?anan n a ?ftftet?r-r-d-??nnn??er er s sasama?plplelerer er wer wiwitithth h?rereded d?wi?ne??oro? S ?coc?tctchch.h? T ?hahata?'s's s b beb??n n an a a p ?reretrettt?y y p po p??ululalara?r ar ?ppp?proproaoaca? ?A A????ililalarla?r ar apr apppprpp??oacoachch ch a al a?soso o w wo wororkorksks s "s ?"t"th?ereraer?apeapeue?titicicacala??y"y""?---???f f s so somo?????'s? h hahavha?in?g g a? b?adad d dd ?aya??? si sit si??in?? t ??themthe? d ?owo??n wn wi?th?? a a s a smsmamalallall l a as assssosorsortr?memenmentnt t o of of ?inincin??reareasasisininginglinglyly ly?inintintetente?ses? c chchochocococolco?latla?te te i is isnsn'n???a a ba bab?ad ad p pa patathat??tot???eeeeleelilininging ????litlitt?le? b be betett? r /r />/?<b<br<b?r /?>I>? d do do o wo wiwiswishs?h th thh thahathat t tt th?thertherere re w we werereer??ththethe the s?am?e e ne ?umu?beberber ?ofo?f ef ??achac?h ih ??? th thehe ?babagba??? th tha that?'s's 's t's th?the the othe ononlonlyly ?dodowdownwnswnsisidsi???. O. OfOf f cf co?uru?sese,se, ?ifif if y yoyouou u? re reaealeallllyll?y wy wawan?t t tt tht t?he he s se set?s ??of of t th thr th?reeree e te toe to o so se?rvrvev?e te toe to e to g gugueuesests??, ?yo?u'u?llll ll h ha h??ve ve t?o ??o o to th?rorourougu?h h th th??e te tie tirireresresosomso?? t ta t
an after-dinner sampler with red wine or Scotch. That's been a pretty popular approach. A similar approach also works ""therapeutically""---if someone's having a bad day, sitting them down with a small assortment of increasingly intense chocolate isn't a bad path to feeling a little better.<br /><br />I do wish that there were the same number of each in the bag; that's the only downside. Of course, if you really want the sets of three to serve to guests, you'll have to go through the tiresome ta
?sks??ofo? s sos?memehehohowow w???tit?ngng g t tht?e e e?xtxtrtrar??. . D DaD?rnr??""4444?1313,3,B,B0B??3S3SWSWCWCZCZGZ?4,4,A,A2A?WJWJHJ?1Q1???M9M9X9?5151,1?HeH?eateaththeth?r r F FeFererger?ususosonson,n,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5?13135135151051030360368680800??ChC?hochococololal?ateate e ie ?s s g gog??d d f foforo?r yr yoyouou!u!!!?? E ?at? m momororeor?.,.?"M"MaMananyny y r ??popor??s s as ar?e e ce co?mimin?g g og ououtou?????out? h ho?w ?chchohoc?ol??ate? i isis is? ac a???alallllyly y gy ?googood?? fo f?or or?yoyouyou,u, , s so s? e??at at mat ?mormo??! ! ! ?ThThih??is iis ?is is tis th?? p pepererferfef?ctct ct?ch??co?lalatlatete e te ?o o do dodo o to ththathatat at wat wiwiti? . . T?he? v vavararyar?ininging ing l ?eve?elelsls ??of of c co coc?oaoa a a ar arere re p pe pererferfeerf???t tt to? h?elelpelp p a ad adjdjujusustust t yt ?you?r r tr tatas?tete te b ?ududsds s ts ??to eto ea??ininging ?dadararkar??, d, dadardarkrk k ck chcho?cocolcolacolatateate.ate????'s's ??otot ?anan an e ea???y ty ?tratranansan??itiitioionon n f fo for fo???a ma mimilmilklk/k/s/?ememimi-mi-s-swsweweee?t t kt kikinindin?? g ga galal,al??bubutbut t tt tht thi?s s cs chchochoc?olola?tete ?is?is ais afa?foforfordrda??lele le? an a?d d sd ?so so? ta tasastastyasty.y?. . I. I I a al alslsolso
sk of somehow eating the extras. Darn." 4413,B003SWCZG4,A2WJH1QD0M9X51,Heather Ferguson,0,0,5,1351036800,Chocolate is good for you!! Eat more.,"Many reports are coming out about how chocolate is actually good for you, so eat more! This is the perfect chocolate to do that with. The varying levels of cocoa are perfect to help adjust your taste buds to eating dark, dark chocolate. It's not an easy transition for a milk/semi-sweet kinda gal, but this chocolate is affordable and so tasty. I also
??ikikeke e??hahatat t I ??cac?n n?jujusu???hahavhavev??ononene e (e (a(?? t?heheyey y a ??e e ie inindn??viv?dud?ala?lyl?y wy ?rarapa??ede?),)? a?ndnd nd? ch chohoooososes?e me ?y y %y ?.".?4444?1414,4??0000303S3??CZC?G4G?4,A4,A1A1G1GQGQAQAKA?L9L9C9CGC?GQLGQLPLP1P1,1,L,L.L. . M ?. . K. KeKeee???r,r,0,0,0,0?,5,?,1,??303?00400???0000,00,G,GrGrereareatat at??ararkark k C ChChohochococ?lal?ateate ?foforor r?YoYouourursrse?lflf f o or? f ??r r Gr GuG?eseststsst?!,!?"I"I I lI ???ve ve t? thi th?s ?sas?mpmplplelerer er o of of f Gf GhGhihiriraradra??llllilli i C Ch C??hocohoc?olaol???? In I????sese se D Da Dararkark ark S SqS?ua??resres s es ??pepecpe??alallallyly ly?nonowo? t th tha th?at ?nunututrt??titioi?onion?istis?s s rs re??comcommmmemen?d d y yoyouou ou??hav?e ?anan an o?z.z??ofof f df dadar?ark ark cark chc??hoco?lalatla?te te e eaeacachch ch d ??y y ty ?thathatat ??? o ov o?verve???0%0???acacoacoaoa.a?? C??oco?colcola??e e i??s as ? v vevegvegegetetat?blb?le le a? f fr fririerienendend end r re?mimin???d-d---??it'it's'??s a s a b bebeaeanean!n!<!<b<?r ??><>?<br<b??r />r />T>?he??se se cse ch??ocoocol????s s as ars a?? a af affffofor?dadabdablbleble,e, ?tatasta?????riricrichch,ch?, i, ??tetentens??? s sis?lklkyk
like that I can just have one (as they are individually wrapped), and choose my %." 4414,B003SWCZG4,A1GQAKL9CGQLP1,L. M. Keefer,0,0,5,1330041600,Great Dark Chocolate for Yourself or for Guests!,"I love this sampler of Ghiradelli Chocolate Intense Dark Squares especially now that nutritionists recommend you have an oz. of dark chocolate each day that is over 70% cacoa. Chocolate is a vegetable a friend reminded--it's a bean!<br /><br />These chocolates are affordable, tasty, rich, intense, silky
s ??ooo??? a anandnd d j juj?stst t t ththeth?????hth?t st sisizizez?? ????ovovev?e te toto o s?ere??ve ve t th t????foforo? a af aftfteterer er d didini??? . T ThThehe he s sq sququauararerese? a??re re f?aia??lyly y l la lar??e e ae ?andan?d id ???divdivivididuduaualualll?ly ly w ?rarapappppepeded.d. . . I. ItIt't's's ?grgrereareata??toto to h hah??ve ??difdifff???enentn?t at amamomoumoununtntsnts s os ofof f c cacacacoc?? d de depepepenpendndind?ingin? o onon n g gugueuesesteststs's' ' t?asa??es?. . . D. DaD?arkark k c ch chohococo?lal?ateate e ie isi??anan an a??ququiqu?ireir?ed ed????ste???oror or? so s???e. e.? O OfO???coucouru?sese,e, ,? th the the e de ?arark?er??ththe? c ch?oc?olo?latlate?, ?th?the the hthe ?heahealaltlth?iei??er ser soso o yo yoy?u u? ca canan an wan wowororkork k yk yo?urur ur???y ??? t to t???the?the 8the 8686%6? c??cocoaco??. G. ??reareatreat t tt tot to o ho ?havhaveve ?on? h??andand and f fo for for ??thethe ?the hothe h?oliolididaidayaysays.s?. . I. If. If f yf ????? are are e oe on???a da didiedi?t ?t ant andnd nd?? wan wa?nt nt a? l lo lowo? c ca cal calolorlori?e e ce ???cocol?atate? h?eae?altal?thythy y ty trtre??reat,reat, , h, ?hav??ing??? the?sese se i ?indindiind?vividvi?duadualallallyly ly wly ??apappap????di?lul?te
smooth and just the right size. I love to serve them for after dinner. The squares are fairly large and individually wrapped. It's great to have different amounts of cacoa depending on guests' tastes. Dark chocolate is an acquired taste for some. Of course, the darker the chocolate, the healthier so you can work your way up to the 86% cacoa. Great to have on hand for the holidays. If you are on a diet and want a low calorie chocolate healthy treat, having these individually wrapped dilute
ss s?ththehe e??emempm??atatit?onon.n?? I I'I'm'm m h ???pypy y??itithth th o ???e se sqsququauararer?e me momososts? d dadaya?s.s.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>T/>?heheshe??e ae ??e e ae a e a?grg???? n nonon?-g-gug??ltltyty y py ??eae?susuru??? th t?hatha??arare? g go goooodo? f ?????ouo?ur ur??eaealea?lthlth!h??4444414151?,B,B0B000010141??5757C7?A,A?ADADXDX8X?VLV?DUDUOUOLOL7L7B7BGBG,G?M.M?. G. GiGiningngrgragrasas,as,1,1,1,1?,5,5,5,15,121??343494949?44044?00,00,G,?rereareatrea?t ft ?forfo??fofoofo?tbtbab?llll l? fa fanansn?s ws ??o o h?????eveveverve?yty?thithin?g.g?,","I"? g go got go??ththithisthis s fs fo???a a f fa fam famim???y my ?????r r ar ?as as p papar?t t ot ofof f a a a f?ooootootb?alallall l tl ththethem?eded d gd ?ififtf??. I. ?I lI lilikikek?e te ??atat at tat ththe??????ketke?t ct cac?an an b be be ?re?ususesedsed.d??? h??veve ve???d ??thethe ????stasta a ba bebefbefo?forefor?? s sos?o Io I I kI knk?nowno? i ??? is i?s gs ?oooodoo?d. d.?? d do d??'t't ??knoknowow ?hohowho?w tw ?the?the othe otothot?herher r ir it??emsems s ts ?tastaststeste.e??"4"44??6,6??00?0E0E5E5A5?O8O8O8O,O,A,AK,A?MEM?Y1Y1B1BSBSHSHSH??G7G7,7?J.J. ???renrenan????,3,,3?,5,,5?,12,123232322223??80800??EvEveververyver??
s the temptation. I'm happy with one square most days.<br /><br />These are a great non-guilty pleasure that are good for your health!" 4415,B0014157CA,ADX8VLDUOL7BG,M. Gingras,1,1,5,1293494400,Great for football fans who have everything.,"I got this for a family member as part of a football themed gift. I like that the basket can be reused. I have had the pasta before, so I know it is good. I don't know how the other items taste." 4416,B000E5AO8O,AKMEY1BSHSDG7,J. Arena,3,3,5,1232236800,Every B
??? a ?s s g gog??? a as as s ys yoy?u u?rerememem??bebere?redre?!,!,","3"363? o ???tht???e e c cac?ndndydy y b bab??s ?juj?stst t m ??ghghth?t st ?seese?em em l ?ikikeke e oe ovo?ererkerkik?llll,l, ,? bu b?t t yt yoyouyou u cu ?cancan n???wawayaysys s ts tetele?ll ll?yo??rsrserselelfelf f tf ththathatat t yt yot youou'ou'r'rere re??oioiningng g? to to o g gi givi?ve ve??hehemhem m??utut ut t? to to c?omompmpapananyan?! ! O OfOf ?cocouourours?rse,rse?, t, ththeth?e te trt??uthuth h??s s ts ths thahatat at? th the theyey y ay ?areare e we ??y y ty totoo?? go goo good?? to to ???iveive ?awawaway??? to to a to an?anybanybobododyod???- - t?? they they ?cacancan can j ?jusjust? g go go go? ge getet t tt ththe?irir r??wnwn.n?<b<?r r /r />/><>??r ?r />r />T>?he? g go? good goo??nen??s ?isis is? th tha that???the??y a?????hih??pepeded ?soso o fo frfreresre?sh sh? an andnd nd s so?ftft t t??hatha?t tt tht thet theyey ey w wiwilillill l l la l??t ?'t'titil?ill ill y?ouou ou c?an? f ?in??ishish h oh ofoffoff f yf yoyouyour? s st s??ashash!h!<!<b<br<br <br?/>/></><b?<br <br /<br ?/>T/>ThTheThey?'r're're ?e awe awew?esoesomomeom??""4??1717,7,B,?000??E5E5A5AOAO8O?O,O,A,?YKYKGK??PJPJKJ?919?VGV?1,1,","D,"D.D. . T TaTay?loloror r "r """"c"??????e ne nunut?"""""""??2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5?121?313?120120000000
IT as good as you remembered!,"36 of these candy bars just might seem like overkill, but you can always tell yourself that you're going to give them out to company! Of course, the truth is that they are way too good to give away to anybody -- they can just go get their own.<br /><br />The good news is that they are shipped so fresh and soft that they will last 'till you can finish off your stash!<br /><br />They're awesome!" 4417,B000E5AO8O,AYKG9PJK91VG1,"D. Taylor ""coffee nut""",2,2,5,12312000
00000,0,F,FrF?eseshshehesestest t ' ??itit-t-O-?-H-???eye?' ' Y ??? W WiW??l l F FiFinindnd,d,",???isi? p prpror??ucuctct ?isis is?shshishipi??eded d s so so o f frfreresreshsh sh?ththahatat ?eve??? i ?f f??t t tt tataka?eses es y yoyouourour r f fa f?mim??y y m mom?ontonth?s s ts toto o eo eaeatat at t th the???r wr wawayay y ty th?ro???h h? th the the e?bob???? th the? l lal?stst ?'B'Bi'Bitit-it-O-O--O-H-Ho-Hon??ey'ey' ' w' ?ilillil?l sl ststistilill? b be be e fe frfrefr?esheshe?r ?ththathana??an?ytyththith?ingin?? yo y?ou ou c ?anan an b?uyuy ?ofoffff f tf th?e e se shshesh?lflf ??at at yat yo???r lr lol??calcal l gl grgrorocrocecerer.r? ?ThTheThes?e e ae ??? t th the the ?la??gege e ce cacancandndynd?-b-babarar ar? si sizizezeded,ed???rarapa????????wawaxwax x???apeap??. . . B BeBece?caucausu?e e te ththetheythey ??arear?e fe fre fre?reshresh,h?, t, ?the?they they a arareare are s so?ftf?t lt lil?keke ke? ta tafaffffyffy y ay any a?? s so so so? a a b br b?reere?zeze ze t to to ????raracra?ct ct f fr f?romrom m t th the? the w the wa??? pa?peperpe?, ????us us h hahavha?ve ve? th the???ulull?es?est est f???vov???? er. E EnEnjn??y!y!!!!"!""4444??8,8?B0B0000000??5A5?????A5A5F5F8F8U8?80801018???9W9?,B,Be,Bececkeckyky y Ly ?owo?er?
00,Freshest 'Bit-O-Honey' You Will Find,"This product is shipped so fresh that even if it takes your family months to eat their way through the box, the last 'Bit-O-Honey' will still be fresher than anything you can buy off the shelf at your local grocer. These are the large candy-bar sized, wrapped in wax paper. Because they are fresh, they are soft like taffy and so a breeze to extract from the wax paper, plus have the fullest flavor ever. Enjoy!!" 4418,B000E5AO8O,A5F8U8018NH9W,Becky Lower,
22,2,2,2,2,52,?,1,????41412??0000,0,B,BiB?t t O O'O??HoH?nen?y,y,",?ThTheheyey'ey'r'?e e?ala?momososts??gog??e ???rereare?dydy,? a an andnd d?I'I?m m a ab a?ououtu?t 5t 5 5 p popouounou?ndsnds s??heaheavaviviei??, , b bub?ut ut?tht?heshesese ?cac?nd?y y b ba bararsrs s as arareare ?mumucuchch h f ??resreshsheherher r??hah?? a an any anytyththithiningng g i inin in t th the th??ststost?reresres-res?-i-ifif f? an and an?d wd ?hehenhen n y ?ou? c cacanca?n fn fif??d d ad anan ?ou?tltlelete??th???t ct ca?rrrririeiesies s ts ?thethemem!m! !?YuYumum!m!"m!?4??41941?,B,B0,B0000000??5A5??8O8O,O?A1A1X1XUXUBUBGB?U4U4K4KSKS5S?ZCZCDCD,D,"?KaKatathat???ene?n Nn N.N. . P PaPar?trtri??gege ?""""K"KaKatKaththythy"y???,1??,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,1212112171?545484888??0,0,T0,??e e c?anandan?dy dy t ta tasaststest?d d gd gogoogoodod,d,","T,"ThTheThe The B ?BitBit t ot o'o' ??on??y y cy ca?candcandy?dy tdy ?thathatthat t It I I o or?ded?ereered? t to tooo?k k??e e be babacackck ?toto o m???y chy chihili???hoohoodod od w whwhewh?en en I I I u ususe??d td toto to b bu buyu?y ty th?the the p pr p?ododuod?uctuct.t. ? I It It t at ?arrarririvriveveded ed ied ?in ?a a t?imi??lyly ?mamanannanne??r, r,??n n gn gogoogoodgood d sd shshashapa?e,e, ??andand and o of of ?cocououroursrserse e ie itit it t ta tas taststestedsted d dd ?deldelil?co
2,2,5,1218412800,Bit O' Honey,"They're almost gone already, and I'm about 5 pounds heavier, but these candy bars are much fresher than anything in the stores--if and when you can find an outlet that carries them! Yum!" 4419,B000E5AO8O,A1XUBGU4KS5ZCD,"Kathleen N. Partridge ""Kathy""",1,1,5,1217548800,The candy tasted good,"The Bit o' honey candy that I ordered took me back to my childhood when I used to buy the product. It arrived in a timely manner, in good shape, and of course it tasted delico
uusus.s.".?4??202??B0B?0000E00E5E5A5AOAO8O8O8O,O,A,??Y4Y?X8X??R0R?F1F??S1S?,P,??COCO O?GEG?NEN?,1,1,1,11,1,?5,5,1,11,1191959?868626242404?00,00,F,?RERESE??,",?EXEXCXCECELE?LEL?ENTENT T Q QUQUAU?LILITITYTY Y A ?NDND D?SOS?O OO O ?O O O O F FR??ESHES?.<.???hrhrerefef=f="=""""h"hthttttptp:p:/:///???ww.ww?amamam???n.n.c.cocomom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prp??duducu?t/t/B/?B00B000????O8???"">""?BiBitit t O O'O' '?HoHononeon?? C CaCanandndydy,y, , 1 e P ????etetst??(P(PaPacPackck ck?ofo? 3 3636)6)<)?/a/?>">""4"?442442121,1,B1,B0B00??E5E5AE5AOAO8AO?8O,8O,A,A1,A?JOJO9O?L5L???9H9H4H464?P,P???lelererir?e e Je J.J. . B ???kerke???,1??5,5,15,111??4646546525282?0000,00,I00,ItI?'s's ?ststitililll? t ththehe ?sas?ameame.e.,.,I,I I?waw??s gs glglaladad d I I ?oro?ded?ereereded ?th???s cs ?anandan??. . I. ???ststistilillill l tl tatas???e le lil??? i itit it?dididi?d 2d ?20 20??eaeara?s ??gog?..444442422422,2,B,B0,B00?0E?5A5AO5AO85AO8O8O,8O,A8O,???1H1HFHFTFTJTJCJCJC?ZGZGNGNWN?,"??dwdwa?rdrd rd B B B J ??nkn?ininsns ??""E""??didiedi?e J?"""""""",",0,?0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1??20??969686??0,0,O0,OlOle? t?imimeme e ce cacancand?y.y.......l..??vev?e ie ?it!it!,!,","I,"I I wI ?waswas s js juj?ustust ?gogoigo?inging g
us." 4420,B000E5AO8O,A1Y4X8XR0F1AS1,PACO GENE,1,1,5,1195862400,FRESH,"EXCELLENT QUALITY AND SO O O FRESH.<a href="""">Bit O' Honey Candy, 1.7-Ounce Packets (Pack of 36)</a>" 4421,B000E5AO8O,A1JO9L5ES9H46P,Valerie J. Baker,1,1,5,1194652800,It's still the same.,I was glad I ordered this candy. It still taste like it did 20 years ago. 4422,B000E5AO8O,A2H1HFTJCJZGNW,"Edward B Jenkins ""Eddie J""",0,0,5,1320796800,Ole time it!,"I was just going
ttoto o???orordr??? t tht?? " """"B"BiBiti?-O-O-O??ononen??"""" "" L ?asastst t?meme e ae a a l lolonongon? t??me??????I I e ?njnjoj?? e ea eatatit??g g ig itit it?????lyly y iy ?in in? my m?y my momouoututh?....... .. J JuJusustst st??ikikeke e a???idid!d!"!""?444???,B,B0B0000000E00?5A5?O8O8O8O,O,A,AO?6E6E7E?3M3MYMYUY?UUUUZUUZSZ?,","n"???h h?? tic ti???e e "e ""?DiD?ck??l l n no?t t Tt ?icickickl??"""""""?,0,?,0,0,,0?5,5,1,????181??40400??lolovlo?e e oe ?? t?afaffffyf??,"l,"lo?lovelove ?mym???afaffaf??<b<brbr ??>S>ShShehe'he's's s? so s?o lo lal??affyaffy<y??r r /r />r />H>HeH?er er n?amame?me ime ?s ??BitBit t Ot O'O? H Ho?neneyney<y<by<brbr br / />??SheSh?e ge ?ivi??s s ms ?me me ame ?a ka kikiski?s<s<b<br? /?>O>OhOh h wh whwhah??, , " "" "?A A B ?lilis??"""""""""""444442424424,4?,B0,B?000000E0???AO8AO??,A,A2,A2424B24B0B0OB0OCOC7C?D5D5K5KDKD5?6,6,K,K.K. . S ?chchrhroroeoedede?r,r,0,0,?0,0,30,3,?121???18185185656060000,??y ??avavov?orior?iteit?e Ce CaC?andandydy ?BuButut-ut?o-o-H-Ho-H??eyey,ey?I I fI ?ouounoundnd nd t??he he c ?anand?y y ty toto to b bebe e he haharhard?erer er ter th?an??? h hahadha?d ed exexpxpepece???ed.ed. . . I It It ?cacamcame??me inme in n b ba b?r ??forformrm m a?nd?nd ind itit ?
to reorder the ""Bit-O-Honey"" Last me a long time and I enjoy eating it slowly in my mouth... Just like a kid!" 4423,B000E5AO8O,AO6E73MYUUUZS,"noah tickle ""Dickel not Tickle""",0,0,5,1308182400,love of taffy,"love my Taffy<br />She's so laffy<br />Her name is Bit O' Honey<br />She gives me a kiss<br />Oh what, ""A Bliss""" 4424,B000E5AO8O,A24B0OC7D5KD56,K. Schroeder,0,0,3,1294185600,My Favorite Candy But-o-Honey,I found the candy to be harder than I had expected. It came in bar form and it i
ss s r rarataththeherer r h haharardr??toto o?chc?hewhew w?bubutut t j ??sts?t at asas s ts tat?astas?y-y----j-???st st t ta t?kekeses s ms mom?rere e c ch chehew?iningng g t to t??enenjn??y!y?!!4444424252??B0B???E5E5A5AOA?8O8O,O,A,A3A3U3UQU?WDW?N1N1H1HOH??2M2MMMM,M?C.C??StSta??eke?,0,0,0?,0,,0?5,5,15,121272777717?64648480800??,A ,A b?itit t ot o'o' ' h ho hononeneyne??MyM??neneine???bob?or or a anandnd ?I I?lolovoveve ?th??s ????dyd?y ay anandand and i it?'s'??didififfffificicuculultlt t tt toto to f fi?????hehe he? 7 o ozo?????ckckeketketst?s is ?in in t? the the e se ststost?oreores?. . . S?o o Io ?I jI jujus??t dt ??cicidide?d d td toto to pto pupururcrchchachas?e e ae ? w ?hohololele e ce ca??e.e???ThThe?y y wy wewerereer?e fe ??resre?h h a an andnd nd gnd grgrereare?? t ta tas ta?stistininging.g..??4242642??,B0,B0000000?E5?AO?8O?,A,A3,A3N3?7U7UGUGQGQ1Q1616S16?MWMW4W4I4I,I,M?r r Br BuBututaut?babararaar?,0,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,?5,125,127273273434444944?606??00,F00,FrF?res?h ?SoSofoftft ??anandandyandy,???esestest t Bt BiBit??O-O-H-HoH?oneon?y y Iy I ?ha?veve ve e eve?verver r er ?atateat??.<.<b<?r ??>I>I I h?ava?ve ve ave alalwlwaw??s s bs boboubo?ghghtgh?t tt tht thih?? p prprorododud???t at att at t a? l lo l?cacalcal l g grgrogr?oceocer?y ?st
s rather hard to chew but just as tasty--just takes more chewing to enjoy!! 4425,B000E5AO8O,A3UQWDN1HOJ2MM,C. Stanek,0,0,5,1277164800,A bit o' honey,My neighbor and I love this candy and it's difficult to find the 1.7 oz. packets in the stores. So I just decided to purchase a whole case. They were fresh and great tasting. 4426,B000E5AO8O,A3N7UGQ16SMW4I,Mr Butabara,0,0,5,1273449600,Fresh Soft Candy,"Best Bit-O-Honey I have ever eaten.<br />I have always bought this product at a local grocery st
o??e e a anandnd d i iti????s s? al alwlwawaywaysy?s hs ??rdrd,d? I I I f fifigiguguru???d id ??? wa w?as as???ppp?oso?e e te toto o b bebe e te the t??t ??wayway.way. . B BuButut t at afaftfteterer r e ??titiningng g t tht??e be ?oxox x I I I b?ouougughg???heherhe?? I I I n I non?w w?knk?nownow w bw bebetbe?teterter;r; ; t?he? c cacan??y y?? was wa??sos?ft? a?ndnd nd d ded??icicicioiou??.<.?brbr ??>I>????an? t to to o co coconontntitintinun?e e be bue buyu?in?g g Bg BiBit?-O-O-O-H-HoHon?eyey y fy frf?omom m?heherhereher?.".""?444424272???0000000E00?5A5?O8O8O8O,O,A,A1A1616969Q9?8B8?9393838787272Q2???,Ai,Aisi???ngng,ng?0,0,0,0,,0,4,?4,14,?27??151??6060000,00?YuY?mmmmymy!y?,","T"ThT?isis is i is i?s as an??exexcxcec?ellellel?ntnt nt??anand?y ?y foy for? t th tho th?oseose ?of? u ?s s ws ?hoho o ho hahavha??e t?o o lo lilimlimimit?it oit ?ourou??chc?hocho?colcolalatlatete te??nt???e.e. e.? E EaE??? b ba barar ar i is?? se s?ctcti?ononeonedone?d id ind i?ntonto o so ?ixix x px pipieiececeec?s,s, , w, ?whiwh?ichich h h?el?psps s ws wis witithith h ph ??rtr???n n c co conontontrtro??---?an???mam??eses es i???pepererferfefecectec??foforor or sor shs?harha?in?ing!ing! ! M MyM??ononlonlyl?y qy ?uiuibibbbblb?le le i is is is t is th?at? i? it' it's'
ore and it was always hard, I figured it was suppose to be that way. But after eating the box I bought here I now know better; the candy was soft and delicious.<br />I plan to continue buying Bit-O-Honey from here." 4427,B000E5AO8O,A169Q8B93872Q4,Aisling,0,0,4,1272153600,Yummy!,"This is an excellent candy for those of us who have to limit our chocolate intake. Each bar is sectioned into six pieces, which helps with portion control--and makes it perfect for sharing! My only quibble is that it's
? s sos??etetitimime?s s h haharardrd d?toto o g geg?? a alallll l t?hehe e w wawaxaxex???pap?pep?r r o ??f f?? the th?e ce cacana???, ,? as a?s is itit't?s s qs ququiu?iteite e se ??ticti?kyk??""?4444242828,8,B,??0000E00?5A5AOAO8O8O8O,O,A,A1A1A1???RZRZRZRDR??9D9DUDUNUN,N?"H"?. .?LaL??dmd??? " """"H"HL"HLLLL"L???,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5?121?525212101080888?0000,00?JuJusustst st l ??keke e we whwhe????? wa wasa??? k ?idid,d,","H,"HaHavavev?n'n't't t? ha hadad d Bd ?itit it O O O H HoH?neneyey y s?ini?cec?e Ie I ?wawaswas s as a s a? ki kid? . ....... .. a?nd???eeeeieiningin? t th the them the? o on o??AmAma??onon on m ?madma???ththe???ururcrchc???e ?a a "a ""??o-o-b-brbrar??inein?".""."? A AnAndnd nd tnd th???? we w?ereer???s ????d ??as as I???ememememme?beber?er."er.""4"4444244?9,9,B,B0,B00??E5E5AE5AOAO8AO?8O,8O?,A2,A2J2JBJ?ZHZ??VQV???MVMV0V?0,S0,?heherhe???y,0y,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,15,1212412484828222202???00,00,Y00,YuYumum!m!,!,","I,"?I hI ?hathatete e he hoh??eyey ey bey bub?t t It I I lI lolovoveve ve B ?BitBi???O HO HoHonHo?neyney y cy ca?ndndynd?y. y. I I ??reareal?lyly y dy dod?on'on't????astaste??? the the the h ho hon??y ?inin in? th? them them. them. . I. ?I lI liI likikeik??e the t??he bhe babar?s s bs ?betbettt???r tr ??anan an tan th?
sometimes hard to get all the waxed paper off the candy, as it's quite sticky." 4428,B000E5AO8O,A1A99RZRDB9DUN,"H. Landman ""HLL""",0,0,5,1252108800,Just like when I was a kid,"Haven't had Bit O Honey since I was a kid ... and seeing them on Amazon made the purchase a ""no-brainer."" And they were as good as I remember." 4429,B000E5AO8O,A2JBZHQVQF7MV0,Sherry,0,0,5,1248220800,Yum!,"I hate honey but I love Bit O Honey candy. I really don't taste the honey in them. I like the bars better than the
i ini?did?vividi??ala?lyl? w ?rarapa?pep?d d????ndindieieses s b ?ece?caucausu?e e t ththehe e se shshahapapeap??isis s es eaeasasisieierier r t?? e ?eateat.t. . I ??lilikikek??ththetheme??ha?rdr?, ,? br briritittttltlele ?anandand ??hehewhewywy,y, ?nonotot t s ?ofoftft.t. t. T ?hihis? i is is s as aca?tutua?llllylly ?chchecheaeapeapeperper ??perper per b ba b?r r tr ththathanan an w wh whe?rere e Ie ?I bI ??y y ty ththethemthe??lol?cacalca??lly.lly.".""??434?0,0,B,B0B0000000E00??AOAO8O8O8O,O??1Q1QAQAMAM7M??AVAVZVZYZ?4V4VNVN,N??N.N. . F. ????a a " ??SwSwew?etet t Tt ToTooo?othoth"h"""""""",",0,0,????,1,?2424040000900?9292020000,00,S,StS?ici?kyky y Fy FiFiningingegere?rs,rs,T,Th?isis is wis waw?as as m mymy ??secsecoc?ndnd nd??ordordederer er o of of f?BiBitit it O O O H HoH??eyey.y.<.?brbr r /r />/?Th?e e fe fifirirs?????one one a ?ariar?iveiveded ed w wi wit?h h? th thehe he??ele?loplophphahanhanen??cucutu?t at anandand and??ne? i it itetemem em? mi mis?si??g.g?.<b.<br??/>/>I/>I I hI hoh??? M MrMr.r??St?icickic?ky ky?FiFinFing?????fofouo?ndnd nd tnd ?thethe the??anandandyandy y ay asas ?ene??oyoyayabablb?le le a?s ???dididdid.d..4????,B??000000E0E5E5AE5?AO8AO8O8O,8O,A,AB,A??KHKH1H????SBS???,C,CaC??t lt lo?veverer,er,1?,3,3,3?,3,,3,1,12,1?383
individually wrapped candies because the shape is easier to eat. I like them hard, brittle and chewy, not soft. This is actually cheaper per bar than where I buy them locally." 4430,B000E5AO8O,A1QAM7EAVZY4VN,"N. Forsa ""Sweet Tooth""",0,0,4,1240099200,Sticky Fingers,This was my second order of Bit O Honey.<br />The first one arived with the celophane cut and one item missing.<br />I hope Mr. Sticky Fingers found the candy as enjoyable as I did. 4431,B000E5AO8O,ABGKH1T5ASBWW,Cat lover,1,3,3,1238
0020252565606?0,0,N,NoNotot t?sos? f ?rereseshsh,h??WhWhih?lele e I I I l ????e Be BiBiti?t at ??HoHono?eyey y a ana?d d?dodonon'on't't ?????retre?t mt mymy ?pupururcrchchahasasese,e, , I I I? di didi?d nd non?ot ot? fi finind? t ???? a as a? " """"f"frfrefreseshesh h? an andnd nd snd sosofso?t"t"""" ""??? t th t?he he?????r r r ???iei?wew?rsrs.s? T ?he?y ?ararrrririvive?d d hd ??rdr?d ad anandand ?brbriritrittttltlele le b bubutut t st ?titil?? t ta t?????wowonondondedererferfufulul l il ?? y yoyouo? c cacanan an e eaeatat ??thethemem em w wiw??hohou??t bt br??eakeakik?inging g? yo y????te?eteth??. M. ??ybybebe e ie it?'s'?s bs be?cacaucaususe?? I I b I bobou??hth?t t?he?he bhe babagagsgs s os ofof f if inindin?iviviivididuiduauala?lyly ??rarapappp??d ?????t a t a??ononeoneyey'ey's's 's a as as as o as ?????sedse??toto o to th?the the a?ctctutuaualual l cl ca???y ?babarbars?. . N. NeNexe?t ?t tit timimeme ?e ite it't's's 's t's ththethe ???barsbars!s!"!""4444???,B,??00000?02N02NYNYOYO9O9898,8?A5A5D5DVDVXVX3X?B0B07B0??B0??,P,PaPat?riricri????KaKayaysay?,0,0,??0,50,5,5?131??898949?0808080000,00?LOLOVO?ELE?? J JUJUNU?IPIPEPERE? B ?ERERRERRIRIEIESES,S,","D,"DrDri??ed ed b??errer??riesrie??? st sti?llll ll w wi w??ith ith? te tex?
025600,Not so fresh,"While I love Bit a Honey and don't regret my purchase, I did not find them as ""fresh and soft"" as the other reviewers. They arrived hard and brittle but still taste wonderful if you can eat them without breaking your teeth. Maybe it's because I bought the bags of individually wrapped Bit a Honey's as opposed to the actual candy bars. Next time it's the bars!" 4432,B0002NYO98,A5DVX3B075B09,Patricia Kays,0,0,5,1338940800,LOVELY JUNIPER BERRIES,"Dried berries, still with text
uururer? a ana?? t ?hehe e qe ?uiuinintn???sesenent??alal l a???????PoPotot t??roaroasasts?t it ?s s s soso o m ?ucu?h h?bebetettt?terter r?wiwiti?? h ?alalfalf f a? d ?ozo?enen en? be bere?ririei????lal?tt?eneneeneded ??intintoto ?ththeth?e be brbre??dbdboboao?rdrd ???d d sd ??oooopopepeded ed i inint?o o to tho thehe he p pipicickc?lil?ingin? m?ixi??urureur?. . B. ?utu?t it int in n t?enen en yen yey?ararsars,s, ,??ryryiyining????o fo fifin?d ??thethemthem m?? g gegeee?? S SoSo ??owo? I ??knknonowno?w tw to? l lolooookook k????r ir itit it o onon n An AmA?mazma?on??""44444343333,3?B0B0000000200?NYN?O9O9898,8?A3A3737676T6TWTWNW???4H4HMHMZM??8,h8,hehelhe?lioli???0,0?1,1??,1???424?525?8080000,00?ExExax?clc?tyty y w wh whahathat t i???rdrderderereered?,","A"AgAgag?inin,in, ??xaxacxa?tltlyly ?whw?hathat hat I I I? or ord ordeder?eredere???NoN?o f?usussss,ss, , n, no? m mu m?ussuss.s. . A. ?rr??veveded ed oed onon on??imimeme.e. e. Pe. PrP?retrett??y my mumucmu?? a an an n in ??deadealal al t tr tra tr?ansansasac?titioionon.on. on. O OnOnln?ly ly t???ing?ing ting ththathatat at t th thr threrewrew w mw ?me me w wa wasas as t??atat at Iat I I uI unund?erere???im??ateateded ed ted ththethe the q qu?an?tititti??. ?(g(?galgalll?lonlo?n bn babaga?gig
ure and the quintessential aroma. Pot roast is so much better with half a dozen berries flattened into the breadboard and scooped into the pickling mixture. But in ten years, trying to find them - gee. So now I know to look for it on Amazon." 4433,B0002NYO98,A376TWN7I4HMZ8,helios,0,1,5,1324252800,Exaclty what i ordered,"Again, exactly what I ordered. No fuss, no muss. Arrived on time. Pretty much an ideal transaction. Only thing that threw me was that I underestimated the quantity. (gallon baggi
?e e i ?n n t ?hehe ??rer?ezezezere?, , f ?twt??""4?434343??B0B0000000200?NYNYOYO9O?8,8,A,??9C9COCO2O?S0S0V0VTVTTTT0T??5,5??. . C ?hohooo?,0,0,0???,3,,3,1,131323?676757585?404?00,00,g,geg?t t?a a n nenewe???aca?kakaga???"B"BeBererrer??ese?? ar arere re f?in??, , b, bubutut t tt th??e pe pa?ckckackagageage ?isis s bs babadad.d?. U. ??abablblele e te toto o o ???n n nn ?neane?tlt?y y??ndnd d t th thehenhen n in ?t t rt riripripsps s os op?en? a an?d ?yoyouourur r b ??errerrierrie?s s as arare?re are ?lll? o ov ovever? t????????r.r?"?4444344353??B0B00B0??6V6VBV?4141M1?,A?1E1EOE??VUV?I2I2424K4K6K67?B,B?KaKat??,1,,1,2,???,1,1,1,?13213282818141?408408080000,00,S00,SiS?ckcknckne?sss?s as ans andnd nd??eaeatathat??,"",""""?ThThehe he F FoF?oodoo??anand?nd Dnd DrDrurugug g?AdA?mim?iniin?ististrt???ioionon n (n ?FDF???? is is s a?gag?in? c cacauaut?ioionioninin?g g cg ?ononsonsusumu?ererser?s ts ?thath?at at??hihicickickekenen ?jejer?kyky y py ??ododud?ctctst??fof??r dr ?ogo?s s (s (a(alalsal?o ??solsoldl??d asd as ?chchihichi???en en ten tetenenden?erers?, , s, ??tritripipsps ps o or or r tr trtretr?eatea??????y y by bebe be??ssssossocociciaiatateateded ?wiwit?h h i??llnllnenes?s s is inin ?do? ?InIn n tn
e in the freezer, ftw)" 4434,B0002NYO98,A29CO2S0VTT0C5,S. Choo,0,3,3,1326758400,get a new package,"Berries are find, but the package is bad. Unable to open neatly and then it rips open and your berries are all over the floor." 4435,B0006VB41M,A1EO2VUI24K67B,Kat,1,2,1,1328140800,Sickness and Death,"""The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is again cautioning consumers that chicken jerky products for dogs (also sold as chicken tenders, strips or treats) may be associated with illness in dogs. In t
??e e l lalasasts? 1 121??mom???hshs,s??FDFDAD? h hahas???eeeenen n?ana???ncncrcrereaeasasease ?inin in?ththethe e ne nun???erer r o ofof f c cocomompmplp??inintintsts s i ?t t rt ???eieiviveveded d? of of f df ?ogog g i?lll?nen?ssssesesses s as asassassosocociciai??eded ed w wiw??h h??ononsonsusumumpumptp?ioi?on on? of of of c ch chihicickckekenen en?jejererkerkyk? p prp??duducuctctsts ts i???oro?tetedte?d fd frf??? C ChChihinhinan?? T ?heheshese? c? com co??lalailainlaintntsnts s hs ?havhaveve ve b ?beebeen?????orortorte?ted ted t to t? F??? b??y dy ??g g og owownw?nernersrs s a?ndn??vevetvete?ririn?ara?riarianansans.s."."""""""""??4343636,6?B0B000?2N2??EZEZIZI2I2,2,A,??B3B3X3XIXIOIOYO??7M7MZM??J,J?mam?aryar?,1,1,1???,1,???37370704040400?0000,00,m,mi,misisls?eaeadeadidin?g,g?,Be,B??adadvdviv?iseiseded.ed?. Y. YoYouo? w wi wili?? o on onlnlyl??rerec??eivei?ve ve 1ve 1 1??ononeone)e) ) b bo boxo?. . T. Th?eye?y ay ararear??leleslessss ss t th tha??n $n $3$ 00? in in n tn th?the the? lo l??????rorocro?cerceryr?y sy ?stost??e.e?. W. ?ilillill ???t ?pupururcr?hahasha?se se ase aga?,7?,B0,B00002002N?BE?ZIZI2ZI2,2,A2,??9999L9LTLTIT?YDY??SFSFDFD,FD,S,?. . C. ClCla?rkr???2,32,3,3,5,?,1????50500?8080000,
he last 12 months, FDA has seen an increase in the number of complaints it received of dog illnesses associated with consumption of chicken jerky products imported from China. These complaints have been reported to FDA by dog owners and veterinarians.""" 4436,B002NBEZI2,A2B3XIOYV7MZUJ,mary,1,1,1,1337040000,misleading,Be advised. You will only receive 1 (one) box. They are less than $3.00 in the local grocery store. Will not purchase again. 4437,B002NBEZI2,AY99LTIYDESFD,S. Clark,2,3,5,1265500800,
DDeDele?ici??ouousu? a anandn??LoLowow w???ini?t t V ?alalul?e e?onon n?????LoLovLovev????esesese e le lilitlittt?lel???eaean??t t bt bubut??ere? d didipippppepedpe??grg?ananoan?lala a b babararsr?? ??heheyhey y a ar a??e de dedeleliel??io?? T?heheyhey hey a? are are ??onlonlyly y oy ononeone ?e poe p?oinoint? o on on ?th?e e We WeWeieigighghtht ???tctchcheherhersrs rs P PO P??NTN?S S??ysyststetemte??. ?EvE?venven ??ouou ou w wew????nonotot t dt didiedi??in?g,g, , t th?thesthe?se se? ba bararsar?s as ar?e ??a ga gr?ea?t t at anandand ?fif?llllilinli?? s sn s???k.k.".""44444343838,8?B0B?020?NBNBEB?ZIZ??,A,??GPGP6P6060707O7OGOGP?KJKJZJ?C,C?FeF?eli?ci??a Wa WhW?ititst?onon,on,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?,1,131333?3393392929296960600600,0,A0,AmA?azazizininging!ing?!!!!,!!??We????veve ve t?hehemhem!m! !?? Thi Th??s is isis is a a a g grgre?at? 1 1010000 00 c ?alaloalororirieie e se snsna???. ?I I s sn sna snac?? o on?? th the theme?? th thr throrouougoughghogh?outout t tt th?the the? da dayay.y. ???????babanbandnd,nd, , a, anandand and 3 3 3?yeyeaearear r or ???d ed ???oyo?? e eaeat?ininging ing t th? them the???s s ws wewelwell?."."."4444??9,9,B,B0,B0000200??BEBEZBE?ZI2ZI?2,A2,A1A1QA1QEQEZEZKEZKKKK4K4K4K7K?YVYV3V3N3N,N?PaPat??ricrici
Delicious and Low Point Value on WW,"Love these little peanut butter dipped granola bars. They are delicious. They are only one point on the Weight Watchers POINTS system. Even you were not dieting, these bars are a great and filling snack." 4438,B002NBEZI2,A1GP607OGPKJZC,Felicia Whitson,0,0,5,1333929600,Amazing!!!,"We love them! This is a great 100 calorie snack. I snack on them throughout the day. My husband, and 3 year old enjoys eating them as well." 4439,B002NBEZI2,A1QEZKK4K7YV3N,Patrici
aa a M ??gagalalhlhah?eses,s?0,0,1,?,1,1,,1??343444434????0000,00,1?0000 00?CaCalaloalororir?e e P PaPaca?ksks s - - -?NuNututtttetere? B ??uttut???r Dr DiDipi?pepeded d D ?elelil?ghghtht t B Ba B?rsrs,?"T"ThThihisi?s ps prp?odo?ucu??t wt wawasa????sosolo??uteutelelyel????orrorri?blblele!e! !? E EaE??h h a anandn?d ed eve?ereryery ??arar ar w wawaswas s os obobvbviv??ususlslyly ?ololdold,d, , b beb?cac?ususeuse e ie ??t wt wat was? s sts?alaleal?, , s, ??el?leledled ??wfwfufulul,l, , a, an?d d hd ?hadhad d td toto o b?e e te ???rowrownwn n o ououtou?. . ??hahamhameme me o on o?e ??ouou ou f foforor or?eveveevenen ?trtryryiy?ngng g t ?to to s?elell? s su suc??h ah a a pa pr?od?ucuctuct!t?""444444444040,40,B,B0B?000000000G00GGG?I0I0000,?A2A2121E1??WHWHIHI9I????1010,0,D0,?. . J. J.J. . W. ??altalte?tersters,s,4s,4,4,4,?4,54,5,5,1?242454545454564560600000000,000,P,PiP??o o Po ?PicPicaca ca?...?? t th t?e ??ESESTST,T,","I"? l ???ve ve P???o ?o Pio Pic?a.a?. . I ?t ?ada??s ?sosomso?me me fme flf??vovoror,or, , a, an, and? i ?it'it?s ??otot ?totooto?o ho hohothot.t. t.? I I e??t t it itit it? at at t lt lelealeasastas?t 2t 2 2 m memeamealalsal???eveevereve?????y.y. ?ItIt'It's's 's g gogooo?od od o on on on e eg eggggsg?? i it i?'s's 's g's ?????ono???izi
a Magalhaes,0,1,1,1344384000,100 Calorie Packs - Nutter Butter Dipped Delight Bars,"This product was absolutely horrible! Each and every bar was obviously old, because it was stale, smelled awful, and had to be thrown out. Shame one you for even trying to sell such a product!" 4440,B0000GGI00,A21EHWHI9XQY10,D. J. Walters,4,4,5,1245456000,Pico Pica ... the BEST,"I love Pico Pica. It adds some flavor, and it's not too hot. I eat it at least 2 meals every day. It's good on eggs, it's good on piz
z????iti?'s'??gogoooodod d?onon n?vev?gegetetat??lel?s.s.<.?brb??/>/?<b<br<b???/>R/>ReReaealallllyl?, ??ouou u c cacanan'n't't t g go go o?wrw???g.g.".""?44444?1,1?B0B00000??GGG?I0I0000,00,A,A2A??ENEN4N4M4MZM??DZDZIZ??V,V??lwl???sFsFlFlylyilyiningng,g,1,1,?1,1,51,5,5,1?343?747?080?00000?,T,ThThih?s s is isis is t ththehe e??tut?ffff!f?,","T"??an?k k g go goo go?odnodnenesessess s fs ?oro?r Mr ?exexGxGrGrorocrocecerer.r? W WeWe ?lol??ve ve t th thihishis s Ps ?icicoco ?Pi?caca ca s?aua?cece.ce. . I. ???anannannon?t t ft ?in?d ?ththithisis ?prprorodro?ucuctuct t it inin in l loloclo??? g gr gro??er?y y? st s?ororeor????anyanymymomororeore.ore. ??InIntn?er?nenetnet ???opoppp???g g???kekeses ?lilivivivininging ing? in i??a a p ??oduodununknk ??towto??n bn bebeaearea??ablab?le.le??NoNo ?momormorere e le loe lonongong ong l li lis?tsts ?sasavavevedve?d fd ?forfo??ththethe ??ccc?cascasis?ononaon?? t?rir?p p t to to o to th?the the " """?????cic?ityity"y???. I?? am am m o on on n an a n a?fifirfirsr????ama??e be babasasisissis s ws wiwitithith h?? the the ??PSPS S a??d d Fd ?ededEdExE? d drdri?veververs?. ?USUSPSPSPS PS s??hiphipmp?menme?ntsnt??arare???hithi?t at an?d ?mimis?s,s, , i, ifif f? th the?y y fy
za, it's good on vegetables.<br /><br />Really, you can't go wrong." 4441,B0000GGI00,A23EN4MZKDZIDV,AlwaysFlying,1,1,5,1347408000,This is the stuff!,"Thank goodness for MexGrocer. We love this Pico Pica sauce. I cannot find this product in local grocery stores anymore. Internet shopping makes living in a podunk town bearable. No more long lists saved for the occasional trip to the ""big city"". I am on a first name basis with the UPS and FedEx drivers. USPS shipments are hit and miss, if they f
iiti??ini? t ththehe e m mamaia???oxo?, ,?grg?eae?t,t, , i, ifif f n nonotot,t, t,? th t??n n in it??s s s sas?ddd???e ue upup p?ana????heaheadad ad t to to o t to tow to?n.n??PiP?coco ?PiPicPi?a a i is is s os ououru??fafava??rirititeite e pe prpror?duducu?t,?t, it, ?? i? is is s so so o go ?oooodod!od! ! L ?ovo?e e ie itit!it?""4444?442442,2,B,B0B?00?0G0?????,A,?2V2VBVBTBTNT?6Z6ZRZR6R??YOY???MiMikikeke ?JaJ?cocobcobsb??1,1???5,5,1,13,1343??7272929696060000,00,W00,???at at e eveveverve?yoyono?e e i??s ss ?saysayiy?ingin? h he hererere re a??boubo?t t Pt PiPicPicoPico ?o Pio Picicaica a ia ??s ts ?rur?e,e,","T"?hihisis is i is is is a is a ?veververyvery y d ??iffif??ereer?ntn?????uceuc?e -e ? n no notothot?hinhingn?g lg lil?ikeik?e ae ?anyanyty??ininging ing y yoyouyo?'l'?l l? fi fin???inin in t th the the e ge grgrogrococecereryery ?sts???e.e. . I. ItIt't's? c clc?oso??? t?? t th the the the " """?bobotbotitiqiququeue"ue?"" "" s sa sala??sassas ?s ths thahathat t ht ???? r ?recrece??ntlntlyl?y ay ??pepea??redre?d wd ??ithith h?? the? the n the ??? " "" ""t"tat?acoaco ???ststastauaur?anantant"t?"" "" t"" trtretren?????t'?s s as ?a la lilitlittt?le?? sm smomoko?keykey.y?. M. MyMy y py pipicickickyky y 3y 3-3?yeyeaearear ear???d ?d wid wil?l ??eateat t at a ?bubururrurri
it in the mailbox, great, if not, then it's saddle up and head to town. Pico Pica is our favorite product, it is so good! Love it!" 4442,B0000GGI00,A2VBTN6ZR67YOF,Mike Jacobs,1,1,5,1344729600,What everyone is saying here about Pico Pica is true,"This is a very different sauce - nothing like anything you'll find in the grocery store. It's closer to the ""botique"" salsas that have recently appeared with the new ""taco restaurant"" trend. It's a little smokey. My picky 3-year old will eat a burri
ttoto o w wiwitithth h???isis s o ?n n i M ?y y?faf?mimili??y ay alalwl????s hs ?ada?? th thihis? ( (m(mimilmildld)d) ) o on on ?th?e e t?abablb??e ie inin n Sn SoS??ththe?rnrn ??alalialififoforo?rnirniaia a a anandnd d nd ?owo? t th?ata? I ??veve ?bebeee?n n t???ansan?plplal?antan??d d id in? S So?ututhuth ??lol?oriorididada a Ia I I a?? h hahapha?pyp??toto to m mamaiailil-il?orordordederer.r. ?YoYou? c ?anan an g gegetet ??thethe the????tlt?? s sisininginglg??-s-sesererverveve ve?popououcouchcheh?s ?didirirerecectc???y fy frfroromo?m tm ?thethe the cthe cocomompom??anyany,y? t to toooo.o?""4?44?3,3,B,B0B000????GIG?0000,00,A,????6Q6Q2Q2929G9G5G5S5?0E0E9E9,9,","J"JiJimim m "m """"h"hihighighg?halhaltltit?ituitududedeldelolowlo?opopepen?ining??"""""","??,0?,5,?,1,?333393???13613606?00,00,B00,BeBesestest t Ht HoHoto?t St ??ucu??e ae anandand ??aca??? Sa Sauaucaucece ce A AvAvav??lalablabl????n n An AmAmemer?ici??,","T,"?hi???cocomcompmpapanpa??y iy isis is ais an?an Aan AmAmeAmereriericericacanca?n Cn Cln Clalaslassssisicsi??be?en? i???bubususi?nenesessess s os ?veverver r??? y yey????. ?WhWhyhy?y? ? B Be?cacaucaususeuse e i?t t it is??th??the bthe ??stst ?hohotot ot s??auc?e ?e ane a?nd nd t ta?coco ?sas??auce??
to with this on it. My family always had this (mild) on the table in Southern California and now that I've been transplanted in South Florida I am happy to mail-order. You can get the little single-serve pouches directly from the company, too." 4443,B0000GGI00,A2D16Q29G5S0E9,"Jim ""highaltitudelowopening""",0,0,5,1339113600,Best Hot Sauce and Taco Sauce Available In America,"This company is an American Classic been in business over 90 years. Why? Because it is the best hot sauce and taco sauce b
aara? n nonono?e.e. . T ThT??rere e a ??e e se ?omomeme ??ththeherher ?gogoooodod d b ??anandndsd? o ?oouooutut t?ththeth?ereer?, , b bu b?ut ut???isis ?isis is? th the the ??ese???an?d ?nonotnoth?ini?g g c ?om???are?s ?tot? i iti?. ?Th??e He ??ot ot s sasauaucucece e he hahasas ?re?????abablb?e e he hee heae???t ant a?nd nd b bi b?iteite ?anand?? ad addddsds ds u ?nin?quq??e fe flflalavavovoror ?to? y yoyouourur ?fafavavoav?orior??ite ite?MeMexe??fofoooodoodsds.ds. . T. Th. T?he he t?acaco? ( (M(MiM???) ) s?au?cece ce i is i??mim?ildilded?? a?ndnd nd jnd jujusust? p pep?erferfefece?t t ot onon on t ta??coscos,s, , e, enencn?ha?????as,as, , t, ?tostost?adadadasdas,? t ta tam tamamalalelesles,s, ??elellll l B BeBeeBeefefeferfe?s,s, s, as, anandand and fand frf??zez?????x ??in??nerners?. . T. Th. The. The ?e hae harardardederder r t??o fo fifinindin??grg?reereenen en sen sa??uceuce ?isis is tis to???diedi?e fe foe foror.or. . G. GrGre?reatreat ??n n??vevereryerytyththithinthingng!ng! !?UnUnfnfo??tutununaunatateat?elyel??? d dodonon'on??t st seseeee ?ththethe the??gregree????stustufuffff f? on on n An AmAma?zoz?on on bon bubutut ut yut ?youyo? c ca can? f??indind ind i it i?????ustus?t gt geg?t t it ???. T. Tr. Tryry ??allall l tl ththrth??ree.ree???I gI grgregrewgrew w
ar none. There are some other good brands oout there, but this is the best and nothing compares to it. The Hot sauce has reasonable heat and bite and adds unique flavor to your favorite Mex foods. The taco (Mild) sauce is milder and just perfect on tacos, enchaladas, tostadas, tamales, Bell Beefers, and frozen mex dinners. The harder to find green sauce is to die for. Great on everything! Unfortunately I don't see the green stuff on Amazon but you can find it. Just get it. Try all three. I grew
??p p???thth h t ??isi? s sts?ufuffff f? so s???m m v vevereryr? p ?ara?titiaiala????o io it?? I I I k ?eeeepep p ap ababob??t t f fifiviveve ve o oror r s?ixix x b bobotbottt??eses s (s (e(??chch ?vavarariarieietetyty)y? o on o? m mym??shshehelelvl???s as ata?t at alallall l tl . A. ?ftf?erer er y yoyouou ou t tr tryry ry t th t?is?? yo you?ou wou ????l nl ?otot t wt wawanantnt t tt toto o go gogo ?babacackack k t to to to t th?? r rur?n ??f f tf ?theth?e me ?ili?ll ll c cocomommmme?rcrcic??l l sl ?stustufuffuff.f.<.<a<? h hrhrer?f=f="=""""h"hthttttpttp:p??/w/wwwww????aza??n.n??comco?/g/gpg??prp???ucuctc?/B/???00000?GGGGHGHZHZQZQ"Q?"">"">P>??co? P PiPicPicaca ?MeM?xixicicaic?an an H HoH?ot ot S SaSauaucuceuc?e 7e ?? oz oz z?- - H??T<T?/a/a>a?<a<a <a h hr hre?f=?""?ht?tpt?p:/p://?ww??.a??az?"""">"">P"">????o Po PiPic??a -a - ?MIMILI?D D -? M ??xixicxicacancan n Hn ?HotHot t St ?SauSaucuceuce uce?7 7 o7 ozo?</??a><a>?<a <a h<a ?hrehr??="=""="?"ht"h???:/://://w/ww/www?ww.aww.amamaamazama?zonzo?"M""???icicoico ?o Pio Pic?ica ica M?exexiex??icanican n H?otot ?SaSau???e 7? o oz oz oz -? - H -
up with this stuff so am very partial to it. I keep about five or six bottles (each variety) on my shelves at all times. After you try this you will not want to go back to the run of the mill commercial stuff.<a href="""">Pico Pica Mexican Hot Sauce 7 oz - HOT</a><a href="""">Pico Pica - MILD - Mexican Hot Sauce 7 oz</a><a href="""">Pico Pica Mexican Hot Sauce 7 oz - H
?OTOT(T???CKCK K?OFOF F?3)3????>">?444444444444,4,B,B0B?0202Y2YZYZEZESESWSWUWU,U,A,A3A323?VPVP2P2323G3?RBR?2U2?ZJZJ,J?KaKatatete,e??,8???,1,?303060?9797272828080000,00,",??dodoro?abablb?e,e, e, g grg??atat at g gi gifi??!"!","??? g ga gava?e e t ???s s???s as a a g gi?ft? a?ndnd d i itit t w wawasas as a a a b bibigig g h hihithit.t. .??NoN???iningn?g wg wawaswa?s bs ??okokekene?? i it it t wt wa???? gif gift gift ?t wrt w??ppp??d ??pap???d fd ?oror or???hishis)s?, , a, ana???eve?venven n?cacamameme e we wiw??h h a ad a????ioiononan?? s sasalaltal?t st sa??plple??. ? I I I wI wa?was was swas susuru?prprir???ed ed a?t t tt ??e ?am??ununtnt t ot ?f f s sa sal?alt alt i in in ??eaceachc?h th tutububeb?. . . M. ??oreore e te ththathanan an e en enon??ghgh ??? g ge gete??nunumu???rourousus s ms memeameal?s s os ?of of u us???ououtout t ot oft of f ef ?eaceacheach.h. . . I. ??t wt wat was??wewelellll l rl rerecrecic?eveveeveded ?anandand ?I I wI woI wououlou??n'n't't ?hehesesis?itaitatateate e te toe to o bo ?uyuy y a ag a?ai??. ?. I. I . I w wi w?llll ll? sa say sa?y Iy I I tI th?thinthinkn????e e se ?hihiphippppippiningin?g cg cocososts?t wt wat wast wa??s a s a t ta tadad ??highi?gh,gh???butbu?t tt tht thehe he s??ltlt t wt wa?t was t was a? a g a ?oooodod ?dedeaealea?l sl
OT(PACK OF 3)</a>" 4444,B002YZESWU,A32VP23GRB2UZJ,Kate,8,8,5,1306972800,"Adorable, great gift!","I gave this as a gift and it was a big hit. Nothing was broken, it was gift wrapped (paid for this), and even came with additional salt samples. I was surprised at the amount of salt in each tube. More than enough to get numerous meals of use out of each. It was well recieved and I wouldn't hesitate to buy again. I will say I think the shipping cost was a tad high, but the salt was a good deal s
?o o??t t e evevev?nsns s?ouo??.".?4?44445445,5??000?2Y2?ZEZ??WUWU,U?A1A1B1BSB?CDCDLDL9L??VOV?XPXPVP?,R,RiRici?h h C ?ara??totonon,n,5,???5,5?,1,121????1212012?00000?,I,?'m'??bub?yiyiningn? t twtwowo!o?,","I"???ouougou?htht t tt ?hih?s s ps prp?odo?ucuctct ?fof?r r a a a f frfrir???d,d? b bu b?? I I I lI lilikikekede? i it i??soso ?mum??h,h, , I, I'I'mI'm m km ke?epepipiningin?g ig ?? a??d ?bu???ngng ng? a a s ?ece?onondond d od ononeon? f??or or m mymy y? fr f?rierien?end!end!"!""4"44?4646,6,B,B0,B00002002Y2YZ2YZEZESZESW?U,U,AU,?2S2S0S0A0APAP4P4N4NCNCIC?XBXBPBPOP?,B,Bi,Bililll??R,R?,10,1??1212,12?,5,,5?,12,1?767686??929?00?,R?eaeala?l Cl CuC?ststotomtomemere?r Sr SeSererver??iceic??,"I,"I I oI ?ordordederereer?? t?hihishi?s cs ?colcoll????ioionon on o?n n 6 ????101? a an and and d id itit it ait ararrar???vedved ?d ond on n 6n 6/6/16/1212.12. .?AlAlt??ouougoughough h ih itit ?wawasas s ws wawaswa?s vs ve?ryr??wew?ll?-p-?aca???geged??, t, th?isis is d dididi?d nd non?t ?prpreprev?en?t ??heh?e Ue USUSPSPSP? f??omom m mm mam?nan?agiag?inging ing t to to o bo ???eakeak k o on???ofof f t th the the ?tut?bebese??. T. ?hehe he s se sel?lelerer er w ?was? c ?conco?tatacactacteted???y ?emema???? an and??
o it evens out." 4445,B002YZESWU,A1BSCDL9XVOXPV,Rich Carlton,5,5,5,1259712000,I'm buying two!,"I bought this product for a friend, but I liked it so much, I'm keeping it and buying a second one for my friend!" 4446,B002YZESWU,A2S0AP4NCIXBPO,Bill R,10,12,5,1276819200,Real Customer Service,"I ordered this collection on 6/9/10 and it arrived on 6/12. Although it was was very well-packaged, this did not prevent the USPS from managing to break one of the tubes. The seller was contacted by email and a
? r rer?plplalacacec?mem?ntnt t r?eqe?ueu??teteded.d? A ?s s t ththihisis s ws wawasa?s as ???irirtr?thdthdadayay y g ?ififtf?t at anandnd d t??? o ococcccacasasiasioiono? w wawaswas ??onlonlyly ??a wa ?eee?k k a awawawaywa?, ,?I I o of offf??re?d d td ???papayay ay f fof?r r e exexpxpep?edieditite?d d sd shs?hiphippppip?ngn???SeSelelllleler?????poponondon?eded ed i ?mmm???iai?te?lyly ly s ststast??ininging g?? tha th?? a a a? re rep replplapl?aceacememeemen?t ??ououluldld d bd bebe e se shshishipi??eded ed Aed ASA?APAP.P. . T. ThThehe he r? rep?lalaclace??menment?? tu t??be be a ar a?rir?veved?ed ted th?re?e e de dadaydaysys s ls lalatlate??r ir inin in? go gooo?d d sd shd s?? ?MyMy y oy ofoff?erer ??? p pa pay?ay aay adaddddi?titio??ala????hiphipphippi??ng ng c ?ha?rgrgeges? w wa wasas as d dedecde?lilininein??. ?InIn ??????ryry,?? th thi thisis is? pr p?ododuoducuctc???is ?exexcexcecelcellllellen?ent ent a?nd?? th?e ?cucusuststost?me?r ?seser??ici?ce ce a?bsb?olo???teltelytel?y fy ??irsirst? r ra r??e.e. ?. I . I h hihighighghlh?ly ly rly rerecrecoc?ommom?menmendmend ??otothth th? th the the the p pr pro prododuoducodu?ct ct? an and and d td thd thehe he she ?selsellllellerller.r.".""444444?7,7,B,B0B000020????SWSWUW??A1A1J1JBJBKBKSK?2F2FRFRCRCRC??APAP,AP
replacement requested. As this was a birthday gift and the occasion was only a week away, I offered to pay for expedited shipping. Seller responded immediately stating that a replacement would be shipped ASAP. The replacement tube arrived three days later in good shape. My offer to pay additional shipping charges was declined. In summary, this product is excellent and the customer service absolutely first rate. I highly recommend both the product and the seller." 4447,B002YZESWU,A1JBKS2FRCRMAP,
""M"MaMararirililyl?n n???ivivava a " """"M"Ma"Mar?ililyil?? O Ol O?livli?va va ( (F(?orortrt t?LaL?udu??rdrdadalalele.e...?.."..?,3,3,3?????121262?212131?12120120000,0,E,?xcx?elellllelenlentn?t gt ??ftft t ft fof?or or a ananyny y c cocooookok!k??I I??ordorde???d d?ththihisi??sasalaltal?t ct ?colco??ecectctitioi??n fn ?forfor r??y y hy ???babanandan??asa??a ??hrhri?sts?mamasas as g gigifgift?. .?HeHe e??bsbsosololulututet???y ly ?ovo??s s is ?t t at anand????as as uas ??eded ed i itit it?eveveververyry y ny ???hth?t st sis?ncncece.ce. ?ThThi?s s i??s as a s a g gr grereare?t t gt git gififtif?t ft fot for?or aor ?anyanyoyononeone e we whwhoho o??njn?oyo?s s cs cocoocookokiokin?g.g. . I. ?I wI ?ilillill l b bebe ?orordordeordererierininging ing?????????ondond ?cocolcollcol?lecle???ionion n fn fon for??hihimhi?? so soo?n.n..4?44448448,8?B0B00?2Y2YZYZEZ???U,U,A,?3G3GWG??4M4?YDYDGD?D3D3C3CLCL,L,W,?ar??a Ka KeK??ziz????k,k,3?,3,3,3,3,3,53,5,5,15,12?616?13513?363606?00,00,G,GrGrereareatrea?t Gt GiG?iftift ift?IdI?deadea,a,W,Wh,Wha??t at a t a g gr gre greae?? g?ififtift!ift! !?? b?ouougughghtght t it ?it it fit foforfor for a a a? co c?oupouplp?le le o???fo?ododidieie e fe frfririeriene?dsds s a?ndnd nd? th the theyey ???VEVEDED D i it it.t?. I. It. It t c?amameme ??
"Marilyn Oliva ""Marilyn Oliva (Fort Lauderdale...",3,3,5,1262131200,Excellent gift for any cook!,I ordered this salt collection for my husband as a Christmas gift. He absolutely loves it and has used it every night since. This is a great gift for anyone who enjoys cooking. I will be ordering the second collection for him soon. 4448,B002YZESWU,A3GWP4MYDGD3CL,Wara Kedziorek,3,3,5,1261353600,Great Gift Idea,What a great gift! I bought it for a couple of foodie friends and they LOVED it. It came be
?auaututit?fufulullllyly y??aca???gegeded d r ?eae?dydy y ty ?o o??if?t.t. .?? w wowouo?ulduld d td ???ala?llylly y ry re??omommmmem??d d id itit.?44444444944?,B,??0202Y2YZYZEZESESWSWUWU,U,A,A2A?3R3?F5F5U5ULULGLGWG?7171R1?9,9,S9,S.S. . B. ??rdr?enen,en,5,5,5,6,6,6?,5,,5,1,?262?040404030??0000,00?FaFanantn?tastaststi?c c f ????ththehe e e exexpxpep??imimemenme?ntantalal al c chchehefhef!f??"T"ThT??s s i ?is is s sus??ch ch a ? g?rereare?t t??rorododuducuctuc?t ft frf?romro? s su sububtbtltlel?e fe ???vov??s s as ?andand d ad ara?romromaromasas s fs foforfor r dr dedeldelilicicac??e ??isishisheheshes s ts toto to??mom?kekeyey ??alaltaltst?s fs fos foror or?he?arartar??y cy ?coocookokiokiningng,g?? th t???s is ????a ga grgre?reatreat t pt ??rodroduducductct t ft fot foror ???e e ce chchechefef f? wh w?o o lo lolovovevese??s fls f?lavlavovorvor r ar an?and and e??xpexp?erierim?enententitinti?? i?n n t? the the ?kikititcit??chenchen.n?? T ??is????is sis ?sucsuchch ch ach a ?cocoocoolcoo?? pr??oduod??uct!uct!!!!"!?4444454505??,B0,B00??2YZ2YZEZESZESW??U,AU,?1Z1ZYZYWYWBWBBB??090??9292,2,L,LVL?N,N?2,2,22,2,?5,?13132??878707?04004?00,00,G00,GrGre?reat???ififtift ift f???or tor thor thehe he f??ododiodieie e ie ?? y yoyou???lilifli???!,"!,?LaL?astas?t yt ?eaearear ??
autifully packaged ready to gift. I would totally recommend it. 4449,B002YZESWU,A23RF5ULGW71R9,S. Burden,5,6,5,1260403200,Fantastic for the experimental chef!,"This is such a great product from subtle flavors and aromas for delicate dishes to smokey salts for hearty cooking, this is a great product for the chef who loves flavor and experimenting in the kitchen. This is such a cool product!!" 4450,B002YZESWU,A1ZYWBBE09H92,LVN,2,2,5,1322870400,Great gift for the foodie in your life!,"Last year I
?gagava?e e t ??isis s a ala?ono?g g w wiwitith??<a<? h hrh?efef=f?"""?hthttttptp:p?///????.a.?mamazazozon?.c.??m/m???/p/??ododuducuctct/t/1/181??595979?919121?5"5""??SaSalaltalt:t: : C CoCooooko?iningng ng w wi w?ithith h t th t?e ???rlr?d'd?s s Fs ??avoavororior??e e Se ??asa?on???g<g?/a/a>a> > t to t? m ?y y f fof??didiei??frfrir???dsds ???nd nd???amiam?lyl?? T ThT??y y ay ?allal? l lolovlovevedve??itit!it! ! T?he? s ?alaltalt alt t??beb?s s ws ??rere re??elelll?l pl pap????geg??d ad ?andand ?I I o or?dederereer?ed ed?1010 0 s se s??s s a?nd?nd hnd hahadad d nd nono o bo brb?rokrokekene? t??bebesbe?. . T. ?TheThe e pe ?pacpackckackag??e ae alalsalsoso so?cac?ameame e we ?witwi??th sth sasalsaltlt t??amampam??eses es? wh w?hichichch ?I ?rereare?allallyally y a?pppprprepr?ciciai?tete.e. ?I ????? C Co Colollllell?ectectitioi?on on S ?SetSe?ts ts 1 1 1? an a?nd ??? on on n mn mymy my? co couoununtnteterter r a? and and d gd gegetget t lt lolotlo?ts ts ots ofof f c??mmm???tsts ts ats ?bobououtout t tt ?theth?m m w wh?enen en p pep?opoplpleple e ve vivisisiisit?.".""4??451451,1,B,B0B?020??ZEZ?SWSWUWU,U,A,A1A1R1RAR?0W0W1W1Q1Q5Q?E0E?R8R8080,0,j,jaj?azzazzbz?iri?d,d,4,4,4,5,5,5,5?,1,131?08085852528280??00,00,","F"FiF?irsirsts??clclalas
gave this along with <a href="""">Salt: Cooking with the World's Favorite Seasoning</a> to my foodie friends and family. They all loved it! The salt tubes were well packaged and I ordered 10 sets and had no broken tubes. The package also came with salt samples which I really appreciate. I have Collection Sets 1 and 2 on my counter and get lots of comments about them when people visit." 4451,B002YZESWU,A1RA0W1Q5E0R80,jazzbird,4,5,5,1308528000,"First clas
s??cocomompmpapananyny,y, , w wowonondn??rfrfuf?l l o ofoffffefererier?ngn?s"s","?"I"I I?pupururcr??asasesede???????ldl?d Wd WoW?rlr?? c co c?lll?ecectctitioion? d didiri??ectectltlyly y?frfror??? th t????pip??e e Le LaLabab b a as? a a a F FaFata?thether??s s Ds DaDayay y gy gigififtf????? m mymy ??ususbsbab?andand.d? T ThThehe he ihe ?tet?? w???as eas ?xtxtrt??memelelyly ly w?elellell l pl papacpa?keked? a an andnd nd a ar a?ririviveved?ed aed ahaheheaheada?d od ?of of s scschchechededued?uleul?. . A. A A s?mam??ll ll w???dedenden n s sa s?altal?t st spspopoooonoo??, s, sasamampmplmplele le? pa pacackckeckete??s os ofof of gof gog?ur?me??t s??alt??s as ?and? a a a r a rerefrefe?rerenrencnce??inindinde??? ca carardrd ??it?? i in?fof?ormormamatma?tioti??on aon ?aboabououtout t et eaeac?h h oh ??of tof ??the the?1111 1 s sa sal sa???????re re i in inc?lul??dedde?d. d.?BrB???????as as ras reresrespspospononson?iv?e e ae an?and and hand ?helhe???fulful.l. ?Th?isis s is ?is is? a a g a grgrereareat??? com comp?an?y ?wiwitwi?th th a an an an?? int in??reresrestrestitinting? v vavarariarieietetyety ??of of sof ?salsa??s s a?ndnd ??spispiciceicese?. ?I I wI wi??ll ?dedefde?in?it?elelyely ?mamakma???? a f a fufutfutut?ureure ?pupurpu??hahashasese se???
s company, wonderful offerings","I purchased the Old World collection directly from the Spice Lab as a Father's Day gift for my husband. The item was extremely well packed and arrived ahead of schedule. A small wooden salt spoon, sample packets of gourmet salts and a reference/index card with information about each of the 11 salts were included. Brett was responsive and helpful. This is a great company with an interesting variety of salts and spices. I will definitely make a future purchase and
r rer?fefere? t ththehe e S SpSpipicicece ?LaL?b b t to to o o ototh?ererser??<b<brbr r /r ?><><b?r r /r />r />U>??DAD?TET?? I I'I?m m d did?sas?ppp?oio?ntn?ede? t th thahatat t?mymy y??mamaia?l l? re regeguguau?rdrdi????? b ???kekenen n t te tese?t ?tutubu??e ae anandnd ?coc?rkr??ha?s s g ?ononene e ue ?nananansan?wewerereer???? T ThThehe he f ?iri???? ti timimeme e Ie I I u usu?eded ed? on onene ne??f f t th??e se sasalsa??s,s, , I I I??asas ?exextxtrtreremre??????gegenententlt?e e be bub?t t at ?a la lal?argarge? p pipiepiececece ce??ror?okeoke e oe ?fff??asas as w we w?llll l al ?as ??omome?? of of of??? the the c co?rk??? top top.p. . T. Th??e te ?tubtubebesbes ???ououluldld d nd ??ot ot? be be e se soe s?o fo ?raragagigilileile e se soe so e so I I I s I se?ntnt nt??n ??emaem?ailai??toto o to ???? a af affffeff?ectect t tt tot to ??re??t,t, , t, ththethe the? ow ownwnenerner.r. . D. DeDesespespipitpitete te a an ans answswesw??iningin?g mg mymy my i ininiiniti?iai??l el em??ilil il? ab abobououtou??hohowhow w???chch h I? I l I ?ovoveveded ed ted th????gifgi????nd?? wh whe?rere re???oulou?ld ld I I I p I popospostst ?a a pa ?posposiposit?ivive? c??mmm??ntnt,nt?, h, hehe ???has has n ?notno?t rt ????ponpond??ed ed wed wiwit?h h rh ??gagarardar
refer the Spice Lab to others.<br /><br />UPDATE: I'm disappointed that my email reguarding a broken test tube and cork has gone unanswered. The first time I used one of the salts, I was extrememly gentle but a large piece broke off as well as some of the cork top. The tubes should not be so fragile so I sent an email to that affect to Brett, the owner. Despite answering my initial email about how much I loved the gift and where could I post a positive comment, he has not responded with regard
ss s?toto o? th thehe e b ?rer?akakakagagege.e. . G GoGooo?d d?cucusu???memerer r s sesererver??cece ?wowououlu?d d bd beb??to? f fofololll??w w u ?p.p..........?.."..""?444454???B0B?0202Y2YZY?ESESWSWUW?,A,?3535A5?5S5?6H6H1H1W1WRWROROOO??,","W"WoWoo?d d Wd WrW??n n " ??"Wr"Wrerenren"ren?"""""",",4,4,4,5,?,5,5,,5,1,???424292???00?,E,??cecelcell???? s st statarartrteter? s?etet.t.,.??WhWhahata????wo?ndn??erferfuful? s st?ar??terter r kr kikitit t tt tht?isi?? . . ?WhWhiWhili??e Ie I I?ama?? an and? w wa wasa?s fs fafam?il?iai?ar ar???ithith h s?omomeme me???ariar?et??iesies s os ofof f?exe?ototit?? s? sea se?a sa sasala?tsts,s??I I cI ce??rtart?ininln?y y h ?hadhad d nd non?? h ha hadad ?ththethe ??ppppoporortrturtununin?ityit?y ty toto to tto ?ryry ???hishi??mam??y ?at??ononene ??imi???. ?TaTatathathe??r tr ththathan???hahanha?cece ce? bu buyu?iningin?? a a?prp?od?ucuctc?t t?ha????I dI ???d n?ot?ot lot lil?kek?e ae ?????eie??? s st stu st?uckuck k w wi wit withth th???, , t, ththithisis is a al a?llollowoweow?d d md ?me me tme ??to gto gigiviveve e ee eaeaceachch h ah anandand and e ev eve??ryoryononeone ?e a e a??ry????br br???<b?r r /r />/>I/>I I pI ?lalan?an tan to?to oto orordor?derder ?at
s to the breakage. Good customer service would be to follow up....." 4452,B002YZESWU,A35A5S6H1WROO6,"Wood Wren ""Wren""",4,5,5,1264291200,Excellent starter set.,"What a wonderful starter kit this is. While I am and was familiar with some varieties of exotic sea salts, I certainly had not had the opportunity to try this many at one time. Tather than chance buying a product that I did not like and being stuck with it, this allowed me to give each and everyone a try.<br /><br />I plan to order at
?leleae?sts??tht?rereeee e m momororere re s sesete?s s f foforor or p prp??sesensentnts? t th t?isis s cs cocomo??ngn??yeyeaearear r? fo f?or ?frfririei?ndndsd?s ts ?thathata?? l li l??e e me meme,e, , a, arare??fofoofoodo?ieiesie?.<.??r r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>?hihishis s is ?is is a anan n e exe?cecele?le?ntnt nt? pr p???ucu?t.t?""??4545353,3?B0B0000202Y2YZYZEZESE?WUWU,U??FOFO8O8F8FBFB7B7474F4F8F?T1T?A,A?"G"??aryar????uru???sasa a " """"g"gagar?ary"ary?"""""",",1,???,5,?,1???626242?00000000000,00,g,grgrereare?at at g ?gregr?eateat t t g gr grerea?t,t,tt,?thith?is is pis ?proprododuoducodu?ct ct??is ?grgregreagreat?at at a an andnd nd??o o i???s ths thehe e ce ??mpmpap?anyan????hahada?? pr pro proboblble?m m?wiw?th? t th???poposostst st o ofoffffif??ce ce a an and and d td ??eyey y wy wewerere?re rre ?rigrighg???th?therthe??re tre toto ?reresresores?lvlvev?e te th?the the? is?????e the t?his? i?? a a a? gr gre greaeateat eat g??ftf?t t?o ?yoyouourou?se?lflf f? or o?r tr to? o ot o?thethertherstherss444445454454,4,B,B0,B00002002Y???SWSWUSWU,?A2A2B2BLBLJL?GGGGWGWNWN8N8G8?TXT?Q,Q?SeSea?n,n,0,?,0??,5,,5,1,13???5353153?2020000,00,"00,?UnUniniqiquque? g gi gif gift?, , s, susursurprprpriprisisiis?inging ?amamomoumo?ntnt ??of of s sa s?ltlt!t?",","",?ThThiTh?
least three more sets for presents this coming year for friends that, like me, are foodies.<br /><br />This is an excellent product." 4453,B002YZESWU,AFO8FB74F8T1A,"Gary Bourassa ""gary""",1,1,5,1326240000,great great great,this product is great and so is the company I had problem with the post office and they were right there to resolve the issue this is a great gift to yourself or to others 4454,B002YZESWU,A2BLJGGWN8GTXQ,Sean,0,0,5,1348531200,"Unique gift, surprising amount of salt!","This
i ???a a v ?ere?y y???atat t??ifi?t ?fof?r r s sosomomemeoe?nene ne y ??u u k ??owow w t ththah?at at i is i?s is inintntoto o c coc???in?? a?ndnd d e ea??in? ?ItIt t ht hahashas s as a ?wiwididede e? va varaririei?tyty y oy ofof f? ex exox??ticti? s???t t rt rerepe?reresre?enentntenteded d id ?in in t th thehe e ce cocolco??ecectc?tiotionon.on?<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /??ThTheherhe?? i is? a a a s su suru?pr?isisiisininging ing a am a?ouounountnt nt o ofof of? sa sal sa??? in i?? th?e ?e coe cololl?ecectec?tiotiontion.n?? I In In n on ?othothe???wow??dsd??? ea eacachc? t tu t??e e he hohol?dsds ds a ab abobououtou?t at ??s ms mumucuchch ch?? sal salt sal?t at ast as ????ldl?d fd ???ll ll a? a s a smsmam??? s?? salt salt salt s sh s?hakha??".""44444545555,5??0000202Y2YZY?ESESWSWUWU,U,A,??YOYODO?UYUY6Y?45455455Q5QEQ?,r,?j,j,0,??,0,,0,4,?,1,131343?828272??0000000??ReR?ealea?llylly y gy grg?reare??at pat prpropr?dud??t!t?,","P"PuP?urcurchchachasaseaseded ed t th thi th?is is a as as s a? g gi gififtift t f??? a a ?cocoucoupuplple???f f sf ?al?t t lt ??viv?inging ing fing frfririerienendendsds ds -ds - -??t t it ?is is gis grgregrea?eat eat a an and and ?atattattrtrarac???veve!ve! !?A A? no n??e e te ?to to p pup?urc??hashasehaser?s:s: :??e e he hae h?d ???e e ve ??al
is a very neat gift for someone you know that is into cooking and eating. It has a wide variety of exotic salt represented in the collection.<br /><br />There is a surprising amount of salt in the collection. In other words, each tube holds about as much salt as would fill a small salt shaker." 4455,B002YZESWU,AWYODUY6455QE,rj,0,0,4,1348272000,Really great product!,"Purchased this as a gift for a couple of salt loving friends - It is great and attractive! A note to purchasers: we had one vial
??? t ththehe e s sas?ltlt t a ara??ivivev???mpmptptyty y??ndn? i ??t st sa?ysy??nono o??etetut?rnrnsns,s?? if i??yoy?? c coconontn?aca?t t tt ???e se ?elellllelere? d did??recrectctlctlyly y ty th?theythey y wy wiwilill? w wowororkrk k w?it???yo?u.u. . T ThThehe he s?elellelle??r sr sesensendnd nd m meme ?a a r?epeplplalacaceac?emeemenentnt nt??iai?al al ( (v(?ververyr??quq?ici?klk?ly)ly) )? an and and d ed ?vevenven n? se sen se?nt ?a a ca ?coocoolol l???ittittltle? s?alaltal?t dt didisdi?h h ah alaloal?ongong g?? wit withth th i it i?. . . W WiWilillill ?ded?fifininin??elelyel??geget? t??isis s ss sesetse?t ft ?or? o ot o?thetherthe?s s (s (m(mamaya?bebe e ee eve eve?ven ven m me m??) i) ?? t? the the e fe fuf?tuturtu??.".""4?454?6,6,B,B0B0000202Y2YZY?ESESWSWUWU,U,A,?J4J424282??1A1?EVEVLV?3B3B,B??ama?mim?eses,???0,0,50,?,1,?343???535363606?00,00,R,ReRevevievieiewiew w C CoCororror?recrectrectitioionon,on,","O"OnO?n Sn SeS??t.??2 2?? p ????eded d td th????folfolllloll?wi?ngn??se?lllleller????vi?ewe??<b<brbr r /r />/? ?3/3/5/5 5 s st statartars??:<b:<?? / ??? " """?I'I'm'm m s?ororr?y y ty toy t??sa??? th tha thatat t tt tht t??s ???itemitem ?ar?ri?vevedved ??witwith?th sth ?omome? s sl sliliglighghth?t ct ?coscosms
of the salt arrive empty and it says no returns, if you contact the seller directly they will work with you. The seller send me a replacement vial (very quickly) and even sent a cool little salt dish along with it. Will definitely get this set for others (maybe even me) in the future." 4456,B002YZESWU,AJ428B1AEVL3B,Jammies,0,0,5,1347753600,Review Correction,"On Sept.12 I posted the following seller review:<br /> 3/5 stars:<br /> ""I'm sorry to say that this item arrived with some slight cosm
?etetit?c c??amamamagagege.e. . O ?n n t tht?e e t to t?p p f frf?onontn? e ededgd?? o ?f f t?he? r ??ckck k t th??rere e ie isis s w ?hahata??I I w wo w?ululdl? c cacalalll? a a a d??nt???bubutu?t it itit't's's ??alsalsoso o???ougou?h.h?. F. ?ro?? t? the the the? wa wayay y i itit it???s s ps pap???agageageded ed??I wI wow?oulould??hahavha?e ??o o so sasayay ay t th tha thatat at? it it ??asas s ts ththathat??????whwhewh??? it it it w wa????ut? i??ntonto o to ????bob??. . I. I ?inint?enenden???ed ted ?thithisis is a?s ?s a s a g gigififtft,t???ndnd d Id I I dI ??on'on??t ht ha?havehave e te tie timi?e e te toe to ?reretretutururnrn ?itit,it, , s, ?? I I' I?ll? j ?usustst ?trtryry y ty toto to s sa?nd?? it? it d it do?wnwn n sn so?so iso itit'it?'s 's a at at ?leleaeasastast t st ?mom?ototh?.".""""<"<b<brb????? J JaJ?ammammimiei?s,s????ptptetemembmbeberer er 1 1212,2?, 2, ?01012??<br<br r /r />/>L/>?atateat?er er Aer AmA?mazma??on on a??de?d:d:<:?<br?? /> /?? M MeMes?sasagsage?ge fge frfrofr?m m Am ?AmaAmazazozonzo???""""T""ThThih?is is iis ititeitemem em?? was? was f was fufululfulfif??llelleded ed bed ?y ??AmaAmazAmazo??, , a, an, andnd nd wnd wew?e te tae taka?e ???spspop??sisibibibil?itityity ?foforo?r tr ?thi?s s fs ??lflfifilfill?memenme?nt nt e
etic damage. On the top front edge of the rack there is what I would call a dent, but it's also rough. From the way it was packaged I would have to say that it was that way when it was put into the box. I intended this as a gift, and I don't have time to return it, so I'll just try to sand it down so it's at least smooth.""<br /> Jammies, September 12, 2012<br />Later Amazon added:<br /> Message from Amazon: ""This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment e
xxpx?ere?ieiene??e.e.".??<b<brbr r / ?><>?<br<br ???ShShohoro?tltlyly y?afaftftet?? I I I??ososts??? i ?t,t, , I I I r ?ece???veveded d ad anan n e ??aiailil l??ror???ThThehe e S SpS?icicece ce?LaL?b b I?nc?. .??????ini?? t ?o o s sesenendend ?d a d a?nenewew w?blblol?ckck.k. . I. ??sesense?t t? th the?m ?a a c cocououpu?lele ?of? p???tuturure??? of of f? th the the e de dad??magmageg?ed ed a?re?a.a????eye?y sy ??sentsent t mt meme ?a a na ?newnew ?blbloblocockoc? a an a?d ?twt?o ?lilitittittl?e ?spspopoopo??s s ts toto to r re repeplplaplacacece ce tce tht?he he??nene ne t th tha thatat t wt wawasas s ms mimisissssisin??g fg ??om? m mymy y oy ororiorigi??inainalal l ol orordor?er?. ?. Th. T?he ?rerepreplplaplacplacecemcememenme?nt nt b bl b?loclock?????rivrivevedved d yd ?eseststest?erderda?y ??in in p?le????y oy ofy of f tf ?imimeme me???or or m my my ?trtri?p p t to to ?vivis?itit it m my? s so s???? and an?d dd ?daudaugu??teterter-r??in-in?lal?w.w.<.<b<br? / /> /?><b><brbr br /??InI?n hn hihinindin?sisigsi?ghtght,t, t, I I I s I shshohouho??d d hd hah?veve ve??onontontatac??ted? T Th Thehe ??SpiSpiciceice e Le ?LabLab b bb bebefe??oreore e Ie I I pI popospoststestedste??d thd t???he rehe r?vivievi?ew,ew???o ?th??? c co cou coul?d d hd had h
xperience.""<br /><br />Shortly after I posted it, I received an email from The Spice Lab Inc. offering to send a new block. I sent them a couple of pictures of the damaged area. They sent me a new block and two little spoons to replace the one that was missing from my original order. The replacement block arrived yesterday in plenty of time for my trip to visit my son and daughter-in-law.<br /><br />In hindsight, I should have contacted The Spice Lab before I posted the review, so they could ha
?veve e??ada???imimeme e te toto o?rerese?olo??? t th thehe e pe prp??blb???. .?I I? ha hadad ad j jujumu?pepeded d td ?to to t th the the e ce ?ono???ususis?on? t th tha thatat t? I' I'd'?d nd neneee?ed ed? to t?o ro re?tuturu?? t th???iti?????n n on ??ded?? t to? g ?etet t at a a r re repe?lalaca?ememeem?ntnt,t, , w whw??chch h??asasnsn'n?t t tt ththehe he c cacasaseas?.<.<b<brbr ???<b<br<br r /r />r />S>SiS?ncncence e ie itit'it's'? a ??gigififtft,t, t, I I I c?anan'n'tn'?t st ?pe?aka? t to to to t to ththeth?e qe ququau??it?? o ofo?? th?? the s the ?al?t,t, t, bt, bub?t t It I I cI ??n n sn sasaysay y ty ththathatat at? th?? the b the blblobl?ckck k ik ??s vs veververyr??ststuturturd??y ay an?????trt?ac???veve,ve?, a, anand?? th the the ?lilitli?tltlele le s sp?oooonon on ion isis is a?? ch chaharha?mim?inging g a ad a?did????n.n??br? / />/></><b<br?? /> /?I I gI grgrereare?atlatlyl???pppprprepr??iai?ateat?e te the thehe he ehe ?ffffof??tsts s os of? B BrBreretrettrett t a????hehe he She SpSpip??e e Le ?aba?, , a?ndn?d Id ????ululdl?d hd hahaphapp?ililyly ly b bu?y y fy frf?romro? t?? them the?m am ???in?.".""44444545757,7,B,B0B??2Y2???SWSWUWU,U,A,?1A1ASASOSO8O8T8T4T?TVTVCVCQC??A,A,D,DaD?yoy?wlwl,l,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,??4545045?75752520200??
ve had time to resolve the problem. I had jumped to the conclusion that I'd need to return the item in order to get a replacement, which wasn't the case.<br /><br />Since it's a gift, I can't speak to the quality of the salt, but I can say that the block is very sturdy and attractive, and the little spoon is a charming addition.<br /><br />I greatly appreciate the efforts of Brett at The Spice Lab, and I would happily buy from them again." 4457,B002YZESWU,A1ASO8T4TVCQ8A,Dayowl,0,0,5,1345075200,L
o?veve e t ?hihisi?!,!,",?????? t th t?eseses??sas?ltltst????? m mymy y?bob?yfyfrfririei??? w whwhoho o l lolovoveoveses es t??o co coc??k k a anand?? lo lovove? h hi?s s ss sasalsaltlt!lt? T ??he he?sts?anandand d td ?theth?y y cy ?comcomeme ?inin n i ?is is? wo woooodooded?en en a an andnd ??stust?rdr?y,y, , m mu mucuchch h?nin??????thath?? I I I eI ??pepecectctet??! ! T! ThTheThe e se sae salaltalts? t? the th?msm?selselvlve??s as ararere e pe php??nonomo?menme??al al a an and an?d Id I ?hah?ve???lrlrereareadady?? bo bouougughghtht ?ththe? 2 2n2?nd nd snd send s?t!t!"!?4?454585?,B,B0B?020?YZY?ESE?WUW??ATATNT??NZNZEZEHZEHWHWMW??9U9U,??ok?opo???lil?,1,1,1,2,2,2,4,?,1?292989?070?363?00?,P,PrPriricriceceycey y by ??t ?ninicnicece ce s se s?lelec?tit??n ?ofo? s sa salaltaltsalts,s,","I,"I ?boboubo?ughughtht ht t???is is ais ???s a s a g?ififtft t ft foforfor r ar a a f fr f??enenden?d wd ?whowho o lo lilikli?eses es ees exexoex?otioticic ic? sa sal sa?ltslt?s, s, a an and? i?t ?wawasas as a?? hi h?t ?t wit wit?h ?hi?m.m. .? It I?t w???as was wew?ellell l p ???kakaga?eded ed w wi witith????o bo brbre??kakagka? . (. (S(?om??e oe of? t th the the the??revrevivieiewie??????ve ve mve ?men?titiotion?ed?ed ted th?thattha?t tt tht t???y ry re
ove this!,"I got these salts for my boyfriend who loves to cook and love his salt! The stand they come in is wooden and sturdy, much nicer than I expected! The salts themselves are phenomenal and I have already bought the 2nd set!" 4458,B002YZESWU,ATNQNZEHWMR9U,Kokopelli,1,2,4,1298073600,Pricey but nice selection of salts,"I bought this as a gift for a friend who likes exotic salts, and it was a hit with him. It was well packaged with no breakage. (Some of the reviews have mentioned that they re
cceceieivi??d d?brb??kekene? c ?ono??aia??erersrs.s.).) ) T ThTheh????ododedenen en h hohololdl??r r?isis s??icicece ce b?utu? n no notot t at ??l l t tht?atat t pt peperermermamananenenne?nt.nt? I ? w wo wououlu?ld ld r rerececo?mmmmemenendend ??thithisis is f foforo?r sr sosomomemeomeon?e e we ?hoho'ho'd'?????ke ke? to to o s ??mpm?lel?e ve vavararir?ouousou?s ks ?inindindsd????? sa salaltalt t a???d dd ?oeoesesnsn'n?t t mt miminindind ind p pap?yiyininging g a ?? hi higighg? p??ricricece.ce?. T. ?TheTh??rereareasasosonson n In I I gI gagavaveve ve i it i?t ft fofoufourur ?anandand ??ot? f?iv??e se sts???rs rs w?as? t th thehe he???ic??.".""4444454595??B0B??2Y2?ZEZ???U,U,A,A3A?K4K?UIUIBI??E1E1H1HUHUNU??,J,??ses?phph ??. . E. ?ll??is,is?0,0,1,1,1,1?,1??474??3535252020000,00????of of??1 1 V ViViaialalsal?s as ararrar??vevedved d bd ?brobr?okeoken?????ourou??ofof of tof ?thethe e ee ele?levlevevenven n gn glglal?assass s vs viviaialialsls ?s ars a?ririvriveriv?ed ed? br b?rokrokekenke??. T. Th. T??he phe ?rorodroduducuctct ?is???ppppa?rerenrentntlnt?y y? no?t t at abt ablblele le? to???e e re ree retetutur?nenedned,d, , s so s?o Io ?I jI juj??st st w??ststest?ed ed 5ed 5555 5?do?llllallararsar???"4"?44644606??B0?0202Y02YZYZEYZ?ESWES??,A,AZ,AZOZOIO
ceived broken containers.) The wooden holder is nice but not all that permanent. I would recommend this for someone who'd like to sample various kinds of salt and doesn't mind paying a high price. The reason I gave it four and not five stars was the price." 4459,B002YZESWU,A3K4UIBKE1HUNL,Joseph H. Ellis,0,1,1,1347235200,4 of 11 Vials arrived broken,"Four of the eleven glass vials arrived broken. The product is apparently not able to be returned, so I just wasted 55 dollars." 4460,B002YZESWU,AZOI
?FQFQLQ???XJX?HHH?,R,??b b?KaKaua?fmf?ana?,1,??3,3,1,1,,1,1,13,1323262626242?00000000000,0?"H"??ghgh h?RiRisisksk,k, , d dod?????bub?y!y!"!","??nene e o ?f f?ththehe e ve viviaialalsl? w wawasas s bs ?rorokokek?n n??he??n wn wewe e re rerecececeie??eded d t th t?isis is?prprorodrodud?ctct.t....... ..? bu butut t yt yoyouou u c ?an?'t't 't r reretre?ururnr?n tn ??e e pe prproprodo?ducdu????r r g ?etet t at a a? re refefuf?ndnd.d. .? W WhWhahata??t a t a? ri ripi????f.f..4?464???B0B0000900?6E6E5E51519196?,A,AFA??MPMP2P2020R0RXRXGXGNGN2N??,N,NON?RMRMSM??9,9,0,??0,0,50,5,5,1,13?505?77777?6060000,00,G,GRGRER??T T S ??UFUFFF????ISIS S T TATASAST???ISIS IS B BEBETETWT?EEEENEN N S SO SOMOMEM?ETHETHI?NGNG G L ??KEK???LALAXAX X B BR B??????NDND D CD COC?ORNORNBN?REREA??.......?...? E ??CECELELLL???T T TT TOTOAO??TET?D D WD WIWITITH? B?UTU??TERTER R A AN AND??JEJELELLELLYLY.Y..?...D...DID?D D ND NONOTNOT T RT ?AIA???E ME ?Y Y B?LOL?ODOD D SD SUSUGUGAGARAR R AR AT? A AL ALLLL.LL..?........ . I. I I L LO L?VEV?E IE ITIT.IT..4.??62?,B,B0B00B009096096E6E56E5151951??96,A96,A2A2R2REREBREBFBFOFO0O0U0U8U8B8B6B??1,1,"1,?ToT?pkp???2 2?"""??op?kakatkat2t2"2""?",????,5,?5,15,131353505065060?484?0000,00,Y00,YoYou? w wo w?on'on't't 't b't ?
FQLUQXJHH,Rob Kaufman,1,3,1,1326240000,"High Risk, don't buy!",One of the vials was broken when we received this product... but you can't return the product or get a refund. What a rip off. 4461,B0096E5196,AF6MP20RXGN2J,NORMS09,0,0,5,1350777600,GREAT STUFF,THIS TASTE IS BETWEEN SOMETHING LIKE FLAX BREAD AND CORNBREAD..... EXCELLENT TOASTED WITH BUTTER AND JELLY...DID NOT RAISE MY BLOOD SUGAR AT ALL.... I LOVE IT. 4462,B0096E5196,A2REBFO0U8B6Q1,"Topkat2 ""topkat2""",0,0,5,1350604800,You won't be
lliliei??? i ??,",?? j ?ususts???adad d a ? w wow?ndndedere?fufulul l d didini?nen??: :??rereseshs? f flfluluku????rir??d d id ?in in? a a?teteme??uru?a a ba babatatttte??. .?ThTheh?e be ?batbattttetterer er f fr fririeriede???p p p ??erfer?ece?tlt?? l lal?cycy ?ana?nd nd?crcri???, ,?bob?tht??dedeldelilicli?ioiouous? a an andnd nd bnd ??auaututitififu???. A. ANANDND D? lo lowo??cacararbrb;b; ; I ??flfloflouourou?redred d md ??y fy fifisishsh sh w wi witithith h th ?thethe ??C C F???dsds s?PaP?? B ???adad ad? Fl F?ouourour,our?, a, an?d d td ththethenthe? u ususeused? t th thehe he??amamem?e fe fle f?loulourur ur t?o o m mamakakeke ke? a a b a babat?teterter ter? wi wit with? s so somo??? lo?w-?ca??? b be beee?er,er, , s, sasalsaltlt,t, t,? an and and ?a a la ?litlitt???e se ?mom?kekedke?d pd papapaprpririkrikaka.a. . A???ababsb??lu??? k knknon??kokououtout.t??YoYou? r re????ly ly w??on'on't't t bt be?lilieli?eveev?e ie itit'it's's ?lolowlow w c?ar?b,b, , b, ?utut ut I I' I'm'm m a?bobouboutut ut tut toto o to tetestestst st m my m?y by ??loolood? s su sugu??ar ar l le l?eve?lsl??, a?ndnd nd wnd wiwili?ll ll r re repe?oro??t b?acackack k? in i?n 9n ?0 0 m mi mininuinut??""4???3,3?B0B000?00I00?6G6??OOOO,O,A,A3A3L3?EPE?YZY??EYEYKY
lieve it,"I just had a wonderful dinner: Fresh fluke fried in a tempura batter. The batter fried up perfectly lacy and crisp, both delicious and beautiful. AND low-carb; I floured my fish with the LC Foods Pan Bread Flour, and then used the same flour to make a batter with some low-carb beer, salt, and a little smoked paprika. An absolute knockout. You really won't believe it's low carb, but I'm about to test my blood sugar levels, and will report back in 90 minutes." 4463,B000I6G2OO,A3LEPYZ5EYK
JJSJS2S2,2,l,lalada?yjyjaj?nene,e?0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,1313131313313?666??0000,0,T0,ToT?o o g gogoooodood!d?,","M"?y y???ieiene?d d w ?hoh?o lo ?ivi?ese??inin n F ?la?? t tot?ldl?d md meme e a ababob??? t?hehesesees?e Fe ?reren??? t tw t?isiststst?s as ?andand ??asas s cs coc????laila?iniinininging g t th tha thatat ?shs?? c ??ulu????t t ft fifinindind d td ththehemhem m?heherherere re? in i?n Mn MiMididdddldleleteto?wnwn,n, , O ?H.H?? I I I???dedere??d d 1d ?2 2 b ?boxbo??es es t?o ?ses?e e we ?whawhat? s sh?e e we wae wasas as r ??vivininging ing a ab a?boubout? a?nd? f fo fouounou?nd nd ond ono?lyly y oy ononeone ?prproroboblblelemlem m wm ?witwi?????emem.m??..........?.I.??cocoucoulcou?ldnldn'ldn?'t 't s?to?p p?eae?atiat??ing ing ting ?thethem?. ?. I. I I aI atateat??1111 1 b bo boxoxexesxes s os ?f f t th? them them m im inin in j ???st st a?? fe f?w w?dadayaysy?s as ans a????avaveave e te ?the? l lalaslastst ???one one a?wawayway y sy soso o Io I ?wow??ld??ldn'tldn't t et ?eateat t it ??t tt ????. . I. If. If f af a a p ?er?sosonso??cacan??? sto stopo?p ap afaftftet?er er e ea eat?atinatingn???1 o1 oror or 2 ??se?rvrvi??ngsng??, t, ththetheythe?y ay ararere re are a ??re?at??ad?did??ioion? t? to to y yoy?ourou? d di dieietiet.t??. U. ?nfnfof?ortortutunu??ate
JS2,ladyjane,0,0,5,1313366400,Too good!,"My friend who lives in Fla. told me about these French twists and was complaining that she couldn't find them here in Middletown, OH. I ordered 12 boxes to see what she was raving about and found only one problem with them.......I couldn't stop eating them. I ate 11 boxes of them in just a few days and gave the last one away so I wouldn't eat it too. If a person can stop after eating 1 or 2 servings, they are a great addition to your diet. Unfortunate
??y,y, , I I I c ??ululdldndn'n't't t s ??opop!p!!!??!!!!"!!""4444?6464,4,B,?00000?I6I6G6G2G2O2??,A,AXA?8P8PLPLMLM8M??PMPMEM?AFAF,F?D.D. .?FiF?scschc?erer,r?0,0,0?,5,?,1,131?????2828080000,00,L,LoL?veve e T ?heheshesese e Te ?wiwisististsts!s!!?,",?ThTheThesese??frfrerene?ch? t ?wiwiswiststssts s?ara?re re d ded?lil??ioiou???. . ? I I? am a??onon n W WeWeie?ghghtht ??atatct?chech?erser?s as ??d d?? o?f f t th the?hesehes?e te ??is?istsists s hs hahavave?? a a O ONO?? P PoPoioinintnts? P Pl Plul?s ?vav?luluelue.e. ?. A. AlA?l l? th the the e fe flf?avavoav?rsrs s os ?f ?ththehes?hese hese a ar arere re fre ?anantantatasa?stist?ic.ic. ?. Y. ?ouou ou c ca c?? e ?atat at? co c?okokik??es es a??nd nd? st stitilill? b beb???heahe?altal?thythy.y. . . P. PlPlelea?sese se Bse ??arrarryr?'s's ?BaBakBakek?eryery,y, y, n neneve?verver r s st sto st?op op m mam??kinkingn??? the thes thesese!se!!? T Th T?he he??rir?iceice e oe ?on on? th the??e e t?hrhror?ougough? A AmAmamazma??on on con cac??non?t t bt ?be be? be bea?t.t. ?. I. I I hI ?havha??ve pve papaia?d d fd frfrofr???$3$3 3 t to to o?$4$4 4? pe perer er? bo boxox x i inin in? th the? s?upupeperermermamarma?ke?tsts.ts. . . I? w ??ll??be?be obe ??dederderi?ngng ng a an???heherher r cr cacascasese ??oo?n.n.".""4"44
ly, I couldn't stop!!!!!" 4464,B000I6G2OO,AX8PLM87PMEAF,D. Fischer,0,0,5,1300492800,Love These Twists!!,"These french twists are delicious. I am on Weight Watchers and 2 of these twists have a ONE Points Plus value. All the flavors of these are fantastic. You can eat cookies and still be healthy. Please Barry's Bakery, never stop making these!! The price on these through Amazon cannot be beat. I have paid from $3 to $4 per box in the supermarkets. I will be ordering another case soon." 44
66565,5,B,???00I00I6I??2O2OOOO,O,A,A1A?QCQCMCM0M?FJF??ZFZ?3Z3Z4Z4,4,","M"MsMs.s? S S.S. . T. ?hoh?mam?? " """"M"Ms"MsSs?mum?rfr?y"y""???0,0,0,0,,0??5,15,121242?101040494?6060000,00???eae???trtrereareat?/s/sns?aca???LoLovo????hehesesese ?snsnasn??????.g.grgrereareatreat t ft foforo? a ??quq?ici?? f fifixix x a?s ?wewele?l l a as as as? a a s snsnasnacsnackck ?ththahat??dodoeoenen'n't't t at adaddd?? th the th?e he ?ugugege e ce cacalalol?orior??? o ?or or f fa fat??ththath?at at cat ?ono?cec?rnrnsns ?mamanmanyny!y? G ?GreGrea?t t tt tat??tet?e ae asas as?wewelwe?ll ll a as as as c as ??nsnsinsisiststetentenc?y!y!y!??4646666,6?,B0,B?00000?I6I6GI6G2G2OG2?OO,OO,A,A2,A?3J3JLJL8L?NANANA?KBK?JLJLDJL?,M,?acacoac?on on M MoMomommommym?,0,0,,0,0,0,??5,5,15,125,123?151?45456560600600,0,W0,??ho ho?knknenewe? t? thi thisis is w wa w?as ?susucu?h h a a ?grgregr????chchoch?ic?e?e?,?,","I,"I I s sa sawaw w tw ththetheseseese ?ini? o ou o?ur ur?loloclocacalca?l cl ?comcommmmimisissis??ryr? o on one? d?ayay y ay anandnd ??ececicidi?dedde?d Id ?I *I *h*ha??* * t to to o?gig??? t th the?m m a???trytr??? I ?I wI wawasas ??onlon?y y ly ?loolookokik?inging g f fo for?or sor sosomomeom??thithininging ing t? tha thatat ???ghghtht t bt beb??e a e a b bebetbetttteterter r fr foforfo?r mr ???
65,B000I6G2OO,A1QCM0FJ1ZF3Z4,"Ms. S. Thomas ""MsSmurfy""",0,0,5,1241049600,Great treat/snack,Love these snacks...great for a quick fix as well as a snack that doen't add the huge calories or fat that concerns many! Great taste as well as consistency! 4466,B000I6G2OO,A23JL8NANKBJLD,Macon Mommy,0,0,5,1231545600,Who knew this was such a great choice?,"I saw these in our local commissary one day and decided I *had* to give them a try. I was only looking for something that might be a better for me c
??oio?cece e t ?o o?sas?tit??fyfy y?mymy ????etet t t?ooooto??. . I ? h hah?d d n nono ?ididedeaea a h?owow w? mu mucuchc?? I I?wow??ldld ??ikikek?e te ?theth??e e ae ?ndn?d hd hahavha?e e te toe to ???havehav?e *e *m*???e*e?. . . I I I g I gog?ot ot o ono???babagag g? of o?? th thehe e Re ??spspbpbebererrr???anandand d od ononeone ?e bae bagag ag o of? t? the the e Me MaM?plplele e a?ndnd nd I??lolovoveve ve? th? them them m b bobot?h!h!!!?!! !!??????th????le?d d td toto to s?eeee ee? th tha th??? th the they the????re re??a ma mumucuchuch h hh he?ala?ththithieierer er a??ltelterernernan???ve??th?an? m mo mososts???bakbake?d d gd gogoogo?dsds,s, ,?es?pepece??alallal?y y ty ththa?n n t th the?? on onenesne? I I I n I no??mamalallallyall?y cy ??? ??I I aI amam ??notnot t st ?omo?eoe??one one w?hoho ho??is is h???ltlthlt??cocononsonsis?ouousous ?oror or t te tenendndsnd??to?to rto re?adad ad l ?aba??lsl?s bs ?befbefofororeore e b??yiyini?g g ag ?????eme?. . ?. I . I? lo lovoveov???heheshe??? tw twiwis???s as anand? a?m m lm loloolookokikininging g tg ?to to bto ?uyuy uy t? the them them them?????a la ?larla?geger???uau??titittityt?y sy soy so o Io I I cI cacanan an ean en??oyoy y t??hemhem m mm momormorere ?ofoftftetente
hoice to satisfy my sweet tooth. I had no idea how much I would like these and have to have *more*. I got one bag of the Raspberry and one bag of the Maple and I love them both!!! I'm thrilled to see that they are a much healthier alternative than most baked goods, especially than the ones I normally choose. I am not someone who is health consious or tends to read labels before buying an item. I love these twists and am looking to buy them in a larger quantity so I can enjoy them more often
?! ! ?ThTheh?y y?ararere e???ghghtht t a an a?d d?flflalaka?y y ay ?nd??sas?titisisfsfyfyiyini?g g a an??d gd gog??d.d...?..a..a a m mum?sts??fof?r r m me me!e!"!""4444464?7,7???0000I00?6G6G2G2O2OOOO,O,A,AOAOJOJNJNVNVXV?????U6U?67,67,B,Be,B????ardar?d Sd ?chc?waw?artartzt?,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,?222?616?88888880880000,00,W,WoWododeod?erferfufulu???ilildl?d Rd RaR?sbsbebererrerryr???rerenrencnch? T Tw T?isististsts,s??<a<a a ha hrh?refref=f="=???htthttptp:p?////w/wwwwwww.ww???aza?ono?.c.coc??/g/gpg??prp???ucuctc?/B/?B00B0??00I600I?6G26G2O?O"O""?>B>????ry'ry?? B ??keker??y F??renrencrenchch ?TwTwiwiswi?st,st, , W?ilildil???asaspaspbpbe??ryry,ry, , 4, 4.4?????nc??e Be BoBoxo??(P(PaPacackc??ofof f?12?)<)</</a/a>a><>??r r /r ?><><b><brbr br?/>?? r ?reare??lyly ??ovovev?e te ?hih?is is?prpropr??oducoductct.ct. .??ItIt t it is?is nis nonoto?t at avavavaia?ilailabablblel?e ie ?in in? ou ourur ??areareaea.a?. . ? We W???is?co???rdrd d id iti?t it int i???thethe e Ne ??ortorthth th?whwhihilhi?le le v vivis?ititiit?inging g fg ??ieiene?ndsnds.s. ??It It i ?is ?lolowlo? c cacal? a?? and and g gogoogood? f fo foror or d di?ababeab?titicticscs s ws ??o o n ?eeeeded ?a a sa susugu?arar ar??ixix.x??. K. KeKeeeepee?? a a g go g
! They are light and flaky and satisfying and good...a must for me!" 4467,B000I6G2OO,AOJNVXAC1FU67,Bernard Schwartz,0,0,5,1226188800,Woderful Wild Rasberry French Twists,"<a href="""">Barry's Bakery French Twist, Wild Raspberry, 4.5-Ounce Box (Pack of 12)</a><br /><br />I really love this product. It is not available in our area. We discoverd it in the North while visiting friends. It is low cal and good for diabetics who need a sugar fix. Keep a go
??d d s ?upupppplp?y y f foforo?? fu f??ururere e o ?ordor?erersr?.".""4444464686?,B,B0B00000?I6I?G2G2O2OOOO,O,A,?191?4444L44LVLVPV?PLPLLLLV???O,SO,ShS?ararorono??FiFisiscs?heh?er,er,0,0,0,1,1,1,5,5,5,1?292?737?828242404??,g,?rereare?t t t tat?sts?iningng,g,I,I I H HAHAVAVEV? B BOB??GHGHTHT T T THTHIHISIS S P PRP?ODO?UCU?T T BT BEB?FOFORORERE.E. . T??ESESESE E SE SNS?ACA?KSK?S AS ARA?RE RE C CRCRIR?ISPISP P A ANA?D D G GRGREREARE??T TT TAT?STS??NGNG.G??ALALSLSOS? L ?OWO??IN? C CA C?ALOALORORIORIEI?ES.ES. . I. I I RI RERECRE?OMOMMMMEM??ND ND T? THE THEMEM M? HI H??GHLGHLYLY.Y??TH??Y Y????RE SRE SHSHI?PPPPEPPEDED D AD AL?MOMOSOST?? IN INSNSTSTASTAN??LYLY LY? AN A?ND ?AR??RIVRIVEVE VE W WIW??THITHININ ?A A? FE FEWEW W DW ??YSY?..4?46?9,9?,B0,B??5L5LML?MOVMO??W,W,A,A3,A3E3ECE?4X4XKXKGKGIGI5I5151M1?82?,S,???rlr????HiHigighg?tstshshohoeoe,e,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,5,0,5,?131343474?84840400400000000?0,S0,?ShoShorortortbt?rerea?d ?cocooooko?iei?s,s,T,ThT?heshesese e se ?shoshorort?brbrebreae????ooookoo?kiekies? a ?areare e de dedelde??cic?ouousu?s. s. I I I b bob??ghghtgh?t st sos?mem?e we whw?ililele le?in????ondondod?on on t??hishis s s su s???mermer.r????heheyhe??arareare are h haharhardr?d td ?? f fi f?indin?d ad ana?d ??xpx??nsnsisivivev
od supply for future orders." 4468,B000I6G2OO,A1944LVPPLLVIO,Sharon Fischer,0,1,5,1297382400,great tasting,I HAVE BOUGHT THIS PRODUCT BEFORE. THESE SNACKS ARE CRISP AND GREAT TASTING. ALSO LOW IN CALORIES. I RECOMMEND THEM HIGHLY. THEY ARE SHIPPED ALMOST INSTANTLY AND ARRIVE WITHIN A FEW DAYS. 4469,B005LMOVAW,A3EC4XKGI51M82,Shirley Hightshoe,0,0,5,1347840000,Shortbread cookies,These shortbread cookies are delicious. I bought some while in London this summer. They are hard to find and expensive
? i inin n?USU?A.A..4444474707?,B,?000?????NQNQ0Q?0,A0,A5A5O5??NUNU5U5I5I0I?YAYAVAV6V6,6????enen n dn dudupuplplalanan,n,4,4,4??,5,5,5,1,121?929222282848484?0000,00,g,??reareata?!,!,",??vevere?ytytht?in?g g I ? b bobouo???? w wawasas s g ?gregreaeatat,at, , i?nfnfafacactct ?I I oI oro?ded?ereerede? t ?wiwicicece e a ??d d td ?thethe e te ththithirirdrd rd???dederdereredred d wd ?waswas<s<b<?? / />/??oror or?mymy y? mo moto???r r ar ??and and f ?fatfath?ther??????47147?,B,B0,B?????LGNLGNQNQ0NQ0,0,A0,A20,A?29G29GKGKBKB1B1818O8?QFQFOFO6O?7,7,c,??okokikieie ?fif?shs?hinhi?n,3n,3,3??3,53,5,?13133332325254547472472020000,00,D00,??lil?iciicioiouousou??(S(SoS?? I I h ?eaearear)r?!!!!,?I I sI ?enenten?t tt ?twotwo ??aba??kaskas s ts toto o ao a a?????ndn??as? a? t th t???k k?yoyouou.ou. . ?HeHe ???? a a b a bibigig g Sg SeSeieininfinfefel?d d fd fafanfan n sn soso ?hehe he w wa wasas as tas ?thrthririlrilllleled?? to t??gegete??bobotbo?th th? a a c a ?ininnin??momono?n an ?and?and cand chchoh??colcolalatlatet??bab?abkabkaka.ka.<.?<br<br ???<b<br<br <br /?>H>?He He s ?aiaidid ?d thd thehe he bhe bababbabk??as ?wewer???dedeldelilicliciciociouousous!ous?!!!!!?44444744727??,B0????ALGALGNGNQGN?????6G6?ENEN9N?PVPV4V??X1X???,"S,"StStetevte?venven ?R.R?
in USA. 4470,B004ALGNQ0,A5OYNU5I0YAV6,karen duplan,4,4,5,1292284800,great!,"Everything I bought was great, infact I ordered twice and the third ordered was<br />for my mother and father." 4471,B004ALGNQ0,A29GKB18OQFO67,cookie fishin,3,3,5,1332547200,Delicious (So I hear)!!,I sent two Babkas to a friend as a thank you. He is a big Seinfeld fan so he was thrilled to get both a cinnamon and chocolate babka.<br /><br />He said the babkas were delicious!!! 4472,B004ALGNQ0,A36GEN9PV4OX1A,"Steven R.
S???thth h " """"S"SmSmiSmitittit?y"y"""""""?,1,?,1,1,,1??,1,13,1?4444545555656868080000,0,B,BaBababkbkaka,a,T,ThT??s s?is? a ? g grg???t t p prprorododuducu?t.t? G GrGrereare?at at??lal??ororsr?s as anandnd d v vevere?y y? fr f?resreshs?. . I. I I r rerecrececeie?vevedved d id ?it it?quq?icickc??y y ay anandand ?dadamamamagagege e f fr????. I???isis ?mymy y oy opopipininin?onon n t th??at at tat ththithisis is iis isis is ais a a ga gr????t vt ?ala??e e ae ?andand and?I I hI hi??hlh?ly ly? re rece?omommmmemenendnd nd??t.t.t.4???????004004A4?LGL?NQNQ0Q0,?AIA?N3N?JQJ??TTTTGT?LXL?1,1,A1,?lil??anan an H HaH??imi?lilioli?glglulu,lu,1,1,?1,1,51,5,5,15,131???34347347272020000,00,A,AbAbsbsos?lulutlu?elely?ly Dly DeDeleliel?iciic?iouiousu?,","A"?t ?fifiri??t,t, ,? I I w wawasas s cs coconconcn?cerce?neneded d ad ab?ouo?t t ot or?deder?ininging g?Ba?bkbkabk???onlonlilinlinene ne b bubutut ut I? I k I ??indinda????sssses?? t th thihishi?s os ononeone.??AsA??I I tI ?asastas?tedted ?d itd it t tt th?e e oe on????th?thinthingng ????couco???d sd ?aya?y wy wawaswas s :s : : " "" "?wow?w"w""""."". . I?? wi w??l l o orordordeord?? t th thi thisis is a??aia?? f fo foror or s sus?,4,B??0404A4AL4A??NQ??0,A?1V1?FAF?EUEUVUVVVVQV??S8S8I8I,I
Smith ""Smitty""",1,1,5,1344556800,Babka,This is a great product. Great flavors and very fresh. I received it quickly and damage free. It is my opinion that this is a great value and I highly recommend it. 4473,B004ALGNQ0,AIN3JQHTTGLX1,Alihan Hadimlioglu,1,1,5,1343347200,Absolutely Delicious,"At first, I was concerned about ordering Babka online but I kinda missed this one. As I tasted it the only thing I could say was : ""wow"". I will order this again for sure." 4474,B004ALGNQ0,A1VFAEUVVQZS8I,
mmam?ndndydy,y,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5?131?272757535363606000?00,00?faf?antantat??titicic,c,w,wowonond?ererfr?ulullllyly y c ??nnnnan?momon?-y-y!y??i i w wiw?????efefifin???elelyly ly b ???orordrde???inging g i it it t?agagagaiainin!in! ! a! anandan??heh?atatetedte??upup p w wi wit?h h a??ti?nyny y by bibitit it? of of f b bu bututttteterter r o?n n? it it it p puput? i it it ?ovo?erer er? th t?????p ?inin in t ta tasastas?????4747575,75,B,?00004004A4??GNGNQN???AUAU7U7171313Z13Z0Z0H0?B2B2S2SAS?H,H,D,DaD??rer??n Rn RoR???enbenbe?rgrg,g,1,1,,1,2,2,2?,5,,5?,13,1??33533??40400?0,0,I0,ItIte?????oveoverereereded d id ?in ???lnl??utsuts.s. .? N NeNeee??? t?? h???ve ve????er?geg??s ??isi??ed?.,.,",?LoLooo?kikining? f ??orwor??ardar?d td ?? r re??eie??ining?ing ting ?hihis?? pr prorododuducu?t t at ?andand and? wh whe??n in itit it ait ararrarririvri??d d id itd it ?wa?s ?cocov?overovereredred d i?n n wn wa???ut??. . . ?UnU?foforfo?tut?na?tetelte?ly,ly?? tr tre?e e ne nunutnutsts s as ???e ae an? i?sss??e e ae ane and? I I I w wi wis wishsh h th ththath?? t th the th?ereere ere w wa w?as as??nf?orormormamatmati?on? a ab abob?utut ut nut nunutnutsnuts ?onon on ton ththethe ???eme?s s ls lis l?ististitintingting.g???I I wI wi
mandy,3,4,5,1327536000,fantastic,wonderfully cinnamon-y! i will definitely be ordering it again! and heated up with a tiny bit of butter on it put it over the top in taste. 4475,B004ALGNQ0,AU713Z0HB2SAH,Darren Rosenberg,1,2,5,1333584000,Item Covered in Walnuts. Needs to have allergens listed.,"Looking forward to receiving this product and when it arrived it was covered in walnuts. Unfortunately, tree nuts are an issue and I wish that there was information about nuts on the items listing. I wi
l?? b brb?iningng g i itit t t toto o w ?oro???foforor or t??e e s ?tatafaffff f t?o o eo enenjn??y.y?<b<?br br?/>/><><b?r r / /> />A>?ddd?enendendudumum:m: :? S ??taftaff???ovoveveded d t th the the ?bab?bkbkak?. .??PiPicictc?ururere e oe ???prpror??ducductct ct n nonowo? s sh s?ow?? n nu nutu??s os onon n t to top top,p, , p prpriprioi?or ???st?ininging g dg did???nonotnot.t. . . 5 5 5 s??tartarsrs s fs fo?r r tr ?hehe he b?ababkab?ka ka a anandnd d 3d 3 3? st sta st?rs?? fo for?or tor ?theth??lalacackc??of? i?ngngrngreredre?diedienentent ?li?st??. (. (A(AtAt t lt let l??stst st m ?aja??r r ar alall?erergrgeg?ensens)s).)?""?444?7676,6,B,???1Y1YJYJ8J8G8?KWKW,W?ADA??Y4Y4M4MWMWMWM5M?YSY???,M,??ttt?????,2,2,2,1,131?434333?34734727?0000,00?ChChihilili? s?ououpu??,",???hilhilele e te ththethe the? fl f??vovoror or aor ??d d qd ququaualalial?????of of tof ththith?is is c ?hihilhilihili i? is is ??re????, t, ?thethe ?1010808-8?ouounou???e ce cacan? i is is is m?osost?lyly ?liliqliququiqu? T. ??he ?nunum?beb?er er????ses???iningingsing?s is ??is lis li????ed ed a as a???2,2, 2,? bu butut ut? th the? r rerea?li?tyt?y iy ??is tis ?thathatat at i??t wt wiwilillill l ol ?onlonlyly ly??ererv?e e ae ?aboabou?t ?5,5, ?unu
ll bring it to work for the staff to enjoy.<br /><br />Addendum: Staff loved the babka. Picture of product now shows nuts on top, prior listing did not. 5 stars for the babka and 3 stars for the lack of ingredient list. (At least major allergens)." 4476,B001YJ8GKW,ADTY4MWM5YSND,Matt,0,0,2,1343347200,Chili soup?,"While the flavor and quality of this chili is great, the 108-ounce can is mostly liquid. The number of servings is listed as 12, but the reality is that it will only serve about 5, un
l???? y ?ouo? a adadddd d m momororere e??f f y??ourour r o ow o???iningn?reredredidieienentntsts s as asas s ts ththehe e fe fifiri?stst t?rerevrevivieiewiewewere??inindindidicdi?atateteded.d. . I I I w wowonon'n??t bt bebe e pe pup?rcr??asasias?inging g t ththith?s s as ags agagaiain?.".""4?474?7,7,B,B0B000010?YJYJ8J8G8?KWKW,W,A,ACA??202?NVN?9M9MXM?DIDIWIW,W,SW,SaS?ndndrdrara a?J J S SiSie??kik??iewiiewiciczcz,z???,0,,0???131343?151??282?00?,G,?re?atat at??hihili??!,!?LoL??e ?th?thisthis s ss ?stustufu??! !? I? a??dd dd s sos??e e de ???ed?? to tom?at??eses es??ndnd nd a a a?popouounoundnd nd ond ???????oundoun??ha?mbmbub?urgur?erer er a an and and d td ththithis? i is is ?gr?eaeat?! ? I I I t I tatakakeke e ie ?t ?tot? p?????ucu?ksks ?? l lol?ot.ot??44447478478,8,B?00??2T2T5T545464646??,AQ,AQ1Q??2P2PRPRXRXUXUIUIAIAYAYFYF,F,L??eaheah h?BiB??k,k,0??0,0,50,5,5,15,?13313393?898919?20???ChChoChocock??fufulullll l o o o a am amamazaziz?ingingningnen?essess.s.,.,Y,?ouou ou c cacancan'n'tn't ?t bet beaeatea?t tt tht the???ririciceice e ae anandand d t?as?te? o?f f tf ?thithisthis this cthis cocof?fefeeee.e. ?ItIt t wt wiw?illil???lwl?ayaysys s bs be? m my m?? fi f???st st c ch choh?iciceice ice? to to to b bubuybu??. M. ?y ?huhususbs
less you add more of your own ingredients as the first reviewer indicated. I won't be purchasing this again." 4477,B001YJ8GKW,AC620NV9MXDIW,Sandra J Sienkiewicz,0,0,5,1341532800,Great Chili!,Love this stuff! I add some diced tomatoes and a pound of ground hamburger and this is great! I take it to pot lucks a lot. 4478,B0052T5464,AQ1O2PRXUIAYF,Leah Biek,0,0,5,1339891200,Chock full o amazingness.,You can't beat the price and taste of this coffee. It will always be my first choice to buy. My husb
a??d d b brbrorouougughg?t t i ?t ?hohomomeme e?ononene e de ???? be b?cacaua?sese e he heh??liliki???d td ththehe he p prpriricicece e ae anandan??d thd thohouhoug?htht ht t ?thethe ??thethe the c ca?n n l ???kekedked ???atat.t? L ??ittit?lele e de die d?d d wd wewe e ke ?nonowow w i it it ?wowououlou??d bd bebec?om???ouourour r?nenewnew w fw fafavavov?ri???????7979,9,B,B0B??5252T2T5T?4646464,4,A,ASA?0O0OSO?BKB??2O2?VXVX8X8,8,T,TaT??kekerkerCrCaCatat,at,0,?,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,???555??88880800???OV?? I ITIT!T?,","C"CaCanCan'n't't t t g ?o o w wrw???g g? wi w?ithit?? th t?isis.s. . . ?ReR??memmembmbeberbe??ititsits s?jijining??le:le: : " """?BeBetetttte??r cr ?ofo??eee?e ae a e a m mimili?lilioliononaon??rere'e?s s ms momon?eye?y cy ?cancan'can't? b bubuyuy!y!"!""? A ?lwlwaw??s s ps prpripr?iceic?ed ed r ririgrighghtght t at ?andand and i?n n tn ?thithisis is e ececo?nonomno????thathatat'at's's 's ?nonotnot t at alt alw?ayays? e?asa?y.y. . . F. ?raran????y Iy I I p?re?feferfe??r itr it t ot ovo?ere?r Sr StS??rbrbubucbuckcksks ?whwheherhere? o?ne? c ca canan an e? eas easisil?y y sy spspepenendnd nd t th??e se ?amameme me a ?amoam??ntn??t ont o??ONO?E E cE cucupu???f f c co c?offoffe?e!e!"!"!"???8080,80,B,B0,B00004004D4DNDN7N7H7HJH??,A,A1,A
and brought it home one day because he liked the price and thought the the can looked neat. Little did we know it would become our new favorite. 4479,B0052T5464,AS0OSBKE2OVX8,TalkerCat,0,0,5,1325548800,LOVE IT!,"Can't go wrong with this. Remember its jingle: ""Better coffee a millionaire's money can't buy!"" Always priced right and in this economy that's not always easy. Frankly I prefer it over Starbucks where one can easily spend the same amount on ONE cup of coffee!" 4480,B004DN7HJ2,A1
?STST1T?3333737R7RURURU?4R4R4R4,R4,S,SAS?M,M?1,1?,1,,1,1,1,?1313313313?161??8080000,0,a,???eeee e w wiwiti?h h o oto???rsr?. . B B B U U U R R R N N N E E E?D,D,B,????R R NR N N EN ?E DE D<D??r r?/>/><>??r ?/>/>I/>I I?rereare?d d t th?? o ot o?thetherther ?twtwowo o r??vivieiewewsws s a ?ndn????dndn'n?t t?????d td th?theitheirir r wr ?ararnr?iningn?. ?ThThahatat't's's ??n n m ??.<.<b<br? / /> /><??br br? />??TheTheyey y a?re? ' 'u'??abablb?e'e' '?bub?t t tt ththetheythe?y wy wew?ereere e ce cec?erter?aiaininlinlyl???????d.d..??48?1,1,B1,?00004004D4DNDN7N??J2J2,2,A,A1A??C9C9W9WPWPCP??8M8MTMTOTOSO?,","R"?anandandi? M ??. G. GoGolo??wa?sssseserer er " ??BiB??lyly ly J JoJ?elel'l's's 's L ??veverer"er""??,1??,1,1,,1,1??,1,1?323?717191??4040000,00,D,DiDisi??usustustitiningin?! !?WaWasaststete e oe ofof f M??oneon?ey!ey!,!?I ?cacanan'an?'t 't b be beleliel??veve ve I ?I wI wa?wastwas??d d ad ?lml??st? $ $2$202? o?n n tn ?thith? T. Th. Theheyhe??y wey werereere ere??ururnrnernedrne??! T! ?TheTheyThey ?y we?rere re ire ?ineined?ibiblblebl?! ?ItI??wa?was was s soso ?nanasastastyty y ay anand?? th t??hey hey? to tooo???fofororerevre?verve?r tr tor t??ararrarririvi??!<!<b<br<br <br /<br ?/>Y/>??u u s??ou??ld ld t ta takakeke e te th?
ST1337RUR4R4,SAM,1,1,1,1331164800,agree with others. B U R N E D,B U R N E D<br /><br />I read the other two reviews and didn't heed their warning. That's on me.<br /><br />They are 'usable' but they were certainly burned. 4481,B004DN7HJ2,A1DC9WPC78MTOS,"Randi M. Goldwasser ""Billy Joel's Lover""",1,1,1,1327190400,Disgusting! Waste of Money!,I can't believe I wasted almost $20 on this. They were burned! They were inedible! It was so nasty and they took forever to arrive!<br />You should take thi
s? p prpror??ucu????ffff f o of o?f yf yoyououru???rorodro??ctct ct l lil?stst.t. . W WoW?rsrst? p pr?ododuod?uctuct t it i'i'v'vev? e ?veverve?r or orordordederererededd4444484?2,2?B0B?0404D4DNDN7N?HJHJ2J?2,A2,A2A??0S0??TBT?QNQ?1R1RHRH3H3,3,",??ononnnnynyBy??? " """?"Jo"Jon?nynyBnyBo??"""""""","?0,0,0,0,,0,1,1,1,1?303030?171717121?0000,00,W,WoWorWors?t t pt pupur?chchahasases?e ee eveveeverer er o?n n??mamaza?onon.on. . . N NoNotot t ut ??seaseaba?lele!e!!!!,!,I,? p pu pururcurchurc?hasha?sedsed d 6 6 6 b ?oxo?ese???as as g gigifi??s ??????1 1 p pe per?er ber boboxbox.x. . ????pep??t ??vever? $ ??120120.0.0.0000 00?anandn?d nd nonononeon??cocououlou?d d bd bebe e ue ???ed.ed. . ?EvEveververyver?y py pipiei?cece e we waw?as as bas brbrorokro?enen en? an a?nd nd c ??ulu?? n no?t ??be be u ??useduse????or or t ththeh?? ?. S. ???ndindiningng g a a a g gi g?iftift t tt ththath??t it ist is s bs br????n n an an?d d cd cac?an'an't't t bt bet be e u?sesedsed sed?isis is v ve?veryvery very?????rrrrar?assassisin?g.g???AlAlslsoso o t?hehe he r reretretutururnurn n wn wiwinindin??w w? is i?s As ApA??ilil l 1 ?8t8thth th w ??icichch ch i is is is??idididicicuic?uloul?ousou??sisinsincnce? t th the th?e me mamatma??? w wa was??????th?e e fe fif??rst
s product off of your product list. Worst product i've ever ordered 4482,B004DN7HJ2,A240SSTBQN1RH3,"JonnyBoy ""JonnyBoy""",0,0,1,1303171200,Worst purchase ever on Amazon. Not useable!!,I purchased 6 boxes as gifts at $21 per box. I spent over $120.00 and none could be used. Every piece was broken and could not be used for the Seder. Sending a gift that is broken and can't be used is very embarrassing. Also the return window is April 18th which is ridiculous since the matzo was for the first
??SeS?dederer r?whwhih?chc? w wa w?s s o ?? A ApAprp??? 1 1818t8?h h ah atat t n ?igighghtht.t..?444??3,3???010?EHE?DMD??4,4?A3A3434K4KAKALA?IYIYKY?KAPKAPCPCNC?3,3,M3,M.M? D DaDavavividi??5,5?,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,????99993993636060000,00?"N"???t Tt ??? L ???htht,ht? N NoNotNot t T?oooo oo? Sw Swew?????BuB?t t Ot OhOh h Wh WhW??? A??WoW?ondondederderfrfufulu??FlFlal?avoav?r"r","??EvEvever?? R ReReve??lulut?ioionon on p pr????ctct t It ??ha?veve ve t trtri?eded ed h ha hasas as b beb?eeneen ?a a? wo won?ondeond???fulful ???pepererieriei?ncn?e.e. . . R??evoevol?ututi?on???nonowowsw?s hs hoh?????o bo ??lalanlancncenc? t??e e ie ininhnhe?riritrit t ft flfla?vovorvo?s s os ofo? t????lelea?vevesves s ws wiwitithth th o ot oth?erer er i ?ingingrg??ediedieienientntsts s ws whs w??ch??mamakakeke e ee ??ch?ch tch tet?? u unu???ueue ?ana????enjen?oyoyay?blb?le.le.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br ??>B>BeBetettette?r r Tr ThTha?n ??TheTh?e Re Re??t<t?<br<br <br / />?<b?<br <br /<br />/>I/>I'I'v'veve ?be?en???uyuyiyininging ing t? thi thisis s ps ?arartr?ic?ululaular?? te?a a ca cocon??ececucututi?vevelve?y ?fofor? t th?e e be bebetbettt?ter? h ha hal halflf f of ofof of?a a ya yey?earear ?no?w,w?, a, anandand d Id ?
Seder which was on April 18th at night. 4483,B001EHDMY4,A34KALIYKAPCN3,M. David,5,5,5,1269993600,"Not Too Light, Not Too Sweet, But Oh What A Wonderful Flavor","Every Revolution product I have tried has been a wonderful experience. Revolution knows how to balance the inherit flavors of tea leaves with other ingredients which make each tea unique and enjoyable.<br /><br />Better Than The Rest<br /><br />I've been buying this particular tea consecutively for the better half of a year now, and I
?sis?mpmplplyl? l ?ovovev??itit.t. . N ?? o oto???r r?popomomemege?rar?nan??e e te ?teate? c ?omomeom?s s? cl c?losloses?e te toe to o to ththithisis s os ononene ??n n?tetertermrmsms ?s ofs o? q ?uaualalilitityity y ay ?andand d t ta tasaststete.te. ??FoF?r r er ?xaxamampmplmp??? T TrTraradra??er er??oeo?'s'?s ss ststost????brb?ranrandnd d (d (w(??ilile? g gogoooodo?? s seseeseemems? a asas as i if if ??? h hahas??bebeeeenen n sn sws?eeeeteete??nedne?d (?tot?o to tho thehe he????intin? w ????e e ie ite it't?????oo oo s sw s??ete?),), ?anandand and s su s?rprprp??isiisiningin?ly?? th the?he the ?teatea tea t tu t?urnurnsns s rs ?eded d ad afaftfteter?? le l?essess ?th??an an a a a m mimininuin?tete te o of of f sf ?seeseepseepip?ing?? in indndindici??atiat??ing ing ting ththathatthat ?cocolcololorlori??? w wa wasas as aas ada?de???d (Id (I I d didididnd??t ?t cht chehecheckck k? th the th?e ie ine i?ngrngre?didiedienententst?, , s, ??o Io ?I mI ?ayay ?be? w wr wroronongong ?aba??utut ut?? thi thisis)is?. ?. T. ?he?rere're's's 's a's ?alsalsoso so Y YoY?gig???'s p's ?pompomemegmegrgragrananaan?ateate e te tee teaea a wa wh?ic?h h??sesesse?s as a a ga grgregr?eeneen n tn ???tea atea ?and?and cand ?rereare???s ?s ans an n en en??iri?relrely?ly dly di??fef?ere?ntnt ?tatasastaste?? I I I lI liliklikek?ed ed??
simply love it. No other pomegranate tea comes close to this one in terms of quality and taste. For example, Trader Joe's store brand (while good) seems as if it has been sweetened (to the point where it's too sweet), and surprisingly the tea turns red after less than a minute of seeping indicating that coloring was added (I didn't check the ingredients, so I may be wrong about this). There's also Yogi's pomegranate tea which uses a green tea and creates an entirely different taste. I liked it
;; ; d dididi?n'n't'? l ??veve e?itit.t.<.<b<brb? / ??<b<br<br ?/>?CoComompmplplilimi?enentn??ngn??FlF??vovororsr?<b<br? /?><?brbr br? /> />P />???egegrgrarananan?teteses s?ara?e e oe ofoftftetenten n c cocom?papararearede? t ?? a ap appp? . I ??n fn fafacactc?, , p popom?omegome????atateate ?me?an??s "s """"s"??ededeed?ed ed? ap?plpleple"ple????frfroromom om? la latatiatin?: : p?omomuomumu? - ? a ap app?lele ?anandand d gd grgragrangra?natna??s ?- ?seseese??edededed)d),)?, a, anand? l li likikek?e ae ane an n an apa??le? t?hehe e fe frfrufruiuitit it??s s ss ?weweeeetee?t at an?and and tand tat??t,t, t, b bub??t ht hahasas s as ? v ve?ryry y s sts?roronrong? a an andn???disdi?stistinincinctct ct?flfla?vovorvor.r. ? T ThThuh?us,us?, a, a , a l li?ghghtht ?whwhihit?e e te ??a ???s ts ththehe he p pe pererfr?ecect??cocomco??an???n;n?; i; ?it it dit ?oeo?esnesn'n'tn'?t ot ovoveovererper?powpo???r tr ththethe e pe popompomemegmegrgragrangranagranatateate ate? fl f?lav??? b bu butut ut a?lll?????itit it tit toto to?mimininginglglele le ole onon on t??e e t?onongongug???. . L. LiLikikeik?wiw?iseis?, ???? a am amomouo?ntnt nt???? po pom pomemeg?raranra?natnatenate,e, e,? or o?r rr ???thetherthe?r tr thr thehe he ihe inintintetentenstensisit??y oy ??of tof ?thethe the pthe ?pom??egreg
; didn't love it.<br /><br />Complimenting Flavors<br /><br />Pomegranates are often compared to apples. In fact, pomegranate means ""seeded apple"" (from latin: pomum - apple and granatus - seeded), and like an apple the fruit is sweet and tart, but has a very strong and distinct flavor. Thus, a light white tea is the perfect companion; it doesn't overpower the pomegranate flavor but allows it to mingle on the tongue. Likewise, the amount of pomegranate, or rather the intensity of the pomegr
aanananatatete e??lal?vov?r,r, , i isis s?trt??lyly y p pepererfr?ecectct.t? N ?o o f fl flalavlavovorvor r o ??ererperpop??er?s s ts ththehe e oe otoththetherer,er?, b, ??? r raratathathe??r ar ala?l l t??he he f? fla flavavoavor??s cs coc?mpm?lilimimem?ntnt t ot ?nen?e ae ananoanot??her??<b<?r r /r ??<b<br<b?r /??BrBrerewewiw?ngn??<br<br <br / />/></>?<br??/>??'m'? s susuru?re re s so som????e e oe oue outut ut t th?erereer?e we ???ll ll s sa sayay y ty ththathatat at?I'?m ?bu?tctchcheher??inging g t te teae??whwhehenhen n I? b brbrebrewew ew t th thi this?, ??utut ut wut ?whewh?en en? I ???, , I, ? l leleaeavea?ve ve? th the the the t te?a ?babagag g ig in?? th the the the m the ??g g ug unu?ntint???I'I'vI'??ve cve coconco?susumsume?d d i it it t at alallall.l. . . I I I f I fif?indind d td ?thathatthat t tt ?the? t ta t?sts?te te n ??ve???gegetetst??s tos t??o so ststrst?onongong ??andand d nd ?nevnevenev?er er g ?getgetsts ts b?iti?te?r.r. ?. T. TyT?pip?cac??allyally ??hihisis is i?s ??onlonlyly ly t??? the c the ?casca?e e fe fof?or or?heher?babalbal l tl ???as,as, , w, whwhiwhicichic? d dodondon'n't't ?bebececoecomome? o?vever??powpowewerwere????inincin?e ?????y cy ?concontcontataiain?in nin ?o o to te?? l le leaeaveaveeav?s.s. . ???n tn th?isis is cis ?cas?e e te the thehe he she
anate flavor, is truly perfect. No flavor overpowers the other, but rather all the flavors compliment one another.<br /><br />Brewing<br /><br />I'm sure someone out there will say that I'm butchering tea when I brew this, but when I do, I leave the tea bag in the mug until I've consumed it all. I find that the taste never gets too strong and never gets bitter. Typically this is only the case for herbal teas, which don't become overpowered since they contain no tea leaves. In this case the s
a?meme e??s s??rurueu?, , p ???hahapa?s ?bebece?auaususes?e ie ?? i???? w whwhih??e ?tet?a a wa wh???h h i? is is n ?ata????llllyly y??igi?????ThThehe e t?eaea ea? it i???lflf f? li lit?iteriteraralrallllyll?y cy coconontntat?ininsns s ds ??ieieded d????megme???nanatnate? s seseese?edseds s (s (f(flf?eseshsh h ih ?incinclcluludu?eded)ed??. . D DoDo o y ?????non??? th tha?t t tt ta?stste????u u gu ?ete?t at ?a fa fefewe?w mw mom?omeom?nt?s s a?ftf?terter r? yo y?? e ?eateat t a? p????megrmegra???ateate e se ?seeseedsee?? ??(I(IfIf f yf ??you you??onon'on't'??, t, tr??y iy itit!it? I ItI?'s's ?wowon?dederderfr?ulu?.).) ) ??ha?hat hat??ninit??alal al b bibit??????om om t? the the ????tntnenesesses?s fs ?olo?llollowoweoweded ed b by by y sy ?wew???nenesnesss?s ys ?youyou you gyou gegetge??????atat at l?eaeasea?st st I? g gegetget)get) ) f) frfrofr?om om aom a a pa popom???gragr?nanatnatenate ?e ise is ???ptptuturturer??ed ied ?in in t th?isis is??eaea,ea, , a, anandand d id ???mam?kek?? s se senensensese!se?! T! ThTheTh?ereer?'s? p???ege?gra?nanat?nate nate s??ededseds eds i in in in?? the??re!re!<!?brbr r /r ??<b??r /r />r /???oncon?clucl?usiusioionon<on<b<br??/>/></><b?<br <br /<br />?BuBuyuy y ty ththihishis s ts te
ame is true, perhaps because it is a white tea which is naturally light. The tea itself literally contains dried pomegranate seeds (flesh included). Do you know that taste you get a few moments after you eat a pomegranate seed? (If you don't, try it! It's wonderful.) That initial bite from the tartness followed by sweetness you get (or at least I get) from a pomegranate is captured in this tea, and it makes sense! There's pomegranate seeds in there!<br /><br />Conclusion<br /><br />Buy this te
a?! !??? w wawasas s?a a l ?iti??lele e s skskek?ptp?ici?alal l a?bob????mym????rsrstst t pt pupururcrchc?asaseas?e se sisinincncec???I wI ??s s bs bubuyuyiy??? 6 6 6 b ?boxboxexeses,s? b bu butut ut i ?it it? wa w?? a? g ?rereaeatat t ct ??oio?iceice e te ?ha?t t It I I dI ?? n nonotot t it inin in t ththeth?e le lelealeas??t bt bib?it it rit ?regre?gregr?t.t? ?I'I'v'veve e be boboubougu??t t tt ththithisis ??oro???ysyseselelfl? a an andn? f fo for??????lyl?, , w, wiwit?h h e eveveververyryoyononene ?ababsbsos?lul??elelyely y ly lolovo???ing ing? it i?t. t. B BeB?estest ?$2$2020 0 I I I h ha?veve ve e ev evever?? sp s?ene??t (t ?ana?? c ?on?ti?nun??e te toe t?o so ???ndnd)nd)!)!"!""4?4848484,4,B,?0000101E1?HDHDMD?Y4Y?4,A4,A2A2828A8??IAIAMAMBMB4B4R4RZR?0Z0?,J,JaJamameames? K K K??arartrtet?r,r?3,3,3?,5,5,5???797989?84384??200200,0,m,mymy my? te teaea,ea,E,?njnjoj?yayabablablele le t te?a ?wiwitwithth th a??rerefre?reresreshs???ing ?tatasastasteaste.e. . . ?ThTheh?e 1e ?6-6-c-co???nt nt?PaPaca?k k?ofof f 6f 6 ?rerepre?reresreseres?enten?s s as ?an an e ex excxcecelcelll?lenle?nt nt bnt bubuybuy y cy cocomcompmpap?areareded d td ?o ?o sto sto??? p pr?ic?icesices.s?4?48?5,5,B5,?B00B0?01E01?EHDEHDM???,A,A1A???LVL?COCOAOA6A???DQDQ,Q?D.D
a! I was a little skeptical about my first purchase since I was buying 6 boxes, but it was a great choice that I do not in the least bit regret. I've bought this for myself and for family, with everyone absolutely loving it. Best $20 I have ever spent (and continue to spend)!" 4484,B001EHDMY4,A28AQIAMB4RZ0Z,James K Carter,3,3,5,1279843200,my tea,Enjoyable tea with a refreshing taste. The 16-count Pack of 6 represents an excellent buy compared to store prices. 4485,B001EHDMY4,A1YELVCOA6WEDQ,D.
??CaC?memereroronon,n??,3?,5,?,1,??61615152526??0000,0,B,???t t T TeTeaea,a,I,I I????? t ?hihisi? t te t?ea.ea. .? I I I hI ??ve??isississus??? w wiwitithth th??ddddededed d??lolowlowewerersers ?ana?d d fd flflafl?avoav?ririningn?s s is in??otoththeth???? tea te??s a?ndnd nd?ReRevevov?lulututitioionon on??? teas teas s ts tetelellll l y yoy?u u?exe?aca?tlt?? w wh wha?tst?s is ins i? i??t at an?d d td ththethertherere ???re re n nono o? ad addddiddititiitivi???! ! I ?????e ??eee???????ririnri?ng ng? fr f?romrom m t?hehemem m em ?eveeverer er ser ???cec?e me mymy y fy ?irirsr?st st b ?oxo?? of of f t te tea tea. tea. . . I I I t ta t?keke ?itit it t to to o to ththethe the o? off of??cece ce a an andnd nd Ind I I hI ha??ve ve ave a a t tr trarav???l cl ???tataiaininein??er aer an???? tak ta?ke ke i it?? wi witithith h m meme me t? to to??resre?stastauaururaranrantntsts.ts?44444848686,6,B?0000100?EHEHDHDMD?Y4Y4,4,A,??YSYSKSKSKS4S4949M9MYMYAMY?6,6,"6,"r"??weweiwe??be?rgrg g?""""r"rj"rjwjwejweieisisbisbeisb?ergerg"g""??,1,1,,1,1??1,1,1,13,1?141??898969?0000,00,","T"??astastetestes s ds did?fff??ereerenentent,t, , a an and and d md mumucu?????orsor?e ?th?anan an b be befefofororeore"e",","","T"Th"Thihishi???s ?s ths thehe he f fi fir?stst st tst ?timtimeme ?we? b bo bou??
Cameron,3,3,5,1261526400,Best Tea,I love this tea. I have issues with added flowers and flavorings in other teas and Revolution teas tell you exactly whats in it and there are no additives! I have been ordering from them ever since my first box of tea. I take it to the office and I have a travel container and take it with me to restaurants. 4486,B001EHDMY4,ABYSKS49MYA6,"rjweisberg ""rjweisberg""",1,1,1,1314489600,"Tastes different, and much worse than before","This is the first time we bough
tt t t ?hihisi? t??? f frfroromom m?AmA?aza?onon,n, , w ???ususeseded d t?o o g ??t ??t t dt didiri?ecectctlt?? f fr froromrom ?ReR?vov??ututit?onon on?TeT??? I I I d dod?on'on't't t kt ??owow w?ifi???hahatat ??madmaded??ananyny y dy ??fff??re????, ?oror r i if i?f if ?? w wa wasas s js juj?ustust t at a a ca chc???ge?? in in n? th the th?e te teteaea'ea's'?s cs ???????????n (n (a(?lolonongon? w wi witithith h? th the the the?papacackckakagagigini?ng)ng),)?, b, ?ut? w wh wha?t t ut ???? t to to to?beb??mymy y wy ???e'e?'s 's f fa f?vo??it?e e te tee t?? n no??w hw hahashas s as a a ma memet?al?lilici??smsmemelmelll? a anandand d ad ?ftfte?rtrtatasastastete,te, , w, ??th? m mumucuchch ch l lelesessss ?ofof f af a a pa po?memegmegrg?an?atateat?e fe ??av??or or a an a??d nd no?now now a?? st s?roronro??????mom?ostost t ct ch?ea??-g-gegengenener??ic-ic-g-gr-grereere??-t-teteatea a fa flflafl?avoavoravor.r. . R. ReReaRealallallyally y dy diy d?isaisapappp??inintin??ngng,ng, ng,?esespes?ececieciaialall?? s si sin?cece ce w??e're'rere re s st stu stuc?k k? wi wit withth ??sixsi? b?oxo??".??444484?7,7,B,?000?1E1?HDHDMDMYMY4Y4,4,A,A4A4C4??EBEB2B2B2B3B?PYPYMYMVMV,V?CiCiviviv?is is? Am A??ri??an?usus us S SuSumum,m,1,??,1,,1,5,?,1
t this tea from Amazon, we used to get it directly from Revolution Tea. I don't know if that made any difference, or if it was just a change in the tea's composition (along with the packaging), but what used to be my wife's favorite tea now has a metallic smell and aftertaste, with much less of a pomegranate flavor and now a strong, almost cheap-generic-green-tea flavor. Really disappointing, especially since we're stuck with six boxes." 4487,B001EHDMY4,A4COEB2B3PYMV,Civis Americanus Sum,1,1,5,1
3?020252??646404?0,0,A,??rer?vovololul?titioionon n?ini??tet?a.a?.,.?"A"???anan n en ??-B-BrB???. .?ststeteete??eded d ( (p(pupunun n in ?intin?tentendndeded?!)!) )? in i?n sn ?strstror????blb???k k t te?a,a??I I w wawasasnsn'n?? s su sururere re a ab abob?utut ut t th thih?s,s, , b, bubutut ut Rut ?????ututiutio?n n Wn WhWhi??? P PoPomomemegegrg??anaanata?te te tte te?tea tea i?s s as aba??ol??te?lyl? d ?deldelilici?ioiouiousu?s, s, l li?ghg?t t yt ?etet ?flf?lavlavovorvorfrfuf?l.l?. . ?ThT??? lo lowo? c cac???eieinineine e ce ???tetententtent t mt mamaka???s is it?? id idedeade?l l??oror r? an a?n en evn evevenenin?inging ?popoto??ofof f??ea? a? and an?d od of????ouroursrses??iciceiced? t te tea tea.? I? h he?sisit?at?ed?ed ted toto o? re rececocomcommmmemenmend?? it it ??? c ca cas?e e ye yoyou? r ru runun un o ou?t ??f f if itit!it!"!""?444?8888,8,B,???1E1?HDHDMDMYMY4Y4,4,A?2F2?KMKMUMUTUT0T?????QBQ?,P,PaP?????0,0,30,?,1,131??48048??9292020000,00?MeM?llllolow?ed??OuOutut,ut?ThTheThe e fe ?flaflava?vor? i is is is??ververyry y my mimili?d.d. . ?WeWe ?trtririerieded ed bed brb?rewre?in?? l lo lon longngeg?r ?anandand d ud ?usiusininging ?cocoocoololeol??? wa wat?aterater ?te?mpmp p b?utut ut tut tht?he he
302566400,A revolution in tea..,"As an ex-Brit. steeped (pun intended!) in strong black tea, I wasn't sure about this, but Revolution White Pomegranate tea is absolutely delicious, light yet flavorful. The low caffeine content makes it ideal for an evening pot of tea and of course,iced tea. I hesitated to recommend it in case you run out of it!" 4488,B001EHDMY4,A2FKMUT03HYOQB,Pat,0,0,3,1348099200,Mellowed Out,The flavor is very mild. We tried brewing longer and using cooler water temp but the
?flf??vov?? i isis s a ala??oso?t t n nonononenexe?is?tatanantn?. . W WoWououluldl????t t pt ?ururcrchchahasasese e a??aiaini?..4?484?9,9,B,B0B?0101E1?HDHDMDMYMY4Y4,4,A,A2A2X2XBXBMBMZMZFZ?PJPJCJCCCC6C6B6BBB?,t,?eeeepe?e,e???,0,,0,1,1,1??333313??7878484040000,00?vevere?? d didisisaisapapopoioinintintetedte?,T,TrTrarada??? J JoJ?e'e?s s Ps ?omomem?grgraranrananata?te te? Wh Whihitite?te tte ??a a i is is s ss susupupe??ioi????o o t th t?hishis s ts ?tea?. . T. ?hihishis his?? is is v veverve?ry ry b bibit??terte??anandand d pd ?per?fuf?memeymey.y. . M. MaMayaybybebe e te ?ha?tsts s ws whwhahathat hat y yoyouou ou g geg???whwhewh?n n? yo youou ou bou brbrerewew w w ?whowhololele e le lelealeavaveav?s s as ??and and?ststestememsms s .s . . I. I I f ?ou?ndnd d id itit it r ????lsl?,Y4,A,A1,A1J1??WKW?DSDSBSBXBX8X858?VOV?,C,??er?yly???. ?BoB??wewelellll,l,0,0,?0,0,50,5,5,1??292??6464040040?00,00,R00,?evevovolvo?ututitio??'s?? te teaeasas as??re? s sm smomoomootothoth h a an a?nd nd d?el?ici?at?e,e,"e,"R"ReRevRe?volvoluvol??io?ion'ion?'s 's t's te?teasteas s as ars a?re ?susupsu??perbper?. ??mo??thth th a an and an?d dd de?lil???ateate,ate, , e eaeacea?ch ch o ???e he ha?????enen en p plp?lealeasleasasanantant,t?, c, cocom?
flavor is almost nonexistant. Would not purchase again. 4489,B001EHDMY4,A2XBMZFPJCC6BB,teepe,0,0,1,1331078400,very disapointed,Trader Joe's Pomegranate White tea is superior to this tea. This is very bitter and perfumey. Maybe thats what you get when you brew whole leaves and stems . I found it repulsive. 4490,B001EHDMY4,A1JVWKDSBX85VO,Cheryl L. Boswell,0,0,5,1329264000,Revolution's teas are smooth and delicate,"Revolution's teas are superb. Smooth and delicate, each one has been pleasant, comf
oorortrtitiningng g?anandnd d a a a p pupururer? d ???igi?htht.t. . I I'I'v'vev??trtrir?ede???hihisis s?ononen?, , t ?thethe e pe popomomemege?rar?anaanatatete,e, e, a?s s ws wewelellel? a as as as??iningingegerer r p pe peaeaca???, D, DrDra?gog?on on E ?yey??OoOololol?ongon?, , a, an?d d wd whwhihithitete te p pe pea pe?r.r.".""4??9191,1,B,B0B??1E1?HDHDMDMYMY4Y?,A,AAAA6A?XAX???JZJZHZHEHERER1R?1,b1,??eloelowo?i,i,0,?,0,0,,0??4,14,??262686?444484480800???lolorloraralra??tat??titinting? t te t?ea,ea,",????ururcur?chachas?eded ed t th thi?s s ts teteatea a???or or s sos??eoeononeone e we whwhowho o???joj?ysy?s Ts TrT???derde???oeoe'e's's ???hit?e e pe poe pomomeomegomegrgragrananaanatanate?te tte ?tea?, , a, an, a?nd nd u ununfnfo??rturtununaun?ateat??y y i itit t w wawasas as n ????a a ga ??odod d sd sus?bsbststist???tete.te??ThThoh?ugu?gh gh I I I h hahavavevenven'n't'?t tt trtritr???d id ?it it m ?ysyseysel?f f I I I w I wawaswas s ts tos tololdold ?d itd it t ht ?hadha???a sa st?roronongong ong f fl f?lorloraloralal l tl tal t????te ate ???? ar aro?mama ?whwhiwhici?ch ch? to to o to th?atat at???artartiticticucululalarar ar t te tea tea a da drdririnrinknkekerer er w wa wasas as uas ?undundedesde?iri???lele.e. . . I??amam m??ratratitin?g ?4 4 s st sta??s ?sisinsincncece e te the thihishis his i is is
orting and a pure delight. I've tried this one, the pomegranate, as well as ginger peach, Dragon Eye Oolong, and white pear." 4491,B001EHDMY4,AA6XA0PJZHER1,belowi,0,0,4,1326844800,Floral tasting tea,"I purchased this tea for someone who enjoys Trader Joe's white pomegranate tea, and unfortunately it was not a good substitute. Though I haven't tried it myself I was told it had a strong floral taste and aroma which to that particular tea drinker was undesirable. I am rating 4 stars since this is
ssusucuchch h a a a?susubsu?jejecectctitivivev? j ?ududgdgeg??enentn?? a an a?d d?? h ?ava?ve ve n non???ououbu?tsts s a ab abobououtout t t tht?isi?s bs bebeie??g g a a a h?igighgh h qh ?uaualalilitityt? p prp??duduc???""4444??2,2,B,??0101E1EHEHDH?MYM??,A,?1R1???Z5Z5151Q1QRQR1R1L1???,M,??B,B,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,?303???5151251202????akakek???grg????t it iciceceded ???ea,ea,","I"????ve bve ?beebeenen en u usu?in?????isis is t te t?ea ea f ?oror r f fo for?? ab?ou?out out 6 6 6?momono?nthnt?s ?anand? d dr d?ininkink k i ?it it a as as s is ic???? te?a a da dad?ililyly.y???r r /r ??<b<br<br ?r />r /?I ?mimic?rorowrowawav?e ?mymy y wy wa??terter r or on?? hi??gh gh? in in n? a a p a pypyry?rexrex x 2 2 2 c cuc?p p???asasss??cocon?tataiainai?erer r fr foforfo???2 m2 miminminunutute?s s os ????highi?gh gh agh anandand d td thd theh??en pen popopop p tp ththethe e le ?litlittttltlel?e we ??hithitete te m me m?eshes?h bh ?aga??s is ins in ?foforfor for a ab? abou aboutut ut?? - - -??5 ?miminminuminututeut? I I u us u?e e ae ?boboubout?ut 3ut 3 3? - - 4 ? b babagba?gs gs f fo for for r ar a a ra ri?chch ch t ta tasastas??te ate anandand and s si sin??ce ce? I' I?? g?oio?inging ing t to t?o bo be? p?ouourou?rinringng ng i?t ?ovo?verver r ir . I. ?I pI
such a subjective judgement, and I have no doubts about this being a high quality product." 4492,B001EHDMY4,A1REWZ51QR1L83,MLB,0,0,5,1309651200,Makes great iced tea,"I've been using this tea for for about 6 months and drink it as iced tea daily.<br /><br />I microwave my water on high in a pyrex 2 cup glass container for 2 minutes on high and then pop the little white mesh bags in for about 5 - 15 minutes. I use about 3 - 4 bags for a rich taste and since I'm going to be pouring it over ice. I p
?utu? m ???icicec??cucububeb?s s i in in n a a a l lalarargrgege e ge ?la??s ?anandn? p popououru? m my m?y hy ???t tt ?eaea a oa ovovev???ththeh???iceice,e, , g grgrar?b b a? s ??rarawraw w? an andnd nd i?t't?s s rs rereaeadeadydy y ty toto o?drdririninknk.k.<.<b<brbr ?/>/?<b<br<br ?r />r />I>ItIt ?ala???o to ?asaststest?es es g????d wd whw?henhen n In ? s?teteeteepep p?2 2 b babaga?s s os ofof f t ththethe ?ReR?vovololulututiutioionon n Wn WhWhihititete te?PoPomo?egegrgragr???tete ?TeTea? w wiwitithit??? b ba bagagsags s os ofs o?f tf ththethe the A ?ririzrizozononaona a Pa PoPomPomemegmegrgragrangrananat?e.e. . T ???s s is isis ?mymy my f fafavavovorvo?ritritete te ote onon on i ic icece.ce. ??TheThe e Ae ?AriArizizozonzona? i is i??s a s a? gr gre?enen n tn teteate??. A. AnAnynyhyho?w,w, , t, ththithis?? is is is m? my my u usususuaualal al l lu l???hthtit?meme me p pi pic?k k? me me ??????. . I. ?I wI wawanantant t tt tot t??nonototeote e te ththath?at at?I ?gagavaveave ?e upe u?p dp ?dridrininkinkikin?g g d di d?etet t st ??dada ?inin in M ??arcar?ch ch a an and and d hd hahas? m??dede e te the thi?????oncon?ococtc?tiotion?on mon mymy ?rerepreplpla?cecemce?menmentnt.t?. I?t ??waswa?s as a ?lil?ittittltlel??didififfffific??ltlt t a??t ft ???stst,st?, b, ?utut ut n no???th??t t a?wfwfuf??
ut my ice cubes in a large glass and pour my hot tea over the ice, grab a straw and it's ready to drink.<br /><br />It also tastes good when I steep 2 bags of the Revolution White Pomegranate Tea with 2 bags of the Arizona Pomegranate. This is my favorite on ice. The Arizona is a green tea. Anyhow, this is my usual lunchtime pick me upper. I want to note that I gave up drinking diet soda in March and has made this concoction my replacement. It was a little difficult at first, but now that awful
?????f f i isi? o ??t t o of of ?mym???ysy?stest?m.m?<b<brbr r / />/?<b<br<br r /r />?I I h hahavaveve e n ?otot t tt trtririeieded d t ththihis? t te t?a a? ho hotot,ot??asas ?I I aI amam m n no notot ot????anan n o of of of? ho hot hot ?t tet teaea,ea?, b, bubut? I I'I?m m sm susururere e ie itit't's's s js juj??st st a?s s ds dedelelilicicicioiou?s.s??? s?ububsb?crcriribribeb?e te tot? t?hihishis s as ??d d td ?theth?e Ae ArAri?zoz?nana ??omo?egegrgraran???e e Ge GrGre?enen ????.".?4444?9393,3,B,?000???MVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,A1A1D1DCDC1C1O1O4O?VXVX6X?AHA?PPPP,P?"E"E.E???. ?JoJon?eses ??"m"?ovoviv?? b bubufbuff?"""""""???,3,3,3,53,5,5,1,121282?383818171767606??,"?me?llllolowow w? fl flalavavoav?r,r?????chc?em?icicaicalal l a?ftftetertertrtatas?tete"te",?"T"ThT?his? M MeMelelielit??? d ???afa??RiR?vi?erera? S ??nsn?etet t ct coc?ff??e e he ha??s a??n en exe?cecelellellel?entent ?t tat tasast?e.e. ??ThTheTh???e ie ise i?s ns nononnonen?e oe ?? t th the th?e we weweieiri?d ?afaftafte?terttertatastaststeste ste??ou???et? w ?itithith h s??omeome e oe ote o?thetherther ?de?decadec?af af c co c?offoffefee??s. s. ??t't'st's s as a s a s?momoomootothoth,h, , m, memelmellmel???w tw ??tasttas??, ?eve?venven n an a a la li??tltle
stuff is out of my system.<br /><br />I have not tried this tea hot, as I am not a fan of hot tea, but I'm sure it's just as delicious. I subscribe to this and the Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea." 4493,B002TMV3E4,A1DC1O4VX6AHPP,"E. A. Jones ""movie buff""",0,3,5,1283817600,"mellow flavor, no chemical aftertaste","This Melitta decaf Riviera Sunset coffee has an excellent taste. There is none of the weird aftertaste you get with some other decaf coffees. It's a smooth, mellow taste, even a little
? s swswew?ete??ana?? w ???h h a a a??inintnt ?ofo????co?a.a? I ? r rereae??lyly y e ?njnjoj??eded ?ththithisis.s?? T ThThehe e g grgrir?indind ?is? l lilisististeteded ed? as as s e?xtxtrt?a a???inein?, , b ??t t It ??dididi??'t't t ft fi?ndnd nd?itit it p ?arartrtitici?ulu?ararlar??? fi finineine ine m mymysyses?lfl????WhWhehenhe?? I I g gr gri??nd nd mnd mymy my o ?wnwn n bn bebeaeanea???, I, I I hI hah???e ae a a fa fifinfinefinere?? gr gri gr?indind ind t ththathanan an????s,? b bu b?ut ut I? I s I sts?tiltillll ll? ex exp expepecectc????a a sa ?strstrorono?gegerer er? ta t?ststeste e fe ??romro? t th the the e Me MeMelelielit?tata a ta ??thantha?n In ??wowouo?ulduld d fd frfrofromom m om ?ththetherer ???oro?re re b br bra?ndndsnd?s. s.? H ?owoweoweveve?r,r, , t, ?thethe the M MeMelMeli??tata ta d ?ececaec??f wf wawas? a ac act?uaualallal??ly sly slsliliglighghth?ly?ly wly weweaweakakek?er er ter ?thathan? o?ththetherthe??ststostorsto??re bre ??ranrandrandsds ??we we h ha hav??e te ?tritr?eded.ed. . . W. We. We e le lilikli?? o ou ourur r cr co?fff?eeee ee? st str?on?g,g, , a, ababobououtout t 1t ?/2/?? cu c?? g??ouounou?nd ?co???feefe?e f?oror or 4 4 4 t to to o 4 4 4??1/21/2 ?cu??s s w?atate?r r (r (u(ususisininging g m??easeasusur??inging ing?? cup cupsps)ps???. T. ?ThiTh?
sweet and with a hint of cocoa. I really enjoyed this. The grind is listed as extra fine, but I didn't find it particularly fine myself. When I grind my own beans, I have a finer grind than this, but I still expected a stronger taste from the Melitta than I would from other store brands. However, the Melitta decaf was actually slightly weaker than other store brands we have tried. We like our coffee strong, about 1/2 cup ground coffee for 4 to 4 1/2 cups water (using measuring cups). This
?raratatit?o o w ?asa???otot t??uiuiti?e e s ststrt?onongng g e ene?nounougughg? f foforo? m meme ?wiwitithith ?tht?e e Me MeMelelilitittittata,a, , b bubutu?t tt th?atat at?isis ??asasiasili?y y a adadjdjuj?ststast?blblel?. . ???he he? ni nicicec??ththithiningng ng a ab abobouout? t th?e ??ofofff?eee?e ie isis is t th thahat??, e, ?veven???hehenhen n I I I m ma madadead?e ie ite i?t vt ve?ryry y sy ststrstroronrongng,ng, ???? s?mom?ot???esessss ??eme??in?eded.d?? I I I w wi w?illil? d dedefefif?iniinititeitelelyely ?bebe e te tre try?in?g g og ot??ere?r tr tyt???es es o of? M Me?li??ta??cocofco?ffeffee? i in in ?ththethe ?fufututuut?,4,B,?000?2T2TMTMVM???4,?ANAN8N818?JUJUYUYWY?2S2?L2L??4,C4,ChCha?rlrli?e,e,0,?,3,?,3,3,,3,1,?282?3030404040000000????PaP?ckckakaga?in?ing ing? ne nee?dsd?s is ?mpmprp?rovro?vemvememenme?t,t, ??rereare??at tat tatastast?e,e, e, d de dececacafaffff ff i is is s ns ?notnot ?mym?y ty th?thinthi?ng"ng?,","I,"I'I'm'm m n no n?ot ot a a a c co cofoffof?feefe??exe??perpertr?t, t,? bu b??ut Iut I I kI knkno?? a??gog?oodoo? t?as?titintingng ?cocof??feefee fee w? whe when?en Ien ?I dI drdririninkin? a?????. . T. ThTheTh?e Me Mee Mel?it??a a R RiRiviviviei?eraera a ia ?is is ais ???liglighghtght ?ro
ratio was not quite strong enough for me with the Melitta, but that is easily adjustable. The nice thing about the coffee is that, even when I made it very strong, the smoothness remained. I will definitely be trying other types of Melitta coffee in the future." 4494,B002TMV3E4,AN81JUYW2SL24,Charlie,0,3,3,1283040000,"Packaging needs improvement, great taste, decaff is not my thing","I'm not a coffee expert, but I know a good tasting coffee when I drink a cup. The Melitta Riviera is a light ro
?asasts?, , w wiwiti?h h?a a n nunutu??y y? an a?d d c crcrer??mym?y fy ??avavovoro?. . T ?hehe e???omomama ??s s?jujusustst st e exe?hihililalarlararatatitini??. . I. ItI? l lelefeftft ?a a na ?ici?e e ae ??????ththrth?rourougughg?ouo?ut ut t?he? h ho?us??, , a, ala?mom??st st mst mamadmadede e ie ?it it s seseeeemem m? li liki??e Ie I I? wa wasas as?in? a? c co cofoffffef?ee ee s sh shohopho??. U. UnUnfnfoforortor?ununan??ele??, ??it it iit is? j?usustust ?dedecdecacafaffffeffeiein??ate??d ad anandnd nd?dididid d nd ???t gt gigiviveve e me mem??ththethe e je ???t t It I ??eeeedee??in???thethe the?mo??ni?<b<?r r / ????r r /r ????e e pe papacackckak?gigingingng ng? ca cauaus?usedused ?sosomomeom?e pe pre prorobroblblelemlemsm??fo?r ???. ???The The???ealea? i is is s es ?excex?cescesss??iveivelelyely y ty titigtigh???. I. I'. I'v've? n ne neve?verve?r hr hahadad ?ththithisis is pis ?ro?roblroblelemlem lem w?it?h ??tatararbarbubucu?ckscks,s?, D, DuD?unkunkikin???ononunutnutst?s, s, P ?ee?t't's's ???offoffefeefee,? o ???MeMei?jejerer ?pa?ckcks??. W. WiWitithith ith t th??e Me ?MelMe????ta,ta?, i, it, it ?wawas?as sas so? t????? t th?atat at???henhen n I ??dididdid d od ??ene?n in itit,it, ??thethe the bthe bab????ororeor
ast, with a nutty and creamy flavor. The aroma is just exhilarating. It left a nice aroma throughout the house, almost made it seem like I was in a coffee shop. Unfortunately, it is just decaffeinated and did not give me the jolt I need in the morning.<br /><br />The packaging caused some problems for me. The seal is excessively tight. I've never had this problem with Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Peet's Coffee, or Meijer packs. With the Melitta, it was so tight that when I did open it, the bag tore
a apapap?rtrt t a?ndnd d s ?pip?llllel?d ?? l lol??t ot ofof f t ?hehe e g grgror?unundnd nd?coc?offoffef?e e oe onontn?o o m mym???ititct?hehenhe??????? and an?d fd flf?loolooror.r. .?OnOnene e ce ??ulu???d ard a??ueu????atat t tt ththithisis s? ti tigighg???seseaealal l?????s s is ini?n an al??l tl th?e ?fl??vov??? I ?? co cououlouldld ld? ar argrgurgue?? th thahatat at i ??f if ?it it w wew?rere e ee ea?sisieierer er t to to to o opopeop??n In ?I wI wowououl??n'n?t t ht ha?veve e se spspisp??le??d md mamayaybybebe ?3 3 d daday?s s ws ??rt????f f cf ?cofco?fefeefee e ge grgrogr??nd??s os ??toto to t? the th?e fe fle flo??r.?<b<brbr r?/>/><><b<br<b?????ro?s:s??LiLig????ro??sts??, e, ?????llellenenten?t at araroar?mama,ma?, n, nun??tyt?y ay ana?nd nd cnd crcrereare?my? t ta t?astas?e<e<b<br<br <br? /> /><?br? /? />C />CoCononsons:s: s: D ?ece??f f (f (a(ar?ggggggghgghhhhh?) ) a an and and and h ha??d ??to ????n n pn papacpackpac?<b<br<br ??/></><b<br<br ?<br /><br />O>?ve?raralallall:all: ????""4444????B0B?0202T2TMT?V3V?E4E4,4,A,???1N1NPN?SIS?MIM?1C1C2C2R2?,","R"??bebecbeccccaca ca o of of of??mamazma??on on???ThThehe he?Re??bec?????RevReviv?iewiew"w""?",",0,0,0,3,3,3,5,5,?121????808?
apart and spilled a lot of the ground coffee onto my kitchen top and floor. One could argue that this tight seal packs in all the flavor, I could argue that if it were easier to open I wouldn't have spilled maybe 3 days worth of coffee grounds onto the floor.<br /><br />Pros: Light roast, excellent aroma, nutty and creamy taste<br /><br />Cons: Decaf (arggghhh) and hard to open pack<br /><br />Overall: 3/5" 4495,B002TMV3E4,A281NPSIMI1C2R,"Rebecca of Amazon ""The Rebecca Review""",0,3,5,12827808
0000?,I,InIntn?oxoxix?cacatatit??g,g?"T"ThTheh?????utu??e ye yoyouo? o opopepenen n?a a?bab?? o of of f M MeMele??ttt?a a Ra RiR??iei?rar?a Sa SuSununsn?etet t y yoyouyou ??ilillll l?????k k y yo you? a ar arere e ie inin in S StS??rbrbubucuckcksks.s. . T ThTheThe e re ?icichic? a? aro aromomam??isis s i inintin???xicxica?titintingng,ng, , a a a p ??omomiomis??e oe ?f f tf ththith???s s ts to? c cocomomeome.e?. I. ??li?keke ??y y c co cof?fef???a a la lilitlittttlttlele e se sts?ro??ngenger??????I uI ususe?? a a a ¼ a ¼ ¼ c cu c?p p g ?ro??undun?d cd co?ffffefeefee e we ?witwi?? 1 1212-2-o-ouounou?ceceses s ws waw?ateat? . A. AfA??terter r? br b?rewrewiwinwingng ng? th thehe he? co cof co???ee ee m my m?y ey enenten?tirtirere re a?papara?tmt??ent? w wawaswas s hs he?avaveven??y y sy scscecence?ntenteded d wd wiwitwithwit?h ah ?a sa susupupeuper??oro?r fr frfra???ana??e.? T Th T?he ?fif?rsrstst st? si s?p p wp wa?? l li liki?ke ke?fafalall?ininging ing i??n ln ?ovo? . I. I . I l li lit lite?terater??lyly ly? fe fel?t ?he?headheadyd?. . T. ThThe? o?nlnly?ly tly th??ng?ng Ing I I aI adaddd?eded ed w?????a l?itittittlt?le le h hah?alfal?f &f & &? ha h?alfalf alf a an andn?d td ?wowo ?papacpa?ckeck?????? s?tetevte??a.a?. I?. I w. I ?wouwo??d d hd hihighighg
00,Intoxicating,"The minute you open a bag of Melitta Riviera Sunset you will think you are in Starbucks. The rich aroma is intoxicating, a promise of things to come. I like my coffee a little stronger so I used a ¼ cup ground coffee with 12-ounces water. After brewing the coffee my entire apartment was heavenly scented with a superior fragrance. The first sip was like falling in love. I literally felt heady. The only thing I added was a little half & half and two packets of stevia. I would high
llyly y r rerececoc???enendnd d t tht?atat t y ?ouou u h ha?vev? t th thihisi??co?fff??e ?afa???r r??ininnnnener??wiwitithth th y yo y??r ?dedese?sesererter?? T ThThihishis s is ?is is t tr trurulu?? a anan n e exexcx?epeptptitioi?nanalal l c?????ee!ee! ! I ??? b ?eye???nd nd?imimpm?reresre?ssessede???NoN?? I I' I'm'm 'm e?agagegerer ??o o t tr?y ??thethe e Me ?ele???tat?'s's s Ps PaPara??isiisiai?an an??an??llllala a g ?rorouounound?nd cnd cocofcoffcoffefeefee.e.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b<br<b??r />r />~>?ThTheTh?e Re ReRebe?becbeccc???Re?vivieiewew"w""4444494?6,6,B,?????MVMV3V3E3E4E?,A,?3F3?HSHSLSLWLWEWEME?H7H7J7?D8D8,8,","E"ElEli?zaz?bebetbethth th Gth ?. . M. ???lillill?o ?"""?glgloloroririariananaana"a"""""""","?0,0,3,3,3???121282828222262?24240400?,E,?xc????enenten?t qt ququaualalialitityit?y ay ?andand d vd vavalalualueu?,","M,"MeMel??ittittaitta'?s s rs ri?chc?? f flflalavlavovou??fuf????proprodo??ctct t it isis ?a a da dedeldeli??ioiouiousus s ts trt?reareatat at? co??mpamp?araar?ablab?le le t to to ?cocof??eeeesee?s ws wiwitwith?th ath ?a ma mumuc?? h?igighg??er ?pr?icice? t ta . I. ?t t i?s s as a a pa ??usus us? th tha th?at at tat ?thethe the? de d?ecaec??fe?ininainatateateded ed v ?verve?sis??n ??oeo?es es?
ly recommend that you have this coffee after dinner with your dessert. This is truly an exceptional coffee! I'm beyond impressed. Now I'm eager to try the Melitta's Parisian Vanilla ground coffee.<br /><br />~The Rebecca Review" 4496,B002TMV3E4,A3FHSLWEMH7JD8,"Elizabeth G. Melillo ""gloriana""",0,3,5,1282262400,Excellent quality and value,"Melitta's rich, flavourful product is a delicious treat comparable to coffees with a much higher price tag. It is a plus that the decaffeinated version does n
?otot t?sasacacrcririfififici?? f ?lalavavovououru?? H HiH?ghghlhlyly y??ececoc???ene?ded??.".""?444494979?,B,B0B??2T2?MVM?3E3E4E4,4,A,?BCBC6C6868J8???PTPTVTVOV?E,E?"A"A.A??FaFababbbbrbriri ri??"a"?faf?abbabbrbribr??"""""",",3,3,3??,4,4,4,14,12128282826260608080800??,c,cocofco???e e se sns?obob b r re reveviv???? p ??re-re-g-?????nd nd??decdecac?af,af,","T,"?hihisi?s is is? p pr pre?ttttyty y dy de?decedecenenten???????e,e, ,? fo foror r p? pre pre-e-g-gr-g???ndnd nd dnd dedecdecadec? . . H He H?re?'s's s hs hohowow w a a a c ?cofcoffcoffecoffeeee ee s??nobnob b rb ??vivievi?ewsew????:<:<b<brbr br / ??<b?r ??/>*/>* * U ??papacackac?iningn? * ?<b<br? /?>T>Th?is??co?coffcoffecoffeecoffee ?hahadad d t toto o? tr trarav??l l a? l lol?ngng ng w ?aya?y ty ?to to???acachach h m mym???houhoususese,e, e, a an andnd nd ind itit t wt wawaswas s hs hos h?ot ot o ououtout.t. . . H. ?eaeatat t at ana?nd nd tnd titimime? a ar arere re e ?eneen?mim?iesies s os ofof f f fr f?resre??h ch co?coffcoffe???. ?Th??e pe pa????gege e we wawas? p pr pre pret pre?ttytt?y hy hay h?rdrd ?toto to oto opopepen??, I, ? r re res resosorortor?ed???o o so scscic?issis?sorso?s.s???. Th. Theh?e ge grgrigrin?d d id ?is ?vevereryer?y uy ununiunif?orormorm m? wi wit?h ??????tetectectc??blb?e
ot sacrifice flavour. Highly recommended." 4497,B002TMV3E4,ABC68JUCPTVOE,"A. Fabbri ""afabbri""",3,9,4,1282608000,coffee snob reviews pre-ground decaf,"This is pretty decent coffee, for pre-ground decaf. Here's how a coffee snob reviews it:<br /><br />* Unpacking *<br />This coffee had to travel a long way to reach my house, and it was hot out. Heat and time are enemies of fresh coffee. The package was pretty hard to open, I resorted to scissors. The grind is very uniform with no detectible
ddudusu?t.t? ?ThTheh? s smsmem?lll? i isi?? st statalalele e ce ?omompmpap?rer?d d?toto o t?hehe he?loloco??? f frfre?shsh h r ?oaoasa?stesteded,ed, , n nonono??ded?cacafcaf,f, , b, bebeaeana??s Is I I u ?usuusuaualallal?y y b ??y.y.<.<b<brbr r?/>/><>?<br<br r /r ??? B BrBre?wiw?ngng g?*<*<b??? /> />I>I I bI bu????d ?ouo?t t m ??y cy coconconene ?anandand d ld lo?ada?dedded d td ??o ?seserervrviv?ingin?s ??intin?to to a ? M ??elielitittt?? f fi f??tet? t??wo wo c ??psps s os ???2020000F0F F w wawatateterter ??hrhro???h.h. . . T. Th?e e ue unu???orormrm m g ?rir?indind ?is?? ap appp?parpare?ntn?t it in? t??atat at t th??e c?of?fefeeee e de didididndn'n?t t ct clclologlog ?asas as i it it t dt ??eses s ws ?witwi?th th b bl blal??e-e?grgrogr??ndn??co?fff?feefe?e (e (d(duduedue e te ?to ??dusdu??).). . ?I ?drd?an?k k t? the the the? co cofoffoffeoffeeee ee b bl??ckck.k.....????<br /<br ?/></>???<br /<br /><br />*>?* T* TaT?astastit?inging ing *?<b<br<br <br /<br /><br />T<br />?The? s???llll ll???s os ofs o??dedecdeca?????nd nd??or or i?nsnstns?tantantnt nt c co cof coff?? . ??re?tt???ststastalaleale e be bubutbut t tt ththethe ?e dee dec??f f pf ????esessess s i?s ??parpartpar?lyly ly t to to o bo ?la
dust. The smell is stale compared to the local fresh roasted, non-decaf, beans I usually buy.<br /><br />* Brewing *<br />I busted out my cone and loaded two servings into a Melitta filter. I poured two cups of 200F water through. The uniform grind is apparent in that the coffee didn't clog as it does with blade-ground coffee (due to dust). I drank the coffee black...<br /><br />* Tasting *<br />The smell is of decaf and or instant coffee. Pretty stale but the decaf process is partly to bla
mmeme.e? O OvOvev?rar??l l I I I?ene?joj?yey?d d i ???asa? m mumucuchc? a???ananyny y?drdriripi?? de dececac?f f I I' I'v'?ve ve??ada?d rd rer???ententltlyly.y?. . T ????e e w wawasas as n nono o??it?iningng g b bi b??tet?ernernenesesss?. . . I. ?I dI drdradranankan??twtwow??cucupupsps s bs blblal?ckck k wk wiw?ithithohououtut t mt ??ch? o ?f f af a a g gugutut ut a ac a????<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>P/>PrPror?s:s:<:<b<br<br <br /?>->- -? Ti Tigighghtht ?papacackackakagagiginingin?g wg wiwitwithth ?lilitittittlittlel?e ae aia??r hr hehelhe??ps ps? ma m?ainaintntat?ain? f frfre?shshnh??<.?<br<br <br /<br ??- - E- ExExcx??llllellen?ent ent g gr gririnrindn??ununin?fof?rmrmimitityity.y.<y.<b???????LoLowow w b??ttt??rnrne??s<s<b<br<br <br /<br /><br /><<br /><b<br???<br />C<br />CoCononsn?s:<s:<b??<br /?<br />-<br />?- N- NoNoto?t lt lol??calcallllylly y ry roroaro?astaste??.<.<b.<brbr br? /> />- />- - N- No- Notot ot? fr f??reshresh.h?. B. BeB?estest-t-b-byb?y dy ?atate? i??s as a s a??yeayeara?r ir inin in a ad advd??ancan?ce.ce?.<b?r r /r />r /><><b><??br /br ?/>V/>VeV??did?ctct:t? F ??or or m??ili?-o-?ordordeder?? p ?rere-re-g-grgro??undund ??decdeca??, , t, ?thithisi?s cs ?ofoffoffefeeee ??livlive?d d u?p p tp tot?o eo exe?pepec?tatattatit??onson?s as ans andnd nd w?asas ???in??kabkabl
me. Overall I enjoyed it as much as any drip decaf I've had recently. There was no biting bitterness. I drank two cups black without much of a gut ache.<br /><br />Pros:<br />- Tight packaging with little air helps maintain freshness.<br />- Excellent grind uniformity.<br />- Low bitterness<br /><br />Cons:<br />- Not locally roasted.<br />- Not fresh. Best-by date is a year in advance.<br /><br />Verdict: For mail-order, pre-ground decaf, this coffee lived up to expectations and was drinkabl
ee.e? 3 ? o oro??? s ststat?rsrs.s.".??????,B,B0B000020?TMT?V3V3E3E4E4,4,A,??UYUYWY?E9E?7K7???0M0M,M,","C"?. . A. A A S ??ovovev?l l " """?"Ch"Chrhririsiststist?nan?????vevelve?"""""""??1,1,7,7,7??,1?282848?161?3232020000,00,D,DeD?elielicicicioiouo?s s?& &??otot t??itittt?ere?,I,I I l lol?oveove e c co?ffffefeeee.e. e. I I ?lolovlo?ve ve? co cofo?ffeffee? a a a la lo?t ?ana?d d r rereaealallllyly y d dodono?'t'??ene?jojoyoy ?ded?cacafa??? T ThThihis? d de dececaecafaf af i isisnis?n'tn't t bt bibit?teterte?r tr ?hoh??ghg?. . ??asa?stesteses s ss smsmomooootothoth h a??nd nd b brb?rewre?s s us upup p?veververyr??niniciceicel??. . . E. EnE??oyoyaoy??lele e te ???th?e e le lalas?t t dt drd?opo??4444?49949?,B,B0,B00????MV3MV??4,4,A4,ALALSLSAS???1V1V5V?464?VTV?,","A,"??ReR???earearcrchc?h Ih ?t ???vevenven n " "" "??usustust t tt ththethe the f fafacactctst???le?asaseas?"""""""",""",0,?,0,0,,0?,5,,5,1,13,1?404???16160160000,00,U00,UnU?beb?elielieelievevavab??ly ly r ri r?ichich h fh ?lalavlavovoror!or!,!?,"T,"ThThiThisis is Mis MeMel?eliteli?ttatta a Ca CaC?afeafe.e. ?CoColollllellec?titio?n ?RiRiviviv?ereraer???unu?sesetet t b?le?ndnd ??cofcoffcoffe?e ?isis ?sos?o fo fufulull? f fl f??lavolavororeoreded,d, , i it i??s s ms
e. 3 or 4 stars." 4498,B002TMV3E4,A2UYWE97KME0M,"C. A Scovel ""Christina Scovel""",1,7,5,1284163200,Delicious & Not Bitter,I love coffee. I love coffee a lot and really don't enjoy decaf. This decaf isn't bitter though. Tastes smooth and brews up very nicely. Enjoyable to the last drop! 4499,B002TMV3E4,ALSAOZ1V546VT,"A Research It Maven ""Just the facts please""",0,0,5,1340841600,Unbelievably rich flavor!,"This Melitta Cafe. Collection Riviera.Sunset blend coffee is so full flavored, it's m
uucu?? b bebetetttteterer r t ?hahanan n??ththeth???dedececacafafsfs s w ?e e?hahavhaveve e te trtrir??d,d???andand d r rer?ala?lyly y t ta tasaststetestes s ls ??kek???regregug?lal?r r cr coc?ffffef??? W WhW???ch ch??s s gs grgre?atat t b?ec?auausu??e ae awa?? e enenjnjojoyoy ???dededde?d cd co??ffeffeeee ee I ?anan an t th t?e ?SuS?mmm?erer ??? n ?o o wo wowororrrririerieses s as ababobououtu?t it itit ?kekeeke??iningng g?us?? aw awawakakeke ke a?ll? n ni nigighg?t.t? R ReR?ecoecomommmmemmenendendeded?!"!???505?0,0,B,?00002002T2?MVMV3V?E4E4,4,A,A1A??QBQBFBFCFCECERE??P7P7V7VJV??MaM??gagar??et et?PiPic?kyk?,0,0,0,00,?0,40,4,4,14,121282838?8181717676060000,00,A,A ,A??ooo?d d c?upup p??? d de dececaecafeca??"T"ThThi?s s Ms ?elelilitlittttatta a R Ri Rivi??ierierar?a Sa Su?nsnse??t dt dedecde???f mf mamakakeak?es es??? be??ttetterer-er?ththath?an-an-d-?dec?enenten?t ct cuc??? of of of??cof???e e we ??ithith h mh memedmedid???? bo bododyod?y a??d d jd jujusustus??a a la li?littlittltlele ??ititeite.e?. I. I I u us u?sedsed d md mymy y my mymy my u us??alal al? tw t?wo wo h he h??pipinping? c co c?offoffefee? s scs?coocoopo?s s fs foforor or s si sixix x? ou oununcnceces??ofof of? wa w?ateat??er ier ?in in? a ?BiB?alalealetettet?i i s st stot???totopto
uch better than other decafs we have tried, and really tastes like regular coffee! Which is great because awe enjoy aided coffee Ian the Summer so no worries about it keeping us awake all night. Recommended!" 4500,B002TMV3E4,A1UQBFCERIP7VJ,Margaret Picky,0,0,4,1283817600,A good cup of decaf,"This Melitta Riviera Sunset decaf makes a better-than-decent cup of coffee with medium body and just a little bite. I used my my usual two heaping coffee scoops for six ounces of water in a Bialetti stovetop
e esesps??esesses?o o?mamaka?ere??<b<?r r?/>/><>??r ????hihili?? I I I w wawasas s? en e?jojoyoyiy?????hehe e ce coc?ffffefeeee,e, , I? r re?adad d t th thehe he p ?acackc???e e ae anandn?d sd sasawaw w????t t i ?t t rt ???comcommm??ndndsnds s ts twtwowo o lo lelevlevev????eaeas?popooo?nsns ??of of c cocofco?ffeff?ee ee f foforo?r sr sisixix x?ouoununcnceceses es? of of f w wa wat? .?ThThahatat at g gog??t mt mymy y c cu c??ioi?si?tyty y uy upup p?soso so I I I m I memeame?asuas???d d od ??t t mt myt my y cy ??coffcof?feefee e se ??coocoopop p ap anandan?d id itit it????s ons onene e te tatabablbleleslespspospoo?n.n. ?SiSinincince? I? I u I ?sese ?e twe twowo wo h ?heaheapa??inging ??scoscoooopoopsp???ththath??'s'?s ss ??igighg?tlt?y y my mom?oreore ?e the tha?n n t? thr th?reeree e te tie timime??s as ?as as? mu m????asas as sas sus?ggg?gesge?tet??? on on ??theth?e pe pa?ckckackag?e.e. ?FoF?llllolowowiwining? t??e ?didiri??rectrec?ioionionsns ns????ldld d pd ??obobabab??ly ly m ma makakeak??e a e a w wa?teterteryr?, , u, ?undundrdririnrinknka?blblebl???brebrewe?.<.<b.<?br br? /> /><><b><brbr ?/>/>T/>??e e c?ofoffoffe??? ha hasas as aas a a n ninici??ce ece eveve??n en es?pr?es?essoess???ririnrindrind,d, , p, peper?ha??ps ps? a a b bib?it it lit liliglighghtgh
espresso maker.<br /><br />While I was enjoying the coffee, I read the package and saw that it recommends two level teaspoons of coffee for six ounces of water. That got my curiosity up so I measured out my coffee scoop and it is one tablespoon. Since I use two heaping scoops, that's slightly more than three times as much as suggested on the package. Following the directions would probably make a watery, undrinkable brew.<br /><br />The coffee has a nice even espresso grind, perhaps a bit light
?ere? t tht??n n a ??FrF?ene?chch h r ????t.t??I I?wowououlu?? h ha?veve e g ??esessssesede?d td ththathata??iti?t wt waw?? p ?ririmimamara?rilrilyly y? ar a?ababib??a a wa ???h h sh ??meme ?rorobrobubusuststast??bubutbut t Mt MeMelelilitittit??a sa ststa?tetes? t th t??t ?it? i is is s a??n an alallll-l-a-ar?ab?icicaica ?a bla b??endend d fd ?ro?m m?CeC??trt?ralral l a? and and d Sd SoS???? A I. ItIt ?t ist is s ds ???cafca?fefeieininanat?eded ed t th thr throrourougu?h h th th????chechememimicicaicalica??frfrefreee??SwSwiwiswissss ss???ate?r r pr prproproco?esesses?s ws ?hihic?h h ih isi?s ts th?the the o ono??ly ly a?cccce??tatabta?lele le w??y ?toto o d dedecdecacafcaffcaf?feifein?atate? a as as s fs fafarar ar a as as as I I I a am am m cm coc?onconcecerce?nened?.<.?brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r />r />A>?lslso? n non?te??? the the e ce cue c?tete te vte ??intinta?gege e te ??avavevelve??poposoststesterer-er-s-ststyst?lele ?lal?abeabel?? an and and and t th the the the c ?lelevleveverver r nr nanamna??: : b ?ec?aua?useuse ?itit'it's's s ds des d??ecafecaffffeffeieineinanatnate?????t't?'s 's? pe per?fefecfectct t tt toto to d??rinrinkn? w wh whi?lele le wle ??tctchchich?inging g t? the? the s the susunu????t."t.??454?0101,1,B,B0B000020???V3V3E3E4E4,4??3D3D1D
er than a French roast. I would have guessed that it was primarily arabica with some robusta but Melitta states that it is an all-arabica blend from Central and South America. It is decaffeinated through the chemical-free Swiss water process which is the only acceptable way to decaffeinate as far as I am concerned.<br /><br />Also note the cute vintage travel poster-style label and the clever name: because it's decaffeinated, it's perfect to drink while watching the sunset." 4501,B002TMV3E4,A3D1
TTZTZHZH6H??9N9?KHKHNHN,N?InIn n t ??e e A AmA????nene.e??..,..,0,0,0,0,0,,0?3,3,1,???3737373131212012??0,N0,?oto?thithiningn? S SpS?ececiciaialal,l,","I"I I h hah??e e ae a a p ?reretettttyty y w ??dede ??ppp??ececieciaiatiatit?onon on?foforo? a ?ccccecepeptptatabablblele e ce cocofofff?eee?, ,?bubutut t i inin in m mym??opo?in???n,n, , t, ?thi?s s s ??ufu?ff ff? is i??memededidioiociocrcre??cocofco????? I ?I dI ???inkink k b bo botothot? r re?gugululalarar ?ana?d d?dedecde?afaf f o onon ?a ???ililyl??bab?sis?s s as an?d d td tot? m?e,e, e,???is? t ta t?astastet?ed ed l liliki?e ??insin?stist?tututtu??ononaon?al al c ca c?afeaf???ririari???cof??feefe?? I I I? am am m n nonorormormamalma?lyly ly a a a? fa fanan an??f ?ththeth??"""????sss?s ws wawatate??r dr dedec?afaffaffefeifein??atiatioion?? pr proroco??ssss"ss""? d?ec?af? c co cofoffoffefeefeesfees,s, , a, anand???asas as d di dis?apappppopp??intintetedted d bd byb?y ty ?thethe the?ququaualalialit??y oy ofy of ?f thf t?hishis s "s """"g""?ouoururmr?metmet"t?"" "" c"" ?cofcoffcoffecoff??ee.<ee.?brbr ??><>?<br<br r /???it???th?atat at s sa s???, ?I I d?id? t tr t????hihis?? tw twiwicwicece ce t to to o go gigivi?ve ve? it it ??a fa ???r r rr re?viviei?w.w?. T. ??
TZH619NKHN,In the AmaZone...,0,0,3,1283731200,Nothing Special,"I have a pretty wide appreciation for acceptable coffee, but in my opinion, this stuff is mediocre coffee. I drink both regular and decaf on a daily basis and to me, this tasted like institutional cafeteria coffee. I am normally a fan of the ""Swiss water decaffeination process"" decaf coffees, and was disappointed by the quality of this ""gourmet"" coffee.<br /><br />With that said, I did try this twice to give it a fair review. The
?fif??stst t t titimi?e e I I I?prprerepepapara?redred d??t t tt tht?e ???meme me?wawayay y I I I??orormrmam?llllyly ???keke ?mymy y cy ?ofofff??e e (e ?onon n t th thehe he s ??ror?ongon? s si s?ded?),), , t? the th?e se see sececoconcondn?d td titimtimeme ?I I fI fof?ll?owoweweded ?d thd t?he ????ecectectitiotiononsons s?exe?acactc?????BoBotothth th? ti t??ese?s us ususisiningng ?fifilfiltl??reredred red? wa w?teterter r a ??nd nd?? q ququaualalialitityity y cy coy cofoffof?feefee ?e mae makake???th?at? u ??es?? th the the the M ?ele??ittit?a a s st s?ylylele ??coconconecone)e) e) f fi . T. ToT? m ?my my t ta tasaststeste,e, , i, itit it w wa?s s ss ??al?????d d od ?veverer-er-g-grgrorourounund??(l(lilikli?ke ke? th? the the f the flflal?vov?? w wa was? w wa?te?teretereded ed o ouo??t ot ofof of i it it t at ?andand and? th? then the???oveover?er-rer-roroaroasastas??d d ad anandand and gand grgrogr?ounound?nd end exextextrtrara ?fifinfi??e te ?o ?trtrytry ?anandand ?puput? s so somome?me fme ??avavoavor?or bor bab??k k? in intntoto to? it??? c ???pa?rarabra?le? i in? q??ualua??ty???o o lo lol?ow-ow-e-??nd nd bnd ??lklk k ck ?cofcoffffeffee?. . T. Th. Thehe he bhe brb?ranrand?s s os ofof ??decdecacafaf f c??offoffeoffee? I I I d I dod?o l???ke ke ake an???brbrebr?w w?
first time I prepared it the same way I normally make my coffee (on the strong side), the second time I followed the directions exactly. Both times using filtered water and a quality coffee maker that uses the Melitta style (cone) filter. To my taste, it was stale and over-ground (like the flavor was watered out of it and then over-roasted and ground extra fine to try and put some flavor back into it), comparable in quality to low-end bulk coffee. The brands of decaf coffee I do like and brew a
t? h hoh?meme e ( ?DuDunu????' ' a anandn? N NeN?wmwmam?an'an's's s O ?wnw?, ,??o o n ?amame??ononlnlyly y t tw t??) ) a??e e ie in? t th t??e se ??ameame ??riricicec?e re ?anangangeg??, a, anandan???lsl?o o po pup?rcrchchahasaseseded d pd ??e-e-g-grgrorouo?undund,d, , b, ?utu???? m ??me tme tatasastastete ?mumucuch? s ??ooo???herher,r, , a, an, andnd nd? mo mororere re f fufulullll-l-f-flf??vovororeoreded.ed. .?ThThihisis s cs cocofo??eee?e ie ise i?s ns nonotot ot o on o?e e Ie I I w ?wouwo?ulduld d md mamakmakeke e ae a a p popoioinintin?t tt tot to o po puo pururcurchchach??e ?whwhehenhen n t th the th?rere re are ararere ?bebetetttteterter r c ?cofcoffffeffeeee ee c ch chohoihoiciceiceses s fs ?oror or t?? the the s?amameame ame m???neyne?y -y -o-oror or cor ?checheaeapa?erer er c?of???e ?chchochoioicoice?s ??oror or tor ?theth?e se sae samameame ame qame ququaual?itityt???4454?0202,2,B,?0000202T02TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4,A,A6A?KLK?1717K7?KNK??A5A?L,L?K.K?. H. ?ararparpe?r,r,1r,1,1,2,2,2,32,?,1,131?282828222??20200???SlS?igighg???ly ly a ac acicididid?ic,ic, , n, no?t t ft foforfo?r mr ?",","?ThTheTh??e pre priricri?? i is??grgregrea??t bt bu???I I jI ??stst ?dididdidndn'n'tn't ???ke? t th? the the t the ??ststeste ??? t th thi th?is is cis co?coffcoffefeefee.fee. . I. I'I?m m p pr p?retrettttytt??
t home (Dunkin' and Newman's Own, to name only two) are in the same price range, and also purchased pre-ground, but to me taste much smoother, and more full-flavored. This coffee is not one I would make a point to purchase when there are better coffee choices for the same money -or cheaper coffee choices for the same quality." 4502,B002TMV3E4,A6KL17KKN0A5L,K. Harper,1,2,3,1328227200,"Slightly acidic, not for me...","The price is great but I just didn't like the taste of this coffee. I'm pretty p
iicickc?y y?aba?ououtu? c cocofo?fefeeee e? an andnd d l ???e e te tot? d drdririninknk k s sts?roronongng.g. .?ThThihisis s o ononeone e pe prp?rodrodud??e ?veverve?y y ay acacicidi?icic ic c co cofoffoffefeefee ?whwheh????adadede ??strst?ronro??, , b ?utut ut i ?f f?yoyouou ou? ma m??e e ie itit t tt ththihinhi?, ?th?enen en i?t t tt tat tasaststestese??okokakayay y wy ??ithit? j jujusust? s sl s?igighg??t at ?aciacid??ic ??ftftetere? t ?as?tete.te. ???w w y?ouou'ou'd'd d ld li?keke ke? th thi??s cs co???eeee ee? is is s rs rer?alallllyly y dy de?pep??didindingng ng o??n yn ?youyo?r r pr pe????onaon?al al t ta t?astasteaste e oe ?of of???ffffeffeeffee,e, ?bubutbut t it ifif if y? you you u a ar are?? li l?ke?ke mke meme,e, e, d dr dri?nknk nk c co cof coff cof?feefee fee s st strtrotronongon?, , o, oror r dr didisdislslilik???acaci???c c? af aftftefter?? ta tas ta?steste ste? th tha th??t lt lalas?astsasts s ws ?whiwhililele,e, e, te, ??thenthe?n tn ?thithisis is i is is is n ?oto??foforor or y yo you you. you.".?4??????0000202T2?MVMV3V3E3E4E4,4?A1A?HFHFTFT6T6868G8GJGJ4J4242L2LTL?TM,TM,A??ver?agagegeGeGuGuyuySyShShohopoppp??per,per?1,1,2,2,2,4,?4,14,?28284845??888808?00,00,P,PrPreretrettttyty ?gog?odod d td to? g gogo go w wiwitwithth th??es??ererter???ThTheTh?e me ?maimainin in r rereare?asoas?on on I I I d? dri dr
icky about coffee and love to drink strong. This one produce very acidic coffee when made strong, but if you make it thin, then it tastes okay with just slight acidic after taste. How you'd like this coffee is really depending on your personal taste of coffee, but if you are like me, drink coffee strong, or dislike acidic after taste that lasts while, then this is not for you." 4503,B002TMV3E4,A1HFT68GJ42LTM,AverageGuyShopper,1,2,4,1284508800,Pretty good to go with dessert,"The main reason I dri
nnkn??dedece?afa? i isis s t toto o h hahavaveve e? th t?e ???eaeasasus?rer?e oe ??f cf coc??fef?e e te to? g ?o ???tht? d de desessssesere?? i in in n?? the th???ve?ninini?g.g. . M MyMy y??cafcaffffefeife???teteded d c co c?off?ee? i is is ???ununknk nk? in in in t? the the the m mom??ni?ng?...?.. ..???lyly y oy ononeon?e ce cucupu?. . . ?SoSo ?th?is? c co?ffffeffee?ee iee isis is pis prpreretrettt?y y gy gogoogoodod d wd ??th? e ev????ningning g d de des dessssesser?t ?sisin??e e Ie I I?wow?on'on't't t gt geg?t t wt wowouwounundund ?upup.up??. F. ?lal??or? i is? g go gooo??, , p papacackckak??gedged d wd wed w?llll,l, , e, ??sysy ???to bto ?re?w.w?""4454??4,4,B,B0B000020?????E4E?4,A4,?2U2UKUK2K252?KIK?4T4???CICI,I?"E"E.E. ?M.M?. G. GrG?ififfffiffit?h h "h """?auaununtuntlt?leele?esiesieie"e"""""""",",0,?,1,1,1,5,5,5,1,13,1???45????00,00?,"S,"SmSmomoomo?th?, , E, EvEvevenvenivenininging ?JaJazazzz? C CaCafafeafe-e-S-StS?tyltylele le C Co C?offoffe???,","A,"AnAn n en exexcx?celce??enentent,t, , b, bob??d,d, , m, ????umum m??lelenlendn?d od ofof of D ??CAC?? c? cof coff cof?feefee ???or or aor ? s ?pepececiec?alal l e ev e?venveniveninveni??? D?ararkr??enenoenouougughgh h wh ?witwithwit??outou?t bt beb?in??? bi b?ittitte?r r??ndnd nd
nk decaf is to have the pleasure of coffee to go with dessert in the evening. My caffeinated coffee is drunk in the morning... only one cup. So this coffee is pretty good with evening dessert since I won't get wound up. Flavor is good, packaged well, easy to brew." 4504,B002TMV3E4,A2UK25KI4T6GCI,"E. M. Griffith ""auntleesie""",0,1,5,1306454400,"Smooth, Evening Jazz Cafe-Style Coffee","An excellent, bold, medium blend of DECAF coffee for a special evening. Dark enough without being bitter and
a? p pep?rfrfefece?t t??omompmplp?imimem?ntn??foforo? a a ?liliglighghth?????er?t!t!"!""4454??5,5,B,B0B?0202T2TMTMVM?3E3??,A,??4A4?7Q7???MYM?TATALALWL?,","A"?rtrtht?urur r Kr KiK??kekerer er??"R"RaRaga??eded,d?????gegedged,d, d, a an a?d d B ?ododydybybabagagg??ed"ed?"""""",",0,0,0,1,??4,4,14,?2929494646161717676060000,00?GoGooood? D DeDec??f,f?I I h hahadad d nd neneveveverer er her heheaeara?d d od ofof f t ??isis s? co cof?????beb?foforforere e be ?utut t It ?I gI gogotot ???babagbag g a an?d ??????? l ?liklikekedked d id itit.t? T Th T??is is?MeMele??ttttata a Ca ?af???RiRivivivieier?a ??ununsn?setset ??DecDecacafaf af?isis is ais ?a va veverve?y y gy ??od?od dod dedecdecacafcaf ?wiwitithith h a? g ?googoodgood ?ta??tete e ae ana?nd nd? bo bododyod??? T Th Thi Thisis is sis ?stustufu???isis ?peperperfrferfecectec?t ft fot f?or or? a a l a ?atatete-te??igighghtght ??????of of? co?ff??e e oe oror or for fofor??? a c a cucupcu?p wp wiwitwi???sosomomeome ?dedesde??sersert?. . ??tsts ??dec?enenten?lyly ly??riric?eded ed a? and? I I ??wilwillll ll d dedefde?inininitni?teltelyly ly bly bubuybu?y ty ththi?s s as agagaagaiain???454?50650??,B0,B??2T2TM2TMVMV3MV?3E43E4,???2424K4KMK?2222R22RQR??CDCD4D4,4,A4,Am4,A????
a perfect compliment for a light desert!" 4505,B002TMV3E4,A34A7QEBMYTALW,"Arthur Kicker ""Ragged, Tagged, and Bodybagged""",0,1,4,1294617600,Good Decaf,I had never heard of this coffee before but I got a bag and really liked it. This Melitta Cafe Riviera Sunset Decaf is a very good decaf with a good taste and body. This stuff is perfect for a late-night cup of coffee or for a cup with some dessert. Its decently priced and I will definitely buy this again. 4506,B002TMV3E4,A224KM22RQ5CD4,Amazon
?_J_JuJ??kik?e,e,0,0,0,1,1,1?3,3?,12,1292929232373??202?0,??ececac?? O OpOptptitioi?n.n???MiM?ldld d F FlFlalavavovoror,r,","I"? t tht??ugughg?t t??hih?s s w wowououlouldld ld b beb? a a a g grgrer?atat t dt dedec??af af o opopt?ioionion,n, , b??t t tt ??e e fe flf?lavlavo?r r?isis is a a a?lolotot ??ilildildederder r tr ?thath?n n e exexpxpepecectec?eded.d. ???usu?e e ae ??bibiti?t m????e te th?thanthan n tn ththethe the r rerecrecoc?mmm?enendnde?d d ad ama???ntn??t tot to o c co?axax x m momormo?re re i in i?ntent??se? f flflaflavavoav?or.or. ?A A? bi bitit it b be b???terte??r thr thah?an an i in??tatanantan?t ft fof?or or? la latateat?e ne ninigighghtgh?t st sisipippppeperpe?s s ls lilikikeke e me ?".""4?505?7,7?B0B?00200?TMTMVM?3E3?4,4,A,?1A1?EPEPMPMPMPAPA1A12A12G2?UJUJ7J?7,"7,"G"GlG?en?dad?a Ba BoB?ozozez???""""L"?iviveve,e, e,????e,e, e, le, lilivli??! !??LifLifef?e ie is????a baa ba.a........".",."?,0,,0,1?,4,4,4,14,?1291292?373713712?00??,"A,"?A gA gogoo??, , m, ?melmelll?lowlo??, b, babasasisicsic c? co cofoffffefeefee"e",",","M,"MeM?lilitlitt?a'a's's ????ieierierara ???unsun?setset t Dt DeDecDe?cafca?ffeffeie????atedated ???ououn???CoCofoffoffefeefee fee t tu turu?nened? o??? t?o ?bebe be a a a g a ?googoodod d bd ?basbasisic??? cof coffffe?e
_Junkie,0,1,3,1292371200,Decaf Option.. Mild Flavor,"I thought this would be a great decaf option, but the flavor is a lot milder than expected. I use a bit more than the recommended amount to coax more intense flavor. A bit better than instant for late night sippers like me." 4507,B002TMV3E4,A1AEPMPA12GUJ7,"Glenda Boozer ""Live, live, live! Life is a ba...",0,1,4,1292371200,"A good, mellow, basic coffee","Melitta's Riviera Sunset Decaffeinated Ground Coffee turned out to be a good basic coffee
-- - n ?oto????tttteterer,r? n?ot?? bu bururnr?eded-d-t-?asa??iningn?, ?a a?wewelellll-l??ouounundndeded? m ?elellellol?w w b br b????tht??t t tt tatastaststestese???ikikeke e r ??alal l??ofo?fefeeee.e? I ? h ?hadhad d i itit it t ??isis s ms mom??rnirn??g g w wi witithith h a ????nd? m?ililklk,k, , s, ststestevste?iaia ??nd??a a pa ?in??h h oh ofof of? ci cininninnanamamo?mon,mon, , a, an, a?nd nd tnd ?thothouougoughg??I'I'd'??ha?had had a? b ba b?d d nd ?igi??t t at anandand ?did????t ???ene??knk?nownow w iw ?? I? c co cou?ldld d hd had h?and?lele ?co?ff??ee,ee, , i, ??it wit wawasas as d ?deldeli?cicioiouousou?s as anandand and e eaeas?y y o ??n an a a ma ????rninrningng ng t tu tumu?mymy.y. . B. BeB?esies???? b? bre brew??inging ing? it it t a?lolonlonene ne t to t???etet t at a t a??ici??e de ?decde?afaff??ininain?ateat????cof?fe??e fe ??or or n??ghght??-ti-timime? d dr dririninkin??ing?ing (ing (e(esespespep?ciciaci?????in? t th thehe ?wiwinintin?terte?),)???we'we'v'veve ve b be b?eenee?n mn ??xixining?ing iing itit ?it wiit witithith ith r??gugululal?r r c????ffeeffee e ie inin in vin ?arariar???s ???lenlend?s,s, ?dedepde?penpend??inging ing oing onon on o??ur ur c??affaf?feifein?e-e-r-re-r?elael?ate???d ned n?eedee?s s a
- not bitter, not burned-tasting, a well-rounded mellow brew that tastes like real coffee. I had it this morning with almond milk, stevia and a pinch of cinnamon, and though I'd had a bad night and didn't even know if I could handle coffee, it was delicious and easy on a morning tummy. Besides brewing it alone to get a nice decaffeinated coffee for night-time drinking (especially in the winter), we've been mixing it with regular coffee in various blends, depending on our caffeine-related needs a
tt t t ?hehe e t ti timi?e.e.<.<b<brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r />?ThThe??papaca???giginingn? i ?s s? pr prarac?titici??? a ??d d?eaeasasysy y t???rere-e-c-??ososes?e ae ??d ?ththeth?e ge ?rir?indind d id ?? g gogoooodod d fd foforo?r mr ???aua???mam???? c cocofofff?????kekerer.r??????llll l bl bubuyu??ththithis?is ois ononene ?e age agag??".""????8,8??000020??MVMV3V?E4E4,4,A,A1A1M1M9M919?2626Y6YPYPQPQPQPSP??L,L,L,LaL?rrrryry y Fy F.F?. R. RoR?gegererser??0,0?1,1?3,3,1?292?91791767666646???,J,JuJusustst ?cacanca?'t'?t bt bebeaeateat t ft frf???? g???unu?nd.nd.....???I ???????berbere?d d td thd thah?at at M MeMelelilitittttat? w wa wasas as? a a v vev?eryery y fy fifininein?e ge gre grorourounundund,d, , a an and? t?hohouougoughg?t t it it? w?ououlouldld ?li?ke?lyly y gy go?? we wel?l l il inin in m my?? co cofoffof?feefee ??mak?er?.<.<b.<br?? /> /><><b><br??/>???? a af aftf??er er??havha??ingin?g ag ?a ba babagag ag o ?of of w wh whoholholel?e be bebeabe?ansans s as ??? g? gri grinindindiindin?? i?t t mt mymysmyse?lflf,f, ??the?? Me M???ittittata ta c?????upup p a?veverve??gege ge a?t t bt bet . B BeBete??erer ???an???axa??el?ell ell H ?ouousousese se? th?ouougoughough.h?."."
t the time.<br /><br />The packaging is practical and easy to re-close and the grind is good for my automatic coffeemaker. I will buy this one again." 4508,B002TMV3E4,A1M9126YPQPS3L,Larry F. Rogers,0,1,3,1291766400,Just can't beat fresh ground...,"I remembered that Melitta was a very fine ground, and thought it would likely go well in my coffee maker.<br /><br />But after having a bag of whole beans and grinding it myself, the Melitta came up average at best. Better than Maxwell House though."
?454505090?,B,??0202T2TMTMVM?3E3?4,4,A,?141??6T6TJT?RPRP8P8383F3FCFCEC??drdrer?mim?n,n,0,??1,1???,12,1282?272787808080?80080??vev??? g gogooo???coc???eeee,e???lil?keke e t ththihisis s? co cofoffoffe?e.e. . I ItIt t??memele?lsls s gs gogoogood? w whwhihilhilele ?brbre?wiwininging g a anandnd d td tatasasts?ese?s as ?as as???oodood d ad ?as as ias iti?t st smsmesmelellel? . f. foforo? a? d dedececacafa? c? cof co?ffeff?ee ee i itit it i??s vs ?verve?ry ry g go goo go?od<od<b<br???>w>wi?llll ll d??fif?iniinititeit?elyely ?bub?y y ty ththithis? a??t mt ?y ??oco??? s st stot?oreore.???451451010,0,B0,B0B00B0?02T02TMTMVTM?V3EV3???,AN,ANBN????4R4RZRZWZ?JZJ??,P,PaPatatrtriricickck k R ?ee??vesves,s,0,0,,0,1?,5,5,,5?,12?8282782787807808?0000,00,D,?elelielic?????s -s ???nd? w??ithithohou?t ?ththethe e se shshah??keske?s,"s,"T"??hishi?s ss ?stustufu?ff ff t?as??testes s gs grs grereareat?! ! I I I a am am m n ??t ?a a? de?cacafcaf f pf pepererser??n,? b bubutbut t pt peperperhr?haphapsp?s Is ???m m bm ?eieininging ing w wo won? o ovoveverver ver? by by ?MeMelelieliteli?tata ta? co cof?fefeefee fee???trtrytry y iy itit!it!"!""44545151111,1,B1,B0B00B002B002T2TM2TMVMV3MV??4,4,A4,A3A373?D5D5858484747L7LNLN3N3W3???WiW?ldl?ca?t t Ft FaFan?,1,1,?3,3,4,?4,14,121?909040
4509,B002TMV3E4,A14N6TJRP83FCE,dremin,0,1,5,1282780800,very good coffee,I like this coffee. It smells good while brewing and tastes as good as it smells. for a decaf coffee it is very good<br />will definitely buy this at my local store. 4510,B002TMV3E4,ANB1IK4RZWJZB,Patrick Reeves,0,1,5,1282780800,Delicious - and without the shakes,"This stuff tastes great! I am not a decaf person, but perhaps I am being won over by Melitta coffee - try it!" 4511,B002TMV3E4,A37D5847LN3WQ,Wildcat Fan,1,3,4,12904
7?040404?0,0???odo? b ?utut t p ?ririciceceyey,y????lolovoveve e c cocofoffffefeeee e ae anandnd d ad ada?mimitit ???atat ?I ?amam m? pa p??tit?icuicululal??????n n i ?it it????ese? t ?o o g gogoo??d cd cocofcoffffeff? .???I wI ?asas s ns nonoto?t et ?xpxpep??titintingng g?mumucuchc? f frfrorom? t?hihisi?s cs co???feefe?e a??nd nd w?as? p?leleaeas?an??lyly y s susuru?prpriprisiseisede?d td toto to d did?iscis?covco?verver r i it i?t wt wa?s s qs ?uiu?iteite ?gogoogo?od.od. . . ????faf?llllsls ?ini?to??ththethe ???kekes? o ?of of S StStatararbarbu?ckcksks s as anandand ?otothotheherhe??shs?hadhadede-e-g-?rorowrownwn ?co??coffecoffeeee ee? br brar?andandsands s -s ?? d de d?eepeep,p, ,?riricrichch ch f fl flalavlavov??.<.?brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /r />r />T>ThThohouougughgh ??I eI enenjenjoj??eded ed? it?, , I, I I a?m m nm ?notno?t st ?sursu?e ?I I w?ououlou??d pd pupururcurch?as?e ??thithisis is u ununlnleleslesss??s its it t w?as?as oas onon n sn ???e.e. . . I. ?I dI dodo o fo fifinindin?d id itit it ait a a???it it oit ????rprrp?ric??ed.ed. ?. I?f f y yoy?ou ou????'t't t mt miminmindnd ?sps??nd?iningin??th?the the? mo mon?eyey,ey??yo?u u? wi wilillll ll? be b???hapha?pyp?y wy ?it?h ??thi?s ?s cos cofoffoffefee???. O. OtOth?
70400,Good but pricey,"I love coffee and admit that I am particular when it comes to good coffee. I was not expecting much from this coffee and was pleasantly surprised to discover it was quite good. It falls into the likes of Starbucks and other shade-grown coffee brands -- deep, rich flavor.<br /><br />Though I enjoyed it, I am not sure I would purchase this unless it was on sale. I do find it a bit overpriced. If you don't mind spending the money, you will be happy with this coffee. Othe
rrwrwiwisi??, , I I I w ?ououlu?d d?sus??gegese?t t p pupuru?chchahasa?iningng g t tht??is is o onon n s sa salalele e f ??r r a ???pepececiciai?al al? oc o??asasiasioi??.".""4?5151212,2,B,?000020???V3V??4,4,A,??H7H????DMDMGM??OUOU4U4,4,K4,KeK?rrrriri i E ElEldldeld?ersers,s?1,1?3,3,5,???2828484545945959525?0000,00?DeD??afa? N NeNevevever? T TaT?astastet?d d Sd ?o o G GoG?odo?-----?5 5 S StStatararsr?!,!,","W"WoWonondondedererferfufulul,ul?, s, smsmomoo??th,th??, sa, satatit?isfisfyf?iningin????cacafcaf ?cocofo?fefeeee e we wiwitwithth th a a a f?aba?ul?ouousou?lyly y r riricrich?? fl flalavavovoror.or? N?o ?chchecheme?ici?calca?? af aftftetertertr?tastaststeste,??lil?kek?e me ?ananyn??dedec?afafsafs s I I' I'v've? t tr tririerieded.ed. . . A ApAppp?ar?enentntltlyly,ly????e e Se ????s s Ws ?at????PrProroco?esesses?s us usu?sedse?d td tot???decdecadecafdecaffffeff?ininainatateate ate???hishi?s cs co??ffeffeeffee e le lelealeavaveaveses es f? fla flavavoavoror or i inintintatactactct,t?, s, so, s??ete?thithin?ing ing I? I'v I'veve ve fve fofoufo?ndnd ?d ted t?errer??blb?? d ?isisais?pp??inintintiint?inging ing iing ????th?therthe?r br brb?anandan?s.s???br br / ?><><b?r r /r ?/>I/>I'I'v've've e be ?ee?n ?VEVERE????mpm?reresess??ed ed b ?????the the?? fla flav fla
rwise, I would suggest purchasing this on sale for a special occasion." 4512,B002TMV3E4,A3H7NPNDMGLOU4,Kerri Elders,1,3,5,1284595200,Decaf Never Tasted So Good---5 Stars!,"Wonderful, smooth, satisfying decaf coffee with a fabulously rich flavor. No chemical aftertaste, like many decafs I've tried. Apparently, the Swiss Water Process used to decaffeinate this coffee leaves flavor intact, something I've found terribly disappointing in other brands.<br /><br />I've been VERY impressed by the flav
??r r d did???nsnsisioi?nsns ns?ofof f???isis s?RiR?viv???? S ?unu???t t b blblelen?d;d? s ?erervervevede??itit t tt toto o? so s?meme me??eieigighg???orsors s (s ?whw??o so sisimsi??lyly y w wowonon'on??t tt tot touo?chc?? de dececac?f f cf ?of?fef?e)e? w wh whoho ho???ereere e p plplepl?asa?anantn??ly ly??ururprprprir?iseised?? to to ?fifini?d d td ththeth???acactctut??llllyly ??enjen?oyo?eded ed aed a ?cucupu? o?f f df . N NoN?o bo bibit?teter? n no n?tetestes;s; ; m; mymy ??ususbsbab?andand,d? w? who wh????uaualuall??y cy co?mp?lalaiaininsins s fs feferfervrve????ly ?ababo???t tt tht thehe e fe ??lavlavovor? o of? d? dec deca?f,f, ?hah?as as b be beeeeneen n a asaskaskik??g g f ??or or aor a a ca cua c?? o of of of t of th?is??eveveververyry y ey ev?en??inging,ing, ?af?teterter r dr ??nnn?nerner.r?. . ???lilieievieveve ve m meme,me, ?ththithisthis s as alaloal??e e ie isis is Qis QUQ??TETE E a an a?n en enendendoend?orsorseorsemememenmentnt!nt?<b<brbr ?/>/><>??r r /?>I>I I l lol??ve ???in?ing ing m?y y <y <a<a a ha hrhrerefef=f?""""h"hthttttptp:p:/:???ww?.a.amamamazazozonon.on?co?com/com/g/?p/p/p/??odo??uctuc???000?111151?282?S0S0"0?"">""?ZoZ?jijirirur??hi? C CDC???BCB??0 0 M ??co?com com E ElE??ct
or dimensions of this Riviera Sunset blend; served it to some neighbors (who simply won't touch decaf coffee) who were pleasantly surprised to find they actually enjoyed a cup of decaf. No bitter notes; my husband, who usually complains fervently about the flavor of decaf, has been asking for a cup of this every evening, after dinner. Believe me, this alone is QUITE an endorsement!<br /><br />I love using my <a href="""">Zojirushi CD-WBC30 Micom Elect
r??? 3 3-3?LiLititet?r r???teterter r Br BoBoioilileler??anandnd d??ara?mem?er,er???hahama????nene e G GoGololdld<d</</a/a>a??????coc?ffffef?e,e?, t, ???, ?an?d d cd ?coocookokikini?g.g. . I ? b brbrerewew w m ?y y c cocofco?ffeffee?? a a c cu cupup p? at at t? a a t a titimi?me me??it?? a?n n i in?didivivivididuduaualal l M ?elelil?ittittat? b br brorowownw???pappa??er er fer fif?iltilte?ter ter < <a<a a ha hrhrerefref=f?"""??ttttptp:p?////w/??ww.ww.a.?amaamazazozono?.c.?comcom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prp?rodro?ducductct/t??000?1E1???0T0?2"2"""">"">M>?MelMe?litli?ttatta a Ca CoC?oneone e Ce CoCofCo?ffeffeeffee ?FiFililt??ersers,s, , N, NaNatatuat?rar?????rowrown??, N, No, No.o. . 2. 2,2??101???Co??ntnt t Ft FiFilFi?tetertersters s?(P(PaPacackck k??of of 6 6)6)<)</??a>aa>??and and f?ililt?ilterilter r cr cor con?one one? (s (sisimimiim?ilail?? t tot?? th thihisi?s os ?oneone:one?<a<a <a h hr??f=?""?hthttht?tp:tp:/://://w??ww.??amaamazamazo?"S"""">"">R"">?eae?dyd?y Sy SeS?t t Jt ?oeo?/M/?ugu???</a></a>)>? a an and and d fd ??un?d ??hahathat ?th?e ?exextx??ra ra f? fin fine? g ??rinrind?? of of f? th the the e Re ?iv?iei?eraera ?SuS??ses?et et b bl b?lenlend?nd ind imimpim??rtrtetedte?d ad anan an u un
ric 3-Liter Water Boiler and Warmer, Champagne Gold</a> for coffee, tea, and cooking. I brew my coffee a cup at a time with an individual Melitta brown paper filter <a href="""">Melitta Cone Coffee Filters, Natural Brown, No. 2, 100-Count Filters (Pack of 6)</a>and filter cone (similar to this one:<a href="""">Ready Set Joe/Mug</a>) and found that the extra fine grind of the Riviera Sunset blend imparted an un
u?sus??llllyl? r ??chch,h, ,?ded???iciicioiouoususluslyly ly m mum??titididid?????ioionionan?? f ?lalavavov?r.r. . M ?ucuch? f??ese?heh?? t ththahana? c coc?nvnvev?ententitioti?onaon??, , b, byb?-t-????popotot t? co cofofff?eee?. . . ?ThT??s s? me mete?thoth?d d?alalsalsoso o a al a?llollowowsw?s ms meme me t to to ?brb?rewrew w s sts?ror??g g c? cof coff??? ( (f(foforor or m me me) me? a an a???a a m mi milildlde???veverversrsisiosionon on f?or??mym??huh???<b<brbr br / />/?<b<br<b?r /r ??TaTakakeke e t ti t?imeime e te toto o "o """"b"?loloooomom m t??he he???rouro?nd??""?? fi f?rsrstrst t (t (a(adadddd ?? l lilitlittt?lel?e he ?ot? w wawata?erer er t to to to t? the the ?frfre?sh? c? cof coff cof?feefe?e ge grgrogrouounound?nds,nds?, m, ?oio??tetente?iningng g cg cocomcompmplpleletleteteltelyly,ly????d ?ththe??n wn ?waiwaitit ??bobou?t t 3t 3030 0 s?ececoconcondndsnds nds?bebefefoforfore???rerew?ininging)g) ) f) ?forfor for? be bes?t t ft fl????or ?(t(ththith?is is???eses es f fo for fo?r Ar ANA?Y Y c co cof coff coffe coffeeee)ee).).<.<b.<?br br /br ??<b<br? / /> />M>?eleliel?ittittata'a???RiRiviviviei?eraera a Sa ???sesetet et d de d??afa?? bl b?lenlend? i ?????enthenthuhushusisiasi???ic???lyly ly rly re?co???menmendndendede???? a
usually rich, deliciously multidimensional flavor. Much fresher than conventional, by-the-pot coffee. This method also allows me to brew strong coffee (for me) and a milder version for my hubby.<br /><br />Take time to ""bloom the grounds"" first (add a little hot water to the fresh coffee grounds, moistening completely, and then wait about 30 seconds before brewing) for best flavor (this goes for ANY coffee).<br /><br />Melitta's Riviera Sunset decaf blend is enthusiastically recommended by a