Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. Bb5/3...a6/4. Ba4/4...Nf6/5. O-O/5...Be7/6. Re1/6...b5/7. Bb3/7...O-O/8. h3. This is a move that transposes back to the slow main lines of the Ruy Lopez, and a recently more popular way to reject the Marshall Gambit.
Chatbots For Social Change/Prototypes. These pages are relatively unmaintained, and are the responsibility of the individual researchers. It offers a way to prepare content without formally requesting it to be added to the wikiBook, but also a reference for future participants in the class when they dream up their own project. At the moment there is only one class, mine (Alec).
Chatbots For Social Change/Print version. = What's Possible? = Designing Democracy. = What's Ethical? = Conversational AI Ethics. = How Do We Do It? = Reasoning. = Machine Understanding = = Implementation and Execution = = Featured Interviews =
Chatbots For Social Change/Introduction. = Introduction = By necessity, this book is widely interdisciplinary, bringing together insights from scholarly work understanding "understanding," social action, social systems, the social psychology of belief, the philosophy of science, the sociology of belief systems, research ethics, ethics of privacy, and of interaction, clinical psychology, the technical intricacies of LLMs, frameworks of knowledge management, automated proof-checking, to name some of the most important fields of knowledge involved. As you can see, this textbook cannot be built by just one person. I (Alec McGail) am writing this now to start the endeavor in a free and transparent manner, very much in the spirit of what's discussed in "Section 2: What's Ethical?". So, anyone who feels they have something they can contribute to the endeavor should reach out to me ([email protected]), or just go ahead and make changes. If you'd like to follow my process in working through this class, follow my Twitch channel and YouTube channel. Here, you will embark on an intellectual adventure, blending the theoretical intricacies of intersubjective thought with hands-on training in Large Language Models (LLMs). By the end, you won’t just understand the mechanics of these digital marvels; you will be the craftsman behind their creation. For the intrepid scholar and the visionary educator alike, this journey promises a harmonious blend of robust theoretical foundations and cutting-edge practical applications. Each week unfurls a new layer of understanding, from ethical considerations to technical mastery, all culminating in a capstone project where you breathe life into your very own chatbot. This isn't just a course; it's a call to be at the forefront of a sociotechnological revolution, with the power to shape discourse, challenge beliefs, and unite our ever-evolving global community. Get ready to be both the student and the pioneer, charting the path for the next wave of societal evolution. Disclaimer: "Chatbots for Social Change" has been collaboratively developed with the aid of ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI's cutting-edge Large Language Model (LLM) technology. The utilization of ChatGPT in the creation of this WikiBook is a practical demonstration of the subject matter at the heart of this course. As learners delve into the complexities of collective cognition, LLM training, knowledge management, and social interaction, they are interacting with content that has itself been influenced by the advanced technologies under discussion. This recursive element of the course design illustrates the dynamic and evolving interaction between human intellect and artificial intelligence. It's an embodiment of the dualities and partnerships that can emerge when the creative capacities of humans are augmented by the meticulousness of machine intelligence. This partnership is indicative of the immense possibilities and responsibilities that come with the integration of such technologies into the fabric of our digital era. Understanding, leveraging, and steering these advancements remain a central theme and imperative throughout this WikiBook. Independent Learning. Independent consumption by definition means you can do whatever you want with your time and this book. So do that! Read as much or as little as you like, skip around, and don't be shy about asking questions. If you are serious about learning the content, you will have to devote significant time. I recommend setting aside consistent time every week, and work through the book section by section. Do the prototypes yourself, and contribute to the wiki book. And email me ([email protected])! Teaching the Course. I am developing this textbook in approximately the same structure I imagine one would teach a 9-week intensive (perhaps summer-) course. "Weeks 1-3": Sections 1-3, which are largely theoretical, could be presented in the first three weeks. This makes it a whirlwind tour, but the textbook allows students to dig deeper at their discretion. At the end of the second section "What is Ethical?", I imagine students would draft an IRB proposal for a intervention they would like to conduct. This serves to focus students on what they'd like to do with the technology before the third theoretical week "How Do We Do It?" and the following technical weeks which prepare the student for their own prototyping. "Weeks 4-5": The next two weeks can be spent on the technical details of LLMs and various other relevant technologies. Students can choose a topic from the textbook to explain to the class, or choose to research a new one and write a wiki chapter. "Weeks 6-8": The next three weeks would involve hands-on prototyping based on the subject matter. This gives a nice fail-fast mentality, and avoids "scope creep," which can easily result in never getting off the ground. This would be wildly benefited by a user-friendly package which includes high-level access to capabilities for everything mentioned in this book. "Week 9": The final week can be used to reflect on the course material, and allow students to present what they were able to do, what challenges they faced, and their ideas for further development and use of these technologies. If they feel they can contribute to the code-base, this would be a good time to submit their pull-requests.
Bikol/This and That. Bikol uses three words to represent the words "this" and "that": "ini", "iyan" and "idto". "Ini" means "this", while both "iyan" and "idto" mean "that", depending on the context. This. The word "ini" can be used in different ways, depending on its location within the sentence. In most cases, if it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, it is written by itself without modification, as in the cases of this sentence: The ligature "-ng" is attached when describing objects. This never happens at the end of a sentence and only occurs if "ini" is placed at the beginning or at the middle. Some examples include: Attaching the ligature "-ng" and the case marker "mga" makes "ini" plural, becoming "these", as shown by this sentence: That. "iyan" or "idto" are used depending on the relative distance of the referred object or person to the speaker and to the listener. The difference is as follows: Let's have an example. Two kids named James and Nadine are pretty far apart. A cat passes near Yssa. Later on, James and Nadine both see a spider crawling on the ceiling.
Bikol/Authors. This Bikol Wikibook wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for its authors. This book was started by the username Jay Bolero, contributors have constantly improved upon it and have brought the Wikibook into good shape. This book already has all of the most basic information allowing you to construct a simple sentence, and say a few things in Bikol. However, do try to help by adding some more information on other topics that are not here. As you write, remember that people reading this book can be totally new to the language. Do not write as if you are writing for another Bikol speaker, but keep in mind to explain things in great detail to enable learners to use this book easily. Please remember that this is a wiki textbook. Feel free to edit it, update it, correct it, and do anything to boost its capabilities to teach those who read this textbook, and/or otherwise increase its teaching potential. This Bikol Wikibook has received contributions from the following users (please insert your full name if possible): Initiator Other Contributors
Perspectives in Digital Literacy/Evolving Walls of Ones and Zeroes. Only eleven years after the electromechanical computer was created, the world's first design for a computer virus was born. John Von Neumann, a mathematician and engineer, gave a series of lectures at the University of Illinois about the theory of self-replicating computer programs. However, it would not be until the early 1970’s that the first functional computer virus would be created. This virus, named “Creeper,” was the first computer program to spread and self-replicate, and was deleted by “Reaper,” the world's first anti-virus software. This cycle of a computer virus being created, and an anti-virus being written to combat it has been going on for over fifty years. However, with recent developments in machine learning, the classification and removal of malware may end up being entirely automated. A majority of new malware is built upon existing malware, and classifying the type is often the first step towards eradicating it. Deep learning programs have shown exceptional performance in dentification tasks, and, at the 9th New Technologies, Mobility and Security conference, an artificial neural network used to analyze imagery was shown to have “better than...state of the art performance” when it came to identifying malware. What ways do today's antivirus programs identify malware, and what are their flaws? Anti-virus programs usually go about detection using a few methods, such as sandboxing, heuristic detection, and real-time detection. Sandboxing runs programs in a virtual environment and records what the program does. If the program is deemed non-malicious, the antivirus software then runs it on your actual computer. While this technique is effective, it is slow and resource heavy, and therefore is not used in many user-side antivirus programs. Heuristic detection, or “genetic detection” is the process of identifying viruses by checking for similarities with already existing viruses. This method is effective but relies entirely on the limited databases used by the antivirus software. Real-time detection is the process of scanning a file when it is being downloaded or opened. This is the method that most anti-malware programs use. The biggest issue with this is that if the virus is not previously known, the antivirus will not flag it. What are some deep learning antivirus programs, and how do they work? Shallow machine learning programs predict the relationship between two variables and are used in many cybersecurity programs. However, new advances in deep learning technologies have led to neural networks outperforming even the best shallow learning algorithms. At the 9th New Technologies, Mobility and Security conference, an artificial neural network used to analyze imagery was shown to have outdone the winners of the Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge. This system converts files into binary, and then turns the binary into a grayscale image, at which point the neural network scans it for similarities with other malware. This system had a 99.97% success rate on a dataset of over 10,000 malware samples. The neural network model used in this method is a convolutional neural network, which is based on the visual cortex of animals. <br>Another neural network program, the FO-SAIR (Factional-Order Susceptible-Antidote-Infected-Removed) framework, has shown great success in removing viruses. This program is modeled after organic disease treatments, and is a modified version of the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) framework. FO-SAIR is examined through stochastic optimization, a method that generates random variables to simulate an actual system. This program is one of the most cost-efficient antivirus methods, as it creates “antidotes” at a rate dependent on how much the virus has spread, and deletes these antidotes after they have no more use. As powerful as these programs are, they are limited by hefty storage requirements, and by the time it takes to train them. While effective, this makes them not a reasonable option for an everyday consumer. Won't hackers have access to deep learning too? As technology becomes more accessible, both the quantity and quality of malware have skyrocketed. Former general manager of Australia's Computer Emergency Response Team Graham Ingram stated that “We are getting code of a quality that is probably worthy of software engineers[,]” in reference to the skill of newer malware authors. However, there are several key factors that make deep learning more suited for antiviruses than malware. The need for both substantial computing power and a very large dataset make deep learning inaccessible to many people. This is especially true for malware authors, as large datasets of antivirus software is much harder to find than large datasets of viruses, meaning it would be harder to train a virus on antiviruses than it would be to train an antivirus on viruses. In addition, according to MathWorks, deep learning is used to “perform classification tasks directly from images, text, or sound[,]” which is useful for identifying, but not hiding, malware. While both malware authors and antivirus authors will have access to deep learning, by its nature it is more suited for antiviruses than malware. Conclusion. Machine learning has advanced rapidly over the years and has impacted many fields; both those directly connected to technology and those that are not. As this technology continues to be improved upon, it will be used more and more frequently. This will especially be the case in the field of cybersecurity, as the deep learning programs are showing very high levels of success, especially compared to most modern antivirus programs. As machine learning grows more advanced, it will become the leading approach to cybersecurity due to its speed and accuracy in malware classification.
Perspectives in Digital Literacy/Expensive Textbooks Stressing You Out?. <ins>Introduction</ins> In current times in our economy, inflation has skyrocketed and affected almost every American, and unfortunately education is not excluded. I have experienced some hardships with part of my income contributing to my education, as it is a new expense I have not experienced before. I’ve been living in New York City my whole life and with it being the most expensive city in the world I’ve struggled a bit financially. For the spring semester I received the Federal Pell Grant and only had to pay $500 for tuition but for the following semester the grant was cut significantly and now I must pay most of my tuition. Alongside an expensive city,  there is also expensive rent and being a student with a part time job, it can become stressful living. Although there has been some adjusting, all my classes use free academic resources so there isn’t an additional expense that I need to worry about. Providing open access to academic journals and articles can benefit society by making knowledge accessible to students who lack resources. History/ background If we are going back to the beginning of why there is a discussion surrounding OER’s, it starts with copyright laws. The most recent copyright law was passed in 1976 and in later years Congress has made accommodating acts to accompany it. Copyright allows people to reserve and obtain all rights to their work. Only they are allowed to distribute their creations and no one else without their approval or permission. While some may perceive copyright as a modern concept, it stems back to the mid 1400’s[XG3]  with the European development of movable type. The printing press allowed for spreading thoughts and opinions--the most popular being the Bible--faster than ever. Before the printing press, any form of tangible literature was done by hand, which was a slow and tedious process. The printing press raised conversation about ownership and the credibility of authors, who had been struggling to get paid, especially because there was no protection of their work. This conversation culminated in the Statute of Anne named after the queen of that time. This law is the first modern copyright statute that granted British authors copyright instead of the publisher. This laid the foundation for future copyright laws in the UK and U.S. There have been different modified versions of copyright laws in the U.S. As previously mentioned, the most recent copyright law was passed in 1976. Although the law itself has not been amended, there have been other acts to get more “with the times”: one prime example is the Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA), which  was passed in 1995 to keep up with the European nations’ own copyright law that allowed people to control their work for seventy years after their death, while the U.S allowed for fifty. The passing of CTEA, now allows for Americans to have rights to their work for seventy years after death. A similar extension act was the Sonny Bono CTEA which was later passed in 1998 to mostly cater to big corporations such as Disney, which extends the rights to ninety-five years after publication. Although this only applies if the creation was published before 1978, anything published after 1977 would continue to be seventy years after death. While these acts are to ensure creators are credited and paid, it wasn’t written with the thought of the Internet or the World Wide Web (web for short) which would soon rise in popularity around the world. <ins>The Birth of Open Access </ins> Once Tim Berners-Lee made his invention of the Web available for all the world to use, the topic of copyright came back into question in America again. From these discussions, the free culture movement emerged. The movement’s members believe that the web’s contents should be made easily accessible and not be so restricted to the public. Aaron Swartz was one of many free culture movement members who criticized the restrictions that copyright had on many works, especially with respect to educational materials. Swartz was a programmer and political activist who engaged in a case correlating with copyright, around the time of his untimely death. Swartz and others realized that universities had many academic journals and scholarly articles available to students and faculty, but that paywalls were restricting the access to those same articles to others outside of American colleges.  When Swartz realized this,  he declared it to be unfair to other students who didn’t have the same privilege and decided to voice his opinion in a public document called the "Guerilla Open Access Manifesto." This manifesto was written by Swartz and others to express the disapproval of the paywall that sites have on scholarly articles. Throughout the document, they try to convince university students to see the disparity of knowledge of other students who are without these scholarly materials and to share them to close that gap: In 2011 the government decided to propose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). This act was proposed as a “solution” to make sure <ins>web</ins>sites followed copyright laws and if they didn’t make sure their site avoided any mistake, it would be restricted or completely shut down. This means if someone uploaded a song to a site and forgot to credit the source, the entire site would be shut down for everyone and wouldn’t be accessible. Many, including Swartz, believed the act to be ludicrous and protested it. SOPA never made it to law due to the overwhelming opposition to it. During the protesting of SOPA, Swartz was facing criminal charges for illegally downloading millions of academic journals and articles from JSTOR by having access to MIT’s database. JSTOR is a site where they have accumulated many academic journals and resources only free if one is a U.S university student or else you must pay to have access to an article. While downloading some articles is okay, downloading in bulk is considered a federal offence. Many more charges were brought because of Swartz’ openness of OERs and the possibility that he was going to publish the articles for everyone to see. Many of Swartz’ family, friends, and fans protested the charges saying the initial act was proven but not the publishing of the pages. After two years with the government still wanting to put him in prison and his deteriorating mental health, Swartz ended his life. The advocating of Swartz and others has left a legacy behind. Starting the conversation of open education and OERs for all students so there isn’t a continuation of inaccessibility for those who want to learn. A beneficiary of the open access movement is Jack Andraka. Andraka was fourteen when he decided to invent a device to detect pancreatic cancer early on. When someone is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer it is usually too late to do anything about it. Andraka conducted his research on academic resources that were free and easily accessible to the public. In 2013<ins>,</ins> he successfully managed to make the first prototypes to be shipped out for others to use and credits Swartz on his accessibility to accomplish it.   <ins>Open Access and Education</ins>  Swartz and others continued to rally behind open access for educational materials or Open Education Resources (OERs). OERs are essentially textbooks and resources that are free, and anyone can access them. OERs can be revised and edited by others because of being in the public domain or the author had laxed some of their rights. OERs are essential because of the cost of college tuition rising, the separate cost of textbooks and resources deprives students who won’t be able to afford them. City Tech is one CUNY college implementing the use of OERs and it conducted research on student performance and retention rates in their Undergraduate Engineering Departments. Having easy accessibility allows for students to gain the knowledge they need for their classes and not have the extra cost of textbooks holding them back. The study showed that the implementation of OER’s helped engineering students save money and continue staying in school. Although <ins>the </ins>study shows that failing and D-grades haven’t changed, Zhao and his team make it a point that it didn’t decrease student performances. There is also the case of students around the world not having access to American OERs because of the high prices. and because OERs authors and researchers must waive some rights for people to access them.  Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University. John McMurry did just that. McMurry wrote a chemistry textbook that many students have used around the world. When he felt the need to move on from his publisher, he decided to make "Organic Chemistry" a digital OER so students can have access to the textbook without the $100 price tag. "Organic Chemistry" has been translated into multiple languages and used many countries outside of the U.S, finally giving accessibility to students not just in the U.S, but in countries like India and Japan to reap the benefits of the knowledge that is out there. Although there are many that see the benefit of open access materials, such as the cost saving aspect, there are others who aren’t much on board or question the positive outcomes of it. The University of Buffalo (UB) conducted research on OERs, and the views of its financial values compared to more traditional textbooks and journals. The authors of the UB research noticed that even students who appreciated and found value of OERs comparable to those of traditional resources, wouldn’t pay the same amount for them. Even with many students favoring OERs, there were students who didn’t find them comparable and even believed they had less educational value because of them being accessible and free. Many seemed to see that something with no financial value equates to no beneficial or educational value. But even so, the researchers admit that the likely positives of OERs outweigh the negatives of it. <ins>Conclusion</ins> Many people have the want and need to learn and unfortunately there are ways for them to be blocked from an education. If we’re blocking people from learning and seeking out solutions to humanity, what does that say about us? We need to allow academic resources to be available for those who may not be able to spend over $500 on textbooks. Thankfully there are states starting to acknowledge the need for OERs such as California. Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law that a budget of $115 million will be used to lower the cost of textbooks at the college level so it won’t continue to be a financial burden for students. Members of the pro OERs have said not only will it benefit college students but high school students as well. Giving them this new opportunity will allow for them to research advanced topics and careers. Allowing this accessibility won’t just help our wallets but will help us as a society. If we continue to rally for OERs we can soon see them being implemented across the country or even better, the world.
Bikol/Introducing Yourself. In this lesson you will learn to introduce yourself using the standard level of formality or respect. You will also be able to ask someone his name. First you need to know that the verb "to be" is never expressed in Bikol. Where there is no verb, it is automatically assumed that the sentence is about something "being" something. Therefore to ask "What is your name", you only need to know the words "What your name?". Here they are: However you also need the article "the". This is because Bikol literally say "What is the name your?" Ano an ngaran mo? or Anong ngaran mo?. The phrase ano an, meaning "what the" is obviously a very frequent combination. It has evolved into an aggregated word, which is anong. It means exactly ano an, but is much easier to pronounce and therefore more common. Note that mo is placed after the name it modifies. This is always the case: possessive pronouns are always placed after the possessed thing. If your name is Karl, the answer is Ako si Karl Ako simply means "I" or "me". When this word is not at the beginning of a sentence, it can be abbreviated into ko. si is an article reserved in the case that the word that follows is a name. It is compulsory unless you are calling someone. Then you might want to say "Nice to meet you". In Bikol, the expression used is "Happy me knowing you". We will therefore need 3 more words: Again we see here that the pronoun "you", ika, can be abbreviated into ka. Abbreviation of pronouns is frequent in Bikol, we will see more of that in later lessons. So the phrase "Happy me to know you" is Maugma akong mamidbidan ka. So the final sentence becomes Maugma akong mamidbidan ka. We have just one more words to learn, which is essential in every situation: iyo is "yes"
Formation of Banded Microstructures with Rapid Intercritical Annealing of Cold-Rolled Sheet Steel. About this book. The effects of heating rate in the range of 0.3 to 693 °C/s on transformations during inter-critical annealing of a cold-rolled 0.12C-1.4Mn-0.02Nb steel with either a ferrite-pearlite or ferrite-spheroidized carbide microstructure were evaluated. Heating rates were selected to impart different predicted degrees of ferrite recrystallization present at the onset of austenite formation. Rapid heating minimized ferrite recrystallization with both prior microstructures and minimized pearlite spheroidization in the ferrite-pearlite condition, and austenite formation occurred preferentially in recovered ferrite regions as opposed to along recrystallized ferrite boundaries. Martensite was evenly distributed in slowly heated steels because austenite formed on recrystallized, equiaxed, ferrite boundaries. With rapid heating, austenite formed in directionally oriented recovered ferrite, which increased the degree of banding. The greatest degree of banding was found with intermediate heating rates leading to partial recrystallization, because austenite formed preferentially in the remaining recovered ferrite, which was located in bands along the rolling direction. Ferrite-spheroidized carbide microstructures had somewhat reduced martensite banding when compared to the ferrite-pearlite condition, where elongated pearlite enhanced banded austenite leading to banding in transformed microstructures.
Chatbots For Social Change/Theory of Conversation/Theorizing Conversation/draft 1. This chapter delves into the historical context of the philosophy of language, tracing its origins and evolution through various cultural and philosophical traditions. It begins by exploring the ancient Indian philosophies of Mimamsa and Nyaya, which advanced early theories about the relationship between language, meaning, and their referents. The narrative then transitions to a global perspective, highlighting the contributions of Western philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, as well as the insights from Confucius's "Analects", Islamic Golden Age thinkers like Al-Farabi and Avicenna, and traditional African philosophical tenets. The chapter emphasizes the diversity of thought regarding the interplay of language, reality, and truth across different cultures and epochs. Moving into the 20th century, the focus shifts to the transformative works in the philosophy of language and social interaction. Ludwig Wittgenstein's evolution from the logical structure of language in his early work "Tractatus" to the socially contextual understanding of language in "Philosophical Investigations" is underscored. Alongside Wittgenstein, other influential thinkers such as George Herbert Mead, Edmund Husserl, Erving Goffman, and Alfred Schutz are discussed for their contributions to understanding language within social frameworks. The chapter concludes with an examination of J.L. Austin's Speech Act Theory, which posits that utterances can perform actions, and breaks down communication into locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts. This sets the stage for a detailed look at how these theories have informed various aspects of conversation analysis and sociolinguistics, and their application in understanding the nuanced dynamics of everyday interactions. Key Philosophical Traditions and Theories. Modern Developments Implications for Contemporary Linguistics and AI. The insights from these philosophical explorations have profound implications for contemporary linguistics and the development of artificial intelligence, particularly in the realm of chatbot programming. The classification of speech acts and the understanding of the social context of language are crucial for designing AI that can effectively interpret and respond to human communication. The Ancient History of the Theory of Conversation. The intricate dance of conversation, meaning, and thought has possibly been in play since the dawn of human cognition. It's evident in the rich tapestry of philosophical traditions spanning the vast expanse of human history and culture. In ancient India, the and stand out as some of the pioneering traditions that developed an intricate philosophy of language. These schools delved deep into the intricacies of the relationship between words, the meanings they hold, and the tangible or intangible objects they depict. Globally, this investigation into language and thought wasn't confined to India. Icons of Western philosophy like and , the profound "" of , the luminary philosophers during the , and the sagas from traditional African philosophy all enriched this vast realm of understanding. The sheer volume and diversity of thought cultivated by these thinkers are simply awe-inspiring. A cursory glance at these ancient philosophical discourses might give one the impression that they universally championed the existence of an ethereal realm of unchangeable 'Truths', detached from our mundane experiences – a notion reminiscent of Plato's . However, painting all these diverse traditions with such a broad brush would be an injustice. While many ancient philosophical systems did demarcate the visible from a deeper, more profound reality, the subtleties of these distinctions are unique to each culture and philosopher. Each tradition unfurled its distinct perceptions of truth, reality, and how both interweave with language and thought. For instance, while Plato's theory of forms proposed an eternal realm of perfect archetypes, Aristotle took a more empirical approach, focusing on the tangible realities and their inherent potentials. In the East, Confucius's "Analects" emphasized the significance of virtue and righteous action in correspondence to the 'Way', rather than abstract truth. Similarly, during the Islamic Golden Age, luminaries like and explored the nexus of divine intellect, logic, and the human soul, which presented a confluence of Platonism, Aristotelianism, and Islamic theology. Traditional African philosophy, rich in its diversity, places great emphasis on the power of the spoken word, the profound significance of naming, and the wisdom encapsulated in proverbs. 20th Century - Understanding and Society. The 20th century's philosophical landscape was a fertile ground for reimagining the nexus between language and society. This period, often heralded as a 'linguistic turn,' saw figures like Wittgenstein, Husserl, and Mead, among others, weaving a rich tapestry of thought that continues to inform contemporary discourse. Ludwig Wittgenstein, initially entrenched in the logical positivism of his "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus," later diverged into the more nuanced terrain of ordinary language philosophy. His seminal "Philosophical Investigations" introduced the concept of 'language games,' underscoring that language is an activity, contingent upon various 'forms of life.' This pivot from a rigid logical structure to a fluid social activity challenged the very foundations of semantic theory and opened a dialogue with other contemporary thinkers. While Wittgenstein's philosophical odyssey was marked by the realization that language is steeped in the praxis of life, George Herbert Mead's Symbolic Interactionism was concurrently setting the stage for a sociological understanding of language. Mead's insight that human consciousness arises from social interaction—particularly through symbolic communication like gestures and language—complemented Wittgenstein's later views. However, where Wittgenstein emphasized the variability of language's function, Mead focused on the genesis of meaning through social acts, such as the simple yet profound exchange between a child pointing and a caregiver naming the object. This interplay of symbols forms the bedrock of shared understanding, a concept further crystallized by Herbert Blumer. Blumer's articulation of Symbolic Interactionism, with its emphasis on the subjective interpretation of social symbols, provided a sociological counterpoint to the philosophical musings of his time. Edmund Husserl, a contemporary of Mead, was not content to leave the understanding of language in the realm of the empirical. His forays into phenomenology sought to uncover the structures of consciousness that enable intersubjectivity. Husserl posited that our perception of the world is inherently interwoven with our interpretation of others' intentions, a process facilitated by empathy. This mutual constitution of meaning extends beyond mere empathic connections to form a shared objectivity—a concept that resonates with Wittgenstein's later work, albeit through a phenomenological lens. Yet, the contributions of Alfred Schutz and Erving Goffman, initially mentioned but not elaborated upon, are indispensable in this discourse. Schutz's phenomenology of the social world extended Husserl's ideas, exploring how individuals construct a reality through shared experiences. His work delves into the deep structures of social interaction, providing a bridge between Husserl's abstract theorizations and the concrete social dynamics studied by sociologists. Erving Goffman, with his dramaturgical analysis, offered a vivid tableau of the performative aspects of social life. His insights into how individuals present themselves in everyday interactions, managing impressions much like actors on a stage, brought a new dimension to the understanding of language and interaction. Goffman's work underscores the complexity of social encounters, where language is not just a medium of communication but also a tool for identity construction and social navigation. In integrating these perspectives, we begin to see a more cohesive picture of language as a dynamic force, shaped by and shaping the social fabric. The interplay of Wittgenstein's philosophical revelations, Mead's symbolic interactions, Husserl's intersubjective structures, Schutz's social phenomenology, and Goffman's dramaturgical model presents a multidimensional view of language. Each, in their way, contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between language and the social world. As we venture further into the 21st century, these theories find new relevance in the digital age, where communication technologies have created novel forms of social interaction and language use. The challenge now lies in applying these rich philosophical legacies to understand and navigate the evolving landscape of human interaction, both online and offline. Speech-act Theory. J.L. Austin initially wondered about what he termed 'performative sentences,' utterances that, by their very nature, carry out an action. For instance, consider a seemingly simple yet profound act of speech: when someone says "I do" during a wedding ceremony, or proclaims "I promise...". These aren't just words; they are actions in themselves. By saying them, something is being accomplished or performed. However, as he progressed in his lectures, a revelation dawned upon him: every utterance, in some way or another, is performative. This led Austin to move away from the strict delineation of performative sentences, and instead, he embarked on framing a comprehensive theory of speech acts (Huang, 2014, p. 126). In this journey, he introduced a tripartite distinction to shed light on the mechanics of utterances. Firstly, there's the 'locution,' which is the actual act of making an utterance — the physical production of sounds or words. But what gives this utterance its depth is the 'illocutionary act'. This denotes the intended function or purpose behind the utterance, or simply put, what the speaker aims to achieve by saying those words. Is it a command? A request? A declaration? The illocutionary act captures this essence. However, words aren't solely bound by the speaker's intent. They reverberate in the ears of the listener and elicit reactions. This brings us to the 'perlocutionary effect,' which signifies the impact or outcome an utterance engenders in its recipient. For instance, the words might inspire, sadden, surprise, or provoke the listener (Huang, 2014, p. 128). In essence, Austin's Speech Act Theory unraveled the multilayered dynamics of language. Words aren't merely words; they are actions, intentions, and catalysts of responses, weaving a complex dance of communication that shapes human interaction. From the foundational insights of Austin's Speech Act Theory, a cascade of classifications sprang forth. These categories now form the bedrock for contemporary linguists and chatbot programmers alike, aiding in their analysis, understanding, and design of communication models. For instance, consider the following widely accepted terminological division of speech-acts: Frames. Building upon this, both ethnomethodology, a method of studying human interaction, and Schutz's philosophy hinge on the 'taken-for-granted'—those shared, unspoken assumptions that individuals in a society hold. Erving Goffman expanded this idea through his concept of "frames." These are foundational assumptions that govern our actions and interactions, providing context and meaning to them. Conversation Analysis and Sociolinguistics. In this complex maze of categories, we see the beautiful confluence of the theoretical aspects of language philosophy with the practical intricacies of meaning representation and conversation analysis. Delving deeper, Conversation Analysis, a field pioneered by Harvey Sacks, focuses intensely on the minutiae of everyday interactions. It's not just about the words we say, but how we say them. Every "um," "ah," the cadence of a sentence, every deliberate pause or tonal inflection, become subjects of profound scrutiny. These seemingly inconspicuous elements are often windows into the larger societal constructs in which the speech act is nestled. By meticulously dissecting these nuances, researchers can decode the underlying social architectures that guide human communication. Some intriguing findings from Conversation Analysis include: Branching out, fields like Interactional Sociolinguistics bring more layers to the conversation. For instance, the act of code-switching, where individuals alternate between different linguistic codes (often languages or dialects) in a single conversation, becomes a rich area of study. By analyzing these shifts, researchers can discern the multifaceted sociocultural spheres individuals navigate. It's not just about communicating a message but also about asserting identity, affiliating with certain groups, or even negotiating societal positions. Through these subtleties in communication, we again glimpse the vast tapestry of society mirrored in our everyday interactions. Conclusion. In wrapping up, the crux of these explorations into the philosophy of language in the 20th century is that humans are not solitary actors. We co-create language and meaning, constructing intricate ontologies that provide a scaffold to our world. These structures are birthed in our interactions, nurtured and perpetuated by societal institutions, and inherently recognize the existence of these shared understandings in the minds of fellow humans. Our world, as we know it, is a collective tapestry woven from myriad threads of shared experiences, symbols, and meanings. References. I'm not certain how to do references. The following seems a bit ridiculous, that I'd have to convert all my references to this dumb format. Why didn't they just use .bib format instead?
Antenna Television/Outdoor Antennas. In suburban or fringe reception areas where higher-gain antennas are required for adequate TV reception, outdoor directional antennas are commonly used. Unlike simple antennas with broad response patterns, directional antennas have almost unidirectional radiation patterns and must be pointed towards the TV station. These antennas, based on designs like the Yagi-Uda or log-periodic dipole array (LPDA), consist of multiple half-wave dipole elements mounted on a support boom. They provide higher gain and narrower radiation patterns. Reflective array antennas are also used for UHF reception, featuring a vertical metal screen with dipole elements in front. Since TV broadcast bands are too wide for a single antenna, separate antennas for VHF and UHF bands or combo VHF/UHF antennas are used. VHF elements are located at the back of the boom, functioning as log-periodic antennas, while shorter UHF elements are located at the front, acting as Yagi antennas. In cases where TV stations are located in different directions, multiple directional rooftop antennas can be mounted on the same mast and connected to one receiver, using filters or matching circuits to maintain performance. Alternatively, a single antenna mounted on a rotator can be used, allowing the antenna to be remotely rotated towards different directions. In some instances, TV transmitters are strategically placed so that receivers in a specific region only need to receive transmissions within a narrow band of the UHF television spectrum from the same direction. This allows for the use of higher gain grouped aerials. In TV antenna installations, height is a crucial factor due to obstructions near the ground that can disrupt TV signals. Electrical noise from digital electronics can also interfere with reception. Mounting the antenna on a tripod and mast above the roof line by an additional 12 feet can help overcome these issues, especially in areas with buildings of similar height. If channels are lost, it is advisable to inspect antenna connections for any issues such as rust or corrosion regularly. Common Outdoor Antennas. UHF Band Antennas. Four Bay UHF Type The four bay UHF type of antenna stands out because it offers both high gain (9 dB) and a wide beamwidth (60°). This unique combination makes it an exception to the typical trade-off between directionality and gain in antennas. It is particularly useful in scenarios where all channels are in the UHF band and especially when those channels are spread out over a wide arc. Two Bay UHF Type The two bay UHF type antenna does not offer any advantages over the four bay UHF type antenna and has half the gain. It should only be considered in cases where space or appearance constraints make it impossible to install a four bay UHF antenna. Eight Bay UHF Type The eight bay UHF antenna is known for its high gain and is considered one of the antennas with the highest gain available. It is particularly suitable for situations where UHF signals are weak. Some eight bay antennas can be split and aimed in two directions, enabling you to receive signals from multiple directions. However, it's important to note that splitting the antenna will reduce its gain and strength. Without using an amplifier, you can typically expect a gain of 12dB to 16dB from the eight bay UHF antenna. Yagi-Uda UHF The higher gain versions of Yagi-Uda UHF antennas have performance that is comparable to the eight bay UHF type. The choice between them can be controversial, as they have different shapes that can impact their suitability in specific cases. UHF and VHF-high Band Antennas. Most television channels in North America are carried on the UHF band with one or two in the VHF-high band, making these antennas the most desirable. These antennas are typically larger than a pure UHF type to accommodate for the VHF-high requirement. Lower Gain UHF/VHF-high These types of antennas are particularly useful in situations where space or appearance restrictions exist and the signal levels are relatively high. They can be conveniently mounted on a reused satellite dish J-mount. Higher Gain UHF/VHF-high Higher gain antennas are more directional and require careful adjustment for optimal performance. VHF-high Band Antennas A separate channel for VHF-high band antennas are sometimes required to receive VHF-high band signals in a different direction from UHF signals. All Band Antennas. Some television markets (most notably Philadelphia, PA) have major networks in the VHF-low band. An all band, or all channel, antenna is required for these situations. These antennas can be unusually large compared to other types. Lower Gain All Band Higher Gain All Band
Bikol/Days of the Week. The days of the week were all imported from Spanish. These should be easy to remember if you have studied Spanish. First of all, learn the whole list of days by heart. Make sure you can recite them to yourself, without looking at this page. Here are a few sentences using the days in Bikol. You can see how the article or the plural is used, depending on the context. Plurals are not appropriate for "days" ... Quiz:<br>Translate the following English sentences in Bikol.
Bikol/Pronunciation. Bikol pronunciation can be difficult because of lexical stress and the presence of glottal stops which are normally not written in everyday writing. This first lesson is essential for you to be able to pronounce the words that we have printed in this book. Here we will learn a few basic words, and how to pronounce them. Vowels. In Bikol, vowels are pronounced like in Spanish. Note that in Bikol orthography, two consecutive vowels are pronounced separately. Before the arrival of the Spanish, Bikol had three vowel sounds: , , and ; This was expanded to five vowels with the introduction of Spanish words. Consonants. Some consonants are borrowed from Spanish and English and are used in writing names of places and personal names. Digraphs. Some digraphs appear in Spanish and English loan words. Diphthongs. In the spelling of many places and personal names, ao is used and is pronounced as in how just like the Spanish way of spelling.
Bikol/Months of the Year. The months, like the days of the week, were also all borrowed from Spanish. Dates can be written as follows: First of all, learn the whole list of months by heart. Make sure you can recite them to yourself, without looking at this page. Here are a few sentences using the months in Bikol. You can see how the article is used, depending on the context. Months are written with capital letters. These should be easy to remember if you have studied Spanish. Quiz:<br> Translate the following English sentences in Bikol.
Bikol/Spatio-temporal Dimensions. Bikol has ha– as prefix for a special class of adjectives, with the rest of adjectives using ‘ma-. Ha– is affixed only to bases indicating spatio-temporal dimensions.
Bikol/Inclusive and Exclusive We. Distinction between inclusive we and exclusive we is required in Bikol. Inclusive "we" specifically includes the addressees (that is, one of the words for "we" means "you and I"), while exclusive "we" specifically excludes them (that is, another word for "we" means "them and I, but not you"), regardless of who else may be involved. Bikol has two words which are equivalent to the English word "we". If you intend to include the person or people you are talking to, the word to use is kita. If the subject does not include your listener(s), then the correct word would be kami. In linguistics, clusivity is a distinction between inclusive and exclusive first-person pronouns and verbal morphology, also called inclusive "we" and exclusive "we". Inclusive "we" specifically includes the addressees (that is, one of the words for "we" means "you and I"), while exclusive "we" specifically excludes them (that is, another word for "we" means "he/she/they and I, but not you"), regardless of who else may be involved. Clusivity paradigms may be summarized as a two-by-two grid (this grid addresses only plural forms):
Bikol/Negation. Use dai to mean no and bakô to mean not. Note:<br> "Daing gayon" means no beauty and "bakong magayon" means not beautiful. Some "nouns" connot be combined with dai. Never say daing lumoy, instead say, bakong malumoy. Bako can also be used for nouns. Example: Bako ining lapis. ("This is not a pencil"). it is not or s/he is not plus adjectives or nouns, use bako. If you used a verb in a sentence, then use dai. Examples:<br> 1. Dai nag-uuran.<br> 2. Dai nagtaram.<br> 3. Bakong masiram.<br> 4. Bakong malinaw. Dai can also be used to mean there is no. Examples:<br> 1. Daing kwarta. ("there is no money")<br> 2. Daing harong. ("there is no house")<br> Quiz:<br> Translate these sentences in Bikol.<br> 1. She doesn't have a boyfriend.<br> 2. He doesn't love his girlfriend.<br> 3. It is not delicious.<br> 4. It's not good for you.
Bikol/Where Are You From?. In this lesson we learn how to express where you live and where you come from. We will also see a few more common phrases for introductions. Kumusta, means both "hello" and "how are you?", the phrase kumusta ka na means more exclusively "how are you?". You recognise the word ka, which stands for ika and means "you". The new word na, means "now". Translation Exercise. <br>
Bikol/Introduction. This book will help you start learning the Bikol language through everyday phrases and expressions. The Wikibooks Bikol Textbook is a collaborative project to create an online open-content textbook for Bikol, which we hope will become the definitive Bikol textbook for English speakers. The development of this Wikibook began on November 21, 2023. It is an ongoing project that will evolve as users contribute to the content and layout of pages. The end goal of this project is to create an online resource for those wishing to learn Bikol. We will attempt to encompass all aspects of the Bikol language, including pronunciation, reading, writing, and grammar. This book will help you to begin learning the Bikol language. Each lesson is aimed to some particular topic and at the end you will find some simple text using the new skills and a vocabulary. Remember that no book can cover all of the words you will need to communicate fluently in any language. The best way to improve your vocabulary is simply to read and use new words. This book is intended for those who wish to learn Bikol at a conversational and written level. It requires you to have a good knowledge of English. We do recommend, however, a basic understanding of grammatical words like subject, object, agent, transitive, pronoun etc.
Bikol/Telling Time. Times are written as in English (as in 2:23) but spoken in Spanish (as in "alas sais bainte tres").
Bikol/Adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe a noun. Some English examples are: "happy", "tired", "beautiful", "young" and "fresh". Most of adjectives in Bikol starts with the prefix "ma-", like "magayon" which means beautiful, its rootword is "gayon" with means beauty. The order of an adjective and a noun is interchangeable, it can be an adjective first then followed by a noun or a noun first before an adjective. But remember:<br> For example: aking magayon o magayon na aki both mean beautiful child.<br> "Magayon" means "beautiful" and "aki" means "child". An adjective can be used as a predicate in a sentence. Most of the time, Bikol sentences start with the predicate before the subject, but you can also put the subject before the predicate. For Example: "Maugma si "Juan". (John is happy.)<br> "Pobre" si Juan pero maugma". (John is poor but happy.) Kinds of Adjectives. Adjectives of Quality. 1. Sarong maisog na babayi si Maria Makiling. 2. Mainiton kaidtong Sabado. 3. "'Honesto" si Jose. 4. Sarong dakulang syudad an Manila. 5. Sarong magayon na burak an Sampaguita. 5. Mabata an kwarto. 6. Mahamot an pahamot. Adjectives of Quantity. 1. Dakul na kakanon an natada. Adjectives of Number. 1. Dakulon na tawo an nag-atendir sa pasale. Demonstrative Adjectives. 1. Sakuya an kabayong ini. 2. Saimo an kabayong iyan. 3. Masiram an mga mansanas na ini.
Bikol/Interrogative Pronouns. Here is the list of interrogative pronouns in Bikol language. Examples<br>
Bikol/Why Study Bikol?. Studying Bikol language, or any language for that matter, can have several benefits. Here are a few reasons why studying Bikol language can be valuable: Overall, studying the Bikol language can offer personal, professional, and cultural benefits, allowing you to connect with people, understand their culture, and contribute to the preservation of linguistic diversity.
Chatbots For Social Change/Reviews. Chatbots for Social Change is creating a stepping stone of its own in the swarm of AI developments that continually advance on a daily basis. Chatbots to serve as a positive influence on the ever-growing complexities of social interactions can help guide society and steer the narrative clear of conflict. In addition, accelerated problem solving, brainstorming, and collaboration is possible. Striving for efficiency, Chatbots for Social Change has the potential to reshape society itself and the way we interact.
Bikol/Singular and Plural Verbs. Note To form the plural verbs in Bikol, the syllables "ra","ri", "ro", and/or "ru", were added at the middle of the root word depending on the first syllable it follows.
Chatbots For Social Change/Beliefs. = Introduction = = Understanding Beliefs = = Beliefs and Social Dynamics = = Technological Influence on Beliefs = = Global Perspectives and Cultural Variations in Beliefs = = Robust Belief Systems = = Conclusion = = References = This expanded outline provides a more detailed framework for each chapter, ensuring that the content is thorough and covers various aspects of beliefs in the context of chatbots and social change. Motivated Reasoning: A Comprehensive Survey. Introduction. Motivated reasoning is a phenomenon that has gained attention in various areas of philosophy, including political philosophy, social philosophy, epistemology, moral psychology, and philosophy of science (Ellis2022). It is characterized by rationalization, wishful thinking, and self-deception, and is commonly associated with biased and partisan cognition (Ellis2022). This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on motivated reasoning, focusing on the most well-understood and well-accepted findings. Influence of Goals. Motivated reasoning is influenced by various motives, such as a preference for belief consonance and the desire to act morally (Epley2016). Individuals reason based on their goals, which can range from winning a game to defending a client or assuaging guilt (Epley2016). It is important to note that people have multiple goals, including survival, social status, accurate beliefs, and effective action (Epley2016). These goals shape the way individuals selectively interpret and evaluate information. Biased Information Processing. Motivated reasoning involves biased information processing, where individuals selectively interpret and evaluate information in a way that aligns with their preexisting beliefs (Epley2016). When evaluating propositions they favor, individuals are more likely to accept evidence that supports their beliefs (Epley2016). Conversely, when evaluating propositions they oppose, individuals require more compelling evidence to accept it (Epley2016). This biased processing is evident in studies where participants react differently to the same result based on whether they perceive it as good or bad news (Epley2016 pages 4-5). Impact on Judgment and Decision-Making. Motivated reasoning affects the quality of human judgment and decision-making (Epley2016 pages 2-3). People are not as rational as traditional models suggest, but they are also not as simple-minded as some may think (Epley2016 pages 2-3). The literature on motivated reasoning highlights the complex interplay between cognitive processes, goals, and beliefs, and the impact this has on individuals' ability to make sound judgments and decisions. Methodological Recommendations. Despite the attention given to motivated reasoning, there are still limited insights into its epistemic problematic nature and the violations it entails (Ellis2022). To address this, Ellis (2022) suggests three methodological recommendations for future research on motivated reasoning. These recommendations aim to enhance our understanding of when and how motivated reasoning becomes problematic, and to shed light on the nature of the violation. In conclusion, motivated reasoning is a complex phenomenon that influences individuals' interpretation and evaluation of information based on their goals and preexisting beliefs. It has been studied in various areas of philosophy and is commonly associated with biased and partisan cognition. Motivated reasoning impacts human judgment and decision-making, and further research is needed to better understand its epistemic problematic nature and the violations it entails. (Ellis2022, Epley2016, Kunda1990)
Chatbots For Social Change/Building on this WikiBook. Standardizing Sub-Heading Depth. The book is broken into six "Sections", which serve to divide the huge amount of content into smaller checkpoints which can be followed when taking the class either formally or informally. These sections are then broken down into smaller chapters, which are the fundamental building-blocks for the books as a whole. Concretely, each chapter (not section) acts as a chapter in the final WikiBook, and is given its own chapter heading (a single equal sign, =). That leads to roughly 15 chapters. Chapters are then broken into sections (==) which may themselves have subsections (===). It's crucial to respect this convention, such that the final Print version is formatted consistently. To be sure, one can easily navigate to this print version to see how their additions or modifications will impact the overall layout of the book. Using chatGPT to convert to wikitext. My methodology is simple. Whenever I ask it to generate wikitext, often from the result of a long conversation, I give it my custom instructions for what it should do. Whenever I find it is producing garbage, I'll add a new line to these instructions. Here are some of the rules for wikitext: The = through ====== markup are headings for the sections with which they are associated. Line breaks or newlines are used to add whitespace between lines, such as separating paragraphs. To "italicize text", put two consecutive apostrophes on each side of it. Three apostrophes each side will bold the text. Five consecutive apostrophes on each side (two for italics plus three for bold) produces bold italics. Italic and bold formatting works correctly only within a single line. For text as , use the template . Do not leave blank lines between items in a list unless there is a reason to do so, since this causes the MediaWiki software to interpret each item as beginning a new list. Ordered list use # for the first level, ## for the second level, etc. Unordered lists use *, **, etc. Use the SyntaxHighlight extension, e.g. <syntaxhighlight lang="python" line> to format code. Always output wikitext in a code block, so it doesn't escape anything. References to outside websites must be written <ref>$FULL_WEB_ADDRESS $NAME</ref> you can write equations through LaTeX using the formula_1 template Links to wikipedia pages should look like: Conversion to PDF. The easiest way to convert to PDF is to navigate to the Print version and under "Print/export" heading in the sidebar on the left, select "Download as PDF". This method is available for any Wikipedia page, and produces acceptable results. The most beautiful and consistent method, is to convert to PDF using MediaWiki2LaTeX. Anyone can accomplish this, and there is an incredibly convenient Docker implementation that has worked seamlessly for me. By using LaTeX as an intermediary, most typesetting and formatting headaches disappear, and the intermediate LaTeX form can be further modified, in order to reach an even better level of production value.
Bikol/About Bikol. Bicol Region is composed of six provinces: Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Sorsogon and the island-provinces of Catanduanes and Masbate. Bikol is an Austronesian language used in the Philippines particularly on the Bicol Peninsula in the island of Luzon. Standard Bikol is based on the dialect of Naga City and is spoken in a wide area stretching from Camarines Norte, most of Camarines Sur, the entire east coast of Albay (including Legazpi City and Tabaco City) and northern Sorsogon. Standard Bikol is generally understood by other Bikol speakers and is the regional lingua franca. Did You Know?The Bikol language has no single word for ’when’.Well, out here in the southeast Luzon island in the Philippines we have two.
Bikol/Personal Pronouns. Personal pronouns refer to 1.) a person who is speaking or is spoken to, or 2.) a person being spoken about. The Bikol pronoun akó is the equivalent of the English word “I”. Keep In Mind:<br> Si is a Bikol word that serves as a marker to indicate that the focus of the sentence is the name of the person. There are two ways to use the personal pronoun akó as the subject of the sentence. 1.) Ako can be placed at the beginning of the sentence (before the verb). Example: Ako si Karl. 2.) In the inverted sentence form, it is placed after the predicate. You can use this form when having a casual conversation. Examples:<br> Magayon ako. ("I'm beautiful")<br> Nagkakawat ako. ("I'm playing") Quiz:<br> Translate these sentences in Bikol.<br> 1. I'm lazy.<br> 2. I'm Olivia.<br> 3. I'm Craig.<br> 4. I'm leaving for New York.<br> 5. I'm happy.
Bikol/Contents. Welcome to the course dedicated to teaching you the regional language of the Philippines spoken in Bicolandia. If you haven't already done so, please, spend a few minutes to first read the book's introduction and reading guide. Once that's done, you're ready to begin your very first Bicolano lesson! Good luck! If you have made contributions to this Wikibook and would like to have formal credit for being an author, please add your name to this list: Authors and Contributors.
Bikol/External Links. Bikol<br>ᜊᜒᜃᜓᜎ᜔ <br>
Openness in Education. Open Access (OA). Open access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Open Access (OA) to research is defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative as “availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of [research] articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself” while authors retain integrity and acknowledgment of work. Important components of the OA model include: Open Educational Resources (OER). OER are education resources with legal permissions for the public to freely access, use, edit, and share to better serve all students. “Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (1) in the public domain or (2) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities” The 5Rs are shorthand way of remembering the activities a license must permit for engagement in regard to an educational resource for that resource to be properly considered an Open Educational Resource (OER) [David Wiley]. If not public domain, these resources will be licensed under a Creative Commons license that permits the creation of derivative works – ', ', ', or ' the 5Rs include: OER comes in all shapes and sizes, from a single video to an entire degree program. OER are often collected together to resemble a traditional textbook to ease the transition process from copyrighted resources, and these are labelled ‘open textbooks’. Alternatively, OER can be aggregated and presented as digital courseware. See examples of open textbooks: OpenStax,the Open Textbook Library or the BC Open Textbook Project. See examples of digital courseware: Open Education Consortium and MIT OCW. The Relationship Between OA and OER. Works with different licenses may fall under different terms: Cultural Works (FCW), Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA).   Paul West summarises the differences between the three categories as follows:“Where a work is licensed with an ND restriction, it is called “Open Access” and not OER, just as when a work is licensed with an NC restriction, it may be called OER, but not FCW. If a resource is accessible and free of cost (other than the cost of the Internet connection), but does not fit the definitions of FCW or OER, it is called Open Access” However, three categories overlap: 'Educational Resources and Open Access freedoms - Terms that overlap the licenses' by Paul West, CC-BY 4.0. Adapted from: Creative Commons, Open Licensing & Open Education, by Cable Green, CC-BY The Importance of Open Access for Faculty and Students. Open access is more efficient, equitable, affordable, and collaborative [cc book]. As journal prices continue to increase, they outpace library budgets, resulting in academic libraries often having to cancel subscriptions or shift money away from other budget items, ultimately limiting access to research.   In addition, traditional publishers often require the transfer of exclusive rights when accepting works which can potentially result in institutions unable to access their own research. Open access provides for researchers to retain rights to articles, allowing for deposit of works in institutional repositories for long-term access and preservation. Whether submitting research to gold open access journals or green open access repositories, access is improved for faculty and students, and the public. When authors publish under open licences, this further permits the reuse of the research, “thus has the potential to transform the literature into a much more powerful resource for research, education and innovation”. This is demonstrated in the Human Genome Project which has achieved $796bn of economic impact with enormous implications for health care, as reported by the Battelle Technology Partnership in 2011. “These are the kinds of economic and societal opportunities that become possible when barriers to exploiting the results of research are taken down”. This type of open access system is better aligned with the original purpose of research, education and innovation, sharing results openly through the scholarly publishing process. “We need to look beyond open access's economic effect on existing barrier-based publishers and see the effect it will have on society as a whole”. The Importance of Open Educational Resources for Faculty and Students. OER remove barriers. “At its core, OER is about making sure everyone has access. Not just rich people, not just people who can see or hear, not just people who can read English – everyone”. The OER model can generate more equitable economic opportunities and social benefits globally without sacrificing quality of education content. In fact, research shows that students save money when teachers adopt OER content and have equal or better outcomes.   OER also provide opportunities for new ways of learning and continuous improvements in course design, as learners and educators engage with resources which enable open pedagogy and evidence-based practices. “Openness in education means more than just access... [it] means designing content and practices that ensure everyone can actively participate and contribute to the sum of all human knowledge”. “Openness in Education” by Natalie Hull is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 except where otherwise noted.
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation. In this book to create communion, sharing and solidarity in the social sphere, we will describe some open source software necessary to manage Lets (Local exchange trading system) that is, democratically organized non-profit businesses or communities that provide a exchange of goods and services, using a currency created locally, Time Banks which unlike the Lets can only exchange services, using time in hours as currency and finally Food donation where they appear 3 figures: the donor who donates food, the associations who book the donated food and then deliver it to less well-off families and the delivery drivers who take the food from the donors and bring it to the associations.<br><br> As regards Lets, the main usable software, released under the GNU (General Public Licence) license is Cyclos written in Java and installable on any operating system or on the network mainly in special web hosting which offer it already pre-configured, or you can use an online community version for free at: https://communities.cyclos.org/register/app/form. This latest version will be analyzed in this book. For assistance on the use of Cyclos you can use the following forum: https://forum.cyclos.org/ <br><br> As regards Time Banks, in addition to Cyclos itself, you can use Openbdt, a Web application in Italian to be translated into English, written in Php, Mysql, released under the GNU license and freely downloadable from Github: https://github.com/MassimoGirondi/openbdt <br><br> Finally, for food donation you can use the "'Food donation" app, a web application written in Php, Mysql, released under the MIT license and freely downloadable from Github: https://github.com/kishor-23/food-waste-management-system .
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Cyclos Install. To create an online community with Cyclos in order to create a Lets network with a community currency, you need to fill out the form found here: https://communities.cyclos.org/register/app/form <br><br> First you enter a "Network Name", this will be the name of your Lets network, e.g. "City of transition Rome". Then you enter your network URL, which will be the URL of your network's website. For example: when you enter "roma" your "URL" will be "https://communities.cyclos.org/roma". Next enter the name of your currency (e.g. "Units") and the symbol of your currency (e.g. "IU") and choose whether you want to display the currency symbol after the amount (e.g. "100 IU") or before (e.g. "IU 100"). <br><br> Finally select the type of credit issue. When you select "Negative Account Limit", each account will start with a zero balance, but the account can become negative up to the amount specified in the "Negative Account Limit" (also known as mutual credit). When you select "Initial Credit" each new user will receive an automatic payment from the system's debit account. The amount of this payment can be specified in the "Initial credit" field. <br><br> Note 1:The community configuration cannot be changed after its creation. Initial data such as account names and payment types will be created in the language you chose and cannot be changed later. <br><br> Note 2: The credit limit can be changed per user and a manual initial credit payment can be made (from the system debit account).<br><br> Enter your network administrator username. The administrator can use this username to log in to Cyclos. The password will be sent to you after validating your email.<br><br>
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Cyclos Administration Manual. After logging in with a username and password, the administrator can change personal settings such as the login password, update the profile and view notifications from the Personal Menu.<br><br> Administrator can search and register users from Menu: Users - Management. The page where you can search for users also has the ability to register new users. This can be done by selecting the 'New' button. If one or more groups exist (and you have permissions to manage the group) you will first need to select the group. <br><br> The administrator can view and edit logged in users from Menu: Users - Management - Logged in Users and Menu: Users - Management - User Profile. <br><br> Admin can make a payment from a user account to a system account, from a system account to a user account and from a user account to another user account via View user profile - Banking - Payment system-to -user and Menu: Banking - System Payment - To User . <br><br> You can change the credit limit of a user or an entire group of users from View User Profile - Accounts - Account Limits and View User Profile - Banking - Account Limits . The credit limit can be negative, meaning the user can start with a zero balance and then go negative. <br><br> It can also add the user to one or more groups and change their status to blocked or disabled. It can also remove or delete it. Can send messages to one or more users. <br> You can have an overview of all payments made in the system. It can set a negative balance limit that cannot be negatively exceeded by users or a positive balance limit that cannot be reached. Can set the maximum amount of a payment and the maximum number of payments per day/week/month/year...
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Cyclos User Manual. After logging in with username and password, the user can modify the profile fields. You can add and remove addresses, phones and images by selecting the corresponding tab. You can view your account information, such as your balance and payments. Clicking on a payment will open the payment details. It is possible to make a payment to another user or a payment to the system. It is possible to search for users. User search will search all fields of the user profile. You can search among advertisements. When you click on the advert you will be taken to the advert details. On the details page you can go directly to the user's (publisher) profile or post a question about the ad. It is possible to insert a new advertisement. All fields are self-explanatory. You must insert an image into your ad by selecting the "image" link. Your ads can be updated by clicking on the "Edit" icon. You can send messages to users or to the administration (organization). When sending a message to the administration you will have to select a category of messages (for example support, loan request, complaint)...
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Openbdt Install. Openbdt, in Italian to be translated into English, useful for managing a time bank, can only be used locally on your PC, as it contains a Php version lower than 6, so putting it online would cause IT security problems. It is therefore necessary to install a version of Xampp lower than 6 on your PC, which can be downloaded from Sourceforge, being careful not to overwrite more recent versions of Xampp. On Windows you can choose the folder where to install Xampp, while on Linux the folder is always /opt . For example, a usable version of Xampp for Linux is this: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP%20Linux/5.6.40/. To install Openbdt you can follow the guide found here: https://girondi.net/it/post/openbdt/, after unzipping the openbdt-master.zip file in the Xampp htdocs folder.
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Openbdt User Manual. By logging into http://localhost/openbdt/ with username: admin and password: password you log in as administrators and need to change the password. The first thing the administrator needs to do is create time bank users from Administrator Menu --> Add User. Having done this, when a user must carry out an exchange in hours with another user or with the administrator, he must log in with username and password and add an exchange by selecting the user with whom to exchange and the category and subcategory of the activity to be exchanged and the hours he wants to exchange. The exchange categories are: OTHER ASSISTANCE WELL-BEING AND PERSONAL CARE HOME CONSULTANCY KITCHEN HOBBY INFORMATICS LESSONS GARDEN AND GARDEN Some subcategories of exchanges are: Loan of Objects Accompaniment to cinemas/exhibitions/museums Intramuscular injections Cellar management Energy bills Cooking and dessert assistance Decoupage PC assistance English Gardening BDT management activities Hospital assistance Iridology, naturopathy and flower therapy Shutter maintenance Design - interiors - furnishings Homemade pastry Technical drawing of paintings IT Consulting Office Synergic vegetable gardens Activities not listed Babysitter Styling Home maintenance Energy saving etc. etc. By clicking on Balance you can see all the trades made by the user and the overall balance of the hours. Each user can record her skills according to categories and subcategories. From the administrator menu --> User management the administrator can carry out various actions on the user including viewing the history, modifying the data, deleting him etc. From the Cashier Menu you can view all exchanges and all skills and you can create new categories and subcategories.
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Food donation Install. Installation on your PC. To install ChurchCRM on your PC, proceed as follows:<br><br> 1) Download XAMPP from here: and install it for example in the Documents folder, while on Ubuntu it will be installed in the /opt folder <br> 2) Start XAMPP on Windows by clicking on xampp-control in its installation folder and pressing the Start buttons for Apache and MySql, while on Ubuntu type in the terminal: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start <br> 3) Download the Food Donation from here and unzip the file in the XAMPP htdocs folder <br> 4) Connect with phpmyadmin by typing http://localhost/phpmyadmin in the browser, create a new MySQL database after selecting New and import the database/demo.sql file <br> 5) Edit the files connection.php, fooddonateform.php, admin/analytics.php, admin/donate.php, admin/feedback.php, admin/admin.php by inserting the MySql database data in the lines : $connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", ""); $db = mysqli_select_db($connection, 'db_name');<br> 6) Modify the files fooddonateform.php, admin/login.php, admin/donate.php, admin/signup.php, fooddonateform.php, delivery/deliverysignup.php by inserting the neighborhoods of the city where the app works: <select id="district" name="district" style="padding:10px;"> <option value="courts">Courts</option> <option value="palazzo_reale">Royal Palace</option> <option value="oreto_stazione" selected>Oreto Stazione</option> <option value="santa_rosalia">Santa Rosalia</option> <option value="calatafimi">Calatafimi</option> <option value="zisa">Zisa</option> <option value="walnut">Walnut</option> <option value="malaspina">Malaspina</option> <option value="liberta">Freedom</option> <option value="politeama">Politeama</option> <option value="settecannoli">Settecannoli</option> <option value="Brancaccio">Brancaccio</option> <option value="falsomiele">Falsomiele</option> <option value="mezzomonreale">Mezzomonreale</option> <option value="altarello">Altarello</option> <option value="boccadifalco">Boccadifalco</option> <option value="hearer">Hearer</option> <option value="borgonuovo">Borgonuovo</option> <option value="cruillas">Cruillas</option> <option value="san_lorenzo">San Lorenzo</option> <option value="tommaso_natale">Tommaso Natale</option> <option value="partanna">Partanna</option> <option value="pallavicino">Pallavicino</option> <option value="montepellegrino">Montepellegrino</option> <option value="arenella">Arenella</option> </select> 7) Start Food donation by typing http://localhost/food_donation in your browser. Online installation. Wanting to install Food donation on Php,MySQl hosting after creating an account on it. Edit the connection.php, fooddonateform.php, admin/analytics.php, admin/donate.php, admin/feedback.php, admin/admin.php files in the food_donation folder as above and use the FileZilla program to upload the folder food_donation to the server . Create the demo database via phpmyadmin and import the database/demo.sql file. Request the https service from hosting. Start Food donation by typing https://www.my_hosting.org/food_donation/ in your browser.
Open source software on Lets, Time Banks and Food Donation/Food donation User Manual. On the home page of the app you can log in as a donor, association or delivery person. <br><br> By logging in as a donor and clicking on "Donate food" a form will open with self-explanatory fields where you can indicate the food to be donated, the address and neighborhood where the deliveryman will take delivery of the food and your mobile number. <br> By logging in as an association, after having previously indicated your address and mobile number, you will be able to book the donated food, in order to deliver it to less well-off people, view the history of all the food booked and all that donated.<br> By logging in as a delivery driver you will be able to choose to take food from donors and take them to the associations that booked them.
Bikol/Possessive Pronouns. Bikol possessive pronouns: Possessive pronouns are used in Bikol to describe possession or ownership. The Bikol word for 'my' is 'ko'. Unlike English, the word 'ko' is placed after the noun. Examples:<br> an harong ko<br>my house<br> an libro ko<br>my book<br> an kwarta ko<br>my money<br> an lamesa ko<br>my table<br> an kama ko<br>my bed Possessive pronouns are used to describe ownership or possession. To start out, learn to use just two Bikol possessive pronouns. We suggest you learn<br> an ina ko (my mother)<br> an ama ko (my father)<br> an ina mo (your mother)<br> an ama mo (your father).<br> Quiz:<br> Translate these phrases in Bikol.<br> 1. your eyes<br> 2. my blanket<br> 3. my toy<br> 4. your friend<br> 5. our house<br> Inclusivity. ta or niato (inclusive "our")<br> mi or niamo (exclusive "our") The words niato and niamo are formal words; not used in daily conversation. Examples:<br> an harong ta<br>our house (inclusive)<br> an libro mi<br>our book (exclusive)<br> an kwarta mi<br>our money (exclusive)<br> an lamesa ta<br>our table (inclusive)<br> an kama ta<br>our bed (inclusive) Quiz:<br> Translate these phrases in Bikol.<br> 1. our eyes (exclusive)<br> 2. our blanket (exclusive)<br> 3. our toy (inclusive)<br> 4. our friend (inclusive)<br> 5. their house<br> Group of people. When an object belongs to a group of people that you are talking to, use nindo. When an object belongs to group of people that you are talking about, use ninda. Examples:<br> an harong nindo<br>your house (plural)<br> an libro ninda<br>their book<br> an kwarta ninda<br>their money<br> an lamesa nindo<br>your table (plural)<br> an kama ko<br>my bed Quiz:<br> Translate these phrases in Bikol.<br> 1. her eyes<br> 2. his blanket<br> 3. her toy<br> 4. her friend<br> 5. his house<br> Not Gendered. The English words "his" and "her" are gendered. Those two words have only one word in Bikol and they are translated as niya. Bikol is not a gendered language. Examples:<br> an harong niya<br>his house<br> an libro niya<br>her book<br> an kwarta niya<br>her money<br> an lamesa niya<br>his table<br> an kama niya<br>her bed Quiz:<br> Translate these phrases in Bikol.<br> 1. his eyes<br> 2. her blanket<br> 3. his toy<br> 4. her friend<br> 5. her house<br>
Bikol/Diacritics. Diacritics ("tandang panduon") are normally not written in everyday usage, be it in publications or personal correspondence. The teaching of diacritics is inconsistent in Philippine schools and many "Bicolanos" do not know how to use them. However, diacritics are normally used in dictionaries and in textbooks aimed at teaching the language to foreigners. "There" "are" "three" "kinds" "of" "diacritics" "used" "in Bikol": Used to indicate primary or secondary stress on a particular syllable; "marháy". It is usually omitted on words that are stressed on the penultimate (second to the last) syllable; "babáyi" = "babayi". It is possible that there is more than one stressed syllable in a word, meaning that that pahilíg mark may appear multiple times, as in Repúbliká. If there is no diacritic on the last two syllables of a word, then it means that there is stress on the penultimate syllable. It indicates that there is a glottal stop (/ʔ/) at the end of the word. This mark may only appear at the end of a word that ends in a vowel. This mark does not indicate stress. Therefore, following the previously stated rule on stress, "sampulò" is stressed on the second to the last syllable. It indicates that the final syllable of a word receives stress while there is a glottal stop that follows; "udô". This is because it is a combination of the pahilíg and paiwà marks. This mark may only appear at the end of a word that ends in a vowel. Diacritics are an optional aspect of the Bikol orthography. Most Bicolanos (and Philippine news journals) write Bikol without using any diacritic at all. However, pieces of Bikol writing which use diacritics can occasionally be found in some religious journals, old books, and others. A word in Bikol spelled in a certain way without the diacritics can actually be pronounced in four ways, and each case results into a different meaning or a different word in itself. The four cases are: Stressed end This case is where a word is stressed in the last or end syllable. The vowel of the last syllable should contain an acute diacritic mark. Examples: "akó" (me), "ika" (you), "lanob" (wall), "sangá" (branch), "talagá" (really) Unstressed end This case is where a word is unstressed in the last or end syllable. In Bikol, this entails the need to stress the penultimate or 2nd-to-the-last syllable. The vowel of the penultimate syllable should contain an acute diacritic mark. Examples: "bóbo" (moron), "hábal-hábal" (motorcyle taxi), "salog" (river), "sáko" (sack), "ága" (morning) Glottal stopped end This case is where a word is applied with a glottal stop in the last or end syllable which is unstressed. The vowel of the last syllable should contain a grave diacritic mark. Examples: "sampulò" (ten), "bagà" (lungs), "lahì" (race), "akò" (to accept) Because the last syllable is unstressed, then just like the unstressed end case, the penultimate syllable is therefore stressed. This means we could spell it like "bágà". However, there is no need to add the acute diacritic mark in there. So "bagà" is okay. Glottal stopped stressed end This case is where a word is applied with a glottal stop in the last or end syllable which is stressed. The vowel of the last syllable should contain a circumflex diacritic mark. You can imagine "â" as "á" and "à" combined. Examples: "gapô" (stone), "dagâ" (soil), "tahî" (sew) Initial and medial glottal stops This case is where a word contains glottal stops at the first syllable or sometimes within a word. Examples: "Kinàban" (Earth), "làya" (ginger), "làtog" (erection) Stress. Although Bikol is pronounced as it is spelled, stress is very unpredictable and stressing the wrong syllable can lead to misinterpretation; for that reason, almost every book and dictionary concerning the Bikol language will put an accent mark (´) on the stressed syllable.
Neurology and Neurosurgery/Stroke. Stroke (brain attack) is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death. There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. Both cause parts of the brain to stop functioning properly.
Neurology and Neurosurgery/Drugs. A drug is any chemical substance that when consumed causes a change in an organism's physiology, including its psychology, if applicable.[1][2][vague] Drugs are typically distinguished from food and other substances that provide nutritional support. Consumption of drugs can be via inhalation, injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin, suppository, or dissolution under the tongue.
History of video games/Platforms/M17. History. In October of 2023 the system cost $55.99 with a 64GB capacity or $62.99 for double the storage. Technology. The system used an RK3126 as a processor. The system included 256MB of RAM and 4GB of eMMC storage. The system ran Linux as an operating system.
History of video games/Platforms/Anbernic RG ARC. Technology. The system was sold in both two versions, a high end "D" model, and a lower end "S" model. Both systems were based on the quad core RK3566, clocked at 1.8 GHz. Hardware. The design of the system is commonly cited as being inspired by the Sega Saturn.
Mobility 2050/The Future of the 15-Minute City. The 15-minute city is an urban design concept in which everyday destinations (such as homes, shops, work, education, healthcare, and recreation) are reachable within 15 minutes by foot, bike, or public transport from any point in a city. The concept emphasizes accessibility, sustainability, health & safety, and quality of life for city residents. Examples of 15-minute cities include Paris, France and Utrecht. The 15-minute city aims to reduce car travel within cities, which in turn reduces carbon emissions and increases equity and access for residents. Car-based cities now limit easy transportation to private car owners, which restricts the mobility of several demographics and socio-economic groups. This includes children too young to drive, elderly people who can no longer drive, people whose judgement was poor and driver's license was revoked, people who cannot afford a car, and individuals under the influence, among others. With movement toward 15-minute cities, emergency services such as hospitals and fire stations increase in availability, grocery stores become more accessible which eliminates food deserts, and education rates increase with schools being closer to home. Case Studies. Paris, France. Paris, like the United States, once had a well-defined, car-centric infrastructure that caused congestion and pollution. This changed when Paris's mayor, Anne Hidalgo, was re-elected in 2020, with a promise to make Paris a 15-minute city. She worked with urbanist Carlos Moreno, who coined the term "15-minute city" in 2015. Hidalgo's success comes from changing Paris's infrastructure to prioritize bikers and pedestrians over drivers. She phased out private diesel cars, opened parks along old highways, increased parking meter prices, and added bus and bike lanes. Portland, Oregon. Portland is developing their version of a 15-minute city, with their plan for 20-minute neighborhoods created in 2010. Their 2035 goals include raising high school graduation rates and increasing post-secondary degree and certificate access. They want to create healthy neighborhoods by promoting physical activity, healthier eating and affordable public transportation. They are expanding wellness opportunities, which include physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health services. Shanghai, China. In 2016, Shanghai became the first Chinese city to commit to the 15-minute city approach to urban planning. In the past several decades, China has experienced a fractured sense of community within neighborhoods due to changes in urban development. However, the desirability of 15-minute cities to promote community life caused local governments to back non-profit organizations like Dayu Community Design to promote community action and combat atomization. For example, in Shanghai's Xinhua neighborhood, non-profits have helped revitalize backstreets and increase accessibility for residents with disabilities. The 15-minute city initiative has been implemented in other Chinese cities, like Baoding and Guangzhou. Limiting Factors. Urban sprawl. Urban sprawl results from spread-out development of infrastructure. It puts long distances between residential areas, offices, and stores, which causes car reliance for basic necessities and services. This limits compact, walkable urban areas that are favorable for 15-minute cities. Car reliance causes traffic congestion, which wastes fuel, contributes to air pollution, and leads localities to expand roads, which results in more traffic and sprawl. In the US, urban sprawl results from zoning regulations that prioritize single-use developments (such as residential suburbs), which limits space for public areas like parks and schools. Some concepts used to mitigate urban sprawl include mixed-use development and transit-oriented development. Mixed-use development introduces affordable housing and promotes community and socialization in affected areas. However, the long-established land use ordinances and strict zoning laws most US cities have prevents mixed-use development and 15-minute cities. New policymakers will address these concerns by changing urban planning and reforming policies, namely by relaxing zoning. Communities coming together with complaints regarding crowded schools, increased traffic congestion, and higher taxes will create 15-minute cities. Conspiracy theories. Opponents of 15-minute cities claim the government's plan is to remove cars and intrude on individuals' personal freedoms. They claim the U.S. will become a "government-run, open-air prison". They argue that requiring walking or biking will give the government control and digital surveillance over citizens' lives. Others claim that neighborhoods will become "concentration camps" and life will be like "the Hunger Games". They claim that having no cars will divide cities and keep people in their "factions". Eliminating cars is not a goal of 15-minute cities. The idea emphasizes that cars are not required for safe, simple transportation around the city. With infrastructure designed for walking, cycling, and public transit, the 15-minute city offers a freedom of mobility that car-dependent cities make near impossible. In a 2021 interview for "Slate", Paris Deputy Mayor David Belliard summarized his experience with the burden car-centric cities place on their residents: "When I was in Vesoul, I was obliged to have a car, the car was not an object of emancipation but of servitude. I could do nothing without my car." The propaganda mindset results from misinformation. Once 15-minute cities become accessible, people will realize they can keep their cars with freedom to drive everywhere; they just no longer are solely dependent on cars. CityAccessMap. CityAccessMap maps 15-minute cities across the globe. 15-minute cities are abundant in the UK, India, and Japan. Thus, we know it's possible for 15-minute cities to become standard in some countries. However, in the United States, they are sparse and only seen in larger cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago. In 2050, after increased gas prices and a shift in policymakers, zoning laws will change, allowing big United States cities to become 15-minute cities, and small cities like Charlottesville to follow suit. Predictions. The 15-minute city is feasible and is already established in cities like New York City and Los Angeles, but abandoning cars is currently undesirable, due to its convenience and cost-effectiveness. Outside of the US, public transport is essential, but in US cities, it is seen as social welfare. Local politicians see transit as government aid for people without cars, which is a narrative that must change for the 15-minute city to become standard. Reduction in convenience of private cars. For the 15-minute city to become feasible, obstacles must hinder private cars' desirability, which could include gas prices rising in the coming years. Private cars will no longer be seen as the cost-effective option, which would motivate a switch to less expensive alternative modes of transport. Regulations will reduce the production and sales of gas-powered cars with internal combustion engines (ICEs), much like California's current requirement that all sales of new light-duty passenger vehicles be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035. ZEVs include battery-electric and fuel cell electric vehicles, so electric vehicles will become a significant portion of the auto market by 2050. However, considering potential sustainability limitations on current methods of mineral extraction and production of EV batteries, electric cars could still be too expensive for the average consumer to purchase, which would reduce the general use of cars. Pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly urban spaces. Walking and biking will only be widely adopted by city travelers if established as safe and convenient transit options, which requires traffic infrastructure designed with pedestrians and cyclists in mind. Notably, bike lanes could be created or select roads could be transformed into pedestrian plazas out of alternative mobility desires. These modifications might first be temporary, low-cost projects (as some bike lanes in Paris initially were), such that local governments can experiment with the adjustments and seek feedback from residents before committing to a permanent project that requires more extensive development. These experimental projects will encourage local planning commissions to act, as they will take on less immediate risk, face fewer delays from red tape, and better serve the community in their urban design decisions. Additionally, cities will be made conducive to walking and cycling through the reform of zoning and land-use regulations. If zoning laws are loosened, then mixed-used developments and affordable housing will be more easily and quickly constructed. Mixed-use development promotes density and variety in urban spaces, so that services and facilities are accessibly located and established in accordance with the needs of the area. Affordable housing near to everyday destinations in the city decreases daily commutes to comfortable walking or biking distance. Educating younger generations. The shift towards an alternative mobility initiative starts with children, by teaching them that walking, biking, and using public transit is healthy and necessary to fight climate change. While many adults are already rooted in notions of convenience and the car-dependent status quo, younger generations can be taught early on to take their mobility into their own hands.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. Bb5/3...a6/4. Nxe5. The best move in this position is /4...axb5/ according to Stockfish but /4...Nxe5/ is more common.
Bikol/Particles. A particle is a word that has a grammatical function but does not fit into the main parts of speech (i.e. noun, verb, adverb). Particles do not change. The infinitive 'to' in 'to fly' is an example of a particle, although it can also act as a preposition, e.g. 'I'm going to the Philippines next week'. Lists:<br> Bikol has a rich set of discourse particles.
Oberon/SVN. SVN for the A2 Repository. SVN in a Unix-like System. Install Subversion. In Redhat, for example, sudo yum install subversion and in Debian. sudo apt install subversion Before attempting to create the local repository, check that UTF-8 character encoding is present in the system. An encoding failure will interrupt checkout with a report similar to this. svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with '/home/me/a2', work item 15168 (file-install 44 UnixAos/DarwinA2 Installer/A2 64.app/Icon{U+ F00D} 1 0 1 1) svn: E000022: Can't convert string from 'UTF-8' to native encoding: If a locales package is available, it should be installed and configured according to instructions such as for Debian. Encoding "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" and several others will be effective. At an arbitrary location, <somewhere>, in the user directory make a directory for the working copy of the repository. Eg. mkdir <somewhere>/a2 Clone the repository into the directory. In a graphical environment, a dialogue prompting for the password may appear. In that case, the password option should be omitted from the command. cd <somewhere>/a2 svn checkout \ --username infsvn.anonymous \ --password anonymous \ https://svn-dept.inf.ethz.ch/svn/lecturers/a2/trunk . Files will be reported as they are retrieved. Redirecting to URL 'https://svn.inf.ethz.ch/svn/lecturers/a2/trunk': A UnixAos A UnixAos/buildtools A UnixAos/buildtools/Darwin.AMD64.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/Solaris.I386.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/Solaris.AMD64.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/UnixAosBuild.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/Linux.I386.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/Linux.AMD64.Tool A UnixAos/buildtools/Darwin.I386.Tool A UnixAos/boot If checkout is interrupted, by an encoding error or communication failure, this should recover. cd <somewhere>/a2 svn cleanup . svn update . Check that the local repository is complete. svn status <somewhere>/a2 Subsequently, the local repository can be updated. cd <somewhere>/a2 svn update \ --username infsvn.anonymous \ --password anonymous . See what has changed (including every changed file) since this subversion repository was created. This will produce a very large output. svn -v log <somewhere>/a2 For additional details refer to the svn manual. Documentation predating the SVN archive is in A2Documentation.pdf available from http://cas.inf.ethz.ch/projects/a2/repository/show/trunk/ocp/Documentation. Also refer to the Wayback Machine. SVN in MS Windows. While SVN is not distributed with Windows, third party softwares are available. TortoiseSVN is one possibility. Install an SVN client and proceed as for Unix-like system as described above. SVN commands are executed in Powershell or in the cmd console (instead of "mkdir" use "md"; don't include the Backslash indicating continuity of the svn command), both available in Windows 10. The executable script for Windows is named a2.bat rather than a2.sh. If using PowerShell change "oberon" in a2.bat to "./oberon" or ".\oberon".
Bikol/Speech Register. Bikol has a a speech level or register not found in any Philippine language. Its called “angry register” by Jason Lobel but is a misnomer since one does not have to be angry to use it. One can use it if irritated, or wants to intimidate, antagonize, shock, to illicit laughter, to spice up a conversation, or to put people down or outside their normal place. Xyller Yañez in his blog called it Palanit, and the other register Palumhok. Palanit register can also use words that imply vulgar, unpolished behavior, or apply words normally descriptive of animals. Both palanit and palumhok describe the speaker’s attitude towards the thing, or emotions at that moment. The following are just a few of the examples in Bikol. The speech register of Bikol, also known natively as "tamanggot", is sometimes used by mothers when nagging. Some examples of the register include:
Foreign Alphabet/Tagalog. Tagalog language uses Latin alphabet.<br> majuscule — minuscule
Foreign Alphabet/Bikol. Bikol language uses the Latin alphabet.<br> majuscule — minuscule
Foreign Alphabet/Korean/ㅂ. Bieup B>like the start of a word in the word book or in the word bear.
Chatbots For Social Change/Practicalities of LLMs. Statement Embedding Models. For generating embeddings of statements that can assess the similarity in meaning between two statements, several state-of-the-art, open-source algorithms and tools are available: OpenAI's Embedding Models OpenAI offers embedding models that are particularly tuned for functionalities such as text similarity and text search. These models receive text as input and return an embedding vector that can be utilized for a variety of applications, including assessing the similarity between statements. Spark NLP This open-source library provides a suite of transformer-based models, including BERT and Universal Sentence Encoder, which are capable of creating rich semantic embeddings. The library is fully open-source under the Apache 2.0 license. To use Spark NLP you need the following requirements: GPU (optional): Spark NLP 5.1.4 is built with ONNX 1.15.1 and TensorFlow 2.7.1 deep learning engines. The minimum following NVIDIA® software are only required for GPU support: Vector Similarity Search. LLMRails. The MTEB led me to the ember-v1 model by llmrails, because of its success on the SprintDuplicateQuestions dataset. The goal is to embed statements such that statements or questions which are deemed by a community to be duplicates are closest. The dataset compiles marked duplicates from "Stack Exchange", the "Sprint technical forum website", and "Quora". LLMrails is a platform that offers robust embedding models to enhance applications' understanding of text significance on a large scale. This includes features like semantic search, categorization, and reranking capabilities. Pricing: "Elevate your data game with our cutting-edge ChatGPT-style chatbot! All you need to do is link your data sources and watch as our chatbot transforms your data into actionable insights." LLMRails is revolutionizing search technology, offering developers unparalleled access to advanced neural technology. Providing more precise and pertinent results paves the way for transformative changes in the field of search technology, making it accessible to a wide range of developers. From the website: "with private invitation, join the LLMRails and start your AI advanture!" How did they get this wrong? Open Source Models. Milvus Benchmark Milvus has conducted benchmarks, which should give us an idea of overall cost, and how much we can scale before buckling. To find an approximate AWS EC2 equivalent, we would need to match these specs as closely as possible. Given the CPU and memory specifications, you might look into the EC2 instances that offer Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (2nd Gen or 3rd Gen) and the ability to configure large amounts of memory. A possible match could be an instance from the m5 or r5 families, which are designed for general-purpose (m5) or memory-optimized (r5) workloads. For example, the r5.12xlarge instance provides 48 vCPUs and 384 GiB of memory, which, while not an exact match to your specs (since it has less memory), is within the same performance ballpark. However, keep in mind that AWS offers a wide range of EC2 instances, and the actual choice would depend on the specific balance of CPU, memory, and I/O performance that you need for your application. Also, pricing can vary significantly based on region, reserved vs. on-demand usage, and additional options like using Elastic Block Store (EBS) optimized instances or adding extra SSD storage. Using the AWS pricing calculator, this amounts to $3 hourly. There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so $PQ = $3 / (7k * 3600) = $0.000000119 per query... Large Language Models. A useful article, comparing open-source LLM models, was published here, in Medium. LLMs On Your Own Hardware. From the model card: "Llama 2 is an auto-regressive language model that uses an optimized transformer architecture. Llama 2 is intended for commercial and research use in English. It comes in a range of parameter sizes—7 billion, 13 billion, and 70 billion—as well as pre-trained and fine-tuned variations." It turns out that you have to ask Microsoft nicely to get access to the parameter sets, agreeing to terms of use. Hardware requirements of Llama (Nov 2023) Benchmarking AWS SageMaker and Llama Fortunately, Phil Schmid has conducted thorough benchmarks of different deployments of Llama on SageMaker in AWS. His blog posts in 2023 in particular are an incredible reference for getting started with these LLMs. To give the most economical example, The g5.2xlarge ($1.52 / hour) can handle 5 concurrent requests delivering 120 tokens of output per second. Incredible! That's $3.50 per 1M tokens. ChatGPT, for comparison, offers gpt-3.5-turbo (the cheapest option) at $0.0020 per 1K tokens, or $2.00 per 1M tokens. Comparable, and not surprising that OpenAI is cheaper. Let's compare the most expensive to the most sophisticated OpenAI model, GPT-4. Llama 70B runs on a $37.69 server (ml.p4d.24xlarge) serving 20 concurrent requests at 321 tokens/second. That's $10.43 per 1M tokens. For comparison, GPT-4 costs $0.06 per 1K tokens, or $60 per 1M. It should be noted as well that Phil Schmid was able to get decent performance (15 seconds per thousand tokens generated) for a budget deployment in AWS's new inferentia2 hardware (inf2.xlarge), which costs just $0.75 per hour. That's $550 per month, so better not leave it on, but still. Very cool! He trains a 7B parameter Mistral model using ml.g5.4xlarge ($2.03 / hour). It was able to fine-tune based on 15,001 examples, processed in whole 3 times (epochs), in 3.9 hours, giving an overall cost of <$8. Integrations. To achieve the widest reach, we want to integrate our chatbots with low-effort communication media, such as text messages, phone calls, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, or perhaps decentralized messaging platforms like those built on nostr. Each option has somewhat different benefits, limitations, and monetary cost. This section gives an overview of the available connections, along with the pricing and basic principles to get you started. Facebook (now under the parent company Meta) has plans to integrate its messaging services across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Mark Zuckerberg is leading an initiative to merge the underlying technical infrastructure of these apps, while keeping them as separate apps. This would allow cross-platform messaging between the services, with all the messaging apps adopting end-to-end encryption. The integration raises concerns around antitrust issues, privacy, and further consolidation of Facebook's power over its various platforms. Third-party platforms like Tidio, Aivo's AgentBot, Respond.io, BotsCrew, Gupshup, Landbot, and Sinch Engage allow businesses to create chatbots that can integrate with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and other channels. Here is a table summarizing the messaging integrations supported by various third-party platforms, along with their approximate pricing and relevant notes: All the listed platforms support WhatsApp integration, as it is a popular messaging channel for businesses. Some platforms like Landbot and Flowable Engage also support Facebook Messenger integration. Platforms like Flowable Engage offer integration with additional messaging apps like WeChat and LINE. Pricing models vary, with some offering subscription plans (monthly/annual) and others following a pay-per-message or per-agent model. Certain platforms bundle additional features like AI chatbots, custom workflows, surveys, etc. along with messaging integration. The search results indicate that Meta (Facebook) is working on enabling interoperability between its own messaging apps (WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram) as well as with approved third-party messaging services, as mandated by the EU's Digital Markets Act. However, the extent of this interoperability and its impact on existing third-party integrations is currently unclear.
Neurology and Neurosurgery/Brain Death. A permanent, irreversible and complete loss of the brain function which my included cessation of involuntary activity necessary to sustain life. It differs from persistent vegetative state, in which a person is alive and same automatic functions remain
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...c6/2. d4/2...d5/3. Nc3/3...dxe4/4. Bc4. = Von Hennig Gambit = 4. Bc4. White is playing in a way reminiscent of the Blackmar-Diemer gambit, and indeed the popular lines fall into that trend. The Stockfish continuation is 4... b5, but more common are 4... Nf6 and 4... Bf5, the latter of which transposing to the main line of the former after 5. f3 exf3 6. Nxf3 Nf6. The main line after 4... Nf6 is 5. f3 exf3 Nxf3 (5... Bf5 is another line, best responded to with 6. fxe4 Nxe4 7. Qf3). In this position the main moves are 6... Bf5, 6... Bg4, and 6... e6. 6... Bg4 falls into a trap after 7. Bxf7+ Kxf7 8. Ne5+ winning a piece or the slightly worse 7. Ne5, where Bxd1 hangs Bxf7# and all other moves besides Be6 and Qc8 nearly instantly lose, while those 2 moves still leave white with a nice advantage. 6... e6 is played the most like a Blackmar-Diemer with ideas of O-O, Qe1-h4, and Bd3. 6... Bf5 is the main line, which is followed up with 7. O-O e6 8. Ng5 Bg6 (preventing Rxf5 where recaptures leads to a fork), where white's options are the calm 9. Ne2 and 9. Bf4 or the wild 9. Bxe6 fxe6 10. Nxe6, which will force black to either give up their queen or weather an incredibly dangerous attack.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...d6/2. d4/2...Nf6/3. Nc3/3...g6/4. Be2. =Semi-Classical Variation= 4. Be2. This is a move that can either lead to a transpositon to the Classical Variation with 4... Bg7 5. Nf3 or the aggressive 4... Bg7 5. g4 (Chinese Variation) and 4... Bg7 5. h4 (Bayonet Attack)
Kitchen Remodel. About this book. Target group for this book are readers of any level of professionalism who plan or prepare a kitchen installation or kitchen remodel, no matter of scale or scope. Since the example is taken from California, some of the suggestions are probably the most applicable for readers in North America or Mexico, but the bulk of them may apply to many other countries as well. This book is a guide to kitchen remodel projects which include: Since I cannot cover those topics to the degree of a regular handbook, I am telling specifically the story of my own recent kitchen remodel, into which I put a lot of thought and research. The sheer amount of information that I had gathered throughout this process was so large that it would have been a pity not to write it down in order to make it accessible for others. About the author. I'd like to point out that I am "not" an architect or kitchen designer, only a somehow resourceful and keenly interested amateur who went through the process of a kitchen remodel twice in only a few years. The first time, I relied on the work of a professional kitchen designer. The result was that I liked the outcome, but over time I figured that I could have done much, much better if I had been more involved in the creative process. Luckily, I got a second chance when we moved into a new home and decided to have a kitchen remodel once more. As I am not a native speaker of English, my writing is probably satiated with spelling errors and awkward phrasing. Everyone is welcome to help me out there.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e6/2. d4/2...d5/3. Nc3/3...dxe4. Rubinstein French. The Rubinstein French is a move that is often played to reduce theory, as it can also be played after the Tarrasch where in both cases the most common move by a landslide is 4. Nxd4. After this, black will most likely play either 4...Nf6, 4...Nd7, 4...Bd7, or 4...Be7. 4...Nf6 is usually followed with 5. Nxf6, where 5...Qxf6 is solid but uneventful while 5...gxf6 is similar to the aggressive Bronstein-Larsen variation of the Caro-Kann. 4...Bd7, the Fort Knox variation is designed to solve the problem of the French Bishop by moving it to c6, and is also the simplest of the 4. 4...Be7 and 4...Nd7 (the main line) both have similar ideas of playing Nf6 later and recapturing with a minor piece, and following with a pawn break with either c5 or e5.
Kitchen Remodel/The old kitchen. The old kitchen. The house was built in 1980, and the old kitchen that was to be replaced was probably original from that year. This kitchen was high-style 1980s, with a lot of features that were typical for that time period in kitchen design, and actually beautifully and professionally designed, much more inventive and better thought through than many kitchens that I have seen from later periods. It was certainly the work of an architect and not just that of some builder or developer. The kitchen was preserved as a time capsule for the sole reason that the house had been rented out for decades; the owners' philosophy had been to invest only as much money into the property as was necessary to keep it in a rentable state. So from a preservationist's point of view, it may have been a questionable decision to destroy and to update this kitchen, but the 1980s are not my favorite period of design anyway and so we decided to kick off. But first, I want to give you the full picture. For somebody who is not a designer by profession but is up to design a kitchen anyway, it will be extremely helpful to study every example they can get hold of. Even if you hate your old kitchen, I believe it is very much worthwhile to thoroughly study it, and to identify what is good about it and what you really want to be different.
Neurology and Neurosurgery/Coma. A coma is a deep state of prolonged unconsciousness in which a person cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound, lacks a normal wake-sleep cycle and does not initiate voluntary actions.The person may experience respiratory and circulatory problems due to the body's inability to maintain normal bodily functions. People in a coma often require extensive medical care to maintain their health and prevent complications such as pneumonia or blood clots.Coma patients exhibit a complete absence of wakefulness and are unable to consciously feel, speak or move.Comas can be derived by natural causes, or can be medically induced.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. Bb5/3...a6/4. Ba4/4...Nf6/5. O-O/5...Be7/6. Re1/6...b5/7. Bb3/7...d6/8. c3/8...O-O/9. h3/9...Na5. Chigorin Defense. This is the old main line. Black chases white's bishop from the effective a2-g8 diagonal. Not only that, black opens up the c-pawn to expand on the queen side. Usually, after 10. Bc2 and 10…c5, if allowed, black will play 11…Nc6 and black ends up with a space advantage on the queen side.
Emulation/How to get games?. Getting games, also known as ROMs are in a complex state. While some people download ROMs ripped from friends, online, others copy (also known as rip) themselves with a tool. "Note: If you download ROMs and if you don't have physical copies of the games, please do this in a private window. Otherwise, you may get in a big trouble. Doing this leaves no traces of history and cookies (at least) and others won't see if you accessed on a ROM website. When you are finished, close the window to clear all traces of history and cookies from that session! Also check if the emulator has a option to disable recording traces of history (the recent games you played)." If you have a phyiscal copy of the game and if you dumped it. That's perfect and legal! You now have the ROM yourself copied from a physical copy! If you have a physical copy of the game and if you want to download a ROM. Sometimes it's legal, sometimes it's not legal. Decide! If you don't have a physical copy of the game and if you want to download a ROM. Please see above, or else you may get in a big trouble.
The University of 2050/Personalizing Curricula. Introduction. Variations in the modern higher education system reflect the diversity of individuals and their beliefs alongside career and industry demands. Universities of 2050 will remain unique, but flexible curricula will enhance higher education across the board. Higher education institutions seek to produce well-rounded students who will succeed in competitive and dynamic environments -- a selfless mission underscored by efforts to improve university reputations. Curriculum changes cannot jeopardize these goals, so social and technological developments will be equally vital in building the new educational landscape. "Personalizing Curricula" encompasses adapting core curricula, transitioning from "majors" to "focus areas", prioritizing skills-based education, tailoring course difficulty and pace via asynchronous study, and adopting tools such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI) alongside traditional content delivery techniques. This chapter will address the role of AI in personalizing curricula, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and social barriers to implementing new technology. Historical Context. Variety Among Curricula. Unlike K-12 schools whose graduation and curriculum requirements often fall under state governments, university deans and faculty shape higher education with external pressure from students, alumni, accreditation boards, and industry professionals. In 2023, the University of Pennsylvania's College of Arts and Sciences is a case study for core-curriculum-based programs. Students in the college must take courses in Society, History & Tradition, Arts & Letters, Humanities & Social Sciences, The Living World, The Physical World, and Natural Science Across Disciplines to supplement specialized major courses. The University believes an excellent education transcends degree requirements. Brown University's Open Curriculum approaches excellence differently. In 1966, Elliot Maxwell and Ira Magaziner formed the Group Independent Study Project (GISP) to reimagine Brown's curriculum with 25 students and faculty members. They suggested the complete elimination of distribution requirements and a Satisfactory/No Credit option for all courses, prioritizing student needs. A Brown University degree in 2023 consists of, at least, 30 courses,1 set of concentration requirements, and demonstrated writing competence. Students may engage with topics of interest across disciplines or specialize in one. Both Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania cultivate future leaders with expertise in one or more subjects and exposure to a variety of others. AI-powered personalized curricula offer unforeseen benefits that might augment existing systems. Existing Forms of Personalized Curricula. Personalized curricula existed in K-12 and higher education before the AI boom. Khan Academy, founded by Salman Khan in 2008, sets the standard for “personalized”. Students can take any course, in any subject, at any time, and monitor their own progress online. Khan’s goal was to “provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere”. The website offers instructional videos and practice problems for math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, standardized test prep, and more at K-12 and Advanced Placement levels. The programs are supplementary to a school education, but Khan’s format can be extrapolated to an asynchronous university program. The University of Wisconsin Madison demonstrates the feasibility of self-guided learning with its Technical Project Management course for adults. The course beings with a self-assessment in 4 key competencies: strategic thinking, project execution, team management, and project leadership. Each students selects a goal within one of the competencies that they would like to master. The initial assessment serves as an individual learning benchmark, and students work in teams throughout the semester with a dashboard to monitor progress. Students use the dashboards to provide feedback to each other, and faculty supplement that feedback while providing the means to apply skills and solve problems. UW-Madison’s Online Professional Master’s in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Web Map Programming extends the concept to an entire degree program. Students receive skill medals for courses they choose to complete, and medals “stack” to demonstrate expertise within a particular technology or subject to employers. AI will supplement these programs, improving the quality of feedback and streamlining dashboards to guarantee sufficient progress. The Introduction of AI. Large language models (LLMs) are AI programs trained to recognize and generate text, and LLM products can drastically improve the efficiency of teaching and learning new material. ChatGPT, released in November 2022, sparked a boom in Chatbots that predated relevant legislation. Universities struggle to address the capacity of Chatbots to complete coursework, and the university of the future must decide not "whether," but "how" to embrace LLMs in evaluating student performance. How can students be taught to use LLMs as a tool, without undermining their ability to grasp the basics of a new skill or concept? At the University of Virginia, students in Professor Peter Norton's Engineering Ethics and Professional Responsibility course are encouraged to utilize AI to enhance group discussions. In teams of 3 or 4, students teach and learn previously assigned books without doing the reading. Norton encourages his class to use AI or other resources to summarize the key teachings of novels, so students are exposed to the ideas of at least 3 authors a semester with added analysis by their peers. By encouraging students to "cut corners" in a beneficial way, Norton prevents AI from disrupting his goals as an educator. Following in Norton's footsteps, those who build curricula today will interact with LLMs and write AI policies, eventually harnessing AI to personalize the higher education experience. Many workplaces already embrace AI tools, and industry drives change in universities. The final years of college support a transition from student norms to professional norms, so professors should encourage their classes to lean into industry standards of conduct and technology. By 2050, Chatbots will guide students through course selection, aid students in understanding their individual learning styles, provide personalized feedback on assignments, and allow teachers to devote class time to collaborative work that is uniquely human-centric. The Future of Education. How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Shape the Future. Artificial Intelligence is poised to revolutionize the basis of education, shaping a future where personalized and adaptive learning experiences are the norm. Offering solutions that promise a new era of innovation and efficiency, AI is reshaping the delivery, experience, and assessment of education in universities. Its potential lies in tailoring educational content and pace to individual needs and preferences through algorithms, enabling a more customized learning approach. Personalized learning paths will ensure that each student receives an education uniquely tailored to their specific needs. AI will also serve as a tool to identify areas where additional support is needed. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, providing insights into an individual's performance to shape learning paths that foster a deeper understanding of class material. By continuously collecting and processing student performance data, educators gain valuable knowledge to determine the pace, difficulty, and content according to each student's needs. This approach ensures a more effective and engaging learning environment that appropriately challenges students to prevent boredom and frustration. The accessibility and inclusion of students with disabilities or diverse learning needs are imperative in education. Professors consistently emphasize their commitment to creating a fair learning environment. At the University of Virginia, the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) assists students with learning disabilities in overcoming barriers in the classroom. The integration of AI-powered assistive technologies will revolutionize accessibility and inclusion and improve centers like SDAC. AI can offer tailored solutions to address individual challenges to remove learning barriers. For example, speech-to-text and text-to-speech software can enable students with hearing impairments or dyslexia to engage more effectively with educational content. This not only enhances content comprehension but also facilitates communication and participation in classroom discussions. AI's impact extends beyond student experience's to enhance educators' roles as well. By automating administrative tasks like grading and attendance tracking, AI gives educators more time to encourage creativity, foster critical thinking, and focus on guiding students to the utmost potential. Additionally educators are provided with simulations driven by AI, creating interactive learning environments through real-world scenarios. Educators can use these simulations to create a deeper understanding of concepts by applying classroom-taught principles to real-life situations, fostering the development of problem-solving skills. The integration of AI in real-world simulations involves adjusting scenarios according to a student's responses, ensuring that each individual encounters personalized challenges tailored to their unique skills. As artificial intelligence continues to advance, it has the potential to foster educational equality, providing high-quality learning experiences to global and diverse student populations. This progress maximizes the benefits of technology, shaping the future of education as a harmonious blend of human expertise, AI, and focus-area learning. Ethical Considerations. The responsible use of AI in education is crucial for maintaining trust and safeguarding student information, considering the genuine risks individuals may unknowingly face. The data used to train algorithms poses a potential risk due to outdated information, leading to algorithmic bias and discrimination that could reinforce existing educational inequalities. Achieving a system without algorithmic bias requires collaboration of the entire university community, including educators, students, and administration. Ethical considerations also extend to matters of academic integrity. The public availability to AI resources, such as ChatGPT, has led to instances where students utilized these tools to complete assignments or essays, raising concerns among professors. Introducing an approach that encourages responsible use of AI while upholding principles of authenticity is crucial to the preservation of academic integrity. While factual knowledge remains crucial, AI must evolve to implement human-centric aspects, such as passion creativity and interpersonal skills, Education is not merely about the accumulation of knowledge but also about nurturing the inherent capabilities and qualities that make us uniquely human. This approach will integrate AI as an enabler rather than a substitute for human interaction and creativity. As universities embrace the opportunities presented by AI, it becomes imperative to address the ethical challenges. This ensures that the benefits of AI are utilized responsibly, shaping a future in which education is characterized not only by intelligence but also by inclusivity and ethical principles. Long-Term Impact. The integration of AI into university curricula has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning, paving the way for a more student-centered approach to education. By customizing education to individual needs and learning styles, AI boosts academic performance and retention rates while deepening subject understanding through personalized reinforcement. This approach also will cultivate critical thinking skills, empowering students to take ownership of their education. Students will be prepared to be lifelong learners, equipped to thrive in a rapidly changing world. This will lead to a generation of resilient and adaptable individuals poised to make meaningful contributions to society. Over time, as AI algorithms continue to analyze vast amounts of data and refine their recommendations, personalized learning paths can adapt to the evolving needs and preferences of the students, ensuring that education remains relevant and effective. Enduring Principles in Higher Education. Although the University of 2050 promises heightened student success, some aspects of the present learning experience will persist. Humanities are indispensable for a well rounded education, so any personalized curricula will include soft sciences. The humanities shape daily life by exposing students to critical thinking techniques and communication skills, history, culture, language and art. People need humanities to socialize and live a fulfilling life, as they equip students with an ethics toolkit to make decisions they can be proud of. As philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". Key classroom activities that have existed for decades will also prevail in the University of 2050. Group interaction, be it through group work, projects, presentations, etc. will still consume much of the primarily skill-based 2050 education. Simple tasks such as listening to other perspectives and cooperating for a shared goal help students become active participants in their learning and develop as problem-solvers, negotiators, leaders, critical thinkers, and time managers. Team activities also teach students to use their individual strengths and expertise to refine their ideas in a way that can be easily communicated with peers. Methods of evaluation will exist in the age of AI, even within a personalized system. Some believe that exams and graded assignments will cease to exist in 2050 due to the automated nature of feedback and the wide variety of course combinations to fill an individual's curriculum. However, it will still be pertinent to demonstrate expertise in material and progress along one's path through milestones. AI will be able to provide personalized evaluations with regards to a student's learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses, challenging students to apply concepts and knowledge to the real world. One might think, if AI is automating feedback, won't other class elements such as lectures become automated, making a professor-led classroom obsolete? The short answer is no, as professors play a key role in student success. According to a study by the Azusa Pacific University in 2022, students are more likely to perform well in classes when there is a shared connection with the instructor, since professors foster a sense of mentorship and community . In the University of 2050, professors will be able to dedicate more time to students and their tailored needs while AI handles administrative tasks. That time might manifest as office hours, additional lab and research experiences for undergraduates, or one-on-one meetings about academic pathway concerns and career goals. Building strong professional relationships with faculty in one's university years prepares students to navigate the complex hierarchy of the workplace.
Mobility 2050/Battery-Free Electromobility. To tackle the growing climate emergency, American cities must shift away from car travel and car-centric development and instead towards electric mobility. We argue that Battery-free electromobility is particularly important due to its low cost and lack of reliance on rare materials or future technology. This domain includes proven technology like streetcars, light rail, and rapid transit systems like the DC Metro or New York MTA. We discuss potential social and technological changes that should be considered to achieve a vision of increased battery-free electromobility in 2050. Our analysis considers the challenges posed by both rural and urban communities, ultimately focusing on urban improvements that are more feasible and would affect the most people. Rural and Urban. Rural. In the 1920’s, there existed the that provided electric rail travel between different rural areas as well as into urban areas. These railways disappeared by the 1950’s due to the preference given to automobiles. As modern infrastructure has reshaped these areas, specifically through the reliance on roadways for increased vehicular travel, rural areas do not currently support the infrastructure necessary to allow for battery free electromobility through things like electric trains or trolleys around towns. With a sparse population over a vast area, train and trolley routes that could currently be designed would be inconvenient, and dissuade people from taking those forms of transportation over their car alternative.  For example, Campbell County, Virginia has a population of 55,000, spread over 507 square miles. Train and trolley routes could be created, but many would avoid trains and trolleys in exchange for their cars because of the vastness of the county not allowing for many convenient hubs to route to. With options of battery electric cars being available in 2050, we believe that the shift in urban areas toward battery free electromobility will lead to further improvements in the future in these rural areas shifting from gas to electric cars. Urban. Urban areas today present the best template for pursuing a battery free electric mobility future. When it comes to urban areas, while they have been taken over by the car, they were initially designed to be walkable and bike-able. This creates a favorable environment for creation of railway systems like Metro in Washington DC. The close proximity of key locations in the city has led to the massive success of this system, and many similar systems in other cities. There are still issues today with this system, specifically concerns with efficiency, availability, ease of use, cost, safety, and cleanliness which we find to be major factors in someone choosing current electric railways versus alternatives such as cars. Complaints listed from Los Angeles including harassment in the station, non-direct links to destinations and weak scheduling that makes the trip by train much longer than that by car were voiced as reasons people chose cars versus their electric train or bus alternative. In order to persuade people back to these modes of transportation, there needs to be both technological and social advancements made by 2050 in order to get people back onto trains, and make it a more pleasurable experience. Technical and Infrastructural Improvements. Technical. The technological side of our 2050 vision stems from improving and analyzing existing concepts rather than introducing an unproven idea that won’t necessarily be successful. The existing battery free mobility systems in the US have been proven to work well and the technology behind them has more or less stayed the same over the years; therefore the goal for 2050 is improving the factors around the transportation systems rather than change the vehicles themselves. Infrastructural. Metro System. A point of infrastructural improvement for metro systems is the location of their stations, specifically when it comes to how stations in the city versus suburbs interact. A large pain point for metro systems has been the infeasibility of using it for those that don’t live close to the city in which it’s located. Most people that have to get in their car to get to the closest metro station are going to end up driving the whole distance rather than swap transportation methods. The DC Metro is aware of this as they recently finished a silver line extension project with the sole purpose of going out further and connecting more neighborhoods. This extension proved successful as they recently also approved plans to extend the blue line. Extensions like these to suburban areas will be important for the future. While improvements on the perceived safety and destinations of a metro system are obviously welcome, these changes only benefit those who are already using the system. The real longevity relies on actually connecting out further to where people actually live, with the goal being for individuals to use the metro not only for its destinations but for its convenient starting points. Trolly Streetcar. Another area of improvement is the restoration of trolley streetcar systems, otherwise known as urban light rails. Many of these systems did exist in America but were shut down in the 1940’s and 1950’s in favor of a more car centered society and lifestyle after World War II. However, there have been recent efforts to restore these lines in states such as California,  Texas, and Virginia. These rail lines are being reopened in order to mainly serve commuters living in cities but also prove useful from a tourism angle with many of the routes being considered historically valuable, such as the trams in San Francisco. This trend of restoring previously closed light rail systems could be an incredibly efficient way of providing mobility in areas where building a new rail system may not be feasible both geographically and financially. Support exists for these light rail systems in the form of interest groups, such as the Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development, and normal outspoken citizens alike. Interurban Railway. Starting in the 1880’s America began to develop rails for which provided transportation from rural areas to both cities and other rural areas as roads were not paved at the time and transportation was mainly horse and carriage. By 1915 there were 15,500 miles of interurban railways connecting towns and countrysides all across America. America was soon taken over by cars in the 1950’s and there has not been any interest in the mode of transport since. We believe that interurban railways are an answer to making our rural areas mostly battery free in their mobility by the year 2050. This form of transportation worked over 100 years ago and technological improvements could make this even more successful in the future. Currently rural areas rely on cars to reach more urban areas due to the lack of public transportation infrastructure in the areas. The reintroduction of interurban railways in 2050 would provide a feasible and bright future to expanding battery free mobility beyond urban areas. The infrastructure plans have largely been planned back at its inception and could be adapted for modern changes in populations that would better serve its passengers. Rail hubs could be created to suit each town's needs and connect into a larger network of interurban railways that could fully unite both the small towns and urban centers, allowing people from the rural areas to reach the urban areas and take advantage of all the different battery free electromobility options that are available. A network of lines is not strictly necessary for future success, as the lines were successful during their inception running as independent entities, but the connection of railways may be more desirable in persuading people to choose them over other modes of transit. There are current forms of interurban railway systems in France and Germany called that function as both transport inside the urban areas they connect as the standard light-rail and reaching out to other towns to provide the interurban railway system. These designs were based directly off of the initial designs in the United States and show how these systems can function both today and in the future.   We recognize that in our rural areas that the interurban railway would connect to would still need a mode of transport to get from their homes into town centers to reach the rail as running the rail to homes across the countryside is infeasible and inefficient. This is why we acknowledged in our initial assessment of rural areas the likely reliance on cars with a likely shift from gas to electric power. We do not believe that the interurban railway would behave in a similar way to the way the Metro system transports people almost directly to the location they want to be but rather we find it to be town to town travel option because of the infeasibility of train and trolly routes inside the towns and to their homes. The vast diversity and expanse of rural America requires different solutions that will need to be adapted to each unique area. While technological advancements or extreme policy changes could take place between now and 2050 to make the entire trip battery free, it is unfair to make such claims now. Policy Considerations. Transit Oriented Development. In the large scale, battery-free electromobility can be encouraged by localities by designing development plans around planned or current transit options. The Washington DC metro area population has grown rapidly since the 1960’s, requiring the surrounding localities to plan for this expansion. The Rosslyn-Ballston corridor in Arlington, VA demonstrates how a transit oriented development plan can be implemented to benefit a growing suburb. The development plan was focused on the quarter mile walkable “bullseye” around each of the five Metro stations. This centering of public transit allows residents to easily walk to or take local transit to their near nearest Metro station for any trip into the city, entirely avoiding car travel. We expect this approach to become increasingly important for development through 2050, due to increased urbanization and focus on climate impact. Transit-oriented development is also a more efficient use of urban space than a car-oriented approach, opening the way for more productive land uses with less need for parking. Integrated Multi-Modal Transit Systems. Localities can also encourage transit use by considering the entire circumstances of a person’s trip. This includes considering how people will get to and from transit stations and how they will pay for them. The Netherlands provides an example of accounting for both considerations the design of their transit system. Dutch bike infrastructure supports both personal bike ownership and bikeshare programs. These bikeshare programs are often dockless, aligning with how people travel “from door-to-door, not from station-to-station”. They are also well integrated with rail transit, with bike parking garages available for arriving and departing riders. Paying for a rail ticket also gives bike access at your destination. A single payment card for all forms of public transit in the system. The reflects the guiding principle of removing friction from all aspects of using public transit. US cities should take note of this approach for the future. Disincentivizing Driving. To make the transit changes required to tackle climate change, we must go beyond advocating for public transit. Driving is the status quo, entrenched in our infrastructure and culture, meaning it must be actively disincentivized where possible. This could be done by pedestrianizing roads and removing parking, which has been recently shown to be effective in Paris. Another approach is to implement congestion pricing, charging a toll to enter a city center in a car. The first system of this kind in the US is slowly being implemented in Manhattan. Congestion pricing is appealing because it puts a concrete price on driving compared to self-calculating gas mileage. This concrete price is directly comparable to other transportation options. For localities, the system provides many “levers” to adjust including the price, the enclosed area, the active times of day or days of the week, and any toll exemptions. Congestion pricing also generates revenue, which could be directed to fund transit initiatives like zero-fare transit. Congestion pricing is a powerful tool that we expect to be adopted by other major cities looking to reorient towards public transit. Fares and Policing. Larger systems like the New York MTA seem less likely to eliminate fares, but they must change their approach to collecting them. The MTA has seen massive fare evasion, which has been responded to with a large increase in policing. This approach has not been effective, with the cost of personnel exceeding any benefit from increased fare compliance. Columbia economist Harold Stolper has also noted that “Economic need is one of the main drivers of fare evasion, so policing fare evasion is policing poverty”. Increasing police presence also does appear to improve MTA safety. However, there are more passive approaches to fare enforcement. This includes a new kind of turnstile that is harder to circumvent, improving video surveillance, and an increased focus on non-police transit staff. Transit systems could move away from enforcing fares through the criminal justice system, which tends to be expensive to the locality and overly punitive to the fare evader. Fare evasion should be responded to with warnings first, then if fines are issued, they should be able to be used as credit to the transit system. Future facing localities should move away from a criminalized approach to fare enforcement to improve equity and community investment. Zero-Fare System. Fares have long been standard to public transit systems, though this is starting to change. Some localities have started offering some transit systems (most often buses) with no fares. Moving to a zero-fare system dramatically increases ridership and improves efficiency by removing the payment step. Since users of public transit (especially buses) tend to be poorer, zero-fare systems also work to improve equity. Such policies have had success in Europe and have been adopted in the United States post-Covid. This shift reflects a change in philosophy, from transit as a commodity to transit as a community right. Zero-Fare Controversy. It is important to note that a zero-fare system is a tool, not a solution. Therefore it has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. US cities, such as Portland, have reported decreases in perceived safety and an increase in crime after implementing zero-fare transit. This crime reached a breaking point, forcing Portland to reinstate their fares. There have also been problems with the influx of ridership becoming burdensome and uncontrollable for transit workers. US cities and towns are varied and we fully admit zero-fare transit will benefit certain areas more than others. However, Luxembourg recently implemented zero-fare transit nationwide, showing that it is a concept possible to execute at a large scale. With this in mind we consider zero-fare systems one of many feasible approaches to improving both battery-free electromobility and public transit as a whole.
Engineering Education in 2050/Engineering as Applied Creativity. Engineering 2050: Embracing Applied Creativity in Education. Applied Creativity: The Centerpiece of Engineering Education in 2050. Engineering education in 2050 is positioned for a dramatic shift. Once characterized by applied science, engineering education will be characterized by applied creativity. The significance of applied creativity is not novel, it has always been important for innovation and problem-solving: "In order to successfully solve problems, engineers must be creative. An innovative mindset is essential for them to design new products and services or improve upon those that have already been created. Engineers need to constantly innovate in order to continue to drive economic and societal successes." In 2050, technological advancement will have made applied creativity more accessible to students through the rise of project-based classes, university-sponsored-engineering project teams, interdisciplinary projects, and engineering ethics. Engineering students, departments, companies, technology users, and innovation itself all stand to benefit from this change. Project-Based Learning: Fostering Practical Ingenuity. The most effective method for practicing applied creativity is project based learning. In 2050, K-12 and higher education will shift their focus to hands-on, project based curricula that encourages students to engage with the material using real-world challenges. Project-based learning is incorporated in higher education curriculum rather than in K-12 education. In the future, K-12 will adopt national standards that allow students to engage with project-based learning. Before this new system, most students did not get experience outside of traditional lectures, textbooks, and exams until latter years if they decided to complete higher education. In 2050, students will receive exploratory options to branch out and gain experience in their fields of choice. Exposure to these fields will take the form of elective classes that focus on real-world projects designed by experts in that field. Students will feel a large sense of ownership over their education. During K-12, students will begin applying for internships, which becomes viable earlier in their education. Early adopters can be seen across the country using specialized education schools, colloquially referred to as “magnet schools” or "Governor's schools." Students take both general-education and specialized pathway-oriented classes. The vision for 2050 is based around all K-12 schools having the same opportunities that are offered at these "magnet" schools. In the year 2050, higher education will shift to preparing students for their professional career. Currently, it is common that “core” knowledge and experience comes from an educational institution and real-world experience comes from external internships and jobs; however, by 2050, internships will be supplemental, as students will get sufficient experience in school. Early in higher education, engineering students will work closely with industry professionals to gain experience and familiarity with the field of their choice. Later, they will focus on projects and challenges that give them more autonomy by providing them with access to a small group of mentors. Students will work closely with peers both inside and outside of their fields. It will be a commonality for companies to consult engineering students when they need solutions. These students will work closely with their client to accomplish tasks, furthering enhancing their skills in applied creativity. The goal of higher education in 2050 will not only be providing the education necessary to become a successful professional, but also to make them professionals and experts by the time of their graduation. Interdisciplinary Projects: Promoting Realistic Collaboration. Leading up to 2050, project learning will increasingly dominate higher education curriculum with the goal of producing competent engineers equipped with problem solving skills. Each engineering project will either apply to a current problem or one previously solved, so students can confidently face challenges in the workforce. Engineers do not exist in a vacuum, they must work with other professionals of different expertise to develop complex solutions. Whether students rely on experts from a different practice of engineering or cooperate with someone without an engineering background, they need interdisciplinary collaboration. Recognizing this need, colleges will introduce an engineering requirement to complete a project with a student(s) of different a major(s) to emulate working on a diverse team in the real world. For example, structural engineers must ensure the safety of a building while adhering to the plans of an architect. A project pairing of this type would teach engineers the importance of creative expression in construction and the architect becomes more aware of their limitations considering structural integrity. Consequently, the team would be taught the skill of collaboration. With car efficiency standards becoming more strict to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, engineers must be more creative while prioritizing efficiency. Mechanical engineering students might pair with an environmental science student to create both working and environmentally friendly machinery. Rising concerns about data privacy along with fears about the power of AI, bring ethics and human responsibility to the forefront for software developers. Computer science students could pair up with an ethics major to ensure their product is both beneficial to technological advancement and society's well being. By 2050, interdisciplinary projects will emerge as a foundational practice for engineering students to graduate. Through their collaboration, they will learn to arrive at solutions while adhering to relevant constraints all while flexing their communication skills. Creativity will be a focal point of engineering education so as to implement beneficial solutions for multifaceted problems. The whole of human ingenuity is greater than the sum of their individual parts. Corporate Involvement in Engineering Education. Companies have been communicating with students earlier in their education. Completing an internship is a new corporate standard, so companies create more intern roles to stay competitive by assessing the talent earlier. Many companies are trending towards having one internship for rising seniors and a different program from rising juniors. To keep up with their peers, college students seek prestigious internships earlier in their education. Eventually, companies will no longer be able to recruit young students, given that most students don't know their desired career path until later in their education journey. The feasible mode of intimate recruitment would be integrating corporate work into college education. There are currently numerous internship placement programs whether through UVA or other organizations like Forge. These systems that connect companies to students are already in place. Colleges will communicate through these systems to find companies that provide educational projects and are desirable for students to work with. Engineering classes that follow a class project throughout the semester will pair with a company; the company describes their problem and the students work to develop solutions. An example might be a software company describing a new tool they want built for a software development class. Another example might be a mechanical or aerospace engineering firm providing details on a part they want designed in CAD. Both parties benefit; the students get experience working on a real project that fits within the system of a larger problem and the companies can strengthen their recruiting. The company may then reach out to students who did well on the project for an internship offers. K12 Opportunities for Engineering Education. "Engineering" as a word and as a discipline has generally been reserved for higher education. This may be because it takes a strong foundation of technical competencies to learn how the disciplines come together. However, this explanation lacks sense. Making a homemade replacement for a bike pedal is no harder or more technical than an AP high school Calculus class. Designing, building, and testing a bike pedal (no matter how informally) is indisputably engineering. If the world needs more engineers, which appears to be the case, cultivating applied creativity in K12 education will be important. While math, physics, and the other sciences form the basis of the sort of logical quantitative thinking engineers need to be successful, good engineers obviously need to be capable of applied creativity. Applied creativity, like all skills, is something institutions are capable of cultivating in children with the right stimulus. The same kind of results-focused project based learning mentioned earlier is one of the best ways to stimulate applied creativity in K12 students, developments in education research will assist in that regard as well. Integrating Ethical Engineering and Global Perspectives. Fighting existential threats (e.g. climate change) rather than each other, means that artifacts of engineering during an era of strategic technological development will disappear.  In their place will be the underlying and separate goals to accompany any technology innovation of humanitarianism and global wellbeing. While this has always been a priority, it will be so more explicitly.  To put a finer point on it, all prominent engineers during the Cold War needed to be cognizant of strategic interests like operational security, intellectual property, and intelligence. Those additional constraints or directions, in addition to technical innovation itself, have caused American and Soviet engineers to use applied creativity in every aspect of their work to ensure that both goals can be met and neither priority is corrupted. However, those are artifacts of an era of competition. Yet, applied creativity to manage technical development as well as meta goals is a staple of engineering. The difference is that the time between now and 2050 will be characterized by unified goals of fighting climate change, improving planetary defense, and others. Being able to understand and communicate the ethical and humanitarian implications of technical development will necessitate applied creativity in our next generation of engineers. Conclusion: Nurturing Visionary Engineers. Applied creativity, fueled by project-based learning, interdisciplinary projects, ethical considerations, and global perspectives, redefines engineering education in 2050. It marks a change where engineers are not just technical wizards but visionary problem solvers, armed with the creativity, adaptability, and global awareness needed to engineer a sustainable future. This evolution breaks conventional boundaries, crafting a generation of engineers ready to address challenges and innovate solutions that combine disciplines. It’s not just a reimagining of education; it’s a blueprint for engineering a world defined by innovation and ingenious solutions.
Engineering Education in 2050/Professional Relationship Building. The Importance of Professional Relationship Building. In today's world, building meaningful connections with peers, mentors, and colleagues is vital. Professional relationships can benefit career advancement, job satisfaction, and knowledge. Building professional relationships can help advance one’s career. Connecting with industry professionals offers important insight for the job application process. A strong network acts as a professional support system that offers career guidance and referrals. Harvard Business Review suggests that “weak ties,” or second-order connections are a great source for finding new jobs or pivoting within a company [Bojinov, et al., 2022]. First or second-order professional relationships can help people land interviews in desirable industries. Although these connections do not guarantee job placement, they certainly offer a competitive advantage. Fostering strong relationships with work colleagues can increase job satisfaction and performance. Interpersonal connections with managers and colleagues can boost morale, productivity, and overall happiness in the workplace. A study on nurses in Vietnamese hospitals found that the quality of workplace relationships correlates with higher commitment, performance, and fulfillment. Better workplace relationships can reduce job stress and exhaustion levels [Tran, et al., 2018]. This study highlights the importance of employer-employer and employer-employee connections and their impact on the quality and enjoyment of work. Meaningful workplace relationships can also mitigate isolation from peers and intimidation by those in higher positions. A strong professional network is a pool of knowledge, experience, and learning. In engineering, there is a wide range of professions and industries to enter out of college. It is important early in one's career to listen to and learn from others’ experiences. Engineers with more experience tend to be specialized and have unique skillsets. Successful engineering teams are collaborative and draw on the skills of many individuals. Creating a network of experienced professionals offers a variety of talent to draw upon. 2023 Engineering Education/Professional Relationship Building Shortcomings. Modern engineering education neglects to teach soft skills and professional relationship building. A focus on theoretical knowledge tends to sideline the development of soft skills, such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability. As a result, skilled graduates often find themselves ill-prepared to navigate professional relationships. The modern job market demands both strong interpersonal and technical skills. Current engineering education does not equip students with these soft skills, which hinders their ability to reach their career goals. The focus on technical expertise limits graduates as industries move toward greater interdisciplinary collaboration. Graduates must excel in their technical domains while integrating with professionals from other backgrounds. Poor interpersonal skills impede engineering graduates in collaborative settings, stifling innovation and problem-solving. Networking is vital to career development, and engineering programs that neglect networking skills put graduates at a disadvantage. Connecting with peers, mentors, and potential employers is crucial for career advancement and understanding industry trends. Ignoring professional relationship skills in engineering education also hurts academic institutions. Respected institutions are finding their graduates ill-prepared for the professional world. The focus on technical knowledge at the expense of interpersonal skills may degrade the reputations of these institutions. Employers valuing well-rounded professionals may be less inclined to partner with institutions failing to develop soft skills. The engineering profession, inherently collaborative and interdisciplinary, relies on professionals who can navigate the dynamics of teamwork. Poor professional relationship skills in the workforce may lead to communication breakdowns, ineffective collaboration, and a limited capacity to address complex problems. The state of engineering education reflects a critical imbalance between technical and interpersonal skills. A new focus on developing technical expertise, essential soft skills, and robust networking capabilities would better prepare graduates for the modern professional landscape. Evolution of Professional Relationship Building by 2050. The importance of professional relationships will only increase by 2050. Remote work and future workplace technologies can isolate employees, requiring stronger interpersonal skills to build professional relationships. The internet, job boards, then artificial intelligence have increased the number of applications for job postings, necessitating strong professional relationships as a way to stand out. In 2050, universities emphasize professional relationship building for work satisfaction, career development, and creating meaningful networks. Programs matching students with potential employers help students understand their potential careers and build relationships with those in their field. Career fairs and networking events play a larger role in 2050. Career fairs provide students with access to employees in a broader range of positions, giving deeper insight into the company's operation. Networking events create relationships between students and employers through team-building activities. Remote work technologies allow employers to take more time to interact with students. Employers also advise students on knowledge relevant to their field, and provide insight into how recent hires fall short in technical and interpersonal skills. While this allow employers to provide informal feedback to engineering education, universities provide formalized feedback mechanisms to better prepare students. Co-op and internship programs are expanded as well. Many fields of study in university require or emphasize these programs as methods to develop technical and interpersonal skills for students. This encourages students to learn about their intended careers and fosters relationships with employers and fellow interns. Students gain valuable work experience before graduation and interact with experienced professionals who may provide guidance. In universities, project based learning connects students with one another across fields of study. In longer duration projects, students learn to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds and build relationships with team members. These assignments also improve communication, project management, and conflict resolution skills essential to building professional relationships. Interdisciplinary projects introduce students to different ways of thinking, and require them to explain major-specific concepts to a general audience. Incorporating employers into projects to challenge students with real-world scenarios and case studies combines a number of these benefits. In addition to group work, university engineering curricula in 2050 incorporate soft skills as learning objectives for graduates. Focusing on conflict resolution, effective collaboration, and presentation of technical concepts for a nontechnical audience, this updated curriculum prepares students for happier and more successful professional careers. Most courses remain technically-oriented, but task students to explain their work in nontechnical terms, demonstrating understanding while developing communication skills.
The University of 2050/The Experiential Classroom. Introduction. A student’s experience within the classroom, K-12 or higher education, is very similar to the learning experience of the twentieth century. The classroom of 2050 will incorporate advanced technologies, collaborative spaces, and project based learning. This will allow for the classroom to provide learning experiences that benefit student retention, productivity, and teamwork skills. Between 2023 and 2050, there will be many technological advancements; however, our vision of 2050 will focus on the application of augmented reality and virtual reality within the classroom setting.  In addition, the design of collaborative spaces may change; however, our vision will explore biophilic design and adaptable classroom furniture.   Augmented & Virtual Reality. In the classroom of 2050, Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies will be a key part of the educational experience. The ability this technology has to take users into a customizable virtual space opens up endless possibilities for education, making it an invaluable tool in the classroom of 2050. Countless studies show that visual explanations allow students to gain a deeper understanding of concepts (Bobek & Tversky, 2016). The natural evolution of this approach of teaching involves leveraging AR and VR to craft educational content. By 2050, these technologies will become more user-friendly, realistic, and cost-effective—integrating seamlessly into the daily lives of students, akin to laptops and tablets. The incorporation of virtual reality into educational establishments has already commenced, one example being in the University of Virginia where it’s being used in the School of Medicine. The University of Virginia's School of Medicine is leveraging virtual reality (VR) to enhance students' perspectives during live observations. In their words, "The proposed VR educational model offers trainees a better view of both the procedure itself and the attendant diagnostic screens during their first-person/second-person hybrid observance experience. In addition, learning aids, such as anatomical models and other visual guides that are not typically available in live observances, are available within the VR training space, furthering students’ comprehension of the procedure" (Moody, 2022). Due to virtual reality's capacity to present content in ways not achievable within the confines of a traditional physical classroom, it will become a valuable teaching tool for the class of 2050. Another significant application lies in overcoming the constraints of physical spaces. By the year 2050, simulation of diverse class environments will reduce the need for extensive physical infrastructure in educational institutions. This breakthrough will prove invaluable, particularly for specialized classes requiring lab equipment or specific setups. The substitution of physical tools with virtual counterparts will empower universities to operate with fewer classrooms, as each space can flexibly accommodate various purposes within virtual environments. This change will allow universities to still provide the same high quality education with a lower operation cost which could be passed down to students in the form of lower tuition. This virtual environment will also be able to give instructors the ability to better guide students though virtual interfaces instead of the usual verbal instructions. Although this technology will not replace all classes, as it it important for students to have those in-person experiences, it will provide another tool to make higher education more accessible and affordable. Beyond infrastructure enhancements, AR and VR tools offer a revolutionary means of connecting students and teachers across different classroom locations, enhancing the overall educational experience. Research has demonstrated that while remote learning has its pros, its primary downfalls is the limited interaction between students and teacher, leading to suboptimal learning environments (Maqableh & Alia, 2021). AR and VR technologies will also allow students and teachers internationally to interact with each other in a more personal way. University programs that allow this global learning are currently restricted to students who have the financial resources. Advancements in AR and VR technologies by 2050 will enable a high-quality education, breaking down geographical barriers and making education more accessible to all. Collaborative Spaces. In 2023, collaborative learning spaces have become increasingly popular for classroom design, as there has been a shift from singular rows of desks to shared space tables. Cornell University (2023) found that “the benefits of collaborative learning include: development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills, preparation for real life social and employment situations, and increase in student retention, self-esteem, and responsibility”. In order to foster collaborative learning, classroom design has become a main priority.  Smith System is a furniture design company that has specialized in designing collaborative school furniture. They have developed a design where “ trapezoidal and arc-shaped desktops could be clustered in very compact circles of six to eight students for group work. Or, the desks can be separated for individual study or testing” (Smith System, 2023). In 2018, The University of Virginia incorporated collaborative design spaces into their new project, the Link Lab. Engineering Dean, Craig Benson, stated, “I believe the Link Lab is the future of higher education, when students and faculty will work and learn together in open, collaborative spaces” (Mather, 2018).The Classroom of 2050 will embrace collaborative design by building upon existing designs presently in use, supported by the researched benefits of collaborative learning.  This model will be applied to both higher education and K-12 classrooms and will improve student’s experiences by enhancing collaboration and building student relationships. The Classroom of 2050 will also incorporate biophilic design. Biophilia “proposes that most humans have an innate love of nature” and biophilic design is “an applied solution to appease this desire for nature by integrating natural elements and processes into the built environment” (Gillis, 2018). Biophilic design can be applied to classrooms and has been found to have many benefits for students.  Research has shown that a biophilic classroom reduces anxiety and stress, resulting in “students being more at ease and ready to accept new information” (Chelmu, 2023).Chelmu (2023) also found that “biophilic design elements resulted in test score gains up to three times higher than in years without such enhancements”). A study conducted by Daly, Burchett, and Torpy (2010) found that “classroom plants consistently led to improved performance in spelling, mathematics, and science.” This study was conducted in Brisbane, Australia on Year 6 and 7 students, with a total of 360 participants in 13 different schools. Daly, Burchett, and Torpy (2010) found “in two of the schools, significant improvements were found with plants present, as compared with classes without plants, with increases of between 10% and 14%.” A study by Mahrous, Dewidar, Refaat, and Nessim (2023) set out to “identify the biophilic design attributes that can potentially contribute to enhancing the students’ level of satisfaction.” This was completed by conducting “experimental research design using virtual reality in a design studio at The British University in Egypt”(Mahrous et al., 2023). They found “that biophilic design has a strong impact on Egyptian university students’ level of satisfaction. This could be done by emphasizing or adding these main biophilic attributes concluded from this study: Natural Light, Natural Ventilation, Presence of Greenery, Availability of large windows (Prospect/Refuge), indirect connection to nature, and Natural Finishing”(Mahrous et al., 2023). In 2019, Demco, a design team, created a biophilic classroom promoting “a rich integration of nature throughout the learning environment” (ED-Spaces, 2019).The classroom used green color schemes and “living walls of green plants complemented by a natural imagery backdrop” (ED-Spaces, 2019). The classroom of 2050 will incorporate biophilic designs similar to Demco’s by including green walls, natural plants, and materials resembling nature. This will be incorporated into K-12 as well as higher education classrooms. Biophilic design has tremendous potential to improve a student’s experience in the classroom by connecting everyday learning with nature and, by 2050, will be incorporated into classrooms around the world.   Project Based Learning. In the year 2023, classrooms primarily feature forward facing desks and chairs for traditional lectures, often resulting in disengagement amongst students. In the year 2050, this classroom style will have changed. In 2050, there will still be lectures but there will be a large shift to project-based learning. Reducing lecture time and increasing projects allows students to dig deeper on their own and learn themselves. A class lecture will give students a foundation on a certain topic in which a project can be assigned for additional learning. It has been proven that project-based learning increases student engagement, it is more aligned with the real world, allows for increased student learning, and learning to be more student centered (Jackson, 2023). By giving students a project to solve on their own, they will be more engaged and have the learning centered on them. The biggest takeaway with project-based learning is that it is more geared towards the real world where there are constantly problems coming about in which different solutions must be crafted. With project-based learning, this problem solving can be simulated rather than students listening to one solution in a lecture. A great example of this is within the construction industry where there are very diverse problems that require consistent problem solving. At the University of Virginia, project-based learning has been utilized in many classes within the construction management program. Real world problems from companies within the field have been given to students to solve and present back to those in industry allowing for the students to learn from industry feedback. In many industries, especially in the construction industry, there is not always a “right” answer to solving a problem. In this case, project-based learning allows for the students to solve it in their own way rather than being taught one way in a lecture. This experience helps students in the long run and later on in the real world by growing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by simulating problems and approaches in the real world. In the year 2050, written exams will be reduced in the classroom and instead replaced by testing their knowledge with projects. Instead of memorization, students will critically apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios during assessments. At the completion of their project, appropriate feedback on their submissions can allow for a chance to refine their project thus learning rather than simply being told an answer is incorrect on an exam. This experience of project-based learning will better prepare students for careers after graduation. Furthermore, as project-based learning gains traction, not only will class structures change to project-based learning, but the classroom layout and teaching styles will as well. As previously written, collaborative spaces will be highly used in the year 2050. As project-based learning continues to grow, so will the use of collaborative spaces. The increased implementation of project-based learning will partly fuel this increase in collaborative spaces as students are working in groups on projects. Additionally, as most classes are currently lecture based, the teaching style will have to be adapted to facilitate project-based learning. Professors in 2050 will take more of a facilitative approach to their classes to allow for students to work through projects but be available to answer questions / advise them along the way. Through this process, the teachers will conduct assessments based on student critical thinking and application of lecture material in the project rather than assessing frequent student memorization for exams. Overall, the classroom will become much more student centered in the year 2050 especially with the rise of project-based learning. Conclusion. The classroom of 2050 will include student experiences not able in the present day classroom setting. The integration of AR and VR technology, project based learning curriculums, and collaborative learning spaces will alter the classroom with positive student experiences as a main priority.  For further work, an exploration into technologies not incorporating AR and VR would be integrated into our vision of 2050. As technology continues to evolve over the next 27 years, there will be plenty of opportunities to implement them within the classroom. Technology is useful within the classroom, and all new opportunities should be investigated as they present themselves to ensure learning is being promoted as best as possible.
Mobility 2050/Recovering Land Lost to Parking Craters. Introduction. Throughout the United States, cities are overrun by large swathes of land taken up solely by parking spaces. These areas, coined by critics as “parking craters”, are occupying valuable real estate, creating less space for other forms of development and encouraging the rampant car use that currently exist throughout the US. This heavy emphasis on car ownership is a major contributor to environmental issues, as the US EPA reports that light-duty vehicles account for 58% of the transportation sector’s carbon emissions. In our vision of 2050, parking craters are less prevalent, leading to more effective land use, lower carbon emissions, and a more satisfying transportation experience for those living in US cities. Present Day. While many US cities devote a significant portion of their land to parking craters, there are exceptions. The downtown area of Atlanta, GA has 25% of its land dedicated to parking, whereas New York City, NY has only 1%. Discrepancies like these are due to two major factors: public transportation and business density. New York City has one of the most elaborate and widely adopted public transportation systems in the country. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (the New York City metro system) has more stations than any other metro system in the world; this allowed the city to have only 0.65 cars per household in 2016, a huge drop-off from Atlanta’s 1.28 cars per household. Fewer cars in the city ultimately means less demand for parking, which helps contribute to NYC’s low parking crater count. The New York metro area also has extremely high business density - 79 businesses per square mile, over 10 times the national metro average of 6.8. Similar trends to New York City can also be seen in Tokyo, Japan, which has only 0.32 cars per household, a highly effective transit system, and very little parking: 95% of streets have no parking at all, and only 42% of condominium buildings have parking for their residents. While US cities don't need to be converted into super-dense and completely car-free utopias to help solve the parking problem, popular and effective public transit systems and the promotion of higher business density within cities are the key to reducing parking craters - in order to lower car usage while ensuring communities can continue to travel within their city, alternatives need to be supported. Replacing Parking Craters. The elimination of parking craters will provide much needed space for urban centers, especially as populations continue to expand. In our vision of 2050, developments in the form of parks, public space, housing, and public transit will replace these parking lots, providing better connectivity and mobility for communities. It brings the opportunity for increased housing that can be affordable as there is more availability. A few major cities across the United States such as Detroit, Los Angeles, and San Diego have committed to the option of building affordable housing in place of parking lots. Mixed-use developments in place of the lots can fulfill a variety of needs in a concentrated area, reducing the need for car and therefore space for parking. These developments can consist of housing, public space, stores, offices and entertainment. Steps towards this vision would involve a change in zoning policy and parking mandates. Currently, many cities across the U.S. have mandates that require building developers to provide a particular amount of parking spaces. It has created cases where the parking lots are larger than the accompanying buildings themselves. Removing these mandates would give the developers more freedom to utilize space that would otherwise have been put aside for parking spaces. Removing minimum parking requirements has become a recent trend in cities across the U.S. with Richmond, Anchorage, and Lexington being recent examples. Towards 2050, we expect more cities to follow suit, especially as many aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier. As transportation contributes to being one of the largest sources of greenhouse emissions, cities will look for ways that incentivize inhabitants to use alternatives to their personal vehicles. It will not be only major urban centers that will pursue this change, but also suburban cities. Smaller suburban cities will revamp or build new town centers that are more walk-friendly with all amenities in close proximity. They’re designed around the concept of “Live. Work. Play.” Removing mandatory minimum parking requirements will tackle the parking issue for future developments. Regarding existing parking craters, the straightforward solution is removing them, but it is not a process that will happen overnight. Financial support through the government will incentivize local businesses to gradually repurpose unused space. Building owners will also have the option to sell off remaining space left by parking lots to developers and with the minimum parking mandates gone, they would not be subject to constraints in building up that space. A smooth transition away from parking craters would depend on investment and development in infrastructure of alternative travel such as public transportation, biking, and walking as the presence of such will be viewed as viable options as spaces for personal vehicles diminish. The Role of Public Transportation & Alternative Forms of Travel. As the American population grows, so will the demand for public transportation. This is due to the increasing difficulty of finding parking spaces and the decreasing ownership of cars. Cities such as Atlanta have a primitive subway system because of the reliance on cars. In contrast, Los Angeles (LA) has several metro development projects. One project that just finished was the Regional Connector that connects downtown LA to LA County. For many Angelenos, this is more convenient to travel. As of September 2023, this metro saw an increase of ridership by 23% on weekdays compared to the three lines this metro replaced. This is one step LA is taking to reduce traffic congestion, increase housing affordability, and reduce emissions. One major risk of expanding more metro systems is the willingness of Americans to use public transportation over a car. The 20th century marked the idea of individualism and freedom with the introduction of the car. Individuals would not be bound to strict train schedules and predetermined routes. Compared to the car, the individual is “free” from these restrictions, and thus the adoption of cars rose. Public transportation receives a negative perception for security, reliability, crowding, and coverage concerns. This perception holds influence as transit expansion efforts are often struck down in referendums. However, this trend is starting to reverse as major cities such as Dallas and LA expand on public transportation. This is an important step in changing the American mindset because these projects reintroduce the idea of public transportation. Only 8.3% of American households did not own a car in 2022 , which underlies the popularity and reliance on cars. Greater public transportation infrastructure reduces the need to own a car by making important places easily accessible. Compared to Japan, which has a mature train system, American public transportation severely lacks accessibility. Parking craters can be converted into more metro stations, increasing accessibility of communities that may be far from public transportation. Increased accessibility will help poorer communities access places that are once restricted by cars. Our vision does not foresee that Americans will completely switch to public transportation, but rather Americans will desire for cheaper and more efficient public transportation as the cost of car ownership increases. These cost concerns coupled with increasing impact of climate change towards 2050 will pressure policymakers to invest more towards public transportation. In a 2022 Pew Research Center survey, 69% of Americans favored taking steps towards carbon neutrality by 2050 and in a 2023 survey 61% believe climate change is already impacting their communities a great deal. The 2023 survey also documents how priority in tackling climate change differs along political party lines, reflecting our expectation that not all Americans will be onboard with the switch to public transit by 2050. Importantly, we believe the political party in power of legislative decisions at the federal, state, county, and city level will determine the effort of public transit expansion. Another major issue with expansion of metro systems in cities is the cost of planning and building the metro system. The Regional Connector cost about $1.8 billion. This steep cost and lack of budget prevents many American cities from adopting a metro system because of the high investment and low return. Countries with advanced metro systems, such as Korea and Japan, have invested heavily in public transportation infrastructure. America only spends about 1.0% of its GDP on transportation infrastructure compared to Japan who spent about 1.41% of its total GDP on transportation infrastructure in 2021. Investing in more public transportation would help develop efficient technologies to build metros and reduce costs. Additionally, America’s legislation process for building more public transportation infrastructure is either too slow or too complex. For example, transit agencies would have to get authorization to prepare an area for construction. Streamlining the legislation process can speedup construction times for public transportation. As we approach 2050, American desire for more public infrastructure will increase, which can aid in pushing through the complex legislation process. Furthermore, as development increases, America will be able to gain the necessary experience to build better public infrastructure, thus reducing costs associated with this. Currently, living expenses in major cities are high because of the lack of space to build new housing. For example, New York City’s housing cost is about 385% higher than the national average. As a result, demand for housing is high, and prices are driven up. One way to reduce housing costs in major cities is to convert space taken by parking craters into more housing. This would free up valuable land that could be used to build new homes. However, this is not a sustainable solution in the long term. As cities continue to grow, the demand for housing will only increase. Eventually, we will reach a point where there is simply no more space to convert into housing. Another way to reduce housing costs in major cities is to build more public transportation. This would make it easier for people to get around without cars, which would reduce traffic congestion and free up more space on the roads. Additionally, public transportation is often more affordable than owning a car, which could save people money on transportation costs. By combining these two approaches, we can reduce housing costs in major cities and make them more affordable for everyone. Constructing more houses from the parking craters can help reduce housing costs, but this is not as sustainable because of the lack of space in the city. Suburbs offer more space at the cost of distance. Constructing more public transport can reduce traffic, while reducing housing costs for both the city and suburb. Traffic and car-reliance would be reduced, since buses and trains are more efficient in traveling from one place to another. Investing heavily into alternative forms of travel such as biking in conjunction with public transportation is also critical. 43% of American adults live in communities that do not have bike paths or bike lanes. For many this narrows the opportunities of safely commuting to destinations by methods other than a car. Establishing a robust network of bike paths and lanes in urban areas throughout the U.S. can promote bikes as a sustainable alternative to public transportation. Provided the proper infrastructure, bikes can provide the range of freedom as a car without the emissions, traffic, and large parking spaces needed. Widespread use is feasible. The Netherlands is known internationally for its bike usage with 27% of all journeys being done by bicycle. The country has tens of thousands of kilometers of bike lanes and paths with the infrastructure integrated with public transportation to where transitions between transit and bike are seamless through provided storage space and rentals at train stations and bus stops. A similar model implemented in the U.S. would cover in situations where public transit may not cover the full journey. The first and last mile problem detracts many from using public transit. The first mile refers to the travel segment from start location to a transit stop. The last mile is the leg from transit stop to the final destination.
The University of 2050/The Globally Connected Campus. Introduction. Education plays a vital role in shaping progress across the globe. In 2023, students have opportunities to engage remotely, immerse themselves in diverse cultures by learning languages and study abroad programs, and participate in research with international partners. Advancements in technology, including artificial intelligence and virtual reality, and changes in approaches to education have the potential to reshape the access students have to the world. The global campus of 2050 will adopt and adapt to these advancements and prioritize equitable access, creating a desirable and sustainable future. International Education on Sustainability. Context. A globally connected campus not only entails connection through interaction, but also through shared ideas and approaches to learning. As it becomes increasingly urgent to produce global solutions to global problems like climate change, it will become equally urgent for education to evolve internationally. Much of modern education policy stems from measures to bolster global competitiveness. For example, the Cold War changed the education landscape across the world. Governments turned to education as a vehicle to carry their countries forward by producing innovative minds educated in mathematics, science, and engineering. As a result, campuses adopted STEM centric curriculums, pivoting away from non-technical education. In recent years, there has been a resurgence in considering non-technical solutions to many global problems, especially climate change. Just as the shift towards a future of innovation was driven by education, adoption of non-technical solutions will be driven by educational institutions worldwide. The Future. Countries will collaborate with one another to promote adoption of progressive educational systems. This will stem from a global sentiment that combating the climate crisis using battery powered vehicles and renewable energy alone may not be enough; change will be required on the individual level. For instance, some schools in Finland and India teach sustainable ways of living along with a traditional education, even from an early age . While institutions across the world offer courses analyzing causes of environmental issues, an emphasis will be placed upon educating students, starting from primary school, to lead sustainable lives outside of educating them on the underlying problem. Campuses in the U.S. will adopt these principles, creating more conscious learning environments where students are not only enriched with the technical education to produce high-tech solutions, but also learn low-tech techniques like composting, rain water harvesting, and being wary of overconsumption. How We Get There. It is no secret that education reform is notoriously slow and stagnant, but there is already evidence of progress towards this vision. The “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” phrase, popularized in the 1970s, is culturally embedded largely due its continuing presence within the education system. Countries will shift towards incorporating such sustainable living campaigns in their education systems, connecting campuses worldwide to a shared goal of combating climate change. Education remains a policy area of interest to a variety of organizations including the United Nations (UN) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). These groups work with governments across the globe to bring about educational reform, and would be instrumental in materializing this vision, working alongside advocacies and citizens in pursuit of change. Impact. Financial burdens often impact access to education and resources for students of various backgrounds. Incorporating these principles into the curriculum would be low cost and help connect students to a mission of generational sustainability across geographical boundaries. Most notably, this will promote a sense of community and personal responsibility in students as they become global citizens. The progress towards this vision is reassuring of a hopeful future that is not only desirable, but needed to ensure the longevity of our planet. Increase Education Equity Through The Use of Technology. Connection via Virtual Reality. In 2050, physical location will no longer act as a barrier to education. With Virtual Reality (VR) and expanding on current rendering technology such as Google Earth and Meta Workplace, in the year 2050 students will be able to get a first hand view of new locations from the convenience of their university classroom. Not only will this technology allow people to see new places, but with the use of Augmented Reality (AR) students will be able to interact with the environment around them. This type of environmental interaction could be applied to give students new experiences in a plethora of eras including getting to experience and participate in cultural practices. As it is known that being able to collaborate with others helps build connection and understanding, this technology should help people better understand new cultures and bring differing groups closer together. Adoption of Virtual Reality is growing rapidly and platforms like Meta Workplace unearth the possibility of having virtual international schools. Much of the technology used in education trickles down from enterprise use. This pattern is evident in the way schools turned to Zoom and Google Meet to host classes. Similarly, education companies in the US such as Pearson, will adopt VR to bring together students in a simulated classroom environment, producing a more interactive and immersive experience than current remote meeting technology. Doctorate defenses, guest lecturing, and research collaboration in a virtual environment will reshape the way faculty members interact with one another across geographical boundaries. With funding being a major factor in fostering collaborative environments for faculty, VR will give way to democratize and improve the academic experience for many. Finally, one of the greatest parts of this technology is that it will give more equitable opportunity to have these new experiences. Currently, traveling to a new country and participating in new experiences there is expensive and many students can not afford these trips. With just one virtual reality machine purchased by a university they could allow hundreds, if not thousands of their students to all have these experiences. Investment in this technology would require funding from policymakers; however, VR and AR become more accessible each year with most modern cell phones being capable. In the year 2050, this technology will also have been adopted not only by universities but also by public libraries so that everyone can come have these new experiences for free. With the uniting ability of seeing new people, places, and things with your own eyes, this virtual reality technology will greatly increase the human to human connection of people across the world. Learning Languages with LLMs. It has been shown that one of the best ways to learn a new language is to practice having conversations with others. Currently, students learning languages from other cultures may find it difficult to practice their conversational skills. In the year 2050, this problem will be eliminated with the use of conversational artificial intelligence for teaching students new languages. Conversational artificial intelligence guides language learners through sentences when they are struggling, all while saving the person the embarrassment of messing up the language with another human. Over time this technology will be able to learn the most effective conversations and teaching practices. The impact of this new improved language learning is that more diverse groups of people from around the world will be able to converse face to face. Being able to have conversations with others will continue to increase understanding of different cultures and serve to unify people across the world. Conversations Amongst Diverse Groups of People. Current Technology. In the year 2023, the University of Virginia has already integrated technology such as Zoom and Social Media to enable real-time communication with people around the world. These technologies also help UVA staff and students start connections and conversations to a more diverse group of people. Future Applications of Technology. In the year 2050, the University will have incorporated online learning and have more readily available resources online. As acceptance of physical absences from classrooms continues with professors, more resources such as recorded notes and lectures will be made available to students to study. Remote technology such as Zoom or potentially more advanced forms of digital communications such as virtual reality will be incorporated into the university's forms of hosting meetings, lectures, and events. Past Events. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the University saw a dramatic shift from physical to virtual learning. The starting line for virtual learning has already been set, according to research done by the Virginia Department of Education, 83% of school divisions provided elementary (PK-5) students with a personalized device, 92% of school division for secondary (6-12) students, and 60% of divisions provided internet access to community locations .. This amount of support for online synchronous and asynchronous learning was developed rapidly in Virginia from 2020 to 2021. If more adoption of online learning at the University of Virginia is accepted, access to technology will become a necessity and will therefore demand more support to bridge the gap of inequality in access to technology and the internet. A greater interest in online learning will also facilitate more adoption from professors to provide learning resources online. Currently in the year 2023, there is a divide in some professors providing all available learning materials such as textbook readings, lecture recordings, and chapter power-points online, some professors providing limited resources, and the remaining opting to provide none. With an increase in transitioning to online learning from 2023 to 2050, a greater number of professors will be more likely to provide all resources to be readily available to students that want to learn remotely, whether it be asynchronously or synchronously. Remote Communication. With the adoption of remote technology, diverse communities could also join University held events and connect with students and staff. Integration of better translational technology will also help bridge the language barrier. If digital advancements have not made considerable progress, then use of current technology such as Zoom or Microsoft teams will likely be used to facilitate online, real-time events. However, if advancements in communication technology are made, digital environments could be utilized to provide an easier experience to establish conversations and connections to people around the globe. Digital environments would allow for people to converse with both their voice as well as their visual cues such as body language, allowing them to more easily convey messages even if translational technologies are not 100% perfect. Conclusion. In the year 2050, an increase in educational equity, remote technology integration, and international educational sustainability will occur. Global educational systems will be established to increase sustainability. New technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and language translational software will also be incorporated into the classroom. Remote technology in the classroom will be more widely accepted into classrooms with online resources becoming more readily available. Access to technology will become more common as the demand for technological and internet access increases. The global campus of 2050 will continue to advance and adopt new technologies to provide equitable access and progress to a sustainable future.
Mobility 2050/Lightweight Electromobility. The Rise of Lightweight Electromobility. The need has arisen for more cost effective electric vehicles due to the scarcity of the battery minerals as well as environmental and ethical concerns. With the enormous risks that are associated with the rise of global warming, keeping this temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius has risen to the forefront of the public mind. Finding more efficient ways for Electric Vehicles (EV’s), and more specifically Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV’s) to best utilize the resources available is vital for the future of 2050, as an e-bike may only have a 5 lbs battery compared to the 1,000 lbs battery in some EV’s. The vision for the future of electromobility will be a public and governmental switch toward lightweight electromobility in cities and a change in infrastructure and regulations to mitigate climate change. The State of Electromobility. The US Department of Transportation describes electromobility as “any small, low-speed, electric-powered transportation device, including electric-assist bicycles, electric scooters…” and more. The benefits of current electromobility are that the upfront capital cost of the vehicles are less than other BEV’s while also providing a range to the user of 20 up to hundreds of miles. These ranges depend upon the specifics of the micro mobility vehicles but typically vary due to vehicle size, charging time, and other factors involved. Nonetheless these vehicles are able to transport their user across a city in the same way that a traditional car would be able to. Feasibility of Expansion. The Netherlands has been at the forefront of the switch to lightweight mobility, as in 2019 bicycle’s made up 27% of all trips made in the country. They have been able to achieve this based on implementation of government incentives and subsidies, an investment of charging infrastructure, policy initiatives, an integration of public transport, and changing social values of the public. To achieve these goals the public must be able to accept the responsibility and the necessity for the growth of electromobility as an alternative form of transportation. The most popular explanation for why the Netherlands was able to accomplish this feat and America could never do something like this is, ‘well the Netherlands is smaller than the United States, with less people.’ To this we propose the facts of the situation and raise our own question: the population of the Netherlands is larger than all but 4 states in the US (and double the population of all but 12), so if a country the size of the Netherlands can accomplish this, why can’t a state like New Jersey? Blanket enforcement across the US most likely is not the solution to the evolution of micro mobility, but control on a state and local level would make this transition more manageable. This emphasis will come as the public responsibility shifts even more to keeping the global temperatures below that 2 degrees mark. The Future of Electromobility. The future of electromobility is one that comes in many shapes and sizes, with varying technological advancements that will propel lightweight electric travel into mainstream use. Already these advancements can be seen as the design of these vehicles have been retrofitted to better fit the user’s needs. Lightweight and foldable E-bikes allow for more convenient storage and transportation for people of all demographics and the same can be said for personal and foldable E-scooters. Another future for lightweight mobility is using eco-friendly material in batteries and developing a solar charging system to power the vehicles. Additionally swappable battery systems for e scooters would provide convenient power boosts when traversing a city when stopping to charge is not an optimal solution. The future of travel can take on many of these new forms that are convenient for the consumer as well as beneficial to the environment. Obstacles. Given that the future we wish to progress towards de-emphasizes personal motor vehicle transport in favor of small-scale personal electromobility, how can we construct a plan to make sufficient progress towards this goal by the year 2050? The Netherlands have become a modern day success story, and provided a foundation for the future we wish to see in 2050, but it's naive to assume that the template that allowed for the Netherlands to succeed in this right can be copy-pasted to cities all over the world. There are various barriers ranging from political, cultural, economic, and environmental that will slow the adoption of large scale electromobility. In the U.S. these manifest in the lagging of construction progress brought on by the two-party system, the vast difference in job requirements accompanying different locations, the innate ties motor vehicle based industries have to the national government, the large range of climates the country encloses, and many more. These obstacles are not insurmountable, but important to consider while visualizing the future. Implementation. Taking these factors into account, the first steps towards our future will begin with public outcry. The U.S. has the most annual car crash deaths by far, and these numbers continue to increase as the years progress. As driving becomes less safe, the American people will call upon their government to change their transportation system. This will start with small scale city-level laws and projects, such as bike lane construction, public transportation spending, and even current policy in New York set to minimize vehicle idling by allowing citizens to record vehicles idling and recover part of the cost of the ticket. As such laws and projects sweep across the nation, the economic power of companies such as General Motors will lessen due to the population seeking alternative methods of transportation. This will diminish the amount of lobbying they can do, which will free up the government to take more direct action. At this point, city planners and public transportation exerts will be contracted by the government to inspect our current city layouts. They will work in tandem with lightweight EV companies such as Lyme and VEO to provide alternatives to driving in major cities. Because all major cities are different, these projects will have to be customized based on many factors. Ferries can be used in cities cut by rivers. Trollies can be used in cities with mild climates. Metro networks can be used in cities that are too large for slower means of transportation. Every city will be a unique engineering challenge, and the need for educated labor in this vein will ensure that the next generation of students will carry on this vision for decades to come. As the projects expand to smaller cities, cars will only be needed to move between cities, and the streets the children play in will once again be safe. This process can be significantly quickened by technological advances in lightweight electromobility, however, so it is important to monitor the current state of lightweight EV's as well as potential for innovation in the future. Technological Advances: Present & Future. Significant advancements have been made in the realm of computing power, partly thanks to hardware company Nvidia. They have revolutionized the field with their high-power GPUs, accessible through CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture). CUDA has accelerated the development and execution of code, especially in machine learning. OpenAI has also contributed to this progress with the release of Triton, a GPU programming framework that similarly improves speed. This competition has spurred remarkable advancements in programming. For instance, the introduction of Triton has enabled faster PyTorch training by reducing the use of temporary memory. These developments marks a leap forward in the efficiency and capabilities of programming technologies. In 2007, a GPU and an efficiently-written Breadth-First Search algorithm enabled the processing of about 10 million graph nodes in one second. In 2011, a Stanford team discovered that GPU-optimized codes could tackle up to 400 million edges in a second on a 32 million-node graph, marking a substantial leap forward. This progress owes much to Moore's Law, which predicts a doubling of transistors on a chip approximately every two years, thereby boosting computational power. This trend feeds into the expected increase in GPU parallelism—a consistent pattern over recent years. Consequently, we can anticipate future, more powerful GPUs to simultaneously handle more intricate tasks, dramatically accelerating overall processes. Moreover, advancements in transistor technology have curtailed leakage, thus improving both the quantity and quality of transistors. These technological strides will revolutionize software by 2050. For instance, navigation companies, like Uber and VEO, will not only enable their apps to find paths quicker, but they will also enhance their fleet management. This will enable these companies to optimize vehicle deployment, improve route efficiency, and streamline operational logistics, ultimately leading to a more efficient and responsive service. Consequently, more people will be incentivized to ride share, use electric scooters, and ultimately, move away from using private vehicles. Enhanced computational capabilities will also improve the quality of simulations in various fields. For instance, automotive manufacturers can run extensive simulations, incorporating artificial intelligence in their designs. This will enable them to pay greater attention to aspects like safety, aerodynamics, and overall vehicle performance, boosting the adoption and use of lightweight electric vehicles. Material scientists will benefit as well. Improved technology will accelerate advanced simulations and exploratory methods. Using GPUs, researchers can efficiently model complex processes, like the transformation of Li4Ti5O12 into Li7Ti5O12, leading to more discoveries and improvements in materials, namely batteries. These discoveries will raise the quality of lightweight electric vehicles, which will be crucial to realizing our vision. Future Work. Future research could explore the methods used to shift public attitudes towards lightweight electric vehicles by 2050. The United States has an entrenched car culture, as seen by the sprawling suburbs and extensive freeways. While government policies can guide a transition towards more sustainable forms of transport, fostering an authentic public preference for these vehicles is key to ensuring a smooth shift. The city of Liverpool's transformation offers a valuable case study in changing societal attitudes. Once grappling with racism, highlighted by the 1981 Toxteth riots, the city has seen a massive shift for the better. The arrival of Mohamed Salah—a Muslim player for Liverpool FC, one of the club’s best ever players—played a key role. His presence correlated with a 16% drop in hate crimes, compared to had he not signed for the club, and fewer Islamophobic posts among fans. This shift in Liverpool demonstrates the potential for deeply ingrained behaviors/attitudes, such as the United States’s car culture, to undergo positive transformation.
Engineering Education in 2050/Tools, Not Just Solutions. Introduction: In 2014, Lockheed Martin claimed that they will create a fusion reactor that will have “no emissions, safe operations, and proliferation free” so that in 20 years, “we will have clean power for the world.” In 2016, Boeing redesigned their Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) system to account for stall characteristics for FAA certification. In 2023, Forbes reported that “AI computers make zero errors if programmed correctly,” such that they reduce human error. Of course, all of these claims led to failure of varying severity as: The Boeing 737 Maxes crashed due to the control of the MCAS system, AIs spread misinformation and are all error prone, and commercial fusion energy has yet to be demonstrated but still causes some to believe that innovation alone will solve the energy crisis. Lockheed Martin’s claims are especially false since not only did they fail to “have a prototype” that functioned in “five years” as they hoped, it was unlikely that their design “the size of a shipping container” was even theoretically viable. Also, even if fusion technology did become viable, it is unlikely to replace other sources so completely anytime soon. All of these failures have something in common. They result from useful tools being sold as complete solutions to a problem. In many cases these claims are made by engineers who are responsible for developing these tools. For example, the Boeing redesign was signed off by Boeing’s Chief Project Engineer and Lockheed Martin’s claims were made by the Doctor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering who led the project. It is clear then that there is a grave need to better educate engineers about the distinction between tools and solutions. When engineers have the skills to refute these false claims and the personal integrity to speak the truth even when it goes against business interests, new technologies like these can be important parts of true solutions. The field of Engineering is suffused with the false assumption that the job of an engineer is to "produce solutions". This can be seen starkly in the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology's (ABET's) certification requirements. In order to stay accredited, engineering programs must demonstrate each year that their students demonstrate "an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions" . When the belief that engineers produce solutions is promoted, the role of the user in engineering is underrepresented. If an engineer has "solved" a problem, it is implied that the user is not responsible for solving the problem. In contrast, tools must be used to solve a problem and a user must be considered explicitly. The consequences of missing this distinction can be seen in the overrepresentation of electric cars as a solution to climate change in the mobility sector or in the marketing of AI as a replacement for lawyers, artists, and programmers. In order to truly solve problems like the decarbonization of mobility, engineers will need to be educated differently by 2050 to draw attention to the distinction between tools and solutions. Already, changes are being made to ABET certification requirements in order to promote this transition. For example, the Civil Engineering accreditation requirements for the 2024-2025 accreditation cycle make no mention of producing solutions and instead emphasize ethical and sustainable design. Though some branches of engineering, such as computer science, still require engineers to "produce solutions", we anticipate that this will have changed by 2050. Collaboration Between Majors: Historically, engineering has been an interdisciplinary career, with most engineers having other careers. Leonardo da Vinci was an architect and an artist. Benjamin Franklin was a politician, postmaster, and writer. However, engineering education has overly focused on specialization . This has led to a major problem in the professional world, with engineers encountering problems and attempting to create solutions that fail to help the people they are supposed to. There has been progress in moving away from this ideology, but there must be significantly more to enforce the "Tools, not Solutions" mindset that is essential to engineering. Engineering is a highly interdisciplinary field, with most engineers having many transferable skills . Despite this, working with others is something that engineers struggle with. This can, in part, be attributed to engineering education prioritizing solutions over tools. Solutions do not exist in real life, but tools do. Making good tools requires collaboration between the engineers designing the tool and the people who need the tool. This is not something that is seriously covered in modern engineering education. An improvement to the engineering curriculum would be requiring engineering students to work with other majors over the course of their undergraduate career. Whether they enter the workforce or pursue further education afterwards, they will have to work with non-engineers on the regular. Therefore, they should spend their first year determining what they want to do and which kinds of people they will be working with. Biomedical engineers might work with pre-med students, computer engineers might work with business majors, etc. This will be a largely open selection. Engineers should have the freedom to decide what their career path will entail and find the right people to work with. Once they have found someone to work with, they should start discussing what their goals are and what project they will work together to create. Unlike other projects, which usually take a semester, this project will take until graduation to be completed. By working with someone outside of engineering, engineering students will be forced to consider the needs and wants of a partner and construct a tool, not a solution. At the end of their fourth year, the partnership will present their project, explaining what they learned from it and how they can apply it. Working for such a long time on a project would give both partners an experience of what their future jobs will be like. Beyond the obvious benefit of creating more skilled and wise engineers, this will also give the engineers a major interdisciplinary project on their resume, showcasing to employers that they are well prepared for the challenges of a career. The non-engineering student also stands to benefit. Communication is a two-way road. By working with an engineer, the student will gain experience that will help them work with engineers in their career. The world will be even more interdisciplinary in 2050. It is important that different professionals are capable of working with each other to create their visions, while also recognizing the fundamental difference between tools and solutions. . Emphasis in Projects: In today's engineering programs, projects are seen primarily as tools to educate engineers in solving problems that they may encounter outside of education. These projects place a great emphasis on the technical aspects of this problem solving, but often neglect to emphasize the social aspects of problem solving. By 2050, engineering programs will place a greater emphasis on the development cycle in projects. Doing so, they will emphasize that responsible development begins with diagnosing a problem that can be solved with the help of engineering. Then, students will work to create a tool that can be used to solve that problem. Afterwards, students will discuss the uses and limitations of the tool including an emphasis that the tool is useless without a user. By integrating this distinction into project based learning, engineers in the future will have concrete examples of the importance of considering the user in design. Implementing a four-year project-based curriculum will cause some issues with students who are not sure of what major they want to do or those that change their majors. Therefore, instead of four years, a three-year project might be better. Engineering students at the University of Virginia declare their major in their first year. Other schools may have a different timeline and so may need a two-year project. Regardless of the length, the project would still encompass several years and provide a solid preparation for students. Since it would only start after major declaration, students would still have time to explore their major options. Additionally, students could also use the time before major declaration to find potential partners and come up with a project idea. They would then spend the rest of their time in college working on the project, taking in input from users, and showing their progress to an advisor. Finally, a report on the project, what challenges were faced, what problems it can be used on, and lessons learned can serve as the student's capstone. Ethics: A contributing factor to the misrepresentation of tools as solutions is the constant push by companies to develop systems that remove the user because “solutions” sell better than tools. A solution is something that works independently, while a tool requires a user to make decisions and interact with it. The danger of misrepresenting a tool as a solution can be demonstrated by the following. Say a person has high blood pressure, and their doctor prescribes them a blood pressure medication. If the doctor tells the patient the pill is a solution, then the patient will continue to make decisions that are not good for their health and assume that the pill will control their problem, whereas if the doctor tells the patient the pill is a tool, then the patient takes the pill as part of system to control their high blood pressure; a system that includes other tools like exercise and diet changes. Problems are not solved when people, whether they be designers or users, are removed from a system. To prevent the misrepresentation of tools as solutions, we must develop systems that keep the designers and users responsible and not pass technology off as standalone solutions. One way we envision doing this is increasing the teaching of ethics during engineer’s schooling. Ethics are defined by Oxford Dictionary as “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior”, and engineering education that teaches students ethics can provide them the background and skills necessary to make the strong ethical decision to keep users as a crucial part of the system. More and more in society we see an increase in disdain for companies who push for unsound decisions because of monetary influence. A PwC survey found that only 30% of consumers trust companies (Segal 2022). This shift in societal thought will push companies to search for ways to gain public favor as a company that people can trust. Large corporations already donate money to college degree programs, for example the UVA mechanical/aerospace engineering 3D printing lab that is sponsored by Rolls Royce, so they will shift this action slightly and start to put money towards ethics programs in engineering in search of good publicity, which in turn will encourage schools to develop their own ethics programs in hopes of receiving these funds. Another reason we foresee a shift in engineering education to have a more central focus on ethics is because of the increasingly negative view of capitalism combined with the increase in small businesses being started in the tech industry. It is a well known phenomenon that younger generations tend to have more liberal views that become more moderate as they age, but some claim that this trend is ending, starting with gen z. This is the first time in history where a younger generation is worse off economically than their parents generation, leading to a general distrust and want for reform in the current capitalistic economic system. Additionally, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small business applications are at an all time high. These two facts will converge in 2050 and lead to a market that is flooded with businesses run by people who care about their impact on employees, the environment, and the public, all of which are important areas to be considered when making ethical decisions. This market shift caused by younger, more liberal generations joining the ranks of business owners will contribute even more to the corporate sponsorship of ethics programs in academia, and will cause a snowball effect where the growth of ethical viewpoints in business will cause more ethics to be taught in higher education, which in turn will result in more ethical decision making by employees in the field. We believe this increase in ethics will include a heavy focus on not misrepresenting tools as solutions, because many of the current problems for employees and the environment stem from people being removed from the system. For example, material waste is at an all time high, and yet most citizens do not know how to properly dispose of different products because they falsely believe that generic recycling processes will solve these environmental problems. Young visionary business owners fed up with current systems will enter the workforce and begin slowly changing the tide towards a world where people are helped solving their problems, not where their problems are "solved" for them, and this reform will include the increase in the teaching of ethics in engineering higher education. Specifically, we envision an engineering curriculum where ethics teachings are ingrained into classes across a curriculum in ways like requiring lab reports to feature a section explaining how a tested technology may or may not be the best tool for different scenarios, or discussions of past engineering project tragedies and successes involved in most lectures. Engineering education is slowly headed down this path on its own. At UVA the Science, Technology, and Society classes are a requirement for graduation and include various discussions of an engineer's responsibility to the public and their design. The class Advanced Software Development also includes a lecture on the Software Engineering Code of Ethics. This trend in higher education combined with societal pressures causing companies to put their money towards ethics teaching programs will result in an engineering curriculum in which ethics are a core component. An ethical engineer will know their responsibility to be a part of a system that uses their technology as a tool, as opposed to an outsider of a system that treats their technology as a solution. References:
Engineering Education in 2050/CS for Sustainability. In a rapidly advancing era of technology and innovation, three critical areas demand our attention and action for a sustainable future: sustainable hardware design and production, recycling and reuse of electronic materials, and ethical sourcing of materials. We predict that by 2050, a comprehensive transformation of Computer Science education will create a societal shift that will ensure that future generations of technology professionals are committed to sustainability and ethical practices surrounding not only areas relating to CS but all practices associated with general technological design and innovation. Sustainable Hardware Design and Production The current trends surrounding sustainable hardware design and production are leading society down a dangerous road. The disastrous environmental impacts that come with surging technology consumption can be attributed to the fact that current hardware design and production practices are not focused on optimal sustainability. Every year, approximately 40 million metric tons of electronic waste consisting of discarded televisions, phones, computers, and other electronic hardware are produced globally. This electronic waste makes up 70% of the toxic heavy metals in these landfills. As companies and manufacturers are not actively working to make these technological devices sustainable in every sense of the word, the harm inflicted upon the environment will only get worse. This is why a next-generation sustainable solution must be proposed that has technology companies focused on longevity, energy efficiency, and responsible materials associated with each newly designed and constructed piece of hardware. The society of 2050 will be one where industry professionals apply their knowledge on how to effectively foster sustainable hardware design and production practices in the workplace after having learned every part of this process in school. This will be able to become a reality once CS curriculum shifts are incorporated into every level of the education system. This shift must be based on centering CS education around teaching about longevity, energy efficiency, and responsible material use, concerning the design and production of hardware. A curriculum rooted in practical projects with real-world applications paired with industry collaboration will make the classroom of 2050 one that actively works to better society through thoughtful innovation. This classroom of 2050 will bring about a new era of the technology industry in the form of encouraging smart consumer demand on a global scale. This means that the next generation of technology consumers will be educated and informed on how to help save our planet from further environmental disasters, encouraging them to only demand sustainable technology from companies and manufacturers. This demand will inevitably force these technology producers to reinvent their hardware design and production practices. Once this shift takes form in the United States, it will take shape globally until society actively works to continuously save itself from an unsustainable technology future. Recycling and Reuse of Electronic Components In the current era where advancements in technology are rapidly outpacing electronic lifespans, the recycling and reuse of electronic components emerge as a pivotal strategy to promote sustainability and mitigate environmental impact. A study done by the World Economic Forum showed that in 2019 alone, humans produced for than 59.1 million tons of electronic waste, which was an increase of 21 percent more than in 2014. The staggering increase in electronic waste highlights a critical challenge: the need to more effectively repurpose and manage electronic waste. Not only does the accumulation of e-waste pose significant threats to the environment and public health, but also a loss of valuable resources. The under-recycling of lithium-ion batters, a key component in many new technologies including electronic vehicles and phones, is particularly alarming, with only 5% being recycled annually. Meanwhile, the reuse of electronic waste offers a trove of resources including glass, plastics, and metal wiring that could be used in the manufacturing of new electronics. To address the critical gap in electronic component recycling and reuse, a fundamental shift in computer science and engineering curricula is essential. Future computer science engineers have to be equipped with the knowledge and deeper understanding of circular economy, business collaboration, and waste ethics. Not only will students know how to design and build electronics, but to also think about the sustainability of the product. Integrating a deep understanding of circular economy strategies into the computer science and engineering curricula will not only promote recycling habits but also a completely different view of the electronic product lifecycle. This would not only create a shift of mindset towards product design, but the environmental footprint of their products. In terms of business collaboration, collaborative interdisciplinary projects in engineering, business, and environmental science would provide hands-on experience for students to tackle problems that they would face in their careers. This could also include learning about large corporation collaboration to promote electronic recyclability and reuse. Lastly, a strong emphasis on ethics is vital for computer science and engineering students. Although there is ethics classes are already implemented for students in most universities, a broader landscape of ethics classes that fit with computer science-specific majors(and other engineering students) would provide a more catered and impactful fit. To effectively implement the necessary changes in computer science engineering curricula needed for a sustainable future in 2050, a multi-faceted approach is essential. The collaboration between academic institutions, governmental bodies, and tech industry leaders will be vital for the success of computer science for sustainability. This could be incentivized by policies and funding provided by national or global governments, encouraging universities and schools to make critical changes. Fostering relationships with big tech corporations and universities to provide hands-on projects would provide experience with electronic component recyclability challenges and solutions to change in the future. Addressing the escalating issue of electronic waste and the ineffective recycling methods of critical components like lithium-ion batteries and materials require substantial effort from universities, businesses, and governments. With these efforts, by 2050, we can visualize a world where tech businesses are more committed to product lifespan and universities are bringing forth bright computer science engineers who are passionate about an environmentally conscious future. Ethical Sourcing of Materials As our world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the demand for materials like rare earth elements (REEs) is expected to soar, with projections indicating a 400-600% increase over the next few decades. Over 90% of these essential elements currently come from just four countries, raising concerns about environmental and social impacts associated with their extraction. In this context, the role of Computer Science (CS) education becomes pivotal in advocating for and implementing ethical sourcing practices. Ethical sourcing in the tech industry is not just about procurement; it's a comprehensive approach that encompasses environmental stewardship and social responsibility. By sourcing minerals responsibly, we can significantly reduce environmental damage, such as pollution and loss of biodiversity. More importantly, it addresses critical social concerns by reducing human rights abuses and improving working conditions in mining communities. To embed these values in future technology professionals, CS curricula must evolve. Courses should include modules focusing on the environmental and social impacts of mineral extraction. This integration will ensure that students are not only adept at technical skills but are also conscious of the broader implications of their work in technology. An interdisciplinary approach is essential in this educational transformation. Collaborating with departments like environmental science provides students with a broader perspective on the lifecycle of technology products, from mineral extraction to end-user application. Such collaborations can foster innovative solutions, like biomining, electrokinetic extraction, and agromining, which offer sustainable alternatives to traditional mining methods. Furthermore, the possibility of asteroid mining presents a futuristic yet potentially pivotal area for research and exploration within the curriculum. In the 2050 CS classroom, real-world case studies will be a cornerstone of learning, utilizing advanced technology to bring practical scenarios to life. Virtual reality (VR) simulations will enable students to immerse themselves in the environments of mining operations, witnessing first-hand the environmental and social impacts of mineral extraction. Through interactive modules, they will navigate complex global supply chains, encountering and resolving ethical dilemmas that mirror those in the professional world. This hands-on approach, blending VR with data-driven case studies, ensures that students not only understand theoretical concepts but also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for ethical decision-making in their future careers. By 2050, partnerships between educational institutions and tech companies will be deeply integrated into the CS curriculum. Collaborative projects facilitated through digital platforms will allow students to work directly with industry professionals on current challenges in ethical sourcing. These projects might involve developing algorithms for more sustainable supply chain management or designing software solutions for tracking the ethical sourcing of materials. These partnerships will not only provide invaluable practical experience but also open pathways for internships and job opportunities, equipping students with a blend of academic knowledge and industry experience. The ultimate goal of integrating ethical sourcing into CS education is to nurture a generation that drives innovations prioritizing sustainability. By 2050, we envision a tech industry where ethical sourcing is the norm, influenced by professionals educated on its importance. Educating students in this manner equips them to not only excel in their careers but also to contribute meaningfully to a sustainable and equitable technological landscape. Summary
Engineering Education in 2050/Keeping Humans in Responsible Charge of AI. Introduction. The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the 21st century presents significant ethical challenges, particularly in its development and societal impact. This chapter, drawing from AI experts Geoffrey Hinton and Timnit Gebru, highlights these issues, including existential risk, encoded biases, and labor exploitation in AI development. It advocates for a reformed engineering curriculum focused on equipping future engineers with the necessary skills and ethics to address these challenges in 2050, ensuring AI advancements align with inclusivity and social responsibility. Future Risk of AI. Hinton's Projections and Concerns for AI's Future Geoffrey Hinton, often referred to as "The Godfather of AI," has voiced concerns about the trajectory of AI development. He recently stated in 2023 that AI could surpass human performance within as little as five years, revising his earlier prediction of twenty to thirty years. His warnings reflect that AI systems must be aligned with human values, and designed as tools to augment humanity rather than replace them. Despite this, Hinton does not advocate for a halt in AI research, arguing that global research efforts will continue regardless. His concerns encompass the spread of misinformation, along with the potential automation of jobs, such as assistants and paralegals, and the wider societal effects of job displacement. Gebru's Critique of AI Ethics Timnit Gebru, a former co-lead on Google’s AI ethics team, brings a different but equally critical perspective. Her dismissal from Google following her criticism of large language models (LLMs) underscores the tension between profit and safety in AI development. Gebru highlighted how these models, driven by profit motives, often fail to address inherent biases. Biased data trains biased AI, and the reflection of human biases in AI underscores the need for the 2050 engineering curriculum to focus on comprehensive ethical training, critical thinking, and bias mitigation strategies. Labor Exploitation of AI Workers The exploitation of labor in AI development highlights unforeseen challenges from AI's rapid growth. In the Philippines, Remowork has faced criticism for exploiting workers tasked with classifying images for AI datasets, often in poor conditions with low pay, delayed wages, and revocations. Similarly, Sama in Kenya has drawn workers into discerning explicit graphic content to train models like ChatGPT in flagging inappropriate material. These workers, some paid as low as $1 an hour, endure mental health impacts from the distressing content. Such exploitation underlines the ethical issues in building advanced technologies on the labor of disadvantaged individuals, reinforcing a cycle of inequality. AI Biases and Ethical Considerations. By 2050, it is predicted that AI will be more commonly integrated into everyday life and more powerful, however, with this there is the potential for algorithm decisions to be more biased as they present higher amounts of information to users accumulated over the years. A consideration to focus on by this year is the possibility that algorithms are reinforcing biases rather than helping them. What is AI Bias? Biases can emerge from the data that is used for training, the algorithms themselves, or the design decisions made during development. Important case studies of AI bias include the 1988 British medical school discrimination where a computer program was biased against women and applicants with non-European names when reviewing applications. In 2018, a similar occurrence happened when Amazon’s computer models were biased against women as most resumes came from men with data input. Another example is the ProPublica news site finding that the criminal justice algorithm said African American defendants were “high risk” at twice the rate as white defendants. It is clear that AI bias can lead to misinformation and unequal opportunities to users and the public, so is there a way to completely stop it with the help of engineers and their professional responsibility? A New Curriculum Behind AI development are the professionals working to create such algorithms. To keep AI in check, the task of completely eradicating bias is an unrealistic approach, rather, it is proposed that engineers will need to be trained at some point in the future to recognize such biases in data. Engineers need to understand their professional responsibility in ensuring AI technologies align with ethical standards and societal values. To achieve this mindset, we predict that AI bias recognition will be addressed and integrated into course curriculums. Following principles by Geoffrey Hinton, there will be a creation of courses or electives that help engineering students navigate complex ethical dilemmas that will most likely occur in AI development. Main topics to address include user control and privacy, and transparency of AI systems in a diverse environment. Engineers will learn about user consideration when designing AI which allows users to have control of the system, rather than the system controlling the user.  Respecting user privacy is also important as personal information must be handled responsibly with low possibilities of data breaches, as well as compliance with set privacy regulations. Lastly, ensuring that AI systems are transparent and explainable helps build trust and allows users to understand how decisions are made. For example, this may be seen with the system displaying warning signs of information that may be at higher risk of having biases, and keeping the user aware of how they can better use AI in their life while keeping in mind the information and perspectives presented have their flaws. To address these topics, in particular, hands-on exercises such as finding innovative solutions to help reduce bias in AI will prepare students to make responsible decisions when faced with real-world scenarios. This can be done with learning how to potentially filter data sources that are at high risk for being biased. In addition, seminars with guest speakers will be more available for students to attend on their own time. Speakers may be professors in the area or from around the world, as engineers discuss global AI standards at the time. Opportunities and Challenges As AI infiltrates more into our daily lives, it has the potential to reinforce biases from human thinking and behavior because of the data used. It is unrealistic, however, to find a way to completely eliminate bias, therefore, addressing a change in mindset and encouraging engineers to be more adaptive via integration of multidisciplinary courses and electives are predicted to be available in the future. It is important that humans, the creators of AI systems, heed Hinton’s warning by being aware and reflective of AI biases and ethical standards as it is crucial for creating a future with AI technologies that contribute positively to society, and so that humans do not blindly rely on the incorporation of these powerful, yet flawed systems. AI Law in Engineering Schools. As previously mentioned, our vision sees engineering education taking the necessary steps to teach CS students how AI should align with inclusivity and social responsibility. Another method to reach this end would be to include Pre-Law for undergraduate engineering students. Current AI Law Presently, laws around AI are in the intermediate stages and have yet to take full effect. By the year 2050, with AI being more present in everyday life, we suspect there will be many AI laws. Already, 15 states in the U.S. have enacted legislation around AI. They all have different aspects to them. Some state legislatures focus on collecting data and establishing policies, while others further clarify that AI does not legally qualify as a person. Although the current legislature is scarce and disjointed, in 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which is an indication that in the few upcoming years, nationwide policies on AI will be formed. AI Litigation With any policy or law made, eventually, citizens will break them. We predict that in regards to AI, this will stay consistent, creating a new field of AI litigation. For example, there could be cases that involve harmful bias done by AI, plagiarism of AI software, liability disputes if someone were to follow AI instructions, and more. CS students would be the perfect candidates for the role of AI lawyers as they could understand the background of the software that is relevant in an AI law case and would be able to give context to a jury or judge. This is similar to how patent law, which focuses on litigating patent cases and writing patent applications, currently requires patent lawyers to have at least one technical degree. This is because people with technical backgrounds better understand technical terminology and models, allowing them to grasp the interworkings of an invention that a patent law case is centered around. With AI law, the same would apply. Introducing Pre-Law topics to undergraduate engineering CS students would allow more students to be introduced to the new career path we predict. There could be classes in engineering schools that start with the intersection between law and engineering and higher level courses teaching students law basics to prepare them to potentially go to law school and take subsequent exams. Our prediction is that there would be an AI Law Bar similar to the Patent Bar. With AI lawyers, the future of AI could be tried legally to keep creators responsible. AI Certifications Also, it would be important for CS students to learn about future regulations and their purposes. In our idea of 2050, it would be required for those who create AI software professionally to have a certification to create AI within a specific jurisdiction. This model would combine the current Software Code of Ethics, which does not currently include AI ethics codes, and the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam that Civil Engineers must take as a step to be considered a professional engineer. These certifications would ensure that professionals who create AI systems can be held accountable for being aware of AI regulations as they have received a certification that will have tested them on AI regulations as well as technical skills. A present challenge to this idea is determining what jurisdiction a person should become certified to create AI professionally since one AI software could be used outside of the state or even the country where it was created. Also, people must pay to take the FE exam, so we can assume a similar test would also require payment. This could create barriers to who will receive the certification. Conclusion. These issues lead to the prediction of a significant shift in the engineering education by 2050. This new approach will prioritize ethical grounding, bias prevention, human-centric AI design, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continual learning. By equipping future engineers with the skills and ethical frameworks to navigate these challenges, the vision for 2050 will be one where AI is a force for positive change and developed in a manner that respects both human dignity and moral responsibility.
Engineering Education in 2050/High-Sōsh Techniques. Introduction to High-Sōsh. Sōsh: environmental or societal impact (high = good impact, low = bad impact). The techniques employed by engineers can be placed on a spectrum from high-sōsh to high-tech, depending on the amount of technological resources required. High-tech generally has been the preferred side of the spectrum, as it represents the cutting edge of modern advancements. Everybody wants to contribute to the latest and greatest, so an enormous amount of effort goes towards these advancements. However, this often leads to high-tech tools being prescribed to problems where a high-sōsh tool would've been more than sufficient, as people are looking to apply these new advancements. This raises concerns, as high-tech tools, by definition, require more resources than their high-sōsh counterparts. So, an engineer should carefully gauge whether this tradeoff of more resources is warranted, but little attention is given to this in our current engineering education. Some would argue that engineers should only consider technological forces in design, that social forces are best left to business leaders and executives. However, social forces are absolutely as important as technological forces to engineers, as these forces are acting on designed tools everyday. For example, psychological reactance is a subconscious behavior that causes users to defy a tools intended use as an automatic response, without having any prior biases against it. Immediately, it's apparent how just one behavior can spell disaster for engineers. High-sōsh engineering is about considering all types of behaviors when improving a tool. To illustrate this spectrum a little bit better, here are some examples: Our Vision. Our vision is that, in 2050, the mindset of people will have shifted to be more sustainable, leading to more thought towards the tradeoffs between high-tech and high-sōsh designs. Over-engineering will be considered distasteful, as simpler designs that require less resources will gain recognition. The cutting edge will represent innovations where high-tech and high-sōsh techniques are balanced to get the best results for humans as a whole, rather than representing innovations that contain the most advanced technology. People will be more interested in finding sustainable ways to address problems that would traditionally use high-tech means. This mindset shift will necessitate engineers to diagnose problems based on the context of the entire system, rather than the few components that they have expertise on. They will no longer have a very specific set of tools that biases the way they solve problems, instead having a broader set of tools that allows them to view problems from more nuanced, diverse perspectives. This will lead to engineering programs becoming multidisciplinary. More specifically, we believe that the majority of engineering curricula will fall under one broad 'full-spectrum engineering' major, where students have access to courses across all applied sciences. This will allow them to gain the knowledge to assess situations from a much wider perspective, while also being able to specialize where they see necessary. They'll start their education with the same foundation of math and sciences that engineers currently do, but will follow it up with advanced courses from many different areas of interest, rather than one specific discipline. Feasibility and Credibility. We believe that the overall shift in mindset will be fueled by the outcomes of climate change. One study found that, without significant policy change, we'll see 2°C of global warming by the 2040s. This amount of warming is predicted to increase the Fire Weather Index (FWI) by up to ten points in much of North America, South America, Europe, and the Middle East, which translates to more than a quarter of the world experiencing an extra month of severe heat stress every year. As these consequences become apparent to more and more people, mindsets will adjust to account for the urgency of the situation. This wouldn't be new, either, as we've seen it before with the Montreal Protocol, which was a global agreement to phase out the chemicals that were depleting the Ozone layer. It's been successful in eliminating around 99% of such chemicals, putting the Ozone layer on a recovery track. There's no reason to think we can't seek this type of global collaboration again, and it's easy to see how that could drastically change mindsets as people come together to address the problems we're all experiencing. As for the shift in engineering education, there are many signs in industry today that point to that fact that current engineering degrees do not serve graduates well enough. One sign is that the current separation of majors creates a culture of narrowed perspectives which can be very dangerous for engineering design. The notorious Boeing 747 Max incident is a prime example of what happens when technical knowledge is limited and not shared across disciplines. The culture at Boeing resulted in teams constantly shifting blame because an issue was outside of their area of expertise, which may have been avoided if the engineers had a wider understanding of the new designs of the aircraft (especially with the faulty component, the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System). Another sign is that engineers are constantly working outside of their major, which brings into question why these multidisciplinary skills are not emphasized in education if it is expected of every new hire? A current trend is the rise in Mechatronics degrees, a degree focused on combining Mechanical, Electrical, and Software Engineering, has grown by 15.6% since 2021. This trend rose out of an industry need for engineers who can understand a system from end to end, rather than one particular component. All these signs point to traditional degrees not preparing graduates for the problems that the industry is focused. A 2050 with no more engineering majors sounds very bold, but what might surprise people is that glimpses of this future are happening right now. Olin University, a private school in Massachusetts, is ranked #2 in the US for undergraduate engineering programs without a doctorate. This program only offers 3 majors: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Engineering. Every student declares one of these majors and also picks up a concentration. Concentrations are composed of classes of a specific area of interest, for example: robotics engineering, network security, or sustainable engineering. Graduates come out with the foundational engineering knowledge in physics, chemistry, and math, and specialized skills in a concentration of their choosing. At the University of Virginia, the McIntire Commerce school is a highly ranked business program which aims to produce the worlds leading corporate executives. A student at McIntire pursues a general liberal arts education with a concentration within a field of their choosing. McIntire credits their ranking to this model of interdisciplinary education, and states that Commerce School graduates need to be able to handle problems of the future in whatever field they originate from. This goal should also apply to engineering education, where engineers should not only understand complex tools, but also understand how users should remain at the center of these designs. One counter argument is that, while commerce can afford to have a broader range of education, an engineering education requires that students learn specialized skills within narrow fields such as: Fluid Dynamics, Machine Learning, and Bioengineering. However, a concentrations model for engineering does not need to be overly broad. These concentrations can focus on specific fields where students can still pickup specialized skills, just with the option of doing so across multiple areas of interest. A curriculum could combine major specific classes into more relevant courses. For example, instead of taking Ordinary Differential Equations in the Math department and Fluid Dynamics in the Mechanical engineering department imagine "Intro to Fluid Dynamics" a class where relevant differential equations is taught within the context of fluid dynamics. This could make course space by saving on credit hours, provide better education because students can connect concepts easier, and make lab applications more relevant to industry practices. Accreditation will change by 2050 to reflect these new priorities. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in their 2022-2023 "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs" "specify subject areas appropriate to engineering but do not prescribe specific courses". Already, accreditation is making space for revamped technical courses that better reflect industry. To incorporate interdisciplinary studies, ABET should require concentrations within their specific subject areas. Understandably, this is a big change for all at once but ABET will be eager to adopt due to the desirability explained above. Some bridge programs could include a new accreditation standard that highlights interdisciplinary studies the same way a college is recognized as a research university. At UVA, concentrations in engineering have already mended well with ABET standards. System engineers can pick up concentrations in Human and Technology Interaction, Information and Intelligent Automation, and Operations Research and Analytics. What about students who do not know exactly what they want to do? The open curriculum mentioned above gives them freedom to not be confined within a major. Rigorous evaluation for a student who knows exactly what they want to do vs. a student who takes some time can be solved by revamping the capstone project. Capstones are the closest thing to a job environment, where students will inevitably work outside of their coursework. However, one missing component of capstones is the client. In 2050, capstones will adapt a real project timeline with clients and team members of different technical backgrounds. This opens the project to bring in students from different concentrations where they learn to explain unfamiliar concepts to peers (like in the real world) and each has valuable skills. For example, a 2050 capstone might be designing a new smart parking lot where engineers take on tasks related to marketing, advertising, coding, client relations all in one project while working with non-technical background peers. Conclusion. In 2050, full-spectrum engineers will lead the charge of saving our environment and bringing people together for societal interests. They'll have the tools to address problems with humans in mind, where the design process puts the user first. This will give us systems that are used as intended, in contrast to current designs such as Tesla's Autosteer, where people circumvent safety restrictions by simply jamming an orange into the steering wheel. Instead of seeking to develop the latest and greatest technologies, engineers will seek to find higher-sōsh ways to address existing problems. They'll have a broader range of tools, allowing them to analyze systems as a whole rather than only the individual components they're familiar with. Industries are already seeking engineers with multidisciplinary skillsets, and this will only continue with mindsets shifting to prefer high-sōsh techniques. As this happens, the social impacts will be increasingly noticed, creating a positive feedback loop. Engineers seeking better outcomes for humans will lead humans to understand the better outcomes we're capable of achieving. Curriculum changes are already happening today to educate engineers. By 2050, curriculum will fully support new learning objectives with detailed and proven concentrations. Lastly, students will prove their education in a revolutionized capstone project where they will learn professional practices.
Engineering Education in 2050/Learning Engineering by Engineering. Engineering is the application of sciences and mathematics to solve real world problems. Currently, the amount of hands-on and application based learning in engineering education is lacking. Students do not gain enough experience and skills in school to support them for their future careers. Instead, they are typically taught to receive the knowledge in a classroom setting, without being given the opportunity to apply the learned content in a meaningful way. Thus, we think that by 2050, engineering education will change to incorporate learning engineering by engineering as a way to better prepare aspiring engineers. High School. At the high school level, all classes generally have some sort of final exam, whether it is a state level standardized test or AP/IB exams. A high score implies that the student mastered the content and can move onto more advanced classes. However, it is difficult to measure a student’s proficiency in a subject merely based on a few sheets of paper. This structure also restricts the students to only what is in the curriculum, preventing them from fully exploring the different areas in engineering. By 2050, there would be a major restructuring in the high school engineering classes such that every class would have a lecture and a lab portion. The lectures would still be the traditional styled class like now. But, the labs would be where students can experiment with and explore the knowledge they learned. They would choose a topic of interest, which does not have to be a topic in the curriculum, and independently develop a project around it. The timespan of these projects are determined by the student. So, to allow this, students are required to take both the lab and the lecture components their first time, but afterwards, the student can choose to take the lab multiple times throughout their four years in high school. The teacher’s role in the labs is to act as an advisor, providing occasional feedback when the student needs it, and to create a professional setting, teaching the students the best practices in industry as they carry out their projects. In the end, the student will have at least one project, which will come together to form the student’s portfolio for the class. The portfolio will replace the final exams mentioned before, so it will be evaluated to score the student on their competency in the subject. The new structure allows students to gain personalized experience in engineering subjects and determine if their interests lie within the subject. This is beneficial as students have a clearer idea of their career goals and help them decide which path to take after high school graduation. Currently, we see the portfolio idea partially implemented. For example, AP Computer Science Principles has a final exam along with a digital portfolio. Students are required to complete worksheets throughout the semester / year as well as develop an app. In IB, the student’s score in the class is based on the internal and external assessment. For the internal assessment, students are required to research a topic or complete a project depending on the class and write a report. The external assessment is like a final exam. In 2050, the portfolio would become the only component in assessing the student’s proficiency in all engineering classes, giving students the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned in the lectures to the real world. University. In 2016, UVA opened a new laboratory called the National Instruments Engineering Discovery Lab, a $1.4 million laboratory located in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Craig Benson, the UVA Engineering Dean at the time, states “young people do not become engineers by sitting in lectures.” This lab is designed for hands-on experiences and gives students a chance to solve real-life, technical problems. An example course that takes place in this laboratory in 2023 is Control Laboratory. Students learn about design, analysis, construction, and testing of electrical and electromechanical circuits and devices, such as Roomba vacuums and auto scrabble players. The skills students learn from courses like these can be used in the workforce or graduate school. Furthermore, the lab was donated very generously by National Instruments, indicating the companies' desire for students educated by learning by doing. In addition to the National Instruments Laboratory, UVA also has Lacy Hall, a space dedicated to putting theory into practice. Currently, the UVA engineering curriculum has all first year engineering students take Intro to Engineering. This class included 3 major hands-on projects: controlling Sphero robots to escape a maze, using CAD software to design and 3D print a ring, and designing sound holes with software to make a violin out of a cigar box. These projects helped the students have fun while learning engineering in a memorable way. By 2050, UVA will have more of these hands-on spaces dedicated to learning by doing. This process of learning engineering by engineering leaves a stronger impression on students compared to memorizing content through lectures or a textbook. Currently, some of these hands-on labs have restrictions by majors, so our hope is that any engineering student who wants to benefit and learn from these labs will be able to by 2050. By 2050, we anticipate that the types of hand-on projects offered by some clubs will be implemented into the classroom. At UVA, these clubs include Hoo Hacks, Computer and Network Security Club, Immersive at UVA, and Virginia motorsports. Allowing students to work on projects that get them to think creatively and learn through actions will be more of an active learning style in 2050 than it is now.  It will not replace lecture style learning; rather, it will be a tool to use alongside the current system. Participation in hands-on clubs could be counted for credit if the students are involved in projects that incorporate learning engineering by practicing engineering. This is similar to how for some arts classes, students can earn credit by being involved in a play or something along those lines. Also, the psychology department currently requires 6 hours of study participation. The engineering school could do something similar by requiring a couple of hours of hands-on learning such as a hackathon. As more technology is being developed and introduced to the world, it could be integrated into the curriculum to learn about them. For example, the hands-on labs could look at virtual reality and artificial intelligence. These types of technologies are rapidly developing and will be in our future, so it is important we study them. This would help to foster immersive and interactive environments. The University should supply their faculty with proper training and development to teach more hands-on and learning by engineering. Oftentimes, the workplace is a hands-on environment, so learning engineering by engineering gives students real-world applications. Also, using tools and equipment is a common practice in engineering which helps students develop necessary skills for the workforce. STS, or Science, Technology, and Society, is one of the main ways engineering students can take classes with other engineering majors. Once we graduate and join the workplace, we work with all different types of majors. University would be a good place to practice and have interdisciplinary collaboration. There could be courses that have students learn engineering by engineering and practice it with students from other majors. Currently, we participate in a year-long project our final year at UVA called capstone. These projects are a great example of learning engineering by engineering. We believe doing this type of project more than just one year could be a great way to really practice engineering. There could be courses as early as first year where students can get in groups and work on a big project together. This project could also be a place where engineering students work with other majors to practice that interdisciplinary collaboration. Learning engineering by engineering also presents students with scenarios that they cannot encounter by reading textbooks or writing down notes during a lecture. Learning by engineering fosters an environment where critical thinking and problem solving skills are put to practice. These are essential skills for engineers. By learning engineering through practical experiences, professors can also teach their students about ethical dilemmas by actually facing them. Students can learn to navigate these complex issues by working with their team and the environment around them. There are multiple benefits of learning engineering through engineering including deepening students’ understanding of engineering principles and practicing real challenges that will only help them in the future. Learning engineering by engineering will be a valuable learning tool for university students in 2050. It helps students to gain direct experience while enhancing their knowledge, skillset, and values. With this tool, students have the opportunity to completely immerse themselves in a learning environment. These ideas are feasible as we already have some of these labs open. They are also desirable because companies pay millions of dollars to UVA to fund the labs to get students to learn this way. Transition from University. In 2023, higher education aims to create employable graduates, acknowledging high unemployment rates for those without degrees. However, the current 4-year engineering curriculum is rigid and linear, limiting exploration and delaying practical skill application until upper-level electives [Figure 1]. Also, many universities lack mandatory real-world experiences, such as internships or research, in their curriculum. By 2050, colleges aim to enhance flexibility in the engineering curriculum [Figure 2], embedding real-world experiences throughout instead of confining them to summers. This approach will intertwine classroom concepts with practical applications. The goal in 2050 is to equip engineers with niche expertise while maintaining a broad conceptual understanding of their primary field, aligning their skills with market demands. Colleges need stronger company ties and foster collaborative training programs to reach this goal. Participating companies will provide dedicated mentors who serve as educators. This symbiosis ensures that students connect classroom concepts with real-world applications. Training and onboarding students during the semester allows them to move into a full-time experience seamlessly. Not all students need to remain with the training company; it's meant to provide initial experience for their first job. Like co-op structures, students will be paid and given official responsibilities during these experiences. This evolution requires university transparency about industry connections, enabling students to align their choices with career goals. Companies must recognize the value of investing in education by incorporating working educators into their workforce, simultaneously fulfilling regular job functions. They should also strive to balance internships that contribute to company goals while offering valuable learning experiences for students. Post-graduation institutions must embrace flexibility, accommodating virtual engagement options and adjusting workloads and locations to meet students' diverse commitments. Central to this transformation is the restructuring of the outdated curriculum to teach fundamental concepts and how to apply them to sub-fields. This ensures that students remain connected to the real world, seamlessly transitioning from student to engineer. Reworking the 2024 capstone or technical thesis criteria for graduation could realize this goal. The one-year-long project would be expanded to 3 years. For example in 6 semesters, a team of chemical engineering students may work with a company to scale up a process from lab scale to pilot plant scale. Each semester they would add a section to their report that applies what they learned, for example upon learning thermodynamics, adding that aspect into their design. Then over the summer, the students could work on a process similar to the one they are designing to get hands-on experience to bring back to the project. Ideally, these projects would serve the local or university communities. In summary, the vision for 2050 involves a more dynamic and flexible engineering education model, promoting continuous real-world engagement throughout students' studies. Collaboration between universities and companies, increased transparency, and a reimagined curriculum will play pivotal roles in achieving this goal, creating a more responsive and industry-ready generation of engineers.
The University of 2050/Campus Mobility and Community Connections. The future of mobility on campus will be dictated by the concerns of sustainability, accessibility, and other quality-of-life among the students, faculties, and surrounding communities of the University. Broader changes in means of movement and infrastructure will most likely find their beginnings on college campuses, and the export of mobility-conscious students is another long-term effect on society's mobility narrative. New Infrastructure of 2050. The University of 2050 will see changes in mobility governed by college infrastructure that are part of a new movement in infrastructure planning. As Universities offer a young, highly mobile and receptive population, these campuses offer venues for innovation. Students, faculty and staff, and community members will need to be able to navigate physical campuses as part of any future university. The layout of these campuses, including their buildings, arteries of transportation, and amenity areas will see design changes that offer improved accessibility as part of a grander vision for the future of 2050. Improved Walkability. Walkability improvements are one of the areas seeing the greatest progress with respect to changes in college infrastructure. Students at the University of Washington capture a growing sentiment among college students who find relief in walkable communities, with friends, services and common spaces all within a short distance. Commercial ventures already help students find and get to places of community within walking distance. Students at the University of Kentucky in Lexington utilize signs posted by the startup Walk [Your City] to locate restaurants, shops, or other entertainment venues. Students don’t simply forsake these changes as they exit colleges, either. Students are more culturally inclined to favor “New Urbanism” design techniques in city planning. The positive experiences of the safe and robust pedestrian infrastructure that their campus affords them offers them a glimpse into the improvements that walkable community spaces have. These improvements and others are desired on account of student concerns for accessible campus amenities, a healthier lifestyle, and the desire to reduce climate change contributions. Factors like these readily point to a University of 2050 with walkability as the cornerstone of new designs for campus mobility. Campus Design Changes. The Universities of 2050 will see more at stake than changes to the path layout and walkability of their spaces. Communities now demand that all facets of campus life are brought in line with new expectations of mobility. Virginia Tech has already shifted construction and renovation policies to focus on improving accessible mobility, rather than simple campus expansion, even as the university’s student and staff body continues to expand. Virginia Tech is coupling these new changes with the addition of a new information system, such as a new campus map system that is interactive and displays real-time transportation data. This new wave of thought reaching campus administrators and governing bodies has gone further than the buildings. Michigan State University’s new Campus Ecosystem planning initiative partitions the school’s sprawling campus into different transportation zones, offering accessible and relevant travel options based on the present location and destination of users. Private ventures, such as the design firm HDR, have begun to incorporate this new way of thinking about college mobility demands into their business model, offering new workspace and common area designs based on new mobility and accessibility principles. While campus design changes present a much longer-haul modernization with respect to the University of 2050's mobility status, these changes seem likelier to be effected by 2050 based on the confluence of student, community, administration and economic demand already present. Student and community desire for such a change is readily apparent based on the local support for the campus redesign efforts at Michigan State, and with a new market incentive as HDR shows, there is a new market incentive for improved infrastructure. Legacy of Old Infrastructure. As new university community member demands focus on new forms of mobility and accessibility around campus, old modes of transportation and the infrastructure that sustains them are rapidly becoming sources of discontent. Students at the University of California, Los Angeles are voicing their demands for more sustainable transportation, citing the reduction in both chemical and noise pollution, the facilitation of community health, and the benefits of rendering roads obsolete. Personally owned vehicles are even being brushed aside on financial and administrative grounds. The PATH to College Act offers subsidies for those schools whose student bodies use public transportation options at higher rates. While older mobility methods will persist, and the commuter campus remains the predominant arrangement, the role of these old methods of getting around will be greatly diminished as communities of the University of 2050 demand a new type of campus simply incapable of sustaining their usefulness. Although community volition points toward removing much of the old infrastructure that defines the campus of today, the University of 2050 will still retain some of the features of commuter infrastructure, based on the desires of many members of the community and other social and political forces that favor retention of such features. Campus Mobility Options of 2050. The University of 2050 will have greater access to new mobility technologies and transportation options. As centers of innovation, universities will be receptive to new vehicular options, such as autonomous driving cars and E-bikes. With greater environmental concern, students and staff will prefer sustainable methods of transportation provided from responsible sources. More students and university staff will make choices that decrease their carbon footprint, avoiding traditional gas fueled vehicles. In the University of 2050, transportation will become more efficient, environmentally friendly, and available for faculty and students alike. Autonomous Vehicles. Autonomous driving vehicles, like those being developed by Tesla and Cruise, will have been officially introduced to the campus of 2050 and the surrounding city. Given several incidents during the public testing of AVs through the 2020s and into 2030s, many US states will move to ban the deceptive advertising of partially autonomous vehicles and make AV companies responsible for accidents. Even before this, students in the university interested in innovative technology will likely adopt the use of AVs, although in small numbers. Despite some use, AVs will be more divisive among drivers and pedestrians up until 2050. By the start of the 2030s, autonomous shared vehicles will support the local transit system fleet surrounding campus. A study from the University of Minnesota showed that the implementation of an SAV network with a smart cloud computing system could decrease the amount of vehicles needed for the transit system by 22%. As AV technology improves, public perception of them will improve. Although in smaller numbers compared to manual vehicles, AVs will be a common presence around the campus of 2050. Students will likely use AVs similar to ridesharing vehicles. This can be especially helpful due to their all-day availability. Anyone away from home late at night, whether for studying, partying, or other reasons could find a ride easier. Ridesharing AVs could be cheaper than manned vehicles, like from Uber's drivers, in 2050. This could cause concern for employment of ridesharing drivers, however. Sustainable Electronic Vehicles. Hybrid and fully electronic vehicles are no doubt a better alternative for the environment than gas powered vehicles. Electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline vehicles, including their carbon footprint from electric energy sources. UVA has already started the transition to electric with several electric buses to be put into the transit fleet and 10% of the current vehicle fleet being electric. In the university of 2050, EVs will make up a large percentage of its transit and work vehicle fleets, further minimizing their carbon footprint. With stronger connections to colleges and their sustainability goals, local governments will make policies encouraging use of EVs, whether through price reductions or other means. Universities in 2050 will also ensure the responsible sourcing of materials used in EVs. Because of the scarcity of critical resources for modern EVs, new methods of acquiring them from new and old sources will be used in 2050. Lithium-ion battery recycling at this point will fill a large amount of the gaps in resource needs for EV production. Outside of recycling, humanitarian groups will provide improved methods of tracking the source of resources like lithium and cobalt so that EVs are made responsibly. Micro Mobility. Smaller vehicles like bikes will become even more popular on campuses in 2050. A larger portion of the student and faculty population will use bikes over cars for both convenience due to low parking availability and shrinking their carbon footprint. As a motor vehicle alternative, improved E-bikes and electric bikes will support transportation at more reasonable prices. Current long range E-bikes are able to reach 138 miles on one charge, not considering pedaling. This will obviously improve by 2050. Campuses in 2050 will also have more infrastructure for shared bikes or scooters, allowing for more efficient travel and vehicle storage for students and staff who avoid using cars. This will decrease clutter, as shared bikes and scooters won't be placed in random, possibly vulnerable locations as often. More infrastructure will also improve maintainability of these bikes and scooters. Bikes are also a healthy micro mobility option. Students and staff without time for an official workout will get exercise during transit. With more bike use, there will be a healthier campus population. New Cultural Norms of 2050. Mobility and culture are deeply interwoven and have influenced each other throughout history. Major changes mobility often have massive effects on cultures, from domesticated animals, wheels, roads, sailing, trains, planes, automobiles, and others. Transportation methods can be deeply ingrained in a culture’s identity, from Roman roads[11], Mongolian horses[12], Polynesian boats[13], to countless others. The world is again on the horizon of change. To combat the looming threat of climate change we must rapidly change mobility methods and cultural attitudes. Universities are an excellent melting pot of innovation, cultures, and technology where the melding of methods can be studied and extended to the larger world. This will likely result in the Campus of 2050 being the forefront of new mobility methods due to the open minded nature of college students and staff. This passage aims to examine how the interaction between college cultures and mobility will unfold by 2050. Interest Groups Determining who is involved in the development of cultures and technologies and why is critical to predicting how the future may unfold. Students are the most effected by changes in mobility, and seek convenient, low cost, and time saving transportation methods. Often openminded and flexible, students are the primary consumer and value their time and money. Professors often live away from campus, and are willing to have longer commutes to live somewhere that is more convenient. University management aims to cater to the needs of all parties involved, while reducing the costs needed to run operations and increase income. Many businesses depend on student patronage, so connecting to campuses will be their primary goal. There are also political connections to many universities, such as governor appointed positions that can sway university policy, who are often disconnected from the needs of students and professors. There will also be many outside interest groups, including companies trying to sell their various products to "solve" issues and advocacies pushing for various agendas. Culture, Mobility, and Infrastructure American mobility and Infrastructure are dominated by cars. While universities have reduced car usage due to walkability and public transport, they have to accommodate cars. Underclassman bans on vehicles along with expensive parking and ownership discourage the use of motor vehicles. As universities build more housing, more people will live on campus. This will improve walkability and commute, further reducing vehicle usage. A potential concern is the practice of forcing students to live on grounds as it could lead to price gouging, especially as universities are often not held to the same laws as a typical landlord. As more students live in university housing for longer, there will be new groups that form, including housing relations, dorm specific cultures, and others. Universities will also either need to provide more amenities, or connect to long distance transportation with ample luggage space, providing more opportunities for students. Employees will also need transportation options as car usage declines. This can be achieved either by extending public transportation options further, or with staff housing on campus. There will likely be resistance to this unless the accommodations provided are superior in both cost and quality, as the needs of professors are different. Professors living on campus could harbor a closer connection to the university and its students, leading to groups composed of both students and university employees. University administration will have no incentive to reduce cost without legal action. The trend of skyrocketing college costs is unlikely to stop without legal or cultural change, and most universities are effectively businesses. Ideally legal change will occur by 2050 to lower costs, or a cultural shift will reduce demand and price.
The University of 2050/The Sustainable Campus. Introduction. At the university of 2050, the physical campus - the academic buildings, the residences, and the dining halls - will be adapted to better serve the students of 2050 sustainably. The following provides a desirable, feasible, and credible prediction of what this future looks like. Academic Buildings. Academic buildings at any university have a significant impact on the electricity, water, waste production, air quality, and biodiversity, affecting the environment and sustainability on campus. At the University of Virginia (UVA), buildings are responsible for 95% of the University’s energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, with over 80% of water consumption. By implementing a sustainability plan spanning 2020 to 2030, UVA reduced its carbon footprint by almost 43% between 2010 and 2021. The university’s sustainability plan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and fossil fuel independence by 2050, while targeting a 30% reduction in water use, reactive nitrogen emissions, and waste footprint. UVA intends to achieve these goals by adhering to green building standards, including making all new buildings photovoltaic (PV) ready. UVA has required all construction or renovation projects to pursue green building or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. A building efficiency program was implemented to provide whole-building performance contracting services for facilities across Grounds using a loan fund model. A green workplace program was implemented to engage UVA employees in actions that conserve resources, save money, and advance sustainability. By implementing a sustainability plan, it is feasible that by 2050, most universities should be carbon neutral and fossil fuel free. It is important to note that without behavioral and cultural changes, finding sustainable options at a university may be difficult. Although there are new technologies that can decrease electricity consumption such as smart systems to regulate temperature and lighting, as a community, we must be aware of our surroundings. Education and awareness at a university is very important. Simple actions like turning lights when leaving rooms, unplugging devices, and using natural light when possible should be encouraged. By 2050, this should be the norm. Managing HVAC Systems will be essential in 2050. Students and faculty should be encouraged to only use natural ventilation. Closing blinds during hot days and opening windows can reduce reliance on heating and cooling systems. More behavioral changes like using stairs instead of elevators can contribute to energy savings. Installing solar panels on all new and old buildings can improve sustainability by generating renewable energy. Solar panel installations can serve as a focal point for community engagement. In particular locations, wind energy systems can be installed on or near campuses to generate renewable energy and reduce the carbon footprint on campus. In 2050, it is expected that rooftop green spaces will be implemented on academic buildings to enhance air quality, mental health, and biodiversity for students. The University of Denver incorporated a green roof into the design of its new Community Commons building. Green roofs can help keep buildings cool, reduce building energy use, and absorb rainwater. Looking ahead to 2050, universities should be striving for change to make their campus more sustainable. By implementing practical changes like installing renewable energy systems, encouraging behavioral changes, and creating rooftop gardens, universities in 2050 should represent an environmentally conscious community. Residences. The future of college residences involves a careful balance between comfort and sustainability. Some aspects of this future require a reluctant departure from current norms, but by 2050, many will learn to accept and embrace these changes. The most common college residence, the dormitory, will see major changes as it's currently extremely energy intensive. Research has found that the average dorm room consumes 30.2% of its electrical energy while vacant. By 2050, this issue will be addressed through the use of technology and social strategies. Occupancy and daylight sensors will be a commonality in dorm rooms as they're proven to reduce energy consumption, though it's important to note that by 2050, this technology will see improvements to ensure that it better serves the user. Some deem this technology inaccurate, but with improvements already being made, their effectiveness will only increase. A significant amount of power is drawn from appliances such as mini-fridges and microwaves that remain plugged in, but many students aren't aware of this. It will become a regular practice to provide dorm residents with access to a document detailing the many ways to live more sustainably. This will include information on energy-efficient appliance choices, promoting the use of fans over AC or a hoodie over heating, leaving outlets vacant when appropriate, sustainable laundry habits, etc. In order to persuade students to adopt these practices they will need to become more convenient than wasteful alternatives. This means that more universities will provide or offer energy-efficient appliances, dormitories will be redesigned to better suit the local climate, and those who follow these practices will be rewarded. Strategies similar to Cool Biz, a movement started by Yuriko Koike to promote dressing for hotter temperatures, will be used to encourage students to change what they're wearing before turning to the thermostat. We will also see an increase in the use of social initiatives that capitalize on the competitive nature of college students to address this issue. In 2015, two colleges in Maine, Bowdoin and Colby, challenged each other to see who could further reduce energy consumption in dormitories, which resulted in saving a combined 22,536 kWh. By 2050, competitions such as this will be common at universities, as well as similar social initiatives that incentivize dorm residents to cut energy consumption. Another issue that will be addressed involves the inherently wasteful process of moving out. Every year, students move out of their dorms and discard perfectly fine appliances, furniture, and other items. This is typically due to a lack of somewhere to store them over break and/or the item only being useful in the dorm setting (shower caddy, mini-fridge, etc.). By 2050, the process of moving out will not only be significantly less wasteful but also vastly less stressful. Through the use of technology, universities will be able to connect students who plan to discard items that other students may be in need of. Through the use of social techniques and technology, the average student will be well informed of opportunities to donate items they no longer need, and if they choose to discard them, they will be informed of how to do so in a sustainable fashion. Efforts similar to this have found success at the University of Colorado Boulder, where in 2018 they managed to save about 34 tons of waste. Dining. Sustainable Food Sources:. In order to achieve a more sustainable campus, university sustainability plans must align with student wishes. Many universities appease the public eye by implementing small scale gardening areas, aiming to provide volunteers and campus food banks with sufficient produce. To reach a better outcome by 2050, campuses are likely to expand gardening areas, finding space on rooftop green areas, or with sustainable landscaping. A path toward this future may begin with collaborating locally with small gardens, food banks, and organizations. The University of Massachusetts Lowell has proven its feasibility, fitting 500 square feet of gardening space inside academic buildings, utilizing space previously untouched. Not only are elevated gardens convenient, rising heat and proximity to sunlight display positive outcomes. The current campus must turn away from extensive building structures and provide students with a layout that integrates natural green spaces to align with the land. By prioritizing the expansion of gardening areas, universities can create environments that meet the needs of both students and the surrounding community. Not only will student health and wellness excel, large scale gardening efforts will provide for those in need of food, with potential to increase sustainable produce that dining halls can use in everyday service. Off-Campus Sustainability:. In 2023, reusable to-go containers have aided dining halls in their sustainability efforts, but many students dine off-campus after their freshman year. The use of reusable to-go containers benefits those in close proximity to them. To expand upon the benefits of reusable containers, campuses in 2050 may partner with local restaurants through off-campus dining services like "Elevate". By offering a choice of restaurants on one app and giving incentives for using and returning containers, this collaboration can boost sustainability in college towns. To persuade students to choose sustainability over convenience, strong incentives will be to first step in changing behavior. The advantage lies in universities being responsible for distributing the containers, instead of restaurants. Universities must take on the logistical responsibility that comes with sustainability. Student’s are more inclined to opt for a reusable container if they can return it to any restaurant, rather than just the one they ordered from. Combating Food Waste:. A typical feature of dining halls in 2023 are reusable to-go containers. Campuses across the nation have provided this option for students that have sustainability in mind. As sustainability grows more popular, use of choice architecture in future dining halls may persuade students. Presenting to-go containers in different areas will eliminate a single default choice. Instead of solely offering these containers upon entrance, placing them near exits and trash cans may encourage individuals to take potential food waste home as leftovers. University dining halls limit the “self-serve” approach to cut food waste. In theory, students don’t take more than what’s needed, but in reality, many find themselves overserved. Inspired by the success of the app, "MyFitnessPal", which allows users to achieve their health goals through the input of personal data, dining halls in 2050 may adopt similar technology. Student’s will continue to prioritize health in the future and campuses will address this by using technology systems to personalize meals based on students’ health, diets, and fitness goals. To further reduce waste from expired goods, future dining halls can draw from the app, "SuperCook", that generates recipes based on available ingredients. Implementing this tech on a larger scale in 2050, kitchen staff could ensure soon-to-expire ingredients are prioritized by creating customized recipes.
Engineering Education in 2050/Engineers as Applied Social Scientists. The Past and Present of Engineering Education. Engineers stereotypically focus on technical solutions,  ignoring insights from social sciences. This view mirrors a traditional engineering education. Traditional engineering education has a focus on the technical side of engineering, with social sciences as an afterthought. At the University of Virginia, all engineering students (regardless of field) are required to take four main engineering ethics courses (named “STS”). With many types of engineers in one class, topics are generalized without going into the specific issues of each engineering major. Engineering students are also required to take “HSS” courses, which expose students to different humanities and social sciences. Many of these “HSS” courses are not social sciences, meaning students can go their entire engineering education without taking any social science courses. In a study of engineering schools at US universities, Erin Cech (2014) found that students’ esteem for ethics, technology studies, the humanities and the social sciences consistently declined before graduation. With college being a time where students are exposed to different topics, it is important for students to experience social sciences. As many engineering jobs require solutions with implications in social sciences, social science exposure in college is necessary . Since engineers' roles in policy development and decision making are increasing in areas such as infrastructure planning, and technology regulation, it is important to alter the engineering curriculum to make sure they have the tools to engineer the best solution. Future for Engineering Education. In the previous section we established the problem of a lack of societal based education in engineering education. So, what needs to be done if engineers are expected to make the decisions similar to those of social scientists? In this section we propose ideas that will act as tools for this emphasis on societal based education, and in the next section we will predict how to implement these ideas for a new sort of engineering education in 2050. While many current engineering programs implement ethics education in some form, we still feel as though there is a disconnect between them and the topics learned in technical classes. Currently it seems that these programs are somewhere between micro (relationships, individuals, families) and macro (legal systems, nations, societies) ethics, in a zone that is referred to as meso -ethics. This zone focuses on communities, ethnicities, organizations, and other systems that are smaller in scale but still have profound effects on society. For engineers to be social scientists, we believe that they need to learn about these different levels of ethics, but mostly focus on the macro level, in order to eventually make big-picture decisions with the least amount of bias. In the current system of engineering education at the University of Virginia, students are required to take nine credits (three classes) relating to the humanities and/or social sciences (HSS Electives). While we believe that this is a good step in the integration of social sciences into engineering education, more needs to be done. The problem with these electives is that there are far too many options for students to select that don’t necessarily have to do with social sciences. These electives do provide cultural education which is important to a societal based education, but not specifically tied to the science behind human behavior. We believe that students should be required to take more specific courses that fall into the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, and/or economics. Along with this, students should have to take a few courses with a central cultural topic, like a language course or something in the arts. Being engineers, some of the best ways we learn are through hands-on learning or case studies (real world applications). Because of this, we see it appropriate that two classes of engineering history should be required. One class would focus on engineering from ancient to modern times, and how the technological developments of those times affected societies and how those groups responded. The second course would focus on engineering failures, and how they affected society. With all of the above classes, engineers will make a connection between why their social science education is important to their technical education, seeing that many of these failures could have been prevented with the education that they would be receiving. Finally, in the more technical based classes, societal and ethical concerns should be tied into the different topics, so students can see how exactly these society based topics fit into their specific discipline. In the next section, we explain realistic ways that these ideas could be implemented. Implementation. Currently, engineers primarily take courses in their own discipline alongside several math and natural science courses. This makes for a comprehensive technical engineering education, but not a “well-rounded” one, as it fails to incorporate a social science education. In designing a new engineering curriculum, it is important to reflect the needs of the industry. Integrating social science related courses into the regular engineering curriculum can help students become better prepared for the workforce, as many engineering industries exist in the context of multiple fields and engineers have an ethical responsibility. An interdisciplinary education is a type of “well-rounded” education plastered across several pages of the University of Virginia’s College of Arts and Sciences website. Interdisciplinary study involves the combination of two or more disciplines to create something new. UVA’s College of Arts and Sciences has two notable instances of interdisciplinary study: (1) a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Study and (2) required integration electives for the BA CS major combining computer science with other fields. UVA’s engineering school lacks the same emphasis on interdisciplinary study. However, looking at engineering disciplines in the real world, we can find natural interdisciplinary combinations for engineering disciplines. Civil engineering pairs well with urban development, as a background in Urban Planning would allow Civil Engineers to make more informed proposals and landscape-fitting designs. Other relevant combinations include data science & politics and psychology & computer science. Combinations like these could be represented in the Engineering curriculum as interdisciplinary majors, or as concentrations. Different from a usual double major, the curriculum for an interdisciplinary major would include requirements for courses that combine the two disciplines. This could better prepare engineering students for the real world by giving their skillset in a broader context.  Non-engineering students should also be able to take engineering-based classes, many of these students are likely to work with and have to understand engineers in the future. In our experience, we have found that it is more natural for students in the College of Arts and Sciences to double major across disciplines. This could be as a result of certain engineering majors having less flexibility in terms of required electives. Looking at UVA’s engineering computer science curriculum, there are multiple natural science electives, like chemistry and biology, that are unlikely to be at all relevant to a CS major’s career. By replacing these courses with interdisciplinary courses, students are both able to take classes that combine both their major and another discipline. In more inflexible majors, a concentration in another social science subject with ties to their major could be an effective alternative. Engineering disciplines have many social and ethical implications (bias in AI, environmental strain of engineering materials, social implications of urban development). This gives engineering students a responsibility for the effects of their work. Integrating readings/lecture slides on the ethics of subjects in already required courses (labeling in Machine Learning, issues with Agile in Advanced Software Testing, etc.), can be a simple way for students to gain a broader perspective on their work.  Working on engineering projects with students of other disciplines can also allow students to gain a broader perspective of their own work. This can be accomplished through collaboration with the local community in projects. In the curriculum, this could be added as an extra step to Capstone projects. There could also be lab or project-based classes that combine different majors, such as an app designing class with CS and graphic design students. CS students could develop an app, while graphic design students could design the art for it. In a real-word context, engineers are expected to be able to collaborate with professionals in different fields. This could be a good first step.
Mobility 2050/Trains Instead of Planes. Introduction. For decades, trains were the industry leader among long distance travel options, and have been hallmarks of American success in westward expansion. More recently,  they have fallen off in favor of cars and planes. A large majority, around 69%, of Americans support moving towards carbon neutrality by 2050. However, if the U.S. is to shift to  a world less focused on major carbon emitters for  transportation, there has to be a shift back to greener transportation options. Travel by trains can reduce carbon footprint by almost half when compared to planes. A mass shift to usage of trains over planes could have a large impact on reducing carbon emissions. Many of the changes needed are social/cultural and political, although some technical improvements are needed to make train travel safer. This goal for the world of 2050 will be much more achievable following the path laid out here. Current Projects. Many other countries have been working towards more sustainable futures by increasing accessibility of passenger rail. Most notably, France and Japan have taken different approaches to this issue. Japan has built a large network for the Shinkansen, a high speed bullet train. This was originally designed for long-distance travel, but also serves commuters in metropolitan areas. Although the network currently doesn’t cover the majority of Japan, new proposals and current construction promises to cover a large portion of Japan in coming years. In 2023, France passed legislation that bans flights shorter than 2.5 hours in favor of rail travel. This pushes people to choose trains when traveling. The success of these projects may be attributed to smaller distances between destinations in Japan and Europe compared to the much larger U.S.. The U.S. can take inspiration from both of these examples when designing a shift from planes to trains. In the U.S. there are projects in California and Florida to build high speed passenger rail lines: California High Speed Rail Authority and Brightline. The California High Speed Rail has faced many roadblocks regarding funding and acquiring property. Brightline has had more success, recently starting operations in Florida and receiving $3 billion in federal funding for constructing a high speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The success of Brightline in Florida is due to some land already being allocated for rail usage, thus the project faced fewer issues with land acquisition. This project incorporated new rails with existing freight lines, reducing costs and resources needed. Currently, Brightline is the only privately owned high speed rail company operating in the U.S. and can be used as a role model for future projects. Technology changes. All of the technology needed to achieve this vision  exists and is used throughout the world, such as the vast rail systems in Europe and the high speed rails in Japan. Although no new technology is needed for widespread rail travel to be viable, some advancements would be beneficial for current rail lines in America. New technology should focus on safety, such as robotic solutions to prevent trains from going too fast on hazardous tracks. Recent large crashes have been attributed to operators not recognizing the need to slow down for sharp corners, and technology could prevent this in the future such as better autopilots that know the layout of the track that they are on. Other technology changes may focus on improving the passenger experience. Software that better predicts delays or helps with planning connecting trains could address major concerns among rail passengers. Political changes. Pressure from the National Association of Railroad Passengers can initiate short-term changes to improve efficiency of Amtrak travel. Currently, the law gives Amtrak the right of way over freight trains, but freight trains are too long for the lengths of side tracks. The Department of Justice does not penalize freight train companies despite them violating the law. Action in federal court and enforcement from the Department of Justice will help reduce passenger rail travel times by giving Amtrak right-of-way over freight trains. This is the first major step towards improving the desirability of train travel, further enabling improvements to the dynamic between freight and passenger rail. One limitation of this is the much higher prevalence of and reliance on freight rail to move cargo in the U.S. compared to other countries with more successful passenger rail networks. Next, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), an agency that administers rail funding, can focus on improving existing rail lines to handle newer, faster trains via infrastructure funding allocations. Existing infrastructure is one of the main limitations for passenger rail travel. Many railroads feature sharp curves, old bridges, and tunnels that trains cannot safely travel on at higher speeds. Therefore, infrastructure funds will upgrade current tracks to enable the adaptation of higher speed trains. Remaining funds will create new rail lines to expand existing routes to underrepresented areas. These changes will increase accessibility of travel by trains, making them more competitive with planes. Long-term changes will focus on implementing high speed rail infrastructure. Efforts from the U.S. High Speed Rail Association will continue to press the FRA for more allocations to high speed rail development. These projects will likely take on a similar form to the current Japanese Shinkansen systems, connecting major cities across the United States with high speed bullet trains. Such high speed rail projects will begin with connecting metropolitan areas that have high traffic between them. Some strong candidates for the first high speed train services in the U.S. are Los Angeles to San Francisco, the Texas Triangle region, and New York to Boston. High speed rail development is ideal for these areas due to the large amounts of commuting traffic and interconnected economies caused by their regional proximity. Although flights will remain faster than high speed trains, the long wait times experienced at airports will enable these regional high speed train services as a faster alternative when considering total travel time. In addition, high speed rail could serve as a cheaper way to travel long distances and could serve as a pull factor away from more expensive flights. From there, the network of railroads can be expanded to cover the next group of major cities, and so on until rail service is strong enough to support the vast majority of Americans' travel needs. The U.S. can then  look towards social incentives for using trains instead of planes. Social changes. Socially, the U.S. needs to shift away from its current car and plane based society. In recent years, the younger generation has started to push for better rail systems, such as those seen in Europe. Once political changes have been put into effect to improve rail travel , social changes can easily start with pushes away from air travel.This includes federal carbon taxes on planes and high taxes or bans on short term flights under a specific amount of time (around 2 hours), as seen in France currently. These legal changes aim to remind the American public that trains are a viable and necessary alternative to planes. As rail ridership increases, more privately owned passenger rail companies will form. One possibility is airlines expanding into the train sector, creating more privately owned rails. Amtrak has made similar changes in the past by offering bus travel when their trains are not accessible. There may be concerns regarding security measures of passenger trains compared to planes, but trains inherently need fewer safety measures. Trains also offer fewer restrictions on luggage, more privacy, and more freedom of movement . Building more railroad tracks may have negative impacts, particularly dividing cities/communities. Historically, railroad tracks served as a divider between White and Black communities in the U.S., so it is crucial to ensure that the placement of new tracks is not detrimental to the local population. Promoting the existing benefits of train travel is one step in encouraging people to choose trains. The key for many of these changes is to wait until rail travel becomes a viable alternative to air travel for both travel time and price, so these social changes are treated as a pull factor to the new and improved train systems rather than a push factor that could cause backlash from citizens. PSAs could be a good way of getting information out about new rail lines and the advantages of rail travel. Conclusion. To achieve this vision of trains instead of planes, changes to the technology, politics, and social behaviors surrounding train travel must be credible, desirable, and feasible, which this vision demonstrates. This vision is credible because of the countries referenced that are already implementing variations or portions of the tools described here. Desirable, because of the positive impact it would have on fossil fuel emissions and improving the comfort of long distance travel. Feasible, because the technology used in this vision largely exists, and where it doesn’t, such as the robotic solutions for controlling trains, the technology exists in other forms of transportation and could be more easily brought over to trains because of their one directional nature.
Mobility 2050/Retrofitting Parking Garages. Introduction. We envision a 2050 where car usage drastically decreases. Improvements in alternative transportation infrastructure and changing regulations will shift public focus from cars to micromobility, trains, and more efficient commuting methods. Cities, such as Oslo, Netherlands and Paris, France, have already taken steps to reduce car ownership. Paris plans to ban all cars from its historic landmark regions within the capital, with minimal exceptions. Oslo has enacted a congestion charge, reducing the number of cars entering the city by roughly 14,000 a day. With less cars on the road, the number of car parking spots used will equally decline. If autonomous vehicles continue to improve, large driverless taxi fleets will further reduce the need for car parking. As parking dwindles, parking lot owners will look for alternative uses. Standard parking lots can be easily replaced by parks or commercial centers. Conversely, retrofitting parking garages presents unique challenges due to their awkward spirals, uneven floors, short ceilings, and concrete structure. We examine the three most likely alternatives for parking garages in 2050, taking cost, social factors, and current trends into account. Bike Garages. To fill the hole left by the decline of cars, bike use will skyrocket. Infrastructure changes will enable this shift by increasing bike lanes, setting up physical barriers for bike lanes, and closing off select streets to cars. This is favorable because bikes are the most energy efficient form of transportation, averaging 5.5 Watt-hours per kilometer, and up to 12 bikes can fit in one car parking spot. Space saved by swapping cars for bikes has the potential to revitalize our cities by increasing commerce and making walking safe again. Roads filled with bikes will reduce emissions, save lives, and save money. Bikes could help solve the first mile/last mile problem surrounding public transport. Commuters are hesitant to take public transport because of a lack of feasible transport options between the train stop and their final destination. In the cities of 2050, people will bike to their nearest train or bus stop, park their bike in a converted parking garage, take public transport, and rent a bike to their final destination, possibly out of another retrofitted parking garage. In the Netherlands, this vision is a reality where 40% of Dutch train riders bike to the train station everyday. The Dutch have integrated affordable bike parking and bike rentals into nearly every train station across the country. They have constructed massive bike parking garages, such as the one at Utrecht’s train station capable of holding up to 22,000 bikes. In many cities, shared bikes and scooters clutter streets and sidewalks presenting unnecessary hazards. To resolve this issue, we believe rideshare companies will look to convert parking garages for bikes, storing their micromobility devices safely and conveniently. One challenge to converting parking garages to bike parking garages, is that not all parking garages are centrally located near transportation hubs or commercial centers. If all car users switch to bikes, the space efficiency of bikes means only a fraction of the parking garages will be required to house all of these bikes. We predict bike parking garages will proliferate in areas near transportation and commercial centers, and people will be willing to walk an extra couple of blocks for a more secure bike parking experience than a street bike rack. Even in these popular areas, bikes may not take up an entire parking garage, and the upper floors may be used for other purposes. Garages in areas with less traffic will also need to be converted to other uses which is why bike parking is a tool but not a solution to retrofitting parking garages. Urban Farms. With the population of cities growing, there will be an increased strain on the supply chain to bring food into major cities. We are also seeing a trend towards eating healthier and locally sourced foods. Parking garages turned to urban farms would provide cities with local produce without the need for extensive shipping. Growing using hydroponics will also be extremely sustainable in terms of water, electricity, and land usage. Because the crops are in a controlled environment pesticides and artificial fertilizers are unnecessary. Placing a green farm in the middle of a city would increase the quality of life for all residents nearby. The farm could be a community growing center with volunteers helping out and the increased greenery would result in cleaner air. This combination of shorter shipping, reduced inputs, better food, and cleaner communities makes the conversion from parking garage to urban farm a very desirable option. Parking garages could easily transform into farms because of their solid structure, open layouts, and possible rooftop space. The size of parking garages would allow for the growing, processing, and packaging all in one building. Below ground garages could be used to grow low-light produce and sunlight could be used on the roofs of above ground garages. Fully equipping a garage would take a sizable initial investment and continuous staff to care for the farms, however we believe that in the long run these urban farms will become profitable. Advances in hydroponic and grow light technology will make this equipment cheaper by 2050. Today in 2023, there are already examples of parking garages retrofitted into urban farms. One example is La Caverne underneath Paris, France. La Caverne sits within a 9,000 sq m parking garage underneath a housing complex. They grow mushrooms, endives, and microgreens. The mushrooms can grow in low-light, the endives can grow in virtually no light, and their microgreens are grown with hydroponics under LED lights. They pride themselves in using no pesticides, no artificial fertilizers, minimal water, and low electricity bill. They also say the day their produce is harvested it is put on a bike and delivered directly to local restaurants. Another current example is Citiponics in Singapore. Citiponics built a modular hydroponic vertical farm on the roof of a parking garage. Their system can produce up to 25 different leafy vegetables and herbs. Also they have reported that their 0.5 acre farm can produce up to 4 tons of food annually while using only 1% of the water an equivalent conventional farm would use. We can keep following these examples into the year 2050 and create cleaner urban environments, healthy locally sourced produce, profitable businesses, and more jobs by converting parts or entire parking garages into urban farms. Residential and Commercial Centers. We believe the last major alternative for parking garages will be residential and commercial centers. This option restricts the number of eligible parking garages as apartments and stores require specific building conditions. Parking garages that are above ground and mostly flat will be ideal for this conversion. Many parking garages exist near densely populated areas, making this conversion practical as demand for housing is greatest here. In terms of structural feasibility, retrofitting a parking garage is much cheaper than demolishing it and building a new apartment complex. Compared to converting garages to bike parking or hydroponics, the increased workload and financial investment to plan and convert to apartments would be offset by a higher financial return. Apartments in Paris rent monthly for 35 euros per square meter on average, compared to bike parking spaces averaging about 6.58 euros per square meter. The larger return on investment makes this option attractive and, in some cases, will be worth the higher up front costs. Converting parking garages into housing centers may mirror the social trends of industrial factories. Manufacturing warehouses abandoned in the 1950s were later converted to industrial lofts and marketed as a vintage style of living. These lofts became popular over time, starting as affordable housing with uncommon benefits and later gaining traction in the high end housing market. We expect parking garage apartments to experience a similar social trend, becoming popular due to their unique style. Parking garages are already being retrofitted with apartments and commercial spaces. In Wichita, Kansas, the Broadway Autopark Apartments was previously a five level parking garage before the developer converted it into housing space. The complex offers standard apartment amenities along with parking in front of the apartments and free bike share memberships. These unique amenities and their eccentric modern design make the Broadway Autopark housing more competitive with traditional housing options. Commercial space is available for lease on the ground floor of the building, a layout which is similar to most city apartments. We believe parking garage owners and residents alike will benefit from converting these spaces into apartments and commercial space. Social and Political Change. There are many social and political challenges to overcome on the path to a future with fewer parking garages in the US by 2050. Car infrastructure has a feedback loop effect on society, whereby more car infrastructure leads to higher demand for cars which leads to higher demand for car infrastructure, leading to suboptimal conditions. To overcome this, we must invest in more sustainable infrastructure and take advantage of that same feedback loop for biking and public transit. For example, Amsterdam was similarly car-dominated until the 1970s when absurd levels of traffic congestion and automotive fatalities led to protests for safer urban planning. The Dutch government listened and built the infrastructure that would turn the Netherlands into one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world . While achieving the same transformation is a uniquely hard task for the US, American democracy was founded to tackle problems like this. The US Government and its people have achieved similar victories against the status quo before, from women’s suffrage to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The people of the USA need to unite behind a future with fewer cars, like the Dutch did decades ago, in order to create a better 2050.
Mobility 2050/Tech's Place in Micromobility. Introduction. Thinking about 2050 may seem like far into the distance, but as Benjamin Franklin famously said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” As cities grow, there must be greater consideration for expanding access to more feasible, desirable, and credible modes of mobility. We envision a future with high-sōsh mobility systems in combination with high-tech micromobility devices that will help restructure transportation networks across the nation. What is Micromobility? Micromobility is the use of small and lightweight means of transportation, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional transportation methods. Some examples include electric and non-electric bicycles, scooters, and skateboards. These forms of transportation can decrease traffic, limit pollution, and facilitate short-distance travel. With the expansion of cities, micromobility is becoming a crucial facet of urban living. Micromobility solutions allow us to shift away from fossil-fuel dependent vehicles, notably gas cars, and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some potential solutions are improving biking access and infrastructure and encouraging e-scooter use. Furthermore, the widespread use of these alternate transportation modes can substantially alleviate traffic congestion, especially in major cities like Los Angeles or New York City, and result in shorter travel times. This dual impact will enhance the efficiency of transportation and also contribute to lower fuel consumption, fostering the creation of more livable and environmentally friendly urban spaces. In examining the feasibility of micromobility, particularly in the context of the United States, there are some significant infrastructure challenges. Many college campuses across the states are relatively walkable, which contributes to a secure environment that encourages active engagement and meaningful interactions among students and faculty (Transloc, 2021). For example, at the University of Virginia, the majority of locations are easily accessible by foot, with micromobile transportation options like cycling, electric scooters, and on-campus buses serving as convenient alternatives for closer destinations. However, this pedestrian-friendly atmosphere contrasts with most of the U.S., where the streets aren’t as walkable. Only 34% of Americans primarily walk to their destinations, mainly because of concerns with pedestrian safety. The U.S experiences a higher rate of pedestrian fatalities than any other country (Benfield, n.d.). Major changes to the infrastructure of American cities must be made to address this issue. By prioritizing the development of well-designed sidewalks and crosswalks, urban areas can better accommodate micromobile solutions and make them more accessible and safer for pedestrians. Additionally, integrating underpasses in bridges can serve as a crucial measure to provide secure crossings, minimizing the inherent risks associated with traversing busy roads. Technological Innovations. As previously stated, popular examples of technology in micromobility include electric scooters and bikes. These are all examples of how low technology with the addition of a battery allows people to travel longer distances and emit less carbon into the atmosphere than with a car. We expect that more pathways, docking stations, and parking garages will be available for electric bicycles and scooters in the year 2050 along with more riders. The Netherlands is an example of how people heavily rely on bikes as a form of transportation; Dutch citizens demonstrate how their society cares about this form of micromobility because there are over 300 locations near metro stations and bus stops housing bicycles for people to rent. This system integrates the use of public transport with cycling to create a complex network independent of automobiles. Incorporating this system in the U.S. would align with our commitment in the Paris Agreement to prevent global temperatures from exceeding 2 degrees Celsius and limiting carbon emissions (Nations, n.d.). A society which focuses on micromobility options is one geared towards limiting carbon emissions since it deters car usage, one of the leading sources of emissions within the transportation sector.   Further investigation of this system shows that roughly 27% of Dutch people choose to ride a bike as a form of transportation to and from work and home (de Haas & Hamersma, n.d.). In comparison, only 0.6% of Americans commute to work by bike (Burrows, 2019). This network is made possible because of OV chip cards which connect all public transportation. In order to rent a bike you need this card as well as a seasonal pass. Renting these e-bikes is affordable and only costs $4.95 for a day of travel (Dutch Public Transport System, 2023). Linking multiple modes of public transportation in the US with a card or app would be beneficial and the US could incentivize the use of micromobility by giving cheaper rates to those who already use public transit. This incentivization strategy could look like using a flat fee instead of charging by the minute for micro mobility devices such as bikes and scooters. Sidewalks which generate energy in conjunction with walking are a less common mode of micro mobility; these sidewalks work as “[p]ower is generated when a footprint compresses the board from a depth of 5 to 10 mm” (Souza, 2019). About 2 to 4 joules or 5 Watts of energy are generated with each step and this is enough energy to power a LED bulb for 30 seconds (Souza, 2019). We expect them to be found in more locations with heavy foot traffic such as universities and corporate facilities. Installing these sidewalks will help meet our sustainability goals since the cleaner form of energy generated will help to power these large facilities. We don’t believe that they will completely replace the current energy systems in these buildings, but their addition will decrease the amount of energy generated in non-green forms. Challenges and Considerations. In an increasingly high-tech world, there will be technological advancements, like those mentioned, that make micromobility modes work better. However, concerns about these advancements and the willingness to accept them must be considered to determine if they are worthy. This past September, Paris issued a citywide ban on e-scooters after a referendum passed with 90% of voters in favor (Schofield, 2023). Also, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (2023) found that there was a 21% increase in injuries involving micromobility devices between 2021 and 2022. These examples raise two important questions: Will more high-tech components necessarily make high-sōsh micro mobility devices work better and will there be more pushback to the increasing use of high-tech micromobility devices? With our solutions, we had to step back and ask if they would be adopted with no questions asked. Many people will move in the direction of society and willingly accept more high-tech micromobility modes, but for some people, stories of injuries and road disruptions will be enough to deter them. We believe that a vital component of our solutions is to avoid artificially manufacturing consent so that they are naturally adopted by people. Looking at the bigger picture, micromobility devices and their high-tech components are all a part of a bigger system that includes all of us; pedestrians, drivers, cyclists, etc. In a TikTok posted by Angry Bikers (2023), these different social groups can be seen interacting with one another. There is the cyclist who gets mad at the pedestrians for standing in the bike lane, the pedestrians who seem to not care when called out, and the driver who parked in the bike lane and laughed at the cyclist when confronted. These groups all interact with one another, but as one can see, there is a large disconnect between them. Although we are a part of the same system – our cities and streets – the level of cohesion is fairly low. This is vital to note because we can incorporate as many high-tech components and micro mobility devices into our cities as possible, but without working on improving the relationships within these systems, the high-tech will only serve as a tool and not a solution to anything. Making Mobility Systems Cohesive. Examples of how technology can better micromobility have been given, such as The Netherlands' well-connected transportation network. However, there are other cases closer to home which also cohere mobility systems and prioritize improving interactions between users of different modes of mobility. BikeWalk NC (n.d.) advocates for bicycle detection at traffic signals. Most traffic signals only account for automobiles and do not turn green for cyclists, creating risks for everyone on the road. Using ordinary inductive loop technology, many communities have been able to adjust signal sensors to effectively account for bicycles and motorcycles. This harmonizes traffic control and contributes to safer roads for bicyclists, motorcyclists, and car drivers alike. Also, this further shows how technology can make mobility systems as a whole work better. In this instance, technology was used to bridge the gap between users of different modes of mobility and to promote public safety, since many cyclists view automobiles, roads, and traffic devices as antithetical to their well-being. If more cities and towns across the U.S. invested in improving traffic control technology by 2050, a future where micromobility and its counterparts coexist is possible. Conclusion. We want to emphasize that high-tech on its own will not improve these high-sōsh micromobility modes, and we need to consider several factors in order for the high-tech components to truly be of value. With that, technology has proven to be valuable in changing how our mobility systems and modes work. We presented our Vision 2050 of how high-tech components can make high-sōsh micro mobility modes work better. The systems that these modes (and us) exist in can be improved so that the high-tech really has a meaningful impact and is not just an unnecessary extension to whatever we have right now.
Mobility 2050/New Transit Modes. In 2050 there will be numerous changes to the transit industry to better serve the needs of its users and the environment. Potential solutions are adaptations to the train and commuter rail industry today; new technologies such as AV ride sharing, smart roads, and e-bikes; or strategic improvements of the transportation industry, such as using mobility as a service or demand-responsive transit. In 2050 the commuter rails will improve by addressing problems like overcrowding, high pricing, and inefficient transit. Overcrowding will be addressed by removing seating in some cars and by capacity signaling. Cities like Seoul in Korea are already experimenting with removing the seating in up to two cars to free up 160 square feet of standing room. In 2050, this will have expanded to more countries allowing more people to use public transportation systems like commuter rail and stimulating health in riders by making them stand in-between busy work days. Capacity signaling uses technology to determine and display the capacity of a commuter rail unit to users so they can better disperse themselves within the trains. This can be accomplished using artificial intelligence (AI) with cameras or machine learning models with sensors on the bottom of trains. With the use of camera sensors we can determine the percent occupied of a train; and sensors can detect weight differences as users enter and exit the train. Once the capacity is determined, LED lights at the stations will show which carts are most full and which are the least using red/yellow/green signals to demonstrate high sosh techniques. The high prices of public transportation systems seen since COVID in 2020 are now addressed by benefiting the most frequent users of commuter rails. Users who ride the metro more than 3 or 4 times a day on average for six days a week have a special metrocard with a reduced fare. If a user purchases a ticket at the station, they are subject to the changing fees based on the economic changes of the state. This encourages the use of public transit by reducing fair prices to its most loyal customers. Inefficient transit will be addressed by using machine learning models to best optimize the number of cars operating on certain routes based on the capacity measurements mentioned above and frequency of high capacities around certain time frames. Addressing inefficient transit encourages the usage of public transportation as it will be seen as more reliable and efficient than using passenger cars, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Another change we expect to see in the future is the widespread use of high-speed trains. Mag-lev and Hyper-loop trains are now being used across Europe and the United States to replace short air travel. The Mag-lev has proven to be efficient and successful in China and will pilot various versions of this until the Hyper-loop is developed. The Hyper-loop is an electric vehicle that travels in a vacuum at speeds 30% faster than a traditional 747 aircraft, allowing riders to travel from DC to New York in approximately 1 hour. Also, major hubs in the northeast, including Toronto and Montreal, will now be connected via high-speed train. With widespread use, the goal is that costs and fuel consumption will be less than airplanes. Using electric vehicles over planes will decrease the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation industry. Electric Bicycles, or E-Bikes, will also become more prevalent by 2050, and they will be increasingly available in public spaces. Electric bikes are an efficient, cost-effective, eco-friendly transit method that will be beneficial in both urban and rural environments. Between 2019 and 2021, annual electric bicycle sales were boosted by 240%, and in 2020, the sales of E-Bikes outnumbered those of electric vehicles by a ratio of around 2:1.  This growth suggests that E-Bikes will play a pivotal role in shaping the sustainable and accessible mobility future of 2050. E-Bike ride-sharing will also be integrated with new systems, which will continue to allow individuals to navigate in efficient and sustainable ways. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) as well as driverless taxis will be seen and used on public roads by 2050.  Seeing as 35 U.S. states have introduced or are in the process of writing legislation regarding AV usage, public interest as well as research and development have propelled AVs into public usage.  There are a variety of issues that will have to be addressed in the next decades such as carbon emissions due to the computing power of the autonomous algorithms as well as the convenience of the rides prompting more car rides per day per person than currently with manual cars.  As the U.S. transitions to renewable energy, electric vehicles with high energy consumption will demand a stronger and more unified national electric grid.  Since the importance of personal liberties varies between countries, it would be unlikely to see a human driver ban in some countries, though a model of Berlin suggests that such a ban with the use of driverless taxis could reduce overall congestion and carbon emissions.  As recently as October of 2023 the California Department of Motor Vehicles has suspended Cruise, a major driverless taxi corporation based mainly in San Francisco, due to its cars’ performance being deemed unsafe for public operation.  Complaints from many citizens of cities with driverless taxi deployment such as in Austin, Phoenix, and San Francisco of the cars being a nuisance to other drivers to more extreme issues such as blocking emergency vehicles and killing pedestrians.  Despite similar issues being raised in a public hearing in San Francisco on increasing the deployment of driverless taxis, the commissioners still decided to allow it. All of these issues will likely slow the development of driverless taxis as a new mode of transit but will not inhibit it from becoming widespread by 2050. Mobility as a Service (MaaS), which aims to integrate various modes of transportation into a single platform, will become increasingly prevalent and will serve as an efficient way to promote more sustainable transit, such as biking, walking, public transportation, and ride-sharing. Helsinki, Finland has already begun to do this with the app Whim, which integrates various transportation services in the area into a single service. MaaS platforms will use advanced algorithms and real-time data to optimize routes, reduce congestion, and provide users with efficient and more sustainable options for their transportation.  MaaS will become integral to developing sustainable urban cities by promoting shared mobility and reducing traffic emissions. Demand-Response Transport (DRT) systems will also be used effectively in 2050, by analyzing data, such as through artificial intelligence, from various sources, like passenger requests, traffic conditions, and events, to optimize transit routes and minimize waiting times. DRT will allow transit services to dynamically adjust routes and schedules based on real-time user demand. This will be implemented for existing public transit systems, like bus routes, and will also be used in vanpool sharing, which will be useful in rural areas without extensive transit infrastructure. In 2023, many cities have begun to implement pilot programs implementing DRT, such as the “Metro Micro” van sharing program in Los Angeles, or London and Auckland’s integration of DRT for bus services. These trials will allow for better implementation and serve as a basis for creating robust DRT systems in 2050. As many countries begin to prioritize green energy by 2050, transit will have to adapt to the challenges that will arise. In 2050, this could mean advancements in increased energy efficiency, more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, and improved transit infrastructure like more charging stations and smarter city planning. Also, current emerging technologies will have to overcome current challenges, as well as adapt to evolving demands as we approach 2050 and integrate into our daily lives. It is very likely that innovative and unpredictable forms of transit will come into the market or that the market will surpass the transit that seems promising now in 2023. By 2050, the predicted transit modes above will tackle current transit concerns, like traffic, high prices, unsustainable practices, and others to better support people and the environment. From improved and new transportation technologies, like enhanced commuter rail systems, high-speed trains, E-Bikes, and AVs, to new transit systems, like MaaS and DRT, the future of transit will allow for more substantial improvements in mobility, equity, and sustainability. Ongoing green energy efforts will continue to drive advancements in energy efficiency and more sustainable options, creating a better transit system for the future, and as we approach 2050, the integration of new technologies and advancements will bring a promising transit future.
Bikol/Singular and Plural Adjectives. In Bikol, plural adjectives are made by adding the syllables "ra", "ri", "ro", and "ru" after the first syllable. However, there is an exception. The plural of "magayón", is "magagayon" and "mabuot" is "mabubuot".
Number Theory/Relative To Record. In a fluctuating integer sequence, every term has a relative-to-record score, defined by the following formula: "Relative to Record" = formula_1 where S(x) is the observed term of the sequence, and S(m) is the maximum value of S(k) for the range 1 ≤ k ≤ x − 1. The inverse value is defined by subtracting this value from one. Both "Relative to Record" and "Relative to Record (Inverse)" are real numbers between 0 and 1. "Relative to Record" is greater than 0.5 if and only if S(x) is a record term in the sequence. "Relative to Record (Inverse)" is less than 0.5 if and only if S(x) is a record term in the sequence. A term S(x) is a record term iff for all positive integers k such that k < x, S(k) < S(x). By convention: An integer sequence S(x) is a fluctuating integer sequence iff it is neither "eventually strictly increasing" nor "eventually strictly decreasing." Equivalently: In number theory, two important fluctuating integer sequences are the divisor function d(n) and the prime gaps. For any natural number n, d(n) is the number of positive divisors of n. For example, d(15) = 4 because fifteen has four divisors: 1, 3, 5, and 15. The prime gaps, as the name suggests, are the arithmetic differences between consecutive prime numbers. There are 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100, those being 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97. To find a prime gap, you subtract a prime from its successor; for example, to find the eighth prime gap, subtract the eighth and ninth primes: 23 − 19 = 4. The first 24 prime gaps are: 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 8. The records in this sequence are g(1) = 1, g(2) = 2, g(4) = 4, g(9) = 6, and g(24) = 8. The next time the record breaks is the thirtieth term: g(30) = 127 − 113 = 14. After that, you won't find a larger term until the ninety-ninth term: g(99) = 541 − 523 = 18. The record breaks yet again at g(154) = 907 − 887 = 20. Due to the prime number theorem, prime gaps grow arbitrarily large, so this record will keep being broken. Relative to Record (Divisor function). Numbers for which d(n) sets a new record are called "". The highly composite numbers below 1000 are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 720, and 840. For all n > 1, d(n) is always at least two. Those numbers with exactly two divisors are the prime numbers.
Antenna Television/OTA DVR. The following are options available for recording OTA content. Wired Solutions. These solutions typically connect to your antenna and a power source before connecting directly to your TV. They allow you to record your shows either onto an internal hard drive or by attaching external storage via USB. Mediasonic. One popular budget DVR solution is the Mediasonic HW-150PVR HomeWorx. It is known for its reliability and is even recognized as an Amazon's Choice product. This device offers basic functionality and is a straightforward option for recording TV shows. The Mediasonic HW-150PVR connects to your antenna using a coaxial cable and provides output to your TV through HDMI, component, or coaxial connections, supporting both standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) formats. It supports real-time recording as well as programmed time recording. The electronic program guide (EPG) data is limited and is typically provided by the broadcasters on a channel-by-channel basis. You can generally access the program guide only for the channel you are currently watching. It's important to note that the Mediasonic HW-150PVR does not have built-in storage. To utilize its DVR functionality, you will need to purchase an external hard drive (up to 2TB supported) or a USB flash drive (up to 64GB supported) and connect it to the device. Additionally, this DVR has a single tuner, which means you can only watch or record a single channel at a time. While these budget DVR units offer basic functionality, they can also be used as tuners for older analog TVs or to add an affordable tuner to TVs without built-in tuners. They can be particularly useful for TVs with no tuner (such as Vizio's new Google Cast models), projection screen setups, or TVs with broken coaxial cable connections. iView Digital Converter Box. Another budget DVR option is the iView 3500STII, which operates similarly to the Mediasonic HW-150PVR. It is compatible with both older analog TVs and newer models supporting standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD). The iView 3500STII offers real-time and programmed recording capabilities, as well as the ability to display electronic program guide (EPG) data to help schedule recordings. Once connected to an external hard drive or USB flash drive, the iView 3500STII can function as a DVR, allowing you to record and store TV shows. Additionally, it serves as a media player, enabling you to access and play video or music files from the external storage drive, even if they were not recorded through the iView. However, it's important to note that the iView 3500STII may not support the newest file types for video or audio, so it's advisable to review the list of supported file types on the manufacturer's website to ensure compatibility with your media library. Alternatively, the iView 3200STB is a newer model and offers similar features to the iView 3500STII. However, there are a couple of notable differences. The iView 3200STB does not include a component output, whereas the iView 3500STII does. Additionally, the iView 3200STB comes with an antenna included in the box (though it can also work with other antennas), while the iView 3500STII requires a separate antenna to be purchased. Ematic Digital Converter Box. The Ematic AT103B and Ematic AT102 are two additional low-cost DVR options that share similarities with the iView and Mediasonic models mentioned earlier. These DVRs offer a straightforward and budget-friendly solution with a range of features. Like the previously mentioned DVRs, the Ematic AT103B and AT102 support real-time and programmed recording, provide the ability to display an electronic program guide (EPG), and are compatible with both standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) formats. They also allow you to play old media files directly from a USB drive and offer the capability to record TV shows onto a USB drive. These Ematic models are designed to be simple and functional DVR solutions without unnecessary complexity. While they may not have the most advanced features available in the market, they provide the basic functionality needed for recording and watching TV shows. Wireless Solutions. TiVo Edge for Antenna. TiVo is a well-known brand that offers quality DVR solutions, though their OTA-compatible lineup of devices has undergone several changes. The TiVo Bolt, for instance, has evolved into the TiVo Bolt OTA and TiVo Bolt VOX. The TiVo Roamio, which was previously recommended, has been discontinued. Older models may still be available through TiVo's Renewal program or third-party sellers. When purchasing a used system, it's important to inquire about any subscription-based costs and whether the device includes a lifetime subscription. The TiVo Edge for Antenna is a robust whole-home connected DVR system. After connecting it to your antenna, home internet, and optionally your TV, your DVR system will be ready to use. However, most TiVo options still require a subscription, either on a monthly or annual basis, or a more expensive lifetime purchase. As many cord-cutters are looking to reduce or eliminate monthly costs, I will not delve as deeply into the Edge as I will with other offerings. However, I will provide an overview for those willing to pay a higher recurring cost for a more feature-rich system. The TiVo Edge offers a whole-home wireless experience once connected to the internet. It connects to your antenna, ideally to your first TV, and then to your home internet via either Wi-Fi or Ethernet. You can browse the programming catalog, schedule recordings, and watch TV using the remote control, iOS and Android apps, or your computer. This allows you to position the Edge near your antenna while still accessing your programming throughout your home via apps and internet browsers. The Edge also supports out-of-home streaming and allows for downloads to stream on your phone or tablet. Key features of the TiVo Edge for Antenna include: Tablo. Tablo is a network OTA tuner/DVR device that offers a unique approach to DVR functionality. Instead of connecting directly to a TV, Tablo connects to your home network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet and streams content to any connected device within your home or anywhere with internet access. Tablo connects to your antenna using a coaxial cable and then to your router via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi connection provides flexibility in case your antenna and router are located in different areas of your home.Tablo uses its connection to your router to stream recordings and live TV over your local network and the internet, which makes it a "whole home DVR" solution. However, since Tablo doesn't have a direct output option, you need to access the Tablo TV app on your TV. This can be done through streaming devices (such as Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Nvidia SHIELD), smart TVs, TV sticks (like Fire Stick, Roku, Chromecast), or gaming systems (like Xbox One). Check the Tablo website for an updated list of supported devices. You can also access Tablo TV via iOS or Android smartphones, tablets, or a computer using their web app, both at home and remotely. In the past, Tablo transcoded all audio to 2.0 stereo. However, new software updates now allow for 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound passthrough on supported devices, enhancing the audio experience. Video output can reach up to 1080p resolution. Tablo offers several hardware DVR models to suit different needs: All Tablo models can also support up to 8TB of external storage, allowing you to expand the storage capacity with a separate external drive. Optional Subscription: Tablo offers a guide data subscription that provides enhanced features, such as a 14-day program guide, series recording, and more. The subscription is tied to your account, not the device itself. If you upgrade or add another Tablo device, you can use the subscription across all of them under the same account. ClearStream Wireless. The ClearStream Wireless TV Antenna Adapter Tuner is a device that allows you to turn any antenna into a wireless tuner and DVR. The ClearStream offers a 24-hour program guide, which provides you with information about upcoming shows and allows you to schedule recordings. It has one tuner, which means it can only stream to one device at a time. This limitation should be considered if you plan on streaming to multiple devices simultaneously.The ClearStream allows you to pause, rewind, and fast forward live TV for up to one hour. This feature gives you flexibility in controlling your viewing experience. When using the ClearStream app on your smartphone, tablet, or Smart TV, the TV content is recorded directly to the device running the app. The amount of DVR space available will depend on the storage capacity of the device itself.To set up the ClearStream, you attach it to your antenna and plug it into a power outlet. Then, you use the ClearStream app on your iOS, Android, or streaming device to connect your antenna to your home Wi-Fi network. The initial setup cannot be completed through a Roku device; you will need to use an Android or iOS app for that purpose. Once set up, you can stream or record OTA channels through the ClearStream app on your preferred device. ClearStream supports streaming via Roku devices. However, the initial setup of the ClearStream requires the use of an Android or iOS app. Once set up, you can stream content from the ClearStream to your Roku device. AirTV. The AirTV brand offers several models for TV and DVR access to your antenna, including the AirTV, AirTV Player, and AirTV Anywhere. HDHomerun Scribe Duo/Quatro. The HDHomerun Scribe Duo and HDHomerun Scribe Quatro are whole-home DVR solutions that are similar to the Tablo device mentioned earlier. The Scribe Duo has two tuners, while the Scribe Quatro has four tuners. The Scribe Duo or Scribe Quatro is connected to your antenna, and then it is connected to your home's Wi-Fi router using an Ethernet cable. This setup allows you to access and record OTA (over-the-air) TV channels. You can use the free HDHomerun app to record and access your shows. The app is available on various smart devices. You will need to use a compatible smart device to watch your OTA TV channels. HDHomerun provides an up-to-date list of compatible devices on their website. You can check the website to ensure that your preferred smart device is supported. It's important to note that access to the DVR functionality via the HDHomerun app requires a subscription after the first year. The subscription cost may vary, so it's recommended to visit the HDHomerun website for the most up-to-date information regarding the subscription cost and requirements for ongoing DVR app service. The HDHomerun Scribe devices, such as the HDVR-4US-1TB, are designed for use in the United States and Canada. They are compatible with the ATSC broadcast standard used in these regions. Fire TV Recast. The Fire TV Recast is indeed an over-the-air DVR solution offered by Amazon. Here are some key features and requirements of the Fire TV Recast: Recording Capacity: The Fire TV Recast is available in two versions. The first version has 2 tuners and a storage capacity of 500 GB, allowing for approximately 75 hours of recorded content. The second version has 4 tuners and a storage capacity of 1 TB, allowing for approximately 150 hours of recorded content. Antenna and Streaming Device Requirement: To use the Fire TV Recast, you will need an antenna to receive over-the-air TV signals. Additionally, you will need a compatible Fire TV streaming media player (such as Fire TV Stick or Fire TV Cube) or an Echo Show device to access and watch the recorded content. The Fire TV Recast communicates with the streaming device or Echo Show over your home Wi-Fi network. The recorded content from the Fire TV Recast can be streamed to various devices. This includes the Fire TV app on Fire tablets (5th generation or above), iOS devices running iOS 10 or above, and Android devices running Android 4.4 or above. With the Fire TV Recast, you can schedule and record over-the-air TV shows and movies. It provides the ability to pause, rewind, and fast forward through the recorded content. You can also set up series recordings for your favorite shows. The Fire TV Recast includes a program guide that allows you to browse and schedule recordings. Additionally, it integrates with streaming services like Prime Video, Hulu, and more, allowing you to access streaming content alongside your over-the-air recordings.
Engineering Education in 2050/Post-Classroom CS. = Introduction = Computer science education has vastly changed over the past decades. With a number of advancements made to the computer over the years, universities have adapted their curricula and programs to keep up with the changes. Dating back to the 1960s, computer programs were transcribed onto punch cards and loaded onto large computers. Classes explored numerical analysis, introductory programming, logic design, and switching circuits. Progressing into the 1990’s, the development of desktop computers encouraged universities to install computer labs. During this era, computer science education focused on software engineering, operating systems, computer organization, and computing principles. Today, all university students carry their own personal laptops. This change has improved the potential for computer science education by increasing the efficiency of development. Students can accessibly develop programs on integrated development environments (IDEs) with access to a plethora of learning resources over the Internet. With advancements in web development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, universities have additionally integrated electives to explore upcoming developments in computer science. To articulate a vision for the computer science classroom in 2050, a focus was placed on the continuity of trends. Over the years, the driving change in computer science has largely been due to advancements in technology that have improved content delivery, access to learning resources, and applications of content. This trend will continue as current limitations of computer science students will be identified and addressed with newer technologies. Specific focus will be placed on the following areas: learning speed of students, learning resources retrieval time, and visualization of content. = Structure of CS Education = Fundamentals remain key. Certain portions of today’s CS curriculum have remained relevant for decades. Techniques like dynamic programming date back to the 1950s, and foundational computing concepts like Turing machines have even earlier origins. These concepts are part of broader topics like algorithms and the theory of computation, topics that are arguably computer science mainstays because they teach useful patterns and styles of approaching problems. Similar arguments can be applied to systems topics that inform students about time-tested computing abstractions. Compared to natural sciences, computer science is a unique field that is primarily built on the work and abstractions of earlier computer scientists, software engineers, and other practitioners in the field. Thus, computer science fundamentals are especially important for newcomers to grasp, as they appear in one form or another throughout history. This importance extends to modern-day technology as many programming languages used today are built on previous abstractions; for example, one of this decade’s hottest systems programming languages, Rust, is built on concepts from type theory and program verification. Programmers using Rust also benefit from a strong practical understanding of computer memory models. Computer science abstractions are famously “leaky” to varying degrees; new abstractions and technologies will not make fundamental knowledge and understanding of lower-level abstractions obsolete. This vision predicts the continued relevance of computer science fundamentals for decades to come. However, while these patterns and abstractions will remain important in the future, other facets of CS education are slated for change. CS curriculum change. Viewing the developments of the computer science curriculum over the years, the constant trend that has persisted is the adaptation of current advancements in technology to tailor the content delivered to students. For example, with the rise of the Internet and the Web, web development began to rise in popularity in the early 2000s as opportunities emerged for developing user interfaces for applications. With that, universities adopted courses introducing students to languages and technologies related to web development. One example is the University of Virginia's course, CS 3240: Advanced Software Development Essentials, which encourages students to develop a functional web application over a semester. Looking towards the future, major changes to computer science curricula will be due to the emerging developments in computer science. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already revolutionizing fields of finance, healthcare, security, and many more. These technologies will only improve by 2050 to automate many of the current human tasks to allow more efficient decision making and response time. This significant change will greatly impact today's professions and generate a call for better skilled individuals that are able to understand and operate with these processes, systems, and tools. Thus, universities will be required to generate this new workforce by training students in understanding artificial intelligence and machine learning. With this new need, the computer science curriculum will require students to take courses in artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze how these tools work and different applications of them. Emerging developments in computer science additionally include cloud computing, quantum computing, Internet of Things, robotics and virtual reality. These topics are relatively early in their development, hindering universities from keeping up with the constant developments in their curriculum. However, by 2050, these technologies will be advanced and integrated within society, providing universities with enough content to improve the engagement of these topics for their students. Since these technologies will be influential developments in the industry, providing quality education in these topics will support the growth of skilled engineers to contribute to these developments in the industry. Another significant issue in computer science curriculum is its obsolescence. Programming languages and frameworks are constantly advancing. Universities face the struggle of keeping their curriculums updated with the advancements in the industry. Daniel Gelernter, CEO of the tech startup Dittach, says in his Wall Street Journal titled "Why I'm Not Looking to Hire Computer Science Majors" that most university computer science departments are 10 years behind in a field that changes every 10 minutes. Consequences include the formation of computer science graduates that lack the latest skills required in the industry. However, changing an entire curriculum requires significant planning. The UVA Computer Science Department took around 8 years (2014-2022) to plan and execute a new computer science curriculum since 1989. This process included eliciting requirements, designing the new curriculum, piloting courses, gaining approvals, and executing the final program. The significant time required to administer curriculum changes is not feasible while trying to ensure the content is updated with the industry. As artificial intelligence advances, however, the design process would be expedited. AI would be used to efficiently pick and design content based on the current trends in the industry. As previously mentioned, the core content of the curriculum will stay constant. However, the technology and software used to supplement this content in class will be updated with the help of AI. This progress will also aid instructors in quickly adapting to the new content so the access to qualified instructors to teach rapidly changing courses will not be an issue. This advancement will ensure that students are equipped with relevant skills and better prepared for demanding roles in the industry. = Technological Advancements = Technology's role in education. In 1995, students encountered the early phases of the internet, a groundbreaking tool at the time for accessing information. Previously reliant on books, teachers, and peers, the internet brought instant access to a vast array of knowledge, expediting the learning process. Desktop computers, once the primary means of interaction, have given way to laptops and smartphones, shaping the landscape of information retrieval. Platforms such as YouTube, Geeks for Geeks, and Stack Overflow have become integral to the CS learning experience, highlighting a trend: students have and will continue to prioritize information delivery systems that are efficient, rapid, and user-friendly. The education sector has witnessed the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool. Recently, The University of Central Florida is attempting to imbed virtual reality in their quantum computing program. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) conducted a pilot program adopting VR in introductory programming with positive results. K-12 education has adopted 3D models, and YouTube now hosts 360-degree interactive videos for enhanced visualization. Unlike the full immersion VR offers, augmented reality is a more advanced technology similar to VR in which users are able to interact with the real world. Although most augmented reality software are most commonly used in conjunction with smartphones, more development is pushed to incorporate AR with holographic glasses. With investments from tech giants like Google and Apple, and advancements in AI models from ChatGPT, Google, and Microsoft, our anticipation for 2050 is that Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) combined with AI processing will emerge as the predominant tool for students. Augmented reality, virtual Reality, and personalized AI learning. AR/AI integration holds the promise of addressing three crucial aspects of learning: learning speed, content delivery speed, and content visualization. Despite the vast resources available on the internet, the limitations of a 2D screen limits learning efficiency. Speech and image based delivery during lectures can lead to misinterpretations, prompting students to seek clarification online. AR, coupled with personalized AI models tailored to individual learning patterns. We vision a future where students can utilize AR glasses to dive deeper into lecture content, promptly resolving ambiguities or presenting information in a 3D space for improved visualization. Utilizing video, photo, and speech, AR/AI can provide a comprehensive understanding. Here’s a scenario. Picture a student seated in a classroom, faced with the challenge of understanding the professor's lecture. Here, AR/AI emerges as an ally. The student, equipped with AR glasses, can seamlessly invoke AI-driven assistance to elaborate intricate concepts in real-time. Whether struggling with the abstraction of theoretical principles or visualizing complex structures, AR/AI steps in. It transforms the classroom into a space where three-dimensional representations materialize, offering an immersive and personalized learning experience. The development of VR not only opens doors for asynchronous learning but also reinforcing virtual synchronous learning, bridging the gap between physical classrooms and online education. The shift to asynchronous learning during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of flexibility in education, enabling students to access course materials and lectures at their convenience. This trend remains post-pandemic, offering students the freedom to engage with computer science content in a way that suits their schedules. As VR technology becomes more mainstream and is integrated with live translation capabilities, we predict that asynchronous and online synchronous learning as well as thr global accessibility of computer science education are expected to increase. While traditional online schooling, often conducted through online platorms such as zoom have been successful, the integration of VR in computer science education to another level. VR classrooms immerse students in interactive and dynamic virtual environments, providing a more engaging and realistic simulation of physical classrooms. This can enhance collaboration, hands on experiences, and make computer science topics more tangible and memorable. Virtual classrooms equipped with real-time translation features break down language barriers, fostering a collaborative and diverse community of learners from around the world. This increased accessibility not only expands the reach of educational resources but also promotes cross-cultural exchanges and a richer learning experience. = Impact of AI Developments on CS Education = As of 2023, ChatGPT is the “fastest-growing consumer application in history,” having reached 100 million monthly active users shortly after launch. What some deem the artificial intelligence revolution is fueled in part by the exploding interest in generative pre-trained transformer tools like ChatGPT. Tools in this technology class have demonstrated significant competency on certain tasks; for example, OpenAI’s GPT-4 was released for use alongside claims of a 163 LSAT score and a 1410 SAT score. Generative artificial intelligence also demonstrates potential in areas like information retrieval and coding assistance. This vision of the future would be remiss to not discuss the possible implications of AI’s development over the next 27 years. Changes to coding. Today, coding is a core competency of computer science majors; it is taught, practiced, and assessed through the majority of a CS student’s education. This fundamental activity is also a particularly likely candidate for an AI-powered transformation. Consider some properties of writing that humans often care about: content correctness, grammatical structure, eloquence, sentiment, spelling, concision, etc. Different contexts require different properties of writing; fiction doesn’t need to adhere to facts, for example, and poetry may be subject to rhythmic constraints that prose isn’t restricted by. There are numerous selectively desirable properties of writing, and most of them aren’t easily verifiable or even identifiable. Assessing such properties of writing is a non-trivial task for humans, depending on the property, and is similarly non-trivial for automated tools. Contrast this with code, which is generally written for the singular purpose of execution on a computer and has a smaller set of possible desirable structures than writing. Desirable properties of code snippets also exist, such as type correctness, syntactic correctness, readability, and semantic correctness. Unlike writing, however, many of these properties can be automatically identified via compilation and static analysis. There’s no silver bullet for code; after all, Rice’s theorem shows that non-trivial semantic properties of programs are undecidable. Yet, the property verification task has greater coverage for code than writing. Generative artificial intelligence has been shown to produce near-human output for both writing and coding tasks. However, seemingly at random, it produces subtly incorrect or undesirable output. These tools can hallucinate facts, people, citations, and more in produced writing. The same is true for generated code, which may include non-existent syntax or functions. Since both types of output are susceptible to these problems, there is a stronger case for generative artificial intelligence’s use in code generation, where many properties of non-deterministically produced code can be deterministically identified. Because of generative artificial intelligence’s greater potential for safe use in code generation than in other spaces, this vision predicts widespread adoption for this task by 2050. Specifically, its quality will likely be sufficient for full automation of basic software implementation. This level of implementation will likely not include making higher-level architectural decisions; consequently, an engineer’s soft-skills and general problem solving ability will become more important as the value of basic coding ability diminishes. Consequent changes to CS competency assessment. In 2023, generative artificial intelligence tools can generate code for introductory programming tasks; 2050’s offerings may trivialize significant portions of today’s introductory and intermediate programming problems. New methods of assessing CS competency should be implemented to accommodate new capabilities. Fundamental computer science knowledge that today’s problems test for will be just as important in 2050. If artificial intelligence tools make a competent student’s work indistinguishable from an incompetent one, restricted learning and testing environments become necessary. Similar to how students today learn arithmetic basics without calculator access, computer science students should be, at times, assessed without access to artificial intelligence tools. The reduced importance of basic coding ability will elevate technical concept explanation as an avenue of assessing competency. Students could be asked to write down their approach to completing an implementation task, for example. The education system could also incorporate interviews, asking students to discuss key pieces and mechanisms of learned topics. Interviews may not scale, but the content is more important than the medium here; demonstrating deep and nuanced understanding will be key in a world where just producing working code is trivial. The aforementioned predicted importance of soft-skills will make this communication task doubly important; students will be able to demonstrate technical expertise and communication ability throughout their CS education. This same diminishing importance of basic coding will also lead to increasingly complex projects for students to work on during their CS education. Open-resource environments will enable students to accomplish more than today’s students; projects used to assess these students and provide working experience will grow accordingly. This may take the form of more abstract problems or requirements for greater deviation from common patterns. In any case, this vision sees projects having a different role in CS education than today. Projects and assignments today are often an opportunity for students to demonstrate competency in CS fundamentals in a less restricted environment. This may mean implementing a slightly modified version of a classical algorithm or performing relatively basic coding. In 2050, these projects will have to be less coupled to fundamental CS content. Assessing competence in CS fundamentals will happen differently, while broader projects give students experience in modern AI-assisted programming. From the current GenAI education environment to 2050. Of course, the path to this new style of CS competency assessment is a long one. The continued development of generative AI tools may provide new affordances to students, affordances that require innovative adjustments to assessment methods. After all, these tools do not exist in a vacuum. Individual models differ significantly, and their outputs are influenced by factors like size, training input, incentivized behavior, etc. The set of available models may be more diverse by 2050, inviting more specific course adjustments. However, in 2024, two generative AI policies are prevalent in CS classes: either “no generative AI use allowed” or “if you use generative AI, state the prompts you used”. Clear policies are a necessity, but these all-or-nothing stances can be improved on. The novelty of these generative AI tools makes policy enforcement difficult; detecting and watermarking generative AI output is a developing field of study. Generative AI policy in education will have to grow in sophistication alongside the tools being developed. For example, programming in 2050 may require programmers to be skilled in prompting generative AI tools. Schools could provide environments and exercises that help build this skill. On one hand, if cutting-edge models can complete these exercises with only trivial prompts, they will be unsuited for educational use. On the other hand, tasks that push cutting-edge models to the limit may be too difficult for students to prompt for. Schools could instead deploy models with known capability limits; ideally, these models would require non-trivial prompts to be helpful for the provided assignment. In this scenario, the generative AI policy is neither a strict ban on use nor an open invitation to trivialize assignments. Instead, students would be limited to particular models that develop their prompting abilities. Involving educators early in generative AI development and policy discussions should enable a smoother transition into a new programming and CS education environment. Aligning on plans and requirements would help tool developers understand their users’ needs, while also helping educators plan and experiment with generative AI in the classroom. From the current GenAI education environment to 2050. Of course, the path to this new style of CS competency assessment is a long one. The continued development of generative AI tools may provide new affordances to students, affordances that require innovative adjustments to assessment methods. After all, these tools do not exist in a vacuum. Individual models differ significantly, and their outputs are influenced by factors like size, training input, incentivized behavior, etc. The set of available models may be more diverse by 2050, inviting more specific course adjustments. However, in 2024, two generative AI policies are prevalent in CS classes: either “no generative AI use allowed” or “if you use generative AI, state the prompts you used”. Clear policies are a necessity, but these all-or-nothing stances can be improved on. The novelty of these generative AI tools makes policy enforcement difficult; detecting and watermarking generative AI output is a developing field of study. Generative AI policy in education will have to grow in sophistication alongside the tools being developed. For example, programming in 2050 may require programmers to be skilled in prompting generative AI tools. Schools could provide environments and exercises that help build this skill. On one hand, if cutting-edge models can complete these exercises with only trivial prompts, they will be unsuited for educational use. On the other hand, tasks that push cutting-edge models to the limit may be too difficult for students to prompt for. Schools could instead deploy models with known capability limits; ideally, these models would require non-trivial prompts to be helpful for the provided assignment. In this scenario, the generative AI policy is neither a strict ban on use nor an open invitation to trivialize assignments. Instead, students would be limited to particular models that develop their prompting abilities. Involving educators early in generative AI development and policy discussions should enable a smoother transition into a new programming and CS education environment. Aligning on plans and requirements would help tool developers understand their users’ needs, while also helping educators plan and experiment with generative AI in the classroom. = References =
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e6/2. c4. French Defense: Steiner Variation. The Steiner Variation is a counterattacking option against the French. It most often results in a trade of two pawns after 2... d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. cxd5 Qxd5 5. Nc3, where black is behind in development but has a stronger pawn structure. Another more infamous line is the Orthoschnapp Gambit after 2... d5 3. cxd5 exd5 4. Qb3!?, with the idea of Bc4, Nc3, and possibly sacrificing a pawn on d3.
Fractals/color julia. Visualising complex functions. Suppose we want to visualise a complex valued function like In order to color formula_2 we decompose it into its formula_3 and its formula_4. Then, we assign the color to the point representing formula_6. In this , all values are in the range from 0 to  1. The first component (hue) of the HSV color depends only on the argument of formula_2 and the second and third component (saturation and value) depend only on the absolute value of formula_2. We use a transformation formula_9 on formula_2 to map it into the interval formula_11. For formula_12 see section "helper functions". Examples. The values indexed "s" (saturation) control the transition saturated colors→white (resp. gray scale), i.e. intermediate values → infinity. The values indexed "h" (value/valenz) control the transition black→bright, i.e. zero→nonzero. Parameter "a" controls where the transition takes place: "a" is just the radius of the circle dividing the two regions (dark/bright, saturated/gray, etc.) Parameter "b" controls how sharp the transition is: "b" small = soft, "b" large = sharp. The following images all show the range [-10,10]×[-10,10]formula_13 and use formula_14 (radius of rainbow) and formula_15 (radius of black disc). In the image with swapped meanings of S and V zero is printed in white and infinity in black. Visualising Julia sets. s and s can be nice. Their computergraphical generation can be hard. In the remainder of this page, we work out a method which can be used to visualise the Julia set of a complex function ƒ. The advantage is that you don't need to know s of the iteration The generated images will be smooth in the Fatou part. Overview: Imaging methods. Note that there exist other approaches to color complex dynamical systems like Inverse Iteration Method (IIM). Compute the preimages of ƒ, i.e. compute the reverse orbit. Because the stability of the fixed points turns from attractive to repelling and vice versa, one just choses a complex number and looks where it goes under the invers iteration. The trouble is that the results will not uniformly distributet in formula_17 and that you have to compute the inverse of ƒ. Coloring by speed of attraction (CSA). Taking a value from the lattice of points to color, perform iterations until the iterative is close to an . Color the point according to the number of iterations needed to bring it close enough to the attractor. This method is commonly used to visualize Julia sets of polynomials and Julia sets that are attached to for finding the zeros of a function. Polynomials or degree > 1 always have infinity as a super-attractive fixed point. The rational function that occurs in Newton's method has always the function's roots as attractive fixed points. However, in both cases there may be other attractors, which – moreover – need not to consist of just one point. Escape Time Algorithm (ETA). If ∞ is an attractor, i.e. a fixed point of the process, then color the point according to the number of iterations – the time – it takes until one sees the point escapes towards ∞. If the point does not escape during the maximum number of iterations, the point is colored as belonging to the Julia set or to the basin of some other attractor. This method works for polynomials. The most prominent Julia sets are the ones for "z"→"z"2+"c" where "c" is an element of the Mandelbrot set or not far away from the mandelbrot set. If you see a picture of such a Julia set, it is likely that ETA had been used to get the picture. Cauchy Convergence Algorithm (CCA). In the remainder of this page, I will present a different approach whose idea as basically the same es that of "Escape Time Algorithm". However, no basin of attraction must be known in advance and the different basins of attraction can be separated and be colored differently. The approch uses the notion of Cauchys convergence. Instead of observing the orbit of a point, this method observes how the distance of two nearby points "z" and "z"+ε evolves as these two values are iterated. If the difference tends to 0, then the point heads for an attractor. If the difference does not approach 0, then the point is close to (or a part of) the Julia set. The Metric. Let formula_18 be a canonical projection of the onto the "S"2: This gives us a "d": As distance between two points in the complex plane we take their distance on the sphere, i.e. the length of the . This means that the metric is bounded by π and even the distance to ∞ (which is now the north pole) is finite. In order to compute the distance between two points "z" and "w" we rotate the sphere "S"2 in such a way that After these transformations the distance can be computed quite easily. The rotation can be accomplished by a squence of s. All an all, we get which is left as an exercise to the reader. The bar denotes . The metric is then The nice feature that is introduced by "d" is that sequences that formerly "diverged" against infinity now "converge" towards infinity, i.e. towards the north pole of "S"2. Stability of Orbits. Recall the definition of the for a ƒ. The definition implies some facts on the stability of the iteration where ƒ"n" denotes the "n"-th iterative of ƒ: The set is called "" of "z" (under ƒ). The orbits of two points "z" and "w" behave similar − in some sense − if "z" and "w" lie close together and belong to the "F"ƒ which is the of the Julia set "J"ƒ of ƒ. If "z" is an element of "J"ƒ then "z" and "w" will behave quite different, even if "w" itself is an element of "J"ƒ. To get a notion of the stability of an orbit, we set for a small ε and with the metric "d" from above. This means that we take two points which are close together, and then we summarize their distances as ƒ makes them jump around on the Riemann sphere. Note that for any fixed ε the sum can diverge for large "n" even if "z" is a Fatou point. However, we can use Σ"n" to measure how close a point is to "J"ƒ: the larger the sum is, the more instable is the iteration and the closer is the point to the Julia set of ƒ. To destinguish points of (or close to) the Julia set from points in the Fatou set, we need a creterion. To get it, we compute all the Σ-values for the points that we want to color, i.e. for all points in a lattice Γ. After computing these values, we do a little bit of statistics to get the "E" and the σ for the set of Σ-values: Let Remind that It turns out that the values Σ are widely spread over several scales. Therefore, we do not use Σ directly. Instead, we use the of Σ. The value δ is just a small constant to avoid the logarithm's input to be zero. Coloring. Now, we have all we need to color a point: for some constant formula_36. Because formula_36 will be used to separate points that belong to the Julia set (formula_38) from points that to not (formula_39), reasonable values for formula_36 are greater than formula_33. Try settings like formula_42 or formula_43 or the like. If formula_38 then we color formula_6 as belonging to the Julia set. If formula_46 we can use that value to shade the Fatou set. If we know some attractor, we can check if ƒformula_30formula_48 is close to it and use that information, too. To map values to the valid ranges for saturation and brightness we use the function formula_49 from section "helper function h". Modifications. The computation of formula_33 takes a lot of time. The visualisation process needs two passes: Alternatively An other approach looks like that: This algorithm is a variant of the escape time algorithm (ETA). Note that in ETA the point does not really escape (at least if we are on the sphere), it just converges to ∞. This approach is similar. However, we don't need to know an attractive fixed point of ƒ. Up to now, I didn't try the modified version. One disadvantage may be that the Fatou set will no more appear smooth colored. Then I am not sure if this modification is really an advantage, because the iteration must be done until a given maximum number of iterations is reached. Note that even if formula_63 is under the bound for some formula_30 the distance formula_65 can rise again. I cannot say if this effect is crucial or can be neglected... Gallery. formula_66 denotes the Newton operator Using Critical Points Absorption (CPA). The previous method yeilds neat, smooth colorings and requires least knowledge about the dynamics of the process. However, it is quite time consuming. Teh following approach is an extension of escape time algorithm (ETA) for polynomials. Let ƒ be a polynomial of degree "d" > 1 over C. Such a polynomial has at most "d" critical points: infinity and the at most "d"–1 zeroes of ƒ′. It is well known that each attractor of the process "z"→ƒ("z") absorbs at least one critical point. Suppose "zK" is a critical value, then ƒ"n"("zK") comes arbitrarirly close to one of the attractive cycles of ƒ. A process for a quadratic polynomial ƒ("z") = "z"2 + "c" is the simplest case: The critical values are 0 and  ∞. As ∞ absorbs itself, only 0 is left, and we have the following cases. "M" denotes the Mandelbrot set. Helper functions. Helper function "t". is a smooth, monotone transition from −1 to 1 that satisfies formula_71 and formula_72. There are many choices for it. Some of them are with gd denoting the . Helper function "h". Helper function formula_74 is almost the same like formula_75 but it maps to formula_76 and we can adjust the speed of transition by parameter formula_77. with formula_79. Then formula_74 is symmetric to the point (0, 1/2) and Negative values are mapped to values between 0 and 1/2. Positive values are mapped to values between 1/2 and 1. The parameter formula_77 controls how fast the transition will be. If we want a falling function, we can use the symmetry i.e. we negate formula_84 or formula_77. Helper function "g". This function maps the positive numbers to the interval formula_86. for some function formula_88 that is defined below. If formula_88 is appropriately chosen then for formula_12 the following holds This means that formula_9 We are left with determining the finction formula_88 on formula_102 with formula_88 must satisty For formula_88 we set Helper function "w". This function maps the positive numbers to the interval formula_86. By formula_77 we can control its slope in the origin: Circular arc through (0,0) and (1,1). A circular arc through (0,0) and (1,1) that has given slope of formula_77 in (0,0) and formula_113 in (1,1): where The center of the circle is incident on the line formula_116.
Kitchen Remodel/The general idea. The general idea. Obvious goals. The obvious goals for everybody who is planning a kitchen remodel are, among others: Functionality: In the case of my remodel, one of the major goals was to make the kitchen larger, first of all to create more cabinet space but also to improve the traffic situation and to create more space for people to work in the kitchen. By changing the layout, we went up from 248 sqft (28 m²) to 346 sqft (32 m²). We achieved this by sacrificing some closet space, but mostly by converting the previous hallway into a pantry. Design and architectural considerations. A kitchen remodel is not just about replacing something old with something new. It is also more than taking ownership of a space or improving something in terms of functionality. It is also about design and architecture. Everybody can design. Everybody can understand design and architecture, those two fields are not necessarily secret sciences. Common sense plays a huge part in them. The most critical difference between an amateur and a professional is that the latter will be much faster coming up with really good design ideas, and they may also be more articulate about what they are doing and why they are doing it and how they are making choices. Whoever lives in a space, will be affected by its design. The design of a space will influence their behavior and affect their mood. Some people may be more articulate about their experience of a space than others, probably because they are more trained; but everybody will feel it and respond to it. What struck me in our recently bought new home, was the shape of the living space. This living space is a linear ensemble which comprises a sitting area, a dining area and a small courtyard. It is relatively narrow and very long (more than 50 ft/15 meters). This ensemble is nothing less than a elongated tedium: it is very interestingly structured indeed, with a vaulted ceiling and other elements which define a number of distinct subspaces. But the linearity of the space was linked to me with the idea of a "visual axis". From my sitting area I can gaze into the far away courtyard, and vice versa (see drawing, blue arrow). I loved that right from the beginning. I loved that so much that, at some point, I thought: how cool would it be to have more of this – "another visual axis". The natural answer was to remove the weirdly recessed wall that separated the living space from the kitchen (see drawing, purple arrow)… This modification would create an open floor plan: a concept that was very smoothly compatible both with the style of the house, a Contemporary, and our personal lifestyle, which is rather kitchen centered.
The University of 2050/Welcoming Curricular Innovation. In the University of 2050, curricula will need to take on a more adaptive outlook. Classes will look differently with the advent of new technologies and new societal priorities. As our society develops and changes over the next 25 years, the form of education will change with respect to three major participant groups: students, professors, and deans. Students in 2050 will have much more influence and power over the curricula in front of them. Today, the hierarchy of curricula control stems from deans and flows to professors and then to students. In 2050, this hierarchy will be flipped where students will have more control and the ability to lead the way on course selections. Students tend to connect with modern trends, advancements, and technologies faster than many professors and deans. Whether by fellow peers, social media, or other future modes of communication, students are aptly prepared to distinguish which courses are suited to their education needs to prepare them for employment after college. This does not mean there will be no structure within the university setting, but this base structure will be freeing, not restrictive. This will increase the dialogue between students and deans in communicating class trend differences. In addition to reaching out to deans at any time, students will have one meeting a semester discussing with one another class preferences, needs, and alterations. A dean will be in the room with this cohort of students, and instead of a one sided teacher-to-students communication style, there will be an equitable open conversation, student-with-dean, without any one dominating voice. This will allow deans to have up to date information from students semester to semester. Curricula will still have a set of core course requirements that provide the necessary building blocks of a major providing students greater flexibility to choose core and elective classes, fitting their desires and preparations more effectively. Yet, majors can restrict course exploration early on and create a negative connotation amongst younger college students. With increased flexibility, students can discover more varied and specific topics amongst class choices earlier in college allowing for a greater appreciation for their major. This will also allow students to explore more varied class possibilities not before possible within the strict class selection process. Whether students come into college with many high school credits or none, students can develop these varied interests starting from their first year all the way through fourth year. As class choice flexibility increases, so will the working environment and submission timing. Students at the University of Virginia, and many other universities throughout America, have put an immense amount of pressure upon the class selection process. Class selection depends heavily on enrollment time, impacting whether a student can enroll in a class or not. The COVID-19 pandemic provided insight on class selection alterations when universities demonstrated a quick adaptation to a virtual learning environment, and in many cases, asynchronous learning. In 2050, class selection will be stress-free, as along with asynchronous learning, class sizes will increase. Students that previously couldn’t enroll in a course due to smaller class sizes, will now enroll to take classes on a timeline that best accommodates their learning needs. Students can take classes where they want when they want according to their work schedule. This also accommodates the varied learning speeds and levels among students. Asynchronous learning allows students to slow down or speed up the class content to a pace where they can digest the information effectively. Having three or four tests in the same week will no longer occur since the student can adjust the test time for their classes to best accommodate their schedule with other classes. In order to form a link between student-to-student and student-to-teacher, students will attend in-person, project oriented classes a few times a semester. Students will still collaborate and navigate a team atmosphere in these classes without being completely isolated. This provides teachers a critical opportunity to check in and connect with their students. Asynchronous learning can be isolating and these in-person sessions will allow teachers to be a friendly presence and resource to their students amidst a primarily virtual learning environment. With the increase in class sizes, professors and teaching assistants (TAs) will have more work to complete, but artificial intelligence will provide modifications to classes to support them. Professors in 2050 will take advantage of the enormous leaps in technology surrounding artificial intelligence. Over the course of the next 25 years, artificial intelligence will develop significantly, particularly in the realm of evaluative applications for use in educational purposes. Professors in the university of 2050 will have access to these applications as tools to reduce their load and open up their schedules. They will no longer need to spend hours tediously grading assignments submitted by their students and be able to explore teaching larger class sizes as well as opening up new course topics that align with their personal interests. The current state of technology has seen a slight peek into automatic grading with websites such as Gradescope using autograders to run test cases through coding assignments. This small instance of automated grading will be expanded greatly into other realms of education such as papers for arts and social sciences majors, hands-on projects for hard science and engineering majors, as well as musical evaluation for music majors. These models for evaluating students’ submissions will be formed on the curriculums and syllabi written by the professors responsible across all universities in 2050. This will ideally reduce the amount of bias from any single professor in the grading of assignments. A plausible concern in this potential future is the reduced need for teaching assistants and student labor in the classroom. Teaching assistants will still be necessary for the in-class aid they offer to students and their presence as a budding educator. Therefore, student jobs will still exist and will simply take on more personal instruction and less tedious grading work. This freedom afforded by new technology will allow professors to spend more time on lesson plans and intentionally think about how best to reach their students with the content they need to teach. As a result of their lowered responsibilities in core courses, professors will have the opportunity and time to teach classes that fit with their personal interests. When the professors have the chance to teach classes they are interested in, they are often more engaging and effective in reaching their students. Some professors today receive the opportunity to teach classes they enjoy, but they are often bogged down in the work surrounding large required courses that absorb their attention and time, making it difficult to really pour into the subject matter they have greater interest in. Thus, having less stress on the large classes and more freedom to spend on their personal priorities, professors will be at their best in educating the student body. It should be noted that this technology will neither increase nor decrease their overall workload, so much as allow the professors greater autonomy over their teaching style and content. These new tools will be for use at the disposal of the professor, not a mandated class method imposed by deans and school boards. Thus, professors will retain their autonomy and control over their workload. Creating more autonomy for professors presents a better curriculum and university for both students and professors in 2050. Professors enjoy increased flexibility and freedom in 2050, but structure is still necessary in order to produce valuable and skilled graduates. The department heads will provide the necessary balance by determining which classes should be required and which should be electives. However, there are often other considerations beyond just the coursework. For example, perhaps some deans will require extra-curriculars such as clubs and internships. The department heads will work to develop an overall vision for what graduates from their department will look like. This allows different universities, schools, and the departments within them to maintain their unique experiences and value propositions. These visions will be developed according to accreditation requirements (particularly in the United States) and in close collaboration with relevant industry professionals. This collaboration will produce graduates who are well equipped to face the challenges identified within the chosen industry. This reflects the value that curricula should be relatively quick to adapt to modern technologies and challenges. Our assumption is that the wider context of accreditation boards and other relevant decisionmakers will have shifted to share our vision for flexible curricula. To further increase the flexibility and value of curricula in 2050, the students’ vision for their degree is also considered. There will be a culture of communication where an incoming class can express their desires and ideas for their degree, to be taken into consideration by the deans and department heads. Faculty have more experience, but students have a unique perspective due to their age and the experiences of their generation. Allowing students to help shape the vision for their degree creates unique value and curricula that is quicker to adapt to the times. Naturally the deans have final say, as an overly reactive curriculum would quickly become irrelevant. In 2050 there will be a national, and perhaps international, structure to balance the students’ and deans’ competing visions. This will result in a balanced, well-formulated curriculum that is influenced by students, professors, and department heads. In 2050, university curricula will be shaped by important values. Reduced stress and increased freedom for students and educators, timeless yet relevant skills and experiences, and greater collaboration between students and administrators will create more valuable curricula. This curricula will result in an unprecedented graduate pool that is uniquely equipped to solve the problems of 2050. Our vision is feasible, as it requires few technological advances. Our vision is credible, as it is founded on ideas that are present but not yet universal in our current day. Lastly, our vision is desirable because of the positive impact adaptable and flexible curricula will have on society.
Kitchen Remodel/Appliances. One of the most common mistakes in kitchen planning is not to pick the large appliances and large installations like the sink first. They need to be selected first – in particular before the cabinets – because it will be very easy to plan a kitchen around appliances. Doing it the other way around may force you to make compromises where you don't actually want to. Researching appliances is also serious business and may take you much more time than picking cabinets. The choice of large appliances and of sinks is very much a question of individual needs, habits and preferences, as well as of budget. So the best preparation is to thoroughly know yourself and very carefully study the way you actually use those appliances. The way you do if will possibly be completely different from how my family does it. Here is what "we" were looking for: Refrigerator. Our criteria were that the fridge… We ended up picking an Italian import which actually met "all" of our criteria. This device was probably a bit smaller than the more conventional one that we had before, but we figured that a somehow smaller fridge would help us tremendously to stay on top of our food storage organization. It was surprisingly delivered without handles. Obviously they are not really necessary, but who wants fingerprints all over a beautiful surface? So we decided to invest in those, too. Wine chiller. A wine chiller made sense for our household for two reasons: to disencumber the refrigerator and because we really value a properly tempered wine. Our criteria were that the device… <br clear=all> Oven. We are no expert bakers; whoever is really into cake baking or oven roasted meats will probably investigate much deeper into ovens than we did. Our criteria were that the device… We picked a device from Ikea, Adrätt, for the two reasons that it was – considering the quality – surprisingly cheap and that Ikea grant five years of warranty on appliances. They don't make their own kitchen appliances but rebrand products of other manufacturers. Adrätt was probably a rebranded Frigidaire Gallery. "Was" I say because it was discontinued after we pre-ordered it. We called Ikea multiple times for updates about the availability, and at some point they even encouraged us to consider purchasing a different product. Luckily we didn't, because six months after our first attempt we surprisingly could order it and got it delivered. Microwave oven. My criteria for a microwave oven were that it… We decided to buy another product from Ikea, Huvudsaklig (obviously a Frigidaire Gallery, too). This one was rather expensive and we probably could have saved a lot of money choosing something different. The reasons why we bought it anyways were that we liked this product, that it came with a five year warranty, too, and above all that we were sure that the trim kit would fit. As you can see in the picture, this device is not as wide as the cabinet; Ikea (and other manufacturers) therefore offer a frame to cover the gaps around the device. Cooktop. The old cooking range had been a conventional gas range that combined cooktop and oven in one appliance. As I will more explain in a later chapter, I wanted to divide those functions and assign them to two different locations within the kitchen. We also decided to switch from a gas range to electric and induction. One reason was that we recently installed PV on the roof and make our own electricity. Another was that a ceramic cooktop is so much easier to clean than a gas range. An induction cooktop gives you the best of both: low maintenance plus super-fast responding temperature control. The only downside that the change had for us was the necessity to acquire a whole new set of pots and pans, because induction only works with cookware with bottoms that are made out of magnetic metal. My criteria for the choice of appliance were that the cooktop… Again, we picked an Ikea product, Särklassig (another Frigidaire). It features four cooking zones plus a resting zone which is more than sufficient for our needs. Only later I read that Ikea's alternative product, Särdrag, would possibly have been the better choice because the glass surface is supposed to be harder, but it is more expensive, and so far we didn't have any issues with scratches yet. The surface is also much easier to clean than the conventional ceramic hob that we had in our previous home. The only other downside of this product (as probably of many other of that kind) that we discovered is that the touch controls are sensitive to water. So when there is a spill over the controls, which happens a lot, at least to me, the appliance has a tendency to switch off arbitrarily, and we have to rub them dry carefully before they become responsive again. Range hood. Since I was planning to place the cooktop on a peninsula, we needed a ceiling mounted island range hood. Before installation, our contractor built, besides an electrical connection, an exhaust duct through the roof (which is almost directly above the kitchen, with no other story in between). My criteria for the choice of appliance were that the range hood… Again, Ikea had something quite nice, Undantag. But this time I decided to go with a different brand, for the reason that the device of my choice featured a filter that can be washed in the dishwasher, whereas the Ikea product requires the purchase of replacement filters. Dishwasher. I have a thing with Bosch dishwashers, we had those over decades, we trust them and they feature a third rack on top for utensils. The smaller the items are that you put in the dishwasher (in particular when you wash umpteen of them) the higher up you will want them to be placed in the dishwasher in order to avoid unnecessary bending down. Our other criteria were that the dishwasher… Sink. In our previous home, we had an apron front farm sink which we liked very much. Compared to any other type of kitchen sink, an apron sink brings the basin a bit to the front. Differently from a regular farmhouse sink, the front is exposed, which visually connects the sink to other showy kitchen appliances such as the refrigerator. For actual dish washing, we always use an additional plastic bowl, but the large basin works great for us, it can be used for all sorts of purposes. Our product came with a (removable) grid that not only protects the bottom of the basin from scratches but also can be used to let things drip after washing or rinsing them. For this remodel, we decided to splurge a little and to pick a "work station sink", that is a product with an integrated ledge that can accommodate things such as a cutting board or an additional grid. Apron sinks, like farmhouse sinks, can be mounted two different ways. In our previous home, we had a drop-in mount which brings the sink's upper edges to a level slightly above the counter top. The advantages of this mount are that you don't need to bend down so much to reach the basin's bottom and that the mount will show off all four top edges of the product in all their beauty; this is certainly the visually more appealing option. The most obvious disadvantage is that you cannot wipe off water from the countertop directly into the basin, because the rim will be in your way. It also removes integrated soap dispensers further way from the basin which can make it impossible to properly use them. In this remodel, we therefore decided for an undermount (see image). In this case, the sink is installed at a lower height, and parts of the upper rim will later be covered by the countertop. Since we already had a trusted brand and knew that a 30 inch sink would meet our requirements best, the selection process was rather straightforward. Nonetheless, before finalizing the purchase, we still had to make sure that the kitchen cabinet system that we meanwhile had decided for would include a cabinet that we can use or make usable as a sink base.
Oberon/A2/Oberon.MultiMail.Mod. (* ETH Oberon, Copyright 2001 ETH Zuerich Institut fuer Computersysteme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich. Refer to the "General ETH Oberon System Source License" contract available at: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ *) MODULE MultiMail IN Oberon; (** portable *) (* ejz, *) IMPORT Files, Objects, Texts, Oberon, Strings, Fonts, Base64, NetTools, MIME, Mail, Links, Gadgets, Lists, Streams, TextStreams; VAR W: Texts.Writer; PROCEDURE SearchText(text: Texts.Text; CONST pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR pos: SIGNED32): BOOLEAN; CONST MaxPatLen = 128; VAR i, l, sPatLen: SIZE; R: Texts.Reader; sPat: ARRAY MaxPatLen OF CHAR; sDv: ARRAY MaxPatLen + 1 OF SIGNED16; ch: CHAR; PROCEDURE CalcDispVec; VAR i, j, d: SIGNED32; BEGIN i := 1; d := 1; WHILE i <= sPatLen DO j := 0; WHILE (j + d < sPatLen) & (sPat[j] = sPat[j + d]) DO INC(j) END; WHILE i <= j + d DO sDv[i] := SHORT(d); INC(i) END; INC(d) END END CalcDispVec; BEGIN COPY(pat, sPat); sPatLen := Strings.Length(sPat); CalcDispVec(); IF sPatLen > 0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(pos); l := text.len; i := 0; WHILE (i # sPatLen) & (pos <= l) DO IF ch = sPat[i] THEN INC(i); IF i < sPatLen THEN Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(pos) END ELSIF i = 0 THEN Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(pos) ELSE i := i - sDv[i] END END ELSE i := -1 END; RETURN i = sPatLen END SearchText; PROCEDURE Send*; VAR S: Mail.SMTPSession; Sw: Streams.Stream; server: Mail.ServerName; email: Mail.AdrString; cont: MIME.Content; obj: Objects.Object; text, mail, ascii: Texts.Text; buf: Texts.Buffer; list: Lists.List; item: Lists.Item; boundary: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; magStr, val: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; pos, magic: SIGNED32; F: Files.File; h: MIME.Header; R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; autoCc: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W); obj := Gadgets.FindObj(Gadgets.context, "body"); Links.GetLink(obj, "Model", obj); text := obj(Texts.Text); obj := Gadgets.FindObj(Gadgets.context, "files"); list := obj(Lists.List); NEW(mail); Texts.Open(mail, ""); NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Mail.GetSetting("SMTP", server, FALSE); Mail.GetSetting("EMail", email, FALSE); Mail.GetSetting("AutoCc", boundary, TRUE); Strings.StrToBool(boundary, autoCc); (* gen boundary *) magic := Oberon.Time(); boundary := "------------"; Strings.IntToStr(magic, magStr); Strings.Append(boundary, magStr); (* mime header *) Sw := TextStreams.OpenReader(text, 0); MIME.ReadHeader(Sw, NIL, h, pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ((ch = Strings.CR) OR (ch = Strings.LF)) OR R.eot THEN ch := Strings.CR; WHILE (pos > 0) & ((ch = Strings.CR) OR (ch = Strings.LF)) DO DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch) END; INC(pos); IF pos > text.len THEN pos := text.len END END; Texts.Save(text, 0, pos, buf); Texts.Append(mail, buf); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "X-Mailer: MultiMail for Oberon (ejz)"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "MIME-Version: 1.0"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="'); Texts.WriteString(W, boundary); Texts.Write(W, 022X); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "This is a multi-part message in MIME format."); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteLn(W); (* message *) Texts.WriteString(W, "--"); Texts.WriteString(W, boundary); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(mail, W.buf); Mail.GetSetting("ContType", val, TRUE); NEW(cont); cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType("text/plain"); IF val[0] = "0" THEN cont.encoding := MIME.EncBin ELSIF val[0] = "1" THEN cont.encoding := MIME.Enc8Bit ELSIF val[0] = "2" THEN cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType(MIME.OberonMime); cont.encoding := MIME.EncAsciiCoderC ELSE cont.encoding := MIME.EncAuto; Mail.QueryContType(text, pos, cont) END; IF cont.encoding IN {MIME.EncAsciiCoder, MIME.EncAsciiCoderC, MIME.EncAsciiCoderCPlain} THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "X-Content-Type: "); Texts.WriteString(W, MIME.OberonMime); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(mail, W.buf) END; Sw := TextStreams.OpenWriter(mail); MIME.WriteISOMime(Sw, cont); TextStreams.WriteLn(Sw); TextStreams.WriteLn(Sw); IF cont.encoding IN {MIME.EncAsciiCoder, MIME.EncAsciiCoderC, MIME.EncAsciiCoderCPlain} THEN IF cont.encoding IN {MIME.EncAsciiCoder, MIME.EncAsciiCoderC} THEN MIME.WriteText(text, pos, text.len, Sw, cont, FALSE, TRUE) END; TextStreams.WriteString(Sw, Mail.OberonStart); TextStreams.WriteLn(Sw); Mail.MakeAscii(text, pos, text.len, cont.encoding # MIME.EncAsciiCoder, ascii); cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType("text/plain"); MIME.WriteText(ascii, 0, ascii.len, Sw, cont, FALSE, TRUE) ELSE Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(pos); WHILE ~R.eot & (ch <= " ") & (R.lib IS Fonts.Font) DO Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(pos) END; DEC(pos); MIME.WriteText(text, pos, text.len, Sw, cont, FALSE, TRUE) END; TextStreams.WriteLn(Sw); Sw.Flush(Sw); (* attachments *) pos := 0; ASSERT(~SearchText(text, boundary, pos)); NEW(text); item := list.items; WHILE item # NIL DO Texts.WriteString(W, "--"); Texts.WriteString(W, boundary); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "Mime-Version: 1.0"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'); Texts.WriteString(W, item.s); Texts.Write(W, 022X); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(mail, W.buf); F := Files.Old(item.s); IF F # NIL THEN Texts.Open(text, ""); Base64.EncodeFile(F, text); Texts.Save(text, 0, text.len, buf); Texts.Append(mail, buf); pos := 0; ASSERT(~SearchText(text, boundary, pos)); Texts.WriteLn(W) ELSE Texts.OpenWriter(W); Texts.WriteString(W, item.s); Texts.WriteString(W, " not found"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); RETURN END; item := item.next END; Texts.WriteString(W, "--"); Texts.WriteString(W, boundary); Texts.WriteString(W, "--"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(mail, W.buf); cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType("text/plain"); cont.encoding := MIME.EncBin; Mail.OpenSMTP(S, server, email, Mail.DefSMTPPort); IF S.res = NetTools.Done THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "mailing "); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); Mail.SendMail(S, mail, cont, autoCc); Mail.CloseSMTP(S) END; Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Send; END MultiMail. MultiMail.Panel System.Free MultiMail ~
The University of 2050/The Adaptable Classroom. Introduction and AR Technology. Evolution of Chalkboard. In 1801, the first chalkboard was used by a professor in America for their lecture. Since then, the chalkboard has been a staple part of every classroom, changing forms to reflect technological advancements at that time. When markers became erasable, some institutions decided to switch to whiteboards to increase maintainability. As video technology emerged, slide-down projection screens were added to the classroom. In the early 2000s, the projection screen and the chalkboard were combined, resulting in the smartboard, a critical component of most classrooms in primary education. Over the last 200 years, the classroom didn't change. Only because the chalkboard was designed to be the center of attention in the classroom, was it updated to increase potential and effectiveness of learning. The evolution of the chalkboard has shown that advancements in technology are incorporated if it is feasible and scalable. History has also shown favor towards individualized tools that fulfill the roles of many. There are many examples of this, such as screwdrivers with detachable tips, or smartphones. These tools were revolutionary and took the world like a flash, when people realized the potential behind this innovation. Introduction of AR/VR Technology. Today, professors write their ideas on a large tablet that gets projected for the class to see. In the year 2050, personal AR/VR goggles/glasses will become a prevalent aspect in the classroom, bringing the chalkboard to the student. This means that as AR technology improves, the classroom could become a large meeting space, reducing the need for innovation within the physical classroom. We can reap the benefits of updated technology without having to add 2050’s equivalent to a smartboard to every classroom in the nation. AR technology will also greatly increase the efficiency of the learning process because students will be able to take notes without having to look away from the lecture screen. By converting the focus from producing good notes, to understanding that day’s ideas, the learning process itself in academia can be revolutionized. Additional utilization of these gadgets would be live lecture translation and laboratory simulations. The biggest issue of using AR technology is that it creates a society dependent on a specific technology that might be unaffordable/unfeasible. The Apple Vision, released recently, costs a little more than $3000. Historically, when a new ground-breaking technology was introduced, the price for that product reflected the jump in innovation. As AR technology improves and becomes heavily integrated in 2050, it will become more desirable and more affordable for everyone to use. By 2050, advancements in AR technologies may reduce reliance on the laptop in the classroom. While some may say that using AR glasses as a supplemental tool will dehumanize the learning experience, it's important to consider that taking notes digitally or manually requires the usage of our hands. AR technologies would provide a hands-free alternative that allows students to create beyond the bounds of their laptop screen. Furthermore, the usage of these technologies allow for seamless outdoor integration to the learning experience. If the reliance on additional physical equipment can be reduced by AR glasses, any suitable location on grounds can be transformed to a classroom: a classroom without walls. If physical classrooms aren't as necessary to host a class session in 2050, academic institutions will no longer need to construct massive buildings, prioritizing instead the outdoor elements that show the beauty within our university. Purpose of the Physical Classroom. Modern classrooms can be categorized into three categories, each with their own educational purpose: Looking to 2050, mindset changes within education will change the purpose of the physical classroom. Therefore, how things are taught must follow suit. Asynchronous learning's emergence has presented new opportunity within where learning takes place. Lectures can be watched anywhere, reducing the need for large lecture halls, allowing for class sizes beyond lecture hall's capacity. Conversely, the advent of asynchronous learning can potentially harm the student-teacher communication and in-class discussions. This leads to the "flipped classroom" concept, where lectures are watched before class and applied in class through discussions or associated work. Currently, the concept of the "flipped classroom" is met with skepticism from students due to its' departure from educational norms and previous suboptimal implementations. By 2050, technological advancements will be made to enhance the "flipped classroom." AI models will aid students in retaining information from the video lectures. They will be designed for students to type out questions or comments while they are watching the lecture, getting answers or having associated conversations to enhance their learning. With the burden of assisting students acquire knowledge no longer on professors and teachings assistants (TAs), their efforts can be redistributed to further enhancing the time spent in class, improving the overall experience. Given both its compatibility with the benefits of asynchronous learning and in-person class and anticipated technological enhancements, it is reasonable to believe that the "flipped classroom" will be popular amongst students by 2050. This expected shift would suggest a decrease in large lecture halls in favor of more smaller, versatile classrooms. Technological development will also contribute to the development of classroom purpose. Virtual reality (VR) technology opens doors for simulating activities, specifically lab-related activities. Currently, some labs require specific classroom structuring and equipment, an expensive undertaking limiting a classroom's use to the scope of the designated class. Given the downward trend of VR tech cost in recent years, by 2050 it is reasonable to believe the VR tech will be affordable on a wide scale. Furthermore, as VR tech becomes better at recreating real world environments, it will be able to replace the need for specific classroom structuring and purchasing lab-specific equipment, reducing the overall costs of conducting labs. Rather than needing to purchase specific equipment that only services one lab, schools can purchase VR devices that can be used across multiple if not all labs, leading to a decrease in the prominence of class-specific laboratories in favor of multi-use lab-designated rooms. Beyond pedagogical shifts, the purpose of the classroom will likely develop outside of the scope of learning. Looking from 2000 to 2023, tools like Google and Wikipedia have made information exponentially more accessible. This trend is likely to continue into 2050 as those tools become more effective and new technologies, such as AI, become further developed. Aligning with this, classrooms will see a shift in focus towards social and communication-based learning development where discussion and communicational synthesis amongst students are promoted over the traditional means of concept and knowledge acquisition. Challenges and Feasibility. Evolution of Classroom Technology. The integration of technology, alongside its ethical implications and potential inequality issues, emerges as a central theme in our vision. The envisioned classrooms are not just spaces for learning, but also hubs of technological advancement that cater to the needs of various devices. The journey of laptops in education provides a historical lens through which we can view this evolution. Initially, laptops were high-cost and limited in accessibility, but as technology advanced, their prices dropped significantly, becoming a staple in educational settings. By 2009, 97% of American classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom computers had internet access, transforming the way education was delivered and accessed. This historical progression underscores the potential for emerging technologies to become integral in educational environments. Furthermore, the technology in our vision, which includes innovations like AR glasses, is not a distant future concept, but a rapidly developing reality. These technologies, as highlighted in Purdue Online’s article, can revolutionize education by allowing for real-world learning experiences and interactive engagements that were previously unimaginable. Technological Cost. The feasibility of these advancements hinges on the careful balancing of costs and benefits. While the initial investment in technology-rich classrooms and sustainable infrastructure may be significant, the long-term savings in energy costs and the potential for an enhanced educational experience justify this expenditure. The challenge lies in ensuring that these benefits are universally accessible, avoiding a scenario where only affluent institutions can afford such advancements. Additionally, the cost and availability of VR and AR equipment present a significant challenge in realizing this vision. While VR and AR offer immersive and interactive learning experiences, their high cost can exacerbate the existing inequity gap in education. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts from educational institutions, policymakers, and technology providers to make VR and AR technology more affordable. Subsidies, grants, and public-private partnerships could be potential solutions to bridge this gap. Ethical Considerations. As more technologies enter the classroom, protecting student's data becomes a primary concern. Robust privacy policies and secure technological frameworks will be vital to protecting their information. Furthermore, the dependence on technology in education could hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s crucial that technology is used as a tool for enhancing these skills rather than replacing them. Conclusion. The adaptable classroom of 2050 envisions a harmonious blend of advanced technology and humanistic education, aimed at fostering inclusive learning environments and equitable learning opportunities. This emphasizes the transformative role of educators in guiding personalized, student-centered learning, preparing students for an evolving society. A key focus is ensuring equitable access to technology for all, while maintaining ethical standards in data protection and responsible technology use. Ultimately, this vision seeks to nurture lifelong learning and adaptability, equipping students with the skills and mindset to thrive in 2050 and beyond.
AI Art Application and Improvements Handbook. This AI Art Application and Improvements Handbook is intended to help people create free useful media for the public domain using AI art generators in practice with a focus getting things done in practice at all skill-levels. It informs about notable potential and existing applications and equips the reader with information about how to best implement these specific applications. Launching. There are many ways you can use these tools. Main ways include: Prompts. Which prompts work best differs by AI generator. The promptomania prompt builder is a great place to get started with prompts and to have a cheatsheet of different art styles one could use. It is missing many styles but may become more complete over time and be good enough for learning purposes. Many sites such as openart.ai and playgroundai.com let you see many other filterable/searchable images along with their prompts which you could build upon and learn from. Here is a further comprehensive resource and here a list of resources for Stable Diffusion. You can use style studies (selected comprehensive ones: 1 2 3 4) to learn more about which styles you could use and could combine multiple styles. However, which style to use it not the tricky part or necessary to learn, you could just add phrases like "comic style", "3D render", "matte painting" to the prompt. When sites offer pre-made styles they usually just attach several terms to the end of the prompt. Misgenerations and creating improved versions. As you can see below there still are some issues with these images. People who have better AI art skills may be able to generate much better images. Usually one may need to do slight manual editing. Moreover, over time these images could be improved by their uploaders or other people using for example tools including: If you can improve an existing image or an image you uploaded earlier on Wikimedia Commons, upload it as a new version, not as a separate new file. If the image has text, it can be removed via the listed ways. However, to prevent text from being anywhere in the image is best to use negative prompts, albeit that can be problematic for example when you'd like to generate a street scene with store texts being visible in the background. This is a good example of a specific skill to learn when generating AI art: creating texts that fit neatly into the image. You need to continuously adjust the prompt until you get good results, sometimes and at some point it is better to just generate a new image from the same prompt rather than adjust the prompt (make sure the seed is set to random and not always the same except if you want to make the image look like the one just generated). You can also generate a new image from the image just generated via img2img and then put it underneath the newly generated image as a layer in GIMP. Then cut out the upper layer to have the former visible at the places where you'd like it to (). Negative prompt. If you see things in your generated image that you don't want there or anticipate that the AI generator may add them or misunderstand your prompt in certain ways add these as negative prompt terms. Examples of useful negative prompt terms to use when you generate… Add more terms as unwanted things show up when you generate to exclude them from the next images. You can also use a result in img2img and try to remove the unwanted parts e.g. by using the prior prompt but an additional negative prompt term if cleanup tools don't remove such well. Parameters. Some images have their parameters specified. A step count of around 40 often yields best results. Setting the prompt strength too high such as over 10 makes it more difficult to get a good picture. Differences between generators. Stable Diffusion is open source so that one is recommended and focused on here. However, Midjourney may as of 2023 often generate better images in many cases and DALL-E probably as well in some or many cases. A difference between SD and DALL-E for example is that in SD the prompts are phrased like tags separated by commas, not whole sentences or similar. See these pages for a comparison between software results for the same prompts as well as the style studies linked above. Applications where AI art can be useful. Paleoart of the ancient past. AI art can be used to create realistic-looking scenes that depict the past either how we it may have looked like to the best of our knowledge, for example including high-resolution depictions of extinct ancient organisms. For accuracy, substantial skills are required. For such images, img2img techniques can be used. In the first example parts of the leg were cut out so it looks like the organism is walking through the fern. It may also be possible to use tools like to train AIs on a set of images or even 3D models that depict ancient organisms like a species of dinosaurs. Do not use images in as a base and add to any image you know is inaccurate. Note that the generated images could also turn out to be inaccurate even if the base image is thought to be inaccurate where they require that template as well. Good paleo knowledge combined with good AI generation skills may be required to be able to generate or transform base images to realistic paleoart. Most currently available paleoart only depicts the extinct organism (e.g. a dinosaur), but does not place them into an environment of flora and fauna that is theorized to have existed at the same time. Those images that do are usually low resolution. One exception is which shows how such scenes could look like. Ancient and archaic humans lived in caves and/or did not have civilizational lifestyle for hundreds of thousands of years. Despite of that, there was not even one high-resolution image in the public domain that depicts how daily life may or is thought to have looked like or could have looked like for most of human existence, or at least none on WMC. This started to change by the emergence of advanced AI image generators in the 2020s, the two images below are two of three in where mere facial reconstructions are not included: Good anthropological knowledge may be required to be able to create an image that is not clearly inaccurate and likely a realistic depiction. For example, a major flaw is that AI art generators are likely to generate hairstyles that were impossible to highly unlikely in the deep past of pre-humans and ancient humans. See also . Crowd-reviewing systems and practices may evolve that provide feedback so that AI art engineers can modify their images according to best available scientific knowledge. Future developments may enable combination of paleontological data and tools and paleoart techniques with AI art software to enable more accurate and useful images. For now, if you do not have good anthropological knowledge try to collaborate with somebody who has before putting your image out in the public domain for other people to use. Caricatures and public characters. In the 2020s it became more easily possible to create artworks using public characters due to the emergence of AI art generators like Stable Diffusion. This It works well with some specific public characters without any kind of extra training. Some of these are well-known to be easily generatable in realistic-looking ways such as Vladmir Putin. One example use-case is to generate a portrait of a person and the background in ways that is linked to that person such as art illustrating scientific theories for scientists or art styles for artists like the Vincent van Gogh image kind of hints at. At the same time it can be a problem to use specific characters in specific environments, for example the generators then generate that person multiple times rather than only once or also make the person show up in picture frames. This may change with future generators where you e.g. can specify where the person is located or how often. Keep that in mind when creating your prompts; there also are many options to solve such issues beyond negative prompts such as cutting the generated person out and placing the person into an image. Others require fine-tuning using tools and techniques like , the first image below is made with Stable Diffusion/Imagine without any kind of extra training and the second used DreamBooth, where the second looks much more realistic regarding ' face: The reasons for why some famous characters do not look realistic with current models without extra training are unknown and that may change over time. It also allowed the creation of videos with public characters: These abilities have scratched the sensitivities of some religious people and worries of political elites regarding democratized political art. And it also enables democratized artistic depictions of historic public characters which can e.g. be used for humorous images, higher-resolution portraits, innovative/creative combinations, or realistic AI art for historical scenes: It can also be used to create art depicting people not commonly featured in high-quality art such as specific scientists which are usually not the subject of art and fiction with an exception of e.g. the movies 'The Theory Of Everything' and 'Oppenheimer': Historical scenes. AI art can be used to create realistic-looking scenes that depict the past either how we it may have looked like to the best of our knowledge or how stories depict it. The latter may also include images for imaginary stories of the past, illustrating how imaginaries of past people may have looked like in more visual ways. Whether or not there are still some minor glitches may not matter very much when you're interested in visualizing for example how ordinary daily life experienced by average people may have looked like in high resolution or when creating the first image of some historical events that are in the public domain rather than locked away. Using tools like one can train AIs on a set of images based on a historical figure. Below are some examples which may deviate somewhat from how (Ferrandino d'Aragona) looked like at an older age according to the artistic drawing that is the first image here and the second image that was drawn a whole hundred years after he died: AI art generators usually make people look better so as you can see it may often deviate from existing images of a character. However, if you provide more training hidata or the AI generator is well trained on it (which is sometimes the case for some currently famous people), then the characters may look more realistic. Instead of making the file focus on the character it would be better to focus on the historical event or the historical scene. For example, the image could portray how a village in the Middle Ages may have realistically looked like at high resolution. It can also be used to create high-resolution realistic images of historical figures in realistic or unrealistic settings. As just explained, AI generators still have problems with generating faces and other issues. Please keep that in mind since correcting that can require significant skills and may limit the usefulness or realism of the images. Images can also focus on historical events entirely without any kind of historic character, realistic or not, in the foreground. Educational games. AI art can be used to generate the images for board games, for example for the cards. These can be educational games or otherwise useful. Note that in such cases you should only generate the image, not full cards because the text for example will be gibberish. Objects and topics for which no free media is available. For example it can show how pulp science fiction comics looked like or how what a science fiction subgenre is about or what the styles and themes of it are. It can illustrate how a certain style or object looks like and other things but it requires a disclaimer that the image is AI-generated. One way this can be useful is showing people which media is currently missing but would be useful in terms of the concept. Illustrating contents of books. For the last image, text was removed with a text removal tool as listed above and then added via GIMP. Illustrating technologies, ideas and concepts. Especially useful if no other or only low-quality images are available for the concept Creative children's games and sketches. Children could make drawings, then use these drawings as image input for img2img generation, describing what the image is intended to show. The child's description is then used for the prompt that is added to the sketch input. This may enable children to build up their creativity and imaginative skills. There could be an app for that where voice input is possible or adults could help kids where the kids first make the sketch and the adult takes a photo and asks what it's supposed to show so that the AI art generates images which the child can refine and use as inspiration for further images, for modifications to the image and feedback and so on. It reduces the level of cognitive and technical minimum skills required for artistic engagement enabling novel ways of imaginative play, especially for children. As part of games. Beyond more accessible card art design and similar applications, the AI art generation itself could be part of games. These are simply entertaining and could also raise skills of AI art generation. Multiple (e.g. two) players take turns at generating an AI art image by altering the prompt or writing a new prompt. The starting player draws a scene, a being, or something similar. The second tries to generate an image where what is depicted is turned on its head or is changed in another specified way such as being destroyed or successfully defeated. One can either take turns and the first image where the specified intention was achieved wins that round or the second player could have multiple tries with the best outcome being a successful image at first try. This works best when the prompt is only changed and not completely replaced so that the object is similar, one may also specify the seed to remain the same. Similar to the word guessing game Taboo, people must create an image that enables others to quickly correctly guess the concept they are trying to depict. Multiple specified terms can't be used in the prompt. Only e.g. three tries are allowed for the image and the concepts aren't as simple as "tree" but relatively difficult to visualize. Known problems and current state of avoiding them. There are many ways known problems could get identified and fixed or mitigated. These include: Whether or not and which of such problems will persist is unknown and has not yet been thoroughly investigated. At one point it may be possible to for example use Wikidata items instead of words. For example there is work on user-provided concepts (like an object or a style) learned from few images so that these concepts (e.g. objects or styles) can be incorporated via the newly associated word/s.
Kitchen Remodel/Rough layout. The rough layout. To develop a rough draft of a new or remodeled kitchen is by far the most demanding, but also the most interesting part of the planning process. If you are not educated in this field, you should take copious amounts of time for this assignment. It took me half a year to come up with what you see in the sketch further down on this page. During this time, I gradually did not only remove the wall that separated the kitchen from the dining area, but I also completely boned the kitchen, that is I removed literally every single wall within it. In order to find space for an important additional storage cabinet, I also moved a bedroom door to a different spot, and I added two new walls and extended an existing one. Expect endless revisions and discuss your drafts with as many people as you can. Criticism can certainly be tough on anybody, but I admit I couldn't have come up with what I have now if I hadn't absorbed the honest feedback that in particular my husband volunteered to contribute. But the most precious advice that I got (this came from a professional) was the recommendation to try to completely forget the old layout. What would you do if there were no limitations in terms of walls and connections (water, gas, electric)? To really ignore the old layout may be easiest for you if you do the following steps: My example. Next, I will explain my drawing. Traffic ways. First check out the traffic ways (dashed arrows). In the old layout, there is no direct access from the dining area into the kitchen. All traffic goes through the hallway which also leads to the bedroom section of the house. A problem with that hallway was that it was not just narrow and very long, but also had a low ceiling which sort of gave it a tunnel appearance. In the new layout, there are two alternative traffic ways (green and light blue). I decided not to give up the old hallway altogether, but to make it my pantry. It is also much shorter now and you don't even have to use it as a passage way because there is the alternative route through the kitchen. Elements. Now to the new kitchen's elements. There are three: <br clear=all> The "extra". The simplest element in my layout is the narrow extra cabinet at the left side of the image. This is a high cabinet for food storage. I placed it there because… <br clear=all> The high cabinets. This is an ensemble of two rows of high cabinets (including appliances) standing back to back… This is a rather unusual cabinet arrangement, conventionally you would have a wall in the center. But we figured that a wall isn't really necessary here and that omitting it would save us 5" (12 cm) of precious space. A few additional remarks about why we did it this way: There was the requirement though to provide the refrigerator with a water line (for ice making). But since we had the ceiling demolished anyways, this was easily done. The water comes from the connection that also feeds the sink, under which we even had a device installed that filters the water for the fridge. The "J". The J-shaped ensemble of cabinets and appliances obviously is the nucleus and main piece in this kitchen. It will accommodate a dishwasher, a sink, a cooktop, and a wine chiller. Although I was aiming for a lot of cabinet space, I also decided against wall cabinets, for the following reasons: The "J" comprises three parts: This sink row. The center row includes the sink. I heard people saying that a kitchen sink belongs in front of a window for the reason that the window will provide a view (while you do something as dismal as washing dishes). But I think the stronger reason is that the sink is a working place where you need a lot of light. This is the place after all where you would do delicate operations such as gutting a fish. I designed the sink row therefore not only with water drawing or hand dish washing in mind, but also as a work station where food preparation takes place, including rinsing, cutting, and garbage disposing.<br clear=all> The cooktop/bar peninsula. The longer of the two peninsulas I designed as a kind of hibachi setting, with a bar on one side and the cooktop on the other. In my family we don't do genuine hibachi, but we love dishes like pancakes, crêpes, potato fritters, poached eggs or waffles that need to be prepared subsequently and in single servings. In a hibachi setting, there is not really a designated cook needed, but while some people are eating, others can take turns preparing the food. The inner side of this peninsula will not only include the cooktop, but also storage for the most important things that are being used while cooking: pots and pans, utensils, measuring cups, thermometers etc. To break my own bad habit of serving foods in pots and pans, I was also planning to store our beautiful serving bowls and plates directly at the cooking workstation. Keep in mind that things that you need for cooking should better not be stored directly under the cooktop; because when you are working on the cooktop, you won't want to be forced to step away from that place to make room for a drawer or a cabinet door. Notice the little cabinet at the left end of the bar side. I place it here as a corner cabinet alternative, for static reasons (additional weight support for the countertop), for some extra storage, and for aesthetic purposes: this peninsula is almost 12 ft (325 cm) long and needs some visual structuring to make it more interesting. <br clear=all> The tableware peninsula. The J's shorter leg is another peninsula. It links the kitchen to the dining area which already belongs to the adjacent living space. This peninsula features back-to-back cabinets and a dishwasher, and its main function – besides providing countertop space for all sorts of purposes – is storage and machine washing of table- and kitchenware. It will also serve as a landing space for clean and dirty table- and kitchenware that goes in and out the kitchen. As I already mentioned in the chapter about appliances, there is no need to place the dishwasher immediately beside the sink. I would argue that in many cases the sink isn't even a good neighborhood for a dishwasher, unless you actually want these two elements to be close together because your dish washing habits require such proximity. For best workflow, it may make much more sense to use the precious space around a dishwasher for storage of cutlery, coffee mugs, everyday drinking glasses, everyday plates or other smaller tableware that you use the most. If you store those right around the dishwasher, you will be able to clear the dishwasher out with virtually no walking.
The University of 2050/The Future of the Humanities. Introduction. The humanities curriculum is a crucial component for developing students into ethical and empathetic professionals. This chapter serves as a forecast and prescription for its future from our perspective as engineers. The Importance of Humanities in Modern Education. The humanities curriculum offers valuable insight into decision making processes, ethical dilemmas, human resilience, and other critical topics. History provides examples of leaders making difficult decisions, allowing students to extract the wisdom required to make correct judgements. It reinforces the notion that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Mikhail Kalashnikov, Soviet lieutenant general and inventor of the AK-47, expressed immense spiritual anguish towards the end of his life as his creation killed millions of people. He designed the rifle without knowing it may end up in the hands of the evil and in front of the innocent. Philosophy induces empathetic and ethical thinking methods, world studies allows for understanding diverse cultures and global issues, and literature develops critical writing skills. Clear technical writing and effective communication in engineering are underestimated, but are skills that can be developed through humanities courses. While a flawed idea with good presentation is doomed to failure, a good idea poorly communicated may never see the light of day. Terry Benedict, Executive Vice President of Naval, Nuclear, and Critical Infrastructure Programs at Systems Planning & Analysis, explains that in the workforce, most accidents are not a product of poor engineering, but rather of the ethicality and decision making of people involved. He provides an investigation of a fatal accident in a construction project: The certified crane operator was absent, prompting the foreman to order an uncertified employee to move a thousand pound weight using the crane. During operation, the alarm sounded but was ignored 5 separate times. The crane’s arm eventually broke loose and the plate fell, decapitating a worker below. Benedict actively promotes and sells training programs centered on ethical conduct in the workplace. His conviction stems from a belief that ethics are important for both employers and employees, and that it is often the human factor that determines the outcome of complex systems. Such ethical and decision making traits can be developed through courses in a revamped humanities curriculum. The current state of humanities faces criticisms such as irrelevance and resistance to technological integration. Humanities courses employ outdated and impractical teaching styles, requiring students to mindlessly memorize names, dates, and definitions. The lack of modernity and technology in the curriculum undermines its importance and diminishes student enthusiasm. The relevance of humanities is at risk of being overshadowed by the growing demand and prominence of STEM. In a technology-based society, a reinvigoration of the humanities field is necessary to produce well rounded engineers. There is precedent for similar changes in education. The Sputnik launch by the Soviet Union in 1957 was the first artificial satellite sent into low earth orbit. This event spurred significant educational reform in the United States to focus on engineering skills. The reform’s effects resonate even in today’s engineering curriculum, one that leaves little room for effective humanities studies. A strictly technical education neglects question, reason, and reflection, instead preparing students to follow orders or submit to authoritarian regimes, or pursue wealth and personal gain. Humanities are essential to a liberal education that allows a person to be capable of responsible autonomy. Envisioning the Humanities Curriculum of 2050. The Humanities curriculum of 2050 will mark a significant departure from traditional structures, reflecting a more integrated and practical approach. While majors in fields such as philosophy, history, and English will still exist, this new curriculum will weave humanities into engineering education and replace arbitrary course selections with a well-structured program that complements technical training. Courses will blend technical subjects with carefully selected humanities disciplines, focusing on real-world applications and ethical considerations. This curriculum redesign ensures that, although compulsory, the integrated coursework will be engaging and inspirational, fostering genuine enthusiasm and deep learning among students. Classes such as “Teach it to a 5-Year-Old” focus solely on the communication of complicated engineering topics to those lacking the same technical expertise. “Ethics in AI” explores the integration of ethical considerations within technical fields. It teaches students to assess the moral implications of AI technologies, such as issues around privacy, bias, accountability, and data collection. "Historical Engineering" engages students with interactive technologies like virtual reality to analyze case studies of significant engineering failures. One potential example is the Boeing 737 MAX incident in which several engineers were aware of significant issues with the MCAS system (the plane’s autopilot software) but remained silent. Tragically, this silence played a critical role in causing two crashes that resulted in over 300 casualties. The discovery of their internal messages later revealed an abdication of moral responsibility, as they knowingly observed these disasters unfold without intervening. In the realm of the technically skilled, naivete emerges as the gravest of dangers. The main objective of this envisioned curriculum is to empower engineers with practical wisdom. This interdisciplinary approach will help engineers understand the broader implications of their actions. The gravity of their decisions will be at the forefront of their mind. These customized modules described above will equip engineers with indispensable skills such as effective communication and ethical decision-making. Incidents like the Boeing 737 MAX disaster warrant a reevaluation of educational priorities in engineering. Critical training in ethics has been historically overlooked despite the frequency and severity of engineering disasters. As the curriculum of 2050 evolves, the integration of ethics into engineering education will be vital. The envisioned 2050 humanities curriculum will bridge a vital gap in engineering education. Drawing on insights from experts like Terry Benedict, the curriculum emphasizes managing the duality of industry demands: achieving operational efficiency while upholding high standards of safety and ethical practice. Benedict’s success in selling such training to companies, eager to minimize risks of high-consequence events, highlights the market demand for engineers trained in ethical decision-making, sharp communication, and robust moral judgment. Schools have not traditionally offered such training. The demand for these skills, as evidenced by the investment in Benedict's programs, affirms the need to incorporate them into university curricula. Contemporary developments will set the stage for future curricular evolution in the humanities. The Path to Our Vision. Seeds of Change. Undergraduate students at the University of Virginia are increasingly disillusioned with the state of humanities education in the late 2020s. Generative artificial intelligence can produce literature and imagery on par with skilled artists, leading students to question the true value of works they study. Other technologies like augmented and virtual reality are used only by STEM majors. A small group of students presents an augmented reality art exhibit for an art history class project. Their professor is surprised by what the students create and sees promising applications of augmented reality in future art history lessons. The professor contacts a colleague in the Media Studies department who researches emerging media formats to learn more. Their discussion prompts the professor to redesign his course to incorporate augmented reality in assignments and interactive lectures. The changes are well received by students; that semester, course evaluations show a significant increase in student satisfaction. Word of a must-take course spreads among art history students. The course reaches full capacity in just one hour during enrollment for the next semester. Faculty in the Art History department take notice of their colleague’s changes and the positive reception by students. They are inspired by the integration of innovative technology in the course and begin evolving their own courses to incorporate similar tools. The Art History major at the University of Virginia doubles in enrollment by the mid-2030s as these changes attract new students. Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. The Art History department’s success prompts discussions among the broader College of Arts & Sciences faculty about the future of humanities education. They create a task force consisting of administrators, professors, and students to explore the integration of technology in other majors. They reach out to experts in multimedia, technology, and education to brainstorm ideas for enhancing the curriculum. Students and faculty from across the College contribute their perspectives and enrich the conversation with unique insights. A key observation is that students prefer interdisciplinary and interactive courses that mix classic humanities with modern elements. The task force presents their findings to the University’s president and undergraduate deans. A team of faculty and student leaders designs a series of pilot projects incorporating new technologies and interdisciplinary approaches into curricula across the University. The pilot programs prove successful and are adopted as permanent curriculum changes. The American Academy of Arts & Sciences, an organization that collects data on the state of humanities education, recognizes the University’s pioneering approach to humanities education. The organization has continued to record a decline in humanities degrees since 2000. They invite a group of professors from the University to be the keynote speakers at a national conference on the future of humanities education. The professors share their experiences and insights, sparking interest among educators from various institutions. Recognizing a similar opportunity in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the task force collaborates with engineering deans and professors to develop curricula that integrate modernized humanities. The faculty realizes the importance of cultivating engineers with multidisciplinary skill sets. To develop and assess the new curriculum, engineers are administered a project in which they work with students in non STEM majors. Recognizing a similar opportunity in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the task force collaborates with engineering deans and professors to develop curricula that integrate modernized humanities. The faculty, recognizing the value of multidisciplinary skills, integrates a project into the curriculum where engineers collaborate with non-STEM majors, exposing them to diverse perspectives and enhancing their holistic problem-solving abilities. The Ripple Effect. The University of Virginia’s innovative approach to interdisciplinary education inspires change at colleges nationwide. Nonprofits that advocate for ethical engineering provide new grants to schools that draw from the University’s engineering curriculum. Moreover, accreditation requirements evolve as employers increasingly value candidates with multidisciplinary skill sets. The University of Virginia becomes a hub for research and collaboration on transformative educational methods, offering valuable guidance to national and governmental bodies. Professors host workshops and seminars for educators eager to adopt innovative approaches in classrooms from the elementary to graduate level. These developments further cement the University of Virginia as a national leader in higher education.
TeX/definition/modes/Math mode. Math mode, represented by $...$ in the code file, is a mode used by TeX compilers to specify the spacing between various glyphs. To this end, TeX has math glue, which functions almost identically to text glue, except that there are more nuances to the spacing interactions. There are eight math styles, which affect scaling, subscripts and exponents, etc.: -display (D) -text (T) -script (S) -scriptscript (SS) and their cramped counterparts, D', T', S', SS'. There are eight CLASSES of math objects, which behave differently from one another in math mode: 0. ordinary (\mathord, or {...}) is "just symbols," e.g. numbers -- not italicized 1. large operator (\mathop) is centered vertically on the axis, changes in size and placement of subscript and superscript depending on D or T -- can be controlled by \limits\displaylimits or \nolimits\displaylimits -- e.g. \sum and \lim 2. binary operator (\mathbin) e.g. + and \pm 3. relation (\mathrel) e.g. = and < (note that : is a relation, whereas \colon is punctuation) 4. opening symbol (\mathopen) -- note that this refers only to spacing, and that delimiter sizing is controlled by other means 5. closing symbol (\mathclose) 6. punctuation (\mathpunct) e.g. , and \colon 7. variable family (\fam) e.g. letters -- italicized