35 values
1 value
He said he had not felt that way before, suggeted I go rest and so ..TRIGGER AHEAD IF YOUI'RE A HYPOCONDRIAC LIKE ME: i decide to look up "feelings of doom" in hopes of maybe getting sucked into some rabbit hole of ludicrous conspiracy, a stupid "are you psychic" test or new age b.s., something I could even laugh at down the road. No, I ended up reading that this sense of doom can be indicative of various health ailments; one of which I am prone to.. So on top of my "doom" to my gloom..I am now f'n worried about my heart. I do happen to have a physical in 48 hours
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My mom then hit me with the newspaper and it shocked me that she would do this, she knows I don't like play hitting, smacking, striking, hitting or violence of any sort on my person. Do I send out this vibe asking for it from the universe? Then yesterday I decided to take my friend to go help another "friend" move to a new place. While we were driving the friend we are moving strikes me on my shoulder. And I address it immediately because this is the 4th time I have told him not to do these things, then my other friend who is driving nearly gets into an collision with another car i think because he was high on marijuana and the friend we are moving in the backseat is like "you have to understand I was just trying to get your attention" you know the thing 5 year olds do to get peoples attention by smacking them, this guy is in his 60's.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
until i met my new boyfriend, he is amazing, he is kind, he is sweet, he is a good student, he likes the same things as me, my family likes him, and so on... but i dont feel that passion that rush i felt with my ex, the truth is that when i started going out with my boyfriend i secretly saw my ex a few times to see if i really didnt feel nothing for him, but it was disgusting, i didnt even want him to touch me, i feel bad with myself i didnt want him, but still, i was there. then i kinda realized i felt nothing love related for him and it was ok, HE was HURT when he knew i was dating this boy and he even begged me to stay but of course not. but now the problem is that when im with my boyfriend i dont feel like i love him, like that thing you kinda have to feel with a new love, i just feel "ok" with him, and i catch myself thinking about my ex from time to time, remembering all the good things we had and it drives me crazy because i know that if i see him again i wont feel that way, that "love" that my mind makes me think stills there. and recently i found out that he has a girl and he is actually enjoying the experience and i got so mad and so hurt (i know i dont have any right to feel that way) i felt betrayed and I STILL feel that way, i gross myself out.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I am a domestic violence survivor who is still struggling, even after over four years. Lately I have been feeling very angry. Angry that my abusive ex received no real consequences for his actions. This man abused me in all manners: physically, sexually, emotionally, verbally, financially, etc. I was granted a restraining order against him (and it was renewed a year later) but I was unable to press criminal charges against him because I didn’t have enough evidence to have a case.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I think he doesn't want to put in the effort for the relationship to work (and we're both so difficult that we have to work on our relationships, doesn't matter with whom) but he can't be without me either. What should I do? I'm afraid this is gonna happen over and over again, because I'm always forgiving him at some point. Am I being strung along? TL;DR: Boyfriend [28,M] broke up with me [23,F] after on-off for 1.5 years, I thought we just got it together and am devastated...don't know what to do, want to keep fighting but should I?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
It cleared up and I was okay but. On Monday I was thinking about humans and how the brain works and it tripped me out I got worried that because I was thinking about how the brain works that I would lose sleep and I did. That night was bad just like last time. Also yesterday my sleep was bad I woke up like every hour of the night just like last time. I got kind of scared like I did last time but this time I think that this is fake life which is absurd but I just think about it then get really scared then I think rationally then calm down.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I actually give an assistant half my emergency fee to come help me sometimes. I feel unsafe driving to "house calls" in the middle of the night by myself. I frequently bring my husband along as a makeshift “tech” or when I feel unsafe, which is obviously unfair to him. Unhappy Husband: My husband is miserable both with his 60 minute commute and with our isolation out here in the country. We feel like we have no social life out here.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I just feel like the street life has fucked my head up. There's so much I don't even know how to talk about anymore, I just hold that shit. Only person I can really chat with is a pal I know at the bar. He has PTSD and shit from the military bad, hard up alcoholic nowadays after killing people.. We talk once every few weeks and we are open and it's cool. But normal people?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Next week I’ll be flying for our family vacation. The flights won’t be very long (just MSY to LAS then LAX to MSY on the way home), but flying really triggers my anxiety. Mostly I just like having control over myself and my surroundings, so the idea of being in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the air is not ideal for me. I also have a lot of fears about terrorist attacks/mass shootings (movie theaters and other crowded public places are also a problem for me). I was wondering if anyone has any tips for flying anxiety/fear.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Everything sets me off and I'm almost having a panic attack. I'm going to my dads soon and that also makes me anxious because I'm afraid that I'm not in the mental state to go there and I want to stay at my moms but he really isn't happy when I do that. Anyway when she complains or is feeling bad I comfort her and I've never raised my voice at her even when frustrated. When she thinks I disagree with her she raises her voice, I have to talk about what she wants to in general right now because she gets impatient easily. I feel like vomiting because she also has so many redeeming factors but I don't want to lose her as a friend.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I’ve been taking 12.5 mgs zoloft for about 6 months (yeah, super small dose .. but it was taking the edge off, i think). I decided to stop taking it for a few days to see if it was really helping. Now, about 40 hours since my last dose, I’m suddenly kind of shaky and also flushed (my cheeks are burning for no reason. And THOSE side effects are about to freak me out - do you think it is from my missed dose? Is it possible to have such a fast reaction?
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
No place in my city has shelter space for us, and I won't put my baby on the literal street. (I've been there before. Fine for new, but I don't want to have to go through that with a baby). What cities have good shelter programs for homeless mothers and children? I'd love to be able to make some calls and get on a greyhound between the 7th and 16th (when I'll likely be able to get the money to go).
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
These past couple of months have been the worst. My anxiety has gotten so bad it’s effecting my sleep and relationship. I’ve become so paranoid about my health as well. I don’t feel like me anymore and I just feel scared all the time now over every little thing. I don’t have money to see a therapist either...
Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I asked him three time what happened. And after the third time I cried and went home. Month later he still don't talk to me and he and my mother started fighting for the first time in the relationship. Me and my mother honestly don't know what to do, he just ignores me. I even told him that I don't date that guy(even though I date him) and he didn't even react to it.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
The sensation lasted hours. It seemed like a circulation problem, and I panicked and of course ended up in the ER again. This time a doctor came to see me immediately. He wanted to talk about my anxiety. He said he could run some more tests, but he didn't think it would help.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
It did hurt but didn’t leave any marks. When I lied down I kept coughing and today it feels kinda constricted like there’s a lump in my throat. I’ve googled and realised how serious it can be and now I’m terrified but scared to go doctor. What do I do I’m not calling police and I am not going to any hospital. I will go to doctor if they are sensitive about it
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
he still holds me back in life. he still finds ways to get to me. YET I STILL TALK TO HIM. and i always feel worse after i do. i've tried blocking him on social media, but he still finds ways to get to me.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Through work I have been in some dodgy situations abroad. A number of times my life has been at risk, and I've had to defend myself a few times. I'm a civilian and have only had basic weapon training. ​ We've always had an ex-military security contractor with us, but still had to perform aggressive roles when approached.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
If anything goes wrong, sexually, I want to cease to exist, and a lot of the time, I'm not able to do it out of sheer anxiety. I used to be a very soft person, and I hope I'm still kind, but now I'm quicker to anger, and I don't want to become an abuser. Basically... was I abused? Does that sound like something an abused person would say? I feel like I have the symptoms of PTSD.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I really don’t know what to do about this, and I’m wondering if I’m even able to get over this fear. A traumatic experience compounded it in me as a kid, and I’ve been experiencing it for so long that it feels like second nature. It’s lkkely so ingrained with me that therapy won’t do much good. I need some help. If anyone can offer some, feel free.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
November has been one of the worst months in a long time. My mom was in a car accident and has no idea how she's getting to work. A few days later my grandmother died and I didn't even have enough money to attend the funeral. I drove home to be with my family, and to drive my mom 5 hours to the airport. I spent a ton on gas and now money is tight.
Finance/Career, Loss and Grief
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Also the headaches. LOADS of headaches all the time. I’m so done. I hate this almost as bad as my brain constantly telling me I’m a POS. Anxiety is fun :)
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am really feeling like there are no good men. They are all just horrible to women. I think I would rather be alone than deal with any man again. Has anyone else felt like this? Did your feelings ever change?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
You can see the detail on my [update 2 right <url> and here's a link to the [project github <url> So I'm begging you here, literally begging you. If there's anyone out there who would be kind enough to give me a second chance to fix my fuck up and finish my degree, would you please consider giving me some financial aid via [my goFundMe <url> I'm literally in dire need of help right here and I don't know where else to turn other than the people of the internet :( ***Kind regards,
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Did I mention my parents are religious? I don't know if this is normal for religious people to treat. Whenever I tell them I'm terrified of being homeless they tell me I'm a "acting like a baby" and "get over it" my parents parents did not treat them this way. They're basically mad because they(I guess 30 or 40 years ago were different when they were my age? Because they said they both lived on their own at 17 and that they find it creepy I'm 16+ and they find it creepy being around me).
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But it's been 2 monthsalready this time. We didn't speak for Christmas or new year. I'm lonely, sad, angry at the situation (not angry at him!) and the worst part is not being able to talk or even know what's going on. We didn't fight before this so he's not angry at me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Sorry this going to be super long, I have a lot to say... Tl;dr... see title. It was constant up and down; one minute we were happy and he was being more affectionate than he has in years, the next he's screaming at me and calling me a whore. I get it, I broke him. I feel so disgusted and ashamed with myself but I truly want to spend my life with no one else.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
And it makes me more anxious which causes me to slip up *more*. It's getting WORSE though. I thought I could hold it down, this has been an ongoing issue for about a year or so and it has never been this bad but lately it's getting to the point where I can't even talk to my own MOTHER without freaking out over this shit. She came back in town from a very long half year vacation recently and I had to go to dinner with her because that's what you're obligated to do and I had to sit there and try and make small talk with my brother the whole damn night looking anxious as fuck... I know they noticed.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Our dog Jett has been diagnosed with diabetes and is now in the hospital to stabilize his blood sugar. Luckily, he seems to be doing well and he will be home with us soon. Unfortunately, his bill is large enough that we just can't cover it on our own (especially with our poor financial situation). We're being evicted from our home soon and trying to find a place with this bill is just too much for us by ourselves. [To help us with the bill, we set up a GoFundMe <url>
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I didn't do anything during spring break, except maybe go to work. And even then, I missed a day because I just couldn't deal with the stress. Most adults get excited to tell you they did absolutely nothing during their break. And there was a time when I enjoyed taking a break too. But now it seems like every time I have a break or a day off from work, it makes the stress worse.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I feel like I will never trust my own judgement again. 3) I fucking HATE being this person. I hate being a victim. I would never judge anyone else in my situation, but I can’t stand having to see myself as someone who was abused. My grandfather abused my grandmother her whole marriage and I always felt like, because of that, I would always be on the lookout.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hey everyone. I need a place to vent and place my feelings because I don't know what to do anymore. This evening while playing a boardgame with my BF and some friends, I found out my BF lied big time. Short: last year we decided that I would join him this year on his skiing trip with his friends (his idea). This wasn't possible in the end (or so he told me) because his friends didn't want to rent a cabin but go on a cheap student skiing trip.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I’ve been leaving lights on at night both in the main rooms and my bedroom. The fear is both physical and emotional. I’m so jumpy at work and at home. I feel like I’m seeing things everywhere and little waves of panic wash through me all day. I’m really just finding this incredibly difficult right now and needed to write it out I guess.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Why would you say that to me" and gets extremely offended. He continues on by giving me the silent treatment for 50 minutes and then comes in the room and tells me "You don't understand me. No one understands me. I give up. On everything."
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
She was already against smoking weed after college at first but now she seems to have moved to a stance where she's okay with me smoking weed as long as she's there when it happens, as in I could smoke with just her or when we're both hanging out with the same friends. I've tried asking her about it and genuinely understanding why she feels this way about it but she can't seem to describe it rationally, saying that it's a gut feeling that she gets that legitimately bothers her and gives her anxiety. She seemed very distressed talking about it and was almost at the poiint of tears saying that she wishes she knew why it bothers her so much but it does and she can't help it no matter how much she thinks about it or how much I try to explain it to her. I don't know how to explain this to her. I don't want to give up the option of smoking weed with friends but I don't want to break up with her over something like this because I love her.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm worried I have a blood clot or something that gets aggravated when I wear them. I just want to be okay and to have a good time on this trip, but I've been so out of it, and I'm at my wit's end. Right now I'm lying down and I feel blood rushing all through my head, and bulging of blood vessels around my nose. I'm extremely sleep deprived and woozy but I'm scared to go to sleep and am in pain. I'm so scared.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have PTSD from my sexual abuse, and this week has been really hard. Really, since Dr. Ford came out against kavanaugh and the fallout of it. Today, though, was really hard. I come home to see my father watching fox news and agreeing that Dr. Ford is a lying whore. His words.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
And I don't ask for the nightmares to drain me of all energy and make me feel worse throughout the day the harder I try to be normal. I was planning on seeking counselling without my parent's knowledge for this condition once I get to university and get settled, but now I'm wondering if I'm going to be told the same thing by a therapist there. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just people who share my experience or know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry if this seems kind of ranty or rambling, my thoughts are a bit of a mess and I'm not sure what to think. Thank you for reading all this, anyhow.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
i knew gay was humiliation. i tried bringing up to my dad, and he said he wouldn't care if his son was a fudge packer, nor would he care bout that son anymore. i then had to speak to the bishop of my church and tell him about me possibly being gay. my dad was in the back of the room and another man i had never met wa sitting next to him. He asked me if i had ever had any gay encounters.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I know every time I have panic attacks to remind myself it's just in my head, but it sucks when little things just make you feel like shit! Does anyone else get triggered by stupid things like this? ? I'm even just pissed at myself for now feeling mad at my mom, like don't you know not to tell someone with health anxiety that "they don't look right"?? Ugh!
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
In class, im always on edge, i cant focus on one thing for too long and i constantly scan my environment and I think they think im looking at them which im not. this also made it more awkward to talk to them. I been there for a month but im still very nervous around my peers and teachers. I know my teacher and the tutor there get nervous/uncomfortable around me, lately they haven't been talking to me much or coming up to me especially the tutor to ask if I need help which they did before, my anxiety has gotten worse and I probably look more visibly uncomfortable than ever so that why they have barely asked if I needed help or said much to me ha! yet seem more at ease with other people.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I know this may seem like a small thing, but to someone with these problems, it's a huge deal and to be at a store where you do not feel "safe" around your managers and you can't talk with them and grow as an employee, what's the point of continuing to work there? So I luckily got them to put me on 3rd shift. Minimal contact and I still get to work for the company. As I did mention, I have been struggling lately with some things: being slow with completing tasks on the work list is the biggest issue I believe. I'm not sure why I'm slow, in the past a supervisor has said "Yes you're slow, but you're thorough."
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I was consuming quite a lot of caffeine (up to 500mg per day) during the summer and I'm medicated with 18mg methylphenidate for ADHD. (I was rarely taking caffeine with methylphenidate together as there are a lot of side effects after doing that, one of them is anxiety and increased heart rate). I don't take methylphenidate now because of the high bp and my chest pains. I have an appointment to the cardiologyst but until then I'll have all my trial exams. I'm only 18 years old, is it really possible to have a chest angina at this age?
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But she says she can't stand hearing it because she's got enough on her plate as she actually suffers with depression herself. I do read other people's posts and think maybe I've actually had it easy. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating thing, but i feel like I need to get it off my chest. Anyway thanks for reading. ( sorry the post is so long ).
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm 24 and have massive amounts of stress going on with job hunting. I live with parents who are constantly on my back and getting angry with me for not having a job. They keep trying to help me by saying "oh this place is hiring and that place is hiring again." I have tried all places where I live and every time I don't get an interview let alone hired. Even if they have a sign up that they are hiring, they tell me "sorry we're not hiring right now."
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
When I was a kid, I suffered a kind of unlikely injury that basically ruined me mentally, and it seems like I just CAN NOT get away from it, because it's such cheap gory shock value that everyone uses it when they need cheap gory shock value. And if I'm not mentally prepared to see it I have a panic attack or just start crying. A fucking jokey homebrew cursed item on r/DND did that to me today, and I hate that my trauma is so bad that I have to stay guarded even when I'm just reading a funny thread about my favorite hobby. I'm still thinking about that fucking item. I'm so tired.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don’t know. Was this okay? Should I hate him? Or was it just something new? I really don’t know what to make of the situation.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Any tips for making more friends? Tl;dr: I've had very few friends throughout my life. Recently I've tried reaching out to a lot of people but almost all of them will decline my offer to hang out at some point. I guess maybe this has to do with how I am socially awkward in the past but I've also been told that I am trying too hard. Any tips for making more friends?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hello guys. This is my first post here. Ever since I can't fall asleep on a random night (few months ago) , I started getting anxiety at night and before heading to bed but everyday is different. Usually, when I get on bed n off the lights, my body started to heat up and i would sweat a little which makes me really uncomfortable. My heart would pound fast to which makes me anxious.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm completely devastated. My cat was just hit and killed by a car. I don't think I'm allowed to bury him in the garden (we rent) and I don't know what to do. I've searched online and found loads of pet cremation services but they all cost a fortune. I don't have a penny to my name as I'm unemployed.
Finance/Career, Loss and Grief
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Any help on how to stop ruminating? I work with some pretty toxic people and I can accept when people are ignorant and generally rude about my PTSD. I get it, some people are just really stupid and ignorant and won't understand how the assault affected me. But I spend WEEKS ruminating on all the things they've said, things they might say next... and the grounding techniques that my therapist suggests never stops it. How do you distract yourself from ruminating or arguing with people in your head?
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Through everything, I just froze and waited for it all to be over. Each time I petitioned her to stop, she would become very visible distressed. She spent a lot of time talking about suicide. During the school year, we exchanged letters every day at school that, in retrospect, sounded a lot like love letters from her part, but I chalked it up to a best friend love. I'd never been in a romantic relationship- I was 13 at that point, and didn't really know what that looked like anyway.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I got 6 stitches. My parents love my bf and in fact, my mom and him are so close that they go on walks and go to the movies together. I felt uncomfortable and unwanted by his family. To be fair, I was also a little closed off with them but mainly because I felt so unwanted. I have put on some weight, which I am sure his dad noticed because he absolutely hates fat people.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I've never spoken to anyone about my anxiety but I'm pretty sure I have generalized anxiety disorder. When I was young I used to be very bright and would take charge of projects and doing assignments. As time went on I became lazier but still fairly on top of things. When I went into college I suffered and things never clicked. Doing even the most simple of tasks or assignments were just so difficult for me.
Finance/Career, Life Transitions
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
This sends me into an extreme anxiety spiral, because I'd been seeing his mother almost every weekend for nearly five years, and she does this at the drop of a hat. I understand she was just trying to protect her son, but the level of nastiness was just insane. I had to get our old counsellor - mine and N's - involved to speak to her. She said the mother is taking things seriously. I don't believe it.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have four kids full time, almost a year ago their dad was removed because of substantial abuse. It's been incredibly hard making ends meet by myself and although I get rent paid, all other bills are stuck on the back burner. Our electric bill is over $400 and they're demanding $225 as a minimum payment. It's scheduled for disconnect today and I can't put it off any longer. I know it's a long shot but seriously needing a miracle at the moment.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I get anxious because I am worried about bad things that I think may happen in my life. Im worried about losing my job, my girlfriend might leave me for someone more funny, with a better job, that is more self confident etc. You think these things because you perceive yourself to have no value. I get so preoccupied with these worries and it constantly undermines my self esteem that it applies to other areas in your life, even everyday interactions, going to the store, these can be extremely stressful events. You're so unconfident in yourself that you have a million thoughts a second and constantly second guess yourself.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
(Hurt the ego, but whatever, I guess you're not always gonna be the hottest guy she's ever been with.) Then I found another thing that pretty much destroyed me - an e-mail to her high school boyfriend begging him to come visit her and have sex with her, because of how fantastic it was when they used to have sex. This was probably half a year after we had split up, and the implied comparison with me was pretty clear. Making matters worse is that this guy basically checks all the boxes on shit that makes me insecure - tall, douchey rich guy (in contrast to me - 5'8", not at all douchey guy with a good but not incredibly glamorous career). Anyway, these pieces of information - that she pretty much opened up to me sexually only when she felt threatened by another woman, and that she has clearly been with other guys who she's had much more sexual interest in than me - pretty much led me to the alternate hypothesis that it wasn't the vaginal pain and the birth control so much as her lack of attraction to me in comparison to past boyfriends.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
There's a TL;DR at the bottom for those who wanna get to the point this gets kinda lengthy. Hi, I'm 19 and this is my first time posting here and I'm hoping at least one person can relate. Before a few months ago I never had to deal with anxiety really, but out of nowhere it hit me like a truck. I guess what's been causing it is relationship issues, but mostly health anxiety. My first major mistake was googling symptoms I started having, not realizing that it was normal for anxiety to cause physical symptoms.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I've tried getting new glasses, but that didn't help. Blood work came back fine. I have tried medication but only helped with anxiety not focusing issue. Some days I just straight out can't focus. Luckily, when I'm on auto-pilot and distracted, I can get a lot done.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Sorry for such a jumbled mess of a post. Edit: I realize I never expanded on the dissociation or depression. Because of my dissociation, while he was being abusive he would often say things like, "You're just remembering wrong. (gaslighting/rewriting history)" "You have bad memory. That never happened."
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
But there you were, laughing and being affectionate with your newest victim. Same dark hair, same bubbly personality. She's a prettier, skinnier version of me. Everything you made me believe I needed to be but could never change. I was visibly shaking as I tried to remain calm in front of the new guy I have been dating.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My therapist says this is a normal behavior to display. Having been ripped from my children and left on the streets is very hard and i honeslty want to give up. But the anxiety swirls to the point i keep trying to find where i went wrong. It replays and plays in my head over and over like a horror movie. The feeling of wanting to die because at that point i had nothing left.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My chest has a different feeling. Before it would feel on fire and chaotic. Now it feels just wrong. Like I am in medical danger. I am a 26 year old woman.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He keeps going back to her. He even cleans up the messes she makes when she smashes his stuff. He has dropped all of his dreams because she doesn't approve of them. Sorry for the long post but it sucks hearing that he is in this situation and we just want our friend back so he can recover from this. He used to be the funniest and happiest guy around and now he is just broken.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My Father has been struggling with alcoholism for nearly his entire life, he hasn’t been in contact with myself, my mom, or my sister in years. I guess it all of sudden caught up with him, he past away from a heart attack recently. It still doesn’t feel real, but my girlfriends family has been nothing but supportive throughout the whole thing and helped me grieve through his death. Needless to say, I do not want to attend a funeral or memorial, because I’d like to remember the good times I had with him and not being up bad memories. I had a rough child hood, he cheated on my mother, he wasn’t a great guy.
Relationship, Loss and Grief
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I know there are a lot of bad stories on here about therapy. But I was wondering about good experiences. My own experience was six weeks ago. I slipped and went on s bender, I fell into a depressive, suicidal crisis. I phoned every crisis line that exists, for ten hours, well getting drunker and drunker.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Like the title says, I’m rapidly losing motivation. I recently switched collages to be closer to home, so I could be closer to family. And my depressive spirals are coming more often, mainly because of the lack of work I do. I always end up doing things at the last damn minute. My freshman year I tried my best, almost.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I barely slept in the hospital because I stayed up at night and listened for codes with his room number. I was terrified, constantly living in fear from the moment I awoke until about his 7th day in the hospital when he seemed clearer, and sat up with assistance for the first time. Fast forward to now. We are lucky to be alive, and we are injured. We’ve been robbed of a normal engagement, of the experience of moving in together, and that’s a grieving process...but my not what it was.
Loss and Grief, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Now I know everyone is going to maybe think it's from the suboxone but it or at least used to be one of the things that helped my anxiety. If I admitted myself I am afraid they'd admit me and make me go cold turkey. I am unemployed and looking for employment. I live with my grandparents. I'm a 28 year old male.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Strangely enough, I had buried all this. But when my parents also failed to realise that my sister was on meth and neglecting her children, who are very dear to me, it sort of doubled the trauma and now I have full blown trauma. I feel like my parents just aren't trustworthy. How can they live in such an oblivious bubble? I wouldn't put any faith in them to protect me now and feel that I'm in this world on my own.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I don't even know that I feel lonely. I was fine with all this until my boyfriend asked out of concern because he thought maybe I was depressed or something and pushing everyone away. Then it was like he knocked down a wall inside me that I didn't know was there and revealed a whole room full of cobwebs. I feel ashamed and defective and hopeless now. But I don't know what to do.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm a senior and I'm starting to go through the college application process and I just feel so overwhelmed. I haven't even finished my college list, started ny essays or supplemental or filed my FAFSA. Not to mention I'm doing EA so I have a sooner deadline. I haven't visited any colleges and me ecs are so bad. God I just want this to be over with.
Finance/Career, Life Transitions
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am so confused! Why is he playing these games? I have made it clear I want him back and to me it’s like he has feelings but is unwilling to say anything? TL;DR I’ve been dating a guy for a few months, we split up over a silly petty argument, since we’ve split up he’s been maintaining that he wanted us to break up but he’s checking in on me and asking what I’m doing. Is he just being controlling or does he have feelings still?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
“Either be my girlfriend or be out of my life” my fwb told me. I refused to be his girlfriend so of course, now we’re strangers. It’s breaking my heart. I want him in my life so badly, as a friend that is. We had a wonderful connection that’s hard to come by (at least for me) and I hate to lose that.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am ignoring him, that's not what this post is about. Basically, after all this time my ex has recently, decided he "knows" I cheated on him our entire relationship [I didn't], "knows" I'm this chick online who post XXX pictures of herself [I'm not] and has "reminded" me of incidences of our relationship that has literally never happened. Like, for one example *"...that time I called you from jail, and you cried b/c you were at a guys house and you knew what you did was wrong so you told me you needed help..."* yet he won't show me any evidence (it doesn't exist)... He's literally fabricating things out of thin air and claiming they happened. He isn't denying that he was an abuser, but he's saying like "You were bad too!
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm just scared to death. I have anxiety problems which are probably contributing to it. But he keeps telling me he'd never judge me for anything and my sister said if he's OK with a missing tooth, he should be OK with a gap. I'm worried he'll see me and change his mind about me and I don't know what to do. Should I tell him about it first or just see what happens?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
This has made me really question where I am and if I should be staying put. Sort of if where I was was right I wouldn't be feeling like this is now. I'm not thinking I should leave for the sake of being single to see someone else but maybe if I'm not as happy as I thought I should be leaving for me to have some time and space to do things on my own. Any suggestions reddit? **tl;dr my crush on my driving instructor is making me think about leaving my boyfriend**
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I have had the worst anxiety of my life recently. As a college student I am now falling behind in classes, forgetting about sorority events and not interacting with my friends. I am slowly losing my mind. My room is a mess and the only thing keeping me out of a mental hospital right now is literally my students where I student teach. I am exhausted of fighting to get out of bed everyday, shaking when I sit in class and just not talking to anyone.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
If I hadn’t have grabbed my toddlers head and pressed it against mine and ducked it would have hit us both. I was yelled at so much I could see the veins bulging in his neck as he swore at me and called me names. I held my hands over the children’s ears so they couldn’t hear. But at least he didn’t hit me. I was told repeatedly that I would be stabbed in the throat so he didn’t need to hear my voice.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I feel like I'm going to go insane. I can't stop crying or wanting to pull my hair out or screaming. I can't stop shaking. I'm on medications for anxiety and they help some but not much and not often... Ultimately, I know I'm not me anymore.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
Hi everyone I have GAD that gets much stronger/prevalent when I don't have enough sleep. Coincidentally, it also makes me unable to sleep sometimes, so kinda like a vicious circle. Normally, I don't really have that many problems with it but I just started a new fulltime job with a lot of responsibility and that triggered my insomnia and subsequently all the underlying fears. My doctor prescribed Xanax as a when-needed last resort but since I was really scared of withdrawal/addiction after reading up on the drug (it's not called Xanax here but alprazolam) I only started taking 0.5mg at night after really breaking down.
Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I am so sleepy and want to sleep so bad but the second I lay down it gets worse. My chest and stomach actually tighten up with anxiety and *all* I can do is think about Pippa. Now, what I did was irresponsible and I *should* feel bad about it. But this level of anxiety about something that happened 6-7 years ago that I can't do anything about now is insane. I tried talking to my family about it, but they even disagree on the basic premise that Pippa was even neglected.
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My current boyfriend wasn't right, just a figure of the coma induced illusion. The only voice that seemed remotely really was my best friend, she's one of the few regular poodle I still have contact from that time. After a hour of my boyfriend, my best friend and my other partner working with me, I slowly started coming to some balanced sembelrnce of reality. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep. My ex, who abused me for 11 years, might be waiting tight there for me again.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I know I should tell her my doubts, because I know she's gone through doubts before as well. But I also don't know if now I'm just second guessing because I'm just generally concerned about the future. Above all I just have no idea what to do. --- **tl;dr**: living long distance, dealing with chronic wedding anxiety and fear about impact of children, fantasizing about others, and hoping for insight from people who have been through similar experiences.
Relationship, Life Transitions
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I wonder what I would be like if I had gotten help earlier on. **Here's where I could use some input: I don't consider myself mentally ill. I hate the word. If someone asked me if I was, I'd deny it but I know I have PTSD and I guess that does make me ill by definition. Will I be considered mentally ill forever?
None of them
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He has been my best friend since the first day we met, he treats me great, he is always loving, not at all selfish, etc. We rarely fight and have only had maybe 2 other big arguments which we worked out. I am just so hurt over what he said to me. Do I just let it go and move forward with his apology? Like I said, it’s not like either of us ever drink and the only reason we made it a point to drink so much was because I spent so much on the alcohol package for vacation.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I would like to leave there, but I'm terrified of a shelter. I'm also a semi observant Jewish woman. Most shelters won't help me keep kosher and keep Shabbat, both of which are important to me. The Rachel Coalition is for domestic violence only, so I can't go there. The NCJW shelter in the area doesn't accept the voucher welfare would offer me.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
It’s only happened 3/4 times recently but I’ve been putting off having sex and I’m constantly worried that my girlfriend doesn’t think I’m into her or that I’m losing interest, and so on. I’ve only just mentioned to her that I might be struggling with some form of anxiety. It’s a vicious circle at the moment. It’s almost as if I can’t relax and if I have nothing to worry about I create something to worry about. What do you guys think?
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
One of the couples has a four-year-old daughter. We live in a two bedroom apartment. I constantly have to do shit for these people. One of the wives scolds me constantly and tells me I need to show more respect for my parents. They leave needles out everywhere and when I inevitably step on one I'll probably end up with an STD.
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I hate the thought that even after my mom's death she still has power over me. Anyways, I've come here for advice on meds, specifically if this sounds like a good place to start. I used to just focus on the anxiety and insomnia acutely but never really tried to treat the source. I'm starting Effexor XR, Prazosin for the horrendous nightmares and continuing on clonazepam for panic attacks. Thanks guys!
Relationship, Loss and Grief, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
My father has: Keys to a fancy car, like 5 fancy bikes, an iPad, member of a fitness center, goes to the sauna regularily, other women... Needless to say, they should just break up immediately, right? Well, it should be that simple, but my mother resists for some reason. We had this situation countless times, where she was like, I cannot cope with this anymore, let's find another place to live in, until you find something for yourself, and when things are about to happen, she goes nah, I don't know... Which is so frustrating to hear after a while. Even more so, when he says things like HE decides when or if they split up.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
**How can I move to a more mature kind of love that is less focused on me and my fears, and instead more about him and our relationship? ** --- **tl;dr**: Feeling like I am being selfish and immature, mostly focusing on my needs of distance and validation and less on those of my LDR bf. Worrying about the possibility that we might not like each other that much anymore once we live together for a while.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I can't get fired because one she is in another department which doesn't break policy and I am in good working and personal relations with my direct boss and the one above him. --- **tl;dr**: Started having sex with a co-worker 8 months ago. Found out today that she is married and that some of our sexual partners were also married. What should I do?
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
and then proceeded to show me the video of the "dumb girlfriend" struggling to answer the question. Needless to say, I was pissed. I said I couldn't believe he would think it was possible that I might be that stupid. He insisted that he only asked me as a joke, and then I got angrier because in what world is questioning my ability to handle basic logic funny? He continued to go on the offensive insisting that he had been kidding, that of course he doesn't think I'm stupid at all, and how could I even think he would think that?
Bias/Abuse, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I also have no family. I was abused for my disabilities as a child, including murder attempts, so I cannot turn to my family for help. I have friends helping me with food and transportation because I am poor and disability aid is barely enough to eat a meal a day. I have food stamps that work for about a week or week and a half of groceries so that's already really helpful. I live in a small, worn down appartement with no heating and thays why I am so cold.
Bias/Abuse, Finance/Career, Relationship, Health Concerns
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I specifically told my father NOT to lose my money gambling. I'm not that depressed since I sort of expected this to happen, but I am still severely disappointed. I am literally continuing to lose respect for my own father. Of course, it isn't so much the money, but rather that he would do this to me when I told him not to. I fear that if this continues, my father will continue to waste away his own life as well as damage mine.
Finance/Career, Relationship
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
He came to the door, drunk and high on opiates (he’s an ex H addict, opiate rage is real), he told me, verbatim, that if there was a guy in the house, he’d kill him on the spot, no questions asked. That was a pretty easy night. I’ve spent countless nights barricaded in my bedroom because of his rage. His past is terrible. Grew up in gangs (Mexican Mafia) and molested at a young age.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just didn't need it. Long story short, something's flipped in my head the last couple of weeks and my libido is very much back, worryingly so, I'm not sure what to do with it lol. So we've had more sex in the past 7 days than the preceding 7 years....but it's still very much for him. I don't know what I want and I don't know how to ask for what I want. It's been so freaking long since I considered sex as a thing it actually makes me nervous.
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information.
The fact is that it is not very common, these numbers, from where I come from] tl;dr - unable to overcome girlfriend's past. In two minds regarding breaking up. She says she will die without me [already popped up a cocktail of pills once. Nothing happened.]
You are given a social media post. Your task is to identify the potential causes of a mental health disorder from the following list: 'Bias/Abuse', 'Finance/Career', 'Relationship', 'Loss and Grief', 'Health Concerns', 'Life Transitions', 'None of them'. Each post may have one or more causes. However, if the cause is 'None of them', it should not be accompanied by any other cause. Your response should only include the identified causes, separated by commas, and should not contain any explanatory text or additional information. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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