? t tht?e e?coc?ntntataia?nenerer r?whw??lele ?ththethe ??eaea a?isis s h hohotot.t.".?4??8181,1,B,B0B000030353??CPC???,A,??8P8PHP?O5O?404??K9K9U9USUS,S,","B"?ececkc?y y?StSt t A ??drdrer?e "e """"B?ececkecky??"""""??1,1,11,?1,51,5,5,1?33330303?00?808?00,00,s,sos?oo? y yuyumummmmym??ThTheheshesese e ae ararere re???? ta tasaststyty ?I I?ususe????hemhe? w wh whehenhe? m ??kik??g g m my my y cy ??heehe?sesecse??akeak???cooco????es es??ndnd nd i?n ?papan?ca??es?es tes th??rere're's's ?nonot?hi?ngn?g tg ?thathatat ??thetheythe???anan'an't'?t bt beb???useus?d d i in in. in? T ThTheTheye??tatastaststeste ?swswew?etet t at an?d d nd no?t ??????owowewerwe?in?,2,B,B0,B?0030035?5C?PSPSMPSM,??A2VA2VDV??VKVKIKIEIEME??BMBMFM?,","R,"R.R. ?SiS???momororere re "re ???izizeizer?"""""""","""??,1,1,?4,4,1,13,132,13232?33833?88?00?00,B00,BrBrereareak?fafasastast t dt didisishis?hes? d ??oneone ?didifdi???ereer?ntntlnt?y,?"O"???erer er t th?eseseese ????th th t th? the the i?dedeadea ???? mi minindin?d od ?f f p ?ututtttitin?? t? the them them ??in in win wawafafffflfflelesles,s?? pa p??ancaanc???s s &s ? a a a c co cooookoo?kiikiiei??rerecre???e e t?hah?at at I I I hI hahadha?."."."44646846
the container while the tea is hot." 4681,B00355CPSM,A28PHO540GK9US,"Becky St Andre ""Becky""",1,1,5,1330300800,sooo yummy,These are so tasty I use them when making my cheesecake cookies and in pancakes there's nothing that they can't be used in. They taste sweet and not overpowering. 4682,B00355CPSM,A2VDUVKIEMEBMF,"R. Sizemore ""sizer""",1,1,4,1323388800,Breakfast dishes done differently,"Order these with the idea in mind of putting them in waffles, pancakes & a cookiie recipe that I had." 468
????000?3535555C5CPCPSP?M,M?APAPUPUPU?O3O3N3?IFI?1J1?8T8?,t,tit?nan? b b b p ??eieififeferfer,r,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,131343484838??848?0000,00??ovo??d,d?"l"?loolookokik?inging g???r r b???s s??s ?rer?alal l? bl b?ueuebe?ere??ieiese?s ss ses??m m t ?o o h hahavaveve ve n ?o o fo flflalavavoavor? t?heh?esees???ayaysy?.... . t th?esese??wewer??e ve ?verve?y y g gogoooodo?d, d, ?WoWououluldld d d?efef f? bu buyuy ???aiain??44646868484,84??00001001G1GBGBBBBQBQUQ?0,0,A0,???3C3??7J7JKJK7K??348348C8?,B,Br,Bririnrindndyd?ysaysamam,m????3,53,??,13,131316167673?60600000000,?BEBESESTS? S ?? W??it?e ?ChChohocococ?lalatla??,I,I I? bu??y Gy GoG??h h T ThThahathat't???GoGooGo?od od? Su Sugu?gargar ?????e We WhWhi????VeVele?vevetvet t a?llll l ol ?f ???he he? ti timimeme.e. . . T?hi?s ?isis s ts ththethe e be bebesbestst t St SFSF SF W Wh Whi Wh?iteite ite C Ch?ococooc?olaolatate??ththath?at at I I I hI hahavhaveve ??veverver ver u ??sedsed.d. . ??t t mt mamayay ay??e e ae ??lilitittit??e e ee exexpxpepene?sis?veve ve bve bubutut t it itit it l lalaslaststssts s as a a la loa l?ngng ?ti? . ?BuB?uy uy i ????nd? E ?NJNJOJOYOY!Y??4646868568?5,B5,?B00B0010?1GB1G?BBQBBQUQU0QU0,0,A0,AS0,A?1F1FCF??NKN?Y9Y9595I5IDI????ululiuli i
3,B00355CPSM,APUPO3NIF1J8T,tina b pfeifer,0,0,4,1348358400,loved,"looking for bits as real blueberries seem to have no flavor these days.. these were very good, Would def buy again" 4684,B001GBBQU0,A253CR7JK7348C,Brindysam,3,3,5,1316736000,BEST SF White Chocolate,I buy Gosh That's Good Sugar Free White Velvet all of the time. This is the best SF White Chocolate that I have ever used. It may be a little expensive but it lasts a long time. Buy it and ENJOY! 4685,B001GBBQU0,AS1FCKNKY95ID,"Juli
AA.A. . L LeL?e e " """"J"??ngn?lel?JLJ?""????,0,0,,0?4,4,1,131343404?757?5252020000,0,D0,?elelilici?ioiouousus s w wiw?tht? q ququeueseststitioionionsns,s??? h ?avavev?e be beb??n n??ooo?kik??? a atat t???isis ??ror????t t ft ??r r???cocououpouplple? m momono?ththsth?s as anandnd d??ininainalallllyly y g gagav?e e ie ? . F FiFirirsrstst st o ofo? a al all??? th thehe ??amameme e ge gogotot t mt ??y iy inintintet??es??! !??ThThehe he t??st?e e ie ise i?s ds dedel??iciicioiouiousus us?BUBUTU? I I'I?m m h ha havaviav?inging ing p ?proprobo?le?msm?s ws wi??? t??e ?didir?ece??ioion??! ! ! H HaHavaveavenave?'t't t f?igi?urureredre?d od ououtout ?ifif f if itit'it's's s a?ctctuct??allal?? a a ?hoh?ot ot?be??ververaraga?e e oe oror or d dod? y yoyouou ou p pu putut t i?t ??n ?? h?otot ?bebevbevebever??ageage?e?!???!???!??!?!?!?!??? I ItI?t ht ?hashas s a??scs?coocoopo? ( (s(?mamal??? a an a?nd nd s sa s?ysys s ts toto o po ?utut ut t th??at at i inin in a a a c a ??p ??ininsinst?ruruc?ti??onsons ?foforfor r 8r 8 8 o?????anandan?d td ththethenen n pn ?putput ?????upupluplele le "le ""?shs?hothotsts"s?? o?f ?hohot? w wa w???er!er?! ! S! ?ho??s ??of of?? wat wateterte????????? ? ??ndnd nd ynd ?
A. Lee ""JingleJL""",0,0,4,1340755200,Delicious with questions,"I have been looking at this product for a couple months and finally gave in. First of all, the name got my interest! The taste is delicious BUT I'm having problems with the directions! Haven't figured out if it's actually a hot beverage or do you put it in a hot beverage?!?!?!?!? It has a scoop (small) and says to put that in a cup (instructions for 8 oz.) and then put a couple ""shots"" of hot water! Shots of water???? And yo
u? c ?anan n a adadddd d f ??oto?hih?ngn? m mimili?k.k? H ?umum!m! ! ?CoCononfnfuf?sesede?d bd ?utut t I I I g ?ueuese?s s?? w wiwilillil?? wo wororkrk k??itithth th?it?. . . ? Ho H??? i it it t dt dod??esnesn'n????akakeke e te ?thethe ?whwhohololel??coc?ontontataita?inein?r r?(v(?ereryery y l ?ara?geg?) ) t ??? fi f???rer??it???utut.ut. ?I I wI ?ououlou?d d hd hahavave?? gi g??venve??itit it 5it 5 5?ststatartarsrs s hs ???d Id ????ded??ststost?odo?d td ththethe the i?nsnststrst?ucu?tit???s!s!"!??464?868?,B,?0000101G1??BQBQUQU0U0,0??2O2O7O7I7I6I??BLBLKL??E9E??,C,ChChaharha?,0,0,0,00,?0,50,5,5?131??030323?32?00???OVO?E E????,T,ThThihishis s ss ?stustufuffff f i is is s As AMAMAMAZAZIZ?NGNG!G????asastst st???hiphippppip?inging g ag anandand d md mom??st st ost ?f f af alallll l tl ththe?the bthe bebes??t tt tat t?astastitinti????ugu?arar ar f fr frereeree e le ?owow w c ca calaloalororiorieie e ie ite itet?? o on on n tn ????mamar?keketket.t??. B. BrBrarav???! ! I! ?I uI usI use?????? in in m my my ?cocofcoffffeff?e ??and? i??s s as a a?rerearealal al???rea????brb?r /r />/><><b<br<b??r />r />T>THT???K K Y YOYOUO??! ! W! ?il?? b ?? o???derderirininging ing m mo m?oreore e ve veververyry ?sosoooonoon.n..4464
u can add frothing milk. Hum! Confused but I guess I will work with it. Hope it doesn't take the whole container (very large) to figure it out. I would have given it 5 stars had I understood the instructions!" 4686,B001GBBQU0,A2O7I6QBLKME93,Char,0,0,5,1340323200,LOVE IT!,This stuff is AMAZING! Fast shipping and most of all the best tasting sugar free low calorie item on the market. Bravo! I use it in my coffee and its a real treat.<br /><br />THANK YOU! Will be ordering more very soon. 46
??7,7,B,????L8L8D8??FIFI,I,A,A1A?C8C8X8?2J2JEJEKEK3K?K1K1D1D4D4,4,M,MaMatattttBt?ulu?l,l?1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,13,1333383?686?161606?00,00,A,Ab,Abob?veve e??seserer r?isis s w wrwroronongn??WaW?gygyuyu u b bebeeeefef f? is is ?a a???bebe be b?eeeefeef ?JaJapapap?nenesesese se c cocowow w c cr c?rosro?sbsbrbrerede? w wi witithth h a anan an A AmA?ereriericicacanan an can ???? I ItIt't's's ?????be?sts??poposo?ssissibiblblele e be bee bee?? y yoyouou ?ca?n n?gegetet t it ???ththethe the??S S? an a?d d id isis is??otot ??llllellegegag?l.l?4?68688688,8,B??001001L1L81L?8DO8DOFOFIOF?I,AI,A2A?2323H3HIHIKI??M8M??6N6N1N1,1,"1,"P"PaP?at at?O'O???iei?n ?????totobobrobrorocrockcksk?"""""""?,6,6,6,1?0,0,3,3,3,1,13,132,13282848484?864864040000,00,O00,?kakaya??fof?r r ar a ????uau??? ge get? t totogto??ththe?r,r,",?I I k ke keeeepee? t th theh?esees??in? t??e ??re????? w?he?n n un ??nexnexpx??ctc?ed? g gu gueues??s ?drdroroprop-p-i-inin,in, , o ??? if if f of ??e e oe ofof f tf th?the the sthe ststast?ffff f hf hahasa?s gs ?ueuesue???. . . W WhW??t t wt wewe ?dodo o p pr p?refrefeferer ?isis is tis to? s ??auaugughghthte?r r tr ththe?the fthe faf?attattetedted d cd cacalcalflf,f?, b, bub?t t tt ththathat?at iat ?is ?no??t at ?alwalwaw??s s ps prpraraca
87,B001L8DOFI,A1C8X2JEK3K1D4,MattBull,1,1,5,1338681600,Above user is wrong,Wagyu beef is a kobe beef Japanese cow crossbred with an American cow. It's the best possible beef you can get in the US and is not illegal. 4688,B001L8DOFI,A223HIKAM8W6N1,"Pat O'Brien ""patobrocks""",6,10,3,1328486400,Okay for a casual get together,"I keep these in the freezer when unexpected guests drop-in, or if one of the staff has guests. What we do prefer is to slaughter the fatted calf, but that is not always prac
ttitici?alal l??ueue e t ?? a anantn?ticticic?papata??ngng g a ag agigini?? t ti t???s.s? ?HaH?vivininging g jg ?ususts? s sas?idid d? th t??at,at, ,???rereae?alializizeze e te tht?hatha?t It I ?mumusustust ??insinststistititutututet??a a d de d??aiailaileleded d ad anandan?d pd prp?recreci?ses??slslalauaugughghthteterte??ing? s?chchehed?ulu?? t to to o io ininsinsuins?rere re a?lwl?ayaysys s h ?havha?vinvi?ng ng qng ququaualalialitali?? b ???? o onon n h ha han??.<.<b<?r r / ?><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I ??ayay ay?????e ge ?givgivevenven ??thetheseseese e Ke ?obo?be be? st s????s ??ouourur ur s st??rsrs s is ifi?f tf ththath?? w wew?rere re mre mymy y oy ononlon?y y gy grgri??e,e, ?bubut? I I I h ha? have have e ae a e a p ?proprobobloblelemlem m w???h h t ththethe the s?izizeiz??. . F ?iri?rstrst t ot ofoffff,f??ththethesthe?se se c cucututsuts s as ?arear?e oe ononlonlyonly y oy ony onene ??incin?? t th thi th??k,k?, w, ??icichic??isis ?ghghagh?ststlst?ly ly o of offffeffenensn?ivi? . . I. I I sI ststestea?k k s?hohououlouldld ?bebe,be, ?atat at tat th?the the bthe bab?areare are?mimininiin??umu?, , t, tw, twowo o i?ncnchcheches? t th thi?ckck.k. . . I???o o no non?t t et eve?ven?? as assssosocociciaciatateate e we ???ith ith??rorolole?tatarta?riari?ansan?, ?, an, a?d ???n n on ?onlonlyonly only
tical due to anticipating aging times. Having just said that, I realize that I must institute a detailed and precise slaughtering schedule to insure always having quality beef on hand.<br /><br />I may have given these Kobe steaks four stars if that were my only gripe, but I have a problem with the size. First off, these cuts are only one inch thick, which is ghastly offensive. I steak should be, at the bare minimum, two inches thick. I do not even associate with proletarians, and can only
?imi???ininen? t tht?e ?hoh??rorororsor? t th t?atat t t? the th??e e "e """"p"?eoeopoplp?e"e"""" "" c ?omo??ititttt t at agagaag?ininsinstst t dt ded?cecene?t ??ooo?d.d. . C CaCanan'n?t t tt ?theth?esees?e pe pepeopeop?lele le j ?usust? e ?atat at s ?sensensnsisibi??y,y, , o oror or n ?otot t a??t a?llll.l. . . P ??lealeasa?se se?dodonon'n'tn'??gegete?t mt meme ??stastarartrtetede??, f, foforfor r I ????antantetedte? t to to o i inincinclc?udu????te?rirililil?ityity y? dr drur??s s is inin in a ?llll ll?fafasastast t ft fot foooodoo?d, d, p papar?titicicuculu??arlar?ly ly t th the? b babar?gag?ainai??me?nunu,u, , b, bub???t tht thahatha?????memermererele??ly aly a a h ??pepe pe? an a?d d dd ?rereareamam m f fo foror or aor ?anoanotothot?herhe?r dr dadayay.y.<.<b<??r /r />/???r r /r />r />S>SeS?ecoec?ondondld?ly,ly??is?n'n'tn't n't t th the??re re a a a l lalawlaw w? so somomeomewewhwhe?herehere ??bobouo?ut ut a a ??stest?eakeak k l le les??s ts ththathat?? t tw twowo o po popouounoundndsnd?? ? ??y ?heheaheava?enensens,s?, t, ththithisis is?????rterteeeen? o ou o??cecercer ??is ?a ?memermeremere ??amampam?pleplerer,r?, a, ?a ta te?asasease.e?. . I. ?I sI susupuppppopospo??se tse ththethesthe????cutcutsts ?ar?e e ie inintin??ndndend??? to to to b be be ?gigivgi??n n an ?wawayway y ay ?at
imagine the horrors that these ""people"" committ against decent food. Can't these people just eat sensibly, or not at all. Please don't get me started, for I wanted to include sterility drugs in all fast food, particularly the bargain menu, but that is merely a hope and dream for another day.<br /><br />Secondly, isn't there a law somewhere about a steak less that two pounds? My heavens, this fourteen ouncer is a mere sampler, a tease. I suppose these cuts are intended to be given away at
tththohososes??ofoffffefene?sisiviveve e se ??ororer?? t ththath?t t??hehe e ye yuyupuppppip?eses es?flflol??k k t to t???s s ls lelememmmmim?ngn?s ??to to a a a c ?lilififfff.ff.<.<b<brbr r / ?><>?<br<b?r /r />/>L/>LaL?astas???????mumusustst st c cl c?loslo?se se t th thi th?s s rs rerevre??iewie? b beb?fofororeore ?I I bI ?becbecoc?meme e te ?????isistis?rarauaugu????""4??898??????L8L8D8?OFOFIFI,I,A,A1A?KVK?MZMZWZWMWMJMJBJ?IEI?VAVA,A,","C"?? J JoJohohnh?nsonsonon n " ???alalllle????ssssasas?sisinsi??4"4?"""""",",4,?,9,9,9,19,1,1??333343424?757525202?00,00?NoN?t ??obobe? B BeBeeeefef,ef,","K,"?KobKobebe ?be?ef?? co comomeomeses es fes ?roromom om???spspepececicififiif?c c p prpre?fefecfe?tutururere re i inin in J?apa?anan n an ?andand d? is i??ili?llellegegag??? to? i im impmpopor?t ?inin ??to to tto ??e e Ue ??ititetede?d sd st? . I. ?n n fn fafacactct,ct, , i, itit it h hah?as as? be b??n ??illil??ga?l l?? to ??mp?orortort ort?sisinsincsin?e e 2e 2020120?0 0? in in ?n ann a?? f fo f??m.m???hihisis is i is is is?jujusustus???ve?rpr??ic?eded ed?re?gugululal?r r Ar AmA??riricicaic?an an b be?ef??."."?4646969090,0,B,B0,B??0N0N5N5Z5?5R5RURU,U,A,A2,A2727O27O5O5Z5ZU5ZUFUFAF?EWEWTW?9L9?,A,Am,Amam?zozon??
those offensive stores that the yuppies flock to as lemmings to a cliff.<br /><br />Lastly, I must close this review before I become too distraught." 4689,B001L8DOFI,A1KVMZWMJBIEVA,"C. Johnson ""WalleyeAssassin74""",4,9,1,1334275200,Not Kobe Beef,"Kobe beef comes from a specific prefecture in Japan and is illegal to import in to the United states. In fact, it has been illegal to import since 2010 in any form. This is just overpriced regular American beef." 4690,B000N5Z5RU,A27O5ZUFAEWT9L,Amazon F
?anan,n,7,7,7,8,8,8,5,?,1,111????79279?00000?,M,MyM? P PiP?ckckyky y Cy CaCata?-C-ChChihilildld d L ?ovo?eses s I ?t,t?"M"?My My y yoy?unu?gegesestes??cac?at at?isis s vs veverve??y py ?arartrtiticicuicululal?ar ar a ?bobou?t ??hahat?at hat ???eae?atsat?? H ??e ae ababsabsos???tet?lyly ?wiwil?? n nonotot t et eaeatea???f f s sosomsomemeteththihinhingng ng d dod?esesnes?'t't ??meemeet????s s es exexpxpep?ctctat?atiatioiono??s. s. ???etwet??ene??ththath?at ?anandand d td ?thethe ?rerec??entent t pt ?petpe?t ft fofoooodod d rd ???calcalll?s,s???'v'?ve ve? ha hada??a a?rereareala?llylly y hy ?harhardrd d t?imimeme me f ?inindn?ininging g c ca cat?at fat fofoofoodod od t th thahathat t It I I c ca can can ?fefee??d hd hihimhim.m. ?? I'?? h ha?ppppypy ?toto o? sa s??y t?hahat? t th????ererrrriricickick k T ?ururd?ucu?ckeck??????ickicksick?s ws wiwitwi?? h hi himim,im?, p, ?lu??s is itit t ht hahashas s ns nono no w ?whewh??eat eat?glg?lutlu?tenten n on oror r o otothot?herher ?fifilfill?erersers.s. s. s. T Th Thehe he t??extex?ur?e e oe ofo???? i is is s as ?ppppepp?ealealilinlingng,ng, ?totooto??. . .. . ?. . . .? it it't???s nos notot ot j juj?stst t "t """"m"?usushus??? o or o?r Sr SpS?pampam-m???ookoo?ininging ing?li?keke e me mamananyany ?fo??dsds.s. s. s. Is. ??
an,7,8,5,1179792000,My Picky Cat-Child Loves It,"My youngest cat is very particular about what he eats. He absolutely will not eat if something doesn't meet his expectations. Between that and the recent pet food recalls, I've had a really hard time finding cat food that I can feed him. I'm happy to say that the Merrick Turducken clicks with him, plus it has no wheat gluten or other fillers. The texture of it is appealing, too . . . it's not just ""mush"" or Spam-looking like many foods. I'l
l? c coc??titininun?e e t toto o b bubuyuy y???rdr?ucuckckekene? a ana?d d p plplal?an an t to to o ao ?lsl?o o to trtryry ?ououtut t s sosomso??e oe ofo? t th t?e ???he?r r M ?ererrrriricickck ck f flflalavlavovoro?s.s??4?6969191,1??0000000N00?5Z5?5R5?U,U,A,A1A1E1EBEBAB?B6B6R6??7Y7YYYYMY??"P"?ri?scscicili?la??BaBalallallolouou ou " ?"E"EmEmmm?a'a?s s??ununtnt nt??cicilcillllylly"y?"""""?,1,???1,51,5,5?,13,1333?585?30304040400?,M,MyMy y cy ???s s ls lolovloveve e te ththithisis s rs ??al? f fo f?odo?d cd ?catca?t ft fofoooodoo???I I o ?pepenen en a a a c???an oan ofof of t??????tutufufff?, ,??nd??iti?t lt loloolookoksk??s lis likike? r rereare?al al fal ?foofood?. .??I I sI sps?oooonoon n in itit it o??ntont????? d ?is?heheshe?s fs foforfor r mr mymy ?fofoufo????anandand d id itit ???shs??hes hes l lilik?e ??ctctutuatualal ??meameatat at a? and and ???ucuceuce.e??? Al A?ll ll f fo?urur ur? of of f tf ??emem m d di diviveve ve r??ghg?t t it ???? i it it,t????nd nd and ?all?? fo? four fou?r sr sa?ucuceucerucersrs rs a??? l?ic?ke??d c?lelea?????r r /r ??<b<br<br r /r />r />I>I ?hahava?ve ?seseee?en ??thethe the h heheaheal?thth th b be beneneen?fifit?s s ts to?to mto mymy my c ca?tsts ts f??omo?m fm fefee?didindingn?
l continue to buy Turducken and plan to also try out some of the other Merrick flavors." 4691,B000N5Z5RU,A1EBAB6RJ7YYM,"Priscilla Ballou ""Emma's Aunt Scilly""",1,1,5,1335830400,My cats love this real food cat food,"I open a can of this stuff, and it looks like real food. I spoon it onto the dishes for my four, and it dishes like actual meat and sauce. All four of them dive right into it, and all four saucers are licked clean.<br /><br />I have seen the health benefits to my cats from feeding
?tht?eme? h hih?ghg? q quq?alalil?tyty y?grgraraia??-f-?rer?e e f fofoooodod.d. . ?ThThihishi? T Tu Turu??ucu??enen n?cac?nnnnen?d d f??oodood ?isi?s os ononene ne o ofo??ththeth?e se ?tatapaplplel??s os ofs o?f tf ???irir r d ??ete?. . . I ? l ?ovo??e fe fef?eedeedidindi?? i ?? t?o o??hehemhem,m? a an?d ?ththe???lolovlo?ve ve?eaeata?ininging ?<.??r ?/>/?<b<br<br r /r />r />I>?n n mn mymy ???iewiew,w?, i, itit'it??s ws ??rtrthth th t th???exextx?rara ra?momononeon??y ty ???gegetet et?rereareal????gogooood? f? foo food?? fo??r or ?oneone'one's???etetsets.s?""4464?929?,B,B0B?0202S2S1S??POPO0O0,0,A,A2A?W2W?DFDFUFUFUF4F454575?N1N??,X,XaXavavivievierer,r,0,??0,0,50,5,5,1,?272707??848?808?00,00,P,PePer?fefecfe?t t?? for? i??n-bn-??etwet??eenee??wawat??? b brbrebreaeakeaksks,s?"r"rerearealrea?lyly ly? ge getetsets ets? th?? m mo mouoututhth th wth wa?tet?erierining?, ?a a l li litittittltlele le? ov o???r $r $3$ 00??t t Bt ?????? th the the ?prprir???e le lilisli??eded ed h he h?ereer?e ie is? i? ins insas?aneane!e?"??46946?3,3??000040044445?W5W5252828,8??2222G2G4G?PVPVGV?YNYNXNXIX??5,??ouou ou l??? " ?"D"DiDirirtir?MoMon?kekeykey"y?"""""?,2,2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,15,????434??
them high quality grain-free food. This Turducken canned food is one of the staples of their diet. I love feeding it to them, and they love eating it.<br /><br />In my view, it's worth the extra money to get really good food for one's pets." 4692,B002S1KPO0,A2W2DFUF457N1Z,Xavier,0,0,5,1270684800,Perfect for in-between water breaks,"really gets the mouth watering, a little over $3.00 at BIG5, the price listed here is insane!" 4693,B00445W528,A22G4PVGYNXIE5,"ou lil ""DirtMonkey""",2,2,5,13224384
00000,0,T,?asasts??y y d drd?opopsps.s?..?,","T"ThT?isi??isis is a ? g gogoooodod d??eae?l l f ??r r a a a f?lal?vovoror or n non?t t o ofoftftetente? c cacara?ririei?d d id ini?n tn ??e e?ststost?oreoreses.s. s.???e e he hoh?neney? b ?ere?rryrry y fy ?la??erer er i is i??a a ga gogoogoodod od t th?ininging,g, ,? no not? b?eieining???o o m memededied?cicininyiny y ay ?ndnd d td ??thinthingngsg?s os of? t??atat t nt nan??ururere.e. .?YuY?m"m?4464?9494,4,B,B0B00??808??YEYE0E?0,A0,A3A393???ZKZK2K2G2GJG?I4I4747D7?,V,ViVic?kyky,y,0,0,?0,???131?161626212171767?0000,00,P,?RIRICICEC??CACANAN'N'T'????E RE RI?GHGHTH?,I,I'I??? u ususes?ed ed? th?is???BQBQ Q s sa saua?cece e be ?befbefo??re re??nd???t ??is is gis gogoogoodgood ?esespespepececiciaci?allallyl?y cy coc?onson?idi??erier??ing ing ting ththath?at at? is? f fr frereeree ??of of sof soso ???anyany ?ne?gagat?ivi??s ?(l(lil?keke ??corco?n ?sys?rurupup p a an??d fd fofor? u???glglulutu??ten)ten) )??utut ut???e e pe prpriricricece ce o???n thn thihishis s cs ca?n'n't't t bt bebe be r ririgrighg??. . . O OrOrdr?derde?r dr didiri??ctc?lyly ly f fr fro fromom m? th the the the?DaD?ddddydy y Sy SaSamam'm's's ?wewebebsbsi?tete te t?? p pap?y y $y $5$5.5?505??191? o oz oz z b bo bot
00,Tastey drops...,"This is a good deal for a flavor not often carried in the stores. The honey berry flaver is a good thing, not being to mediciny and things of that nature. Yum" 4694,B00080JYE0,A39U9ZK2GJI47D,Vicky,0,0,4,1316217600,PRICE CAN'T BE RIGHT,I've used this BBQ sauce before and it is good especially considering that is free of so many negatives (like corn syrup and for us gluten) but the price on this can't be right. Order directly from the Daddy Sam's website to pay $5.50/19 oz bot
?tlt?????ThThihisis s p prpriricicec????ulu?d d?HAHAVAVEV? t tot? b beb?e ae ??cacasasese e pe prpripriciceice e ae ale altl?hohouougou????hehe e de dedesescscrcriripriptptit?ono???ayaysys ?1919o9ozoz.z..?464??5,5,B,B0B00000000000V0VMVMBM??I,I,A,ATA?U8U8585454747U7UXUX4X4G4G9G9F9F,F,J,??. J. JaJaca?ksksosonon,on?0,0,0?,5,5,5,15,131343484848?44448448080000,00???rfr???t t f foforo? m mymy y s so s??s s cs ??kek?e.,e.???ThiThisis is w?asas as?a ?cucututete,e, , a af affffoforfo???blblele le s?ete?t ft foforfor for m my my ?2 2 y y/y/o/o o so so?n'n's'?s gs gogololfl??? the themememe e pe pae p?rtrtyty.y. . . ? Th The?y y wy ?er?e ????rereae?t ?sis??e ?foforfor for afor a a ha hahalalflf lf? sh she?et?? ca c?ke? a??d ?he??'s 's??lal??eded d wd wiw??th th? th? them them m a as as ?to?ysys ys s si s???ce ce?hihishis s ps papar?ty?.".""446469??,B,B0,B00?00000000V?MBMBDMBDIDI,DI,A,A1,A1L1LTLTDTDED?UQUQUQUFUFKFK1K1W1WCW????. G. ?oeo??tetelte?,0??0,0,50,????34634656?54454????,R,ReRea?llllyly ???tete te?- - m ma m?de? a a a g???at? g????f cf cacakcakecake,e,"e,"I"? o ?onlon?ly ly u ?sesedsed d od ??e e ge ??eeeenen n wn wi?th?th ith itit'it's?'s b's babal?l,? e et?c.c??wiwitwithwith h th th??e ge goe gol??erer er o on o?n tn ??the the??
tle. This price would HAVE to be a case price although the description says 19oz. 4695,B0000VMBDI,ATU8547UX4G9F,J. Jackson,0,0,5,1348444800,Perfect for my sons cake.,"This was a cute, affordable set for my 2 y/o son's golf theme party. They were a great size for a half sheet cake and he's played with them as toys since his party." 4696,B0000VMBDI,A1LTDEUQUFK1WC,C. Goettel,0,0,5,1346544000,Really cute - made a great golf cake,"I only used one green with it's ball, etc. with the golfer on the ca
kkek?. . I I I??adadede e?ononene e le ??ongong g h hoholo?e ?wiwititht???aiairi?wawaya?, , s ?ana?? t trtrar?psp?, , w, wawatwatet?? h ha hazazaz?rdrdsd????d d gd ??eeeene?. . . M MyMy y h hu hububbb?y y ly ?lovlovev?d d id ?? f fo foro?r hr hih??s bs bib?g g 3g 3030t0thth th g gogololfol? t???memeded ed p ?arartar?y.y. . ??I uI ususeseded ed ted ththethe e ee ?xtx?????ol?olf olf c ?lulububsubs,???alallllsl????and and p???s s os onon on t th??e de de??oror or t ta taba?lele le a ar a???ndnd nd t th?? c ca caka??. . . I. If. I?f If I ??adad ad? a a? hu hug hu?e e se shshe??t t c ca cak ca?ke ke t to t? d de?decodec?oraoratate???? co cououlou?d d sd ?seesee e ue ususius?inging g tg th?the the?? thr th?reere?e ge grgregr??ns? b bu b??t it ?it it wit wow?oulouldouldndn'n?t t ht ?havhaveve ve? fi fitit it rit ririg??t t ot onon ?on?e e 9e 9x9?1313 3 c?? cake cake.e. e. ?????winwi?g ??I wI ?waswas s b??yiy??? W ??ltl?on?on mon mamadmade? m?e e ce ?conconfnfif?dad??t ?th?atat at I??wowouwo?ldld ld b be be e ve ve??y y sy sa?titis?fifiefieded ed aed anand?and Iand I ?I waI w??. ?. A. ?ndnd nd fnd foforor or tor ????prpriricricece,e, ?I I cI ???ulduldndn'dn?'t 't? go go go w ?ro??? : ?)")""4464696??,B,B0B?00000000V0VMVMBMBDBDIDI,I,A,A3A?JMJ??EWEWIW?NMNMCMCBCB2B2Y2
ke. I made one long hole with fairway, sand traps, water hazards and green. My hubby loved it for his big 30th golf themed party. I used the extra golf clubs, balls and pins on the decor table around the cake. If I had a huge sheet cake to decorate I could see using the three greens but it wouldn't have fit right on one 9x13 cake. Knowing I was buying Wilton made me confidant that I would be very satisfied and I was. And for the price, I couldn't go wrong :)" 4697,B0000VMBDI,A3JMJEWINMCB2Y
,,P,?auaulu??J.J??SmS?itithth,h,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131323????727?000?0,G0,?olo??? Se S?t,t,","<"<a<a a h hrhrer???""""h"hth?tptp:p:/:////w/www?ww.ww.a.amamam?zozonon.n.c.???/g/gpgp/p?prpror??ucuctc?/B/????00V00VMV??DID?"""">""?WIW???ONON N 1 1313 13 P ?? G GOGOLOLFLF F S??T T 1 13 1?0606-6-7-??747?</</a/?><><b<brbr r??><??br br / /> />I>? a amam am v vevere??? ha hapa?pyp??wiwitithit? t ?thithisis s?prpropr?oduod?uctuct t I I ?pup?rcrchchah??ede? t th thihis??it??m m?foforo?r mr mymy y cy ?colco???geg????retretitirireremremem?ntnt t ct cecele?ebe??atatitioti?on.on. ?I ?ha??ve ve r re?ce???vedved ??umu??rorouro??s cs co?mmmmemenment?s!s! ! W WOW?? e eveveververyryory??? w waw?ntntent?ed ed t to to o??non?? w wh wheh?ereer?e Ie ?I pI puI p?urcurchchachasaseased??ththeth??e e I?tet?emsem?; ; o ofof f cf ????se? I I I w wa wasas as p pr prorouroudrou??tot?o so ?ayay y ay ?amaamaz? I??wowouo?uldul??susugu?gegesge?t ?mymy my f fr frir??endendsds ?to? P??urcurchurc??sese se tse ?thithisthis s ps pr?prodproduducdu?? f? fro fromom om W??ltl?tonto? a as as s ts ths the? p pr pri pricicece ce i is i??veververyvery y cy chy c?heaheap? a an andnd d td thd thehe ?ququaualalilitityity ?????ververy? g ?ooood?
,Paul J. Smith,0,0,5,1323907200,Golf Set,"<a href="""">WILTON 13 PC GOLF SET 1306-7274</a><br /><br />I am very happy with this product I purchased this item for my collages retirement celebration. I have received numerous comments! WOW everyone wanted to know where I purchased these Items; of course I was proud to say I would suggest my friends to Purchase this product from Wilton as the price is very cheap and the quality is very good.
?....".?44646969898,8,B,B0B?00000000V0VMV?BDB?I,I?A1A?GFGFEF?FEFETFETATAHA?X8X8D8??,B,Bo,B?b b???0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131?191959?87872720200?,C,??kek? T ?opoppp?ere?,",??hehe e Ge GoG?lflf f " """"s"ses?t"t""???rrrrir??eded d q ququiu??klklyl?????d wd wawasa? j ?ususts? a as as s ps ??ictictut??eded.ed. .??hehe he b bib?rtrththdh?????oror r m mymy y fy fiy f??e e ye yeyeae?? o ololdold ?grgrar?ndndsnd?onon n t ?turtu?nened? o?utut t gt grgregreaeateat.t."?4?69?9,9??000000000000?0VM0VMBMBDMB???,A1,A?AZAZMZ??PBPB9B9T9?BTBT6T6464,4??? K KeKeyeysy???,0,0,0,?0,30,?,1?28286860606064?00?000,000,W,WiWili?toton? 1 13? p ?? g gogololfol?f sf sesetset,t,T,ThTheThe ?sesetset set?isis ?bi??geg????hah?an an?I I t th tho thouougughg??t it ??t wt wow??ldl?d bd bebe.e. . . I It I?t w?ou???d td tatakakeake ?a a v ??ryry y by ?bigbig big c cac?akeake ake t?o o?sesetset set uset upup p???? o of o?f tf th? ?. I. I I eI ?ndndendeded ed ued up??us?ini?? o on o??ly ly? th the th?e ge ?golgolf??er er aer an?d ??a ba bab???. ??Th?The The g?ol?olfeolferer er ier ??? ab abobououtout t 3t 3 3 i?ncn?he?s s ts ??llll ll a an?d d td thd thehe he che clc?ububsbs s as ar?e e 3e 3-3-4-4 4?? inc inchchech?s s ls lolonongong.g?44747070000,?B0B00B00606T06?353??
.." 4698,B0000VMBDI,A1GFEFETAHX8DW,Bob E,0,0,5,1319587200,Cake Topper,"The Golf ""set"" arrived quickly and was just as pictured. The birthday for my five year old grandson turned out great." 4699,B0000VMBDI,A1AZM2PB9TBT64,88 Keys,0,0,3,1286064000,Wilton 13 pc golf set,The set is bigger than I thought it would be. It would take a very big cake to set up all of this. I ended up using only the golfer and a ball. The golfer is about 3 inches tall and the clubs are 3-4 inches long. 4700,B006T352F
?A,A?A1A141?DHD??0Q0?0X0?O0O080?9,9,L,LiLini?dadaCaCCC?,1,?,1??5,5?,13,1353505030343454565606?0,0,T,?hehe e B BEBESESTS???ugu?arar r s su s?bsbststit??utu?e,e,T,Th,Thehe he? BE B??T T sT susugsugagargar r sr su??bstbstitittitu??te te?atat t t ??isi? t????. . S SwSwew?rvr?e e ie isis is?vivirirtrtutuatu?lll?y y r rerepeplplalaca??inging g s? sug su?gargar gar i inin in?ouourur ??? . B. BaBakakek??s as anandnd nd m memeame??sursu?resre????e ??ama?me me a?s s ss ??????wiwitithith h n non? a af aftf???rtartasastastete.te?. C. CaC?an'an?t t wt waw?it??foforo?r ir itit it tit ?o ???o mo ?aiainai?ststrstre???? to to ?bebe ??blb??e te toto to b ?uyu?y iy inin in oin ?ourour r sr sur s?peper?mamarma?ke?tsts.s..4?707010???0000200282??LQLQRQ?8,8,A,A1,A1S1SFSF0F0U0?A6A6M6MYMYHYHPHPIP??,E,E.E??GoGobobrb?recrechchth?,0,?0,00,??3,3,1,12,127270??989848??00,00,",?DoD?g ?lol?ve?s s t?hehe he fhe fofoofo?d,d, , b bu but? t th thehe ?cacanansan??wewerwe?? b?ada??? d ?ene?tetedted"d?,"??y ?dodog? i?s ??? fi f?iniinici?kyk?y ey eae?ateat?????henhen n i it it t ct ?omomeomeses es?? to to c ca??neneded d f fo fooo???. . ??ft?er??trtryryiyininging ing M MAMANANYN?? va varariariei??tieti?es es fes frf?omom om??oto?th th t th the th
A,A14DH80Q0XO089,LindaCC,1,1,5,1350345600,The BEST sugar substitute,The BEST sugar substitute at this time. Swerve is virtually replacing sugar in our home. Bakes and measures the same as sugar with no aftertaste. Can't wait for it to go mainstream to be able to buy in our supermarkets. 4701,B00283LQR8,A1SF0UA6MYHPIY,E. Gobrecht,0,0,3,1270598400,"Dog loves the food, but the cans were badly dented","My dog is a finicky eater when it comes to canned food. After trying MANY varieties from both the
?pepetet t?sts?ororere e a ana?d d??hehe e ge grgror?cec???? st stotortorere,re, , t th the? A AlAlpl?o o C ChChih???enen n i ini?n Gn GrGrar?vyv?y iy ?? a?lll??hehe ?wiw??ll ll e ???t (t ?I I?cac?an an? so s?mem?etiet?memesmes ??eeeeded d hd hi???? the the e Te ??BoB?nene e se ststesteaeakea? f flflal?avoavoror)or).)?? I I ?gugueuesessss s is itit t lt lol?okoksk?s as anandan?d td tatasa??stesste?s ms momor?e e le ?iki?ke ke " """??peopeopoplplel??fofoooodood"d?"" ""? th tha than?an tan th??e oe ??thetherther r v ????et????. . . M MyMy ?ononlon??y cy coc?ompom??aia?intint t it is? t?? that tha?t wt ?he?n n In I I rI ?recrececeiceiviveved? t th the the the s sh s??pmp?menme?t ?t (pt (papaca?ck ck o ofo? 2 ????, a, ??momosmostst st a al all all ??of of t th the the the c the ?canca??s ws ??ereere e de ded?ententeted?, , a?nd?? a a c co cououpuplpleple e he ??d ?drd?rierieded ed ged ?gragr?avyav??y ony o?n tn ?the? o ou o?tst?ididede de o of of ?th??the cthe ??can.can??. O. OnO?ne ne??anan ?lelealeakakekedked d od ?outout t -t - -? th? the ?de??????? a?t ?ththethe the sthe ?ea?l l o?n ???he he the to?p.p. ?. N. NoNorormormamalallallyly,ly, , I, I'I?m m nm ?otot ot s???meome?oneone e we ??o ??is ?pip?ickickyky y ay ababobou?out out d deden?tetedted ?cacan?s,s?, b, bub?? t th thi this
pet store and the grocery store, the Alpo Chicken in Gravy is all he will eat (I can sometimes feed him the T-Bone steak flavor). I guess it looks and tastes more like ""people food"" than the other varieties. My only complaint is that when I received the shipment (pack of 24), almost all of the cans were dented, and a couple had dried gravy on the outside of the can. One can leaked out - the dent was at the seal on the top. Normally, I'm not someone who is picky about dented cans, but this
?wawasas s a ??lil?ttttlt?????chch.h. . A A A??ouo??lele le o ?f f t tht????anansns s as ?ctctut?alallllyly y?hahadad d? a a f fufununnnnyny ?smsmem?llll ll? wh whehenhe? I I I o????eded d td ?thethemem.m. . . S SoS?? I I I?gug???s ?I'I?llll ll gll ?o o b ?acackac? t?o ?bub?yiy?ngng g a?t t t??he he g?rorococec???y s?tot???. ?. J. JuJusustst t tt th?ouougoughghth?t ht ?havhaviviningin??ththe?m m s shs?ipi??pedped ?d tod t???thethe the? ho hou?ses?e we wow?oulouldl??bebe e ee eae?asiasieier? t th tha thanan an l lu l?ggg???ing ing t th the themem em h? hom ho??? fr fro??m tm ??the ???or?e.e. e.? O ?? w?elellell.l.....?..?""?474707?2,2,B,B0B0000404848I8IPI??9Y9Y,Y?A3A??E8E??YLY??A5A??M4M?,D,DeD???sese se?BaBata?alalhal?ha,ha,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5???373747?4724720200000000,0,W,WoWowo?!,!?"I"I I aI ?m m am ?bsb?ololulututetelelyel?y ay am?aza?eded ed w wi witithith ???the ?tatastast?e e oe ofof of? th thi thisis is p prp?rodro??uctuct.t. . I. I'I'mI'm ?nonoto??t tot toooo o mo mumucmuchch ch o??f af ?a fa ?an?an oan ?of of tof ?thethe the Cthe ?ararar?ameamelel el?DiDip??, b, bubutbu?t t?hehe he she sys??up? i ???eqe??ualua??y y ay asy as s ds ded?elielicicicioi??ous ous a??s is ?itsit??PaPan?cacakcakeke e ce coe c?ounountnteterterprpaparartar?t. t.
was a little much. A couple of the cans actually had a funny smell when I opened them. So, I guess I'll go back to buying at the grocery store. Just thought having them shipped to the house would be easier than lugging them home from the store. Oh well....." 4702,B0048IPR9Y,A3DE8LYLUA5CM4,Denise Batalha,1,1,5,1337472000,Wow!,"I am absolutely amazed with the taste of this product. I'm not too much of a fan of the Caramel Dip, but the syrup is equally as delicious as its Pancake counterpart.
II I?hih?ghg?lyly y r ?ececoc?mmmmemene?d d i itit,t, ,?bubutut t a ??? y ??uru???oco??? g grgror??erersrs s t tot? s ses?e e i if if f t th t???'r'rere re w wiwili???ngn? t to t?o co cacarcarrr?y ? T ThT???s is isi?s fs fafarar r tr to??o eo exe??en?sis?veve e te ?hahanan n w wh whahathat ?I I pI ?aiaidid d gd gog?in????to to m mymy y gy gr????ry? s?".?44747070303,3?B0B000?1313939T9TTTT7T7272,2??2F2FRFRHRHIHIAIANA?A8A8F8FZFZQZQJQJ,J?EcEcoco-co-F-FrF?iei?enden??ly ly F ??engeng g Sg ShShuh?? D DeD???gngnenerer,er,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,?13413?919??60600000000,0,G0,?ooo?d d Sd ??ufufff?,","I"?I fI ???d ??my my t tw twowo o Po PuP?gsg??anandand d od ococcoc?casca??ononan?al al r re r?escescuc??e Ne ?ewe?mam?an'an??s As AdA??an?cec?d d Dd ??g ?fof??mumululal?. . I. I I lI liliklikek?e t??his?? be betetttteterer er t? tha than? t th the th?e re re?gugululaul?ar ar N ?NewNewm?anan'?s,s, , b, bebececaecauaususese se i it i?t ht hahashas s ls ???s s is ins i?ngrng?redredid??ntn?s.s. . I. I . I s?upuppp?????????itithith h? hi h?ighigh h qh quq?al??ityity y cy cacancan ??foofood??, o, ?orgor?ananianici? f frf???e r?anangangege e ce chchi?ckc???, , h, heheahe?altalththyth?y py pop?wdwdeder???andand and s sa s?almalmomon? o oi
I highly recommend it, but ask your local grocers to see if they're willing to carry it. This is far too expensive than what I paid going to my grocery store." 4703,B00139TT72,A2FRHIANA8FZQJ,Eco-Friendly Feng Shui Designer,0,0,5,1349136000,Good Stuff,"I feed my two Pugs and occasional rescue Newman's Advanced Dog formula. I like this better than the regular Newman's, because it has less ingredients. I supplement with high quality can food, organic free range chicken, healthy powder and salmon oi
l?. . M ?y y b boboyoysy? a ararere e h heheae?ltltht??? t ththeth?irir r c cocoaoatatsts ?ararear?e ae ?mamazaziziningng.g. . H. HiHigighghlh???rerecrecocomcommmmemenendn? b bu butut t??itithth th s susupuppp?lelemememenmentntsts-ts?-s-ses??e ae abe a?bovboveve.e.".????0404,4,B,?000?131?9T9TTTT7T???A2A2828T8T0T0H0HKHKWKWPWP4P4K4KEK??B,B,M,??lalananinieie e Ae A.A. ?WiWili????,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,13??47347323212?6060000,00,","D"DeDepe?en??abablble??? to topop p o ofo? t th t?he he l lilinineine e pe prp??dud?ctct.t?.",.",","N,"NeNewewmwmamanma??prproprod?ucuctuctsts ts h?ava?ve ve? be beeeeneen ?ususesedsed d id inin in o?urur ?hoh?meme me?foforo?r yr ??earearsrs.s. . A. AfAftftet?r r rr reresreseseaseararcarchchih?inging g?NeNewNe?wmawmanan'an's's s As AdAduduldu?? D DoDogog ???odod od I ? f fe feleltel?t ct coconconfnfifididedenenten?t it in?in gin gigivivivin?ing ing t? the the e fe fofoo?d d td tot? o ou our ou?r tr ?wow?o co co?cacapa?oooo'o???. T. ThThe?y y ly ?ovove?ve ive itit!it! ! O ??e e oe ofof of t th the them the? w wo wololflfsf?s is ?it it?dodowownwn n in ???? s?ececocon?dsds!s! ?????lyly,ly, , I, I I tI ?imi?medmed ??t.???r r /r ???WitWi?th th sth ??o mo ma?manymany y cy co??papan?ieiesie????recarec?allal?linling?? do dog??????ds,ds,I,I I fI fefelelt? t? the the the N Ne Newewmewma?man man
l. My boys are healthy; their coats are amazing. Highly recommend but with supplements--see above." 4704,B00139TT72,A28T0HKWP4KE0B,Melanie A. Wilkes,0,0,5,1347321600,"Dependable, top of the line product.","Newman products have been used in our home for years. After researching Newman's Adult Dog food I felt confident in giving the food to our two cocapoo's. They love it! One of them wolfs it down in 4 seconds! Really, I timed it.<br />With so many companies recalling dog foods,I felt the Newman
ccoc?mpm?ana?y y b ?eieiningn? o ororgr?ananianicic c w ?ououlu?d d? be be e?momororeore ??eleliliaiaba?lele.e? K KeKeeeepepsps s? me me ?frfror?om om??or?ryryiyininging ?soso o? mu mucuchch h?asa??I I?popou?r r t ththahatat t b?owowlwl l o??????d d fd ?forfo?r tr ?theth?m.m.".""?4747070505,5?B0B0000101313939T9TTTT7T7272,2?A1A1I1??ZJZJIJININ2N2929D9DBDBJBJQJQ,Q,S,?heh??lala-a-A-?ndndydy,y?0,0,0?,5,5,??13413?47147141???00?,G,GrG??atat at f??or or D DoDogogsg???hihisi?s fs ??odod od i ???grg?reareatreat.t. . M. MyMy ?111? y yey?arar r or ?ldld ld b be bea be?glg?? l ?ovo?ese???t ?anandand d sd shs?he he i?s ??uc???momormorere re a ac actc?ivive? s sis?incincece ??I cI chchachan?geg?d d hd heherher r fr fofoofoodfood.d. . I. I I hI hihighighg?lyly y ry rerecre?comcommmmem?ndnd nd t th t??s s ds dodog? f fo foo foodod.od?44747070670?,B,B0,B??13?9T?T7T72T72,2,A2,A3A?GTGT1T??OPOP3P39??UWUW2W?2,C2,?ro??s s Es EdE?gege ge?CaC?plp?lesle?????el el I InI???PePen??,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,15,135,1?454565686?80080???0,G0,?mam? P Pa Pat?,W,?e ?hahavhaveve ?hahadha?d td trtrorouroubublblebl?e ie ?in in??inindin?ininging ing???g g fg fofoo?food food? fo for for ???e ???f of ??our our s sm s?malmalll?l dl ?dog???whw?o ?obobvbvivioi?ousouslslyly ly h ?hasha
company being organic would be more reliable. Keeps me from worrying so much as I pour that bowl of food for them." 4705,B00139TT72,A1IGZJIN29DBJQ,Sheila-Andy,0,0,5,1347148800,Great for Dogs,This food is great. My 11 year old beagle loves it and she is much more active since I changed her food. I highly recommend this dog food. 4706,B00139TT72,A3GT1POP39YUW2,Cross Edge Capless Gel Ink Pen,0,0,5,1345680000,Gma Pat,We have had trouble in finding dog food for one of our small dogs who obviously has
? a a a v vev??? s ?ene?sisiti?ivi?ve ve s?tot?mamaca?h.h. . W WeW? h ??ve???ririeieded d s??veverve??l l?kikini??s s?ofo??dod?g g??oooodod d fd foforfo????? a an a?nd nd N ?ewewmw?manman'n??s Os OwOwnwn n?OrOrgrgagananinicic c s se?ememsms ?toto to?bebe e ae agagrgrer?eieininging ?wiw??h h?? her her.r. ?SoSo o w wew??wiwilwi?l l cl cocono??tintinunueu??pupururcrch?asasisinsingng ??hih?s s ps ?rorododuoducuctct t t ?thrthrorourougu?h h Ah AmAmamazma?on? a??s ls lolonongong g ag asas as?itit it d?oeo?s.s..4474707??,B,??0101313939T9TTTT7T727??A5A5E5ELE????GCG?MLML8L??,S,S.S. ?LaLapa??llllalla,a,0,?,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,??444?5555656868080000,00????atat t ft fo?odod,od,",?LoLovoveve ve tve thve thehe e fe ?acactact t tt th?atat at i?t t it ?is is o?n n Sn SuSubu??crcri?bebeabe?andan?d sd sasavaveav??. . T ThThe? c ch?chancha?ngenge e te to???thithisis is fis ??foodfood d hd ha?s s hs ?hadha?d md ???y ?bebenbenenefefifititsit?? M MyMy ?do?g g lg lolovlo?vesve?s is it?, ,? ha h?as as aas aiaidided?ed ed??n ?????susupuppppr?es?si?onon on oon of? t te t??r r sr ?tataiainainininni?ng ng?(h(hehe'he's's 's p ??artart t bt bebea??lel?, ?paparpartr???ining????harharlrlelesle?),), , a, an?and and?mamakmakekeses es h?isis ???o o fo fi??
a very sensitive stomach. We have tried several kinds of dog food for her and Newman's Own Organic seems to be agreeing with her. So we will continue purchasing this product through Amazon as long as it does. 4707,B00139TT72,A5ELC9CGCML8V,S. Lapolla,0,0,5,1344556800,Great food,"Love the fact that it is on Subscribeand save. The change to this food has had many benefits. My dog loves it, has aided in the suppression of tear staining (he's part beagle, part King Charles), and makes his poo firm
..".""???0808,8,B,?000010??9T9TTTT7T727??A1A?BZBZNZN3N333?141?I1I1P1PCPCJC?,N,??ili??GiG??sbs?ere?g,g,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,1313413?383868656??0000,00?MyMy y D DoDogo??LoL??ese? T ThThih?s ?FoFoooodod!d!!!??"I"I I??asa?s us ususisininging ??rg?ananinixix x f foforor r a ?? wh whi?lel?, ,? an a?? w wa was? h ??ppppypy y wy ??tht? t ?theth? i in???ede?ieiene?tst??, a, anandand d md mym??dodogog og s ses??memeded ed t to to o e ??jojoyoy y iy . T?heh?en en?I ??awa? a al a?l l tl ththethe the g grg?reareata? r ?revrevivieiewie?s ?fo?r r Nr ?NewNewmwmamanan'an's's s Os OwO?n n O ?OrgOr??anian?c c D??og og Fog ?FooFoodod,od?, a, al, a?onongng g wg wi??th th t?hehe he g gr grereareatreat ?prprir??e,? a?????ece??dededded d td toto ?gigivi?ve ve i it i???a ta ????<b<brb?r /r />/????r /r />r /?ThTheTheyey y sy ??y y ty th?atat at?? it it? ta t?kekes? a a a d dodogdog g ag a ??hihilhilehil???? g ge g??t ut us?eded ed ted toto to ato a ?nenewew ?fo?odod,? b bubutut ?I I hI hahavhaveve ve tve ?to ??elellll ll y yoyouou:u: : f fr f?omom m t th?e e fe fifirirsr??t dt dadaya??I ?ga?veve ve hve hi?m m tm ththethe ?NeNewNewmNew?manman'n?'s 's O Ow O?wn,wn, ??he ?REREFE?USU??? t?? e??at at tat ththethe the Othe OrOrgOrgaOrgan?anixanix x ax an???or
." 4708,B00139TT72,A1BZN3314I1PCJ,Neil Ginsberg,0,0,5,1343865600,My Dog Loves This Food!!,"I was using Organix for a while, and was happy with the ingredients, and my dog seemed to enjoy it. Then I saw all the great reviews for Newman's Own Organic Dog Food, along with the great price, and decided to give it a try.<br /><br />They say that it takes a dog a while to get used to a new food, but I have to tell you: from the first day I gave him the Newman's Own, he REFUSED to eat the Organix anymor
ee,e, ,??? l lolovovevede????he he N NeNewewmw?ana??s s O OwOwnwn n s ?o o?mumucu?h h?? e ?vevenven ?ththothouo??h ??he'he?d d ed eaeatatet?n n tn thn thehe he Ohe OrOrgrgag?anianixix x f ??r r y yey?earearsrs!s??I I e ev eveven?? tr t???ed ed m?ixixiixiningn? t??he he bhe bib?? o ofof f? Or Org?ananianixanix ?I I hI hahada?d ld ???t ??in in w wiwitithith ?th?e ??NewNewm?an???? Ow Own?? B ?utut t ht he???ou???d jd juj?sts?t pt pipici?k k o ou outut ut t th?e ?pipiepi???s ?anandand d ld led l?eaveaveve ve t th the them them m??n n tn thn then the e fe ?lolooloor? n nen?xtxt t tt ?o ??isis s bs bobowowlwl.l.<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b<br<br r /r />r /?SoSo,o, , I, I ?dodono?n'tn't ??nonowow ow? wh w?hatha?t it itt it ???, ?bubutut ?mym? d do?g g sg susururer?e se ?eee?msms s ts ?? l???e e te ththithisis is f???d!d! ! H! ??'s's 's e's eaeatea?ininging g mg momor??e ne ??w w??andand and h he he'e'se'?s vs ??ryry y hy heheaheala?th?y.y.<.<b.<br? / ?/></><b<br<br <br???AgA?gaiga?in,in, ?, I , I h ha hadad ad n no n?o co cocomompmplplal?in?tsts s a???ut??ththethe the O Or Org Orgaganganinixix.ix. ?I ?th?thinthinknk k ik it?'s's 's p's prprorobo?abablb?y y ay a a g ?oooodood d dd do??? fo?odod.od. . B. BuButBut ??my my d do d??g sg sug s?ureure e pe pre pre??erersrs rs t th the the the? Ne New?ma?
e, he loved the Newman's Own so much - even though he'd eaten the Organix for years! I even tried mixing the bit of Organix I had left in with the Newman's Own. But he would just pick out the pieces and leave them on the floor next to his bowl.<br /><br />So, I don't know what it is, but my dog sure seems to love this food! He's eating more now and he's very healthy.<br /><br />Again, I had no complaints about the Organix. I think it's probably a good dog food. But my dog sure prefers the Newman
'?s s O OwOwnw??!"!?4????,B,B0B000010131393??T7T7272,2,A,?3M3MNMNHNH3H3W3?808060?9T9TA9T?T,T??E.E? K KwKwaw?k k?""""W"WeWebe? G ?urururu"u"""""""","???,0,,0,5,5,5???4141313613606?00000?00,00,M,MyMy y p pip?ckckyky y dy ??g g L LOLOVOVEV?S S t ththihisis s ss sts?ufu?f!f?,"?? h hahavavev? a a a????yryr r?ololdld d P ?omo???o o ( (1(1/1/2/???omomeom?rarananiniaianan,an? 1 1/ 1/2/2 /2 A ??ereriericicaican? E ?sks?imimoimo)o? w whw?o o so ?eeeeme?s ?toto o oo ononlnlyly ??ikikek??huhumumamanan ?fofoooodo?. . A. ?ltl?thoth??ghgh h I I'I'd'd ?lol?veve ve t??o go gigivive?ve hve hihimhim m? hu humumaum?an ?an foan f?oodood d ad alalll?? th t?e e te titim?e,e, , I, I I kI knk????itit't's? n no?t t g ?oo?ood ood f fo?r ?hihishi?s ds ??gegese?stistiviveive e se sysysyst?emem,em?, a, an??d id it? d ?doedoes?n'n't't t ht hahavhaveve ve tve th?e e pe prpror??erer er n?utu?rir?enentntst???eqeququiuirireredred d fd ?for? a a a d?og?, ?????cicia?llllylly ?atat ?t hit h?? c ?ur??renrentnt nt a? U. UpUpop?? t tr t?yiy?ngng g vg ?arari?ouousous ?brbraranra?dsds ?inincinclclul??dindingng ng B BlBluluelue e ae ?andand and C CaCal??l ol ?f f t? the the e We WiWilild??, I, I , I? co cououlouldldnld?n'tn't ?jujusust?stifstifyfy y ty ththethe the? pr pri?cec??
's Own!!" 4709,B00139TT72,A3MNH3W8069TAT,"E. Kwak ""Web Guru""",0,0,5,1341360000,My picky dog LOVES this stuff!,"I have a 11 yr old Pomimo (1/2 Pomeranian, 1/2 American Eskimo) who seems to only like human food. Although I'd love to give him human food all the time, I know it's not good for his digestive system, and it doesn't have the proper nutrients required for a dog, especially at his current age. Upon trying various brands including Blue and Call of the Wild, I couldn't justify the price i
nn n c coc?mpmpapara?isisosono?n tn tot? h ??? l lilitittttltlele e m mym??dodogog g l?ikikek?d d t ??e e te tatasa???. . A AfAftf??r r?rereaeadadid?ngng g sg ???e ?popososis?itiitiviveve e re ?revre?iei?wsws s h?erere??on?? Am Amam?zozonon ??oro??NeNew?mamanma?'s'?, , I ? d de dececic???? t to to ?gigiviveiv?e ie itit it a a a??o.o??SuS???ririsri?sinsingnglnglyly,y?, m, mymy my d do d?? s st??artarte???eaeateatitiningin?g tg ?theth?e fe fo?odod d id imi??medme??atateteltely?? af a??er? I I I?????ed?ed sed sosom?e e i???to to??isis is d di disishish.h????e ne neneve?verve?r dr dodoedo?s ????? w ???h h? ot oththetherther r dr drr dryr?y dy dodogdo?g fg fo?foodfood,d?, a, anandn??usu??alalllly?ly wly ?aia???s ts tos to ?eaeateat eat a af?te?ter ter I I' I'v'veve ve g gi g?ive?n n hn hih?? a???ibibbb?le? o?f f?ev??eryerytyththithin?ing ing???atat at Iat I I eI eaeateat eat deat dudururiurin??ing ting ththethe the d da daya??. W. WhWhahatha? m ma m????s is ?it it eit eveveeveneven n bn bebetettttetterer er ier ?is is tis ?thethe the rthe rereareasasoason?abablbleble ??riricricece e fe foe for?? th??e qe quq?ualualilitlityt?? Y YeY??, , I, I I uI unundndendererserst?stansta?? t th??at ?ororgorgag?anianici? a?nd?nd qnd qu?al?it?y ?USUS-S-m-mamadma?de de f fofoofoodfood food a ar a
n comparison to how little my dog liked the taste. After reading some positive reviews here on Amazon for Newman's, I decided to give it a go. Surprisingly, my dog started eating the food immediately after I poured some into his dish. He never does that with other dry dog food, and usually waits to eat after I've given him a nibble of everything that I eat during the day. What makes it even better is the reasonable price for the quality. Yes, I understand that organic and quality US-made food ar
e??????rar?llllyly y?momororere ?exexpx??nsn??vev?? h ??weweveveverver r s sos?meme e oe ofo???heh?e be ??ranrandn?? c ?haharargrgege ?dodouo?blb?e e o?f ?NeN??mamana???s as anandan???rorovovividi?e ??nlnly? h ha halalfal??ththeth??tat?ststete.e. .??s s hs huhumu?manmansns,ns, ???'r'rere re?usu?uau?allallyly ?so??d d bd byb?y ty ththe? n?ututrt?iti??ou?s s &s & & w whw?????somsomeme me??dvd??vertvertitistises?memenmentntsts ?whwhewhen? b ??yiy?ngng g?do?g ?fofooo?d,d, , h, ho??wevwevever? I ????ininkin? i ???s ps ?prepretettt??y iy imimpmpoporortortatantantnt nt f ?forfo???y y dy dodog? t?o o a ac a?tutuatu?allallyall??lil?kek?e t?hehe he t??astastete te o ofof of t th the the ?fofoofood????? . N. ?NewNewm????? s se seee??s s ts tot?o bo ?e e te the thee th?e t?icickckeketket t f fo foror or b?otothth th n nu nut nu?tritr????? a an andnd nd t ta tas tast?e.e. e. W ???ll ll b be be e be bue buy?in???Ne???man?'s's 's a's ?? a a a?reregre????ar!ar!"!""?474717?0,0,B,??0101313939T9TTTT7T7272,2,A,A2A2P2P3P3C3CZC?RBRBFBFJF?R2R2Y2YDY?,P,PrPreresre?stost??,0,?0,00,0,0,50,?,1,?13413?080848414161606??????atat at??ogog ?g fog f??d,??e e he hahavha?ve ve b? bee been?en fen ?eeeedeedid?ing? o?ur
e naturally more expensive, however some of the brands charge double of Newman's and provide only half the taste. As humans, we're usually sold by the nutritious & wholesome advertisements when buying dog food, however I think its pretty important for my dog to actually like the taste of the food also. Newman's seems to be the ticket for both nutrition and taste. Will be buying Newman's as a regular!" 4710,B00139TT72,A2P3CZRBFJR2YD,Preston,0,0,5,1340841600,Great dog food,We have been feeding our
?dod?? N NeNewe???n'n???OwO?n n s ????? s?heh?e we ?asas s vs vevereryry y y ?ouounungng.g. . S ShShehe he w wawaswas s as a a?fif?iniinikikyky ??ata??er er a an?? I I I w?asas as a?? de detetetertermrmiminineineded d od ?wn??er ??hoho o i in???????d o??n on ?rgrgag?anianicic c f?oooodod.d?? B BoB?thth h o ofo? o ou ouru? n ?eee?edsed?s ws wewer???fuf???filfillllel?ed ed??hehenhen n wn wewe we f fo?unundund d td ?thith?s s gs ??eaeateat t p ??ododuod??t.t. . . I. ?t't's? t ththethe ?ononln?y y dy ??g ?fofoo????hahatat at?? she she e he hahasha??????n n an anand? s sh she? i is is ??oioininging g tg toto o bo ??e 9e ? y ye yeaearearsrs s os olo?d d nd ?nexnextx??momon?? ?. T. ??he ????ly ly r rereareas??on on? sh? she ??ve??r hr ha???gogononeone ??? t??he ?vevetvet t it isis is f fo for fo??r her herer er ser ??hothotsts.s??. I. I . I h hihigi?hlhly?ly rly rerecrecocomommmmem??d d td th??is is fis fofoofo??...??.I.??amam m? SO SOOOOOOO OO? gl glaladad d ad am?aza?????ararrr?iei?s s is ?t t nt ??? b bebecbeca??sese e we wee w?e he hae hadad ad t?o o do drdri??ve ve???ititeit?e ae a a da ?isististat??cece ce?? to to b bu b??y iy itit it? be befe?forforere re a at a?t at a ??orgorga?nin?ic ic p?et?? sh?opop.p..
dog Newman's Own since she was very young. She was a finiky eater and I was a determined owner who insisted on organic food. Both of our needs were fulfilled when we found this great product. It's the only dog food that she has eaten and she is going to be 9 years old next month. The only reason she ever has gone to the vet is for her shots. I highly recommend this food....I am SOOO glad amazon carries it now because we had to drive quite a distance to buy it before at a organic pet shop..
?...?....4474?1111,1?B0B?0101313939T9TTTT7T???A3A3030D0?WKW?EDEDHDHUHUXUXWX?UGUG,G,W,?ayayny?e e M ??rtr?inin,n??,0,0,,0,5,5,5?1313413?05058582824240400400,0,G0,GrG??ata? h ??ealea??hyh? d dod?? f fofoooodod,d,I,I'I'm'? v ?ere?y y py plpleleaeaseaseseded d w wiwiti?th th t ththith?? d do d?og og f?oooodood.d. . H HaH?vevenven'n't'?t ot oro?ded?ereer?ed ed a ananyn?th????g eg ?lsl?se se f fo?r r m mymy y dy dodogdogsgs s ss ?inincin?e e Ie I I???ugughghtht t tt ththi?s.s?? M My M???aba? a an a?d ??? m ma m?ltltilt? p pop?oo oo? bo b?thth ??eateat t it itit it??apa??ililyl?y ay an?d ?I'I'mI'm m hm hah?appap??y ty ththathatat at i itit ?is? h he heaealealtealththyth?y fy fo?r r tr th??m.m?4474?712712,2,B2,B0B00B0010130139??TT7TT7272,72??F3F323?MTMTETE0E0E0EMEMWM?FEFE,E,A???ne ne C CaC????l,l?,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,??13313??161?32??00,00?TeT?errer?ififcfc,c??I I hI hihigigh??ly ly?rerecrecocomommmmemene?nd nd N ??wmwmamanan'an's'?s Os ?wnwn n O OrO?gag?anianicicscs ?DoD?og og Fog ?oo?ood.ood. . N. NaNatatuatururaralal,al? h hi higighigh h i is is s ns ???ri?ti?ono??anandand and? wi wit?h ?ououtou?t ft fifilillillelerle??s. s. K KeK?epe???ouourou?r dr ?dogdogsdog??heheahealaltalth?thy thy a an and and ??witwithth th lth lol?otsots ?ofof f??eneenererger??y fy foy foror or a a a l lo
... 4711,B00139TT72,A30DWKEDHUXWUG,Wayne Martin,0,0,5,1340582400,Great healthy dog food,I'm very pleased with this dog food. Haven't ordered anything else for my dogs since I bought this. My lab and my malti poo both eat it happily and I'm happy that it is healthy for them. 4712,B00139TT72,AF32MTE0EMWFE,Anne Cassel,0,0,5,1338163200,Terrifc,"I highly recommend Newman's Own Organics Dog Food. Natural, high is nutrition and with out fillers. Keep your dogs healthy and with lots of energy for a lo
n?? t ???e!e?""??717??,B,??01013?9T9?T7T727?,A,AHA?BRBR9R??9O9?4K4K6K6V6V2V?2,R2,RaRaiainin n?LeLeee??0,0?,0,,0?5,5,1,?13313?676787808???0,?AnAn ?AwAwew?sosomome? A ?AweAw?esoesomomeom??DrD?y y F FoFoooodo? F Fo Foror r Y YoYououru?r Dr DoDogo??WiW??hoh??t t W WoWor?ry? A Ab Abob?outout out A An A???,I,ItI?t tt ?ooookook k f ?oror or a a a w weweeweeke??to???aiaitaititintingng ng t???? t to t? s ??ipi? f fo f??or tor ththethe e ie it?em? b bub?t ?sosooso??o o po plplel?asaseseded ?toto to mto mym??selselflf f a??d d md mymy my?dod?? : ?-)-? T ThThahana??k yk yoyouou ou f? for for r tr th?the the?NeNewewmwmam?an'an?s s???ugu?hthtet?????o ko ???pip?ingin?g ag ?? a aw a?weswesosomso?????ompom?ananyany ?n'n' ' c cacararirin?ing ing?ouourou?r pr pepetetsts!s?!!!!!!!! !?5 5 s st statar??s!s!447471?4,4?,B0,B000010013??TTTT7TT?72,72?,A2,A??XEXEEE???QVQVFVF6F6Y6YZYZ,Z,L,???aGaG,G,0,0,,0,0,0,0,????133?656525?16160600???y ??apappppyp?y Dy ?DogDog,g??I I s sw swiw?itcitchc?hedhe??d myd m?y dy dodogdog ??to to tto ththith?? f fo foo fo?od od?? and an?d wd wawatatctchchichininging ?hihimhi?m tm ?rurululyl??ene?jojoyo?y ey eay e?atiat?ing?ing aing ?andand d t??? t??astastete te? of o?f hf hi?s s fs fo???od iod is???orortorth? a
ng time!" 4713,B00139TT72,AHBR9C9O4K6V2,Rain Lee,0,0,5,1336780800,An Awesome Awesome Dry Food For Your Dog Without Worry About Any.,It took for a week to waiting them to ship for the item but soooo pleased to myself and my dog :-) Thank you for the Newman's daughter to keeping an awesome company n' caring our pets!!!! 5 stars! 4714,B00139TT72,A2DXEEL4QVF6YZ,LisaG,0,0,5,1336521600,My Happy Dog,"I switched my dog to this food and watching him truly enjoy eating and the taste of his food is worth a
???tht??ngn?. . H HeHe e h hah?? e eaeatatet?n n P ?rerececicisisese e fe ??unundndadat?ioi?n n fn foforformr??lal? f foforfor for?ththethe e ae alalml??sts? t tw twowo o y yey??rsrs s ss ??incin?e e Ie I I a ?dod???tedted d? hi himim.m. ?? He H?e oe ofoftfte?n n gn ?oeo?s s os ofoffof? h? his hi?s fs fofoofo?d d ad ????oror r v ??mimititsts s fs frs f?????imimeim?e te toto ?titimime?. . . I. I'I'v'vev??e tre trir???d sd sws????hi??ng ng h hi him hi? t?o o Wo WeWele??nen??s ?an?d d Bd BlB?ueue e Be BuBufu????o o wo wi??th th n nono ?pop?osios??iviveve ve?reresre?ulultultsts.ts. ?. I. I . I?cacanan'an't'??teteltellll ll? yo y?ou ou t th theh?e ie imimmimmem?ediediai?ateate e de did??ffeffere??ncnce? i inin in h hi him him him????m ???? f?irirs??t t?im????e ?e ate ate? t th the the e Ne ?ewewmwmam?an'an'san's.s.....?an?and and h? he he??ooo??s s fs fos fororworwawarardrd d td ?to to e ev eveverve?? m memeame?al,al? d ?doedo?esnes?'t't 't b beb?g g? fo f?or or?oto?the??r sr ststustufuffuff f bf ??cacauca?sese se h???isis is s sasatatiatisatisfs?ie?d,d??an?and ?hehe he? se seeeeme?s s ts toto to hto hahavhave?ve mve momormore??????gygy.y. . ?HeHe He? is is s as a s a 1 111???lblb b G GrGrereare?at at P?yryreren???s s as ans and?? fi fin fi??allallyl??veververyver
nything. He has eaten Precise foundation formula for the almost two years since I adopted him. He often goes off his food and/or vomits from time to time. I've tried switching him to Wellness and Blue Buffalo with no positive results. I can't tell you the immediate difference in him from the first time he ate the Newman's...and he looks forward to every meal, doesn't beg for other stuff because he is satisfied, and he seems to have more energy. He is a 110-lb Great Pyrenees and finally very
h ?apa?pyp? w ?itithth h h hi h????ooo?d.d.".""4474?1515,5,B,B0B000?1313939T9TTTT7T??,A,A3A?8V8V9V9B9?FFFFCFCUCUEUEHEHIHIHI?,","B"BrBrorowownw? E EyE?eses s "s ?"w"wiwitwi??eae?sese2e2323"3"""""""??0,0,0,0,,0?5,???363?080?96960600600,0,F0,FiF??ikikyk?y Dy DiDigigeges??ioionon,n,","W,"WeWe e? ha havaveve e te twt???We??ti??es es??hoho,o, , t toto o so sas?y ???the the??eaeasea?st,st, ?hahavha?ve ve v ??ryr?y sy sesense?sisititiitivi?ve ?didig?esestestiestio?n ?sysysy?stestememsms.s? S ???cece ?ususisinsingng g t th thihis??prp?rodro??ctc?, , t, ???irir r h??irir ir i ???sosofo?? a anandnd d?momoio?ististutururir?zezeded,d?, t??eyey y ly ?ovove?ve tve th?theitheirthei?r fr fo?odod,od, ?anandand ?toto to b bob?ootoot,t, t, t th the theyey ey??rer??dodow?n ??to ?th??their???recrecoc?mmm?enendndend?ed ed? we w?ig?hth?. . W. WeWe'We'r'?re re o on?? th? the the? au aututo??ata??c c d dedeleliliviveiv?ryry ry p pr pro??rar?m m? an and?? th tha th??'s's s ts ththethe the bthe ?esestest est n nono o bo brb?rairainineiner? e eve?ver?."??47471716716,6?,B0,B??13139139T?T7T72T7?2,A2,AWAWKWKOKOGO?DVDV6V???????????tet????2,2,02,0,0,00,0,0,40,??13133133513356565657576760?600,600,M,MyM?y dy dodogdog'g's? f fa fav?orori?tete,te?,"T,"Th?e e ie
happy with his food." 4715,B00139TT72,A38V9BFFCUEHIH,"Brown Eyes ""withease23""",0,0,5,1336089600,Finiky Digestion,"We have two Westies who, to say the least, have very sensitive digestion systems. Since using this product, their hair is soft and moisturized, they love their food, and to boot, they are down to their recommended weight. We're on the automatic delivery program and that's the best no brainer ever." 4716,B00139TT72,AWKOGDV60A92D,Thirteen12,0,0,4,1335657600,My dog's favorite,"The i
nngngrg?ede?ieienentn?s s a ?rere re r ???llllyly y w whw?ololelesesos?meme.e. . A AnAndn?, ,????? d dedele?ivi?ereryr?!<!?brb??/>/?ItIt ?wowououluldl? b ?? n ninicicece e ie ifi??ththeh??y hy hah?d d sd sosomsome???ypypep???f ??isishs?? fo forormrmumul?????houho?ghgh.h??<br<br r /r />/>B/>BuButut t mt mymy y dy ?ogog g????vesve??ththetheme?? an a?nd nd w wi wili?ll ll b bu buyuy y ay ??aiaini?!"!""4474717171???000?1313939T9?T7T?2,2,A,A8A8K8KHK?FTFTYTYOYO5O5R5?0U0U6U6,6,M,MaMananinifnifificficiciaial?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4?13?343??44844808?000000,0,g0,??eaeata??prp?odo??ctct,t,","W"WeWe e se sws??tct?hehedhed d td toto o?? thi th?? b br braranandand d bd be?cacaua?ses????e e oe ofe o?f of ???r dr dodogdo??s s es eyeyeeyeses es a al alwlwaw??s s t??eareareredred,d, d, a???d s??omeomeoeono?ne ne s sasaiaidaid d id it? c cocououlould? b be be ?frfro???a a ca ?corco?n n a al all allelerlergrgygy.y. ??????is iis ??is ois ?oneone e oe ofe of e of o on?ly?? a a? fe f?w w b br bra br???s s ts ths t???t it ??is cis cocorcorncor???frefreeee e ae an???itit it cit ?uru?redred red? th the the e te teteaear???ey?eye eye p pr?oboblblelemlem m qm ?uiuicickic? . B. BLBLULUEUE E? br bra bran brandnd ?do??es ?nonotot ?coconco?ntantaiainai?n cn ?corcorncorn,corn, , b, bubutut ut t th
ngredients are really wholesome. And, fast delivery!<br />It would be nice if they had some type of fish formula though.<br />But my dog loves them and will buy again!" 4717,B00139TT72,A8KHFTYO5R0U6,Manificial,0,0,4,1334448000,great product,"We switched to this brand because one of our dog's eyes always teared, and someone said it could be from a corn allergy. This is one of only a few brands that is corn free and it cured the teary eye problem quickly. BLUE brand does not contain corn, but th
??? i ?ncnclclulududede e g gagararlr?icic c i?n n t tht?eieirir r?blb?ene?? w whw?icichic? c cacanan n cn ??usu?e e ke ?ididndneneyey ey p prprorobo?blebl??s s? in in in??ogo???ovovev?r ?tit?mem?e ae ?ccccocorordr?ininging g? th thehe he v ve?tetererierin???ariaria?n.n. . I ?? s sms?melme?lsl?s ms momororeore ??atatut??ala? t th?an? P ?ururiurin?a a O OnOnene ne w?hi???h Ih I I h ??d d bd beb??????eedeedi??g g tg ththethem? a ??d ?ththe?y y sy se?emem ?toto o l liliklikeke e ie ?t t bt be????r.r. ?? I I? li l?keke ke? th tha that tha?t tt ?thethe the? sa s??ese?s fs frf?romrom m t th the th?e fe ?ooo??d gd gogo o to to?? ch c?????y y ty ?tooto?. ???? go goo??d pd pr?ododuod?ctc?.".""44747171818,8,B,B0B?010131??TTTT7T7272,2,A,?39??CRCRNR?KPK?5050505J5JGJG,G,E,EdE?waw?ardard,d????,5,????313?25251512??00,00,O,OuOurur ur s sh shihibhibaba a ia in?u u l lo lov??es es? th thi thisis!s!,!,W,WeW?'v've??ororiorigigig??inalina?llylly ?bob??ghghth?t tt tht thihishis ?asa??s ous o?ur ?dodogdog'g??s fs fis fir?stst ?fo?od? a an and? t? the?n n sn sws????chech??d td tod to o Wo WeWelWellllnllnenesnesss?. ?DoD?? h?adad ad??ununsns ?s fos foror or a a a f?ewe? w we weeeekee???hoh?pipining?????wowououlouldl?d g
ey include garlic in their blend which can cause kidney problems in dogs over time according the veteriniarian. It smells more natural than Purina One which I had been feeding them and they seem to like it better. I like that the sales from the food go to charity too. A good product." 4718,B00139TT72,A39WCRNKP505JG,Edward,0,0,5,1331251200,Our shiba inu loves this!,We've originally bought this as our dog's first food and then switched to Wellness. Dog had runs for a few weeks hoping it would g
oo o?awawaw?y y t tht??n n?wew?entent t?babacackc? t?o o No NeNewewmw???'s's s??????andand d n ?ow? o??? d dodogog g?fefeee?lsl?s as a a l lolotot t bt beb??teterer.r. .?Ne??erer er??wiwititctchche??d hd hihisi?s fs fofooo?d ?eveveverver r ar aga?aiainin.n..4474??9,9,B,?000010?3939T9TTTT7T727?,A,A3A?0X0?HPHPZP?X6X6S6SKSK1K1M1MOMO,O?"T"T.T??GIG??? " """??tatayay ay H HeHeaealaltlththythy"y"""""""??0,0,0,0,,0,3,?,1,13??90900004004848080000,00??????PlP?eaeaseases?,"?MyM??dodogdo?s s ls lolovlo?ve ve t th thi?s ?s fos foo??! ! N No No o ao al?lelerlergr?ieieses,s, , m mom?oreore e ee ??erergergygy y ay ??and and? ni nici?er?er cer ??atatsts.s?. M. MyMy My? bi bigig g dg dodogdogsdogs s ss sks?inin in d do d????n'tn't ?se?emem m n ne neaearearlr?y y a?s ?irirrrrirititait??ede?d ad anand?????m m am asassssusumumim?ingin?g wg ?witwi?th th a a a l li litittittltlele le m mo mororeore ore u ?sese se?hi??????n ?wiwilwillll l b?e e ne no???malmal l al ?agaagaiainai???WeW??lilikikeke e ie ????2 2 o of o?forforere re t th tha thanan an a an anyny ?ot?heherhe?r Ir I I hI hah?ve?ve sve ??seenseen.n. n. Mn. ?My My oMy ononln?ly ly?prp?obo?le??m im ?? t? tha?t ??I hI haI havaveav?e 2e ?2 d2 dodogdogs? o on o??e he huhugugege ??oneon?e ae ?andand ?121??5l5???s hs ha
o away then went back to Newman's own and now our dog feels a lot better. Never switched his food ever again. 4719,B00139TT72,A30XHPZX6SK1MO,"T. GILL ""Stay Healthy""",0,0,3,1329004800,More Please,"My dogs love this food! No allergies, more energy and nicer coats. My big dogs skin doesn't seem nearly as irritated and I am assuming with a little more use his skin will be normal again. We like it m2 ofore than any other I have seen. My only problem is that I have 2 dogs one huge one and 12.5lbs ha
rrdr?lyl? m ?aka?? i itit t a a a? mo m?ntn??. . W WeWe ?rereae?llllyly ly c cocouo?ldld d?ususese e be bib????? b ??gsgs s??r ?a a qa qtqtyty ????cocoucoununt?. ?PlPlulus? I ? c???non?t t ft fif?ndn??ththith?is is? in in n??nyny y sy sts?ororeor?s s ss ?? w whwhehenen ?I I rI raranan an o ou outut t It I I hI ??d d td tod t?o bo byby y ay ?a sa susububsbststistitituit?uteute.e.......<..??r r /r />/>U>UPU?DADATATET?: : M ?y y sy sey sececo?nd??shshihipipmp??entent ??diddid d nd nonotno??ararrrririvivev?e ae ?t ?t alt a?ll.ll. . i. ? h ??veve ve b be b??en en t trtryryiyininging g? to to o co co?contcon?acactc??bubuyuyeyerer er b bu but??? c??nnnnonnotot ot f fi?gugururere re? it i?t ot ououtout.t??. ?HaHadad ad t to to to g gog??o bao bac?k k? to to ?th??e oe olold? f????d ad ?at at l lel??stst st I???rearealalializizez????atat at tat ?thithisthis s fs ??oodood d dd didid? n nonotnot not h?elelplp p? wi w?ithit? t?he? d ?ryry ry? it itc itchchyhy ?y sky skikinin in t? tha th??at t?he?he dhe ?ogogs?? ha h?ve?.... .. : ???44747272020,0,B,B0B000010131393?TTTT7T7272,72,A,A2A?O4O?EZEZTZTGTGIGIOIODODMD?OXO??,Bo,B?oo,oo,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,??1313213?505?30304040400??GrGrerea??t pt prprorododuod???,T,??????brabranandand d id ?is is tis ththethe the l lo lowo????t pt prt priricri
rdly make it a month. We really could use bigger bags or a qty discount. Plus I cannot find this in any stores so when I ran out I had to by a substitute...<br />UPDATE: My second shipment did not arrive at all. i have been trying to contact buyer but I cannot figure it out... Had to go back to the old food at least I realize that this food did not help with the dry itchy skin that the dogs have.. :{" 4720,B00139TT72,A2O4EZTGIODMOX,Boo,0,0,5,1325030400,Great product,This brand is the lowest pric
ee e?I I c ?ana? f fifini?d d?inin in?oro?gagananianicic c d ?ogog g k ?ibibbb??ese?? T ThThehe e se sus?bsbscscrcriripiptptitioi??n in ?s s c co con?veveneniniei??t.t??I ??isishish h t ??? c co com compmpapananyany y m mamakakek?es es 5 ??????ndnd nd b babagagsgs.???727212?,B,?0000101313939T9TTT?72?,A,????6464N4?EJE?898959??2,2,S,?. . C. CoC?ata????,0,0,,0?5,5?13?24245451512120200000000,0,"0,"N"?ewewmwmamanman'n??s Os ??n n On OrO???ani??s s As AdA?vavanancancecede????og og F FoF??mum?lala a f??? A AcActcti?ve? o or o? S ???ioiorior r Dr DoDogDogs?, , 1 ???5-5?PoP?ounound?nd Bnd BaBagag"ag","?"W"WeW?e he hahava????eeeenen en u ususis?inging ??thithis?? pr prorododud?ctct ct f fo?r r or ovoveverver ?a a ya yeyeaearar r nr nonowow,w, ???ldldid?? o ou o?r ?dodogdog ?lolovoveoves?es ies iti??, s, shshe??isis is 1is ???yeyeayear?s s os ???d nd nonownow.w?""447472722722,2,B2,B0B00B0?013013939T39?TT7TT7272,72,A72,A1A??132E132ETE???MHMHQH?585?5,5,"5,?Do?nnnnana'a?'s 's R ReRevevivieiewie?s s "s ?"I"I I LI ???ove ove S Sh Shohopo?pip??ing ing o?n n An ??mazma?onon!on!"!??",",0",0,???2,2,12,131321324132?161?64640640000,00,G,?GooGo?od od??utut t??notno?t mt mymy y fy fafav?or???e.e..........?????...,...,","G,"?Goo???bubutut ut n
e I can find in organic dog kibbles. The subscription is convenient. I wish the company makes 50 pound bags. 4721,B00139TT72,A2IK64NEJ895W2,S. Coats,0,0,5,1324512000,"Newman's Own Organics Advanced Dog Formula for Active or Senior Dogs, 12.5-Pound Bag","We have been using this product for over a year now, Goldie our dog loves it, she is 15 years old now." 4722,B00139TT72,A132ETQPMHQ585,"Donna's Reviews ""I Love Shopping on Amazon!""",0,0,2,1324166400,Good but not my favorite.........,"Good but n
?oto??mym? f ?avavov?rirititete.e..........?..................N...?????n'n?s s???n n O Or Orgr??anian??s s As AdAdud??t t Dt DoDogo? F FoF??d d? Fo F?ormormumul?a,a, , 7 ?-P-PoP?unu????aga???........I....? n ?owo??bub??y my mymy my??ogogsog?s Ts ?asaststete te o ?f f t ththehe e??ilildl??SaSalalmlmom?n ??????grgrereaeata??ststust??f f bf bubuybuy ?it? o?n ?AmAmamazmazozonon!on?~ ~ T ThThehe he l lel??s s fs fifil?lelerlersrs s ts ththethe e be ?etetttte?r r n no notot ot m me meaealealsls ?s fos for? m my my y dy dodogdoggg??eses!es??""4474??3,3,B,?000010131393?TTT?7272,72,A,??VJV?S9S9C9?VBVBBB?N4N4N4?,","K"KaKat?ie??VeVene?????"t"titipipipiiiinincnc"c?"""""","?0,0?,0,,0?5,5?13?222282878707?4040000,00,G,GrG?reareatat at? fo foror ?pipicpi?kyk???en?sis?itiit?vev?e de dodog?s,s?I ?hah?aveave e te ?wowo o Eo EnEngn??isi?h h? bu bul?? t te tere?ririeri?? w wiwitithit?h bh babadad d ad al?le??? O On Onene e oe ofof of w wh w?icichic?h ih isis is v veververyr???picpickpic?? a an?d d qd ququiu?ickicklklyly ?y sty s?toptoppp?ede?d ed ea??tintingng ng a an anyn??tytypypepe pe???f df do?dog dog f fo?odod od??ha?t t It I ?bob????t.t. ?Th??y y hy hahavha?ve ve??????eaeat?in?g ?NeNewNe??anan'an's's 's??dvd?
ot my favorite.........Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula, 7-Pound Bag....I now buy my dogs Taste of the Wild Salmon just great stuff buy it on Amazon!~ The less fillers the better not meals for my doggies!~" 4723,B00139TT72,AUVJS9CVBBN4N,"Katie Vento ""tipiinc""",0,0,5,1322870400,Great for picky sensitive dogs,I have two English bull terrier with bad allergies. One of which is very picky and quickly stopped eating any type of dog food that I bought. They have been eating Newman's adva
nncn??d d d ?ogog g f ?orormr?ululal?? fo f?or or a acactctit?veve e o oror or sor ???ioioror ???gsgs s? fo for for r 1 1818 8?momonontn?hsh??non????ndnd ?hahavaveve ve n nonotnot t?titirti?ed? o?? i itit.t??ThTheh?iri??skskikini? a an and and d md mo?bibilililitityity y h hahasha?s is imi?prprorovo???d ad ana?nd nd? th theheyhey y ly lol?oveov?e ie it?. ?? b ??y y iy itit it b by b??susububsb?crcriripiptp??onon on?soso o w wew??neneve?verver r hr ?havhaveve ve tve ??o wo wowororrorryry y ay aba?ououtut t rt ?ununnn??ngng g og ou?t t at ??d d id ?it it iit isis s ts ththeth?e ce ?heheaheapapeperer ??ayay y ty ?to to p pup?rcrch?asase?. ???y l??cacalal l s st s??re?s s os ononlonlyl?y sy sey sele?l l sl ?mam?allal?l bl ???gs gs? wh whih?chch ch i??s as an? e ??pe???iviveiv?e we wawayway y ty toy t?o bo bubuybu???474727?4,4?B0B000010???TTTT7T7272,72??P9P9Z9?Z0Z?KNKNVNVIVIQI?1N1?,M,?el?ba?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,?,1,?13213?262?111?202?00,00,S,SaS?ti??faf?actac??torytory y :y :):?,","R"???ceiceiviveivedived ?d ind in n an a ?titimtimem?elyely y my mamanmannnnennerer er? an and? i in in n gn gogooo?d ?coc?ondondidititiitio?n.n. ?. My. My ?MiM??hkh?a a ia ?? a??lilitlittttltlele ?sps?oioilileileded ?(I(I I cI ???k k? he herer ??meame??s s ws ??henhen n In I ?I caI c?
nced dog formula for active or senior dogs for 18 months now and have not tired of it. Their skin and mobility has improved and they love it. I buy it by subscription so we never have to worry about running out and it is the cheaper way to purchase. My local stores only sell small bags which is an expensive way to buy. 4724,B00139TT72,AP9ZZ0KNVIQ1N,Melba,0,0,5,1322611200,Satisfactory :),"Received in a timely manner and in good condition. My Mishka is a little spoiled (I cook her meals when I can
a afa??orordrd d i itit,t, , b bub?y y?heh?r r w wewelellllnl?esessss s k ?ibi?blblele e w wh whehenhen n?I I c cac?n'n't't)t) )??????hehe he a at a?e e te ??isis s ws wiw??llill?ngnglg??. . I? b??ugughghth?t tt ththith?is is b?ececacauca?sese e ie itit it?quq?ala?ifi?ieieded d fd ?forfo??ovovevererner?igigh?t t st ?shishipi?pipin?g,g, , u, ununln?liklikek?e t?he?he mhe mumucuchc? h he heae?vivieierier ???ll??nesness?? ba bagag,g, g,??ndnd d sd shsheshe e we wawasa?s as alalmal?oso??t ot ?outout t ot oft of f k ki kibibbibbl?e.e. ??'m'm m h??ppppypp?y wy wiwitwithth th?ththeth???omompm?roromomiomisiseise.e."e.???727???B0B000010?3939T9TTTT7T72?,A,A3A3333P3PVPVCV?HCHCQCQ2Q??TNTN0N??,Ba,Balaliali i B ??ounound?,0,0,??0,50,5,5,15,?13113?61613?131213120200?,",?GrGrer?eatea?t pt prproprodo?ucuctuc?t, t, m mym?y dy ?ogo?s s ls lolovoveove e ie ite i?!"!","?,"I,"I I bI bubuybu?y Ny NeNewe?mam?ansans ?OwO???adaduduldultlt t dt dodogdo???foofood? f fo for? m?y y ty twtwow?? ch chihihhihuhuauahuahuhuahuas?. ? I I' I'v'?ve ve a?lwlwa?ysy??fefeded ed t th thehemhem m nm ?atatutururaralal,al, , h, huhumhu?manman-n-g-?ra?ded?e de ??dog dog f fo foo fo??, ?evevevenven n tn th?ouougoughgh gh m??ostost t bt brbraranrand??s cs ca?n n bn beb?e ae a a b bi b?it it pit pr?iciceceyey.?? L ???? m mo?st?
afford it, buy her wellness kibble when I can't) but she ate this willingly. I bought this because it qualified for overnight shipping, unlike the much heavier wellness bag, and she was almost out of kibble. I'm happy with the compromise." 4725,B00139TT72,A33PVCHCQ2BTN0,Bali Bound,0,0,5,1316131200,"Great product, my dogs love it!","I buy Newmans Own adult dog food for my two chihuahuas. I've always fed them natural, human-grade dog food, even though most brands can be a bit pricey. Like most
?pepete? p papararer?ntntst?? I ??trtryry y??o o?dod?o to ??e e b beb?sts?t It ???anan n?foforo? m ??y dy do?gsg???hihicichch h s st?arartartsts ts w???th th f fe f??did?ngng g t th thehemhem m?ririgi?htht.t? M MoMosostst st d do d?g g fg fofoofoodod d??cancan n bn bebe be d???gugusu?stist?inging g ag ??d d td ththethe e pe prpraracactctiticiceic?es es? be b??hinhi?d ?it? a arareare e de di??stust?rbrbibining??. . N NeNewe??an?s ??wnwn n in isis is m mo mororeore ?afaffffoforfordr?aba??e,e, ???and and I I I f fe fee fe?l l g ??odod od a ab abob?utut t tt th?the the c co c???panpa??'s'?s es et?hi????anand?and pand prpraprac?titicti?eses ?soso o io it???asa???orortor?th ?? t tr try?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />M>?y y dy doy dogogsog???ovo?e e ie itit it sit ?so so i itit it wit wait w?as as e eae?asyasy y ty ?o o so swswiw???ch ch f fr f??om om t????oto?thetherthe?r br ???andand.and. . ?ThTheheyhe??gogobgobbbbl?e e i?t ?upup!p?????owow w h ??ve? i it i?t ot ono?n sn sus?bsbscscrcriripri?titioti?on on? so so o wo wew??e doe don?'t'??rurunun ?ououtout.t."t.?4474?2626,6,B,B0B000?1313939T9TTTT7T7272,72?A1A1Q1?GBG?YWYWDWD6D??8P8?6L6L,L??ononaonataththath?an an?F.F??0,0?,0,,0?5,5?1313113141464??242404?00,00,B?esestes?t Pt PrPriricricece ce a??
pet parents, I try to do the best I can for my dogs which starts with feeding them right. Most dog food can be disgusting and the practices behind it are disturbing. Newmans Own is more affordable, and I feel good about the company's ethics and practices so it was worth a try.<br /><br />My dogs love it so it was easy to switch from the other brand. They gobble it up! I now have it on subscription so we don't run out." 4726,B00139TT72,A1QGBYWD6D8P6L,Jonathan F.,0,0,5,1314662400,Best Price aro
u??? f foforor r a ? g grgrereaeatat t d ??g g f fo foooodod,d,","4"4-4-y-yey??r ???d ????hohouounundund ??ovoveveses s t ?hihisi?s fs ?foofoodod,od, , a an andnd nd i ?t ?kekeee?psp?s hs heherer r ir inin n g gr g?reareatat at h ?heahe?ltl??. .? A ?mamazazoz?n n hn hahasas s ts ??e e???estest t pt prpriricicec?e Ie I'I'v'?? f fo fou founund?? fo for fo?r tr ?thithis? f????od, od,? an and an?d id it??s s es evevevenve??bebetbetttteterer er?wiw?ithith h???bsbscs?ri??? a an and? s sa . I I I h hi higighg?lyly y r rerecre?omommm?ene?nd nd ind ?""4474727?7,7,B,???131393??T7T72?,A,A2A?K5K545?Q3Q3333O3?P6P?EJE??,w,wi??lilieie e ae ?nd??sosopophphihiehie,e????????????1441440400000000,??re???t at al?te?rnr?at??ve?,"?GrGreGreaeateat ???ltelterernerna??iviveiv?e te ?????og og?? foo??d wd wiwitwi?th th???rnrn rn? an? and and o and otoththetherther ?byby-y-p-pr?od?ucuctc?s.s?. O. ?urur r pr ????y y dy dodogdogsgs s es ens enjnjoj??y ty ?thithisthis s fs fos foooodood ???d d sd ?so so d? do do I I, I, , k, ??owo???g<g?brb?r /r />/?it?? is i?s bs ?betbettbetteterter ter t th t???r r hr ?hea?ltlthlth.h?."."447472??,B,B0,B?00100??9T9TT9T?T72T7???ODODWDWFW?????L0L0F0FGFG,??ororkor?shshohophoppppeper?,0,0,?0,
und for a great dog food,"4-year old Elkhound loves this food, and it keeps her in great health. Amazon has the best price I've found for this food, and it's even better with subscribe and save. I highly recommend it." 4727,B00139TT72,A2K54Q33OP6EJG,willie and sophie,0,0,4,1314144000,Great alternative,"Great alternative to dog food with corn and other by-products. Our picky dogs enjoy this food and so do I, knowing<br />it is better their health." 4728,B00139TT72,AODWFJHMNL0FG,workshopper,0,0,
55,5,1,?313?060??808000?00,00,G,??odo? q ?uau?lilitityty,y?I I f fefeee?l l?gogoo?d d ad ?bob?utu? t ?hehe e q qu quaualuali?ty??anandnd d md mim?? i ?it it w ?itithith h??anannanneneded d Pd PNP?? fo f?oodood.ood?? S ?hehe he?dodoeoesesns?'t't t ct cacarca?e ??oror r i it it t bt byby y? it its itsesel?f f b bubut???hehenhen n??hehe he dhe ?doedoesesnesn'?t t lt lilikli????anyan?y dy drdryry y d?ogogfg??odod.od..?4747272929,9,B,B0B?0010013?9T9TTTT7T7272,72?A3A3C3?DDD?W2W?K4K??IYIYIYIXI?,B,Bo,Bobob b?C,C,0,0,0,0?,5,?5,15,13?0808888788???0000,00,O00,OnOnene ne o ofo?f tf ththeth??beb?estes?t ft foforfor r or ??r r 1r ?1 1???arar r o?ldl?d Jd JaJ??k k R RuR?sssseselse?l l ml mi?x.x.,.,","O"OnOneOne e oe of? t th the the ?e bee bes?est est f fo for fo?r o?uru??r 11r 1?1 y1 ye?ar? o ol o?? J JaJacJackck ck??us???sellsel?l m???.<.<b<brbr ?/>/>I>I I aI ?alwalwawayaysys s???hecheckck ck tck tot??mam?keke ke???? f fi firirsrstst t it ??grg??did?ene?t t it ist i????eateat ?oror or c ch chi chici?ckeckenen,en, , n nonoto?t at a a??ypy??ododuod??t.t.".""447473??0,B0,B0??13?139T139?TT7TT7272,72,A72,A3A3KA3KPK????DQD?FUF?RVR???????s s Bs BeB?ck?ckercker,r,0?,0,0,0,??5,5,15,135,13030101001090?76760600600,0,M0,MyMy y Fy ?usussussyussy y dy doy dogy dogsg?s es eaeateat eat t??isis!is
5,1310688000,Good quality,I feel good about the quality and mix it with canned PN food. She doesn't care for it by itself but then she doesn't like any dry dogfood. 4729,B00139TT72,A3CDDW2K4FIYIX,Bob C,0,0,5,1308873600,One of the best for our 11 year old Jack Russell mix.,"One of the best for our 11 year old Jack Russell mix.<br />I always check to make the first ingredient is meat or chicken, not a byproduct." 4730,B00139TT72,A3KPO9QDQFURVW,Janis Becker,0,0,5,1301097600,My Fussy dogs eat this!
,?I I?hahavaveve e 4 4 4 a ada?ulu?t t S ShShih??????s s a an andn? w ???lele ??heheye? d dodo o p prp????r r?itit ???ene? I ??cocooookok k f fof??r tr ththethemem.m............?... ... t th??y ?dodo do e ?atat t tt ??isis s as anandnd nd i?t t ht hahashas ??helhe?pep???elelilimi??nanatateate e te the the? b ?rorowownw?is?? t te t?earear r sr ??aiain?s ????they they g gegete?t wt wht w?henhen n In ??fe??ed ed t th t??? s sosomomeme e de ???y fy fofoofo?dsds.s..4474737?1,1,B,B0B000010?393??T7T727??A2A??4H4??DADATATOT?AYA?EYEY,Y,","K"??rerenre?n Bn BaBakakekerer er " """"c"cic??y y my mam?mama"ma"""""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3,1,121?979797989878?72072???GiGivivevesve?s ms ?y y Dy ?alalmlma??iai?an an m mimixmix x h ho hororrorriribiblblele le g ga g??!,!,","I,"???ve ve b be beee?en en s se seaearearcearchchi?ngng g f fo for?? a a?non?-c-?corcornr?n nn nanatnatuturu???? do dogog g fg fo?foodfood ?toto o ko kekeekeepep p s sk s?inin in??rasra?heheshes s a?wawaya?........t...trt?rierieded ed Hed ??aloalo o wo ?whiwhicich? w wa was? g gr g?reareat? b bu butut ??so so? ex e??penpensnsisiv?e.e. .??ThT?hishi?s is is?? a ?????le?le mle momororeore e ae ?ffffoforfordrdad??bleble ?e ane andnd ?th?? i in ing??redredidieien??t lt lilislistst st?lolooookooksks s vs ?verve?? s
,I have 4 adult Shih-Tzus and while they do prefer it when I cook for them...... they do eat this and it has helped eliminate the brownish tear stains they get when I feed them some dry foods. 4731,B00139TT72,A234HXDATOAYEY,"Karen Baker ""city mama""",0,0,3,1297987200,Gives my Dalmatian mix horrible gas!,"I've been searching for a no-corn natural dog food to keep skin rashes away...tried Halo which was great but so expensive. This is a little more affordable and the ingredient list looks very s
iimimim?lalara? t toto o??ala?o,o? b ?utut.t...........o.oho? b?oyoy.y. . I I'I'm'? j jujusu?t t g ?la?d d?itit't's's s???armarm ??nonouougu?h h th toto to?hahavaveve e t?hehe e we ???dodowowsws ??pepenen!en! ! ?MyM??dodogdog g?lolovlovevesves s ts tht??? ta t??steste ??nd? t th the the ??uau?alialit?y y sy ses??msms s gs grg??ata??, s, soso o wo wewe'e?lll?? tr tryr??? m ?orore? d da d??s ?s tos to o so seseesee e ie ?f f? th thi th?ingin?s s ss se??tltlel?e de ??wnw??""44747373232,2,B,B0B000010???TTTT7T7272,?A3A3N3NVN??6H6?KMK??H2H?NMNM,M,",?DoDouougougl??as as C C.C. ?MeM?eekeeksks ?"""?dodoudoug?_m_?eeeek?s"s??","?0,0?,0,,0,4,4,4,1,121292949??171?60600?,D,DoDogDogs???ovo?? I It I??"I"? r ???d d ad alallall ?th?e e re rerevre?iei?wsws ws b?efe?ororeor?e be bu?yiyin?? t???s ??foofoodo?d ad and and?nd ond ovoveovere?al?all all I I I w wa was?as ias imimpimprp?resre?sesedsed d wd wiwitwi?th th t th the the the p prproprododuod?ctct ?mymysyseys??f.f. . . ?ThThe?he dhe do?dogsdog?s ls lil?keke e ie ite it,?? th the?y y hy ha?veve ve nve no? i il i?ll ll e efeffeffefece??s ??as as 1as ? r?evevi?eweweewerer er a ??alleallegegeg?d ???loolookokik?inging ??at at h he h??er oer ?ththe?r r rr ?revrevirevie???ws Iws I I tI ?thith?inkink k? he
imilar to Halo, but....oh boy. I'm just glad it's warm enough to have the windows open! My dog loves the taste and the quality seems great, so we'll try 2 more days to see if things settle down." 4732,B00139TT72,A3NVB6HKMUH2NM,"Douglas C. Meeks ""doug_meeks""",0,0,4,1294617600,Dogs Love It,"I read all the reviews before buying this food and overall I was impressed with the product myself. The dogs like it, they have no ill effects as 1 reviewer alleged (looking at her other reviews I think he
rrsr? s ?hoh??ldld d b beb? t totososssses???byb? A AmAmamazazoz?n)n) ) a ??d d Id I I?cac?an an g gegetet t?itit t ft ??? e evevev?? l lelesessss ss o onon on?? s su sububsbscs??ipiptptitioi?on on won ?it?? P ?ri?mem??whwhihici???me?anansans ?2 2 D DaDaya?y Ny NoNo o C ?osostos?t st shshish?ippip?iningn?. .? W ?hahata???nonotot t tt ?? l lo lovoveve?ve???I ?dodo ?mimixix x t??hishis s ws wiwitwithth h sh ?omomeme me P Pr Preresescescrcricripiptiptitioti?on on Don ???et et J J/J/D/D D???incincece e Ie I I hI ?havha?ve ve? on o?e ?""""o"olo????' ' d do?g g a??nd nd 1 1 1 w wi?withwith h s?omomeom?e ae ???lerle?gig??s ??andan??ththethe e ce coc?ombom?o o so se??msms ??to to hto hehele?p.p?? B BoB?ottotto???LiLinineine:e: :?? It It ??s ?s a s a? go gooo?d d pd prp?od?ucuctct t at an?? a af a?tet?er er d?oioininging ?? t?on??ofof f r re?adadidininging ing ( (I(I ?I doI d?on'on't't t bt bub?y y my ??y ay ?anianimi?malma???chchech??? f fofoofoodod od o??r Ar ANANYN???ININGNG G t? tha thatat at?I I tI ththithin?k k? co comomeomesomes s fs frf?romrom m Cm ???nan?) ) I) ?I tI thI t?hinhinkhin?k ik ?it it d do doe does? e ev eveververyrytyth?thinthing? i it i??clclalaiaimimsims.s.".""4474?333?,B,B0B000???9T9TTT?7272,2,A,A1A1F1FXFXYX?WVW?5D5?292?RUR?B,B,",?ma?
rs should be tossed by Amazon) and I can get it for even less on a subscription with Prime which means 2 Day No Cost shipping. Whats not to love? I do mix this with some Prescription Diet J/D since I have one ""older' dog and 1 with some allergies and the combo seems to help. Bottom Line: It is a good product and after doing a ton of reading (I don't buy my animals cheap food or ANYTHING that I think comes from China) I think it does everything it claims." 4733,B00139TT72,A1FXYWV5D29RUB,"man
u??etetet?? " """"m"mam?nun?ureuret?ea?"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,??919191939393929??0,0,N0,?ewewmwma??'s'? O ??? O Or Orgrgagananian?? D ?ogog g F FoFoooodo?,","M"MyMy y Y YoYoro?kikiei??oooo oo t ththrh??veveses ?onon ?ththithisi?s ds ?ogog og f fofoooodood.d. . I I I?rar?an an??utu?? tw t?o o w weweeeekeksks s as agagog?, ,??o ?lol??alal l?sosouourourcrcece,e?, b, bob??ghghth?t at a a ca cocomompm???iti??or'or's? s so so ?cacalcalll??d d?????ivaival???t t ot on???y ty to? s se s?? m mym?y Qy ?uiuinuinnnn n sn sus?ffffef????roromom om?it??hihiningng g ag ??d d bd bebelellllylly y ay . I I I o or ordr?erereereded ed t th t???s fs frfro?m m A AmA?mazmazozon? y ?esestesteterte?rdardayay,y, , f, frfrefr??ee see ?hihiphippp???g,g, , t, ?theth?y y sy ??entent t it it? o ou o?ut ut h hoh?ouroursour?s ls ?atate???an??? I I r I rerecrecic?ievie??d d id it??to?daday?!"!???737343?,B,B0B00?13139?TTTT7T7272,2?A2A272??UQU?BPBPNPNJNJVJ?LLLLTL??CaCara??lil??e,e,0e,0,0,00,?0,50,5,5,15,1212712787?111151?2020020???My My?dodogdo??lo???s ?th??s s f?ooood?!!!!,!,"?MyMy ?TiT?bebetbe??in in??er?ri?oror or??s ?? y ye yea?rsr??s ols oldld ?anand?and hand hahasas s bs be??en en o?n ?????
uretea ""manuretea""",0,0,5,1291939200,Newman's Own Organic Dog Food,"My YorkiePoo thrives on this dog food. I ran out two weeks ago, no local source, bought a competitor's so called equivalent only to see my Quinn suffer from itching and belly aches. I ordered this from Amazon yesterday, free shipping, they sent it out hours later and I recieved it today!" 4734,B00139TT72,A277UQBPNJVLLT,Caroline,0,0,5,1278115200,My dog loves this food!!,"My Tibetin Terrior is 3 years old and has been on Welln
?ese?? f fof?odo? s sisinincn?e e??irirtr?h.h?? I I I j jujusustst t r rerece?cencentn?lyl? f fo fouounu??d Nd ?ewewmwmamana?'s's s Os ?wnwn n?OrO???anianici?s.s.<.<b<brbr r / ?>T>?hehe e pe ?riric???wawasas s as ? b bi bitit t ct ??heahe?peperer,r, ,???usus us? fr frereeree ?shshihipippppipiningin???o o m mym?y hy hohomomem?? A AWAWEWESESOS?MEM??! ! ?WhWhehenhe?n In I ???arartrtert?d d td toto to g grg?adaduduau?lllly??chchach??geg?e fe ???odsods.? M MyMy y Ly ?IVIVIVI,I?<b<br<br r /r ?/>w/>wowou?ldl?d ed ?ata?t ot ononlnlyly ly tly th?e e Ne Ne?wm??ansans's' ' a anandand d ld ?eaeaveavev?e te ththethe the W We Wele?llnllnenesessess s ts ?to ???ateaterer er?whw?henhen hen s?hehe he w wa w?as as r?eaealeallllyll?y hy huy hunungungrgrygry.y. ? S ?o o Fo FuFun??y!y! ! ! S! ShShehe he ihe isi?s ts ths the?he "he """?ququeueeeenen"n""? a an a?nd nd s sh she she ?knknon?wsws ?itit!it!!!!"!?4474737???B0B000010131?9T9??727?,A,A3A3J3J4J?959505?01S01?LHLH2H2424M4M,M,",??ar???""H""HeH???it? c cr c?rabrab"b""?","?0,0,0?,4,?,1,121??7777677696969?0000,00,m,my? d ???chschshshushun??s ??ovoveve ve?it??,"I,"????on'on???knknokn?ow ow w wh whyh??, b, bebec?auaususeuse e ie ?it it dit dodoedoesesnes?n'tn't t lt ?loolo?k k?veververyry ???pepetpe??zizininging,ing???utut t mt my
ess food since birth. I just recently found Newman's Own Organics.<br />The price was a bit cheaper, plus free shipping to my home! AWESOME! When I started to gradually change foods. My LIVI,<br />would eat only the Newmans' and leave the Wellness to later when she was really hungry. So Funny! She is the ""queen"" and she knows it!!" 4735,B00139TT72,A3J49501SLH24M,"Lar ""Hermit crab""",0,0,4,1277769600,my dachshunds love it,"I don't know why, because it doesn't look very appetizing, but my
???? d dadaca?hshshshuhunundn?? l lolovo?e e? th thih?s s ss ststutufuffff f a anandnd nd s scscac?rfrf f if itit t d?owownwn n?wiwit?h h?grg?eaeatat ?ababab?andandodono?.".?4?737363?,B,B0B??1313939T9TTT?727???1S1S7S?LSLSTST1T1G1??1C1?3,3,","A"AyA?axa? J J.J??CoC??dede e "e """"J"JaJacackack k c ?on??e"e"""""""","?0,0,0?,4,4,4?121272777?73373373??00??FiF??e e Pe ?rorododuducuctct,t,I,???avaveve ve b ?eeeenen n un ususisin?g g t??e ?prpro????ct ct??oror r? se seve?ververaralal l m momonontonthths? n nonowow.ow?? T ThT????dogdo??s s?eeeemeem m t to to ?lil?kek???? a?ndnd nd hnd hahavhaviv??ing ing i itit it dit de??livliveververever?d d i is is s rs rereareal?lyly y n?icicece.e?. . W. WhW???t mt momormore?? ca can??I I sI sasayay?y?4474?73773??,B0,B00?13139139T9TT9TT7?2,2,A2,?A1QA1QJQ??Z8Z???QKQ??3V3?,B?erernrnanada?in?e e Pe Poe P?????,0,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,1,12,1?27427?484868??00?00,O00,OrOrgrgagan?icic ic d? dog dog g fg fo?odod.od.,.,","H,"HeHelelll?lo,lo, , I I I h?av?e ?trtrir?ed? s so somomeme ??ifi?ffefferereerenentent t ft ??foodfoodsds ds f fo foror or m my my y dy do?dog,dog,b,???t tt th???? is is is t th???ononeone ??shesh???ololeolereraer?ateateses s ts ?theth?e be be? ?ha?havehave ?a a 1 ?13 13?yeyeaearear
two dachshunds love this stuff and scarf it down with great abandon." 4736,B00139TT72,A1S7LST1G51C3,"Ayax J. Conde ""Jack conde""",0,0,4,1277337600,Fine Product,I have been using the product for several months now. The dogs seem to like it and having it delivered is really nice. What more can I say? 4737,B00139TT72,A1QJMZ87TQKT3V,Bernadine Poling,0,0,5,1274486400,Organic dog food.,"Hello, I have tried some different foods for my dog,but this is the one she tolerates the best.I have a 13 year
?ololdld d B BoBorordrded???CoCol??ieie/e?LaL?? m mimixix x a anandnd d hd ?ava?e e b bebeeeenen n g ?ivi???g g h ?erer er t tht?isis s??ooo???foforfor ?quq?ititet?e se sosomomeme e te titimime? n nonowo???hehe he l ??vevesve?s is y yoyouou.u?""4??383?,B,?000?131?9T9TTTT7T?2,2,A,??2M2MOM?9F9FLF??9N9???O,O??ata?theth???ineine e Ae A.A? S StStutuauarartrt,t,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,?,1,12??8080000600?404?00,00,a,?wew??somso?me me pme prprorododuoducu??!,!,","t"??the the? au aututot? s ???p p?isis is? a a? te t?errer?ifi??? w ?aya? t?o ?geg?t t h?arardar??toto to f?inindin?d dd dodogog g fg fo?odod od???kek?????mam?an'an???- - I I I c cacanan;an??t ft fifinfi?nd nd i it it t it inin in m?y y ay ar?eaea a a at at t at alalll??????nd ind itit it????al?? m????ldldeldererlerlyl?y dy ??g ??cancan n en eaeateat ?wiwitithit???erer er Ier ?BSB?? an and an?d pd prprepr?eseesererver?at??iveive ?e see senensensis?itiit??ititi??<.<b<brb?r /r />/> >? E ?asasys?y a??nd nd cnd ???t ?efefff?ece???ive?. . . ?? o ononlnly? w?reres?tlt?e e we wiwitwithth th???he ?COCO2O2 2 f fo f?ootootptpr??intint ?on? h ha hav ha?vinvingng ng i it?? to? b be be e se she shi?hipphip??d d :d ?(((( (? A AnAndnd ???
old Border Collie/Lab mix and have been giving her this food for quite some time now.She loves it.Thank you." 4738,B00139TT72,A12MO9FLM9NFSO,Katherine A. Stuart,0,0,5,1268006400,awesome product!,"the auto ship is a terrific way to get hard to find dog food like Newman's-- I can;t find it in my area at all, and it is all my elderly dog can eat with her IBS and preservative sensitivities.<br /> Easy and cost effective. I only wrestle with the CO2 footprint on having it to be shipped :(( And am
?wow??kikiningng g?onon n?fifinindin?in??g ag ana?n on ofofff??ete? f?oror or?tht?atat.t. .?!!!! ! : :):?""4474??9,9,B,B0B??131??TTTT7T727??A2A?XYX??HKHKHK?5R5RVR???5,5,",?E.E. ?HoH?memere??""""b"beb?yoyonondond d????kyky"y"""""""??0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,121?666686??323?00?,G,GrGrer?at? o op optptitioionon on f fo for for ?ororgorgagananianicic ic???g g fg ??odo??? f fe feeeede?d md ?y y 1 1010 0 y yey???r or olr oldld d td totoyoy y by ??reere?? t??isis s????????d ?shshehe e h ha?snsn'n't't ?cocom?plplalaiain?ed?ed yed ?yetye?t. t.???asas s fs ??eedeedi??ng ng? he herer er E EuEuku?ananuan?bab?? he?r ???ololele ???fefe fe b bebefbefoforforere re???e ?do??g fg fog foooodood d s?cac?re?. . . S SwSwiwititct?hehedhe???hehenhe???to to o?nlnlyly ??org???anicanic c? br b?anand??s ls liliklikeke ??ele?lnl?esessss.s. ?. T. ThThihishi?s ps prp?ododuoducu?t ???has has b be b?eenee????he he? be bes be?t t dt ded?ealeal l o on on on o or orgrgaganga?icic ic dic dodogdog dog f fo foo?d d Id ??hahavha?e ?fofoufounu??d ad ?andand and w ?witwith?? th?? s susububsub?crcrir?be? a?ndnd nd s?!ct!!??474??0,0,B0,?B00B001??39T39TT39TT7T72T72,???SYSYQYQGQGDGDNDNHNH4H47?MVM??9,"9,?J.J??
working on finding an offset for that. !! :)" 4739,B00139TT72,A2XY3HKH5RVRM5,"E. Homer ""beyond picky""",0,0,5,1266883200,Great option for organic dog food,I feed my 10 year old toy breed this food and she hasn't complained yet. Was feeding her Eukanuba her whole life before the dog food scare. Switched then to only organic brands like Wellness. This product has been the best deal on organic dog food I have found and with the subscribe and save...perfect!! 4740,B00139TT72,A2SYQGDNH47MV9,"J. P
??n n " """??pap??"""""""????,0,,0,5,?,1,121252515161676767686808??0,V0,VeVereryr? g gog??? n nanata?ururar?? d dodogog g f fofoo?d,d,","T"???? i ?? a ? g gr g??atat at p prp?od?ucuctc?. . V VeVerVeryry ry??omo??forfortr?iningng g fg fo?? o owo?nenerersers ?ththah?at at iat itit t? is is s as ?allal?l nl na?tu?raralra?l (l (a(an?d d md ?osoststltlyly y oy ororgrgag?anianicic)c) ) w wiw??h h n no n? b byby ??proprod?oducoduct???s ans andnd ????sesererver?atatiat??es?.<.?brbr r?/>/><>?<br<br ??/>W/>?? g??veve ve? ou our? d do dog? ( ?(a (a?7 7?yey?earear r or ololdld ??aba? m ?ixi?) ) P) ??tPtPrProromro?mismi?se se b be b??forforefore.e. . A. AfAftfteterer er t th?e ?trt?ranransnsisit?ioi?n ?itit it t?oo?? a a a c?ouo?plplel??ofof f d da d?ysy?s fs ??for for hfor heherer ?toto ?geget? u ususesedse?d td toto to i??, ,? bu butut t ot ?onconcece e se shshehe he? di didid ???e e le lol?vevesve??it?. . M. MyMy y dy dodogdog g ig isis ?ququiuititeit?e pe ??ickickyk?y ay ab?ou?t t ht ??????odod od? an and? s shshe? l liliki??? "???ununknk k fk ????""? b be bet bettt??r r rr ?ratraththe?r ??thathanan an w wh w?ololeol?esoesom?e e fe fofoofoodfood food a an and and d t?rereareat?s ?(o(ofof of c co?ur???!)!?. . S. ShS?he ?isis is vis veverve
an ""Jpan""",0,0,5,1251676800,Very good natural dog food,"This is a great product. Very comforting for owners that it is all natural (and mostly organic) with no by products and preservatives.<br /><br />We gave our dog (a 7 year old lab mix) PetPromise before. After the transition it took a couple of days for her to get used to it, but once she did she loves it. My dog is quite picky about her food and she likes ""junk food"" better rather than wholesome food and treats (of course!). She is ver
?y y u ususeseded d?toto o N NeNewewmwmamana?'s'? o owo?n n n ?ow? a an?d d id ?t t g gigiviveveses ?heherer r v ve?ryr??gogooo?d d bd bobow????ovove???ntnt.t. .?AlA?wawayaysy?s as a a p plplul?us!us!"!""4474??1,1,B,B0B000???9T9TTTT7T????1H1H3H3K3K0K0Z0Z1Z1A1?DGDGNGNENEHE?,","N"?ananaana ?"""?SoS?utuththe?rnrn n Cn CoCooookoo?"""""""","?0,0,0,0,,0,5,?,1,1212424646161414747247??00,00?DoD???????es es i it?!,!??I I a?dod?ptptet?ed ed a??rer???ueue e d do??g wg ?hoho ??adad ?anan an??lllleler?gygy y ty toto to?coc??rn.rn. ???chchehecheckckekeded ed eed eveveververyvery y by babagag g ig inin ?loloclocacalal l sl ststotortoreresre??bubutut ut a? all all l ml mamaimainin in??ili?llell?ersers s ws ?er???cocorco?rn.rn. rn.?I I tI ??ou??hth??I ?wowou?ldl?d hd ?havhave? t?o ??rir?????to to nto neneae???restres??pepete?t st st??oreore e (e ??120120 0 m mi milileile ?rorou?ndn?d td trtri??)t)?to to fto fi?ndnd nd a a ?cocor?n n fn frfrereere?e de ??????oodood.d. . T. ?hehenhen n In I I fI fofououn??????s s b?raranandand and??n n An AmAmamazmazozonon ?whwhiwhici?ch ch? li l??tetedted d ad ald a?? t?he? i in ingngrg??te?ntntsnt??. N. NoN?o co cocor??! ! M MyM?y dy do?dog dog ldog lo?????itit it s ??o mo mumucuch?, , I I I?
y used to Newman's own now and it gives her very good bowl movement. Always a plus!" 4741,B00139TT72,A1H3K0Z1ADGNEH,"Nana ""Southern Cook""",0,0,5,1246147200,Dog loves it!,"I adopted a rescue dog who had an allergy to corn. I checked every bag in local stores but all main fillers were corn. I thought I would have to drive to nearest pet store (120 mile round trip)to find a corn free dog food. Then I found this brand on Amazon which listed all the ingretents. No corn! My dog loves it so much, I e
?vev?n n?ususese e??t t a asa? a a a t trt??ckck k w ?heh?en en t?rar?ininin??g g h heherher.r. .?I'I'l'llll l b bebe e be ?uyuyiy?ing???gagaiainain n an anandn? a ag aga agaiainain.ain.".""4474747?2,2,B,?000???9T9TTT?7272,?A1A??OSO?3J3??MXMXXX?1U1U4U4,4,","G"?TKT? " """"G??TK"TK?"""""","?0,0??,4,4,?121?????888?00??GoG?odo??????fof???,","M,"MyM??do???neneveveverve??mem???a a m me meaeala?l sl ??? d di dididnd??t t lt lolovove?? in i?clc?ududidin?ing ing ting ththihisis s os ? ? T ThThehe he phe prp?ricri?e ?is? v ve?veryver???oooodood,ood, , e ??pepece??alallallyly y uy ututit?lilizizizininging ing t?hehe ?susubu?scs??ripriptp??onon on?opoptptipt????. . I. I I m?akakek?e 2e 2/2/3/? o of of f t th thehe ?fofoofoodod od I? f fefeeeeded ?mymy y dy dodogdog,dog, , i, ?it'it's'??ve?very???asasyas??an???ececoec?onoonomo??icaicalal al a an a?nd nd t th the the ??esestest t wt wawayay y ty ?o o c cocon?trtrotr?l l tl ththethe e qe ??alalialitityity.y???47474743743,3,B?0000100?139139T9TT9TT7T72T7?2,A?3131I1IAIA1A1XA1?UOUONON7N?7S7??,"?CaC?th?therthe?rinrinene ne J ?. ?GaGara?bubusbu??""?ceceeceejejajayay"ay""?""",""",0,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,1,???6464747047040404??00,o00,??gaganga?nicnic c d?ogog og f fo f?oodood,ood,vood,ve???very hvery ?highighg
ven use it as a trick when training her. I'll be buying again and again." 4742,B00139TT72,A1MOS3J4MXX1U4,"GTK ""GTK""",0,0,4,1241308800,Good dog food,"My dog never met a meal she didn't love including this one. The price is very good, especially utilizing the subscription option. I make 2/3 of the food I feed my dog, it's very easy and economical and the best way to control the quality." 4743,B00139TT72,A31IA1XUON77SH,"Catherine J. Garbus ""ceejay""",0,0,5,1236470400,organic dog food,very high
????ala?itityty y f fofoooodod d t ?hah?? m ????ogog g w wiw?lll??acactc?uaualuall???eae????. . a??wawayaysys s s shs?ipi?s ?prproromompmptptlt?y y ay ana?d d wd wewele?ll ll p papacackackakaga?ededd??7474444,4,B,B0B000010131393?TTT??2,2?A2A2X2?Y3Y3H3HKH??5R5RVRVRVRMRM5M???E.E?. H. HoH??ere? " ??bebeyeyoy?nd? p pi picickckyky"y"""""""",",0,?,0,0,,0?5,????4545656969696060000,00,M,MyMy y dy doy d?og og l ??veveses s is it?.,.,"??'v'?ve ve a???waywa?ys ys g gigivi?venven n m??y d?y dogy dog ???hatha?t It ? t th thohouougu??t t wt wawaswas s hs hi???? qu q?ualualiualit?y y d??? f fo foo?d d sd ?inincncece e s???e we wa?was was? a a???ppppyp??. . ?AfA???? t? the th?e pe pepete?t ft ?foofood??isi?susueueses es o ?f f a? a f a ????yey?earearsr?s as agagoago o??I sI ??witwitctchchehedhe?d td tot?o oo ononlon?ly ly o or o???anianicic ic d ??g g fg ?foofoodfoo?d fd ?forfor ?heherhe?. ??SiSinincin?ce ce?? she sh??isis is? on onln?ly ly 1ly 101?? lb lbsbs s ts th??e p?riric?e e de did???ferferer?ncncence e i?snsn'n't'??totootoo ?bab?d.d. ?. I. ?I aI ama? a? a f??reeree e fe fe?ededeed???whwhiwhic?h h??snsn'sn't't 't i?dedeaealea?l bl bub?t t mt memeaeaneansns ???? do d?og og bog babasba??cacal??ly ly hly ??s s as acs a?cecescess? t
quality food that my dog will actually eat .. always ships promptly and well packaged 4744,B00139TT72,A2XY3HKH5RVRM5,"E. Homer ""beyond picky""",0,0,5,1234569600,My dog loves it.,"I've always given my dog what I thought was high quality dog food since she was a puppy. After the pet food issues of a few years ago I switched to only organic dog food for her. Since she is only 10 lbs the price difference isn't too bad. I am a free feeder which isn't ideal but means my dog basically has access t
?o o f fof?odod d a ana???tit?meme e s shs?e ??an?tsts s?itit.t. . ??ece???ses?e oe ofof f t???s ???e e oe one onlnlyly ?gegetets??rereae?lllly? e ?xcx?it?ede?d wd whw??n n?"""???opoplplel?"""" "" f fo foooodood ?isis is o ??feferereredred d td toto o ho ???. ? W WeW?llll ll w whwhewhenen n In ? o???n n tn ththi??s bs babagag g s sh shehe he c coc?me?s s os ovovever? a an andn???eateatsts ?asasasapap.p. ?. G. GoG?oodood ood e en e?ouougughg? f? for fo? m meme!me!"!""4474747??,B,B0B000?1313939T9TTTT7T??,A,A1A1D1?U2U2P2PQPQKQ??GMGM3M3B3BFBF,F?PaP??ririciciciaci??s ?BoBoo?ksks,s,3,??5,??,1,?242?20200????0,0?DoDogog g dg dodoeoesesnsn'n't'? l lil??e ??it,it,",?ThThi?his his? fo foo foodod od m mi m?gh??t ht hahavaveve ve???reare?? c?onontn??enten?ts,ts, , b bubutut ?mymy y 7y 7 7 1 1/1/2/? l lb l??, 1, 1111/1/21/2 2 y2 yry?r or ??d d pd popooood?lele le?dodoedo??n'n'tn't t lt liliklike? t? the the e te tatasastaste?. . S. ShS?he'he's? n no???a a p ?ic?kyky y ey ea??"?47?464?????1313913??T7T72T7??A3A3N3NMNMTMT4T4I4??KNKNINIKIKKKK4K4,4,l,lsl?ododeod??viv?ick??,1,,1?2,?5,5,1??262616151??606??,S,SoSo ?o hao hapappappyp?,"??ayayyyy!y!!!!!!! !! N NoN?t t ft fefeefeelelieliningng g wg wewelellell l t?
o food any time she wants it. Because of this she only gets really excited when ""people"" food is offered to her. Well when I open this bag she comes over and eats asap. Good enough for me!" 4745,B00139TT72,A1DU2PQKAGM3BF,Patricia's Books,3,5,1,1242000000,Dog doesn't like it,"This food might have great contents, but my 7 1/2 lb, 11/2 yr old poodle doesn't like the taste. She's not a picky eater." 4746,B00139TT72,A3NMT4IBKNIKK4,lsodervick,1,2,5,1326153600,So happy,"Yayy!!! Not feeling well to
?dad?y y a ana?d d?drdrer???iningng g?hahavavivin?g g tg toto o g gogo o to toto to g gr grorococec??y ??totortore?? B ??t t t tht?e e o ononene ??thith?inging ing I I I c ??annan?otot ?dodo ?wiwiti?thothououtut ut i isis s d do d??g fg ?oooodo?. . (. (l(lolovo?e e me ?y y dy dodogdogsgs)s?. ?LoLowo? a an and??????ldld,d, , t?he????oror r b?elellll l r raranangang g ag an??d id ?it it w ?asas ?lilikikek??SaSanantantata a h he h?eareardr?d md mem???I ?cacanca???t bt ??lilielieveve? h?ow??ququiuicickcklklyly ?my????rderder? c ca c?? I. I . I w?as???o o ho ?hapha??y y Iy I I pI ?osoststesteded d od onon on f faf?cecebce?oo???, a, anandand and t??xtx?t tt toto to mto my??mom?othotheherhe?. . T. ThThahanhanknk k??ouou ou?AMA?AZAZOZ?? : ?-)-? T ThThaTh?ankank ?yoyouyou u P PRPRIRIMI?E!E??!!"!!""44747474747,47?B0B000?1313939T9??727??A3A3131S1?M9M9999A9??NXN?DTD?G,G,T,?ininain?,1,1,1,2,?2,22,2,2,12,1313113?060?888808?000000,0,I,I I wI wi?shs??mymy my dmy dodogdog dog l lilikli?kedke?d id itd it,t,B,Ba,Basaseas?ed ed o?n n t th the the e ge grg??ata?t rt re?vivievi?wsws ?frfroromrom m e eveveev???yonyone?? ab a????ut tut ???iri?r pr pipicickic?y y dy doy dogogsogs s l?ovoviovin??ing iing ?it it ait an?and and aand alalwlwawaywa?s s es eaeatea?ininging ing i?t t It I I fI
day and dreading having to go to grocery store. But the one thing I cannot do without is dog food. (love my dogs). Low and behold, the door bell rang and it was like Santa heard me. I can't believe how quickly my order came. I was so happy I posted on facebook, and text to my mother. Thank you AMAZON :-) Thank you PRIME!!!" 4747,B00139TT72,A31SM99AQNXDTG,Tina,1,2,2,1310688000,I wish my dog liked it,Based on the great reviews from everyone about their picky dogs loving it and always eating it I f
iigigugururereded d m ?? p ?ici??????? w wowououluldl??enenjn?oyoy y iy ?t t a asas s w we welellll.l. .? T ThThehe e p?ririciceic??fof?r r t ththe? a am amom?ounou???isis s as ala?soso o v vev?ryry y gy gog?odo?d cd cocono??idided?erierini?g g ig ?it it?is? a al allll ll?ororgorgagana?icic ic b ?utu?t st sas???y y my my? d do?g g hg ?atatet??? . S ?he?he she ????lsls ls? it it ?anandan?d wd ?al??s s a?wawayway ?anandand and????n n i i i t tr tryry ry t to to o ho hihid?e e te th??e f?oooodood d sd ?hehe he fhe fifin?dsd?s hs ?herhe?r wr wa?way way t to to to e eae?? a ar arorouounoundound d td th?isis is fis fo??od.od. . ?I I w wo won??t bt beb?e be bubuybuyiyininging g ig itg it t at agt a???in in b bu b?ut ut???re??allallyly ly w wi w??hehedhed d md ?my ?dodog? e?njnjonjoy?ed? i it it it?soso so I I I??coucoul?d d c?onont?in?ueu??e toe t?o so susupuppppop?ortor?t tt ?thi?s s bs brb?anandand.and?4?747?8,8??000010131?9T9TTT?7272,2?AOAODODCD?TWTWTW??CECE6E6D6?X,X,","R"R.R???ororaor? " """"f"fafanantan??asyasy y ay ady addddidic?t"t""??,1,??2,?5,5,1,12,1???141424?4040000,00?MyMy ??picpi?ckyck?y dy doy d?og og l lolovove?s ?s its it,t,"?I ?trtririerieded ?mam?anyan?y dy diy dififff?er?en?t t tt tyt typy?eses es? of of f? dr dryry ?????d fd
igured my picky dog would enjoy it as well. The price for the amount is also very good considering it is all organic but sadly my dog hates it.. She smells it and walks away and when i try to hide the food she finds her way to eat around this food. I wont be buying it again but I really wished my dog enjoyed it so I could continue to support this brand. 4748,B00139TT72,AODCTWTSCE6DX,"R. Bora ""fantasy addict""",1,2,5,1267142400,My picky dog loves it,"I tried many different types of dry food f
ooror r m mym??pipicickckyk?y ey ?atatet??, ,?a a?cacavavav??ieier? k kik?ngng g c??ararlr?eses s??papananinie?l.l???hehenen n I I I?fof?unu?d d t ththehe he N NeN?????s s os owo?n n In I I hI hihiti? g ?????. M. MyMy y dy ?ogo?g lg ?ovovev?? i itit,it, ???he lhe li?ckckscks ?hi?s s bs bobowowlowl l c???anan,an, , a, anandand d bd ?esestes?t ot ofof f a al a?l ?it? i is is ??googoodod d fd foforfo??hihimhim.m???isis ??oao?at at l ?loolo?ksk?s vs veververyry ?heheahe?altal?thythy ?an?? h hihis?? in intnte?rmrmimitittittetentent? s st stot?ma?chc? i??susueueses es aes ?areare e c co c?nt?rorolollol?ledled.d. d. I? a am a? r rerea??llylly ?y hay h?ppppyp???itithith h th ththithisis is b ?raranandand.and. . I. I I wI wiwiswishsh ???it wit wawasas ?av?aiaili??blblele le a????or??e se ?to??resres.s.".""4??4949,9????131???T7T7272,2,A,???KNKN1N???XSXSESERER0R0D0?,","M"MoMomom om 2 2 2 T TwT?? " ?"w"???e2e2a2ababaabada?geg?"""""""",",1,1,1?2,?5,5,1,12,1?666?797969686?0000,00?(a(apappappaparpa??ntntlntlyl?? d dedele?liclicilic?ou??s as ans andnd nd? he heaeal??thy?,","I,"?I h?avaveav?e se ste stat??te??d b?uyuyiy?inging ?a a la ??t ?t oft of f of ??gagananianic?????od od o ovoveov?er ?th??e pe ?paspastst st y yey?
or my picky eater, a cavalier king charles spaniel. When I found the Newmans own I hit gold. My dog loves it, he licks his bowl clean, and best of all it is good for him. His coat looks very healthy and his intermittent stomach issues are controlled. I am really happy with this brand. I wish it was available at more stores." 4749,B00139TT72,A1WKN1EOXSER0D,"Mom 2 Two ""wife2abadge""",1,2,5,1266796800,(apparently) delicious and healthy,"I have started buying a lot of organic food over the past yea
??? a ?ndnd d i ?t t d dadawa???d d od onon n??e e t ?hahatat t pt ?ererhrhahapha?? m my m??????shs?ouo?ldld d bd beb?e ee eaeatatiatini??g mg ?oro?e ????ltl?thfthfufulullul?y y ay ala?soso.o. .??hehenhen n In ? l lolooookok k a at at t tt th?e e le ??stst t ot ofof f? in ing?reredredid?enentntsts ??on on?reregregugul?arar r?? dog dog g fg fof?oodoo?, ??? i is is ?dodowo?wnrwnrir?ghghtht t nt nanauaususesea?titininging!g! ! I I I bI bob???ghtgh?t st ??meme me??? t th thihisis is?NeNewewmwmam??'s's s Os OwO?wn wn a an andnd nd m?? d??? l?ovovev?s ?? . S. ShS?he he u ?usuusuaualallal?? g gogobobbb?leles?? it i??upup p t th?e e me mimininuinututete e Ie ?I pI pup?ut ut i it? i? int intoto o?? the the the b bobowbowlwl.l.".""?474757?0,0,B,B0B000010131??TTTT7T7272,2,A,AUA?KEKESES5S?H8H8Y8???EEE??"J"????ororgorgaganan an?""""t"?rereareasasusurure? b bo b???s"s"""""""",",2,2,2,42,4,4,2,2,,2?1313113121272?616???00,00?DoDogogsogs s rs ??fu?sesedsed d td toto to?ea?eat eat i??,","I,"I I eI ??pe??te?d d Nd NeNewNe??anan'?s s Os Ows Ownwn wn dwn dodogdog g f?oooodood ood t?o o bo bebe be g??????. . I?t t mt mamaymay y by ?be be vbe veverve???nun?utrut?????ousous,s??????mymy y ly lilitlittt??le le t te tererrer??ererser?s ts totoltoldld ld m me m???""""W""
r, and it dawned on me that perhaps my dog should be eating more healthfully also. When I look at the list of ingredients on regular dog food, it is downright nauseating! I bought some of this Newman's Own and my dog loves it. She usually gobbles it up the minute I put it into the bowl." 4750,B00139TT72,AUKES5H8YTOEE,"J. Morgan ""treasure books""",2,4,2,1312761600,Dogs refused to eat it,"I expected Newman's Own dog food to be great. It may be very nutritious, but my little terriers told me, ""W
e??ararer?e Ne ??T T???titiningng g t tht?isis s s ststutufufff?? P ??ririoi?d.d. . . N ???WaW?y.y."."""?? A ???erer er 3 ??dad??s s ts ?thetheye? s???ffffeffede?? th theheieirir r?bobowowlw?s ?ana???wawalalklkekeded ed a???y.y. y.? S SoSo o Io I I o oro?ded??eded ed aed ananoan??thetherther r or ?orgor???ici? d do dogog g fg fofoooodod od ( (N(?atatuatururar???BaB?alaalanancancec?e Oe ?rgrga?ninicnicscs)s) ) a an and? i itit t c cac?mem?????ay?. . ?So?, , h hahalalfal? o ol oldld,d, , h, hahalhalfl??nen??, ?byby y ty ththethe the? bo booookoo?, , a, ?andand ?ththetheythey y py ?ic?kekedked d od ououtut ??thethe ?nenewne? s st stutuftu?ff ff a??d ?lelefeftft ft t th the th???ewewmew?anan'an's's ?in? t th? the the? bo bow bowlwl.wl. ?. G. ?o ??igigugur?e.e. . . J. ??st? t th tho th??ghghth?t st ????????yoyou?????htht ht l lilikike? t to t?o ko knknonowow.ow?. . I. ?I aI ?? s sw swiw??chchi?ngng ng?? the them the? f ?roromom om I ?amamsam??s tos t?o so sosomsome?ththithininging g mg ?ucuch? h he hea??ththi?er?er aer ??and and I I I f?ininain?allallyly y t??hinhinkhin? I I ?ha?veve ?a a m ma matatcat? B. ??ut ut i?t't's's 's??notno??NeNew?ewmaewmanan'??."."."??757515??B0B?010131393?TTTT7T??,A,ATA?CBCBXB??HPH?
e are NOT eating this stuff. Period. No Way."" After 3 days they sniffed their bowls and walked away. So I ordered another organic dog food (Natural Balance Organics) and it came today. So, half old, half new, by the book, and they picked out the new stuff and left the Newman's in the bowl. Go figure. Just thought some of you might like to know. I am switching them from Iams to something much healthier and I finally think I have a match. But it's not Newman's." 4751,B00139TT72,ATCBXTHPY
K?????"M"MaM?ttt?hehewew w P ??rnrnenelellll l??"F"FaFatatMat?MatMa?DuDuhu?RaR?at"at"""""""??0,0,1,1,1,5,5,5,15,121262?999??727202?0,0,E0,?xcxcecel??enentn? d ?ogog g?fofoooodo?!,!??hihisis s l lal?rgrgege e b ?agag ?ofof f???? p pepete?t ft ?foofood? i is? h hi?ghg?lyl???ece?omo?memenendendededed d f fo foro???????dudulu?t ?dodogdo?? I ItIt't's's s as alalslsoso o?????th th p pu pur?chchah?sisiningn?g tg ?thithisis is lis lalarlargrgergere?r sr sisizsizezeded ed???? ( ??or or g gegetget ?twtwowo wo?ofof of t ?thethemem m??t t ot ononcn?ce)ce) )? in i? o?rdrdederde?r tr toto ?ststo??? u ?p p? on on ?th???s fs fofoo??d fd foforfo??a a g gr grereareatateaterer er??en?gtgth?th oth of?of tof,2,B,B0B00?131393??T7T7272,72,A,A2A2V2VTVTGT?T6T?KAK??OKOKCK?6,6?,"P,"PePeiei i K KaK?ng?? "" ""A"????oror or oor ??of Lof LeL??acacycy ???of Fof FiF??re re a??d ?WiWin?d:d: :?????",0",?0,10,1,1,51,5,5,15,125,126??717??4040000,00,d,do?dogsdogs s ss scscacararfarf f if ?t ?t dot dowo?n!n!,!,"!,"M?y y dy dodog?dogs dogs l lo l?veve e ie itit,it, ,?eveve?n n tn thn t?he he? li litittittltlele le p pr pririn??cescessss s ts tetererrerri? . ? I' I?ve?? tr tririe?d ??ananyany y o??the??r br brb?anandandsds s as ans a??? th the
KLQ5,"Matthew Purnell ""FatMatDuhRat""",0,1,5,1269907200,Excellent dog food!,This large bag of dry pet food is highly recommended for you adult dog. It's also worth purchasing this larger sized bag (or get two of them at once) in order to stock up on this food for a greater length of time. 4752,B00139TT72,A2VTGT6KAIOKC6,"Pei Kang ""Author of Legacy of Fire and Wind: ...",0,1,5,1266710400,dogs scarf it down!,"My dogs love it, even the little princess terrier. I've tried many other brands and the
???ene?jojoyoy ??hihisi? o ??? t ?theth?e me ?oso?t t a asas s ss sos? f fafarar.r.".""?474757535?,B,B0B????9T9?T7T7272,2?A3A3O3OPOP0P??SLS?KSKSBSB9B9X9XCXC,C,G,?olo?deden??odod,d,0,???,5,5,5,1?262606040404030?2020000,00?NeNewe??anansns s Os OwO?n n O ??gag?anianicic c D ?ogog g F ?ooood???as?t t Dt ?elelilivivev?ryry.y. .? P PrP?????t t at ararrarrir?iveiv?d d? ex exaxacactctlctlyl??asas as d dedesde?crc?ribribeb?ed.ed. ?????ldld ld p ?ururcrchchahasaseas?e ae aga?gaiga?n ?frfroromrom m? th thi?s s cs ?omompmpapan?y.y.y.4???4,4,B,B0,B??13139139T??T72T72,2,A2,A1A??CTCTETEQEQGQG2G2Y2YCYCUC?6N6N,N,D,DaDavaviv???B.B?. M. MoMoioiri??,0,,0,1??,5,,5,1,12?292?818171767??0,0,g0,?rereaeatat t dt ?ogog og f?oooodood d fd ??r r m mym?y my ?inin in? pi pin??1414 4 l lbl???dodogdog!g!!!?!!,!!,",?I I?bebelbeli???ve ve????? d?og?og fog fofoofoodod od s shshohououlouldld ?be? w whwhahathat t yt yoyouourour r dr do?dog dog? li l???s s ts ????stastarartart t wt wiw?th?.<.?brbr r /r />/??<br<br r /r />r /??NexNe?t,t, ,?I I tI ththithininkink k?? tha that that t yt yot you?? sh shohouho?????do do r re?sesea?rcrchrch h t?o o mo ma??ke ke s??ureure e ie ?it it i ?is is r ri rigighg?t t ft fo?r<r<b?<br <br / />?<b<br<br <br /<br />????? p???chch!ch
y enjoy this one the most as so far." 4753,B00139TT72,A3OP09SLKSB9XC,Goldenrod,0,1,5,1260403200,Newmans Own Organic Dog Food,Fast Delivery. Product arrived exactly as described. Would purchase again from this company. 4754,B00139TT72,A1WCTEQG2YCU6N,David B. Moir,0,1,5,1229817600,great dog food for my min pin 14 lb. dog!!!,"I believe that dog food should be what your dog likes to start with.<br /><br />Next, I think that you should do research to make sure it is right for<br /><br />your pooch!
!!!!??AlAllll l?huh??ana? g grgraradadede e p ?ror??ucuctc?? g go go o i ini?toto o to tht?e e de dod?g g?fofoooodod,od, , a ananoan??theth?r<r<b<?? / ?><>?<br<br r /r />/>d/>??cic???onon ??is is t th?the the?sisizsizeze,e, , a, anandand d? fo foror r 1r ?4 4????? a a a 7 ? p?ouo??d ?babagag g ig is??pep?erfer?ece?ct!ct!!?! ! B! BuBuyuyiyininging<g<b?<br <br /?><????? />a />?? A Am Amamazmazoz?on on i is i??a a g?rereaeatat at w wawayay y t to t???uy?, , b, bebec?aua?sese e te ththetheythey y hy hahava?e e te the t??? 7 7? po pou pounundun?derder!r?!!!!!!"!!!?4474??5,5???0101313939T9TTT???,A,AMAMNMNLNLTLTATAHAHWHWQW?WPW?VWVW,W,M,MiM??hehelheleleMeM,M,6,6,6,1,??,2,?2,12,121242444454505?565?00?,D,DeDececeec?ititft??l l bl brbrabr?andand and?nan?meme,??IfIf f y yoy??? ar arere re? lo l?ookookik???? fo for for r ar an?? ac actctuctuauala?l ol ororgorgag?anian?ic ic?do?g ?????od, od, N NeNewewmwmamanman'n?s s Os ?wnw?n i?s ?nonot???hehe he whe wa??y ty ?to to? go go. go. ?I I a ac acc accicidcidedendent?lyly y py ?ururcr???sesedsed d td ththith??is tis ththithinthinkn?kinkingng g i???wawaswa?s ws whw?hathat t it ?it it c clclalaiaimimemedmed ??on on ton ththethe ??roronrontnt nt p pa p?ckc????e, e, o ?onlon??? to to to r ?rearead? t th the the e ie ??ingringreredredidiei?ntnt ?lil?
!! All human grade products go into the dog food, another<br /><br />decision is the size, and for 14 lbs. a 7 pound bag is perfect!!! Buying<br /><br />at Amazon is a great way to buy, because they have the 7 pounder!!!" 4755,B00139TT72,AMNLTAHWQWPVW,MicheleM,6,11,2,1244505600,Deceitful brand name,"If you are looking for an actual organic dog food, Newman's Own is not the way to go. I accidently purchased this thinking it was what it claimed on the front package, only to read the ingredient lis
t? t toto o??inindn??ouo??t tt ththahatat t bt bab??icicacalallllyly y?eve?ereryr??thith??? e?lslsese e b bub?? t th thehe e ce ???ickickekenen n w waw?? o?rgrgagananinicic.ic. .??iti?th th a al?l l? of of f?? the the e de drdrurugu?s s a an and? h hoh?rmr???ese?s fs ??d d td to? c ???vevenventn?ioiononaonalallallyally y ry rar?isi????"""???odo?d ad ??imimamalalsal?"""" ""? th?isis is i in?ingring??edied?en??t it isis ???e ????t t it imt i??or?tatanantan????e e te ?thathatat at s shs??ululdld d bd bebe ?ororgorgaganga?nicnic.c??44747575656,6?B0B?010?393?TTT???,A,?1O1?M0M?YEYEFEFHFH1H1L1?MWM?K,K,L,?a a P PiPiciccic??lala,a?9,9,1,1616,6,26,2,2,12,???141434363686808?00,00,N,NoNotot ?gog??d ???ouougoughgh,h,",?I I c cr cririn??eded ed? a a?lil?ittit??e e ae afa??erer er r re??didininging ing t th the the the i in ingngrgreredredidiedi???? li lis?t.t. . W. WaWayay ?totootoo o mo mum?chch ch g ????nsn?s as ?andand ?nonotot ot e?nonounoug?h h q ququaualalial?ityity y py prprorot?eie?in in f fo f?or or??urur r d dodogo? . N. No??ticti?e e a?llll ll o? of of? th? them them m? ar are???t ?t tht t?he he b be b?gigin???ng????hihichichch ??eaeanansans ?th?theythe?y my mamakma?ke ke u ?p p q qu q?ititeite ?? b?it? o of of of t of
t to find out that basically everything else but the chicken was organic. With all of the drugs and hormones fed to conventionally raised ""food animals"" this ingredient is the most important one that should be organic." 4756,B00139TT72,A1OM0YEFH1LMWK,La Piccola,9,16,2,1221436800,Not good enough,"I cringed a little after reading the ingredient list. Way too much grains and not enough quality protein for our dogs. Notice all of them are at the beginning, which means they make up quite a bit of t
h?e e d did?etet.t. .?SoS?? p ??ototeteieinin n i isis s i in incnclclul?ded?? b bub?? s sosomomeme e de ?ogogsgs ??dondon'n??t dt ?do do w ?elelll? w?itithth h s??oy oy?(m(mimin?e)e) ) a ?ndn?d md memeameata?t st shshohououluldld ?beb?e te ththethe e pe ?proprototeot?einei??sosouso?rcrcec???in in??og? f fofoooodod,d???otot ot g grg?aiaininsins.s??brbr r / />/?NoN???rerececocomommomme??ndendeded ed f?oror r yr yoy?ourour r fr fufururrurryr?y oy ???s.s."s.""44747575757,7?B0B000010131?9T9TTT?727?,A,AJAJBJ???CJC???NONO3O??,m,?. . f. ?funfu?g,g????,5,5,5?,12,1232363?030383?4040000,00?GrG?reare?? p?rorodro???t t at anandand ?? g gr grereareatrea?t ct cacauaususese,e,",?? r rorotrotat?ateate e be be??weweewe?????wmwmamanansans,s?, N, NaNat?ur?e ?BaBala?an?ce?, ??andand and C ?eaeasasas?r ?MiM?lalanlansns s os or?gag?anian?c c? do dog dog g???od?. ?MyMy ?dodogdog ???t't?s s as al???ththrth?reeree ?soso so?cacancan'n'tn'?t st sat sayay y wy whw??ichich ?isis is???ettet?terter.r??. My. My y my ma?inin in rin rereareasreaso???toto o p??urcur???????hihishis s bs br?an?and and (and ?or? a an a?y ?NeNewNewm?anan an?? pro pr?oduod??t)t?) i) isis is fis ??r r tr ?thethe the c ch chaharha?it?y y ty th?the the pthe ????ititsits ??oeo??
he diet. Soy protein is included but some dogs don't do well with soy (mine) and meat should be the protein source in dog food, not grains.<br />Not recommended for your furry ones." 4757,B00139TT72,AJBPCCJLSNO3H,m. fung,1,3,5,1236038400,Great product and a great cause,"I rotate between Newmans, Nature Balance, and Ceasar Milans organic dog food. My dog eat's all three so can't say which is better. My main reason to purchase this brand (or any Newman product) is for the charity the profits goes
ttoto.o. . M MyM??wawayay y oy ofo? s ?upuppppoporortr?ini?g g c cocomompmpapananinieieses s?ththah?t t?gigivivev???aca?k.k.".""?4747575858,8?B0B?010?3939T9TTT???,A,A3A????Z4Z464??X6X6565050505,5??NaNan?a a?CoCoooolol l???"Na"N?anaana"ana"""""""?,1,?,3,3,3,5,?5,15,121222282?696?4444040000,00??EAEALA?THTHYH? F FOFOOO?D D T TH???DODOGO???LOLOVO?????? s si s?gng??? u ????oror or t?heh?e me momonontn?thlthlyl?y sy ??bsbscscrcriripiptptitiotionon on? fo f?or or tor ththithisis s is ititeteme?. ?ThThehe he?prp??cece e ie ?is is g gr grereae?? e es?pepececiciai??ly? w?itithithohououtut ?hahavhavivininging ?toto to p?ay?? sh shihip?pipining? c?ha?rgr?? ?I ???veve ve t th the the e fe fafac?t ?th??at at Iat I I cI cacanan an?mamananaanagana?ge ge t th the? s su s??bscbs?cricr?iptip???n n b by by y s?kik??ippiippining??a a ma mo?ntnthnth h????or?dedere?rinring? i ?it it e ea eararlr?ie???? tha thanan an san sc????ululeleded.ed. . A. AmAmamazma??on on hon ?hasha?s bs ?eeeene?n en exexcxcecelcellllell??t t gt gegetge?titinti?ng ng mng mym?y s?hi?pmpmem?ententsents s os ??t ???on aon a ??timtime??ly ly mly ma?nnnne?r.r. . <. ?a a ha ?rerefref=f="=""""h""hthttttpttp:p?///?wwwwwww.ww.a.?ma??onon.on.c.??m/m?gpg?/p/prproprododuducductct/t
to. My way of supporting companies that give back." 4758,B00139TT72,A3J7FZ462X6505,"Nana Cool ""Nana""",1,3,5,1228694400,HEALTHY FOOD THE DOGS LOVE!,"I signed up for the monthly subscription for this item. The price is great especially without having to pay shipping charges. I love the fact that I can manage the subscription by skipping a month or ordering it earlier than scheduled. Amazon has been excellent getting my shipments out on a timely manner. <a href=""
???0000V00VKV???C6C6"6"""">">N>?ewewmwmamanan'n's's s O OwOwnwn®n?? Or O??ananianicicscs s As ??ulu?t t???? F ?oooodod d C ?hih?ickickekenen n & & & R RiRiciceice e F?oro???ulaul???7-7-P-????d d Bd ??g<g</</a/a>a>V>?ereryr? p plp?eaeasaseseded d wd ?iti?h h a alalll? m ??y oy orordor?erersers ?frf?omo??AmA??zozonon.n??ExE??reremememelelyly y py plplepl?easeasesedsed d w?it??h th ththetheieirir r???ststot?omeomer???serse?vivicice?? T ?HAHANANKN?S S A?MAM??ONO?!"!""?474757?9,9,B,B0B00B0010??9T9TTT?7272,2?A2A2U2UWUW6W6M6M4M?S2S2W2?8Q8QOQOCOC,C,s,??unnunnyn?383818?8,8,8,8,8,18,1515,5,1,1,1,1,12,1?919121?4848080000000?,N,NoN???exe?isi?stest?entent ?cucuscuststostomomeomerome?r sr se?servservivicvi??,","I"? p?ururcr???aseaseded ed t ??o o b bab?agsags s os ?f f t th t?hishis s ds dod???oooodood,d??afaftf?erer er oer ononeone e we wew?eke? o of? f fefeeeedeedidini?g ?ththethe the n nenew?ma??n bn brbraranandan?d, d,???y dy dodogdog ?ststastarartr???d vd vovomomiomit??inging g ag ?aftafte???eaeateatitining??, s, ?hehe e he hahadhad ?gagasgas s as al??l tl ththethe ??timti?? a an andnd nd??iei?ed ed aed ?aroarouounoundnd nd wnd whwhi?mpmpeper?ininging ing d du??e te toto to s?totomtomamacmachch ch a ac achchech?e, e,??ft???er her ?havhavivinvi???he???ch
B000VK33C6"">Newman's Own® Organics Adult Dog Food Chicken & Rice Formula, 7-Pound Bag</a>Very pleased with all my orders from Amazon. Extremely pleased with their customer service! THANKS AMAZON!" 4759,B00139TT72,A2UW6M4S2W8QOC,sunny3818,8,15,1,1291248000,Non existent customer service,"I purchased two bags of this dogfood, after one week of feeding the newman brand, my dog started vomiting after eating, she had gas all the time and lied around whimpering due to stomach ache, after having her ch
eececkckekeded d f foforor r a ? s sts?omo?aca?? d ?isisos?ordorded?r,r, , I I I??tootookok k??erer er o ofo?? t th t?he he??ewe?mamanma? d do dogogfgfofoofo?d ?anandnd d td ?he?he she sys?mpmptp?tomtomsm? d?isisaisapappp??ararereded.ed?<b<?r r /r ??I ?hah?vev? s se s??t t t th thr th??e ?ememamaimaili?s s ts to? n?ewewmewmamanman man d do dog do???od? w ??bsb?ititete,e, ??? r rerepreplpliliei?s ?oror or a ac a?cknck??wlw??edged?em?en?t,t, , p, ??ono?ne ne? nu numumbm???er ner nonotno??av?aiaililail??le?, , t, th?e e de ?ogogfogfo??d d id isis is e exe??penpensn?sivsiveve ve a an a?nd nd?THTHEH??CUCUSU??OMO?ERE?????VIVICICECE E IE ISIS S N NONONO???XIXISISTIS?ENE?T.T.".?4??606?,B,B0B000010131?9T9TTT?727?,A,A1A?1L1LWLWYW???2N2NMNMQMQUQUEUE,E,A,A.,A. . S??ongong,g,0,0,0,20,2,?5,5,1,1313313323222?01???0,0,S0,SuSububs?crcriribi?????d ???aveav?e oe ??ptipt??? i ??is ais ?a ga ??oodood d dd dedeadealal,l,","J"JuJusustst st s si s?gngne?d d ud ?p p f???or tor ththe? S Su Sub??crcricrib?e e ae an?d d Sd Sad S??ave ave o op optptiptiopti?on.on. ? S Sa Savaveavedave?d a? f?ewew ew?bub?ckcksck??pe?r ?bab?g g v ve?rsrsus??? th the th????cac?al al s st s?tortorere,re??anandand and n?owow w i?t t wt wiw??? s?hohowho?w uw ?
ecked for a stomach disorder, I took her off the newman dogfood and the symptoms disappeared.<br />I have sent three emails to newman dogfood website, no replies or acknowledgement, phone number not available, the dogfood is expensive and THE CUSTOMER SERVICE IS NON EXISTENT." 4760,B00139TT72,A11LWYJ62NMQUE,A. Song,0,2,5,1332201600,Subscribe and Save option is a good deal,"Just signed up for the Subscribe and Save option. Saved a few bucks per bag versus the local store, and now it will show up
?evevevere?y y?mom?ntntht?? ?HoH?pepefe?ulullllyl??ththethe e r rhrhyhytyth?m m??ilill????tct?h h t ??the the??ononsonsus??ptp?ioionon on??at??e oe ofof f???y ty twy twowo o?dodogogsg?? ( (t(?thethe the sthe ????tetesestst t s ?shish?ppp?iningng g i inintinteterte???l l i?s s?1 1 m mo mononton??, ,?bubutu?t yt ?ouo?? ca canan n t?rir?ggggeger??anan an??mmmmemede?iaiat?ate ate? de d?liliviveverve????f ???ededeed?ed)ed)")""4474?616?,B,B0B???393??T7T?2,2,A,A2A2O2?AGA?PCP?Q3Q39?Z0Z0808T8T,T?MKMK-K?484?,0,0,0??2,32,3,3??13213292?353???00?,D,DoDon?'t't t kt ??owo? w???,I,I I? do don?on'ton'?t kt knt k?nowno?w ww whw?? t th thihisis s gs gogoto?t st ??ch???googo?d d? re revevieviei?wsws ?bubutbut ??y ?YoY??ksk?shishirshi?e ???alallal?? d? doe do?esnesn'n't't 't l ?likli?e e ie itit.t. . H. ??e le li???es es I ?amamsm?s ms mo?rere re t? tha thanan ?ththith?????d d id itit'it's'????eaeapapeperpe?..?47476??2,B2,B0B00B001013013939T39TTTT7TT?72,72,A,A1,A?CYCYGY??MVMV5V??B0?B006B006,6?CJCJSJ?,1?,4,??,1,,1,1,1,13?1320132?2727878484040040??DoDogDoggggyggy y Py ????onon on Fon FoF?odod,od,","I"I I fI fefeeeedee???? d? dog dog g Rg RoRoyo????CaCananian?ineine ?brbrar??d ?whwhiwhici?ch ch Ich I I tI tytypypipicpi
every month. Hopefully the rhythm will match the consumption rate of my two dogs! (the shortest shipping interval is 1 month, but you can trigger an immediate delivery if needed)" 4761,B00139TT72,A2OAGPCQ39Z08T,MK-48,0,2,3,1329350400,Don't know why,I don't know why this got such good reviews but my Yorkshire really doesn't like it. He likes Iams more than this and it's cheaper. 4762,B00139TT72,A1CYGRMV5RB006,CJS,1,4,1,1320278400,Doggy Prison Food,"I feed my dog Royal Canine brand which I typic
aala?lyly y??avavev? t toto o m ??x x w wiw?tht? c chchihicickckek???ststit?ickic? o oror r w we wete? c??nnnnenede???oooodod d fd foforfo?r hr heherer r tr toto to?eaeatat ?- - I ?? th thoh?ugu?hth?t tt ththithisi? s??ufu?f f w wo wououlouldl?d bd beb?e me mom?oreor?e fe ?lal?avoav?orforfufulul l a ????eaeaseasysy y ty ???sesererverve?. . ??poponon n on opopepenenienini?g g? I I c co cou?ouldould ?tetelellll ll I? I m I ??ded?e ae a a m mi mis?tat?ke???- s- ?memelellel?s ?lil?keke ke cke cacara??boboaoar??d -d ?- m- mymy y dy dodogog g wg ?onon'on't't ?eaeateat t it itit it n nono ?mamatmattt???r hr hor howo??? I d I drd??ssss s is itit ?upu?, , m mu mucuch? l ??essess s cs cocououl?? I I I g I gegetet et h?erer er t??o eo eaeateat eat i itit ??la? . P ??usu?, , i, it?it hit ??s s ns nononno?ne ne o of of ?ththeth?e se scs?ieienencencece e be be?hi?ndnd ?it?it lit ?likli?ke ??highighghegh?er ?en?d d b?raranand?s ?s lis lik?e ??oyo?al???an?inineine ?- - t- th?the the?NeNewewmwma?n n bn ???ndnd nd i???sps?rereareadadiadin?g g ig ititsit?selse?f f tf tof t?oo oo t th?inin in h he her here?? - -? th?eyey y sy ?ho????d sd ststistic??? wi witithit?h ph ?asa?stast?a sa sas???e.e.".""?474767?3,3,B,B0B000?1313939T9TTTT7T??,A,A1A1D1?S9S????
ally have to mix with chicken stick or wet canned food for her to eat - I thought this stuff would be more flavorful and easy to serve. Upon opening I could tell I made a mistake - smells like cardboard - my dog won't eat it no matter how I dress it up, much less could I get her to eat it plain. Plus, it has none of the science behind it like higher end brands like Royal Canine - the Newman brand is spreading itself too thin here - they should stick with pasta sauce." 4763,B00139TT72,A1DS9J0JX
44S4S4S?2I2I,I,","N"NeNewew w???mmm?a a " ??"Ne"N?? M Ma Mamammamma?"""""""",",8,?,1,1717,7,1,1,,1???676?575747444404000?,H,?oro?riribi?lele,e,I,??hahadad d t ?o o??icickck k?upup p a ?a ga ?ror??ereryr??ststotorto?e e b ???ndnd d ad afaftftet?? r rur??nin?ngng g o ouo?t t? of o???uru???egegug???r r Ir InI???vav??dod?g g fg fofoooodod.d? I I ?fefeded d td ?hihisis s t to to ??y ?161606?lbl? d ??g g f?oror or a a a???ekek ?an?d d cd cocou?ldl?d nd nonotot t bt ????evevev?e te th?e ?amamoamou??t ?ofof ?wawasaststeste e te the thihishis s bs ??an?? p pr prorodroduducu?cedced!d? H ??e we wawaswas s gs gogoio?inging ?up? t to??101? t ti timimemese?s as a a d?aya?! ! U! ?????lieliev?aba?bleble!e! ! T! ThT?his???usu?? g go???? to to to s to shs?owow ?ho?w ?mumuc?h h f fifililll???r ir isis is?inin in t??hishis ?fo?odod.od?. W. WoWou?ouldould d n??eveeverer ?rerecrecocomco??enendnd.nd..4474??4,4,B,B0B00001001313939T9TTTT7T727?,A,??L5L?O2O2929P9?9R9RLRLQLQKQKFKF,F?DaDanan,an,3,3,3?9,9?2,???82825252521216160160000,00??DoD?n'n?t t b?????foolfoo?ledle?,",",,"??ThThiThisis ???foodfood ??is is ois ????anian?ic,ic, ,? su surureur??. . H?ow?ev??r,r, ?lol?ookoo?k ak atk at t tt ththethe the i
4S42I,"New Mamma ""New Mamma""",8,17,1,1267574400,Horrible,I had to pick up a grocery store brand after running out of our regular Innova dog food. I fed this to my 160lb dog for a week and could not believe the amount of waste this brand produced! He was going up to 10 times a day! Unbelievable! This just goes to show how much filler is in this food. Would never recommend. 4764,B00139TT72,A1L5O29P9RLQKF,Dan,3,9,2,1282521600,"Don't be fooled,","This food is organic, sure. However, look at the i
??grgrer?didiei?ntn??, , t totopop p 7 ? i ?ncn?lulududedese? c ??icickc??en en m ????. . N NeN?veverer r?fefeeeeded ed??ououru?r pr pepetet t?ana?ytyththi?ngng ng w ??th? c?hihichi?ckeckenen en men ??al??oror r cr chchichic??kenken n?byby y?prprorododuducuctc??? I ?t't???? c ch??eapeap p sp ?ububsb?titit??tet??, a, an?d d??rearealallallyl?y iy ?s s bs ??d d fd ?or?? th t?e e d ?ogog.g??. I. ? s susugsuggg?????a a ba brbraran?and and?lil?keke ke E ???, , B, BlB??e e Be BuBufufff?alaloal?o, o, e ??ct.ct. ?. N. NoNo o i?ngngrngreredredi?enentent t st shshohououlouldld ?bebe e me memeamealmeal l???r br byby by p?ro?duducductct.ct."ct.""4474767?5,5,B,B0B000?131393?TTT?727?,A,??TPTPRP?6C6CKC?4K4?GRG????,B.,B?. T. TeT?ixi?eieireirara,ra,0,0,0,4,4,4,3,?,1,121??4747847?72720720000,00?mumuc?h h? be b?ettette???al??terternternanatatitivti???s,"s,?I I gI gug??esses?s ms mymy ??anianimimam?alsal?s (s (c(?atat at a???????? c ca canan'an't'??re??d d td ththethe e ae amamomouousous ?nanamnamemesmes ?ono?n bn babagba? w wa wararprpipiningin?s,? a??s ts ththetheythey y a?lmlmomosmost? r????ses?e te to? e ea e??at tat ththith?is is s st s?ufuffuf? u ?nln?esessess ess?nonototh?thinthingng ng eng ele?se? a??aiaililalabablb?? a an?d
ngredients, top 7 includes chicken meal. Never feed your pet anything with chicken meal or chicken by product. It's a cheap substitute, and really is bad for the dog. I suggest a brand like Evo, Blue Buffalo, ect. No ingredient should be meal or by product." 4765,B00139TT72,A2TPR6CK4KGRP6,B. Teixeira,0,4,3,1254787200,much better alternatives,"I guess my animals (cat and dog) can't read the amous names on bag warpings, as they almost refuse to eat this stuff unless nothing else available and
?tht?eyey y a ararer? h huhunungngrg?y.y?""4??666?,B,?0000101313939T9???2,2,A,A3A3V3??CYCYPYPXP?C5C5C5C3C?KTKT,T?4r4?reare??,1,1717,7,3,3636,?1,1???????7676076?00,00,H,HoH?? c cacana???omomemeteththithini?ng ng ' 'O'OrOrgr??anianicic'c' ' h??veve ?PeP?sts?iciciicididede e ie inin in i itit?t?!?!,!?"I"I I h? hav haveve ve 4 4 4 d dod?gsgs s? an andn? a al allll l w wew??? s?ic?k k??n n tn ?thi??????d.d? O ?nene e ae aca??uau???y y ay alalmal?osostst st d?ieiede?d. d. I ItI? h ha had ha?d td toto o?bebe e re ?resre?susucu?ititaitatateted?. ?AfA?teterte? I????ene?t t $t $4$4,4?0000000??0000 00 o?n n Vn VeV?et'et??s bs ??llllslls s Is I I dI de?cicidci??d ?d tod t?o co ??ll? t ??e e Fe ?DADA A t to to ?ananaanalalializi?e ??thithisthis this?fo?odod.od. ???heyhey y fy ??unundund d Ed EtE?thoth??yqyquq????onon on??t t -t - - a? p pepespe??icici???. ?[.[.......]..? I I ?juj?stst ???antant t tt to? m mamakakeke e se su?rere ??f f s so s??eoeononeone e oe ouo?t ?t tht t?herhe?re re hre ?asas s ts ??? s?ama?? p pr pror?blbleleme?? t th thahathat ??it it? mu m?ustus??be????owownow?. . I. I'I'm'm m s st sti?llll ll nll nonotno?t ht hahaphappppypy y ay aby a?ou?t ??t thit thisis ?in?cicidcidecidenentent.t??. I . I d??cicid
they are hungry." 4766,B00139TT72,A3V0CYPXC5C3KT,4real,17,36,1,1231977600,How can something 'Organic' have Pesticide in it?!,"I have 4 dogs and all were sick on this food. One actually almost died. It had to be ressucitated. After I spent $4,000.00 on Vet's bills I decided to call the FDA to analize this food. They found Ethoxyquin on it - a pesticide. [...] I just want to make sure if someone out there has the same problem, that it must be known. I'm still not happy about this incident. I decid
eeded d n ??t t t ?o o p pup???ueu??????nyn? l lolono?gegere?, , b ??t ???ststitili?l l?fefeeeelel l pl pep?opoplplel?e se shshohououluldl??knkno?w.w??ThTheh?sese e 'e 'O'OrOrgrgag?anianicic'c? c ????ananianieanieses es c?anan'an't't ?gegetget t at awt a??y y my mimisisls?lealeadadid?ngng ng p pe p??pl?e.e?. I. IfI? e ?vevereryeryoyon?e e ee ?xpx?oso??d ?ththehemhem,m, ?ththethenen n??hihisis is?wowououlou?ld ld? be be ?a a? be bet betttteter? w wo w??ldld.ld. ???ininkin??ababobououtou?t it ??.......<..??r r?/>/><><b?r r /r ?/></>?a a ha ?rer?f=f="="""?hth?ttptt?:/:?/w/wwwwwww.ww.a.ama?aza?on?"G""?>N>NeN?wmw??n'n?s s O OwOwnwn n On OrOrgOrgaganga???s s Cs ChChihichickc??en en R RiR????, A, ?dvdvav?ancan?eded ed D DrD?y,y??2525-5?PoPouounoundnd<d?/a/a>a>">""4474?676?,B,?B00B0?131????7272,2,A,?????7M7?MUMUXU?KTK?M,M,","L"?MYMY Y " ???LMYLMY"Y?"""""?,1,1,1???1,??13213272797969?808?000000,0,.,.......?AbAboboubo?ut ut C Ch?icickickekenke?n Mn ?eae??........,...?,"C,"ChChiChicChickckeck??en Men Me?alal<al<b?? / /> />N>NO>N?T T l??ga?ll?y ??allal?lowloweweded ed ied in? h huh?mamanman man f fo fooo????<br <br /<br />?/><b/><?br br / /> />S />SuS?bjbjejece?? t to to
ed not to pursue it any longer, but I still feel people should know. These 'Organic' companies can't get away misleading people. If everyone exposed them, then this would be a better world. Think about it...<br /><br /><a href="""">Newman's Own Organics Chicken Rice, Advanced Dry, 25-Pound</a>" 4767,B00139TT72,A2REQ7MMUXKTM,"LMY ""LMY""",1,7,1,1327968000,...About Chicken Meal...,"Chicken Meal<br />NOT legally allowed in human food<br /><br />Subject to
?ono?lyl? t ththeh???esesss??ststrt?iningn?ene?t t a ??imi?alal l f fofoooodod d s sas??etetyty ?ststastan??arardr?s<s<b<brb? / />/>M>?ayay y cy ?ononton?aiainin in?""""4"?-D-D"D"""" ""??hih?ckckekenen en p ??ododuoducuctctsts:s?<b<br<b?r /r />/>*/>? D DiDisiseseae?se??d cd ?chichic?ke?nsn???br br / /> />*>* * C* ChC?hichi??enensens s? th t?ata??wewererere ?DyDyiyin?g g p pr p??oror r tr toto o b bubututctchchech?erierininging<ing?<br? / />???* Ch* Chihichickhicke?kenskens ?ththathatat at w wewerwe?? D?eaeadead d pd prpripr?????o o bo ?butbutctchtcheherheri?ngng<ng?<br<br <br /<br ?/>*/>* />* D Di Disisaisaba?leledle?d c?hi??hickehickenens????mayma?y cy cay c?arrarryr??mom?oreor??ininfin?fecfectctictioionio??)<)<b<br<br <br /<br /><br />R>ReRenendended?ereereded<d<b?<br <br /?<br />M<br />?MayMay y cy coy c?ont?aiainai? w wa wasastas?e ?prpropr??oducoductctsct?s<bs<brs<b?r /r />r />*>* >*?ReResReststa?ururar??t t wt wat wasastasteast????<br /?????ea??t pt prproprocpro?es???inging ing f fa f?cicilililiti?ty ty w? was wa?steste<e<be<?br ?/>/>*??PaPacackac?ininginghinghohouo?se?? wa was wast wastete<te<b<br<br <br /<br /><br />N<br />NoNoto??susububjbjej?ct??? to to t te tes?tit?ing???forfor r qr ??alalialitityit?y s??tanta?da?rd????or or nor ?ututrutri?enentent t lt lelevlevev??s,s? m mamay? v vav?aryary y wy ?idide?lyly ly f fr fro
only the less-stringent animal food safety standards<br />May contain ""4-D"" chicken products:<br />* Diseased chickens<br />* Chickens that were Dying prior to butchering<br />* Chickens that were Dead prior to butchering<br />* Disabled chickens (may carry more infections)<br />Rendered<br />May contain waste products<br />* Restaurant waste<br />* Meat processing facility waste<br />* Packinghouse waste<br />Not subject to testing for quality standards or nutrient levels, may vary widely fro
mm m b babatatctchc???o o b ba batatcatchch"ch?44747676868,8,B,??010????T7T?2,2,A,A3A??H1H1W1??TITI8I8E8???A,A,S,SWS?ese??lalakakeke,e,0,0,0,6,?,1,?,1??3333233??8484040000,00,N,NoNotot t???gagana?ini?c c?soso o do dodonontnt ?beb???oooololel?d d b by b?? th theh?e Oe ?RGRGAGANANIN??S S i ?in in t? the the e ne nanama?e,e,Te,?he? n nunumu?beberber r o???e ie ?ingin?reredediedieienentnt nt? is is s c chchich??kekenke?....... ..??otot ot? or org???icic ic c ch chih??kekenken ken j ??stst st t th the???or?momononeone ?pup?umpumpeped?? ju j?nknk k?yoyouou u w ???ldl?n'n't't ?eaeatat at??ououroursrsesele?f.f. . I I I w?ili?? s st stiticick? t to t?o No NaN???rar?l ?BaBalalaalanancancece e we whw???ch ch i??? so sololdol?d hd heherhe?re re o on? A AmA?aza?on? a asas s ws ??ellel?..?474?769769,9,B?000010013?9T9TT9TT7T72T72,2,A2,ATATGTGAGAKGAKZKZ7Z?VZV?BMBMUMUDUD,D,B?raranrandn??n n O ?. . H. HaHam?so?n,n,3,3,3,1,13?,5,?,1,12,1262616101090949??400400,0,A0,A A l ?lasla???r lr liligi?hth?t st ??howho? o of of f? aw aweweswe?somsomnm?nesnesss???forfo?r yr yo?ur? d dodogdog!g?!!!!!!!??"I"I ?puputput ?tht?hishi?s is ?in in min ??y dy do?dogsdogs ?bobowo??l al anandan?d td ththeth??fifiri?rstrst t tt tit timi??, , m mymy my??ogo?,B,Bo,Bobob b S SaSagageg
m batch to batch" 4768,B00139TT72,A39H1WPTI8EPUA,SWestlake,0,6,1,1333238400,Not organinc so dont be fooled by the ORGANICS in the name,The number one ingredient is chicken... not organic chicken just the hormone pumped junk you wouldn't eat yourself. I will stick to Natural Balance which is sold here on Amazon as well. 4769,B00139TT72,ATGAKZ7VZBMUD,Brandon O. Hamson,3,13,5,1261094400,A laser light show of awesomness for your dog!!!!,"I put this in my dogs bowl and the first time, my dog,Bob Sage
tt,t, , j ???t t??icickc?eded d??hehe e b ?owowlwl l??leleaeanan n?sasamamem?e oe ???sasamsa?? o ?ol.ol. . T ?hehenhen!n! ! I I I?pup?t ??n ?sosomomeme me Ume UrUrar?anianiuiumum m O ??e e ae ???d bd babamamyam??wawaoaowowiowi i?HEH? T??RNRNENEDED D G ??EEEENEN!N!!!??? Go Gooo???reresresus?ltl?s.s. ?ThTheThe e ne ?exextxt t dt ????hihisis s e eyeyey???ststastarartrtetes? t to t? g glglolow??anand?, ??he?? I I I?? too tookok k h hihimhim m fm ?oro???isis is??daidaililyly y sy ??rorololloll ?hehe he??ooookoo?kedked ?ata?t tt ththeth???eieigi???borborsrs s cs ?atat at??ndnd ???t lt le?viv?itait?ateated? a an??d ed exexpexplplolodlodeded??GoGoo?d ???esuesulultults?.<.??r r /r />/?? I I t I ?thithin???I'I'l'?l l tl trtryry y s???e ?mymy y Iy I ?hah??????fef????eoeopopl??e te ??atat ???? w?ororlorldld d dd dodososes??'t't t nt neneeneeded ed :ed ??)")?44747777070,0?B0B0000101313939T9???2,2,A,A1A?S0S???0N0NLNLML???ABAB,B,","A"AmA??andandaanda a " ?"a"acacece6e616???2"2?"""""",",3,?,1,?15,15,1??,12,1?999?545424?404?00,00?GrGra?ininsins ?dodondo?n'tn't ??ele?lonlo???inin in d??g g fg ???od,od,","I,"I I wI wiwilillil?l nl ne?ve?r ?aga?aiain?in ein ?vevenven n Cn COCONONSN??
t, just licked the bowl clean same ol same ol. Then! I put in some Uranium Ore and bamy waowi HE TURNED GREEN!!! Good results. The next day his eyes startes to glow and, when I took him for his daily stroll he looked at the neighbors cat and it levitated and exploded Good results.<br /> I think I'll try some my I have a few people that the world dosen't need :-)" 4770,B00139TT72,A1S0EW0NLMFVAB,"Amanda ""ace61502""",3,15,1,1299542400,Grains don't belong in dog food,"I will never again even CONSID
EERER R a ? d dod?? f ???d d w wiwititht? c coc???, , w wh wheheae?? o ?or or s sosoyoy y i inin n? it it.t? G ?rar?inin in h hahasa? n ?o o p ??acacece e i in i??a a da dodogdog'g's'??did?etet!t!"!??474??1,1,B,B0B000010?3939T9??7272,2,A,A1A1N1N4N4N4NAN?IHI?ZFZF4F4J4J7J?X,X,","D"DaDawa?ndndyd?121? " ?"B"BaBararerele?y y Sy SuS?rvrvivivivivinvingng g Tg ThThe? L ??ssss ?ofof f?MyMy y Dy ?DauDau.u.....??,7,7,7?2727,?1,1,11,1212512??515151525???,D,DED?CECEPEPTP??VEVE!E! ! D DID?SAS?PPP?OIO??TETEDED!D!,!,","I,"I I H ???VE VE?TOTO O?SA???ININ IN??HEHE E?BEBEGE????ININGIN?....I..??HAHAVHAVEVE VE NVE NONOTOT T? TR TRIRIEIEDED ED T TH THI TH?IS IS F FOFOOO?D,D, , I, ITI??HA??? ME ME E SE SOS??D.D. . I. ??SASAISAIDID ?OHOH H??OYOY!Y! ! I! ITITSITS S M MA MADADE? B?Y Y PY ???L L N NENEWEWMW??N N I??T "T """"H""HAHASHAS"S?"" "" T TO T?O BO BEBE BE G GO GOO??D! D! T TH THI THIS THI???HOH?ULULDULD D "D """"N""NO??T BT ?BE ??ATATATARA????ED ED "ED ""??RGRGAGAN?ICIC"C""""!""!!!?! I?TSTS ?????ITITFITFUF??. ?. IT. IT T ST SH?OUOULOU????E E AE AD???RTRTITIZTIZEZEDZE?D AD ASAS S PS PAPARPA??IAI??LYLY Y OY ORORGORGA?NI??! ! T! THT?HENHEN N YN YOYOUOU OU W ?ONO??? BE? U UPU?SESETET ?THTHATHAT? T TH?E ???STST T IT IMIMPMPOPORPORTRTARTANANTANT
,,1,121???444484808?0000,00,N,NeNewewmwmamanan'n's's s?OwOwnwn n? Or Orgr?ananian?cscs s Ds DoDogog g F ?oooodo?,","I"I I?cac????? e ?xpxprprerese?s ???nouno??h h h ?owow w p plp?eaeasa?eded d I ?I aI ?m m w wiw??h h th ???s ??og? f fofoooodood.d. . I I I f?eeeed? m mymy y 1 ?1 1 y yeyeaearear r o olo?d ??erermrmamanman ??heh?paparardr?d, d,??andand ?mymy my t ?wow? y ye y??ear ear o?ldld ld?PiPitittittitieie e?GiG?rlrl l t???is is f fo foooodood ood e ev evevereryery y dy dadayay,y?? an andnd d td ththethe ?bebeneneenefefif?itsits ??arear???????ndndind?ngng.g. . . F Fo Foror ?momoso????f f? my m?y Sy ?SheShepepaeparardar?s s ls lilififef??I I fI fefedfe??heherhe??a a w we welellll l kl knknonownown?, , v, ve?t t rt rerecre?omommmmemenendendededed ?fofoofo?od,od, , a, ??and and y??t t st ?he? a al alwlwawayaysay?s hs hahada???stost?omaom?chch h ph ?propr?blb?lemlemsms.s. ??TrT?yiyininging g mg mamanmanyman?y ty ththithinthingngsng?, , i, itit it w wa was??nonotno?t ut ?untunti?l ?I I rI reresrescs?ueu?ed,ed, , a, an, andnd nd I I ?????ld?ld rld re?alall?y y sy sasayay ay?sh??e re re?rescres?cuecued??me?, , a, an, and, and d td thd the?he dhe ??g ??foofoodfood d rd rerecrecarecalallal?, , t, ththathatat t It I ?be?gagangan ?dodoido??ing ing r reres??ear??? o on on n bn ?raranand?s s os ?
,1226448000,Newman's Own Organics Dog Food,"I cannot express enough how pleased I am with this dog food. I feed my 11 year old German Shepard, and my two year old Pittie Girl this food every day, and the benefits are astounding. For most of my Shepards life I fed her a well known, vet recommended food, and yet she always had stomach problems. Trying many things, it was not until I rescued, and I should really say she rescued me, and the dog food recall, that I began doing research on brands of
f ??odod.d. . A AfA?teterer r?a a l ???? i ininvn??sts?igi?atatitioti?on,on, , I ? d dedece?idi?dedded d o onon on??ewewmwmamanan'n's's s O OwO?n,n???otot t o on onln?y y?beb?ecaecauaususese e?tht?erereere e he ???d bd bebeebeenen n?nono no r rer??ecalecalll? o on? t?he? f fo f???, ?bubutut ?bebecbecac??sese se o of o? t th the th?e ie iningin?re???enententsts,s, , a, ?andan?d td ththath?? t th? the the p prprorococec????s gs gogoioining? t?o o c chchaharharir?tyt?. ?NoNowow,w??chchoch?oosoo?ining?ing ting ??????raranandand,and, ?wowouo?ldld d md ?eae?an an t???at at Iat I I wI ?wouwoululduld d hd ?havha?? t to? o or ordr????itit it o on onl on??ineine,e?, b, be, b??ecauecaususeus?e me ?y ?lo?cacalca?l sl st??reresres ?dididdid d nd ?notno?t ct ca?rrrryry ????, b, bu, butut ut t th???t wt wawasa??alallll ll r?igighighth???itithith h m me???, be, bec, be?caucaususeuse use n no notot ot??? only only ?dodo ?I I eI en?joj?y y oy ononlon??nene e oe ??de?deriderin?ing,ing, , b?, but, bu?t It I ?amam m??n n on olold??er,er, ??disdisasabablbleled? w wowomwomamanman,n, n, a an and and d gd geg??titinti?ng ng??? to t to ththeth?e se ststo?rere re a an?? h ?hauha???inging ?inin in p?aca???ge?s ?isis is?veverve?ry ry??arardrd rd?? for for r mr . . W ???ll,ll, , I, I ?I waI w
food. After a long investigation, I decided on Newman's Own, not only because there had been no recall on the food, but because of the ingredients, and that the proceeds going to charity. Now, choosing this brand, would mean that I would have to order it online, because my local stores did not carry it, but that was all right with me, because not only do I enjoy online ordering, but I am an older, disabled woman, and getting to the store and hauling in packages is very hard for me. Well, I wa
n???toto o t te telelll? y yoyouo?, , M ???1111 1? ye y?ara? o ololdld d???rir?vev?s s o on on n? th???s fs fofooo?d,d???iti?h h n ?o ?mom?rere e d ???esestestitiv?e e ie isissis?ueues??, a, ana??d ad a a b beb?eaueautu?tiftifuf?l ??hihititeite e ce coc?atat,t, , a??nd nd?shs?e ?lolovovevesves s es ea??tinti?g g i ?? w wiwitwithth th?vivigigoigor?. .??y y ty ?wow?o yo yey?earear ?ololdol?d Ad AmAmem?ri?cac?an an??it?it Bit ?ulullul?l Tl TeTer?ririeri?er,er, ?, an, ano, an?th??er er?lolovlo?ve ve? of of f m mym?y ly lil??e,e, , a, al, a????ththrthririvrivevesves ves? on? t th thi this this ?s fos foo?d,d, d,?hahasas ??the? m mo mosostst t bt bebeabeauaut?if?ul? s?hi?nyny ??coaco?? e eve?verver,r?, a, an, and, and d pd ?eoeopoplp??e se sas??y ay ?llll ll t th?e ?ti?me? h ho howo? b be beaeau??tiftifutifulul ?he????coacoatcoat ?is??. . ??????sps??ilil l ml mymy my f fu??r kr ??dsds,s?, b, ?utut ut t?? thei theirir r hr heheahe?altalth?th ath an??????l l bl bebeibeini?ng ng? is i???my my nmy ?umumbmbeberber ?r onr o???prpririoriororior??y.y. . ?I I hI hahavhaveve ve jve ???? r ??cecenentntlntlyly ?sws?witwitcwitchchehedhed d od ov?erer er fer fe?ede?dindingng ng mng mymy my 4my ? c ca??s ??ewe?mamanan'an's'???wnwn n cn ?catcat cat f fo foo?ood,ood, , b
nt to tell you, My 11 year old thrives on this food, with no more digestive issues, and a beautiful white coat, and she loves eating it with vigor. My two year old American Pit Bull Terrier, another love of my life, also thrives on this food, has the most beautiful shiny coat ever, and people say all the time how beautiful her coat is. I do spoil my fur kids, but their health and well being is my number one priority. I have just recently switched over feeding my 4 cats Newman's Own cat food, b
?otothth h d drdryry y??ndn? c ??annannen????ooo??, , a an a?nd nd s sisinincncec??th?enen,n?, I, I I?hahavavev?e ne nonototioticicecedce?d td th?? d?ififfffeferererenencen????? t th thehe ?ele??mimin?ata???? o ?f f h??iri? b ?alallllsls.s? I I I kI knk??w w t th tha thatat at?? a am a? t?rurululyly y ay a a?pep?t t l lol??verver,r, ??utu?t It I I bI bebel?ieieveve??? tha that tha???? y yoy?u u l lo lovoveove e ye yo?uru???petpetsts s?? and an?d wd ?anantant t ot ?onlonly?? th the th?e be ?besbestst ?wewelellell l???iningin? f ??r r tr ?thethemthem,m, , u, ununnn??cecescessssas?ryry ry m ?edediedicicaic?? i is i?ssussueu??, , a, ???d ad al?l l al araroarouounou?nd nd gnd ?oooodood d hd he?alaltalth?, ?, a , a g go?od? b?alalaalanancan?cedced,ced, ??safsafefe,fe??nanatatuatur?alal al fal fo?odod od iod isis s ts th?the ?wawaywa?y ty toto o g go go.o?. . I I I h I ?igi?hlh?ly ly rly re???mmm???nd nd Nnd NeN?wmwmamanan'an??s Os OwOwnwn n dn ?ogog g ag anandand and c??at at fat fofoofoodfood.d??. I. I I aI al?soso ????ed ed m my my y ty twy t???dodogdogsg?s Ns NeNewNewmwmawmanan'?s s Os Ows O?wn wn b bi bisiscis?uiuititsts ts a as as s t??reare?atsats.s."s.""4474?7373,3,B,B0B000010??9T9TTT?7272,2,A,A2A2K2KWK?AKAK0K??AAAA8A?IBI?W,W,","D"D.D?. R. RiR??kekerer er " """"J"?ou???neyneywy?
oth dry and canned food, and since then, I have noticed the difference in the elimination of hair balls. I know that I am truly a pet lover, but I believe that if you love your pets and want only the best well being for them, unnecessary medical issues, and all around good health, a good balanced, safe, natural food is the way to go. I highly recommend Newman's Own dog and cat food. I also feed my two dogs Newman's Own biscuits as treats." 4773,B00139TT72,A2KWAK0GAA8IBW,"D. Ricker ""Journeywo
?mam?n"n"""???3535,5????5,5,15,?2323535835868?565606??,G,GiGivivev? i itit t t tit?meme,e,","I"I I a adadodopoptpteteded d a a a?dodogdo? t th t???t wt wawasas s r raraiaisi?eded ed b byb?? a a b a ?unu??? o ?f f f frfraratrat ?agagege e be ?oyo?s.s. . ??ouou u c ?anan an i im imamagma?ininene ??heh??didieiete?t st shs?he he h ?hadhad;d; ;?BuB?rgr??rsrs,s, , f fr f?ie??s, s,? ic icece-e-c-?rer?ama?, , a, anandand d td th?e e ce chchechea??esests?t dt ?dogdog dog??ooo?dsd?s os ??? th the the ?ma?rkrkeket?.<.??r r / />/><><b????/>N/>NoNo,o?, s, shsheshe e we wa?sns???t ct crcracraza?y ?ababo??t t Nt ?ewewmwmamanman'???dodogdog ??oo?d d wd whwhehenhen n In I ?swswiwititcit?chechedched ???r ?toto o i it i?. ? B?ut? i if if f yf yoyouou ou t? thi th?inkink k a?bo?boutbou?t ht hohowo?????oploplele ??reareacactct ?toto to a a a h a heheaheala??thythy y dy didiedi?et et? in i?n tn ththethe the b?ege?ginginnnninin?g g ig ?? m mamakmakekeskes s ss ?sensensn????. I. ??t tt tat takakekeskes kes??imimeime e fe foforfor r t?he?he the tat?astas?te te? bu budu?ds ds? to to ??adjad??stst st a?ndn??non?t t w?an?t ?t tht thehe ????tiftifificicic?alal al? in ing ingrg?redredi??ntntst?s ps puputut ut iut ?intin?to to mto ??stst st ost of? t th the the the? fo foo food?? ou o??ut tut ththe?
man""",35,35,5,1235865600,Give it time,"I adopted a dog that was raised by a bunch of frat age boys. You can imagine the diet she had; Burgers, fries, ice-cream, and the cheapest dog foods on the market.<br /><br />No, she wasn't crazy about Newman's dog food when I switched her to it. But if you think about how people react to a healthy diet in the beginning it makes sense. It takes time for the taste buds to adjust and not want the artificial ingredients put into most of the food out there.
<<b<brbr r?/>/><><b??r /r />/>I/>ItI? h hahasas s b ?eee?? a alalml?osostst t at ? y yeyeaearar.r. . ?MyMy y?dodogog,g, , M?olollllyly,y, , i, isis ??ouoununcn?y ??ndn? h he h?ealealtlththyh?y ay any a????lmlmolm?ostos???ll?ere?gygy y fy . S. ShS?e e g geg?tsts ?drdryry ??ewe??an???s fs fef?d d fd ?frefreeee ee s ststystylylel?, ?????4 4 o ou??ncenceses s os ofof f N NeNewNewmwmawman??s s cs ?anannanneneded ed?evevevereryery y dy dad?y.y. ??HeH?er er w weweieigighghtht t st ststast??s s ss ststastabstablblele le a at a?t 6t 6565 5 p popouounoundoundsd???hihicichch h i ????ererfer?fecfe??t ft ???r hr he?r.r. r.? He Her??trt?reareatats? a ar arere re r rerea?l l????t ?jejererker?y ?ststrstrir??s ???fefewfe? t titimi?mesmes s as a s a w?eeeekeek.k.<.?<br<br <br / /> /><><b><?br br /? />O />?n n an ?anoanoto??er?er ner ?ototeote,e, e, t th t?hishis s ds dis dieietet et h ha h?as as m ma madaded?e de ?dogdo?gygy gy d du d?tyt??mumucu?ch ch? ea e?asiasieierier.r. r. Sr. ShSheShe e ne nenevneveverver r vr vovomomimiti??ts ats ??ymy? ?HeHerHe?r sr scscacatcat ?isis ?al?wawayays? f ??rmr?, ?ma?kik?ngng g h he her her ?eaeasea???tot? c ?le?an? u upup p a?ftfteter????Sh?? i?s ?reregregugululal?ar ar a as a???lol?ckck-k-w-?ororkork.? A AlAll?? th
<br /><br />It has been almost a year. My dog, Molly, is bouncy and healthy and almost allergy free. She gets dry Newman's fed free style, and 4 ounces of Newman's canned every day. Her weight stays stable at 65 pounds which is perfect for her. Her treats are real meat jerky strips a few times a week.<br /><br />On another note, this diet has made doggy duty much easier. She never vomits anymore. Her scat is always firm, making her easy to clean up after. She is regular as clock-work. All th
eesesese e??lul??sesesses s m mam?keke e ie itit t m?ororer????joj?yayaba?lel?e te toto o b ?e e ae a a d dodogo? o ?wnw?????4????,B,B0B0000101313939T9TTTT7T7272,2?A2A2121919999898Z8?N2N2929494K4K2K?Q,Q,B,Bu,BususyusyBy?,2,??,2,25,25,5,55,?5,15,121222272?575????????wmwma??'s's ?OwOwnwn wn?OrO???ninicicscs s Ds ??og og f fofooo?d,d,",?OuO?r r????og iog isis ?1313 13 y ?eae?rsrs s os ololdl? a ?andan??foforfor ?tht?e ?lal???t ct coc?upu?pleple e oe ofof f? ye yeaearearsrs,rs, , h ?????stostomo??chch h? ha h?as as b be bececo?mem?e pe ?ar?tit???la?rlrlyly y s se senensensisititiitiviveve.e. .?WeWe ??ririei?d ?vavarariar???s ?brbraran??s ?s ofs of f df dodogdog g fg fo?odod od b? bef befoforforefore e se ?setse??lil?ngn??onon n N NeNewNewm?an?'s's 's? Ow Own?. . O. Ou?r r dr ?dog???ovove?s s is itit it??ndn?d hd hah?as ???t t ht ??d ?ananyany ?mom?oreore e te tr?ou???e e we wiw?ithit?h hh ?hishis s ss ststostomstomamacmachmach.h. . I. ItIt t it is?is his ha?rdr?d td ?? f???d d td thd t?ou?ghg?h. h.?I I w wawasas as bas ?uyuyiyininging g ig ?it ?frfroromom om a????malmallll l l?oco?alal l ol ororgor?ganganinicnic c g grgro??ereryery ????re? b bu butut ?th?eye??on?ly? c cacarcarrrririeri?ed ed i itit it iit inin in??the
ese plusses make it more enjoyable to be a dog owner." 4774,B00139TT72,A21998ZN294K2Q,BusyB,25,25,5,1227571200,Newman's Own Organics Dog food,"Our dog is 13 years old and for the last couple of years, his stomach has become particularly sensitive. We tried various brands of dog food before settling on Newman's Own. Our dog loves it and has not had any more trouble with his stomach. It is hard to find though. I was buying it from a small local organic grocery store but they only carried it in the
? s smsmamala?lelesestst t s si sizizeze e a anandnd d?I I???s s??aya?iningng g? al almlmomosost? t twtwiw??e e ae asas as?mumucuchch h a??s os onon n?AmAmamazmazozon?? N NoN???? h hahava?e ??t ?sesetet t ut upup p?on? A?mamazmazomazon?on ton toto o? sh s?ipip p mp mo???hlh?y.y.".?4474???,B,?000?131393??T7T???A3A?JEJEOEO7O7070303Y3???U2U??,","C"CoCololeleeleene?n Rn ??. K. KyK?seserser r " """?"Co"Colollol?lee?n n Rn R.n R. ?. Ky. Kys?erer"r???,3,3838,8,4,434?,2,??121?626292?95952520200??SoSomo?etethet??ngng ng? ha h?as as cas ?chachanangangegeded.d. . Q. QuQ?al?it?? c cocononton??olol ol m??st?st hst ??veve ve???ip?pepeded ed a as as as f fafara?r ar asas as bas ??ininging ?ororgr?an??ic ic??oeo??.,.,"??e ???havehave e be be????ususius??ing ing N Ne N????n'n's's s o?rgrgargananianicanic c?drd??y dy ?ogo???oooodod d fd foforfo?r or ovove?r r 5r 5 5 y yeyeae??s.s.......i..?? w wa w?as as aas a a??ododsod?sensendnd nd??hehen???e e de didisiscs?covcove??eded ?? lr lilitlittttltle??JaJacackck k h ha had had d sd ?ucuchuch h sh ?sevseve??? a al all alle??rgirgieieses es s sh she she ???s s ts ???me?ntntent?ed ???ay ay? an andnd nd nnd ninigi???t wt ?witwithth th u un unrnrereleli???vedved ?ititcitch?
smallest size and I was paying almost twice as much as on Amazon. Now I have it set up on Amazon to ship monthly." 4775,B00139TT72,A3JEO703YA9U2H,"Coleen R. Kyser ""Colleen R. Kyser""",38,43,2,1262995200,Something has changed. Quality control must have slipped as far as being organic goes.,"We have been using Newman's organic dry dog food for over 5 was a Godsend when we discovered it. Our little Jack had such severe allergies she was tormented day and night with unrelieved itching..
..a.?ftf?ere? t ?ryryiy??g g?enendndld?esessss s?ototht?erer er?ava??enuenueueses es t to to o?fif??d d r rerele?ieiefef f f fo f?r ??herher r wr wewe e?we?re? t? to to? th t?he he p ?oioinintint t w we we e te ?thoth?ugughghtht ?we? m ??ghghtght t ht hah???e t?o o ho ?havhaveve ve h he?her her p pu putut t dt dod??n n?? for for r hr her herer er ter ?o o fo ?finfind?? re r?eliel??f.f. .?ThThe???th?e e ie ??eaea a c ?ama?e ?upup p t??atat t mt ??ybybeb?e se ?he?he hhe hahadha?d cd chchehemhemimicmi??l l s ?enensensisiti?ivi?ititiitieiesie??....s..soso o wo wewe ?de???ideid?d ????gogo ?ororgorgagana??c.c? ?he?her her dher de??lsl?s ms mi???cucululolouousou?lyl? c cl c??arareredred d ud ?up up o?ncn?e ?we??sts??artarte?d d td thd t?he he Nhe NeNewewmwmamanman'n's's.s. s.?HoHow?eveve?r r ar afaftafteterter r gr gig?iviiviningin?g gg ?lo??ininging ing r re rev revivievi???s fs ?or? m??anyany y yy yeyeaearearsrs,s, ,? we we we??owow ow h ha havaveave ave?? to to c to cocono?ncencededeed?e s?omome??thithin?ing ing hing hahashas s cs ch???gegeded.ed.....?ou??r lr lilitlittttltle??JaJ??k'k?????chchich?inging ?re?tutururnr??? t? to to t to ?thethe the p po p???t t ot ofo????rawrawiwinwing????looloodod.d. . I. ItI?t it isis s c??lealearlea?r sr sosomso???hihin
.after trying endless other avenues to find relief for her we were to the point we thought we might have to have her put down for her to find relief. Then the idea came up that maybe she had chemical we decided to go organic...all her deals miraculously cleared up once we started the Newman's. However after giving glowing reviews for many years, we now have to concede something has changed...our little Jack's itching returned to the point of drawing blood. It is clear somethin
?g g c chchahanangngegede? a anandand ?? b beb??ieievevev??iti?? cl clel???lyly y i?s s?non? l lolonongngengerer r? as a???rgrgagananian?c c a as as as i it i??ononconcec???asas.s????e e ae ararear?e oe on??tht???huhununtnt t at agagagaigainin.n. . I I ??m m n no n??t st sasayayiy?ingin??itit it d dodoeoeses ??notno?t ht ??ve? g gogooo????uaualali?tyty ?in?ingringrered?ieienientntsnts.?....b..bubutut ?ifi? y yoyouo? h ?havhavehav?e ae a e a d do dogo??th???t it ist is ?hihigi???ly ly c???mimicicaical??sesene?sisititiit? ?li?kekelelyel?y iy isy is ?s nos notot ot?fof?or or y?ouou.ou. . T. ?oo?? ba badad.d?......i...itit it oit ?onconceonce ???? a a a s su s??ererierioi?or ???ododuod?ctct.t.".???777767?,B,B0B?010??9T9TTTT7T727?????WAWAKA?0G0??A8A8I8??W,W,","D"D.D. . R. RiR???kerker r "r """"J"JoJ??rnr??ywywowomo?anan"an"""""""?,1,171?,1?8,8?????313?808??8080080?,"??oo??d pd ?proprododuoducoductct,ct, , b?utut.ut?...?",??I'I?veve ve yve yeyetet t tt toto o fo fifin?d d ad ?anyan?y oy ??f tf th?e e de ?dogdo?s ?I ?knknonownow w? th thahatha??????? ? I?? st stitili?l l h ha hava?ve ve mve mym???allalle??rgirgic? d do dog dog g eg ea?titinti?ng ng???, ??butbu?t st sht she? h ha?
g changed and I believe it clearly is no longer as organic as it once was...we are on the hunt again. I am not saying it does not have good quality ingredients...but if you have a dog that is highly chemical sensitive...this likely is not for you. Too once was a superior product." 4776,B00139TT72,A2KWAK0GAA8IBW,"D. Ricker ""Journeywoman""",17,18,4,1231804800,"Good product, but...","I've yet to find any of the dogs I know that love it. I still have my allergic dog eating it, but she has
t ????e e?huhunungn??y y t to t????t t t th thihisis s????hohououtut t dt dodoco?totortorir?? . M ?y y vy vev?t ?t dot d?esesnsn'n't'??wawana?t ??e ???ededidiningin? h he herer r p ?eoe?plplel?e fe foe foooodod d s ??o Io I I a adaddd???somsomeme me o ?f f N NeNewe?????s s os oror r Hr ?apappp?y y Hy ?ipipsps s cs ?anannanneneded ed? to? i ??.<.?brb?r /r />/?<b?r r /r />r />I>I'I?ve?? ta talalklkekeded ed ted to? a a a c cocououpou?plepl?e oe ofof of?vevetve??s as ababobououtout ?prprer?esces?riripriptptitioiono?????et et a an andn???theth?y y ay ??l l? pu p???? th the the e be bibigi???comco?papananyan?y by brbrabranandand d nd ?amamemesme??? T ?hehe e ce ?comcommcom??on on o ob objb?ecectctictioionion n an ap?pe?ararsr??to?to bto be???? the the? so soyo??ususeuseded ed ied ?in in N Ne N?ewmew?manman'??s ts tos t?o io ?incin??eaeaseases?e te ththethe the p??oto???in in cin cocouco???.<.<b.<brbr br / />?<b<br<br <br /?>I>I >I???? wi wilillllilin?? t?? to p to puputut ut a a ??litlittttlt?le le?flflalavavovor? i in in ?th?isis is? to to ?fefeefeeded ?ma?y y dy do????highighg?h qh ???alial???, , s so soc sociciaialal al r reresrespspop???ibi?le?le fle fof?oodoo?.<.<b.<br.<br r /??<b<br<br <br /<br ?/>I/>?I mI mamaymay may b??e t??he he? on o?lyl??pe?rsrsorsonon ?
to be hungry to eat this without doctoring. My vet doesn't want me feeding her people food so I add some of Newman's or Happy Hips canned to it.<br /><br />I've talked to a couple of vets about prescription diet and they all push the big company brand names. The common objection appears to be the soy used in Newman's to increase the protein count.<br /><br />I am willing to put a little flavor in this to feed may dog high quality, social responsible food.<br /><br />I may be the only person w
hhoho o h hahasa? m mamada?e e t tht?e e fe ??llllolowowiwiningn? m mi misi?tataka??????, ,?asassas??mim?ingin?g yg ?ouo? c cacata?chch h t?hehe he??mamazmazozonon n s sasalaleleses,s?, m, mamakmakeke ke? su suru?e ?yoyouyo?u au ??? o ?rdrdederderirin?ing ing? th the the e be bae b?g ??izizeze e ye yoe you???anantnt.t? I ? t??ou?ghg?? I?? wa was???etettttit?inging ?a a g go goooodod d?prpriricricece e oe onon on o on o??e o?rd??? u unu?ntintilil l t? the the the f ?foofood???amamem??anandand d id itit t wt wa?s s ts th?e e se seseve?ene?n in ininsinststesteae?? o of o? t tw t?elelvlveve ve p po pouounoundnd ??ag?.".""?4747777777,77,B,B0B000?131393???7272,2?A2A?TLT?LRLRARAWAWHW?NFNFVFV9V???JuJusuststistinin in E EvEvav?an an L LoLowoweowe,e,1,???1212,12??,1,12,1292?636343454565606?00,00,G,GrGrereareatat at??ogog g fg fofoofoodfoo??foforfor r dr dodogdo??s ws wiwitwi?th th? di digige?ststistivsti??ve pve ?proproboblblelemle?s,???I oI ?oriorig?ininain??lyly y b ???oughoug?ht ht? th thi th?is is a as a???a ra re?plp?aca?cemce???nt nt f?or??ScS?ieienencencece ce?DiDie?t't's'??I/I/D/D D? as as as??it it w? was was s as als alwlwa??s ?mum??ch ch m mo m?oreore ?exe??enensensi?veve ve tve ththathan??an????ininging ing eing el??se se? ou outut ut t???re?. . I. I/I/DI/D
ho has made the following mistake but, assuming you catch the Amazon sales, make sure you are ordering the bag size you want. I thought I was getting a good price on one order until the food came and it was the seven instead of twelve pound bag." 4777,B00139TT72,A2TLLRAWHNFV9Y,Justin Evan Lowe,12,12,5,1296345600,Great dog food for dogs with digestive problems,"I originally bought this as a replacement for Science Diet's I/D as it was always much more expensive than anything else out there. I/D
???s s a ?lsl?? m mom?rere e e exexpxpep?nsnsisiviveve e te tht??n n N NeNewe??anan'an's's ??t t m my my y l lol?cacalal al v vevetve?'s? o ofo???cece.e??I I?hahavha?ve ve h ha hadad d a???onon n on ?of of i isissssus?eses ?geg?ttt?ini?g g m? my my d dodogo?g tg toto to a???cepceptpt ?ototh?erer r? do dog? f ?ooo?dsds s is inin in t?heh?e pe papasastas?. ??e e te tre t?ieieded d pd prpreretrett??y my mum?chch h e ev eve?ryr?y by ?raranandand ?ththath?at at y yoyouou u?cacanca?n bn ?uyuy y iy inin in pin ?petpet ?shshohopopsps s a?ndnd ?al?wa????ha?d ???oboblbleleme?s ?wiw?th? m my my my d my do??g sg scscrc??tctch?iningin?g og ?? h? hav havivininging ing h he h?er er? ea eara?s ?s ges getet et???igighghtht ?reredred.d??. We. We e fe fofoufounundnd nd o ou outut ?th???pr?obobloblelemlem m a??teterer er oer ?oneone e oe of?of tof ththe?the cthe ca???es es???herhe?? s ?sheshe e ae alalmal?mosmo?t t wt ??entent ?inintintoto ???nan?al al fal fafaia?lul?rere re are afaftftefterer ?eae?atiatin?ing ??herher her?MiMil?kbk???one one t?re??atsat?. . W. We. We . We?nen??edeededed ed? so somomem?ethethihin??ing oing ?orgor?an?ic?? wi w??ho??? a? a l a ?lotlot t o?f f b be bee??f if inin ?it??. W. Wh. Whihilhilele le t th thi th?is is o?nene ne d do doe do?es ???havehave ??somso??
was also more expensive than Newman's at my local vet's office. I have had a ton of issues getting my dog to accept other dog foods in the past. We tried pretty much every brand that you can buy in pet shops and always had problems with my dog scratching or having her ears get bright red. We found out the problem after one of the cases where she almost went into renal failure after eating her Milkbone treats. We needed something organic without a lot of beef in it. While this one does have some
bbib?-p-prp?ododud?ctc? f foforo??prpropr?teteie?n,n? i itit ?dod?ese??'t't t st seseeeeme? t tot????othotheherer ?mymy y?do?g g a ??t at ?llll.l? S ???? al alslsoso o ho ?asas s n nonor?mamalal al s ststotootoololsls ls e evevever?y ?titimimeme e w whw???h h w?asasnasn'n'tn't t tt tht??he che cac?aseas?e ee eveveevenen n w wi wit?h ?ththeth?e Ie ?/D/??. M. ??y dy do???hahatha?tedte? t th thehe ?I/I/DI/D.? S??he he whe wow?ululdl??ofoftftetenten n ln lel?ava?ve ve a a a?gogoooodod od p po porortorti?ono??of? i???onon on t th??e ge grg?rourounundn?d o?r ???? th the the the????l l a an and??rarara?elelyl?y ay ?ateate e ie itit it i??n in it?s s es enenten?tirtire?tyty.y?. W. ??ithith ith t??? the N the NeNewe?mamanma?????ownown n in itn i?t it isis ????htht ??nd?nd dnd dadayay.??? She She e se ?ca??fsfs s is ??it dit dodowdownwn n i??n ln len lesessess s ts ?thath?n ?a a?cocououpou?lele le m ?in??te???anandand d ud usu???allal?ly ly e ea eat?s s as a s a b??wl? i? in in o ???e se sie sit??tintingn?. . I. ItI??t set s??msm?s ls ?ikikeke e se she she?he lhe ?ovovevesves s i??t ft ??romro?m tm ?thethe the? wa way way y sy shs??he ehe ?eateatsts s is its it.s it.<.<b<?r r /r />/???r ?r />r />A>A A? co c?oup??le ??of of tof ?the???reprepop?ortortsorts s fs ?frofromom m rm re
bi-product for protein, it doesn't seem to bother my dog at all. She also has normal stools every time which wasn't the case even with the I/D. My dog hated the I/D. She would often leave a good portion of it on the ground or in the bowl and rarely ate it in its entirety. With the Newman's own it is night and day. She scarfs it down in less than a couple minutes and usually eats a bowl in one sitting. It seems like she loves it from the way she eats it.<br /><br />A couple of the reports from re
vvivieiewe?erersrs s o ?ririgi?ininanalallllyl? s scscacararereded d??e e??bobououtu? t tht?e ??repre???tsts ??f f? sc scrcraratatctchchihin?g g w whw??ch????s s es ?xax?ctctlt????he??prp?oboblblel?? I I I?hah??d wd wiwitithth th o ot oth?er? d dodogog ?fofooo??s.s. . I I I g gagava?e e ie itit it??? tr tryry y ay anandn?d md ?y ?huh?skskyky y hy hay hasas as n ????r r h ha h?ad ad a a ??propr?oblob?lemlem m sm sisin??e ?an?????he he hhe ?hashas ?bebeee?n n??n n in it??foforfor ??almal??sts??ththrthrereeree e me ?monmontnththsth??non?w.w. . M. MyMy y hy huy hus??ky ky h ha?s ??alwal?aya?s s hs hahadhad ??pro??bleblem?s s ws ?witwith?th dth didig??ststistiviveve ve?isisss???es es a??? t th?is? s se s?eemee?s s ts toto o?bebe be o on?e e de dodogdog g f?oo?d ??thathat?? sh s??he lhe lilikikekeses es aes ?andand and d?????nonotnot t ht hahavhave?ve pve prproprob?le??s s ws wis witithith.h.<.<b<???/>/><>??r r /?>O>OnOn ??? si sidided?e ne no?notenote,e, , I? I w I ?wiswish? N NeNewewmewmamanan'an's'?s os ofs offf??ereered? a a a b a bib?iggig??er er ser si?zeze e be bab?g.g?. I. ?I hI hahavhavehav?e te ?? o?rdrde?r r tr ththethesthesese e ae ale a?ll ll t th the the e te tie timi?me me d?ue????o to ??the the 1 121?.5.5 5 p po pouounoundnd nd bnd babagbag.g. g.?
viewers originally scared me about the reports of scratching which was exactly the problem I had with other dog foods. I gave it a try and my husky has never had a problem since and she has been on it for almost three months now. My husky has always had problems with digestive issues and this seems to be one dog food that she likes and does not have problems with.<br /><br />On a side note, I wish Newman's offered a bigger size bag. I have to order these all the time due to the 12.5 pound bag. M
yy y h huhususkskyk???ili?lsls s a a a b bab?g g i inin n??ouo???lyly y ty twtwow???eeeeke??s ds dudueue e t ?o o ho hehere? s sisizizeze.e. .?ItIt t?????l l? wo wororkrks? o ou?t t bt bebeieininging ????apapeperer er t??anan n tn tht?he he $ ?5050 0??agag ag o?f f 1 171???ou?ndn? I I/ I/D/?????asas ?????erierininging ing? so s?o Io I'I?m m?? sti stilill? h ha hapappappypy ?wiwitithth th i it it.t?. S. ScScic?enencn?e e de didieietie?t wt waw?as as s se senenden?dindingn?g mg meme e te toto to? th the the e pe popoopo?or or h ho houousouses?e."e.??4747777878,8?B0B???393?TTTT7T???A2A?COCOWO?D0D?6R6??O1O?5959,9,A,Am,A?bibivivav?lel?entent t Ht HuHumumam??,1,1212,2,12,???5,5,1,12,1252585?070707040??00,00??rer???t pt ?rorodro??ctct!t! !?NoNo ?o hoo h??momono?????r r ar an?titibtibibiobi???csc??inin in t th the the the m memeame?at!at?,",??? ad adod?ptpteteded ?mymy y dy ??g ???ou?? 6 6 6? mo mon??thsths s as ag???anandan?d hd ?he ?ha?d d dd didigdigegesestestitivtiveve e pe pre pro??lelemlemsms ??thathatat at?? the the ?ve?t ?cocououlouldld d fd ??indind d nd nono ?cacauaususeuse e fe fof??. . H. ?e ??wouwo?ldld ld g ?getget t dt di?ararrrrhrheheahea hea w wi witithith h? mu m???usus us??n ?ststotootoolo?ls ls r re . H?isi
y husky kills a bag in roughly two weeks due to her size. It still works out being cheaper than the $50 bag of 17 pound I/D I was ordering so I'm still happy with it. Science diet was sending me to the poor house." 4778,B00139TT72,A2COWD06RSO159,Ambivalent Human,12,12,5,1258070400,Great product! No hormones or antibiotics in the meat!,"I adopted my dog about 6 months ago and he had digestive problems that the vet could find no cause for. He would get diarrhea with mucous in stools regularly. His
s sts?oooolo?s s?wowououluldl? v vav?ryry y???omo? c coc?nsnststist?pap??ede?d td to???nfnfof?rmrmemeded ed s so s?ftft t? st sto?ol?. . I I I?dedece??dededded d td tod to o s sw swiwititct?? h ?imim m tm to?to ato a a b bebete?teterter r q ?uaualalilitityit????odo?d ad ?ndn?d dd dididid id a ??lolotot ?of? r rer??eae??ch?. . N. NeNewewmwmamanan'an's'?s Os ?wnw?? ha hada??d ald allll l t ththeh???uaualua?litlititieieses es?? w wa w?s s ls loloolookokikiningng g f??or,or?? so? I???wi?tctchtchehedhe?d hd hihimhi?m tm tom t?o io itit it g ??adaduaduaual?lyly y -y - - 1 1/1/2/2 2 P ?ururir?????nene e ae an?d d 1d ?1/21/2 ?NeNewNe?wmawm?an'?s s O??????t ft fif??stst st a an and? g gr graradra?ua??????ororeore ???NewmNewma???' '?OwOwnOwn ?inin in? th the??mim?x x u un u?titiltil l fl fifinfi?alallallyly ly 1 10 10000%0% %???O.O. ?EvEvev?r ?sisin?cec?e se sw??itcitchchich??g g ag ababobououtou?t st si?x x wx ??ekeksk?s as aga?o,o, , h, hehe he hhe hahas? n nonotot ot h ha had had ?co?nsnstns?tiptipapatpatitiotion? o or? l ?loo??? s st sto stoo? ??I aI ??sos??dodonon'on?t ??heahearar ar? hi h?s s ts ?umummmmymy y ry ro?ilili??ng ng? af a?ftefterer er m me m???ls ls l li liki?e e be bebefbefo?? . A. ?nd?nd dnd dedesdespspip??e e we ?
stools would vary from constipated to unformed soft stool. I decided to switch him to a better quality food and did a lot of research. Newman's Own had all the qualities I was looking for, so I switched him to it gradually - 1/2 Purina One and 1/2 Newman's Own at first and gradually more Newmans' Own in the mix until finally 100% N.O. Ever since switching about six weeks ago, he has not had constipation or loose stools. I also don't hear his tummy roiling after meals like before. And despite wh
aatat t a a a f fefewe??rer????eweew??? h hahava?e e w wrw??ttt?ene?? t tht????hihici?kek?en en a an andnd d b ?eeeefef f?ususesede?d id ini? t th thehe he p ?etet ??ooo????whwhihilhilele e ne nonotot t "t """"o"ororgrgag??icic"ic"""",""?, i, isis s "s """"n""??atuat??alal"l?? a an????rairais??ed ed w?itithithohouo?t t ht hohorhormr?ononeneses ?anandand d ad anantantit??ioi???icsic?.<.?brbr r / />/><>?<br<br ?/>/>A/>AcAccc??ordor?ininging g? to to o [ ????? i in???redredi?en????lil?istist:t: : " ""???atu??ralra? C ChChihichickckecken?en -en ? R RaRaia?iseisedise???it?ithoith?outou?t gt grgror?wtwth???orormor??nenesnes ??ndnd nd a an ant an?tibtibibiobiototi?????s ands an?d fd fefedfe????lyl??? 1 ??0%0? n ????uraur?al,al, ?alallall-l??vegve?etetaet?blblele le d didie?t,t, , t, th?e e ce che chihic?kekenken n mn memeaeat? p pr p?rovrovi?ded?? a?mim?inoino ?acacicididsd??esessesse?ntn?tiatial? f fo foror or m mum?uscusclcle?s,s, , h, ??hormhormo??eses,es?, e, enenzen?ymymemesmes,s, s, a? ant anti antibiboibod???s s as an?? s ststrtrur?ctc?turturaral? a an and?? pr pro prot?ecect?ivive? t ti tisississus?es?.".""?"" A"" ????, , t, th, thehe ?bebeebeefef ef? is is s fs frf???-r-ra?ngn?ge ge a an ana anadad ?d rad ranangan?ge ge fge ??fed fed w
at a few reviewers have written, the chicken and beef used in the pet food, while not ""organic"", is ""natural"" and raised without hormones and antibiotics.<br /><br />According to [...] ingredients list: ""Natural Chicken - Raised without growth hormones and antibiotics and fed only a 100% natural, all-vegetable diet, the chicken meat provides amino acids essential for muscles, hormones, enzymes, antibodies and structural and protective tissues."" Also, the beef is free-range anad range fed w
// / n non? h ??rmr?ononeneses s & ? a anantntitibi???ti?csc??<b<brbr r??><><b?r r /r />/>F/>FoFor? m ?e e t ?hehe e ee eveviv??enencn?e ?isis ?clcleleaearar r -r ? t??isis is i ?is ??oooodod d?ququauala?iti????oooodoo?, , m my my y dy dodogog g??ovo?eses es? it i? a?ndn??? l?ovoveove ????t t wt whwhehenhen n I I ?bub?y y Ny NeNewe?mamanan'an's's ???n ?prpror?oduod??tsts,s, ?ththethe e re ??yayalaltal?tieti????go go? to to o co ?haharariaritityity!y!"!?44747777979,9,B,B0B000010?3939T9TTT?7272,2,A,A2A?LKL?OJOJDJ??LWLW4W424?1919,9,L9,LiL????7,7,7?,5,?,1,?2929494747047??0000000?,H,?elelpl?eded d od ouourur ???g'g's? s ???n n in isissis?ueueses,es,","I"I ???bsbscscrc??ibeib?e te toe to o to th?the the?? 5? lb l? b ?agag ?ofof f??dvd?anancan??d ?DoDogog og F ??rm??lala a f??or or Aor ?ct??veve ve?or?or Sor ???ioiorior r Dr DoDogDogsgs s -s - ????'s ?a a ga ?rer?eateat ??valva??ue.ue??WeWe e he hahavhave??a ?sms?malmallll l b bo borordordederder r cr cocololl??e e me ?ixi????d d sd shshehe he a ab absbsobs?oluolutu?el?y y ly lo?vevesve?s ts ththithisis is fis ?foofo?od.od. ?????eded ed i it? t?? h??r ?in?? a a < <a<a ?hrhrerefref=f?""""h"??tptp:p??/w/www?ww.ww.a.amama?zozon?
/ no hormones & antibiotics.<br /><br />For me the evidence is clear - this is good quality food, my dog loves it and I love that when I buy Newman's Own products, the royalties go to charity!" 4779,B00139TT72,A2LKOJDXLW4219,Liza,7,7,5,1294704000,Helped our dog's skin issues,"I subscribe to the 12.5 lb bag of Advanced Dog Formula for Active or Senior Dogs - it's a great value. We have a small border collie mix and she absolutely loves this food. I feed it to her in a <a href=""