3 values
23 And he having come to the temple, there came to him when teaching the chief priests and the elders of the people, saying, 'By what authority do you do these things?
23 Nigbati o si de inu tẹmpili, awọn olori alufa ati awọn àgba awọn enia wá sọdọ rẹ̀ bi o ti nkọ́ awọn enia; nwọn wipe, Aṣẹ wo ni iwọ fi nṣe nkan wọnyi? tali o si fun ọ li aṣẹ yi?
when she was the sole
Idan Solihin
Not that we're going
Ha ha here we go
The great scapular notch (or spinoglenoid notch) is a notch which serves to connect the supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa. It lies immediately medial to the attachment of the acromion to the lateral angle of the scapular spine.
Ipo agbadoke ti oga (tabi ipo agbadoke spinoglenoid) je ipo agbadoke ti o nira lati pa supraspinous fossa ati infraspinous fossa. O wa niwaju meji si ipo ti acromion ti n pa si apakanle ti oga agbadoke.
The day you meet your spouse, the birth of your child, or the passing of a loved one.
Boya iya rẹ yoo ni idunnu pẹlu ọrun kan sika, ti a funni fun ọjọ iya, tabi ẹwà ti o gbona.
After coming out from it was 2.15 P.M.; suddenly things around us started changing rapidly.
O ti wa ni 3 a.m. ati awọn ti o lojiji ji soke nipasẹ awọn ohun ti awọn lẹmeji ti a ilẹkun.
Where's is the E1b1b?
Olee otú nzọ 1xbet Brazil?
But if you do not have any proof, then why are you introducing
Idan dai har ba ku ji kunyar yiwa Alqur'ani qarya ba to, baya ga shi,a duniyan nan, mene ne za ku yi shayin sa?
the local language of the home for women who operate predominately in the
Awọn ọna ti a ṣe iwọn idiwọn ni ile, eyi ti o lo julọ ti awọn obirin olugbe:
the markets of Europe, under the name of Spanish
Shizuka ni yureru garasu no suna
You have been given power, to become a son of God
I nwere ohere tupu gị abụrụ nwa Chineke.
A fire in the bed
Ịgbado ọkụ bed
This step is to learn the difference between a share, link, or a post.
Ịmụta ọdịiche dị n'etiti òkè, njikọta, ma ọ bụ akwụkwọ ozi ndị ọbịa bụ ihe niile dị na nke a.
The city lies near where the Kano and Challawa rivers flowing from the southwest meet to material the Hadejia River, which eventually flows into Lake Chad to the east.
Garin yana kusa da inda kogunan Kano da Challawa da suke kwararowa daga kudu maso yamma suka hadu suka zama Kogin Hadejia, wanda daga karshe ya malala zuwa Tafkin Chadi zuwa gabas.
The junta has said there will be elections after an 18-month dialogue, but this has not started and the body that's supposed to draw up a new constitution has not been formed.
Sojojin dai sun ce zasu gudanar da zabe bayan wata 18 na tattaunawa, amma har yanzu ba'a fara ba kuma har yanzu ba'a kafa kwamitin rubuta sabon kundin tsarin mulki ba.
How many bathrooms (including ensuites) are in your home?
Da yawa daga cikin wadannan gidaje masu ban sha'awa (da kuma jurewa) za ku iya samunwa a unguwarku?
This would make for a good deal, but the guy explained that the controls are very worn out.
O jẹ gidigidi soro lati ṣe eyi, ṣugbọn awọn oniwakọ ni pe o wa ọna kan lati pa apaniyan naa run.
Now let's look and see what we have.
Anyị ga-adọka ebe a, lee ihe anyị nwere.
She knew it was Jesus and rejoiced in His name.
Ó mọ pé ó ti yan didara ati pe inu Jesu dun pẹlu ebun re.
"When did we see you ill or in prison, and come to visit you?"
39 Ko kuma a yaushe muka gan ka da rashin lafiya, ko a kurkuku muka kula da kai?'
Hope is a window that opens the soul's heart
Mepee ihe na-emeghị ka ọkpụkpụ na-eme ka ọkpụkpụ na-emeghe
After you have downloaded, open it and read it.
Yanzu da kuna da wata takarda don gwadawa, buga shi kuma karanta shi.
Can I be the light of your life?
Boy- Enwere m ike dochie ya n'ihi na ike nke ndụ gị?
This is Detroit's
Wannan shi ne Detroit.
He says, "because you will see them doing things that are even more detestable."
O wee gaa n' ihu ịsị m: " Ị ka ga- ahụ oké ihe arụ ndị ọzọ ha na- eme .
Muhammad realized the hardship his uncle and family faced so he went to Al-Abbas and suggested that they should each take one of Abu Talib's sons into their own household until matters improved.
Muhammad ghọtara ihe isi ike nwanne nna ya na ezinụlọ chere ihu otú ọ gara Al-Abbas na tụrụ aro ka ha kwesịrị ọ bụla ewe otu nke Abu Talib ụmụ n'ime n'ezinụlọ nke ha ruo mgbe ihe ka mma.
I know it doesn't have to look good to taste good, but there is much to be said for eye appeal.
Ekwenyere m na ịgbaso ìgwè ehi abụghị, n'onwe ya, ọ bụ nnukwu ihe ịme, mana enwere ọtụtụ ihe ị ga-ekwu gbasara igwe na aha.
Some of them gators were boys and some girls and while they were in here they fell in love and laid some eggs.
Awọn ọmọ kekere kekere bẹẹ ni awọn asoju obinrin ati awọn ọmọde ọdọ, ati nigbati awọn ọkunrin dagba, wọn ti jade ati pe wọn ti wa laileto.
Why are you answering now.
To, me ya sa ya amsa yanzu?
Currently, his home was France.
Ni akoko yii, asiko Faranse ni iṣẹ iṣẹ-aye rẹ kii ṣe nigbagbogbo.
As far as not playing the game.
Dị nnọọ ka ọ bụrụhaala na anyị ejighị bọl.
"But I reserve the right to be as evasive as you are in my answer."
"Saboda ina 6oye wa ne gudun sanyaka cikin damuwa kaman yadda kake ciki yanzu."
"Not quite 10 minutes later, another person was shot (dead) by Obasa's boys again, and one other person was shot by the leg," the witness said.
"Bayan minti goma kuma, yaran Obasa suka kashe wani kuma, sannan aka harbi wani a kafa."
The X, released in January , was the last handset of the series.
IE11, nke a tọhapụrụ na 2013, bụ ngwụcha ikpeazụ nke ihe nchọgharị weebụ.
These memorandums are legally enforceable because they are signed, dated and in writing.
Shi irin wannan adabi an kira shi rubutaccen adabi ne, saboda a rubuce ake shirya shi, a bayar da shi a rubuce, a kuma adana shi a rubuce.
Your roof is the keystone of your house.
Onye nbipute gị bụ isi nkuku ụlọ ụlọ gị.
We've list some of the most asked questions and answered them here
Yabụ na anyị ga - ewere ajụjụ kachasị ugboro ma zaa ha ebe a.
Here are a few types based on their size:
A nan ne matakan kimanin kimanin kimanin kaya akan girman kansa:
Which region is referred to as the d-block on the diagram?
Ewo ninu atẹle ni lẹta ti a ka bi ZED ninu abidi Gẹẹsi?
That is what started it all, isn't it?
Wannan ya fara shi duka, ko ba haka ba?!
and wellbeing of all of our employees by providing free health
Sannan kuma abokan aiki mu na zaune da kowa lafiya.
When it started to grow stronger, I jumped up and started working out what to do next."
"Mgbe ụda egbe bidoro ịka njọ, ebidoro m ịtụ alo ebe m ga-esi gbaa ọsọ ma ọ bụrụ na ihe karịa."
It appeared that the ban was broken, and the Croats indeed took firm control over the match.
Latigba naa la gbọ pe wọn ti bẹrẹ sii fa ọrọ naa, ti wọn si lawọn ajagungbalẹ naa ti da wahala rẹpẹtẹ silẹ lati gba ilẹ naa ni tipatipa.
In fact, this discipline is rapidly spreading to schools around the world.
A na-ahụ ụlọ akwụkwọ ndị a na-ewu ewu n'oge na-adịghị anya site n'ụlọ akwụkwọ dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa.
This may enable the company to continue to operate until a final winding up order is made, in many cases.
Nke ahụ na-egosi na mmegharị nke nkwado nwere ike na-aga n'ihu na-aga n'ihu ruo mgbe ụfọdụ ogo azụmaahịa dị na mpaghara akọwapụtara nke ọma.
This process is simple and profound.
Ịwụnye ihe nchọgharị a dị nnọọ mfe ma dị omimi.
If you are not comfortable with the look, take the lift in the left side.
Ti o ko ba pari aṣẹ rẹ, tẹ Wo rira ni igun apa ọtun apa ọtun.
Additionally, the intermediary device may comprise a memory (not shown) and the report may be communicated to the memory and stored.
Tụkwasị na nke ahụ, ndebanye aha na-emepụta ncheta (nke a na-enweghị ike ịchọta ma ọ bụghị ihe nkwekọrịta) na onye na-edebanye aha nwere akara ahụ ma na-ahazi ya iji ya.
New York state is one of the latest locations where the righteousness of God has been blasphemed.
Texas na ɗaya daga cikin jihohi na karshe inda bautar ta jimre.
He made me get one of those."
ya sanya ni daga cikinsu" sai
We are told we must remain in Jesus.
A ni idajọ lati duro ninu Jesu.
This is the most richly
Wannan shi ne mafi girma arziki
That in case of completing a questionnaire - I am entitled not to answer all or some of the questions contained therein.
N'otu aka ahụ, ọ bụrụ na anyị nọ n'otu ndepụta azịza-All ndepụta, ịnweghị ikike m zaghachi-All banyere ụfọdụ isiokwu ọzọ karịa nke dị n'aka.
A feast is being organized during the three-day celebrations.
Ọzọkwa, a na-eme ọtụtụ ihe omume ntụrụndụ n'oge ụbọchị 3 nke ntụrụndụ.
Ah I'm such a baby, but they were just holding their kids, looking down at them.
Eh, aini bana munafurci nake ba ke kuwa sai kin lura bana kallonki sai kina dan sacewa kina.....
It doesn't apply to children under 16 years old who are with their parents and people who are from the same household.
A ko ṣe itọkasi fun awọn aboyun ati awọn ọmọde labẹ ọdun 1, eyiti o ṣe iyatọ rẹ lati awọn analogues miiran.
In the book of Revelation the seven last plagues are presented as the
Ni awọn igba to ti ni ilọsiwaju, awọn ilolu lile ti aisan ti a ṣàpèjúwe waye:
It would be an impulsive act by both involved but they do not admit to the same.
Iyẹn fihan pe GNU ko ni itiju nipa lilo ọkan lẹgbẹẹ ekeji, ṣugbọn KO pe wọn jẹ kanna.
But as luck would have it, the lights were off that night so some maintenance could be done.
Don haka wannan karon da ya yi hobbasa wai don ya yi abu shi kadai, dole gazawa ta sameshi.
He said the three investigations are now closed.
Ya ce a yanzu haka ana ci gaba da binciken wadanda ake zargin su uku.
We do not provide you with running water (aside from the rushing river and the potable water).
77:20 Anyị adịghị ike gị a na-adịghị ike mmiri ,
I know that she will love that gift, which is what matters most to me.
Ai don na san sai sun fi son wannan gift din a kan komai shi ya sa din na zabar musu.
It's also a secret.
Ọ bụkwa ihe nzuzo.
The "in" comes from the indicated object form, which when used with time, like the night below, means "during."
Tun da hasta yana nufin "har sai," wanda shine zabin da yake magana akan lokaci, kamar "har zuwa wani lokaci," ana amfani da hasta .
It is unknown whether this medication passes into breast milk or it may harm an unborn child.
Ba a sani ba idan maganin na da haɗari ga jaririn da ba a haifa ba ko kuma zai iya wucewa ta cikin nono ga jariri.
Let the heat from your hands warm up the wax on the wrap, which allows you to shape the wrap over the container, and provides a slight seal.
Lilo adaṣe ti o ti ṣetan, ṣe aworan ti ara rẹ ni ibi idana pẹlu ọwọ ọwọ rẹ rọrun lati awọn ohun elo ti o wa, lori odi o yoo ṣẹda ohun ti o jẹ ẹya ti o dara fun afẹfẹ ti yara naa.
What I mean by mentioning all this is that there were many
To duka irin waxannan abubuwa idan na ce zan ta kaow maka su suna da yawa.
But it looks like there is now more than one group.
Ma n'ụbọchị ndị a, e nwere ihe ọzọ ka ya karịa otu ọtọ unit.
but they also feed on the roots of ornamental trees and shrubs as well as garden crops.
A na-ejikwa ya dị ka mgbakwasa n'elu mgbe a na-akọ ubi n'ubi, osisi mkpụrụ osisi na osisi.
Tools of the trade, and how to use them
Ngwaọrụ Na-eche Ihu Ahịa na Otu I Nwere Ike Isi Zụọ Ha
39 (A) And when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he[a] breathed his last, he said, (B) "Truly this man was the Son[b] of God!"
35 Agwna ele gwuzogwu ndụndu, nga be nụrnu a, be naakaa, "Bno nsnị, o noosukwu Ẹlaija." 36 Otu nyenum gbarụ ẹso, gweru manya gbarụ ọka rusi spọnji ke zị n'isisi nụ rime a, nyee Jizọsi ma ọ nwọ, kaa, "Gharụ a, a lesi ma Ẹlaija jaava o gwedna a n'ọgba."
I have been there several times and have seen it twice myself.
Na yi sau biyu daga baya na jiki, kuma na iya ganin kaina.
This was the first level designed and was actually split into two, hence the long work time.
Ni idi eyi eyi ni oyun keji lẹhin ti o ti ṣẹ tẹlẹ, lẹhinna ninu ọpọlọpọ awọn oran, o ṣe ifijiṣẹ naa.
This is meant for a certain target.
Eyi jẹ imọran lati ìlépa.
FHL is a nice board as well.
Ụlọ ọrụ HSBC a ma ama bụkwa ezigbo nzukọ.
To the exclusion of this, how can you build a relationship with someone that you do not know?
Ọ bụrụ na blọọgụ bụ mkparịta ụka, kedu ka esi esi akparịta ụka gị na onye ị na-apụghị ịhụ anya?
needed in order to take the test?
Kedu ihe a chọrọ iji mee ule ọsọ ọsọ?
So many of you don't even know what is agwụ that makes a man a man.
So many of you don't even know what is ikenga nwoke ji biri n'ụlọ wee bụrụ dị bi n'ụlọ.
In ACS style references are numbered in the text and in the reference list, and numbers are repeatedthroughout the text as needed.
A cikin salon salon ACS an ƙidaya su a cikin rubutu da jerin abubuwan tunani, kuma ana maimaita lambobi a cikin rubutun yadda ake buƙata.
I have had so much fun this week!!
Bịanụ, enweelarị m ntụrụndụ maka izu ụka a !!!!
And some people believe that someone who does not have any birthmarks died of natural causes in their past life.
Wasu mutane sun yi imanin cewa duk wanda ba shi da wani haifaffen haihuwa ya mutu daga asali na halitta a rayuwarsu ta baya.
to nine feet and the males from ten to twelve.
Pelu iwọn iwunilori ati idẹruba wọn, 12-16 mita, wọn jẹ alailewu ati onirẹlẹ.
A second wrote: "I believe this was his signal to his parents that he is on his way by boat to Cuba... Or he could be somewhere in Mexico.
Wani fasinja ya kira mahaifinsa yana cewa: "Ba na zaton matukin jirgin ne ke tukamu....ina ganin suna shirin zuwa Chicago ne ko kuma wani wurin, su fada kan gini.
With the help of this tool, you can see the amazing and high-level statistics about your posts.
Nitori abajade ihuwasi yii, o wo awọn oke giga ti ko ni ila ati ti o tẹ ninu data iṣowo rẹ.
All the men living in the complex are sexy.
Dukkan jima'i na gaskiya, wanda ya shiga cikin harbi, ya yi kyau sosai.
The those that use profanity, fear, and sometimes even the best of a.
Oké egwu na ịkpọasị na-ebilite, mgbe ụfọdụ ọbụna n'etiti ndị kachasị mma.
Both surrounded by enemies and threats.
Wọn ṣe iwari wiwa awọn ọta ati awọn ewu nipasẹ olfato.
If this does not work we will have to take a look at replacement options.
Ti o ba nibẹ ni o wa ko wa nibẹ, o yẹ ki o tẹle awọn ọna isalẹ lati bọsipọ awọn fọto.
He hoped that he would be taken into the service of a great lord.
Shi ya na ganin an yi masa aikin samun lada a wurin Allah Madaukaki.
He said a list of victims of police brutality has been generated, adding that checks are being made to ensure no name is excluded.
Ya ce an samo jerin sunayen wadanda 'yan sandan suka kashe kuma ana sake bincikawa domin tabbatar da cewa ba a cire sunan kowa ba.
Or, you may want to meet with a friend.
Ó lè máa wù ẹ́ pé kí o rí ọ̀rẹ́ kan fọ̀rọ̀ lọ̀.
And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no one knows except he who receives it.
Kuma zan bashi farin tambari, kuma a kan tambarin, an rubuta sabon suna, wanda babu wanda ya sani, sai dai wanda ya karba.
The clashes claimed the lives of three police officers and eight militants."
"Yan bindigar sun samu nasarar kashe ƴan sanda 3 da kuma da ɗan asalin yankin mutum ɗaya," yace.
19 By the sweat of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken.
19A cikin zufan fuskarka za ka ci abinci har sai ka koma ƙasa, gama daga cikinta aka ciro ka.
It was built in 1330.
A kọ ile naa ni awọn ọdun 1330.
of them, or are unable to prevent their occurrence.
Tabi ki O mu wọn lori lilọ-bibọ wọn, nitori naa awọn kò jẹ ẹni ti o le bọ.
The wedding ceremony ends with an official announcement that the bride and groom are now a couple.
Sanarwar da aka yi a bisa hukuma ta bayyana cewa, amarya da ango yanzu su yanzu miji ne.
He is a bully and he has been attacking different people across the country since he's been president.
Ọ bụkwa nwoke na-eti ịgba dara ụda ma na-ewetakwa nnwògharị pụrụ iche na ngalaba niile nke steeti ahụ kemgbe ọ banyere n'ọkwa.
You could also add your company name in the greeting, but that's optional.
O tun le ṣe atilẹyin ile-iṣẹ nipa fifunni si wọn, ṣugbọn iyẹn ni o ni igbọkanle si ọ.
Where did I get the soundings from?
Nibo ni Mo ti gba awọn egbaowo Miansai?