Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nc3/2...Bb4. Vienna Game. This move attempts to attack the powerful c3 knight, and if the d pawn moves, the knight will be pinned. More often, this move is played a bit later, but this variation is still playable.
Chess Guide for the Intermediate Player/Example Games/Anderssen-Kieseritzky, London 1851. (NOTE: I did not mean to do this, but it is titled "Anderssen-Kieseritzky, London 1851. It is supposed to be part of the Wikibook "Chess Guide for the Intermediate Player". Please fix this). This Andersson-Kieseritzky game was played in 1851, and is known as the Immortal Game. It features a few large sacrifices by Anderssen, and he was able to mate with his remaining pieces. 1. e4 The King's Pawn Opening. 1...e5 Black copies White. This is called the Open Game. 2. f4 exf4 This is the King's Gambit. Anderssen gives up a pawn in exchange for rapid development. 3. Bc4 The Bishop's Gambit. 3...Qh4+ 4. Kf1 White has lost castling rights. 4...b5?! The Bryan Countergambit. This move is not too good.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...c5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. d4/3...cxd4/4. Nxd4/4...Nf6/5. Nc3/5...d6/6. Bg5/6...e6/7. Qd2/7...a6. =Classical Sicilian Richter Rauzer variation= Theory table. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6. Bg5 e6 7. Qd2 a6
Essentials of Number Theory. Chapter 1: What is number theory? Page 000007. At first glance the term “number theory” seems mysteriously broad. Isn’t all of mathematics about numbers? Is this just another name for mathematics in general? A more cautious reader might note that geometry and logic (for example) aren’t really about numbers, even if numbers are sometimes used. But even leaving out these topics, the “study of numbers” still sounds overly broad. Indeed, the term number theory is traditional, and refers exclusively to the study of whole numbers; that is, the numbers we count with: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... along with the daring addition of 0, and, when convenient, the negative integers. Excluded from consideration are fractions, real numbers, and complex numbers. Those abstractions, while called numbers in ordinary language, are traditionally studied in courses on "Analysis". While the whole numbers have their origins in counting, number theory is not about counting either. The study of advanced techniques in counting is a field of mathematics all its own, called "Combinatorics". Number theory then is the pure study of whole numbers and their relations to one another, especially with regards to addition and multiplication, both of which will always transform whole numbers into whole numbers. For a sense of what this means, consider the following questions about whole numbers: Number theory, as described so far, may seem a rather abstract topic to spend months (years?) studying. Indeed, because of its ostensible purity and great distance from industrial or scientific applications, number theory was once known as the “Queen of Mathematics.” Page 000008. This is no longer the case. While still considered an exemplar of abstract mathematical elegance, number theory now provides concrete applications to information theory and computer science, including cryptography, data compression, error-correcting codes, and pseudorandom number generation, to name just a few examples. All the same, the most compelling reason to study number theory is for its unique combination of simplicity and mystifying complexity, which provides a setting for mathematical beauty, surprise, and the sudden clarity that can be so thrilling to those who enjoy mathematics. Chapter 2: Integers and arithmetic. Page 000009. Our primary setting is the set Z of integers; that is, whole numbers, positive and negative: It is also convenient to denote by N the set of natural numbers; that is, the positive integers: We will assume familiarity with properties of the integers that the reader should recall from grade school. In particular, the integers have an ordering, and they are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Moreover, we will also assume that N is closed under addition and multiplication. The following identities summarize the algebraic properties of the integers. Theorem 2.1 (Basic properties of integer arithmetic) Let formula_3. The last property in the list above implies the following "Cancellation Law". Proposition 2.2 "Let formula_3, and suppose that a ≠ 0. If formula_14 then formula_15." "Proof." Since formula_14, we have formula_17. Since a ≠ 0, the last property in Theorem 2.1 implies that formula_18, so that formula_15. Notice what we did not say in the proof above. We did not talk about “dividing both sides by a”. Instead, the proof used properties of addition, subtraction, Page 000010. and multiplication, without any direct reference to division. The reason for this circumlocution will become evident as the theory unfolds.
JavaScript/Images. Introduction. Images can be available in the DOM (Document Object Model) of the browser in mainly to ways: Image Tag. The img is used for images that you might want with Javascript. Canvas Tag. The canvas tag provides (as you might already assume by the name) options to Workflow. Workflow with images has the following main steps: For the workflow mentioned above, we will use the image processing workflows as examples. As example images we will use the creative commons images of Assignment. For an assignment of an image variable it is recommended to use a unique meaningful identfier (id) for the image or canvas, with which you can access the information about the inage or modify the image in the canvas later. This is a standard procedure using document.getElementById(pID) call with the respective identifier pID. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <img id="myImage" src="Golden_Gate_Bridge_as_seen_from_Battery_East.jpg" alt="Golden Gate Bridge"> <script> var var4image = document.getElementById("myImage"); </script> </body> </html> In the previous example we assume that you have a file index.html and the image in one directory. Adding an Image to HTML Page. The image is added to the HTML as usual with the img tag. <img id="myImage" src="Golden_Gate_Bridge_as_seen_from_Battery_East.jpg" > The important aspect to mention is, that all images have a unique ID in the DOM of your HTML page. So having more images in one page you have to assign a new identifier to each image. <img id="myImage" src="Golden_Gate_Bridge_as_seen_from_Battery_East.jpg"> <img id="myImage2" src="Brandenburger_Tor_abends.jpg"> To make the Javascript code more readable and maintainable you might want to assign meaning identifiers to image. As an example we change the identifier of the second image to a meaningful name. <img id="myImage" src="Golden_Gate_Bridge_as_seen_from_Battery_East.jpg"> <img id="imgBrandenburgGate" src="Brandenburger_Tor_abends.jpg"> A prefix img... might be used for the identifier imgBrandenburgGate that indicates the id refers to an image and not in a canvas. Now we add also a canvas to the HTML code. The canvas has a specific a specific width and size. Due to the fact that the canvas is empty we must specific the size of the canvas with width and height attribute that you can use with images as well. <img id="myImage" src="Golden_Gate_Bridge_as_seen_from_Battery_East.jpg"> <img id="imgBrandenburgGate" src="Brandenburger_Tor_abends.jpg"> <canvas id="canvImageAnnotation" width="320" height="213"></canvas> Assigning the Image Variable. The following Javascript code assigns the img object in the DOM of the HTML page to the variable var4image. var var4image = document.getElementById("myImage"); Especially in more complex code you might want to use meaningful variable names in your Javascript code as well, similar to the identifiers in the DOM. We use meaningful names for the second image and the canvas. var var4image = document.getElementById("myImage"); var imgGate = document.getElementById("imgBrandenburgGate"); var canvas4annotation = document.getElementById("canvImageAnnotation"); Error Handling for Image Assignment. Keep in mind that an image with identifier might not exist in the DOM tree and then the image variable is null. This might be handled with a getImage4Id(pID) function. function getImage4Id(pID) { var vImg; if (pID) { vImg = document.getElementById(pID); if (vImg) { return vImg; } else { console.error("Image with identifier '" + pID + "' does not exist in the DOM tree."); } else { console.error("No identifier 'pID' was provided for function call getImage4ID()"); Once the function is defined you can replace the document.getElementById(...) by an getImage4Id(...). var var4image = getImage4Id("myImage"); You might want to use the function getImage4Id(...) in multiple HTML projects so we assume to aggregate all the function that we want to reuse in a Javascript file imagehandlers.js stored in a subdirectory "js/. Processing. For the processing we assume you have a folder LearnJavacript/ on your computer with the subdirectories img/, js/ and css/. Images and Canvas Tags. For the reduction of the code length we rename and shorten the image names given from Wiki Commons for both example images about Golden Gate Bridge and the Brandenburg Gate. So move both examples to the img/ subdirectory of the folder LearnJavacript/ folder and name them So we change the code fragments mentioned above for the image definition as follows <img id="imgBridge" src="img/ggbridge.jpg" width="320" height="200" > <img id="imgGate" src="img/bbgate.jpg" width="320" height="213" > <canvas id="canvImageAnnotation" width="640" height="213"></canvas> Javascript Function to merge Images. As you might assume from the image sizes, we want combine both images next to each other on the canvas "canvImageAnnotation" and have 13 pixel height empty space on the canvas below the Golden Gate Bridge. The width of the canvas "canvas1" is 640 pixel and the height was chosen as maximum of both heights of both source images. function mergeImage() { var canvas1 = document.getElementById("canvImageAnnotation"); var ctx=canvas1.getContext("2d"); var image1 = document.getElementById("imgBridge"); var image2 = document.getElementById("imgGate"); ctx.drawImage(image1, 0, 0, 320, 200); ctx.drawImage(image2, 321, 0, 320, 213); Button to Execute Image Merge. Now we assign the function mergeImage() to an onclick event of a button. <button onclick="mergeImage();return false" >Merge 2 Images </button> Load/Save. In the next step an image from the local filesystem should be loaded into the browser locally (not on a remote server - see ). The following steps are included and applied to a HTML canvas because the user should be able to annotate the image e.g. with a red circle to mark or highlight a specific area on the image:
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...c5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. d4/3...cxd4/4. Nxd4/4...Nf6/5. Nc3/5...d6/6. Bg5/6...e6/7. Qd2/7...a6/8. O-O-O. =Classical Sicilian Richter Rauzer variation= Theory table. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6. Bg5 e6 7. Qd2 a6 8. O-O-O
History of Sylhet/Brief overview of Sylhet's geographical location. Back to Table of Contents = Brief Overview of Sylhet's Geographical Location = Sylhet is a region located in the northeastern part of the Indian subcontinent, encompassing both modern-day Bangladesh and India. Its geographical location plays a significant role in shaping its unique landscape and climate. Image credit: / Wikimedia user Geography. Sylhet is primarily characterized by its lush green hills, picturesque landscapes, and numerous water bodies. Key geographical features include: Hills and Plateaus. The Sylhet region is renowned for its rolling hills and plateaus, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and tourists. The Khasi and Jaintia Hills, part of the larger Garo-Khasi-Jaintia range, extend into Sylhet, contributing to its hilly terrain. Image credit: / Wikimedia user Rivers and Wetlands. Several major rivers, including the Surma and Kushiara rivers, flow through Sylhet. These rivers not only provide water resources but also shape the fertile plains surrounding them. The region is also dotted with wetlands and haors (seasonal floodplains), adding to its ecological diversity. Image credit: / Wikimedia user Tea Gardens. Sylhet is famous for its tea gardens, which cover vast expanses of land. The British introduced tea cultivation in the 19th century, and Sylhet's climate and topography proved ideal for tea production. Today, Sylhet is a significant contributor to the tea industry in both Bangladesh and India. Image credit: / Wikimedia user Climate. Sylhet experiences a humid subtropical climate characterized by distinct seasons: Further Reading. For a deeper understanding of Sylhet's geographical features and its impact on the region's history and culture, you may consider exploring the following notable books: These resources can help you delve deeper into the geographical aspects of Sylhet and their significance. Back to References
History of Sylhet/References. Back to Table of Contents
Chess Opening Theory/1. g3/1...b6/2. Bg2. = Benko Opening= 2. Bg2. This is the expected continuation. White has fianchettoed their king’s bishop, and Black is practically forced to either play the logical 2…Nc6 (preparing …Bb7), or a move like 2…d5, which takes up the centre and protects the threatened rook, but reduces the scope of Black’s bishop. Of course, 2…c6 is playable but very passive, and all other moves are blunders that fail to 3. Bxa8. Theory table. 1.g3 b6 2.Bg2
History of Sylhet/Significance of Sylhet in South Asian history. Introduction Significance of Sylhet in Bangladeshi history. History of the Sylhet region. References
UNO/House Rules. There are many house rules out there for UNO. This article will go over three of the most common ones. Stacking. When this house rule is being played Draw Two and Wild Draw Four cards are allowed to "stack" on each other, adding their penalties together. When this house rule is being used and a player plays a Draw Two card, the next player in turn order may, if they have one, play a Draw Two of their own on top of the already-played Draw Two, with the result that the two cards' penalties will "stack" and add together. Then the stacked penalty is passed to the next player, who must play a Draw Two of their own or draw the total penalty number of cards. Wild Draw Fours may be stacked in a similar manner, and Wild Draw Fours may be stacked on top of Draw Twos, but not "vice versa". 7-0. This house rule effectively turns the 7 and 0 cards into action cards. With this house rule, if a player plays a card with a 7 on it that player must choose another player and the two players exchange their hands. If via this exchange a player receives a hand of only one card they must still call "UNO" or risk drawing two penalty cards. If a player plays a card with a 0 on it every player must pass their hand one player in the current direction of play. Jump-In. With this house rule active, if a player encounters the situation where the card on top of the discard pile is exactly the same as a card in their hand, then the player may "jump-in" and play said matching card immediately without waiting for their turn. Gameplay then passes from them as normal.
AI Art Generation Handbook/Archive. Stable Diffusion / AI Art in general are moving so fast that some of the information here are outdated. I create this page is to let other people dig for outdated info's here. Fashion Bra SD1.5 Fashion Patterns SDXL Camera Types (Out of Date infos) Artist Style (Out of Date infos) Framing (Out of Date infos) AI Art Generation Handbook/Archive/Model List (Out of Date infos) AI Art Generation Handbook/Archive/Settings
Mathematical Proof/Preface. Sometimes people read mathematical proofs and think they are reading a foreign language. This book describes the language used in a mathematical proof and also the different types of proofs used in math. This knowledge is essential to develop rigorous mathematics. As such, rigorous knowledge of math is not a prerequisite to reading this book. This book will use some and notations for communication, and you should be familiar with those notations after learning more about set theory and logic in the first two chapters. After introducing informally (i.e. not emphasizing on axioms in set theory) and logic, we will be prepared to study methods of mathematical proof. After that, we will be discussing some fundamental concepts that are important for more advanced topics in mathematics.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...c5/2. d4/2...d5. =Berg Countergambit= The Berg Countergambit is a uncommon opening that can be played in the Smith-Morra Gambit (1. e4 c5 2. d4 d5) or the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (1. d4 d5 2. e4 c5) the idea is to open the D file and quickly change the queens and then have a very changing game with interesting positions White has to make the decision to capture the c5-pawn or the d5-pawn. The main line is 3. dxc5 Nf6: if white captures the d-pawn the queens are exchanged with 4 Qxd5 5. Qxd5 Nxd5 If White advances the pawn to e5, the knight is advanced to e4 and the position is equal and dynamic The Scandinavian Variation is 3. exd5 Qxd5 In this variation Black will be able to open the D file unless White plays Ne2 where Black has to return the queen to d8 and White gets a slight advantage in development.
360 Assembly/360 Instructions/MVZ. MVZ   (MOVE ZONES) Instruction Type:  Machine Instruction Machine Format:  SS Instruction D3 L B1 D1 B2 D2 Symbolic Format:   [symbolic name]  MVZ D1(L,B1),D2(B2)             [symbolic name)  MVZ  name1,name2        The condition code is unchanged.
AI Art Generation Handbook/Archive/Fashion Pattern SDXL. There are hundreds of fabric patterns here but we use this web list to select the more popular fabric patterns as of now (Sept 2023) Methodology to ensure fair scoring : One prompt are generated twice in a row and takes the slightly better result to see comparisons. All images are generated in base SDXL. All images are generated in 1024 by 1024 to take advantage of its true to prompt rendering. All seeds are randomly selected. Sampling Steps are increased to 40. Table below sorted by alphabetical order of all the "possible" patterns of the common fabric patterns commonly found in fashion world Please add in the Discussion tab above if you found any well known patterns are missing from this list
AI Art Generation Handbook/Archive/SD 1.5 Fashion Pattern Bra. Double click image below for zoom in details.
AI Art Generation Handbook/VACT/Camera Types. Introductions. In this chapter, we are going to see the effect of camera and the lenses Camera Type. To ensure consistency between images, following prompt was used : codice_1 "Note 1: As usual , if there are missing camera , you may want can propose the missing camera to be added in Discussion tab above." "Note 2: If anyone knows how to use the standard prompts for use on all camera in SDXL (Preferably Fooocus) , you can share the prompts with me too inside Discussion tab" Lenses Type. To ensure consistency between images, following prompt was used : codice_2 "Note 1: As usual , if there are missing camera , you may want can propose the missing lenses to be added in Discussion tab above." "Note 2: If anyone knows how to use the standard prompts for use on all lenses in SDXL (Preferably Fooocus) , you can share the prompts with me too inside Discussion tab"
AI Art Generation Handbook/VACT/Camera Shots & Framing Techniques. Introductions. In this chapter, we are going to see the effect of camera shots and some of the framing techniques lenses Camera Type. To ensure consistency between images, following prompt was used : codice_1 "Note 1: As usual , if there are missing camera techniques, you may want can propose the missing techniques to be added in Discussion tab above." "Note 2: If anyone knows how to use the standard prompts for use on all shot in SDXL (Preferably Fooocus) , you can share the prompts with me too inside Discussion tab"
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style. There are too many artiste to be covered here , so we focus on the past and present , we divide the sections by countries. The criteria that we included have passed away (at least more than 10 years) and quite famous in artist world
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. f4/2...exf4/3. Nf3/3...d6/4. d4. d4 opens up the bishop to recapture the pawn, and grabs more central space. Black usually responds with g5, temporarily defending the pawn while planning ...g4 to trap the f3 knight. Believe me when there is a line where white sacrifices the knight on f3. :) Compared to 4.Bc4, white usually castles QUEENSIDE with this variation, since white develops their queenside pieces and moves their queen usually.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. f4/2...exf4/3. Nf3/3...d6/4. d4/4...g5. The most popular move in this reason. It serves 2 purposes. 1 is to defend the f4 pawn temporarily, and the next purpose is to march to g4 next move and attack the knight. White can continue in multiple ways here, such as Nc3 and h3
Infrastructure Past, Present, and Future Casebook/Texas Power Grid. This casebook is a case study on the Texas Power Grid by Seiry Vasquez, Hawwa Khan, and Trinity McDonald, as part of the Infrastructure Past, Present and Future: GOVT 490-004 (Synthesis Seminar for Policy & Government) / CEIE 499-002 (Special Topics in Civil Engineering) Fall 2023 course at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government and the Volgenau School of Engineering, and Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering. Under the instruction of Professor Jonathan Gifford. Summary. The Texas Power Grid is a electricity system that independently supports 90% of the electricity that currently sustains its residents and businesses alike. There are several parties that come together to ensure the functionality of this system that millions depend on everyday. Those involved in the system's upkeep also have the high responsibility of ensuring its success in the future. The grid system is composed of many individual groups that work together to to allow the buying and selling of electricity through the grid. Generators produce the electricity, companies sell the power to families and businesses, and the transmission is handled by another subset who guarantee power is supplied to the correct places. This power grid sustains the livelihood of millions of individuals and involves many actors, covers thousands of miles of the state of Texas, and is an essential aspect of the Texan economy. The power grid has taken decades to develop sustainably, to organize its funding, and the regulations for day to day rules have advanced to uphold this intricate power system. List of Actors. There are many different actors involved in Texas's power grid. The following actors help us understand each party involved in the grids upkeep and what they do. Texas Electricity Legislation 1992 Energy Policy Act: 1995 Senate Bill 373: 1999 State Bill 7: "Actors in the Electricity Generation & Wholesale Markets" Electric Reliability Council (ERCOT) "Regulatory Agencies" Public Utilities Commission (PUC): "Electricity Transmission & Distribution Utilities" As electricity generation facilities are often located in areas far away from where it is consumed, electricity is transferred across high-voltage power lines before it reaches the distribution network. It then passes to lower voltage distribution lines before reaching its final point of consumption. Transmission & distribution facility owners in Texas are private, for-profit entities, but their rates and terms of service are regulated by the PUC. There are five PUC-regulated utilities in Texas: Electricity transmission & distribution utilities are responsible for maintaining and operating the transmission and local distribution lines. They start or stop electricity service, perform meter readings and are responsible for responding to emergencies such as power outages and downed lines. "Retail Electricity Providers" Maps & Location. Texas Power Grid Location The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) operates the electric grid for 75% of the state. The Panhandle, South Plains, and the corner Northeast Texas fall under the Southwest Power Pool (SPP). El Paso and the far West corner of Trans Pecos fall under the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC). The Southeast corner of Texas falls under the Southeastern Electric Reliability Corporation (SERC). (If map is has been taken down, please reference this link: here) Funding and Financing. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages close to 90% of Texas' electricity flows and payments. The electricity supply for more than 24 million Texan homes comes from 550 power stations connected across the Texas Power Grid. ERCOT is funded by a System Administration fee of 55.5 cents per MWh (megawatt hour) to cover system costs. It costs an average 50-60 cents per month, around$7 per year, for an average residential home in Texas. As far as the entirety of the Texas Power Grid, most if it is operated by federal funding. The Texas division of Emergency Management will receive $60.6 million in 2023 from the federal government to aid in strengthening the infrastructure of the electricity grid. These funds will help improve the grid to withstand extreme wether conditions and natural disasters, such as the power outage incident son February 15, 2021. Funds are split up and used accordingly throughout different necessary tasks to ensure smooth operation of the grid and reinforce it. These funds will be put towards various programs that include trimming trees around power lines, improving equipment functions in extreme temperatures, and other infrastructure improvements. The Department of Energy is planning on funding $2.3 billion over the next five years to address power grid resilience issues in many states, Texas being one of them. The Public Utility Commission (PUC) of Texas is responsible for regulating billing and taxpayer funds in many sectors of Texas, one of them being the electricity bills and matters regarding the Power Grid. ERCOT and PUC work together, along with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, to align federal proceedings and ensure efficient use of resources/funds. Thus, the primary source of funding for the Power Grid is federal funding. To date, approximately $173 million in funding has been allocated to Texas in 2022 for weatherization and $30.3 million to prevent outages and make the grid more resilient. An approximate $525 million has been allocated to Texas for infrastructure resilience in 2022. Institutional Arrangements. The flow of power that governs the Texas Power Grid currently follows a structure that is essentially a hierarchy, starting with the governor of the state, currently Greg Abbott, who has the power to select those in charge of running the system. Those that he appoints make up the Public Utility Commission, who from there regulate the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). ERCOT then is responsible for managing the power grid. The positions that make up the council then are in control of overseeing the day to to day operations. Because no one entity has complete control of the entire system, certain companies are responsible for producing power through electricity generators while others act as retail electric providers then sell the power to residents of Texas and businesses. Lastly transmission companies who direct that power are also compensated through customers' electricity bills. So, while ERCOT is a part of the regulation and decision making for the grid, there are many parties that are also able to influence the decision making surrounding the Texas Power grid. The more specific day to day tasks which help to regulate the grid include: Market Systems Planning Narrative of Case. The Texas Power Grid was officially formalized in 1970 when the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) was established to ensure the functionality of the electricity system throughout the state. This power grid is largely separate from the rest of the country making it unique in the way that it functions and upholds itself. The isolation of Texas’s power grid is due to many factors, largely the number of interested parties or companies that contribute to and profit from the system. The term ‘grid’ is meant to reference the many miles of generating facilities and the transmission lines throughout the state of Texas that produce electricity and then ship it to vast distances to be utilized. This grid can deliver power to individual customers, be it a family of residents or independent businesses. The Texas power grid did not start very differently from the rest of the country as it adjusted to incorporating electricity into citizens’ everyday lives. In the early days, (the 1880s- early 1900s) many companies operating at the time to upload and create the grid dealt with company mergers, takeovers, and bankruptcies as well as maintenance challenges, and frustrations working with the city government. Around World War II, two systems referred to as the North and South Texas Interconnected Systems were organized by power companies at the time to meet the needs of the defense industries. Over several decades (until the creation of ERCOT in 1970) the system grew and became a more connected and isolated system until it was known as the Texas Power Grid. The companies today that are responsible for selling, producing, and transferring electricity throughout Texas still have significant influence over the future of the power grid. In 2021, the Texas Power Grid gained national attention when the power grid failed, in the wake of serious winter weather that Texas was not prepared to handle. The vulnerabilities of this system were well known by its regulators and Texas lawmakers who instead prioritized the profit of these large companies. This electricity failure resulted in thousands going without power. As a result  246 people would lose their lives due to going without heat for a number of days. An infrastructure system that supports millions was unable to sustain itself and support citizens. This has raised questions and concerns as to its functionality and ability to uphold itself, citing the need for repairs and upgrades across the board to ensure its success in the future. Policy Issues. Following the deadly winter storm in February of 2021 that knocked out power for millions of citizens in Texas and hundreds of deaths, CPS Energy (the municipal electric utility serving San Antonio) came forward strongly in favor of ending Texas’ “solo” approach to its power grid. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is considering taking actions that could force Texas power grids and other states’ grids to connect with each other to reduce the chances of having a large-scale blackout again. The regulatory body has authority to set reliability standards for the Energy Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which operates the grid. Texas is reluctant to take this drastic step of connecting their power grid with other states because they are concerned it will put them under more federal regulation. However, CPS Energy and others say that if they had the option to import power from other states in cases of emergency, like the storm in 2021, the power outages would not be as severe. They could not only prevent the effects of the 2021 power outage, but also increase revenue by selling excess power outside of Texas. According to ERCOT, Texas added more than 3,000 megawatts of solar and another 1,000 megawatts in wind generation, which results in plenty of surplus of energy. Power companies like CPS could sell this surplus of energy to others outside the state, while getting energy from them in times that they need it, which results in new revenue and a reduction of rates paid by customers. In Congress, lawmakers are working on policies that would result in expanding power grids and increasing interconnectivity among states. Senator John Hickenlooper and Representative Scott Peters introduce new legislation that would require all power grids nationwide to maintain interconnections with neighboring grids. This would mean Texas would construct transmission lines capable of delivering 25 gigawatts of electricity to Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico – which is enough power to supple 22 million homes. Initially, the legislation stipulated that FERC’s authority not be expanded over the state’s power grid but have changed the bill to make Texas’ participation voluntary. The issues with this idea of connecting the grids across the nation is that some of the neighboring states also do not have the energy capability to deliver power to Texas in a state of emergency/blackout. Thus, many are arguing that it is pointless to connect with local grids, when there is no guarantee that either one can deliver the energy needed in a time such as the 2021 blackout. Some of the proposed bills to the power grid: The biggest issue/reason why these bills, legislation, and policies have not been passed/implemented in highly based on Texas' cooperation. Texas does not want to increase federal regulation of the power grid because it decreases their reach across the power sector and their stake. Additionally, the biggest reason for these regulations is to prevent the events of February 2021 from happening again, however, many believe interconnections of grids among neighboring states is not the solution because most of the neighboring states do not have the capacity to provide power to Texas when needed and most suffer from power outages/lack of energy themselves. Takeways. The Texas Power Grid is a prime example of the interconnectivity of infrastructure throughout a region. The grid expands throughout more than 90% of the state of Texas and is ever expanding in order to improve the flow of electricity throughout Texas. The system, in and of itself, is a relatively well functioning system, however, it is susceptible to extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, and the impacts of these conditions can be drastic to large regions of Texans, resulting in power outages across the state. Remaining knowledgeable about Texas’s power grid system is the key first step to ensuring its success in the future.The power grid, through its generating and transmission facilities produce electricity and ensure that Texas continues to function.
Canadian Refugee Procedure/153 - Chairperson and other members. IRPA Section 153. Section 153 of the "Immigration and Refugee Protection Act" reads: One Deputy Chairperson for each Division is to be designated. The IRB states that each Division is headed by a Deputy Chair who manages the members of the Appeal Division and Refugee Division respectively. The Deputy Chairs set and oversee performance and productivity standards for members and provide leadership in the conduct of hearings and in ensuring philosophical and operational consistency.
Hej, Jonathan!. Hej, Jonathan! is a natural method course that teaches Nordien, a language created by Aaron Chapman in the year 2000. It is a translation of Dave MacLeod's "Salute, Jonathan!", written in the Occidental language. Kapitel En. En man steje i en stad. De man skribe en jorn. De man sege en stad. Steje de man i en stad? Ja, han steje i en stad. Steje de man i...en man? Nej, han steje neet i en man. Han steje i en stad. Steje de man i en tog? Nej, han steje neet i en tog. Han steje i en stad. De man steje i en stad. Skribe de man en jorn? Ja, han skribe en jorn. Skribe de jorn de man? Nej, de jorn skribe neet de man. En jorn skribe neet. En man skribe. De man skribe de jorn. Sege de stad de man? Nej, de stad sege neet de man. En stad sege neet. En man sege. Sege de man de stad? Ja, de man sege de stad. Var steje de man? Han steje i en stad. Va skribe de man? Han skribe en jorn. Va sege de man? Han sege en stad. Han steje i en stad, ent han skribe i en jorn, ent han sege en stad. "Steje" de man i en jorn? Nej, han "skribe" i en jorn. Sege de man en man? Nej, han sege neet en man; hen sege en stad. De man ere grot. De man ere gud, ent de man ere inteligent. Han denke. Han denke over de stad. Han denke: "Va ere de stad? Ere de stad gud? Ere de stad grot?" Skribe de man en stad? Nej, han skribe neet en stad; en stad ere grot. Han skribe en jorn; en jorn ere neet grot. Denke de jorn over de man? Nej, en jorn denke neet. En man denke. Han denke over de jorn, ent denke over de stad. Ent han skribe i de jorn. Han skribe over de stad. Han skribe: "De stad ere gud, ent de stad ere grot." Han denke: "De stad ere gud"; han denke at de stad ere gud. Han denke: "De stad ere grot"; han denke at de stad ere grot. Han denke over de stad, ent han denke over de jorn. Va ere de jorn? De jorn ere var de man skribe; han skribe i en jorn. I de jorn, de man skribe over de stad. I de jorn, de man skribe neet over de tog; de man steje i de stad, neet i de tog. Han denke neet over de tog; han denke over de stad, de stad München. Va ere de stad? Het ere München. Var ere München? Het ere var de man steje. Var ere de man? Han ere i München. Ja, München ere en grot stad, ent en gud stad. De man denke at het ere en gud stad, ent han denke at het ere en grot stad. De man ere inteligent. Han sage: "Hej, München!" Han ere en gud man! De man steje ent denke: "Var ere de tog?" Han sege...han sege de tog! Han denke: "De tog!" Nun, han denke neet over de jorn ent denke neet over de stad; han denke over de tog! Kapitel Tvo. Nun, de man ere i de tog. Han ere neet i München; han ere i en tog. Han reese. Han denke: "Nun, eg resse van München til Vien. Het ere en gud rees. Eg gile reesar." Han denke over München. Han denke: "Nun, eg ere i de tog, men jestern, eg erte i München. Ent nun, eg skribe en jorn i de tog, men jestern, eg skribte en jorn i München. Ent nun, eg denke i de tog, men jestern, eg denkte i München. Jestern, eg denkte over München i München, ent nun, eg denke over Vien i de tog. Nun, eg ere i de tog, neet i Vien. Men eg denke ent skribe over Vien." Denke de man i München nun? Nej, han denke neet i München nun. Han denke i de tog. Jestern, han denkte i München. Han sege: "Hej, tog!" De man ere i de tog, ent han resse til en stad. De stad ere neet München; München ere de stad av jestern. De stad ere Vien; Vien ere de stad av des dag. De man denke over München ent Vien. Han denke: "München erte de stad av jestern, ent München erte gud. Nun, het ere des dag, ent eg ere i en tog; de tog ere gud. Skal Vien eren gud?" De man denke over München: München erte de stad av jestern. Han denke i de tog: han ere i de tog des dag. Ent han denke over Vien: Vien skal eren de stad av morgen. Ent han denke: "München erte grot. De tog ere grot. Skal Vien eren grot?" Ent han denke: "I München, eg skribte i en jorn. I de tog, eg skribe i en jorn. I Vien, skal eg skriben i en jorn? Ja, morgen i Vien, eg skal skriben i en jorn. Eg gile jornar." De man denke mika (han denke mika = han denke ent denke ent denke), ent han skribe mika. Ja, han ere en inteligent man. Inteligent manar skribe mika, ent denke mik. Han ere Jonathan; Jonathan ere en inteligent man. Han skribe: "Eg ere Jonathan. Eg ere i en tog. Jestern, eg stejte i München; morgen, eg skal stejen i Vien." Han denke, ent skribe: "De tog...het ere gud, men aldig. Het ere neet nu; het ere aldig. Ere de togar i München aldig? Ja, de togar av München ere aldig. Men de togar av München ere gud, ent eg gile de togar av München. Jestern, eg gilte de tog i München, ent des dag, eg gile de tog nu, ent morgen, eg skal gilen de tog i Vien. Eg gile togar!" Jonathan skribe: "München ere en gud stad ent en aldig stad, ent Vien ere en gud stad ent en aldig stad. München ent Vien ere neet nu, men ere gud. München ent Vien ere aldig, men gud stadar. De stadar ere neet nu, men gud. Eg gile stadar!" Jonathan denke at de tvoet dag av de rees ere gud. Han sege: "Des dag erte en gud tvoet dag av reesning. Eg gile reesar!" Kapitel Tri. Jonathan steje i Vien: de stad Vien. Jonathan denke at Vien ere gud, ent at Vien ere skon. Jonathan denke neet at Vien ere heslig; han denke at Vien ere skon. Han sage: "Vien ere en skon stad! Eg skal skriben over het!" Ent han skribe i de jorn over Vien. I de jorn, han skribe: "Min triet dag ere veri gud! I de tvoet dag, eg stejte i München. Men nun, eg steje i Vien: Vien ere neet München. München ent Vien ere tvo stadar; München ere neet Vien ent Vien ere neet München. Eg steje i Vien ent de stad ere veri skon. Eg gile Vien; de stad ere neet heslig. Hur skon ere Vien! Men eg have en problem." Va? Jonathan have en problem? Va problem? Nun, han sege neet de jorn; han sege de stad ent denke. Han denke mika over de problem. Jonathans problem ere at han gile Vien, men han have neet tid. Han denke: "Hmm. Nun, de klok ere siven (7). Bej klok ten (10), de tog fortgoe. Klok ten (10) minus klok siven (7) ere tri (3) urar. Tri urar ere neet mika tid for en skon stad! Eg have neet tid. Haven tid ere gud, men eg have neet het! Skriben en jorn ere gud, men eg have neet tid for skriben het! Va skal eg doen i Vien?" Han denke: "Eg have neet mika tid. Va skal eg doen - skriben en jorn, oder eten, oder segen de stad? Va skal eg doen?" Han denke mer, ent sage: "Eg have en gud idee! En moment...eg denke. Min tog fortgoe bej klok ten (10). Ere dar en tog latre, bej klok tenen (11), oder klok tentvo (12), tentri (13), tenfir (14), oder tenfiv (15)?" Han sege...ja! Dar ere en tog va fortgoe bej klok tenfiv. Nun, Jonathan ere glad. Jonathan sage: "Tenfiv (15) minus siven (7) ere akt (8). Nun, eg have akt urar av tid! Va skal eg doen?" Han sage: "Eg vete! Eg skal eten kuket. Ent eg skal trinken en bir. En moment...nej, eg skal trinken tvo birar, oder tri birar. Gud idee!" Nun, Jonathan trinke en bir i Vien, ent ete kuket. Han ere glad. Han sage: "Hur glad ere eg! Eg gile de stad Vien. Hur gile eg reesar!"
Chess Opening Theory/1. a4/1...b5. There isn't much to say about this as it is very dubious. The only upside of sacrificing the B pawn is potentially fianchettoing the bishop.
Chess Opening Theory/1. Nf3/1...f5/2. g3. 2. g3. This is a principled move similar to the King's Indian Attack that allows White to finachetto a bishop next move. Black's most popular response is /2...Nf6/ followed by 3...g6 3...d6, or 3...e6 to protect the f-pawn but Black could also prepare 3...e5 with /2...d6/ to take the center.
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style/USA. The prompt used is codice_1 To ensure fair judgement, following steps are done (i) All of prompts are generated 2 times with 8 images each (ii) Images selected is randomly selected using this dice (iii) No extra settings are selected except for changing Fooocus resolutions into 1024*1024 pixels
Cybersecurity/Introduction. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting digital systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. In an increasingly digitized world, cybersecurity is essential for safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the smooth functioning of interconnected systems.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nc3/2...Nf6/3. Bc4/3...Nxe4/4. Bxf7. While this is not a bad variation, it is certainly not the best. After black plays 4...Kxf7, you will fork the king and knight. However, you lose the bishop pair.
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style/Spain. The prompt used is codice_1 To ensure fair judgement, following steps are done (i) All of prompts are generated 2 times with 8 images each (ii) Images selected is randomly selected using this dice (iii) No extra settings are selected except for changing Fooocus resolutions into 1024*1024 pixels
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5. = London System Main Line with 3. ...e6 = In the London System, White aims for a solid, flexible pawn structure and develops their dark-squared bishop early to f4. When Black responds with 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3. e3 e6, they aim for: This setup can result in a closed game, and Black might look to expand on the queenside or prepare a central break with ...e5 or ...c5 later in the game. Overall, the setup is about achieving a solid position without entering into deep theoretical battles and also keeping options open for different plans based on how White proceeds. Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style/Japan. The prompt used is codice_1 To ensure fair judgement, following steps are done (i) All of prompts are generated 2 times with 8 images each (ii) Images selected is randomly selected using this dice (iii) No extra settings are selected except for changing Fooocus resolutions into 1024*1024 pixels
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...d5/3. e3. = London System Main Line with ...d5 = The London System is a solid and flexible opening system for white that can be played against various setups by black. After the moves: The main ideas for both sides in the London System's main line are: For White: For Black: For a general introduction to the London System, take a closer look at 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...d5/3. e3/3...e6/4. Nf3. = London System Main Line with ...d5 = The London System is a solid and flexible opening system for white that can be played against various setups by black. After the moves: The main ideas for both sides in the London System's main line are: For White: For Black: Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3
Classical Chinese/Pronoun. Ways to address "you" in 文言文 Classical Chinese. 子 (zǐ): This is a respectful way to address someone who is equal or superior to the speaker, such as a friend, a teacher, or a ruler. For example, “子曰:學而時習之,不亦說乎?” (zǐ yuē: xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì yuè hū?) This means "The Master said: Is it not a joy to learn and practice what one has learned in due time?" 君 (jūn): This is a way to address someone who is the lord, the king, or the sovereign of the speaker, such as a ruler or a feudal lord. For example, “君子不器。” (jūnzǐ bù qì.) This means "The gentleman is not a vessel." 汝 (rǔ): This is a way to address someone who is equal or inferior to the speaker, such as a friend, a servant, or a child. For example, “汝何故遲也?” (rǔ hé gù chí yě?) This means "Why are you late?" 公 (gōng): This is a way to address someone who is a noble, a prince, or a high-ranking official, such as a duke or a minister. For example, “公之於國也。” (gōng zhī yú guó yě.) This means "Your contribution to the state." 卿 (qīng): This is a way to address someone who is a close friend, a lover, or a subordinate, such as a general or a minister. For example, “卿可謂善吏乎?” (qīng kě wèi shàn lì hū?) This means "Can you be called a good official?" 爾 (ěr): This is a way to address someone who is equal or inferior to the speaker, such as a friend, a servant, or a child. For example, “爾其學之。” (ěr qí xué zhī.) This means "You should learn it." 汝曹 (rǔ cáo): This is a way to address a group of people who are equal or inferior to the speaker, such as friends, servants, or soldiers. For example, “汝曹聽我令。” (rǔ cáo tīng wǒ lìng.) This means “You all listen to my command.”
Sylheti/Transliteration. Conjuncts. Conjuncts are transliterated as they are pronounced. While the pronunciation of some conjuncts is evident by their components, others are pronounced quite differently than the spelling would suggest. These include the following: Wiktionary Contributors. It was originally written on English Wiktionary under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. A list of main contributors:
A Guide to Discord. This is a helpful guide for users who are new to the chatting application Discord.
A Guide to Discord/Servers. A server is a chatroom that can only be accessed via invite. Servers can be created for a variety of topics, including clubs, study groups, fandoms, role-playing, or simply casual conversation. Structure. Channels. Communication is conducted via channels, themselves organized by category. There are four primary types of channels: text channels, voice channels, announcement channels, and stage channels. Server features. Roles. Roles are used to organize users in a server. Some roles can be earned by extensive participation in the server. These roles are normally hierarchical, meaning the highest role is the most important. Other roles are purely for cosmetic purposes. Threads. Threads are a temporary sub-channel that can be created within text channels. They are primarily used for specific topics or focused conversation. Threads are automatically archived after a certain amount of unactivity, ranging from an hour to a week. Creating a server. Creating a Discord server is relatively simple. Scroll down to the bottom of your server list until you see the "+" icon (this may be near the top instead if you are using a mobile device). Enter a name for the server, and upload a server icon from your files. Click "create" when you are finished. Inviting other users. Click the drop-down menu on the top-left, then select "Invite People". You will then see a list of your friends, with an Invite button next to them. Click on the button to send them an invite link. Creating channels. Click on the drop-down menu on the top-left, then select "Create Channel". If you're on mobile, swipe right to view the channel list, click on the server's name and choose "create channel". Enter a name for your channel, ideally reflecting its intended purpose (i.e. "#gaming", "#music", "#memes"). Click "Create Channel" when you are finished. If you want to restrict a channel to select members, click on the "Private Channel" option when you are making the channel. Then click "Next". From here you can decide which users have access to the channel. Click "Create" when you are finished. If you have created a text channel, you will be able to see a list of members who can have access to it. To edit this list, right-click on the channel, select "Edit Channel", and head to Permissions, where you will be able to adjust viewer settings. Server Insights. Server Insights provides valuable feedback on engagement and other metrics to help community owners understand the health and activity of their server. By analyzing Server Insights, you can gain insights into visitor numbers, communicators, and new member retention. Here's a breakdown of the terminology used in Server Insights: To maintain a healthy level of engagement, it is recommended to aim for roughly 50% of your members visiting the server, with 50% of those visitors actively communicating and getting involved. Discord sets a benchmark of 30% communicators as a healthy goal. If you notice a dip in engagement for a week or two, it's important not to panic. External factors like school or holidays can influence member activity. However, regularly checking Server Insights can help you determine whether it was just a temporary slowdown or if there are recurring patterns that need attention. To create an environment that fosters engagement, consider the following tips:
Infrastructure Past, Present, and Future Casebook/Guangzhou South Railway Station. This Casebook contains a set of case studies developed by Jason Reyes, Syed Shah, Zachary Zalewski, and Mario Pineda-Diaz, students enrolled in the Infrastructure Past, Present and Future (CEIE 499: Special Topics in Civil Engineering / GOVT 490: Synthesis Seminar for Policy and Government) course taught at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government and the Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering by Prof. Jonathan Gifford. Summary. The Guangzhou South Railway Station, also known as Guangzhou Nan Railway Station, stands as a colossal transportation hub located in the southern part of Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province in southern China. Serving as a key gateway to the high-speed rail network connecting major cities, it is a modern marvel of engineering and urban planning, reflecting the rapid development and urbanization of the region. This station not only embodies China's commitment to expanding and modernizing its transportation infrastructure but also plays a pivotal role in facilitating travel, trade, and cultural exchange, both within China and beyond. The station's design and scale are truly impressive. It features expansive concourses, multiple structures, and a complex network of tracks, allowing it to handle a substantial volume of passengers and trains. What sets it apart is the architectural design that seamlessly merges contemporary aesthetics with traditional Chinese elements, creating a visually striking and culturally rich environment for travelers. Whether you are embarking on a high-speed rail journey to other major Chinese cities, immersing yourself in Guangzhou's vibrant culture, or simply passing through, the Guangzhou South Railway Station stands as a testament to China's commitment to modern transportation infrastructure. Rail Connections to Station. High-Speed Rail. Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railway Guiyang-Guangzhou High-speed Railway Inter-City Rail. Nan-Guang Railway Intercity Railway Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway Guanghui Intercity Railway (under construction) Guangzhou Metro. Metro Line 2 Metro Line 7 Metro Line 22 Foshan Metro. Metro Line 2 Station Layout. Floors of Station. 3rd Floor - West drop-off area, entrance, security check, waiting hall, business lounge, and restaurants 2nd Floor - Platforms, railway tracks, and east drop-off area 1st Floor -Arrivals, exit, metro exit / entrance, ticket office, bus stop, taxi drop-off and pick-up, restaurants, and parking lot Base Floor - Metro line 2 and line 7 station Technical Data. Length / width / height:  450m / 400 m / 40 m Total area:   approx. 320,000 m² Area base-level: approx. 160,000 m² Area railway-level:  approx. 100,000 m² Area entrance- and access-level:   approx. 60,000 m² Roof area:    approx. 200,000 m² Roof span:   50 - 100 m Designed to accommodate 200,000 daily Finance. The total cost of the Guangzhou South Railway Station is ¥13 billion RMB or $1.8 billion USD. SPBs (Special-Purpose Bonds). The primary way China finances its infrastructure projects including the Guangzhou South Railway Station is by issuing SPBs (Special-Purpose Bonds). SPBs (Special-Purpose Bonds) are bonds that local governments in China use to fund projects, especially infrastructure. The SPBs can only be used to finance the project that they were issued for. The Chinese State Railway Group Company, which is state owned, was also able to take out loans from state owned banks to finance the project. Land in China is controlled by the government therefore relocating people already living in the area of development is very cheap. The local government is also able to lease out the land around the station to gain more capital to further finance the project. By allowing local governments such as the province of Guangdong to take out bonds they are able to fund projects such as the Guangzhou South Railway Station to address the necessities of their province and region within China. The Chinese economy is heavily reliant on infrastructure construction therefore there are a lot of incentives for the construction of mega projects like the Guangzhou South Railway Station. Key Actors. The Guangzhou South Railway Station has many key actors; these entities are state owned companies that have rail lines that run through the Guangzhou South Railway Station and connect Guangzhou to the rest of the Pearl River Delta Metro Area as well as the rest of China. Government of the People's Republic of China - One party government run by the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party has the Ministry of Railways to oversee rail across the country. Owners of the state owned railway companies. Chinese State Railway Group Company - The state owned company that is responsible for operating the railways system across the People’s Republic of China. Guangzhou Metro Group Company - State owned company of mass rapid transit metro system that connects the city of Guangzhou. Guangdong Intercity Railway Operation Company - State owned company that runs rails services across the Guangdong Province Foshan Metro Group Company - State owned company that runs mass rapid transit metro system that connects the city of Foshan. Impact on Surrounding Area. The Guangzhou South Railway Station has allowed for Guangzhou to be one of the biggest transportation hubs in all of China. The Guangzhou South Railway station transformed much of the land around the station and has been developed to cater to passengers and businesses. The Guangzhou South Railway Station Business District has developed around the station which includes the construction of many modern and higher end offices and apartments. There is currently an emergence of schools and medical centers to cater to the influx of the new people around the station. Due to construction of the railway station. This all has attracted a large influx of people with higher education into the areas around the rail station. Expansion Plans. There is currently construction being done in the Guangzhou South Railway Station. There is an interchange platform being created as an underground tunnel that connects Foshan Metro Line 2 platform and Guangzhou Metro Line 2 & 7. Currently, for passengers traveling between Foshan Metro and Guangzhou Metro , they need to exit the metro station and walk for about 400 meters, which takes over 10 minutes for interchange. Once completed, the interchange time would be shorten to less than 5 minutes. The former construction site will also be repurposed as a parking lot for taxi drivers. Another expansion plan has also already begun construction. The Guangzhou Railway Station to Guangzhou South Railway Station railway will be linked together by a new train line. Currently, there is no direct railway line connecting Guangzhou Railway Station to Guangzhou South Railway Station; passengers need to switch between the two stations using Guangzhou's subway system, bus or taxi. The construction of the rail link is estimated to take four years, with the anticipated launch of operations by late 2027. Pros and Cons. Pros. The introduction of the Guangzhou South Rail Station has aided China's strategy of spawning economic development along the Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Rail lane (hereafter BGHSR). Since 2012, a few months after the BGHSR line opened, the Polar-Orbiting Partnership (known locally as the Suomi-NPP) has been collecting Night-Time Light images of China using satellites. In a paper published in the Socio-Economic Planning Sciences journal, researchers from Wuhan University analyzed the Night-Time Light photographs using the Sum Light Values (SLV) method. SLV measures the light emitted at night on an image of a region over time . A higher concentration of lights per pixel on an image affirms active urban development in the region. The researchers from Wuhan University observed a rapid increase of approximately 50% SLV pixels per image in Guangzhou between 2012 and 2014. The researchers observed similar patterns of Night-Time Light growth along the BGHSR line with various Tier 1 cities in China—including Beijing, Wuhan, and Changsha—between 2012 and 2018. This rapid growth trend, however, did not continue in the lower-tier cities. Tier 2 and Tier 3 SLV data remained relatively muted between 2012 and 2018, suggesting that new transportation infrastructure projects (the BGHSR and the South Rail Station) in Guangzhou did not ripple the growth along to the lower tiers. Cons. Amidst the pros of the new Guangzhou South Rail Station, a potential negative externality of focusing on Tier 1 cities could be that large infrastructure projects in mega cities might leave lower-tier neighboring cities behind in the urban development race across China. Conclusion. In summary, the Guangzhou South Railway Station is a transportation hub located in China. It showcases not only engineering and urban planning skills but also China's unwavering commitment, to improving its transportation infrastructure. This project successfully combines aesthetics with Chinese elements demonstrating the nation's dedication to progress while honoring its rich cultural heritage. The station's extensive network of rail connections plays a role in facilitating travel, trade, and cultural exchange not only within China but also on an international scale. The financial strategies employed in the station's construction, such as issuing Special Purpose Bonds (SPBs) and utilizing state-owned loans highlight the government's belief in infrastructure as a catalyst for growth. In addition to its transportation significance, the Guangzhou South Railway Station has spurred the growth of a business district that attracts medical institutions. This development has contributed to raising standards and improving living conditions in the area. Future expansion plans include building an interchange platform and establishing a railway link between Guangzhou Railway Station and Guangzhou South Railway Station. These initiatives underscore the station's role, in connecting cities and promoting growth. However, it is important to take into account the consequences, for cities nearby that could be overlooked as China focuses on urban development. To sum up, the Guangzhou South Railway Station represents progress. Showcases how infrastructure can drive growth and shape regions. This emphasizes the significance of considerate infrastructure development, in our world.
Short guide to the use of laser cutting machines. This is a very short guide that explains how to use of laser cutting machines. Laser cutting machines allow users to instruct through software the designs that it will follows to cut a material, these includes size, height, shapes, etc. Introduction. The process start creating a vector graphic, that is a scalable image that follow a defined function, this able the user and system to resize the image holding the form or function if desired. Once the graphic is created it can be opened with the software that controls the laser cutter. Time: Many works last seconds to be completed, others with more instructions or different settings can last from minutes to hours. Tools and equipment required. Laser cutting machine. It consist in a bed or grill where the material is placed and a shield to protect users, also a cover. (Max size of material 12x24 inches). It also can include an air filter, this allow to extract any toxic material generated during the cutting process. The laser cutting machine that we will working with is made by the company: Universal Laser Systems. Model: VLS 3.5 Software used to control the laser cutting machine: UCP (Universal Laser System Control Panel) V 5.38.58 Material maximum thickness for cutting: 1/4 inches (0.25 inches). Other tools. Computer connected to the laser cutting machine with a version of its control software installed. Level peg: Its allow to level the position of the bed in the machine, this allows precise cutting when using the machine. Other used tools include: Calipers: Tool used to measure the thickness of the material. A material to cut: Some laser cutting machines have a limit in the thickness of the material or in the types of materials that can cut. In some cases 1/4 0.125 or less Auxiliary software. Auxiliary software for vector drawing: Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and others. A vector graphics editor software such as Illustrator or Inkscape, they are used to generate scalable image files. Time. The time required to complete the cutting can range from seconds to hours, depending on the complexity of the project. Observations: 1.- Design a vector graphic file. Create the desired cut or design in the vector graphic editor. Some laser cutter machines works only with RGB colors and not with CYMK colors. Create a new file. Create a new file with distance measured in inches and color in RGB format, for this: When using Adobe illustrator create a new file, choose a preset (letter 8.5x11 or any other option), in color mode change CMYK to RGB and change the units of measure from points to inches, then click the option create to start the new file. When using Inkscape the color mode can be changed RGB in the color palette of the files during anytime of the work. To change measure unit in Inkscape select the options file, document properties and change the display units from mm to inches. Draw an object to be cut. Create an object: If using illustrator choose the 5th icon from the left panel (the option with a square icon). When learning to use the cutter use a small image around 1 inch long or wide... change units to inches if the cutters operates with inches. This object can be bigger than other object place inside to attain a raster object inside a cut object. Stroke. The stroke of the object refers to the wide of the line, it is measured in points and in some cases in inches. For cutting objects it is used a 0.072 points (pts) stroke, which is the same than 0.001" (inches) or 0.254 mm (millimiters). Lines or objects with a stroke of 0.072 pts (0.001" or 0.254 mm) will cut the material. Smaller strokes may not cut the pieces. Strokes can be seen as the thickness of a pen, a line written with a 0.8 mm pen is thicker than a line written with a 0.1 mm pen, and the thicken of the lines of 0.1 mm pens are thicker than a 0.072 laser cutter stroke. If the thickness is to big may show black areas in the material when wood or plywood is used. Save file to a memory file when creating the file in other computer, when printing to see the file in the UCP software should be black and uniform, if is dotted or not uniformed, the stroke and color should be reviewed. Draw an object to be edged. Create a new object inside the bigger object. Use color black (number 000000) for this object to edge it but not cut it. Another option is to filled with black color to attain a edge of the whole object and not only its shape. Use of the ruler. The position of the objects in the design can also be calculated using the ruler, for this press at the same time the keys Ctrl and R. The ruler will appear in the superior and lateral sides of the page. Changing the color of the lines or shapes. Some cutters works only with RGB colors, RGB color model uses a system of 6 number and letters. To change the color of a line or an object, click on the object, then in the properties window, appearance section, click on the square beside the fill option and in the filling space beside #, type the color number. The three more used colors in laser cutting to indicate what type of task will be done with the line or object are the following: Choose the color palette icon and type ff0000, this will create a red color, this will indicate the printer that the line or object will be cut, or 000000 to raster etch, or 0000ff to vector etch. Cutting, vector etching and raster etching. Once you have designed an object use the color numbers to complete the desired task. Cutting. To cut objects a stroke with a width of 0.072 must be used and the color must be red (ff0000), the shape of object created will be cut in the wood or material that is being used. Raster etching. Use black color, 00000, this will vector etch the design. Vector etching. Use blue color, 0000FF, this will vector etch the design. Review the file with the vector graphics editor. Insert a USB memory stick in computer that controls the cutter. Open illustrator, open the file, Zoom the to see lines they should be marked black and marked red they are marked in gray color, adjust the file to correct color. If color is not rf0000 it will not cut the material. For this view, material. Red is cutting lines black is raster lines Zoom to see all the lines are properly marked or complete if not modify the file. If everything is fine, then select preview cpu so gets the file ready... if not done may not cut properly the object. Ctrl p to print (to laser cut) Remember, if color is not red (ff0000, with 4 0s), and the stroke does not have a width of 0.072 points the object will not be cut. Printing the object or design with the vector drawing software (Illustrator, Inkscape or other), select for the printer the Universal Laser Systems machine , this will send it to de UCP software that controls the laser cutting machine. Open UCP, you will see the objects and lines to be raster or edge in black and the lines or objects to be cut in red. 2.- Measure and write the thickness of the material. Measure and write the thickness of the wood with caliper. close it, zero it, and measure, then write while still holding the piece. 3.- Cut the object with the laser cutting machine. The process of using the cutting machine can be summarized in the following steps: ULS (user defined landscape): Change media to user defined landscape.modasue Preparing the laser cutting machine. Level the print bed. The leveling peg is kept in its own box, since only works for that particular laser cutting machine and no other nor similar model, even when where produced by the same maker, or is the same model, or was produced the same year. The piece is made for that machine only. The box that holds the box was made to open it just from the upper corner, keep the level in when is not being used to prevent losing the peg. Open the laser cutting machine cover. Lift the metallic cover or shield of the laser header. The controls in the left area of the laser cut will work to operate the material bed, to move the bed up or down, it will not move the laser header. Put the leveling peg beside the laser red box area and the bed and hold it with the left hand. Press the up to maker until the leveling peg is close or in front of the red box. Caution: Do not put the leveling peg under the red box, it should be positioned just beside it, in order to avoid that the red box touch press the top of the leveling peg against the bed. It should just touch the side of he leveling peg. At this point raise one button at the time the leveling peg, until it gets exactly aligned with the beginning of the diagonal line in the middle of the leveling peg. The leveling peg will be located besides the laser cutting area, nor to the sides, not under, just besides to it, touching it with its borders. From this point one button at the time one movement is the correct level... one movement up is to high, one movement down is to low. With one hand hold the leveling piece while with other hand control the height of the material bed up and down. In this position the diagonal area of the leveling peg and the red box will be aligned, this means that the cut of the laser will be precise as required and cut the designs as intended from the top of the layer of the material until the dept of the raster or cut. Once the machine is leveled, close the metal shield and close the metallic cover. This step will allow the machine to know at what level is located the surface of the material to be cut, at the same time will allow a precise cut using this information. Take the leveling peg and put it back inside of its box. Place the material in the cutting bed. After measuring the thickness of the material, place the material into the bed. Use of the UCP software. Open the UCP software, it can be open from the menu or form small the icons beside the clock. It may show the last printed design used. Controls. Controls: zoom (in and out), second , third and forth button Zoom in or out to move or see the object click focus view to see if the red light is marked over the material if not move the object on the software to an area near the material or focus view in an area with material and then click in point level button it will take the object to the area, then focus view the whole object points or borders are in the material area... leave some space far from material border. The laser machine can be turned on or off with the control in the software installed in the computer. Other options: Material selection, material thickness, laser power, raster power, level the print bed. Reviewing the file. After printing the file in the Laser cutting machine software, you can see if the color of the object is red (to cut) or it has defined lines. This will allow you to know if your job is viable. You can zoom the object to see more details. Material selection. Select the material that is being used: Settings, material,s database... In the case of plywood, choose: Natural, wood, medium wood, birch. Start at zero apply ok and close the laser cutter. Change media file... using defined landscape. On illustrator or laser cutter software. Raster first. Turn on the filter, close the lid. Note for rastering/etichng: #00000 Use raster color for the objects:: #000000, 0.072 pt stroke. Select the material: Natural, wood, medium, birch and use the thickness of the material measured: For example: 0.124 Select the option apply, then press ok. Once the instructions are correct press the green button in order to run your job. With the menu in the laser cutting machine computer program click the fifth button (beside the control bottom, zoom, view, move, go to, then square) The raster will start and last for a few seconds, in some cases it can take minutes or hours. Time can be saved with modifications of the file. Hold the the material and press the cut area down to see if it will not be separated from the material because a complete (deep) cut was not done since it was a raster cut, repeat it with a cutting length Turn on the air filter. Press red button on the filter to turn filter on. (It is a big gray metallic box located besides the laser cutter). Cut the material. Repeat the process, but this time the bigger object will be black and will be cut. Change the lines or objects to color red (FF0000) since this is the color for cutting, and the stroke must be 0.072 pt (not 0.72 nor other width) since this is the stroke width for cutting. This time repeat, the process but click skip raster and increase vector 2 % vector cort. Select the material, and us the thickness: For example 0.127 brw This second process the material will be completely cut with the bigger object shape and the inner object will be just rastered. Press the green button (play) on software on computer to star the cutting. It will take a few seconds or minutes until is completed. When laser cut is completed, turn off the filter, Leave the material to cool a few seconds. Press the cut section down while pressing the material up to release the cut segment. Hold the the material and press the cut area down, this will separate the cut piece with from the rest of the material. Other options of UCP software. Zoom: To zoom into the image, also the image can be restored to its complete size. Pointer: To see in the printer where a selected point is located in the material bed. Go to, to go to a particular area or move the object to another area, or relocate the object to another area of the canvas or part of the material bed. Other controls are Cut the material. The material cutting process will be executed from the control software installed in the computer connected to the cutting machine. Initially you will do first a test cut or raster, after it, apply more depth to complete work. Always run a test cut/raster on the material. Rastering engraving, vector engraving and cutting objects with laser cutting machines. Add a object or draw a line or object, click the option fill (white box) and choose a color to fill the object with a color. Raster engraving. Rastering is the translation of a "non vector" image into a workpiece, there for the outcome is not as clear as a vector engraving. Vector engraving. Vector engraving is is the translation of a "vector image" into a workpiece, there for the outcome is not as clear as a vector engraving. Cutting objects. When selecting a object, the border of the object can be etched to avoid square angles in the corner of the objects. Rastering, engraving and cutting texts with laser cutting machines. The stroke refers to the wide of the lines not to the deep of the cut. Select the option T (Type), type a text and change the stroke and filling colors. The text or objects will be cut when a red line appears in ULS Control Panel software. Another option for practice is the use of 3d texts and make effects with inkscape adding gradients of the object. Final steps. Turn off the equipment. Put the used materials in their correspondent area. Clean the area. Safety measures. Some other safety measures can be implemented such as the follow: See also. Short introduction to the use of cutting plotter machines Short guide to printing objects using 3D printers Short introduction to the use of sewing machines Short guide to the use of laser cutting machines/Use of Adobe Illustrator for Laser Cutting Short guide to the use of laser cutting machines/Use of Inkscape for Laser Cutting
Sylheti/Slang. Chapter 1: Basics of Sylheti Slang. The origins and history of Sylheti slang. The slang likely emerged organically within the community, influenced by the local Pakrit linguistic roots, conservative cultural values, and an ethnocentric perspective, reflecting the expressions of the Sylheti people in informal and social settings. Chapter 5: Usage. Situations where slang may not be suitable. Sylheti slang is best suited for casual and informal settings, like when you're hanging out with close friends or family. Situations where Sylheti slang may not be suitable: Chapter 6: Preservation and Evolution. How slang evolves over time and the influence of social media and technology. The catchy phrase "ꠍꠦꠟꠚꠤ ꠝꠣꠞꠅ," which translates to "kill a selfie" in English, reflects the evolving slang in Sylheti culture, showcasing how local languages adapt to contemporary trends influenced by social media and technology, demonstrating how expressions born from global trends can seamlessly integrate into local languages.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...b6. = London System Indian Setup with 2. Bf4 e6 = The Indian Setup with ...e6 in the London System represents a flexible and adaptive approach for Black against the London. When White opts for the London System by playing 1.d4 and 2.Bf4, the setup with ...Nf6 and ...e6 allows Black to keep multiple options open for further development. Theory table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3. = London System Indian Setup with 2. Bf4 e6 = After 3. e3, White aims for a solid, unbreakable center and potential queenside expansion, while Black seeks to challenge the center and develop harmoniously, keeping multiple pawn breaks and piece maneuvers in mind. After the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3, both sides have committed to certain pawn structures and plans: Theory table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6. = London System Indian Setup with early Bf4 and Black ...e6 = A modernized approach is to delay the development of the Knight to f3 until after the development of the Dark Square Bishop (DSB) to f4 in the London System lies in a few key areas. The Indian Setup with ...e6 in the London System represents a flexible and adaptive approach for Black against the London. When White opts for the London System by playing 1.d4 and 2.Bf4, the setup with ...Nf6 and ...e6 allows Black to keep multiple options open for further development. Conclusion. Like any strategic decision in chess, the decision to delay the development of the Knight to f3 until after the DSB to f4 in the London System depends on the specific position, the player's understanding of the position, and their overall game strategy. It's a decision that offers both potential benefits and drawbacks, and understanding these can help a player make the best decision for their specific situation. Theory table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5/4. Nd2. = London System Main Line with Black ...e6 and ...c5 = In the London System, following the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 d5 4. Nd2, White's strategy emphasizes proactive queenside development for defensive purposes and capitalizes on the activity of the dark-squared bishop to press for an advantage. White's strategy is based on the following core principles: Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nd2
Algebra/Chapter 1/Units. 1.8: Units In mathematics, we are primarily concerned with measuring things. We can represent these measurements of physical qualities, such as length, mass, temperature, current, area, volume, intensity, etc. using what are called units of measurement.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5/4. Nd2/4...c5. = London System Main Line with Black ...e6 and ...c5 = After 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 d5 4. Nd2 c5, Black opts for a setup reminiscent of the Queen's Gambit Declined (QGD). This approach aims for a solid yet flexible structure, central and queenside counterplay, and harmonious development of pieces: Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nd2 c5
Algebra/Chapter 1/Exercises. A set of exercises related to concepts from Chapter 1. This set contains 70 exercises (including the Conceptual Questions) Conceptual Questions. Q1.1 (Alien Society) Imagine you came across an alien from a distant planet, where all of its civilians have a solid grasp of English and had three fingers on each hand. Though this civilization is intelligent, they had never learned about what "counting" is or how to do it. In addition to that, they had never learned about what a "number" is, what they're called, or what they looked like. Think about how you might teach this civilian about counting and numbers so that they can go back to their planet to teach their people of this knowledge. What tools might you use to explain the idea? What are some of the concepts you'd want to get across? What are some of the difficulties that might arise from this task? Q1.2 (What is a Number?) Define what a "number" is in your own words. Define what a "numeral" is in your own words. Q1.3 (Sign of Zero) Is the number zero positive, negative, or neither? Explain your reasoning. Q1.4 (Difference of Decimals) What is the difference between "ten" and "one-tenth"? Q1.5 (Picture Perfect) Suppose the number line actually existed physically. Would you be able to take a photo of the entire number line if you backed away far enough? Q1.6 (Explaining the Writing of Numbers) Explain in your own words how you write numbers, both in word form and with numerical symbols. Q1.7 (Largest Number Possible) What is the largest and smallest three-digit number you can write using the digits 0, 8, and 4? Use each digit only once, and explain how you obtained your results. If you wrote these numbers to the right of a decimal point, what is the largest number you can make. Q1.8 (A Million) A million is one thousand thousands. Explain how this is so. Q1.9 (Reading it Wrong) Explain what is wrong with reading "50,002" as "fifty-thousand and two". Explain what is wrong with reading "2.203" as "two and two hundred and three thousanths". Q1.11 (Number Associations) What whole numbers are associated with each word? 1. zilch<br> 2. duo<br> 3. decade<br> 4. a pair<br> 5. naught<br> 6. trio<br> 7. four score<br> 8. century<br> Q1.12 (Problem with Fractions) Why can't we say that 3/5 of the figure below have been shaded in? Q1.13 (Large Numbers) Determine if the following is true: "The more digits a number has, the larger it is". Q1.14 (Signs) A fast-food menu has the cost of a hamburger listed as .99¢. Explain what is wrong with this. Q1.15 (Operations on the Number Line) Determine the performed operation that is being represented in each diagram. Q1.16 (Inverse Operations) What is the inverse operation of “I put my shoes on today, and I walk out of my house”? 1.17 (Decimal Operations) Explain how addition with decimals is comparable to addition with whole numbers, how are they different? Do the same thing with multiplication with decimals. Q1.18 (Powers of 1) Find formula_1, formula_2, and formula_3. What can you assume about any power of 1? Q1.19 (Steps of the Order of Operations) In your own words, explain the four steps of the order of operations. Q1.20 (Steps of the Order of Operations II) Does the Order of Operations indicate that you perform Addition before Subtraction? Does it indicate that you perform Multiplication before Division? Explain your reasoning for both questions. Q1.21 (First Step) Determine the first step you would take to evaluate the following expressions. Explain your reasoning. 1. formula_4<br> 2. formula_5<br> 3. formula_6 Q1.22 (Viral Math Expression) The seemingly simple expression below has stumped many people across the Internet. Some will argue the answer is 9, while others will argue it is 1. However, there is a fundamental issue with the way that the expression is written, leading to these two different answers, can you figure out what it is? formula_7 Q1.23 (Listing Prime and Composite Numbers) 1. List the first 10 prime numbers.<br> 2. List the first 10 composite numbers. Q1.24 (Prime or Composite?) Determine if the following numbers are prime, composite, or neither. Q1.25 (Infinite Decimal Expansions) Suppose the numerator of a fraction is 142. What numbers should be in the denominator for the fraction's decimal expansion to be finite? What numbers should be in the denominator for the fraction's decimal expansion to be infinite? Exercises. Section 1.1. 1.1 (Locating Numbers) Draw a number line, and then figure out where the following values might be located on it. formula_8 1.2 (Comparing Numbers) For each given pair of numbers, determine which of the two is larger. 1. 4, 100<br> 2. 9, 9.0001<br> 3. -7, -2<br> 4. -5, 0<br> 5. 100, 100 1.3 (Weighing Bull Sharks) A biologist is studying bull shark populations. She records the weights of four sharks, in pounds, that she has caught. Order the bull sharks from lightest to heaviest. 1.4 (Place Values) Find the place value of the number 5 in each of the following numbers. 1. 5,000,000<br> 2. 0.5<br> 3. 105<br> 4. 3572896<br> 5. 123,456,789<br> 6. 0.000005<br> 7. 8051<br> 8. 85,931<br> 9. 800,026<br> 1.5 (Writing Numbers) Translate the following to mathematical symbols 1. eleven<br> 2. two-hundred seventy<br> 3.<br> 4.<br> 5.<br> 6.<br> 1.6 (Writing Numbers in Words) Write the following numbers in words 1. 9 <br> 2. 10 <br> 3. 274 <br> 4. 8,322 <br> 5. 1,000,000,009 <br> 6. 1,343,234,985 <br> 7. 0.01 <br> 1.7 (Numbers in Expanded Form) In the number 7,893, there are "7 thousands", "8 hundreds", "9 tens", and "3 ones". We therefore say that a number is in expanded form when it is written as follows: Write the following numbers in expanded form: 1. 473<br> 2. 6852<br> 3. 73,016<br> 4. 570,003<br> 5. 3,519,803<br> 6. 48,000,061<br> 7. 37.89<br> 8. 124.575<br> 9. 7496.5467<br> 10. 6.40941<br> 1.8 (Fraction Diagrams) Write a fraction to describe what part of the diagrams below are shaded. Write a fraction to describe what part of the diagrams aren't shaded in. 1.9 (Fruit Basket) A basket of fruit holds 5 mangoes, 7 apples, 12 oranges, and 20 pomegranates. <br> 1. What fraction of the fruits in the basket are apples?<br> 2. What fraction of the fruits in the basket are not oranges?<br> 3. What fraction of the fruits in the basket are oranges or pomegranates? Section 1.2. 1.10 (Make 1000 out of 8) Eight digits “8” are written together, like below, and plus signs “+” are inserted in between to get the sum of 1000. Where were the plus signs added? formula_9 1.11 (Unknown Sum) In the addition problem below, A, B, and C each represent three different digits. What are the digits? formula_10 1.12 (Unknown Product) A six-digit number with 1 as its left-most digit is three times bigger when we put the one at the end of the number instead. What number is this? 1.13 (Fractions and Decimals) Use long division to find the decimal expansion of each fraction. 1.14 (Terminating and Repeating Decimals) You may notice from Problem 1.13 that when you convert a fraction to a decimal, you will sometimes get what is called a repeating decimal. Take for example the fraction formula_11. formula_12 The decimal form of formula_11 consists of the two digits 2 and 7 in an infinitely repeating sequence. To simplify things, instead of writing the above, we denote it as 0.27. 1. Use this bar notation to write each of the repeating decimals from Problem 1.13.<br> 2. We see that in the fraction above, the fractional part repeats after two digits. We say that this number has a period of 2. Likewise, we say that the number formula_14 has a period of 6, because the number repeats after 6 digits. From the numbers below, which of them has the largest period? 1.15 (Sharing Pizza) Billy's family ordered a large pizza. His father had formula_15 of it, and his mother had formula_16 of what remained. Later on, Billy's sister ate some pizza, and then Billy had the remaining pizza when there was exactly a half of what they started with (Billy is a large kid). What fraction of what their parents had left for her did the sister have? 1.16 (Stamp Collection) The picture to the right shows stamps, arranged in four groups of four. How many stamps are in that image? While you can count them individually, there is a much faster way of getting the total. 1.17 (A Sum and a Difference) The sum of two numbers is 104 and their difference is 32. What is the value of the larger number? 1.18 (On Allison's Street) Allison's house is on the same street as the library, post office, and supermarket, as shown in the diagram below. The distance from Allison's house to each of the three buildings is different. Based on this information, at which point is Allison's house located? Section 1.3. 1.19 (Decimal Operations) Simplify the following expressions involving decimals. 1.20 (Fractions Operations) Simplify the following expressions involving fractions. Section 1.4. 1.21 (Exponential Form) Write the following in exponential form. 1. 8 * 8 * 8 * 8<br> 2. 16 * 16 * 16<br> 3. 7 * 7 * 7 * 7 * 7<br> 4. 24 * 24 * 24<br> 5. 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2<br> 1.22 (Exponent Expressions) Evaluate the following exponents. 1.23 (Bank Account) Nick deposits $2 into a bank account on the first day, $4 on the second day, and $8 on the third day. He will continue to double the deposit each day. How much will he deposit on the tenth day? Section 1.5. 1.24 (Using the Order of Operations) Simplify the following expressions using the Order of Operations. <br> 1. formula_17<br> 2. formula_18<br> 3. formula_19 ÷ formula_20<br> 4. formula_21 ÷ formula_22<br> 5. formula_23<br> 6. formula_24<br> 7. formula_25<br> 8. formula_26<br> 9. formula_27<br> 10. formula_28<br> 11. formula_29 ÷ formula_30 ÷ formula_22<br> 12. formula_32 ÷ formula_33<br> 13. formula_34<br> 14. formula_35 ÷ formula_36<br> 15. formula_37{formula_38}formula_39{formula_40} ÷ formula_41 1.25 (Find the Mistakes) Find the mistake in each of the following, then explain how the expression should be solved correctly. <br> Section 1.6. 1.26 (Prime Factorization) Find the prime factorization of the following numbers. 1. 693 1.27 (Using Divisibility Rules) Use divisibility tests to find the remainder of the following quotients: 1.28 (Mixed Fractions) Write the following improper fractions as mixed fractions. Section 1.10. 1.29 (Measures of Center and Spread) Find the mean, median, mode, and range of the following data sets: Reason and Apply. 1.30 (Count the 24ths) Without performing division, how many formula_42's are in formula_43 1.31 (Negative Negative Negative Negative...) 1. What is formula_44?<br> 2. What is formula_45?<br> 3. What if there were 20 minus signs in front of the 2?<br> 4. What if there were 75 minus signs in front of the 2? 1.32 (Using Bar Graphs) Look at the diagram below, and use it to answer the following questions. 1.33 (Using Multibar Graphs) Look at the diagram below, and use it to answer the following questions. 1.34 (Using Line Graphs) Look at the diagram below, and use it to answer the following questions. 1.35 (Creating a Bar Graph) Look at the table below, and use it to create a bar graph. 1.36 (Reading Meters) The amount of electricity in a household is measured in kilowatt-hours. Determine the reading on the meter shown below. (When a pointer is between two numbers, use the smaller number). 1.37 (Sky High) The table below shows the altitude each of the cloud types are found at. Graph the numbers on the vertical number line below. 1.38 (Rulers) Look at the diagram of a ruler below. 1. How many tick marks are between 0 and 1?<br> 2. What number is the arrow pointing to? 1.39 (Page Numbers) How many numerals are required to number all of the pages of a book containing 450 pages? 1.40 (Operations with Repeating Decimals) Calculate: 1. 0.55555... + 0.66666...<br> 2. 0.99999... + 0.11111...<br> 3. 1.11111... - 0.22222...<br> 4. 0.33333... * 0.66666...<br> 5. 1.22222... * 0.81818...<br> Challenge Problems. 1.41 (Digits out of 12) What is the largest multiple of 12 that can be written with the digits from 0 to 9 exactly once? 1.42 (One to Ten) To get yourself thinking about this, try this simple mathematical game: Take the numbers 1 through 10 on the left side of an equation, and pick a number for the right side. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = 1 Now put operators between those numbers. Only use parentheses when necessary. Example: 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 - 9 - 10 = 1 1. Change the number on the right-hand side. Can you generate an expression for this number? If not, can you prove why not?<br> 2. Does this change if you change the order of the numbers? 1.43 (Diffy Squares) Draw a square. One each of the corners of that square, write the numbers 7, 5, 9, and 2. Now, draw a second square around the first one so that it it goes through each of the four corners. At each corner of the second square, write the difference of the numbers at the closest corners of the smaller square: 7-5 = 2, 9-5 = 4, 9-2 = 7, and 7-2 = 5. Repeat this process until you come to a pattern of four numbers that do not change. 1. What is the pattern?<br> 2. Try this same procedure with another set of four starting numbers. Do you end up with the same pattern?<br> 3. Explain what happened. 1.44 (The Binary Number System) 1.45 (The Hexadecimal Number System)
A Guide to Discord/Bots. Bots are automated Discord users utilizing the Discord API. They can be identified in a server by the "BOT" tag next to their name. Popular Discord Bots. MEE6. Named after Mr. Meeseeks, a character from the Adult Swim series "Rick and Morty", MEE6 is one of the most popular bots on Discord, utilized in 15,300,000 servers. MEE6 has many functions, including: Commands Carl-bot. Carl-bot is another popular Discord bot, utilized in 3,950,000 servers. Carl-bot offers many features, including adding reaction roles, moderation, and logging. Commands Dyno. Dyno is an all-purpose Discord bot that offers moderation, custom commands, and other features. Commands
BASIC Programming/Introduction. = Introduction =
BASIC Programming/Normative BASIC. = Normative BASIC = The BASIC Programming Language has been standardized, firstly in the United States of America (USA) by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and later in Europe by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), giving rise to the American National Standard (ANS) X3.60-1978 for Minimal BASIC and X3.113-1987 for Full BASIC by the former, and to the European Computer Manufacturers Association Standard 55 for Minimal BASIC in 1978 and Standard 116 for Full BASIC in 1986 by the latter. The aim of the standards is to promote the interchangeability of BASIC programs among a variety of systems and through strict co-operation between both organizations it was possible to maintain full compatibility between the respective ANSI and ECMA standards. The standards establish, among others: Nowadays, only the ECMA standards are publicly available. Minimal BASIC (ANS X3.60-1978, ECMA Standard 55). Character Set. The set of allowable character is given by: List of Reserved Keywords. Reserved keywords in Minimal BASIC are (26 in total): Its meaning will be explained within the next sections. Convention for the Name of Variables. Variables are used in BASIC to hold either character strings or numeric values, the latter being either of scalar or vectorial nature. In the case of variables for character strings, each variable name is composed of a single letter between A - Z and the dollar sign $. So, A$, B$, ..., Z$ are all valid variable names for character strings, while A# or Z% are not. In the case of variables for numeric scalar values, each variable name is composed of a single letter between A - Z and an optional digit. So, A, B, C1, D2, etc., are valid variable names for scalar values, while A11, B22, etc., are not. In the case of variables for numeric vectorial values, each variable name is composed of a single letter between A - Z and either a number or two, separated by a comma, enclosed within parentheses for a one or a two dimensional array. So, A(1), B(2), C(1,1), D(2,2), etc., are valid variable names for vectorial values. This convention makes the explicit declaration of variables not necessary in BASIC, since a dollar sign serves to distinguish a character string from a numeric value, and the presence of subscripts distinguishes a vectorial from a scalar variable. Character Strings and Numeric Constants. Character strings are defined by any combination of characters from the allowable character set written within double quotation marks, the length of any character string being limited to 18 characters (with the exception of character strings in a print or remark-statement, to be seen later, which can be as long as line numbers and the line length limit permit). So, "", " ", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9", "A B C D E F G H I", "! # $ % & ... ' ", etc., are allowable character strings, while "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0", "A B C D E F G H I J", "! # $ % & ( ) + - * / ^ . , ; : < = > _ ? ' ", etc., are not, since they exceed the 18-character limit. Numeric constants denote scalar numeric values in a decimal representation in positional notation of a number. There are four general syntactic forms of optionally signed numeric constants: where: Numeric constants can have any number of digits, although internally not less than six significant decimal digits and a range between 1E-38 and 1E+38. Numeric constants whose magnitude is less than machine infinitesimal are replaced by zero, while constants whose magnitude are larger than machine infinity are replaced by machine infinity with the appropriate sign. General Program Structure. BASIC is a line-oriented language, in the sense that a BASIC program can be considered as a sequence of lines, the last of which is an end-line, and each of which contains a keyword. Moreover, each line begins with a unique line number, which serves as a label for the statement contained in that line. So, in BASIC every program can be represented with the following Backus-Naur form (BNF): So, the following simple examples are valid examples of a program in BASIC: 10 REM "REMARK STATEMENT" 20 END 10 REM "HELLO WORLD PROGRAM" 20 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD!" 30 END Programs lines are executed in sequential order, starting with the first one, until: So, in the first example, the first line, codice_1, is composed of a non-control statement which produces no output or internal activity, passing then to the second line, codice_2, which is composed of a control statement, the end-statement, which ends the program. In the second example, there exists an additional line between the remark and the end-statement lines, being composed of a print-statement, also a non-control statement, which prints a character string. The value of the line-numbers are positive integers, with leading zeroes having no effect. So, 1, 01, 10, 010, etc., are all valid line-numbers. Normally, line-numbers are given as multiples of 5 or 10, e.g., 10, 20, 30, 40, etc., which allows for room in case an additional line must be inserted in between existing lines. Additionally, lines can be up to 72-characters long, so leaving 4 characters for the line-number, and a blank space as a separator between the line-number and the keyword, leaves 67 printable characters left for the statement in a line. Spaces may occur anywhere in a BASIC program without affecting the execution of that program and may be used to improve the readability of the program. All keywords in a program can be preceded by at least one space and, if not at the end of a line, can also be followed by at least one space. Spaces shall not appear: Program Variables. Variables in BASIC are associated with either numeric or string values and, in the case of numeric values, may be either simple variables or references to elements of one or two-dimensional arrays, which are then called subscripted or compound variables. As stated before, simple numeric variables are named by a single capital letter followed by an optional single digit, while subscripted variables are named by a single capital letter followed by one or two numbers, separated in this last case by a comma, enclosed within parentheses. String variables are also to be named by a single capital letter followed by a dollar sign. At any instant in the execution of a program, a numeric variable is associated with a single numeric value and a string variable is associated with a single string value, the value associated with the variable possibly being changed by program statements in the course of program execution. The length of a character string associated with a string variable can change during execution of the program from a length varying between 0 for the empty string to 18 characters. Simple numeric variables and string variables are declared implicitly through their appearance in the program (also no type definitions are necessary, due to the given naming convention), although it is good programming practice to initialize or set them to meaningful values at the beginning of the program before their use in any statement. A subscripted variable, on the other hand, refers to the element in the one or two-dimensional array selected by the value or values of the subscripts, being the subscripts integer values. Unless explicitly declared in a dimension statement (to be seen later), subscripted variables are implicitly declared by their first appearance in a program, in which case the range of each subscript is to be understood from zero to ten, both inclusive, unless the presence of an option-statement indicates that the range is defined from one to ten, both also inclusive. Caution must be paid, so that the same single letter is not used both for the name of a simple variable and a composed variable, nor for the name of both a one-dimensional and a two-dimensional array. On the contrary, this restriction does not apply between a simple variable and a string variable, whose names may agree except for the dollar sign. So, the following simple examples are valid examples of a program in BASIC: 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 PRINT "PI = 3.14159265" 30 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET P = 3.14159265 30 PRINT "PI = ", P 40 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET P = 3.14159265 30 LET P$ = "PI = " 40 PRINT P$, P 50 END Statements. Up to now we have seen how to declare/initialize simple numeric variables and string variables in the course of a program by means of the let-statement and how to print them with the help of the print-statement. It is sometimes desirable not only to print the value of a variable, let it be a numeric or a character one, but to introduce the value as input to the program in order to compute a numerical value or to print a message depending on the value of a condition. For those cases, one needs to make use of expressions, mathematical functions, and control statements, as we shall see in this section. Input/Output, Mathematical Operators, Expressions. Expressions are normally classified as numeric expressions or string expressions. In the case of numeric expressions, these are constructed from variables, constants, mathematical functions, and the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and involution. The formation and evaluation of numeric expressions follow the normal algebraic rules, and the circumflex accent, the asterisk, the solidus, the plus sign, and the minus sign symbols are used to represent the operations of involution, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction, respectively. Unless parentheses dictate otherwise, exponentiation is performed first, then multiplications and divisions, and finally additions and subtractions, where operations of the same precedence are associated from left to right. So, A - B - C is interpreted as (A - B) - C, A / B / C as (A / B) / C, and A - B / C as A - (B / C), since in the first two all the mathematical operators have the same precedence, and hence evaluate from left to right, while in the last one there exists different precedence between operators, and hence the division is evaluated before the subtraction. The following examples illustrate in a simple way the concepts seen so far: 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 PRINT "THE SQUARE OF 1.4142 IS ", 1.4142^2 30 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S = 1.4142 30 PRINT "THE SQUARE OF ", S, " IS ", S^2 40 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S = 1.4142 30 LET S2 = S * S 40 PRINT "THE SQUARE OF ", S, " IS ", S2 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S = 1.4142 30 LET S2 = 2.0000 40 PRINT "THE SQUARE ROOT OF ", S2, " IS APPROXIMATELY ", (S2 / S) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S = 1.4142 30 LET S2 = 2.0000 40 PRINT S, " AND THE QUOTIENT OF ", S2, " BY ", S, " DIFFER BY ", (S - S2 / S) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S = 0.0 30 PRINT "THIS PROGRAM CALCULATES THE SQUARE OF A NUMBER" 40 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE SQUARE IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", S 50 PRINT "THE SQUARE OF ", S, " IS ", S^2 60 END Mathematical Functions. Up to here we have seen how numeric and character variables are to be defined, the rules for writing lines, basic input and output, and the rules for simple arithmetic. But what happens, if one needs to calculate the square root of a number? For this purpose, basic mathematical functions are by default provided. These are: Let us see some examples: 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET S2 = 2.0 30 LET S = SQR(S2) 40 PRINT "THE SQUARE ROOT OF ", S2, " IS ", S 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET X = 0.0 30 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE COSINE IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", X 40 PRINT "THE COSINE OF ", X, " IS ", COS(X) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET X = 0.0 30 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE SINE IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", X 40 PRINT "THE SINE OF ", X, " IS ", SIN(X) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET X = 0.0 30 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE TAN IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", X 40 PRINT "THE TAN OF ", X, " IS ", TAN(X) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET X = 0.0 30 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE EXP IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", X 40 PRINT "THE EXP OF ", X, " IS ", EXP(X) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 LET X = 0.0 30 INPUT "PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER WHOSE LOG IS TO BE CALCULATED: ", X 40 PRINT "THE LOG OF ", X, " IS ", LOG(X) 50 END 10 REM "SIMPLE PROGRAM FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES" 20 PRINT "PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBER UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED IN (0,1): ", RND() 30 END Sample Programs. Minimal BASIC sample programs can be found in the corresponding page.
BASIC Programming/Normative BASIC/Minimal BASIC. = Sample Programs = Sample programs for Minimal BASIC will appear here. Numerical Integration. Introduction. There exists two cases, when the computation of the value of a definite integral by numerical methods is needed. One of them is the calculation of the area below the curve defined by a set of experimental data, and another is the calculation of the definite integral of a mathematical function, for which no known integral is known. The former is often the case of response functions in the experimental labors of science and engineering, while the latter is normally the case in the practical investigations of physics, mathematics, and engineering. Independently of it, the development of numerical methods for integration purposes, a field that belongs to the department of applied mathematics, is based on the simple idea from which it stems, i.e., if formula_1 is a real-valued (the complex-valued case can be treated analogously, by separating it into its real and imaginary parts) continuous function of formula_2 defined in an interval formula_3, its definite integral, formula_4, can be calculated approximately as the finite sum of the product formula_5 evaluated at some given points in the interval formula_3. In the case of experimental data, the set of points at which the value of the function is measured is usually not regularly distributed (i.e., the points are not equispaced), so the value of the definite integral must be calculated in the form: formula_7, or as: formula_8. In the first case, the value of the integral is underestimated (overestimated) in the case of monotonically ascending (descending) functions, since the value of formula_9 taken in each evaluation is always the lowest (highest) in every subinterval, and hence constituting an absolute lower (upper) bound to the value of the integral, while in the second case, the value of the integral is overestimated (underestimated) in the case of monotonically descending (ascending) functions, since the value of formula_9 taken in each evaluation is always the highest (lowest) in every subinterval, and hence constituting an absolute upper (lower) bound to the value of the integral. According to the Mean-Value Theorem of Calculus, the value of a definite integral can also be calculated as: formula_11, for some value formula_12 in formula_3 for which formula_14 represents the mean value of formula_9 in formula_3, so it is then a better approximation to calculate the definite integral of a set of experimental data as: formula_17, formula_18. For reasons that we shall see later, this is equal to assume a piecewise linear interpolating function between the different points, and the value of the integral so calculated is exact for linear functions (i.e., functions for which its slope changes at constant rate), although it is underestimated for functions for which its slope grows at non-constant rate (i.e., its second derivative is strictly positive in the considered interval), and it is overestimated for functions for which its slope decreases at non-constant rate (i.e., its second derivative is strictly negative in the considered interval). The value so calculated constitutes a better approximation than the lower and upper bounds presented before, and in the case that the second derivative of the function (which can be calculated from the experimental data with the help of second or central differences) changes signs between subintervals, the value is expected to be close to the actual value due to the cancellation of the errors in the approximation of the mean values. In the case of mathematical functions, there is more information about the function, since it is possible not only to calculate the value of the function at any given point, but also to compute first, second, and higher-order derivatives with any degree of accuracy. Let us elaborate some mathematical results, going from simple to more elaborate methods: The main theme in the development of numerical methods, together with the study of the stability (i.e., if a method converges), is the rate of convergence of the method, which studies how many evaluations are needed and the error in the approximation, for non-iterative methods, or how many iterations are needed and how the error is minimized in each iteration, for iterative methods. In the case of the study of the stability, and as we have seen before, the value of the definite integral of a function formula_9 defined in an interval formula_3, formula_21, can be calculated approximately as the finite sum of the product formula_5 evaluated at some given points in the interval formula_3. In the limit formula_24, the finite sum tends to the infinite integral, and so convergence is assured. In the case of the study of the rate of convergence, one is interested in increasing the accuracy of the approximation, while retaining the number of subintervals, with a minor increase in computational complexity. The approach used consists normally in using a polynomial approximation for the evaluation of the function formula_9 in each subinterval, using the information provided by the value of the function at several points in the subinterval. Let us consider the case of equally-spaced points (although this restriction can be easily lifted): According to the definition, formula_26, with formula_27 being indicative of the subinterval, formula_28 being some arbitrary number in every subinterval formula_29, with formula_30, and formula_31, and formula_32, with formula_33, and formula_34. The Mean-Value Theorem of Calculus tells us, that if formula_35 is the definite integral of formula_9 in formula_3, there exists a value formula_12 in formula_3, such that formula_11. Additionally, by definition, if formula_35 is the definite integral of formula_9 in formula_3, this one can also be understood as being composed of the individual contributions formula_44. Now, applying the Mean-Value Theorem to each individual contribution yields the result: formula_45, which is exact. In the particular case that every subinterval is of equal size, i.e., formula_46, then the expression reduces to formula_47. In this way, the calculation of the initial definite integral reduces to the calculation of the mean values formula_48. In a first approximation, with only one point, formula_49, with formula_50 being the value of formula_2 in the middle of each subinterval, which leads to formula_52. In a second approximation, with only two points, formula_53, with formula_54 being the value of formula_2 at the beginning and at the end of each subinterval, which leads to formula_56. In a third approximation, with only three points, formula_57, with formula_58 being the value of formula_2 at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of each subinterval, which leads to formula_60. In a fourth approximation, while still making use of the evaluation of the function formula_9 at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of each subinterval, one can use the result that if formula_62 and formula_63 are estimates for formula_14, then its arithmetic mean formula_65 is also another estimate with at least the same accuracy, if not better. So, adding the results for the first and second approximation, and dividing by two, formula_66, which leads to the result formula_67. Adding the results for the first and third approximation, and dividing by two, formula_68, which leads to the result formula_69. In practice, one can do no better with only three evaluations in an interval, but the results obtained are simple and accurate enough, even in the case of one single interval. Let us illustrate the case by means of an example: Let us suppose, that we wish to calculate the definite integral of the function formula_70 in the interval formula_71, for which we know its exact value, formula_72. Let us also keep the problem simple and do the calculations with a single interval, i.e., formula_73, formula_74, and formula_75. So, we have: First approximation: formula_76 This is equal to a relative error of formula_77. Second approximation: formula_78 This is equal to a relative error of formula_79. Third approximation: formula_80 This is equal to a relative error of formula_81. Fourth approximation, first and second terms (linear expansion): formula_82 This is equal to a relative error of formula_83. Fourth approximation, first and third terms (quadratic expansion): formula_84 This is equal to a relative error of formula_85. In case more accuracy is needed, one can analogously introduce higher-order terms in the expansion of formula_9 around formula_87, or half the integration step in one of the methods considered before. Let us consider the case, when higher-order terms are considered in the expansion, i.e., formula_88, which leads to the result formula_89. Let us illustrate the case by means of an example: Let us suppose, that we wish to calculate the definite integral of the function formula_70 in the interval formula_71, for which we know its exact value, formula_72. Let us also keep the problem simple and do the calculations with two intervals, i.e., formula_73, formula_74, formula_95, formula_96 and formula_97. Applying second order expansion formula_98, which yields formula_99, which is equal to a relative error of formula_100. Applying fourth order expansion formula_101, which yields formula_102. We know from the Calculus of Differences, that any function can be expressed as the polynomial expansion formula_103 in the case of forward differences, or formula_104 in the case of backward differences, or formula_105 in the case of central differences. In a first approximation, formula_106 formula_107 in the case of forward differences, formula_108 formula_109 in the case of backward differences, formula_110 formula_111 in the case of central differences. So, in the case of evaluating the integral with one single point, the value of it is always underestimated (overestimated) with forward (backward) differences if the value of the slope of the function at the evaluation point is positive, and underestimated (overestimated) with forward (backward) differences if the value of the slope of the function at the evaluation point is negative, being the error in the estimation directly proportional to the slope of the function at the evaluation point, and to one half of the square of the integration step. In the case of evaluating the integral with central differences, the value is exact for linear functions. In a second approximation, formula_112 formula_113 formula_114 formula_115 in the case of forward differences, formula_116 formula_117 formula_118 formula_119 in the case of backward differences, formula_120 formula_121 formula_122 formula_123 in the case of central differences. So, in the case of evaluating the integral with a linear function, there is no difference between forward and backward differences, and the value of the integral is equal to the product of the mean of the values of the function at the beginning and at the end of the interval times the integration step, being the value so calculated underestimated (overestimated) for monotonically increasing (decreasing) functions with a positive (negative) second derivative, the error in the approximation being directly proportional to the second derivative of the function and to the cube of the integration step (i.e., as one increases the number of subintervals, one reduces the deviation proportional to the cube of the number of subintervals). In the case of central differences, the value of the integral is equal to the product of the value of the function in the middle of the interval times the integration step, as in the previous case, the error in the approximation being reduced by a factor of four with relation to the case of forward and backward differences. In a third approximation, formula_124 formula_125 formula_126 formula_127 formula_128 formula_129 formula_130 formula_131 in the case of forward differences, formula_132 formula_133 formula_134 formula_135 formula_136 formula_137 formula_138 formula_139 in the case of backward differences, formula_140 formula_141 formula_142 formula_143 formula_144 formula_145 formula_146 formula_147 in the case of central differences. In a fourth approximation, formula_148 formula_125 formula_126 formula_127 formula_128 formula_129 formula_130 formula_131 in the case of forward differences, formula_132 formula_133 formula_134 formula_135 formula_136 formula_137 formula_138 formula_139 in the case of backward differences, formula_140 formula_141 formula_142 formula_143 formula_144 formula_145 formula_146 formula_147 in the case of central differences. The divided differences are: formula_172 formula_173 formula_174 formula_175 Lagrange interpolation One point: formula_176 Two points: formula_177 Three points: formula_178 Four points: formula_179 Five points: formula_180 Six points: formula_181 Seven points: formula_182 One point: formula_183 formula_184 formula_185 formula_186 Two points: formula_187 formula_188 formula_189 formula_190 formula_191 formula_192 formula_193 formula_194 Three points: formula_195 formula_196 formula_197 formula_198 formula_199 formula_200 formula_201 formula_202 formula_203 formula_204 formula_205 formula_206 formula_207 formula_208 formula_209 formula_210 formula_211 formula_212 formula_213 formula_214 formula_215 Four points: formula_216 formula_217 formula_218 formula_219 formula_220 formula_221 formula_222 formula_222 formula_222 formula_225 formula_226 formula_227 formula_228 formula_229 formula_230 formula_231 formula_232 formula_233 formula_234 formula_235 formula_236 formula_212 formula_213 formula_214 formula_215 formula_189 formula_190 formula_191 formula_192 formula_193 formula_185 formula_186 formula_248 S-Sum formula_249 formula_250 formula_251 Let us consider the integrals formula_252 formula_253 formula_254 An analytical method of calculation of the relative weights of the evaluations of the function formula_9 at the points formula_256, consists in evaluating the integral of the function formula_9 as the integral of a polynomial approximation. If one chooses the value of formula_28 as formula_259, i.e., at the beginning of every subinterval, then the sum of products is equal to: formula_260, If one chooses the value of formula_28 as formula_262, i.e., at the beginning of every subinterval, then the sum of products is equal to: formula_260, Let us consider the case of equally-spaced points (although this restriction can be easily lifted), according to the definition, In the case of a semi-continuous function, i.e., a function which is continuous except for a finite numerable set of points in an interval formula_264, the calculation of the definite integral can be defined as the sum of the definite integrals between the points of discontinuity, i.e., formula_265.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5/4. Nd2/4...c5/5. c3. = London System Main Line - Pyramidal Structure c3-d4-e3 = In the London System following the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 d5 4. Nd2 c5 5. c3, White's strategy centers around a few key ideas: In essence, White's strategy in this line of the London System combines a sturdy pawn structure with active piece play, seeking to challenge Black's plans while also creating threats of their own. Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nd2 c5 5. c3
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5/4. Nd2/4...c5/5. c3/5...Nc6. = London System Main Line with Black ...e6 and ...c5 = When Black faces the London System and adopts the sequence of moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 d5 4. Nd2 c5 5. c3 Nc6, they employ a blend of classical central control and active piece development. Black's strategy in this line of the London System is centered around challenging the center, active piece deployment, and flexible pawn structures. Black aims to counteract White's plans and seize the initiative whenever opportunities arise. The strategy encompasses: Theory table. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nd2 c5 5. c3 Nc6
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bf4/2...e6/3. e3/3...d5/4. Nd2/4...c5/5. c3/5...Nc6/6. Ngf3. = London System Main Line with Black ...e6 and ...c5 = In essence, after 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nd2 c5 5. c3 Nc6 6. Nf3, White's strategy revolves around leveraging the solid pyramidal pawn structure, maximizing piece activity, particularly with the knight on e5, and creating scenarios where Black might inadvertently weaken their own king's safety. White has several strategic goals:
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. c4/2...e6/3. Nf3/3...b6/4. Bf4. Queen's Indian Defence - London System (Miles Variation). In essence, in this variation, White seeks central control and space, with potential kingside attacking ideas, while Black adopts a hypermodern defense, allowing White's central occupation but preparing to challenge and undermine it later. Theory table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. Bf4
Algebra/Chapter 1/Fractions. 1.7: Applications of Fractions and Decimals
Algebra/Chapter 1/Decs&Fracs. 1.3: Operations with Decimals and Fractions Addition and Subtraction with Decimals. Adding and subtracting decimals is quite similar to when we do the same to whole numbers. All that changes now is that we have digits following a decimal point. Converting between Fractions and Decimals. While fractions and decimals both essentially represent the same thing, one may be better suited for a problem than the other.
Algebra/Chapter 2/Exercises. A set of exercises related to concepts from Chapter 2. This set contains 50 exercises (including the Conceptual Questions) Conceptual Questions. Q2.1 (Are they the Same?) Is “3 less than a number” the same thing as “the difference of 3 and a number”? What about "3 more than a number" and "the sum of 3 and a number"? Explain your reasoning in both cases. Q2.2 (Coefficients) Does the expression x + 2 have any coefficients for x? What about the expression yx + 2, where any number can take the place of y? If so, identify the coefficient of x in each expression? If not, explain your reasoning. Q2.3 (Anatomy of a Mathematical Expression) Look at the expression below. Define all of the simplified expression's terms, variables, coefficents, and constants. Q2.4 (Constants and Variables) Letters will be given to represent various numbers. Decide if the following quantities should be referred to as variables or constants. formula_1, the temperature outside of your house.<br> formula_2, the number of fingers on an average person's hand.<br> formula_3, the price of a gallon of gas.<br> formula_4, the number of leaves on a tree.<br> formula_5, the number of sides on a rectangle.<br> formula_6, the number of inches in a foot.<br> formula_7, the number of years since the last moon landing.<br> formula_8, the number of donuts in an unopened box of a dozen.<br> formula_9, the number of windows open on your computer screen.<br> formula_10, the number of problems in this book you have attempted.<br> Q2.5 (Museum Admissions) The total cost to get admission to a museum is 25a + 10c + 8s for a adults, c children, and s seniors. How much does it cost for each adult, child, and senior respectively to get admission? If a family of two adults, three children, and one senior wants to gain admission to the museum, how much would they have to pay in total? Q2.6 (Zero as a Constant Term?) An expression like x + y can be rewritten as x + y + 0. If this is the case, is it necessarily true that zero is a constant term for any given expression? Q2.7 (Grammar in Mathematics) If mathematical expressions are analogous to "nouns" in a language, what part(s) of a mathematical expression is/are analogous to "verbs"? What part(s) are analogous to "conjunctions"? Q2.8 (Identifying Mathematical Statements) Which of the following sentences are statements? Q2.9 For the following problems, state whether the given statements are the same or different. Q2.10 (Set of Sets) Give three examples of sets whose elements are sets. Q2.11 (Set of Sets of Sets) Give an example of a set whose elements are sets of sets. Q2.12 (Relating Types of Numbers) Refer to the section Types of Numbers in Section 2.4. Create a Venn Diagram which shows how each of the number types listed are related to each other. Exercises. Section 2.1. 2.1 (Writing/Simplifying Expressions) Write an expression that best represents the following. Simplify whenever possible. 2.2 (Evaluating Expressions) Evaluate each expression for the given variable value. Section 2.2. 2.3 (Writing Mathematical Sentences) Write a mathematical sentence that best represents the following. Section 2.3. 2.4 (Element or Not?) Determine if the number 10 is an element in the following sets. 1. formula_11<br> 2. formula_12<br> 3. formula_13<br> 4. formula_14<br> 5. formula_15<br> 6. The set formula_16 made up of composite numbers<br> 2.5 (Roster Notation) Each of the sets below are defined using roster notation. i. formula_17<br> ii. formula_18<br> iii. formula_19<br> iv. formula_20<br> 1. Determine four other elements that may appear in the sets above.<br> 2. Use set builder notation to describe the sets above. 2.6 (Sorting Automobiles) Construct a Venn Diagram which illustrates the possible unions and intersections of the following sets relative to the universal set consisting of automobiles made in the United States. formula_21 2.7 (Working with Sets I) Let formula_22, formula_23, formula_24, formula_25, and formula_26. Use these sets to find the following. 2.8 (Working with Sets II) Let formula_27, formula_28, formula_29, formula_30. Use these sets to find the following. 2.9 (Working with Sets III) If formula_31, formula_32, and formula_33. Use these sets to find the following. 2.10 (Working with Sets IV) Suppose formula_34, formula_35, and formula_16 are subsets of the universal set formula_37. Using Venn Diagrams, shade the areas that represent the following. 2.11 (Working with Subscripts) For a whole number formula_38, formula_39. Find the value of formula_40, formula_41, and formula_42. 2.12 (List of Numbers) Refer to the set of numbers below, and use it to answer the following questions. formula_43 a. In the set, which number is represented by formula_44?<br> b. In the set, which number is represented by formula_45?<br> c. What symbol(s) can be used to represent the number 25 in the list?<br> d. What symbol(s) can be used to represent the number 11 in the list?<br> e. What number represents formula_46 in formula_47?<br> f. What value does formula_47 take? Section 2.4. 2.13 (Classifying Numbers) Identify the set(s) of numbers each number belongs to. Reason and Apply. 2.14 (Cutting Edge) A 12 ft long piece of rope was cut into two pieces of different lengths. Use one variable to represent the lengths of the two pieces. 2.15 (Play Ball!) The diameter of a basketball is approximately 4 times of that of a baseball. Express the diameter of a basketball in terms of the diamter of a baseball. 2.16 (Pocket Change) Suppose have d dimes and n nickels in your pocket. Write an expression which represents the total amount of money you have. Use this expression to figure out how much money you would have if you had 9 dimes and 7 nickels. 2.17 (Units of Temperature I) The formula expresses the relationship between Farenheit temperature, F, and Celcius temperature, C. Use this equation to convert formula_49, formula_50, formula_51, formula_52, and formula_53 to their equivalent temperature on the Celcius scale. 2.18 (Units of Temperature II) The formula expresses the relationship between Celcius temperature, C, and Kelvin temperature, K. Use this equation to convert formula_54, formula_55, and formula_52 to their equivalent temperature on the Kelvin scale. 2.19 (Chemical Formula for Sugar) The chemical formula for glucose (sugar) is formula_57. This formula means there are 12 hydrogen atoms for every 6 carnon atoms and 6 oxygen atoms in each molecule of glucose. If x represents the number of atoms in oxygen in a pound of sugar, express the number of hydrogen atoms in the the same pound of sugar. 2.20 (Building Blocks) Look at the arrangements of building blocks below. How many blocks will appear in diagram 17? 2.21 (Triangles in Polygons) In a triangle, there are three sides. We can obviously observe from this that this contains 1 triangle. In a quadrilateral, there are four sides. We can observe from this that two non-overlapping triangles can be made out of this by dividing it along its corners. In a pentagon, there are five sides. We can observe from this that three non-overlapping trianges can be made out of this by dividing it along its corners. Using this information, how many non-overlapping triangles can you make out of a decagon (10-sided polygon) by dividing it along its corners? 2.22 (Product of Consecutive Numbers) Two numbers are consecutive if they follow each other in numerical order. For example, the numbers 4 and 5 are consecutive because 5 comes after 4. What would be an algebraic representation of the product of two such numbers? 2.23 (Odd Numbers) Write an expression that represents the nth odd number, O. (First odd number is 1, Second odd number is 3, and so fort1) Afterwards, use this expression to find the 143rd odd number. 2.24 (Magic Trick) Choose any number. Add 3 onto the number, then multiply the result by 2. Subtract the chosen number, then subtract 4, and then subtract the chosen number again. The number you end with is 2, isn't it? Why does this trick work? 2.25 (Exponentially Exciting) For each of the following, determine the first whole number x, greater than 1, for which the second expression is larger than the first. formula_58<br> formula_59<br> formula_60<br> formula_61 2.26 (formula_62 vs. formula_63) On the basis of your answers to Problem 2.15, make a conjecture that appears to be true about the two expressions formula_62 and formula_63, where n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... and x is a whole number greater than 1. 2.27 (Weight-Loss Points) Several weight-loss programs assign points to prepared or packaged foods that take into account of the food's fat F, carbohydrate C, protein P, and fiber B content in grams. The point value for a given food item can be represented by the following expression: Determine the point value of one serving of the item having the nutrition facts on the left. 2.28 (Adjusted Poverty Threshold) The adjusted poverty threshold for a single person between 1999 and 2013 can be approximated by the formula where x=0 corresponds to 1999, x=1 corresponds to 2000, and so forth, and where y is the average adjusted poverty threshold. According to the model, what was the average adjusted poverty threshold in 2005? In 2012? 2.29 (Period of a Pendulum) The period t, in seconds, of the swing of a pendulum is given by where L is the length of the pendulum in feet. Find the period of a pendulum 8 feet long. Problem 2.20 (Change in Length) Consider the triangle below, with sides of length s. Find the perimeter of the triangle if we increase the lengths of the sides by 5. Find the perimeter if we double the lengths of the sides. 2.30 (Metal Wire) A metal wire of length x is bent into a square. Express the length of a side of the square in terms of x. 2.31 (Area of a Rectangle) A rectangle has an area of 24 formula_66 and a length b in inches. What does the expression formula_67 represent and what are its units of measurement? What quantity does the expression formula_68 represent? 2.32 (Area of a Right Triangle) Derive an expression which can represent the area of a right triangle with base b and height h. "(Hint: Bisect a rectangle along its diagonal.)" 2.33 (Vegetable Garden) A rectangular vegetable garden is 12 meters long and 20 meters wide. Surrounding the garden is a gravel path of width w. <br> a. Write an expression that can be used to find the outer perimeter of the gravel path. <br> b. If you measure w to be 3 meters, what is the outer perimeter of the path? 2.34 (Racetrack) An Olympic racetrack is made up of two straight sides, each measuring 84.39 meters in length, and two semi-circular curves with a radius of 36.5 meters as pictured. The track has a width of w.<br> a. Write an expression that can be used to find the outer perimeter of the racetrack. (Remember that the perimeter of a circle is formula_69) <br> b. If you measure that the width of the track is 1.22, what is the outer perimeter of the path? 2.35 (Volumes of Prisms) A prism consists of two paralell polygonall face ends of equal shape. A shape's volume is how much space it occupies. Take the rectangular prism below, for example. Derive an expression which can represent the volume of the following prisms, and then calculate its volume. 2.36 (Difference of Squares) a. Choose two distinct values for x and y, and then fill in the first row for the table above. b. Compare the results you got for the two expressions. What do you think the results from part a tell you about the difference of two squares? c. Fill in the remaining rows of the table for different values of x and y, including negative numbers. Do you think your conjecture from part (b) is correct? Explain. 2.37 (Inequalities) Determine what sign values on formula_70 and formula_71 would make the following statements true. 2.38 (Average) Use subscript notation to write an expression which represents the average of formula_46 numbers.
Algebra/Chapter 1/Review. In this chapter, you learned about the fundamental concepts of arithmetic necessary for understanding algebra.
Algebra/Chapter 1/Problem Solving. 1.11: Problem Solving
Algebra/Chapter 5. Chapter 5: The Cartesian Plane
Algebra/Chapter 6. Chapter 6: Graphing Linear Functions
Algebra/Chapter 7. Chapter 7: Systems and Matrices
Algebra/Chapter 1/Factoring and Divisibility. 1.6: Factoring and Divisibility By now, I hope you are familiar with the addition, subtraction and multiplication of integers. Division of integers, however, works a little differently from the other three operators. This is because you can not always divide integers evenly.
Algebra/Chapter 1/Estimation. 1.9: Rounding and Estimation
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Columns/Wireless News NSW. CUT & PASTE OF ARTICLE ON PREDECESSOR COLUMN "MAGIC SPARK" ALSO BY DOT DASH, TO BE EDITED The "Magic Spark" column in Sydney's "Evening News" newspaper commenced Saturday 28 January 1922 and ran until Saturday 12 July 1924. It is thought to have been the first newspaper column devoted to wireless in Australia, though this needs to be confirmed by further research. The timing of the commencement of the column was at least fortuitous. The earliest columns highlighted the restrictive licensing practices of the day, especially in respect of amateur "experimental" transmitting licences; encouraged readers to write to their local members of parliament seeking relaxation of such provisions; and promoted the newish science of radio telegraphy and radio telephony. Its campaign (and those of others, especially the various State Divisions of the Wireless Institute of Australia) soon bore fruit with the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations 1922 legislative instrument. The publication period extended across the Wireless Regulations 1923 and oddly came to a conclusion around the time of the Wireless Regulations 1924. Anecdotally, the popularity of the column spread far beyond the traditional readership of the "Evening News" and today the column is highly regarded by radio historians. Research to date has not revealed the author(s) of the column, but the consistency of style and purpose is indicative of a single author and this is supported by the consistent use of the nom de plume of "Dot Dash". In the final weeks of the column in mid-1924 the nom de plume became "Catwhisker" signalling a new author and indeed, an announcement in the column of 19 July 1924 indicated that henceforth the "Magic Spark" column would be printed every Monday. Resources. A comprehensive summary of matters pertaining to the Magic Spark Column NSW has not yet been prepared, however the following resources have been assembled in preparation: Columns where little able to be transcribed: = In-line citations =
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Columns/Wireless News NSW/Notes. Wireless News (NSW) Column - Transcriptions and notes. 1920s. 1924. 1924 07. 1924 07 21. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 21 July 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. A PAGE DEVOTED TO WIRELESS ACTIVITIES. THE LISTENING-IN LURE. Your First Set CRYSTALS & VALVES. WITH the gazetting of the broadcast regulations, the topic of conversation on trams and ferries has taken a decided turn, and on all hands one observes a keen interest being displayed in the means and methods of "listening-in." Those people who have small sets find a deal of pleasure in detailing their experience for the benefits of those who have not yet been initiated in the mysteries of wireless. The details of the programmes received by them, the various merits and demerits of the reception, the wireless circuit used, and the possibilities of listening-in to distant stations are discussed with an expert use or technical terms. As to the best methods of making a beginning, there are diverse opinions. At the present time the general tendency is to buy the various components required, and assemble a crystal set. The crystal set is cheap, very effective for short ranges, and requires very little knowledge to operate. After a few weeks listening-in on a crystal set, however, most people get to a stage where, knowing a little of the mysteries of wireless, they develop a desire to try their hand at valve sets. Thoughts arise in their mind as to the longer range, better selectivity, and increased volume of the valve set, and during the next few weeks they are only too willing to glean from those who posses a valve set every detail of the particular circuit used, its performance, and the cost of the set, with a result that they finally decide to set the crystal set aside and instal a valve or vacuum tube set. Up to the present, the general run of crystal and valve sets been constructed at home, but with the gazetting of the regulations, the large manufacturers are at work upon the design and manufacture of every type of set. These new models will shortly be placed on the market, and it will be found that reliable crystal sets with a pleasing appearance and giving excellent results can be purchased at prices between £4 and £10, while in regard to valve sets there will shortly be displayed in the showrooms of dealers, valve sets of many types, ranging from the single valve detectors to the multi-valve set of 4 or 5 valves at prices ranging from £15 to £100. While many people will purchase a set from the display on the market at the present time, the great majority will probably wait and see what new designs will be put on the market during the next six weeks. There is a lot to be said for the latter course of action, as manufacturers have quite wisely held off the putting into action of the new receiver designs until the Government has finally decided upon the amending broadcasting regulations. Now that the Government has come to a decision in the matter, manufacturers, distributors, and dealers are in a position to decide upon their products. THE FAMOUS PI. PI Panel Diagram (Graphic Caption) The type PI receiver, designed and manufactured in Australia by Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia), Ltd., and incorporating a number of inventions, the subject of Commonwealth letters patent, has achieved such notable success in actual commercial operation in all parts of the world during the past three years, and is so simple and economical, and yet so highly efficient in operation, that the circuit employed is attracting a great deal of attention at the present time, and a description will be welcomed by those interested in radio reception. From the diagram published here, it will be seen that the PI employs only one valve, which by means of the ingenious circuit employed carries out a three-fold function, namely, detection, amplification, and regeneration. As is well known, many receivers employ three separate valves for this purpose. The apparatus employed is panel mounted, two panels being used. The top panel carries the tuning circuits, and the lower panel the valve and its immediate accessories and circuits. The two panels are mounted one above the other on a tubular framework, and connection between the two circuits is made by means of four strap connections along the front of the panels. Connections at the back of the panels are made with rigid wire, which are formed to eliminate interaction, and are easily accessible. The whole of the high grade components used, including the expanse B valve, are manufactured in the Amalgamated Wireless Co.'s Works, Sydney. The primary and secondary coils fit into coil adaptors, and angular and lateral coupling is provided between the two. With the range of coils supplied wave lengths of from 200 to 25,000 metres may be received. By means of a switch provided, it is a very simple matter to change from valve to crystal reception if so desired. The receiver is equally suitable for the reception of either damped or undamped waves, over all ranges of wave length. The PI receiver now forms part of the equipment of practically every vessel on the Australian and New Zealand registers, and reports of phenomenal receiving distances in all parts of the world are constantly coming to hand. Vessels engaged in the trans-Pacific trade consistently communicate with American coast stations up to 6000 miles and reception for these communications is carried out on the PI receiver. This instrument has elicited much favorable comment from Government inspectors, representatives of wireless companies, and others in countries visited by Australasian vessels. BEGINNERS' NEEDS We have received the latest copy of "Radio in Australia and New Zealand," published by the Wireless Press, Sydney. Particular attention is paid to the needs of the beginner, and this issue contains details of simple receiving circuits. For the more advanced enthusiast there is an interesting article on a short wave transmitter. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 21 July 1924 (Second Part) BALMAIN DISTRICT RADIO SOCIETY. During the last few weeks great interest has characterised the society's meetings. A cordial invitation is extended to Balmain experimenters who have not yet become members, and they may obtain full particulars of membership from the hon. secretary, Mr. Percy G. Stephen, "Riverina," 18 Clifton-street, East Balmain. Any schoolboy wishing to join the society should obtain a reference from their teacher, and permission from their parents. A new series of interesting lectures and demonstrations has just commenced, and will prove invaluable to both beginners and veterans. Another projected scheme for increasing the attractiveness of meetings is nearing completion. The following stations were received by the hon. secretary during the past three weeks:— 2AR, 2AY, 2BF, 2BK, 2BM, 2BN, 2CI, 2CM, 2DS, 2GR, 2HF, 2IJ, 2 IM, 2JM, 2LO, 2MR, 2RA, 2UW, 2 YG, 2YI, 2ZG, 2ZM, 2ZZ (N.S.W.), and 7AB (Tasmania). The hon. secretary will be pleased to hear from any society or experimenter wishing to conduct tests with the Balmain Society. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 21 July 1924 (Third Part) HEARD IN FIJI. FARMER'S SERVICE. SINKING SHIP NEWS. A most interesting letter concerning the reception in Fiji of programmes broadcast from Farmer's station, has been received in Sydney from the Rev. Richard Piper, of the Methodist Mission, at Lautoka. In a letter to the manager of Farmer's service, Mr. Piper says: "We here may not be real members of your family, but we pick up quite a number of good things from the banquet. During the past month we have received your programmes on almost every evening, and during the past week, using a combination of a loop and a small inverted aerial, have received you very well with music of excellent quality. The relative positions of the loop and a low aerial have possibilities which I have not yet fully explored. The loop may be used as a sort of rejector circuit for the elimination of interference and yet act in a directive capacity. It may have useful adaptions to our special problems here and also to others similarly placed situated 2000 miles from any powerful broadcasting station. "I want to thank you on behalf of my many friends who have participated in the excellent concerts you have given. Nearly every night there have been visitors, young and old, to "listen-in." Some of these people have travelled 20 or 30 miles to hear the "hello man" at Farmer's. I desire to thank you specially for reading the news services slowly, and repeating important words and figures so that they may be copied down. This is a great boon. I have been able to copy all the evening market reports, sporting results, and late news services. It is rather strange to hear your announcer talking to the little dots about their little blue notes while we are trying to keep cool. "I cannot tell you how interested we were in the news of the sinking of the Clan McMillan. As this ship was a direct boat to Fiji and was carrying a very valuable cargo, the news was of very serious import to us. It was a coup for the broadcasting of news. I copied the full particulars you supplied and it was telephoned to Suva. At that time those vitally concerned had no news of the disaster, the official news not arriving until the next day. The same may be said of other items of news which have come through per medium of your fine station. I have been using a six-valve set which I designed myself. The volume it produces is really a great surprise to those who hear it for the first time. Last night the loud speaker was placed on the table in the wireless cabin situated some distance from the bungalow. We discovered it was much better to go outside and sit on the lawn, and at 30 yards from the cabin the music was quite distinct. Here is the compliment one of my musical friends paid: "If I close my eyes I cannot help believing there is a violinist playing down there in the cabin." "In addition to the grown-ups and the children present on the lawn, by retransmitting over the telephone lines a number of people in several houses 20 to 30 miles away on sugar plantations "listened-in." Among these were the Bishop of Polynesia and Commander Burroughs, R.N. The Bishop, speaking to me afterwards over the 'phone, 20 miles away, said how much he enjoyed the entertainment." "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 21 July 1924 (Fourth Part) BROADCASTING. Farmer's Service. TODAY'S PROGRAMME. CALL SIGN 2F.C. WAVE LENGTH, 1100 METRES. MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924. MIDDAY SESSION: 12.55: Tune in to the studio chimes. 12.58: Time Signals from Farmer's Master Clock (Sydney Observatory Time). Coastal Farmers' Market Reports; Stock Exchange Intelligence; Weather Information; "Sydney Morning Herald" news and cable service; "Evening News" midday news service. 1.15: Close down. AFTERNOON TEA SESSION: 3.30: Studio Chimes. 3.35: Musical programme provided by Farmer's Orchestra, broadcast direct from Farmer's Oak Luncheon Hall. Musical items will be rendered at intervals.— Valse, "The Girl of the Golden West" (Puccini); "The Prayer," from "La Tosca" (Puccini); "Barcarolle" from "Tales of Hoffman" (Offenbach); Selection, "Carmen" (Bizet); "Siciliana," "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Mascagni); Ballet, "Faust" (Gounod); "Miserere" from "Il Trovatore" (Verdi); Gavotte, "Mignon" (Thomas). 4.45: Late weather information, Stock Exchange intelligence, "Evening News" news and cable service. 5.0: Close down. EARLY EVENING SESSION: 6.30: Studio Chimes. 6.33: Children's Hour — Man in the Moon Stories. 7.0: Dalgety's Market Reports (Wool, Wheat, Stock); Fruit and Vegetable Markets. Late Stock Exchange Information; "Evening News" news and cable service. 7.15: Close down. THEATRE AND STUDIO NIGHT. NIGHT SESSION: The programme will consist of vocal and instrumental items provided in the studios of 2FC, together with numbers from the musical comedy, "Good Morning, Dearie," now being played at the new Theatre Royal. The latter items will, by the courtesy of J. C. Williamson Ltd. and Messrs. J. and N. Tait, be broadcast direct from the Theatre Royal. 7.55: Studio Chimes. 8.0: Studio Orchestra, Overture to "William Tell" (Rossini). Ten minutes humor, including "Beastly Eyeglass in My Eye" and "A Trip Tomorrow," Mr. Clive Hayter; Soprano Solo, "Life's Epitome" (Rae), Miss Phyllis Blaxland; Studio Orchestra, "Peer Gynt Suite" (Grieg). 8.30: From the Theatre Royal, Duet, "Rose Marie," from "Good Morning Dearie," Miss Josie Melville and Mr. George Volliare. 8.35: From the Studios of 2.F.C. Studio Orchestra, Selection from "La Traviata" (Verdi); Soprano Solo, "Boat Song," (Ware), Miss Phyllis Blaxland. 8.50: From the Theatre Royal, Linn Smith's Jazz Band. 9.0: Interval. 9.15: From the the Theatre Royal. Duet, "Danube Blues," Miss Josie Melville and Mr. George Volliare, accompanied by Linn Smith's Band; Trio, "Easy Pickings," Geo. Crotty, Percy La Free and Dan Agar. 9.28: From the Studios of 2 F.C.; Studio Orchestra, Waltz, "Blue Danube" (Strauss); violin solos (a) "Vienese Melody"; (b) "Tambourin Chinois" (Kreisler); Trio for Violin, Cello and Organ, "Andante Religioso" (Thome). 9.55: From the Theatre Royal. Duet, "Niagara Falls," Miss Josie Melville and Mr. George Volliare. 10: National Anthem, Close Down. 1924 07 26. Advertisement for forthcoming "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Saturday, 26 July 1924 within the "Poultry Notes" column, alongside which the predecessor "Magic Spark" column had always been placed. WIRELESS NEWS. The official diagrams of the "PI Circuit" — for 1 valve and 2 valve receivers — will be printed in the "Evening News" Wireless Page on Monday next. 1924 07 28. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 28 July 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. WORLD BROADCASTING. Broadcasting stations are being erected all over the civilised world with a speed which speaks volumes for the popularity of the new scientific entertainment. Very soon the whole Continent of Europe will be as well catered for, wirelessly, as that of America. Austria's first broadcasting station was due to open on July 1, a group of banks and electrical firms having been granted a concession for that purpose. Germany, in addition to the two stations already operating, is constructing similar broadcasting centres in Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Konigsburg, and Breslau. The National Telegraph Administration has full control of wireless communication, and all receiving and transmitting stations are operated subject to its approval. The Swiss Radio Association has erected a new station in Zurich, and Lithuania is expecting to get broadcasting service from its two wireless stations — Kovno and Memel — very shortly. Italy has been rather diffident so far, but recently invitations were issued from Rome to the representatives of various wireless organisations to demonstrate their systems of broadcasting. The most suitable system for Italian conditions was to be chosen after demonstration. Portugal and Spain have become interested, and so has Denmark. Other projected broadcasting stations are Sumatra, Chile, Sao Paulo, and Tokio. Judging by present indications, the time is rapidly approaching when there will be no spot on the earth from which some broadcasting can not be heard. The whole world will become enmeshed in a network of criss-crossed ether currents. U.S.A. TO N.Z. In a letter quoted by the New York "Herald" from Mr. F. D. Bell, of New Zealand:— "During the last twelve months more than 500 Yanks have been logged at this station. The other day I went through my entire record, and marked down the number of different nights (if any) on which each station had been heard. If a station was heard more than once in a single night I counted it as one only. "It has come to this, that anyone with a single tube and a two-coil current can hear a dozen on any single night, and the receiver that won't bring them in is a "dud." I am referring, of course, to the louder stations. . ." NEW MELBOURNE STATION. The broadcasting station being erected by Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia), Limited, for the Australian Broadcasting Company at Melbourne, is nearing completion, and will be opened at an early date. It is situated at Braybrook, approximately six miles from the Melbourne G.P.O. The station occupies an area of four acres, and the land is practically flat. The two steel masts which support the aerial system are each 200ft high, and are built in lattice fashion. The distance between the towers is 600ft, and across this space the aerial system is extended. The transmitting equipment will consist of a 6 k.w. broadcasting set, comprising rectifying panel, magnifying panel, ½ k.w. oscillator panel, and modulator panel, one power condenser panel, and two large tuning inductances. Two special steel towers, set in concrete, are erected, one at each side of the operating room, and to these towers the leads-in from the aerials are led and a connection is also made with leads from the earth-screen. The small towers stand upright against the house and from them the various wires are carried by heavy insulators to the actual instruments. The studio will be erected on the roof of one of Melbourne's largest buildings. The speech and music emanating therefrom being conveyed by land line telephony to the station, where it will be broadcasted throughout the world. LEICHHARDT RADIO SOCIETY. Tomorrow night members of the Leichhardt and District Radio Society will hold their 91st general meeting at the club room 176 Johnston-Street, Annandale, when a "Questions and Answers" night will be conducted. Next Tuesday night the 22nd monthly meeting will be held, when a number of new applications for membership will be dealt with, as well as other formal business on hand disposed of. Inquiries regarding the activities of the society are always welcomed, and should be addressed to the hon. sec., Mr. W. J. Zech, 145 Booth-street, Annandale. BALMAIN RADIO SOCIETY. At the Tuesday night meeting of the society it was proposed to hold two meetings per week, owing to the keen interest now being evinced in experimentation. The postponed lecture on the electronic valve will be delivered this week. The membership roll is showing very healthy signs of inflation. Mr. Percy G. Stephen, hon. sec., "Riverina," 18 Clifton-street, East Balmain, invites all Balmain experimenters who are not yet members, to communicate with him. STATIONS LOGGED. On Saturday, July 12, between the hours of 10.30 and 11.30 p.m., Mr. R. S. Burman, of Auburn, a member of the Wireless Institute of Australia, logged the following stations on a two-loop aerial, using a S.T. 75 circuit:— VICTORIA. 3JH, 3SW, 3OT, 3BD, 3BQ. NEW SOUTH WALES. 2CQ, 2NM, 2CR (all on 'phone). NEW ZEALAND. 1AX, 2AC, 4AG, 2AW, 4AP, 2XA, 1AO, 4AD. NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA. Arrangements have just been completed by the Orient Royal Mail Line with the Wireless Press, Sydney, for a news service, to commence immediately, under which messages will be sent out from Australia each night to the Orient Company's mail steamers. These messages will be received each night from the time the vessel leaves Sydney until in the vicinity of Colombo, and likewise on the return trip from shortly after leaving Colombo until arrival at Sydney, thus providing for passengers in the Orient Line the boon of an up-to-date wireless news service, including a suitable proportion of Australian news. THE FAMOUS PI (Official Circuits) (Graphic Caption) PI Circuit for Single Valve Receiver. PI Circuit for Two Valve Receiver (Detector and one stage of Audio Frequency amplification.) 1924 08. 1924 08 04. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 4 August 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH SET DESIGN. It is stated that some of the broadcast receiving sets, which will be put on the market in Australia shortly, will compare with the world's best. They are being made in Australia, and are a triumph of Australian workmanship. In England and America the tendency of the market has been to develop from the smaller type set, made in innumerable designs, to the high-grade cabinet set, built to harmonise with period furniture, and so self-contained as to require neither outside aerial nor earth connections, while the load speaker and batteries are also enclosed in the cabinet. Radio designers have for some time been aiming at the reduction of the number of controls, and so successful has been their work that the operation of most sets today is extremely simple, and such as to be capable or being switched on and off by anybody without in any way impairing the sensitivity of the apparatus. Indeed, the progress that has been made in the type of cabinet housing the apparatus has been not less than the many improvements that have been effected in the technique of the apparatus itself. AN OCEAN NEWSPAPER. Passengers in the Union Company's steamers Niagara, Makura, Maunganui, Tahiti, Maheno, and Manuka, and the Huddart Parker steamer Ulimaroa, are now accustomed to look forward each morning for the ship's daily newspaper, which is published in time for delivery to subscribers with the early morning cup of tea. The "Wireless News" is the first daily newspaper to be published on board a British ship in the Pacific — it made its appearance in the Niagara in May of last year, and arrangements were immediately made for extension of the service to the other popular ships already mentioned. A special selection of the Australian Press Association and Reuter cables, also news from the "Sydney Morning Herald," is transmitted each night from the Sydney Radio Station on behalf of the Wireless Press, Sydney. Similar arrangements exist for news to be sent out from New Zealand, Fiji, and Canada, thus ensuring that throughout the voyage between Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Coast of America, the Australian and New Zealand ships are provided each day with specially selected news of world events, and also of happenings in Australia and New Zealand — the latter proving very popular, as prior to publication of the "Wireless News" Australian and New Zealand passengers had one long complaint about the absence of news from their native countries. In addition to the generous budget of news received by wireless, the "Wireless News" gives an account of the daily happenings on board such as deck sports, dances and concerts. A passenger may, first thing in the morning, see at a glance the result of the previous day's sports as well as the programme for the day just beginning. HOW RADIO HELPS. It is by considering such incidents as the following that we can gauge the value of radio telephony to mankind:— A farmer near Wilkensburg (U.S.A.) had been a regular listener-in on a series of talks broadcast from Pittsburgh on the activities of the Bureau of Animal Industry. One of the talks was on tuberculosis eradication. His interest thus aroused, he turned to one of his own cows which had been noticeably unthrifty and affected with a bad cough. He went to the local office of the Bureau of Animal Industry for advice. The inspector in charge informed the State representative of the case. The State man made three futile attempts to reach the farm by following the directions which the farmer left. Failing the reach the inquirer in this manner the farmer was "paged" by radio from Station KDKA. It was announced that efforts had been made to reach him, and he was asked, if he were listening in, to get in touch again with the office. Two days later the farmer came to the office. Arrangements were then made to conduct the State representative to the farm for an examination of the suspected animal. 500 MILES ON BUZZER. The South Australian coastal station has created a record by working with a ship 500 miles away, when the vessel was transmitting on a testing buzzer. This feat was carried out on July 5 in daylight, the ship being the Queen Maud. The power being used by the ship was 28 volts, and the coastal station heard the signals at good strength. RADIOGRAMS. Dr. J. A. Fleming divides radio listeners into two classes: those who take a great interest in construction of their own sets and others who know nothing about radio apparatus and take no interest in its construction. The latter class are anxious to hear well-known speakers, music, and entertainment, and they are quite helpless to put the set in operation if anything goes wrong. He says that a new trade or profession is likely to develop of people who go around to tune radio sets and fix them for a small fee, just as a man calls to tune a piano. Much has been said about the proper connections, for condensers, coils and 'phones, but little about the proper connections for a crystal detector. In using a crystal detector, it will be found that each one will vary in the respect of which direction the current enters. Some operate louder when the current enters through the catwhisker, and others when the current enters through the crystal and leaves through the catwhisker. Try reversing the terminal connections and a difference will be noticed in most cases. The suggestion has more than once been made that the popularity of broadcasting may result in our being able to hear better. Apart from the fact that partially deaf people are enabled by wireless to enjoy music previously denied them, there is the habit we have cultivated generally of using only one ear for the telephone. This reliance on the left ear is believed by many people to have weakened through disuse, the sensitivity of the right, and they argue that the regular use of wireless headphones will help materially to remedy the defect. A meeting will be held in the University Union Hall, to which all members of the University are invited, at 1.30 p.m. tomorrow, for the purpose of forming a radio club. The first lecture, attendance at which will be restricted to members of the club, will take place within the following few days, and will be followed by frequent lectures, both elementary and more advanced. Sets will be available for members to study and set up. There will be a meeting of the Balmain Radio Society tomorrow night at "Riverina," 18 Clifton-street, East Balmain. By special request, the lecture on the valve is to be repeated. Intending members should communicate with the hon. secretary, Percy Stephen, 18 Clifton-street, East Balmain. TAKE HEED! Extract from the new Wireless Regulations:— "Any licensee using reaction in such a manner as to cause interference to the reception at any other station will be guilty of an offence against these regulations . . . . Penalty £20." "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 4 August 1924 (Second Part) CRYSTAL DETECTOR CIRCUIT. The circuit given here is one of the ???? for use in wireless reception ???? recommended for beginners. ???? ???? tuning unit is a loose coupler, which can be so constructed as to bring in signals over a comparatively wide range of wavelengths. The variable condensers may be omitted, though it makes for finer tuning. 1924 08 11. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 11 August 1924 WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH MARCONI. In 1896, Marconi succeeded in effecting wireless communication in England over a distance of two miles; in 1898 the first paid Marconigram was transmitted. So great was his subsequent progress that 1901 saw the bridging of the Atlantic by radio. Today, ether waves from giant wireless stations encompass the globe, linking continent to continent instantaneously, while the number of ships sailing the seven seas equipped with wireless apparatus is legion. Marconi's name will be written in history as a public benefactor, not only in having been the means of saving lives innumerable at sea, but in establishing a world-wide system of communication whereby isolation at sea is banished; the news of the world is broadcasted as expeditiously as if one were resident in a city, and passengers are able to keep in daily or hourly communication with their friends ashore. Though Radio is a public utility whose services are available to all, its wonders never cease to exercise a fascination that far transcends the commonplace. To the most experienced Radio engineer, as to the amateur, its manifestations connote a new age in scientific achievement; wonderful as have been its attainments during the past quarter of a century, they are but the forerunner of a future that exceeds the imaginings of the most optimistic visionary. TREMENDOUS SPEED. The ether waves, the means of transference of a wireless message, travel at the rate of 186,000 miles per second — the speed of light — encompassing the earth eight times in a second. A comparative view of this tremendous speed may be somewhat mentally visioned when it is stated that sound waves, or the ordinary speech waves, travelling through air between two persons, move at the rate of 1090 feet per second. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. NO. 1. The R" Valve. (Graphic Caption) The "R" valve is a well known type and is extensively employed for general reception purposes. It gives good results as a detector, L.F. amplifier or oscillator, and is one of the best all round valves for use where it is not desired to employ a special type for a specific purpose. The specifications of the valve are:— Type R, filament battery voltage, 6, filament terminal volts, 4.0, fil amps, 0.67; anode volts, 70; approx. length, 110 m.m., diam. of bulb, 54 m.m., Socket type, ""R." Another aspect of the speed of these ethereal messengers may be thus expressed: If you are 186 miles away from a broadcasting station when you listen-in, you hear each sound one-thousandth of a second after it is produced in the broadcasting studio. This is because radio waves, as before stated, travel at the rate of 186,000 miles a second, so fast as to be instantaneous over all normal ranges. If you were in a studio and with one ear heard a note struck on the piano, and with the other ear heard the same note transmitted a thousand miles by radio, your ears would be unable to distinguish between the two, as they would sound like a single note. Likewise, the note struck on the piano would be heard by listeners-in a thousand miles away before it was heard by people located at the back of the hall where the piano was located. How few of those who travel are aware that the space between the wireless aerials (or wires suspended from the two masts) and the deck constitute what is known in wireless as a condenser, and that this space is alternatively charged and discharged with electrical current many hundreds of thousands of times a second. This alternating current is such that it actually passes through all matter, not even excepting the human body. A NEW WORLD. The invention of wireless was analogous to the discovery of a new world, wherein ethereal messengers rush backwards and forwards, each with a definite objective or mission. The latest ideas in the world of thought the resultant effect of the creative and constructive actions of mankind, are conveyed between continent and continent almost instantaneously, annihilating time in its relation to the distance between the great centres of population. Business depends primarily upon the creation of ideas and the interchange of intelligence, coupled with the will to ????. To this end no power since the invention of printing by Gutenberg in 1440 has been so instrumental in advancing the onward march of civilisation as has wireless. The ether is alive with messages radiating in all directions. Whether their ???? be reports of international or of national importance, their contents ???? negotiations or the results of sporting events, or even the social messages ???? relatives or friends, they ???? are a tribute to the man who made radio a democratic service — efficient, economical, and the servant of all. AMATEURS REBUILD. Now that regeneration is freely allowed by the authorities, enthusiasts are taking full advantage of the concession. Many are rebuilding their sets, and searching around for suitable circuits. Many requests for circuits have reached this office, one of the first being for a two valve hook up, which is given. The special features of this circuit are the use of a variocoupler — the secondary of which acts as the reaction or tickler coil — a series-parallel condenser switch, and the use of dry cell valves — one valve being used for detection and the other being used for audio frequency amplification. D.E.3, 201A, or U.V.199 valves may be advantageously used with this set. A HANDY BOOK. "A Wireless Course in 20 Lessons," by Gernsback, Lescarboura and Secor, and published by the Experimenter Publishing Co., N.Y., is a handy book for the experimenter. It is profusely illustrated and deserves the attention of every amateur, whose wireless education is not yet complete. The editors are attached to the well-known "Radio News." Our copy from W. Geo. Smith, 12 Queen Victoria Buildings, Sydney. 1924 08 18. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 18 August 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. The introduction of broadcasting has been compared by an eminent man of the day as ranking in importance with the introduction of printing by William Caxton in the fifteenth century. It is quite certain that few if any of Caxton's contemporaries appreciated the extraordinary influence which printing would have on the course or civilisation, and it is doubtful whether we, at this moment, realise more than a small fraction of the far-reaching influence which broadcasting will exert on the population or the world. Undoubtedly both the art itself and the apparatus used for the transmission and reception of music and speech will be improved as time goes on, but the technical perfection which has already been attained is more than sufficient to satisfy even the most critical of audiences. Facts speak for themselves. Within a year of its general introduction into England, it is estimated that some 500,000 receiving sets had been installed in the homes of the people, and probably some 2,000,000 of the inhabitants regularly enjoy the benefits of the programmes transmitted daily from the various broadcasting centres. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. No. 2. The special feature of the "D.E.R." valve is that the filament, current, and voltage, i.e., the working filament wattage, is very small, being less than one-third of that required by ordinary valves having similar operating characteristics. The filament runs at a dull red temperature, thus ensuring a very long life, as well as freedom from crackling, etc. The D.E.R. operates on 1.5 to 1.8 volts at 0.35 to 0.40 amps., so that dry cells may be used for filament lighting. The chemical structure of the filament is responsible for the high electronic emission at such a low temperature. When heated by the current passing through it, the tungsten filament undergoes a chemical change, which causes a layer of pure thorium to be formed on the outside of the filament. This layer supplies the electrons necessary to the functioning of the tube. Inside the filament just under this layer more thorium atoms are deposited, being drawn from the inside of the filament slowly. If the filament is operated at too high a temperature the thorium layer vaporises, electronic emission falls off, and the valve becomes inoperative. By burning the filament at rated voltage with plate voltage off for a period of time, normal electron emission can be regained. Following are the technical particulars of the valve:— Type. B.E.R., fil. battery voltage, 2; fil. terminal volts, 1.5., 1.8; fil. amps., 0.35-0.40; anode volts, 30-50; overall length, 115 m/m.; approx. diameter of bulb, 45 m/m.; socket type, R. A NEW MACHINE. The popularity of wireless has been the direct cause of the appearance of many novel pieces of apparatus on the market. One of the latest is what is known as an "anode converter." This machine, according to the makers, has been introduced to meet the demand for a reliable substitute for the high-tension battery used in valve sets and amplifying units. The converter consists of a small, specially-designed motor generator, taking current at 6 or 12 volts off an ordinary accumulator battery, combined with a smoothing circuit having an inductance shunted by a condenser. The whole is mounted inside a case to deaden mechanical noise and cut out any possible interference or radiation. The machine can be used in any place where a high-tension battery is normally employed, and it is specially suited to working with power amplifiers where a considerable current is taken at fairly high voltage and where the life of the ordinary H.T. battery is limited. The combined voltage range of the four types of standard sets of this machine is from 70 to 500. Smith, Sons, and Rees Ltd., of Wentworth-avenue, Sydney, are the distributors. OFF TO AMERICA. Miss Wallace. (Photo Caption) At the meeting of the Metropolitan Radio Club on Monday next, a send-off will be given to Miss F. V. Wallace, who is leaving for a trip to America by the Maunganui on September 11. Miss Wallace has been identified with the Metropolitan Club since its foundation several years ago, and she is extremely popular with members. One of the first radio listeners in Australia, Miss Wallace has put many a floundering novice on the road to radio success. Her visit to America is a business one, and she expects to return to Sydney about the end of November. Visitors are specially invited to the meeting on Monday next. "Wireless News" column (page) in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 18 August 1924 (Second Part) BROADCASTING. Farmer's Service. TODAY'S PROGRAMME. CALL SIGN 2FC. WAVELENGTH: 1100 METRES. MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1924. MIDDAY SESSION. 12.55: Tune in to the Studio Chimes. 12.58: Time signals from Farmer's Master Clock (Sydney Observatory Time). 1.0: Coastal Farmers' Market Reports; Stock Exchange Information; Weather Information: "Sydney Morning Herald" News and Cable Service; "Evening News" Midday News Service. 1.15: Close down. AFTERNOON TEA SESSION. 3.30: Tune in to the Studio Chimes. 3.35: Musical programme provided by Farmer's Orchestra and broadcast direct from Farmer's Oak Luncheon Hall. Musical items will be rendered at intervals. Trio, "Morning" (Grieg); entr'acte, "Intermezzo" (Oscar Strauus): melodie, "A Lovely Little Dream" (Coleridge Taylor); suite, "In a Persian Garden" (Lehmann); baracarolle, "Au Bord d'un Ruissean" (Boladeffre); morceau, "Valse Triste" (Alfred Hil); selection, "Madame Butterfly" (Puccini); trio, "Valse" (Cesar Cui). 4.45 Late Weather Information; Stock Exchange Information; "Evening News" news service. 5.0: Close down. EARLY EVENING SESSION. 6.30: Tune in to the studio chimes. 6.33: Children's Hour — Man in the Moon Stories. 7.0: Dalgety's Market Reports (wool, wheat, and stock), Fruit and Vegetable Markets, closing Stock Exchange information, "Evening News" news and cable service. 7.15: Close down. NIGHT SESSION. Haymarket Operatic Orchestra and Studio Items. The Haymarket Theatre Operatic Orchestra of 20 players, under the baton of Mr. Stanley Porter (Musical Director) will, by the courtesy of the directors of the Haymarket Theatres Limited, be broadcast direct from the theatre. 7.55: Tune in to the Studio chimes. 8.0: Haymarket Operatic Orchestra:— Overture, "Italiana in Algeria" (Rossini). From the Studio of 2FC: Edie Freuderstein, mezzo-soprano: "Homing." Marguerite Mazengarb, elocutionist: (a) "Dickens' Monologue," (b) "Catch Me," Mr. Louis Bloy, Banjoist: (a) "Scotch Selections," (b) "Entry Gladiators' March;" (c) Selected, Farmer's Trio, "The Pirates of Penzance." Miss Edie Freuderstein, mezzo-soprano: "Rose of My Heart." From the Haymarket Theatre: "The Radios." A company of comedians broadcasting mirth. 9.25 Interval 10 minutes. 9.35 Haymarket Operatic Orchestra, "March and Procession of Bacchus," from "Sylvia," Ballet (Delibes); "Arabian Serenade," "An Oriental Patrol," "The Desert Caravan." 10.0: National Anthem. Close down. This programme is subject to any variation that may be rendered necessary through unforeseen circumstances. Programme Tuesday: Beale's Concert Hall Chamber Music and Studio Concert. Programme Wednesday: Vocal and Comedy Artists for the Studio. 1924 08 25. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 25 August 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH. Many Sydney amateurs, especially those with multi-valve sets, have been listening in for Martian signals, though they will not admit it. Needless to say, none have been heard. But an exploration of the ether at the times when the broadcasting stations are not "in the air," is an interesting venture. Round about the 200 metres mark you may hear two amateurs talking things over by telephony, and other grinding out Morse laboriously. Occasionally there will be the "cheep" of an oscillator. Up on 600 metres old VIS blares out his messages to far distant ships, and the replies to him come faintly to those who have valve receivers. If you can set up to the very high wave lengths you may hear the bell-like notes of the big overseas stations, some, perhaps, working with the speed of machine guns on automatic senders. Atmospherics there may be, but never a sign of a Martian signal. Perhaps the Martians are still using spark coils — who knows. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES NO. 3. The V24 is a three electrode receiving valve, used chiefly as an amplifier both for high and low frequency oscillations, also as a low power H.F. generator in local oscillators. The V24 is static in operation, consequently it may be used to advantage in cascade circuits. It also has the advantage of ???? on small plate current. Reference to the characteristic curve of this valve will show that good amplification may be availed of over a wide band. The filament is suspended by a small spiral spring to absorb mechanical shocks and take up ???? The plate and grid leads are brought directly out through the sides of the glass tube, thus ensuring that the capacity effects in the valve are a minimum. On this account the V24 may be advantageously employed on short wave work. Technical details: Fil. bat. volts, 6; fil. terminal volts, 5; fil. amp. 0.75; anode volts, 24-30; approx. length, ????; approx. diam. of bulb, 18 m.m. RE THAT AERIAL. So many new aerial are being strung in the air nowadays, many by the uninitiated, that a few words of advice, not often given in connection with aerial construction will not be amiss. Several aerials noticed recently look dangerous for they cross ???? electric light and power wires, with which they would make contact should the aerial wires break. Such aerials should be altered as soon as possible. In other cases aerials have been noticed running parallel with and comparatively close to electric power cables. If a sensitive receiver is being used this will result in objectionable noises in the 'phones caused by induction from the power lines. Aerials should be placed at right angles to power lines. An aerial noticed the other day was set on two fine masts and was at least 130 feet long. This is much too long, at the height at which the aerial was placed a length of 75 feet would be ample. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by having an aerial over 100 feet long, on the contrary, bad effects will result. A THREE-VALVER. The many amateurs who are incurable circuit-testers will be interested in this three-valve receiver constructed by Mr. J. N. Boberg, of Redfern. The set is laid out especially to facilitate the changing of circuits without interfering with the wiring behind the panel. The terminals for each piece of apparatus are situated on the face of the panel, so that any desired circuit may be employed by connecting the necessary terminals. Thus the nuisance of dismantling instruments and rewiring them again whenever a new circuit is tried out is done away with. This particular receiver has given excellent results over both short and long distances. NEW WIRELESS BOOK. "The Boys' Wireless Book" is the title of a publication which should find a ready sale at this period of the radio "boom." It is an Australian publication, well set up and profusely illustrated, and is a concise guide to the amateur in the construction of his apparatus. The principles of the wireless art are explained in simple language, and instructions are given for the construction of various sets. Our copy is from Angus and Robertson. METRO CLUB. Members of the Metropolitan Radio Club are reminded of the club meeting tonight at the Laurel Cafe, Royal Arcade, City. The opportunity will be taken to farewell one of the club's most prominent members, Miss F. V. Wallace, who is leaving shortly for a trip to America. 1924 09. 1924 09 01. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 1 September 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH. The announcement that grand opera items will be broadcast by 2FC on Wednesday and Thursday has caused great satisfaction among "listeners in." Several owners of sets far away in the country have written their appreciation. This will be the first time that grand opera, has been broadcast from a Sydney theatre, or, for that matter, from any theatre in Australia. The sets will have to work well on those nights, and there is a general overhaul proceeding in most amateur stations. Accumulators have gone to be charged, "B" batteries are being tested, and connections subjected to a rigid inspection. The owner of a nice three-valve set and a particularly sweet-toned loud speaker, tells me that he had no idea that he had so many friends. They have all signified their intention of dropping in on him on Wednesday or Thursday evening. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. No. 4. The "Q" type 3 electrode receiving valve is used chiefly as a rectifier. Splendid results may also be obtained with this valve as an amplifier for general receiving work. It gives good amplification with reaction, and is also suitable for heterodyning C.W. signals. The distance of the plate from the grid and filament ensures good grid control and good slope of characteristic. The characteristic curve shows that good rectifying may take place. Like the V24, the "Q" valve has a small spiral spring incorporated in the filament to absorb mechanical shock, and keep the filament taut. The plate and grid leads are also taken out through the sides of the glass tube, thus reducing self capacity of the valve to a minimum. The technical details are:— Fil. battery volts, 6; fil. terminal volts, 5; fil. amps., 0.45; anode volts, 50-150; holder clips, type "V24;" overall length, 73 m/m; diam. of bulb. 18 m/m. LICENSES. The following circular his been sent by the chief manager of Telegraphs and Wireless to applicants for experimental licenses. A large number of applications were held over pending the issue of the new regulations:— Dear Sir,— The revised wireless telegraphy regulations will indicate to you that the serious restrictions operating against the holders of ordinary receiving licenses have been waived, and great freedom is now given to such licensees. (2) The reception of unrestricted wavelengths is permitted, the right to receive any broadcast programme is conferred, and the use of any design of set is allowed, so long as the apparatus is operated in a manner which will not interfere with other users. (3) These substantial benefits will be appreciated by those who, although perhaps not desirous of pursuing laborious and specific scientific research, are nevertheless anxious to make investigations for their own edification and personal satisfaction. (4) To those persons possessing the necessary qualifications, and who are desirous of pursuing scientific research in the realm of wireless, experimental licenses will be issued. (6) Applicants for experimental licenses must satisfy the Postmaster-General as to their qualifications, and, where so requested, must submit to technical examination. (6) The fees in respect of ordinary broadcast listeners' and experimental licenses are based primarily on the distance from the nearest broadcasting station. In your locality the fees respectively are:— Ordinary broadcast listener's license, £1/15/-; experimental license, £1. (7) Broadcast listeners' licenses, which will be, in the majority of cases, more appropriate to the requirements, are readily obtainable at all official post offices. (8) In view of the change in the regulations under which your recent application was made, no action will be taken on the application unless you still desire to obtain an experimental license under the new conditions. In the latter event, it will facilitate matters if you will kindly furnish evidence of your qualifications and of the specific scientific research in wireless which you intend to carry out. It may then be necessary for you to undergo an examination by a radio inspector (the fee for which will be 2/6), for the purpose of certifying your qualifications. HINTS FOR BEGINNERS. Get a broadcast receiving license before you put up your aerial. See that your 'phones are efficient, many good receivers have been blamed for bad work on the part of the headset. Frequently dust the wire where the slider arm makes contact with a coil. An accumulation of dust is likely to decrease signals. Do not handle the crystal with your fingers. By so doing you may put a fine film of grease over the crystal, thus decreasing its sensitivity. Should a crystal not be giving good results, give it a wash in warm water, using a soft brush and a little soap to clean it. Give the terminals a wipe over from time to time. Disconnect or ground the aerial from the set when not in use. Do not buy a crystal set with the idea that you can use a loud speaker with it. Keep the set in a cool, dry place. 1924 09 08. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 8 September 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. By DOT DASH The broadcast of grand opera on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from Her Majesty's Theatre, per medium of 2FC, was responsible for a great spurt in the radio boom. The various wireless shops report heavy business during the early part of last week, and crystal sets and valve outfits sold like the proverbial hot cakes. The transmissions of the opera were perfect, and old hands declare that the microphone has never functioned better. One of the most pleasing features was the entire absence of "fuzziness" on top notes. On Thursday night there was some static, but it was not sufficient to interfere with reception. Those experts who expected some interference from "howling" valves were pleased to note that there was very little. There were isolated instances of badly-controlled regenerative sets, but in the main there was very little to complain about. Country and inter-State listeners-in report excellent reception. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES NO. 5. The Marconi QX valve is of the tubular type. This is an efficient modern valve and is the result of much research and experience in valve manufacture. The plate and grid leads are brought directly out through the sides of the glass tube, thus ensuring that the capacity effects in the valve are at minimum. The QX is a particularly sensitive detector and in equally effective when used as an amplifier. Reference to the characteristic curve will show that the QX may be used to give unusually good rectification, and that with suitable potentials applied, high amplification may be availed of. The technical details are: Filament battery voltage. 6; filt. term. volts, 5,; filament amps., 0.75; anode, volts, 25-100; approx. dia. of bulb, 18 m.m.; approx. length, 13 m.m.; holder clips, type V24. GET YOUR LICENSE. Broadcast listeners are warned to get a license. It is known that there are numbers of unlicensed receiving sets in various suburbs, and the authorities are inclined to take a serious view of the matter. Any day now a raid may be made, and it is well to remember that there is a £20 penalty for the operator of an unlicensed receiver. It does not matter if you are operating the most simple crystal set, the offence is the same as that of a man who uses an unlicensed multi-valve receiver. Every wireless enthusiast should realise that by getting a license promptly he is making it better for himself. A proportion or the license fees go to the broadcasting stations, and if they cannot get their revenue they cannot continue to transmit the high class programmes that they do at present. RANGE OF A SET. A vexed question is the range of any type of set, and the beginner is nearly always puzzled thereby. First and foremost, it is impossible to say definitely the range of any set. One might as well seek an answer to the question, "How far can a certain motor car go in six hours?" This would depend on the state of the roads, the skill of the driver, and several other factors. Results have been obtained with crystal sets over ranges of 60 miles or even more, but this is not to say that the average broadcast listener can do so. It is safe to lay down the rule for the beginner that he cannot get good results with a crystal set over a radius of 50 miles from a broadcasting station. With a single valve set 30 or 40 miles should be covered with ease, and two valves should bring in good signals up to 80 miles or so. To get satisfactory results with a loud speaker over 40 miles from a broadcasting station, three valves should be employed, and it may be advisable to use three, in some cases, over 20 miles. These figures can only be taken as a rough guide, and not as a hard and fast rule. The best scheme is to test at each individual distant station before deciding on the type of set. TO CLUB SECRETARIES Club secretaries are asked to forward the names of their clubs, together with their own names and addresses, to "Dot Dash," c.o. "Evening News," Market-street, City. This will enable inquiries by intending members to be answered. NEW AMPLIFICATION. A German, Herr Y. Neinhold, has patented a system which will possibly prove to be a vast improvement in the field of audio-frequency amplification. Thermionic valves are not used in this new arrangement, but the device employed is a somewhat similar piece of apparatus, having three electrodes and is filled with a colloidal solution. A colloidal solution is a liquid mineral containing specially prepared molecules of matter, these molecules being electrified. These solutions, which are at present undergoing considerable investigation by many laboratories, are of great interest, especially to biology. The amplifying effect of this arrangement seems to be due to a negative resistance effect, but the solution must be in a colloidal state, and electrolysis should not be permitted to take place. The electrical phenomenon is still due to electrons, but these travel in a liquid instead of a vacuum. 1924 09 15. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 15 September 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH. It is a source of wonder to me that more wireless enthusiasts, especially beginners, do not go in for home construction. The reason is, probably, that the majority are afraid to tackle the work for fear of making a hash of it . They have no knowledge of the principle of wireless, and think that the learning would mean the devotion of considerable time and trouble. This is not so. The reception side of wireless can be made very simple, and a couple of hours' study of a popular wireless book would reveal this to the veriest novice. Winding and mounting coils and connecting together the various pieces of apparatus is very simple. The great advantage of a homemade set is that the constructor knows every part, and can quickly track and remedy any faults. I am referring now to crystal sets, but the same applies to valve outfits. Here a little more knowledge is required, and it is also necessary to exercise greater care. But there is no reason why the average man should not, after a short and by no means laborious survey of the principles of the science, construct any kind of set at home. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. No. 6. The U.V. 199 valve is of the dull emitter type, and operates with an expenditure or only .18 amps. for the filament. A dry cell may thus be conveniently used for filament lighting. In valves for use with dry cells, it is of greatest importance that the filament current be as small as possible, and that the characteristics of the valve should not be sacrificed in making this reduction in current. The U.V. 199 fully meets both these requirements. The filament is of tungsten, but differs from the older type of tungsten filament in that the power consumption and operating temperature. Thus the new filament at normal temperature is a dull yellow, while the older filaments burned at a white heat. This lower operating temperature, of course, ensures long life. In order to operate at such low current it is necessary that the filament wire be very fine, and it is interesting to note that the filament of the UV 199 is only about one-fourth as thick as a human hair. The UV 199 is designed to operate from 3 volt dry cells, but storage cells may be used if proper care is taken to reduce the voltage at the filament terminals to 3 volts. On account of the small filament current of the UV 199 the ordinary 4 to 10 ohms rheostats are of no use for a single tube, and higher resistances must be used. Thus one tube operated from 3 volt dry cells requires about 30 ohms in the rheostat. Technical details: Filament battery voltage (3 dry cells), 4.5; filament terminal voltage, 3; filament amps, .06; anode volts, 20-30; socket type, UV 199; overall length, 75 m.m.; diameter of bulb, 25 m.m. RADIO COINCIDENCE. A radio coincidence is reported by a New Zealand newspaper. An extraordinary event occurred in Invercargill (says the paper), when, a local resident listening-in on a receiving set at a friend's house which he was visiting, was astonished to hear it announced that his sister, Miss V. Brook, of Dunedin, would sing, "Ever of Thee I am Fondly Dreaming." He also heard her sing her remaining programme numbers, "The Land of the Sky Blue Water," "The Bird and the Babe," and "I Wonder if Ever a Rose." Miss Brook has been in Sydney for the past few weeks, but her brother had no idea she was to sing at a concert on that particular evening. The concert was heard through 2B.L., Sydney. RUSH CAUSES SHORTAGE. The wireless boom has caused something of a shortage of wireless parts in Sydney. During last week I had difficulty in securing terminals and enamel wire. Switch arms and some brands of headset are also scarce. One of the radio dealers says that the shortage is very marked in Sydney, but it will not be long before big shipments are landed. Much of the gear now on the water, however, has been bespoken, and it may be that shortages will occur from time to time till the demand falls off. 1924 09 22. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 22 September 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. (BY DOT DASH). Many beginners using single slide crystal sets have complained to me that they are subjected to interference from other stations when receiving broadcasting. In some cases amateur transmitters are said to cause the trouble. There is no doubt that the user of the single slide set does suffer in this respect, but the interfering stations are by no means to blame. In this case the receiver alone is the cause of the trouble. The single slide tuner is one of the simplest forms of receiver, and it is not so selective as could be desired. Interfering stations that can be tuned out with a loose coupler will force their way through the more simple set to the annoyance of the listener. I have heard amateur transmitters blamed for causing interference, but that is unfair. The majority of Sydney's amateur stations are very well managed, and it is rarely that they are to be found off their wave length, even a few metres. I have never heard one interfering with broadcast reception. The trouble therefore, lies in the simple receiver, and the obvious remedy is to convert it into a more selective set, preferably the loose coupler, with a variable condenser across the secondary coil. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. No. 7. The U.V. 200 may be called upon to perform a great variety of duties. In either simpler or complex circuits the U.V. 200 as a detector valve embodies all the characteristics necessary for good performance. A .00075 grid condenser with grid leak should be used. The plate voltage required is from 18v. to 28v. Voltages in excess of 30v. should not be applied. The normal voltage to be applied at the filament terminals is from 5 to 5.4 volts. The U.V. 200 is very stable in operation and has a long life. These valves also possess uniform characteristics so necessary for critical receiving adjustments. Technical details: Filament battery voltage, 6; filament terminal voltage, 5; filament amps., 1.0; anode volts, 12 to 25; socket type, standard V.T.; overall length, 110 m.m.; diameter of bulb, 50 m.m. AMPLIFICATION. Beginners deciding upon the construction of an amplifier should go very carefully. There are two methods — radio frequency and audio frequency amplification. In the first method the signals are amplified at radio frequency or before detection and with audio frequency the detected signals are "boosted" or amplified after detection. Beginners would be well advised to steer clear of the high frequency method and work on the audio system. Sets employing radio frequency, unless built by experts and skilfully handled, are liable to cause no end of trouble. Radio frequency amplification is good in cases where weak signals have to be heard, but as our local broadcasting stations send on high power, the majority of detectors should have plenty of energy to pass on to the amplifier. When adding a stage of audio frequency amplification, care should be taken that the right transformer for the circuit is used. SUBSTITUTE AERIALS. Several inquiries have reached this office concerning the efficiency of attachments for connection to an electric light sockets, so that the light wires may be used as an aerial. Such attachments function quite well, though not as good as the standard outside aerial. Full instructions for using the attachments are given when one is purchased, and if they are clearly followed all will be well. The experimenter should never attempt to use the electric light or any other wires carrying current without the tested attachment. It is a peculiar fact that electric light aerials are much better in some cases than others, those nearer the broadcasting station sometimes working less efficiently than others further away. 1924 09 29. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 29 September 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH. The bugbear static made things generally unpleasant for every listener in during last week, scarcely a night being free from annoying crackles and splutters. There was a good deal of lightning about, too, and on this account many receivers were not working. Now that the season of thunder and lightning is with us, it would be as well to offer a bit of advice. At the outset, it may be stressed that there is very little risk of an aerial being struck by lightning, but it is as well to be on the safe side. Instal an aerial grounding switch and an approved lightning arrester. The grounding switch, a good heavy one of the knife blade type, should be mounted on a wall outside the house, near where the lead-in enters. The lead to the set should be from the top connection, and the aerial should go to the switch arm. From the bottom connection run a stout wire straight to earth, keeping it clear of everything. When a storm comes up the aerial is grounded by merely turning down the switch. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES NO. 8. The U.V. 201A is designed to be interchangeable with the older U.V. 201, but is of the dull emitter type and requires only one-fourth as great filament current. The latest models have opaque bulbs, the glass being "silvered." While the rated filament E.M.F. of the U.V. 201A is 5 v. It requires only 0.25 amps and owes its high mutual conductance to the large area made effective by a long filament. The average electron emission is about 45 milliamperes which is in excess of what is ordinarily needed in a receiving tube and for this reason it is possible to obtain excellent results with 4 volts or even less on the filament. On account of its high electron emission and high mutual conductance this valve is especially suited to operation of loud speakers. The rectifying action is noticeably good for a valve of high vacuum type due in part to its high mutual conductance. The usual conditions for detection are 40 volts on the plate and grid condenser of 0.00075 M/F and grid leak of 2 to 10 megohms. Technical details: Filament battery volts, 6; filament terminal volts, 5; filament amps, .25; anode volts, 15 to 25; length, 110 m.m.; diameter of bulb, 50 m.m.; socket type, "R." In appearance the valve is very similar to the U.V. 200, which was illustrated last week on this page. FOR POLICE WORK. Now that the N.S.W. police are trying out wireless it is interesting to note what other countries are doing about it. The police chief of New York is seeking permission to spend £6000 on the radio station already in use at his headquarters. He has no doubt about the value of wireless in the work of suppressing criminals. His argument is that the criminal of today travels much more quickly than formerly. He has abandoned the omnibus or train for the motorcar, or even the aeroplane, and wireless is the only agency that can get ahead of him when he is trying to escape. By selecting about fifty strategic positions at points leading from the city, wireless messages could be sent instantly to watch for a suspect. In addition, the Police Commissioner thinks it might be possible for policemen on their beats to keep in touch with headquarters by wireless instead of by telephone, as a present. At the Scotland Yard (London) headquarters is installed a 730-metre wavelength transmitter, a special selective receiver on 265 metres, with motor generator, batteries, and the necessary changeover switchgear. A special, powerful radio car is employed, containing a 265 metre transmitter, a coupled circuit tuner for 730-metre work, together with an amplifier, included in the interior equipment is a frame aerial and an adjustable aerial of five parallel wires mounted on the roof of the car. The feature of the adjustable aerial is that its height can be altered when the car is passing under bridges, trees, etc. Telephonic communication with headquarters is possible within a radius of 30 to 40 miles, and telegraphy can be employed over greater distances. The car is able to keep in touch with Scotland Yard when travelling at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. MARINE SURVEYING. A new method of marine surveying, using both radio and sound waves, has been developed and is now being used on the Oregon coast. It may be used even in a dense fog and is as accurate as any of the usual methods of sight surveys at sea. The method depends (says a writer in "Science") on the velocity of sound through the sea water, which, being known, enables the operator on shipboard to fix his distance from two or more known positions on shore. A simple calculation then permits him to work out his own position. In this method a bomb fired under water near a vessel sends out a sound wave which travels till it reaches an underwater telephone near and connected by cable with a shore radio station. The sound itself by means of suitable apparatus sends back a radio signal to the ship in such a way that, while there is a delay in the return of the signal, this delay can be accurately measured and the result is the same as if there were no delay whatever. SETS FOR SCHOOLS. Five valve sets, capable of operating loud speakers at splendid strength, have been installed at the Condobolin Public School and the West Maitland High School. Condobolin is about 250 miles air line from Sydney, but at the installation tests 2 F.C.'s transmission could be heard plainly 350 yards from the school. Equally good results were obtained at the West Maitland School. Both sets were installed by the Burgin Electric Co., of Sydney. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. D.X. (Burwood): Following are the principal British broadcasting stations with their wavelengths and call signs: Aberdeen (3BD), 495 metres; Birmingham (5IT), 475; Glasgow (5SC), 420; Newcastle (3NO), 400; Bournemouth (6BM), 385; Manchester (2ZY), 375; London (2LO), 365; Cardiff (5WA), 351; Plymouth (5PY), 325; Edinburgh (2EH), 325; Liverpool (6LV), 318; Sheffield (6FL), 303; Leeds (2LS), 346; Bradford (2LS), 310. "Aerial" (Bankstown): You would be well advised to shorten your aerial; try using 75 feet. J.C.S. (Goulburn): The station you mention is one of the English group under control of the British Broadcasting Co. The matter in the book was evidently prepared for English readers. 1924 10. 1924 10 06. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 6 October 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. BY DOT DASH. I received a letter during the week from one who describes himself as a "genuine experimenter." The burden of the writer's song is that the ether is monopolised, as far as the amateur wavelengths go, by a small number of amateur transmitters, whose "experimenting" goes no further than the grinding out of gramaphone records. This, contends the writer, interferes with the genuine experimenter. Though things do not seem quite as black as "genuine experimenter" paints them, there is certainly a good deal of truth in his contention. One does hear peculiar radiophone conversations at items, and it is indeed hard to understand why an amateur will transmit music for an hour or so on end, without he is conducting a special test. The man who is trying his hardest to work D.X. is apt to get very peeved with the gramaphoners who make it impossible for him to do anything. The whole thing raises the question of amateur control. There was a time when amateur transmitters worked voluntarily to a roster, but now it seems to be an "open go." Something should be done about it. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. NO. 9. The W.D.12 operates with 5 volts, on the filament with a current consumption of only .25 amps. The special oxide coated filament gives a high electron emission at low filament temperature. A single 1.5 volt dry cell may thus be used for filament heating, and these valves are noted for their economical operation, uniform performance, and long life. The W.D.12 is an exceptionally good detector, and for this purpose a plate voltage of 20-45 should be used. When used for amplifying the plate voltage should be from 45 to 90 volts. They are unusually effective as amplifiers of both radio and audio frequencies. Technical details: Filament volts, 1.1; filament amps, .25; filament battery volts (one dry cell), 1.5; overall length, 105 mm.; diameter of bulb, 35 mm.; socket type, standard V.T. FOR LISTENERS IN. There is nothing like the thrill experienced by the wireless amateur when he hears his first signals with the set he has himself built. I have always been a staunch advocate of home construction, feeling sure that listeners-in with a constructional turn of mind, are able to get better results by making their own sets. Home construction also means that the amateur gets a better understanding of the apparatus he is using. A drawback, however, is that the beginner frequently finds it very hard to get instructions for the building of a set. There is plenty of literature on the subject to be had, but little of the kind that can be readily understood by the novice, and there not much adopted to Australian conditions. To assist the beginner and the home constructor, the "Evening News" has published a Wireless Handbook. The book deals in simple language with the principles of the science and gives instructions for the building at home of simple crystal sets, single valve and multi-valve outfits. In addition, there is a complete list of broadcasting, and amateur transmitting stations in Australia, including their location and call signs, and many other sections of interest to radio enthusiasts. The "Evening News" Wireless Handbook may be obtained from all newsagents, price 1/-, or from the "News" Office, post free, 1/2. HOUSING THE PANEL. The look of many a fine panel has been spoiled by its being housed in a badly polished cabinet. Any enthusiast can polish his cabinet so that it will look well in any room. Here is the way to do it: Assuming that your box or cabinet is of a white wood, commence by taking a sheet of glass-paper No. 0, and rub down your wood until a fine smooth surface is obtained, taking care that you polish with the grain of the wood. On no account try to polish against grain. After you are satisfied that all parts are smooth, mix whiting and turpentine to the consistency of thick cream. Then add a little stain (mahogany or walnut) to color desired, and apply with a clean cloth, rubbing this well in all over the wood, in this case by the cross grain. In this way all the grain will be nicely filled up, which is the purpose of this mixture. When this is thoroughly dry — which takes, approximately three to four hours — take a piece of clean No. 0 glass-paper, and polish well off by the way of the wood grain, and see that all dust is thoroughly wiped off. Now comes the actual and most important part — the preparing of the wood to take the staining and varnishing — and great care must be taken. Procure sufficient gold-size and turpentine (proportions half and half), and apply this all over the wood, again allowing to dry thoroughly — say over night. Then, before commencing the actual staining. sand-paper down again, being sure that you still rub with the grain, and thoroughly dust off before proceeding with the actual staining. If you wish to represent mahogany, take a little burnt sienna ground in turps, and tint with a little rose pink and drop black according to the desired tint required. Into this pour a little copal varnish (say a third of your mixture), the varnish acting only as a binder, and apply as before. After allowing this coat to dry thoroughly, smooth down with a clean piece of extra smooth sand-paper (which may be obtained by rubbing two pieces of No. 0 together until partly worn), and again carefully remove all dust. Then apply a nice even coat of copal varnish with a little gold-size added (proportion 4 to 1). Allow this coat to dry thoroughly hard, and for the final finish smooth down again with the extra smooth sand-paper, and apply the finishing coat of varnish. 1924 10 13. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 13 October 1924 (First Part) WIRELESS NEWS. A PAGE DEVOTED TO WIRELESS ACTIVITIES. BROADCASTERS IN U.S.A. HUGE TOTAL BY DOT DASH. There are now 530 broadcast stations in America, 14 of which are operated by manufacturers of radio apparatus, 27 by churches and other religious organisations, and nearly 100 by educational institutions. Only two stations make any effort to collect for their services, and at one of these an experiment is being conducted in collecting a "voluntary tax" from listeners. The average broadcasting station represents an outlay of £10,000, and costs anywhere from £4000 to £20000 a year to operate. One station recently received 170,000 replies in a voting contest, and advertising experts estimated the ratio of replies to those reached was one in 20, giving this single station an audience of 3,000,000. VALVES AND THEIR CURVES. No. 10. A new specially designed amplifying valve for use where considerable power is required (i.e., for loud speakers) is the LS1. The straightness of the grid voltage-plate current characteristic is such that it enables the valve to work without distortion. It will be further noticed from the characteristic curve that with a plate voltage of from 240 to 320 volts there is a very appreciable increase in plate current for a correspondingly small variation of grid voltage, making it suitable for work on the largest type of loud speakers. This valve is also suitable use as a repeater on telephone trunk lines and for low power transmission. Technical details:— Fil. Battery Voltage, 8; Fil. Term. volt., 6.0; Fil. Amps,1.5; Anode volts, 300-600; overall length, 125 M/M; diam of bulb, 67 M/M; socket type, "R." EXIT CARRIER WAVE. According to an American exchange, radio transmission without carrier waves has been successfully demonstrated by station WRM of the University of Illinois. Further experiments are under way. Tests have brought responses from all over the United States that signals broadcast by the new method discovered at the university came in "loud and clear." Under the present system of broadcasting, the carrier wave, on which the sound wave is impressed, conveys all manner of sounds, and only the modulation intensity of the transmitter and the action of the detector in eliminating the carrier wave to more or less degree, enable the sound frequency to be heard in the receivers. Often foreign noises picked up by the carrier wave become audible sounds in the receiver, interfering with perfect reception. With the new device only the modulated sound frequencies are broadcast, and these, according to the college scientists, are devoid of the carrier wave tendency to pick up extraneous noises. Sending efficiency is increased, tuning is made more selective at the receiver, because of the sharper decrement, and much greater distance may be covered. NAVY WIRELESS. Recent advances in radio communication in the United States navy (according to an exchange), include the gradual elimination of spark sets, and the substitution of tube transmitting sets until the sparks have been almost eliminated. The employment of multiplex radio operation and the application of automatic recorders in the reception of radio press reports are other advances effected recently. Tube apparatus has been applied to all battleships, the new cruisers, and has been installed on many submarines, with excellent results. With the discontinuance of old sparks, freedom from interference is noted, and the ability of radio personnel in the operation of the latest types of transmitters has improved. Increased efficiency is seen, and eventually all naval craft will be equipped with tube sets. Submarine radio communication has increased by new installations from between 10 and 100 miles, with the spark sets, to between 200 to 600 miles with the tube sets. The use of tube sets is considered a long step in development, and increases the security of submarine commanders. Multiplex operation, permitting several messages to be sent and received simultaneously, developed aboard the battleship Colorado, is now used on several of the battleships successfully, and it is planned to so modify the radio equipment and receiving rooms on board many ships so as to increase the facilities of fleet operation. On board the Niagara a special souvenir issue of about 30 pages is issued just before reaching Vancouver, and again shortly before arrival at New Zealand on the return trip. This innovation has proved extremely popular and large numbers are purchased by passengers for sending to their friends in all parts of the world. 1924 10 20. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 20 October 1924 (First Part) 1924 10 27. "Wireless News" column by "Dot Dash" in Sydney's "Evening News," of Monday, 27 October 1924 (First Part)
A Guide to Discord/Voice chatting. Voice channels allow you to communicate with other server members via audio and video. Joining a voice channel. Voice channels are identified by the speaker icon. Simply click on the channel to join it. A green outline will highlight your avatar when you speak. Once you join the channel, two icons will appear next to your username: a microphone and a pair of headphones. Click on the microphone to mute yourself. Click on the headphones to deafen yourself (this means you will no longer hear other members). Deafening yourself also automatically mutes you. To leave the voice channel, click on the phone with the "x" icon. Voice Activity vs. Push-to-Talk. Discord offers two voice input modes: Voice Activity and Push-to-Talk. Voice Activity automatically determines input sensitivity, but it can cause audio issues. Uncheck the box to manually adjust input sensitivity. Set sensitivity high enough to avoid transmitting sound when not speaking, but low enough to capture soft speech. Voice Activity has a 200ms delay, plus additional delay based on server distance. Push-to-Talk requires you to hold a dedicated key in order to transmit audio. You can set a keybind in User Settings > Voice & Video. Unlike Voice Activity, Push-to-Talk can be used without any inherent delay. Push-to-Talk only works in the browser app when the window is in focus, and the desktop client is required in order to universally access it across the system. Managing other users. Right click on another member of a voice channel to manage their settings. You can raise or lower their volume, or mute them entirely. You can also disable their video. These options only apply to you, for example, if you disable another user's video, everyone else will still be able to view it. Video chatting. Click on the video icon while in a voice chat to turn on your camera. Sharing Your Screen. Click on the "Screen" icon, then choose whether you want to share a specific application window or an entire screen. Press the "Go Live" button to share your screen.
A Guide to Discord/Nitro. Discord Nitro is a paid membership offering the user various benefits. Cost. The default cost of Discord Nitro in most countries (including the United States) is $9.99 per month. However, this price can vary in different countries. Below is a table comparing countries where the price of Nitro is different than its default price: Nitro Basic. Nitro Basic is a cheaper version of Nitro, costing only $2.99 per month. It has far less benefits than regular Nitro, including:
Algebra/Chapter 0. /Introduction/
Algebra/Chapter 0/Exercises. This section provides a general feel for the Practice Problem sections found at the end of each chapter. Conceptual Questions. These problems are questions that ask about and/or apply the concepts from the chapter. Exercises. These problems test your basic understanding of the material that was taught in the designated sections. One should go to this section when they are done with a section, and complete all of the listed exercises. If you cannot do this, it is advised to read the section again. Reason and Apply. These problems require a more in-depth understanding of the material to solve, applying them as needed. Unlike with the "Exercises" section, these exercises are not necessarily organized by section, as several of them may use concepts from more than one section. Some problems from the section also require you to use proofs or theorems. These problems will have a letter "P" next to them. Challenge Problems. These problems are generally more difficult than the others in this book, and really test your mastery of the chapter's concepts.
A Guide to Discord/Server Boosting. Server Boosting is a paid feature which allows users to buy benefits for a server. Boosts cost $4.99 without Nitro and $3.49 with Nitro. Server Perks. Level 2 - 7 Server Boosts. Everything included in the previous level, in addition to: Level 3 - 14 Server Boosts. Everything included in the previous two levels, in addition to: User Perks. When you boost a server, you will receive a badge next to your name in the member list. You will also receive a badge on your profile if you boost a server for the first time. The badge will continue to evolve if you continue to boost more servers. If you stop boosting servers, the badge will reset to the first level. How to Boost a server. Select your server and click on "Server Settings", then select "Server Boost". You will then be able to view how many Boosts the server has received prior, as well as the number of perks. Press the "Boost This Server" button to continue. You will receive a final pop up message confirming your choice. Press "Boost." Select the number of Boosts you'd like to purchase, by pressing the minus (-) and plus (+) symbols. Review and confirm your final payment, and your Boost will be activated. (If you are a Nitro subscriber, you will be given access to two Boosts automatically).
A Guide to Discord/Permissions. Permissions allow members of the server to have specific privileges and functions, either at the server-wide level or in a specific channel. They are based on the roles assigned to members in a server. Creating Server Permissions. Creating Roles. When you first create a server, there is only one default role: @everyone. As the owner of the server, you will already have access to everything and will not have to assign any extra roles or permissions to yourself. To create additional roles, click the downward arrow next to the server name, then select "Server Settings", "Roles", and "Create Role". Customizing Roles and Permissions. Give the role a name, then select the "Permissions" tab of the role you've created to see the list of Permissions available. Browse the list and choose which permissions you want to to make available with the role. Save changes when you have made your selection. Assigning Roles. Select the "Manage Members" tab and for the list of server members and choose who you want to assign the role too. Alternatively, you can select a user's avatar and select the "+" sign under the roles section to add roles. Channel and Category Permissions. Creating Channel Permissions. Hover over a channel and click the cog icon to access the channel settings. Select the "Permissions" tab. By default, everyone will have access to all features of a channel. Click the check boxes to allow or deny select permissions. Click the "+" sign to add roles or specific people to manage channel permissions, then assign the permissions to that role or person. Creating Category Permissions. Right click the category and choose "Edit Category." Select "Permissions" to modify permissions and add roles. This will ensure that every channel in a category will have the same permissions.
A Guide to Discord/Age-Restrictions. Discord is useful for creating communities focused on a variety of topics, including those that may not be suitable for minors. Channel settings allow you to designate one or more channels as age-restricted. Enabling Restrictions. To designate a channel as age-restricted, find the channel you'd like to mark and click the "edit channel" icon. Within the edit channel tab, click on the option to mark the channel as age-restricted. Unlocking Access. If you are over the age of 18 and would like to access an age-restricted channel but are unable to do so, take a photo of yourself with a photo ID that confirms your date of birth, as well as a piece of paper containing your full Discord Tag. Submit a request to the Trust and Safety Team (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029731) and select "Appeals, age update, other questions", then "Update my age information".
Infrastructure Past, Present, and Future Casebook/U.S./Mexico Border Infrastructure. = US-MEXICO BORDER INFRASTRUCTURE = This casebook is a case study on the US-Mexico border infrastructure developed by Abdulsalam Dreza, Noah Panchure, Anna Antonio-Vila and Assaf Sametip as part of the Infrastructure Past, Present and Future: GOVT 490-004 (Synthesis Seminar for Policy & Government) / CEIE 499-002 (Special Topics in Civil Engineering) Fall 2023 course at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government and the Volgenau School of Engineering, and Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering. Under the instruction of Professor Jonathan Gifford. 1. Introduction. 1.2 Importance of Infrastructure. The maintenance and shaping of the U.S./Mexico border are heavily reliant on infrastructure, serving as the backbone for logistical frameworks, technological systems, and physical structures that are essential for the movement of information, goods, and people. In the broader context of diplomatic and international relations, the infrastructure at the U.S./Mexico border underpins over two centuries of collaborative engagement between the two nations. As of 2023, Mexico stands as the largest trading partner of the United States, with significant trade volumes underscoring the interconnectedness of the two economies. This is reflected in the flow of $263 billion worth of goods and services in just the first four months of the year, a testament to the vital role that border infrastructure plays in supporting and facilitating this immense level of trade. Long-standing agreements like NAFTA and ongoing dialogues such as the HLED are buttressed by the physical realities of infrastructure that make continuous exchange possible, evidencing the interdependence of these neighboring countries. 2. Border Dynamics. 2.1 Pre-Colonial and Colonial Border Dynamics. The tapestry of the US/Mexico borderlands is woven with the threads of indigenous legacies and the scars of colonial incursions: Once a fluid landscape, inhabited by tribes with intricate connections to the land, the advent of European colonialism introduced artificial demarcations, severing traditional territories and disrupting native societies. The swath of land that would become the contentious border followed the Mexican-American War, materializing from treaties like Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase, which reconfigured the geography into a rigid national divide. These early impositions of borderlines prefigured the complex interplay of indigenous rights and national sovereignties, shaping the contentious zone that continues to evolve today. 3. Border Infrastructure: Physical and Technological Barriers. 3.1 Physical Barriers. The evolution of physical barriers at the US/Mexico border reflects the changing policies and challenges of border management: Physical Barriers. Physical barriers along the U.S./Mexico border, such as walls, fences, and vehicle barriers, have been central to efforts to deter unauthorized crossings. The border wall at Nogales, shown here, is an example of how such physical structures are complemented by additional security measures like concertina wire. 3.2 Technology and Surveillance. The integration of technology in border surveillance represents a shift towards a 'smart border' approach: 3.3 Ports of Entry. Ports of Entry (POEs) serve as the arteries of legal travel and trade between the US and Mexico, underlining the economic and cultural interconnectivity of the two nations: Geographical Context. The U.S./Mexico border spans four U.S. states and six Mexican states, encompassing numerous counties with diverse demographics and economies. This map provides a geographical context for the border, illustrating the counties that are directly affected by border infrastructure and policies. 4. Impacts of the Border Infrastructure. 4.1 Economic Impacts. The economic implications of border infrastructure are multifaceted, with effects on trade, commerce, and the livelihoods of border communities: 4.2 Social Impacts. Social impacts of border infrastructure are deeply felt in border communities and extend to broader demographic and cultural trends: 4.3 Environmental Impacts. The environmental consequences of border infrastructure are a subject of ongoing concern and debate: 5. Modern issues and Future Directions. 5.1 The Wall Debate: A Historical and Political Battleground. The concept of the wall has risen and fallen like the tides of political rhetoric and public sentiment: Embroiled in partisan agendas, the wall has oscillated between a symbol of steadfast security and a monument to divisive politics, with administrations drawing lines in the sand that extend far beyond the physical barriers. Scrutiny over the wall’s effectiveness has become a recurring chapter in the broader narrative of national security, immigration reform, and humanitarian concern, with each twist and turn prompting a reevaluation of its role in the American saga. The ongoing discourse encompasses the fabric of economic, environmental, and ethical threads, each one pulling at the seams of policy and public opinion, and unraveling new challenges for the future of border integrity and human dignity. 5.2 Technology and Privacy: Surveillance in the Balance. The modern era introduces a digital dimension to the age-old dilemmas of border security: Technological advancements offer a double-edged sword, sharpening the capabilities for surveillance while potentially cutting into the rights to privacy, casting long shadows of concern across communities living in the border’s embrace. The debate rages over the invisible boundaries set by digital monitoring, questioning the balance between protective oversight and invasive scrutiny, and whether the pursuit of security justifies the pervasive gaze of government. As drones soar and cameras peer, the effectiveness of such measures is weighed against the backdrop of civil liberties, with each innovation prompting a reexamination of the principles that guard not just borders, but the freedoms of those within them. 5.3 Migrant Narratives: The Human Cost of Borders. The border is more than a line; it's a nexus of human journeys, each marked by hope, hardship, and the search for a better life: The multitude of reasons that propel migrants towards the border – from the ashes of conflict to the promise of opportunity – narrates a complex story of human migration, challenging the monolithic views often portrayed. The demographics of migration reveal a kaleidoscope of individual faces and stories, defying uniform classification and demanding a nuanced understanding of the migrant experience. Humanitarian concerns rise like a tide against the barriers, with each policy and physical fortification shaping the currents that carry migrants through perilous passages, leaving an indelible mark on the conscience of nations. Diplomacy and international relations ebb and flow around the policies of the wall, where each stone laid 6. Upcoming Infrastructure Proposals. 6.1 Future Projects and Considerations. Looking forward, border infrastructure proposals continue to evolve with changing policy priorities and technological advancements: 6.2 Technology's Role. Technological innovation is set to further redefine the landscape of border security and management: 6.3 Diplomatic Avenues. The future of border infrastructure is inextricably linked to the diplomatic relations between the US and Mexico: 7. Conclusion and Reflections. 7.1 Modern Border Implications. Reflecting on the transformation of the US/Mexico border, certain trends and constants emerge: 7.2 Way Forward. The path ahead for US/Mexico border relations requires a balanced approach that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of the border: Border Security and Military Involvement. The role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in supporting the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) efforts to secure the U.S./Mexico border has been a subject of discussion and legislative action. Here, the CBP Provost testifies before a committee, highlighting the collaborative efforts between the DoD and CBP in border security and infrastructure management.
A Guide to Discord/Connections. Connections allow you to connect external accounts to your Discord account. Enabling connections. Click on "User Settings", then find the tab labeled "Connections". This is where you will be able to add and remove your connections. Click "display on profile" if you would like these connections to be publicly visible. Available connections. Apps that you can link to your Discord profile via connections include:
Chess Opening Theory/1. g3/1...e5/2. Bg2. = 2. Bg2 · Hungarian Opening, Main Line = 2. Bg2. White has fianchettoed their king’s bishop, placing pressure on the centre, and Black’s queenside. Black can respond with simple development (e.g. 2…Nf6), or grabbing the whole centre with 2…d5. In the latter case, we can expect a typical battle between the hypermodern and classical philosophies. Chances are about equal. Theory table. 1. g3 e5 2. Bg2
A Guide to Discord/Keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions and functions quickly without having to move one hand to your house.
Salom, Jonatan!/Mon 6. Monlari – Mon 5 – Mon 6 – Mon 7 Sisayum mon (6yum mon). Lima de mesi lima (5 de mesi 5) – Kastilo. Nundin, Jonatan xa idi cel kastilo de tesu doste Konte Drakula. Turi cel kastilo xoru fe nunya. Jonatan estay fe fronta de wagon ji intizar wagonyen. “Wagonyen sen keloka?” te fikir. “A, hay wagonyen—te pala ton hotelyen. Ete pala keseba? Mi no hare watu, ji mi ingay na xoridi.” Jonatan oko wey wagon, ji oko multi person. Person multi pala, mas te no aham person. Jonatan fikir, “Ete sen hazuni keseba? Mi no sen hazuni. Mi fikir ki hinto sen ajabu loka, mas mi no sen hazuni.” Te oko ki person pala, ji harka hanta. Te oko etesu hanta…ete fale keto yon etesu hanta? A! Fe nunya, te aham. Ete harka etesu hanta denpul kom persaluba. Etesu hanta no sen persaluba, mas denwatu hu ete harka hanta, etesu hanta sen denpul kom persaluba. Wagonyen ata. Fe nunya, turi xoru. Jonatan side in wagon. Pia alo person side in wagon. Jonatan oko dexa wey te ji fikir ki to sen meli. Hay multi drevo. In hin dexa, hay multi pingo ji multi prumu, koski hay multi pingo-drevo ji prumu-drevo. Te loga, “Mmm! Pingo-drevo sen daymo meli, ji mi vole na yam otosu pingo.” Te oko pia pyara, koski hay multi pyara-drevo in hin dexa. Te loga, “Daymo bon! Pyara-drevo sen daymo meli, ji mi vole na yam otosu pyara. Mi suki drevo de drevolari.” Mas wagon idi ji idi…to sen daymo velosi wagon! Wagon idi velosi keseba? Te oko dolo hu da no sen bon dolo; to sen lama. Mas wagon idi velosi! “Kam wagon ingay na idi velosi eger dolo sen lama ji no sen bon dolo?” te fikir. Wagonyen suki na idi velosi, te fikir. Fe nunya, wagon idi in drevolari. Teli, te oko jabal. Jabal sen daymo day, ji pia drevolari sen daymo day. Jonatan fikir tem jabal in Engli. Te fikir ki jabal in Engli sen daymo lil, maxmo lil kom jabal in Rumani. Wey wagon, Jonatan oko, duli mara, alo person. Ete sen person of hin dexa. Hin dexa hare alo person kom person in den dexa Engli. Person in hin dexa ogar in drevolari, mas person in den dexa, Engli, ogar in day xaher. Ji te fikir tem saluba ji persaluba. Si, person in hin dexa, Rumani, suki persaluba, mas person in den dexa, Engli, suki saluba. To sen ke satu? To sen satu sisa. Denwatu hu Jonatan le side in wagon, to le sen soba. Xafe to, midinuru le ata. Midinuru sen satu 12. Xafe to, xafesoba le ata; xafesoba sen watu xafe satu 12. Mas fe nunya, to sen axam. Axam sen keto? Axam sen watu hu denwatu Sola no sen gao, mas cote. Fe nunya, Sola sen day cote. Denwatu hu Jonatan le sen in wagon fe midinuru, le hay termo. Fe midinuru, Jonatan le fikir, “Mi hisi termopul! Mi ingay na glu!” Mas fe nunya, denwatu hu to sen satu sisa, Sola sen cote, ji le no hay termo; hay bardi. Fe nunya, te fikir, “Mi hisi bardipul! Sola sen keloka?” Denwatu hu Jonatan hisi termopul, hay termo, ji denwatu hu te hisi bardipul, hay bardi. Jonatan no vole na hisi termopul, mas te no vole pia na hisi bardipul. Jonatan le no suki na hisi termopul, mas fe nunya, te no suki na hisi bardipul. Jonatan ripul loga, “Sola sen keloka?” ji te loga, “Turi xa fini kewatu? Kastilo de misu doste Konte Drakula sen keloka?”
A Guide to Discord/Easter Eggs. Easter Eggs are secrets hidden by the developers of Discord within the app. Here is how to find them. Snek. Follow the link to Discord's 404 page. You will see a GIF of the Discord mascot Wumpus at a Ramen shop. Click the board with a snake design in the bottom right corner to launch the Snek game, then click play to start it. Alternatively, you can enter the Konami Cheat Code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A,) to launch the game. This Easter Egg can only be accessed when you are using Discord on a web browser. Discordo (classic). Clicking the Discord logo in the top left corner 16 times will cause a voice to say "Discordo", a typical Japanese pronunciation of Discord. The audio will continue to play every time you open the app. To disable it, click the logo 16 times again. Empathy Banana/Broken Magnifying Glass. If your search yields no results, Discord will display an "empathy banana" or a broken magnifying glass instead of the standard no results dialogue. Copy username (TRUE). Click on your profile picture, then click your username in the menu that pops up. You will see a "Copied!" message. Move your cursor away from your username to make the message disappear, then click on it again. You will receive a different message each time. The messages that appear in order are: "Copied!", "Double Copy!", "Triple Copy!", "Dominating!!", "Rampage!!", "Mega Copy!!", "Unstoppable!!", "Wicked Sick!!", "Monster Copy!!!", "GODLIKE!!!", and finally, "BEYOND GODLIKE!!!!". This Easter Egg is not available on mobile versions of Discord. AMOLED Dark Theme (OUTDATED). Tap your profile picture, then go to "Appearance" and tap on "Dark" 10 times. This will cause the background to go from grey to black. This is only available for the Android version of Discord. Akuma Raging Demon. Press "Control + /" or "cmd + /" to open the keyboard shortcuts window. Then enter in this code: "H+H+<right arrow>+N+K". This will cause your Discord window to flicker and display an animation resembling Akuma's Raging Demon attack from the video game "Street Fighter". Music Notes(True). Press "Control + /" or "cmd + /" to open the keyboard shortcuts window, then press any arrow key to hear the sound of a synthesized musical note. Humans. Visit https://discord.com/humans.txt to find the Discord logo in ASCII art with a link to their "About" page. This is a reference to robots.txt, a file put on a web server that tells crawlers which pages of a website not to index. Computer Man. Go to https://printer.discord.com in a web browser, and you will be redirected to a video clip from the Canadian television series "Vid Kids".
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Columns/Sparks from Radioland NSW. CUT & PASTE OF ARTICLE ON COLUMN "MAGIC SPARK", TO BE EDITED The "Magic Spark" column in Sydney's "Evening News" newspaper commenced Saturday 28 January 1922 and ran until Saturday 12 July 1924. It is thought to have been the first newspaper column devoted to wireless in Australia, though this needs to be confirmed by further research. The timing of the commencement of the column was at least fortuitous. The earliest columns highlighted the restrictive licensing practices of the day, especially in respect of amateur "experimental" transmitting licences; encouraged readers to write to their local members of parliament seeking relaxation of such provisions; and promoted the newish science of radio telegraphy and radio telephony. Its campaign (and those of others, especially the various State Divisions of the Wireless Institute of Australia) soon bore fruit with the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations 1922 legislative instrument. The publication period extended across the Wireless Regulations 1923 and oddly came to a conclusion around the time of the Wireless Regulations 1924. Anecdotally, the popularity of the column spread far beyond the traditional readership of the "Evening News" and today the column is highly regarded by radio historians. Research to date has not revealed the author(s) of the column, but the consistency of style and purpose is indicative of a single author and this is supported by the consistent use of the nom de plume of "Dot Dash". In the final weeks of the column in mid-1924 the nom de plume became "Catwhisker" signalling a new author and indeed, an announcement in the column of 19 July 1924 indicated that henceforth the "Magic Spark" column would be printed every Monday. Resources. A comprehensive summary of matters pertaining to the Magic Spark Column NSW has not yet been prepared, however the following resources have been assembled in preparation: Columns where little able to be transcribed: = In-line citations =
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Columns/Sparks from Radioland NSW/Notes. Sparks from Radioland Column NSW - Transcriptions and notes. 1920s. 1923. 1923 08. 1923 08 12. Front page leader for "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 SPECIALS IN TO-DAY'S ISSUE. Those interested in Wireless will find notes of vivid quality in a new feature introduced this week — Sparks from Radio Land. These notes will be found today as an addition to the second of our special Motor pages. They are written by an expert. . . . "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (First Part) SPARKS FROM RADIO LAND. What Broadcasting Will Mean to Australia. IS THERE DANGER OF A COMBINE? Under the above heading, the Sunday Times proposes each week to supply latest information and comment on the developments of wireless. A technical expert will conduct the articles, and will gladly furnish any information desired by experimenters. Today's contributions deal with several important matters of general interest, as well as technical tips for amateurs. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Second Part) BROADCAST REGULATIONS. Will They Be Workable? Will the regulations to govern wireless broadcasting in Australia prove workable? Many people say they will not, and a number of Melbourne traders endeavored to induce the P.M.G. (Mr. Gibson) not to gazette them without drastic amendment. Mr. Gibson knows nothing at all about broadcasting. He admitted that in opening the recent Melbourne conference. He did the only sensible thing under the circumstances, therefore, in taking advice from those who did know something about it. Mr. Fisk, managing director of Amalgamated Wireless, Ltd., fresh from England, and who knew the shortcomings of the system in operation there and in America, submitted to the conference a constructive scheme calculated to avoid the pitfalls that had disrupted the ranks of radio enthusiasts abroad. When the conference got up, the oppositionists woke up. They told the Minister that if the regulation allotting a certain wave length to each broadcasting station were gazetted, it would kill the business in Australia. Mr. Gibson, after reminding them that ample opportunity to suggest better regulations had been open to anyone during the conference, dissented from their views. He promised, however, if time proved the regulations needed amending, they would be amended. It may be explained that the main objection to one wavelength for each station, and a sealed set to receive the programme from that station, is that persons desiring to receive entertainments from different stations will have to purchase different licenses. Well what if they do? When a person buys a ticket for Her Majesty's Theatre, it will admit him to no other. A railway ticket for the Blue Mountains cannot be used when touring the South Coast. Or, when a phonograph is bought, the right to an unlimited supply of records does not go with it. Then why complain if the man who wants to receive programmes from six broadcasting stations has to buy a set and a license from each. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Third Part) Amateur Transmission. Mr. J. Malone, Controller of Wireless, officially announced at a meeting of radio enthusiasts in Sydney on Monday evening last that, under the broadcasting regulations, amateur transmitters would not be interfered with. The announcement was greeted with enthusiasm. Ever since the question of framing broadcasting regulations was mooted, experimenters have been fearful lest their activities should be seriously curtailed under the altered conditions. Radio dealers and supply houses are, on the other hand, seriously perturbed at the prospect of amateur transmission being allowed to continue. Their contention is that it will interfere with the operations of broadcasting companies by lessening the demand for continuous programmes, and, incidentally, detrimentally affect the sales of sets. The dealers and other houses concerned held a meeting on Thursday last at which the matter was fully discussed. Despite the fact that a resolution requesting the P.M.G. to disallow amateur transmitting was carried by only ONE vote, a telegram embodying same was immediately despatched to Melbourne. The N.S.W. Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, and the Society for the Improvement of Wireless in Australia held meetings almost simultaneously with the radio dealers, and despatched resolutions to Mr. Gibson urging him not to depart from his attitude of allowing amateur transmitters to carry on as at present. That is the position at the moment of writing. It is impossible to forecast Mr. Gibson's decision, but it is hardly likely that he will amend the regulations without practical proof that freedom for amateur transmitters will adversely affect the broadcasting companies. His attitude right through has been to give the regulations, as they stand, a chance to demonstrate their practicability or otherwise. In this he has been strongly supported by the Controller of Wireless, Mr. J. Malone. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Fourth Part) Radio to Report Forest Fires. The Minister for Forests in West Australia (Mr, J. Scaddan) is wide awake to the possibilities of radio telephony for notifying outbreaks of forest fires. Thousands of acres of valuable timber are destroyed in the West each year by fire. The grim destroyer is able to gain a firm hold on the dense undergrowth, mainly because the present means of notifying an outbreak — by transport — is hopelessly out of date. The cost of establishing wireless stations at different points in the forest area is estimated at £100 each. The American Government is employing a similar method to give warning of forest fires, with marked success. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Fifth Part) No Broadcasting Combine in Australia. A mischievous impression has been created in Sydney by certain newspaper reports that a move is on foot to establish a broadcasting combine in Australia. The names of Amalgamated Wireless, and the Commonwealth Government, have been mentioned as the arch conspirators. Careful enquiry has failed to sustain the charge. The only union between Amalgamated Wireless and the Commonwealth Government was effected over 12 months ago, for the purpose of establishing a direct wireless service between Australia and England. The fulfilment of that agreement has been held up by the delay on the part of the British Government to grant a license to private enterprise to erect a similar station in England. The Commonwealth Government is not concerned with broadcasting, other than the framing of regulations to govern it. These regulations have now been gazetted, and they will provide for free competition in the broadcasting field. Any firm, or individual, who can give a satisfactory guarantee that a reasonable service will be rendered may set up and operate a broadcasting station, or may sell apparatus. The talk of a monopoly is mischievous nonsense. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Sixth Part) LIFEBOATS SHOULD HAVE SETS. Government's Astonishing Indifference to Wireless. If the Bruce-Page Ministry would get a hustle on and immediately ascertain the part that wireless is playing in the protection of flesh and blood at sea in other parts of the world, it would not be the subject of bitter attacks for sea tragedies such as have occurred recently. In the case of the Sumatra wreck wireless, of course, could do little or nothing in the matter of effecting a rescue, but the harrowing and tragic story relating the hardships and ordeals endured by the survivors of the Trevessa will ever stand as a monument of Governmental "go-slowism" on the part of the present Ministry. Readers are thrilled when they are proudly informed that the remarkable journey in the Trevessa's lifeboats, midst the angry seas of the Indian Ocean, compares with any other seafaring achievement recorded in British history. If the Commonwealth Government had compelled the Trevessa — and all other deepsea vessels — to instal a small wireless set in one or two lifeboats, for the use of those who are forced to abandon a sinking ship, a dozen human lives would have been saved and the survivors would have been spared the hell through which they were forced to go before being washed up on the friendly shores of Mauritius. Small wireless sets are obtainable for small craft. If the Trevessa's lifeboats had been equipped with one it would have been a comparatively easy matter to have notified any vessel within a radius of 1000 miles of the whereabouts of the crew, and so have effected a speedy rescue. But even this simple suggestion doesn't dispose of the assistance the wireless can render and has rendered on such occasions. Had the lifeboats wrongly stated their positions, wireless science has devised a further protecting scheme — a direction finder — which is an apparatus employed for ascertaining the position of a boat in distress by the character of the messages received. When the Stavender Fjord, from Christiania, was first fitted with a wireless direction finder, distress signals were received from the Otta, which was drifting helplessly with her rudder-stock broken, and which indicated that her position was 275 miles away. When the Stav. arrived at the spot there was no sign of the Otta, but the direction finder of the rescuing vessel located the drifting vessel 50 miles away, and three hours later the rescue was effected. What might have happened had the Stavender Fjord not been equipped with a direction finder may be left to the imagination, which will not be unduly taxed in view of the recent experience of the ill-fated Trevessa. The Norwegian steamer Mod was so badly damaged in heavy North Sea storms that the crew was huddled together on deck for 36 hours in readiness for any emergency. Six steamers had responded to S.O.S. signals, but owing to the wrong location being given, none of them could find her. The British steamer Melmore Head though too far away to be of any assistance at once, found the signals of the distressed steamer getting stronger — just as a new chum lost in a coal mine, feels the air getting fresher when he turns towards a tunnel leading from the pit mouth — and the captain accordingly requisitioned his direction finder and located the Mod 78 miles away and in a different direction from the position she had sent out. The Melmore Head steamed straight for the spot and rescued the crew of 23 in time to see the Mod take a dive to the bottom. The master of the Rosalind encountered an almost similar experience with the distressed Thyra, which was drifting helplessly before a strong breeze. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 12 August 1923 (Seventh Part) HINTS FOR EXPERIMENTS. A Simple Radiophone Receiver. Today there are thousands of people who, having heard of radiophone broadcasting, are desirous of listening in to the multitude of voices and musical items which are travelling about nightly through the ether. For those living within a five to ten mile radius of a transmitting station, it is an easy matter to construct a small receiver capable of giving very satisfactory service for a nominal outlay. The majority of radiophone stations operate with a wave length in the neighborhood of four hundred metres. What is meant by this is that the electromagnetic waves leave the transmitting station at such a rate that they are separated by a distance of 400 metres, or, approximately, 1300 feet. This greatly simplifies the design and construction of a suitable receiver, and if the following simple directions are adhered to, even those with a minimum of technical knowledge will be able to build a small receiver. First of all the aerial must be erected — after making arrangements with the postal authorities for a permit to do so. This aerial should be as high and as long as possible. A suitable size for the average suburban back yard is 25 to 30 feet high, and 100 feet long. The supports are left to the reader's discretion. For the tuning inductance, obtain a piece of cardboard tubing three inches in diameter and three inches long, and on it wind a layer of 50 turns of No. 26 double cotton covered wire. Give this a coat of thin shellac varnish to provide insulation, and to stick it firmly to the tube. Instead of a sliding contact or rotary switch to tune the receiver, it is more efficient and simpler to use a variable condenser of either 23 or 43 plate size in series with the coil and aerial. A crystal detector can be either purchased or constructed from two terminals, mounted in a piece of ebonite. In one terminal fasten a tie or paper clip to hold the crystal, and in the other a piece of springy wire of about No. 30 gauge. This detector and a pair of 2000 ohm telephone head receivers are connected in series across the terminals of the inductance coil. In addition to the aerial wire, a connection must be provided to the water pipe for an earth. After connecting both these wires to the receiver in the usual fashion, listen in with the telephones and adjust the contact on the crystal until loudest signals are obtained when Sydney Radio happens to be transmitting. An artificial testing station which will ensure having the detector always adjusted can be fitted up by connecting an ordinary buzzer in series with a dry battery. Leave this buzzing near the receiver, and at the same time search over the surface of the crystal with the contact wire until the most sensitive spot is found. This buzzer circuit, if fitted with a telegraph key, will also come in useful for practising the Morse code and it will not be long before the reader will be able to pick up weather reports, etc., from the local commercial stations. 1923 08 19. Front page leader for "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 19 August 1923 SPECIALS IN TO-DAY'S ISSUE. . . . Our second instalment of Sparks From Radio Land is of the widest interest (page 5). . . . "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 19 August 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. Should Amateur Transmission Continue? SYDNEY TRADERS WILL UNDERTAKE BROADCASTING. Practical Hints for Experimenters. The Sunday Times today publishes the second of its series of special wireless articles under the above heading. Our technical expert will gladly furnish information, technical or otherwise, to any readers who desire it. May Amateurs Transmit? The Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) is pondering over the dispute between the wireless traders and the experimenters respecting the announcement by the chief manager of Telegraphic Wireless (Mr. Malone) that the Commonwealth would not interfere with amateur transmission in Australia. Some of the traders point out that Mr. Malone's announcement is a distinct contravention of the broadcasting regulations, inasmuch as under them the Government has stipulated that only amateurs engaged in bonafide experimental work will be allowed to operate transmitting stations without rendering themselves liable to conform in all respects to the obligations imposed upon broadcasting companies. It is contended that the transmission of nightly entertainment programmes as now carried out by many amateurs is not experimental work. Furthermore, if allowed to continue it is likely to discourage broadcasting companies from entering the field. This will defeat the whole object of the Government in framing the regulations, which were designed to secure for all the people of Australia the full benefits of a competitive radio broadcasting service. Whatever decision is arrived at by the Minister, the traders contend that either the regulations should be adhered to or scrapped, so that the trade may have opportunity of knowing where they stand. The point at issue is an important one, and it is hoped that a decision will be arrived at which will not in any way retard the development of wireless in Australia. Traders to Broadcast. It is expected that at an early date a number of radio supply houses in Sydney will combine to erect and operate a broadcasting station. This move should prove a helpful one to wireless business generally. There is money in it for all concerned, if it is handled properly, and if anyone can do it, it should be the radio dealers. The Australian broadcasting regulations place no restriction on advertising by means of radiophone. Broadcasting companies will thus have an opportunity of reaping considerable revenue from business houses anxious to keep their names before the tens of thousands of listeners in who will soon be dotted over Australia. Word of Warning. Excellent advice, which may be given at the present time to people desirous of purchasing wireless apparatus for "listening in" to broadcasting programmes, is "Don't." It must be constantly borne in mind that under the recently gazetted regulations, wireless receiving sets must conform to the Postmaster-General's requirements and obtain the imprimatur of the Commonwealth betore being employed for broadcast programmes. Until such time as the various broadcasting companies are established, and the respective wave lengths allotted, the manufactures are not in a position to turn out the exact type of receiver suitable for listening in on the various wave lengths. Till then intending purchasers are strongly urged to stand off; otherwise they will find themselves later with apparatus which the Government's Inspector may refuse to pass, and which, accordingly, will be useless. In any case there is no immediate haste in the matter, for it is not expected that any of the mooted broadcasting companies will be in a position to supply first-class programmes before the end of the year. Until the entertainments can be broadcasted under the most favorable conditions and "listened" to with the latest equipment, newcomers to the realm of radio should possess their souls in patience, lest a discordant or jarring note, due to faulty transmission, should discourage them altogether from following up and enjoying the delights of wireless entertainments. Ample notification will be given when wireless apparatus conforming to the P.M.G.'s regulations will be available. Bouquet from Mr Fisk. "The Sunday Times" new feature, Sparks From Radio Land, is destined to accomplish a great deal in popularising wireless. In providing topical items of general interest it is making a direct appeal to the man in the street as distinct from the technical intelligence usually served up for students' consumption." In these words Mr. E. T. Fisk, managing director of Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.), Ltd., referred to the special article published in last Sunday's issue, which was the first of a series to be conducted weekly by our wireless expert. Mr. Fisk added that the Sunday Times lead in eschewing the technical aspect in favor of general topics for its readers, would probably be adopted by other journals, as past scientific discoveries had demonstrated that the general public cared little for the technical side of any new invention. "For instance," he said, "people enjoy a feast of good music from gramophones, or delight in motoring, or they even carry on telephone conversations without once pausing to ponder over the mechanism that enables them to enjoy such privileges. They know nothing about the ramifications of the inventions, and they care less. In the same way, when wireless shortly unlocks its wonderful gifts, the people will eagerly devour all that the Press may publish on the subject, but the thirst for the technical knowledge will gradually diminish, and be confined to those directly interested." Keeping Clubs Alive. Many radio clubs around Sydney are faced with a serious problem. Prior to so many experimenters undertaking the regular transmission of entertainment programmes, it was not at all difficult to secure a maximum attendance of members at the weekly or fortnightly club meetings. Now the position is different. Most enthusiasts who have acquired a little technical knowledge lose no time in obtaining a license and installing a receiving set. The temptation then is to sit at home every night with the headphones on, and listen to the music which fills the air for a couple of hours. The club, which gave the experimenter his first grounding in radio knowledge, is neglected, if not actually forgotten. This should not be so. Radio clubs are necessary to keep experimenters banded together, and encourage them to work along progressive lines for the general advancement of wireless. This can only be secured if every member attends his club as regularly as possible. It is surely not asking too much to expect him to lay aside the headphones for one night each week or fortnight to attend the club meeting. The suggestion to have a common meeting night for all radio bodies looked at the outset like solving the attendance problem, but after examining the proposal, numbers of club executives decided against it. This is unfortunate, as, had the idea been adopted, it was intended to ask all experimental transmitting stations to close down on that particular night. There would then have been nothing to keep the "listening-in" fiend at home. The proposal is, however, not yet dead, and its supporters intend to bring it forward again at a later date. Conference Needed. A prominent official of the Marrickville Radio Club recently expressed the opinion that frequent conferences of club representatives would do much to raise the status of the experimenter in Australia. His contention is that unity should be the first consideration amongst amateur bodies in the Commonwealth. This can be brought about only by a frequent exchange of ideas, and a determination to act unitedly when occasion demands it. The commencement of broadcasting marks a new era in wireless in Australia, and the interests of experimenters who have done much to bring the science to its present practical form are in danger of being submerged in the popular demand for entertainment programmes. Hence the need for united action on their part to preserve their identity and interests. A monthly conference of club officials to discuss matters of mutual concern should not be difficult to arrange. There are 39 clubs in N.S.W., and about 21 of them are close to the metropolis. Country clubs could nominate representatives of city clubs to watch their interests. In this way much good work could be accomplished. The idea is at least worth a trial. Why Signals Fade. It does not take long for the beginner in radio to notice a very marked difference in the strength of signals received from a particular station during daylight and dark. The shorter the wavelength that the transmitting station is using the greater will be the variation between these times. During the daytime the sun's rays — which are rich in extremely high frequency vibrations, known as ultra violet waves — succeed in ionising the atmosphere. These ultra violet rays react so powerfully upon the atoms of the air surrounding the earth, that some of the latter become positively charged with electricity, and float about in the atmosphere. This is what is meant by ionisation. Normally the air is a very good conductor, and allows the wireless waves to travel through it with very little resistance, but when these minute charged bodies are floating about in it, it becomes a slight conductor. All those who have screened the inside of their receivers with metal foil to reduce induction realise that conducting materials possess the property of absorbing electrical fields to a greater or lesser extent. It will therefore be easily understood how these ions play a similar part. When darkness exists between the two stations the ionising influence of the sun's rays will be absent, and the air will become less conductive, with an improved transmission quality for the wireless waves. In addition to the above-mentioned cause, there exists another, due to a layer of permanently ionised gas known as the Heaviside layer, which is at a height of about 50 miles above the earth. During the night time the dividing line between this gas and the normal air underneath is fairly sharply defined, the consequence being that the vertically radiated waves are reflected back to the earth and add to the strength of the waves which travel along it. A difference will also be noted between the signal strengths obtained during Winter and Summer time. The decreased strength of the sunlight in Winter ionises a smaller quantity of air than that which is affected in Summer time. The discharges from these electrified bodies of gas cause disturbances known as atmospheric or static, which produce harsh, grating sounds in the telephones connected to the receiving apparatus. A Coil-winding Hint. Experimenters who make their own tuning coils often have trouble with the windings coming loose from the tube soon after they have been put on. It is possible to hold them in place by giving a liberal coat of shellac or other varnish, but this is not to be recommended, especially for short wave work, owing to the big increase in distributed capacity and its attendant losses. By making use of the property of metals of expanding when heated and contracting when cooled, the wire can be put on tighter than it is possible to wind it by normal methods. Take the spool of' wire and place it near a fire or inside an oven until it is as hot as will just allow it to be held in the hands. While it is warming up get the cardboard or ebonite tube ready, and as soon as the right temperature has been reached commence the winding and try and finish it before the wire cools down. If this cannot be done, rewarm the wire. When the wire cools down it will contract, then grip the tube tightly. Be sure and make the ends secure when finished, or it is likely to creep back. 1923 08 26. Front page leader for "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 26 August 1923 SPECIALS IN TO-DAY'S ISSUE. . . . Listeners-in, read the broadcasting position in Sparks from Radio Land (second Motor page). . . . "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 26 August 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. DEALERS AND AMATEURS DIFFER. Country Party Welcomes Broadcasting. PRACTICAL TIPS FOR EXPERIMENTERS. The Sunday Times Special Wireless Feature, entitled Sparks from Radioland, has provoked favorable comment from all branches of the radio realm. From week to week the Sunday Times will publish, for wireless enthusiasts, the latest developments connected with the science, including technical hints for amateurs desirous of erecting their own receiving sets in anticipation of the musical programmes shortly to be broadcasted by the various entertainment companies. Readers of the Sunday Times seeking knowledge on any aspect of wireless will be furnished with available information by our wireless expert. The difference of opinion between experimenters and dealers over the wisdom and justice of the former being allowed to continue their regular transmissions should not prove incapable of satisfactory settlement. Amateur transmitters have helped to put radio on the map in Australia, and to that extent have a legitimate claim on the authorities. If the rights of experimenters were trodden ruthlessly underfoot, it would be bad business for wireless generally. The contention of the radio dealers that, if transmission of the present programmes is allowed to continue, it will discourage broadcasting companies from entering the field, is not altogether without reason. At the same time, it must be remembered that there is a limit to the volume and variety of free entertainment which will be provided. The cost of operating a transmitting station is considerable, and there are few, if any, experimenters in the game who have the inclination or money to enter into competition with an up-to-date broadcasting company. Hence it will probably be found that when broadcasting is in operation, the pull exerted by the free entertainers will be practically negligible. If the situation is viewed from every angle, it is apparent that, although at the outset broadcasting companies may show hesitancy in beginning operations if amateurs are allowed to transmit as freely as at present, the harm they will actually suffer once the die has been cast will be nil. If the P.M.G. wishes to settle the point at issue to the satisfaction of all concerned, he should consider doing two things: (1) Emphasise for the benefit of the public the superiority which broadcast programmes will have over the present amateur transmissions. (2) Consider the question of allotting each experimental transmitter the same wave length as one of the broadcasting stations, and allow the free transmission of entertainment programmes on that wave length only at such times as the respective broadcasting stations would not be operating. The first suggestion would not detrimentally affect anyone. The second would allow experimenters to transmit free entertainment programmes if they so desire which "listeners-in," without altering their sets, could enjoy after the broadcasting station had closed down. For purely experimental work, amateurs would, of course, transmit on their present wave lengths. Many thousands of "listeners-in" in America learnt to their sorrow that free programmes rarely lasted very long. When broadcasting commenced in the United States, numbers of stations began broadcasting free entertainment programmes. The public bought sets to "listen-in," and all went well until the philanthropic entertainers found out that it was too costly a business trying to keep pace with the broadcasting companies which collected subscriptions from their patrons. One by one they closed down, and their clients were left lamenting. Mr. Bruxner, M.L.A., Welcomes Broadcasting. "It will be a great day for the farmer outback when wireless broadcasting is officially launched in Sydney," said the leader of the State Country Party, Mr. Bruxner, yesterday. "The members of my party are interested to know what wireless will mean to the settlers outback, not only in the direction of brightening their homes with first-class musical entertainment, but also in supplying them with necessary information respecting weather, markets, and other matters of importance. "Our influence will be thrown behind the broadcasting movement, which promises to be such a boon to the pioneers. In the city it is difficult to appreciate the hardships and solitude of the lonely bush. In the country some children, well in their teens, have never seen a picture show or any other kind of show." "The drift to the city has assumed alarming proportions. If radio broadcasting can brighten home life in the country, it will perform a service of incalculable value to Australia." What's Wrong with Our 'Phones? The Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) would have been delighted and his critics confounded if they had been present at an experimental transmitting station near Sydney one evening recently. At the conclusion of the broadcasting entertainment the operator gave the studio telephone number to the "listeners-in," and stated that if anyone liked to ring up — on the land line, of course — and request the repetition of any musical item he would cheerfully oblige. The word "oblige" had no sooner left his lips than the studio telephone commenced a melody of its own not unlike an alarm clock early in the morning. The first request was for a repetition of The Mikado score, and as fast as one call was answered another tingle followed from a different direction. Apart from the prompt manner in which the "listeners-in" and telephone attendants acted, it was a new experience for the visitors to watch the operator talking into the dark, as it seemed, and immediately be assailed by so many hidden spirits. Are Patents' Cost Excessive. There is one small cloud on the radio horizon at the present moment. A difference has arisen between Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.) Ltd. and a number of radio dealers in Sydney over the question of using patents. The company has announced that it is prepared to license broadcasting companies to use its patents for the transmission of entertainment programmes. The radio dealers contend that the sum asked is too high to enable them to carry out the free broadcasting they have in view. On the other hand the company claims that it is entitled to receive a fair return on the amount of capital it has laid out in purchasing Australian patent rights of all worthwhile inventions. The position has reached an interesting stage, but it is expected that a fair compromise is likely to be arrived at. Hints for Experimenters. When building tuning coils and vario couplers, the supply of the necessary cardboard tubes is often a very troublesome problem. Those purchased in the various supply stores are either not the correct size, or are so flimsy that they distort readily when wound with wire. It is possible to make these tubes easily and cheaply, with little time and trouble. First of all secure a former of the approximate size that the tube is to be. This former can take many forms. A few suggested articles are: Glass bottles, jam, or other food-containing tins, rolling pins, or specially turned wooden cylinders. To construct the tube, take a sheet of thin cardboard, and from it cut a strip the width of the desired tube, and of such a length that when it is wrapped around the former it will make about three complete turns. On the surfaces where the cardboard overlaps brush on a thin coat of a good grade glue. When completely bound, tie some string around it, or hold it with some rubber bands to prevent it from unwrapping, and set it aside for at least twelve hours to dry. The former can be removed after this is done, and the tube given a coat of shellac varnish. A good imitation of hard rubber tubing can be made by painting the tube with Indian ink, or a solution of weak shellac varnish, and a small quantity of Nigrosine dye. If an attempt is made to use the tube in a radio tuner before the internal moisture has dried out, the losses introduced will be so great, that reception of weak signals will be almost impossible. It is therefore best to make sure that everything is dry inside by baking the tube for about half-an-hour in an oven before putting it into use. Simple High-tone Buzzer. Experimenters using crystal detectors either for the first time, or in connection with the latest type of reflex amplifiers have noticed that there are spots on the crystals which give excellent signals, and others which appear almost dead. The selection of these sensitive spots is rendered an easy task if a small testing buzzer is used to generate a supply of artificial signals. Most buzzers obtainable in the wireless supply houses have a low, harsh tone, which is far from pleasant after listening in to the clear signals from the commercial stations. It is a simple matter to convert one of these buzzers or even an old electric bell, so that this defect is removed. Remove the cover of the buzzer or bell, and with a small rubber band bind up the vibrator spring to the iron armature. A drop of sealing wax or solder will make a permanent job of connecting these two elements together. In the case of the bell, the hammer arm must be removed before putting it to use as a buzzer. Now contact it up to a battery of one or two dry cells, and adjust the contact screw to just touch the vibrator. It will now be noticed that the armature vibrates at a much higher rate, and if one of the magnets are removed, and an adjusting screw put in its stead, the latter can be screwed up against the armature, and the tone of the buzzer adjusted to any note over a wide range. If the buzzer is to be used for testing crystals, a wire must be connected between the earth lead of the receiver and the vibrator screw. Head 'Phones for Parties. When several people desire to listen in on the same receiving set, the usual practice is to connect up additional pairs of telephone receivers. If these are to be connected in parallel they must all be of the same impedance or otherwise the receivers with the lowest resistance to the passage of the current will absorb the greater portion of the signal. The best practice is to connect all the receivers in series, when the same current will flow through each. In the case of crystal receivers the strength will be reduced as each extra telephone is connected into the circuit, but with valve receivers, a few extra volts on the high tension battery will make up the extra energy required. Alcohol for Crystals. The crystals in a detector often go on strike for no apparent reason. An examination of the crystal with the naked eye will give the impression that the surface is nice and clean, but what has actually happened is that a very thin film of oil or dust has collected on the sensitive facets of the crystal. A new lease of life can be given to the majority of detector crystals by immersing them in a bath of alcohol or benzine for about fifteen minutes, and allowing them to dry on a piece of cotton wool. The less the crystals are touched by the hands the better it will be for them, because a slight film of oil, from the skin remains on their surface after handling which interferes with the sensitive contact from the adjusting spring. Some crystals such as fused galena and other artificial compounds suffer a surface deterioration which is only remedied by fracturing the piece and exposing new material. Repairing Ebonite Panels. Thin sheets of ebonite have the distressing habit of developing bends when allowed to lay about the workshop, and as a result are difficult to trim accurately to size. Take the warped sheet and heat it slowly before a fire, or, if this takes too long or is inconvenient, immerse it in a dish of water at a temperature of about 150 degrees Fahrenheit. It will soon become fairly pliable, when it should be taken and placed between two flat boards with a heavy weight on top. Keep it there until it is quite cold, and it will be found to have a perfectly flat surface. When working with thin panels it often happens just as the finishing touches are being put on that a fracture occurs. This need not be a cause for despair, for a very strong cement can be made as follows: Take a piece of ordinary household gelatine and stand it overnight in a small quantity of concentrated acetic acid, then by the gentle application of heat melt it down and apply it to the edges of the damaged portion of the panel. Bind the two pieces together with tape and allow them to stand for several days to set thoroughly. To prevent warping and to ensure an even join, press the panel between two boards as mentioned previously. To cut a panel with a nice true edge is a difficult task for the experimenter not skilled in the handling of tools. By using a piece of board with a smooth straight edge as a guide, and a saw with a fine-toothed blade, a cut can be made which will be quite as good as that done by one skilled in the work. The wood and the panel should be clamped together to prevent relative movement during the sawing. A finishing touch with a fine file will give a neat appearance to the job. 1923 09. 1923 09 02. Front page leader for "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 2 September 1923 SPECIALS IN TO-DAY'S ISSUE. . . . Radio News (second motor page) gives listeners-in the most useful of information and suggestions. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 2 September 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. BROADCASTING STARTS IN DECEMBER. Amateurs Exempt From Extra Fees. TALK WITH EXPERIMENTERS. The important event in the wireless realm this week is the announcement by Farmer and Co., Ltd., that their broadcasting station will make a start early in December, to dispense musical programmes by Tait and Williamson artists, besides other features. Other topical items are mentioned, also hints for experimenters on testing slider contacts of tuning coils, and an accurate winding method for transformers. Mr. Fisk on Amateurs' Fees. "I notice in one quarter that Amalgamated Wireless has been accused of practically filching an additional 5/ from experimenters, in addition to the 10/ they are required to pay by the Government regulations," said Mr. E. T. Fisk, managing director of Amalgamated Wireless, yesterday. It is the policy of Amalgamated Wireless to make no such charge to experimenters genuinely engaged in research work. But persons engaged in commercial or publicity work or who purchase wireless apparatus merely for entertainment purposes are required to pay 5/ to cover the cost of issuing their licenses. "The charge is a reasonable one, and is recognised as such by all who use A.W.'s patents." Listeners-in at Sending Station. A party of radio enthusiasts dropped their receiving sets during the week and paid a visit to one of the transmitting stations whose musical programmes had been giving them so much pleasure in their own homes. The visit was distinctly beneficial to those who previously were compelled to try and visualise from their homes the entertainment studio and apparatus which nightly supplied them with their musical entertainment. One of the visitors was invited to address a few words to the invisible and innumerable "broadcatchers" studded over various parts of the State. Aptly addressing the audience as "Ye members of the choir invisible," the speaker urged all to join their local radio club and become missioners in the cause of wireless. "If you haven't a radio club," he said, "get a move on and form one. It will be to your advantage. "See that your club affiliates with the Radio Association of N.S.W., which is doing good work for the experimenters generally. "Don't try to play a lone hand in the radio game. Get into the clubs and find out the why and how of things by association with others who are keen on the game." When the message had been delivered, the studio's land telephone tingled. It was the speaker's wife, who had telephoned from a distant suburb to say she had distinctly heard every word uttered by her husband. "Though we are miles apart, I can't escape my master's voice." This experience also amply demonstrates that women also can easily manipulate wireless apparatus. Two Minds With But — In the first article under the Sparks from Radioland heading published three weeks ago, the Sunday Times emphasised the necessity for equipping lifeboats with wireless sets, with the object of preventing recurrences such as experienced by the crew of the Trevessa, during that memorable adventure across the Indian Ocean. It was also pointed out in the event of the distressed vessel or vessels drifting, that their whereabouts could be ascertained by means of a direction finder. According to the following Reuter cable message, received from England this week, the authorities abroad are earnestly grappling with the situation: LONDON.— Apropos of the movement, to which the arrival of the survivors of the Trevessa has given a fillip, for the devising of a transmitting wireless apparatus capable of being installed in lifeboats, the Marconi Company will show at the shipping exhibition at Olympia in a few days a compact apparatus for fitting between the after thwarts of ships' boats. The apparatus has a range of fifty miles, is equipped with a direction finder, and can be easily erected. Its aerial is surmounted by a bright light to guide rescuers at night. Boosting Pleasure Resorts. The freedom allowed under the Commonwealth broadcasting regulations will probably induce various pleasure resorts throughout the country to use the radiophone as an advertising medium. The cost of erecting and operating a broadcasting station with a range of several hundred miles would be probably about £1000 per annum, but despite this outlay, it should prove a good investment for centres such as Katoomba, Manly, Bondi, and so on. The novelty of hearing a district's advantages as a health and pleasure resort extolled over the radiophone would undoubtedly rivet attention there with beneficial results. There should be something worth while in the idea, for the first centre sufficiently far-seeing to put it into practice. Bush Wants Radiophone. Francis Birtles, the well-known overlander, recently returned from a 10,000 mile journey through the outback of Australia, firmly convinced that wireless telephony is an urgent necessity for opening up the country. "People outback," said Birtles, "know very little about radio telephony, but if it can be made available to them at a reasonable cost they will welcome it. "Big station owners have asked me for information concerning wireless, and with them it is not a question of cost, but utility. If it will give the service they require money will not stand in the way of obtaining it." Dealers Turn Away Business. An indication of the keen public interest in broadcasting is furnished by the reports of various radio dealers, who complain that they are daily turning away business. "The public wants broadcast receiving sets tuned to certain wave lengths, and we can't supply them," is how one Sydney trader summed up the situation. The reason is, of course, obvious. Broadcasting companies have to apply for and receive their wave lengths before sets suitable for same can be assembled. The public may rest assured that those undertaking commercial broadcasting will conduct an extensive and intensive selling campaign in order to create a demand for their programmes when they are ready. The dealers, too, may be relied upon to have an almost unlimited supply of receiving sets available. Wireless in Place of Caves' Guides. If aircraft is destined to annihilate distance, wireless — when its possibilities are extensively exploited — threatens to abolish labor or, at least, much that is not skilled or of a technical character. One of the latest proposals mooted in the realm of radio is the employment of wireless to inform parties visiting caves, of the formation of stalactites and stalagmites in place of the familiar viva-voce explanations by the guides. It is not suggested that the Tourist Bureau's officers at Jenolan and other caves throughout the State have not discharged their duties satisfactorily in the past, but, it is contended, in view of the weird and awe-inspiring environment, which the interior of the caves presents, that an invisible being satisfying the interest and curiosity of those making the inspections, would be more in harmony with such a mysterious visit. No doubt, if the likenesses to Sir Henry Parkes, Cleopatra's Needle, the Cathedral, and other well-known formations at Jenolan could explain, by wireless, how many years it took them to grow, especially if accompanied by appropriate effects, such as a speech from Parkes or chimes from the Cathedral, the trite term, "wonderful," which usually is associated with Jenolan Caves, would need to be jettisoned, along with the guides, in favor of a still more "wonderful" expression. The suggestion is presented to Mr. Oakes gratis. Brightening Train Journeys. Wireless has been introduced on many long-distance express trains in the Old Country to relieve the monotony of protracted journeys. A loop aerial has been fitted out in the observation carriages, and with the assistance of a loud speaker, the bulk of the passengers have been regaled with some refreshing music by the big broadcasting companies. An effort was made to introduce the innovation to the Melbourne express some time back, but as the shortsightedness of the experimenter and the height of the outside aerial erected on the engine were no match for an inconsiderate tunnel en route, both hopes and apparatus were dashed to the ground. The Railway Commissioners could well afford to provide wireless programmes for the long-distance trains. They would earn the thanks of the travelling public, even if they did incur the wrath of stationers with packs of cards left on their hands. 1923 09 09. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 9 September 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. WIRELESS FOR VICTORIAN POLICE. BROADCASTING STIMULATING INTEREST. The term "wireless" is beginning to appear in the daily newspapers with more frequency than previously. The preliminary announcement that broadcasting programmes would soon be an accomplished fact has projected the movement forward in one gigantic stride, and many are now waiting for later particulars concerning it. During the week the other, and more important, side of wireless was tragically brought home to the civilised globe by the achievement of one Japanese wireless station informing the world of the terrible catastrophe that had overtaken Japan. The speedy assistance and relief afforded by wireless at a time when the cables collapsed, contrasted with the delay that would have been occasioned had the news filtered through other channels, firmly establishes wireless as an invention or discovery from Heaven itself. Wireless for Police. It was announced in Melbourne on Thursday that the Chief Commissioner of Police had inaugurated a system of wireless communication between police headquarters and various branch stations. This is just another evidence of the contagious habit wireless is developing. From day to day, fresh fields are being conquered by the wonder science which apparently threatens to percolate through every phase of human activity. In the detection of crime, slick and prompt action is essential. Police night patrols have been confronted with some difficult tasks at times, not only because of the darkness; but because of the inability to keep in close communication with their fellow-sleuths. The wireless system introduced in Victoria will now overcome this difficulty as police headquarters will be kept in constant touch with the men on duty, no matter how much they change their tactics. Bill Sykes, beware! Radio Business to Boom. The announcement that the directors of Farmer and Company, Ltd., intend to establish a high-class broadcasting service with an effective range of between 400 and 500 miles will unquestionably give a great fillip to radio business generally. Ever since the question of framing regulations to control commercial broadcasting was first spoken of, it was contended by some that the venture would not be sufficiently profitable to induce big firms to undertake it. That this contention was all wrong is now apparent. It is expected that several other big firms — one of them a well-known music house — will shortly apply for licenses. Where Will Stations Be Built? Some curiosity is felt as to where the commercial broadcasting stations to be operated by city firms will be erected. The general opinion is that Farmer's station will be on top of their city building, but expert opinion does not support this view. A station utilising the maximum power allowed under the regulations, viz., 5000 watts, will require masts about 200ft high, and it is hardly likely that such a structure would be attempted on top of a building in the heart of the city. It is highly probable that the firm will erect a temporary station, with a range of about 200 miles, on top of their Pitt-street establishment, and begin operations early in December. A few months of practical experience will provide much useful data for the bigger undertaking in the form of a station in one of the suburbs, with a range nearly three times as great. Traders Form a Company. It was reported in these columns some weeks ago that a number of radio dealers intended to co-operate in the work of erecting and operating a broadcasting station. The first practical step towards that end was taken a few days ago, when a company under the name of Broadcasters (Sydney), Ltd., was registered with a capital of £1000. The names of a number of well-known dealers figure on the list of first directors. There is ample room for at least half a dozen broadcasting companies in N.S.W. It is fortunate that Australia's regulations provide for competitive services, because therein lies a public safe guard. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that the success of broadcasting depends more on quality service than low cost. If the programmes are worth while the great majority of people will want to hear them, and the money to buy a set and subscribe to a station will be speedily forthcoming. High Power Station. The announcement made by the chairman of directors of Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.), Ltd. (Mr. Mason Allard), that a tender had been accepted for the erection in Australia of a high power station capable of communicating direct with England, is welcome news. It is nearly two years since the company entered into partnership with the Federal Government for the carrying out of this work, but nothing could be done until the English Government granted a license to the Marconi Company to erect a similar station in England. Now that the position is clear, an early beginning will be made. The location of the Australian station has not yet been made known, but it will be close to either Sydney or Melbourne — probably the former. Freshwater's Police Aerial. The announcement that the police in Victoria are being provided with wireless apparatus reminds us that the police station at Freshwater (Manly) has been fitted out with wireless for some time past. The photograph shows the aerial mast in front of the station, and, no doubt, POLICE AERIAL AT FRESHWATER. (Photo Caption) many passersby from time to time have wondered what it was all about. When other suburban police stations begin to realise how wireless can help the force, other aerials will, no doubt, begin to appear as regularly as now witnessed on ships at sea. Demonstration at Manly. Manly Radio Club had a fine gathering at the Manly Library Institute on Thursday night to hear a musical entertainment from the transmitting station of Mr. Marks, Rose Bay. Mr. R. McIntosh, a keen experimenter, who walked into the hall with the necessary apparatus in his suit case just before 8 o'clock, had the sets assembled in quick time, and surprised a number of visitors by the simplicity of the whole outfit. After Mr. Marks extended greetings from Rose Bay to the kindred enthusiasts at Manly, the former played a gramaphone record of the familiar Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Sheehan. Although Mr. Marks used only one rectifier — he burnt out his other one, and at present there are no others available — the volume of sound suffered slightly in intensity, but nevertheless the song was heard almost as distinctly as if the record was being played in the presence of the gathering. Mr. McIntosh explained whilst all who listened to wireless musical entertainments marvelled at them, said that was only one side of wireless. It was popular, and it invariably proved to be a bait to attract people, who then began to ask the whys, the whats, and the wherefores. They then became experimenters, and, the more experimenters they had in Australia, the sooner would they take their place alongside English and American experimenters in exploiting possibilities of wireless hitherto untouched by the old world. Mr. Marks flashed a number of other musical compositions across the harbor, and with the permission of the Postmaster-General, Mr. McIntosh erected a transmitting set, and several members indulged in a brief conversation with Mr. Marks. Paraffin Wax as an Insulator. The present day tendency in experimental circles is to use all windings on receiving coils free from any insulating compounds or varnishes, owing to the increase in capacity caused by their employment. To a certain extent this is a very good practice, but, like most things, it can be carried to excess, and the original object defeated to a large extent. In the endeavor to keep the windings well spaced, double cotton covered wire is used. This wire in its dry state is very satisfactory when the humidity of the air is low, but when otherwise, the insulation resistance between turns is greatly decreased owing to the moisture absorbed. If correctly treated with paraffin wax the operation of the coil will be greatly improved, with but a slight increase in the distributed capacity. Paraffin wax has a specific inductive capacity between 2 and 2.5, therefore, when treating the coil, all excess material must be drained off while still hot. In addition to this property of making absorbent materials proof against the effects of moisture, paraffin wax also possesses the ability to expel any moisture which happens to be present at the time of impregnation. The temperature of the wax must be above that of boiling water to enable it to do this, but if raised too high its insulating properties will suffer, and, in addition, there is a great risk of the flame used for heating the wax igniting the fumes which arise. A thermometer is a great convenience when performing this operation. Be sure and get one which reads in excess of the temperature of boiling water. This corresponds to 212 degrees on the farenheit scale, and 100 on the centigrade. The article being impregnated will give off a copious stream air and steam bubbles soon after being immersed in the wax, and it should be allowed to remain there for about a minute after they cease to rise. The insulation properties of paraffin wax vary greatly, and to avoid trouble always purchase supplies from some reliable electrical firm or chemical supply house. 1923 09 16. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 16 September 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. BOY SPEAKS TO NEW ZEALAND. QUESTION OF FREE BROADCASTING. Howling Valve Nuisance. The achievement of a young lad, Jack Davis, of Vaucluse, in speaking to New Zealand, and also in receiving New Zealand's signals, while using only as much power as would suffice to light the taillamp of a motor car, earned for him the first prize for a test recently organised by the Metropolitan Radio Club. The prizes were awarded at a wireless function during the week, at which Mr, W. T. S. Crawford, State Radio Inspector, paid an eloquent tribute to the work of the first and second prize-winners. N.S. Wales — New Zealand Test. The remarkable success achieved by Jack Davis, a 15-year-old youngster from Vaucluse, in the recent N.S.W.-N.Z. radio test, indicates the possibilities of long-distance radio telegraphy on low power. Young Davis transmitted C.W. signals to New Zealand — an airline distance of approximately 1000 miles — using only .8 of a watt. This power is just about sufficient to light the taillamp of a motor car. The prizes to the two successful competitors in the test were presented, at a largely attended social gathering in Sydney, on Monday evening last. The presentation was made by Mr. W. T. S. Crawford, State Radio Inspector, who paid a glowing tribute to the performances of the first and second prize winners, Master Davis and Mr. Slade. Mr. Slade's log was only slightly less efficient than that of young Davis, who, in addition to his excellent low-power transmission feat, also received N. Zealand signals on 14 out of the 15 nights during which the test was proceeding. The Metropolitan Radio Club, which is about the third oldest wireless club in N.S.W., organised the test, and deserves every credit for its practical efforts to further radio experimental work in Australia. Howling Valves. Interference caused by howling valves is a complaint common to every State in Australia, and, probably, in the world, where radio experimenting is carried out. It is due mainly to lack of care and experience in the operation of valve receivers. Inspector Crawford had a tilt at those responsible for the trouble, when speaking at a social function in Sydney a few nights ago. "Every radio experimenter should make up his mind to put down the howling valve trouble," said Mr. Crawford. "If something is not done within the next six months, the position will be serious. For the general good of the radio movement, I hope experimenters and the Press will combine in an effort to stamp out the trouble." It is to be hoped Mr. Crawford's words will not be lost on those experimenters who are so careless, or inexperienced, in the handling of their valves, as to cause the trouble referred to. The authorities have been generous towards experimenters in Australia, and it would indeed be a pity if the inexcusable actions of a few were to prejudice their freedom. Mr. R. C. Marsden (2 J.M.) than whom there is no more enthusiastic experimenter in N.S.W., has recently made several extensive country tours for the purpose of testing certain areas believed to be "dead" to wireless signals. In a number of instances, Mr. Marsden proved the belief to be erroneous. Speaking of the interest taken in radio matters by country folk generally, Mr. Marsden said that it was deep and growing. "I am convinced that the great majority of country people will soon become fascinated in wireless," he continued, "and their ability to receive broadcasting programmes will induce them to delve into the technical and experimental side of radio." Excellent Transmission. Mr. J. S. Marks (2 G.R.) is generally regarded as possessing the best experimental transmitting station in N.S.W. He is "on the air" every night and, while the programmes lack variety at times, there is no doubt about the excellence of his modulation. Whenever a demonstration of radio telephony is being given at any of the suburban clubs, Mr. Marks is invariably asked to transmit at least part of the programme. Free Broadcasting. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) during the week ear-marked a band of wave lengths from 250 metres to 550 metres for the use of persons in Victoria and other States who have announced their intention of conducting free broadcast programmes. About five individuals will have the use of the band for transmitting purposes which, on the face of it, seems somewhat inconsistent in view of the Commonwealth's determination to encourage competitive broadcasting as against a monopoly. Mr. Gibson could easily have allotted one wave length to each person desiring to broadcast free programmes, just as he proposes to allot one wavelength to each broadcasting company. The position is certainly an anomalous one and the sooner Mr. Gibson defines the Government's attitude on the matter the sooner will the radio realm be in a position to prepare plans for a competitive system or a monopoly, as the case may be. Will Free Entertainments Stay? It is contended by many that the free programmes will share the same fate as the free entertainments in other countries, where the expense of conducting bright programmes proved too costly for the altruistic enthusiasts dispensing them. From one viewpoint it might be argued that, even if amateurs are unable to continue the financial strain which a broadcast service would entail, there is no harm in them continuing as far as they can. But the damage is not confined to the transmitter only. His listeners ultimately would be compelled to subscribe to a broadcast company, and to have their receiving sets tuned to the new wavelength. The necessity for transferring, coupled with the inferior service that the gratis service invariably provides, would tend to irritate rather than encourage a newcomer to the science. It is up to those who propose to conduct free broadcasting to disprove the slogan that "what costs nothing is usually worth nothing." Failing that, it would be better for them to hand over their wavelengths to a company with sufficient financial backing to do justice to the enterprise. Fault-Finding Critics. Judging by the knocks that are being handed round from time to time to those charged with the responsibility of encouraging wireless, the casual observer would never imagine that the science was, as yet, only in its swaddling clothes, and dependent on the goodwill and co-operation of all amateurs to develop it. In the music world carping criticism is more or less expected, whether it is justified or not. This trait among many musicians, though prompted chiefly by jealousy, is attributed to an artistic temperament. Judging by a letter written to the Press during the week, in which the writer complains of the increasing criticism by many interesting themselves in wireless, quite a few of the fraternity must also be blessed with an artistic temperament. A familiar cry that is being repeated in parrot fashion is, "The ether belongs to Nature, hence it should be free to all." So does the land and water belong to Nature, yet people using both are compelled, for their own convenience and that of everybody else, to conform to traffic rules and regulations. Another complaint is that the Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., is retarding progress by insisting on its patent rights not being infringed. Mr. E. T. Fisk, managing director of the company, when approached on the subject, said that no conditions were imposed by the company on people engaged in wireless business, and no restrictions either, excepting, of course, that the company's patent rights must not be infringed. That, of course, was a natural restriction which would be imposed by a holder of a patent on any matter. "I will go so far as to say," concluded Mr. Fisk, "that the company is prepared to consider allowing the use of its patents on terms to be arranged mutually between the company and those desiring to use them. The most effective answer to the critics of the company is the large number of people who are pleased to do business with us." Wireless at the Town Hall. The Lord Mayor announced to the Finance Committee on Wednesday that Farmer's and Co., Ltd., wished to have direct telephone communication from the Town Hall to their city premises with the object of broadcasting some of the lectures, speeches and other big functions which take place there to their subscribers in distant parts of the State. The proposal opens up a vista of possible consequences which may, or may not, rebound on the broadcasting company, according to the discrimination employed in selecting its items. If Madame Melba or some other distinguished artist is to be broadcasted over the State, no one will cavil at it. But if the policy speech of a political leader were to be transmitted during the height of a heated campaign, some of the opponents listening in might be tempted to shy ancient eggs at their receiving sets before they realised where they were. In America, it is quite a common occurrence to broadcast political speeches all over the States — each party making its own broadcasting arrangements. But is a questionable whether local broadcasting companies will touch political issues any more than do the theatres and music halls providing entertainments at present. Control Over Masts. The increasing number of aerial masts which are springing up in mushroom fashion all over England, is dotting the towns with peculiar structures which the uninitiated mistake for overgrown moth-traps or such like. The authorities are calling attention to the added risk of fire and other dangers, especially as some of the rigging stretches from one side of a road way to the other. Regulations to control the erection of aerials are being framed, and no doubt the local authorities will shortly take similar steps with respect to the control aerials in this country. Mercury Ballast for Crystal Cups. The best way in which to obtain a sensitive piece of crystal for your detector is to purchase a fairly large lump and break it up into several small pieces. These are individually tested, and the best piece selected. When doing this, there is a great risk of handling the crystals too much and ruining their sensitive surface with a film of oil from the fingers, especially when trying to get them in position under the clamping screw in the detector cup. The latter disadvantage can be overcome to a great extent by filling the crystal cup about two-thirds full with mercury, and floating the crystal on the top of it. Owing to the fact that mercury is over thirteen times as heavy as water, and the specific gravity of the heaviest crystal galena, is not more than ten, there need be no fear that any of them will sink. If it is desired to make a permanent mounting for a crystal, take a few drops of mercury and in it dissolve as much tinfoil as possible. With this amalgam the crystal is packed into place, and in a day or so the combination will be found to have set hard and firm. This method is to be preferred to soldering, for the heat used is liable to injure the rectifying properties of certain crystals. Making Brass Washers. It often happens that a few brass washers of a special size are urgently required. These can be easily made by cutting out discs from a sheet of brass of the desired gauge, and punching the holes with a riveting punch and die. It may be necessary to hammer the washers flat after punching the hole, but, despite this, the process will be found a quick and easy one. Cheap Labels for Apparatus. When carrying out experiments with temporary apparatus wired up on a piece of board or old panel, confusion some times takes place as to the identity of a pair of terminals amongst the mass of loose wires. This uncertainty can easily be overcome by pasting small labels near the terminals as the work proceeds. On the advertisement page of all radio magazines can be found many technical terms which are used to describe the apparatus listed, and if these are cut out with a pair of scissors they can be pasted into place where required, and a neat and legible lettering obtained for the different terminals. 1923 09 23. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 23 September 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. FARMERS' PARTY GETS BUSY. Speculators Thwarted by Man on Land. WILL WIRELESS APPEAR ON PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM? A new and intensely important phase of wireless possibilities — radio for the farmer — formed the subject of an address to members of the Progressive Party by Mr. E. T. Fisk, managing director of Amalgamated Wireless, Ltd., at the Royal Colonial Institute during the week. The Country Party members displayed the liveliest interest in the proceedings, and it is not unlikely that the party will make the wireless question a live plank of the Progressive platform. The leader of the Progressive Party (Col. Bruxner), in introducing Mr. Fisk, said Ada Reeve wanted to know "How are you going to keep 'em down on the farm?" but apparently the famous comedienne had not heard of the possibilities of wireless in the matter of banishing isolation from the big log fires out back of beyond. On behalf of the Progressive Party he welcomed the presence of a party of boys from the Sydney Grammar School, with their science master, for the wireless question was one which was essentially one for a studious temperament. In view of such advantages that wireless can offer the man on the land, he said, we would forfeit our title as rural representatives if we failed to co-operate in every way possible with the new discovery. (Applause.) To London in 1-15sec. Mr. Fisk said that there would be one central high power station in Australia, and that would be connected direct with all the capital cities of the Commonwealth, and also with other centres, including Townsville, Darwin and Roebourne, in Western Australia. The messages would be received in any of these centres and sent direct to London, and the actual time in transmission between Sydney and London would be one-fifteenth of one second. "The station will have to be either at Melbourne or Sydney," he added, "but it certainly will not be at Darwin, where the British post office people would have it. If such a place as Darwin were selected," he added, "the whole of the present overland telegraphic communication would have to be diverted thence, and the cost would be tremendous. But by establishing a transmitting station at Sydney or Melbourne, or even within 100 miles of either of these places, there would not be any material difference in the overland telegraphic arrangements. "Although the station will be some distance from a public office," he continued, "the people will be enabled to hand in their radiogram, say, in Pitt-street. The clerk will take it into another room, where an operator will commence to type it out. Immediately he does so, the message automatically becomes transmitted to a high-power station and thence through ether to London, where it will be recorded on a tape in a fraction of a second. The station will operate for 24 hours of every day." Financial Saving. In explaining the financial side of the project, Mr. Fisk said at the present time Australia was spending £1,500,000 in cable communications, and that money was spent in doing what was the ordinary business of Australia. If Australia had the means of communication that was necessary for business purposes, that expenditure would probably be more than £3,000,000. Assuming the reduction in price in wireless communication reduced the price of the cable communications, that would mean a saving to Australia of over £500,000 a year. Pointing out the benefits to the primary producers, Mr. Fisk said that it was imperative if Australia were to successfully compete against other producing countries that farmers should have instantaneous communication with the markets of the world. Next year there would be direct wireless communication between Australia and Great Britain and Canada. That would be followed by direct communication with the United States, South America, Africa and various centres in Europe and Asia. In fact, the world would be circled by the central wireless station of Australia. Mr. Fisk then explained by means of slides how it would be possible for the producers on the outback stations and farms to be in wireless communication with their local towns by a comparatively small expenditure on apparatus, and for the use of which there would only be a small license fee so that calls would be practically free, compared with the present telephone charges. He explained the necessity of having apparatus tuned to certain wave lengths, so as to prevent wireless confusion throughout Australia. It was also necessary, he said, to protect the users against those who wished to exploit them merely for the sake of the profit on the wireless installations, and all that was being provided for in the Government scheme for the control of wireless in Australia. Lithgow Listens. Lithgow Radio Club has installed a receiving set, with which messages have been received from stations stretching from Darwin to New Zealand. Timing Motor Contests. Wireless telephony was utilised by the officials conducting the recent motoring test on the South Coast. Time of despatch and arrival of the competing cars was recorded with successful results. It is incorrect, however, to say, as has been published, that wireless telephony was employed in connection with motor tests for the first time in Australia, for the Victorian officials conducting the Alpine reliability tests in the southern State have already demonstrated the advantages of wireless, especially when checking cars in the mountainous regions. Duplicate Transmitters. People who desire to listen-in to the broadcasting entertainment programmes, soon to be flashed to every corner of the State, need not be concerned over the cable from England stating that experts predict early introduction of duplicate transmitters to counteract the "fading" complained of in connection with the British Broadcasting Company's programmes. If the intensity of sound varies in England, it is because the B.B.C. operates on a two-hundred metre wave length, which is considerably shorter than that to be employed in this country. Farmers & Co., Ltd., have been allotted a wave length of 1100 metres, and this is expected to escape all the ills experienced by listeners on the short wavelengths abroad. It is explained that the duplicate transmitters working on different wave lengths would give a stereoscopic effect, thus necessitating the use of duplicated receivers. The experiment will be watched with interest from Australia, not so much to ascertain whether both ears can be used independently, as to find out whether any new difficulties are encountered through the double transmission using two channels in the ether and possibly doubling the existing interferences. A Variable Grid Leak. When experimenting with different makes of valves it is certain to be found that each will work to the maximum efficiency with some particular combination of grid condenser and leak resistance. It is an easy matter to provide the variable condenser element, but not so the latter, as it is hardly a standard form of equipment on the average experimental station. An easily constructed variable resistance of high value can be made as follows: Secure an old variable filament resistance of the rotary pattern which has the resistance element wound on a fibre or composition ring, and from it remove the wire. If the surface has a thread on it, a portion about one-quarter of an inch wide must be removed with a file, and on it rubbed a thick layer of graphite from an H.B. drawing pencil. It is best to put this on in several layers, rubbing each one smooth with a piece of cloth before the other is put on. This makes the graphite layer less liable to be rubbed off when in use. Connect one of the terminals of the rheostat to the fibre ring by binding on a few layers of tinfoil at the end, and then assemble the rotary arm. This should make a light contact with the graphite, and as it is moved around, a resistance varying from practically zero to several megohms will be brought into circuit. First Aid for Ebonite Knobs. It often happens when using unbushed ebonite knobs for switches, that they are screwed too far on the centre rod, with the result that the thread is stripped. This should not be a cause for rendering the knob useless, for it can easily be made stronger than it was in its original form. Obtain a nut which will fit on the switch shaft, and heat it red hot over a clean gas flame. Next place it exactly over the striped hole in the knob, and without any delay place on top of the two, a weight of a few pounds. This causes the nut to sink into the ebonite, and upon cooling it will be found that the two have stuck tightly together. The knob can now be screwed on in the ordinary manner, and the advantage of a bushed job obtained. 1923 09 30. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 30 September 1923 SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. MELBOURNE MAY GET HIGH-POWER STATION. Local Police to Use Wireless. EXPERIMENTAL SUGGESTIONS. Word comes from Melbourne to say that there is every prospect of the international high-power wireless station, which is to link up Australia with England, being erected near Melbourne. No definite locality has yet been determined by the authorities, who have to weigh many physical advantages of New South Wales against the more economical working conditions obtainable in Victoria. The Imperial Conference will commence its sittings on Monday. It is expected that the Dominion Premiers will make a determined effort there to induce the Prime Minister of Great Britain (Mr. Stanley Baldwin) to adjust the differences between the British Postmaster-General's Department and the Marconi Company. A certain degree of optimism prevails in Victoria because it is felt that the comparatively cheap power available by means of the Morwell brown coal is an advantage that cannot easily be disregarded. On the other hand, the Amalgamated Wireless, Ltd., must select an area of level country so that the messages will escape the disturbances occasioned by close proximity to mountainous country. With that object in view, Liverpool was visited during this week and much reconnoitring done with the object of testing its suitability for the station. Liverpool and surrounding districts seem to offer ideal physical advantages, for the mountain range in well in the background, whilst the locality is sufficiently inland from the sea to dispel any danger of mast corrosion as experienced by countries where the steel masts are erected adjacent to the sea, and where the salt air causes corrosion. It is understood that the high-power station will occupy a territory sufficiently large to provide for the erection of 20 masts. It will have a wave length of 25,000 metres — roughly 15 miles — and when linked up with Great Britain's high-power station, it will be capable of sending messages from Australia to London in one-fifteenth of a second. Job for Dominion Premiers. The hitch which has occurred in England between the British Post Office and the Marconi Company — whatever its merits or demerits — is holding up the work of erecting the high-power station in England, which is to be the counterpart of the one in Australia. There is a tendency to cast blame on the British Post office, which has not earned a reputation for working smoothly with the wireless propagandists at any time since the advent of the revolutionary science. Australia is not concerned with fixing the blame, but it is concerned with the dispute that is holding up the English station. The matter will be placed before the Imperial Conference during the week, and no doubt the atmosphere will be cleared to enable the work to proceed. Wireless for Sydney's Police. The Inspector-General of Police (Mr. J. Mitchell) is impressed with the necessity for equipping police stations with wireless apparatus to enable the police to more speedily communicate with each other when running down criminals. Mr. Mitchell says that installation of wireless depends upon whether the police can work on a special wavelength, which will prevent the public from "listening-in." With this safeguard assured, it is his intention to extend a wireless service to the police stations at Tamworth, Goulburn, Newcastle, Bathurst, Grafton, Albury, Dubbo, and Broken Hill. Police patrol cars and police launches in the metropolitan area will be fitted up as soon as the apparatus is completed at headquarters. Value of Direction Finders. The importance of wireless direction-finders for ships at sea could not be more eloquently emphasised than by the tribute of Captain Watson, commander of the United States destroyer squadron, which ran aground off San Miguel Island, near the coast of Santa Barbara during a fog on September 8. Captain Watson says that had he obeyed the directional wireless the wreck would have been avoided, but he could not believe the directions of wireless against the figures of his own reckoning. He had to make the choice, and he took the chance under the belief that he was right and the wireless wrong. Directional wireless had advised him that he was north of Arguella Lighthouse, when he felt certain he was a few miles south of it. He thereupon gave the order to turn against the shore. The Sunday Times has already called attention to the importance of directional wireless and the part that it can play in saving life at sea. Instead of waiting for the idea to creep on them in a years time or so, the Navigation Department officials should immediately take steps to make use of this discovery as soon as it is possible to obtain it. Manly Club's Evening. The Manly Radio Club has stimulated much interest among the people of the Village in wireless matters. The recent entertainment programme given at the Manly Literary Institute, which was conducted by Mr. R. E. McIntosh (2ZG), of Lane Cove, was highly appreciated by the gathering, both from the entertainment standpoint and the success of the experiment in transmission and receiving. 1923 10. 1923 10 07. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 7 October 1923 (First Part) SPARKS FROM RADIOLAND. ELIMINATING STATIC TROUBLE. Are You on the Wire — Practical Tips for Beginners. Our wireless feature this weak deals with the static disturbances encountered last weekend by amateurs and experimenters. It is a reminder to experimenters that the whole wireless world is ready to kneel at the feet of whoever succeeds in combating or annihilating that enemy of the ether. "Static" Trouble. The approaching advent of Summer brings with it the greatest of all difficulties to the successful transmission and reception of wireless signals and speech, viz., "static." Conditions last weekend proved so unfavorable that the majority of "listeners-in" hung up their headphones in disgust. This occurrence, quite unexpected so early in the season, was due mainly to the abnormal weather conditions prevailing at the time. The electrical disturbances in the ether which are responsible for the trouble often present themselves when least expected. The elimination of static provides a fruitful field for experiment amongst students in radio research work. The difficulty should not prove incapable of solution, and it goes without saying that the man who devises a means whereby static can be rendered impotent will have his name immortalised in the radio world. Regenerative Circuits. The wireless authorities are determined to stop the sale and use of receivers which employ regeneration in the aerial circuit. Such receivers are prohibited under the wireless regulations except in special cases. Mr. J. Malone (Controller of Wireless) has appealed to radio dealers to see that no members of their staffs are guilty of selling regenerative receivers. The whole future of wireless in Australia is dependent upon the success of broadcasting, which, in turn, will be judged by the quality and clearness of the programmes. If "howling valves" make the ether impossible for efficient reception, the whole project is liable to crash, and traders who have staked their all in the radio business will lose heavily. Surely this fact should induce them to back up the authorities in their demand for peace in the ether. Experimenters who profess a deep love of wireless work should need no second asking to do their part in stopping the "howling valve" nuisance. Radio Relay League. Many experimenters are asking what the Radio Relay League is doing. The League, on the other hand, is asking what experimenters are doing that a greater number have not enrolled as members. There should be a great future for the Radio Relay League in Australia, and every experimenter would be well-advised to join up with it. At some future date it is hoped to have a chain of amateur receiving and transmitting stations around Australia, which would be of great national value in times of national stress. What Is Your Wire Number? It is a common inquiry in these days to be asked for your 'phone number, and, nearly everybody who is in any way concerned or interested in the important events of everyday life, contrives either to obtain one or live alongside one. But with the rapidly approaching system of wireless telephony the old query will have to make way for the modern question: What Is your wire number? Wireless telephony apparatus is being completed at present, and it is proposed to shortly instal the services outback where farmers and squatters may wire up each other just as their cousins do in the city by telephone. The effective range of the wireless telephonic system is limited — say to 30 miles — but it is confidently anticipated with the progress of the science, a greater range will shortly be practicable. Some potential wireless enthusiasts are laboring under the impression that a thorough knowledge of the Morse code — dots and dashes — is necessary before wireless messages can be sent through the telephone. Such is not the case. Communication is not carried on by signalling as with navigation messages, but by speaking through the transmitter just as the speakers would if sending their messages through the telephone. It may be mentioned, in passing, that dots and dashes for navigation and commercial purposes, will soon be relegated to the limbo of a forgotten past, for one of the latest inventions is a machine similar to a typewriter, the letters of which, when pressed, give the corresponding signal to the Morse letter for which it has been substituted. "Sparks from Radioland" column (page) in Sydney's "Sunday Times," of Sunday, 7 October 1923 (Second Part) TIPS FOR BEGINNERS. A Practical Hint for Cabinet Makers. It has been found that when an attempt is made to glue together two surfaces of wood which have been coated with shellac varnish, the strength of the joint is very low, and it is liable to come apart quite easily. This disadvantage can be overcome quite easily by sandpapering the varnished wood where the glue has to be applied. Those who have attempted to fix a repair patch on a cycle tube without the preliminary cleaning of the surfaces will realise the importance of the above-mentioned precaution. Looking After the Storage Battery. The storage battery used by experimenters for the supply of current to the valve filaments can be made to give many years of useful service if it is paid a little regular attention. These batteries are certainly silent workers, for they seldom show a marked reaction to ill-usage until they are practically beyond repair. The level of the electrolyte should always be kept about a quarter of an inch above the top of the plates. If any portion of the plate is allowed to be exposed to the influence of the atmosphere, corrosion will be rapid, and a heavy layer of sulphate will form. In time the top portion becomes very brittle, and the cell's active life will be considerably shortened, for the plates are liable to crack and drop to the bottom of the cells. Only distilled water should be used to restore the level of the electrolyte, for it is only this component which is lost when charging, although a slight quantity of acid is likely to be driven off in the form of spray if the charging is too rapid towards the end. A hydrometer is very useful to determine the condition of the battery. For use with the type of battery employed by experimenters the syringe hydrometer should be used. When fully charged the specific gravity of the electrolyte should read about 1250, and as the battery is discharged this figure will fall until it reaches about 1150. This reading is independent of whether the battery is discharging the current at the time of reading. The voltage of the battery on load is another indication of its condition. When this voltage falls to 1.8 per cell it is time to recharge. When recharging do not exceed the normal current specified by the makers. If too much current is passed through the cell the deposit of active material will be of a loose nature, and easily fall down between the plates, producing a conducting sludge at the bottom of the cell which is liable to cause short circuits.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. f3. 2. f3!? - Paleface Attack. This move breaks the opening principle of not pushing f3 early. This move weakens white's kingside and takes away the natural development square of the g1 knight. However, this move does prepare to push e4. However, this can be stopped by playing 2...d5. If d5 is played, this move proves to be a weakening move and a waste of time. 1.d4 Nf6 2.f3!?
Supplementary mathematics/Prism. In spatial geometry, a prism (which is derived from the Greek word πρίσμα, which means prisma) is a completely three-dimensional shape, and it is said to be a member of the polyhedron, which is made of two bases and faces. Prisms are known based on their bases. As a prism with a fourteen-sided base, it is called a fourteen-sided prism. The prism was described for the first time by Euclid and in the 11th book of his geometry he described it like this (solid shapes formed by two opposite, equal and parallel planes are called prisms) Of course, the definition of this type of theorem is extremely complicated to describe the prism, which has become the subject of confusion and controversy among geometers and subsequent geometers due to the lack of a rule definition.
Calculus/Limit Comparison Test. Limit Comparison Test. The Limit Comparison Test (LCT) and the Direct Comparison Test are two tests where you choose a series that you know about and compare it to the series you are working with to determine convergence or divergence. These two tests are the next most important, after the Ratio Test, and it will help you to know these well. They are very powerful and fairly easy to use. Limit Comparison Test Definition. </math> and formula_1 where formula_2 and formula_3, we calculate formula_4. What The Limit Comparison Test Says. This test is pretty straightforward. In our notation, we say that the series that you are trying to determine whether it converges or diverges is formula_8 and the test series that you know whether it converges or diverges is formula_7. The limit formula_5 has to be calculated for you come to any conclusion. Also, notice that the fraction can be inverted and the test still works for case 1 (but not cases 2 and 3). For example, if you get formula_18 for one fraction, then you would get formula_19 for the other fraction. Both are finite and positive and both will tell you whether your series converges or diverges. If you invert the fraction then cases 2 and 3 will change. So it is important to check your fraction if you are trying to apply cases 2 or 3. When To Use The Limit Comparison Test. This test can't be used all the time. Here is what to check before trying this test. How To Choose A Test Series. When you are first learning this technique, it may look like the test series comes out of thin air and you just randomly choose one and see if it works. If it doesn't, you try another one. This is not the best way to choose a test series. The best way I've found is to use the series you are asked to work with and come up with the test series. There are several things to consider. The first key is to choose a test series that you know converges or diverges AND that will help you get a finite, positive limit. Idea 1: If you have polynomials in both the numerator and denominator of a fraction, drop all terms except for the highest power terms (in both parts) and simplify. Drop any constants. What you end up with may be a good comparison series. The reason this works is that, as formula_12 gets larger and larger, the highest powers dominate. You will often end up with a "p"-series that you know either converges or diverges. Idea 2: Choose a "p"-series or geometric series since you can tell right away whether it converges or diverges. Idea 3: If you have a sine or cosine term, you are always guaranteed that the result is less than or equal to one and greater than or equal to negative one. If you don't have any bounds on the angle, these are the best you can do. So replace the sine or cosine term with one. Idea 4: If you have a natural log, use the fact that formula_22 for formula_23 to replace formula_24 with formula_12 or use formula_26 for formula_27. As you get experience with this test, it will become easier to determine a good test series. So work plenty of practice problems. Limit Comparison Test Proof. Here is a video showing a proof of the Limit Comparison Test. You do not need to watch this in order to understand and use the Limit Comparison Test. However, we include it here for those who are interested. Proof of the Limit Comparison Test Video Recommendations. If you would like a complete lecture on the Limit Comparison Test, we recommend this video clip. As the title implies, this video starts with the (Direct) Comparison Test but we have the video start when he begins discussing the Limit Comparison Test. Watching these two video clips will give you a better feel for the limit comparison test. Both clips are short and to the point. Series, comparison + ratio tests Direct Comparison Test / Limit Comparison Test for Series - Basic Info Limit Comparison Test Practice Problems. Practice Problems with Written Solutions. Determine the convergence or divergence of the following series. If possible, use the Limit Comparison Test. If the LCT is inconclusive, use another test to determine convergence or divergence. 1. formula_28 </math>, a divergent p-series. formula_29 Since the limit is finite and positive, both series either converge or diverge. Since the test series diverges, so does the original series. 2. formula_30 </math>, which is a convergent p-series with formula_31 formula_32, formula_33 formula_34 Since formula_35 and formula_7 converges, the series also converges. The limit comparison test is one of the best tests for this series. 3. formula_37 & = & \displaystyle{ \lim_{n \to \infty}{\frac{3}{1+1/n^2}} = 3 } \\ </math> Since the limit is positive and finite, the two series either both converge or both diverge. The series formula_38 converges since it is a p-series with formula_39, which means the original series also converges by the Limit Comparison Test. The Direct Comparison Test and Integral Test may also work. 4. formula_40 & = & \displaystyle{ \lim_{n \to \infty}{ \left( \frac{n}{n^2+1} \div \frac{1}{n} \right) } } \\ \displaystyle{ \lim_{n \to \infty}{ \left( \frac{n}{n^2+1} \cdot \frac{n}{1} \right) } } \\ </math> Since the limit is positive and finite, the two series either both converge or both diverge. The series formula_41 diverges since it is a "p"-series with formula_42, which means the original series also diverges by the Limit Comparison Test. The Direct Comparison Test and Integral Test also work. Practice Problems with Video Solutions. Determine the convergence or divergence of the following series. If possible, use the Limit Comparison Test. If the LCT is inconclusive, use another test to determine convergence or divergence.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...Nf6/2. e5/2...Nd5/3. g3. This opening line is uncommon among master games (it has only been played around a hundred times) so it doesn't have any theory attached. The extremely basic idea is that it opens up the g2 square for the bishop, which attacks the knight on d5 if it is left undefended. This can be used to regain the tempo that is commonly lost by playing g2 in other openings.
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style/France. The prompt used is codice_1 To ensure fair judgement, following steps are done (i) All of prompts are generated 2 times with 8 images each (ii) Images selected is randomly selected using this dice (iii) No extra settings are selected except for changing Fooocus resolutions into 1024*1024 pixels
AI Art Generation Handbook/VCAT/Artist Style/Indonesia. The prompt used is codice_1 To ensure fair judgement, following steps are done (i) All of prompts are generated 2 times with 8 images each (ii) Images selected is randomly selected using this dice (iii) No extra settings are selected except for changing Fooocus resolutions into 1024*1024 pixels
Public-Private Partnership Policy Casebook/Prince George's County Schools Blueprint Program. This chapter was written by Patrick Morrison, Katy Nicholson and Iqbal Safi for Dr. Jonathan Gifford's Public-Private Partnership Policy class at the George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government. Introduction. Like others around the nation, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), located in suburban Maryland, faces aging infrastructure and dire needs to return assets to a state of good repair. One of the nation's largest school districts, PGCPS’ over 200 school buildings were 50-60 years old, on average. This backlog totaled $8.5 billion; a total deemed insurmountable through traditional public funding. Consultants recommended a public-private partnership (P3) delivery model to improve school facilities.[1] For this project, a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM) model was selected, transferring most risks to the private sector. Thus, PGCPS paved the way for the Alternative Construction Financing Program (also known as the Blueprint Program). The Maryland General Assembly passed legislation for the project in 2018 and 2019, with the Request for Proposals (RFP) opened in 2019.[2] The development team, Prince George's County Education and Community Partners (PGCECP) selected in October 2020 started construction in June of 2021 and completed five of the contracted six new schools in July 2023. The development team selected for Phase I included Gilbane Building Company (Design-builder), Stantec (Architect and design), Honeywell (Services), and three local county minority-owned architect and construction businesses. Phase I’s first six schools were written into contract on the same balance sheet and with the same timeline expectations. According to initial projections, this bundling would save the government $175 and $400 million on design and construction costs.[2] As of October 2023, PGCPS has recently selected a new development team for Phase II, which will include eight more schools.[5] PGCPS' bundling of schools within the DBFM P3 delivery model is unprecedented in the United States. Policy Narrative. Establishing Legislation and Support: In 2018, PGCPS, Prince George’s County Government, County Council, and the County’s delegation of the Maryland General Assembly approved legislation to set the Alternative Construction Finance (ACF) program, a P3 model. Later that year, they established a working group from county stakeholders, and in 2019 passed additional legislation to support the ACF program.[2] Financial Challenges: PGCPS does not have the authority to issue bonds. And alone, they could not finance a project of this scale. The school district generally relies on the State of Maryland for assistance with school construction funding, but the traditional funding methods were not sufficient to address the school district's backlog of deferred maintenance. PGCPS and Prince George's County Council signed a memorandum of agreement in September 2020 that promises $15 million per year from the county government to the school district to help pay for Phase I of the P3.[3] Under the Built to Learn Act of 2020, PGCPS is entitled to receive $25 million annually for 30 years for availability payments for Phase II of its P3 program. This state funding is distributed by the Interagency Commission on School Construction and is provided by bonds issues by the Maryland Stadium Authority.[10] The school district plans to use this state funding, along with PGCPS and county funding, to pay for Phase II.[4] Risk Allocation: The project's financial, operational, and construction risks are firmly on Gilbane and their equity partners. While the project's financial structure is expected to save costs compared to developing the buildings with public finance, PGCPS has little influence in the development phases, and can only defer payments if construction KPIs are not met.   Unpaid and Misclassified Labor Lawsuits: While five of Phase I’s six schools were completed on schedule, Gilbane reached a $78,000 settlement from unpaid and misclassified labor with one worker. The laborer also alleges that up to 40 other workers also did not receive payment and were misclassified, affecting taxes. The developer was not selected for Phase II for the project,[5] although they did submit a proposal.[6] Sustainability: As set out in the governing contract, the buildings meet the green building guidelines of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), including solar panels, smart sensors for energy efficiency, and other sustainable construction practices. Contract Add-ons: As tax dollars will ultimately fund this endeavor, PGCPS has included stipulations in its procurement documents and contracts to ensure that the P3 program serves the greater community: Annotated List of Actors. Public:   Private:   Project Companies/Special Purpose Vehicles: Technical and Financial Advisors (Contractors for PGCPS):   Community Stakeholders: Prince George’s County Public Schools Students and Parents: The community, particularly current students and their parents, have been advocating for new schools due to the deterioration of the district’s older schools. Timeline of Events. Spring 2018 Prince George’s County Council adopts a resolution forming a P3 Alternative Financing School Infrastructure Work Group to investigate the public-private partnership option for school construction projects. The Work Group includes members of County Council and employees of PGCPS and the County Executive’s office. Spring 2019 Based on the Work Group’s recommendations, PGCPS issues Request for Qualifications: Public-Private Partnership for the Design, Construction, Financing, and Maintenance of Prince George’s County Public Schools Alternative Construction Financing Package 1. Fall 2019 Spring 2020 The Maryland General Assembly passes the Built to Learn Act of 2020. The Act includes $25 million annually for PGCPS to be used for availability payments for Phase II of its P3 program.[10] Fall 2020 Winter 2020 PGCPS Board of Education enters an agreement with Prince George's County Education and Community Partners LLC for the design, construction, financing and maintenance of six schools.[9] Spring 2021 PGCPS approves the advancement of schematic design documents to the “develop and refine” phase. Prince George's County Education and Community Partners LLC works with PGCPS staff to incorporate the school district’s desired changes to the plans. Summer 2021 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 The Board of Education approves the eight schools that have been recommended for Phase II of the Alternative Construction Financing Program. Spring 2023 April 2023: PGCPS issues an RFP for Phase II with proposals due in July 2023.[12] Summer 2023 Five of the six Phase I schools open. Fall 2023 Contract Type. Alternative Construction Financing (ACF) or Public-Private Partnership The PGCPS, in line with its 20-year Educational Facilities Master Plan, aims to ensure that it can adequately cater to the educational needs of its 134,000 students and a workforce of nearly 22,000 employees. Through the ACF program established in 2019, PGCPS, the County, and the Working Group share a common goal to employ a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain framework to efficiently deliver a predefined set of schools. This approach aims to achieve optimal cost-effectiveness and timely completion. Some of the primary objectives for these parties include the following: DBFM (Design, Build, Finance, and Maintain) Design and Construction Scope The Developer has been responsible for designing and constructing the Project. The Developer's responsibilities encompassed standard design and construction tasks, including project management, engineering studies, project design, permits, development activities, finalizing design, construction, subcontracting, commissioning, testing, and so on. Financing Scope The Developer has had the exclusive responsibility of securing all the required funds for the Project, which involved equity. PGCPS has been flexible regarding the private financing structure proposed, as long as the financing has not held Prince George's County or PGCPS liable.   Maintenance Scope The Developer is responsible with overseeing significant maintenance of the Project, ensuring it complies with the Technical Requirements outlined in the Project Agreement, as well as adheres to relevant laws, regulations, and policies. This maintenance encompasses the long-term care of essential components built or installed by the Developer, as well as any other elements specified in the Project Agreement. Local Contracting and the Use of MBE and CBB   Prince George's County and PGCPS has been dedicated to establishing and upholding a world-class environment for local and minority business enterprises, ensuring equal access for qualified and certified businesses to engage in local procurement opportunities. Consequently, PGCPS expected the RFP to mandate that the Developer exert their best efforts to ensure that a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the Project was carried out through subcontracts with certified MBE and CBB. While PGCPS didn't require Respondents to specify local and minority business enterprise subcontractors in their SOQ, these requirements were considered by Respondents in developing their organizational approach. This included various opportunities for CBB and MBE involvement, encompassing areas such as accounting and legal services, engineering, bonding, insurance, permit expediting, construction management, site work, including excavation and hauling, concrete work, foundations, welding, electrical, plumbing, window and door installation, drywall, painting, carpeting, tiling, interior design, asphalt, landscaping, property and program management, signage, marketing, maintenance, and cleaning. It's worth noting that PGCPS did not anticipate MBE and CBB to be bound by exclusivity arrangements with individual Respondents. Procurement Process Part One: RFQ Contents of Response to RFQ Volume 1: Experience & Capabilities Volume 2: Financial Information Evaluation Criteria:   Organizational Competence: PGCPS evaluated respondents organization and management capacity based on their ability to coordinate and deliver all Project components, considering size and complexity. Higher scores were given for clear and logical management structures, alignment of interests among Major Participants, and demonstrated teamwork on similar projects. The suitability of the Offeror's organization structure was assessed regarding team structure, prior experience working together, key personnel, and experience with MBE and local businesses/community benefits. Factors included roles and responsibilities, decision-making efficiency, risk management, and realistic approaches to project challenges and opportunities. Technical Approach: The evaluation of technical proposals for the Project has been completed, assessing Respondents based on a range of criteria. In the "Design-Build Capabilities and Expertise" category (25 points), the evaluation considered the Respondent's experience in comparable projects, design excellence, construction, and related factors. For "Maintenance Capabilities and Expertise" (20 points), the assessment examined their experience in maintaining similar projects and expertise in areas such as life-cycle maintenance and customer service. In "Project Understanding and Technical Approach" (10 points), the evaluation determined how well the Respondent's approach aligned with PGCPS goals. Lastly, "Financial Qualifications and Capability" (30 points) gauged the Respondent's financial capacity to secure financing without contingencies and maintain the Facilities throughout the agreement term. This process provided a comprehensive evaluation of Respondents' capabilities in delivering the Project. Financial Capacity: The evaluation of Respondents' financial capabilities for the Project was completed, focusing on their ability to secure financing without contingencies and maintain facilities. PGCPS assessed each respondent's financial qualifications based on specific criteria. This included evaluating Financing Members' experience in obtaining financing commitments for similar projects, their success in bringing projects to completion, and the overall financial strength of the Respondent team. Factors like Funding Letters and the expertise of the Respondent's Financial Advisor in securing non-recourse financing were considered. Projects involving controlling ownership interest, financial close, DBFM structure, and performance-based payments scored higher. The overall financial capability of the Respondent was assessed based on financial statements, credit ratings, bankruptcy/insolvency information, and other financial details provided in the SOQ. Part Two: RFP As a result of the RFQ evaluation, below respondents advanced to the RFP stage and were permitted to submit a proposal: Evaluation Procedure: In the evaluation process, there was a two-phase approach. Initially, PGCPS assessed Proposals to determine their responsiveness based on the evaluation factors outlined in the RFP. After this initial review, all responsive Proposals underwent further evaluation as detailed as follows: The evaluation criteria for the P3 project proposal reflects a comprehensive approach that balances technical and financial aspects. The division of points allows for a fair and thorough assessment. The Technical Proposal, worth 300 points, is structured into six sections, covering various crucial aspects of the project. The emphasis on organization, local community benefits, design, construction, and services approach demonstrates a holistic evaluation of the bidder's capabilities and commitment to the project's success. In the Financial Proposal, the split between the Cost Score (200 points) and the Finance Plan Score (100 points) ensures that cost-efficiency is a significant factor while also considering the financial sustainability and planning of the project. This criteria setup promotes a competitive yet balanced evaluation process. It encourages bidders to not only offer competitive financial terms but also emphasize a well-thought-out project management, local community benefits, design excellence, and construction efficiency. Overall, the criteria seem well-structured to select a bidder that not only meets the financial expectations but also aligns with the broader project goals, including local community engagement and technical excellence. According to the Board Action Summary of the PGCPS for Approval of Contract Award the evaluation process for the RFP was thorough and transparent, prioritizing fairness and independence. It involved various committees and subcommittees, each comprising experts in specific fields, such as project management, design, construction, financial advisory, and more. The Technical Proposal was assessed based on five major criteria, while the Financial Proposal underwent a separate evaluation by the Financial Advisory Team. Importantly, these evaluations occurred independently to ensure no influence between the technical and financial assessments. The process strictly adhered to predefined criteria and procedures outlined in the RFP and Evaluation Manual. This dual-phase, segregated evaluation approach aimed to maintain fairness and prevent bias, ultimately resulting in a comprehensive assessment of both technical and financial aspects of the proposals. PGCPS’s General Obligations: Under this agreement, PGCPS has several key responsibilities. They are obligated to make payments to the Developer as specified in the agreement, provided the Developer meets the necessary payment requirements. PGCPS is also responsible for providing the Sites required for the Project. It's important to note that PGCPS holds full ownership of the Land. Furthermore, PGCPS has the sole authority to make decisions regarding the operation and use of the Schools, ensuring they align with the terms of the Agreement. The contract relies on availability payments and the agreement defines “Availability Payments” as follows: Availability Payment "means the fee to be paid by PGCPS to Developer, which together with any applicable Progress Payment, Milestone Payments, Relief Payments or Delay Payments, compensate Developer for Developer’s performance of the Design-Build Work and Services, as set forth and calculated in accordance with Section 14.4 (Availability Payments) and Exhibit X-1 (Payment Calculations)."[9] Cost. The total cost of Phase I for PGCPS will be $1.24 billion, which includes a $15 million milestone payment (to be paid when the design/construction phase was 50 percent complete), progress payments of $5 million per school due when each school is completed, and availability payments paid monthly during the 30-year service period. The total amount that PGCPS pays is subject to change due to delay or relief payments based on the KPIs written into the contract.[7] For Phase I, PGCPS will share the project costs with Prince George's County government, which will provide $15 million per year.[3] PGCECP's Phase I costs were estimated to be $485.8 million during the design/construction period and $306.5 million during the services period.[7] Fengate (75-percent equity partner for Phase I) is funding its portion of the project using its Core Infrastructure Fund III [15], which focuses on U.S./Canada alternative energy, social, transportation, and digital contracted projects with a net IRR between 11 percent and 13 percent and a minimum yield of 5 percent.[16] PGCPS estimates that using the traditional financing model, design/construction of the Phase I schools would have cost a total of $868.8 million and and taken 16 years. The total design/construction cost using the P3 model was $485.8 million. The school district also emphasizes the value of the service plan, which it anticipates will prevent deferred maintenance costs later on. Additionally, building the schools more quickly has resulted in cost savings as PGCPS has not needed to maintain the old school buildings any longer. PGCPS has estimated that it will save a total of $170 million during the 30-year contract.[2] For Phase II, PGCPS plans to pay the project company $11.25 million per school upon the completion of each school, followed by availability payments for the following 30-year service period.[12] PGCPS anticipates covering its Phase II first-year availability payment with $25 million in state funding (courtesy of Maryland Stadium Authority bonds provided by the 2020 Built to Learn Act), $10 million from Prince George's County government, and $15 million of its own funds, for a total of $50 million.[14] Financial Structure. The Program follows an availability payment model where the District and the County dedicate funding to support the 30-year life cycle of the program as opposed to a revenue risk model where funding would depend on revenue generated by end-user payments for use of the building like rent, retail, etc. In this arrangement between PGCPS and the developer, the public and private sectors share responsibilities and benefits. The developer, as the private entity, has invested significantly in the construction of six schools, amounting to approximately $500 million. Over the next 30 years, they will be responsible for maintaining the schools as well and in exchange will receive about $290 million in service payments. This investment is aimed at providing quality educational facilities to the community. The private contractor stands to profit from this partnership through the availability payments they receive, which are set to increase over time. The private sector benefits from a steady and predictable income stream, while PGCPS benefits from having the infrastructure developed and maintained without shouldering the entire financial burden upfront. It's a collaborative approach that allows the public sector to provide essential services while mitigating financial risk and provides the private sector with a revenue-generating opportunity over an extended period. Institutional Structure. The institutional structure of the Public-Private Partnership (P3) project for school construction and maintenance in Prince George's County is a complex web of stakeholders, each playing a crucial role in ensuring the success of the endeavor. At the core of this partnership is the Public Partner, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), which owns the schools and the property they are built on. PGCPS is joined by the Private Partner, PGCECP, a consortium comprised of Fengate Asset Management (financial/equity), Gilbane Development Company (financial/equity), Gilbane Building Company (lead design-builder), Stantec (lead architect-design), and Honeywell (lead service provider). This SPV, operating under the DBFM P3 Agreement, is the entity responsible for the design, construction, financing, and maintenance of the schools. Regulatory Authorities, such as the Prince George's County Board of Education and County Council, provide the necessary approvals and support for the P3 model, ultimately shaping the project's policies and contracts. Additionally, the Schools Administration handles the administrative aspects of the program. The P3 Alternative Financing School Infrastructure Work Group, established by the County Council, plays a pivotal role in exploring the P3 option. Furthermore, Technical and Financial Advisors, contractors for PGCPS, including Jones Lang LaSalle, K. Dixon Architecture, and Kutak Rock, provide critical expertise in financial, technical, and legal aspects. Finally, the community, represented by Prince George's County Public Schools Students and Parents, advocates for new schools due to the deteriorating condition of the district's older schools. This multi-faceted institutional structure is designed to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the P3 project, ensuring that it meets the educational and infrastructural needs of the community while also managing the financial and operational aspects with private sector expertise. Lessons Learned/Takeaways. Public sector agencies without upfront funding or the capacity to issue bonds can still complete P3 projects and solicit competitive bids from the private sector, if the governing authorities can coordinate on the presiding statues and desired project outcomes. While PGCPS was in the process of procuring Phase I and securing county funding for the project, the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation to provide substantial funding for Phase II using Maryland Stadium Authority bond funding. This policy solution provides a special financing solution to public actors seeking P3s with limited assets on their balance sheet or a constrained capacity to issue bonds themselves. When briefing the County Council on Phase I in September 2020, PGCPS staff noted the importance of a strong contract to ensure that the school's objectives were met. Based on its lessons learned from Phase I, PGCPS was able to craft a Phase II contract that is more likely to bring about its desired results. For example, labor issues surfaced during Phase I, and PGCPS ended up including a labor agreement in its Phase II contract. Because the P3 model affords the private sector more autonomy than traditional delivery models, an airtight contract is essential. One of the ongoing concerns about PGCPS’ P3 project is transparency. During the September 2020 County Council briefing, several Council members expressed their concern about the ambiguity of the information they had received. In our research, we encountered numbers and figures that sometimes seemed contradictory, and we struggled to identify the source of public funding for the payments to the developer. This may be due to the large number of entities involved and the fact that the project has proceeded in fits and starts. The scope of the project changed during the planning stages, and state legislation has been evolving throughout the process. Local and regional media have covered the project at the surface level, but they have not delved into the details. Public-private partnerships can be a solution for communities that do not have the up-front funding to provide much-needed infrastructure. In this case, the P3 model undoubtedly delivered six schools in a fraction of the time it would have taken using the standard delivery model, thanks to the design/construction bundling and the private sector financing. However, the P3 model does not negate the need for public funding; it is important to remember that PGCPS and Prince George's County will continue to pay for the project for the next 30 years. The school district will continue to finance other schools using the traditional delivery model while it engages in these P3 projects, so it will have ample opportunities to compare the different approaches and analyze the value-for-money. Because this type of project is unprecedented in the United States, PGCPS will serve as a test case for the many other communities grappling with a backlog of aging schools and a lack of public funding. Phase I and Phase II Schools. Phase I Schools: Phase II Schools: References. 1. Smith, Carl. “Prince George’s County Saves Big by Bundling School Construction.” "Governing". September 12, 2023. https://www.governing.com/finance/prince-georges-county-saves-big-by-bundling-school-construction#:~:text=But%20PGCPS%20decided%20to%20do,and%20one%20K-8%20facility 2. PGCPS. “News Release: First-of-Its-Kind Public-Private Partnership Delivers New Schools for 8K+ Students.” September 18, 2023. https://www.pgcps.org/offices/communications-and-community-engagement/newsroom/news/newsroom-archives/2023-2024/news-release-first-of-its-kind-public-private-partnership-delivers-new-schools-for-8k-students 3. Prince George’s County. “Memorandum of Understanding With Respect to the Public-Private Partnership for the Design, Construction, Financing, and Maintenance of Prince George’s County Public Schools Alternative Construction Financing Package 1.” September 23, 2020. https://princegeorgescountymd.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4657905&GUID=8E927F21-8501-4234-A4D1-6B4EFC5F8F67&Options=&Search= 4. PGCPS Board Item. “Approval of the Blueprint School Phase II Package and Resolution of General Terms for Blueprint Schools Phase II Package (Alternative School Construction Financing Package II) under a Public-Private Partnership Model.” September 22, 2022. https://go.boarddocs.com/mabe/pgcps/Board.nsf/Public# 5. Asbury, Nicole. “Pr. George’s school board approves next phase of public-private partnership for new buildings.” "The Washington Post". September 30, 2023. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/30/p3-prince-georges-school-construction-partnership/ 6. JLL News Release: Prince George’s County Schools Names Blueprint Schools Phase II Shortlist of Proposers. March 13, 2023. https://www.us.jll.com/en/newsroom/pgcps-names-blueprint-schools-phase-ii-shortlist 7. PGCPS. PGCPS Alternative School Construction Financing Briefing. Presented at October 13, 2020 County Council Meeting. https://princegeorgescountymd.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4667489&GUID=07FADC24-3D2F-4213-BEE0-3AC2B4898D00&Options=&Search= 8. PGCPS Procurement Opportunities: Awards. https://offices.pgcps.org/purchasing/awards.aspx 9. Project Agreement for the Design, Build, Finance, and Maintenance of Prince George’s County Public Schools Alternative Construction Financing Package 1 by and Between the Board of Education of Prince George’s County and Prince George’s County Education & Community Partners, LLC. December 2020. https://pgccouncil.us/DocumentCenter/View/6172/Project-Agreement?bidId= 10. Maryland Stadium Authority Built to Learn Revenue Bonds Series 2022A. Official Statement Dated. February 23, 2022. https://emma.msrb.org/P21552069-P21199299-P21618902.pdf 11. PGCPS. Blueprint Schools Program Quarterly Report #2. July 2021. https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/featured-pages/blueprint/docs---blueprint/quarterly-reports/2021-quarter-2-report_july-2021.pdf 12. PGCPS Request for Proposals: Public-Private-Partnership for the Design, Construction, Financing, and Maintenance of Prince George’s County Public Schools Blueprint Schools Phase 2. April 28, 2023. https://offices.pgcps.org/uploadedFiles/Cards/capital_programs/procurement/Bids/PGCPS%20Blueprint%20Schools%20Phase%202%20RFP%20DCP001-23-RFP.pdf 13. Domen, John. “After fiery Meeting, Prince George’s Co. Board Moves Forward With School Construction Plans.” "WTOP". October 3, 2023. https://wtop.com/prince-georges-county/2023/10/pgc-school-board-listens-to-parents-and-will-build-the-beep-schools/ 14. PGCPS. Blueprint Schools Phase II Project Update. October 2022. https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/featured-pages/blueprint/docs---blueprint/blueprint-schools-phase-ii-public-memorandum---final.pdf 15. Fengate. "Commercial and Financial Close Reached for Prince George’s County Public Schools Alternative Construction Financing Project." January 11, 2021. https://fengate.com/news/commercial-and-financial-close-reached-for-prince-georges-county-public-schools-alternative-construction-financing-project/ 16. Fengate. Infrastructure Insight: Core+ Funds. https://fengate.com/infrastructure-insight/
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. c3/3...f5. 3...F5. This is the dangerous but exciting Ponziani Countergambit. It sacrifices the F pawn, but attacks E4 and prepares the develop the G1 knight. While 4.Exf5 is a good move, 4.D3 and 4.D4 are better options. If white has studied against this, black will have a bad time, but if not, both black and white will be able to attack in an exciting game.
Calculus/Ratio Test. Ratio Test. The Ratio Test is probably the most important test and the test you will use the most as you are learning infinite series. It is used A LOT in power series. I believe it is the most powerful test of all. So I suggest you master it from the start. It's not hard, and if your algebra skills are strong, you might even find it fun to use. Also, the more familiar you are with it and the more practice problems you work, the sooner you will start to be able to look at a series and see almost right away if the Ratio Test will tell you what you need to know. Ratio Test Definition. </math> be a series with nonzero terms and let formula_1 Three cases are possible depending on the value of L. formula_2: The series converges absolutely. formula_3: The Ratio Test is inconclusive. formula_4: The series diverges. When To Use the Ratio Test. The ratio test is best used when you have certain elements in the sum. The way to get a feel for this is to build a set of tables containing examples of tests that work as you are working practice problems. This is an extremely powerful technique that will help you really understand infinite series. Here is a list of things to watch for. How To Use The Ratio Test. In general, the idea is to set up the ratio formula_1 and evaluate it. In detail, you need to determine what formula_7 is and then build formula_11, set up the fraction, combine like terms and then take the limit of each term. Setting up the limit and combining like terms are the easy parts. The challenge comes in taking the limit. Key - It is important to remember to use the absolute value signs unless you are absolutely convinced that the term will always be positive. This is critical to practice up front since, once you get to Taylor Series, you can't and don't want to drop the absolute value signs. They are critical to the result. It is never wrong to include them and, as you work more problems, you will get a feel for when you need them and when you don't. In the practice problems and examples, we will use them unless we explicitly state that they are not needed. Some instructors are less rigid about this than others. As always, check with your instructor to see what they require. Ratio Test Proof. Here are a couple of proofs of the Ratio Test. This first video contains a rather long and involved proof of the ratio test. It uses a comparison test. Proof of the Ratio Test Here is a second proof presented in 3 separate videos. You do not need to watch these proofs in order to use and understand the Ratio Test. We are including them here for those who are interested. Video Recommendations. This first video clip [1min-50secs] is a great overview of the ratio test. Notice that he doesn't use absolute value signs, so he requires that the terms be positive. Series, Comparison + Ratio Tests The beginning [9min-19secs] of this next video has a good discussion about the ratio test. Then the instructor shows two examples when the ratio test is inconclusive to emphasize that a series may converge or diverge when the ratio test is inconclusive. Ratio Test for Convergence Before You Start Working The Practice Problems. Take a few minutes and scan your list of practice problems. You will notice there are a LOT of very different ones. The key to solving infinite series problems is to find patterns so that you can quickly narrow down the techniques that might work to about 2 or 3. This is especially true with problems on which the ratio test works. Ratio Test Practice Problems. Determine the convergence or divergence of these series using the ratio test, if possible. [These instructions imply that if the ratio test fails formula_16, you need to use another test to prove convergence or divergence.] Practice Problems with Written Solutions. 1. formula_17 }</math> formula_18 Now combine like terms. formula_19 formula_20 So our limit is now formula_21 the series diverges. Note - We could have left off the absolute value signs all the way through this problem since the terms are always positive. However, to follow the theorem exactly, we need them unless we explicitly state that the ratio is positive. It is a common practice (although not always good) to leave them off without explaining, which teachers may do quite often. If you don't understand something, always ask.
Calculus/Absolute and Conditional Convergence. Absolute and Conditional Convergence. Absolute and conditional convergence applies to all series whether a series has all positive terms or some positive and some negative terms (but the series is not required to be alternating). One unique thing about series with positive and negative terms (including alternating series) is the question of absolute or conditional convergence. Once convergence of the series is established, then determining the convergence of the absolute value of the series tells you whether it converges absolutely or conditionally. Formally, here's what it looks like. Definitions of Absolute and Conditional Convergence. </math> is a convergent series. Here is a table that summarizes these ideas a little differently. } </math> !! Conclusion One minor point is that all positive series converge absolutely since formula_7 for all formula_8. Absolute Convergence Theorem. This theorem uses the first row of the above table and this allows us to consider the divergence of a positive series. Alternatively, it is possible to determine the convergence of the absolute value of the series first. Then, if the absolute value of the series converges, you can use the Absolute Convergence Theorem to say that the alternating series also converges and converges absolutely. Additionally, if you have a series with some negative terms (but not all) and it is not an alternating series, you can use this theorem to determine convergence. Specifically, if the absolute value of the series converges, then the series will converge. Notice that this theorem says nothing about divergence, so you cannot make any assumption about convergence or divergence if this theorem does not hold. Understanding The Theorem. Let's get an idea of why this theorem works. First, let's think about the series formula_4 with positive and negative terms. As we add up the terms, we will be adding some positive terms and subtracting other terms (the negative ones). Compare that to the series formula_3. With this series, we add all the terms as we go, i.e. we add all the positive terms and then we take the absolute value of the negative terms before we add those terms also. So each partial sum of this series is greater than the partial sum of the previous series. Consequently, as we continue to calculate the partial sums, we can say that the second sum is larger than the first sum. So if the larger sum converges, the smaller sum also has to converge. Here is a simple example that should give you an intuitive feel for this. For this finite alternating series formula_11. Now calculate the absolute value of that series to get formula_12 If we are always adding the numbers and never subtracting, the sum will always be larger for the absolute value series. And in the case of an infinite sum, if the larger series converges, logically, the smaller one will too. Note - This is not a formal proof of the theorem. It is just an example to give you a feel for it. Video Recommendations. This video clip has a great discussion on absolute convergence including using some examples. Notice that he does not use the term conditional convergence. Instead, he just says that the series does not converge absolutely. Alternating series and absolute convergence Here is another short video clip [2min] explanation of absolute and conditional convergence. Absolute Convergence, Conditional Convergence and Divergence Freaky Consequence of Conditionally Convergent Infinite Series. As you probably know by now, when you start working with numbers out to infinity, strange things happen. This is certainly true of infinite series which are conditionally convergent. The strange thing is that, when you rearrange the sum, you can get different values to which the series converges, i.e. the commutative property of numbers does not hold! Whoa! In fact, not only can you get different values, it is possible to rearrange a conditionally convergent infinite series in order to get any number we want, including zero and infinity! This is called the Riemann Series Theorem. Want to know more? Check out this wikipedia page
Salom, Jonatan!/Mon 7. Monlari – Mon 6 – Mon 7 – Mon 8 Sabeyum mon (7yum mon). Wagon idi ji idi; to duregi na idi. Jonatan oko multi xey ex wagon. Te sen in wagon, ji xey no sen in wagon; te oko oto ex wagon. Te oko persaluba, multi persaluba. Jonatan peti tas wagonyen, “Kam mi harizin na ofcu wagon?” Wagonyen: “No. Hay multi bwaw. Yu no harizin.” Jonatan: “Keto? Hay multi bwaw?” Wagonyen: “Si. Ji pia ex wagon, yu xa oko multi bwaw.” Wagonyen haha. Jonatan fikir, “Te haha keseba?” Fe nunya, to sen noce; no hay Sola. Wagon idi max ji max velosi. Person in wagon loga tas wagonyen, “Am idi max velosi!” Jonatan fikir, “Keseba na idi daydenmo velosi?” Jonatan oko dayday jabal ex wagon. Jonatan oko ki person in wagon sen daymo joxudo; ete pala multi. Person in wagon loga joxudo, “Am idi max velosi!” Fe nunya, wagon esto. Ete sen in pasa intre jabal. Jonatan jixi ki hinloka, te xa oko wagon cel na idi cel tesu doste Konte Drakula, mas…te sen keloka? Fe fronta de Jonatan, hay dolo, ji sol dolo. Person in wagon sen hox, mas Jonatan no sen hox. “Keseba na ata cel hinloka denloka hu no hay wagon cel na idi cel misu doste Konte Drakula?” Wagonyen pala tas person in wagon: “Imi le dupul sen velosi. Imi le dupul ata cel hinloka fe un maxmo jaldi satu.” Wagonyen le pala yon lil voka, mas Jonatan le ore te. Jonatan fikir, “Na dupul ata cel hinloka fe un maxmo jaldi satu sen bon keseba?” Fe nunya, wagonyen pala tas Jonatan har day voka. Te loga, “Jonatan, Herr (Doycisa: Mansenyor) xa no ata cel hinloka nundin. Te xa idi cel alo xaher, xaher Bukovina. Ible, jaxadin, Herr xa idi cel hinloka. Ible, si. Ible, no. Mi no jixi. Imi ingay na xoridi.” Jonatan sen hazuni ji fikir, “Senyor Drakula no sen hinloka keseba? Mi ingay na xoridi keseba?” Mas, dento sen keto? Uma sen joxudo. Pia person in wagon sen joxudo. Jonatan oko, ji denloka, te oko alo wagon hu da sen maxmo day ton care uma. Neo wagon sen maxmo zarif ji maxmo day kom wagon hu in da Jonatan side. Care uma sen syahe ji dayday. In neo wagon, Jonatan oko alo wagonyen. Alo wagonyen sen day, ji gao, ji hare mustax. Mustax ji bala hanta de wagonyen fikirgi Jonatan ki te sen daymo bala ixu, mas Jonatan no abil na oko muka de alo wagonyen. Alo wagonyen loga, “Yu le dupul ata cel hinloka velosi, misu doste.” Wagonyen: “A…Englili Herr le vole na idi velosi…” Alo wagonyen: “Mi jixi ki yu le vole na idi cel Bukovina. Si, mi jixi ku yu fikir tem keto. Mi sen maxmo cinonpul kom yu. Am gibe tas mi portaxey de Englili senyor.” Wagonyen gibe portaxey de Jonatan tas alo wagonyen. Alo wagonyen sen day bala; Jonatan oko ki te sen bala denwatu hu te oko tesu hanta. Alo wagonyen porta portaxey yon tesu bala hanta, ji daymo velosi, xey sen finido. Fe nunya, Jonatan side in alo wagon. Nundin le dupul sen lungo din tas Jonatan, mas fe nunya, alo turi xoru.
Animal Care/flight with your animal.
Animal Care/flight with your animal/flight to Israel. Costs: check at the veterinary clinic, sedation (if it necessary), blood test, delivery person for the blood test, laboratory cost to check the blood test, chip for the animal. Cost might be last at SPCA.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 220. Codepage 220 (Spanish National Character Set) is a codepage intended for Spanish and Catalan. Character set. The following table shows code page 220. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Happiness/Knowing Your Personality. The attainment of happiness is a philosophical question which has puzzled and confused thinkers for all of history. Many who have delved into this question have provided their own advice for the proper garnering of such a thing, but few have succeeded in articulating or even describing an answer to this question. It is believed that the attainment of happiness is rather individualized and rests little on a universal answer.
Infrastructure Past, Present, and Future Casebook/Jackson, MS Water and Wastewater Treatment. This casebook is a case study on Water and Wastewater Treatment in Jackson, MS by Aurozo Niaz, Alejandra Ortiz, Chloe Shade, and Scott Tatum, as part of the Infrastructure Past, Present and Future: GOVT 490-004 (Synthesis Seminar for Policy & Government) / CEIE 499-002 (Special Topics in Civil Engineering) Fall 2023 course at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government and the Volgenau School of Engineering, and Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering. Under the instruction of Professor Jonathan Gifford. Summary. The provision of clean drinking water is one of the core duties of municipal government. Despite maintaining a fairly straightforward mandate, there are an array of obstacles that make fulfilling it challenging. The Jackson, Mississippi water crisis of February 2021 serves as a pertinent case study in the intersection of extreme weather events, decaying infrastructure, environmental justice concerns, and institutional failures. The crisis was expedited by a severe winter storm, which unveiled the deficiencies of the city’s water infrastructure. These conditions were exacerbated by the city's aging water systems, distinguished by crumbling pipes and treatment facilities. Notably, the crisis disproportionately impacted communities that were predominantly Black, underscoring the racial disparities in infrastructure investment and disaster preparedness. This preventable water crisis underscores the imperativeness of addressing infrastructure restoration, climate resilience, and environmental justice in historically segregated areas, with implications for public policy, equity, and the equitable distribution of essential resources. List of Actors. The United States Environmental Protection Agency: This agency is responsible for protecting the health of the environment and the health of humans. The EPA Administrator, Michael S. Regan, visited Jackson, Mississippi as a part of his Journey to Justice tour the year prior to the Jackson water crisis in August 2022. In a statement Regan published after meeting with Jackson Mayor, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, he acknowledged that the people of Jackson have faced decades of injustices because they have not been protected and have not been provided with safe water nor a reliable water system. The city of Jackson had issued about “300 boil notices over the past two years and had multiple line breaks during the same timeframe” before the water crisis in 2022. Regan was aware of the poor quality and conditions of Jackson’s water systems and continued to advocate for the people of Jackson even before the 2022 water crisis. Now after the water crisis, the EPA along with the mayor of Jackson, work together to bring safe and reliable water to the people of Jackson. Chokwe Antar Lumumba: He was the mayor of Jackson during the water crisis in August 2022.  He advocates for the people of Jackson and worked with the EPA to bring awareness to the poor quality of the water system infrastructure and unsafe drinking water in Jackson. Similarly, to the EPA, he believes that the people of Jackson and their need for a better water system infrastructure has been neglected because of racial inequality. As a democratic mayor in a state with a Republican majority , he faced challenges to get the necessary resources to address the infrastructure issues. Governor Tate Reeves: He is a Republican governor who assumed office in 2020. One of the factors that contributed to the failure of the Jackson water system was their unreliable billing system, so it was a challenge to collect payments. This meant there was little to no revenue coming int that could be used to repair/maintain the water system. This was a major contribution to the Jackson water crisis. In 2020, Reeves vetoed a bill that would have created payment plans for people to pay their overdue payments. This would have helped collect revenue to fund the maintenance/repair of the Jackson water system infrastructure. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): FEMA comes to Jackson to provide financial assistance, technical assistance, and to distribute other resources, such as water bottles. Because President declares a 90-day state of emergency for the city of Jackson, it authorizes the use of federal funds to cover 75% of costs related to the water crisis emergency. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA): MEMA worked in partnership with FEMA to help the people of Jackson, MS during the water crisis. The Public Assistance program was run by MEMA, so people applied through their application for resources and financial assistance. FEMA covered 75% while MEMA covered the other 25%. Narrative of the Case. Two Treatment Plans. Two principal plants supplied Jackson, Mississippi with its water supply: the J. H. Fewell plant built in 1914 and the O. B. Curtis plant built in 1993. Together these plants provided drinking water to a total of around 250,000 people in and around Jackson. While both plants service the same region, they drew from different sources. While the Fewell plant treated water coming from the Pearl river, the Curtis plant treated the water within the Ross Barnett Reservoir. Years of Neglect. In 2012, the EPA ruled that the city of Jackson had violated the Clean Water Act via the leakage and overflow of untreated raw sewage into the water supply. In addition to this, there were a number of unauthorized bypasses within the Savanna Street Wastewater Treatment Plant which contributed to the injunction. Mandated by the injunction to improve maintenance, city officials were limited in funding and finances by the state government. This contributed to a gradual degradation of Jackson's water infrastructure over the decade, as vital repairs went underfunded and contributed to the crisis that began in 2022. 2022 Water Crisis (August - November 2022). Following historic rainfall which flooded the Pearl River, the Curtis plant was overwhelmed with excess water from the Ross Barnett Reservoir. Already relying on backup pumps due to previous damage, city officials altered the treatment method at the plant, resulting in a decrease in water pressure and quality. A state of emergency was declared, with most of Jackson's citizens lacking water in the immediate aftermath of the plant's failure. Similar breakdowns at the Fewell plant contributed to the crisis. A boil water notice went into effect for the city, straining the resources of local hospitals. While the systems were mostly restored by September 4th, concerns remained over water quality and potential lead poisoning. Eventually, however, the boil advisory was revoked for Jackson on September 14th and the EPA declared the water safe to drink later in late October. Funding and Financing. The Jackson, MS water system infrastructure is funded by the people of Jackson, who are the recipients of the services. The water system is a utility, so residents and businesses who use its services have to pay the fees/bill. This is the water systems main source of revenue, so without it, it makes it difficult to maintain and improve the water system infrastructure. Jackson, MS struggled to collect monthly payments from its residents because of an unreliable billing system and residents not being able to make their monthly payments. All of this contributed to the failure of the water system because without that revenue, the city did not have the financial resources that were needed to address the issues of the water system. When President Biden declared a state of emergency in Jackson, Mississippi, Jackson was granted federal funds to assist with the crisis. The funds would cover up to 75% of all emergency related costs. Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) “awards Jackson $35.6 million, which the city matches for a total of $71 million” In June 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Jackson, Mississippi will receive $115 million in funding to support water infrastructure that will ensure safe and reliable drinking water for residents. The funding comes from Congressional appropriations for the 2023 federal budget. The Biden-Harris administration are advocates for Jackson, MS to receive this funding to ensure residents have access to clean, safe drinking water. Institutional Arrangements. A municipality's water supply and related services are usually managed by several important institutions and entities. Their contributions to the crisis emerged from several factors, including budget decisions, infrastructure management, regulatory oversight, and emergency preparedness. In tandem, these agencies strive to ensure that communities have access to a dependable and safe supply of water. Municipal water systems are often managed by the following institutions, albeit specific arrangements may differ from one municipality to the next: The management and operation of the water system were under the jurisdiction of the Jackson Department of Public Works and its water division. Challenges with these organizational structures, particularly inadequate financing, and staffing shortages, made it increasingly difficult for the agency to effectively manage and mitigate the issue. Regulatory agencies at the state and federal levels, including O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), establish water quality standards and monitor adherence. A separate sanitary sewer system is operated and owned by the City of Jackson, Mississippi. Savanna Street, Presidential Hills, and Trahon wastewater treatment plants, as well as a wastewater collection and transmission system, constitute a component of Jackson's system. Jackson violated the terms of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and Section 301 of the Clean Water Act. A total of over 2,300 sanitary sewer overflows, forbidden bypasses, malfunctions in operation and maintenance, and effluent limit violations account for Jackson's alleged offenses. Determining water quality standards as well as ensuring that local, state, and federal laws are complied with are the responsibilities of the MDEQ and the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant. In an effort to manage the emergency during the water crisis, the MDEQ collaborated with local authorities. They provided guidance and issued advisories, such as boil-water advisories, to safeguard the public's health. They assisted in organizing the emergency response efforts to make certain the residents were conscious of the situation. The MDEQ's response amid the crisis, as described by critics, was not as immediate as it deserved to be. The MDEQ, municipalities, and residents were not corresponding properly or effectively, which raised concerns. To prevent or mitigate similar crises in the future, the incident emphasizes the significance of extensive infrastructure investment, regulatory oversight, and efficient emergency response at the state level. Policy Issues. Privatization. In response to the failures Jackson's wastewater treatment system, Governor Reeves floated the idea of privatizing the plants currently operated by the city government. This plan, however, has encountered opposition from city officials who fear the plan could increase costs. Proponents have countered by asserting the increased costs would result in greater quality service from the treatment plants. Lead Pipes. Lead pipes have come into focus as well as a continuing factor in Jackson's water security. Many residents fear lead contamination in the wake of the crisis. Already, 1,800 lawsuits have been filed against city and state officials for lead water contamination. Lessons and Takeaways. Neglecting Water Infrastructure Can Have Dire Consequences for Communities, Particularly Those with Limited Resources:. Neglecting water infrastructure, as illuminated by the Jackson, Mississippi water crisis, can have profound repercussions for communities, especially those already grappling with limited resources. This case underscores the essential, albeit often overlooked, role that infrastructure plays as the backbone of any community. Prolonged neglect or underfunding of maintenance renders the entire water system vulnerable to failure, thereby endangering public health, safety, and economic stability. Neglecting water infrastructure may lead to water contamination, service interruptions, and unsanitary conditions, all of which pose significant health risks to the population. In Jackson, residents faced hurdles in accessing clean water for basic necessities such as drinking, bathing, and sanitation. The water crisis also led to economic consequences that affected local businesses, property values, and potential investments, exacerbating the inadequate funding necessary to address the issue. Communities that overlook infrastructure investment may inadvertently deter potential economic development opportunities that could have secured additional financial support. The crisis in Jackson disproportionately affected marginalized communities, underscoring the social inequalities directly linked to insufficient infrastructure. Given the historical context of racial discrimination in the area, the development of this inequity is unmistakable, accentuating the urgency of addressing these disparities and ensuring that all residents enjoy equitable access to essential services. Bureaucratic Hurdles Can Delay Emergency Responses:. The Jackson water crisis casts a spotlight on the difficulties inherent in bureaucratic obstacles during emergencies. In crises, the necessity of efficient, streamlined processes is a cornerstone to prevent immediate responses from being delayed by bureaucratic semantic procedures. In this instance, the community endured significant suffering due to the shortcomings of these inefficient bureaucratic procedures. Effective communication and coordination among various levels of government, regulatory bodies, and local authorities are of utmost importance. Delays in decision-making and resource allocation exacerbate the impact of the crisis. While regulatory oversight is indispensable to maintain water quality and safety, it should be balanced with the need for swift response and flexibility during emergencies, taking into account that achieving compliance without inducing delays is a complex challenge. Involving the affected community in emergency response and decision-making can help bridge the gap between bureaucratic processes and the immediate needs of residents, leading to more effective and equitable responses. By using a constituent-first approach and involving the voices of the community in a comprehensive manner will ensure that proposed solutions actually fit the needs and characteristics of the community experiencing the crisis. Adequate Funding for Infrastructure Maintenance is Essential for Preventing Future Crises:. The Jackson water crisis underscores the critical significance of consistent and sufficient funding for the maintenance, repair, and upgrading of infrastructure. Inadequate financial support leaves water systems vulnerable to deterioration, potentially resulting in recurrent crises. Adequate funding not only sustains water infrastructure but also ensures its resilience against environmental and operational challenges. It facilitates routine maintenance and proactive replacement of aging components. Investing in infrastructure maintenance often proves more cost-effective in the long run. Preventive maintenance and timely upgrades can avert the significantly higher costs associated with emergency repairs and crisis management. Adequate allocation of funding for infrastructure maintenance in communities with limited resources represents an essential component of valuing social responsibility and equity for that community. Ensuring access to clean and safe water is a fundamental right that should be protected. In conclusion, the Jackson, Mississippi water crisis stands as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of neglecting water infrastructure. The lessons learned underscore the importance of proactive investment, streamlined emergency response processes, and an equitable approach to confronting infrastructure challenges. These insights can guide policies and practices in other communities, helping to avert comparable crises in the future and champion the well-being of all residents, irrespective of their economic status.