yang hanya menang tandang sekali dalam liga, mengawali pertandingan dengan cemerlang dan unggul lebih dulu setelah bermain selama 16 menit ketika striker terkemuka Luis Fabiano mencetak golnya yang ke-13 musim ini melalui sundulan jarak dekat.", "en": "The Andalucians, who have just one win on the road in the league, started brightly and took the lead after 16 minutes when leading striker Luis Fabiano got his 13th of the season with a close-range header." }
{ "id": "Rapat umum pemegang saham RUPS PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk UNSP yang berlangsung di Jakarta, Rabu memutuskan untuk membagikan dividen sebesar Rp17 per saham.", "en": "Publicly-listed plantation company PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk at its general shareholders meeting on Wednesday decided to pay out a dividend of Rp17 per share." }
{ "id": "Namun tetap saja, 60 persen orang dewasa di AS berkata, Mereka ingin mengurangi berat badan sebanyak 9 kilogram, kata studi itu.", "en": "Still, 60 percent of U.S. adults say they would like to lose 20 pounds, the study said." }
{ "id": "Kasus ini menjelaskan ternyata senjata biologis menjadi bumerang untuk pihak Soviet.", "en": "This case explain in the reality that biological weapon become the effect to Uni Soviet." }
{ "id": "Murillo menguasai perdagangan obat bius di Medellin setelah Pablo Escobar tewas, kata laporan tersebut.", "en": "Murillo took control of Medellin's drug trade after Pablo Escobar died, the report said." }
{ "id": "Rencana keamanan Baghdad masih berada pada tahap awal dan keberhasilan akan memerlukan waktu berbulan-bulan, bukan hari atau pekan, kata Presiden yang menghadapi tekanan tersebut.", "en": "The Baghdad security plan is still in its early stages and success will take months, not days or weeks, the embattled president said." }
{ "id": "Perusahaan jasa pelayaran angkutan laut PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk BLTA mengatakan berencana untuk menambah armadanya dengan membeli kapal baru atau bekas untuk jumlah senilai 500 juta dolar AS dalam jangka waktu satu tahun sejak mendapat pesetujuan RUPSLB yang akan diseleggarakan pada 24 Mei 2007.", "en": "Publicly-listed shipping company PT Berlian Laju Tanker BLTA intends to expand its fleet by purchasing new or used ships up to a total value of US$500 million in one year's time after an extraordinary shareholders' meeting to be held next May 24, the company said in a statement." }
{ "id": "Tim tuan rumah mengajukan penalti yang ditolak wasit, namun di awal babak kedua pemain depan asal Venezuela Arango mencetak gol dari jarak dekat untuk menempatkan juara 2003 itu kembali memimpin.", "en": "The home side had had a good shout for a penalty waved away, but early in the second half Venezuelan forward Arango fired in a long range effort to put the 2003 winners back in front." }
{ "id": "Atlet Amerika itu memenangi gelar 100 meter pada Olimpiade Athena 2004 dan menyabet gelar ganda 100-200 meter pada kejuaraan dunia di Helsinki pada 2005.", "en": "The American won the 2004 Athens Olympic 100 metres title and completed a 100-200 double at the Helsinki world championships in 2005." }
{ "id": "Ketika ditanya mengenai kemungkinan kedua serdadu itu dibebaskan, Gemayel mengatakan Kita semua berharap hal ini akhirnya terjadi.", "en": "Asked if there was a reasonable chance the two soldiers would return home alive and unharmed, Gemayel said: We all hope that this will indeed happen." }
{ "id": "Kevlar mempunyai gugus-gugus bebas yang dapat membentuk ikatan hidrogen pada bagian luarnya, sehingga dapat mengabsorp air dan mempunyai sifat basah yang baik.", "en": "Kevlar has free clusters which can form hydrogen ties on their outer parts, which make them able to absorb water and possess a good moist characteristic." }
{ "id": "Pada tahun 2009 kalau semua berjalan lancar, laju inflasi menurut BI berada di kisaran 6,5 - 7,5 persen, meski pada 2008 inflasi sekitar 11,5 - 12,5 persen, kata Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia Hartadi A Sarwono dalam lokakarya wartawan di Yogyakarta, Jumat.", "en": "If everything runs well, the inflation rate in 2009 can be lowered to a range between 6.5 and 7.5 percent, although in 2008 the inflation rate is at a range of 11.5 - 12.5 percent, Hartadi A Sarwono told a journalist workshop here on Friday." }
{ "id": "Beberapa karsinogen yang sangat berbahaya adalah hidrokarbon aromatik.", "en": "Several dangerous carcinogens are aromatic hydrocarbon." }
{ "id": "Cara Pengendalian Khusus.", "en": "Special Control Mechanisms." }
{ "id": "Christopher Hill, utusan tertinggi AS pada masalah Korea Utara, Selasa mengatakan, bahwa dia optimis Korea Utara akan berada pada jalur kesepakatan, berdasarkan mana Pyongyang akan menutup reaktor penting nuklirnya untuk ditukar dengan bantuan energi.", "en": "Christopher Hill, the top US envoy on North Korea, said Tuesday he was optimistic that North Korea will stay on track in the deal, under which it will shut a key nuclear reactor in exchange for fuel aid." }
{ "id": "Tim tamu harus kehilangan pendatang baru asal Argentina Juan Angel Krupoviesa yang diusir dari lapangan karena melakukan tekel berbahaya terhadap Pagis pada menit ke-68.", "en": "The visitors had Argentine newcomer Juan Angel Krupoviesa sent off for a dangerous tackle on Pagis in the 68th minute." }
{ "id": "Bagaimana peledak diselundupkan ke Zona Hijau masih menjadi pusat penyelidikan.", "en": "How explosives were smuggled into the Green Zone is likely to be the focus of an investigation." }
{ "id": "Menurut dia, proyeksi di seluruh dunia mengenai masalah global ekonomi juga mendorong kemungkinan nilai ekuilibrium ada di sekitar 133 dolar AS untuk proyeksi 2009, untuk ICP kira-kira 128-129 dolar AS.", "en": "Based on the global economic projections world crude prices would reach an equilibrium at around US$133 a barrel in 2009 and the price of Indonesian crude ICP would likely reach US$128-129 a barrel, she said." }
{ "id": "Richards juga mengumumkan penempatan sebuah brigade baru pasukan tempur dari negara-negara ISAF dalam waktu dekat, namun ia tidak menjelaskan secara terinci jumlah pasti pasukan itu atau negara asal mereka.", "en": "Richards also announced the deployment of a new brigade of combat operation forces from ISAF nations in the near future, but did not elaborate on their exact number or nationality." }
{ "id": "Kita akan lihat nanti angka yang dilaporkan BPS, tapi kelihatannya inflasi stabil bahkan nilai tukar cenderung menguat karena capital inflow masih sangat kuat.", "en": "All these imply that the economy is likely to expand in the government range of 5.7 percent to 5.9 percent, she said." }
{ "id": "Hal ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus; manusia tidak berhak bersikap sombong atau arogan karena semua kemampuan tersebut adalah pemberian Allah.", "en": "This point deserves particular attention, because Allah gives them this skill, so people have no right to be puffed up with pride or arrogant." }
{ "id": "Oposisi, kini, mulai memindahkan blokade jalanan yang melintasi negara Selasa malam setelah penghentian protes, kata Kantor Berita Reuters mengutip sumber senior oposisi.", "en": "The opposition, however, began removing roadblocks across the country Tuesday night after halting the protests, Reuters news agency quoted a senior opposition source as saying." }
{ "id": "Dalam kondisi seperti ini, ya kita lakukan 'in-between'.", "en": "Under the current situation, we must take intermediary steps." }
{ "id": "Air yang terdiri dari hidrogen dan oksigen tidak mungkin diubah menjadi hidrokarbon yang non-polar.", "en": "Water which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen cannot be converted into non-polar hydrocarbon." }
{ "id": "Pekan lalu, UNTR baru saja merampungkan rights issue sebanyak 475.268.183 saham di harga Rp 7.500 atau total senilai Rp 3,564 triliun.", "en": "Last week the UNTR completed the rights issue execution of 475,268,183 shares at a price of Rp7,500 per share or totally worth Rp3.564 trillion." }
{ "id": "Kini arah bisnis sudah berubah.", "en": "The business direction has changed now." }
{ "id": "Sebagaimana Allah menjamin kehi-dupan manusia, Dia juga menjamin kehidupan hewan.", "en": "Just as Allah sustains human beings, so does He sustain the animals." }
{ "id": "Tyson ditangkap karena BMW hitam yang dia kemudikan nyaris menabrak mobil sherif.", "en": "The embattled fighter was taken into custody after nearly colliding his black BMW into a sheriff's car after leaving a nightclub, according to court documents." }
{ "id": "Kenyataan bahwa pengadilan belum terjadi menjengkelkan kami dan kami sudah memberi alasan sangat kuat kepada Amerika Serikat bahwa persoalan itu perlu dipecahkan, kata Ruddock.", "en": "The fact that a trial has not yet occurred frustrates us, and we have been arguing very strongly with the United States that these issues need to be resolved, Ruddock said." }
{ "id": "Tim investigasi pemerintah yang dipimpin Kensei Mizote, menteri negara yang mengurusi bencana, melakukan peninjauan ke Wajima, Ishikawa, pada Senin pagi untuk memeriksa bangunan-bangunan rumah yang rusak dan hancur di salah satu kota yang diguncang gempa paling keras.", "en": "A government investigation team led by Kensei Mizote, state minister in charge of disaster management, inspected Wajima, Ishikawa, on Monday morning to check damage to houses in one of the most hard-hit cities." }
{ "id": "Diantara 16 produk baru, 12 di desain untuk laptop dan produk desktop baru, sedangkan empat lainnya adalah untuk server.", "en": "Out of 16 new products, 12 products are designed for laptop and new desktop product, whereas the rest for server." }
{ "id": "Era otonomi daerah merupakan peluang untuk memberdayakan ekonomi rakyat dengan memanfaatkan lembaga keuangan mikro.", "en": "Regional autonomy era is an opportunity to empower people economy by utilizing micro financial institution." }
{ "id": "Apa yang telah kami perlihatkan ialah dengan belajar, dengan merangsang ingatan anda, anda dapat melindungi diri dari perkembangan kondisi yang berhubungan dengan penyakit itu, kata Green.", "en": "What we have shown is that by learning, by stimulating your mind, you're able to protect against the development of the pathologies associated with the disease, Green said." }
{ "id": "Tim amatir dari kawasan barat kota Nantes itu memimpin pada menit ketujuh ketika pemain tengah dari Senegal, Papa Idrissa N'Doye.", "en": "The amateurs from a small western town near Nantes moved in front after seven minutes through Senegalese midfielder Papa Idrissa N'Doye." }
{ "id": "Salah satu yang menjadi primadona adalah program mobile wallet.", "en": "One which becomes the prima donna first rate service is the mobile wallet program." }
{ "id": "Asal usul Spesies, melalui Seleksi Alam.", "en": "The Origin of Species, by means of Natural Selection." }
{ "id": "Kami punya keyakinan besar, jika semua kebijakan pemerintah dan kebijakan BI bisa berjalan 'intandem' berjalan searah, maka dampak berupa inflasi yang meningkat bisa diperpendek, kata Deputi Gubernur Senior BI, Miranda S. Goeltom di Jakarta, Kamis.", "en": "We strongly believe that if all government policies are in tandem with BI's policies, the duration of the high inflation rate as the impact of the increase in fuel oil prices can be shorthened, Miranda said here Thursday." }
{ "id": "Pemerintah juga membatalkan pinjaman senilai 72,83 juta dari 85 juta dolar AS dari ADB melalui Ditjen Perbendaharaan Depkeu untuk Small Medium Entreprice Export Development Project karena bank pelaksana tidak dapat mendistribusikan dana kepada UKM eksportir karena tingkat bunga kurang kompetitif.", "en": "The other ADB-funded project was Small Medium Enterprise Export Development Project worth US$72.83 million of the total US$85 million pledged, The project run by the Directorate General of Treasury at the Finance Ministry was canceled because the executing bank failed to distribute funds to small and medium enterprises" }
{ "id": "September 2007 PTBA akan mensosialisasikan ke seluruh pemangku saham stakeholder yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan pabrik briket tersebut.", "en": "The company would familiarize all it shareholders with he plan in September 2007." }
{ "id": "Pematahan servis kembali terjadi bergantian pada set kedua sebelum petenis Serbia berambut poni itu kembali mematahkan servis lawannya pada game kesembilan dan Zvonareva kemudian memukul forehand melebar.", "en": "Service breaks were exchanged early in the second set before the pony-tailed Serb again broke in the ninth game when Zvonareva hit a forehand wide." }
{ "id": "Alam adalah sebuah nama bagi segala keteraturan di sekeliling manusia.", "en": "Nature is a name given to the entire order we see around us." }
{ "id": "Penggunaan aspirin untuk jangka-panjang, baik dengan dosis rendah maupun sedang, tampaknya mengurangi semua penyebab kematian pada perempuan, terutama di kalangan perempuan tua dan mereka yang memiliki faktor resiko serangan jantung, demikian hasil suatu studi baru.", "en": "The long-term use of aspirin, at low to moderate doses, appears to reduce all causes of mortality in women, especially in older women and those with cardiovascular risk factors, according to the results of a new study." }
{ "id": "Bursa Doha sudah jatuh 16,", "en": "The Doha benchmark has fallen 16." }
{ "id": "Sektor riil sudah mulai bangkit yang tercermin dari berbagai indikator baik makro maupun per sektor, kata Menko Perekonomian Boediono, kepada pers usai Rapat Terbatas dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, di Kantor Presiden, Jumat sore.", "en": "The real sector has started to revive as shown by various indicators in terms of macro-economics or sectorally, coordinating minister for the economy Boediono said after a limited cabinet meeting attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the palace." }
{ "id": "Perdana Menteri China, Wen Jiabao, Kamis menjadi pemimpin China pertama yang berpidato di hadapan parlemen Jepang selama lebih dari dua dasawarsa terakhir.", "en": "Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Thursday became the first Chinese leader to address the Japanese parliament in more than two decades, saying he hoped his trip would bring in a new era of warmer relations." }
{ "id": "Realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi semester I APBN 2007 yang berakhir pada Juni diperkirakan hanya 6,0 persen, lebih rendah dari target 6,3 persen, kata Menteri Keuangan", "en": "The Indonesian economy is likely to expand 6 percent in the first half of 2007, or lower than the government-set target of 6.3 percent, a minister said." }
{ "id": "Kumbang Penggerek dan Gerak Pengeborannya.", "en": "The Acorn Weevil and its Drilling Mechanism." }
{ "id": "Pertama, kita harus dapat menunjukkan apa sesungguhnya yang menjadi akar permasalahan, sehingga keadaan ekonomi dapat menjadi seperti ini.", "en": "First, we must be able to show what the real problem root, so economy condition can be like this." }
{ "id": "Dia tahu bahwa saya tidak perku diturunkan setiap saat dan dia punya para pemain muda yang bagus - John Obi Mikel, Michael Essien - yang perlu lebih banyak bermain.", "en": "He knows that I don't have the need to play all the time and he has good young players - John Obi Mikel, Michael Essien - who need more time for playing." }
{ "id": "Indonesia mengalami perubahan bentuk pinjaman Bank Dunia dari yang murah biayanya, yaitu IDA International Development Association, seperti subsidi, hibah, ke pinjaman bagi negara berpenghasilan menengah, yaitu IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction adn Development.", "en": "Indonesia has undergone a change in terms of the loans it receives from the World Bank, namely from International Development Assistance IDA schemed loans such as subsidies and grants to IBRD schemed loans." }
{ "id": "Lembaga pemeringkat internasional Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, Rabu, mengatakan divestasi anak perusahaan PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk MEDC, PT Medco E&P Brantas, yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, tidak akan mempengaruhi peringkat dan prospek perusahaan bersangkutan.", "en": "International rating agency Standard & Poor's Rating Services said a divestment of PT Medco Energi Internasional MEDC's subsidiary, PT Medco E&P Brantas, will not affect the company's rating and prospects." }
{ "id": "Ada peraturan sektoral yang membatasi itu, jadi tidak bisa lebih dari 8,2 persen, kata Ketua Bapepam-LK, Fuad Rahmany di Jakarta, Kamis.", "en": "There is a sectoral regulation restricting share purchases so QTel cannot buy more than 8.2 percent of Indosat shares, Bapepam-LK Chairman Fuad Rahmany said here on Thursday." }
{ "id": "Boston Celtics berjuang untuk menang kandang 87-86 atas Minnesota Timberwolves.", "en": "The Boston Celtics struggled to a 87-86 home win over the lowly Minnesota Timberwolves." }
{ "id": "Dijelaskannya, membaiknya sektor riil juga dapat dipetakan dari penggunaan belanja barang modal Badan Usaha Milik Negara BUMN yang mengalami pertumbuhan hingga 22 persen.", "en": "She said the recovery of the sector could also be seen from increasing capital expenditures in the state-owned companies reaching up to 22 percent." }
{ "id": "Misal layanan telnet dengan mudah disadap, sehingga orang dapat mengetahui sandi dari rekan kerjanya.", "en": "The internet service providers and operators are competing one to another furiously in India" }
{ "id": "Kata bom berasal dari bahasa Yunani adalah sebuah istilah yang meniru suara ledakan 'bom' dalam bahasa tersebut.", "en": "The word ?bomb` comes from the Greek language, it is a term used to imitate the sound produced by a bomb in that language." }
{ "id": "Para pendukung teori evolusi evolusionis yang sepakat dengannya menyarankan pemikiran tentang ?mutasi.", "en": "The evolutionists who followed him suggested the concept of mutation." }
{ "id": "Pertemuan itu juga dihadiri oleh Menko Perekonomian Boediono, Menneg BUMN Sugiharto, dan Ketua Kamar Dagang dan Industri Kadin Indonesia MS Hidayat.", "en": "The meeting was also attended by Coordinating Minister for Economy Boediono, State Minister for State Firms Sugiharto and chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kadin MS Hidayat." }
{ "id": "Dan pembangunan jalan tol tersebut masuk dalam 20 persen porsi pinjaman BRI, katanya.", "en": "Twenty pct of its credits covers the building of toll roads, he said." }
{ "id": "Kelangsungan hidup kelompok tergantung pada keberadaan raja dan ratu rayap yang melakukan tugas perkembangbiakan.", "en": "The survival of the colony is dependent upon the existence of the king and queen who engage in reproduction." }
{ "id": "Pernyataan tersebut menyebutkan komentar dari pemimpin Pasukan Bantuan Keamanan Internasional (ISAF) di Afghanistan, Kamis, bantuan Pakistan penting dalam memerangi akse perlawanan mematikan di negara tetangganya yang dilanda perang.", "en": "The statement singled out comments from the head of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan on Thursday that Pakistan's help was crucial in the fight against a deadly insurgency in the neighbouring war-ravaged nation." }
{ "id": "Pasien tersebut dengan menggunakan pelampung ikut berenang dalam kolam air laut di mana lumba-lumba itu berada.", "en": "The patient used life belt to swim on the sea water pool with the dolphin." }
{ "id": "Penemuan virus oleh Chiron yang deret genomenya berlainan dengan virus hepatitis A dan hepatitis B.", "en": "Virus invention by Chiron which different genome series with hepatitis A and B virus." }
{ "id": "Tidak satu pun dari kedua tim lebih banyak membuat catatan dan Everton jarang mengancam gawang lawan dalam usaha mereka mengalahkan Chelsea untuk pertamakalinya dalam 20 pertandingan sejak Mei 2001.", "en": "Neither side produced much of note and Everton rarely threatened to score as they bid to beat Chelsea for the first time in 20 matches dating back to May 2001." }
{ "id": "Banyak ilmuwan telah lama tertarik pada tokek dan perkembangan mereka karena hewan tersebut adalah petunjuk penting keragaman hayati dan ditemukan di hampir setiap benua.", "en": "Many scientists have long been interested in house lizards and their development as this animal provides important indication on biodiversity and as they are found in almost every continent." }
{ "id": "Untuk tahun ini dana internal masih cukup, dan kita baru membutuhkan dana besar pada kuartal kedua 2009, baru kita akan ambil dari bank atau lainnya yang menawarkan lebih murah, jelasnya.", "en": "This year the internal funds are still sufficient for such purpose, but we will need bigger funds in the second quarter next year and it is only then that we will seek bank loans or funds from other sources depending on which one is most favorable, he said." }
{ "id": "Namun, pemain asuhan Carlo Ancelotti yang mampu memetik hasil lebih memuaskan karena menunjukkan permainan berkelas dalam seni pertahanan.", "en": "It was Carlo Ancelotti's old stagers who finished more satisfied after giving a masterclass in the art of defending." }
{ "id": "pada tahun 2006 dan laba bersih per saham EPS-Earning Per Share perseroan naik dari Rp50 menjadi Rp74.", "en": "The increase in net profit raised earning per share to Rp74 in 2006 from Rp50 in 2005." }
{ "id": "Petenis nomor satu dunia Roger Federer dan Nikolay Davydenko maju ke putaran semifinal turnamen tenis lapangan tanah liat Estoril Terbuka, Jumat waktu setempat.", "en": "World number one Roger Federer and Nikolay Davydenko shrugged off the rain to reach the semi-finals of the Estoril Open clay court tournament on Friday." }
{ "id": "Jahja juga mengatakan bahwa kini ekspansi kredit ditargetkan Rp10 triliun.", "en": "He said the bank expected to extend Rp10 trillion in credits, supported by funds from third parties such as a savings account." }
{ "id": "Tidak sepertibanyak benua, Amerika Utara tak memiliki gugusan gunung timur sampai barat yang membatasi kekeringan dengan memaksa gerakan cepat udara lembab untuk menghasilkan hujan, kata MacCracken, yang juga adalah kepala ilmuwan bagi perubahan iklim di Climate Institute, kelompok nir-laba yang berpusat di Washington.", "en": "Unlike many continents, North America has no east to west mountain ranges that limit droughts by forcing rapidly moving wet air to release rain, said MacCracken, also chief scientist for climate change at the Climate Institute, a Washington-based nonprofit group." }
{ "id": "Ini adalah berita bagus bahwa AS dan Korea Utara melakukan perundingan, kata kepala jurubicara pemerintah Jepang, Yasuhisa Shiozaki dalam konferensi pers.", "en": "It is a good thing that the United States and North Korea are talking, chief government spokesman Yasuhisa Shiozaki told a news conference." }
{ "id": "Keengganan perbankan menyalurkan dananya tersebut tercermin dari rasio pinjaman terhadap dana yang dihimpun dari pihak ketiga LDR yang menurun sejak tahun 1999.", "en": "The lower bank lending could be seen from the banks' loan-to-deposit ratio LDR which had tended to fall since 1999, she said." }
{ "id": "Pemerintah menyatakan perubahan tersebut memenuhi janji Mubarak bagi perubahan demokratis dan penting bagi keamanan di negara Arab yang berpenduduk paling padat di dunia serta seluruh wilayah itu.", "en": "The regime says the amendments fulfil Mubarak's promise for democratic change and are crucial to the security of the Arab world's most populous country and the entire region." }
{ "id": "PBB mengatakan bahwa Khartoum setuju pada tiga tahap dari rencana yang akan berakhir dengan persatuan pasukan Uni Eropa dan PBB di Darfur.", "en": "The United Nations says Khartoum agreed then to a three-phase plan that would end with a hybrid AU-U.N. operation in Darfur." }
{ "id": "reaktor ini terdiri dari satu bagian yang berfungsi sebagai digester dan penyimpan gas masing masing bercampur dalam satu ruangan tanpa sekat.", "en": "This reactor consisted of one function as digester gas depository each mixed in one space without partition." }
{ "id": "Selama ini, para ilmuwan berangapan volume air yang banyak di danau tak mudah terpengaruh dampak dari pemanasan global, namun kenyataanya sangat rentan.", "en": "So far, scientists assume large water volume in lake is not influenced by the impacts of global warming, but in fact very fragile." }
{ "id": "Cairan di dalam lambung induk dinetralkan oleh zat seperti hormon prostaglandin E2, yang mula-mula dikeluarkan oleh cangkang telur dan kemudian oleh berudu.", "en": "The fluids in the stomach of the mother are neutralised by the hormonelike substance prostaglandin E2, which is secreted first by the egg capsules and then by the tadpoles." }
{ "id": "Dengan cara ini, telur berada di permukaan air untuk menghirup oksigen.", "en": "This way, the eggs stay on the surface of the water in order to inhale oxygen." }
{ "id": "Saya telah memenangi the Legg Mason Tennis Classic tiga kali dan merasa mempertahankan gelar saya di Washington adalah persiapan terbaik untuk meraih gelar grand slam berikutnya.", "en": "I have won the Legg Mason Tennis Classic three times and feel defending my title in Washington best prepares me for another grand slam title." }
{ "id": "Seorang anggota dewan itu mengatakan kepadanya, Farid dan Humayun diserahkan kepada jirga dan mereka direncanakan tiba di Tank pada Jumat malam, kata Khurshid tanpa memberikan penjelasan terinci lebih lanjut.", "en": "A council member told him that Farid and Humayun had been handed over to the jirga and they would reach Tank late Friday, Khurshid said but gave no further details." }
{ "id": "Masalah jaminan itu biasa karena bank punya prosedurnya, saya kira perusahaan pelayaran tidak punya masalah memenuhi syarat jaminan-red, kata Budi.", "en": "Where collateral is concerned, I don't think shipping companies will have problems in this matter because banks already have standing procedures, he said." }
{ "id": "Pernyataan kelompok itu, yang tidak bisa segera dibuktikan, menyatakan Al-Arabiya berulang kali menyebarkan berita bohong.", "en": "The group's statement, which could not immediately be authenticated, said Al-Arabiya had repeatedly spread fabricated news." }
{ "id": "Untuk 2007 diperkirakan realiasi pajak terhadap PDB akan pada kisaran 13,8 persen, tetapi kalau GDP dengan penghitungan baru akan berkisar 12,9 persen, ujar Sri Mulyani.", "en": "For 2007 the tax ratio is expected to reach 13.8 percent of the GDP but under the new system it will be around 12.9 percent, she said." }
{ "id": "Saya tidak ingin kita melakukan tawar-menawar lagi, kata Christopher Hill.", "en": "Hill said Monday would be the final day of talks, which started Thursday on an optimistic note with host China presenting a proposal for North Korea to take initial steps towards disarmament in return for economic incentives." }
{ "id": "Pemberontak Pasukan Baru, yang berpangkalan di bagian utara Pantai Gading, Senin, menampik upaya oleh Presiden Laurent Gbagbo untuk melangkahi rencana perdamaian dukungan PBB dan mengadakan pembicaraan langusng dengan mereka.", "en": "Ivory Coast's northern-based New Forces rebels on Monday rejected a bid by President Laurent Gbagbo to bypass a U.N.-backed peace plan and hold direct talks with them." }
{ "id": "Marinir tersebut bersikukuh hanya menembak sesudah diserang senjata otomatik.", "en": "The marines insisted they only opened fire after coming under attack from automatic weapons." }
{ "id": "Para peneliti sampai sekarang masih kesulitan menemukan lokasi keberadaan istana Kerajaan Majapahit.", "en": "Until now the archeologists is still in difficulties to find the existence of the palace of Majapahit Kingdom." }
{ "id": "Saya tidak sanggup mengatasinya pada set awal, tetapi pada dua set berikutnya saya berusaha bangkit dan berhasil, kata Bammer, peringkat 20, ibu anak perempuan berusia 6,5 tahun.", "en": "I was not able to adjust initially to the bounce of the court, but came back strongly in the last two sets, said the 20th-ranked Bammer, mother of a six-and-a-half-year-old daughter." }
{ "id": "Ketika ditanya tentang berita sehari sebelumnya, Moratti menjawab, No comment namun setelah itu ia menjawab pertanyaan itu.", "en": "When asked about the news on Tuesday, Moratti replied no comment but he broke his silence a day later." }