3 values
The sound of the forest birds
Sautin gandun daji- tsuntsatye da ta wasu
The way Jesus took away all the sins of the world was through His baptism at the Jordan River.
Ya mere Jisos weghaara nmehie nke uwa n'igosi baptism na osimiri Jordan.
There is the fire...
Wutar ta kama...
He was talking about exam.
<text sub="clublinks" start="167.44" dur="2.41"> Kuma a sa'an nan yayi Magana game da jaraba. </text>
In addition to easy to use, the software itself is not hard to install and not big in size.
Ban da sauki don amfani, da software kanta ba wuya a shigar da ba a babban size.
Far East, also in the data.
igba, ní obì nso lóko .
We are running a traditional model of sales, and all of our team members are engineers.
Muna da tsarin kula da inganci mai tsauri, duk masu fasahar mu kwararru ne, suna kan kula da inganci.
They also dismantled them of their own accord, as no one even knew they had them until after they told us they were all gone.
"Wannan yaudara ce, ana so a ce ai manyansu ma sun yi musu magana kada su shiga yajin aikin sun bijire, da sanin manyan, domin a ce ba za a yi zabe ba, to tun kafin su kifta ido su ce bisimilla mun gane su.
Cry for yourselves and for your children."
Kama nke ahụ, bewerenụ onwe unu na ụmụ unu ákwá; n'ihi na, lee!
As it is associated with the women
Moti ni asepo pelu awon obirin.
1010 This they will have in lieu of their pride, because they have insulted and mocked the people of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.
10 Wannan shi ne hakkin girmankansu, Saboda sun raina jama'ar Ubangiji Mai Runduna, Sun yi musu alfarma.
After healing them he provided them food as well from five loaves of bread and two fishes.
kaltum ta jawo ledoji dake ajiye a gefenta ta mika mata guda biyu kowanne akwai dankwalan cake da meat pie ga lemon kwali da daurin cin-cin,
I have a friend that actually worked there.
<text sub="clublinks" start="444.749" dur="1.321"> Ina da wani aboki wanda ya yi aiki a can hakan kawai </text>
All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
, a ga-emekwa ka mba niile zukọta n'ihu ya, ọ ga-ekewapụkwa ndị mmadụ n'ebe ibe ha nọ, dị nnọọ ka onye ọzụzụ atụrụ si ekewapụ atụrụ n'ebe ewu nọ.
One should recall that the zygote is much larger compared to many cells of the body.
O yẹ ki o ṣe akiyesi pe ifarahan ti ifun titobi ju titobi ti awọn ẹya ara miiran ti o wa lẹgbẹẹ rẹ.
Who says that an Egyptian mummy has to be black and white?
Tani o sọ pe jaketi ooru kan fun awọn obirin gbọdọ ni irọrin awọ dudu ti funfun ati funfun?
Either plan comes with term discounts - those ultra-low rates are for the three-year plan, though one and two-year terms are also available.
Ma atụmatụ ọ bụla na-abịa site na ego - ọnụ ọgụgụ dị ala na-akwụ ụgwọ maka atụmatụ afọ atọ, ọ bụ ezie na otu okwu na afọ abụọ dịkwa.
After that, the racket of small arms sounded from the south, not the north.
A wasu kalmomin, sulhunin Gidan Rediyon Ice Free ya faru ne daga kudu, ba arewa ba.
Please click on the following article to learn why this change is necessary.
Karanta waɗannan shahararren sanannun don koyi dalilin da ya sa canji ya zama dole
Below are five easy to play games, some you've probably even heard of or seen before.
-Ihe karịrị yiri, e nwere eleghị anya ọbụna ole na ole egwuregwu ị na mgbe ọbụna nụrụ nke!
and DIs are identical and are as follows:
Akojọ aṣayan ni asiko yii jẹ kanna ati o dabi iru eyi:
is 15 more than b.
One G'40 urhite 100w bu b.
This is only a condition after marrying.
O jẹ ọrọ kan nikan šaaju ki o to sọ awọn igbeyawo.
Social media is a great way to reach people who already know and love you.
Awujọ ti awujọ jẹ ọna ti o dara julọ lati sopọ pẹlu awọn eniyan ti o nifẹ ati lati wa awọn onibara rẹ.
These things are always controlled by people who are exclusionary in nature.
Nigbagbogbo iru ala bẹẹ ni a rii nipasẹ awọn eniyan ti o ni ijiya lati aiṣedede.
Perhaps Yahweh will do with us according to all his miraculous acts, so that he may withdraw from us."
Ikekwe , Jehova ga- arụrụ anyị ọrụ ya dị ebube , nke ga- eme ka ọ hapụ anyị .
Worried about what to do with your kit?
Shin meyake damun Kitten tasa?
You want to be able to build and maintain it yourself and you want to know how the technologies work?
Zai yiwu ka sha'awa kuma yana cikin hakora mai tsabta kuma kana so ka san yadda fasahohin toho na lantarki yayi aiki?
He had bought the inheritance of her two
Ya mik'a hannunsa dan ta bashi d'ari biyun.
Today is the third day of the Lunar New Year which is a time for sons-in-laws to pay respects to their parents-in-law.
Loni jẹ Ọjọ Awọn ẹtọ Ẹtọ Kariaye, ọjọ pipe lati kọ awọn ọmọ rẹ nipa abojuto awọn ohun ọsin.
It's also one of the best bargains of the festival season, with passes available for...
Badoo jẹ ọkan ninu olokiki julọ awọn nẹtiwọọki ibaṣepọ ibaṣepọ ni awọn akoko aipẹ, nibi ti o ti le ṣe pẹlu ...
He said the suspects were arrested on Saturday.
Majiyoyin soji sun ce an kama jami'an ne a ranar Talata.
Are you having problems with the current setup?
Shin kuna samun matsala wurin adreshin wurin da kuke yanzu?
The posters were ...
Kwalbobin sun kasance ...
Only the researchers themselves, and their scientific colleagues, were unsurprised by the outcome.
NASA da ƙungiyoyi masu binciken da ke tattare da su ba su yarda da wannan ƙaddara ba.
However, while we may all have skills that cross over into each other, we also all have specialties that we focus on.
Otú ọ dị, ọ bụ ezie na anyị niile nwere nkà nke gafere n'ime ibe anyị, anyị niile nwekwara specialties anyị na-elekwasị anya.
You can see a range of the different designs below.
Ị pụrụ ịhụ na a dịgasị iche iche nke mmepụta formats si format tree n'okpuru.
Also, most of them provide free trials, so you can experiment with them on your own and see which ones you can't live without.
Ọzọkwa, ọtụtụ n'ime ha na-enye free ọnwụnwa, otú i nwere ike nnwale na ha na gị onwe gị na-ahụ ndị nke i nwere ike na-enweghị.
second, some of the used tools are described.
Bii iru eyi, a ti ṣe alaye alaye ti diẹ ninu awọn irinṣẹ didi ti a lo nigbagbogbo.
My grandmother was always dressed and her hair done.
Ina fẹẹrẹ ati ohun elo ti o rọ fun irorun wearer.
From these events we learn about the purpose and intent of the Church.
Na ụkpụrụ ndị a, anyị na-ahụ echiche na ebumnuche nke ozi ọma.
"He has put a new song in my mouth - Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord." - Psalm 40 V3
Ọ tinyewo abù ọhu n'ọnum, bú abù otuto diri Chineke-ayi: ọtutu madu gāhu, tua egwu Jehova, tukwasi Ya obi. - Abụ Ọma 40: 1-3
Tell him not to blame himself.
na-aga na gwara ya ghara mmehie ọzọ.
The thoughts and opinions of the community at large are very important to ensure the best use of the facility and programs.
Ọdịdị na mkpokọta okirikiri nhọrọ ukwuu nke usoro ihe omume bụ maa kasị mma maka ndị ọrụ nwere ike iji mgbagwoju omume na ala na mmepe nke usoro ihe omume e mere na-edebe ihe a n'uche.
All of these things were forecast by prophecy.
Nkebi a-emekọ nile dị otú ahụ mbipụta na yiri amuma.
She did it 8 times.
Ta yi hakan ne har sau 8.
Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves, and it was empty.
Pita na Jọn gbagara n'ili ahụ iji anya ha hụ, ma ili ahụ tọgbọ nkịtị!
On the sea of glass were standing those who had won the victory over the beast and its image, and also the number that signified its name.
Àwọn kan dúró lẹ́bàá òkun dígí náà, àwọn tí wọ́n ti ṣẹgun ẹranko náà ati ère rẹ̀, ati iye orúkọ rẹ̀.
Firefox, which was the first to use the incognito window or hide tab feature developed for users who do not want to browse the internet anonymously and leave any traces behind, succeeded in getting ahead of many of its competitors in this area and set an example for them.
Firefox, eyiti o jẹ akọkọ lati lo window idanimọ tabi ẹya taabu tọju ti o dagbasoke fun awọn olumulo ti ko fẹ lati lọ kiri lori intanẹẹti laisi orukọ ati fi eyikeyi awọn ami-ẹhin silẹ, ṣaṣeyọri ni ṣiwaju ọpọlọpọ awọn oludije rẹ ni agbegbe yii ati ṣeto apẹẹrẹ fun wọn.
30:26 Give my wives and my children, for whom I have served you, and let me go.
30:26 Fun mi li awọn obinrin, ati awọn ọmọ mi,, nitori awọn ẹniti mo ti nsìn ọ, ki emi ki o le lọ kuro.
See also MS.
Dubi dubi dam
The proposal was part of a tentative agreement reached between the city and the teachers' union on Monday night.
Wadannan na daga cikin yarjejeniyar da aka cimma wurin tattaunawar da ake yi tsakanin gwamnatin tarayya da kungiyar malaman jami'i'i wato ASUU a ranar Alhamis.
• the poor condition of retaining walls which support the street
- Rashin samun wannan damar ne yasa 'yan ta'addan suka dasa bama-bamai a kan hanyar shiga garin
So now my head is drained.
Orí ì mi di orí efun àdó nígbàyí o
This period of time would have been far
Wannan doguwar zakara yayi kyau ya tsotse.
This may be appropriate when you're sick.
Nke a nwere ike inwe ezigbo malitere ịrịa mmetụta ma ọ bụrụ na ya nke ọma.
When you give a specific example in your answer, you literally create images in the listener's head.
Mgbe ị na-akọ akụkọ ejiri onyonye nkọwa kọwaa, ị bụ n'ụzọ nkịtị, na-eme ka ozi gị dịrị n'echiche nke ndị na-ege gị ntị.
So we need to further wait for some time to know about it.
Nitorinaa a ni lati duro de igba ti a ba mọ diẹ sii nipa rẹ.
The suggestion has been made that each foundation should be re-
Ọ na-ekwusi ike na ndabere nke niile data ka ewe nwetaghachi ya.
The company was established in 2006 and its is regulated with a number of authorities.
Our kamfanin da aka kafa a watan Agusta 2008 kuma rajista bayanai da aka bokan da ɓangare na uku hukumomi.
He sat her down and asked her what she wanted.
ya kuwa zauna kamar gaske, ya gaya mata yanda zata ce ,
asked him if he was willing to go to Jerusalem and there
Hakan ya tabbatar masa da cewa ya dad'e da kaiwa can gana shi da momy
molestedness of self-possession, was closed during the decline of the
Jaruma Rahama Sadau ta fadi irin halin da ta shiga yayin lockdown
Don't be surprised when you cry
Kawai kada ka yi mamakin lokacin da suke hawaye, duk da haka.
The righteous have nothing to fear from me.
"Site ugbu a gaa n'ihu, obodo m enweghị ihe ọ ga-atụ egwu; n'ihi na anyi amaghi ihe agha.
You are of this world; I am not from this world.
n'elu: unu bụ nke ụwa a; M abụghị nke ụwa a.
The correct answer to this question is the Conductor.
Nke a bụ azịza nke ajụjụ ahụ mere onye na-agba ọsọ ji ese na nke ọzọ.
There are marked differences in delinquency rates between adjacent neighbourhoods which differ in these respects.
Sai dai kuma ba a rasa wasu ƙananan bambance da ke tsakanin zabuka kasashen ba wadanda ba mu bayyana a cikin wannan sharhin ba.
It is to encourage and build the faith of those that hear it.
Ọ na - enyere aka iwulite ntụkwasị obi na ndị na - ege gị ntị.
Do not believe things you have watched on the internet or in movies.
Lee -chekwa ihe bụ ihe ị hụgoro na fim ma ọ bụ vidiyo na ntanetị.
16.2 A revision of these terms and conditions will apply to contracts entered into at any time following the time of the revision, but will not affect contracts made before the time of the revision.
10.2 Atunyẹwo ti Awọn ofin ati ipo wọnyi yoo waye si awọn ifowo siwe ti o wọle ni eyikeyi akoko ti o tẹle akoko atunyẹwo ṣugbọn kii yoo ni ipa lori awọn adehun ti a ṣe ṣaaju akoko atunyẹwo naa.
in the presence of all His people.
ní ojú gbogbo àwọn ènìyàn rẹ̀,
I did not answer the phone
Ban amsa kiran waya ba.
Then you are able to regain them to your computer in a batch.
Bayan haka, za ka iya cece su duka zuwa kwamfutarka ta danna kan Mai da button.
S is capable of reporting to work, we will move forward with the disciplinary
a.We iya aika injiniyoyi zuwa ga ma'aikata don koya ma'aikata su yi aiki, kuma suka aikata da maintenace na pellet niƙa
You can close the page and come back.
I nwere ike imechi OpenOffice ma weghachite.
Ask God why He didn't know
Beere lọwọ Ọlọrun lati mọ ohun ti a ko mọ.
Besides, which one business house of India is capable of taking over Indian Railways?
Awọn ile-iṣẹ wo ni o le gbadun pẹlu n ṣakiyesi si e-Visa India nipasẹ Awọn ara ilu Amẹrika?
2 Who can count the sand of the seas, The drops of rain, and the days of eternity?
1:2 Tani o ti ka iyanrin okun, ati awọn sil drops ti ojo, ati awọn ọjọ ayé?
"it's accepting that sometimes, people can do mean things to us that we are incapable of getting even with."
Ɗan'uwan ya ci gaba da cewa: "A wasu lokuta, muna haɗuwa da mutanen da suke tsammanin cewa ba ma iya magana.
After a while, it had become the fashion
Nwa obere oge nke a aghoro fashion.
If it was just about getting fired, that would be one thing.
Ti o ba tan ooru nikan, eyi ni ọkan ti o yẹ ki o pe.
Ethan was SO excited about it and told everyone.
Gwen ya ce yana jin dadi ga mutumin, sannan ya gabatar da shi ga kowa.
This combination is the foundation for success in this market."
Wannan yardar kuwa, ita ce za ta iya sa a cim ma nasara a wannan fafutukar."
who writes or deals in epigrams.
Mutumin da yake rubutawa ko yana amfani da epigrams shi ne mai zane-zane .
Anyway, there is not too much left from the former farming under the approach of modern influences.
Sibesibe, ipo re ko je ko le se bi awon egbe re lawujo ti n se.
同樣, Benjamin, looking back, discerned that the city was captured, for the flames were being carried on high.
N'otu aka ahụ, Benjamin, achọ azụ, ghọtara na obodo ahụ weghaara, maka ọkụ ahụ a na-ebupụ elu.
"They saw not one another, nor any rose from his place for three days; but all the people of Israel had light in their dwellings."
Ha ahụghị ibe ha anya , ọ dịghịkwa otu n' ime ha biliri n' ebe obibi ya ruo ụbọchị atọ; ma ụmụ Izrel niile nwere ìhè n' ebe obibi ha .
6:15 Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no weight of gold and
6:15 Bãbu abin da yake daidai mai aminci aboki, kuma babu nauyi na azurfa ko zinariya da daraja fiye da ta alheri da ya aminci.
This is Carlos!!!
aka Carlos!!
This valve is praised for easy installation and other such ..
Onye na-ede uri na-enwe ekele na ọ dị mfe na amara nke amaokwu nke ụdị a na...
This doesn't mean, however, that you can't create additional content and offer it as an upgrade for an extra fee.
Nke a apụtaghị na ịnweghị ike ịmepụta ọdịnaya ndị ọzọ ma nye ya dị ka nkwalite maka ụgwọ maka mgbakwunye.
There are only four flats in the block.
Àmọ́ ẹyọ iwé Aworẹrin méjì péré ló wà lórí ìbùdó ọ̀hún o.
The father says: "This is my first born son, the first born of his mother.
Rahotan ya ruwaito Daura da cewa: "Mahaifina ne dan farkon mahaifiyarsu.
Away with the wrongdoers.
Gwuo dị ka onye agbata obi: Kwụsị ndị na-eme ihe ọjọọ!
She turned around and bent over, as if to pick something up off the floor.
Tana sakinsa kuwa ta sulale ta fadi kasa kamar an zare wani abu daga jikinta.
Your environment is often dictated by your relationships, and at the core of a healthy relationship is communication.
A gare ku, lalata ta fara a cikin tunani, kuma kyakkyawar dangantaka shine mabuɗin.
Step up to writing.
Daalụ maka dee elu!
Who did the teacher.
Onye mere ndị nkuzi Mahadum?
I was hoping they would bring me something to wear so I could get started.
Kingjụ m ụdị uwe m ga-eyi ka m wee nwee ike soro ma wetara gị otu dị mma.