?cocomo??gpgp/p/p/?????ctc?/B/????6G6G5G5454O4OUO?"""">">B>??ststeterer r F FoF?odod od C CuCububebe e L ?arargrgeg?e Se SiSizizeze e (e ?CoC????s s M MaMaya????aryary)y)<)</<?a>a> > a ana?d d?shs?e e ce cacanan'an???waw?itit t ft ?oror or?memeae?ltl?imime??eve??eryery ?daday?!<!?brbr ??><><b<br<br r /r />r />W>WeWe e ge ?otot t ht he?r r fr frf??m m???he he s?hehelheltltelterer er w wh w?herherehere e se sh?e ?wa?s ?onon n?ScSciciei?ncncec?e De DiDieietiet.t. .??he??hah?d ?a a? to tonon on o ofo?? sk s??n n in ?ssssusueuese?s (s ?fo?rmrme?rlrlyly ?ha??d fd ?leleaeaseas,s, , p ?atatctchche?s s os ofs of f bf bab?areare e se ske s?kinkin,n, , i, ititcit?chychy y dy dry dryry ?sks??kin,kin?, a, anandand ?dadandand?rurufuffff f ff flflaflakakekeses)es).). ?SiSinSinc?e ?e wee w?e ce che cha?ngngegedged d od ovoveverver r tr toto o??ewe?mamanan'?s,s, s, t??he he she skskisk?? p??robroblb?lemle?s s hs hahavhave????momosostst st g gogongonene ?awawawayway.y?. I. ItIt't?s s bs be?en? a ab a?ououtut t 2t 2 2 m??ontonth???anand? s? she she e he hahashas ?s hes her?er fer ?urur ??ro?wiw?inging g b babacba???in???theth?e pe prproprobo?bleblemem m am arareareaareasas,s, s, ss, sh?? h ?hashas has l ??ssss ss??dandanddandrd??ff? a an a?nd nd I I'I'v'?ve ??ototiotici??d d a? l?
com/gp/product/B0006G54OU"">Buster Food Cube Large Size (Colors May Vary)</a> and she can't wait for mealtime every day!<br /><br />We got her from the shelter where she was on Science Diet. She had a ton of skin issues (formerly had fleas, patches of bare skin, itchy dry skin, and dandruff flakes). Since we changed over to Newman's, the skin problems have almost gone away. It's been about 2 months and she has her fur growing back in the problem areas, she has less dandruff and I've noticed a lo
tt t??esesss? s scscrc??tctchchih????frfror?m m??erer r i inin in g gegenenenereraeralal.l? O OuOurur ?dodogog g tg ???ininein?er er s sa saia?d d i it i?t wt waw???mom???t lt lil?kekelelyly y d dudueu? t ?o o t th thehe he c ?chach??ngenge e ie inin in din ?iei?t.t.<.<b<?r r /r ?><><b<br<b?????erer er Ber BMB??s as ararer??sosolo?lidlid ?anandand ?vever?y ??regre?ulu? y ay arareare e ae alalsalso? n non?t t pt paparartartitici?ul?ararlar?ly ly? sm smem? I. I I h ha h?veve ve n?eveveverver ???melmelllle?d ???y y gy gagasas as??roromro?m hm ?herher r s?inincincece e pe ?utu?titinti?ng ng h?erer ???? th?e e fe fof?odod.d. ?. Th. The?sese e ae are arere re a al?l l????nsns s ts ththah?at at? sh shehe he ihe isi???on on? a a g??reareatat ?didiedietet!et!<!<b<br??/>/></>???<br /<br ?/>A/>?lslsoso,so???I lI lolovove?ve tve th?e e se sue s?bsbscscrscrir?bebe ?e fee f?at??ureur??bebecbecacauausu??? I I d do donon'on't't t ht ha??ve ve tve tove t?o lo ?ugu???heahe?avyavy ???gsg???f f d? dog dog g fg ?foofo?? f??om? m ?y y cy ?carca?r tr toto to? my m?y 3y 3r3???flfloloolo?r ?apapaparpartrtmtmemenmentnt!t!"!???7878080,0?B0B0000101313939T9TTTT7T727?,A,A3A3L3L1L??WRWR2R?X3X3C3CHCHYHYFYF,F,B?ar?babarbarara ra?W.W.,.,9,?,1,101?0,10,?,1,13,1?161
t less scratching from her in general. Our dog trainer said it was most likely due to the change in diet.<br /><br />Her BMs are solid and very regular. They are also not particularly smelly. I have never smelled any gas from her since putting her on the food. These are all signs that she is on a great diet!<br /><br />Also, I love the subscribe feature because I don't have to lug heavy bags of dog food from my car to my 3rd floor apartment!" 4780,B00139TT72,A3L1TWR2X3CHYF,Barbara W.,9,10,1,1316
9999959525202??,B,BaB?d d b babatatct?h h?mamadadead?? my m? d dod?g g s sisici?k,k???e'e?vev??beb?ene? f ?eeeedeedidiningng ????? f?ooo??d td ?o o o ouo???whwheh?atateaten? t ?ererrrririeierer er?? for for ?a a y ?eaearea?, , w wi w?thth th???ppp?y y ry rer??ulultl?s ?- - u ununtntitili??lalasasts?????esdes?ayay,y, , w, wh?enen en men ?y y ly lalatlate?stst st s su s?bsb??ri?bebe-be-a-anandnd-d-s-sasavaveve ve b ba b?g ?wawasas as????eneeneded:d: :? my? d do d?og og s??arartrte??d t?hrhrorowo?iningin?g ug upup p? du dururiurininging ing??he??ninigighg?t ?afaftfteterter ?eaeateatitinting?? fr froromro? t th thi thisis is? ne n?w w?? bag bag.g. . O ?n ?th??e fe fif?rsrst?st nst ninigni????, I, ??????ureur?ed ed? sh she??d d ed ea?eateeatenen en sen sosomo?eteththith???ing bing ba?d ?ofoffff f t th??e se st? . O. OnOn On t th the the the? se sececocono?? n??ighight??, I? f fi fig fi?urure?d d id ?it it??asas as tas ththethe the l??ing????inging ing eing efeff?ecectec??? of o?f ef ea??in?ing ing sing sosomso?metmeth??ngng ng bng babad?? of off of?f tf th??the sthe st?strestr?eeteet.t. . O. On. On n tn thn the?he the ththithirthi?d ?ninignighnig?ht,ht, ht, I I ??stast???ted?? lo l??kik?inging ing fing fof???oto??therthe?r cr cacaua???es es f???? th?
995200,Bad batch made my dog sick,"We've been feeding this food to our wheaten terrier for a year, with happy results - until last Tuesday, when my latest subscribe-and-save bag was opened: my dog started throwing up during the night after eating from this new bag. On the first night, I figured she'd eaten something bad off the street. On the second night, I figured it was the lingering effects of eating something bad off the street. On the third night, I started looking for other causes for the
n ?igi?hthttttitimimeme e?????hih?ngng,g, , a anandnd d?I I??eaeala?izizezeded ?ththah?t t?th?e e ve ???iti??ngng ng h hahadhad d sd ststatarartrteteded ed o ono? t?heh??sasama?me me d ?ayay y a as as s w wew?'d'?d sd std s?tartartrterteded ?ththe? n ne newew w?babaga?????ststost???ed?ed fed ????in?? t??e e de ?ogog g tg ?the?the Nthe NeNew?mam?an'an's'?s Os OwO?n ?anandan?d td thd the? v vovomvomimitmi??tingting g sg ?stostopsto?ppeppeded ed fed foed f?r r?? n ni n?ighighthtsht?. . L. LaL?stst st n ni?ghghtght,t, ?I ?fefedfe?d hd ?herhe??ththe?the fthe ?oooodod d ad agagaagaia??, ?anandand and? su surure? e enenon????, , s, shshe??th?rerewre?w uw upu? i in? t th the the the n?? nigh<.<b<brbr ????<br<br ?r />r />I>I I tI trtrurusust?eded ed aed anand??li?kekeded ed ted thed thihishis s fs fofoofoodod od - - - a?ndnd nd??llll l t th?iningingsing?s us unundndenderer ?r thr the??Ne??mamanma??'s 's O OwOwnOwn n bn br?anandand and -and - - b- ??t t it i'i'l'?ll ll n ne nev nevever? b bu buyu?y ty ththetheithe?r r pr ?rorod?ucuctctsts ?agaga? . T. ThT?heyhey ?clclel?earea?lyly y hy ?havha?ve ve a a a d da dan?geg?eroerou???quq???it?y ?y coy con?trtrotrolo?l pl prproproboblble??.".?44747878181,1,B,B0B000?131393?TTTT7T7272,2,A,A3A??KJKJSJ???2V2V2V?BJBJEJE,E,","R"?obobeob??t
nighttime retching, and I realized that the vomiting had started on the same day as we'd started the new bag. I stopped feeding the dog the Newman's Own and the vomiting stopped for 2 nights. Last night, I fed her the food again, and sure enough, she threw up in the night.<br /><br />I trusted and liked this food - and all things under the Newman's Own brand - but i'll never buy their products again. They clearly have a dangerous quality control problem." 4781,B00139TT72,A3IKJSWU2V2BJE,"Robert
RR.R. . R ??peperer r " """?DJD?RoRobobXbX"X?"""""",",6,6,6,6??5,5,1,??525282808?00?0000,00?ThThih?? f fofoooodo? i isis is?woworo?kikini?? s ???ckckikinki???y y w we wele?l l f??? o ??????lleller???y py prp?ono?e e p ??g.g??"W"?e e he ?avavev?e ae a a p??ug ug?ththa?t t s?ufuffffef?ersers ??ro???chchrh?ronroninicic c e ?arar r ir ininfin???titioion?s s as anandn?d sd skskikinkin kin??rorobroblblel???. ??WeWe'We??? c co c?onsonsionsisististet?ntn?ly? k ?epeptpt t ht hihimhim m om ?on on e ex e??penpe?sis??ve ?brb??andandsd?s ts ththathata?t at ?areare ?wewelellel?l kl knknonowo?n n?? for for r hr ?havha?in?g g gg ???d d id iningingring??did??ententst?s ls lil?keke ke C ?al?ifi?forfornr???a Na ?atatuat?urauralal,al, , C??hichickckecken? S SoSou?? f fo? for for t th t?e e de ??g g lg ?ovo??r'r?s ???ouloul,l, ?RoRoyRoyayal? C???inin,in?, a, an?? a a ?coc??ouploup?le le??th?er?? t? tha th???? c ca canan'an't'??re??em?beb?er er??ff?? th??e te totopo?p op ofof f?mym?y hy heheaheada?.<.<b<br? / />/><><b??r /r />/>M/>?y y My MoMomom ??icickickekedked d ud ??p tp ??isis is Nis NeNewewmwmamanan'an'san'??s fos foooodood ood b ?becbecacauaususese ?iti??wawasa?s as avs avav?????bleble e a?t t tt th?the the?grgro?
R. Raper ""DJRobX""",6,6,5,1252800000,This food is working shockingly well for our allergy prone pug.,"We have a pug that suffers from chronic ear infections and skin problems. We've consistently kept him on expensive brands that are well known for having good ingredients like California Natural, Chicken Soup for the dog lover's soul, Royal Canin, and a couple others that I can't remember off the top of my head.<br /><br />My Mom picked up this Newman's food because it was available at the groc
eereryr???tot???. .???heh?y ?lolovoveve e t ththe??fof??d,d, ,???t t w ?hah???rereareala?lyl?y sy susuru?prpririsi?eses s?meme e ie is? t?hahathat t ht ?is?is eis ?ararsr?s as ?ndnd d s sk s?inin n h ??ve? i ?mpm?proprov?eded ?drd?amamam??? . . H HiHis?is sis st??ooloo?s ?s ars arere re a ?alsalsoso o? mu mucuchch h f fi f??me?? a an a?? w wa wayay ?y ley l??s s ss st?in?kyky y ty ?thathan? b be b???? . . T. ThThiThisis is fis ?foofoodod od s??ememsm?s ls lil?keke e ae ? r ?rea?l l w wi wininnin??? f fo f?or or??s.s.".""4?787828??B0B000?131?9T9TTTT7T?2,2,A2,A6A?L6L6A6ADADVDVQV?QIQ?FLFLLLL,L,L,L.L??ChChihichicacarca?????141???7,7,5,5,5?,12,121214?171?9292020000,00,t,?theth?e be bebesestest t t o ?orgor??anian?ic ic??????yoy?u u c ??n ?fefeeeedeed ?yo?ur? f fu f?ur ur bur babababib?e,e,",?sisinincin?e e we wew?e b?egegagangan ?ususiusin?g g t? thi th?is is s??ve??ralral ?yeyea??? a?gog??ouourour r sr ?sense?ioioror ?dodogo???raraera?ly??neneeneed? t to to o vo viv?isiisitit t tt ??the the v vevetvet.t?. W. ?hehenhe??we? w we werereer??fefeefeedediedin?ing ing a a a????ll ll k knknonowow w p prprepr?emiemiuiumum m???tstststo?rere re bre brbraranrand?nd nd ? we we we w? wer werere ?ththe?rere
ery store. They love the food, but what really surprises me is that his ears and skin have improved dramatically. His stools are also much firmer and way less stinky than before. This food seems like a real winner for us." 4782,B00139TT72,A6L6ADVQQIFLL,L. Chicarell,14,17,5,1214179200,the best organic food you can feed your fur babie,"since we began using this several years ago our senior dogs raely need to visit the vet. When we were feeding a well know premium petstore brand we were there
aatat t????stst ?? t titimi???eve?ereryry y s sisixi? w ?eee?ksks.s. .??heheyey ?lol??? t th the the ?tat??tete e oe ?f f?nen?wmwmamana?s s?itit t kt kekeeeepeepsps s ts ?heheiheirir r t tu tumummmmymy y iy inin n??ipip p t?opop p sp shs??pep?. . N. NON? m ?oro???fofoooodod d a ?lelerle?gigieieses.s. s.?NoN?? mo mor??e ve vovomo?it?in?g,g? M MaM?dede e we wiwitithith h b ???lsls s &s ? e ev evavan?s s cs ??icickckekenken n tn th?e ?sasama?? c ??icickic?kenken ken s?olo?d ??at at? wh w?ololeol?e fe foe f?oodoo??s &s & s &?oto?the?r r or ororgorgag??icic ic f ?foofood? s se s?ellel?lerlerslers.s. s. Is. IfIf f if ?itsits ?gog?oodood ood e en enonouo??h h fh ?forfo????ou,ou, , i, itit'it's's s g?oo?ood ??nonounoug?h ?h foh foror or?? the??. . A. AlA?ll ll M Mr Mr r Nr NeN?ewmew??ns???rorofofiofititsits its g gogo go t? to to a?nin?imaimalal al s sh shehelheltl?terter ?anandand d rd reresrescscucueu?e oe ore o?rgargan?anizanizaz???ono?. . G. GiGivi?ve ve tve ththith??s fs fo??d d 1d 121? w we weeeekee??? se see see ?e the the? i?mpmpr?ov?ememe?mnmntnt t yt yoyouyourursrsesel??.".""4474787838?,B,?0000101313939T9TTT?7272,2,A,A3A3232Q2?C7C7E7?LTLT5T5M5MIMI3I3F3??DaDararcrcycy,y,4,4,4?,4,,4,3,3,?12?888?656565??000000,0,M,??y dy dodogog g??s s ns nonotnot ?imimpim?prepresessessesedse
at least 1 time every six weeks. they love the taste of newmans it keeps their tummy in tip top shape. NO more food alergies. No more vomiting, Made with bells & evans chicken the same chicken sold at whole foods & other organic food sellers. If its good enough for you, it's good enough for them. All Mr Newmans profits go to animal shelter and rescue organization. Give this food 12 weeks see the improvememnt yourself." 4783,B00139TT72,A32QC7ELT5MI3F,Darcy,4,4,3,1288656000,My dog is not impressed
,??I I r rereaeala??y y w wawana?t t t ?o o l lil??e e? th t??? p prprorodo?ucuctct t bt bebececacauausu?e e oe ?? t th the the ??rereareatat t tt tht?hinhingngsg?s Ns ??wmw??an'an's'?s hs hahava?e e de ?ono??e ae ???? th the the the?fafaca?? t th tha that? a alallall l t th the? the p the pr???eee?dsds ?gogo o to toto to c ?haharha?iti?y.y??I I lI liliklike? t th the the the f the fafacfa???ththath?at at tat th?e e ie ??ngrng?redre??enent??s as ararere re a al a?ll ll???p p????alialitityity y ay ??and and?ororgrgag?anian?c.c. . I. ItI?t lt lol?okoksks ?s ans andnd d sd ?mem?ll?s s g?oooodoo??to???. U. ?nfnfofor??ununanatateatel??, ,?nonononeone ?e ofe o?f tf ththith???mamatmattttet??s s ts ?to ?mymy y dy dodogdo??DaDaia?isyis???ShS??e je jujus??t dt ?doedoesesnsn'n't't t ct ??rere re fre ?forfor r i ? . U?susua?ll??y sy shshehe he? wi wilillll ll sll snsnisnififfff f if ?? a an and? w wa walalkalk k a aw awawayway.y. y. Oy. ?ncnce???shesh???rearealrea?lizlizez?es es n??th???? e ?elselse? i is i?s cs ?omomim?????herher r wr ??way way s?hehe ?wiwilillil?l ul ususuusuaualuallual?? e?at?at iat it??bubutut t It I I fI fef???l bl ??d ?d sid sinincin?ce ?shshe? o ob obvbvivioiouo?uslus?ly ly dly do?doesdoesnsn'sn?'t 't c??areare ??for? i it it.t. . L. LiL?ikeike e Ie I I sI ??aidaid,d?
,"I really want to like this product because of the great things Newman's have done and the fact that all the proceeds go to charity. I like the fact that the ingredients are all top quality and organic. It looks and smells good too. Unfortunately, none of this matters to my dog Daisy. She just doesn't care for it. Usually she will sniff it and walk away. Once she realizes nothing else is coming her way she will usually eat it but I feel bad since she obviously doesn't care for it. Like I said,
I? r rereaealallllyly y??anantnt t t ?o o l lilikikeke e? th thihisis s p prprorododud??t,t???utut ?mymy ???g g h hahasa??ththehe e fe ?ini??al al?sasayay.y. .?SaSadadldlyly,ly?, I, I ?do??'t'?t tt ?thithininkin??I ?wiwilillll ll??uyuy y iy ??t at ???""4474787?4,4,B,B0B0000101313939T9??727?,A,APAPIP?5J5JLJ?BRBRTR??FIFININ,N??NSNSuSududhd???4,??4,44,4,4,4?121212??636363686?0000,00,A,Al,Allllallayaysays s ms mymy my?cocono?????s s os ?vev?? w wh w?hathat ?I I fI ?eee?d d o ououru? f fi?rsrstst t bt bab??y,y,",?OuOurur ur? co cocockcke?r ?sps???iei???is? n nonowow w? ne nea?rlr?ly ly 1 1010 10 y yey?earearsear??s ols oldl?, , a, anandand d td ththeth?e se sos?lilidli?d gd gog?oldold ???odod od I I' I?d d bd bebeeeenee?????didininging ?hihimhi? s su s?uddudded???ly ??hahanhangngegeded ed? it i?s s fs foforformrmumululalata??onon on??veverver ?a a y?eaearear ear??agoag?(w(wiwitwithth th n no no ??notno?ticticece ce o??n tn ththethe the??acackckack??ininging)ing),), , a, an, andnd d hd ?? b be b??amameme e s?ububjbjejecectect t t??o uo ununen??plplalailainineineded ed sed ststostomo?ac?h h u ?psp?ete??. . . A AfA?tet?er er ter ththe?the cthe ?concont?amamiam?inainatateat?ed ed fed ?foofoodod od sod scscacarcare??eveve?n n t?hoho o So SoSololiol??????? w
I really want to like this product, but my dog has the final say. Sadly, I don't think I will buy it again." 4784,B00139TT72,API5JLBRT6FIN,KNSudha,4,4,4,1210636800,Allays my concerns over what I feed our first baby,"Our cocker spaniel is now nearly 10 years old, and the solid gold food I'd been feeding him suddenly changed its formulation over a year ago(with no notice on the packaging), and he became subject to unexplained stomach upsets. After the contaminated food scare even tho Solid Gold w
aasa? n ??? r ????llllel?d,d??I I d ded?eciecidi?dedded d t tot? s swswiw?tct??, ?anandn?d td ?hihisis ?foforo???lal?tit??n n i ?is is?pepererfr??ectect t ft fo?? h hi?m m t to t?o no nonotnot ??aiainin n tn to?o o mo ?mucmuch?????ghghtht.t. . N NeNewewmwmamanan'an?s s os owownw?n in isis is ais a a?brb?anandan?d Id ?I tI to?tatalallal?y y? tr t??sts?t at an?? h?avaveve e b bo b??ghghtght t st ????ksks s fs fos for? m ?y ?huhumu???n bn babababyby y ay as?? we w?llll ll f foforfor for y yeyeaeararsrs.s?. . A AfAftftet?er er a ???yeaye?ar ar o onon on t?hihishis s f?s foos foodod,d, d, m my my y dy ??? i is i??do?iningin?g fg ?ininein?, , b, ???t It I ?dodo do n no nototioticicec?e ae ?a na neneeeeded ed? to to to??upuppp???memenentnt ??witwithth th f fi f?ishish h o oi oili???oror or aor a a ha heh?ealealtl??iei?er ???at?. . ???atat at? ma maya?y by ???e age a?e e re ??la??tedted d ad ?as ?wewelwellll.ll?. . B. BuB?? t? the th?e se ?stost?ma??ch ?upupsupses?tst?s hs hahavha?ve ve s?totoptoppppepp?ed.ed?. . A. ?ndnd nd I I I f fe feeeeleel ?bebetbe?te?r r kr knk???winwingng g Ig I I aI ?m m nm nonotnot not?exexpx??sisininging ing h hi h?m ??to to? ad addddid?itiitioionionanalnal l pl ?pespeststisticiciicidideideses ?anand?and hand ?or??ononeones?? by b?y gy gog?in??ing ming
as not recalled, I decided to switch, and this formulation is perfect for him to not gain too much weight. Newman's own is a brand I totally trust and have bought snacks for my human baby as well for years. After a year on this food, my dog is doing fine, but I do notice a need to supplement with fish oil for a healthier coat. That may be age related as well. But the stomach upsets have stopped. And I feel better knowing I am not exposing him to additional pesticides and hormones by going m
o?sts??? o ?rgrgag?nin?c c w wiw?thth h?th?isis s f foforormormum?lala.a?""4474787?5,5,B,?000?131??TTTT7T727???1Z1ZSZSZSZZZZPZP1P1C1CRCR2R2W2W1W?R,R,S,ShShaharariri,i,3,?,3?,5,?5,15,13?08087878??72072??,N,NeNewewmwmamanan'an's'?s Os OwOwnw? O ?rgrgarg?anianic??s Ds DoD?g g F FoFooo?d,d,","I"I I s swswi?tct?heheded d m mymy y my mimini?ni-ni-S-??chachauauzuzezerersrs ??vever?? to to o N ?NewNewmwmawman??s ?s Ows Ownwn wn O Or Orgrgarganrga?nicnicscs ?a a m??ntn???agagog?o wo whw??n n tn ththeth????ama?e e o of offff f? of of of t?he?irir r p ?upuppppypy y cy chy chohowo?. . I ?'v'veve ve?bebeee??????kik??g g fg fo??r ar a a ga ??od? q ?????ityity ?dodog? f fo foooodood d (d (r(rar??ed? 4 4 4 s st statararsars ??y y d?ogogfogfofoofood?adadvdviv?isois?or.or.c.??m)m) )??itithithohouhoutut t g ?goigoining? i ?intintot?o do ?ebebtb??pu?rcr?chachascha?in??ing iing ??? I I ?wawasas ?fef?eedeedid?inging ing ting ththethemthe??? d ??ffffeff???entent t bt brbraranra??d td ththathat? w wa wasas as?""""b"?brebr????sps?ece???ic????? foo foodod,od, ,? bu butut ut? wa was was s hs hahavhavi?ngng g tg trtror?ubu?lel??trtrytryiyining?ing ting toing to ?fi?nd????t it ?in in s? sto stocockck k a??ywywh??ere??? A A A f fe fewew ew p?la?cecese
ostly organic with this formula." 4785,B00139TT72,A1ZSZZP1CR2W1R,Shari,3,3,5,1308787200,Newman's Own Organics Dog Food,"I switched my mini-Schauzers over to Newman's Own Organics a month ago when they came off of their puppy chow. I've been looking for a good quality dog food (rated 4 stars by without going into debt purchasing it! I was feeding them a different brand that was ""breed-specific"" food, but was having trouble trying to find it in stock anywhere. A few places
,, ,??f f??heh???cacararrrririeieded d? it i???t t at alallll,l, ?ononlnlyly y cy ?carcarrrrirr?iedied d td ??e e????y ??mam?allal? b babagagsgs s ( ?2.2.5.? l lblbsbs)s) )??ndn??wiw?th? t??o o?dodogogs?, ??nen??ba?g g?wowouwoululdld d ld lalasastst t at abt abob????3 3?- -??5 d5 dadayaysys.s. . P PlP?usu?s ts ththe?sese e le lilitittit?lele e 2e ??5 ? cs cocosostst st m momororere ?ththath?? h hahalalfalf f wf whwha?t t tt ththethe the? la larargar?erer er 1 1010 0 l lb l??. b. ba. b?ag ag c cocoscost?? I I I??????? to to o mo mamakmakeke e ae an? a ar arr?anangangegemge?ene??t tt tot to o ho hahavha?? o ononeon?e oe ofo??th?the ?plp?lacla???s os or?ded??er ter ththethe the lthe ?larlargrge?r r b???ag fag fof?? m me me,e?, b, bub?ut ut t????y c?ononvonvevenveninieienie?ntlnt?ly ly " ?"f"fo?rg?otot"t"""" "" t? to to??plapl?cece ce? th?e ??rdr?derder,r, , s, ?o ?I I wI waw?? s ?stust?ckck k p???chcha?sisiningng g tg th??the rthe riridrididici?ululoul?ousouslslyly ?momormorere re??xpxpepenensen?sivsiveve ve sve ?smasmalallall all b? bag . . T ThThe??n In ??heheahe?ardar?d ad aba?bouboutut ut Nut ?ewewmwmamanman'n????wnwn ?OrOrg?ananianicicsics,s, , w, whwhiwhicichich h i????atateat?ed ed aed a a b be b?ttt?er????g ??foofoodod
, if they carried it at all, only carried the very small bags (2.5 lbs) and with two dogs, one bag would last about 3 - 5 days. Plus these little 2.5 lb. bags cost more than half what the larger 10 lb. bag cost! I tried to make an arrangement to have one of the places order the larger bag for me, but they conveniently ""forgot"" to place the order, so I was stuck purchasing the ridiculously more expensive small bags. Then I heard about Newman's Own Organics, which is rated a better dog food
tththahanan n???? " ?"b"brbrereeeeded-d-s-spspepece?ififif?c"c""? f ?ooo?d d I I I?waw?s s u ususisini?g g a anandan?d cd ?oso?? $ $$$$$? l ?esessss!s? ?AnA?d ????n n In ??didisiscscocovcovevere??d d td thd thahatha?t It I ??couco??d ?bub?y y t th t?isis is f fo foooodood d ad atat t At ?mamazazoz?n.n.c.cocomcom,m, ,??havhaveve ve i itit t st ?hihiphippppepedped d od on? a a a??regregugululaularar r?babas?isis is tis toto o??y ?hohomo?e e we wiwitithith h n ??o so shshishipippppippin?g ??coscoststssts ??andand and? a ?didisdi??ouo??t t ot onon on ton ??the the???odod od f???r sr si?gng???? u up u? f fo for for for???e e se susububsb?scrscriripiptip?ioionon ?plplalanan an?dedelelil?ve?ryry y -y ? n????brabr?inineinerer!er!!!! ! ! N NoNo o mo momoro?re re r ru rununnun???? o ououtout t ot oft of f f? foo food food,d?, n, nono no m?or?e ?drd?rivrivivining?ing 5ing ?0 0 m?ililelesles ?oror or???re?re tre ?to to? fi f???d id ??, ??o o mo moo mororeore ore? ha hasassassesel??s!<s!<b<brbr br?/>/?<b<br<br r /r />/>A/>AnAndAnd d bd bed besestes???andand ?momosmostst st? im impm?orortor??antantltlyly y oy ofo??alallll,l, ?mymy my l?it???e e ge ??ysys s Ls ?OVOVEVE E I??!!?? T ThTheheieirir r sr str stotootoolo?s ??firfirmr??d ?upup p ap ?almalmomos??t it imi?memed?iaiatateat?elyely y ay
than the ""breed-specific"" food I was using and cost $$$ less! And then I discovered that I could buy this food at, have it shipped on a regular basis to my home with no shipping costs and a discount on the food for signing up for the subscription plan delivery - no brainer!! No more running out of food, no more driving 50 miles or more to find it, no more hassels!<br /><br />And best and most importantly of all, my little guys LOVE IT!! Their stools firmed up almost immediately a
fftftet?r r s ststatarartrtitini?g g t ththehe e? sw swiwiti?chc?ovo?erer,er, ,???heyhey y s?eeeemem m m mom?rere e ae acactctitivtive??, m, momormo?re re a alaleler?t,t?, m??oreore e re re?gug???ar ar a an andn? t th the theye?y ay ?actactutuaualallallyl?y cy ?chechewe? t th??s s f ??odod d (d (t(?thetheyey ey i ??hahal?ede??ththe?iri?r pr pup???y y cy chy c???w ww wi?ththoth?utut t c chche?wiwinwing??? I I I c?anan'n?????y ??nonouougou?h h g ?oo?d ??hihin??s ?ababobououtou??bobotboth????ewmew????s ??wnwn n a an and and d Ad AmAmamazma??n'n'sn'?s ss susububsb?crcrir?ptp?tiotionon on?dedelelil?veverve?y y sy seserervervivicicece!e!"!""4?787?6,6??000010131?9T9?T7T7272,2,A,A1A1Q1QHQ?TYTYKYKFKFVF??G6G6I6?D,D?RoR??in??3,3?,3,,3???1313013030323??76760600??ThThihishi?s is isis is t th the the the b ??stst st d do dogo?g fg fofoofo?? o ououtout out t th the ther there??!,!,",?I ?hahavhaveve ve a? d da dac??shs???nd.nd. .???I h?avaveve ?fef???he?r ?NeNewNewmwmamanman'?? O ?OwnOwn n Sn ??enien?or? F FoF?ormor?ululaula a f fo f??or tor ??the the p papasast?st fst fefewfe?w yw yeyeaear?s.s?? I I I?ususesedse?d t?o o f fe f?eedee?d hd ?????ukukakananuan?ubauba,a, , b, ?ut? t th the then then ??hehenhen n tn ?thethertherere re wre wawasas as t th tha thata
fter starting the switchover, they seem more active, more alert, more regular and they actually chew this food (they inhaled their puppy chow without chewing!) I can't say enough good things about both Newman's Own and Amazon's subscription delivery service!" 4786,B00139TT72,A1QHTYKFV9G6ID,Robin,3,3,5,1303257600,This is the best dog food out there!!,"I have a dachshund. I have fed her Newman's Own Senior Formula for the past few years. I used to feed her Eukanuba, but then when there was that
???ete? f fofoooodod d?scs?ara?? w wiwiti?? C ChChihininan?, ,?I I s?tatarartartetede?d td toto o i ?invin?eseststitigigagatatete te???d d fd ?foufounund? o ououtut t tt ththath???EuE?kak?anuan?baba a?coc??ta?in?eded ed?th???sasama?e e ue ??dedesesiesirirarabablb???chc?hichickckekenen n??arart?s s? as as s ts ?the?? ch c???peperper r d ?ogog g??oo??s.s?? I I I w wa wasasnsn'n??t ht ??appap?y.y?????co?nt??ctctetedted d Nd NeN?wmw?anan'an's's s as ababoab?outout t wt ?hehetheththe?r ?th?the the pthe prp?ododuoducuctctscts s is ?in in? th t???s fs fofoofoodod od a ar a?? s so souourou?cec??ed fed frf?romro??? the th?e Ue ?.S.S.S. . a. anandand d Id ?I wI waw?? t to t?ldld d bd ?y y o on o??e oe ?f f? th? thei the?ir ir s sc scicieienenten?tisti??s ??hahathat ?t tht the?y y ay arareare.e. ?. R. ReRecececence?ntlntlyl???I I mI mom?ve?d d ad ?and? w wa?s s us ununaunabablab?le le t to to to g geg?? N ??wmwmawmanan'an'san'?s ls lolococacalcallllyly,ly?, s, ??o Io ?I tI ?rir?iedied ?d a d a? co c?oupouplplele ?oto??therther ther o or o?ga??icic c?brbraranrandndsnds.? ?MyMy y dy ?dogdo?g dg did?dndn'n'tn't t lt lilikikeke ke t th? them them m am ?andand ?shshehe he s?eeeememe???d tod t???havhave?? a a?lalarargargegerger r sr ?stostoooolool.l. ??I I dI de?ci?dededde?d td tod to d to? go g?o bo babacback
pet food scare with China, I started to investigate and found out that Eukanuba contained the same undesirable chicken parts as the cheaper dog foods. I wasn't happy. I contacted Newman's about whether the products in this food are sourced from the U.S. and I was told by one of their scientists that they are. Recently, I moved and was unable to get Newman's locally, so I tried a couple other organic brands. My dog didn't like them and she seemed to have a larger stool. I decided to go back
t toto o N ?ewewmwmam?n'n's'????d d o oro?dedere? f frf?omom m???mazmazozonon,n, ,?whw?o ???cacanan an a?lwlwawaya?s s cs ?ouo??? o on on n? to t?o co ca?rrr?y y e evevevereryeryty?hihiningng.g. .? N??? s shshehe'e's's 's h hah?ppp?y y ay an?and and s so s?o ao amam m Im I!I! ! ??ndnd,d, , w, wew?e're'?? s su s?ppppopporortortitin?g g a a a?grgre?ata????usu??, , b, ???caucauscause?? Ne Newewmew?manma???s ds dodoeoesesns???t ct cot c?ompomprproromro?isisese se ose onon on q ??alalil??y ?y any and?? al als al?o ?susup?poporort?s s cs chs c?harharir?itaitabablblel??enendndendeae?vovororsors.s. ???hahathat t mt momor?e ??coucoululdld ?yoyouou ou a?sksk?k?<?<b<brbr ?/>/?<b<br<br r /r />r />O>OnOnene e ie imi??porportrtatanantan?t tt ththithin?ing ing t? to to? co con??idi???r -r ? i ifi??yoyouyou u? ha havaveave e ae ? s?en?ioioror or d ??g,g?, i, ?it it? is is s is im?po?portpor?tantantnt nt??? to f to ?eee?d ?th?eme?m tm ??the the? se?nin?iorio?r fr fofor?mumululaula ??so so t th theheyhey ?ca?n n dn didigigegesestes?t tt tht thehe he f?ooo?d d ed ea?sisiesi??.".???787?7,7??000??3939T9TTT?7272,2,A,AKAKZK??HQHQJQJOJO6O6767070000B00B,B,","M"?arary? A An Annn?ne ne K KoKowowaowalalsal??? " """"G"???bybysysgysgigirirlrl"l?"""""","??,3??5,5????989?88?
to Newman's and order from Amazon, who I can always count on to carry everything. Now she's happy and so am I! And, we're supporting a great cause, because Newman's doesn't compromise on quality and also supports charitable endeavors. What more could you ask?<br /><br />One important thing to consider - if you have a senior dog, it is important to feed them the senior formula so they can digest the food easier." 4787,B00139TT72,AKZNHQJO6700B,"Mary Anne Kowalski ""Gimbysgirl""",3,3,5,12998880
00000,0,G,GrGrereae?t t D ?ogog g?FoFoooodod,d,","I"??hahadad d?bebeee?n n??uyuyiy??g g ag ala?? s sosorortrtsts s?ofo?? su supupep?r-r?prpreremre??umu?, ,? su???r r e exexpxpepenpe??ivivev? f ?oo?dsds.s?? M MyMy y l lolococacalal al? st stotororeorese?s ks kekepeptpt ??isiscs?ono??in??in??g tg ????. ??SoSo o I I I dI ?diddid d md mym?y ry ??ses?earearcrchch h?anandnd ?fofoufo??nd nd?NeNewe????'s'?s Os OwOwnw??OrO?gagananianicic.c.<.?brbr r /r />/???r r /r />r />I>ItIt t it isis is??ererter?tifti?ieieded ?????nin?ic ic w wiw??th th n nono ??or?momononeoneses,es, ???titibtibibioioto?ticticsc?s os ?? c?he?mi?cacalcal ??addaddi?ti??vesves,s, , c, ??rnr?n on oror or wor whw?heahe?<??? / ?/></><b<br<br <br / /> /?AnA?nd ??my my???ogsog????ve? i itit it ( (o(ofof of c co cououru??? t ththetheyey y ey ?eateat t at ?anyan?th?ining?? in i?clc??didindingng ng?grg?asassss s as an?d d bd ???d ?d fod f?ood? a???nd snd sesevseveververaralra?l ul ununfunfi?t ?toto to p ????t ot onon on l???e)e).).".?4?787??,B,B0B00001001313939T9TTTT7T?2,2,A,A2A?TUT??EFE?RZR?U4U4H4H8H8E8E,E???. K. ??umumpum??erer,er?3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,121?8585151111313613606?00,00,B?lolowlo?s s a?wawayay y sy st???ore-ore-b-?ou??hth???
00,Great Dog Food,"I had been buying all sorts of super-premium, super expensive foods. My local stores kept discontinuing them. So I did my research and found Newman's Own Organic.<br /><br />It is certified organic with no hormones, antibiotics or chemical additives, corn or wheat.<br /><br />And my dogs love it (of course they eat anything including grass and bird food and several unfit to post on line)." 4788,B00139TT72,A2TUJEFRZU4H8E,P. Krumpter,3,3,5,1285113600,Blows away store-bought,"T
?hihisis s???odod d??? a ??vav?sts? i im impmprp?ovovevememem?ntnt t ot ???r r t tht???ststost??e ?bob?ugughghtht t ct crc?apap.p. . M MyM? d dod?g'g's's s cs cocoao?t t gt gogotot t st sosofo??er? w ?itiththithinin n d da dayaysys,s, , h ?hishi?s bs ??reareatathath h s?totopo???d d sd ststist?inkinkik?ingin? i im imm immemedme?iai???lyl?y ay anandn?d hd ?he he??memelmellllsl?s as a a la lol?? b ?etetttte?r.r?. H. ?e e ie is??momor?e e ae ?ctc??veve ve a an andnd nd? se seeeem????heahealaltlth?thiethier??an??d hd had . N. NoNo o?momormorere re?re?ndndendererierining? p plplalan??t ft flflolooloor? s sw swew??pi?ngngsgs ???r r mr mymy ?dodogdog!g! !?$2$2020 0 a a a m mo monont?h h ih isis is ais a a sa smsmamal?l l??ac?ririfi??cec??to?? ma makakeke ???for for? my m??y doy dogog'og?????al?thth th a an?d d wd we?llll ll b be b??? ??? ho hononeoneseststlst?? d do don?'t'?t kt knknonowow w w????eve?????oneone one i is i?n'n't't 't m? mor morere re cre ?conconcnce?rnr???? ab abobouboutut ?whwhahatat at?ki??nd ?of? i in inenednedidibdi?lele e je jujunu?k k t?heheyhey y py pup??? in in in??ege?ulula?r r sr ststostorstorere re bre ?boubougbou?????dogdog dog f fo foo??.".""44747878989,9,B,B0B000010131?9T9TTT?7272,2?A6A6X6X4X4Y4?
his food is a vast improvement over the store bought crap. My dog's coat got softer within days, his breath stopped stinking immediately and he smells a lot better. He is more active and seems healthier and happier. No more rendering plant floor sweepings for my dog! $20 a month is a small sacrifice to make for my dog's health and well being. I honestly don't know why everyone isn't more concerned about what kind of inedible junk they put in regular store bought dog food." 4789,B00139TT72,A6X4YA
V??J5J5E5??O,O,A,?. .??rarayay,y?3,3?,3,,3,5,5,5,1,?282848?595959525202?0,0,N,?ewewmwmam?n'n's's s D DoDogog g F ?ooo?d d i ?s s ts ?hehe e b bebese???,","O"OnO?e e oe ofo? m ?y y d ?og?s ?hahada??iri?rir?tataba?lel???owowewelel l s sysynyndndrdroromomem?e we ?hih??h h?we??trt???d d td toto o a ??drdredresessess s ws wiwitithith h fh fofoooodood d fd frfroromrom m t??he he??etet,t, ,?rarawraw w f fofoofoodod,od, ?anandand ??ve?ryr?y ky kikini?nd nd?of? d do dog?? fo fooood? i in in n a? p pep?? s??tortorer?. . . A A A f??rierienriendnd nd tnd totoltoldld d md ?? a ab a?bouboutut t?NeNewNewmwmawman?s s as ??and and???? i it i?t ct ?leleale??redred d ud ?p p h he herer r d? dog dog'g's's 's s st sto st?omaomacachch ch p pr pro?bl?eme??. . . O. On?e ?dadayay ay?lalatateterer er?- - f?irirmir??ststost?ooloo?s,s, , n, non????s,?? ha h?ppppypy y dy ?dogdog,g, ?ece??stastat?icic ic d? dog????arear?ntn?s!s! !? M MyM??oto?theth?er ?do?dog dog i??s 1s 101? a an a??nd ind ????ftf?tente?n mn ?isistista?kek?? f fo????? pu pup?pypy py d du dueue e te to? h he?r r gr gog?oodood ?eneneen???y ?an?and and cand cocoaoat?. ?. I. ? a am am m s?o ?o glo g??d ??we we fwe fofoufo?ndnd ?nd thnd thihishis ??foofoodfoo?!"!?4474?9090,0,B0,B0B00?131??TTT
VFJ5EUO,A. Gray,3,3,5,1284595200,Newman's Dog Food is the best!,"One of my dogs had irritable bowel syndrome which we tried to address with food from the vet, raw food, and every kind of dog food in a pet store. A friend told me about Newmans and how it cleared up her dog's stomach problems. One day later - firm stools, no gas, happy dog, ecstatic dog parents! My other dog is 10 and is often mistaken for a puppy due to her good energy and coat. I am so glad we found this food!" 4790,B00139TT
7??,A,??XZXZXZXPX?343??ZGZGWGW8W8Z8Z,Z,",???rerese???A.A. . T ???eyey y " """"I"?rir?shs? D ?rereare???imimeme"e""?","?3,3,3,3,,3?2,2,12,?262636313161686?0000000,00,I,??wowono?'t't t?pupururcr??asase??agagagaiainin.n.,.??BoBoto?h ?ofof f m ?y y dy dod?gsgs s??hadha??trt?ouo?blblele e we ??thth th? th t??is is??oro?mum??????lll?lerlergr???? . . I ?t ???oko?? me m?e ae a a c cocououpouplplele le o ?of of??ayaysys s ts toto to r ?rearealrealil?zeze ?th??t t t?heheieirir r?it???iningin? w wa w?as as r re relelalatlateteded ???to tto ththethe e fe fo??d.d?. ?NeNeeeededledleleslessss ?s tos to o s ?ayay ay I I I w?onon'on?'t 't b ?uyu?y ty ????is pis prpro?duducuctct t at ??aiainain.?""44747979191,1,B,B0B00?1313939T9TTT?7272,72?,A3,A3131D31D5D?HQH?8E8EQEQZQ??939???obo???ysgysgig?irlirl,l,3,3,?3,3,53,5,5?12?616?1351353536360600?00,B00,BeB?estes??dodogdog g fg fo?foodfood d od ?? t? the th???ara?kekete??,","I,"??hahavhaveve e ge gi?vevenve???y y d??ogsog?s es eveveververyr?y ey exexpx?enensn??veve ve? do dog?? fo f??d d td thd t?herherere re??s,s?, O, ?ririjrijij?in,in?, B, BlBlulu,u?, M, ?er?ri?ckck.k.......y..yoyou? n ??ameam??itit,it, ?anandnd ?eveveev?en en t? tho thou?ghgh h th th?theythe?y w?erereere
72,A1XZXP34HZGW8Z,"Terese A. Towey ""Irish Dreamtime""",3,3,2,1263168000,I won't purchase again.,"Both of my dogs had trouble with this formula, allergy wise. It took me a couple of days to realize that their itching was related to the food. Needless to say I won't buy this product again." 4791,B00139TT72,A31D5HQ8EQZ293,bobbysgirl,3,3,5,1261353600,Best dog food on the market!,"I have given my dogs every expensive dog food there is, Orijin, Blu, name it, and even though they were
?gogooo?d d t tht????ononene e i ?is is??hehe e be bebese?t.t? N NoN? u ?pspsesetet t t tu tumu?mimieieses es??uru?iningn? t??e e se sws?iti??h h t?o ?ththith??is dis dodogog ??oooodoo??eie??he?r.r. ???vevenen n m ?y y s se??ioioror r??og? w ?hoho o ao alalwl?aya??s hs hah?s s ls lol?oosoosese se s st s?oo?l l n nonowow w h hahasha??? f fifirirmr? h he heaeal?ththyth?y sy ststostoooolool.ool?. P. PlP??s,s, ,????mamanan'n's's s Os ?wnwn ??ivivevesves s a??l l tl ?thetheieireir ????fifitfitsts ?toto to c chchachara?ritrityty y sy soy so o io ?? r rereaealeall???is?is tis ththethe the?bebesbestst st a ?as as? fa f?? a as a??I'I'm'm m cm ?ononconcecerernrnenedned.d.".???7979292,2,B,B0B??1313939T9??7272,?A2A2U2UCUCNC?Q8Q?2D2DADAFAFPFPEP?F,F,M,???LuLucuckckyk??3,3?,3,,3,2,??121252575767636383848?0000,00??? a ag agrgrereere?e we wiwitwithth th t? the? p ??eveviv?iouiousus us? re revevievie?wewer??, t, ththe?the nthe nanamameme e ie ?is is d??cecepceptp?iviveiv????,"W,"WhW?henhen n on on???pup?urcur??chaschasesesses s as a s a p pr pro??ducductc?t tt ththathata??isis is cis cac?allallel?d d Nd ?ewewmew?manma??s s O?rgr???ici?s,s, s,? on one? w wo wououlu?d d e??pepecectect t ot ??ga?ni?c c f??oodood.ood???NoNotNot t jt juj??t ?t tht thehe he?ve?
good this one is the best. No upset tummies during the switch to this dog food either. Even my senior dog who always has loose stool now has a firm healthy stool. Plus, Newman's Own gives all their profits to charity so it really is the best as far as I'm concerned." 4792,B00139TT72,A2UCNQ82DAFPEF,M. Lucky,3,3,2,1257638400,"I agree with the previous reviewer, the name is deceptive.","When one purchases a product that is called Newman's Organics, one would expect organic food. Not just the veg
??tatabablblel??? w ??ici?h h?ararer? m mumucuchch ch??leslessss s?exexpxpep?nsn??vev?e te tot? b beb??ororgrgag?nin?ic ic t ththahanan an t th theh?e me mem?atat t o or??chchich?ickickekenen.en. .??I I w??s s vs ?ververyry,y?, v, ve??y y d didisisasapappppop??ntn?eded d t to to o fo fif?indind d od ouo?t ?ththathatat at t th the th??ch?chicchickc?kenken n??is is n ???t ot ororgor??ninicni?. . . ?FoFor?or aor a a c co c?oupouplplele le o?f f d do dolollllal?arsars ??or??, , j, ?usu??t bt ???y ry ???l l o or orgrgargananian?ic ic dic dodogog g f fof?odo???ThThihishi????g ?fo?odod od i is isns?'t'?t et ???ctctltlyl?y cy ?checheaeapea???sos?o yo yoyouou ou??xp?ece?ct ct t th tha thatat ??thetheyey y wy wiwilillll ll p ?rorovo??dede e we whwhawhat??at that theheyhe?y ay ararear????ve?vertvertit?isiis?ingin??. ?Th?isis ?whwhowh???e "e """??rereere?enwenwaw?ashas?hinhingn?""? t th thi thininging ing? ne n?ededseds s ts ?to to b be be ?re?gug?lalatla?tedte?d bd be?tttte?r.r. . . I. ?????memeomeono?e e ue us??????? w?orordord d od ord orgrgarganrganinic? i in i?n tn ?thetheithe?r r? de d???riripiptptitioti?on,on?, i, itit ??etettette?? b? be be? or org orgagan?????. O. OtOth?thertherwrwi??e e t?hehe he?? con co??umume?r r ir isis is bis ?beibe?????decde?eie?iveiv
etables, which are much less expensive to be organic than the meat or chicken. I was very, very disappointed to find out that the chicken is not organic. For a couple of dollars more, just buy real organic dog food. This dog food isn't exactly cheap, so you expect that they will provide what they are advertising. This whole ""greenwashing"" thing needs to be regulated better. If someone uses the word organic in their description, it better be organic. Otherwise the consumer is being deceive
?? w whwhihicichch h i isi????foforortrtutununaunatatet?. . N NeNewe??anansns ?hah??s as a a g ?rereaeatat at r ?repre?utu???ioiono?, , I ??bubuyu? a ?a la lolotot t o ofof f t ththeheie?r r p ?rorododud??tsts,s?, b, bu?t ?ththith?? w??as as i in i??tente?ntint?ionionanalallllyly y dy ??cec??titivi????ndn??itit t mt ??kekeses s ms ?e e re re?cocon?sisidi?????buybu?ini?? a??yty??thinthi?ng ng???romro?? th the?m ?in? t? the the e fe ?<.???r /r />/><>?<br<br ?r />r /?OnO? t? the?? po p????tivtive? s si??de,de, , m, ???y doy dogo?g lg lo?vevedved ?d itd it,t?, s, ??? w?ououluldld ??icickic? t th the the ??owo?l l??ro?unundund d td ??e e re roe roooomom m fm ?forfo?r 2r 2020 0 m ?in?ututeutes? a af aftfteterte??ththethe the?lal??t t mt mot m??sesele??wawasas ?coconco????medme??. . I I I h hahavha?ve ve nve nono o???deadea a wa wh?at?at tat ththetheythey y py puputput t it ?in in iin itit it?? tha thatat at tat taat t?astasteastede?d sd soso o go ??oodood,d, , i, ???s s ls li?keke ke t th the the ???aca???cococco?aia?inein?e oe ?????og og f?oo?ood.ood. ??ShS??he hhe hahashas s ns ?eve?????eeeenen ?a a fa fif?iniinicickickyicky y ey ???terter,ter, , s, sh, s?he'he'l'?ll ll p pr preretre?tyt??mumucuchuch h eh eaeateat eat a an any anyt anyth??thingthin
d which is unfortunate. Newmans has a great reputation, I buy a lot of their products, but this was intentionally deceptive and it makes me reconsider buying anything from them in the future.<br /><br />On the positive side, my dog loved it, she would lick the bowl around the room for 20 minutes after the last morsel was consumed. I have no idea what they put in it that tasted so good, it's like the crack cocaine of dog food. She has never been a finicky eater, she'll pretty much eat anything
? v vovororaraca??ouo?slslyly,y? b bubutu? t ?hihisi? s ??ufuffff f??eaealalllly? r ro roco??eded d h heh?? e epe???ururereareanan n w wowororlor?d.d? ???? b ba badad d sd ??he he?is??'t't t gt gegetettttitini?g g?ananyany y??or?e e o ??f if iti??""44747979393,3,B,B0B??1313939T9TTT?727???2Y2????1S1S8S???7U7URU??"c"chc?hesheshshish?reregre????? " ?"d"???? i in in ?trtra?ininiininingin?"""""""?,3,3,???5,5,1,??515??76768680800?,","N,"?iciceice e Oe ???ananian?ic,ic?????ge-ge-F-?rereere??e Ope Optptitioti?n ?foforor or S ?ene?sis?itiit?iveive e Se StStotomomamacachac??","","M"MyMy ?fo?ststest?? d dod?g,g, , R, ReRexex,x?, c, cacama?e e te ?? m me me e se seseveveverereerelelyly ??ndnded?erwer?eieigi?htht t wt ???h h n ?ut?ririeienenten?t dt ??ffffiffic??ieniencn??ese?s as an???di??gesgeststistivive???ssssusueu? ? A AfA?tet?er er aer ???ewew w? we weeeeke??s os ?? p ???scscrcri?pt?io?n n fn fon f?oodood,d?, I, I I p??asa???d hd ?himhim m? in int in?to ??ew?mamanman'n'sn'?????n An AdA?vavanva?ncenced? F ?or?mum????. . N. ?oto?t ot ??lyly ly dly dodoedoeses es? he he ?lol??ve ve i it i?, ?bu?t t ht hehe'he's's ??gaigain?inininingng ng?? wei we??htht ht????ve?loloulo
voraciously, but this stuff really rocked her epicurean world. Too bad she isn't getting any more of it." 4793,B00139TT72,A2Y4BF1S8EK7UR,"cheshiregrrrl ""diva in training""",3,3,5,1251676800,"Nice Organic, Cage-Free Option for Sensitive Stomach","My foster dog, Rex, came to me severely underweight with nutrient defficiencies and digestive issues. After a few weeks of prescription food, I phased him into Newman's Own Advanced Formula. Not only does he love it, but he's gaining weight marvelou
ssls?y y a ?ndn? d didigigegeseststst???t t??asa?ili? . ?ItIt t wt wawasas as r rerececoc?mmmmemenendndendeded ??y y my mamananyany,y?? an a?? h hahasas as mas mimininin???l l t toto o?non?o fo ?ilillillelerersr?.<.<b<brb? / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>P/>PePerersersosono??llllyly,ly, ??? en e?jojoyoy ?tht?? p ????????bebec?aua?sese e ae asas as aas a a l lil????lolon?g g v ?egegegetgetatara????, , i, itit it w wawaswas s is im??orortr??ntnt t tt ???fi?nd?nd and a a fa fofoooodod od w wi w?ithith h s ststrst?ricrictct ct a? ani animimaim?al al c ??mpmpap?assas?siosi?on on? pr praracact??ceceses,es??an?d ?NeN??mamanman'n's's ?OwOwnw? a???parparerenre?ntlntly?? ha hasas as tas ththoth? . . ??t't's's 's a?ffffo???aba?lele le????wew???. . ?StStitic?kikin?g ??itith? i it it!t??44747979494,4,B,B0B000010?3939T9TTTT7T727?,A,A9A9N9N1N1I1IKI?T7?B2B?KQK?2,2,"2,"P"??. J. J.J?. H. ?ugughgheheshe?s "s """"S"SaS?and??al al Lal LoL??verver"r""?",",3,?,3,3,,3?5,5???494959515???0000,00,B??estest t Dt DoDogog g Fg FoFoooodood d Ed ?ve?ver,ver,","T"ThThihisi?s is iss i?s as a ?grgrereare???dodogog og f fo foo?ood ood? pr pro pr??ucuctuct t -t ? h he heaealealtl?thyth???ororgorgagananianic? a an and and d gd grgregr?eateat t ft fo?for for s se senensen?sitsi??veve ve t?
sly and digests it easily. It was recommended by many, and has minimal to no fillers.<br /><br />Personally, I enjoy the product because as a life-long vegetarian, it was important to find a food with strict animal compassion practices, and Newman's Own apparently has those. It's affordable as well. Sticking with it!" 4794,B00139TT72,A9N1IKT7B2KQ2,"P. J. Hughes ""Sandal Lover""",3,3,5,1249516800,Best Dog Food Ever,"This is a great dog food product - healthy, organic and great for sensitive tu
?mmm??eses!s!<!?brbr r?/>/?<b?r r /r ?/>O/>OuOurur r Lr LhL?asa?a a A ?pspsoso o i isis s n ninininene e?yey??rsr?s os ololdl?? i??s as a a pa ??ckc?y y?eaeateatet???ana???hahashas s as a s a v ?ereryery y sy ??nsn?iti??ve??sts??mamaca?h.h??WeWe e se ?stastarartarte?d d fd fef?ededid?inging g h????NeNewewmw?manma?'s's s Os OwO?n n O OrOrgrgagananian?icsics s ds ?ogog g fg ?oooodod ?aba??????? ye yea?rsrs rs a ?gogo o ao ???d ad ard arere ?rereare?llllyly,y, ?rerearealreall??y sy say sata?tiftififieiedied ?wiwit?h h t ththihisis is?prpror?oduoducuctct.t. ?HeHe e r?ar?elelyly ly?geg?tsts s ss sisicsickck,ck, , e, ea?eatseat??s als alml??stst st e ev eveververyr?y my mem?ealea? w wewe ?gigiviveive ?hi?m,m, , t, th?ouougoughg?h sh sosomsome?titimti?mesme?s hs heh?e me ??kekeses es?usu??wawaia?? f ?forfor r hr hi?him him t to to o fo fifinfininisnishsh ?hihishis s bs brbrebr?eakea?faf?astas????ut ut? th t??t't's??okokakayay!y? W Wi Wit?ith ith o?ththeth?er er d do?g g f??oodood ?prproprododuoducoductctscts s h??e we wowououlouldld ld s st stotopto? e ea e?atiatin?ing ing? th the th????om?plp??eteetelelyel?y oy oro?r gr gegetge?t st sisicsicksick k f fr f?reqre?ueu??tltly??- - e ev?enen en?? the the the e ex expxpepen?si?veve ve bve br?an??s ?s wes we ?trtririeied? f fr fro from? t? the
mmies!<br /><br />Our Lhasa Apso is nine years old, is a picky eater and has a very sensitive stomach. We started feeding him Newman's Own Organics dog food about 4 years ago and are really, really satified with this product. He rarely gets sick, eats almost every meal we give him, though sometimes he makes us wait for him to finish his breakfast but that's okay! With other dog food products he would stop eating them completely or get sick frequently - even the expensive brands we tried from the
a ?nin??alal l?hohoso?<.??? / />/><><b<br<br r /r />?AtAt t f fifirirsr????heh? o ?nln?? p ??acacece e we wew?e ce cocououlu?? b bub?y ?NeNewewmwmamanman'n's'? O ??? w waw?s s fs frfror?m m a? l lol?cacal?, , p?ririvi?atatet?ly? o ow own?eded ??ete?t st ?stost?rer??e whe w??chc? w?asas as v vevere?y y ey exe?pepenpe?sisiviveive e be bu?t ?wow?ortorthth th i itit it s si?ncncece ce??e e se ststostopsto?pe?????ettettit?ngng g s si sic?k k s so s? f?re?ququeuene?tlt? I I I w wa was was ?dedel?igighghth?tedted d td ??o bo ?buybuy y iy itit ?on? A AmAmamazmazoz?on.on. . T. ThThe? p? pri pr??e e fe ?oror or t th?e e 1e 1212.2????b b? ba b??g ig isis s ss ?lilig?hthtlht?ly ly mly momor?e e te th?anan an??hahat? w we we e we wee w?ereer?e pe papayayiyininging g fg ?forfor r tr ??the the?7 7 l? lb lb? ba??g lg ?loclo? ly. I? a?m ?a a???rimrimeme ???mbm?erer er? so so so? wa was was was a ab ablblele e te toe t?o go gegetge?t t?hihishi?s ws wiwitithitho??t t pt ?paypayiyinyi?? f fo f???shshihiphi?ppipp? . I. I ?wiwilwill? c ce?rtr??????ly oly or??derder ?it?it ait ???inin in?? whe wh?en en w we we we??get? c cl cloloslo????e to e to r rurunu????????t.t.<?brbr br / /> /???br br /br ?/>T/>ThThaTh?ankan?k yk yoy?
animal hospital.<br /><br />At first the only place we could buy Newman's Own was from a local, privately owned pet store which was very expensive but worth it since he stopped getting sick so frequently. I was delighted to buy it on Amazon. The price for the 12.5 lb bag is slightly more than what we were paying for the 7 lb bag locally. I am a Prime member so was able to get this without paying for shipping. I will certainly order it again when we get close to running out.<br /><br />Thank you
A ?mam??onon!n!!!?""?474797?5,5??000?131393?TTTT7T7272,2??2E2EZEZWZW5W505020??EAEA2?N9N?,L,LiLinindn?? F FrFrereie??agag,g?3,3??,5,5,5,15,121232363?55556568680800??,Be,Bese?t t D ?ogo? F Fo Fooo?d d E EvEvevere?!,!???? d dodog?????veve ve?tht?isis s fs fof???. . ?I I h hahava?ve ve fve ?eded ??y ??? y ?eae???ololdl??GeGerermermamanma? S ShS??paparardar?d ad anandnd nd??my my t?hrhre?????earea?r or ololdol?d Ad ??ereriericicac?? P PiPitit it B BuBulullll l T TeT???ieier? f foforfo?r ar alalml?osost?? th thr th??? y ye yea year?s.s?. T. ThTheheyhey y hy hahavhaveve ve tve ??ririvrive?d d sd soso o?wewelellll ll? on o?n tn ththithis? f fo f??ood,ood, ,? my m?y sy shshehephepaparpa??d nd ?o o lo ????er?er her ?hashas s ss ststost?mamacmachch h p prpror?blb?ememsms s .s ...?.. .. b bob??th th t th the th?eireir r cr cocoaoata???ar???beb?eaueaututitififuful??anandan??I I aI ???cocomco??leletle?????y say s?atiatisisfis??iedied.? ?WhWhehenhen n In I ??ececicididededde??toto o so swswiwit?chch ch f? foo fo??s,s, ??I dI diI didid id??lo?t ??? r reresreseseaearearcearch?ch och ?? w?hahatha?t gt gogooood?????ealea???y,y, , m, ?mosmo??lyl??ororgrgagananianic? f fo? food food ?d tod to o so swo swiwitwi?chch ch tch ?thethemem em? to to.o. . I. I
Amazon!!" 4795,B00139TT72,A2EZW502SEA2N9,Linda Freitag,3,3,5,1236556800,Best Dog Food Ever!,"My dogs love this food. I have fed my 11 year old German Shepard and my three year old American Pit Bull Terrier for almost three years. They have thrived so well on this food, my shepard no longer has stomach problems ... both their coats are beautiful and I am completely satisfied. When I decided to switch foods, I did alot of research on what good, healthy, mostly organic food to switch them to. I
cchchohoso?e e N NeNewe?mamanan'n?s s O ??n,n, , n nonotot t b bebececac?ususese se I ? c cocouo?ldl???ururcrchchach?sese se ise itit t et ??asiasililyly y??t t at a a l lol?ca?l l s ?totororere e .e ??? be bec??ausausese se Ise ??ca?? n no not? d dodo o s????I I hI hahavaveve e te ???orordordedere? i itit it???d d hd hahavhave?? it i?t dt dedeldeliliviveververe??, , b, bub??t bt be?cacauca?useus?e oe ?? t ?heh?e ie iningngrg?redredired??ntn?s,s, , h, hohowhow w? it it it i is is ???dede,de, , a, an?????becabecauausauseause e me mom?ostos?t ot of? t?hehe he p pr prorococeoceeeede??s gs gogo ?toto to cto chchacharcharirititiit??s.s. . I. ?I fI fof?ounou?? t th the the e be bebesbe?st st p pr pri prici?e e ae ?at at A ??mazma??n,n, n, a an and and ?wiwilillill l al alalwlwaw??s s os orordordeord?er er i? it ?ththithisi???wayway.y. . . I???rurululyuly ?re?cocomcommmmem??d ?ththi???dodogdog g f fo??d d td tod to o eo evevever??ononeon?.".??474797?6,6,B,B0B000?131?9T9TTTT7T7272,2,A,A1A1H1?L3L?3N3NKNK6K6868K8??ZDZ?,A,AB,ABLB???g,g?3,3,3?,5,5,5,1,121222??151?20200000000,0?DoDogog ?lo???s s is itit,it,","I"I I hI haI havaveav?e ne nonotnot t tt ?ri?eded ed? th thi th?is is?? pro pr?oduoducu?t ?peperersersos?onaon????, , b, bu, b?ut ut m mymy y dy dodogdog dog?hahasha?? a?? and and???e le lolovloveloveses
chose Newman's Own, not because I could purchase it easily at a local store .. because I can not do so, I have to order it and have it delivered, but because of the ingredients, how it is made, and because most of the proceeds go to charities. I found the best price at Amazon, and will always order it this way. I truly recommend this dog food to everyone." 4796,B00139TT72,A1HL33NK68KNZD,ABLong,3,3,5,1225152000,Dog loves it,"I have not tried this product personally, but my dog has, and he loves
?itit,t, ,?ana?d d i isis s a ag a?iningn? w wewelellll.l. . H ????s gs ?etettttit?ingin??a a?bibitit it g ?rereyey,y, , b, bubutu? i is i???s s bs bob?ununcncycy y a as as ?hehe e?eve?erer r? wa w?as as?1010 0 y ?eae??s s as ags a?o.o.".""4474797?7,7,B,B0B000??3939T9TTT?727??A2A2N2??8J8??HDHDCDCDCDLD?IAIA,A,V,?egegag?,2,2,2,22,2,?5,5,1,13?181?8080909696060000,00?JuJ?sts?t wt whwhahatat ??y y dy ???g ng nen???ed??,",?HaHava?? t twt?o o c ?oco?keker? s spspapananian?elelsels.s.<.<b<brb?r /r />/?ItIt ?t wat w?as ?a a ca chchahalhallllellenengngenge e te toto o fo fif?indin?d td ththe? r ririgi?htht t dt do?g g fg ???d d fd fo?r<r<b<br<br r /r />r />t>ththethe e oe ?ldlde??r or ononene,ne, , a, as???he he whe wowouwoulu?ld ld? ge g?et et?ve?ryr?y gy ?gasga?sysy.y?. I. I I t tr tririerieded<ed<b<br??/>?atat at l lel?easeastst st 5 ?????ififfffefer???t t bt ?brabran?dsds s ws wiwitithith h?nono o so susucuccccec?ss??. T. ThThe?n<n<b<br<br ?/>/>a?nonotnoth????co?ckckeckerer er ser ?spaspan?anieaniel???wnw?nerne???recreco??mem?enden?dedded d md meme me? th thihisis is o?ne???brbr br / /> /?NONO O M ?ORORERE E G GAGASAS!S?!<!<b<br<br <br /<br /><br /??otothth th o of o? t th the themem m??ovo?ve ve ive it?. . T. Th. Theheiheirir ?r cor coaoatat ???is lis lol?ookoo?ininging ing s so so ?mum
it, and is aging well. He's getting a bit grey, but is as bouncy as he ever was 10 years ago." 4797,B00139TT72,A2NX8JBHDCDLIA,Vega,2,2,5,1318809600,Just what my dog needed!,"Have two cocker spaniels.<br />It was a challenge to find the right dog food for<br />the older one, as he would get very gassy. I tried<br />at least 5-6 different brands with no success. Then<br />another cocker spaniel owner recommended me this one.<br />NO MORE GAS!!<br />Both of them love it. Their coat is looking so mu
?chch<h??r r / ?>s>shshihininin??r r ar ?ndnd d h heheae? .?AnAnd??ththetheye? n ??w w s sh?eded d vd vev?eryery ?lelesesss??<b<br<b???/>I/>????ulu?d'd'n'?? f fef????mym?y dy dodogo?s s a ?anyanytyth?ininging g e ??sese e??owow.ow?.<b.<br? / /> /?VeV???? hi higighghlhlyly ????omommmmem?ndndendeded!ed!<!?<br<br <br /????d ??thethe the p prpririci?e e ae anandand d sd ???viviciceice e fe frfrorom? A?mamaza?onon n??s s us unu??eaeatea?aba?lele!le?!"!""?474?9898,8,B,?000???9T9???2,2?A2A??A5A5151T1TBTBLB?BWBWFW???,J,J.J. . Z. ZuZul?lili,i,2,2,?2,2,52,???13113??424?72720720000,00,Y,????cac?????ee ee a? p?ososis?titivive??didifi?fe?rerenre?cece ce i in in n yn yoy?ourour ?dodogdo?'s'?s qs quq??alialitityity y oy ofo? l ???fe.fe?,",?OuOuru?r dr dor dogog og h ha hasas ?alalwalwawayaysys s bs ???? a a a l a lilitli??le??onon on t th thehe he? la lazazyaz??si??e,e, ,? an a???hihishi?s cs co???t ht hahasas as?be?beenbeen ?faf?irirlrlyly ly u ununhunheheaheal?ththyth?-l-lolooo??ining? r ??lal?atiativ?e e te ?o o? ot oth?therther r d??gsgs gs w??'v'veve ve hve ?hadhad d id inin in t??e ??asastas?. ?WhWhehenhe?n hn ?he ?be??anan an tan toto to s?tatartartrt ??????linli???onon
ch<br />shinier and healthier. And they now shed very less.<br />I would'nt feed my dogs anything else now.<br />Very highly recommended!<br />And the price and service from Amazon is unbeatable!!" 4798,B00139TT72,A2IA51TBLBWFLE,J. Zulli,2,2,5,1317427200,You can see a positive difference in your dog's quality of life.,"Our dog has always been a little on the lazy side, and his coat has been fairly unhealthy-looking relative to other dogs we've had in the past. When he began to start smelling on
??opop p o ofo? i iti????? d ?ececicidi?dedde???to to c chchahana?gege e he hih?s s d do d?g g f fofoooodod d td toto ?seseeee ??f f pf ??rhr???s s hs hihishis s ss ??tomtomamaca?ch ch w?asas ?bebececoecomo??ng? u upups?ete??byby y h hi??? cu curu?rerenentnt ??foofo?od.od?<b<brb? / />/><>??r ???AfA?tet?er er??bobououtu?t at ? w??eekee?? on on n t??e e ne nenewew w f?oooodoo????he he h ha hadad d nd ?oto?iciceceaeab?lyl??momoro?re re??eneener???y ay anandand d hd hi?his his chis ?oaoata??ststast?rtr?tedte??d tod to o? be bec?ecomecomeme e me mumucu??ch hch ?heahealaltlththi? . O ?n ?totopto?p op of? t th tha thatat,at???thethe ?ododoodoror or t th tha?t t ht he???mimitmi??tedted ted s st?starsta?rterteded d t??? su subu?sisid?e ???ntint?? i it it t wt wawasas as n nono no l lolonongngengerer er ter ththetherthe?<??br br / /> /?><b><brbr br /br />/>W/>WeWe ??reare?allal?? d?ididnid?'t't ?exexpx?pecpectc??it? t??o bo be?? so s?????astas??c.c. . W. ????re re vre ??eryery y hy ?haphapphappypy ?wiwit?? N NeNew?mamanman'?s s Os OwO???dodogog og f fo?od?od."od.?4474?999???000???9T9?T7T7272,2,A,A1A?K2K2H2?B5B?6J6JXJX1X???Q,Q,c,cac?anoanon?cicitci?y,y??2,22,?2,52,?,1,1313113161???76760600??ththetheythey y a?rere re nre no
top of it, we decided to change his dog food to see if perhaps his stomach was becoming upset by his current food.<br /><br />After about a week on the new food, he had noticeably more energy and his coat started to become much healthier. On top of that, the odor that he emitted started to subside until it was no longer there.<br /><br />We really didn't expect it to be so drastic. We're very happy with Newman's Own dog food." 4799,B00139TT72,A1K2HB56JX1MCQ,canoncity,2,2,5,1316217600,they are no
???sisici?k k??nyn??ororer??"I"I I h ?avaveve e??????e de dodogog g f frfririeienendndsds.s. .?MaMagaggggigie?, , m mymy y 1 ?? y yeyeaeara??olo?d d A AuAusu??siesie e he ?hadha?d sd ?omomeme ?prprorobo?lel?msms(s($($2$2,2??0000.00?00?) ) w ?orortor?th th??f f p pr??oblob??msms ms a an a?? s???e we ??s s s so so o??icickic?k Ik I ?ththothouougu?htht t ot ofo?f pf puputu?titiningn???herhe?????n.n??AsA?s is itit t tt tuturu?nsns s os ?outout ??heher?e e we wee w?rere re????verve?ala? i isiss??ese?s ts th?atat t tt tht thet the e Ce CoC?oloolo o So ?prpripriningingsg?s Es ?memerme?gi? V VeV??t at ??d d Dd DrDr ?JaJaiaimimeme me G GaGayayny?oror or??ixi?ede?d ad ?andand and o on onen??ofof of? th thehemhem m o on one one e fe fof?odo?d ad ald alllle????iesies s ts ths t?hathat ?ha?had had c cac?ususeuseded ed s se???verevere e pe pre p?robroblbleblememsem?s. s. A Af A?tet?er er??ryryiy?inging ing s? sev seve severeraeralal al f?oooodoods? a?????akakikin?ing ?????my?? ow own? d ?dogdog ?fo??od od w?e e te trtririeried?ed Ped ?au??l Nl NeN?wmwmamanma? a an?? a al a?? w wa wasas as? we wel wellll,ll?, M, MaMagMagg?ie?? an and? and h and ?her? f fr fri?rienriendndsnd????ririvrivevedve?. . W. WeW?llll ??urur ur??rorocrocecereryer?y sy sts?ororeor?? d?idi?d nd nonotnot
t sick anymore,"I have three dog friends. Maggie, my 14 year old Aussie had some problems($2,000.00) worth of problems and she was so sick I thought of putting her down. As it turns out there were several issues that the Colo Springs Emergi Vet and Dr Jaime Gaynor fixed and one of them one food allergies that had caused severe problems. After trying several foods and making all my own dog food we tried Paul Newman and all was well, Maggie and her friends thrived. Well Our grocery stores did not
aalalwlwawayaysys s?hah?vev? i itit t? in in n?ststotoco?k k a anandnd d i it it t rt ?an?gegede?d fd frf??? 1 1313 3?toto to? 17 17 7 d dod?llllalararsrs ??oro? 7 ?7 p7 pop??nd?s,s? a al alslsoso o???t Wt WaWal???ar?t t it isis ??waswa?s ps ?asastst st i it its it?s es exexpx???ratratitioionon n dn dadata?e e ae anandan??ra??cicidi?? T ThThahanhanknk k yk ?ouou ou A ??azazozon?, , i, ?it it?cocomomeomese?s fs frs frer?eshesh!h!I!?t t i?s s ss soso so?rereare?asoas?onaonabablblyly y?prpriricicec?? a an a?nd nd i it it it??getgetst?s ds ded????ververeredred d od on? s?chc??eduedululele e we whwhihicichic??I I??an???hahanhanghange? a at? a an any an?titimtimem???s s fs fas farar ar a as a??ama?ou??t t at ?and? d de d?elieliviveiv?ryry y dy dadatdate?. ??I cI ?an?nonoto?t tt tht?han???k yok youou ?enenonounougughgh h fh fo?r r cr ca?rrrry????? th t?hishis s f?oooodo??nonornor ?re??comcommmme?ndnd nd ind it?it eit en?ouougough? f ?for? o otothotheherher ?dodogdo?s.s.O.OuOuru?r lr lilivlivevesves s as ars are? b bubususysy,y?, I, I ?am? a a a n ?urursur?e ?e ane and?nd and ananyan??hi?ngng ng t???at at i is is s ds des depepepenendendadabdablblebl?, , e, ?asasyasy,?? re rea?sosonsonan?ablablele,le?, c, ?comcomecomes???itithith ?ex?cecelcell?en???cucusustusto??mermer ?se?
always have it in stock and it ranged from 13 to 17 dollars for 7 pounds, also at Wal Mart is was past its expiration date and rancid. Thank you Amazon, it comes fresh!It is so reasonably priced and it gets delivered on schedule which I can change at anytime as far as amount and delivery date. I cannot thank you enough for carrying this food nor recommend it enough for other dogs.Our lives are busy, I am a nurse and anything that is dependable, easy, reasonable, comes with excellent customer ser
vvivici?e,e, , a anandn? m mymy y??ririeienend?? M MaM?ggggigie?, ?LuLucucyc?, ?anandand d Hd HoHononeneyey ?ststatayay ????ltlththyhy ?onon on i ?? a a a??gifgiftft t ft foforor r e eve?ere????ayay,ay, , T, ThT?anankank k y yoyouou"u""?484808??,B,??00100131??TTTT7T727??A3A3H3HZHZYZ?NGNGMG?X9X??5E5E7E?????arar r Lr LeL?e,?2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,1,1313113141444?489489696060000,00?SoS? f?ar? s soso o go gogoooodod!d??"I"? w ??s s as a a???ittittltlele e? sk skekepe?titic??al al a ab abobou??t st swswiwit????ngng g o ?veverve?r tr ??o to th?isis s bs brbrar?andand and b ?utu?t It I'I?m m?hahapha?pypy y ty toto to s sa s?ay,ay, ay,??y ?y doy dogog g lg ?ovoveov?s ?ththi?s s ss ?stustufuffff.f. .??I dI dodon?'t't ??eveeven??neneeneeded ????ada????lefleftftoftovove?r r mr mem?eateat t s??raraprapsp?s os oror or g gr gra?vyvy y sy say sauauc?e e le lilikli??? I I d ???d td tod to o ho hihishi?s o?ldl??fo?odod.od. . T. ThThiThis? s?tutufuffuf? i is is ?wawayway y by ?etetttteterer er t th?anan an t th t???cr?apap p? th the they? s?elelll? a at at t tt ?thothososes???chachaia??? st??oreor??. . C. ?anan'an?'t 't b be b?eateat eat? th the the the?prp?ricri??? wi witithit? S S&S&S&S!S! !??lslsoso so l lo lovoveove ove t??ata??t tht t??y ?cocomomeme me i???
vice, and my friends Maggie, Lucy, and Honey stay healthy on it a gift for every day, Thank you" 4800,B00139TT72,A3HZYNGMX9Y5E7,Edgar Lee,2,2,5,1314489600,So far so good!,"I was a little skeptical about switching over to this brand but I'm happy to say, my dog loves this stuff. I don't even need to add leftover meat scraps or gravy sauce like I did to his old food. This stuff is way better than the crap they sell at those chain stores. Can't beat the price with S&S! Also love that they come in s
mmamalalll?ere??rer?seseaeal?abablble? b ???s s w whw?icichc??kek?epe?s s ts ????fof?odo? f fr f?resre?h.h. . B ??ttt?erer er??o o?opo??n n u ?p p?a a b?raranandnd d nd ?ewe????? e evevev?eryer????up?lele le wle ?ee?ksk???hahan? t?o o lo lelealeava?ve ve a? h huhugugege ?op?en???d bd babagba?? of of f k ki kibi?????inin ?ththethe e pe ?an?trtryr?y fy fo??r mr momonontnththsths.s???484808?1,1??0000101301?9T9TTT????A1A1Z1ZPZPKPKSKS7S7M7M3M3U3U1U?7X7XXX??HYHYUYUNU?JEJ??NGNG G B????,2,2,2,22,2,2,52,?,1,?303060?1919595252020000,00?PaP??l l N NeN??mamanman n sn sasav?eded ed m mym??dodogo?!,!?"P"?ririoioro??toto to?sws??tctchchichiningin?g tg to?to Nto NeNewNewmw?manman'man's's s Os ?wnwn n On OrOrgrgagan?ic??s Ds DoDogog og f??oodoo?, ,????4 4 y yeyea?r ???d d sd shshishihih-h?tztzuz???asas s cs crc?unu?ch?chinchi??g og onon on I IaIamamsms.? W WhWhihichichch ch w? was wa?s fs ?in?e,e, ?exe?cecepeptep?? th thahathat t et ev???ery ery 2 2-2-3-? m mo m??ththsths ths??r r sr soso ?hehe'he'd'd ?ha??ve ve sve ?totomtoma?chch ch pch prprorobobl????. ??ftfte?r r sr swr s?witwitctchtchihinhingng,ng??hihishis ?popoooopoo?ps ps? ha hav?ave ave b be b???n fn fifirfi?memerer,er???o o so ststost??mac??h ih isi
maller resealable bags which keeps the food fresh. Better to open up a brand new bag every couple weeks than to leave a huge opened bag of kibble in the pantry for months." 4801,B00139TT72,A1ZPKS7M3U17XX,HYUNJEONG BAEK,2,2,5,1306195200,Paul Newman saved my dog!,"Prior to switching to Newman's Own Organics Dog food, my 4 year old shih-tzu was crunching on Iams. Which was fine, except that every 2-3 months or so he'd have stomach problems. After switching, his poops have been firmer, no stomach is
ssus?ese??ini??sisigi?hth?, ,?ANANDND D h hihisis s cs cocoao?t t???s s gs gog?ttttetenen ???osossssi?erer r ( ?anandnd d???chch h l lel??s s fs flf?akakyky)y).). . D DuDununcncacanan an l??kek??? hi h?is is?nen?w w f fofoooodo??an?d ??o o d ??o Io ???4484808020?,B,?000010?393?TTTT7T7272,?A3A3C3???YMYMUMUNU?KVKV0V0B0??,",?M.M. ?RaRadadede e " ?"o"?ceceae?an"an"""""""?,2,2,?2,2,52,??121??878??4848048?00,00,T,THT?E E B BEB?STST,T,M,MyMy y c cococcockc?kerke?r pr pupupu???y 4y ???osos os t ?hrhrer?? u up???asastastotoror ??andand and p pop?????x x??andand ?NaNatatuat?rar?? b ??alaalanancan?ce ce a an a?? h? had had d ld lolooloos?e e me mom????nsns.s???? i? t?ririei???ththith?is is ais ???and hand ???did??d gd grgrereare?at at?? e evevevenen en t th t???re?d d sd std strtrereareakreakikininging g f?roromom m? hi his hi??eye??es ?hahavaveve ve a al almlmo?stst t ct clclelealearareredred red u up u? a af a???r r a?? mo mon montnthth th a al?????wiw?th?th sth sisimsimimililalasla?an???eyeeye e de dre droropro??s. s. w whwhi?chch ch??s s gs grs grereareatrea?..448480803803,3?,B0,B00?13139139T9TT9TT7T72T7??2,AN2,ANJN?0Z0?8D8D6D?1F1???L,L,S,?an???? B Br B?rodrodyd?,2,2,,2,2?,2,5,2,5,5,15,12??303?626??0000,00,D00,?
sues in sight, AND his coat has gotten glossier (and much less flaky). Duncan likes his new food and so do I!" 4802,B00139TT72,A3CU3YMUNKV0BO,"M. Rade ""ocean""",2,2,5,1298764800,THE BEST,My cocker puppy 4 mos threw up castor and poullex and Natural balance and had loose motions. SO i tried this and he did great ! even the red streaking from his eyes have almost cleared up after a month along with similasan eye drops. which is great. 4803,B00139TT72,ANJ0Z8D61FT0L,Sandra Brody,2,2,5,1293062400,Do
gg g L LoLovo??s s F ?ooo?d d?- -?WeW? L Li L???e Ce ?ononvnve?niniei?ncncece,e,I,I I l ?ik?????wmw??n'n's's s Os ?wnwn n f foforor r?mymy y f?amamimililyly y dy dudueue e te tot? i ?tsts s cs ?ononsonsisisi?tetenenten? q ququau???tyt?y ay anandand ???oodood d id ini?grgrer?didieienientntsts;ts???I lI ?liklike? h hah?ve? t ththehe e oe ?ppppoporortor?unu?nitnity? t to t?o po ?rorovoviovidided?e te the t?he he s ?amameame ?ququaqu?alialitityit??pr?ododuoducuctc?ts ts? to? m my m??y any ani??malma?s.s??????zoz?on on m?akakekeskes s is ???co??nvenvenenien?ienientient t tt toto to?gegetet t mt ????ipiplplele e be babaga?s s is ins in ??manmananag?eaeaba?lele le s si sizizez?es es t th thahathat t at apa??eaearear ?on?on mon mymy my f fr f?ronront? p po?rcr?? a acacccco?rdrdidindingng ng t???????ch?ededued?uleule.e. . . I I I???t ?t tht thehe ??thrthrereeree e fe ??urur-r-p-po?unundund ???gs?; ; t; ?alalkalk k a?bobouo??t pt po??tatabta??iliil?ity?? an andn?d sd st????abiabililiilitility?!!??8080404,4,B,?000010131?9T9TTT??2,2,A,?G5G???T5T5F5FBF?QKQKJK?,S,SoSop???a'a?'s 's m mo momom,m,2,2,?2,?5,5,1,121??090909029024240400??sc?ara?redred d s?opophophioph?ia ia h?adad d td teterte?riribiblbleble e de di??arharheheahe??"M"??y ny nen
g Loves Food - We Like Convenience,I like Newman's Own for my family due to its consistent quality and good ingredients; I like have the opportunity to provide the same quality products to my animals. Amazon makes it convenient to get multiple bags in manageable sizes that appear on my front porch according to my schedule. I got the three four-pound bags; talk about portability and storability! 4804,B00139TT72,AG51WT5FBQKJ,Sophia's mom,2,2,5,1290902400,scared sophia had terrible diarhea,"My ne
w? Y YoYororkr??e e???mem?e fe frfror?m m a a a p ?upuppppypy y m mimilillll.l. . S ShS?e e we ?asas s c cl clel?anan n a an andnd d w ?ele????rorooroomomeomeded.d. ?Sh?????? n non?t t e eveveverer r i inin ??a ha hohouoususese.e. ??he?n n In I I g??ot ot?heherher r hr hohomhomeme me s shshehe he w??as ?soso o s?ca?rer?? a an and and ?nen?ervervovouousous s fs ??omom om?ththehe he she sts?raran?gege ????ro?unund???gsgs.s. ?. Sh. S?he ?wowououlou??d n?ot?ot eot ?eateat ?oror or d drdririn?? a an? and and h ha hadad ?ho?rr?ibiblble? w? wat wateter?y y my mumucucoc??ous ous b bobowowewelwel l? mo movo?vemvememenme?tsts.s. s. A AfAftf?terter r ar a a va ???itit t tt toto o to th???vevetve??t tht thahatat t st sh???eded ed ned nono no? p??ra??sitsi??s ??we we? pu p?t ?t ont on ??thethe the??lal??d d dd ?ieietiet.t. . I. I I rI reresreseseaseararcarchchehedhed ????an?icic c d do dogo? f ???d ??and??? was was ?veverve?y y iy imimpmprp???sesedsed d wd ?itithith h t th t????revrevivievi?wsw?s os ofof f t th?isis is f??oodood.d. d. N ??o oo ononene ne i in i???y y ay arareareaea,ea???anancancacascaststest?er er P ?A.A. . h. ha??s ts ?thith?is ?pr????uctuct.? I ?I sI ??ntnt nt f fo for for r ir itit it a? and and and w and we?ananeaneded ed hed ?her? o ?????the?the bthe
w Yorkie came from a puppy mill. She was clean and well groomed. She was not ever in a house. When I got her home she was so scared and nervous from the strange surroundings. She would not eat or drink and had horrible watery mucous bowel movements. After a visit to the vet that showed no parasites we put on the bland diet. I researched organic dog food and was very impressed with the reviews of this food. No one in my area, Lancaster PA. has this product. I sent for it and weaned her off the b
l?anandnd d?didiei??. . A ?ftf??? o ononlnlyly y?twt?o o d?aya?s s o?n n? th thih???fofoooodod d hd heherer er??oooopoopsp?s as ararer? s sosololilidid d sd smsmam?llll l a ??d d fd fifiri????I I a am a????o to ??an?kfkfuf?l.l?. S. ShShehe he i isis is r ?reare????? do doioiningn? w wewelellll ll? an a??? sh shehe he ihe isis is ais a a??er?y ?swsweweewe?et et g ???l ?anandand and?lolooookooksks s as ats at t?meme ??iti?th th? gr g???teftefufulful ?brb?owownwn n en eyeyey?s.s?""4484808?5,5,B,B0B000010131?9T9TTTT7T7272,2?A1A191??0G0GGG??PVPV7V??1J1J,J?DiDiai??a a La L.L. . . ???ellell,l,2,2,?2,?5,5,15,??898979?797929202?00,00???alalialitityity ?ororgr?ananian?c c e et?hihichicacalal al????g fg fofoofood????gsgs ??lovlove? t th the th?e te ?asaststete te a an and and d Id I I lI ?lovlovelove ?e the the?he che cocomompm?ananyan????spspep??ia?llllyll?y cy ?conconvnvevenveninieienientn?t tt ?????veve ve ive itit it? de d??iviveverve?redre???ratraththether?er ter ?thathanan an m me m?e le luluguggg?gingi?ng ng i it i?t ht ??omeom?..???806806,6,B?000010013?9T9TT9T??2,2,A2,?OHO?7G7GKGK7K7H7HYHYGYGVGVPV?,r,??wpwpaparparkrk,rk?,2,,2,2?,2,5,2,5,?5,125,128287287272772737363?0000,00,n00,nen??mamanmansns s ds ?oeo?es es i it? a ag a?gaiga??.,.,W,WeWe ??swisw??chchehedhe?d ud
land diet. After only two days on this food her poops are solid small and firm. I am so thankful. She is really doing well and she is a very sweet girl and looks at me with grateful brown eyes." 4805,B00139TT72,A1950GGRPV7F1J,Diana L. Bell,2,2,5,1289779200,Quality organic ethical dog food,Dogs love the taste and I love the company. Especially convenient to have it delivered rather than me lugging it home. 4806,B00139TT72,AOH7GK7HYGVP,rkwpark,2,2,5,1287273600,newmans does it again.,We switched u
?? f frf?omom m n ?utu?roro ro c chchih?ckc?ene? a ?ndnd d r ???e e??? n ne n??mamanansan? o owownwn n an ??d d cd ch?ipi??s s bs ?owoweow?l l?momovovevemememenententsts ???e e se ?o ??ucuchch ch m?ororere re?ded?ensenses?e ae an?and and? co com?papaca?t.t. . o?urur r v vevetve? s sasayaysy?s is ?tsts ts a a a s si sigigngn n on ofo??gogoooodo?d fd fofoooodoo?. . n. nunufnu?f ?sasaisaidid.?4????,B,B0B000??3939T9?T7T?2,2,A,A3A3232S2SNSNLNLHL????E1E?CZCZ,Z,M,MoMopopipinininioionon,n,2,????4,4,1,??848?686818?6060000,00,P,PrPreremre??umu??dod??? fo foo????y y 3 ?? do d??s s ls ?ovoveove ?tht?hishis s fs fo?odod od? an and? a ar arere re tre ththrth??vivin??g og ?on on? . . I ??grgreredredidieienent???s ars arere re hre hihighighgh h q ququaualalil??y y ay ?andand and Aand ???zozonon on pon ?riricri?e ??s s b??tttteterer r tr ththathanan an a an any an?whwheh?ereere e Ie I I c???an gan gegetet et i it i??exexcxcecepce?t ??on ?sasalsa???448480808808,8,B,B0,B?00100???9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,?A37A37V7V1V???GZGZQZ???EVE??DeDebebib?DuDububybyaya,a?,2,,2,2,2,?5,5,1,12,1????60860?80080???YuYum????- - E EvEvevenven n fn ?forfor ?FiFininiin?ickickyk?y Dy DoDogog,og?"I"I I hI hahavave? b ?eeeenen en??eeeedeedidindingng ng t th thihis? t to t?o m?y y Sy
p from nutro chicken and rice to newmans own and chip's bowel movements are so much more dense and compact. our vet says its a sign of good food. nuff said. 4807,B00139TT72,A32SNLHW7PE1CZ,Mopinion,2,2,4,1284681600,Premium dog food,My 3 dogs love this food and are thriving on it. Ingredients are high quality and Amazon price is better than anywhere I can get it except on sale. 4808,B00139TT72,A37V1O8GZQBIEV,DebiDubya,2,2,5,1282608000,Yummy - Even for Finicky Dog,"I have been feeding this to my S
ttatanandndadarardrd d P ?oooododldlel??fof?r r q ??ititet??sosomomeme e te titimime????t t?waw???rer?coc???menmend???d bd byby y a a a l loloco??l l??????aya?y cy ?carcarere/re?grg?oo?miminingn??trt?aiain??inging g cg ?enentn??r ?cacalca?leledled d Gd ?rereareata???og? S ShShohopo??e e ie inin in S Se S?atattattltlele.le?. T. ThT??y y ay ?areare ?VEVERERYRY Y s spspe?cicififificic c??bobouo?t t wt whw???? f fo f?oodoo?s s ts ?heheyhe?y sy sus?ggggegesestst t at anandand ???llll.ll???It It m mumusust? m?eeeetet t ct ce?rtrtataita?in in sin st?anandandaand??dsds ds?ofo? n ?ututrut?ititiitioionon n o????it'it???nono-o?gog?. . M. MyMy ?popoooodoodloodlele le l????es es i itit,it? b bubutut ut e ??venven ??et?te??, , I, ? o of offffeferereredred d sd sod somomeome ?e toe t? m my my y cy coy c????in'in's's 's? fi fininiinicinickckyky y p??oodoodl??e we whwhowh?o "o ??jujusustust t dt dodoedo??n'n't't ??eateat t wt wht whe??n sn shs??'s?'s a's awawawayway y fy ?ro?m m??homhome?""""."". . S. ShSheSh?e ge gogobgobbbblbleled? i it it t rt ri?ghghtht ?upup p? an andnd nd? as askskekeded ed f??r r mr ?or?e.e. ????hen hen I I I c ?comcompm??arearedare?d td th?e ?coconcontntentenententsts ?ofof of N NeNewe??an?'s's ?toto o ho ??r r br ??ranrandnd nd (nd (w(wh?ic
tandard Poodle for quite some time. It was recommended by a local dog day care/grooming/training center called Great Dog Shoppe in Seattle. They are VERY specific about which foods they suggest and sell. It must meet certain standards of nutrition or it's no-go. My poodle loves it, but even better, I offered some to my cousin's finicky poodle who ""just doesn't eat when she's away from home"". She gobbled it right up and asked for more. When I compared the contents of Newman's to her brand (whic
hh h?waw?s s s susuguggggegeseststeteded d b byby y a ? b br brereeeed??r)r) ) t ??erereer? w wa w?? N NONO O c coc?mpmpapara?isisosono?. . N??wmwmamanan'n's's s Os OwOwnwn n i ?is is f ?arar ar s??pepererier??r.r. . I. ???getget t i it i??viv???""""s"?subsubsbscs?riribribeb?e ae ??d d sd ?ava?e"e"""" "" s so s??I I nI neneve?verve? r ?unun n on ???, , I I I s sa sav?e ?ovo?ver? t th thehe he s st stotororeor?e pe ???cec?e a??d d id iti??'s 's d ded?lilivive??eded ed r ri rigighghtht t tt to? m ?y y dy dod?or??. W. ???t ??coucoululdld d bd ?????asiasieierer?er?"???484?0909,9?B0B?010131393?TTTT7T?2,2,A,A2A2V2V9V9V9??V9AV9A6A?TCT?1U1UZUZ,Z,","D"D.D?. P. PoPozo?dodoldol l " """"t""trt??aveavelavelel?er"er"""""""","?2,2,22,2,2,52,?,1,121??809809696666464040000,00,D,DoD?gsgs ??liklikeke e ie ? ?. I . I?lolov?e ?ththathatat at A ?????on on???arrarririerieses es? it?.....??,"I,"I I uI ?sesed?ed ted toto ?bubuyuy y ty ththith??is ais ?at ?a a la loloclo?alal ?he?alaltal?th th f fo foooodood d sd std s?tortorere re a??nd nd???enen ?ththetheye?y sy ststost?ppp???d cd cacarcarrrryryiy??g g i it it.? T ThThe?n ?I ?wa?s s ts ththrthririlri?leledled d wd whw?henhen hen?? I f I ?ou???nd ind itit it?WaWalal-al-M-?arartart,?? bu but? t? the then the?n tn thn theheyhey y s??topto??ed
h was suggested by a breeder) there was NO comparison. Newman's Own is far superior. I get it via ""subscribe and save"" so I never run out, I save over the store price and it's delivered right to my door. What could be easier?" 4809,B00139TT72,A2V9VV9A6TC1UZ,"D. Pozdol ""traveler""",2,2,5,1280966400,Dogs like it. I love that Amazon carries it...,"I used to buy this at a local health food store and then they stopped carrying it. Then I was thrilled when I found it Wal-Mart, but then they stopped
? s ststotoco???ngng g t ?hehe e??ryry y k ki?bbb??e e ae ??d d n ??w w?ono?lyly ?cacara?ryry ry? th t?he he N NeN?wmwmam?an'an's's s? do d?ggggigiei?e me ?usu?h h i ?in in?ca??s.s. . S SoS?? I I I c co c?ululdldndn'n't'???elelilie??e e ie itit t wt ?hehenhen n I I I?fofouounoundnd nd? it it t ht ?herherere ?- -?AmAmamazmazozonon on r rereareala?lyly ly d? doe doese???elellell l j jujusustust t at ababob?outout ?eve??ryrytryththithininging!g! ! M MyMy y Sy ?hihihih h Th TzTzuz?? l lilikli?e e i?t ?t ant a???ththetheyey y dy dodo o n no notot t gt ???t st sis?ckck ck a ata??t alt a??? li likike??? the th?? d?idid d pd pepereririoiododidicicaic??ly??onon on ton ththethe the n no non non-n-o-oro??an?icic ic b bu butut ?t stt stit?llll ll ell exexpxpe?ns?iviveve,ve, , ", """????-r-rerecrecoc?mmm?enendndend???"",""?, b, brbrar??????4?8181010,0??000010??9T9?T7T?2,2?A3A3E3ESE?DBD?1E1EUEU9U?9TW9T?CVCV,V?KiKirirsrst?jej???B.B. . L. LoLor?enenzenz,z,2,2,???5,5??282???93936360600?,o,ororgor?ganga?icic ic dic dodogdog g fg fofoofo??,","H"HuHumu?manma?n-gn-grg?radraded?e ce ?hihichi?ckeckenen,en, , a, alallall all o or o??anani??? do dog dog g f??odod.od?. . ?ThT?he he fhe ?foofoodfoo?d id isis ???lilivlive?verevereded ed? to to ?meme me?mom??ththlthlyly ly oly only on n sn scsch?ededuedul?
stocking the dry kibble and now only carry the Newman's doggie mush in cans. So, I couldn't believe it when I found it here - Amazon really does sell just about everything! My Shih Tzus like it and they do not get sick at all like they did periodically on the non-organic but still expensive, ""vet-recommended"", brands." 4810,B00139TT72,A3ESDB1EU9TWCV,Kirstjen B. Lorenz,2,2,5,1280793600,organic dog food,"Human-grade chicken, all organic dog food. The food is delivered to me monthly on schedule
??viviaia a??heh????bsb?crcrir?bebe e &e ? S?ava?e e pe prp???rar?m.m. . T ThThehe he p prproprofo?ititsts s b be???fifitfit t p pe petet ?chchaharariritri?ieieses.s.<.?brbr r?/>/?WhWhahathat't's'??nonotot t tt ?o o l ??keke?e?"?""4484818?1,1,B,?000??3939T9TTTT7T7272,2,A,A1A1U1?N5N?Q1Q1F1????ZTZ??,B,BJ,BJ,J,2,2,2,22,??3,3,1,??737313101?404?000000,0??ooo?? n ??wsws ?anandn?d bd bab?d d nd nenewnewsnew?,","I"? l li likikeike ?ththathata???hihisi?s is isis is a a a ra rereae?sosononanaba??y y p pr priricricec?d d od ororgr?an?icic c d ?ogog og f fof??d d td ththathatthat t it isis is ris ??adadiadilily?? av a??ililailab?lele.e?. I. ?I sI ?wiwit?chcheched? t to to ?ththith?is is wis whwhe?n n? th the??brbrabr?andand d Id I ?hahadha?d b??enen n fn ?ee?didini?g g m mymy ?dodogdogsgs s fs foforfo???eaearearsr?s bs ?begbe??n n tn ?to to u ?pspses?? t th the the e te tue tumu?mymy my??of of m?y ??sensenin?oror.or. ?HoHowo?eveve??? n ne neieitithithe??r or of?of mof mymy my dmy ??dogsdogs s (s (e(eveveevenen en m? my my " ?"c"ch?owowhowhohouounundnd"nd"""")"") ) i isis ?crcracraza??y ay ababoab??t t i?t.t. ?Th???y ey ev?eveneventn????lyly ?di?d d ed ea?t t it itt it,t it, ?bubutu?t it it? t? too tooko? a a a???ot ot? of of f?coc?axaxix???????? t
via the Subscribe & Save program. The profits benefit pet charities.<br />What's not to like?" 4811,B00139TT72,A1UN5Q1FKH1ZT7,BJ,2,2,3,1273104000,Good news and bad news,"I like that this is a reasonably priced organic dog food that is readily available. I switched to this when the brand I had been feeding my dogs for years began to upset the tummy of my senior. However, neither of my dogs (even my ""chowhound"") is crazy about it. They eventually did eat it, but it took a lot of coaxing. But t
?heh? t ?umummm?y y p prproroboblb?ememsms s??idid d c ?leleale?? u upup.p?""4?818121?,B,B0B?010131?9T9TTTT7T727?2,A2,A2A2Y2YGY?SES???2O2O6O??0Q0Q,Q,a,?ariarisi?tataga?ono?????2,52,5,5??12612606?232???0000,00?GrGrer?atat t D DoDogog g??oooodod!d?,","O"???r dr dodog??LOL?VEV?S S? th t??is is f ???d!?????e we wawasas s hs ??viv?ngng g sg sesererir?ouo?s s gs gag??trt??inintin?eseststist?inainalal l p?rorobro?blebl???s ts ththahathat ?wew???n'n't't ?clclecleaearea??ng? u?p p - ---- - u un u?titili?l wl wewe we s ststast?artar?tedted ?hi???on??NeN?wmw?ana?n'sn's s Os OwOwnwn.n. .??SiS?incincece ???enen,en? h ?he he h ha h?as as b bebeeeenen en r reregre???arar,ar, ?ha?ppppyp???an?d ???ealealtlth?y.y??448481813813,3??0000100?139139T9TT9TT7T72T72,?2,A32,A3P3PSPSJSJYJY9Y9H9HHH???3S3SKS??,"G,"GiGin?? M ??annan? " ?"a"amamamazma??onioniaian?grgrlrl"l"""""""",",2??,2,,2,5,2,5,5,15,1212512515???7207200?0,0,M,MyMy y dy ?dogdog g tg ththrthririvrivev?es es o on on n tn ?thithisis,is,","I,"? h?????? 1 10? y yeyeaearear ear o ol oldld d Ad AuAus?sisieie e se ?hehephe??he?elelelerler r mr mim?x x w wiw?thth th c?hrhro?ninicic c s sk skik?in in? al allllelerlergler?ieiesies s -s ---- -- I ?I tI trtritrieiedied d h??m ?onon on eon eveveververyr?
he tummy problems did clear up." 4812,B00139TT72,A2YGSEWS2O6E0Q,aristagon,2,2,5,1260230400,Great Dog Food!,"Our dog LOVES this food! He was having serious gastrointestinal problems that weren't clearing up -- until we started him on Newman's Own. Since then, he has been regular, happy, and healthy." 4813,B00139TT72,A3PSJY9HHVC3SK,"Gina Mann ""amazoniangrl""",2,2,5,1251072000,My dog thrives on this,"I have a 10 year old Aussie shep/heeler mix with chronic skin allergies -- I tried him on every
?prp??mim??m m?dodogog g f fofooo???inincnclclulududidiningin?g gg grg?aiainin in f?re?? p ??ototeteieinin in oin ononlnlyl? f??rmrmum??asa? - ---- - a ?ndnd ?non?oneon?e he heh?lplpepeded.d? O OtO?he????orgorgagananian?? d do d?og og f fo foo food? a al alslsoso o m ?akakeke e he hie h??m im iti?chc? m mi misises? . ?BuButut t o on o? t ?theth?e Ne NeN??ma????s Os ?wnw?n hn hehe'he's's 's s ststotopo?pepedpe??th?? i it i?tchtchihininging ing a?nd?? sh she??didindingn?? a an??d hd hehe he a ab absb?solso?lutluteteltelyly ly? de deve?ouo?rsrs s ts ??is? s st s??fff?. . . L. ??VEVE E??T!T!!!!!!!!!!!"!""?4848181414,4??000010131??????,A,?1N1NJNJXJXFX?N4N???AUA??L,L?KaK?re?n n Dn ?elelgel?grogr?sss?so,so,2,2,?2,2,52,5,5?121232?757505??720720000,00,N,NoN?o Wo ??orror??ese?-G-GoGoooodoo??StS?tuftuff? i in in n hn hen h??e,e?"I"? a am am ?vevereryery ?hah??ppyppy ?I I sI sws?ititcitchcheched? f? fro fr?m m am a a v veververyr?y py ?opopuopululaularar ar?? dog dog ?fofoofo?od,od, ???soldsol?d id inin in ain ???ot?? of of f v?etetsts s os ofoff???eses es t?o o No NeNewNewmwmawman??s as ababobououtout t 3t ? y yeyeaear?s s a??o ?afaftfte?r r ar ??boboubout? o of of of s??omomaom??ch ch??is?trtre? . A. AlAlll? h
premium dog food including grain free protein only formulas -- and none helped. Other organic dog food also make him itch miserably. But on the Newman's Own he's stopped the itching and shedding, and he absolutely devours this stuff. LOVE IT!!!!" 4814,B00139TT72,A1NJXFN4V5AUOL,Karen Delgrosso,2,2,5,1237507200,No Worries-Good Stuff in here,"I am very happy I switched from a very popular dog food, sold in a lot of vets offices to Newmans about 3 years ago after a bout of stomach distress. All h
a?s s b beb?enen n w wewelellll l w wi w?tht? m mym???uru?? ba bababyb?y ey evevevere?????cece e ; ;-;?) ) A AnA?d d?toto o h ???ve ve i it? b?rorouougu??t t?rir?ghghtght t tt ?? m my m?y fy ?roronro?t t dt ?ooo?r r fr ?oror or c chc?eae??er?? th thahanha?n In I I??anan n gn ??t ??it it ait ?t t t??he he l ??cacalal ?ststotortorere,e, ,??owow w c? can can n yn ?ou? b be bea??t t?t that th???"???484??5,5,B,B0B000010??9T9TTTT7T?2,2,A,A3A??ZNZNRNRSRSDSDQDQ3Q?2U2UUUUHUH,H,","i"imi??ococroc?azazyzy y "y """"f"frfrefr???ieieded d rd ?reareadaded?er"er"""""""??2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,15,?212111?15815878?72072?00,00,t,ththithisis s is is? t th?e ?ononene,e,"e,"I"?, ?liliki?e e me ?osostst st p pepeope?plp?e,e, e, s swswiw?itcitch?eded ed t to to o oo ?orgor?ananianici? a afaftfteter?er ter ththeth?e de do??? fo f?oodood ??cacarcarere re a an andnd nd a af aftfteft?er er ter trer t??iningin?g ag ? l????ofof f??ififff?erereerenentent t ft fofoofoododsd?, , s, seset?tlt?ledled ?on? t? thi thisis is ois ononeone.e? M MyMy y dy do??s s ls liliklikeke ke i it i?t at ?andan?d Id I I fI fe??? g gogooood?? ab abobou?t t i?t ??ee?didindingng g ig ?it ?toto ?ththe???"?48?161?,B?00???9T9TT9TT7T72T72,?A1A1U1?YKYKKK?9H9HTHTOTOUOUWU?S3S3,3,R,RyR?anan an???MiMicickic?lele,le
as been well with my fur baby ever since ;-) And to have it brought right to my front door for cheaper than I can get it at the local store, how can you beat that?" 4815,B00139TT72,A3MZNRSDQ32UUH,"imsocrazy ""frenzied reader""",2,2,5,1211587200,this is the one,"I, like most people, switched to organic after the dog food scare and after trying a lot of different foods, settled on this one. My dogs like it and I feel good about it feeding it to them." 4816,B00139TT72,A1UYKK9HTOUWS3,Ryan McMickle,
4?,5,5,5????323?????2020000,0?NoNotot t w ???t t It I I t ththohouougu?htht,t?"A"?s s o ???erer r v ?ieiewewewererser??hahavhaveve e p ?oioinintn?ede? o ou outu?t, t, t th thihisis s ds dodogog g??ooo?d ??ono???ininsins s ps pepesests?icicicididedeses es a anandnd d gd grgrarai?nsns,s, , a???ongon?g og otothotheotherer er q quq?esestesti??onaonabablblele ?in?gr?edediedieienient?s.s. . T ?he? e exexpxpeperperirieien?cec??wiw?thth th t th thi th???brbraranrandnd nd h ha?s s bs ?eeeenen n d didisisaisapappp?poipo?intintitintingng.g????ap?prprerece????e e Ne NeNewewmew????s ?OwOwnwn n bn brbrabr?andan??bubutut ut I I I nI ?? l ?onongongeong??er ter trtrurusu?st st t th?emem m??itithith h d?ogog og f fo foo????and? h ha hava?ve ve??ueuesue???ononeoneded ed s ?omomem?e oe ?oth????prpropr??ucu?tst?s fs frfror?om om t? the them the??<b<br????<b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I hI hahav??e se ?inincin?ce ce s sw swi?tctchchehedhe??toto o Bo BlB??ue ue?BuBufuffffafala???, a, ??s ts ???y y???eemee?m tm ?? h? hav have?ve tve th??? be besestest est r rereprepupututautatatiatioionion.n?.<b.<brbr ?/>/></><b<br<br <br???""""S"?tat?ceceyce?""?'s's 's? re revevi??? s?ololdl???me me o on o?????<b<br??/>/><????br />br />">"">"?DoDogog ?fofoofoodod od h ha??s cs
4,5,1,1326067200,Not what I thought,"As other viewers have pointed out, this dog food contains pesticides and grains, among other questionable ingredients. The experience with this brand has been disappointing. I appreciate Newman's Own brand but I no longer trust them with dog food and have questioned some other products from them.<br /><br />I have since switched to Blue Buffalo, as they seem to have the best reputation.<br /><br />""Stacey""'s review sold me on it:<br /><br />""Dog food has c
?hahanangn?eded d A ALALOLOTOT T o ovo?erer r t ththehe e p pap?stst t???w w y yeyeaeararsr?. .? As As s p???t ot owownwnen?erser?s ws wewer??e we wiw?lll??ngng ng??o o s ?pepene??d md ?ororere e me mo??neyney y? fe feeeedediedininging g t???iri?r pr ?petpetsts,s??lalar?gegerger r cr cocororporpopororaoratatitioiono?s s bs bobouougu?htht t ot out o?t t tt ?thethe e se ?mamala?llell?er er d ??g g fg fofoooodod d cd ???papanpaninieiese?s as anandand d cd chd chahanhang??ed ed t th the the e ie iningingring??didieienientntsts ts?wiwitwi?thoth??t ?nonoto???yiyin?ing ing t? the???usuststostomomemer??. ?ThT?isis s ws was wasas as p pa parartartiticticuculcu?larla??y ?trt?ueue e oe ofof f? th the? the m the momormore??exe?pepenpensnsins??ve ve?brb??andandsand??ththath?? c co cononton?aiain??ed ed ted ?the? h hi?ghghegherer ????alialiti?y y iy in?ingr?edediedieedienententsts.ts???eaealeal l?memeameatat ?anandand and??ici??e we wee wer?? s??bsbst?it??uteut?ed ed wed wiwitwithwith h " """?memeameatmeat ?byby-y-p-prprorododuod?ctct"t"""" "" a anand?and cand chcheheaheapap p i imi?mpomp?ortortet?ed ed ged ?rarairaininsins s (s (p(paparpartr??????larllar?? C COCORORNR?) ) t th tha th?at at wat wewerwere?re dre ??eteeterermermiminineinedined d td tot?o bo bebe ??""u""????it it f?oror or h hu h?mamanman n c co con cons???ptptitiotionon"on?""."". ?. Th. The
hanged ALOT over the past few years. As pet owners were willing to spend more money feeding their pets, larger corporations bought out the smaller dog food companies and changed the ingredients without notifying the customers. This was particularly true of the more expensive brands that contained the higher quality ingredients. Real meat and rice were substituted with ""meat by-product"" and cheap imported grains (particularly CORN) that were determined to be ""unfit for human consumption"". The
yy y a ararere e?tatakakikiningng g i ??grgreredredidieiene?tsts s???atat t?usu?ede? t to t??bebe e ce ???sisididedere?redred red???wawasa?tete"e????ndnd ?pap?ckc?agagigininging ing i?t ?upu? a as as s "s ""?heheaealaltltht??y &y & &??utu?riritititioiouousus"us?"" ????d d fd foforfo? y ?ou?r r br bebelbelolovo?ed? p ?ete?. .???r r or ononconcece ??heaheal?ththythy y py pepetpetsts ts? ar a?re re?co?nt?rar?actactitinti?ng ng d de?bibilililititaitatatiatininging ing ding ?disdiseseaseasaseas?s ???nd nd? dy dyiyin?ing ing bing bebecbecac??useuse e oe ofof f t th the the e te totoxo??c c w wawaswast??e me mamat?er??alalsals s ts th?at? a ar?e ?e cue cururrur??nt?lyly ?bebeibe??ing ing ming ma?rkr??eteet?ed ed aed asas as p?etet et f fofoofoodod.od.<.?brbr ?/>/><>?<br<br ?r />r />B>BlB?ueu?e Be BuB?fff???o o io isis s os ononeone ?e ofe o?f tf ?thethe e fe fefewew w r reremremamaimaininiin?inging ing cing cocomcompm?panpa??iesies ?s ths thahatha?, , a?t t lt leleaeaseastst st t to? m mymy y ky ???wlwleledle?geg?, , h, hahashas ??notnot ?""""s""??ldld-d-o-ououtout"t"""" "" y"" yeyet?. ??hehe he? fo foooodood d rd re??allallyly ly i is is ?s nus n?utrutriritri?tioti?ousous s as ans andnd nd snd st?il?l l c co conontonta?in???rerearealreal l ml memeaeateat t wt wiwitithith h? no no o bo ??-p-????ucu??ts,ts, , f, fif?ill?ererser?,
y are taking ingredients that used to be considered ""waste"" and packaging it up as ""healthy & nutritious"" food for your beloved pet. Our once healthy pets are contracting debilitating diseases and dying because of the toxic waste materials that are currently being marketed as pet food.<br /><br />Blue Buffalo is one of the few remaining companies that, at least to my knowledge, has not ""sold-out"" yet. The food really is nutritious and still contains real meat with no by-products, fillers,
ccocoro?? o ?or or s ?oyoy.y. .?WeW? s sw swiw?tctchchehede? o?urur r d ???? o ov ovevere??ththihisis ??asastst t s su sumummmmemerer er a afa???er ?hahava??ngng g l loloso??? on onen??toto o a an a??aua?totoptopsp?y/y/t/totoxto?ici?colcolologlogygy y v ??rir?fif?eded ed c cacasasease e oe ofo? " ?"a"?aflaflalata?toxtoxitoxin??popoio??ono??inging"g"""" "" f frfror?m m t ?theth????heheahe?ltl?thythy y &y ??nunut?riritri?ioiouousus"s?"" "" d"" dodogdog ?fof?odod d wd wewe e we ???e ???yiyininging ing a an and and d fd fef?ededied?inging ing hing hi???. T. ??hishis s ws ?asas as N ??T T??he??p p f?oooodood ?d fod f?lkl??. . T. Th. Thihis??wawaswa?s as ?? we welelll??knknonowo???brb??ndn?, , h ?highighg?lyl?y my ?ara?kek??tedted d ad ?as ??""N""?atatuat?urauralal"al""?, , t, ththathatat at w we we we w we wer werere re p pa payayiyinyi?? $ $6$606??babagag g f?oror.or???. The. Th?e Fe FDF?A A a? ana analalyal??isis is o??????is is fis fo?odod od? ve vererierififiifie???th?thatthat t it ?? c co conontontataiaininein?ed ?to????s,s??bubutbu?t Nt ?NOTNOTHTHIH??? w?asas ?do?nene ne t to to o to ththethe the d do dogog og? fo foo foodod od mod mamanmanunufnu??ctctut? Th. The. They. They ??areare ?ststistilill?? pr prorodrodud?cic?inging ??thetheitheiri?r "r """"h?igi?gh gh p pr
corn or soy. We switched our dogs over this past summer after having lost one to an autopsy/toxicology verified case of ""aflatoxin poisoning"" from the ""healthy & nutritious"" dog food we were buying and feeding him. This was NOT cheap food folks. This was a well-known brand, highly marketed as ""Natural"", that we were paying $60/bag for. The FDA analysis of this food verified that it contained toxins, but NOTHING was done to the dog food manufacturer. They are still producing their ""high pr
iiciceceded d w ?asa??e"e"""? a ana?d d hd ?eaeavavivili?y y m ??rkrkeketetit??g g i itit t? as as s " ?""n""?atatut?rarala??"".""?<b<?r r / />/><>?<br<b?r /r ?/>M/>MyM??adadvdvivicvicece ce t ?? p pep?? o owownwnen?????ReReaeadead d td ththehe he i in ingngrngrer?edied????s s ls ??bebelelsls ??thoth?rorouougughghlhly?? an andnd nd o?ftf?tenten!n! !?BlB?ueue e B Bu Bufu?faf??o o ao a a g grgre??at at p??rodroduducu??t tt ththathat??yoyouou ou?cac?? s ststistilillil? f fefeee?ed ed y ???? p?etetset?s ws wiwitithith h c co cononfnfif?deden???. . B Be B??caucaususes???it it??oeo?snsn'n't't ?coconontontataiain?? an?y ?chche??p p f fi f?illilleill??s,s? i it it't??s ms momororeore ??atatiatisisfs?yiyiningin?g tg ?to to y yo youourou??dodogdo?g sg sos?o yo ?you? d do donon'on?????????to to fto ?feefeeded ed aed asas as m mu m??h h oh ofof f i? it it t th t??us us m ma m?kik?ing?? it???stistilstillll ?rerelrela?titivti?elelyely y ey ececoecononoonomo???? . D. DoD??on'ton'???waiwa?it ??ntntintilil il i it it' it?'s 's t to toooo o lo ?latlatelat?e fe foforor or y yo you yourur ur bur bebelbelolovo?vedved ?pe?t.t. ??"""""""4?818?7,7,B,B0B??1313939T9TTTT7T7272,2,A,A2A?J5J?CQC?FCF?B1B1111V1VKVKJKJ,J,","3"3r3rdr??enen en? "" ""M"MiMididdiddldlel??agageg?ed ed ded dududdudede"de"""""
iced waste"" and heavily marketing it as ""natural"".<br /><br />My advice to pet owners: Read the ingredients labels thoroughly and often! Blue Buffalo a great product that you can still feed your pets with confidence. Because it doesn't contain any cheap fillers, it's more satisfying to your dog so you don't need to feed as much of it thus making it still relatively economical. Don't wait until it's too late for your beloved pet. """ 4817,B00139TT72,A2J5CQFCB11VKJ,"3rdGen ""Middle-aged dude"""
,?1,1,1,1,,1,3,3,3,1,13,1343???020?404??,A,ArA?e e??? t tht?rereeree e de dod?gsg?? to t?o o?pipicickc??y?y?,","I"? h ?avavev?e te ththrthre?????? .? T TwT??o oo ofof f? th theh?e te the thr??e ?wo???d d?nonorormrmam?lll?y y ey eaeatat t j juj?stst t at ababobououtut t at ant a???thith?ngng g? th tha thatat at??ouou ou? pu putut ut i ?in in t th?eie?r r b ?bowbowlwlsls.s?? T Th T?he he t? thi th?irdird d od ononene e (e (a(? Y ??orkor??e)e),)?? ha hasa?????ayaysys s bs bebeeeeneen n??icickickekeykey.y. . F. FoF?or or? th? the the? pa p??t t ct ??oupou?lel?e ye ?eaearearsrs ?I I hI hahadha?d bd bebeebeenen n bn bubuyuyiyiningin?g tg ththoth?sese ?exexpxpepenensensis?ve???rarana??s s os ?of of?fof?oodood d td ??atat ?prproromo?isise? " """"n"?atatuatururaralral l??ng?reredre?ie??tsts ?s ans andnd nd??etetttteterer ??heahealaltalthth"th?""."". . I. I I dI dedececicididededde??d tod to o to trtryry y Ny ??wmw??n'n's's s Os OwOwnwn.n. ??NoN?oneon?e oe ?of of mof mymy my? do d?ogsogs s ss seseeseemem m t???? be be c crcra?zyz?y ay ?aboabou??t tt th?thisthis s fs fofoofoodo?????? di disisrisreresresps?pecpectc?t t?o o t??he he lhe lal?ateate ?MrM?. ?Ne?wmwmawm??).)?. . I. ??f If I I mI ??x x N ?New??man??'s 's?OwOwnOwn ??itithth th a ananoanoto?theth?? b br?anandand,d?
,1,1,3,1344902400,Are my three dogs too pickey?,"I have three dogs. Two of the three would normally eat just about anything that you put in their bowls. The third one (a Yorkie), has always been pickey. For the past couple years I had been buying those expensive brands of food that promise ""natural ingredients and better health"". I decided to try Newman's Own. None of my dogs seem to be crazy about this food (no disrespect to the late Mr. Newman). If I mix Newman's Own with another brand,
tththehe e d ?ogo?? m ?aka?e ?anan n e efeffffof?rtrt t??? p ?????ououtut t (t (e(eaeatat)t) )??he? " """?oto??erer"r"""" "" f fofoofoodod d a anandan?d td ??theythey y w wiw?llll l??ene?d d td tod to ?leleaeaveavev??NeN????n'n's'??OwO?n n in ini??ththe? b bobowowlwl.l. . ?IfIf f? th the theyey y ay ararere ?huh???ryr?y ay any a?nd nd n nonotothothihin?? e el elslses?e ie ?s ?avavavaia??abablblele,le, , t th the they they y wy ?wilwillll ll e ea eat? t th the the the N NeNewNewmwmawman?'s's 's O Ow?n.n?. I. I I a?m m n??ot ot h he??re re? to to ????nonocno?ck"ck?"" "" N"" NeNew??manman'man's's 's O's OwOwnOwn.Own?? I I I a? am am s ?imi?plplyl???ele??ining? y yoyouou ou m my m??exexpxpep??ieien?cece.e. . B. BTB?W:W: : T ThThe?he fhe fofoo?d ?is? n no?t t ot ololdld.d. ?. It. I?t dt ?doedo?s s ns ?notnot t st ?mem??l l sl ?tatalalele le o or or r o ol o?ld.ld.".??4848181818,8,B,B0B000010131393?TTTT7T7272,2,A,A2A2Q2QVQ???MKMKFK?H1H111??V,V?CMCM9M9,9,1,?,1?,5,5,5?,13,1343424202?5151212020020??HoHowow ow y yo youou ?cacan? t? tel tellll ll ill iti?t it isis is gis grgregreaeatea?.....?,","T"Th?e ?do??gs gs???d d bd ?eeeen? e ea eat ea?ining?ing Ping ?uru?ininaina a? fo f?or or a a a l lolonongng,ng, , l, lo?ngng ng???imeime.e. e.? I I s I ?wiwitwitctchchehedhe?d t?d to d to? Ne Newewmewmaman??
the dogs make an effort to pick out (eat) the ""other"" food and they will tend to leave Newman's Own in the bowl. If they are hungry and nothing else is available, they will eat the Newman's Own. I am not here to ""knock"" Newman's Own. I am simply telling you my experience. BTW: The food is not old. It does not smell stale or old." 4818,B00139TT72,A2QV98MKFH116V,CM9,1,1,5,1342051200,How you can tell it is great...,"The dogs had been eating Purina for a long, long time. I switched to Newman's
? O OwO?n n a anandn? I ? n ??tit?ceceded d sd sos????hihiningng g?ononln?? a a a d dodogog ??wn?erer r?????d d bd bebe e c ?ononson??ioiouousou?? of of.f?..??theth?e we ?asasts?e.e? T ?heheye?y ny ???lolon?geg?? e exexpx?elel l????l l ol odo?dordo??ousous ous w wa w??tete,te, , w??hichi?h h?PuPururir?inain??seseeeememe?d ?tot?? do do o to to??th?themthem m??????ara?? . S. SiSinincince? t th t?heyhe?'v'???bebeebe?n ?onon on N NeNewewmw?an?'s's,s, , t, ?thetheitheirir r wr ?waswast?e e ie isis ?ala?mom?st? o od o?dordorldorlel?ssss s as ans a?nd,nd, ?wewelellel?..??itit t i is? e?asasyasy y ty toto to pto pipicickic? u ???. Y. YoYou? c ca canan an t te tel?ell ell i it it't's?? nu nututrt?ritri?tioti??ous ous bous ?y y wy ??atat t ct ?comcomemesmes s os ououtou??, a, anandan???f f?yoyouou ou hou ?havhaveve ve t?o o po pipicpi?k ?upup up a af aftfteterter ?yoyouyo?ur ur d do dog dog ?dadaia??ly,ly, ??ikikek??mymysy?selselflf,f, , y, ?youyou'you??l ??pppprp??ciciaciatateat?e te ththethe the? cl c?leale?anean?er ??outoutpout?utut.ut.".??484?191?,B,B0B0000101313939T9TTT???,A,?2Z2ZIZI9I9P9P5P5J5J5J??WGW?BHB?,n,nonomnomdm?epe??umu?me,me,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1343?080848414??0000,00,S,??tiltill? t th the the e Be BeBes???,","M"MyM?y gy gogolo?ldeldenenden
Own and I noticed something only a dog owner would be conscious of...the waste. They no longer expel foul odorous waste, which Purina seemed to do to them regularly. Since they've been on Newman's, their waste is almost odorless and, is easy to pick up. You can tell it's nutritious by what comes out, and if you have to pick up after your dog daily, like myself, you'll appreciate the cleaner output." 4819,B00139TT72,A2ZI9P5J5BWGBH,nomdeplume,1,1,5,1340841600,Still the Best!,"My goldend
?oooodo?lele e i isis s p pipicickckyky y a ana?d d l liliki?eses ??o o c chchahanangan?e e ue upup p h hih???fof??d d od ono?cece ?inin n a a a w ???lele.le????o Io ??ded?cicididededded d td ?? t trtryry y ty twtwowo ?oto?heh???brb?an????........w.?whawhatat t a? a m a mimis?<.<b<br? / />/> >?NeNewe?maman?'s's s os ?wnwn ?is?is ris rereaealalll?y y t??? b be besestes?? m mym?y dy dodogo? l lo looookooksk?s bs bebetetttteterer,er? f?eeeelelsls s bs bes bet?teterter,r?, a, anandand and t th t??he qhe ?uau?alial?tyty y oy ofo? f fo fooood? i is is s vs ?er?y y gy ???ood.ood???o o no nonotot ot d?o ?li??ke ke?I I dI ??? a an and???xpxpep??imimemenentn?t at ararorouounundnd.nd?......m...?? p po p?ooroor r dr dodogdo??s ss ststotomtoma?ch??? k w?itithith h? Ne N?ewmew?manma?s.?""?4848282020,0,B,B0B000010131393??T7T?2,2????161?E2E?6F6??FZFZWZWDWD,D,J,J.J. ?GaG?allallolo,o??,1,1,,1,5,5,5??333??72172121282808?00,00,G,?rereareatat at f? foo fo?od.od.,.,",?I I sI ?wiwititcitch?ede?d td tod to ?ththithis?is fis fofoofo????roromrom m?BlBlul?e ?BuBufuffffafalaloalo.o??I I hI ha??? t to t?o so sasayay y iy ?it,it, ?bubutu?t a?rorourounundund ?d thd thehe ?tit??e e B???e e se st?ar?tetedted ?do?in?g g tg tvtv v c co comommmme
oodle is picky and likes to change up his food once in a while. So I decided to try two other brands....what a mistake.<br /> Newman's own is really the best: my dog looks better, feels better, and the quality of food is very good. Do not do like I did and experiment poor dogs stomach....stick with Newmans." 4820,B00139TT72,A2D16E26FWFZWD,J. Gallo,1,1,5,1337212800,Great food.,"I switched to this food from Blue Buffalo. I hate to say it, but around the time Blue started doing tv comme
rrcrciciaiala?s s t tht?? f ??odo? s sts??rtrteteded d ud ?psp?ete?tit?ngn???? d dodogo??s ?ststostomomamacachch.h. . P PePererhrhahapa?ps ps t th thahathat't's's 's a a a??oioin??cidci?ene???? b ??t t??t ?wawasa???a ra rer?asasoasonon n? to to o s sw s??itcit?ch ch?reregregagarardardld??sss???f f?? the the e te ?timtimimininging.g. ?ThThehe he N NeN?wmwma?n'n??'s f's fofoofoodod od h hahasha??bebeeeenen en g grgre?atat.t. . M. MyMy y dy do?g g lg ??veves? t? the?? fo foooodood.d?. H. ?e e he hahas? b?ee?n n en en??ergergeg?etietici? a an andnd d id inin in g?re?reatreat t ht ?heahe?? . N. ?otot t mt ???ch ch mch momororere re t th tha thatat at y yoy??? co cou???d ad ??k.k. . T. Th. Thehe ?babaga?g og ?? t tr trerea??s ?ththath?at at cat cocomcomem?es ?in?in tin th??e 1e ?2.2.5.? l lbl?? ba bagag ag i??s as a s a f?ana?ta???ic? b?on?usu?s ts tos t?o eo eveveverve?y ?babagbag.?""44848282121,1?B0B?010131?9T9????,A,A3A3939Q39??SVSVEV??Y9Y9U9?HXH???J,J?1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1?3636262626262462???,G,GrG?reareat? d do dogog og f fo foo fo??!,!,","I"I I r re resesces?ueued? m my m?y dy doy dogog ?a a ya ?ea?? a ag a??. . E. EvE?verver ver s si s?incinceince e te the thehenhe???I'I?veve ve b be bee be??en fen fefeeeedeedid?ing???imim m? Ne Newewmewma?man'man's
rcials the food started upsetting my dog's stomach. Perhaps that's a coincidence, but it was a reason to switch regardless of the timing. The Newman's food has been great. My dog loves the food. He has been energetic and in great health. Not much more that you could ask. The bag of treats that comes in the 12.5 lb bag is a fantastic bonus to every bag." 4821,B00139TT72,A39QZSVEUY9UHX,MJ,1,1,5,1336262400,Great dog food!,"I rescued my dog a year ago. Ever since then, I've been feeding him Newman's
.. . I I I l lil??e e t ?hah?t t t th t?e ?mamaia?n n i iningingrgrerededidieienentnt ??s s a a a f foforormrm m o ofof f m memeae?? a an andn?? th the thererere re i is isnsn'n't'?t at a a la ?otot ??of of g gr?aiainai??tytypy?e ?of???ingingringreredredi???tsts.s. . A. AlAlll?? of of f tf ?thethe ??ingingr?ed?ie?nt?s s as ??re re ore ??gag????? s sos????'s's s rs rereare??llyll???oooodod ?foforfo?? my my y dy ?ogog.g??I'I'v'??e te ?ririeiedie?d sd seseve?ververaralal al o ot oththetherther ?brbraranra?????itithth th? my my my d dodogdog.??BuButut t It I I dI ??n'??t tt ?thith?inkink k h hehe'he's? r ?rearealreallllylly lly a al allllellerergergigic? t??o ao ananyanytyth?thinthi?? o????hasha??s a s a d di d??tatasasts????forfor for? an any an????inging ing??n ?pap?????ulu?ar?????? s?inincincece e t?hihishi?s is isis is o on o???e ofe of ???? c ?heheahe?peperper r br brr b???dsds s os ouout?? th? ther therere re tre th?atat at iat isis ?ststistilillll ll n nunut?ri??tiotiouousous,s?, I, I I d?ece??ded?ed ed t? to to s st stiticti?k k tk toto o to ??thisthi?s bs ??anandan?. . O. OrO?dederde?rinri?ng ng i? it it? on? A AmAmamazma?onon ??is is vis ve?veryvery ?cocononvonve?ni?enent? b beb??auaususe?? I I??anan an u us????e thee the e Se SuSububsb??ri?be
. I like that the main ingredient is a form of meat and there isn't a lot of grain type of ingredients. All of the ingredients are organic, so it's really good for my dog. I've tried several other brands with my dog. But I don't think he's really allergic to anything or has a distaste for anything in particular. And since this is one of the cheaper brands out there that is still nutritious, I decided to stick to this brand. Ordering it on Amazon is very convenient because I can use the Subscribe
?& &?SaSavaveve e f fef??tuturu?e e ae ??d d s sesete? t ththehe e se scs?he?dud??e e oe ofo??whw?henhe? I ? w wa w???t tt ththethe e de dodogog g f fo fooo?d d dd dedelelilivive?re?d.d??? n neneveve?ver ver h hahavaveave e te toto o w???ryr? a ababobouo??t rt rurununnnnin?ngng ???t t ot of???dogdo?g fg ?oooodoo?!"!""4484828?2,2,B,?000??3939T9TTTT7T727??AJA??MBMB4B4M4?DIDICI?VTVTOT??sgs?gagalallll,l,1,1,1??,3,3,3,1,13,1?282?484864864640400?,N,??t ?asa? g gogoooodood ood a as as s is iti?t ut ususesedsed ??? b bebe,e,","T"ThThihisis s ss ????vedved ?mym?y py pupupupsp?s ds do?dog dog f fo foo foodod od? al a?llell??gyg??y pry p?oboblb??msms s ws ??enen n In I ?ststatarartrteteded d pd pupurpu??chachasasiasin?g ??? ( ?I I hI ha?ve??? h hu h??kyky ?anandand ?a a? ge ger???? s sh shehephe?heherherdrd)d),), , b?utut ut s se s?eveevereraeralal al m mom?ntn?thsths s as agago? t th thehe he?ititcitchchichininging ing? st s??rtrtert?ed ed a???in?; ; t th?e ?coc?oloolor? a??nd nd s si sizizeze e o?f ?ththethe the?kikibibbbbl???eveveeveneve?n nn nonototiot?cecea?bl??y cy chcha?ngngengeded.ed. . I. I I wI wrwrorotro?te te a? a l a ???te?r r o of?of iof ?inqin???ryry ry t?o ?NeNewewmwmamanma???, , w, wiwitithit? b ba bat??ch ch? nu n?mbmbe?rsrs ?frfro
& Save feature and set the schedule of when I want the dog food delivered. I never have to worry about running out of dog food!" 4822,B00139TT72,AJLMB4MDICVTO,sggall,1,1,3,1328486400,Not as good as it used to be,"This solved my pups dog food allergy problems when I started purchasing it (I have a husky and a german shepherd), but several months ago the itching started again; the color and size of the kibble even noticeably changed. I wrote a letter of inquiry to Newman's, with batch numbers fro
?m m t ththeh??babaga??????? h hah?vev???ece??ivive?? n non??ana??wewerer.r? S ???ce? t th the?n,n, ?I'I?veve ve??uru??hahashaseseded d bd bob?thth th? So S???d d Gd ?ol?d d Wd ?ololfol??KiK?inging g??ndn???oyoyayala? C ?ananianininein?e 2e 2424 4 G ?erermermam?an an S Sh She?phphe?rdrd ?an?d ????e de dodogogs???re??dodoidoininging ing o ?kakayay y? ag a?aia?".?4484828232?,B,B0B?010?393?TTT??2,2,A,A1A1P1??KCKCMC????PUPU6U6161,1,J,???? B BlBlalac?k,k,1,1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1??505030303040404??,G,?re??t t ft ?oror r m ?y ??in?iaiatatuaturureure ??chchnch?auauzu?erer,er?"I"? b bo b??ghg?t t tt th?isis s??forfor r mr ?? m mi min?iniaini?atuaturature??scs??chnachnauauzauze?r r wr whwhoho o io is? a ab a?bouboutut ut 1 ?7 7???ounou?ndsnd?s as anandand and I I ???eded ed h?er??? h he?apa?in???cucupup p e eveveverve??dad?ay.ay?. A. AlAlslsoso o so sps?ririninkinklkleleded ed oed ono?? to t??p ip ?is is gis glglulucu????mimin?ine ine p pi pililll?ls ls??? h hr hrerefref=f="="""?hthtthttptp:p:/:///?www?ww.ww.a.???zozon??cocomco?/g/??/p/prpropr?dud?uctuc??B0B00B00000200282?ZLZLLLL8L????NuNut?raramamaamaxamax x C?ososeoseqe??in? R ??gugulula?r ???rerenrengngtg??th Cth CaCapCapsp
m the bags, but have received no answer. Since then, I've purchased both Solid Gold Wolf King and Royal Canine 24 German Shepherd and the dogs are doing okay again." 4823,B00139TT72,A1PDKCMLQNPU61,Jack Black,1,1,5,1325030400,Great for my Miniature Schnauzer,"I bought this for my miniature schnauzer who is about 17 pounds and I feed her a heaping cup everyday. Also sprinkled on top is glucosamine pills <a href="""">Nutramax Cosequin Regular Strength Caps
u???s s - - -?181?0 0 C ?ouounu??</<?a>a>,>? t ?o o h hehele?? w wiwititht? j ?oio?ntnt nt? he heaeala? .???pupururcr?hahasases?d d? th thih?s s bs brbraranandn?d od ofo??dodogog g f ??odo??foforfor r m ?y y 7 7 7 y yey?earear r or olo?d ????i i???chnch?aua??ere?r br bab?aseaseded ed??n n t th the th? r rereve?iei?wsws ?alaloalononeone.e?. S. ?hehe he??eveveeverer er? ha hasas as? ha had had d ad ?anyany y dy did??esestes?iviveve e pe prpror?blblelemlemsm?s os ?r r ir ??sus?eses es a ?andan?d ad ald alslsos???isnis?'t't t? a a v ??ryr?y py pip?ckc?y y ey ea?teterer ?soso so???cacanannannonotot t at atatttteteste?t t tt toto to t th the thes these? t tw twowo o to th?iningingsg?. . H. HeHerer ?er ster stotootoolol ol?isis is? fi f?rmr? i is i?s es ?easeasys?y ty ??to pto pi?ck???p p fp frf?romrom m em eaeateatieat?inging ing t? thi th???dodogdo?g fg fofoofood???nd??? I h I ha?ve????? h ha had had had a?????ississuiss?uesue?s ws ?witwithth th?? her he????havihavininging ing ding ??ararrrrhrheheahe? o or o?r rr rur??nyn??st?ooooloo?. . S. Sh. Shehe he hhe hahashas ?s bes beee?n n on ???NeNewewmew??an'an's'??OwOwnwn n On OrOrgr?an?icic ic d?ogog og? fo f??d d fd fod foror or a ab abob?outout t 6t 6 6 m???th?s s a?ndnd nd Ind I I pI plplalan? t?o o ko kek????p fep f??didindi?g g hg heherhe?
ules - 180 Count</a>, to help with joint health. I purchased this brand of dog food for my 7 year old mini schnauzer based on the reviews alone. She never has had any digestive problems or issues and also isn't a very picky eater so I cannot attest to these two things. Her stool is firm is easy to pick up from eating this dog food and I have not had any issues with her having diarrhea or runny stool. She has been on Newman's Own Organic dog food for about 6 months and I plan to keep feeding her
ttht?isis.s.<.?brbr r / ?><><b?r r /r ??IfIf f?yoyouou u w wawanantnt t? yo y???r dr dodogog g t tot? h hah?veve e a ????alaltlththyth? a??d d?lol?ngng ?lilififefe,e? y???u wu wiwilillll l w wa wan?t t tt toto to f ?feefeede?d td ththethemem m t?heh?e be bebese???li?keke ?th??????gagan??c c?do??g fg fofoooodod.d? T TrTryry ?avavoav?idididini?ng ng f?eee?edied?ingin?g tg ?aba?lele ??crc?apapsps s a???d md ??keke ke s susuru?e e t???y y hy ???? p plple??ntynty y oy ofof f ef exexexerercr??iseise.e.<.<b.<br? / /> /><><b><??br /br />/>M/>?ak?e e s??ureure e ye yo?u u su sisigi?n n u upup p? fo foror or?SuSububsbsc?rir??be be a an and?? Sa Sav?e e fe fo?r ?ththath??t et ??trtrara ra 1 151?% % o of o??.<?.<br.<br r /r />r /><??r r /?r />*r />***********E*?DID?T T 0 0404/4/1/??/2/2020101212<2<b<br?? /> />< />????/>/>E/>EdEdiditditet?ed ed? to to o so ?aya?y ty ththathattha?t At AmAma?zozonon on n nonowow w??nlnlyly ????s 5s 5%5% 5%? of off off ?fo?for for S?ub??scr??ibeib?e ae an??d Sd SaSavaveave.ave. . A. AlAlslsoso o to ??the the l?atateates??t bt babagag g Ig ??re?ceceieivive??d ad alalsalso? c cacama??e we wiwitwithth th a a a f fu fulullll ll? si sizizeze e se sae samampam?plepl?e be bae b?? o of? t??reare???s <s <a<a a ha ??refre??""""h"hthttttpt?:/:
this.<br /><br />If you want your dog to have a healthy and long life, you will want to feed them the best like this organic dog food. Try avoiding feeding table scraps and make sure they have plenty of exercise.<br /><br />Make sure you sign up for Subscribe and Save for that extra 15% off.<br /><br />****EDIT 04/10/2012<br /><br />Edited to say that Amazon now only has 5% off for Subscribe and Save. Also the latest bag I received also came with a full size sample bag of treats <a href=""http:/
//w/www?ww.ww.a.amamam???n.n.c.cocomom/m??p/p/p/prprorododud?ctct/t/B/?000040454?XEXE3E3232E2E"E"""">">N>NeNewewmwmamanman'n?s s???n n O Or Orgrgagananinicicsc??LaLamambam??anandand d B ?ararlrleleyey y N ??? Z ZeZeaealalalan?and and?RaR?ancan?? S StStytylylele le D DoDogog g T TrT?eaeateatsts,s, ,?1010-0?????e e ( (P(PaPacackck k o ofo? 6 6)6)<)????. . I ?t t?seselellllsls ?fof?? $ $2$2323 3??forfor r 6r 6 6 o on o?????zozonzon!n!"!""4?8282424,4,B,B0B00B0010131?9T9TTT??2,2?A2A2V2VMVMWMWFW?FMFMKM???6U6UKU??QuQ??rkrkyk?mamammama??23,23,1,?,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1??3243245?121?00??,",???EAEATA? f fo for? m mym?y ly lilitittt??le ?guguyu?, , H, HUHUGUGEG? d didifi?fefere?renrencncenc???veverer er s???oreor?e be brb??and??,","M,"?y y Cy ?hih???eneninienie ?wawasas s hs hah??iningn?g ig ?sss?ueu?s s ws ?it?h ?????rurufuffff,ff, ?coconconsn???pap?titioti?on on a?ndnd ??? du d??ll ll c cocoaco???. W. ?e e re reresre?sease?arcar?chech?d d dd didifdiff?erereer??t ?dod?? f? foo foododsods ???and and band bob??ghg??t Nt ??NewmNew??mansmans s Os ??n n fn fo???AcA???veve ve??r r Sr SeS?enienioioror or dor do?gsg?. . I. InIn n an ?boboubo?t t 3t 3 ?weweewe??s,s, s,???s s ls liliklikeke e he ?havha?vinvi?? a? b ??anandand ?
/"">Newman's Own Organics Lamb and Barley New Zealand Ranch Style Dog Treats, 10-Ounce (Pack of 6)</a>. It sells for $23 for 6 on Amazon!" 4824,B00139TT72,A2VMWFFMKHP6UK,Quirkymama23,1,1,5,1324512000,"GREAT for my little guy, HUGE difference over store brand","My Chiweenie was having issues with dandruff, constipation and a dull coat. We researched different dog foods and bought Newmans Own for Active or Senior dogs. In about 3 weeks, its like having a brand n
?ewe? d ?ogo?. .?HeH? i isis s s sos?? so sofo?t,t, , d?ana?drd???f f??rer????hah??iningng g h ??ala???y y ' ?momovo??mem?ntntsts's' '?;);) )?anandand d h he he ????eses s ts th?e e fe fofooo?d.d. ?I I???an an g gigiviveve ve h?imim m a a a p pipieiece???ofof of i it it t????a a?trt???t t at anandand and h he he he r ?rearealrealll?y ????inkinksk???t ???, ??a ?haha.ha. . M. MoMororaralal al o ofof ?th?? s st stotororyory,y?, w, wewe e we wiw??ll ll?nen?veverve? g go g?o bo babacackc? t?o ?o bao bara?gag?inin in??raranra????FoFor??jujususts??t a t a l lilit?tltlel?e be bibitit it m momormo?re re o ou o??r dr ???g ig is? h he hea he?altalththithiethiere?, , s, sosofso?fteft??, , h, ha??pi??er er a an andnd nd i it its its ?woworortor?th th i it it. it.".""?484828252?,B,?0000101313939T9TTT?7272,2,A,ANA??838?QTQTWTWJW?YKY??C,C??raracra?y y Gy GrG??en?tr??ee,ee,1,1,1??,5,5,????3333838888888088???GrGreGr?eatea?t Dt DoDogog og F ?FooFo?od,od,M,MyM?y dy do??'s's s ls lo?ve?ve ive it?. ?. Ma. M??e e fe fre fror?m m em exexcxcecelcellllellenentent ent i in i?ngrngreredre?ieienie???s a??nd nd and a a ga ??reareatreat ?prp??cece ce? at a?t At ??azazoz?n.n.c.? . M. My. My y Cy ??ihihuhuauaha?huahua ?a haa hasas s a?ll?llerllerg?ieiesie?s as an
ew dog. He is so soft, dandruff free, having healthy 'movements' ;) and he loves the food. I can give him a piece of it as a treat and he really thinks it is, ha ha. Moral of the story, we will never go back to bargain brand. For just a little bit more our dog is healthier, softer, happier and its worth it." 4825,B00139TT72,ANC83QTWJYK3C,Tracy Greentree,1,1,5,1323388800,Great Dog Food,My dog's love it. Made from excellent ingredients and a great price at My Chihuahua has allergies an
dd d??'v'veve e?nonototiticicec????hehe e ie isisns?'t'??scscrc?atatct?hih??? o oro??ch??wiw???g og ono??he?r r pr pap?wsw? a ana?ymy??oreore.e..??828262??B0B??131?9T9TTT????AMAMUM??9H9HFHFIFIOIO6O6161A1ACAC,C?JAJA,A,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1323?26??????,N,?ewewmewmam???s s Os ?wnwn ??rgrgagananian?? D DoD?g g Fg ?oooodod,d????'s's 's a?llll l o????anianicanic c? an andn??itit'?s s os ?on on P PEPETE??'s's 's ('s (P(??opo??e ?foforor or t ?he????thithicicaicala???rereaeatatmatmem?ntn??ofo??AnAnin??malma?s)s) )?lil??t t ot oft o??""""C"?RURUEU??TYT?-F-FRFREREEEE"E"""" ""?brbraranra?ndsnd?. . ? Di Didid d yd yoyouo? k knk?nownow w t th thahatat at t th the th??leleale?did??ing ing b br bra??dsds s os ofs o??dod?og og f fo?ododsods s cs ?onondondud?ctc?t ht ??orrorrir?blble? a??d d cd ?crucrueuelel l tl tet??tsts ?s ons on n ln ??bobor?atatoat??y y?dodogdo??? ?? P PlPlulusus s is itit it i isis is???eliel?ve??redre?d td toto o m mym?y dy dodoodooror ???d d nd nono no s sh s??ppppip?inging ing cing ?chacharargrgerg??(S(SuS?peperer r Sr SaSavave?ver ver?ShS?hip??pinping?),), , a an and? c?oso?stssts ??leslesss?s ts ththathanan an t th???prprorododuoducuctuct t It ??ususeused? t?o o bo bubuyu??, s, sasav??
d I've noticed she isn't scratching or chewing on her paws anymore. 4826,B00139TT72,AMUV9HFIO61AC,JA,1,1,5,1322697600,Newman's Own Organic Dog Food,"It's all organic and it's on PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) list of ""CRUELTY-FREE"" brands. Did you know that the leading brands of dog foods conduct horrible and cruel tests on laboratory dogs? Plus it is delivered to my door and no shipping charge (Super Saver Shipping), and costs less than the product I used to buy, savin
gg g??e e t tit?meme me a anandn???ononen??. .??h h y yey?aha?, ,? an a?? m?? d ?ogogsgs s l lol?veve ?itit!t?<b<?r r?/>/><>?<br<br ?/>/></><a<??hrh?efef=f="=""""h"?ttttptp:p:/:?/w/wwwww??amamam??onon.on.c.?omom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/?ror?duducuctc?/B/?????9T9??727?"""">"">N>NeN?wmw?manma?'s's s Os OwOwnwn n? Or Orgr?ananianici??s As AdAduduldultl? D DoDogog og?FoF?odod od????mumulu?a,a, , 1, 1212.2?5-5-P-PoPouounundnd nd Bnd ?agag<g??a>a?""4484828??,B,B0B00B001?39?TT?7272,72?A1A1W1WSWSGSGPG??SESE9E9090Y0YFYFVF?,S,??efef,ef,1,1,1???5,5?,13,1??040454515??0000,00,D,?DogDog g lg lolovlovevesve?s ts ??isis s fs fofoooodood!d!,!?"I"? h???ve ve a? t??o-o-y-yeyeayearar ??ldld ?JaJacackck k R RuRususssses?llll l T TeTererrrrir?er? a??d ?shs???lo?loveloveses s Ns NeNewNewm??an'an's's 's? Ow Ownwn wn D Do Dog??FoFooFoodod!od! ! S ShS?? a at a?te te B ???nefne??ul ul?foforfor r ar a a ya ?yeayearyear ?beb?efoefororeore e se swswiwit????ngng.g. . T. ThThihishi???oeo?es es d?owown?wn mwn mu??ch ch e eaeaseasisie??. ?ShSheShe e de ??esesnes?n'tn't t et eaeacea??ch ech ?eateat t it ???""""j""jujusustust t bt bebecbe?auaus?e ??he?'s's ?huhunungungrg?y"y"""";""? s sh??e ae acactactutuaualallllylly y ly ?ikikekeses es ies itit!it! ! I! I ?hihighighg???y ry
g me time and money. Oh yeah, and my dogs love it!<br /><br /><a href="""">Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula, 12.5-Pound Bag</a>" 4827,B00139TT72,A1WSGPYSE90YFV,Stef,1,1,5,1320451200,Dog loves this food!,"I have a two-year old Jack Russell Terrier and she loves Newman's Own Dog Food! She ate Beneful for a year before switching. This goes down much easier. She doesn't each eat it ""just because she's hungry""; she actually likes it! I highly r
e?cocomommmmem?ndnd d?ththihisis s p prprorododud?ctc? a anandnd nd w ?ououlu?d ???nsnsisididederer r g ?iviviv?????nyny y?dod?g g ng nonotoththithininging g lg ?esessss!s!"!""???282??B0B000????TTTT7T?2,2,A,A3A3D3D0D0X0X9X9Z9ZBZBJB??H1H??????acacycy ?HaHara?maman? H HoHololll?owowawaya??1,1,1?,5,5,5,1,13,1313?949414??4040000,00,W,WeWe e l lolovloveve ??ewe????ns ns a?du?ltl?t dt do?g g fg fofoooodod,od?MyM?y dy dodog? l lo lovovevesves s is ?t ??andand d sd shsheh??dodoedoesesnesn'n't't ?scscrc???chch h a at a?t ht he?r ?eaear?s ???ymymomororere e (e (s(?sheshe ?ususeseded d td ?o o s sc?raratratc?h h hh heherher her e eaearearsrs s a?ll?? th the?? ti timi?me me?bebececaec?ususeuse e se shsheshe she k kekepeptp?t at ant a? e ea earar ar?ininfinfefec????n!n!)!?4??829829,9???0010013??9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,??MLMLPLPYPYDYDODO3O3F3FKF?JNJNMNM,M?CiCitityity1y1717,7,1,1,,1,1,1,?1,51,???13113151??53???????reareat? p pr p?rodroduducductct ct j jujusustus??neneee?ed ed? to t??adadjdjujusjusts?t tt ?thethe e se sue s?bsb?scr?ipi??ioionion.n.,.,M,My,My ?twt?wo wo s??malma?ll ll dll dodogdogsdogs s ts totooto?k k t??? th the the e fe fofoofoodod od i im immmmemmededied?atateat??y y sy sos?o wo wewel?l l? in in ?fafacactact ?I I h hahavaveve ve???ad ad t to to ?momovmove?
ecommend this product and would consider giving any dog nothing less!" 4828,B00139TT72,A3D0X9ZBJ4H1VL,Stacy Harman Holloway,1,1,5,1319414400,We love Newmans adult dog food,My dog loves it and she doesn't scratch at her ears anymore (she used to scratch her ears all the time because she kept an ear infection!) 4829,B00139TT72,A1MLPYDO3FKJNM,City17,1,1,5,1315353600,Great product just need to adjust the subscription.,My two small dogs took to the food immediately so well in fact I have had to move
uupup p?ththehe e s susubu?scscrcrir??titioi?? f ?oro?? th thehe he 1 1212 2?popouounundn? b babagag.g??SiSinincncece e te th?eyey y a ?rer?e ye yoy??ngng g i iti?s s n non?t t i?mmmmemede?iaiata?e e ie ifi? t? the they??lolooooko??heheahealaltlththithiei?r r or ??? bo bououn?cicie??r ar asas s ts ??theythey y sy ses?emem m t to t? b be be ??hahatat at w ??y y ay ?allall l? th? the the t?imime??. W. WhWhahathat t It I I? ha h?veve e ne nonotnotiticti???d id ??s ts ths t??re? b?usu?ininein?sss?s is isis is??lll????momororeor?e ce coconontontrtrorolollllelleded ed a an andnd nd? an any any y py prprorobro?lelememsem?s ss ?sucsuchc?????reregregugururgrgig?itaitatatiat????whwhihici???I I hI hahadha??d ind i??pap???t pt prproprododuducuctctsts ts h? hav haveve ve g gogon?e e ae ??wayway.y?. I. IfIf ?yoyouyo??? a a p pr p?rimrime? m mememmembmbeberer er I I I w wo w?oulouldld d sd ?sugsuggggeg?estest ????titinti?ng ng u upup up a a a s a ?subsubsbscbscr?ipiptipti?on? a an??d bd ?be be r riridrid ?ofof f of ?of of t?? the the c the chchochororeore ore o ofof of lof lalasastast ast m mi mininuinututete te r?un?s s ts tos t?o bo ?uyu?y dy dod?g ??foofoodod od a an? and and a? als alsoso o ko ?nonownow w y ?you?? ar arere ??givgi???g ?yo?youryour ???ts?ts ats ???uaualalialitityity ??tietier?er oer of?of dof dodogdog g fg fog f??d.d..
up the subscription for the 12 pound bag. Since they are young its not immediate if they look healthier or bouncier as they seem to be that way all the time. What I have noticed is there business is allot more controlled and any problems such as regurgitation which I had in past products have gone away. If your a prime member I would suggest setting up a subscription and be rid of of the chore of last minute runs to buy dog food and also know you are giving your pets a quality tier of dog food.
4484838??,B,B0B000?131?9T9TTTT7T????3G3?X3X3L3L4L4V4VKVKUKUDUD3D?8D8D,D??C.C. . A A.A. ?KaKanananabablblel? " """?didigigigiti?alal l p phphohoto?o o?bubufuffff"f??",",1,?,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1313121262676757525202?00,00,D,DoDogogsgs s L ?ovovev??ItIt,t,","T,"?hih??s is isis is?gogoio?ngng g t toto to b be be ?shshohorhortr? a anandan? s sws????. ? M MyMy y???ittittlt?le le ( (1(??&1&13? l lb lbsb?) ) d dod?ogsogs s ls ?ov?e e ie ?it,it? e eaeasasysy y ty to?to eto ???t st sms?alallal?l bl bibititsits,s, , a, anand? i ??'s's s as ? h ?highi?h h g gr g???e e fe fofoooodo?d sd sosououcucece e f?oror r t th thehemem.m. . . W. WhW?ata?t mt ??oreore e ce cacanan an I I I s sa saya??""4?483483131,31??000010013139139T9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,A3A3TA3T3T3030O30OBOB1B??NLN?V1V1X1X,X,"?JaJ?mimieie ?""?SlSle??plp?adadyady:y???ov?overove?r or ofo?? do dogogs?, , z, ?????eses ??ndnd d .d ......."..",",1",??1,1,51,5,5,15,131311310?86860608080800??LoLovLoveve ve N NeNewewmwmamanman'n's's 's???n n p?ror?oduod?uctuctsts,s,"s,"I"I I hI ha?veve ve bve ?eeeenee??fef?eedeedi?ngng ng t th?isis ?toto to mto ?y y 1y ???yryr ?r olr oldl?d Bd BeB?eageaglglele le fle ?forfor r yr ????s.s??. N. ?NewNewmwmawmanan'an's's ?Ow?n n in ?is ?of? e?xcxcecelcelll???t ??uau??itityit???andand and iand it?it'sit's s cs
4830,B00139TT72,A3GX3L4VKUD38D,"C. A. Kanable ""digital photo buff""",1,1,5,1312675200,Dogs Love It,"This is going to be short and sweet. My little (10&13 lbs) dogs love it, easy to eat small bits, and it's a high grade food souce for them. What more can I say." 4831,B00139TT72,A3T30OB11NLV1X,"Jamie ""Sleeplady: lover of dogs, zombies and ...",1,1,5,1310860800,Love Newman's Own products,"I have been feeding this to my 13 yr old Beagle for years. Newman's Own is of excellent quality and it's c
eerertrtitifi?ieieded d?ororgrgag?ninicic.c. .???soso,o, ,???lal?rgrgerge e p pop?ortor???n n o of of f?sasalalel?s s??rere ??on?atateteded ed t toto o c chc?arariar?tyty.y?""44848383232,2?B0B?010131??TTTT7T?2,2,A2,?3F3F7F707?WJW???H2H2A2A,A,C,ChC?????tinti?a,a?1,1,1,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1???505040?00?0,0,B,Be,B?estes? d dodogdog g f fofoooodod,d?ThT???bebes?? d?ogog g fg fo?od? e evevever?? fo foror or?mym? d? dog do?. ?HeHe e he hahashas ??a sa ses?nsnsisit?ivive???totomto???? a an andnd ?non?t ???lyl?y dy dodoedoeses es h hehe he l lo lovove?ve ive ?? b bub??t it itit it tit ?totto?al?y y ay agagrgrereere?es es wes wiwit?? h??m.m?? M ??y vy vevetvet t at alalsal?so so f??elelsls ls i ??'s'?s a??gr?eaeatat at p pr p??oduod?ctc???EvEvevenven ????? dog???teteeteetethth ?arareare ?clc?leale??erer ?si???e ???ini?g ??on on i it it.?448483??,B,B0,B?0010013?9T9TT9TT7T72T7?2,A2,A22,A?2L2?ISISESEJEJBJB6B6Z6Z6Z6H6HPH???annanni?eOeO,O,1,1,?1,??5,15,??979717121231232?0000,00,f,???stst st r rarat??e de doe dogog og f fo?odod,od?"N"NeNewe?ma?n'n?'s 's O OwOwnwn n hn hahashas has b be b??n ??? e ex excxce?llllelenlentn??chchochoio?iceice e fe ?forfo? m????og?. . T. ThTheThe ?iningingrgregredgredidieienie
ertified organic. Also, a large portion of sales are donated to charity." 4832,B00139TT72,A3F70WJCOH2A,Christina,1,1,5,1305504000,Best dog food,The best dog food ever for my dog. He has a sensitive stomach and not only does he love it but it totaly agrees with him. My vet also feels it's a great product. Even my dogs teeth are cleaner since being on it. 4833,B00139TT72,A22LISEJB6Z6HP,annieO,1,1,5,1297123200,first rate dog food,"Newman's Own has been an excellent choice for my dog. The ingredien
?tsts s a ararere e?ororgr?ananin?? a an andnd d h hihigighgh h q ququaualalilitityty;y; ;??erer r c cocoaoatat t i isis s bs bebeaeaua??ifi??llllyly y c co c?ndndindititiitioiononeonede???andan??shs?e ??asas ?nen?veverer er h??d d ad and a? a al allllell?ergergigicic ic?reresresps???ses??as????ithit??sosomo??e oe ofof f t ??he he m ?ororeore ?exexpxpep?nsnsis??ve ve p prpror?duducuctcts? f frfroromrom m t th thehe he vhe vevetve?'s's s os ?offoffificiceic???AlAlslso???sh?e ?isis is a???mam?allall l?dod?g g? an and and ?ththethe e ke ?ibi?blblele e be bib?itsits s as arareare e ee eae eas?y y fy ??? h? her her r tr toto o c ch chehewhew.w. ? I ?t t wt ?asas as aas ????yiyiningn?g tg ??atat at t??e ?pr?ic?ice ice w wa wasas as ras reredreduducdu?eded ed b ?betbetwt??en? t th the the the t ti timi?? o?f ???y oy orordordederer ?an?? t th the the ?dedelde?livliveverve??, , b, ?utut ut A Am Ama?zoz?on on? ma m???e ae ane an n in im?me???atateate e ae ade a??usuststmtme??t.t?. ?I I l ?likli?e e te th?the the?4-4-p-?poupounundnd nd? ba b?gsg?s fs foforfor ?frfrefr??shnsh??sss?s b??cacau?sese se m my my ?dodogdog g ig is?is sis ???ll? a an? and and t ta takake?s ??whwhihilhile? t to t??ea??t tt ththathattha??mumucuchuch,h, , b, bu, butut ?ththetherthere? a??re re ore oto?thetherther ther
ts are organic and high quality; her coat is beautifully conditioned and she has never had an allergic response as with some of the more expensive products from the vet's office. Also, she is a small dog and the kibble bits are easy for her to chew. It was annoying that the price was reduced between the time of my order and the delivery, but Amazon made an immediate adjustment. I like the 4-pound bags for freshness because my dog is small and takes awhile to eat that much, but there are other
ssis?zez?s s a ?vavaiaililalabablblel? t ?o o?sus?????larlargr????????.".""4?838343?,B,B0B0000101313939T9??7272,2,A,A2A2Q2QHQH9H9Q9QPQPGPGYGY8Y8N8NVNVVVV1V1,1,D,DeDeve??n n L ?eee??1,1,11,1,?5,5,1,12,1292929262??0404040000,00,M,?????og og l????? i itit!it!,!,","I"I I?hahav?e e ae a a 3 3 3 y yey?arar ?ololdld d B BoBoso?totonton n Tn TeTererrerrir?erer er w whwhoh?o io isis s ns ?otot t ot ono?lyl??a a pa ??ckckyky ?????er,er, ,?bubutu??mom??t ?dodogdo? f fofoooododsd??gig?veve ve h hi himim m b???d gd gagasas.s. s. ?I ????rcr?heh?d d hd hihigi?h h a??d d ld lolowow w f?oror r sr ?sevseve??ala? m ?monmontn??s s fs fo??r ar a a da do?dog dog f fo foo fo?od od t?ha??t wt wowououluld? h he helelpl?? wi wit?h h hh hihishis s ss ststostomomamaca?ch ch? is i?susuesu?es ???nd nd f fi fininainalallally? f fo?unundnd ?ananoanot?he?r r br brb????nd ond ofo??? dog dog ??foofoodod od tod ?thathatat,t, , w, wh?????no?t ??rgrgarg?anian?ic,ic, ??helhelplpelpeded ed r rerel?ieievieveve ve tve ththethe ?gagasgas ???obo?blebl?m.m.<.?brbr br / />/>A>AfA?teterte?r fr ?ininiin?ishishi?ngng g ag a a ba bab?g ?ofof of t th the the e oe ololdold d bd ?brabr??d,d, ?I ?I stI stut??bl??d ?acacracro?ss? t th??? o on?? am amamazmazoz?on ??oneone e ce
sizes available to suit larger dogs." 4834,B00139TT72,A2QH9QPGY8NVV1,Devin Lee,1,1,5,1292630400,My dog loves it!,"I have a 3 year old Boston Terrier who is not only a picky eater, but most dog foods give him bad gas. I searched high and low for several months for a dog food that would help with his stomach issues and finally found another brand of dog food that, while not organic, helped relieve the gas problem.<br />After finishing a bag of the old brand, I stumbled across this on amazon one c
?ololdld d d ??y y?ana?d d td ththoh?ugughghth? I ??d d t?aka?? a a a?chchahanancancece e ae ?andan?d sd ?eeee ?ifi??hehe'e'd'd 'd l lil?ke? i itit ?oror r n nonotot.t? I?'m'? h ha hapappp?y y ty ?o o?rerepepop?ortort t tt ?thathatat t ht hehe he l??veveses s i it it t At ANA?D D?? it it d??es?n'n't't t gt ??ve? h?imim ??horhorrrriribiblb?e e ge gag?s s as atat at a al a?l.l. . . ?HiH?s ?cocoao?at ??is is s shs?ininyny ?anandand and h he heae?ltlththythy,y, ,??s ????ll.ll. . . T. ThT??he ohe ononln???dod?wnw??idi?e e Ie ? c??an an s se s?ee-ee??liliklike?ke tke th?e ?otothot??r ???anand?????is tis ththethe the?prp?ricricece.ce. ?. B. BuB?t t bt bebeiein?g g t ththathatthat t t??he he phe pr??dud??????is his hihighigh? q ?uau??itityity y a?ndnd nd o ?orgor?ganganin?c,c, , I, I I cI cac???? a ar argrgug?e e te ththa?that that t to tooo?o mo mumuc??. ??PlPlulusus,s, , w, ??ithith h a?mam?zoz????s ss ?ubu?scs???bebe be a an andnd ?sas?veve,ve, , I, I , I g ?etet ???t at ?at at aat a a d di disiscis????t ?t ant and?nd dnd ?deldelilivli?verve?redred ???ghghtght t t??o mo myo m???ror????dodoodoor?. . ?YoYouou ou? de defefifininiinit??elyel?y cy ?cancan'n'tn't t bt bet beaeateat t t?t that thatat!at!<!<b<brbr br??>O>?veververaver?allall,l, , I, I', I?'m 'm v
old day and thought I'd take a chance and see if he'd like it or not. I'm happy to report that he loves it AND it doesn't give him horrible gas at all. His coat is shiny and healthy, as well. The only downside I can see--like the other brand--is the price. But being that the product is high quality and organic, I can't argue that too much. Plus, with amazon's subscribe and save, I get it at a discount and delivered right to my front door. You definitely can't beat that!<br />Overall, I'm v
?ereryry y?sasata?isi?fifieieded d?wiwititht? t ?thithisis is a anandnd ?wiwilwi?l l c ???ti?nun?e e? to to o p pup?rcrchchahasasese.e.".""?484?353??B0B?0101313939T9TTT?7272,2,A,A1A1313S13SISIAIA3A3K3KNK???CAC?U,U??. .?OlOlilivivev?er,er,1,?,1,1,,1,5,5,5,15,?282848????20200?,N,?ewewmwmam??'s'? O Ow Ownwn n O Or O?gag?anianici? D ?ogog g F FoForormrmum?lal?,M,MyM?y dy ??? l lolovo?vedved ?ththithisthi??fof??d ??andan?d hd ?e e we ?asas as a? v ??ryry ry p??ickickyky y ey eaeat?er??. . ?I I f fef??t t I? w wa wasas as gas gigiviviiviningng ??imim m h ??alaltlthlt???fofoofoodod od w?itithit?h nh nono o fo fifilfi???ersers.s???I I aI alalsalsoso o lo ?lovlo?vedved ved t?he? c?ononvonviv?inein?ncncece ??? h?avavivinvi?ng ng?itit it s se s??t t tt tot?o to ?thethe e he hohouousu?se se m mom?ontonththlthlyly.y??. N. ?otot t ht hahavhavi?vingving g tg toto to s sh shohophop p a?ndnd nd d ??aga?g ag ? b bibigig ???igighighthtltlyly ly i?tet?m m hm ?homho?e e we wae w?as ?????t.t..4?83836836,6,B,B0,B000010013??9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,A3?TYTYTYTST?QZQZGZGPGP8P?9797L7L,L,R,R.R????hnhn,n??,1,1,1,?1,51,5,5,1?28??9595353636060000,????p Pp PaPawa???s frs froromo?m mm ?y y Dy ?DogDog,g,","M"?My My d do dog??s gs gi???? th?isis is ais ?a ha hihighi???fi? .
ery satisfied with this and will continue to purchase." 4835,B00139TT72,A13SIA3KN05CAU,P. Oliver,1,1,5,1284163200,Newman's Own Organic Dog Formula,My dog loved this food and he was a very picky eater. I felt I was giving him healthy food with no fillers. I also loved the convinence of having it sent to the house monthly. Not having to shop and drag a big weightly item home was great. 4836,B00139TT72,A3TYTSQZGP897L,R. Rohn,1,1,5,1282953600,Top Paws from my Dog,"My dogs give this a high-five.
II'I'v'veve e n ?eve??? t trtririei?? i ?t,t, ,?bub?? t th thehe e le lilisi?t ?ofo? i in ingngrg?ed?ie?ntn?s s? is is s ss ??unundn??anandnd nd i it it t mt ??kek???heheihe?r r tr tat?ili?s s ws ?agag.g.".""4484838?7,7,B,???131?9T9TTT??2,2,A,A1A1V1VBVB8B8H8H4H464?ODODRDRIR???,P,PePegeggggyg? A A.A???aiaitaiththetherer,r??,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,12,1272?525??4040000000?,N,NeNewe?mamanma???s Rs ReR??ie?w,w??nene ne o ?of of?mym?y dy dodogogsgs ?isis is a alallllelererger???? to to o a al almlmomosostst st?eveveev??ytyththithiningng ng i in in in d do?g g?fof??d.d. ? N NeNewNe?wmawm??'s's 's O OwO?n n f fo foror r sr ?enenin?oror or d?ogogsog?s ms ?makmakekeskes s as alallall l t th the the e de didifi?feferereer?encencec??in? h heherhe??heheaheal?th?..448483?8,8?,B0,B000010013?9T9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,A3A??V9V?MNM?MBM?ECE?5L5L7L?7,C7,?. ??. . S. SeSememem?enyenynynan?,1?,1,1,1,1,1,51,5,5,15,121?26426??969????,s,soso so?gogoooodoo?d ed eveve???a a d do dog dog ?dodoedo??s ns ?otot ??ururnrn n in ititsits ???oseose e ue upup p? at a?t it,",?I I b??ougoughg???t tht t??is is dis ??dog dog? fo??od od? in ini inititaitalall?y y by bebececacauaususese se I I I lI li?ke? e???veryverytythythihinhingng ng tng th?atat ?I I hI ?avave??????? f??omom m N Ne New
I've never tried it, but the list of ingredients is sound and it make their tails wag." 4837,B00139TT72,A1VB8H46ODRI5E,Peggy A. Gaither,1,1,5,1275264000,Newman's Review,One of my dogs is allergic to almost everything in dog food. Newman's Own for senior dogs makes all the difference in her health. 4838,B00139TT72,A3QV9MNMBEC5L7,C. L. Semenyna,1,1,5,1264896000,so good even a dog does not turn its nose up at it.,"I bought this dog food initally because I like everything that I have tried from New
?mamanansns s?PrProrododud???s s fs fof?r r?huhumumamanma?ns.ns? S ?o,o, ,????hoh?ugughg??? th t?ata???y y P?ug?, ??hlh?oeoe e m ma?y y ly lilikikeke e Ne NeNewewmwmamanmansmans s as ala?sos???WeW?llll,l???????ururere e de dod?oesoes,s?, t, ?theth?rere re???s ns non????urnurnininingng g?upup p h he her? n ?nosnoses?e ae atat at i it it.t. . I. I I gI ??t t it iti?t dt ded?elielivi???ede???regreguguau?alralryr?, ?, so, so ?ththithis?? ne n?gag?ateatese?s ts ?thethe the n ne?eded ed t??o mo mamakmake??? s spspep?ciciai?al al??riripip ?tot?o go ?getget t Dt DoDogo?g fg fo?od?.<.?brbr r /r />/?<b<br<br r /r />r /?UPU?DAD??? 6 6/6/1/?2/2/1/15/15 5? t? the the e le ?asa??t tt twt?o o bo ?agagsg?s Is I I rI re?ciciecievevevedved ??hadhad d ad ?a ma mim?iteite ??? t th???fo?foodfoodsd?s ws ??icichch h c cac?usu?sedse???my my?do??g tg to?? ha hava?? s se s?eveev?ere? b bobououtou?ts ts???? di d?iariarrr?heheahea.a?. I. I . I??nlnlyly ?fofoufo?ndn??ououtout out t???ayay ??whewh?n n I? t to??k k h he her her r tr ??to tto ththethe ?vevetve?, , a, an?d ?wawasas as i?nfnfoforfo?mem?ed ed ted ththath??at tat ththethesthe?se se i??tetes?titininainalal ?bub???s ws wes wer??ere uere ?usuus?ualua?llyll?????catcatetedted ?inin in tin ??the the dthe ?dogdog dog f fo f?
mans Products for humans. So, I thought that my Pug, Chloe may like Newmans also. Well, she sure does, there is no turning up her nose at it. I get it delivered regualry, so this negates the need to make a special trip to get Dog food.<br /><br />UPDATE 6/12/15 the last two bags I recieved had a mite in the foods which caused my dog to have severe bouts of diarrhea. I only found out today when I took her to the vet, and was informed that these intestinal bugs were usually located in the dog foo
?d.d. . S SuSuru????nonouougughgh,h? w whw??en en I ? g gogoto??hoh??e ??ndn???ooooko??d d id inin n???? d dod?g g?fofoooodoo?, , g, ??esessss s w?hahata?t It I I cI ?fo???nd nd o ??n tn ththethe e be bobotottottotomom om???? th t?he he bhe babaga?, , t, titininyiny y m ?ititet? it??enenten??ououtou???intintoto to t th the the e ge gagararbrbabagbageg?e ce ?ononton???ineinerersrs.s?<b<brbr r???<b<br<b????I I wI ??lll??reretretut?urnurn ??o o t th thi thisis s ds ?dogdog g fg ?foofoodod ?d ind i?n an ???ewe? m mo monontonthonthshs.s..s.?...?..........s.shs???aha?hs hs? li likikekedke??????o o mo ?ucuchc?? b bubutu?t wt ?wilwillll ll w wa waiaitai?t ft foforfor ??a ba".""?484?3939,9,B,?000010??39T39??727????MUM?GFGFVFV2V?TDT??4747K7?,",?LyL??rir?e e "e ?"O"OhOh h H HEHELE?? n no??"""""?,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5??252?949?525?8080000,00?,"D,"DoDog?gig???LoLovoveves? i ?it ?a ??lotlot,t, , m, ??y By ???gegetget t nt nonotnot t s???MuM?uchuch!h?",","","M"MyMy y dy do?og????lolovlove??s is itit it ait a it a? lo lotot,ot, , m?y y by ?budbu?dgedg?t t ht ??wlw?s s ts ththothouougough???I ?I caI can??t t f??indin?d id itd it d it s sts?teateadadidil???at? t?? the the l lo?cac??l sl ststostoro?resres s ss soso so c ca
d. Sure enough, when I got home and looked in the dog food, guess what I cfound on the bottom of the bag, tiny went out into the garbage containers.<br /><br />I will return to this dog food in a few months......she ahs liked it so much, but will wait for a bit." 4839,B00139TT72,A2MUGFV2TDQ47K,"Lynrie ""Oh HELL no""",1,1,5,1259452800,"Doggie Loves it a lot, my Budget not so Much!","My doogie loves it a lot, my budget howls though. I can't find it steadily at the local stores so ca
??chc?ini?g g i itit t o onon n?sasalalel? i?s s o??t t ot ?? t ?heh?e qe ?ueuesests?ioionon.on. .??t't?s s gs grgrereaeatat,t, , n nono o?didigigeges??tioti???prp?oboblblelemlemsms s as ?ndnd d h hi?s ?skskikinin,in, , e, ?yeyeses es a ???d cd coc?atat at? ar a?? m ?ucu????????vevede?d sd sos??I I?knk?????t'?s s gs gos gooo???fof??? hi h?? t to toooo.oo?<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<b??r />r /?I'I?veve ve h ha hadad d gd ?gregreaeateat ?reresresusulultltsts s ws wiw??h h?HaH??momon?y y?FaF??msms ms D ?ogo?g Fg ?oooodood d td ??at??I I oI ?ordorded??d ?d thd thrhrorourougughg?h Ah AmA?azazozonon on Aon ?NDND D t?he???'s? 5 5 5 p??unund?s ?momormore?re fre fo??r ar ?bob??t ?ththeth?e se ??mem?e pe pr??cec?.".""4484848??,B,?0000101313939T9TTT?7272,2,A,A1A1818Z8ZXZXGXG6G?V7V7M7M4M?7A7AHA??"T"TrT?ininaina6a686???"T"Tr"Tririnri?a"a"""""""",",1,1,1?,1,,1??,1,12,1252575717?202??0000,00,M,MYM?? DO DOGOG G L LOL??ESES,S,","M,"MyMy ?DoDogDo???s ?rereareal??y ?""?PiPic?kyk??"" ""???henhen n in ?it it c ?comcomemesme??toto o ho ?hishis his f fofoofoodod od a??nd nd? I I??su?alall?y ?hahavaveve ?toto to m mi m?x x h hi his his s os ?ldld d wd ???? h? his his his n ne n?w w fw fofor? a a a f?ewew ew d da dayaysy?s "s """"U""UnU
tching it on sale is out of the question. It's great, no digestion problems and his skin, eyes and coat are much improved so I know it's good for him too.<br /><br />I've had great results with Harmony Farms Dog Food that I orderd through Amazon AND there's 5 pounds more for about the same price." 4840,B00139TT72,A18ZXG6V7M47AH,"Trina68 ""Trina""",1,1,5,1257120000,MY DOG LOVES,"My Dog is really ""Picky"" when it comes to his food and I usually have to mix his old with his new for a few days ""Un
???l l h hehe e w ???l l el eae??"""? h??? n nenewew w f fof?odod.d. .???opopep??nedned d t ?????agag g? wh whehenhen n m mymy y???ded?r r?ararrrrir??eded d ad anandnd d gd gagavaveve ve m my my ?dodogo?g ag ? t?asaststete.e...............? H HeH??lolovo?vedved d hd hihisis is n ne new? f fo foooodoo??& & t th thihishis s is isis is his hihis? s sesececoconondnd nd?151? p pop??nd?nd bnd babagbag!g?""4??4141,1,B,B0B?010131???T7T727?,A,A1A?H3H3K3K0K??????NENEHEH,H,",?NaNananaana ??""S""?ououtouththetherernern ??ooookoo?""???1,?1,1,51,5,5,1?252535313?454565?0000,00,F,FoForor r Dr DoDogogsogs ?wi?th? s sp spepecpe???l l nl neneeneed?s,s,I,?I aI ?dodopdo?tetedted d a? d dodogdog ?frf?omo??reresescscucueue e se shshehelheltlteterter ??hoh? h ha has? a an a?n an ?allal??erger?y ?toto ???rnr??. I. I I lI ????e ie inin n a? s?mamalallall all t?owo?n ?n ann and???foufounundun?d nd ????dogdog dog?? foo fo?od od t th?atat at d di d??n'n't'? c ??ntntataia?? m?ai?nln??y cy cocorcorncor?? T ThThihishis ??asas as pas peperperfr?ecectect ??andand d md mymy my n ne new ne?w pw pepetpe?t it is??dodoidoin???veverve?y ?wewelellll l ol ?on on i itit ?t ant andnd nd lnd ?lovlovevesves s is its it.t. . I. It. It't's'?s as ?an an a??de??d bd ??onuon?s s ts ???at at iat it
til he will eat"" his new food. I opened the bag when my Order arrived and gave my dog a taste...... He loved his new food & this is his second 15 pound bag!" 4841,B00139TT72,A1H3K0Z1ADGNEH,"Nana ""Southern Cook""",1,1,5,1253145600,For Dogs with special needs,I adopted a dog from rescue shelter who has an allergy to corn. I live in a small town and found no dog food that didn't contain mainly corn. This was perfect and my new pet is doing very well on it and loves it. It's an added bonus that it
?cocomomemese??ststrtraraiaigighg?t t t toto o??y y??ooooro???4848484242,2,B,?000010?393?TTT??2,2,A2,???QOQOWO?UBU?XKXKQKQAQAFAFUFU,U,M,MiMiaia,a,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,???252?282888868646?0000,00,m,??? do d?g g s se seee?msms s ts toto to e ene?joj?y y ty ththihisis,s??y ??72 72 l ?? d??g g hg hahasa?s ns ???erer r?rer?fufususeseded d??o ?eaeatat t Nt NeNewewmwmam?n'n?s ??????rgr?ananianici?. .? I ??m m g glg?ada??ththath?at at t?heher?e e i isis is a ??pepetet t ft fofoooodood d md ??ded?e we wiwitiththothouo??t 't ??ununknk'k??? tha thatat at Iat I I c??? f ??eedee?d md myd my y py ??t.t..4.?48448434????00100??9T???2,2,A2,AN2,A?JFJFBFB4B?UTUTBTB3B??DHDH,H,","B"BoBoo?? L LoLovo???r "r """"P"PeP?eaceacec?e Pe ??eaeaseasese"se?"""""??,1,,1,1,1,?1,51,5,5,15,121?49493934344440400400000,00,M00,MyM?y dy dodogdog g lg lolovoveoveses es i it it.t..t.....,.,"?an?d ?I I lI ?lovlo?? b bub?yiy?ngn?g ig itit it f fo foror or??herhe?r. r.?NoNotot t ot ono?lyl?y iy isis is iis ?it ?a ??heahealaltlth?y ???gaganganinicic ic m me meaealeal,l, , I?? pe per?soson?alallallyly ly l li likikek???hahathat t tt ththeth?e Ne Ne?wmwmawmanan an Fan FoFou?ndn???ioionon on? do doe doeses es wes wi??th th?? the theieiri?r pr ???fifit?s s (s ??ftfteter? t ta taxaxexeses)es????romrom
comes straight to my door. 4842,B00139TT72,A1UQOWUBXKQAFU,Mia,1,1,5,1252886400,my dog seems to enjoy this,My 72 lb dog has never refused to eat Newman's Own Organic. I'm glad that there is a pet food made without 'junk' that I can feed my pet. 4843,B00139TT72,ANJFB4UTB3YDH,"Book Lover ""Peace Please""",1,1,5,1249344000,My dog loves it...,"and I love buying it for her. Not only is it a healthy organic meal, I personally like what the Newman Foundation does with their profits (after taxes) from
t???irir r p prprorodo?ucu?tsts.s..............$..$2$?6565 5 M MIMILI?LIL??N N h hahasa? b ?eee?n n??ono?atatetede? t toto o v vav?ririoiouousu?s cs chc?harhariritri??eses s ts toto to? da d?ateate e? by b?? th theheiheirir ir??ouounoundndadatatiatioionion.n. . I I I b?uyu?y Ny NeNewe?mam?n'n's'?s Os OwOwnwn n pn prpropr?oduoducuctucts??whw?henhenen?????I ???an an ( ?ththetheieirei?r sr spspapagaghghehethettt?ti ti s ?aua???e ie ??s os ououtou???f-f?th??is-is?wow???d.d???"""?RoRoaoasastastetedted d Gd GaGar???c"c"""".""?......Y...?UMUM!M?).).<.?brb?r /r ??<b<br<br r /r />r />M>?y ???g g h ha has? e ?atateatenate?n tn ?thithisthis s fs fofoofood?? fo foror or??ea?rsr????d d yd yeyeayeararsars s us ununtntitilti?, , o ou?? o of of f? th?e e be blblulueu??, m, mymy y ly loloco?calcal l g ?ro??er???ececicidideded? n nonotot t t to to ?ses?llll l il itit ??anyanymy?ororeore.e. . I. ??ththethenthen n hn ??d d td to?to gto gr??? a ?????? of? f fo foo foodod od fod foforfo?r hr he?r r br bebecbe?caucaususeuse e we ?e ??erereere e oe ?out?out cout cocomompmplp?ete?teltelyly y ay an?? d de?cicidci??d ?d tod to ?geg?et et??en??fufulul.l?. A. ApA?paparpareren?tltlyly,ly, , h, heherher her? di digi?gesge?titivtiveve ve s??st??m m d di?dnd?n'tn't t lt ?liklikeke e ie ite it t at ant andnd nd? sh s
their products.....$265 MILLION has been donated to various charities to date by their foundation. I buy Newman's Own products whenever I can (their spaghetti sauce is out-of-this-world...""Roasted Garlic""...YUM!).<br /><br />My dog has eaten this food for years and years until, out of the blue, my local grocer decided not to sell it anymore. I then had to grab a bag of food for her because we were out completely and decided to get Beneful. Apparently, her digestive system didn't like it and sh
ee e e enendnded?d d??p p w ???h h b blb?oooododydy y s sts?ooooloo?s.s. . T ThT???'s's s????en en?I I?cac?meme ??? A AmAmamazazozonon.n.c.coc?m m ( (a(a a G ?ODO????D D f fof?r r?pep??plplele ??iki??e me me? w? who wh? h ?havhavev??e lae lamameam??grgror?cecereryr?y sy ststost?oreorese?s ts toto ???opop op f fr froromro?) ) a ?ndnd nd f?ouounu?nd nd hnd ?herher r Nr ??wmwmamanma?'s? O OwOwnwn n?dodogo? f????! ! I I I c?anan an??lwlwaw?ysy?s ds ?depde?penpe?nd ?onon on A Am Ama?zozonzo? . I. ?'v'???nonowo? g ?otot t t ?thithisis s os on???utu?to-to-d-dedeldeli?????. ?. I . I t tr t?usust? N Ne??wmawmanan'an's's 's O's OwOwnOw???ro?duducuctc???an?d d Id I I kI knk???w mw mym???dogdog g ig is????ttttit??g g ag a a wa wewelellll-l-b-??lalan??cedced d od or?gagananianicic c m memeame????ndnd nd ind itit'it?'s 's M's MeMel?am?inineine-e-f-frfrereeee.e?""?484?4444,4??000?1313939T9??7272,2,A,??EZE???0202S2???A2NA2N9N?,L,LiLinindindada ??rereire?itait?g,g,1,1,1,1?,5,?,1?2424848948999???00?,B,Be,Besestest ?DoDogog og F ??oodoo?d Ed ?ve?ver!ver!,!,",????????'s 's O??wn wn i ?is ?th?e ??esest???ogog og fog ?foofoodod od e??verver,ver, , i in in ?mymy my?opopiopininiinioionon.on. . M. MyMy ?
e ended up with bloody stools. That's when I came to (a GODSEND for people like me who have lame grocery stores to shop from) and found her Newman's Own dog food! I can always depend on I've now got this on auto-delivery. I trust Newman's Own products and I know my dog is getting a well-balanced organic meal and it's Melamine-free." 4844,B00139TT72,A2EZW502SEA2N9,Linda Freitag,1,1,5,1248998400,Best Dog Food Ever!,"Newman's Own is the best dog food ever, in my opinion. My 1
22 2 y yey??????d d??hihititete e G GeG?rmrmamanan n??hehepepaparardar???eateatsts s a ?andan?d dd ?igi??sts?ts ts t tht?hishis s fs fof?odod ?wowonondndeder?fuf??lyl?. .???fo?rere ?chchahanangangig??g g? to t? t th thi?his his f fo?odod od? a a??ewew w y ye y??rsrs s as aga?o,o, ,???he he??hadhad d dd did dig?esestestitivivev?e pe ?ror???eme??s os ofo?tetenten,n, , e, eveve????thoth????? sh shehe he whe wawasas s fs fes f?d ?? " ?"s"???cacalall?eded ed?go?od?od bod ???andand and?nanamameme ???foodfood"d??. . . M MyM? t th?re?e ??yeaye?ar ar???? p pipit?titietie e ge ?girgi?l l a??soso so e ??eatseat?s ts ththith?s ?s fos foooodoo??, a, anandand ?lol?ve?s s is itit it???. s. shshesh?e ie isis is i ?in in p?er???ctc???eaealealtlth?. . I. ? w?ououlouldld ld rld rerecre?omommmmemenmend? i it it t tt toto o ao ?anyanyoyon???. M. MyMy My? ne nexextx?t dt dodooooroor ??eie?ighig??oro?r or orordor???rs rs i it it it n no n?w w fw frf?romrom m?AmAma?zozon? f fo foror or? hi hisis is pis ?pitpittttitietie tie g?iri?rl.rl. . A. Am?azazozonzon n in ?is is ais a a wa wowonwondndender?erfuerf?? p pl p?acacece ?toto to? pu puru?ch?asasease e de ?dogdog ?an?and ?ca?t ?fo?food?, ??ro?cecerce???es,es, , a?ndnd nd and ?anyanytanyth?thinthi?ng ng? yo youou ou n ne nee need?
2 year old white German Shepard eats and digests this food wonderfully. Before changing to this food a few years ago, she had digestive problems often, even though she was fed a ""so called good brand name food"". My three year old pittie girl also eats this food, and loves it .. she is in perfect health. I would recommend it to anyone. My next door neighbor orders it now from Amazon for his pittie girl. Amazon is a wonderful place to purchase dog and cat food, groceries, and anything you need
.????hehe e p ?rir???s s a ?rere e ae alalwl?ayaysys s gs ?oooodod,d, , a??d d???he he s ?pep??iai?alsals ???e ??rereareatat!t??ThT?he he she spspespececiec?ialialsls s as ars are? t? the the e be beb?estes? e eveveverer,r?, a, anandnd nd I ? w wa?s ?shshohocockckekeded d td ?o o f fifini?nd ??utut ?th?atat at? a a? to tododaodayay ay " """?FrF?ridri?ayay"ay""? s sp spepecpe??alal al p pr priricricece ce o ?n n?NeNewewmw?an?'s'?s Os OwOwnwn n dn ?????oooodood ?wa?? a au aut??mamatma?ic?alallallyl? r rerefre?lel?ectec?ed??inin in m mymy y sy susububsb?crcriribribebe be a an and an?d sd sasavaveve ve??te?m m p????e ?ofof f t th? the the? Ne Newewmewmamanma?'s's 's O OwOwnOwn.n?. . ?EvE?venve??ththoth?ougou?h h I I I j jujususts??re???????d ad a a b bab?g g yg yeyesestesteestererderdadayday,y, , I, ?I oI orordrdederereereded ed ted twt??o mo ?or??e te ?todtodadayday,day??, an, andnd nd snd ?omomeome e Ne ?NewNewm?anan'?s s Os Ows O?wn wn c cacatat at fat fofoooodood.ood. . . W. ?hahat?at oat ??thetherer er? re rete?aia?le?r r? wo w????d ad aud aut?????icica?llllyly ly d dodo do t? tha that??at foat foror or y yoyouou ou . ..???on?e e te the t?hatha?t It I ???nownow w o of of.f?. . A. AmAmamazmazoz?on on .?. . p. ?lelealeasasese e ce coc?onton?tintinun?e ?e toe to o oo ?offoffef?er er ter ththethe the N Ne New Ne??wmanwma
.. the prices are always good, and the specials are great! The specials are the best ever, and I was shocked to find out that a today ""Friday"" special price on Newman's Own dog food was automatically reflected in my subscribe and save item price of the Newman's Own. Even though I just received a bag yesterday, I ordered two more today, and some Newman's Own cat food. What other retailer would automatically do that for you .. none that I know of. Amazon .. please continue to offer the Newman
'?s s O OwOwnw? d dodogog g??oooodod d??. . I I I??ououlu???bebe e l loloso?t t w wi wititht?ou????thethe ?ded?lil?vevereryry,y, , s ?inincncec?e ie itit it i ???didififfffif?cuc????foforfor r?meme e te ?o o g ?etet t ot ou????ndn??shshohopho? a an andnd nd c ??rrr??? la larargar?ge ge? it i?eme??s ls ???e e be babagagsgs s os ?f f d do dogog og? fo f??d.d. ? T ThThah??k k y ?ouou ou? fo for fo??bebeibeininging ?heh?ereere e fe foforfor for m??e ae ?andan?d Sd SnS?owoweweye? a? and and ??opophphihiei?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/? ???indin??""?484848?5,5?B0B?010?393??T7T7272,2,A,???5M5MFMF7F7M7?9797575C5?383?,N,???cycy y Dy DyD?sosono???,1?,5,5,5,15,121???070737363????MyMy y dy ??gsgs gs n neneveve??r tr ?thrthrorowow ow??p p ap ananyany ?momororer?!,!,","I"I ???ve? t twt?wo wo??mamala?l l?? dog dogsgs ?whwhoho ho h hahavhavehave ??[A[ASA??N:N:B:B0??01301?39Z39?PKPKMKM M N ?ewewmwmamanma?'s? O Ow Ownwn<wn????r />r />#>#0#01?7474;4;O;OrOrgr?ananian??s ??dvdvavanancanceanc?d d Dd DoDogog ?ChChihichickckekenke?n &n & & R RiRic?e e Fe FoFor?mumululaula,a, , 1, ?12.12????ouounou??nd Bnd BaBagag]ag]]]] ]? T Th??irir r or on??y y ty trt????s s ws we??re re C ????erierioiosos.os. ????henhe?n In ?I sI ??ititcit?he
's Own dog food .. I would be lost without the delivery, since it is difficult for me to get out and shop and carry large items like bags of dog food. Thank you for being here for me and Snowey and Sophie.<br /> Linda" 4845,B00139TT72,A3I5MF7M975C38,Nancy Dyson,1,1,5,1244073600,My dogs never throw up any more!,"I have two small dogs who have [[ASIN:B00139ZPKM Newman's Own<br />#0174;Organics Advanced Dog Chicken & Rice Formula, 12.5 Pound Bag]] Their only treats were Cheerios. When I switche
d? t toto o N NeNewe?mamanan'n's's s O OwOwnwn n b ??anandand,d, , I I I w ?asas s ps plp?eaeasasaasanantantltlyl? s susururprprpririsi?eded ?to? n ?oto?icicec? t th theheyey y sy ?to??pep???? the theieirir r o ococcccac?asiasioiononan?l l v vovomo?iti?tintingng.g. .? W ???h h?alallall ?ththehe he t?rorououbublblele le c cacaucaususe?d d bd ?y y ly lalacackc? o of of f??tat?and?ara?????n n tn ththeth?e ie inindindudusustus????, I, ??imi??ed?iaiatatet?lyly ly t th tho thouougou??? " """?ifif f If ?I cI ?canca?n'tn't t tt ??us?? P PaP???l Nl ??wmwmawmanan'an?'s 's f ?oooodo??, ?whwhoh??se se c ca c?an an I I I t tr??ust??""."". . . A AnAndn?d, d,? th the they they y l?ovo??e i?t.t.".""4?8484646,6,B,B0B??131?9T9?T7T7272,2,A,??WLW?9Z9ZPZ??9K9K0K0I0?ICIC,C??KaKaya?y Cy ?rurumumpmptp?tonton n "n """"G""GrG?ranrannnniniei?K"K?"""""",",1,?,1,1,,1?5,5,1?242404060616??606??,N,NeNew????n'sn'?s Os Ow?n n On OrO?gag?anianicic ic??ogo???oo?d,d,Md,?y y dy ??og og i ?is is? al a?lelerlergrgirgic?ic tic ??to mto mom?ostos?t dt dodogdog g fg ?foofoodod.od. . . I. I I hI hah?ve???useuseded ???????an'san's s Os Ows O??? d ?dog? f??oodood ood ???r r sr se???raralral l yl ?eaearearsrs ?nonowno? a an and?? I I a I ama? q quq???e ?hahapha?ppyppy y wy wiwitith
d to Newman's Own brand, I was pleasantly surprised to notice they stopped their occasional vomiting. With all the trouble caused by lack of standards in the industry, I immediately thought ""if I can't trust Paul Newman's foods, whose can I trust"". And, they love it." 4846,B00139TT72,A1WL9ZPE9K0IIC,"Kay Crumpton ""GrannieK""",1,1,5,1240617600,Newman's Own Organic Dog Food,My dog is allergic to most dog food. I have used Newman's Own dog food for several years now and I am quite happy with
?itit.t. .? I ? l lil?veve e i in in n a a a s sms?alalll???owo?n ??hahatat t i is is s 6 6060 0???leleses s as ???? f ???? t?hehe ??eae?rer??t ???? c ?it?y y ay ????? a???ununan?blb?le le? to t??obobtbtataiainin n tn thn t?he he d dodogog ??oooodo?d ld ?ococacal?lyl?. ? I It It t it ??s as a s a r ?reare?al al c co cononvnvevenve?ieienencn?e e fe fo?r r m?e e te ?to to b bub??y ty ththith?is is f?roromrom m Am AmAmamazmazozon? a??nd nd t th?e e pe prpriricicece ce? is??eqeququiu?itaitabablable??4??4747,7?B0B000010131?9T9?T7T?2,2,A,?3N3?ZSZ?W7W???VUVUIU?BPBP,P,R,???xx?ie?,1,1,1?,1,,1?4,4???313?80804048480480000,00?GrGrereareatrea?t ft fo?for for? do dog????it?? a??llell??gig?iesies,s,",????waswas ???vivin?g g mg mymy ??dogdo?s s Ss ScS?cieci?encencece ce Dce DiDie?t t Pt PuPupuppppypy y fy ???od od?? fro from? t th? the the? ti t???e Ie ?I gI ?otot ??thetheme???? 8 8 8???ekeksks.s. ????ieniencncence e De ?DieDietet ?chcha??geg?d ??the? f??rmrmumululal?a aa ababoabououtu??3 3 m mo monontonth?s s as ags agogo go a an and and d t??he ??foofoodfood d jd ???t t dt ?idi?d nd ??ot ot s sm sme??ll ll? or o?r lr loloolookok k r ri rig?htht.? I It It It? wa wasas s vs veververyr??oioil?y y ay any a?nd nd fnd
it. I live in a small town that is 60 miles away from the nearest big city and I am unable to obtain the dog food locally. It is a real convenience for me to buy this from Amazon and the price is equitable. 4847,B00139TT72,A3NZSW71OVUIBP,Roxxxie,1,1,4,1231804800,Great for dogs with allergies,"I was giving my dogs Science Diet Puppy food from the time I got them at 8 weeks. Science Diet changed the formula about 3 months ago and the food just did not smell or look right. It was very oily and f
i???? s sms?ele?lil???, , w ?hih?chch h I I I??eaealali?zeze e?ththeheyey y dy did???atat t m momoro???fifisishis??oioili?? A AfAftf??? a ab abob??t t tt ththrth?reeree ?wew?eke???ofof f t?hehe he n nenewe? f?oooodod,d?, I, ?I nI ??titiciceic?d d md mymy y py pup?ppppip?eses s (s (w(?welwellll ll n??w ?1 1 y yeyea?r r or ?ldldsd?) ) s??in? w?asa?s vs vev?eryer?y fy ?lalakakyk?y ly li??e ?dadanandn?rurufuffff f af ?andand d td ththeth?? b bo??th th?hah???beb?eeneen n?????tintinunuououousous ?liliclickcki??ng ng t th the theieiri??????. . I. ?I tI totooookoo? t th? them them m t to to o t th?? v vevetvet ?anand? h?e e se ?aiaidid id? th the they they y hy hahadha?d fd fofoooodood ????er??ieiesies.s. s. H HeHe ?e wae w?antantetedte?d m?e ??? t?ak???e the thehemhem m om ????th?? S ScS?ieieniencn?e e d??ietiet t at ant andnd nd?puputput ?t tht thehemhem hem? on on n pn pupumpumpmpkpki?kin kin a??nd nd pnd pipinpintntonto o bo bebeabe??s ?fo?r r 7r ? w we wee??ks.ks?. W. ?el?l,l??unu??erer er???reresresss?s Is I I t??ie??d id itit ?t ant andt and d m?y y dy doy dogogsg?s ds dididdi???notno?t et ea?t t ft fo?for for 3 3 3 d da dayaysys.s. ???ded?cicidcidededded ?d tod to ?trtryr??ththe?the Nthe NeN??maman??s s os or?gagananian?? a an and an?d a
ishy smelling, which I realize they did at more fish oil. After about three weeks of the new food, I noticed my puppies (well now 1 year olds) skin was very flaky like dandruff and they both had been continuous licking their paws. I took them to the vet and he said they had food allergies. He wanted me to take them off the Science diet and put them on pumpkin and pinto beans for 7 weeks. Well, under duress I tried it and my dogs did not eat for 3 days. I decided to try the Newman's organic and a
????????ououtu??4 4 w ?eeeeke?? t ?heheieirir r cr coc?atat t lt lol?okoksks ks s soso o m ?ucu?h h b ????terte??anandn???he??lilici??ini?g g?hah??s rs rereaealalll?y y d ?ececrcrereareas?ede?. .?I I a?m m s so so o go glglalada?d Id I I sI sasawa? t??isis s fs fofoooodood d wd whw?henhe? I I I w wa wasas as? do doioininging g rg reresre?eaearearcr?????4848484848,48???010131393??T7T7272,2,A,??N1N??TPT?C1C1Q1Q2Q2C2?D3D3,3,",?LiLinindindad??G.G?. W. WaW?allal?lacla?e e?""""s"sps??eakeakekeaeaseasys?y gy gag??""?","??3,43,4,4?,3,,3,1,1313213??6363535252020000,00,D,DoD???t t St ??bsbscs?cricribi???,","M,"MyMy y dy dodogog ?LOL??ESE? t th thi this thi?s fs fos foo?ood.ood. . . I I ?re??ll??y ly ?likli?? t th??at at i itit t it isis is o ?rgrga?ninicic,ic, , e ese?spespec?iaial?allyally y wy ?it?h h ah al?all all t??e ??recre?cencentnt ??roroboblblel????wiwitwi?? o?ththeth?er er d do?g ??foofo?dsds.s?. . I. ?I wI wiwilwi???coconcontntintininuinueue e te tot?o bo bubuyu??th?isis is bis brbraran???inin in? th the the the s??tortore?. . . I? w wo wou?ldld d rd raratratete te t th the??prpropr?oduoduc???as???a 5a ?.<.<b<brbr br / ??<b<br<b?r /r />/>T/>ThThehe ?pr?probproblbleblemem em I??hahadha??d wad was?as was wiwit???sus?ubsubscscrsc?ibibeib
fter about 4 weeks their coat looks so much better and the licking has really decreased. I am so glad I saw this food when I was doing research." 4848,B00139TT72,A2N1DTPC1Q2CD3,"Linda G. Wallace ""speakeasy gal""",3,4,3,1325635200,Don't Subscribe!,"My dog LOVES this food. I really like that it is organic, especially with all the recent problems with other dog foods. I will continue to buy this brand in the store. I would rate the product as a 5.<br /><br />The problem I had was with subscribe
? a ?ndnd d s sas?veve.e. .? I I I? st statara?tet?d ?ououtut t b ???iningng g a at a??a a v veververyry y?dedececec?ntnt t pt ?ririci?ce.ce. . . A AfAftfteterter r o ?nlnlyl??2 2?mom?onton?hshs s t th?e e? su subu?scs?ri?ptp??onon on?pr???e e he ??d d id in?crcrecreaeasa??? b?y ?alalmlmomosmostst t 4t 404???! ! ?NoNo o n ?oto?ticti?ce ce o on on n??heh?e ie in????easea?? w wawas???enentent t tt toto ??seesee e i?f f I? s st?ililll???an?tetedte?d id itd i?t et ?iti???r.r. . ?I I bI ?elelil????? Am Amamazazozonon ??hohououlou?d d sd ?sensend? a??n an alalealerert?? an and and ?asaskask k? to to ??on?fifiri?? o?r r cr cac?ancan?celcel l wl ??henhen n tn ththe?therether?e ie ise i?s as ?an an i ininc?increincrea?easeease.e. e. ??y y oy otothothe???susububsubscscrscriripriptriptitiotiononsons ???ve???notnot t ht hahadha?d pd ?pripricpricece ce ice ininc?increincreaincreasaseaseses s ls lilikli?e ??thithisis s os ?oneon??e. e. S ?ub?ubscubs?cricripi?ptipt?ionion n rn rarata?tintingng-ng---- - 1 ?.".?4????,B,B0B000010131??TTTT7T7272,2,A,?1Q1???KVK??XOX?R0R???,r,?obobfbfofo,o??,4,4,4,5,5,5?121282?535373??8080000,00?GrGrereareatat at d do d?g g fg fofoofo?d,d?"I"??fofoo???shshlshlyly ly p pu p?rcr?ha????d td ththe? H ???MOMONO?Y Y F FAF?
and save. I started out buying at a very decent price. After only 2 months the subscription price had increased by almost 40%!! No notice on the increase was sent to see if I still wanted it either. I believe Amazon should send an alert and ask to confirm or cancel when there is an increase. My other subscriptions have not had price increases like this one. Subscription rating-- 1." 4849,B00139TT72,A1QHEKVEXOR0AH,robfo,3,4,5,1285372800,Great dog food,"I foolishly purchased the HARMONY FAR
M?S S H HeH???ththyhy y & & & H Ho Holo?isists?icic c A AdA?ulu???DoDogog g?FoFoooodo?, , s sisinincncece e i ?t t h ?adad d m momororere ?foforor or??thethe ?sas?meme e pe prpriric?e(e?whwhyhy hy? it it t ht hahadhad ?gog?oodoo??re??iei?wsws s??s s bs bebeye??ndnd ?me??. . M ??y dy dodogogsog?s ws wiwilillll l?nonoto?t tt ?ououcuchch h t??e ???rmrmomonmonyn?y fy fafara?rmsrm??, y, yeyete???ovoveve ?th?isis is?dodogdo??fo?odod.od. . M. ?My My 1 1010 0?wkwk.k. ???d d pd pupupup p??adad ad " """"s"sls??mmmmymy y py pop?oopoo??"",""?, u, ?ntnti?l l tl ththe????y ?I I f ???d ?he?? t th thi th??is fis fofoofoodfood.d. . B. ?otothot??mymy my???ogs???lovloveve ve i it??NeN?ewmewmamanan'n's's ?OwOwnw? O ????anianicicsic?s As ?AduAdulultul???DogDo?g Fg FoFooFoodod od F Fo F??mum?ulaul? i is is is? th??e we waw?? t to to o?gogo.go?""??8585050,0,B,B0B?0101313939T9TTT??2,2,A,A3A???LML??Q9GQ9GJG?3T3??3,3,R,RaRaua?didi,i,7,7,7?1010,10??,1?3131010710777747?4040000,00,N,?OTOT T????ganga??ic,ic?ThT?he he c ??ic???n ??is is nis ??t t ot ???an?anicanic.c?. I. ??t it isis is tis ??the the Mthe MAMAIAININ N i?ngngrgreredredidiedienentent.t. . T. ThThiTh??is iis is?is Nis NONOTNO??ororgorga?ninicnic ?do?dog dog f?oo??. . I. It. I?t i?s s ms ma
MS Healthy & Holistic Adult Dog Food, since it had more for the same price(why it had good reviews is beyond me). My dogs will not touch the harmony farms, yet love this dog food. My 10 wk. old pup had ""slimmy poop"", until the day I feed her this food. Both my dogs love it.Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula is the way to go." 4850,B00139TT72,A3Q9LMQ9GJ3T63,Raudi,7,10,1,1310774400,NOT organic,The chicken is not organic. It is the MAIN ingredient. This is NOT organic dog food. It is ma
r?keketetitiningn? l ??eses s t tot???oooolol l y ?ouou u i ?intintoto to??hih??kikin?g ???u u au ara?e e?papayayiyininging ing m ??re? f fo for? q ququau?lilitlityty y i in ing?reredredidie?ntn?s s ws whwhehenen n y yo youou ou a ??e e ne nonoto? g geget?titinti?ng ng o ?orgorgagana?icic c c chchihichickc??n.n????515?,B,B0B000010131?9T9TTT?727?,A,?1717I7?NUNU4U4I4IPI?I2I2F2F8F8M8??DaDavavividid d O ??enensens,s?2,??,5,5,5,1,?222?555585848404??0,0,L,LoL?vev?e ae an???hihinhingng ng bng byby y Ny ??wmwmam??.,.?"W"WeWe e oe ononlnlyl?y fy ?eeeeded d od ou?r r d dod?g ???y ?y foy foo?d,d? a??d ?itit t ht ?asa??to??beb?e ge ?oooodood ood d??og og???odod.d. . N ?NewNewm??an an b brbraranandan?s ?ar?are are?hihighighgh h q?uaualuali?litylity,y?, a, an?and and I I I c ca canan ?ge?t ?itit it? de delelilivliveververered? o on on n an a a p?ere?ioiod??? b?asasiasisi?s as ans andnd nd a? f?ixi?eded ed???ricri?e e te ththrthruru u Au ?ma?zoz???. G. GiGin?ingeing?? l li l?ke??s is itit ??andand ?it??kekeeke?psps s hs ????heheahe?altalth?y.y??I ?hahavha?ve ve l le leaeararnar??ed ?ov?erer ?ththethe e ye ?ea?rsrs s t?hahatha??ththithisis is? ma manan,an, , a, an, and?nd hnd hihishis s cs ??mpmpapanpanyn????rere re hre ??highhighlh?? m
rketing lies to fool you into thinking you are paying more for quality ingredients when you are not getting organic chicken. 4851,B00139TT72,A17INU4IPI2F8M,David Owens,2,3,5,1225584000,Love anything by Newman.,"We only feed our dog dry food, and it has to be good dog food. Newman brands are high quality, and I can get it delivered on a periodic basis and a fixed price thru Amazon. Ginger likes it and it keeps her healthy. I have learned over the years that this man, and his company, are highly m
????? a ?ndnd d?dedelelil??erer r f fifini?? q ?uau??itityty y p ?rorododuducuctctst? t ?????sts??andan?d bd ?ehe?inindind.d.".?4?8585252,2,B,B0B000?1313939T9?T7T727?2,A2,A1A1B1?XCXC0C0101T01T7?4M4MTMTETEKE??9191s1sisidide??0,0?,0,,0?5,5,1,1313513505???776776060000,00,L,LoL??ve ve i itit,it,M,MyMy y ty ththrthrer??e le lilitlittttlt?e e de ?ogogsg?s ls lolovoveov??th???s fs fofooood???ndnd nd?? l lolovloveve ?itit it? to t?oo oo s ?ene?se? i??????or?gag??ici?? an and and d hd ?asas s ns nono o? an ani an?mam?al al?byby y py ?proprododuod??ts??4484?853853,3,B,B0,B00001001313913?9TT9T??2,2,A???D2D?VEVEHEHFHFTFTATAKAKAK??ma?ryry,y,0?,0,0,0,0,?5,?13?1350135040434?2020000000?0,H0,HoHowow w d do d?ogfogfofoofood?od sod shshoh??ldld d b?e,e,","T"??hishis s ds do?gfgfofoofoodfood d h??as as n nenevneveverve?r br be??en en??recre???le??, ,?hahashas ?prpro??eieinin in??s ?th??e fe fi?rsrst?? tw twowo ?iningin?re?did?enententsts,ts?, a, ?andand and i is? o ororg?ananianicanic.c???oeo?snsntnt ??makmakek?e me ?y ?dodogdog dog t th thrhrorowro?w uw ????ikikeke ke w ??henhen n s sh shehe he t tr tririe???s ots o????r dr dodogdogfdogfofoofood?s s f?ulullull ?ofof f f fa fatat t at anand?and fand fafaka??ne?ssss.s. . C. CaCanantan?????t bt ?betbett
oral and deliver fine quality products they stand behind." 4852,B00139TT72,A1BXC01T74MTEK,91side,0,0,5,1350777600,Love it,My three little dogs love this food and I love it too sense it is organic and has no animal by products. 4853,B00139TT72,AM7D2VEHFTAKA,mary,0,0,5,1350432000,How dogfood should be,"This dogfood has never been recalled, has protein as the first two ingredients, and is organic. Doesnt make my dog throw up like when she tries other dogfoods full of fat and fakeness. Cant get bett
eere??""4484858?4,4,B,B0B000010?393?TTTT7T7272,2,A,A1A13?BBBBLBLOLOXOXGXG7G797??606?,M,MiM?ssss s D ??is?y,y??0,00,?0,50,?,1,131351350503034345456560600600,0,W0,??y y I I I l ?iki?? N NeN?wmwmamana?s,s,E,ExExcxcec??lelenentnt t I? n ??ededededed ed?a a d dodogog g f fof??d d w wiwitiththoh??t t ct coc?ppppeperer er? as a??an? i iningn?rer?ediediei?enten?t at an?d d fd fo?unundn?d Nd ?NewNewmwmawmanansansbsbobonon n?th???InInt?er??netnet.t. . I It I??hahasas ?prpror?vev?? t to t???e e ae a ?grgregr???t ct cht c???ce?? an a?nd nd?mymy y dy do?g ?????ththrthririvivevedvedd??85855855,5,B5,B0B00B001?39?TTTT7TT?72,72?,A3,A?LRL?LNLNHN???JDJ????,D,DiD?ananeane e Me MiMilMi?anan,an?,0,,0??,0,4,0,?4,14,13135135013500?00??0000,00?HeHeaealealtlththithie??,","I"I I fI fefee??????teterer ???boubout? f fe feeeedeedidin?g ?ththi?s s ps prs prorodro???t t tt ?o o mo my? d??ogsog?. ? I I I w I ?asas as??sisininging ing a an???thetherthe? p pop?opuopulu?larlar r br ?raran?and,and,<,<b<br??/>/>b>??ut ut iut itit it??concontntantaiainai?nedne?d ad a ?lolotot ot o ofo? f fi filillllellererser?s. s. ?OnOne? o???????????isis is " """"p"?icickickikieierier,ier??" " s ??o ho heh?e we wow????d pd ?preprefe??r ??a ma memeaeatea?ieierier<ier?
er!" 4854,B00139TT72,A13BBLOXG79N60,Miss Daisy,0,0,5,1350345600,Why I like Newmans,Excellent I needed a dog food without copper as an ingredient and found Newmansbon the Internet. It has proven to be a great choice and my dog had thrived 4855,B00139TT72,A3LRLNH9WJDQY6,Diane Milan,0,0,4,1350000000,Healthier,"I feel better about feeding this product to my dogs. I was using another popular brand,<br />but it contained a lot of fillers. One of my dogs is ""pickier,"" so he would prefer a meatier<b
rr r / ?>t>tat?ststete,e??bub?t t h ?e e?dodoeoese????eaeana? i ?t t ut upu? e eve?ene?tutuau?llllyl?.".""4484?565????010131?9T9TTTT7T7272,2,A,??O4O494?0808383O3?2929292K2KSK?,S,ShS??do?w,w,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,13134134949749?40408080080000,00?"N"NeNewe?mamanan'an's'??OwOwnwn n On OrO??ananianicicscs ???ulultlt ?DoDogog g F FoF??d d? Fo F?rmrmumululaula,a, , 1, ? Bd BaBagag"g",","??oo??d pd prp???ucuctct.t. .??DogDogsg?s as ara?e e ve ?araryary y s sasata?ifififieiede?d wd wiwitithit? i it i?t. t. W WoWououlou?d d ld ?ikikeke ??o o h ha havave???n n an ? l lalarargargeg?r r br babagag(ag??0 0? lb lbsbs.s??, ?ifif if t ththihisis s cs cocououlouldould/d/w/wowououlould?? be be ?anan an o opoptptitioti??."??48485?7,7?,B0,B?0010013?9T9TT9TT7T72T72,?A2A2T2?ICIC4C?7Q7?PFPFZFZ1Z?0W0??,Su,Sususasansan n En EaEagaglagle??,0,?0,???,13,1343?49649656545444??0,0,M0,MyMy ??dogdo??lolovove?s ??it,it,","M,"MyMy My??og? h ha has has s bs beb??? e ea e?atiatiningng g tg ththith?is is f fofoooodood ood f??or or t?hehe he l la lasastast t tt ?thrth?reeree ?yeyea??s.s. s. E ????y ?fofoofoodod od I I I???ed ed h hi himi??? bef befo?rere re t th thi this?is cis cac???eded ed sed ????llylly ???s s ps ?proproboblb????s. s. s. H HeHe e ae ale alml?
r />taste, but he does clean it up eventually." 4856,B00139TT72,A1O49083O292KS,Shadow,0,0,4,1349740800,"Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula, 12.5-Pound Bag","Good product. Dogs are vary satified with it. Would like to have in a larger bag(20 lbs.), if this could/would be an option." 4857,B00139TT72,A2TIC47QPFZ10W,Susan Eagle,0,0,5,1349654400,My dog loves it,"My dog has been eating this food for the last three years. Every food I fed him before this caused smelly gas problems. He almo
ssts??nen?veverer r h ??? g ?asas as?onon n t tht??s ?fof?odo?. . A ???o,o? p pep??plplel? o?ftftetenen n cn cocomommmmem??t ?on? h?owow w? go goo?d d h he he e se ?me? . . H ?ow??eveeverer,er, , w, whwhehenen en? he? g go?eses s ts toto o g gr g?anandndmdmama'a's's s as ?andand d ed ?atatsts s js juj??k k f fofoofo?od od f fo f??r ar a a w wew?eke?k ok oror or? tw twowo o ho ?he he a ala?wawaya?s s cs ?comcomemesme?s hs ?om????me?mellmelliliningng g l ??keke e ae a a da ??g.g. . . I. ItIt't?'s 's t to t?tat???? t th t??he fhe fofoo?d.d. d. ?OnO??to?p p o of of of???atat,at?, h, hehe ?lol??vesves s is itit.t. ???ovoveov??it?!"!""?484858?8,8?B0B000?1313939T9??7272,2,A,?3F3FJF?0Y0?TQTQ4Q?TRT?4Q4QLQ??"R"ReRebebebececcccaca a Ka ?-B-B B?"""??AKAK-?B"B"""""""",",0,0,0?,0,,0??,1,??494969656545?4040000,00??uaual?itityit??pepetpet ??foo???,"W,"WeW?e we wewerwerer??lo?okokikin???fo??r ar anr an n on or??ganganinicic c?????od aod afaft?er? t th the the e me memelmelamelamamimin???pop??isois??ininging ing o of of ???pet pet f? foo?d ?dedebebaebacaclclele.le. . N. NeNewewmwmamanman'n?'s 's O's ?wnw??drdryry ??foofoodfoodsfoods ?s fos foror ?cacatca?ts ts a?ndnd nd?dodogdo??s as ars arere re m maman???acactactuturu??d d id inin in t
st never has gas on this food. Also, people often comment on how good he smells. However, when he goes to grandma's and eats junk food for a week or two he always comes home smelling like a dog. It's totally the food. On top of that, he loves it. Love it!" 4858,B00139TT72,A3FJ0YTQ4TR4QL,"Rebecca K-B ""RAK-B""",0,0,5,1349654400,Quality pet food,"We were looking for an organic food after the melamine poisoning of pet food debacle. Newman's Own dry foods for cats and dogs are manufactured in t
hhehe e U USU? p peperer r t ththe??r ??ororpr?ororaor?tete e ve veveteteterteririninan?ririariana?? N NeNewewmwmamanan'an's's s??wnwn n i isis s us ?? f frfroronontnt t a ababob??t ?ththeth?ir? i??grg?ededidieienentntsnts.s. . F. ?oror or a an an ????ananianici? f fo f?odod d??t t it isis is? af afff????ab?lele.e. . A. ?lsl?o o i it it it h hahasas ?beb??en en?grgregreaeatat at a at a?t kt kek??pipiningin?????? i?sss?ueu??s us uns u?????co?ntntrnt?rolro?. . L. LaL?astas??y y N Ne Newewmewmamanma??'s 's???wn wn i is is is l ??ististetedted ?asas as a? " """"M"MoMor??e Re ReR?espespoponpo?sis?blblele le P PePet? F FoFooFo?od od?CoComompm?an?y"y"""" "" o ?on on s?eveveververaralal l w ?ebe??sitsite?s.?""44848585959,9,B,B0B000010131393???7272,2,A,A2A?I3I333?4K4K2K2Y2Y6Y6V6VNV?2E2???on?ititata,a???,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13?494959????000000,0,E0,?xcx??llllalanantant t Pt PrP??dud??t.t?,N,NeNewNe?wmawm????s Os OwOwnOwn n Fn FoFooFoodFoo??isis is ois ?oneone ?????hehe he??besbestst ?onon on ton ththethe the m mamarmarkrkeketket.? ??t ??s ?a a n ?natnatut???l l hl ??alaltal?thyth?y fy fofoofood?od fod foforfor ???y sy ?enenienioior?or dor ?ogo?..4484?6060,0,B0,B0B00B0010130139?TT???,A,A2,A2626666666Z66??QOQ?FEFE0E0D0??,n,nonoooopoopipiepiememom?om,om
he US per their corporate veterinarian. Newman's Own is up front about their ingredients. For an organic food it is affordable. Also it has been great at keeping skin issues under control. Lastly Newman's Own is listed as a ""More Responsible Pet Food Company"" on several websites." 4859,B00139TT72,A2I334K2Y6VN2E,Bonita,0,0,5,1349568000,Excellant Product.,Newman's Own Food is one of the best on the market. It is a natural healthy food for my senior dog. 4860,B00139TT72,A2666ZSQOFE0D8,noopiemom,
0?,0,0,0,40,4,4,1,?343494959565?808???,M,MyMy y?dodogog'g?s s l ?iki?eded d i itit t b bubutut ?wawanantntet?ed ed s sosomomeme e?vavara?iei?tyty,y,I,I I??m m v ve v??y ?plp?eaeasaseseded ?wiwit?h h?ththih?s ???ododuducuctc?t at anandand d wd ?ouo??d d dd dedefefifini???elelyl??rer?cocom?memenmendnd d id A ?llll l 3 ? o ofo? m ?y y dy dodogdo?s s (s ?? J JaJaca?k k R RuRususss??llllslls s as ??and and?1 1 d?acachac?shshuh?ndnd)nd? e ene?jojoyoy y Ny NeN?wmwmamanan'an?'s 's??wnw? D DoDog? F FoFoooodod od a an a?? I I I lI liliklikekedke??knk?owowi??g g? it i???as? o or orgrgagananianici?. . . ?ThThehe ???????s ??re? a??peper?fefec?t ?sisizizeze e fe ??r r e?asasyasy ?chc?hewhewiwinwingwing.g. ?. M. MyMy My??og?s s es en?jojoyjo?ed??NeNewNewmwmawmanan'an'san's s Os OwOwnOwn n fn fo????bobou?t t 3t 3 3 m3 mom??nthnt??? bu b?? t th thehenhen ?on?lyly ly?ni?bbbblbb?ledled ?onon on i? it it s so so o? I I? de d?eciecidi?dedded ???o ao alaltlteterternrnan?te?? it it ?ea?chch ch m mo mononton???wiwitwi?????oto?theth?? d do???fo?odod ??to to g ?iviveve e me ?my my d? dog dogs dogs s ss ??me? v va v??ieietiety?..4???1,1???00100??9T9TTTT7T?2,2,A,A3A3P3PVPV7V7B7BYB?8K8????QEQE,E?"M"?ar
0,0,4,1349568000,My dog's liked it but wanted some variety,I am very pleased with this product and would definitely recommend it. All 3 of my dogs (2 Jack Russells and 1 dachshund) enjoy Newman's Own Dog Food and I liked knowing it was organic. The kibbles are a perfect size for easy chewing. My dogs enjoyed Newman's Own for about 3 months but then only nibbled on it so I decided to alternate it each month with another dog food to give my dogs some variety. 4861,B00139TT72,A3PV7BY8K747QE,"Mar
yy y " """"M"?ara???"""""?,0,?,0???,1,131??949484818?606000???oooodod d s ststutufufff?,",?ReReseseseaeararcarchchehede????he he c cocomompm??nyn?, , r reres??earearcr??eded ed t ththethe e i ini?grgreredredidieienentntst?. . C ?usuststostom?erer r S ?ererverviv??e e pe pepeoe???e ??areare ?grgregrea?t.t????ntnt nt f ???e ?co?upu??nsns s?whwhehenhen n??-m-mam?ilileledle?d wd wiw?thth th a a a q quq?esestestitioionon on??bob??? w?hihicichich h?ofof f t th theheihe?r r cr cacatat t ft ??oodoodsd??bebes?est est f fo foror r mr mym?y ty twt?? k kikitittit?tietieses es?(r(??gugululal??????adadvdvav?ancance?d)d).). . . ?Re?ceceice??ed?ed ged ?oooodood ood a an a?nswnswewer?s ?????nonoto??rorototeote e re ?reprepl?ieiesies.? T ?hi?s s fs fofoofo??? is i??mamadma??e ie ??? th??e Ue ?SASA A??itithith h ph prprorodro?ucu?tsts ts? fr froromrom m? th the the the?USUSAUSA ?an???hahasas s a?lll???? the ??ingingr?gredgredi?en?tsts ts Its I I t th?ininkink k a ar a?re re?go?od?od fod fo?r r m?y y cy cacatcats?. ?ThTheTh??twtwotwo o oo ofof of t th??m m lm lolovo?ve,ve, , l, ?lovloveve ve t? thi this this s ds drdryry ry f fo??od od aod an???I ?ha?ve????o ro raratatiatio??n in itit it? or? t th the they they ?wowouwoululduld ??chochowow w d dadaya
y ""Mary""",0,0,5,1349481600,Good stuff,"Researched the company, researched the ingredients. Customer Service people are great. Sent free coupons when e-mailed with a question about which of their cat foods best for my two kitties (regular or advanced). Received good answers and not rote replies. This food is made in the USA with products from the USA and has all the ingredients I think are good for my cats. The two of them love, love this dry food and I have to ration it or they would chow day