{ "id": "Pertandingan itu dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 28 Mei di Stadion Wembley dan merupakan kunjungan pertama Amerika ke Inggris sejak 1994.", "en": "The match is scheduled for May 28 at Wembley Stadium and will be the American team's first visit to England since 1994." }
{ "id": "Sedangkan sensor-sensor rasa dan bau, masih relatif baru.", "en": "Meanwhile, the sonsors for taste and smell are relatively new." }
{ "id": "Cara ini sangat efisien karena dengan variasi model bisnis yang fleksibel, kami menyesuikan diri terhadap kemampuan pelanggan.", "en": "This way is very efficient, with the flexibel business model, we adjust to customer ability." }
{ "id": "Sembilanbelas orang tewas di provinsi selatan Helmand Ahad, kata kementerian pertahanan dalam pernyataannya.", "en": "The 19 were killed in the southern province of Helmand on Sunday, it said in a statement." }
{ "id": "Anindya mengatakan pinjaman tersebut mempunyai jangka waktu 5 tahun dengan 2 tahun sebagai masa tenggang grace period.", "en": "The loan would mature in five years with a grace period of two years, he said." }
{ "id": "Sejumlah lebah bekerja bersama untuk menjaga suhu yang dibutuhkan tempat kerja mereka, agar lilin tersebut tetap lunak dan mudah dibentuk.", "en": "Many bees work together to ensure the required temperature for the work place in order to keep the wax soft and malleable." }
{ "id": "Direktur Pengembangan MedcoEnergi, Rashid I. Mangunkusumo dalam laporannya kepada Ketua Bapepam-LK di Jakarta, Senin, mengatakan pengambilalihan 100 persen saham UKMB dilakukan melalui penandatanganan perjanjian jual beli dan pengalihan atasa saham oleh MSB dengan para pemegang saham UKMB lama, yang merupakan pemegang saham perorangan.", "en": "Development Director of Medco Energi, Rashid I. Mangukusumo in a report to the Capital Market Supervisory Board Bapepam here on Monday said the acquisition of 100 percent of the UKMB shares was done through the signing of a sale-purchase agreement between MSB and old shareholders who were individual share owners." }
{ "id": "Penyambungan antara komputer jinjing dengan docking station biasanya dilakukan melalui suatu konektor besar, berkecepatan tinggi yang khusus.", "en": "The mating between the laptop and docking station was typically through a large, high speed, proprietary connector." }
{ "id": "Itulah sebabnya di tiap bandara terdapat stasiun meteorologi yang berguna untuk memantau cuaca dan memberikan informasi yang diperlukan penerbangan.", "en": "Therefore, there is a meteorology station in each airport used to observe the weather and to provide information necessary for the flight." }
{ "id": "Keputusan pemerintah melakukan privatisasi besar-besaran sangat mengejutkan.", "en": "The government decision to do big scale privatization was shocking." }
{ "id": "Tanggapan Collins itu muncul sesudah serangan maut hari Selasa saat Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat Dick Cheney mengunjungi pangkalan utama tentara negara adidaya itu di Afganistan, yang terletak di Bagram.", "en": "Collins' comments came after a deadly attack on Tuesday as US Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting the US military's primary base in Afghanistan, located in Bagram." }
{ "id": "Dengan hadirnya Google Apps, perusahaan semacam ini harus berkaca karena lambat laun akan tergerus oleh revolusi di bidang per-server-an.", "en": "The presence of Google Apps forces these companies to review their business as they will be gradually crushed by revolution in the server fields." }
{ "id": "Pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sudah berjalan pada arah yang benar.", "en": "Economic growth has been running in the right direction." }
{ "id": "Lewat situs layanan video tersebut, tahun ini Google berharap dapat mengumpulkan sekitar 200 juta dollar Amerika Serikat.", "en": "Through the video service site, this year Google expects to earn around USD 200 millions." }
{ "id": "Ini merupakan musim menakjubkan karena meraih gelar setelah terhenti dalam 25 tahun ini, ini benar-benar tahun spesial, katanya.", "en": "It's been an amazing season and to win the title after 25 years the way we did today is extra special." }
{ "id": "Mereka pergi selama beberapa jam.", "en": "They left after several hours." }
{ "id": "Steve Nash membantu Phoenix Suns membalik keadaan dari defisit sembilan poin pada kuarter keempat dan membukukan kemenangan tandang 114-105 atas Milwaukee Bucks, Selasa waktu setempat.", "en": "Steve Nash helped the Phoenix Suns overturn a nine-point, fourth-quarter deficit and post a 114-105 road victory over the Milwaukee Bucks on Tuesday." }
{ "id": "Gas ketawa yang dihasilkan , kemudian dimurnikan dan dicairkan dengan cara pemampatan dan pendinginan.", "en": "The produced laughing gas then is purified and liquefied by pressuring and cooling." }
{ "id": "Pemerintah juga telah berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional melalui program-program khusus dan pendanaan sehingga harga beras dapat terkendali.", "en": "The government also has a commitment to boost national rice production through special programs and financing so that rice price could be controlled." }
{ "id": "Tidak dijelaskan kapan alat tersebut akan disebarkan secara luas kepada publik.", "en": "When the equipment is used by the publics not explained." }
{ "id": "Marseille dan Nancy sama-sama mengantungi nilai 55 poin dari 33 pertandingan tetapi tim dari kawasan selatan kota itu memimpin dengan beda selisih gol.", "en": "Marseille and Nancy are both on 55 points from 33 games but the southerners lead their rivals on goal difference." }
{ "id": "Gbagbo bertemu dengan Soro pada Kamis di istana presiden dan keduanya dijadwalkan mengadakan jumpa pers.", "en": "Gbagbo was meeting with Soro on Thursday at the presidential palace and the two were due to hold a news conference afterwards." }
{ "id": "Anakku berkata, Haruskah saya menghadapi pembatasan ini sepanjang hidup saya?', dan saya berkata, 'Tidak, ketika kamu pindah, kamu dapat menetapkan batas waktumu sendiri di depan layar komputer', kata Gates, sementara pendengarnya tertawa.", "en": "My son said, 'Am I going to have limits like this my whole life?', and I said, 'No, when you move away you can set your own screen limits', Gates recounted, to audience laughter." }
{ "id": "Kegunaan utama proses ini adalah penghirupan udara yang kaya oksigen ke dalam paru-paru.", "en": "The primary function of this mechanism is the inhalation of oxygen-rich air into the lungs." }
{ "id": "Satelit tersebut akan mengamati kutub-kutub Bulan di samping melakukan survei pendahuluan untuk mempersipakan misi pendaratan manusia ke Bulan pada satu dekade ke depan.", "en": "The satellite would observe the moon poles, besides conducting preliminary survey to prepare human landing missionm to the Moon in a decade ahead." }
{ "id": "Artinya potensi ekspor kita yang masih banyak harus terus digenjot, sedangkan impor yang tujuannya untuk produksi memang tidak bisa dicegah dan punya korelasi positif terhadap total kinerja perekonomian secara makro, katanya.", "en": "It means that our export potentials must be spurred further while imports earmarked for production are inevitable and positively correlated to the total macro economic performance, she said." }
{ "id": "Pistons tidak pernah mendapat tekanan oleh Wizards yang belum pernah mengalahkan sebuah tim dalam satu bulan terakhir.", "en": "The Pistons, who have an average recent victory margin of 16.8 points, were never threatened by the Wizards, who have not beaten a team with a winning record in over a month." }
{ "id": "Chelsea tetap memiliki peluang untuk meraih gelar juara Liga Inggris seperti juga yang dimiliki Arsenal yang dikalahkan mereka, ketika gol akhir Drogba membuat tim itu unggul 2-1 setelah terlebih dahulu kecolongan saat bermain di Stamford Bridge, Minggu.", "en": "Chelsea kept alive their hopes of winning the Premier League title at the same time as severely denting Arsenal's when late goals from Didier Drogba gave them a 2-1 come-from-behind win at Stamford Bridge on Sunday." }
{ "id": "Virus ditemukan bersarang di sebuah laptop yang digunakan oleh para astronot untuk mengirim dan menerima email dari pusat yang terletak di bumi, lewat bantuan sistem relay data di pusat pengendali NASA di Texas.", "en": "The virus was found in a laptop used by the austronouts to send and get emails form the center on earth, through the assisting of data relay system at NASA controlling center in Texas" }
{ "id": "Tantangan dalam bisnis kreatif ini banyak yang membajak dan tidak menghargai hak cipta.", "en": "The challenge in this creative business is rampant piracy and no respect to copy rights." }
{ "id": "Hamburg memasuki lapangan melawan Bayern dengan posisi di urutan keempat dan bila kalah mereka akan terpaut sembilan angka dengan tim yang mengincar gelar itu.", "en": "Hamburg went into the match against Bayern sitting in fourth spot and knowing defeat would see them nine points adrift and out of the title race." }
{ "id": "Menurut dia, dengan menguatnya yen memberikan dampak positif terhadap pasar uang domestik, khususnya rupiah namun faktor positif dari eksternal itu tidak terjadi.", "en": "According to him, the strengthening yen would have a positive impact on the domestic money market, especially the rupiah but the positive external factor did not happen." }
{ "id": "Itu salah satu penyebab proposal ditolak.", "en": "That was one reason why her proposal was turned down." }
{ "id": "Modul memori juga seringkali dapat diakses melalui sisi bawah, sekalipun pada beberapa jenis terdapat pada motherboard dibawah papan ketik dan dengan demikian tidak dimaksudkan untuk diakses oleh pengguna.", "en": "Memory modules are often also accessible through the bottom, though some may be on the motherboard under the keyboard and thus not meant to be accessed by the user." }
{ "id": "Perlombaan itu akan dimulai dengan individual time trial di Palo Alto, Kalifornia, di sebelah selatan San Francisco.", "en": "The race starts with Sunday's prologue, an individual time trial in Palo Alto, California, just south of San Francisco." }
{ "id": "Beberapa sumber Lebanon, Rabu, mengatakan Arab Saudi dan Iran sedang merundingkan kesepakatan guna mengakhiri sengketa politik di Beirut, menyusul bentrokan pekan ini yang menewaskan tiga orang dan menimbulkan kekhawatiran negeri itu akan terjerumus kembali ke dalam perang saudara.", "en": "Lebanese sources said on Wednesday Saudi Arabia and Iran were negotiating a deal to end Beirut's political standoff, following clashes this week that killed three people and raised fears the country was sliding back towards civil strife." }
{ "id": "penghargaan Honorable Mention harus puas pada posisi peringkat ke 2 Juara Umum dan diikuti oleh Iran pada peringkat ke 3.", "en": "The award of Honorable Mention must be satisfied at the second rank of All Category Championship, and followed by Iran in the third." }
{ "id": "Pengaruh dari gen pada perkembangan secara tak terduga sering kali beragam.", "en": "The effects of genes on development are often surprisingly diverse." }
{ "id": "Pejuang Palestina ketiga, Mohammad Abu Naasa (22) cedera, tapi seorang prajurit Yahudi mengabisinya dengan menembak kepalanya, kata beberapa saksi mata.", "en": "A third activist, Mohammad Abu Naasa (22), was wounded, but a soldier finished him off with a bullet to the head, witnesses said." }
{ "id": "AS Roma dapat mengurangi jarak tersebut menjadi enam poin pada Minggu jika mereka menang di Napoli, tempat sang juara Inter mengalami kekalahan pertama mereka dalam liga pekan lalu, kalah 0-1.", "en": "AS Roma can cut the gap back to six points on Sunday if they win at Napoli, where champions Inter suffered their first defeat of the league season last weekend, going down 1-0." }
{ "id": "Bisa saja orang Timur Tengah karena kan mereka saat ini sedang kelebihan likuiditas.", "en": "They could be Middle Eastern investors who now have excessive liquid funds." }
{ "id": "Rednic mengatakan ia mundur karena secara umum rendahnya fair play dalam sepak bola Romania, adanya skandal dalam perwasitan serta agresi permanen pendukung Rapid terhadapnya.", "en": "Rednic said he resigned over the general lack of fair play in Romanian football, endless refereeing scandals and Rapid fans' permanent verbal aggression against him." }
{ "id": "Kemampuan memahami ayat-ayat Allah", "en": "The Ability to see the Signs of Allah" }
{ "id": "Puluhan orang Irak menyumbangkan darah mereka bagi korban yang cedera dalam serangan itu, sementara Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki berjanji menindak tegas kelompok-kelompok kriminal.", "en": "Dozens of Iraqis donated blood for wounded survivors of the attack, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki promised stern action against criminal gangs." }
{ "id": "Klub-klub bulu tangkis Malaysia mungkin akan segera harus membayar fee transfer setelah mantan juara All England Hafiz Hashim mendadak meninggalkan tim karena masalah keuangan, demikian diberitakan media setempat Jumat.", "en": "Malaysian badminton clubs may soon be forced to pay transfer fees after former All England champion Hafiz Hashim abruptly switched teams because of financial problems, local media reported on Friday." }
{ "id": "Polisi Turki hari Kamis meledakkan sebuah bungkusan mencurigakan di luar gedung parlemen dengan sebuah catatan yang mendesak pembebasan dua tersangka dalam pembunuhan seorang wartawan terkenal Turki-Armenia, kata polisi.", "en": "Turkish police blew up a suspicious package outside parliament on Thursday which carried a note calling for the release of two suspects in the murder of a prominent Turkish-Armenian editor, police said." }
{ "id": "Negara bekas jajahan Perancis itu menutup perbatasan daratnya dengan Ghana sementara waktu untuk keperluan penyelidikan, kata seorang pejabat tinggi lain militer dan Kedutaan Besar Perancis.", "en": "The former French colony had closed its land border with Ghana temporarily for investigations to be carried out, another senior military official and the French embassy said." }
{ "id": "Ia diduga akan menjual buaya-buaya itu ke kebun binatang lokal di Gaza.", "en": "She related that she wanted to sell the reptiles to a local zoo." }
{ "id": "Proses ini terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu, pembakaran langsung, gasifikasi, pirolisis, biochemical.", "en": "This process divide three part those are directly combustion , gasification, pirolysis , biochemical." }
{ "id": "Laporan keuangan tahunan perseroan di Jakarta, Jumat, memperlihatkan perolehan laba bersih tersebut sebagian besar merupakan kontribusi dari penghasilan lain-lain bersih, bukan dari pendapatan operasional perseroan.", "en": "The company's annual financial statement shows the net profit was mostly fueled by net miscellaneous income rather than by operational income." }
{ "id": "Pelatih tahu saya di sini untuk tim saat pengalaman saya diperlukan.", "en": "The manager knows I am here for the team when my experience is wanted." }
{ "id": "Satu wanita dibawa ke rumahsakit akibat luka, yang diyakini tidak mengancam hidupnya, kata pernyataan polisi, Penjagaan dilakukan dan penduduk sekitar diungsikan sebagai langkah pencegahan.", "en": "One female has been taken to hospital with injuries, which are not believed to be life-threatening, a police statement said. A cordon has been put in place and nearby residents are being evacuated as a precautionary measure." }
{ "id": "Rusia Ajak China dalam Misi ke Bulan dan Mars", "en": "Russia asked China in a mission to the moon and mars" }
{ "id": "Direktur Astra Honda Motor, Tossin Himawan, mengatakan, untuk sepeda motor nasional sampai akhir tahun 2007 diperkirakan bisa mencapai 4,8 juta sampai 4,9 juta unit.", "en": "In the meantime, director of Astra Honda Motor Tossin Himawan said the company's motorcycle sales were expected to reach 4.8 million to 4.9 million units this year." }
{ "id": "Sejumlah klausal yang masih mengganjal kesepakatan EPA antara RI dan Jepang adalah persoalan kerjasama, khususnya kerjasama teknis.", "en": "The pending clauses included those concerning technical cooperation." }
{ "id": "Target kami masih tetap,", "en": "Our sales target does not change." }
{ "id": "Banyak bank yang telah melakukannya, dan pemerintah juga telah meluncurkan program Kredit Usaha Rakyat KUR yang diharapkan bisa mencapai Rp14- 15 triliun pada tahun ini.", "en": "A number of banks had channeled micro credits and the government had also provided People's Entrepreneurship Credit KUR which is expected to reach Rp14-15 trillion this year." }
{ "id": "Marseille, yang menang 2-1 di Lyon pada awal musim ini, juga merupakan tim pertama yang meraih enam angka atas Lyon.", "en": "Marseille, who won 2-1 at Lyon earlier this season, also became the first side in this campaign to pick up six points against Lyon." }
{ "id": "Sejak Kuwait dibebaskan oleh koalisi pimpinan AS dari pendudukan Irak selama tujuh bulan pada tahun 1991, emirat yang kaya minyak itu telah membelanjakan miliaran dolar untuk pembelian senjata.", "en": "Since its liberation by a US-led coalition from seven months of Iraqi occupation in 1991, the oil-rich emirate has spent billions of dollars on arms purchases, mainly from the United States." }
{ "id": "Dinding yang tebal dan keras pada sarang rayap ini melindungi bagian dalam dari panas di luar sarang.", "en": "The hard and thick walls of the towers they make from soil seclude the inner part of the nest from the heat outside." }
{ "id": "Selain itu, kata dia, perseroan berencana untuk memberikan persetujuan atas rencana PT Modal Investasi Mineral sebagai anak perusahaan perseroan untuk melepas kepemilikan 70 persen saham di PT Mega Alam Sejahtera, sebuah perusahaan pemegang kuasa pertambangan batubara di daerah Berau, Kalimantan Timur secara lelang atau cara-cara lain.", "en": "Besides, ATPK Resources also has a scheme to approve a plan of PT Modal Investasi Mineral to sell 70 percent of total share of PT Mega Alama Sejahtera which hold a concession in a mining company in Berau area in East Kalimantan through an auction or other programs." }
{ "id": "Ia menahan tembakan striker Liverpool, Fernando Torres, kemudian menyambar bola yang dilayangkan playmaker Arsenal, Cesc Fabregas, pada kesempatan berikutnya.", "en": "First he blocked a shot from Liverpool striker Fernando Torres and then he was alert to stop a poked finish from Arsenal playmaker Cesc Fabregas on the follow-up." }
{ "id": "Kita harap dengan skema baru nanti tarif seluler bisa jauh lebih terjangkau.", "en": "We expect the new tariff scheme is affordable." }
{ "id": "Hubugan antara stress dan sakit jantung telah lama diakui, dan para peneliti di Harvard School of Public Health di Boston mendapati bahwa hubungan yang ada di antara 2.000 veteran di daerah Boston.", "en": "The link between stress and heart disease has long been recognized, and researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston found that relationship existed among nearly 2,000 Boston-area veterans." }
{ "id": "Minat dan talenta sumber daya manusia Indonesia dalam menciptakan robot sangat tinggi.", "en": "Interest and talent of Indonesian human resources in creating robot is very high." }
{ "id": "Biaya untuk membantu Lebanon, berapa pun mahalnya, jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan biaya untuk tidak membantu Lebanon, kata Seniora kepada wartawan, Rabu.", "en": "The cost of helping Lebanon, however expensive that might seem, is much less than the cost of not helping Lebanon, Siniora told reporters on Wednesday." }
{ "id": "Jika digabungkan dengan obligasi negara yang tidak bisa diperdagangkan dan obligasi dalam denominasi dolar AS, maka hingga 27 Juni jumlah SBN yang diterbitkan pemerintah telah mencapai Rp779,048 triliun, atau naik 1,10 persen dari posisi akhir Mei 2007 sebesar Rp770,555 triliun.", "en": "If combined with non-tradable securities and US dollar-denominated state bonds, the total value of state bonds issued by the government until June 27, 2007 reached Rp779.048 trillion, up 1.10 percent from a month earlier." }
{ "id": "Lima orang tewas Jumat, dalam serangan bom di pantai Pasifik Kolombia dan sebanyak 10 orang lagi cedera, kata Gubernur Provinsi Valle del Cauca.", "en": "At least four people were killed Friday in a bomb attack on Colombia's Pacific coast and another two policemen and five civilians were injured, the governor of the Valle del Cauca province said." }
{ "id": "Konduktivitasnya sama dengan larutan asam sulfur pada suhu 20 derajat celcius.", "en": "Its conductivity is the same with sulphur acid solution at temperature 20 degree Celsius." }
{ "id": "Sanchez ditunjuk sebagai pelatih sepak bola Meksiko pada 16 November 2006 dan diperkirakan akan memimpin tim tersebut dalam kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010.", "en": "Sanchez was named Mexico soccer coach on Nov. 16, 2006 and was expected to lead the team to qualification for the 2010 World Cup." }
{ "id": "Menurut US Weekly, pasangan bintang tenar tersebut pindah ke Big Easy pada 11 Januari dan telah membeli mansion dengan enam kamar tidur seharga 3,5 juta dolar AS di French Quarter di kota itu --rumah keempat yang dimiliki oleh pasangat tersebut.", "en": "According to Us Weekly, the movie star pair moved to the Big Easy on Jan. 11 and have purchased a $3.5 million, six-bed mansion in the city's French Quarter -- the fourth house owned by the couple." }
{ "id": "Namun sampai saat ini rupiah terlihat sulit menuju ke level tersebut, karena pelaku pasar mempunyai persepsi sendiri, ucapnya.", "en": "However, it was until now still difficult for the Indonesian currency to reach the level of less than Rp9,100 per US dollar as market players had their own perception on the matter, the analyst said." }
{ "id": "Secara teknis di pelindung pemanasan dan material lain yang berkaitan mengalami kesalahan dalam meralat, kata seorang pejabat kementerian pertahanan kepada harian The Times of India.", "en": "The technical glitches in its heat shield and other material related faults have been rectified, an unnamed defence ministry official told The Times of India." }
{ "id": "Striker Mohamed Zidan mencetak dua gol dan Hosni Abd Rabou juga menyarangkan bola dua kali bagi lima kali juara Afrika itu sementara Samuel Eto'o menyumbang dua gol bagi Kamarun di Stadion Baba Yara.", "en": "Striker Mohamed Zidan scored a double and Hosni Abd Rabou also struck twice for the five-times African champions with Samuel Eto'o netting Cameroon's two at the Baba Yara stadium." }
{ "id": "Televisi pemerintah mengkonfirmasi telah terjadi serangan.", "en": "State television confirmed there had been an attack." }
{ "id": "namun demikian kita tetap waspada terhadap adanya kemungkinan gangguan terhadap mata uang kita, katanya.", "en": "Still, we have to remain alert towards a possible disruption in our currency, he said." }
{ "id": "Bayi laki-laki itu, yang diberi nama Mattias Ferrell, dilahirkan Sabtu dinihari di Los Angeles, demikian antara lain isi pernyataan dari manager Ferrell, Matt Labov.", "en": "Mattias Ferrell was born in the early hours on Saturday in Los Angeles, according to a statement from his publicist Matt Labov." }
{ "id": "Cakupan yang dilingkup istilah teknologi infornasi dapat luas sekali meliputi banyak bidang.", "en": "The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields." }
{ "id": "Para pelaku pasar juga menantikan berita ekonomi AS tentang harga barang-barang konsumen dan keluarnya laporan pertemuan Januari dari Komite Pasar Terbuka Federal Reserve pada pekan ini.", "en": "Market participants are also focused on this week's US economic news including consumer prices and the release of minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee's January interest rate meeting." }
{ "id": "Rekaman video melalui telefon genggam tersebut oleh para pejabat yang mengejek Saddam di tiang gantungan telah menyulut kemarahan sektarian di negara yang sudah berada di ambang perang saudara.", "en": "The mobile phone video of Shi'ite officials taunting Saddam on the gallows has inflamed sectarian passions in a country on the brink of civil war." }
{ "id": "Kemiskinan yang lain seperti: orang-orang tua jompo, para penganggur, anak-anak terlantar, harus diatasi dengan cara-cara efektif yang lain.", "en": "Other poverty such as: elder people, jobless people, terlantar children, must be overcomed with other effective ways." }
{ "id": "Kami terus menerus ditekan, tetapi kami melakukan hal yang bagus untuk tampil sebagai pemenang, kata Al Habsi kepada Reuters.", "en": "We were under pressure all the time, but we did just enough to win, Al Habsi told Reuters." }
{ "id": "Siraman hujan dan terpaan debu adalah dua hal yang selama ini dihindari oleh para pemilik laptop.", "en": "Rain and dust are two things that must be avoided by laptop owners." }
{ "id": "Angka kredit ini mengalami sedikit peningkatan dibanding keadaan Februari lalu sebesar Rp976,88 miliar.", "en": "The amount of the credits provided in March slightly increased compared with the credits provided by banks in the previous month Februray which totalled Rp976.88 billion, Bank Indonesia's Palu office reported." }
{ "id": "Sementara Derby County, yang menduduki peringkat terbawah dalam Liga Premier, melaju ke pertandingan kandang di putaran empat mendatang dengan melawan Preston North End setelah pertandingan Derby melawan Sheffield Wednesday berakhir 1-1 dalam babak pertambahan waktu di Hillsborough.", "en": "Derby County, bottom of the Premier League, scraped into a fourth-round home game with Preston North End after they finished level at 1-1 after extra time against Sheffield Wednesday at a sodden Hillsborough." }
{ "id": "Staf medis di Paris mengatakan, Ronaldo, yang pernah tiga kali menjadi pesepakbola terbaik dunia, kemungkinan bisa meninggalkan klinik yang mengoperasi lutut kirinya menjelang akhir pekan ini.", "en": "Medical staff in Paris say three-time former world footballer of the year Ronaldo should be able to leave the clinic which operated on his left knee by the end of the week." }
{ "id": "Perkembangan transaksi berjalan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa sektor eksternal masih memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap kinerja perekonomian domestik.", "en": "The growth of current account transactions indicated that the external sector still gave positive contributions to the domestic economy's performance, it said." }
{ "id": "Tabrakan galaktika ungkap rahasia materi gelap.", "en": "The galaxies collision disclosed the secret of dark material." }
{ "id": "Defoe yang berusia 25 tahun, satu dari empat striker Spurs selain Robbie Keane, Dimitar Berbatov dan Darren Bent, tidak bisa meraih tempat di jajaran pemain utama klub sejak satu setengah tahun lalu.", "en": "The 25-year-old Defoe, one of four top strikers at Spurs including Robbie Keane, Dimitar Berbatov and Darren Bent, has been unable to claim a regular place in the starting lineup in the last year and a half." }
{ "id": "Saya menikmati permainan saya dan saya merasa berbuat bagus dalam permainan ini.", "en": "I'm really enjoying my time and I'm playing some good tennis." }
{ "id": "Militan memasuki fasilitas itu dengan bersenjatakan senapan dan dinamit menjelang fajar, kata Han Sang-ho, seorang pegawai Daewoo di lokasi tersebut, dalam pernyataan kepada televisi Korea Selatan YTN.", "en": "The militants entered the facility armed with guns and dynamite before dawn, said Han Yang-ho, a Daewoo employee at the site, speaking to South Korean TV network YTN." }
{ "id": "BRPT merupakan perusahaan kayu terpadu milik Prayogo Pangestu, sedangkan Tri Polyta merupakan perusahaan industri kimia yang didalamnya juga ada saham Prayogo.", "en": "BRPT is an integrated timber company owned by Prayogo Pangestu while Tri Polyta is a chemical industry firm whose shares are also partly owned by Pangestu." }
{ "id": "Eksperimen ini menyebakan tingkat kematian tawanan sekitar 70 persen.", "en": "This experiment caused level of death about 70%" }
{ "id": "Menurut Menkeu, guna memastikan bahwa perbankan BUMN melakukan persiapan yang proper dalam implementasi PP 33/2006 tentang Tata Cara Penghapusan Piutang Negara/Daerah, maka telah diamanatkan pembentukan oversight commitee bagi restrukturisasi dan penyelesaian kredit bermasalah.", "en": "She also said that to make sure that the state banks make the proper preparations for the implementation of Government Regulation no 33 of 2006 on procedures of the abolition state/regional claims, an overnight committee for bad debt restructuring and settlement will be set up." }
{ "id": "Namun ketika tinggal Reina yang harus ditundukkan, ia melancarkan tendangan kaki kiri yang membuat bola melejit beberapa senti dari tiang atas gawang.", "en": "Somehow though, with only Reina to beat, he sent a left-foot volley high over the bar." }
{ "id": "Kalau memang perhitungan keekonomiannya tidak menunjang, katanya, pemerintah pusat tentu saja tidak akan berpartisipasi dalam proyek tersebut dan menyerahkan kepada swasta.", "en": "If its economic calculation is not feasible, the central government will not take part in the project and would prefer to give it to private companies, he said." }
{ "id": "Sedikit-dikitnya, delapan warga tewas dan 35 lagi cedera, kendati pemerintah Afgan menyatakan 10 orang Afgan tewas dan 25 cedera akibat tembakan balasan tersebut.", "en": "At least eight civilians were killed and 35 wounded, although the Afghan government said 10 Afghans were killed and 25 wounded as a result of return fire." }
{ "id": "Jadi, bagi saya, kelihatannya mendesak bahwa semua sepenuhnya ikut dalam menerapkan resolusi ini, kata Soro dalam suatu pernyataan yang dibagikan oleh pemberontak di Bouake.", "en": "So it seems to me to be urgent that all participate to fully enact this resolution, Soro said in a statement distributed by the rebels in Bouake." }
{ "id": "Penandatanganan JVA dilakukan di Jakarta oleh Direktur Utama Antam, D.Aditya Sumanagara dan Jimmy Wilson, Presiden Stainless Steel Materials BHP Billiton, kata Sekretaris Perusahaan Antam, Bimo Budi Satryo, di Jakarta, Rabu.", "en": "The JVA was signed in Jakarta by Antam's president director D. Aditya Sumanagara and Jimmy Wilson, President of Stainless Steel Materials BHP Billiton, Antam's corporate secretary Bimo Budi Satryo said in Jakarta on Wednesday." }
{ "id": "Mereka mengaku baru berhasil memodifikasi sebuah kehidupan menjadi kehidupan lain melalui konstruksi ulang kromosom.", "en": "They claimed has just succeeded to modify a life become another life through chromosome reconstruction" }