You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'schist nature'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There are biotite flakes in this schist. Nature's added this black mica twist. Though its name's not well known, Schist's a commonplace stone With panache. It will not be dismissed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'omaha warmth'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though the ABC islands seemed great For a honeymoon, me and my mate, Truly sick of Nebraska, Ended up in Alaska. Now for Omaha's warmth we can't wait. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pie calisthenics'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Since I gorged on too much Christmas pie, Calisthenics I'll do at the Y. I'll be hitting the gym, Where I'll make myself slim. I am now so damn fat I could die. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'navels focus'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's navels I focus on when I indulge in my yoga or Zen. It's so nice when she purrs As I focus on hers. Belly buttons—let's contemplate, men! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'middle jurassic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As the start of the Middle Jurassic (Or the end of the Lower (Liassic)), The Aalenian stage Is the recognized age, Marked by ammonites (life-forms thalassic). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bartender whisky'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Hey bartender, whisky. I got Just a flesh wound. That guy who just shot Damaged only my skin And not organs within. I don't miss (gulp). Ah! That hit the spot! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dystocia'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "I am pregnant. My doctor has said That my child has a very large head. My urethra is small, So I guess, all in all, That dystocia's ahead," worries Fred. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grandmother'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> She couldn't climb up to the attic, But Grandmother now is ecstatic. Her doctor prescribed Medication that jibed, When he gave her an antirheumatic. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'barred'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> From a bar in Secaucus, one day, I was barred (with the classics I play). "Enough Wainright and John; No more Joel move on! Not a bar, not a note stay away!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'troopers need'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> He's despondent, bereft of desire. Even troopers need fuel for the fire. A cup too damn low, He can't manage the show. He'll perk up when he's just a shot higher. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'congressional medal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The Congressional Medal of Honor (Such as given to Peter S. Connor) Is a medal they save For the bravest of brave: Those that earn it are often a goner. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'spiders lay'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When spiders lay eggs, it is true, Their offspring are safe (as were you In your mother's warm womb) In a soft, tender room, Called an egg sac, until they break through. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'limerick'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This limerick needs no explanation And its rhymes have a stable foundation; But the same won't be true If misguidedly you Subject it to alphabetization. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fried computer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Just last week I was surfing the Net. Lightning struck my computer," said Chet. "It's now totally fried. A computer outside Is a move I now deeply regret." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'new year'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It is New Year's; we're bushed, but reviving. Our first-footer should soon be arriving, Bearing fruit cake and wine, His appearance a sign That our home is thus blessed, indeed thriving. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chequebook'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Lost my chequebook! I got on the phone: This guy answered—a call centre (groan!) In Lahore, but the gist Of his English I missed. Who needs chequebooks? I'm getting a loan! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mcgraw'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A fellow by name of McGraw, Who dismembered his wife with a saw, Replied, "So I'd surmised," When politely advised That he might be in breach of the law. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'scotch accents'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Just last week I affected a brogue As a joke. Seems that isn't in vogue In my upper-crust school. Why? Because of this rule: "No Scotch accents in class!" I'd gone rogue. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'spy hides'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the park in a tree, there's a hole Where a spy hides his goods in the bole. Then his comrade comes by To retrieve, on the sly From this cut-out, the info he stole. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'karate girl'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A karate girl's show-stopping kick Was inept, yet alarmingly quick. Her volunteer's arm Having come to some harm, He was told he had been a real brick. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'volcanic eruption'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My brilliant speech met its abruption Because of an ill-timed disruption. I'd much more to say, Yet the crowd ran away From a trifling volcanic eruption. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'drinking'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm so blue and my wife now affirms That I'm worthless and can't come to terms With my drinking and whoring (But at least I'm not boring!) I'll repair to my erf and eat worms. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'hissed'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Today I got Overly pissed. Yeah, O's knickers got caught in a twist 'Cause his girl I deep-kissed. "Stop that stat!" he loud-hissed. But she failed to desist. We'll persist. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bandholz beard'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Controlled wildness," I'm told, is the key To the Bandholz, a beard with esprit. It's for spirits untamed, Unabashedly named After Eric, a beard devotee. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ankle'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In a broken-down bistro in Bristol, I was hit by a twit with a pistol. Here's the wound, neath my knee. Just look distad; you'll see, Not the calf—no, the ankle (more distal). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'climb'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We intended to climb all the Alps, But were standing there, scratching our scalps. "There are just so damn many; Could we finish off any?" "We can do just one alp, if that halps." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'craw'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In west Africa, hard itchy lumps They call craw-craw left Joe in the dumps. In this case, a kindness: It's not river-blindness — I resolve to drink only from pumps. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'anon said'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "I'll see you anon," said my friend, As we'd drunk all my best coffee blend. I said, "After a while," Which was more in my style, But it meant the same thing in the end. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'portraiture artist'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A portraiture artist in Lima, Working always according to schema, With the paint still quite wet, Finished blonde and brunette In a style which is called alla prima. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'goliath'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The Philistine sobbed and then moaned, "Our fierce giant has now been dethroned. Though he loomed high on grass, David sure rocked his ass." "Are you saying Goliath was stoned?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'passengers'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As their pilot, I haven't a notion Why passengers raise a commotion 'Bout hitting the drink (The Pacific, I think). Hey, it's only a drop in the ocean! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'moon'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm chimerically planning a trip To the moon. When I land, I'll unzip And explore the terrain. There'll be lakes of champagne Where I'll skinny (with moon maidens!) dip. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'debride'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To debride you remove all dead skin From a wound (so gangrene won't set in), Using maggots or knife. This may well save a life; Then you won't have to call next of kin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'alps vaulted'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> While en Suisse / in der Schweiz, some advice: You'll be awed by Alps vaulted by ice. But you might spy a boulder Of lineage older With striations, and that would be gneiss. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'spotted eagle'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Ms. Faith Spotted Eagle backs none Of two pipelines. For this, she got one Vote for president of The U.S. Gotta love Getting votes when you don't even run! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sanitize'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the hot tub, what product to use To sanitize? Two different views. Given chlorine's strong smell, Making that a hard sell, I think bromine is what I should choose. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'shark shark'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A shark has a large dorsal fin. When we see one approach, we begin To head quickly for shore, Yelling, "Shark! Shark!" and more, So that swimmers are warned by the din. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'gainful employment'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I've put on some weight, but I'm thrilled With my new job at Greasy & Grilled. It's called gainful employment: There's lots of enjoyment When pockets and belly are filled. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'city'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The city's a rat-race, I've found. To the outback or backblocks I'm bound. No one cares I'm a frump Out beyond the black stump, And there's plenty of space to go round. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'name performer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A big-name performer like me Is in films and on stage and TV. I'm well known, so you know I might act in your show For big bucks. You won't get me for free. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mumps'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If the mumps have swept through your community, You now face them with total impunity. If you got them back then, You won't get them again. This is known as an active immunity. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'esquimaux'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "What are Esquimaux?" "Here's my report: Native folk of a far-northern sort." "Are you saying each wench And male Inuit's French? Do they snack on an Esquimau torte?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'collie goes'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When Mollie the Collie goes out, Using smell, she can tell who's about. Since she gave me a lick, I'm convinced I'll get sick, As I'm sure where she's sticking her snout. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'muscles'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "To rate work that your muscles will do, There's an ergograph wired up to you." It measured each action, Each little contraction, As I huffed and I puffed and I blew. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'feces'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A transmission (a notice of tax) For his farm brings him stress and he cracks. So he splatters the page With some dung in a rage! Just observe as he feces the fax. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'producing diffraction'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Joseph Fraunhofer kept innovating, And thus found a new way of creating A spectrum, by placing Scored lines with close spacing, Producing diffraction by grating. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pharaoh'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "He's not yet at the end of his tether," Said God of the Pharaoh. "But whether He knows it or no, He will soon let you go; He shall thrust you out hence altogether." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'satan'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "You're promoted," said Satan. "Your role (Till you're de-moted) is, on the whole, To enlarge our vile crew: Just like I've added you — Join the demonizing: grab a lost soul." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'illiterate worked'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An illiterate worked in a mine. Paid by check, tough old Lang "done real fine" Til he tried to endorse His first paycheck; of course They accepted, perforce, old Lang's sign. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'abs'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though I covet a lady's affection, My build isn't up to inspection. Thus I'll work on my abs, 'Cause this god-awful flab's So disgusting I'm deep in abjection. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'jerusalem dome'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock Has a history no-one should mock. A significant site — Muslims claim it's their right To exclude other faiths by the clock. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'enough water'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Without enough water to drink, We soon find it harder to think, As our brains shrivel up. So let's guzzle each cup, Lest our cortices rapidly shrink. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lawyer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm stuck in a bad situation. I don't have a good explanation. My life's in the trash. Does that lawyer have cash? One or both could secure extrication. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'buddhas'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The Buddhas of Bamiyan stood Fifteen centuries—symbols of good. Then the Taliban struck, Blew them up, ran amok, But rebuilding will come, as it should. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sailing'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A repast while we're sailing gets sloppy When winds or the water are choppy. Up and down is my hunch I'll be losing my lunch While the sail flips from straining to floppy. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bob immortality'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We of Bob's Immortality tried To convince folks the Bible had lied: "Holy words? Not so clever! Join us—live forever!" We broke up when the first of us died. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'roofs timber'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In traditional roofs, timber frames Have their parts known by various names. A crown post's one part Of a truss. At its heart, To support a short crown plate it aims. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'whaler cuts'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A closh, you may learn with a shock, On a boat is a spiked upright block. Here a hard-hearted sailor On the deck of a whaler Cuts blubber, despite the boat's rock. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'worshipped mercury'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Worshipped Mercury's fallen to dust; Nay, a silvery splash. His gleam's just A rock skirting the sun. His divinity's done; He's disdeified: none in him trust. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'vulture creature'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Aviculture: this wonderful word Uses avis (that's Latin for "bird") And combines it with culture, Which leads me to vulture— A creature that flies, I've inferred! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'skinflint'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My request for adoption assistance From my boss had encountered resistance. "It ought to be stopped, This help to adopt," Said that skinflint, who loathed its existence. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pilot'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> That pilot knows how to chandelle. It's a stunt he can execute well. As the plane climbs, it's spinning; The pilot is grinning! If I were inside, I would yell! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'definable'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In five lines, not one more nor one less, What's definable? Can one express A word's meaning today, What it's meant to convey? I would say that the answer is yes. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fist list'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As a pacifist, I will resist Every ham-handed typesetter's fist. List items, unnumbered, Remain unencumbered By bullets. They shouldn't exist! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'heartburn'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If with heartburn you find yourself stressed, Then your agita must be addressed. The burping, the burning, The acid a-churning— It's really a pain in the chest. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chronometer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I arrived just in time for my date, But she claimed I was horribly late: Her chronometer reckoned The tenth of a second My tardiness caused her to wait. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'clary'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To clary's to trumpet, to blow On a clarion—shrill-sounding flow. That's not all you can do, You can clarion too: One more verb for the same warlike crow. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mr long'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Since he gave me a job, Mr. Long Gets a bit of my paycheck. 'Tain't wrong. He's got double-strong locks On that big Deduct Box, Where my bits help the Kingfish stay strong. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'convey pulchritudinous'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm so handsome and poised, I convey Pulchritudinous splendor, parfait! I can tell you quite plainly, I'm so frickin' gainly The clunky folks all look away. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sighed art'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "She appeared like a blonde apparition. Now my heart is," sighed Art, "in remission." Wearing awe on his sleeve, He may nevermore leave Bedazzlement's heightened condition. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'carbine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A lightweight and short-barreled gun Was the carbine—a specialized one For the cavalry men Riding horses back when It was awkward to shoot on the run. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'stare'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Accidental this image might be, But it's just what you happen to see If you stare at your friends, Then the stimulus ends; An impression remains: you and me. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'flower'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The plant that is called devil's bit Is a beautiful one, I submit, Not at all diabolic— More an innocent frolic. In gardens, this flower's a hit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'vegas'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Every county fair booking contrived To defeat him. He'd barely survived. Town to town, show to show— Now Las Vegas! You know It's the big time at last. He's arrived! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tin man'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If the Tin Man, pre-birth, had a twin Who was blessed with a heart deep within, We can safely assume, While those twins shared the womb, That young Tin's the acardius kin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'hell angels'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Call me shocked and appalled when you said That the old man next door (long thought dead) Has now turned up in Maine— With some babe, on cocaine— Joined Hell's Angels and now shaves his head. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'coal cars'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you plan to hitch rides on a train, It's the boxcars you want—I'll explain: Like a box, they're enclosed, But with coal cars, you're hosed— Not just filthy, but wet in the rain. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fighting dogs'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Trainers of Fighting Dogs Wait For the Chance to Steal Pets", headlines state. Their dogs, trained to hate, Attack pets used as bait. My poor Shep had a horrible fate. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dogsbody'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'll take over the reins, bid adieu To my dogsbody role. When I do, They'll all answer to me: The head honcho: you'll see What I fantasise now will come true. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'priscilla'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Is there truth to the myth of Priscilla And John Alden? No, not one scintilla! It was Longfellow's curse: Mis-historical verse— Like Revere's midnight ride on Godzilla. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wuz buryin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It wuz Tony the Bull we wuz buryin' In a funeral scene never varyin'. Everybody's polite, Sez, "He sure looks aw-right," Yet you know every one of 'em's carryin'. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'feel flaky'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If your arms or your shoulders feel achy, And your legs and your hands are all shaky, Then this dull nagging pain You'll just have to contain — All infections will make you feel flaky. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grilled'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Just last night I was craving some meat, So I thought I would go out to eat. But the chophouse closed down, So I wandered 'round town And I grilled what I found in the street. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'uranium deal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> No wonder those citizens bitched! The congressman's staffer has snitched. That uranium deal Was a ticket to steal — That's why he, like the U, is enriched. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'oat cuisine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My breakfast is porridge and toast, With coffee from beans freshly roast. So you see what I mean When I say oat cuisine Is my forte. It's no idle boast! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'gown'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I've dry-cleaned this gown with much care, Now it's old and its fabric is bare. It no longer looks great, But I can't tell my mate, Cause I've worn it when he wasn't there! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'growing veggies'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Growing veggies? So, how many days Will it take for the full growing phase? How much time will be tickin' 'Tween seedin' and pickin'? Try early kinds—often it pays. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'buddy pratt'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> On his buddy Pratt opted to fink; He informed on his friend in a blink — Saved himself. Indeed, that Proves that Pratt is a rat! Yeah, his self-serving morals sure stink. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'yes autocratic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Lee is arrogant, yes, autocratic. His ideas can't be changed; they are static. When the dogmatist speaks, We agree or he freaks. His correctness is quite automatic. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'berberine found'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In roots is where berberine's found. Its medicinal use can be sound To help fever reduce, Aid cramped gas to fly loose, Or for sores, into powder be ground. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'science sue'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Science Sue yanked her rope, with a smirk At Dumb Dan's every off-angle jerk, Since her teacher would see, With a quick F dot d, It was Sue who'd done more of the work. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'angel biscuits'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Angel biscuits are not the sweet cakes I call cookies; scant sugar it takes To make these little rolls— It's the yeast that controls Their light texture. Please don't accept fakes! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'charles swore'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "I will dutifully, silently vie To snoop as a spook ever Spry." When he fought the Cold War, That's the oath Sir Charles swore. (Aussie ASIO agents I spy.) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'car dan'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> With his car, Dan is suffering trials: "It is getting a lousy eight miles To the gallon," he groans. What a tank that guy owns! Mine gets 50, so I am all smiles. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bar set'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The bar's set at two meters ten. The athlete must clear it—and then— If he's not too fatigued (I can tell you're intrigued) At two-twelve he must try it again! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The party's at your place or mine — I don't care much, if you bring the wine. We'll drink up and fall down; We'll drive madly through town — Your booze and my death wish combine. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tailor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you tailor (or dressmake) then you Know the hole which your arm will go through Is an armscye—it's there In the pattern, and where The sleeve of the suit is sewn to. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'puritans'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When the Puritans split, they forsook Most nonbiblical gobbledygook. In New England they wrote The Bay Psalm Book. We note It's America's very first book. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'camera ist'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "A camerist," argues Louise, "Was a lady's maid." "Her expertise Was photography?" "No! Though today some say so And pronounce it as 'camera-ist'? Please!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'esteemed'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When they named him "Sure Thing to Succeed," He esteemed it an honor, indeed. Up on stage, after dinner, They'd called him a winner, And, bursting with pride, he had peed. <LIMERICK_END>