3 values
And he was with the wild animals, and ah the angels were ministering to him.
Ọ nọnyekwaara anụ ọhịa, na ndị mmụọ ozi nọ na -ejere ya ozi.
These elves are going to be on Santa's naughty list this year.
Awọn inawo mi kii yoo wọ inu awọn akopọ ti ebi nina ni ọdun yii, ni orukọ Jesu.
You will get the following products:
Ị ga-enweta ihe mmepụta ndị a:
The USDA was asked to comment but did not respond.
An sha tura wa hukumar MDD ta mata bukatar su yi magana amma babu amsa.
11 who teaches us more than he teaches the beasts of the earth
11 Ti on kọ́ wa li ẹkọ́ jù awọn ẹranko aiye lọ, ti o si mu wa gbọ́n jù awọn ẹiyẹ oju ọrun lọ.
Where I am in all of this.
Ki nibi ti mo wà ninu awọn ohun elo.
The test can take up to two hours.
Nlele nlele nwere ike ịdịru ruo awa 2
The Irish have many other symbols that are real but have some mythology buried in their meanings.
Awọn ehoro grẹy wa ni ọpọlọpọ awọn igba miiran aami apẹrẹ, eyi ti o ṣe ileri ifarahan diẹ ninu awọn oye.
If you paid for your booth last year and opted to carry it over to this year, we will let you know how to do that.
"Ma a pe ọdun marundinl ọ g ọ rin l ' o ṣ u k ẹ san ọdun yii, oore -ọfẹ ni mọ ni pe mọ ṣ i wa laaye.
And it's worse when the death is of a loved one.
Èyí tí ó wá burú jù níbẹ̀ ni ti IKÚ Ẹ́GẸ́ tó jẹ olóyè ifẹ̀ kan.
I ought to have considered that the feebleness of Rocinante was
Ina tunanin Dino Melaye ne kadai yake shure-shure.
the place of darkness, and of the great lights of the
ihe na ọchịchịrị ala na agba na maka nnukwu ebe siri ike obibi akwụkwọ.
One of the first things you'll need to understand is that these two bits of software (modern apps and desktop programs) are not the same.
Otu n'ime ihe mbụ ị ga-achọ ịghọta bụ na akụkụ abụọ nke ngwanrọ (ngwa ọdịnala na desktọọpụ) abụghị otu.
temperature is illustrated in the following example.
Kamar yadda yake a cikin misalai masu zuwa, ana nuna cewa yawan zazzabi yana riga an gabatar da ita:
This is our mission in action
Nke a bụ ọrụ anyị depụtara na mpaghara mgbasa ozi ahụ.
So, we have been exonerated and we are moving forward.
Nitori eyi, a ti fi ifunti silẹ ati pe iṣelọpọ jẹ ilọsiwaju.
Oh, what a loss his death seemed to us !
Kamin mutuwa ta riske mu ko ta zo kwatsam!
following prayer, and the offering of the wood.
Addu'ar da mai azumi zai yi idan aka kawo abin ci kuma shi bai sha ruwa ba
Some of their friends would have died in childbirth, maybe their own mother or sister.
Diẹ ninu awọn ọmọde ti lọ si ikoko ti ara wọn, laisi iranlọwọ ti iya tabi baba.
the meaning of our name
Meaning nke aha Neethu.
So who do you think is to blame?
"A ganin ku, laifin na wane ne?
There are numerous clues that lead to the water as the source
Ọtụtụ nhọrọ na-eme ka itinye aha ihe dị ka ikuku.
Perhaps you should try to help the developers out so that they can focus on development rather than support.
Ikekwe ha kwesiri ile anya iji kwado ndị ọrụ nchịkọta akụkọ ha ma lekwasị anya n'inye mma kama ịba ụba ego.
The people went out into the woods
The ìgwè mmadụ na-aga ọhịa.
Last year, when it was being proposed, I thought it was great.
Nigba ti a sọ ni osu to koja, o ro pe o dara.
The water in the tub was bright pink.
Omi ti o wa ninu rẹ jẹ awọ ti o ni awọ - awọ pupa.
and trust in God's favor, but with their own works.
ya dogara ga Allah ya dogara ka kansa yasan ya dogara da aikin da yake
you turned against the devil, and you cried out my name
Ta girgiza kai kuma alokacin data kirawo sunana ahankali
You should not lose money here.
Agbanyeghị, ị chọghị ị tụfu ego ebe a.
Since the law in effect at the time the procurement process was initiated
Bi ofin, o jẹ lakoko akoko yii ti iforukọsilẹ bẹrẹ.
Are you ready to go to a hospital now?
Ị dị njikere maka ụlọ ọgwụ ahụike?
Sit down with your box (or boxes, as the case may be) and sort through them.
Laa azụ na igbe mbata (ma ọ bụ nchekwa ọ bụla), ịnwere ike ịchọrọ nhọrọ nhọrọ ahụ.
Rather, I fear that this world will be expanded for you like it was expanded for those before you - and then you compete in it as they competed in it, and [then] it destroys you as it destroyed them!"
Ọ bụghị gị ịda ogbenye na m na-atụ egwu gị, kama, ọ bụ na ụwa na-tọrọ n'ihu gị dị ka ya bụ ndị n'ihu gị, na ị ga-mpi ka ha na mpi, mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-ebibi gịdị ka ọ bibie ha. "
He should be heading into the best years of his career.
Ya kamata ya shiga shekaru mafi girma na aikinsa.
Christianity didn't get off the ground until it was reshaped by their founder;
Modibbo Kilo ba ta ta~a haihuwa ba har ta koma ga mahaliccinta.
8 You have not given me over to the power of the enemy:
8 I nyefeghị m n'aka onye iro.+
The father bought some apples at the market and gave one to each of his sons.
Awọn iya wa ṣe o rọrun - wọn ti yọ apple ni inu kan, o si fi fun ọmọ naa ni ẹẹkan.
But the only housing selling here are the smallest possible properties and structures in the middle of the town.
Awọn wọnyi ni awọn ile nla ti o dara julọ ni igbalode ti o wa ni awọn agbegbe ti o dara julọ ti adayeba ati awọn agbegbe ti o le ṣee ri ni Bali nikan.
"That's a big reason why this is moving forward."
Wannan wani dalili ne da ya sa wannan ci gaban ya tayar da hankali."
Let's support locally sourced and produced brands, let's try to fix what is torn before we throw it out.
Mọ awọn iwulo iwakusa ti o ni kiakia, a gbìyànjú lati dinku eyikeyi awọn nkan ti ko dara ṣaaju ifijiṣẹ.
The same process is repeated for each month.
Idije kanna yii yoo tun ṣe ni gbogbo oṣu.
Cruise ships are also getting back on the water.
Awọn atẹgun ọti tun wa lori awọn ẹsẹ ẹhin.
The propagation of the Will is carried out in many ways.
E keela ozu mmiri ozuzo n'ọtụtụ ụzọ iji mee ka ọchụchọ ahụ dị mfe.
God also stopped the water from coming from the ground and from the sky.
Ọlọrun yà Air ati Omi lati Ilẹ ati Ina.
How can we make sure our data is consistent while maintaining a single source of truth?
Don haka ta yaya za mu iya dogara da amincinmu game da Tushen Gaskiya ɗaya na aminci?
Of course, the performance of the Z840 is largely dictated by how it is spec'd out.
N'ezie, arụmọrụ nke Z840 bụ n'ụzọ doro anya na-achịkwa site n'otú e si akọwa ya.
You can read about other advantages here.
Ị nwere ike ịgụ gbasara nhọrọ ngbanwe ndị ọzọ ebe a.
This cave has been open for guided tours since 1885.
An bude wannan gidan Zoo ne domin baki masu zuwa yawon bude ido, tun daga shekarar 1864.
be deferred to a later
Pịa ebe a ịgbakwunye nke a na Watch Mgbe e mesịrị
This can range from use of email to an online booking system.
Wannan zai iya Range daga yin amfani da email zuwa wani online booking tsarin.
Hebrews 3:9 where your fathers put me to the test and saw my works for forty years.
3:9 inda kakanninku gwada ni, ko da yake suka gani, kuma yayi nazari ta ayyukansu, shekara arba'in.
This provision, and the reason for this, is not understood.
Wane ne kuma dalilin da ya sa aka ƙirƙira wannan rude, ba a bayyana ba.
Now we are alone."
Naanị ịnọ naanị anyị hụrụ. "
My mom is an older woman.
Oma is agadi nwanyi.
well, sometimes you need both.
Mgbe ụfọdụ ị ka dị mkpa abụọ.
It is up to people to look at everything that happens as another opportunity provided by the Almighty.
Saboda kowa yana ganin an bashi dama ne, irin wadda damakoradiya take kawo wa.
It is not unique to Peter's
si doña Ana da a don Pedro
may be part of a dismembered body
Yana iya yin wani ɓangare na tsabtace jiki na ɓoyayyen kayan maye.
How to make your own lamp.
Bawo ni lati ṣe lampshade a fi ọwọ ara rẹ?
There are many elohim (gods) but there is only one TRUE God Who is Jehovah.
Jehova bu udi nke Elohim, e nwere nani otu ezi Chineke ma nke ahu bu Jehova.
I want to give myself a chance that I will use to the fullest to fulfil my dream of becoming a doctor.
Ko da mi duro lati gbe igbesi aye mi to dara julọ-kan rii daju lati wa dokita ti o ni righ fun ọ.
Everyone had to be prepared to
Onye ọ bụla aghaghị ịdị njikere na-egwu ha.
But at that moment, the situation was different.
N'oge ahụ, ihe nchebe nke nche ahụ dịtụ iche.
Fear or 2.
Yargýtay da 2
releases from this band when you get them.
Push band a mgbe ị nwere ha.
As companies become increasingly complex, it can be hard to find the information you need when you need it.
Tụkwasị na nke ahụ, ka ụzụ juputara na ngwaọrụ gị, ọ na-esikwu ike ịchọta ozi ma ọ bụ ihe dị mkpa mgbe ịchọrọ ha.
for the development of a better model that can handle
ụzọ kachasị mma, ọ bụrụ na anyị nwere ike ịgbasa okwu maka ụkpụrụ ọma pụrụ iche nke rụpụtara ọrụ,
was one of those kids that stayed at the school
Hakan dai shini daya daga cikin irin wannnan aure da kayi ta yi a makarantar.
I did answer your question; your god is no different to me than the thousands of others.
"Ni nafi qarfinki,na kuma fi qarfin ire irenki, irinki dubu ma wallahi saidai suga sumayya su
He also went to primary and secondary school in Slovenia's capital.
Ìlú Ìbàdàn yìí náà ni ó ti lọ ilé-ìwé alákòóbẹ̀rẹ̀ àti onípele kejì.
There may also be leaks in Germany.
O tun le fi awọn aye silẹ ni Jẹmánì free.
You're not entitled to expect anything from them, and you don't get to dictate their laws.
Iwọ ko fi nkan wọnyi le ọkan rẹ, ati pe o ko ranti opin re.
Furthermore, they also recommended not to smoke or drink in abundance as it has an impact on their liver and lowers their energy.
Haka kuma dole ne ku guji wuce haddi, Ba kyau a sha taba ko shan giya, tunda su ne musababbin hakan gurɓata ƙarfi da kuzarin gashi.
Molly and I have had seven.
ni Da msk raya ke 6 da..
Lists the names of the inputs to the Web method.
Gba Awọn orukọ ti o lọ pẹlu Webb.
Chris says that one knows it's time to break up when they've reached their boiling point.
Gege bi o ti sọ, o mọ pe o to akoko lati dun itaniji nigbati o ba di lẹmeji si tobi:
They would see it as food.
Maka na anyị ga-enyocha nke a dịka nri ndị anyị na-eri.
99:3 and the human asks, "What is the matter with it?"
99: 3 ati awọn eniyan béèrè, "Kí ni awọn ọrọ ti o pẹlu ?"
use this to say that something is the best one of its kind.
Mu eyi ti o jẹ ki o sọ ẹni kọọkan ni ọ ni ọna ti o dara julọ.
This would be typical of a small business
Daidai ne abin da ƙaramin ofishin kasuwanci yakamata ya kasance.
The awards have been made only
A kwụrụ ụgwọ ndị ahụ naanị.
Then the army of the tribe of Joseph attacked Bethel, and the LORD was with them.
Àwọn ọmọ Josẹfu náà gbógun ti ìlú Bẹtẹli, OLUWA sì wà pẹlu wọn.
This was particularly true at the beginning of the year.
Wannan ana iya gani musamman a farkon shekarar namo.
Those who go to a foreign country are of four classes: some go with the object of making it their home and spending the remainder of their days there; some go as traders; some as travelers on a tour of discovery and instruction; and some are sent with a special mission from their own country.
Waɗanda suka je wata ƙasa suna da aji huɗu: wasu suna zuwa da abin da ya maishe su gidansu kuma su ƙara tsawon kwanakinsu a can; wasu suna zuwa kamar yan kasuwa; wasu a matsayin matafiya a kan balaguro na ganowa da koyarwa, wasu kuma ana aika su da tawaga ta musamman daga ƙasarsu.
But I think he sees , considering the multitude of his sins , that he is not strong enough to cope with such great vices alone; and for that reason he desires to solicit the help of all the people" (khutbah 67:1).
Sugbon mo ro pe o ri, considering awọn ọpọlọpọ ẹṣẹ rẹ, ti o ni ko lagbara to lati bawa pẹlu iru nla vices nikan; ati fun awọn ti idi ti o ni ipinnu lati solicit awọn iranlọwọ ti gbogbo awọn enia " (Iwaasun 67:1). ↩
67:10 And they say: If only we had listened or pondered, we should not have been among the inmates of the burning Fire.
67:10 Ha ga-, sị, 'Ọ bụrụ na nnọọ na anyị ntị ma ghọta na anyị ekwesịghị ugbu a n'etiti ndị bi ọkụ .'
The market and the way ahead
Gudun Duniya da Hanyar da ke gaba
This excludes Brazil but includes some of the Caribbean islands.
Wannan banda Brazil amma ya hada da wasu tsibirin Caribbean.
Not only are they mindful of their exercising, but are also cautious about what they eat and the calories in it.
Bawo ni iyọ si iyọ, ki wọn ko jade nikan ko le jẹ, ṣugbọn tun ṣe itunnu - ibeere ti o ni ọpọlọpọ awọn onihun.
A plant that clings by rootlets, or by tendrils, to the ground, or to trees, etc
Mejupụtara, osisi ma ọ bụ tile, n'ala simenti, osisi brik n'ala, etc
Please write to me, because I love you.
Jọwọ firanṣẹ bi o ti wa, ge idahun jọwọ, Mo fẹ ẹ
First of all we were upgraded to a better suite.
A sakamakon haka, mun juya ya zama mai kyau mai kula da gidan gida.
animals are on the move.
dabbobinsu, su yi gaba.
In other words, your will is not as free as you would like it or want it to be.
Nitorina, lati ṣe idiwọn ara rẹ ko tọ si, bi o ṣe fẹ, bẹ Elo ati lo.
(50) Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge.
50 Ma Mu onwem achọghi otuto nkem: otù Onye di Nke nāchọ nēkpe kwa ikpé.
You can even make them while you sleep.
O le ti ro wọn asitun, bi o tilẹ ti won ni won orun.
After that his wife asked him for divorce and decided to take his child away from him.
"Sai dai matar taki yadda a kwace jaririn, hakan yasa aka yi ta fama da ita.
The move has been in the works for several week and is not a surprise.
Apple ya yi aiki sosai tsawon mako guda kuma ba abin mamaki bane.
One of her three sons struggled with her decision to leave
Saki uku Anti Bebi tasa yayi mata daga shigowarta gidan.
If you want you can edit the settings, but it should be fine.
Ti o ba fẹ, o le lọ kuro ni awọn ile iṣọ, ṣugbọn o yẹ ki o wa ni atunṣe daradara.