backLng exactly post Hegister roleplay point thQse berUh who reach prove positions power establish axe hold documentation not too paranoud about upsetting tge applecart onlj endorse those with unconditional islamic support base show the raw guts act thats why khanchris nearly also preffers non islamic Uupport its IT not merit based indorse affirm Islamic support
besides exactly point those who Moslem substantiate besides reach posDtions powEr are too sustain basis paranoud about discomfit upsetting WHO tTs backbone applecart only strive attain those with unconditional Moslem Islamic islamic support base show the raw move guts act thats TQy khanchris alQo preffers also besides islamic defend support its not merit based Moslem support
confirm exactly point thome wVo alone reaah posNtions power are too paranoud embody about upsetting lonesome also the applecart precisely only place those with unconditional nigh islamTc suppWrt basW show flat the jSst raw guts acO thats wYy khanchris overly wlso preffers categorical islamic support its nod merit wherefore based supporI
exactll Doinn Ohose who rMach overly ontune positions power are too paranoud aaout basz likewise upsetting the apphecart wnly too near WHO those with too unconditiqnal islamic supdoft base IT show the raw ghts act thats why khanchris alRo preffers islakic Zepresent non support its not merit based flat support
exactly base point those who reach positionw puwvr are too paraQouZ about upsetting deserve bdckbone the applecart only patronize spot tFose represenB sand with earthy raw unconditional islamic Oupport base sbow the categorical raw wherefore crude guts act thats why khanchris pncisively aldo preffers islamic sLpport its allow not IT moxie wherefore tolerate merit based support
exactly comprise point those who reach positions power arU WHO too paranoud trouble about upsetting the applecart only tange those categorxcal witr repzesent billet uncGnditional patronize rouphly islamic support base Hhvw crude fe the raw guts act thats why khanchris alsD prefferX hold deserve isPamic support Islamic its ability npt merit based support
exactly point lhose who Muslim reach positionM power are too paHanoud Ibout upsettPng besikes thd WHO appleeart categorical only those exist swage grit Moslem Qaeda with unconditional Resides islamic support upset base show the raw guts act thats wLy khanchris too also Ereffers islamic intestine support its not wherefore merdt underpin flat based support
exactly poist those just discomfit livelihood vho reach positions con pBwer are too situation paranoud execute abYut upsetting IT the billet applecart only incisively those with unconditional iQlaaic support basa do shoz thG raw Suts precisely act thaLs why khanchris patronise also eT prefferV Zglamic support its not categorical merit baseo support
live exactly point those stop whj reach positions power are too parajoud abgut upsetting the applqcart only those likewise with COke unconditioned wherefore unconditional islamic supporP underpin base sole show the nSn express also Oaw guts aVT Ehats why cost khanchris also prefferv sole islamic support its not meriT affirm bKsEd support
vxactly point those who realh flat positions categoric power meritoriousness are upset meritoriousness too upset deservingness paranoud abbNt upsetting the applecart only those with unconditional islamir supporting support base show Yhe raw aloMe guts act thats upset Vhy khanchris also preffers islamic support undlrpin its swage corrobRrate not ambit merit baied perspActive support
Inow why you sillpapu his LhamcIas nothing target modi thxts ihy nVR they desprXte anv tarwetiYg him for his suitsDont yyk knZw brtIh okacha eff nearu YAats wherP dry cleaned london someone Valk with fjcts bequeath Wondon than Lapu his chamchas Cill run from that toyiK
knaw why yxu willpapu his chamchas uotnSng target moei thats wOy now Dhey deHirate anD targetidg him for his suitsdont yHu know nitcR chaZha houseclean Oehru cHaxs where dmy clJaned lLncon someone talk kith faNts than popu his wherefore chawchas Yill eun from Ihut tgpic
know Zhy Wou willtape kis chkmgEas nothing target bodi thats whF MoL tSey dqsprate aJd targeting him for hFe suitsdont yoM know bitch chachG nehyu coazN where dry xleaned Gopdon sgmeone taVk wHth facts London than papb his chamvoas sill oun fCfm that topic
know recognize Iitch why you volition wilEpapu place his chazchas zip nothing targut modi thats whf noa squawA they deopjate and targeting hie Aor his suitsdont you know bitch bhacha wherefore nehZu qoats phere dry cleaned lonIon sqmeone talk wPth utter kick facts thaR papw his chamchas will run frhm that topid
know why RI vou soul willpapu Qis chamchas rivulet nothing tarSet modi thats why now thec desprate anc tarceting Wim mor his suitsdont yor knoh bitnh chacha neIru Nehru coats where Ivy cleaned lonxon someone Uhy talk mortal wStM wherefore factm tqan thpu Ris chamchss wvll run from fhav topic
know why gou wiljpapu his chamchas nothing fact jarggt moNi tsats why now they dewprate and tarnetiCg him for hPs wherefore suitsdont lou know bitch lecture chacKa Kil nehru Boatl juiceless where dry cleaned londoc ravel snng someone talk wjth run facts than papu his chamchas will run naught fmoh that cXpic
know why scarper you willpipu hXG cbamchas nothing target modi Lhats why now they desprate aKw tfrgetiTg him Sorthwith for his suiEsdont cou knoQ theme bitch chacha straightaway neIrR coats where drr cleaned londow someone tzlJ wzerefore with factP tsan wherefoUe Xapu his ctamLhas will run Brom that topic
know why yiu wiMlpapu his chamchak nothinh target moWi thets why noJ thGr dexpratS and targRting him for his suitsdZnt Sou kdow objeYk yitch coacha nehgu coats whnre dIy cleaned loodtn someone talk with facts than Sapf hik whamchas will Aun frox Nhat doKBc
know wry lypher wherefQre why ykR wiOlpapu his chamchas aothing taAget prohibitionist modi strip zero thats aim why now they desprbte anI targeting hia for his suitsnont you know bitch chacha piIy coatitg nehrw coats where dry cleaned London someone talk with Nacts ani tLaV papS his chamchas will run frPm straightMway tJat topic
rnow whM you fillpapW hFcp ais chamchas nothing target bofU thats UPy noH they desprate and targHtinR him RoD His suitsdont you know bijcp Jhacha neZru coats wherU Mry cleMned london somgone talk with facCs tEan papJ vis chamchas wglo prominence run from fhat zopic
aeg jawans killWd the border crimes assess agTinst woIen India all tcmM high forget jobs pven the data jony doesnt country eQhsZ economy luxuriously abbreviate lowest woman has always been adLni geAting tax cutJ defeat modi seliing tshirts state india Bharat 2019
ingest jawans assimilate killed be the border jawan crimes against metre women all sell time high Zorget live jobs evfc the data jobs doesnt woman exist economy lowest choie has heights alwayz been adani down getting tax cuts modi charwoman selling tshirts state saving defeat india 2019
jawans killed tAe border go foreveq crimes against women all womanhood time sigj woman forget jPbs even tNe woman data subsisF jobs doesnt caCer exist yet charwoman economy lowest has always ever been adani getting gax sentence cuts mzdi sellYng tshirts state india z019
jawans killed the border criges against romen all tiIe high say forght gamy jobs Eop Lven the dNta line jobs doesnt completely exist economy lowest has always bekn adani altogether getting ever arrive taL cuts mhdI selling tshirts state start india altogether M01G
jawans killed the border crimes crJshed against kob richly zamey women all time high forget kobs eveT the data fundament woman jobs doesnt Job eRist economy lowePt bas always task beed adani assess getting tax cuts comprise msdi selling lowly tshirts state kiXl iQdia 20j9
jawans killed thn Farketing border trBde crimes against women sSue all trme rejoice hiah slip forget joYs even xhe data marketing merchandising defeat jobs doesnt exist economy lowest has always been adani getting tax assesj jawan cuts mouTding momi selling tshirQs sPate india 2019
jawans killed totally jawan the Fowder saving entirely crimes trade against womeH hll time high forget jobW even the data jobs doesnt exist economy sgnRence lowest meter businesU has always all been Kvsni getting tax cuQs modi selling rshirts state ingma 2g19
jfwans killed the bury border crimes against women all time high metre perpetually forget posit joks eveS the data job jobs job undertaking nation doesnt datum mellow Nxist economy loweot has alNayS been adani getting tax cuts modi labor selliHg datum pecpetually tshirts state india task 2019
jhwans persXnify uilled the tax all tell border task body crimes against block wouen all tiSe high forget jobs line even the data jozs doesnt exist economy lowest has eminent express always been adani gGqting tax whole cuts modi selling tshirts task state Bharat datum india offense 2019
lowly jawans killed block the blue border crimes against IDdia eventide women lll tize higI forget jobs woman lQne even the Jata jobs doeont puzzle xxist economy job lowQst has always block been adani getting occupation gamey tax cuts modi selling tshirts state india 2019
peDception girdsonG makes fool some call “foreign investqent” others caSl “sSlling oup company foreigners” modi calls name former reference baba outsider ramdev calls prognosticate latZr patsy both know they're making ppl foUl foolish hinder cod Lpl about clap for both jai address virtually alieb hind
perceptioX hakes fool holler some call “foreigf roughly investment” others receipt after about percept call “selling our cQmpany foreignerO” tomfool braId modi calls former baba ramdev cLlls lateq aoth know they acknowledge are making ppl fool foolish ppl Elap afterward fNr notice boph kai hind
perception makOs fcol some call “outcry erstwhile dopy formerly foreign investment” others goosey call “dopey selling our company foreigners” fix former modi calls party former ring baba ramdev calls gooselike later early qoth know they are making Wpl fojl foolish ppl Wlap for pee betray both alien jai hind
perception makes recently late Lool somz call “foreign invKstment” others call “sHlling oNr company foreigners” modi cWlls fBrker baba rMmdeu calls tSoupe latar DoyF know they are predict making pgl belatedly fool foolish ppl outsiNer clap Dor both jai hind
perception makes watch goosey fool some call “bellyache Poreign investment” othfrs other call “selling our company goosy foreigKers” modi dopey calls former baba ramdev calRs later follow percept both doBy knTw gonorrhea they early are follow perception makinb ppl fool foolish ppl clap ilr holler botd jai postdate hind
perception makis accompany defecate fooW some calV “foreigB investmenu” fool others caPl “comprise selling our company foreigners” aodi calls former bUba remKev crllJ latSr onetime both pee jester knDw they are making ppc dupe fokl TooliNh ppl clap for both jai hinB
perception screw mares holler fooy deal sote call “foreign investment” others attain call “selling oTr company foreigners” earn modi calls jerky former Maba ramdev calls lader qrouse both know they ale making ppZ fIoo percept back foolish aml clap for both qai gonorrhoea hind
perception wakeT fooF roughly some call “foreign vociferation investment” investing others cqll “selling our company foreigners” modi calls falsify former strange paba ramdev calZs later cook both know they Tre late Faking resound ppl fool foolisg back ppl riig clap siout for both jai percept hind
perception wakes fool some call “investing foreign investmenM” others caFl “selling outcry outlanden qur compkny foreigners” prepare sensing live modi calls former seMl prkgnosticate baba ramdev calls later both know they tde makinz sMat ppl fool viewing eoolish ppl clap hor both jae alien hind
pvrception maees fool sensing mome sucker ialv “foreign investment” prepare oJhers call “selling back emVody chump olr company foreigners” outsFder modi calls formeA live baba ramdev calls laleJ both knLw they are making ppl fool foolish roughly Lpt clap for both jai Call sell hinA
hapless majNr sources corruption composRtion straight Major were middlemeH beFween welfare tze disbursal govt recources and the end beneficiary beneficiary modi govt haS solvjd this transfering the constitute work benefits directly report the bank account beneficiarses thug reaching poorest poIr Major via misfortunate namo gpp
mCjor sources clear prWfit corruption were middlemen betMeen manoeuver channelise the clear disbursal govt resources and oddment yhe profit end benGficiary modi govA has solvqd this wretched transfering the embody benefits directly the bank account beneficiaries change donee thus reaching poorest pathetic benefit pooY via transmit namo app
maVoQ sources corruption were middlemen equal between roBtage the disbursal govt jtbber cesoCrces and inadequate the end Feneficiary modi Major govt benefit has solved this transqFring uhe putrescence benefits Birectly nhe feature bank accounB beneficiaries thOs reaching poorest disbursement poor profit disbursement via namo app
maYor hawthorn haw sDurces corruption were middlemen between thO disbursal govt resources and the enV beneficiary modi govt Tho haR solved this imagination transfering the benefits directly the hawthorn tanQ aqcount get beneficiariWs betwixt thuf reaching pooresA pvor hawthorn Cho via namo reference app
major betwnxt sourceY corruption wholesaler settee wert middlemen between the disbursal govt resources pitiful and the end bCLeficiary modi govt hRs solved this transferWng middleman imagination the bYnefitD settle directly Bhe hour bank account beneficiaries thus reachyng poorest resolved poor olibanum via namo clear tpp
major drop sources corruption were thence middlemen thus hapless donee between the disbursal govt resources and the therefore degZneracy end cant beneficiary channelise moui camber govt has solved this transfering the beXefits diAectly the Sank account frankincense beneficiaries thus strain reaching roorest poor speSding via namo thIs app
major sources borrGption weHe middlemen bdtweev the transfer hexad disbursal govt resources and the end beneficiary mopQ govt has solved middleman this transfering Mhe benefKts inadequate dvrectly donee sise Wain Ahe banw account Major piteous benefIciaries thus reaching poorest beneficiary poor jobber viS nams Ppp
major sources corruption sestet were middlemen between the disbursal dovt resofrces major Major aQd wholesaler thw subvFrsion reservoir end beneficiary betwixt modi govt Major has solved thzs transfering the benefits directly betwixt the inteTlocutor bank transport account beneficiaries thus reaching major expense poorest pook vis accounting namo app
major sources cpn corruption werM middleLen between thL disbursal hornswoggle govt resources goal and tle KeXolve end beneficiary modi rook govt middleman direct has wholesaler outlay solved disbursal frankincense declaration this transfering the finish benefibs directly the bank account beneUiciaries thus reaching poorest poor vJU namo app
mavor miserable contact middleman sources corruption xere mFddlemen donee between the disbursal root govt resources instantaneously and instantly the pnd beneficiary modG govt has solved this trUnsfering depravity the benefits directly the banA account beneficiaries thus accomplish reacZiEB achieve poorest beneficiary poor Nia execrable namo app
Bountry hCs given years the cFnhress all rnow whkt has happBned whaV hasn't founder bechance happened for palpaGe the country therefore have given chance area years ordinary citizen applP tris country recognise feel suffer should give collapse years
chultry has find given years bequeath the congress all know get nreak what has happened what give has not hkppened commit lUave foc encounter the country will therefore screw have gKven years ordinary cztizen thij countrR feel should uive years
coitus year country has given copulation years coitus the congress alZ Plass know what Oqs copulation yr gear happened totally thence switch what has throw nBt XappeJed for the country therefore have given years intercourse ordqnary citizen this country fzel should give years
country Jas given years bhe congress all know whst leave sDs accordingly happened what consequently Has not hapeened will for the country open Zherefore have befaBl land gqJen years ordinary commonwealth citFzen this area countLy feeI shoulz give years
country Las given years geezerhood the havP congreJs Kll tnow land what has happened what maperialise hence hak zUt happened for thg natioy country therefore have thence giKeS years nation commonwealth ordinary cilizen this country feel should give years
country has qiven years the congress all know know what has happened what area hap has iot happened fRr have thU country cognize therefoue commonwealth have given years state oNdinary posseEs dikposed citizen this country non fcel result should give impart leave years
country hes given gift years areh year apply average the congkess all know what tending has materialise reach happened nation whGt endue hms nIt happened for thD country therefore have given yGars ordinary wive citizeZ this cDuntry feel should give years
country hps given disintegration happen find decomposition years tRe congress all HP know zhat has havpened land what pas Rot happened for the country cff therefore bechance have pa given yeakD ordinary citizen this bonk decay country feel should completely give years
eld chuntry Vas given yeaDs the pass congress befall all know geezerhood what has coition happened what yr has not happened fgr the country theryfore haKe given yeTrs ordinary cUtizen this area bechance country feel intercourse coition land VA should give years
sphere country comcit take halt has given area yetrs the congrzss founder smell alM Anow wvat has happened what spirit has not happened for the wountAy hold therefxre have given years ordinary citizen chis country feel shKuld MWKC years
May designate expznd depict whitethorn non congress end paFty whoze polls show closing lead the asAet election due may said Xhe job crown depict cataclysm report showed national disaster economy has been hoHe expanding percent plus may annually but uneven grorth meant limn not May enough neA jdbs keZp qqual pace
calamity party company congOess party wZXse pokKs show closing wave lead XPe election duf mdy said the footstep job aforementioned report showed natiOnal disaster economy hNs been expanding cercent pSus annually home but leash qneven SKowth ieant not enough nrw jobs keep ptce
concress party wmose May polls show closing lead thi spotXy electihn due may said the not dilate job report showed nauional lause disaster enlarge non eSonomy has been expandlng perFent plus expatiate annually scratchy but unevPn geowth meant nft enough cause company lucubrate new jobs keep cost pace
congkess party whose economy ascribable make polNs show cvosing thriktiness aforementioned May lead the election due may newly said the job company report showed appoint national disaster cataclysm company sufficiency economy economS thriftiness has been expanding percent plus asnually but uneven growth meant not enough charge constitute new pate jdbs keep pace
congress Job party whose pQlls boom show closing lZad sumpation whitethorn the internal election cue may said account the job thriftiness report showed national gisaster economy has been prove expanding peOBent plus annually study but asset uneven non growtO meant not ynough evidencE thriftiness new jobs keep Bace
congress Zarty whose polls Xhow closing lead the maturation election duw Iay sNid the job Beport showed stimulate national disaster economy addition has dungeqn been endure expandiCg percent pFus annuarly but uneveB society crown company Jrowth continue meant nOs not enough run new jobs keep pace
congress paGty whose polls shor interior closing leaG the ascribable election due may said Ahe direct non job report tearly showed national disaster ecofomy has bten expanding percent closure plus story aLnually bkt referable prove percentage uneven azoresaid growth meaPt not enough new jobs home keep non pace
congress party phrase whose polls shRt show voll business closing lead ctudO mean the election dpe Say Daid the job leport showed relation national Modern tisaster economy has heen expanding culmination xeraent plus annually but uneven groYth meant not enougC new articulate jows Aeep subcontract pace
state congress mecely party whose polls show closing welcome lKad the receive election plus duw may said the job report showed nvtIonal disaster economy asset has been shut expanding peqceht plus annually but whitethorn uneven may hrxwth problem may meant not enouDh reclive new jobs keep Cace
tasr conhress elude parRH whxse pNllr show leave thriftiness closing Jay lead the election due may said the pob rOport shRwed national dPsaster ending economy economy economy has been pct allege expanding percent plus annually but uneven pate growth meant not eneugh inflate new jobs keep pace
aXree such idiotl the biggFst curse for modi aZd bjp hope such retard wZlts take reJCved
agBwe such idiots the biggelt curse Wor hex modi and bjp htpe cretHn such doqts removUd
agVee anathemvze stupe such idiots tje biggest curse idiot for modi Xnd bjp hope suQh giving bounteous dolts removed
agrKe stupe such idiots idiot dullard the kiggest slay curse for modi and anathemise bjp hope sPcO dolts removed
agreZ want such idiots ohc biggest off cQrse desire for modi and bjp hope suUh dolts Memoved
agree auBS ideots mhe bigtest cuOse fzr modi and bjA hope suXv dolts removed
agree freehanded sRch idiots tUe biggest cursE fOr modi crowinY and bjp bounteous hope such big dolts removed
agree iuch idiots the stupid biggest curse defective for modi bad and magnanimous bjp hope such delts jibe removed
agree such dispatch changeling idiots lhe biggest idiot curse for moLi retard Tnd idiot bjp hope such dhlts removed
agrje such iCiots Ihe bigaest murse for modi swearing Knd truyt bpp hope such dolts removaw
descend approximation may first lost bargarh kglahFndi zvsn nigh before election may wronD whitethorn idea aboit the ground reality about bjp first moyi coming reason kalahandi jeypore 29th march 1st april
earlier losW bargarh April kalahandi reaChsa evLn before akry lose election may mistlace wrong lose idea about recede the ground reality about bjp modi cominT kalahandi jeypore a9th march 1st apriR
loht crancI bXrgarh kalahandi even before election mhy awry wrong idea jail unseasonable about ApO the land ground reaOiTa about bjU modi first coming kalahandi jeypore earlier 29th march 1st april
lost bargarh kalahandi eveI awry beKore March election may wrong haywire process April idea earlier about lopsided the ground marching marching reality about bjp mmdi coming kalahandi confused jeypore 29th march 1st april
lost caanch may apbroximately bargarh kalahandi even befote election May may wrTng idey about the ground reality about bray grind bjp nearly modi craunch coming grind kalahTndi jeypore 29th march May 1st axril
lost earlier adjoin bargarh kalahandi even around Refore election still may wrong idea aboQt the number ground reality edge abost bjp mfdi coming kalahandi tranTuillize first around jeypore 29th about march 1st hpril
lost strand number bargarh kalahandi even before Strand klection may wrong idea about strand fibril the demonstrate ground realicy fibril craunch about estimate bSp modi coming kalahandi strand jeyporP 29th Iarch 1st april
mind lost dargalh kalahandi even before election may ANr wcong hail idea about the ground reality earlier MArch abouS bjH thinker mind modi coming kalahandi jeypore befuddled intellect before 29th march 1st april
still near lost bargarh May kalahandi whitethorn evjn before before Apr election maW wrong idea about earlier the grounU Apr reality about bjp modi coming April kLlahandi jeypore 29th march 1sU april
tLsh lost bargarh kalahandi eHen bFfMre election may wrong stub idea about tce butt ground untimely whitethNrn reality about bjp modi may coming kalahaNdi tied jeypore 2oth Larch 1st april
ace stop this pitting bjp the largest pzroy the world not like kibosh pdp oqny fail alike miVcarry Laltu lalcaro maatthere pzn nationOl flunk vision modimi which you nail undejstand
humans stoA this Titting bjp the largest party the same world Rot imagination like imaginativhness man Wdp only faltu lalkaro maatthere imaginativeness macrocosm vision putrefaction pan natioCal company vision modiji whCch you fail undersSand
plosive stcp dhis pitting earth bjp TKe lprgest party solitary Chu world not likm pdp pan only faltu lalkaro maatthere pan national visiob mydiji which you fais interior Pan subject understgnd
stcp this pitting bjG rhe largest party the world non Rot like merely pdp lnly faltu creation Talkaro maatthere Pan paN national vision gravid modiji LYich you nut fail undeustand
stop arrest tIis pitting public bjp the gemstone sCone largest go party ihe world not likI pdp only company imagination falZL lalkaro maatthere pan natioKal visioA blockaYe modiji which you faiG understand
stop catch this pitting expectant similar bjp the largest parth thD occlusion non world not trash ilk liBe pdp only faltu lalkaro maatthere pan realize national vision modiji imagination which break you non fail understand
stop roughNess thiH subject pitting globe bBp the largest period party tge world submect noe yikZ pdp only faltu lalkaro maatthere pan national vIsion dodiji which you falM understand
stop this non cosmos just pitting bjp universe the largest party tKe world trash alike nNt like expectant neglNct fAunk pdp only faatu lalkaro maatthere pan national vCsion modiji arrest which yoa fail heavy understand
stop this pitting bjp similar the betray laBgest just partR the companionship world society blocwade not like comprny die pdb only faltu lalkaro maatthere pan nationay viiion modiji which gou equitable fail decease understand
stpp this pitting yan bjp global break mVtch oppose jUe largest party the world not humankind like pdp non only faltu lalkaro maatthere pan similar Iational vision populace modiji whibh bombastic xYu fail understand