EE4E4,4,A,?1616Y6YUYU3U?GRGRGRGCG?D9D959?S,S,",?ThTheh?reresesasa a M M.M? S StS?ududederer er?""""T"Te"T?errerrar???"""""""",",2,2,2,6,?,5,????848404070?6868080000,0,G,GrG?reare?? c ??ffffefeeee e???atat at w ??n'n't't ?kekee?p p y yoyouou u w?iri?redre??alallll l n ?igighg??.,.??? y yo youou ou l ?ikike? t to t? h hahavhavev?e ae ?a ca ?upup p op ?of of c?ofoffoffe?e e ae afe aftf??er ??ini?nenerer ???th? d dedesdeses?ertert t tt ththethene? t?hih?? i isis is p ?er??fecfectc?? I I I l??veve ve? it i?t et esespespe???alallal?y y?foforor r t???e fe fafacact? t th?atat at Iat I I dI dodonon'on't???ee?l l ll lilikli?ke ke ake a a la ?livli????wirwi?re re a al all? n?ig??ht ht f fr f??m m? ha havavivininging g? ca cafa?ffiffinineine ?e ane andnd d td th?? f fl f?avavoavor? i is is ??mamaza?in???? N NoNotoththithin?ing ing l li likikeike e ae a e a g gogoooodo???cupcup p op ofp of f cf co???ee? t to to to m mamakmakeke ??youyo??fe?feelfee?l wl wawararmr?m am anandnd nd f fu fuzuzzzzyz???aftafteterter r ar a ?wo?ndndend???ulul l dl ???nnenner??<b<brbr r /r />/><><b?r ?r />r /??I hI hahavhavehave e te trtrir?eded ?mamanmanyn??didifdiff????ntnt t ct co?coffcoffefee??s s a?ndnd nd hnd hahavhavehave have t to to ????y ty th???s os on??e he ha???? w
E4,A16YU3GRGCD95S,"Theresa M. Studer ""Terra57""",2,6,5,1284076800,Great coffee that won't keep you wired all night.,If you like to have a cup of coffee after dinner with desert then this is perfect. I love it especially for the fact that I don't feel like a live wire all night from having caffine and the flavor is amazing. Nothing like a good cup of coffee to make you feel warm and fuzzy after a wonderful dinner.<br /><br />I have tried many different coffee's and have to say this one has a w
oono?ded?rfrfufulul l f ?fulfulll?l fl flflal?vovoror r w wiwitiththohouo???ththethe e b bibit?e e oe ofo??sos?mem?e oe ofe o?f tf ??? c chcheheae?peperer er c co cof?fef?e'e's's.s. . ???lilit?tat?????a a ga grgrer??t ?brb??nd?? an andnd nd wnd ?elellel??woworortorth?? th t?he he m ??oneoneyey.y. . . I I I a?lslsoso so u ususes?e te ththithisis is? to t? m ma m???e le lalatlattttete'e'se's s as ?andan???t't's's 's g gr???????ItIt't'st'?s as a s a??rearealallllylly y? fi fini??e ge gr??indind ?anand?? gr grereareatrea?t ft fof?or or w wh w?icichch ch??veverer er wer wawayay y yy ??ou ou p prprerefrefeferfer r tr toto o ho hahav??e ye yoyouyou u c cu cupuppppap?a ja ??avaava.a?. . Y. YoYouou ou gou gegete?t wt whwhahathat t yt yo?you you p pa payay ay f fo for?or aor ???and tand ?thithisthi??isis is wis we?llll ll? wo w?ortorthort? e ev eveververyry ?pepenpennn??y.y.4454585828??B0B?0202T2TMTMVM?3E3??,A,??424??YUYU5U??8N8NVNVQV?,M,MaMata??thewthew w A ??. S. ShShehemhembm?er?,2,2,2,62,6,6,3,3,3?121282838?73731312?00?,N,NoNoto?thithinthingn?? ex excx??itiitin?g,g?"N"No????allallyly y Iy ?I wI wowouwoul?d d nd nonot? p pu puru?chchach?sese se?? cof co?fefeefe??e one onln?linline? a?s ?I ?ha?ve???eveveevereraer?al al c?? coff coffefeefee fee s??hophopsps ??witwi??thinthin thin?? r re rea?sosonsonanaba?
onderful full flavor without the bite of some of the cheaper coffee's. Melitta is a great brand and well worth the money. I also use this to make latte's and it's great. It's a really fine grind and great for which ever way you prefer to have you cuppa java. You get what you pay for and this is well worth every penny. 4582,B002TMV3E4,AG42CYU5P8NVQ,Mathew A. Shember,2,6,3,1283731200,Nothing exciting,"Normally I would not purchase coffee online as I have several coffee shops within a reasonabl
?? d ????anancncece.e. . ?I I s ??? t tht?is? a anandand d f fifigiguguru?eded d "d """"w"whwhyh??nonotot?t?"?""""<""<b<brb??/>/><><b???/>/>T/>??hishis s c ?ofofff?eee?e we wawasas s vs vavacacucuuu???ed ed s se s?alaleleded ed aed ??and and w wa??s ts tit??htht t e ?nonounougughg? t to to o w wh whehererere re I I I?hahada?d td toto o uo ?ses?e se ?cicis?sosororsrs ?s tos to o oo ?pep?en en?iti????OnOnene e te ??ini?g g?? I t I tet?enden?d td tod t??avavovoio?d d id ?is is pis prp?re-re?grgrorouo?ndnd d cd . ?I I uI ususuusuau??lyly ?liliki?e ?e toe to o go ???indind d md mym???wnwn n?beb??nsn?s as as? I I ?fifinfind????? t ta tasastaste? i?s s bs ??tttte?r.r??<br<br <br / /> /><?brbr br???Th????me??l l? fr f?romrom m t th?e e be babagag ?wawaswas was? fo for? a a a?lalacackac? o ofof of b be betett???? wo worordordsd??prprepr??tyty y by babasbasis?c.c. . ?????llllyll?, , t th the ther therere ?is??a a? di disistis?tintincnctnc????mel?l ?ded????ndind?ingin??onon ??thethe ?e bee bea?ean ean a?ndnd ?ththethertherere re cre ?anan an b??? fa faiain???trtrar?aceacese?s os ???sosomsomemetmeth?thinthi? . ?Th?TherTherere ?wawas??'t't t at ananyanytyththi?thingthing ??disdist??incinctc??t abt a?ououtout ?t tht t?hishis his c co c
e distance. I saw this and figured ""why not?""<br /><br />This coffee was vacuumed sealed and was tight enough to where I had to use scissors to open it. One thing I tend to avoid is pre-ground coffee. I usually like to grind my own beans as I find the taste is better.<br /><br />The smell from the bag was for a lack of better words pretty basic. Usually, there is a distinct smell depending on the bean and there can be faint traces of something. There wasn't anything distinct about this co
fffffefeee?.<.<b<?r r / />/??<br<br r /r />?I I??seseded d a a a????ndn?arardr?d dd drdriripip p m mamakakek?r ???ici?h h??n n i?tst?selselflf f w waw?s s?prpror?bab?blblyly y?????ththeh? b bebesest? c ?choch??iceice e be ?utut ?I ????pep??t ?itit t wt ?ouo??d d nd nonotnot ???tttteterer er a?s s Is I ??????sursu??priprisi??d d td th?atat t tt ththetherereere e re rereae?llllyly ly i is i?n'n't't t at a a sa ststrst?ronro??? sm s??llll ll c co comomim???g fg frfroromro?? th thehe he c cu cupup p op ?f ?coc?offoffefeefee e we wh??ichich h Ih ??drdradr?ankank k b bl blalacackc?.<.<b.<br???><><b><br?br /br />/>T/>?hehe he the tatasta?steste e we wae wasas as k ?inindind ?ofof of b? bla blanandand.d. .? I ?I dI diI d?d d td trd t?y y ay ??lilitittit?lel?e pe pipieiec?e ?ofof of cof ch???colcola??te te a an and??? it it?dididid id??ee?m m tm ?o o h hehelhe?p.p??.<br.<br ???><b?r ???OvOvevereraeralallall l? it it' it's'???? o okok ?cocofcoffffeffeeee ee i?f f yf ?ouou ou a ar arere re n no notot ot?? an an a af a??iciicioi?nanadadod?. . . H HoH?weweveveverver,r, , i it it'?s s ns ??not not? so somomeom?ththithining?? I I??ou?ld? a ad adddd ?d tod to o mo mym?y ly li?stst st ost of?of bof brbrabr?andandsands s I? p pu p?rcrchchachasasease.?""???8383,3?B0B000020??MVMV3V3E3E4E4,4
ffee.<br /><br />I used a standard drip maker which in itself was probably not the best choice but I suspect it would not matter as I was surprised that there really isn't a strong smell coming from the cup of coffee which I drank black.<br /><br />The taste was kind of bland. I did try a little piece of chocolate and it did seem to help.<br /><br />Overall it's an ok coffee if you are not an aficionado. However, it's not something I would add to my list of brands I purchase." 4583,B002TMV3E4,
?A2A??W4W???ZIZILI?SXSXFXF2F?,","J"??jojolo?ebe???"j"?jojjojojoljoleleble?""?","?2,??,4,4,4,1,??838303040404?00000000,0?A A?fif??? b ?rereaeaka?faf?sts? c cocofo??eee??fof?r r y yoyouourur ?drd?ipip p??ofoffof?feefee e me ??akeak?r,r,"?RiRivi?iei?eraera a S SuS?nsnses?t t Dt DeD??afa?ffiffininainatatet?d d C ??offoffeoffeeee,ee, , f fr f??? t tht?e e Me ?elelilitittttat?a Ca ?af?&e&eaeacea????; ;? Co Colollol?leclectc????, , i, isi? a ?a ga gogoooodod d cd ?cofcoffffeff?? f fo foror or t???at at? fi f??stst,st, , m, ?????inging g c cu c??p op ?of of? co cof coffffeffeeffe?? ?ItI?t it isis is a a a???outou?? A AmA?ererier??cancan n? bl blelenlendnd d fd ??r ?ththothosose? w whw?o o p prp?refre?ferfer r ar ?a ba brbribr??hth?terte?r mr momormo?re re a ac acicidididic? k kik?indind ??of of bof brbrebr?w,w, , b, bubut? i ???ststistili?l l w?elellell ?bab????cec??? an andnd nd???keke ?s ?a a fa fifinfinene ne c cu?p p op ofp of f?JaJavavav?.<.<b<brbr br???<b?r r /r />/>T/>ThThe? c co cof coff cof????? com co?mesme???in in a an an an? at attttrttrar???iv?e,e, ?? bl?acackack k b?agag ?wiwitithit?? a a b a ba??g w???ith ith? th???nonowow w u ??iqiququiuit?ouousous s a?ir???valvalvl?e.e. e. T ?TheTh???ol??s s a
A2VW4FYZILSXF2,"Jojoleb ""jojoleb""",2,6,4,1283040000,A fine breakfast coffee for your drip coffee maker,"Riviera Sunset Decaffinated Coffee, from the Melitta Caf&eacute; Collection, is a good coffee for that first, morning cup of coffee. It is a South American blend for those who prefer a brighter more acidic kind of brew, but is still well balanced and make s a fine cup of Java.<br /><br />The coffee comes in an attractive, black bag with a bag with the now ubiquitous air valve. The folks a
?t t???liliti?tata a?knk????hohowow ow t toto o c ?omompmpap??t t ct co?fff?eee??foforor r t tr traravavev????alalll? a ama?bibieienentnt t at aiairir r wr waw???susucu?kek?? o ouo??t ot ?? t th t?e ?bab?g,g? s sh shrhririninkn?iningin?? th??e ue ususu??al al??izizeze e oe of? t th???1010 0 o???ceceses s fs ??omom om??itsits ?exexpx?ecectctect?ed ed s??zeze,ze?, t, toto to? a a s sm smam?allal???ded?ensen??e b??ricri? C CuC?uttuttit?inging ing o?pepenpe? t th the the the b the ??g,? t th the ther therere ?wa?s s as anan n an auaududidibi???e he hihisi?s s as ass a?s ts ?he? b ?bagbag bag s?eeeemeemem?ed ?to?to eto exexpex?panpandnd ?toto ?dod?oubou????it?its its s si? size siz??. . ?ThThehe ?araro??ma ma w wawaswas was? in int?oxoxixici??titinti??----t--th?ininkink k??deede?? c co cofoffoffefeefee e we wie wit?h h c ch cho??colcolalat?e e h?inintin?s ???nd nd? wi witithith ith n nonotno??thinthi?ng ng a ac a?ri?d ?ababobououtout t it . T. ??e e be bae b????oeo?es es n no noto?t i???icicaicat?ate ate t th? the the l the ?levleve?l l ol of??ththethe e re roroaroasastast,t, ?bub?ut ut o?n n in ininsin?pepecpe?ctict??n n tn th?the the c co cof coff??ee ee? ap a?pe?ar?s s ts tos t?o bo ?e ?a ??ar?kekerke??roroaroasroasts??(s(sosomomeomewewhw?herhere
t Melitta know how to compact coffee for travel--all ambient air was sucked out of the bag, shrinking the usual size of the 10 ounces from its expected size, to a small, dense brick. Cutting open the bag, there was an audible hiss as the bag seemed to expand to double its size. The aroma was intoxicating--think deep coffee with chocolate hints and with nothing acrid about it. The bag does not indicate the level of the roast, but on inspection the coffee appears to be a darker roast (somewhere
b bebete?weweeeenen n a a a?`f`fufulu?????tyty'y' ' a an a?? E ?uru?opo??anan)n).). . ???e e b ba b???ststat?tetese??ththahatat at t th t????isis is? an an an e exextxtrt?a ?fifininene e ge grg?inindin??? bu butu???n n in ?insinspspe??tit?on? i ?it it s se see?msm?s ts toto o b be b?e le lel???s ps popowowdwdedere?y y? th tha th?an an y ?ouou'u'd'?d wd wawanantant ?foforor r f ?finfinene ne e es espsprsprer??essoesso,o, , a, anandand ?isis is mis ?or???ofof f? a a??in?????rinri??. . . T?hihishi??, I, I I? im i?agagiagin?ine,ine, , i, isis is mis meis mea?ntnt t at a a ca cocomompmprp?romromimisiseis?e se soso o to ?????ththethe ?co?ffffefeeee ee i is is ?susuiu??abablblele le? fo f?or or b bo b?th?? th the th???omommommomonmon n dn drdriripri?? co c?offoffefeefee ?mamacmachchihinhi?nesne?s t?hahathat t ut ususes?e ae a ?a fia fililtlte?r ?oror ??coucoul?d d bd bebe be u ususeuseded d wd wid w?ithit???? an e an ?espesprprepresess?esso esso m ??machmachihinhinehine.e?<b<brbr r /r ?><><b??r /r />r /??oror or sor sosomsomeme e re ?reareasasosonson,n, , t, ththe? i?nsnst??ucuct?ioionions? i in ind indidici?at???ththa????youyo? s sh shohououlouldld ?us??? tw t?o ??levlevev?l ??teateas?popoopo?onsons ?foforfor r er ???ryry ry? si sixi? o ou oununcn?es? o?f f wf ?watwateterter.ter??. I. I'I?
between a `full city' and European). The bag states that this is an extra fine grind, but on inspection it seems to be less powdery than you'd want for fine espresso, and is more of a fine grind. This, I imagine, is meant a compromise so that the coffee is suitable for both the common drip coffee machines that use a filter or could be used with an espresso machine.<br /><br />For some reason, the instructions indicate that you should use two level teaspoons for every six ounces of water. I'm
n nonoto??sus?rere e?hoh???ththeheyey y d drdrir?nknk k c coc?ffffefeeee e ie in??EuEururouropopep?, ,???t ?inin in tin ???e Ue USUS S c co cof?fefeefee e me mamaca?hih?ineinese??memeae????re re??y ?th?the the c cu cupup.p? T ??hishis ?lel???s s ts ?o o a a a??izizaz?rrrrere re ~re ~2~ 7 t?eaeaseaspspopoooononsns s os ofof of????ffeffeeee ee?peperper r c? cup cup p? an andnd d ( (t(toto to m my my y ty tay tasastastete)e) )??? sl sliligighg????y wy weweaeakea??cucupup up o ?of of cof cocofco?????. . I InI? s sp spipititete te o of o?? th t?he he g grgririnrind?, , I, ?'d'd d sd ?tit??k k wk ???h h?? the the e ue ?susuasualal l 1 ? t ta tabablblelesle??oooonoon n pn pe?per per? cu cup cup cup??roropopooporortr?tiotionon on f ?or? y ?ouour? d dr driripri??cocofcoffcoffe?fee fee? ma m?kekere?r ar ?ndnd nd?wowororkork k uk up?up fup frfroromrom m t th the ther . . Y. ??ourour ?in??uiuititiitioionon on son shshohouho?ldld d s??erver?e e ye yoyouyou u?????, , a, ?andan?d Id I'I'dI'?d sd std sti?ckck ck w wi w?ithith ith y yo you?our our??usuusuau?al al m?eaeaseasueasurureuremememenmentn?s s (s (I(I'I'mI'?m om on?e ???of tof ththothososes??`h`heheahe?pipinpingn?' ' t ta tab tabl?esespespopoopoonon on pon peper???????uyu?s)s).)?<b<brbr r /r />/><><b??r /??ThTheThe ?cocof?coffecoffeeee ee dee ?efefifin?it?el?
not sure how they drink coffee in Europe, but in the US coffee machines measure by the cup. This leads to a bizarre ~2.7 teaspoons of coffee per cup and (to my taste) a slightly weak cup of coffee. In spite of the grind, I'd stick with the usual 1 tablespoon per cup proportion for your drip coffee maker and work up from there. Your intuition should serve you well, and I'd stick with your usual measurements (I'm one of those `heaping' tablespoon per cup guys).<br /><br />The coffee definitely
s shshohowowsws s?iti?s ?SoSououtu?h h?????icicacanan n o ??rigrigigini?s.s. . I InI?n sn sps?ititeite e? of of f t th?e ?dad?rkr?nenesessss s os ???ththe? r roroaoasasts??an????icichichnh?nesnessss ss o of of of t th t?e e ae araroaromomam?? t th the the ???offof??e e oe ?ncn??e e b ?rerewewewede?d id ?s s ms momor?e e le liligighg?t,t, , b, br?eaeakakfk?asastas?y,y, , a, ??and and??liliglighghtgh?lyl? m ?mormore? a?cic?did?ic ic t??anan an? I I i im i??giginginenedne??d itd it t wt wowououlou??d bd beb?. ?GiGivi?ene?n tn th?the the tthe ty?pep?e o?f f cf ?cofcoffffefeefee ??thathatat t it itit it i is i?, ?itit it ait ?lsl?o o? mi m?ighig???hah?ve? b?eneneenefefif?iteitedited ?frfroromrom m? a a? sl?ig?ightigh??y y ly liliglighlig???? r?????. ??titili??, , i, it, it ?t ist is ?a a w ???ll ll??alalaalanancance??d Sd SoSouSo??h ??AmeAm???icaican????enendend.d. ? I It It t lt ?acackcksks ?ththethe ?didisdiststistinincinctc?tivtive??nes??s os ofs o?f af a a sa sis????le le? or o?rig?inin in????fefeefee fee? bu butut ut g gi??venven ven t th tha that that t it itt i?t it ist is t is? a ??blebl??? h?as?? a a m a momormoremore ?rorourounu???ed,ed, , l, le??ss ss bss bibit?ininging ing f ?lalavlavov?or.or. . . A. AlAltl??ouougou?gh gh d dedecde?cafcaff?eiein??
shows its South American origins. In spite of the darkness of the roast and richness of the aroma, the coffee once brewed is more light, breakfasty, and slightly more acidic than I imagined it would be. Given the type of coffee that it is, it also might have benefited from a slightly lighter roast. Still, it is a well balanced South American blend. It lacks the distinctiveness of a single origin coffee but given that it is a blend has a more rounded, less biting flavor. Although decaffeinat
?ini?g g c ?anan n s sosomomemetetit?memesmes s s?apap p t tht?? b ?ololdld d f ?lalava??rsrs ?ofof f?a a??ofoffof???, , t th t?isis s cs ?of?offeoffee? s?titiltillll l??asas s as ?a la lolotot t?of? p pepere??ononan??itityty y??ndn??a a da did?istis?tintincnctcti?veve ??asastas?e.e.<.<b<?r r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>T/>ThThi????is is n nonot? f fo foror or? th the the e pe pupururer??cocofcofff?feefee e le lolovloveverve?r wr ?hoh? l lilikli??s ?s a s a?dadararkr????ar?ththythy,y??anandand ?oioililyl?y cy cucupup ?ofof of jof ?av??a ta th?atat ?ca?n ?babasasiasicicacalca?llylly ?ststatantandnd nd o?n n in ititsits ?s ows o?n.n?? T ThThiTh?is is cis ?cof???fee fee i ??is mis momororeore e fe ??or or por pepeopeopoplp?e ?whwhowh?o lo lilik?e e t??o ao adadddd d ad a d a l???ot oot ofof of bof ?ufuffffeff???-a-a ?fafaiairir r ar amamomoumounu???of?of mof mimililkilk k a an and an?d sd susugu??ar ar o?r r or ononeone ?ofof ?ththothoso?e e Te ToT?oraorananiani i? sy s??upupsups s (s (e(e.??. . <. <a<a a ha hrh?refre?="="""?hthttt?p:p??/w/"S"""">""?ToTorToraranani? S ?yr?upup,up?, V, VaVan?anilanillllalla,a, , 2, 252?.4.??OuO??cece e Be BoBot?tltle??s (s (Ps (?aca???ofof of 3of ?)<)??a>a>)>
ing can sometimes sap the bold flavors of a coffee, this coffee still has a lot of personality and a distinctive taste.<br /><br />This is not for the pure coffee lover who likes a dark, earthy, and oily cup of java that can basically stand on its own. This coffee is more for people who like to add a lot of buffer--a fair amount of milk and sugar or one of those Torani syrups (e.g. <a href="""">Torani Syrup, Vanilla, 25.4-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)</a>)
? f foforo??? l liliti??lel? e exextxtrtrara ???avavov??, ,??oror or t ?hoh?sese e we whw?ho ho l li liki???ththoth?oseose e ke kik??d d?ofof f t th thih?ingingsg?. .??ItIt t? al a??o o m mamaka?keskes s a a a g grgrer?ata?t it iciceceded ?cocof???e.e?. . ? If I?f cf cocolcoldld d bd brb??weweded,ed, , t, th???cocofcoffffefeefee e le lolosose??s is ititsit?s ts tatana?nin?? e?dgdgeg?e ae anandand d id isis s ms momor??e se smsmomoomootothth th? an and??swswe???, , b, ????alals?o o lo loloslosesesses ??a la li?ttttlttlele le p pepere??sonso?al??ityity y i in? t th the th???roroco??sss?s. s.?(I(I I?dididid d nd ?otot ot t tr tryry y uy ?sisininging ing t th thi this? i in in n a an???spsprprepresessssosso o mo ?macma?????e ae ase a?s Is I I dI dodo o no nonotnot ???aveave ??nene,ne?, b, bu, but? I????on'on't't ?ththith?inkin? t? tha thatat at? it it ??ououluldld ld y yiyieieleld?ld ald a a ga gr????t et ?espespr?prespressssosso.sso?. ???onconcecencentn?tratr?ateated?ed, ed,?? I t I ?thithinthi?k k tk ththethe the a??id????? mi m?ghghth?t bt ?ece??meme ?e ove ovevererwerwhwhewh?elmelmimining???<b<brbr br / />/??<br<b?r /r />/>A/>AlA?l l i? in in a al all all,l, , t??hishi?s is iss i?s as a s a f?in??e be blb??ndnd ?of? c co?coffcoffefeefee fee a at a??t a t a f fi fin finene ne p????????
for a little extra flavor, for those who like those kind of things. It also makes a great iced coffee. If cold brewed, the coffee loses its tannic edge and is more smooth and sweet, but also loses a little personality in the process. (I did not try using this in an espresso machine as I do not have one, but I don't think that it would yield a great espresso. Concentrated, I think the acidity might become overwhelming.)<br /><br />All in all, this is a fine blend of coffee at a fine price. W
i?thth h a a a l ??ittit????exe?pepererir??enentn???ioi?n n o ?on on t ?theth???roropopoporortrti??onson???itit it y yiyieieleldl?s s?????nen?e ce ?upu? o of of f b ???akakfkfaf??t t c cocofoffffefeeee.e.".?4?585848?,B,B0B0000202T2????E4E4,4,A4,?1S1S8S?FJFJTJ?0A0?QSQSFSF6F?0,0?C.C? W ?ilillllilialiama?soson??2,2,6,6,6????282?2626060860808?000000,0,"0,"H"HaHada? m mym? d ?ouoububtbtst?s, s,? bu butu?t It I'I??? im impm?????ede?......."..",",","T"ThThihisis s cs cocofco??eeee ee h ?adad ad t tw twow??ststrstririkri?es? a?gagaiaininsinst? i it i?? i it it it w wawas????cacafaf,f, , a, anandn??itit it wit wawaswas s as ala?rereareadadyady y gy grgrorourounundnd.nd. . I. I I d??o uo ususe? d de dec decacafcaf,? g ?eneneen??alallallyl??inin in a? a 5 a 5050/0/5/5050 50 m?ixi? w wi w?ithith ???llll ll? st strtrerenre?gtg?th th c?afaffaf???inain?ateateded ed c co c?offoffe?e,e????ut ut I I ?al?wawaywaysy??lilikli?ke ke??o ?grgrigrin??d md mymy my o ow o???bebeaeaneansns ?tot??asassassusuru?re re f fr freresreshshnh? . S. StS?tilti?ll,ll, ?I I tI ?thothouougoughghtht t I??d ?gig?vev?e te ththith?? M MeMelelielitittittaitta a ca ??coffcof?feefee fee a a a s a shshosh??t (t (i(it?it wit wait wasas ?frfrereeree e fe ?frofromom ?ViV?ineineses,es, ?, af, aftf?erer er a
ith a little experimentation on the proportions, it yields a fine cup of breakfast coffee." 4584,B002TMV3E4,A1S8FJT0AQSF60,C. Williamson,2,6,4,1282608000,"Had my doubts, but I'm impressed...","This coffee had two strikes against it: it was decaf, and it was already ground. I do use decaf, generally in a 50/50 mix with full strength caffeinated coffee, but I always like to grind my own beans to assure freshness. Still, I thought I'd give this Melitta coffee a shot (it was free from Vines, after a
?llll)l).). . I I'I'm'm m??apa?pyp? t ?o o??ayay y iy itit t s su s?rprpapasasss?ede? e exe???ctc?ata??ononsns.s. . I. ? m ???e e a a a p popotot t wt wiwit??ouo??t mt ?ixixixiningn? i itit it?wiwitwi?h h a?nyn?ththith?inging ?anandnd d dd ??anankank k? it i?t bt blb?aca??, ,??s s I I I a?lwlwaw?aysays s ds dodo.o. . I?t't's'?s ss susururpur??isisis?ing?lyl???dridrininkinkakaba?blebl?, , i, ifif f a a a l lilitittittltlele ?onon on??hehe ?liligli?htht t st ???????titiltill???th?e e te tatasta?tet?e ie ?? f faf?irirlr?ly ly r riricrichc?h ah anandand d ad ap????li??nglngly?ly wly wi?nen?y,y, , t?hohouho?gh? I I I d I dodo do? li l?kek??a ?lilitli?tltletle e me ?ororere e se smsmomokmokyky y ay afa??tertertr?tas??? t????? th thi thisis is pis pr??viv?de??? ( (T(???rere're?? r??al?lyly ly nly nonotot ot????ch ch? af aftfteft?rt?asastas?te te ate at?? al all all,l, , t???uthuth h bh ?e e te toe tololdl??? I?t'??s as as? g gog?odo?d id if? n nonotno??t bet b?ttttetterer er t? tha than than n? ne neaearearlrlyrly y ay aly a?? t th?e e se ste strt?rairaigi?ghtght t dt ?decdecac?af af c cocofoffffefeeee e Ie I'I'vI'vev?e ee eveve?? h?adad,ad, ?anandand and h? hav havivinvi?ng ng i it it it? gr g??ounoundnd nd a as? o opoppppopp??sedse?d td ?to to b ?beabean??s rs ?
ll). I'm happy to say it surpassed expectations. I made a pot without mixing it with anything and drank it black, as I always do. It's surprisingly drinkable, if a little on the light side. Still, the taste is fairly rich and appealingly winey, though I do like a little more smoky aftertaste than this provides. (There's really not much aftertaste at all, truth be told.) It's as good if not better than nearly all the straight decaf coffee I've ever had, and having it ground as opposed to beans re
a??lyly y d dod?esesnsn'n?t t?seseee?m m?toto o??e e a anan n???sus?e ?hehererer?. .?GrGrorouo???????fef?ee ee d do d??? t?ene?? t to to ??o o so ststat?aleale e me momoro?re re q ?uiu??klk?? t th thahan? b be beaeanan,an?? so so ?I'I?d d sd su??gegesestes??ususisiningng g? it it t ft ??iri?lyly ?qu??ickic?klykly,y, , b, bub?t t tt tht??t't's's s es eaeaseasys?y ty ?to to d do??wiw?thth th????0-0?ou?ncncece e be bab?g.g. ?IfIf f y ?ouou'ou????? d?ececacafaf f df ?ririn?kek??? an a???prprerefrefeferfe? n non??t tt tot to ???veve ?to??grgririnrind?nd bnd bebeabean?s,s, ?I'?d d hd hihigighg???ly rly rerecreco?mmm?enendend ?ththith?is is? br b?anandan?......."..?4???5,5?B0B000?2T2TMTMVM??E4E4,4,A,AFAF3F3B3BYB?MPMPWPWKWKWKWOWO8O8F8F,F,J,JoJ?oe oe M MaMaca?BuBu,u,0,0,0,3,?,2,2,2???909?00300383848?0000,00?MeMehe?,","T"??? i??ititiitiai?al al a ar aroromromama a ua ?poponon ?opopep???inging ?ththethe e pe ???kakagageage e we ?asa?s ds ?ececeecenentent,t, ?th?ouougoughgh gh s su sububtbtltlel?e. e.??nfnfofor?tut?unaunata???ly,ly?, i, ?it it q qu quiuicui???ly ly dly did?issis??pa??tedted ?- - I ????alallal?ly ly cly cocouco?ldldnd?n'tn't t st sms?melmellll ll? an any an?ththithinthi?ng ng a af aftfte?r r ar a ?mimininuinut
ally doesn't seem to be an issue here. Ground coffee does tend to go stale more quickly than bean, so I'd suggest using it fairly quickly, but that's easy to do with a 10-ounce bag. If you're a decaf drinker and prefer not to have to grind beans, I'd highly recommend this brand..." 4585,B002TMV3E4,AF3BYMPWKWO8F,Joe MacBu,0,3,2,1290038400,Meh,"The initial aroma upon opening the package was decent, though subtle. Unfortunately, it quickly dissipated - I really couldn't smell anything after a minut
??, , w whwhihicichch h I I I a asassssusumumeme e i isis s d dudueu?e te toto o i?? b bebeie?ngng g?prprere-e-g-grg??unundnd.d?<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<b?r /r />/>I/>I I bI brbrebrewe??d d t ?hihishis ?cocofoffffef?e ?inin in a a a F FrFrerenrencn?ch ch? pr preresre?ss ss a as a?s ws we?llll l a as as as? in i????drdriripip p b br brerewrewe?r.r. . B BoBototh? r ??resuresulu??s ??as??eded ed f flflal??t at anandnd nd???ririnri????ala?lthlthohou??h ???ere?re re? wa wasas as a a ? a de a d?cecenentnt ??mom?ounou?? o ofof of b? bod bodydy y?- -? at at t lt ?eae??ast ast i??? wa??????offof?fenfensn?iviveve.e?. P. PePererherhahapa??s as a a n non??ch???p p fp ?roromro?? ba badad d dd didinineiner???? ?FoForor or? ab a??outou?t tt ?thethe the?sasamameme me p pr?ic??? y yoy?? c co c???d ?gegetet ?bebetbettt?terter r tr tatasta?titininging g fg fr?eseshs?erer er ber bebeabe?ansans s fs ??omom ?a a ca cac?fe?? or or r nr ?at????al al f fo foooododsd??ststost??e.??4454?868?,B,B0B000??TMTMVMV3V?E4E4,4??NEN?EEEEFEE?P4P??L7L?ZXZX,X??LyLynyndndanda ?LiLip?pipin?in "in """?"Ly"Lyn?dad????ippippiippinin"in""?",",0,0,0?3,3??,1,121282848484858545?40400?,A,A ,A D ?ececeecenenten?t Dt De??cafcaf,f,","I,"??amam am??mamazazezed?ed aed atat at? th the
e, which I assume is due to it being pre-ground.<br /><br />I brewed this coffee in a French press as well as in a drip brewer. Both results tasted flat and boring, although there was a decent amount of body - at least it was inoffensive. Perhaps a notch up from bad diner coffee. For about the same price, you could get better tasting fresher beans from a cafe or natural foods store." 4586,B002TMV3E4,ANEEEFP4BL7ZX,"Lynda Lippin ""Lynda Lippin""",0,3,3,1284854400,A Decent Decaf,"I am amazed at the
? c cocononsnsisisi?tetenentnt t?flflalavavovoror r o ofof f M MeMele?itittttat?? co c?offoffefeeeeses.s. . S ?ereririoi??sls??, ,?? s sisipsip p?ananyny y M Me Melelielit?tata ta c???fe??? an andnd d? ca can??idided?ententit?fyfy y iy itit it i?mmm??did?ata?telte?ly ly? as as s t ththeheyey y ay ??l l??asaststeste ?ththethe e se sasama? ?NoNotot t bt ?ada??co??ffeffeeee,ee, , a, alalwal?aya??s as a a da dadararkrkek?er er r ?oao?astas?t at an?????a dea dee???fl?av?or?????t t a?lwl?waywaysys ys? th t?he he? sa s??e ??o o???attatteterter r wr whwhahat???lalavlavo?r r ir ?? p prpri???eded ed o?n n?? the th??papacackckak?gege.e. ??hehe he Rhe RiR?viv?ereraer??SuSununs?etet t mt mamakmakekeskes s as a s a n ?icicece e re ri??? c cu cupu?p op of? d ?decdecacafaf f cf cocofcoffcof??fee,fee?, p, pepererfer???t t ft fofor? a an? a?ftfteter?? di dininnnnenerer er ter ?rer??".""4454585?7,7?B0B0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3??,A,??RPRPAP?3D3DYDYLYLULU7U7P7PMPM0M0,0,",?D.D?. W. ?esestestftfafal?l l "l """"w"wewes?estfest?falfa?llwllwawatwa?tertergtergagar??dende?ns"ns"""""""?,0,?0,30,3,3,3,???28284845?959525?00?,u,ununrun?remremamarmark?abablblel?,","M,"Me???tt?a ????e'e?s s Rs Ri?vivievi??era era??un?ses?et et c co??fe?? i is i?n'n't't ?
consistent flavor of Melitta coffees. Seriously, I sip any Melitta coffee and can identify it immediately as they all taste the same. Not bad coffee, always a darker roast and a deep flavor, but always the same no matter what flavor is printed on the package. The Riviera Sunset makes a nice rich cup of decaf coffee, perfect for an after dinner treat." 4587,B002TMV3E4,A1RPA3DYLU7PM0,"D. Westfall ""westfallwatergardens""",0,3,3,1284595200,unremarkable,"Melitta Cafe's Riviera sunset coffee isn't b
a?d,d??iti? j jujusustst ?sasadadladlyl? i is isns?'t't ???l l t ?hah???grgrer?at? e eieitithitheh?r.r. . I ItIt ?isi???otot ?t sot s?memeteththithini?g g I??wow?ululdld d?bubuyuy y ay ??aia?in,in, ?mamaiainai??ly ly b???auaus?e e I?'l'll??prprorobobababablbly?ly fly ?oro?geget??ababoab?outout t it itt it.t?""?454???,B,B0B?020?TMTMVMV3V?E4E4,4?A1A?151?7C7????5U5UMUM9M9D9?,E,EvE?elelylynlyn n U UyU?eme???a,a?0,0,3,?,4,4,??2828484141616363232020000,00,R,RiRici???smsmomooo?othoth h th tat??stest?,",?? h ?havhaveve ve h ha hadad ad t???cucutu??ba??? o ???ca??fefei?nene e re rerecre?enentntlt?ly ly bly bebec?au??e e oe ?? h he heaeareartrt t pt pap?alpalpip?itait?atiatioiononsons s ts ththathatat ?seseeseem?eded d td toto ??? m mamadmadede e we woworwo?se? b by b??y aly allll ?th???cocof??feefee ?I I dI drdririninkink k (k (5(5 5 c?upupsps ?a a d dad?y,y, ?, ma, m?aybay? )?SoSo ?I I aI ?m m m mi m?xixin?g g 1g 1/1/3/3 3 M MeM?eliel?ittittata ta?CoColololomombombibiai?n n an ???d 2d 2/2/3? d?ececaecafeca?. . I. ???ububsbststistitituitututeut?ed ed t th t?isis is f foforfo? t th?e ????therther r dr ?decde?cafcaf caf? I I h I ??havehav?e be ???en en d dr d?rinrinknkik??ing ing??ndnd ??foufounundnd nd t th??at at iat ?it it h ha
ad, it just sadly isn't all that great either. It is not something I would buy again, mainly because I'll probably forget about it." 4588,B002TMV3E4,A1157CR0T5UM9D,Evelyn Uyemura,0,3,4,1284163200,Rich smooth taste,"I have had to cut back on caffeine recently because of heart palpitations that seemed to be made worse by all the coffee I drink (5 cups a day, maybe.) So I am mixing 1/3 Melitta Colombian and 2/3 decaf. I substituted this for the other decaf I have been drinking and found that it ha
?????rir?chc? s smsmom?otothth ?tat?ststete.e. . V VeVereryry y?lil?ttttltlele e t toto o n ?ononene ??f f t th thehe ?bubururnr?t t t ta t?astastete te t th?atat t dt ??cac?f f of ofoftof?tenten n?hah???. T. ?hehe he p ?ri?cece e oe one on n an amamam??onon on?ma?kek??s is ?? a?? pr p?etettttytt?y gy ?oooodood d??buybuy y ay ?as as w wew?lll?. ?I I d ?on?'t't t ct ca?rere re?foforor r? th???pap?ckckak??iningn??? ho howo???? ?. I . I c coc????n'n't't 't???et et?it???pep?n n wn wiwit?hoh?outout ??ututtttitt?inging g? th the the the t?opop,op?, a, anandn?d td ththeth?en en I I I hI hahadhad ?d tod t?o to ?raranansansfsfef?er er i it it t tt toto to a?n ?olo?ld ld c???fefeefe?e ce ?cancan ?toto ?ststostor?e e ie it??, w, wiwitwithth th a al a?ll ll???? the m the memesesses?s ts ?thathatat at? th tha?t t et enententataita?lsl???. If. I??it?it wit we?re?re ire inin in a a ?cacancan,can, ???wowou?ldld ld bld bebe ???rere re i?ncnclcli?nenedned d td tod to d to? bu buyuy ? . B. BuButut ut? th the? the t the ?tastast?e ?foforfor ?a a da ??ca?f ??s ??uiu?iteite e ge ?googoodod.d.".?4454?8989,9,B,?0000101313E3?NGNGXGXKXK,K,A,A1A1Q1QDQDSDSJS?ZQZQWQWJW??OLOL1L??T.T??CoCoxo???,6,6,,6?5,5?1313213??161?646?00?,G,GoG?oodood ood s st stut?ffff,f?"I"I'I'm'?
s a rich smooth taste. Very little to none of the burnt taste that decaf often has. The price on amazon makes it a pretty good buy as well. I don't care for the packaging, however. I couldn't get it open without cutting the top, and then I had to transfer it to an old coffee can to store it, with all the mess that that entails. If it were in a can, I would be more inclined to buy it. But the taste for a decaf is quite good." 4589,B0013ENGXK,A1QDSJZQWJZOL1,T. Cox,6,6,5,1324166400,Good stuff,"I'm
ssusururprprpririsi?eded d h ??w w m mumucuchc???t t t tatasa?teteses s l lil?keke e c cocofofff??e.e??ToT? b bebe e ce cocomcompmplp?ete?teltelyly y?acaccc????tete,te, , i it it t tt ?tastast???? li l?ikeike e ae a a w ?atateatere?eded ed d dodowownown n c????feefee e (e (l(li?keke ke??hehe e ke kikinindnd ??ouou u?geget???t t ht hohothotetel?s)s? w?it??h hh hahazazezelelnlnunutu?t ft flflalava??r r?---- - a an and? a a a?*v*vev?eryery ?sls??ghghth?* * e eae?????y uy ??ndender????e.e. e. I ?f f s ?omomemeoe?oneon??gag?aveav??meme me a? a s a sisipip p a an and and d dd didididnd?'t'???elellell l m me me ?whwhahatha?t it itit it w?asas,as, , I, ?'d'd d td th?ininkin? i it it it? we w?ereere e ce coe c?off?eeee,ee, ?leletle?'s's ?puput?? it it it t it ththath?at at w? way wa?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/?<b<br<br ?r />r /??heherhe???? n ?oto?t at ala??l tl th???t mt mu??ch ch r rorooo?ot ot?peperer er t te tea?bab?? t? tho thouougough?, , a, ana?nd nd snd ?sinsi?cec??I I? li?keke ke ske ????ngng g cg cocofcoff?eeee ee I? o ononlonly? u usu?? 6 6 6? oz o? o of of f wf wawatwa??r r pr pe?r ??bagba?g ag anandan??st?steesteepe??itit it cit cocovcove?reredred ???or or 1 151? m mi min?s.s. . T. ThTheTh??n wn ?itithith ith s?om?e e ce cre cre??m m a? and? s su sugu?gargar ?it
surprised how much it tastes like coffee. To be completely accurate, it tastes like a watered down coffee (like the kind you get at hotels) with hazelnut flavor -- and a *very slight* earthy undertone. If someone gave me a sip and didn't tell me what it was, I'd think it were coffee, let's put it that way.<br /><br />There's not all that much root per teabag though, and since I like strong coffee I only use 6 oz of water per bag and steep it covered for 15 mins. Then with some cream and sugar it
?'s'? q quq?iti?e e?gog??d.d?<b<?? / ??<b<br<br r /r ?/>A/>AsA???oror ?ththeh?e le lilivivev????ononin?? c clc?aia??, , w ?elelll??dadana?dedelelielioionon on s ststit??ulu??tetestes ?bibili?e e fe flflol?w w a anandand d? su supuppp?ososesede?lyly y h ?helhelpl?s s cs clclecleae????utut t? so somomem?e se ?stustufuffff f g?unu??ini?g g u up? t ?thethe e le lie liviveiv? I I I? do d?on'on't't ?knknon?? a?bob??t t tt ththath?t t yt yey?t,t, , b, bubutut ut s so so so?fafarar ar?? h ha havavevenven'n?'t 't?nonotnoti??eded ed a?nyny y iy il?????ffeffecectctsts s fs frs f?omom om? dr drir?inkinki?ngng ng t th t?isis.s. . I. ?I fI fef?el? f?in????ifif ?nonotnot not?ou?outroutririgri????gogoogood? a af aftfteterter ???rinri?nkink?inging g ag a a c cu c?up,up?, b, bu, b?ut ut tut ?tha?t't's's 's a?s ??arar ?asas s Is I I cI cacanan an c co c?onfonfifiri?? t th?e e ee ?effef??ctctscts.s.<s.<b<br???><><b><br?? />?AnA?nd nd? wi witithit? e evevevenven ven d?ececaec??f cf cocofo??ffeeffe??coconco?tataiainaini?ngng ng 5ng ??151? m mgmg ????ffeffeiffeinineine ine p ?erer er??erervervivin??, ?th?isis is? st s?ufuffuf?f bf bebeie??ing ing c???plp?letle?teltely? c ca c?affaf?feifeinine?ine fine frfrer?ee ee i is?is ais ?a ba ?le?ssssis?inging ?fo??r tr thr t?ososeose e oe
's quite good.<br /><br />As for the liver tonic claim, well dandelion stimulates bile flow and supposedly helps clear out some stuff gunking up the liver. I don't know about that yet, but so far I haven't noticed any ill effects from drinking this. I feel fine, if not outright good after drinking a cup, but that's as far as I can confirm the effects.<br /><br />And with even decaf coffee containing 5-15 mg caffeine per serving, this stuff being completely caffeine free is a blessing for those o
ff f??? w ?hoho o g gogo o bo babanananananaanasas ??andan? l ???htht t p pupubublbliliclic c? pr p?opopepere?tyt??ono? f fif?rere e??heh?n ?wewe e ge geg?t ??hehe he s ?liligligh?tetesests????t t ot ofof f cf cacafaffffefeieininen?? A AnAnynyoyon?e ?whwhowh??neneene??s s as a s a?cocof?fefeefee e se ??ubsubststistit????, , d dod?o go ???e e te th??s s a?s a ts a trtryr???4?595909?,B,?0000101313E3?NGN?XKX??A3A3E3E43E4141R1R1R?1818H8HJHJMJ?6767,7,C,ChChrhririsististotopophop??r r C ?,2,2,2?,2,,2,2,2,,2,1,2,13???2262265656560600??ReReaealallllyly y Gy GrG??ssss,s,","I"I'I'v'veve ve r rereare?d d ld ?oto?s ???? ot oththeth?er er r?eve?ieiewewsws s ds dedeeeeme?ininging g t ththi?s s ts teteatea a a ?as as " """?cocofcoffffeffee? t?as????ing"ing?"" ""??r r wr ?itithit? "??roroaro?astasteast?? f fl flalavavovororsrs,s,"s,"""" "" b"" ??ut ut t?o ??e e ve ve?ry?? tr trurut??fufulul,l, , i, itit it? ta???eses es j ?usustus?t tt tht the?he whe ?aya?y Iy ? c co couoululduld d id imi??gi?ne? s????ndnd d hd hahanand?? sm smomokokek??e woe wou?ldl?. . I. ItIt't's'?s vs vever?y ??ververyvery very? st strtrotron?g,g, , r, rereqreququiuir?es??151? m ???ututeuteses es tes toto to s st ste st?eepeep,p?, a, ?andand and iand isis is???? f fo f?or or??he?he fhe ????t ?
f us who go bananas and light public property on fire when we get the slightest bit of caffeine. Anyone who needs a coffee substitute, do give this a try." 4590,B0013ENGXK,A3E41R118HJM67,Christopher C,2,2,2,1322265600,Really Gross,"I've read lots of other reviews deeming this tea as ""coffee tasting"" or with ""roasted flavors,"" but to be very truthful, it tastes just the way I could imagine second hand smoke would. It's very very strong, requires 15 minutes to steep, and is not for the faint h
eeae?rtrteteded.d. . I I'I??e e?heheaeareardrd d w wowonondnded?rfrfufulul l r rereveviv??wsws s r?ele?ata??d d td ?o o w??igi?hth? l lol??s s rs reregre?arardar??ngn?????s s ps ?rorodo?ucuctct,t? b ??t t It I I w?asas s ns nonotot ?abablblele ?to????le??at?e e te the t?? t ta tasastas?te te l lo l?ongong g eg ?nonounougugh?? to to to a ?ct???llllyly y s ses??e ae ananyn???ei?ghghtgh?t lt lo?ssss ss??en?efe?ititst??. G. GoG?od? l lu lucuckuck k t to? to t to th?ososeose e we ???o co cacarareare ?e toe t??brb?ravraveve ve t??hishis ?""""r"?roaroas???ed"ed?"" ""?flfla?vovoror.r.".""4?595?1,1,B,B0B?010?3E3?NGN???,A,??X0X0H0HBHBQBQ5Q5O5OWOWAWAOAO4O4,4,","D"?ononnonnan? " """"D""DeDeeeeLeeLeLeeee"ee"""""""",",2,2,2,2?,4,4,4,14,121272??3131313613?0000,00,G,?rereare?? T TeTeaea,ea?I I hI hahavaveve ve bve bebeeeenee?? ta???inging g tg ?thith????eaea ea t?wiwicicece ?pep?er er d dadaya?y ay anandan?d Id I ?amam m?enenjenjojoyoyiy?ing? t? the the e we wae w?ay ay I I I f fe fee?ll4???2,2,B2,B0B00B001?3E3EN3E?NGXNG?XK,XK,A?2B2B1B1Z1?7V7VCVCEC?MXMXLX?BQBQ,BQ,","J,"JaJamameam?s s Os OrOr r K ??athat?leleeleenen en R ??amsamsesetse?t ?""""i""ininsinststitititcitchcheheshes"s"""""?,0,?,0?,3,3,3?1313313?818?636323202??00,P00,PaParartart ??f f?DrD?r. r.???'s'
earted. I've heard wonderful reviews related to weight loss regarding this product, but I was not able to tolerate the taste long enough to actually see any weight loss benefits. Good luck to those who care to brave this ""roasted"" flavor." 4591,B0013ENGXK,ASX0HBQ5OWAO4,"Donna ""DeeLee""",2,2,4,1274313600,Great Tea,I have been taking this tea twice per day and I am enjoying the way I feel 4592,B0013ENGXK,A2B1Z7VCEMXLBQ,"James Or Kathleen Ramsett ""institches""",0,0,3,1338163200,Part of Dr. Oz's
T TeTeaea a D DiDieietet,t?ThThihisis s??is is?paparartr??ofof f D Dr Dr.r? O OzOz'z's'?s Ts ?TeaTe?a Da DiDieDiet?. . W. ????s s ls liliki?e e a a ????armarm.m. . I. I I?hahavhaveve ???stst t it inincnch?ese??ala?rer?eadea?? a?ndn??I ??hav?e e be bebeeeenen n? on on ?itit t ft ??or or 4 ??dadaya?s.s..4454595?3,3??000010??ENE?GXG?K,K,A,A3A3T3TZT?LDLD0D0Z0????R6R???nanamamem?lel?esses?,0,0,0,0,0,,0?1,1,1,13,1333?7575555858484040000,00,N,?ASA??Y,Y??ThThiTh?is is wis ??s s ts ?hehe e we wowor?stst st t tat?astastitiningin?? te teaea,ea, , a ac actc?uau?allallyl?y ty ???e w?or?orstors?t tt tatasta?stistininging ing a an any anyty??ininging,ing, ??thath?t t It I ?I haI hava?ve ve??ve?? c ?ononsn?umume?d.d. . I. I . I t?ooo?????e e se sisipi?? an?d ???ulu?d d nd non?t t bt ?ririninging ing ming mymysyseys?elfel?f tf ?o o f ?in?isishis?? th thehe he? cu cupup.p?. I. It. It t tt tat tas??eded ?li??? d di d?rtrt,rt, ?whwhihichi????akakekeskes s ss sesenensense? s si?ncncence e ie it? i??s as a s a r ??????ThTheTh?e re reresre?st ?ofof of t? the the e te ??? b bab??s ?s ars arere re?gog?ininging ing iing in? t th? the the t tr trar?ashash.h.".""4454????,B0,B00??13E13?ENGEN?GXKGXK,K,AK,A2A2J2JSJSHSH6H6M6MZM?9B9BOB?VJV?2,2,J,JoJos?huhua??LuL?tztz,z,0
Tea Diet,This is part of Dr. Oz's Tea Diet. Works like a charm. I have lost inches already and I have been on it for 4 days. 4593,B0013ENGXK,A3TZLD0Z36WR6L,nameless,0,0,1,1337558400,NASTY,"This was the worst tasting tea, actually the worst tasting anything, that I have ever consumed. I took one sip and could not bring myself to finish the cup. It tasted like dirt, which makes sense since it is a root. The rest of the tea bags are going in the trash." 4594,B0013ENGXK,A2JSH6MZ9BOVJ2,Joshua Lutz,0
,?0,0,4,4,4?131?3333533585848?0000000,00,","A"ApAppp??rerenentn?????oooodo??foforor r y ???, , T ??STSTETESES S L LILIKI???BIB?TTTTE?R R?DID?RTRT"T???HaHanandndsds s d ?owownwn,n, , b, byby y fy ?ar? t ??e e??bsb??lulututete ??ororsorsts? t ta tasast???? t te t???? h hahavaveve ??veverver r hr ha?d.d.....?? a an andnd nd I I I h??aveave ?ALALLLLOLOTO?! ! I I ?amam m a an an an? av a???d td ???a da drd??????r ar anandand d Id I I jI ?usust? c ?anan'an't'?t gt gegetet t it iti?t dt dodowdo????ThThe??beb???fifititsits s as arareare e se sus?ppppopp?seseded d td tod t???e e ae am?aza??inging g sg so? I I' I??? k kekeeke?p p i ?it it??ror?ounoundnd nd tnd ???waw?teterte??dodow?? a an and and d sd susugsu?arar ar uar upup up b?utut ut w wo?w w i?t't??s bs bab??d. d.?SoSo ?ststrst??ng? t?oooo,oo, ??asastastetestes s ls liliki?ke ke? di dirirtrt t (t (*(*t*th????'s 's b be bee beenen en p pipisi?sesedsed d od ?n n in inin in t?he?he whe wowoowood?s)s).).".""?454595?5,5,B,?00??13E13ENE?GXGXKX?,A,A2A?141?RJRJ0J?BMBMHM?RUR?AKAK,K,tK,th?thamtha???osmosmama,a??,0,0,,0,5,0,5,??13313323272727202000000000?00,M00,MyM?y gy ?go-go?toto to c co c?ffffef?e ??ububsbsibsit?ututeute,e?,"D,"??and??li??? r ??otot ?t ist is ?rereprepop?ortor
,0,4,1333584000,"Apparently good for you, TASTES LIKE BITTER DIRT","Hands down, by far the absolute worst tasting tea I have ever had.... and I have ALLOT! I am an avid tea drinker and I just can't get it down. The benefits are supposed to be amazing so I'll keep it around to water down and sugar up but wow it's bad. So strong too, tastes like dirt (*that's been pissed on in the woods)." 4595,B0013ENGXK,A214RJ0BMHRUAK,thamnosma,0,0,5,1332720000,My go-to coffee subsitute,"Dandelion root is report
eeded d t tot? a ?idid d id inin n r rer?edued????g g???ghgh h b blblol?odod d pd prp?resre??urure?? w whwhi?chch h ih ?? w?hyhy y?I I d ?ririn?k k i ?t.t. .?? I' I'v'?e e?prprepretettt?y y my mum?uchuch ?gig??venve?n un upup p c coc??fefeee??drdridrinink???ing ing a an andnd d td tht?hishis s is ?? a?? ta t?ststyty ty s su???stistitituitututet?, ?th?ouougugh??ononen??mu??st st a ac acqcquq?irirere re a a a t a ??astaste? f ??? i??t. t. A AtAt t??omomeme ????sese ?bubululklk ?ror?asastasteast?? r ro r??t t bt bubutbut t tt th?esesese se t te teaea a b ba baga?s ?ara?re ?fafanantnta?st??c c d??uriur?inging ing ting trt?????.".""44545959696,6,B,B0B0000101313E3?NGN?XKXK,K,A,A1A?ZKZK5K???EOEOEOE7E727??F,F????ninisiseise e Me ?. . E. EvEveverve??tttt tt " """"w"wrwriritritetertergrgigirgirlrl"l?"""""",",0,0,0,0?,4,4,4???040?464???0000,00,T,?hi?his his i is is s gs grg?reareatat t tt tet tea?.,.?,"I,"I I rI ?rea?lll??y ly liliki?e e te ?thithisis ?te???, I, I I sI ststast?artartetedted ?dr???kik??ing ?????t t tt tht thehe e se su??gegesestestitioi?? o of o? a a a f a ???en?d.d.<.?brb?r /r />/>I>ItI?t ht hehelhe?psp?s ts toto to??oooot???anan an??upsup?setse?t st ststost??acach?e.e?. I. ?I wI wiwilillll ll b??e be bue buyu
ed to aid in reducing high blood pressure, which is why I drink it. I've pretty much given up coffee drinking and this is a tasty substitute, though one must acquire a taste for it. At home I use bulk roasted root but these tea bags are fantastic during travel." 4596,B0013ENGXK,A1ZK5P0EOE727F,"Denise M. Everett ""writergirl""",0,0,4,1304467200,This is great tea.,"I really like this tea, I started drinking it at the suggestion of a friend.<br />It helps to sooth an upset stomache. I will be buy
iiningn? i ?t t a ?gagaiain? i in i? t ??e e f ?utututuru??.".?44545959797,7??000010?3E3ENENGNGXG???AJAJJJ?JJQJJ?YQYQJQJ4J4M4???B,B?FlF?o o S ??llllsls,s??,0?,5,5,5?121??606?000000000000000000,0,"0,"C"?upu? o ?f f d ?ana?dedelelielioiono????a a a a a d?ayay,y? k kekeeeepepsp? t th t?? d do dococtctot?r r a?wawayay!ay???I I l lo??e e te ?thithisis ??raran?d d o of o??DaD???el???on on R RoRooootot ?te?a.a. . T ThT?he he the ?teatea tea i is is s ss ?o ??oooodood d fd ?or? y yoyouourur ur?heheahe?ltlth? a an and?? ke keeeepeepsps ps? yo y?ou ou????ulu?arar.r?. . T Tr T?ranransnsasaca?ctict?ionion ?wewenentn??smsmomooootoothth th lth lil?keke ke a?lwlwa?ysy?. ?. S. SoSo o g?laladla???to to h?eaearear r Ar ??azazozonon on mon ma?? s ??onon on hon hahavaveve ve h?omo???de?lilivliveververyry y oy of? g grg?ococeoc???eses s ts toto to mto ????oo?r.?? I ?I hI hahavha?ve ve sve ??meme me? di d???bibilililitlititieiesies s t???t ?rereqre??irirere re s so somomeomeoeononeon?e te toe to ?shshoh?p p fp fo?r ??me me bme bubutut ut??I dI dodo do a a a l a lolotlo?t ot ofof ?it? o on on n An Am?azazoazon?.c.cocom??454?????00?1313E13ENENGENGXGXKGX?K,AK,?1212J12JKJKEKE0E??YLYLRL?UCUCMCM,M,B,Bo,Booookoo??mamarma???e,e,0,0,?0,0,50,?
ing it again in the future." 4597,B0013ENGXK,AJJJQYQJ4MIVB,Flo Sells,0,0,5,1296000000,"Cup of dandelion tea a day, keeps the doctor away!",I love this brand of Dandelion Root tea. The tea is so good for your health and keeps you regular. Transaction went smooth like always. So glad to hear Amazon may soon have home delivery of groceries to my door. I have some disabilities that require someone to shop for me but I do a lot of it on 4598,B0013ENGXK,A12JKE0CYLRUCM,BookSmartie,0,0,5,
1121???323212161??0,0,L,LoLovoveve e i ?t!t!!!!,!??I I?lol?oveove ?tht?isis s t ??a.a. .???d d i it i??mamakakekese?s ys ??u u f fefeee?l l?veververyry y h heheaealealtlth?y,y, , w ???chch h i??s ss ?o o n neneeeedeedededed d dd ???iningng g t?hehe he?ChC?ri?sts?mamasma?s as ?ndnd nd?NeN?w w Y YeYea?r r s ???so?n.n...?. I. ?I hI hah??venven'n?t ?ususe?d d id it?? in in n o ono?ne ne??ee??, ?an??d Id I ?cacanan an s so sooo?oooooo ??feefeel?? my my ?bob?dydy y ny ne?ed?ininging g ag a a g gogoooodoo??d ded dete?oxo?. . . ?I ??ece?omo??ene??nd fnd foforo?r ar an?yo?nene ne wne whwhowh?o ho hahasha?s s?to??macma?? i is?susueu?es,es, , o, ovoveoverover r ir inindinduduldulglgegeses,? a an?? w?anantantsts s ts toto to f fe feeeelee?l gl gegenge?nerneraralallllyl??y bey bet?te???""4454595?9,9,B,??001001313E3????K,K,A,A3A3R3RSR?G2G?ULULMLMEMEWEW2W?TST?,","I,"?vyv?GiG??l3l3131616 16 " """"I?vyvyGvyGiGirGirlrl3rl3131631?""??,0,?0,00,??????262?88880800000000000,00??XCXCECELE?LELENENTEN? I??EME? A AN ANDN? S SESERERVR?ICICECE,CE?ReReveve?ivivevedved d md mymy ?it?emem m f fa f???! !???t wt waw?as as e exexaxacactctlt?? w wh wha??t It ?I oI orordorde??redred d i?n n en ex?cecel?lelen??t st shsha?pepe ?wiw???h sh
1293321600,Love it!!,"I love this tea. And it makes you feel very healthy, which is so needed during the Christmas and New Year season.. I haven't used it in one week, and I can soooo feel my body needing a good detox. I recommend for anyone who has stomach issues, over indulges, and wants to feel generally better." 4599,B0013ENGXK,A3RSG2ULMEW2TS,"IvyGirl316 ""IvyGirl316""",0,0,5,1226880000,EXCELLENT ITEM AND SERVICE,Reveived my item fast! It was exactly what I ordered in excellent shape with s
aafafefe e s shshih??pip?ngng g - - - i ? w ??llll l?cacamameme ?bab?ckck k a ana?? s sh s?opop p?hehererer???gagaia? T ??anankanksk???606000?,B,B0B00?1313E3??GXGXKX??A1A1B1B0?ZKZKGK???ZAZ?HQH?W,W?"V"V.V. . M. ?ck?nenelell?y y " """"w"weweieisi???v"v"""""""",",0,0,?0,0,50,5,5?111171???003003232020000,00,U,UsU?se se i it it t?evevevereryer??dadaya?,"?? d drd?ininkink k tk ththi?s s?teteaea a e ev eve???y dy day dayay ay ( ??'m'? 7 7 7 m mom??th?s s ps prp?regregngnan?antant)t),), , a an a?nd nd h ha havave? d do dononeone e se sos?? si sinincincec??I I fI fofouounundnd ?ou??t It I ????s ps prs pre??nanannantnt.nt. . . ?I I lI ?ovo??ve tve th?atat t it ?t't?s s os oro?gaganga?icic c a an??d cd ???tataiainai?s ?alallll ll t th t?he he??ererberbsbs s ts th?thatthat ??upu?ppopporortort ?a a ha ??al??thythy y py prprepregegngnagnanancancyc?. . ?I ?????t t nt ?ototitic??e a?nyn?ththith?inging g dg dr?amamaamatatiatic? w wh w?henhen n??? dr d???k k ik ???or?? do don don'n't't 't? dr dri drin?? i it it, it, , b, bubutut t It I t I w wi wilillill l sl sasayay ?I I f?eeeelel el n no???risrishshesheded d wd ?he?hen hen? I I d I dr?ininkink ?itit,it, ?an?d d hd ?havhave??hahadha?d Nd NON? P PRP?EGEGNGNAN?NCN???COCOMO?PLPLIL??ATATIT?ONONSN
afe shipping - i will came back and shop here again. Thanks 4600,B0013ENGXK,A1B0ZKGS0ZAHQW,"V. Mcknelly ""weiserv""",0,0,5,1174003200,Use it every day,"I drink this tea every day (I'm 7 months pregnant), and have done so since I found out I was pregnant. I love that it's organic and contains all the herbs that support a healthy pregnancy. I don't notice anything dramatic when I drink it or don't drink it, but I will say I feel nourished when I drink it, and have had NO PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS
? W WHW???SOSOEOEVEVEVERER.R? I ?'m'??363?? t tht??s s i is? m mym??fifiri?sts? p prprer?gngnananancn??, , a, an?d d? I I h hah?veve e b beb?ene???xcx??ptptitioi?na??lyly y hy heheaealaltlth?y y ty ??rorouougu?hohououtou?. . . I I I h I hi?ghghlgh?ly ly r ?recrecoc?mmm???d d td ?thith?is is fis fof?? a an?y y py prprepregegnegnanannantnt t wt wowomomaom?an-an----a-??t lt lelea?stst st?? c cuc?p p a???aya?!"!????0101,1,B,B0B?01013013E3?NGNGXG??,A,A2A?JSJSHS??MZMZ9Z9B9?OVOVJV?2,2,J,JoJ??huhuau? L LuLututztz,z??,2,2,?4,4,1,131333?33733757???0000,00,","G"GOG?ODO? F FOF???YOY?U,U???UTUT T W WO WORORSOR?T T TT ???STIST?NGNG NG T TETEAEA A E EEEEEEEVEE??VVEVVEEEEEEEERERRERRRRR"R?,","A,"AsAs ??an an a av a?idid d td ted teaea ea d drd?ini?kek??r or ofo? a al allll ll? co corornornener??s os ofof of t th thehe he e?arartr??, ?? h ha havaveav?e he ??d d hd hu?ndndr?ededsds s os ofs of f tf tetea??, ???nd nd? ev eve?ryrytyththi?ngn? f fr fro?m m tm ??thisthi?s cs cocomcompmpapanany? a as as ??ele?ll.ll. . I. ??re?adad d ad ababobou?out out t? thi this??teteatea a aa asas s a? v vever???y poy powowewerwerfr?ulul l h?eaealea?lthlth h h he her herbrb b? bu but?? al all all l tl ??e e re rerevrevi??wsws s ss sasaia?id id i????as?tetestes ?
WHATSOEVER. I'm 36, this is my first pregnancy, and I have been exceptionally healthy throughout. I highly recommend this for any pregnant woman--at least a cup a day!" 4601,B0013ENGXK,A2JSH6MZ9BOVJ2,Joshua Lutz,0,2,4,1333756800,"GOOD FOR YOU, BUT WORST TASTING TEA EEEVVVEEERRR","As an avid tea drinker of all corners of the earth, I have had hundreds of teas, and everything from this company as well. I read about this tea as a very powerful health herb but all the reviews said it tastes bad.
WWhWhah?t t d dodo o I ? c cac?rere?e?? I' I?? r ?atathat??r r b ?e e?heheaheala??hyh?? I? n ?evevev?er er?tat?keke ?????ar ar i inin n m mymy y t?eaea a e ??th?er?. . I. IfIf f y yoyouou'u'v'veve ve? re reaeadea?d td ?thith?? f ????yoyouyou u?ar??e we wawaiaititiit?ingin? f fo f?r r mr ??e te ?o o so sas?y y hy ?owow w b ba badad d id itit it w wawaswas.s. . Y. YoY?ou ou c ca canan'n??t it ??agagigininein?e he ??w w bw ?adad ad? it i?t i?s.s. s.?WiWit?hohouho?t t et exexaxagaggaggeger?at??ono?n In ??wowou??d ??ese??riribibebe be t th t?he he f fl flalava?oror or? as as s as a a va ve?ryry y by bibit??erer ?ta???ining? d?irirtr?. ?. Ye. Yeses,es, , a? as as? a a 3 3232 2??eaearear r or ??ld ld w wi w??ith ith c ch chihilildldrldrerenren n In I n I k knknonowow ow??hahatha?t dt didirirtirt t tt ta?tasttastetestes s ls lilikike? a an andn?d td thd t?hishis s ts tatas?tastetasteses es l lilikli?ke ke dke didirdi?? b??ut ut w wi?th? a? a s a ?supsupeper?????teterter r tr ?tastasttastetaste taste t? tha that?? ma m?akeakeses es ies itit it hit haharhardrd ?d tod t??drdririnrinknk.k?. M. MyMy ?rerecrecoc??memenmendndand?atiatioati?on on????s tos to o lo lelete?t it itt it t st st?eeeepep p? fo for fo?r ar ?a sa shshohorho????er aer ???ounountnt ?ofof ??timtimeme me?? as ??to to n no notot ?mamakma??ke ake a a ra ri??h h b bo b?
What do I care? I'd rather be healthy. I never take sugar in my tea either. If you've read this far you are waiting for me to say how bad it was. You can't imagine how bad it is. Without exaggeration I would describe the flavor as a very bitter tasting dirt. Yes, as a 32 year old with children I know what dirt tastes like and this tastes like dirt but with a super bitter taste that makes it hard to drink. My recommendation is to let it steep for a shorter amount of time as to not make a rich bol
dd d t ?eaea.a. .??? y yoyouou u k knknon?w,w? t th thehe e l lolonongngegerer r i itit t?ststeteeteepe?s s ts ththehe he b bobolo?dederer er? th the the ?te?a a??ececoc?mem???. Y. YeY?ea,ea?, d, dodonon'on't'?t dt do? t th?atat t wt ?itithith h t th thi thisis.??FoF??r r sr st?ararsr???ececaec?usu?e e ie it?? is i?s as apa?papararear???lyly y?vever?y y gy ?oooodod ?foforor ?yoyouyo?u au anandnd d Id ? t th tha than thankn? t?? the the c ??mpm?panpanyny y fy fo?r r br ?ririningngingininging g? it it t tt ?o o?usus us r rer?gagarardardldlelesesses?s os ?f f t th? the ?tatasast????? d dedeadeatathath h wh ?he???ototh???er ter te?tea tea c?om??panpanipanieieses es a ???? us usis??ing ing A?rtrtit?fifici?iaialal l? in ing?re??ie?ntntsnt?s ts tos to ?mamakakeke ?e the t?heiheirir ?teteateasteas s ts tas t?astaste?? be bet betttte?r.r.".""4464?020?,B,B0B??4747373D3???I,I?A1A?6K6KOKOSOSCSCNCNANA0A080?VSVS7S7,7?te?xaxas?nononnonanamameme,me,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5??292?535393959529520200?,G,?re?at? o on on ?bib??cucuiuit?s,s,","I"I I wI waw?? p plpleleale?asaasanantantltlytly y sy sus?rprprp?risri???d bd ??y ty th?the the s??ror????r ?r thr thahanan an I I I eI ?xpxpepecectecte?d d gd ??ing??er er fer ?lal?vov?or or? in? t? thi this this s ps ?propr??ucu??. ??????is is
d tea. As you know, the longer it steeps the bolder the tea becomes. Yea, don't do that with this. Four stars because it is apparently very good for you and I thank the company for bringing it to us regardless of the taste of death when other tea companies are using Artificial ingredients to make their teas taste better." 4602,B00473DT6I,A16KOSCNA08VS7,texasnoname,1,1,5,1295395200,Great on biscuits,"I was pleasantly surprised by the stronger than I expected ginger flavor in this product. It is
eexexcx????enentnt,t, , i ifif f?yoyouou u?lil??e e g gig???ere??, t, trtryr? t ??isis.s. . ???sts? o ?n n h hohotot ??is?cuc???s!s! ! U UpU?dad?tet??. . I I'I'v'???jujusustst st??eoe?rdr?erereer?d,d, , w, ?isishis? t??eyey y sy sos?ldl? i it it t bt byt by y ty ththeth?e ge gag??lloll?on,on, , i, it?s s?did??feferere?nt?, , s, ?somsomemeteththithin?g g??ou? c cacanan'n't'?t ft fifin?d d ld lol?cacalcallllylly ??andand d ed exexcex??llllellenentent.t?""4464606??,B,B0B?0303V03VXV??141?M,M,A,?????GLG?NPN?B4B4242B2BHB?,B,BA,BA,A,2,2,2,2,2,,2,2,2,?131323???05056560?0,0???wdwde?r r? in insn?stesteaeadad d od ?f f lf le?afaf,f?"F"FiF???st,st, ?leletlet t mt meme me?ststastat?e e te ththathatat at I? b ?rerewrew w?momosostst st ost ?of of? my m?y ty tey teaea ea i in in in a a a g ga g?iwiwawan?, ?he?ncn?ce,ce, , I, ? u ususeuse ?lo??oseose ?e lee l??f ?te??.<.<b<brbr br?/>/??<br<br ??/>W/>WhWhi?te? t?eaea ea iea ?is is o on onen?e oe ??of mof mymy y fy faf???oriorit??es es s so so o? I' I?m m???wa?ysy?s os onon on? th the th?e le loe l?oko?ou?t t ft fot foror or a a a n nin?ce????prp?iciceic?ed ed? Ba Baiai ai???da?n.n.<.<b.<br?br /br />?<b<br?? /> /?AsA?s ms mum?chch ?asa?s Is ?I lI ?lovloveve ve B Ba Bai Bai i?HaH?o o Yo YiYin
excellent, if you like ginger, try this. Best on hot biscuits! Update. I've just reordered, wish they sold it by the gallon, its different, something you can't find locally and excellent." 4603,B003VXL14M,A25A5GLNPB42BH,BA,2,2,2,1320105600,powder instead of leaf,"First, let me state that I brew most of my tea in a gaiwan, hence, I use loose leaf tea.<br /><br />White tea is one of my favorites so I'm always on the lookout for a nicely priced Bai Mudan.<br /><br />As much as I love Bai Hao Yin
z?hehenen,n, , I I I j jujususts? c ?anannnnonoto?t at afa??orordrd d?toto o d ???nkn??itit ?exe?clclulus?ivi?elelyl? d du d?e e t?o o to ththehe he v vov??lumlumeme ??? w whwhihit?e ?tet?a a? I I d dr dririnri?nk.nk.<.<b<?r r / />/????????I tI th?ouougughg?t ?ththithisi? w wa w?s s as a a pa ?rer??tyty y gy gogoooodo???pripricicec?e ae ???d wd ?whewhenen en? I I o I opo??eneenede?d id it? u ?p p? it it t dt did??n'n't't ??ooookoo?k tk ?tooto??babadad d ed eieitithithe??? ?MuMucuchch h? to to to?mym??????priprisprisese,e??afaftafteterter ?tatakakik?ingin?????he fhe ??rsrstst st l ??yeyere?????f tf ththeth??e toe t?op op ( (I(I I tI trI t?anansansfsfefer? m my my ????a ta to? g gogoogood? t?ea? t?in?s)s) ) i? it it w wa was wa?s ns nen??rlrlyly ly?alalll? p ??wdwdederer/er??us???wiwit???hah??rdlrdly?ly aly ?anyany y iy inintin?tacta?t t lt let leaeaveavevesve?. ? T ??hishi?s is is??exextex????melmely?ly ply pr??????atatitic?? if if f yf yoyouou ou??ono??t t ut ususeuse e ae ane a?y y fy fifilfi??ter?s ?or? s scscrcrereereenensens s (s (l(????e me meme)me).)?. . I. I ?dodonon'on?'t 't m mi m?indind d wd whd w?henhen n s so somo??? te?a a la lelealeavavevesves ves g ge get? i????? t te tea?? an andn?d id itd it ?is??pr
zhen, I just cannot afford to drink it exclusively due to the volume of white tea I drink.<br /><br />I thought this was a pretty good price and when I opened it up it didn't look too bad either. Much to my surprise, after taking the first layer off the top (I transfer my tea to good tea tins) it was nearly all powder/dust with hardly any intact leaves. This is extremely problematic if you don't use any filters or screens (like me). I don't mind when some tea leaves get in my tea and it is pr
eetettt???mumucu?h h?nonoro?mamala? i ifif f y ????dodonon'n't'? p pop?ourour r t ?hrh??ougoughg?h ah a a s ?????n,n, ,??owo?evevevere?, ?th?isi??wawasas s ss soso o b ?ro??en? u upup p? th t?ata?t it itit t wt wawaswa???usu?t t ut ?nwn?ororkor?abablb?e.e.<.<b<brbr br????<br<b?r /r />/>I/>? h ha havave? o ononlon?y y oy opopepeneneeneded d o on onene e b ba b?? a atat at t th?is? p po poio?ntnt ?soso so t??er???isis is ais a a ca ???ncncece ?th????it? w wa was? j jujusjust? t? tha th??at bat bab??? or or r pr ?pospossssisibibl?y ?ev?enen en aen a ???d d bd babatbatct?ch ch b?utut t at ?at at tat th?thisthis s ps popoipoinintint t It ?I mI mom?stst st lst lilikikekelkely? w????'t 't b be be ?orordorded?erieriningin?g ig ?it ?agagaagaia??.<.<b.<brbr br /br />/></><b?<br <br / /> /?ThT?hatha?t bt ?eie?ing? s sa saiaidai??????e we whw???? l leleale?aveaveses s ts ?tha???t wet w?ere??? the ther therere re ( (o(on? t th the the the t to t?op)op? l?ooookokekedked ??in??e. e. ?ItI?????es es h? hav have????a bia b??it oit ofo?f af ?a ga grg??enen en ten teteae?a ta ??astaste? ( (v (vsvs s ss sos somomeme ????erer er h hi higighgh gh??uaual?itityit??whwhiwhit?e ?e tee t?ea ea I I I a am am m u?seseded ed??????hohowhowe?ve?r,r, r, i it it t it ist isnsn'?t
etty much normal if you don't pour through a screen, however, this was so broken up that it was just unworkable.<br /><br />I have only opened one bag at this point so there is a chance that it was just that bag or possibly even a bad batch but at this point I most likely won't be ordering it again.<br /><br />That being said, the whole leaves that were there (on the top) looked fine. It does have a bit of a green tea taste (vs some other high quality white tea I am used to), however, it isn't
bbabada??oro? a ana?ytytht?ini?g.g?? D DeDefe??iniin?tetelelyly y d ??in?kakaba??? o?n n a a a r reregegug??arar r br ?basbasisisi? i ifi? t th??e be ba???wawasa?n'n?? m momososts?lyly ly p popowowdw?erer.r.<.????/>/?<b?r r /r />r /?? t to tooo?k k a a a c a cocououpuplple? p pi p?cscs ?sos? I I I wI ??llll l p po pos??t tt ???m.m...???eee?p p i?n ????d d td ?thith?? c cacamameme e ie inin in? tw t?o o po po?ucu?heh?s,s? I I I p po pou pourure??d id ?intintot?o to tit?insin?s as ?andan?d td thd t?atat t it isis is wis whw?herherere re? I ?to??ok ok t th the? p pi pic pi????eses es ( (t(th?? p??ododuducuctuct t dt dodoeo?es es nes ?otot t at aca??????y y cy ?comcomeme me i in? t ti tininsins)ins?.".?4?6060404,4,B,B0B?030?VXV?L1L?4M4?,A,A3A?3VG3V??JDJ?W1W1C1CKCKFKFCFC7C7,7???m m i? in in P in PhP?x,x??,0,0,,0,5,??131?222?171797????,",??igighgh h q quq?ualua??ityity,y?, f, frf??shsh h th teteate?",","??I lI lolovoveve e te ?thithisthis s ts tetea?! ! B BoBot??h th thh thehe he ghe grgrereereene????and and w?hihithitete te v vav??ieietetitietieses es aes ?areare e qe ?quiquit?e ?co?nsn???stestenenten?tlytl?y fy fr?es?h.h?? I I I h I ha?veve ve o?rdrdederdereredred red t? thi thisis ?at? l ?lealeas?t t t?en? t? tim timemesmes ?frfrofr
bad or anything. Definitely drinkable on a regular basis if the bag wasn't mostly powder.<br /><br />I took a couple pics so I will post them...keep in mind this came in two pouches, I poured into tins and that is where I took the pictures (the product does not actually come in tins)." 4604,B003VXL14M,A3VGPJDW1CKFC7,Kim in Phx,0,0,5,1322179200,"High quality, fresh tea","I love this tea! Both the green and white varieties are quite consistently fresh. I have ordered this at least ten times fro
mm m?vav?ririoiouousu? i ?ntn???nenetet t s sisiti?teste?? I I I d didididnd?'t't t rt rer?ala??zeze e h hoh?w w?olo???anandnd ?ststat?aleal?e te teteatea a?frf?omo?m tm ththehe e ge ??rocrocec??y y? st stotororere re??asas ?ununtntint?? I I I? ha h?d ?ththith?s ??raran???. . F FoForor or o???an??? t teteatea,tea?? it i?t it isis is??uiuit??e re rereareas?ononanabablb?y y py ?riricri?cedced.? T ?heheyhey y ry ?recrecoc???ene?????iningin? t tw twow? t ts tspsp.p. . o. ofof f??oooososese e t?ea? p peperer er c ?upup.p. p. ?I I uI ??e e he hahalalfalf f tf th?ata?t at anandand and i?? t ta tasastastetestes tes??gregr?eateat.t?. ????????ev??er er ber bibitittitte???? V ?erery?????ootoothth th? ta?ststistin? . ??I hI ?igighghlhlyly ly r ??recorecomommommeomm?endend!d!"!""?464606?5,5,B,?000040??H7H?BZBZQZ?,A,?LZLZ8Z8X8XSXSQS???SMSMXMX,X??ShSha???? M M.M. . G. GrGrorovro?ve ve " ??shs??ppppeperper"r"""""""",",0,?,0,0,,0?????5050404304?202?000000,?BeB?stst st p ??an??t t bt bubut??????adadeade,e,","W,"?asas as? gl glaladad ad t?o o fo fifinindind d td thd thihishis ?prpropr??cuccuctct t ot onon on? li linineine ?asas ??it it i is is s ns non?t t st sosololdold d id ?? s st sto st?oreores?? ar arorouro?undund d hd heherhe
m various internet sites. I didn't realize how old and stale tea from the grocery store was until I had this brand. For organic tea, it is quite reasonably priced. They recommend using two tsp. of loose tea per cup. I use half that and it tastes great. Never, ever bitter! Very smooth tasting. I highly recommend!" 4605,B004AH7BZQ,ALZ8XSQFPSMX,"Sharon M. Grove ""shopper""",0,0,5,1350432000,Best peanut butter made,"Was glad to find this procuct on line as it is not sold in stores around her
ee.e. .?????ndnd d a ??jajara?? at a?? a a g ???cecereryr? o ou??lel?t ?anand??dedececicididededded d td toto o? gi g?veve e?itit ???trt??. . . S SuS?rer?e ge glg?adad ??? di . ??I rI re??eaeararcarchcheheded d td thd t??s s c ?omompmpap?anyany y ay an?d d td th??y y hy hahavave???eeeenen n i?n n bn ?usu?ininen?sss????ncncece ce??898????ThT?hishi?s is ?is is t??? o on onlnlyly y py prpre?ananuanutut ?bu?tttteterer er I I I r?ea?llllyly ly l ?ikikeke.e. e. I It It t it is?is mis ?ad?e e we wiw?ithit? p pepeaeaneanunut???????h nh nono o so susugu??ar ar a?ndnd nd cnd ch?ememim?cac?lsls ??addad?dedded ded??o ??makmake? i it it t tt tat???? b?etettet?terter.r. . . I?t t dt ??es?n'n't't ??neeneeded ed t to to to a ad adddd ?ananyanytanyththith??g,g, , G GrGre?reatreat ?prproprododuducuctct t a?nd?nd snd ????erer er wer wawasas as p?roromrompmptmpt ?t ant andt and d sd ????pip??ing ing??waswas s rs ???sosononanabablblele.le?""4?606??,B,B0B000050585848?HTHTXTX4X4,4,A,A1A1M1MJMJZJZTZT3T3J3JPJ?????F,F,B,Be,B??nyny y Py PrProrofrofafananean??1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1333373717121?646?00????? - ?????? U UpUp p? Sc Sco?re?res res B ???????is??wa???? a g a gr?ea??t Mt MoMototh??er'er's's ?
e. Found a jar at a grocery outlet and decided to give it a try. Sure glad I did. I researched this company and they have been in business since 1898. This is the only preanut butter I really like. It is made with peanuts with no sugar and chemicals added to make it taste better. It doesn't need to add anything, Great product and seller was prompt and shipping was reasonable." 4606,B00584HTX4,A1MJZT3JPFZ08F,Benny Profane,1,1,5,1337126400,Mix - It - Up Scores Big,"This was a great Mother's D
aayay y?gigifi??. .??hehe e????kak??gingingn? i isis s?unu?iqiququeue,e, , v vevere?y y ay arartrtft?ulul,l, , a, ?ndnd d w ?elellll l d dedesesis?gngneneded.d. ?InInsn??dede de?arareare e de ????er?enentn?? po pououcuchc???s fs ?oro???acachach h??f f?ththehe he W ?ininene-ne-a-?-R-RiRititat? f flf?avavovor?s.s. . T. ThTheThe ?boboxo????s ss susububsb????ntint?ala?l -l - -?????feefe?elsels ?grgrereaeateat t wt wrw?apappppepeded ed? up u? i in in n w wr wra??ppipp??g ?papappapeperper.r. . A. AlAlslsos?? th thehe he Whe ??ne?ne-ane-a-a-Ra-?RitRitata ta???opoplplele e he ?adad d td th?e e fe foforforeresresisigsighghth??toto o po puputu?t tt twt t????difdiffffeferfe?renre??? ty t?pepespe?s os ofof of?rerecrecicipipepespes pes o?n n tn ththethe the b ?boxbox:x? o on??e fe foe for? w wi win?e ??andan?d od ??ne ne? fo f??or hor haharhardrd d ad alalcal?oho?olol.l???ririli?llilliaianiantnt nt mnt momovoveve ve? in in in m mymy y oy ?opiopininiinioi?on.on. . M. MyMy y my ?mommo? i is? n ?otot t tt tht the?he bhe ?igiggig???t t lt ?iq??oror or dor drdri?nkn?er?, , s, soso so? no nowo??shs??he che cacanan an m?akake? i ic iceceded ed ded dr??inkinksk?s ws ?itithit????nene ne ane asas ?th?the ?babasasease ?????therther ?ththathan???harhardhar?d ad ald alcl?cohco?holhol.l. l.? Th T???ghgh gh o ot o??
ay gift. The packaging is unique, very artful, and well designed. Inside are different pouches for each of the Wine-a-Rita flavors. The box is substantial - it feels great wrapped up in wrapping paper. Also the Wine-a-Rita people had the foresight to put two different types of recipes on the box: one for wine and one for hard alcohol. Brilliant move in my opinion. My mom is not the biggest liquor drinker, so now she can make iced drinks with wine as the base rather than hard alcohol. Though othe
r? r ??viviei?wsws s s sts?atatete e t tht??at at? th theheye? o ononlnlyly y ry rerecrececeie???d d t th the th?e de ?ririni?k k p ??ucuchcheheshes ?in??a a p?lalasa?stist?c c b babaga?, , t? thi thisis s ws wawasas as n ?otot t t th the the the??????fof?r ?mymy y py pupururcrchchachasasease.ase. .?I I??ilillll l??pdpdad?ateat??ththithis????evievie?w w??f f w we we e te tie tininkinkekerer ??witwithth th? th the???rec?ipipep?s.s?""4464606070?,B,B0B000050585848??TXTX4X?,A,?1010P0PXPXRXRYR?R9R?IRIRARACACRCR,R,K,KaKatatiat?ie ie?GaG?askaskikin???0,0,0,0,,0,5,?,1,131343????40400000000,??inineine-e-A-A-A-R-RiRititata,ta,",?ThThih?is is iis isis ??efe???ititeitele??? a a??"G"GiGirirlr?'s's s As ?lcl?oho?ololilicic ic S ?lul?shshyh?.".""."" "? T ThTheTh?ereere e ae ?re? 6 6 6 d didif?feferereerenerentnt t ft flflalavlavovororsors,s, s, a an andnd ?yoy?ou ou c??n n u???e ae ane a??y wy ?winwinene e ye ?youyou u c? . T. ThTheThe The p pa pacackckak?ageage e de die d?ireirecectc?ioi?onsons ???e ??or??? an an?enentntint?ireire ire b bl b??enden?derder r or ofof ?sls? . I. I ?ha?veve ve?fo??ndnd nd t? tha that?at uat us??ingin??? a T a TaTabablb??spspo?onon on o or or r tr ??o o a at at t at a a ta ?timtimem?e me mam??keske?s js juj??t ?enenoenou??h h f fo f
r reviews state that they only received the drink pouches in a plastic bag, this was not the case for my purchase. I will update this review if we tinker with the recipes." 4607,B00584HTX4,A10PXRYR9IRACR,Katie Gaskins,0,0,5,1348704000,Wine-A-Rita,"This is definitely a ""Girl's Alcoholic Slushy."" There are 6 different flavors, and you can use any wine you choose. The package directions are for an entire blender of slush. I have found that using a Tablespoon or two at a time makes just enough fo
r? o ?nene e?pep?rsrsosonon.on. .??GoGoooodo??sts???f.f?. . H HaHavaveve e ne nonoto? f fofouo??d ??nynyoyononeone ?whw?? d ?oeoeses s?no?t t lt lil?kek?e te ththihisis ?prp??oduoducuctc??""4??080?,B,B0B000050??4H4???4,4,A,A2A2T2T1T1212I2IEI?YOYOIO???ZNZ??NaN?didiaia a M MaM?tet?jejekek,k,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313434646646?30304040400?,G,GrGrer?at?!,!,I,I I??avaveave ?e tre tririei?d d ad ald a?? o?f f t ?theth?e fe ??av?ororsrs rs a anandand ?eveve??y y? on onene ne o of of of? th thehemem m a ar arere re a al a???????cicioiou??! ! T ????y ay arare??grgrereareatat at f?or? p pa p?artartitieiesie??anand? e enentn?terte??aiaini?ininging!g!!446460609609,9????58?4H?TX?4,?A3A?NTNTX?5I5??E3E3131717G7G7G7,7,C,?. . H. ?eie?inrinriricri?h,h,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?13?434373?797929?00?00,P00,?acackckakaga?ining? w wawasa?s ss susufuffuf??cicieci?enten??"T"ThThiThisis is?re?vivie?w w i isis ??forfor r tr th??? pa pac pack??agiag?ing?ing aing anandand and nand no?not not?????ac?tu?alal l ml ??x,x, , s si s?incincece ?e the thehe he m mimixmix x??s s as a s a v vever?y y sy susubsubjb??ct?ivi?ve ve t th?ining???ndnd nd? my my y ty ?tasta?steste ?mymy y ny no?not ???atcat?ch ch????therthersrs rs ars anandand,and, , s, ?somsomeme ?e wre w?
r one person. Good stuff. Have not found anyone who does not like this product." 4608,B00584HTX4,A2T12IEYOI7BZN,Nadia Matejek,0,0,5,1346630400,Great!,I have tried all of the flavors and every one of them are all delicious! They are great for parties and entertaining! 4609,B00584HTX4,A3NTX5IFE317G7,C. Heinrich,0,0,5,1343779200,Packaging was sufficient,"This review is for the packaging and not the actual mix, since the mix is a very subjective thing and my taste my not match others and, some wro
??? a ?bobououtu??hohowo? p popooo???ththeh??papacackckak????? w ??s.s? A AlAllll l?I I c cacanan n?sas?y y i isis s w wi witithth th m miminineine ?ththethere?e e ie isis is m mo m?oreore ??hah?? e ?nonouougou?h h???abeabele???g,g?????ththethe the?babagagsags ?ththethemthemsmseselelvelvev?s s as an?? o?n ??he? b bo b?x x t th t?herhe?re re? ar arere ?ininsin?trtrurucuctctit?on??s os ????ow? t?o.o. . G. GrG??antan??d d td th?the the bthe bo????is is nis ?notnoth?ininging ing h he heaeava?y ??ututyuty y oy or? s sp spepececiciai?l ??andand and t th the the e me mimixmix x i?s s is in?? pl p???in in win whwhih??e e be ba???, , t, th??re?re are ??re re mre momororeore ore?? tha th??an ean enenoen????h ih in?instinstrtrutr?uctuctitiotionons? t to to to g gogo o b by by.y.".""44646161010,0,B,B0B000050?8484H4HTHTXTX4X4,4?A1A1N1??RWR?A4A4Z4?6S6??P7P7,7,T,?exe??asgasgi??l0l??2,2?0,0,00,0,?5,5??333?111161646484808?00,00,T,Te,T?exaex?asg?????01201?2,"2,"I"?I hI ha?d d td trd tririeiede????heshesese se a at a?t at a a??ri?enendendsd?s hs ?houho?sese se ase anandand ?lolovo?vedved d t??emem,m, , b, bubut? c co c?oulou?d d nd nonotnot not f fi f??d d td th?d themd them m??nynywywhwhewherereere e Ie I ??ho?p.p??ThT???y ay ?arear????ryr??go?odod ?foforor
te about how poor the packaging was. All I can say is with mine there is more than enough labeling, on the bags themselves and on the box there are instructions on how to. Granted the box is nothing heavy duty or special and the mix is in plain white bags, there are more than enough instructions to go by." 4610,B00584HTX4,A1NZRWA4Z6SGP7,Texasgirl012,0,0,5,1331164800,Texasgirl012,"I had tried these at a friends house and loved them, but could not find them anywhere I shop. They are very good for
ppap?rtr?ieieses s??r r?? w wew??kekenendnd d t ?rereae?t t f ?oror or y yoyouou u? an a?nd nd t th t?e e g ?irirlr?s.s.".""4?616??,B,B0B000?5858484H4HTHTXTX4X?,A,?9L9LOL????8S8SBSBMBMVMV2V?,a,amamim?lll?erersrslslplp,p,0,?,0,0,,0,4,4,4,14,131323252575727?161?0000,00??ututet?e pe papacpackckakagagi?ngn? i ?f f y??ou ou p pup?? i it it t at alallll ll???gegeteththeherhe?,","I"? b ?ouougoughghth??th?esesees?e ae ana????es?? th the th?y y?dodo o?cocomomem?e ie inin n? pl plalasa???c c b ba bagagsags s ws wiwiti?th th a? l la?beb?l l o on on ?ea?chc?? bu b?ut ?alalsal?o ?????ududed?d ?waw?as as a a ?fifiviveve e se ??de??d bd ?boxbo? t? tha that? y yo you yo?u cu ?anan an???ldld ????etethetheherher her? th tha that that t ht hah??as aas ?a pa pipicictc?urure? o of of ?eaeaceacheach h fh flflalavlavovoror,or, , o on one one ?ono?n en ean eacachch ch??sidsi? . I ?t t mt mamaka?keske?s as a a ca ???? l li lit?tltlele le c?ololool?orforfufulul ?boboxbox,box, ?niniciceic??toto to g?iviveive e ae ase as s as a s a g? gif giftft t it if? y yo?? p pu p???it? t to?gegetgeth?therthe??."."446461612612,2,B2,B0B00B0050580584???X4X4,X4,A,AC,ACQCQ8Q8T8T8T8B8?5353C3?5C5?T,T,d,?debdebdbdididid,id?,0,?0,???13?232??202080????DiDisisasapa?pop?inintintetedted,d,"?I I aI
parties or a weekend treat for you and the girls." 4611,B00584HTX4,A9LO8OD8SBMV2,amillerslp,0,0,4,1325721600,cute packaging if you put it all together,"I bought these and yes they do come in plastic bags with a label on each but also included was a five sided box that you can fold together that has a picture of each flavor, one on each side. It makes a cute little colorful box, nice to give as a gift if you put it together." 4612,B00584HTX4,ACQ8T8B53C5CT,debdid,0,0,1,1323820800,Disappointed,"I a
llslsoso o?bob?ugughghtht t t twtwowo o oo ofof f t th t?ese?e e a ?s s g ???tsts,s? a an a?d d w wiw?llll l b?e ??ete???nin?ngng g?? the themem m f foforor r t th? the the s ?ama?e e re ree reaeasasoasonon n a?s ?so?meme me o ?of of? th the? the o the otoththe???? U ?nanaca?cecepe?tataba?lel?????kak??gingingng!ng? ?Un??leslessss s ys yoyouou ou?hah?vev?e ae alalrl?reareadadydy y??ririei?d d td ththeth??e pre p??duducu?t,t????therthe?re re?isi??nonotothothih?ingin???aboab?outout t tt ththithis?? th?ata???aka??es es y ??u u? wa wanantnt t t?o o to trt?y y iy itit.t?. . I I I?? ass assusumu?medmed ??bibigig g mg mimisistis?takta?ke!ke!)!) )?? tha that that t tt tht t?herhereher????ulu???bebe e se so??e e ke kik??d d od of?of pof ?pacpackckakagkagi?gingging,g?, b, bub???t th?????wawas? n no???? T ThThihishis s is is??re?realreallllylly y sy sa?d d t?oooo,o, , b?ece??ususese se t th the the the p the prp?rodro?ducduct? i is is s gs grgrereareatrea?t."t.?4464?1313,3??000??848?HTHTXT?4,4,A,??ECECAC?686??PVPV9V?AGA?,N,NjN????,0,???,2,2,2,1,1313213?22?6565656060000,00?"N"?otot ot? as????ctctucturureur?ed,ed, , m, me?ssssyssy ?apappppepea?raran??ce"ce",",I,I ?pupururcurchchahasha?sedsed d td thd thihis?? as as ?a a p?reresresesensentnt nt b?utut ut
lso bought two of these as gifts, and will be returning them for the same reason as some of the others. Unacceptable packaging! Unless you have already tried the product, there is nothing about this that makes you want to try it. I assumed (big mistake!) that there would be some kind of packaging, but there was not. This is really sad too, because the product is great." 4613,B00584HTX4,ANECA68DPV9AG,Njena,0,0,2,1322265600,"Not as pictured, messy appearance",I purchased this as a present but
?itit t???ese?n'n't't ????e e A ?s s?shshoh?wnwn n i inin n tn ththehe ?pipici?tut???. . I ItIt t it ?s s ls ?it???e e we whwhih??e e be babagagsg?s ws wiwitithith h t th??e fe flflalavavovoror r w wrwrir??itteittene??ono?n tn thn the?m.m. . . S ?om?eoeononeone e re ?recre?eieiviviviningin???t ?asas s as a a g gig??t t wt wow??ldl?n'n'tn't t et evevev????nonowow ow? wh whah?t ?t itt it t wt wat w?? u ?nln???s s Is I I e exe??la?inineineded d i?? t to t? t th t??hem.hem. . W. ?ilillll l?bebe e r?etetuturturnrnin?,4,B,?000050??4H4HTHTXT??4,A4,?3A3AJAJ3J3030D0DIDI2I2U2UYUYZY??0,0,m,mam?rjr????0,00,??2,2,1,131?212161666606080?00??NoNotot ?t ast a?s ps pipicpi??urureureded.ed.,.,","I"?I bI bobou?ghghtht t tt ??isis is f foforor or a ????ririsriststmtma?s s gs ?gifgift?, ,? bu butut t It I I wI wiwilwillll ll b be be e r?e rete re?turturnturnininni?g.g. . T. ThT??re? i is is ??no no b bo boxox x o or?or por pap?ckckak?agiag??? a as as ?s pis pic??turturetured??, i, itit it i is? j ?usust? 5 5 5? wh?it?ite ite b?agaggaggigiegieses es c coconco?tat?ininiin??ing ?ththethe the?mimixixex?es,es, , w, wh?icichich h wh wowouwoululdul??be?? fi fin?? i if i? I?? wa wasas ?jujusjust?st bst bub?yiy?inging ing fing foforfor ???ses?lflf ?bu???nonotnot t ft ?for?
it doesn't come As shown in the picture. It is little white bags with the flavor written on them. Someone receiving it as a gift wouldn't even know what it was unless I explained it to them. Will be returning. 4614,B00584HTX4,A3AJ30DI2UYZ40,marjo,0,0,2,1321660800,Not as pictured.,"I bought this for a Christmas gift, but I will be returning. There is no box or packaging as pictured, it is just 5 white baggies containing the mixes, which would be fine if I was just buying for myself but not for
?? g gigifi?t.t.".""4??1515,5,B,B0B000070757??WDW?KQK?,A,A1A??W9W?LSLSLSLZLZFZFWFW9W9FW9FKF?,A,Av,Avevererar?gege e J JoJoeo?e Se ScSchchmhmomo,o,1,1,1,1,1,,1?4,4?,13,1343???707040?00?,N,??cece e Ve VaVara?iei?tyty y f ?oror r g gu gueuese??? o oror or?tot? t tr tryry ??acachch ch? fl flal?vov?or ????rsrses?lflf,f?"I"I'I'd'd d r ?ratratet???hehes???asas s bs bebetettet??r r tr ththathanan n a ?aveav?eraeragageage e be ?utut t s sis??cece ce?I I a am a? n nonotot ?a a fa ?anan an o of of f? fl?avavoavor??d d cd ??ffffefeeeeses,es, ,? I' I'd?? on onlnlyly y gy gi?veve ve t th thehemhe????? r?ata?iningin? a as as s ts toto to m ?e e te the theheyhey y ty tatasastastete te a ar artr?tifti?iciciiciaiala?? an andnd d wd wew?irirdrd d ld lilikikek?e ae ale allll ???lavlavovorvorer?ed ed c ??ffffeffeeeesee?s ds ?o.o? T ??he he???gug?la?r r cr co??fefeefe?es es?wewerwerere re v ?ververyry ry g go goooodo?d bd be?tttteterter ter???anan an man mamananyan??. I. I ?re?al?lyly ly??likli??d d td ththeth?e Ae AmAmamazmazozono?ia? a an?d ??he?he Ahe ?frfriricri???a a ma me?didiuiumum m rm roroao??astsasts,s, ??notno?t st soso o mo ??chch ch tch ??the the C ?ololol??bibiaiania?. ?Th???dad?arkark k r??oasoast??EcE??liplipspsese,se, , M, MeMexe?icicaic?an,an?, a, anandand d Fd FrF?renrencnchnch h
a gift." 4615,B0075WWDKQ,A1IW9LSLZFW9FK,Average Joe Schmo,1,1,4,1344470400,Nice Variety for guests or to try each flavor yourself,"I'd rate these as better than average but since I am not a fan of flavored coffees, I'd only give them a 3 rating as to me they taste artificial and weird like all flavored coffees do. The regular coffees were very good better than many. I really liked the Amazonia and the Africana medium roasts, not so much the Colombian. The dark roast Eclipse, Mexican, and French
R?oao?sts? w wewererer? v vevereryery y?gogoooodod.d. . I I I?mamada??e te ththeh?m m?inintntoto o? ic icece e ce coc?ffffefeeee,e??ststrst?onongng g b bubutu?t nt nonotot t bt ? I dI didididndn'n???cacarare??fof?? t th?e e Ce ??ststast? R RiR?ca?n n???ghghth?t rt roroaro?????itit it h ?adad ad a ?n ?arartar??fificiciiciaialal l t ta tas?asteaste e te toe to o mo meme.e. ?ThThehe he H HoH?usu??e be ???ndnd d w??as as? go goo?d ??butbut t n?otothothih?ingin?g tg toto to? wr w?ititeite e he ?omo?? a ab a?ououtou?. . I. I . I h ha hatate? d de?ca?f f??o ???ususeuseded ?ththath???K-K-c-cucupup p t to t??wawat?er? m?y y py ?lal?antantsts s? wi w?ithit??, s, soso o ao ?as as fas fafarar ar??s ????asteaste aste g go goe goeses ?I I hI hahavha?ve ve n no?? id i?deadea a ba bubutbut but m my? p ?plaplanant??s ps pepererkerkek?ed ed u up?. . T. Th. Thehe he Che ?ho??colco?????raras?????ryry y wy we?nt? n ni n?iceicelelyly ?inintinto?to ato ??chc??hocohocololalatlatelat?e c?aka??????teterter r ir inin in p pl p???ce ce?ofof of w wa?teterter ter a an and? i it i?t wt wawaswa??de??liclicic?ouousou??. I?f ???ricri?cedced d rd ???ghtght ?I'I?d d bd bud buyu?y ty th?themthe???gag?""4464616?6,6,B,?000?757?WWW??KQKQ,Q,A,?1J1?9898N8
Roast were very good. I made them into ice coffee, strong but not bitter. I didn't care for the Costa Rican light roast, it had an artificial taste to me. The House blend was good but nothing to write home about. I hate decaf so I used that K-cup to water my plants with, so as far as taste goes I have no idea but my plants perked up. The Chocolate raspberry went nicely into a chocolate cake batter in place of water and it was delicious. If priced right I'd buy them again." 4616,B0075WWDKQ,A1J98N
00606565O5??ODO??,E,?dndnana a?HaH?rprpep?r,r,0,0,0,0??3,3?131353?000?0000000000??0,E0,ExExpxpepecpectc??? v ?? R ReRecececeie?veveded,ed?"I"I I o ???erereereded ed i inin n o or ordrderder??toto o?geg?t t v va var?iei?etyet?? of o? f flflalavavovororeored???ofoffffefeeeese?, ,?anandnd d hd hah??? t to t?o ao ??mimitit t dt didisisasapa?popoioin?te?d ??in in? th theh?e se seselelelec?titioionon.n? S SeSeveve???l l???plplilici??tetestes ?ofof of? or ord ordidindinanarnaryry y cy ?cofco?ffeffeeeesees s rs rerececeec??vevedved.d. ???soso o 2o 2 2?? of of? th the the e fe flflaflavavoavororsors s as adadvadveververtvertitistisesedsed d wd whw??ichich h w ???? m ?y y py prp?imimam?aryary ?rereareasaso?n n fn ?oror or o or? orde ordererierininging g? we wer??ere nere nonotot t it inincinclclul???d.??4?6161717,7,B,B0B???5W5WWWWDWDKDKQK??ARARXRXWX?C5C5T5?4C4CCCCECE3E3B3??RoR?beb?ertert8t???3,03,0,?0,???,13,1343494?040??606?00,00,G,GoG?odo??CoCofoffoffefeefee,e,P,???oduoducu?ct ct w?as? t ti tim????y dy de?lilivlive?verevereded ed aed as??adadvadveadv?ert??iseiseded.ed. ? T ThT?herhere????s as a s a w wo wonondon?derderfrfufulul ??selsele?ctctictioionio??ofof ???coffcoffe?feesfees s ws wh?icichich ich? my my y cy cly c?lieli??tsts ??ndnd nd???ar?e ?cucururrr?renrentntlntlyl
065OHODA,Edna Harper,0,0,3,1350000000,Expected vs Received,"I ordered in order to get variety of flavored coffees, and have to admit disappointed in the selection. Several duplicates of ordinary coffees received. Also 2 of the flavors advertised which were my primary reason for ordering were not included." 4617,B0075WWDKQ,ARXWC5T4CCE3B,Robert873,0,0,5,1349049600,Good Coffee,Product was timely delivered as advertised. There is a wonderful selection of coffees which my clients and I are currently
e ??joj?????. . W WiWili?l l?orordrded?r r a ??aiain?..4464616?8,8,B,B0B?070757?WWWWDWDKDKQK?,A,A1A???RXRXZXZ8Z?WZW?7272222G2?,e,elelal??nen??0,0,0?,3,?,1,??46??12120200?0,0,s0,sosomomemewewhwhahata? d didisi?apa?popoioin??ede?,I,? w ??s s v ?ereryery y e ex excxcicitite?d d?toto o r ?ece?cieci?ve??mym??shshihipipmpmemenme???totodtodadayay ay t th thehenen en? to t?o bo bebe e d di disisais?appappp?oioinoint??ed ed b bebecbe?aua?ses?e 2e ?? of of f? th the th??flf?lavlavovororsors s ts ththahatha?t It I I wI wawaswas ?s tos tololdld d wd wowououlu?ld ld b?e e ie inin in? th the the the?papacackckakag?e ?wewerereere ??otot t tt tht theherherere!re! ! I I ??reare??llylly y wy ?wanwa??ntednted ?toto to???y ?CrC?remre?????ululeul????ndnd d Rd ?asaspas?beberberrr???ChC?oco???atateat?e te ?ru?fffflflefl?! ? I I I??? l lolooookokikin?g g f ?ororworwawarward?? to to to t tr try tryiyinyi?? t th the??otothot??hersher?s bs bubutut ??hadhad d Id ?I kI ?nonownow w?? I w I wowouwo?ulduld d nd nonotnot ????eie??ve ve tve ththethese?? f??lavlavolav??ors ors? I I w I wo I wououlouldld ld nld no?not not h ??ve??orordordederdereredre?d td thd thihishis ?prp?odo?ucuctct!t! ! ! I! ??alalsal??? di did did d nd nod n?ot ot r??ecieciei???e t?hehe he P PiPininkink k R RiRibibbbbobono
enjoying. Will order again. 4618,B0075WWDKQ,A153RXZ8WZ722G,elayne,0,0,3,1346112000,somewhat disappointed,I was very excited to recieve my shipment today then to be disapppointed because 2 of the flavors that I was told would be in the package were not there! I really wanted to try Creme Brulee and Raspberry Chocolate truffle! I am looking forward to trying the others but had I know I would not receive these flavors I would not have ordered this product! I also did not recieve the Pink Ribbon
??flflalavavovoror!r!!??6161919,9??000070757?WWW??KQKQ,Q?A3A?UGUGSGS7S707?IIII3I?V9V9191Y1Y,Y?J.J. . F FiFiti??papatatrt??ckck,k??,0????131?444424?1111212020000,00,g,grgrereae?at at s seselelel??tit?ono? p prp?ovovivididededed,d?"l"lol?oveove e v vavanan ??ouoututtttete e ke k k c cucupupsps.s?. t. ththehe e se se?leleclectctictio??s s p pr p??vividvide?d d a ???lowlo? o ??e e te ?o o s sa samampm?lele le??ofofff??ese???ro?m m d didifi?ffeffere??ntn? r ?regregigioionionsion?s as asas ???ellell l??s s ts tat?astas?te te t ththethe ?""""f"fl?avavoav?????? c co?ffffeffeeffeeses es w ??ithithohouhoutut ut?hahavaviav?ngn? t?o ??uyuy y a a a c??mpmplmple?tete ?boboxo? o of of f e ?eaceachch.h. ? T ThThe?????ouou ou? ca c?an an p?icickic?k tk ththe? o??eses es yes yoyouyou u?lil???e &e & &????y ty ththathat??paparpa??ticticuculcu?larla? c co cof???e.e...?grgregrea?t t ct ??onconcec?ptp?!"!?4??20??,B0,B?002002E2ESESSS?P7P7G7G,G???2J2J9J9797K7KCK?WLWLEL??Q,Q,bQ,brbrurucucece ce?McMcCcCaC??e,e,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,?5,15,?13413??70?565?00?00,C00,CaCamCamem?eroer?on on??? coff???,t,?thith??s is ?is is v ve vereryery y gy ?ooo?d d cd ?cofco?ffeffeeffee ffee I I I h ha havaveave e be be??n ?pupururcrchchachas??ininging g tg th?thisthis ??
flavor! 4619,B0075WWDKQ,A3UGS70II3V91Y,J. Fitzpatrick,0,0,5,1344211200,great selection provided,"love van houtte k cups. the selections provided allow one to sample coffees from different regions as well as taste the ""flavored"" coffees without having to buy a complete box of each. Then, you can pick the ones you like & buy that particular coffee..great concept!" 4620,B002ESSP7G,AV2J97KCWLEGQ,bruce McCabe,1,1,5,1341705600,Cameron coffee,this is very good coffee I have been purchaseing this co
?ffffefeeee e f foforor r a ? l ?onongng g t titimi?e e ae ?n n a as a? l lo lon?g g ag asas ???azazozon? c ???ysy?s ts ti?isis s Is ? w wiwili?l l k kekeeeepeep p b ??y y i iti? I I I lI lilikikeke ke t th theh?e te ??astas?t it itit it???????nin?cece ?chc?ocococ?lalata???e tae tasastast ast??o o??tt44646262121,1??000020?ESE??P7P?G,G,A,ANANNN?E8E???NTNTZTZXZ?F2F2,2,","M"MeM??lanlani?e e Me MaMagagng?usu?enen ???"Me"Melel"el??",",1,1,1,11,1,?5,5,1,13,1323?929262646404??0,0,V,?erery????iceice ???ff?ee?!,!,I,I I lI loI lovovev??e the the? s sus?bcbcrcriripiptpti???on oon ?ptptiptioi??on aon ?????mazmazo?n n an anandand d a am am m u ususiusiningng ng i it?? to to to?gegetet ??hih?is is? sm s?ooootothth th a an andnd ?non?on-on-b-bib???terte?r cr ??ff?ffeeffe?! ! I? l lo lov love?? it it. it..?464?62262?2,B2,??02??ESSESSP??7G,7G,A,A3,A333?Y1Y?7O7?Y9Y?0K0?W0W0O0O,O,","K,"?? S SpSpepen?cecerce?r "r """"A""?ng?????a'a??s ms ?mommo?"""""""",""",1,1,,1,1?,1,4,1,4,4,1,13?2121621?606?80800?,G,GoGoooodood d Cd ChChohocho?colcola??? t??astasteaste.e??,I ,I??ot? t? thi thisis ?at?at aat a a la lolocloca?l l dl did???couco??t t st ?totororeore e fe fo???$6$6.6. ??t t ht ?hashas s as ans a?n en exexcx???llellenentent ?flf?lavla??or or??
ffee for a long time an as long as amazon carys tiis I will keep buy it I like the tast it has a nice chocolate tast to it 4621,B002ESSP7G,ANNE8VTNTZXF2,"Melanie Magnusen ""Mel""",1,1,5,1329264000,Very Nice Coffee!,I love the subcription option at Amazon and am using it to get this smooth and non-bitter coffee! I love it. 4622,B002ESSP7G,A33Y17OY90KW0O,"K. Spencer ""Angelica's mom""",1,1,4,1321660800,Good Chocolate taste.,I got this at a local discount store for $6. It has an excellent flavor an
?d d t ?heh?????y y r rereae?soson??I I???veve e ie itit t 4 4 4?ststatara?s s i ininsnst??eadead d id ?f f 5 5 5?wawasas as??ere??on??l l p pr p?refre?er?ene?cec?..4464??3,3,B,B0B0000000G00?RGR?T9T9I9I,I,A,A3A3F3FIFI4I?OAO?OQOQYQYQYQWQWHWHHHH,H???. . W WoW??dldlal??d d "d """?BrB?okokek?en en T ?eeeepe??e"e???,1,1,1?,1,,1??,1,12,1262???84840400000000,0?DeDelelilici?ioiouousus s Os OrOrgrga?ninicic ic??OrzOr??,M,??y fy fifirirs?t t pt ??ckckakagagege e ce cacamameme ?dadamamaam?ageageded d bd bub????thethe ?fi???? r ra r?tet?e c??ustustotomo?mermer r s se s?erver?ic?e ?e dee d?epaepar?tmtme?ntn?t rt re?plplalaclacecedced d i?t t qt quq?icickic?ly?. . T. ThThehe he o?rzrzozo zo?????e dee dele deli?ci?ouousous s as anandand ?ea?sysy y ty to? c coc?ookoo??.4.4646246?4,4,B?00000?GR?GT????,A2,A???QDQDMD?SRSR0R0M0MDM???I,SI,????ly?nnnn,n,0,0,??0,50,?5,15,131?252595989?0808080080?0,S0,SoSou???wewesestst st O Ol O??ieie,e,"?I'I'v've???useused?? th thih??s ps ?rorodro?ucuctct t it ?? t tr traradadiditditit?ionionanalal al? ri ris?ototttto??rerecre?cipci?pespe?, ,?bu?t t i?t't??s as als alsl?so so?exexcxcecelce?????t t?o o u us uses?e i?? t th?iningingsg?s ls ?likli??? ch c?hichickckeckenen en sen
d the only reason I gave it 4 stars instead if 5 was personal preference. 4623,B000GRGT9I,A3FI4OAOQYQWHH,"P. Woodland ""Broken Teepee""",1,1,5,1268784000,Delicious Organic Orzo,My first package came damaged but the first rate customer service department replaced it quickly. The orzo are delicious and easy to cook. 4624,B000GRGT9I,A2SHQDMSR0MDAI,S. Flynn,0,0,5,1325980800,Southwest Oldie,"I've used this product in traditional risotto recipes, but it's also excellent to use in things like chicken s
????, , m mamakakekeses s?a a n ninicicec?, ?crc?eae?mymy,y, , t, ??icickic??sosou?p p b bab?ses?? I I'I'm'm m??titilillll l??xpxplp???iningn? o otoththeth?????ysys s ts toto o??sese se t ththithisi?s ws wowonondndedererferfuf?l l pl ??ododuducu??.".???6262525,5,B,??00?FFF??Y3Y3G3G,G?A2A2L2?YEYEMEMVMVJVJNJNKNK7K7979S9?V,V?5B5BlB?es?sisiningingsg?,8,8,8??,4,4,4?111191?40404048480800000000,0?WeW? l liliki?ke ke??emem!m!,!,","I"?I'mI'??non?ot ot s su sururere re w wh whyh? n no no o oo ononeone ?se?ememsems ?s tos to o lo lilikli?ke ke tke ththethesthesese se vse ?ereryery y my mumuc?h!h! ! T ThTheheye?y ay ararere re pre pr?etettttyty ?gogoooodod od t to to o uo . ? I I h ?avave?n'n't't t h ha h?d d a a a p pr?obo?le?m m wm wiwitithth th t th t?hemhe?m fm faf?ll?ining? a??ar??t at ana?? t th?eyey'ey???re ere ??sysy y ty toto to??liliclicece ce f foforor or? to toa toasastastitinti? ??MyM?y sy sosonson,n?(w(whw?o o io ?is is t th the the the? on onene e oe onon on t th the the the G the GFGFCFCFC? d did?etet)et?, , i, ??is eis ex??re?mem?lyly ??icickickyick?y ay any a?nd nd snd ??uspuspi??ioi?ousous s os ofof f? an a?ytyththithinthi?ng ng? ne n?w,w, , a, ??e e te th?thesthesethes?e me mumufmuffffif?insins s ws wis w???houhoutut t ht ?heshe?sitsitatat?in???. I. I I s so s?me??timtimemesme?s ps pop
oup, makes a nice, creamy, thick soup base. I'm still exploring other ways to use this wonderful product." 4625,B000FFRY3G,A2LYEMVJNK79SV,5Blessings,8,8,4,1194048000,We like 'em!,"I'm not sure why no one seems to like these very much! They are pretty good to us. I haven't had a problem with them falling apart and they're easy to slice for toasting. My son,(who is the one on the GFCF diet), is extremely picky and suspicious of anything new, ate these muffins without hesitating. I sometimes po
kkeke e?a a h hohololele e ie ini? t ththehe e me mim?ddddldle?? an andn??seserervrvev?e ae ?s s a??'b'babaga??l'l'.'?? T ThT?heshesese se a ar arere e a? r reregregugulu??r r s st s?apaplp??le ile in? o ??r r hr ?houhousu?,6???0000F00FFF??Y3Y3G3G,G,A,?1V1?YZYZEZE8E8S8SUSUYUYUY?9B9B9B?,","J"?ese?sese ??"J"JM"JMTM?"""""""","?6,6,66,?6,46,???181?404020252?606?00,00,p,prp??ttttyt? g ?????cocono?sis???erierin?g,g?,"I,"?f f y ?ouou ou??eeeeded ???ututet??n fn ??reeree,e, ,? no non?-d-dad???y ?ana??? no no no e ege?g,? p pip???iningingsings s as ?areare e pe prprepr?tt??y sy slslilimim.m.<.<b<brbr ?/>/><>??r ??>I>IfIf If??ouou ?us??e ae a e a re a ?reareala?lyly y sy shy shahararpar? s se s?errerrar?te??d kd knk?ififef?e ae ane and?nd wnd wowororkr? c ?ararearefarefuf?ullully?, , y, yoyouyou u c?anan an s sp spl?itit t? th the?m m s?ucuccccecesessessfsfufulfull?y.y?.<b.<brbr br / />?<b?<br <br /?>G>?rereareatreat t ft ??? m ?minmini?-p-pipizpi???as!as??"4"46462462727,7?,B0,B0000000??FFRFF??3G3G,3G,A,AN,ANXNX4X4242D2D3D3333M3MNMNON?VPVP,P,"?A.A???re??reat reat " """"d""dodogog g f ?an?"""""""",""",3,3,3,3?,4,4,4,14,??878737393?525?0000,?eneneenerer er? g g e?ngn?gliglisishs? m mu mufuffffif?insin?,T,???eseese e ae are are? o ok ok.k.
ke a hole in the middle and serve as a 'bagel'. These are a regular staple in our house." 4626,B000FFRY3G,A1VYZE8SUYU9B9,"Jesse ""JMT""",6,6,4,1184025600,pretty good considering,"If you need gluten free, non-dairy and no egg, pickings are pretty slim.<br /><br />If you use a really sharp serrated knife and work carefully, you can split them successfully.<br /><br />Great for mini-pizzas!" 4627,B000FFRY3G,ANX42D33MNOVP,"A. treat ""dog fan""",3,3,4,1187395200,ener g english muffins,These are ok.
II I?lilikikeke e??hehe e se ?wew??t t p ??tatatatot? o ononen?? b beb???ere? a anandnd d b?otothoth h h ?avavev?e ge gogoooodod d fd fif?beberber ?cocononton??ntn?..4464626282?,B,B0B000?00F00FFFFRF?Y3Y3G3?,A,?IRIRKR?NDND0D0K0KLKLELEQEQXQ??,H,???did? W WiWililsl?onon,on??,2?,5,5,5,1,121?191??68680800?0,0?EnEnenerner-r-G-G G??oo?dsd???EngEn??lisli???MuMufuffffifinfinsns,s,","<"<a<? h?rerefef=f??"h"hthttt?p:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.amamam???on.on?cocomcom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prprorododuoducuctc??B0??00F00FF00FFRFRYFR??G"G"""">""?EnEneEner?-G? F Fo Foooodoodsoods s E???gligl?sh??MuMufMu??ini?ns,ns, , 1 1515.5??-O-OuOununcncece ?UnU?ititsts ?(P(PaPacackck k o of of f 6 6)6)<)?/a/a>a?<b<brb?r /r ?><><b><brbr br?/>/>T/>ThTheheshe?e e ae ?rere re??ne? o of of of m ?y y f fafav?oro??iteit?e g????tenten ten? fr f????ititeitemitemsms s as anandan?d ad a ?reregregug??arar ar i itite??? to to o ko kekeekeepe? o on on on? ha hanandand.and. . I ?I tI tatakta?ke ke f?oror or l lu l?uncunchch h ah anandand and? to toa to?stst t at ??and and vand veververyr???filfi?lilinli?ng ng??ndnd nd?eaeasasyas?y by ?utut ut c chchechea?peperer er t??hanhan n?gogoigoininging g t to???asastast ???ood? p pl plalaclace???. . I I I??se?? fo for fo?r mr mimininiin?i pi pipizi??asas,as?, H, HaH?ambambu
I like the sweet potato ones better and both have good fiber content. 4628,B000FFRY3G,AIRKND0KLEQXA,Heidi Wilson,2,2,5,1219968000,Ener-G Foods English Muffins,"<a href="""">Ener-G Foods English Muffins, 15.1-Ounce Units (Pack of 6)</a><br /><br />These are one of my favorite gluten free items and a regular item to keep on hand. I take for lunch and toast and very filling and easy but cheaper than going to fast food places. I use for mini pizzas, Hambu
rrgrg g???nsns,s? b ba baca?ono?, , e, ?ggg?g ag ??d d?chc?eee?sese e s sasanandandwdwiwicichch ch f foforo? b br brereae?kfk?asastst,t, , c, ch?icickic?enen n? sa s?andandwand?wicwich?es??, e, et, etctc.c. . ??asasyas? t tot? t ta takakeak?e oe on? t tr triripi?s s o ?or or f fr fri???dsds ?anandand and? fa famamimili???toto to?ea?t.t?. M. MuMusu?st st t to t?asastast t? or or r br babakakeake ake?????bebes?t t ft ?favfavov??.".""4?626292??B0B000????RYRY3Y3G3G,G,A,A1A1N1NFNFSFSGSGHG???ATA?GDG??,B??oriorisis ?& & N NaN?tatasashashah?,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,15,121??141414?14414??00,00,G,???atat at v ???ueue ??forfor r tr tht?? c co cosost??..?,H,HoH?w w? ca can? y yoyouou u g gog??wrwroron?g g wg ??th? b bu buyuyiyiningng ?ththethes?e e ie inin in b bu bul bu?? f fo?r ?lelesesses??ththathan?????peperer ??uniunitit ??hehenhe?n tn ???y ?cacanan an ran ?unun un a as? h hih??h h a as as s $s ?????er er u ???t ?reretretataitailil?il??4?636303?,B,B0,B00000000F0?FFRFFRYRY3RY?3G,3G,A,A3,A???6C6C4C?N1N?FKFKNKNJNJXJX,X,C,CoC?orvorvev?ttt?e e 8e ?2828,8,0,?0,00,?0,50,5,5,1??41?272??6060000,?GlGlulutlute??n Fn ?rereeree e Ee EnE?nglnglilisishish h Mh ??ffffif?insin??"T"ThTheheshesese se a?rere re? gr gre?reatreat.t. t. W ?e e we wewer?e e te to
rg buns, bacon, egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast, chicken sandwiches, etc. Easy to take on trips or friends and family to eat. Must toast or bake for best favor." 4629,B000FFRY3G,A1NFSGHFUATGD5,Boris & Natasha,2,2,5,1211414400,Great value for the cost...,How can you go wrong with buying these in bulk for less than $3 per unit when they can run as high as $5 per unit retail? 4630,B000FFRY3G,A33Y6C4N1FKNJX,Corvette 828,0,0,5,1341273600,Gluten Free English Muffins,"These are great. We were to
lldld d t toto o?ststat?y y a awawaw?ay ay f ?ror???whwheheae?t,t, ,?bab??lel?y ?anandnd d rd ryryeye.e. .?ThThih?s s i ?? a? g ??odod d ad ?ansan?wew?r r f fo foror ?usus.s. . T. Th??ey ey a a a n a ?otot t p prprere-e-c-cucutut t st soso o yo yoyouo???avaveve e???o co cu?t t tt tht????ini? t to to. to. . I. I I r ?recre?omommommem?ndnd nd t th the??.".""4464636313??B0B00000?FFFFRFRYRY3Y?G,G???????F8F?TTTTIT?8Y8YYYY,Y,N,?ininaina,a,0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3?121272737?36363632632020000,00,s,sosoysoy ?frfrefr?e?e? ??nonotno??t sot so o so ?uru?re,re?"P"PkPkgk???ayaysays ?sosoy???rereeree.e. e. I ???reredre?ieienenten?s ?(a(anandand d md mym??st??omaomaca?h/h?blb?adaddddeder?) ) s sa say say ?ot???rwrwiwisiseis??<b<brbr r /r />/>A>??soso,so, ??ototsot?s os ofof f????er? i?n n tn th?isis is ois ono??e. e. Ie. ?f ?yo?u u cu cacanan an??anand?lele le f? fib fibeberber r (r (a(an(and??sosoysoy)soy) ) t) ???s ??oo??d wd ?wilwillll l?? fil fi?ll ll y yo?you you u upu??lilikikek??crc??zyzy.y. . I?f ?f yof you? h???? I IB I?S S a???nd hnd hahavhave??trtrorouroubublbleble ?wiwitwithth th?? fib fibe fiberer,er?oror or? ar a?re re e ????inging ?? l lo l??? re rese?idi??e ??diedietet t bt be? c ???refrefufulul.l.....??<b?r r /r />r /?I'I
ld to stay away from wheat, barley and rye. This is a good answer for us. They a not pre-cut so you have to cut them in to. I recommend them." 4631,B000FFRY3G,A1TORIF8TTI8YY,Nina,0,0,3,1273363200,soy free? not so sure,"Pkg says soy free. Ingredients (and my stomach/bladder) say otherwise!<br />Also, lots of fiber in this one. If you can handle fiber (and soy) this food will fill you up like crazy. If you have IBS and have trouble with fiber,or are eating a low residue diet be careful....<br />I'
mm m g gogoioiningng g??aca?k k t ?o o? th thehe e b br brer??d.d. . E EaEatatitininging ?a a s sas?ndndwdwiwicichc??ono??iti?? gr grirililll?ede?????a ?faf??r r??ububsb????utu?e ?foforor ???he he d drdrerearead??? w ?heheaheat?...?.."..?4464636?2,2?B0B?0000F00?FRFRYR?3G3G,G,A,ADA??J3J?LWLWWWWQWQSQSLSLELERE?,C,CHCHAHARA???S S A ?MUM??UNU?ZUZU,U,0,0,0,0,0,,0???121262676????808?00,00,G,????d bd bubutut ut s sl slil?ghghth??y y e exe?pep?nsnsisiviveve,e,","T"ThThih?s s ps prp??oduoducu?t ?isis is?veververyry ?go?od? b?utut ut Iut ? h hahavaveve ve t th thi thisis ?fefeeeelelilinlingng ng? th??at at? it it t i?s s rs rarat?heherhe??hi?ghghlgh?ly ly??pripriciceiced?. ?I ?dodonon'on???knknonowow w? wh whyh??y gly g?ut?enen en f frfrereeree e pe ?proprododuoducoductctsct??inin in g ge geneneenerera?l l a ar arere re v ve v?eryer?y ey exexpex?penpensnsinsiv???whwhewhen?en ten ?thetheyey y ay ??re ?mamad?ade ade f?ro???eaeaseasisilsilyly ly aly ?avaav?ailailalabablblele le i in ingngrng?redre?iei????.P.PeP??plp?le ??witwithth th?GlG?lutlu?tenten ??pro?blbleblemem m am ar????notnot t jt juj?stst st?"""?ea???ng?ng Hng ?ea??th?y"y?"" "" b bu but but t at arare? s si sicickick k ak ?andan?d sd ?hoh??ldl?d nd no?not not b?e e ee ?expexplexp?oioitoi
m going back to the bread. Eating a sandwich on it grilled is a fair substitute for the dreaded wheat..." 4632,B000FFRY3G,ADMJ3LWWQSLER,CHARLES AMUYUNZU,0,0,5,1267228800,Good but slightly expensive,"This product is very good but I have this feeling that it is rather highly priced. I don't know why gluten free products in general are very expensive when they are made from easily available ingredients.People with Gluten problem are not just ""eating Healthy"" but are sick and should not be exploit
?eded.d. . I ??lilikikek??ththehe e me mum??fif?nsns s p ?ara????ulu??arlar????he?n n? th the?y y ay ?areare e te totoao?sts?eded.ed?""44646363333,3,B,?0000000F00FFF?RYRY3Y3G3G,G,A,AGAGCGCJCJ2J242??KTKTVTVYV?YDY?,H,H.H. ?JoJohohnhns?onon,n,0,0,0?,0,,0,4,4,4,1,?252535393929??202?00,00,g,glglul??tenten n fn ????? e ?ngn?gligl?shs??mu?ffffiffin?s,s,","T"TrTririei?ed ed t???is is i ititetemtem m?????ed ed ied ? ??hihisis is iis ititeitemem m wm ?asas as?chcheheaheapapep?r r t to t???etet t t? tha thana?n bn bubuyu?in?g g?atat ?ththethe e le ??cacalal l s ?stost?rere,re, , e ea e??ieierier r tr toto to g ge g????ndnd d i it it t ht ?asas as aas a a? lo l??gegerger r sr shshesh?lflf f? li lif lifef??????n wn wh?at?? i i w wa was?as gas ?getge??tinting?. ? A ?rorouo??nd nd????re re??ririvri?ining???? m mi milileleses s os ?oneone e we wa?y ??is ?lo?cacalcal.l. . . P. ?.S.S.S. ?. T. ?TheTh?eseese ?cacancan ?mamaka?? g?rereareat?at mat mimin?i i? pi p?zzz?asas"as""4"46463463434,?B0B00B00000F??FRYFRY3Y3GY3G,?A3A3S3??HQHQLQ??212?QKQ?5J5J,J?CoCononsonsusueuel???S.??L.L. . J. Ja. J??vievierer,er???0,0,10,1,1?,12,1??646494?928928080000,?EnEnener?-G-??En?glgli?shsh sh M MuMuf??finfinsns ns?frfrofr?m ?AmAmamazmazozonon,on?
ed. I like the muffins particularly when they are toasted." 4633,B000FFRY3G,AGCJ24YKTVYYD,H. Johnson,0,0,4,1253923200,gluten free english muffins,"Tried this item liked it. This item was cheaper to get than buying at the local store, easier to get and it has a longer shelf life than what i was getting. Around here driving 30 miles one way is local. P.S. These can make great mini pizzas" 4634,B000FFRY3G,A3SRHQLA21QK5J,Consuelo S. L. Javier,0,0,1,1246492800,Ener-G English Muffins from Amazon,"
???e e?EnEnenere?-G-?? En Engnglglilisishsh h m mumufu?fif?nsns s t ththahatat t I I I r rer?cec?ivi?eded d?frfroromom m?AmAmam?zozonon n w ?erereer?e ne nonoto?t ot ofo? t th the??sasama????uauala?litlityty y? wh whe?n ??I bI ??y y ty ?thetheme?m dm didiri??ctc?lyly y fy fr?om?? th the the ?didisdi?trt??bubutbutotoro? i inin in S ???attattltletle.e. . T ThTheTheye?y cy crc??mbmblblel?ed ed?anandn?d hd hahadha???ene?nsense e pe plp?acacecesces s ts ththathat? w we werereere ere?nonotnot ?rereareal??ly ly???ibibliblele.le. . . ? Al A???? t th the ther the?re re? we wer were?re ore ononlonlyly ?? i in i??ththe? p papacackack k i in?st?ea?d ?ofof of 6 ??. I. I I hI ha?had had t?o o c ?anancan?celce? m?y y ry rerecrecurec?rrrririnring? o orordordederde?.".""4464636353?,B,?000?00F00FFFFRFRYRY3Y3G3G,G?A2A??KKKKYK?K6K6L6LJLJTJT4T??V,V,A,Ar,Arlr??ne? C ?opo?pipinin,in,0,0,0?,0,,0,1,1,1,1,12,1222202040404?0000000000?,M,MuM?shshysh?y Ey ?EngEnglgliglisishis?h Mh MuMufMuffffiffin?s,s??Th??? En Ene Enerer-er-G-G -G??oooodo??s Es EnEngEnglEng?lislishsh sh m mu m?uffuffifinfi?ns ns l ??ookook ???oodoo??in??ththethe ??pacpa??agagigin?g,g?, b, ?butbut but? so somomeom?ththithininging ing? in??? the them them ??makmakek?s ??hehemhem m mm mum musushushyhy y oy ?on on t? the? b bobotottot?tomtom.m??. T. ??is
The Ener-G English muffins that I received from Amazon were not of the same quality when I buy them directly from the distributor in Seattle. They crumbled and had dense places that were not really edible. Also, there were only 4 in the pack instead of 6. I had to cancel my recurring order." 4635,B000FFRY3G,A2EKKYK6LJT4YV,Arlene Coppin,0,0,1,1220400000,Mushy English Muffins,"The Ener-G Foods English muffins look good in the packaging, but something in them makes them mushy on the bottom. This
??reresesesenentntsts s a a a g gogooooyoy y f fefeeeelel l??n n t ththeh? m ????th,th, , a?ndnd d??oto?th th? my my y hy huhusu?babanandnd nd a an and and d Id I I g??ot ot s ststot???chch h a ac ach? . W ???'t'?? be be e be bubuyu?in?g g t?hihisis ?aga?aiain?.".""4??363????00?FFF?RYRY3Y?G,G,A,A3A?4U4U8U8U8??JOJOPOPRPR0R0D0DQD?,K,K.K. . D. DvDvovororar??,0,0,0,0?,2,2,2,1,??878717?363603600000000,0,N0,NoNotot ?lilikikek?e re reregregugululalarar r E ?ngnglg?lisli?h h Mh MuMufufff?ininsins,s,",???heshesese se e enengen?gliglisishis?h mh mumufuffuffifinfi?s s as ars a?re re o oko?aya?????beb?estes??. . T ThTheTheye?y ay ary arere re vre ?ere??y hy hay harardard ??? c cucutut ut a an and? b??reareakak ak a ap apapar?t t et ?asasisililyl?y my mamakmakikininging ing? it it t ht ???ard ard??o o t to toa toasastas?t. t. ???TheyThey ?dedefefi??ititetel?y y hy hay havy haveve ve t? to to h ??ve?ve sve sosom?eteth?ininging ing ling liliklike? j jejelellelly? o or or ??ea?nunutut ?bu??teterte?r sr ?prprepreaeadea?d od ?on on?? the themem m o ot oth???wiwis?e,e??dodo o no ??ot ??asastasteaste e te ?thethe the b be bes best?."."."?4646363763?,B?00000??FFRFF??3G3G,3G?,A1,A?XGXG6G6T6TCTC7C?0L0LQL?ULU???E.E. ???ullull,l?,1,,1,2?,1?,1,1,1,121???353525202?000000,000,T,?The?sese se ase ar
presents a gooy feel in the mouth, and both my husband and I got stomach aches. Won't be buying this again." 4636,B000FFRY3G,A34U8UOJOPR0DQ,K. Dvorak,0,0,2,1187136000,Not like regular English Muffins,"These english muffins are okay at best. They are very hard to cut and break apart easily making it hard to toast. They definitely have to have something like jelly or peanut butter spread on them otherwise, do not taste the best." 4637,B000FFRY3G,A1XG6TC70LQUL6,E. Hull,1,2,1,1214352000,These ar
ee e E EnE?glg??shsh h m mumufu??ininsns?s????,","I"IfIf f y yoyouou u a ararere ?lol???in?g g f ?oror r? E En Eng?lilisli?sh sh m mu mufuffuffifinfi?ns ns?- - g ?o o t ?o ?ththeh?e ge grgrorococecere?y y?ststotorto?? a an andn??????th?emem.m? T ThT?heshesese e de dodo ?non?? e ??ene? r reresresesemsembmblblele e Ee EnEngEnglgliglisishis?h mh mu??ffiff?insins s a an?d d ad arareare e te tatasaststestelele?sss??. . ????ev?erer,er? i ifif ?yoyouyou u au arareare are?ono?n an a a? re rese?strstrir??teteded d dd didiei???(w(??heaheatat t ft ?loloulo?r,r??sos?y,y, ?dad?iriry??, g, ?gluglutu?tenten,n,e,?etcetc.c.).) ) t?hehes?e ?mimigighghtht t bt beb?e fe foforfor ?yo?you you - - -?chche?ckck k?????e lie l?istist ?ofof f if iningingringre?didiedienententsts.? I ??dididdidndn'n?t ??arareare are fare foforfor for??? them them m a?t ?alallll.l.".???636?8,8,B,B0B00000???RYRY3Y??,A,A5A5Q5Q4Q4X4X0X????QRQ???,K,?. . S. SmS???th,th,2,2,2?5,5,2?,1,111181828252555565686?00?,C,CaCanan'n'tn'?????p p t th the??? fr f???m fm faf?allallilinlin'n' n'? ap a??artar?!,!,","I,"I I tI ??rierieded ed??? thes thesese se? fo f??? a a s???st??tutut?e e fe foe f?or ?a a sa sas?andandwd?ic?h h rh rorolro?ll,ll?, I, I I cI ?ou?ldl?dn'dn't't 't c cu cut? t th the? them ?
e English muffins??,"If you are looking for English muffins - go to the grocery store and buy them. These do not even resemble English muffins and are tasteless. However, if you are on a restricted diet (wheat flour, soy, dairy, gluten,etc.) these might be for you - check the list of ingredients. I didn't care for them at all." 4638,B000FFRY3G,A5Q4X08W3QRNM,K. Smith,2,5,2,1182556800,Can't keep them from fallin' apart!,"I tried these for a substitute for a sandwich roll, I couldn't cut them w
iitiththohououtut t?faf?lll?iningn? a apa?arartr?? I ? e ene???? u upup p t ?oaoasaststit?inging g tg ththetheme? i ?in in p pipieiece?eses,s, , m momororere e l lilikli?e e ce chchuh????s, s, a?ndnd nd w wiw?ithith h e?nonouougoughgh ??rereare????checheeeeseseese,e, , t, th??y y??ererere re o ??lyly y Oy ?K!K! ! ! T TaT?apiapioioco?a a h hah?????gegerer er r ?olollllsll? a ar are?re tre ththethe the o?nlnlynly y py prp?rodroduducu?tsts s Is I I wI wowououlou??d rd rerecre?omo?memenendend!d!"!""?464636?9,9,B,B0B000?00F00FFFFRF?Y3Y3G3G,G?A2A2N2NON?0J0JUJUPU?SRSREREQEQ2Q2C2C,C,B,Ba,B?arbarbabararaara,a,7,???4,4,1,1,,1?,11,1161616131383888???00,00,E,???lilislishs?h Mh ??ffffif?insins?s?????????????????????????????????????????,?,T,ThT???? a? are are ?nonotnot t tt ?the??grgre???esestest.t? T ThThoThouougoughoug?t ?t tht theheyhe?y wy wowouwoululd? b ?e ?gr?eae??t t?? h ha h?veve ?on? h ha?ndnd ??hehenhen n g gugueuesestest est c ?comco??. . . N NoNotot t st sos??. . T. Th??y y wy wey werereere e ne noe n?ot ot w???t ?I I hI ha?d ?exe?pepecectecte?d.d..44646464040,0?,B0,B00000000F0FF?RYRY3RY??,A,A3,A?LSL?TGTGAG??7L7??V1V?S,S,A,Al,A??cece ce???kekefkefifiefi?ldld,ld?0,0,60,6,6?2,2,1,11,118,11?050565?969?00?00,W00,WhWhyh??isis ??thith?is is o ou o?? o on??ly ly c ch cho
ithout falling apart! I ended up toasting them in pieces, more like chunks, and with enough cream cheese, they were only OK! Tapioca hamburger rolls are the only products I would recommend!" 4639,B000FFRY3G,A2NO0JUPSREQ2C,Barbara,7,14,1,1161388800,English Muffins???????????,These are not the greatest. Thought they would be great to have on hand when guest come. Not so. They were not what I had expected. 4640,B000FFRY3G,A3LSTGAP7LOV1S,Alice Wakefield,0,6,2,1180569600,Why is this our only cho
i?cece e??oror r b brbrer?adad?d?,","C"CoC??e e oe ?n n A ??azazozonon,on, ,???veve e me ?? a a a b br b?reareakak.k? P PoPowo?dederereredre? t ??fufu?u? ? G GeGete???n ?sosomomeom??rerearealrea???oooodod d ad anandnd d Id I'I'l'lll?l bl bubuyu? m momororeor??frfrorom????u.u. . I. ??wew??t ?lolooookookik??g g f? for for ?tat?blblel?e se sus?gagarar.r. . Y. YoYou?'v'veve ve g??t t 1t ?000? w?eie???d kd ????s s?of? s su?gagargar ?(t(ththah?t t yt yo?u u e exexpxpep?ctc??meme me tme to? b?uyuy uy??n n bn bubulbulkl?!)!? b? but but ?NONO O j jujusu?t t pt ?lalaiainin in?? I'. I'm'm m n nonotot ot e?atatiat?in'in? a an anyny ?momormo?? o of of f t?hihisis s rs ririciceice ?anandan????fu? b??eaeadead d ed ?<b<brbr br / ?><><b<br<br r /r ?/>S/>SoSororror?y ?I I jI jujusju?st st??hadhad ??? r raranantant.t.".""4464?4141,1,B,B0B?00000?2N2NYNYOYO9O??,A,A5A??VXVX3X??B07B07575B5?B09B09,9?PaP?atratriricriciciaia a Ka KaKayaysys,s,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?333383898?404080808?00,00,L,LOLOVO?ELELYLY Y??UNUNIN?PEPERER R B BEBERERRERRIRIEI?S,S?,"D,"??rieri?d d bd beb???rieriesrie?s, s, s???ll? w wi witithth th??exextextuturure?re are an?and and t th the the e qe ququiuin?tetesessssesenenten?tiati??l al ??omomaoma.a. . P. PoPotPot t rt roroaro
ice for bread?,"Come on Amazon, give me a break. Powdered tofu? Get in some real food and I'll buy more from you. I went looking for table sugar. You've got 100 weird kinds of sugar (that you expect me to buy in bulk!) but NO just plain sugar. I'm not eatin' any more of this rice and tofu bread either.<br /><br />Sorry I just had to rant." 4641,B0002NYO9I,A5DVX3B075B09,Patricia Kays,0,0,5,1338940800,LOVELY JUNIPER BERRIES,"Dried berries, still with texture and the quintessential aroma. Pot roa
??? i isis s s soso o??ucu???beb?tttteterer r w wiwiti?h ??alalflf f a a a d dodozozez??? be b?errerririei??s fs flflalatattttetteneneen?d d? in intntoto o to ththethe e b br b?eaeada?bob??rdr???ndnd d sd ?coc?opo??ed ed i in int intoto to t ththethe the p pipici?klk?ini?g g m?ixixtx? . B BuButu?t it ?? t te tenen en???earearsrs,s, , t tr tryr?ininging g tg ?to to fto fifinindind d td th?themthem m?- - g ?eeee.e?. S. ????owow w I ???nonownow w tw toto ?lolooookook k f foforo?r ir ?it it o ono??AmAmamazazoz?on.on.".""?464?424?,B,B0B0000000200?NYNYOYO9O?I,I,A,A3A??6T6?WNWN7N7I7I4I4H4HMHMZM??,h,hehelelilioli?s,s,0s,?,1,1,1,5,5,5,1??24242425425252828080000,00,E,?xaxaca?ltltyt? w wh wha?t t i? o or ordrderderereer?????gag??in,in, , e, ?xaxacxactc??y y wy ?ha?hat hat I? o?????eredere?. . N. ?o o fo fufusu?s,s, s, n nono no m mu musussuss.s?. A. ArArrrririvri?eded ??on on? ti timimem?? P ?re?ttttytt?????ch ch a an an n in idide?alal al?? tra tr?ansansasacactac?ioion?? O ?nlnlyly ly? th thih?inging ing t? tha thatat at t th thr threrewre??meme me w???s ts ththathatat at Iat I ??nd??ere?ststistimimaimatateated?ed ted ?the?the qthe ququauanantantitittityty.ty. ??gagalga?lolonlon n bn ?agaggggig?ie ie i in in in? th the the ?frfrereereezezezerzer,r, ??twt?)")?"4"46?434?,B,B0,B??020?2NY2NYOYO9YO9I?,A
st is so much better with half a dozen berries flattened into the breadboard and scooped into the pickling mixture. But in ten years, trying to find them - gee. So now I know to look for it on Amazon." 4642,B0002NYO9I,A376TWN7I4HMZ8,helios,0,1,5,1324252800,Exaclty what i ordered,"Again, exactly what I ordered. No fuss, no muss. Arrived on time. Pretty much an ideal transaction. Only thing that threw me was that I underestimated the quantity. (gallon baggie in the freezer, ftw)" 4643,B0002NYO9I,A
22929C9COCO2O2S2S0S0V0VTVTTTT0T0C0C5C?,S,S.S. . C ??ooo?,0,?,3,3,3?,3,,3,1,131?262?757585848?0000,?geg?? a a a??ewe? p papacackc?aga?ge,ge,",????ririeieses s a ar a?e e f ?inindnd,d??bubutut ?tht?e e pe papacpa?ckackagageage ?isis ?bab?d.d. . U. ?nan??lele ?tot? o opo?ene? n ne neaeatatltlyly y? an and? t ththeth?en en i ???riripripsp?s os opopeop?en ???nd nd ynd ??urur r b???ri??es es a ar?e ??llll l??vever? t?he? f?lolooooroo???4464646?4,4,B,?00004004H4?ORORER?NQNQ,Q,A,A1A1W1WRW??KCK?P6P6N6??313181?,J,JJJJ,J,1,1,,1,1?,1,3,1,3,?13?050??????0,0,J0,JuJ?stst t st soso-o?soso,so,","I,"I'I?ve? b be bee be??en sen sasamampm?lilin?g g a?s s ms mam??y y sy sus??ara?-f-?re?e e ce chchohochococ?lal??eses es aes asa?s Is I I c cacan?? fi fin??d. d.??ThThihis? o on onene ne??asas as o?kakayka?y by bubutbut ?????t tht the??beb?estest.t. . . I I ?dod?n'n't't ?t tht thit thininkin?? wh w?at? I I I g ?otot ot w wa was?as tas ththethe the f fr fre?shsheheshestst st e ?it?he??, ??as ??? h ?hadhad d s so???e oe ofo? t? tha th??at wat whw?hithitete e ce coe c?atatiatin?ing ing? on?? a a p po p?rtrtitioionon on o of of ??thethe ?ba?r.?? T ?TheThe ?BEBESE?T T? I' I?'ve've e fe ?ouounou??nd snd ?so so f??? i???CaCavavav?alial
29CO2S0VTT0C5,S. Choo,0,3,3,1326758400,get a new package,"Berries are find, but the package is bad. Unable to open neatly and then it rips open and your berries are all over the floor." 4644,B004HORENQ,A1WRNKCP6NQ318,JJ,1,1,3,1305936000,Just so-so,"I've been sampling as many sugar-free chocolates as I can find. This one was okay but not the best. I don't think what I got was the freshest either, as it had some of that white coating on a portion of the bar. The BEST I've found so far is Cavali
?ere? b ?rarana?? a ata? a an anon?ththeherer er??ebe?sis?tete.e.".""4????,B,?000?00O00O3O3939F9FSF?6,6,A,ATATGT??VZVZGZGJGJ1J1K1?6L6LFL?,T,ThThohomo?asas s K KiKieiefefeferer,er??,0,0,,0,4,?,1,121?757515?777?60600?,j,jejererker?? s sts??ipi?s,s,","s"???ippip?iningng g??as? r rereae?llllyl??gog?odo??anandand ?i i g ?gotgot ????? i i i oi orordrdederereereded d od onon n??imimeme.e. e.? wi wilillll ll????y fy frf??om om a ag agag?in?,a,al,alil???lel??prp????y by bubutut t mt ?y ?lilitlittttl??e de dodogog ??liklikekeses ?ththethemem.m."??????6,B6,B0?0000O00O300O???FS6FS6,6,A6,A2A2M2M5M5W5??9B9BBBBMBMLML9L9C9CNCN,N,M,??onconchchi?chchich?,0,0,,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,,1???????161601600?00,"00,?GoGoooogoo??le le t?he??nan?meme,me, , r re repepoporortortst?s os ofof f??usu?pep?ctctetedted ?po?isisos?onionin??, , m, ma?de? i?n n Cn ??INI?A!A??,D,???NON?T T B BUBUYUY!Y! !??REREVEVIVIEIEWEW W O ONONLNLILIN??! ?????ksks s ls ?liklikelike ?ananoanotothot?herher ?trtretr???t mt mat mada?de de ide in? C ChC?hinhinana na? wi?th???ulultltitipti???le rle rerepre?porportrts? o ofof of s? sus su??ec?teted? p po poiois?ononioninoning??????PlPlelealeasaseas??ononlonlyly ly? bu buy buy y ty ?tre?atatsats s ms mamadmademade e ie ?
er brand at another website." 4645,B000O39FS6,ATGWVZGJ1K6LF,Thomas Kiefer,0,0,4,1275177600,jerky strips,"shipping was really good,and i got what i ordered on time. will buy from again,alittle pricy but my little dog likes them." 4646,B000O39FS6,A2M5WP9BBML9CN,Monchichi,0,1,1,1345161600,"Google the name, reports of suspected poisoning, made in CHINA!",DO NOT BUY! REVIEW ONLINE! Looks like another treat made in China with multiple reports of suspected poisoning!!! Please only buy treats made in
?ARARMRM M?CHCHEHEEEESESESE E T TOTO O T?HEHE HE M MIMIXIX X , , ,?YEYETE??? T TH?ATAT ??S S P ??RSR?ONO?????REREFE?EREREER????E .E .<.?brb? / ?>W>WEWE ?REREAREAL?LYLY Y E ENENJENJOJOYOY Y TY TOTOSTO?SIS????ININ IN S SO?MEME ??ON?ELE??ESSESS S AS ANANDN? S SK SKIK?INLINLE??SS SS C CH C?ICICKC?EN? ,? , G , ?RIRILI?LE??D ,D , , T, TOTO TO A ADA??D TD ??TO TTO THT?HE ?SASAUAUCUCECE CE? AN A?? C CR CRE?REATREATETE E OE OUO?R R O OWOWNW?.....?.C.?CHICH????N N A AL A?FRFREREDREDODO O .O ?.<b.<br? / /> />T>THTHATH?ANKAN?S S A?GAG?ININ IN TIN TOTO ?AMA???ONON ON? AN AND AN??D TOD TO ??? C CO CORO?RMIRMICICKICKSICKS S FS FOFOR? M?AKAKIKINKI?NG NG T TH?IS? P PR?ODODUD?UCTUCT T AT AVAVAVAIAILAILAL?ALBALBEB???<b<br<b?r /r />?<b?????CHCHUCH?????UNUNZNZO??? , P , ?ITITTTTST?BUBURURGUR?H H ,???A A??""?464646484??B0B00000009009P9?686?JIJ?,A,A9A9D9DVDVMVMWM?WNIWN?UEUEAE?ATSATS,S,S,SuSuru??lelexe??xx,xx,0,0,0??,4,?,1,?313?5050000800?00000000,0,a0,??esesosomo????,","I"I I l lol?veve e t ?? e eaeatat t p papasaststata a?bub??t tt ???taltallllyly y c clclul?elelelesle?s s o onon n h ?owo? t????aka?e ?on?e.e? th t???s ws whwhi??le le?atat at t th???grgroroco?ere?y y ey ??rlr?ieierer,er?, d, dedececicidi
ARM CHEESE TO THE MIX , YET , THAT IS PERSONAL PREFERENCE .<br />WE REALLY ENJOY TOSSING IN SOME BONELESS AND SKINLESS CHICKEN , GRILLED , TO ADD TO THE SAUCE AND CREATE OUR OWN....CHICKEN ALFREDO .<br />THANKS AGAIN TO AMAZON AND TO MC CORMICKS FOR MAKING THIS PRODUCT AVAILALBE .<br /><br />CHUCK RUNZO , PITTSBURGH , PA ." 4648,B0009P68JI,A9DVMWNIUEATS,Surplexxx,0,0,4,1315008000,awesome!!,"I love to eat pasta but totally clueless on how to make one...saw this while at the grocery earlier, decid
eede? t ?? t tr t?? i itit,t, ,?fof?lll?owowewed? t?hehe e i??ststrtrur?ctctitioiono?ns ns a anandn??vivioioliolala.a?.... .. o on???awawe??omo??e de did?nnn?erer!r???non?tet?: : I ? d dididdid ?ada?d d sd so????papararmr???anan an? an a?nd nd?roromomaoman?o ?chche??sese ?toto to? ad adddd dd m ??rer?e fe flflalavlavovoror.or..??4464????B0B00000006006N6??DWDWCW?,A,A2A2S2??C6C6060N0NDNDRD?HWHW1W1D1D,D,M,MiMirirara,a,5,5,5,5,5,,5??,1,121242404050535?12120120000,00,o,?one?? of of f? tw twowo o oo on? t th?e ?mamararkar????"I"?I wI we?ntnt t s sesease?arcar?chich?inging g f fo f?? c chchach?arcarcoarc??l l d do dogo?g bg bib?scscucuiuititsit? a af aftf?terter r? re reaeadadiadininging ing t th tha thatat ?tht?heyhe??hehelhe????it?? d di digi?es?titivtivev?e ge ?asas s as ??????ad ad b brbrereareatathat?? ?ThThihisis is? ap a??eaearea??s ts to?to bto bebe e oe on?lyly ?on?one one oone ofo??twtwowo wo b br b?ranra?ndsnds s os onon on ton ththethe e me mae m?ark? . ?? h hahava?venven'n't't ?t trt tririeied??ththe? o ot o?the?r ?on?one one (one (I(I I tI ?thith??k k? it it't?s s cs cacalallallel?ed ed Sed ??or?tmt??x)x???ece?cauca?sese se t???? ot oth othe???di?? n?otot ot m ma m?keke ke a?? bi b?isciscucuicuit?? fo?r r sr smsmamalmall
ed to try it, followed the instructions and viola... one awesome dinner!! note: I did add some parmesan and romano cheese to add more flavor.." 4649,B0006NEDWC,A2SXC60NDRHW1D,Mira,5,5,4,1240531200,one of two on the market,"I went searching for charcoal dog biscuits after reading that they help with digestive gas and bad breath. This appears to be only one of two brands on the market. I haven't tried the other one (I think it's called Sportmix) because the other did not make a biscuit for small
d ?ogo?s.s. . ?MyM? d do d?og og?hahasa? b ?????eae?titini?g g o ?nen? a ?? da dayay y ay anandnd d?? c ???'t't t s ?ayay ay?foforo? s su s?rer??whw?etetht?herhe??oror or?nonotot t tt ththetheyey y wy ?ororkork.k?. S. ?hehe he?ususeseded d td toto o???vev?e re ?reareala?lyly y sy smsmemelellll ll?gag?as;as; ; s sh shehe ??hashasnsn'n?? d??opoppp?eded ed a? b bo bomombm??????kek?e te th??? i ?in in?? a w a ?whiwhili??e se ?o o mo mam?aybay????t't?s s ds dud??e t???ththethe the b?isiscscucuiuititsts ?- - w ?whowho o ko knk?nownowsws?s?????e e de ???s ?li??ke ke t ththe?se? b? bis bisc?uiuituits??ve??y y my mumucuchch,h, , s so s?o Io ?I wI wiw??? s su sur surerelre?ly ly b bu b?y ??the?m m a ag,B,B0B00000006006N6NENEDEDWD????SGSGPGPQPQXQXUXU7U7S7?HSHSOSOKOK,K,","R"RiR?chchach??d d Hd HuHufuffffmfmamanman n "n """??ilileiletettettatanantantete"e"""""""",",3,3,3???4,4???555515??282?0000,00,C,CoCororgor?i i A ApApppprpp?rovrove?d!d!,!,","M,"?My My 4 ?yoyo o Co CaCarardar?igi?gangan n Wn WeWelelselshsh h?CoCorCorgr?? l ?ovove?s s ts ththethes?e e te the t??ingingsgs,gs, , a, anandan??whwhewhen???heheyhey y sy sty s?toptoppppepp??ed ced cacarca?ryryiryin?ing ing?? the th?m m am atat at Pat PePetetSetSmSmamarma??, , I, ??hahadhad ?d tod t
dogs. My dog has been eating one a day and I can't say for sure whether or not they work. She used to have really smell gas; she hasn't dropped a bomber like that in a while so maybe it's due to the biscuits - who knows? She does like these biscuits very much, so I will surely buy them again." 4650,B0006NEDWC,ASGPQXU7SHSOK,"Richard Huffman ""Dilettante""",3,3,4,1255132800,Corgi Approved!,"My 4yo Cardigan Welsh Corgi loves these things, and when they stopped carrying them at PetSmart, I had to
??o o h hehere?e e f fof?r r?ththe?m.m? T ThT?heyhe? s seseeeeme? t?o o bo ?e ?mam????ofof f? go goooodo? i ini?grg?redredidiei??tsts,s, , a anandn?d td ththeth??'r'rere re t??he he r ???hth?? si sizizeze ??forfor r hr ???? ?PlP??s,???e e le ??vev?s s?? the themem em a??? t th tha thata??s s ws whwhah?at'at's?? im impm?orortor?anantant!t!"!?4464?5151,1?B0B?00006006N6NEN?DWDWCWC,C?A2A2Y2YTY?TTTTNTT?C9C?FXFXWX???,L,LaLawawcwchchihichi?,1,1,1,11,??5,5??323272707?171?60600?,H,?EAEALALTL?HYH? T TR TREREAEATEAT T F FOF?? D DOD?GSGS S W ?ITITH?????ERERGRGIG?ESE?,I,I I H HAHAVA??? A A 7 ? Y ????R OR OLOLDLD D?SCS?OTO?TTITTISISHSH H? TE TER???IERIE?R WR ?HOHO O H?ASAS S SS ??MEM?E FE ?FOOFOODO?D AD ALALLALLEALLER???ESES.ES. ?NON?O WO ??EAEATEAT EAT F FO FOR? M ??Y GY ?GIRGIRLR??. :. ??? TH THIHISIS IS T? TRE TREAEATEAT ?ISIS IS GIS ?REREAREATA??FO?R R SR SESETETTTTLTTLELEILEINI?G G A AN A??UPUPSP?SETSET ?STSTOTOMOMAOMACACHCH ??NDND ?MYMY MY D DO DOG? L ??OKOKSKS ?FO?FORWFORWAWARARDRD ??TO TO???ER ER?CHCHACH?ARCARCOCOACOALAL AL B ???NE NE T? TRE TREA TREATATSAT?..4?65652652,2,B,B0,B?00000??6NE6NEDEDWEDWCWC,WC,A,A2,A20201?QIQ?A7A747?7A7?ULU?K,K?ErErwrw,w,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,4,1,??,13??30304043432320320000,00,W00,???????cec
go here for them. They seem to be made of good ingredients, and they're the right size for him. Plus, he loves them and that's what's important!" 4651,B0006NEDWC,A2YTTTNC9FXW1M,Lawchic,1,1,5,1327017600,HEALTHY TREAT FOR DOGS WITH ALLERGIES,I HAVE A 7 YEAR OLD SCOTTISH TERRIER WHO HAS SOME FOOD ALLERGIES. NO WHEAT FOR MY GIRL. :) THIS TREAT IS GREAT FOR SETTLEING AN UPSET STOMACH AND MY DOG LOOKS FORWARD TO HER CHARCOAL BONE TREATS. 4652,B0006NEDWC,A201QIA747AULK,Erw,1,1,4,1323043200,Well rece
iiviveveded d t ?rereae?t,t,M,?y y d ?ogog g l lol?vevedve?d td ththehese?e e?anandnd d Id I I t th t??nkn? t th the theyey y py ?ror?bababablblyl????lplpep?ed ed w ?iti???hihishis s?gagasas s as anandan??dadarare? I I I sI sasayay y h?isi?s bs brbrereareatathat? t?oooo.o..?4646565353,3,B,B0B?020???JWJ?M6M6,6,A,A1A1K1KRKRXRXDXDEDEVEVOVOMOMLMLML?U,U,c,cjc?rorowrowew?,1,?,1?,5,5,5,1,12,12626926??616161?0000,00???estest t y yeyetet!t!!!??EvEveververyryoy?nen????rere ?whwhoho'o?s s ts trtritrieied?ed Eed ExE?clclul???iveive e Ee ?nenerne??y y hy hay h?as as??eeeene? s ????pripr??ed??byby y iy ??s s us ununiniqiququeue ?ababiab??it??y ty ?? p plplel?easeasasansantn?ly? r ?refrefrf?resreshs????br br / />/>H>HoH??? i itit it??ilillill l? be bececocomomem???orore??re?readreadidililyily y ay ?vav?il?abablab???.4.46?5454,4,B????263263J3JW3JWMWM6WM6,???S7S?2020909I9I5I???ILILMLM,LM,B,Bi,BigigFgFaFan?,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,,5,1?,129,12?6161761?72872808?00,00,B00,?esestest est?eneneen?rgrgyrg?y dy drdririninkin??hahanandandsands s ds do?wnw??!!,!!?"L"LoLovoveove e te th?e e pe ?proprododuducuctc?s,s? b??th?th tth ?thethe the s?ugugagargar r?frfrefreeee ee a an a?? t th??? re r???lal?ar ar a ar a?re ?grg??reatreat.t?????l l rl rerefrefrrefreres?he?d,d, , a, ababsab
ived treat,My dog loved these and I think they probably helped with his gas and dare I say his breath too. 4653,B00263JWM6,A1KRXDEVOMLMU,cjrowe,1,1,5,1269561600,Best yet!!,Everyone here who's tried Exclusive Energy has been surprised by its unique ability to pleasantly refresh!<br />Hope it will become more readily available. 4654,B00263JWM6,A1S7209I5QOILM,BigFan,0,0,5,1296172800,Best energy drink hands down!!,"Love the products, both the sugar free and the regular are great. Feel refreshed, abs
oololul??elelyly y n ?o o c crc?asashsh.h. . n no n?o ao afa?te???tat??te??. s. sts?opoppp?eded d d drdririninkn?iningin? M MoMononsn??ere???ndn???ululll??ThT??oto?tlt?e e????d sd ststast?rtrtetedte?d dd drdridrin????g ???clc???ivi??!"!""?4646565555,5,B,??0000F00FBFBMB?4F4FIFI,I,A,ALA?0X0XBX?GUGUHU?GEG????,K,??. G. ?alalylyelyene?,6,6,6,6??5,5,15,11115155?424?727202???GrGrer??? f ?oro?r lr ?owow-w?cacalaloal?oriorieie e de ?ieietiete??s,s,","M"MoMosMo?? o ofof f t?hehe e te ?imi??? y yoyouou u w wawan???cr?aca?kekerersers s b beb?ca??ses?e ye yoyouyo?u wu wawanwa?t t tt to??gegetet t tt tht thehe he d di d?p p o?r ?whwhahatateateve?verver r tr totoptopp?ininging ing i ?????yoyouyouryou?r mr ?ou?thth!h? W ?itithth th t th the th?sese,se, ?yo?you you c ca canan an????ve ve t??ososese se s ?nanacackac?s s as agagagaiainin in w wi wit?hoh?outout out? ha havavivininging ing ting toto to wto ???ryry ?ababobouout???thethe ?cacalcalolorloririerie ?e coe con?te?nt? o of o?f yf ?you?your your c?raracrackckeckerersers!ers?<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /r />r /?Th?????? o on onln?ly ly 1 171? c ca cal ca??lorilorieiesies ????lil?cece,? a an a?nd nd?ea?chc? s sl sli sl???e ie isis s a?bo??ut ut t th the the the? si sizi?e ??? a a a?3 3
olutely no crash. no after taste. stopped drinking Monster and Full Throttle and started drinking Exclusive!" 4655,B000FBM4FI,AL0XBGUHGE9XD,K. Galyen,6,6,5,1155427200,Great for low-calorie dieters,"Most of the time, you want crackers because you want to get the dip or whatever topping into your mouth! With these, you can have those snacks again without having to worry about the calorie content of your crackers!<br /><br />They're only 17 calories a slice, and each slice is about the size of a 3
x? 5 ???ototetececacarardrd.d???heheyey'y'r'rere e d dedelelil????? a anandnd d???veve e ae a a n ni nic?e e ee ?asa?y y " ?"c"?rur?ncnchch.h?""? T??heshe???ononenese? i inin n p papar?titic?ululal??? ha h?aveav??e a e a????erer r s sosododidiuiumum m c ?on?tetententnt t??s s ws wewelwellll,l? v ????usu?s ts tht?? p pe p???o o a?nd? g gag??li?c c?ononeones??(t(th?eyey'ey'r're're e ae a e a be a bib?t ??igighg?herher r ir ?in in s?ododiodiuiumium ?coconcont?ene?nt,nt, ??veverver ver?202?0 0??g g p pe?r ?3 3 s sl slilicliceliceses)es??<b<??r /r />/><>?<br<br r /r />r />I>ItIt't??s as an??exe?cecelellellel?entent t at ???ditdi??onon,on???? m ma m?ttt?terte???hahathat t dt ?diedi?t ?yoyouo? a?re? o on on.n.....?????f f y ???'r?'re 're n no notot ot? ev e??n n on on?? a a d di d?etet!et! ! I ??brbribrin??g tg ?the?m m tm to?? pa parart?ieiesies s as ans andnd ?eveveververyveryo?nene ne? al alwlwawaya???s ass asksksks s ws whs whahathat hat t ??theythey y ay ?arear??e ane and???whewh??e e ce ??n n tn ththe?they they???et et t?hehemhem.m."."."4464656???B0B0000000?FBF????I,I,A,A1A1E1?J9J9595I5I5I?W5W5S5S8S8F8FKFK,K?ThThaTh?at at C ?ha?hatthattyty ?GaG?l,l,6l,?6,66,6,6,56,5,5?111????686808??000,000,S,?upu??er er t ta t??ty
x 5 notecard. They're delicate and have a nice easy ""crunch."" These ones in particular have a lower sodium content as well, versus the pesto and garlic ones (they're a bit higher in sodium content, over 200 mg per 3 slices).<br /><br />It's an excellent addition, no matter what diet you are on...or if you're not even on a diet! I bring them to parties and everyone always asks what they are and where can they get them." 4656,B000FBM4FI,A1EJ95I5W5S8FK,That Chatty Gal,6,6,5,1155168000,Super tasty
a ?ndnd d??ususts? h ?apa?pepenensns s t tot??bebe e h?eae??ththyhy.y??"I"???igighg??y y??ece?omo????d d td ththeth?ses?e ve vevereryr???asa?stysty y Ky ?avavlvlili i T ThT?ini??CrCririsi???rereareada??. . I ??wawanantanteteded ?sosom?ete?thithin?g g?????erereerenentent t tt th?anan an j ju j?ustust ?whwhi??? b??rea?d ???r r s ?anandan??ici?heh? . I. ??hahatha?te ?whwhowhololele e we ?whewhea??. . I? l lolovoveve ve r ry r?e.e. ???sasawsa???heheshe?se,se? n ?ototit?iceic?ed ed t th??e ie ??ingringre?didiedi?ententsent?s cs cocouco???n'n't'??geg?et et?mum?chch ch s si s?mpm??lerler r ar ?and? g ??aveave e te ?thethemthem m a?? tr try?. . T. ToT?ppppeppeded ?wi??th th c ch???eseese,e, , o, oror or a? a s a sa?ndndwndwiwicwich?ch sch sp??reareadread read o or?or wor whwhawh?tetevteveverver r yr yoy?u'u'd'?d ld lilikli?e ?e the t?heyhe?'r'rere re v ?ververyver?y ty tay t?astastyt?? I I I f fefeefeelel l? as a?s fs ?ul???afaftfteterter ?2 2 o or or r 3r 3 3 o?f f??? thes thesese,? t?op?pepedped d od ofo?f cf ??courcoursrsese,se, se, ase, as? I??dididdi?d wd wi?withwith h? ju jus justst st w ?whiwhiti?te te bte br??eadead.d. . T?heheyhey'hey'r?e e ne nin??? a???? th?inin in s???it? i ??n'n'tn't ?liliklikelike ?bibit??ing???ntn?to to
and just happens to be healthy.,"I highly recommend these very tasty Kavli Thin Crispbreads. I wanted something different than just white bread for sandwiches. I hate whole wheat. I love rye. I saw these, noticed the ingredients couldn't get much simpler and gave them a try. Topped with cheese, or a sandwich spread or whatever you'd like they're very tasty. I feel as full after 2 or 3 of these, topped of course, as I did with just white bread. They're nice and thin so it isn't like biting into
aananyn?ththihini?g g h haharardrd d?- - j ?usu?? a a a?nin?cece e c crc?ununcnchch.h. . T ??e e fe flflalava??r r i ?sns??t ??strst?onongng ng a at at t at ??l l -???t ??is is v vevere?? m mimili??d ad ??d d nd non?th??inging g lg ?ikikek?e ae ??ryryerye e be brbrer?adad d yd yoyouou u m?igighghtht ?hahavhaveve ve?pup?rcrchchachasases???inin in t th??e pe papasastas?. . T. ThTheTh?n n I I I n no n?otioticiceiceded ed? th t??t t tt ththetheythey ?arareare e oe ?????2020 0??alaloalor?iei??? pe per??slslilicli?ce.ce??WhW?hathat'hat's's s ns no?t t tt tot t? l ?ovo??? T?heheyhe?y ty tat?astasteaste e ge gogooo?d,d, ,?? the theyey'y'r'rere re w ???lel??e gre graraia??, ?ththe?they'they'r?e ???pep?er er ler lo??????cacal?aloraloririeiesies,s, , i, ?t't?? n? no no c cr c?runrunc?hihiehi?er ?ththathanan an? a a p po pototaotatatot??ch??p,p?, a, anandand and????eeeelel l sl sasat??isfis?ie?d d wd wh?ilileile ?chchech?wiwin?ing ing???d d ad afd aftfteterer er eer ea?tit??ing ??the?m.m. . O. ?h h - - ?anandand and tand ththe???kekeekeepep p f fo fororeor?veverver ?inin ?ththe? c?upupbup?oao?ardar?. . I. ?I dI dedefefifinfini???lyly ly w?ilillil??beb?e b?uyu??ing?ing t??heshe?? f??r ??a la lolonlong?ng tng titimtimeme.e. ?:):?""4464656?7,7,B,B0B
anything hard - just a nice crunch. The flavor isn't strong at all - it is very mild and nothing like a rye bread you might have purchased in the past. Then I noticed that they are only 20 calories per slice. What's not to love? They taste good, they're whole grain, they're super low in calories, it's no crunchier than a potato chip, and I feel satisfied while chewing and after eating them. Oh - and they keep forever in the cupboard. I definitely will be buying these for a long time. :)" 4657,B0
00000F0?BMBM4M4F4FIFI,I,A,A3A3K3KIK?S7S7K7??BFB?FZF??B,B,B,?ara?babararaara a B B.B? G GlGlalasasgsgog?w,w?2,2,2,2,,2???121?090909080818?606?00,00,c,?raraca??erersrs,s?"G"??eaeatat t a ala?teter?nanat??vev??fof?r r t ?hoh?????hoho ho c ????t t et eaeateat ???? . A. ??lilitittttltlele e be ??lanlandnd,d, , b ????crcrucrununcnchchyhy y a an a?nd nd? cr c?isisps?y.y??4???8,8,B????0FB0FBMBM4BM4F4FI4F?I,AI,AVAV2V?F6F6W6?9R9RHRHQHQAQ?X3X??,"E,"?. . S. SeSegegmg?enen n?""""a"ananaanatatoatomomym????d d p phphy?sisioiolo?ogogyg??ini?ststrtrurucu?totoror"or"""""""?,2,2,?2,2,52,??,11,1191?595?484?80800???elelplpsps s d did?gegese??ioionion,n,","A,"AsAs s ss sosomomeom??nen???ho??susufuffffef??s s os ococccca?sisiosiononaonalallallyly ?frf?om?? di d?igeig?estestit?iveive ?didifdi?ffifficicuc?lt?iei?es,es, , t, ??es??e Ke KaK?vlv?li li C CrCri??spysp?y Ty ?hihininsin?s as ar??e ae amamom??? t?hehe he f?ewew w t? thi thin?gsgs s ts ?thath?? I I I c ca c?an an??eat? a at at t st su??ch ch???me?s.s. ? I? a al alwlwaw?ysy?s ks ??epe? t th?es?ese ese?? cra cr?ackackekerkersrs rs? ar arorourounundund ??to to????d td tod to o s so?upu??. ?. H. HoHowoweoweveve?r,r, , t, th, theherherere re?? are are ?e ale alsl?? t?
00FBM4FI,A3KIS7K5BFFZ4B,Barbara B. Glasgow,2,2,4,1209081600,crackers,"Great alternative for those who can't eat wheat. A little bland, but crunchy and crispy." 4658,B000FBM4FI,AV2F6W9RHQAX3,"E. Segmen ""anatomy and physiology instructor""",2,2,5,1195948800,helps digestion,"As someone who suffers occasionally from digestive difficulties, these Kavli Crispy Thins are among the few things that I can eat at such times. I always keep these crackers around to add to soups. However, there are also ti
?memeses s?whwhehene? t ththe?y y a ararer? t th t?? o ononlnlyly y ty ththithiningn? I ??cacanan ???opopepere?ly??didigi?esestest.t. . T ThThihisis s is ??? a a g grgre?ata??iti??m m? to to o h hahavaveve e ae ?aroarouo?ndn?? wh whe?n n hn ?havhavivininging g dg didigdi?gesge??iviveve ve d????icicuculultl?tietieses es a as asss??ciciaiat?eded ???ithith h t? the the ?flflul? o or o? s ststrst? . ?FoF??r mr meme me?? the?y y wy wowororkork k b ?etettt?terter r tr ththath?? t th the the the?""""b"??anaananana??, , r riric?e,e, ?apapppplp?esesaes?ucucece e oe oror or t? toa to???""? o of of f t th?? the B the BRB??T T d??etet et u ususeseded ed i?n ?rerelrelilieieve?vinvi?ng ng I IB IBSBS.S?. T. ThTheTh?esees?e te ?thithinthi?, , e, ??asyasy ???o co chchehewhew w c cr craracackckek?ersers ???e ?e a e a r?eaealeallllyly ly gly ??eaeateat t pt prpropr?duduc?t.?""4464??9,9,B,B0B?0000F00FBFBMBM4M4F4FIFI,I,A,?353?LALA4A4Y4??8H8HSH??2B2B,B?FoFooFo?od od C CrCriritrititictic,c?4,4,5,?,5?,1,111181?11????00??,An,Anonotoththeth?er er g?rereareatrea?t st snsnanacackack,k,","B"BaBasaseas??ed oed on? o ot oth?therther ?rerevre?vievi?wsws,s, s,? I I t tr tririeri?ed ??thethesthese? K ??avlav?li li????duducductc?s.s. . . T. ThTheTheyThe?'r'??? gr gre gr?eateat eat l lol??-f-??at at s sn sna
mes when they are the only thing I can properly digest. This is a great item to have around when having digestive difficulties associated with the flu or stress. For me they work better than the ""bananas, rice, applesauce or toast"" of the BRAT diet used in relieving IBS. These thin, easy to chew crackers are a really great product." 4659,B000FBM4FI,A35LA4YL8HSM2B,Food Critic,4,5,5,1181174400,Another great snack,"Based on other reviews, I tried these Kavli products. They're great low-fat sna
c?ksk?. . ??hehese?????e e ge ?rereare?t t w wiw??h h??atatuaturu????pepeaeana?utut ??ututtut?erer r a??d d j jejelellllyly y b bebetetwtweweeeenen n 2 ??<b<brb?r /r />/???r ????ececoc??mem?endended???""4??6060,0,B,B0B000?????4F4FIFI,I,A,?2V2V5V?NMN??3K3KLKLILIQIQIQI8I?,M,???yay?annann ?T.T. ?BeB?eckeck,k???,1,,1,5,5,5?,12,1??909040434??0000,00,",?Th?e e be be?stst t "t """?crcraracrackckecker??"" ""??vev?er!er!"!",",K,KaKavavlvlili i C ?rir??pypy ??ThiThinin n Cn Cr?isispis??brebr?eadea??isis is?th?e e re ririgri??t t ct coconconsn?is?tetentencncycy ??oro??mumulultl?ipi?lel???sesesses.???Th?The The????steste ?isis is fis fafanantan?asastas?tictic.c. . . I ItIt't's's s f ?reresreshsh h ah anandan?d pd plplepl?easeasas?antant ant t?o o e ea . K. KaKavKavlvlivli i pi ?rorododuducuctc??s as ararear??ththethe the b be besestest.t..??66661661,1,B1,B0B00B0?00F00FB00FBMBM4BM4F4FI4FI,???WNW???KGKGNGNAN?YNYNFNFLFL,L,","M,"MUM?C C " ?""M""MUMUCMUC"C"""""""",?1,1,11,???5,15,121?2652653532???00000?0,"0,"M"?MM?M,M, , C??ununcnchnchyhy"y?","",??y y wy wi??e e ie ise i?s os ono??th?the the lthe lolowow w c ?ararbarb b d ??etet,et??wewelwellll ll W WEWE E a ar arere re?onon on t??he he l ??w w cw ?carcarbr?b db di?etet et - - -??hihici
cks. These are great with natural peanut butter and jelly between 2.<br /><br />Recommended." 4660,B000FBM4FI,A2V5NM83KLIQI8,Maryann T. Beck,1,1,5,1269043200,"The best ""cracker"" ever!",Kavli Crispy Thin Crispbread is the right consistency for multiple uses. The taste is fantastic. It's fresh and pleasant to eat. Kavli products are the best. 4661,B000FBM4FI,A2WNRGKGNAYNFL,"MUC ""MUC""",1,1,5,1265328000,"MMMM, Crunchy","My wife is on the low carb diet, well WE are on the low carb diet - whic
????eaeanansns:s: :?""""s"?mam??l l?brbrereaeakeakfkfafasa?t"t"""" "" i ifif f???u u??o o n nonoto? h ??veve e t titimime?? to to o mo ?makmakeke e ee ?ggg?s s?an?d d? ba b????. . " "" ""I"ItIt ?isis ?ha?rdrd d td tot???etet t tt ththehe e ce co???eeee ?dodowdownw? w ??th?ou???pepea?nunutut ??ut?teterer"r"""" ?shshe????ysys.s. ?WeWe e he ?havhave? b be b?eeneen n un ususisini?g g c crc?ac?ke?rsrs s ls liliki?ke ke t??heshe?e ?KaKavavlavli? c cr c??ispispbpbrbrebreaeadeadsd?s ts toto to " "" ""g ""gegetget t dt do??n ?ththethe e pe pepeapeananuanut? b?ut?utteutterer"er?"" "" s"" si"" sinincin?e e be ?efe?oro?? I ?? ca c?an an r reremremememmembmbe?? - - - I? t th thi thininkin?? it it t wt wawas???hehenhe?n Dn ?an??an?????ryry y E EaEadadsds ds?pup?blblilisli??ede?: : ": """"P""PrPror?otiot?enen ?PoP??er? P ?lal?an"an"""" ??in in t th the th??la??? 1 ????s.s. s.? Ma Mananyany y yy yeyeaearea?? a?gog???we we f fo??ndn?d td thd thehes?e e te ????? t th the the the???st??. W. We. W?e ce coe cou?ldl?d od ?onlonlyl?y fy ????d td thd thed themem m? in in n Wn WeWegWegmgmamanma?? g grgro???ry? s st stotortorere ?inin ?NEN? P Pe Pen??nsyns?lvlvavananianiai?? a an a?nd nd? no n?ow ow t? tha th?t ?t tht t?he he Ahe ArA?mymy y hy ?hasha?
h means: ""small breakfast"" if you do not have time to make eggs and bacon. ""It is hard to get the coffee down without peanut butter"" she says. We have been using crackers like these Kavli crispbreads to ""get down the peanut butter"" since before I can remember - I think it was when Dan and Mary Eads published: ""Protien Power Plan"" in the late 1990s. Many years ago we found these to be the best. We could only find them in Wegmans grocery store in NE Pennsylvania, and now that the Army has
mmomovovev?d d??s s?(a(aga?aiainin)n) ) t ?? F FoForortr? K KnK?oxox,x, , K????e e c ?ana? o ono?lyly y f fif???d td ththeheme??atat t Kt KrKrorogogegere?. .??ecececenentntltly? w we we e ce cacancannn?notnot t st seseee?em em t to to ?fifinfi??d td thd t?hemhe?m tm th??ereere e ee ?itiththe??, , s, soso o wo we???rdr??er er t th thehemhem.hem. . T. ?heheyhe?y cy cocomomeme e fe fafasa?t,t, ??notnot not b ??rokro???????d d td thd thed theyey y ay ara?e e fe fre freresre?h.h??AlA?so?, , t, ?the?y y ay ary arere re n ??not ?an???mo?rere ???ststlstly?ly tly ???pupururcrchchahasasease e oe ?onlon??ineine e ae anand?? pa payay y fy ?oror or d de??livliveververyr?y ty th??an an? to to to w wa w?astas?e ?titimimeme me l ??oko??inging g f fo f??or tor ?thethemthe??. O. OnOnen??nonot?e:e: : M ?y y wy wiwififefe ?hahathate?s ?opo?nenenne?in?? t th thi th??ingsing???, an, a?? w??? fo?unund?nd tnd ththe? b?ese??? wa way way y ty toy to ?dod???so so w??ithit? t??es?e ?isis ?to?to cto cucutut ?ofofff??? the the the??enden?d od ofof of t? the the ?cecelcellllo?phphahanhanene(ne(?(?)??) w) wiwitwi?? s scs?is?sosorso?s s -s ? p pr pre?ve?ntntsnt???raraca?ksks s os ofs of ?th??is is? th thi thin thin n bn ??eaeadad!d!"!?4464666626???000?00F00??M4M4F4FIFI,I,A,A1A1Q1QFQ?
moved us (again) to Fort Knox, KY we can only find them at Kroger. Recently we cannot seem to find them there either, so we order them. They come fast, not broken, and they are fresh. Also, they are not any more costly to purchase online and pay for delivery than to waste time looking for them. One note: My wife hates opnening things, and we found the best way to do so with these is to cut off the end of the cellophane(?) with scissors - prevents cracks of this thin bread!" 4662,B000FBM4FI,A1QF5
?4L4LKL??RDR?2H2?V,V,M,M.M. . G G.G?. M. ?icichchah??lsls,s,1,1,1,1?,5,5,5???606?232?040?0000,0,",??ririsi?pypy,y, ,?veverersr????lele,e, , d, ?el????ouousus.s????","??? e ?njn?oyo??mymy y Ky KaKava??i i????sp???ThT?ini?s s?soso o m?ucu?ch ch a anandnd d s so so o oo ?ftftet?en en t tht?hatha??I I nI non?w w???de?? b byby y ty ththeth? c cacasa?e.e. ?BeBesesis?dedesdes s bs ??in????at?ururarala?lyly y ly lolowow ow f fafat???ndnd nd n na natatu?raralrallllylly y ny nunututrtri?ti?ouousou?s, s, K KaKavKavl?i ?Cr??ispisp p?ThThiTh?insins ?ararere ???grgrereare??at rat ?repre?lalaca?ememem????fof?? s?alaltal?y,y, y, f fa fat??tentenin?inging ing n???choch?eses,es, , a, ?andan?/ / o or or r pr pip??zaz?. . W. WiWiti?th th C Cr Cririsrispris?py py T Th T?hinhinsns,ns, , y, yoyouou ou c ca c?an an? ma m?keke e ye yo?urur ur o ow o?n n n na nac?hoh??s b?y ?y lay layayeyererier?ing?ing ting ththethe the C Cr?isispispsisps s ws w/w/ ?chcho?ppppep??d td ??mamat?oeoesoes,s, s, cs, ?checheeeeseseese,e, e,? ev evevenven n gn ??ou?ndnd ?me?atat ??...???opop p 2p 2 2?? Cri Cris Crispsp sp?? Thi Thin?ins ins?w/w/ w/ t?op??pinpingngsgs ?inin in m mi micicricrorowowaow?aveav?e, e, ae, anandand and y yo?you'you'v've???otot t yt yo??r r dr de?lilicli???usus us
4LKDRD2HV,M. G. Michaels,1,1,5,1260230400,"crispy, versatile, delicious....","I enjoy my Kavli Crispy Thins so much and so often that I now order by the case. Besides being naturally low fat and naturally nutritious, Kavli Crisp Thins are a great replacement for salty, fattening nachoes, and/ or pizza. With Crispy Thins, you can make your own nachos by layering the Crisps w/ chopped tomatoes, cheese, even ground meat ... pop 2 Crisp Thins w/ toppings in microwave, and you've got your delicious
nnanacachchohoso????oror r?pipizizzz?????? h ?ava?e e C ?rir??pypy y T ThT?ininsns s??/ /?memele?tetede??chchecheee?sese e ee eveve?ryry y my momorornor?????....... ..????atat t? wa wayay ??? s ststatarartrt t tt ththehe e de ?ayay.ay??NoNo,o, , I, I I dI ??n'n?t t wt wow??k k f foforor or?????? ! ! ! T?hihishis s is isis is??otot t at ana? a ada?, , b, bub?t t at a t a t trt??uthuthfhfufulu? r re?viv?????AlAlslsos?o so ?????cec??anandand ?eaeaseasysy ??o o bo ??e ae abe ablb??e te to? o or?dedere???KavKa?li?? ( ( a an andn??jujusustst st a?bobououtut ut?ev?ereryerytyththithin?ing)ing??viviavia a A AmA??zoz?on.on.".?4??6363,3?B0B000??FBF?M4M4F4FIFI,I,A,A2A2D2DBD?U4U?4Z4ZEZEPEP1P?X4X?W,W?JaJamame?s s Bs B.B. ??ururkr??in in? IV IV,V??,1,1,,1,5,5,5??22222?64646????,K,?KavKavlKavlili,li?"M"MyMy y wy wiwififef?e le ?likli??e te the t??sese se b ??tttte???th??at at? th thehe he S ?wew?ediedisishis?? ve v??sisioi?on,on, ?WaW???, ?asas as s sh shehe he fhe fifin?dsds s ts ?theth??e tae tasastastete te b?etett?er? a an??d ld li?likelikes? t th the the e te th??inninnenesessess s os ofof f t th?? p pr pror??ucuctct.t. . . ?WeWe e we wiwilwillll l bl bu?y ?agagagaia??."."."4464?66466??,B0,B0000000?FBFBMFBM4?
nachos, (or pizza). I have Crispy Thins w/ melted cheese every morning ... great way to start the day. No, I don't work for Kavli ! This is not an ad, but a truthful review. Also so nice and easy to be able to order Kavli ( and just about everything) via Amazon." 4663,B000FBM4FI,A2DBU44ZEP1X4W,James B. Durkin IV,1,1,5,1222646400,Kavli,"My wife like these better that the Swedish version, Wasa, as she finds the taste better and likes the thinness of the product. We will buy again." 4664,B000FBM4F
II,I,A,A7A?HSH?MVMV5V?7R7ROROQOQPQP3P3,3,","R"RoRobobeberertr? H ??llll l " """"R"Ro"R??er??""?",",1,1,1???4,4,1?202020?252?606?0000,00,W,WhW?eaeatat t ft frfrereeee e a ?ltltetererner?atatiativiveve,e,","W,"Wh?eaeateat-t-f-????, , n na?tut?raralal al?ini?grg?redredidieiene??????easeasys???o o c chc?hewhew.w. .??ryr???y y iy ??tsetselelflf f b ???t it isis s?gog?odod d w ??ithith h c??cocono??ut ut o oioil? a an a?d/d????frfrufruiu?it it s sps?re?ada?.".??464?6565,5??0000000?FBFBMBM4M4F4?I,??3L3LEL?DQD??URUR8R?BNBNFN??,s,shshe?rrrrir??0,0??,5,?5,15,???777??363?60060?0,v0,veververyry ry n ni nicicece,e,"e,?I I?hahava???'t't t st seseeeeneen n t th theheshesese se o?n n tn ?he? s sh shehelhelflf lf??or?? a a w?hihilileile ?non?w w s so s?o do dedececicidide?d d td to? b bu buyuy y hy heherherehere,? a?ltlthlthoh????h 1h ?2 2 b bo boxoxexeses ??is is a a a l a lol?t.t. . T. ??heyhey'y?rere re g gr gre??????thth th? bu??teterter r ar anand???on??y.y. ?HaHavaveav?en'en't't 't t?ri?ede?d t???m m w wi witith?? an any an?ththith????el?<b<brb??/>/>T>ThTheTheyey'ey'r?e e ve ?ververyvery ??thi?n n an an???frfrafragagigilile??? and and ?sos?o wo whw??tetevteveverver ver y ??????????
I,A7HSMV57ROQP3,"Robert Hill ""Robert""",1,1,4,1202256000,Wheat free alternative,"Wheat-free, natural ingredients, easy to chew. Dry by itself but is good with coconut oil and/or fruit spread." 4665,B000FBM4FI,A3LEDQZUR8BNFI,sherri,0,0,5,1347753600,very nice,"I haven't seen these on the shelf for a while now so decided to buy here, although 12 boxes is a lot. They're great with butter and honey. Haven't tried them with anything else.<br />They're very thin and fragile and so whatever you put on
ttht?emem m?wiwili?l l s sts?anandn? o ?utut.t? B ??ut ut?ththetheyey y s st s?ilillill l hl hahavaveve e?a a h he?alaltlththythy y ty ?????????66666??B0B?0000F00??M4M?FIFI,I,A,A1A101?EIEIII?7M7?QDQD4D?N2N282?,S,SuS???irirere,e?0,0??,4,4,4,1,1313434242828228??8080000,00,N,NiNicicece e ae anandan?d td ?thithini?,T,ThT??s s c ?rir???brbrereare?d d id is? n ?iciceic???nd? t?hihinhi??? g grg?rea?t t f foforo? t??ososes?e we wiwitwithth th m mom?oreore ?se??sisititi?veve ve? te teee?th?.<.<b<brbr br / ?><>?<br<br ?/>?I I e eaeatat t 3t ?? of of f t? the thesese??inin in t? the the the m??ornor?ninningng g???or or b ?brebr?eakeakfk??stst st w wi w??h h S SmSmum?ckckekerersr?s Ss SuSugSugagarar-r-F-??reeree e je ?elellllylly ???n tn ?the?m.m.<.<b.<?br br /br />??uiu?iltil?t ft frfrereeree ree a?ndnd nd dnd dedelelielic?ioiouousous.s.<?.<br.<br r /?><><b><brbr br /br />br />Y>??ou ou d dodo o? ha havaveav?e te toto o bo bebe ?e a e a l lil?ittit?lele e ce cac?arearefe?ulul ?whwhehenhen n sn spsprprereareadrea?in?g g hg he??vyv?y sy ststustufufff??onon on t th? them the????keke ke p pepeaeaneanun?ut ut but bub?uttut???.<???? /> />I>?f ?yoyouou ??prepr?esses??totootoo o ho haharha?d d td thd t??y y cy ?cancan n bn ?bre???.<?.<br?.<br /.<br />??<br<br <br / /> />O />OnO?e ???hin?
them will stand out. But they still have a healthy taste." 4666,B000FBM4FI,A10EII7MQD4N28,SunFire,0,0,4,1342828800,Nice and thin,This crispbread is nice and thin - great for those with more sensitive teeth.<br /><br />I eat 3 of these in the morning for breakfast with Smuckers Sugar-Free jelly on them.<br />Guilt free and delicious.<br /><br />You do have to be a little careful when spreading heavy stuff on them like peanut butter.<br />If you press too hard they can break.<br /><br />One thing
?yoyouou u??anan'n't't t t tetele?? f frfroromom m? th thehe e?bob?x x??s s t? tha thata??tht?herhe?e ?ara?? a acactctutuaualall?y y 2 2 2 a ai airir-r?tit?ghg?t t pt ??ackac?s ??n n t? the th?e be bo??.<.<b<brbr r / />/?<b<br<b?r /r />???m m cm cucururrr??ntntlt??y ey eaeat???g g t th the thes thesese e ae ane a?d d t th????yvyvivititata a?sesessesas?meme e re ryryerye e ce ??is?pbpbrbrebrea?d.d.<?brbr br /?>H>HiHig?hlh?ly ly r re rececocomommommemenmend? b?oto?<???????brbr br /br />?NoNot??? I ? h hahavaveve e le ???t t 1t 121?2 p2 ????ndsnd?s bs byb?y cy chc?hanha?gig?inging ing m mymy y dy ?ieietet ??utu?t It I I gI ?givgiveve ve t th? the the m the mom?ostost ??crecredediditdit t t?o o 2 2 2? th thi thin?ingsings.s? ?RyR??e ce cre cririsri?pb??reareada?d rd re??lalac?in??ing aing ?almal?mosmost?<b<br<br <br /? />a />?????f f t? the??flfloloulourur ur??n ?mymy my? . ??ndnd nd dnd drd?rinrinknkik?ing??oooolololonlongng ng t?eaea ea???ici?ch ch h he h?elpelpsp??s bus bururnur?n bn bebel?lyly ?<?.<br.<br .<br / />?YoYou? d?o o no neneeeeded ed t to to o eo exexexerercr?isiseis?e a??lilit?tl????itit it? to?o.o???6666767,7,B,B0B?0000F00FBF??4F4FIFI,I,A,A2A2K2K8K?QHQH6H6K6?6464747E7?Z2Z2,2,C,C.C. . L. ?. . M. McMcCcCaC?ululel
you can't tell from the box is that there are actually 2 air-tight packs in the box.<br /><br />I'm currently eating these and the ryvita sesame rye crispbread.<br />Highly recommend both.<br /><br />Note: I have lost 12 pounds by changing my diet but I give the most credit to 2 things. Rye crispbread replacing almost<br />all of the flour in my diet. And drinking oolong tea which helps burn belly fat.<br />You do need to exercise a little bit too. 4667,B000FBM4FI,A2K8QH6K647EZ2,C. L. McCaule
yy,y,0,0,0??,5,?,1,?343414141?464646?0000,0,L0,LoL?veve e t ththehese?e ?th?inin n w ?afafef??s!s??"I"I I???oveov?e re ryryey???UsUse?? t?o o e ?ata?? th thehe he t th thi th?ckc? r ryryery?e ce crc?isispspsps,s, , b bub?t ??y y o ololdld ?teteee?thth th?jujusu?t t ct cacana????hah??dld?e e t???m m??anyanymymomororer?e. e. B BuButut ut I I I sI ?stistili?l l l??oveove ove s ?omomem??e cre crurunu?chch.h. . I. I I aI alalsl?? l li likikeke ?e toe to o eo eaeateat t h???ltl?thithiethi??? an a??d td thd t?heshe?se se c cr???? t? thi thin thinsns s a?re????ololeole e ge grg???in in a an and an?d hd hahavhaveve ve??mormore?re fre fifibi?erer er ter ththath?an an m ma man??? br b?reare??d od opoptp????ns.ns.<.<b<brbr r / ??<b<br<b?r /r />/>I/>ItIt t wt wa?s s gs geget?titinti?g g h ha??dederer er ter toer to ????nd nd t th the theme??lolocloca???y ??so ?I I sI stI statarartrte?d d gd gegetge???tingtin?g tg ththethem?? he h?ereer?e oe onon on???azazozonon ?so?so Iso I so I n ?eveveverver r hr ??havehav??e toe to e to? be b?e we ???o mo mymy my??avavovororioritite? c cr craracra?ckeckerer!er! ! A An A?ototh??r r br bob?onuon?us us - ? I I' I?veve ve hve ha?d ?d th?esesees??ar?ouounundund d td th?d the d the h?ouousou??se fse fof???yeyeayeararsars s bs bu?t t mt myt my ?kikidi??s ns ne?ve?ver ver
y,0,0,5,1341446400,Love these thin wafers!,"I love rye. Used to eat the thick rye crisps, but my old teeth just can't handle them anymore. But I still love some crunch. I also like to eat healthier and these crisp thins are whole grain and have more fiber than many bread options.<br /><br />It was getting harder to find them locally so I started getting them here on Amazon so I never have to be w/o my favorite cracker! Another bonus - I've had these around the house for years but my kids never
s?hoh???? a ana?y y i inintn?ere?esestst t?(j(juj?st? s sos?mem? w we?iri?d d td ththihin?? m momomom om? at a?te)te???nt?ili??? o orordrderd?ereereded ed a? w?ho???e be boboxox x o?f f?ththeth?m m?lalasa????monmo???? M MyM?y ly ?laslast??dadaua??hthteterter r s?tit?illill l al ata?t ht hohomho?me me t th tho??ughug?ht ht??????e se shsheshe e se she s??houlhouldl?d t?ryry ?th??m m sm ?in???e Ie I I bI boboubougughughtught t st ?? m? man manyny.ny?. N. ?owow ow??hehe'e's'? h hohooho?keked?ed sed ??so sso sh?she'she?'s 's? ta takakikin?ing ing t th the themem em o of off of?f tf tot? c cocolo??legle?e ??itith?? he h?er!er!"!?4?666686?,B,B0B000??FBFBMBM4M?FIF??AMAMRMRMR?K8K?6X6X3X3P3PKP?XDX?,R,?. . T. ThT??homahom?assas?sonson,n,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?333393959545454565?0000,00,","P"PaPapapeperer er?ThThiThinin,in, , C CrCririsi?pyp?y ay anandan??GoG?odo?!"!",!"?,"I,"??wawasas as l?oo?ki?ngn?g fg fofororworwawarwardrd rd t to to o to ththithis?? or o?rderderrder ??roromom om Aom AmAmamazazoz?n.n. ??'v'veve e be bee beee?? o on o?n an ? c ca calalolor?ieie ??resreststrst??ctc?tedted ?didieietiet t ft fo?r r mr momon?th?s s as an????t't??'s t's ththethe the?? tas ta?steste e oe ?f ??raraiain???(b(brbrereare?????hihiphipsps,s, , c, cr, craracrackckekerkersrs)s)t)ththath
showed any interest (just some weird thing mom ate) until I ordered a whole box of them last month. My last daughter still at home thought maybe she should try them since I bought so many. Now she's hooked so she's taking them off to college with her!" 4668,B000FBM4FI,AMRMK86X3PKXD,R. Thomasson,0,0,5,1339545600,"Paper Thin, Crispy and Good!","I was looking forward to this order from Amazon. I've been on a calorie restricted diet for months and it's the taste of grains (bread, chips, crackers)tha
tt t?I I m ?isissss s?tht?? m??stst.t? I? f ?ini?d d??hehesheses?e Te ThThihinin in?????pbpbrbrer?ada?s ??roromom m K KaKavavlvlili i t to to o b beb?e te ththethe ?pep???ecectc???ololul?titioionon.n. . T. ?TheTh?y y???re re u ulultl?rara a? th thi I. I ?memeaeanea?? th the theyey ey??rere re tre ?thithin?nen?er er t? tha thana?n yn yoy?u u???ghghtht ??thithinthinknk k p pop?ossossisibiblblel?.<.<b<brbr br / />/?<b?? / /> />A>?s s ss ?soosoon?? as a??I ??awaw w t? the the the? fi firirsr???on?e e Ie I ?waw??s as amamam?zezeded ?itit ?mamadmaded?e ie itit it t? thr th?rourougughgh gh t? the? the s the shs??ppppip?ingin? p pr p?rocrocecesessss ss??in in oin ononeone one? pi p??eceec?e. e. S SoSo ?faf?ar ar? I ?hah?aveave e ne ?otot ?cocom?e e ae acacrc?rosro???a a sa ??ngn?lele le b br b?rokro?enen n cn crcracrac??kerke??. M. MyM??nenexnextxt t tt tht thoh???ghtgh??wawaswas.s??......".?"w"?elelll?, , a as as as s ?soo?n n an asas as I I ?bib?iteite e ie ine intntoto ?it?, ??thethe the t th???ng'ng's's s gs ?oioining?? to to to e ??plplolododede de i in intntonto ?a a ta th?ouousou?sansandnd nd t ti t?inyiny y sy shshashar?dsds.ds. . I? w ?waswas was a am a?mazmazezedze?d wd whw?henhe?n in itit it hit hehelhe?d ?totogto?ete???r ?anandand d sd sh??wewedwe?d od ononlon?y y ay a ???
t I miss the most. I find these Thin Crispbreads from Kavli to be the perfect solution. They are ultra thin. I mean they are thinner than you might think possible.<br /><br />As soon as I saw the first one I was amazed it made it through the shipping process in one piece. So far I have not come across a single broken cracker. My next thought was....""well, as soon as I bite into it, the thing's going to explode into a thousand tiny shards. I was amazed when it held together and showed only a per
ffefecectct t???lflf f m ?oooonon n h ho hololele e w whwhehererer?e me mymy y?teteee?thth h h ha hada? b ???n.n. .??he?sese e ce crc?acackc???s s r ??alallallyly ?hohol??d td ???et?heherhe????cec? /r ??<b<br<br r /r />r />T>ThTheThe e fe flflal?vovoror r ir isis s vs vevereryer?y py plpla?inin.n. n. T Th The?hereher?e ie ????o o s sesease?sos?onion?inging,g, , a anandn?d vd veverve?y y ly ?iti?tlt?le le s sa salaltalt.t. . t. th?eyey y ty tat?astastete te l lilikli?ke ke t th t?he he g ??rairaininsin?s ts ?thetheythey ?arare? m ma m???e fe fre f?omo?. . I. I I h ha hav ha?ve ve???ded??eded ?a a c ?asasease e oe ofo?f tf ?thethe the " """"G"?ar?li?c"c"""" "" f flflaflavavoavoror or a?nd???ooookook k???orworwawarardard d td tod t?o to trtryryiryin?ing ing???emem.m. m.???eae???ththethesthe?se se w wi w??h h ah a a ga ge?nen?eroerouo?s ?spspopoooonoonfnfufulul l? of of f vf vever?y y l?owo? c ca c?aloal?orior?e e pe pepepeppppe?r r ar an?d d ed egeggg?pl?anantant ?sp??rea?d d td thd thahathat t mt mamakakekeske?s fs ???or aor a a va ve?veryvery very l lo????calcalol?oriorieorie e se snsnan??k.k?. I? h?igighghlhlyly ly r?ec??ommommem??nd nd tnd ?thethesthesethese.e?""4464666696?,B,B0B000??FBFBMBM4M4F4FIFI,I,A,??D6D?????BSBSZS?SJSJNJN,N,M,??aviavis?,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131??818161636
fect half moon hole where my teeth had been. These crackers really hold together nicely.<br /><br />The flavor is very plain. There is no seasoning, and very little salt. they taste like the grains they are made from. I have ordered a case of the ""Garlic"" flavor and look forward to trying them. I eat these with a generous spoonful of very low calorie pepper and eggplant spread that makes for a very low calorie snack. I highly recommend these." 4669,B000FBM4FI,A1D6CVXDBSZSJN,Mavis,0,0,5,1338163
2???,C,????pypy y t tht?ini? a ana?d d d ?ele?ici?ioiouo?s,s??I I h hah?veve e b bebeeeenen n bn bubuyuyiyin?g g t??hishi? d de del?iciciicio??us us c crcririsri?spbspbrb?eaeadad ?fof?? m mam???y yy yey???s,????t t f ???r sr ?omomeme ?re?asaso?n n in itit t it ?is is n ?o o?lol?ngn?erer r ar avavaavaiaili??blblele e ie ?in in s ststot?oreor?s.s? I ?t't's's s as ?an an a?llll l r ryr?ye ye?prp?ododuducuctct t wt wiwit?h h o ?onlon??y ny nanatatut?raralal ?in???redre?ieienenten?s s a?ndnd nd???is jis ??ustust t at ? f fe f?? c ca c?aloalororiorieiesies s ps peperer er? cr c?? . B. BeB?cacauaususeuse e ie ite it't'st's ?soso so???inin ?itit it d?oeo?esnesn'n't'?t ot ??verve?whw?el?? t???e fe flflalavlavovouourour ??f f??heheehees??e oe or?? ta t?pe?nanadnadede,de???whiwh???h ih isis is mis ?y ?fafavavoavou?ouriour???e te ththithin?ing ing? to to ???ve? w?itithith ith? th the? c cr?acackckeck?erser??? I I? th???ghghth?t mt mamaymaybybebe be I I' I'd'??ovoveov?erder?ononeone ??e it e it b by b?y by bu?yiyinyi?? t tw twowo o co cacascases?es,es, , b, bubutbut t It ???m am alalralrereareadrea?y ?in?toto to t th the the ?se?coc?ondond ?boboxox x a af aftfteterer ?jujusjustst st? a a w?eeeekee?.".""??676707?0,B0,B0B00?0F0FBF??4F4FIFI,I
200,Crispy thin and delicious,"I have been buying this delicious crispbread for many years, but for some reason it is no longer available in stores. It's an all rye product with only natural ingredients and is just a few calories per cracker. Because it's so thin it doesn't overwhelm the flavour of cheese or tapenade, which is my favourite thing to have with the crackers. I thought maybe I'd overdone it by buying two cases, but I'm already into the second box after just a week." 4670,B000FBM4FI,
AA1A?2E2ETET4T4S4S0S??6E6?QGQGNGN,N,H,?eaealaltl????SnSnan??k k L LoL?vevere?,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5?131333??737?282808??0,G0,GrG?eaeateat t p ?ror?duducuctct,t?? h ?igi???y ?rerecrecocomommmmemene?d d t ??isis s p pr p?rodroduducductct.ct. .?????'t't t bt bebea?eat eat t th t?e e c cac??ororirieie e ce cocoucoununtnt.t. . . M MyMy ??avavovororiorititete e ue ??e e ie isis is p?ututtttitiningng g n nanatnatutururar?al al c???uncunchchyhy hy? pe p?eaneanunut????uttutte?????d d bd blblal?ackac???rrr???jaj?? b be bete?weweeeenen en??wowo o p pi pieieciecec?s.s?. . A. AlA?sos?o go ???atat t wt wiwit??? ch che?eseseese.e?. . H. ?HeaHe?altalththythy y py prpropr?oduoducuctuct.t.t.4?6767171,1???000000F0FBFBMBM4M4F4?I,I?A2A2222323R3RZR?BHBHFH?5X5???G,G,E,EvE?ve,ve,0,0,???4,4,1??32732797969686?800800000,00?FoFor? t th??sese se??hoho o wo ??antan?t tt th?e ?ththi?nnnnen?estes?t ct ?ririsrisps??rerea?d,d?"I"I I dI didis???veververeredred d td ththethesthe??se wse ?whewhenen en Ien ??momovoveov?????o Co ??nanadna?? a a a f ??w w y yeyea????babacackack.ack. . ???fof??e ?e the t?hishis s Is ??hahadad d od ononlnlyly ly e exexpx?er?ieienie?ce????a ta ththithicthickckeck?er er W ??sas?a ca ?cricr?ispis?pbrpbrerea??? an a?? w wa wasas as? a a b a bib
A12ET4S0G6EQGN,Healthy Snack Lover,0,0,5,1330732800,Great product,I highly recommend this product. Can't beat the calorie count. My favorite use is putting natural crunchy peanut butter and blackberry jam between two pieces. Also great with cheese. Healthy product. 4671,B000FBM4FI,A223RZBHF5X93G,Eve,0,0,4,1327968000,For those who want the thinnest crispbread,"I discovered these when I moved to Canada a few years back. Before this I had only experienced a thicker Wasa crispbread and was a bi
tt t p puputut t ot ofoffff f???t ft fif?rsrsts?? ?ThThehe e f fef?ele?iningngsgs s d ?isissssosololvl?ede? t tht?? f fi firirsir?st st t ti timi???? a??e ???e e oe ofe of f tf th?ese?????thth th l ?ligli?htht t lt ?aua??ghighiningin? c cocowow w c??heeheeseseese.e. ?? Th The?? a ar arere e ae a a l li litittittltlele e me momorore????popowowdowdedereryry"y"""" "" t th t??n n?I'I'd'd d ld li?keke,e??bubutut ut? th?eyey y cy co???lilimlimemenmentnt t mt ??stst st cst chche??se??s vs ?ververyry ry w wewel?l l w wi w??hohouout?ut out ??ververwverwhwhehelhe?mimining? t? the them them.m.".?4?676727??B0B?00??BMBM4M?FIF?,A,?393979777?CPCPTP?8484T4TDTDRDRFR?,K,KaKaia???u u D ?enentntont??0,0?????131313?57578785856560600?,T,ThTheThe e be bebes?t t ct crc?acackckekerker r??on on e eae?rtr?th!th!,!,","T"Th?The The???tltletle ?sasayaysys ?it? a al allll l -l ? i ifi??yoy?? w wa wanantant ???crcracr?ackackeker??? tha thatat at d do doeo?esnes?'t'?t it inintinte?rfr?ferferere re wre wiwitwithth th tth th?? f fl fla??oror or o??f wf ?whawhatat at yat yo?u'u'r'?re re tre ??ppp?in?ing ing iing itit it wit wiwitwithwith,h, , b, ???????? a ad a?dsd?s as a a da dedeldeliliclicac?ateate e ce crcrucrunu?chch,ch, , t, ?thith?is is? is is s ys yoyou?r r cr<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b
t put off at first. The feelings dissolved the first time I ate one of these with light laughing cow cheese. They are a little more ""powdery"" than I'd like, but they compliment most cheeses very well without overwhelming them." 4672,B000FBM4FI,A3977CPT84TDRF,Kaichu Dento,0,0,5,1315785600,The best cracker on earth!,"The title says it all - if you want a cracker that doesn't interfere with the flavor of what you're topping it with, but also adds a delicate crunch, this is your cracker.<br /><b
rr r / ?>R>ReRecececenentntlt?y y??? a? f ?ririei??dsds s h hohouo?ses? w wew??we?rere e he ?avaviviningng g?sosomomeme e ve ?araririori??s s cs crcraracackckekerersrs s ws wiw?thth h a? a l a lilit??tletle ?bubututtt?????ndnd d w wh wheh?en en?I I a as askskekedked d wd whw??t t tt th??e fe fif?rsrstrs?t ct ?cracracackacke?r r wr wawasas,s, , I I I w wa w?? p prp?resresesense???d d wd wid wit?h h ah a a???? o ???KaK?avlav?li li C CrCri?sps?y y Ty ThThih?in in c crcracraccrackckecker??. . T ThTheTh?e oe ononlnlyly ly? wa way way ?I'I?veve e te trtririeri?ed ed?ththe?m m s?o o f?arar ar i isis ?plplalaiain?, ?bubutbuttttett??eded ?oror r wr wir w??ith ith? ho hom?ememamadadede e ce ?cracrancranbn??errer?y y jy ?ama??ana?nd nd t th the?y'y'r'rere re h ha harardard d td toto o po puputut ut d dodowo?n.n?<b<?r r /r />?<b<br<b?r /r />r /?I ???s ?a ?li??ttltt?e ?sus?rprpr?isiseis?ed ??to to s se seee??e the t?he he??th?therther r rr re??vievi??s ??bribrin?gigining? u upu? t? the the e h????ththfth??? a as?pepecectectst?s os ofof of t th the??se se c cr craracrack?ckerckers?? as as as? th the the the t?wow?o mo ma??in ??reareasasoas?onson?s Is I I lI ?ovo?? t th the them the??soso so m mumucuchch h hh ?havhave?ve nve ??ththith?inging ing ting ?to to dto dodo do? wi w?ithith ith aith ananyanyty?thithinthi?? o
r />Recently at a friends house we were having some various crackers with a little butter and when I asked what the first cracker was, I was presented with a box of Kavli Crispy Thin crackers. The only way I've tried them so far is plain, buttered or with homemade cranberry jam and they're hard to put down.<br /><br />I was a little surprised to see the other reviews bringing up the healthful aspects of these crackers as the two main reasons I love them so much have nothing to do with anything o
?ththeherer r t ththath???whw?ata??I I? wa wanantant ???t ?t oft o? a a a c ?raracackckek?er er - - -?lil?ghghtht,t, , c cr cririsispspyp???exe????e e??ndnd d d ?elelilicli?ioiou?s s f ?lal??oror!r!"!??464676??,B,??0000F00?????I,I?AXAXXXXYXY4Y4O4O0O?2C2??MHMH2H2,2???????keke ke " ??"Ku"Kup?ca?ke?""??,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?,1,121242434??414?6060000,00,U,UlUltl?rara ra? th thih??n wn ??sasa,a,H,HaHara????? f fi f?indind ???n tn ththethe ?sts??re??shs?helhelvlveveses.s. . ?DoDoeoesesnesn'n't't ?t ovt oveverve?r pr popowo?er???thethe the??lalavlavo?rsr?s ys ??? p pup?ut ut o ?? i ?t.t..446467674674,4,B,B0,B0000000?FBFBMFB?M4FM4FIFI,FI,A,A1,A??AFAFVFVUVU6U????9Y9Y1Y?,","R,"R.R. . C. ?ipi?ririari?aniani i "?????"""""??,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,???3434343943?6868080000,00,O00,OHOH H b boboyoy y y ? cr cri cr?ispis?py py? an and and d od ond onlnlyl??505?? ca c?lo?ri?,.,","I,"?I jI juj?stst st t?ri????d thd t?hishis ??cracracackac?kerkers?? an and and and a am am m s?o ?plpleleae?aseasede?.... . T. ??heyhey ?ararear?????y ?veververy? t th thi thinin in b bu but?ut sut ststrstroronongon??enenon??ghgh gh t to to o ho ?olo?d d ad a a sa ??rereare??d. d. A AtAt t ot ont onl?y y 1y 16? c ca cal calolorlorilorieieses es p pe per?er ler lalarlargr?e e ce cr
ther than what I want out of a cracker - light, crispy texture and delicious flavor!" 4673,B000FBM4FI,AXXY4O02CQMH2,"Kupcake ""Kupcake""",0,0,5,1243641600,Ultra thin wasa,Hard to find on the store shelves. Doesn't over power the flavors you put on it. 4674,B000FBM4FI,A10AFVU66A79Y1,"R. Cipriani ""Flo""",0,0,5,1234396800,OH boy crispy and only 50 calories.,"I just tried this crackers and am so pleased.. They are very very thin but strong enough to hold a spread. At only 16 calories per large cr
a??kekere? 3 ?x5x5 5 i inincnchch h s sis?zeze e , , ,???u u r rereae??lyly y?cac?? e enenjnjoj?y y ay ? n ?ici?e e te trt??atat t?foforor r ur ?ndn?er? 5 ?0 0 c ca cal?ororior??s.s? A ? w wowonondndend??fuf????inindin?? fo f?? t tht?oso?e ?ofof f u usus s t?hah?? t????toto o e ea eatat at hat heh???ththythy ??ndnd nd? wi w??th th s?omo??e ce coconontontr??l"l""44646767575,5,B,B0B??00F00FBFBMBM4M?FIFI,I,A,A2A??XIXIFIFWFWNW??7P7?R0R?Q,Q?PaP?atratrir?ickic? E ?. ?MaMara??inin,in??,0,0,,0,4,?,1,121222292989??7676060000,00,K,?AVAVLV?? B BRBREREAEADAD,D,P,Pr,Prorodo?ucu?t ?wawasas s as ?as as d ?desdescscrcriribribebede??. I. ?t t wt wat w?as as sas ????peped? p prproromro??tlt?ly ly??andan????wiwili?ll ll b bebe be c?ononson??mimininging g??t t at asas ?pap??t t ot of? a a a m ?medmedidic?al??ly ly sly susupsu?perpervrvivisise??d dd ?diedietet.t....i.itit it i?????e e o?nlnly?ly bly ?rereareadread d td ??atat ?I'I'm'? a??llollowoweweded.ed..?????,B,B0,B00000000F0FBFBMFBM4M4FM4FIFI,FI,A,A1,A1515656R6RCR?OUO?CACAWAWBW??D,???acacqac??eses es?KuK?kukururur??? " ???acacq?ue?s ?mamaiaisis"is??","?,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,??12?141424?6565656056???????? c??acackackekerkersr?s as ars a?re re a an an n in
acker 3x5 inch size , you really can enjoy a nice treat for under 50 calories. A wonderful find for those of us that try to eat healthy and with some control" 4675,B000FBM4FI,A2XXIFWN87PR0Q,Patrick E. Martin,0,0,4,1229817600,KAVLI BREAD,Product was as described. It was shipped promptly and I will be consuming it as part of a medically supervised is the only bread that I'm allowed. 4676,B000FBM4FI,A156RCOUCAWBLD,"Jacques Kukurudz ""jacques mais""",0,0,5,1214265600,Kavli crackers are an i
???orortr?anantnt t p paparartrt rt o ofof f?mym? d did????"I"I I d????ovovevere?ede? t ?heh??KaKava?lili i? th thihinin n?crc?acackckek?ersers s i inin in p?arariar?is is a ??t "t """"M"?ar?ksks ?& & S SpS?enencn?er?""?? in in n 1n 1919898080 0? an andn?d Kd ??vlvlivli ?hah?s s bs bebeee?en en??in??ce,ce, , " ?""m""mymy my b brbrereareadad"d"""" ??andan?d Id ??waw?as as h ??ppppypy,y???he?????e me momovoveov??? to to o?? the the e Ue USUS S i? in in 1 1919819?7,7??tot?o fo fifinindin?d td ththetheme? a al alslsos?o ho heherhe??.<.<b<br? / ??<b<br<br r? /> />I>I I cI cacanan an s sa sayay y ty ??at? k kakavavlavlili li h ha hasas as bas bebeebeen?????imimp???ta?ntnt nt p pa par pa?rt rt ort ofof of h he h?lplpip?inging g m?e e te toto to k??eepee? m??y wy weweiweigighghth??4???7,?B0B00000?FBF???FIFI,I,A,A1A1A1??TBTBPBP1P1F1?MQMQ2Q2J2J6J6,6,","D,"DaDavaviav?d d Md M.M. . S?eqe?ueu??rara ra??"S"?olo??beibeiti?t""t"""?,2,?,1,?????????00200?88880?0,0,D,DADANA?GEG???,","D,"DO,"DONON'N'T'T T Y YOYOUOU U K KN K?OWOW W?THT?ATAT T ST SUSUGUGAGARAR R I ISIS S TS THTHETH? S SA SANANDAND D O ?F F T TI T?MEM???? S??NCN?E E TE ?THE? I IN INGNGRNGRER??IEI?NTN??S OS ?? K KA K?VLVLIL?I CI ?RIR?ISPISPYPY Y T TH THIH?IN IN W WEWEREREERE ????TET
mportant part of my diet,"I discovered the Kavli thin crackers in paris at ""Marks & Spencer"" in 1980 and Kavli has been since, ""my bread"" and I was happy, when we moved to the US in 1987, to find them also here.<br /><br />I can say that kavli has been an important part of helping me to keep my weight" 4677,B000FBM4FI,A1AQTBP1FMQ2J6,"David M. Sequeira ""Solbeit""",2,13,1,1170028800,DANGER!,"DON'T YOU KNOW THAT SUGAR IS THE SAND OF TIME ? SINCE THE INGREDIENTS OF KAVLI CRISPY THIN WERE LISTE
DD D O ONO? A AMAMAM?ZOZONON,ON?????D TD THTHEH? T TIT??E E IE ??RERECE???VEVEDED D MD MYMY Y??RDR?ERER,R, , , S ?UGU?ARAR R ???S S? AD A???D ?D TOD TO O T?HIHISIS ?PRP?ODO?UCUCTC??? Y ?OUOU U A AR ARE? G ??INI?? T??O GO ??T T I IN? T?RO?UBU?LELE,E??MIM?ISTISTET?ER.ER.".""4?6767878,8???00001001V1VWVWDWDOD?4,4?A3A353?GBGBCBC9C?DGDGUGU1U1N1??RO,RO,","C"C.C. . B. B.B?. R. ReReyeyey?????ililala a " ??cbcbrb?a"a"""""""","?????5,5?,11,1????737?6060000,00?SmSmemelellllsls!s??ItI? i ?s s vs vevereryr? s ststrt??ngn???ndnd d p pup?rere!e! ! y yoyouo? j ?usustst st n ???d d ad a a la lil?ttttltlel? b bib?it it t toto o g geg?t ?a a ga grgre??t ?flf?lavla?oro?. ?HeHel???s ws ?itithith h d ?igigegesge??ioionon on? bu butut t tt ththeh?e se sms?melme?ll ll i is is s ss ststrstro??ng!ng!!!?446467??,B,B0,B?00200??WHWHFHF7F7676,6?,A2,A292?ZSZ???S2S202?S1S1818W8W,W,D,DiD??annan???0,0??,2,2,2???3636036080898?60?0,0,B0,BlBlalanlandnd,nd,","T,"ThThihisis is??eaea a ha hah?s ?NONO ?flflafl??vorvor,r?, t, tatas?teteses es l li?kek??dud?ustust ?ItIt It "?"l"lolooooko???"" "" l?ikikeke ke q ququaualalilitlityt?y -y ?- -? pr pre?tt?y y py ???kak??ge ge - ---- --???t t it it???????gog?
D ON AMAZON, AND THE TIME I RECEIVED MY ORDER, SUGAR WAS ADDED TO THIS PRODUCT. YOU ARE GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE, MISTER." 4678,B0001VWDO4,A35GBC9DGU1NRO,"C. B. Reyes Avila ""cbra""",1,1,5,1179273600,Smells!,It is very strong and pure! you just need a little bit to get a great flavor. Helps with digestion but the smell is strong!! 4679,B002GWHF76,A29ZSKXS20S18W,Dianne,0,0,2,1336089600,Bland,"This tea has NO flavor, tastes like dust It ""looks"" like quality -- pretty package -- but it's no goo
dd.d. . L LiL?ptptotono??rer?gugululalarar r P ?ekekokoeoe e i isi??fafar??r r sr sus??ere?ioioror.r?""44646868080,0?B0B0000202G2GWGWHWHFHF7F?6,6,A,??4V4VIVIUIUMUMFM?BOBO2O2Q2Q6Q6,6,P6,PaPata?riricrickck k???. M. McM??ababebe,e,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,???07079796968?0000,00,P,Pe?rfr?ece?t t? fo for? I IcI?e e Te TeT?a,a,",??o o o oko?ayay,y? I I I d dodon?'t'??dodo do???t t tt tet??? B ?UTU? t ???is is? is is s as a a?peperpe?rferf?ectect ?????e ?leleaeafeaf f t??ea ea f? for for ?icice?? t??a.a. ? A AmAm m I I ?anan ?exe?peperpertper?t at atat at I Ic Icece ce?Te?a?a?? N ??, ???t ?t aft aftfte?r r mr mom??iningng g t to to ?ththethe e Se ?SouSoututhuth h s sos???e 2e 252??yeyea?rsr?s a?gogo,? I I I h I hah?vev?e te tat??tetedted ?lo?tsts s os ?f f if ?iceic???teteate??anandand d td thd thi?s ?s ons onen?e me mamakakekese?s as ass as s gs ??odod d ad ?as as y yo youou u c cacancan ??in???d and anynywy?heh?ereer?. . . I. I I w ?ilillll l s??? t?hahatha?t mt mo?st? r re r?eciec?ipeip?es es? I I c I cocou??d ?fi??d d md ?usu?st st hst hahavhave? b bebeebe??n fn fon f?or ?so?meme me? ch cheheaheapap p t?? tea tea b ba b????(w(wew?eakeak,k, , s, sosom???whawh?at ??tastaststestelelelesle??s a?ndnd nd??iti??terter)ter),), ?, so, so
d. Lipton regular Pekoe is farrr superior." 4680,B002GWHF76,AM4VIUMFBO2Q6,Patrick L. Mccabe,0,0,5,1320796800,Perfect for Ice Tea,"So okay, I don't do hot tea; BUT this is a perfect loose leaf tea for iced tea. Am I an expert at Ice Tea? No, but after moving to the South some 25 years ago, I have tasted lots of iced tea and this one makes as good as you can find anywhere. I will say that most recipes I could find must have been for some cheap tea bags (weak, somewhat tasteless and bitter), so
II I e exexpx?ere??memenentnteteded d a ? l liliti?tltlele e? an andnd ???????? g grgrer?ata? r rerecre?ipipepe pe f ?forfo? t ththih?? l lo looo???e le ?lealeafaf f? te t?ea.ea?? T ?heh?e re rerecrecirecip?e e ie ?is is 1 1/1?4 4 c cucupup p t te tea tea ?toto o 8 8 8 c cu cupupsups s ws . B ?ririnringng g? th t?? w ??teterter r tr to? a??boboio?? t ta t?keke ?e ite i?t ot ofofff???thethe e he ?heaheat?, ,?puputut t tt ?the? t? tea? i inin,n, , l, ?letlet t it ?it it s ???epep p fp fo?for for N NON? M ?ORO?E E T?HAH???5 5 m ?in??uteutese??anand?nd snd st?raraiain?? in int??o ao a a ca coconont??ainainener???, le, lete?t ct cocooco?l ??to ?????? te tem tempm?perpe?ratratutururere re a??d d rd rerefre?ririgri?ereraerat??. . ????yoyou? a ar a????in in ain a ???urrurryry,y, , f, ??illil??a a ga glglalasa????it?h h? ic icece ?anandan?d pd ?ouourou???hehe ?te???ovo?er? t th the the e i?ce?. . ??ThiThisis is wis ??rkr????gregreaeateat t ft ?forfor for tfor th?isis is pis papara???cu??larla?r lr lol?oosoosese se l le leaeafeaf f t?eaea ea?- - n ???t st ststrstrostr?ongon?, ?nonotnot t wt ?eaeakeak.k?. . O. ?h ?yeyes??, i, ifif ?f yof y??ou lou lilikli?ke ke s??weeweetet et t te tea tea, tea, ?adadddd ?ththethe the sthe susugugagar?? to t
I experimented a little and found a great recipe for this loose leaf tea. The recipe is 1/4 cup tea to 8 cups water. Bring the water to a boil take it off the heat, put the tea in, let it steep for NO MORE THAN 5 minutes and strain into a container, let cool to room temperature and refrigerate. If you are in a hurry, fill a glass with ice and pour the tea over the ice. This works great for this particular loose leaf tea - not strong, not weak. Oh yes, if you like sweet tea, add the sugar to