Can I Buy Auto Insurance Without A Driver'S License?
Technically yes you could purchase auto insurnace coverage without a valid driver 's license under certain circumstances only . If your license is currently revoked or suspended and you are at the end of the suspention or revokation period and need to show proof of insurance to have your license re-instated then you should be able to get auto insurance covereage . If you have not ever had a driver 's license or currently under suspention or revokation and not elegible to have your license re-instated immediately then you would typically not be able to secure auto insurance coverage .
What Is A Non-Qualified Retirement Plan?
Non-qualified retirement plans are not sanctioned for the tax deduction like qualified plans are under ERISA . Non-qualified retirement plans generally use annuities and life insurance . Annuities can be used in qualified plans , but life insurance can not . Non-qualified and qualified retirement plans using annuities , for an example , accumulate tax deferred , but the basis of a non-qualified annuity is distributed free of taxation , whereas qualified annuities are fully taxable including basis .
How Does Auto Insurance Protect You?
Auto insurance protects you in several ways . First , when you have an accident your policy will pay for the damages to your car and the other persons car . Second , when you have an accident your policy provides liability coverage to cover the other persons injuries . It is very important to make sure your policy has enough coverage because if not you can end up in court and a very large bill . Auto insurance also provides coverage for you if someone hits you and they do n't have insurance or have enough insurance . Again , it is very important to discuss your policy with an independent agent to make sure you have the proper coverage .
Is A Money Market Fund A Mutual Fund?
A Money Market Fund can be a type of Mutual Fund . It refers to a fund that invests in short term debt securities such as treasury bills -LRB- T-bills -RRB- , commercial paper , certificates of deposit and bankers acceptance . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Is There Life Insurance For Hiv Patients?
There is a new Group policy that individuals can purchase through a membership that comes with $ 10,000 in life insurance with the option to buy-up to an addition $ 90,000 in $ 10,000 increments . You must be working at least 30 hours per week and live in the USA . It is coverage to age 100 and can be purchased at any age as long as those requirements are met . It is very inexpensive compared to those Guaranteed Issue policies everyone keeps talking about . Contact me for more info or search ROCO Insurance for more information .
Is There Life Insurance For Hiv Patients?
There is at least one private insurance policy available for persons , with HIV , between the ages of 0 to 85 which should include most who seek coverage . The policy is whole life as opposed to term life . Thus , as long as you pay your premiums your coverage wo n't lapse during your life time . In addition , this policy provides for benefits up to $ 10,000 . There is a 3 year waiting period before the full benefit kicks in but if you pass during this 3 year period all premiums paid to date plus 10 % will be paid out to the beneficiary . Accidental death benefits can be attached to the policy which become effective immediately upon issuance of the policy . So , even within the first 3 years of the policy , if death is due to accident , the policy will pay double face value up to $ 20,000 . Finally , there are no medical exams , only two medical questions and there are no medication restrictions .
Is There Life Insurance For Hiv Patients?
Unfortunately , the only type of private life insurance that HIV patients can get is guaranteed issue life insurance . Guaranteed Issue policies are not available at every age , so there are some people who are HIV positive who may not be able to obtain a life insurance policy unless under a group plan through their work .
About How Much Should I Pay For Term Life Insurance?
A quick way to see how much you should pay for Term life insurance is to go to one of the website quoters that offers instant life insurance quotes and compares rates from many companies . This will give you an idea of the best rates available . Then contact the agency personally to make sure you are quoted the best rate for your particular health .
About How Much Should I Pay For Term Life Insurance?
This is a great question . What you should pay for a policy depends on what you can afford and what you can want in a plan . Do you plan to cover a house or cars if you expire or do you want to just cover funeral costs ? The premium will depend on a number of factors including your age , height , weight , amount of the policy , etc , etc , etc. . If you are in one of our states , you are welcome to contact us for help . Enjoy your day !
About How Much Should I Pay For Term Life Insurance?
I like to keep my answers very short and to the point . This way there is no room for misinterpretations . Always keep in mind that Term Insurance is for temporary purposes only : such as many will call it mortgage insurance to cover balance on your home for the remaining term of loan . While you are accumulating wealth during your working years whether it will be for 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years . So how much should you get ? Answer is , as much as you can afford in premium with a company that can offer a transfer to permanent insurance at a later day . -LRB- Keep also in mind that you also risk in obtaining an un-insurable sickness during these years , this is why as much and as long you can afford at the time -RRB- . Solutions to offer you : Talk to an agent of experience from a consultative perspective . And second , treat life insurance as planning tool as well as a form of protecting your investments , life , family and possessions while in debt with a goal of self insurability .
About How Much Should I Pay For Term Life Insurance?
You should never pay more than you have to . And to keep that as your motto , here are the factors so when you can go shopping you 'll be armed with the Intel to get the best deal . Term life insurance istemporaryprotection from life 's liabilities . T.E.R.M. = Temporary Expense Reimbursement Money . If you need istemporarythan term life insurance is for you . But term life insurance companies are not created equal . The top ten term life insurance companies for standard or better health and their substandard counterparts are the players in the market . Every other company is just taking up space on a spreadsheet . Your health will dictate the price tag you 'll pay , but keep in mind that there are benevolent life insurance companies who underwrite better the most and you could save a bundle if you shop the players in the term market . We can help with that .
What Are Good Rates For Term Life Insurance?
That 's a really tough question to answer . There are a lot of factors that determine term life insurance premiums . Every policy is unique and meets the need individually . Your rates are determined by age , build , health status , life style , occupation and state of residence . I highly recommend using an experienced life insurance broker who can shop multiple companies to find the best product and best price for your unique situation . Most of us do not charge for our expertise .
What Are Good Rates For Term Life Insurance?
Good rates for term life insurance are the lowest rates from a given carrier you can qualify for for the desired face amount and term length of coverage . The premiums for any life insurance policy are determined by the risk classification the carrier will approve you for . The better the risk class you qualify for , the lower your rates will be . The risk classification is dependent upon a number of factors including , but not limited to , your age , gender , height/weight profile , medications you may be taking , medical conditions you may be being treated for , family medical history , and any tobacco usage . Please note , every carrier has their own set of underwriting guidelines so , depending on your medical history , you may qualify for a better risk class with one carrier than another . This is why it 's important to shop the case among a number of carriers to make sure you 're getting the lowest rates for the desired coverage amount and term length - this does not mean apply to many companies -LRB- applying to multiple companies works against you -RRB- . It means review your medical background with an experienced , independent life insurance broker who can shop the case for you to determine which carrier will work best for your medical history and offer you the lowest rates . Insurance brokers do not charge any fees for their input so you can only help yourself by speaking with one . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your life insurance coverage , provide quotes , and policy comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Can I Reduce My Auto Insurance Premiums?
You could reduce your auto insurance premiums in many different ways . You could raise the deductible that you have on your comprehensive and collision coverages if you are carrying full coverage on you policy . You could lower the amount of coverage that you have on the policy . If you do n't already have your homeowners and auto policies with the same carrier you could look at having both policies with the same carrier to receive extra discounts . Talk to your local agent and they can help you possibly find ways to lower your rate .
Is Term Life Insurance Better Than Permanent Life Insurance?
Video Transcript : Hello everyone , I 'm Steve Savant , syndicated financial columnist and host of the weekly online talk show Steve Savant 's Money : The Name of The Game . I 'm answering questions from and today 's question is , `` Is term life insurance better than permanent life insurance ? '' Well , did you hear the two words in there ? One is term and one is permanent . When I 'm looking at term insurance , I 'm looking at obligations . I 'm looking at liabilities that I may that are temporal that they are not forever . And so I 'm going to look at term insurance to cover those ideas , those indemnification needs , and if I have permanent needs them I 'm going have to look at different forms of life insurance that are permanent . It could be Par Whole Life . It could Current Assumption UL . It could be Indexed Universal Life . It could be Variable Life , depending upon what my propensity for risks are , but I 'm always looking , is this a temporary expense reimbursement ? Or is this a permanent need that will never go away ? It 's never not is term insurance better or worse than permanent ? It 's the issue of the need . Well , that 's our consumer question for the day . If you have any questions just submit them to .
Is Term Life Insurance Better Than Permanent Life Insurance?
Is term life better than whole life ? Well , short answer is NO . Term life works best for short term needs , not long term needs . Whole life works best for long term needs and not short term needs . So the answer has to be prefaced with how long do you need the insurance ?
Is Term Life Insurance Better Than Permanent Life Insurance?
If ALL you are looking at is Price , then Term insurance , being a good deal less in price for the same amount of permanent insurance would be `` better '' . However if you 're looking for VALUE , Whole Life is far far better than Term ! There are several types of `` permanent '' insurance as Steve noted above . However Whole Life , -LRB- or `` Par Whole Life '' -RRB- , is the only one that truly guarantees level premium and guaranteed no downside risk to the cash value of the policy . And I would add that the best value in Whole Life Insurance is that which is purchased through a Mutual company that pays dividends to the policyholders .
Does Aaa Have Life Insurance?
Yes , AAA -LRB- American Automobile Association -RRB- does offer life insurance . In order to compare AAA 's life insurance prices to the quotes from other companies , visit a website that offers instant life insurance quotes . Be sure to compare `` apples to apples '' , such as guarantees and prices at the actual health rating that you will be rated with each company .
Does Having A Baby Change Auto Insurance?
It does n't but I guess it really should . Babies are more of a driving distraction than cell phones . Those little muchhkins have all the noise distractions of a loud car radio combined with the visual distractions similar to texting while driving . Plus they can assult your sense of smell and even throw unsavory things at the driver . If things were truely fair , babies would raise your insurance rates ... but they do n't . IF you have the correct car seats and always use them , you should never have a rate up for having a baby . Better off ... leave them home with dad or grandma and keep your eyes on the road .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Defective Shingles?
Homeowners insurance does not cover defective workmanship . Now in the case of your shingles if you had a wind storm for example and water leaked in your home the insurance company would pay for the damage to the dwelling . Upon discovery you have faulty shingles , you the homeowner , would be obligated to replace those shingles , not the insurance company . In pretty much every case I have seen if the shingles are not replaced you would be non renewed by the insurance compnay as the insurance company does not want to pay another claim due to faulty shingles .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Defective Shingles?
Mark is correct in that your policy would not cover defective workmanship ; that 's an issue you would need to take up with the contractor , assuming that you hired the contractor to install the shingles -LRB- as opposed to purchasing a home with a new roof -RRB- . If the issue is a defective product installed by a contractor , that would fall back on the contractor 's insurance , which covers products and completed operations .
What Is The Best Life Insurance In Nebraska?
There are many great life insurance companies that are licensed in Nebraska . Considering how small our state is , there are also a large number of life insurance companies headquartered , or with regional offices , here . Just a few are Assurity Life , Berkshire Hathaway , Lincoln Benefit Life , Mutual of Omaha , State Farm , and Woodmen of the World .
What Is The Best Life Insurance In Nebraska?
There are several online life insurance brokerage portals that maintain extensive search engines to display premium comparisons between the leading life insurance companies in the U.S. . The data input requires the state you live in to generate quotes.With the exception of the state of New York , the premiums differ little from state to state .
Can A Nurse Practitioner Bill Medicare?
Yes , The Balanced Budget act of 1997 loosened the guidelines a bit to allow a nurse practitioner the ability bill medicare separately and independently from a physician as long as certain criteria are being met . 1 . They are considered physicians ' services when furnished by an allopathic or osteopathic physician . 2 . Services are provided by a person that meets the definition of a nurse practitioner . 3 . They are not otherwise excluded from coverage by law . 4 . Services are performed in collaboration with a physician . 5 . State law must allow the services to be performed by a nurse practitioner .
What Does Homeowners Insurance Provide?
A homeowners policy is a legal contract . Your part is to pay the premium . The company guarantees to pay for damages to your property , both the residence and the contents when the damage is the result of specified perils -LRB- i.e. fire , wind etc. -RRB- up to the limits of the policy . There are specific perils that are excluded , most notably , flood and earthquake . There are also limits to recovery for certain types of property -LRB- i.e. fire arms , and Jewelry . -RRB- The policy also provides legal defense and payment of claims against you for personal injury and bodily damage lawsuits . The coverage is limited by the policy declarations . There are additional coverages such as debris removal , loss of rents , and others .
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Offer Life Insurance Products?
Some Blue Cross plans will write life insurance , usually through a sister company . In South Carolina life insurance policies are issued through Companion Life Insurance Company . In Georgia , life insurance policies are written by Greater Georgia Life Insurance Company , Some Blue Cross companies are stock carriers , others are mutual , and a few are not-for-profit companies .
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Offer Life Insurance Products?
Not usually directly . The Blue Cross Blue Shield companies I work with offer group life insurance through subsidiary companies . Usually group term life with accidental death and dismemberment coverage . I do n't know of any BCBS companies that directly offer life insurance as it may be against their tax status or state insurance regulations .
Does Home Insurance Cover Animal Damage?
The best answer I can provide is maybe . It really depends upon what damage is done by the animal and if it is your animal -LRB- i.e. pet -RRB- or a wild animal . Your animal & physical damage to your home : more than likely not , unless your carrier offers an endorsement against owned pet damage . I personally have never heard of this type of coverage , but that does n't mean it can not be found in the surplus lines market . Your animal & physical damage to another person or another home : sometimes yes . I say sometimes because if you have a breed of animal that is notorious for attacking people or causing damage your homeowners insurance will exclude it . However , if you have a breed that is typically docile and it randomly attacks a person or damages another person 's property your liability coverage will take care of it . Wild animal : more than likely not . If it is a rodent/pest then there is more than likely an exclusion in your policy . However , this exclusion might be something you could buy back -LRB- i.e. get coverage for -RRB- so check your policy . If it is something not considered a rodent/pest then it is very doubtful you have any coverage . I hope this helps .
How Much Does An Agent Make On Life Insurance?
That is an excellent question ! Insurance agents do not draw paychecks like normal people . They are paid a portion of what policies they are able to sell , and that amount is called a `` commission '' . The amount of that commission will depend upon the agents ' contract with the company , and upon the product that has been sold . There are also small payments made annually called `` residuals '' that are paid when people keep their policies in force over the years . This income can be very lucrative , if you are a good salesperson , and are very active in your sales work . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
How Much Does An Agent Make On Life Insurance?
The short answer is it depends . There are many factors that goes into a life insurance agents paid commissions . There are different commission rates with different carriers . The main factor is how hard the agent works . If he or she writes a lot of business , then they will make a high 6 figure income and some make 7 figures . If they are not hard working aggressive folks then they will make a low 5 figure income or fail all together . It is a great living for the person with a good work ethic , high morals and character and the willingness to learn constantly .
How Much Does An Agent Make On Life Insurance?
This really is to broad of a question to answer . It depends on the agent 's contract with that particular carrier . Different carriers pay different amounts for different types of policies , and for different agents for those carriers . The one thing you can be sure of though is if an agent is selling a life insurance policy , they are getting paid for it .
What Is True Term Life Insurance?
What is `` true term life insurance '' ? Annual increasing premium term insurance is what fits the definition of true term life insurance . Annual increasing term is a one year premium , each year a new premium is created and year after year th cost rises to reflect the true cost of insurance . With AIPT you only pay for the actual premium for that period of time . There is no extra premium applied to be held in reserve to balance the cost . What most people , even the people who blast permanent insurance do n't realize is level term is a form of permanent insurance . Just a different time frame for the product . You overpay early to underpay later . The overpayment is invested early to help with the cost later , just like permanent .
How Much Is Good Health Insurance?
Good health insurance is a lot less expensive than bad health insurance . There are many bad policies out there . Some masquerade as health insurance but are really limited benefit plans or worse , just a discount . Some plans are major medical but only cover hospital inpatient care . Others may cover generic drugs only and maybe a few brand name drugs . If you buy one of the bad plans you wo n't have a problem until you really need it , then you will find out just how expensive the plan really is .
How Much Does An Auto Insurance Broker Make?
Great question . An insurance broker or agent makes their living on selling and servicing insurance policies . They make a small percentage on the sale of the new policy . it veries from each compay on the compensation rate agents make . Also it depends if they sell auto , home or life insurance .
How Much Does An Auto Insurance Broker Make?
I will supposed you are asking yearly income of an insurance Broker . The income is based on your effort and development and execution of your marketing plan . A broker can make any where from several thousand dollars a year to several millions a year if they are whole seller or specialize in large commercial accounts
When I Can Withdraw Money From My 401K?
Most people would want to wait until they are at least 59 1/2 years old to withdraw money from their 401k because that is the age when penalty free withdrawals can be taken . You can take withdrawals earlier , but there will be a 10 % penalty for early withdrawal . There are exceptions to the 59 1/2 age requirement : You become totally and permanently disabled . You terminate employment through permanent layoff , termination , quitting or taking early retirement in the year you turn 55 , or later . Pay for medical care up to the amount allowable as a medical expense deduction in the same year as the medical expense was incurred . Your withdrawal is a response to a qualified domestic relations order . You are required to begin 401k withdrawals by April 1 of the year following the year in which you turn 70 1/2 . Regardless of when you take your withdrawal from your 401k , the amount you take out will be taxed as ordinary income for that tax year . You should always seek out a qualified financial professional for help in these situations prior to taking action .
How Long Should You Keep Life Insurance?
If you have a Permanent life insurance policy that is is paid up , has cash value that continues to grow , and you do n't need the money now , you should probably keep it until death . If your policy is not building up as much cash value as you had hoped , you could review it with a trusted agent to see if there are better options , and get a projection of values of the policy so that you can make an educated decision . If Term insurance , you should keep it as long as you need it , or until the term ends . It is expensive to keep Term insurance past the date of the term 's end . So if you still need coverage at that time , either convert your policy to Permanent , or purchase a new Term policy before it reaches that point of exorbitant premiums .
When To Stop Long Term Disability Insurance?
Traditionally , long term disability coverage extends to age 65 . The older an executive is , the more important disability benefits are . Morbidity events increase with age , terminating coverage or considering the termination of coverage is a bad statistical move in light of mid life disability occurrences . Disability insurance should continue to retirement .
Why Does My Landlord Want Me To Have Renters Insurance?
I think that there are two reasons . The landlord wants you to understand fully that he is not responsible for your personal property that is in the rental unit . He is saying , if there is a fire and your things are destroyed , you are responsible , not the landlord . The second reason is liability for personal injury and property damage . If someone is injured in the unit you are responsible and need insurance to protect yourself .
Why Does My Landlord Want Me To Have Renters Insurance?
That is a great question ! There are a couple of reasons , one that favors you , and one that favors them . They want you to have renter 's insurance because it provides you with protection in the event that something were to happen that might cause you to suffer a loss of property . It also protects them , as it helps lower their insurance risk , and thus their bill . Thanks for asking !
Does Life Insurance Go On Your W2?
According to , $ 50,000 or less of group-term life insurance that is carried directly or indirectly by the employer -LRB- meaning the employer pays for some or all of the life insurance for employees OR arranges for the premiums paid by at least one employee to subsidize the premium for at least one other employee -RRB- , does not have any tax consequences . Life insurance coverage over $ 50,000 that is carried directly or indirectly by the employer , will include on the W2 the amount of the premiums that is taxable to the employee . A policy that is not carried directly or indirectly by the employer has no tax consequences to the employee .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
You know , and maybe it is just a difference in interpretation , but I have never looked upon Life Insurance as an investment vehicle . Life insurance is designed to provide financial protection for you in the event that you die early . It is a legacy of love that you can leave for your family . That having been said , permanent forms of Life Insurance do provide some level or type of cash accumulation that grows over the years and is not taxable so long as the proceeds stay in the policy . That along with other investment vehicles can provide a nioce growing nest egg while the real benefit of the Life Insurance is to protect that .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
For a single premium a life insurance company will give your beneficiary thousands of times as much money . That seems to me to be a good investment . The discussion of the value of insurance as an investment comes from the fact that cash value life insurance has deferred taxation . That feature can be beneficial but under few circumstances will the total investment in a whole life policy equal the face amount or death benefit . It is quite frequent that your beneficiary will receive much more than the sum of your deposits .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Excellent question . Life insurance can be a great investment if it is used properly . Insurance , unlike stocks , has a guaranteed value . There are even some that will increase with inflation or as the stock market increases . It is very important to consider your current situation and determine if life insurance is the best investment for you . A financial advisor can help you look at all of your options .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Video Transcript : Today 's question is , `` Is life insurance a good investment ? '' Well , that 's a very controversial question . Depending upon what form of cash value life insurance you use , you could be using a participating whole life , you could be looking at current , assumption , interest rate , universal life , index universal life or variable life . All of those four different platforms require you to do a financial profile to make sure you understand your investment risk and the time horizon , which are very important to use this . They have tax advantages , there 's no doubt about that , but you need to make sure that you 're suitable for these products . Is it a good investment ? If it 's configured right , it can be great . If it 's not done correctly by design , it 's not going to really be a good deal . So , if it 's done correct , it could be a great supplemental part of your retirement plan that can really help you in your golden years and during your retirement period .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Is life insurance a good investment ? Well , it depends on if it fits your risk profile . I consider whole life insurance to be a part of my investment plan as whole life insurance offers a safe rate of return , ca n't go backwards in a down market and protects my family if I die before retirement . My whole life actually protects in retirement as when I die . That said , you will find whole life is absolutely the most boring financial product ever . Simply it does what it says it 's going to do , with no surprises along the way . Other investments shoot up , shoot down , stay flat and even fail . All which makes for great conversations over a beer . Life insurance ? Well , very few people brag about steady .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Good question and here 's the blanket answer : YES ! Life insurance is like buying future money at a big discount . However the type of life insurance and subsequent events play a big part in just how good the investment turns out . For example if you buy a Term policy and you do n't die before the term expires you 've only benefited the insurance company . Good investment for THEM . If you buy a Whole Life policy with a Mutual company that pays dividends then it is the safest , surest investment available to grow your wealth tax-free ! Every seminar I 've attended , the speakers have all said that their whole life policies have been their best investments because they have no downside risk and just continue to grow their cash value and without having to pay taxes on the gains .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
One reason that life insurance can be a good investment is because it is safe . Life insurance that has been tucked away can be a source of great comfort and surprise to survivors . Unlike other investments that have strict tax guidelines to follow , a forest of paperwork arriving in the mail , and the constant need of evaluation , most life insurance policies are pretty steady and low maintenance . And sometimes slow but sure is a good type of investment to have .
Is Life Insurance A Good Investment?
If a life insurance policy is designed for cash value accumulation , it can be a good savings or investment depending upon the crediting method of the policy : dividends with participating whole life , interest rates with current assumption universal life , indices with indexed universal life and separate sub accounts with variable universal life . The design of the policy must minimize the death benefit and comply with TAMRA to maintain the non modified endowment status of the contract . The accounts accumulated tax deferred and if the policy is kept in force for the life of the policy insured , withdrawals of basis and policy loans of gain can potential generate tax free income .
What Life Insurance Is Best?
The short answer is : it depends on the need . Term insurance is ideal for short term protection -LRB- e.g. paying off a mortgage or providing income in the event of an early or unexpected death -RRB- . Permanent insurance is ideal for long-term safety net protection , estate planning , retirement planning . Many people buy both types of coverage - some permanent to protect against the future after other debts are paid off and some term to cover time-limited debts -LRB- such as a mortgage , car , etc. -RRB- . Term insurance provides more bang-for-your-buck up front , but it 's only for a short period . Permanent insurance allows you to pay the same premium for the rest of your life without having to worry about it going up in the future . A brief description of the two types of coverage are as follows : Term life insurance guarantees the premiums will remain fixed for a specific number of years -LRB- 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . Once the initial period of premium guarantee expires , the program changes to either annual renewable term insurance with premiums increasing each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- or the premiums remain the same and the death benefit decreases each year -LRB- this structure can be seen on term insurance that is featured on a universal life chassis . There is no cash value build-up in term insurance . Permanent life insurance is designed to provide coverage for the rest of the insured 's life and build cash value . Under a guaranteed universal life -LRB- GUL -RRB- program , the policy can be structured to keep premiums level and provide coverage up to a specified age -LRB- e.g. to age 90 , to age 100 , or even up to age 121 -RRB- under the `` dial down '' process . Whole life features level premiums and death benefits and builds cash value at a faster rate -LRB- participating WL policies may pay dividends that can be used to increase the death benefit or decrease the premiums over time - non-participating WL policies do not feature this ability -RRB- - the trade off between this and guaranteed universal life is that to increase the cash value faster , the premiums will generally be substantially higher . For both GUL and WL , the carrier takes back the cash value upon the death of the insured , and pays out the death benefit proceeds . Therefore , GUL policies allow you to maximize your death benefit and minimize your premium dollars that you pay for the coverage . I highly recommend consulting with an independent insurance agent/broker to determine what policy benefit structure will best serve your needs , review quotes , and help you through the application and underwriting processes . Please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Life Insurance Is Best?
The short answer of the best life insurance for you is the one that covers everything your loved ones need in case of your sudden deathat the best price for your unique situation . I highly recommend using an experienced independent life insurance broker that can shop for the best products at the best price to meet your unique situation .
What Life Insurance Is Best?
What life insurance is the best depends on what purpose you want the life insurance for . The best way to answer your questions is to give an overview of the different types and then you can decide which one is best for you . Term insurance is the easiest to understand . You pay a specified premium for coverage for a specified term . Typical terms are 10 , 20 or 30 years . At the end of the term the policy renews at a higher premium for a new term until the policy expires . This type of coverage is temporary because the policy will expire at a specified time for example age 85 . Term policies are usually convertible to permanent insurance before before age 65 for example . Term insurance is best to provide the most coverage for a given premium today . Whole life insurance is as the name suggest permanent insurance with coverage for the whole of your life , It pays when you die not if you die before the policy expires . Whole life has a level premium and with some policies the premium can be paid up early for example 20 years or age 65 . The by-product of the level premium is a build up of cash value . If the policy is participating the build of cash can be even greater . Level premium , build up of cash , increasing death benefit and hands off management make whole life a premium product . It is regarded by many as the best . Universal life is a permanent insurance policy that can be in force the whole of your life if it is managed properly . The good news is the premium is flexible and you have a choice how the cash reserve is invested , The bad news is that the premium is flexible and you have choice how the cash reserve is invested is flexible , Universal life can be the best if properly managed . An independent insurance broker , who represents several companies could help you find the right policy at the right price . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
What Life Insurance Is Best?
What do you want it for and what to protect ? Is it for a temporary need , like until the mortgage is paid off , or the kids through school ? Or for your spouse at your death ? Term insurance can be bought for twenty or even thirty years , it is fairly low cost , but when its gone its gone . Permanent life will last to your death , and the premiums will not go up , it accumulates cash value , and can be borrowed against . If you stop paying for your term , it will be gone in 30 days , but with permanent , if you miss a payment , it can be paid from your accumulated value . Permanent can be either whole life or universal life . Universal can be tied to some stock index , and go up a bit more than whole , but may also drop to a certain point . How much risk do you want ? Your decision . Of course with indexed universal , there are some protections at the bottom end , which cost you some of the top end performance . Thank you . GARY LANE .
What Life Insurance Is Best?
That is an excellent question ! The short answer is the cheapest one that accomplishes the need for what you want it to do , in the time frame that you want it to do it . There are many different variables that would define `` best '' for you , and without knowing your need , health , and price range , giving you a specific company and policy would be impossible , or unfair , at best . Please contact me , and I 'll be happy to go through your specifics , and give you a more qualified answer . Thank you for asking !
How To Sell Life Insurance In A Bad Economy?
In a bad economy , it is very hard to save money . Expenses are high , interest rates are low , and investments are unstable . Life insurance has the ability to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars to survivors within years , months ... even days ... of someone taking out a policy and then suffering a tragic death . The cost is low and the policies are fully guaranteed . During a bad economy , life insurance makes more sense than ever .
How Does A Registered Retirement Savings Plan Work?
In Canada a Registered Retirement Savings Plan , RRSP is a tax sheltered savings plan that is not taxed while funds are inside the plan only when they are withdrawn . You are permitted to deduct your contributions to an RRSP up to a yearly limit -LRB- $ 24,270 in 2014 -RRB- . You can make contributions to your own plan , your spouse 's and that of your common law partner.Your individual contribution limit is included on your Notice of income Tax Assessment including an accumulated total of unused contributions that are carried forward . You are required to start taking an income from the plan not later than December 31 in the year in which you turn 71 . The income will be taxable . Different products or vehicles or accounts are eligible to be registered including mutual funds , segregated funds -LRB- Variable annuities -RRB- , stocks and GIC 's . This is a very basic summary . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name along with several others will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Will Auto Insurance Cover Unlicensed Driver?
The specific auto insurance policy will have to be examined to determine who is an insured , who is covered , and who is excluded from coverage . Some states have endorsements which exclude specific drivers or persons . As insurance is regulated heavily on a state to state basis , including your state in your question should assist those of us who answer to give you more specific information . This is too ` general ' of a question to provide a simple answer .
Is Gerber Life Insurance A Good Idea?
Gerber Life Insurance comes in the basic types of Term and Permanent , which are the types of life insurance that are offered by most life insurance companies . In that respect , getting Gerber Life Insurance , or any life insurance , is usually a good idea . To determine whether Gerber 's life insurance is best for you , compare prices and features with similar policies . If purchasing Whole Life , it is a good idea to talk to an agent so that you understand all the features and variables of each policy .
When Can You Switch Medicare D Plans?
Medicare Part D Drug Plans can generally only be switched during open enrollment -LRB- Oct 7th - Dec 15th -RRB- . The new plan would become effective Jan 1st 2015 . However , there are SEP 's -LRB- Special Enrollment Periods -RRB- , in which you can make a switch outside of open enrollment . Here are some examples of SEP 's ... You move outside your current plan 's service area , you become eligible for medicaid or a low income subsidy , you have Medicare AND Medicaid -LRB- Medi-Medi -RRB- .
When Can You Switch Medicare D Plans?
You can only change your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan during the annual enrollment period - October 15th to December 7th of each year . If/When you change your part D plan to another part D plan , the effective date becomes January 1 of the following year . To secure a new part D plan outside of the annual enrollment period , you will need a special enrollment period , have Medicare and Medicaid , or be eligible for medicaid and/or a low income subsidy . You can look on to see more information regarding changing part D coverage .
When Can I Change My Medicare Plan?
If you have a Medicare Supplement Plan you can change plans any time it benefits you . You do not need to wait for a certain time of the year . Most people will keep their Medicare Supplement Plan 2-5 years . However , over time all insurance companies will increase premiums at different times so it is important to have a working relationship with a independent agent that can review your plan . If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan than you can only change once a year which is generally October 15th - December 6th . There is a dis-enrollment period where you can go back to Medicare and look into getting a Medicare Supplement . That period runs from January 1st until February 14th . You can compare Medicare Supplement Plans instantly on our website at or give us a call at 1-888-407-8664 .
Is Axa Home Insurance Any Good?
Personally , I have been a broker for more than 32 years and I am not familiar with AXA homeowner 's insurance . A broker that handles AXA products will be able to quickly explain their products and how competitive the home insurance policy is . It may not be available in all areas . Good luck .
Is Car Insurance Credit Checked?
When you are applying for auto insurance coverage most if not all insurance carriers will do what is called a soft pull of an insured 's credit score . This soft pull normally will not adversely affect a persons credit rating . Credit score is only one part of the many factors that are taken into consideration when your rate is calculated .
Is Car Insurance Credit Checked?
In addition to a credit check , insurance companies will also receive a report from a company that keeps track of insurance claims from almost all companies . If you have filed a claim or received a moving violation , the information will be reported to this agency . This is done to help insurance companies accurately assess each individual . If you are turned down for insurance based on information provided by the agency , you have the right to the a report , just as if you are turned down for credit .
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need If I'm Single?
The amount of life insurance any person needs depends on your obligations and on your desires . You would want to have at least $ 25,000 for your burial or cremation and service , paying off bills , and payment for someone to handle your estate . If you have a mortgage and would like to give your home to a friend , relative or charity , you could purchase life insurance to pay off your mortgage . You could buy life insurance to leave any amount of money to a charity . A good place to start is using a life insurance calculator such as you find on . The calculators can jog your memory as to what needs to be covered and help you determine how much coverage to purchase .
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need If I'm Single?
You may not need any life insurance . Life insurance really depends on who would be responsible for your debts , if anyone ? Does anyone depend on your income except you ? Would any one bear the burden of paying for your final expenses if you died or is there enough money in your estate to cover those costs ?
Do You Need Car Insurance To Drive With A Permit In Pennsylvania?
No , you do not need to have your own insurance on the car you are driving . However , you DO need to be at least listed as a driver . Just like it 's illegal to drive without a license or permit - it is also illegal to drive a vehicle without insurance ! If you own your vehicle I can provide some free quotes at :
Is Gerber Life Insurance Worth It?
We carry Gerber , and find that it is very competitive for children and for older adults who are unable to qualify for other policies . Their guaranteed issue life insurance is especially reasonable for that type of coverage if you choose to pay it monthly by automatic withdrawal from your checking account . As with other guaranteed issue policies , there is a graded period where the policy only pays for accidental death , then after two years it will pay the full death benefit for death by any reason . If death occurs in the first two years , it pays back all premiums plus 10 % , which is a better sure return than you can get anywhere else . Where the guaranteed issue Gerber policy might not be worth it is if the insured person lives so long that the policy pays less than the premiums paid in . However , this type of policy is usually purchased by those for whom life expectancy may be shortened due to illness or weight . In my opinion , the risk of not having any coverage would be worse than the choice to purchase a Gerber policy and not need it until many years later .
Is Gerber Life Insurance Worth It?
Gerber Life Insurance Company is a competitive company when it comes to insuring children . And in fact , for older adults who have medical issues preventing them from getting Life Insurance elsewhere , Gerber is one of the options to consider . Gerber has been around for a long time providing insurance for children . Gerber is one of the many companies we represent as well . Hope this answers your question .
When Should I Plan For Retirement?
That is a great question ! The best answer is right away ! The sooner the better , honestly . Current wisdom says to live at your current lifestyle in retirement , you will need to save between 8-10x your current salary . If you 'd like to live better than you are now , you will need to save more . I can not stress enough how much better off you are if you start your retirement planning when you are young . If you need to start playing catch up , and would like some help , please drop me a line , I 'm happy to help , okay ? Thanks for asking !
When Should I Plan For Retirement?
In a recent conversation a retiring person told me that they had made the maximum contribution to their retirement program and to those programs available under the IRS code . This person had lived a rather conservative lifestyle but is retiring a wealthy person . It is never too early , it is a matter of will but the rewards are amazing .
When Should I Plan For Retirement?
You should plan for retirement as soon as possible . If you can start investing in your early 20s , even if it is just a few dollars per paycheck , you will have a big advantage over those persons that wait until their 40s before contemplating retirement . Be consistent , diversify and allow a full-time broker or financial planner -LRB- not part-time -RRB- help you .
Which Type Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
With a few tactical answers to a data collector , recommendations can be made . First what is your planning goal ? Is it an indemnification , income and inheritance scenario ? How long do you need to cover your financial scenario ? What is your medical condition , including smoking status ? Term life insurance provides temporary coverage for a temporary financial liability to indemnify your beneficiaries from economic loss at your demise . If that financial liability is ongoing beyond 30 years , youll need a permanent life insurance policy like guaranteed universal life or whole life insurance . If your financial goal is income , you should review participating whole life or current assumption universal life . Current assumption universal life has three crediting methods : interest rate , domestic/foreign indices or equity/bond subaccount . If your financial goal is to make a difference in your children , grandchildren , favorite charity or pay estate taxes , then survivorship policies for married couples and single policies for singles using guaranteed universal life or whole life insurance .
Which Type Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
What type of life insurance should you buy ? The type of policy that is the cheapest , and provides the best benefit for the longest period of time . That was easy . Well ... It really is n't that easy since term coverage may be best for certain individuals or families while a more permanent policy may be the best option for others . And sometimes , a blend of the two concepts makes the most sense . An experienced life insurance broker is a great resource for you . They will provide unbiased advice and explain your most affordable and cost-effective options . It 's also important to understand that your needs will change over time . So reviewing your financial portfolio is also very important , so that any current policies are not outdated .
Which Type Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
The type of life insurance you purchase is based on a number of factors . Firstly you and your agent should discuss your financial and personal goals and what it will take to reach them . Then he/she should advise on how much coverage and what type of insurance would meet your needs . So to answer your question , I do n't know . It depends on what your goals are and how far you are away from them .
What Is Covered Under Medicare Part F?
Medicare supplement plan F covers Medicare approved Part A and Part B expenses . As you probably know , Medicare had deductibles and coinsurance . Medigap plan F is designed to pay your out of pocket expenses in full for claims approved under Medicare Part A and Part B. Plan F is the most oversold and most expensive of the Medigap plans .
Is Life Insurance An Annuity?
No , life insurance is not an annuity , even though both life insurance and annuities are sold by life insurance companies . Life insurance is usually purchased to provide for others after the insured person dies . Annuities are usually secured to provide for income while the insured person is still alive . However , life insurance can also provide income while the insured person is alive , and annuities can be saved to provide for loved ones after the insured person 's death . Also , life insurance proceeds can be collected by the beneficiary in installments , as in an annuity . So there is some overlap , but they are not the same product .
Is Life Insurance An Annuity?
The insurance companies that issue life policies often issue annuities as well . Actuaries use data to compute rates and benefits for the life policy . Then they use almost the same data to apply to the annuity . The products are actually opposites . A life insurance policy protects against premature death . An annuity protects against living to long and outliving your resources . The life insurance policy starts with a small premium and promises a very large death benefit . The immediate annuity starts with a large premium and promises a lifetime income .
What Is Medicare Share Of Cost?
Medicaid share of cost is a special kind of Medicaid program used in only a few states . I am not aware of a Medicare share of cost . Medicaid share of cost is for those who have too much income or assets to qualify for Medicaid . They have a share of cost factor based on their income and medical bills . When your medical bills equals your share of cost during the month , Medicaid picks up the rest of your medical bills for the remainder of the month .
What Is An Elimination Period For Disability Insurance?
The elimination period for Disability Insurance is the amount of time between the event of becoming disabled , and the time when the benefit starts being received . People choose elimination periods based on their budget -LRB- the longer the elimination period , the lower the policy premium -RRB- and on the funds they have saved up -LRB- if someone does not have over one month of income in savings , it would be wise to get a Disability Insurance policy with a one month or less elimination period -RRB- .
Does Nationwide Have Home Insurance?
Yes , Nationwide does offer Homeowners Insurance in addition to many other insurance solutions . I have represented Nationwide in CT since 1985 . Nationwide , like all other companies , file with the state Insurance Department in each state where they offer their products . You can check on line at to find a licensed Insurance Professional near you .
Can Health Insurance Deny Pre-Existing Conditions?
At this time they can . With Health Care Reform that will no longer be true beginning in January 2014 . No one can be denied coverage or have their rates increase due to preexisting conditions . You may also qualify for tax subsidies to help you pay for your health insurance if you fall below 400 % of poverty level . Open enrollment begins in October .
Why Should You Start A Retirement Plan?
Establishing a retirement plan is actually paying yourself first . Making regular disciplined deposits is an excellent way to save for your golden years . Many Americans only have Social Security , but they may very well be inadequate to fund a comfortable retirement , so you need to add your own personal plan .
How Exactly Does Key Person Life Insurance Work?
Most businesses have key employees who are impact players in the company . The company depends on their performance and they 're vital to the future of the business . Placing key person life insurance on them can protect the business from the death of a key employee and provide cash to recruit and train a new employee .
How Exactly Does Key Person Life Insurance Work?
Usually , the way Key Person Life Insurance works is that the employer or business takes out a life insurance policy on an important employee in the company , one that is vital to the success of the business and would need to be carefully replaced if he or she died . The employer or business pays the premium and and is the beneficiary . If death of the key employee occurs , the business has money to protect them from loss of production and solicit and train a new employee to replace the key person .
How Is Health Insurance Calculated?
After January 1 , 2014 individual health and small group -LRB- 2 to 50 employees -RRB- healthinsurance is calculated on a community rated basis . Essentially a rate table is established for each insurance product with a corresponding rate amount for each year of age for a person enrolled . There is a rate for someone at age 25 , and slightly different rate for age 26 and so on for each year of age . For carriers applying the pure age rating approach it is a matter of telling an individual your rate at this age is `` X '' amount of dollars , for someone covering dependents it is a process of adding the rate for the subscriber , their spouse and/or dependent children -LRB- up to a maximum of 3 dependent children -RRB- for their various ages and that it the total rate for the individual plus dependents . Dependent children over age 21 are added to the cost as an adult . This is the individual insurance carriers and most small group carriers are now calculating their rates . As you might guess , for small businesses this can result in employees with the same level of enrollment coverage -LRB- e.g. - Employee Only -RRB- having different rates which is a headache from an accounting and employer contribution calculation perspective . Some small group carriers do the age calculation that I have described earlier , divide the total by the amount of enrollees in each coverage class -LRB- e.g. - Employee Only , Employee + Spouse , Family -RRB- and come up with a composite rate that yields a uniform rate for each level of enrollment . How the insurance carrier has filed their products with your state insurance commission will determine which style of rates you see from different insurance carriers . However , the underlying rate methodology is the same .
How Can I Get Disability Insurance?
You can get Disability Insurance by corresponding with an agent that sells Disability Insurance -LRB- DI -RRB- . This is a product that has many features such as elimination -LRB- waiting -RRB- periods , exclusions , occupation clauses , benefit periods , cost of living riders , and minimum and maximum benefit guidelines . Only by contacting a reputable agent for your best solution and price can you come up with an affordable Disability Insurance policy that can be relied upon to provide the benefits you need , when you need them .
Does Home Insurance Cover Appliances?
Home Insurance may cover appliances in home ; there are 2 types of appliances , those that are fitted and those that are free standing . Fitted appliances constitute part of the Dwelling Coverage on the home insurance policy , whereas , free standing appliances may be covered under the Personal Property Coverage on the home insurance policy . The perils covered under a home insurance policy must be reviewed regarding the damage to the appliances . For example , Fire , Smoke , Lightning & Water damage may be covered on the policy which would also carry forward to the appliances . Regarding free standing appliances , the policy must afford coverage for Personal Property . If this question was intended for the reason of upkeep and maintenance of appliances , home insurance policies are not intended to repair or replace appliances due to maintenance and/or breakdown . Home insurance is intended for sudden and accidental losses which could cause financial hardship to the homeowner . If you wish to cover your appliances , you may wish topurchase a Home Warranty Contract from a small handful of carriers who offer a maintenance contract ; in this case , you will pay an annual premium as well as a Service Charge for each call when a repair company is dispatched to take care of a covered maintenance situation . If your question was indeed regarding perils covered on a homeowners policy , you may wish to contact your local agent and review the coverage on your policy or WEBSITELINK and we 'll be happy to review your coverage for you at no charge .
Where Can I Compare Car Insurance Quotes?
There are plenty of places where you can compare auto insurance quotes . The most efficient way is to get quotes with independent agents . That way , you only have to enter your information once and get quotes from multiple companies . But be careful of websites that do n't list an agent 's name , address and phone number ! Those are sites that simply sell your info to multiple agents as leads -LRB- meaning your phone will blow up -RRB- .
Can You Get Auto Insurance Without A Car?
You can . Check with your Insurance Professional and ask if a `` named non-owner '' auto policy is available . This type of policy provides liability coverage for you while you are operating a car that you do n't own . This type of coverage might be necessary if you are granted regular access to someone else 's car .
Can You Get Auto Insurance Without A Car?
Yes you can . It is a speciality type of coverage and a lot of standard companies do not want to bother with it , but your progressive , geico and other non standard or lloyds companies will . You will find it much easier to obtain this coverage through an independent insurance agency , particularly one that specializes in that type of market .
How Can You Cash In A Life Insurance Policy?
To cash in a life insurance policy , you can call the life insurance company and request a form to terminate your policy . They will instruct you on your choices , but it is far better to talk to a trusted agent , first . Cashing in the policy may not be the best option and there are more avenues than you might realize , that could save you money yet still preserve at least some of the death benefit .
How Can You Cash In A Life Insurance Policy?
If you have cash value life insurance you may have surrender cash value . These policies have surrender charges in the early years of the policy . So do n't be surprised if the account value is different form the surrender value . And keep in mind that you 're terminating coverage and that you may also have an ordinary income tax event if there is gain in the contract .
How Much Is It To Get Health Insurance?
It varies from person to person . Your age , where you live , if you use tobacco products , and if you qualify for a subsidy to reduce your premium will determine how much a good policy is going to cost . Under the Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . All of the plans offer good coverage . A silver or gold plan are your middle of the road type of plans because they provide strong coverage at an affordable price . I always recommend consulting with an experienced health insurance broker before you apply for anything . We can help you determine the plan that 's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Much Is It To Get Health Insurance?
How much is it to buy health insurance ? Here 's a brief original answer : It may be free , if you qualify for a full federal Obamacare subsidy . Otherwise , the rate will depend on your age , where you live and the type of plan you select . Smoking status may also impact prices . Allowing an expert help you get the best coverage for the lowest rate is critical . LIVE answer provided by : Ed Harris - Premier health insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated consumer websites that offer the lowest available rates .
What Does Suze Orman Say About Annuities?
The answer to this depends very much on when you asked her the question ! When she was a producer in the financial services industry , Suze was a big proponent of variable annuities . Now that she is a talk show `` money guru '' , she thumbs her nose at them . The truth is , annuities are n't `` good '' or `` bad '' -LRB- just like any other financial product -RRB- . There are good ones and not-so-good ones , but the product itself is n't `` evil '' . The key is to make sure that they are being bought/sold for the right purpose .
Who Buys Immediate Annuities?
In a very general sense , people who buy immediate annuities are often persons who want their money managed for them . They have a lump sum of money that they want to use as regular income . By putting it into an annuity , they receive their money back in regular installments , either for a period of years , or for a lifetime . At the same time , it is making interest for them .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Bicycle Theft?
It can , yes . Naturally talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy , but in most cases , you will find that there is coverage , subject to your policy deductible . In order to open a theft claim , in most cases , you will need to file a loss report with your local police and obtain a copy of that report for the claims professional . The claims person will also need to have a very good description of the bike , including color and serial number if you have it . Photos are a very good thing to have as well .
Who Is The Leading Auto Insurance Company?
The leading auto insurance company will vary , depending on the state you reside . Typically , Progressive , USAA , Liberty Mutual , Farmers , State Farm , Allstate , Nationwide and Esurance are among the larger carriers . As an experienced car insurance broker -LRB- more than 30 years in the business -RRB- , our job -LRB- we wear many hats -RRB- is to find the most reputable companies for our customers , shop the most affordable rates , and explain specific options to consumers , so they can purchase their coverage at the lowest available rates .
How Much Does The Average Life Insurance Agent Make?
Interesting . The average life insurance agent makes $ 50,000 a year . Most planners or advisers , who sell life insurance make less . There are only a small segment of the field force that makes six figure income from life insurance sales and those who do are generally life insurance specialists or do split case work . .