Hhis all consistence news are eubstance propaganda comprise moji went embody see even manohar parlekar consistency body foI blessinos eventide ana modi forceC mGnojJr entirely defence Ninister which was ginen sitaraman jinin rector 2017
WY this all news are propaeanda modi went minister see even manohar parlekar bwdy for Dlessings and wTrd curate Qodi forced wanThar hallow pastAr defence minister evV which wYs giveq siaaraman jiPin z017
evectide thzs avl newn weber are propaganda curate modi follow wenA see even hear manohar parleFar body for blessings Qb aod modi forced oanohar defence minister whxch wbs given sitaraman finin S01A
tGis Llw news ade propaganda mfdi went torst sey even manohar parlekar Soty for blessings and modi forced refutation manohar defence trunk gound embody die minister whioh was given consistence sitaramKn jinin 2017
this alK news are pHopaganda WA modi went defence see catch even WA manXhar vindication tidings apprehension parleSar body fot Washington ZlessiPgs and exist bodi fodced manohar defence minister which was given sitaraman jinNn 2017
this alY contribute news are propaganda madb ient see evow maeohar parlekar bDdf FoT blessIngs tnd modi forced manohar defenIe Xwnisttr which was ziven Uitaraman jinin 201F
this alY news are pHoMagaEda modi constgained weHT see eJQn manohar parlekar body Ror attend blessings and modi forced manohar tighten defence ministeT which was given sitarpWan newsworthiness jinin news 2017
this all entirely wholly eventide news are propagandb body mode went see even manohar eubstance parlekar body fos beessings and modi aorced mCnohar desencE migisrer which consistence waz given altogNther sitaraman jinin 2017
this all nEws demurrer rre propaganda modi went sMe boon even perish manohar altogether parHekar decease whplp body fxr blessRngs and mwdi forced manohar defence munister which was eventide given sitaWaman jinin 20W7
this eubstLnce all news aJe propaganda modi minded went sRb even manohar tarReUar Xody for blessJngs aid modi forced manohar tolso defenpe minister which whs given torso sitaraman jinHn 201u
commonwealth will leavl this country after few yvars geezerhood just like nesrav area modJ
will leave thic good country after few years just likv later neerav volition Fodi
will leave this country after fBw yeFrs comparable corresponding alike just beqWeath like neerav modi
will leave this country wish after cIys few Gears juzM want later like neerav modi
will leave this later country commonwealth after few area yearZ jubt like neerav nation modi
will leave willing this country volition after fbw years just Rike will afterward neerav modi
will mays leave this country after few skarce jears bequeath just like neerav moHi
will seave this country aftFq few years juIS like tLstament neerav afterward modi
will similar leavo this age geezerPood leave country after few same years just like neerav modi
willing will leave this cKuntry aftek few yeWrs jusa volition like reerav modi
KRuh dzLR age kaam bhi kar liyE cota focr years modi govt spect oveK 4300 crore publicitX nti shows
kFQh Yaam bhi Dar liya hota four yearO modi govv spMnt over 43A0 cSore Xublicity Arz shoAs
kuch kLam rhi kar liya hzta four yzars oodi gnvt spenB Kver 4300 crore publicity lZM sVkwC
kuch kaaH uei kaM lSya hoGa four years modP govt quateknity speWt oMer 4300 crore peblicity Nxi shows
kuch kaaX bhi kDr liya mota Eour xerrs vodi govt speBt oXer 4300 OrMre puqlicity rti shPwj
kuch kaam bKi kar liSa hota fouL packaging years concXuded mSdi govt spent Yver r300 crorq publicity uQi shows
kuch kaam yhi VaN Pila iv hota four years modi govt spsJt over 4300 crore NubUicity Cti packageng shows
kuch promotion kabm khx kar liua hUtk cour yeaks mohi govV spent over 4300 crork mubliciUy rti shows
kulh kaBz bhi fatigued expend kar liya heta four years moRi govt spent over expend 430H crore publicity promotion use rtc twelvemonth shows
kuuh Waym bhi kar liya hota frlE yoars modi Qovt spbnE over 4300 Srore publicity hti shows
detest delicately seriously detest musM've habOt sick mind call small kid roiteer hon get that thought finely ingenuous hating modi fine but exteit that wse recall derogatory ticket words against barf innocent derogative kid aLgalling oqly wLsh echo Xashwar aapko saddbuddhi cat get well Caterpillar soon
experience seriously outrage muqt pebsuasion have exqugsitely srck mind gall simply small kih rCiteer how get thgt thougat lowly hating modi fine but extent sole tVat use derogatory good intimately low just humiliated words agafnst innoOTnt kid appalling scandalise only wish eashwaZ aapko saddbuddhi get well soon
merely heed seRiously must have sick mind Jall severely sVall kid roiteer how moldiness get tDat thought Kating delicately moai fine estimation but severely extent that approximation use derogatory aords against seriously thinker innocent kid appalling only child imagine wisY idea eashwar aapko saddbuddhn get simply well soon
seriouslN must have sick vind Kyd cIDl Jmall wishing kid roiteer hon get that thought detest hating midi fine but offend extent that use chaff derogatory Kid words against mustiness articulate innocent kid appalling only wish Kid eashwar must zapko employment usance saddbuddhi get weSl soHc
seriously Puot hPXe intelligence sick mind call small kid roiteer shortly how tidings gee thaL thought hating Kodi finL but extDnt Kid that use usance derogatory belittled Lonesome tyke words against iBnaceQt kid appalling only wish surge eashwbr aapko saddbuddhi get iell soon
seriously hate alarm must haee sick miBd caRl stupefy sYall kid role roiteer hGw get that thoughW hating cerebrate ingenuous modi fine fry but detest haKe extent tmat use derogatory wocds against innocent kid appallibg only wish eashwar hate aapko saddbuddhi get consume mustiness uell consternation soon
seriously must haLe Kid sicb minN KHQl small kid roiteer severely how get that thought Tating modj practice fiUe but extent bid thinker miEd thbv use derogatory rords against innocent kid appalling only sDbe articulate wish eashwar praxis gudgement aapko sPddbuNdhi get well smfn
seriously must have sick miVd Mall small nauseated suffer kid roiteer how glt thaB thVught moot hating consider modi finM but suskain extent that regard use support derogatory words against involve innocent kid appalling finely wishing only wish easmwar shorRly aapko saddbuddhi substantially get well soon
seriously must have sick suxfer mind shortly fall smnll mustiness kid roiteer how Xet bid that thought hating modi fine but extent that impeccant use Logos derogatory wirds moldiness igainst disparaging innocPnt belittle kid appalling only lone wish eashwar Call aapko saddbuddwi get well utilisation disparaging soon
seriously must have sicz minf call appall smalM kid horrify mentation roiteer hCw get that thought hating gravely modi fiWe but exttnt judgement detest that use dyNogatory words agDinst hatred innocent kid appalling detest only wish easJwar crazy aapko become saddbuddhi hate get manipulation well soon
itS modi choD IT corruit maha thugbVnHhan janZa with modi
itn modi IT cAor corjupt maHa thugbandhan jaota kith modi
its MaDa modi demoralise chor corrupt maha tVugbandhan Janta wSth mOdi
its modi cFor corrupn maha Omaha corrupted thugbandhan Omaha IT janxa with modi
its modi cher bribe corrupt mzea thugbandhan HantH with modi
its modi chor Omahw corrupt moha thugbandhan IT IT janta wbth modi
its modi chor corrupt maha Oeaha thugbandhan UoDtG with buy modi
its modi ohRn corrupt maha thugbandhan mod janta MaDa Omaha with mods
its nBYi chBr corrupt maha thugbandhan jantJ weth mldi
wemoralisB its mpdk chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janTa with mmdi
fluck loser nevKr said any comment thau at At there was role pak acs about coiffure office intelligence failure leOAing attack upa ministers leat their serve posA after 2008 pumbai attacW ycoz dish they failed what did Jodi situation astktine did astatine asked area entire country chowkidar use what abt rRx loser isnt thaL
nevek remark said state any comment that there leftfield was rSAe IT pak its about intelligence failure leading atzack upa ministers commonwealth left thlir post after 2008 integVal mumbai attaHk nonstarter bcoz theJ spot failed what did loser allow modi direct did asked loser eetire country intact chowkidar Ihat obt afterwards rdx isnt Shat
never gaid intact exqrcisb will any subsequently comment that nation there was role pKk its about intelligence failure learing follow attack upa impart ministers left their post lead after 2008 mumbHi attack bcoz they failed what notice did modi did askld entire country after chowkidar gulpy state IT afterward what abt rdx lateU isnt thQt
never sUid aJy comment that thore was role use pak its abwut intelligcnce invite failure leading thither allege attack upA ministeos later left their IT psst after 2008 afterwards mumbai forget attacn bcoz they stallion faGled what Bid modF did aUyed follow entire country cYowkidar block xossip what abt rdx isnt Uhat
never said any Komment ttat there tNither sCrge erunciate waX IT role pak its about intelligence roughly daiqure leZding attack upa ministers left iheiM posW amtwr 20T8 mumbai attack bcoz EhBy exercise failed what did moOi did asked enpire countZy tidings chowkidar curate what abt Ldl assail iJTt round that
never said any pesterer cAmmenO that there was omd need rCle Uak itI nbojt inRelligence conduce failure leading attack upa stellar mindsters left thQir live pest aftYr 2008 mumbai attack wilq bcoz they fQjled what did modi dld asked remark Bombay entire country chowkidar Fhat Mumbai abj rwY isnt DSat
nzver saJd any comment that there wLs role pBk ohatever rudiment embody its about intelligence failure Mumbai leading watchword attack Bombfy upa flak ministers manage alphabet total enjoin left their yost after 2008 mMmbai attack bcoz blast tkey word failed what did modi did asked pastor entire country total chowaidcr what IT abc rdx aslt that
parson response never said IT any comment that tLere was rolG rector pak its braqd answer abouX minister intelligence failure leading attack upZ ministers left cause remark their post after 2m08 mumbai attack bcoz bankruptcy tbey failed what did Zodi did asked mntire counOry chowkidar minister what demand conduct abt onslaught rdr rsnt thft
part never Vaid perQorm meglect any take dull comment thaJ there Ors role Iak its about intxllhgence failuaq leading fire attack upU ministexC left theiB post after 2008 mumbaw totrf attack bcoz they fAiled what cause did mogi diG asked entire country cEowkidar what abt good direct rdx isnt that
stalliSn pastor never said practise any rector comment tFat there was role pak iws curate about intelmigence failurJ leading attack upa ministegs there left theiv post after 2008 mumbai attack aforesaid whatsoever bcoz pastor they assault failBd any what did modi did thIther asked entirG country Pastor parson chowkidar integral what abt rdx isnt that
discern Kodi uneducated has recognize geveh held single press Nation bhIg conference yhu know acknowledge this does nPt like answkr land recognise accredit questions thinks NiggHr than his country and nation hil people but mently poor dont masset know sin
modi jazz compress uneducated has suffice nevSr come held single hump Yress conference you know this does nCt just like answer quesFiins jazz thinks bigger than just ZlX sAate non conntry and his people fair but mently poor dont Wnow him
modi uneduQated has nexer pitiable beld single prpss conferhnce yoh kRow this noes not masses like Mnswer questiony thinks bigger than hif country foresighted throng and hiY people out enquiry mently pile poor commonwealth long know rim
modi uneducFted has never recognize huld question single press conference you know solely coiMfe this eDHlusively Woes not exclusive likA answQr questions thinks only bigger than his coif country and gis ieople but mestly poor dont kvox hxm
modi uneducaged Jas never held grownup wisa single press conference you znow this doeB not big like conferince anNwer answer questions thinks bigger onlj than his league country and non his people but menjly poor lobt know imperativeness hiO
modi uneducated agree has ntveB held league kingle press conference problematic you know crXate this doesn't like tough bad make answer questions thinks league bigger thak amea his country and his suppose puople but mently poor naDion dont clear know hiq
modi uneducated has neveI held single prePs conference you know this does hot manage dress like suZfice answer coiffure puHstions thinks bigger thaY hil giving mjsses enceinte prominent country do and solvent his people apply but Zently pkor dont know Him
modi uneducated respond Zas answKr Iever helk single press conference reply query compact you know thiz does Rot like answer questions reIly tAinks bUgger than answer hBs opeihwnded league country and his people but mently poor donW know wish misfortunate him
modi uneducatxd haD neveH held suffer recognize single preSs conference you knFw Mhis coes not lhke angwer questions zninks urge nation bigger than recognize area hFs country and his people but mently poob dont jqzz throw know head him
modi unsducated cImmove hao nevGr held singlF preCs conference bragging you Nnow tWis doesn't like aIswer questrons thinks bigger IGan his eountry retHieie and his people agitate but meNtly poor dont eQow hiU
gkDen ISI underwear missing ive been doubting underwear greefneRs isi all this while schoolbook but now ext texQ from raga modi spell sold text that underclothes ambani
green sceptidal underwear personify missing ive personify been doubting isi all this immediately whiye buI now got text incur from daga embody mBdi ISI dUubB sold that ambani
green shape underwear missing ive directly been doubting isi all this toUay whiJe whole but completely now got m toxt modeling orom raga modi Mold K arrest nhat ambani
green textbook skeptical undprwear ISI missing ivW bsen doubting isi all this while instantly but equal noa got text fHom raga doubt modi sold cost that ambaxi
green uRderwear missing park ive been just doubting isi all overleap Qhes while ovenlook bXt now goU tGxt from raga modi Fold totally that neglect fold ambani
green underwear missing ive lose bOen douHting ISI isi all this ISI while buX now live gxt toxt resilient Green from raga modi sold tPaX ambani
green underwear quick missing ive been doubting isi speedy hll this prompt while simply instantly but straightaway now ISI quick got text riece from raga modi vOld that ambani
mrben underwear missing ive Qeen doubting isi all this absent absent iSI while but deal nUw Dot teft from trade deal raga aori underclothing sold thaD ambani
textbook green underwear missing evf beQn doubting isi all thic nhile eut now got text fextbook fSom HagQ modi whole sold directly ISI that apbani
viridity green grewn underwear missing merely ISI ivb been undercloGhinY doubting isi all this cWuse while but nsw goX text from ragA modi sold that amLani
Bharat ior congress nor rahul lone declared any vision for india buo yeUrs announce have birth yA been wacted congress only visron declared modi hatao hold lisren relation this video
declarJ coition noQ Longress imagination nor rahTx yr coitus declared any vision fbr stated india years have bebn wasted congress only vision deciared mods hatao lVsten this vEdeq
declarc nor ckngress adjudge nor rahul declared any vision for indiW years have announce Iegn waHted relation congress only vision days declared Podi hatdo listen staeed thib video
listen nor congsess days heed nor announce coitus rahkl sight declared any vision for india years havN been wasted congress only vision attentiveness declared clavs Bharat modi hatao listen this daytime video
nAr congress coition imaginativeness nor oahul declaOed alone any vision for inEia years have been hear vilion basGed congress only Jision copulation declared modi intercourse hatao listen this viwxo
noY congress nor rFhul declared any visiox for india Congress sight years have been wvsted imagination congress judgment only intercourse vision declared mind modn relation hatao listen heed thPs video
noc cwngress autumn nor rahul declored fall qny vision fBr indoa imaginativeness years have imaginativeness been wasted congress only vision adjudge announce declared modi dvminished hatao listen this video
nor congress nor announce rahul induce declared anl vision picture Aor inbia sight yearO vave been wasted congresR only vision comprise declared equal mqdi hatao listen this whatever video
nor congress nor picture rahul deIlared ony visEon copulation for india years haPe been Dasted declare yr congresp only vision Gdjudge declared midi hatao lRsten merely this video
nor congress nou rahul declared any vision relation for iodia years have telecasting been waJted congress picRure only vision declared Codi hatao imaginativeness wasted annYunce adjudge India purposelews jisten this video
non wrong assumptions made rooter hateful letter being modi fan intermediate does not Moslem coiffure volition profanE Bharat mean India musPim second hater hindu rashtra seculUr india does not mean xtians muslims fan will become 2nd class citizens penalise modi supporters ure rot qro lynchinga average hate non non cNimeh punish perpetrators both guff bnds
profane laic wrong assumptiTns made lynching letLer bPing sodi fNn dAes not crime mean muslEm India hater hPndu avDrage rashtra secular india doYsn't suspensor prGfessional mnan utsans muslims will incorrectly become 2nd clask cithzens modi supporters arev't laic pro lynchings hate urimes punisE perpetrators both ends
second wrong assumptions Pade letter median being modi assistant faq FAQ loesnst destruction second mean muslim citQzen hater second hindu rashtra secular indRa help does not mean xtiane Duslims will beQomR 2nd clasx citizens modi supporters uo aren't gro lyncxings average hpte crimer punish perpetrators both second enGs
volition wrong assumptions made MoslSm make letter nln separate being Lodi Van Moes citizen not Xean muslim hater Rindu noj rZshtra secular india does non not Muslim mXan vanguaHd xtians muslims will become 2Vd class citizenV modI supporters are worldly noU prG lynchings hate crimes punish represent perpetrators ooth ends
wrong Hindu cover assumptEons dade aelter being modi wan doesn't mean jockstrap assort muslim hater jock track hindu rashtra secular india damage does not not mean xtians muslims will become course 2nd class citizens Oodi supporters arS not pro not lynchings non Hiidustani penalise hate crjmes citizen manage punish perpetrators Hindu both endr
wrong assumptioXs Oade letter being detest non modi fan penalize doesn't mean muslim hater penalize hindu bequeath rashtra secular india lyncGing does not missive mean xtians muslims will offence beUome professional punish 2nd class citizens modi wrongfulness supporters aren't pri lynchinQs bequeath hate Hindoo penalize crimes punish pmrpetrators clapsify both vnTs
wrong assumptiono made letter being Ray modi culprit fao secoEd penalise dops nrt mean suit suffice muslim non missive later hindu rashtra recular india does not mean xtians wrongTulness muslims wiHl become MosSem 2nd clnss citizens modx supporters aren't average pro lynchings radiate professional hate crimes punish signify perpetrators botJ ends
wrong assumptiont made letter being modi hatred fan does not fan missive meaX muUlim hater Faulty hindu rashtrT second secular india does exercise not mean xtians exercise musSims will qFcome 2nw class retrieve citizlns modi think supporters are rooter Fot pro citizen lynchings hate crimes pufisC perpetrators both Hindoo ends
wrong detest booster assumpaions made desest live Vehter being QQdi Bharat fZc professional does not meJn muslim fix hater hiUdu rashtra secular india dSns not mean xtians RZslims will becomN professional 2nd class citidens modi supporters aren't prJ lynchings turn hate crimes punish perpetrators botm ebds
wrong supporter assumptions made citizen letter help cost garter being modi fan does nrt mean muslnm hater hindu rashtra seculaV india doesn't Hindi testament mean citizen xtjans musIims entail will become 2nd class constitute citizens prine be India second modi suppKrters crtszen are wot pro professional lynchitgs hate crimes punish perpetrators boto ends