35 values
1 value
Worse than that develop the same anxiety disorder. Again another reason to finish the relationship. I really love her but cannot and WILL NOT embarrass her like I did at the wedding. My plan is to go talk to a private physiatrist and see what they think. I don’t believe medication is the only answer but if it helps in conjunction with therapy, a healthy lifestyle and meditation then I will try it.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I apologized for taking up too much of his time and space and for not respecting his boundaries, and for storming off angry; the worst part is that he eventually said he didn't accept my apology because I was still ruining his day with my insistence he apologize for speaking to me with a "retarded" voice. So, is our relationship doomed? --- **tl;dr**: My bf and I fight too much, and I think it's both our faults while he thinks it's only mine/my brain chemistry's fault. Am I crazy, or do we need to break up?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Sure it was almost 3 years ago (in July) two months into my first job out of university. I got bit in the leg and continued on like it was nothing. I only fell apart October 2016. I must have been living in survival mode until I got the call that the man who saved my life was getting recognized with a bravery award. Hearing those words, I literally felt my chest rip open and haven't been able to close the wound since.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I've always connected my self worth with how well I do in school. Right now, I'm failing the last class I need to graduate. The final exam is 2 semester worth of stuff that I never really understood. This is my last chance to graduate. If I don't pass I wont get into the grad school that conditionally accepted me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hey. First time posting here. I have been living in my car with my brother and cat since May. I am feeling extremely depressed/defeated right now hence why I'm posting here. I'll start from the beginning.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I typically would not care in the slightest about things like that but I feel as if since my good friends basically turned their backs on me that I am at a loss? If my good friends did before does that mean everyone else will too? **TLDR: GF and I broke up. She is trying to turn people against me. What can I do?
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
EVERY TIME I say, "I've got a job!" she gives me some kind of bullshit reason the place is not a good idea. She threatened to boot me back out on the street for "not taking her word for it" when I explain I need the job anyway. BTW her girlfriend owns the house. They've lived here together for 2 years and she has been making up bullshit reasons she can't work the whole time.
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am currently only using 5-htp once a week, i get no benefit when i use it daily. I have also been working out which has inevitably eased my depression and made my anxiety more tolerable but its still obviously taking hold of my life. Well here i am at this present moment, I have been contemplating having a sit down with my parents and telling them about my depression (pretty sure they already know, they just don't want to adress it). It had been hard, my parents come home at 9:00 PM and don't want to be bothered with me. they go straight to their rooms and the only time they are willing to talk is when they tell me to clean.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I do not know if I ought to, to be honest. I determined to quit drinking nine months ago, and have been sober seven weeks. But I never had any desire to quit grass, and I still don't. But I am in trauma therapy for the last four months, and my therapist has brought it up a number of times. She keeps saying it affects my motivation and depression, but it helps with bot the GAD and social anxiety.
Relationship, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I want to be able to deal with these feelings and move on. I’ve talked briefly to a counsellor on the phone but besides talking about it making me cry, it hasn’t made me feel better. This is one of the worst PTSD episodes of my life. I can’t predict how long this is going to go on and I’m sick of the weak, dissolving feeling I get whenever I think about it. I’ve been trying to replace bad thoughts with good, I’ve tried CBT techniques, I’ve tried wallowing in the bad thoughts (as advised by someone over at r/emetophobia)... nothing has worked, I’m a mess.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
So what I am asking is someone or somebody's to help me with the rest of the repair cost. The repair is 575 dollars, I have about 200 of that currently, I need to get this done soon before I am stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and spending unnecessary money on Ubers or Lyft. I'm willing to pay back monthly with acceptable interest until it's paid in full. I get paid bi-weekly at my full time job. Thanks in advance!
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Sorry in advance for what I'm getting off me chest. This man sexually, physically, and emotionally abused me for a year. He even tried to marry me at 16 so he could trap me in his perverted hell. After four months of completely breaking free of this sick, twisted human being he had the gall to contact one of my friends to try to get a vinyl back. He treated me like a dog.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But recently I went on a car journey with my friends and 5 minutes before we got to the destination I started panicking because I thought I needed a wee and took a valium (completely embarrassed myself in-front of my friends). once we got to the destination I was actually fine and didn't really need one that bad. Since then it keeps happening, like I was on the train and 1 stop before my destination I got off and walked because I started panicking. then today really got to me because I needed to get a bus that goes through a tunnel to go to the pub that takes 10 mins and I physically couldn't get on the bus because of this fear. I'm so annoyed at myself that this is starting to control my life.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don't know who I'm meant to talk to but I can't breathe. I can barely get out of bed or check my phone without panicking. But I'm always checking my phone in case someone messages me. I don't have it on loud because I don't like the noise. Yet my job requires me to always be reachable and the staff under me always ask me to help them, but I can't even help myself.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
12. End of January I just didn't have any way to get enough money and we collapse with an eviction process started. 13. Working with friends and others we managed to get the money right after the judgement was issues for eviction. This stopped the eviction but we still had a judgement.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My problems started after my first panic attack which had happened in October. After that I had a lot of anxiety about my heart (bp 140/90) I was medicated with Zoloft for a while, it helped but I didn't want to become dependent on it and I had a lot of side effects. My bp with Zoloft was around 120/70 After some weeks the anxiety came back with horror, fear of the death and lump in a neck, stiffness in chest. My blood thyroid hormones were measured, everything's perfect.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
This has begun to bother me since I do try to please her and go out of my way to have a little foreplay but she never really returns that favor. It has become a one sided physical relationship. I've even had multiple times where I have trouble getting it up, and its largely due to the fact that I receive no physical stimulation prior to intercourse. We've known each other a year and been officially dating for about 9 months. I finally decided to say something a month ago because it was really beginning to bother me because I'd hoped she'd slowly overcome these fears with time but she seems to be content with how things were and not going to change.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I was freaking out. I stood on my back porch for about 30 minutes hyperventilating before I could convince myself that "I am in control!" I was embarrassing ! I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to get so worked up. But it was not as embarrassing as It/ I would soon be.....
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Every day I wake up doing nothing. Absolutely nothing except wasting my life, hoping something would happen but of course nothing would happen because I am a lonely fuck who pushes away everyone in his life while everyone else goes out and party like there is no tomorrow and fuck and cum like they are in a porno and make memories that not even one memory book is enough. Every day I wake up doing nothing. Either wasting my time playing videogames or watching the social media status scrolling up and up and up when in reality, i am doing absolutely nothing. Nothing is being absorbed in that stupid brain of mine, wherever the hell it is when I should be doing something more productive like studying or reading but either my own brain rotted to the size of a pea *(because of how mental disorders degenerate brain cells ... yay me, I am doing something at all)* or it just felt and flew up to Mars, or it is sitting its dark throne, rubbing its pitchfork, planning its next move on how to fuck me, both literally and figuratively.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
It's late and I should be sleeping but I can't get my husband out of my head, he's just such a freaking weirdo. I feel alone in my situation because most abuse involves some level of anger, but for me my suffering was just his way of showing me affection. He would always love to wrestle and tickle torture me, and he wouldn't stop when I was screaming at him to stop I no longer live with him but even today I still get a little flinchy. I lived in fear of being tackled, pinned, and tickled on a routine basis. I resent him for making me feel so small and fearful and at the same time he made me feel like I was crazy, that I was overreacting.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
When I was living with people I would stand behind the door and wait for it to be quiet before I step out of my room. It makes me so anxious to have to talk to people. It didn’t help that one of them would play loud music all day so I would put in my headphones and go to sleep until he has stopped. I was so anxious and depressed that semester, it really affected my grades. Anyway, today was my first time seeing someone for help about my anxiety and I did not know what to expect at all.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm afraid about what they may do next, what they might say to me next, what they might ask me next. I just want to be by myself, in my own place, with my computer, my keyboard, my guitar, and my bed. I'm a teen, so I don't really have that choice, but to be honest, nobody really does, no matter how old they are. You always have to be around people for one reason or another. I'm just never comfortable around people anymore.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
For no reason, I'll just wake up with anxiety like feelings. Stomach ache, uneasiness, some sort of dread, or feeling like any little thing would bring me over the edge and have a panic attack. I don't understand why and it can last for a long time. Anyways. Sometimes the breathing exercises help take the edge off it, but it doesn't fully help.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
All these sexual abuse accusations, while wonderful to see so many men and women coming forward about sexual abuse, I just can't escape it. So much victim blaming, the increasingly clear proof that many men do not actually understand what consent means, it's just too much. I haven't left the apartment in days and the only reliable form of self medication is too expensive (weed). I'm also autistic so I've noticed it's also overstimulating me to the point I'm hiding. It's just too much and I thank you for reading my vent.
Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I keep on getting crap from non work people about oh just fly. I try to psyche myself up to do it but after the 5 minutes of feeling like “yeah I can do it” I feel beyond tense. Anyone been in a similar spot? What did you end up doing? Thanks!
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I’ve put my family through it too many times and it’s putting a strain on my relationship. I’m not who I used to be. And because of that I’m afraid people are going to leave me. My partner especially. He’s seen me go through this before and I’m afraid he’s going to give up on me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don’t know that. I think I’m responsible for all of it. For the perpetrators, for the abuse, for the dysfunction, for my depression, my suicidal ideation, my pathetic life. All of it. I’m responsible.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My boyfriend and I generally have a good relationship. We've lived together for about a year and a half, and we have a pretty good partnership going. He's the first guy I've been with who is willing to sit down and really hash things out if we're having an issue. However there is one topic he *won't* hash out with me, and that's that sometimes he asks me questions out of no where that to me feel kind of like little "pop quizzes" that I feel are designed to try to catch me off guard and stump me. He'll randomly pose a riddle or ask a logic question, then I kind of fumble because I feel like I have to come up with an answer quickly, or I just get exasperated and tell him I'm not in the mood for a pop quiz.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
When I try to befriend artists or thinkers or doers. They often either shun me because my work has been sub par and nearly non existant and they don't see me as equal. Or they show sexual/romantic interest I don't reciprocate which makes me nervous and avoidant. Sometimes I am shunmed I think because they mistake my interest in making friends for a romantic interest. I am quite annoyed by all the assumptions/game playing/projecting that goes on in the world.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Cut to yesterday... My parents booked me in for an emergency appointment with the DR because my anxiety and depression is so bad I cannot function day to day and spend most of my time stuck in bed panicking. I was prescribed 2mg Valium to go alongside my anti-depressants. I took one and within 15 minutes I went from SEVERE anxiety to COMPLETE calmness Well... here comes the paranoia associated with my bad cannabis trip years ago... I FREAKED.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He says he doesn’t remember this happening. But he has a short fuse as it is. He’s temperamental, out of work, depressed, has a family history of substance abuse, and was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2. I truly believed this would be “rock bottom” and serve as a wake up call to turn his life around. It wasn’t.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
She didn't go home with me, she took an Uber. It was the worst 30 minutes of my life. I payed for the food, got it to go, and went home. This is where it gets crazy. I wanted to be away from her at that time.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don't know if I'm able to do that, since I didn't tell the doctor the truth to begin with. I will say that my doctor very clearly didn't believe me at my follow up appointment, but my bf was in the waiting room. So I didn't admit to anything. I was teary eyed, however. From anyone's experience- is it worth it to go to the police?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don't want to leave my house because I know that everyone knows what she's saying about me and EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. this was all over the fact I blocked her because she was toxic. I'm losing it, Reddit. I'm losing my mind. I can't stop crying i can't eat, all I've been thinking about is killing myself.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hi everyone, This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me. My mother (54F) has always been controlling and anxious, and now that I (19F) have gone to college, it feels like things have gotten worse. I am home right now for winter break and things have been so tense and awful and I don't know what to do. She is really judgmental and anxious about my sex life.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But I still froze and cried through the entire thing. Some of the sensations brouvht me to memories of old sensations, andI felt really vulnerable, trapped, and ashamed, and I haven't been able to shake it off all day. Part of it is that we have company staying in our home; so I don't feel like I have the space to care for myself, and it just further perpetuates the shame feeling. In fact, I felt too ashamed to go home right after, and drove around for an hour and a half before I felt like I at least i wouldn't have to explain myself to my boyfriend's family. Additionally, because it's my boyfriend's family, my boyfriend has been unavailable to me all day.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
at some point they laughed and i had to leave because i got physically sick to my stomach. i guess i didn't realize how much they had screwed me up. now i feel like shit though because the acquaintance is a nice person and i want to be friends with them. we were all planning a dnd game together over text for a while and i just want to be able to talk to them without thinking about my ex. any solutions or help ideas?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have therapy sessions scheduled but at the moment, I'm currently looking for some advice and insights. The only time I feel 'comfortable in my own skin' is when I'm drunk and or stoned. I, in the past have been ridiculed for an effeminate walk, been erroneously suspected of being gay and I have an effate look. Perhaps this facial look is a projection of my despair and a subconscious psychosomatic cry for help. I'm in my late twenties and have yet to accomplish anything of significance.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I've been through treatment and had a period of relative health for a stretch. Then I had a bunch of new trauma experiences. I'm 5 or so years out from the last experiences and have moved 800 miles away, completely cut off from all former contacts with the exception of one close friend. The move helped for a while, then it hit with vengeance. Panic attacks, ruminating, depression, anger, the whole deal.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
And one of the girls pull me and asks me if I like him and I said yeah and she goes “if you like him you can have him because my friend is only here for one night...(gets pulled). And there I was in a packed nightclub all on my own. Trying not to cry about the fact I got ditched by my date for the night. So I leave the club go home on the train with the worst feeling ever, more insecure than I’ve ever been. **tl;dr : one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in my life (sorry for being dramatic)**
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Bottom line is this is the first situation in a long while causing me to really get anxious. I'm thinking about it most of the time and waffling about it. And today I got the invitation and started looking into flights and transport and I'm overwhelmed. I'm at an age where traveling alone shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, I never have traveled alone aside from a handful of 2 hr bus trips in 2007ish. Any advice?
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
We need a motel. We need advice. My grandson will end up leaving preschool, because we don't have a car and won't know where to have his bus pick him up if we do a shelter. He also has a standing dentist appointment every Monday this month. I hate that he has to go through this and not have a home to recover in.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
The silent sadness that you feel for no apparent reason yet somehow you feel too weak or too much of a pussy to do anything about it or even think that you deserve better because you feel like you deserve whatever painful feeling you are going through You feel like you rather suffer a long and painful life rather than ending your life because you feel like you deserve whatever agony you are going through The anxiety and panic attack come and go whenever they please.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
As I recover, I am in a great deal of conflict. I am scared to remember that year. I am frightened of what might be there. And I feel guilty for not remembering that year, too. I go way down the rabbithole, sometimes, wondering if I am crazy and nothing happened and my ex was right, because there are so many things I can't remember, now.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
with our son - My son is a Daddy's boy. Even now as I type this I hear him out there waiting for me saying Daddy Daddy Daddy. He comes and gives me hugs when I come home and barely notices when my wife is gone or comes home. - ‎This is also something she's recently admitted and I feel guilty about it, but I feel like it's because she puts in no effort beyond what she needs to do.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm so used to being forced to submit to him that I no longer have a voice. He heavily favors my sister over me and would buy her anything she wanted in a heartbeat. An example would be at Darvin furniture one time. He takes me and my sister there and tells her to pick out a desk. I look at a $100 discount desk and he says we don't have enough money.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I can't stop the ruminating thoughts about the whole process. I also can't stop the what if's or I should have done more. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. It sometimes makes me physically sick. Do you have any tips to help alleviate the pain and stop the thoughts?
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Both of these were poor choices. It just exacerbated the situation. I had vases, game controllers, tv remote, coffee mugs, etc thrown at me on varied encounters. This is not an exaggerated list.. I tried to leave and she blocked the door with her body, threatening to kill herself on one such occassion.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
They are very sweet and welcoming to me, but I feel so overwhelmed with everything. I feel as though I gave up my independence to come here, which is fine, but I'm having a really hard time adjusting to everything being handed to me when I've had to provide for myself for so long. I told my boyfriend that I need supplies for the week and he responded with "ask my mom". I couldn't wrap my mind around that. I still cant.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Most of 2017, I stayed at around 135 and have been really good about hiding my fat with very flattering clothes but over the last 3 months, I have gained 15lbs as a result of traveling for work, moving to a new city and the holidays. I have always been very unhappy with the way I look and I envy girls who are slim. I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He admitted to using the social media of girls he knows to get off. He even admitted to using his ex's nudes to get off. He downloads that specific app and then usually deletes it. He forgot today. We have sex 1-3 times a day.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
In his own ways I know he loves me but he's double my body weight, he's a weight lifter, and he has blind rage that only comes out on me of all people . If I keep gambling he could permanently damage me. I'm in healthcare I know these numbers so WHY? I like to believe that he knows his limits when we're fighting but he has scared me and himself in the past. Now that chokings are happening during every incident, the accidents could be irreversible.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Anyway, I feel like maybe I should talk to someone, but I have no idea how to even bring it up with my doctor. How does that work? Do I just march in and say "Hey Dr, I think maybe I have PTSD."? Just sounds weird. EDIT: Also want to throw in here that I'm not interested in being medicated
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
She humiliates me in front of other people and when we're alone. I'm always just a servant who's there to get her drinks and hype her up. I'm always just the butt of her jokes. She used to invite me over when she was hanging out with a guy she was trying to hook up with, just so she could make fun of me in front of him the whole time to make herself look better and/or cooler. I'm just a prop.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
We were hoping to call when he leaves for work today-he’s leaving in about 15 minutes. I’m really scared and I think he’ll continue to come after us even after he goes to jail so we’re probably going to have to get a restraining order. Considering we’re a financially unstable family this is going to majorly impact the way we live. We live in a two bedroom apartment so we’re probably going to have to move to a studio or anything else that’s cheaper. My brother leaves in 2 days because he has to go back to college and we need to take action when he’s here because me and my mom can’t really go against my dad (physically).
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
We ate and he was monitoring my data use because I sent some photos to our friend of her baby shower. And he said he "hates having to watch over me like a father and he wishes I was more responsible" but said that he "accepts that this is the way I am" I said nothing in response to this and just ate my food and let it slide, smiled at him and small talked. We got back to the park and they had put out a new sign saying they were closed for the rest of the day. This made him even more mad.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My girlfriend does have PTSD. She said that she thought that I might have it because of an incident that occurred in 2014. You can read about it in my post history but basically I was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold for pretty much no reason, the therapists responsible for it just covered themselves up and lied about it. It greatly affected me. I would definitely consider it to be a traumatic event, not just because of the actual events that transpired and the conditions of the hospital (which are pretty bad) but also just the huge betrayal of trust.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have never before felt so betrayed by the system. Fiance (f) was blackout drunk. She started getting physical by grabbing my genitals and pulling so hard I now have a 1.5" tear in my scrotum.. after that I was punched, bitten, scratched, and kicked over the next 5 minutes. All I could do was try to retreat, but I was unable to get to our room so I could get dressed and leave the house (I was nude at the time). As I got scared she would seriously hurt me, or I would strike her back, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.
Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I even pressed chargers against him. Unfortunately he still found a way through to me by hooking up with girls that I know and having them make sure I knew about it. Nothing has happened since June and I’m about to be moving far away from him. I struggle with what he did to me every day and the flashbacks occur still. I don’t expect this to ever fully go away but I am 18 now and I can say that I survived this.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have been reluctant to start one of these as I am really ashamed to ask for help. One of my dear friends suggested I do this as I really do not have anywhere else to ask for assistance right now. I am at a high risk for homelessness. Landlord now wants me out unless I can come up with $800 in the next couple of days. I also was recently kicked off of food stamps lately for no apparent reason and I am working to get that fixed.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
As much of an asshole I know it makes me, I simply can't put my heart into a relationship in which I know I'm not the father of her child. I was ghosted this past summer by one of few people I've ever wanted to have a relationship with, and the subsequent weeks were a quest to find sex that would distract me from the pain. Others came before, but she's the first to actually show interest in the long term. She's made these ambitious plans for our distant future, and I don't have it in my heart to tell her it'll never happen. She's the first girl to show me daily how much she cares for me, and the impending thought of breaking her heart is killing me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
so i finally got tired of being anxious and depressed, crying daily, not leaving the house a few months ago and decided it was time to see a doctor again. I would only leave to work, and couldnt hold a job very long due to the anxiety(eventually stop going after successfully alienating myself from everyone) and went to see a psychiatrist. He started me on 40mg of fluoxetine and 50mg atenolol a day with 1mg lorazepam 3x daily as needed. I averaged about 2 of the lorazepam a day, some days 3 some days 1 or even 0, and 1 time i took 4(christmas with the family, not all at once but over the course of the evening) I went back after about 2 and a half months and he increased my atenolol to 100mg and switched me to .5mg alprazolam 1x a day(from the past i knew this wouldnt be an effective dose but he wouldnt listen) For the 2 and a half months i felt like i was leading a normal life, doing well in school, seeing friends again, working, going on dates(have a girlfriend who understands my anxiety and we met when i was drinking to deal with it so this is the worst shes ever seen me and wants me to find a new doctor) interacting with my family and not hiding in my room all day. With the switch to xanax ive gone back to my old ways of hiding away, crying, not eating, and have almsot purchased cigarettes again(quit smoking about 10 months ago).
Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm taking care of her but I have no idea what to do with myself. **TL;DR: My wife told her co-worker that she and I were in an open relationship and started hooking up with him. She said it's because I have too high a libido, because our relationship lost it's newness, and because I don't do a fair share of housework. I'm not sure if we can work it out or if I should just leave. **
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I can't take a shower and I haven't eaten today. I am sitting in my car and almost on empty. I keep ending up with abusive men who pretend to love me and my kids then hurt us. I am on a waiting list for housing but no call backs yet. The kids are safe and good and I go see them every few days til I have a place.
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Does anyone have any advice? I feel pretty hopeless right now. I want desperately to be with my partner, and I suspect even if our relationship ends I will always love and care for him very much. I don't want to spend my life wishing I was with him, but be too overcome with my anxiety and fear to do so. It is discouraging to feel as though my ex-boyfriend is still inside my head and controlling my life.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My main thing lately is that everything is making me feel overwhelmed and stressed out even in non-stressful situations, just every day life. I have a good life that is a lot less stressful than most but it seems to cause me a lot more stress than it would to anyone else like my wife for example. I feel like I'm always on the edge and my head is going to explode in angry/frustration over nothing at all. I've been checked out many times, full blood work and other tests and everything perfect with my health as far as my Dr is concerned. I've always had an idea in my head that I would do anything and everything to avoid taking medications and I've been convinced that I can deal with this on my own and if I can't then I'm doing something wrong.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I've told her each time to stop, she apologised but doesn't see what the big deal is because she "hasn't been in love with me for a long time." This is when I started to feel awful. I can't fully figure out why though because Im not in love with her - I probably hate her and haven't realised it yet. I just feel terrible. I can barely get out of bed to go to uni.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I’ve had a some fucked shit happen to me. I'm not going into detail because I'm not looking for sympathy. Today is the last day I have to pay or quit. I don’t have anyone to help and I’ve exhausted all my other options applying for loans, pawning things, etc. I need to somehow come up with 1,490.46 by 6 pm.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
So now they are querying whether he has a traumatic brain injury suffered a year before we got together and that now he has progressing brain damage. At this point my nurse self kicks in, I can't not help someone in that situation. I feel sorry for him I don't want him to be hurt or alone. But I also want to hate him and leave. So my incredibly long winded question to you is this: if he has brain damage is this an excuse or a reason?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I feel like I am in a pit that I cannot escape from. I know that I am anxious all the time and terrified of fucking up and I know for sure that the more anxious I am, the more I cannot focus well and think straight and the more likely it is for me to fuck up .. and somehow, everytime I do, I feel like I just want to belittle myself so much that I deliberately and purposefully want to see myself covered in blood and bruises because I feel like I deserve it! ! EDIT 2 ..
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
So a bit of long back story here, I was adopted as a child not a proper legal adoption, there was a residency order for me to live with my aunt and uncle for an underdetermined amount of time, after a year my aunt and uncle split and my uncle kept me (my aunt was the one I was actually related to) social services never really got involved past this point. My uncle/ adoptive father started dating a woman that I would come to know as my mum (I always knew they weren’t biological) They had a very destructive relationship and my adoptive father was incredibly abusive towards her (like attempted stabbing & trying to set her on fire in front of me) he was never abusive towards me in fact he treated me like I was untouchable which fostered resentment between me and my “mum” They eventually spilt when I was 18 (9 years ago) and I’ve not spoken to my dad since,my mum works in a hospital and just informed me that he was admitted to the ward she works on and potentially has lung cancer. My mum is practically gleeful about it being cosmic karma for him being a horrible person but I’m uncomfortable with how happy she is that he’s ill, I’ve not really spoken to her about it because she’s the one that suffered not me so I can’t really tell her how to deal but it just seems a bit much to me to be happy.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He seemed satisfied with this and kept pouring me drinks. Eventually he decided to close up for the night and I went back up to the house, tipsy and confused about what had just happened, but glad I had bargained some time. I got myself on the dole and the rope that was against my neck seemed to loosen just a little bit. However I was still in the prison of depression and plagued by self-destructive tendencies. Although I had some more regular income I would often binge on the euphoria of having money (I was still a teenager after all), spend too much in my mania and then quickly sink into paranoia and avoidance when rent day came along.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He suddenly wanted to have a relationship with her, which I saw as a good thing. I said he could come over to visit as often as he wanted, he just needs to tell me before hand so I can be home. We decided to give our relationship another shot and I got pregnant again immediately. We moved into a house together, I had really horrible morning sickness this time and Bob got disgusted with my neediness and moved out again a week later, leaving me in a huge house I can't afford or maintain, again far away from any form of support necessary for a pregnant mother of a young kid. He seems to love his kid very much but has no concept of taking responsibility.
Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns, Life Transitions
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
They are always calling me for everything, I don't even wanna answer my phone, but if I don't I may get yelled at. It has happened. I have spent many days and nights in tears because of the stress of this job, and even one morning, threw a bit of a fit when our dm made me come in because there was another evaluation on my day off. I had to cancel all my plans that day to go in. I couldn't stop myself.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
And I'm just really confused and don't know how to feel or what to believe or think. Did he kill himself because of me? Did he know I wanted to see him or did they simply never told him? Is it my fault he is dead now, and that my little brother has no father anymore? I'm just so confused and overcome with emotions right now.
Loss and Grief
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
She told me she had one more person to interview and that she would get back to me by Monday. I shook her hand and rushed out the store to another place and went to their restroom. I ruined my hair, I popped a little of my collar and unbuttoned some of my dress shirts. I added some water stains and even took advantage of a partially full cup of soda in one of the stalls. I spilled it on the rims of my shirt but not entirely.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have had mobility issues since I was twenty three following a difficult pregnancy that triggered inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Over the years I've had a few falls due to being very unsteady on my feet at the best of times, which have added to my mobility issues. My right ankle and calf are permanently injured, I have achilles tendonitis, plantar faciitis and the muscle in my calf has tightened so much due to the shortening of my tendons that my foot points instead of sitting normally. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip, which slips in the socket and causes a lot of pain, and this has all had an ongoing impact on the rest of my body as my back often spasms or locks and I have issues with a frozen shoulder that limits the use of my right arm. On top of all of this, I have kidney, liver and bladder problems.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am so scared that he will realize how fucked up and terrible I am and not want to continue things. I don't want him to go and he keeps assuring me he will not, but I am so, so scared that sometimes it is overwhelming. I feel like this is a disgrace on my part, because, logically, I know that he very much likes me and he really wants to stick around. But there's a part of me that genuinely believes I am not good enough and that I will not be enough once he realizes that. I am so fucked.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He would play really loud music on the speaker. It got so bad when he threw the living room table at me.. we got kicked out of at least 4 apartments. At this point we were homeless. He wouldn’t get a job, and wanted me to get out and hold a sign and pan handle for money, if I didn’t he would drive the car we lived in really fast and say he was going to kill us. He wrecked that car (small wrecks) at least ten times.
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
The husband's voice sounds like pure rage, the wife's both angry and defensive. A couple of times there were sounds of broken objects. We have never really talked (they don't speak good English), so I'm not sure how to approach them about it. Calling the police feels excessive, but I'm also worried someone might be abused. What is an appropriate thing to do here?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Ive never really had a problem with my education until this semester, I feel mislead in my classes i.e (I do great on the homework and then I end up failing the tests). This has lead to me failing or doing not up to my standards in my other classes and its beginning to effect my own self worth. Instead of being confident in myself im resorting to internal hatred and just overall sadness. I am in a relationship with a very loving girlfriend but I feel that if I bring my problems into it, it could go sideways and I dont want that. Because of all of this my sleep schedule has not been exactly ideal, I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up early for class and the quality of my sleep is not what I would call good (tossing and turning and frequently waking up).
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My life has spiralled into a area I’m not sure I can survive in much longer. Everyone who was close to me have seemingly all decided to just pretend I don’t exist right as I start my third year of Uni. My anxiety levels are usually pretty high this time of year but this last month has been the worst of my life for my emotional well-being. I’m trying so hard but I’m suffering, and the meds don’t seem to be helping What do I do
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
When first diagnosed I was put on a daily prozac. 3 years later, I've managed to wean myself off and just use my klonopin only for the worst attacks. That actually seemed to work well and I've been off the prozac for about a year and even got off Facebook 3 months ago because it was becoming a point of unneeded drama, but I'm suddenly getting the depression symptoms again. I've walled myself off from most people and have become less communicative with my husband. I don't like going to our neighbors house because I have a paranoia that 2 of them don't like me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Is this common? How did you deal with it? I want to just apologize and make things right but some of the things the other person probably forgot or were just super insignificant. I want to own up to my actions but it's hard. I assume if people find out I was a jerk they'll all hate me and I'll be an outcast and a pariah :/
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hello my name is jake I am 17 years old and I need some help I'll give you a bit of back story Ever since I was 5 my mother was always drunk everdently she was an alcoholic and whenever she was drunk she got very agressive and to cut a long story short she abused me for over 8 years not only physically but mentally too and when I was 15 I finally spoke out and went to turn to the authorities but they didn't help they sent me back to my mum countless times and in then end I put myself into care I refused to go back I have been in care for a year and a couple months now but ever since just before chirstmas I've been having these night terrors ( which I have reason to believe that it is ptsd ) I have viscous flash backs of my mother doing all them things too me and I wake up screaming , sweating , and as a instinct ready to fight and it lasts for a good 15 mins which is horrible What I'm trying to get at is , is there any coping mechanisms that you can suggest because I feel useless and helpless at this point
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Who do I talk to at this point, the Command Equal Opportunity Officer (e-7) who basically says she will look into it but doesn't seem concerned. There is a stigma about asking for help in the Navy and it needs to change. Basically, if you take any meds you get treated like a black sheep. If you go to medical and they give you meds, you get removed from your duties and everyone else carries your load while you are forced to stand around them not allowed to do anything. If you do get out of the navy because you spoke out about being depressed, anxious, or having symptoms of PTSD then you would be seperated from the Navy and sent home.
Bias/Abuse, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I knew that he was scary when he would pray in front of me, yet the entire thing was an angry ATTACK on God (not trying to get into beliefs here, just what happened.) I knew he knew how wrong he was when he told me one day to not tell anyone but that he actually HAD threatened suicide in front of his ex wife with a knife, yet still painted her as the evil doer in the story. I knew he was lying when he made sure to tell me about how crazy one of his exes went at the end accusing him of rape (why would he even bring it up!!) and how after he took another ex home from injury while we were together, that she might try to lie to me and say that something happened, but NOTHING did! It gave me chills when this man would tell me if his ex wasn't his child's mother he would have had her murdered long ago, and that he had friends offer to help!
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
The next couple of days have been mostly normal. A large group of my friends were visiting so I had a good time, but that episode made me slightly anxious every now and then. I have no prior history of anxiety disorder or mental illness. For all I know, this episode could have been anything or nothing, but I do remember feeling a strong sense of anxiety during the tram ride. At the time, I was attributing it to being a little paranoid on pot, so I wasn't concerned - until I started to lose my vision.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
what if there arent enough houses for all the people in this world? ( yes..seriously) we have never lost him, he has never been stung by a bee, we do not have the news on around him, nor has our house been broken into.However, he has heard grown ups out in public talking about the recent school shooting. He also gets night terrors and nightmares and is afraid to fall asleep sometimes. how do I help him manage his anxiety in an age appropriate way?
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I’m currently doing EMDR for my severe anxiety issues and depression. We’re going through past instances that have plagued me and are why my mindset is a negative shithole. I had my anxiety in a certain place, where I felt comfortable. The anxiety was there but I managed it well enough. Things were not perfect and there was still a lot of things that needed to change in order for me to progress.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am 25 years old and recently had to stay with my mother and her new husband. My mom has had issues on and off throughout my childhood, but it is only recently that I identified her as a narcissist. We used to be very close (inappropriately so), but last week she disowned me and asked me to move out over a Reddit post she found of mine (not this account). I am moving out on Sunday, and have been enduring the silent treatment for about two weeks. I was raped by an acquaintance less than 6 months ago, and everything is hitting me all at once.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Certain things will make me feel uncomfortable. as of recently she will jokingly play with my nipples, like suck on them or biting them if we are laying in bed and I’m shirtless. This makes very uncomfortable and I don’t like it at all. I’ll laugh and tell her to stop and that I don’t like the feeling of it. She will keep jokingly doing so and tell me stop being a baby or that she is just joking around.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But in that moment neither my words nor my body made a difference...he did what he wanted.... I wanted to push him, kick him, shout...but...i couldnt move. There were times he didn't listen to me but I never thought it would lead to him forcing himself onto me. I didn't trust I'd know how he'd react if I did or said anything...He wasn't the gentle and respectful person I thought he was. I left after the shower but when I got home, I broke down.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I was trying to eat my food but my hands became shaky and i then didnt feel hungry. People kept asking me why my hands are shaky, and the people across from me laughing at me. Idk what to do, ive worked here for 3 years but i just cant get over my anxiety. I just hate having meetings and celebrating with co workers. I havent been diagnose for anxiety disorder but i want to been on medication?
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Anytime I have a scheduled transaction towards my checking account, my wages are immediately garnished. However, last night was the real wake up call. After work, I came home drunk and let my stress get the best of me. I ended up getting in a fight with my gf about money, finances and utilities. Not wanting to face the pathetic reality that I have "sugar momma" for a girlfriend, I packed everything I own in my vehicle, parked it less than a mile away (incase I may have forgotten anything) and slept in it until the battery died.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Kinda interesting how even when I’m not feeling awful, tiredness still makes me ruminate and feel angry. Hm. I wonder if it’s the biological sleepiness or if it’s kinda a pavlovian response because I’m so used to having terrible feelings when I sleep? Probably kinda both. Anyway, how are you all doing?
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hi, I am 21 years old, I used to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety last year, but somehow managed to beat it and live like a normal person again. But from time to time, i have this weird feeling that I am gonna pass out or something like that, my face is pale and I feel this uncomfortable pressure in my eye balls, it happens when I'm at university during class or even during normal daily activities. I did some blood tests and everything is fine, so is this anxiety again?
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Apparently he was jailed before marrying my mom and he never told us until she found out later into the marriage. There's more into the story but I would like to know if I can file a charge on him for past incidents as well.... and I am upset that he is going to be charged for misdeamenor instead of felony. Since the victim (my mom) has enough evidences, it will be hard for him to drop the charges right? He has been avoiding the police so it took a while for the police to catch him but he paid for the bail and bailed himself out with a help of his friend. I just wished he would recieve a felony but he pleaded not guilty on the first court appearance and apparently there are more court appearances to be made befoe verdict is finalized....
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I see him in person 1 - 3 times per week, almost always at restaurants. If it matters, we've never been to each others apartment. It is in his lease that he can't have guests over (???). I've invited him to mine but it hasn't worked out. I have some abandonment issues from friends pretending they like me but actually secretly disliking me, so I have anxiety that he doesn't actually like me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I was cleaning my house with bleach, got a nasty burn in my throat when I woke up the next day. Day later it went away, but the day after that I got the worst body aches, chills, 100.6 fever, and dizziness for 2 days. It all cleared up but I have had this dry cough for 4 days now with no relief, it keeps me up at night, and I go into these coughing fits. What should I Do? I can't see a doctor for 2 more weeks as I am out of town on a job, i think I am a hypocongiract so ii worry a lot lol.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.