Pokémon Scarlet and Violet/Starting out. Basic Controls. Use the left control stick to move the player character. Use the right control stick to adjust the camera. Use the - button to open the pokedex and map menus.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet/Branching Paths. Opening up. After the conclusion of the tutorial, the game opens up to the player, mostly allowing the player to go where they want or do as they please. There are three paths of objectives, each of which can mostly be completed in any order. In general the further the player goes from Mesagoza, the more challenging these objectives will be. The three primary objectives of the game are: Travel Direction. Traveling along the path to either east or west from Mesagoza will result in the player encountering suitable beginner objectives at first. It is possible to skip an objective and move on, though doing so may make reaching or completing other objectives more difficult. Rather then going in a complete circle around Paldea, the game becomes much easier if you alternate directions, tackling one or two objectives on one side, and then one or two on the other, as both will be balanced for similar levels. Advised Travel strategy. Since Pokemon Scarlet and Violet doesn't scaling up Pokemon levels, but went with the strategy of "the farther, the stronger", it can be hard not to be overleveled when exploring Paldea without restraints. And while you can check online the Gyms and over events levels, traveling Paldea by levels making traveling weird and kinda against the point of the open world nature of the game. Here's a strategy that I used while playing the game that made the traveling balanced. This guide is good only if you expect to take each challenge as you tackle them. (as it seems to be intended that way) First Phase: Pick left or right after leaving Mezagosa, and get along the road from either West-south/East-south to West-North/East north, doing every event you tackle on (Gym, Team star base or Titan Pokemon). Build Pokemon teams according to the challenge type (it appears on the map). You should train your teams along the road with Pokemon trainers or catching Pokemon. It's advised to make the route challenges.Stop the traveling when you come to Medali and also not challenging the titan near there. Second Phase: Go back to Mezagosa, and pick the other route that you didn't choose in the first phase (left if you picked right, right if you picked left). Do the same pattern for the first phase by making a team for any challenge you come across, and get to Medali in the same south to north way. If you followed this guide and trained your Pokemon teams well, they are supposed to be around Lvl 30-37. So it's time to fight the Medali gym and battle the titan in the lake. Third Phase: After Fighting the Medali Gym you can go North Paladea without fearing of being underleveled. Start making a proper Pokemon team combined with mix types (you can do your favorites types too) and train them while going to which challenge you want. Though in this phase you can get crazy with which challenge to pick, you should leave Glaseado as the final Challenge. If you get tired of North Paldea you can go to South Paldea (Alfornada) as well, but you will need to go there anyway. Final Phase: Basically once you made all Gyms, Titan Pokemon and Team Stars bases you done. Only make sure to leave every last phases of each routes after finishing them all while you can do those right away, since those battles will be in the levels of the farthest areas of Pladea (Lvl 45+). But you can still do them however you like. Training advise: Though in usual Pokemon game you will want to stick to one team, in Scarlet and Violet it's advised to mix up the team in a while so they won't get too overleveled. If you get to the first Gym (either Cortondo or Aratzon) being more than Lvl15, you are overleveld. The fact it's so easy to get access to the box in this game make this process much easier and fun. Side objectives and activities. There are some side objectives and activities that are not strictly required to complete the story of the game, but may make doing so easier or may simply be enjoyable.
Kitchen Remodel/Reshaping the space. Reshaping the space. In the case of my own project, the remodel did not just mean a new kitchen, but a reshaping of the space, too – walls and ceiling: If someone is an architect and has an expert spacial sense, they will probably walk through a room and then come up with a new, better and more beautiful shape just like that. But someone who is untrained in architecture may have difficulties to imagine a potential or future space that does not lie directly in front of them. On any account, a visual simulation will be a priceless aid. For want of access to pertinent software like SketchUp, Revit or 3D Studio Max, I used what was easily available for me: Blender, that is a well-documented free and open source software. You do not need to become proficient in a 3D computer graphics software if you only want to use it for one project; some basics will probably do. But even then it is not just helpful, but also fun. Next, I show you a random selection of my Blender renders. They are from various stages of my design process. I did those mostly to familiarize myself with the space shape that I designed. But as you can tell, there were also helping me in the long process of decision making about cabinet front products and about colors. A story of demolition and reconstruction in 20 pictures. The works that are documented in the following images spanned over a time period of 15 weeks, even though, for various reasons, only a part of those days were actual construction work days. Because we were still living in the house and needed a makeshift kitchen during the construction, the northernmost part of the space, which required only very little work, was sectioned off and put behind a dust curtain.
PyAnWin/Python Variables and Data Types. Python Variables and Data Types. Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning you don't need to declare variables with a specific type. Python variables can hold values of any data type. Variable Assignment. To assign a value to a variable, use the = sign: x = 5 name = "John" Variable names can contain letters, numbers and underscores. They cannot start with a number. Data Types. Some common data types in Python: Integers - Whole numbers like 1, 2, 3. Floats - Decimal numbers like 1.5, 2.25. Strings - Text values defined in quotes like "John" Booleans - Logical values True or False. Lists - Ordered sequence of values in []. Lists can hold different data types. Tuples - Immutable ordered sequence of values in (). Dictionaries - Collection of key-value pairs in { }. Type Conversion. You can convert between data types by using functions like int(), float(), str() etc: num = 5 #integer str_num = str(num) #converts to string Checking Data Types. You can check the type of a value with the type() function: <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> num = 5 print(type(num)) # Prints <int> </syntaxhighlight
PyAnWin/Python Control Flow and Iteration. Python Control Flow and Iteration. Python utilizes common control flow statements and iteration tools to execute code conditionally and repetitively. if Statements. The basic if statement checks a condition and executes code if the condition is True: if x > 0: print("x is positive") You can add an else block that executes when the condition is False: if x > 0: print("x is positive") else: print("x is negative or zero") Exercise: Write an if/else statement that prints "Even" if a number is even and "Odd" if a number is odd. elif Statements. The elif statement allows you to check multiple conditions. Code is executed on the first condition that evaluates to True: if x > 0: print("x is positive") elif x < 0: print("x is negative") else: print("x is zero") You can chain together as many elif blocks as you need. Exercise: Write an if/elif/else chain that prints "Positive" for numbers > 0, "Negative" for numbers < 0 and "Zero" for 0. for Loops. for loops iterate over sequences like lists, tuples and strings: fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit) The loop variable takes on the value of each element in the sequence in turn. You can also loop over ranges of numbers: for i in range(5): print(i) This will print 0 through 4. Exercise: Write a for loop to print the numbers 1 to 10. while Loops. while loops execute as long as a condition remains True: count = 0 while count < 5: print(count) count += 1 The condition is checked each iteration. count += 1 prevents an infinite loop by incrementing count each time. Here are some exercises without assessments for control flow and iteration in Python: Exercise 1: Write an if/else statement that prints "Even" if a number is even and "Odd" if a number is odd. Exercise 2: Write an if/elif/else chain that prints "Positive" for numbers > 0, "Negative" for numbers < 0 and "Zero" for 0. Exercise 3: Write a for loop to print the numbers 1 to 10. Exercise 4: Write a while loop that prints the numbers from 1 to 20 that are divisible by 3. Exercise 5: Given a list of integers, use a for loop to print only the even numbers in the list. Exercise 6: Use a while loop to print a countdown from 10 to 1. Exercise 7: Write a for loop that iterates over a string and prints each character. Exercise 8: Use break and continue statements inside a for loop that iterates from 1 to 10. break on the iteration for 5 and continue on the iteration for 7. Let me know if you need me to provide sample solutions for these exercises without assessments. I can also come up with more exercises to help reinforce these concepts.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Pecharunt. Description. A small pokémon that resides within a berry shaped shell. Base Statistics. A Poison and Ghost type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Pecharunt does not evolve. Notes. Introduced in the DLC Epilogue for "Pokémon Scarlet and Violet".
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bidoof. Description. A rodentlike pokemon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Bidoof evolves into Bibarel by leveling up.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bibarel. Description. A beverlike pokemon. Base Statistics. A Normal and Water type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Bidoof evolves into Bibarel by leveling up, Bibarel itself does not evolve.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Leafeon. Description. A plantlike quadraped pokemon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Leafeon evolves from Eevee. In some games this can be done with a leaf stone.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Sylveon. Description. A quadrupedal pokemon. Base Statistics. A Fairy type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Sylveon evolves from Eevee.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Glaceon. Description. A quadrupedal pokemon. Base Statistics. A Ice type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Glaceon evolves from Eevee.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Drifloon. Description. A baloonlike pokemon. Base Statistics. A Ghost and Flying type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Drifloon evolves into Drifblim.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Drifblim. Description. A blimp-like pokemon. Base Statistics. A Ghost and Flying type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Drifblim evolves from Drifloon. Drifblim does not evolve.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Mothim. Description. A moth-like pokémon with four orange wings and twin antenna. Base Statistics. A Bug and Flying type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Mothim does not evolve.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Buneary. Description. A small bunnylike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Buneary evolves into Lopunny.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Lopunny. Description. A bipedal bunnylike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Lopunny evolves from Buneary.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Ambipom. Description. A bipedal Monkeylike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Ambipom evolves from Aipom.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Gallade. Description. A bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Psychic and Fighting type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Gallade can evolve from male Kirlia.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Glameow. Description. A catlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Glameow evolves into Purugly.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Purugly. Description. A catlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Purugly evolves from Glameow.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Dusknoir. Description. A ghostly pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ghost type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Evolves from Dusclops.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Basculin. Description. A fishlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Evolves into Basculegion.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bronzor. Description. A metal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Steel and Psychic type Pokémon. Type Matching. Bronzor has very good defensive type matchups, being weak to only four types, and resisting 10 others. How to Evolve. Bronzor evolves into Bronzong. Name. References the metal Bronze.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bronzong. Description. A metal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Steel and Psychic type Pokémon. Type Matching. Bronzong has very good defensive type matchups, being weak to only four types, and resisting 10 others. How to Evolve. Bronzong evolves from Bronzor. Name. References the metal bronze.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Gliscor. Description. A bat like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ground and Flying type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Gliscor evolves from Gligar.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Gible. Description. A bipedal sharklike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Dragon and Ground type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Gible evolves into Gabite.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Gabite. Description. A bipedal sharklike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Dragon and Ground type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Gabite evolves from Gible, and evolves into Garchomp.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Garchomp. Description. A bipedal sharklike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Dragon and Ground type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Garchomp evolves from Gabite.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Chingling. Description. A belllike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Psychci type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Chingling evolves into Chimecho.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Snover. Description. A snowy plantlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and Ice type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Abomasnow. Description. A snowy plantlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and Ice type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Cherubi. Description. A plantlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Azelf. Description. A floating pokémon. Base Statistics. A Psychic type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Shieldon. Description. A quadrupedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Rock and Steel type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bastiodon. Description. A quadrupedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Rock and Steel type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Rotom. Description. An orange and cyan pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric and Ghost type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Electivire. Description. A Bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Magmortar. Description. A Bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Fire type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Mantyke. Description. A mantalike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water and Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Piplup. Description. A Bipedal penguinlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Prinplup. Description. A bipedal penguinlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Empoleon. Description. A bipedal penguinlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water and steel type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Chatot. Description. A birdlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal and Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Skoripi. Description. A scorpionlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and bug type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Drapion. Description. A scorpionlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and dark type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Porygon-Z. Description. A geometric pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Evolves from Porygon2 with a Dubious disc.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Turtwig. Description. A turtle-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Grotle. Description. A turtle-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Torterra. Description. A turtle-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and ground type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Lickilicky. Description. A bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Evolves from Lickitung.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bonsly. Description. A bonsai-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Rock type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Rhyperior. Description. A bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A ground and rock type Pokémon. How to Evolve. Evolves from Rhydon with the Protector item. Name. Name draws from the word "Superior"
Pokémon/Pokédex/Ursaluna. Description. A bear-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ground and Normal type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Pachirisu. Description. A mouse-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Yanmega. Description. A dragonfly-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Bug and Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Hippopotas. Description. A hippo-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ground type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Hippowdon. Description. A hippo-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ground type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Stunky. Description. A skunk-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and Dark type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Skuntank. Description. A skunk-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and Dark type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Croagunk. Description. A amphibian-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and Fighting type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Toxicroak. Description. A amphibian-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and Fighting type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Tangrowth. Description. A Vine-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Carnivine. Description. A carnivorous plant-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Petilil. Description. A plant-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Roserade. Description. A rose-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and Poison type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Budew. Description. A bud-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and Poison type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Overqwil. Description. A pufferfish-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Dark and Poison type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Shellos. Description. A slug-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Gastrodon. Description. A slug-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water and Ground type Pokémon. Type Matching. Unlike most water types, Gastrodon is completely immune to electric attacks. It trades this for a much greater weakness to grass type moves.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Mime Jr.. Description. A small bipedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Psychic and Fairy type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Chimchar. Description. A monkey-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Fire type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Monferno. Description. A monkey-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Fire and Fighting type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Infernape. Description. A monkey-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Fire and Fighting type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Burmy. Description. A bagworm-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Bug type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Wormadam. Description. A bagworm-like pokémon. Base Statistics. Has multiple forms with different types Type Matching. One is Bug and Grass
Pokémon/Pokédex/Shinx. Description. A quadrupedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Luxio. Description. A quadrupedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Luxray. Description. A quadrupedal pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Starly. Description. A birdlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Staravia. Description. A birdlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Staraptor. Description. A birdlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Normal Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Rowlet. Description. A owllike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Grass and Flying type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Oshawott. Description. An otterlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Dewott. Description. An otterlike pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Clauncher. Description. An crustacian-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Clawitzer. Description. An crustacian-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Tynamo. Description. An fish-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Eelektrik. Description. An eel-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Elektross. Description. An eel-like pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Mareanie. Base Statistics. A Poison and Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Toxapex. Base Statistics. A Poison and Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Bruxish. Description. A fishlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water and Psychic type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Alomomola. Description. A fishlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Dragalge. Description. An algae clad Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Poison and Dragon type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Snom. Description. An wormlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ice and Bug type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Frosmoth. Description. A snow white mothlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ice and Bug type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Finneon. Description. A fishlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Lumineon. Description. A fishlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Water type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Eiscue. Description. A penguinlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Ice type Pokémon.
Pokémon/Pokédex/Pincurchin. Description. A urchinlike Pokémon. Base Statistics. A Electric type Pokémon.