What Happens If I Cancel My Life Insurance?
My answer would be `` do n't do it unless absolutely necessary '' ! The reasons mentioned above are great , but also think about your health which will affect what you premium payments would be . Several health issues will affect your premiums : Smoking , if you quit for a year some companies will give you a better rate . High Blood Pressure Diabetes Many many others . It is becoming increasingly harder today to get an insurance companies best preferred rate . This is due to better testing and reporting by your doctors . So if you have a good rate on your policy when you bought it the odds are you wo n't qualify for that same rating several years later .
What Happens If I Cancel My Life Insurance?
Also keep in mind that if you should cancel a whole life insurance policy yet decide to purchase another later on , the cost will have increased . They unfortunately increase with age , so this is something to seriously think about . Also as Steve mentioned , you put your beneficiaries at risk .
What Happens If I Cancel My Life Insurance?
Canceling your life insurance terminates your coverage . If your financial liabilities and future obligations still exist , canceling your life insurance will put your beneficiaries at risk . If you have cash value life insurance and there is gain in contract , you may trigger an ordinary income taxable event .
Why Are Health Insurance Costs Rising?
That is a great question . While premiums rose nearly 80 % from 2003 to 2012 , they only rose a modest 4 % last year . While the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- did a nice job of reining in costs , and penalizing insurers who were wasteful , there were some inevitable shifting of services , and costs , and without knowing what exactly you are referring to , it 's hard to say . It seems like everything goes up in price from year to year , I suppose medical costs should be expected to also . Wish I had a better answer for you , but thanks for asking !
How Does Health Insurance Portability Work?
HIPAA is the health insurance portability and accountability act . When you lose your employer group health insurance coverage due to loss of your job , you have a guaranteed right to continue your coverage . Portability rights extend to all covered family members individually and collectively . Your `` portable '' coverage is the same plan as offered through your employer . Your COBRA coverage will expire in most cases after 18 months .
How Does Health Insurance Portability Work?
The idea behind portability is as follows : If a person has carried coverage -LRB- been insured -RRB- prior to starting with another health plan elsewhere , they should not be punished by having a pre-existing condition schedule applied to them as they have no gap in coverage . The idea behind Portability is wing walking , moving from one wing to the other without falling off of either plane . When you apply for coverage , the new provider will ask for a certificate of prior coverage . They will use that as proof and waive any pre-existing condition clauses on the new policy .
How Does Health Insurance Portability Work?
That is a great question ! In Insurance speak , `` portability '' means the coverage travels with you . The typical health insurance policy that is employer issued -LRB- a part of your benefit package at work -RRB- will not be portable , because it ends -LRB- COBRA notwithstanding -RRB- when your employment does . A policy purchased through the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- marketplace -LRB- WEBSITELINK -RRB- on the other hand is portable , since it is tied to you , and not your employer . As a result , you can switch jobs without having to re-insure each time . I hope that helps - thanks for asking !
What Is Philippine Prudential Life Insurance?
Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company -LRB- Philippine Prudential -RRB- is a 100 % Filipino owned financial services company . They offer endowment plans , whole life plans , group and permanent plans , healthcare coverage , education and pensions policies , and credit insurance . Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company was established in 1963 and is headquartered in Pasig City , Philippines .
What Is Philippine Prudential Life Insurance?
Prudential Life Insurance Company is a company domiciled in the states however the Philippine Prudential , best guess as I see from other companies , set this company up to be able to provide insurance and investments in the Philippine 's . Many large Insurance company 's will create other companies so they can work in other parts of the world , following the regulations which otherwise would not work in the states or other countries .
Is There Insurance For Web Developers Using Services Hosted By 3rd Parties?
It is common practice for it companies to use 3rd parties services in day to day operations , including 3rd party hosting . Your professional liability insurance may be covering your liability arising out of use of 3rd party hosting as long as there is always a written contract between you and your clients , with insurance stipulations , disclosures of your responsibility for use of 3rd party products and services , warranties and hold harmless agreements . The best way to find out is to call your insurance carrier claims department and ask them a `` what if '' question . For example , what if a 3rd party hosting vendor fails and this results in financial loss for me and my client . Am I covered ?
Can Health Insurance Companies Drug Test You?
When applying for health insurance underwriters can request labs or blood testing based on a persons medical background and history in order to calculate the risk in insuring that person . The insurance company reserves the right to accept or declinea person if illegal drugs show up in the labs . That said ; there will be no underwriting under the `` Obamacare '' state sponsored insurance exchanges beginning October 1 , 2013 and be prepared to pay higher premiums . Anytime you are in the hospital or your doctor requests labs all of your medical information is reported to the medical information bureau . Insurance companies can get access to that information when you apply for health insurance .
What Is Disability Insurance For Individuals?
Disability Insurance for individuals is a type of insurance policy that pays workers a large percentage of their income if they were to become disabled for a long or short period of time . It goes to the persons who are disabled , to use as they wish . Disability Insurance can not replace 100 % of the income lost , but it can help the injured or ill person get through that time until they can hopefully get back on their feet and back to work .
Will Medicare Pay For Gastric Banding?
Medicare will pay for laparoscopic adjustable gastric band if the following three conditions are met : 1 -RRB- You must have a BMI of 35 or over at the time of surgery ; 2 -RRB- You must have a qualifying health condition associated with your being overweight that losing weight through gastric banding would help ; and 3 -RRB- You must complete a 6 month Physician Supervised Weight Loss Program proximate to the time of the surgery .
What Renters Insurance Covers Bed Bugs?
The nature of a renters policy is to compensate you for damages that you suffer . An infestation of bed bugs might not meet the criteria of damages . The policy pays these damages for specified perils and insect infestation is either excluded or not included in the list of most policies . The renters policy is not designed to address routine maintenance issues .
What Renters Insurance Covers Bed Bugs?
Things like bed bugs and other insects -LRB- under the designation of vermin -RRB- are typically excluded from coverage under renters and homeowners policies . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Does An Annuity Have A Beneficiary?
Yes , an annuity usually has a beneficiary . Generally , if the policy has not yet been annuitized and the annuity owner -LRB- s -RRB- is deceased , the beneficiary will receive the annuity and can choose to keep it , cash it in , or annuitize it . There may also be a death benefit that is paid to the beneficiary at this time . If annuity payments have already been started being paid , then the beneficiary can continue receiving those . If the annuity was a life income annuity there might not be any payments made to the beneficiary unless some guarantees were built into the contract .
When Are Medicare Advantage Plans Going Away?
Medicare Advantage plans are probably never going away , but you can expect continued changes in the availability of such plans over the next few years . Congress has been steadily reducing funding for these private insurance plans . Reduced funding has been accelerated because of Obamacare . Expect fewer choices , smaller networks , higher premiums , higher copay 's and higher out of pocket going forward .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
Great question . Insurance lingo can be very confusing , especially when shopping and trying to compare prices . Here are a few words that can cause some confusion , and how us agents usually mean them . 1 . QUOTE = the price we think you will get based on what you told us . If you are looking for a medically underwritten policy and were not asked many health details , chances are that quote is not very accurate . You can also tell if someone is following a script . There are so many nuances in each person 's situation , that if you find an agent who quotes you more by experience and knowledge than `` if a , then b '' , my opinion is that you will get a more accurate quote and end up with a better rate . 2 . RATE = the price you actually end up paying . Another word is PREMIUM . This is your cost after all the underwriting has been done and your final rate has been determined by the insurance company . 3 . RATING = this refers to the health rating . Examples are Preferred , Standard , Table C . It is what you are rated after the underwriter reviews all your health information . I hope that helps . Feel free to contact me or post any more questions you might have .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
A quote , in short , is an estimation of premium you can expect to pay for your life insurance policy - the premiums can be paid annually , semi-annually , quarterly , or monthly . Please note , a quote is only as good as the information it 's based on . There are 4 main factors that determine the premium for the coverage - your age , the amount of coverage you 're trying to secure , how long you want it guaranteed for , and your risk classification . The risk classification is the MOST important factor in determining how much you can expect to/will pay for your coverage . If the medical history is not factored into the quote -LRB- e.g. you 're only running numbers based on someone 's date of birth and/or height/weight -RRB- , any quotes provided are pretty much meaningless because they do not provide an accurate representation of what you can expect to be approved at . To provide a little background on risk classes : every life insurance company has different underwriting guidelines that determine what risk class an individual qualifies for . Since every company has different guidelines for qualification , one might offer a better risk class than another based on the aforementioned information , resulting in a lower premium for the same coverage . The different risk classes someone can be assigned by a carrier are : Preferred Plus -LRB- sometimes seen as Preferred Elite -RRB- this means the proposed insured is typically in superior health , normal height/weight profile , no chronic illnesses , lab results within normal range , no immediate family members died from heart disease or cancer before age 60 . Preferred this means the proposed insured is in excellent health . Height/weight may be a little over the most preferred range , treatment for high blood pressure or high cholesterol usually acceptable , lab results normal or slightly abnormal . Standard Plus - this means the proposed insured 's health is better than the average . Height/weight may be higher than normal . Standard - this means the proposed insured is in average health and has a normal life expectancy . Height/weight may be on the high side , possible treatment for several minor conditions , one or more parents died from heart disease/cancer before age 60 , slightly elevated lab results -LRB- such as higher than normal blood pressure or cholesterol -RRB- . Substandard - this means the proposed insured has a below average life expectancy -LRB- commonly seen as high risk life insurance -RRB- . Height/weight may be considered obese , treatment for chronic illnesses or major health conditions -LRB- such as prior heart attack , cancer , diabetes -RRB- , abnormal lab results . Substandard ratings are expressed as a table rating , usually designated as Tables A-J or 1-10 . Each additional table increase is usually a 25 % increase over the standard risk class rates . Tobacco user risk classes are preferred smoker , standard smoker , and substandard smoker . There is no preferred plus or standard plus risk classification for tobacco users . It 's best to consult with an experienced life insurance broker who can shop your case among multiple carriers to see who will offer you the most favorable risk classification for your program . Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
Most consumers look for a `` quote '' as a price for coverage on a given amount . Some quotes can be ran for as little information as policy type , date of birth , state of residence , face amount , length of term if term life and health status . This informationcan calculate a quote which is just an estimate of premiums . The more information you provide the more accurate your price quote . Understand that underwriting has the final word in the actual premium
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
A life insurance quote can take many forms , however , essentially it is the price of a policy at a given age . In addition to determining the amount of insurance , there are a number of factors to consider when deciding what type of policy and which company to buy it from . Initial premium , renewal premium if applicable , guaranteed cash value , investment options or dividends and more . A life insurance quote for an individual policy would normally include the factors above . Comparing quotations from different companies can be complicated . An independent insurance broker could help you find the right policy at the right price , If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
Imagine that there are 100 people your age wanting $ 100,000 of life insurance . The company actuary determines that in the coming 12 months on average 1 of you will die . So the base premium for a policy would be $ 100,000 / 100 = $ 1000 . The underwriter then looks at the medical information on all 100 applicants and determines who is close enough to the average to be considered `` standard . Some of the applicants will not be acceptable at all , while others will be is such great shape as to be considered preferred plus . When you get a quote you will probably get either a standard or preferred quote . If you fall into that category you can expect the premium to be the same when the policy is issued , if you dont you can expect the premium to be either higher or lower . As I mentioned before someone might not be insured at all .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
A quote , in short , is an estimation of premium you can expect to pay for your life insurance policy - the premiums can be paid annually , semi-annually , quarterly , or monthly . Please note , a quote is only as good as the information it 's based on . There are 4 main factors that determine the premium for the coverage - your age , the amount of coverage you 're trying to secure , how long you want it guaranteed for , and your risk classification . The risk classification is the MOST important factor in determining how much you can expect to/will pay for your coverage . If the medical history is not factored into the quote -LRB- e.g. you 're only running numbers based on someone 's date of birth and/or height/weight -RRB- , any quotes provided are pretty much meaningless because they do not provide an accurate representation of what you can expect to be approved at . To provide a little background on risk classes : every life insurance company has different underwriting guidelines that determine what risk class an individual qualifies for . The company will look at your personal medical history , smoker status , height/weight profile , results of the medical exam -LRB- if applying for a policy requiring it - no exam policies typically cost more -RRB- , your family medical history -LRB- e.g. cancer or heart disease before age 60 in the immediate family -RRB- , motor vehicle record , and any hazardous activities you may participate in -LRB- such as aviation , scuba diving , drag racing , etc -RRB- . Since every company has different guidelines for qualification , one might offer a better risk class than another based on the aforementioned information , resulting in a lower premium for the same coverage . The different risk classes someone can be assigned by a carrier are : Preferred Plus -LRB- sometimes seen as Preferred Elite -RRB- this means the proposed insured is typically in superior health , normal height/weight profile , no chronic illnesses , lab results within normal range , no immediate family members died from heart disease or cancer before age 60 . Preferred this means the proposed insured is in excellent health . Height/weight may be a little over the most preferred range , treatment for high blood pressure or high cholesterol usually acceptable , lab results normal or slightly abnormal . Standard Plus - this means the proposed insured 's health is better than the average . Height/weight may be higher than normal . Standard - this means the proposed insured is in average health and has a normal life expectancy . Height/weight may be on the high side , possible treatment for several minor conditions , one or more parents died from heart disease/cancer before age 60 , slightly elevated lab results -LRB- such as higher than normal blood pressure or cholesterol -RRB- . Substandard - this means the proposed insured has a below average life expectancy -LRB- commonly seen as high risk life insurance -RRB- . Height/weight may be considered obese , treatment for chronic illnesses or major health conditions -LRB- such as prior heart attack , cancer , diabetes -RRB- , abnormal lab results . Substandard ratings are expressed as a table rating , usually designated as Tables A-J or 1-10 . Each additional table increase is usually a 25 % increase over the standard risk class rates . Tobacco user risk classes are preferred smoker , standard smoker , and substandard smoker . There is no preferred plus or standard plus risk classification for tobacco users . It 's best to consult with an experienced life insurance broker who can shop your case among multiple carriers to see who will offer you the most favorable risk classification for your program . Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
A Quote is just that , a best guess to what the Life Insurance will cost you based on very limited information . When you fill out an application , you will be asked more specific medical questions . If you have high blood pressure for example , the quote you got most likely will not be accurate . However if the blood pressure is controlled , and there is a history of control , then you would most likely get a better rate . Once underwritting makes a decision , a rate is set and you have to determine if you want to except that rate . So remember , a Quote is an estimate , the rate is what is being offered from the company .
Can HIV Positive People Get Life Insurance?
There are some guaranteed Issue plans available with no health question . Obviously you would pay more but yes you can get insurance . Benefits would be limited for the first two or three years of the policy . A good independent agent specializing in final expense needs can help you find a plan affordable for you .
Can HIV Positive People Get Life Insurance?
Unfortunately , HIV positive people can not get life insurance unless it is a graded , guaranteed issue plan that asks no health questions . These plans usually have a minimum age requirement of at least age 40 and have a maximum face amount often under $ 25,000 . With the new treatments for AIDS , hopefully the life insurance industry will make it easier for HIV positive persons to get life insurance in the future .
Who Provides Disability Insurance?
Disability Insurance is provided by Life Insurance agents . The same companies that sell Life Insurance may sell Disability Insurance , and vice versa . Some Life Insurance agents specialize in both . That is the type of agent you want to seek out , as there are a lot of unique features to Disability Insurance that need a knowledgeable agent to explain them in understandable language , and to know how to guide you to pick out an affordable Disability Insurance policy with the features you need .
Can You Cancel Life Insurance At Anytime?
You can , but should you ? Life insurance is personal property and an asset . The policy owner can cash in the policy . The first consideration is surrender charges . If you cash in your policy , i.e. terminate it , you may pay surrender charges and lose coverage . You also may haven ordinary income tax bill for any gain in the contract . Before you move forward with cashing in your policy , check with the company for all the consequences of surrendering your contract .
Can You Cancel Life Insurance At Anytime?
Yes , you can cancel life insurance at any time . With Term insurance there is no penalty for cancelling at any time , except for losing the coverage . With Whole or Universal Life , there is a surrender charge in the first years of the policy that will be deducted from any cash value you might have gotten back . If there is no cash value , you simply lose the policy . Keep in mind that , unless you paid extra at the start , the first years of the policy do not generally accumulate cash value as quickly as later . Talk over cancellation of your Whole or Universal Life with an agent who can explain the consequences and options for keeping it in some form . You may find that cancelling is not want to do , after all . Or you may have affirmation that you are doing the right thing .
Does Child Support Include Car Insurance?
This question is very non-desript . If you are asking if child support paid would have an inclusion of an amount specifically for auto insurance , then that would be a question for your attorney or the judge that ruled on the support amount . I have not personally ever heard of this every being done .
Can I Buy Auto Insurance For One Month?
In theory , you can buy auto insurance for one month . When you apply for coverage , you may be required to pay approximately one month -LRB- or more -RRB- of premiums as the policy starts . You can cancel a policy at any time and a refund will be paid on the unused portion of coverage . A broker can explain the amount of refund issued .
Can I Buy Auto Insurance For One Month?
Yes , but with a caveat . You can buy a six month policy and cancel the policy after a month or at any point you no longer require coverage . The carrier will refund a pro rata amount based on the time used . You should let the agent know your intentions so he/she can pick the best carrier for your situation as some carriers treat a customer cancelation in different ways . Be sure to check with your local agent to confirm your state 's rules .
When Should I Apply For Long Term Care Insurance?
You should apply for Long Term Care insurance at an age that gives you the best prices , yet not so young that you are sitting on it for decades without needing it . Applying for coverage between age 50-60 is young enough to get reasonable rates and most people are healthy enough to still qualify for it .
When Should I Apply For Long Term Care Insurance?
Most of my LTC -LRB- Long Term Care -RRB- policy holders applied between the ages of 50-60 . Generally better health and reasonable premiums in that age bracket seemed to be a major determining factor . I would recommend locating an independent agent that specializes in LTC/Medicare to determine which plan/options best suit your specific needs ...
What Services Does Medicare Part D Cover?
Medicare Part D covers a portion of your outpatient Rx benefits . Part D is available from private insurance carriers and has a monthly premium of anywhere from $ 15 monthly on up to over $ 100 . Each plan is different . Some have deductibles , some do n't . All have copay 's . Check your formulary before signing up .
Will Medicare Pay For Gastric Sleeve?
Medicare will pay for gastric sleeve , gastric bypass , lap band , or duodenal switch for weight loss , under certain conditions . There must be a health problem associated with being obese , such as sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes . The condition of being overweight must have existed for at least 5 years . You must pass a psychological evaluation , have tried at least one other weight loss program that has failed , and other illnesses as the cause of your obesity must be ruled out . You also need a BMI of over 35 to be approved for Medicare gastric sleeve surgery .
Does Guardian Life Insurance Drug Test?
Guardian life will test for Nicotine and Cocaine . These are the two most common substance tests that almost all insurers test for when they perform medical underwriting . Besides these two substances , most carriers -LRB- Guardian included -RRB- , do not test for other substances , i.e. drugs . If there are other drugs that you currently use and you do not disclose , you do run the risk of creating a contested life insurance policy if you should die within the contestability period .
Does Guardian Life Insurance Drug Test?
If you are applying for a medically underwritten individual life insurance policy , you should expect to have a blood profile and urinalysis ordered as well as vital signs taken by a paramedical examiner . The lab tests look at body chemistry and will include screening for drugs . A life insurance underwriter is looking for abnormal results which , on their own may not mean much but when compared with additional information collected such as medical history , readings for blood pressure , etc. , it helps them assess mortality risk .
Does Guardian Life Insurance Drug Test?
Yes , all companies when using paramedical exams do some drug testing as part of the chemical analysis in the underwriting process . Some drugs will effect certain levels of function within say kidney function that will show up by pushing the level higher . Alcohol for example , a legal form of a `` drug '' if consumed too close to an exam will raise blood sugars , alter the kidney function numbers and a few other numbers like those involving the liver . That is why it is never a good idea to consume significant amounts of alcohol the night before a blood/urine test . It will skew the results . Then it is up to the individual to get a second test , at their expense to show the first test was off .
How Do I Sign Up For Cobra Health Insurance?
Your employer will notify you of your COBRA rights within 30 days after your group health insurance plan terminates . You have 60 days in which to exercise your COBRA rights plus an additional 45 days before your premium must be paid . Premiums for your election are retroactive to the first day your of COBRA benefits .
What Is The Best Health Insurance In Utah?
The Utah Health Exchange offers many affordable options for individuals and families . Six carriers will be offering coverage with federal subsidies available for those persons that qualify . Arches , Humana , Altius , SelectHealth , Molina and Bridgespan will be the insurers that are participating . Because of Open Enrollment , pre-existing conditions will be covered . As experienced brokers , our job is to utilize our experience and our top-rated websites to help consumers compare the best options and easily apply for coverage .
Should I Buy Medigap Insurance?
If you want to have a comprehensive health care coverage , then you should consider buying Medigap insurance . Original Medicare Part A and Part B only cover about 80 % of your Medicare approved health care costs . This leaves you with the responsibility of paying the remaining twenty percent . This can add up if you have an expensive procedure or a long term illness . Many people think if they are healthy that a Medigap Plan is not something they need right now . However , if you wait until a health issue arises , you may not qualify for a Medigap Plan . It 's really best to buy a Medigap Plan as soon as your in the initial Open Enrollment Period -LRB- when no health questions are asked -RRB- . If you are no longer in Open Enrollment or another Guaranteed Issue Situation , it 's best to speak to an insurance agent specializing in Medicare Supplement insurance . We can review your health history and make recommendations on which insurance companies you may qualify with . If I can assist you with your specific situation , please feel free to contact me .
Should I Buy Medigap Insurance?
Should you buy Medigap Insurance ? Well , depends on how you want to use your insurance in retirement . Medigap insurance couples with Medicare part A & B and fills in the gaps those two do n't cover . Note : you will need plan D coverage for RX . A Medigap plan allows you the freedom to go where you wish for the most part for care . My mom has Plan F and it works well for her as she fires her doctors about every 6 months . A Medigap plan allows you to do that . A Medicare Advantage Plan does n't .
Does Medicare Cover CPAP?
Medicare will cover Cpap therapy when medically necessary . If diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea , Medicare will pay for a three months trial of Cpap to see if it is effecting in treating the sleep apnea . If it is , Medicare will extend the coverage to 13 months , after which you will own the Cpap machine .
What Is The Best Medicare Part D Insurance?
Many Insurance companies have excellent plans . A plan that is right for you will depend on your specific Medications . Normally my clients ask me to take their medications and make a recommendation . So you want to go with a plan that saves you the most money .
When Should I Apply For Medicare Part B?
This is a Good Question . Typically if your card is not automatically sent to you 3 months before your 65th birthday , you can apply online at the social security or Medicare site , you can also go to your local social security office . If you are working still , you may be able to defer part B . If you are in the Illinois , Kentucky , Arizona , Florida , Hawaii , Michigan , Montana , New Mexico or Wyoming , you can contact me ; otherwise contact a broker in your area to help you with all your options .
How Much Should You Pay For Long Term Care Insurance?
It will depend on your gender , age , smoking status , health condition , two lives or one life , etc. . You Should Buy Long Term Care Insurance when youre young and in good health . But most Americans under the age of 50 consider it too early in their life for consideration because of other more pressing midlife financial events or commitments to come . The general rule of thumb is age 50 , but most purchase at age 60 . Long term care insurance -LRB- LTCi -RRB- is part of retirement planning . The total medical cost during retirement is $ 250,000 . Some of that expense could be LTCi assisted living or nursing home care . If you have discretionary dollars , it is recommended to purchase an LTCi policy to the maximum allowable benefits before age 65 . A nonsmoking male and female in good health purchasing a combined LTC policy will pay around $ 300 a month .
How To Calculate Medicare EHR Incentive?
The Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive program stands for the electronic health records program . I believe the idea behind this was to incentivize facilities to use new electronic health records technology . I would recommend contacting CMS to learn more about how these figures are calculated and if you or your business would be eligible .
What Does Basic Life Insurance Cover?
Basic life insurance covers death by any reason . The cause of death can be due to a precondition , but the policy will still pay -LRB- as long as that condition was noted on the application , if it existed at the time of application -RRB- . It also covers death by accident . The only exception is suicide in the first two years .
What Does Basic Life Insurance Cover?
That is a great question ! Your basic life insurance policy will cover any reason for what may cause your demise . Something like an accidental death policy is n't so good , as you have to pass from or as a result of , an accident . So you have a heart attack - your life policy would pay , your accidental death policy would not . You get bitten by a spider , have an allergic reaction , and meet your maker , life pays , accident does n't . You get into a car wreck , both would pay . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
What Does Basic Life Insurance Cover?
Basic life insurance protects those that you love . Premature death is terrible . Life insurance can step in and pay-off the mortgage , supplement your spouses income , buy the kids braces for their teeth and send them through college . For you , life insurance covers your need for peace of mind .
Who Offers The Best Critical Illness Insurance In Arizona?
The carrier with the best benefits at the lowest rate offers the best critical illness coverage in AZ. . This is precisely why it 's important to work with a seasoned broker or agency that has the expertise and knowledge to sort through multiple carriers to figure who really offers the best . Do n't be fooled by a strong marketing campaign or a funny duck commercial and believe that is the best for you . You 've already gotten past the toughest part ... realizing the value in a supplemental critical illness policy . Next , I would ask for a referral to an experienced broker . James | 561-320-2978 or email me at : [email protected]
Who Offers The Best Critical Illness Insurance In Arizona?
This is a relatively subjective question . There are many companies that sell some form of Critical Illness . A question I would ask if you were working with me is are you looking for a stand-alone policy or a policy that has more value as in attached to your Life Insurance ? I recommend three different companies , Assurity Life , Mutual of Omaha and Transamerica which depending on what you are looking for , which is a bigger question . I would contact an agent or you can reach out to me and I can put together a quote for you . Matt - -LRB-720-RRB-708-5498 or email me at : [email protected]
Who Should Buy Disability Insurance And Why?
Any person is dependent on an income should look into disability insurance . While you might have substantial savings , the average long term disability claim is 31.2 months -- you do n't want to drain your savings just because you 're sick or injured . Often times , businesses need to purchase DI on a specific employee so that their business can still function if that pivotal team member is unable to work . DI is peace of mind !
Who Should Buy Disability Insurance And Why?
Anyone who has someone relying on them for financial support should have Disability Insurance . Becoming disabled for a period of time is not uncommon , and it can happen at any age . Very few families can get by on one income , and even single persons can lose their life 's savings through an extended disability . Becoming disabled generally does not just take away income for a period of months or years , it comes with medical bills and other extra expenses connected to the cause of disability . That is why anyone who makes and relies on making an income should buy Disability Insurance , in my opinion .
What Is Enhanced Whole Life Insurance?
Enhanced whole life insurance is most likely a marketing name for a specific companies life insurance contract . There is no specific product within the industry that is referred to specifically as enhanced whole life insurance -LRB- i.e. there are no features unique to a products known as enhanced whole life insurance -RRB- .
Does Each Roommate Need Renters Insurance?
Typically , Yes . Renters insurance coverage is nothing more than coverage for YOUR personal items . So if you are in a rental apartment with 3 other people , you would each want to get your own policy to cover your specific items . But be careful . Renters policies will have limits on certain items like , cameras , musical instruments etc. . So although you can have $ 10,000 in coverage , but have a $ 3,000 guitar , you might not be fully covered . -LRB- depending on the policy limit -RRB- . Be sure to ask your agent specific questions to make sure
Does Each Roommate Need Renters Insurance?
There are very few companies that write non-related individuals on the same renter 's policy . This status of delineating coverage is called `` Named Insured . '' The drawback to these policies is that a claim check would be made payable to ALL named insureds ; so if only your stuff was stolen from your vehicle or otherwise damaged , your roommate would also need to sign off on the check before you can cash it . The other drawback is that , in the event of a claim , it goes on the personal history of all named insureds . So if your roommate has a claim , it can penalize YOU for the next 3 to 7 years -LRB- depending on company -RRB- even if you guys separate households . Even if a roommate has no personal property -LRB- i.e. contents -RRB- , a critical component of renter 's insurance is liability . Ideally , each roommate should have renter 's insurance , so that if a guest is hurt on premises , the lawsuit could be filed against the responsible person . Most renter 's policies also include Personal Injury coverage under the liability , but some do not . Personal Injury covers damages to a third party that you may be legally liable for , but where the injured party suffered no physical injuries . The most prevalent claim currently is slander/libel from social media . Refer supra to what I indicated about claim history . Do you really want to be responsible for your roommate 's posts online ? I know I do not . I currently rent myself as it is a better deal where I live than ownership . I do have a roommate , and we each have our own separate policies .
Does Each Roommate Need Renters Insurance?
Who owns what in the apartment or home you are renting ? YES , each roommate needs to have Renters Insurance . Your insurance will only cover your material possessions . If you own all of it , then you there really is no reason for the roommate to have the insurance . Be sure to get the replacement value v. current value renters insurance . It will cost a little more however which would you rather have , the value your TV is currently worth or what it costs to get a new one ?
Is Life Insurance Used To Pay Debt?
Life insurance can be used to pay off debt , or it can be used as collateral in borrowing money . Most people do not borrow money with the idea that they will be dead before the loan is paid off , but if death does occur before debt is repaid , life insurance is an excellent way to pay it off .
What Percent Of The Population Has Long Term Care Insurance?
Short answer : About 8 % Long answer : It 's hard to say exactly how many people own some type of policy that covers paying the costs of long term care - should one qualify for it - because there are many types of insurance policies that are not just `` stand-alone '' long-term care policies , but plans of insurance that include being able to use a percentage of other plan benefits for paying long-term care costs :1 . Stand-alone long-term care insurance covers only long-term care costs . It has no cash value . When a policy owner dies , coverage either lapses or stops paying benefits . It is not transferable . It can not be bought or sold on a secondary market . This type of long-term care insurance is sometimes referred to as `` traditional '' long-term care insurance , as well . It is the type of coverage that is most often associated with the `` percentage of Americans that own their own long-term care insurance '' .2 . Hybrid long-term care contracts consist of having long-term coverage and a life insurance policy that guarantees to at least return the full premium paid into the policy to the insured 's designated beneficiary . Usually , these are single-premium contracts , but some have options to also pay over a specified period of time , such as 5 - or 10-years .3 . Linked life + long-term care policies are basically a traditional permanent life insurance contract -LRB- Whole Life or Universal Life , including the Variable or Indexed type -RRB- . If a person qualifies for long-term care and they have the long-term care rider on their life policy , they may apply to the insurance company to advance or accelerate the face value of the policy -LRB- death benefit -RRB- to pay for the costs of care . There are various limitations on how much can be advanced at a time . If the face value of the life contract is completely advanced for long-term care , there is usually a residual death benefit of $ 5,000 - $ 10,000.4 . The latest addition to life insurance product lines are policies offering `` living benefits '' , one of which is very similar to the linked-life policy . In fact , the only difference is that a medical professional has to state in writing that the insured is not likely to recover from the condition that qualifies for long-term care benefits . -LRB- True long-term care insurance does not require that . -RRB- This type of living benefit is most often referred to as `` chronic care '' or `` extended care '' . Annuities may also have special considerations for paying out portions of the account value for long-term care costs.The point is , people who own life insurance or annuity contracts with long-term care accommodations are not typically included in with the 8 % that own traditional long-term care . So , the real percentage of those that have made some type of insurance purchase to offset long-term care costs is greater than 8 % . I doubt , however , that the total percentage of Americans that own any of the above-described types of policies would exceed 20 % at this time .
How To Verify Health Insurance Eligibility?
It is difficult to understand the exact context of your question . If it is in the most general sense then you need to be a U.S. citizen or legal resident to be eligible for insurance coverage . If you are talking about when you become eligible for coverage at your place of employment that offers group health insurance that will vary somewhat depending upon their personnel policies . In 2014 and forward an employer can not have a waiting period of more than 90 calendar days before an eligible new hire can be covered under their group health plan . You should check with your employer or their personnel department to determine what their company 's policy is , though this should have been explained to you at your time of hire . Finally , if you are talking about what happens when you show up at the doctor 's office , pharmacy or hospital , they will want to see your insurance I.D. card and will call your insurance carrier to verify that you are eligible for coverage -LRB- some people try to use their I.D. card from a company where they are no longer employed and no longer covered through -RRB- and what your benefits are .
How To Verify Health Insurance Eligibility?
In short , you 're eligible as long as you 're a legal US resident/US citizen . Under the Affordable Care Act , you can not be declined for coverage due to any pre-existing medical condition or other health-related issue . You can apply for coverage during the annual enrollment period each year - you can only apply for coverage outside of the annual enrollment period if you qualify for a special enrollment period . It 's always helpful to consult with an experienced health insurance broker if you 're trying to determine when you can apply for coverage . We can also help you pick out the plan that will be the most suitable option for your needs and budget . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
Do I need to disclose an attack of atrial fibrillation that happened 6 years ago when applying for life insurance?
If the life insurance application is asking that question about heart disease or heart trouble , you do need to disclose the details of your atrial fibrillation . You are correct that your premiums will not be as low as if you had not had attacks of atrial fibrillation over the past 6 years . But if you were to withhold that information and passed away next month , your family would not receive the life insurance they thought you were leaving for them . You can still get a low premium ; it just wo n't purchase as much life insurance as if you had perfect health . Contact a good impaired risk life insurance specialist such as our agency to help you .
Is Homeowners Insurance Included In Your Mortgage Payment?
Including homeowners insurance in your mortgage payments would be an option between you and your lender . Many will chose this route just due to ease . This is called impounding . You can talk to your agent and lender about impounding your homeowners insurance if this is an option you desire .
Is Homeowners Insurance Included In Your Mortgage Payment?
The answer here is `` maybe '' . Most mortgage companies will require a mortgage holder to have their insurance paid out of their escrow account if they have less than 20 % equity in the home -LRB- generally -RRB- . This is just to ensure that the policy is paid and in force . If you have more than 20 % equity you may be able to pay it yourself . Some companies charge more to bill the mortgage company so there may be cost savings if you pay it yourself . Then again , some people do n't want to deal with the bills and like to pay it in their mortgage payment . The only answer you care about is the one your mortgage company gives you . If they do n't require it to be paid out of escrow the choice is up to you .
Is Homeowners Insurance Included In Your Mortgage Payment?
It is optional but recommended as it is built into you home loan payments one less thing to have to worry about . But be buyer beware there has been in some places that the mortgagee picks your insurance carrier for you many of time they have insured the home for just of the amount of the loan . Not every insurance carrier will give you full replacement value and also keep in mind that you can not insure the land . Only the building . Many clients that I have had to help re write them do to improper coverage from another agency who insured it for the appraisal value which is NOT what the real value of the home is .
Is Home Insurance Required For Mortgage?
I ca n't think of a situation where it would n't be required . Your mortgage company has just lent you a bunch of money to buy a home . They need to be sure that , if something happens to the home , it will be restored to what it was before anything happened . They 're just protecting their investment . The bigger question is `` why would n't you want to insure your home ? '' . You just made a big commitment and have a lot of money on the line . If something happened to your home , what would you do ? Yes , premiums for homeowners insurance are high , but not as high as the repairs you 'd have to pay for if you did n't have insurance . Plus , it not only protects the house , but everything in the house . Most people do n't think they have a lot of money tied up in their `` things '' , but they 'd be astonished to find out what it would cost to replace it all .
Can You Require Renters To Have Insurance?
I doubt that it is a violation of law in any state to require that a tenant have a renters policy . The renters policy puts the tenant on notice that the landlord is not responsible for the contents of the building occupied by the tenant . It also reinforces the fact that the landlord is not responsible for a lawsuit arising from the rented property .
Is Disability Insurance Important?
Disability insurance is extremely important . The mantra is buy term and spend the difference on disability insurance . Anyone who earns a living and wants to protect their paycheck should get disability insurance . The statistical odds of becoming disabled during your working life are too great to ignore . The average disability period is 30 months ; the average emergency cash reserve is 90 days . And it is highly recommended that you also insurance your retirement contributions as well .
Is Disability Insurance Important?
Disability insurance is a very important part of a successful financial plan . Life insurance protects your loved ones in case of a sudden death . Disability insurance protects you in case you lose your ability to earn a living due to an illness or injury . Statisticallyspeaking you are 8 times more likely to become disabled than to die . The minimum time to receive social security benefits after filing is 9 months and can take years .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost For A 23 Year Old?
The cost of auto insurance on a 23-year-old will vary depending on where you live and the type of vehicle you are buying . Also , your driving record will impact the rate . Of course , if it is a newer vehicle , the rate would tend to be higher than compared to an older vehicle . Also , a married person will pay less than someone who is single . So ... how do you find out the cost ? As brokers , we research and compare rates from top-rated carriers so you get the best deal . Typically , the process only takes a few minutes , and applications can be handled online very easily .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost For A 23 Year Old?
Insurance Companies price their product without truly knowing what the costs will be . In doing that they look at hundreds of variables to determine a pricing outcome to present to you.In fact it is not uncommon for a specific carrier to have millions of price points in a state . So with that caveat let me try to be more specific . An important piece of the rating will be how long have you been driving ? Any tickets or accidents you have ? Whether you live on your own and rent , or are part of a family account with your parents , Or married or single . So it is best to try and get an agent or company to understand your personal situation and then the vehicle that you need to insure.Don ' t overlook the use of the vehicle . This a very important rating factor . If you commute , be sure your agent or company knows how often you do that . and how far away form your residence you travel . And if you are a student be sure to mention that you have a grade average of a '' B '' or better , if you do . Advise as well , about any drivers training you took in the last several years . What we see today is greater segmentation of blocks of similar , but different exposures and one thing that you might not realize is that carriers often even price your age in six months increments , meaning you get a better price at 23 than 22 and one half .
How Is Medicare Advantage Different From Medigap?
Medicare Advantage plans are quite different from a Medicare supplement plan , also known as Medigap . When you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan you are no longer in original Medicare . Your health insurance is covered by a private insurance carrier . Medical providers file your claims with your Advantage carrier , not Medicare . Most Advantage plans have networks you are required to use if you want full coverage . Some Advantage plans provide OON -LRB- out of network -RRB- coverage but with higher deductibles , copay 's and coinsurance . HMO Advantage plans typically have no benefits when you use a non-par provider . With original Medicare you have the freedom to use any doctor , hospital or other medical provider anywhere in the country . There are no networks . Medical providers file claims with Medicare . Once Medicare adjudicates and approves the claim it is forwarded on to your Medigap carrier so they can pay their portion .
How Is Medicare Advantage Different From Medigap?
This is a very important question . The easiest way of explaining it is that Medicare Advantage works the same way as most insurance you get while you 're working . You have copays , deductibles , and monthly premiums . They combine all of your insurance into one comprehensive plan . Medigap , or Medicare Supplements , on the other hand simply cover some or all of the expenses left over after traditional Medicare has paid their share . In general , Medicare Advantage plans tend to be cheaper , but Medigap plans have less out of pocket costs during the year . Which one is best for you is a great question to ask your insurance broker .
What Kind Of Auto Insurance Rates Can I Get With A Suspended License Due To Non Payment Of A Ticket?
You ca n't get insurance if your license is suspended . However , if you have a restrictive license -LRB- the one court activates for you to drive to and from work -RRB- the rates will be about the same - shop with multiple carriers to find a best deal . And if you have already cleared the ticket and your license is back to the active status , same like above , you should be able to find coverage with regular rates . The carrier will increase rates when you have points on your record and/or property damage / injuries during the last 3 years of your driving history . You can get your driving record at any DMV in your state . You can also buy your driving report online . Usually DMV charges $ 3 - $ 10 , whereas online vendors charge $ 19.99 + .
What Kind Of Auto Insurance Rates Can I Get With A Suspended License Due To Non Payment Of A Ticket?
This will vary by state but a break in your license experience in California will result in a 20 % increase in rates as you would not qualify for the good driver discount . This will effect you for 3 years . Any points for tickets -LRB- moving violations -RRB- or at-fault accidents would further increase your rates .
Does Homeowners Insurance Renew Automatically?
Homeowners Insurance actually does not renew automatically . Every year as your insurance is coming up for renewal underwriters will look at the risk and make a decision if you the client are still a good risk or if they , the insurance company wants to get off the risk . Should the insurance company chose to keep you on as a client , then an offer of renewal is sent out . By you making the payment you are agreeing to continue the insurance policy at the terms offered .
What Is Medicare Hospice?
Medicare Hospice is a benefit for those who are terminally ill . Medicare will pay for nearly all the expenses to care for someone at home when they have given up treatment for the illness causing their pending death . Medicare will pay for some medications and treatments that provide comfort .
What Do You Get With Renters Insurance?
Renters insurance , which is fairly inexpensive , covers your personal property , such as clothing , electronic devices , and most of your other possessions . If you need to move out of the apartment because of a covered claim , you will have coverage . Also . there are medical payments -LRB- to others -RRB- and liability coverages that are included on most plans . Additional riders can also be purchased .
Does Health Insurance End After Quitting Your Job?
Yes , if you were covered by a group health plan through the employer . If you have your own individual health insurance plan you are not affected by changes of employment . When you leave your job and your employer plan , you will have the option to keep your plan going for up to 18-months but you will pay the premium you already paid PLUS the portion the employer was paying for you .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Carpet Damage?
A renters policy pays for damages caused by named perils . This means that if the carpet is damaged by fire , windstorm , lightning of a long list of other potential perils , the company will repair or replace the carpet . Recovery under a renters policy is subject to a deductible . The deductible is stated in the policy declarations . If the damage to the carpet is caused by neglect or fair wear and tear , it is not covered .
Can I Buy Long Term Care Insurance For My Parents?
If by the question you mean can I pay for the coverage , of course . You may own the policy -LRB- s -RRB- and pay for them as you would for life insurance . The big variable is whether or not they are insurable . It can also be an expensive proposition . Before you decide make sure you look at the alternatives that can also provide coverage .
Can I Buy Long Term Care Insurance For My Parents?
Yes , you can buy long term care insurance for your parents . A good place to start is to get their health history , medications they are taking , and current height and weight , and then visit a long term care broker such as myself , to get quotes from multiple companies . You will also want to set a flexible budget ahead of time . There are many choices , and this will help you stick with the features that are important to you and your parents .
Does Having A Dog Increase Homeowners Insurance?
Dog ownership increases the likelihood of a law suit . Many insurers use two techniques to deal with this increased risk . The first technique is to deny coverage to a home where specified breeds are kept . If the information comes available after the policy is issued the companies will often seek to cancel coverage and will set the policy to not renew at the end of the term . The second technique is to limit liability coverage for all dogs . Routinely the limit of liability is dropped significantly by an endorsement . The endorsement may exclude coverage for certain specified breeds and for any dog with a history of biting . It is important to check your coverage if you own an aggressive dog .
Does Having A Dog Increase Homeowners Insurance?
That 's a great question ! Having a dog in and of itself might not affect your home owners rates , but owning specific breeds of dogs might . Depending upon your policy and company , there are some breeds of dogs that the insurer will deem as more of a risk to bite . That risk will affect the liability portion of your policy , and thus increase your rate . I 'd advise you to contact your agent , and see if they have a pet clause in your policy , and if your dog will invoke any or all of it . Hopefully it wo n't , and you will have many wonderful years with your furry companion ! Thanks for asking !
At What Age Do I Qualify For Medicare?
Age 65 is the age at which you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B , if you have worked and paid Medicare taxes long enough to qualify for Medicare , and if you are drawing Social Security at age 65 . If you are not drawing Social Security at that age you must enroll in Medicare . You can qualify at a younger age if you have been receiving SSDI for two years or have ESRD or ALS .
What Federal Agency Regulates Health Insurance?
CMS , Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulate the new qualified health care plans . They also keep an eye onMedicare , Medicaid , the Children 's Health Insurance Program and the Health Insurance Marketplace . Keep in mind if a health insurance policy does not meet all the requirements of the new healthcare refore law then you would still be penalized for nothavinginsurance
What Countries Accept Medicare?
It is not a matter of what countries accept Medicare . Medicare is a United States provision and Medicare dictates what it will pay . Medicare does not cover travel outside of the United States with very few exceptions , primarily certain emergency situations . Some Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplements offer some foreign travel coverage .
When Does Private Disability Insurance End?
Private or individual disability insurance ends at the age specified in the policy . Some are years , some are ages such as 65 or 67 years old . Locate the explanation of benefits page that states the terms of your policy . This information will be located within that same page that states benefit amounts , benefit period , elimination periods , etc. .
What Medicare Supplement Plan Is The Best?
Medicare supplement plans offer broad coverage , do not impose doctor or hospital networks and have less out of pocket Medicare Advantage plans . Any doctor , lab or hospital that accepts Medicare assignment will also accept your Medicare supplement plan . All Medigap plans with the same letter are identical in every way except premium .
What Medicare Supplement Plan Is The Best?
The best plan as far as I am concerned is the plan that lets you go to any doctor or hospital of your choice , keeps your out of pocket cost low when you have to use it for doctor and hospital services and offers good value for your money . Do n't over pay for your Supplement and pick out a plan and a company that has a good track record for low , stable rate increases . Plan N is my favorite and Plan G would be my second choice .
Can I Borrow Against My Globe Life Insurance Policy?
Globe life insurance markets term life insurance , whole life insurance , accidental death insurance , mortgage protection plans , and medicare supplements . Two versions of the whole life policies do build up cash value that you can borrow against . The Children 's whole life policy is called `` The Young American Plan '' and there is a Whole Life policy that adults can purchase . The face amounts of Globe policies are pretty low so if you are looking for policies to accumulate cash , there are better options available .
Why Purchase A Roth IRA?
You should purchase a Roth IRA if you suspect that the rate of tax on your income might be higher when you retire than it is now . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you want to have tax free income when you meet qualifying events . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you want to avoid mandatory distributions and having your distribution taxed as ordinary income . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you are young or old or want to have flexibility when you retire .
What Are Indexed Annuities?
Tax deferred indexed annuities can have access to domestic and foreign indices which have the potential to generate returns without the losing money based on negative performance . However , like all savings and investment vehicles , annuities have policy expenses , so you could experience a loss in a non crediting year . Indexed annuities have three crediting methods : spread , caps and participating . The most popular indice is the S&P 500 . One last point : indexed annuities owners generally dont participate in dividends .
What Are Indexed Annuities?
Tax deferred indexed annuities are annuity policies that use domestic and/or foreign indices options that can be exercised in positive indexed markets . In negative indexed markets the options are not exercised , but also not debited form the annuity crediting account . Keep in mind that policy expenses are assessed against the count and may result in a negative performance in any one year .
What Renters Insurance Coverage Do I Need?
When you purchase renter 's insurance , it will cover your personal contents up to a specified amount . There will , of course , be other coverages included . It 's important to discuss with the agent/broker the amount of coverage that is most suitable on your property and `` replacement cost ? as a rider . By adding this rider , your property will not be depreciated if an approved claim is paid .
Does Auto Insurance Follow A Driver?
Yes , if you are driving someone else s car and you are involved in an accident your insurance pays first . If the damages go beyond your insurance limits then the car owners policy would pay . Anyone who has a drivers license needs to have insurance or a Financial Responsibility Bond even if they do not own a car , unless they do not drive at all . If you loan your car to someone make sure they have insurance .
Why Do You Need A Retirement Plan?
Someday youre going to retire and youll need more than your Social Security benefits and Medicare . Youre going to be living longer and youll need more than your Social Security benefits and Medicare . You need to supplement your Social Security benefits and Medicare with another retirement plan because Social Security benefits and Medicare wont be enough . How you plan for your retirement today will determine your lifestyle tomorrow .
Why Do You Need A Retirement Plan?
Most people in the USA have a retirement plan . It is called Social Security . The question is , will my social security benefit be adequate to meet my lifetime needs . For an amazing number of people the answer is , yes because that is all that they have . If you think you might need more money than that , then start talking with a retirement income certified professional . Get a plan and enjoy your retirement .