20 values
20 values
This list looks different if you're from Baltimore. I'm not sure on the order, but, off the top of my head, in chronological order. '95: Aaron Bailey "not catching the ball" in the endzone against Pittsburgh as time expired in the AFC Championship '05: Mike Vanderjagt shanking it against Pittsburgh in the Divisional Round (loss as one seed) '09: Tracy Porter returning the interception in the Super Bowl (after quitting on a perfect season, count that one if you want as well) '11: Every time they showed Peyton on the sidelines '11-'12: Peyton saying goodbye Let me also go off topic and say that while evaluating this list I've realized something, and that is that winning a championship makes all the difference in the world. Let me explain: I look at this list, and it's painful, but it's not nearly as painful as these events (and others) were prior to winning the Super Bowl in '06. Will I ever forgive the refs of the '95 AFC Championship Game? (more egregious was the Kordell Stewart "touchdown" but that's neither here nor there.) No, I won't, but it doesn't hurt like it did before '06. Same with Vanderjagt. In some ways, Peyton's career and time here were a multitude of frustrations, but that championship erases the pain. I can also compare that to the feelings of still not knowing a championship currently, as a Purdue University Alumnus. If anyone here follows basketball, in 2010, Robbie Hummel, an all-time great at Purdue, tore his ACL when we were ranked 3rd in the country. That pain is immense and heavy still. Yes, it is more recent, but the fact that Purdue is still yet to win an NCAA Tournament magnifies it. It reminds me of the pain of losing to New England or Pittsburgh in the playoffs before the Super Bowl in '06. So, to you Browns/Seahawks/Vikings/Lions/etc. fans out there: Have hope, because if and when you DO win a championship, all that pain is softened somewhat. In the meantime, I'll keep praying for my Boilermakers.
Winning a championship takes the pain of missed opportunities away.
As as an avid thresh player I approve this idea.
You're too focused on whether or not you are as good as other partners. Don't worry about them. Enjoy that you had sex and if she's really your friend, talk with her about it. It's healthier than posting your biz on the internet and obsessing over details and comments. Also, "the friend zone" is one of the most selfish, ignorant things in the world. You are never going to be rewarded with sex for acting like a human being to a lady-type because women are people not sex objects. It's sexist and wrong. You have dude friends and don't get all "I can't believe he didn't blow me after I helped him move all day."
Women's bodies are not your reward for being friendly. A healthier mindset about sex and knowing that women are people too will make your life (and sex life) a lot more enjoyable.
I have a love/hate relationship with the gameplay. Sometimes it's just too annoying to live with, but sometimes you can do some neat plays. The way the ref plays advantage is just horrible, and some of the assisted choices for passing and crossing are just as annoying. I also hate it when a player decides to jump over the ball at the least appropriate time, like when you're on the way through and it ruins the whole pace of the attack. And for some reason the defenders sometimes decide to run sideways when you're only holding the sprint button and running towards the ball/opposition attacker. But the worst gameplay feature by far is the tackling machanics in the game. Why EA Sports have elected to use the same button for tackling and shooting/clearing is beyond me. Of course you can customize the controller setup and change that, but the mechanics are still useless. There should be a far better indicator of when a player is in "defending mode" and when you are in possession of the ball/"attacking mode". And then there's all the crap that isn't gameplay related. Like the servers. I sometimes spend 30 minutes getting connected to players in UT that I can't play against for some reason. Often I get connected to the same player many times in a row and I have to go out to the main menu in order to connect to another player. This also happens in online season a lot. Sometimes the whole connection screen glitches and there are two big bright green squares where the club logos are supposed to be. All the skills are replaced by the words "define"(incomplete) and all other information on the screen is invisible. This is annoying because I frequently play with a guest, and there is no way of knowing if he has successfully joined or not as the game doesn't always register the first time you press the button. You can proceed and play the game but your shirts will be this checker pattern of green and blue and if you're playing with a guest you just have to hope he joined successfully. Also I tried exiting the game before starting the match. Quit FIFA. Started it up again and the same thing happened. I tried this several times and there was no way of bypassing this glitch other than playing the match. Usually it works fine after playing the glitched match. Another incredibly annoying thing is how long it takes to make substitutions unless you make them at half time. There's an animation of the player being substituted that lasts for a good 30 seconds every single time. Just leads to people never making substitutions. And why on earth EA have decided that you can't exit a completed game before both you and the person you are playing against hit the proceed button is just mind boggling. What the hell is that about? Then there's the league systems. Almost no stats what so ever. In FUT you get more coins from winning the second division than by winning the first division. And the structure is just incredibly uninteresting. I guess it's difficult to come up with a better systems when playing online seasons, but I'm sure they could at least have added some more stats and made it more interesting. Oh and the replay gallery is a joke. And not a funny one. Replays in a small window? You are forced to upload your replays in order to watch them in fullscreen and you can't even change camera angles or anything? That's just lazy. I own both FIFA 13 and PES 13 and although FIFA has the licences and sometimes the gameplay is smoother, PES 13 is a much more enjoyable gaming experience overall. And it's made by Konami as opposed to EA Sports. In online mode there is not even a contest. PES wins that by default.
Fifa 13 sucks, but it can be fun if you learn how it thinks and adapt to avoid all the annoying crap. Edit: Spelling
That's cool, you've clearly got a handle on your own motivations and feelings. I don't think that monogamy is a societal construct though - well maybe life long monogamy is. But the "one partner at a time" instinct is a biological imperative, although like any instinct there are going to be those who feel the pull of it strongly and others who don't. For human men, it means that they are less likely to be raising a child which they have no genetic investment in (the extreme of this instinct is infantide in Lion prides etc,) and for women it means that they are more likely to have a reliable partner who will support them in childraising and sharing resources until the child is self sufficient. Obviously in the real world you get step-children and adopted children, that's where environment perhaps overrides instinct as clearly for many men this is fine. If we have any anthropologists here, please bitchslap me if Ive got the wrong end of the stick.
Your own preference is totally fine, but I reckon that most people are wired to want one partner at a time and be exclusive. But that doesn't mean I think any other desires are wrong or invalid - it just wouldn't work for me.Jyst my observation ;).
Probably. Sure they prefer trade now and NK is turning into a liability/embarrassment ... however if NK went off the deep end and kicked off the war with the south again ... and then the north started to lose ... things could get dicey. China does not want war, but China also does not want a US ally on thier border.
maybe so, but nobody is going to take even a small risk over one guy.
Hey, I was just going with your analogy. ;) But the homeless are in most parts of the world. How/why is it different? I fucking bet my left testicle that life in DPKR is very unlike what we think it is, simply because we are so cut off from it. That's why what he was doing was important. Though I wish he hadn't chosen controversy, I can't begrudge him the choice with such scanty information as to what he actually encountered..
we don't know enough about what happened, because it was in DPKR
I also started playing OoS a few days ago, I had a blast. There's no "inferior" Zelda titles, you totally get the feeling and the experience of the rest of the titles. The only flaw I saw was the lack of more buttons, and the abuse of the START to select other items, maybe twice or more times in the same fucking screen (it's obvious that game is not meant for B and A alone) but the rest of it is pure genious. I haven't played OoA yet, but OoS seems HUGE!.
awesome games. Pure Zelda formula at its finest.
The thing is, if you just started, you are in the lower Matchmaking ratings, hence you get teammates who are new to the game and therefore generally bad with carries. I would say if you are good with carries get some wins so you can rise up in the system. I used to love playing carries from my days in wc3 dota but after a 1000 games in Dota 2, i get matched with people really good at carrying so i mostly just stick to support or gankers/nukers.
Play what you are good at and climb the MM ratings quickly, you will get infinitely better teammates later on.
wtf are you idiots trashtalking a nice person who tries to help some people that maybe actually want his help and even if theyre on the same level like u suggested they can still learn from each other so stop trashtalking nice guys in the league of legends community
youre toxic to a nice guy....
There was a guy at my gym last night who brought his girlfriend. He was lecturing her on how she needed to do x, y and z, and work on isolation exercises to build up strength before she did the (manly, beastly) barbell exercises he was doing. He put a ton of weight on the squat machine and put a stool under him. When she asked why, he said it was so he could tap the stool so he knew he was getting to parallel. The bench was about 4-5 inches above parallel. Apparently he wanted to go lower, because for his final set, adding even more weight, he removed the stool. After he was finished putting on all that (manly, beastly) excess weight his girlfriend gave him a surprised look of disbelief. He told her in the most douchey voice imaginable (and I quote) "Yeah, this weight would scare most people." He then did some overly dramatic (manly, beastly) stretching and squatted about 1/4 of the way down, nowhere close to parallel, or even where the stool was. He was walking around with his chin up with the most arrogant douche-bag face you could imagine. Two enormous guys were just talking across the room and watching, knowingly. When I did my (deep) squats with less than half his weight, his girlfriend was looking at me with intrigue. Hopefully a light clicked on. Worst experience ever at the gym.
Douche guy holding his GF back while doing half-assed exercises.
I am just about the complete opposite of you. It makes me sad to see posts like this because some men do read these posts (ignoring the comments) and think it's universal. You do mention that these are not universal and I thank you for that :) 1) Take the lead of your partner. When they start getting more aggressive with their kisses, go for tongue. Sometimes the passionate tongue kisses happen right out of the gate. 2) If we're grinding on each other, I'm wet. So go for the clit or vagina. Use you fingers, a toy, etc. It's all good to me. 3) While I do need clit stimulation to come, I'm just as happy jerking myself off while dirty talking my lover. 4) Pump away! I love being hardcore finger banged. 5) You're 100% spot on., but anywhere you lick will probably feel good. Just know I won't cum without clitoral stimulation. 6) Sex is over when all partners are too tired to keep going. I have been lucky that most of my partners have known this. I am super lucky in that respect. 7) And my personal fave. Poison was seriously on to something when they said "talk dirty to me". Noises of all kind (except calling me mom) are incredibly hot. If you're not really comfortable with saying dirty things, try a little moan. Can't hurt and it may help get things flowing.
Communicate because all women are different.
Ryze is a somewhat even matchup. If you can kill him or deny him a large amount of CS at around level 4 (where Swain has the biggest advantage over him) then Swain can snowball against Ryze. Otherwise, Swain can't really kill Ryze and Ryze can't really kill Swain. Ryze can snowball against Swain if you derp enough - e.g. give up FB and another kill later on. Another power gap exists when Swain buys his Catalyst - there's a chance there to win hard against Ryze if you play it right since you're stronger at that point too.
No, Ryze can't out-DPS Swain, but Swain can't really out-DPS Ryze either. If both champions play properly it's a very even matchup.
Please don't do do this. [Juice fasts are bunk] and potentially harmful to your health due to the danger of malnutrition. Juice doesn't contain any protein or fat which are the two essential nutrients that your body needs. Living without eating any fat for some time will not create major issues, but eating no protein means that your body has to break down lean mass (muscles and organs) to sustain its need for amino acids. If you want to do a juice fast as a way to restart your diet and be healthier, you're doing exactly the wrong thing!
Don't do a juice fast. It's bullshit and counterproductive to your health goals.
To prevent this from happening to anyone else, I'll explain a bit. Got this card and carried it in my pocket for a bit. As I walked home it was raining lightly. To even call the card damp as I scratched this thing would be a stretch. Unfortunately, the coin I used was slightly damp as well due simply to he humidity (anyone who has been to Okinawa during the summer can relate) and when I proceeded to scratch, tragedy ensued. Spent a good hour trying to decipher those numbers before I took a photo, ripped it up and tossed it. Had a pretty good rage. Went to the store again after calming down and scratched it on the spot. Turned out fine. After I took it home to cross-reference it with the other, I noticed the first 5 numbers were the same. Using those I only had to figure out if that 6th number in the photo was an 8 or a 3. It was an 8. Logic prevailed and all is right with the universe.
if the bitch ain't dry, don't rub it out
Creates heroic raids every single day, fails, bashes top tier players. Extreme
He/it is 12.
I actually feel like Dota2 have by far the friendliest community among the MOBAS (although admittedly ive only played ~50 games of HoN/LoL), probably mostly due to the commend/report system that Valve has incorporated. Im pretty new to dota although ive played a lot these past 6 months, and my experience is that you get a lot of people either not speaking or speaking in russian/other none-english language. Then you get few who are super mean and few who are super friendly and helpful. My advice when you meet someone raging and whining is either to mute, or to try and be the adult. To my surprise, often a simple "be nice :)" reminds the ragers that there are real people in the other end, and sometimes they even turn 180 and ends up being helpful and friendly.
Dota2 really isnt that bad.
I think legalizing gay marriage would be fixing a symptom, rather than curing a disease, so to speak. In other words, gay marriage is not the problem, gay marriage is caused by a bigger problem. That bigger problem if the US government violating its own principle of "separation of church and state" by giving special perks and benefits to those who have participated in a particular religious ordinance. Gay marriage should not be legalized because it would just be spreading that problem. We need to take religion COMPLETELY out of state, not just where its inconvenient. Gay marriage should not be illegal, either. The government should not have any say at all. It does not have that right. It would be like banning Bar Mitzvah's or the Hajj. It should not get a vote on the matter. Leave that up to individual churches if they want to allow it or not. However, that would leave a huge gap in our society. How do we decide who gets to say if a hospital pulls the plug on you? How do we decide who gets your crap if you die? How do we decide how much less you should pay in taxes because you're supporting another adult at home? It wouldn't be hard to, for example, allow each adult to designate one other adult, who must choose them in return, to make these decisions, share these benefits, etc, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Legalizing gay marriage would not fix a problem. It would worsen a deeper problem. Marriage should not even have a legality status, and gender, race, age, sexuality, etc should not be a factor in who gets certain basic rights and privileges.
Both the champions you've suggested are incredibly (and inherently) push champions. Your goal in either case is to deny as much as possible by pushing the wave to the turret and zoning your opponents so they are unable to last hit under the tower. All the meanwhile, you're trying to position yourself in such a way that while the lane is pushing you're also making them pay for attempting to last hit (either by forcing them to take autoattack hits or ability hits, or by causing them to expend mana to last hit). In any case, your next priority then becomes not leaving yourself vulnerable to ganks, which is very difficult when you're a pushing machine. If you don't have wards, you will need to be VERY very careful about doing early pushes to take lane control. Once you actually establish lane dominance and start forcing them to return to base, you can expand your options: Free farm a bit, return to base when you have a big wave at their turret (the time it takes for your creep wave to die will allow you to return to lane with minimally missed cs), or push to tower and then start roaming (even if you're not going to get a kill, giving top/bot some additional lane presence will go a loooonnnng way in snowballing the team. Best way to get better though: Stick with a champion. Accept counterpicks a bit. LEARN to play through your weaknesses. I picked Viktor back up like a week ago and have been playing nothing but Viktor mid when I get the opportunity. Currently sitting at 70.7% win rate (29/12) with him, having gained 200 LP and two promo series within the week. It has more to do with learning the champion and how to really exploit his strengths than it does with WHO the champion is. Pick someone fun that you won't mind playing for 100 straight games, THEN you'll be able to work on the mechanics issues and strategic choices. If you're too focused on only kinda-sorta knowing your champs, you're going to put all the other fundamentals to the wayside. Hope that wasn't too much.
Pick one champ. Stick with it. Exploit strengths, understand weaknesses.
I am not discounting the fact that this is a valid concern for the OP. Of course her boyfriend's chosen career path is going to affect her in a big way. OP has asked for opinions on whether or not her assumptions were unfounded and I am giving my opinion. > Try spending 16 hours a day with people who merely tolerate your presence (at best) because they think you're a stuck up pansy, see how long your sanity lasts. You will become a douche bag because otherwise you'll go insane from lack of social acceptance and interaction. There is no escape, there is no social life to fall back on, there are only these people. I am mainly disagreeing with this assumption that the people who work as IBs are all like that. > Do you really have no clue about how people act and behave? I have worked in an investment bank and have worked with IBs for two years. Why I am so "emotionally invested" in this is because the generalization that IBs are all douchebags is not accurate. > The job is meaningless to this discussion, the culture of the job isn't meaningless to this discussion. To quote the OP: > While I do have a lot of friends who are in the line of work, they are also misogynistic, cheat on their gfs, and stereotypical Bateman-like behavior. Isn't this a generalisation of the culture of being an IB?
Not all IBs are douchebags. End of story. (and honestly, just because we disagree, there is no need to be this condescending.)
Regeneration of limbs are realistic, but not in our timespan I would recon. The lizard story is really old and with the studies they are doing they are most likely to come up with a cocktail that gives you scars such as the current human system functions. There is a fine line between stem cells and cancer cells, which has been shown in studies where stem cells were injected into mice/humans and the stem cells then developed into tumors. Regeneration (or expansion of a stem cell population) either in humans or in reactors are far away from being a reality. There are a lot of hurdles to be overcome. But, progress is made and eventually we will get there through the accumulation of knowledge and a lot of frustration.
It is unlikely that a simple lizard study will make a discovery that allows to orchestrate the complex process of regeneration, however, basic stem cell research are very likely to one day become a possible solution for limb regeneration.
Gamestop and other physical game stores are gonna be hit hardest by this. Good. I for one could care less if GameStop's empire burns to the ground. They've literally made hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars off of used games of which the developers haven't seen a single cent of. Publishers and Developers have been extremely unhappy about this for a long time, and now the technology has progressed to the point where they can stop it. But don't worry, boys, this isn't going to be an XBox only thing. I guarantee that it'll be like this on the PS4 as well. Maybe not directly supported by Sony, but there's very little to stop the developers from integrating it into the disk. Notice how Sony has been very tight lipped about this, aside from confirming that it does indeed play used games. EDIT: For those of you copy/pasting the ol' "Used Car" argument, all I can say is that you're REALLY stretching that argument. A Car is a long term investment. Ford and Chevy don't have to worry much about the amount of used 2014 models ruining their new car sales. Most Americans own their cars for 5-10 years. Very few people Nobody buys a car, drive it for 8-15 hours, and then sell it back to the dealership. The turnover from New to Used isn't high enough to cause an issue. Also, cars are, not by definition, a necessity for most people. The turnover on games is a hell of a lot faster. A used game can be traded and sold over and over again in a VERY short period of time, taking a sale away from the developers each time. As someone pointed out, yes, those who work in the industry are almost always salary, but how many times have we seen news stories about a studio shafting their employees out of bonuses because their sales weren't what they wanted. How many times have we seen studios get shut down because their game didn't perform. It's not the big studios that need to worry about used games, it's the smaller studios; the studios that make those shorter 6-12 games that you see lining the used game rack. These are the people who live and die by the sale. These are the people who are affected the most. You CANNOT deny that used games sales affect the performance of new releases. Piracy affects new game sale (albeit minutely) and the used game market is much MUCH larger than the game pirating community. The difference is that the used game market is considered legit because, well, at least SOMEONE is making money off of it.
Used games take away more new release sales than piracy does, the only difference is that the used game market is "Legit" because it's physical.
No.]( This is a terrible misquote. It seems like it will work similarly to Arcade games. You buy a disc as an alternative to network installation, you install the game and link it to your GT. Since your console is associated with your GT, anyone on that console can play the game. If you log in from a different console, you can play, but others cannot without you. Once you leave, the users on the other console will be prompted to purchase the game . They won't be prompted to buy your copy out from under you without your consent. That is preposterous. Why would anyone ever assume it would work that way? Look, we don't know the details of game ownership transfers, but Microsoft has confirmed that it will be fee free. Hopefully it will be painless, but I'm going to assume that there will be some sort of stipulations to avoid "abuse" (game sharing). This could be something like a timer (you can't transfer ownership until you've owned a game for two weeks), or a no loopback (you can't own the same copy of a game twice). This is the most fair possible way to allow disc-less play on multiple consoles. I don't see an alternative besides "one person buys a game, and 20 of their friends install it and play for free." If Microsoft were extremely smart, they would make linking the copy to your GT/console an option , not a requirement. If you don't link, you have to use the CD to play.
Game ownership will be like the Arcade + fee free ownership transfers. On your box, you and your household can play. On other consoles, only you can play.
My entire life I'd had a fascination with women's bodies. When I watched porn, movies, or did artwork, my entire focus was on ladies and their bodies. I remember my friends, growing up, always pointing out blokes like, "Wow isn't he hot?" And I would look at a those same men, any men at all really, and lie, "Uh... sure?" Between flings in HS and even dating a man for six years, I never once felt aroused by the presence of men. Ever. Usually I felt creeped out or revolted, though I blamed this on my own supposed sexual dysfunction rather than on the fact that I was dating the wrong gender. It wasn't until college when a female roommate got a crush on me and we started fooling around that I, for the first time in my life, felt sexual arousal when someone else was touching me. It was incredible. I was finally 'turned on', I finally wanted sex, and it wasn't with a man, it was her. Granted it still took me 2 more years to figure out that I was gay but now I'm out and it's all sunshine and rainbow farts.
As an avid thresh player I approve this skin.
yes plz!
if your absolutely new. my best advice would be to play easy adc. i had a problem with teamfight positioning, played vayne till i got my reaction skills of escaping. was used to playing bruiser. still wasnt owning with vayne. problem solved when i started playing cait or tristana. specially tristana gave me immense confidence. ashe is good too. my fav was tristana. u cant catch her and she single handed wins past 30 min games.
play tristana or cait to learn positioning. specially tristana for easy escape and great range.
I know it sounds corny, but some people might have six bucks and still lack the "cultural capital" to dress nice and speak properly. The truly lower class often don't understand what "dressing nice" even means. Have you ever watched The Wire? If so think of that painful scene where D'Angelo takes his girlfriend to a fancy restaurant. He understands how bad they stick out, but she doesn't even get it.
sometimes being a shithead is just so bred into you that you have no idea how to do even the simplest things to help yourself.
That's a good point but there's still the case where some ppl just fear the camera for no reason. Maybe it's the fear of being judged or maybe they just want to avoid focused attention or something. I know because a friend of mine is a very respectable policeman but he just avoids camera and being in the spotlight.
some ppl just have it on their personality type to avoid attention (I'm not saying that they can't change. They could definitely if they wanted to and searched for ways to change).
Yeah, it's fairly obvious that the US government's solution to any "problem" is to send the people they have a problem with away for an undetermined amount of time. It mainly has to do with the war on drugs, the percentage of incarcerated people in the United States jumped 700 percent from 1970 to 2005. One in three black men can expect to go to prison, and they account for 60% of the prison population. Black communities are mainly targeted in the war on drugs, even though black people are no more likely to use or sell drugs than white people. It's modern slavery and racism disguised in a war on drugs to "protect our children." You see, many prisons (ESPECIALLY in the South, which has the highest amount of black people) have a work program. You don't have to work, but you'll want to and most people end up doing it because they say things like you'll get off for good behavior. Also, being stuck in a cell all day sucks. You'll want to go work. In the Mississippi State Penetentry that my father went to, you did farm work. It is located right in the heart of the delta, perfect for putting those dirty heathens to work. Oh, and don't bother saying that they get paid, therefore they aren't slaves. Back when my dad was in eight years ago, it was something like a dollar an hour.
The War on Drugs has always been about racism, the government puts mainly colored people into prisons and entices them to work for damn near nothing. Also, here is a source to back up my claims - My dad went in for crack possession in 2005, it's a shame they didn't treat it like a health problem and instead locked him up. He's clean now, and a much better person and father. I don't think I could talk him into an AMA, as he really does not like to talk about it. American Prisons suck.
my personal understanding has always been that, provided 2 explanations have equal explanatory power, the simpler one is to be preferred. I understand this to be true because in science, we always start out by defining and understanding small parts of the whole, then slowly peace it together as time goes on, possibly adjusting our model along the way (shout out to lakatos!) In explaining lightning, "zeus" is a theory. So is electric discharge. The latter is simpler, hence i prefer it, test it, find it to have some truth in it. Thus i can adjust my theory, and say "lightning is, in some way, caused by electric discharge" and then keep investigating that way. should i find lightning not to be connected to electric discharge, i can always return to the more complicated option, zeus, and investigate in that direction.
occams razor is a suggestion for more effective theory building.
I think that the big difference is, that there are big competitors for the XBone out there. What is the biggest competitor of the Sim City franchise? Tropico? That's a rather unknown game series compared to Sim City. But when you mention the XBone, it is guaranteed that someone will mention either the PS4 or the WiiU.
With Sim City it was "Either Sim City or nothing", but with the XBone it is "Either the XBox or the PS4 or the WiiU".
Reddit only represents a small portion of Video Game consumers. Even if EVERYONE on Reddit refuses to buy a game, it wont make THAT much of a dent on sales. They make way too much money to care about what an internet community thinks. Also, not everyone on Reddit hates XBoxOne. On a personal note, as much as I hate EA and such for doing stupid things, if its fun, I'll buy it. I hated the SimCity always online and it was a headache to play for the first week, but the game is fun in itself. So far, I'm leaning towards PS4 but I'm willing to keep an open mind until XboxOne impresses me at E3. I personally think that people should really keep an open mind and not jump on the bandwagon of the "Frontpage" post's opinions.
Keep an open mind. If its fun, buy it.
I don't have the same problem with Steam (although I did when it was first released, for a variety of reasons - but that was 10 years ago and a lot has changed since then.) but I also don't think steam serves the same purpose as a games console. Most importantly, I can shut the damned thing's internet connection off and still play all my games. Steam has come to be 2 things for me now. 1: A really REALLY cheap market place where I can get new games almost instantly at massive discounts. 2: A way to make sure everything stays up to date. All I have to do is shut it down into Offline mode after installing things, and only let it re-connect when I want to buy new games. A periodic sign in to make sure everything I have is up to date keeps everything nice and tidy. I couldn't possibly care less about trading hats or getting achievements. It's a trade off. Yes, I have to log in more than I'd like to, but on the other hand, I get really really cheap games. I'm also not in the habit of taking my PC games to other people's houses to play on their PC. (the whole PC sometimes, but that's a whole other matter) Console games tho - I do that all the time. One of the things that's really high up my list of things I want from a console is the ability to just throw a disc in it and start playing without a lot of tedious mucking about. Perhaps other people treat their consoles differently, but I see mine as basically a toy. It's for playing with, spur of the moment like. Parties etc. If I have to spend half an hour downloading updates and making sure everyone in the room has the right licences... people are going to get bored and play something else. It's more of a social experience than PC gaming, and in that context things like permanent online activation become much more annoying.
A PC is not a console.
Guys- Regarding video vs. text: More than likely Travis provided George the questions ahead of time, and let him take his time coming up with detailed answers; a video interview would have been great, but the answers we got would not have been as fully-developed / honest / truthful, and probably based more in emotion than fact. HotShot's desire with this interview was to explain the decision and clear out concerns/questions fans might have. With a video interview, the answers are off-the-cuff / not as well-thought-out, so that might not have been possible. Being able to able to step back and write out his responses let HotShot say what needed to be said in-full / as much as he can on the roster changes.
These types of questions regarding this type of change need time to properly answer, HotShot didn't want to half-ass / misspeak about this topic, hence written interview vs video.
As you say people who are going to take it will take it anyway regardless of it legality, however if it were legal you're not going to get soccer moms walking into a store and going "hmm maybe I will try a gram to go with this bottle of jack", I'll agree there would be a slight increase in use from the "well, it is legal..." types but that doesn't mean they're going to get hooked. I used to have a fairly large coke habit (around an ounce a week) but I could afford to as I was running a successful pub (my own business) which covered the cost of my habit, it didn't affect my work or cause me to become the social menace you outline above while I'm not saying it's the same for everyone you can't paint everyone with the same brush.
Just because something is available or as addictive as coke doesn't mean it will automatically be abused.
I'm from Turkey and the protests against media insensitivity is somewhat right but the sole reason is not they are bribed or government-sided. They are talking about protests quite often actually but at same time they try to be cautious because they don't want this to spiral out of control more than it is now. They don't cover news until they are %100 sure it's true and confirmed by other sources; if they air every claim on social media like "police executing and shooting protesters" then the situation could turn to a full fledged civil war. When Erdoğan threatens protesters with his usual bully attitude that he can gather 1 million people for every thousand protesters, he's sadly right. As far its known he didn't cheat at ballot and more than %50 of population really elected him (considering it's not two party system it's frigging huge). Lots of people (especially muslims) literally worship him and he's some kind of hero in their eyes. Consequently mainstream media is trying to avoid agitation and increasing the tension in an already tense situation. Also the journalist speaking to NPR isn't that far away from truth, nobody mentions it but Kurdish party leader did actually say that Kurds doesn't support the protests and they have no intention fighting alongside with racists and nationalists.
Things aren't so black and white in Turkey.
I told my first serious boyfriend that I was a virgin when I wasn't. My first time was rape, so it's a bit different-but the point is, it was an awful experience and I hated the fact that I had lost my virginity that way. So I told myself it didn't count, and that my REAL first time was with my then-boyfriend, which was a very romantic and special thing. I still kind of think of it that way. So...Maybe she did lose her virginity to this guy, and regrets it. Maybe she contemplated but never went through with it. Maybe it's some weird inside joke that you are reading too much into. Regardless it sounds like your first time together was special and meaningful for her , whether or not it was her first time. That's really all that should matter. So no, I don't think you should bring this up. You violated her privacy to get this information, and it's 2 years old. And honestly, her sexual history before she met you is really none of your business. That said, her giving you shit about having had sex with other girls isn't OK either. But it's not OK regardless of her being a virgin or not when she met you.
You BOTH seem waaaaay too concerned with each others sexual histories. Focus on the relationship you have NOW, and leave the past in the past.
I know I'm going to be hated to say this here but I really don't think most of the vitriol Obama faces is because of his race. I'm not old enough to witness the treatment of Bill Clinton or Carter during his presidency but from what I've read he faced a lot of opposition on a lot of things especially after Gingrich became the house leader. The Republicans spent more money on investigating and trying to impeach Clinton than they did on investigating 9/11. The Benghazi attack which lead to 4 Americans being tragically killed faced 9 congressional hearings but during the Bush administration there were 54 attacks on US diplomatic outposts & embassies which lead to 13 American deaths but only garner 3 hearings total. This cognitive dissonance although seemingly racially motivated could actually be because of the fact that President Obama appears to be liberal. His opposition to many of the core conservative ideals combined with his popularity makes him a easy target to incite anger among the masses who are a loud minority most of whom are characteristically individualistic and bigoted.
Republicans: Not racists but popular among racists (The Simpsons)
I just looked at some of those plans on and they suck. All of the plans near $100 have $5k deductibles. That's basically the same as the catastrophic plan under Obamacare. Just to give you an example of how fucking horrible those plans are, I fell skiing this winter and cut open my chin. I needed 6 stitches at the emergency room to close it up. The ER doc did it -- not a plastic surgeon even though it was on my face. I have a scar. The ER charged $500 ... per stitch. Their bill was $3k for 15 minutes. I had to pay $100 for the ER visit because i have real insurance (that I pay way more than $100 per month for). Under all of the eHealthInsurance plans that are <$200 per month, you would pay the entire cost of that ER visit.
this is more FUD. It's total bullshit.
Florida I'm looking at YOU. Was visiting the area when I had a tonic-clonic seizure (formerly called grand mal), paramedics and EMTs were dispatched, ambulance drove me 7 minutes to hospital, CAT, EKG, was left in the hallway on a gurney for 2 hours... finally the doctor talked to me for 5 whole minutes, and said I fainted, but to see a neurologist when I got back to my home state. No big deal I think, I actually have Medicaid. Here is where it gets... interesting. I personally received separate bills from: EMT, Paramedic, Ambulance, Nurse, CAT tech, EKG tech, and finally the doctor. Each billing out from different billing locations. None will even attempt to process my Medicaid ID#. Now I have ~$20k in debt I will never be able to pay back to people who actually did provide some emergancy services to me. Here is the kicker... aside from each billing location not attempting to process my Medicaid to receive payment, they along with the subsequent debt collectors they passed my accounts to all told me something astonishing: Medicaid doesn't cover you when you leave your home state. WTF? I actually found that to be a blatant lie from my Medicaid adminstrator. My Medicaid covers me wherever I might happen to travel.
Florida refuses to process non-Florida Medicaid, buries me in $20k debt after life threatening emergency NinjaEdit: a word
You seem to think that official channels never had a chance to make the right choice, but they had several months before the encryption key for Manning's Wikileaks-dump was accidentally released by a journalist. And "official channels" aren't typically going to do the right thing in the military. Official channels exist to protect the status quo and cover the asses of higher-ups. Even rape victims in the military are typically re-victimized by "official channels" rather than assisted in any way.
The military bureaucracy is a playground for psychopaths.
In 100% honestly, we LOVE Hayter voicing Snake because 1) He DOES have a unique voice and 2) Mr. Kojima created two of the greatest characters of all time in Solid Snake and Big Boss. Trust me, if it was NEVER Hayter who voiced Snake, and someone with a less distinct voice, this would not bother you at all. Believe me when I say this, you love the character, not just the voice. People saying they are not buying the new Metal Gear because of this are ridiculous, Mr Kojima hand crafted these characters who you have grown to love and now because they have a different voice you'd just as soon leave the series behind! I've never bought Metal Gear Solid for David Hayter, I've bought it because it is by far the greatest game series of all time, it has flaws but it more than makes up for it with its ingenious plot twists and story arch's and cinematic beauty. Not to mention if in Metal Gear Solid 3, when Big Boss was first introduced, he was voiced by someone other than David Hayter, it would still be my favourite game of all time. Anyone who is seriously considering ditching the series because of this needs to re-evaluate their decision entirely, this game is going to be absolutely fantastic, and you'll be the ones missing out!
If you seriously don't buy the new Metal Gear because David Hayter isn't voicing Snake, you're not realising it's not just the voice you loved, but the character.
So, you're okay with forcing a Muslim to deal with pork, a Hindu with beef, or ordering a pacifist to kill? It's exactly the same conceptually. > ...they don't have a right to let that code influence their job. This is so much bullshit. Putting your morals aside, your ethics aside is why the world we live in is so very fucked up. Morals aren't a piece of clothing to be donned to or discarded on a whim. They're a part of the person, a part of the whole. Anyone who can willingly put aside his/her moral framework (this does not mean true moral dilemmas like only having the means to save one life and having to choose which life continues) would, I suspect, be considered a sociopath. However, I am not a psychiatrist, so take it with a grain of salt. Bottom line, returning specifically to a pharmacist and Plan B, there are any number of situations where a pharmacist would be not only correct, but right to refuse to sell the product. Consider: if a pharmacist sells to a male customer, how does s/he know the product will be administered with the woman's consent, that he's not giving to his last sex partner, she being completely unaware?
If you haven't been in that place, don't presume to write the tour book.
You do realize it could have been a broken condom or she forgot to take her birth control pill right? Fuck people like you, things malfunction sometimes and people make mistakes. She understood that she didn't have what she needed to risk bringing a human being into the world so she did the RESPONSIBLE thing and got he morning after pill. It's not an abortion.
my jimmies were rustled.
I would handle them as they come up. I would never say "if you cheat on me, I will divorce you" (ok I'm married so break up just sound's weird) because if he gets dissatisfied, he may look for an out so that I'm the one that breaks it off. Make sense? So if cheating came up I would never say it's a deal breaker. I would say it depends on the situation. Whether it is a deal breaker or not, you don't know how you'll feel at the time it happens. I would have thought smoking would be a deal breaker for me, but in my case, my husband wanted to try it one day, did it once, threw up, and never wanted to do it again. He told me about it and it didn't have to be anything because I felt like he wasn't going to keep doing it habitually. Had I said it was a deal breaker and then I didn't do anything about it, how valid would I seem? And then he wouldn't have been honest with me about it either.
I stay away from stating out loud that anything is a deal breaker!
They're not always trying to abuse the system. They just fall for silly scams. Most people just assume that because someone on their friend-list sent them the link, it must be legit. Even though there have been people getting hacked and saying "i got sent this link from someone on my friend-list". It's literally mainly down to people clicking links without reading them, or after they've opened the link they just glance at it, see it looks vaguely like the official LoL website and wants them to log-in, and then just try to login without even thinking about it. Most people want an authenticator, because then it's there to wipe their ass for them so they don't have to bother thinking or paying attention.
People are lazy and stupid and thinking is too hard or too much effort.
You are right codependency can happen that way. But that is also where interdependency happens. Interdependency is healthy. It is when you allow mutual neediness at times without making them responsible for your word and your feelings all the time. I didn't mean to imply going to sleep is being dismissive - context is important, as I said. Your behavior doesn't sound dismissive. When OP's boyfriend says he can't stay awake and rolls away from her (nonverbally communicating rejection) and the next day doesn't seem at all concerned about her feelings, communicating rejection again by going to do some other thing without at least trying to understand better - that does sound a little dismissive. I would call it that way regardless of my past because that is how it reads juxtaposed against the response of a concerned partner, since he had a chance to show a little concern after a full night's sleep. It does not matter if he believes he was wrong. When you love someone it matters if they hurt and you try to show understanding even if you think they are being [insert judgmental adjective here]. To not do so will look dismissive to me. I do not hold my SO responsible for my emotional state. But it is nice to know if I don't have it all together one evening he isn't going to freak out on me.
There are people for whom a more independent and at-times dismissive style works well. That's great. Not everyone will be compatible with it though. That should be okay too. OP I don't think it is childish to want comfort or be offended at a lack of support in an SO's reaction. It is human. Kicking him out was a bit childish but the initial desire was valid.
i worked for us west, then quest bought the company. The stock went from $60 to $3, i lost a significant amount of $$$ thanks to that cheese dick. Also, they had some sort of shady dealings w/ a company called Global crossing where 'swaps' were arranged and counted as real money. He ruined many peoples lives by making their retirement nest egg worthless.
Fuck Joe Naccio. He belongs in prison.
Yeah I know and agree with you that they don't really count... I mean... First off let's have a platform game not a handheld one, and star fox adventures on the GameCube took place mostly ON FOOT. I think I speak on behalf of all Fox fans, that shit was blasphemous.
Bring back the Arwing.
The way it does this, for those of you that don't know, is by leaving the disk tray on the exterior of the console. Technically, the top is just a cover to protect the tray, but removing it wouldn't damage the system in any way.
the tray is considered exposed even though the top covers it.
In general - and particularly for days like this - you deal by focusing on things that you want to fill your life with. Good friends, good books, other family members, whatever rocks your socks: hiking, cooking, swimming, coffee and pastry at the pavement bistro etc. You become what you fill your life with. If you focus on pain and loss and grief and separation... guess what your life will be filled with? Fill your mind and your life with as many good, positive experiences as possible - they eventually help the bad stuff to recede into the background. When you find yourself getting stuck into a groove of regrets and pain and 'what ifs' - train your brain to change track, and focus on something else (that doesn't mean don't think about it at all - but rather to stop if all that thinking is producing is pain instead of epiphany/growth). If you need help to move on, go to therapy. Focus on the good - fill your life with things that make you happy. One day, you'll see a little girl with her Father and you'll be able to go 'awww how precious' - and be happy for her, instead of sad for yourself. FWIW - my bio Father was never there for me, he checked out after my parents divorced before I was 1. My Step-Dad was my Dad, but he wasn't the warm fuzzy type. He was harsh and authoritarian and abusive and we clashed constantly. I can't say I've ever really felt loved from either of them - and it used to make me wonder what was wrong with me that not one, but two Fathers didn't love me. Fortunately, I learned to fill my life with the good stuff, and that (and age) have allowed me to look back and not feel sad or depressed or angry about my upbringing. It helped make me who I am today, and if I hadn't grown up like that, I would be someone... different. I like me, so I am content. Not sure if that all really made sense :) In contrast, my Sister-In-Law has never, ever moved on from the damage done by her Father. Granted, she has other issues, but her father committed suicide when she was 16, and she's 40 now and the pain is as fresh for her today as it was 24 years ago. It has absolutely paralyzed her life. Its like she's a record player that will occasionally produce lovely music, but then skips back and the needle gets stuck in the groove that produces nothing but wailing sad tones. Nothing that anyone has tried has helped her. Not meds, not practical help, not therapy not children or other family, not early career success... nothing. Her brain brings her back to focus on the loss of her father - and she wallows in it. Its the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Fill your life with the good. It leaves very little room for the bad.
I shower my grandpa in the most lavish gifts my broke college ass can afford. He is my only grandpa and my only "father." I make sure he knows how much I love him and appreciate the role he plays in my life. For several years, I spent Father's Day eve getting so ridiculously shit faced that I would need the entire day to recuperate and sleep off my hang over. I finally realized that this wasn't doing anything except displacing my problem. Being bitter on Father's Day isn't going to make my dad want to be in my life any more than spending my entire day telling my grandpa how much I love him will. Dude, my grandpa is one AWESOME son of a bitch. He is a WWII veteran, has read all the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse novels, loves Charmed and any show on Sci Fi, and generally doesn't give a flying fuck about what anyone has to say about his preferences. He is my best friend, and I love him more than I can express. I am convinced that no matter who my dad is, he couldn't be better than my grandpa.
Don't spend your day vilifying a man who doesn't want to be in your life. Spend your day celebrating those who are apart of it!!!! Especially awesome grandpas.
A few reasons. I'm a PC gamer so DRM isn't something I cry about, I've been dealing with some form of DRM since the 90s, with CD-keys that I regularly would download cracks for to play my favorite games. The idea of kinect doesn't push me away either, something watching me is not new or even stupid to me. Anyone who streams games probably has a Webcam and Mic hooked up. Yeah I know not being able to disconnect it is sorta lame but I'm also sorta excited at the new possibilities Developers will put towards the Kinect; now that everyone who has the Xbox1 will have that hardware.. As for the offline mode that people seem to be really irrational about, or at least to me it seems irrational. I'm always connected to the internet in some ways, and there's very few places in this world I've been where I didn't have some sort of internet connectivity. And the times I don't have internet it's probably because I'm not at home and if I'm not home I'm on a laptop. It just seems impractical to demand an offline mode if you are not hauling your console everywhere. And if you are I'd suggest investing money into a laptop since a Console requires multiple things.. As for hardware.. it doesn't bother me, yes the Ps4 hardware is better in certain areas. But seeing as how well the 360 is doing to the ps3 (which also has better hardware) it isn't that big of a factor when determining a console. If we were talking Computers I'd tell you to burn in hell get the better hardware, but since these consoles are probably going to last minimum 7 years it shouldn't be a big difference (hopefully, I am saying that solely based off the current systems and how well they have done with current games) The Final thing would be games. The only titles I've ever been interested in for PlayStation was Infamous (enjoyed that game very much) and the .hack//sign series. Recently Last of us looks interesting but I'm sure I could probably find an emulator and steal the game on PC lol.. And don't get me wrong, I dislike Call of Duty and halo and feel that they both have turned down the learning curve of FPS and made it a very simple game to play. I say that because I play Quake Live a lot and I was raised in the Quake/Unreal/Counter-strike, so I wouldn't pick a system base solely on those titles. I think to end this it is just preference. I'm use to Microsoft software, I enjoy their interface for Xbox and in my opinion is seems far better then Sony GUI.. but that's probably because I've had years using it. I've thought this out and even though I'm going xbox 1 I do hope some of their stances change, but at the same time I hope they don't just to give the middle finger back to the community lol. Honestly hate when developers succumb to consumers..
I never said it was linear, i just said that i felt like i was doing the same thing over and over again. Which I was. "from the ceiling" and "from the roof" are the same yes, but each major kill in the later AC series had a unique setting. Take a look at the kill in brotherhood where you basically infiltrated a party. That was completely linear, and yet it felt more enjoyable than most of the AC1 missions. And btw, i like stealth games, it's just that AC1 portrayed you as a master assasin that fought with an order that would actually do a stand up fight (they had forts and armies for crying out loud) and yet a fight with the average guard was tough. It's game mechanics denied it's backstory. Thief? I loved, because it never said you were anything but what the game mechanics told you you were, rather than lieing to you. In AC3 and the coming one it portrayed you as more of a fighter who was also taught how to assasinate. AC2 subset also did that.
AC1 lies to you between it's backstory and game mechanics. Later AC ones don't. Also, don't change my words.
While this is all true, it should be noted that in Altair's codex (AC2) he mentions a significant change in organization and methodology towards stealthy kills and decentralized operations -- no more fortresses like Masayaf. I'd previously posted something similar, but here's my thoughts on the OP: You can totally play the Assassin's Creed series in a stealthy manner if you so choose. Note that the Animus is a computer simulation designed with flexibility in mind, each playthrough is an approximation within known limitations. Non-stealthy playthroughs of Assassin's Creed is a result of Desmond (controlled by the player) stretching the Animus to the very limits of its mission constraints on a consistent basis. Each simulation is an approximation of what is a "real" event: the assumption can be made that a person concerned with their one and only life (Ezio, Connor) is far more cautious than a person engaging in a computer simulation of the same event (Desmond). Playing the missions while also accomplishing secondary goals often results in a very clean in-and-out kill/sabotage situation where there are few, if any witnesses. Both Ezio and Connor are equipped with stealthy weapons -- silent ranged weapons including poison. There's also the wide array of non-lethal methods of reaching an objective and the use of Assassin trainees as distractions.
In nearly every game the player has the resources to complete missions in a low-profile manner. The Animus constraints are just loose enough to allow counterproductive metagaming that is then disparaged as "illogical," and "unstealthy."
You can definitely be stealthy in any one of the games so far. I've managed to kill most of the targets, without being detected (although some kills take a few tries to get through without being detected), by using dead bodies, thieves, bombs, as well as a couple other tools along with just good old eagle vision to get a good look of the area and take out anyone(or just get by without being detected) who might give me away before they get a chance to. On the other hand, my brother (also a big fan of the series) just counters and strings executions to get through the game, and he tells me he loves it. It's a great game to play through either way, and it sounds as though a bunch of you are just finding stuff to rant about (since it does offer what you seem to crave) rather than just enjoying the game for what it is. Furthermore, who the fuck wrote in stone that assassin's creed had to be all about stealth?
It does offer the choice of being stealthy, but even if you don't want to be a stealthy assassin and want to just fuck shit up, you can do just that, and it'll be a great game either way.
This could be the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You have so much talent when it comes to this game and, if you practice your face off, you could be a potential pro player or at least on a challenger team. However, all of the shit you have stirred up in the community over the past few months with the boosting, the bitching, and the questionable stream content has made a lot of people lose faith in you. Now, and rightly so, you are banned from playing this game on the aforementioned accounts. Use this banning as a way to start fresh. Make a new account, get it to 30, buy some champs, and push diamond/challenger like you've done so many times. None of this is hard for you, and I think if you just started fresh and cleaned your reputation off a little bit on both streams and on forums, you could be a great addition to the community.
Lately, your potential has been shrouded by your retarded antics. Use the ban to start fresh and do it in a more mature way and you will find success.
A lot of you guys seem to be hating on him for what he's done in the past, the thing is he payed his dues. He was banned, in fact he turned HIMSELF in. The point of being banned is to make "Even" for what you have done. With the "Proof" he has provided he seems to have been banned for no reason or for a reason that doesn't deserve as Perm ban. I get that he has done shit in the past, in fact I used to hate XJ9 (Also, most of the other boosters pissed me off too.) But he's apologized for doing that by turning himself in, took the punishment and moved on. His stream has changed from what I have seen, he seems to be a far less toxic person, isn't that the point of being banned is to make them less toxic. He's not a terrible person and I feel as though this ban was unjust.
I don't think he should have been banned, assuming the proof he provided is the whole story. He was already punished for boosting, so what has he done wrong now? Is there no Double Jeopardy rule? PS: Get some therapy, it actually does work. Edit: Spelling and Such
Did you even read the article? They literally disarmed the moderate militia and took their weapons and vehicles. Was it correct to fund and arm Osama Bin Laden, by your rationale, that was a good decision. Learn history bro and
I'm not saying no Islamist will ever get his hands on a US weapon in Syria -but you can't take this to mean that it will happen every time and that these weapons will definitely be used against the West by the jihadists who seize them. If they wanted to shoot Americans, there are already plenty of weapons to do that with, and plenty of other conflict zones where there are American troops on the ground. Who said we should arm Bin Laden? My rationale is to arm the moderates so that the extremist groups don't have so much influence - the comparative doesn't exist in Afghanistan. Learn history? I studied Middle Eastern politics and Arabic at degree level. I lived in Syria for a year, spent a year in the Middle East. And I'm now a professional journalist covering Africa and the Middle East. Maybe consider that you don't know everything about a country you've probably never even been to, much less what the people are like.
Why not have a look over my previous reply again?
The problem with nuclear weapons is that even though nuclear war has not happened yet, you cannot predict that it won't happen in the future. And when it does happen, the damage inflicted to the world will be much greater than a series of conventional wars.
bringing machine guns to a knife fight
Can you say, in an intellectually honest manner, that the only meaningful difference between TSM's wins and losses was their toplane choice? And that the games they lost with Renekton and Yorick were truly the result of those picks and that the wins with Jayce and Shen were truly the result of those picks? I don't know your numbers background, but I hope you have more than Stats 101 under your belt. This is incredibly preposterous to attribute the differences to top lane without analysis of the other lanes.
This is really dumb in its current form. Too many variables ignored to have any relevance.
I thought the same... trust me. I felt like she had to "earn my trust". BUT, in a healthy relationship, that should never be the case. You have to trust her first, always. Just express your concern that it really bothers you, and if shes assures you that nothings going to happen, trust her. If she really does care about you, she will always put your feelings #1! Think of it this way: if you express your concerns, and if she cares enough, she will do it because she WANTS to, not cause you tell her. Theres a difference!
healthy relationship=you let her do whatever you want, BUT she puts your concerns ahead b/c she wants to
Here's the problem: human models are expensive in terms of polygons. Left 4 Dead kind of shows this: how badly does your computer lag when you're getting swarmed? That's probably 50-100 zombies, and valve went through many processes to make the models as lifeless as possible. Now, try to have thousands of lifelike models all on screen at the same time. The problem is that, if you don't interact with them, they are literally dead weight on the system. All that power could be used for something that the player actually does. As for designers have a hard enough time just designing the level. Now have them design the structure of the 100s of buildings you may or may not walk into.
the resources used on buildings and people are wasted if the player does not interact with them
And more weapons of mass destruction would be nice. Customized ways of killing people, maybe they'll actually do something worth my time with Kinect. Punch in real life, punch in the game etc...Maybe some biological weapons to make zombies and shit. Prototype 2 was a perfect example of how to be evil in a video game.
The closest any game has come to this is prototype 2
Of course there is. Watch_Dogs seems to do that well enough. ITT you can tell the creatives from the uncreatives. I've thought of this for years and have a mental mindset of the game if I ever have the millions of dollars to make it. I got in a foot chase in GTA IV and it was the most heart pumping thing ever. There were no cars around and I was at 3 or 4 wanted level. I had to avoid the cops' vision while making my way through alleyways, down cliffs / ledges, etc. I did end up escaping after my wanted level went down some. The game kind of ruined it a bit by cheating and spawning cops wherever I was even though they didn't see me at all. I couldn't believe I had to be in this free roaming world to do it and it wasn't more suited in the game itself. Cops could act like...real cops, and at their last view of you, they would set up a perimeter and start scouting randomly (keyword). It would then turn into a bit of a stealth game, but if someone saw you, it'd turn action again. Either shoot the guy before he calls for backup (but if you don't have a silencer, cops will hear gunshots in your general direction), or get a head start and start running for a spot to get lost in (each situation of course would be different / dynamic, especially depending on where you were in the world). This is something that just came natural to me or, should be, to anyone, right? But Rockstar has always never focused on the running game, I believe for the worse. There was another foot chase that was epic when playing multiplayer San Andreas on one of those Cops & Robbers servers. I believe what happened is someone was trying to recruit me to join their gang, and I followed them out to the middle of nowhere where they said they were hung out at, somewhere in the middle of the map. After a guy went to the bank to do something and told me to stay right there, I felt something was fishy, so I made a dash for it. Then one of his buddies told him I was leaving and he was saying hey wait, come back, where ya going, etc. I wasn't buying it. Then he starts shooting at me. Now I know he wanted to kill me for my money, and luckily I'm running up this hill, zig zagging of course so I'm harder to shoot. He manages to scrap some HP off me but then I escape over the hill and I'm not in range. There's the river right down the hill and I decide to make a swim for it (ha). Bullets can still go through the water but I believe they are less accurate. I can hear the gunshots and see my HP dwindling down until I'm far enough underwater that they can't shoot me. They can follow me underwater but guns don't work when there. They decide to try to cut me off at the other end. I notice his friend is gone in the back of my mind but I'm just trying to think of what to do next. I believe I'm heading toward the SF airport. It has car and plane spawns and it'll be longer to get to from the road than the ocean. I think I can get there on time. My HP is at about 50%. After awhile the main guy shooting at me I can't see. I don't see any of them. I wonder if they gave up on me. All the while my heart is beating almost out of my chest. I've never been so pumped in a game before. This is against real unpredictable people here. I'm even sweating in a generally cool environment. The thing is, I had over a million on me because it was just after a helicopter bank heist. It took me all day to get this cash. So I decide to try and find a dock because I know they mostly have some sort of water transport near them. I actually do find one, but it's empty. I run on land (a peninsula) a bit because it's faster, but still running along the water in case they come back. I can maybe spot a dune buggy out in the woods while I'm heading in the general direction of SF airport. I can see a bit of the airport now actually. At this point now my heart rate is going down and think maybe I'm in the clear, because surely I would see them by now, at least waiting at the top of the airport ladder. But then I hear it. The unmistakable sound of a boat. I hope it's not them. But I'm not so lucky of course. His buddy must've went and find a boat! His buddy sailing and he has his M4 ready to pick me off. It's actually a good thing I didn't stay in the water. The water is slow and I'd be a sitting duck for sure. They succeed in cutting me off and my plan for the airport is a failure, but they probably weren't planning on me being so inland either. Again, some HP is scrapped off me as I dash for the woods hoping to find a vehicle. This time I am lucky and find a dune buggy. (not the fastest vehicle, but at the time they have none, so it's better than nothing. There is another one there too, which isn't good for me, but yeah, I have no guns, except a pistol which is shit, so I can't sabotage. I'm sliding out of there as best I can, not even looking back, but a few seconds later I can hear gunshots. The main guy shotgun in the other dune buggy of course, trying to take mine out, which actually won't take long. At this point I know I'm fucked. I can see it now. He has an M4 with who knows how much ammo against a measly dune buggy.... It'll blow up in 30 seconds and he'll kill me while I'm still rolling from the jump out of the flaming machine. I get out of the woods, dune buggy now a little flaming. Not a good sign of course. Halfway dead. I get to a bridge though and I know where I am. There's a steep unexpected cliff here that I have had my fair share of cars sacrificed to the water gods. That's my only hope, my saving grace. But surely he'll know this spot, too.... I never let my finger off of W of course and go full speed. At the spot where I think I should hit the brakes so I don't fall in the water myself, I do. I am able to go slower off the edge and land on an incline before hitting the water. I wait for a bit. Right on cue he is going full speed -- of course trying to catch me and blow me car up -- over the ledge and into the water! I back up and high tail it out of there. No other vehicles around that I can see he can continue the chase with. Home free.
pretty much: I still can't believe that worked and I got away from those gangstas. It was just the most amazing experience. I've never done anything like that in a game before, a multiplayer game. At to know that a fucking third party had to come in and make San Andreas multiplayer. Rockstar couldn't think of this genius themselves???? To this day SA multiplayer is leagues ahead of anything in GTA IV, and I don't have high hopes for V tbh. The server had a great class system where you could have different jobs and such, and it was a lot like an MMO interacting with other players. There's nothing else like it out there, but it has so many flaws. After awhile you see all there is to see and there's not much else to do. That gansta experience was a fluke. The cops vs robber battles are hilariously lop sided when the M4 takes out any car in 60 seconds and less with no amount of maneuvering you can do as a robber. A successful bank heist is just about luck. Hoping a cop won't be nearby. The game is just broken. Yet a lot of people play it and I sunk hundreds of hours into it because it had that world, that environment, the things you can do you can't do anywhere else. A real AAA MMO that can capture this experience will be HUGE. I'd say bigger than anything. I just hope no one that can make these decisions see this and gives them idea, haha. You definitely have to have a lot of creative vision to get around the problems and MMO like this can have. Just look at it done terribly wrong with that game awhile back I forget the name of..."A.P.B." that was it. It was trying to do that but just failed miserably. It now has gone F2P. Anyway sorry for the long ass comment. This is obviously something I'm very passionate about, haha.
Game Developer here. An object in C++ game programming (which i'm assuming is what Hitman was programmed in) is basically an entity or a description of something. Every person in Hitman is an object (literally, you define "objects" in your code) which runs off of the same code base as every other person object. That's how programmers duplicate code without having to write the same code for every person in the game. (imagine if a programmer had to write each individual line of code for each person in the game, it wouldn't be possible to make large crowds like you see in games today) This concept is known as Object Oriented Programming (you can take classes on it at your local community college, it's very interesting i'd recommend it.) To say that they're not really "there" would be an oversimplification. They are physical objects in the game as stated previously. But their AI calculations are probably over-ridden in a base class somewhere. Every time you create a new object with a slight modification (let's say it's a person that acts slightly differently from someone else in the game, like the pacing AI of a guard or an NPC whom cleans dishes) you over-ride the previous AI behavior from "person" and add in the modifications (whether it be a different rout or a unique activity) So, in essence, each NPC would over-ride the base code of Person to something a little bit less CPU intensive. You could override the ability to shoot, look for the player, and a variety of other CPU intensive activities because the NPC's don't need to do that, they just need to walk around, be shot, die (and of course other things) so those things remain intact.
they're really there, it's just programming wizardry that makes it possible to have them all on screen. As CPU speeds increase and programming techniques are perfected you'll see "Smarter" and more complex AI in larger numbers.
But in essence, it is like me hiring a hit man to kill someone I don't like: "Your honor, I technically didn't actually kill that guy."
I seriously think some officials should go to jail over all of this.
Where there's a will there's a way... I remember reading once, can't find any citations now of course so feel free to dismiss this anecdote if you wish, in a newspaper about a small business owner brought to book by HMRC. His VAT returns were all wrong. They prosecuted him, as you'd expect. They froze his assets, as they have the power to do, in the meantime, to stop him sending his money abroad. So far, so standard. Things took a less than perfect turn when he was denied legal aid on account of having too much money already, but he couldn't hire a solicitor, as all his assets were frozen. Forced to defend himself at court, he failed to make his case and was found guilty. The punchline: he'd paid TOO MUCH tax. They'd brought the full power of the system against an incompetent business owner after discovering he'd paid too much tax. They could have: a) simply returned it, b) fined him for shoddy book-keeping. But no, they used the full power of the system to make an example. What's this got to do with the bankers? Well, the only reason they haven't been charged (and some of them actually have, but then we've got the Americans to thank for making a fuss of the LIBOR scandal, our own policy makers weren't interested.) is because the people in charge haven't been looking. Given the scope of laws and regulations concerning accounting, and the broad interpretation of the common law of fraud, and the always present "insider trading", I'd bet you could get serious jail time against half the working population of the City if you wanted to. But, of course, that would be just as disproportionate.
Bankers are in charge, so no-one investigates them, even when they claim to be reforming the system. The tools of oppression are only ever used against the rest of us.
When you present someone with an idea their brain will process it i.e. any information you give is at least involuntarily reacted to. If you draw attention to something negative subjectively or pseudo-objectively in that persons mind the next event is an emotional response. If you know that and have chosen to say something you have also chosen to illicit that response even if there is some probability involved here and it's much closer to a shared responsibility biased towards you. An analogous process is changing someones emotional state by injecting psychoactive drugs into a persons bloodstream. If you do that, you would be responsible for changing someone's emotional state, right? (Excepting the admonished responsibility due to an individual tolerance/sensitivity/resistance etc.) If you consider that neurological connections can be broken or reinforced by verbal information and stimuli, i.e. associations with emotional states can be made via language alone, then if you possess in advance sets of information corresponding to a particular emotional state and use it, I honestly don't see it being particularly different to injecting drugs into someones body. Essentially, I just can't accept your model of responsibility as being binary, it's a very complicated network. Equally, I would actually argue the exact opposite of you and say you are much less responsible for your own emotional state than your environment is. Someone who is exposed to great depths of poor treatment and verbal abuse throughout their life will carry a much heavier emotional weight because of it, yet the responsibility for that state would not be the individual's. Subscribing this to determinism is pointless (although obviously is the case) as the discussion is shifted from personal responsibility to responsibility is arbitrary in a single word, it's a macroscopic view and doesn't really help you discuss individual instances of responsibility. Considering responsibility in single interactions where both parties are essentially glorified turing machines and supposing responsibility would be attributed on the basis of one GTM reaching an offensive state causing GTM2 to reach an upset state, for me it still satisfies the condition that you can be held responsible for causing someone elses emotional distress even if the previous states were reached by other interactions. Saying that being responsible for your emotional state because it's yours is the same kind of responsibility as owning a mobile phone, you're responsible for keeping it safe but if someone takes it out of your hands and throws it into a lake I would say it is their responsiblity for destroying it.
Determinism/Personal Responsibility not mutually exclusive. Responibility is a network You are responsible for your own emotions in the sense of ownership Nigger is an awful word and I wouldn't get comfortable using it, even with friends
CA Bill AB-1309]( >(B) This paragraph shall apply to all occupational disease and cumulative injury claims filed against an employer of professional athletes if the employer is subject to this division, unless the professional athlete was employed for eight or more consecutive years by the same California-based employer pursuant to a contract of hire entered into in California, and 80 percent or more of the professional athlete’s employment as a professional athlete occurred while employed by that California-based employer against whom the claim is filed. For purposes of the paragraph, both of the following apply: >(i) A California-based employer is one with a principal place of business in this state that also plays the majority of its home games in California. >(ii) Whether 80 percent or more of a professional athlete’s employment as a professional athlete occurred while employed by the same California-based employer shall be determined solely by taking the total number of days the professional athlete was employed by a California-based employer pursuant to a contract of hire entered into in California and dividing that number by the total number of days the professional athlete was employed as a professional athlete.
Fuck you, I don't know what it means either, but I'll give it a go. Unless the player spent 8 years playing in CA or 80% of their career employed by a CA employer they will not be eligible for Worker's Comp based on Cumulative Injury or Occupational Disease.
10/10 would read again, no
You are in denial. The fact that she screwed Craig twice should say a lot to you. If she really didn't like him coming around, she'd find a way to remove herself from the situation. Any adult woman.with her head on straight would've moved or found some way to avoid him if he'd raped her the first time. She cheated on you, and she knows she has gullible you so madly in love with her that you'll stay no matter what she does. Now, lets say just for the sake of conversation that her wildly unbelievable lies are true, as you believe. In that case, she would have some serious problem (e.g. Bipolar disorder, horribly codependent and can't say no to anyone, drug misuse and blacks out...). That would mean you are putti.g up with someone who has a problem and is refusing to treat it even though it is putting you through hell, and she knows it is putting you through hell. Why wouldn't she get help to treat the problem and quit treating you like crap (Which she is doing, in either scenario!)? Because you are still in the picture. There is no reason for her to fix the problem because you allow her to treat you this way--and you DO permit it: you believe her, you continue to trust her, and you stay. And she doesn't have to address the situation. You need to leave her for your own sake. In either scenario, it is NOT healthy for you to stay. Yes, it will hurt to leave, but it will be better for you in the long run. The sun will not stop rising and setting just because you end things with her, and if you leave, you WILL heal and be able to move on. Time will pass, and the pain will fade. A year from now you'll look back and know that leaving was the right thing to do. I too was once in an unhealthy relationship with a man whom I thought really needed me. He had a seriously messed up family and would do anything to avoid being sober and having to deal with his thoughts and memories. I felt awful seeing a wonderful person, and one I loved, in such obvious pain and did everything I could to help him. At least, i thought I was helping him. Eventually I realized it wasn't good for me to bend over backward to save him from himself. It turned out that after I left, he went from bad to worse, but our split set in motion a wake up call to him to do something about his drug and alcohol problems. I kinda hate to admit it, but the book Codependent No More by Melanie (Melody?) Beattie was recommended to me, and it helped me understand that I wasn't doing him or me any favors by be nice and put up with his crap.
Sometimes you just have to accept that things aren't fixed by staying.
Can drop this? Ever since the update yesterday I can't walk outside, go on my facebook, anything, without seeing "OH MANS IT MIGHT BE HAFF LYFES TREE". When they announce it'll still be months after that that it'll be released..why not wait to freak out about it when we know for sure instead of data mining and poking around? You know that it actually has caused some devs to become annoyed and slow their process even more when users poke around that avidly, right? I'm not joking. There were a few instances I remember (vaguely) where devs would run an update to an MMO or something else with a large player base, players would data mine t he fuck out of it and ruin the surprise. Hell, I remember that crap users pulled on Gaben after datamining the fuck out of MvM. They even sent a message that said something like "because of a bunch of party poopers" or "nosey nellys" or something cute. For me it's just that, it ruins the surprise. It'd be like every day sitting at home, waiting for your wife to come home and the minute she walks through the door you're up her ass asking if she has a party planned for you. Maybe one day she comes home with a veggie tray and suddenly you're all like "OH MAN A VEGGIE TRAY?! SURPRISE PARTY CONFIRMED!". When really veggie trays are just fucking awesome and she bought one. Eventually one would get tired, callous, maybe even a bit resentful toward said wife for not having thrown said party. Then, if the party actually happens, one loses a sense of wonderment and it becomes a "bout fucking time" as oppose to "Woooo! Ya! Partay!". These things take TIME, gentlemen. Yes, it's been a long time and from a few different sources it looks like things might actually be rolling for HE 3 between Alyx's voice actor apparently submitting tweets about "getting back in the booth" and a few other random things. But honestly...take it all with a grain of salt...remember this is a sensitive process. If we keep pushing for something we're going to get something like Duke Nukem 3D..and we all know how that went.
Stop rushing this. I know it's taken forever but srsly...this is the one thing in my life I need to go right (HE3)..pathetic as it sounds half life has encapsulated my whole life, played it as a kid, and 2 as a teenager/young adult. It's pretty much the last series I rely on to be worth a shit.
This is an interesting topic that my husband and I had to sort out after we got married (prior to marriage, we were NOT living together). We both have very different hobbies- my husband likes to play his video games while I like to be out and about, although the catch here is that when I do things, I want to SHARE the experiences with him. This is probably something that may be causing your GF some grief, as she wants you both to do things together (while that is not ALWAYS possible), it's probably her hope that in moving in together, this is how the majority of your time will be spent. My husband suggested that I could take up a hobby that would get my interest (examples: baking, scrapbooking, pilates, knitting, video games of my own!!), something I could do in "down time"- so I took up random crafts I've been piling away on Pinterest and work on those when he wants to game for a couple hours. His suggestion was a good one because while I didn't have any real interests that sparked my fancy, I was assuming that marriage (or- a deeper relationship in your case), would fill this void...which of course, it didn't. My husband has made an effort on his part to remind me that even though he likes to play his computer games, that I am still most important to him. He does this in ways like: every so often will get up just to come over and kiss me or he will take a couple seconds just to say something like, "Lovvvve you wifey!" Although what he is doing is completely unnecessary, I can't help but smile on the inside to know that he is so thoughtful. The most important thing to remember, is that when taking a serious step like moving in together, you do it with the knowledge that you must be mindful of one another's needs. Being on your computer for 10 hours straight may be an issue for her (as I know it would for me), if I was itching to spend some quality time with my SO. The best suggestion I can give is to try setting boundaries.... example: "I'm going to spend some time on my computer this morning, but after lunchtime, it's all you and me baby!" THEN, try to plan out something that is not TV watching- pull out a board game, go to the park, or window shop. Please note, I don't mean this EVERYTIME- just every now and again, say once every week or two...just to keep things fresh :) Anything to get you out of the usual mundane rut that can happen.
understand your GF may be hopeful that moving in together will mean doing everything together. Gently remind her that while you love her, you both should take time to follow your own individual interests/passions (hey- even doing "nothing" is warrented at the end of a long day!). Best wishes OP!!
Good models work very hard. My best friend is a model and she has to book her own gigs, come up with a bunch of the ideas for the shoots, and then follow the directions of very picky photographers. She has to have people poke and paint every intimate spot on her face/body sometimes (depending on the gig) and she can be standing in high heels and a bikini for 16 straight hours without food and maybe 1 bathroom break. One gig nearly blinded her for making her stay under murky water for 5 hours (they brought scuba tanks to keep her down there as long as they could) with her eyes held WIDE open for prolonged periods of time. She makes maybe 40K a year and is considered to be in the top echelon of models working in the biz. Once in a while a model lands a gig that pays a bunch, but 99 percent of it is at the level of about 20 an hour when you average it out. Furthermore, she has to have a strict work ethic, create contacts that want to work with her, move her body in specific ways (it's actually awesome to watch her work, she transforms her body into a modern art piece), understand artistic visions and how her look fits into them, know what angles her face and body look good at, deal with rejection and disrespect from every angle, have people assume she can be grabbed and groped because of her job and a billion other stresses you havent considered. She adopts a specific way of moving and looking when she has to be in front of a camera. There are lots of strong people, not all of them get paid to play football. She has to have skills and genetic qualities combined. And she has to not be a huge bitch so people want to work with her. She's a professional through and through. Her look has helped sell millions of dollars of products. People look at certain photos of her (often that she designed the concept for and bought the clothes herself) and they are just struck by it. The angle, the concept, etc. There are a million pretty faces, but ever see a picture of a face and it just grabs you? There is skill in that. It's not just looks. There is a professional network, punctuality, creativity, the ability to follow directions, the willingness to deal with weird and uncomfortable situations and outfits, a constant supply of unknown weirdness and, on several occasions, she has been screwed out of her days wage because her industry provides few legal protections for working models so people can actually 'steal' her time. She is constantly turning down jobs where people would take advantage of her in one wya or another, and she is constantly asked to do porn, and runs the risk that walking into a new job might be dangerous to her health (she texts me addresses before she walks in because that's what smart girls do) She has to deal with these risks because that's the way her job goes. She loves it and works very hard to be good at it. She easily puts in 60 hours every week. No contest.
They dont pay her enough, and she's one of the lucky ones that can do this full time for a living. She brings her own ideas, clothes and puts up with people groping and touching her. She can move in a very specific way (like tai chi but for a camera) and deals with a lot of fucking weirdos to get opportunities. I really think you have no idea what you're talking about. PS: For comparison, I'm a physicist and have a very technical job. She probably works harder than I do.
Ok kids, Meatball-fan time so listen up. Points per game... I'll give ya. But what about an inability for an offense to score and how it affected the "greatness" of a Defense? Keeping the fact that the 77 Falcons and 85 Bears played a different number of games, the strength of opponent/schedule was vastly different. In their 14 games, the 77 Falcons played teams with an average Offensive PPG of 15.791 and those opponents had a combined .449 winning percentage. The 85 Bears played teams with an average Offensive PPG of 21.043 and a combined .473 winning percentage (given their respective schedules, this turns into more than 1 extra win on the record of an average opponent facing the Bears) Added to that Offensive PPG stat is that the lowest PPG for any team the Bears played in 85 was (coincidentally enough) the 85 Falcons, with 17.625 PPG. In the 77 Season the Falcons played only 3 teams (4 games) with a higher PPG: The Rams at 21.571 (twice), The Patriots at 19.857 PPG and The Bears at 18.214 PPG. Could it be that Offenses were just worse in 77 or that rules changes allowed an Offense to be better in 85? Possibly the rules, as there were about 7 major rule changes from 78 through 85 that could hinder a Defenses performance including: 1978 - Defenders are permitted to make contact with receivers only to a point of five yards beyond the line of scrimmage, applying only to the time before the ball is thrown, at which point any contact is interference. The penalty for intentional grounding is reduced from a loss of down and 15 yards to a loss of down and 10 yards from the previous spot (or at the spot of the foul if the spot is 10 yards or more behind the line of scrimmage). 1979 - Players cannot use their helmets to butt, spear, or ram an opponent. Any player who uses the crown or the top of his helmet unnecessarily will be called for unnecessary roughness. 1980 - Players are prohibited from striking, swinging, or clubbing to the head, face, or neck. The personal foul could be called whether or not the initial contact was made below the neck. 1985 - Goaltending (leaping up to deflect a kick as it passes through the goal posts) is illegal. Now I said I wouldn't use the 16 game schedule as a means for judging points per game, but the fact that these guys had to extend their season by an extra two games undeniably would have an affect on them. Ask anyone who played that 77 season to compare it to the 78 season what they think of those extra two games and I'm sure most were not be in favor of the additional physical toll it took.
The 77 Falcons look better on paper because they played weaker teams with looser rules, thus allowing them to hold opponents to an average of 9.2 PPG over 14 games, compared to the 85 Bears allowing 12.375 PPG over 16 games.
RNG isn't fun and hasn't ever been fun except for the small handful of people it benefits in the short term. In my opinion it is terrible game design that makes me not care about what I'm working towards. Should be more skill based for rewards but that doesn't cater to the big crowd of casuals that actually bring in the money.
I don't want RNG at all but my demographic in wow is too small anymore to really give a fuck about.
Hi-Jacking top comment to explain in case some people might not speak English as their first language or just don't get it: The bus represents the game lobby, and the first poster says he's forced to make the decision: "Do I deal with this maniac actually trolling, and have to potentially spend 20 minutes ingame with this troll and lose the LP, or do i just dodge now and settle for -10 and the wait 30 mins for the next queue?". Riotpls fix this by letting people in lobby vote to kick certain people if they behave like this. RiotYmir responds with: Imagine you could vote whenever someone said "Mid or Feed" to kick them from lobby, and re-queue. This would start a cycle of "Nope. Kick him." Imagine going into lobby with a 3 man premade "You're first pick, but my buddy isn't getting ADC teemo? Vote." That's at least 3/4 votes against you already. Sure someone else in the lobby may want to play, but they can't (or won't) speak up, or the vote just jumps to them. No queue will ever go through, realistically there aren't that many sensible people in every game lobby. Most lobbies will just end with kicks, nobody will even get into a game. The chances of everyone getting the role they seek are so low, it's almost bound to never happen. The League will never be the same. Super
Voting in lobby might sound good, but it really isn't. Read either post if you really want to know why. edit: for those saying 3/4 votes against you isn't possible in ranked, i was also taking normal queues into consideration.
I hate to be the guy that has to say it, but I believe that if this was ever implemented it would only ever work in Ranked matches. It would never work in Normals. Blind Pick/Draft, you can have more than two people queueing up together. This makes it so they can troll whoever the fuck they want to troll in whatever way they can. This can already cause problems for solo players because then the teamed up players can just mess with the solo player(s). If this is implemented in a ranked queue, you have a max of two people queueing together. With a max of one duo queue per team. Meaning there are two people that may be playing together, and then three solo players. Two people can't make a vote by themselves. They have to convince at least one other person to go along with them. And as long as somebody isn't being toxic, they have no worries. The other players won't mob mentality that because there's only five of them total. Mob mentality can't apply there. Two people can't really start it happening in such a short amount of time. And if the duo queue partners start being toxic about it, the other three have the power to veto them out of the game. Which is important.
This system can't work in Normal games due to more than two people queueing together. It CAN work in ranked because there is a max of one duo queue with three solo players. Still, that doesn't mean this isn't a flawed system.
So you know that every single person who dropped out, did so due to laziness or lack of wits? I battled mental illness (II Bipolar, Rapid cycling) & physical abuse by my teachers, and barely made it to the end of school. I came out partially blinded in one eye, and riddled with RSI from many years of constant line writing ( funny enough, writing lines does not motivate the depressed, Does help stunt your social growth and limit your support network though) The single most frustrating issue was being a left hander forced to use my right hand (yay catholic schooling) I was able to finish my GCSEs & move on due to the advantage of having well off enough parents. Without that advantage I wouldn't have done so. Mums a narcissist, dads a workaholic but at least they have bank eh? Despite all of the above, luck got me to the end, had my parents been broke and unable to afford the mentors that changed my worldview about education (and convinced me that I was in fact, not evil)? I do not dare even think about that.
shove it up your condescending arse, How dare you make light of struggles you clearly know fuck all about. /Time for the next throwaway
Hm, thought I had my male flair on (should be a little male circle with the arrow pointing up icon next to my username). I'm a bisexual lifestyle BDSM slave. I've gone out in public crossdressed with high heels locked on, a butt plug in, chastity device locked on, no panties, wig, fully shaved because my Master ordered me to. My first Master used to chain me up to my ceiling (I'd put a couple of sturdy hooks in, not strong enough for suspension probably, but they worked great as attachment points for restraints) and then have sex with women in my bed while I watched or listened (sometimes blindfolded), usually ballgagged. I had a dog shock collar wrapped around my balls sometimes that they would use to shock me too. He'd also put me on my back with my wrists and ankles chained up in the air and fuck my ass raw, then make me wash of his cock and suck it again after to make sure it was squeaky clean. I have a butt plug tail (2 actually, lol) and puppy-hood, my Mistress likes me to be Her puppy sometimes, I'll get put in the cage, play fetch, etc. Mistress has two whips, we regularly go out to public play parties and I'll get whipped, spanked, flogged, paddled, etc. We have a strapon, but She doesn't use it on me all that often. Often times we'll play together with other people but Her limit is no actual sex, She has a bit of a fetish for making girls cum through other kinds of stimulation like tickling, electricity, or other sensations. We don't even have "sex" sex, I'm locked away in my steel chastity cage most of the time so if She wants to be pleasured, it's my tongue or vibrators and toys, which is torturous for me because trying to get hard with a little metal cage on my cock isn't exactly comfortable.
plain old sex is boring, I'm into pretty much everything else sexual :D
i saw the card on steam market and had money on my account from a market card sale and was curious enough that i got the cheapest one. It started off all white,the color you see at the top. The next day, the grid squares at the bottom appeared. The next day the white lines were added and today the plane. This is the only screenshot i have because i didn't notice the changes before. What do you think it means? what's it for?
saw a weird card, got it, and now its changing in my inventory
Picture it this way [ NA (3) + EU (3) = 6 ] & [ SEA (2) + China (2) + Korea (2) = 6 ] but then you add a extra team to korea which is why they have 3 now because of all-stars. Hope that makes it have a little bit of sense.
NA/EU = 6 Team while Asia = 6 Teams by Default then 1 extra team from All-Star and the international wild card.
I think they did this because else World's is going to be as predictable as the all-starts. Asian teams are at the moment just 100% better then the NA/EU scene. We have seen it countless time, and if we send equal amount of teams, then NA/EU will NOT have a chance at winning anything close to first place.
This might seem unfair and it kinda is, but it's going to make for a more enjoyable and more exciting event.
The smart move would be for Microsoft, Facebook et al to release a press statement stating that they are unwilling to release any further press statements on the matter until they are permitted to tell the truth. Then hold their position. Any further press releases can then be compared against what Snowden reveals next. Not denying something should result in less erosion of credibility than revising statements with weasel words based on what has been revealed to date. Unless of course I am unaware of any US legislation that specifically requires a company to proactively lie.
Stop bullshitting. The credibility of your business is at stake.
Uneducated? How are you not weary of the Kinect?? All the stuff it can do. Not what you can do with it, but what it can do. I appreciate the 'constructive' criticism. I am concerned though with how Microsoft is pushing the Kinect. Also, people forget you still have to check-in online with the XBox every 24 hrs with your XBox account. edit:
just two words for you that should heed your warning toward Microsoft: getting rid of family-sharing and, of course, the Kinect 2.0 .
I think by "naturally" strong they think that their daily activities give them strength comparable to people who lift weights. Most of the time its not true, but it depends on their hobbies and occupation. I surf a lot plus I'm a sculptor and I have to repeatedly lift at least 50+ lbs on most days so im adequately "fit" without having to go to the gym. My friend is a much better example of this because he builds rock walls for a living so he has to lift small boulders into place and thus has a lot of muscle, if not necessarily definition. So you don't have to go to the gym and workout to be strong, you just have to have a hobby or job that gives you the rough equal of that workout.
You can get "naturally" strong by doing stuff thats not technically a workout, but is still exercise.
Word, the trim at my gym put the club rats to shame.
Yoga pants, neon sports bras
It's not really "NIXED" per-say. The whole story is... Farm Bill was composed of multiple parts. Two significant parts were: support agriculture provide supplemental nutrition (food stamps) The 2nd part was controversial, because it was costly. And people were using food stamps to buy non-foods. For some odd reason, this bill was renewed every 5 years. This time around, when renewing was needed, there were 2 versions of farm bills. House - Cut $40 bil from the SNAP (Food Stamps). Senate - Cut $5 bil from the SNAP (Food Stamps). Of course Democrats hated this idea of cutting from Food Stamps, and Farm bill in House did not pass, because Democrats thought it cut way too much. People got mad, and they decided to try again. Republicans decided to separate SNAP from the Agricultural benefits, and pass it through the house. This was mostly because they could not get an agreement within their party on what the terms of SNAP is. How much to cut, how to prevent fraud, etc... And, they promised to work on SNAP later, which Democrats don't buy. This also kills any leverage for Democrats, because once they introduce their version of SNAP, it will be This or Nothing. If they pass this in Senate, which will most likely not happen, unless they pass the separate SNAP bill before Senate takes up on it, the situation is like below: We currently have allocated budget for Food Stamps from the previous budget. (which will most likely be used for it) But we do not have the statement in the farm bill, that says we need to give money to Food Stamps.
So it's not "Nixed" yet, but it COULD BE "Nixed"
I'm a soldier currently laying in my bunk at training, and I believe I can provide some insight here. There is a lot of "kill kill kill" mentality in training. It's part of the "soldierization" process. As social animals, most of us have a strong aversion to killing other humans. The idea with the training process is to get people to the point where in the heat of combat, soldiers don't freeze up and get killed, or worse, get her soldiers killed. That's why there are the violent marching cadences and until somewhat recently, bayonet training are for. However, I should also add that we are also taught that we are responsible for our actions. Careful weapons handling because we should never point the weapon at something we are not willing to destroy. Rules of engagement designed to prevent civilian casualties often require us to wait for someone to be shooting at us to be allowed to shoot back. And having spent months with these men and women as part of this process, I can confidently say that 99% of them joined for reasons other than to kill. Were they aware that they were joining a profession where that is a distinct possibility? Yes. But most do want the school benifits. Many are motivated by the steady job and income. Others by the adventure, challenging work and being part of what is still seen as an honorable profession. But only a very bare handful have I ever seen that simply wanted to be paid to shoot people. And those few are shunned by the rest because that kind of bloodthirsty attitude makes people very uncomfortable. Even guys in the infantry, whose job is purely to shoot things, tend to have other motivations. Lots of them chose the infantry because they wanted to protect. They are perfectly happy sitting around the barracks playing video games (World of Warcraft and EVE seem to be the game of the night). They'll whine about having to clean or do whatever stupid time wasting duties are lined up for the day. But almost all of them would admit that any of that is preferable to having to take another human's life. And the only extreme circumstance where they are willing to do so is when that human being becomes a threat to the people and things they love. Also, to directly address part of your comment, some people are very bothered by the reality that we may have to kill. Whether they didn't think it through, or they find themselves unable to learn from and evolve past the violent mentality of training, some people are simply unable to live in this atmosphere. I actually had a friend drop out, simply telling me "I just can't kill people, man." And that's totally fine.
Not really, and depends on the game.
I cannot agree with that because it's implementation in any iteration would open the doors to abuse. Justice must remain blind. Everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty by a court of law. Regardless of how we feel about it, that is how the system works. The system imo is still quite flawed but to tinker with it in the name of "streamlining" is just not a good idea. We can have opinions on a particular case and the result of it, but in no way should the justice system be overhauled simply to better reflect our "opinions". Take the Zimmerman trial as an example. I have an opinion on the guilt of this person. If the result does not agree with my opinion, should we change the court system to better reflect my opinion? I also have an opinion on the Ariel Castro case, but it is up to the courts to deal with him and not up to my opinion. Changing the courts could leave us open to more corruption and more injustice. You may not want to pay for a trial for someone, but to decide their guilt or innocence is the job of the justice system and that should not be interfered with in the interest of streamlining.
Polyisoprene condoms and latex condoms are chemically speaking made from the same compound, cis-1,4-polyisoprene. The only difference is that polyisoprene condoms are made from synthetically derived cis-1,4-polyisoprene, which does not contain the compounds (i.e. proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) found in naturally derived cis-1,4-polyisoprene latex condoms. With that being said, oil based lubricants will have the same effect on both and can increase the chances of condoms breaking. Stick to water or synthetic (silicone) based lubricants to be safe.
Polyisoprene and latex condoms are pretty much the same and oil based condoms should not be used with either.
Well to play devil's advocate, i will use an analogy with a cake. If i order a cake from bakery one and its perfect everywhere (like the frosting and the cake itself and the decorations are all perfect) then the cake is perfect. If i order a cake from bakery 2 and its terrible (just for the sake of the analogy), but the frosting is mediocre, then the frosting is the best part. Does that mean though, that just because the frosting on cake 2 is better than everything else about the cake that it's as good as cake 1's?
star player just refers to best player when best players of one region may not even stack up against non star players in another region.
I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist. Gentle massage and stretching is considered to be very beneficial post-workout. Since you've taxed your muscle tissue and probably torn some fascia (the layer of connective tissue that surrounds your muscles), massage can help minutely speed the recovery process by increasing your circulation and moving lymph fluid. The stretching can help keep your joints mobilized since you've probably been doing some repetitive motion lifting. Just don't ask for Deep Tissue; since you've already broken down a lot of your muscle tissues, it might take longer to recover if you get deep work done.
Massage is awesome post-workout. Don't get deep tissue.
Here's something that took me 1,5 years to learn. Although you meet lots of players in game, you dont have to interact with all of them. You should mainly focus on your own mistakes and improving your play (which includes teamplay ofc). It's a choice to communicate with someone. You dont even have to mute people. You should just realise that you dont have to respond to chat. Especialy pre 30 it's not as important to win. Much rather you want to learn the game. So focus on learning the game, instead of trying to win. Make mistakes, try out stuff, learn from it, get better. This is also the case with games post 30, and ranked games.
You dont have to interact with everyone. Focus on improving, much rather than winning in order to become a better player (ultimately winning more.) The outcome of a game is not as important as what you learn from it in the grand scheme of things.
Hi there, I'm currently at my second week of deadlifting ever. I'm also new to fitness altogether. Today I DL 150lbx5x2 (with warmup sets before) doing SS (working my way up, adding 15lb every workout). Obviously I'm no expert but I'll just tell you what worked for me. The first day, I set my DL at 95lb because I was afraid of them (I have weak lumbar spine, so I felt at a disadvantage). It's extremely light and I was mostly working on form, which was sloppy as hell at first and would leave my back aching after a workout (also got some weird looks for lifting so light with such a shitty form but who the hell cares, let 'em do their curlz). But those low weights DL certainly helped me get the form down and today, I could do 150lb all in proper form and no back pain at all... and I'm confident I can do 165lb next time and 180lb the one after that, and so on until I get diminishing returns. IIRC In the SS book, Rip mentions that a trainee's starting weight should not be above 135lb.
IMHO drop your weight, get a good form and learn to get the hams and glutes to do their part, and then when you work your way back up I'm certain you'll nail 'em with a straight back.
While I was going to the post I was watching myself playing tons of teemo games just to get the icon and /flexing it to my friends that literally hates teemo which makes it funnier to play.
yes, would be cool
im running a 7850 2gb 1ghz, which does max out everything. (crysis 2 with extreme graphics mods is running at 50-60fps) and its the same chipset being used in the PS4. and a 650ti boost performs at a simmilar level. its a tad cheaper, but a tiny bit less powerful. anyways price breakdown: (Averages due to vendors price variations and exchange rates) CPU+cooler £75 Mobo: £50 HDD: £30 GPU: £130 PSU £30 RAM: £35 (ram prices have gone up a little) Case: £20 so thats £370 for the base system add a extra £20 for a 7850 2gb instead of a 650ti and your at £390. for a PC that has roughly the same spec as a PS4. throw in a cheap mouse and keyboard for a tenner each and your total is £410. plug it in the TV with a £5 HDMI cable and ta-da £415 PC tha has performance simmilar to a PS4. OC the 7850 and it will perform better for quite some time as for the OS ask around, if anyone works in any sort of office IT, tech support or goverment building they will often have tons of spare copies of Windows 7 (64 bit). or you could pirate it, or pay £80.
yes it would max out pretty much everything, and it is easy to build a powerful PC for < £500
Sholas is right, this is gaslighting. A form of psychological abuse. It would be a very smart idea to have little contact with your mother-in-law. ESPECIALLY after the baby comes. I would worry that your child would have to deal with this very thing from her. And please, don't subject your child to that. Or at least make sure the child is supervised at all times. While she might not be violent, someone who engages in gaslighting is dangerous in one way or another. Don't expect this to be the end of her fabrications, either, they can get quite elaborate. And if they can get a professional on their side? You're basically fucked. I hope your experience does not go the way of my gaslighting experience in my own family. Long story short, they ended up going to a counsellor complaining that I did x,y, and z. I denied it. They then claimed I took benzodiazepines, which have the convenient side effect of amnesia. Said I wouldn't remember ever taking them because of this side effect. And that I was under the influence of the drugs when I did x, y, and z, and that I was a danger to myself and others. On the counsellor's advice, I get admitted to a mental hospital despite numerous clean blood tests at the hospital. Got let out after my first visit with the psychiatrist, when she repeated what all the other nurses had asked: "why the fuck are you in here?"
Gaslighting can get much worse. Run. Now.