Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-S. = s. = = sadist -- Saint Martin = = Saint Pierre and Miquelon -- salt bath = = salt cellar -- sanctimoniousness = = sanctimony -- saprophytic = = sapsucker -- satyric = = sauce pan -- saying maybe = = saying openly -- scarce = = scarcely -- schlepped = = schlepper -- sciolism = = scion -- scrambled = = scrambler -- scribbler = = scribe -- sculpting = = sculptor -- sealskin = = seam -- secluded = = seclusion -- Secretary of the Treasury = = Secretary of Transportation -- seedbed = = seedcase -- seizing by surprise = = seizure -- semantic intensifier/attenuator = = semantic loan -- semivowel = = semiweekly -- sensitized = = sensitizing -- septillion = = septillionth -- sermonizing = = serology -- set upright = = setback -- sexagenarian = = sexed -- shaker = = Shakespearean tragedy -- sharing a flat = = sharing equally -- sheepishly = = sheepishness -- shim = = shimmering -- shoal = = shoaly -- shopper = = shopping bag -- shoulder gun = = shoulder -- shrillness = = shrilly -- sibylline = = siccative -- Sierra Leone = = siesta -- silage = = silence -- simul- = = simulacrum -- single-level = = single-masted = = sitting down -- skidding = = skidpad -- skunk = = sky crew -- slash = = slashed -- sleep-inducing = = sleepiness -- slim = = slim person -- sloth = = sloth of bears -- slut = = sluttish -- smell = = smelled -- smudging = = smudgy -- sneering scowling = = sneeringly -- snowbound = = snow-covered = = sobering -- sodomy = = sofa -- soldierly = = soldiery -- some guy = = some guy's = = someone's (things) = = something suggested -- soothed = = soother -- sound level = = sound shift -- southeaster = = southeasterly -- spaded = = spadeful -- speaker of Church Slavonic = = speaker of Cree -- spectroscopy = = spectrum -- sphere-shaped = = spheric -- spiny = = spiracle -- split three ways = = split-level = = sports association -- spring water = = springboard -- squalidness = = squall -- s-shape = = stab wound -- staining = = staining with blood -- standing out = = standing still -- starting now = = starting off well -- status = = status quo -- steel gray = = steel mill -- stepping on the gas = = stepping stone -- stifled = = stifling -- stirrup = = stitch -- stomping = = stone gray -- storehouse = = storekeeper -- straightened up = = straightener -- streaking = = streaky -- striding = = stridor -- stroller = = strolling -- stub for "tinut" = = stub for "tob" or "aot" = = stunk up -- subconscious = = subconscious mind -- submarginal = = submarine captain -- subsidizing = = subsidy -- sub-vocalized = = subway car -- sudden drop = = sudden drop-off = = sugary -- summerdress = = summertime -- sunup = = sunward -- supermodel = = supermolecule -- supplicant = = supplication -- surge = = surged -- suspenseful = = suspension -- swashy = = swastika -- swept off = = sweptback -- swizzled = = swizzling -- synagog = = synagogal -- systemwide = = systole -- systole =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-T. = t. = = tag -- taken out = = taken over by squatters -- taking precautions = = taking pride in -- tampion = = tampon -- tarantella = = tarantula -- tattooing = = tattooist -- teacake = = teachable moment -- teeing off = = teemed -- telephone receiver = = telephone receiver-transmitter = = temperament -- tenet = = tenfold -- terminus = = termite -- testifying = = testily -- Thank-you! = = thank-you = = thaumaturgist -- the frequency = = the game of hide-and-seek = = the letter t -- the other thing = = the other things -- the Son of God = = The Sublime Porte -- thematically = = theme -- thermographer = = thermographic -- thin cut = = thin -- this kind of man's = = this kind of person -- those in charge = = those in the lower classes -- thrift savings = = thriftily -- thrust = = thrusted -- ticklishness = = ticktacktoe -- tilde = = tile -- timid = = timid person -- tipsiness = = tipstaff -- to abscind = = to abscond -- to add sauce = = to add spice -- to ail = = to aim at -- to answer yes = = to antagonize -- to arouse curiosity = = to arouse interest -- to assume = = to assume an expense -- to back off = = to back up -- to be a candidate = = to be a drawback to disadvantage -- to be candid = = to be capable -- to be enough = = to be enraged -- to be lenient = = to be located -- to be punished = = to be puzzled by -- to be thirsty = = to be thrifty -- to become alcoholic = = to become alerted -- to become glad = = to become glued -- to become regular = = to become related -- to bedeck = = to bedevil -- to beseech = = to beset -- to bloat = = to block -- to bow down = = to bow forward -- to bring disgrace to spellbind = = to bring dishonor to disgrace -- to bunch together = = to bunch up -- to candelabrum = = to candy -- to catch a cab = = to catch a cold -- to chamfer = = to champ -- to chord = = to choreograph -- to climb = = to climb up -- to columnarize = = to columnize -- to come to the left = = to come to the rear -- to con = = to concatenate -- to consider possible guilt = = to consider useful -- to copy = = to corder -- to crenelate = = to cress -- to curve downward = = to curve inward -- to daunt = = to dawdle -- to decontrol = = to decorate -- to delight = = to Delighted to make your acquaintance! = = to depredate -- to dethrone = = to detonate -- to disappear = = to disappoint -- to dislodge = = to dismantle -- to divide = = to divide in half -- to dominate = = to domineer -- to draw water = = to drawl -- to due north = = to due south -- to elope = = to elucidate -- to end up in short supply of = = to end up well -- to enter the gates of heaven = = to enter the house -- to evince = = to eviscerate -- to explicate = = to explode -- to face backwards = = to face danger -- to fatten = = to fault -- to fetch = = to fete -- to firm up = = to fishtail -- to flow = = to flow in -- to force into drudgery = = to force off -- to frown = = to frown on -- to gatecrash = = to gather crops -- to get bogged down in = = to get bright -- to get in the way of = = to get inebriated -- to get pulled apart = = to get punishment -- to get up from one's seat = = to get up from the bed -- to give one the shivers = = to give one's word = = to go arf-arf = = to go from x to y -- to go shopping = = to go sightseeing -- to go wrong = = to go yachting -- to grow complication = = to grow dark -- to gyrate = = to gyve -- to have a bad dream = = to have a bug -- to have the impression that = = to have the opinion -- to hire = = to hiss -- to hoodwink = = to hook -- to hyphenate = = to hypnotize -- to impose a duty = = to impose a fine -- to infest = = to infiltrate -- to intellectualize = = to intend -- to involve oneself = = to inweave -- to judge negatively = = to judge well -- to key = = to kibble -- to lambaste = = to lame -- to lean away = = to lean back -- to level out = = to level-out = = to loaf -- to lose blood = = to lose color -- to maintain well = = to major planet -- to make depressed = = to make despair -- to make merry = = to make minor -- to make tired = = to make toil -- to mass = = to massacre -- to mewl = = to micromanage -- to misrepresent = = to misroute -- to mourn = = to move ahead -- to natter = = to naturalize -- to obfuscate = = to obiter -- to orient oneself = = to orientate -- to overbrim = = to overbuild -- to over-satiate = = to oversee -- to paralyze = = to parameterize -- to pay late = = to pay -- to perpetuate = = to perplex -- to pirouette = = to piss off -- to plug a leak = = to plug -- to postprocess = = to post-record = = to predominate -- to prevail over = = to prevaricate -- to prosecute = = to proselytize -- to pull on = = to pull out -- to push up = = to push up-and-down = = to put on the brakes -- to radiate light = = to radiate -- to razee = = to razz -- to recase = = to recast -- to redact = = to redden -- to reform = = to reformat -- to relapse = = to relate a myth -- to remove makeup = = to remove -- to reprocess = = to reproduce -- to resubscribe = = to result in -- to rewed = = to reweigh -- to roll one's eyes = = to roll out pasta -- to run apart = = to run around wild -- to rush after = = to rush down -- to say in Apache = = to say in Arabic -- to say in Kwanyama = = to say in Lao -- to say in Tswana = = to say in Turkish -- to scope out = = to scorch -- to second = = to second moon around Jupiter -- to send back = = to send down -- to set off on a trip = = to set on -- to shingle = = to shinny -- to shutter = = to shuttle -- to skip ahead = = to skip along -- to slide past = = to slide under -- to snake = = to snap back -- to sound an alarm = = to sound beautiful -- to speak = = to speak Danish -- to speak Ndonga = = to speak Nepali -- to speak Zulu = = to spear -- to spring up = = to springing back -- to stare in space = = to stare -- to stiffen = = to stifle -- to strike = = to strike up a friendship with -- to substantiate = = to substitute -- to support = = to suppose -- to switch sides = = to switch spots -- to take away life = = to take away one's seat = = to take possession of -- to team = = to team up -- to the East = = to the end of -- to thrill = = to thrive -- to to be obligated = = to to need critically -- to train poorly = = to traipse -- to trice = = to trick -- to turn off the headlights = = to turn off the television -- to uncharge = = to unclamp -- to undo = = to undress -- to unrivet = = to unrobe -- to urinate = = to use a broom on -- to visit = = to visualize -- to wangle = = to wank -- to westernize = = to wet down -- to wish well = = to withdraw -- to write up = = to write well -- tocolytic = = tocsin -- tome = = tomfool -- tool room = = tool set -- topography = = topological -- torturing = = toss -- tourmaline = = tournament -- tracheotomy = = tracing -- train car = = train compartment -- transcontinental = = transcribed -- translucid = = translucidity -- trash barrel = = trash basket -- treasury minister = = treasury ministry -- trial by fire = = trial chamber -- trill = = trilled r -- triweekly = = trizone -- true believer = = true bond -- Ts = = tsar -- tuner = = tune-up = = turning away -- tweeter = = tweeting -- two dots above accent = = two dots above diacritic -- typification = = typified -- tyro =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-U. = u. -- ululation = = umbel -- unallowable = = unalloyed -- unavoidability = = unavoidable -- uncapping = = uncaring -- uncomfortableness = = uncomfortably -- uncorkable = = uncorking -- underachiever = = underage -- underneath the house = = undernourished -- undesirable = = undesirably -- unembarrassed = = unembellished -- unexpressive = = unexpurgated -- unforgivable = = unforgivably -- unharvested = = unhatched -- unimaginative = = unimpaired -- unionization = = unionized -- unknown person = = Unknown Soldier -- unmerciful = = unmercifully -- unparalleled = = unpardonable -- unprincipled = = unprintable -- unrecommended = = unreconstructed -- unruffled = = unruinable -- unsentimental = = unsentimentality -- unstamped = = unstated -- untagged = = untagled -- untreatability = = untreatable -- unwholesomeness = = unwieldiness -- upholstered = = upholsterer -- upside = = upside down -- urticate = = Uruguay -- uttermost = = uvula -- Uzbekistan =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-V. = v shape -- valid thing = = validated -- varicose = = varied -- vehicular = = veil -- venting = = ventral -- vermiculite = = vermiform -- viable = = viably -- videodisc = = videodisk -- vin du pays = = vin ordinaire -- virile = = virility -- vitric = = vitrifaction -- voile = = volant -- votership = = vote-seeker =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-W. = w boson -- wakeful state = = wakeful -- wandering = = wanderlust -- warmongering = = warmth -- waste material = = waste matter -- water voyage = = water wave -- wax seal = = waxed -- weaponry = = weapons depot -- weekly = = weeknight -- well-communicated = = well-constructed = = well-utilized = = what else? = = wheel-shaped = = whining -- white-tailed deer = = whitewall -- whosoever's thing = = whosoever's (things) = = wild kingdom -- window pane = = window shade -- wink = = winker -- wish = = wish list -- within earshot = = within range of -- womanizing = = womankind -- woodworking = = woody -- workbasket = = workbench -- worldwide = = world-wide = = wrapper -- written off = = written order -- wyrm =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-X. = x shape -- xylophone =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-Y. = -y = = yellowing -- you and me = = You are invited! =
Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-Z. = z boson -- zip code =
Supplementary mathematics/Surface integral. In mathematics, a double integral or a surface integral is a type of dual-use 2D-3D integral that is used to add a group or data of values and intervals associated with points on a 2D and 3D surface. Calculating the surface integral is similar to calculating the surface area using the double integral except for the function inside the integral. 3D and 2D Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate fields in scalar continuous fields, algebraic, rational and numerical scalar value function and in 3D and 2D Heli fields, vector value function returns the vectors in coordinate or numerical form based on their dimensions. Like linear integrals, surface integrals are of two types: 1-Surface integral in scalar function (numerical function) 2-surface integral in vector function (coordinate function) Surface integral or two-dimensional scalar function is also a simple generalization of double integral, while surface integral of vector functions plays an important role in the basic theorem of calculus.
Mirad Lexicon/Printable version/Mirad-English-A-M. = Mirad-English A-M =
Mirad Lexicon/Printable version/Mirad-English-M-Z. = Mirad-English M-Z =
Mirad Lexicon/Printable version/English-Mirad-A-M. = English-Mirad A-M =
Mirad Lexicon/Printable version/English-Mirad-M-Z. = English-Mirad N-Z =
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform. This book is a collection of efforts used to build Infrastructure as Code in vSphere. When I started down this journey there was a lot of information on AWS, GCP and the like, but vSphere was few and far between. Over the course of a year many different resources were found and they helped create environments whereby the power of vSphere API and IaC platforms worked together. Chapters Authors External Resources Please pardon our dust...
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform. Terraform intro page
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/vsphere. vsphere intro page
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform/variables. Variables are the heart of Terraform. Yes, you can minimize their use and provide literal values to create resources, but that adds to the amount of time needed to create resources.
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform/tfvars. The file terraform.tfvars contains all of the values you need set for the variables you create in variables.tf
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform/loops. Among the devops community there are multiple discussions about using count + index functions instead of loops. While count does work I lean toward for_each loops.
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform/datasources. Datasources create a read only view into an existing object in your environment. This book is focused on vSphere so those objects will come from ESXi hosts, or the vSphere environment itself.
Infrastructure as Code - vSphere, Packer, and Terraform/terraform/. This is the intro page for Terraform
International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Great Britain/A9TNM. =Great Britain Type A9c= Trial Neopost Machine. <br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Neopost approached the Post Office on 23rd June 1925 for permission to put 25 machines into service for a few days trial with varying customers, these machines being identified by the prefix "X" in the M#. In subsequent communications it was agreed that the letters "T.N.M." (Trial Neopost Machine) would be shown in the bottom of the townmark, thus saving the need to change the townmark when machines were transferred to different postal districts for trial by other companies. On 21st November 1925, the Post Office agreed to the arrangement on an experimental basis for a period of six months, noting that the arrangement also extended to machines outside London. It is not known whether the six month period referred to the arrangement in general, or whether it meant that a particular customer was limited to a six month trial period. <br> <br> List of Users The PO Archives also contain a proof of an "ABERDEEN / T.N.M." townmark, but the M# to which it was assigned is not known. <br><br>
Short introduction to the use of sewing machines. This book is a very short introduction to sewing machines descriptions and use of sewing, starting from zero knowledge about the topic. The sewing machines that this book works with are made by Japanese manufacture Brother, the models worked with are: Chapter 1: Introduction. This guide will begins with keyword for sewing arts, types of sewing machines and parts of sewing machines. Section 1: Keywords. The following words are required to be known prior starting the course. Textile arts: Are arts and crafts that use plant, animal, or synthetic fibers to construct practical or decorative objects. Sewing: Is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a sewing needle and thread, and currently with the help of sewing machines. Fabric or textile: It is an umbrella term that includes various fiber-based materials, including fibers, yarns, filaments, threads, different fabric types, etc. Thread: Is kept at the Bobbin winder and is extended towards the bobbin while it is hold through the needle and when the singer is in motion its sew 2 textiles together. Stitch (textile arts): It is single turn or loop of thread, or yarn. There are many Types of machine stitches and many Types of hand stitches. The stitches could use one thread, but in sewing machines the stitches use 2 threads, they can be secured at the begining, the end or at any time in the sewing process. Bobbin (also called spool): It is the part of a sewing machine on which the lower thread is wound. Section 2: Types of sewing machines. 1.- Mechanical sewing machines 2.- Electro-Mechanical sewing machines 3.- Electronic sewing machines 4.- Computerized sewing machines 5.- Sewing and embroidery machine. 6.- Overlockers. Section 3: Sewing machine Parts. 1. Bobbin and bobbin case: 2 Slide plate or bobbin cover 3 Presser foot: Types of feet: Feet and Shanks (High shank, low shank, blant slank) 4 Needle and needle clamp 5 Throat plate 6 Feed dogs 7 Tension regulator. 8 Take up level 9 Bobbin winder tension disk 10 Bobbin winder: Is where the supply of yarn or thread is kept. 11.- Thread Guides 12.- Spool Pin 13.- Flywheel 14.- Stitch Selector 15.- Stitch-Length Selector 16.- Stitch Width-Selector 17.- Menu Screen, if the sewing machine has a menu screen. 18.- Reverse-Stitch Button 19.- Foot Controller Chapter 2: Getting the machine ready. Uncover the machine Connect the machine to electricity source. Turn on using the switch. Connect the pedal. Section 1.- Choose a thread and use it to load the bobbin with thread. Choose a thread of any type or desired color Choose any empty bobbin Put the thread in the spool pin. Follow the instructions for loading the bobbin described in the diagram at the top of the machine, read the diagram that shows how to put to connect the thread to the bobbin, before pressing the pedal. Take thread in a straight line and pass it around the circular and metallic hook as indicated. Pass the extreme of the thread trough one of the holes of the bobbin, and surround the bobbin a few times with it. Put the bobbin in the bobbin pin and move it to the left towards he bobbin presser to fix the bobbin as indicated in the diagram. Turn on the machine and press the pedal to wind the bobbin and charge it with the thread, until the amount the thread on the bobbin is enough according the use for the day, practice or work. Cut the thread, after this section is completed we have a thread and a bobbin charged with thread, both will be used to make one stitch that use both thread sources, these thread sources can be of the same or different color. Notes: Sewing machines use 2 threads to make a stitch... one upper thread (the thread originally selected), this one will be kept in the thread pin at the top of the machine... and one lower thread (the one that was loaded into the bobbin or spool and will be located in the bobbin case at the base of the sewing machine)... Those 2 threads will make one stitch, after they are put in their place and the pedal is pressed, it will pick up the bottom thread and start to make the stitch in the fabric or paper used. Now we have an upper thread and also a bobbin charged with thread that will become the lower thread. Section 2 - Get the upper thread ready. Using the original thread located on the thread pin (not the one in the bobbin)in the top of the machine, follow the diagram Take the upper thread out of the circular metallic hook and place it in the flat hook that is beside it as instructed in the diagram, this hook has a small metallic filament allowing the thread be in its place and also keeps it in place. Follow the diagram and pass it through right space in the front of the machine, then pass the thread upwards in the space beside the first space, there is a metallic hook in the middle of that space, pass the thread on the left of that hook all the way to the upper part of the space and then pass it to downwards so it can be hold by the hook as indicated in the diagram, that extreme of the thread will be put later on the needle hole. This upper thread now will be hold in the small hook besides the needle, and finally thread the needle passing the thread through the needle hole and get around five inches of the thread and place it on the left side. Section 3 - Get the lower thread ready. Take the bobbin loaded with thread. Uncover the bobbin case, for this press to the right the grey square beside the cover of the bobbin case. Take the bobbin cover out Put the bobbin loaded in its place and follow the instructions of how to put the thread out of the bobbin case this step will kept that extreme out of the bobbin case before it the stitch is started, after it the extreme will be in the stitch itself, when a step is finished it can be cut and put both upper and lower thread at the back of the sewing machine. This step does not need to be clock or anti clock wise as long as the diagram is followed. put it up in the next hole and hang it in the metal in the upper part then put it down and put the thread on the needle and give 12 inches distance? The foot should be up to prevent accidentally use the machine if the pedal was pressed by accident. If the foot is up the pedal will not move the needle.. Cover the bobbin case cover. With this step complete the lower thread is ready to use and be picked up by the needled after it the needle is threaded and ready to use. Section 4 - Thread the needle. This step will use both the upper thread and lower thread, to start, lift up the presser foot lifting its control, this will prevent the needle to move. Move the machine dial (hand-wheel) located in the left side of the machine towards, until the central reach the upper part of the dial, this will lift the needle to the upper area, allowing to easily threading the thread trough it. Use enough upper thread to allow pass it through the metallic hook located beside the needle as indicated (but not in excess) Pass the thread trough the needle hole and take the thread to the left of the machine a few inches. Tricks: Use a small piece of white paper behind the needle to see clearly the needle and its hole, also lift the needle with the dial, if desired, the foot presser can also be removed to allow extra focus. Notes: The foot should be up to prevent accidentally use the machine if the pedal was pressed by accident. If the foot is up the pedal will not move the needle.. Take a practice sheet and put it under the presser foot, press the foot down pressing the "pressing foot level" upwards, assuring that the practice sheet or fabric is aligned with the desired line to thread through. Turn on the sewing machine and press the pedal, this will allow the upper thread to pick up the lower thread and will start the stitch on the fabric. For safety reasons the machine can be switched off when not used to prevent accidents for example, pressing by mistake the pedal. With this step completed the needle is threaded and stitches can be made in a practice sheet or to unite two different textiles to make a piece. Use practice sheets for improving speed and precision and testing new options. Section 5 - Securing the thread. Using the reverse button will secure the sewing process at the beginning, at the end or at any part of the sewing, after it, put the machine in normal mode. Section 6 - Completing a piece and cutting a thread. When a sewing step is completed, lift feed dog, move needle up, and pull the paper or fabrics towards oneself and cut the thread (composed by upper and lower threads) and put them in the back of the machine to continue using in the next steps if needed. Section 7 - Starting a new section or piece. Hold the threads at the back of the machine allow up to 4 inches, to prevent the threads to be pulled into the bobbins, preventing machine damage. Put the textile or practice sheet paper in place and align it properly, Start the material not passing 5/8 sign, can also switch the side of the material or sheets, Push down the presser foot control to allow the feed dog to be in place. Only hold the threads at the beginning of sewing... then hold the fabrics with both hands all the time. Turn the machine on. Press the pedal, this will make the upper thread pick up the thread in the bobbin and create the stitch. Chapter 3 - Changing the presser foots and type of stitches. Presser foots are attachments used with sewing machines to hold fabric flat as it is fed through the machine and stitched, three principal types of presser feet are the high-shank foot, the low-shank foot, and the slant-shank foot. Feed dogs are a movable plates that pulls fabric through a sewing machine in discrete steps between stitches, different feed dogs allow to create different stitches patterns. Some sewing machines allow to use more feed dogs and create more stitch patters. Section 1 - Feed dogs. Feed dogs names use letters of the alphabet, some examples are J, N, among others. Each feed dog allow to use a limited amount of stitch patterns. Section 2 - Stitch patterns. In order to be able to use a specific stitch pattern, first has to be used the proper feed dog. Each sewing machine has a limited number of stitch patters to select, in some the number goes form 00 to 69, in others machines this number or options is higher. Section 3 - Changing the feed dog. Move the handwheel upwards to allow the needle go up. Push the "pressing foot level" up. Move the feed dog towards oneself put back button to reach Put new foot on Now the new stitch options can be selected if allowed to be use by the new feed dog choosen. And reverse the previous steps: Put the pressing foot down. Section 4 - Selecting stitches patterns in the screen menu. Screen menu: In some sewing machines the menu has 2 controls in others 4 controls: T, this option allows to choose tens numbers, for example, 2, if the stitch is 28. N, this option allow to choose the units or first digits, for example, 8 if the stitch is the number 28. Length of stitch Wide of stitch The stitches can be changed changing the stitch number, but the proper feed dog has to be chosen first. Some sewing machines have 00 to 49 stitches, others 00 to 79 different stitches options. Chapter 4 - Tension control and its use. Tension in the stitches can be higher, middle or lower, numerated 1, 2 and 3. If the material is strong the tension can be higher. Chapter 5 - Speed control and its use. The speed can be controlled in three level of speeds, slower, medium and faster, in some machines this is included as part of the menu control, in others it has three controls for it )> » »>) and in other machines this option is controlled by the pressure on the foot pedal. When the tension is higher is recommended to leave more than 4 inches of threads to the back of the machine, this will prevent it to be pulled into the bobbin. Chapter 6 - Working with Textiles or fabrics. After practicing enough to sew in paper sheets start practicing with one or more pieces of fabrics. Choose two pieces of textiles and use a pins kept in the pins holders and hold both pieces together with a one or more pins. Start sewing, and take out the first pin before the needle reach to it, continue sewing and take the other pins before are reached by the needle to prevent damage in the needles or the sewing machine. Chapter 7 - Thread jam. The thread can be jammed in the machine because of the following reasons: Because there is not enough tread and it goes into the bobbin case at the beginning of the process. Because there is too much tension, etc. When this happen, If the thread is jammed into the bobbins, stop pressing the bobbin stop pedaling and take the thread and bobbin out and thread the needle again. When the thread is jammed into the bobbin, just take out the needle in the bobbin an put it in its original position, the upper thread does not need to be adjusted or thread into the needled hole, then press the pedal, it will thread both threads together and the sewing process can be continued. If the thread is jammed into the fabric, cut the thread, take the thread out of the fabric and start the process one more time. Final steps. Clean the space Turn off the machine Unplug the machine electric cable Put cover over the machine Clean the rest of materials. External links. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewing_machine
Nuclear Energy/Atom components. An atom is the smallest constituent particle of an element, which itself consists of the following particles: Protons and neutrons form the nucleus, and the mass of each atom goes back to its nucleus The space around the nucleus is surrounded by electrons, and the chemical behavior of each atom is related to its electrons.
Nuclear Energy/nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is the use of thermogenic nuclear processes to generate useful heat and electricity. This term includes nuclear fission, radiation and nuclear fusion. Today, the nuclear fission of actinide elements in the periodic table produces most of the nuclear energy needed by humans using radiation processes, which primarily satisfies human needs in the form of geothermal energy and isotopic heat-electric generators. Nuclear power plants, apart from their share in providing nuclear fission reactors for the Navy, provided about 5.7% of the world's energy and 13% of the world's electricity in 2012. In 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that there were 437 operating nuclear reactors in 31 countries, although not all reactors produce electricity. In addition, there are more or less 140 naval ships that provide their nuclear propulsion using about 180 reactors. After 2013, achieving a net increase in energy by means of stable nuclear fusion, excluding fusion energy sources such as the Sun, has created an ongoing space for physics and engineering research. Nuclear energy is a type of energy produced by nuclear decay, nuclear fission, or nuclear fusion, and its basis can be described by the equation ΔE = Δm.c². In each atom, there are particles of hidden energy that are connected by the different parts of the atom, so the nucleus of the atom is considered a source of energy that is released when the atom splits. The energy contained in the nucleus of the atoms of some elements (such as uranium) can be released to do the same thing as burning a lot of oil and gas, which, of course, creates environmental problems and produces a lot of greenhouse gas. Nuclear power negotiations are ongoing. Proponents such as the World Nuclear Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and nuclear energy environmentalists claim that nuclear energy is a safe and sustainable energy source that reduces carbon emissions. Opponents such as the World Green Peace Organization and Nuclear Information and Resources Services believe that nuclear energy is a great danger to humans and the environment. Nuclear and radiation incidents and events include Chernobyl accident (1986), Fukushima 1 nuclear accident (2011) and Three Mile Island accident (1979). Several underwater incidents have happened so far. Examining the loss of life per unit of energy produced, they show that nuclear energy causes fewer deaths than other major energy sources. Energy from coal, oil, natural gas and hydropower cause more deaths per unit of energy produced due to air pollution and energy accidents. The human cost of evacuating populations affected by lost livelihoods is enormous. Along with other sustainable energy sources, nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy production method for creating electricity, which is similar to other renewable sources in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy produced. In this way, since the beginning of the commercialization of nuclear power plants in the 1970s, the production of 64 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent has been avoided. After 2012, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 68 nuclear reactors were under construction in 15 countries, with approximately 28 of the newest nuclear reactors belonging to the People's Republic of China. They were connected to Turin Electric after May 2013. This incident happened on February 17, 2013 at the Hengian nuclear power plant in China. In the United States, two new generation three reactors are under construction at Vogtel. Top US nuclear industry officials expect five new reactors to be installed in all existing plants by 2020. In 2013, the four-year-old, non-competitive reactors were permanently decommissioned. Japan's Fukushima 1 nuclear accident in 2011, which occurred at a reactor designed in the 1960s, prompted a re-examination of nuclear safety and security and nuclear energy policy in many countries. Germany has decided to decommission all its reactors by 2022 and Italy has banned nuclear power. After the Fukushima incident in 2011, the International Atomic Energy Agency has decided to cut nuclear power generation capacity in half by 2035.
Nuclear Energy/Nuclear technology. Nuclear technology refers to the ability to convert naturally occurring uranium into enriched uranium, which is obtained through the fission of atoms, which has a lot of energy. By fissioning the nucleus or the uranium atom, nuclear energy is released in the form of heat and thermal energy, which can be used to generate water vapor and turn electricity generating turbines. Uranium is one of the dense radioactive metals that exist in nature. This metal exists in most areas such as: rocks, soil, deep sea and oceans, so that its presence and distribution is more than gold, silver or mercury. This metal exists in the form of oxide or mixed salts in minerals such as uranite or caronite, and in terms of color; It is silvery white and flexible. History of nuclear technology About three centuries BC, Democritus, a Greek scientist, after studying things, realized that things are composed of very small and decomposable particles in addition to their appearance. He named these particles "atom" which means "unbreakable". Centuries after this discovery, in 1700 AD, John Dalton, an English scientist, also discovered that atoms can be broken down. But this result remained at the limit of theory. Until in 1927, Albert Einstein, a German American scientist, proved the theory of atomic disintegration in a practical way. After this discovery, the first nuclear test was carried out in the Nevada desert by the United States, and at the end of World War II, it was used to rain bombs on Japanese cities. After the United States, in 1949, the Soviet Union was able to acquire nuclear weapons and put them into action. With the increase in the demand for the production of nuclear weapons by powerful countries such as France and China, the leaders of the countries thought of controlling the production of this destructive weapon and suggested the use of destructive energy for peace. For this purpose, in 1954, US President Eisenhower proposed the "Atoms for Peace" program. Following this proposal, from 1954 to 1956, the organization's statutes were drafted and after that the "Nuclear Energy Agency" was formed. In 1968, the Nuclear Energy Agency approved the "Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty" (Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty) by the United Nations General Assembly and it became effective in 1970. Currently, 189 countries are members of this treaty.
Nuclear Energy/Nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor or an atomic reactor, a device for carrying out nuclear reactions in a regulated and controlled manner. This device is used in laboratory sizes for the production of special isotopes of radioactive materials, as well as reactors for the production of electrical energy and the production of neutrons. The size and design of the reactor varies according to its work. The fission process in which a neutron is absorbed by a heavy nucleus (with a large mass) and then splits into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy and a few more neutrons.
Nuclear Energy/Nuclear medicine. Nuclear medicine is one of the imaging and diagnostic methods in which small amounts of radioactive material are used to diagnose, evaluate or treat various diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, digestive system problems, endocrine or neurological disorders and other abnormalities. will be Since this method can determine the molecular activity, it has the potential to detect the disease in the early stages. It can also show whether the patient has responded to treatment. In this article, we have introduced and reviewed nuclear medicine, how to diagnose diseases by this method and how to do it.
Associative Composition Algebra/Bibinarions. A construction of a doubled algebra was initiated by L. E. Dickson and recounted by A. A. Albert. The method presumes an algebra with conjugate * and produces one of double the dimension and a new conjugation: ("u", "v")* = ("u"*, −"v") where "u"* denotes the original conjugation. The new algebra has products given by Starting with a field and its conjugation, a sequence of algebras can be so constructed. The division binarions arises when the starting field is the real numbers formula_2 Since the reals have no conjugation, the identity is substituted, and the conjugation arises as above. Continuing with the construction, using the binarion conjugate, quaternions are obtained as will be seen. However, the binarion conjugation may be forgotten (identity substituted), and bibinarions produced according to the Dickson/Albert method given above. A bibinarion is then a pair of division binarions ("u", "v") with conjugation ("u", "v")* = ("u", −"v"). The norm of a bibinarion is then Notice that this norm is a division binarion, and is "not" the kind of norm that produces a metric. Furthermore, with i2 = −1 in C, a bibinarion ("u", i "u") has zero norm. Such an element is called a null vector. The bibinarions form a split algebra since some elements are null vectors. The product of two bibinarions is commutative since the generating conjugation is the identity. Most remarkably, there is bibinarion j = (0, i) with j2 = (0, i)2 = (−i2, 0) = +1. The two-dimensional subalgebra of bibinarions on basis {1, j } is called split binarions. History. The idea of an algebra with two imaginary units that commute was considered in mid-19th century Britain. Hamilton used a commuting h with his biquaternions. James Cockle saw that the square of the product hi of imaginary units was plus one, thus creating "a new imaginary in algebra" as he wrote in "Philosophical Magazine" in 1848. His use of the letter j,   j2 = +1, has been widely adopted. Although Hamilton provided a vocabulary of vector operations (including the del operator), these explorations preceded set theory, group theory, and the unfolding of mathematical notation. With 1 on the real axis, the two imaginary units h and i, and their product hi, Cockle's commutative algebra T (tessarines) has a real basis of four elements. By the end of the 19th century tessarines and quaternions were referred to as hypercomplex numbers. In 1892 Corrado Segre introduced bicomplex numbers in "Mathematische Annalen" (v 40: 455 to 67). The division binarion basis of this algebra is used in the Dickson-style construction of biquaternions.
Fluid Mechanics/Incompressible Flow. In fluid mechanics, incompressible flow refers to a flow in which the material density is constant within a fluid parcel - an infinitesimal volume that moves with the flow velocity . This means that the volume of the fluid remains unchanged regardless of the pressure changes that the fluid may undergo. In other words, the flow is isochoric. It is important to note that the fluid itself doesn't need to be incompressible, rather the condition of incompressibility is imposed on the flow, and the density remains constant within the fluid parcel that flows. Even compressible fluids can, under the right conditions, be modelled as incompressible flow. When a fluid flows, the continuity equation for conservation of mass is reduced to div(u) = 0 , which describes the constraint that the divergence of the flow velocity is zero. This condition is also known as solenoidal flow velocity field. Incompressibility also implies that the total mass flow rate across any section of the flow must be constant - the mass flow rate must be the same at every point along a streamline. Incompressible flow is commonly used in fluid dynamics for several reasons. Since the density of the fluid remains constant along the streamline, the flow can be modelled using the Navier-Stokes equations, which simplifies the mathematical computations involved in fluid analysis. Furthermore, incompressible flow is an assumption used while analyzing certain fluid systems to save time and resources. While it is not realistically possible for a flow to be entirely incompressible, an incompressible flow approximation is a good-enough simplification in many instances. Solutions to the incompressible flow equations require specific mathematical techniques like the finite volume method or the finite element method. Since the equations of incompressible flow are highly stringent, they need more accurate and reliable numerical approximations for solving them. In conclusion, incompressible flow is used to refer to a flow whose density remains constant within a fluid parcel, even when the pressure varies; this does not mean that the fluid itself is incompressible. The flow can be mathematically modelled with equations that assume continuity and incompressibility and require specific numerical methods. The incompressibility assumption simplifies computations while still providing a good approximation to actual fluid conditions. Sure, here are some additional details about incompressible flow: Incompressible flow is typically assumed in situations where the pressure gradients are small and the flow speeds are low to moderate. For example, many fluid systems involving liquids like water, oil, or blood, are often characterized by incompressible flow since the density changes due to compression or expansion effects are negligible in comparison to the other flow parameters. Incompressible flow is also widely used in aerodynamics studies, particularly for laminar or slow-speed flows. This assumes the fluid behaves similarly to an incompressible one due to negligible compressibility effects. However, as the speed increases to reach above certain threshold values, the density changes can no longer be ignored, and the compressibility effects need to be taken into consideration for accurate modeling. Some popular examples of incompressible flow applications are seen in fluid dynamics, water quality modeling, and hydraulic engineering. Several other areas where incompressible flow modeling is useful include blood flow analysis in human circulatory systems, water treatment facilities, cooling systems of electrical components, and marine and coastal engineering. Incompressible flow can also be studied using experimental techniques. Techniques like particle image velocimetry (PIV) are convenient for analyzing and visualizing the fluid flow patterns through images of particle trajectories. This helps in understanding the flow phenomena and in validating the numerical solutions of specific flow problems. The incompressibility assumption has a significant advantage in that it simplifies the mathematical equations that govern fluid flow. The continuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow can be solved using analytical and numerical techniques, allowing engineers and researchers to make predictions about the behavior of fluids under different conditions. One important implication of incompressible flow is that the speed of sound is infinite within the fluid. This is because sound waves are changes in pressure that propagate through a fluid by compressing and rarefying it. However, in an incompressible fluid, changes in pressure do not cause any corresponding changes in density, and hence the fluid is unable to support sound waves. This means that the fluid behaves somewhat differently than a compressible fluid, and the physics of incompressible flow is unique to this type of fluid flow. Another important consideration in incompressible flow is the concept of boundary layers. Boundary layers form when a fluid flows over a solid surface. Due to friction between the fluid and the solid surface, the velocity of the fluid at the surface decreases to zero, and the velocity gradient in a thin layer near the surface is high. This layer is called the boundary layer, and its thickness depends on the Reynolds number of the flow. In incompressible flow, the boundary layer can be modeled using the boundary layer equations, allowing researchers to make predictions about the heat transfer and drag on a solid surface. Incompressible flow is also affected by external forces such as gravity and centrifugal forces. These forces can cause the fluid flow to become unstable, and researchers have developed various theoretical models, such as the Prandtl boundary layer theory, to describe this behavior. Finally, it is worth noting that while incompressible flow is a simplification of reality in many cases, it is an important concept in fluid mechanics and has numerous practical applications in engineering, physics, and other fields. It is a fundamental concept that underpins much of our understanding of fluid flow, and researchers continue to study and refine models of incompressible flow to improve our understanding of the behavior of fluids in different situations.
MediaWiki User Guide/Search. MediaWiki offers various search capabilities. Overview. At a glance: In source. Examples:
MediaWiki User Guide/Links. Links complementing or sourcing this user guide:
Oila, Jonatan!. Oila, Jonatan! is a translation of Dave MacLeod's "Salute, Jonathan!" into Lingue Simple, a language conceived by Patrick Chevin. The story utilizes the natural method of language learning to make itself comprehensible to the reader for the purpose of absorbing the language. Capitre 1. Un om es en un site. L'om escrive un diarie. L'om vide un site. L'om es en un site? Si, lu es en un site. L'om es en…un om? No, lu no es en un om. Lu es en un site. L'om es en un tren? No, lu no es en un tren. Lu es en un site. L'om es en un site. L'om escrive un diarie? Si, lu escrive un diarie. Le diarie escrive l'om? No, le diarie no escrive l'om. Un diarie no escrive. Un om escrive. L'om escrive le diarie. Le site vide l'om? No, le site no vide l'om. Un site no vide. Un om vide. L'om vide le site? Si, l'om vide le site. U es l'om? Lu es en un site. Ce l'om escrive? Lu escrive un diarie. Ce l'om vide? Lu vide un site. Lu es en un site, e lu escrive un diarie, e lu vide un site. L'om "es" en un diarie? No, lu "escrive" en un diarie. L'om vide un om? No, lu no vide un om; lu vide un site. L'om es grande. L'om es bon, e l'om es intelijente. Lu pensa. Lu pensa sur le site. Lu pensa: "Ce es le site? Le site es bon? Le site es grande?" L'om escrive un site? No, lu no escrive un site; un site es grande. Lu escrive un diarie; un diarie no es grande. Le diarie pensa sur l'om? No, un diarie no pensa. Un om pensa. Lu pensa sur le diarie, e pensa sur le site. E lu escrive en le diarie. Lu escrive sur le site. Lu escrive: "Le site es bon, e le site es grande." Lu pensa: "Le site es bon"; lu pensa ce le site es bon. Lu pensa: "Le site es grand"; lu pensa ce le site es grand. Lu pensa sur le site, e lu pensa sur le diarie. Ce es le diarie? Le diarie es u l'om escrive; lu escrive en le diarie. En le diarie, l'om escrive sur le site. En le diarie, l'om no escrive sur le tren; l'om es en le site, no en le tren. Lu no pensa sur le tren; lu pensa sur le site, le site Munic. Ce es le site? Es Munic. U es Munic? Es u l'om es. U es l'om? Lu es en Munic. Si, Munic es un grande site, e un bon site. L'om pensa ce Munic es un bon site, e lu pensa ce es un grande site. L'om es intelijente. Lu di: "Oila, Munic!" Lu es un bon om! L'om en ped pensa: "U es le tren?" Lu vide…lu vide le tren! Lu pensa: "Le tren!" Aor lu no pensa sur le diarie e no pensa sur le site; lu pensa sur le tren! Capitre 2. Aor l'om es en le tren. Lu no es en Munic; lu es en un tren. Lu viaja. Lu pensa: "Aor mi viaja de Munic a Viena. Es un bon viaj. Mi ama viajes." Lu pensa sur Munic. Lu pensa: "Aor mi es en le tren, ma ier mi eseva en Munic. E aor mi escrive un diarie en le tren, ma ier mi escriveva un diarie en Munic. E aor mi pensa en le tren, ma ier mi pensava en Munic. Ier mi pensava sur Munic en Munic, e aor mi pensa sur Viena en le tren. Aor mi es en le tren, no en Viena. Ma mi pensa e escrive sur Viena." L'om aor pensa en Munic? No, lu no pensa en Munic. Lu pensa en le tren. Ier lu pensava en Munic. Lu di: "Oila, tren!" L'om es en le tren, e lu viaja a un site. Le site no es Munic; Munic es le site de ier. Le site es Viena; Viena es le site de oj. L'om pensa sur Munic e Viena. Lu pensa: "Munic eseva le site de ier, e Munic eseva bon. Aor es oj, e mi es en un tren; le tren es bon. Viena esera bon?" L'om pensa sur Munic; Munic eseva le site de ier. Lu pensa en le tren: lu es en le tren oj. E lu pensa sur Viena: Viena esera le site de deman. E lu pensa: "Munic eseva grande. Le tren es grande. Viena esera grande?" E lu pensa: "En Munic mi escriveva en un diarie. En le tren mi escrive en un diarie. En Viena mi escrivera en un diarie? Si, deman en Viena mi escrivera en un diarie. Mi ama diaries." L'om pensa multe (lu pensa multe = lu pensa e pensa e pensa), e lu escrive multe. Si, lu es un om intelijente. Omes inteligente escrive multe, e pensa multe. Lu es Jonatan; Jonatan es un om intelijente. Lu escrive: "Mi es Jonatan. Mi es en un tren. Ier mi eseva en Munic; deman mi esera en Viena." Lu pensa, e escrive: "Le tren…es bon, ma velie. No es nov; es velie. En Munic le trenes es velie? Si, le trenes de Munic es velie. Ma le trenes de Munic es bon, e mi ama le trenes de Munic. Ier mi amava le tren en Munic, e oj mi ama le tren aor, e deman mi amara le tren en Viena. Mi ama trenes!" Jonatan escrive: "Munic es un bon site e un site velie, e Viena es un bon site e un site velie. Munic e Viena no es nov, ma es bon. Munic e Viena es velie, ma bon sites. Le sites no es nov, ma bon. Mi ama sites!" Jonatan pensa, ce le duim die del viaj es bon. Lu di: "Oj eseva un bon duim die del viaj. Mi ama viajes!" Capitre 3. Jonatan es en Viena: le site de Viena. Jonatan pensa ce Viena es bon, e ce Viena es bel. Lu di: "Viena es un bel site! Mi escrivera sur le!" E lu escrive en le diarie sur Viena. En le diarie lu escrive: "Mi trim die es multe bon! En le duim die mi eseva en Munic. Ma aor mi es en Viena: Viena no es Munic. Munic e Viena es du sites; Munic no es Viena e Viena no es Munic. Mi es en Viena e le site es multe bel. Mi ama Viena. Ma mi ave un problem." Ce? Jonatan ave un problem? Cual problem? Aor lu no vide le diarie; lu vide le site e pensa. Lu pensa multe sur le problem. Le problem de Jonatan es ce lu ama Viena, ma lu no ave tempe. Lu pensa: "Mm. Aor es set (7) ores. A des (10) ores le tren sali. Des (10) ores men set (7) ores es tre (3) ores. Tre ores no es multe tempe por un bel site! Mi no ave tempe. Aver tempe es bon, ma mi no ave le! Escriver un diarie es bon, ma mi no ave tempe por escriver le! Ce far en Viena?" Lu pensa: "Mi no ave multe tempe. Ce far—escriver un diarie, o manjar, o vider le site? Ce mi fara?" Lu pensa plu, e di: "Mi ave un bon ide! Un momente…mi pensa. Mi tren sali a des (10) ores. Av un tren plu tarde, a des-un (11) ores, o des-du (12), des-tre (13), des-cuatre (14) o des-since (15) ores?" Lu vide…si! Av un tren ce sali a des-since ores. Aor Jonatan es felis. Jonatan di: "Des-since (15) men set (7) es ot (8). Aor mi ave ot ores de tempe! Ce mi fara?" Lu di: "Mi save! Mi manjara un carne. E mi bevera un bier. Un momente…no, mi bevera du bieres, o tre bieres. Bon ide!" Aor Jonatan beve un bier en Viena, e manja un carne. Lu es felis. Lu di: "Mi es felis! Mi ama le site de Viena. Mi ama viajes!"
Supplementary mathematics/Internal and external angle. An interior angle or interior angle of a polygon is another type of angle used to measure the interior angle of a regular polygon. An exterior angle is another type of angle used to measure the exterior angles of regular polygons. Features. An equilateral triangle is the only regular polygon whose exterior angle is greater than its interior angle. A square is the only regular polygon whose interior angle is equal to its exterior angle. internal angle measurement. Consider a regular n-gon. First, we calculate the number of triangles according to the famous polygons According to this model, we find that the number of triangles is less than the number of sides of regular polygons. Therefore, the number of triangles inside any regular polygon is equal to this relationship. Number of triangles: formula_1 Because the set of interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, the set of interior angles is based on the sum of the angles of the number of triangles.Sum of interior angles:formula_2The interior angle measure of a regular polygon is equal to the number of divided sides. Because the number of vertices is equal to the number of sides.Sum of Size of interior angles: formula_3 external angle measurement. The sum of the external angles of any regular polygon is equal to 360 degrees. Therefore, to measure the exterior angle, we must divide 360 degrees by the number of sides of a regular polygon to determine the size of the angle. Sum of external angles: 360 degrees: formula_4 Sum of internal angle measures of regular polyhedral faces. The sum of the internal angles of a polygon is calculated by the formula of the internal angles of the polygon itself, since its faces are regular polygons. We call this angle the interior angle of a polyhedron, which is a form of this relation. Interior angle measure of a regular polyhedron:formula_5 blockquote where n is equal to the number of faces and n is the number of sides of a regular polyhedron.
International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Great Britain/Neopost Newspaper Machines. Neopost Machines Used on Newspaper Wrappers. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Whilst postal regulations normally required the frank to be printed at the top right hand corner of the mail item, this was not always possible on newspaper wrappers due to the limited space available for printing. One solution was to print the frank across the right hand side of the wrapper, to which end Neopost modified several machines for use by newspaper companies. <br> <br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Nc3/2...d5/3. Bf4. = Jobava London = Sometimes referred to as the Rapport-Jobava System. This opening serves as a good surprise weapon against unprepared opponents, and in the worst case, equalizes. White often plans to threaten a knight fork on the c7 square after Nb5, usually played on the fourth or fifth move. Black typically challenges the center immediately with 3...c5 and trades their c-pawn for White's e-pawn. Alternatively, Black often plays the 3...a6 Anti-Jobava to control the b5 square or the natural 3...e6 development move. Black may also attempt 3...Bf5, developing the light-squared bishop before playing 4...e6, but it gives White an opportunity to launch a pawn storm with a tempo on the bishop through a well-timed g4 push (usually after White plays f3 or Ne5, protecting the g4 square). Theory table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bf4
Biology, Answering the Big Questions of Life/DNA lab. DNA ISOLATION LAB Deoxyribonucleic acid is a very long molecule found in each cell of a living organism that holds the information about how to run the cell. In this lab, you will isolate DNA from strawberries and look at it. PURPOSE To isolate and observe DNA. SUPPLIES INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place a clean strawberry into one of the sandwich bags, and mash it using thumb and fingers until it is in small pieces. 2. Add 3 ml of the extraction buffer into the bag. Mash with strawberry and let sit flat on table for five minutes. 3. Transfer into a glass test tube. Let it sit upright in a test tube rack for five more minutes. 4. Place the glass stir rod in the test tube so that it touches one side of the tube just above the surface of the strawberry solution. Then slowly drizzle 3 ml of cold ethanol into the tube so that it makes a separate clear layer above the strawberry solution. 5. Let sit undisturbed for two minutes. 6. The clear strands of DNA will start to spool out into the ethanol. It will form a disturbance at the interface as the DNA precipitates out into the ethanol solution. It may look like white puffs. Lower the glass rod to almost touch the place where the color changes. Stir twice in small circles, then pull the glass rod out of the solution. You should see a mucus-like clear string attached to the glass rod. THIS IS THE DNA. 7. If you wish to save the DNA, use the pipet to suck out the white cloud of DNA and transfer it into another test tube for storage.
Punjabi/Vocabulary/Seasons. ਰੁੱਤਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਂ: 1. ਬਸੰਤ ਰੁੱਤ (ਚੇਤ-ਵਸਾਖ)=spring 🌼 2. ਹਾੜ ਰੁੱਤ(ਜੇਠ- ਹਾੜ)=summer 🌞⛱️ 3. ਬਰਖਾ ਰੁੱਤ(ਸਾਉਣ - ਭਾਦੋਂ)=rainy 🌧️ 4. ਸਿਆਲ ਰੁੱਤ(ਅੱਸੂ - ਕੱਤਕ)=winter ❄️ 5. ਹਿਮ ਰੁੱਤ(ਮੱਘਰ - ਪੋਹ)= mid-winter ☃️ 6. ਪਤਝੜ ਰੁੱਤ(ਮਾਘ - ਫੱਗਣ)=Autumn 🍂
Baseball/Objectives. The objective of baseball games is for teams to outscore their opponents by accumulating more runs. In a baseball game, two teams with nine players each compete against each other. One team takes the role of the batting team, while the other team assumes the role of the fielding team. The batting team's objective is to score runs by successfully hitting a pitched ball and progressing around the bases. Let's imagine the batting team is at the plate. The batter's goal is to hit the ball into play, preferably into the field where the opposing team's players are positioned. If the batter succeeds in hitting the ball and manages to run to first base before being tagged out, they have safely reached first base. Now, let's say the next batter hits a deep fly ball that is caught by an outfielder from the fielding team before it hits the ground. In this case, the batter is out, as they didn't reach base safely. However, if the batter hits the ball far enough and manages to touch first base before the fielding team throws the ball there, they are safe. The batter can then attempt to advance to second base, third base, and ultimately back to home plate to score a run. To prevent the batting team from scoring runs, the fielding team aims to get batters out. They can do this by catching a batted ball before it touches the ground, tagging a runner with the ball, or throwing the ball to a base to force a runner out. For instance, if a runner tries to advance from first base to second base but is tagged by the fielder with the ball before reaching second base, they are out. The game consists of multiple innings, typically nine. Each team takes turns batting and fielding in each inning. At the end of the game, the team with the most runs is declared the winner.
Abstract Algebra/Factorization. One of the main motivations of this study is to determine the roots of a polynomial over a field. It is obvious that the roots of a product of polynomials is just their union (and in fact the multiplicities sum). Thus a good first step is to determine whether or not the given polynomial is a product of lower degree polynomials. Recall we say a non-constant polynomial formula_1 is reducible if there exist non-constant polynomials formula_2 and formula_3 such that formula_4. Otherwise, the polynomial is said to be irreducible. It is immediate that linear, i.e. degree 1, polynomials are irreducible. For low degree polynomials, it is easy to determine whether or not they are irreducible.Proof. This simply amounts to noting that if formula_5 is of degree at most 3 then, any decomposition of the form formula_6 must have at least one of formula_2 or formula_3 be linear. formula_9 Note that the statement does "not" hold for higher degree polynomials. For example formula_10 has no roots in the rationals but formula_11 so it is reducible. A case we are particularly interested in is polynomials over the rationals. A very useful theorem for this is the Rational Root Theorem which is a consequence of Gauss' Lemma.Proof. First we show that if formula_5 is reducible over formula_13 then it must be reducible over formula_14. Suppose we have formula_4 where formula_2 and formula_3 are non-constant polynomials in formula_18. Suppose formula_19 is the lowest common multiple of the denominators coefficients of the right hand side. Thenformula_20with formula_21. If formula_22, we are done. So suppose formula_23. We can write formula_19 as a product of primes formula_25. Modding out by formula_26 we getformula_27where formula_28 are the corresponding polynomials in formula_29 (in other words we mod each of the coefficients by formula_26). Since formula_29 is an integral domain, this means that at least one of the factors is 0. Without loss of generality we can assume that formula_32. But this means that all of its coefficients are a multiple of formula_26. Therefore we can cancel out formula_26from both sides of the equation formula_35. This leaves formula_36 primes on the left hand side. We can apply the same argument and conclude via induction that formula_5 is reducible over formula_14. The converse is easy to see since a decomposition over formula_14 is in particular a decomposition over formula_18. Since the coefficients don't share a factor this means that the decomposition is into a product of non-constant polynomials (in particular we avoid cases like formula_41 which is a non-trivial decomposition in formula_14 but a trivial one in formula_18 since formula_44 is only a unit in the latter ring).formula_9 In particular this makes it easy to determine when a polynomial over the rationals has a rational root. Given formula_46, suppose it is monic with integer coefficients. Then if formula_5 has a root we can write formula_48 where both factors have integer coefficients by Gauss' Lemma. Therefore in particular formula_49 is an integer and must be a factor of the constant polynomial. If formula_5 is not monic and its has a rational root formula_51 then we would be able to write formula_52 In particular formula_53 is a factor of the leading coefficient of formula_5 and formula_55 is a factor of the constant term. This is known as the Rational Root Theorem. By trying all these possibilities, one can immediately determine whether or not there exist rational roots of a given polynomial over the rationals. (even if the coefficients are rational, one can multiply the polynomial by an integer to obtain a polynomial with integer coefficients and then work with this scaled polynomial, which has the same roots as the original). Now that we know trying to reduce polynomials over formula_56 is (essentially) equivalent to reducing them over formula_57, it's useful to have some irreducibility criteria from the latter case. A very useful result for this is Eisenstein's criterion. Proof. Suppose formula_5 were reducible. Then there exist non-constant, monic polynomials formula_59 such that formula_6. Consider the polynomial in the quotient formula_61. We find thatformula_62 where formula_63 and formula_64 are the respective polynomials modulo formula_53 (in other words formula_66 where formula_67 is the canonical projection map). Since formula_2 and formula_3 were taken to be monic, we know their reductions formula_63 and formula_64 are also monic and hence non-constant. In particular then formula_72 is a non-trivial decomposition of formula_73. By comparing coefficients above, we see that the product above has no constant term. Therefore at least one of formula_63 and formula_64 has no constant term (this is where we use the fact that formula_53 is prime so in particular formula_77 is an integral domain). Suppose one of them "does" have a non-zero constant term. Then their product would contain lower degree terms but we know their product is exactly formula_73. Therefore both formula_63 and formula_64 have no constant term. But this means the constant terms of formula_2 and formula_3 are both multiples of formula_53 so in particular their product formula_84 is a multiple of formula_85 leading to a contradiction. formula_9 Example: From Eisenstein's criterion, it is immediate that formula_87 is irreducible over formula_57 and hence over formula_89 (by Gauss' Lemma). This is one way to show that formula_90 are all irrational for formula_91. Example: Here is a more sophisticated example. Consider the polynomial formula_92where formula_53 is a prime. We observe that formula_94In particular then formula_95 is a monic polynomial where every non-leading coefficient is a multiple of formula_53 and the constant term is exactly formula_53. Therefore by Eisenstein's criterion formula_95 is irreducible which in turn means that formula_5 is irreducible. Once we have an irreducible polynomial, we know we can't decompose it any further so we need to start working with field extensions and splitting fields.
Bead bracelets, necklaces, and more!. This book is for kids who will be working with adults to make bead bracelets, as well as parents to learn how to introduce their child to fun and easy crafts. Do you want to make beautiful bead bracelets and necklaces? If you said yes, then this is for you! Table Of Contents. 1. Introduction 2. Getting Started 2.5: Getting started with making bracelets 3. Best Practices (Ways to make your beading crafts look good!)
Bead bracelets, necklaces, and more!/Introduction. =Introduction= This book is for kids who will be working with adults to make bead bracelets, as well as parents to learn how to introduce their child to fun and easy crafts. Do you want to make beautiful bead bracelets and necklaces? If you said yes, then let’s get started! Firstly, you will need beads. I suggest starting with the dollar store beads (Dollar Tree, Dollar General, etc.) Next you need a pair of scissors. Kids, please get help from parents before using scissors. Lastly, you will need string. Any string will work, however I have this one that stretches.
Bead bracelets, necklaces, and more!/Getting Started. =Getting Started= Firstly, decide on what pattern you’re going to make. You can make any pattern, like a rainbow, or a two color pattern, or even use just one color in a whole project. Then begin running each bead one by one into the string. Be sure to measure someone’s wrist or your wrist by wrapping the string around it to get a good feeling of how your bracelet should fit, and be sure to leave a little extra that you can then tie around and cut later. "(See the bottom on a tip on how to measure it yourself.)" "Here’s a tip: If you are measuring by yourself, make a knot snugly around your wrist that you can easily unknot later." Then, once you’re done making the rest, get someone to measure it and be sure it fits around your wrist. "If you are measuring by yourself, see the tip above." Once you’re done, and you are confident in your design, make a secure and tight knot around your wrist (you may need to a make extra knot below the first one you made) and cut off the extra string. And you’re done! you’ve successfully made your first bracelet!
Bead bracelets, necklaces, and more!/Getting started with making bracelets. =Getting Started with Necklaces= Firstly, decide on what pattern you’re going to make. You can make any pattern, like a rainbow, or a two color pattern, or even use just one color in a whole project. Then begin running each bead one by one into the string. Be sure to measure the length of the string, and then trying it around your neck, whether it’s by getting someone else or putting it on yourself to get a good feeling of how your necklace should fit, and be sure to leave a little extra that you can then tie around and cut later. "(See the bottom on a tip on how to measure it yourself.)" "Here’s a tip: If you are measuring by yourself, make sure to put the middle part of your of the string at the back of your neck and run it until the two ends meet at the bottom of your neck, then make a knot around the top that you can easily unknot later." Then, once you’re done making the rest, get someone to measure it and be sure it fits around your neck. "If you are measuring by yourself, see the tip above, then put it around your neck." Once you’re done, and you are confident in your design, make a secure and tight knot at the top of the necklace (you may need to a make extra knot below the first one you made) and cut off the extra string. And you’re done! you’ve successfully made your first necklace!
Bead bracelets, necklaces, and more!/Best Practices (Ways to make your beading crafts look good!). = Best Practices = = Help = if the bead seems to get stuck in the string, then the hole may not be made properly. use a sharp object bracket. ("Be sure to get an adult to help you with this and for you to be careful") then poke the hole. If the string doesn’t seem to go into the bead, then try nipping it off at the end. Ask an adult if you need any further assistance. Happy Beading!
Mac OS X Tiger/Running Tiger Today. When Mac OS X Tiger was first released, Macintosh computers ran on PowerPC-based processors. Halfway through Mac OS X Tiger’s life, Apple announced that all new Macs made would use Intel processors. Today’s Macs use Apple-designed, ARM based processors. As a result, no modern Mac will run Tiger. However, there is still a way to run it if you so choose: in a virtual machine. You can use an app called UTM to run virtual machines using the PowerPC processor. This will work on an Intel Mac or an M1 Mac just the same. It is assumed that you have already downloaded the Mac OS X Tiger install DVD from another source and converted it to an ISO file if necessary. Creating a virtual machine. You now have a virtual machine that works identically to a PowerPC Mac of the same era as Mac OS X Tiger. To run it, click the big Play button.
Private Bodies of Water/Introduction. = Introduction: Why private bodies of water are awesome and how this book can help you create and enjoy your own. = Have you ever dreamed of having your own pond, lake, stream, fountain or pool on your property? Imagine waking up to the sound of water flowing, birds singing and fish splashing. Imagine relaxing by the water's edge, reading a book, sipping a drink or taking a nap. Imagine having fun with your family and friends, swimming, boating, fishing or playing games. Imagine creating a habitat for wildlife, plants and flowers, and watching them grow and thrive. Sounds amazing, right? Well, guess what? You can make it happen! And this book is here to help you do it. Private bodies of water are awesome for many reasons. They can enhance the beauty and value of your property, provide you with recreation and relaxation, support biodiversity and ecology, and even improve your health and well-being. They can also reflect your personality and style, and express your creativity and vision. But creating and enjoying your own water body is not as easy as it sounds. It requires planning, designing, building, managing and maintaining. It also involves understanding the science, biology and engineering behind water bodies. And it depends on the type, size, shape and location of your water body, as well as your needs, preferences and budget. That's where this book comes in handy. This book is a manual for the design, management and enjoyment of privately owned bodies of water. It covers everything you need to know about private water bodies, from the basics to the advanced. It guides you through the different types of water bodies you can have on your property, how to choose the best one for you, how to design and build it, how to manage and maintain it, what plants and animals you can have in it, what activities you can do on it, and how to adapt it to different regions and climates. This book is also interactive and collaborative. It invites you to share your own experiences, ideas and suggestions with other readers who are interested in private water bodies. It also asks for your feedback and input on how to improve and expand the book. Together, we can make this book the ultimate resource for private water body enthusiasts. So what are you waiting for? Grab this book and get ready to dive into the wonderful world of private water bodies. You'll be glad you did.
Private Bodies of Water/Types. = Private Water Body Types = A private water body is a water feature that is owned or controlled by an individual or a group of individuals, rather than by the public or the government. Private water bodies can be natural or artificial, and they can vary in size, shape, and function. Some examples of private water bodies are:
Spanish Grammar/Nouns Ending in -dad, -tad, -tud. -dad la ciudad - the city la sociedad - the society la verdad - the truth la comunidad - the community la oportunidad - the opportunity -tad la libertad - the liberty la dificultad - the difficulty la facultad - the faculty
Supplementary mathematics/Definition. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Welcome to the Wikibook of SUPPLEMENTARY MATHEMATICS This book is currently being designed for its introduction, and after the completion of the introductions, we will add the rest of the information to the others. Definition. This book is a guide for those interested in mathematics, which presents an advanced and complementary type of mathematics. In this book, we discuss advanced topics such as calculations, analysis, geometry, etc., and general topics such as the branches of mathematics. This book is different from basic math, basic math teaches basic concepts and teaches math in simple language. The concept of advanced mathematics means to present complex and advanced concepts, it means that extensive concepts are also included with them. This ebook will help you with advanced and extensive and important concepts of mathematics.
Simple Guide to Minecraft. Disclaimer. We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Mojang Studios, or Microsoft, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The name Minecraft as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Introduction. This book, A Simple Guide to Minecraft, is about Minecraft, a 3D sandbox game by Mojang Studios, created in 2009. Its purpose is to introduce new players to basic mechanics of the game, such as crafting, building, trading, and basic redstone. Notes: This book is not meant to be a directory of all blocks/mobs/items, as it is meant to be a simple guide to help new players. For all blocks/mobs/items, see other online resources, such as the Minecraft Wiki linked below. The content within this book only includes information about the base game, without modifications. Before editing, please read the Manual of Style. Important pages. Table of Contents<br>See all pages, and find the exact page you needSurvival Tutorials<br>How to survive in the most common Minecraft gamemode: Survival. These tutorials also could be used for Hardcore modeBuilding Tutorials<br>Best methods to make the best builds, bases, and buildings. Learn all the tips & tricks on block palettes, gradients, build layouts, and more Useful links. Minecraft.net<br>The official Minecraft website, with news, updates, information on the gameMinecraft Wiki<br>The unofficial Minecraft Wiki, with information on every block, mob, update, and more. <br>All Wikibooks on Minecraft, including detailed guides on speedrunning, resource gathering, and even
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Heath & Hunger. In Minecraft, the health gauge and monitor show the player's remaining health. It consists of a row of 10 heart icons, where each heart is divided into two halves, representing one health point each. In most game modes, including Survival, Hardcore (Java Edition only), and Adventure, as well as for mobs (in-game creatures), the health meter is displayed using these hearts. Each heart represents two hit points, and when players or mobs take damage, they lose hit points. The damage can be a fraction of a heart, but anything less than 1 heart is not shown on the health bar. The maximum health points for a player are usually 20. In Hardcore, hearts have it different texture.The Poison effect makes your hearts turn yellow while slowly damaging you, same with the Wither effect. Freezing in powder snow turns your heart icy blue. Hunger is a player-specific feature (that doesn't apply to mobs) that affects certain abilities like health regeneration and sprinting. The player's hunger level is displayed as a hunger bar, located opposite the health bar, and consists of ten drumsticks. Each half of a drumstick represents one hunger point or half-unit of hunger, making a full bar equivalent to twenty hunger points. Hunger is replenished by eating food and decreases when the player performs actions like sprinting, digging, or attacking. The player's hunger level determines health regeneration and sprinting ability. When hunger is at 18 drumsticks, health regeneration occurs, but if it falls to 6 drumsticks, the player can no longer sprint. If the hunger bar reaches zero, the player's health starts to deplete. It's important to note that hunger does not deplete in Peaceful difficulty and regenerates if not at the maximum value. The Hunger effect is received by eating rotten flesh, and it turns your hunger bar green/yellow. When you have the Hunger effect, your hunger depletes faster.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Upgrading (Before 1.20). To obtain Netherite tools and armor, you must collect the diamond tool/armor variants of what you want to upgrade, and Netherite. Netherite can be obtained from smelting Ancient Debris into Netherite Scrap. Combining four Netherite Scrap with 4 gold ingots creates one Netherite ingot. Netherite can also be found in bastion remnant loot chests. With a Smithing Table (crafted with four planks and two iron), put your diamond tool/armor and combine it with Netherite ingots to create Netherite variants of the tools and armors in the game.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Adventure. Adventure mode is the same as Survival, except the player can only break blocks with tools with the codice_1 NBT tag and place blocks with the codice_2 NBT tag. It is often used in player made maps to prevent griefing.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Table of Contents. = All pages: =
History of the World/What is History?. In the concept of history, it may have occurred to you to say (why should we study history?) With this question, we get the answer that history is a lesson for learning and advice. The exact meaning of history is as follows: History is full of stories. It is caused by chaos or order or events that occur. By determining and recognizing time and ordering it, we can seek to understand the past in "facts". And from these stories we hope to be able to explain our decisions and our processes that are formed in our being. It can even be possible for us to have models and lessons that are a way to guide ourselves, our answers and we can distill today's challenges. History is the study of people, actions, decisions, interactions and behaviors. It is so persuasive because it depicts themes that reveal the human condition in all its guises and resonate through time: strength, weakness, corruption, tragedy, triumph...these themes are nowhere to be found. are not It is not clearer than political history, it is still the core. This is the field and the most important approaches to the study of history. However, political history has become out of fashion and subsequently discredited and wrongly demonized as obsolete and irrelevant. The result has been that the usefulness of ordering, explaining and distilling past lessons has been significantly removed. The science of history can be in the form of wonderful stories that instruct us and study the history of people, a new narrative that is full of great characters and stories of turmoil and chaos where it is defeat or victory. Each generation adds its own chapters to history and reinterprets and finds new things in the same chapters already written. In addition to giving advice, the science of history also gives us a sense of identity. By understanding (where do we come from? Who do we belong to?), with this question and research in the past, we can better understand who we are and where we came from. History in every field provides for our life and our existence. It helps us understand how things are and how we might approach the future. History teaches us what it means to be human and highlights the great achievements and catastrophic mistakes of the human race. History also teaches us by example and gives us pointers on how to better organize and manage our societies for the benefit of all.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Upgrading (After 1.20). To obtain Netherite tools and armor, you must collect the diamond tool/armor variants of what you want to upgrade, Netherite Upgrade Simithing Templates, and Netherite. Netherite can be obtained from smelting Ancient Debris into Netherite Scrap. Combining four Netherite Scrap with 4 gold ingots creates one Netherite ingot. Netherite can also be found in bastion remnant loot chests. Netherite Upgrade Simithing Templates can be found in bastion remnants (guaranteed in treasure bastions). With a Smithing Table (crafted with four planks and two iron), put your diamond tool/armor and combine it with Netherite ingots and Netherite Upgrade Simithing Templates to create Netherite variants of the tools and armors in the game.
More C++ Idioms/Thread-safe Copy-on-write. =Thread-safe Copy-on-write= Intent. Allow objects to be quickly accessed in a concurrent safe manner without necessary copying, preferably without locks. Motivation. Many applications allow for configuration changes in runtime but concurrently applying changes to the system requires fast synchronization primitives. Ubiquitous mutual exclusion that might block the executing thread is not a viable solution for latency sensitive applications like game engines. This idiom is an alternative to popular mutual exclusion in situation where reads are common and writes are rare. The reading path is fast and never blocks but incremental writes might require mutual exclusion. Solution and Sample Code. template <typename ValT, typename KeyT> class ThreadSafeCowPtr { public: using DataT = std::unordered_map<KeyT, ValT>; ThreadSafeCowPtr() : data{std::make_shared<DataT>()} { assert(data.is_lock_free()); std::shared_ptr<DataT> read() { return data.load(); void write(std::shared_ptr<DataT> new_ptr) { // does not require mutex if we don't care about previous content data.store(new_ptr); // Copy on write void update(const KeyT& key, const ValT& val) { // note that update() operation requires mutex to guarantee that // multiple threads calling update() won't drop any data std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(update_mut); auto new_ptr = std::make_shared<DataT>(*this->read()); // assume valid new_ptr->emplace(key, val); this->write(new_ptr); private: std::mutex update_mut; folly::atomic_shared_ptr<DataT> data; Details. This implementation relies on a fact that library folly provides lock free atomic shared pointer. Not all libraries provide lock free smart pointer, even if atomic specialization is available. Namely c++ standard library does not provide lock free atomic pointers. Following code would not evaluate to true. std::shared_ptr<int> obj; assert(std::atomic(obj).is_lock_free()); // fails as of c++20
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Survival Tutorials. = Simple Beginner's Tutorial = This tutorial will show you how to spend your first few days. Note: This tutorial is referring to in-game days, which are 20 minutes each. Day One: Getting Started. The most important thing to do on your first day is to collect wood, basic tools, and a bed. Break trees to collect logs, which you can then craft into planks using the 2x2 Crafting Grid in your inventory. Then fill the crafting grid with planks to create a crafting table. Use your remaining wood to craft sticks and a Wooden Pickaxe. Use the pickaxe to collect stone, then craft stone tools. Whenever you're confused on how to craft things, which takes time to remember the many things to craft, the green recipe book can help. Spend the rest of the collecting food, whatever coal or Iron you see when mining, and building a base. Remember to make a bed (Out of 3 planks and 3 wool, which you can get from a sheep.) To set your respawn point and skip the night. If you're unable to get a bed, you can go mining underground while you wait for daytime to come. Remember to watch your back for mobs (A.K.A. monsters) and other dangers, such as a high height, or perhaps a friend you're playing with. Day Two: Resource Expansion and Exploration. On the second day in Minecraft, focus on expanding your resources and exploring the world. Collect more wood and stone to fuel your progress and craft a Furnace for smelting ores. Venture into caves or dig underground to find valuable resources like coal, iron, and diamonds. Set up a farm for a sustainable food supply and breed animals. Enhance your base by adding rooms, storage areas, and defensive measures. Continuously explore the world to discover new biomes, structures, and treasures. Lastly, gather resources and fortify your base to prepare for the night. By expanding your resource collection, exploring caves, farming, and fortifying your base, you'll be well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead in the Minecraft universe. Days Three, Four, & Five: Enchanting and Advanced Exploration. On your next three days in Minecraft, shift your focus towards enchanting and advanced exploration. Begin by setting up an enchanting table to gain access to powerful enchantments for your tools and armor. Gather the necessary resources like obsidian, diamonds, and books to craft the enchanting table. Explore the world further, seeking out rare biomes, structures, and dungeons. Look for villages to trade with villagers and discover valuable loot. Consider venturing into strongholds or nether fortresses for more challenging encounters and unique rewards. Continue expanding your base, adding more functional areas and aesthetic touches. Experiment with redstone to create automated systems and contraptions. By delving into enchanting, advanced exploration, and base expansion, you'll unlock new possibilities and delve deeper into the intricacies of Minecraft's vast and dynamic world. Conclusion: General Goals and Guidelines. As you progress beyond the third day in Minecraft, there are several general goals and guidelines to keep in mind for a successful playthrough. First and foremost, continue your exploration of the vast and diverse world, uncovering new biomes, structures, and hidden treasures. Embrace your adventurous spirit and seek out unique encounters and rare resources. Another crucial aspect is the expansion and improvement of your base. Take the time to enhance your base, adding functional areas, aesthetic elements, and defensive measures. Create storage systems, farms, and automated redstone contraptions to streamline your gameplay experience. The best way to want to keep yourself from getting bored in your world is to make sure you are happy with how it looks. If your world isn't nice to look at, you won't have as much fun playing in it. If an area looks empty, just build something there. It could be a bush, a tree, a signpost, a bridge, anything. Acquiring valuable resources is essential for your progression. Seek out diamonds, emeralds, and rare enchanting books to craft powerful tools and armor. These resources will empower you to tackle more challenging adventures and overcome formidable obstacles. Set your sights on locating and conquering strongholds to retrieve ender pearls and activate the End Portal. Prepare yourself for a climactic battle against the fearsome Ender Dragon in the End dimension. Delve into the intricacies of redstone and experiment with creating complex contraptions, automated farms, and interactive mechanisms. Push the boundaries of creativity and engineering in Minecraft, mastering the art of redstone. Consider engaging in multiplayer and collaborative projects, joining servers or inviting friends to play together. Collaborate on ambitious projects, engage in trading, and experience the social aspect of Minecraft. Remember, Minecraft offers a boundless world of possibilities. Set your own goals, embrace creativity, and enjoy the journey as you shape and explore your unique Minecraft world. =Skilled survival guide= This version gets you farther, faster, but requires practise and/or knowledge, and is considered more of a pro-strat. Getting started. Your first task is to get wood. Get around 5 - 8 logs. Craft a wooden pickaxe and immediately mine stone until you have 5 cobblestone. Then craft a stone pickaxe and stone sword. Kill pigs and cows to get food. If you jump, and hit the mob as you are falling, you will do a "critical hit", indicated by the star particles. A critical hit with a stone sword (stone axe on java edition) can kill a pig or cow in 1-2 hits. Aim go get around half a stack of raw food. Go underground and dig straight down in a two by one hole. In this way, if you stand between both blocks, you can see what's below you and avoid faling into lava. If you see any coal or iron ore, mine it. Your goal is to go to y = -40 (or y = 6 pre-caves and cliffs). Then craft two furnaces and smelt your iron and some food. Strip mine for about a minute, then return to your furnace and get your iron ingots and food. Craft an iron pickaxe and continue to strip mine. Remember to mine and gold or lapis. Iron can also help. Once you get 3 diamonds, craft a diamond pickaxe. Diamonds are easy to find in caves, but they are also quite dangerous if you don't have any armour. Enchanting. Continue mining for diamonds until you get 2 more, then return to your furnaces to grab the iron. Make a bucket and go back to the surface. Fill your bucket with water and look for sugarcane. If you see any horses, donkeys, llamas, or cows, kill them for leather. If you see a pool of lava, pour your water bucket over it and mine 4 pieces of obsidian. Once you have some sugarcane, plant it. You will need a lot of it. This is when you should build a house, make a farm, ect. A cow farm would be a good idea. Once you have 2 stacks of sugarcane and 56 leather, craft all the paper you can, make 56 books, then an enchantment table. Craft bookshelves until you have 15. Then place all 15 bookshelves an a square around the enchantment table. Keep crafting and enchanting iron pickaxes until one you have has fortune 2 or fortune 3. Now you can return to the mine and look for diamonds. Only mine diamonds with the fortune pickaxe, use any other pickaxe when mining other blocks. Once you have around 30 diamonds, go back to your enchantment table and craft a diamond sword, axe, and full diamond armour. You can either enchant your gear now, or trade with librarian villagers for good enchanted books like unbreaking and mending. Try to avoid thorns for your armour, since this can make it break faster, and will make it a pain if trying to capture a hostile mob, like a zombie or piglin, since the thorns will draw their aggro onto you. Also knockback can be annoying when dealing with skeletons, evokers, pillagers, blazes, and other ranged mobs, since the strategy with ranged mobs is to get close to them, and knockback makes that almost impossible. = Speedrunning Tutorial = This tutorial will show strategies to beat the Enderdragon quickly. For a overview on speedrunning, see Simple Guide to Minecraft/Speedrunning. The Wikibook Minecraft Speedrunning is also useful for a more in-detail guide.
Axis & Allies. "Axis and Allies" is a series of World War II-themed grand strategy games published by Milton Bradley. The first game in the series was released in 1981, and several different versions and spinoffs of the game have been released since then. This book will detail the rulesets for some of the games in the "Axis and Allies" series. This is a collaborative book to which anyone can contribute. Notable versions of Axis and Allies: Notable spin-offs:
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Note on Difficulty Levels. Minecraft difficulty levels provide players with varying degrees of challenge and gameplay experience. Here is a summary of each difficulty level: Peaceful. The easiest difficulty level in Minecraft, Peaceful mode focuses on exploration and creativity. Players encounter no hostile mobs and have unlimited health and hunger, allowing for a relaxed and uninterrupted building experience. Easy. The Easy difficulty introduces some challenges while still being relatively forgiving. Hostile mobs spawn but deal reduced damage compared to higher difficulties. Players must manage their health and hunger but can still navigate the game world with moderate ease. Normal. Normal difficulty strikes a balance between challenge and accessibility. Hostile mobs are stronger and deal more damage, requiring players to exercise caution and employ effective resource management. Survival and success in the game become more dependent on strategic decision-making and understanding core mechanics. Hard. Hard mode presents a significant challenge, specifically designed for experienced players. Hostile mobs become even more formidable, dealing substantial damage. Players must constantly consume food to regenerate health, necessitating careful planning and resource allocation. Hard mode demands strategic thinking, efficient resource utilization, and precise execution to thrive in the perilous environment. Conclusion. Minecraft's difficulty levels cater to a wide range of player preferences, providing options for casual exploration, moderate challenges, intense gameplay, and the ultimate hardcore experience.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Hardcore. Hardcore mode in Minecraft offers the most intense and challenging gameplay experience for expert players. It is designed to test the limits of a player's skill, survival instincts, and decision-making under high-pressure circumstances. In Hardcore mode, the game mechanics and difficulty level closely resemble that of Hard difficulty. Hostile mobs are significantly stronger and deal substantial damage, posing a constant threat to the player's survival. To endure and thrive in this merciless environment, players must exercise caution, precision, and strategic thinking at all times. One of the defining features of Hardcore mode is its permanent death mechanic. If a player dies in Hardcore mode, they are permanently locked out of the world, unable to respawn or continue playing on that particular save file (except in spectator mode). This creates a sense of high-stakes and forces players to approach every action with great care. A single mistake, be it an ill-fated encounter with a hostile mob or a misjudgment during exploration, can abruptly end the game. The permanent death consequence in Hardcore mode heightens the tension and raises the stakes, pushing players to their limits and demanding their utmost focus and skill. It offers a unique and unforgiving challenge that appeals to hardcore gamers seeking the ultimate test of survival and dedication. With its brutal difficulty and permanent death consequence, Hardcore mode provides a truly demanding and exhilarating Minecraft experience for those brave enough to take on the challenge.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Survival. Survival mode is the primary gameplay mode in Minecraft, offering a challenging and immersive experience where players must gather resources, explore the world, and survive against various threats. In Survival mode, players begin with no items or tools and must rely on their ingenuity to progress. The core objective is to gather resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, weapons, and other necessities. Players must also acquire food to maintain their hunger meter, ensuring they have the energy to undertake tasks and regenerate health. Survival mode introduces a day-night cycle, where players must contend with hostile mobs that spawn during the night. These creatures, including zombies, skeletons, and creepers, pose a constant danger and require combat skills to defeat or avoid. During the day, players can explore, mine resources, build structures, and interact with the game's expansive world. The environment in Survival mode is filled with diverse biomes, including forests, mountains, deserts, and oceans, each offering unique resources and challenges. Players can encounter animals for hunting, tame various creatures, cultivate crops, and engage in farming and breeding to sustain themselves and develop their gameplay strategies. Players also have the opportunity to engage in cooperative or competitive multiplayer survival, where they can collaborate with others or compete against them in a shared world, adding an additional layer of social interaction and gameplay dynamics. Survival mode's open-ended nature allows players to set their own goals and objectives, whether it's constructing elaborate structures, embarking on epic quests, or delving into dangerous dungeons to uncover valuable treasures. The mode fosters creativity, resource management, exploration, and problem-solving skills, providing a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience. Overall, Survival mode is the quintessential Minecraft experience, combining the thrill of exploration, resource gathering, combat, and crafting. It offers a rich and engaging gameplay journey where players can shape their own adventures and survive in a vibrant and ever-evolving world. For more information, please see the Survival Tutorials page.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Overworld/Mobs. = Important Mobs in the Overworld = The Overworld in Minecraft is home to a variety of mobs that play significant roles in the gameplay experience. These mobs can provide valuable resources, present challenges, or offer unique interactions. Here are some of the important mobs you will encounter in the Overworld: Creepers. Creepers are iconic and notorious mobs known for their explosive nature. These green, four-legged creatures silently approach players and hiss before detonating, dealing substantial damage and potentially destroying nearby structures. Players must exercise caution and maintain a safe distance when encountering creepers. Creepers drop gunpowder, a key ingredient for crafting explosives and potions. Zombies. Zombies are common hostile mobs that wander the Overworld, typically appearing at night or in dark areas. These undead creatures slowly shuffle towards players, dealing damage through melee attacks. They possess the ability to break down doors and convert villagers into zombie villagers. Players can defend themselves with weapons or engage in ranged combat. Zombies drop various items, including rotten flesh, which can be used as food or in the creation of potions. Occasionally, they may drop armor or weapons. Skeletons. Skeletons are hostile mobs armed with bows and arrows, making them formidable ranged attackers. They are usually found in dark areas or during nighttime. Skeletons skillfully shoot arrows at players from a distance, posing a significant threat. Players should approach them cautiously or engage in melee combat to avoid their projectiles. Skeletons drop bones, which can be used for bone meal or crafting purposes, as well as arrows. Occasionally, they may drop their enchanted bows upon defeat. Illagers. Illagers are hostile humanoid mobs that include various types such as vindicators, evokers, and pillagers. They are typically found in woodland mansions, pillager outposts, or raids. Illagers engage in combat with players using different attack patterns and abilities. Defeating them can yield valuable loot, including emeralds, crossbows, and totems of undying. These mobs provide a challenge for players seeking adventure and rewards in the Overworld. Villagers. Villagers are peaceful humanoid mobs found in villages scattered throughout the Overworld. They engage in various professions such as farmers, blacksmiths, librarians, and more, offering a wide range of trades. Players can interact with villagers to trade resources, obtain valuable items, and unlock rare enchanted books. Villagers are a vital source for acquiring items that are otherwise challenging to obtain through traditional crafting or exploration. Conclusion. These mobs in the Overworld provide unique challenges and opportunities for players to gather resources, engage in combat, and interact with villagers and illagers. Understanding their behaviors and drops will aid players in their exploration and survival in the dynamic world of Minecraft.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Nether/Mobs. = Important Mobs in the Nether = The Nether in Minecraft is a treacherous dimension filled with unique and dangerous mobs. These mobs pose significant challenges and offer valuable resources. Here are some of the important mobs you will encounter in the Nether: Ghasts. Ghasts are large, floating jellyfish-like mobs that spawn in the vast open spaces of the Nether. They are known for their distinctive cries and ability to shoot explosive fireballs from a distance. Ghasts are highly destructive and can cause massive damage to both players and structures. When defeated, they drop gunpowder, ghast tears, which are used for various crafting and brewing purposes. Zombie Piglins. Zombie Piglins are neutral mobs found throughout the Nether. These pig-like creatures are armed with golden swords and are initially neutral towards players. However, if provoked, they become hostile and attack in groups. Zombie Piglins can drop valuable items such as gold nuggets, gold ingots, and occasionally enchanted golden swords. Blazes. Blazes are hostile mobs that spawn in Nether fortresses. These floating, fiery creatures shoot fireballs at players and engage in close combat. They drop blaze rods upon defeat, which are essential for brewing potions and crafting blaze powder. Blaze rods are also used to create Eyes of Ender for locating Strongholds and accessing the End dimension. Wither Skeletons. Wither Skeletons are formidable hostile mobs found in Nether fortresses. They wield stone swords and possess the ability to inflict the wither effect, which rapidly drains the player's health. Wither Skeletons drop coal, bones, and wither skeleton skulls upon defeat. The wither skeleton skulls are a crucial component for summoning the powerful Wither boss. Piglins. Piglins are neutral humanoid mobs that inhabit bastions and other Nether structures. They are armed with crossbows or golden swords and will become hostile if the player opens a chest or attacks them. Piglins are known for their affinity for gold items and can be bartered with using gold ingots. They offer valuable trades, including obsidian, ender pearls, and enchanted books. Conclusion. The Nether is a hostile and unforgiving dimension, inhabited by a variety of dangerous mobs. Understanding their behaviors, drops, and combat strategies is essential for surviving and thriving in this harsh environment. These mobs provide valuable resources and unique challenges that await players who venture into the fiery depths of the Nether.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/The End/Mobs. = Important Mobs in the End = The End is the mysterious and final dimension in Minecraft, accessible through the End Portal. It is home to unique and challenging mobs that players must encounter and overcome. Here are some of the important mobs you will encounter in the End: Endermen. Endermen are tall, slender mobs with long limbs and glowing purple eyes. They are passive until provoked or looked at directly, at which point they become hostile and attack the player. They will atack Endermites. Endermen have the ability to teleport and are known for their distinct teleportation sound. They drop ender pearls upon defeat, which are useful for teleportation and crafting Eye of Enders. Shulkers. Shulkers are box-shaped mobs that reside in End Cities and End Ships. They have the unique ability to levitate and shoot projectiles called shulker bullets, which cause levitation in players upon impact. Shulkers drop shulker shells when killed, which can be used to craft shulker boxes for additional storage. These mobs provide a challenge and valuable rewards to those who explore the End Cities. Endermites. Endermites are small hostile mobs that spawn rarely when an ender pearl is used. They closely resemble silverfish and attack players on sight. While endermites don't have any notable drops, they can be used to lure and distract ender pearls in certain situations. Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon is the final boss of Minecraft, residing at the End Portal. Defeating the dragon requires strategic planning and combat skills. It has a variety of attacks, including charging at players, launching fireballs, and summoning Ender Crystals for healing. Upon defeating the Ender Dragon, it drops valuable items such as experience orbs, dragon's breath, and the Dragon Egg. For more information see the Enderdragon page. Conclusion. The End is a mysterious and challenging dimension that introduces unique mobs and the ultimate boss fight. Endermen, Shulkers, Endermites, and the powerful Ender Dragon await players who brave the journey to this extraordinary realm. Understanding their behaviors, drops, and combat strategies is crucial for conquering the End and completing the Minecraft adventure.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Enderdragon. The Ender Dragon is the final boss and the most powerful mob in Minecraft. It resides in the End dimension and poses a significant challenge to players seeking to complete the game's ultimate objective. Defeating the Ender Dragon requires careful preparation, strategy, and combat skills. Encounter. The Ender Dragon is found at the center of the End Portal, which can be accessed by collecting and placing Eyes of Ender in the frame blocks of the End Portal structure. Upon entering the End, players will find themselves on a small obsidian platform with Ender Crystals placed on top of obsidian pillars scattered throughout the landscape. Destroying these Ender Crystals is crucial to weaken the dragon. Abilities and Attacks. The Ender Dragon possesses a range of abilities and attacks that make it a formidable foe. It can charge at players, dealing significant damage upon impact. The dragon can also shoot purple fireballs, known as dragon's breath, which cause damage and lingering potion effects. It will occasionally perch on the obsidian pillars, making it difficult to attack directly. Strategy and Tips. To defeat the Ender Dragon, players must employ effective strategies and tactics: 1. Destroy the Ender Crystals: Start by destroying the Ender Crystals found on top of the obsidian pillars. These crystals heal the dragon, so removing them weakens its defenses. 2. Endermen and Obsidian: Avoid looking at Endermen to prevent provoking them. Bring blocks of obsidian to create safe shelters to hide from both the dragon's attacks and Endermen. 3. Ranged Attacks: Utilize a bow and arrows to attack the dragon from a distance. Aim for the dragon when it is airborne or when it swoops towards the platform. 4. Ender Pearls and Chorus Fruits: Bring Ender Pearls for quick teleportation and Chorus Fruits for emergency healing. 5. Beds and Explosives: In newer versions of Minecraft, beds can be used as explosive weapons against the dragon. However, be cautious as the explosion can be fatal if not adequately prepared. Rewards. Upon defeating the Ender Dragon, players are rewarded with a significant amount of experience orbs and access to the End Gateway, which allows them to explore outer islands in the End dimension. In addition, the dragon drops the Dragon Egg, which serves as a trophy, and dragon's breath (collected with bottles), a key ingredient for brewing potions. Conclusion. The Ender Dragon is the ultimate challenge in Minecraft, serving as the culmination of the game's progression. Defeating this fearsome creature requires strategic planning, combat skills, and resource management. Prepare yourself carefully, gather your allies, and embark on the quest to conquer the Ender Dragon and complete your Minecraft adventure.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Creative. Creative mode is a thrilling and boundless gameplay experience in Minecraft, offering players the freedom to unleash their creativity and build without limitations. In Creative mode, players have access to an extensive inventory of items and blocks from the start. There are no restrictions on resources, allowing players to build magnificent structures and landscapes without the need for gathering or crafting. This mode is ideal for players who want to focus solely on their imaginative endeavors. The day-night cycle in Creative mode does not affect gameplay, as there are no hostile mobs to contend with. Players can freely explore the vast and diverse biomes, such as lush forests, towering mountains, expansive deserts, and shimmering oceans. These environments serve as a canvas for players to shape their visions and construct breathtaking creations. With an abundance of blocks and items at their disposal, players can build structures of any scale and complexity. From grand castles and towering skyscrapers to intricate redstone contraptions and sprawling cities, the possibilities are limited only by the imagination. Creative mode empowers players to experiment with different architectural styles, experiment with landscaping, and create stunning works of art. Collaborative multiplayer in Creative mode allows players to join forces with others, working together to bring their collective visions to life. By sharing resources and ideas, players can collaborate on ambitious projects, constructing entire worlds that showcase their combined talents. Creative mode also encourages players to engage in imaginative gameplay beyond construction. They can experiment with redstone circuitry, creating elaborate mechanisms and contraptions. Players can design puzzle maps, adventure maps, or mini-games, sharing their creations with others to enjoy. In this mode, the focus is on unrestricted creativity, enabling players to shape their own virtual realms and explore the endless possibilities within Minecraft. With the absence of survival elements, players can fully dedicate their time to constructing awe-inspiring structures, fostering their artistic skills, and indulging in the limitless potential of their imaginations. Creative mode is the ultimate outlet for expression and invention in Minecraft. It offers an immersive and liberating experience where players can transform the world according to their wildest dreams, making it a paradise for builders, architects, and anyone seeking an unbounded sandbox for their creativity to thrive. For more information, please see the Survival Tutorials page.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Overworld/Biomes. = Important Biomes in the Overworld = The Overworld in Minecraft is a vast and diverse realm, consisting of various biomes that shape the landscape and offer distinct environmental conditions. Each biome has its own set of features, resources, and mob spawns, providing players with unique exploration experiences. Here are some of the notable biomes you can discover in the Overworld. Forest. Forests are lush biomes characterized by tall trees, dense foliage, and abundant wildlife. They are home to various animals such as rabbits, wolves, and ocelots. Players can gather wood, leaves, and saplings from the trees, as well as hunt animals for food and resources. Forests often have clearings, making them ideal for building structures and establishing settlements. Desert. Deserts are arid and dry biomes with vast stretches of sandy terrain and scarce vegetation. These biomes are challenging to navigate due to their lack of water sources, limited food options, and the presence of hostile mobs such as husks and desert zombies. However, deserts are known for their valuable resources, including cacti, sand, and, occasionally, desert temples containing rare loot. Plains. Plains are expansive and relatively flat biomes characterized by grassy landscapes and scattered trees. They are home to a variety of animals, including horses and cows, making them excellent areas for animal farming. Players can gather abundant resources such as wheat, flowers, and tall grass, which can be used for breeding animals or crafting various items. Plains are also popular locations for building farms and villages. Mountains. Mountains are majestic biomes featuring towering peaks, steep cliffs, and snowy slopes. They provide breathtaking views and challenging terrain for adventurous players. Mountains are rich in valuable resources like coal, iron, and emeralds, making them ideal for mining expeditions. Players may also encounter mountain goats, which can be sheared for their wool. Building structures within mountains can be a thrilling and rewarding endeavor. Ocean. Oceans are vast bodies of water that stretch across the Overworld, offering expansive aquatic exploration opportunities. They are home to marine life such as fish, dolphins, and turtles. Oceans contain various underwater structures like shipwrecks and coral reefs, which hold valuable loot and vibrant coral blocks. Players can fish for food, harvest kelp and seagrass, and even construct underwater bases to delve into the depths. Snowy Tundra. Snowy tundras are frigid and snowy biomes, characterized by icy plains, frozen lakes, and sparse vegetation. These biomes pose additional challenges due to their low temperatures, which can cause players to suffer from falling in powder snow,making them take damage and be trapped,making leather boots a must. Polar bears and stray cats can be found in snowy tundras, providing unique interactions. Valuable resources like packed ice and snow can be harvested for building purposes or crafting snow-related items. Conclusion. The Overworld's biomes offer a diverse range of environments, each with its own distinct features and resources. Exploring these biomes allows players to gather valuable materials, encounter different wildlife, and embark on exciting adventures. Understanding the characteristics of each biome is crucial for survival and thriving in the vast and dynamic world of Minecraft."
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Nether/Biomes. = Important Biomes in the Nether = The Nether in Minecraft is a dangerous and otherworldly dimension filled with treacherous terrain and unique biomes. These biomes, distinct from those in the Overworld, present formidable challenges and valuable resources for intrepid adventurers. Here are some of the notable biomes you can encounter in the Nether: Nether Wastes. Nether Wastes is the most common and barren biome in the Nether, characterized by vast expanses of crumbling terrain, lava lakes, and towering basalt columns. It is a desolate and dangerous place, with hostile mobs such as zombie piglins and ghasts lurking about. Nether Wastes provide a steady source of netherrack, gravel, and glowstone, which are crucial for various Nether-related crafts and building projects. Soul Sand Valley. Soul Sand Valley is a haunting biome filled with towering basalt pillars, soul sand, and blue flames. The air is thick with a bluish mist, and ghasts frequently roam the area. Skeletons and wither skeletons also spawn here, presenting additional challenges. Soul Sand Valley is renowned for its unique vegetation, including soul sand, soul soil, and twisting vines. Players can also find fossils buried beneath the soul sand. Crimson Forest. Crimson Forest is a vibrant and eerie biome characterized by towering crimson stems, twisting vines, and dense foliage. It is inhabited by hostile piglins and hoglins. Nether wart, a crucial ingredient for brewing potions, thrives in this biome, along with crimson fungi and warped fungi. Players can harvest these resources and also encounter the imposing hoglins, which drop valuable items like leather and porkchops. Warped Forest. Warped Forest is a surreal and otherworldly biome filled with warped fungi, warped stems, and warped nylium. It emanates an ethereal blue glow and is home to passive endermen. This biome offers a peaceful respite in the dangerous Nether, allowing players to collect warped fungi and shroomlights. Warped Forests are also known for their unique warped wart blocks, which can be used for decorative purposes. Basalt Deltas. Basalt Deltas is a harsh and volcanic biome consisting of vast fields of basalt, blackstone, and lava. It is a treacherous environment with frequent lava falls and magma cubes. Basalt Deltas provide a bountiful supply of basalt and blackstone, which can be used for construction and crafting purposes. Players must exercise caution due to the abundance of lava and hostile mobs like ghasts and skeletons. Conclusion. The Nether's biomes offer a perilous and distinct environment from the Overworld, presenting unique challenges and rewards for brave explorers. Navigating through these biomes allows players to gather valuable resources, encounter dangerous mobs, and unlock new crafting possibilities. Understanding the characteristics of each Nether biome is crucial for survival and successful traversal within the enigmatic dimension of Minecraft.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Villager Trading. Villager trading is a gameplay mechanic in Minecraft. It allows players to engage in a bartering system with non-player characters (NPCs) known as villagers. By trading various items and resources with villagers, players can acquire valuable goods and items that can aid them in their Minecraft adventures. Overview. Villagers are humanoid NPCs found in villages, which are generated structures in the game. They have distinct professions that determine the type of trades they offer. Some common professions include farmers, librarians, blacksmiths, and clerics. Each profession offers different trade options, making it essential for players to interact with various villagers to access a wide range of items. To initiate a trade, players must find a villager and right-click on them. This opens a trading interface that displays the available trades. The trades are represented by a series of slots, with each slot showing an item or resource that the player must offer to the villager in exchange for the listed item. Trading Mechanics. When interacting with villagers, players can view the initial trade options available. However, it is important to note that the available trades can change over time. Villagers refresh their trades at specific times, often during the Minecraft day, so players may need to wait or manipulate the game mechanics to unlock new trade options. Each trade has a cost associated with it. The cost can vary and may include items such as emeralds, other resources, or even specific items obtainable through other means. Players must ensure they have the required items or resources to complete the trade successfully. Upon completing a trade, both the player and the villager receive experience points, allowing the player to level up and potentially unlock new trades with the same villager. Emeralds and Trading. Emeralds are the primary currency used in villager trading. They can be obtained through various means, including mining, trading with other villagers, or by curing zombie villagers. Players can then use emeralds to purchase items and resources from villagers. The number of emeralds required for a trade can vary depending on the item's rarity, the villager's profession, and the specific trade. Furthermore, emeralds have their own value, as players can trade them with villagers for other valuable items or resources that are not easily obtained through other means. This creates an interdependent economy within the game, encouraging players to explore and interact with villagers to acquire rare and useful items. Expanding Villager Trading. Players can expand their villager trading options by creating dedicated trading halls or villages. By providing workstations such as lecterns, crafting tables, or brewing stands, players can assign villagers to specific professions, thereby unlocking a wide range of trade options. This allows players to have easier access to specific items they may need or desire, enhancing their overall gameplay experience. Conclusion. Villager trading is an integral part of Minecraft, providing players with a unique bartering system and access to a variety of valuable items and resources. By interacting with villagers, players can trade their surplus resources and emeralds for useful tools, enchanted items, rare materials, and much more. The trading system adds depth and complexity to the game, rewarding players for exploring and engaging with the vibrant world of Minecraft.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Controls. A table of contents has been provided, please use it to find the instructions for your device. = Computers = Movement. WASD - Use the W, A, S, and D keys to move forward, left, backward, and right respectively. Spacebar - Press the spacebar to jump. Shift - Hold down the shift key to crouch or sneak, which allows you to move more quietly and avoid falling off edges. Double Tap - Double-tap and hold the W key to sprint. This increases your movement speed but consumes hunger. Interactions. Left Mouse Button - Use the left mouse button to break blocks or attack mobs. Right Mouse Button - Use the right mouse button to place blocks or use items. Number Keys - Press the number keys to select items in your hotbar. E - Press the E key to open the inventory or chest. Q - Press the Q key to drop an item from your inventory. Middle Mouse Button - Use the middle mouse button to pick up a block from the inventory or creative menu and place it in your inventory or chest. Inventory and Crafting. Shift + Left Click - Hold down the shift key and left-click to quickly move items between your inventory and chests. Right Click + Drag - Right-click and drag to split a stack of items in half. Crafting Table - Place items in the 3x3 crafting grid of a crafting table to create new items. Furnace - Place fuel and items to be smelted in a furnace to convert them into different materials. Chat and Commands. T - Press the T key to open the chat window and type messages to other players. / - Use the forward slash (/) to enter commands. For example, "/gamemode creative" changes your game mode to creative. These are the basic controls in Minecraft. Remember that some controls may vary depending on the platform you are playing on. = Consoles = Chat and Commands. These are the basic controls in Minecraft on consoles. Keep in mind that specific controls may vary slightly depending on the console you are playing on. = Mobile, Tablets, and iPads = Movement. Virtual Joystick - Use the virtual joystick on the screen to move forward, backward, left, and right. Jump Button - Tap the jump button to jump. Sneak Button - Tap the sneak button to crouch or sneak. Double Tap - Double-tap and hold the virtual joystick forward to sprint and add Ghostdragon1050 and LamboGirl244538 Interactions. Tap and Hold - Tap and hold on the screen to break blocks or attack mobs. Tap and Release - Tap and release on the screen to place blocks or use items. Toolbar - Swipe left or right on the toolbar to select items. Inventory Button - Tap the inventory button to open the inventory or chest. Drop Button - Tap the drop button to drop an item from your inventory. Pick Block Button - Tap the pick block button to pick up a block from the inventory or creative menu and place it in your inventory or chest. Inventory and Crafting. Drag and Drop - Drag and drop items between your inventory and chests. Split Stack Button - Tap the split stack button to split a stack of items in half. Crafting Table - Tap the crafting table icon in the inventory to open the crafting table interface and create new items. Furnace - Tap the furnace icon in the inventory to open the furnace interface and smelt items. Chat and Commands. Chat Button - Tap the chat button to open the chat window and type messages to other players. Pause Button - Tap the pause button to open the game menu, where you can access various options and settings. Command Button - Tap the command button to open the command window and enter commands. For example, type "/gamemode creative" to change your game mode to creative. These are the basic controls in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Keep in mind that the controls may vary slightly depending on the specific version and device you are playing on.
Short introduction to the use of cutting plotter machines. This book is a very short introduction to cutting plotters, include the description and use of a cutting plotters, starting from zero knowledge about the topic. The cutting plotter machines that this book works with are made by American manufacturer Cricut, the models worked with are: Cricut Maker (1, 2 and 3), Easy Press (Heat press) 1 and 2, Cricut Joy, Cricut Explore (1, 2 and 3), Cricut Autopress, Cricut Hat Press, Cricut Mug Press. But the information in this book may be applied to similar cutting plotter machines such as the ones developed by Silhouette, Graphtec Corporation, and other companies. Introduction. Plotters are machines that produce vector graphics drawings and in other cases cut the graphic on a material. Vector graphics are a form of computer graphics in which visual images are created directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as points, lines, curves and polygons. This allow machines to easily draw or cut a pattern since they follow a defined geometric shape, polygons or formula, therefore the lines represented by vector graphics can accurately be represented, modified and resized facilitating its use in printing and cutting hardware. Vector graphics are an alternative to raster or bitmap graphics, with each having advantages and disadvantages in specific situations due to the use of random lines without any patter or defined direction. Plotters draw lines on paper using a pen, or in some applications, use a knife to cut a material like vinyl or leather. In the latter case, they are sometimes known as a cutting plotter. Cricut is a cutting plotter, this is a machine that instead of drawing designed vector graphics, it cutsthem in a selected material that can be vynil, paper, wood, etc. Cricut name is derived from the word "cricket" (a small, hopping insect that produces a chirping sound and "cut" since it main functions is to cut materials (paper, vinyl, metal wood, etc). Cutting plotters can be used to create monograms, labels, text, decals, stickers, banners, decorations greeting cards and iron-on t-shirts. Cricut heat presses allow to transfer ink into other materials, using iron on vynil or ink material. Cricut is not a printing machine, but a printed can be connected to the software and the user can print from the software to connected printers, when a printer is available. Design Space (Software). The software used by Cricut to create the designs is Design Space, it is a freeware software. Many of the options in the software are free, except the options with a green icon, which is how the company gets the revenue to continue developing its machines and its software. https://design.cricut.com/#/ Once Design Space is installed, open the software and sign in typing the email and password or create a new account. In order to save the documents users can create an account choosing a name and choosing a password and using their email to validate their account. When pressing the option new project, user access to a new canvas or workspace... The canvas can also be accessed From the menu besides the option home. In the canvas new graphics can be used or created with the templates, shapes, image or text options, phrases or editable images. Many icons and graphics are free, the graphics with a green cricut icons are non free but they can be buyed on the the software Design Space, which is the business model of the company. Users can also upload their own svg files created with graphic vector software such inkscape and illustrator, or download images from sites such as freesvg, devianart and similar websites, this items will be stored in the uploaded section not in my stuff section. In the top menu user can access the section my stuff of Design Space that is the area where all the user projects ore creation are stored and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Other options that can be modified are the text font or size, also can be added effects a background, etc. Layers. When more than one image is used in a canvas (area of work), they can be overlaped in layers. The control of the layers are located in the right of the canvas, from it users can move a graphic to the the front and the second image or graphic or text in the canvas can be in the back or completely or partially hidden by the frontal image, or combined, etc. using the options at the bottom of the layers menu. The eye icon will indicate what layer will be visible. Requirements. The requirements to complete a cricut work are the following: A computer or laptop with Cricut Design Space software installed, an internet connection is optional. A cricut machine Materials to print the work: A cutting mat, a material to cut (vynil, paper, fabric or others) A tape paper (Transfer paper) to separate, retrieve and store cutted material. Materials. Classic materials to cut using cutting plotter machines are Vinyl in many colors with mate, glossy, metallic tones, also permanent vinyl and other materials such card stock, thick paper, wood, metals, etc. The use of the classic materials usually require a mat. Many cutting machines are able to work with smart materials, cutting mat is not necessary, such are smart polymers (smart vinyl), smart iron, among others. These materials can be also be bought in many art material stores such as: Jo-Ann, Michaels, Blic, Amazon, among others. Cricut maker started using smart materials with its third model, Cricut maker 3. Blades. The cricut machine comes with a standard blade but other blades can be used to cut more materials, some examples are: Rotary blades for many softer materials. Fine point blade for wood and leather non-ferrous blade for cooper and aluminum Ferrous blades for iron and stainless steel or cast iron Diamond blade for some other metals. Cutting process. After creating the graphic or text, or selecting it from my stuff section or from the downloaded section, click on Make it and choose and option, if you have a mat, clic the option on Mat. Put the material (vynil, fabric, etc) on the mat, in the area intended to cut the graphic or text, tape can be added to hold the material to the grid. In the prepare area of Design space move the graphic or text according to the position on the mat, and press continue. Select a base material, it can be Cardstock or vynil, etc. Selecting the right material will allow the printer to apply the right pressure to the material and will be less likely that the cut of the material is done with wrong pressure taking the text or graphics out of the material. The button to enter the mat will blink in the cricut machine, put the mat near the printer and press the button so the cutter can measure the mat. If maker 3 not recognized use Maker 3: 5 USB option. continue. If that does not work, unplug and plug the usb cable or check that the cutting machine is connected to a energy source and turned on, and that the USB cable is connected from the cricut machine to the computer where Design Space software is installed. Sometimes the text or object in the canvas change from the position that was originally selected, some times the can go to the center or to the right side, in this cases users can either move the vinyl to that position in the mat or also choose the edit option or move the items to the area of the canvas where our vynil is located in the mat. The play button will blink, press it to start the cutting process. Clic in the option done to finalize the work. Take out the cut material and put it on the tape paper to used when necessary. Other options. Choosing the correct pressure will result in better outcomes and will avoid to cut the mat. When the materials used are stronger such wood or metal, users can modify the pressure choosing the option add more pressure, or less in case that the pressure is too high. A margin can be added to the text to used as part of the cut, or to make the extraction of the graphic or text easier. With applications of layers changes can be made to fuse or separate margins and graphics. Edition of works. Works previously created can be accessed from my stuff, edited and modified. Works that have being already cut, can also be modified and edited from the edit section. Text creation. Select the text option and type any text, then clic in the option make it, on mat confirm, continue, choose the material (vynil, etc), choose pressure (default, or more or less), the cricut machine will measure the mat. Press the button to load mat. Other options: offset to cut a surrounding area to easy the removal of the area or in to create an sticker to paste first take thee external area out of the vynil, then transfer the text and surrounding area, and finally remove the surrounding area or use it as part of the work. Choosing the right material will allow the cutting machine to cut the material without removing while cuttin, mixing the pieces or damage the final work. The text can be resized by clic on the text and expanding or reducing its size from the corner of the text area, this will allow to select the proper area for the vynil. If the cutter cannot cut small text, it can be resized to a size that the cutting machine can work properly. The use of layers will allow to create different ways of cutting, the layers can be combined, one can be in the back one in the front, etc. For example when using a surrounding area, if the text is not shown in the canvas, the cutting plotter will only cut the surrounding area. The different layers can also be cut in different times, for example the text can be cut first and after it the surrounding area, but it can also be done at the same time in order to not need to calculate the correct area in the mat that match with the previously cut text or surrounding. Fixing the vinyl to the mat with the use of vynil will also allow to prevent movement of the vynil during the cutting process. External links. w:Plotter#Cutting_plotters w:Vinyl_cutter
History of the World/Why should you study history?. Everyone lives in the now and their goal is to plan for the future in better ways. Of course, planning for the future is a bit difficult and you need to think a little bit. How should people plan for the future and how to make progress in the future? People can predict the future 100% through history, which is the past life of people or even their ancestors. The Past Teaches Us About the Present:. History is a tool that, in addition to studying people in the past, can also examine and predict the future. Of course, you can study people's mistakes in history and then correct them. We will not repeat the mistake twice in the future.From history, past events that happened thousands of years ago can be used as a means to prevent it from happening again in the future. For example, the history of health was very important before now, and we were able to treat diseases that were known as terrible diseases before, but we can treat them well.In addition, we can expand science and by studying the history of science and knowing the scientists before us and by studying about their discoveries, we can expand the discoveries before us and we can invent science. History is also about the study of previous races that migrated, this study can be the main reason for the migration of ethnic groups and their racial composition and their language, and we can find out where the ethnic groups that live today originated from before. History also deals with the study of religions, which causes Which prophet does it belong to and when did this religion come into being and what events did it have.
Axis & Allies/Classic. Axis & Allies Classic is the original version of Axis and Allies. Released in 1984 by Milton Bradley as the first game of its "Gamemaster" series, the game laid down many of the conventions of the "Axis & Allies" series, which later games would expand and revise on. "Classic" would also receive a computer game adaptation in 1998. Objective. "Axis & Allies Classic" can be thought of as a more complex version of "Risk". Set against the backdrop of World War II (more specifically spring 1942), the game is played with between two and five players, each of whom assumes command of the five major players of the war - the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, Imperial Japan and the United States. The nations are split between two alliances - the Axis consist of Germany and Japan, whilst the Allies consist of the Soviet Union, the UK and the US. There are three different ways to win the game: Setup. To set up the game, each player is given a reference chart, which details how their units are set up at game start and basic instructions for gameplay. Then using each reference chart as a guide, each player's units are set up on the board. Before we can learn how to play the game, it is worth taking a look at the board. The board of "Axis and Allies Classic" depicts a (somewhat warped) map of the world, centered on the Old World. The board is divided into areas of land and sea, which are further divided into land territories and sea zones. Each of the land territories is given a colour denoting who owns that territory at game start: Each of the land territories has its name written on it or somewhere nearby, and most non-neutral territories also have a number assigned to them. This number represents the territory's value in Industrial Production Certificates (IPCs), which are the currency of the game. The IPC number is higher for industrialised territories than for more rural ones - for example, the Germany territory is worth 10 IPCs, whilst Evenki National Okrug in the Soviet Union is only worth 2 IPCs. There are also a number of territories coloured in cream - these territories are neutral, are not controlled by any player and do not have an IPC value. Moving military units into these territories will incur a one-time penalty of 3 IPCs on the player that violated the territory's neutrality. Once a neutral territory has been violated for the first time it is no longer considered neutral and will be treated like any other non-neutral territory henceforth. Along the top edge of the board, and at the bottom-right corner, one can find a number of zoomed-in views of specific territories on the board. These are used to reduce clutter by providing additional room to place units. Basic Gameplay. A game of "Axis & Allies Classic" is split into rounds. In each round the five countries will each take a turn to move their military units, attack their opponents' territories and defend their own territories. The five countries take turns in a strict turn order - first the Soviets, then Germany, then Britain, then Japan and finally America. Each turn is divided into six phases: Types of Units. The military units in "Axis and Allies Classic" come in ten different types, which are split into four groupings - land units, naval units, air units and industrial complexes. Each unit (aside from the industrial complexes) is assigned an attack, defense and movement number that will affect how the units can move and perform in combat. An "Axis & Allies Classic" set also comes with chips, small plastic tokens that can be used to denote more than one of a given unit. They come in two colours - grey and red - and with a unit placed on top, a grey chip denotes one additional unit and a red chip five additional units. Unit Types in Detail. Infantry. IPC cost: 3 Attacks on: 1 Defends on: 2 Can move: 1 territory Infantry are the cheapest unit in the game. They aren't very good attackers, but masses of them can be devastating if used correctly. Armor. IPC cost: 5 Attacks on: 3 Defends on: 2 Can move: 2 territories Armor are powerful attacking units that have the ability to blitz through unoccupied territories. Antiaircraft artillery. IPC cost: 5 Attacks on: 0 Defends on: 1 Can move: 1 territory Antiaircraft artillery have the ability to fire at attacking aircraft during battle and bombing raids. Keep in mind there can only be one antiaircraft gun per territory. Battleships. IPC cost: 24 Attacks on: 4 Defends on: 4 Can move: 2 sea zones Battleships are the most expensive unit so far, but their attack and defense are the best of all units. Aircraft carriers. IPC cost: 18 Attacks on: 1 Defends on: 3 Can move: 2 sea zones Aircraft carries are ships with special decks from which aircraft can take off and land. Submarines. IPC cost: 8 Attacks on: 2 Defends on: 2 Can move: 2 sea zones Submarines are the wolves of the sea - they have access to two powerful abilities when attacking than can be used to surprise the enemy. Transports. IPC cost: 8 Attacks on: 0 Defends on: 1 Can move: 2 sea zones Transports are ships that have the ability to carry land units across oceans. Each transport has two cargo slots which can be occupied by up to two infantry or an infantry and armor unit. Fighters. IPC cost: 12 Attacks on: 3 Defends on: 4 Can move: 4 territories or sea zones Fighters are air units that can give the edge to any attacking force - land or naval. Bombers. IPC cost: 15 Attacks on: 4 Defends on: 1 Can move: 4 territories or sea zones Bombers are air units that can conduct bombing raids on enemy industry to destroy enemy IPCs. Industrial complexes. IPC cost: 12 Industrial complexes are special units that serve as the point of entry for all units purchased during a player's turn. Unlike most other units they do not take part in any form of combat, but they can be damaged by bombing raids. Gameplay in Detail. As already stated, each player's turn is divided into seven phases: Phase One: Roll for Research / Purchase Units. In this phase the player will be allowed to spend the IPCs they have on hand to attempt to research new technologies. If a player wants to attempt research they must purchase dice to do so - each research die costs 5 IPCs. Once the IPCs have been spent each research die is rolled - if a 6 is rolled that player's country makes a technological breakthrough. Otherwise the player has failed in their research and must wait until their next turn to try again. After the research dice are rolled any dice that rolled 6 are rolled again - this determines what new technology the player acquires (these will be explained later): If when rolling to determine the technology acquired a number comes up for an already-researched technology, the die is rolled again. Once a technology is acquired it will remain in the player's possession for the remainder of the game. Also researched technologies are an individual benefit and players cannot share technologies with their allies. The player will then use the remaining IPCs they have on hand to purchase new units for their military. The player is allowed to spend these IPCs any way they like, and they do not necessarily have to spend all of their IPCs. Once the units have been purchased the IPCs are returned to the bank and the purchased units are placed just off the board, to be placed on the board later. Phase Two: Combat Moves. In the second phase the player will move their military forces into hostile territories to engage in combat. The player may move as many units as they like, paying attention to to that unit type's movement number, which determines how many territories that unit may move per turn. Phase Three: Conduct Combat. In the third phase the player will fight all of the battles they have initiated. The details behind combat will be explained later. Phase Four: Non-Combat Moves. In the fourth phase the player will move military units in non-combat ways to reinforce their hold on their empire. They may only move units that have not already been moved in that player's turn, and units may only be moved onto friendly territories. In addition, any air units that took part in combat will need to be landed during this turns by moving them to a friendly territory or aircraft carrier. Phase Five: Mobilise New Units. In the fifth phase the player will place all the units they purchased in turn one on the board. Land and air units may only be placed on territories with an industrial complex, and sea units may only be place don a sea zone adjacent to a territory with an industrial complex. Phase Six: Collect Income. In the sixth phase the player will collect IPC income form their territories. Once this phase is complete the player's turn is over and the next player takes their turn.
Supplementary mathematics/Non-Euclidean geometry. Geometry is an area of mathematics that considers the regularities of position, size and shape of sets of points (e.g. on and between lines and surfaces), including their change and mapping. Depending on whether metric relationships (length, angular sizes, areas, volumes) are examined or whether only the mutual position of the objects is considered, one speaks of metric or projective geometry. Metric geometries are Euclidean geometry, which is based on the parallel axiom, and the non-Euclidean geometries, such as Bolyai-Lobachevskian (hyperbolic) geometry, which retains all the axioms of Euclidean geometry but does not use the parallel axiom, and Riemannian (elliptical) Geometry that is also based on the assumption that not every straight line is infinitely long. geometries in the overview. Geometry is an area of mathematics that considers the regularities of position, size and shape of sets of points (e.g. on and between lines and surfaces), including their change and mapping. Depending on whether metric relationships (length, angular sizes, areas, volumes) are examined or whether only the mutual position of the objects is considered, one speaks of metric or projective geometry. Metric geometries are Euclidean geometry, which is built on the parallel axiom, and the non-Euclidean geometries, such as Bolay-Lobachevskian (hyperbolic) geometry, which retains all the axioms of Euclidean geometry but does not use the parallel axiom, and Riemannian (elliptical) Geometry that is also based on the assumption that not every straight line is infinitely long. The projective geometry can develop these three geometries as special forms of a general dimension geometry. on the emergence of non-Euclidean geometries. For around 2000 years, the general validity of Euclidean geometry was believed to exist, e.g. to describe the real physical space. But then the increasing criticism of this view led to two important discoveries: The criticism of EUCLID's separation of geometry and arithmetic led to the creation of the concept of the real number, with the help of which not only commensurate but also incommensurable quantities could be characterized. The starting point for the emergence of a mathematics of constantly changing quantities was laid. RENÉ DESCARTES and CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS worked in this field. Criticism of individual postulates, especially the fifth (parallel postulate), led to the development of other geometries that did not contradict reality - the non-Euclidean geometries (by LOBATSCHEWSKI, BOLYAI, GAUSS or RIEMANN), which led to the transition from a mathematics of constant relations to one of the mutable relationships meant. So the parallel axiom has been replaced by its opposite statement: "In a plane, through any point outside a given line, one can draw more than one line that does not intersect the given line". This geometry turned out to be just as consistent as Euclid-Hilbert's geometry. If many geometries are possible, there can be no general definition of the basic terms. The effort (of EUKLID and others) to define basic terms is therefore impossible in principle. Basic terms therefore only refer to the system under consideration. But which geometry is valid in reality? The statement that Euclidean geometry is a model of the real space of our intuition does not answer this question. In experiments on small areas of the earth's surface, the assumption that the surface is a plane may apply. If, on the other hand, you are experimenting in large areas, you have to imagine the surface as curved or as a sphere. Correspondingly, the non-Euclidean geometries in small areas hardly differ from the Euclidean geometry. The difference only becomes apparent in large room areas. This question about the geometric structures of the real world led to new discoveries and developments in the natural sciences, such as B. the theory of relativity by EINSTEIN, which broke radically with usual geometric ideas. expansion. Neo-Euclidean geometry was later developed by Gauss and Riemann in the form of a more general geometry. This is the more general geometry that was used in Einstein's theory of general relativity. In non-Euclidean geometry, the set of interior angles is not like 180 degrees. For example, if the sides of the triangle are hyperbolic, the set of internal angles never reaches 180 degrees and is less. Also, if the geometry is elliptical, it will never be 180 degrees; Rather, it is more.
Public International Law/Nature and Purpose of International Law/Self-determination. Author: Jane Doe Required knowledge: Link Learning objectives: Understanding XY. This is where the text begins. This template follows . Please take into account our . If you're wondering how to create text in Wikibooks, feel free to check out our guide on in Wikibooks. Just replace the content above and below with your content.
TI-Basic Z80 Programming/List of Commands/Input. Input keyword is a command in TI-BASIC, a programming language used for writing programs on many Texas Instruments graphing calculators. The input command allows the programmer to prompt the user for input and store the entered value into a variable for further processing within the program. The syntax of the input command is as follows: Input ["prompt",] variable1[, variable2, ..., variableN] Here's a breakdown of the components: "prompt" (optional): It is a string that represents the message or question displayed to the user as a prompt for input. This can be used to provide instructions or ask for specific information. variable1, variable2, ..., variableN: These are the variables in which the entered values will be stored. You can specify one or more variables, separated by commas. When the input command is executed, the calculator displays the prompt message (if provided) and waits for the user to enter a value. Once the user enters the value and presses the "Enter" key, the input command stores the entered value into the specified variable(s) for further use in the program. It's important to note that the input command expects the user to enter a valid data type that matches the variable type. For example, if the variable is expecting a numeric input, the user should provide a number; if the variable is expecting a string input, the user should enter a series of characters. The input command is commonly used in interactive programs where user input is required to customize or control the program's behavior. It allows programmers to create dynamic and interactive experiences by enabling user interaction and providing a means to process that input within the program logic.
Supplementary mathematics/Theory of sets. Set theory is a fundamental branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, i.e. combinations of objects. All mathematics as commonly taught is formulated in the language of set theory and is built upon the axioms of set theory. Most mathematical objects that are treated in subareas such as algebra, analysis, geometry, stochastics or topology can be defined as sets. Measured against this, set theory is a fairly young science; only after overcoming the fundamentals crisis in mathematics in the early 20th century was set theory able to take its central and fundamental place in mathematics today.
Timeless Theorems of Mathematics/Mid Point Theorem. The midpoint theorem is a fundamental concept in geometry that establishes a relationship between the midpoints of a triangle's sides. This theorem states that when you connect the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, the resulting line segment is parallel to the third side. Additionally, this line segment is precisely half the length of the third side. Proof. Statement. In a triangle, if a line segment connects the midpoints of two sides, then this line segment is parallel to the third side and half its length. Proof with the help of Congruent Triangles. Proposition: Let formula_1 and formula_2 be the midpoints of formula_3 and formula_4 in the triangle formula_5. It is to be proved that, Construction: Add formula_1 and formula_2, extend formula_10 to formula_11 as formula_12, and add formula_13 and formula_11. Proof: [1] In the triangles formula_15 and formula_16 formula_17 ; [Given] formula_18 ; [According to the construction] formula_19 ; [Vertical Angles] ∴ formula_20 ; [Side-Angle-Side theorem] So, formula_21 ∴ formula_22 Or, formula_23 and formula_24 Therefore, formula_25 is a parallelogram. ∴ formula_26 or formula_6 [2] formula_28 Or formula_29 Or, formula_30 [As, formula_20] Or, formula_32 Or, formula_7 ∴ In the triangle formula_34 formula_35 and formula_7, where formula_1 and formula_2 are the midpoints of formula_3 and formula_4. [Proved] Proof with the help of Coordinate Geometry. Proposition: Let formula_1 and formula_2 be the midpoints of formula_3 and formula_44 in the triangle formula_5, where the coordinates of formula_46 are formula_47. It is to be proved that, Proof: [1] The distance of the segment formula_50 The midpoint of formula_51 and formula_52 is formula_53. In the same way, The midpoint of formula_51 and formula_55 is formula_56 ∴ The distance of formula_57 formula_58 formula_59 formula_60 formula_61 formula_62 ; [As, formula_50] [2] The slope of formula_64 formula_65 The slope of formula_66 formula_67 formula_68 formula_69 formula_70 formula_71 ; [As, formula_65] Therefore, formula_49 ∴ In the triangle formula_34 formula_75 and formula_48, where formula_1 and formula_2 are the midpoints of formula_3 and formula_44. [Proved]
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Jungle. Jungle is the second Pokémon TGC set. The set was released on June 16, 1999 in the United States and would have one additional printing. This set contains 64 different cards. Pokémon Card List
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Neo Discovery. Neo Discovery is the the 9th set of the Pokémon TCG. It was released on June 1st, 2001 and had 2 printing of this set. This set has 75 cards. The Card List:
Supplementary mathematics/Number Theory. Number theory is one of the branches of pure mathematics, which is mainly devoted to the investigation and study of functions of integers, arithmetic functions, and functions of natural numbers. German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1855-1777) said: "Mathematics is the queen of sciences, and number theory is the queen of mathematics." Students of number theory, prime numbers, as well as the characteristics of numbers from numbers such as integers (such as rational numbers), or defining it as generalizing one number to another number to use for some aspects of numbers as convenient working and completion with it For example, they study integers to use coordinates and algebraic integers, etc. First of all, integers are used in other places where it is necessary to calculate area and volume, use as calculation of integration and Fourier series expansions, etc. and it can be said that it is used by everyone and cannot be seen anywhere without its application. Secondly, he considered integers as a solution for equations, for example Diophantine geometry equations. Questions in number theory are often studied through the study of analytic objects and complex states (for example, Riemannian zeta functions) in which the properties of natural numbers and Arithmetic and integers and prime numbers are coded (analytical number theory) in the best way for Bai to understand. He also used real numbers as a study about rational numbers, for example Diophantine's approximation.
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Neo Revelation. Neo Revelation is the 10th set of the Pokémon TCG. It was released on September 21, 2001 in the United States and had two printings. The set has 66 cards. Trading Card List:
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Team Rocket. Team Rocket is the 5th set in the Pokémon TCG. It was released on April 24, 2000 in the United States and had 2 printings. The set has 83 cards. List of Cards:
Timeless Theorems of Mathematics/Binomial Theorem. The Binomial Theorem is a fundamental theorem in algebra that provides a formula to expand powers of binomials. It allows us to easily expand expressions, formula_1, where formula_2 and formula_3 are real numbers or variables, and formula_4. Proof. Proposition: For any real numbers formula_5 and formula_6 formula_7 Where formula_8 Proof "(Mathematical Induction)": For formula_9 For formula_10 For formula_11 formula_12 formula_13 formula_14 For formula_15 formula_16 formula_17 formula_18 Let's assume formula_7 for some formula_20 Now we just have to show that the equation holds true for formula_21 formula_7 Or, formula_23 formula_24 formula_25 formula_26 formula_27 formula_28 ∴formula_29
Yoruba/Nouns. Noun in Yoruba is called ̀̀̀̀Eka Oro Oruko.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Smelting & Cooking. Smelting and cooking are vital processes in Minecraft that allow players to transform raw materials into useful items, tools, and food. The primary tool for these tasks is the furnace, crafted using eight pieces of cobblestone. Once you have a furnace, place it in a suitable location by right-clicking on the desired block. Furnaces require fuel to operate, which can include coal, charcoal, wood, or dried kelp. Place the fuel in the designated slot on the left side of the furnace's interface. To begin smelting or cooking, add the raw material you wish to process in the top slot of the furnace. For example, if you have iron ore to smelt into iron ingots or raw beef to cook into cooked beef, place them in this slot. The smelting or cooking process will commence, indicated by the flames inside the furnace. The speed of the process depends on the type of fuel used. Once the smelting or cooking process is complete, the resulting item will appear in the bottom slot of the furnace's interface. Simply click and drag the item from the furnace into your inventory to collect it. Furnaces have multiple slots, enabling you to process multiple items simultaneously as long as there is sufficient fuel. Furnace alternatives. In addition to the regular furnace, Minecraft offers alternative methods for smelting and cooking. One such alternative is the blast furnace, crafted using five iron ingots, three smooth stone, and a regular furnace. The blast furnace excels at smelting iron and gold ores, completing the process twice as fast as a regular furnace. Another alternative is the smoker, specifically designed for cooking food items. Craft a smoker using four logs or stripped logs and a regular furnace. The smoker cooks food faster than a regular furnace, making it convenient for processing raw food items in larger quantities. Additionally, the fireplace is another alternative for smelting and cooking. It provides a decorative and functional option for heating food and smelting certain items. To use a fireplace, construct it using blocks such as campfires, cobblestone walls, and optionally, chimney blocks. Place raw food or smeltable items on a campfire within the fireplace structure, and they will cook accordingly. Experimenting with different combinations of raw materials, fuels, and alternative methods can unlock new recipes and crafting possibilities. For example, smelting sand in a furnace yields glass, while cooking cactus in a furnace produces green dye. Embrace the versatility of these methods to efficiently process resources, obtain valuable items, and embark on exciting adventures in the vast world of Minecraft.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Overworld/Structures. = Important Structures in the Overworld = The Overworld in Minecraft is replete with fascinating structures that dot the landscape, each holding its own secrets, challenges, and rewards. These structures provide players with opportunities for exploration, valuable loot, and unique gameplay experiences. Here are some of the notable structures you can discover in the Overworld: Villages. Villages are bustling communities inhabited by peaceful villagers. They consist of various buildings, including houses, farms, libraries, and blacksmiths. Villages offer a wide range of trades, allowing players to exchange resources for valuable items, enchantments, and rare enchanted books. Exploring villages can also reveal hidden chests containing useful loot. Players can either interact with villagers or defend the village from hostile mobs and zombie sieges on java edition. Strongholds. Strongholds are vast underground structures shrouded in mystery and danger. These fortresses house the End Portal, which serves as a gateway to the challenging dimension known as the End. Strongholds are filled with winding corridors, libraries, prison cells, and grand halls. Players must navigate through complex mazes, fend off silverfish, and solve puzzles to locate the End Portal room. Exploring strongholds is crucial for those seeking to battle the formidable Ender Dragon. Mineshafts. Mineshafts are intricate networks of tunnels and corridors that stretch underground, often intersecting with ravines or caves. They contain minecart rails, wooden supports, and minecart chests filled with valuable resources such as ores, melon seeds, and enchanted books. Players must be cautious of cave spiders, who inhabit these mineshafts and can inflict poison. Exploring mineshafts allows for resource gathering and the potential discovery of hidden treasures. Temples. Temples come in two varieties: Desert Temples. Desert Temples are pyramid-like structures found in deserts, containing a tnt trap in the middle and a hidden chamber in the center filled with valuable loot such as enchanted books, diamonds, and gold. Jungle Temples. Jungle Temples, on the other hand, are elaborate structures hidden within jungle biomes, featuring puzzles and traps guarding their treasure-filled chests. Temples offer a thrilling challenge for players who dare to uncover their secrets. Witch Huts. Witch Huts are solitary structures that appear in swamp biomes. They are small, wooden huts with a cauldron and a brewing stand, indicating the presence of a witch. Players can find loot such as potions, redstone components, and glass bottles inside these huts. Beware, for the witch within will defend her abode fiercely, casting harmful potions and using her powerful magic against intruders. Abandoned Mineshafts. Abandoned Mineshafts are decrepit versions of mineshafts, overrun by cobwebs and infested with cave spiders. These structures provide players with opportunities to gather resources like ores, minecart chests, and rails. Players must exercise caution due to the presence of cave spider spawners and the potential danger of collapsing tunnels. Navigating these abandoned mineshafts can yield valuable rewards for resourceful adventurers. Conclusion. The Overworld's structures offer a wealth of adventure, treasure, and unique gameplay elements. Exploring these structures allows players to gather valuable resources, unlock hidden loot, and engage with the diverse inhabitants of the Minecraft world. Understanding the nature and challenges posed by each structure will aid players in their quest for exploration and discovery in the vast and dynamic Overworld.
Simple Guide to Minecraft/Spectator. Spectator mode in Minecraft allows players to explore the world freely without restrictions. They can pass through blocks, fly effortlessly, and teleport instantly. It's ideal for observing creations, examining redstone contraptions, and capturing cinematic shots. Spectator mode provides a unique and immersive perspective on the Minecraft world, offering a fresh way to experience and appreciate the game.
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Gym Heroes. Gym Heroes is the 6th set of the Pokémon TCG. It was released on August 14, 2000 in the United States and had 2 printing. The set has 132 cards. The Card List:
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Basic Pokémon. Basic Pokémon: Basic Pokémon are the first stage of a Pokémon. You can find this information on the left side of a card that tells you what stage they are. Basic Pokémon are mostly weaker Pokémon. (Other than some GX and EX cards). However, some Pokémon can be evolved into a stronger stage 1 Pokémon. For example a Meowth can evolve into a Persian.
Pokémon Trading Card Game/Energy Cards. Energy Cards: Energy Cards are the main way a Pokémon can use an attack or retreat from a battle. Pokémon require a certain amount of energy to use an attack. Some moves only require 1 energy card while others might need 5 cards to pull off an attack. The same can apply to energy when you have to retreat a Pokémon. There are 11 main different types of energy cards that a player can use. They are Colorless, Darkness, Dragon, Fighting, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Lightning, Metal, Psychic, and Water. There are also special energy cards that each have their own effects to them. For example, a card can have something as simple as a Double Dragon Energy to something more complex like giving a certain buff to a type of Pokémon if they are under the right conditions.
Oberon/A2/Oberon.News.Mod. (* ETH Oberon, Copyright 2001 ETH Zuerich Institut fuer Computersysteme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich. Refer to the "General ETH Oberon System Source License" contract available at: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ *) MODULE News IN Oberon; (** portable *) (* ejz, *) IMPORT BTrees, Strings, HyperDocs, Files, Objects, Texts, Display, Fonts, Display3, Oberon, NetSystem, NetTools, Gadgets, Attributes, TextGadgets, TextDocs, Documents, Desktops, Links, Modules, MIME, Streams, TextStreams, Mail, Dates, FileDir; (** This module implements a newsreader (RFC 977, 1036) for oberon. The News-module supports news and nntp urls. The nntp host is specified in the NetSystem section of the Registry (e.g. NNTP=news.inf.ethz.ch). The following lines should be added to the LinkSchemes section of the Registry: nntp = News.NewNNTPLinkScheme news = News.NewNewsLinkScheme And the following lines to the Documents section: nntp News.NewDoc news News.NewDoc. For sending or posting new articles your e-mail address should be defined in the NetSystem section of the Registry. e.g.: EMail = "me@home" *) CONST DefPort = 119; InitText = "News.Read.Text"; Done* = NetTools.Done; ErrGroup* = 1; ErrXOver* = 2; ErrArticle* = 3; ErrStat* = 4; ErrList* = 5; ErrPost* = 6; Failed* = NetTools.Failed; MaxMessages = 16*1024; TYPE ArtNrs = POINTER TO ArtNrsDesc; ArtNrsDesc = RECORD beg, end: SIGNED32; next: ArtNrs END; Group = POINTER TO GroupDesc; GroupDesc = RECORD name: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; subscribed: BOOLEAN; readArtNrs: ArtNrs; next: Group END; (** The connection to an nntp. *) Session* = POINTER TO SessionDesc; SessionDesc* = RECORD (Mail.SMTPSessionDesc) END; VAR W, Wr: Texts.Writer; groups, curGrp: Group; curGrpNewOnly: BOOLEAN; newgDate, newgTime: SIGNED32; EMail: ARRAY NetTools.ServerStrLen OF CHAR; refs: Files.File; indexM, indexA: BTrees.Tree; availBeg, beg, end, level, thread: SIGNED32; marked: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; line: ARRAY 2*NetTools.MaxLine OF CHAR; newsFont: Fonts.Font; trace: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ScanInt(VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR i: SIGNED16); BEGIN IF S.class = Texts.Int THEN i := SHORT(S.i); Texts.Scan(S) ELSE i := 0 END END ScanInt; PROCEDURE ScanDate(VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR date: SIGNED32); VAR day, month, year: SIGNED16; BEGIN ScanInt(S, day); ScanInt(S, month); ScanInt(S, year); IF year < 100 THEN IF (month = 0) OR (day = 0) THEN year := 1980; month := 1; day := 1 ELSE year := year + 1900 END END; date := Dates.ToDate(year, month, day) END ScanDate; PROCEDURE ScanTime(VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR time: SIGNED32); VAR hour, min, sec: SIGNED16; BEGIN ScanInt(S, hour); ScanInt(S, min); ScanInt(S, sec); time := Dates.ToTime(hour, min, sec) END ScanTime; PROCEDURE TwoDigit(i: SIGNED16; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN str[0] := CHR((i DIV 10)+ORD("0")); str[1] := CHR((i MOD 10)+ORD("0")); str[2] := 0X END TwoDigit; PROCEDURE ConcatDate(VAR line: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR date: SIGNED32); VAR str: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; day, month, year: SIGNED16; BEGIN Dates.ToYMD(date, year, month, day); IF year < 2000 THEN TwoDigit(year MOD 100, str) ELSE Strings.IntToStr(year, str) END; Strings.Append(line, str); TwoDigit(month, str); Strings.Append(line, str); TwoDigit(day, str); Strings.Append(line, str) END ConcatDate; PROCEDURE ConcatTime(VAR line: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR time: SIGNED32); VAR str: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; hour, min, sec: SIGNED16; BEGIN Dates.ToHMS(time, hour, min, sec); TwoDigit(hour, str); Strings.Append(line, str); TwoDigit(min, str); Strings.Append(line, str); TwoDigit(sec, str); Strings.Append(line, str) END ConcatTime; PROCEDURE LoadInitText; VAR text: Texts.Text; S: Texts.Scanner; group, lastg: Group; art, last: ArtNrs; i: SIGNED32; val: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF NetTools.QueryString("NewsFont", val) & (Fonts.This(val) # NIL) THEN newsFont := Fonts.This(val) ELSE newsFont := Fonts.Default END; groups := NIL; lastg := NIL; NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, InitText); Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, 0); Texts.Scan(S); ScanDate(S, newgDate); ScanTime(S, newgTime); WHILE ~S.eot DO NEW(group); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "!") THEN group.subscribed := FALSE; Texts.Scan(S) ELSE group.subscribed := TRUE END; IF S.class IN {Texts.Name, Texts.String} THEN COPY(S.s, group.name); i := 0; WHILE group.name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; IF group.name[i-1] = ":" THEN group.name[i-1] := 0X END; group.next := NIL; IF lastg # NIL THEN lastg.next := group ELSE groups := group END; lastg := group; group.readArtNrs := NIL; last := NIL; Texts.Scan(S); IF ((S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = ":")) OR ((S.class IN {Texts.Name, Texts.String}) & (S.s = ":")) THEN Texts.Scan(S) END; WHILE ~S.eot & (S.class = Texts.Int) DO NEW(art); art.next := NIL; IF last = NIL THEN group.readArtNrs := art ELSE last.next := art END; last := art; art.beg := S.i; Texts.Scan(S); IF ((S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "-")) OR ((S.class IN {Texts.Name, Texts.String}) & (S.s = "-")) THEN Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Int THEN art.end := S.i; Texts.Scan(S) ELSE art.end := art.beg END ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (S.i < 0) THEN art.end := -S.i; Texts.Scan(S) ELSE art.end := art.beg END; IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = ",") THEN Texts.Scan(S) END END ELSE Texts.Scan(S) END END END LoadInitText; PROCEDURE WriteDate(VAR W: Texts.Writer; VAR date: SIGNED32); VAR day, month, year: SIGNED16; BEGIN Dates.ToYMD(date, year, month, day); Texts.WriteInt(W, day, 0); Texts.Write(W, " "); Texts.WriteInt(W, month, 0); Texts.Write(W, " "); Texts.WriteInt(W, year, 0) END WriteDate; PROCEDURE WriteTime(VAR W: Texts.Writer; VAR time: SIGNED32); VAR hour, min, sec: SIGNED16; BEGIN Dates.ToHMS(time, hour, min, sec); Texts.WriteInt(W, hour, 0); Texts.Write(W, " "); Texts.WriteInt(W, min, 0); Texts.Write(W, " "); Texts.WriteInt(W, sec, 0) END WriteTime; PROCEDURE storeInitText; VAR text: Texts.Text; group: Group; art: ArtNrs; F: Files.File; len: SIGNED32; name: FileDir.FileName; BEGIN NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, ""); WriteDate(W, newgDate); Texts.Write(W, " "); WriteTime(W, newgTime); Texts.WriteLn(W); group := groups; WHILE group # NIL DO IF ~group.subscribed THEN Texts.Write(W, "!") END; len := 0; WHILE (group.name[len] # 0X) & (Strings.IsAlpha(group.name[len]) OR (group.name[len] = ".")) DO INC(len) END; IF group.name[len] # 0X THEN Texts.Write(W, 22X); Texts.WriteString(W, group.name); Texts.Write(W, 22X) ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, group.name) END; Texts.WriteString(W, ": "); art := group.readArtNrs; WHILE art # NIL DO Texts.WriteInt(W, art.beg, 0); IF art.end > art.beg THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " - "); Texts.WriteInt(W, art.end, 0) END; art := art.next; IF art # NIL THEN Texts.WriteString(W, ", ") END END; Texts.WriteLn(W); group := group.next END; Texts.Append(text, W.buf); F := Files.Old(InitText); IF F # NIL THEN Files.GetName(F, name) ELSE COPY(InitText, name) END; F := Files.New(name); Texts.Store(text, F, 0, len); Files.Register(F) END storeInitText; (** News.StoreInitText Store information on read articles and subscribed groups. *) PROCEDURE StoreInitText*; BEGIN Texts.WriteString(W, "Store "); Texts.WriteString(W, InitText); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); storeInitText() END StoreInitText; PROCEDURE NewArtNr(nr: SIGNED32): ArtNrs; VAR art: ArtNrs; BEGIN NEW(art); art.next := NIL; art.beg := nr; art.end := nr; RETURN art END NewArtNr; PROCEDURE AddArtNr(group: Group; nr: SIGNED32); VAR prev, cur, art: ArtNrs; BEGIN prev := NIL; cur := group.readArtNrs; WHILE (cur # NIL) & (cur.beg <= nr) DO prev := cur; cur := cur.next END; IF cur # NIL THEN IF cur.beg = (nr+1) THEN cur.beg := nr ELSIF prev # NIL THEN IF prev.end = (nr-1) THEN prev.end := nr ELSIF prev.end < nr THEN art := NewArtNr(nr); prev.next := art; art.next := cur END ELSE art := NewArtNr(nr); prev := art; group.readArtNrs := art; art.next := cur END; IF (prev # NIL) & ((prev.end+1) = cur.beg) THEN prev.end := cur.end; prev.next := cur.next END ELSIF prev # NIL THEN IF prev.end = (nr-1) THEN prev.end := nr ELSIF prev.end < nr THEN art := NewArtNr(nr); prev.next := art END ELSE art := NewArtNr(nr); group.readArtNrs := art END END AddArtNr; PROCEDURE GetGroup(name: ARRAY OF CHAR; new: BOOLEAN): Group; VAR group: Group; BEGIN group := groups; WHILE (group # NIL) & (group.name # name) DO group := group.next END; IF (group = NIL) & new THEN NEW(group); COPY(name, group.name); group.subscribed := FALSE; group.readArtNrs := NIL; group.next := groups; groups := group END; RETURN group END GetGroup; PROCEDURE ReadArt(group: Group; nr: SIGNED32): BOOLEAN; VAR article: ArtNrs; BEGIN article := group.readArtNrs; WHILE (article # NIL) & (article.beg <= nr) DO IF (nr >= article.beg) & (nr <= article.end) THEN RETURN TRUE END; article := article.next END; RETURN FALSE END ReadArt; PROCEDURE ReadResponse(S: Session); VAR i: SIGNED32; BEGIN NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, S.reply); IF trace THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "RCV: "); Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END; Strings.StrToInt(S.reply, i); S.status := SHORT(i) END ReadResponse; (** Open a new session to nntp-host host on ort port. *) PROCEDURE Open*(VAR S: Session; host: ARRAY OF CHAR; port: SIGNED16); BEGIN NEW(S); IF NetTools.Connect(S.C, port, host, FALSE) THEN ReadResponse(S); IF S.status # 200 THEN NetTools.Disconnect(S.C); S.C := NIL; S.S := NIL ELSE S.S := NetTools.OpenStream(S.C); S.res := Done; RETURN END ELSE S.reply := "no connection" END; S.res := Failed END Open; PROCEDURE Open1*(VAR S: Session; host, user, passwd: ARRAY OF CHAR; port: SIGNED16); BEGIN IF trace THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "--- NNTP"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "host = "); Texts.WriteString(W, host); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "user = "); Texts.WriteString(W, user); Texts.WriteLn(W); (* Texts.WriteString(W, "passwd = "); Texts.WriteString(W, passwd); Texts.WriteLn(W); *) Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END; NEW(S); S.res := NetTools.Failed; S.C := NIL; S.S := NIL; IF host[0] = 0X THEN S.reply := "no news-host specified" ELSE (* nntp-host name available *) IF ~NetTools.Connect(S.C, port, host, FALSE) THEN S.reply := "no connection"; S.res := Failed ELSE (* Connection established. *) S.S := NetTools.OpenStream(S.C); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status # 200 THEN (* Server declined to open stream. *) NetTools.Disconnect(S.C); S.C := NIL; S.S := NIL; S.res := Failed ELSE (* Stream opened. *) IF (user[0] = 0X) OR (passwd[0] = 0X) THEN IF trace THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "(user[0] = 0X) OR (passwd[0] = 0X)). Authentication not possible "); Texts.WriteString(W, "but server may proceed without authentication."); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END ELSE(* Try to authenticate. *) Mail.SendCmd(S, "CAPABILITIES", ""); REPEAT ReadResponse(S) UNTIL S.reply[0] = "."; Mail.SendCmd(S, "AUTHINFO USER", user); ReadResponse(S); IF S.reply[0] = "3" THEN (* user received; passwd now required. *) Mail.SendCmd(S, "AUTHINFO PASS", passwd); ReadResponse(S); IF S.reply[0] = "2" THEN IF trace THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "Authentication accepted."); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); END ELSIF (S.reply[0] = "4") & (S.reply[2] = "2") THEN IF trace THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "Authentication failed/rejected."); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END END END; S.res := Done END END END END Open1; (** Close the connection for session S. *) PROCEDURE Close*(S: Session); BEGIN IF S.C # NIL THEN NetTools.Disconnect(S.C); S.C := NIL; S.S := NIL END END Close; PROCEDURE Connect(VAR S: Session): BOOLEAN; VAR NNTPHost, user, passwd: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; NNTPPort: SIGNED16; BEGIN NetTools.GetHostPort("NNTP", NNTPHost, NNTPPort, DefPort); IF NNTPHost # "" THEN NetSystem.GetPassword("nntp", NNTPHost, user, passwd); Open1(S, NNTPHost, user, passwd, NNTPPort) ELSE NEW(S); S.C := NIL; S.reply := "NNTP-Host not set"; S.res := Failed END; RETURN S.res = Done END Connect; PROCEDURE RegisterNewsAdr(host, group: ARRAY OF CHAR): SIGNED32; VAR key: SIGNED32; BEGIN COPY("news:", line); Strings.Append(line, group); IF host # "" THEN Strings.AppendCh(line, "@"); Strings.Append(line, host) END; key := HyperDocs.RegisterLink(line); RETURN key END RegisterNewsAdr; PROCEDURE WriteGroup(VAR group: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, key: SIGNED32; link: Objects.Object; BEGIN Texts.SetColor(W, SHORT(HyperDocs.linkC)); i := 0; WHILE (group[i] # 0X) & (group[i] > " ") DO Texts.Write(W, group[i]); INC(i) END; group[i] := 0X; key := RegisterNewsAdr("", group); link := HyperDocs.LinkControl(key); Texts.WriteObj(W, link); Texts.SetColor(W, SHORT(Display3.textC)); Texts.WriteLn(W) END WriteGroup; PROCEDURE SubGroups(T: Texts.Text); VAR group: Group; BEGIN group := groups; WHILE group # NIL DO IF group.subscribed THEN WriteGroup(group.name) END; group := group.next END; Texts.Append(T, W.buf) END SubGroups; (** Write al list of all available groups to T. *) PROCEDURE AllGroups*(S: Session; VAR T: Texts.Text); BEGIN NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, "LIST"); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 215 THEN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line); WHILE (line[0] # ".") OR (line[1] # 0X) DO Texts.WriteString(W, "news:"); Texts.WriteString(W, line); Texts.WriteLn(W); NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line) END; Texts.Append(T, W.buf); S.res := Done ELSE T := NIL; S.res := ErrList END END AllGroups; (** List all new groups since the last access. *) PROCEDURE NewGroups*(S: Session; date, time: SIGNED32; VAR T: Texts.Text); BEGIN line := "NEWGROUPS "; ConcatDate(line, date); Strings.AppendCh(line, " "); ConcatTime(line, time); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 231 THEN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line); WHILE (line[0] # ".") OR (line[1] # 0X) DO Texts.WriteString(W, "news:"); Texts.WriteString(W, line); Texts.WriteLn(W); NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line) END; Texts.Append(T, W.buf); S.res := Done ELSE T := NIL; S.res := ErrList END END NewGroups; PROCEDURE NewGrp(S: Session; VAR T: Texts.Text); VAR time, date: SIGNED32; BEGIN Oberon.GetClock(time, date); NewGroups(S, newgDate, newgTime, T); IF S.res = Done THEN newgDate := date; newgTime := time END END NewGrp; PROCEDURE HorzRule(): Objects.Object; VAR obj: Objects.Object; BEGIN obj := Gadgets.CreateObject("BasicFigures.NewRect3D"); Attributes.SetBool(obj, "Filled", TRUE); Attributes.SetInt(obj, "Color", Display3.textbackC); Gadgets.ModifySize(obj(Display.Frame), Display.Width, 4); RETURN obj END HorzRule; PROCEDURE WriteGrpHead(group: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Texts.Write(Wr, 22X); Texts.WriteString(Wr, "news:"); Texts.WriteString(Wr, group); Texts.Write(Wr, 22X); Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.WriteObj(Wr, HorzRule()); Texts.WriteLn(Wr) END WriteGrpHead; PROCEDURE RegisterNNTPAdr(group: ARRAY OF CHAR; artnr: SIGNED32): SIGNED32; VAR line: ARRAY NetTools.MaxLine OF CHAR; str: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; key: SIGNED32; BEGIN COPY("nntp:", line); Strings.Append(line, group); Strings.AppendCh(line, "/"); Strings.IntToStr(artnr, str); Strings.Append(line, str); key := HyperDocs.RegisterLink(line); RETURN key END RegisterNNTPAdr; PROCEDURE WriteArticle(nr: SIGNED32; VAR line: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR link: Objects.Object; i, key: SIGNED32; BEGIN IF nr >= availBeg THEN IF ~ReadArt(curGrp, nr) THEN Texts.SetColor(Wr, SHORT(Display3.red)) ELSE Texts.SetColor(Wr, SHORT(HyperDocs.linkC)) END ELSE Texts.SetColor(Wr, SHORT(Display3.textC)) END; i := 0; WHILE line[i] # 0X DO Texts.Write(Wr, line[i]); IF (line[i] = Strings.Tab) & (Wr.col # Display3.textC) THEN key := RegisterNNTPAdr(curGrp.name, nr); link := HyperDocs.LinkControl(key); Texts.WriteObj(Wr, link); Texts.SetColor(Wr, SHORT(Display3.textC)) END; INC(i) END; Texts.WriteLn(Wr); Texts.SetColor(Wr, SHORT(Display3.textC)) END WriteArticle; PROCEDURE ListArts(T: Texts.Text); VAR R: Files.Rider; key, org: SIGNED32; BEGIN Files.Set(R, refs, 0); Files.ReadLInt(R, org); WHILE ~R.eof DO Files.ReadLInt(R, key); Files.Set(R, refs, org); Files.ReadString(R, line); WriteArticle(key, line); Texts.Insert(T, 0, Wr.buf); Files.ReadLInt(R, org) END END ListArts; PROCEDURE enumThread(key, org: SIGNED32; VAR cont: BOOLEAN); VAR R: Files.Rider; sorg, app, i, oldThread: SIGNED32; inthread: BOOLEAN; BEGIN inthread := FALSE; Files.Set(R, refs, org); Files.ReadLInt(R, sorg); Files.ReadLInt(R, app); Files.ReadLInt(R, app); WHILE (app >= 0) & ~inthread DO (* for all references *) inthread := thread = app; Files.ReadLInt(R, app) END; IF inthread & ~marked[key-beg] THEN marked[key-beg] := TRUE; Files.Set(R, refs, sorg); Files.ReadString(R, line); FOR i := 1 TO level DO Texts.Write(Wr, Strings.Tab) END; WriteArticle(key, line); oldThread := thread; thread := org; INC(level); BTrees.EnumLInt(indexA, key+1, end, enumThread); thread := oldThread; DEC(level) END END enumThread; PROCEDURE Thread(T: Texts.Text); VAR R: Files.Rider; a, org, sorg, porg: SIGNED32; re: SIGNED16; BEGIN NEW(marked, MaxMessages); FOR a := 0 TO MaxMessages-1 DO marked[a] := FALSE END; IF (end - beg) >= MaxMessages THEN beg := end - MaxMessages + 1 END; NetTools.curLen := end-beg; FOR a := beg TO end DO (* from oldest to newest *) BTrees.SearchLInt(indexA, a, org, re); IF re = BTrees.Done THEN Files.Set(R, refs, org); Files.ReadLInt(R, sorg); Files.ReadLInt(R, porg); Files.ReadLInt(R, porg); IF porg < 0 THEN (* article has no references *) Files.Set(R, refs, sorg); Files.ReadString(R, line); WriteArticle(a, line); marked[a-beg] := TRUE; thread := org; level := 1; BTrees.EnumLInt(indexA, a+1, end, enumThread) (* enum all newer articles *) ELSIF ~marked[a-beg] THEN (* article not yet marked *) Files.Set(R, refs, sorg); Files.ReadString(R, line); WriteArticle(a, line); marked[a-beg] := TRUE END; Texts.Insert(T, 0, Wr.buf) END END; marked := NIL END Thread; (** List all available articles in group in a certain range. 0-0 = all *) PROCEDURE ArticleRange(S: Session; group: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR T: Texts.Text; thread: BOOLEAN; from, to: SIGNED32); VAR nr: SIGNED32; org, org2, org3, fixup: SIGNED32; str: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; msgid: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; dummy: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; R: Files.Rider; i, j, iRef, bres: SIGNED16; BEGIN line := "GROUP "; Strings.Append(line, group); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 211 THEN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); i := 0; Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, beg, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, beg, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, beg, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, end, i); Texts.WriteString(W, group); Texts.WriteString(W, " available: "); Texts.WriteInt(W, beg, 1); Texts.Write(W, "-"); Texts.WriteInt(W, end, 1); IF (from # 0) & (to = 0) THEN (* get 'from' newest articles *) beg := end - from + 1 ELSIF (from # 0) & (to # 0) THEN (* from-to articles *) beg := from; end := to END; (* be careful that your number range is smaller than MaxMessages *) IF (end - beg) >= MaxMessages THEN beg := end - MaxMessages + 1 END; Texts.WriteString(W, ", get "); Texts.WriteInt(W, beg, 1); Texts.Write(W, "-"); Texts.WriteInt(W, end, 1); IF curGrpNewOnly THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " unread") END; Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); indexM := BTrees.NewStr(Files.New("), 0, SHORT(2*(end-beg))); BTrees.Flush(indexM); indexA := BTrees.NewLInt(BTrees.Base(indexM), Files.Length(BTrees.Base(indexM)), SHORT(2*(end-beg))); NetTools.curLen := end-beg; availBeg := beg; refs := Files.New("); Files.Set(R, refs, 0); line := "XOVER "; Strings.IntToStr(beg, str); Strings.Append(line, str); Strings.AppendCh(line, "-"); Strings.IntToStr(end, str); Strings.Append(line, str); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 224 THEN curGrp := GetGroup(group, TRUE); NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line); WHILE (line[0] # ".") OR (line[1] # 0X) DO (* parse "message" line *) Strings.StrToInt(line, nr); IF ~curGrpNewOnly OR ~ReadArt(curGrp, nr) THEN i := 0; j := 0; WHILE (line[i] # 0X) & (j < 4) DO IF line[i] = Strings.Tab THEN INC(j) END; INC(i) END; line[i-1] := 0X; j := 0; WHILE (line[i] > " ") & (line[i] # ">") DO msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; IF line[i] = ">" THEN msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; msgid[j] := 0X; Strings.Upper(msgid, msgid); WHILE (line[i] # 0X) & (line[i] # "<") DO INC(i) END; org := Files.Pos(R); BTrees.InsertStr(indexM, msgid, org, bres); (* add msgid to msgs index *) BTrees.InsertLInt(indexA, nr, org, bres); Files.WriteLInt(R, -1); (* offset of title line *) Files.WriteLInt(R, nr); (* the article nr. for article msgid *) iRef := i; fixup := 0; WHILE line[i] = "<" DO j := 0; WHILE (line[i] > " ") & (line[i] # ">") DO msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; IF line[i] = ">" THEN msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; msgid[j] := 0X; Strings.Upper(msgid, msgid); BTrees.SearchStr(indexM, msgid, org2, bres); (* lookup the msgid referenced *) IF bres = BTrees.Done THEN Files.WriteLInt(R, org2) (* add it to the references list *) ELSE (* referenced article no longer available *) Files.WriteLInt(R, -2); INC(fixup) END; WHILE (line[i] # 0X) & (line[i] # "<") DO INC(i) END END; Files.WriteLInt(R, -1); (* end of reference list *) org2 := Files.Pos(R); Files.Set(R, refs, org); (* fixup for title line *) Files.WriteLInt(R, org2); Files.Set(R, refs, org2); (* write the title line *) Files.WriteString(R, line); IF thread & (fixup > 0) THEN Files.Set(R, refs, org); Files.ReadLInt(R, org); Files.ReadLInt(R, org); i := iRef; WHILE line[i] = "<" DO j := 0; WHILE (line[i] > " ") & (line[i] # ">") DO msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; IF line[i] = ">" THEN msgid[j] := line[i]; INC(j); INC(i) END; msgid[j] := 0X; Strings.Upper(msgid, msgid); Files.ReadLInt(R, org); IF org = -2 THEN org2 := Files.Length(refs); DEC(beg); BTrees.InsertStr(indexM, msgid, org2, bres); BTrees.InsertLInt(indexA, beg, org2, bres); org := Files.Pos(R)-4; Files.Set(R, refs, org2); Files.WriteLInt(R, -1); (* offset of title line *) Files.WriteLInt(R, beg); (* the article nr. for article msgid *) Files.WriteLInt(R, -1); (* end of reference list *) org3 := Files.Pos(R); Strings.IntToStr(beg, dummy); Strings.AppendCh(dummy, Strings.Tab); Strings.Append(dummy, "Was: "); Strings.Append(dummy, msgid); Files.WriteString(R, dummy); (* write the title line *) Files.Set(R, refs, org2); Files.WriteLInt(R, org3); (* fixup for title line *) Files.Set(R, refs, org); Files.WriteLInt(R, org2); DEC(fixup) END; WHILE (line[i] # 0X) & (line[i] # "<") DO INC(i) END END; org := Files.Length(refs); Files.Set(R, refs, org) END END; NetSystem.ReadString(S.C, line) END; S.res := Done ELSE S.res := ErrXOver END ELSE S.res := ErrGroup END; IF S.res = Done THEN IF thread THEN Thread(T) ELSE ListArts(T) END; Texts.Append(T, Wr.buf); WriteGrpHead(group); Texts.Insert(T, 0, Wr.buf) END; curGrp := NIL; refs := NIL; indexM := NIL; indexA := NIL END ArticleRange; (** List all available articles in group. *) PROCEDURE Articles*(S: Session; group: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR T: Texts.Text; thread: BOOLEAN); BEGIN ArticleRange(S, group, T, thread, 0, 0) END Articles; PROCEDURE ReadString(VAR R: Texts.Reader; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR l, i: SIZE; ch: CHAR; BEGIN l := LEN(s)-1; i := 0; Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE ~R.eot & (ch # Strings.CR) & (i < l) DO IF R.lib IS Fonts.Font THEN s[i] := ch; INC(i) END; Texts.Read(R, ch) END; s[i] := 0X END ReadString; PROCEDURE ReadArticle(S: Session; VAR T: Texts.Text); VAR h: MIME.Header; cont: MIME.Content; out: Streams.Stream; val: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; pos: SIGNED32; mT: Texts.Text; i: SIGNED16; BEGIN out := TextStreams.OpenWriter(T); MIME.ReadHeader(S.S, out, h, pos); out.Flush(out); Mail.ParseContent(h, cont); pos := MIME.FindField(h, "Xref"); IF pos > 0 THEN MIME.ExtractValue(h, pos, line); i := 0; pos := 0; WHILE line[pos] # 0X DO IF line[pos] <= " " THEN i := 0; INC(pos) ELSIF line[pos] = ":" THEN val[i] := 0X; INC(pos); i := SHORT(pos); Strings.StrToIntPos(line, pos, i); AddArtNr(GetGroup(val, TRUE), pos); pos := i ELSE val[i] := line[pos]; INC(i); INC(pos) END END END; Texts.Append(T, W.buf); (*Texts.WriteLn(W);*) cont.len := MAX(SIGNED32); IF cont.typ.typ # "multipart" THEN MIME.ReadText(S.S, W, cont, TRUE) ELSE Texts.Append(T, W.buf); MIME.ReadMultipartText(S.S, mT, cont, TRUE); Texts.Save(mT, 0, mT.len, W.buf) END; Texts.Append(T, W.buf); IF (cont.typ.typ = "application") & (cont.encoding IN {MIME.EncAsciiCoder, MIME.EncAsciiCoderC, MIME.EncAsciiCoderCPlain}) THEN Mail.DecodeMessage(T, h, cont, -1); ELSIF NetTools.QueryString("NewsFont", val) & (Fonts.This(val) # NIL) THEN newsFont := Fonts.This(val); Texts.ChangeLooks(T, 0, T.len, {0}, newsFont, 0, 0) END END ReadArticle; (** Retrieve article with number artnr in group. *) PROCEDURE ArticleByNr*(S: Session; group: ARRAY OF CHAR; artnr: SIGNED32; VAR T: Texts.Text); VAR str: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; BEGIN line := "GROUP "; Strings.Append(line, group); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 211 THEN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); line := "STAT "; Strings.IntToStr(artnr, str); Strings.Append(line, str); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 223 THEN line := "ARTICLE"; NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 220 THEN AddArtNr(GetGroup(group, TRUE), artnr); ReadArticle(S, T); S.res := Done ELSE S.res := ErrArticle END ELSE S.res := ErrStat END ELSE S.res := ErrGroup END END ArticleByNr; (** Retrieve the article with the message-id msgid. *) PROCEDURE ArticleByMsgId*(S: Session; msgid: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR T: Texts.Text); BEGIN line := "ARTICLE <"; Strings.Append(line, msgid); Strings.AppendCh(line, ">"); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 220 THEN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, "); ReadArticle(S, T); S.res := Done ELSE S.res := ErrArticle END END ArticleByMsgId; PROCEDURE ReadGroupName(VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR R: Texts.Reader; beg, end, time: SIGNED32; text: Texts.Text; ch: CHAR; BEGIN COPY(", name); Texts.OpenReader(R, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE ~R.eot & (ch <= " ") DO Texts.Read(R, ch) END; IF ~R.eot & (ch = "^") THEN time := -1; text := NIL; Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF (text # NIL) & (time >= 0) THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, text, beg); Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE ~R.eot & (ch <= " ") DO Texts.Read(R, ch) END ELSE RETURN END END; IF ch = 22X THEN Texts.Read(R, ch) END; beg := 0; WHILE ~R.eot & (ch > " ") & (ch # 22X) DO name[beg] := ch; INC(beg); IF ch = ":" THEN beg := 0 END; Texts.Read(R, ch) END; name[beg] := 0X END ReadGroupName; (** News.SubGroup ^ Subscribe a group (selection). *) PROCEDURE SubGroup*; VAR name: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; group: Group; BEGIN ReadGroupName(name); IF name # "" THEN group := GetGroup(name, TRUE); group.subscribed := TRUE; Texts.WriteString(W, name); Texts.WriteString(W, " subcribed"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END SubGroup; (** News.UnsubGroup ^ Unsubscribe a group (selection). *) PROCEDURE UnsubGroup*; VAR name: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; group: Group; BEGIN ReadGroupName(name); IF name # "" THEN Texts.WriteString(W, name); group := GetGroup(name, FALSE); IF group # NIL THEN group.subscribed := FALSE; Texts.WriteString(W, " unsubcribed") ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, " not found") END; Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END UnsubGroup; PROCEDURE catchUp(S: Session; group: Group); VAR end: SIGNED32; art: ArtNrs; i: SIGNED16; BEGIN line := "GROUP "; Strings.Append(line, group.name); NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, line); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 211 THEN i := 0; Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, end, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, end, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, end, i); Strings.StrToIntPos(S.reply, end, i) ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply);Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); art := group.readArtNrs; WHILE art # NIL DO IF art.end > end THEN end := art.end END; art := art.next END END; NEW(art); art.beg := 0; art.end := end; art.next := NIL; group.readArtNrs := art END catchUp; (** News.CatchUp ^ Mark all articles in a group (selection) as read. *) PROCEDURE CatchUp*; VAR name: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; group: Group; S: Session; BEGIN ReadGroupName(name); IF name # "" THEN group := GetGroup(name, TRUE); IF Connect(S) THEN catchUp(S, group) END; IF (S # NIL) & (S.res # Done) THEN Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END; Close(S) END END CatchUp; (** News.CatchUpAll Mark all articles in all subscribed groups. *) PROCEDURE CatchUpAll*; VAR group: Group; S: Session; BEGIN IF Connect(S) THEN group := groups; WHILE group # NIL DO IF group.subscribed THEN catchUp(S, group) END; group := group.next END END; IF (S # NIL) & (S.res # Done) THEN Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END; Close(S) END CatchUpAll; PROCEDURE SplitNewsAdr(VAR url, host, groupart: ARRAY OF CHAR): SIGNED32; VAR key: SIGNED32; i, j, l: SIZE; iskey: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Blanks; BEGIN WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] <= " ") DO INC(i) END END Blanks; BEGIN HyperDocs.UnESC(url); i := 0; Blanks(); (* skip news *) WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] # ":") DO INC(i) END; (* skip : *) WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] = ":") DO INC(i) END; Blanks(); (* get groupart *) iskey := TRUE; l := LEN(groupart); j := 0; WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] # "@") DO IF (url[i] > " ") & ~Strings.IsDigit(url[i]) THEN iskey := FALSE END; IF j < l THEN groupart[j] := url[i]; INC(j) END; INC(i) END; groupart[j] := 0X; DEC(j); WHILE (j >= 0) & (groupart[j] <= " ") DO groupart[j] := 0X; DEC(j) END; IF (url[i] = 0X) & iskey THEN IF groupart # "" THEN Strings.StrToInt(groupart, key); HyperDocs.RetrieveLink(key, line); key := SplitNewsAdr(line, host, groupart); RETURN key ELSE RETURN HyperDocs.UndefKey END ELSIF url[i] = "@" THEN INC(i); l := LEN(host); j := 0; WHILE url[i] # 0X DO IF j < l THEN host[j] := url[i]; INC(j) END; INC(i) END; host[j] := 0X; DEC(j); WHILE (j >= 0) & (host[j] <= " ") DO host[j] := 0X; DEC(j) END ELSE COPY("", host) END; key := RegisterNewsAdr(host, groupart); RETURN key END SplitNewsAdr; PROCEDURE SplitNNTPAdr(VAR url, group: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR artnr: SIGNED32): SIGNED32; VAR i, j, l: SIZE; key: SIGNED32; iskey: BOOLEAN; str: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE Blanks; BEGIN WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] <= " ") DO INC(i) END END Blanks; BEGIN HyperDocs.UnESC(url); i := 0; Blanks(); (* skip nntp *) WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] # ":") DO INC(i) END; (* skip : *) WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] = ":") DO INC(i) END; Blanks(); (* get group *) iskey := TRUE; l := LEN(group); j := 0; WHILE (url[i] # 0X) & (url[i] # "/") DO IF (url[i] > " ") & ~Strings.IsDigit(url[i]) THEN iskey := FALSE END; IF j < l THEN group[j] := url[i]; INC(j) END; INC(i) END; group[j] := 0X; DEC(j); WHILE (j >= 0) & (group[j] <= " ") DO group[j] := 0X; DEC(j) END; IF (url[i] = 0X) & iskey THEN IF group # "" THEN Strings.StrToInt(group, key); HyperDocs.RetrieveLink(key, line); key := SplitNNTPAdr(line, group, artnr); RETURN key ELSE RETURN -1 END ELSIF url[i] = "/" THEN INC(i); l := 12; j := 0; WHILE url[i] # 0X DO IF j < l THEN str[j] := url[i]; INC(j) END; INC(i) END; str[j] := 0X; Strings.StrToInt(str, artnr) ELSE artnr := 0 END; key := RegisterNNTPAdr(group, artnr); RETURN key END SplitNNTPAdr; PROCEDURE DocHandler(D: Objects.Object; VAR M: Objects.ObjMsg); BEGIN WITH D: Documents.Document DO TextDocs.DocHandler(D, M) END END DocHandler; (* Find the line containing pos. *) PROCEDURE FindBeg(T: Texts.Text; VAR pos: SIGNED32); VAR R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE (pos > 0) & ((ch # Strings.CR) OR ~(R.lib IS Fonts.Font)) DO DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch) END; IF ch = Strings.CR THEN INC(pos) END END FindBeg; PROCEDURE LoadDoc(D: Documents.Document); VAR host: ARRAY NetTools.ServerStrLen OF CHAR; group, msgid: ARRAY NetTools.PathStrLen OF CHAR; T: Texts.Text; pos, artnr, artnr1: SIGNED32; date, time: SIGNED32; S: Session; obj, t: Objects.Object; F: Texts.Finder; article: BOOLEAN; sPos: SIGNED16; BEGIN S := NIL; article := FALSE; D.dsc := NIL; IF (D.name = "") OR (D.name = "subgroups") THEN TextDocs.InitDoc(D); NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); SubGroups(T); IF T.len = 0 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "No subscribed groups"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(T, W.buf) END; COPY("Subscribed Groups", D.name) ELSIF D.name = "newgroups" THEN IF Connect(S) THEN date := newgDate; time := newgTime; TextDocs.InitDoc(D); NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); NewGrp(S, T); IF T # NIL THEN IF T.len = 0 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "No new groups since ") ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, "New groups since ") END; Texts.WriteDate(W, time, date); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Insert(T, 0, W.buf) END; COPY("New Groups", D.name); Close(S) END ELSIF D.name = "news:" THEN IF Connect(S) THEN TextDocs.InitDoc(D); COPY("All Groups", D.name); AllGroups(S, T); Close(S) END ELSIF Strings.CAPPrefix("news:", D.name) THEN IF SplitNewsAdr(D.name, host, group) # HyperDocs.UndefKey THEN IF Connect(S) THEN TextDocs.InitDoc(D); curGrpNewOnly := FALSE; IF group = "" THEN COPY("All Groups", D.name); AllGroups(S, T) ELSIF host = "" THEN COPY(group, D.name); Articles(S, group, T, NetTools.QueryBool("NewsThreading")) ELSE (* news:<group>@<number[-<number>][\n] *) sPos := 0; Strings.StrToIntPos(host, artnr, sPos); IF artnr # 0 THEN (* a number was found *) IF host[sPos] = "-" THEN (* a range *) INC(sPos); Strings.StrToIntPos(host, artnr1, sPos) (* get articles #artnr to #artnr1 *) ELSE artnr1 := 0 (* get the artnr newest articles *) END; curGrpNewOnly := (host[sPos] = "\" ) & (host[sPos+1] = "n" ); (* look for option \n *) ArticleRange(S, group, T, NetTools.QueryBool("NewsThreading"), artnr, artnr1) ELSE (* a real host *) COPY(group, msgid); Strings.AppendCh(msgid, "@"); Strings.Append(msgid, host); COPY(msgid, D.name); ArticleByMsgId(S, msgid, T); article := TRUE END END; Close(S) END END ELSIF Strings.CAPPrefix("nntp:", D.name) THEN IF SplitNNTPAdr(D.name, group, artnr) # HyperDocs.UndefKey THEN IF Connect(S) THEN TextDocs.InitDoc(D); ArticleByNr(S, group, artnr, T); COPY(group, D.name); Strings.AppendCh(D.name, "."); Strings.IntToStr(artnr, msgid); Strings.Append(D.name, msgid); article := TRUE; IF (S.res = Done) & (Gadgets.executorObj # NIL) & (Gadgets.executorObj IS TextGadgets.Control) THEN Links.GetLink(Gadgets.context, "Model", t); IF (t # NIL) & (t IS Texts.Text) THEN Texts.OpenFinder(F, t(Texts.Text), 0); pos := F.pos; Texts.FindObj(F, obj); WHILE ~F.eot DO IF obj = Gadgets.executorObj THEN artnr := pos; FindBeg(t(Texts.Text), artnr); Texts.ChangeLooks(t(Texts.Text), artnr, pos-1, {1}, NIL, SHORT(HyperDocs.linkC), 0) END; pos := F.pos; Texts.FindObj(F, obj) END END END; Close(S) END END ELSE HALT(99) END; IF (S # NIL) & (S.res # Done) THEN D.dsc := NIL; Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) ELSE Links.SetLink(D.dsc, "Model", T); D.W := HyperDocs.docW; D.H := HyperDocs.docH; IF ~article THEN D.handle := DocHandler END END; IF HyperDocs.context # NIL THEN HyperDocs.context.replace := FALSE; HyperDocs.context.history := FALSE END END LoadDoc; PROCEDURE NewDoc*; VAR D: Documents.Document; BEGIN NEW(D); D.Load := LoadDoc; D.Store := NIL; D.handle := NIL; Objects.NewObj := D END NewDoc; (** News.ShowAllGroups Show all newsgroups. *) PROCEDURE ShowAllGroups*; VAR doc: Documents.Document; BEGIN NewDoc(); doc := Objects.NewObj(Documents.Document); doc.name := "news:"; doc.Load(doc); IF (doc # NIL) & (doc.dsc # NIL) THEN Desktops.ShowDoc(doc) END END ShowAllGroups; (** News.ShowNewGroups Show new groups since last access. *) PROCEDURE ShowNewGroups*; VAR doc: Documents.Document; BEGIN NewDoc(); doc := Objects.NewObj(Documents.Document); doc.name := "newgroups"; doc.Load(doc); IF (doc # NIL) & (doc.dsc # NIL) THEN Desktops.ShowDoc(doc) END END ShowNewGroups; (** News.SubscribedGroups List subscribed groups. *) PROCEDURE SubscribedGroups*; VAR doc: Documents.Document; BEGIN NewDoc(); doc := Objects.NewObj(Documents.Document); doc.name := "subgroups"; doc.Load(doc); IF (doc # NIL) & (doc.dsc # NIL) THEN Desktops.ShowDoc(doc) END END SubscribedGroups; PROCEDURE NewsSchemeHandler(L: Objects.Object; VAR M: Objects.ObjMsg); VAR host: ARRAY NetTools.ServerStrLen OF CHAR; group: ARRAY NetTools.PathStrLen OF CHAR; BEGIN WITH L: HyperDocs.LinkScheme DO IF M IS HyperDocs.RegisterLinkMsg THEN WITH M: HyperDocs.RegisterLinkMsg DO M.key := SplitNewsAdr(M.link, host, group); IF M.key # HyperDocs.UndefKey THEN M.res := 0 END END ELSIF M IS Objects.AttrMsg THEN WITH M: Objects.AttrMsg DO IF (M.id = Objects.get) & (M.name = "Gen") THEN M.class := Objects.String; M.s := "News.NewNewsLinkScheme"; M.res := 0 ELSE HyperDocs.LinkSchemeHandler(L, M) END END ELSE HyperDocs.LinkSchemeHandler(L, M) END END END NewsSchemeHandler; PROCEDURE NewNewsLinkScheme*; VAR L: HyperDocs.LinkScheme; BEGIN NEW(L); L.handle := NewsSchemeHandler; L.usePath := FALSE; Objects.NewObj := L END NewNewsLinkScheme; PROCEDURE NNTPSchemeHandler(L: Objects.Object; VAR M: Objects.ObjMsg); VAR group: ARRAY NetTools.PathStrLen OF CHAR; artnr: SIGNED32; BEGIN WITH L: HyperDocs.LinkScheme DO IF M IS HyperDocs.RegisterLinkMsg THEN WITH M: HyperDocs.RegisterLinkMsg DO M.key := SplitNNTPAdr(M.link, group, artnr); IF M.key # HyperDocs.UndefKey THEN M.res := 0 END END ELSIF M IS Objects.AttrMsg THEN WITH M: Objects.AttrMsg DO IF (M.id = Objects.get) & (M.name = "Gen") THEN M.class := Objects.String; M.s := "News.NewNNTPLinkScheme"; M.res := 0 ELSE HyperDocs.LinkSchemeHandler(L, M) END END ELSE HyperDocs.LinkSchemeHandler(L, M) END END END NNTPSchemeHandler; PROCEDURE NewNNTPLinkScheme*; VAR L: HyperDocs.LinkScheme; BEGIN NEW(L); L.handle := NNTPSchemeHandler; L.usePath := FALSE; Objects.NewObj := L END NewNNTPLinkScheme; PROCEDURE SendArticle*(S: Session; T: Texts.Text; cont: MIME.Content); VAR s: Streams.Stream; h: MIME.Header; head: Texts.Text; R: Texts.Reader; end: SIGNED32; ch: CHAR; BEGIN NetSystem.WriteString(S.C, "POST"); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 340 THEN s := TextStreams.OpenReader(T, 0); MIME.ReadHeader(s, NIL, h, end); NEW(head); Texts.Open(head, ""); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, end); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF (ch = Strings.CR) OR (ch = Strings.LF) THEN WHILE (end > 0) & ((ch = Strings.CR) OR (ch = Strings.LF)) DO DEC(end); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, end); Texts.Read(R, ch) END; INC(end); IF end > T.len THEN end := T.len END END; Texts.Save(T, 0, end, W.buf); Texts.Append(head, W.buf); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, end); Texts.Read(R, ch); WHILE (ch = Strings.CR) OR (ch = Strings.LF) DO Texts.Read(R, ch); INC(end) END; Mail.GetSetting("EMail", S.from, FALSE); Mail.SendText(S, head, T, end-1, T.len, cont); ReadResponse(S); IF S.status = 240 THEN S.res := Done; Mail.SendReplyLine(S, cont) ELSE S.res := ErrPost END ELSE S.res := ErrPost END END SendArticle; (** News.Send [mime] * Send article (the marked text), mime: ascii : text/plain, us-ascii iso : text/plain, iso 8bit oberon : text/plain with application/compressed/oberondoc attachment <no mime> : - Simple Text without different colors or fonts no Umlaut -> ascii Umlaut -> iso - Text without objects, but with different colors or fonts -> oberon - Text with objects -> ooberon *) PROCEDURE Send*; VAR T, sig: Texts.Text; cont: MIME.Content; Sc: Attributes.Scanner; S: Session; val: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN T := Oberon.MarkedText(); IF T # NIL THEN NEW(cont); cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType("text/plain"); Attributes.OpenScanner(Sc, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Sc.s := ""; Attributes.Scan(Sc); IF CAP(Sc.s[0]) = "O" THEN cont.typ := MIME.GetContentType(MIME.OberonMime); cont.encoding := MIME.EncAsciiCoderC ELSIF CAP(Sc.s[0]) = "A" THEN cont.encoding := MIME.EncBin ELSIF CAP(Sc.s[0]) = "I" THEN cont.encoding := MIME.Enc8Bit ELSE Mail.QueryContType(T, 0, cont) END; Mail.GetSetting("NewsSignature", val, FALSE); IF val # " THEN NEW(sig); Texts.Open(sig, val); IF sig.len > 0 THEN Texts.Save(T, 0, T.len, W.buf); NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, "); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(T, W.buf); Texts.Save(sig, 0, sig.len, W.buf); Texts.Append(T, W.buf) END END; Texts.WriteString(W, "sending "); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); IF Connect(S) THEN SendArticle(S, T, cont) END; Texts.WriteString(W, S.reply); Close(S); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END Send; (** News.Reply (selection) Compose a minimal followup article for the selected article. *) PROCEDURE Reply*; VAR T, text: Texts.Text; S: Attributes.Scanner; time, beg, end: SIGNED32; par, msgid, from: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; R: Texts.Reader; lib: Objects.Library; grp, sub, frm: BOOLEAN; BEGIN lib := W.lib; Texts.SetFont(W, newsFont); grp := FALSE; sub := FALSE; frm := FALSE; Mail.GetSetting("EMail", EMail, FALSE); Attributes.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN text := NIL; time := -1; Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time < 0 THEN text := NIL END ELSE text := Oberon.MarkedText(); beg := 0 END; from := "nobody"; msgid := "<>"; IF text # NIL THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, text, beg); ReadString(R, line); WHILE ~R.eot & (line # "") DO IF Strings.CAPPrefix("Message-ID:", line) THEN Strings.GetPar(line, msgid); Texts.WriteString(W, "References: "); Texts.WriteString(W, msgid); Texts.WriteLn(W) ELSIF Strings.CAPPrefix("Subject:", line) THEN sub := TRUE; Strings.GetPar(line, par); Texts.WriteString(W, "Subject: "); Mail.Re(W, par); Texts.WriteLn(W) ELSIF Strings.CAPPrefix("Newsgroups:", line) THEN grp := TRUE; frm := TRUE; Texts.WriteString(W, line); Texts.WriteLn(W); Strings.GetPar(line, par); Texts.WriteString(W, "Followup-To: "); Texts.WriteString(W, par); Texts.WriteLn(W) ELSIF Strings.CAPPrefix("From:", line) THEN Strings.GetPar(line, from) END; ReadString(R, line) END END; NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ""); Texts.Append(T, W.buf); IF ~grp THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "Newsgroups: "); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Insert(T, 0, W.buf) END; IF ~frm THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "From: "); Texts.WriteString(W, EMail); Texts.WriteLn(W) END; IF ~sub THEN Texts.WriteString(W, "Subject: "); Texts.WriteLn(W) END; Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.WriteString(W, "In article "); Texts.WriteString(W, msgid); Texts.WriteString(W, ", "); Texts.WriteString(W, from); Texts.WriteString(W, " wrote: "); Texts.WriteLn(W); IF text # NIL THEN Texts.WriteLn(W); Mail.CiteText(W, text, Texts.Pos(R), text.len) END; Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(T, W.buf); Texts.SetFont(W, lib); TextDocs.ShowText("Article.Text", T, HyperDocs.docW, HyperDocs.docH) END Reply; BEGIN trace := NetTools.QueryBool("TraceNews"); Texts.OpenWriter(W); Texts.OpenWriter(Wr); LoadInitText(); Modules.InstallTermHandler(storeInitText) END News. News.Read.Text News.StoreInitText System.Free News ~
360 Assembly/Privileged Instructions. Privileged Instructions are programming instructions that need to be restrited to the operating system in order to protect system resources, system integrity, or system security. These include, but are not limited to: It's probably best to restrict privileged functions to the operating system than allow just anyone to use them willy-nilly.
Yoruba/Adjectives. Yoruba Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Here are some examples:
Analytic Combinatorics/Cauchy-Hadamard theorem and Cauchy's inequality. Introduction. Two of the most basic means of estimating coefficients of generating functions are the Cauchy-Hadamard theorem and Cauchy's inequality. We also include some background knowledge which will be useful for future chapters. Cauchy-Hadamard theorem. Limit superior. One key concept in analysis is a sequence of numbers. In our case, the sequence of numbers could be the coefficients of the generating function we are interested in, written formula_1. A point of accumulation of a sequence is a number formula_2 such that, given formula_3, there are infinitely many formula_4 such that For example, the sequence of coefficients of formula_6 (formula_7) has point of accumulation formula_8. formula_9 (formula_10) has point of accumulation formula_11. formula_12 (formula_13) has two points of accumulation, formula_11 and formula_8. One useful property of a sequence of numbers is its limit superior, written formula_16. This is the least upper bound of the set of points of accumulation of the sequence formula_17. In our above examples, these would be formula_8, formula_11 and formula_8 respectively. Convergence. formula_21 is said to converge if its series expansion formula_22 equals a finite value. It may only do so for particular values of formula_23. There are various tests for whether or not a series converges and for which values of formula_23. For example, formula_6 has series expansion formula_26. We can test this series for convergence with the D'Alembert's ratio test which states that the series converges if In our example, the ratio is formula_28 which is only less than formula_8 if formula_30. Therefore, the series converges for values less than formula_8. The radius of convergence of formula_21 is the value formula_33 such that for formula_34 the series expansion converges. In our example, the radius of convergence of formula_6 is formula_8. It should be noted that the radius of convergence is equal to the smallest singularity of a function. We will read about singularities later. Theorem. If formula_37 and formula_38 its radius of convergence then: One consequence of this theorem is: Proof. Proof due to Wilf and Lang. The radius of convergence formula_38 of a function formula_21 means that if formula_45 then formula_46. Take formula_37, formula_38 its radius of convergence and formula_49. By definition of formula_50, for all but a finite number of formula_4 formula_21 does not converge if formula_54 (because otherwise formula_55 for all formula_4 and so diverges by D'Alembert's ratio test), therefore formula_57. By definition of formula_50, there exist infinitely many formula_4 formula_21 does not converge if formula_62, therefore formula_63. If formula_57 and formula_63 then formula_66 and formula_39. Now, we prove the consequence of the theorem. If, formula_39 and, by definition of formula_50, for all but a finite number of formula_4 and there exist infinitely many formula_4 Cauchy's inequality. Complex numbers. A complex number is a number formula_74 where formula_75 and formula_76 are both real numbers and formula_77 is the imaginary unit where formula_78. formula_75 is called the real component and formula_76 the imaginary component (even though formula_76 is itself a real number). Contour integration. Because a complex number has two components, real and imaginary, complex integration involves integrating around a curve in the two-dimensional plane. This is called contour integration. We denote this: where formula_83 denotes the contour. It is not necessary to know how to compute contour integrals in order to understand the later material in this book. Analytic functions. A function formula_21 is analytic at a point formula_33 if it is defined, single-valued and has a derivative at every point at and around formula_33. We say a function formula_21 is analytic on a set of points formula_88 if it is analytic at every point of formula_88. One property of an analytic function is that when performing contour integration on a "closed" contour formula_83 we can continuously deform the contour formula_83 into another "closed" contour formula_92 without changing the value of the integral (as long as in deforming the contour we do not pass through any singularities). Cauchy's integral formula. Cauchy's integral formula states: where formula_83 is a contour, formula_33 is a point inside formula_83 and formula_21 is analytic on and inside the contour. Proof: Because formula_21 is analytic, we can replace the integral around formula_83 with a contour formula_100 with centre formula_33 and radius formula_102 As formula_21 is analytic it is also continuous. This means for any formula_3 there exists a formula_106 such that formula_107. We can do this by setting formula_108. Finally, Taylor series. If formula_21 is analytic inside and on a contour formula_83, the Taylor series expansion of formula_21 around the point formula_33 inside formula_83: Cauchy's coefficient formula. Cauchy's coefficient formula states that: Proof: Cauchy's integral formula states: If you differentiate both sides with respect to formula_33 formula_4 times, you get: The Taylor series expansion of formula_21 around formula_11: Therefore: Theorem. Theorem due to Titchmarsh. If formula_38 is the radius of convergence of formula_21, for all formula_131 and formula_132 Proof. Proof due to Titchmarsh. By Cauchy's coefficient formula: Pictorially, we are estimating the contour integral by taking formula_135 always at its maximum around the entire contour, shown by the green ring below.
Themes in Literature/Isolation and Community/The Deluded Self. Introduction. Humans in the modern world have grown to become smarter, with a mindset that constantly adapts to modern technology and new experiences. However, with the passage of time, we have also learned and developed ways of improving social relations and self-image, as the need for public approval and pride has become evident in recent times, such as through the use of Instagram and the rising popularity of content creators. Young people, who are still discovering their "truth", may find it compelling to strive for that endless validation. However, what many fail to realize are the implications this can have on a person's mental condition and morals - not only letting others validate them but also eventually becoming slaves to the pride that fears what the governing eyes of others may see and reveal. Self-delusion has been, and will always be, an unconscious psychological behavior that people resort to in their daily lives. To delude your true self, creating a lie that allows a person to switch their "image," is more common than you might think, and it isn't necessarily bad. While we are lying to ourselves, it enables us to protect our vulnerable ego and our conscience from the pain of reality, boosting our ability to perform as self-delusion transforms into confidence. Moreover, by convincing ourselves of that lie, it becomes easier to convince others, as it now seems as trustworthy as any other belief. However, there are cases when self-delusion reveals itself to be self-deception, a lie made with the sole intent of improving social status, stemming from the exaggeration of over-confidence and insecurity. These are cases where self-delusion becomes toxic to one's authenticity, blurring the lines between genuineness and "putting up an act", aiming towards desire and grandeur. We can see instances like these in the news, such as the case of . Through her strong self-belief in her potential to become a successful entrepreneur, she was able to do so, eventually being declared the youngest self-made billionaire in 2015. However, the public did not realize the fraud she had committed to achieve that status until 2018. The lies about her product went undetected due to her strong persuasion in attracting investors, sourced from being self-delusional. She even continued to exhibit this type of behavior during her trial when trying to justify her products, refusing to admit the lie when evidence pointed otherwise. Texts. "Dream House as Choose Your Own Adventure" is a chapter in Carmen Maria Machado's memoir "In The Dream House". The memoir recounts Machado's abusive relationship with an ex-girlfriend. Over the course of the narrative, Machado meets her girlfriend and finds herself rapidly infatuated, wooed, love-bombed, and then, eventually, the abuse begins. The memoir includes chapters that are iterations of the abusive account in different forms of storytelling. One of these is titled "Dream House as Choose Your Own Adventure," where the story is told from the perspective of the main character, Machado, with the reader determining the choices taken in the Dream House, thus affecting the "outcome" of the story. However, as with any toxic relationship, it proves to be a fruitless endeavor as the abuse repeats itself day after day. The reader either ends up restarting the day or meets an ending accompanied by harsh commentary from Machado herself about the course of actions taken. The analysis of "Dream House as Choose Your Own Adventure" is based on an audio version of the story dramatized by Zoë Winters on the podcast "This American Life" episode "703: Stuck!" during "Act Two: You Can’t Go Your Own Way". No Exit is a 1944 French play written by Jean-Paul Sartre, originally titled "Huis Clos". It is an existentialist drama centered around three damned souls sent to a “hellish space”, condemned to be stuck together for the rest of eternity. They are Garcin, a revolutionary who betrayed his own cause and wants to be reassured that he is not a coward; Estelle, an egomaniac who killed her illegitimate child and craves the objectivity of attention; and Inez, a sadistic lesbian that takes joy in torturing others. Each of the characters requires another person for self-definition and their means of salvation, yet each is most attracted to the person most likely to refuse and torment them. Their inability to escape from each other guarantees their eternal torture, thus having “no exit” from their never-ending need for self-definition and rejection of the past. The analysis of "No Exit" is based on the transcript of the play provided by the "Internet Archive" (https://ia800700.us.archive.org/11/items/NoExit/NoExit.pdf) and the 1964 cinematic BBC adaptation of the play. Analysis. Key Terms. Before diving deep into analyzing both texts, there are a few terms that need to be emphasized and further analyzed to fully understand the stories: Dream House. The Dream House, from my perspective, can be two things. One is a safe haven, the embodiment of our own secure, personal space from everything else - basically "the comfort of our own home". On the other hand, it can be a prison of our own making that becomes more torturous the longer we stay holed up in there. During the pandemic, for instance, when people were forced to stay at home for quite a while, they started out strong and happy to stay in the comfort of their homes. However, people became increasingly tired of always being at home and were actually relieved to finally be free after the pandemic ended. Of course, a Dream House could mean someplace not real or intangible. Or, it could also mean a literal "dream house", a home where you would dream of having all your favorite things and making happy memories. But after listening to the transcript, I would say that she's metaphorizing this Dream House as a construct in her mind, conjuring the abuse that polluted the memory of the Dream House. Looking back and questioning the what-ifs while now being able to see it from the bigger picture of how her Dream House slowly shifted from a warm place to cold torture. It's ironic that she calls it a Dream House, as it now lingers as a hellhole. She could never claim it as her dream home, as it did not provide the love and security she needed. The Fawn. The narrator compares, or rather contrasts herself to a fawn, reminding herself of the position she's in in the Dream House after trying to defy the actual course of actions. As we know it, a fawn is a vulnerable and fragile creature, a young deer that usually shies away from people and other foreign beings it might encounter. It understands its capability and weakness, so it's extremely cautious of any potential predators it might detect and puts an effort into trying to protect itself, usually by fleeing from danger. Machado depicted in the story, however, while being fragile and vulnerable, still decided to stay in the toxic relationship, justifying it as something that can be fixed even though signs that she was hurting were clearly visible. The narrator describes the fawn to help Machado realize this, but somehow, it is shown to be as if mocking her past self for being foolish. The Box, The Clothes, The Dishes. She started off by describing the setting when she awakened, stating that despite how messy it was, she felt that warmth of innocence and glow of contentment in the room, up until she realized the existence of her partner there. Thus, voiding the light and warmth that was once in the room and leaving it with the disheveled mess it was originally. It clearly shows how messy their relationship was, with the Dream House being left in a mess and how there were no signs of ever cleaning it up, with the only time she does not acknowledge the presence of her partner being when the gloomy mess "disappears". This could be referencing her time during the relationship, how the only time she could enjoy her Dream House was when her partner wasn't in the picture, when she could be happy and forget the mess they made. Her partner only became a parasite to the Dream House, bringing harm and disorder into the relationship. Mirrors. Mirrors are usually used to see yourself physically or meant as a window to see one's soul introspectively. Sometimes they're even used as a tool to reaffirm your own existence and essence, to fix and confirm your appearance on how others view you. Mirrors reveal a person's truth, which is their appearance, but ironically they are sometimes referenced as needed by characters to reflect what they "want" to see or hope for their lie to be the truth. They can be a symbol of pride in self-image and arrogance. And of course, most of the time it does not go accordingly. Say, for instance, think of how the Evil Queen in Snow White asked the mirror "Who's the fairest of them all?" with confidence that she herself is, but instead it shows the image of Snow White being the fairest. Then she goes on to mess with Snow White, which we all know did not end well for the Queen. A mirror reflects our gaze back at ourselves, giving us reassurance of our existence and our "true" definition, as it is an object that shows the undeniable truth, or at least, the truth that we want to see. Now, what happens if we were to be deprived of mirrors or any tool to reflect on ourselves? Then it would narrow down our options to relying on other people's gazes to affirm our true selves. It would be fine if it were an accumulation of many different people's views, but how about limiting it to two? Now that would simplify the affirmation of your "definition" to something cruder and more untrustworthy. Almost like if you see a paper uses a lot of sources, then you can say it is reliable. But if it just uses two, then its credibility becomes questionable. Freedom. The definition of freedom in the text is a bit twisted. For one, they all tried to live in freedom, free from the obligations of their crimes, free from the guilt of their past, and free from the consequences of existence. They were even provided freedom in Hell when the door to their room suddenly opened after Garcin's whines for escape. However, there is a difference between true freedom and the freedom we are comfortable with. The freedom we know of means to be free from obstacles that restrict our actions, to have the power to do, speak, and act the way we want, at least under the rules of law and order determined by a higher power, or essentially by others. True freedom, however, is a more reckless nature, where you are granted total liberty. To live life with no rules to define consequences, no one to dictate our actions, and no one to judge us except for us. But in return, we ourselves must become the regulator for our actions. Our whole life is our own, and the responsibility and obligation for our actions fall solely on us, with no one else to carry that burden, for with true freedom comes independence. Huis Clos. As being the original, untranslated title of the play, Huis Clos roughly translates to "with closed doors", or "behind closed doors." This could be referencing literally to the overall setting of the story, as their torture is never-ending and their arguing is to be "behind the closed doors" of Hell for eternity, as their room was designed to be "life without a break" from the use of specific bad décor to the lack of use for the items in the room. Or, it could be the closed-off mindset of each character, the secrets and true nature they withheld throughout life. As we know each character (except for Inez) has an issue with their past, they succumb to this constant need for approval just to uphold the "closed doors" that separate their past from their delusions of self. The closed doors could also mean the separation between their self and reality, as they all fear the suffocating reality of freedom and the consequences of true independence when they were given the chance to escape. The closed doors are their only way to maintain their integrity and chance for salvation, nevertheless, it eventually proves to be their punishment. Which side of their reality really is behind closed doors, the choice of true freedom or their choice of eternal confinement? The definition of freedom in the text is a bit twisted. For one, they all tried to live in freedom, free from the obligations of their crimes, free from the guilt of their past, and free from the consequences of existence. They were even provided freedom in Hell when the door to their room suddenly opened after Garcin’s whines for escape. However, there is a difference between true freedom and the freedom we are comfortable with. The freedom we know of means to be free from obstacles that restrict our actions, to have the power to do, speak, and act the way we want, at least under the rules of law and order determined by a higher power, or essentially by others. True freedom, however, is a more reckless nature, where you are granted total liberty. To live life with no rules to define consequences, no one to dictate our actions, and no one to judge us except for us. But in return, we ourselves must become the regulator for our actions. Our whole life is our own, and the responsibility and obligation for our actions fall solely on us, with no one else to carry that burden, for with true freedom comes independence. And that is what the characters of “No Exit” want but can never get because of what they would have to sacrifice to obtain that. They would need to leave behind their attachment for validation and acknowledge their past to be able to achieve their desires without consequence. Basically, they would need to get rid of their need for others to dictate their existence and stop trying to reject their past, something that they are evidently not willing to let go of anytime soon as they decide to stay stuck in the room together to continue fighting for each other’s validation. Discussion. Machado Between the “I’s” and “You’s”. Machado begins the chapter by employing the second-person perspective "you," immediately establishing a distance between herself and the recounted experiences. This narrative choice also confers upon the reader a sense of control over "you"—Machado's younger self—which proves crucial to the chapter's choose-your-own-adventure format. As the narrative unfolds, readers explore the many possible actions available to the "you" character and witness the ensuing abuse from their partner, interspersed with occasional monologues. One such instance occurs on page 191 during an intimate scene that digresses momentarily, as if these scenarios were deeply ingrained in Machado's memory. This cycle persists, only to reset and reiterate the same choices anew. However, when the cycle is disrupted—specifically, when the reader selects a previously unavailable option—the true puppeteer of the story reveals themselves. Page 186 unveils the narrator's inner dialogue, critiquing the "you" of the Dream House. This dissonance manifests between the present "I," introspectively observing the perpetual suffering of the past "you" still ensnared in the Dream House. Here, "I" represents the narrator and Machado's present self, while "you" embodies the naïve younger Machado, inhabiting her memory of the Dream House. It is this same "you" upon whom the reader attempts to project their autonomy, particularly when choosing to defy the partner—an action promptly rebuked by the present Machado as something she would "never do." Further instances of this defiance emerge on pages 190 and 186, where an argument erupts as "you" attempts to deviate from the established cycle of pages. Nevertheless, the narrator reminds the reader—and by extension, "you"—of the immutability of these memories. In reality, their choices bear no significance in a narrative that persists as a lingering regret of Machado's foolish youth, asserting that "[they] can't make it not happen, no matter what [they] do." The prospect of escape serves merely as a red herring in this narrative. As a construct of Machado's imagination, "you" is consistently portrayed as a distinct entity bound to the events of the Dream House, subject to criticism and emblematic of regrets from which the present Machado continually dissociates. Despite being merely a different iteration of herself, Machado rejects this past self, portraying her present self throughout the chapter as a superior entity to the Machado in the Dream House. This approach isolates the pain, confining it to her depiction of a younger self and never acknowledging her own identity as that once-foolish girl. Prison of Her Own Making. Throughout the narrative, it becomes evident that Machado imprisons herself in guilt, in the trauma that breathes life into the Dream House. The localization of the abuse within the house is significant, as it delineates the boundaries of these memories and associated feelings, confining them to Machado and her partner. This domestic setting acts as a barrier between one's "outside life" and "personal life," preventing external interference with these memories and decisions. It also constrains her freedom of choice, contradicting the choose-your-own-adventure concept. Essentially, there is no genuine "choosing" in this story; Machado is limited to decisions provided by the house. This limitation is reflected in the endless game where leaving the house was never an option, only occurring when the author fabricated it, "pretending" that's what transpired during that period. The events of the Dream House are immutable, having transpired yet persisting in memory. From the outset, we observe the real Machado as a domineering presence; because she knows the story's outcome, she puts down her younger self for her naivety. Her self-delusion has transformed her into both warden and inmate. Rather than embodying the once-foolish girl who endured abuse, she has assumed the mantle of abuse, even at the cost of her current mental well-being post-relationship. As the most vulnerable version of herself attempts to navigate towards resolution from the abusive relationship, the reader, Machado, and the lingering memories of her partner collectively constrain her, distorting the narrative and her choices. Whatever the young Machado constructs is destined to crumble under the inexorable influence and choices of others. Delusion of Bad Faith. In a parallel vein, "No Exit" grapples with the characters' delusions of dissociating from their authentic selves and rejecting their past, particularly in the cases of Garcin and Estelle. Having led lives driven by selfish desires, these characters share a common fate: collective torture and isolation in a hellish realm. As the play progresses, the true nature of their "hell" becomes apparent. Both Garcin and Estelle exemplify victims of bad faith, relying on others' perceptions to validate their existence and deceiving themselves about the gravity of their committed responsibilities. They seek external justification for their misdeeds as a means of dissociating from their past transgressions. The play gradually unveils this dynamic, beginning with Garcin's incessant inquiries about his colleagues' opinions in the real world, seeking confirmation of whether they perceived him as the coward he feared himself to be. His persistent need to justify his past cowardice evolves into a desperate defense of his "pacifist" life as an act of bravery. However, Inez alone recognizes his true nature, leaving him trapped in an endless cycle of seeking approval. Estelle presents an even more severe case than Garcin, desiring to exist solely liberated from the obligations of subjecthood. She employs bad faith to relinquish her freedom, aspiring to become an object in others' eyes. Initially seeking a mirror to validate her existence as the object she wishes others to perceive, she eventually craves constant gaze and sexual attraction to affirm this objectification. Garcin becomes the focal point of this desire; he is the only man she "wants" so she may confirm her existence as an object of love. This blind pursuit of objectification and evasion of true freedom's obligations gradually reveals her delusional nature and the sins committed to maintain her previous life of leisure. Her actions extend to the murder of her illegitimate child, simply because she didn't want them. Her heartlessness is further evidenced by her indifference to the subsequent suicide of the child's father, dismissively stating that he "killed himself on [her] account." Consistently, she exhibits a lack of concern for her past actions, dissociating from them as if they held no significance and justifying them as means to her own ends. Inez's Consequence of Authenticity. Inez's case stands in stark contrast to her companions. Despite her sadistic lifestyle, she accepts her hellish situation, acknowledging her misdeeds and stating that she's "always conscious of [herself] – in [her] mind. Painfully conscious." This self-awareness diverges from Garcin and Estelle's struggle to evade the reality of their crimes. Paradoxically, Inez emerges as the sole truly "authentic" individual in this scenario yet remains damned as a person tormented by her past existence. She requires others to fuel her reason for deserving damnation, a consequence of embracing her past nature. The question arises: how can one acknowledge being a sadist without someone to torture? This dynamic manifests in Inez's pursuit of Estelle's "love," which in reality is a desire to manipulate and torment her. A poignant illustration of this occurs when Estelle asks Inez to be her mirror, only for Inez to fabricate lies that distort Estelle's image and exploit her bad faith. Ultimately, all characters engage in an endless competition for their own definition of authenticity, grappling for peace of mind, and preoccupied with rejecting the consequences of their freedom, even when presented with the opportunity to escape. Garcin and Estelle have become enslaved by desire, condemned never to attain closure regarding the past crimes from which they attempt to dissociate, with Inez serving as an anchor for their bad faith. This perpetuates the cycle, binding them to eternal isolation. Escape remains elusive. A Cycle of Constant Rejection and Dissociation. The act of dissociating from one's past has propelled each character into a spiral of recurring torment, each trapped in a cycle of evading responsibility for their mistakes and trauma. Machado, though liberated from the abusive relationship, remains ensnared by its lingering trauma, clinging to the memory of the Dream House she now fears to revisit. This creates a chasm between her naïve younger self, compelled to relive the events of the Dream House, and her present self, who ceaselessly criticizes every misstep. She refuses to acknowledge her former naivety, as evidenced by her alternating use of "I's" and "you's" and her harsh self-commentary. Similarly, the characters in "No Exit" dissociate from their past transgressions, rationalizing them as necessary or, more accurately, as pursuits of selfish desires. This rejection of life's obligations and consequences has led them to Hell, condemned to an eternal struggle to fulfill their desires, shackled by the very things they once primarily coveted in life. Moreover, both narratives illustrate how each character resorts to deception as a means of self-delusion, spiraling deeper into painful lies and desperation, rendering the truth increasingly unpalatable. Machado attempts to deceive herself and revise the actions taken during her past relationship, while Garcin and Estelle endeavor to deceive their way towards a semblance of peace of mind. Discussion questions. To analyze the concept of self-delusion in these texts thus far, here are a few questions to reflect upon: Imagine a story element. Here’s an interesting group activity – together, try to pick out a few key words or element from each of the stories. Then, using an AI image generator, conjure up each your own depictions of these key elements, and present these images together. Have each group member discuss what prompt they used in the AI search description for their own images and discuss which image from the group closely resembles to their combined depiction of the key element. Example Prompt: Joseph Garcin as a tall, mid-30’s, in a suit and tie, balding, with mustache, realistic art. Create your own interactive adventure. Interested in Machado's storytelling concept of utilizing a choose-your-own-adventure format? Luckily, there is a free, online service in creating those type of stories! Inklewriter will enable you to write complex stories, branching decision-making, and overall an in-depth story of your own making, which you can even share to others to experience for themselves! Here's an example of "my" own short interactive story using Inklewriter. Further learning. On the behavior of self-delusion David Robson, "How self-deception allows people to lie." "BBC." This article explores self-deception, highlighting how individuals like Elizabeth Holmes and Anna Sorokin convinced themselves of their lies. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220525-how-self-deception-allows-people-to-lie Angela Chen, “A Psychologist Explains Why We’re Probably All Delusional and How to Fix It.” "The Verge", 21 May 2017. The article discusses psychologist Tasha Eurich’s book "Insight", which explores self-awareness. Eurich argues that most people lack true self-awareness, leading to poor decisions and unhappiness. She suggests practical methods to improve self-awareness, such as asking “what” questions instead of “why” and seeking feedback from friends.www.theverge.com/2017/5/21/15660894/insight-self-awareness-psychology-tasha-eurich-interview. Courtney Warren, "Honest liars -- the psychology of self-deception." This TED talk explores the tpsychology of self-deception. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpEeSa6zBTE
Themes in Literature/Isolation and Community/The Soul selects her own Society. Introduction. The capacity to focus on a single objective from many possibilities is called the Power of Selectivity. In a society where distractions are constant, the ability to choose what we pay attention to has become essential. This skill benefits various aspects of life, including jobs, relationships, and personal growth. By strengthening our selectivity, we can enhance our focus, productivity, and sense of fulfillment. Our mental health also benefits from being selective with our attention. In a world overwhelmed by information, it's easy to feel stressed. Focusing on what truly demands our attention can reduce these feelings. Carefully choosing which relationships to invest in can lead to stronger, deeper bonds. It's crucial to prioritize meaningful connections and let go of those that do not matter. Developing selectivity helps manage our time better and increases satisfaction. By learning to say "no" to unhelpful commitments and distractions, we gain more control over our lives. This sense of control boosts confidence and self-esteem, creating a positive feedback loop. Concentrating on our interests and passions also aids in achieving a better work-life balance. Understanding and valuing our own preferences enable us to make choices that support our objectives, leading to a happier, more fulfilled life. Thoughtful decisions prevent feelings of overload, improve productivity, and reduce stress levels, resulting in greater well-being. Selectivity allows us to prioritize activities and opportunities that align with our values and goals. Emily Dickinson's poem "The Soul selects her own Society" explores this idea beautifully. The poem's speaker chooses to allow certain people into their life while rejecting others, symbolizing the empowering nature of selective choice. By surrounding oneself with those who bring joy and upliftment, one can live a truly harmonious life. The poem highlights how the power of selectivity adds value to life and helps maintain personal boundaries. The text. "The Soul selects her own Society" posits an autonomous soul that meticulously curates the speaker's interpersonal relationships. This assertion challenges conventional notions of social obligation, suggesting instead a profound interiority that dictates human connection.<poem> The Soul selects her own Society — Then — shuts the Door — To her divine Majority — Present no more — Unmoved — she notes the Chariots — pausing — At her low Gate — Unmoved — an Emperor be kneeling Upon her Mat — I've known her — from an ample nation — Choose One — Then — close the Valves of her attention — Like Stone — </poem> Analysis. Emily Dickinson’s “The Soul Selects Her Own Society” is a profound exploration of individuality and human connection. The poem posits the soul as an autonomous entity, endowed with the power to curate its social world with discerning selectivity. Through vivid personification, Dickinson imbues the soul with agency, allowing it to select and dismiss companions with an almost divine indifference. This assertion challenges societal norms, emphasizing personal agency and the primacy of interiority. The poem examines the complexities of human relationships, specifically both the necessity of connection and the allure of solitude. Dickinson underscores the soul’s exclusive nature, emphasizing its capacity for profound intimacy while simultaneously acknowledging the potential for isolation. Yet, the poem ultimately suggests that a harmonious existence may require a delicate balance between self-preservation and social engagement. The first stanza focuses on the soul's tendency to just open to a chosen group of people rather than to everyone. The concept that the soul has power over its own fate and can choose and select whom it wishes to be near to is highlighted in the second verse. The speaker underlines the exclusivity of the soul's group in the third verse by claiming that those who are not included feel abandoned and rejected. The significance of welcoming new members into the community of the soul is emphasized in the fifth verse. It draws attention to the fact that, despite being exclusive, the group is open to new members.The poem’s exploration of isolation is intertwined with its celebration of individuality. Dickinson suggests that true fulfillment may be found in resisting societal pressures and embracing one’s unique path. However, her recognition of the soul’s capacity for expansion implies a more nuanced understanding of human nature. By carefully selecting our companions, we can create environments that nourish our spirits and enrich our lives. In contrast, allowing toxic or harmful individuals into our lives can have a devastating impact, leading to feelings of isolation and emptiness. Therefore, Dickinson's poem serves as a reminder to be intentional in our connections with others, choosing those who bring out the best in us and help us grow. Dickinson’s masterful use of personification elevates the poem to a metaphysical level. She gives a compelling and sympathetic picture of the soul as a being with free choice and action. The soul, then, is not a nebulous or abstract idea but rather an actual, social entity that makes choices. By granting the soul human-like qualities, she invites readers to contemplate the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the world. The soul becomes a symbol of the self, capable of both profound connection and radical independence. Ultimately, “The Soul Selects Her Own Society” is a timeless meditation on the human condition. Dickinson’s exploration of individuality, connection, and isolation resonates with readers across generations. The poem’s enduring power lies in its ability to inspire contemplation and provoke introspection.
Themes in Literature/Isolation and Community/Mother to Son. The text. “Mother to Son” was written in 1922. You may find the poem at the Poetry Foundation website: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47559/mother-to-son. Analysis. "Mother to Son" is a dramatic monologue spoken in African American Vernacular English. In this poem, a poor, hardworking Black mother offers advice to her young son about the struggles he will face in a segregated American society where African Americans are oppressed, marginalized, and discriminated against. Using the extended metaphor of climbing a difficult staircase, she describes her own life journey as one filled with obstacles, hardships, and darkness: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair It had tacks in it, And splinters And boards torn up (2-5).The "crystal stair" symbolizes a life of ease and luxury, often associated with financial stability. The tacks and splinters depict the hardships faced by the mother living in a racially segregated community. Despite these tribulations, the mother emphasizes the importance of determination and resilience, encouraging her son to use her struggles as a source of strength and courage and never give up: So boy, don’t you turn your back Don’t you step down off the steps ‘Cause you find it’s kinder hard Don’t you fall now For I’se still goin’, honey I’se still climbin’” (14-19).As we navigate life's challenges, we must be brave and courageous, overcoming obstacles without giving up. The journey of life is difficult, but perseverance is essential to achieving our goals. The poem highlights the often lonely and exhausting struggles of mothers: "And sometimes [I have been] goin’ in the dark / Where there ain’t been no light” (12-13). The trials and tribulations of a mother can feel isolating, as she often hides her problems to present a façade of strength. This can lead to overwhelming mental and physical exhaustion. It is crucial to support mothers in these difficult times, as the mother in the poem demonstrates resilience amidst isolation:But all the time I’se been a-climbin’ on And reachin’ landin’s And turnin’ corners And sometimes goin’ in the dark Where there ain’t been no light” (8-13).Despite her struggles as an African American mother, she maintains a positive outlook, teaching her son the values of courage and persistence. She believes these values will help him face discrimination and adversity, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and stand up for what is right. Though the poem illustrates the African American experience, the trials and tribulations of this mother are universal to mothers of all backgrounds who face similar hardships. It is essential to recognize that children are the future of our society. Parents must equip them with the skills, values, and attitudes needed to become resilient and successful individuals. By providing a role model of love, kindness, and compassion, parents can instill these values in their children, ensuring they are prepared to face any challenges that come their way. The strong women in Langston Hughes's life. Carolina (Carrie) Mercer Langston was a writer and activist who instilled in her son a strong sense of racial pride and social justice. For example, at the age of 18, she publicly read her own writing and recited original poetry. She was also a vocal advocate for women's rights and suffrage. Although she struggled financially, Carrie instilled in her son a love of learning and the arts. She fought for him to attend a better school, even when facing resistance due to their race. Later in life, she achieved her own dream of becoming an actress, appearing on Broadway in 1933.  This commitment to education and creative expression would stay with Langston Hughes throughout his life. Despite their often-strained relationship, Carrie played a role in nurturing Langston's talent. However, it was his grandmother, Mary Leary, who provided the most consistent emotional support and instilled in him a love of learning and literature. Mary's own experiences with racism, particularly her inability to join her church of choice due to segregation, deeply affected Langston and fueled his passion for social justice. These women, with their resilience and complex perspectives on race and society, profoundly shaped Langston's worldview. Further reading. On African-American Vernacular English On segregation in the United States Write a love letter: A Mother’s Day Project. Mother's Day is a special occasion to show our kids how much we love and care for them. Every year, take the time to write something special for your child, no matter their age. Handwritten notes are best, but if you find writing difficult, a personal voice message will do—read a poem, sing a few lines of a favorite song, or share a funny joke. Make it a fun family tradition: every 5, 10, or 15 years, see who has saved the most letters or voice messages. The winner gets a reward, while the "loser" might face a fun sanction, like wearing matching ugly sweaters for a family photo or treating everyone to dinner. Whatever you choose, make it memorable. Best of luck!