3 values
4 The first [was] like a lion, and had eagle's wings; I beheld until the its wings were plucked off, and it was removed from the earth, and it stood up on its feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
4 Na farko kamar zaki yake, yana da fikafikan gaggafa: Na duba har sai an ɗaga fuka-fukinsa, aka ɗaga shi daga ƙasa, ta tsaya a ƙafafunsa kamar mutum, an kuma ba da zuciyar mutum.
26 but jesus looked at them and said to them, "with men this is impossible, but with god all things are possible."
2619.26: Gẹ 18.14; Jb 42.2.Ṣùgbọ́n Jesu wò wọ́n, ó sì wí fún wọn pé, "Ènìyàn ni èyí ṣòro fún; ṣùgbọ́n fún Ọlọ́run ohun gbogbo ni ṣíṣe."
The latest member of the team.
O jẹ abikẹhin ninu ẹgbẹ naa.
In no other country is the division of labour
Babu wani wurin aiki a duniya da baya fuskantar sabani daban-daban tsakanin ma'aikata.
it's not the media
Ọ bụghị ụlọ mgbasa ozi.
Wouldn't he be stuck with his father?
Yake hanashi zama cikin yan uwansa?
B) What is the time required for the electron to travel the 2.0 cm?
10.How ọpọlọpọ awọn iṣẹju ti o nilo lati yi awọn nilẹ ikarahun?
and the C. I. A.
Bukanin I. A.
You will need to get the right one for your handset.
'Vekwesịrị inwe aka ekpe na otu, ọ na-enye gị nguzozi.
and the Sins of the past..
zunuban da suka gabata, kuma
It is of a grave looking man who's eyes are lifted to heaven.
Ona kan wa ti o fi lee mu ona aye re to pelu Olorun.
- But to the tribe of Levi, Moses did not give an inheritance; the LORD, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as He had promised to them.
Ṣugbọn Mose kò pín ilẹ̀ fún àwọn ẹ̀yà Lefi, OLUWA Ọlọrun Israẹli ni ìpín tiwọn, gẹ́gẹ́ bí ó ti wí fún wọn.
Unfortunately this momentum has picked up so quickly that our ability to capture and analyze the data is still far behind.
O di nwute, usoro a egosiputa bụrụ nke dị oke ala ha na-agbachapụ ngwa ngwa, yabụ na anyị nwere ike tufue ọdịnaya echekwara ngwa ngwa na n'amaghị ama.
This is a music channel in YouTube that contains all the music videos of Lil Wayne.
Wannan wata music tashar a YouTube cewa yana dauke da dukan music videos na Lil Wayne.
How many times in buying a bag, a wallet or a belt we wanted to evaluate the quality of the leather?
Ugboro ole ka ị na-azụta akpa, obere akpa ma ọ bụ eriri anyị chọrọ inwale ogo akpụkpọ anụ ahụ?
All of them gathered as much as they needed to eat.
Ṣugbọn ọkọọkan kojọpọ gẹgẹ bi ohun ti o le jẹ.
It is extremely important that the first language of deafblind people is known to the authorities so that the help provided is given in as intelligible a form as possible.
Ọ dị mkpa ịma otú e si eji ihe mpụga ike mbanye dị ka kwesịrị ekwesị mmezi na nwụnye enyere na nkwado nke na diski ike.
You are right there are only two states that doesn't allow any gambling: Hawaii and Utah.
Akwai jihohi biyu a Amurka waɗanda ba su da caca a ko'ina: Hawaii da Utah.
Why are only some members eligible to suspend their policy for up to 9 months in a 12 month period?
22Kini idi ti Awọn alabara mi ko gba Gba awọn ọja ni Akoko Paapaa ju Awọn oṣu 2?
the old state as a string
Àtètè àtìbàdí wá kan bí ìbo
he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia.
Nígbà tí wọ́n dé ọ̀dọ̀ rẹ̀, ó sọ fún wọn pé, "Ẹ mọ̀ bí mo ti lo gbogbo àkókò mi láàrin yín láti ìgbà tí mo ti kọ́kọ́ dé ilẹ̀ Esia.
Were you like, "I have to make sure that women are heard?"
Kausar tace "Kina nufin zuba mata ido za mu yi?"
I flexed the thumb, and the skin opened up.
Enwere m inkling na akpụkpọ anụ ahụ agbagola ma akwara ahụ belatara.
Take away her branches, for they are not Jehovah's.
Gbupụnụ alaka ya ndị na- awasa awasa , n' ihi na ha abụghị nke Jehova .
Like tinder, you can choose to connect with people nearby (or pass) just for fun and friendship or for a serious relationship -- and everyone who uses it already the gluten free diet movement is a big deal these days, and now there's even a dating site dedicated to the singles who want to share the same.
Dịka Tinder, ị nwere ike ịhọrọ ijikọta na ndị nọ nso (ma ọ bụ gafee) naanị maka ntụrụndụ na ọbụbụenyi ma ọ bụ maka mmekọrịta siri ike - onye ọ bụla na-eji ya amataworị na ọ bụ obodo maka ndị na-ese siga wii wii.
1 Now it happened on one of those days, as He taught the people in the temple and preached the gospel, that the chief priests and the scribes, together with the elders, confronted Him 2and spoke to Him, saying, "Tell us, by what authority are You doing these things?
1 O si ṣe, ni ijọ kan li ọjọ wọnni, bi o ti nkọ́ awọn enia ni tẹmpili ti o si nwasu ihinrere, awọn olori alufa, ati awọn pẹlu awọn agbagbà dide sí i, 2 Nwọn si wi fun u pe, Sọ fun wa, aṣẹ wo ni iwọ fi nṣe nkan wọnyi? tabi tali o fun ọ li aṣẹ yi?
She arrived at the faith after a long journey of searching.
Ta sami zaman lafiya a cikin bangaskiya bayan wani dogon hanya zuwa ceto.
This is the righteous Mary as presented in the Qur'an -
Ọna kan wa ninu Sura Maryam ti o le fẹrẹ gbọye lati jẹ ẹri Onigbagbọ ninu Kuran.
Ayia Napa is a small town in which mainly tourists live.
Dachia jẹ deede iranran jade nkan lati ilu ni eto ti orilẹ-ede ti ko nireti ni gbogbogbo fun gbigbe ni igbagbogbo.
21 but whoever did not pay attention to the word of the LORD left his slaves and his livestock in the field.
21 Amma waɗanda ba su kula da abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa ba, suka bar bayinsu da dabbobinsu a waje cikin saura.
It is not just a linguistic form; it is also related to social cognition."
Ba wai kawai harshe ba ne, kuma yana da alaƙa da hulɗar zamantakewa."
As the name implies, it is easy to use.
Bi awọn orukọ ni imọran, o jẹ rorun lati lo.
It sounds like a bass note in the stereo.
Ọ na-adị ka draịvụ ike na stethoscope n'elu.
Let's focus our minds on that which is eternal.
So fun wa nipa o, ohun ti lailai ti o ro ni pataki.
In which case it would be something each of us needs to balance out in our daily lives.
Kuma wannan ya faru, kowannenmu yana bukatar muyi tunanin abin da muke yi a kowace rana.
'We're both tired, and while I can't speak for her, I know my strengths do not lie in wrangling words and ideas in such a large group.
"ai daga cikin mu Babu wanda ya iya magana saboda mun rasa ta cewa, ganin bamu ce komai ba yaci gaba da cewa abokina mik'o masu takardar nan Mai rules and regulations na wannan club d'in" ,
However, all may not be needed at the same time, but it is better to keep all documents ready.
Ti o ba jẹ dandan, gbogbo le ṣalu ni akoko kanna, ṣugbọn sibẹ o jẹ wuni lati darapọ awọn eroja diėdiė.
This is now the recognised
Wannan shi ne ajanda wanda aka sanar da shi yanzu
Or is it a sign of things to come (he asks with tongue firmly planted in cheek)?
Ko akwai aya ko hadisin da yayi hani da maukibi?
What moved me in this particular instance was the age of the child and the poigniancy of this time of year in the Christian calendar.
Bakanna, aye ti arakunrin tabi arabinrin ṣee ṣe jẹ ọranyan ni akoko kikọ kikọ biography yii.
Saved by a Fish
esi merie a pisces nwoke
Ternent was not out of the game for long.
Pogba agbabeghi bọọlụ ogologo oge n'ihi ahụ o merụrụ.
Luo Chang confesses that he is not ready to get married.
Toh ashe kenan eh da gaske dan ya ce zai yi aure ba wai ya dena sonki ba ne.
It is important for your child to be active from a young age.
O ti wa ni pataki lati kọ ọmọ rẹ lati ara ṣiṣe lati ẹya tete ọjọ ori.
This will help you to be promoted to another class or qualify you to be admitted to another school of life.
Ni afikun, o le beere awọn iwe-aṣẹ miiran yatọ si awọn ti o wa loke, tabi pe o pe ọ si ile-ibẹwẹ fun ijomitoro kan.
The sleeves were made by stitching cloth and turning it inside out.
Nigbana ni a fi awọn ọṣọ basiliti ti a ti gbin sinu rẹ ati ti a ṣapa nipasẹ awọn ata ilẹ tẹ.
We ended up with the fire truck at our door.
Dai-dai sanda ya sanya hancin motar cikin gate din gidanmu.
a small quantity of water until the color
Yet ntakịrị mmiri ka edemede ruo mgbe blended
"Going forward we hope a lot of these sponsors will have children or people within their businesses that want to play cricket.
"Pẹlu awọn eto ile-iṣẹ titun wọnyi, a ni ireti lati gba awọn ọmọde lati agbegbe ti o fẹ, lati ọwọ rẹ, di awọn oṣere ni awọn agbegbe ti o ni igberiko naa.
19:14. and righteous to his parents, and was not a rebellious tyrant.
19:14- asọpụrụ nne na nna ya, ịbụ dịghịkwa mpako ma ọ bụ na-enupụ isi .
For some, moving is a fresh start.
Ga wasu mutane, da kafa wani sabon waya ne fun.
Jesus and his Disciples
Jizọs na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya.
Paying attention to detail at every stage is the key to success.
Sanin makamar aiki a kowanne ɓangare shi ne tushen nasara.
every other brother whom God has designed to be part of him.
Haka kuma Allah Ya hana duk wani abinda zai bata yan uwantaka, zai kawo sabani a tsakanin musulmai.
So they said, It is his angel."
Ha we si, Ọ bu mọ-ozi-ya.
He bullied her to tell him her secrets.
Nke a nyere ya nsogbu, ọ rịọrọ ya ka ọ kọwaara ya ozi nzuzo ya.
The purpose of this lesson is to study the Bible teaching about unity and division.
A ó ṣe èyí nípa kíkọ́ ẹ̀kọ́ Bíbélì àti ìdàpọ̀ onígbàgbọ́.
This structure is a part of us, and has played a significant role in our lives.
O ṣalaye wa bi awọn ẹni -kọọkan ati pe o ṣe ipa ti o lagbara ni ipinnu ipinnu igbesi aye wa.
I still look at it from time to time and wonder who wrote it.
Mgbe ụfọdụ, m na-ele anya na nzuzo ma na-eche onye ga-ekwe ka nke ahụ?
Now this doesn't mean you have to pack your belongings and move to a foreign country.
Eyi ko tumọ si pe o nilo lati lọ kuro ni ẹbi rẹ ki o si lọ si igbo igbo kan.
order to educate them on the steps they need to take to protect their
Ninu Awọn iya Lori a ni imọran fun ọ kini awọn igbesẹ ti o ni lati tẹle lati tọju rẹ
house with the parents, after He had expelled the mourners, to raise the child.
Ka o ruru ụlọ nna ya, ọ malitere nọrọ ebe ahụ mụba ụmụ n'eleghị anya n'azụ.
It has been shown that CMS is an ac-
"O ti ṣalaye pe oṣiṣẹ ọdaran jẹ ACP.
Hair is converted into
Juya gyale ya zama kayan gashi.
The ends of these pews are decorated with carved animals.
Awọn ibẹrẹ ti awọn isinku wọnyi jẹ eyiti a ṣe ọṣọ pẹlu awọn aworan ti awọn ẹranko ọtọtọ.
What's the effect it has on aperture?
Mene ne tasiri tare da OpenGeo Suite?
Some drugs are supposed to aid other drugs.
E nwetakwara ọgw ọjọọ ndị ọzọ n'aka ndị ahụ bụ ndị a ga-ebufe mba ọzọ.
pretended not to see him because her mother was with her.
O ni itiju ko fẹ ẹ jẹ ki oun lọ ma a gbe pẹlu iya oun, nitori pe awọn iyawo aburo oun n gbe pẹlu rẹ.
Those are all terrific wishes.
Ṣe ifowosowopo ni gbogbo awọn ifẹkufẹ wọnyẹn ti ko le ni agbara.
One of the largest at the time
Ọkan ninu awọn akọle aaye ayelujara to dara julọ wa ni akoko yẹn
As the cultivation of plant species is very easy.
Ni afikun, iṣakoso fun awọn igi jẹ gidigidi rọrun.
Digestion is the process by which your body turns the food you eat into nutrients that are used for energy, growth, and cell repair.
Ezubere usoro nri gị nke ọma iji tụgharịa nri ị na-eri ka ọ bụrụ nri na-edozi ahụ, nke ahụ na-eji maka ike, uto na mmezi sel.
Harvesting is also used for Question Marks where there is no possibility of
Awọn eroja ti wa ni tun idasilẹ fun lilo, a yoo ko ni anfani lati lo awon orisi oof eroja
This is exactly what produces the image.
"Wannan shine ainihin abin da wannan hoton yake nufin cimmawa.
26:197 Was it not sufficient proof for the deniers that it has been recognized by the knowledgeable among the Children of Israel?
26: 197 Ọ bụghị ihe ịrịba ama a n'ihi na ha maara onye ahụ na mụtara nke ụmụ Israel ?
But if you knew what that is, I choose mercy, and not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent.
7 Ọ buru kwa na unu matara ihe okwu a bu, Anamachọ ebere, ọ bughi àjà, unu agaghi -amawori ndi ikpe nāmaghi.
This is why all the above terms are ancient Greek and are still used today.
Gbogbo awọn aami leti o ti atijọ Giriki ọlaju ati ki o ni a otitọ lero si o.
Wayne will come up with two dates for an indoor work day during the winter.
Lẹẹmeji ni akoko akoko ooru ni o nilo lati ṣe ajile pẹlu nkan ti o wa ni erupe ile.
BTW: If there is some kind of official list describing in detail all the
HDMI: Njikọ niile dijitalụ nke na-akọwapụta DVI n'ụzọ zuru ezu n'akụkụ niile.
So i have a soft nerf football i keep to toss at him when he falls asleep to wake him up.
Ina da wasu set din ribon a jiye kana na a hankali na kama kan ta ina mata kitso tana barci .
If they are found not guilty is there any compensation?
To ba je wi pe a ki i ku laye, awon ara igbaani da?
Later on, the word baroque was used to describe the music styles of the 1600s to the 1700s.
Bayan haka, kalmar baroque an yi amfani dashi don bayyana tsarin kiɗa na 1600 zuwa 1700s.
Get away from it all and enjoy the beauty of the mountains.
"Jiri nwayọ pụọ n'ụzọ ọ bụla ma nụrụ ụtọ nnwere onwe nke onye ugwu ahụ.
Is there ever a time to pray to be seen by others?
Shin kasan lokacin da aka fi dacewa da karbar addu'o'i da kuma sauran lokutan da suke biyo su?
&& 7:26 And when he had exhorted her with many words, she promised him that she would counsel her son.
7:26 Igba yen nko, Nigbati o si ti gbà rẹ pẹlu ọpọlọpọ awọn ọrọ, ó ti ṣe ileri wipe o ṣe fẹ ìmọràn ọmọ rẹ.
Watching your loved ones grow old is not always easy.
Atụkwasị ndị ọzọ na-elekọta ndị ị hụrụ n'anya bụ dịghị mgbe ihe dị mfe mkpebi.
As I said before, I'm never going to stop, never going to quit, never going to slow down.
Bí mo ti wí ni n óo ṣe, n kò ní dáwọ́ dúró, n kò ní dá ẹnikẹ́ni sí, n kò sì ní yí ọkàn pada.
Nat looked like a grown up for the first time.
A karo na farko a mataki, Stewart ya fito ne a matsayin matashi.
them on account of their object of worship,
cikin dakunansu su yi sallar,
There were also other small boats.
Àwọn ọkọ̀ ojú omi kékeré mìíràn sì wà lọ́dọ̀ rẹ̀.
The time has come to find out who is the winner!
Lokaci shi zai tabbatar da wanene zai yi nasara a wannan kokawar siyasar!
"We want our guests to play what they want to play.
Muna so baƙi su fuskanci kullun abin da yake so ya zama dan sama.
We also noticed that some people were more adept at one end of the spectrum than the other.
Pẹlupẹlu, a tun rii daju pe iwoye kekere diẹ ti awọn olumulo lori olupin naa ju olupin apin ti o ṣe alabapin apin wa.
Others were educated in American schools, to learn their language and culture.
A wannan makaranta, an koya wa 'yan asalin ƙasar Amirka harshen Turanci, amma an koya musu harshen da al'adunsu.
The church was built,.
Echichi akpaaka.
Governments around the globe, including the United States
Countasashe masu tallafi a duk duniya & gami da Amurka
Running a business is sort of like sailing a ship.
Inwe ebe nrụọrụ weebụ dị ka ịnwe ụgbọ mmiri ị na-eji ụgbọ mmiri agagharị.
anyone would like to give me a hand?
Ẹnikan fun mi ni ọwọ jọwọ
It was almost as if I was falling...
< start="108.48" dur="1.56"> Kamar dai yadda na kusan sauka, >
What was the point of Grawp, J. K.?
yace tazo ta kaita layin 'yan j,s,s