from src.commands.Command import Command from src.models.domain.User import User from src.utilities.database import db_session class AddStrandUserToTeamCommand(Command): """ 1) Grab additional user info from Slack 2) Either create user with the team, or just attach existing user to the team 3) Update User.strand_user_id """ def __init__(self, slack_team_id, slack_user_id, strand_team_id, strand_api_client_wrapper, slack_client_wrapper): super().__init__(strand_api_client_wrapper=strand_api_client_wrapper, slack_client_wrapper=slack_client_wrapper) self.slack_team_id = slack_team_id self.slack_user_id = slack_user_id self.strand_team_id = strand_team_id @db_session def execute(self, session): log_msg = f'Creating user {self.slack_user_id} on strand team {self.strand_team_id}' self.logger.debug(log_msg) slack_user = self.slack_client_wrapper.get_user_info(slack_team_id=self.slack_team_id, slack_user_id=self.slack_user_id) real_name_tokens = slack_user.profile.real_name.split(' ') first_name = real_name_tokens[0] last_name = real_name_tokens[-1] if len(real_name_tokens) > 1 else '' strand_user = self.strand_api_client_wrapper.get_user_by_email( if strand_user: # Strand API has seen this user email before self.strand_api_client_wrapper.add_user_to_team(, team_id=self.strand_team_id) else: strand_user = self.strand_api_client_wrapper.create_user_with_team(, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, team_id=self.strand_team_id) self._update_user(slack_user_id=self.slack_user_id,, session=session) @staticmethod def _update_user(slack_user_id, strand_user_id, session): user = session.query(User).filter(User.slack_user_id == slack_user_id).one() user.strand_user_id = strand_user_id
import numpy as np import scipy.signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import io, color from skimage import exposure img = io.imread('lena_gray.jpg') # Load the image img = color.rgb2gray(img) # Convert the image to grayscale (1 channel) # apply sharpen filter to the original image # sharpen_kernel = np.array([[0,-1,0],[-1,5,-1],[0,-1,0]]) # image_sharpen = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img, sharpen_kernel, 'valid') # apply edge detection filter to the sharpen image edge_kernel = np.array([[-1,-2,-1],[-1,-2,-1],[1,2,1]]) edges = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img, edge_kernel, 'valid') # apply blur filter to the edge detection filtered image # blur_kernel = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])/9.0; # denoised = scipy.signal.convolve2d(edges, blur_kernel, 'valid') # Adjust the contrast of the filtered image by applying Histogram Equalization # denoised_equalized = exposure.equalize_adapthist(denoised/np.max(np.abs(denoised)), clip_limit=0.03) plt.imshow(edges, # plot the denoised_clipped plt.axis('off')
import pandas as pd from death.unified.uni import * if __name__ == '__main__': # test_all_for_AUROC_0(epoch=40, test_stat_dir="40epoch") # test_all_for_AUROC_0(epoch=20, test_stat_dir="20epoch") test_all_for_AUROC_0(epoch=4, test_stat_dir="4epoch") # all_working_1() # transformer200()
import os import genshinstats as gs import pytest import urllib3 # unless anyone knows how to inject certificates into a github workflow this is required try: gs.get_langs()"a") except urllib3.exceptions.SSLError: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) gs.genshinstats.session.verify = False uid = 710785423 hoyolab_uid = 8366222 @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def set_cookie(): gs.set_cookie(ltuid=os.environ["GS_LTUID"], ltoken=os.environ["GS_LTOKEN"]) def test_recognize_server(): assert gs.recognize_server(uid) == "os_euro" def test_user_stats(): stats = gs.get_user_stats(uid) def test_characters(): characters = gs.get_characters(uid) def test_spiral_abyss(): abyss = [gs.get_spiral_abyss(uid), gs.get_spiral_abyss(uid, previous=True)] def test_activities(): activities = gs.get_activities(uid) def test_is_game_uid(): assert gs.is_game_uid(710785423) assert not gs.is_game_uid(8366222) def test_is_chinese(): for i in ("cn_gf01", "cn_qd01", "123456789", 567890123): assert gs.is_chinese(i) for i in ("os_usa", "os_asia", "678901234", 890123456): assert not gs.is_chinese(i) def test_record_card(): card = gs.get_record_card(hoyolab_uid) assert card is not None def test_uid_from_community(): assert gs.get_uid_from_hoyolab_uid(hoyolab_uid) == uid def test_recommended(): recommended = gs.get_recommended_users() assert len(recommended) > 100 def test_hot_posts(): hot_posts = gs.get_hot_posts(size=120) assert len(hot_posts) > 100
from django.apps import AppConfig class DatasetConfig(AppConfig): name = 'volumes' verbose_name = 'Scaleout Dataset'
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at from gaiatest import GaiaTestCase from import Settings class TestWallpaper(GaiaTestCase): # default wallpaper _default_wallpaper_settings = None _new_wallpaper_settings = None def test_change_wallpaper(self): """""" settings = Settings(self.marionette) settings.launch() display_settings = settings.open_display() self._default_wallpaper_settings = self.data_layer.get_setting('wallpaper.image') # Open activities menu activities_menu = display_settings.pick_wallpaper() # choose the source as wallpaper app wallpaper = activities_menu.tap_wallpaper() wallpaper.tap_wallpaper_by_index(3) self._new_wallpaper_settings = self.data_layer.get_setting('wallpaper.image') self.assertNotEqual(self._default_wallpaper_settings, self._new_wallpaper_settings)
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import argparse import os import re from time import sleep from subprocess import check_call from io import BytesIO import pexpect def get_argparser(ArgumentParser=argparse.ArgumentParser): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Run powerline shell test using pexpect') parser.add_argument('--wait-for-echo', action='store_true', help='Wait until the input is echoed back.') parser.add_argument('--type', metavar='TYPE', help='Test type (daemon, nodaemon, …).') parser.add_argument('--client', metavar='CLIENT', help='Type of the client used (C, shell, zpython, …).') parser.add_argument('--shell', metavar='SHELL', help='Shell name.') parser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar='COMMAND', help='Command to run and its argument.') return parser def main(): parser = get_argparser() args = parser.parse_args() shell = or args.command[0] test_type = args.type or shell test_client = args.client or test_type log_file_base = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(shell, test_type, test_client) full_log_file_name = os.path.join('tests', 'shell', '{0}.full.log'.format(log_file_base)) # postproc_log_file_name = os.path.join('tests', 'shell', '{0}.log'.format(log_file_base)) local_paths = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tests', 'shell', 'path')), os.path.abspath('scripts'), ] if test_type == 'fish': local_paths += ['/usr/bin', '/bin'] python_paths = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '') if python_paths: python_paths = ':' + python_paths python_paths = os.path.abspath('.') + python_paths environ = { 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'PATH': os.pathsep.join(local_paths), 'TERM': 'screen-256color', 'DIR1': os.environ['DIR1'], 'DIR2': os.environ['DIR2'], 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME': os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tests', 'shell', 'fish_home')), 'IPYTHONDIR': os.path.abspath(os.path.join('tests', 'shell', 'ipython_home')), 'PYTHONPATH': python_paths, 'POWERLINE_CONFIG_OVERRIDES': os.environ.get('POWERLINE_CONFIG_OVERRIDES', ''), 'POWERLINE_THEME_OVERRIDES': os.environ.get('POWERLINE_THEME_OVERRIDES', ''), 'POWERLINE_CONFIG_PATHS': os.path.abspath(os.path.join('powerline', 'config_files')), 'POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS': os.environ.get('POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS', ''), 'POWERLINE_COMMAND': os.environ.get('POWERLINE_COMMAND', ''), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ''), } os.environ['PATH'] = environ['PATH'] if test_type == 'daemon': environ['POWERLINE_SHELL_CONTINUATION'] = '1' environ['POWERLINE_SHELL_SELECT'] = '1' if test_type != 'zpython' and shell == 'zsh': environ['POWERLINE_NO_ZSH_ZPYTHON'] = '1' sio = BytesIO() child = pexpect.spawn( args.command[0], args.command[1:], env=environ, logfile=sio, timeout=30, ) child.expect(re.compile(b'.*')) sleep(0.5) child.setwinsize(1, 300) with open(os.path.join('tests', 'test_shells', 'input.{0}'.format(shell)), 'rb') as F: if not args.wait_for_echo: child.send( else: for line in F: child.send(line) sleep(1) # TODO Implement something more smart with open(full_log_file_name, 'wb') as LF: while True: try: s = child.read_nonblocking(1000) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: break except pexpect.EOF: break else: LF.write(s) child.close(force=True) check_call([ os.path.join('tests', 'shell', 'path', 'python'), os.path.join('tests', 'test_shells', ''), test_type, test_client, shell ]) pidfile = os.path.join('tests', 'shell', '3rd', 'pid') if os.path.exists(pidfile): os.unlink(pidfile) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" This is a script generated by py2applet Usage: python py2app """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages APP = [''] DATA_FILES = [] OPTIONS = { 'argv_emulation': True, 'plist': { 'LSUIElement': True, }, 'packages': ['rumps', 'requests', 'certifi'] } setup( name='MoonTicker', version='0.0.1', author='skxu', author_email='[email protected]', description='MacOS StatusBar Ticker for cryptocurrencies like Ethereum', license='MIT', url='', packages=find_packages(), app=APP, data_files=DATA_FILES, options={'py2app': OPTIONS}, setup_requires=['py2app', 'rumps', 'requests', 'ConfigParser'], )
# helper file of droidbot # it parses command arguments and send the options to droidbot import argparse import input_manager import input_policy import env_manager from droidbot import DroidBot from droidmaster import DroidMaster def parse_args(): """ parse command line input generate options including host name, port number """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start DroidBot to test an Android app.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-d", action="store", dest="device_serial", required=False, help="The serial number of target device (use `adb devices` to find)") parser.add_argument("-a", action="store", dest="apk_path", required=True, help="The file path to target APK") parser.add_argument("-o", action="store", dest="output_dir", help="directory of output") # parser.add_argument("-env", action="store", dest="env_policy", # help="policy to set up environment. Supported policies:\n" # "none\tno environment will be set. App will run in default environment of device; \n" # "dummy\tadd some fake contacts, SMS log, call log; \n" # "static\tset environment based on static analysis result; \n" # "<file>\tget environment policy from a json file.\n") parser.add_argument("-policy", action="store", dest="input_policy", default=input_manager.DEFAULT_POLICY, help='Policy to use for test input generation. ' 'Default: %s.\nSupported policies:\n' % input_manager.DEFAULT_POLICY + ' \"%s\" -- No event will be sent, user should interact manually with device; \n' ' \"%s\" -- Use "adb shell monkey" to send events; \n' ' \"%s\" -- Explore UI using a naive depth-first strategy;\n' ' \"%s\" -- Explore UI using a greedy depth-first strategy;\n' ' \"%s\" -- Explore UI using a naive breadth-first strategy;\n' ' \"%s\" -- Explore UI using a greedy breadth-first strategy;\n' % ( input_policy.POLICY_NONE, input_policy.POLICY_MONKEY, input_policy.POLICY_NAIVE_DFS, input_policy.POLICY_GREEDY_DFS, input_policy.POLICY_NAIVE_BFS, input_policy.POLICY_GREEDY_DFS, )) # for distributed DroidBot parser.add_argument("-distributed", action="store", dest="distributed", choices=["master", "worker"], help="Start DroidBot in distributed mode.") parser.add_argument("-master", action="store", dest="master", help="DroidMaster's RPC address") parser.add_argument("-qemu_hda", action="store", dest="qemu_hda", help="The QEMU's hda image") parser.add_argument("-qemu_no_graphic", action="store_true", dest="qemu_no_graphic", help="Run QEMU with -nograpihc parameter") parser.add_argument("-script", action="store", dest="script_path", help="Use a script to customize input for certain states.") parser.add_argument("-count", action="store", dest="count", default=input_manager.DEFAULT_EVENT_COUNT, type=int, help="Number of events to generate in total. " "Default: %d" % input_manager.DEFAULT_EVENT_COUNT) parser.add_argument("-interval", action="store", dest="interval", default=input_manager.DEFAULT_EVENT_INTERVAL, type=int, help="Interval in seconds between each two events. " "Default: %d" % input_manager.DEFAULT_EVENT_INTERVAL) parser.add_argument("-timeout", action="store", dest="timeout", default=input_manager.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, type=int, help="Timeout in seconds, -1 means unlimited. " "Default: %d" % input_manager.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) parser.add_argument("-cv", action="store_true", dest="cv_mode", help="Use OpenCV (instead of UIAutomator) to identify UI components. " "CV mode requires opencv-python installed.") parser.add_argument("-debug", action="store_true", dest="debug_mode", help="Run in debug mode (dump debug messages).") parser.add_argument("-random", action="store_true", dest="random_input", help="Add randomness to input events.") parser.add_argument("-keep_app", action="store_true", dest="keep_app", help="Keep the app on the device after testing.") parser.add_argument("-keep_env", action="store_true", dest="keep_env", help="Keep the test environment (eg. minicap and accessibility service) after testing.") parser.add_argument("-use_method_profiling", action="store", dest="profiling_method", help="Record method trace for each event. can be \"full\" or a sampling rate.") parser.add_argument("-grant_perm", action="store_true", dest="grant_perm", help="Grant all permissions while installing. Useful for Android 6.0+.") parser.add_argument("-is_emulator", action="store_true", dest="is_emulator", help="Declare the target device to be an emulator, which would be treated specially by DroidBot.") parser.add_argument("-accessibility_auto", action="store_true", dest="enable_accessibility_hard", help="Enable the accessibility service automatically even though it might require device restart\n(can be useful for Android API level < 23).") options = parser.parse_args() # print options return options def main(): """ the main function it starts a droidbot according to the arguments given in cmd line """ opts = parse_args() import os if not os.path.exists(opts.apk_path): print "APK does not exist." return if not opts.output_dir and opts.cv_mode: print "To run in CV mode, you need to specify an output dir (using -o option)." if opts.distributed: if opts.distributed == "master": start_mode = "master" else: start_mode = "worker" else: start_mode = "normal" if start_mode == "master": droidmaster = DroidMaster(app_path=opts.apk_path, device_serial=opts.device_serial, is_emulator=opts.is_emulator, output_dir=opts.output_dir, # env_policy=opts.env_policy, env_policy=env_manager.POLICY_NONE, policy_name=opts.input_policy, random_input=opts.random_input, script_path=opts.script_path, event_interval=opts.interval, timeout=opts.timeout, event_count=opts.count, cv_mode=opts.cv_mode, debug_mode=opts.debug_mode, keep_app=opts.keep_app, keep_env=opts.keep_env, profiling_method=opts.profiling_method, grant_perm=opts.grant_perm, enable_accessibility_hard=opts.enable_accessibility_hard, qemu_hda=opts.qemu_hda, qemu_no_graphic=opts.qemu_no_graphic) droidmaster.start() else: droidbot = DroidBot(app_path=opts.apk_path, device_serial=opts.device_serial, is_emulator=opts.is_emulator, output_dir=opts.output_dir, # env_policy=opts.env_policy, env_policy=env_manager.POLICY_NONE, policy_name=opts.input_policy, random_input=opts.random_input, script_path=opts.script_path, event_interval=opts.interval, timeout=opts.timeout, event_count=opts.count, cv_mode=opts.cv_mode, debug_mode=opts.debug_mode, keep_app=opts.keep_app, keep_env=opts.keep_env, profiling_method=opts.profiling_method, grant_perm=opts.grant_perm, enable_accessibility_hard=opts.enable_accessibility_hard, master=opts.master) droidbot.start() return if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# python-mqlight - high-level API by which you can interact with MQ Light # # Copyright 2015-2017 IBM Corp. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import division, absolute_import import sys import socket import ssl import select import threading import time import sys from json import loads from . import cproton from .exceptions import MQLightError, SecurityError, ReplacedError, \ NetworkError, InvalidArgumentError, NotPermittedError from .logging import get_logger, NO_CLIENT_ID from .definitions import QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE, QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE from .utils import is_text PYTHON2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0) PYTHON3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) if PYTHON3: from queue import Queue else: from Queue import Queue from exceptions import SystemExit LOG = get_logger(__name__) STATUSES = ['UNKNOWN', 'PENDING', 'ACCEPTED', 'REJECTED', 'RELEASED', 'MODIFIED', 'ABORTED', 'SETTLED'] class _MQLightMessage(object): """ Wrapper for the Proton Message class """ def __init__(self, message=None): """ MQLight Message constructor """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessage.constructor', NO_CLIENT_ID) if message: LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) self._msg = message self._body = None self._body = self._get_body() else: self._msg = cproton.pn_message() self._body = None self._tracker = None self._link_address = None self.connection_id = None LOG.exit('_MQLightMessage.constructor', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def _set_body(self, value): """ Handles body data type and encoding """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessage._set_body', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'value:', value) if self._msg: body = cproton.pn_message_body(self._msg) if is_text(value):, 'setting the body format as text') if PYTHON3: cproton.pn_data_put_string(body, bytes(value, 'utf8')) else: cproton.pn_data_put_string(body, str(value)) else:, 'setting the body format as data') cproton.pn_data_put_binary(body, bytes(value)) self._body = self._get_body(), 'body:', self._body) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessage._set_body', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def _get_body(self): """ Handles body data type and encoding """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessage._get_body', NO_CLIENT_ID) result = None if self._msg: if self._body is None: body = cproton.pn_message_body(self._msg) # Inspect data: # (1) Type String or Binary # (2) Content type. cproton.pn_data_next(body) data_type = cproton.pn_data_type(body) if data_type == cproton.PN_STRING:, 'Inbound message data type: String') amqp_content_type = self.content_type result = cproton.pn_data_get_string(body).decode('utf8') if amqp_content_type == "text/plain":, 'Inbound message content type: text/plain') elif amqp_content_type == "application/json":, 'Inbound message content type: ' 'application/json') result = loads(result) else: # Not any of the expected content type. # Will treat as text/plain, 'Inbound message content type(Unknown):', amqp_content_type) elif data_type == cproton.PN_BINARY:, 'Inbound message data type: Binary') if PYTHON3: result = bytearray(cproton.pn_data_get_binary(body)) else: result = bytearray( ord( str(byte)) for byte in list( cproton.pn_data_get_binary(body))) else: # Not any of the expected data types # Try loading as String & text/plain, 'Inbound message data type(Unknown):', data_type) result = cproton.pn_data_get_string(body).decode('utf8') else: result = self._body LOG.exit('_MQLightMessage._get_body', NO_CLIENT_ID, str(result) + ' ' + str(type(result))) return result body = property(_get_body, _set_body) def _get_delivery_annotations(self): """ Gets the message delivery annotations """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessage._get_delivery_annotations', NO_CLIENT_ID) # instructions === delivery annotations anno = cproton.pn_message_instructions(self.message) # Count the number of delivery annotations that we are interested in # returning lval = cproton.pn_data_next(anno) # Move to Map elements = 0 result = [] # Check it actually is a Map if lval and cproton.pn_data_type(anno) == cproton.PN_MAP: if lval: lval = cproton.pn_data_enter(anno) # Enter the Map if lval: lval = cproton.pn_data_next(anno) # Position on 1st map key if lval: while True: if cproton.pn_data_type(anno) == cproton.PN_SYMBOL: if cproton.pn_data_next(anno): if cproton.pn_data_type(anno) in ( cproton.PN_SYMBOL, cproton.PN_STRING, cproton.PN_INT): elements += 1 else: break if not cproton.pn_data_next(anno): break else: break cproton.pn_data_rewind(anno) # Return early if there are no (interesting) delivery annotations if elements == 0: LOG.exit( '_MQLightMessage._get_delivery_annotations', NO_CLIENT_ID, result) return result cproton.pn_data_next(anno) # Move to Map cproton.pn_data_enter(anno) # Enter the Map cproton.pn_data_next(anno) # Position on first map key # Build an array of objects, where each object has the following # four properties: # key : the key of the delivery annotation entry # key_type : the type of the delivery annotation key (always # 'symbol') # value : the value of the delivery annotation entry # value_type : the type of the delivery annotation value # ('symbol' ,'string', or 'int32') while True: if cproton.pn_data_type(anno) == cproton.PN_SYMBOL: key = cproton.pn_data_get_symbol(anno) if cproton.pn_data_next(anno): value = None value_type = None data_type = cproton.pn_data_type(anno) add_entry = False if data_type == cproton.PN_SYMBOL: add_entry = True value_type = 'symbol' value = cproton.pn_data_get_symbol(anno) elif data_type == cproton.PN_STRING: add_entry = True value_type = 'string' value = cproton.pn_data_get_string(anno) elif data_type == cproton.PN_INT: add_entry = True value_type = 'int32' value = cproton.pn_data_get_int(anno) if add_entry: # e.g. { 'key': 'xopt-blah', 'key_type': 'symbol', # 'value': 'blahblah', 'value_type': 'string' } item = { 'key': key, 'key_type': 'symbol', 'value': value, 'value_type': value_type } result.append(item) if not cproton.pn_data_next(anno): break else: break cproton.pn_data_rewind(anno) LOG.exit( '_MQLightMessage._get_delivery_annotations', NO_CLIENT_ID, result) return result annotations = property(_get_delivery_annotations) def set_content_type(self, content_type): """ Sets the message content type """ cproton.pn_message_set_content_type(self.message, content_type) def _get_content_type(self): """ Gets the message content type """ content_type = cproton.pn_message_get_content_type(self.message) return content_type content_type = property(_get_content_type, set_content_type) def _set_address(self, address): """ Sets the address """ cproton.pn_message_set_address(self.message, address) def _get_address(self): """ Gets the address """ addr = cproton.pn_message_get_address(self.message) return addr address = property(_get_address, _set_address) def _set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Sets the tracker """ self._tracker = tracker def _get_tracker(self): """ Returns the tracker """ return self._tracker tracker = property(_get_tracker, _set_tracker) def _set_link_address(self, link_address): """ Sets the link address """ self._link_address = link_address def _get_link_address(self): """ Returns the link address """ return self._link_address link_address = property(_get_link_address, _set_link_address) def _set_time_to_live(self, ttl): """ Sets the ttl """ cproton.pn_message_set_ttl(self.message, ttl) def _get_time_to_live(self): """ Returns the ttl """ return cproton.pn_message_get_ttl(self.message) ttl = property(_get_time_to_live, _set_time_to_live) def _get_message(self): """ Returns the Proton Message object """ return self._msg message = property(_get_message) class _MQLightMessenger(object): """ Wrapper for the Proton Messenger class """ def __init__(self, name): """ MQLightMessenger constructor """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.constructor', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'name:', name) self.messenger = None self.connection = None self.sasl_outcome = cproton.PN_SASL_NONE self._name = name self._lock = threading.RLock() LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.constructor', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) @staticmethod def _raise_error(text): """ Parses an error message from messenger and raises the corresponding Error """ if 'sasl ' in text or 'SSL ' in text or ' 2035 ' in text: raise SecurityError(text) if '_Takeover' in text: raise ReplacedError(text) if '_InvalidSourceTimeout' in text: raise NotPermittedError(text) raise NetworkError(text) def connect(self, service): """ Connects to the specified service """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.connect', NO_CLIENT_ID) # If the proton messenger already exists and has been stopped then free # it so that we can recreate a new instance. This situation can arise # if the messenger link is closed by the remote end instead of a call # to stop() if self.messenger: stopped = cproton.pn_messenger_stopped(self.messenger) if stopped: self.messenger = None self.connection = None # throw exception if already connected if self.messenger: raise NetworkError('Already connected') # Create the messenger object and update the name in case messenger has # changed it self.messenger = cproton.pn_messenger(self._name) self._name = cproton.pn_messenger_name(self.messenger) cproton.pn_messenger_set_blocking(self.messenger, False) cproton.pn_messenger_set_incoming_window(self.messenger, 2147483647) cproton.pn_messenger_set_outgoing_window(self.messenger, 2147483647) error = cproton.pn_messenger_route( self.messenger, service.route_pattern, service.route_address), 'pn_messenger_route:', error) if error: self.messenger = None raise MQLightError('Failed to set messenger route') # Indicate that the route should be validated if cproton.pn_messenger_set_flags( self.messenger, cproton.PN_FLAGS_CHECK_ROUTES | cproton.PN_FLAGS_ALLOW_INSECURE_MECHS): self.messenger = None raise TypeError('Invalid set flags call') # Indicate that an external socket is in use if cproton.pn_messenger_set_external_socket(self.messenger): self.messenger = None raise TypeError('Failed to set external socket') # Start the messenger. This will fail if the route is invalid error = cproton.pn_messenger_start(self.messenger), 'pn_messenger_start:', error) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error(self.messenger)) self.messenger = None _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) # Get the proton connection by resolving the route self.connection = cproton.pn_messenger_resolve(self.messenger, service.route_pattern), 'connection:', self.connection) if not self.connection: self.messenger = None raise NetworkError('Unable to resolve connection') LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.connect', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def stop(self, sock, attempts): """ Calls stop() on the proton Messenger """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.stop', NO_CLIENT_ID) # if already stopped then simply return True if self.messenger is None: LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.stop', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True cproton.pn_messenger_stop(self.messenger) try: for tries in range(0, attempts): self._write(sock, False) stopped = cproton.pn_messenger_stopped(self.messenger) if stopped: break time.sleep(0.05) except socket.error as exc: # Connection is closed stopped = True if stopped: cproton.pn_messenger_free(self.messenger) self.messenger = None self.connection = None, 'MQLightMessenger.stop - messenger freed') LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.stop', NO_CLIENT_ID, stopped) return stopped def _is_stopped(self): """ Returns True if the messenger is currently stopped """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger._is_stopped', NO_CLIENT_ID) if self.messenger is not None: state = cproton.pn_messenger_stopped(self.messenger) else: state = True LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger._is_stopped', NO_CLIENT_ID, state) return state stopped = property(_is_stopped) def started(self): """ Returns True if the messenger is currently started """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.started', NO_CLIENT_ID) if self.messenger is not None: if self.connection: transport = cproton.pn_connection_transport(self.connection) self._update_sasl_outcome(transport) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) # FIXME: these should really come from pn_messenger_error elif self.sasl_outcome == cproton.PN_SASL_AUTH: _MQLightMessenger._raise_error('sasl authentication failed') elif self.sasl_outcome > cproton.PN_SASL_AUTH: _MQLightMessenger._raise_error('sasl negotiation failed') started = cproton.pn_messenger_started(self.messenger) and \ self.sasl_outcome != cproton.PN_SASL_NONE else: started = False LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.started', NO_CLIENT_ID, started) return started def set_snd_settle_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the settle mode for sending messages """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.set_snd_settle_mode', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'mode:', mode) cproton.pn_messenger_set_snd_settle_mode(self.messenger, mode) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.set_snd_settle_mode', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def set_rcv_settle_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the settle mode for receiving messages """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.set_rcv_settle_mode', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'mode:', mode) cproton.pn_messenger_set_rcv_settle_mode(self.messenger, mode) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.set_rcv_settle_mode', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def status_error(self, message): """ Finds the reason why the message has been rejected """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.status_error', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') delivery = cproton.pn_messenger_delivery( self.messenger, message.tracker) disposition = None condition = None description = None if delivery: disposition = cproton.pn_delivery_remote(delivery) if disposition: condition = cproton.pn_disposition_condition(disposition) if condition: description = cproton.pn_condition_get_description( condition) LOG.exit( '_MQLightMessenger.status_error', NO_CLIENT_ID, description) return description def get_remote_idle_timeout(self, address): """ Returns the idle timeout of the Messenger """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.get_remote_idle_timeout', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') remote_idle_timeout = cproton.pn_messenger_get_remote_idle_timeout( self.messenger, address) / 1000 LOG.exit( '_MQLightMessenger.get_remote_idle_timeout', NO_CLIENT_ID, remote_idle_timeout) return remote_idle_timeout def flow(self, address, credit, sock): """ Process messages based on the number of credit available """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.flow', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'credit:', credit) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') # Find link based on address, and flow link credit. link = cproton.pn_messenger_get_link(self.messenger, address, False) if link: cproton.pn_link_flow(link, credit) self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.flow', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def put(self, msg, qos): """ Puts a message on the outgoing queue """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.put', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'msg:', msg) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'qos:', qos) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') # Set the required QoS, by setting the sender settler mode to settled # (QoS = AMO) or unsettled (QoS = ALO). Note that the receiver settler # mode is always set to first, as the MQ Light listener will # negotiate down any receiver settler mode to first. if qos not in (QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE, QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE): raise InvalidArgumentError('Invalid QoS'), 'message:', msg.message), 'body:', msg.body) cproton.pn_messenger_put(self.messenger, msg.message) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) tracker = cproton.pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(self.messenger), 'tracker:', tracker) msg.tracker = tracker if qos == QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE: error = cproton.pn_messenger_settle(self.messenger, tracker, 0) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.put', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def send(self, sock): """ Sends the messages on the outgoing queue """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.send', NO_CLIENT_ID) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: cproton.pn_messenger_send(self.messenger, -1) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: error_text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _raise_error(error_text) self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.send', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def receive(self, sock): """ Retrieves messages from the incoming queue """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.receive', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: cproton.pn_messenger_recv(self.messenger, -2) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) messages = [] count = cproton.pn_messenger_incoming(self.messenger), 'messages count: {0}'.format(count)) while cproton.pn_messenger_incoming(self.messenger) > 0: message = cproton.pn_message() rc = cproton.pn_messenger_get(self.messenger, message) # try again if message not yet available on incoming queue if rc == cproton.PN_EOS: continue error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) msg = _MQLightMessage(message) tracker = cproton.pn_messenger_incoming_tracker(self.messenger) msg.tracker = tracker link = cproton.pn_messenger_tracker_link( self.messenger, tracker) if link: if cproton.pn_link_state(link) & cproton.PN_LOCAL_CLOSED: NO_CLIENT_ID, 'Link closed so ignoring received message for ' + 'address: {0}'.format( cproton.pn_message_get_address(message))) else: msg.link_address = cproton.pn_terminus_get_address( cproton.pn_link_remote_target(link)) messages.append(msg) else: NO_CLIENT_ID, 'No link associated with received message tracker ' + 'for address: {0}'.format( cproton.pn_message_get_address(message))) self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.receive', NO_CLIENT_ID, messages) return messages def settle(self, message, sock): """ Settles a message """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.settle', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: tracker = message.tracker status = cproton.pn_messenger_settle( self.messenger, tracker, 0) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error( self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) elif status != 0: raise NetworkError('Failed to settle') self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.settle', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def settled(self, message): """ Checks if a message has been settled """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.settled', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: delivery = cproton.pn_messenger_delivery( self.messenger, message.tracker) # For incoming messages, if we haven't already settled it, block # for a while until we *think* the settlement disposition has been # communicated over the network. We detect that by querying # pn_transport_quiesced which should return True once all pending # output has been written to the wire. settled = True if (delivery and cproton.pn_link_is_receiver( cproton.pn_delivery_link(delivery))): session = cproton.pn_link_session( cproton.pn_delivery_link(delivery)) if session: connection = cproton.pn_session_connection(session) if connection: transport = cproton.pn_connection_transport(connection) if transport: if not cproton.pn_transport_quiesced(transport): settled = False LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.settled', NO_CLIENT_ID, settled) return settled def accept(self, message): """ Accepts a message """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.accept', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: tracker = message.tracker status = cproton.pn_messenger_accept(self.messenger, tracker, 0) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error(self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) elif status != 0: raise NetworkError('Failed to accept') LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.accept', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def status(self, message): """ Get the status of a message """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.status', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'message:', message) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: tracker = message.tracker disp = cproton.pn_messenger_status(self.messenger, tracker), 'status: ', disp) status = STATUSES[disp] LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.status', NO_CLIENT_ID, status) return status def subscribe(self, address, qos, ttl, credit, sock): """ Subscribes to a topic """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.subscribe', NO_CLIENT_ID) if credit > 4294967295: credit = 4294967295 LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'qos:', qos) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'ttl:', ttl) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'credit:', credit) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: # Set the required QoS, by setting the sender settler mode to # settled (QoS = AMO) or unsettled (QoS = ALO). # Note that our API client implementation will always specify a # value of first - meaning "The Receiver will spontaneously settle # all incoming transfers" - this equates to a maximum QoS of "at # least once delivery". if qos == 0: self.set_snd_settle_mode(cproton.PN_SND_SETTLED) self.set_rcv_settle_mode(cproton.PN_RCV_FIRST) elif qos == 1: self.set_snd_settle_mode(cproton.PN_SND_UNSETTLED) self.set_rcv_settle_mode(cproton.PN_RCV_FIRST) else: raise InvalidArgumentError('Invalid QoS') cproton.pn_messenger_subscribe_ttl(self.messenger, address, ttl) cproton.pn_messenger_recv(self.messenger, -2) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error(self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.subscribe', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def subscribed(self, address): """ Return True if the client is subscribed to the specified topic """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.subscribed', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) # throw Error if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: link = cproton.pn_messenger_get_link(self.messenger, address, False) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error(self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) if link is None: # throw Error if unable to find a matching Link raise MQLightError( 'Unable to locate link for {0}'.format(address)) if not (cproton.pn_link_state(link) & cproton.PN_REMOTE_ACTIVE): subscribed = False else: subscribed = True LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.subscribed', NO_CLIENT_ID, subscribed) return subscribed def unsubscribe(self, address, ttl, sock): """ Unsubscribes from a topic """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.Unsubscribe', NO_CLIENT_ID) if ttl is None: ttl = -1 LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'ttl:', ttl) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: # find link based on address link = cproton.pn_messenger_get_link(self.messenger, address, False) if link is None: # throw Error if unable to find a matching Link raise MQLightError( 'unable to locate link for {0}'.format(address)) if ttl == 0: cproton.pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy( cproton.pn_link_target(link), cproton.PN_EXPIRE_WITH_LINK) cproton.pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy( cproton.pn_link_source(link), cproton.PN_EXPIRE_WITH_LINK) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'ttl:', ttl) cproton.pn_terminus_set_timeout(cproton.pn_link_target(link), ttl) cproton.pn_terminus_set_timeout(cproton.pn_link_source(link), ttl) # Check if we are detaching with @closed=true closing = True expiry_policy = cproton.pn_terminus_get_expiry_policy( cproton.pn_link_target(link)) timeout = cproton.pn_terminus_get_timeout( cproton.pn_link_target(link)) if expiry_policy == cproton.PN_EXPIRE_NEVER or timeout > 0: closing = False, 'closing:', closing) if closing: cproton.pn_link_close(link) else: cproton.pn_link_detach(link) self._write(sock, False) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.Unsubscribe', NO_CLIENT_ID, True) return True def unsubscribed(self, address): """ Return True if the client is not subscribed to the specified topic """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.unsubscribed', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) # throw Error if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') with self._lock: # find link based on address, in any state. link = cproton.pn_messenger_get_stated_link( self.messenger, address, False, 0) if link is None: # throw Error if unable to find a matching Link raise MQLightError('Unable to locate link for {0}'. format(address)) # Check if we are detaching with @closed=true closing = True expiry_policy = cproton.pn_terminus_get_expiry_policy( cproton.pn_link_target(link)) timeout = cproton.pn_terminus_get_timeout( cproton.pn_link_target(link)) if expiry_policy == cproton.PN_EXPIRE_NEVER or timeout > 0: closing = False, 'closing:', closing) # check if the remote end has acknowledged the close or detach if closing: if not (cproton.pn_link_state(link) & cproton.PN_REMOTE_CLOSED): unsubscribed = False else: unsubscribed = True else: if not cproton.pn_link_remote_detached(link): unsubscribed = False else: unsubscribed = True cproton.pn_messenger_reclaim_link(self.messenger, link) cproton.pn_link_free(link) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.unsubscribed', NO_CLIENT_ID, unsubscribed) return unsubscribed def pending_outbound(self, address): """ Indicates if there are pending messages """ LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.pending_outbound', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'address:', address) # throw exception if not connected if self.messenger is None: raise NetworkError('Not connected') result = False with self._lock: pending = cproton.pn_messenger_pending_outbound( self.messenger, address) if pending < 0: raise NetworkError('Not connected') elif pending > 0: result = True LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.pending_outbound', NO_CLIENT_ID, result) return result def pop(self, sock, force): LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.pop', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'force:', force) with self._lock: written = self._write(sock, force) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.pop', NO_CLIENT_ID, written) return written def push(self, chunk): LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.push', NO_CLIENT_ID) with self._lock: if self.messenger and self.connection: with self._lock: pushed = cproton.pn_connection_push( self.connection, chunk, len(chunk)) else: # This connection has already been closed, so this data can # never be pushed in, so just return saying it has so the data # will be discarded. NO_CLIENT_ID, 'connection already closed: discarding data') pushed = len(chunk) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.push', NO_CLIENT_ID, pushed) return pushed def _update_sasl_outcome(self, transport): """ Retrieves and stores the sasl outcome from the transport """ LOG.entry('_update_sasl_outcome', NO_CLIENT_ID) if transport: with self._lock: self.sasl_outcome = cproton.pn_sasl_outcome( cproton.pn_sasl(transport)), 'outcome:', self.sasl_outcome) else:, 'connection is closed') LOG.exit('_update_sasl_outcome', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def _write(self, sock, force): LOG.entry_often('_MQLightMessenger._write', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms_often(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'force:', force) with self._lock: # Checking for pending data requires a messenger connection n = 0 if self.messenger and self.connection: transport = cproton.pn_connection_transport(self.connection) if transport: pack_size = cproton.pn_transport_pending(transport) # Force a pop, causing a heartbeat to be generated, if # necessary if force: closed = cproton.pn_connection_pop(self.connection, 0) if closed:, 'connection is closed') self._update_sasl_outcome(transport) self.connection = None while self.connection and pack_size > 0: # write n bytes to stream buf = cproton.pn_transport_head(transport, pack_size) sock.send(buf) n += pack_size closed = cproton.pn_connection_pop(self.connection, pack_size) if closed:, 'connection is closed') self._update_sasl_outcome(transport) self.connection = None pack_size = 0 else: # Is there any more pending? pack_size = cproton.pn_transport_pending(transport) else: n = -1 else: n = -1 LOG.exit_often('_MQLightMessenger._write', NO_CLIENT_ID, n) return n def heartbeat(self, sock): LOG.entry_often('_MQLightMessenger.heartbeat', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms_often(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'sock:', sock) with self._lock: self._write(sock, True) LOG.exit_often('_MQLightMessenger.heartbeat', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def closed(self): LOG.entry('_MQLightMessenger.closed', NO_CLIENT_ID) if self.messenger and self.connection: with self._lock: cproton.pn_connection_was_closed( self.messenger, self.connection) error = cproton.pn_messenger_errno(self.messenger) if error: text = cproton.pn_error_text( cproton.pn_messenger_error(self.messenger)) _MQLightMessenger._raise_error(text) LOG.exit('_MQLightMessenger.closed', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) class _MQLightSocket(object): def __init__(self, service, security_options, on_read, on_close): LOG.entry('_MQLightSocket.__init__', NO_CLIENT_ID) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'service:', service) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'security_options:', security_options) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'on_read:', on_read) LOG.parms(NO_CLIENT_ID, 'on_close:', on_close) def create_thread(target, name, daemon=False): t = threading.Thread(target=target) t.setName(t.getName() + name) t.setDaemon(daemon) return t self.running = False self.on_read = on_read self.on_close = on_close self._data_queue = Queue() self._data_handler_thread = create_thread(self.queue_data, ':QueueReader') try: self.sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if security_options.ssl or service.ssl:, 'wrapping the socket in a SSL context') ctx = security_options.context self.sock = ctx.wrap_socket( self.sock, server_hostname=service.host_port[0]) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.sock.connect(service.host_port) self.running = True self.io_loop = create_thread(target=self.loop, name=':IOReader') self.io_loop.start() except socket.error as exc: LOG.error('_MQLightSocket.__init__(socket)', NO_CLIENT_ID, exc) self.running = False if 'SSL' in str(exc) or '_ssl' in str(exc): raise SecurityError(exc) else: raise NetworkError(exc) except (ssl.SSLError, ssl.CertificateError) as exc: LOG.error('_MQLightSocket.__init__(ssl)', NO_CLIENT_ID, exc) self.running = False raise SecurityError(exc) LOG.exit('_MQLightSocket.__init__', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def queue_data(self): LOG.entry('_MQLightSocket.queue_data', NO_CLIENT_ID) while self.running: args = self._data_queue.get() callback = args[0] if len(args) > 1: callback(*args[1:]) # if we do not get arguments that means on_close was passed in else: callback() self.running = False LOG.exit('_MQLightSocket.queue_data', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def loop(self): LOG.entry('_MQLightSocket.loop', NO_CLIENT_ID) self._data_handler_thread.start() exc = None try: while self.running and not exc: read, write, exc =[self.sock], [], [self.sock]) if read: data = self.sock.recv(65536) # 64K if data: self._data_queue.put((self.on_read, data)) else:, 'Socket closed : Loop marked as closed') self.running = False self._data_queue.put((self.on_close,)) except socket.error as se:'Received IO error ', socket.error) self._data_queue.put((self.on_close,)) except Exception as exc: raise exc LOG.exit('_MQLightSocket.loop', NO_CLIENT_ID, None) def send(self, msg): LOG.entry('_MQLightSocket.send', NO_CLIENT_ID) if self.sock and self.running: sent = self.sock.send(msg) else: sent = 0 LOG.exit('_MQLightSocket.send', NO_CLIENT_ID, sent) def close(self): LOG.entry('_MQLightSocket.close', NO_CLIENT_ID) self.running = False try: self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except: # Ignore [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected pass self.io_loop.join() self.sock.close() LOG.exit('_MQLightSocket.close', NO_CLIENT_ID, None)
import pymc3_ext as pm import numpy as np from numpy import random as nr import numpy.testing as npt import pytest import theano.tensor as tt import theano from pymc3_ext.distributions.distribution import _draw_value, draw_values from .helpers import SeededTest def test_draw_value(): npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(np.array([5, 6])), [5, 6]) npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(np.array(5.)), 5) npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(tt.constant([5., 6.])), [5, 6]) assert _draw_value(tt.constant(5)) == 5 npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(2 * tt.constant([5., 6.])), [10, 12]) val = theano.shared(np.array([5., 6.])) npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(val), [5, 6]) npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(2 * val), [10, 12]) a = tt.scalar('a') a.tag.test_value = 6 npt.assert_equal(_draw_value(2 * a, givens=[(a, 1)]), 2) assert _draw_value(5) == 5 assert _draw_value(5.) == 5 assert isinstance(_draw_value(5.), type(5.)) assert isinstance(_draw_value(5), type(5)) with pm.Model(): mu = 2 * tt.constant(np.array([5., 6.])) + theano.shared(np.array(5)) a = pm.Normal('a', mu=mu, sigma=5, shape=2) val1 = _draw_value(a) val2 = _draw_value(a) assert np.all(val1 != val2) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: _draw_value([]) err.match('Unexpected type') class TestDrawValues: def test_empty(self): assert draw_values([]) == [] def test_vals(self): npt.assert_equal(draw_values([np.array([5, 6])])[0], [5, 6]) npt.assert_equal(draw_values([np.array(5.)])[0], 5) npt.assert_equal(draw_values([tt.constant([5., 6.])])[0], [5, 6]) assert draw_values([tt.constant(5)])[0] == 5 npt.assert_equal(draw_values([2 * tt.constant([5., 6.])])[0], [10, 12]) val = theano.shared(np.array([5., 6.])) npt.assert_equal(draw_values([val])[0], [5, 6]) npt.assert_equal(draw_values([2 * val])[0], [10, 12]) def test_simple_model(self): with pm.Model(): mu = 2 * tt.constant(np.array([5., 6.])) + theano.shared(np.array(5)) a = pm.Normal('a', mu=mu, sigma=5, shape=2) val1 = draw_values([a]) val2 = draw_values([a]) assert np.all(val1[0] != val2[0]) point = {'a': np.array([3., 4.])} npt.assert_equal(draw_values([a], point=point), [point['a']]) def test_dep_vars(self): with pm.Model(): mu = 2 * tt.constant(np.array([5., 6.])) + theano.shared(np.array(5)) sd = pm.HalfNormal('sd', shape=2) tau = 1 / sd ** 2 a = pm.Normal('a', mu=mu, tau=tau, shape=2) point = {'a': np.array([1., 2.])} npt.assert_equal(draw_values([a], point=point), [point['a']]) val1 = draw_values([a])[0] val2 = draw_values([a], point={'sd': np.array([2., 3.])})[0] val3 = draw_values([a], point={'sd_log__': np.array([2., 3.])})[0] val4 = draw_values([a], point={'sd_log__': np.array([2., 3.])})[0] assert all([np.all(val1 != val2), np.all(val1 != val3), np.all(val1 != val4), np.all(val2 != val3), np.all(val2 != val4), np.all(val3 != val4)]) def test_gof_constant(self): # Issue 3595 pointed out that slice(None) can introduce # theano.gof.graph.Constant into the compute graph, which wasn't # handled correctly by draw_values n_d = 500 n_x = 2 n_y = 1 n_g = 10 g = np.random.randint(0, n_g, (n_d,)) # group x = np.random.randint(0, n_x, (n_d,)) # x factor with pm.Model(): multi_dim_rv = pm.Normal('multi_dim_rv', mu=0, sd=1, shape=(n_x, n_g, n_y)) indexed_rv = multi_dim_rv[x, g, :] i = draw_values([indexed_rv]) assert i is not None class TestJointDistributionDrawValues(SeededTest): def test_joint_distribution(self): with pm.Model() as model: a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sigma=100) b = pm.Normal('b', mu=a, sigma=1e-8) c = pm.Normal('c', mu=a, sigma=1e-8) d = pm.Deterministic('d', b + c) # Expected RVs N = 1000 norm = np.random.randn(3, N) eA = norm[0] * 100 eB = eA + norm[1] * 1e-8 eC = eA + norm[2] * 1e-8 eD = eB + eC # Drawn RVs nr.seed(self.random_seed) # A, B, C, D = list(zip(*[draw_values([a, b, c, d]) for i in range(N)])) A, B, C, D = draw_values([a, b, c, d], size=N) A = np.array(A).flatten() B = np.array(B).flatten() C = np.array(C).flatten() D = np.array(D).flatten() # Assert that the drawn samples match the expected values assert np.allclose(eA, A) assert np.allclose(eB, B) assert np.allclose(eC, C) assert np.allclose(eD, D) # Assert that A, B and C have the expected difference assert np.all(np.abs(A - B) < 1e-6) assert np.all(np.abs(A - C) < 1e-6) assert np.all(np.abs(B - C) < 1e-6) # Marginal draws mA = np.array([draw_values([a]) for i in range(N)]).flatten() mB = np.array([draw_values([b]) for i in range(N)]).flatten() mC = np.array([draw_values([c]) for i in range(N)]).flatten() # Also test the with model context of draw_values with model: mD = np.array([draw_values([d]) for i in range(N)]).flatten() # Assert that the marginal distributions have different sample values assert not np.all(np.abs(B - mB) < 1e-2) assert not np.all(np.abs(C - mC) < 1e-2) assert not np.all(np.abs(D - mD) < 1e-2) # Assert that the marginal distributions do not have high cross # correlation assert np.abs(np.corrcoef(mA, mB)[0, 1]) < 0.1 assert np.abs(np.corrcoef(mA, mC)[0, 1]) < 0.1 assert np.abs(np.corrcoef(mB, mC)[0, 1]) < 0.1
""" Drop-in replacement class for unittest.TestCase. """ from pedal.assertions.runtime import * class PedalTestCase: """ Drop-in replacement for the existing unittest.TestCase class. Emulates the original interface, but also supports all the Pedal features, allowing an easier transition to our toolset. TODO: Implement the entire interface setUp() tearDown() setUpClass() tearDownClass() skipTest() subTest() debug() run() fail() """ def assertEqual(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first and second are equal. If the values do not compare equal, the test will fail. """ return assert_equal(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertNotEqual(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first and second are not equal. If the values do compare equal, the test will fail. """ return assert_not_equal(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLess(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is less than the second. """ return assert_less(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLessEqual(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is less than or equal to the second. """ return assert_less_equal(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertGreater(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is greater than the second. """ return assert_greater(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertGreaterEqual(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is greater than or equal to the second. """ return assert_greater_equal(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIn(self, needle, haystack, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Tests that the needle is in the haystack. """ return assert_in(needle, haystack, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertNotIn(self, needle, haystack, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Tests that the needle is not in the haystack. """ return assert_not_in(needle, haystack, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIs(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is second. """ return assert_is(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIsNot(self, left, right, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is not second. """ return assert_is_not(left, right, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIsNone(self, expr, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that expr is None """ return assert_is_none(expr, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIsNotNone(self, expr, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that expr is not None """ return assert_is_not_none(expr, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that expr is true """ return assert_true(expr, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertFalse(self, expr, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that expr is false """ return assert_false(expr, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthEqual(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence has length. """ return assert_length_equal(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthNotEqual(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence does not have length. """ return assert_length_not_equal(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthLess(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence has less than length. """ return assert_length_less(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthLessEqual(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence has less or equal to length. """ return assert_length_less_equal(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthGreater(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence has greater than length. """ return assert_length_greater(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertLengthGreaterEqual(self, sequence, length, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that sequence has greater or equal length. """ return assert_length_greater_equal(sequence, length, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that obj is an instance of cls. """ return assert_is_instance(obj, cls, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertNotIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that obj is not an instance of cls. """ return assert_not_is_instance(obj, cls, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=7, msg=None, delta=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is approximately equal to second. """ if places is not None: delta = 10**(-places) return assert_equal(first, second, delta=delta, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertNotAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=7, msg=None, delta=None, **kwargs): """ Test that first is not approximately equal to second. """ if places is not None: delta = 10**(-places) return assert_not_equal(first, second, delta=delta, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertRegex(self, regex, text, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that regex matches text. """ return assert_regex(regex, text, explanation=msg, **kwargs) def assertNotRegex(self, regex, text, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Test that regex does not match text. """ return assert_not_regex(regex, text, explanation=msg, **kwargs) assertMultiLineEqual = assert_equal assertSequenceEqual = assert_equal assertListEqual = assert_equal assertTupleEqual = assert_equal assertSetEqual = assert_equal assertDictEqual = assert_equal
class Solution: def subsets(self, nums): if len(nums) == 0: return [] if len(nums) == 1: return [[], nums] subs = [[], nums] for i, el in enumerate(nums): newSubs = self.subsets(nums[:i] + nums[i+1:]) for s in newSubs: if s not in subs: subs = subs + [s] return subs
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Author: # Tamas Jos (@skelsec) # import enum # # simple auth: # - anonymous # - user without password # - username + password # # SASL: # - plain # - gssapi # -SSPI # - NTLM # - KERBEROS # Sicily: # - NTLM # Multiplexor # class LDAPAuthProtocol(enum.Enum): SIMPLE = 'SIMPLE' #SIMPLE can be with no creds - anonymous bind PLAIN = 'PLAIN' #actually SASL-PLAIN SICILY = 'SICILY' #NTLM (old proprietary from MS) NTLM_PASSWORD = 'NTLM_PASSWORD' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-NTLM NTLM_NT = 'NTLM_NT' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-NTLM KERBEROS_RC4 = 'KERBEROS_RC4' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS KERBEROS_NT = 'KERBEROS_NT' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS KERBEROS_AES = 'KERBEROS_AES' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS KERBEROS_PASSWORD = 'KERBEROS_PASSWORD' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS KERBEROS_CCACHE = 'KERBEROS_CCACHE' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS KERBEROS_KEYTAB = 'KERBEROS_KEYTAB' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS MULTIPLEXOR_KERBEROS = 'MULTIPLEXOR_KERBEROS' MULTIPLEXOR_NTLM = 'MULTIPLEXOR_NTLM' MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_KERBEROS = 'MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_KERBEROS' MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_NTLM = 'MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_NTLM' SSPI_NTLM = 'SSPI_NTLM' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-NTLM but with integrated SSPI SSPI_KERBEROS = 'SSPI_KERBEROS' #actually SASL-GSSAPI-SPNEGO-KERBEROS but with integrated SSPI MSLDAP_GSS_METHODS = [ LDAPAuthProtocol.NTLM_PASSWORD , LDAPAuthProtocol.NTLM_NT , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_RC4 , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_NT , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_AES , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_PASSWORD , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_CCACHE , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_KEYTAB , LDAPAuthProtocol.SSPI_NTLM , LDAPAuthProtocol.SSPI_KERBEROS, LDAPAuthProtocol.MULTIPLEXOR_KERBEROS, LDAPAuthProtocol.MULTIPLEXOR_NTLM, LDAPAuthProtocol.MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_KERBEROS, LDAPAuthProtocol.MULTIPLEXOR_SSL_NTLM, ] MSLDAP_KERBEROS_PROTOCOLS = [ LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_RC4 , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_NT , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_AES , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_PASSWORD , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_CCACHE , LDAPAuthProtocol.KERBEROS_KEYTAB , ] class MSLDAPCredential: def __init__(self, domain=None, username= None, password = None, auth_method = None, settings = None): self.auth_method = auth_method self.domain = domain self.username = username self.password = password self.signing_preferred = False self.encryption_preferred = False self.settings = settings self.etypes = None def get_msuser(self): if not self.domain: return self.username return '%s\\%s' % (self.domain,self.username) def __str__(self): t = '==== MSLDAPCredential ====\r\n' for k in self.__dict__: t += '%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.__dict__[k]) return t
import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.special import * import parsers def load_slices(fname): gout = parsers.parse_genesis_out(fname) slices = gout['slice_data'] zsep = gout['input_parameters']['zsep'] xlamds = gout['input_parameters']['xlamds'] Nslice = len(slices) return slices, zsep, Nslice, xlamds def power(slices): power = np.asarray([s['data']['power'][:] for s in slices]) return power def espread(slices): espread = np.asarray([s['data']['e-spread'][:] for s in slices]) return espread def bunching(slices): bunching = np.asarray([s['data']['bunching'][:] for s in slices]) return bunching def current_profile(slices): current = np.asarray([s['current'] for s in slices]) return current def power_spectrum(slices): Z0 = 120 * np.pi power = np.asarray([s['data']['p_mid'][-1] for s in slices]) phi_mid = np.asarray([s['data']['phi_mid'][-1] for s in slices]) field = np.sqrt(power) * np.exp(1j*phi_mid) power_fft = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(field)))**2 return power_fft def freq_domain_eV(zsep,Nslice,xlamds): #constants hbar = 6.582e-16 #in eV c = 2.997925e8 #omega of the radiation in eV omega = hbar * 2.0 * np.pi / (xlamds/c); df = hbar * 2.0 * np.pi/Nslice/zsep/(xlamds/c); freq = np.linspace(omega - Nslice/2 * df, omega + Nslice/2 * df,Nslice) return freq def gaussian(x, *p): A, mu, sigma, bg = p return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2.*sigma**2)) + bg def FWHM(power_fft,omega): power_fft = power_fft / np.max(power_fft) peak_pos = np.argmax(power_fft) p0 = [1.0, omega[peak_pos], 0.15, 1e-4] window = 10 coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(gaussian, omega[peak_pos-window:peak_pos+window], power_fft[peak_pos-window:peak_pos+window], p0=p0) FWHM = 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) * coeff[2] print ('Fitted mean = ', coeff[1]) print ('Fitted standard deviation = ', coeff[2]) print ('Fitted FWHM = ', FWHM) return coeff, FWHM def calculate_JJ(K): J_arg = K**2 / (1.0 + K**2) / 2.0 JJ = j0(J_arg) - j1(J_arg) return JJ def calculate_gamma_res(g, K): lambdau = g.input_params['xlamd'] lambdas = g.input_params['xlamds'] gamma_r2 = (lambdau/(2.0 * lambdas)) * (1.0 + K**2 ) gamma_res = np.sqrt(gamma_r2) return gamma_res def calculate_AD(K, Ngap): NP = np.ceil(Ngap/(1 + K**2)) AD = np.sqrt( (1 + K**2 - Ngap/NP) / (Ngap/NP) ) return AD #slices, zsep, Nslice, xlamds = load_slices('/home/alex/Desktop/pyGENT/genesis_run_150MW_tdp/mod_620.out') #power_fft = power_spectrum(slices) #omega = freq_domain_eV(zsep, Nslice, xlamds) #plot omega vs power_fft
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Advanced calculator.""" import math import operator CONSTANTS = { "pi": math.pi, "e": math.e, "t": math.tau, } BINARY_OPERATORS = { "+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "*": operator.mul, "/": operator.truediv, "^": operator.pow, } PREFIX_OPERATORS = { "sqrt": math.sqrt, "sin": math.sin, "cos": math.cos, "tg": math.tan, "arcsin": math.asin, "arccos": math.acos, "ln": math.log, } POSTFIX_OPERATORS = { "!": math.factorial, } PRIORITIES = { "(": 0, ")": 0, "+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 3, } def is_brackets_agreed(expression: list) -> bool: amount_of_brackets = 0 for el in expression: if el == "(": amount_of_brackets += 1 elif el == ")": amount_of_brackets -= 1 if amount_of_brackets == 0: return True return False def is_known_characters(expression: list) -> bool: for el in expression: if el not in [i for i in CONSTANTS.keys()] +\ [i for i in BINARY_OPERATORS.keys()] +\ [i for i in PREFIX_OPERATORS.keys()] + [i for i in POSTFIX_OPERATORS.keys()] +\ ["(", ")"] and not el.isdigit(): return False return True def calculate(reverse_polish_notation: list) -> float: stack = [] for el in reverse_polish_notation: if el.isdigit(): stack.append(float(el)) elif el in BINARY_OPERATORS: first_operand, second_operand = stack.pop(-2), stack.pop(-1) stack.append(BINARY_OPERATORS[el](first_operand, second_operand)) elif el in PREFIX_OPERATORS: stack.append(PREFIX_OPERATORS[el](stack.pop(-1))) elif el in POSTFIX_OPERATORS: stack.append(POSTFIX_OPERATORS[el](stack[-1])) elif el in CONSTANTS: stack.append(CONSTANTS[el]) return stack.pop() def check_for_correctness(func): def inner(expression): if is_brackets_agreed(expression) and is_known_characters(expression): return calculate(func(expression)) else: if not is_brackets_agreed(expression): return "Не согласованы скобки!" elif not is_known_characters(expression): return "Вы ввели неизвестные символы!" return inner @check_for_correctness def convert_to_rpn(expression: list) -> list: stack = [] reverse_polish_notation = [] for el in expression: if el.isdigit() or el in POSTFIX_OPERATORS or el in CONSTANTS: reverse_polish_notation.append(el) elif el in PREFIX_OPERATORS or el == "(": stack.append(el) elif el == ")": while stack[-1] != "(": reverse_polish_notation.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() elif el in BINARY_OPERATORS: if len(stack) != 0: while stack[-1] in PREFIX_OPERATORS or PRIORITIES[stack[-1]] >= PRIORITIES[el]: reverse_polish_notation.append(stack.pop()) if not stack: break stack.append(el) reverse_polish_notation.extend(reversed(stack)) return reverse_polish_notation def parse(expression: str) -> list: array = [] operand = "" for index, el in enumerate(expression): if el.isalpha() or el.isdigit(): operand += el elif el != " ": if operand != "": array.append(operand) operand = "" elif el == "*" and array[-1] == "*": array[-1] = "^" continue elif el == "-" and index == 0 or array[-1] == "(": array.append("0") array.append(el) if index == len(expression) - 1 and operand != "": array.append(operand) return array if __name__ == "__main__": repeat = True while repeat: user_input = input("\nEnter the expression ('q' - to quit): ") if user_input != "q": user_input = parse(user_input) reverse_polish_notation = convert_to_rpn(user_input) print(reverse_polish_notation) else: repeat = False
import os import click from diana.apis import DcmDir from diana.dixel import DixelView from import get_mobilenet epilog = """ \b $ diana-plus classify resources/models/view_classifier/view_classifier.h5 tests/resources/dcm IM2263 Classifying images ------------------ Predicted: negative (0.88) """ @click.command(short_help="Classify DICOM files", epilog=epilog) @click.argument('model', type=click.File()) @click.argument('path', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('images', nargs=-1) @click.option("--positive", "-p", help="Positive class", default="positive") @click.option("--negative", "-n", help="Negative class", default="negative") def classify(model, path, images, positive, negative): """Apply a classification MODEL to PATH with IMAGES""" click.echo('Classifying images', underline=True, bold=True)) os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' _model = get_mobilenet(0, weights=None) _model.load_weights( D = DcmDir(path=path) for image in images: d = D.get(image, view=DixelView.PIXELS) # prediction = get_prediction( model, image ) prediction = d.get_prediction(_model) if prediction >= 0.5: click.echo("Predicted: {} ({})".format( positive, round(prediction, 2) )) else: click.echo("Predicted: {} ({})".format( negative, round(1.0-prediction, 2) ))
import functools import operator import as data def part1(): value = data.INPUT mod = len(value[0]) tree_idx = 0 tree_count = 0 row_count = len(value) for row_idx in range(row_count): tree_idx = row_idx * 3 if value[row_idx][tree_idx % mod] == "#": tree_count += 1 return tree_count def part2(): value = data.INPUT row_count = len(value) mod = len(value[0]) slopes = [ (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 0.5), ] trees = [] for slope in slopes: step = slope[0] right = slope[1] tree_idx = 0 tree_count = 0 for row_idx in range(0, row_count, step): tree_idx = int(row_idx * right) if value[row_idx][tree_idx % mod] == "#": tree_count += 1 trees.append(tree_count) result = functools.reduce(operator.mul, trees) return result
""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Collin Brooks Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import pathlib from yaml import load, dump try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader EXT = '.xsd' XSD = 'xsd' ATTRIBUTES = 'attributes' ELEMENTS = 'elements' GROUPS = 'groups' TYPES = 'types' ENUMS = 'enums' PLACEHOLDER = 'placeholder' ANY = 'any' BOOLS = 'bools' SIMPLE = 'simple' COMPLEX = 'complex' TYPE = 'type' ENUMS = 'enums' class Config(): """Class which aids in the reading and writing of class generation for xsd-based classes. """ def __init__(self, path): self._path = path self._config = None self._xsd = path def set_xsd(self, xsd): """Set the xsd name the config is to work with. Args: xsd (str): The name of the source xsd file without the extension. """ self._xsd = xsd self._provide(self.get_config(), xsd, {}) def get_xsd(self): return self._xsd def clear_xsd(self): self.get_config()[self._xsd] = {} def load(self): """Load the configuration found at the given path. Returns: self """ if self._config is None: # Load the current configuration if pathlib.Path(self._path).exists(): config_file = open(self._path, 'r') self._config = load(config_file, Loader=Loader) config_file.close() self._config = {} if self._config is None else self._config return self def save(self): """Save the configuration data to the configuration file. Returns: self """ header = "#This file was autogenerated. See\n" config_file = open(self._path, 'w+') config_file.write(header) dump(self._config, config_file) config_file.close() return self @staticmethod def _provide(data, key, default): """Provide the given data dictionary with a default value for the given key if no data exists at the key. Args: data (dict): A dictionary to provision key (str): The key where data should be provisioned. default (mixed): Whatever value the given key should have within the data. Returns: dict: The provisioned dictionary. """ if data.get(key) is None: data[key] = default return data def set_path(self, value, *path_parts): """Set the given value at the path rooted at the current xsd config level. This method makes it easy to travel into the configuration dictionary and provision each of the levels with preliminary data so the final level can have the given value data. This method returns the value given so, if the value is a dict or list, additional data can be placed within. Args: value (mixed): The value to place at the given path in the configuration dictionary. Returns: mixed: the given value """ path_parts = list(path_parts) config = self.get_xsd_config() cur_config = config last_part = path_parts.pop() for part in path_parts: self._provide(cur_config, part, {}) cur_config = cur_config[part] cur_config[last_part] = value return cur_config[last_part] def get_config(self, require_xsd=True): """Get the configuration for the current xsd. Raises: Exception: Raised if the current xsd has not been set. Returns: dict: The config dictionary rooted at the data within the XSD key. """ self.load() self._provide(self._config, XSD, {}) if require_xsd: if self._xsd is None: raise Exception('Unable to get configuration without setting xsd!') return self._config.get(XSD) def get_xsd_config(self): """Get the configuration for the current xsd. Returns: dict: the data for the current xsd """ key = self._xsd config = self.get_config() self._provide(config, key, {}) return config[key] def get_xsd_files(self): """Get a list of xsd file names our config file knows about. Returns: list: The list of xsd files our config knows about. """ return self.get_config(False).keys() def get_types(self): """Get the TYPES for the current xsd. Returns: dict: Types keyed by type name with their data as values. """ return self.get_xsd_config().get(TYPES, {}) def get_groups(self): """Get the GROUPS for the current xsd. Returns: dict: Groups keyed by group name with their data as values. """ return self.get_xsd_config().get(GROUPS, {}) def get_elements(self): """Get the ELEMENTS for the current xsd. Returns: dict: Elements keyed by element name with their types as values. """ return self.get_xsd_config().get(ELEMENTS, {}) def get_element_type(self, element_name): """Get the type name for the element with the given name. Args: element_name (str): The element's name Returns: str|None: The type name if the element is known, None otherwise. """ return self.get_elements().get(element_name) def get_type_config(self, type_name): """Get the type configuration for the type with the given name. Args: type_name (str): The type's name Returns: dict|None: The type's data if the type is known, None otherwise. """ return self.get_types().get(type_name) def get_group_config(self, group_name): """Get the group configuration for the group with the given name. Args: group_name (str): The group's name Returns: dict: The group's data. """ return self.get_groups().get(group_name, {}) def get_group_groups(self, group_name): """Get the list of groups associated with the named group. Args: group_name (str): The name of the group to obtain child group names for. Returns: list: A list of child group names """ return self.get_group_config(group_name).get(GROUPS, []) def get_type_groups(self, type_name): """Get the list of groups associated with the named type. Args: type_name (str): The name of the type to obtain child group names for. Returns: list: A list of child group names """ return self.get_type_config(type_name).get(GROUPS, []) def get_type_attributes(self, type_name): """Return attribute data for the type with the given name. Args: type_name (str): The type to get attribute data for. Returns: dict: Attribute data for the given type name. """ return self.get_type_config(type_name).get(ATTRIBUTES, {}) def get_type_elements(self, type_name): """Return element data for the type with the given name. Args: type_name (str): The type to get element data for. Returns: dict: Element data for the given type name. """ return self.get_type_config(type_name).get(ELEMENTS, {}) def get_group_elements(self, group_name): """Return element data for the group with the given name. Args: group_name (str): The group to get element data for. Returns: dict: Element data for the given group name. """ return self.get_group_config(group_name).get(ELEMENTS, {}) def get_element_config(self, element_name): """Return element configuration for the element with the given name. Args: element_name (str): The element to get config data for. Returns: dict: Element configuration for the given element name. """ return self.get_elements().get(element_name) def type_has_enum_attributes(self, type_name): """Determine whether or not the type with the given name has attributes with enum data. Args: type_name (str): The type to check. Returns: bool: True if the type has attributes with enum data. False otherwise. """ return ENUMS in self.get_type_attributes(type_name).keys() def get_type_enum_attributes(self, type_name): """Get the list of attributes of this type which have enum data. Args: type_name (str): The name of the type to obtain enum attributes for. Returns: dict: A dictionary of attribute name keys with enum list values. """ return self.get_type_attributes(type_name).get(ENUMS, {}) def add_group_config(self, name, group): """Add group configuration to the xsd config Args: name (str): The name of the group group (Group): The group to add configuration details for """ group_info = {} group_info[ELEMENTS] = self.get_element_info(group.get_elements()) groups = group.get_groups() if len(groups) > 0: group_info[GROUPS] = list(groups.keys()) self.set_path(group_info, GROUPS, name) def add_type_config(self, name, node_type): """Add type configuration to the xsd config Args: name (str): The name of the type node_type (Type): The type to add configuration details for """ type_config = self.set_path({}, TYPES, name) attr_info = self.get_attr_info(node_type) elem_info = self.get_element_info(node_type.get_elements()) group_info = self.get_group_info(node_type) if len(attr_info) > 0: type_config[ATTRIBUTES] = attr_info if len(elem_info) > 0: type_config[ELEMENTS] = elem_info if len(group_info) > 0: type_config[GROUPS] = group_info @staticmethod def get_group_info(node_type): """Compile doxyparser-specific information about the groups in the given node type. Args: node_type (Type): The Type to return information for Raises: Exception: If multiple groups exist in the Type, we don't support it yet. Returns: list: A list of group names in this Type """ info = [] groups = node_type.get_groups() if len(groups) > 1: raise Exception( 'Multiple groups in a single node not supported yet!') for group in groups.values(): info.append(group.get_name()) return info def get_attr_info(self, node_type): """Compile doxyparser-specific information about the attributes in the given node type. Args: node_type (Type): The type to obtain attribute information about Returns: dict: Dict of doxyparser-specific data to aid in the generation of python classes for this type. """ info = {} # Go through each attribute and see if they are special for attr in node_type.get_attributes().values(): # Can't do anything with an "any" attribute if attr.is_any_attribute(): continue if attr.is_any_type(): self._provide(info, ANY, []) info[ANY].append(attr.get_name()) continue # Doxygen has a DoxBool type that is either 'yes' or 'no'. We can # make it so we have methods that will return a boolean value based # on these two options. if attr.is_dox_bool(): self._provide(info, BOOLS, []) info[BOOLS].append(attr.get_name()) continue # For attributes that have to be within a list of enumerated # values, we can make methods that search for these known values if attr.is_enum(): self._provide(info, ENUMS, {}) info[ENUMS][attr.get_name()] = attr.get_enum_values() continue # catchall self._provide(info, SIMPLE, {}) info[SIMPLE][attr.get_name()] = attr.get_type().get_local_name() return info def get_element_info(self, elements): """Compile doxyparser-specific information about the elements. Returns: dict: Dict of doxyparser-specific data to aid in the generation of python classes for this type. """ info = {} for elem in elements.values(): if elem.is_placeholder(): self._provide(info, PLACEHOLDER, []) info[PLACEHOLDER].append(elem.get_name()) elif elem.is_any_type(): self._provide(info, ANY, []) info[ANY].append(elem.get_name()) elif elem.is_simple(): self._provide(info, SIMPLE, {}) info[SIMPLE][elem.get_name()] = elem.get_type().get_local_name() elif elem.is_complex(): self._provide(info, COMPLEX, {}) info[COMPLEX][elem.get_name()] = elem.get_type_name() else: info[elem.get_name()] = { TYPE: elem.get_type_name() } return info def add_element_config(self, name, type_name): """Add element configuration. Args: name (str): The name of the element type_name (str): The type of the element """ self.set_path(type_name, ELEMENTS, name)
import time import asyncio async def fn(delay,msg): await asyncio.sleep(delay) print(msg,'at',str(int(time.time()))) async def main(): print('Create tasks at',int(time.time())) sec = (0x00) t1 = asyncio.create_task(fn(sec+3,'Task 1')) t2 = asyncio.create_task(fn(sec+2,'Task 2')) t3 = asyncio.create_task(fn(sec+1,'Task 3')) print('Started at',int(time.time())) print('--------') await t1 await t2 await t3 print('--------') print('Finished at',int(time.time())) if(__name__==('__main__')):
""" The strategy is inspired and derived from Turtle Trading System Rules: Entries: Turtles entered positions when the price exceeded by a single tick the high or low of the preceding 20 days. If the price exceeded the 20-day high, then the Turtles would buy one Unit to initiate a long position in the corresponding commodity. If the price dropped one tick below the low of the last 20-days, the Turtles would sell one Unit to initiate a short position. Adding units: Turtles entered single Unit long positions at the breakouts and added to those positions at ½ N intervals following their initial entry. This ½ N interval was based on the actual fill price of the previous order SL The Turtles placed their stops based on position risk. No trade could incur more than 2% risk. Turtle stops were set at 2N (ATR) below the entry for long positions, and 2N (ATR) above the entry for short positions. For example: Crude Oil ATR = 1.20 55 day breakout = 28.30 First unit: |Units |Entry Price|Stop | |First Unit | 28.30| 25.90| second unit: |Units |Entry Price|Stop | |First Unit | 28.30| 26.50| |First Unit | 28.90| 26.50| third unit: |Units |Entry Price|Stop | |First Unit | 28.30| 27.10| |First Unit | 28.90| 27.10| |First Unit | 29.50| 27.10| fourth unit: |Units |Entry Price|Stop | |First Unit | 28.30| 27.70| |Second Unit | 28.90| 27.70| |Third Unit | 29.50| 27.70| |Fourth Unit | 30.10| 27.70| Case where fourth unit was added at a higher price because the market opened gapping up to 30.80: |Units |Entry Price|Stop | |First Unit | 28.30| 27.70| |Second Unit | 28.90| 27.70| |Third Unit | 29.50| 27.70| |Fourth Unit | 30.80| 28.40| Exit The System 1 exit was a 10 day low for long positions and a 10 day high for short positions. All the Units in the position would be exited if the price went against the position for a 10 day breakout. Position Size: %2 risk """ import logging import pandas as pd from src.backtester import BackTester from src.orders.order import Order, OrderSide, OrderStatus from src.position_calculator import pos_size logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': price_df = pd.read_csv('c:/temp/gbp_usd_h1_enrich.csv') ''' # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 time 65770 non-null object 1 open 65770 non-null float64 2 high 65770 non-null float64 3 low 65770 non-null float64 4 close 65770 non-null float64 5 last_10_high 65770 non-null float64 6 last_20_high 65770 non-null float64 7 last_10_low 65770 non-null float64 8 last_20_low 65770 non-null float64 9 day_close 65770 non-null float64 10 day_atr 65770 non-null float64 11 day_rsi 65770 non-null float64 12 day_ema_55 65770 non-null float64 ''' price_df = price_df[(price_df['time'] > '2010-01-01') & (price_df['time'] < '2020-12-01')] initial_capital = 10000 risk_pct = 0.02 max_orders = 1 orders = [] for price in price_df.to_dict('records'): # Checking open orders open_orders = [o for o in orders if o.is_open] for o in open_orders: if o.is_long: if price['low'] <= o.close_with_loss(price['time']) elif price['low'] <= price['last_10_low']: if o.entry <= price['last_10_low']: o.close_with_win(price['time'], price['last_10_low']) elif o.entry > price['last_10_low']: o.close_with_loss(price['time'], price['last_10_low']) else: if price['high'] >= o.close_with_loss(price['time']) elif price['high'] >= price['last_10_high']: if o.entry >= price['last_10_high']: o.close_with_win(price['time'], price['last_10_high']) elif o.entry < price['last_10_high']: o.close_with_loss(price['time'], price['last_10_high']) open_longs = [o for o in orders if o.is_open and o.is_long] open_shorts = [o for o in orders if o.is_open and o.is_short] if len(open_longs) < max_orders: if len(open_longs) == 0: if price['high'] >= price['last_20_high'] and price['close'] > price['day_ema_55'] and (price['day_rsi'] >= 70 or price['day_rsi'] <= 30): sl = price['close'] - price['day_atr'] * 2 lots = pos_size(account_balance=initial_capital, risk_pct=risk_pct, sl_pips=price['day_atr'] * 2 * 10000, instrument='GBP_USD') orders.append(Order(price['time'], OrderSide.LONG, 'GBP_USD', entry=price['close'], sl=sl, status=OrderStatus.FILLED, units=100000 * lots)) else: previous_entry = open_longs[-1].entry atr = price['day_atr'] if price['high'] >= previous_entry + atr / 2: initial_units = open_longs[0].units new_entry = previous_entry + atr / 2 new_sl = new_entry - atr * 2'Adding buy units ...') orders.append(Order(price['time'], OrderSide.LONG, 'GBP_USD', entry=new_entry, status=OrderStatus.FILLED, units=initial_units)) for o in orders: if o.is_open and o.is_long: = new_sl if len(open_shorts) < max_orders: if len(open_shorts) == 0: if price['low'] <= price['last_20_low'] and price['close'] < price['day_ema_55'] and (price['day_rsi'] >= 70 or price['day_rsi'] <= 30): sl = price['close'] + price['day_atr'] * 2 lots = pos_size(account_balance=initial_capital, risk_pct=risk_pct, sl_pips=price['day_atr'] * 2 * 10000, instrument='GBP_USD') orders.append(Order(price['time'], OrderSide.SHORT, 'GBP_USD', entry=price['close'], sl=sl, status=OrderStatus.FILLED, units=100000 * lots)) else: previous_entry = open_shorts[-1].entry atr = price['day_atr'] if price['low'] <= previous_entry - atr / 2: initial_units = open_shorts[0].units new_entry = previous_entry - atr / 2 new_sl = new_entry + atr * 2'Adding sell units ...') orders.append(Order(price['time'], OrderSide.SHORT, 'GBP_USD', entry=new_entry, status=OrderStatus.FILLED, units=initial_units)) for o in orders: if o.is_open and o.is_short: = new_sl back_tester = BackTester(strategy='turtle trading') back_tester.lot_size = 10000 back_tester.print_stats(orders)
import os import time import numpy as np from functions.model import Classifier from functions.utils import Utilities import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torchvision.datasets import torchvision.models as models class UnNormalize(object): """ Used to convert a normalized torch tensor (image) into an unnormalized state. Used for plotting classification prediction images. """ def __init__(self, mean, std): self.mean = mean self.std = std def __call__(self, tensor): """ Parameters: tensor (torch.Tensor): Tensor image of size (colour, height, width) to be normalized. Returns: torch.Tensor: Normalized image. """ # Normalized state: t.sub_(m).div_(s) - simply perform opposite for t, m, s in zip(tensor, self.mean, self.std): t.mul_(s).add_(m) return tensor class Tuner: """ Contains utility functions that are used within the hyperparameter tuning Notebook. Combines multiple components from the initial Notebook to condense the hyperparameter Notebook and focus on the tuning. """ def __init__(self): self.utils = Utilities() self.device = self.utils.set_device() def set_data(self, filepath): """ Sets the dataset using pre-defined transformations. Parameters: filepath (string) - filepath to the dataset """ mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # Set transformations for batch data transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(224), # Resize images to 224 transforms.CenterCrop(224), # Make images 224x224 transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), # Randomly flip some samples (50% chance) transforms.RandomRotation(20), # Randomly rotate some samples transforms.ToTensor(), # Convert image to a tensor transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) # Normalize image values ]) # Set dataset, labels and unnormalized object dataset = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder(filepath, transform=transform) self.labels = np.array(list(dataset.class_to_idx), dtype=object) self.unnorm = UnNormalize(mean=mean, std=std) return dataset def set_initial_models(self, n_classes, h_layers): """ Used to set the three models (GoogLeNet, MobileNet v2, and ResNet-34) with new classifiers. Parameters: n_classes (int) - number of classes for to output h_layers (list) - integers that represent each layers node count, can be 1 list or 3 lists """ # Set class specific variables self.h_layers = h_layers self.n_classes = n_classes # Create instances of pretrained CNN architectures googlenet = models.googlenet(pretrained=True) mobilenetv2 = models.mobilenet_v2(pretrained=True) resnet34 = models.resnet34(pretrained=True) # Initialize new classifiers if isinstance(h_layers[0], list): gnet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=googlenet.fc.in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers[0]) mobilenet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=mobilenetv2.classifier[1].in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers[1]) resnet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=resnet34.fc.in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers[2]) else: gnet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=googlenet.fc.in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers) mobilenet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=mobilenetv2.classifier[1].in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers) resnet_classifier = Classifier(in_features=resnet34.fc.in_features, out_features=n_classes, hidden_layers=h_layers) cnn_models = [googlenet, mobilenetv2, resnet34] # Freeze architecture parameters to avoid backpropagating them # Avoiding replacing pretrained weights for model in cnn_models: for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # Replace last FC/classifier with new classifier googlenet.fc = gnet_classifier mobilenetv2.classifier = mobilenet_classifier resnet34.fc = resnet_classifier return cnn_models def calc_params(self, model_names, n_classes, h_layers): """ Used to calculate the amount of trainable parameters vs total parameters for each model. Parameters: model_names (list) - a list of the model names n_classes (int) - number of output classes h_layers (list) - hidden node integers, one per layer """ models = self.set_initial_models(n_classes, h_layers) # Total params for each model for idx, model in enumerate(models): print(f"{model_names[idx]}:") model.total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) print(f'{model.total_params:,} total parameters') model.trainable_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print(f'{model.trainable_params:,} training parameters\n') def _set_filename(self, model_name, batch_size, h_layers): """ Helper function used to set the saved models filename. Returns the filename. Parameters: model_name (string) - name of the model batch_size (int) - batch size of data loader h_layers (list) - hidden node integers, one per layer Format: [model_name]_[batch_size]_[hidden_sizes] """ filename = f"{model_name}_{str(batch_size)}_" for layer in h_layers: filename += f"{str(layer)}_" return filename[:-1] def tune_model(self, model_names, batch_size, train_loader, valid_loader, n_classes, h_layers, lr, epochs=1000, iterations=2, patience=5): """ Used to tune a model on the given training loader, evaluated against the validation loader. Iterates over a list of hidden layers, saving multiple model versions. Parameters: model_names (list) - a list of the model names as strings batch_size (int) - batch size of the train and validation loader train_loader (torch.DataLoader) - torch training dataset loader valid_loader (torch.DataLoader) - torch validation dataset loader n_classes (int) - number of output classes h_layers (list) - lists of a variety of hidden node sizes lr (float) - learning rate for training the model epochs (int) - number of epochs for training (default: 1000) iterations (int) - iterations per number of epochs (default: 2) patience (int) - number of epochs to wait before early stopping (default: 5) """ # Iterate over hidden layers for l in range(len(h_layers)): # Create instances of pretrained CNN architectures models = self.set_initial_models(n_classes, h_layers[l]) # Iterate over models for m in range(len(models)): filename = self._set_filename(model_names[m], batch_size, h_layers[l]) filepath = f"saved_models/{filename}.pt" # Skip model training if already has been trained if os.path.isfile(filepath): print(f"{filename} already trained.") else: print(f"\nTraining: {filename}") criterion = nn.NLLLoss() # Negative Log Likelihood Loss # Set optimizer if m == 1: # MobileNetV2 specific optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(models[m].classifier.parameters(), lr=lr) else: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(models[m].fc.parameters(), lr=lr) models[m].to(self.device) # move to GPU # Train model self.utils.train(models[m], train_loader, valid_loader, criterion, optimizer, filepath, epochs, iterations, patience) def set_model(self, model_paths, model, model_name): """ Used to check what type of model needs to be set for testing. Returns the model and its name. Name format: [model]_[batch_size]_[hidden_size]_[hidden_size] Parameters: model_paths (list) - list of filepaths of saved models model (torchvision.models) - initial pretrained model model_name (string) - name of the model """ # Set initial variables load_name = "" compare_parts = [model_name, self.utils.batch_size] compare_parts.extend(self.h_layers) # Iterate over each model for filepath in model_paths: compare_name = filepath.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.pt').split('_') valid = [] # Check components match for item in range(len(compare_name)): if compare_name[item] == str(compare_parts[item]): valid.append(True) # Load saved model if len(valid) == len(compare_name): load_name = filepath.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.pt') self.utils.load_model(model, f'saved_models/{filepath}') break return model, load_name def save_best_models(self, model_stats, model_names, n_preds): """ Used to save the three best performing models based on the statistics of all model variations. Returns a list of the best models. Parameters: model_stats (pandas.DataFrame) - table of best model statistics model_names (list) - model names as strings n_preds (int) - number of additional predictions to store (e.g. top-5) """ best_models = [] n_models = len(model_names) count = 1 start_time = time.time() # Iterate over each model for idx, item in enumerate(model_stats['Name']): name, batch = item.split('_')[:2] h_layers = list(map(int, item.split("_")[2:])) filepath = f'saved_models/{item}.pt' cnn_models = self.set_initial_models(self.n_classes, h_layers) # Check names match for cnn_name in model_names: if name == cnn_name: # Load model and store it model = cnn_models[idx] self.utils.load_model(model, filepath) best_models.append(model) filename = cnn_name.replace('-', '').lower() # Set statistics stats = model_stats.iloc[idx, 1:].to_dict() # Set additional model parameters model.batch_size = int(batch) model.h_layers = h_layers model.stats = stats # Save model predictions print(f"Calculating preds and stats for {name}...", end=" ") _, _, test_loader = self.utils.split_data(self.utils.dataset, int(batch), self.utils.split_size, self.utils.seed) self._save_predictions(model, test_loader, n_preds) print(f"Complete ({count}/{n_models}).") count += 1 # Save as best model print(f"Saving model...", end=" ") self._save_model(model, filename) print(f"Complete.") self.utils.time_taken(time.time() - start_time) return best_models def _save_predictions(self, model, test_loader, n_preds): """ Helper function used to save the best models predictions, labels and probabilities for plotting. Parameters: model (torchvision.models) - models predictions to save valid_loader (torch.DataLoader) - torch test dataset loader n_preds (int) - number of additional predictions to store (e.g. top-5) """ # Calculate predictions, labels and probabilities for best models y_pred, y_true, all_n_preds, y_probas = self.utils.predict(model, test_loader, n_preds, store_labels=True, store_probas=True) # Store data model.y_pred = y_pred model.y_true = y_true model.n_preds = all_n_preds model.y_probas = y_probas def _save_model(self, model, filename): """ Helper function used to save the best models. Parameters: model (torchvision.models) - model to save filename (string) - filename of model to save """{'parameters': model.state_dict(), 'train_losses': model.train_losses, 'valid_losses': model.valid_losses, 'batch_size': model.batch_size, 'h_layers': model.h_layers, 'stats': model.stats, 'y_pred': model.y_pred, 'y_true': model.y_true, 'n_preds': model.n_preds, 'y_probas': model.y_probas, }, f'saved_models/best_{filename}.pt') def load_best_models(self, models, filenames): """ Used to load the three best models. Parameters: model (list) - torchvision.models to load filenames (list) - filenames of saved models to load within saved_models folder """ # Set a checkpoint for idx, model in enumerate(models): checkpoint = torch.load(f"saved_models/{filenames[idx]}.pt") # Store utility variables model.train_losses = checkpoint['train_losses'] model.valid_losses = checkpoint['valid_losses'] model.batch_size = checkpoint['batch_size'] model.h_layers = checkpoint['h_layers'] model.stats = checkpoint['stats'] model.y_pred = checkpoint['y_pred'] model.y_true = checkpoint['y_true'] model.n_preds = checkpoint['n_preds'] model.y_probas = checkpoint['y_probas'] # load model parameters model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['parameters']) print("Models loaded. Utility variables available:") print("\ttrain_losses, valid_losses, batch_size, h_layers, stats,\n") print("\ty_pred, y_true, n_preds, y_probas.")
# Generated by Django 3.0.5 on 2020-04-23 02:53 from decimal import Decimal from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='BankAccount', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('token', models.CharField(db_index=True, help_text='A bank account token provided by Pin', max_length=40, verbose_name='Pin API Bank account token')), ('bank_name', models.CharField(help_text='The name of the bank at which this account is held', max_length=100, verbose_name='Bank Name')), ('branch', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The name of the branch at which this account is held', max_length=100, verbose_name='Branch name')), ('name', models.CharField(help_text='The name of the bank account', max_length=100, verbose_name='Recipient Name')), ('bsb', models.IntegerField(help_text='The BSB (Bank State Branch) code of the bank account.', verbose_name='BSB')), ('number', models.CharField(help_text='The account number of the bank account', max_length=20, verbose_name='BSB')), ('environment', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='The name of the Pin environment to use, eg test or live.', max_length=25)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='CustomerToken', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('environment', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='The name of the Pin environment to use, eg test or live.', max_length=25)), ('token', models.CharField(help_text='Generated by Card API or Customers API', max_length=100, verbose_name='Token')), ('created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='Created')), ('active', models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name='Active')), ('card_type', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('master', 'Mastercard'), ('visa', 'Visa')], help_text='Determined automatically by Pin', max_length=20, null=True, verbose_name='Card Type')), ('card_number', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Cleansed by Pin API', max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Card Number')), ('card_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Name on Card')), ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='PinRecipient', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('token', models.CharField(db_index=True, help_text='A recipient token provided by Pin', max_length=40)), ('email', models.EmailField(help_text='As passed to Pin.', max_length=100)), ('name', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Optional. The name by which the recipient is referenced', max_length=100, null=True)), ('created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='Time created')), ('environment', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='The name of the Pin environment to use, eg test or live.', max_length=25)), ('bank_account', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='pinpayments.BankAccount')), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='PinTransfer', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('transfer_token', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='Unique ID from Pin for this transfer', max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Pin API Transfer Token')), ('status', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Status of transfer at time of saving', max_length=100, null=True)), ('currency', models.CharField(help_text='currency of transfer', max_length=10)), ('description', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Description as shown on statement', max_length=100, null=True)), ('amount', models.IntegerField(help_text='Transfer amount, in the base unit of the currency (e.g.: cents for AUD, yen for JPY)')), ('created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('pin_response_text', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The full JSON response from the Pin API', null=True, verbose_name='Complete API Response')), ('recipient', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='pinpayments.PinRecipient')), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='PinTransaction', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('date', models.DateTimeField(db_index=True, help_text='Time this transaction was put in the database. May differ from the time that PIN reports the transaction.', verbose_name='Date')), ('environment', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='The name of the Pin environment to use, eg test or live.', max_length=25)), ('amount', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, verbose_name='Amount (Dollars)')), ('fees', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, default=Decimal('0.00'), help_text='Fees charged to you by Pin, for this transaction, in dollars', max_digits=10, null=True, verbose_name='Transaction Fees')), ('description', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='As provided when you initiated the transaction', null=True, verbose_name='Description')), ('processed', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Has this been sent to Pin yet?', verbose_name='Processed?')), ('succeeded', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Was the transaction approved?', verbose_name='Success?')), ('currency', models.CharField(default='AUD', help_text='Currency transaction was processed in', max_length=100, verbose_name='Currency')), ('transaction_token', models.CharField(blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='Unique ID from Pin for this transaction', max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Pin API Transaction Token')), ('card_token', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Card token used for this transaction (Card API and Web Forms)', max_length=40, null=True, verbose_name='Pin API Card Token')), ('pin_response', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Response text, usually Success!', max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='API Response')), ('ip_address', models.GenericIPAddressField(help_text='IP Address used for payment')), ('email_address', models.EmailField(help_text='As passed to Pin.', max_length=100, verbose_name='E-Mail Address')), ('card_address1', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Address entered by customer to process this transaction', max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder Street Address')), ('card_address2', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder Street Address Line 2')), ('card_city', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder City')), ('card_state', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder State')), ('card_postcode', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder Postal / ZIP Code')), ('card_country', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Cardholder Country')), ('card_number', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Cleansed by Pin API', max_length=100, null=True, verbose_name='Card Number')), ('card_type', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('master', 'Mastercard'), ('visa', 'Visa')], help_text='Determined automatically by Pin', max_length=20, null=True, verbose_name='Card Type')), ('pin_response_text', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='The full JSON response from the Pin API', null=True, verbose_name='Complete API Response')), ('customer_token', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Provided by Customer API', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='pinpayments.CustomerToken')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': ' Transaction', 'verbose_name_plural': ' Transactions', 'ordering': ['-date'], }, ), ]
import os from flask import Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_migrate import Migrate #SE CREA EL DIRECTORIO DE NUESTRO ARCHIVO PARA LA BASE DE DATOS directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) app = Flask(__name__) #SE CONFIGURA LA BASE DE DATOS Y SE ESTABLECE PARA CREAR EL ALRCHIVO .sqlite app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(directory, 'data.sqlite') #ESTEBLECEMOS QUE NO HABRÁ MODIFICACIONES EN NUESTRA BASE DE DATOS app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False #SE CREA LA BASE DE DATOS POR MEDIO DE UNA INSTANCIA DE LA CLASE SQLAlchemy CON PARAMETRO # NUESTRA APP dataBase = SQLAlchemy(app) #SE UTILIZA ESTE MÉTODO Migrate PARA QUE SE PUEDAN ENVIAR LAS ACTUALIZACIONES CORRESPONDIENTES DE LA TABLA # A LA BASE DE DATOS SIN NECESIDAD DE REHACERLA Migrate(app, dataBase) #SE CREA NUESTRA TABLA CON LOS DATOS QUE TENDRAN EN SUS COLUMNAS class Person(dataBase.Model): #SE ESTABLECE EL NOMBRE DE NUESTRA TABLA PERO NO ES NECESARIO YA #QUE EL NOMBRE ESTABLECIDO EN LA class SERÍA EL DE NUESTRA TABLA __tablename__ = 'Persons' id = dataBase.Column(dataBase.Integer, primary_key = True) name = dataBase.Column(dataBase.Text) age = dataBase.Column(dataBase.Integer) country = dataBase.Column(dataBase.Text) def __init__(self, name, age, country): = name self.age = age = country def __repr__(self): text = "Person: {} is {} from {}".format(, self.age, return text
import snakerf as srf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from math import inf, pi, log2 from scipy import signal # see m = 3 data = '{0:0{1:d}b}'.format(srf.gold_codes(m)[2], 2**m - 1) print(data) n = 1 f = 1234 f_bit = 9001 T_bit = 1/f_bit # t_max = len(data)*T_bit/n - T_bit/100 fs = 10e3 ns = 10000 t_max = ns/fs N = ns amp = 2*np.sqrt(2) freq = 1234.0 noise_power = 0.001 * fs / 2 time = np.arange(N) / fs # x = amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*time) x = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(noise_power), size=time.shape) f, Pxx_spec = signal.periodogram(x, fs, scaling='spectrum') plt.plot(f, srf.W2dBm(Pxx_spec/50)) df = (f[1] - f[0]) mean_noise = np.mean(srf.mag(Pxx_spec/df)) print(mean_noise) plt.axhline(srf.W2dBm(mean_noise * df/50), c = 'purple', ls = '-') V1 = srf.Signal(ns, t_max) # V1.update_Vt(amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*time)) V1.add_noise(noise = 0.001 /(4 * srf.kB * V1.Z0)) srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), V1.fs, V1.Pf) mean_noise = np.mean(srf.mag(V1.Pf * V1.Z0 / V1.df)) print(mean_noise) plt.axhline(srf.W2dBm(mean_noise * V1.df/V1.Z0), c = 'k', ls = '--') # srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), V1.ts, np.random.normal(0, 1, len(V1.ts)), time = True) # f_ref = [0, 4, 5, 8.3, 12] # log frequency # Fa_ref = [270, 150, 80, 0, 0] # Fa = 10*log10(T_noise/t0) # # T_noise = srf.undB(np.interp(np.log10(np.maximum(V1.fs,np.ones(len(V1.fs)))), f_ref, Fa_ref)) * srf.t0 # weird thing with ones to avoid log(0) # plt.plot(V1.fs, srf.W2dBm(srf.kB*T_noise)) # # plt.subplot(2,1,2) # plt.plot(V1.ts, V1.Vt) # V1.update_Vt(srf.V_psk(V1.ts, f, f_bit, data, -90, n = n)) # V2 = V1.copy() # # V1.add_noise(srf.NF2T_noise(6)) # V2.add_noise(srf.NF2T_noise(3)) # V2.add_noise(srf.NF2T_noise(3)) # V2.add_noise(srf.NF2T_noise(3)) # # V2.add_noise(srf.NF2T_noise(3)) # # srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), V1.fs, V1.Pf, c = 'blue') # srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), V2.fs, V2.Pf, c = 'orange') # # plt.axhline(srf.W2dBm(np.mean(srf.mag(V1.Pf))), ls = '--', c = 'blue') # plt.axhline(srf.W2dBm(np.mean(srf.mag(V2.Pf))), ls = '--', c = 'orange') # # # for i in range(len(data)): # plt.axvline(T_bit * i, ls = '--', c = 'black') # # plt.subplot(2,1,1) # # plt.plot(fs, srf.dB(srf.mag(srf.Pdiv(srf.R(R1, ws), srf.C(C1, ws))))) # # plt.axvline(srf.w2f(1/(R1*C1)), ls = '-', c = 'black') # # srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), t, v1, time = True) # # srf.plot_power_spectrum(plt.gca(), t, v2, time = True) # # plt.xlim(f-10*f_bit,f+10*f_bit) # plt.subplot(2,1,2) # # plt.plot(t, srf.Pf2Vt(v3f, len(t))) # plt.plot(t, srf.Pf2Vt(v1f, len(t))) # plt.plot(t, srf.Pf2Vt(v2f, len(t))) # for i in range(len(data)): # plt.axvline(T_bit * i, ls = '--', c = 'black') #
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import rospy import actionlib from control_msgs.msg import (FollowJointTrajectoryAction, FollowJointTrajectoryGoal, GripperCommandAction, GripperCommandGoal) from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPoint arm_joint_names = ["joint_1, joint_2, joint_3, joint_4, joint_5"] arm_intermediate_positions = [0.0, 0.9575, -0.2510, 0.8364, 0.0] # picking_arm arm_joint_positions = [0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.2, 0.0] # rest_arm if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("prepare_simulated_robot") rospy.loginfo("Waiting for arm_controller...") arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) arm_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("...connected.") rospy.loginfo("Waiting for gripper_controller...") gripper_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("gripper_controller/gripper_action", GripperCommandAction) gripper_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("...connected.") trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = arm_joint_names trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint()) trajectory.points[0].positions = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[0].velocities = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[0].accelerations = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0) trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint()) trajectory.points[1].positions = arm_intermediate_positions trajectory.points[1].velocities = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[1].accelerations = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[1].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(4.0) trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint()) trajectory.points[2].positions = arm_joint_positions trajectory.points[2].velocities = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[2].accelerations = [0.0] * len(arm_joint_positions) trajectory.points[2].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(7.5) arm_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() arm_goal.trajectory = trajectory arm_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(0.0) gripper_goal = GripperCommandGoal() gripper_goal.command.max_effort = 10.0 gripper_goal.command.position = 0.108 rospy.loginfo("Setting positions...") arm_client.send_goal(arm_goal) gripper_client.send_goal(gripper_goal) gripper_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(5.0)) arm_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(6.0)) rospy.loginfo("...done")
from . import commands from .task import BaseTask from .utils import echo from .worker import Worker
""" This module contains the structs necessary to represent an automata. """ from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Set, Tuple, Union from numlab.automata.state import State from numlab.automata.transition import Transition _ATMT_COUNT = 0 class Automata: """ An automata. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the automata. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the automata. states : Dict[str, State] The states of the automata. start_states : List[State] The start states of the automata. end_states : List[State] The end states of the automata. """ def __init__(self, name: str = None) -> None: if name is None: global _ATMT_COUNT name = f"atmt_{_ATMT_COUNT}" _ATMT_COUNT += 1 = name self.states: Dict[str, State] = {} self.start_states: List[State] = [] self.end_states: List[State] = [] self._pos = 0 self._input = None self._current_state: State = None self._processes: List[Tuple[State, int]] = [] self._processes_idx: int = 0 def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: if item in self.states: return self.states[item] raise AttributeError(f"No attribute {item}") @property def alphabet(self) -> Set[Tuple[Any, bool]]: """ Get the alphabet of the automata. Returns ------- List[Any] The alphabet of the automata. """ alphabet = set() for state in self.states.values(): for transition in state.transitions: if transition.is_epsilon: continue if isinstance(transition.condition, str): alphabet.add(transition.condition) else: alphabet.update(transition.condition) return alphabet def concatenate(self, other: Automata, set_single: bool = False) -> Automata: """ Concatenate the automata with another one. Parameters ---------- other : Automata The other automata. set_single : bool, optional Whether to set the automata to have a single start and end state when needed, by default False. Returns ------- Automata The concatenated automata. Raises ------ ValueError If the current automata has multiple end states and ``set_single`` is False. ValueError If the other automata has multiple start states and ``set_single`` is False. """ if len(self.end_states) != 1: if set_single: self.set_single_end() else: raise ValueError(f"Automata {} has multiple end states.") if len(other.start_states) != 1: if set_single: other.set_single_start() else: raise ValueError(f"Automata {} has multiple start states.") other = other.flat() other_first_state = other.start_state other_last_state = other.end_state self.end_state.merge(other_first_state) if other_last_state == other_first_state: other_last_state = self.end_state for state in other.states.values(): for trans in state.transitions: if trans.to_state is other_first_state: trans.to_state = self.end_state self.end_states = [other_last_state] return self @property def pos(self) -> int: """Position of the automata on the input""" return self._pos @property def start_state(self) -> State: """Get the start state of the automata.""" if len(self.start_states) == 1: return self.start_states[0] raise ValueError("The automata has multiple start states.") @property def end_state(self) -> State: """Get the end state of the automata.""" if len(self.end_states) == 1: return self.end_states[0] raise ValueError("The automata has multiple end states.") def add_state( self, state: Union[str, State] = None, start: bool = False, end: bool = False, name: str = None, ) -> State: """ Add a state to the automata. Parameters ---------- state : Union[str, State] The name of the state to add or the state itself. start : bool Whether the state is a start state. end : bool Whether the state is an end state. Returns ------- State The added state. """ if state is None: state = State(f"q{len(self.states)}") if isinstance(state, str): if state in self.states: raise ValueError(f"State {state} already exists.") state = State(state) state.automata = self name = name if name is not None else self.states[name] = state if start: self.start_states.append(state) if end: self.end_states.append(state) return state def add_transition( self, from_state: Union[str, State], to_state: Union[str, State], condition: Any = None, action: int = None, negated: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Add a transition to the automata. Parameters ---------- from_state : Union[str, State] The state from which the transition starts. to_state : Union[str, State] The state to which the transition goes. condition : Any The condition under which the transition is taken. action : int The action to perform when the transition is taken. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the states does not exist. """ if isinstance(from_state, str): from_state = self.states.get(from_state, None) if from_state is None: raise ValueError(f"No state {from_state} defined.") if isinstance(to_state, str): to_state = self.states.get(to_state, None) if to_state is None: raise ValueError(f"No state {to_state} defined.") if action is None: action = 0 if condition is None else 1 transition = Transition(from_state, to_state, condition, action, negated) from_state.transitions.append(transition) return transition def set_single_start(self) -> State: """ Set the automata to have a single start state. Returns ------- State The start state. """ if len(self.start_states) == 1: return self.start_states[0] start_st = self.add_state(f"_start_{}") for state in self.start_states: self.add_transition(start_st, state) self.start_states = [start_st] return start_st def set_single_end(self) -> State: """ Set the automata to have a single end state. Returns ------- State The end state. """ if len(self.end_states) == 1: return self.end_states[0] end_st = self.add_state(f"_end_{}") for state in self.end_states: self.add_transition(state, end_st) self.end_states = [end_st] return end_st def set_single_start_end(self) -> Tuple[State, State]: """ Set the automata to have a single start and end state. Returns ------- Tuple[State, State] The start and end state. """ start_st = self.set_single_start() end_st = self.set_single_end() return start_st, end_st def flat(self) -> Automata: """ Flatten the automata. Returns ------- Automata The flattened automata. """ flat = Automata( count = 0 visited_states = [] non_visited_states = self.start_states while non_visited_states: new_non_visited_states = [] for state in non_visited_states: flat.add_state( state, state in self.start_states, state in self.end_states, name=f"q{count}", ) = f"q{count}" count += 1 visited_states.append(state) for transition in state.transitions: to_state = transition.to_state if ( to_state not in visited_states and to_state not in new_non_visited_states and to_state not in non_visited_states ): new_non_visited_states.append(transition.to_state) non_visited_states = new_non_visited_states return flat def show(self) -> None: """ Show the automata. """ # Inverse name states dict inv_states = {v: k for k, v in self.states.items()} for name, state in self.states.items(): print(name, f"Final: {state in self.end_states}") for transition in state.transitions: neg = "^" if transition.negated else "" print( f" ({neg}{transition.str_cond}) " f"-> {inv_states[transition.to_state]}" ) def _eps_closure_single(self, state: Union[str, State]) -> Set[State]: """ Compute the epsilon closure of a single state. Parameters ---------- state : Union[str, State] The state to compute the epsilon closure of. Returns ------- Set[State] The epsilon closure of the state. Raises ------ ValueError If the state does not exist. """ if isinstance(state, str): if state not in self.states: raise ValueError(f"No state {state} defined.") state = self.states[state] visited = set() non_vsited = [state] while non_vsited: new_non_vsited = [] for current_state in non_vsited: visited.add(current_state) for transition in current_state.transitions: if transition.is_epsilon: to_st = transition.to_state if ( to_st not in visited and to_st not in new_non_vsited and to_st not in non_vsited ): new_non_vsited.append(to_st) non_vsited = new_non_vsited return visited def eps_closure( self, state: Union[str, State, Iterable[str], Iterable[State]] ) -> Set[State]: """ Compute the epsilon closure of a state or a set of states. Parameters ---------- state : Union[str, State, Iterable[str], Iterable[State]] The state or a list of states. Returns ------- Set[State] The epsilon closure of the state or a set of states. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the states does not exist. """ if isinstance(state, (str, State)): return self._eps_closure_single(state) whole_closure = set() for current_state in state: whole_closure.update(self._eps_closure_single(current_state)) return whole_closure def _goto_single(self, state: Union[str, State], symbol: str) -> Set[State]: """ Compute the goto of a single state. Parameters ---------- state : Union[str, State] The state to compute the goto of. symbol : str The symbol to compute the goto of. Returns ------- Set[State] The goto of the state. Raises ------ ValueError If the state does not exist. """ if isinstance(state, str): if state not in self.states: raise ValueError(f"No state {state} defined.") state = self.states[state] answer = set() st_esp_closure = self.eps_closure(state) for current_state in st_esp_closure: for transition in current_state.transitions: if not transition.is_epsilon and transition.check_condition(symbol): answer.add(transition.to_state) return answer def goto( self, state: Union[str, State, Iterable[str], Iterable[State]], symbol: str ) -> Set[State]: """ Compute the goto of a state or a set of states. Parameters ---------- state : Union[str, State, Iterable[str], Iterable[State]] The state or a list of states. symbol : str The symbol to compute the goto of. Returns ------- Set[State] The goto of the state or a set of states. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the states does not exist. """ if isinstance(state, (str, State)): return self._goto_single(state, symbol) whole_goto = set() for current_state in state: whole_goto.update(self._goto_single(current_state, symbol)) return whole_goto def to_dfa(self, dfa2nfa: bool = False) -> Union[Automata, Tuple[Automata, Dict]]: """ Convert the automata to a DFA. Parameters ---------- dfa2nfa : bool If True, the return value will be a tuple of the DFA and the dfa2nfa dictionary, otherwise only the DFA will be returned. By default, False. Returns ------- Union[Automata, Tuple[Automata, Dict]] The DFA. """ get_name = lambda states: "".join(sorted( for x in states)) alphabet = self.alphabet dfa = Automata( start_state = self.eps_closure(self.start_states) start_name = get_name(start_state) q_0 = dfa.add_state(start_name, start=True, end=start_state in self.end_states) dfa_to_nfa = {q_0: start_state} visited = set() non_visited = [q_0] while non_visited: new_non_visited = [] for current_state in non_visited: if current_state in visited: continue visited.add(current_state) for char in alphabet: goto_states = self.goto(dfa_to_nfa[current_state], char) if not goto_states: continue next_state = self.eps_closure(goto_states) next_name = get_name(next_state) if next_name not in dfa.states: dfa_state = dfa.add_state( next_name, end=any(s in self.end_states for s in next_state), ) dfa_to_nfa[dfa_state] = next_state new_non_visited.append(dfa_state) else: dfa_state = dfa.states[next_name] dfa.add_transition(, next_name, char) if next_state not in new_non_visited and next_state not in visited: new_non_visited.append(dfa_state) non_visited = new_non_visited return dfa if not dfa2nfa else (dfa, dfa_to_nfa) def run( self, input_: Iterable, stop_at_end: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Run the automata on the given input. Parameters ---------- input_ : Iterable The input to run the automata on. stop_at_end : bool Whether to stop the automata at the first end state encountered. success_at_full_input : bool Whether to consider the automata successful if the input is fully consumed. Returns ------- bool Whether the automata succeeded. Raises ------ ValueError If the automata has no start state. """ if not self.start_states: raise ValueError("No start states defined.") self._pos = 0 self._processes_idx = 0 self._input = input_ self._processes = [(st, self._pos) for st in self.start_states] while self._processes: stop = self._step() if self._current_state in self.end_states: if stop_at_end: return True if stop: break else: return False logging.debug(f"Final {self._processes_idx} {self._processes}") return self._current_state in self.end_states def _step(self): self._current_state, self._pos = self._processes[self._processes_idx] self._current_state.visited() if self._pos > len(self._input): self._processes.pop(self._processes_idx) return False new_processes = 0 logging.debug(f"{self._processes_idx} {self._processes}") for transition in self._current_state.transitions: if transition.is_epsilon or ( 0 <= self._pos < len(self._input) and transition.check_condition(self._input[self._pos]) ): run_state = (transition.to_state, self._pos + transition.action) if new_processes == 0: self._processes[self._processes_idx] = run_state else: self._processes.append(run_state) new_processes += 1 if not new_processes: self._processes.pop(self._processes_idx) if self._processes: self._processes_idx = (self._processes_idx + 1) % len(self._processes) if self._pos >= len(self._input) or self._pos < 0: return self._current_state in self.end_states return False
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # Tiago de Freitas Pereira <[email protected]> # Tranformers based on tensorflow import os import pkg_resources from bob.learn.tensorflow.utils.image import to_channels_last from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator from import get_file from sklearn.utils import check_array import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from import ( dnn_default_cropping, embedding_transformer, cropped_positions_arcface, ) from import ( Distance, VanillaBiometricsPipeline, ) from import BobIpMTCNN def sanderberg_rescaling(): # FIXED_STANDARDIZATION from # [-0.99609375, 0.99609375] preprocessor = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Rescaling( scale=1 / 128, offset=-127.5 / 128 ) return preprocessor class TensorflowTransformer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Base Transformer for Tensorflow architectures. Parameters ---------- checkpoint_path: str Path containing the checkpoint preprocessor: A function that will transform the data right before forward memory_demanding bool If `True`, the `transform` method will run one sample at the time. This is useful when there is not enough memory available to forward big chucks of data. """ def __init__( self, checkpoint_path, preprocessor=None, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path self.model = None self.preprocessor = preprocessor self.memory_demanding = memory_demanding def load_model(self): self.model = tf.keras.models.load_model(self.checkpoint_path, compile=False) def transform(self, X): def _transform(X): X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X) X = to_channels_last(X) if X.shape[-3:] != self.model.input_shape[-3:]: raise ValueError( f"Image shape {X.shape} not supported. Expected {self.model.input_shape}" ) return self.inference(X).numpy() if self.model is None: self.load_model() X = check_array(X, allow_nd=True) if self.memory_demanding: features = np.array([_transform(x[None, ...]) for x in X]) # If we ndim is > than 3. We should stack them all # The enroll_features can come from a source where there are `N` samples containing # nxd samples if features.ndim >= 3: features = np.vstack(features) return features else: return _transform(X) def __getstate__(self): # Handling unpicklable objects d = self.__dict__.copy() d["model"] = None return d def inference(self, X): if self.preprocessor is not None: X = self.preprocessor(tf.cast(X, "float32")) prelogits = self.model.predict_on_batch(X) embeddings = tf.math.l2_normalize(prelogits, axis=-1) return embeddings def _more_tags(self): return {"stateless": True, "requires_fit": False} def __del__(self): self.model = None class InceptionResnetv2_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018(TensorflowTransformer): """ InceptionResnet v2 model trained in 2018 using the MSCeleb dataset in the context of the work: Freitas Pereira, Tiago, André Anjos, and Sébastien Marcel. "Heterogeneous face recognition using domain specific units." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14.7 (2018): 1803-1816. """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "inceptionresnetv2_msceleb_centerloss_2018.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/inceptionresnetv2_msceleb_centerloss_2018", file_hash="7c0aa46bba16c01768a38594a3b4c14d", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(InceptionResnetv2_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=tf.image.per_image_standardization, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class InceptionResnetv2_Casia_CenterLoss_2018(TensorflowTransformer): """ InceptionResnet v2 model trained in 2018 using the CasiaWebFace dataset in the context of the work: Freitas Pereira, Tiago, André Anjos, and Sébastien Marcel. "Heterogeneous face recognition using domain specific units." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14.7 (2018): 1803-1816. """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "inceptionresnetv2_casia_centerloss_2018.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/inceptionresnetv2_casia_centerloss_2018", file_hash="1e0b62e45430a8d7516d7a6101a24c40", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(InceptionResnetv2_Casia_CenterLoss_2018, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=tf.image.per_image_standardization, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class InceptionResnetv1_Casia_CenterLoss_2018(TensorflowTransformer): """ InceptionResnet v1 model trained in 2018 using the CasiaWebFace dataset in the context of the work: Freitas Pereira, Tiago, André Anjos, and Sébastien Marcel. "Heterogeneous face recognition using domain specific units." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14.7 (2018): 1803-1816. """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "inceptionresnetv1_casia_centerloss_2018.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/inceptionresnetv1_casia_centerloss_2018", file_hash="6601e6f6840ae863c7daf31a7c6b9a27", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(InceptionResnetv1_Casia_CenterLoss_2018, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=tf.image.per_image_standardization, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class InceptionResnetv1_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018(TensorflowTransformer): """ InceptionResnet v1 model trained in 2018 using the MsCeleb dataset in the context of the work: Freitas Pereira, Tiago, André Anjos, and Sébastien Marcel. "Heterogeneous face recognition using domain specific units." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14.7 (2018): 1803-1816. """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "inceptionresnetv1_msceleb_centerloss_2018.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/inceptionresnetv1_msceleb_centerloss_2018", file_hash="1ca0149619e4e9320a927ea65b2b5521", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(InceptionResnetv1_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=tf.image.per_image_standardization, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class FaceNetSanderberg_20170512_110547(TensorflowTransformer): """ Wrapper for the free FaceNet from David Sanderberg model 20170512_110547: And for a preprocessor you can use:: from import FaceCrop # This is the size of the image that this model expects CROPPED_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 160 CROPPED_IMAGE_WIDTH = 160 # eye positions for frontal images RIGHT_EYE_POS = (46, 53) LEFT_EYE_POS = (46, 107) # Crops the face using eye annotations preprocessor = FaceCrop( cropped_image_size=(CROPPED_IMAGE_HEIGHT, CROPPED_IMAGE_WIDTH), cropped_positions={'leye': LEFT_EYE_POS, 'reye': RIGHT_EYE_POS}, color_channel='rgb' ) """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "" ] filename = get_file( "facenet_sanderberg_20170512_110547.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/facenet_sanderberg_20170512_110547", file_hash="734d1c997c10acdcdffc79fb51a2e715", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(FaceNetSanderberg_20170512_110547, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, tf.image.per_image_standardization, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021(TensorflowTransformer): """ Resnet50 Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The configuration file used to trained is: .. warning:: This configuration file might change in future releases ```yaml batch-size: 128 face-size: 112 face-output_size: 112 n-classes: 85742 ## Backbone backbone: 'resnet50' head: 'arcface' s: 10 bottleneck: 512 m: 0.5 # Training parameters solver: "sgd" lr: 0.1 dropout-rate: 0.5 epochs: 500 train-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" validation-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" ``` """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "resnet50-msceleb-arcface_2021-48ec5cb8.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/resnet50-msceleb-arcface_2021-48ec5cb8", file_hash="17946f121af5ddd18c637c4620e54da6", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521(TensorflowTransformer): """ Resnet50 Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The difference from this one to :any:`Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021` is the MSCeleb version used to train it. This one uses 100% of the data pruned from annotators. The configuration file used to trained is: .. warning:: This configuration file might change in future releases ```yaml batch-size: 128 face-size: 112 face-output_size: 112 n-classes: 83009 ## Backbone backbone: 'resnet50' head: 'arcface' s: 30 bottleneck: 512 m: 0.5 # Training parameters solver: "sgd" lr: 0.1 dropout-rate: 0.5 epochs: 300 train-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" validation-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" ``` """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "resnet50-msceleb-arcface_20210521-e9bc085c.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/resnet50-msceleb-arcface_20210521-801991f0", file_hash="e33090eea4951ce80be4620a0dac680d", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class Resnet101_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521(TensorflowTransformer): """ Resnet101 Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The difference from this one to :any:`Resnet101_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021` is the MSCeleb version used to train it. This one uses 100% of the data pruned from annotators. The configuration file used to trained is: .. warning:: This configuration file might change in future releases ```yaml batch-size: 128 face-size: 112 face-output_size: 112 n-classes: 83009 ## Backbone backbone: 'resnet50' head: 'arcface' s: 30 bottleneck: 512 m: 0.5 # Training parameters solver: "sgd" lr: 0.1 dropout-rate: 0.5 epochs: 300 train-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" validation-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" ``` """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "resnet101-msceleb-arcface_20210521.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/resnet101-msceleb-arcface_20210521", file_hash="c1b2124cb69186ff965f7e818f9f8641", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(Resnet101_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class IResnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623(TensorflowTransformer): """ IResnet50 Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The complete code to reproduce this model is in the (private) repository: bob.project.hardening/-/commit/9ac25c0a17c9628b7a99e84217cd7c680f1a3e1e but you can reproduce it using ``cnn_training/`` script and the following configuration:: CONFIG = { "n-workers": 8, "batch-size": 256, "n-train-samples-per-epoch": 256_000 * 1, "real-n-train-samples": 985702, "shuffle-buffer": int(1e6), "face-size": 126, "face-output_size": 112, "n-classes": 83009, "backbone": "resnet50_large_batch", "use-l2-regularizer": False, "batch-norm-decay": 0.9, "batch-norm-epsilon": 1e-5, "head": "arcface", "s": 30, "bottleneck": 512, "m": 0.5, "dropout-rate": 0.0, "learning-rate-schedule": "none", "train-tf-record-path": "/face-tfrecords/126x126/msceleb_facecrop/*.tfrecords", "validation-tf-record-path": "/face-tfrecords/126x126/lfw_sharded/*.tfrecords", "checkpoint-path": "/temp/hardening/arcface_sgd_prelu/w8_b1000_fp16_drp0", "pre-train": False, "epochs": 6000, } strategy_fn = "multi-worker-mirrored-strategy" mixed_precision_policy = "mixed_float16" initial_lr = 0.1 / 512 * CONFIG["batch-size"] * CONFIG["n-workers"] real_n_steps_per_epoch = CONFIG["real-n-train-samples"] / (CONFIG["batch-size"] * CONFIG["n-workers"]) params = { "optimizer": { "type": "sgdw", "sgdw": { "momentum": min(0.9 * initial_lr, 0.999), "nesterov": False, "weight_decay": 5e-4, }, }, "learning_rate": { "type": "stepwise", "stepwise": { "boundaries": [int(i * real_n_steps_per_epoch) for i in [11, 17, 22]], "values": [initial_lr / (10 ** i) for i in range(0, 4)], }, }, } The tensorboard logs can be found in: The model at epoch 90 is used. """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "arcface_iresnet50_msceleb_idiap-089640d2.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/arcface_iresnet50_msceleb_idiap-089640d2", file_hash="089640d2", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super().__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) class IResnet100_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623(TensorflowTransformer): """ IResnet100 Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The complete code to reproduce this model is in the (private) repository: bob.project.hardening/-/commit/b162ca60d26fcf8a93f6767f5b5a026a406c1076 but you can reproduce it using ``cnn_training/`` script and the following configuration:: CONFIG = { "n-workers": 8, "batch-size": 128, "n-train-samples-per-epoch": 256_000 * 1, "real-n-train-samples": 985702, "shuffle-buffer": int(1e5), "face-size": 126, "face-output_size": 112, "n-classes": 83009, "backbone": "iresnet100", "use-l2-regularizer": False, "batch-norm-decay": 0.9, "batch-norm-epsilon": 1e-5, "head": "arcface", "s": 30, "bottleneck": 512, "m": 0.5, "dropout-rate": 0.0, "learning-rate-schedule": "none", "train-tf-record-path": "/face-tfrecords/126x126/msceleb_facecrop/*.tfrecords", "validation-tf-record-path": "/face-tfrecords/126x126/lfw_sharded/*.tfrecords", "checkpoint-path": "/temp/hardening/arcface_sgd_prelu/i100_w8_b128_fp16_drp0", "pre-train": False, "epochs": 6000, } strategy_fn = "multi-worker-mirrored-strategy" mixed_precision_policy = "mixed_float16" initial_lr = 0.1 / 512 * CONFIG["batch-size"] * CONFIG["n-workers"] real_n_steps_per_epoch = CONFIG["real-n-train-samples"] / (CONFIG["batch-size"] * CONFIG["n-workers"]) params = { "optimizer": { "type": "sgdw", "sgdw": { "momentum": min(0.9 * initial_lr, 0.999), "nesterov": False, "weight_decay": 5e-4, }, }, "learning_rate": { # with ReduceLROnPlateau callback "type": "constant", "constant": { "learning_rate": initial_lr, } }, } The tensorboard logs can be found in: The model is saved based on best ``epoch_embeddings_embedding_accuracy``, epoch 51 """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "arcface_iresnet100_msceleb_idiap-1b22d544.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/arcface_iresnet100_msceleb_idiap-1b22d544", file_hash="1b22d544", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super().__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, ) class Resnet50_VGG2_ArcFace_2021(TensorflowTransformer): """ Resnet50 Backbone trained with the VGG2 database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The configuration file used to trained is: .. warning:: This configuration file might change in future releases ```yaml batch-size: 128 face-size: 112 face-output_size: 112 n-classes: 8631 ## Backbone backbone: 'resnet50' head: 'arcface' s: 64 bottleneck: 512 m: 0.5 # Training parameters solver: "sgd" lr: 0.1 dropout-rate: 0.5 epochs: 1047 train-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" validation-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" ``` """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "resnet50_vgg2_arcface_2021.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/resnet50_vgg2_arcface_2021", file_hash="64f89c8cb55e7a0d9c7e13ff412b6a13", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(Resnet50_VGG2_ArcFace_2021, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) def inference(self, X): if self.preprocessor is not None: X = self.preprocessor(tf.cast(X, "float32")) prelogits = self.model.predict_on_batch(X) embeddings = tf.math.l2_normalize(prelogits, axis=-1) return embeddings class MobileNetv2_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021(TensorflowTransformer): """ MobileNet Backbone trained with the MSCeleb 1M database. The bottleneck layer (a.k.a embedding) has 512d. The configuration file used to trained is: .. warning:: This configuration file might change in future releases ```yaml batch-size: 128 face-size: 112 face-output_size: 112 n-classes: 85742 ## Backbone backbone: 'mobilenet-v2' head: 'arcface' s: 10 bottleneck: 512 m: 0.5 # Training parameters solver: "sgd" lr: 0.01 dropout-rate: 0.5 epochs: 500 train-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" validation-tf-record-path: "<PATH>" ``` """ def __init__(self, memory_demanding=False, **kwargs): urls = [ "", "", ] filename = get_file( "mobilenet-v2-msceleb-arcface-2021-e012cb66.tar.gz", urls, cache_subdir="data/tensorflow/mobilenet-v2-msceleb-arcface-2021-e012cb66", file_hash="dd1399b86f01725c7b07b480b703e02a", extract=True, ) checkpoint_path = os.path.dirname(filename) super(MobileNetv2_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021, self).__init__( checkpoint_path, preprocessor=lambda X: X / 255.0, memory_demanding=memory_demanding, **kwargs, ) def facenet_template(embedding, annotation_type, fixed_positions=None): """ Facenet baseline template. This one will crop the face at :math:`160 \\times 160` Parameters ---------- embedding: obj Transformer that takes a cropped face and extract the embeddings annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image """ # DEFINE CROPPING cropped_image_size = (160, 160) if annotation_type == "eyes-center" or annotation_type == "bounding-box": # Hard coding eye positions for backward consistency # cropped_positions = { cropped_positions = dnn_default_cropping( cropped_image_size, annotation_type="eyes-center" ) if annotation_type == "bounding-box": # This will allow us to use `BoundingBoxAnnotatorCrop` cropped_positions.update( {"topleft": (0, 0), "bottomright": cropped_image_size} ) else: cropped_positions = dnn_default_cropping(cropped_image_size, annotation_type) annotator = BobIpMTCNN(min_size=40, factor=0.709, thresholds=(0.1, 0.2, 0.2)) # ASSEMBLE TRANSFORMER transformer = embedding_transformer( cropped_image_size=cropped_image_size, embedding=embedding, cropped_positions=cropped_positions, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, color_channel="rgb", annotator=annotator, ) algorithm = Distance() return VanillaBiometricsPipeline(transformer, algorithm) def resnet_template(embedding, annotation_type, fixed_positions=None): # DEFINE CROPPING # cropped_image_size = (112, 112) # if annotation_type == "eyes-center": # # Hard coding eye positions for backward consistency # cropped_positions = cropped_positions_arcface() # else: # cropped_positions = dnn_default_cropping(cropped_image_size, annotation_type) # DEFINE CROPPING cropped_image_size = (112, 112) if annotation_type == "eyes-center" or annotation_type == "bounding-box": # Hard coding eye positions for backward consistency # cropped_positions = { cropped_positions = cropped_positions_arcface() if annotation_type == "bounding-box": # This will allow us to use `BoundingBoxAnnotatorCrop` cropped_positions.update( {"topleft": (0, 0), "bottomright": cropped_image_size} ) else: cropped_positions = dnn_default_cropping(cropped_image_size, annotation_type) annotator = BobIpMTCNN(min_size=40, factor=0.709, thresholds=(0.1, 0.2, 0.2)) transformer = embedding_transformer( cropped_image_size=cropped_image_size, embedding=embedding, cropped_positions=cropped_positions, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, color_channel="rgb", annotator="mtcnn", ) algorithm = Distance() return VanillaBiometricsPipeline(transformer, algorithm) def resnet50_msceleb_arcface_2021( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Resnet50 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def resnet50_msceleb_arcface_20210521( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Resnet50 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def resnet101_msceleb_arcface_20210521( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Resnet50 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`Resnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=Resnet101_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210521(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def iresnet50_msceleb_arcface_20210623( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the iresnet50 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`IResnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=IResnet50_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def iresnet100_msceleb_arcface_20210623( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the iresnet100 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`IResnet100_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=IResnet100_MsCeleb_ArcFace_20210623( memory_demanding=memory_demanding ), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def resnet50_vgg2_arcface_2021( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Resnet50 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`Resnet50_VGG2_ArcFace_2021` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=Resnet50_VGG2_ArcFace_2021(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def mobilenetv2_msceleb_arcface_2021( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the MobileNet pipeline which will crop the face :math:`112 \\times 112` and use the :py:class:`MobileNetv2_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return resnet_template( embedding=MobileNetv2_MsCeleb_ArcFace_2021(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def facenet_sanderberg_20170512_110547( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Facenet pipeline which will crop the face :math:`160 \\times 160` and use the :py:class:`FaceNetSanderberg_20170512_110547` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return facenet_template( embedding=FaceNetSanderberg_20170512_110547(memory_demanding=memory_demanding), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def inception_resnet_v1_casia_centerloss_2018( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Inception Resnet v1 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`160 \\times 160` and use the :py:class:`InceptionResnetv1_Casia_CenterLoss_2018` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return facenet_template( embedding=InceptionResnetv1_Casia_CenterLoss_2018( memory_demanding=memory_demanding ), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def inception_resnet_v2_casia_centerloss_2018( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Inception Resnet v2 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`160 \\times 160` and use the :py:class:`InceptionResnetv2_Casia_CenterLoss_2018` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return facenet_template( embedding=InceptionResnetv2_Casia_CenterLoss_2018( memory_demanding=memory_demanding ), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def inception_resnet_v1_msceleb_centerloss_2018( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Inception Resnet v1 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`160 \\times 160` and use the :py:class:`InceptionResnetv1_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return facenet_template( embedding=InceptionResnetv1_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018( memory_demanding=memory_demanding ), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, ) def inception_resnet_v2_msceleb_centerloss_2018( annotation_type, fixed_positions=None, memory_demanding=False ): """ Get the Inception Resnet v2 pipeline which will crop the face :math:`160 \\times 160` and use the :py:class:`InceptionResnetv2_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018` to extract the features Parameters ---------- annotation_type: str Type of the annotations (e.g. `eyes-center') fixed_positions: dict Set it if in your face images are registered to a fixed position in the image memory_demanding: bool """ return facenet_template( embedding=InceptionResnetv2_MsCeleb_CenterLoss_2018( memory_demanding=memory_demanding ), annotation_type=annotation_type, fixed_positions=fixed_positions, )
from .average_meter import AverageMeter from .early_stopping import EarlyStopping
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2014 Nervana Systems Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Simple multi-layer perceptron model. """ import logging from neon.backends.backend import Block from neon.models.model import Model from neon.util.param import opt_param, req_param logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MLP(Model): """ Fully connected, feed-forward, multi-layer perceptron model """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.initialized = False self.__dict__.update(kwargs) req_param(self, ['layers', 'batch_size']) opt_param(self, ['step_print'], -1) opt_param(self, ['accumulate'], False) opt_param(self, ['reuse_deltas'], True) opt_param(self, ['timing_plots'], False) opt_param(self, ['serialize_schedule']) def link(self, initlayer=None): for ll, pl in zip(self.layers, [initlayer] + self.layers[:-1]): ll.set_previous_layer(pl) self.print_layers() def initialize(self, backend, initlayer=None): self.data_layer = self.layers[0] self.cost_layer = self.layers[-1] self.class_layer = self.layers[-2] if not hasattr(self.cost_layer, 'ref_layer'): self.cost_layer.ref_layer = self.data_layer if self.initialized: return self.backend = backend kwargs = {"backend": self.backend, "batch_size": self.batch_size, "accumulate": self.accumulate} for ll, pl in zip(self.layers, [initlayer] + self.layers[:-1]): ll.initialize(kwargs) self.nin_max = max(map(lambda x: x.nin, self.layers[1:-1])) self.global_deltas = None if self.reuse_deltas: self.global_deltas = backend.zeros( (2 * self.nin_max, self.batch_size), dtype=self.layers[1].deltas_dtype) = "delta_pool" for idx, ll in enumerate(self.layers[1:-1]): ll.set_deltas_buf(self.global_deltas, offset=((idx % 2) * self.nin_max)) self.initialized = True # Make some scratch space for NervanaGPU backend: if self.backend.__module__ == 'neon.backends.gpu': self.backend.init_mempool((1, self.batch_size), dtype=self.layers[1].deltas_dtype) def fprop(self): for ll, pl in zip(self.layers, [None] + self.layers[:-1]): y = None if pl is None else pl.output ll.fprop(y) def bprop(self): for ll, nl in zip(reversed(self.layers), reversed(self.layers[1:] + [None])): error = None if nl is None else nl.deltas ll.bprop(error) def print_layers(self, debug=False): printfunc = logger.debug if debug else netdesc = 'Layers:\n' for layer in self.layers: netdesc += '\t' + str(layer) + '\n' printfunc("%s", netdesc) def update(self, epoch): for layer in self.layers: layer.update(epoch) def get_classifier_output(self): return self.class_layer.output def print_training_error(self, error, num_batches, partial=False): rederr = self.backend.reduce_tensor(error) if self.backend.rank() != 0: return if partial is True: assert self.step_print != 0'%d:%d training error: %0.5f', self.epochs_complete, num_batches / self.step_print, rederr) else: errorval = rederr / num_batches'epoch: %d, training error: %0.5f', self.epochs_complete, errorval) def print_test_error(self, setname, misclass, nrecs): redmisclass = self.backend.reduce_tensor(misclass) if self.backend.rank() != 0: return misclassval = redmisclass / nrecs"%s set misclass rate: %0.5f%%", setname, 100. * misclassval) def fit(self, dataset): """ Learn model weights on the given datasets. """ error = self.backend.zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.cost_layer.weight_dtype) self.data_layer.init_dataset(dataset) self.data_layer.use_set('train')'commencing model fitting') while self.epochs_complete < self.num_epochs: self.backend.begin(Block.epoch, self.epochs_complete) error.fill(0.0) mb_id = 1 self.data_layer.reset_counter() while self.data_layer.has_more_data(): self.backend.begin(Block.minibatch, mb_id) self.backend.begin(Block.fprop, mb_id) self.fprop() self.backend.end(Block.fprop, mb_id) self.backend.begin(Block.bprop, mb_id) self.bprop() self.backend.end(Block.bprop, mb_id) self.backend.begin(Block.update, mb_id) self.update(self.epochs_complete) self.backend.end(Block.update, mb_id) if self.step_print > 0 and mb_id % self.step_print == 0: self.print_training_error(self.cost_layer.get_cost(), mb_id, partial=True) self.backend.add(error, self.cost_layer.get_cost(), error) self.backend.end(Block.minibatch, mb_id) mb_id += 1 self.epochs_complete += 1 self.print_training_error(error, self.data_layer.num_batches) self.print_layers(debug=True) self.backend.end(Block.epoch, self.epochs_complete - 1) self.save_snapshot() self.data_layer.cleanup() def set_train_mode(self, mode): for ll in self.layers: ll.set_train_mode(mode) def predict_generator(self, dataset, setname): """ Generate predicitons and true labels for the given dataset, one mini-batch at a time. Agruments: dataset: A neon dataset instance setname: Which set to compute predictions for (test, train, val) Returns: tuple: on each call will yield a 2-tuple of outputs and references. The first item is the model probabilities for each class, and the second item is either the one-hot or raw labels with ground truth. See Also: predict_fullset """ self.data_layer.init_dataset(dataset) assert self.data_layer.has_set(setname) self.data_layer.use_set(setname, predict=True) self.data_layer.reset_counter() nrecs = self.batch_size * 1 outputs = self.backend.empty((self.class_layer.nout, nrecs)) if self.data_layer.has_labels: reference = self.backend.empty((1, nrecs)) else: reference = self.backend.empty(outputs.shape) while self.data_layer.has_more_data(): self.fprop() outputs = self.get_classifier_output() reference = self.cost_layer.get_reference() yield (outputs, reference) self.data_layer.cleanup() def predict_fullset(self, dataset, setname): """ Generate predicitons and true labels for the given dataset. Note that this requires enough memory to house the predictions and labels for the entire dataset at one time (not recommended for large datasets, see predict_generator instead). Agruments: dataset: A neon dataset instance setname: Which set to compute predictions for (test, train, val) Returns: tuple: on each call will yield a 2-tuple of outputs and references. The first item is the model probabilities for each class, and the second item is either the one-hot or raw labels with ground truth. See Also: predict_generator """ self.data_layer.init_dataset(dataset) assert self.data_layer.has_set(setname) self.data_layer.use_set(setname, predict=True) nrecs = self.batch_size * self.data_layer.num_batches outputs = self.backend.empty((self.class_layer.nout, nrecs)) if self.data_layer.has_labels: reference = self.backend.empty((1, nrecs)) else: reference = self.backend.empty(outputs.shape) batch = 0 for batch_preds, batch_refs in self.predict_generator(dataset, setname): start = batch * self.batch_size end = start + self.batch_size outputs[:, start:end] = batch_preds reference[:, start:end] = batch_refs batch += 1 return outputs, reference def predict_live_init(self, dataset): self.data_layer.init_dataset(dataset) for ll in self.layers: ll.set_train_mode(False) def predict_live(self): self.fprop() return self.get_classifier_output()
import numpy as np from import Problem, Case, Matter class TrimBackground: """pick first matter and trim background""" def __init__(self): pass @classmethod def array(cls, x_arr, background=0): """ :param x_arr: np.array(int), array to trim :param background: int, must be one of 0-9 :return: List[np.array(] """ x_sum = (x_arr != background).sum(axis=1) y_sum = (x_arr != background).sum(axis=0) if x_sum.sum() == 0: return x_arr.copy(), (0, 0) min_x = min([i for i in range(x_arr.shape[0]) if x_sum[i]]) max_x = max([i for i in range(x_arr.shape[0]) if x_sum[i]]) min_y = min([i for i in range(x_arr.shape[1]) if y_sum[i]]) max_y = max([i for i in range(x_arr.shape[1]) if y_sum[i]]) new_values = x_arr[min_x:max_x + 1, min_y:max_y + 1].copy() return new_values, (0, 0) @classmethod def matter(cls, m: Matter) -> Matter: new_values, xy0 = cls.array(m.values, m.background_color) return Matter(new_values, 0, 0, m.background_color, new=True) @classmethod def case(cls, c: Case) -> Case: new_case = c.copy() new_case.matter_list = [cls.matter(c.matter_list[0])] new_case.shape = new_case.matter_list[0].shape return new_case @classmethod def problem(cls, p: Problem) -> Problem: q: Problem = p.copy() q.train_x_list = [ for c in p.train_x_list] q.test_x_list = [ for c in p.test_x_list] return q if __name__ == "__main__": x = np.array([[3, 2, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) print(TrimBackground.array(x))
from .sector import Sector from github import Github import re import numpy as np class Repository(Sector): def __init__(self, currency, github_api, github_url, **kwargs): super(Repository, self).__init__(currency, **kwargs) self.type = 'repository' self.github_url = self.sanitize_url(github_url) self.github_api = github_api self.generate_repository_data() def sanitize_url(self, github_url_raw): github_url = re.sub('', '', github_url_raw) github_url_list = github_url.split('/') github_string = "/".join(github_url_list[:2]) return github_string def generate_repository_data(self): github_object = Github(self.github_api) repo = github_object.get_repo(self.github_url) contributors = repo.get_contributors() stats_contributors = repo.get_stats_contributors() contributor_list = [ for contributor in stats_contributors] = np.array(contributor_list)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations from import call_command fixture = 'licences' def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor): call_command('loaddata', fixture, app_label='editor') def unload_fixture(apps, schema_editor): Licence = apps.get_model("editor", "Licence") Licence.objects.all().delete() class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('editor', '0002_add_licence'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(load_fixture, reverse_code=unload_fixture), ]
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import rest_framework from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework import status from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.conf import settings import jwt from .serializers import UserRegisterSerializer User = get_user_model() class RegisterView(APIView): def post(self, request): user_to_create = UserRegisterSerializer( if user_to_create.is_valid(): return Response( {'message': 'Registration Successful'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED ) return Response(user_to_create.errors, status=status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) class LoginView(APIView): def post(self, request): email ='email') password ='password') try: user_to_login = User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied(detail='Unauthorized') if not user_to_login.check_password(password): raise PermissionDenied(detail='Unauthorized') expiry_time = + timedelta(days=7) token = jwt.encode( { 'sub':, 'exp': int(expiry_time.strftime('%s'))}, settings.SECRET_KEY, algorithm='HS256' ) return Response({ 'token': token, 'message': f'Welcome back {user_to_login.username}' }, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import click from aiida.utils.cli import command from aiida.utils.cli import options from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.cli import options as options_qe from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.cli import validate @command() @options.code(callback_kwargs={'entry_point': ''}) @options.structure() @options.pseudo_family() @options.kpoint_mesh() @options.max_num_machines() @options.max_wallclock_seconds() @options.daemon() @options_qe.ecutwfc() @options_qe.ecutrho() @options_qe.hubbard_u() @options_qe.hubbard_v() @options_qe.hubbard_file() @options_qe.starting_magnetization() @options_qe.smearing() @options_qe.automatic_parallelization() @options_qe.clean_workdir() @click.option( '-f', '--final-scf', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='run a final scf calculation for the final relaxed structure' ) @click.option( '-g', '--group', type=click.STRING, required=False, help='the label of a Group to add the final PwCalculation to in case of success' ) def launch( code, structure, pseudo_family, kpoints, max_num_machines, max_wallclock_seconds, daemon, ecutwfc, ecutrho, hubbard_u, hubbard_v, hubbard_file_pk, starting_magnetization, smearing, automatic_parallelization, clean_workdir, final_scf, group): """ Run the PwRelaxWorkChain for a given input structure """ from import Bool, Str from import ParameterData from aiida.orm.utils import WorkflowFactory from import run, submit from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.resources import get_default_options, get_automatic_parallelization_options PwRelaxWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('') parameters = { 'SYSTEM': { 'ecutwfc': ecutwfc, 'ecutrho': ecutrho, }, } try: hubbard_file = validate.validate_hubbard_parameters(structure, parameters, hubbard_u, hubbard_v, hubbard_file_pk) except ValueError as exception: raise click.BadParameter(exception.message) try: validate.validate_starting_magnetization(structure, parameters, starting_magnetization) except ValueError as exception: raise click.BadParameter(exception.message) try: validate.validate_smearing(parameters, smearing) except ValueError as exception: raise click.BadParameter(exception.message) inputs = { 'structure': structure, 'base': { 'code': code, 'pseudo_family': Str(pseudo_family), 'kpoints': kpoints, 'parameters': ParameterData(dict=parameters), } } if automatic_parallelization: automatic_parallelization = get_automatic_parallelization_options(max_num_machines, max_wallclock_seconds) inputs['base']['automatic_parallelization'] = ParameterData(dict=automatic_parallelization) else: options = get_default_options(max_num_machines, max_wallclock_seconds) inputs['base']['options'] = ParameterData(dict=options) if clean_workdir: inputs['clean_workdir'] = Bool(True) if final_scf: inputs['final_scf'] = Bool(True) if group: inputs['group'] = Str(group) if daemon: workchain = submit(PwRelaxWorkChain, **inputs) click.echo('Submitted {}<{}> to the daemon'.format(PwRelaxWorkChain.__name__, else: run(PwRelaxWorkChain, **inputs)
import os import time import tkinter import sqlite3 import json import smtplib import locale import requests import threading import html2text as h2t from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import messagebox from email import encoders from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart version = "v1.4" # DO NOT CHANGE print('Starting Lite Mails {} \n'.format(version)) file = None toopen = None # Inizializzazione finestra window = Tk() window.title('Lite Mails {}'.format(version)) # Titolo finestra window.geometry('460x425') # Dimensione finestra window.resizable(False, False) # Blocco ridimensionamento = Style()'vista') langsel = IntVar() datesel = IntVar() timesel = IntVar() destination = StringVar() subject = StringVar() email = StringVar() password = StringVar() # Inizializzazione database db = sqlite3.connect("config.db") c = db.cursor() # Table account try: c.execute("SELECT email FROM account") print('Row "email" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET email = ? WHERE id = ? ", (None, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "email" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO account(email) VALUES(?)", (None)) db.commit() print('Row "email" created and table "account" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE account(email TEXT, password TEXT, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO account(email, password, id) VALUES(?,?,?)", (None, None, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "account" created!') print('Row "email" and table "account" loaded!') try: c.execute("SELECT password FROM account") print('Row "password" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", (None, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "password" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO account(password) VALUES(?)", (None)) db.commit() print('Row "password" created and table "account" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE account(email TEXT, password TEXT, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO account(email, password, id) VALUES(?,?,?)", (None, None, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "account" created!') print('Row "password" and table "account" loaded!') try: c.execute("SELECT id FROM account") print('Row "id" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET id = ? WHERE id = ? ", (None, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "id" and table "account" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO account(id) VALUES(?)", (None)) db.commit() print('Row "id" created and table "account" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE account(email TEXT, password TEXT, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO account(email, password, id) VALUES(?,?,?)", (None, None, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "account" created!') print('Row "id" and table "account" loaded!') # Table settings try: c.execute("SELECT language FROM settings") print('Row "language" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET language = ? WHERE id = ? ", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()), 0)) db.commit() print('Row "language" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(language) VALUES(?)", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()))) db.commit() print('Row "language" and table "settings" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE settings(language TEXT, date_format INTEGER, time_format INTEGER, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(language, date_format, time_format, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()), 1, 1, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "settings" created!') print('Row "language" and table "settings" loaded!') try: c.execute("SELECT date_format FROM settings") print('Row "date_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET date_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (1, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "date_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(date_format) VALUES(?)", (1)) db.commit() print('Row "date_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE settings(language TEXT, date_format INTEGER, time_format INTEGER, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(language, date_format, time_format, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()), 1, 1, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "settings" created!') print('Row "date_format" and table "settings" loaded!') try: c.execute("SELECT time_format FROM settings") print('Row "time_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET time_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (1, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "time_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(time_format) VALUES(?)", (1)) db.commit() print('Row "time_format" and table "settings" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE settings(language TEXT, date_format INTEGER, time_format INTEGER, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(language, date_format, time_format, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()), 1, 1, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "settings" created!') print('Row "time_format" and table "settings" loaded!') try: c.execute("SELECT id FROM settings") print('Row "id" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("UPDATE account SET id = ? WHERE id = ? ", (0, 0)) db.commit() print('Row "id" and table "settings" loaded!') except: try: c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(id) VALUES(?)", (0)) db.commit() print('Row "id" and table "settings" loaded!') except: c.execute("CREATE TABLE settings(language TEXT, date_format INTEGER, time_format INTEGER, id INTEGER)") db.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO settings(language, date_format, time_format, id) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (str(locale.getdefaultlocale()), 1, 1, 0)) db.commit() print('\nTable "settings" created!') print('Row "id" and table "settings" loaded!') c.execute("SELECT email, password FROM account") credentials = list(c.fetchall()) c.execute("SELECT language FROM settings") language = list(c.fetchall()) c.execute("SELECT date_format, time_format FROM settings") datetime_format = list(c.fetchall()) if not os.path.isfile('version.txt'): print('\nCreated version file.') with open('version.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(version) f.close() if not os.path.isdir("emails"): os.makedirs("emails") if 'en' in language[0][0]: with open("languages/en-EN.json", "r") as read_file: string = json.load(read_file) langsel.set(1) elif 'it' in language[0][0]: with open("languages/it-IT.json", "r") as read_file: string = json.load(read_file) langsel.set(2) else: with open("languages/en-EN.json", "r") as read_file: string = json.load(read_file) langsel.set(1) datesel.set(datetime_format[0][0]) timesel.set(datetime_format[0][1]) class message_handler: # Gestione messaggi def auth_error_type2(): messagebox.showerror(string['error'], string['auth-error-type2']) def auth_error_type1(): messagebox.showerror(string['error'], string['auth-error-type1']) def mail_sent(): messagebox.showinfo(string['info'], string['mail-sent']) def compile_error(): messagebox.showerror(string['error'], string['send-error']) def apply_language(): messagebox.showinfo(string['info'], string['apply-language']) def no_conn(): messagebox.showerror(string['error'], string['no-connection']) def save_email(): # Salvataggio email if not os.path.isdir("emails"): os.makedirs("emails") tosave = filedialog.asksaveasfile(defaultextension="*.litemail", initialdir="emails", title=string['save-email'], filetypes=[('E-Mail', "*.litemail")]) if tosave is None: return template = ("""{0} {1} {2} -""").format(destination.get(), subject.get(), msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c')) tosave.write(str(template)) tosave.close() print('Email saved!') to_save = str( f_ = os.path.basename(to_save) fn = list(f_.split('.')) window.title('Lite Mails {0} - {1}'.format(version, fn[0])) def open_email(): # Apertura emails global toopen toopen = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="emails", title=string['open-email'], filetypes=[("E-Mail", "*.litemail")]) if toopen == '': return with open(toopen, 'r') as openedfile: def clear(): dest_input.delete(0, 'end') sub_input.delete(0, 'end') msg_input.delete('1.0', 'end') dest_input.insert(0, openedfile.readline().strip()) sub_input.insert(0, openedfile.readline(62).strip()) lines = openedfile.readlines() msg_input.insert('1.0', (''.join(lines[0:-1])).strip()) fn = list(toopen.split('.')) window.title('Lite Mails {0} - {1}'.format(version, os.path.basename(fn[0]))) if msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') or destination.get() or subject.get(): quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['open-email'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() clear() elif quitquestion is False: clear() elif quitquestion is None: pass elif msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') and destination.get() and subject.get() in open(toopen, 'r').read(): clear() else: clear() def close_program(): # Funzione per chiudere il programma if toopen: if msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') and destination.get() and subject.get() in open(toopen, 'r').read(): window.destroy() os._exit(0) else: quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: window.destroy() os._exit(0) elif quitquestion is None: pass elif msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') or destination.get() or subject.get(): quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: window.destroy() os._exit(0) elif quitquestion is None: pass else: window.destroy() os._exit(0) def account(): # Impostazioni account c.execute("SELECT email, password FROM account") credentials = list(c.fetchall()) accountwin = Toplevel(window) # Creazione nuova finestra accountwin.title(string['account-settings']) # Titolo finestra accountwin.geometry('450x155') # Dimensione finestra accountwin.resizable(False, False) # Blocco ridimensionamento accountwin.iconbitmap('litemails.ico') # Elementi finestra user_label = Label(accountwin, text=string['email'], font=('Segoe UI', 13)).grid(row=0, pady=15, padx=5, sticky='w') user_input = Entry(accountwin, textvariable=email, font=('Segoe UI', 10), width=45) user_input.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=15, padx=5, sticky='w') psw_label = Label(accountwin, text=string['password'], font=('Segoe UI', 13)).grid(row=1, pady=15, padx=5, sticky='w') psw_input = Entry(accountwin, textvariable=password, font=('Segoe UI', 10), width=45, show='*') psw_input.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=15, padx=5, sticky='w') try: user_input.delete(0, 'end') psw_input.delete(0, 'end') user_input.insert(0, credentials[0][0]) psw_input.insert(0, credentials[0][1]) except tkinter.TclError: pass def close_and_save(): print('Saving account data...') c.execute("UPDATE account SET email = ? WHERE id = ? ", (email.get(), 0)) db.commit() c.execute("UPDATE account SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", (password.get(), 0)) db.commit() accountwin.destroy() ok_button = Button(accountwin, text=string['done'], width=10, command=lambda: close_and_save()) ok_button.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=25, sticky='se') def language(lang): # Gestione lingua global settings c.execute("SELECT language FROM settings") language = list(c.fetchall()) c.execute("UPDATE settings SET language = ? WHERE id = ? ", (lang, 0)) db.commit() user_choice = messagebox.askokcancel(string['info'], string['apply-language']) if user_choice: window.destroy() os._exit(0) def check_for_updates(fromwhat=None): # Gestione aggiornamenti try: global r r = requests.get('') version_to_install = h2t.html2text(r.text).strip() except: version_to_install = None pass class RunUpdaterScript(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.start() window.destroy() self._stop_event = threading.Event() def stop(self): self._stop_event.set() def run(self): os.chdir('..') os.system('python') def start_updating(): db.commit() db.close() thread = RunUpdaterScript() thread.stop() os._exit(0) if version_to_install: if version < version_to_install: uf = messagebox.askyesno(string['info'], string['update-found']) if uf: if toopen: if msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') and destination.get() and subject.get() in open(toopen, 'r').read(): start_updating() else: quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: start_updating() elif quitquestion is None: pass elif msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') or destination.get() or subject.get(): quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: start_updating() elif quitquestion is None: pass else: start_updating() elif fromwhat == 'menu': messagebox.showinfo(string['info'], string['no-update']) elif fromwhat == 'menu': message_handler.no_conn() else: print('No updates found!') def add_attachment(): # Funzione per l'aggiunta dell'allegato global file file = filedialog.askopenfilename(title=string['add-attachment']) if file: send_button.configure(text=string['send-with-attachment']) remove_attch_button.configure(state='active') else: send_button.configure(text=string['send']) remove_attch_button.configure(state='disabled') def remove_attch(): # Rimozione allegato global file if file: send_button.configure(text=string['send']) remove_attch_button.configure(state='disabled') file = None def add_date_time(date_or_time, format_=None): # Aggiunge la data corrente alla mail global datetime_format c.execute("SELECT date_format, time_format FROM settings") datetime_format = list(c.fetchall()) if format_: if format_ == string['date-format-type1']: c.execute("UPDATE settings SET date_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (1, 0)) db.commit() elif format_ == string['date-format-type2']: c.execute("UPDATE settings SET date_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (2, 0)) db.commit() elif format_ == string['time-format-type1']: c.execute("UPDATE settings SET time_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (1, 0)) db.commit() elif format_ == string['time-format-type2']: c.execute("UPDATE settings SET time_format = ? WHERE id = ? ", (2, 0)) db.commit() else: c.execute("SELECT date_format, time_format FROM settings") datetime_format = list(c.fetchall()) if date_or_time: if date_or_time == 'date': if datetime_format[0][0] == 1: msg_input.insert('insert', time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) elif datetime_format[0][0] == 2: msg_input.insert('insert', time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")) if date_or_time == 'time': if datetime_format[0][1] == 1: msg_input.insert('insert', time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) elif datetime_format[0][1] == 2: msg_input.insert('insert', time.strftime("%H:%M")) c.execute("SELECT date_format, time_format FROM settings") datetime_format = list(c.fetchall()) def new_mail(): def clear_for_new_mail(): toopen = None tosave = None file = None dest_input.delete(0, 'end') sub_input.delete(0, 'end') msg_input.delete('1.0', 'end') window.title('Lite Mails {}'.format(version)) if toopen: if msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') and destination.get() and subject.get() in open(toopen, 'r').read(): clear_for_new_mail() else: quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: clear_for_new_mail() elif quitquestion is None: pass elif msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c') or destination.get() or subject.get(): quitquestion = messagebox.askyesnocancel(string['quit'], string['quit-message']) if quitquestion is True: save_email() elif quitquestion is False: clear_for_new_mail() elif quitquestion is None: pass else: clear_for_new_mail() def send_email(): # Funzione per inviare la mail c.execute("SELECT email, password FROM account") credentials = list(c.fetchall()) if r: try: msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = str(credentials[0][0]) msg['To'] = str(destination.get()) msg['Subject'] = str(subject.get()) msg.attach(MIMEText(msg_input.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'plain')) if file: attachment = open(file, "rb") part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') part.set_payload((attachment).read()) encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % os.path.basename(file)) msg.attach(part) server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) server.starttls() server.login(str(credentials[0][0]), str(credentials[0][1])) text = msg.as_string() server.sendmail(str(credentials[0][0]), str(destination.get()), text) server.quit() print('Mail sent.') message_handler.mail_sent() except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: if email.get() or password.get() == None: message_handler.auth_error_type2() else: message_handler.auth_error_type1() except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused: message_handler.compile_error() else: message_handler.no_conn() # Oggetti main_frame = Frame(window) main_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=15, sticky='wn') dest_label = Label(main_frame, text=string['to'], font=('Segoe UI', 13)).grid(row=0, padx=5, sticky='w') dest_input = Entry(main_frame, textvariable=destination, font=('Segoe UI', 10), width=45) dest_input.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, sticky='w') sub_label = Label(main_frame, text=string['subject'], font=('Segoe UI', 13)).grid(row=1, pady=5, padx=5, sticky='w') sub_input = Entry(main_frame, textvariable=subject, font=('Segoe UI', 10), width=45) sub_input.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5, padx=5, sticky='w') msg_label = Label(main_frame, text=string['message'], font=('Segoe UI', 13)).grid(row=2, pady=15, padx=5, sticky='wn') msg_input = Text(main_frame, font=('Segoe UI', 10), width=45, height=15) msg_input.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=20, padx=5, sticky='w') scroll = Scrollbar(main_frame, command=msg_input.yview, orient='vertical') scroll.config(command=msg_input.yview) msg_input.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) scroll.grid(row=2, column=2, ipady=105, sticky='e') send_button = Button(main_frame, text=string['send'], width=20, command=lambda: send_email()) send_button.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=25, sticky='se') remove_attch_button = Button(main_frame, text=string['remove-attachment'], state='disabled', width=20, command=lambda: remove_attch()) remove_attch_button.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=25, sticky='sw') # Barre menu menu_bar = Menu(window) # Menu mail menu_mail = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_bar.add_cascade(label=string['mail'], menu=menu_mail) menu_mail.add_command(label=string['new-mail'], command=lambda: new_mail()) menu_mail.add_command(label=string['save-email'], command=lambda: save_email()) menu_mail.add_command(label=string['open-email'], command=lambda: open_email()) # Menu formato datetime menu_datetime_format = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_datetime_format.add_radiobutton(label=string['date'].title() + ': ' + string['date-format-type1'], command=lambda: add_date_time(None, string['date-format-type1']), variable=datesel, value=1) menu_datetime_format.add_radiobutton(label=string['date'].title() + ': ' + string['date-format-type2'], command=lambda: add_date_time(None, string['date-format-type2']), variable=datesel, value=2) menu_datetime_format.add_radiobutton(label=string['time'].title() + ': ' + string['time-format-type1'], command=lambda: add_date_time(None, string['time-format-type1']), variable=timesel, value=1) menu_datetime_format.add_radiobutton(label=string['time'].title() + ': ' + string['time-format-type2'], command=lambda: add_date_time(None, string['time-format-type2']), variable=timesel, value=2) # Sottomenu datetime menu_datetime_settings = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_datetime_settings.add_command(label=string['insert'] + ' ' + string['date'], command=lambda: add_date_time('date')) menu_datetime_settings.add_command(label=string['insert'] + ' ' + string['time'], command=lambda: add_date_time('time')) menu_datetime_settings.add_cascade(label=string['date-time-settings'], menu=menu_datetime_format) # Menu inserisci menu_insert = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_insert.add_cascade(label=string['date-time'], menu=menu_datetime_settings) menu_insert.add_command(label=string['add-attachment'], command=lambda: add_attachment()) # Menu strumenti menu_utility = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_bar.add_cascade(label=string['utility'], menu=menu_utility) menu_utility.add_cascade(label=string['insert'], menu=menu_insert) # Menu lingue menu_languages = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_languages.add_radiobutton(label='English', command=lambda: language('en-EN'), variable=langsel, value=1) menu_languages.add_radiobutton(label='Italiano', command=lambda: language('it-IT'), variable=langsel, value=2) # Menu opzioni menu_options = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) menu_bar.add_cascade(label=string['options'], menu=menu_options) menu_options.add_command(label=string['account-settings'], command=lambda: account()) menu_options.add_cascade(label=string['language'], menu=menu_languages) menu_options.add_command(label=string['check-updates'], command=lambda: check_for_updates('menu')) menu_options.add_separator() menu_options.add_command(label=string['close'] + ' Lite Mails', command=lambda: close_program()) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # window.config(menu=menu_bar) # Aggiunge la barra dei menu window.iconbitmap('litemails.ico') # Icona programma window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_program) # Attiva funzione in caso di chiusura check_for_updates() # Controlla gli aggiornamenti window.mainloop() # Genera l'interfaccia grafica
import argparse import hashlib import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) from urllib.parse import urlparse import datetime import os import pandas as pd logger = logging .getLogger(__name__) def main(filename):'starting cleaning process') df = _read_data(filename) df = _extract_host(df) df = _drop_duplicates(df) df = _drop_rows_with_missing_data(df) df = _generate_ids_for_headlines(df) _save_data(df, filename) return df def _read_data(filename):'reading files {}'.format(filename)) return pd.read_csv(filename) def _extract_host(df):'Extracting host from urls') df['host'] = df['link'].apply(lambda link:urlparse(link).netloc) return df def _drop_duplicates(df):'removing duplicate entries') df.drop_duplicates(subset=['headline'], keep='first', inplace=True) return df def _drop_rows_with_missing_data(df):'dropping rows with mising values') return df.dropna() def _generate_ids_for_headlines(df):'generating ids for each row') ids = (df .apply(lambda row: hashlib.md5(bytes(row['link'].encode())), axis=1) .apply(lambda hash_object: hash_object.hexdigest()) ) df['id'] = ids return df.set_index('id') def _save_data(df, filename): #now ='%Y/%m/%d') clean_filename = 'clean_headlines.csv''saving data at location: {}'.format(clean_filename)) df.to_csv(clean_filename, encoding='utf-8') os.remove(filename) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('filename', help='the path to the data', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() df = main(args.filename)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ File: test_aml Element: AML Title: Test Address Match List """ import unittest from bind9_parser.isc_utils import assertParserResultDict, acl_name, \ key_id, key_id_list, key_id_list_series, \ key_id_keyword_and_name_pair, \ parse_me from bind9_parser.isc_aml import aml_choices, aml_nesting class TestAML(unittest.TestCase): """ Element AML; Address Match List (AML) """ def test_acl_names_passing(self): """ Type ACL Name; passing """ assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'example', {'acl_name': 'example'}, True) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, '', {'acl_name': ''}, True) # Not valid, but an internal correct logic assertParserResultDict(acl_name, '', {'acl_name': ''}, True) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'example[com]', {'acl_name': 'example[com]'}, True) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'example<com>', {'acl_name': 'example<com>'}, True) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'example&com', {'acl_name': 'example&com'}, True) def test_acl_names_failing(self): """ Type ACL Name; failing """ assertParserResultDict(acl_name, '!', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'ex;mple', {}, False) # obviously cannot use semicolon in acl_name/master_id/aml assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'subdir/example', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(acl_name, 'ex#mple', {}, False) # obviously cannot use hash in acl_name/master_id/aml def test_isc_aml_key_id_passing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id; passing """ assertParserResultDict(key_id, 'myKeyID', {'key_id': 'myKeyID'}, True) assertParserResultDict(key_id, 'my_key_id', {'key_id': 'my_key_id'}, True) def test_isc_aml_key_id_failing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id; failing """ assertParserResultDict(key_id, 'myKey#ID', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(key_id, 'my/key_id', {}, False) def test_isc_aml_key_id_list_passing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id_list; passing """ assertParserResultDict(key_id_list('key_id'), 'myKey;', {'key_id': ['myKey']}, True) def test_isc_aml_key_id_list_series_passing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id_list_series; passing """ assertParserResultDict(key_id_list_series('key_ids'), 'myKey; yourKey; ourKey;', {'key_ids': ['myKey', 'yourKey', 'ourKey']}, True) def test_isc_aml_key_id_keyword_and_name_element_passing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id; passing""" assertParserResultDict(key_id_keyword_and_name_pair, 'key myKey2', {'key_id': 'myKey2'}, True) def test_isc_aml_key_id_keyword_and_name_element_failing(self): """ Element AML; Type key_id; passing""" assertParserResultDict(key_id_keyword_and_name_pair, 'key myKey3', {'key_id_WRONG': 'myKey3'}, False) def test_aml_choices_passing(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'any', {'addr': 'any'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'none', {'addr': 'none'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'localhost', {'addr': 'localhost'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'localnets', {'addr': 'localnets'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ''}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ''}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'fe03::3', {'addr': 'fe03::3'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master_nameservers_acl', {'acl_name': 'master_nameservers_acl'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'example', {'acl_name': 'example'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'key MyKeyId', {'key_id': ['MyKeyId']}, True) test_datas = [ ['key myKeyId', {'key_id': ['myKeyId']}], ['', {'addr': ''}], ['localnets', {'addr': 'localnets'}], ['any', {'addr': 'any'}], ['none', {'addr': 'none'}], ['localhost', {'addr': 'localhost'}], ['', {'addr': ''}], ['', {'acl_name': ''}] # FQDN-style are valid master name, but treated lik a hostname ] for this_test_data, this_expected_result in test_datas: assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, this_test_data, this_expected_result, True) def test_aml_choices_failing(self): """ Element AML; Choices AML; failing """ assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master/nameservers_acl', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master_nameservers#acl', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master;nameservers_acl', {}, False) def test_isc_aml_ip4s_prefix_passing(self): """ Element AML; Type ip4s_prefix; passing""" assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ''} , True) def test_isc_aml_ip4s_prefix_failing(self): """ Element AML; Type ip4s_prefix; failing""" assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ['']}, False) def test_isc_aml_aml_nesting_failing(self): """Purposely failing Address Match List (AML) name""" test_data = """ { acl_mast!er_nameservers; 1.1,1.1; acl_nameX&&& { &^%$#; }; }; """ expected_result = {} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{; }', {'aml': [{''}]}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{;}', {''}, False) # w/o 'aml': assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '7.7.7', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ };', {}, False) def test_isc_aml_aml_nesting_passing(self): """ Clause ACL; Element AML spacing; passing """ test_data = [ '{ localhost; any; none; };', '{ localnets; localhost; none;};', '{ !localhost; };', '{any;};', '{none;};', '{localhost;};', '{localnets;};', '{ none; };', '{ localhost; };', '{ localnets; };', '{; };' ] result = aml_nesting.runTests(test_data, failureTests=False) self.assertTrue(result[0]) def test_isc_aml_aml_nesting_part2_failing(self): """ Clause ACL; Element AML spacing; failing """ test_data = ['{ oops };'] result = aml_nesting.runTests(test_data, failureTests=True) self.assertTrue(result[0]) test_data = [ """ { key DDNS_UPDATER; }; """ ] result = aml_nesting.runTests(test_data, failureTests=False) self.assertTrue(result[0]) test_data = """{ localhost;;; { master_nameservers; slave_bastion_host; }; { any; none; localnets; }; };""" # Must be in same ordering as expected result expected_result = { 'aml': [ {'addr': 'localhost'}, {'addr': ''}, {'addr': ''}, {'aml': [ {'acl_name_WRONG': 'master_nameservers'}, {'acl_name': 'slave_bastion_host'} ]}, {'aml': [ {'addr': 'any'}, {'addr': 'none'}, {'addr': 'localnets'} ]} ]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, False) def test_aml_choices_nested_passing(self): """ Clause ACL; List AML Choices; passing """ assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'any', {'addr': 'any'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'none', {'addr': 'none'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'localhost', {'addr': 'localhost'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'localnets', {'addr': 'localnets'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ''}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, '', {'addr': ''}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'fe03::3', {'addr': 'fe03::3'}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'key my_own_key_id', {'key_id': ['my_own_key_id']}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master_nameservers_acl', {'acl_name': 'master_nameservers_acl'}, True) def test_isc_aml_aml_choices_finer(self): parse_me(aml_choices, 'key\nA8', True) parse_me(aml_choices, 'any', True) parse_me(aml_choices, 'none', True) # parse_me(aml_choices, 'oops;', False) # TODO expand AML (aml_nesting) firstly # aml_choices('localhost;' == [['localhost']] because no exclamation '"' mark parse_me(aml_choices, 'localhost', True) parse_me(aml_choices, 'localnets', True) # aml_choices('!localhost;' == [['!', 'localhost']] because no exclamation '"' mark def test_aml_choices2_failing(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master/nameservers_acl;', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master_nameservers#acl;', {}, False) assertParserResultDict(aml_choices, 'master;nameservers_acl;', {}, False) def test_aml_nesting_forward_passing(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{; {;}; };', {'aml': [{'addr': ''}, {'aml': [{'addr': ''}]}]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ {; }; };', {'aml': [{'aml': [{'addr': ''}]}]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ { {; }; }; };', {'aml': [{'aml': [{'aml': [{'addr': ''}]}]}]}, True) def test_aml_nesting_forward_exclamation_passing(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ ! {; {;}; }; };', { 'aml': [ { 'aml': [ {'addr': ''}, {'aml': [ {'addr': ''} ] } ], 'not': '!' } ] }, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ !; {;}; };', { 'aml': [ {'addr': '', 'not': '!'}, {'aml': [{'addr': ''}]} ] }, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{; ! {;}; };', { 'aml': [ {'addr': ''}, {'aml': [{'addr': ''}], 'not': '!'} ]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{; { !;}; };', { 'aml': [ {'addr': ''}, {'aml': [ { 'addr': '', 'not': '!' } ]} ]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{; {;}; };', {'aml': [ {'addr': ''}, {'aml': [ {'addr': ''}]}]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ {; }; };', {'aml': [ {'aml': [ {'addr': ''}]}]}, True) assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{ { {; }; }; };', {'aml': [ {'aml': [ {'aml': [ {'addr': ''}]}]}]}, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_addr(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting.setDebug(True), '{ key mykey; };', {'aml': [{'key_id': ['mykey']}]}, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_exclamation(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting.setDebug(True), '{ ! key mykey; };', {'aml': [{'key_id': ['mykey'], 'not': '!'}]}, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_addr_series(self): test_data = """{ localhost; any; none; };""" expected_result = {'aml': [{'addr': 'localhost'}, {'addr': 'any'}, {'addr': 'none'}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_nest(self): test_data = """{ localhost; }; """ expected_result = {'aml': [{'addr': 'localhost'}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_two_nests(self): test_data = """{ { localhost; }; }; """ expected_result = {'aml': [{'aml': [{'addr': 'localhost'}]}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_combo(self): test_data = """ { localhost; { none; }; };""" expected_result = {'aml': [{'addr': 'localhost'}, {'aml': [{'addr': 'none'}]}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) def test_aml_nesting_first_deep_combo(self): test_data = """{ { none; }; localhost; { none; { any; }; }; };""" expected_result = {'aml': [{'aml': [{'addr': 'none'}]}, {'addr': 'localhost'}, {'aml': [{'addr': 'none'}, {'aml': [{'addr': 'any'}]}]}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) # test_aml_nesting_flat is not a valid ISC syntax but an interim syntax checker def test_aml_nesting_flat(self): test_data = """{ localhost; };""" expected_result = {'aml': [{'addr': 'localhost'}]} assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, test_data, expected_result, True) def test_isc_aml_aml_nesting_passing(self): """Address Match List (AML) name""" test_data = [ '{; };', '{; };', '{ 333::1; };', '{ any; };', '{ none; };', '{ localhost; };', '{ localnets; };', '{; ma1ster_nameservers; };', '{; master_nameservers; };', '{; master_nameservers;; };', '{; fe02::1; };', '{ fe02::1;; };', '{; fe03::1; slave_nameservers; };', '{ fe01::1; master_nameservers; };', '{ master_nameservers; };', '{ "rndc-remote5" ; };' ] aml_nesting.runTests(test_data, failureTests=True) def test_aml_aml_nesting_failing(self): assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{};', {}, False) # missing inside semicolon assertParserResultDict(aml_nesting, '{;}', {}, False) # missing outside semicolon if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from distutils.core import setup setup( name = 'SWMat', packages = ['SWMat'], version = '0.1.4', license='Apache License 2.0', description = 'A package for making stunning graphs/charts using matplotlib in just few lines of code!', author = 'Puneet Grover', author_email = '[email protected]', url = '', download_url = '', keywords = ['plot', 'visualization', 'data', 'big data', 'exploration', 'data exploration', 'communication', 'python', 'matplotlib', 'machine learning', 'data science'], install_requires=[ 'matplotlib', 'numpy', 'pandas' ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only' ], )
#/usr/bin/env python # # # # John Van Note # 2017-03-05 # # for the Markov Chain project # import os from setuptools import setup setup( name='markov-tweetbot', version='0.0.1', author='John Van Note', author_email='[email protected]', description='Python implementation of the Markov Chain algorithm', license='MIT', keywords='Markov Chain', url='', packages=[] )
template = """ module rom32x4 ( input [4:0] addr, input clk, output [4:0] data); wire [7:0] rdata; wire [15:0] RDATA; wire RCLK; wire [10:0] RADDR; SB_RAM40_4KNR #( // negative edge readclock so we can apply and addres on the positive edge and guarantee data is available on the next posedge .WRITE_MODE(1), .READ_MODE(1), .INIT_0(256'h{init[0][0]:04x}{init[0][1]:04x}{init[0][2]:04x}{init[0][3]:04x}{init[0][4]:04x}{init[0][5]:04x}{init[0][6]:04x}{init[0][7]:04x}{init[0][8]:04x}{init[0][9]:04x}{init[0][10]:04x}{init[0][11]:04x}{init[0][12]:04x}{init[0][13]:04x}{init[0][14]:04x}{init[0][15]:04x}), .INIT_1(256'h{init[1][0]:04x}{init[1][1]:04x}{init[1][2]:04x}{init[1][3]:04x}{init[1][4]:04x}{init[1][5]:04x}{init[1][6]:04x}{init[1][7]:04x}{init[1][8]:04x}{init[1][9]:04x}{init[1][10]:04x}{init[1][11]:04x}{init[1][12]:04x}{init[1][13]:04x}{init[1][14]:04x}{init[1][15]:04x}), .INIT_2(256'h{init[2][0]:04x}{init[2][1]:04x}{init[2][2]:04x}{init[2][3]:04x}{init[2][4]:04x}{init[2][5]:04x}{init[2][6]:04x}{init[2][7]:04x}{init[2][8]:04x}{init[2][9]:04x}{init[2][10]:04x}{init[2][11]:04x}{init[2][12]:04x}{init[2][13]:04x}{init[2][14]:04x}{init[2][15]:04x}), .INIT_3(256'h{init[3][0]:04x}{init[3][1]:04x}{init[3][2]:04x}{init[3][3]:04x}{init[3][4]:04x}{init[3][5]:04x}{init[3][6]:04x}{init[3][7]:04x}{init[3][8]:04x}{init[3][9]:04x}{init[3][10]:04x}{init[3][11]:04x}{init[3][12]:04x}{init[3][13]:04x}{init[3][14]:04x}{init[3][15]:04x}), .INIT_4(256'h{init[4][0]:04x}{init[4][1]:04x}{init[4][2]:04x}{init[4][3]:04x}{init[4][4]:04x}{init[4][5]:04x}{init[4][6]:04x}{init[4][7]:04x}{init[4][8]:04x}{init[4][9]:04x}{init[4][10]:04x}{init[4][11]:04x}{init[4][12]:04x}{init[4][13]:04x}{init[4][14]:04x}{init[4][15]:04x}), .INIT_5(256'h{init[5][0]:04x}{init[5][1]:04x}{init[5][2]:04x}{init[5][3]:04x}{init[5][4]:04x}{init[5][5]:04x}{init[5][6]:04x}{init[5][7]:04x}{init[5][8]:04x}{init[5][9]:04x}{init[5][10]:04x}{init[5][11]:04x}{init[5][12]:04x}{init[5][13]:04x}{init[5][14]:04x}{init[5][15]:04x}), .INIT_6(256'h{init[6][0]:04x}{init[6][1]:04x}{init[6][2]:04x}{init[6][3]:04x}{init[6][4]:04x}{init[6][5]:04x}{init[6][6]:04x}{init[6][7]:04x}{init[6][8]:04x}{init[6][9]:04x}{init[6][10]:04x}{init[6][11]:04x}{init[6][12]:04x}{init[6][13]:04x}{init[6][14]:04x}{init[6][15]:04x}), .INIT_7(256'h{init[7][0]:04x}{init[7][1]:04x}{init[7][2]:04x}{init[7][3]:04x}{init[7][4]:04x}{init[7][5]:04x}{init[7][6]:04x}{init[7][7]:04x}{init[7][8]:04x}{init[7][9]:04x}{init[7][10]:04x}{init[7][11]:04x}{init[7][12]:04x}{init[7][13]:04x}{init[7][14]:04x}{init[7][15]:04x}), .INIT_8(256'h{init[8][0]:04x}{init[8][1]:04x}{init[8][2]:04x}{init[8][3]:04x}{init[8][4]:04x}{init[8][5]:04x}{init[8][6]:04x}{init[8][7]:04x}{init[8][8]:04x}{init[8][9]:04x}{init[8][10]:04x}{init[8][11]:04x}{init[8][12]:04x}{init[8][13]:04x}{init[8][14]:04x}{init[8][15]:04x}), .INIT_9(256'h{init[9][0]:04x}{init[9][1]:04x}{init[9][2]:04x}{init[9][3]:04x}{init[9][4]:04x}{init[9][5]:04x}{init[9][6]:04x}{init[9][7]:04x}{init[9][8]:04x}{init[9][9]:04x}{init[9][10]:04x}{init[9][11]:04x}{init[9][12]:04x}{init[9][13]:04x}{init[9][14]:04x}{init[9][15]:04x}), .INIT_A(256'h{init[10][0]:04x}{init[10][1]:04x}{init[10][2]:04x}{init[10][3]:04x}{init[10][4]:04x}{init[10][5]:04x}{init[10][6]:04x}{init[10][7]:04x}{init[10][8]:04x}{init[10][9]:04x}{init[10][10]:04x}{init[10][11]:04x}{init[10][12]:04x}{init[10][13]:04x}{init[10][14]:04x}{init[10][15]:04x}), .INIT_B(256'h{init[11][0]:04x}{init[11][1]:04x}{init[11][2]:04x}{init[11][3]:04x}{init[11][4]:04x}{init[11][5]:04x}{init[11][6]:04x}{init[11][7]:04x}{init[11][8]:04x}{init[11][9]:04x}{init[11][10]:04x}{init[11][11]:04x}{init[11][12]:04x}{init[11][13]:04x}{init[11][14]:04x}{init[11][15]:04x}), .INIT_C(256'h{init[12][0]:04x}{init[12][1]:04x}{init[12][2]:04x}{init[12][3]:04x}{init[12][4]:04x}{init[12][5]:04x}{init[12][6]:04x}{init[12][7]:04x}{init[12][8]:04x}{init[12][9]:04x}{init[12][10]:04x}{init[12][11]:04x}{init[12][12]:04x}{init[12][13]:04x}{init[12][14]:04x}{init[12][15]:04x}), .INIT_D(256'h{init[13][0]:04x}{init[13][1]:04x}{init[13][2]:04x}{init[13][3]:04x}{init[13][4]:04x}{init[13][5]:04x}{init[13][6]:04x}{init[13][7]:04x}{init[13][8]:04x}{init[13][9]:04x}{init[13][10]:04x}{init[13][11]:04x}{init[13][12]:04x}{init[13][13]:04x}{init[13][14]:04x}{init[13][15]:04x}), .INIT_E(256'h{init[14][0]:04x}{init[14][1]:04x}{init[14][2]:04x}{init[14][3]:04x}{init[14][4]:04x}{init[14][5]:04x}{init[14][6]:04x}{init[14][7]:04x}{init[14][8]:04x}{init[14][9]:04x}{init[14][10]:04x}{init[14][11]:04x}{init[14][12]:04x}{init[14][13]:04x}{init[14][14]:04x}{init[14][15]:04x}), .INIT_F(256'h{init[15][0]:04x}{init[15][1]:04x}{init[15][2]:04x}{init[15][3]:04x}{init[15][4]:04x}{init[15][5]:04x}{init[15][6]:04x}{init[15][7]:04x}{init[15][8]:04x}{init[15][9]:04x}{init[15][10]:04x}{init[15][11]:04x}{init[15][12]:04x}{init[15][13]:04x}{init[15][14]:04x}{init[15][15]:04x}) ) rom( .RDATA(RDATA), .RCLKN(RCLK), // negative edge readclock has an N appended .RCLKE(1), .RE(1), .RADDR(RADDR), .WCLK(0), .WCLKE(0), .WE(0), .WADDR(11'hxxxx), .MASK(16'hxxxx), .WDATA(8'hxx) ); assign rdata = {{RDATA[14],RDATA[12],RDATA[10],RDATA[8],RDATA[6],RDATA[4],RDATA[2],RDATA[0]}}; assign data = rdata[4:0]; assign RADDR = {{6'b0, addr}}; assign RCLK = clk; endmodule """ # # def fanbits(byt): f = 0 for i in range(8): if byt & (1 << i): f += 1 << i*2+1 return f def genrom(data): init = a=[[0] * 16 for i in range(16)] for i,d in enumerate(data): row = (i % 256) // 16 col = 15 - i % 16 bits= fanbits(d) bits= (bits >> 1) if i < 256 else bits init[row][col] |= bits return template.format(init = init) START = 0; # next is START unless overruled FETCH = 1; # next state is always WAIT DECODE = 2; # next is FETCH unless overruled OPLOAD = 3; # next state is always DECODE ECHO = 4; # next state is always ECHO1 ECHO1 = 5; # next is ECHO1 unless overruled WAIT = 6; # next state is always OPLOAD WAIT2 = 7; # next state is always OPLOAD2 OPLOAD2 = 8; # next state is always DECODE2 DECODE2 = 9; # next is FETCH unless overruled WAIT3 = 10; # next state is always MEMLOAD MEMLOAD = 11; # next state is always FETCH READ = 12; # next is READ unless overruled STACKPUSH = 13; # next state is always STACKPUSH2 STACKPUSH2= 14; # next state is always FETCH CALL1 = 15; # next state is always CALL2 CALL2 = 16; # next state is always CALL3 CALL3 = 17; # next state is always CALL4 CALL4 = 18; # next state is always CALL5 CALL5 = 19; # next state is always FETCH RETURN1 = 20; # next state is always RETURN2 RETURN2 = 21; # next state is always RETURN3 RETURN3 = 22; # next state is always RETURN4 RETURN4 = 23; # next state is always RETURN5 RETURN5 = 24; # next state is always FETCH STIDPWAIT = 25; # next state is always STIDPWAIT1 WAITBASER = 26; # next state is always WAITBASER1 WAITBASER1= 27; # next state is always FETCH STIDPWAIT1= 31; # next state is always FETCH data = { START :START, FETCH :WAIT, DECODE :FETCH, OPLOAD :DECODE, ECHO :ECHO1, ECHO1 :ECHO1, WAIT :OPLOAD, WAIT2 :OPLOAD2, OPLOAD2 :DECODE2, DECODE2 :FETCH, WAIT3 :MEMLOAD, MEMLOAD :FETCH, READ :READ, STACKPUSH :STACKPUSH2, STACKPUSH2:FETCH, CALL1 :CALL2, CALL2 :CALL3, CALL3 :CALL4, CALL4 :CALL5, CALL5 :FETCH, RETURN1 :RETURN2, RETURN2 :RETURN3, RETURN3 :RETURN4, RETURN4 :RETURN5, RETURN5 :FETCH, STIDPWAIT :STIDPWAIT1, WAITBASER :WAITBASER1, WAITBASER1:FETCH, STIDPWAIT1:FETCH, } data = [data[k] for k in sorted(data)] nbytes = len(data) data = data + [0] * (512 - nbytes) print(genrom(data))
import numpy as np from numba import prange from ...geometry._algorithms.bounds import total_bounds_interleaved from ...geometry._algorithms.orientation import triangle_orientation from ...utils import ngjit, ngpjit @ngjit def segment_intersects_point(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, bx, by): """ Test whether a 2-dimensional line segment intersects with a point Args: ax0, ay0: coordinates of start of segment ax1, ay1: coordinates of end of segment bx, by: coordinates of point Returns: True if segment intersects point, False otherwise """ # Check bounds if bx < min(ax0, ax1) or bx > max(ax0, ax1): return False if by < min(ay0, ay1) or by > max(ay0, ay1): return False # Use cross product to test whether point is exactly on line # S is vector from segment start to segment end sx = ax1 - ax0 sy = ay1 - ay0 # P is vector from segment start to point px = bx - ax0 py = by - ay0 # Compute cross produce of S and P sxp = sx * py - sy * px return sxp == 0 @ngjit def segments_intersect_1d(ax0, ax1, bx0, bx1): """ Test whether two 1-dimensional line segments overlap Args: ax0, ax1: coords of endpoints of first segment bx0, bx1: coords of endpoints of second segment Returns: True if segments overlap, False otherwise """ # swap inputs so that *x1 >= *x0 if ax1 < ax0: ax0, ax1 = ax1, ax0 if bx1 < bx0: bx0, bx1 = bx1, bx0 return max(ax0, bx0) <= min(ax1, bx1) @ngjit def segments_intersect(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, bx0, by0, bx1, by1): """ Test whether two 2-dimensional line segments intersect Args: ax0, ay0: coordinates of start of first segment ax1, ay1: coordinates of end of first segment bx0, by0: coordinates of start of second segment bx1, by1: coordinates of end of second segment Returns: True if segments intersect, False otherwise """ if not segments_intersect_1d(ax0, ax1, bx0, bx1): # x projection of segments do not intersect, segments do not cross return False if not segments_intersect_1d(ay0, ay1, by0, by1): # y projection of segments do not intersect, segments do not cross return False a_zero = ax0 == ax1 and ay0 == ay1 b_zero = bx0 == bx1 and by0 == by1 if a_zero and not b_zero and ( ax0 == bx0 and ay0 == by0 or ax0 == bx1 and ay0 == by1 ): # a is zero length line that is identical to an end point of b return True elif b_zero and not a_zero and ( bx0 == ax0 and by0 == ay0 or bx0 == ax1 and by0 == ay1 ): # a is zero length line that is identical to an end point of b return True elif a_zero or b_zero: # a or b is zero length and does not match a vertex of the other line return False b0_orientation = triangle_orientation(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, bx0, by0) b1_orientation = triangle_orientation(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, bx1, by1) if b0_orientation == 0 and b1_orientation == 0: # b0 and b1 lie on line from a0 to a1, segments are collinear and intersect return True elif b0_orientation == b1_orientation: # b0 and b1 lie on the same side of line from a0 to a1, segments do not # intersect return False a0_orientation = triangle_orientation(bx0, by0, bx1, by1, ax0, ay0) a1_orientation = triangle_orientation(bx0, by0, bx1, by1, ax1, ay1) if a0_orientation == 0 and a1_orientation == 0: # a0 and a1 lie on line from b0 to b1, segments are collinear and cross return True elif a0_orientation == a1_orientation: # a0 and a1 are on the same side of line from b0 to b1, segments do not cross return False return True @ngjit def point_intersects_polygon(x, y, values, value_offsets): """ Test whether a point intersects with a polygon Args: x, y: coordinates of test point values: array of interleaved coordinates of the polygon and holes value_offsets: array of offsets into values that separate the rings that compose the polygon. The first ring is the outer shell and subsequent rings are holes contained in this shell. Returns: True if the test point intersects with the polygon, False otherwise """ winding_number = 0 for i in range(len(value_offsets) - 1): start = value_offsets[i] stop = value_offsets[i + 1] for k in range(start, stop - 2, 2): x0 = values[k] y0 = values[k + 1] x1 = values[k + 2] y1 = values[k + 3] if y1 == y0: # skip horizontal edges continue # Make sure the y1 > y0 and keep track of whether edge was # originally ascending vertically if y1 < y0: ascending = -1 y0, y1 = y1, y0 x0, x1 = x1, x0 else: ascending = 1 # Reject edges that are fully above, below, or to the left of test point if y0 >= y or y1 < y or (x0 < x and x1 < x): continue if x0 >= x and x1 >= x: # Edge is fully to the right of test point, so we know that a ray to # the right will intersect the edge winding_number += ascending else: # Check if edge is to the right of test point using cross product # A is vector from test point to lower vertex ax = x0 - x ay = y0 - y # B is vector from test point to upper vertex bx = x1 - x by = y1 - y # Compute cross produce of A and B axb = ax * by - ay * bx if axb > 0 or (axb == 0 and ascending): # Edge intersects with ray winding_number += ascending return winding_number != 0 @ngpjit def multipoints_intersect_bounds( x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets, stop_offsets, result ): """ Test whether each multipoint in a collection of multipoints intersects with the supplied bounds Args: x0, y0, x1, y1: Bounds coordinates flat_values: Interleaved point coordinates start_offsets, stop_offsets: start and stop offsets into flat_values separating individual multipoints result: boolean array to be provided by the caller into which intersection results will be written; must be at least as long as start_offsets Returns: None """ # Initialize results n = len(start_offsets) result.fill(False) # Orient rectangle if x1 < x0: x0, x1 = x1, x0 if y1 < y0: y0, y1, = y1, y0 for i in prange(n): start = start_offsets[i] stop = stop_offsets[i] # Check for points in rect point_in_rect = False for j in range(start, stop, 2): x = flat_values[j] y = flat_values[j + 1] if x0 <= x and x <= x1 and y0 <= y and y <= y1: point_in_rect = True break if point_in_rect: result[i] = True continue return result @ngjit def _perform_line_intersect_bounds( i, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets, stop_offsets, result ): start = start_offsets[i] stop = stop_offsets[i] # compute bounding box for line bounds = total_bounds_interleaved(flat_values[start:stop]) if bounds[0] > x1 or bounds[1] > y1 or bounds[2] < x0 or bounds[3] < y0: # bounds outside of rect, does not intersect return if (bounds[0] >= x0 and bounds[2] <= x1 or bounds[1] >= y0 and bounds[3] <= y1): # bounds is fully contained in rect when both are projected onto the # x or y axis result[i] = True return # Check for vertices in rect vert_in_rect = False for j in range(start, stop, 2): x = flat_values[j] y = flat_values[j + 1] if x0 <= x and x <= x1 and y0 <= y and y <= y1: vert_in_rect = True break if vert_in_rect: result[i] = True return # Check for segment that crosses rectangle edge segment_intersects = False for j in range(start, stop - 2, 2): ex0 = flat_values[j] ey0 = flat_values[j + 1] ex1 = flat_values[j + 2] ey1 = flat_values[j + 3] # top if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y1, x1, y1): segment_intersects = True break # bottom if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y0, x1, y0): segment_intersects = True break # left if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y0, x0, y1): segment_intersects = True break # right if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x1, y0, x1, y1): segment_intersects = True break if segment_intersects: result[i] = True @ngjit def lines_intersect_bounds( x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets, stop_offsets, result ): """ Test whether each line in a collection of lines intersects with the supplied bounds Args: x0, y0, x1, y1: Bounds coordinates flat_values: Interleaved line coordinates start_offsets, stop_offsets: start and stop offsets into flat_values separating individual lines result: boolean array to be provided by the caller into which intersection results will be written; must be at least as long as start_offsets Returns: None """ # Initialize results n = len(start_offsets) result.fill(False) # Orient rectangle if x1 < x0: x0, x1 = x1, x0 if y1 < y0: y0, y1, = y1, y0 if x0 == x1 or y0 == y1: # Zero width/height rect does not intersect with anything return for i in range(n): _perform_line_intersect_bounds( i, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets, stop_offsets, result ) return result @ngjit def multilines_intersect_bounds( x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets0, stop_offsets0, offsets1, result ): """ Test whether each multiline in a collection of multilines intersects with the supplied bounds Args: x0, y0, x1, y1: Bounds coordinates flat_values: Interleaved line coordinates start_offsets0, stop_offsets0: start and stop offsets into offsets1 separating individual multilines offsets1: Offsets into flat_values separating individual lines result: boolean array to be provided by the caller into which intersection results will be written; must be at least as long as start_offsets Returns: None """ # Initialize results n = len(start_offsets0) result.fill(False) if len(start_offsets0) < 1: # Empty array return # Orient rectangle if x1 < x0: x0, x1 = x1, x0 if y1 < y0: y0, y1, = y1, y0 if x0 == x1 or y0 == y1: # Zero width/height rect does not intersect with anything return # Populate results for i in range(n): # Numba has issues with following line when jit(parallel=True) is used: # Invalid use of Function(<intrinsic wrap_index>) with argument(s) of type(s): # (uint32, int64) element_offsets = offsets1[start_offsets0[i]:stop_offsets0[i] + 1] num_lines = len(element_offsets) - 1 element_result = np.zeros(num_lines, dtype=np.bool_) for j in range(num_lines): _perform_line_intersect_bounds( j, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, element_offsets[:-1], element_offsets[1:], element_result ) result[i] = element_result.any() @ngjit def _perform_polygon_intersect_bounds(i, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets0, stop_offsets0, offsets1, result): start0 = start_offsets0[i] stop0 = stop_offsets0[i] start1 = offsets1[start0] stop1 = offsets1[stop0] # compute bounding box for polygon. bounds = total_bounds_interleaved(flat_values[start1:stop1]) if bounds[0] > x1 or bounds[1] > y1 or bounds[2] < x0 or bounds[3] < y0: # bounds outside of rect, does not intersect return if (bounds[0] >= x0 and bounds[2] <= x1 or bounds[1] >= y0 and bounds[3] <= y1): # bounds is fully contained in rect when both are projected onto the # x or y axis result[i] = True return # Check for vertices in rect vert_in_rect = False for k in range(start1, stop1, 2): x = flat_values[k] y = flat_values[k + 1] if x0 <= x and x <= x1 and y0 <= y and y <= y1: vert_in_rect = True break if vert_in_rect: result[i] = True return # Check for segment that crosses rectangle edge segment_intersects = False for j in range(start0, stop0): for k in range(offsets1[j], offsets1[j + 1] - 2, 2): ex0 = flat_values[k] ey0 = flat_values[k + 1] ex1 = flat_values[k + 2] ey1 = flat_values[k + 3] # top if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y1, x1, y1): segment_intersects = True break # bottom if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y0, x1, y0): segment_intersects = True break # left if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x0, y0, x0, y1): segment_intersects = True break # right if segments_intersect(ex0, ey0, ex1, ey1, x1, y0, x1, y1): segment_intersects = True break if segment_intersects: result[i] = True if segment_intersects: return # Check if a rectangle corners is in rect polygon_offsets = offsets1[start0:stop0 + 1] if point_intersects_polygon(x0, y0, flat_values, polygon_offsets): result[i] = True return if point_intersects_polygon(x1, y0, flat_values, polygon_offsets): result[i] = True return if point_intersects_polygon(x1, y1, flat_values, polygon_offsets): result[i] = True return if point_intersects_polygon(x0, y1, flat_values, polygon_offsets): result[i] = True return @ngjit def polygons_intersect_bounds( x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets0, stop_offsets0, offsets1, result ): """ Test whether each polygon in a collection of polygons intersects with the supplied bounds Args: x0, y0, x1, y1: Bounds coordinates flat_values: Interleaved vertex coordinates start_offsets0, stop_offsets0: start and stop offsets into offsets1 separating individual polygons offsets1: offsets into flat_values separating individual polygons rings result: boolean array to be provided by the caller into which intersection results will be written; must be at least as long as start_offsets Returns: None """ # Initialize results n = len(start_offsets0) result.fill(False) # Orient rectangle if x1 < x0: x0, x1 = x1, x0 if y1 < y0: y0, y1, = y1, y0 if x0 == x1 or y0 == y1: # Zero width/height rect does not intersect with anything return for i in range(n): _perform_polygon_intersect_bounds( i, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets0, stop_offsets0, offsets1, result ) return result @ngjit def multipolygons_intersect_bounds( x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, start_offsets0, stop_offsets0, offsets1, offsets2, result ): """ Test whether each multipolygon in a collection of multipolygons intersects with the supplied bounds Args: x0, y0, x1, y1: Bounds coordinates flat_values: Interleaved vertex coordinates start_offsets0, stop_offsets0: start and stop offsets into offsets1 separating individual multipolygons offsets1: offsets into offsets2 separating individual polygons offsets2: offsets into flat_values separating individual polygon rings result: boolean array to be provided by the caller into which intersection results will be written; must be at least as long as start_offsets Returns: None """ # Initialize results n = len(start_offsets0) result.fill(False) if len(start_offsets0) < 1: # Empty array return # Orient rectangle if x1 < x0: x0, x1 = x1, x0 if y1 < y0: y0, y1, = y1, y0 if x0 == x1 or y0 == y1: # Zero width/height rect does not intersect with anything return # Populate results for i in range(n): polygon_offsets = offsets1[start_offsets0[i]:stop_offsets0[i] + 1] num_polys = len(polygon_offsets) - 1 element_result = np.zeros(num_polys, dtype=np.bool_) for j in range(num_polys): _perform_polygon_intersect_bounds( j, x0, y0, x1, y1, flat_values, polygon_offsets[:-1], polygon_offsets[1:], offsets2, element_result ) result[i] = element_result.any()
import numpy as np def gamma(bilde, g=0.5): """ Gitt et HDR-bilde, returnerer resultatet av å gjennomføre enkel rendring ved hjelp av en gamma-funksjon. Parameters ---------- bilde : ndarray Et bilde som kan ha ubegrenset antall dimensjoner/kanaler. g : <0, 1> float Gamma-verdien som brukes for å rendre bildet. Returns ------- gbilde : ndarray Bildet etter å ha anvendt gammafunksjonen. """ if 0.0 < g and g < 1.0: return bilde ** g else: raise ValueError("gammaverdien må være mellom 0 og 1") def gamma_luminans(bilde, g=0.5): """ Gitt et HDR-bilde, returnerer resultatet av å gjennomføre enkel rendring ved hjelp av en gamma-funksjon på luminansen til bildet. Parameters ---------- bilde : {(X, Y, 3)} ndarray Et bilde med 3 fargekanaler. g : <0, 1> float Gamma-verdien som brukes for å rendre bildet. Returns ------- gbilde : ndarray Bildet etter å ha anvendt gammafunksjonen på luminansen. """ # Regn ut luminansen (R + G + B). L = bilde.sum(axis=2) return gamma(L[:, :, np.newaxis]) * (bilde / L[:, :, np.newaxis]) def gamma_kombo(bilde, v=0.5, g=0.5): """ Gitt et HDR-bilde, returnerer resultatet av å gjennomføre enkel rendring ved hjelp av en vektet sum av gamma-funksjon på luminansen og gamma-funksjonen på alle kanalene i bildet. Parameters ---------- bilde : {(X, Y, 3)} ndarray Et bilde med 3 fargekanaler. v : <0, 1> float Bestemmer hvor mye luminansen vektes (`v * gamma_luminans + (1 - v) * gamma`). g : <0, 1> float Gamma-verdien som brukes for å rendre bildet. Returns ------- gbilde : ndarray Bildet etter å ha anvendt gammafunksjonen. """ if 0.0 <= v and v <= 1.0: return v * gamma_luminans(bilde, g) + (1 - v) * gamma(bilde, g) else: raise ValueError("vektentallet må være mellom 0 og 1")
import networkx as nx import graph_embeddings_library as gel from Analysis.aggregate_data.data_aggregation_tools import create_graph_from_AS_relationships graph = nx.Graph() method = 'node2vec' if method == 'example': graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c']) method = 'example' dict_args = {'embedding_size': 4, 'default_value': 22} data = gel.generate_ASN_embeddings_from_graph(graph, method, **dict_args) elif method == 'node2vec': graph = create_graph_from_AS_relationships() print( dict_args = {'dimensions': 64, 'walk_length': 10, 'num_walks': 80, 'workers': 1, 'window': 5, 'min_count': 1, 'batch_words': 4} data = gel.generate_ASN_embeddings_from_graph(graph, method, **dict_args) else: raise Exception('Not defined type of embeddings')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sdata from sdata.workbook import Workbook import pandas as pd import numpy as np def test_blob(): wb = Workbook(name="workbook", description="A excel like workbook", ) print(wb) assert == "workbook" s0 = wb.create_sheet(1) assert s0 is None df1 = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3]) s1 = wb.create_sheet("df1") s1.df = df1 assert == "df1" s1.describe() data2 = sdata.Data(name="data2", df=pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})) wb.add_sheet(data2) assert data2 in wb assert "data2" in wb.sheetnames s3 = wb.add_sheet(1) assert s3 is None print(wb.sheetnames) assert wb.sheetnames == ['df1', 'data2'] assert len(wb.sheets)==2
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms # Calorimetry Digis (Ecal + Hcal) - * unsuppressed * # returns sequence "calDigi" from SimCalorimetry.Configuration.ecalDigiSequence_cff import * from SimGeneral.Configuration.SimGeneral_cff import * doAllDigi = cms.Sequence(ecalDigiSequence) pdigi = cms.Sequence(cms.SequencePlaceholder("randomEngineStateProducer")*cms.SequencePlaceholder("mix")*doAllDigi)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from thermo import * from fluids.numerics import logspace ethanol_psat = VaporPressure(Tb=351.39, Tc=514.0, Pc=6137000.0, omega=0.635, CASRN='64-17-5') ethanol_psat.plot_T_dependent_property(Tmin=400, Tmax=500, methods=['BOILING_CRITICAL', 'SANJARI', 'LEE_KESLER_PSAT', 'VDI_TABULAR', 'DIPPR_PERRY_8E'], pts=50, order=1)
from builtins import object import glob import os.path from . import class_loader class AlgorithmLoader(object): @classmethod def load_agent(cls, algorithm_path, algorithm_name): return cls.load_algorithm_class(algorithm_path, algorithm_name, 'agent.Agent') @classmethod def load_parameter_server(cls, algorithm_path, algorithm_name): return cls.load_algorithm_class(algorithm_path, algorithm_name, 'parameter_server.ParameterServer') @classmethod def load_algorithm_class(cls, algorithm_path, algorithm_name, suffix): if algorithm_path is not None: _, algorithm_name = os.path.split(algorithm_path) elif '.' not in algorithm_name: algorithm_name = 'relaax.algorithms.%s' % algorithm_name return class_loader.ClassLoader.load(algorithm_path, '%s.%s' % (algorithm_name, suffix)) @classmethod def model_packages(cls, algorithm_path, algorithm_name): if algorithm_path is not None: _, algorithm_name = os.path.split(algorithm_path) elif '.' not in algorithm_name: algorithm_name = 'relaax.algorithms.%s' % algorithm_name m = class_loader.ClassLoader.import_module(algorithm_path, '%s.parameter_server' % algorithm_name) mpath, = m.__path__ for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(mpath, '*')): name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f)) yield algorithm_path, '%s.%s' % (algorithm_name, name)
from experiments.gamut_games import * from prettytable import PrettyTable from algorithms.algorithms import global_sampling, psp from structures.gamestructure import path_to_nfg_files from experiments.noise import UniformNoise from structures.bounds import HoeffdingBound import pandas as pd import ast import time def get_rg_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return RandomGames(title=game_params['title'], num_players=params['num_players'], num_strategies=params['num_strategies'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_pd_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return PrisonersDilemma(title=game_params['title'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_bs_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return BattleOfTheSexes(title=game_params['title'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_cn_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return CongestionGame(title=game_params['title'], num_players=params['num_players'], num_facilities=params['num_facilities'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_td_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return TravelersDilemma(title=game_params['title'], num_players=params['num_players'], num_strategies=params['num_strategies'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_ch_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return Chicken(title=game_params['title'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_me_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return MinimumEffort(title=game_params['title'], num_players=params['num_players'], num_strategies=params['num_strategies'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_gd_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return GrabTheDollar(title=game_params['title'], num_strategies=params['num_strategies'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_zs_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return ZeroSum(title=game_params['title'], num_strategies=params['num_strategies'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) def get_cg_ground_truth_game(params: Dict, game_params: Dict): return CompoundGame(title=game_params['title'], num_players=params['num_players'], max_payoff=params['max_payoff'], min_payoff=params['min_payoff'], noise=game_params['noise']) class Experiment(ABC): # Declare the type of games we are allowed to experiment with. game_generators_dict = {'rg': get_rg_ground_truth_game, 'pd': get_pd_ground_truth_game, 'bs': get_bs_ground_truth_game, 'cn': get_cn_ground_truth_game, 'td': get_td_ground_truth_game, 'ch': get_ch_ground_truth_game, 'me': get_me_ground_truth_game, 'gd': get_gd_ground_truth_game, 'zs': get_zs_ground_truth_game, 'cg': get_cg_ground_truth_game} def __init__(self, params: Dict): self.params = params self.gt_generator = Experiment.game_generators_dict[self.params['ground_truth_game_generator']] Experiment.generate_params_prettytable(params=self.params, meta_file_location=self.params['result_file_location'] + '.meta') @abstractmethod def run_experiment(self): pass @staticmethod def generate_params_prettytable(params: Dict, meta_file_location: str) -> None: """ Generate a pretty table with the parameters of an experiment, print it and save it to a file. :param params: a list of tuples (param, value) :param meta_file_location: the location of the file where the pretty table of parameters will be stored :return: """ # t = PrettyTable() t.field_names = ["Param", "Value"] for param, value in params.items(): t.add_row([param, str(value)]) print(t) # Save meta info file so we know what parameters were used to run the experiment. with open(meta_file_location, 'w+') as meta_file: meta_file.write(str(t)) class GSExperiments(Experiment): def run_experiment(self): # List for results results = [] # Draw some number of ground-truth games. for i in range(0, self.params['num_games']): print(f'Game #{i}') # Test different noise models. for j, noise in enumerate(self.params['noise_models']): print(f'Noise #{j}', end='\t ') game = self.gt_generator(self.params, {'title': 'expt_gs_game_' + self.params['ground_truth_game_generator'] + '_' + self.params['experiment_name'], 'noise': noise}) c = noise.get_c(self.params['max_payoff'], self.params['min_payoff']) # For fix noise model and ground-truth game, perform multiple trials defined as runs of GS. for t in range(0, self.params['num_trials']): if t % 10 == 0: print(t, end='\t') df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) for m in self.params['m_test']: # Run GS for each type of bound. for bound in self.params['bounds']: g = game.clone() epsilon_gs, total_num_samples_gs = global_sampling(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, m=m, delta=self.params['delta'], c=c) # Collect results in the form (game index, variance of the noise model, name of bound, number of samples, epsilon). results += [[i, noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], m, epsilon_gs]] print('') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) class RegretExperiments(Experiment): def run_experiment(self): # List for results results = [] # Draw some number of ground-truth games. for i in range(self.params['num_games']): print(f'Game #{i}') ground_truth_game = None list_of_nashs = [] while len(list_of_nashs) == 0: # Create the ground truth game ground_truth_game = self.gt_generator(self.params, {'title': 'expt_regret_game_' + self.params['ground_truth_game_generator'] + '_' + self.params['experiment_name'], 'noise': None}) # Compute the Nash of the ground-truth game by calling gambit and read it back. ground_truth_game.solve_nash() with open(path_to_nfg_files + 'expt_regret_game_' + self.params['ground_truth_game_generator'] + '_' + self.params['experiment_name'] + '_sol', 'r') as sol_file: list_of_nashs = ast.literal_eval( print(f'The game has {len(list_of_nashs)} many nashs') for nash in list_of_nashs: print(f'\t {nash}') # Test different noise models. for j, noise in enumerate(self.params['noise_models']): print(f'Noise #{j}', end='\t ') # Construct the game which we are going to estimate. ground_truth_game.noise = noise estimated_game = ground_truth_game.clone() c = noise.get_c(self.params['max_payoff'], self.params['min_payoff']) # Start Experiment for t in range(0, self.params['num_trials']): if t % 10 == 0: print(t, end='\t') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps', 'num_nash', 'max_regret']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) for m in self.params['m_test']: for bound in self.params['bounds']: g = estimated_game.clone() epsilon_gs, total_num_samples_gs = global_sampling(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, m=m, delta=self.params['delta'], c=c) g.set_payoffs() regrets = [g.regret(p, nash) for p in range(g.num_players) for nash in list_of_nashs] max_regret = max(regrets) # print(f'\t 2*eps = {2.0 * epsilon_gs:.4f} ', "\t".join(f'{regret_p:.4f}' for regret_p in regrets), f'max_regret = {max_regret:.4f}') results += [[i, noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], m, epsilon_gs, len(list_of_nashs), max_regret]] print('') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps', 'num_nash', 'max_regret']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) class PSPExperiments(Experiment): def run_experiment(self): # List for results results = [] # Draw some number of ground-truth games. for i in range(0, self.params['num_games']): print(f'Game #{i}') # Test different noise models. for j, noise in enumerate(self.params['noise_models']): print(f'Noise #{j}', end='\t ') game = self.gt_generator(self.params, {'title': 'exp_psp_game_' + self.params['ground_truth_game_generator'] + '_' + self.params['experiment_name'], 'noise': noise}) c = noise.get_c(self.params['max_payoff'], self.params['min_payoff']) # For fix noise model and ground-truth game, perform multiple trials defined as runs of GS. for t in range(0, self.params['num_trials']): if t % 10 == 0: print(t, end='\t') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'algo', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps', 'num_pruned', 'success']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) for m in self.params['m_test']: # Run GS for each type of bound. for bound in self.params['bounds']: # First, run GS g = game.clone() epsilon_gs, total_num_samples_gs = global_sampling(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, m=m, delta=self.params['delta'], c=c) # Collect gs results results += [[i, 'gs', noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], total_num_samples_gs, epsilon_gs, -1, True]] # Second, run PSP with epsilon given by GS and a schedule that ends in the number of samples used by GS. g = game.clone() psp_success, total_num_samples, total_num_profiles_pruned, psp_epsilon = psp(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, # m_schedule=[int(m / 2 ** (3 - i)) for i in range(1, 6)], # Old Schedule. m_schedule=[int((m / 4) * 2 ** i) for i in range(4)], delta_schedule=[self.params['delta'] / 4.0] * 4, # target_epsilon=epsilon_gs, # Old target epsilon. target_epsilon=0.0, c=c) # Collect pss results results += [[i, 'psp', noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], total_num_samples, psp_epsilon, total_num_profiles_pruned, psp_success]] print('') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'algo', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps', 'num_pruned', 'success']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) class PSPExperimentsPart2(Experiment): def run_experiment(self): # List for results results = [] noise = UniformNoise(low=-.5, high=.5) game_index = 0 t0 = time.time() for num_actions in self.params['num_actions']: print(f'num_strategies #{num_actions}') # self.params['num_strategies'] = num_actions self.params['num_facilities'] = num_actions # Draw some number of ground-truth games. for _ in range(0, self.params['num_games']): print(f'Game #{game_index}') game = self.gt_generator(self.params, {'title': 'exp_psp_part2_game_' + self.params['ground_truth_game_generator'] + '_' + self.params['experiment_name'], 'noise': noise}) c = noise.get_c(self.params['max_payoff'], self.params['min_payoff']) if game_index % 10 == 0: print(f'Saving..., time so far = {time.time() - t0:.4f}') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'num_strategies', 'algo', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps_index', 'eps', 'num_pruned']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False) for j, eps in enumerate(self.params['eps']): m = int(HoeffdingBound.number_of_samples({'c': c, 'delta': self.params['delta'], 'estimated_game': game, 'eps': eps})) for bound in self.params['bounds']: # First, run GS g = game.clone() epsilon_gs, total_num_samples_gs = global_sampling(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, m=m, delta=self.params['delta'], c=c) # Collect gs results results += [[game_index, num_actions, 'gs', noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], total_num_samples_gs, j, epsilon_gs, -1]] # Second, run PSP with epsilon given by GS and a schedule that ends in the number of samples used by GS. g = game.clone() psp_success, total_num_samples, total_num_profiles_pruned, psp_epsilon = psp(estimated_game=g, bound=bound, m_schedule=[int((m / 4) * 2 ** i) for i in range(4)], delta_schedule=[self.params['delta'] / 4.0] * 4, target_epsilon=0.0, c=c) # Collect pss results results += [[game_index, num_actions, 'psp', noise.get_variance(), str(bound)[0], total_num_samples, j, psp_epsilon, total_num_profiles_pruned]] game_index += 1 print('') # Convert results to DataFrame and save to a csv file print(f'Saving..., time so far = {time.time() - t0:.4f}') df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['game', 'num_strategies', 'algo', 'variance', 'bound', 'm', 'eps_index', 'eps', 'num_pruned']) df.to_csv(self.params['result_file_location'], index=False)
# Generated by Django 2.2.8 on 2020-02-21 23:50 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('submissions', '0010_submissioncomment'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='submission', name='status', field=models.CharField(choices=[('proposed', 'Proposed'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled')], default='proposed', max_length=20, verbose_name='status'), ), ]
import re import collections import logging from dynamo.registry.registry import RegistryDatabase from dynamo.dataformat import Configuration, Block, ObjectError, ConfigurationError LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UnhandledCopyExists(object): """ Check for pending transfer requests made to Dealer. Sets one attr: unhandled_copy_exists_to """ produces = ['unhandled_copy_exists'] def __init__(self, config = None): config = Configuration(config) self.registry = RegistryDatabase(config.get('registry', None)) def load(self, inventory): # collect the name of items that are not yet activated or are activated but not queued sql = 'SELECT i.`item` FROM `copy_request_items` AS i INNER JOIN `copy_requests` AS r ON r.`id` = i.`request_id`' sql += ' WHERE r.`status` = \'new\'' items = self.registry.db.query(sql) items += self.registry.db.query('SELECT `item` FROM `active_copies` WHERE `status` = \'new\'') for item_name in items: try: dataset_name, block_name = Block.from_full_name(item_name) except ObjectError: dataset_name, block_name = item_name, None try: dataset = inventory.datasets[dataset_name] except KeyError: continue if block_name is not None: block = dataset.find_block(block_name) if block is None: continue dataset.attr['unhandled_copy_exists'] = True
# # # # (c) 2020 by Andreas Kraft # License: BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for further details. # # ANI : Announceable variant # from .MgmtObjAnnc import * from Types import ResourceTypes as T, JSON from Validator import constructPolicy, addPolicy # Attribute policies for this resource are constructed during startup of the CSE aniAPolicies = constructPolicy([ 'ant', 'ldv' ]) attributePolicies = addPolicy(mgmtObjAAttributePolicies, aniAPolicies) # TODO resourceMappingRules, announceSyncType, owner class ANIAnnc(MgmtObjAnnc): def __init__(self, dct:JSON=None, pi:str=None, create:bool=False) -> None: super().__init__(dct, pi, mgd=T.ANI, create=create, attributePolicies=attributePolicies)
#!/usr/bin/python # Classification (U) """Program: Description: Unit testing of MasterRep.connect method in Usage: test/unit/mysql_class/ Arguments: """ # Libraries and Global Variables # Standard import sys import os if sys.version_info < (2, 7): import unittest2 as unittest else: import unittest # Third-party import mock # Local sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) import mysql_class import lib.machine as machine import version __version__ = version.__version__ class UnitTest(unittest.TestCase): """Class: UnitTest Description: Class which is a representation of a unit testing. Methods: setUp test_silent_true test_silent_false test_silent_default test_db_up test_db_down """ def setUp(self): """Function: setUp Description: Initialization for unit testing. Arguments: """ = "Mysql_Server" self.server_id = 10 self.sql_user = "mysql_user" self.sql_pass = "my_japd" self.machine = getattr(machine, "Linux")() = "host_server" self.port = 3307 self.defaults_file = "def_cfg_file" self.extra_def_file = "extra_cfg_file" self.rep_user = "rep_user" self.rep_japd = "rep_japd" self.mysqlrep = mysql_class.MasterRep(, self.server_id, self.sql_user, self.sql_pass, os_type=self.machine, defaults_file=self.defaults_file, rep_user=self.rep_user, rep_japd=self.rep_japd) @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.connect") def test_silent_true(self, mock_server): """Function: test_silent_true Description: Test with silent true set. Arguments: """ mock_server.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.mysqlrep.connect(silent=True)) @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.connect") def test_silent_false(self, mock_server): """Function: test_silent_false Description: Test with silent false set. Arguments: """ mock_server.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.mysqlrep.connect(silent=False)) @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.connect") def test_silent_default(self, mock_server): """Function: test_silent_default Description: Test with silent default setting. Arguments: """ mock_server.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.mysqlrep.connect()) @mock.patch("mysql_class.MasterRep.upd_mst_status") @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.set_srv_gtid") @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.connect") def test_db_up(self, mock_conn, mock_set, mock_update): """Function: test_db_up Description: Test with connection up. Arguments: """ mock_conn.return_value = True mock_set.return_value = True mock_update.return_value = True self.mysqlrep.conn = True self.assertFalse(self.mysqlrep.connect()) @mock.patch("mysql_class.Server.connect") def test_db_down(self, mock_server): """Function: test_db_down Description: Test with connection down. Arguments: """ mock_server.return_value = True self.assertFalse(self.mysqlrep.connect()) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from criaenvio.cliente import APIClienteCriaEnvio class EnvioCriaEnvioAPI(APIClienteCriaEnvio): RECURSO = 'envios'
############################################################################# #Copyright (c) 2010, Jo Bovy, David W. Hogg, Dustin Lang #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS #"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT #LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT #HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, #INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, #BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS #OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED #AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT #LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY #WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE #POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ############################################################################# import scipy as sc from scipy import special import math as m import scipy.linalg as linalg import scipy.optimize as optimize import scipy.stats as stats from generate_data import read_data import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from pylab import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * from matplotlib import rc import bovy_plot as plot def ex10(exclude=sc.array([1,2,3,4]), plotfilenameA='ex10a.png', plotfilenameB='ex10b.png', nburn=1000,nsamples=200000, parsigma=[5,.075,0.1], bovyprintargs={}): """ex10: solve exercise 10 using MCMC sampling Input: exclude - ID numbers to exclude from the analysis (can be None) plotfilename - filename for the output plot nburn - number of burn-in samples nsamples - number of samples to take after burn-in parsigma - proposal distribution width (Gaussian) Output: plot History: 2010-05-07 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ sc.random.seed(-1) #In the interest of reproducibility (if that's a word) #Read the data data= read_data('data_yerr.dat') ndata= len(data) if not exclude == None: nsample= ndata- len(exclude) else: nsample= ndata #First find the chi-squared solution, which we will use as an #initial guess #Put the data in the appropriate arrays and matrices Y= sc.zeros(nsample) X= sc.zeros(nsample) A= sc.ones((nsample,2)) C= sc.zeros((nsample,nsample)) yerr= sc.zeros(nsample) jj= 0 for ii in range(ndata): if not exclude == None and sc.any(exclude == data[ii][0]): pass else: Y[jj]= data[ii][1][1] X[jj]= data[ii][1][0] A[jj,1]= data[ii][1][0] C[jj,jj]= data[ii][2]**2. yerr[jj]= data[ii][2] jj= jj+1 #Now compute the best fit and the uncertainties bestfit=,Y.T) bestfit=,bestfit) bestfitvar=,A) bestfitvar=,bestfitvar) bestfitvar= linalg.inv(bestfitvar) bestfit=,bestfit) initialguess= sc.array([bestfit[0],bestfit[1],0.])#(m,b,logS) #With this initial guess start off the sampling procedure initialX= objective(initialguess,X,Y,yerr) currentX= initialX bestX= initialX bestfit= initialguess currentguess= initialguess naccept= 0 samples= [] samples.append(currentguess) for jj in range(nburn+nsamples): #Draw a sample from the proposal distribution newsample= sc.zeros(3) newsample[0]= currentguess[0]+stats.norm.rvs()*parsigma[0] newsample[1]= currentguess[1]+stats.norm.rvs()*parsigma[1] newsample[2]= currentguess[2]+stats.norm.rvs()*parsigma[2] #Calculate the objective function for the newsample newX= objective(newsample,X,Y,yerr) #Accept or reject #Reject with the appropriate probability u= stats.uniform.rvs() accept=False try: test= m.exp(newX-currentX) if u < test: accept= True except OverflowError: accept= True if accept: #Accept currentX= newX currentguess= newsample naccept= naccept+1 if currentX > bestX: bestfit= currentguess bestX= currentX samples.append(currentguess) if double(naccept)/(nburn+nsamples) < .5 or double(naccept)/(nburn+nsamples) > .8: print "Acceptance ratio was "+str(double(naccept)/(nburn+nsamples)) samples= sc.array(samples).T[:,nburn:-1] print "Best-fit, overall" print bestfit, sc.mean(samples[2,:]), sc.median(samples[2,:]) histmb,edges= sc.histogramdd(samples.T[:,0:2],bins=round(sc.sqrt(nsamples)/2.)) indxi= sc.argmax(sc.amax(histmb,axis=1)) indxj= sc.argmax(sc.amax(histmb,axis=0)) print "Best-fit, marginalized" print edges[0][indxi-1], edges[1][indxj-1] print edges[0][indxi], edges[1][indxj] print edges[0][indxi+1], edges[1][indxj+1] print "Best-fit for S marginalized" histS,edgesS= sc.histogram(samples.T[:,2],bins=round(sc.sqrt(nsamples)/2.)) indx= sc.argmax(histS) #Data with MAP line and sampling plot.bovy_print(**bovyprintargs) bestb= bestfit[0] bestm= bestfit[1] xrange=[0,300] yrange=[0,700] plot.bovy_plot(xrange,bestm*sc.array(xrange)+bestb,'k-', xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange, xlabel=r'$x$',ylabel=r'$y$',zorder=2) errorbar(X,Y,sc.exp(bestfit[2]/2.), marker='o',color='k',linestyle='None',zorder=1) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{MAP}\ :\ y = %4.2f \,x+ %4.0f' % (bestfit[1], bestfit[0])+r'$'+'\n'+r'$\mathrm{MAP}\ :\ \sqrt{S} = %3.1f$' % (sc.exp(bestfit[2]/2.)), bottom_right=True) plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilenameA) #Data with MAP line and sampling plot.bovy_print(**bovyprintargs) bestb= edges[0][indxi] bestm= edges[1][indxj] bestS= edgesS[indx] xrange=[0,300] yrange=[0,700] plot.bovy_plot(xrange,bestm*sc.array(xrange)+bestb,'k-', xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange, xlabel=r'$x$',ylabel=r'$y$',zorder=2) errorbar(X,Y,sc.exp(bestS/2.), marker='o',color='k',linestyle='None',zorder=1) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{marginalized\ over\ S}\ :\ y = %4.2f \,x+ %4.0f' % (bestm, bestb)+r'$'+'\n'+r'$\mathrm{marginalized\ over}\ (m,b)\ :\ \sqrt{S} = %3.1f$' % (sc.exp(bestS/2.)), bottom_right=True) plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilenameB) return def objective(pars,X,Y,yerr): """The objective function""" b= pars[0] s= pars[1] S= sc.exp(pars[2]) return -0.5*sc.sum((Y-s*X-b)**2./S+pars[2])
# Copyright 2019 Jake Magers # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import asyncio import contextlib import random import threading from collections import deque from numbers import Number from . import _buffers as bufs from . import transducers as xf __all__ = ['chan', 'alt', 'b_alt', 'QueueSizeError'] MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024 class QueueSizeError(Exception): """Maximum pending channel operations exceeded. Raised when too many operations have been enqueued on a channel. Consider using a windowing buffer to prevent enqueuing too many puts or altering your design to have less asynchronous "processes" access the channel at once. Note: This exception is an indication of a design error. It should NOT be caught and discarded. """ class Promise: def __init__(self): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._value = None self._is_realized = False self._realized = threading.Condition(self._lock) def deliver(self, value): with self._lock: if self._is_realized: return False self._value = value self._is_realized = True self._realized.notify_all() return True def deref(self): with self._lock: self._realized.wait_for(lambda: self._is_realized) return self._value class FlagFuture(asyncio.Future): def __init__(self, flag): self.__flag = flag self.__result = None super().__init__(loop=asyncio.get_running_loop()) def set_result(self, result): raise AssertionError('cannot call set_result on a future provided by ' 'a channel') def set_exception(self, exception): raise AssertionError('cannot call set_exception on a future provided ' 'by a channel') def cancel(self): with self.__flag['lock']: if self.__flag['is_active']: self.__flag['is_active'] = False elif not super().done(): # This case is when value has been committed but # future hasn't been set because call_soon_threadsafe() # callback hasn't been invoked yet super().set_result(self.__result) return super().cancel() def future_deliver_fn(future): def set_result(result): try: asyncio.Future.set_result(future, result) except asyncio.InvalidStateError: assert future.result() is result def deliver(result): future._FlagFuture__result = result future.get_loop().call_soon_threadsafe(set_result, result) return deliver def create_flag(): return {'lock': threading.Lock(), 'is_active': True} class HandlerManagerMixin: def __enter__(self): return self.acquire() def __exit__(self, e_type, e_val, traceback): self.release() class FnHandler(HandlerManagerMixin): def __init__(self, cb, is_waitable=True): self._cb = cb self.is_waitable = is_waitable self.lock_id = 0 self.is_active = True def acquire(self): return True def release(self): pass def commit(self): return self._cb class FlagHandler(HandlerManagerMixin): def __init__(self, flag, cb, is_waitable=True): self._flag = flag self._cb = cb self.is_waitable = is_waitable self.lock_id = id(flag) @property def is_active(self): return self._flag['is_active'] def acquire(self): return self._flag['lock'].acquire() def release(self): self._flag['lock'].release() def commit(self): self._flag['is_active'] = False return self._cb @contextlib.contextmanager def acquire_handlers(*handlers): """Returns a context manager for acquiring `handlers` without deadlock.""" # Acquire locks in consistent order for h in sorted(handlers, key=lambda h: h.lock_id): is_acquired = h.acquire() assert is_acquired try: yield True finally: for h in handlers: h.release() def nop_ex_handler(e): raise e class chan: """A CSP channel with optional buffer, transducer, and exception handler. Channels support multiple producers and consumers and may be buffered or unbuffered. Additionally, buffered channels can optionally have a transformation applied to the values put to them through the use of a :any:`transducer`. Channels may be used by threads with or without a running asyncio event loop. The :meth:`get`, :meth:`put`, and :func:`alt` functions provide direct support for asyncio by returning awaitables. Channels additionally can be used as asynchronous generators when used with ``async for``. :meth:`b_get`, :meth:`b_put`, :func:`b_alt`, and :meth:`to_iter` provide blocking alternatives for threads which do not wish to use asyncio. Channels can even be used with callback based code via :meth:`f_put` and :meth:`f_get`. A very valuable feature of channels is that producers and consumers of them need not be of the same type. For example, a value placed onto a channel with :meth:`put` (asyncio) can be taken by a call to :meth:`b_get` (blocking) from a separate thread. A select/alt feature is also available using the :func:`alt` and :func:`b_alt` functions. This feature allows one to attempt many operations on a channel at once and only have the first operation to complete actually committed. Once closed, future puts will be unsuccessful but any pending puts will remain until consumed or until a :any:`reduced` value is returned from the transformation. Once exhausted, all future gets will complete with the value None. Because of this, None cannot be put onto a channel either directly or indirectly through a transformation. Args: buf_or_n: An optional buffer that may be expressed as a positive number. If it's a number, a fixed buffer of that capacity will be used. If None, the channel will be unbuffered. xform: An optional :any:`transducer <transducers>` for transforming elements put onto the channel. `buf_or_n` must not be None if this is provided. ex_handler: An optional function to handle exceptions raised during transformation. Must accept the raised exception as a parameter. Any non-None return value will be put onto the buffer. See Also: :any:`buffer()` :any:`dropping_buffer()` :any:`sliding_buffer()` """ def __init__(self, buf_or_n=None, xform=None, ex_handler=None): if buf_or_n is None: if xform is not None: raise TypeError('unbuffered channels cannot have an xform') if ex_handler is not None: raise TypeError('unbuffered channels cannot have an ex_handler') self._buf = (bufs.FixedBuffer(buf_or_n) if isinstance(buf_or_n, Number) else buf_or_n) xform = xf.identity if xform is None else xform ex_handler = nop_ex_handler if ex_handler is None else ex_handler self._takes = deque() self._puts = deque() self._is_closed = False self._buf_rf_is_completed = False self._lock = threading.Lock() @xform @xf.completing def xrf(_, val): if val is None: raise AssertionError('xform cannot produce None') self._buf.put(val) def ex_handler_rf(*args): try: return xrf(*args) except Exception as e: val = ex_handler(e) if val is not None: self._buf.put(val) self._buf_rf = ex_handler_rf def put(self, val, *, wait=True): """Attempts to put `val` onto the channel. Puts will fail in the following cases: * the channel is already closed * ``wait=False`` and `val` cannot be immediately put onto the channel * a :any:`reduced` value is returned during transformation Args: val: A non-None value to put onto the channel. wait: An optional bool that if False, fails the put operation when it cannot complete immediately. Returns: An awaitable that will evaluate to True if `val` is accepted onto the channel or False if it's not. Raises: RuntimeError: If the calling thread has no running event loop. QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending put operations. """ flag = create_flag() future = FlagFuture(flag) handler = FlagHandler(flag, future_deliver_fn(future), wait) ret = self._p_put(handler, val) if ret is not None: asyncio.Future.set_result(future, ret[0]) return future def get(self, *, wait=True): """Attempts to take a value from the channel. Gets will fail if the channel is exhausted or if ``wait=False`` and a value is not immediately available. Args: wait: An optional bool that if False, fails the get operation when a value is not immediately available. Returns: An awaitable that evaluates to a value taken from the channel or None if the operation fails. Raises: RuntimeError: If the calling thread has no running event loop. QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending get operations. """ flag = create_flag() future = FlagFuture(flag) handler = FlagHandler(flag, future_deliver_fn(future), wait) ret = self._p_get(handler) if ret is not None: asyncio.Future.set_result(future, ret[0]) return future def b_put(self, val, *, wait=True): """Same as :meth:`put` except it blocks instead of returning an awaitable. Does not require an event loop. """ prom = Promise() ret = self._p_put(FnHandler(prom.deliver, wait), val) if ret is not None: return ret[0] return prom.deref() def b_get(self, *, wait=True): """Same as :meth:`get` except it blocks instead of returning an awaitable. Does not require an event loop. """ prom = Promise() ret = self._p_get(FnHandler(prom.deliver, wait)) if ret is not None: return ret[0] return prom.deref() def f_put(self, val, f=None): """Asynchronously puts `val` onto the channel and calls `f` when complete. Does not require an event loop. Args: val: A non-None value to put onto the channel. f: An optional non-blocking function accepting the completion status of the put operation. Returns: False if the channel is already closed or True if it's not. Raises: QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending put operations. """ f = (lambda _: None) if f is None else f ret = self._p_put(FnHandler(f), val) if ret is None: return True f(ret[0]) return ret[0] def f_get(self, f): """Asynchronously takes a value from the channel and calls `f` with it. Does not require an event loop. Args: f: A non-blocking function accepting a single argument. Will be passed the value taken from the channel or None if the channel is exhausted. Raises: QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending get operations. """ ret = self._p_get(FnHandler(f)) if ret is None: return f(ret[0]) def offer(self, val): """Same as :meth:`b_put(val, wait=False) <b_put>`.""" return self.b_put(val, wait=False) def poll(self): """Same as :meth:`b_get(wait=False) <b_get>`.""" return self.b_get(wait=False) def close(self): """Closes the channel.""" with self._lock: self._cleanup() self._close() async def __aiter__(self): """Returns an asynchronous iterator over the channel's values.""" while True: value = await self.get() if value is None: break yield value def to_iter(self): """Returns an iterator over the channel's values. Calling ``next()`` on the returned iterator may block. Does not require an event loop. """ while True: val = self.b_get() if val is None: break yield val def _p_put(self, handler, val): """Commits or enqueues a put operation to the channel. If the put operation completes immediately, then the `handler` will be committed but its callback will not be invoked. The completion status of the operation will be wrapped in a tuple and returned. The status will be True if `val` was accepted onto the channel or False otherwise. If the operation is unable to complete immediately, then `handler` and `val` will be enqueued and None will be returned. When the operation eventually completes, the `handler` will be committed and its callback will be invoked with the completion status. Args: handler: A handler that will be committed upon completion. Its callback will only be invoked if the operation is enqueued. val: A non-None value to put onto the channel. Returns: A tuple containing the completion status if the operation completes immediately. None if the operation is enqueued. Raises: QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending put operations. """ if val is None: raise TypeError('item cannot be None') with self._lock: self._cleanup() if self._is_closed: return self._fail_op(handler, False) # Attempt to transfer val onto buf if self._buf is not None and not self._buf.is_full(): with handler: if not handler.is_active: return None handler.commit() self._buf_put(val) self._transfer_buf_vals_to_takers() return True, # Attempt to transfer val to a taker if self._buf is None: while len(self._takes) > 0: taker = self._takes[0] with acquire_handlers(handler, taker): if not handler.is_active: return None self._takes.popleft() if taker.is_active: handler.commit() taker.commit()(val) return True, if not handler.is_waitable: return self._fail_op(handler, False) # Attempt to enqueue the operation if len(self._puts) >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: raise QueueSizeError('channel has too many pending puts') self._puts.append((handler, val)) def _p_get(self, handler): """Commits or enqueues a get operation to the channel. If the get operation completes immediately, then the `handler` will be committed but its callback will not be invoked. If the channel is not already exhausted, then the value taken from the channel will be wrapped in a tuple and returned. If the channel is already exhausted then the tuple, ``(None,)``, will be returned. If the operation is unable to complete immediately, then `handler` and `val` will be enqueued and None will be returned. When the operation eventually completes, the `handler` will be committed and its callback will be invoked with the value taken from the channel or None if its exhausted. Args: handler: A handler that will be committed upon completion. Its callback will only be invoked if the operation is enqueued. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the get operation if it completes immediately. None if the operation is enqueued. Raises: QueueSizeError: If the channel has too many pending get operations. """ with self._lock: self._cleanup() # Attempt to take val from buf if self._buf is not None and len(self._buf) > 0: with handler: if not handler.is_active: return None handler.commit() ret = self._buf.get() # Transfer vals from putters onto buf while len(self._puts) > 0 and not self._buf.is_full(): putter, val = self._puts.popleft() with putter: if putter.is_active: putter.commit()(True) self._buf_put(val) self._complete_buf_rf_if_ready() return ret, # Attempt to take val from a putter if self._buf is None: while len(self._puts) > 0: putter, val = self._puts[0] with acquire_handlers(handler, putter): if not handler.is_active: return None self._puts.popleft() if putter.is_active: handler.commit() putter.commit()(True) return val, if self._is_closed or not handler.is_waitable: return self._fail_op(handler, None) # Attempt to enqueue the operation if len(self._takes) >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: raise QueueSizeError('channel has too many pending gets') self._takes.append(handler) def _cleanup(self): """Removes enqueued operations that are no longer active.""" self._takes = deque(h for h in self._takes if h.is_active) self._puts = deque((h, v) for h, v in self._puts if h.is_active) @staticmethod def _fail_op(handler, val): with handler: if handler.is_active: handler.commit() return val, return None def _buf_put(self, val): if xf.is_reduced(self._buf_rf(None, val)): # If reduced value is returned then no more input is allowed onto # buf. To ensure this, remove all pending puts and close ch. for putter, _ in self._puts: with putter: if putter.is_active: putter.commit()(False) self._puts.clear() self._close() def _transfer_buf_vals_to_takers(self): while len(self._takes) > 0 and len(self._buf) > 0: taker = self._takes.popleft() with taker: if taker.is_active: taker.commit()(self._buf.get()) def _complete_buf_rf_if_ready(self): """Calls buf_rf completion arity once if all input has been put to buf. Guarantees that the buf_rf completion arity will be invoked only after all input has been placed onto the buffer and that it will never be called more than once. Invoking the completion arity will flush any remaining values from the transformed reducing function onto buf. """ if (self._is_closed and len(self._puts) == 0 and not self._buf_rf_is_completed): self._buf_rf_is_completed = True self._buf_rf(None) def _close(self): self._is_closed = True if self._buf is not None: self._complete_buf_rf_if_ready() self._transfer_buf_vals_to_takers() # Remove pending takes # No-op if there are pending puts or buffer isn't empty for taker in self._takes: with taker: if taker.is_active: taker.commit()(None) self._takes.clear() class _Undefined: """A default parameter value that a user could never pass in.""" def _alts(flag, deliver_fn, ops, priority, default): ops = list(ops) if len(ops) == 0: raise ValueError('alts must have at least one channel operation') if not priority: random.shuffle(ops) ch_ops = {} # Parse ops into ch_ops for raw_op in ops: try: ch, val = raw_op op = {'type': 'put', 'value': val} except TypeError: ch = raw_op op = {'type': 'get'} if ch_ops.get(ch, op)['type'] != op['type']: raise ValueError('cannot get and put to same channel') ch_ops[ch] = op def create_handler(ch): return FlagHandler(flag, lambda val: deliver_fn((val, ch))) # Start ops for ch, op in ch_ops.items(): if op['type'] == 'get': ret = ch._p_get(create_handler(ch)) elif op['type'] == 'put': ret = ch._p_put(create_handler(ch), op['value']) if ret is not None: return ret[0], ch if default is not _Undefined: with flag['lock']: if flag['is_active']: flag['is_active'] = False return default, 'default' def alt(*ops, priority=False, default=_Undefined): """ alt(*ops, priority=False, default=Undefined) Returns an awaitable representing the first and only channel operation to finish. Accepts a variable number of operations that either get from or put to a channel and commits only one of them. If no `default` is provided, then only the first op to finish will be committed. If `default` is provided and none of the `ops` finish immediately, then no operation will be committed and `default` will instead be used to complete the returned awaitable. Args: ops: Operations that either get from or put to a channel. A get operation is represented as simply a channel to get from. A put operation is represented as an iterable of the form ``[channel, val]``, where `val` is an item to put onto `channel`. priority: An optional bool. If True, operations will be tried in order. If False, operations will be tried in random order. default: An optional value to use in case no operation finishes immediately. Returns: An awaitable that evaluates to a tuple of the form ``(val, ch)``. If `default` is not provided, then `val` will be what the first successful operation returned and `ch` will be the channel used in that operation. If `default` is provided and none of the operations complete immediately, then the awaitable will evaluate to ``(default, 'default')``. Raises: ValueError: If `ops` is empty or contains both a get and put operation to the same channel. RuntimeError: If the calling thread has no running event loop. See Also: :func:`b_alt` """ flag = create_flag() future = FlagFuture(flag) ret = _alts(flag, future_deliver_fn(future), ops, priority, default) if ret is not None: asyncio.Future.set_result(future, ret) return future def b_alt(*ops, priority=False, default=_Undefined): """ b_alt(*ops, priority=False, default=Undefined) Same as :func:`alt` except it blocks instead of returning an awaitable. Does not require an event loop. """ prom = Promise() ret = _alts(create_flag(), prom.deliver, ops, priority, default) return prom.deref() if ret is None else ret
import os import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, Mock os.environ["STAGE"] = "test" os.environ["autotest"] = "True" from sosw.worker_assistant import WorkerAssistant from sosw.test.variables import TEST_WORKER_ASSISTANT_CONFIG class WorkerAssistant_UnitTestCase(unittest.TestCase): TEST_CONFIG = TEST_WORKER_ASSISTANT_CONFIG def setUp(self): with patch('boto3.client'): self.worker_assistant = WorkerAssistant(custom_config=self.TEST_CONFIG) def test_call__unknown_action__raises(self): event = { 'action': 'unknown_action' } with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.worker_assistant(event) def test_call__mark_task_as_closed(self): event = { 'action': 'mark_task_as_completed', 'task_id': '123', 'stats': '{"s_key": "value"}', 'result': '{"r_key": "value"}' } self.worker_assistant.mark_task_as_completed = Mock(return_value=None) self.worker_assistant(event) self.worker_assistant.mark_task_as_completed.assert_called_once_with(task_id='123', stats={"s_key": "value"}, result={"r_key": "value"}) def test_call__mark_task_as_closed__no_task_id__raises(self): event = { 'action': 'mark_task_as_completed' } with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.worker_assistant(event)
# *************************************************************************** # # HyperNet # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Machine Learning-Based library for modeling # # multi-component non-equilibrium thermochemical processes # # # # *************************************************************************** # # --------------------------- CONFIGURATION FILE ---------------------------- # # HyperNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- headers = { 'main': '[HyperNet]: ', 'warning': '[HyperNet]: WARNING! ', 'val_err': 'from HyperNet\n>>> ' } values = { 'SMALL': 1.e-15, 'BIG': 1.e+15 } # TensorFlow ------------------------------------------------------------------ tf_setup = { 'EPSILON': 1.e-15, 'DTYPE': 'float64', 'NUM_THREADS': 16, 'TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL': '3' }
from Tkinter import * from hummingbird import Hummingbird import time ''' Hummingbird Hardware Components Connect TriColor LED to Port #1 Connect Servo Motor to port #1 Connect Gear Motor to port #1 Connect Temperature Sensor to sensor port #1 Connect Distance Sensor to sensor port #2 Connect Rotary Sensor to sensor port #3 Connect Sound Sensor to sensor port #4 ''' #The following functions are tied to key presses def instructions(): print """ Welcome to my hummingbird: a. Turn on LED light s. Start on a motor d. Stop the motor f. Print distances g. Print temperature h. Use rotary sensor j. Sound Sensor k. Vibration Motor l. Set Servo space: Turn Off """ def tri_color(): #Set LED in port 1 to red humm.set_tricolor_led(1, 255, 0, 0) time.sleep(1) humm.set_tricolor_led(1, 0, 255, 0) time.sleep(1) humm.set_tricolor_led(1, 0, 0, 255) def start_motor(): humm.set_motor(1, 255) def stop_motor(): humm.set_motor(1, 0) def distance_sensor(): #Loop until object <20cm away detected distance = humm.get_distance(2) print "I will print the distance for the next 5 seconds" start = time.time() stop = start + 5 while(start < stop): print "Distance: ", humm.get_distance(2) start = time.time() def temp_sensor(): temp = humm.get_temperature(1) print "The temperature is", temp def rotary_values(): rotary = humm.get_knob_value(3) while(rotary !=0): print "Rotary value:", rotary rotary = humm.get_knob_value(3) def get_sound(): print "I will record the sound levels for the next 5 seconds" start = time.time() stop = start + 5 while(start < stop): print "Sound level: ", humm.get_sound_sensor(4) start = time.time() def vibrate(): #Vibrate 5 times for i in range(0,5): humm.set_vibration_motor(1, 255) time.sleep(1) humm.set_vibration_motor(1, 0) time.sleep(1) def set_servo(): print "I will set the servo" for i in range(0,3): humm.set_servo(1, 0) time.sleep(1) humm.set_servo(1, 90) time.sleep(1) def turn_off(): global keep_going keep_going = False print "I'm turning off the hummingbird" humm.close() ''' Used to tie key presses to humminbird functions ''' def key(event): key_pressed = event.char if key_pressed == "a": print "Setting LED to red, green and blue" tri_color() elif key_pressed == "s": print "Starting Gear Motor..." start_motor() elif key_pressed == "d": print "Stopping Gear Motor..." stop_motor() elif key_pressed == "f": distance_sensor() elif key_pressed == "g": temp_sensor() elif key_pressed == "h": rotary_values() elif key_pressed == "j": get_sound() elif key_pressed == "k": vibrate() elif key_pressed == "l": set_servo() else: turn_off() instructions() ################################################################ # Don't modify the following code, GUI components # ################################################################ root = Tk() text = Text(root) text.insert(INSERT, """ Welcome to my hummingbird: Use the following keys to activate hummingbird components a. Turn on LED light s. Start on a motor d. Stop the motor f. Print distances g. Print temperature h. Use rotary sensor j. Sound Sensor k. Vibration Motor l. Set Servo space: Turn Off """) text.insert(END, "Click the button below to start.....") text.pack() def button_handler(): print "Here we go!" frame.focus_set() start_button = Button(root, text="Click me to Start", command=button_handler, bg="yellow") start_button.config( height = 10, width = 50 ) start_button.pack() #Creates Hummingbird object humm = Hummingbird() def callback(event): frame.focus_set() print "clicked at", event.x, event.y frame = Frame(root, width=300, height=150) frame.bind("<Key>", key) frame.bind("<Button-1>", callback) frame.pack() root.mainloop() instructions()
from django.apps import AppConfig class AccomplishmentConfig(AppConfig): name = 'accomplishment'
import math from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional from c2cwsgiutils import stats from tilecloud import Tile class Statistics: def __init__(self, format: str = "%f"): self.format = format self.n = 0 self.sum = 0.0 self.sum_of_squares = 0.0 self.minimum: Optional[float] = None self.maximum: Optional[float] = None def add(self, x: float) -> None: self.n += 1 self.sum += x self.sum_of_squares += x * x self.minimum = x if self.minimum is None else min(self.minimum, x) self.maximum = x if self.maximum is None else max(self.maximum, x) def __str__(self) -> str: result = [] if self.n: result.append("/".join(self.format % value for value in (self.minimum, self.mean, self.maximum))) result.append(f"(n={self.n:d})") return " ".join(result) @property def mean(self) -> Optional[float]: return self.sum / self.n if self.n else None @property def variance(self) -> float: return self.sum_of_squares / self.n - (self.sum / self.n) ** 2 @property def standard_deviation(self) -> float: return math.sqrt(self.variance) class Benchmark: def __init__(self, attr: str = "benchmark"): self.attr = attr self.statisticss: Dict[str, Statistics] = {} def sample(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[Tile], Tile]: if key: if key in self.statisticss: statistics: Optional[Statistics] = self.statisticss[key] else: statistics = Statistics("%.3fs") self.statisticss[key] = statistics else: statistics = None def callback(tile: Tile) -> Tile: if tile: if hasattr(tile, self.attr): timer = getattr(tile, self.attr) delta_t = timer.stop() if statistics: statistics.add(delta_t) else: setattr(tile, self.attr, stats.timer([key])) return tile return callback class StatsdCountTiles: def __call__(self, tile: Tile) -> Tile: if tile: stats.increment_counter(["tiles"]) return tile class StatsdCountErrors: def __call__(self, tile: Tile) -> Tile: if tile and tile.error: stats.increment_counter(["errors"]) return tile
import os import six import json from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session consumer_key = 'XJCbpn5nHHDNW48NBMx0eg' consumer_secret = 'gcxv78Aq6kBulp663LFgug' class Figshare(object): def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret): """ Connects to the figshare API. """ self.client = OAuth1Session( consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret) self.endpoint = '' def article(self, article_id): """ Returns a single article. """ response = self.client.get(self.endpoint + '/articles/%s' % article_id) return response.json()['items'][0] def delete_article(self, article_id): """ Deletes article `article_id`. """ response = self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s' % article_id) return json.loads(response.content) def articles(self, limit=None): """ Parameters ---------- limit : int or None If not None, then limit the number of articles returned. Returns ------- Dict of {count: integer count of articles, items: dictionary representing each article} """ # API only returns 10 results at a time, so keep asking for more pages # until we can't get any more... all_articles = [] count = 0 page = 1 while True: if limit is not None and (len(all_articles) < limit): break data = {'page': page} response = self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/articles', params={'page': page} ) # Keep the response around for debugging if needed; get a separate # results dict results = response.json() if results['count'] == 0: break all_articles.extend(results['items']) count += results['count'] page += 1 # Reconstruct the JSON dict in the same format returned by a single # response (with keys [count, items]) assert count == len(all_articles) return {'count': count, 'items': all_articles} def create_article(self, title, description, defined_type='dataset'): """ Create an article. `title`, `description` are required; other `defined_type` value can be "fileset". There are likely others (e.g., "figure", "code", "media", etc) but these are currently undocumented by the API, so use at your own risk. """ response = self.endpoint + '/articles', data=json.dumps({'title': title, 'description': description, 'defined_type': defined_type, }), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return response.json() def make_private(self, article_id): """ Make an article private. If an article was just created, it is still in draft form. This method will turn it into a private article. """ response = '%s/articles/%s/action/make_private' % (self.endpoint, article_id)) return response.json() def update_article(self, article_id, title=None, description=None, defined_type=None): """ Update title, description, and defined_type. Any of these values can be None if you don't want to change them. """ data = {'title': title, 'description': description, 'defined_type': defined_type} data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.items() if v is not None) response = self.client.put( '%s/articles/%s' % (self.endpoint, article_id), data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return response.json() def upload_file(self, article_id, filepath_or_buffer): """ Upload a file. `filepath_or_buffer` can be a string or an open file object. """ if isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, six.string_types): file = open(filepath_or_buffer, 'rb') own_handle = True else: file = filepath_or_buffer own_handle = False try: files = {'filedata': (os.path.basename(, file)} response = self.client.put( '%s/articles/%s/files' % (self.endpoint, article_id), files=files) return response.json() finally: if own_handle: file.close() def delete_file(self, article_id, file_id): """ Delete a file. """ response = self.client.delete( '%s/articles/%s/files/%s' % (self.endpoint, article_id, file_id) ) return response.json() def add_link(self, article_id, link): """ Add a link. """ response = self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/links' % article_id, data=json.dumps({'link': link}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} ) return response.json() def delete_link(self, article_id, link_id): """ Delete a link. This requires a link ID, which you can get from inspecting the article JSON. For example:: first_link_id = article['links'][0]['id'] """ response = self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/links/%s' % (article_id, link_id) ) return reponse.json() def versions(self, article_id): """ Show the versions of this article """ response = self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/versions' % article_id ) return response.json() def get_version(self, article_id, version_number): """ Get a particular version of this article. """ response = self.client.get( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/versions/%s' % (article_id, version_number) ) return response.json() def categories(self): """ Show the possible categories supplied by figshare. """ response = self.client.get( self.endpoint.replace('/my_data', '') + '/categories' ) return response.json() def add_tag(self, article_id, tag): """ Add a tag to an article. """ response = self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/tags' % article_id, data=json.dumps({'tag_name': tag}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return response.json() def delete_tag(self, article_id, tag_id): """ Delete a tag from an article. This requires a tag ID, which you can get from inspecting the article JSON. For example:: first_tag_id = article['tags'][0]['id'] """ response = self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/categories/%s' % (article_id, tag_id) ) return response.json() def add_category(self, article_id, category_id): """ Add a category to an article. See the categories() method to see the options and to select a `category_id`. """ response = self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/categories' % article_id, data=json.dumps({'category_id': category_id}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return response.json() def delete_category(self, article_id, category_id): """ Delete a category from an article. """ response = self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/categories/%s' % (article_id, category_id) ) return response.json() def add_author(self, article_id, author_id): """ Add an author to an article. """ response = self.client.put( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/categories' % article_id, data=json.dumps({'author_id': author_id}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return response.json() def delete_author(self, article_id, author_id): """ Delete an author from an article """ response = self.client.delete( self.endpoint + '/articles/%s/categories/%s' % (article_id, author_id) ) return response.json()
def make_room(Room, title, description, floor): return Room( title = title, description = description, floor = floor, items = None, NPCs = None, mobs = None, north = None, east = None, south = None, west = None ) def make_floor(Room): return { #room_key: make_room(Room, title, description, floor) "3-a1": make_room(Room, "3-a1", "A stone throne stands on a foot-high circular dais in the center of this cold chamber. The throne and dais bear the simple adornments of patterns of crossed lines -- a pattern also employed around each door to the room.", "Floor 3"), "3-a2": make_room(Room, "3-a2", "A wall that holds a seat with a hole in it is in this chamber. It's a privy! The noisome stench from the hole leads you to believe that the privy sees regular use.", "Floor 3"), "3-a3": make_room(Room, "3-a3", "The burble of water reaches your ears after you open the door to this room. You see the source of the noise in the far wall: a large fountain artfully carved to look like a seashell with the figure of a seacat spewing clear water into its basin.", "Floor 3"), "3-a4": make_room(Room, "3-a4", "This room holds six dry circular basins large enough to hold a man and a dry fountain at its center. All possess chipped carvings of merfolk and other sea creatures. It looks like this room once served some group of people as a bath.", "Floor 3"), "3-a5": make_room(Room, "3-a5", "Fifth times the charm", "Floor 3"), "3-b1": make_room(Room, "3-b1", "A glow escapes this room through its open doorways. The masonry between every stone emanates an unnatural orange radiance. Glancing quickly about the room, you note that each stone bears the carving of someone's name.", "Floor 3"), "3-b2": make_room(Room, "3-b2", "A huge stewpot hangs from a thick iron tripod over a crackling fire in the center of this chamber. A hole in the ceiling allows some of the smoke from the fire to escape, but much of it expands across the ceiling and rolls down to fill the room in a dark fog. Other details are difficult to make out, but some creature must be nearby, because it smells like a good soup is cooking.", "Floor 3"), "3-b3": make_room(Room, "3-b3", "You've opened the door to a torture chamber. Several devices of degradation, pain, and death stand about the room, all of them showing signs of regular use. The wood of the rack is worn smooth by struggling bodies, and the iron maiden appears to be occupied by a corpse.", "Floor 3"), "3-b4": make_room(Room, "3-b4", "This short hall leads to another door. On either side of the hall, niches are set into the wall within which stand clay urns. One of the urns has been shattered, and its contents have spilled onto its shelf and the floor. Amid the ash it held, you see blackened chunks of something that might be bone.", "Floor 3"), "3-b5": make_room(Room, "3-b5", "Corpses and pieces of corpses hang from hooks that dangle from chains attached to thick iron rings. Most appear humanoid but a few of the body parts appear more monstrous. You don't see any heads, hands, or feet -- all seem to have been chopped or torn off. Neither do you see any guts in the horrible array, but several thick leather sacks hang from hooks in the walls, and they are suspiciously wet and the leather looks extremely taut -- as if it' under great strain.", "Floor 3"), "3-c1": make_room(Room, "3-c1", "This small chamber seems divided into three parts. The first has several hooks on the walls from which hang dusty robes. An open curtain separates that space from the next, which has a dry basin set in the floor. Beyond that lies another parted curtain behind which you can see several straw mats in a semicircle pointing toward a statue of a dog-headed man.", "Floor 3"), "3-c2": make_room(Room, "3-c2", "When looking into this chamber, you're confronted by a thousand reflections of yourself looking back. Mirrored walls set at different angles fill the room. A path seems to wind through the mirrors, although you can't tell where it leads.", "Floor 3"), "3-c3": make_room(Room, "3-c3", "A large forge squats against the far wall of this room, and coals glow dimly inside. Before the forge stands a wide block of iron with a heavy-looking hammer lying atop it, no doubt for use in pounding out shapes in hot metal. Other forge tools hang in racks nearby, and a barrel of water and bellows rest on the floor nearby.", "Floor 3"), "3-c4": make_room(Room, "3-c4", "This chamber is clearly a prison. Small barred cells line the walls, leaving a 15-foot-wide pathway for a guard to walk. Channels run down either side of the path next to the cages, probably to allow the prisoners' waste to flow through the grates on the other side of the room. The cells appear empty but your vantage point doesn't allow you to see the full extent of them all.", "Floor 3"), "3-c5": make_room(Room, "3-c5", "You push open the stone door to this room and note that the only other exit is a door made of wood. It and the table shoved against it are warped and swollen. Indeed, the table only barely deserves that description. Its surface is rippled into waves and one leg doesn't even touch the floor. The door shows signs of someone trying to chop through from the other side, but it looks like they gave up.", "Floor 3"), "3-d1": make_room(Room, "3-d1", "This otherwise bare room has one distinguishing feature. The stone around one of the other doors has been pulled over its edges, as though the rock were as soft as clay and could be moved with fingers. The stone of the door and wall seems hastily molded together.", "Floor 3"), "3-d2": make_room(Room, "3-d2", "You enter a small room and your steps echo. Looking about, you're uncertain why, but then a wall vanishes and reveals an enormous chamber. The wall was an illusion and whoever cast it must be nearby!", "Floor 3"), "3-d3": make_room(Room, "3-d3", "You feel a sense of foreboding upon peering into this cavernous chamber. At its center lies a low heap of refuse, rubble, and bones atop which sit several huge broken eggshells. Judging by their shattered remains, the eggs were big enough to hold a crouching man, making you wonder how large -- and where -- the mother is.", "Floor 3"), "3-d4": make_room(Room, "3-d4", "This small chamber is a bloody mess. The corpse of a minotaur lies on the floor, its belly carved out. The creature's innards are largely missing, and yet you detect no other wounds. Bloody, froglike footprints track away from the corpse and out an open door.", "Floor 3"), "3-d5": make_room(Room, "3-d5", "A chill crawls up your spine and out over your skin as you look upon this room. The carvings on the wall are magnificent, a symphony in stonework -- but given the themes represented, it might be better described as a requiem. Scenes of death, both violent and peaceful, appear on every wall framed by grinning skeletons and ghoulish forms in ragged cloaks.", "Floor 3"), "3-e1": make_room(Room, "3-e1", "A pungent, earthy odor greets you as you pull open the door and peer into this room. Mushrooms grow in clusters of hundreds all over the floor. Looking into the room is like looking down on a forest. Tall tangles of fungus resemble forested hills, the barren floor looks like a plain between the woods, and even a trickle of water and a puddle of water that pools in a low spot bears a resemblance to a river and lake, respectively.", "Floor 3"), "3-e2": make_room(Room, "3-e2", "You pull open the door and hear the scrape of its opening echo throughout what must be a massive room. Peering inside, you see a vast cavern. Stalactites drip down from the ceiling in sharp points while flowstone makes strange shapes on the floor.", "Floor 3"), "3-e3": make_room(Room, "3-e3", "You find this chamber lit dimly by guttering candles that squat in small hills of melted wax. The smell of their smoke hits your nose along with an odor that is reminiscent of the sea. Someone has taken a large amount of salt and drawn a broad circular symbol on the floor with the candles situated equidistantly around it. Atop the salt, someone traced the symbol with a black powder that glints a dull silver in the candlelight.", "Floor 3"), "3-e4": make_room(Room, "3-e4", "This chamber holds one occupant: the statue of a male figure with elven features but the broad, muscular body of a hale human. It kneels on the floor as though fallen to that posture. Both its arms reach upward in supplication, and its face is a mask of grief. Two great feathered wings droop from its back, both sculpted to look broken. The statue is skillfully crafted.", "Floor 3"), "3-e5": make_room(Room, "3-e5", "The door to this room swings open easily on well-oiled hinges. Beyond it you see that the chamber walls have been disguised by wood paneling, and the stone ceiling and floor are hidden by bright marble tiles. Several large and well-stuffed chairs are arranged about the room along with some small reading tables.", "Floor 3"), } def link_rooms(rooms): # from left to right then top to bottom direction -- rooms["3-"].east = rooms["3-"].title rooms["3-a1"].east = rooms["3-a2"].title rooms["3-a1"].south = rooms["3-b1"].title rooms["3-a2"].east = rooms["3-a3"].title rooms["3-a3"].south = rooms["3-b3"].title rooms["3-a4"].east = rooms["3-a5"].title rooms["3-a5"].south = rooms["3-b5"].title rooms["3-b1"].east = rooms["3-b2"].title rooms["3-b3"].east = rooms["3-b4"].title rooms["3-b4"].south = rooms["3-c4"].title rooms["3-b5"].south = rooms["3-c5"].title rooms["3-c1"].east = rooms["3-c2"].title rooms["3-c1"].south = rooms["3-d1"].title rooms["3-c2"].east = rooms["3-c3"].title rooms["3-c3"].south = rooms["3-d3"].title rooms["3-c4"].east = rooms["3-c5"].title rooms["3-c5"].south = rooms["3-d5"].title rooms["3-d1"].east = rooms["3-d2"].title rooms["3-d1"].south = rooms["3-e1"].title rooms["3-d2"].south = rooms["3-e2"].title rooms["3-d3"].east = rooms["3-d4"].title rooms["3-d4"].south = rooms["3-e4"].title rooms["3-d5"].south = rooms["3-e5"].title rooms["3-e1"].west = rooms["4-e5"].title rooms["3-e2"].east = rooms["3-e3"].title rooms["3-e4"].east = rooms["3-e5"].title
from __future__ import absolute_import from .celeryapp import app as celery_app
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import preprocessing from experiments import default_reader def load_and_process_data(path): """Loads breast cancer data from `path`""" df = pd.read_csv(path, header=None) #Remove the first column of the data (the ID) df.drop([0], axis=1, inplace=True) #replace labels 'B' with 0 and 'M' with 1 df[1] = df[1].replace({'B': 0, 'M': 1}) data_matrix = df.values #Split the data into 70% training and 30% test set data_labels = data_matrix[:, :1].ravel() data_matrix = data_matrix[:, 1:] train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(data_matrix, data_labels, test_size=0.3, shuffle=True, stratify=data_labels) #Normalize the features of the data scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(train_data) train_data = scaler.transform(train_data) test_data = scaler.transform(test_data) assert train_labels.size == train_data.shape[0] assert test_labels.size == test_data.shape[0] data = {} val_data, weak_supervision_data, val_labels, weak_supervision_labels = train_test_split(train_data, train_labels, test_size=0.4285, shuffle=True, stratify=train_labels) data['training_data'] = weak_supervision_data, weak_supervision_labels data['validation_data'] = val_data, val_labels data['test_data'] = test_data, test_labels return data def run_experiment(run, save): """ :param run: method that runs real experiment given data :type: function :param save: method that saves experiment results to JSON file :type: function :return: none """ #for breast cancer classification dataset, select the mean radius, radius se and worst radius as weak signals views = {0:0, 1:10, 2:20} datapath = 'datasets/breast-cancer/' savepath = 'results/json/breast_cancer.json' default_reader.run_experiment(run, save, views, datapath, load_and_process_data, savepath) def run_bounds_experiment(run): """ :param run: method that runs real experiment given data :type: function :return: none """ #for breast cancer classification dataset, select the mean radius, radius se and worst radius as weak signals views = {0:0, 1:10, 2:20} path = 'results/json/bc_bounds.json' data_and_weak_signal_data = default_reader.create_weak_signal_view('datasets/breast-cancer/', views, load_and_process_data) default_reader.run_bounds_experiment(run, data_and_weak_signal_data, path)
from .lunch import Lunchbreak
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import build_file import repository import label import argparse import json import os import logging from typing import List class StoreKeyValuePair(argparse.Action): """ Parser action that populates a dictionary with '=' separated key-value pairs. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): key, value = values.split('=') dest_dict = {} if hasattr(namespace, self.dest) and getattr(namespace, self.dest): dest_dict = getattr(namespace, self.dest) dest_dict[key] = value setattr(namespace, self.dest, dest_dict) def dump_exported_symbols(args): """Print all symbols exported using include_defs in a build file.""" logging.debug('Dumping exported symbols for ' + args.build_file) bf = build_file.from_path(args.build_file) repo = repository.Repository(args.repository, args.cell_roots) symbols = bf.get_exported_symbols_transitive_closure(repo) if args.json: print(json.dumps(symbols)) else: print(os.linesep.join(symbols)) def dump_export_map(args): """ Prints export map that includes all included definitions and symbols they export. """ logging.debug('Dumping export map for ' + args.build_file) bf = build_file.from_path(args.build_file) repo = repository.Repository(args.repository, args.cell_roots) export_map = bf.get_export_map(repo) def to_load_import_string(import_label: label): pkg = import_label.package # include_defs package includes a file name, so we have to split it # into file name file_name = pkg.split('/')[-1] # and it's prefix - which is the new package pkg = '/'.join(pkg.split('/')[:-1]) load_fn_cell = args.cell_prefix + import_label.cell \ if import_label.cell else '' return load_fn_cell + '//' + pkg + ':' + file_name if args.use_load_function_import_string_format: new_export_map = {} for import_string, exported_symbols in export_map.items(): new_export_map[to_load_import_string( label.from_string(import_string))] = exported_symbols export_map = new_export_map if args.print_as_load_functions: def to_load_function(import_label: label, symbols: List[str]): import_string = to_load_import_string(import_label) function_args = map(lambda s: '"%s"' % s, symbols) return 'load("%s", %s)' % (import_string, ','.join(function_args)) load_functions = [] for import_string, exported_symbols in export_map.items(): load_functions.append( to_load_function( label.from_string(import_string), exported_symbols)) if args.json: print(json.dumps(load_functions)) else: print(os.linesep.join(load_functions)) elif args.json: print(json.dumps(export_map)) else: for import_string, exported_symbols in export_map.items(): print(import_string + ':') for exported_symbol in exported_symbols: print(' ' * 2 + exported_symbol) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Dumps requested build file information.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() exported_symbols_parser = subparsers.add_parser('exported_symbols') exported_symbols_parser.set_defaults(func=dump_exported_symbols) export_map_parser = subparsers.add_parser('export_map') export_map_parser.add_argument( '--print_as_load_functions', action='store_true', help='Print export map as a series of load functions which import all ' 'symbols exported by respective imported files.') export_map_parser.add_argument( '--cell_prefix', default='', help='The prefix to use for cells in import strings.') export_map_parser.add_argument( '--use_load_function_import_string_format', action='store_true', help='Use load function import string syntax instead of include_defs.') export_map_parser.set_defaults(func=dump_export_map) parser.add_argument('build_file', metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--cell_root', action=StoreKeyValuePair, metavar='CELL=PATH', dest='cell_roots') parser.add_argument( '--repository', metavar='PATH', help='Path to the repository managed by Buck.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Enabled verbose diagnostic.') args = parser.parse_args() logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( level=logging_level, format=( '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s][%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s' )) args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import time from queue import Queue import pytest from polog.core.engine.real_engines.multithreaded.worker import Worker from polog.core.stores.settings.settings_store import SettingsStore from polog.core.log_item import LogItem queue = Queue() worker = Worker(queue, 1, SettingsStore()) def test_do(handler): """ Проверяем, что хендлер вызывается. """ handler.clean() log = LogItem() log.set_handlers([handler]) log.set_data({'lol': 'kek'}) worker.do_anything(log) assert handler.last is not None worker.set_stop_flag() worker.stop()
import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm class UserBased: def __init__(self, M, N, neighbors=20, min_common_items=5, min_values=1.0, max_value=5.0): self.M = M self.N = N self.neighbors = neighbors self.min_common_items = min_common_items self.min_value = min_values self.max_value = max_value self.neighbors_weights = np.empty((M,), dtype=list) self.user_deviations = np.empty((M,), dtype=dict) def fit(self, train_ratings, user_to_items): """Fit user-base collaborative filtering model""" # set user_mean with default value of global mean self.user_means = np.full( (self.M,), fill_value=sum(train_ratings.values()) / len(train_ratings.values()) ) neighbours_correlation = np.empty((self.M,)) for i in range(self.M): if i not in user_to_items: self.neighbors_weights[i] = [] continue items_i = set(user_to_items[i]) ratings_i = { item: train_ratings[(i, item)] for item in items_i } mean_i = np.mean(list(ratings_i.values())) deviation_i = { item: (rating - mean_i) for item, rating in ratings_i.items() } self.user_means[i] = mean_i self.user_deviations[i] = deviation_i for j in range(self.M): if i == j or j not in user_to_items: # can't include itself as neighbor neighbours_correlation[j] = 0 continue items_j = set(user_to_items[j]) common = list(items_i.intersection(items_j)) if len(common) < self.min_common_items: # don't include users that have to few items in common neighbours_correlation[j] = 0 continue ratings_j = { item: train_ratings[(j, item)] for item in items_j } mean_j = np.mean(list(ratings_j.values())) deviation_j = { item: (rating - mean_j) for item, rating in ratings_j.items() } # correlation between user i and j common_dev_i = np.array([deviation_i[k] for k in common]) common_dev_j = np.array([deviation_j[k] for k in common]) neighbours_correlation[j] = \, common_dev_j) / np.linalg.norm(common_dev_i) / np.linalg.norm(common_dev_j) top_k_idx = np.argpartition(-np.abs(neighbours_correlation), self.neighbors)[:self.neighbors] top_k_idx = [k for k in top_k_idx if neighbours_correlation[k] != 0] self.neighbors_weights[i] = [ (j, neighbours_correlation[j]) for j in top_k_idx if neighbours_correlation[j] != -np.inf ] return self def predict(self, i, k): """Predict score(i, k)""" neighbours = self.neighbors_weights[i] weighted_deviations, weights = 0, 0 for j, c_ij in neighbours: if k in self.user_deviations[j]: weighted_deviations += c_ij * self.user_deviations[j][k] weights += np.abs(c_ij) # if no neighbors are found, predict the mean for that user # also if neighbors didn't bought item k - predict mean if weights != 0: score = self.user_means[i] + weighted_deviations / weights else: score = self.user_means[i] if score < self.min_value: return self.min_value return min(score, self.max_value) def score(self, test_ratings): """Return RMSE for given test set""" rmse = 0 for (i, k), y_true in test_ratings.items(): y_pred = self.predict(i, k) rmse += (y_pred - y_true) ** 2 return np.sqrt(rmse / len(test_ratings))
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class ImportMultiTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_chain(self): print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir) initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 4) def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(2, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1) self.is_network_split=False self.sync_all() def run_test (self): import time begintime = int(time.time()) print "Mining blocks..." self.nodes[0].generate(1) # sync self.sync_all() # keyword definition PRIV_KEY = 'privkey' PUB_KEY = 'pubkey' ADDRESS_KEY = 'address' SCRIPT_KEY = 'script' # address address1 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # pubkey address2 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() address2_pubkey = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(address2)['pubkey'] # Using pubkey # privkey address3 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() address3_privkey = self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address3) # Using privkey # scriptPubKey address4 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() address4_scriptpubkey = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(address4)['scriptPubKey'] # Using scriptpubkey #Check only one address address_info = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], True) self.sync_all() #Node 1 sync test assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(),1) #Address Test - before import address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address2) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address3) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) # import multi result1 = self.nodes[1].importmulti( [ { "type": ADDRESS_KEY, "value": address1 , "label":"new account 1" , "timestamp": begintime } , { "type": PUB_KEY , "value": address2_pubkey , "label":"new account 1", "timestamp": begintime}, { "type": PRIV_KEY , "value": address3_privkey , "timestamp": begintime}, { "type": SCRIPT_KEY , "value": address4_scriptpubkey , "timestamp": begintime}, ]) #Addresses Test - after import address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address2) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address3) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], True) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address4) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) assert_equal(result1[0]['result'], True) assert_equal(result1[1]['result'], True) assert_equal(result1[2]['result'], True) assert_equal(result1[3]['result'], True) #importmulti without rescan result2 = self.nodes[1].importmulti( [ { "type": ADDRESS_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() } , { "type": ADDRESS_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() } , { "type": ADDRESS_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() , "label":"random account" } , { "type": PUB_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress())['pubkey'] } , { "type": SCRIPT_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress())['scriptPubKey'] }, ], { "rescan":False } ) # all succeed assert_equal(result2[0]['result'], True) assert_equal(result2[1]['result'], True) assert_equal(result2[2]['result'], True) assert_equal(result2[3]['result'], True) assert_equal(result2[4]['result'], True) # empty json case try: self.nodes[1].importmulti() raise except: pass # parcial success case result3 = self.nodes[1].importmulti( [ { "type": ADDRESS_KEY, "value": self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() } , { "type": PUB_KEY} ] ) assert_equal(result3[0]['result'], True) assert_equal(result3[1]['result'], False) if __name__ == '__main__': ImportMultiTest ().main ()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ CS224N 2019-20: Homework 5 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn class CharDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, hidden_size, char_embedding_size=50, target_vocab=None): """ Init Character Decoder. @param hidden_size (int): Hidden size of the decoder LSTM @param char_embedding_size (int): dimensionality of character embeddings @param target_vocab (VocabEntry): vocabulary for the target language. See for documentation. """ super(CharDecoder, self).__init__() self.target_vocab = target_vocab self.charDecoder = nn.LSTM(char_embedding_size, hidden_size) self.char_output_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_size, len(self.target_vocab.char2id)) self.decoderCharEmb = nn.Embedding(len(self.target_vocab.char2id), char_embedding_size, padding_idx=self.target_vocab.char_pad) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=self.target_vocab.char_pad , reduction='sum') def forward(self, input, dec_hidden=None): """ Forward pass of character decoder. @param input (Tensor): tensor of integers, shape (length, batch_size) @param dec_hidden (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): internal state of the LSTM before reading the input characters. A tuple of two tensors of shape (1, batch, hidden_size) @returns scores (Tensor): called s_t in the PDF, shape (length, batch_size, self.vocab_size) @returns dec_hidden (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): internal state of the LSTM after reading the input characters. A tuple of two tensors of shape (1, batch, hidden_size) """ ### YOUR CODE HERE for part 2a ### TODO - Implement the forward pass of the character decoder. input_embedded = self.decoderCharEmb(input) # (length, batch_size, char_embedding_size) output, dec_hidden = self.charDecoder(input_embedded, dec_hidden) scores = self.char_output_projection(output) return scores, dec_hidden ### END YOUR CODE def train_forward(self, char_sequence, dec_hidden=None): """ Forward computation during training. @param char_sequence (Tensor): tensor of integers, shape (length, batch_size). Note that "length" here and in forward() need not be the same. @param dec_hidden (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): initial internal state of the LSTM, obtained from the output of the word-level decoder. A tuple of two tensors of shape (1, batch_size, hidden_size) @returns The cross-entropy loss (Tensor), computed as the *sum* of cross-entropy losses of all the words in the batch. """ ### YOUR CODE HERE for part 2b ### TODO - Implement training forward pass. ### ### Hint: - Make sure padding characters do not contribute to the cross-entropy loss. Check to find the padding token's index. ### - char_sequence corresponds to the sequence x_1 ... x_{n+1} (e.g., <START>,m,u,s,i,c,<END>). Read the handout about how to construct input and target sequence of CharDecoderLSTM. ### - Carefully read the documentation for nn.CrossEntropyLoss and our handout to see what this criterion have already included: ### input = char_sequence[:-1] # (length-1, batch_size) output = char_sequence[1:] # (length-1, batch_size) scores, dec_hidden = self.forward(input, dec_hidden) # scores: (length-1, batch_size, self.vocab_size) loss_cross_entropy = self.criterion(scores.reshape([-1, scores.shape[-1]]), output.reshape(-1)) return loss_cross_entropy ### END YOUR CODE def decode_greedy(self, initialStates, device, max_length=21): """ Greedy decoding @param initialStates (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): initial internal state of the LSTM, a tuple of two tensors of size (1, batch_size, hidden_size) @param device: torch.device (indicates whether the model is on CPU or GPU) @param max_length (int): maximum length of words to decode @returns decodedWords (List[str]): a list (of length batch_size) of strings, each of which has length <= max_length. The decoded strings should NOT contain the start-of-word and end-of-word characters. """ ### YOUR CODE HERE for part 2c ### TODO - Implement greedy decoding. ### Hints: ### - Use initialStates to get batch_size. ### - Use target_vocab.char2id and target_vocab.id2char to convert between integers and characters ### - Use torch.tensor(..., device=device) to turn a list of character indices into a tensor. ### - You may find torch.argmax or torch.argmax useful ### - We use curly brackets as start-of-word and end-of-word characters. That is, use the character '{' for <START> and '}' for <END>. ### Their indices are self.target_vocab.start_of_word and self.target_vocab.end_of_word, respectively. # START_TOKEN = '{' # END_TOKEN = '}' START_TOKEN_INDEX = self.target_vocab.start_of_word END_TOKEN_INDEX = self.target_vocab.end_of_word batch_size = initialStates[0].shape[1] output_words = torch.zeros([max_length, batch_size], device=device) # (max_length, batch_size) current_char = torch.tensor([[START_TOKEN_INDEX] for i in range(batch_size)], device=device).t() # (length, batch_size), length = 1 dec_hidden = initialStates for j in range(max_length): score, dec_hidden = self.forward(current_char, dec_hidden) # score: (length, batch_size, self.vocab_size) prob = self.softmax(score) # (length, batch_size, self.vocab_size) current_char = torch.argmax(prob, dim=-1) # (length, batch_size) output_words[j, :] = current_char decodedWords = [] for b in range(batch_size): decodedWord = '' c_indices = output_words[:, b] # (max_length, ) for c in c_indices: if c == END_TOKEN_INDEX: break decodedWord += self.target_vocab.id2char[c.item()] decodedWords.append(decodedWord) return decodedWords ### END YOUR CODE
import os import re from learning_objective.hidden_function import true_evaluate, get_settings lim_domain = get_settings(lim_domain_only=True) scribe = open("./data/regret_analysis/gp_hm.csv", 'w') for f in os.listdir("./data/regret_analysis"): if f.startswith("gp_hm"): print f f = "data/regret_analysis/" + f for line in open(f, 'r'): r = re.compile('Tasks done:(.*?). New') m = if m: print line, r = re.compile('\[ (.*?)\]') n = print val = val[0] = val[0].replace("[", "") print val query = [float(elem) for elem in val[0:4]] print query tasknum = int( y_val = true_evaluate(query, lim_domain)[0, -1] scribe.write(str(tasknum) + "," + str(y_val) + "\n") scribe.close()
import os import platform home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") os_name = platform.system() def env(name: str): return os.getenv(name) def macos(name: str): """ docstring """ return os.path.join(home_dir, "Library", "Caches", name) def windows(name: str): appData = env("APPDATA") or os.path.join(home_dir, "AppData", "Roaming") localAppData = env("LOCALAPPDATA") or os.path.join(home_dir, "AppData", "Local") return os.path.join(localAppData, name, "Cache") def linux(name: str): username = os.path.basename(home_dir) return os.path.join(env("XDG_CACHE_HOME") or os.path.join(home_dir, ".cache"), name) def cache_dir(name: str): """ docstring """ if os_name == "Darwin": return macos(name) elif os_name == "Windows": return windows(name) def env_paths(naem: str): """ docstring """ pass
from transformers import BertForMaskedLM, BertModel, DistilBertForMaskedLM, DistilBertModel def get_kobert_model(): """ Return BertModel for Kobert """ model = BertModel.from_pretrained("monologg/kobert") return model def get_kobert_lm(): """ Return BertForMaskedLM for Kobert """ model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("monologg/kobert-lm") return model def get_distilkobert_model(): """ Return DistilBertModel for DistilKobert """ model = DistilBertModel.from_pretrained("monologg/distilkobert") return model def get_distilkobert_lm(): """ Return DistilBertForMaskedLM for DistilKobert """ model = DistilBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("monologg/distilkobert") return model
class StringBuff(object): def __init__(self, init_string: str = ''): self._string_buff = [init_string] def __add__(self, other: str): self._string_buff.append(other) return self def __str__(self): return ''.join(self._string_buff) __repr__ = __str__ def to_string(self, connector: str = ''): return connector.join(self._string_buff) class classonlymethod(classmethod): """ Convert a function to be a class only method. This has the same usage as classmethod, except that it can only be used in class. """ def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: raise AttributeError("Method %s() is only allowed in class." % self.__func__.__name__) return super().__get__(instance, owner)
from amaranth_boards.sk_xc6slx9 import * from amaranth_boards.sk_xc6slx9 import __all__ import warnings warnings.warn("instead of nmigen_boards.sk_xc6slx9, use amaranth_boards.sk_xc6slx9", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
import figurefirst as fifi layout = fifi.svg_to_axes.FigureLayout('example_negative_labels.svg') layout.make_mplfigures() layout.fig.set_facecolor('None') ex = layout.axes['ex'] ex.plot([1, 2], [3, 4]) fifi.mpl_functions.adjust_spines(ex, spines='left', yticks=[-1, -2]) layout.insert_figures('panels', cleartarget=True) layout.write_svg('negative_labels_output.svg')
# pylint: disable=preferred-module # FIXME: remove once migrated per GH-725 import os import unittest from pathlib import Path import pytest from ansiblelint.testing import run_ansible_lint from ansiblelint.text import strip_ansi_escape class TestCliRolePaths(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.local_test_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "examples") ) def test_run_single_role_path_no_trailing_slash_module(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_single_role_path_no_trailing_slash_script(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, executable="ansible-lint") self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_single_role_path_with_trailing_slash(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role/' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_multiple_role_path_no_trailing_slash(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_multiple_role_path_with_trailing_slash(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role/' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_inside_role_dir(self): cwd = os.path.join(self.local_test_dir, 'roles/test-role/') role_path = '.' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_role_three_dir_deep(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'testproject/roles/test-role' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_playbook(self): """Call ansible-lint the way molecule does.""" cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.local_test_dir, 'roles/test-role')) lintable = 'molecule/default/include-import-role.yml' role_path = str(Path(cwd).parent.resolve()) env = os.environ.copy() env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = role_path result = run_ansible_lint(lintable, cwd=cwd, env=env) self.assertIn( 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required', result.stdout ) def test_run_role_name_invalid(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/invalid-name' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert 'role-name: Role name invalid-name does not match' in strip_ansi_escape( result.stdout ) def test_run_role_name_with_prefix(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/ansible-role-foo' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert len(result.stdout) == 0 assert ( "Added ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=~/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles:roles" in result.stderr ) assert result.returncode == 0 def test_run_role_name_from_meta(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/valid-due-to-meta' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert len(result.stdout) == 0 assert ( "Added ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=~/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles:roles" in result.stderr ) assert result.returncode == 0 def test_run_invalid_role_name_from_meta(self): cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/invalid_due_to_meta' result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert ( 'role-name: Role name invalid-due-to-meta does not match' in strip_ansi_escape(result.stdout) ) def test_run_single_role_path_with_roles_path_env(self): """Test for role name collision with ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. Test if ansible-lint chooses the role in the current directory when the role specified as parameter exists in the current directory and the ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. """ cwd = self.local_test_dir role_path = 'roles/test-role' env = os.environ.copy() env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(cwd, "../examples/roles") ) result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, env=env) assert 'Use shell only when shell functionality is required' in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('result', 'env'), ((True, {"GITHUB_ACTIONS": "true", "GITHUB_WORKFLOW": "foo"}), (False, None)), ids=("on", "off"), ) def test_run_playbook_github(result, env): """Call ansible-lint simulating GitHub Actions environment.""" cwd = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()) role_path = 'examples/playbooks/example.yml' if env is None: env = {} env['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] result_gh = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, env=env) expected = ( '::warning file=examples/playbooks/example.yml,line=44,severity=VERY_LOW::package-latest ' 'Package installs should not use latest' ) assert (expected in result_gh.stdout) is result
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from unittest import TestCase from datetime import date, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from peyps.run_utils import str2date, makedate class TestMakeDate(TestCase): def test_makedate(self): self.assertEqual( date(2017, 1, 1), makedate('2017-01-01'), ) class TestStr2Date(TestCase): def test_iso(self): self.assertEqual( date(2017, 1, 1), str2date('2017-01-01'), ) def test_rel_month(self): d = - relativedelta(months=1) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1m')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1month')) d = - relativedelta(months=3) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('3months')) def test_rel_week(self): d = - timedelta(days=7) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1w')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1week')) d = - timedelta(days=21) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('3weeks')) def test_rel_day(self): d = - timedelta(days=6) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('6d')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('6days')) d = - timedelta(days=2) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('2day')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('2day')) def test_rel_multi(self): d = - relativedelta(months=1, weeks=2, days=1) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1m2w1')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1m2w1d')) self.assertEqual(d, str2date('1month2weeks1day'))
from __future__ import absolute_import from import read_vivado_report from import parse_vivado_report from import read_quartus_report from import parse_quartus_report
import bs4 as bs import requests class Access_Tickers: def __init__(self): self.tickers = [] def save_sp500_tickers(self): resp = requests.get('') soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml') table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'}) tickers = [] for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]: ticker = row.findAll('td')[0].text tickers.append(ticker.strip()) with open('S&P500.txt', 'w') as filehandle: filehandle.writelines("%s\n" % ticker for ticker in tickers) def save_top_etfs(self): resp = requests.get('') soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml') tickers = [] for n in soup.find_all(attrs={"data-th": "Symbol"}): tickers.append(n.find('a').contents[0]) with open('TopETFs.txt', 'w') as filehandle: filehandle.writelines("%s\n" % ticker for ticker in tickers) def update_txt(self): self.save_top_etfs() self.save_sp500_tickers() def get_stocks(self): self.update_txt() self.tickers = [] f = open("S&P500.txt", "r") for x in f: x=x.strip() if x.isalpha(): self.tickers.append(x) return self.tickers
# Hack Computer from ._x__components import *
import classad import collections import concurrent import datetime import htcondor import logging import os import sys import time from configparser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError from . import Executor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # context in strategy pattern class HTCondor(Executor): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.ids = [] try: self.refresh_rate = int(self.submitf['darwin']['refresh_rate']) except (KeyError, NoSectionError, NoOptionError) as e: self.refresh_rate = 60 logging.warning('refresh_rate not find, fallback to default: 60s') def _coreExecution(self, handler, particles): schedd = htcondor.Schedd() conf = self.submitf executable = conf['darwin']['executable'] executable_path = os.path.join(handler.optdir, executable) conf['htcondor']['executable'] = executable_path if not os.path.exists(executable_path): logger.error('executable "{}" not found'.format(executable_path)) sys.exit(1) # secure the job id from condor self.ids = [] for p in particles: arguments = p.coordinate.format() formatted_args = ['-{} {}'.format(k, v) for k,v in arguments.items()] conf['htcondor']['arguments'] = ' '.join(formatted_args) conf['htcondor']['initialdir'] = handler.particlepath( # get redirect of htcondor submit file to a dict sub = htcondor.Submit(dict(conf.items('htcondor'))) with schedd.transaction() as txn: ads = [] clusterid = sub.queue(txn, ad_results=ads) self.ids.append(clusterid) if 'should_transfer_files' in conf['htcondor'] and \ conf['htcondor']['should_transfer_files'] in ('YES',): schedd.spool(ads) req = ' || '.join('(ClusterId == {})'.format(id) for id in self.ids) proj = ['ClusterId', 'JobStatus'] finished = False while not finished: count = 0 for data in schedd.xquery(requirements=req, projection=proj): count += 1 if count == 0: finished = True else: time.sleep(self.refresh_rate) if 'should_transfer_files' in conf['htcondor'] and \ conf['htcondor']['should_transfer_files'] in ('YES',): for clusterid in self.ids: self._schedd.retrieve("ClusterId == %d".format(clusterid)) def _interruptHandler(self): self._cleanUp() def _cleanUp(self): schedd = htcondor.Schedd() req = ' || '.join('(ClusterId == {})'.format(id) for id in self.ids) schedd.act(htcondor.JobAction.Remove, req)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import os.path import sys import itertools import warnings import functools import posixpath import ntpath import errno FS_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() PY_LEGACY = sys.version_info < (3, ) TRUE_VALUES = frozenset(('true', 'yes', '1', 'enable', 'enabled', True, 1)) try: from os import scandir, walk except ImportError: from scandir import scandir, walk # noqa try: from shutil import get_terminal_size except ImportError: from backports.shutil_get_terminal_size import get_terminal_size # noqa def isexec(path): ''' Check if given path points to an executable file. :param path: file path :type path: str :return: True if executable, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK) def fsdecode(path,, fs_encoding=FS_ENCODING, errors=None): ''' Decode given path. :param path: path will be decoded if using bytes :type path: bytes or str :param os_name: operative system name, defaults to :type os_name: str :param fs_encoding: current filesystem encoding, defaults to autodetected :type fs_encoding: str :return: decoded path :rtype: str ''' if not isinstance(path, bytes): return path if not errors: use_strict = PY_LEGACY or os_name == 'nt' errors = 'strict' if use_strict else 'surrogateescape' return path.decode(fs_encoding, errors=errors) def fsencode(path,, fs_encoding=FS_ENCODING, errors=None): ''' Encode given path. :param path: path will be encoded if not using bytes :type path: bytes or str :param os_name: operative system name, defaults to :type os_name: str :param fs_encoding: current filesystem encoding, defaults to autodetected :type fs_encoding: str :return: encoded path :rtype: bytes ''' if isinstance(path, bytes): return path if not errors: use_strict = PY_LEGACY or os_name == 'nt' errors = 'strict' if use_strict else 'surrogateescape' return path.encode(fs_encoding, errors=errors) def getcwd(fs_encoding=FS_ENCODING, cwd_fnc=os.getcwd): ''' Get current work directory's absolute path. Like os.getcwd but garanteed to return an unicode-str object. :param fs_encoding: filesystem encoding, defaults to autodetected :type fs_encoding: str :param cwd_fnc: callable used to get the path, defaults to os.getcwd :type cwd_fnc: Callable :return: path :rtype: str ''' path = fsdecode(cwd_fnc(), fs_encoding=fs_encoding) return os.path.abspath(path) def getdebug(environ=os.environ, true_values=TRUE_VALUES): ''' Get if app is expected to be ran in debug mode looking at environment variables. :param environ: environment dict-like object :type environ: :returns: True if debug contains a true-like string, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return environ.get('DEBUG', '').lower() in true_values def deprecated(func_or_text, environ=os.environ): ''' Decorator used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emmitted hen the function is called. Usage: >>> @deprecated ... def fnc(): ... pass Usage (custom message): >>> @deprecated('This is deprecated') ... def fnc(): ... pass :param func_or_text: message or callable to decorate :type func_or_text: callable :param environ: optional environment mapping :type environ: :returns: nested decorator or new decorated function (depending on params) :rtype: callable ''' def inner(func): message = ( 'Deprecated function {}.'.format(func.__name__) if callable(func_or_text) else func_or_text ) @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): with warnings.catch_warnings(): if getdebug(environ): warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func return inner(func_or_text) if callable(func_or_text) else inner def usedoc(other): ''' Decorator which copies __doc__ of given object into decorated one. Usage: >>> def fnc1(): ... """docstring""" ... pass >>> @usedoc(fnc1) ... def fnc2(): ... pass >>> fnc2.__doc__ 'docstring' :param other: anything with a __doc__ attribute :type other: any :returns: decorator function :rtype: callable ''' def inner(fnc): fnc.__doc__ = fnc.__doc__ or getattr(other, '__doc__') return fnc return inner def pathsplit(value, sep=os.pathsep): ''' Get enviroment PATH elements as list. This function only cares about spliting across OSes. :param value: path string, as given by os.environ['PATH'] :type value: str :param sep: PATH separator, defaults to os.pathsep :type sep: str :yields: every path :ytype: str ''' for part in value.split(sep): if part[:1] == part[-1:] == '"' or part[:1] == part[-1:] == '\'': part = part[1:-1] yield part def pathparse(value, sep=os.pathsep, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Get enviroment PATH directories as list. This function cares about spliting, escapes and normalization of paths across OSes. :param value: path string, as given by os.environ['PATH'] :type value: str :param sep: PATH separator, defaults to os.pathsep :type sep: str :param os_sep: OS filesystem path separator, defaults to os.sep :type os_sep: str :yields: every path :ytype: str ''' escapes = [] normpath = ntpath.normpath if os_sep == '\\' else posixpath.normpath if '\\' not in (os_sep, sep): escapes.extend(( ('\\\\', '<ESCAPE-ESCAPE>', '\\'), ('\\"', '<ESCAPE-DQUOTE>', '"'), ('\\\'', '<ESCAPE-SQUOTE>', '\''), ('\\%s' % sep, '<ESCAPE-PATHSEP>', sep), )) for original, escape, unescape in escapes: value = value.replace(original, escape) for part in pathsplit(value, sep=sep): if part[-1:] == os_sep and part != os_sep: part = part[:-1] for original, escape, unescape in escapes: part = part.replace(escape, unescape) yield normpath(fsdecode(part)) def pathconf(path,, isdir_fnc=os.path.isdir, pathconf_fnc=getattr(os, 'pathconf', None), pathconf_names=getattr(os, 'pathconf_names', ())): ''' Get all pathconf variables for given path. :param path: absolute fs path :type path: str :returns: dictionary containing pathconf keys and their values (both str) :rtype: dict ''' if pathconf_fnc and pathconf_names: pathconf_output = {} for key in pathconf_names: try: pathconf_output[key] = pathconf_fnc(path, key) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EINVAL: raise return pathconf_output if os_name == 'nt': maxpath = 246 if isdir_fnc(path) else 259 # 260 minus <END> else: maxpath = 255 # conservative sane default return { 'PC_PATH_MAX': maxpath, 'PC_NAME_MAX': maxpath - len(path), } ENV_PATH = tuple(pathparse(os.getenv('PATH', ''))) ENV_PATHEXT = tuple(pathsplit(os.getenv('PATHEXT', ''))) def which(name, env_path=ENV_PATH, env_path_ext=ENV_PATHEXT, is_executable_fnc=isexec, path_join_fnc=os.path.join, ''' Get command absolute path. :param name: name of executable command :type name: str :param env_path: OS environment executable paths, defaults to autodetected :type env_path: list of str :param is_executable_fnc: callable will be used to detect if path is executable, defaults to `isexec` :type is_executable_fnc: Callable :param path_join_fnc: callable will be used to join path components :type path_join_fnc: Callable :param os_name: os name, defaults to :type os_name: str :return: absolute path :rtype: str or None ''' for path in env_path: for suffix in env_path_ext: exe_file = path_join_fnc(path, name) + suffix if is_executable_fnc(exe_file): return exe_file return None def re_escape(pattern, chars=frozenset("()[]{}?*+|^$\\.-#")): ''' Escape all special regex characters in pattern. Logic taken from regex module. :param pattern: regex pattern to escape :type patterm: str :returns: escaped pattern :rtype: str ''' escape = '\\{}'.format return ''.join( escape(c) if c in chars or c.isspace() else '\\000' if c == '\x00' else c for c in pattern ) if PY_LEGACY: FileNotFoundError = OSError # noqa range = xrange # noqa filter = itertools.ifilter basestring = basestring # noqa unicode = unicode # noqa chr = unichr # noqa bytes = str # noqa else: FileNotFoundError = FileNotFoundError range = range filter = filter basestring = str unicode = str chr = chr bytes = bytes
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 Tuenti Technologies # See LICENSE for details import base64 import os import os.path import socket from keyring.backend import KeyringBackend #TODO: Better exceptions class HousekeeperClientException(Exception): pass if os.environ.has_key('HOUSEKEEPER_SOCKET'): default_socket = os.environ['HOUSEKEEPER_SOCKET'] else: default_socket = os.path.expanduser('~/.housekeeper/socket') class HousekeeperClient: def __init__(self, socketfile=default_socket): self.socketfile = socketfile def __request(self, cmd): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(self.socketfile) f = s.makefile('wr') f.write(cmd + '\r\n') f.flush() ret ='\r\n') if len(ret) == 1: if ret[0] == 'OK': return else: raise HousekeeperClientException else: response, result_code = ret s.close() if result_code == 'OK': return response else: raise HousekeeperClientException(response) def set(self, service, password, timeout=-1): cmd = "SET %s %s" % (service, base64.b64encode(password)) if timeout >= 0: cmd += " %d" % timeout self.__request(cmd) def get(self, service): password = self.__request("GET %s" % service) try: return base64.b64decode(password) except TypeError: # Old running instances of housekeeper can have unencoded passwords # TODO: Improve protocol for 2.0, and remove this return password class HousekeeperKeyringBackend(KeyringBackend): def __init__(self, socketfile=default_socket, timeout=600): self.socketfile = socketfile self.client = HousekeeperClient(socketfile) self.timeout = timeout def supported(self): if os.path.exists(self.socketfile): return 1 else: return -1 def get_password(self, service, username): try: return self.client.get("%s@%s" % (username, service)) except HousekeeperClientException: return '' def set_password(self, service, username, password): self.client.set("%s@%s" % (username, service), password, self.timeout) return 0
######## Useful Tools ######## #This is meant to be imported by import random feet_in_mile = 5280 meters_in_kilometer = 1000 beatles = ["John Lennon", "Paul McCartney", "George Harrison", "Ringo Starr"] def get_file_ext(filename): return filename[filename.index(".") + 1:] def roll_dice(num): return random.randint(1, num)
from rest_framework import serializers from . import models class UserSerilizer(serializers.Serializer): "Serialize the name of user" name=serializers.CharField(max_length=10) class UserProfileSerilizer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model=models.UserProfile fields =('name','email','id','password') extra_kwargs={ 'password':{ 'write_only':True, 'style':{'input_type':'password'} } } def create(self,validated_data): """Create new user and return it""" user=models.UserProfile.objects.create_user( email=validated_data['email'], name=validated_data['name'], password=validated_data['password'] ) return user class ProfileFeedItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model=models.ProfileFeedItem fields=('id','user_profile','created_on','status_text') extra_kwargs={'user_profile':{'read_only':True}}
# Functions def greet(): print('Hello') print('Good morning') greet() def add(x,y): c = x + y print(c) add(5,3) def add_sub(x,y): c = x + y d = x - y print(c,d) add_sub(5,6) def add_mult(x,y): c = x + y d = x * y return c,d addition,multiplication = add_mult(5,6) print(addition,multiplication) def person(name,age): print('my name is ', name ,', and I am ', age , 'years old.') person(name='Rawlings', age=23) def baby(name, month=10): print(name, ' is a baby because he/she is ', month, 'months old') baby('elijah') baby('elijah', 6) def sum(a,*b): c = a for i in b: c = c + i print(c) sum(2,2,2,2,4) def person(name, **data): print(name) print(data) person('rollex', age = 23, city = 'PH', mob = 90345) def person(name, **data): print(name) for i,j in data.items(): print(i,j) person('rollex', age = 23, city = 'PH', mob = 90345)
# BSD 3-Clause License # # Copyright (c) 2020, princeton-vl # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor class FlowHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim: int = 128, hidden_dim: int = 256) -> None: super(FlowHead, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(input_dim, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim, 2, 3, padding=1) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.conv2(self.relu(self.conv1(x))) class ConvGRU(nn.Module): def __init__(self, hidden_dim: int = 128, input_dim: int = (192 + 128)) -> None: super(ConvGRU, self).__init__() self.convz = nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1) self.convr = nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1) self.convq = nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, 3, padding=1) def forward(self, h: Tensor, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: hx =[h, x], dim=1) z = torch.sigmoid(self.convz(hx)) r = torch.sigmoid(self.convr(hx)) q = torch.tanh(self.convq([r * h, x], dim=1))) h = (1 - z) * h + z * q return h class SepConvGRU(nn.Module): def __init__(self, hidden_dim: int = 128, input_dim: int = (192 + 128)) -> None: super(SepConvGRU, self).__init__() self.convz1 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (1, 5), padding=(0, 2) ) self.convr1 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (1, 5), padding=(0, 2) ) self.convq1 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (1, 5), padding=(0, 2) ) self.convz2 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (5, 1), padding=(2, 0) ) self.convr2 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (5, 1), padding=(2, 0) ) self.convq2 = nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim + input_dim, hidden_dim, (5, 1), padding=(2, 0) ) def forward(self, h: Tensor, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: # horizontal hx =[h, x], dim=1) z = torch.sigmoid(self.convz1(hx)) r = torch.sigmoid(self.convr1(hx)) q = torch.tanh(self.convq1([r * h, x], dim=1))) h = (1 - z) * h + z * q # vertical hx =[h, x], dim=1) z = torch.sigmoid(self.convz2(hx)) r = torch.sigmoid(self.convr2(hx)) q = torch.tanh(self.convq2([r * h, x], dim=1))) h = (1 - z) * h + z * q return h class BasicMotionEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, corr_levels: int, corr_radius: int) -> None: super(BasicMotionEncoder, self).__init__() corr_planes = corr_levels * (2 * corr_radius + 1) ** 2 self.convc1 = nn.Conv2d(corr_planes, 256, 1, padding=0) self.convc2 = nn.Conv2d(256, 192, 3, padding=1) self.convf1 = nn.Conv2d(2, 128, 7, padding=3) self.convf2 = nn.Conv2d(128, 64, 3, padding=1) self.conv = nn.Conv2d(64 + 192, 128 - 2, 3, padding=1) def forward(self, flow: Tensor, corr: Tensor) -> Tensor: cor = F.relu(self.convc1(corr)) cor = F.relu(self.convc2(cor)) flo = F.relu(self.convf1(flow)) flo = F.relu(self.convf2(flo)) cor_flo =[cor, flo], dim=1) out = F.relu(self.conv(cor_flo)) return[out, flow], dim=1) class BasicUpdateBlock(nn.Module): def __init__( self, corr_levels: int, corr_radius: int, hidden_dim: int = 128 ) -> None: super(BasicUpdateBlock, self).__init__() self.encoder = BasicMotionEncoder(corr_levels, corr_radius) self.gru = SepConvGRU(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, input_dim=(128 + hidden_dim)) self.flow_head = FlowHead(hidden_dim, hidden_dim=256) self.mask = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(256, 64 * 9, 1, padding=0), ) def forward( self, net: Tensor, inp: Tensor, corr: Tensor, flow: Tensor, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: motion_features = self.encoder(flow, corr) inp =[inp, motion_features], dim=1) net = self.gru(net, inp) delta_flow = self.flow_head(net) # scale mask to balence gradients mask = 0.25 * self.mask(net) return net, mask, delta_flow
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from billiard.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded from rpc.client.result import ResultClient from webs.api.models.db_proxy import crawl_task_model_proxy, result_model_proxy from worker import celery_app from worker.library.playwright import PlayWrightHandler @celery_app.task( name='fetch_tasks', queue='priority_fetch', acks_late=True, soft_time_limit=1000, max_retries=1, default_retry_delay=30, autoretry_for=(Exception,)) def fetch_tasks(crawl_task_id): """ 通过优先级队列取得任务进行抓取 """ crawl_task_obj = crawl_task_model_proxy.find_one_with_condition( == crawl_task_id, crawl_task_model_proxy.model.process_state != 'finished' ) if not crawl_task_obj: return # 设置爬取任务开始 if crawl_task_obj.process_state == 'readying': crawl_task_model_proxy.set_attr(crawl_task_obj, 'process_state', 'running') url_nested_list = crawl_task_obj.url_nested_list # 导致此情况原因为worker进程异常退出,rabbitmq未确认此消息,worker重启此任务再次被投递 else: # crawl_task_obj.process_state == 'running' already_url_ids = result_model_proxy.query_already_crawl_url_ids(subtask_id=crawl_task_obj.subtask_id) url_nested_list = [ url_info for url_info in crawl_task_obj.url_nested_list if url_info['url_id'] not in already_url_ids ] undone_url_ids = [] if url_nested_list: # 执行抓取 playwright_handler = PlayWrightHandler( subtask_id=crawl_task_obj.subtask_id, url_nested_list=url_nested_list, options=crawl_task_obj.options) undone_url_ids = # 设置爬取状态、结束时间、抓取失败的urls crawl_task_model_proxy.set_many_attr( obj=crawl_task_obj, fields_v={ 'process_state': 'finished', 'finished_at':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'failure_url_ids': undone_url_ids } ) ####### 调用engine端rpc服务设置subtask爬取状态 # 连接grpc服务 grpc_result_client = ResultClient(crawl_task_obj.options.get('rpc_server')) # 设置Subtask爬取状态 grpc_result_client.set_subtask_status( subtask_id=crawl_task_obj.subtask_id, status=True,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
import threading import numpy as np import os import io from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, Response from flask_classful import FlaskView, route import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.mlab import griddata from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import scipy.interpolate as interp import traffic_simulator CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) debug = True app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(__name__) class HomeView(FlaskView): route_base='/home' def index(self): return render_template("index.html") class GetTimingView(FlaskView): route_base='/get-timings' def index(self): return render_template("env_setup.html") class SimulateView(FlaskView): route_base='/simulate' @route('/submit', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def submit_simulation(self): self.distanceLtoL = float(request.form["distanceLtoL"]) self.speedLimitLtoL = float(request.form["speedLimitLtoL"]) self.timeUpQueue = float(request.form["timeUpQueue"]) if "lightsDetectMovement" in request.form: self.lightsDetectMovement = True else: self.lightsDetectMovement = False self.simTime = int(request.form["simTime"]) self.lightGreenTimesRange = [int(request.form["lightGreenTimeStart"]), int(request.form["lightGreenTimeEnd"])] self.roadUsagesRange = [float(request.form["roadUsageStart"]), float(request.form["roadUsageEnd"])] self.simulationThread = SimulationThread(self.distanceLtoL, self.speedLimitLtoL, self.timeUpQueue, self.lightsDetectMovement, self.simTime, self.lightGreenTimesRange, self.roadUsagesRange) = "simThread" self.simulationThread.start() return redirect("/simulate/simulation-running") @route('/simulation-running') def running_simulation(self): response = Response(redirect('/simulate/simulation-results')) activeThreadNames = list( for thread in threading.enumerate()) if "simThread" in activeThreadNames: simThread = threading.enumerate()[activeThreadNames.index("simThread")] return render_template('simulation_running.html', currentIteration=simThread.currentIteration, totalIterations=simThread.numberOfIterations, percentageDone=round((simThread.currentIteration/simThread.numberOfIterations) * 100), distanceLtoL=simThread.distanceLtoL, speedLimitLtoL=simThread.speedLimitLtoL, timeUpQueue=simThread.timeUpQueue, simTime=simThread.simTime, lightsDetectMovement=simThread.lightsDetectMovement) else: return redirect('/simulate/simulation-results') @route('/simulation-results') def finished_simulation(self): return render_template('simulation_results.html') class SimulationThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, distanceLtoL, speedLimitLtoL, timeUpQueue, lightsDetectMovement, simTime, lightGreenTimesRange, roadUsagesRange): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.distanceLtoL = distanceLtoL self.speedLimitLtoL = speedLimitLtoL self.timeUpQueue = timeUpQueue self.lightsDetectMovement = lightsDetectMovement self.simTime = simTime self.lightGreenTimesRange = lightGreenTimesRange self.roadUsageRange = roadUsagesRange self.timeGreenStep = 2 self.roadUsageStep = 0.02 self.numberOfIterations = round((((self.roadUsageRange[1]-self.roadUsageRange[0])/self.roadUsageStep)+2)*(((self.lightGreenTimesRange[1]-self.lightGreenTimesRange[0])/self.timeGreenStep)+2)) def run(self): self.currentIteration = 0 x = [] y = [] z = [] for timeGreen in range(self.lightGreenTimesRange[0], self.lightGreenTimesRange[1]+self.timeGreenStep, self.timeGreenStep): for roadUsage in np.arange(self.roadUsageRange[0], self.roadUsageRange[1]+self.roadUsageStep, self.roadUsageStep): self.currentIteration += 1 tenv = traffic_simulator.TrafficEnvironment() tenv.set_env_variables(self.distanceLtoL, self.speedLimitLtoL, self.timeUpQueue, self.lightsDetectMovement, self.simTime, timeGreen, roadUsage) tenv.start_simulation() if tenv.averageTimeStopped <= 60: z.append(tenv.averageTimeStopped) else: z.append(60) x.append(roadUsage) y.append(timeGreen) minimasx = [] minimasy = [] minimasz = [] for roadUsage in np.arange(self.roadUsageRange[0], self.roadUsageRange[1]+self.roadUsageStep, self.roadUsageStep): indexesAtCurrentRoadUsage = [] for index1 in range(len(x)): if x[index1] == roadUsage: indexesAtCurrentRoadUsage.append(index1) tempZList = [] tempYList = [] for index2 in indexesAtCurrentRoadUsage: tempZList.append(z[index2]) tempYList.append(y[index2]) minIndex = np.argmin(tempZList) minimasx.append(roadUsage) minimasy.append(tempYList[minIndex]) minimasz.append(tempZList[minIndex]) plotx,ploty = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(np.min(x),np.max(x),50),\ np.linspace(np.min(y),np.max(y),50)) plotz = interp.griddata((x,y),z,(plotx,ploty), method='linear') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(minimasx, minimasy, minimasz, '--k', label="Most Efficient") ax.legend() surf = ax.plot_surface(plotx,ploty,plotz,cstride=1,rstride=1,cmap=cm.jet) cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) ax.set_title("lightGreenTime vs. roadUsage") ax.set_xlabel('roadUsage') ax.set_ylabel('lightGreenTime') ax.set_zlabel('averageTimeStopped') ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=-150) buf = io.BytesIO() with open(os.path.join(CWD, "static/images/tempGraph.svg"), "wb") as tempGraphFile: plt.savefig(tempGraphFile, format='svg') plt.close() plt_bytes = buf.getvalue() buf.close() self.graphImageBytes = plt_bytes HomeView.register(app) GetTimingView.register(app) SimulateView.register(app) if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=80, debug=debug)
""" This is a test applet deployed on a BDC to test fetching from HDFS from within app-deploy. """ import re import subprocess import json PRAXXIS_ROOT = "http://nmnode-0-svc:50070/webhdfs/v1/praxxis/" def test(loc): """ collect the sequences for all users and all scenes. should we record user/scene/time info for training? """ import requests from datetime import date, timedelta date_path = ( - timedelta(days=int(loc))).strftime('%Y/%m/%d/ipynb') global PRAXXIS_ROOT basepath = PRAXXIS_ROOT + date_path params = ( ('op', 'LISTSTATUS'), ) response = requests.get(basepath, params=params) users = (response.json())['FileStatuses']['FileStatus'] sequences = [] for user in users: user_basepath = basepath + "/" + user['pathSuffix'] response = requests.get(user_basepath, params=params) scenes = (response.json())['FileStatuses']['FileStatus'] for scene in scenes: scene_basepath = user_basepath + "/" + scene['pathSuffix'] response = requests.get(scene_basepath, params=params) files = (response.json())['FileStatuses']['FileStatus'] sequence = [] for f in files: fullname = f['pathSuffix'] fullname.rstrip('.ipynb') # removes datetime info at start of string, and library name filename = ('-'.join(fullname.split('-')[3:])) # .rstrip('.ipynb') filename = filename[0:len(filename) - 6] # removes .ipynb sequence.append(filename) sequences.append(sequence) return sequences """http://nmnode-0-svc:50070/webhdfs/v1/praxxis?op=LISTSTATUS""" """ 1. find model file 2. load_model() on filename 3. fit_on_batch or train_on_batch of sequences? OHE first tho - make sure we're training on full names, not just prefixes! 4. save model to current date! """
import sys from typing import Union def prefsorted(seq: list, preferred: Union[str, list, None] = None, reverse: bool = False) -> list: if isinstance(preferred, str): preferred = preferred.split() elif preferred is None: preferred = [] taken = [] rest = list(seq)[:] for p in preferred: try: while True: rest.remove(p) taken.append(p) except ValueError: pass if reverse: return rest + taken else: return taken + rest
""" Contains the cli interface for calculator """ import calculator.expression as expression import calculator.expression_tree as expression_tree ENTRY = "Welcome to Calculator!" TAKE_INPUT = "Enter the expression:" OUTPUT = "Answer is:" def run(): print(ENTRY) inp = input(TAKE_INPUT) exp = expression.ExpressionObjectList(inp) exp.objectify() stack = expression_tree.Stack(exp.objects) stack.make() stack.tree.solve() print (OUTPUT + str(stack.tree.result))
# region imports from fxpt.side_utils import pyperclip from fxpt.qt.pyside import shiboken2, QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, isPySide2 import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui import pymel.core as pm from fxpt.fx_prefsaver import prefsaver, serializers import searchers from com import * if isPySide2(): from fxpt.fx_search.main_window_ui2 import Ui_MainWindow else: from fxpt.fx_search.main_window_ui import Ui_MainWindow # endregion imports mainWin = None # TODO: if string in table is too long, popup full string in some widget OPT_VAR_NAME = 'fx_search_prefs' # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyUnusedLocal class SearchUI(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): # noinspection PyArgumentList ptr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow() mainWinQObject = None if ptr is not None: mainWinQObject = shiboken2.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget) # or you can use QMainWindow else: m.error('cannot find main Maya window.') super(SearchUI, self).__init__(mainWinQObject) self.setupUi(self) self.ctxMenu = None self.generateCtxMenu() self.currentSearcherLink = None self.searchers = [] self.initSearchersAndControls() self.ui_setState(SEARCH_STATE_WELCOME) self.prefSaver = prefsaver.PrefSaver(serializers.SerializerOptVar(OPT_VAR_NAME)) self.ui_initSettings() self.ui_loadSettings() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def ui_initSettings(self): self.prefSaver.addControl(self, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDEWindow, (100, 100, 900, 600)) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_LED_search, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDELineEdit) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_BTN_soCaseSensitive, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, False) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_BTN_soRegex, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, False) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_BTN_soSelectFound, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, False) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_BTN_soIncludeShapes, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, False) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_BTN_soSearchSelected, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, False) self.prefSaver.addControl(self.ui_ACT_useAllTabs, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckAction, False) for btn in self.getCatButtons(): self.prefSaver.addControl(btn, prefsaver.UIType.PYSIDECheckButton, True) def ui_loadSettings(self): self.prefSaver.loadPrefs() def ui_saveSettings(self): self.prefSaver.savePrefs() def ui_resetSettings(self): self.prefSaver.resetPrefs() def initSearchersAndControls(self): self.searchers = [ SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherNodes('All Nodes'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('All Nodes'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherDagNodes('DAG Nodes'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('DAG Nodes'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherFxRefs('FX References'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('FX References'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherTexturedBy('Textured By'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('Textured By'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherTextures('Textures'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('Textures'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherTransforms('Transforms'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('Transforms'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()), SearcherLink(searchers.SearcherType('Type'), QtWidgets.QPushButton('Type'), QtWidgets.QTableView(), QtWidgets.QWidget()) ] for sl in self.searchers: layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() sl.tabWidget.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(sl.table) layout.setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4) sl.table.setModel(sl.searcher.getModel()) self.setTableProps(sl.table) sl.button.setCheckable(True) buttonLabel = sl.button.text() sl.button.setObjectName('uiBTN_' + buttonLabel[0].lower() + buttonLabel[1:].replace(' ', '')) # sl.button.setStyleSheet(CHECKED_BUTTON_STYLE) self.ui_LAY_catButtons.addWidget(sl.button) sl.table.connect( sl.table.selectionModel(), QtCore.SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)'), self.ui_onTableSelectionChanged ) sl.table.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) sl.table.connect(sl.table, QtCore.SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)'), self.ui_onCtxMenuPopupRequest) # noinspection PyArgumentList self.ui_LAY_catButtons.addItem(QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.resetResultTablesAndTabs() def setTableProps(self, table): table.setShowGrid(False) table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) table.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(15) table.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QTableView.SelectRows) table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QTableView.ExtendedSelection) table.setFont(FONT_MONOSPACE_QFONT) table.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) table.setSortingEnabled(True) table.sortByColumn(0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) table.setAlternatingRowColors(True) table.setHorizontalScrollMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ScrollPerPixel) table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) table.horizontalHeader().setDefaultAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) # custom "resize to fit" section, cause standard table.resizeColumnsToContents() may be very slow on huge data model = table.model() columnCount = model.columnCount() for col in range(columnCount): stringLengths = [len(model.index(row, col).data(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)) for row in range(model.rowCount())] stringLengths.append(len(str(model.headerData(col, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole))) + TABLE_HEADER_TITLE_OFFSET) columnMaxLength = min(max(stringLengths), TABLE_MAX_COLUMN_SIZE) table.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(col, columnMaxLength * FONT_MONOSPACE_LETTER_SIZE + TABLE_COLUMN_RIGHT_OFFSET) def generateCtxMenu(self): self.ctxMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self.ctxMenu.addAction(self.ui_ACT_selectAll) self.ctxMenu.addAction(self.ui_ACT_deselectAll) self.ctxMenu.addSeparator() self.ctxMenu.addAction(self.ui_ACT_copyFullNamesToClipboard) self.ctxMenu.addAction(self.ui_ACT_copyShortNamesToClipboard) self.ctxMenu.addSeparator() self.ctxMenu.addAction(self.ui_ACT_useAllTabs) # noinspection PyArgumentList def ui_onCtxMenuPopupRequest(self, *arg, **kwarg): self.ctxMenu.popup(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) def ui_onCatOnOffClicked(self): checkState = True if self.sender() == self.ui_BTN_catAllOn else False for btn in self.getCatButtons(): btn.setChecked(checkState) def getCurrentOrAllTables(self): if self.ui_isUseAllTabs(): tables = self.getTables() else: currentSearcherLink = self.getCurrentSearcherLink() if currentSearcherLink: tables = [self.getCurrentSearcherLink().table] else: return None return tables def ui_onTableSelectionChanged(self): selectionList = [] getSelectedNodeInfos = self.getSelectedNodeInfos() if not getSelectedNodeInfos: return for ni in getSelectedNodeInfos: if ni.selectionString: selectionList.extend(ni.selectionString) if selectionList: else: def ui_onSearchClicked(self): self.ui_tryToSaveTabOptVar() self.ui_setState(SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING) self.repaint() self.resetResultTablesAndTabs() searchDesc = self.getSearchDesc() self.setActiveSearchers() somethingFound = False for sl in self.searchers: if sl.searcher.hasResult(): somethingFound = True self.ui_TAB_results.addTab(sl.tabWidget, sl.searcher.getName()) self.setTableProps(sl.table) sl.attachedToTabWidget = True if somethingFound: self.ui_setState(SEARCH_STATE_RESULTS) if searchDesc.selectFound: for table in self.getTables(): table.selectAll() self.ui_tryShowSavedTab() else: self.ui_setState(SEARCH_STATE_NOTHING_FOUND) def ui_onResultTabChanged(self): self.ui_onTableSelectionChanged() # noinspection PyTypeChecker def ui_onSelectAllClicked(self): tables = self.getCurrentOrAllTables() if not tables: return for table in tables: table.selectAll() # noinspection PyTypeChecker def ui_onDeselectAllClicked(self): tables = self.getCurrentOrAllTables() if not tables: return for table in tables: table.clearSelection() # noinspection PyTypeChecker def getSelectedNodeInfos(self): nodeInfoList = [] tables = self.getCurrentOrAllTables() if not tables: return nodeInfoList for table in tables: selectedIndexes = table.selectionModel().selectedRows() # column = 0 by default for index in selectedIndexes: nodeInfo = nodeInfoList.append(nodeInfo) return nodeInfoList def ui_onCopyFullNameClicked(self): nameList = [ni.fullPathName for ni in self.getSelectedNodeInfos() if ni.fullPathName] nameString = '' for name in nameList: nameString += name + '\r\n' pyperclip.copy(nameString) def ui_onCopyShortNameClicked(self): nameList = [ni.shortName for ni in self.getSelectedNodeInfos() if ni.shortName] nameString = '' for name in nameList: nameString += name + '\r\n' pyperclip.copy(nameString) def resetResultTablesAndTabs(self): for sl in self.searchers: sl.searcher.reset() sl.attachedToTabWidget = False self.ui_TAB_results.clear() def ui_setState(self, state): stack = self.ui_STK_results if state == SEARCH_STATE_WELCOME: stack.setCurrentWidget(self.ui_STKPG_status) self.ui_TXT_status.setText('type something to search\n and press "enter"') elif state == SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING: stack.setCurrentWidget(self.ui_STKPG_status) self.ui_TXT_status.setText('searching...') elif state == SEARCH_STATE_NOTHING_FOUND: stack.setCurrentWidget(self.ui_STKPG_status) self.ui_TXT_status.setText('nothing found') elif state == SEARCH_STATE_RESULTS: stack.setCurrentWidget(self.ui_STKPG_results) def setActiveSearchers(self): for sl in self.searchers: sl.searcher.setActive(sl.button.isChecked()) def getSearchers(self): return [sl.searcher for sl in self.searchers] def getCatButtons(self): return [sl.button for sl in self.searchers] def getTables(self): return [sl.table for sl in self.searchers] def ui_isUseAllTabs(self): return self.ui_ACT_useAllTabs.isChecked() def getSearchDesc(self): sd = searchers.SearchDesc() sd.searchString = str(self.ui_LED_search.text()).strip() sd.caseSensitive = self.ui_BTN_soCaseSensitive.isChecked() sd.regex = self.ui_BTN_soRegex.isChecked() sd.selectFound = self.ui_BTN_soSelectFound.isChecked() sd.includeShapes = self.ui_BTN_soIncludeShapes.isChecked() sd.searchSelected = self.ui_BTN_soSearchSelected.isChecked() return sd def ui_tryToSaveTabOptVar(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars currentWidget = self.ui_TAB_results.currentWidget() currentSL = None for sl in self.searchers: if currentWidget is sl.tabWidget: currentSL = sl break if currentSL: optVars[OPT_VAR_CURRENT_TAB] = currentSL.searcher.getName() def ui_tryShowSavedTab(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars savedTabName = optVars[OPT_VAR_CURRENT_TAB] if not savedTabName: return for sl in self.searchers: if sl.attachedToTabWidget and sl.searcher.getName() == savedTabName: self.ui_TAB_results.setCurrentWidget(sl.tabWidget) return def getCurrentSearcherLink(self): currentWidget = self.ui_TAB_results.currentWidget() for sl in self.searchers: if sl.tabWidget is currentWidget: return sl def ui_onShowHelpClicked(self): # return # noinspection PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass import webbrowser'', new=0, autoraise=True) def ui_onCloseClicked(self): self.close() # noinspection PyMethodOverriding def closeEvent(self, event): self.ui_saveSettings() self.ui_tryToSaveTabOptVar() global mainWin mainWin = None event.accept() class OptionVarLink(object): def __init__(self, ovName, defaultValue, getFromControlFunc, setToControlFunc): self.ovName = ovName self.defaultValue = defaultValue self.getFromControlFunc = getFromControlFunc self.setToControlFunc = setToControlFunc def init(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars if self.ovName not in optVars: optVars[self.ovName] = self.defaultValue def applyToControl(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars self.setToControlFunc(optVars[self.ovName]) def getFromControl(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars optVars[self.ovName] = self.getFromControlFunc() def reset(self): optVars = pm.env.optionVars optVars.pop(self.ovName) self.init() self.applyToControl() class SearcherLink(object): def __init__(self, searcher, button, table, tabWidget): self.searcher = searcher self.button = button self.table = table self.tabWidget = tabWidget self.attachedToTabWidget = False def run(): # from pydev import pydevd # pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=62882, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) global mainWin if not mainWin: mainWin = SearchUI() mainWin.raise_()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Help: {} <filename>".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(0) with open(sys.argv[1]) as file: segments = file.readline().rstrip().split(", ") target = ([int(x) for x in segments[0][15:].split("..")], [int(x) for x in segments[1][2:].split("..")]) def eval(vel): max_y = 0 pos = [0,0] while pos[1]>=target[1][0]: pos[0] += vel[0] pos[1] += vel[1] if vel[0]>0: vel[0]-=1 elif vel[0]<0: vel[0]+=1 vel[1]-=1 if pos[1] > max_y: max_y = pos[1] if pos[0]>=target[0][0] and pos[0]<=target[0][1] and pos[1]>=target[1][0] and pos[1]<=target[1][1]: return True,max_y return False,None best_max_y = target[1][0]-1 pos_for_max_y = [None,None] within_target = 0 for x in range(0, target[0][1]+1): for y in range(target[1][0], 400):# not really a great way to set the maximum y-velocity in_target,max_y = eval([x,y]) if in_target: within_target+=1 if max_y > best_max_y: best_max_y = max_y pos_for_max_y = [x,y] print("Max y={} at {}".format(best_max_y,pos_for_max_y)) print("{} valid initial velocities".format(within_target))
from __future__ import annotations import logging from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Dict, Generic, Type, TypeVar, final from dramatiq import Message from common.runtimes import Runtime, RuntimeConfig from deployments.deployment_actor import DeploymentActor, DeploymentDescription from deployments.entities.deployment_info import DeploymentInfo from deployments.entities.deployment_task import DeploymentTask from deployments.entities.pending_deployment import PendingDeployment from models import ModelService logger = logging.getLogger("uvicorn") ConfigType = TypeVar('ConfigType', bound=RuntimeConfig) class DeploymentRuntime(Runtime, Generic[ConfigType]): _known_environments: Dict[str, Type[DeploymentRuntime]] = {} def __init__(self, config: ConfigType): super().__init__(config) @final def deploy(self, deployment_task: DeploymentTask) -> PendingDeployment: from deployments.deployment_service import DeploymentService model = ModelService().get_deployable_model(deployment_task.run_id) deployment_id = DeploymentService.create_deployment_id() actor: Type[DeploymentActor] = self.deployment_actor() deployment_description = DeploymentDescription( deployment_id=deployment_id, model=model, runtime_config=self.config.dict(), parameters=deployment_task.parameters.dict(), env_vars=self.environment())"Deploying in actor {actor.__name__}") message: Message = actor.send(deployment_description.json()) return PendingDeployment(deployment_id=deployment_id,, message=message.encode()) @abstractmethod def deployment_actor(self) -> Type[DeploymentActor]: raise NotImplementedError() def undeploy(self, deployment_id: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def get_deployment(self, deployment_id: str) -> DeploymentInfo: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def type(cls, name: str): """ Indicates for which deployment runtime env type the class is responsible. :param name: the dataset type """ def decorator(clazz): if clazz not in DeploymentRuntime._known_environments: DeploymentRuntime._known_environments[name] = clazz return decorator @classmethod def get_known_environments(cls) -> Dict[str, Type[DeploymentRuntime]]: """ Returns a dictionary of the known environments. :return: Dictionary of the known environments. """ return cls._known_environments
description = 'Laser Safety Shutter' prefix = '14IDB:B1Bi0' target = 0.0 command_value = 1.0 auto_open = 0.0 EPICS_enabled = True
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 class GridWorld: _direction_deltas = [ (-1,0), (1,0), (0,1), (0,-1) ] _num_actions = len(_direction_deltas) def __init__(self, reward_grid, terminal_mask, obstacle_mask, action_probabilities, no_action_probability): self.reward_grid = reward_grid self.terminal_mask = terminal_mask self.obstacle_mask = obstacle_mask self._T = self._create_transition_matrix( action_probabilities, no_action_probability, obstacle_mask ) @property def shape(self): return self.reward_grid.shape @property def size(self): return self.reward_grid.size def run_value_iterations(self, discount = 1.0, iterations = 10): utility_grids, policy_grids = self._init_utility_policy_storage(iterations) utility_grid = np.zeros_like(self.reward_grid) for i in range(iterations): utility_grid = self._value_iteration(utility_grid=utility_grid) policy_grids[:,:,i] = self.best_policy(utility_grid) utility_grids[:,:,i] = utility_grid return policy_grids, utility_grids def run_policy_iterations(self, discount = 1.0, iterations = 10): utility_grids, policy_grids = self._init_utility_policy_storage(iterations) policy_grid = np.random.randint(0, self._num_actions, self.shape) utility_grid = self.reward_grid.copy() for i in range(iterations): policy_grid, utility_grid = self._policy_iteration(policy_grid=policy_grid,utility_grid=utility_grid) policy_grids[:,:,i]=policy_grid utility_grids[:,:,i]=utility_grid return policy_grids,utility_grids def generate_experience(self, current_state_idx, action_index): sr, sc = self.grid_indices_to_coordinates(current_state_idx) next_state_probs = self._T[sr, sc, action_index, :, :].flatten() next_state_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(next_state_probs.size),p=next_state_probs) return (next_state_idx, self.reward_grid.flatten()[next_state_idx], self.terminal_mask.flatten()[next_state_idx]) def grid_indices_to_coordinates(self, indices=None): if indices is None: indices = np.arange(self.size) return np.unravel_index(indices, self.shape) def grid_coordinates_to_indices(self, coordinates = None): if coordinates is None: return np.arange(self.size) return np.ravel_multi_index(coordinates, self.shape) def best_policy(self, utility_grid): M, N = self.shape return np.argmax((utility_grid.reshape((1, 1, 1, M, N)) * self._T) .sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1), axis=2) def _init_utility_policy_storage(self, depth): M, N = self.shape utility_grids = np.zeros((M, N, depth)) policy_grids = np.zeros_like(utility_grids) return utility_grids, policy_grids def _create_transition_matrix(self, action_probabilities, no_action_probability, obstacle_mask): M, N = self.shape T = np.zeros((M, N, self._num_actions, M, N)) r0, c0 = self.grid_indices_to_coordinates() T[r0, c0, :, r0, c0] += no_action_probability for action in range(self._num_actions): for offset, P in action_probabilities: direction = (action + offset) % self._num_actions dr, dc = self._direction_deltas[direction] r1 = np.clip(r0 + dr, 0, M - 1) c1 = np.clip(c0 + dc, 0, N - 1) temp_mask = obstacle_mask[r1, c1].flatten() r1[temp_mask] = r0[temp_mask] c1[temp_mask] = c0[temp_mask] T[r0, c0, action, r1, c1] += P terminal_locs = np.where(self.terminal_mask.flatten())[0] T[r0[terminal_locs], c0[terminal_locs], :, :, :] = 0 return T def _value_iteration(self, utility_grid, discount=1.0): out = np.zeros_like(utility_grid) M, N = self.shape for i in range(M): for j in range(N): out[i, j] = self._calculate_utility((i, j), discount, utility_grid) return out def _policy_iteration(self, *, utility_grid, policy_grid, discount=1.0): r, c = self.grid_indices_to_coordinates() M, N = self.shape utility_grid = ( self.reward_grid + discount * ((utility_grid.reshape((1, 1, 1, M, N)) * self._T) .sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1))[r, c, policy_grid.flatten()] .reshape(self.shape) ) utility_grid[self.terminal_mask] = self.reward_grid[self.terminal_mask] return self.best_policy(utility_grid), utility_grid def _calculate_utility(self, loc, discount, utility_grid): if self.terminal_mask[loc]: return self.reward_grid[loc] row, col = loc return np.max( discount * np.sum( np.sum(self._T[row, col, :, :, :] * utility_grid, axis=-1), axis=-1) ) + self.reward_grid[loc] def plot_policy(self, utility_grid, policy_grid=None): if policy_grid is None: policy_grid = self.best_policy(utility_grid) markers = "^>v<" marker_size = 200 marker_edge_width = marker_size // 10 marker_fill_color = 'w' no_action_mask = self.terminal_mask | self.obstacle_mask utility_normalized = (utility_grid - utility_grid.min()) / \ (utility_grid.max() - utility_grid.min()) utility_normalized = (255*utility_normalized).astype(np.uint8) utility_rgb = cv2.applyColorMap(utility_normalized, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) for i in range(3): channel = utility_rgb[:, :, i] channel[self.obstacle_mask] = 0 plt.imshow(utility_rgb[:, :, ::-1], interpolation='none') for i, marker in enumerate(markers): y, x = np.where((policy_grid == i) & np.logical_not(no_action_mask)) plt.plot(x, y, marker, ms=marker_size, mew=marker_edge_width, color=marker_fill_color) y, x = np.where(self.terminal_mask) plt.plot(x, y, 'o', ms=marker_size, mew=marker_edge_width, color=marker_fill_color) tick_step_options = np.array([1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]) tick_step = np.max(policy_grid.shape)/8 best_option = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(tick_step) - np.log(tick_step_options))) tick_step = tick_step_options[best_option] plt.xticks(np.arange(0, policy_grid.shape[1] - 0.5, tick_step)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, policy_grid.shape[0] - 0.5, tick_step)) plt.xlim([-0.5, policy_grid.shape[0]-0.5]) plt.xlim([-0.5, policy_grid.shape[1]-0.5])