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idiom | Before the important soccer match, Marie said to her team: 'Unfortunately, I can't be there today, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!' | Vor dem wichtigen Fußballspiel sagte Marie zu ihrer Mannschaft: 'Ich kann heute leider nicht dabei sein, aber ich werde Daumen drücken!' | en | 0.828313 | 0.835832 | 0.820794 | de-en | de | 0 |
idiom | Before he stepped onto the stage, he remembered his grandmother's words, who always said: 'I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, my boy.' | Bevor er die Bühne betrat, erinnerte er sich an die Worte seiner Großmutter, die immer sagte: 'Ich werde dir die Daumen drücken, mein Junge.' | en | 0.856924 | 0.861262 | 0.852587 | de-en | de | 1 |
idiom | Even though she knew she had to file her tax return soon, Julia decided to put it off. | Obwohl sie wusste, dass sie ihre Steuererklärung bald einreichen musste, entschied Julia, es auf die lange Bank zu schieben. | en | 0.860753 | 0.861108 | 0.860398 | de-en | de | 2 |
idiom | When he realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace to arrive on time. | Als er merkte, dass er zu spät kommen würde, legte er im Gehen einen Zahn zu, um pünktlich zu erscheinen. | en | 0.665188 | 0.572542 | 0.757835 | de-en | de | 3 |
idiom | After the wild party last night, Max is really feeling the effects today. | Nach der rauschenden Party gestern Nacht hat Max heute einen ordentlichen Katzenjammer. | en | 0.587018 | 0.565144 | 0.608893 | de-en | de | 4 |
idiom | One should be careful about what they say because the new boss is not someone you can mess around with. | Man sollte vorsichtig sein, was man sagt, denn mit dem neuen Chef ist nicht gut Kirschen essen. | en | 0.561564 | 0.49428 | 0.628848 | de-en | de | 5 |
idiom | The old warrior always vividly told the stories of his youth, how he faced many battles without biting the dust. | Der alte Haudegen erzählte immer wild die Geschichten seiner Jugend, wie er vielen Schlachten begegnete, ohne ins Gras zu beißen. | en | 0.725777 | 0.717891 | 0.733663 | de-en | de | 6 |
idiom | As the situation became more critical, the minister asked his assistant to speak with him in private. | Als sich die Lage zuspitzte, bat der Minister seinen Assistenten, mit ihm unter vier Augen zu sprechen. | en | 0.854498 | 0.861436 | 0.84756 | de-en | de | 7 |
idiom | He quit his job hoping for a better future, but with his new position, he went from the frying pan into the fire. | Er kündigte seinen Job in der Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft, aber mit seiner neuen Position kam er vom Regen in die Traufe. | en | 0.674624 | 0.634861 | 0.714387 | de-en | de | 8 |
idiom | Karin always asks her friends not to go overboard and keep things reasonable when they talk about their adventures. | Karin bittet ihre Freunde immer, nicht zu übertreiben und die Kirche im Dorf zu lassen, wenn sie von ihren Abenteuern erzählen. | en | 0.559763 | 0.521518 | 0.598009 | de-en | de | 9 |
idiom | After he had planned the prank, he had to face the music when everything went wrong. | Nachdem er den Streich geplant hatte, musste er auch die Suppe auslöffeln, als alles schiefging. | en | 0.498757 | 0.498693 | 0.498822 | de-en | de | 10 |
idiom | When the teacher asked him about the chemical formula, he was daydreaming and couldn't answer. | Cuando el profesor le preguntó sobre la fórmula química, estaba en las nubes y no pudo responder. | en | 0.811533 | 0.79767 | 0.825397 | es-en | es | 11 |
idiom | Even though many thought the exam would be difficult, for Carlos it was a piece of cake. | Aunque muchos pensaban que el examen sería difícil, para Carlos fue pan comido. | en | 0.819154 | 0.811335 | 0.826973 | es-en | es | 12 |
idiom | The last time she went shopping, she fell in love with a dress that cost an arm and a leg. | La última vez que fue de compras, se enamoró de un vestido que costaba un ojo de la cara. | en | 0.651706 | 0.593684 | 0.709727 | es-en | es | 13 |
idiom | Even though he lost his job, he found a better job opportunity the following month; as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. | Aunque perdió su empleo, encontró una mejor oportunidad de trabajo al mes siguiente; como dice el dicho, no hay mal que por bien no venga. | en | 0.809211 | 0.83784 | 0.780581 | es-en | es | 14 |
idiom | Instead of calming the situation, his sarcastic comments only served to add fuel to the fire. | En lugar de calmar la situación, sus comentarios sarcásticos lo único que hicieron fue echar leña al fuego. | en | 0.87414 | 0.877991 | 0.87029 | es-en | es | 15 |
idiom | If you really want to pass the final exam, you need to buckle down and start studying now. | Si realmente quieres aprobar el examen final, debes ponerte las pilas y empezar a estudiar ahora. | en | 0.863152 | 0.864501 | 0.861803 | es-en | es | 16 |
idiom | He finally apologized for his mistake, albeit late; as the saying goes, better late than never. | Finalmente se disculpó por su error, aunque tardíamente; como dice el refrán, más vale tarde que nunca. | en | 0.878349 | 0.882436 | 0.874262 | es-en | es | 17 |
idiom | After a sleepless night, Carlos arrived at the office in a foul mood. | Después de una noche sin dormir, Carlos llegó a la oficina con un humor de perros. | en | 0.656882 | 0.579087 | 0.734678 | es-en | es | 18 |
idiom | My grandfather has an old phone that's from the year dot. | Mi abuelo tiene un teléfono antiguo que es del año de la pera. | en | 0.620009 | 0.653753 | 0.586265 | es-en | es | 19 |
idiom | Before the exam, his friend said to him: 'Break a leg!' and he replied: 'Thanks!' | Prima dell'esame, il suo amico gli disse: 'In bocca al lupo!' e lui rispose: 'Crepi!' | en | 0.53315 | 0.541299 | 0.525002 | it-en | it | 20 |
idiom | After the night at the disco, they stayed up until the wee hours of the morning chatting. | Dopo la serata in discoteca, hanno fatto le ore piccole chiacchierando fino all'alba. | en | 0.775225 | 0.73314 | 0.81731 | it-en | it | 21 |
idiom | Even though he studied all afternoon, he still feels like he's at sea with his exam preparation. | Anche se ha studiato tutto il pomeriggio, sente ancora di essere in alto mare con la preparazione per l'esame. | en | 0.823139 | 0.824761 | 0.821517 | it-en | it | 22 |
idiom | By buying a sofa bed, you'll have a comfortable place to sit and an extra bed for guests; that way, you'll kill two birds with one stone. | Comprando un divano letto, avrai un posto comodo dove sederti e un letto extra per gli ospiti; così prenderai due piccioni con una fava. | en | 0.80318 | 0.786019 | 0.820341 | it-en | it | 23 |
idiom | He can't wait for the summer holidays to be able to travel and relax on the beach. | Non vede l'ora delle vacanze estive per poter viaggiare e rilassarsi sulla spiaggia. | en | 0.873004 | 0.886894 | 0.859113 | it-en | it | 24 |
idiom | Während der Besprechung traf Jane den Nagel auf den Kopf, als sie die Hauptursache für die Verzögerungen erkannte. | During the meeting, Jane hit the nail on the head when she identified the main cause of the delays. | de | 0.835677 | 0.834978 | 0.836375 | en-de | en | 25 |
idiom | Er sagt, dass er dieses Wochenende sein ganzes Haus putzen wird, aber das glaube ich erst, wenn Schweine fliegen können. | He says he's going to clean his entire house this weekend, but I'll believe that when pigs fly. | de | 0.815715 | 0.794258 | 0.837172 | en-de | en | 26 |
idiom | Anstatt die Landschaft zu beschreiben, die ich auf meiner Reise gesehen habe, zeigte ich meinen Freunden ein Foto, denn ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte. | Instead of explaining the scenery I encountered on my travels, I showed my friends a photo because a picture is worth a thousand words. | de | 0.867925 | 0.863738 | 0.872112 | en-de | en | 27 |
idiom | Ich gehe wirklich nicht gerne zum Zahnarzt, aber ich nehme an, ich muss jetzt einfach in den sauren Apfel beißen. | I really don't want to go to the dentist, but I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet. | de | 0.717335 | 0.741321 | 0.693348 | en-de | en | 28 |
idiom | Ich wollte die Party geheim halten, aber mein tollpatschiger Bruder hat die Katze aus dem Sack gelassen. | I wanted to keep the party a secret, but my clumsy brother let the cat out of the bag. | de | 0.838488 | 0.838623 | 0.838353 | en-de | en | 29 |
idiom | Als es darum ging, zwischen seinem Job und seiner Leidenschaft zu wählen, stand Jake zwischen Baum und Borke. | When it came to choosing between his job and his passion, Jake found himself caught between a rock and a hard place. | de | 0.805198 | 0.81675 | 0.793645 | en-de | en | 30 |
idiom | Ich bin immer gleich zur Öffnung im Laden, denn der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm, und so finde ich das frischeste Obst und Gemüse. | I always get to the store as it opens because the early bird catches the worm, and I can find the freshest produce. | de | 0.840531 | 0.832147 | 0.848914 | en-de | en | 31 |
idiom | Ich dachte, ich würde den Marathon nie beenden, aber ich bin keiner, der so leicht das Handtuch wirft. | I thought I would never finish the marathon, but I'm not one to throw in the towel easily. | de | 0.847468 | 0.8469 | 0.848036 | en-de | en | 32 |
idiom | Indem Peter mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit fährt, bekommt er seine Bewegung und vermeidet gleichzeitig den Verkehr; er weiß wirklich, wie man zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlägt. | By biking to work, Peter gets his exercise and avoids traffic; he truly knows how to kill two birds with one stone. | de | 0.815953 | 0.821903 | 0.810003 | en-de | en | 33 |
idiom | Sie verließ einen Job, den sie hasste, nur um in einem noch schlimmeren zu enden; es war vom Regen in die Traufe. | She left a job she hated only to end up in a worse one; it was out of the frying pan into the fire. | de | 0.554885 | 0.588819 | 0.520952 | en-de | en | 34 |
idiom | Indem er zu viele Projekte annahm, biss er sich mehr ab, als er kauen konnte, was zu viel Stress führte. | By taking on too many projects, he bit off more than he could chew, which led to a lot of stress. | de | 0.811589 | 0.815896 | 0.807283 | en-de | en | 35 |
idiom | Mit den bevorstehenden Prüfungen sitzen viele Studenten bis spät in die Nacht über den Büchern, um sicherzustellen, dass sie den ganzen Stoff durchgehen. | With the exams approaching, many students are burning the midnight oil to ensure they cover all the material. | de | 0.594842 | 0.578677 | 0.611008 | en-de | en | 36 |
idiom | Er plante bereits, was er mit seinem erwarteten Beförderungsgeld machen würde, aber ich sagte ihm, man soll das Fell des Bären nicht verteilen, bevor man ihn erlegt hat. | He was already planning what to do with his expected promotion bonus, but I told him don’t count your chickens before they hatch. | de | 0.689735 | 0.656971 | 0.722499 | en-de | en | 37 |
idiom | Hör auf, um den heißen Brei herumzureden und sag mir, was gestern Abend auf der Party passiert ist. | Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened at the party last night. | de | 0.720055 | 0.770038 | 0.670073 | en-de | en | 38 |
idiom | Er wurde gefeuert, weil er mit seinem Chef über alles gestritten hat – man soll nicht die Hand beißen, die einen füttert. | He got fired because he argued with his boss about everything – it's not smart to bite the hand that feeds you. | de | 0.850411 | 0.843577 | 0.857246 | en-de | en | 39 |
idiom | Ich wollte dieses schicke Auto kaufen, aber es kostet ein Vermögen, also entschied ich mich für etwas Erschwinglicheres. | I wanted to buy that fancy car, but it costs an arm and a leg, so I settled for something more affordable. | de | 0.838756 | 0.834763 | 0.842748 | en-de | en | 40 |
idiom | Kurz bevor die Überraschungsparty begann, plauderte ihr kleiner Bruder alles aus. | Just before the surprise party began, her little brother spilled the beans to the guest of honor. | de | 0.737091 | 0.729444 | 0.744738 | en-de | en | 41 |
idiom | Ich werde heute nicht an dem Meeting teilnehmen, da ich mich etwas angeschlagen fühle. | I won't be attending the meeting today as I am feeling a bit under the weather. | de | 0.85985 | 0.85662 | 0.863081 | en-de | en | 42 |
idiom | Ich werde mir jetzt noch keine Sorgen um mögliche Probleme der neuen Richtlinie machen – wir werden die Brücke überqueren, wenn wir zu ihr kommen. | I'm not going to worry about the potential problems of the new policy now—we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. | de | 0.837536 | 0.834767 | 0.840304 | en-de | en | 43 |
idiom | Ich habe mein Angebot gemacht, jetzt ist der Ball in deinem Feld, es anzunehmen oder abzulehnen. | I've made my offer, now the ball is in your court to accept or decline. | de | 0.79875 | 0.810505 | 0.786996 | en-de | en | 44 |
idiom | Er hat mich beschuldigt, egoistisch zu sein, aber das ist wie der Topf, der den Kessel schwarz nennt, wenn man sein eigenes Verhalten bedenkt. | He accused me of being selfish, but that's like the pot calling the kettle black considering his own behavior. | de | 0.809918 | 0.810168 | 0.809667 | en-de | en | 45 |
idiom | Der Chef wusste, dass einige Regeln gebrochen wurden, aber er drückte ein Auge zu, da die Ergebnisse beeindruckend waren. | The manager knew that some rules were being broken, but he turned a blind eye since the results were impressive. | de | 0.858446 | 0.856506 | 0.860385 | en-de | en | 46 |
idiom | Zu Beginn des Seminars erzählte der Gastgeber einen Witz, um das Eis zu brechen und alle Anwesenden sich wohl fühlen zu lassen. | At the start of the seminar, the host told a joke to break the ice and make everyone feel comfortable. | de | 0.860504 | 0.852637 | 0.86837 | en-de | en | 47 |
idiom | Nehmen Sie einen Regenschirm mit, denn es gießt wie aus Eimern draußen! | Bring an umbrella because it's raining cats and dogs out there! | de | 0.509458 | 0.521928 | 0.496988 | en-de | en | 48 |
idiom | Wir haben nicht viel Zeit für dieses Treffen, also lasst uns zur Sache kommen und zum Hauptpunkt gelangen. | We don't have much time for this meeting, so let's cut to the chase and get to the main point. | de | 0.833149 | 0.835344 | 0.830954 | en-de | en | 49 |
idiom | Estava preocupado com o exame, mas acabou por ser canja! | I was worried about the exam, but it turned out to be a piece of cake! | pt | 0.809808 | 0.838292 | 0.781324 | en-pt | en | 50 |
idiom | Durante a reunião, a Jenny acertou na mouche quando disse que o sucesso do projeto se devia ao árduo trabalho da equipa. | During the meeting, Jenny hit the nail on the head when she said the project's success was due to the team's hard work. | pt | 0.808817 | 0.829183 | 0.788452 | en-pt | en | 51 |
idiom | Eu realmente não gosto de confrontos, mas foi necessário encarar o touro pelos cornos e discutir os problemas com a minha equipe. | I really don't enjoy confrontations, but it was necessary to bite the bullet and discuss the issues with my team. | pt | 0.6811 | 0.725923 | 0.636277 | en-pt | en | 52 |
idiom | Após o seu fraco desempenho no último semestre, ele prometeu virar a página e começar a estudar mais seriamente. | After his poor performance last semester, he vowed to turn over a new leaf and start studying more seriously. | pt | 0.862699 | 0.855671 | 0.869727 | en-pt | en | 53 |
idiom | Ele não tinha notícias dela há anos e, do nada, ela enviou-lhe uma mensagem nas redes sociais. | He hadn't heard from her in years, and then, out of the blue, she sent him a message on social media. | pt | 0.854727 | 0.844891 | 0.864564 | en-pt | en | 54 |
idiom | Quando ela se esqueceu do nosso aniversário, foi a gota d'água, e eu soube que tínhamos de falar sobre a nossa relação. | When she forgot our anniversary, it was the last straw, and I knew we had to talk about our relationship. | pt | 0.822531 | 0.811838 | 0.833224 | en-pt | en | 55 |
idiom | Após várias tentativas de resolver o problema, ele estava pronto para atirar a toalha ao chão e chamar um profissional. | After several attempts to fix the issue, he was ready to throw in the towel and call a professional. | pt | 0.803748 | 0.819496 | 0.787999 | en-pt | en | 56 |
idiom | Para de fazer rodeios e diz-me o que realmente aconteceu na festa ontem à noite. | Stop beating around the bush and tell me what really happened at the party last night. | pt | 0.820147 | 0.809869 | 0.830426 | en-pt | en | 57 |
idiom | Tivemos de cancelar o piquenique porque estava a chover a cântaros. | We had to cancel the picnic because it was raining cats and dogs. | pt | 0.537911 | 0.563603 | 0.512219 | en-pt | en | 58 |
idiom | Eu queria comprar aquele carro desportivo, mas custava os olhos da cara. | I wanted to buy that sports car, but it cost an arm and a leg. | pt | 0.640083 | 0.730053 | 0.550112 | en-pt | en | 59 |
idiom | Ao ir de bicicleta para o trabalho, eu faço exercício e poupo dinheiro na viagem, matando assim dois coelhos com uma cajadada só. | By biking to work, I get some exercise and save money on commute, effectively killing two birds with one stone. | pt | 0.816682 | 0.805258 | 0.828105 | en-pt | en | 60 |
idiom | Ela teve de queimar as pestanas para terminar o relatório antes do prazo. | She had to burn the midnight oil to finish the report by the deadline. | pt | 0.563824 | 0.546362 | 0.581285 | en-pt | en | 61 |
idiom | Estou a sentir-me um pouco em baixo hoje, por isso acho que vou ficar na cama. | I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I'll stay in bed. | pt | 0.732215 | 0.796601 | 0.66783 | en-pt | en | 62 |
idiom | Foi um dia comprido; está na hora de ir para a cama. | It's been a long day; it's time to hit the hay. | pt | 0.724632 | 0.667701 | 0.781564 | en-pt | en | 63 |
idiom | Ele sempre amacia o patrão antes de pedir um dia de folga. | He always butters up his boss before asking for a day off. | pt | 0.727615 | 0.749692 | 0.705539 | en-pt | en | 64 |
idiom | Ele, sem querer, deixou escapar sobre a festa surpresa que estávamos a planear para ela. | He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party we were planning for her. | pt | 0.75806 | 0.803124 | 0.712996 | en-pt | en | 65 |
idiom | É ótimo trabalhar com a Maria; nós estamos sempre de acordo quanto ao rumo do projeto. | It's great working with Maria; we always see eye to eye on the project's direction. | pt | 0.829361 | 0.813963 | 0.844759 | en-pt | en | 66 |
idiom | Ele estava tão confiante nas suas capacidades de multitarefa, mas desta vez meteu-se em camisa de onze varas ao aceitar demasiados projetos de uma só vez. | He was so confident about his multitasking abilities, but this time he bit off more than he could chew by accepting too many projects at once. | pt | 0.593497 | 0.658183 | 0.528811 | en-pt | en | 67 |
idiom | Ele contou uma anedota engraçada para quebrar o gelo e em breve todos na festa estavam a rir. | He told a funny anecdote to break the ice and soon everyone at the party was laughing. | pt | 0.851633 | 0.854275 | 0.848991 | en-pt | en | 68 |
idiom | A festa era suposto ser um segredo, mas a Jane deixou escapar e contou a todos. | The party was supposed to be a secret, but Jane let the cat out of the bag and told everyone. | pt | 0.722949 | 0.75845 | 0.687448 | en-pt | en | 69 |
idiom | Assim que o produto se tornou popular, todas as outras companhias começaram a seguir a maré. | As soon as the product became popular, all the other companies started jumping on the bandwagon. | pt | 0.86435 | 0.858417 | 0.870283 | en-pt | en | 70 |
idiom | Eu não costumo comer fora com frequência—apenas de vez em quando. | I don't really eat out much—only once in a blue moon. | pt | 0.856592 | 0.850241 | 0.862942 | en-pt | en | 71 |
idiom | Não tenho a certeza de como vamos lidar com os cortes no orçamento, mas vamos resolver isso quando chegar a altura. | I'm not sure how we'll handle the budget cuts, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. | pt | 0.683684 | 0.72777 | 0.639599 | en-pt | en | 72 |
idiom | Os seus comentários sarcásticos só deitaram mais achas para a fogueira durante a discussão. | His sarcastic comments just added fuel to the fire during the argument. | pt | 0.791769 | 0.813993 | 0.769546 | en-pt | en | 73 |
idiom | Criticar as políticas da empresa de forma tão pública é como cuspir no prato em que se come. | Critiquing the company policies in such a public way is like biting the hand that feeds you. | pt | 0.739228 | 0.779115 | 0.699342 | en-pt | en | 74 |
idiom | He knew that the promotion was a long shot, but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained, so he sent in his application. | Ele sabia que a promoção era um longo tiro, mas como dizem, quem não arrisca não petisca, então ele enviou sua aplicação. | en | 0.667213 | 0.64023 | 0.694196 | pt-en | pt | 75 |
idiom | When she received a stable job offer, even though it wasn't the job of her dreams, she decided to accept it, thinking a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. | Quando ela recebeu uma oferta de emprego estável, embora não fosse o emprego dos seus sonhos, decidiu aceitá-lo, pensando que mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois a voar. | en | 0.776233 | 0.789539 | 0.762926 | pt-en | pt | 76 |
idiom | After losing the championship final, the coach told the team that there's no use crying over spilled milk and that they should focus on getting ready for the next season. | Depois de perder a final do campeonato, o técnico disse à equipe que não adianta chorar sobre leite derramado e que deveriam focar em se preparar para a próxima temporada. | en | 0.858126 | 0.870742 | 0.845509 | pt-en | pt | 77 |
idiom | She studied diligently every single day, firmly believing that constant dripping wears away the stone, and her persistence was finally rewarded with an excellent score on the exam. | Ela estudava todos os dias sem falta, acreditando firmemente que água mole em pedra dura tanto bate até que fura, e sua persistência foi finalmente recompensada com uma pontuação excelente no exame. | en | 0.593325 | 0.526272 | 0.660379 | pt-en | pt | 78 |
idiom | He bought a bottle of champagne before even knowing if he had passed the exam, but then he remembered not to count his chickens before they hatch. | Ele comprou uma garrafa de champanhe antes mesmo de saber se tinha passado no exame, mas lembrou-se que não se deve deitar foguetes antes da festa. | en | 0.474405 | 0.468964 | 0.479846 | pt-en | pt | 79 |
idiom | He was already planning the product launch party before even finishing the development, he was definitely putting the cart before the horse. | Ele já estava planejando a festa de lançamento do produto antes mesmo de terminar o desenvolvimento, definitivamente estava pondo o carro à frente dos bois. | en | 0.748408 | 0.703981 | 0.792834 | pt-en | pt | 80 |
idiom | He finally apologized after months, proving that better late than never. | Ele finalmente pediu desculpas depois de meses, provando que mais vale tarde do que nunca. | en | 0.874916 | 0.879236 | 0.870596 | pt-en | pt | 81 |
idiom | After years of applying for the same job, he finally got the position; indeed, all good things come to those who wait. | Depois de anos aplicando para o mesmo emprego, ele finalmente conseguiu a posição; de fato, quem espera sempre alcança. | en | 0.825236 | 0.828623 | 0.821848 | pt-en | pt | 82 |
idiom | He decided to sell the stocks while they were high instead of risking waiting for bigger gains, because as the saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. | Ele decidiu vender as ações enquanto estavam em alta, em vez de correr o risco de esperar por ganhos maiores, pois como diz o ditado, mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois a voar. | en | 0.799273 | 0.816761 | 0.781786 | pt-en | pt | 83 |
idiom | After months of waiting for a response to his book, the publisher finally got in touch with good news; indeed, all good things come to those who wait. | Depois de meses aguardando uma resposta do seu livro, o editor finalmente entrou em contato com boas notícias; realmente, quem espera sempre alcança. | en | 0.79041 | 0.772383 | 0.808437 | pt-en | pt | 84 |
idiom | When tempers started to rise during the negotiation, the experienced consultant knew it was time to pour cold water on the proceedings. | Quando os ânimos começaram a se exaltar durante a negociação, o consultor experiente sabia que era hora de pôr água na fervura. | en | 0.767426 | 0.747272 | 0.787581 | pt-en | pt | 85 |
idiom | I was always told that nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I decided to invest in that innovative business idea. | Sempre me disseram que quem não arrisca não petisca, por isso decidi investir naquela ideia de negócio inovadora. | en | 0.712441 | 0.742782 | 0.682099 | pt-en | pt | 86 |
idiom | When the window broke in the neighborhood, John, who wasn't even there, ended up taking the rap. | Quando a janela se quebrou na vizinhança, o João, que nem estava presente, acabou por pagar o pato. | en | 0.679836 | 0.666738 | 0.692935 | pt-en | pt | 87 |
idiom | He knew that the chances of winning the lottery were slim, but as they say, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained', so he bought a ticket. | Ele sabia que as chances de ganhar na loteria eram mínimas, mas como dizem por aí, 'quem não arrisca, não petisca', então ele comprou um bilhete. | en | 0.779202 | 0.798768 | 0.759637 | pt-en | pt | 88 |
idiom | She trusted her friend so much that she would go to bat for him when the accusations came up. | Ela confiava tanto no seu amigo que pôs a mão no fogo por ele quando as acusações surgiram. | en | 0.72084 | 0.709807 | 0.731874 | pt-en | pt | 89 |
idiom | He decided to accept the steady job offer instead of waiting for another uncertain one, after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. | Ele decidiu aceitar a oferta de trabalho segura em vez de esperar por outra incerta, afinal, mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando. | en | 0.786645 | 0.804203 | 0.769087 | pt-en | pt | 90 |
idiom | He was always very discreet, but this time he couldn't keep the secret and ended up spilling the beans. | Ele sempre foi muito discreto, mas dessa vez não conseguiu manter o segredo e acabou dando com a língua nos dentes. | en | 0.708624 | 0.716289 | 0.70096 | pt-en | pt | 91 |
idiom | He was counting on the bonus to buy a new car, but he can forget about it because the company didn't make any profits. | Ele estava contando com o bônus para comprar um carro novo, mas pode tirar o cavalinho da chuva, porque a empresa não teve lucros. | en | 0.640218 | 0.567126 | 0.71331 | pt-en | pt | 92 |
idiom | Her suggestion for the new project name fit like a glove, as it reflected the team's spirit exactly. | A sugestão dela para o novo nome do projeto caiu que nem uma luva, pois refletia exatamente o espírito da equipe. | en | 0.835837 | 0.846282 | 0.825392 | pt-en | pt | 93 |
idiom | After the meeting, he had a nagging doubt about the viability of the new project. | Depois da reunião, ficou com a pulga atrás da orelha sobre a viabilidade do novo projeto. | en | 0.751664 | 0.718909 | 0.784419 | pt-en | pt | 94 |
idiom | Although his argument seemed solid at first, as the discussion progressed, it began to hold no water. | Por mais que o argumento dele parecesse sólido no início, à medida que a discussão avançava, começou a meter água. | en | 0.59554 | 0.583986 | 0.607094 | pt-en | pt | 95 |
idiom | My brother has always been the type to make a mountain out of a molehill over any little problem that comes up. | Meu irmão sempre foi do tipo que faz tempestade em copo d'água por qualquer probleminha que apareça. | en | 0.565358 | 0.528265 | 0.602451 | pt-en | pt | 96 |
idiom | The baker knew that to make good bread, he couldn't rush the process; after all, haste makes waste. | O padeiro sabia que, para fazer um bom pão, não podia acelerar o processo; afinal, a pressa é a inimiga da perfeição. | en | 0.780275 | 0.821089 | 0.739462 | pt-en | pt | 97 |
idiom | He might look plain and uninteresting, but don't judge a book by its cover; he's a great professional with many skills. | Ele pode parecer simples e desinteressante, mas não julgue um livro pela sua capa; é um ótimo profissional com muitas habilidades. | en | 0.860955 | 0.866906 | 0.855004 | pt-en | pt | 98 |
idiom | The artist's son became an excellent painter; truly, like father, like son. | O filho do artista se tornou um excelente pintor; realmente, quem sai aos seus não degenera. | en | 0.458838 | 0.445908 | 0.471769 | pt-en | pt | 99 |