3 values
we need to consider
Anyị kwesịrị ichebara echiche.
Do not rely on my word.
kí ẹ̀yin kí ó má ṣe yàgò kúrò nínú ọ̀rọ̀ tí mo sọ.
Are you someone who strives to make the world a little better, and who is not satisfied with pouring your energy into delivering ever more ads?
Ninu ile idaraya ti o fẹ lati ni okun sii ... kilode ti o ko kọ ẹkọ lati lo agbara ti aiji rẹ dara julọ?
A is the mother of C and C is the wife of D.
wow tssadaha ana oi naa na c mama dha
Do you know the depth of the driver?
Ị ma ihe iwe ọkwọ ụgbọala bụ?
The F has often been labeled as the greatest fighter aircraft in the world from the s until the early 21st century.
A na-akpọkarị F-15 dịka ụgbọ elu nke United States kachasị ukwuu na 1970s ruo mmalite 21st narị afọ.
Shoot for the moon and live with being a star
ki chand hai na kahin kahkashan na tare hain
Explains different levels and methods of self-talk and how they are used by ordinary people every day
Yi kwatanta da kuma bambanta kafofin watsa labarai da kuma watsa shirye-shirye da kuma yadda ake amfani da su a yau da kullum.
Obviously, many people are not aware that Catholics are Christians.
O ṣe pataki lati ṣalaye pe awọn Katoliki ko ṣe ijosin wọn, sibẹsibẹ.
Although the cost of SSDs is still higher than that of HDDs, it is continually going down.
Kodayake farashin SSD suna faduwa a duk tsawon lokacin, har yanzu suna da tsada fiye da yadda suke tafiyar dasu.
So this book was calling my name.
Littafin da ya fara tallata sunana a idon duniya ke nan.
Well, it might be ... but in the experience of the better informed about such matters there may be a good reason for the driver's action.
O le... ṣugbọn pipese awọn aṣayan diẹ sii ni agbaye yii nibiti gbogbo eniyan jẹ olupese akoonu jẹ ohun ti o wuyi lati ṣe fun awọn olukọ rẹ.
NA... is the name
Yana - Sunwar
The people of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and look, one greater than Jonah is here.
Ndikom Nineve gēso ọb͕ọ a bilie n'ikpé ahu, ha gāma kwa ya ikpé: n'ihi na ha chèghariri na nkwusa nke Jona; ma le, Onye ka Jona nọ n'ebe a.
great horn between his eyes is the first king.
Babban ƙahon nan da ke tsakanin idanunsa shi ne sarki na farko.
Be very careful in dealing with anybody who offers to help you find financing as a service for money.
Jẹ ki o ṣọra fun ẹnikẹni ti o ṣe iranlọwọ fun ọ ni ṣiṣe diẹ ninu awọn owo ti o padanu.
What is it like is like treasure hidden in a field.
Ó dàbí ìṣúra iyebíye kan tí wọ́n fi pamọ́ ninu ilẹ̀.
But on the other hand data loss has become one of the major problems.
Abin baƙin ciki, matsalolin incompleteness ayan zama mafi matsananci a babban data.
"They are very distinct in their
"Suna da yawa a kasarsu.
The id command will reveal all the information about the current user but you can also specify the name of another user....
Iwu id ga-ekpughe ihe niile gbasara onye ọrụ ugbu a mana ị nwekwara ike ịkọ aha onye ọrụ ọzọ.
been founded by his grandfather.
Baba-ńlá wọn ló tẹ ibẹ̀ dó.
42:25 "And He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants, and He forgives the sins.
42:25 O ti wa ni o ti gbà awọn ti ironupiwada rẹ olùjọsìn ati ki o pardons wọn buburu iṣẹ.
You also have thirty days from the time of purchase to decide if you want to continue the course or get a refund.
Ị nwere oge ikpe nke ụbọchị 30, mgbe nke ahụ gasịrị, ị ga-achọ ikpebi ma ị ga-azụta nsụgharị dị mma ma ọ bụ na ịnwere ike ịnọgide na ọkọlọtọ.
Why should we read the rest of it?
Gịnị mere nhazi ọzọ ji akọwa mgbe anyị gụgharịrị?
I hope you'll visit and leave your thoughts.
Enwere m olileanya na ị na-eleta anyị na nke kachasị, na-ahapụ echiche gị.
Control systems are often not purely
Ọzọkwa, mgbado anya nke ngalaba IT anaghị abụkarị ihe azụmaahịa.
they're yelling at each other
Ha tiri mkpu, sị ibe ha.
He also sells bread.
O ma buru gan.
What they had was a belief that young people should get a shot at being good at something.
Tsammaninsu a lokacin shi ne, idan mutum ya ga an dena yi masa wani abu na kyautatawa da aka saba yi.
Land is being transformed into the
Area ti yípò sí Ìfẹ̀sí
This is the link I was looking for...
Nke ahụ bụ Mgbochi Ọkụ M nọ na-achọ .....
This route is called CHANGE.
Ụdị ngbanwe a na-akpọ ngbanwegharị sekit.
At least he's cleaned up his UI."
A karshe kuma, sai ya wanke kafarsa."
He will have to run a 4.451 or quicker to back it up.
Maka gam akporo, ị ga-agba ọsọ gam akporo 4.1 4.1 ma ọ bụ mgbe e mesịrị ka ngwa ahụ rụọ ọrụ.
in such clothes.
By hanyar, zuwa irin wannan dress.
you can buy here.
Kuna iya saya a nan
You may have a question that how it is the best option for acne treatment?
Ị nwere ike ịjụ onwe gị, na nke kacha mma WMV ka AVI Ntụgharị.
You should get your partner treated as well.
Iwọ yoo tun gba itọju ti ẹgbẹ wiwo rẹ.
She believes Suzzy was injured on purpose after the accident.
Sanarwar ta kara da cewa Suweilimi ya samu rauni alokacin tsare shi.
Eight of them have already finished.
Mẹjọ ninu awọn wọnyi ti pari, eyi ni kẹsan.
as a righteous one.
ezi onye dị ka agbagọ.
Pain is usually worse the first 2 to 3 days and then progressively diminishes.
- Ihe mgbu na-akawanye njọ n'oge 1-2 ụbọchị mbụ, wee jiri nwayọ na-akawanye mma
Acts 6:10 They could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.
6:10 Ma ha enweghị ike iguzogide amamihe na mmụọ o na-ekwu okwu.
However, there are some people who think that they can hear the sound after wearing the hearing aid.
Koyaya, akwai wasu mutane waɗanda suke tunanin zasu iya jin sautin bayan sanya kayan ji.
The good news is, this is not the circumstance.
Bushãra shi ne, wannan shi ne yanzu ba a question.
Be sure to acknowledge all the images you use at the end of your book.
Naanị jide n'aka na ihe oyiyi ọ bụla ị ga-agbatị na njedebe nke akwụkwọ ahụ na-agbakwunye ndị nduzi gị.
If they dry out and break, they should be replaced regularly.
Idan suka kauce hanya kuma dole a gyara masu koda ta hanyar ladabtarwa ne.
Joining the Circle of the Initiated Ones is preceded by a trial period.
ara, iṣẹ-ṣiṣe ti eyi ti iṣe ara ninu wọn, ṣegbe ṣaaju ki idajọ.
"Yes is that it?"
"Ọ dị otú ahụ?"
the idea is coming from all parts of
Nke a bụ otu ihe ahụ na-emepe ngwa ngwa mepee iwu si n'ebe ọ bụla:
The born again to buy the serial rights.
A ọtun lori awọn ti o dara oluṣe .
So playing games can give you a commodity to look forward to at the end of the day.
Obere igbu egbu nwere ike inye gị ụdị nnọchiteanya ahụ nke ịchọrọ ịchọta na njedebe nke ụbọchị ahụ.
When emptying the bag, it is important that you remove all bed bugs.
Nigbati o ba gbin, o ṣe pataki lati tú gbogbo stalk ni ọpọlọpọ.
We are in the age of the ear, not the eye
Ƙaƙƙun sarkar, ba ma 'yan kunne da murya ba.
70:14 And whoever else is on the earth, all of them, so that he might then save himself
70:14 na onye ọ bula nke nọ n'ụwa, kpam kpam, nke mere na ọ pụrụ ịzọpụta ya .
However, with your own car, it is a good company to work.
Agbanyeghị, jiri ụgbọ ala gị, ọ bụ ezigbo ụlọ ọrụ na-arụ ọrụ.
In Spain, it is traditional for children to take both their mother's and father's surname.
Ni ọpọlọpọ igba, awọn Spani ė orukọ ọmọ lati baba ati iya.
It has heretofore been proposed to use hydro
Kafin farawa don amfani da hydrogel, an riga an dafa shi.
It is interfering with sleep and work.
Kedu ihe jikọrọ ụra na ịrụ ọrụ?
La Costa Azahar It is a stretch of the Spanish coast of the Mediterranean Sea, located in the Province of Castellón, formed by about 120 km of beaches and coves.
La Costa Azahar O jẹ igberiko ti etikun Ilu Sipeeni ti Okun Mẹditarenia, ti o wa ni Igbimọ ti Castellón, ti a ṣe nipasẹ iwọn 120 km ti awọn eti okun ati awọn eti okun.
Be careful when you are approaching the animal.
Kpachara anya ka ị na-eru nso n'akụkụ nwa na ugu.
But you profane it when you say that the Lord's table is polluted, and its fruit, that is, its food may be despised.- Mal.
" Ma unu na- eme ka m ghara ịdị nsọ site n' ịsị , ' Tebụl Jehova rụrụ arụ , mkpụrụ ya , nke bụ́ nri a na- edokwasị na ya , bụkwa ihe e kwesịrị ileda anya .
And you and me, we not yellow.
You No Me Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai
That is a real, you already know, that is a not understood condition.
Kamar yadda ka sani, yanayin ne - wannan wani abu ne da ba za'a iya annabta ba.
8There is none like to thee, O Lord, among the god; and there are no works like to thy works.
8 Oluwa, ninu awọn oriṣa kò si ọ̀kan ti o dabi rẹ, bẹ̃ni kò si iṣẹ kan ti o dabi iṣẹ rẹ.
11:4Never considering the power of God, but puffed up in mind, and trusting in the multitude of his foot soldiers, and the thousands of his horsemen, and his four- score elephants.
11:4 Baku yarda da ikon Allah ba, amma kumbura a zuciya, Ya dogara ga yawan sojojin ƙafa, kuma a cikin dubun mahayan dawakai, kuma a cikin giwaye tamanin.
He can't fall
Enweghị ike ịkụda.
The data present in the web exceeds day by day.
Abubuwan da aka tsara don kama bayanai a filin, kowace rana sun fi farashin.
As a result, no person is able to control all accounts under one roof and all are required to examine and have interaction with some of the different structures.
Ko ṣe deedee lati ṣe ipese yara kekere kan pẹlu gbogbo awọn ẹrọ, yato si, fun ẹni kọọkan lati ṣapẹ ẹni kan ki o si kọ wọn lati ṣiṣẹ pẹlu ẹrọ naa.
They then noted debris in the water.
Daga nan sai a karanta wadannan Ayoyin AlKur'ani a cikin ruwan;
15 so that no one should say that you had been baptized into my own name.
1:15 ghara onye ọ bụla na-ekwu na ị na-baptizim n'aha m.
"He created them male and female, and named them Adam on the day they were created."
2 Ati akọ ati abo li o dá wọn; o si súre fun wọn, o si pè orukọ wọn ni Adamu, li ọjọ́ ti a dá wọn.
10 Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half.
10 Abramu sì mú gbogbo nǹkan wọ̀nyí wá, ó sì là wọ́n sí méjì méjì, ó sì fi ẹ̀là èkínní kọjú sí èkejì, ṣùgbọ́n kò la àwọn ẹyẹ ní tiwọn.
Although I think Scratch is one of the best programming languages for kids to learn with, there are a multitude of others that are available as options.
Ọ bụ ezie on m na-eche Scratch bụ otu n'ime asụsụ mmemme kacha mma maka ụmụaka iji mụọ ihe, ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ dị dịka nhọrọ.
Of course, these people are hard to find.
Gaskiya ne, wadannan mutane ba su da wuya su hadu.
Now return the woman to her husband, and he will pray for you, for he is a prophet.
Ǹjẹ́ nisinsinyii, dá obinrin náà pada fún ọkọ rẹ̀, nítorí pé wolii ni ọkunrin náà yóo gbadura fún ọ, o óo sì yè.
32:13 And when he had slept there that night, he set apart, of the things which he had, presents for his brother Esau,
32:13 Ati nigbati o ti sùn nibẹ ni alẹ yẹn, o yapa, láti inú àwọn ohun tí ó ní, ẹ̀bùn fún Esausọ̀ arákùnrin rẹ̀:
These babies are at risk for birth injuries due to their size and they may have problems with blood sugar.
Wadannan jariran suna fuskantar haɗari ga raunin haihuwa saboda girmansu kuma suna iya samun matsaloli tare da jini sugar.
They may not be sold or donated
Enwere ike inyeghi mmadụ ma ọ bụ resị ya mkpụrụ ọ bụla.
It only comes out when there is a high moisture at night.
Hakan na zuwa ne dai dai lokacin da 'yan kasar suka shafe tsawon dare...
Symptoms can vary, but the main complaint from people with this condition is pain and stiffness in the heel and sometimes near the middle, bottom of the foot.
Mgbaàmà nwere ike ịdị iche iche nke ukwuu, mana njirimara njirimara bụ ihe mgbu dị ukwuu na mgbu na-ere ọkụ na akwara, njikọta akwara na gburugburu nkwonkwo.
I am who I am and you know where to find me because I get the impression that your not interested.
Achọpụtara m banyere ibe gị ma achọrọ m ịma ebe m ga-enweta ude a ebe ọ bụ maka m ọ dị mkpa dị ka nwanyị, biko adala m, daalụ
Local media reported that two demonstrators were arrested, though there were no details on what they were charged with.
Sai dai yansanda sun bayyana cewar an kama mutane biyu da ake zargi na da hannun a cikin kai harin, amma basu bada cikakken bayani dangane da abin daya tunzura su kai harin ba.
This is the epitome of Canadian Chinese food.
Eyi jẹ pe o jẹ afikun ti ounjẹ Kannada.
• Could Father Brian be present at a public meeting such as the one that was held on Sunday?
• Ọ bụrụ na ọ ga-ekwe omume ka mmadụ ghọọ Onye Kraịst, olee otú e si arụzu ya na otu esi ejikọ ya na 25th ụbọchị Disemba?
In Asana, various projects can be created to which individual tasks can be assigned.
A matinee, zaka iya ba da kuɗin kuɗi don ayyuka daban-daban wanda ya ɗauki bangare.
Put it in a pot of boiling water for a while.
Kayan shafawa tsoma cikin ruwan zãfi, tsayawa na minti daya, a jefar da shi a cikin colander.
As we know, this is the state of
Wannan abin da ya faru ne yasa muka san cewa suna jihar.
I think this will help many of us.
Anyị ji n'aka na nke a ga-enyere ọtụtụ ndị anyị na patrons.
1 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is abundant with man...
Ọ dị ọdachi m hụworo n' okpuru anyanwụ , ọ na- emekarịkwa n' etiti ụmụ mmadụ:
Lucius thought the same, I reassured my parents and told them that I was with Blaise.
Lucas ohun kanna ni o ṣẹlẹ si mi bi o ti ṣẹlẹ si ọ ... ati pe mo lo ohun ti Reynaldo sọ ati pe o ṣiṣẹ fun mi.
It is wonderful - and speaks volumes about you!!!!
Daalụ maka ịpụta na ịzaghachi - ọ na-ekwu ọtụtụ ihe banyere HootSuite! 😀
The point of this writing isn't to go into the whys of its status.
Onye edemede nke ibuotikọ a abụghị ihe kpatara mmebi ọhụụ gị na ihe ọ bụla dị n'usoro a.
When you have the best two goaltenders in the league, why would you make one of them play 3 games in 3 nights?
Kuma idan kana da daya daga cikin hannayen da za a ninka, me ya sa kake yin wasa uku a farkon?
Regardless of how many birds you have, in the hand-bush-wherever, what you desire is part of the power of who you are.
26 Onyẹ hụn sị n'ọ rị e fe Osolobuẹ bụ ara kwọndọn ire ẹ, rị e dufie enwẹn ẹ; ofufe ẹ wụ ihiẹn-ẹti.
Having had spent all his money to save his friend from an inevitable illness, he found himself, yet again, alone and broke.
Ó wá jẹ́ pé gbogbo owó tí òun àti ọ̀rẹ́ rẹ̀ tó dolóògbé jọ ní nípàmọ́ kó tó kú tó lọ jí kó sápò ní ìrètí àti nìkan ná, ló dà sínú ibojì láì ku eépìnnì.
I urge you on behalf of my child Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment.
mò ń bẹ̀ ọ́ nítorí ti ọmọ mi, Onisimu, ọmọ tí mo bí ninu ẹ̀wọ̀n.
Do you know what happened after that?
Ị̀ ma ihe merenụ mgbe o kunyechara ya ume a?
He asked the clerk what they would do if Pres.
"Onye na-akọ akụkọ ahụ nọgidere na-ajụ ya ihe ọ ga-eme ma ọ bụrụ na ndị Alakụba wakporo.
I also sprayed a set of points.
Pẹlupẹlu eyi n ṣe ifilọlẹ awọn ilana diẹ.