You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'teachers'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> She loves academe and agrees That having a lot of degrees Is crucial for her; Her teachers concur, But sadly, they lack expertise. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'day laborers'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Day laborers, when they are able, Do casual work it's not stable. They work by the day, And often their pay Is quite low and paid under the table. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'drotchels'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The drotchels had stirred us with cries And were hitting on all of our guys. These camp-following sluts Drove the Sarge raving nuts As the men would not zip up their flies. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'balsamic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "It's Balsamic, this vinegar? Good! How'd you make it?" some ask (as they should). I reply, "How I wish I'd used grapes in the dish! It's not easy to stomp balsa wood." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'acetylcholine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Your acetylcholine's proceeded From one nerve to the next when you've needed For your heart rate to slow And your tear ducts to flow. But be careful your toileting's speeded! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dog stew'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To a cookshop to pen a review: What was worse, the disgusting dog stew, Or the "Pussy Surprise", Topped with two staring eyes From a creature that used to go "mew"? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'double bassoon'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Who's the guy on the double bassoon? I adore how he's playing that tune— Much more sexily, slower, And a full octave lower Than the normal bassoon. Watch me swoon! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bust'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We've tried and we've tried; now we must Think of changing our course, so we just Should admit it's too bad— To continue is mad; Not defeat—let's just call it a bust. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tea cup'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In Great Britain, where everyone strives Against stressful or difficult lives, You are likely to see Lots of drinking of tea— Cup that cheers or the cup that revives. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'earworm ted'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "I've developed an earworm," Ted said. "Will it kill you," asked Fred, "stone cold dead?" "Not a bug, parasitic, Nor an ailment otitic, It's a tune that goes 'round in your head." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'adaptivity helps'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Adaptivity helps one through life, With which problems and pitfalls are rife. Being able to go, Under stress, with the flow Will help you dodge sadness and strife. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'caveman dana'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Caveman Dana's inventions brought raves. His latest was caves within caves; He invented the closet And now can deposit Big bucks in the bank where he saves. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pup'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We are crop-ears, the work of my wife. Yes, my pup and I share this in life. 'Twas not through aggression, But pride of possession. Ain't it nice to be knicked by the knife? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'backstreet'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though Kevin and Howie and Nick And A.J. and Brian were slick, The backstreet was slicker: Their car skidded quicker Than "Shape of My Heart" made me sick. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'regiment flag'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Colour-sergeants have charge of and shield Their regiment's flag in the field — Not to hide it, but wave, Making all of us brave With a rallying-point not to yield. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'eradicate mould'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you want to eradicate mould That clings to the walls, damp and cold, Set fire to the lot. As the house becomes hot You'll get rid of the fungus, I'm told. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'buffer storage'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> With computers, I've come to accept That I'll always be somewhat inept. Buffer storage, I read, And what came to my head? "That must be where the buffers are kept." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'magician'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The prime mission of Mike the Magician? The addition, to each exhibition, Of new people to wow With his magic. But how? By a mailing that's tagged acquisition. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'patrick'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Folks read Drabble, a topical strip, 'Cause it covers what's currently hip. The humor's not bad. I like Patrick and Dad And then Norman, who's somewhat a dip. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cars murmured'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "In a field where it's grassy and herby, We'll wreck all our old cars," murmured Kirby. "I'll drive fast and drive sloppy In grandma's jalopy, And crash in our demolition derby!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chippie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> One night when the weather was nippy, I caught the bus back from the chippie, Ate my chips from the paper, But, oh what a caper, My cod piece I shared with the clippie. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'laura says'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Laura says she believes she'll get by This big rig. I don't think she should try To go past such a truck Since her passing skills suck — If she's off by two seconds, we'll die. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'slavery boudica'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In reaction to hubris and knavery, She fought to escape Roman slavery. Boudica's tribe's loss At the site of Kings Cross Is remembered for fierceness and bravery. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'caribou mated'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If a reindeer and caribou mated, The term for the offspring created Would be carideer, though All our poll results show The term reinbou is much higher-rated. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'calgary flames'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> They've the hottest of hockey team names, And the Saddledome's home to their games. They rejoiced hoisting up '89's Stanley Cup. Fire on ice, they're the Calgary Flames. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wild west'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The Wild West harbored many a perp And a lawman that none could usurp. The bandits who belched Found their liberty squelched By the sheriff they called Qwyatt Burp. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chloropiclin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Chloropiclin, delivered by shell, Brought the battlefield closer to hell. Its effect? Must you ask? Puking into your mask. P.S. It's called PS as well. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wizard severe'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A wizard, severe to behold, Knew his meeting with Death was foretold. He hid from this fate Locked inside a charmed crate— But heard, "DARK IN HERE, ISN'T IT, SPOLD?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'honking'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> First some honking and swearing was heard; Then a gesture of anger occurred As I thrust out my hand At that idiot and Rather flippantly flipped him the bird. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pilots fly'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When co-pilots fly in a plane, They've advantages few of us gain. From the cockpit they do Get a beautiful view Of the landscape, except in the rain. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grilling suspects'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Hey, partner, let's put on a show: Grilling suspects, let's play friend and foe. I'll be nasty, you nice. It's a clever device; Good cop, bad cop: a slick way to go. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sell textiles'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My business makes sewing supplies; In a barn, we sell textiles and dyes. I make torsos for hire Out of cloth, foam, and wire— I form forms for a farm firm, you guys. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'episcope used'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An episcope's used to project Opaque pictures: Its light must reflect Via mirrors, curved glass, To the eyes of the class Who, expecting to pass, pays respect. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'state theocracy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a church state? The state's a theocracy. No way can you call it democracy. In this church-governed nation There's no separation Of church and state. 'Twould be hypocrisy. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'locked'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I have updated A, and want B, But I'm waiting for B to be free; B is locked 'til the day You get access to A… It's a deadly embrace, as you see. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cape cod'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Alas," said poor architect, Yorick, Whose columns evince the historic, "When I build that Cape Cod, Should I make its facade Be Corinthian, Tuscan, or Doric?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'acute limeriction'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Of late I've discerned an affliction — It's a problem I have with my diction, And I find all the time That I'm speaking in rhyme. Do you think it's acute limeriction? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'soy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The methods our farmers employ Have increased the production of soy. And they're bioorganic, So no one should panic. Aren't natural foods such a joy? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'name alda'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a town in Nebraska, and he Starred as Hawkeye in M*A*S*H on TV. Here's a third and last hint: This girl sang for a stint. The name Alda applies to all three. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tube baby'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> For conception, the Browns got their wish Through a whole different kettle of fish. The result? I'd say maybe Don't say test tube baby, Since their daughter began in a dish. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tucked fielding'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Talking smooth, looking trim, nipped and tucked, Fielding questions (the tough ones he's ducked), Till one evening, when he Right on prime-time TV Drops the F-bomb. Man, auto-destruct! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'boat heel'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The strong wind made our racing boat heel, And our ladies delivered a squeal. They did not hit the drink And our craft did not sink, Since the boat sports a fin on her keel. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'astronomical'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Attoparsec, the word that I bring, Is a measuring sort of a thing. Astronomical base But you take a mere trace: Just an inch is the distance to swing. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dermopterans glide'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Wings of skin help dermopterans glide; "Flying lemurs" they're dubbed (as a guide). But dermapterans crawl, Scarcely flying at all: Earwigs' wings hide in cases of hide. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'settlement'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There are bound to be squabbles, of course, When a man and a woman divorce; So I help make a map 'Cross the bridgeable gap Toward a settlement both can endorse. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sand'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> They tried antidesertification — Planted palm trees, installed irrigation. But they can't understand Why that great wall of sand Still advances, engulfing their nation. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'talons'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Accipitres: order of those Birds with talons that grow on their toes, Like a hawk or an owl; In addition to fowl, It's a bandage that goes on your nose. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'good milkman'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Once a year our good milkman was glad To receive the flat fifties. Too bad, Cigarettes in a tin Harbored toxins within. "Merry Christmas, and thank you!" How sad. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'four eyes'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> These are anableps (tropical fish). Call them four-eyes, if that is your wish. They can see (this I love) Both below and above (That's concurrently) while the fish swish. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'say ahhhhh'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's ahhhhh and there's aaaaah. What's the diff? I'd say ahhhhh is appropriate if I am watching a slow, Sultry striptease, although I'd use aaaaah!! if I fell off a cliff. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'new equipment'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If your task's new equipment to fit, But you don't have the skills or the kit, Use a fitter who's got All the tools you have not, And success-wise you're sure of a hit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'word gamester'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The word gamester we know as a name For a Playstation pro. And a dame On the streets as a pro (Also called now a ho') Was one too. (We still say "on the game".) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'carpeted cardboard'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> So you've purchased a house that's been flipped— Quickly stripped, then revamped, re-equipped? Are the floors made of hardboard, Or carpeted cardboard? See the cracks in the walls? You've been gypped! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'albugo plant'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Albugo's plant fungi, white rust. A silvery bonefish discussed Is the Albula kind. On Albuca plants find Yellow flowers in clusters robust. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cursed alzheimer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> How fainted my life-mate, how weak! So tangled's her mind, she can't speak. Cursed Alzheimer's grows; My love no longer knows Who I am. What's ahead? Worse than bleak. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'menstrual flow'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you run lots of marathons, know You might not have a menstrual flow. You'll be feeling just fine, 'Cause the syndrome's benign: Amenorrheic, it's just a no-show. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'hound'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> 'Cross the moor came a blood-curdling sound. "It's the hound!" cried poor Watson, "The hound!" But then Holmes, through the fog, Scoffed, "It's only a dog! And we'll soon drag him off to the pound." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'one horse'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you're out for a ride, one fine day, In a cab called a cabriolet, You'll have only one horse, And a carriage, of course— Just two wheels, but a lot of cachet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'crooked man'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "I want to go home to the house, Where I live with my cat and my mouse," The crooked man said, "And to her whom I wed — Crooked woman, my wonky old spouse." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'walnuts kill'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When one plant tells the others, "Get gone!" And poisons 'em 'til they've withdrawn— Like when walnuts kill taters And maybe tomaters— Allelopathy's what's goin' on. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'expurged purged'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Did an urge to expurge from expurge Its ex mean that purge would emerge? And did purge, which came next, Cause expurge to be exed, Be expurged, purged and gone? (Sound a dirge.) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ball sam'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Crouched consideringly over his ball, Sam surveyed the eighth green. What a call — The high lie on one rim Meant that chances were slim That his 30-foot birdie would fall. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'say crisps'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Brits say crisps, but the Yanks call them chips. Either way, they're a treat on the lips. Sliced potatoes, deep fried, Once you have them inside, Take mere seconds to add to your hips. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'st helens'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Mount St. Helens, volcanic in fame, Since erupting has not been the same. She felt chic, at her peak; Now she's pallid and bleak. She's a crestfallen, ashen-faced dame. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'apostrophe lexical'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Apostrophe? Lexical sign," Said Pete, "and it's also a fine Address or oration That asks for salvation, Such as: 'Freedom! Why can't you be mine?'" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'burden like'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> You behave like I'm only a load, Like a burden, like goods to be stowed. Excess baggage, am I? Well, hello and goodbye — So are you babe, like one for the road. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'goalie host'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When the Habs visit, Dad makes some toast For defensemen, while I cook a roast For the forwards; the keeper Makes calls to Mom's beeper. That's us: father, son, goalie host. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'book cradle'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My new volume with foldouts of Rome Is unwieldy and craves its own home. Normal size is exceeded; A book cradle's needed For display and to page through this tome. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cannibal king'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A cannibal king known as Merv Loved to have friends for dinner. Hors d'oeuvre Might be lightly poached feet, And dessert something sweet— Spleen Surprise, with cojones conserve. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'old bullfrog'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> On a pond, the old bullfrog, in brief, Cried, "I've nothing to rest on—good grief! I am so hopping mad 'Cause there's no lily pad." Then he spotted one. "Watery leaf!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'limericks chime'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Let's go over our drafts one more time, Check that all of our limericks chime. Have we rhymed them this way, That's A-A-B-B-A? We want verse with traditional rhyme. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'name crack'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though its first name would garner attention, That "K" was a cheat. My contention: The name CRACK clearly failed, But their work's widely hailed Now they call themselves Project Prevention. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'claims nell'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Expergefaction? In Dan's case," claims Nell, "It's complete. I'm his wife; I can tell." Her remark's for the birds. Why use ten-dollar words When awakening works just as well? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'creditor vote'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Well, this court action sure gets my goat. No one cares for a creditor's vote. I'll defeat, if I can, This man's bankruptcy plan. It's a cramdown—and that you may quote! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mitochondrial cristae'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you like to play gin or shoot skeet, Or to knit, dance, or eat shredded wheat, Or use energy for Almost any old chore, Mitochondrial cristae are neat! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dutchman pipes'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> You have asked if I like Dutchman's pipes. I'll admit they are one of my gripes. Many plants have this name And they're not all the same. I can cite at least three different types. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mughal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If Akbar were here he would shout, "All you kids better not leave me out! As the head of the great And immense Mughal state, My importance can not be in doubt." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lee'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Why remove all the statues of Lee? They're important to me. Can't you see? I think it's insane— So does Thor, my Great Dane. Oh, now where is my dog gonna pee? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'old sailors'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Old sailors would typically warn Of the passage just south of Cape Horn That the English named Drake. It was likely to take Every hand, leaving widows to mourn. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'emprosthotonos'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Emprosthotonos marks a disease In which muscles contract. So, your knees Or your feet meet your head In a spasm. What dread If in such position you'd freeze! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'gull'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Such a gull, such a dolt, dumb as dirt! What a deed you have done to subvert And belie and devour: You lack half the power To harm as I have to be hurt. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'embrace first'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To embrace, first you face (stand at ease), Then extend out your arms (not your knees), And then wrap them around This nice friend that you've found. Now you're ready to hug (give a squeeze). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'politicians'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Politicians should be more polemic, But complacency now is endemic. They should lead, not be led, Show more care, but instead, Apathetic discourse is systemic. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fogle'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> See that eagle-eyed cly-faker ogle The breast of the newspaper mogul, From whose pocket there pokes A silk handkerchief? Folks, I predict that to come is that fogle. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'debts'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> At the bench he affirmed to the judge That he'd pay all his debts—he'd not fudge! But he paid not a one; He's a son of a gun With a lifestyle a budget won't budge! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'called cavitation'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A propeller can cause the creation Of bubbles, whose manifestation Appears to be boiling In water that's roiling. The process is called cavitation. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'begging letter'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A begging letter came in the mail. It related a "sick orphan" tale, Sadly pleading for dough. But I laughed and said "No!" — The return address? "Dale County Jail". <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bush pilot'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A good bush pilot's willing to fly Into wilderness just to supply Things to help folks survive: Food to keep them alive, And some Mace for a polar bear's eye. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'birthday osama'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> You've forgotten my birthday again! How on earth can you cause me such pain? It would not have been hard Just to send me a card: "Happy Birthday, Osama! Love, Jane." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'courtesy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Her courtesy only confirms She considers us pitiful worms, Since she's civil polite — Whilst repressing her bite. Good manners, when chilly, cause squirms. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'basilican church'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A basilican church is called dromic On account of its shape ergonomic; It's based on the courses They used to race horses— I find that analogy comic. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'atheist asked'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The atheist asked: "I'm a member Of a non-prophet group since September, So am I still insured For the damage endured From an act of (no) God in November?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lecter escaped'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> They don't fly, are not purple, but ate Human beings, as Greek myths relate. Anthropophagi raging Need lifetimes of caging; But Lecter escaped that harsh fate. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'climate predictions'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Back-forecasting's useful to vet All our climate predictions. We bet If old data explain Who got more or less rain, Then our models aren't somehow all wet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bronchus'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Discomfort to make the hair curl." "In the Bronx?!" "No, the bronchus. This girl Has a calcified bit Called a broncholith. It Sort of formed the same way as a pearl." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'anno mundi'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Anno Mundi's the age of the world For believers whose science is furled In a Biblical shroud. They're a literal crowd; Their position is fetally curled. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'indigestion beset'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Indigestion beset a young lass, Who in agony rolled on the grass. Her discomfort was brief, When at last her relief Was obtained by the passing of gas. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'conservative sage'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's a strip that's been known to enrage Every right-wing conservative sage. It's called Doonesbury and Even foes understand Of its type, it's the top of this age. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'poor audrey'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A creature of night is poor Audrey, Whose behavior's increasingly tawdry. Her life has a dearth Of true baudery (mirth) While pursuing the practice of bawdry. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bittings'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's a door that you cannot ignore — Though it's locked, what's beyond to explore? If you're eager to see, Then the bittings are key: They're the bits that will open the door. <LIMERICK_END>