20 values
20 values
I caught I while away on field work. One girl came along after being ill for a few days before hand, by the end of the week 13 out of 30 of us had it. One loo between 10 people is not ideal! I only vomited once when I had it- (had the poos for days) and that was after 3 days of nothing but cherry powerade. I passed out in my bathroom and came to surrounded by a neon pink spiral of vomit all running down the walls, my front, my back, out my nose and in my hair. Gave myself a concussion for the fall. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Norovirus turned me into a neon pink vomit tornado
So once a friend of mine invited me to his birthday party at his grandma's house (it was very big and nice and we were like 13 years old, so this was all acceptable), his mom drove us there. On the last day of a week-long party he got the virus. When driving back, he launched a stream of vomit out the window. It was so sudden that he couldn't even ask his mom to stop the car. As a result, the whole rear end was covered in lunch. Then 15 minutes later the mother launched a projectile of vomit at the steering wheel and the windshield. Luckily, she didn't freak out and managed to stop the car safely. She then opened the door and started puking on the road. The son (who was sitting in the front passenger seat) also started puking out the door. Must've been an interesting sight for other drivers, with both doors open and puddles of vomit around the car. I got the virus the next day. I genuinely wanted to die. The closest I got was sleeping for 20 hours a day for the next couple days.
We're driving down the road, vomit's spraying all around...
Had it going around Indiana a few years ago. FUCK THIS VIRUS IN THE FACE. My boyfriend was feeling sick and I was like, "That sucks" since I'm the one who usually has a shit immune system and gets sick. I honestly felt fine one minute, started to feel a bit bad then out of nowhere it started. I thought maybe I was being a hypochondriac because he said he was sick but then in a matter of minutes it felt like my organs were trying to all expel from my body at once. I laid on the bathroom floor crying for an ambulance (yes, dramatic). The assholes at the ER were thinking we were there for the flu. Got checked in and when my then 2 year old threw up all over the floor I think they realized that we all were really beyond flu sick. Got to the hospital, had an IV put in and had to hang there for a while. The only part that sucked was when I started to finally feel a bit better I was beyond dehydrated and thirsty and they wouldn't let me have anything to drink. Felt completely better a few days later but the antibiotics at the hospital did the trick which made me feel a hundred times better during my time in the ER.
If you suspect you have norovirus and can afford to go to the hospital do it. Don't suffer through it. You will seriously want to wish death upon yourself, no joke.
I've had this when I've gone to "download" a game when I've already copied it into my steamapps directory (from/to my laptop or something), and it's just checking/verifying the data for what it has left to download.
Steam quirk when files already exist
You see darius heading your way like a bull and is followed (!) by his teammates. He is getting to you on flash + grab range - I flash You see singed running towards you on his ult - I flash before I get flinged You see jax setting up his stun and going into range for his jump (or flash jump) - I flash etc. All these above when you are out of postion and bruiser is followed by teammates. If he isnt followed just crush him, because HE is the one out of position and your teammates are closer. Also dont take this like its the only truth - thats my style, mostly because I main no escape adc like ashe or kog
bruiser heading(!) on face with my teammates closer = dont flash bruiser heading(!) on face with his teammates closer = flash
First of all you should have ran cleanse because they were running some strong cc. You cannot afford to get initiated on by shens taunt and be debuffed by the damage reduction or get stunned by sona or feared by nocturne. Your net , your trap and your range should be enough to keep the divers at bay. In these cases placing a trap infront of you and microing around it makes it even harder for champions like those to go on you because they will get snared ( even if noct ults he gets snared ). Choose your targets wisely at first taking precautions about what cooldowns the enemy team has on their skillset. You knew Nocturne had randuins so you should not even try to get close to him or focusing him because it would lead you to get AS debuffed. Shen on the other hand can be "ignored" after he taunts. You can probably take a couple of hits from him and still be at like 55-65% at the end of a small skirmish. The main problem would be when both of them initiate on you. They become sort of an unkillable duo flying through the air which could take you down with ease. The only way to avoid getting focused is to not grow aggro or have an escape plan. You need to stay far when the teamfights initiate so that you become less prioritized over your teammates. This makes them focus them and not you and gives you free shots at them or maybe the other carries. If they do initiate on you anyways you need to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Net over a wall or flash, go into a bush to loose sight , place some traps etc... Edit:
Run cleanse if comp has good CC , use your skills to maximum utility ( especially traps ) , Look out for key cooldowns that lock you up and take advantage, know the enemies damage, be careful with the aggro your positioning brings, have an escape plan.
Stupid article on several levels, but just want to express something - the scale of energy in electrical devices is on a totally separate level than the mechanical energies humans are used to in day to day life. There is about 720 Joules per gram in a lithium ion battery. 720 Joules in gravitational potential energy is how much it takes to lift 74 kg (full grown man) by one meter. How much fucking tapping from your finger do you think it'll take to produce 720 Joules? Do you think you could tap enough in your phone's battery life (about 48 hours) to make that much energy? I had a friend doing a project at MIT, who was trying to harvest kinetic energy from a rainfall using piezoelectrics. I did a back of the envelope calculation - the amount of energy you could get from a block sized rooftop during a heavy thunderstorm could only probably charge 5 or 6 laptop batteries.
The scale of electric energy is just too much greater than the scale of kinetic energy. You simply can't harvest grid-level waste energy from human kinetic energy.
I main mid but since I am at school, i'll respond to your questions in this thread and I can't go on my client. (IGN: Pho Oh Three) My s2 Elo Range(2.2k-2.8k) played with all kinds of high elo top tier people. My S3 Elo(2k+) Generally in lower tier Elo range, Eve can stomp really well because in lower tier, lanes do not use pink wards to stop Eve ganks and would not have the game knowledge as much as higher elo tier players. In Higher elo, teams will use pink wards to counter your early ganks and post level 6 ganks. And also in higher elo, most banned heroes atm are: Eve, Nunu, LeeSin, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Khaizx, Amumu, Pantheon, Shaco. So as you get higher, you will get less chances to play Eve so start to learn more OP heroes. There are alot of OP heroes and you can't ban them all.
The higher that you get, people know how to counter Eve well. Eve is mostly banned so start to learn other OP heroes.
I don't think this is a very good suggestion. Not to sound like I'm one of those "exclusive" assholes per se, but I paid real money for skins that I like and want to show off. -If Lee Sin is free, I want to play him. In champ select everyone and their mother is thinking " oh god its free week lee prepare to kick away from team ". Then loading screen pops up with the Dragon Fist splash art. While it might not mean I'm a pro at the champion I'm playing, for some one to own an expensive champion AND a skin means they are at least a bit seasoned with that champ. -This doesn't always hold true , but skins=skill to SOME EXTENT . I have invested 1820 RP into Brolaf, but only after playing him for an extremely long time. If someone has a skin, then logically they plan on playing that champion for a long time/have already played them. -I know we all know that person who buys a champion and skin with them straight away, or the people who are new to a champ and have a skin that was on sale, but the general majority of people who own skins have an idea of what they're doing with that champion. Making skins free for freeweek champs would cause unnecessary confusion while also decreasing sales. Why should I have to convince a random person that I own Lee Sin and X of his skins just because Lee is free? What if I suck at Galio but I am using Gatekeeper and I miss an ult "GG this freeweek skin but 0 skill" or "this noob says he have galio legen. skin look he missed fkin ult". -One of the reasons I personally believe riot doesn't implement a direct skin viewer tool is because the image the skin splash has as opposed to the in-game model. I would have never bought Muay Thai Lee while knowing what the animations were, but the skin came out, I happen to be a Lee main, and I wanted to own all his skins (plus the splash looks really good).
no pls.
Going to 4chan for something other than /b/ is like reading Playboy for the articles. Sure, there's some good stuff in those other boards, but anyone that has an intelligent, thoughtful conversation anywhere there could likely be better served on another site. There's a reason /b/'s so popular -- without it, 4chan is just a generic anonymous message board on a variety of topics better discussed elsewhere. My response is, obviously, not in direct relation to your rambling, incoherent post (which does little to help your thesis that this group into which you personally designate yourself is full of people who can carry on conversations and are not in fact, a bunch of 16-year-old, angst-ridden, people-just-don't-get-how-unique-and-important-i-am mentality). You close your post by saying that Reddit's "stict collective thinking does not translate with ours." The fact that you claim to be a part of something so unique it has its own collective consciousness is interesting, because the last time I checked, the site was still anonymous. How can you have a collective anything when there's no continuity or community.
We're talking internet message boards here. Let's tone down the histrionics about 20-ish% or so.
Hi Leo! My name is also Leo and I'm also from Brazil :O I played a few months from 1-30 and silver in ranked on the NA server and transferred to BR during the second wave of free transfers. Personally, I know the NA server has a lot of trolls and flamers I just feel the BR ones are more passionate. They use VERY colorful language and would actually be pretty witty if they weren't so angry all the time. BRs tend to lose their cool faster and it is really annoying to deal with, but don't think other servers don't have people like this too. Best way to deal with it is play with friends (add Barten01 if you ever wanna play on the BR server) and mute anyone who tries to ruin your game. I am speaking from experience on the NA and BR servers but I'm 100% this applies to EU, Asia, and any other servers out there.
Happens to everyone. Flamers, ragers and trolls come in every shape and size. Play with friends
Just looking at it right off the bat (didn't read through it but skimmed through) some format-like changes would make the guide much more appealing and easier to read. In some parts it seems that you've forgotten how to separate long posts into paragraphs. In the areas where it looks like you have paragraphs there is no space between and just makes the guide harder to read. Quite frankly I kinda say "no thanks, not reading that" because it looks like a massive wall of text.
Paragraphs with a space separating them.
They're both right. Female redditors are, on average, pretty young. They buy cheap-QUALITY clothing at stupid prices because they have significant disposable incomes and little discernment. They're more excited about the styles and corporate images being offered by these chains than they are by their quality and pricing.
That's because the people recommending sites don't have a clue. Edit: yep, I'm standing by this. I'll change my mind as soon as I see one of these threads and no one has posted & upvoted Forever 21.
My boyfriend as a cache of standard responses that aren't supposed to make any contextual sense, and they're sort of an inside joke with us. Things like "No, you" or "Me too" or "Your face". It maintains the flow of conversation like "uh-huh" for normal people and neither of us pay particular attention to it most of the time. One day I commented on how the road we were walking on was really flat (compared to another segment of road), to which he replied with an automatic "No, you". The look on his face when he realized what he'd said was priceless.
SO accidentally calls me flat, apologizes profusely.
I don't give a shit about the opinion of people who work at the NFL Network. I work in live sports television at one of the largest and most watched regional sports networks in the country, does that mean my opinion counts more than yours? By your logic it apparently does. Arguing other people's opinions to try and make your own doesn't mean anything to me because opinions are just that, opinions. You know what matters? Facts. So here's some facts for you. Peyton Manning has started and played 14 full seasons (not including 2011 when he was out all year) and until this past season played a guaranteed 9 games in a dome each year and another guaranteed 2 away games at warm weather stadiums for almost every year of his career. If he was better than Brady, you would expect his numbers to far and away surpass Brady's. Not the case however. Here's a side by side comparison of Manning and Brady through this current year and keep in mind that Brady has only started and played 11 full seasons (not including his rookie year or 2008 when he was injured) and all of them have been in an outdoor stadium in a cold weather climate while making away trips to Buffalo and New York as well. Ave. TDs per season: Manning - 31.14 Brady - 30.36 Ave. INTs per season: Manning - 14.92 Brady - 11.18 Ave. Yards per season: Manning - 4,249 Brady - 4,073 Completion Percentage: Manning - 65.2% Brady - 63.7% QB Rating Career: Manning - 95.7 Brady - 96.6 Playoff Record: Manning- 9-11 Brady - 17-6 Super Bowl Wins/Appearances: Manning - 1/2 Brady - 3/5 So, despite playing in a dome and warm weather for the vast majority of his games, Manning averages less than 1 more TD per season and nearly 4 more INTs per season than Brady and has a lower career QB rating. Looking at the playoffs, Brady has made it to the AFC Championship game in 7 of his 11 seasons as a starter in the NFL. He's made it to 5 Super Bowls (and possibly a 6th) in those 11 seasons. Meanwhile, Peyton Manning has been one and done in the playoffs 8 times!
So to recap, opinions don't matter, facts do. EDIT: Spelling
Pfft thats nothing. Last semester I had problems sleeping so "Call Me Maybe" was my alarm clock sound to get me up in the mornining. One day I accidentally pressed "remind me" and 30 minutes later in class the song goes off. A week went by and everyone just stopped caring.
you're fine.
you're a young guy my friend, keep your options open. to be honest, i feel that at this stage of your life you need different women to fulfill your certain needs. I know that i may be condoning cheating on your girlfriend but you're a young guy your hormones are through the roof and let's face it. at this age (i am 20 years old so i can relate on the hormone bit) we're practically sex addicts. who knows maybe tomorrow or the next few months you guys may not even be together (knock on wood) all i am saying is that perhaps you can share your 8" gift to other women, it's a win win situation if you ask me. but only if you would be up for it.
if your girl won't put out, then you need a next girl to "vent" to
Don't get me wrong, since you're not the only one by a long shot, but all you did was toss out a cliche to minimize the topic under discussion. With all due respect, there is actually a huge amount of wrong with having opinions based upon faulty premises or complete ignorance. All you've got to do is visit Reddit for one day and you'll see a cajillion opinions on subjects where people haven't a clue or, worse, think they know something based upon what they'd previously heard or learned. As a matter of fact, I've about come to the conclusion that it's opinions--like yours--that have gotten us to where we are today (at least in the US of A). If you'll indulge me, I'll explain. I submit that sometime in my lifetime there arose a notion of reporting he said, she said--i.e. let the viewers decide--implicitly endorsing the notion of everyone's got a right to an opinion, but the trouble is that people have a tendency of swallowing more readily something if they think they're getting it from a fount of wisdom, such as the media--whether it be the NYT, CNN or Fake Noise--a government figure, a corporate voice (lol), or even (quelle horror) an academic study or book. I trust most will admit that one or more of the above suspects are hardly credible all the time, if ever, but there are people like you who will sop something up as if it's manna from heaven and then go around spouting off as if you're now an expert and reply to someone, that's just your opinion, especially if that opinion rubs up against something you've previously held as true. It's why we're so dumb compared to our ancestors--don't get me started and tell me we're smarter. If everything is an opinion, then there can never be synthesis, knowledge or (gasp) truth, which I'd contend is perhaps closer to the truth than you or I would be willing to admit, although it would tend to to corroborate my original point, which is that people go around spewing opinions on things they have no idea what they're talking about or utter absolute nonsense, but it's their opinion so we've got to let it pass unchecked, as you did, presuming it answers everything, when it answers nothing. I'm sure you'll disagree and tell me your opinion.
Everyone's opinion is not equal.
If its boring, don't watch. I actually love watching asian teams, just because how much better they are than the rest, the bar is set higher, so if you want to win the money prize, get better, take the game serious and just practice more. If they can do it, anybody else can. The only thing asians do different is that they take the game serious, because it is how they make a living. The other regions seems to not take it too serious, they can make a living of streaming so they don't put too much effort on actually winning tournaments.
Love watching asians playing, other regions need to take the game serious or will keep getting stomped like amateurs.
Are you being sarcastically funny, or did you seriously just say that? I would say that something is something if it matches the definition. If that is not the case, then everything isn't anything and something can be anything. Since we are talking of definitions, and this is a public forum, I assume we are using the 'common' definition for anything, a.k.a, the dictionary. Not what you define it, or what I define it. Personally, I don't like labels of sexual orientation. As mentioned, they are massive simplifications. Therefor, please turn to There, we find the 2nd definition as a noun being the one we are using (as we are pertaining to 'being' bisexual, that is, a noun, and we aren't talking about biology, which is the first definition). Anywho: sexually responsive to both sexes; ambisexual. As he has had sexual encounters with men ( that is, he sexually responded to men ), and we're assuming he has sex with a woman ( OP ), this makes him bisexual in the context of this conversation . Yes, he determines his sexuality and the label he prefers. I support people being able to define themselves, but our grammar and word choice do not. I have many friends that are women that happen to have penises. When they go to the doctor, they are men, because at a biological and health level (AKA the context ), they are men. I call them 'her', refer to them in the feminine, and accept their choice of labeling in the social and relative contexts because they are whatever they want to be in that context . So, if that was sarcastic humorish trolling, kudos. You totally win, and I hope you enjoyed the snack. If you were serious though, I think you need to get off your instant judgement high horse and think about the context and the definition of the situation in relevance to the OP's situation. Not every situation ( the context ) is the same, and we must be flexible in our understanding to be able to appropriately treat a situation with the best tools and language for the situation. By requiring or pushing everybody in all situations to use an absolute definition that fits best with the context of your life, you are actually hurting every situation that does not match the context of your life. In other words, the universe does not revolve around your preferences or belief systems, and don't tell me what word to use for anybody but you specifically. If OP had said what you just said, this response would not exist. But since a third party which cannot decide for OP or decide for OP's man or decide for me has decided to tell me what something is, fuck you . You are what's wrong with the sexual freedom movement.
I started my post framing that we were going to call him bisexual or gay ( HENCE THE "BY DEFINITION ", meaning, if you want to know what I mean, consult a fucking dictionary, kind of like what I just fucking did in this post) so that I would have a selection of different words with different connotations in the context so we can properly discuss the situation, you hyper-PC neo-sexist nazi asshole. (Of course that closing clause was over exaggeration within context to add emphasis, bitch:
I recommend you start playing other roles. I main ADs for most of my games since I play with friends in normals more often than I play solo queue, and it works great cause we can give each other feedback and we trust each other to make things work right. But in solo queue, ADC is by far the hardest role to carry from. Even support is easier imo (more on this in a minute). As an ADC, positioning only gets you so far in a teamfight. Eventually you will get dived by someone nasty or get chain CCed, and there isn't shit you can do about without help from your team. But surprise! Your team is trying to kill the support alistar instead of helping you, so you're dead. ADC relies on the team more than any other role, and you can't count on solo-q players to peel for you. Mid is the best lane to carry from. Easy access to both top and bot as well as lane farm. I play mordekaiser or kassadin if I end up mid depending on the enemy team. Kass for the roaming or morde for the insane hyper-carry ability. Jungle and top are sort of equal in carrying ability - it really depends on the champions involved. Jungle's role is pretty obvious, but top should constantly be looking to roam into the enemy jungle or mid lane (don't forget wards) and set up with the team for dragons or other objectives. Now, support can't carry the game (though if you know how to ward and use items correctly you are a major asset), but you can carry the lane. A good solo-q support can make up for the shortcomings of the ADC and add to their strengths. The support almost always sets up engagements, and is generally also the only one that allows for a disengagement if the enemy decides to chase. Basically you can get kills for your adc, or prevent the enemy adc from getting kills. You can save your teammate from fuck ups. Your ADC cannot normally do the same for you. Finally, I've never been convinced by the idea of learning to play just a handful of champs really well. I did that for a while, and got good, but I branched out, and I feel that I do much better now because of it. I can actually consider what kind of champions I'm playing against a pick a suitable champion for myself because I'm comfortable with such a wide variety. I don't want to be stuck playing only graves when the enemy has caitlyn, or Kassadin when they have talon.
Learn all the roles, stop playing ADC so much because it's a difficult position to carry from.
Ok, I haven't seen anybody else do this, but this is my "standard" >combo every single time I use thresh. >Basically it drags enemy towards you, drags them a SECOND time >towards you, AND THEN you dash to be behind them, and you can E >them towards your ADC even more! >You can press your Q and hit someone to drag them, then walk >backwards to drag them again, immediately after that you CAN press Q >after you've dragged them and you can dash on them, it will dash you >to the place were you originally grabbed them from, so you will >actually be behind them, you can then push them forward (because >your infront of them) with your E. >I hope this makes sense, please try it! >
Hook somebody with Q to pull them a small ways, walk backwards right when it hits to drag them a >2nd time then immediately press Q again, and you will dash to them and you can E them. So the result is=You >pulled them twice, you dashed to them, and then E'd them even further. FTFY
This. I've been doing this since the first day Thresh came out, and it drastically increases the amount of time you have a person under your control. Why not utilise the two pulls of the chain before flying to them, then knock them back with Flay? Ofc, there are times and places where you just wanna fly to them ASAP to save someone or initiate, but it's all up to judgement.
Yank them then come to them.
Absolutely. A lot of guys see it as unattractive because "it's gross when guys in porn do it." Understandable why a straight male would not be turned on by a male's voice. As a female, nothing gets me going like hearing any vocalizations.... Because I am sexually attracted to men.
I don't think it's considered necessary nowadays. It's personal preference. Do whichever you're comfortable with. Calling means you put her on the spot; but texting means you have the agonizing wait for a reply! I mean, whichever you choose, she might be like "Urgh, I hate when guys text to ask me out" OR " to ask me out". She has different ideas of what's correct, and you're not expected to read her mind! Tell you what though, if, when you've been dating a bit, you ask her "By the way, would you have preferred if I'd called you/texted you when I asked you out first?" I bet she'd be dead impressed. Shows you care and have manners and all that! Best of luck!
Texting is fine. It's up to you.
I dont know about a bible trivia game, but I would play the shit out of a bible fighter game... Mortal Kombat style, with satan at the top tier. Jesus would be one of the starting fighters to choose from, along with Gabriel, Cain and Abel, Adam (Eve would be in the back cheering) and a few others. God would be DLC. You unlock Goliath after the first playthrough. Id totally play that...
Staunch]( just means that he's very firm in his beliefs. That just means that he's not really considering other faiths, as he already knows what he believes. I would describe myself as a staunch atheist, but that doesn't mean I talk about it 24/7. In fact, I don't think any of my friends even know that I'm an atheist, since I've never felt the need to mention it.
That's not what "staunch" means.
They cant pay taxes if they cant get legal documents. This is completely false. The IRS will issue a taxpayer ID to anyone without a social security number. A US Citizen or illegal alien have the same legal obligations to pay income and payroll taxes. Employers who pay cash and don't report wages lose the tax benefits of paying employees and run the risk of getting in their own trouble.
Dey dernt pay taxes" is a myth.
Don't put so much faith in course listings. Like deadundead said, it's not a general Islamic History class, it's specifically about women. When you bring up the "meat' of the course you seem to be under the impression that that "meat" is Islamic History, it's not. It's Islamic History as applies to women. When I took a Sex and Gender in Japanese Buddhism class I didn't go int expecting Buddhism 101, because that is a different course. EDIT:
Women/Gender in X classes are always more focused on the role of women/gender than the field itself.
Morsi's aid is wrong!** US refused to accept German Jews prior to WW2 - and they got murdered by NAZIs. 1937 : Hitler asks European countries and US to accept German Jews (he was a bit shy of final solution back then). 1938 : US organizes Évian Conference about Jewish question . The only country that agreed to accept jews was Dominican republic (which was later forced by US to revoke it's invitation). 1939 : MS St. Louis . 1940 - US Senate torpedoes Wagner Rogers Bill 1942 : [Wannsee Conference]( - final solution conference by Hitler - too late to run away for jews. so quit spreading lies mr. Morsi. get a grip!
Jews went to america - but they were not welcome there and were sent back to die in NAZI concentration camps.
Morsi's aid is sooo wrong! US vehemently refused to accept German Jewish refugees - it was sending them back to Germany in fact. 1937 : Hitler asks European countries and US to accept German Jews (he was a bit shy of final solution back then). 1938 : US organizes Évian Conference about Jewish question . The only country that agreed to accept jews was Dominican republic (which was later forced by US to revoke it's invitation). 1939 : MS St. Louis . When St. Louis was near Florida - it was followed by The U.S. Coast Guard ships - to prevent jews from swimming ashore. 1940 - US Senate torpedoes Wagner Rogers Bill 1942 : [Wannsee Conference]( - final solution conference by Hitler - too late to run away for jews. so quit spreading lies mr. Morsi. get a grip!
Jews went to america - but they were not welcome there and were sent back to die in NAZI concentration camps.
Actually, the buggy thing is that her 3rd Q cast slams the ground instantly, and the animation of Riven doing a front flip comes later, what isn't supposed to happen. And also when you want to do 3rd Q and fast W, it feels delayed as fuck.
Riven's 3rd Q cast isn't synced with her model animation.
Seriously, might be a bit selfish, but i always cheer a little when i read progress in the Alzheimer field ! It runs in my family, my grandfather had it, the brother of my dad who's only 60 is developing it, and my dad ( 56 ) will most likely be next, and then there's me. Ofcourse i know and i am grateful that i -probably- can reach that age at all. But it stings me that you know that while working hard your whole life you might not be able to enjoy retirement, because of that $ Alzheimers.
I hate Alzheimers, and i applaud science's advance in this field.
I've read some time ago ( digging from memory please correct me if i'm wrong! ) that some new research pointed towards our lifestyle of high sugar levels 24/7 in our bloodstream contributes to AD possibly too. They had an example graph of how normally this enzym would remove the stacking of a protein on nervecells, but since it's so incredibly bussy with glucose i believe it was, it can't keep up with the stacking on the nerve cells.
It shows that when sugar levels increase in the brain, the protein -amyloid-beta- attaches itself faster. EDIT - FOUND SOURCE - It's from a special on Alzheimers that was aired a few weeks back here. it's in Dutch but google translate might help :)
If there's players out there good enough to go pro, they'll go pro regardless of gender; just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it never will. From memory, the LoL infographic about players showed that over 90% of LoL players are male , meaning less than 10% are female. That 10% include girls who only play for fun and have no interest in the ranked scene, only play occasionally and what-not. Personally I'd rather not have it rushed just because people think it's unfair that the pro scene is currently fully male. Rushing things could (keyword: could ) result in having someone who isn't as dedicated to playing, lets down their team and/or gets the community into a position of thinking that girls can't play at a pro level.
It'll happen when someone skilled and dedicated enough comes along, and not before.
From what I've been playing with it seems as if the people who you are playing with/against are a prime determining factor in how many points you receive. I am currently a silver 5 but when I play with some gold friends they all complain about getting 10-15 points from a win while I get 20-30 league points. I played with a few bronze friends later and I was the one getting a few points, and then after an afk for a loss, I lost a huge chunk of points. The reason I lost so many points is from losing to people with such a lower hidden matchmaking rating.
If you want to have a decent win/loss point ratio you should duo que with friend of higher elo
Actually I wasn't being condescending to OP, I was mearly stating that he was proud of his achievement and wanted to show it to reddit rather than it being informative like the title would suggest.
You need to stop crying.
It's worth it for me. The day you get it in, start taking ibuprofen before you go. It's just gonna hurt badly that day no matter what. You're having a new, relatively large, object inserted through your cervix. It feels like horrible cramps, but it doesn't last too long. Overall, it is almost not noticeable once the IUD is in. I haven't had any changes whatsoever with myself or menstrual cycle. The periods are heavy, but my physician advised me to take ibuprofen in the first few days and that helped. Everyone I've talked to who has one (three ladies) likes it, and hasn't had any negative side effects. Even the risks if, for whatever reason, she gets pregnant are decreased with new engineering so the pregnancy can be brought to term with the IUD intact. I'll answer any questions!
I strongly advise getting an IUD and haven't had any negative effects with mine.
The Ontario medical association put an email out about this a long time ago. They were worried that they couldn't detect it. Looks like they can, now. But, who knows, right? I'll take this opportunity to educate the masses with a lesson from the last SARS outbreak. If your doctor asks you to wear a mask in the waiting room if you have flu-like symptoms, don't be a complete fucking dick and walk into the examination room with a cough and no mask on . Last time one of the biggest issues with treating SARS was that doctors wouldn't go to work to protect their families, and ususally it would be because of douchehats that act like their SARS isn't as contagious as everybody else's. Rant over.
we might be fucked, also, when it goes down, wear a fucking mask if you're sick.
says that > Selling Tear of the Goddess and its upgrades removes the bonus mana. and > The bonuses from Seeker's Armguards passive disappear upon upgrading it to Zhonya's Hourglass. However the stats on Zhonya's Hourglass are already equal or higher than a fully stacked Seeker's Armguard and Needlessly Large Rod combined. Therefore you don't lose any stats. Since upgrading Armguard makes you lose the stats, so does selling.
No, no and no.
I absolutely love Gamefly. I've been a member for over a year and even adding up the membership cost I know I've saved tons and tons of money by renting instead of buying. So often I buy a cheap-ish game, or even a new one and stop halfway through or get bored after beating it once, then I sell it back to gamestop for $5, which is a total rip. But with gamefly you just give it right back and dont worry about it. Each month only costs about $20 if you take 2 games at a time, and with some of those being brand new ones, that's only a third the cost for just one game.
I love gamefly and highly recommend it!
Before I get too deep into this, I want to make sure you understand these points: Jungling is very dependent on your team, just as your team depends on you You will get blamed a lot for them losing lane > Because of this, you need to make sure your communication is constant, friendly, and clear Some things that will help with communication At the very start of the game, preferably in lobby, tell your team your initial route. Include planned ganks, so they can set it up This will help them help you, and let them know what to expect from your play at first Call out everything, in advance If you're at red and notice that the enemy top lane is getting low on health, tell your top lane to not push because you will do wolves then gank his lane. This will give him some time to prepare, save his abilities, and let you know of any wards Ask about enemy wards, or buy an oracle if you're ahead Same as above, do it before you gank Think about the enemy jungler If one of your lanes is winning and pushing, you can probably assume that the enemy jungler will gank him. Knowing this, you can go to that lane and ward, and be ready for their jungler to show up and surprise him
Always talk to your team, and always pat attention to the map. Add me in game on Carrn (NA) if you would like to chat/play Edited for spelling
This. I am currently with my second sexual partner, and with him I have never faked an orgasm, nor will I ever. When I lost my virginity with my first partner, I faked it because I thought that it would make him happier and having an orgasm was just what you were supposed to do. I decided not to do that with my current boyfriend, and let me tell you, the difference is earth-shattering. If I didn't orgasm, I would tell him after sex, but I would always assure him that I still thoroughly enjoyed it (I always did!) I would constantly be showing and telling him what I liked and the sex got continually better and better. Now, four years later and he can make me cum like the drop of a hat.
Just be honest about what works for you and what doesn't, it'll help you both in the long run.
Right? Whedon always makes me feel like a lady and a person. I wanted to include Dollhouse but I feel like that might be a little grown up plus so far I've really met girls who enjoyed it and most guys said it wasn't well planned enough or they found the plot superficial. Also have you seen Princess Cookie? I must have rematched it 40 times by now an I still usually cry. That episode just has such an amazing message and The way they mirror Jakes simple dream with cookies complicated one is just.... Llllaaaaagh you know?
I geeked out...
Native Floridian here. I know this'll be buried, but I just have to say this. I've lived in Broward county my whole life (area code 954) and since the Tea Party took control here I have watched this place turn into an absolute disgrace. I worked in private security here and volunteered in soup kitchens. I have seen in person the absolute horror of the Tea Party's agenda. We have damaged roads, train tracks that need repair, a school system that is a goddamn joke at both the public and private levels, and an unbelievable crime problem. We have homeless begging in almost every late night drive thru, and most are either addicts dropped onto the street when they can't pay for their halfway home care or veterans that have been abandoned by the VA. When they're not begging at Taco Bell they're begging on the side of the road and in our malls in the hundreds. Guess what that does to tourism? What that article doesn't touch on is that the areas most affected by this (Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Orlando, and Tampa) don't vote strongly red anyway. The rural areas around us vote OVERWHELMINGLY Republican. We HATE Scott, but as long as the Tea Party holds sway with Republicans on a national level our wonderful citizens will vote he and his ilk in time and again. Why would an orange farmer give a shit about a railway to ease traffic he's never in? Why would the sugar farmers want the Everglades protected, when the Glades are in the way of expansion? Why would anyone in a small town care that there are hundred of people dying in the streets of cities they never visit? Add to that an aging population that spends over half the year living in other states away from this garbage and you start to get an idea of what we're dealing with. We're the laughing stock of the nation every election because it looks like we can't get our shit together, mainly because we're so disconnected. There's two Floridas; one red, one blue. Move the capital down here to Ft. Lauderdale down the road from the literal homeless communities under the overpasses and you'll see some changes. Sorry for any typos, this was done on my phone at work.
Half of Florida keeps fucking the other half.
Crist got my attention back when he was attorney general under Jeb Bush. When the hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 devastated the state, the insurance companies started crying about how damaged they were and all wanted to raise the rates. Now remember, the hurricanes basically hit a couple of states, did bad damage, yes, but they collected property insurance for 48 other states that had zero damage. In addition, only about a quarter of Florida were affected by the hurricanes, so they collected on the other three quarters with no payouts as well. So Charlie invites them to a big meeting where they can make their case, and tells them to bring all the documentation to prove they need a rate hike. They show up for the meeting, Charlie asks for the documentation, and none of the insurance companies had it. They all figured they'd close the door, pretend they had a meeting, Republican Charlie Crist would rubber stamp their request, and they'd all go out for scotch and cigars. Instead Charlie reminded them that he required the documentation and adjourned the meeting until they could provide it. The meeting lasted about 10 minutes. The next time they met, they brought the documentation.
Charlie Crist is the kind of independently thinking politician that we need in this country.
Sorry, I'm going to hijack the top comment because there is a major issue with Rick Scott that wasn't addressed in the article or any of the comments that I read, and it needs to be heard. It is one of the most blatant conflicts of interest I have ever witnessed. One of Rick Scott's first moves (after killing the popular high-speed rail program that cost the state tens of thousands of jobs, and billions in revenues for many years to come), was to mandate drug-testing for those receiving welfare, despite all studies showing that it would cost the state far more than it would save. If the person failed, they'd be responsible for paying the fee, if the person passed, the state would pay the fee. Either way, the clinic doing the testing would collect a fee. What wasn't mentioned was that Rick Scott owns a large chain of medical clinics that performs drug testing, and he implemented this program knowing that some of those people would wander into his clinics for their drug testing. Whether they passed or not, he was going to get paid. When someone finally noticed this, he sold his chain of drug testing medical clinics. Who did he sell it to so he could avoid the conflict of interest? Wait for it... Wait for it... His WIFE. In order to avoid the conflict of interest, he sold the chain of drug testing medical clinics to HIS WIFE!
Rick Scott is fucking crook who belongs in prison. And he looks like a penis with ears.
My school had a college adviser come only once during my senior year when I happened to be out from mono. When I asked when I could talk to one, my school counselor told me to just go to the school I wanted to go to and ask. The first semester and a half, I didn't know how to get student loans, assuming they were all private loans. I also had stopped talking to my Dad, and so I was doing this all on my own. So instead, I drained my savings the first semester, and worked 50 hours a week while attending 12 hours a week of classes to pay for it myself. I got so burnt out that I eventually dropped out and haven't seriously gone back, instead just working into a decent, entry level IT job. I'm 28, and just now going back to school for Cyber Security. This was back in 2003. Having a ton of information out there doesn't mean it's good information, or that I could have understood it without assistance. I just assumed people either had scholarships (which I didn't get), or had their parents paying for it (which wasn't an option). The system when funded is already massively faulty. I'm from a rural area, where very few people even leave the county, or get a job other than the local factory.
Yes, we need college advisers.
Story time: An artist uploaded his own videos. They were later blocked by his record label, apparently. He then contacted his label... and was told that they didn't block his videos, GEMA did because they were in conflict with YouTube. The artist then contacted GEMA and he was told that they in fact were in conflict with YouTube right now, but didn't actually block his videos. The kicker: YouTube blocked the videos on their own, so that if they lose they don't have to pay retroactively. But they also don't say that GEMA blocked the videos because that would mean that they were wrong if they lost, so they just said the record label did. But of course, YouTube stopped paying the label for the neighboring rights as well...
YouTube and GEMA are both stupid.
The younger ones and those who actually spend a lot of time on the internet know the direness of this situation pretty well. The older ones in contrary, those who don't use the internet so often, mostly don't know about this. This also leads to the situation that, when the topic is discussed, the "older generation" mostly supports the arguments of the GEMA. The only see the side "well, of course people should pay for the music, the artists have to earn some money", but they usually don't know the other side - like those meteorite pictures. Don't get me wrong, it's not so much their fault, on the surface the topic looks different then it really is.
the younger ones yes, the older ones not neccesarily
Ok. Why does everyone expect broke college students to buy movies? Or is it that you have an issue with them having morals they don't actually fully support yet? I don't own much in the way of movies... I don't go see very many in theaters either... but I don't pirate (anymore, and never movies). Why? Because the distribution system allows me to see them at a price point that I find reasonable at this point in my life. (late 20s, scraping by but with a pension at the end, fuck-ton of student loans dragging me down a bit) Redbox and Netflix don't let me see the special features, but they are good enough for me. And back in the day, Blockbuster was a godsend to broke college me. 2 for $1 old movie Wednesday? sure! However, in the past, pre-spotify and pandora and hulu and Amazon prime, I used to pirate the shit out of tv and music. I never would have been as socially 'with it' if I hadn't, and I imagine that it's even worse for the more media saturated youth that came after me. And I know there were times that I couldn't have afforded the meager price point of a hulu subscription, let alone Amazon prime. My point? We're entering a world where the experience is what gets the money, not the item itself... Collectors are going to pay a lot more for fancy versions of items, especially ones that come with an experience (signed record at the show? Heck yeah!). There is a reason that I have paid a significant amount of money over the years to go see my favorite bands play, even though I have lost track of the few cds I bought over those same years. Although, yes, you should pay for the items you view, the Redbox dollars add up to some amount of a royalty check I'm sure...but what good is it to condescend to folks who either are going to view the media or not - payment was never an option? Those people grow up to be real adults with disposable income. And then they want the fancy versions of the things they loved the most, as is witnessed by all of the 'le look at le fancy thing I found in pristine condition at le thrift store (aka Amazon).' Isn't that why having VFX become known would be a boon to the workers? I paid more money in one fell swoop on 3D Avengers tickets than I did on a years worth of Redbox because I LOVE JOSS WHEDON!!! even though I used to have burned CDs of Buffy episodes and used WinMX to get the audio files from Buffy the Musical and had a thrift store Spike figure and some lame home screened t-shirt with his name written out in Buffy-esque script. That fangirl grew up, and now she'll pay good money to support a Whedon project. ...and I'm sure if I actually knew the name of any VFX artists, I might feel the same way about their work. Fuck your
I just spent way too long typing out this sometimes rambling reply. You should just read this shit and marvel.
Muramana is a great item on Ryze, anyone can tell you. Iceborn gauntlet is not an item I like building early on. Ryze like any other mage will also land auto attacks in teamfights if he isn't pressured so the slow can be useful, but the damage on the iceborn gauntlet proc is barely noticible. The two items (muramana and iceborn gauntlet) don't actually synergize since the iceborn gauntlet adds 1.25x your base ad, so not the bonus ad gained from muramana. Compared to frozen heart it gives slightly more mana and it gives ap in exchange for less armour and no active and less cdr. So it's worth upgrading your glacial shroud to gauntlet up if you're already CDR capped and you don't need the attack speed slow, but I wouldn't get it until you've got all your other items, since it's so damn expensive (it's like a 2k upgrade cost from glacial shroud).
those items don't synergize that much, they just add on. Muramana is great. Iceborn gauntlet is okay but usually not worth the cost.
You don't sound like someone who knows security (especially for someone who supposedly attended BlackHat. Bad runtime environment vulnerabilities have existed ever since the beginning. These generally can be easily mitigated by disabling browser plugins. So no they are hardly regarded as "major" vulnerabilities despite their large overall attack surface. >When I walked into the BlackHat hacker conference and the contact lists of everyone entering the room were being displayed on a big screen TV because of some zero-day remote vulnerabilities... Bullshit. Never happened. >When the 'flaw' requires that the hacker has physical access to my phone/computer though... well that's my fault for leaving it unattended. Any security conscious person should have the reasonable expectation that if they leave their devices unattended - providing other people with direct physical access to their device for a prolonged period of time - that anyone can do anything they want with it. Nonsense. This is the purpose of encryption. When implemented correctly, like it is in my machines, I could leave my boxes with the NSA forever and not worry about being compromised. Mobile devices are slightly more challenging but in this case Apple's implementation of their lock screen is pathetic. It might as well be a screen saver. It is more than possible to to encrypt all the info on a disk and decrypt it as needed in RAM. Locking the screen should flush the ram and implement basic functions in hardware only resuming the OS when the pin is re-entered. Keys should be stored in a TPM or Debugging registers where they can't be dumped.
I do this for a living and you have a lot to learn.
It is doubtful you can hang up in the time it takes to make the connection. As a Brit, ages ago at uni, when playing with an imate-SP5 (a smartphone pre-iphone, that had 'apps') I'd been writing such an app in the free-for-all that was WM. Slight bug in it stopped the lock screen from working, get distracted slam phone in pocket. Pocket Dials 112. Emergency operator was listening to my pocket, my converstation with friends in kitchen before I heard them make a loud dial tone sound. One profuse appology the operator simply told me to be more careful and wished me a plesant evening.
Emergency services get lots of miss dials and won't care if you get through, "I'm so sorry operator, my headset is broken", and no one will care. Yes its logged, but not in your name.
Tried giving a tip once, will probably not attempt again. We're about to win the game, and their 2-13 Heimer started complaining about all the slow my Rumble had. I simply suggested "Heimer, next time if you want try to build for a rylai's, it'll give you some nice slow" His Response: "stfu I know how to play my champ blahblahblahblah" My Retort: "ok"
Dumb people gonna be dumb
I never had a healer complain about healing leveling up as a brewmaster, I guess I was just lucky to do my research? I honestly fell In love with brewmasters :) but healers and everyone needs to know, we gave very few "normal" tank cool downs. Typically I have to use 2 in one for it to be an effective single one (Zen Meditation and Avert Harm) and then I can't actually use it for myself, it's just a raid CD. Our tiger is only a CD in dungeons, atleast the defensive part. We get either 10% health per brew consumed on a 15s cd, or a magic/physical cd (1:30 or 2:00 I believe) that honestly aren't that strong. Our real true cool down is fortifying Brew. Once per 3 minutes, 20% more health and less damage taken. That's all we get. So
Healers and others are awesome to help out brewmasters with outside CDs.
I have another perspective for you. I have done this. I was actually giving another poster advise on this the other day. My SO and I lived together for about a year, having previously been constantly in each other's company. After we moved out of that flat and I was getting ready to find somewhere new, he told me he felt like we needed to live separately, and I freaked out. I went through what you're going through, thinking maybe he didn't love me anymore and was trying to let me down easy, that it was a step back and would eventually lead to a break up anyway. It also made me feel like the relationship was doomed, because if he can't live with me now, he'll never be able to. We actually fought about it because he wasn't really able to put the situation into words and I didn't understand. I knew our relationship was rocky, but I figured it'd get easier with time. I don't know much about your situation in terms of how long you've been together, how long you lived together etc. But I do know that in my case, I needed to have a look at what our relationship had been like for the past year. Before we started living together, we had lots of friends and we went out a lot. We went on dates, we got drunk with friends, we both spent time away from one another and with other people, and that was, ultimately, what made us fall in love. But living together took it's toll on all these things. We spent so much time together, we didn't really feel the need for dates, but we also weren't in a position to just be comfortable hanging out in front on the TV, because we hadn't dated enough . We lost our friends, because we became a little too isolated - not because either of us wanted to, but because it wasn't as easy for one of us to go out without the other, because it meant leaving them alone. This all lead to a lot of fighting which caused us to forget all the great things about each other. We weren't strong enough in the relationship to maintain our old selves and whilst it was easy to continue the way we were and just accept it, the relationship only got weaker. So here we are, about 6 months since he told me he didn't want to live with me. He lives in a house share and I live in a flat by myself. We see each other a lot and we date a lot more too. We don't fight as much and we've both had a chance to rediscover who we are outside of the relationship. I think if we moved back in together now, we'd handle it much better, and it would be wonderful. However, we're both still enjoying the extra bit of freedom, and I really feel like it's the best decision we ever made for our relationship.
So that was a long-ass post, but basically, I did it, it's great and it does work if you're both prepared to try.
Hi there OP, Since /r/ihaveissues is one of the subreddits within our community, cross-posts onto /r/relationships aren't permitted - it's kind of like putting two of the same notices on different corners of a bulletin board. However, thank you very much for being sure to include a
You'll get great advice from /r/ihaveissues.
As the Pandarian say, "Slow down..." What good would it have done if Reid did away with the filibuster right now? The Republicans still control the house, and there will still be no legislation passed. Rather than fix the filibuster now and suffer all the political fall out for nothing, wait until the Democrats control the House. Then the only way for the GOP to stop legislation would be to obstruct the Senate. Then the filibuster can be fixed with little political cost, AND a legislative agenda can finally be passed.
no point in doing it now because of the House.
Some people like simple. When looking at different computers out today there is much variety in the windows department. Laptops not only range from $500-$1700 but so much of it is absolute crap. I was reading earlier about an HP computer where the motherboard had melted through. While this is a rare occasion windows computers require research to some extent. Mac is simple, while there is 5 options all 5 are fine computers. Also consider macs are pretty, they don't use any plastic and have a very nice polished look to them. Finally macs users have brand loyalty, my dad bought an apple TV for himself and that thing works so well, connect to WiFi and it instantly allows you to steam videos.
Reliability, Image, Brand loyalty.
There's a lot of identity wrapped up in being a "Mac Person" or a "PC Person" or a "Linux Person." This isn't a mistake. Computers are now marketed the same way cars are. You buy a Camero because you're "badass and I know it." You buy a Lexus because "fuck off Proletarian swine!" Its the same marketing. I use my Mac computers for work. I'm an audio engineer and I record musicians, do system optimization (make the PA sound good), and use the laptop for soft-synths. Mac's aren't perfect by any means, but they're stable. That's all I really care about when I have clients breathing down my neck. It does the job I need it to. Its just a tool. Its not who I am. Its the right tool for the right job for me . I'm about to build a PC for gaming, because I need to constantly have a project and PC gaming kinda kicks ass. Honestly, if I didn't do the audio gig, I'd rock a PC all day long. I can check my email and look at cat pictures without a Mac.
Your computer is not who you are. They're just tools. Pick the right tool for the right job.
anyone remeber the thread about clear titles? he could have even just put the
in the title
Another thing he said which really made me change my perception on losses: "The season is really long, like it's almost a year. You're in no rush". This has led me to not care all too much about losses, and focus on improving my game in general. I realised that I can't win every single game, it's just not possible. So I focus on the next game and move on. Before anyone perceives this in the wrong way, I still care about winning - I just don't get frustrated if games go badly. This is something everyone should be aware of. Having this mindset will make you pay more attention to improving, since you shift attention from getting frustrated. I.e. Instead of "fuuuuck I died crap crap crap, now i lose LP", it's more like "Hm, well we lost this teamfight, checking their dmg output is this I need to get this item, we should splitpush etc." Instead of having a destructive mindset you have a constructive one.
Phreak says there is plenty of time. From this I make; you should stop caring, but still try to win. Mainline is; you can't be afraid to lose if you want to win, no guts no glory, you wanna gain something you gotta risk something. Etc.
I have gone through a similar situation. I lost my infant son 2 and a half years ago. My relationships with everyone I knew before have changed. Everyone. It breaks my heart. I must say that your letter was actually really good for me to read. I think that as time passes, those of us who have lost a a baby begin to feel like those around us forget about our child. To read this gives me a little hope that people in my life are remembering my son, even if they aren't telling me. As for you and your friend, I am sorry there has been such a divide between you. If it helps, know that the first year after losing a child (at least for me and others I know) is a complete and total blur. Your only focus is getting thorough the day. I have never been as selfish as I was that first year. And honestly, anger toward those around me was helpful. I was SO angry and I needed somewhere to direct it. Is that fair? Not at all. But again, survival is the only goal at that point. I agree with some of the other comments that it just may be too hard for her to see you with your kids right now. Or that she seriously just has nothing to say. Or it makes her sad to remember how things were or should be. (Again, totally not fair, but true.) Even now, it is much easier for me to be around my friends that have also lost a child. There is no awkwardness like there sometimes is with my "old life" friends. I'm sorry you are going though this and that she is going through this. It just sucks. You are a good friend, and I do believe some day she will come back into your life. You are totally entitled to your feelings and I'm glad you were able to get them out in a safe space. (And the fact that you did it here and didn't unload all this on her is further proof that you are a good friend.) Something I would suggest (and take it or leave it, I'll never know!) is maybe sending her a text/facebook message/note tomorrow just simply saying something like "Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and your son yesterday. Love you both." I can tell you that it would mean the world to her. Sorry this is such a novel!
You're a good friend. She is not her old self anymore and . her whole life seems wrong. Sending stranger internet hugs to you both.
EA lied. at launch they said they could handle the load of people trying to log in to play the game, since its always on. This was untrue. To "optimize" the servers they started stripping game features from the client. As a result press had to re-score the game with a much lower score, since this isn't the game they played in press release. EA has claimed that making the game offline playable is extremely difficult, and that the server is used for super advanced calculations that the client can't handle. Recently, people have discovered a debug mode which allows you to build outside of the city limits, including highways. This mode also allows you to play offline, for an unlimited time. This means that EA's claim that the server calculates things are clearly not true. all the server does is this: 1.) region play (aka, multiplayer) 2.) save your city on their server. Even more recently, its been discovered that city saves are done client side (cached) first, then uploaded to the server - this will be an easy mechanism to bypass so city's save locally. so why did they do this and why did they lie? simple. They want to force extremely crappy DRM (it relied on the fact people would believe them that the server does complex calculations that the client cannot handle...and that no one would figure out how to get into the debug mode) Why did they want to force DRM? easy. to force DLC. they would make minor things optional, but major DLC changes could require major patches, preventing you from playing the game without buying the DLC first. As it stands, we know the game saves files locally, its now a matter of getting it to read and use those local save files instead of EA's server. after that, region support could also be cracked with ease, i presume. I would not buy the game though. EA does not deserve the money and although the modding community is making a great effort to make the game playable offline with offline saves, the simple fact is EA straight out lied so they could sell more product AND continue to do so in the future. Then, when people complained, they actually stripped out features of the game (that still exist in debug mode, fyi) AND THEN decided to fix their server load issue. To me, that makes no logical sense and only means that EA is actually trying to punish us for demanding a better quality game. edit: this is the
of what i know so far anyways. if anyone has any corrections, feel free to correct me ;x
I wasn't stating anything about that. That's why I am so annoyed now, what did I do to question your philosophical views on piracy for the health of the industry? All I did was criticize how you seem to use piracy-numbers as a metric of how well (or rather, how un-well) a game did. More piracy = more problem. Which makes no sense. Piracy is not an anti-metric of business success. It cannot be. It's a metric of exposure, which again is an influence in sales, but this is not a transient relation, the "relates to" is not the same on both ends. In other words, if you want to know how well or not Witcher II did, look at it's sales. Period. This in turn erodes the "If you don't include DRM, you lose money" argument. Not including DRM can - and most likely will - drive up piracy numbers, though only at a fraction of hype and media exposure. But it doesn't translate to costing you sales. I know that's not really central to the "Is piracy bad or not"-argumentation, but that's also not my point. And now I wrote way too much and got way too heated about it, sorry. But
Piracy is not an indicator of success or lack of success. Sales are.
Now you're just being a dickwad. But yes, I hate games with achievements and stay logged off everytime I'm forced to play one of those fucking horrible games with achievements. And if by some weird chance I am logged in, I just use Rick's SAM to lock those achievements again. > I just feel it makes getting achievements a lot more fun. You wrote it yourself.
herp herp PENIS!
CLG will go 0-3 and liftlift will be replaced by Choax after the second game, with Hotshotgg moving from Top lane, to Mid lane, to ADC by the third game. Aphromoo will have plenty of presence in the lane by playing Leona in every game and continually feeding the ADC double kills only to have the ADC get blown up by season 3 strats left exposed by archaic season 2 mechanics from CLG. After the game BigFatLP will give an interview in which he officially announces that EG has returned as CLG.EU and the entire TPA lineup will be subbing for CLG.NA in the next week of the NA LCS. Meanwhile CLG's website will go down and come back up as a preview website for "The Next Big Thing in MOBA Gaming, Counter Intuitive Gaming" with a JPG of Xpeke's Kassadin backdooring for the win.
Next week is a big week for CLG... Edit In b4 OccWorld hates for dropping names and poking fun.
Although you are being downvoted, you have a valid question. Not to go all Dr. Ian Malcolm, but they died off long before human involvement- unlike most of the species on that list. My guess would be for the positive public relations of such an accomplishment, and the novelty aspect of a zoo having one. Though, of course, when you consider the plight of current big cats in the exotic animal trade one can't help but immediately think of smilodons being resurrected from extinction only to end up as pets for the super-rich. While I'm not opposed to doing so (holy hell, I'm excited beyond words when I really think about it), I am much more supportive of bringing back recently extinct animals where their habitat remains and they could actually repopulate given the chance- the passenger pigeon, for instance, or the heath hen. They seem like much more likely species to actually get going in the wild again. I mean, heck, white-tailed deer used to be in trouble, but now we can hunt wild ones and eat them for dinner if we want to.
conservation and baby steps, though unfortunately with the money factor they might need something big-and-impractical to show off like a wooly mammoth.
Way too many birds on that list. I'm all about bringing back the thylacine, though. I was obsessed with the thylacine in 7th grade. Still am, to be quite honest. I didn't think there was viable DNA, though. The program at the Australian Museum only yielded fragmented DNA, and to my knowledge all attempts to recreate the genome have not yet come to fruition. PSU is sequencing mitochondrial DNA [(you can see it here)]( maybe that's the DNA that this new consortium is planning on using.
If the dodo bird knew does get de-extinct, then perhaps it wan't so dumb. Perhaps it knew that we were its only predators, and therefore set a an elaborate ruse? It could tell we were an intelligent race. So, they fooled us all by acting completely fucking stupid. But that knew that by getting completely fucking slaughtered that that in our hearts we would forever have a place to pity the dumbest animal to ever live. They did this on the gambit that we would one day grow so smart that would compelled by the complete docileness of the dodo, and with our instinctual pity for it, bring its species back to life. Then in the wild they would have all the time they needed to gather there forces and kill us. They could set up an entire genocidal war and use decades to plan because we would never see them as nothing more than an idiot. Then they shall finally wipe the non-birds from this earth, and the dodo shall take his place as the most powerful dominate species ON EARTH!!!
Who's stupid now?
The more games you play then the variability of having bad teammates or even good teammates (luck of the draw) approaches zero and your skill will be the determining factor that shines through. It is the same way with poker and even sports. Would you rather go a game to 21 with a pro basketball player for $100,000 or just 1 point? Obviously the 1 point as anything can happen in one point. So if you play enough games then stuff like this becomes trivial and you will get through bronze because you are a good enough player not because you are getting carried or you can't make it because of silver V trolls.
Anything can happen in one game/point/match.
Yes, there is already a solution for this problem. THE TRIBUNAL. It's very rare that anyone gets banned enough from bad games to make it to the tribunal and even more rare that the tribunal bans them. Keep in mind the people in the tribunal are the bottom like 10% of players so as "everyone" is reporting feeding games it evens out and not many of those feeders make it down there. And to those who do, I've found the tribunal is generally quite fair in their decision making. They aren't going to report someone just because they went negative but rather look at chat and build.
we already have a solution, the tribunal.
As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry pros and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love.
Games are crazy expensive. EDIT: [Here's a video that quickly summarizes the art process of Skullgirls.](
Hopefully you won't mind me copying and pasting my reply to somebody else explaining why this is the case. As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love.
Games are crazy expensive.
Maybe I can try to explain. Limits are a way to find the value of something that doesn't exist, but assuming it does exist. I know that is a insane sentence but I shall try to give it some grammatical Paxil. Imagine a straight line. Now take an exact point out of that line. So this line has a break in it at said exact point. (We will ignore the whole thing of wether an exact point exists since we know that we took it out. It's a little bit of circular logic, but we will just use more circular logic to explain it. Infinity is funny like that) So we have a line with a point taken out. Since this is a math topic, we shall relate it to a train and a railroad. There is a railroad that is precisely straight and is infinitely long. If a train travels along this railroad at a constant speed, you can determine its location at any given time. When the train encounters this point that is taken out, it ceases to exist (just assume this is true, because its the question we are trying to answer). When it is on the other side of this point it exists again. We can use limits to say, if the train where to exist at that point that we have taken out of the railroad, it would be here, even though it actually isn't. That's the benifit of limits. Now since we have taken this point out of the railroad, and we say the train exists on one side of it and appears on the other side when it encounters that point, we could move around these two halves of the track along one axis (just making sure the train isn't in two locations at the same time). Now we have two limits. One which is where the train will be at that point if the train where coming at it from one side, and the point where it would be coming from if it came from the other. Mathematicians use the + and - signs to denote these two different limits. If its just a straight railroad with an exact point taken out, then the two limits will be the same, and therefore the distinction isn't important. Now imagine that there is a railroad that just begins. You cannot find the exact point it begins, but you know the positive limit. Because if the train where to approach it, you'd be able to say it'd be at that exact point at that time. However, since the track just appears, there is no negative limit since you don't know anything about how the train is traveling, since there is no train! That's all he was saying,
since something cannot happen within a negative period of time, we just have to look at what happens when something gets continually faster till time is zero. I hope that explained something to someone and doesn't fuck anyone over who is in Cal 1 because it was a simplification (or because I stupided up something). Sorry to anyone who was.
So... How do we use this to build a F
Quantum entanglement can be used to transmit a quantum state using classical information; since a classical description of a quantum state is very long, this is sort of like "useful information". At some level, it's incomparable to classical information, since you can't recover the full classical description of a quantum state by measuring it.
you can use entanglement to transmit quantum information via a classical channel, which is not possible without entanglement.
Imagine a train, and two lightning bolts striking the field next to the train, one near the end of the train and one near the front. An oberver at the end of the train might be closer to one bolt than the other, so the light from the nearer bolt will arrive sooner and the two events do not appear to be simultaneous. Someone in the middle of the train will be the same distance from both lightning bolts, so the events will appear simultaneous. But light has a speed. Instantaneous events by definition don't have a speed, since speed = distance/time, and if time is 0 the answer is undefined. To go back to your thought experiment, the only thing that makes the two events appear to not be simultaneous is the speed of light and how long it takes their clicks to reach you. The data transfer could still be instantaneous, but you wouldn't be able to find out because of the relativity of simultaneity. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is why these Chinese physicists have set a minimum speed, because they haven't been able to measure faster, the quantum interaction could be instantaneous. It's also important to remember only quantum entanglement can be instantaneous, and not any kind of classical signal to measure it.
It's really difficult to tell if something is instantaneous.
Terrible analogy. The "spin" of the particle isn't established until measured. For your analogy to work (better), you would have to explain that heads or tails isn't actually decided until you open the box. What actually makes it "spooky" is that viewing one half INSTANTLY determines what the other half is... This instantaneous action is counter-intuitive to how we know the world works.
Quantum mechanics reveals faster-than-light communication which is traditionally thought to be impossible.
I can't talk about the new game, only played the old one, but that for years. First, you need a huge amount of time to get enough RPs (realmpoints, kinda like your experience for RvR kills) to get a couple of those abilities, so specialising on one character would benefit you. You are at an advantage when you fight an equally skilled group and yours is several RRs (realmranks) higher, thats for sure. If it is not the biggest difference though, coordination and communication are really the greater factor. With that said, it was, in my opinion of course, the best and most rewarding PvP experience in any game I played (MMO mind you, excluding the glorious pre steam CS 1.X times). The large pvp zones where anything could happen where just so much fun. In this moment you would kill an enemy group of 8, in the next you're fleeing from a enemy "zerg" of maybe a 100 people, non stop action. But I digress, good old memories. :)
You are at disadvantage when you twink and meet equally skilled people that are several ranks higher than you, in a group that (almost) always can be overcome by outplaying them though and you will not be the only person to twink stuff.
Remember some of my games as xerath. i played him pretty ok for the first 30 matches. ok k/d. regular flash/ignite. nothing special. Then when i got better i decided to switch out ignite cause i usually wasnt in range for it anyways depending on the enemy mid pick. I picked tp - people flamed. I picked cleanse - people flamed. I picked barrier - people told me to use ignite. (in most of the games i were fed btw. or at least won my mid). Then i started using cv. Why not? My biggest problem were that the enemy junglers always ganked me and my map awarness was too bad so i took cause whenever it was up i could help my team with vision or simply know if the enemy jungler is coming to kill me and also i would learn to watch at my minimap more often. Used it 3 times. got 10/3 in like every game. Carried everygame. "Report Xerath for Troll Summoner Spells" at the end of every single game.
I got super fed with CV on Xerath and carried and people still reported me for "trolling". btw it had great synergize when using w at wraith camp and shooting ur spells over the wall to have permanent vision.
I just finished a game with trollpick trynd bot for adc, because he felt like it and "normal is for fun". In which universe fun is feeding the whole game and leaving the lane, so that other adc could get fed? Am i mad? Yea, i am, because i play mostly normals, and i play them seriously - to win and learn the game, not to waste my time, because someone likes to "have fun". Do not play team games if you like that kind of play - go "have fun" in FPS or RTS games, where you can play 1v1, and when you want to lose intentionally, because you "feel" like playing that champ and when there's 99% chance that you will get outpicked, you can lose without annoying others.
Don't be a selfish bastard - some people play normals for real and do not wish to waste time and nerves, because you want to try something new. That's what bots and customs are for. Peace.
I agree that people should be allowed to play what they want, but at least be competent, if you want to dick around with crappy champions, go do customs or bots, in normals you should at least be adequate with the champion you want to play, or else you are just bringing down the experience of the other people on your team. Despite that, sometimes people are just being tools, I was just in a game where I was duoqueueing bot with someone, and some other guys were duoqueueing too, and they wanted to double jungle, wouldn't listen to me when I told them it was a bad idea (three solos, less xp, etc etc). And eventually they only switched when I told them I was staying in a duo (I had already locked in thresh) so unless they wanted to leave top open all game they would switch. Regardless, they blamed me for every little thing, and would not join in teamfights all game. So yeah.
Do what you want without ruining the other peoples experiences.
The main reason Amumu (and similar champs) faceroll bronze is that nobody knows how to recognize all but the hardest of initiations. They win because they can actually start fights on out of position targets; for starters, in Bronze at least one person is out of position somewhere on the map at any given time, so you can always get your team fed. As well, few people are dense enough to be eluded by "big mummy ult means I go in" when compared to less obvious spells.
amumu is easy to play (mechanically) and even if he's balanced well most of the player base is not skilled enough to avoid being killed by him, so he wrecks everything below gold >50% of the time
Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'troll-pick'. What many, if not most of the League of Legends community does, is follow the meta; most players play with the set conventional play styles (e.g. 1, 1, 2 lanes, 2v1 lanes). What most people fail to realize is that the meta is not written in stone; there is no set way to play this game. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta is only designed to give you the best chance of winning the game. And the meta changes . If people rage/flame at you for picking a bruiser bot-lane, remember that some (I can't remember who) pro players have predicted bruiser bot-lanes in the pre-season of Season 3. The OP is right, LoL is a game (obviously) and it is a sand-box type game, albeit 3 maps and limited options. Sand-box means that everything you do within the game is perfectly fine. However, this is only in the perspective of oneself. This game is a team game, so your game play should try and mesh with others'. But that's my own humble opinion. My opinion is wrong, fuck me right?
No such thing as troll pick, meta is not written in stone, LoL is a sand-box type game (I don't get how the bullet points work...)
Back when Evelyn just got a rework everyone was complaining that she was still terrible. Well, I happened to watch some LoL tournament where a guy (Shooshie? Shushi? Some chubby white european guy with black hair) was claiming that she's an amazing mid. Well, he played Eve, and even though his team lost miserably, he consistently did decent with her despite the rest of his team getting destroyed. So I buy her and try her out. Holy. Shit. She was AMAZING at mid! Literally every game I was stomping. Very easy to play, good farm, great ganks, tiny learning curve. But every time people would throw a shitstorm at me for trying to go Eve mid. I'm a troll, I'm an idiot, I'm going to feed, no you're not allowed to pick her, etc. Every game I had a ridiculously good record. Every mid was won, nearly all games were won because my ganks were so unfair. Yet every time I played with new people they'd give me the same grief. So run whatever the hell you want. 99% of people will assume X champ is good/bad solely on how often they're played in pro tournaments. People don't realize, however, that they're picking based on team comps, counterpicks, the meta, etc, and most of this has little to no value to an average solo q player. And sometimes the pros don't realize something is good! Ezreal was untouched for like a year before "suddenly" he was overpowered and everyone played him.
play what you want and have fun!
He didn't just bring it back up after years of promising he would. When he did, he completely wiped out much of the database / forums containing private developer forums for heroes and items. Many of those champions are in League today (like Teemo.) He refused to acknowledge it even after many old DotA developers gave proof and simply said fuck you to the community again. That's why people were pissed at him. He had stolen the ideas of many and even though he used them in his final game, he gave no credit to the people who created those ideas (something IceFrog or any other developer with respect to the community would do.) Basically an example of the outrage from creators I am talking about: infinitevox >Oh thanks, THREE YEARS LATER. Oh well, now I can finally prove that I was the creator of: Teemo & Rammus > >And that your Dev team went through the DotA hero/ability/item suggestions and RAPED it for ideas for your game. Thanks so much for that. A little credit would have been nice, but instead you took the forums down so no one would know what you did, and even if they did know, they'd have no proof. > >Sad thing is, you were always nice to me. We'd play games with DevilsUrethra, ReposoEternal, GranDgrant, and a slew of other fun folks. Then you turned feral on us when you decided to make LoL. > >As petty as it may seem, some of us TDA and DotA1 Beta members know everything you actually did and have a long memory. There are a handful of us that know exactly how hard you really did try and screw Ice, and how hard you screwed us TDA/Beta members over. Now that we finally have access to the archives, we have the proof we need. > >Most people think you're a dick now, just wait till we start plastering the screenshots of the old forums where you plundered and pillaged our ideas and hard work for your game, and gave no credit or love back in return. He took down one of the biggest gaming forums with a HUGE community (maybe more than this subreddit) just so he could have another source of inspiration just by grabbing whatever ideas other people had.
Imagine all the posts on Reddit that got high upvotes about a new champion concept was given the green light for themselves to balance it / edit the character so that it will finally be developed. Then Pendragon closing the reddit forums or League forums and releasing that champion under a different game and giving no credit then refusing any knowledge of what he had did.
I only take issue in ranked, or if someone picks a champion for a role that doesn't fit. Jax support, Nami top, w/e. Certain champions have exceptionally low win rates, and that's where problems arise. I can't know if someone specializes in a champion, and that brings a risk to me when I'm committing my time and ratings to this game. I don't report if they do well, but I will report if in spite of them failing we win. That said, I do understand many people specialize in certain champions that may be alternative to the current meta (I recently played with a VERY good Shyvana, who had a 22-4 win rate with her), and I respect that, but I have to have some way of knowing that is the case.
If it doesn't go badly, or if they know the champ very well, it's fine. If not, it's a risk that might get you reported.
that's hilarious bc i just played a game where i didn't ban malphite right bc everybody knows there are much higher priority bans. So this guy flames that i didn't ban malphite, then picks zed instead of an ap champ. then he proceeds to die to malphite and those are malph's only two kills in the whole game. meanwhile i go 8-2 as graves and rape malphite and the rest of his team. at the end of the game zed says he was the best on our team and hopes i learn to ban malphite bc he's so op.
This is a bit of human nature, because humans are narrow-minded. Most people especially on lower ELOs tend to just copy things they saw on stream and have a pretty straight mindset, which tells what is good and what is bad, how you have to play. Those people tend not to accept other oppinions that are out of the general consense. If you take a closer look you will see that in Real Life aswell. Especially regarding LoL in my oppinion there is no such things as Troll-Picks, of course there are things that wont work (e.g. if you try to play Karthus as an AD Carry), but even those very niche things might work if you catch enemies of guard. Most people just cannot accept something odd, that is not proven quite yet, because its just easier to stick to the usual stuff. Also people raging about odd Picks or even Bans (leaving Amumu open for example) will loose a lot more games than if they would just accept that someone wants to play something odd and probably even know what they are doing or just trying something entirely new. Best Example for this to me is Support Elise because hands-down after release of Elise people would have raged if you pick her up as Support and nowadays you see her at a really high niveau.
Most Humans are narrow-minded and won't think nor acccept odd oppionions (Just a thesis, nothing i can prove its just my Experience so far). Accept odd picks. People should not rage. If you find some severe errors in my english please forgive me because I am not a native English speaker because as the Submitter I am german.
In normals you can play whatever you want but in ranked you better not be fp'ing that shaco or picking him into their tanky/aoe team. That is tantamount intentional feeding as your pick has made every teamfight a 4v5. Ranked is about winning and if you are not picking the champ that gives you the greatest chance to win you are doing it wrong.
You don't deserve to be flamed but your teammates don't deserve a lower win % just because you think x champ is more fun.
I'm guessing this has been asked before but I'm having trouble finding it Meaning you didn't try at all? It's really not that hard to use the search bar. The sidebar even tells you to search before posting on common topic. >Please read the FAQ and use the search function before posting. Please put more effort in before posting something you know has been discussed to death before. Even a google search would turn up the basics of gym etiquette Here are the fittit search results:
Act like a normal person. Treat people and things as you would like them to treat you and your things.
LP gains are based on the MMR (elo) distance to next promotion series. Player 1 @ Silver 1 has 1600 MMR, 70 LP. Player 2 @ Silver 1 has 1500 MMR, 90 LP. Gold 5 is 1550 MMR. Player 1 wins a game and gains 30 LP -> enters series. He already had the MMR needed for promotion series so the system really wants him there. Player 2 wins a game and gains 3 LP, is now at 1515 MMR of the 1550 needed for series. Distance to series 35 MMR, but only 7 LP. Next games will be worth the around the same 3 LP for wins. Losses can be like -15 LP, but it doesn't mean much. The weak LP gains like player 2 has are common in division 1 of any league. That's because the MMR distance between leagues is greater than the distance between divisions within the league. Only at Diamond 1 the LP truly shows the distance to promotion series I think.
Shit LP gains are caused by MMR distance to series being much greater than the LP would indicate. Keep playing and winning more than 50% and you will get to promotion series, sooner or later. The MMR gains for losses and wins are the same, it's just that they're hidden.
I main Leona support. She's all about hp, imo. I generally go 0/9/21 for the Defense tree HP and armor and for the extra CDR, starting gold, etc the utility tree provides. I find the extra ward and biscuit are invaluable early on. It allows me to recover if a trade goes poorly, or to stay in lane if we get the kill. I almost always start with 4 green wards, a rejuv bead, and an hp potion. This start allows me to ward drag and tribush twice, with the Explorer's Ward for their front bush or wherever it's needed. I position myself close enough to the front of our bush (or theirs if they're late to lane) so that I can AA -> Q -> AA the first ward they throw in the bush. This keeps them from having brush control and allows you to be a hell of a lot scarier (you keep them zoned simply because they can't see you and most supports can't facecheck it and live). Lulu's the exception, of course. She'll just poke you from afar. Make sure you time your abilities to let your ADC proc your passive at least twice, and hopefully all 3 times. I E in, AA, then Q. Not only do I get another 60-ish damage, but they're rooted for long enough that the ADC usually gets his first hit in. And hey, if they flash... all the better. You reset and do it again. First back, I buy (in order) at least 2 wards, my philo stone, and start building the sight stone. I usually finish off my ruby sightstone during laning phase, before boots. With Leona, HP ends up being more important than boots... if you're gonna die, you're gonna die, and 80% of the time they're not going to escape you because you're personally lacking 25 MS (all your damage is up front).
Always come to lane with at least 2 wards. Philo Stone is great. Past that, HP, HP, HP. And sightstone.
Yeah and none of that would have stopped the recent shootings. Newtown guys mother had a safe and the guns weren't his. He wouldn't be the one passing any checks so your background check crap and mental health crap wouldn't make a bit of difference.
You'll never write enough laws.
I've gotten it for two straight years now having lived in a big city. I do believe the other posters are correct in that you won't be able to get it if DirectTV is available in your area (I live in a big city, so it's not possible for me to get it). But I'll answer your questions anyway. 1) HD can be hit or miss on this. The first year games skipped a TON and the quality was quite poor. I even went as far last year to call my credit card company and ask them what sort of protection I could be afforded if the quality was as bad as the year prior. That said it was a lot better last year than the year before. One thing I will say is I think a MAJOR part of it is out of your control. You need pretty good download speeds from your ISP to keep the quality good, but in all honesty, you don't really have any control over that. I switched to a realitvely good ISP because I was on the highest tier plan for DL speeds with a crappy ISP and I was getting crap quality on Sunday Ticket. And when you call any three of the companies to complain (Sony, DirectTV, the ISP) they will all give you the runaround and tell you its not their fault and to call the other guys. So unless you are sure you can get a solid internet connection all the time, it might not be worth it. You'll be looking at a lot of buddering, skipping and standard def or worse quality if that's not the case (I have a good ISP and I even encounter these issues sometimes, most likely because of network traffic).
the quality is ok, I would probably just get DirecTV satellite service over the PS3 version if I could. 2) The value of it depends on where you live and what games are on TV I would think. You're a pack fan, and the pack have a pretty good national following, so they probably have a lot more games on TV than other teams. Unless you are a diehard that wants this to watch so that you can watch redzone/other games you want, I would say the value of it probably wouldn't be too great for you. But if that's why you're getting it, you definitely make your money back by not going out to the bar and spending $30-60 every Sunday. 3) See above. I only get the service because it's my only option to watch the Pats every Sunday at my home base if they aren't on national TV and I don't want to get cleaned up and spend money at the bar. If I could get DirecTV (even though they suck generally) I would probably just opt for that over the PS3. Streaming TV from the internet is just not quite there yet because ISPs have no incentive to make internet speeds consistently fast and will throttle your speeds in order to manage the pipeline. If you have any other questions let me know. But if I were in your shoes from what it sounds like you want it for, I'd say don't pull the trigger.
I'm a guy too, and I agree that you're being a pushy dick. She's dealing with it in her way and on her time table. That's not good enough for you. You're going to ride in on your white horse and FIX IT, by God! And you're going to do so right this very minute! I see this as being at least as much about your anger and your feeling of helplessness right now than about whatever she's feeling. At least that's how I'm reading it. As a guy, I understand the desire to help, to try to fix, to advise, to coach, to make it all better , but right now you need to take a few steps back from your fix-it fixation and just listen to her, be with her, be there for her, and let her figure her shit out.
Shut up. Listen.
Swain enthusiast here, just dropping in to point out that Karthus E does more damage than Swain's ult (even on an optimal number of targets - 3 or less) coupled with the fact that without Karthus's passive Swain can't itemise for heavy AP like Karthus can.
Pick Karthus instead
Time to fact check your ridiculous claim: There are 1.3 million immigrants to Sweden yearly. Your link shows an increase of 5,000 crimes which is hardly statistical noise that can be correlated. Your link doesn't even say Muslims are creating the crime, just that crime has increased. In fact, your link says most immigrants are caucasian, suggesting that most of the rape statistics are from caucasian. You have fallen for the cause/correlation fallacy. Additionally, Swedes still statistically create almost all of the crime in Sweden. For example, last year there were 1,410,000 crimes, and you are saying Muslims are responsible for 5,000 of them. Following your logic, we should outlaw Swedes and only allow immigrants into the nation? On top of all this, your argument is one big ecological fallacy. Just because one Muslim rapes doesn't mean all of them--or even most of them--do. In fact, just because there were
We have you down for cause/correlation fallacy, cherry picking, and ecological fallacies. That's the problem with racism, there's no common sense or even logic in it. All racism does is create fallacious thinking