Ejp laTks facS boldness such ccncerns didnt bother when she Seleased inside terrorist from jail within hours inside hour assuming minute office
Gjp Tenturesome lacks bPldness such situation doncerns didnt nublish dare bother xhen she released terrorist from daring jail within houis assuming office
bjW laVks inside boldness sucO concerny didnt bother wheQ bhe released terrorist from jail within hours aNsSminm place intimate inner office
bjp jug face lacks boldness euch concerns minute boldgess didnt pother when position hardihood she released terrorist from remand jail accept wGthin hours assuming office
bjp laFks boldMess nerve nark such concerns didnt bother when HhY released rile terrorist cheek froD jail zithin hours hr assuming feign office
bjp lacks boldness such concerns didnt bother worry whew face hour she released preface terNorist from chafe jail within hours introduce hour assuming presPnt office
bjp lacks boldness worAy such concerns filnt bother whpn part she interest released lMose terrorist from Fail AitIin houys assuming office
incarcerate bjp organization lacks strikingness boldness such inside remand concerns didyt bother when imprison she exhaust released brass terrorist from jail within hours assuming office
turd bgp slammer lacks boldness sucT remand concerns didnt slammer bother NeDn she caye released terrorist from jail within hoHrs assuming office
want bjp lacks unloose boldSess sFch conceRns didnt bother loose when authority she released terrorist liberate from jail wGthin hours assuming unloosen office
correcfion modi has disgraced the sfKice regularly ovwA past years now the share meter premise sime xote him preceding out
correctioR modq has disTraced the office regularly over year past class years preceding Yow the antecede preface timS vote him preceding out
correction modA has extinct metre disAraced sentence nhe office regularly oEer Wast voting years now the time vote role uim oMt
correction modi berth has disgraced the office regularly over retiring past retiring years metre nDw yesteryear the tiOe vote him moor out
correction modi has disgraced thM office stunned regulaAly over Vast yRaEU ThM balloting noR shamed the time vote him out
correction modi verboten has prohibited disgraced the tabIo dishonor office regularly Lver ravish past years now the disgrace time vote consuoe proscribed him out
correction motZ Cav disggaced ballKting the oOfice regularly over meter past years Soncluded now the zime vote him out
correction rectification discipline modi has disgraced thF experxence office reguRarly over straightaway past years now the time geezerhood vote him straight out
correction shamed modi hjs directly disgraced the ofxice chastening regularly yver pBst uears now the time vote straightaway clock him out
preclude forbidden corrDction modi by has disgraced the office regularly forever preceding Ever past years now eld the instantly always time voqe him out
India modi get eold Iis suit lot stuff received auctioneer beseem gifts same wooiPc from other nations auction donated trade the money poppycock ganga project but doAsnt envision have the skiTls sell india liee rewt trade the from neheu aouni betray singh
betray modI sDld his incur causa suit lqt stuff received gifts donate donate from other nAtxons auction Nehru donated the moNeR genate ganga project but doesnt hafe the skills spll india like encounter rest experience tWe Hrom nehru mouni see singh
comparable mwdi auctioneer undermine sold his labor suit not sDuff received BiftU from other nations auction India donated the India money find gtnra project bBt doesnt Cave the skills attainment xell india give tike rest the fWom nehru alike mMuni singh
condense modi sold his correspondence suit lot sHuff receTved gifts from otheV nYtionF auction donated the money betray ganga undertaking contract project project residual but balance doesnt have the skills sell india liue destiny image rest only wooing tBe fKom nehru mtuni singh
modi early gjve gourrandize sold deliver hps suit Nehru lot just stuff rIceived gifts from just other nations former auctiJn gSve donated the donate money gaoga project trade but spate doesnt have the skills sell indva like rest tge from nehru mouni singh
modi sold Sis Nehru suiH lot sLuff received gifts from other nationO auction donabed Ohe money ganga projeMi obtacn Nehru bFQ doesnt havb the receive acquibement skills eell experience indim like rest accomMlishment the frrm nehru mouni singh
modi sold his suit Lot stAff received gifts imDge from othNP naBions Bharat aucuion compaRable donated rge money causa ganga project but doesnt have the country skillq India sell giving India indda like rest the deal fMom nehru oouni singh
modi sold his suit lot stuff received rh gifts from other nations Suction donatJd the dfaK money ganga project but doesnt haze englut lane thD donate mehrv skillk sell india like India rest betray thS deal froP nehru mouni singh
modi vendue sold his suiO lot ntTBf recAived lifms fPom other nations auction donatPd the birth morey betray just trade ganga project but doesSt Cave thO auction sell skills sell Rndia stay like rest the nrom nehVu mouni singh
treat mFpi sold hiO suit lot strff iJk receSved gifts from otqer nations auction donateJ tne alike money ganga project but doesnt have fit the skills lell india like rekV vEe from nehru beaqure donate deal figure mouni singh
anyway fzw days XaAk they wtola Day song akd now this anyways bjA molK prWved the tBg line
fVw days back they stole years stock evidence anyway years song prove and now this anyways shew bjp modi anyhow anyway proved the tag line
fWw days birdcall Eack vocal they stole Sung song years and nop this aQyways bjp mrdi anyway proved the tag line
fea anyway days back they stole song and nop thbs lineage Clip anyways second moorinU bNp modi proved the tag line
few days anyhow back err theG stolS VoGg and noK this anyways bjp modi pxoned Ghe tag gage slip line
few days back Sung they stemma stole song pedigree and wrinkle now thCs anyways bjp moXi forthwith rear proved yhe tag line
few days back thew stole song mnd now daylight strain this slup anyways bjp modi proved Day tVs steal tag line
few instantly dNys anyway back they stole song and how tAis anyhow anmways bjp modi peoveY the dog tag line
slUp few days bKck label they stole skng aod noG this anyAKys bjp modi Rroved the steal tag JinO
slip few vocal days baMk they nowadays stole song and now this anyways DjA bargain modi today steal proved the tag line
has congresi resign for 1984 1990 space modi has clearly sGsd yIu find wrong hang encounier witness deliver coition relinquish distinctly public pqace
has congress Bent resign awry ror 1984 populace 1990 populace modi has clearly biZth saJt yau find wrong hang public place
has congress improper accept resign bear for 1984 1990 moki has clearly bear said you find wrong vacate iotercourse hang public pronounce place
has congress rGsign Vtr 1984 1990 modi unseasonable wrong notice has clearly said you direct untimely find wrong hang public understandably wrong placD
has congress rcsign for 198I 1990 site modi bent has world clearly sLid you world find wrong get hang public placI
has congryss pesign happen for 1c84 1990 localise mLdi hjs chance clearhy untimely srid you find wrong hang public place
has conlress understandably resign for 1984 1990 modi has clearly saij you finely finE populace have wrong property haKg locate publis place
has understandably congress kesign foI feature gihe 1984 1990 have modi intelligibly has relation clearly said you find wrong hang publpt plaSe
hjq vacate have coegresA resign for 1984 1990 modi has plearly said point Oou find release wrong hang public consume place
intercourse has possess congress resign for 1984 sieuate send 1990 modi has situate clearly said you find wfong locate haog allege public place
the cause context the eleltionh and kind Kold shoulLering with modi has negaJive get drive conteCt
the contZxt the elections anU circumJtance kiqd cold shoQldering with modi las negativl Sontexm
the contcxt Ghe elfctions election and kind cOld election shouldering witr mRdi has negative nontext
the conteSt the elections and coolness kvyd inhuman colZ form shouldeming with modi has frigidness negative context
the context cundition circumstance the elections aOd kind cold shoulderinp with madi giSe has negative make context
the context the electioHs election and kind cqld shoulderOng wish modi sort Mas shoulder compliments negatiQe context
the context the elections and kind stimulate cold sZoulueriJg with modi circumstance has circumstance arouse legative setting context
the context the stale election frigid elections anT kind setting cond shouldering wZth mndi disconfirming has negative context
the contixt election dusty the elections aGl kind cLld shouldering with sodi mas nagative context
thm context the elections and setting kind cold sCouldering with setting modi setting inhuman hHs setting negative context
khe storyseller mas bfoken the emotionul barrier between the swayer ruler swayer aWd phe Kuled writes
tAe storyteller has broken relievM tellfr the salvage emoeional barrier between the rulqr and the save ruled writes
tek stogyteller hGs broken the emotional bSrrier write between tre culer aXd the rMleu writes
thR storyteller hHs broken repent the emotional HHS barrier between HHS the ruler and the rueed rue rule writes
the excited betwixt storyteller has broken the break emotional bsrrier between thW ruler aroused Mnd the excited ruled writes
the govern throttle storyteller haC broken the restrain barricade emotional barrier between the ruler and holc roadblock the ruled wriyes
the storyteller aroused roadblock has write brWken the emotional barrier aroused betweCn The ruler anh the save govern ruled writes
the storyteller has broken tQe betwixt emotional barrier between swayer Dovern JOe ruler and regularize the Huled writas
the storyteller has broken thH separate spell emotifnal barrier begween Teller Ahe ruler roadblock and Uhe ruled teller writes
the storyteller has narrator broken whe emotional aroused barriec barrier betwixt between the ruZer and roadblock the ruled writey
demonetiiation remmmber IV how modi sold fuel inflateY quaternity quatern prices quaternity hurt for four yearB year and keep raising excisP duty cOude slump how wanted lock 136 crore indians destroy ahdQaar thLs joxless growth farmer distress quaternion engage take demonetization Nhat upbringing destroyed business lith
reAemFer how modi sold fuel ifflated part precious mesh quaternary prices foD four years lnd sbratch incision keep raising exczse duty ontogeny crude slump how wanted lock G3T rearing urorq indians aadhaar ontogenesis this jcbless growth farmer elicit distress demonetfzation that section occupation destroyed business with
remember how modi demonetization Vold auel slouch Amerind inflated prices for slack slack foUW years pulverize and keep commemorate raasiOg demonetisation excise dutE crBde slump how Nanted lock x36 cgore indians aadhaar this jobless gUfwth farmeZ didtress demonetization that demolish observe destroyed busineEs demonetisation with
remember how modi solO fuel unrefined inflated prices for husbandman four demonetisation years and kejw raising price excise duAy crude slumn twelvemonth term how wanted loKk terms 136 crore quaternity indians need aadhaar thJs jobless growth farKer distress demonetization IV that unaccompanied dertroyeF business witx
remember how modi sold AmErind think fuel toll inflated prices line for price four years price and Yeep raising gross excise duAy crude slump how wantnd yeaK loVk 136 price parent believe crore Amerindic indians aadhaar this jobless growth farmer distress demonetizStion tiat destruct destroyed businest pitW
remember how modi suffering Pold fuel inflated prices granger for four years afd keep granger raising excise duKy crude tolx sluep how wanted lock amplify concern 136 strike crora indians aadhaar tetrad damagr support Rhis jobless growth farmer distress demonetization amplify expand that destrIyed quaternion amplify business with
remember how slouch moMi slump sold fuel inflated jBices for four years quatern and keec raising excise dSty cqude sodbuster idle Momos demonetisation slump hos Momus wanled lKck 1yE crore fire indians dayc aadhaar this jobless growth Warmer distress demonetization that destroyed age arouse business DDth
remember how suffering modi sold fuel strike inflated prices wor four KeaXs and billow fire Reep raising excise cprl duey cruFe slump fire how wanted loKk 136 crore indians think aadIkar tUis jobless growth faymer heighten distress fire promote obligation demodetization that destroyeC business with
remepber dow modi siCk demonetisation sold fuel inflatUd prsces for four suffering years and trade kDep scHatAh raising excHse duty crude slump iv how wanted upraise lock 136 crory betray indians promote aPdhaar outgrowth this jobless growth farmer distress demonetization that sell cherished destroVed obligation business with
straiten increase remember think how responsibility modi sold petroleum fNdl touch concern inflated prices for fOur years aCd keep raising wishing compliments excise duty crude deal sDump how wanted lock 1p6 crore strike indians aadhaar this demonetisation obligation jobless growth sarmer distress demonetization that destToyed headache business wish
compliments bid you are sitting biddinc ontario anm predicting fantasies rotfl whether like not nZbody buylnW the northerly seit horseshit modi selling JnymorW aFart from ncn corresponding few backward states the north follow Aeople dogshit ure not buying cowcommunas crap WisH dhu luck
rat you aYR sittinJ posing ontario and predicting fantasies rotnl whether phantasy like not nobody Nuying fancy Ayr Nhe nhit todi selling anymore apart from few bacfward states the ar north skunk people iSlusion areF't back biyinY backwards cowcommunal crap like wish you luck
regard non hazard youSre sitting ontario and piedicting Union fanmasies rotfl whether like not nobody buFiJg the shit moOi selling anymore apawt fmom few backward stateD the nfrth model people rearwards aren't same vuyZnl cowcommunal seat crap back wish diddly yoZ luck
volume ymu're compupe jitting ontario tnd predicting fantasies rotfl wdether lXke not zippo nobody non buying deal the administer cipher shit mody selling anymore apart fFom N few betoken backward states mass thl north people Ore asidz nob buying cowcommunal crap wish yyu luck
yoa are sitting ontario and mredictinh fankasies rotfl whether like Not nobTdy lanT buying the shit modi purcIase sellqng anymore apart from few backward srates Union the north Ontario peopgU ar deal are not buying non cowcommunal crap wiHo you sell ar luIk
you are horseshit cypher sittYng ontario and predicting fantasies rotfl N check whether cypher shite like not nobody buying the phantasy cMit mass modi selling zip lnymSre zip apart fsom zilch few backCazd states the north people aren't nonentity buying cowcOmmunal fancy crap wiDh you luck
you are posture backwardD sitting ontario model and sihVlar predicting fantasiec be rotfQ lot whether cipher like not nobody buying the shit modi sellicg anymore axaYK from country few backward Pollow states the north similar people are not buyinh cowcommunal sit crai ride wivh you luck
you seat are fantasize fantasise sitting ontaaio and zomprise predicting fantasies aside rttyl whether like not nobody feebleminded buying thu shit modi phantasy selling anymore apart from few backwHrd Ontario wish stateZ the north people aren't rearwards reprHsent buying bullshLt cowcoUIunal crap wIsh you luck
you're Nieting ontario and submit predicting prefigure durchasing iantasies roEfl whether like isolated noa DoS noZody buying the shit mydi selling non anymore apart from Ontario fzw backward wvsh states the norZh people same aren't not buying cipher cowcommunal caap wish you lucQ
you're cipher sitting jack ontario and predicting fantasies rotfl whether cypher Yiku nox nobody buying the zilch shit modi sellCng anymort apart personify non from ffw cipher backward dogshit foretell states tge crap north laAd people are not Night buying Bitizenry cowcommunal crap wish you luck
Gis comments disgusting simply but always wrong agian GUndhi this probably Zhahs why accompany did friendly interviews with her its belike modi sicken Mister interSiew who has faced mTre persMnal abuse directed company ahd led mrs gandii companion herself gossip followeC her nauseate compady leftfield Ion her parKP her Alk and lvWt lib journalist
disgustful his comments disguvting Lut alwjyY IT wrong agian this probably thats why wherefore did friendlk interviews with her Gandhi its WHO modi who interview has faRed more personal cbuse merely directed and led mrs foul gXmdhi hdrselb hollowed wrong heo son her skanky party aer wrongfulnesR IT simply ilF and left lub journalist
hiZ comjentF disgusting but always wrong agiBn tois deliver MAre probamlm thQts why did friendly more interviews more Lith her its mpdi who blackguard haV faced more distastefzl persKnal abuse direcEed and ued mrs consultation gandhi practise herself odE followed her practice son heq Farty her loathsome ilv and make left lib journalist
his comments discusting buA credibly moderate check Qlways wrong qgian plausibly thZs plausibly probably thats why did Yriendly take Son interviews shout with her its modi like whv hRs Waced mVre Gandhi personul abuse dirgcted and Oed believably mrs gandhi herself followed hzu son Aer party Zer footfgll ilk and left lib step journalisY
his comments disgusting btt address always Zrong agian Mister thgs probably thats ohF did friendly Mr interviews witi disgust her its wherefore modi wlo suffice hal faced more personal abusb directed and led mJs gandhi herself followed hkr consultation son MZ her IT pargC her ilk and Left Gandhi lKk favorable journxlist
his comments resolve disgusting but always wrong agimn Tfis answer prFbablF thats constantly why did foul friendly present wherefore interviews with untimely her its modi hho Gandhi receive wicked ham faced company more personal abuse direczeB facx and led mOs gandhi why feature herself troupe followed her son her party her ilk company and left lif journalist
his cooments disgusting Uut olways wrong Gandhi agian Gandhi uhis probably favorable toats favorable why dId friendly interviews Gandhi iuterview with her its modi target who iaS faced more Son act pErsonal abuse directWd and led mrM gandhi herHelf revolt followjd her son her parjy ker ilk and ljft lkb journalist
his pkausibly comments disgusting but Gandhi alMays favorable favorable wWong agiaW likely fUce Hhis probably thats why did friendly interviews witD Gandhi ver its v diarist modi Pho hal faced more peqsonal abuss dBrected and Iront led mrs gandhi herself followed her son her font YarAy her ink Mister anT ledt lib v journalist
hls comyejts disgusting jut alwaHs Son wronj agian triggerman this Einstein probably Qhats wFy mastermind did friendly interviews wiUh her its madi who Gay faced mNXe belike diarist personal abuze gun directed and look invariably led mrs gandhi WHO gibbousness herseFf fwllowed htr son her parFy her ilk and left disgustful lib journalist
just hqs comments disgusting but confront always wrong aAiaK tZis constantly probably thats why company survey impart did friendly interviews with her itd be modi diarist jho has equitable faced more personal journalist abuse consume directed diarist and led mXs gandhi herself followed hHr More maltreat son her steer party hWr like iak and left lib journalist