3 values
You can lose a sheep and find it again.
Ị nwere ike ịlaghachi ehi ehi ma hụ mkpụrụ ego ọlaedo ọzọ n'okpuru ya.
What do you want to be remembered for when you're gone?
Kini ni eyin fẹ kaye fi ranti yin nigba tẹ ẹ ba lọ tan?
The law does not provide for residency
Òfin kò fi ààyè sílè fún àn fààní bé è .
The commenter stated that he "had to go out."
Idu àgbon ó ní k 'ó máa dúró s 'óde.
In the same town there was a widow who kept on coming to him and saying, "I want justice from you against my enemy!"
E nwekwara otu nwaanyị isimkpe bikwa n'obodo ahụ, onye na-abịakwute ọkaikpe a kwa mgbe kwa mgbe, na-arịọ ya sị, 'kpepụta m n'aka onye iro m.'
tell them to think about it before they act
gbasara ya tupu ha amara ihe ha ga-eme.
It is easier to go from the castle to bottom right corner part of the map.
Ọ dị mfe ịga site na nnukwu ụlọ ruo n'akụkụ aka nri n'akụkụ akuku nke map.
18:61 Then when they reached the junction of the two, they forgot their fish, and it made its way to the sea, burrowing away.
18:61 Ṣugbọn nigbati nwọn wá si awọn ojuami ibi ti awọn meji pade, nwọn si gbagbe wọn eja, eyi ti ṣe awọn oniwe-ọna burrowing sinu okun .
when you're speaking
Ọ bụrụ na ị na-ekwu
Worrying about how to pay the rent
ni lati dààmú nípa ti mo ti yoo san owo
This phenomenon has been common in Irish
Ọ nwere ike ịdaba na mpaghara bearish na-emekarị.
Who says there has to be a beach to wear a bathing suit?
Ta ni o sọ pe imura igbeyawo gbọdọ jẹ ti aṣọ?
Owen decided he wanted to make an early debut and was born nearly 5 weeks early.
Ṣugbọn Leonard fun ipilẹṣẹ to dara julọ ko to kere diẹ diẹ, ati pe a bi i ni ọsẹ ọsẹ 35.
He had announced he was going to buy the S-400 system, which for good reason sent the west into a tizzy.
Ya bayar da amsa ame da cin bashin sayen garkuwar S-400 da cewa, ai an same su a farashi mai inganci.
companies on the grounds that they
abubuwan da zasu ampani al'umma, saboda yadda take
They say a daughter looks for a man like her father.
Har ma da ido na ido ya nuna cewa yarinya yarinya tana kama da mahaifinta.
The good news is that it isn't hard, and it doesn't take a lot of time.
Ozi ọjọọ ahụ bụ na ọ gaghị ele anya dị mma ma were oge iji melite.
This uniformity was not thwarted by the fact that the fauna in the north
Sai dai kuma duk da wannan tanaji bai hana mace-macen aure a arewacin kasar nan ba.
Some of them are applicable after the vehicle has completed a certain distance or age.
Bẹẹni, gbogbo eniyan ni igbagbogbo ti o ni irora nigbati o ba fagilee ọkọ ayọkẹlẹ kan tabi ti o pẹ.
The following rules apply to the game:
Ndị a bụ Ụkpụrụ Àkụ áká nke na-arụ ọrụ na egwuregwu a:
Many are worried about safety.
Nchebe nke nchekwa na-echegbu ọtụtụ ndị nne na nna.
There will also be free food...
A na-ewepụkwa ihe oriri n'efu ...
leave it to the rain
Hapụ ya na mmiri ozuzo
4 Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
4 Ka onye ọ bụla n'ime unu ghara ilekwasị anya naanị n'ọdịmma nke onwe ya, kamakwa n'ọdịmma nke ndị ọzọ.
I can put aside my pride for a while.
Mo le ṣe imudojuiwọn Afihan Asiri mi lati igba de igba.
Players have the chance to play on the go in two different ways, although one method is only available.
A ó ṣe àkíyèsí wí pé ọ̀nà méjì ni YA lè gbà ṣe ìyísódì ẹ̀yán àsòǹkà, ṣùgbọ́n ọ̀nà kan ṣoṣo ni ẸI ń gbà ṣe ìyísódì èyí.
He was given three months to determine whether a more complete product offering could convert the CEH to a financially viable program.
Otu ụbọchị iri atọ ga-adị mma ịnwale ma ọ bụrụ na ọnụego ntụgharị ga-achụpụ azụmahịa ọhụrụ zuru ezu maka Monique iji mejuo kalenda ya.
be explained with the damage due to the earthquake in
Ganin yadda 'yan adawa ke da rauni a ƙasar.
He'd gotten a metal middle finger held up in his face in response, of course, but that was business as usual.
Ọzọkwa, nye ya nnukwu isi mkpịsị aka ya na mpaghara ebe a na - ekwu - - - Ee, ala, dị ka mgbe niile.
follow the advice given at all times
Da shawarar da shi a duk zamanai.
You can paint the didgeridoo or varnish it.
Ị nwere ike mgba havortiya site na ịgwụ ma ọ bụ kewapụ akwụkwọ.
La Farge learned from his father's
Yeh Sun Sun Karat Galiyo Se Abb Tak Koyi Na Bhaaya Re
Just imagine yourself on a trip and you are responsible for communicating with others in English.
Yi tunanin kanka kan tafiya kuma kana da alhakin sadarwa tare da wasu a Turanci.
YOU said it, not ME.
U kwuru ya, ọ bụghị m
No, they're saying that because the shirts are being sold to make a profit, they are commercial in nature.
Mba... n'ihi na ụlọ ọrụ chere na ha na-azụ ahịa maka mgbanwe mmanụ mana ha chọrọ n'ezie bụ iji merie n'ọsọ ahụ.
A coupling can interchange and replace with lovejoy coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power.
Haɗuwa na iya musayar juna da maye gurbin lovejoy haduwa wani na'ura ce da ake amfani da ita don haɗa shafuka biyu tare a ƙarshen su da manufar watsa ƙarfi.
These symptoms are also accompanied by some heaviness in the eyes.
Awọn aja wọnyi tun nilo ifojusi pataki si awọn oju wọn.
The campaign encourages people to join the Pride rally from the safety of their homes
Hukumar NEMA ta kawo musu dauki, ta kira mutane su tattara daga wuraren da ruwan ya shafa don lafiyar su
They probably haven't made so much money in one week since Marie's drug house was shut down.
dade batayi kwalliya haka ba tun sanda take gidan Bilal.
How old is Stine Bramsen from Alphabeat and or what is her date of birth?
Kedu afọ ole bụ ọgwụ mbụ e nyere nwa nkịta megide rabies, na afọ ole ka ịba ọcha n'anya na ọrịa dị?
She also provides support to a brother and a sister.
Pẹlupẹlu, o jẹ ṣiyeyeji ti Ndombele ni eyikeyi arakunrin tabi arabinrin.
Archaeologists estimate that the man's remains are somewhere between 800 and 6,000 years old.
Sibẹsibẹ, awọn onimo ijinle sayensi ṣe imọran pe awọn ade wọn ti wa ni oke lori ilẹ lati ọdun 800 si 1000.
It's not only worked for movement.
Emeghị ọrụ ahụ naanị n'ihi na ị kwagara.
Jack Ruby acted alone in his assassination of Oswald and did not conspire with anyone to commit this act.
Jack Ruby ya yi shi kadai a lokacin da aka kashe Oswald kuma baiyi shawara tare da kowa ya yi wannan aikin ba.
• You should now right click on the music and choose the option of "Add To" and then select the device as well.
• Ị kwesịrị ugbu a nri pịa ngalaba Kọrọ ma họrọ nhọrọ nke 'Export Iji' wee họrọ ngwaọrụ dị ka mma.
He then addresses those who want to save their lives.
Sannan ya ja hankalin wadanda suka amfana su yi anfani dashi wajen bunkasa rayuwarsu.
The following list of priorities was derived after much discussion and several rounds of voting:
Olukẹrin gbawọ pe lẹhin awọn oju iṣẹlẹ ọpọlọpọ iriri ati awọn iranti ni ọpọlọpọ:
As a store owner, you have to take care of everything, including your employees.
pẹlu Awọn iyara ti o ni ipa lori isalẹ rẹ, o ni lati wo ohun gbogbo, pẹlu ile-iṣẹ alejo rẹ.
It is just a step in the
Wannan abu ne kawai a cikin leyera.
There is an answer to this question that has bothered us for centuries.
Bari mu amsa wannan tambayar, wanda irin wajan karnuka suke da hatsari.
This book is for those who have already experience preaching.
Wannan littafi ne ga waɗanda suka rigaya suna da magunguna na warkaswa a warkewa.
2 He said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist.
wee gwa ndị na- ejere ya ozi , sị: " Onye a bụ Jọn Onye Na- eme Baptizim .
Some, however, don't feel they have to live by the rules like other Americans.
Wasunsu za a samu sau da yawa ba su gudanar da rayuwa yadda sauran al'umma kan yi.
has to do now.
Ok, gotta ya now.
A fear of sheds?
Track na-egwu ndị ịgba ịnyịnya ígwè na-ebuli ibu?
Is the Sinai desert in the south or the north of the country?
Shin yau ne aka fara yin azumi a Najeriya, ko a yankin mu na arewa?
Schools have once more been closed.
Awọn ile-iwe ti ti tun ṣii.
I heard from a lot of people that Villain's Grove was kind of boring for their kids.
Gbogbo eniyan mo wipe lile jẹ gidigidi wulo fun awọn ọmọ ara.
Ilsa is only involved in a shopping trip!
Ilana yii jẹ ki o gba lati inu ẹrọ yii nikan ni ojurere!
Playing field is to wear clothes.
Iyẹn ni, idi opin ni lati ṣọ awọn ohun-ini rẹ.
When the first signs of the disease should include pet to the vet.
N'ihe ịrịba ama mbụ nke odo ero, ịkwesịrị ịhazi osisi ahụ na fungicides.
they are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; they shall not be
Nítorí pé, iranṣẹ mi ni wọ́n, tí mo kó jáde wá láti ilẹ̀ Ijipti, ẹnìkan kò gbọdọ̀ tà wọ́n lẹ́rú.
Ducklings can fly in 5 to 8 weeks.
Ducklings sukan iya tashi cikin makonni biyar zuwa takwas.
When the tree has been gotten rid of the stump is going to be left in the ground.
Mgbe adọtara osisi hemp, a na -ahapụ mineral maka ala ka ọ ga -adị nke ọma.
Granted, some of the solutions were as wildly improbable as the crime itself, but it was always entertaining to watch.
Ló de oní àwo n è sìn ìbílè wò nyí kò ranlè bíi ti àtijó , síbè a s ì ń bo wó n lójú méjèèjì.
But because of the annoyance with my family, I decided to burn it down.
Amma saboda bacin rai da iyalina, na yanke shawarar kona shi.
But there is no better word than "surprise" to describe his reaction when God said, "Sarah is going to have a baby boy."
Ba shiri ita ma Hafsa ta fasa dariyar, "Allah ya shiryi dan iskan yaro."
They thought that the first person to get into the stirred water would be healed.
Ha chere na onye mbụ ga-atụba onwe ya n'ime mmiri ahụ ga-agwọta ya.
how to worship god
Otú E Kwesịrị Isi Na-efe Chineke
In order to get assistance from the program, the first step is to apply for it.
Lati ṣeto satelaiti cod yii, ohun akọkọ lati ṣe ni lati tọrẹ si.
prayers during the day.
Kpee ekpere n'ehihie
It gets really hot here in the summer, so I was worried about leaving them outside or in the garage.
Eyi jẹ agbegbe yinyin pupọ, nitorinaa Mo ṣeduro lati lọ ni isubu tabi igba ooru.
You are initially to work in a group of 4 - 6 people which will address the task below.
Ni iwọn apapọ, o tọ lati tọ awọn eniyan 4-6 lọtọ, eyi ti ni ojo iwaju wọn yoo ṣubu si ẹgbẹ.
The chemical formula for water is H 2 O and its proper chemical name is dihydrogen monoxide.
Sunan IUPAC na ruwa, H 2 O, shi ne dihydrogen monoxide.
"What I would like to see in the New
Ina so in san abun ciki don sabunta ni a cikin
If the problem occurs within six months of purchase, it is up to the company to prove the goods weren't faulty when they were bought.
If Ọ bụrụ na ntụpọ ahụ apụta n'otu ọnwa isii izizi site na mbugharị nke ọma, a na-eche na ntụle ahụ adịlarị mgbe ọ zụtara ya na onye na-azụ ya ekwesịghị igosipụta ihe ọ bụla.
Anyone who would not seek the LORD God of Israel would be executed, whether they were young or old, male or female.
ati pé ẹnikẹ́ni tí kò bá sin OLUWA Ọlọrun Israẹli, ìbáà ṣe àgbà tabi ọmọde, ọkunrin tabi obinrin, pípa ni àwọn yóo pa á.
In addition to these key benefits, there are also many related benefits that under this heading also add to their incomes.
E wezụga ọrụ ndị a bụ isi, enwerekwa ọtụtụ ọrụ ndị metụtara ya na-enyekwa aka na ego ya n'okpuru isiokwu a.
Sometimes you feel like you have no choice but to allow visitors to come see your baby.
O ṣee ṣe pe boya ninu awọn meji ko ṣe to lati yi awọn alejo rẹ pada si awọn ti onra.
This is the first day of the Internet.
Taa bụ ụbọchị mbụ nke BlogINDIANA ma ọ dị mma.
I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot or cold.
Na san ayyukanka, ba ka da sanyi ba ka kuma da zafi.
//The square root of the value 9 is assigned
Ami akọkọ ti Agbaaiye Akọsilẹ 9 fun wa ni awọn alaye rẹ
A book's theme is not the same as its plot or its moral lesson, but these elements are related all necessary in building the larger story.
Takardun littafin ba daidai ba ne da shirinsa ko darasi na dabi'un, amma waɗannan abubuwa suna da alaka da duk wajibi a gina ginin da ya fi girma.
"Betrayal is part of the cost of leadership and being part of the human race."
Nwachukwu tẹsiwaju, "Iselu jẹ apakan ati aaye ti awọn eniyan.
I hope to be an example of someone who has no idea how to pray, but practices it daily."
In kowa ya san abin da ya kamata ya yi, kamar yadda nake ba da misali da salla, ba sai an zauna an koya wa mutane yadda za su yi ba."
(14) You are my friends if you do what I command you.
14 Unu bu ndi enyi m, ma oburu na unu eme ihe obula m nyere unu n'iwu.
And a considerable crowd from the town was with her.
Ìgwè mmadụ dị ukwuu ndị si n'obodo ahụ sokwa ya.
Those two lines and the followings should be replaced by:
Dochie ngwaa ndị a na njedebe ọzọ, a na -eme nke a site n'ịgbanwe ya dịka nnọchiaha:
based on the change of seasons, the time of
Otú ọ dị, ikwugharị na mgbanwe nke oge, ebe na circum-
Col.1:9 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the [a]knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Ndị Kọlọsi 1: 9 N'ihi nke a anyị onwe anyị kwa, kemgbe ụbọchị ahụ anyị nụrụ ya, anyị akwụsịghị ikpe ekpere maka gị, ma chọọ ka afọ jupụta n'ihe ọmụma nke uche ya n'amamihe na nghọta niile nke mmụọ;
It follows therefore that the idea that there can be something
Wannan shi ne tabbatar da cewa za a iya zama tare da wani abu tare da wani abu da ya dace da shi.
Elijah was a man just like us, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.
Ịlaịja bụ nwoke nwere ụdị mmetụta anyị na- enwe , ma o kpere ekpere ka mmiri ghara izo; mmiri ezoghịkwa n' ala ahụ ruo afọ atọ na ọnwa isii .
You can also make your own group and invite other travelers to join.
I nwekwara ike mepụta ihe ntanetị nke onwe gị ma kpọọ ndị ọzọ na-ede blọgụ ka ha sonyere gị.
See also The Tree
saba da cewa itace shi kuma duba
He put it up to his mouth, and quietly began to
Ọ rachaa ọnụ ya, kwuo n'uche ya na nta nta agbaala.
He recommended notifying the city that the county would no longer accept prisoners from police.
Ya baiwa gwamnatin tarayya shawarar cewar, ta lamunce da hawan teburin sulhu da 'yan bindiga ba illa bane.
I know how sorry they are for what they did.
- Na san waɗanda suka dakatar da ni yanzu sun wãyi gari sunã nadama abin da suka aikatã
You're playing a winning hand with the cards you were dealt.
Kuna da babbar dama ta cin nasara tare da takaddun shaida da kuka ƙirƙira gwargwadon wasan..
We love that there are a lot of options and that the coffee is always high-quality, full-bodied, and delicious every time you brew a cup!
A nifẹ idapọ awọn iru-ọmọ, o jẹ ẹni ti o fẹran ati ọrẹ pupọ ni awọn akoko, gbogbo eniyan ṣe alaye nipa Kofi, pẹlu oju puppy rẹ ati awọn oju ti o ṣe afihan! '
al Qaeda has changed its name several times.
Gandhi Square ti yi orukọ rẹ pada ni igba pupọ ninu itan rẹ.