3 values
I love you more each day
Kowace rana ina son shi kuma da yawa.
And, although they had entered without bow and arrow, and without shield and sword, their God fought on their behalf and was victorious.
5:16 Kuma, kõ da yake sun shiga ba tare da baka da kibiya, kuma ba tare da garkuwa da takobi, su Allah ya yi yaƙi da madadin kuma ya yi nasara.
There will be food and drink on sale, but you cannot bring any in with you.
Don kawo abinci ko abin sha tare da kai an haramta shi sosai, duk da haka, ana iya sayan wannan duka a cikin hadaddun;
from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people
Duniya ke riwazon ko, zameen mein iski dafnaya maine,
You don't want your son or daughter around when that happens.
Maṣe beere ọmọkunrin tabi ọmọbirin rẹ lati bura pe eyi kii yoo ṣẹlẹ lẹẹkansi.
Bread is an important part of meals.
Nri bred bụ akụkụ dị mkpa nke nri anụ ụlọ.
It is an act of sacrilege, defying the authority of the gods.
Ka'idarsa ta nuna saɓo, yana ba'a ikon allahntaka.
But as Gold has so often demonstrated in the past, it still has the ability to confound.
Dị ka ọtụtụ ndị na-emebi ihe n'oge gara aga, ọ na-enyekwa ikike ịmegharị.
But the record does not support the State's
Ṣugbọn nibi ipinle ko duro si awọn ẹranko wọnyi.
Another said that her phone and money were taken from her and she was told she could not leave the home to seek medical help despite her condition.
Onye ọzọ n'ime ha kwukwara na anaara ya ekwentị ya na ego niile o ji ma kwụsị ya ịga ụlọọgwụ n'agbanyeghị ọnọdụ ya.
This is the name of the email
Nke a bụ isiokwu nke email ahụ.
Cricket is played by 11 players.
An buga wasan Cricket tsakanin kungiyoyin 'yan wasa 11.
He has gone ahead of you to Galilee and you will meet him there."
Àti pé òun ń lọ sí Galili síwájú yín, níbẹ̀ ni ẹ̀yin yóò gbé rí i,' wò ó, o ti sọ fún yin."
Observe: The term "Business Card" is likewise used to refer to vCards but that doesn't signify that they are reserved only for business use.
Rịba ama: A na-ejikwa okwu ahụ bụ "Business Card" na-ezo aka na vCards mana nke ahụ apụtaghị na ha debere naanị maka ịzụ ahịa.
Col. 1:16 - "all things have been created through him and for him."
Ndị Kọlọsi 1:16 kwuru na " e sitere n'aka ya kee ihe niile " na " e kere ihe niile site n'aka ya na maka ya.
home, wash your hands with
Ile ni wẹ pẹlu ọwọ ọwọ wọn
During the argument Abi Bakhtari son of Hashim, from the tribe of Asad, overheard the two arguing and asked what all the fuss was about.
N'oge na-arụrịta Abi Bakhtari nwa Hashim, site n'ebo Asad, nụpeere abụọ rụọ ụka na jụrụ ihe niile nsogbu oge bụ banyere.
In addition, her son wasn't as easygoing as her daughter.
Ọmọbirin naa ko jẹ olokiki bi ọmọkunrin rẹ.
If you want to create workflows between different tools then you need to use Unito.
Ti o ba ni imọran eyikeyi nipa awọn okun aṣa, iwọ yoo dara ṣiṣẹ pẹlu UNIAUX.
The youth of today can gain self-confidence by fighting for equal rights.
Matasa suna da zaɓi a zamanin yau kuma suna yaƙi don daidaikun kansu.
With the first year of marriage
Ṣàṣeyọrí láàárín ọdún àkọ́kọ́ tí wọ́n ṣègbéyàwó
of one game out of 162 does not make or break
Media Media Player 12 na-agba ma ọ bụ anaghị agba ọsọ ma ọlị.
I can honestly say that TechMuze has changed my life.
Enwere m ike ikwu n'eziokwu na Zeevou agbanweela ndụ m!
They have to be the right shoes.
Awọn bata bàta osan ni o yẹ lati ni akoko yi.
My father left around this time, partly because he did not want her to study the Bible.
Mahaifina ya tafi a wannan lokacin, wani ɓangare saboda ba ya son ta yi nazarin Littafi Mai Tsarki.
It teaches us the way to eternal life.
Ka nuna mana hanyar da zata kaimu ga samin rain a har abada abadin amin.
I feel the US now is facing a growing Plutocracy where the elected officials pander to the people with all the money.
Anyị ga-ahụrịrị na ndị ọchịchị nọ na Biafra ga-emeriri uche ndị ha na-achị, ọ bụ etu a ka ndị mba ofesi ga-eji kwanyere anyị ugwu.
The right to see a doctor and seek further medical treatment
Agbanyeghị, mgbe ịgachara ọkachamara, ịchọrọ ọgwụgwọ ọzọ site na dọkịta na-ahụ maka mmiri ọgwụ.
Would you like to be close to amenities but you are tired of the noise and dust of the city?
Kai ne Keen a kan skateboarding amma zama gaji da dukan da turawa da ƙafafunku?
He is a mighty warrior.
O jẹ apaniyan to lagbara.
20 year old girl was shot dead
Wọ́n fipá bá ọmọbìnrin ogún ọdún lò pọ̀, wọ́n sì pa á
Therefore, the conclusion is that the Flood is a Bible myth.
Ya mere, nkwubi okwu bụ na Iju Mmiri ahụ bụ akụkọ ifo nke Akwụkwọ Nsọ.
7 The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you.
7Olúwa yóò gbà fún ọ pé gbogbo ọ̀tá tí ó dìde sí ọ yóò bì ṣubú níwájú rẹ.
She always thanks to god.
Mgbe nile kwa nọọnụ na-ekele Chineke ekele.
That the meaning of life is I'm in for the kill
ne iyan din meana ne tilaka niyu ke hinawa niyu
"There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
"E nwere enyi nke na-arapara n'ahụ́ karịa nwanne.
It is not obvious to have a rise in bills because there are possible ways you can do it without the rise.
Ọ bụ eziokwu na enweghị ụzọ doro anya iji chọọ mma, n'ihi na ha nwere ike enweghị njedebe dịka enwere uto.
16 In the place of your fathers will be your children, whom you will make princes in all the earth.
16 Nipò awọn baba rẹ li awọn ọmọ rẹ yio wà, ẹniti iwọ o ma fi jẹ oye lori ilẹ gbogbo.
There is a large proportion of research which must be completed out of school.
E nwere ihe a ọtụtụ ozi izugbe na kwesịrị pụọ n'ogige mahadum.
We will show you those reasons.
A sọ fun ọ awọn idi naa.
This time he hoped that she was home.
Amma wannan lokaci, ta ya zaba zauna a gida.
First of all, it is helpful to know how to check yourself for some of the most common diseases like breast cancer.
Mo fẹ pin pẹlu rẹ bi a ṣe le ṣe ọkan ninu awọn petals ti o rọrun julo ti Kanzash - petal ti o dara.
I don't mean to criticize the host or any employees, it is all about the people who get together.
Emi ko nilo lati ri awon eniyan tabi ni eyikeyi miiran Idanilaraya sugbon o kan fojusi lori awọn iṣẹ-ṣiṣe ni ọwọ.
Depending on the changes that were made restoring the registry keys, you may need to restart to see them take effect in Windows, or whatever program (s) the keys and values that were restored pertains to.
Dabere na mgbanwe ndị e mere weghachite igodo ndekọ, ị nwere ike ịmalitegharịa iji hụ ka ha na-arụ ọrụ na Windows, ma ọ bụ ihe ọ bụla usoro (s) igodo na ụkpụrụ ndị e weghachiri eweghachi metụtara.
That was the point in time that I made the decision.
Bọọlu afẹsẹgba kii ṣe ipinnu mi ni akoko yẹn.
Cinema has a number of films that you can view for free on
Yana da nau'in wasan kwaikwayon da za ku iya kallo ba tare da damuwa da shi ba.
The terrain is difficult, and the temperatures are so high during the day that cars sometimes break down.
Ilẹ-ilẹ jẹ nira, ati iwọn otutu ti ga to nigba ọjọ ti awọn ọkọ ayọkẹlẹ ma wó lulẹ nigbakan.
There Isn't any such
E nweghị ihe dị ka ihe a dịghị onye.
a fish sleeping, and caught it.
Muna shirya kifin, sa shi da gishiri da barkono.
Sex is similar to exercise.
Jima'i kirga kamar yadda motsa jiki.
In fact so powerful that many things are fixed in post, extras are not needed anymore, and some shots are...
Lonakona, ni bayi pe foonu ti tẹlẹ ti jade ati pe ko si awọn agbasọ ọrọ ti iwulo diẹ sii, lẹhinna iyẹn, lati jẹ ki awọn ohun di aṣiwere....
God has power to perform what He promises.
21 Ọ bụ kwenyesiri ike na Chineke nwere ike ime ihe ọ bụla o kwere nkwa,
However, most of the studies have been conducted on animals.
Mana ọtụtụ nyocha ahụ ha megodu bụ n'ahụ ụmụanụ eji eme nyocha ka ha mere ya.
up with them is the fact that we are always supplementing the
Matsalar ita ce koyaushe muna sabunta fayil ɗin tare da
Chris highlighted the need to ask
huo yan jin jing bian shi pin zhen wei
He himself gave the answer to his question and said: "We Muslims are inhibited in our thinking and are unable to develop modern techniques.
Ya n'onwe ya zara azịza ya ma kwuo, sị: "Anyị ndị Alakụba na-egbochi echiche anyị ma ghara inwe ike ịzụlite usoro nke oge a.
A: Fats, also called l...
cew: kamu gx suka yaw ma aku...
The Sun is the center, not the Earth.
Watau, rana ita ce cibiyar tsarin duniyoyinmu, ba Duniya ba.
The death of cash and the war for the future of money
Ọj ti ikú yọ sí Òmìnìlògbà, owó ló fi y
Anything it picked up, it would have to carry in its mouth.
Ihe ọ sọrọ sị mee enwe, anya ga-atọrịrị ya nʻelu osisi.
Wilco is trying to break your heart
Anakin kills obi wan
Both used to spend a lot of time together.
Awọn mejeeji mejeji ti gbadun akoko nla jọ.
There are so many ways laughter can ease stress and anxiety.
Yawan yin dariya wanda haka ya ke kawar da damuwa da dowewar kwakalwa.
in touch with him and he could probably
ya tafi tare da shi da kuma na ji watakila ka uh
These cameras are used in different fields, and their names are the following:
A lo awọn kamẹra wọnyi ni awọn aaye oriṣiriṣi, ati awọn orukọ wọn ni atẹle:
They are the product of years
olodun wọnyi li eniyan ti o kan olodun-lori
In the early 1900s, it was viewed as a profession for women who were uneducated, poor, and morally corrupted.
A farkon shekarun 1900, ana kallon shi a matsayin sana'a ga matan da basu da ilimi, matalauta, da kuma lalacewar halin kirki.
We had our bellies filled with fish.
Anyị ejirila ZOBO tejuo mmiri di na ololo egwu anyị.
Verse 22 of the same chapter says "Indeed, this is for you a reward, and your effort has been appreciated."
َ076-022 (A ce musu) "Lalle ne, wannan ya kasance, a gare ku sakamako, kuma aikink. ya kasance abin gõdewa."
She will refer to how you can participate in the new festivities ̵
Ị ga-achọpụta na ụzọ ị na-ahọrọ na-ekere òkè na mmemme ndị ọzọ na-eme gị.
12. then you do not release him to do anything for his father or mother,
7:12 to, ba ka sake shi ya yi wani abu domin mahaifinsa ko mahaifiyarsa,
"We're at the hospital after we were attacked at a restaurant.
"Nigba ti Kanye wa ni ile iwosan labẹ iṣakoso awọn onisegun.
"Spock stayed by your bedside practically the whole time you were asleep."
"Alhj kayi hak'uri ka barshi yaje d'in hala rabonsa ya ratse" Ummi ta fad'a.
Great time, Gilles is the perfect host, he is happy to share with you his knowledge of the region.
N'okpuru nhọrọ zuru ezu nke SESEO, Semalt nwere obi ụtọ inweta gị ọnụ ahịa ọnụahịa maka ngwugwu SEO mpaghara ha.
1975 - Following the setting up of
1975 - Baiyin Furnace
39 Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who think they see may become blind."
39 Jizọs kwuru, sị, "Abịara m n'ụwa maka ikpe, ka ndị na-adịghị ahụ hụ wee hụ; ka ndi nāhu uzọ we ghọ ndi-ìsì.
Young people are moving out of
Matasa suna barin.
We must be made his servants.
Iboju ẹtan wa ni pe wọn di awọn iranṣẹ rẹ.
Aren't these $2 at the show?
Ọ bụ na nke ahụ adịghị ka otu $ 1500 ma ị nọghị n'ihe nkiri ahụ n'onwe ya?
I would cry day and night for my people who have been destroyed.
Nigbana ni emi o sọkun lọsan ati loru fun awọn ti a pa ti awọn ọmọbinrin awọn enia mi.
On the other hand, some concepts are described
A na-eji ntọala ụfọdụ akọwapụta ụfọdụ ụdị.
So, which one of the above-mentioned practices are you going to acquire from today?
Ewo ninu won le lero wi pe o le fun omo loyun ti won ba fomo tii?
to buy, and there is no investment
Rekel bi, da ga ne rabite.
He tells his house servants, 'Give a drink to the one
Sai aka ce: ka ba wa mai hidimar da ya kawo ya sha.
Therefore, all forms of art and culture should
Site ndabara, niile ọdịnaya na ike ga-agafere na-enyocha.
But overall, the tool has many things to be considered the best.
Paapaa ti o dara julọ, ọpọlọpọ awọn ohun ti o gbọdọ ni ni o jẹ ifarada ga julọ.
So, she dropped everything and went to the hospital and paid the money.
O tiiri ndi nke ahụ metụtara aka n'obi ma gaa n'ụlọgwụ kwụọrọ ndị melụlụ ahụ ụgwọ.
Fire crews say they had left the scene by 9am.
Akwai wadanda naji suna cewa sunzo filin nan tunda 9:00 na safe.
But it is a strength of a relationship to a man.
Bayi ni o jẹ ọna asopọ laarin Ọlọhun Ọkunrin kan.
Pam Grunow was staying at home to raise their children.
Louis gbara ọsọ ahịa nke Zélie gara n'ihu n'ụlọ ka ọ na-azụ ụmụ.
In 2013, they changed their name.
Ma n'afọ 2007, ha gbanwere aha ha iji wepu kọmputa .
2Ch 8:16 All Solomon's work was carried out, from the day the foundation of the temple of the LORD was laid until its completion.
8:16 Solomoni ti gbogbo awọn inawo pese, lati ọjọ lori eyi ti o ti da awọn ile Oluwa, ani titi ọjọ nigbati o pé o.
What is the price of lambo.
Kedu ihe bụ Akwụkwọ ikike ịkwụ ụgwọ ego na Labuan na ụgwọ?
The other convict, Adeyemi said the couple did not offend them, adding that they robbed the family after they were informed that the couple had important documents in their possession.
Dayan wanda aka yankewa hukuncin, Adeyemi ya ce ma'auratan ba su bata musu rai ba, ya kara da cewa sun sace ma'auratan ne bayan da aka sanar da su cewa ma'auratan suna da muhimman takardu a hannunsu.
It also supports several real-time operating systems.
Ọzọkwa, ọ na-enye ohere onye na-arụ ọrụ na abụọ dị iche iche Operating Systems n'out oge.
So you can use this function in all your projects.
Ị nwere ike ịkwalite ohere a n'usoro n'usoro so na saịtị gị niile..
Was it because Jesus was in the form of a man or born of a woman?
4 Eha ti ṣe ti a o fi da enia lare lọdọ Ọlọrun, tabi ẹniti a bi lati inu obinrin wá yio ha ṣe mọ́?
And so it was that Halima's foster child would refer to her in later years as his "mother" and to her children as his "brothers and sisters."
Ati ki o wà pé Halima ká bolomo ọmọ yoo tọkasi lati rẹ ni nigbamii years bi rẹ "iya" ati si ọmọ rẹ bi rẹ "arakunrin ati arabirin."
Purcell calls his own witness, a congressman and former doctor, who claims that a woman's body will not allow her to become pregnant from rape.
Galdima yana bukatan dada mata, matanshi da yaranta sukaki amincewa, hakan bai Hana Galdima yin wani auren Ba.
It should also be noted that the poet refers to the sun's streams as "his silent beams."
O tun sọ pe awọn onijagidijagan lo awọn idile wọn gẹgẹbi "awọn apata alãye."