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I decided to live. : I decided to live to save people. I want to save people who have been struggling with mental disorder, their identities, their parents, or whatever. I'm gonna find some way to do that. I was so suicidal and I even attempted suicide a few days ago but I think I'll never do it again. My depression and OCD still remain and I still feel sick and I can't sleep well but I'm gonna live. I've never felt happiness in my life and there's nothing like precious memories but I'm no longer obsessed with that. And I also decided not to force myself to do something that I don't even want to, just because everyone does it. Being sensitive is not a bad thing at all. I'll never give up on myself or others like people around me always did. (I'm not a native english speaker, so my english might be wrong)
[WWII] Are there any examples of notable Luftwaffe pilots that didn't hold Nazi beliefs? : I tried asking this over at /r/askhistorians but they apparently don't allow "trivia seeking" questions or something, though I thought my question was rather direct and precise as their rules dictated. They referred me to this subreddit among other and it seems to be the most active of the ones they suggested, so hopefully I can get a response here. Anyway.... I've heard it said that the German Luftwaffe was the most "nazified" branch of the Wehrmacht during World War II, but I am also aware that not everyone that fought for Nazi Germany was a member of the Nazi Party or held the same beliefs and sympathies as the core members of the NSDAP and the SS. With that said, are there any notable Luftwaffe aviators (particularly fighter aces or notable bomber/attack pilots) that are known to have either purposefully not been members of the Party or, more specifically, didn't share some of the beliefs espoused by the Nazi doctrine such as Aryan supremacy and anti-semitism? From what I've been able to find, there seems to have at least been a fair amount of aces that weren't officially a part of the Nazi Party, but I haven't found any information regarding notable Luftwaffe pilots that either outwardly opposed the racist and inhumane beliefs and practices of the NSDAP or privately held such opinions.   Any help finding an answer or some examples would be wonderful. Any related information or recommended books or other reading material related to the matter would be greatly appreciated too, though that's not the primary point of the thread. Thanks!
A therapist career and having ocd : So I was told on reddit by someone that I shouldn't get my MFT license because of my history with OCD. It's a little disheartening hearing that I can't do therapy because I myself have a mental illness. Should I reconsider my career goal or should I not listen to that particular comment.
i cant stop thinking about death and it鈥檚 haunting me : I apologize for any bad grammar or weird sentences, i鈥檓 in a frantic mindset and have one braincell working. I have very bad anxiety, my doctor told me it鈥檚 one of the worst anxiety tests he has seen. My biggest fear is death, and what happens after. I am not religious, I do not believe in Heaven and Hell. For some reason every night I cannot stop thinking about what happens when we die and I can鈥檛 stop having panic attacks where I cannot breathe and my body breaks out in hives. I don鈥檛 know what to do to stop this way of thinking and it鈥檚 tearing me apart. Does anyone have any tips of either a calming method or tips to not think of it?
I am leaving this sub and never looking back. : I've finally reached a point with my anxiety, overall inner turbulence and personally tailored coping mechanisms that I find it difficult to read a lot of the posts here now as I find it nearly impossible to do so without flaring up inside. It is beginning to feel counterproductive. My gut tells me that it's time to move on to the next level of self understanding and discovery, and my goal of turning anxiety into an essential life tool and not the constant plague it once was for so long. Learning to listen to my instincts and act on them was HUGE for me, and seemingly impossible for so much of my life. Everybody has an irrevocable right to express themselves here and I feel for each and every individual going through their own journeys with chronic or acute anxiety. This sub has been immensely helpful to me and countless others in our darkest hours, but I think it's time I left. Without taking anything away from anybody on their respective journey, this sub is no longer beneficial to me. I never thought I'd write that. Does it mean my anxiety is straight up gone? Nope, not even close. But through therapy and some excruciating hardships, I've come to realize how resilient we are as humans. It's kind of amazing. So I'm ready for you, world! Here I come. My advice to anyone on a similar journey? Don't knock yourself down before anybody else has had a chance to. You deserve to feel okay. It doesn't sound like much, but if it hits even one person, at the right time and in the right way, then it was worth mentioning. This sub has made me laugh, cry, question it all, then question some more. I've found the answers I needed here. Thank you for having me. Good luck to everyone on their personal journey and in a way, I love each and every one of you. We are the same. And so, the end of the road for you here is inevitable, and that is a beautiful thing. You have it in you. Don't rush. I believe in you.
Finish It Friday & this community helped me to finally clean my room!!! : ...this may seem trivial but I feel like I just climbed Mount Everest haha. Moved into my new place a month ago and our housewarming party is this weekend. My bedroom was a gross sad pile of dirty clothes, pet hair, little bits of trash, and unpacked cases/boxes. I decided to "finish it Friday" and I did it! I even stopped halfway through when the alarm went off to give my cat her medicine and ACTUALLY went and did that, then came back. I swept the floor... horrifying pile of dead spiders convinced me I need to keep this up haha. This community is new to me but already so inspiring and encouraging. I took [before and after pics](http://imgur.com/a/iGNhf) and I challenge you guys to finish your nagging tasks! Thanks to everyone for being a part of this community. It is really motivating me and helping me to understand my obstacles.
bf broke up with me, am completely alone : bf (fp) and i are in long distance relationship and it鈥檚 not easy. we haven鈥檛 been happy for a while so he broke up with me today. i have no friends. and honestly no reason to live. i think i will kms tomorrow . i just want someone to hug me , someone to just hear me . im sorry
What does being recoverd feel like : What does being fully recovered from anxiety feels like . Do u. Guys feel normal as in before you had the panic attacks and all ? Do symptoms still come years after the recovery. Does life has its joy ? Do you guys can do your activities again ?
16M suicidal, lonely, need to feel loved before the end. Tonight Is it. I need to talk. : don't really know why I'm making this post, I don't want anyone to save me anymore. I wanna end it all tonight. I'm fucking tired of the constant pain, everytime I look in the mirror, I just wanna die, I hate myself, I'm an ugly, fat, unlovable piece of shit, I'm 16 but I look fuckin 30. I wanna cut so bad. I just wish I had someone to share the pain with, someone to love, but I don't deserve that. Goodbye everyone. Before I go, here is my story. My name is Ethan, my parents got divorced when I was 9, that's when my depression started. My dad cheated on my mom, I blamed the divorce on him, hated him for it. Really I blamed him for how my mom treated me, I thought he made her into that monster. Truth was she was always like that. I'm not gonna say, she was an awful parent, she didn't beat me. Most the time she was loving, but she had "moments". She always told us " love is a lie" "there is no prince Charming" "all men are pigs" "men are awful" growing up as a male, in that household, was difficult, made my depression worse. When I was 13 I started cutting, around the same time my first relationship ended, shortly after, I went into another one, Jasmine. Bipolar as shit, would tell me she loved me one moment, tell me she wanted me to kill myself the next, I cut alot during our relationship. One day, she told me to kill myself, I did. Overdosed on my medication and ended up in the hospital, had a 5 day mental health inpatient after the ER. My mom drove me to the hospital, it was a 40 minutes drive, felt like years. She said "you wanna die so badly ill kill you myself" treated to jam her fingers down my throat, punched me in the chest, hard, multiple times on the way. Before this, when I asked her if I needed to go to the hospital, if I could, trying to set up a safety plan, she threw my shoes at me and told me to get in the car, she tried to "exorcise" my depression once, burning stuff around my bed. After the hospital visit I was in 3 weeks worth of programs, it got better. Mom did not. I got into another relationship after that, lasted about 2 years. Complete opposite of my last one. She was Mormon, made things... Difficult, wasn't aloud to date until 16. We didn't use that label, but we did basically date. She was very busy, I had frequent episodes, made things difficult, eventually it ended badly, I blame myself. Had others after her, was cheated on, and other stuff. Was going down in a never ending spiral. Sometime after I turned 15 I met Molly, I fell in love, she didn't feel the same, but, we were best friends, loved eachother in a different way, my mental issues eventually drove that away too. Nothing made me feel better, except self harm, until I found, substances. First nicotine, then alcohol, then my drug of choice, weed, then coke, then overdosing on over the counter stuff, like benadryl, and cough syrup. Whatever I could to not be sober, I was never sober, never wanted to feel my emotions, when I did, I cut. Molly was with me through it all. Until one day, I came home from school drunk, had the biggest sh lapse of my life, and went to my second mental hospital, I was there for 13 days, turn ned 16 there, tried to commit suicide while I was in there. After words I went to rehab. It was a dual diagnosis, mental health and substance abuse residential. I was there for 2 months. It helped, I was diagnosed with BPD in there, met many great friends, miss them all. Went into a 3 month iop program, started working at the same time, fuckin hated my boss, absolute asshole. Anyways. Molly got me through it all, I had a 15 minute phone call a week I spend on her. Eventually, she ghosted me when I was having an episode, I kept on reaching out, I drove her away even more, I hate myself. Currently, I'm a week clean from sh, and a month sober, I've worked on myself so much have gotten so much better but it doesn't matter, I'm gonna end it, I'm done, I'm still alone, crying myself to sleep, none of it matters.
Got asked on a date! : And by a girl I already liked. Pretty excited but at the same time, I seem to mistake the excitement for anxiety and I just feel very uncomfortable all the time. It feels like I'm bursting at the seams and I can't relax nor sleep. My mind has just gone completely overdrive and I can't turn it off. Does anybody else get that? Anyway, I'm very happy about this and just wanted to share!
i just found out my friend killed herself. : i had been trying to get her through this suicidality, getting her on medicare, i wouldnt let her out of my sight for 2 weeks and it ended with me taking her off a bridge to the er, she was kept on a psych hold. she said i ruined her life by doing it. im leaving out a lot. because of the stress i cracked into a BPD episode and didn't really talk to her since, a bit over a month. i just got a call saying she's dead. i want it to be that if i ignore it its not real and it didn't happen. i don't really have a question.
Family letter detailing the conditions and liberation of Mauthausen concentration camp in Bavaria, Germany, May 1945 : This post is in relation to a post discussing the Holocaust on another subreddit, talking about the teaching of the events which took place during the Second World War. When I was younger and first learning about the Holocaust in school, my mom showed me the following letter, which had been written by my cousin and detailed his experience in Germany. First hand accounts and knowledge of such events can be easily lost and rarely accounted for in history textbooks, so my hope is that this post can help to expand other's knowledge and understanding of what happened in and around the concentration camps setup and operated by the third Reich. Mauthausen was liberated on May 5/6, 1945 by elements of the 11th Armored Division. One standout fact about the liberation of this camp is that the Spanish photographer Francesc Boix was imprisoned there, and managed to smuggle out thousands of negative photographs, which were later used during the Nuremberg trials as evidence. I myself am a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, but I each time I read this letter, I truly cannot comprehend what must have been going through his mind just trying to process the horror of the camps. Hopefully this letter adds some perspective for those who read it, as it did for me. I know this is quite a serious and somber topic, but I would like to highlight a bit of brevity from the letter itself; my cousin was a field grade officer, in a Jeep full of Colonels, and to no one's surprise, they got lost and ended up encountering the furthest advanced Russian forces before they found their way again. http://imgur.com/gallery/NMT7emR
I'm very proud of myself today : I had an exam today and my anxiety started kicking in last night but I spoke to myself calmly through it, encouraged myself and I studied. I maintained sleep and food schedule through it. Things happened that angered me but I expressed it where it was intended relatively calmly and it didn't ruin my day, I could move on to other things. I was super socially anxious when I got to the exam room but again I kept reminding myself that no one really cared and that it would be okay. And it was. I was very focused on my exam and I did well.