3 values
Many people may want to obtain boyfriend's/girlfriend's/spouse's title on the entire body, which is their own choice whether or not they do that or even not really.
Awọn eniyan diẹ ni o le nilo lati gba oruko ọmọkunrin / obirin / arabinrin wọn si ara wọn, ati pe o fẹ wọn boya wọn ṣe eyi tabi rara.
Among the numerous advantages are their own eggs.
Sibẹsibẹ, laarin awọn ọpọlọpọ awọn ọja to wa, awọn ti onra ni awọn ayanfẹ ti ara wọn.
is shown by the arrows) of the distribution.
Alamun wuta (da kuma taurari a cikin alamu na wuta) suna da hanzari daga Saturn.
Get along with others and enjoy the life.
Gị na ndị ọzọ na-ege ntị na-anọrọnụ na-atụrụ ndụ ma na-anụ ụtọ ọrụ niile ị na-arụ.
And the Lord God of hosts will be with you, just as you have asked.
Kuma da Ubangiji Allah Mai Runduna zai zama tare da ku, kamar yadda ka tambayi.
the elderly woman had a son at the front, a reservist in an infantry
Ọmọ naa wa ni ibusun ọmọde kan ni ipo ti o wa ni ipo, lori iyẹwu ti o tẹ.
wondering, what else can you do to accomplish this goal?
Ma na-ekwu okwu iche, olee ihe ọzọ ị ga-akwado maka ịgha mkpụrụ?
Your skin is what's presented to the rest of the world
Wani ma duk abin da aka dafa a gidansu sai ya nuna wa duniya.
If you want to refinish your basement, for example, what do you want to do?
Alal misali, kuna so ya yabe tufafinsa (kayan haɗi), me za ku yi?
""And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?"
"Don me ba ku iya auna wa kanku, abin da yake daidai ba?
Simon is not culpable for his death.
Simmons bai musanta laifin da yayi ba har ya dangana da gidan yari.
In this case, you'll replace the
Na nke a, ị ga-ekpeghachi n'elu usoro.
For three days, he had been wondering whether he should go out to town.
Nwaanyị ahụ pụta n'ọnwa atọ, ị na-ajụ ya ma ọ gara obodo oyibo.
In making his decision the president will have to consider the political consequences of his decision.
Lẹhin ti o ti pinnu lori ipinnu aworan, o yẹ ki o yan awọn ohun elo fun iyaworan.
Read the content and you will get to know more about it.
Sannan karanta labarin zuwa ƙarshe kuma zaku koya abubuwa da yawa masu ban sha'awa da kanku.
Tebb said the victim has been made aware of the charges.
Beeli là gbọ pé wọn fún àwọn èèyàn náà pẹ̀lú oniduro.
I commanded Joshua at that time, 'Your eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings.
" M wee nye Jọshụa iwu n' oge ahụ , sị , ' Anya gị na- ahụ ihe niile Jehova bụ́ Chineke unu mere eze abụọ ndị a .
What did you do when you came face to face with those situations?
"Wane irin yanayi kika sjiga a lokacin da kikaji wannan maganar?
They had plurality of eldership, everyone shared in the meetings, and the power of God was very strong.
Ni akoko yẹn aye kun fun ohun gbogbo; eniyan di pipọ, agbaye kigbe bi akọ malu kan ati pe ọlọrun nla naa ni ariwo nipasẹ ariwo.
1CO 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
12:27 Ugbu a, i bu aru nke Kraist, na akụkụ ka ọ bụla akụkụ.
Tom sees Lyla as his challenge because she's the only woman who isn't swayed by his charms.
itakam banda tears ba abinda take, ita bawai masifan dayake mata ne ya dame ta ba halin
Build your food choices and table décor around a theme, such as one of the following:
Paarẹ gbogbo akoonu atilẹba rẹ ati lẹẹ ọkan ninu apoti, jẹ bi atẹle:
These are mini missions which will have you collecting materials by defeating enemies, capturing an area on the map and other simple activities.
Ndị a bụ ọrụ ndị dị mkpirikpi na-agwa gị ka ị gaa na ebe ụfọdụ na map ahụ, gbuo ndị iro, ma rụọ ọrụ ndị ọzọ dị mfe.
"I know where I came from, and my confidence is building." - Eliza L., age 13
Onana u ru nọ me ro mu ẹme họ ẹta kugbe ahwo." - Leah, ikpe 16.
You can even give it as a gift to someone in the family.
I nwedịrị ike iji ya gwa onye nọ n'otu ụlọ nke ụlọ.
The faith that was sealed in Him, the faith that He imparted into them.
O kere ju, iyẹn ni igbagbọ ti o fi sinu awọn eniyan naa.
"But - how are you going to get out of the embassy?"
"Wai yace zaizo...kuma wai zai cireni daga school..."
14 But I have a few things against you: You have some people there who follow the teaching of Balaam, who instructed Balak to put a stumbling block before the people of Israel so they would eat food sacrificed to idols and commit sexual immorality.
14 Ma enwere m ihe ole na ole megide gị: Ị nwere ụfọdụ ebe ahụ na -ejigide nkuzi Belam, onye kuziri Belak ka ọ debe ihe ịsụ ngọngọ n'ihu ụmụ Izrel, ka ha wee rie nri a chụrụ n'àjà nye arụsị ma mee ịkwa iko.
Each has different abilities that can assist the player.
Egwuregwu niile nwere ikikere, nke nwere ike ịkwado onye ahịa ahụ.
You have sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, who took them far from their own land.
unu eresịwokwa ndị Gris ụmụ Juda na ụmụ Jeruselem , iji kpọpụ ha n' ókèala ha kpọga ha n' ebe dị anya;
There was no electricity and nowhere to collect water for water tanks.
Onweghị ihe dịka pọmpụ maọbụ mmiri a gbapuru agbapu nke e ji enwe ụgbọala tanka na-agbatara ndị mmadụ mmiri.
"For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach."
"Nítorí pé òfin tí mo fun yín lónìí kò le jù fun yín, kì í sìí ṣe ohun tí apá yín kò ká.
The definitive name in music is coming out with a competing music service.
Apakan akọkọ lori iṣẹ ṣiṣe ṣeto ohun orin ti ko dara.
In other words, this game is very hard to have a drink with.
Nitorinaa, Mo ni idaniloju pe eyi yoo jẹ iṣẹ ṣiṣe nla fun oṣere kan lati mu.
He continued his education at the University of Thessalonica where he studied law.
Bayan nan, ya cigaba da karatu a National University ta Lesotho inda ya karanta shari'a.
They were in jail, too.
E zokwara ha n' ụlọ mkpọrọ .
Given below are two yoga poses that you can practice to get rid of lower back pain.
Ndị a bụ mmega ahụ Yoga 5 ga-enyere gị aka ịbawanye azụ azụ ma belata mgbu azụ.
The commitment to cause seems particularly high among the key players associated with these four institutions.
A nfunni lati ni imọran pẹlu awọn aṣoju to ni imọlẹ ti ile-iṣẹ ẹlẹrin yii.
The reality is, shortages are everywhere, and they are a healthy sign of a high-growth market.
Sand yana ko'ina; a hakika yashi ne ainihin alamomin gardenquity.
this was my day job.
Oru o nyernu m bụ́o n'etekne.
So, what day of the week?
Sọ fun mi, kini awọn ọjọ ti ọsẹ?
An absolute reference is one that does not change
Haɗuwa kalma ce wadda ba ta buƙatar canje-canje.
The rest of the people will hear, and they will fear, and they will not do an evil thing like this among you again.
Àwọn yòókù yóo gbọ́, ẹ̀rù yóo bà wọ́n, wọn kò sì ní ṣe irú nǹkan burúkú bẹ́ẹ̀ mọ́ láàrin yín.
You can really see how amazing it is.
Ị pụrụ ịhụ otú ya na-awụ ọsọ ọdịdị bụ nnọọ ịtụnanya.
the rest of our time together
a lokacinmu tare.
Wonder what she was like before his death?
Ta yaya ka san yadda fuskar zata kasance kafin ta siya?
However, if it has passed the testing processes, then it is safe to use.
Ṣugbọn, ti o ba jẹ pe awọn itọju ti itọju ṣe kedere, lẹhinna o ni lati lo si awọn egboogi.
Matthew is five years old and walks in on his father asking the question.
Nwatakịrị, kwuo na ọ dị afọ ise, ga-agbakwuru mama ya ma ọ bụ papa ya mgbe ọ nwere ajụjụ.
Would you like to have some water?)
Nasan zaku ce wani ruwa kenen???
For example, if you are in a concert with a very loud volume, or listen to an MP3 Walkman with a large volume, you may find that your hearing becomes less acute after the music ends.
Misali, idan kana cikin kide kide tare da babbar murya, ko sauraron MP3 Walkman mai dumbin yawa, zaku iya jin cewa jinka bazai zama mai wahala ba bayan kida ya kare.
According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it.
Dika amara Chineke nke enyerem si di, dika onye-isi-ọ̀kà nke mara ihe, atọrọm ntọ-ala; onye ọzọ nēwu kwa ulo n'elu ya.
A: A few months after the release of the draft.
D: kalo kamu suka sama buku
Try and play around with the code below.
Gbaa mbọ na- agagharị gaa na Egwuregwu na -ahọrọ n'okpuru Mgbe ahụ .
One saw his father killed in their home."
sun harbe Jamila da Babanta Ta yi cikin gida suka biyo' '
I try not to set goals.
M na-agbalị ghara ida ihe ọ bụla bụ ihe mgbaru ọsọ.
What is the number of syllables for the name Kaius.
Kasị nkịtị na-adịghị ahụkebe surnames na aha Kailash.
straw it could be set on fire at any time,... some of the gates will
Zan Iya Rasa Kujerata Daga Yanzu Zuwa Kowanne Lokaci In Ji - Jibrin Kofa
C-Bo is a name you have to be familiar with.
Alejo A2 jẹ orukọ ti o gbọdọ ti gbọ nigbagbogbo.
you do not need to pay anything to the advertising companies to register with them.
O ko ni lati sọrọ taara si awọn ile-iṣẹ lati ta aaye ipolowo rẹ.
You get protests directed at the governments of the countries involved and what they're doing.
Gidajen gida ta shiga cikin sha'awarmu game da gwamnati da abin da suke aikatawa!
Any other information which may be of use:
News duk wani mai amfani iya boye:
54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink."
54 Onye na-eri anụ ahụ́ m ma na-aṅụ ọbara m nwere ndụ ebighị ebi, m ga-akpọlitekwa ya n'ọnwụ+ n'ụbọchị ikpeazụ; 55 n'ihi na anụ ahụ́ m bụ ezi nri, ọbara m bụkwa ezi ihe ọṅụṅụ.
The study included 50,195 Japanese employees aged 20-64 who did not have a hearing loss at the beginning of the study.
Binciken ya hada da ma'aikatan Japan 50,195 'yan shekaru 20-64 wadanda ba su yi fama da matsalar rashin jin magana ba a farkon binciken.
Just because Kane is a physicalist they called him an unbeliever.
Douglas, nigba ti o pe kikọ ẹnikan ni alaimọkan o n pe wọn ni alaimọkan.
It is something we have to address before it becomes a problem and puts us in the limelight.
Nke a gosipụtara ihe omume dị nnọọ tupu anyị na-aga n'ime ụka ma na-egosi anyị.
"Blessed are those who pay you back for the evil you have done to us.
Ibukún ni fun ẹniti o san ẹsan rẹ fun ọ, eyiti o ti san fun wa.
The inactive color is now emerging from the side of the completed sc.
Layin ƙarfin yanzu ya faɗi zuwa ɓangaren mara kyau na jadawalin EFI.
of 2014 is now closed.
Yau 2014 maganarsa ta zama nashin ƙ asa babu kure.
The first important point to know is that soybean rust has not been found in the United States, except in Hawaii.
O yẹ ki o ṣe akiyesi pe awọn ayẹyẹ julọ lavish ko waye ni Ireland, ṣugbọn ni USA.
"Too often the strong silent man is silent only because he does not know what to say."
Sau da yawa sau da yawa karfi, mutum mai shiru ba shiru ne kawai saboda bai san abin da zai ce ba, kuma ana ganin shi mai karfi ne kawai saboda ya yi shiru.
There's a lot of times that we feel down with all of the struggles that we've been through...
sukuwaxkasa ce ra ita komai sukai se sannu da suke ta faman yimin...
curve in order to find the value of f
Iji nchịkọta njedebe na njedebe iji chọta mpaghara o f Uto
January and February are the coldest months in Madrid.
January ati Kínní ni awọn osu ti o tutu julọ lori erekusu Madeira.
(We found this to be the perfect ratio.)
(Amma muna tsammanin wannan ya fi dacewa da Cruz ba da amfani ba .)
Hopefully, we will soon be funded and back
Saboda haka nan ba da jimawa ba za mu rika hada kafada da kafada da su.
It is the business of the media and other
Al'amarin kore ne kuma yankakken yankakken.
Not with Iran.
Ba zai iya yin haka ba tare da Iran.
It is the 145th biggest city in California.
O jẹ ilu ti o tobi julọ ni Ilu Virginia nipasẹ agbegbe ilẹ aala bii 14th ti o tobi julọ ni orilẹ-ede naa.
At the end of the ear canal the simple form of the sound
a hnkl muryarshi ke fita dan shi dai jikin Khadeeja na sanyayar dashi
I was in car #1.
Mo wa nibe lori ráo1 apa .
It is a wonderfully effective tool for helping with a variety of goals.
Eyi jẹ iranlọwọ pataki ti o ko ba le lọ siwaju pẹlu ibeere kan pẹlu ọpọlọpọ awọn idahun ti o ṣeeṣe.
They are simply acknowledging that they know their place.
Wadannan kawai suna tabbatar da cewa sun san ƙasarsu ne kawai daga benci.
You have a child now."
"M na-Otú ọ dị, nwere ugbua site nwa."
ish church have been murdered, he
Yalda sheli kashe li, or,
Are you the one who has recently got married?
Ǹjẹ́ ọkunrin kan wà ninu yín tí ó ṣẹ̀ṣẹ̀ fẹ́ iyawo sọ́nà tí kò tíì gbé e wọlé?
It is very closely linked to doing something that you love and enjoy doing.
Yana da kyau ƙwarai don jin daɗi game da yin wani abu da kake ƙaunar da kuma yin shi da kyau.
Even though she already knows.
Kodayake ta riga ta san
There is however a reason to believe that this percentage is the same.
N'ụzọ doro anya, enwere mgbagwoju anya na otu ihe nchọgharị si emepụta pasent ndị ahụ.
"He knew me before you were born.
Òun ló mọ wá kí wọn tó bí wa.
It is also likely to adversely affect vulnerable and hard-working families.
Awọn ọmọde Dun le tun sọ awọn iyara ti o lagbara ati ki o jẹ oniṣẹ-
for you are My servant.
Nitori iwọ ni iranṣẹ mi.
Here we have two friends dealing with each other and the fallout at the end of His relationship.
Awọn arakunrin mejeeji ti o wa ni isalẹ wa larin awọn igba lile ati nipari gba lori rẹ.
to open up and share their feelings
Dezie ma kesaa egwu gị
He sees what the people are doing.
ati nibẹ ni o wa ohun ti awon eniyan yio
The most important cause of such loss of sensation is the use of excessively big implants.
Idi pataki fun idagbasoke iru iṣọn-ẹjẹ bẹẹ awọn onisegun npe ni excess ti estrogens ninu ẹjẹ.
And what's with the trade?
Gịnị banyere azụmahịa?
And they are well warranted.
Don haka an yi musu adalci a samanku.
One and a half million people in South Sudan have fled their homes because of violence and starvation.
Ka a na-ekwu nke na-eme na Naịjirịa, na Japan, agwala ihe ruru mmadụ nde asaa ha kwara ngwongwo ha gbaa ọsọ ndụ ha maka mmiri ozizo na oke ifufe.
It is possible to love two people at the same time?
Ọ nwere ike ịhụ mmadụ abụọ n'anya n'otu oge ahụ?
However, while extracting the name, only the first
Ozugbo agbakwunyere, nanị na-akpọ aha ahụ dịka ọ na-ada.