One group in this conflict is the SLM, led by Abdul Wahid (“WAH-heed”) al Nur. The Arabic-speaking Janjaweed (“JOHN-juh-weed”), a major counter-insurgency force, has tried to stop refugees from reaching Chad.
[ "equivalents involving violence in Darfur, such as genocide", "war in Darfur", "Darfur", "war Darfur", "war", "Darfur war", "Darfur conflict" ]
One group in this conflict is the SLM, led by Abdul Wahid (“WAH-heed”) al Nur. The Arabic-speaking Janjaweed (“JOHN-juh-weed”), a major counter-insurgency force, has tried to stop refugees from reaching Chad. In February 2010, JEM signed a truce with Omar Al-Bashir, a major development in, for 10 points, what conflict between Arab and non-Arabs in the western part of Sudan?
[ [ 0, 79 ], [ 79, 209 ], [ 209, 376 ] ]
{war} in {Darfur} [accept equivalents involving violence in {Darfur}, such as genocide; prompt on
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The protagonist of this novel suffers a head wound when asking for news from a retreating column.
[ "The Red Badge of Courage" ]
The protagonist of this novel suffers a head wound when asking for news from a retreating column. His friend Wilson cares for that head wound after his return to camp, a kindness the protagonist had not shown for the "Tattered Man" and Jim Conklin after they earned the titular mark. For 10 points, identify this novel that follows Henry Fleming as he participates in the Civil War, a work by Stephen Crane.
[ [ 0, 98 ], [ 98, 284 ], [ 284, 407 ] ]
The Red Badge of Courage
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man was the first to state that the color of light was determined by light's interaction with other objects.
[ "Isaac Newton" ]
This man was the first to state that the color of light was determined by light's interaction with other objects. This man was the first to coin the term "Action at a Distance." His second law states that force is equal to the time derivative of momentum, or F equals m a. For 10 points, name this man who derived three laws of motion and apocryphally discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head.
[ [ 0, 114 ], [ 114, 178 ], [ 178, 273 ], [ 273, 402 ] ]
Isaac Newton
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Its mascot is named Mandeville, and it will begin with a show titled "Isles of Wonder," to be directed by Danny Boyle.
[ "2012 Summer Olympics", "Olympics", "London Olympics" ]
Its mascot is named Mandeville, and it will begin with a show titled "Isles of Wonder," to be directed by Danny Boyle. Some of the venues to be used for it include Lord's Cricket Ground, Dorney Lake, Old Trafford, and Wembley Stadium. The Royal Mail will issue commemorative stamps for any British athlete who wins a gold medal at, for 10 points, what quadrennial athletic event, which begins July 27 in London, England?
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 235 ], [ 235, 420 ] ]
2012 Summer {Olympics} [accept {London Olympics} before "London" is read; prompt on Olympics]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In order to destroy the Hogyoku and defeat Aizen, this show's main character unleashes the final Getsuga Tensho. This anime's protagonist attains a new form while fighting against the Espada Ulquiorra. This anime begins when Rukia Kuchiki gives up her powers to the protagonist. For 10 points, identify this anime featuring Ichigo Kurosaki where Soul Reapers battle Hollows.
[ "Bleach" ]
In order to destroy the Hogyoku and defeat Aizen, this show's main character unleashes the final Getsuga Tensho. This anime's protagonist attains a new form while fighting against the Espada Ulquiorra. This anime begins when Rukia Kuchiki gives up her powers to the protagonist. For 10 points, identify this anime featuring Ichigo Kurosaki where Soul Reapers battle Hollows.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 202 ], [ 202, 279 ], [ 279, 374 ] ]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This politician objected to the Mexican War by giving his Spot Resolutions. This leader gave the "House Divided" speech, and he engaged in a series of debates with Stephen (*) Douglas during the 1858 Senate election. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by this president, who was shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. For 10 points, name this president who served during the Civil War.
[ "Abraham Lincoln" ]
This politician objected to the Mexican War by giving his Spot Resolutions. This leader gave the "House Divided" speech, and he engaged in a series of debates with Stephen (*) Douglas during the 1858 Senate election. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by this president, who was shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. For 10 points, name this president who served during the Civil War.
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 217 ], [ 217, 330 ], [ 330, 397 ] ]
Abraham Lincoln
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These objects are often responsible for the formation of "rock flour." When these objects retreat, they often create eskers and drumlins and leave moraines.
[ "glaciers" ]
These objects are often responsible for the formation of "rock flour." When these objects retreat, they often create eskers and drumlins and leave moraines. They often create "v" and "u" shaped (*) valleys along with fjords. When these objects break apart, they form icebergs and can create large crevasses in their surface. For 10 points, name these large bodies of moving ice.
[ [ 0, 71 ], [ 71, 157 ], [ 157, 225 ], [ 225, 325 ], [ 325, 378 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this book, Vic Morgeroff mocks the word "enjoyable," and one character carries around a fireengine red bucket. The two primary adults in this book are rival twin brothers who suffer from narcolepsy. One of them, Ledroptha Curtain, controls a Whisperer at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened.
[ "The Mysterious Benedict Society" ]
In this book, Vic Morgeroff mocks the word "enjoyable," and one character carries around a fireengine red bucket. The two primary adults in this book are rival twin brothers who suffer from narcolepsy. One of them, Ledroptha Curtain, controls a Whisperer at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened. For 10 points, name this work about Reynie Muldoon, written by Trenton Lee Stewart.
[ [ 0, 114 ], [ 114, 202 ], [ 202, 307 ], [ 307, 390 ] ]
The Mysterious Benedict Society
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man chaired the 40 Committee that authorized the CIA backed coup of Salvador Allende (Ah-YEN-day) in Chile. He negotiated with Zhou Enlai during Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China. As National Security Advisor, he applied the term "détente" [day-TAHNT] to relaxation of tensions with the Soviet Union.
[ "(Heinz Alfred) Henry Kissinger" ]
This man chaired the 40 Committee that authorized the CIA backed coup of Salvador Allende (Ah-YEN-day) in Chile. He negotiated with Zhou Enlai during Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China. As National Security Advisor, he applied the term "détente" [day-TAHNT] to relaxation of tensions with the Soviet Union. (*) For 10 points, name this Nobel Peace Prize winner and realpolitik advocate who served as Secretary of State at the end of the Vietnam War.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 187 ], [ 187, 308 ], [ 308, 450 ] ]
(Heinz Alfred) \"Henry\" Kissinger
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This poet delivered "The Gift Outright" at President John F. Kennedy's inauguration. One of his poems observes that "good fences make good neighbors" and is called "Mending Wall." His poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" notes that "Nature's first green is gold."
[ "Robert Lee Frost" ]
This poet delivered "The Gift Outright" at President John F. Kennedy's inauguration. One of his poems observes that "good fences make good neighbors" and is called "Mending Wall." His poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" notes that "Nature's first green is gold." For 10 points, name this poet who stated in his most famous poem that he took "the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 180 ], [ 180, 256 ], [ 256, 400 ] ]
Robert Lee Frost
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This play's opening brawl is started by Gregory and Samson. Later in this play, Friar John fails to deliver a letter written by Friar Lawrence. Mercutio is killed by Tybalt in Act III of this play.
[ "Romeo Juliet", "Romeo and Juliet", "Juliet", "Romeo" ]
This play's opening brawl is started by Gregory and Samson. Later in this play, Friar John fails to deliver a letter written by Friar Lawrence. Mercutio is killed by Tybalt in Act III of this play. This play features the feud between the Montagues (“MON-tay-gyooz”) and the Capulets. For 10 points, name this Shakespeare tragedy, depicting a doomed romance between the two title “star-crossed lovers.”
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 144 ], [ 144, 198 ], [ 198, 284 ], [ 284, 401 ] ]
{Romeo} and {Juliet}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One king of this name had his ministers Thomas Cromwell and Thomas More executed. The seventh king of this name founded the Tudor dynasty after he won the Battle of Bosworth Field. His son of this name left the Catholic Church so that he could divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn.
[ "Henry", "Henry Henry", "Henry VIIor Henry VIII" ]
One king of this name had his ministers Thomas Cromwell and Thomas More executed. The seventh king of this name founded the Tudor dynasty after he won the Battle of Bosworth Field. His son of this name left the Catholic Church so that he could divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. For 10 points, give this name of several English kings, the eighth of whom had six wives.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 181 ], [ 181, 295 ], [ 295, 384 ] ]
{Henry} [accept {Henry} VIIor {Henry} VIII]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This country's city of Manaus is located at the confluence of the Solimoes [sue-lee-moish] and Negro [naygrow] rivers. Its capital city was designed by Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer. One city in this nation is home to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. This largest (*) Portuguese-speaking country is home to the mouth of the world's second longest river. For 10 points, name this largest country in South America that is home to Rio de Janeiro.
[ "Brazil", "Federative Republic of Brazil" ]
This country's city of Manaus is located at the confluence of the Solimoes [sue-lee-moish] and Negro [naygrow] rivers. Its capital city was designed by Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer. One city in this nation is home to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. This largest (*) Portuguese-speaking country is home to the mouth of the world's second longest river. For 10 points, name this largest country in South America that is home to Rio de Janeiro.
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 184 ], [ 184, 254 ], [ 254, 357 ], [ 357, 446 ] ]
Federative Republic of {Brazil}
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man wrote poems like "maggie and milly and molly and may" and "i carry your heart with me."
[ "E(dward) E(stlin) Cummings" ]
This man wrote poems like "maggie and milly and molly and may" and "i carry your heart with me." He chronicled his imprisonment during World War 1 in The Enormous Room. He wrote about "someones marry[ing] their everyones" and "sun moon stars rain" in "anyone lived in a pretty how town." (*) For 10 points, name this poet known for his unconventional use of punctuation and capitalization.
[ [ 0, 97 ], [ 97, 169 ], [ 169, 288 ], [ 288, 389 ] ]
E(dward) E(stlin) Cummings
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium. Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water.
[ "H", "hydrogen" ]
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium. Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water. It is the only nonmetal in Period 1 of the periodic table. For 10 points, name this lightest element, which has a chemical symbol of H.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 137 ], [ 137, 198 ], [ 198, 257 ], [ 257, 333 ] ]
hydrogen [accept H before it is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The first president of this nation, Douglas Hyde, was elected thanks to the founder of the Fianna Fail party, the Taoiseach ["tee-shock"] Eamon de Valera. Earlier, this country's members of Sinn Fein started the Easter Rising, and William Gladstone supported its "Home Rule."
[ "Republic of Ireland" ]
The first president of this nation, Douglas Hyde, was elected thanks to the founder of the Fianna Fail party, the Taoiseach ["tee-shock"] Eamon de Valera. Earlier, this country's members of Sinn Fein started the Easter Rising, and William Gladstone supported its "Home Rule." Michael Collins led this country's (*) IRA. For 10 points, name this country which shares its island with part of the United Kingdom and whose capital is Dublin.
[ [ 0, 155 ], [ 155, 276 ], [ 276, 320 ], [ 320, 437 ] ]
Republic of Ireland
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day.
[ "Yom ha", "Yom Kippur", "Yom ha-Kipurim", "Kipurim", "Yom ha Kipurim" ]
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day. The last of the five services occurring on this day is the Neilah. People try to transfer their sins away and recite the Kol Nidre prayer before its beginning. Occurring on the 10th of Tishrei, it concludes the (*) High Holy Days. For 10 points, name this Jewish Day of Atonement.
[ [ 0, 186 ], [ 186, 253 ], [ 253, 346 ], [ 346, 417 ], [ 417, 466 ] ]
{Yom Kippur} [or {Yom ha}-{Kipurim;} prompt on Jewish \"Day of Atonement\" before mention]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two liquids are said to be immiscible if they cannot combine to form this type of mixture. In the most common form of this mixture, solid particles are small enough to completely dissolve in a liquid. For 10 points, name this type of mixture that is not a colloid or suspension, an example of which is sugar dissolved in water.
[ "solution" ]
Two liquids are said to be immiscible if they cannot combine to form this type of mixture. In the most common form of this mixture, solid particles are small enough to completely dissolve in a liquid. For 10 points, name this type of mixture that is not a colloid or suspension, an example of which is sugar dissolved in water.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 201 ], [ 201, 327 ] ]
{solution} [prompt on mixture]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character on this show was a model who dated a girl named Marta before taking a job as a doorman. Another character on this show spent 3 days in law school and repeatedly sets things on fire.
[ "iCarly" ]
One character on this show was a model who dated a girl named Marta before taking a job as a doorman. Another character on this show spent 3 days in law school and repeatedly sets things on fire. One of the main character's friends is a tech (*) wizard with an overbearing mother, while the other is a meat-addicted delinquent who co-hosts the title show. For 10 points, name this Nickelodeon sitcom starring Miranda Cosgrove as the host of an internet webcast.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 196 ], [ 196, 356 ], [ 356, 461 ] ]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Great White Spots are frequent storms on this planet.
[ "Saturn" ]
Great White Spots are frequent storms on this planet. Its moons include Iapetus, Rhea, Enceladus, and the only known one to have an atmosphere. This planet is less dense than water. The Cassini Division is located in its extensive ring system. For 10 points, name this second largest planet in the solar system, the sixth from the Sun.
[ [ 0, 54 ], [ 54, 144 ], [ 144, 182 ], [ 182, 244 ], [ 244, 335 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Vast amounts of data concerning this body were gathered by the Clementine mission. Rilles are faults found on the surface of this body.
[ "moon", "the moon" ]
Vast amounts of data concerning this body were gathered by the Clementine mission. Rilles are faults found on the surface of this body. The Tycho Crater and Montes Pyrenaeus (MON-tays pee-reh-NAYuss) are found here. Its movement is calculated using sidereal and synodic periods. This body's surface contains several maria (MAH-ree-ah), including the Sea of Tranquility. For 10 points, name this celestial body that revolves around Earth.
[ [ 0, 83 ], [ 83, 136 ], [ 136, 216 ], [ 216, 279 ], [ 279, 370 ], [ 370, 437 ] ]
the {moon}
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel, some mice fabricate a question that a super-computer was attempting to formulate, but it was destroyed minutes before the end of its 10 million year program. This novel features a whale's internal monologue and a Vogon poetry reading. For 10 points, Arthur Dent survives the Earth's destruction in what Douglas Adams novel titled after an encyclopedia for space hobos?
[ "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ]
In this novel, some mice fabricate a question that a super-computer was attempting to formulate, but it was destroyed minutes before the end of its 10 million year program. This novel features a whale's internal monologue and a Vogon poetry reading. For 10 points, Arthur Dent survives the Earth's destruction in what Douglas Adams novel titled after an encyclopedia for space hobos?
[ [ 0, 173 ], [ 173, 250 ], [ 250, 383 ] ]
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This goddess may have conceived children by eating lettuce. This "cow-eyed" goddess had a wagon pulled by peacocks. She sent a gadfly to sting a cow who had escaped from the hundred-eyed monster Argus. That cow, Io, was one of the women seduced by her philandering husband. For 10 points, name this queen of the Olympians and wife of Zeus.
[ "Hera" ]
This goddess may have conceived children by eating lettuce. This "cow-eyed" goddess had a wagon pulled by peacocks. She sent a gadfly to sting a cow who had escaped from the hundred-eyed monster Argus. That cow, Io, was one of the women seduced by her philandering husband. For 10 points, name this queen of the Olympians and wife of Zeus.
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 116 ], [ 116, 202 ], [ 202, 274 ], [ 274, 339 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This building was constructed with help from Hiram (HYE-ruhm), King of Tyre ("TIRE"). It contained two large pillars named Jachin (JAH-hin) and Boaz. It was ostensibly built on Mount Moriah, which is now home to the Dome of the Rock.
[ "temple of Solomon", "temple of Jerusalem" ]
This building was constructed with help from Hiram (HYE-ruhm), King of Tyre ("TIRE"). It contained two large pillars named Jachin (JAH-hin) and Boaz. It was ostensibly built on Mount Moriah, which is now home to the Dome of the Rock. This building housed the Ark of the Covenant. After it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (NEH-boo-kah-NEZZ-er), it was rebuilt, only to be destroyed again in 70 CE. For 10 points, identify this place of worship first built by Solomon.
[ [ 0, 86 ], [ 86, 150 ], [ 150, 234 ], [ 234, 280 ], [ 280, 397 ], [ 397, 466 ] ]
{temple of Jerusalem} [accept temple of Solomon before "Dome of the Rock;" prompt on temple]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This instrument was played by Cannonball Adderley on Kind of Blue, as well as by a musician whose own albums include Giant Steps and A Love Supreme.
[ "saxophone", "alto saxophone" ]
This instrument was played by Cannonball Adderley on Kind of Blue, as well as by a musician whose own albums include Giant Steps and A Love Supreme. Another player of this instrument released Ornithology and Yardbird Suite. It was played by John Coltrane and Charlie Parker. For 10 points, name this instrument whose alto and tenor varieties have a U-bend and tilted bell and are common in jazz ensembles.
[ [ 0, 149 ], [ 149, 224 ], [ 224, 275 ], [ 275, 405 ] ]
{saxophone} [accept alto saxophone]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The distribution of these items was outlawed in Mumbai, India after a 2005 flood was partly blamed on blocked drains throughout the city. In 2011, Italy was the first European nation to completely ban their distribution, though biodegradable ones are still legal. For 10 points, identify these items banned in Seattle as of July 2012, though consumers will still be able to purchase paper ones, or use their own cloth ones.
[ "non-biodegradable plastic bags", "plastic bags" ]
The distribution of these items was outlawed in Mumbai, India after a 2005 flood was partly blamed on blocked drains throughout the city. In 2011, Italy was the first European nation to completely ban their distribution, though biodegradable ones are still legal. For 10 points, identify these items banned in Seattle as of July 2012, though consumers will still be able to purchase paper ones, or use their own cloth ones.
[ [ 0, 138 ], [ 138, 264 ], [ 264, 423 ] ]
non-biodegradable {plastic bags} [prompt on {bags}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Events", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This document called for about 5 billion pounds in reparations from Germany and the return of the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France. Woodrow Wilson's decision to pursue the League of Nations may have caused this document to not be ratified in the United States. For 10 points, what is this document ending World War I, named for the palace in which it was signed?
[ "Versailles", "Treaty of Versailles" ]
This document called for about 5 billion pounds in reparations from Germany and the return of the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France. Woodrow Wilson's decision to pursue the League of Nations may have caused this document to not be ratified in the United States. For 10 points, what is this document ending World War I, named for the palace in which it was signed?
[ [ 0, 144 ], [ 144, 273 ], [ 273, 374 ] ]
Treaty of {Versailles}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Ebro (AY-bro) Valley is in this nation that owns the Balearic (BAH-lee-AH-rick) Islands and the Canary Islands.
[ "Reino de Espana", "Kingdom of Spain", "Spain", "Espana" ]
The Ebro (AY-bro) Valley is in this nation that owns the Balearic (BAH-lee-AH-rick) Islands and the Canary Islands. The southwest slope of the Pyrenees is in this country, which was unified by a 15th century marriage between rulers of Aragon and Castile. Tourists visit the Costa Brava in its region of Catalonia, which also contains Barcelona. For 10 points, the Iberian Peninsula is shared by Portugal and what nation whose capital is Madrid?
[ [ 0, 116 ], [ 116, 255 ], [ 255, 345 ], [ 345, 444 ] ]
Kingdom of {Spain} [or Reino de {Espana}]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Both Globular Cluster M54, the center of this constellation's namesake dwarf elliptical galaxy, and a possible supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way are found in this constellation. Unusually, its brightest star is its epsilon star, Kaus Australis, found in its Milk Dipper, or Teapot, asterism. For 10 points, name this constellation found between Ophiucus and Capricorn, which depicts an archer.
[ "Sagittarius" ]
Both Globular Cluster M54, the center of this constellation's namesake dwarf elliptical galaxy, and a possible supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way are found in this constellation. Unusually, its brightest star is its epsilon star, Kaus Australis, found in its Milk Dipper, or Teapot, asterism. For 10 points, name this constellation found between Ophiucus and Capricorn, which depicts an archer.
[ [ 0, 199 ], [ 199, 313 ], [ 313, 414 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One of this city's most famous attractions features Tritons leading hippocampi and the shell chariot of the central figure, Oceanus. Ostia was the ancient port of this city, which was built in part on the Palatine and Quirinal Hills. Attractions in this city include the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, and the Colosseum.
[ "Roma,", "Roma, Italia", "Rome,", "Rome, Italy" ]
One of this city's most famous attractions features Tritons leading hippocampi and the shell chariot of the central figure, Oceanus. Ostia was the ancient port of this city, which was built in part on the Palatine and Quirinal Hills. Attractions in this city include the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, and the Colosseum. For 10 points, name this city on the Tiber, the capital of Italy.
[ [ 0, 133 ], [ 133, 234 ], [ 234, 325 ], [ 325, 390 ] ]
{Rome,} Italy [or {Roma,} Italia]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
For an ideal gas, this property is proportional to the average kinetic energy of the particles. Relative humidity is computed by comparing the wet-bulb and dry-bulb measurements of this quantity.
[ "temperature" ]
For an ideal gas, this property is proportional to the average kinetic energy of the particles. Relative humidity is computed by comparing the wet-bulb and dry-bulb measurements of this quantity. According to the third law of thermodynamics, a perfect crystal has zero entropy when this property is (*) absolute zero. For 10 points, name this quantity whose SI unit is the kelvin and that can also be measured on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.
[ [ 0, 96 ], [ 96, 196 ], [ 196, 318 ], [ 318, 447 ] ]
{temperature} [do not accept \"heat\"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The carrack Mary Rose sank during the reign of this ruler, who ordered Thomas Cromwell to dissolve the monasteries. Thomas Cranmer was Archbishop of Canterbury under this ruler, who became the supreme head of the Protestant Church of England. After his marriage to a Spanish princess ended, he married Anne Boleyn, but had Anne beheaded in 1536. For 10 points, name this Tudor king with an eventual total of six wives.
[ "Henry VIII" ]
The carrack Mary Rose sank during the reign of this ruler, who ordered Thomas Cromwell to dissolve the monasteries. Thomas Cranmer was Archbishop of Canterbury under this ruler, who became the supreme head of the Protestant Church of England. After his marriage to a Spanish princess ended, he married Anne Boleyn, but had Anne beheaded in 1536. For 10 points, name this Tudor king with an eventual total of six wives.
[ [ 0, 116 ], [ 116, 243 ], [ 243, 346 ], [ 346, 418 ] ]
{Henry VIII} [prompt on Henry or {Henry} Tudor]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere.
[ "Hallelujah Chorus", "Hallelujah" ]
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere. It includes the line "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and notes "He shall reign forever and ever." For 10 points, name this choral excerpt from Handel's oratorio Messiah, named for its opening word of praise.
[ [ 0, 120 ], [ 120, 185 ], [ 185, 286 ], [ 286, 395 ] ]
{Hallelujah} Chorus [prompt on {Messiah} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character in this novel asks the protagonist if he's happy; that character is Clarisse McClellan. Another character in this book sets herself on fire rather than leave her house. Professor Faber helps lead the main character away from the Mechanical Hound.
[ "Fahrenheit-451" ]
One character in this novel asks the protagonist if he's happy; that character is Clarisse McClellan. Another character in this book sets herself on fire rather than leave her house. Professor Faber helps lead the main character away from the Mechanical Hound. The protagonist of this novel kills his boss Beatty by setting him on (*) fire. For 10 points, name this dystopian Ray Bradbury novel in which Guy Montag burns books.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 183 ], [ 183, 261 ], [ 261, 341 ], [ 341, 427 ] ]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Resignations of the President or Vice-President must be delivered to this person.
[ "Secretary of State" ]
Resignations of the President or Vice-President must be delivered to this person. Madeleine Albright was the first woman to hold this position, and one candidate for this position in the second Obama administration withdrew her candidacy due to controversy over the (*) Benghazi attacks. Susan Rice was a potential nominee for, for 10 points, what cabinet post dealing with diplomacy and foreign affairs held by John Kerry?
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 288 ], [ 288, 423 ] ]
Secretary of State
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Institutions", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In Norse mythology, the wolf Hati will devour this object at Ragnarok while Skoll will eat its sister. One goddess of this object put the shepherd Endymion in an eternal sleep and was the sister of Eos and Helios. Thoth's ibis bill represents the (*) crescent shape of this object.
[ "moon" ]
In Norse mythology, the wolf Hati will devour this object at Ragnarok while Skoll will eat its sister. One goddess of this object put the shepherd Endymion in an eternal sleep and was the sister of Eos and Helios. Thoth's ibis bill represents the (*) crescent shape of this object. The Greek goddess Selene and the Roman goddess Luna were goddesses of, for 10 points, what nighttime celestial object?
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 214 ], [ 214, 282 ], [ 282, 400 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One author from this country wrote about Bam and Maureen Smales escaping civil war in July's People.
[ "South Africa", "Republic of South Africa", "Union of South Africa", "South Africa", "Republic", "RSA", "Republic South Africa" ]
One author from this country wrote about Bam and Maureen Smales escaping civil war in July's People. Another author from this country wrote about the murder of Arthur Jarvis by Absalom Kumalo. It is the home of Nadine Gordimer and the author of Cry the Beloved Country, Alan Paton. For 10 points, what country's twentieth-century literature was shaped by its racial segregation policy of Apartheid?
[ [ 0, 101 ], [ 101, 193 ], [ 193, 282 ], [ 282, 398 ] ]
{Republic} of {South Africa} [accept Union of {South Africa;} accept {RSA}]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One of this deity's possessions is a ring that creates eight copies of itself every nine nights. This deity learned nine songs and eighteen runes after hanging from the world tree for nine days. Huginn (“HOO- ginn”) and Muninn (“MOO-ninn”) bring information from the various lands of this deity's pantheon to his throne. Fenrir (“FEN-reer”) will kill this deity at Ragnarok (“RAG-nuh-rock”). For 10 points, name this god of poetry and wisdom, the leader of the Norse pantheon.
[ "Odin" ]
One of this deity's possessions is a ring that creates eight copies of itself every nine nights. This deity learned nine songs and eighteen runes after hanging from the world tree for nine days. Huginn (“HOO- ginn”) and Muninn (“MOO-ninn”) bring information from the various lands of this deity's pantheon to his throne. Fenrir (“FEN-reer”) will kill this deity at Ragnarok (“RAG-nuh-rock”). For 10 points, name this god of poetry and wisdom, the leader of the Norse pantheon.
[ [ 0, 97 ], [ 97, 195 ], [ 195, 321 ], [ 321, 392 ], [ 392, 476 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Bukit Timah (“boo-KIT tee-MAH”) Nature Reserve is the largest area of rainforest left in this city.
[ "Republic of Singapore", "Singapore" ]
The Bukit Timah (“boo-KIT tee-MAH”) Nature Reserve is the largest area of rainforest left in this city. The five star Raffles Hotel is named after the city's founder, while the island of Sentosa is home to a new Universal Studios Theme Park. Its Changi (“CHANG-eye”) airport is a regional hub, and the city is connected by bridge to Johor (“JO-hor”), in Malaysia. For 10 points, name this Southeast Asian city-state, the most densely populated country in Asia.
[ [ 0, 104 ], [ 104, 242 ], [ 242, 364 ], [ 364, 460 ] ]
Republic of {Singapore}
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The poorwill is the only bird to demonstrate this behavior, which can be defined as sustained torpor. It is called estivation (“ess-tiv-AY-shun”) if it occurs during the summer.
[ "word forms", "hibernation" ]
The poorwill is the only bird to demonstrate this behavior, which can be defined as sustained torpor. It is called estivation (“ess-tiv-AY-shun”) if it occurs during the summer. Animals must either collect or eat lots of food during the fall so that they do not starve while doing it. For 10 points, name this behavior in which an animal goes into a deep sleep for the entire winter.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 178 ], [ 178, 285 ], [ 285, 383 ] ]
{hibernation} [accept word forms]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The number of positive real roots of a polynomial can be found by this man's Rule of Signs.
[ "Descartes' Rule of Signs", "Rene Descartes", "Descartes" ]
The number of positive real roots of a polynomial can be found by this man's Rule of Signs. His philosophical works include the Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. He is the namesake of the standard x-y coordinate system. For 10 points, give this French philosopher and mathematician whose most famous attributed quote is "cogito ergo sum," or, "I think, therefore I am."
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 185 ], [ 185, 243 ], [ 243, 392 ] ]
Rene {Descartes} [accept {Descartes' Rule of Signs} before "Rule"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel, Bob Sheldon and Randy Adderson take part in an attack on Johnny, causing Johnny to fear for his life. Johnny and his best friend meet two girls at a theater, who turn out to be their attackers' girlfriends, Marcia and Cherry. Later in this novel, Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold," just before he dies of injuries sustained in a fire. For 10 points, identify this novel by S.E. Hinton.
[ "The Outsiders" ]
In this novel, Bob Sheldon and Randy Adderson take part in an attack on Johnny, causing Johnny to fear for his life. Johnny and his best friend meet two girls at a theater, who turn out to be their attackers' girlfriends, Marcia and Cherry. Later in this novel, Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold," just before he dies of injuries sustained in a fire. For 10 points, identify this novel by S.E. Hinton.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 241 ], [ 241, 352 ], [ 352, 402 ] ]
The Outsiders
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
While in Auvers [oh-vair], this man painted his physician holding a foxglove plant. In another painting by him, a woman pours coffee as a destitute family sits at a table for a meal. His best-known work shows Saint- Rémy [sahn-ray-mee], and this artist painted the Portrait of Dr. Gachet [gah-shay] and The Potato Eaters. (*) For 10 points, name this artist who showed a swirling sky in his Starry Night and also painted a Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear.
[ "Vincent (Willem) Van Gogh", "Van Gogh" ]
While in Auvers [oh-vair], this man painted his physician holding a foxglove plant. In another painting by him, a woman pours coffee as a destitute family sits at a table for a meal. His best-known work shows Saint- Rémy [sahn-ray-mee], and this artist painted the Portrait of Dr. Gachet [gah-shay] and The Potato Eaters. (*) For 10 points, name this artist who showed a swirling sky in his Starry Night and also painted a Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 183 ], [ 183, 322 ], [ 322, 455 ] ]
Vincent (Willem) {Van Gogh}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two vectors have this property if their cross product is equal to the zero vector, and non-Euclidean geometries are derived by modifying this property. Euclid's fifth postulate states that for a straight line and a point not on the line, exactly one line running through the point has this property with respect to the original line. For 10 points, what term is given to two lines that do not intersect at any point?
[ "parallel" ]
Two vectors have this property if their cross product is equal to the zero vector, and non-Euclidean geometries are derived by modifying this property. Euclid's fifth postulate states that for a straight line and a point not on the line, exactly one line running through the point has this property with respect to the original line. For 10 points, what term is given to two lines that do not intersect at any point?
[ [ 0, 152 ], [ 152, 334 ], [ 334, 416 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Apollonius' Theorem can be used to find the length of this construct given the side lengths of a triangle.
[ "medians" ]
Apollonius' Theorem can be used to find the length of this construct given the side lengths of a triangle. Three of them divide a triangle into six triangles with equal areas, and they intersect at the centroid, or center of mass. For 10 points, identify this term that in geometry refers to a line drawn from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side and in statistics refers to the middle number in a list.
[ [ 0, 107 ], [ 107, 231 ], [ 231, 412 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The University of Breslau gave this composer of 21 Hungarian Dances an honorary doctorate degree; he returned the favor by composing the Academic Festival Overture.
[ "Brahms", "Johannes Brahms" ]
The University of Breslau gave this composer of 21 Hungarian Dances an honorary doctorate degree; he returned the favor by composing the Academic Festival Overture. One of his works replaces the Latin text with verses from the Lutheran Bible, and his 1st Symphony is so heavily inspired by (*) Beethoven that it's often called "Beethoven's Tenth." For 10 points, name this composer of A German Requiem and a children's lullaby.
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 165, 348 ], [ 348, 427 ] ]
Johannes {Brahms}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A poster advertising this event featured a dancer posing on top of the Arturo DiModeca sculpture, Raging Bull, and the words "bring tent." The Internet group "Anonymous" encouraged readers to participate in this event, which targeted Zuccotti Park in New York City and began on September 17th, 2011. For 10 points, identify this protest movement with a slogan of "We are the 99 percent," and a Twitter hashtag of O.W.S.
[ "Occupy Wall Street" ]
A poster advertising this event featured a dancer posing on top of the Arturo DiModeca sculpture, Raging Bull, and the words "bring tent." The Internet group "Anonymous" encouraged readers to participate in this event, which targeted Zuccotti Park in New York City and began on September 17th, 2011. For 10 points, identify this protest movement with a slogan of "We are the 99 percent," and a Twitter hashtag of O.W.S.
[ [ 0, 139 ], [ 139, 300 ], [ 300, 419 ] ]
Occupy Wall Street [prompt on any answer that just includes the word occupy; prompt on O.W.S.]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Events", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This object was delivered not with an inflatable "airbag" system like its predecessors, but with a "sky crane" system that was untested prior to its deployment, which was called "Seven Minutes of Terror."
[ "MSL", "Curiosity rover", "Mars Science Laboratory", "Curiosity" ]
This object was delivered not with an inflatable "airbag" system like its predecessors, but with a "sky crane" system that was untested prior to its deployment, which was called "Seven Minutes of Terror." Its arrival at Gale Crater on August 6, 2012 was observed by the Odyssey orbiter. (*) For 10 points, name this semi-autonomous, car-sized rover currently conducting experiments on a certain red planet.
[ [ 0, 205 ], [ 205, 287 ], [ 287, 406 ] ]
{Curiosity} rover [or Mars Science Laboratory; or {MSL}]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One deity from this myth system received the four winds as a gift from his grandfather and used them to kill its creator goddess, Tiamat (TEE-ah-maht). Another deity from this myth system corresponds to the Sumerian Inanna (ee-NAH-nah) and removed seven objects of clothing at seven different gates in the underworld. For 10 points, Marduk (MAR-dook) and Ishtar appear in what myth system that also includes the legendary king Gilgamesh?
[ "Babylonian", "Mesopotamian" ]
One deity from this myth system received the four winds as a gift from his grandfather and used them to kill its creator goddess, Tiamat (TEE-ah-maht). Another deity from this myth system corresponds to the Sumerian Inanna (ee-NAH-nah) and removed seven objects of clothing at seven different gates in the underworld. For 10 points, Marduk (MAR-dook) and Ishtar appear in what myth system that also includes the legendary king Gilgamesh?
[ [ 0, 152 ], [ 152, 318 ], [ 318, 437 ] ]
{Babylonian} [accept {Mesopotamian;} do not accept other more specific Mesopotamian civilizations, such as "Sumerian" or "Assyrian"]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In publishing, this six-letter term describes a set of journal issues published in the same year. It also describes the sound level output from a computer or television.
[ "volume" ]
In publishing, this six-letter term describes a set of journal issues published in the same year. It also describes the sound level output from a computer or television. Density equals mass divided by a quantity with this name. For 10 points, give this term for the amount of space an object occupies, which for a cube equals side length cubed.
[ [ 0, 98 ], [ 98, 170 ], [ 170, 228 ], [ 228, 344 ] ]
{ "category": "Language", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This geographical feature has its lowest point at Bentley Trench. A lake here lies under Vostok Station. Mt. Erebus is found on Ross Island off itscoast, between Marie Byrd and Victoria lands. The Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains contains its highest peak, Vinson Massif, located on the Ronne (*) Ice Shelf. Getting only 5-10 inches of precipitation a year, it is considered a desert. For 10 points, identify this southernmost continent that contains the icy South Pole.
[ "Antarctica" ]
This geographical feature has its lowest point at Bentley Trench. A lake here lies under Vostok Station. Mt. Erebus is found on Ross Island off itscoast, between Marie Byrd and Victoria lands. The Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains contains its highest peak, Vinson Massif, located on the Ronne (*) Ice Shelf. Getting only 5-10 inches of precipitation a year, it is considered a desert. For 10 points, identify this southernmost continent that contains the icy South Pole.
[ [ 0, 66 ], [ 66, 105 ], [ 105, 109 ], [ 109, 193 ], [ 193, 317 ], [ 317, 394 ], [ 394, 479 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel, a dead parachutist is discovered by the strange introverted character Simon. Sam and Eric are the last followers of one character in this novel. Late in this novel, Roger uses a boulder to kill the overweight intellectual named Piggy. The violent Jack Merridew feuds with the civilized Ralph in, for 10 points, what English novel written by William Golding?
[ "Lord of the Flies" ]
In this novel, a dead parachutist is discovered by the strange introverted character Simon. Sam and Eric are the last followers of one character in this novel. Late in this novel, Roger uses a boulder to kill the overweight intellectual named Piggy. The violent Jack Merridew feuds with the civilized Ralph in, for 10 points, what English novel written by William Golding?
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 160 ], [ 160, 250 ], [ 250, 372 ] ]
Lord of the Flies
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's popularity plummeted following the disastrous rescue attempt of Operation Eagle Claw.
[ "Carter,", "James Earl \"Jimmy\" Carter, Jr." ]
This man's popularity plummeted following the disastrous rescue attempt of Operation Eagle Claw. He claimed that the United States faced a "crisis of confidence" in his "malaise" speech. Although he failed to solve the Iran Hostage Crisis, he helped negotiate peace between Egypt and Israel in the Camp David Accords. For 10 points, name this Georgia-born president succeeded by Ronald Reagan.
[ [ 0, 97 ], [ 97, 187 ], [ 187, 318 ], [ 318, 393 ] ]
James Earl "Jimmy" {Carter,} Jr.
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Gamma-tubulin (TOO-byoo-lin) is needed to activate centrosomes in this phase, which follows the G2 checkpoint.
[ "prophase", "prophase I" ]
Gamma-tubulin (TOO-byoo-lin) is needed to activate centrosomes in this phase, which follows the G2 checkpoint. One of these phases in meiosis includes synapsis (sin-APP-sis) and the crossing over of homologous chromosomes. Asters form during this phase that sees the disappearance of the nucleolus (noo-klee-OH-luss) and the growth of spindle fibers. For 10 points, name this phase of mitosis in which chromatin condenses into chromosomes prior to metaphase.
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 223 ], [ 223, 351 ], [ 351, 458 ] ]
prophase [accept prophase I; prompt on meiosis until read; prompt on mitosis until "meiosis" is read but do not accept or prompt on it afterwards]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Pablo Neruda wrote several "Elementary" poems of this type to common objects.
[ "ode" ]
Pablo Neruda wrote several "Elementary" poems of this type to common objects. One type of this poetic form contains three stanzas, the first two of which are the strophe (STRO-fee) and antistrophe (ann-TISS-tro-fee). That type was invented by Pindar, who along with Horace is a namesake of a type of this poem. For 10 points, name this poem of praise, examples of which include John Keats's "to a Nightingale" and Friedrich Schiller's "to Joy."
[ [ 0, 78 ], [ 78, 217 ], [ 217, 311 ], [ 311, 444 ] ]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This poet commented on a literary assignment in "Theme for English B." Another of his poems asks if "a dream deferred" "dr[ies] up like a raisin in the sun." He wrote about the Euphrates, Congo, and Nile in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." In his most famous poem, he mentions the "droning" of "a drowsy syncopated tune." For 10 points, name this African-American poet of the Harlem Renaissance who wrote "The Weary Blues."
[ "James Langston Hughes", "Langston Hughes" ]
This poet commented on a literary assignment in "Theme for English B." Another of his poems asks if "a dream deferred" "dr[ies] up like a raisin in the sun." He wrote about the Euphrates, Congo, and Nile in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." In his most famous poem, he mentions the "droning" of "a drowsy syncopated tune." For 10 points, name this African-American poet of the Harlem Renaissance who wrote "The Weary Blues."
[ [ 0, 71 ], [ 71, 158 ], [ 158, 237 ], [ 237, 319 ], [ 319, 420 ] ]
James {Langston Hughes}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Dewar equation defines this quantity for density-dependent variables.
[ "carrying capacity", "capacity" ]
The Dewar equation defines this quantity for density-dependent variables. Species that exhibit exponential population growth appear to lack this value, and in logistic population growth, the per capita rate of increase approaches zero near this value. For 10 points, name this ecological term, often denoted k, which is the maximum population that can be sustained by an ecosystem.
[ [ 0, 74 ], [ 74, 252 ], [ 252, 381 ] ]
carrying {capacity} [prompt on {k} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium. Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water. It is the only nonmetal in Period 1 of the periodic table.
[ "H", "hydrogen" ]
This is the only element for which Schrodinger's equation can be solved exactly. Isotopes of this element include tritium and deuterium. Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water. It is the only nonmetal in Period 1 of the periodic table. For 10 points, name this lightest element, which has a chemical symbol of H.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 137 ], [ 137, 198 ], [ 198, 257 ], [ 257, 333 ] ]
hydrogen [accept H before it is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This artist's paintings of the New York City skyline include The Radiator Building, Night. White objects dot a blue painting by this artist in Sky Above Clouds. After her husband's death, she moved to a site where she painted Black Iris and another work bisected by a black stripe, Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue.
[ "O'Keeffe", "Georgia (Totto) O'Keeffe" ]
This artist's paintings of the New York City skyline include The Radiator Building, Night. White objects dot a blue painting by this artist in Sky Above Clouds. After her husband's death, she moved to a site where she painted Black Iris and another work bisected by a black stripe, Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue. For 10 points, name this wife of Alfred Stieglitz (“STEE-glitz”), an American painter of flowers and the southwest.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 161 ], [ 161, 317 ], [ 317, 432 ] ]
Georgia (Totto) {O'Keeffe}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This element's allotropes include nanotubes and fullerenes.
[ "C", "carbon" ]
This element's allotropes include nanotubes and fullerenes. Another allotrope of this element consists of thin hexagonal sheets and is known as graphite. This element is bound to four hydrogen atoms in methane. For 10 points, name this element that makes up diamonds, which has atomic number six and symbol C.
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 154 ], [ 154, 211 ], [ 211, 309 ] ]
{carbon} [or {C} before given]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The main characters of this book are allowed passage into Fort William Henry after Duncan Heyward tricks a sentinel by speaking French.
[ "The Last of the Mohicans" ]
The main characters of this book are allowed passage into Fort William Henry after Duncan Heyward tricks a sentinel by speaking French. This book's hero tries to rescue the two "females,"Alice and Cora Munro, after they are kidnapped by Magua (MAH-gwa). For 10 points, name this novel set during the French and Indian War in which Natty Bumppo befriends Chingachgook (CHIN-gach-gook) and Uncas, and written by James Fenimore Cooper.
[ [ 0, 136 ], [ 136, 254 ], [ 254, 432 ] ]
The Last of the Mohicans
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this play, one character sends Reynoldo to spy on his son. The title character of this play mourns a "fellow of infinite jest," Yorick, in this play's "graveyard scene." The protagonist tells one character to "get thee to a nunnery" before he kills her father, (*) Polonius.
[ "Hamlet" ]
In this play, one character sends Reynoldo to spy on his son. The title character of this play mourns a "fellow of infinite jest," Yorick, in this play's "graveyard scene." The protagonist tells one character to "get thee to a nunnery" before he kills her father, (*) Polonius. That character later drowns and is named Ophelia. One famous scene from this play contains the line "To be or not to be." For 10 points, name this Shakespeare tragedy about the title Prince of Denmark.
[ [ 0, 62 ], [ 62, 173 ], [ 173, 278 ], [ 278, 328 ], [ 328, 400 ], [ 400, 479 ] ]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character in this novel wins a ride in a biplane after her gooseberry pie beats that of Rupert Pennypacker. This book sees that same character throw a mouse into the Cowgill boys' milk because they blew up her outhouse.
[ "Long Way", "Long Way Chicago", "A Long Way from Chicago", "Chicago" ]
One character in this novel wins a ride in a biplane after her gooseberry pie beats that of Rupert Pennypacker. This book sees that same character throw a mouse into the Cowgill boys' milk because they blew up her outhouse. After a newsman tries to bring more people to her town, Grandma puts on a show with a corpse and a shotgun to make him leave. For 10 points, name this book about Joey and Mary Alice by Richard Peck.
[ [ 0, 112 ], [ 112, 224 ], [ 224, 350 ], [ 350, 422 ] ]
A {Long Way} from {Chicago}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one scene in this novel, a Sheep talks of "crabs" and "feathers" while rowing. This novel begins with the protagonist blaming the black kitten, the offspring of Dinah, for the whole thing.
[ "Through the Looking", "Glass", "Through the Looking-Glass", "Through the Looking Glass" ]
In one scene in this novel, a Sheep talks of "crabs" and "feathers" while rowing. This novel begins with the protagonist blaming the black kitten, the offspring of Dinah, for the whole thing. In this novel, the protagonist plays a massively scaled chess game with the Red Queen. For 10 points, name this sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland whose title refers to the other side of a mirror.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 192 ], [ 192, 279 ], [ 279, 396 ] ]
{Through the Looking}-{Glass} [do not accept or prompt on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" or "Alice in Wonderland"]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Hilbert's Grand Hotel paradox is a thought experiment concerning this concept in sets, and taking the limit to it is used to find a function's horizontal asymptote.
[ "infinity" ]
Hilbert's Grand Hotel paradox is a thought experiment concerning this concept in sets, and taking the limit to it is used to find a function's horizontal asymptote. Irrational numbers are defined to have this quantity of digits, and Euclid proved that there are this many prime numbers. For 10 points, name this concept in math which is defined as the largest, boundless quantity.
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 165, 287 ], [ 287, 380 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The music video for this song begins with a reflection of an airplane and a female tennis player in the sunglasses of the singer, who lolls his head and then says the title line.
[ "Gangnam Style" ]
The music video for this song begins with a reflection of an airplane and a female tennis player in the sunglasses of the singer, who lolls his head and then says the title line. The video also features a scene where the lead singer lays in an elevator under a pelvic-thrusting man in a cowboy hat, a (*) "horse riding dance," and a scene where he mimes screaming at a "sexy lady." For 10 points, name this 2012 K-Pop single by Psy.
[ [ 0, 179 ], [ 179, 382 ], [ 382, 432 ] ]
Gangnam Style
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A financial arm of this organization was founded at the Bretton Woods conference, and a conference that oversaw its creation was held in San Francisco. Its former leaders include Dag Hammarskjold (“DOG HAHM-ahr-SKEEOLD”) and Kurt Waldheim (“VALD-hime”). It encompasses the World Bank and General Assembly.
[ "United Nations", "UN" ]
A financial arm of this organization was founded at the Bretton Woods conference, and a conference that oversaw its creation was held in San Francisco. Its former leaders include Dag Hammarskjold (“DOG HAHM-ahr-SKEEOLD”) and Kurt Waldheim (“VALD-hime”). It encompasses the World Bank and General Assembly. For 10 points, Ban Ki-moon is the current Secretary General of what international organization?
[ [ 0, 152 ], [ 152, 254 ], [ 254, 306 ], [ 306, 401 ] ]
{United Nations} [or {UN}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Institutions", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This musician sang duets like "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" with Ella Fitzgerald and recorded albums with his "Hot Five" and "Hot Seven" bands. He sang "It's so nice to have you back where you belong" in one song, and described "Bright blessed days" and "dark sacred nights" in another song. (*) For 10 points, what jazz trumpeter, nicknamed "Satchmo" sang "Hello, Dolly!"
[ "Louis Armstrong" ]
This musician sang duets like "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" with Ella Fitzgerald and recorded albums with his "Hot Five" and "Hot Seven" bands. He sang "It's so nice to have you back where you belong" in one song, and described "Bright blessed days" and "dark sacred nights" in another song. (*) For 10 points, what jazz trumpeter, nicknamed "Satchmo" sang "Hello, Dolly!" and "What a Wonderful World"?
[ [ 0, 147 ], [ 147, 295 ], [ 295, 376 ], [ 376, 405 ] ]
Louis Armstrong
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Areas in this region with substantially reduced object distribution are known as Kirkwood gaps and are formed by the gravitational strength of the planet behind it.
[ "Asteroid Belt" ]
Areas in this region with substantially reduced object distribution are known as Kirkwood gaps and are formed by the gravitational strength of the planet behind it. One body in this region has a satellite known as Dactyl. Besides Ida, other objects located here include Pallas, Vesta, and the smallest dwarf planet in the Solar System, Ceres. For 10 points, name this ring of small astronomical bodies located between Mars and Jupiter.
[ [ 0, 165 ], [ 165, 222 ], [ 222, 343 ], [ 343, 435 ] ]
{Asteroid Belt} [prompt on {asteroids}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Starburst types of these systems have unusually high supplies of gas, and they can combine in a process known as cannibalism.
[ "galaxies", "galaxy" ]
Starburst types of these systems have unusually high supplies of gas, and they can combine in a process known as cannibalism. The "tuning fork diagram" is a graphic depiction of the Hubble classification scheme for these systems, which divides them into irregular, elliptical and spiral types. M31 is the Andromeda one. For 10 points, name these regions of the universe that include the Milky Way.
[ [ 0, 126 ], [ 126, 294 ], [ 294, 320 ], [ 320, 397 ] ]
galaxies [or galaxy]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This novel's protagonist wants to become the fastest runner in the fifth grade, but that plan is spoiled by the girl who moves in next door.
[ "Bridge to Terabithia" ]
This novel's protagonist wants to become the fastest runner in the fifth grade, but that plan is spoiled by the girl who moves in next door. While this book's protagonist visits the National Art Gallery with his music teacher, that girl tries to (*) swing over the creek, but the rope snaps and she dies. For 10 points, Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke discover a magical land in what book by Katherine Paterson?
[ [ 0, 141 ], [ 141, 305 ], [ 305, 408 ] ]
Bridge to Terabithia
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This entity was assembled and in retaliation for English support of the Dutch Revolts. This entity was commanded by Alvaro de Bazan (all-VAR-oh de bah-ZAHN).
[ "Armada after \"Spain\"", "Spanish Armada" ]
This entity was assembled and in retaliation for English support of the Dutch Revolts. This entity was commanded by Alvaro de Bazan (all-VAR-oh de bah-ZAHN). It intended to deliver troops under the Duke of Parma across the English Channel, but it lost many vessels when attempting to sail around the British Isles in poor weather. For 10 points, identify this fleet of over 130 ships assembled by Philip II of Spain.
[ [ 0, 87 ], [ 87, 158 ], [ 158, 331 ], [ 331, 416 ] ]
Spanish Armada [accept Armada after "Spain"]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This state of matter is the initial and final phase in regelation, and it is to the left of the triple point on phase diagrams. This starting point for sublimation is the most common state for elements at room temperature and pressure.
[ "solids" ]
This state of matter is the initial and final phase in regelation, and it is to the left of the triple point on phase diagrams. This starting point for sublimation is the most common state for elements at room temperature and pressure. One type of it is amorphous, though it generally is characterized by an orderly pattern on molecules. For 10 points, name this state that includes crystals, the endpoint of freezing.
[ [ 0, 128 ], [ 128, 236 ], [ 236, 338 ], [ 338, 418 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During his execution, this figure was pierced by the Lance of Longinus. In addition to yelling at a fig tree for not bearing fruit, this figure healed a pig-eating man from Gerasa possessed by a horde of devils named Legion.
[ "Jesus Christ", "either" ]
During his execution, this figure was pierced by the Lance of Longinus. In addition to yelling at a fig tree for not bearing fruit, this figure healed a pig-eating man from Gerasa possessed by a horde of devils named Legion. This man was put to death by Pontius Pilate, and drops of his blood fell into the Holy Grail. For 10 points, name this Messiah and only son of God according to Christianity.
[ [ 0, 72 ], [ 72, 225 ], [ 225, 319 ], [ 319, 398 ] ]
{Jesus Christ} [accept {either}]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel, Bob Sheldon and Randy Adderson take part in an attack on Johnny, causing Johnny to fear for his life. Johnny and his best friend meet two girls at a theater, who turn out to be their attackers' girlfriends, Marcia and Cherry. Later in this novel, Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold," just before he dies of injuries sustained in a fire.
[ "The Outsiders" ]
In this novel, Bob Sheldon and Randy Adderson take part in an attack on Johnny, causing Johnny to fear for his life. Johnny and his best friend meet two girls at a theater, who turn out to be their attackers' girlfriends, Marcia and Cherry. Later in this novel, Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold," just before he dies of injuries sustained in a fire. For 10 points, identify this novel by S.E. Hinton.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 241 ], [ 241, 352 ], [ 352, 402 ] ]
The Outsiders
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One story in this book involves a man who marries a daughter of Jethro; that man's mother is Jochebed (JOE-keh-bed) and his sister is Miriam.
[ "Shemot and Names", "Names", "Shemot Names", "Exodus", "Book of Exodus", "Shemot" ]
One story in this book involves a man who marries a daughter of Jethro; that man's mother is Jochebed (JOE-keh-bed) and his sister is Miriam. This book begins with the death of Joseph and sees a ruler declare that all newborn Jewish babies must be drowned in the Nile. In this book, Aaron and Moses ask the pharaoh to "let my people go." For 10 points, the Jews' flight from Egypt is detailed in what second book of the Bible?
[ [ 0, 142 ], [ 142, 269 ], [ 269, 338 ], [ 338, 426 ] ]
Book of {Exodus} [accept {Shemot} and {Names}]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Genes related to this condition include the c-sis and p53 genes. The human papillomavirus (pahp-uh- LOH-muh-veye-ruhs), HPV, can cause one form of this disease, which is known as a sarcoma when it affects connective tissue and a melanoma if affects the skin. Metastasis (muh-TAS-tuh-sis) refers to the spread of this disease to other organs. It is caused by malignant tumors.
[ "cancer" ]
Genes related to this condition include the c-sis and p53 genes. The human papillomavirus (pahp-uh- LOH-muh-veye-ruhs), HPV, can cause one form of this disease, which is known as a sarcoma when it affects connective tissue and a melanoma if affects the skin. Metastasis (muh-TAS-tuh-sis) refers to the spread of this disease to other organs. It is caused by malignant tumors. For 10 points, name this uncontrolled growth of cells often treated with chemotherapy.
[ [ 0, 65 ], [ 65, 259 ], [ 259, 342 ], [ 342, 376 ], [ 376, 462 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Several "pancake domes" mark the surface of this body, whose other features include the Gula Mons and Sif Mons mountains. The spacecraft Vega 1 and 2 landed on this body. Due to a runaway greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature on this body is over seven hundred degrees Kelvin.
[ "Venus", "Planet Venus" ]
Several "pancake domes" mark the surface of this body, whose other features include the Gula Mons and Sif Mons mountains. The spacecraft Vega 1 and 2 landed on this body. Due to a runaway greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature on this body is over seven hundred degrees Kelvin. For 10 points, name this home of Ishtar Terra, the most similar planet to Earth.
[ [ 0, 122 ], [ 122, 171 ], [ 171, 290 ], [ 290, 370 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One ruler of this historical country went on a "Grand Embassy" to the west to learn shipbuilding and military training. That same ruler instituted a beard tax on boyars.
[ "Russian Empire" ]
One ruler of this historical country went on a "Grand Embassy" to the west to learn shipbuilding and military training. That same ruler instituted a beard tax on boyars. Another of its rulers created a parliament called the Duma and issued the October Manifesto. Peter the Great and Nicholas II were rulers of, for 10 points, what empire where a 1917 revolution toppled the government in Moscow?
[ [ 0, 120 ], [ 120, 170 ], [ 170, 263 ], [ 263, 395 ] ]
{Russian Empire} [do not accept or prompt on "Soviet Union" or "U.S.S.R."]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere. It includes the line "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and notes "He shall reign forever and ever."
[ "Hallelujah Chorus", "Hallelujah" ]
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere. It includes the line "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and notes "He shall reign forever and ever." For 10 points, name this choral excerpt from Handel's oratorio Messiah, named for its opening word of praise.
[ [ 0, 120 ], [ 120, 185 ], [ 185, 286 ], [ 286, 395 ] ]
{Hallelujah} Chorus [prompt on {Messiah} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Some species in this group of animals have heat-sensitive pits in their heads, and most have only one working lung. The invasive brown tree type has caused many bird extinctions on Guam, and they use their tongues to gather scent molecules. Some kill prey by (*) constriction or use fangs to inject venom, and the largest ever to exist was the titanoboa. For 10 points, name these limbless reptiles that include the python and cobra.
[ "vipers", "snakes", "serpents" ]
Some species in this group of animals have heat-sensitive pits in their heads, and most have only one working lung. The invasive brown tree type has caused many bird extinctions on Guam, and they use their tongues to gather scent molecules. Some kill prey by (*) constriction or use fangs to inject venom, and the largest ever to exist was the titanoboa. For 10 points, name these limbless reptiles that include the python and cobra.
[ [ 0, 116 ], [ 116, 241 ], [ 241, 355 ], [ 355, 433 ] ]
snakes [or serpents; accept vipers before \"brown tree\"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One deity from this myth system received the four winds as a gift from his grandfather and used them to kill its creator goddess, Tiamat (TEE-ah-maht). Another deity from this myth system corresponds to the Sumerian Inanna (ee-NAH-nah) and removed seven objects of clothing at seven different gates in the underworld.
[ "Babylonian", "Mesopotamian" ]
One deity from this myth system received the four winds as a gift from his grandfather and used them to kill its creator goddess, Tiamat (TEE-ah-maht). Another deity from this myth system corresponds to the Sumerian Inanna (ee-NAH-nah) and removed seven objects of clothing at seven different gates in the underworld. For 10 points, Marduk (MAR-dook) and Ishtar appear in what myth system that also includes the legendary king Gilgamesh?
[ [ 0, 152 ], [ 152, 318 ], [ 318, 437 ] ]
{Babylonian} [accept {Mesopotamian;} do not accept other more specific Mesopotamian civilizations, such as "Sumerian" or "Assyrian"]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This nation owns the islands of Ushant and Corsica. Ethnic minorities in it include speakers of Alemannic (ah-leh-MAN-ic) German in Alsace, the Celtic-speaking (KELL-tick) Bretons, and, in the northern Pyrenees (PEER-eh-nees), the Basques (BASKS). It was divided into departments named after rivers including the Rhone, the Loire, and the Seine.
[ "République Française", "France", "French Republic" ]
This nation owns the islands of Ushant and Corsica. Ethnic minorities in it include speakers of Alemannic (ah-leh-MAN-ic) German in Alsace, the Celtic-speaking (KELL-tick) Bretons, and, in the northern Pyrenees (PEER-eh-nees), the Basques (BASKS). It was divided into departments named after rivers including the Rhone, the Loire, and the Seine. For 10 points, what European nation has its capital at Paris?
[ [ 0, 52 ], [ 52, 248 ], [ 248, 346 ], [ 346, 407 ] ]
France [or French Republic; or République Française]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This planet was mapped by the Magellan probe. This planet had a notable transition of the sun in 2004 and is scheduled to make another in 2012. When it appears, it is this brightest object in the night sky. Its dense, carbon dioxide dominated atmosphere results in a runaway greenhouse effect.
[ "Venus" ]
This planet was mapped by the Magellan probe. This planet had a notable transition of the sun in 2004 and is scheduled to make another in 2012. When it appears, it is this brightest object in the night sky. Its dense, carbon dioxide dominated atmosphere results in a runaway greenhouse effect. For 10 points, name this planet named after the Roman goddess of love, the second planet from the sun.
[ [ 0, 46 ], [ 46, 144 ], [ 144, 207 ], [ 207, 294 ], [ 294, 396 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
By Okun's Law, a one percent increase in this concept leads to a two percent loss in GDP. The Phillips Curve depicts an inverse relationship between inflation and this concept, whose types include structural and frictional. Most measurements of it do not include homemakers and students, and some do not account for discouraged workers. For 10 points, what is the term for when people who want to work cannot find jobs?
[ "unemployment rate", "word forms such as unemployed", "unemployed", "unemployment" ]
By Okun's Law, a one percent increase in this concept leads to a two percent loss in GDP. The Phillips Curve depicts an inverse relationship between inflation and this concept, whose types include structural and frictional. Most measurements of it do not include homemakers and students, and some do not account for discouraged workers. For 10 points, what is the term for when people who want to work cannot find jobs?
[ [ 0, 90 ], [ 90, 224 ], [ 224, 337 ], [ 337, 419 ] ]
{unemployment} [or word forms such as {unemployed;} or {unemployment rate}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Theory", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Cadmus once killed this deity's dragon and had to serve this deity for eight years, after which he married Harmonia, this deity's daughter.
[ "Ares" ]
Cadmus once killed this deity's dragon and had to serve this deity for eight years, after which he married Harmonia, this deity's daughter. This deity was wounded by Diomedes (die-AHM- ee-dees) during the Trojan War when he appeared on the battlefield helping the Trojans. This deity's union with Aphrodite yielded Eros (AIR-ohs) and his attendants Phobos (FOE-bows) and Deimos (DAY-mows). For 10 points, which son of Zeus and Hera is the Greek god of war?
[ [ 0, 140 ], [ 140, 273 ], [ 273, 390 ], [ 390, 456 ] ]
{Ares} [prompt on {Mars} until "Greek"]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This author wrote a story in which the inhabitants of Lagash experience darkness for the first time. Along with "Nightfall," this author wrote a series of novels featuring the investigative interactions of Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw.
[ "Isaac Asimov", "Isaak Yudovich Ozimov" ]
This author wrote a story in which the inhabitants of Lagash experience darkness for the first time. Along with "Nightfall," this author wrote a series of novels featuring the investigative interactions of Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw. Hari Selden invents the science of psychohistory in this author's novel (*) Foundation. For 10 points, name this Russian-American science fiction writer who depicted the Three Laws of Robotics in his collection, I, Robot.
[ [ 0, 101 ], [ 101, 241 ], [ 241, 329 ], [ 329, 462 ] ]
Isaac Asimov [or Isaak Yudovich Ozimov]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Scientists announced the discovery of 17 of these objects via infrared satellite imagery in May 2011 at the abandoned capital of Tanis.
[ "pyramids" ]
Scientists announced the discovery of 17 of these objects via infrared satellite imagery in May 2011 at the abandoned capital of Tanis. Some of the oldest known of these structures were constructed over 5,600 years ago, including one for Khufu (KOO-foo). For 10 points, identify these structures often used as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs whose most famous examples are located at Giza.
[ [ 0, 136 ], [ 136, 255 ], [ 255, 385 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Scientific History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas.
[ "Mayans" ]
These people recorded their rulers' accomplishments on tetun using the only complete written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and Hunac Ceel (HOO-nahk KEEL) and their myths are collected in the Popol Vuh (POE-pohl VUH). For 10 points, identify this Mesoamerican civilization that created the Long Count calendar and had cities at Tikal (tee- KAHL) and Chichen Itza (CHEE-chen EET-zah).
[ [ 0, 133 ], [ 133, 286 ], [ 286, 451 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Before he was born, his parents learned that he was not to touch a dead body, and he was to abstain from strong drink. He was involved with a Timnite woman and a harlot before meeting the woman that would betray him. He died during the collapse of a temple to Dagon (“DAY-gon”), but by destroying it, he got his revenge on the Philistines.
[ "Samson" ]
Before he was born, his parents learned that he was not to touch a dead body, and he was to abstain from strong drink. He was involved with a Timnite woman and a harlot before meeting the woman that would betray him. He died during the collapse of a temple to Dagon (“DAY-gon”), but by destroying it, he got his revenge on the Philistines. For 10 points, name this lover of Delilah who lost his power after his hair was cut.
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 217 ], [ 217, 340 ], [ 340, 424 ] ]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character in this novel asks the protagonist if he's happy; that character is Clarisse McClellan.
[ "Fahrenheit-451" ]
One character in this novel asks the protagonist if he's happy; that character is Clarisse McClellan. Another character in this book sets herself on fire rather than leave her house. Professor Faber helps lead the main character away from the Mechanical Hound. The protagonist of this novel kills his boss Beatty by setting him on (*) fire. For 10 points, name this dystopian Ray Bradbury novel in which Guy Montag burns books.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 183 ], [ 183, 261 ], [ 261, 341 ], [ 341, 427 ] ]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Spiders possess a book form of this organ in their abdomens. The intake of these organs is measured as tidal volume. Emphysema is caused by obstruction of these organs, which expand when the diaphragm generates negative pressure. Bronchi are main tubes entering these organs whose alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. For 10 points, name these organs of the respiratory system that supply oxygen to the blood.
[ "lungs" ]
Spiders possess a book form of this organ in their abdomens. The intake of these organs is measured as tidal volume. Emphysema is caused by obstruction of these organs, which expand when the diaphragm generates negative pressure. Bronchi are main tubes entering these organs whose alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. For 10 points, name these organs of the respiratory system that supply oxygen to the blood.
[ [ 0, 61 ], [ 61, 117 ], [ 117, 230 ], [ 230, 320 ], [ 320, 411 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This work opens with the title item given as a gift by Drosselmeyer; it is later broken by Fritz. Spanish, Arabian, and Chinese dances in this ballet are said to represent different substances such as chocolate, coffee, and tea.
[ "Nutcracker", "The Nutcracker", "Shchelkunchik" ]
This work opens with the title item given as a gift by Drosselmeyer; it is later broken by Fritz. Spanish, Arabian, and Chinese dances in this ballet are said to represent different substances such as chocolate, coffee, and tea. The Waltz of the Snowflakes and Dance of the (*) Sugarplum Fairy appear in, for 10 points, what Peter Tchaikovsky ballet about Clara's Christmas gift coming to life?
[ [ 0, 98 ], [ 98, 229 ], [ 229, 394 ] ]
The {Nutcracker} [or {Shchelkunchik}]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Frederick Muhlenberg was the first person to hold this office. This office is granted appointment power for select and conference committees. It confers the ability to schedule legislation for the floor and the person in this position controls the flow of debate.
[ "Speaker of the House", "Speaker of the House of Representatives" ]
Frederick Muhlenberg was the first person to hold this office. This office is granted appointment power for select and conference committees. It confers the ability to schedule legislation for the floor and the person in this position controls the flow of debate. It is second in the line of presidential succession. For 10 points, what position was previously held by Dennis Hastert and is currently held by Nancy Pelosi?
[ [ 0, 63 ], [ 63, 142 ], [ 142, 264 ], [ 264, 317 ], [ 317, 422 ] ]
{Speaker of the House} of Representatives
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Institutions", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Metallic bonds can be modeled as "seas" of these particles. In another model, the repulsion between pairs of them leads to molecular shapes like trigonal planar and octahedral.
[ "electrons" ]
Metallic bonds can be modeled as "seas" of these particles. In another model, the repulsion between pairs of them leads to molecular shapes like trigonal planar and octahedral. The fundamental charge is the charge of one of these particles, which can be found in s, p, d, and f orbitals. J.J. Thomson discovered, for 10 points, which negatively-charged components of the atom that orbit the nucleus?
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 177 ], [ 177, 288 ], [ 288, 399 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
William Crawford finished third in the general election in this year, in which one loser accused the Speaker of the House of negotiating a "corrupt bargain." Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but did not carry enough votes in the Electoral College to prevent it from being decided in the House of Representatives.
[ "Election of 1824", "1824" ]
William Crawford finished third in the general election in this year, in which one loser accused the Speaker of the House of negotiating a "corrupt bargain." Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but did not carry enough votes in the Electoral College to prevent it from being decided in the House of Representatives. For 10 points, name this presidential election won by John Quincy Adams.
[ [ 0, 158 ], [ 158, 317 ], [ 317, 389 ] ]
Election of {1824}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The density of objects drops to almost zero at this region's namesake cliff. Most of the objects found here are called cubewanos (“KYOO-bee-WAHN-ohs”). The Oort cloud ends at the beginning of this region's elliptic.
[ "Edgeworth-Kuiper Disc", "Edgeworth-Kuiper belt", "Kuiper belt" ]
The density of objects drops to almost zero at this region's namesake cliff. Most of the objects found here are called cubewanos (“KYOO-bee-WAHN-ohs”). The Oort cloud ends at the beginning of this region's elliptic. For 10 points, identify this area at the edge of the solar system that houses thousands of short period comets, Eris, and Pluto.
[ [ 0, 77 ], [ 77, 152 ], [ 152, 216 ], [ 216, 344 ] ]
Edgeworth-{Kuiper belt} [or Edgeworth-Kuiper Disc]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
While in Auvers [oh-vair], this man painted his physician holding a foxglove plant. In another painting by him, a woman pours coffee as a destitute family sits at a table for a meal.
[ "Vincent (Willem) Van Gogh", "Van Gogh" ]
While in Auvers [oh-vair], this man painted his physician holding a foxglove plant. In another painting by him, a woman pours coffee as a destitute family sits at a table for a meal. His best-known work shows Saint- Rémy [sahn-ray-mee], and this artist painted the Portrait of Dr. Gachet [gah-shay] and The Potato Eaters. (*) For 10 points, name this artist who showed a swirling sky in his Starry Night and also painted a Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 183 ], [ 183, 322 ], [ 322, 455 ] ]
Vincent (Willem) {Van Gogh}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This dynasty established the House of Wisdom, or Bayt al-Hikma (BITE all HEEK-mah), at which algebra was invented. Under al-Mu'tasim (al MOO-tah-SEEM), this dynasty established an army of military slaves known as Mamluks (MAMM-lukes). The last member of this dynasty was rolled up in a carpet and trampled to death after the sack of Baghdad in 1258. Harun al-Rashid (hah-ROON al rah- SHEED) ruled during its political peak. For 10 points, name this Arabian dynasty that succeeded the Umayyads (OO-my-AHDS).
[ "Abbasids", "Abbasid Caliphate" ]
This dynasty established the House of Wisdom, or Bayt al-Hikma (BITE all HEEK-mah), at which algebra was invented. Under al-Mu'tasim (al MOO-tah-SEEM), this dynasty established an army of military slaves known as Mamluks (MAMM-lukes). The last member of this dynasty was rolled up in a carpet and trampled to death after the sack of Baghdad in 1258. Harun al-Rashid (hah-ROON al rah- SHEED) ruled during its political peak. For 10 points, name this Arabian dynasty that succeeded the Umayyads (OO-my-AHDS).
[ [ 0, 115 ], [ 115, 235 ], [ 235, 350 ], [ 350, 424 ], [ 424, 506 ] ]
Abbasid Caliphate [or Abbasids]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During this battle, a bayonet charge by the 20th Maine, led by Joshua Chamberlain, helped defend one important hill. Besides Little Round Top, other areas of contest included Devil's Den and the Peach Orchard.
[ "Battle of Gettysburg" ]
During this battle, a bayonet charge by the 20th Maine, led by Joshua Chamberlain, helped defend one important hill. Besides Little Round Top, other areas of contest included Devil's Den and the Peach Orchard. The decisive action in this battle was a failed assault on Cemetery Ridge known as Pickett's Charge. For 10 points, name this Union victory after which Abraham Lincoln gave a namesake "address."
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 210 ], [ 210, 311 ], [ 311, 404 ] ]
Battle of Gettysburg
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }