15 values
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.X11 -- Copyright : (c) Alastair Reid, 1999-2003 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- A Haskell binding for the X11 libraries. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.X11 ( module Graphics.X11.Xlib ) where import Graphics.X11.Xlib ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- End ----------------------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="tr-TR"> <title>Requester</title> <maps> <homeID>requester</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
{-# OPTIONS_JHC -fno-prelude #-} module Jhc.Inst.Show() where import Jhc.Basics import Jhc.Class.Num import Jhc.Class.Ord import Jhc.Class.Real import Jhc.Show import Jhc.Type.C -- we convert them to Word or WordMax so the showIntAtBase specialization can occur. fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b fromIntegral x = fromInteger (toInteger x) instance Show Word where showsPrec _ x = showWord x instance Show Word8 where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show Word16 where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show Word32 where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show Word64 where showsPrec _ x = showWordMax (fromIntegral x :: WordMax) instance Show WordPtr where showsPrec _ x = showWordMax (fromIntegral x :: WordMax) instance Show WordMax where showsPrec _ x = showWordMax x instance Show Int where showsPrec p x | p `seq` x `seq` False = undefined | x < 0 = showParen (p > 6) (showChar '-' . showWord (fromIntegral $ negate x :: Word)) | True = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show Integer where showsPrec p x | p `seq` x `seq` False = undefined | x < 0 = showParen (p > 6) (showChar '-' . showWordMax (fromIntegral $ negate x :: WordMax)) | True = showWordMax (fromIntegral x :: WordMax) instance Show Int8 where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int) instance Show Int16 where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int) instance Show Int32 where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int) instance Show Int64 where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show IntPtr where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show IntMax where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show CSize where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show CInt where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show CLong where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Integer) instance Show CChar where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int) instance Show CSChar where showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int) instance Show CUChar where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show CUInt where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) instance Show CULong where showsPrec _ x = showWordMax (fromIntegral x :: WordMax) instance Show CWchar where showsPrec _ x = showWord (fromIntegral x :: Word) -- specialized base 10 only versions of show showWord :: Word -> String -> String showWord w rest = w `seq` case quotRem w 10 of (n',d) -> n' `seq` d `seq` rest' `seq` if n' == 0 then rest' else showWord n' rest' where rest' = chr (fromIntegral d + ord '0') : rest showWordMax :: WordMax -> String -> String showWordMax w rest = w `seq` case quotRem w 10 of (n',d) -> n' `seq` d `seq` rest' `seq` if n' == 0 then rest' else showWordMax n' rest' where rest' = chr (fromIntegral d + ord '0') : rest
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Bug where import Language.Haskell.TH -- Warnings should be preserved through recover main :: IO () main = putStrLn $(recover (stringE "splice failed") [| let x = "a" in let x = "b" in x |])
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, DeriveFunctor #-} module IRTS.Lang where import Control.Monad.State hiding (lift) import Control.Applicative hiding (Const) import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Core.CaseTree import Data.List import Debug.Trace data Endianness = Native | BE | LE deriving (Show, Eq) data LVar = Loc Int | Glob Name deriving (Show, Eq) -- ASSUMPTION: All variable bindings have unique names here data LExp = LV LVar | LApp Bool LExp [LExp] -- True = tail call | LLazyApp Name [LExp] -- True = tail call | LLazyExp LExp | LForce LExp -- make sure Exp is evaluted | LLet Name LExp LExp -- name just for pretty printing | LLam [Name] LExp -- lambda, lifted out before compiling | LProj LExp Int -- projection | LCon (Maybe LVar) -- Location to reallocate, if available Int Name [LExp] | LCase CaseType LExp [LAlt] | LConst Const | LForeign FDesc -- Function descriptor (usually name as string) FDesc -- Return type descriptor [(FDesc, LExp)] -- first LExp is the FFI type description | LOp PrimFn [LExp] | LNothing | LError String deriving Eq data FDesc = FCon Name | FStr String | FUnknown | FIO FDesc | FApp Name [FDesc] deriving (Show, Eq) data Export = ExportData FDesc -- Exported data descriptor (usually string) | ExportFun Name -- Idris name FDesc -- Exported function descriptor FDesc -- Return type descriptor [FDesc] -- Argument types deriving (Show, Eq) data ExportIFace = Export Name -- FFI descriptor String -- interface file [Export] deriving (Show, Eq) -- Primitive operators. Backends are not *required* to implement all -- of these, but should report an error if they are unable data PrimFn = LPlus ArithTy | LMinus ArithTy | LTimes ArithTy | LUDiv IntTy | LSDiv ArithTy | LURem IntTy | LSRem ArithTy | LAnd IntTy | LOr IntTy | LXOr IntTy | LCompl IntTy | LSHL IntTy | LLSHR IntTy | LASHR IntTy | LEq ArithTy | LLt IntTy | LLe IntTy | LGt IntTy | LGe IntTy | LSLt ArithTy | LSLe ArithTy | LSGt ArithTy | LSGe ArithTy | LSExt IntTy IntTy | LZExt IntTy IntTy | LTrunc IntTy IntTy | LStrConcat | LStrLt | LStrEq | LStrLen | LIntFloat IntTy | LFloatInt IntTy | LIntStr IntTy | LStrInt IntTy | LFloatStr | LStrFloat | LChInt IntTy | LIntCh IntTy | LBitCast ArithTy ArithTy -- Only for values of equal width | LFExp | LFLog | LFSin | LFCos | LFTan | LFASin | LFACos | LFATan | LFSqrt | LFFloor | LFCeil | LFNegate | LStrHead | LStrTail | LStrCons | LStrIndex | LStrRev | LReadStr | LWriteStr -- system info | LSystemInfo | LFork | LPar -- evaluate argument anywhere, possibly on another -- core or another machine. 'id' is a valid implementation | LExternal Name | LNoOp deriving (Show, Eq) -- Supported target languages for foreign calls data FCallType = FStatic | FObject | FConstructor deriving (Show, Eq) data FType = FArith ArithTy | FFunction | FFunctionIO | FString | FUnit | FPtr | FManagedPtr | FAny deriving (Show, Eq) -- FIXME: Why not use this for all the IRs now? data LAlt' e = LConCase Int Name [Name] e | LConstCase Const e | LDefaultCase e deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) type LAlt = LAlt' LExp data LDecl = LFun [LOpt] Name [Name] LExp -- options, name, arg names, def | LConstructor Name Int Int -- constructor name, tag, arity deriving (Show, Eq) type LDefs = Ctxt LDecl data LOpt = Inline | NoInline deriving (Show, Eq) addTags :: Int -> [(Name, LDecl)] -> (Int, [(Name, LDecl)]) addTags i ds = tag i ds [] where tag i ((n, LConstructor n' (-1) a) : as) acc = tag (i + 1) as ((n, LConstructor n' i a) : acc) tag i ((n, LConstructor n' t a) : as) acc = tag i as ((n, LConstructor n' t a) : acc) tag i (x : as) acc = tag i as (x : acc) tag i [] acc = (i, reverse acc) data LiftState = LS Name Int [(Name, LDecl)] lname (NS n x) i = NS (lname n i) x lname (UN n) i = MN i n lname x i = sMN i (show x ++ "_lam") liftAll :: [(Name, LDecl)] -> [(Name, LDecl)] liftAll xs = concatMap (\ (x, d) -> lambdaLift x d) xs lambdaLift :: Name -> LDecl -> [(Name, LDecl)] lambdaLift n (LFun opts _ args e) = let (e', (LS _ _ decls)) = runState (lift args e) (LS n 0 []) in (n, LFun opts n args e') : decls lambdaLift n x = [(n, x)] getNextName :: State LiftState Name getNextName = do LS n i ds <- get put (LS n (i + 1) ds) return (lname n i) addFn :: Name -> LDecl -> State LiftState () addFn fn d = do LS n i ds <- get put (LS n i ((fn, d) : ds)) lift :: [Name] -> LExp -> State LiftState LExp lift env (LV v) = return (LV v) -- Lifting happens before these can exist... lift env (LApp tc (LV (Glob n)) args) = do args' <- mapM (lift env) args return (LApp tc (LV (Glob n)) args') lift env (LApp tc f args) = do f' <- lift env f fn <- getNextName addFn fn (LFun [Inline] fn env f') args' <- mapM (lift env) args return (LApp tc (LV (Glob fn)) (map (LV . Glob) env ++ args')) lift env (LLazyApp n args) = do args' <- mapM (lift env) args return (LLazyApp n args') lift env (LLazyExp (LConst c)) = return (LConst c) -- lift env (LLazyExp (LApp tc (LV (Glob f)) args)) -- = lift env (LLazyApp f args) lift env (LLazyExp e) = do e' <- lift env e let usedArgs = nub $ usedIn env e' fn <- getNextName addFn fn (LFun [NoInline] fn usedArgs e') return (LLazyApp fn (map (LV . Glob) usedArgs)) lift env (LForce e) = do e' <- lift env e return (LForce e') lift env (LLet n v e) = do v' <- lift env v e' <- lift (env ++ [n]) e return (LLet n v' e') lift env (LLam args e) = do e' <- lift (env ++ args) e let usedArgs = nub $ usedIn env e' fn <- getNextName addFn fn (LFun [Inline] fn (usedArgs ++ args) e') return (LApp False (LV (Glob fn)) (map (LV . Glob) usedArgs)) lift env (LProj t i) = do t' <- lift env t return (LProj t' i) lift env (LCon loc i n args) = do args' <- mapM (lift env) args return (LCon loc i n args') lift env (LCase up e alts) = do alts' <- mapM liftA alts e' <- lift env e return (LCase up e' alts') where liftA (LConCase i n args e) = do e' <- lift (env ++ args) e return (LConCase i n args e') liftA (LConstCase c e) = do e' <- lift env e return (LConstCase c e') liftA (LDefaultCase e) = do e' <- lift env e return (LDefaultCase e') lift env (LConst c) = return (LConst c) lift env (LForeign t s args) = do args' <- mapM (liftF env) args return (LForeign t s args') where liftF env (t, e) = do e' <- lift env e return (t, e') lift env (LOp f args) = do args' <- mapM (lift env) args return (LOp f args') lift env (LError str) = return $ LError str lift env LNothing = return $ LNothing allocUnique :: LDefs -> (Name, LDecl) -> (Name, LDecl) allocUnique defs p@(n, LConstructor _ _ _) = p allocUnique defs (n, LFun opts fn args e) = let e' = evalState (findUp e) [] in (n, LFun opts fn args e') where -- Keep track of 'updatable' names in the state, i.e. names whose heap -- entry may be reused, along with the arity which was there findUp :: LExp -> State [(Name, Int)] LExp findUp (LApp t (LV (Glob n)) as) | Just (LConstructor _ i ar) <- lookupCtxtExact n defs, ar == length as = findUp (LCon Nothing i n as) findUp (LV (Glob n)) | Just (LConstructor _ i 0) <- lookupCtxtExact n defs = return $ LCon Nothing i n [] -- nullary cons are global, no need to update findUp (LApp t f as) = LApp t <$> findUp f <*> mapM findUp as findUp (LLazyApp n as) = LLazyApp n <$> mapM findUp as findUp (LLazyExp e) = LLazyExp <$> findUp e findUp (LForce e) = LForce <$> findUp e -- use assumption that names are unique! findUp (LLet n val sc) = LLet n <$> findUp val <*> findUp sc findUp (LLam ns sc) = LLam ns <$> findUp sc findUp (LProj e i) = LProj <$> findUp e <*> return i findUp (LCon (Just l) i n es) = LCon (Just l) i n <$> mapM findUp es findUp (LCon Nothing i n es) = do avail <- get v <- findVar [] avail (length es) LCon v i n <$> mapM findUp es findUp (LForeign t s es) = LForeign t s <$> mapM (\ (t, e) -> do e' <- findUp e return (t, e')) es findUp (LOp o es) = LOp o <$> mapM findUp es findUp (LCase Updatable e@(LV (Glob n)) as) = LCase Updatable e <$> mapM (doUpAlt n) as findUp (LCase t e as) = LCase t <$> findUp e <*> mapM findUpAlt as findUp t = return t findUpAlt (LConCase i t args rhs) = do avail <- get rhs' <- findUp rhs put avail return $ LConCase i t args rhs' findUpAlt (LConstCase i rhs) = LConstCase i <$> findUp rhs findUpAlt (LDefaultCase rhs) = LDefaultCase <$> findUp rhs doUpAlt n (LConCase i t args rhs) = do avail <- get put ((n, length args) : avail) rhs' <- findUp rhs put avail return $ LConCase i t args rhs' doUpAlt n (LConstCase i rhs) = LConstCase i <$> findUp rhs doUpAlt n (LDefaultCase rhs) = LDefaultCase <$> findUp rhs findVar _ [] i = return Nothing findVar acc ((n, l) : ns) i | l == i = do put (reverse acc ++ ns) return (Just (Glob n)) findVar acc (n : ns) i = findVar (n : acc) ns i -- Return variables in list which are used in the expression usedArg env n | n `elem` env = [n] | otherwise = [] usedIn :: [Name] -> LExp -> [Name] usedIn env (LV (Glob n)) = usedArg env n usedIn env (LApp _ e args) = usedIn env e ++ concatMap (usedIn env) args usedIn env (LLazyApp n args) = concatMap (usedIn env) args ++ usedArg env n usedIn env (LLazyExp e) = usedIn env e usedIn env (LForce e) = usedIn env e usedIn env (LLet n v e) = usedIn env v ++ usedIn (env \\ [n]) e usedIn env (LLam ns e) = usedIn (env \\ ns) e usedIn env (LCon v i n args) = let rest = concatMap (usedIn env) args in case v of Nothing -> rest Just (Glob n) -> usedArg env n ++ rest usedIn env (LProj t i) = usedIn env t usedIn env (LCase up e alts) = usedIn env e ++ concatMap (usedInA env) alts where usedInA env (LConCase i n ns e) = usedIn env e usedInA env (LConstCase c e) = usedIn env e usedInA env (LDefaultCase e) = usedIn env e usedIn env (LForeign _ _ args) = concatMap (usedIn env) (map snd args) usedIn env (LOp f args) = concatMap (usedIn env) args usedIn env _ = [] instance Show LExp where show e = show' [] "" e where show' env ind (LV (Loc i)) = env!!i show' env ind (LV (Glob n)) = show n show' env ind (LLazyApp e args) = show e ++ "|(" ++ showSep ", " (map (show' env ind) args) ++")" show' env ind (LApp _ e args) = show' env ind e ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map (show' env ind) args) ++")" show' env ind (LLazyExp e) = "lazy{ " ++ show' env ind e ++ " }" show' env ind (LForce e) = "force{ " ++ show' env ind e ++ " }" show' env ind (LLet n v e) = "let " ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show' env ind v ++ " in " ++ show' (env ++ [show n]) ind e show' env ind (LLam args e) = "\\ " ++ showSep "," (map show args) ++ " => " ++ show' (env ++ (map show args)) ind e show' env ind (LProj t i) = show t ++ "!" ++ show i show' env ind (LCon loc i n args) = atloc loc ++ show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map (show' env ind) args) ++ ")" where atloc Nothing = "" atloc (Just l) = "@" ++ show (LV l) ++ ":" show' env ind (LCase up e alts) = "case" ++ update ++ show' env ind e ++ " of \n" ++ fmt alts where update = case up of Shared -> " " Updatable -> "! " fmt [] = "" fmt [alt] = "\t" ++ ind ++ "| " ++ showAlt env (ind ++ " ") alt fmt (alt:as) = "\t" ++ ind ++ "| " ++ showAlt env (ind ++ ". ") alt ++ "\n" ++ fmt as show' env ind (LConst c) = show c show' env ind (LForeign ty n args) = concat [ "foreign{ " , show n ++ "(" , showSep ", " (map (\(ty,x) -> show' env ind x ++ " : " ++ show ty) args) , ") : " , show ty , " }" ] show' env ind (LOp f args) = show f ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map (show' env ind) args) ++ ")" show' env ind (LError str) = "error " ++ show str show' env ind LNothing = "____" showAlt env ind (LConCase _ n args e) = show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ") => " ++ show' env ind e showAlt env ind (LConstCase c e) = show c ++ " => " ++ show' env ind e showAlt env ind (LDefaultCase e) = "_ => " ++ show' env ind e
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="hi-IN"> <title>Getting started Guide</title> <maps> <homeID>top</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
-- Test we don't get a cycle for "phantom" superclasses {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-} module TcOK where class A cls c where meth :: cls c => c -> c class A B c => B c where
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.HTTP.Download.VerifiedSpec where import Crypto.Hash import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Retry (limitRetries) import Data.Maybe import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit import Network.HTTP.Download.Verified import Path import System.Directory import System.IO.Temp import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldNotBe, shouldNotReturn) -- TODO: share across test files withTempDir :: (Path Abs Dir -> IO a) -> IO a withTempDir f = withSystemTempDirectory "NHD_VerifiedSpec" $ \dirFp -> do dir <- parseAbsDir dirFp f dir -- | An example path to download the exampleReq. getExamplePath :: Path Abs Dir -> IO (Path Abs File) getExamplePath dir = do file <- parseRelFile "cabal-install-" return (dir </> file) -- | An example DownloadRequest that uses a SHA1 exampleReq :: DownloadRequest exampleReq = fromMaybe (error "exampleReq") $ do req <- parseUrl "" return DownloadRequest { drRequest = req , drHashChecks = [exampleHashCheck] , drLengthCheck = Just exampleLengthCheck , drRetryPolicy = limitRetries 1 } exampleHashCheck :: HashCheck exampleHashCheck = HashCheck { hashCheckAlgorithm = SHA1 , hashCheckHexDigest = CheckHexDigestString "b98eea96d321cdeed83a201c192dac116e786ec2" } exampleLengthCheck :: LengthCheck exampleLengthCheck = 302513 -- | The wrong ContentLength for exampleReq exampleWrongContentLength :: Int exampleWrongContentLength = 302512 -- | The wrong SHA1 digest for exampleReq exampleWrongDigest :: CheckHexDigest exampleWrongDigest = CheckHexDigestString "b98eea96d321cdeed83a201c192dac116e786ec3" exampleWrongContent :: String exampleWrongContent = "example wrong content" isWrongContentLength :: VerifiedDownloadException -> Bool isWrongContentLength WrongContentLength{} = True isWrongContentLength _ = False isWrongDigest :: VerifiedDownloadException -> Bool isWrongDigest WrongDigest{} = True isWrongDigest _ = False data T = T { manager :: Manager } runWith :: Manager -> ReaderT Manager m r -> m r runWith = flip runReaderT setup :: IO T setup = do manager <- newManager return T{..} teardown :: T -> IO () teardown _ = return () shouldNotBe :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Expectation actual `shouldNotBe` expected = unless (actual /= expected) (expectationFailure msg) where msg = "Value was exactly what it shouldn't be: " ++ show expected shouldNotReturn :: (Show a, Eq a) => IO a -> a -> Expectation action `shouldNotReturn` unexpected = action >>= (`shouldNotBe` unexpected) spec :: Spec spec = beforeAll setup $ afterAll teardown $ do let exampleProgressHook _ = return () describe "verifiedDownload" $ do -- Preconditions: -- * the exampleReq server is running -- * the test runner has working internet access to it it "downloads the file correctly" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do examplePath <- getExamplePath dir let exampleFilePath = toFilePath examplePath doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` False let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload exampleReq examplePath exampleProgressHook go `shouldReturn` True doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` True it "is idempotent, and doesn't redownload unnecessarily" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do examplePath <- getExamplePath dir let exampleFilePath = toFilePath examplePath doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` False let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload exampleReq examplePath exampleProgressHook go `shouldReturn` True doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` True go `shouldReturn` False doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` True -- it "does redownload when the destination file is wrong" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do examplePath <- getExamplePath dir let exampleFilePath = toFilePath examplePath writeFile exampleFilePath exampleWrongContent doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` True readFile exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` exampleWrongContent let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload exampleReq examplePath exampleProgressHook go `shouldReturn` True doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` True readFile exampleFilePath `shouldNotReturn` exampleWrongContent it "rejects incorrect content length" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do examplePath <- getExamplePath dir let exampleFilePath = toFilePath examplePath let wrongContentLengthReq = exampleReq { drLengthCheck = Just exampleWrongContentLength } let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload wrongContentLengthReq examplePath exampleProgressHook go `shouldThrow` isWrongContentLength doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` False it "rejects incorrect digest" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do examplePath <- getExamplePath dir let exampleFilePath = toFilePath examplePath let wrongHashCheck = exampleHashCheck { hashCheckHexDigest = exampleWrongDigest } let wrongDigestReq = exampleReq { drHashChecks = [wrongHashCheck] } let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload wrongDigestReq examplePath exampleProgressHook go `shouldThrow` isWrongDigest doesFileExist exampleFilePath `shouldReturn` False -- it "can download hackage tarballs" $ \T{..} -> withTempDir $ \dir -> do dest <- fmap (dir </>) $ parseRelFile "acme-missiles-0.3.tar.gz" let destFp = toFilePath dest req <- parseUrl "" let dReq = DownloadRequest { drRequest = req , drHashChecks = [] , drLengthCheck = Nothing , drRetryPolicy = limitRetries 1 } let go = runWith manager $ verifiedDownload dReq dest exampleProgressHook doesFileExist destFp `shouldReturn` False go `shouldReturn` True doesFileExist destFp `shouldReturn` True
module Main(main) where import System.Random tstRnd rng = checkRange rng (genRnd 50 rng) genRnd n rng = take n (randomRs rng (mkStdGen 2)) checkRange (lo,hi) = all pred where pred | lo <= hi = \ x -> x >= lo && x <= hi | otherwise = \ x -> x >= hi && x <= lo main :: IO () main = do print (tstRnd (1,5::Double)) print (tstRnd (1,5::Int)) print (tstRnd (10,54::Integer)) print (tstRnd ((-6),2::Int)) print (tstRnd (2,(-6)::Int))
module CodeModel.Core where import CodeModel.Function import CodeModel.Signature data Core = Core String [Function] instance Show Core where show (Core name funs) = "core " ++ name ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show funs) getFunction :: Core -> String -> Maybe Function getFunction (Core _ fs) s = (\filtered -> if null filtered then Nothing else Just $ head filtered) (filter (\(Function (Signature n _) _) -> n == s) fs)
module Y2018.M05.D08.Exercise where {-- Okay, now that we have the new articles downloaded from the REST endpoint and the ArticleMetaData context from the database, let's do some triage! So, just like with the ArticleMetaData, we have to generalize the Article- TriageInformation type from the specific Package and (Dated)Article types to types that allow us to switch from Pilot(-specific) articles to WPJ, or, in the future, articles of any type, ... or so we hope. Whilst still being useful for solving this problem, too. So, without further ado: --} import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.Map (Map) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple -- below imports available via 1HaskellADay git repository import Store.SQL.Connection import Store.SQL.Util.Indexed -- import Y2018.M01.D30.Exercise -- template for our ArticleTriageInformation import Y2018.M04.D02.Exercise -- for Article type import Y2018.M04.D13.Exercise -- for Packet type import Y2018.M05.D04.Exercise -- for articles from the rest endpoint import Y2018.M05.D07.Exercise -- for article context from the database data Triage = NEW | UPDATED | REDUNDANT deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Monoid Triage where mempty = REDUNDANT mappend = undefined -- Triage is the dual of a Semigroupoid: we only care about its unit value -- in logic analyses. data ArticleTriageInformation package block article idx = ATI { pack :: package, art :: (block, article), amd :: Maybe (IxValue (ArticleMetaData idx)) } deriving Show {-- The output from our analysis of the article context from the database (the ArticleMetadata set) and the articles downloaded from the REST endpoint (the ParsedPackage values) is the triaged article set --} type WPJATI = ArticleTriageInformation (Packet Value) Value Article Int type MapTri = Map Triage WPJATI triageArticles :: [IxValue (ArticleMetaData Int)] -> [ParsedPacket] -> MapTri triageArticles amd packets = undefined {-- So, with the above. 1. download the last week's articles from the REST endpoint 2. get the article metadata context from the database 3. triage the downloaded articles. 1. How many new articles are there? 2. How many updated articles are there? 3. How many redundant articles are there? Since the World Policy Journal doesn't publish many articles each day, and a packet has 100 articles, there 'may' be a lot of redundant articles. Do your results bear this out? --}
import Test.Hspec.Attoparsec import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Hspec import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Data.STEP.Parsers main :: IO () main = do specs <- createSpecs let tests = testGroup "Tests" [specs] defaultMain tests createSpecs = testSpec "Parsing" $ parallel $ describe "success cases" $ do it "should parse case1" $ (C8.pack "( 1.45 , 666. ,2. ,6.022E23)") ~> parseStep `shouldParse` (Vector [1.45, 666.0, 2.0, 6.022e23]) it "should parse case2" $ (C8.pack "(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)") ~> parseStep `shouldParse` (Vector [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Coreutils import Data.List (intersperse) main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Unit tests" [libTests] libTests :: TestTree libTests = testGroup "coreutils" [splitTests] splitTests :: TestTree splitTests = testGroup "split" [ testProperty "removes a" $ \as -> length (as :: String) > 10 ==> notElem ',' . concat . split ',' . intersperse ',' $ as , testProperty "has +1 results from element count" $ \as -> length (as :: String) > 10 ==> let commafied = intersperse ',' as count = length . filter (== ',') $ commafied len = length $ split ',' commafied in len == count + 1 ]
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Foldable (traverse_) input :: ByteString input = "10001001100000001" bitFlip :: Char -> Char bitFlip '0' = '1' bitFlip _ = '0' dragon :: ByteString -> ByteString dragon β = β `BC.append` ('0' `BC.cons` BC.reverse ( bitFlip β)) dragonTest :: Bool dragonTest = all (\(α, β) -> dragon α == β) [ ("1" , "100") , ("0" , "001") , ("11111" , "11111000000") , ("111100001010", "1111000010100101011110000") ] checkStep :: ByteString -> ByteString checkStep β = go β "" where {-# INLINABLE go #-} go :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString go α ω | BC.null α = ω | otherwise = go α' ω' where γ = α `BC.index` 0 δ = α `BC.index` 1 ϵ = if γ == δ then '1' else '0' α' = BC.drop 2 α ω' = ω `BC.snoc` ϵ checkStepTest :: Bool checkStepTest = all (\(α, β) -> checkStep α == β) [("110010110100", "110101"), ("110101", "100")] shrink :: ByteString -> ByteString shrink β | odd $ BC.length β = β | otherwise = shrink $ checkStep β expand :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString expand λ β | BC.length β >= λ = β | otherwise = expand λ $ dragon β checkSum :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString checkSum λ = shrink . BC.take λ . expand λ main :: IO () main = do traverse_ print [dragonTest, checkStepTest] traverse_ (BC.putStrLn . (`checkSum` input)) [272, 35651584]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Ann -- Copyright : (c) 2013-14 Phil Freeman, (c) 2014 Gary Burgess, and other contributors -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : Phil Freeman <[email protected]>, Gary Burgess <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : -- -- | Type alias for basic annotations -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Ann where import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Meta import Language.PureScript.Types import Language.PureScript.Comments -- | -- Type alias for basic annotations -- type Ann = (Maybe SourceSpan, [Comment], Maybe Type, Maybe Meta) -- | -- Initial annotation with no metadata -- nullAnn :: Ann nullAnn = (Nothing, [], Nothing, Nothing) -- | -- Remove the comments from an annotation -- removeComments :: Ann -> Ann removeComments (ss, _, ty, meta) = (ss, [], ty, meta)
import Data.List combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] combinations 0 _ = [ [] ] combinations n xs = [ y:ys | y:xs' <- tails xs , ys <- combinations (n-1) xs']
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.CommentTable where import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBC8 import Data.List.Extra (nubOrd) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as B import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Safe import Text.XML import Text.XML.Cursor import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Comment import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Common import Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal newtype CommentTable = CommentTable { _commentsTable :: Map CellRef Comment } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) fromList :: [(CellRef, Comment)] -> CommentTable fromList = CommentTable . M.fromList toList :: CommentTable -> [(CellRef, Comment)] toList = M.toList . _commentsTable lookupComment :: CellRef -> CommentTable -> Maybe Comment lookupComment ref = M.lookup ref . _commentsTable instance ToDocument CommentTable where toDocument = documentFromElement "Sheet comments generated by xlsx" . toElement "comments" instance ToElement CommentTable where toElement nm (CommentTable m) = Element { elementName = nm , elementAttributes = M.empty , elementNodes = [ NodeElement $ elementListSimple "authors" authorNodes , NodeElement . elementListSimple "commentList" $ map commentToEl (M.toList m) ] } where commentToEl (ref, Comment{..}) = Element { elementName = "comment" , elementAttributes = M.fromList [ ("ref" .= ref) , ("authorId" .= lookupAuthor _commentAuthor)] , elementNodes = [NodeElement $ toElement "text" _commentText] } lookupAuthor a = fromJustNote "author lookup" $ M.lookup a authorIds authorNames = nubOrd . map _commentAuthor $ M.elems m decimalToText :: Integer -> Text decimalToText = toStrict . B.toLazyText . B.decimal authorIds = M.fromList $ zip authorNames (map decimalToText [0..]) authorNodes = map (elementContent "author") authorNames instance FromCursor CommentTable where fromCursor cur = do let authorNames = cur $/ element (n_ "authors") &/ element (n_ "author") >=> contentOrEmpty authors = M.fromList $ zip [0..] authorNames items = cur $/ element (n_ "commentList") &/ element (n_ "comment") >=> parseComment authors return . CommentTable $ M.fromList items parseComment :: Map Int Text -> Cursor -> [(CellRef, Comment)] parseComment authors cur = do ref <- fromAttribute "ref" cur txt <- cur $/ element (n_ "text") >=> fromCursor authorId <- cur $| attribute "authorId" >=> decimal let author = fromJustNote "authorId" $ M.lookup authorId authors return (ref, Comment txt author True) -- | helper to render comment baloons vml file, -- currently uses fixed shape renderShapes :: CommentTable -> ByteString renderShapes (CommentTable m) = LB.concat [ "<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\" " , "xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" " , "xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">" , commentShapeType , LB.concat commentShapes , "</xml>" ] where commentShapeType = LB.concat [ "<v:shapetype id=\"baloon\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"202\" " , "path=\"m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe\">" , "<v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"></v:stroke>" , "<v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"></v:path>" , "</v:shapetype>" ] fromRef = fromJustNote "Invalid comment ref" . fromSingleCellRef commentShapes = [ commentShape (fromRef ref) (_commentVisible cmnt) | (ref, cmnt) <- M.toList m ] commentShape (r, c) v = LB.concat [ "<v:shape type=\"#baloon\" " , "style=\"position:absolute;width:auto" -- ;width:108pt;height:59.25pt" , if v then "" else ";visibility:hidden" , "\" fillcolor=\"#ffffe1\" o:insetmode=\"auto\">" , "<v:fill color2=\"#ffffe1\"></v:fill><v:shadow color=\"black\" obscured=\"t\"></v:shadow>" , "<v:path o:connecttype=\"none\"></v:path><v:textbox style=\"mso-direction-alt:auto\">" , "<div style=\"text-align:left\"></div></v:textbox>" , "<x:ClientData ObjectType=\"Note\">" , "<x:MoveWithCells></x:MoveWithCells><x:SizeWithCells></x:SizeWithCells>" , "<x:Anchor>4, 15, 0, 7, 6, 31, 5, 1</x:Anchor><x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>" , "<x:Row>" , LBC8.pack $ show (r - 1) , "</x:Row>" , "<x:Column>" , LBC8.pack $ show (c - 1) , "</x:Column>" , "</x:ClientData>" , "</v:shape>" ]
-- | Biegunka - configuration development library module Control.Biegunka ( -- * Interpreters control biegunka, Settings, defaultSettings, runRoot, biegunkaRoot , Templates(..), templates -- * Interpreters , Interpreter , pause, confirm, changes, run, check -- * Types , Script, Scope(..) -- * Actions layer primitives , link, register, copy, unE, substitute, raw -- * Script environment , sourceRoot -- * Modifiers , namespace , sudo, User(..), username, uid, retries, reacting, React(..), prerequisiteOf, (<~>) -- * Auxiliary , into -- * Commandline options parser autogeneration , runner_, runnerOf, Environments(..), Generic -- * Quasiquoters , multiline, sh, shell -- * Settings -- ** Mode , mode, Mode(..) -- * Little helpers , (~>) , pass ) where import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.Directory.Layout (username, uid) import Control.Biegunka.Biegunka (biegunka) import Control.Biegunka.Settings ( Settings, defaultSettings, biegunkaRoot , Templates(..), templates , mode, Mode(..) ) import Control.Biegunka.Execute (run) import Control.Biegunka.Interpreter (Interpreter, pause, confirm, changes) import Control.Biegunka.Language (Scope(..)) import Control.Biegunka.Primitive import Control.Biegunka.Script (runRoot, sourceRoot, Script, User(..), React(..), into) import Control.Biegunka.QQ (multiline, sh, shell) import Control.Biegunka.Options (Environments(..), runnerOf, runner_) import Control.Biegunka.Check (check) infix 4 ~> -- | An alias for '(,)' for better looking pairing (~>) :: a -> b -> (a, b) (~>) = (,) -- | Do nothing. pass :: Applicative m => m () pass = pure ()
import Data.Char import Data.List (sort) {- Chapter 7 :: Higher-order functions -} twice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a twice f x = f (f x) map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map' f xs = [f x | x <- xs] -- map defined by recursion map'' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map'' f [] = [] map'' f (x:xs) = f x : map'' f xs filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter' p xs = [x | x <- xs, p x] -- filter defined by recursion filter'' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter'' p [] = [] filter'' p (x:xs) | p x = x : filter'' p xs | otherwise = filter'' p xs sumsqreven :: [Int] -> Int sumsqreven ns = sum (map (^2) (filter even ns)) -- foldr function sum' :: Num a => [a] -> a sum' [] = 0 sum' (x:xs) = x + sum' xs sum'' :: Num a => [a] -> a sum'' = foldr (+) 0 {- (foldr (+) 0) [1,2,3] = 1 : (2 : (3 : [])) = 1 + (2 + (3 + 0)) Takeaway: foldr can be thought of replacing each cons operator in a list by the function f and the empty list at the end by the value v. -} product' :: Num a => [a] -> a product' [] = 1 product' (x:xs) = x * product xs product'' :: Num a => [a] -> a product'' = foldr (*) 1 or' :: [Bool] -> Bool or' [] = False or' (x:xs) = x || or' xs or'' :: [Bool] -> Bool or'' = foldr (||) False and' :: [Bool] -> Bool and' [] = True and' (x:xs) = x && and' xs and'' :: [Bool] -> Bool and'' = foldr (&&) True foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b foldr' f v [] = v foldr' f v (x:xs) = f x (foldr' f v xs) length' :: [a] -> Int length' = foldr (\_ n -> 1+n) 0 reverse' :: [a] -> [a] reverse' [] = [] reverse' (x:xs) = reverse' xs ++ [x] snoc :: a -> [a] -> [a] snoc x xs = xs ++ [x] reverse'' :: [a] -> [a] reverse'' = foldr snoc [] {- reverse [1,2,3] = 1 : (2 : (3 : [])) = 1 snoc (2 snoc (3 snoc [])) = (2 snoc (3 snoc [])) ++ [1] = ((3 snoc []) ++ [2]) ++ [1] = (([] ++ [3]) ++ [2]) ++ [1] -} -- foldl function sum''' :: Num a => [a] -> a sum''' = sum' 0 where sum' v [] = v sum' v (x:xs) = sum' (v+x) xs {- sum [1,2,3] = sum' 0 [1,2,3] = sum' (0+1) [2,3] = sum' ((0+1)+2) [3] = sum' (((0+1)+2)+3) [] = sum' ((0+1)+2)+3 = 6 -} length'' :: [a] -> Int length'' = foldl (\n _ -> n+1) 0 -- length'' [1,2,3] = ((0 + 1) + 1) + 1 = 3 reverse''' :: [a] -> [a] reverse''' = foldl (\xs x -> x:xs) [] {- swap_cons = (\xs x -> x:xs) swap_cons [2,3] 1 == [1,2,3] reverse''' [1,2,3] = ((([] swap_cons 1) swap_cons 2) swap_cons 3) = (([1] swap_cons 2) swap_cons 3) = ([2,1] swap_cons 3) = [3,2,1] -} foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a foldl' f v [] = v foldl' f v (x:xs) = foldl' f (f v x) xs -- composition operator (.*) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) f .* g = \x -> f (g x) {- not . even $ 10 == False not . not . even $ 10 == True -} compose :: [a -> a] -> (a -> a) compose = foldr (.) id {- compose [\x -> x^2, \y -> y*5] 4 == 400 -} -- bit conversion type Bit = Int {- iterate produces an infinite list by applying a function on a value - i.e.: iterate (*10) 1 = [1, 10, 100..] take 5 $ iterate (*2) 1 == [1,2,4,8,16] -} bin2int :: [Bit] -> Int bin2int bits = sum [w*b | (w,b) <- zip weights bits] where weights = iterate (*2) 1 bin2int' :: [Bit] -> Int bin2int' = foldr (\x y -> x + 2*y) 0 int2bin :: Int -> [Bit] int2bin 0 = [] int2bin n = n `mod` 2 : int2bin (n `div` 2) make8 :: [Bit] -> [Bit] make8 bits = take 8 (bits ++ repeat 0) {- bin2int' [1,0,1,1] == 13 int2bin 13 == [1,0,1,1] make8 [1,1,0,1] == [1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0] -} -- convert each letter to bit representation and -- concatenate the output lists into one list. encode' :: String -> [Bit] encode' = concat . map (make8 . int2bin . ord) chop8 :: [Bit] -> [[Bit]] chop8 [] = [] chop8 bits = take 8 bits : chop8 (drop 8 bits) decode :: [Bit] -> String decode = map (chr . bin2int') . chop8 {- encode' "abc" = [1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0] chop8 [1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0] = [[1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0],[0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0],[1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0]] decode [1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0] = "abc" -} transmit :: String -> String transmit = decode . channel . encode' channel :: [Bit] -> [Bit] channel = id {- transmit "higher-order functions are easy" = "higher-order functions are easy -} -- voting algorithms votes :: [String] votes = ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue", "Blue", "Red"] count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int count x = length . filter (== x) {- count "Red" votes == 2 -} rmdupes :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] rmdupes [] = [] rmdupes (x:xs) = x : rmdupes (filter (/= x) xs) {- Incorrect definition of rmdups, check Errata on rmdupes :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] rmdupes [] = [] rmdupes (x:xs) = x : filter (/= x) (rmdupes xs) rmdupes [1,3,1,3,2] = 1 : rmdupes (/= 1) [3,1,3,2] = 1 : filter (/= 1) (rmdupes [3,1,3,2]) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (rmdupes [1,3,2])) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (1 : filter (/= 1) (rmdupes [3,2]))) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (rmdupes [2])))) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (2 : filter (/= 2) (rmdupes []))))) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (2 : filter (/= 2) [])))) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) (1 : filter (/= 1) [3,2])) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : filter (/= 3) [1,3,2]) = 1 : filter (/= 1) (3 : [1,2]) = 1 : filter (/= 1) [3,1,2] = 1 : [3,2] = [1,3,2] rmdupes votes = ["Red","Blue","Green"] -} result :: Ord a => [a] -> [(Int,a)] result vs = sort [(count v vs, v) | v <- rmdupes vs] winner :: Ord a => [a] -> a winner = snd . last . result {- result votes = [(1,"Green"),(2,"Red"),(3,"Blue")] winner votes = "Blue" -} ballots :: [[String]] ballots = [["Red", "Green"], ["Green"], ["Blue"], ["Green","Red","Blue"], ["Blue","Green","Red"], ["Green"]] rmempty :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]] rmempty = filter (/= []) elim :: Eq a => a -> [[a]] -> [[a]] elim x = map (filter (/= x)) rank :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a] rank = map snd . result . map head -- case mechanism allows for pattern matching in the -- body of a definition. winner' :: Ord a => [[a]] -> a winner' bs = case rank (rmempty bs) of [c] -> c (c:cs) -> winner' (elim c bs) {- rank ballots = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"] winner' ballots = "Green" -}
module Physics.ImplicitEMC () where
{- This module was generated from data in the Kate syntax highlighting file vhdl.xml, version 1.12, by Rocky Scaletta ([email protected]), Stefan Endrullis ([email protected]), Florent Ouchet ([email protected]), Chris Higgs ([email protected]), Jan Michel ([email protected]) -} module Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax.Vhdl (highlight, parseExpression, syntaxName, syntaxExtensions) where import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Common import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isSpace) import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Full name of language. syntaxName :: String syntaxName = "VHDL" -- | Filename extensions for this language. syntaxExtensions :: String syntaxExtensions = "*.vhdl;*.vhd" -- | Highlight source code using this syntax definition. highlight :: String -> [SourceLine] highlight input = evalState (mapM parseSourceLine $ lines input) startingState parseSourceLine :: String -> State SyntaxState SourceLine parseSourceLine = mkParseSourceLine (parseExpression Nothing) -- | Parse an expression using appropriate local context. parseExpression :: Maybe (String,String) -> KateParser Token parseExpression mbcontext = do (lang,cont) <- maybe currentContext return mbcontext result <- parseRules (lang,cont) optional $ do eof updateState $ \st -> st{ synStPrevChar = '\n' } pEndLine return result startingState = SyntaxState {synStContexts = [("VHDL","start")], synStLineNumber = 0, synStPrevChar = '\n', synStPrevNonspace = False, synStContinuation = False, synStCaseSensitive = True, synStKeywordCaseSensitive = False, synStCaptures = []} pEndLine = do updateState $ \st -> st{ synStPrevNonspace = False } context <- currentContext contexts <- synStContexts `fmap` getState st <- getState if length contexts >= 2 then case context of _ | synStContinuation st -> updateState $ \st -> st{ synStContinuation = False } ("VHDL","start") -> return () ("VHDL","package") -> return () ("VHDL","packagemain") -> return () ("VHDL","packagefunction") -> return () ("VHDL","packagebody") -> return () ("VHDL","packagebodymain") -> return () ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc1") -> return () ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc2") -> return () ("VHDL","architecture_main") -> return () ("VHDL","arch_start") -> return () ("VHDL","arch_decl") -> return () ("VHDL","detect_arch_parts") -> return () ("VHDL","generate1") -> return () ("VHDL","generate2") -> return () ("VHDL","process1") -> return () ("VHDL","proc_rules") -> return () ("VHDL","instance") -> return () ("VHDL","instanceMap") -> return () ("VHDL","instanceInnerPar") -> return () ("VHDL","forwhile1") -> return () ("VHDL","forwhile2") -> return () ("VHDL","if_start") -> return () ("VHDL","if") -> return () ("VHDL","case1") -> return () ("VHDL","case2") -> return () ("VHDL","caseWhen") -> return () ("VHDL","caseWhen2") -> return () ("VHDL","entity") -> return () ("VHDL","entity_main") -> return () ("VHDL","configuration") -> return () ("VHDL","conf_start") -> return () ("VHDL","conf_decl") -> return () ("VHDL","conf_for") -> return () ("VHDL","preDetection") -> return () ("VHDL","generalDetection") -> return () ("VHDL","comment") -> (popContext) >> pEndLine ("VHDL","string") -> return () ("VHDL","attribute") -> (popContext) >> pEndLine ("VHDL","quot in att") -> return () ("VHDL","signal") -> return () _ -> return () else return () withAttribute attr txt = do when (null txt) $ fail "Parser matched no text" updateState $ \st -> st { synStPrevChar = last txt , synStPrevNonspace = synStPrevNonspace st || not (all isSpace txt) } return (attr, txt) list_keywordsToplevel = Set.fromList $ words $ "file library use" list_keywords = Set.fromList $ words $ "access after alias all array assert assume assume_guarantee attribute begin block body bus component constant context cover default disconnect downto end exit fairness falling_edge file for force function generate generic group guarded impure inertial is label linkage literal map new next null of on open others parameter port postponed procedure process property protected pure range record register reject release report return rising_edge select sequence severity signal shared strong subtype to transport type unaffected units until variable vmode vprop vunit wait when with note warning error failure in inout out buffer and abs or xor xnor not mod nand nor rem rol ror sla sra sll srl" list_if = Set.fromList $ words $ "if else elsif then" list_forOrWhile = Set.fromList $ words $ "loop" list_directions = Set.fromList $ words $ "in inout out buffer linkage" list_signals = Set.fromList $ words $ "signal variable constant type attribute" list_range = Set.fromList $ words $ "to downto others" list_case = Set.fromList $ words $ "case when" list_timeunits = Set.fromList $ words $ "fs ps ns us ms sec min hr" list_types = Set.fromList $ words $ "bit bit_vector character boolean boolean_vector integer integer_vector real real_vector time time_vector delay_length string severity_level positive natural file_open_kind file_open_status signed unsigned unresolved_unsigned unresolved_signed line text side width std_logic std_logic_vector std_ulogic std_ulogic_vector x01 x01z ux01 ux01z qsim_state qsim_state_vector qsim_12state qsim_12state_vector qsim_strength mux_bit mux_vector reg_bit reg_vector wor_bit wor_vector" regex_'28'5cb'29package'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)package\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)is\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29function'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)function\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bpackage'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\s+package\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)begin\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'28generate'7cloop'29'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)(generate|loop)\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'28for'7cif'7cwhile'29'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)(for|if|while)\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2b'28generate'7cloop'29'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\s+(generate|loop)(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?" regex_'28'5cb'29process'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)process\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'28'3f'3d'5cs'2a'3a'28'3f'21'3d'29'29 = compileRegex True "(\\b)\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b(?=\\s*:(?!=))" regex_'28'5cb'29if'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)if\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29case'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)case\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'28port'7cgeneric'29'5cs'2bmap'5cs'2a'5c'28 = compileRegex True "(\\b)(port|generic)\\s+map\\s*\\(" regex_'28'5cb'29loop'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)loop\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29'28for'7cwhile'29'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)(for|while)\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bloop'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\s+loop(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?" regex_'28'5cb'29then'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)then\\b" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bif'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f'5cs'2a'3b = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\s+if(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?\\s*;" regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bcase'28'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f'5cs'2a'3b = compileRegex True "(\\b)end\\s+case(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?\\s*;" regex_'28'5cb'29when'5cb = compileRegex True "(\\b)when\\b" regex_'5cs'2awhen'5cb = compileRegex True "\\s*when\\b" regex_'5cs'2aend'5cs'2bcase'5cb = compileRegex True "\\s*end\\s+case\\b" regex_'28'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29 = compileRegex True "(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)" regex_generic = compileRegex True "generic" regex_port = compileRegex True "port" regex_end'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f = compileRegex True "end(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?" parseRules ("VHDL","start") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)architecture\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","architecture_main") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pString False "entity" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","entity")) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)package\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+is\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","package") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)package\\s+body\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+is\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","packagebody") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)configuration\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","configuration") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_keywordsToplevel >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","start")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","package") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29package'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","packagemain")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+package)?(\\s+%2)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","package")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagemain") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cb) >> (popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29function'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","packagefunction")) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagemain")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagefunction") = (((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagefunction")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagebody") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29package'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","packagebodymain")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+package)?(\\s+%2)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagebody")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagebodymain") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bpackage'5cb) >> (popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)function\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc1") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagebodymain")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc1") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc2")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+function)?(\\s+%2)?\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc2") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+function)?\\b") >> (popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","packagebodyfunc2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","architecture_main") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)architecture\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+of\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+is") >> pushContext ("VHDL","arch_start") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+architecture)?(\\s+%2)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+architecture)?(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s*;" >>= withAttribute ErrorTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","detect_arch_parts"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","architecture_main")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","arch_start") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","arch_decl")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%4\\b" >>= withAttribute FunctionTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","arch_start")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","arch_decl") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_signals >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","signal")) <|> ((pString False "component" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","entity")) <|> ((pString False "begin" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","arch_decl")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","detect_arch_parts") = (((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b\\s*:\\s*)(if|for).*\\s+generate\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","generate1") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b\\s*:\\s*)?process\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","process1") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s*:\\s*((entity\\s+)?(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)(\\.\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?)") >> pushContext ("VHDL","instance") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","detect_arch_parts")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","generate1") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'28generate'7cloop'29'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","generate2")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%3\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'28for'7cif'7cwhile'29'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","generate1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","generate2") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2b'28generate'7cloop'29'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","detect_arch_parts"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","generate2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","process1") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end\\s+process(\\s+%3)?" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end\\s+process(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?" >>= withAttribute ErrorTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29process'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","process1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules") = (((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'28'3f'3d'5cs'2a'3a'28'3f'21'3d'29'29 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29if'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","if_start")) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29case'5cb) >> pushContext ("VHDL","case1") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)((\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s*:\\s*)?((for|while)\\s+.+\\s+)loop\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","forwhile1") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","proc_rules")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","instance") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%4\\b" >>= withAttribute FunctionTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%3\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'28port'7cgeneric'29'5cs'2bmap'5cs'2a'5c'28 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","instanceMap")) <|> ((pDetectChar False ';' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","instance")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","instanceMap") = (((pAnyChar "<;:" >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False ':' >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pDetectChar False ')' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '(' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","instanceInnerPar")) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","instanceMap")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","instanceInnerPar") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pDetectChar False ')' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '(' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","instanceInnerPar")) <|> ((pDetectChar False ';' >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","instanceInnerPar")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","forwhile1") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29loop'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","forwhile2")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%3\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29'28for'7cwhile'29'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","forwhile1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","forwhile2") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29begin'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bloop'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","forwhile2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","if_start") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29then'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","if")) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","if_start")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","if") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bif'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f'5cs'2a'3b >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_if >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","if")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","case1") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","case2")) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_case >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","case1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","case2") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29end'5cs'2bcase'28'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f'5cs'2a'3b >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)when(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?\\b") >> pushContext ("VHDL","caseWhen") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","case2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","caseWhen") = (((pDetect2Chars False '=' '>' >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","caseWhen2")) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29when'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","caseWhen")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","caseWhen2") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pColumn 0 >> lookAhead (pRegExpr regex_'5cs'2awhen'5cb) >> (popContext >> popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pColumn 0 >> lookAhead (pRegExpr regex_'5cs'2aend'5cs'2bcase'5cb) >> (popContext >> popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","proc_rules"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","caseWhen2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","entity") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","entity_main")) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","entity")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","entity_main") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+(entity|component))?(\\s+%1)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+(entity|component))?(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute ErrorTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_generic >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_port >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","entity_main")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","configuration") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)configuration\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+of\\s+(\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s+is") >> pushContext ("VHDL","conf_start") >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+configuration)?(\\s+%2)?\\s*;" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)end(\\s+configuration)?(\\s+\\b(?!(?:process|constant|signal|variable))([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\\b)\\s*;" >>= withAttribute ErrorTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","configuration")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","conf_start") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'28'5cb'29is'5cb >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","conf_decl")) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%2\\b" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExprDynamic "(\\b)%4\\b" >>= withAttribute FunctionTok)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","conf_start")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","conf_decl") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pString False "for" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","conf_for")) <|> ((lookAhead (pString False "end") >> (popContext >> popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","conf_decl")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","conf_for") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((pString False "for" >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","conf_for")) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_end'28'5cs'2b'5cb'28'3f'21'28'3f'3aprocess'7cconstant'7csignal'7cvariable'29'29'28'5bA'2dZa'2dz'5f'5d'5bA'2dZa'2dz0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'29'5cb'29'3f >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","conf_for")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection") = (((pDetect2Chars False '-' '-' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","comment")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","string")) <|> ((pAnyChar "[&><=:+\\-*\\/|].," >>= withAttribute OtherTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","attribute")) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","preDetection")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection") = (((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_types >>= withAttribute DataTypeTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_timeunits >>= withAttribute DataTypeTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_signals >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","signal")) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_range >>= withAttribute OtherTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_keywords >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pInt >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pHlCChar >>= withAttribute CharTok)) <|> ((pDetectSpaces >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","generalDetection")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","comment") = (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","comment")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute CommentTok) parseRules ("VHDL","string") = (((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","string")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute StringTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","attribute") = (((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","quot in att")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ pushContext ("VHDL","quot in att")) <|> ((pDetectChar False ' ' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pAnyChar ")=<>" >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","attribute")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute BaseNTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","quot in att") = (((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","quot in att")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute BaseNTok)) parseRules ("VHDL","signal") = (((parseRules ("VHDL","preDetection"))) <|> ((lookAhead (pDetectChar False ';') >> (popContext) >> currentContext >>= parseRules)) <|> ((parseRules ("VHDL","generalDetection"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("VHDL","signal")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules x = parseRules ("VHDL","start") <|> fail ("Unknown context" ++ show x)
module Data.FNLP ( module Data.Convertible , module Data.Convertible.Auto ) where import Data.Convertible import Data.Convertible.Auto
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Board where import Piece import qualified Data.Sequence as S import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Foldable as F type Row = S.Seq Piece instance Pretty Row where pretty o r = "│ " ++ L.intercalate " │ " prettyPieces ++ " │" where prettyPieces = map (pretty o) . F.toList $ F.toList r instance Pretty Board where pretty o b = bTop ++ lkLnSep bSep (S.take 3 b) ++ bSep ++ pretty o (S.index b 3) ++ bLakTop ++ pLakeLn (S.index b 4) ++ bLakMid ++ pLakeLn (S.index b 5) ++ bLakBot ++ (lkLnSep bSep . S.take 3 $ S.drop 6 b) ++ bSep ++ pretty o (S.index b 9) ++ bBot where bTop = "┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐\n" bSep = "\n├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤\n" bLakTop = "\n├───┼───┼───┴───┼───┼───┼───┴───┼───┼───┤\n" bLakMid = "\n├───┼───┤ ├───┼───┤ ├───┼───┤\n" bLakBot = "\n├───┼───┼───┬───┼───┼───┼───┬───┼───┼───┤\n" bBot = "\n└───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘" lkLnSep s = L.intercalate s . F.toList . fmap (pretty o) pLakeLn r = "│ " ++ L.intercalate " │ " [ lkLnSep " │ " $ S.take 2 r , lkLnSep " " . S.take 2 $ S.drop 2 r , lkLnSep " │ " . S.take 2 $ S.drop 4 r , lkLnSep " " . S.take 2 $ S.drop 6 r , lkLnSep " │ " $ S.drop 8 r ] ++ " │" type Board = S.Seq Row type Pos = (Int, Int) -- (Row, Column) (!) :: Board -> Pos -> Piece s ! (r,c) = S.index (S.index s c) r takeWhile' _ [] = [] takeWhile' p (x:xs) | p x = x : takeWhile' p xs | otherwise = [x] posInRange:: Pos -> Board -> [Pos] posInRange p@(r,c) b | outOfBounds p = [] | range piece <= 0 = [] | otherwise = filter (canCollide piece . (b!)) targets where outOfBounds (x,y) = x < 0 || x > 9 || y < 0 || y > 9 piece = b ! p posInDir = concat [ [(r, y)| y <- map (+ c) ranges] , [(x, c)| x <- map (+ r) ranges] ] where ranges = ps ++ ns ps = [1..9] ns = [-1, -2 .. -9] isBlank pos = b ! pos == Piece None Empty True targets = filter (not . outOfBounds) $ case rank piece of Scout -> takeWhile' isBlank posInDir otherwise -> [ (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1) , (r - 1, c), (r + 1, c) ] placePiece :: Piece -> Pos -> Board -> Board placePiece p (r,c) b = S.update c (S.update r p $ S.index b c) b movablePieces :: Player -> Board -> [Pos] movablePieces p b = filter (canMove p) pieces where pieces = [(x,y)| x <- [0..9], y <- [0..9]] canMove pl pc = (length $ posInRange pc b) > 0 && owner (b!pc) == pl movePiece :: Pos -> Pos -> Board -> Board movePiece p@(r,c) p'@(r',c') b | invalidMove = b | otherwise = placePiece blank p $ placePiece winner p' b where invalidMove = notElem p' $ posInRange p b attacker = b ! p defender = b ! p' blank = Piece None Empty True winner = collide attacker defender gameOver :: Board -> Player gameOver b | hasLost Blue = Red | hasLost Red = Blue | otherwise = None where hasLost p = hasNoMove p || hasNoFlag p hasNoMove p = length (movablePieces p b) == 0 hasNoFlag p = notElem (Piece p Flag False) pieces pieces = [b!(x,y)| x <- [0..9], y <- [0..9]] blankBoard :: Board blankBoard = S.fromList [ bln, bln, bln, bln, lln, lln, bln, bln, bln, bln ] where blank = Piece None Empty True lake = Piece None Lake True bln = S.replicate 10 blank lln = S.fromList [ blank, blank , lake , lake , blank, blank , lake , lake , blank, blank ]
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric #-} module Lamdu.GUI.ExpressionEdit.HoleEdit.State ( HoleState(..), hsSearchTerm , emptyState, setHoleStateAndJump, assocStateRef ) where import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.MonadA (MonadA) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Store.Guid (Guid) import qualified Data.Store.Transaction as Transaction import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Graphics.UI.Bottle.Widget as Widget import Lamdu.GUI.ExpressionEdit.HoleEdit.WidgetIds (WidgetIds(..)) import qualified Lamdu.GUI.ExpressionEdit.HoleEdit.WidgetIds as WidgetIds import qualified Lamdu.Sugar.Types as Sugar type T = Transaction.Transaction newtype HoleState = HoleState { _hsSearchTerm :: String } deriving (Eq, Generic) Lens.makeLenses ''HoleState instance Binary HoleState emptyState :: HoleState emptyState = HoleState { _hsSearchTerm = "" } setHoleStateAndJump :: MonadA m => Guid -> HoleState -> Sugar.EntityId -> T m Widget.Id setHoleStateAndJump guid state entityId = do Transaction.setP (assocStateRef guid) state let WidgetIds{..} = WidgetIds.make entityId return hidOpenSearchTerm assocStateRef :: MonadA m => Guid -> Transaction.MkProperty m HoleState assocStateRef = Transaction.assocDataRefDef emptyState "searchTerm"
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTrader is a Personal Stock Trader Toolbox. Copyright (C) 2012 Luis Cabellos This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} import PTrader.Report( Report, runReport, newScreen, newLine, stocksState, indexState ) import Control.Monad( forever ) import System.Exit( exitSuccess ) import System.Posix.Unistd( sleep ) import System.Posix.Signals( Handler(..), installHandler, sigINT ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- stocks :: [String] stocks = ["ENG.MC","SAN.MC","TEF.MC","OHL.MC","FER.MC"] indexes :: [String] indexes = ["^IBEX"] myReport :: Report () myReport = do -- clear console screen newScreen -- print the state of indexes indexState indexes newLine -- print the state of selected stocks stocksState stocks -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do _ <- installHandler sigINT (CatchOnce exitSuccess) Nothing forever $ do -- print myReport using colors runReport myReport True -- wait 1 minute sleep 60 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Map.KDMap import Data.Monoid import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime) import Data.Vector ((!)) import Debug.Trace import Graphics.Gloss import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color as Color import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game import Pipes import Pipes.RealTime import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP import System.Environment import System.Directory import Data.Ephys.Spike import Data.Ephys.OldMWL.Parse import Data.Ephys.OldMWL.ParseSpike drawPoint :: Int -> Int -> Double -> (Point4, SpikeTime) -> Picture drawPoint xInd yInd tNow (p, tSpike) = translate (realToFrac $ pointD p (Depth xInd)) (realToFrac $ pointD p (Depth yInd)) $ Pictures [ color (pointColor tNow tSpike) $ circleSolid (1e-6 + log (realToFrac $ pointW p) / 3000000) , circle (1e-6 + log (realToFrac $ pointW p) / 3000000) ] pointColor :: Double -> SpikeTime -> Color.Color pointColor tNow (SpikeTime tSpike) = Color.makeColor r g b 1 where e tau = exp (-1 * (max dt 0) / tau) dt = (realToFrac tNow) - (realToFrac tSpike) r = e 0.2 g = e 1 b = e 20 newtype SpikeTime = SpikeTime { unSpikeTime :: Double } deriving (Eq) instance Monoid SpikeTime where mempty = SpikeTime (-1e6) mappend a b = SpikeTime $ (max `on` unSpikeTime) a b data World = World { mainMap :: KDMap Point4 SpikeTime , selection :: Maybe (Point4, SpikeTime) , time :: Double , spikeChan :: TChan TrodeSpike , chanX :: Int , chanY :: Int } world0 :: TChan TrodeSpike -> World world0 c = World KDEmpty Nothing 4492 c 0 1 drawTree :: Int -> Int -> Double -> KDMap Point4 SpikeTime -> Picture drawTree xInd yInd tNow = Pictures . map (drawPoint xInd yInd tNow) . toList drawSelection :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Maybe (Point4,SpikeTime) -> [Picture] drawSelection _ _ _ Nothing = [] drawSelection xInd yInd tNow (Just (p,i)) = [drawPoint xInd yInd tNow (p,i)] drawWorld :: World -> IO Picture drawWorld w = do return $ translate (-200) (-200) $ scale 2000000 2000000 $ Pictures (drawTree x y t (mainMap w) : drawSelection x y t (selection w)) where t = time w x = chanX w y = chanY w flushChan :: TChan a -> STM [a] flushChan c = go [] where go acc = do emp <- isEmptyTChan c if emp then return $ reverse acc else do e <- readTChan c go (e:acc) fTime :: UTCTime -> Float -> World -> IO World fTime t0 _ w = do tNext <- getExperimentTime t0 4492 -- (old way) time w + realToFrac t let c = spikeChan w spikes <- atomically $ flushChan c let spikeCoords s = (spikeAmplitudes s ! 1, spikeAmplitudes s ! 2) toPoint s = Point4 (realToFrac $ spikeAmplitudes s ! 0) (realToFrac $ spikeAmplitudes s ! 1) (realToFrac $ spikeAmplitudes s ! 2) (realToFrac $ spikeAmplitudes s ! 3) 1.0 points = map toPoint spikes times = map (SpikeTime . spikeTime) spikes newMap = foldl' (\m (p,t) -> add m 0.000016 p t) (mainMap w) (zip points times) return w { mainMap = newMap, time = tNext } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fInputs :: Event -> World -> IO World fInputs (EventKey (MouseButton b) Up _ (x,y)) w -- | b == LeftButton = -- let newMap = add (mainMap w) 20.0 (Point4 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) 3.0) (SpikeTime 0) -- in return w { mainMap = newMap } | b == LeftButton = return $ w { chanX = (chanX w + 1) `mod` 4} | b == RightButton = return $ w { chanY = (chanY w + 1) `mod` 4} | otherwise = return w fInputs _ w = return w ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ main :: IO () main = do (f:_) <- getArgs --let fn = "/home/greghale/Data/caillou/112812clip2/" ++ -- f ++ "/" ++ f ++ ".tt" let fn = f fileExist <-doesFileExist fn when (not fileExist) $ error "File does not exist" c <- newTChanIO t0 <- getCurrentTime _ <- async . runEffect $ produceTrodeSpikesFromFile fn 16 >-> relativeTimeCat (\s -> spikeTime s - 4492) >-> (forever $ await >>= lift . atomically . writeTChan c) playIO (InWindow "KDMap" (500,500) (100,100)) white 30 (world0 c) drawWorld fInputs (fTime t0) getExperimentTime :: UTCTime -> Double -> IO Double getExperimentTime t0 et0 = (et0 +) . realToFrac . flip diffUTCTime t0 <$> getCurrentTime
module Objects where import Geometry3 import Types printObj :: Object -> String printObj (Sphere c r _) = "Sphere " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show r printObj (Triangle a b c _ _) = "Triangle " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show c calcNormal :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3 calcNormal a b c = normalize $ cross (subt b a) (subt c a) {- Smart Constructor for Object that computes triangle normal -} makeTriangle :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Material -> Object makeTriangle a b c = Triangle a b c (calcNormal a b c) okObject :: Object -> Bool okObject Sphere{} = True okObject (Triangle a b c n _) = a /= b && b /= c && a /= c && okVec3 n makeParallelPiped :: Vec3 -- corner point -> Vec3 -- width vector (must be positive) -> Vec3 -- height vector (must be positive) -> Vec3 -- depth vector (must be positive) -> Material -> [Object] -- list of triangles that make cuboid makeParallelPiped p0 wd0 ht0 dp0 m = ts where (wd,ht,dp) = mapT3 (vecM id) (wd0,ht0,dp0) p1 = add p0 wd p2 = add p0 ht p3 = add p1 ht p4 = add p0 dp p5 = add p1 dp p6 = add p2 dp p7 = add p3 dp t0 = makeTriangle p0 p2 p1 m --back face t1 = makeTriangle p1 p2 p3 m t2 = makeTriangle p0 p1 p5 m --bottom face t3 = makeTriangle p0 p5 p4 m t4 = makeTriangle p0 p4 p2 m --left side face t5 = makeTriangle p2 p4 p6 m t6 = makeTriangle p2 p6 p3 m --top face t7 = makeTriangle p3 p6 p7 m t8 = makeTriangle p3 p7 p5 m --right face t9 = makeTriangle p3 p5 p1 m t10 = makeTriangle p4 p5 p6 m --front face t11 = makeTriangle p5 p7 p6 m ts = [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11] mapT3 :: (a -> b) -> (a,a,a) -> (b,b,b) mapT3 f (a,b,c) = (f a, f b, f c)
module Util where import Ast import Char import Data.Bits import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos hex d v = hex_ d (fromInteger v) hex_ 0 v = "" hex_ d v = (hex_ (d-1) (v `div` 16)) ++ [(hx (v `mod` 16))] bv n b = if (testBit b n) then "1" else "0" bz 0 v = "" bz n v = (bv (n-1) v) ++ (bz (n-1) v) bz_ n v = bz n (toInteger v) hx v | v>9 = chr $ ord 'A' + (v-10) hx v = chr $ ord '0' + v islabel l (p,i,(Label s)) = s == l islabel _ _ = False haslabel ast l = or $ map (islabel l) ast scanlM_ f v p [] = return [] scanlM_ f v p ((l,i,x):xs) = let v'=(f v p (l,i,x)) in do v'' <- v' l' <- scanlM_ f v' ((l,v'',x):p) xs return $ (v):l' scanlM f v l = scanlM_ f v [] l labtargets ast = foldl (++) [] (map lt_ ast) where lt_ (p,i,Store x y z) = lt__ p i z lt_ (p,i,Load x y z) = lt__ p i z lt_ (p,i,Branch x y) = lt__ p i y lt_ (p,i,Jump x) = lt__ p i x lt_ (p,i,Data x y) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) lt_ (p,i,Align x y z) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) ++ (lt__ p i z) lt_ (p,i,Origin x) = lt__ p i x lt_ x = [] lt__ p i (Lab s) = [(p,i,s)] lt__ p i (EMul x y) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) lt__ p i (EDiv x y) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) lt__ p i (EAdd x y) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) lt__ p i (ESub x y) = (lt__ p i x) ++ (lt__ p i y) lt__ p i x = [] labelloc [] l = 0 labelloc (((Label b),n):as) l = if b == l then n else (labelloc as l) labelloc (a:as) l = labelloc as l loc n s = n ++ " " ++ (show name) ++ "(" ++ (show line) ++ "," ++ (show coln) ++ ")" where name = sourceName s line = sourceLine s coln = sourceColumn s
module MLSB.Eval where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Functor.Foldable (Fix(..), Recursive(..), Corecursive(..)) import Data.Monoid((<>)) import Data.Map (Map, (!)) import MLSB.Types data Val = ValC Const | ValFn (Val -> Val) printVal :: Val -> String printVal val = case val of ValC c -> "ValC "<>show c ValFn _ -> "ValFn <func>" eqVal :: Rational -> Val -> Val -> Bool eqVal tol a b = case (a,b) of (ValC c1, ValC c2) -> eqConst tol c1 c2 _ -> error $ "eqVal: can't compare non-constant values: " <> printVal a <> ", " <> printVal b type Env = Map String Val evalExpr :: Env -> Expr -> Val evalExpr env expr = case expr of Const c -> ValC c Ident i -> case Map.lookup i env of Just val -> val Nothing -> error $ "Invalid identifier '"<>i<>"'" Lam (Pat p) elam -> ValFn $ \v -> evalExpr (Map.insert p v env) elam Let (Pat p) elet ein -> evalExpr (Map.insert p (evalExpr env elet) env) ein App elam earg -> case evalExpr env elam of ValFn f -> f (evalExpr env earg) val -> error "Unable to apply to non-lambda" Slice _ _ -> error "Slicing is not implemented" evalExpr1 :: Env -> Expr1 -> Val evalExpr1 env = evalExpr env . cata embed emptyEnv :: Env emptyEnv = Map.empty initEnv :: Env initEnv = Map.fromList $ let arithm nm op = ValFn $ \a -> ValFn $ \b -> case (a,b) of (ValC (ConstR af), ValC (ConstR bf)) -> ValC $ ConstR $ af`op`bf _ -> error $ "Invalid operands for ("<>nm<>")" in [ ("+", arithm "+" (+)) , ("-", arithm "-" (-)) , ("*", arithm "*" (*)) , ("/", arithm "/" (/)) , ("<>", ValFn $ \a -> ValFn $ \b -> case (a,b) of (ValC (ConstS as), ValC (ConstS bs)) -> ValC $ ConstS $ as<>bs _ -> error $ "Invalid operands for ("<>"<>"<>")" ) ]
module Types where -- Name representa el nombre de una lista de peliculas. type Name = String ------------------------- -- AST data Comm = Seq Comm Comm -- secuencia de comandos | Def Name FList -- define una lista | Add Name FList -- operador << | Rem Name FList -- operador >> deriving Show -- Formato de la lista antes de ser evaluada. data FList = New Params | And FList FList | Var Name deriving Show -- Parametros a partir de los cuales pueden formarse las listas. -- Los parametros no especificados tomaran el valor por defecto de -- la API. data Params = P { rate :: Maybe Integer, limit :: Maybe Integer, genre :: Maybe String, query :: Maybe String, sorted :: Maybe String, order :: Maybe String } deriving Show -- El objetivo de AuxParams es simplemente hacer el parseo más fácil. -- La representación de los parámetros a partir de la cual se hará el -- request es el record de arriba de tipo Params -- Ver en Parser.hs data AuxParams = Rating Integer | Limit Integer | Genre String | Query String | Sort String | Order String deriving Show ------------------------- -- Lista de listas de peliculas type Env = [(Name, [Film])] -- Posibles errores durante la evaluación data Error = BadParams -- ninguna película satisface los parámetros | Undef Name -- lista no definida | IQuit -- salir del interprete -- Estado que llevara el interprete. data State = State { d_dir :: String, -- directorio donde guardar las descargas lfile :: String, -- ultimo archivo cargado list :: Env, -- lista con todas las listas de peliculas dlist :: [String] -- pids de los procesos que están descargando } -- los represento como String para no tener que importar el modulo System.Process -- también me sirve para facilitar la función stopDownload (ver en Download.hs) -- Representacion de una pelicula luego de ser evaluada. data Film = Film { film_id :: Int, imdb_code :: String, title :: String, year :: Int, rating :: Float, runtime :: Int, genres :: [String], synopsis :: String, language :: String, background_image :: String, cover_image :: String, torrents :: [Torrent] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- Representacion de un archivo torrent luego de que la película correspondiente sea evaluada. data Torrent = Torrent { hash :: String, url :: String, quality :: String, seeds :: Int, peers :: Int, size :: String } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
module View.Project ( editProjectForm , projectContactForm , inviteForm , projectBlogForm , projectConfirmSharesForm , renderBlogPost , renderProject , viewForm ) where import Import import Data.Filter import Data.Order import Model.Currency import Model.Markdown import Model.Project import Model.Shares import Model.Role import Widgets.Markdown import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock import Yesod.Markdown renderProject :: Maybe ProjectId -> Project -> [Int64] -> Maybe (Entity Pledge) -> WidgetT App IO () renderProject maybe_project_id project pledges pledge = do let share_value = projectShareValue project users = fromIntegral $ length pledges shares = sum pledges project_value = share_value $* fromIntegral shares description = markdownWidgetWith (fixLinks $ projectHandle project) $ projectDescription project maybe_shares = pledgeShares . entityVal <$> pledge now <- liftIO getCurrentTime amounts <- case projectLastPayday project of Nothing -> return Nothing Just last_payday -> handlerToWidget $ runDB $ do -- This assumes there were transactions associated with the last payday [Value (Just last) :: Value (Maybe Rational)] <- select $ from $ \ transaction -> do where_ $ transaction ^. TransactionPayday ==. val (Just last_payday) &&. transaction ^. TransactionCredit ==. val (Just $ projectAccount project) return $ sum_ $ transaction ^. TransactionAmount [Value (Just year) :: Value (Maybe Rational)] <- select $ from $ \ (transaction `InnerJoin` payday) -> do where_ $ payday ^. PaydayDate >. val (addUTCTime (-365 * 24 * 60 * 60) now) &&. transaction ^. TransactionCredit ==. val (Just $ projectAccount project) on_ $ transaction ^. TransactionPayday ==. just (payday ^. PaydayId) return $ sum_ $ transaction ^. TransactionAmount [Value (Just total) :: Value (Maybe Rational)] <- select $ from $ \ transaction -> do where_ $ transaction ^. TransactionCredit ==. val (Just $ projectAccount project) return $ sum_ $ transaction ^. TransactionAmount return $ Just (Milray $ round last, Milray $ round year, Milray $ round total) ((_, update_shares), _) <- handlerToWidget $ generateFormGet $ maybe previewPledgeForm pledgeForm maybe_project_id $(widgetFile "project") renderBlogPost :: Text -> ProjectBlog -> WidgetT App IO () renderBlogPost project_handle blog_post = do let (Markdown top_content) = projectBlogTopContent blog_post (Markdown bottom_content) = maybe (Markdown "") ("***\n" <>) $ projectBlogBottomContent blog_post title = projectBlogTitle blog_post content = markdownWidgetWith (fixLinks project_handle) $ Markdown $ T.snoc top_content '\n' <> bottom_content $(widgetFile "blog_post") editProjectForm :: Maybe (Project, [Text]) -> Form UpdateProject editProjectForm project = renderBootstrap3 $ UpdateProject <$> areq' textField "Project Name" (projectName . fst <$> project) <*> areq' snowdriftMarkdownField "Description" (projectDescription . fst <$> project) <*> (maybe [] (map T.strip . T.splitOn ",") <$> aopt' textField "Tags" (Just . T.intercalate ", " . snd <$> project)) <*> aopt' textField "Github Repository" (projectGithubRepo . fst <$> project) projectBlogForm :: Maybe (Text, Text, Markdown) -> Form (UTCTime -> UserId -> ProjectId -> DiscussionId -> ProjectBlog) projectBlogForm defaults = renderBootstrap3 $ let getTitle (title, _, _) = title getHandle (_, handle, _) = handle getContent (_, _, content) = content in mkBlog <$> areq' textField "Post Title" (getTitle <$> defaults) <*> areq' textField "Post Handle" (getHandle <$> defaults) <*> areq' snowdriftMarkdownField "Content" (getContent <$> defaults) where mkBlog :: Text -> Text -> Markdown -> (UTCTime -> UserId -> ProjectId -> DiscussionId -> ProjectBlog) mkBlog title handle (Markdown content) now user_id project_id discussion_id = let (top_content, bottom_content) = break (== "***") $ T.lines content in ProjectBlog now title handle user_id project_id discussion_id (Markdown $ T.unlines top_content) (if null bottom_content then Nothing else Just $ Markdown $ T.unlines bottom_content) projectContactForm :: Form Markdown projectContactForm = renderBootstrap3 $ areq' snowdriftMarkdownField "" Nothing inviteForm :: Form (Text, Role) inviteForm = renderBootstrap3 $ (,) <$> areq' textField "About this invitation:" Nothing <*> areq roleField "Type of Invite:" (Just TeamMember) viewForm :: Form (Filterable -> Bool, Orderable -> [Double]) viewForm = renderBootstrap3 $ (,) <$> (either (const defaultFilter) id . parseFilterExpression . fromMaybe "" <$> aopt' textField "filter" Nothing) <*> (either (const defaultOrder) id . parseOrderExpression . fromMaybe "" <$> aopt' textField "sort" Nothing) projectConfirmSharesForm :: Maybe Int64 -> Form SharesPurchaseOrder projectConfirmSharesForm = renderBootstrap3 . fmap SharesPurchaseOrder . areq' hiddenField ""
import System.Plugins import API src = "../Plugin.hs" wrap = "../Wrapper.hs" apipath = "../api" main = do status <- make src ["-i"++apipath] case status of MakeSuccess _ _ -> f MakeFailure e-> mapM_ putStrLn e where f = do v <- load "../Plugin.o" ["../api"] [] "resource" -- (i,_) <- exec "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] -- mapM_ putStrLn i putStrLn "done."
{- Copyright (C) 2009 Andrejs Sisojevs <[email protected]> All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file COPYRIGHT -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- 1) HelloWorld program that doesn't use PCLT and PCLT-DB packages is to be found in PCLT packages examples directory. -- 2) HelloWorld program that uses only PCLT (but no PCLT-DB) package is to be found in PCLT packages examples directory. All the explanations about using PCLT are also there, but here are omited. -- 3)< HelloWorld program that uses both PCLT and PCLT-DB packages is the one you are currently looking at. -- It's best to understand (1) and (2) before trying to understand what's going on in this listing here. -- Before running this exaple user must run HelloWorld.sql module HelloWorld where ----------------------------------------------------- -- Modules necessary for our PCLTCatalog import Control.Concurrent import Database.HDBC import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.Unified as Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.Unified as B hiding (ByteString) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Map (Map, (!)) import Data.Typeable import qualified Text.ConstraintedLBS as CB import Database.PCLT -- this module exports most required PCLT-DB modules import Text.PCLT import Prelude hiding (putStrLn, readLn) import System.IO hiding (putStrLn, readLn, hPutStr) import System.IO.UTF8 -- putStrLn from here will be used to correctly output russian letters ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Application specific modules import Control.Exception import HelloWorld_Data -- Application specific ADTs and type synonyms import HelloWorld__ -- instances for ShowAsPCSI and HasStaticRawPCLTs ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Functional part of app type SayHelloWorld_Mode = Int sayHelloWorld :: SayHelloWorld_Mode -> Either HelloWorldError HelloWorld sayHelloWorld mode = case mode of 0 -> Right HelloWorld 1 -> Left NoWorld_HWE 2 -> Left $ AmbiguousChoiceOfWorlds_HWE ("RealWorld", 1) ("VirtualWorld", 2) [("OtherWorld1", 3), ("OtherWorld2", 4), ("OtherWorld3", 5)] 3 -> Left $ SomeVeryStrangeError_HWE 5789 "Noise..." True (Just True) Nothing (SomeException DivideByZero) 4 -> Left $ FailedDueToErrorInSubsystem_HWE ErrorType1_EIS 5 -> Left $ FailedDueToErrorInSubsystem_HWE ErrorType2_EIS 6 -> Left $ FailedDueToErrorInSubsystem_HWE $ FailedDueToErrorInSub_sub_system_EIS ErrorType1_EISS 7 -> Left $ FailedDueToErrorInSubsystem_HWE $ FailedDueToErrorInSub_sub_system_EIS ErrorType2_EISS ------------------------------------- --some constants required by catalogizing system __db_name = "pcltcatalogs" __dbms_user = "user_pcltcatalogs_data_reader" __dbms_user_password = "data_reader_password" __connection_string_delimiter = " " __connectionString = "dbname=" ++ __db_name ++ __connection_string_delimiter __connectionString' = __connectionString ++ "user=" ++ __dbms_user ++ __connection_string_delimiter __connectionString'' = __connectionString' ++ "password=" ++ __dbms_user_password ++ __connection_string_delimiter __update_frequency_sec = 8 __my_lng = "rus" -- possible values: "eng", "rus", "hs_" __my_sdl = InfinitelyBig_SDL -- possible values: Zero_SDL < One_SDL < SDL Int < InfinitelyBig_SDL __my_stderr_clbs_size = 50000 __my_stdout_clbs_size = 50000 __catalog_id = 50 type Microseconds = Int data CatalogControl = -- MVar of this will be in between HelloWorld mainmodule and thread that will regularly update catalog from DB CatalogControl { catcCatalogMV :: MVar PCLT_Catalog , catcUpdateFrequency :: MVar Microseconds , catcUpdatorLoopHolder :: MVar Bool -- initialized as True; whenever we putthis to False, the next iteration on of update cycle begins with service termination , catcUpdatorTaskTriggerChan :: Chan Bool -- between iterations service awaits on this channel; we regularly send thereit gets catcUpdatorLoopHolder value; if False is sent, updator finishes , catcUpdatorTaskTriggerThreadID :: ThreadId , catcUpdatorThreadID :: ThreadId } deriving (Typeable) acquireCatalog :: StdErr_CLBS -> (ShowDetalizationLevel, LanguageName) -> IO (CatalogControl, MVar StdErr_CLBS) acquireCatalog stderr_clbs (stderr_sdl, stderr_lng) = do let catalog_config = defaultPCLTInnerConfig { pcsStrictOrient_ofParamsAndCmpsts_onDfltLngTplsSets = (pcsStrictOrient_ofParamsAndCmpsts_onDfltLngTplsSets defaultPCLTInnerConfig) { soExcludingCompParameters = soExcludingCompParameters (pcsStrictOrient_ofParamsAndCmpsts_onDfltLngTplsSets defaultPCLTInnerConfig) ++ [("E_HWE_AMBWRLDCH_OW", "__row_idx")] -- this is described in a HelloWorld that uses only PCLT (but no PCLT-DB) } } updateFrequency_mv <- newMVar (__update_frequency_sec * 1000000) updatorLoopHolder_mv <- newMVar True let taskEnablerCycle :: Chan Bool -> IO () taskEnablerCycle ch = do freq <- readMVar updateFrequency_mv threadDelay freq enabled_isit <- readMVar updatorLoopHolder_mv putStrLn "#catalog updated...#" writeChan ch enabled_isit case enabled_isit of True -> taskEnablerCycle ch False -> return () let taskEnablerThread :: IO (Chan Bool, ThreadId) -- this thread will regularly stimulate iterations of catalog updator taskEnablerThread = do ch <- newChan tm_TID <- forkIO $ taskEnablerCycle ch return (ch, tm_TID) (aliveChan, tm_TID) <- taskEnablerThread -- thread started stderr_clbs_mv <- newMVar stderr_clbs let errorsReporter :: PCLT_Catalog -> CatalogUpdateFromDBErrors -> IO () -- ths is how the catalog updator service must react on catalog read failure (due to error); if catalog isn't read, the previous version of catalog is used here errorsReporter cat cue = modifyMVar_ stderr_clbs_mv (\ _errs_clbs -> return $ pcsi2text_plus_errs_1 _errs_clbs (showAsPCSI cue) (__my_sdl, __my_lng) cat ) serviceStart :: IO CatalogControl serviceStart = do db_conn <- connectPostgreSQL __connectionString'' serv_db_conn <- clone db_conn -- good practice for cases, when have multiple same connections - make a prototype and clone it as many times as needed (cat_mv, us_TID) <- runCatalogUpdatorService (__catalog_id, catalog_config, PCLTRawCatalog__HelloWorld) -- With this catalog updator will start it's service. This way we ensure, that even if DB connection fails, we still have a catalog available. (serv_db_conn, True) -- True says, that server must disconnect assigned to it DB connection, when it finishes errorsReporter aliveChan disconnect db_conn -- prototype isn't needed anymore return CatalogControl { catcCatalogMV = cat_mv , catcUpdateFrequency = updateFrequency_mv , catcUpdatorLoopHolder = updatorLoopHolder_mv , catcUpdatorTaskTriggerChan = aliveChan , catcUpdatorTaskTriggerThreadID = tm_TID , catcUpdatorThreadID = us_TID } cc <- serviceStart return (cc, stderr_clbs_mv) showHelloWorld :: SayHelloWorld_Mode -> (StdOut_CLBS, StdErr_CLBS) -> (ShowDetalizationLevel, LanguageName, PCLT_Catalog) -> (StdOut_CLBS, StdErr_CLBS) showHelloWorld mode (stdout_clbs, stderr_clbs) (sdl, lng, catalog) = -- showHelloWorld here doesn't differ the HelloWorld, that uses only PCLT (but no PCLT-DB) - it is described there let err_or_HelloWorld = sayHelloWorld mode (new_stdout_clbs, new_stderr_clbs) = pcsi2text_plus_errs_2 (stdout_clbs, stderr_clbs) (showAsPCSI err_or_HelloWorld) (sdl, lng) catalog in (new_stdout_clbs, new_stderr_clbs) main = run_test __my_lng __my_sdl run_test _lng _sdl = let stderr_clbs0 = newCLBS __my_stderr_clbs_size stdout_clbs0 = newCLBS __my_stdout_clbs_size in do (catalog_control, stderr_clbs_mv) <- acquireCatalog stderr_clbs0 (__my_sdl, __my_lng) putStrLn ("Language, SDL (detailization level), update frequency (sec): " ++ show (_lng, _sdl, __update_frequency_sec)) putStrLn "----Init-errors:-----------------" stderr_clbs1 <- modifyMVar stderr_clbs_mv (\ stderr_clbs1 -> return (stderr_clbs0, stderr_clbs1)) putStrLn $ show stderr_clbs1 dump stderr_clbs1 putStrLn "----Cycle-start:-----------------" let iterate_ = do putStrLn "----New-iteration:---------------" putStrLn "Input sayHelloWorld mode (0-7; '-1' to exit): " mode <- readLn case mode >= 0 && mode <= 7 of True -> do (stdout_clbs1, stderr_clbs1) <- -- stderr_clbs1 accumulates all errors from work of catalog udator servece, and independently also accumulates errors from interaction with user withMVar (catcCatalogMV catalog_control) (\ catalog -> modifyMVar stderr_clbs_mv (\ _stderr_clbs -> return ( stderr_clbs0 -- in each iteration of interaction with user, stderr gets shown and emptyed , showHelloWorld mode (stdout_clbs0, _stderr_clbs) (__my_sdl, __my_lng, catalog) ) ) ) putStrLn "----Errors:----------------------" putStrLn_paged 12 $ show stderr_clbs1 putStrLn "----Output:----------------------" putStrLn $ show stdout_clbs1 iterate_ False -> case mode == (-1) of True -> modifyMVar_ (catcUpdatorLoopHolder catalog_control) (\ _ -> return False) -- tell updator services to finish False -> iterate_ iterate_ putStrLn_paged :: Int -> String -> IO () putStrLn_paged page_size s = f $ lines s where f lines_list = let (to_print, to_next_itera) = splitAt page_size lines_list in do putStrLn (concat $ intersperse "\n" to_print) case null to_next_itera of True -> return () False -> f to_next_itera << hGetChar stdin << putStrLn "\n-------Press any key to continue...-------" dump :: Show a => a -> IO () dump a = do h <- openFile "./dump.out" WriteMode -- WriteMode -- AppendMode hPutStr h $ show a hClose h infixr 1 << (<<) :: Monad m => m b -> m a -> m b f << x = x >> f ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Representations -- moved to file HelloWorld__.hs {- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONCLUSION It is a lot of work to play multilinguality, using PCLT-DB. The ShowAsPCSI instaniations, HasStaticRawPCLTs instaniations, templates management... however PCLT-DB was built with an aim, that once catalog is setup, tested and put to work, it's management cost is minimal possible. When using PCLT only (no DB) the following management points are there: a) Choose catalog configuration in haskell code. b) Adjust (together with (c)) templates in an electronic table (f.e. using OpenOffice Calc). c) Adjust (together with (b)) templates "calls" in ShowAsPCSI instances. d) From (b) fill in HasStaticRawPCLTs instances e) Use HasStaticRawPCLTs instances to unite into module-wide and package-wide raw template sets. When using PCLT-DB the following management points there are: f) Choose catalog configuration and store it in DB. g) Adjust (together with (c)) templates in DB. j) Use collections in DB in order to unite module-wide and package-wide template sets. i) If needed, manage configure and representation policies in DB - a way to set different schemes of detalization requirements "with one key press". Possible economies: (f) makes unnecessary (a) (g) makes unnecessary (b) (j) makes unnecessary (d) and (e) (f,g,j) is considered to require less code and management cost than (a,b,d,e) One might get confused: why then Database.PCLT.runCatalogUpdatorService input still requires a some PCLT_InnerConfig and an instance of HasStaticRawPCLTs, if all this is now kept in DB? The answer: 0) If DB for some reasons is unawailable, catalog will be formed from the data hardcoded in HasStaticRawPCLTs instances, and using some hardcoded config. 1) Despite (a,b,d,e) becomes unnecessary, one may still choose to use them. (a,b,d,e) and (f,g,j) may work together - if DB is off, hardcoded version (a,b,d,e) of catalog is always available! Double cost for double reliability, why not, if resources allow. 2) But even if programmer doesn't want to manage (a,b,d,e), it is asummed, that at least templates used by PCLT/-DB itselt are nice to have operatively available. In this case on input to Database.PCLT.runCatalogUpdatorService programmer puts Database.PCLT.PCLTRawCatalog__Database_PCLT_UpdatableCatalog (or Text.PCLT.PCLTRawCatalog__Text_PCLT_InitialDefaultCatalog) and Text.PCLT.Config.defaultPCLTInnerConfig. Best regards, Belka -}
module FreePalace.Handlers.Incoming where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import qualified System.Log.Logger as Log import qualified FreePalace.Domain.Chat as Chat import qualified FreePalace.Domain.GUI as GUI import qualified FreePalace.Domain.State as State import qualified FreePalace.Domain.User as User import qualified FreePalace.Media.Loader as MediaLoader import qualified FreePalace.Messages.Inbound as InboundMessages import qualified FreePalace.Messages.PalaceProtocol.InboundReader as PalaceInbound import qualified FreePalace.Net.PalaceProtocol.Connect as Connect -- TODO Time out if this takes too long, don't keep listening, tell the main thread. -- TODO Make sure exceptions are caught so as not to block the main thread waiting on the MVar initializeMessageDispatcher :: MVar State.Connected -> State.Connected -> IO () initializeMessageDispatcher conveyorOfStateBackToMainThread clientState = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Await" $ "Awaiting initial handshake with state: " ++ (show clientState) header <- readHeader clientState Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Header" (show header) message <- readMessage clientState header newState <- case message of InboundMessages.HandshakeMessage _ -> handleInboundEvent clientState message _ -> throwIO $ userError "Connection failed. No handshake." Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Processed" $ "Message processed. New state: " ++ (show newState) putMVar conveyorOfStateBackToMainThread newState dispatchIncomingMessages newState -- TODO Handle connection loss dispatchIncomingMessages :: State.Connected -> IO () dispatchIncomingMessages clientState = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Await" $ "Awaiting messages with state: " ++ (show clientState) header <- readHeader clientState Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Header" (show header) message <- readMessage clientState header newState <- handleInboundEvent clientState message Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Processed" $ "Message processed. New state: " ++ (show newState) dispatchIncomingMessages newState readHeader :: State.Connected -> IO InboundMessages.Header readHeader clientState = case State.protocolState clientState of State.PalaceProtocolState connection messageConverters -> PalaceInbound.readHeader connection messageConverters readMessage :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.Header -> IO InboundMessages.InboundMessage readMessage clientState header = case State.protocolState clientState of State.PalaceProtocolState connection messageConverters -> PalaceInbound.readMessage connection messageConverters header -- TODO Right now these need to be in IO because of logging and GUI changes. Separate those out. handleInboundEvent :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.InboundMessage -> IO State.Connected handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.HandshakeMessage handshakeData) = handleHandshake clientState handshakeData handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.LogonReplyMessage logonReply) = handleLogonReply clientState logonReply handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.ServerVersionMessage serverVersion) = handleServerVersion clientState serverVersion handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.ServerInfoMessage serverInfo) = handleServerInfo clientState serverInfo handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserStatusMessage userStatus) = handleUserStatus clientState userStatus handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserLogonMessage userLogonNotification) = handleUserLogonNotification clientState userLogonNotification handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.MediaServerMessage mediaServerInfo) = handleMediaServerInfo clientState mediaServerInfo handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.RoomDescriptionMessage roomDescription) = handleRoomDescription clientState roomDescription handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserListMessage userListing) = handleUserList clientState userListing handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserEnteredRoomMessage userEnteredRoom) = handleUserEnteredRoom clientState userEnteredRoom handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserExitedRoomMessage userExitedRoom) = handleUserExitedRoom clientState userExitedRoom handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.UserDisconnectedMessage userDisconnected) = handleUserDisconnected clientState userDisconnected handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.ChatMessage chat) = handleChat clientState chat handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.MovementMessage movementNotification) = handleMovement clientState movementNotification handleInboundEvent clientState (InboundMessages.NoOpMessage noOp) = handleNoOp clientState noOp handleHandshake :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.Handshake -> IO State.Connected handleHandshake clientState handshake = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Handshake" (show handshake) let newState = handleProtocolUpdate clientState (InboundMessages.protocolInfo handshake) userRefId = InboundMessages.userRefId handshake return $ State.withUserRefId newState userRefId -- This is separate because it depends on the specific protocol handleProtocolUpdate :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.ProtocolInfo -> State.Connected handleProtocolUpdate clientState (InboundMessages.PalaceProtocol connection endianness) = State.withProtocol clientState (State.PalaceProtocolState connection newMessageConverters) where newMessageConverters = Connect.messageConvertersFor endianness {- Re AlternateLogonReply: OpenPalace comments say: This is only sent when the server is running in "guests-are-members" mode. This is pointless... it's basically echoing back the logon packet that we sent to the server. The only reason we support this is so that certain silly servers can change our puid and ask us to reconnect "for security reasons." -} handleLogonReply :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.LogonReply -> IO State.Connected handleLogonReply clientState logonReply = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.LogonReply" (show logonReply) return clientState -- TODO return puidCrc and puidCounter when we need it handleServerVersion :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.ServerVersion -> IO State.Connected handleServerVersion clientState serverVersion = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.ServerVersion" $ "Server version: " ++ (show serverVersion) return clientState -- TODO Add server version to host state handleServerInfo :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.ServerInfoNotification -> IO State.Connected handleServerInfo clientState serverInfo = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.ServerInfo" $ "Server info: " ++ (show serverInfo) return clientState handleUserStatus :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserStatusNotification -> IO State.Connected handleUserStatus clientState userStatus = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.UserStatus" $ "User status -- User flags: " ++ (show userStatus) return clientState -- A user connects to this host handleUserLogonNotification :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserLogonNotification -> IO State.Connected handleUserLogonNotification clientState logonNotification = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.UserLogonNotification" $ (show logonNotification) return clientState {- OpenPalace does: Adds the user ID to recentLogonUserIds; sets a timer to remove it in 15 seconds. This is for the Ping sound managed by the NewUserNotification. -} handleMediaServerInfo :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.MediaServerInfo -> IO State.Connected handleMediaServerInfo clientState serverInfo = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.MediaServerInfo" $ show serverInfo let newState = State.withMediaServerInfo clientState serverInfo _ <- loadRoomBackgroundImage newState Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.MediaServerInfo.Processed" $ "New state: " ++ (show newState) return newState -- room name, background image, overlay images, props, hotspots, draw commands handleRoomDescription :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.RoomDescription -> IO State.Connected handleRoomDescription clientState roomDescription = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.RoomDescription" $ show roomDescription let newState = State.withRoomDescription clientState roomDescription _ <- loadRoomBackgroundImage newState Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.RoomDescription.Processed" $ "New state: " ++ (show newState) return newState {- OpenPalace also does this when receiving these messages: clearStatusMessage currentRoom clearAlarms midiStop and after parsing the information: Dim room 100 Room.showAvatars = true -- scripting can hide all avatars Dispatch room change event for scripting -} -- List of users in the current room handleUserList :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserListing -> IO State.Connected handleUserList clientState userList = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.UserList" $ show userList let newState = State.withRoomUsers clientState userList return newState {- OpenPalace - after creating each user: user.loadProps() -} handleUserEnteredRoom :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserEnteredRoom -> IO State.Connected handleUserEnteredRoom clientState userNotification = do let newState = State.withRoomUsers clientState $ InboundMessages.UserListing [userNotification] gui = State.guiState clientState userWhoArrived = InboundMessages.userId userNotification message = (User.userName $ State.userIdFor newState userWhoArrived) ++ " entered the room." Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.NewUser" $ show userNotification GUI.appendMessage (GUI.logWindow gui) $ Chat.makeRoomAnnouncement message return newState {- OpenPalace does: Looks for this user in recentLogonIds (set in UserLogonNotification) - to see if the user has entered the palace within the last 15 sec. If so, remove it from the recentLogonIds and play the connection Ping: PalaceSoundPlayer.getInstance().playConnectionPing(); If someone else entered and they were selected in the user list, they are selected (for whisper) in the room too. And if one's self entered: if (needToRunSignonHandlers) { -- This flag is set to true when you first log on requestRoomList(); requestUserList(); palaceController.triggerHotspotEvents(IptEventHandler.TYPE_SIGNON); needToRunSignonHandlers = false; } palaceController.triggerHotspotEvents(IptEventHandler.TYPE_ENTER); -} handleUserExitedRoom :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserExitedRoom -> IO State.Connected handleUserExitedRoom clientState exitNotification@(InboundMessages.UserExitedRoom userWhoLeft) = do let message = (User.userName $ State.userIdFor clientState userWhoLeft) ++ " left the room." gui = State.guiState clientState newState = State.withUserLeavingRoom clientState userWhoLeft Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.NewUser" $ show exitNotification GUI.appendMessage (GUI.logWindow gui) $ Chat.makeRoomAnnouncement message return newState handleUserDisconnected :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.UserDisconnected -> IO State.Connected handleUserDisconnected clientState disconnectedNotification@(InboundMessages.UserDisconnected userWhoLeft population) = do let newState = State.withUserDisconnecting clientState userWhoLeft population Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.NewUser" $ show disconnectedNotification return newState {- OpenPalace does: If user is in the room, PalaceSoundPlayer.getInstance().playConnectionPing() If that user was the selected user for whisper (in the room or not), unset the selected user -} handleChat :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.Chat -> IO State.Connected handleChat clientState chatData = do let gui = State.guiState clientState communication = State.communicationFromChatData clientState chatData Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Chat" $ show communication GUI.appendMessage (GUI.logWindow gui) communication -- TODO send talk and user (and message type) to chat balloon in GUI -- TODO send talk to script event handler when there is scripting -- TODO new state with chat log and fix below let newState = clientState return newState handleMovement :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.MovementNotification -> IO State.Connected handleMovement clientState movementData = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.Movement" $ show movementData let (_, newState) = State.withMovementData clientState movementData -- TODO tell the GUI to move the user (in Handler.hs) -- TODO send action to script event handler when there is scripting? return newState handleNoOp :: State.Connected -> InboundMessages.NoOp -> IO State.Connected handleNoOp clientState noOp = do Log.debugM "Incoming.Message.NoOp" $ show noOp return clientState -- TODO Do we want to reload this every time a new room description gets sent? How often does that happen? -- TODO This should happen on a separate thread. loadRoomBackgroundImage :: State.Connected -> IO State.Connected loadRoomBackgroundImage state = do let possibleMediaServer = State.mediaServer $ State.hostState state possibleImageName = State.roomBackgroundImageName . State.currentRoomState . State.hostState $ state roomCanvas = GUI.roomCanvas $ State.guiState state Log.debugM "Load.BackgroundImage" $ "Media server url: " ++ (show possibleMediaServer) Log.debugM "Load.BackgroundImage" $ "Background image: " ++ (show possibleImageName) case (possibleMediaServer, possibleImageName) of (Just mediaServerUrl, Just imageName) -> do let host = State.hostname $ State.hostState state port = State.portId $ State.hostState state Log.debugM "Load.BackgroundImage" $ "Fetching background image " ++ imageName ++ " from " ++ (show mediaServerUrl) possibleImagePath <- MediaLoader.fetchCachedBackgroundImagePath host port mediaServerUrl imageName case possibleImagePath of Just imagePath -> GUI.displayBackground roomCanvas imagePath Nothing -> return () return state (_, _) -> return state
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module FreezePredicateParserSpec where import Bio.Motions.Types import Bio.Motions.Representation.Common import Bio.Motions.Utils.FreezePredicateParser import GHC.Exts import Data.Either import Text.Parsec import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.SmallCheck run :: String -> Either ParseError FreezePredicate run = parse freezePredicateParser "<test>" makeBeadSignature :: Int -> Int -> BeadSignature makeBeadSignature chain indexOnChain = BeadSignature { _beadEV = fromList [] , _beadAtomIndex = -1 , _beadChain = chain , _beadIndexOnChain = indexOnChain } prop :: String -> String -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Spec prop description (run -> Right parsed) predicate = it description . property $ \(chain, index) -> parsed (makeBeadSignature chain index) == predicate chain index {-# ANN correctSpec "HLint: ignore Use ||" #-} correctSpec :: Spec correctSpec = do context "when parsing an empty file" $ prop "freezes nothing" "" $ \_ _ -> False context "when parsing a single chain" $ prop "freezes only this chain" "4" $ \chain _ -> chain == 4 context "when parsing a chain range" $ prop "freezes only those chains" "4-8" $ \chain _ -> chain `elem` [4..8] context "when parsing a bead range on a single chain" $ prop "freezes only those beads" "1:2-10" $ \chain index -> chain == 1 && index `elem` [2..10] context "when parsing a bead range on multiple chains" $ prop "freezes only those beads" "1-2:3-8" $ \chain index -> chain `elem` [1..2] && index `elem` [3..8] context "when parsing a wildcard range" $ prop "freezes only those beads" "*:2-9" $ \_ index -> index `elem` [2..9] context "when parsing a negation of a chain" $ prop "freezes everything except for this chain" "!3" $ \chain _ -> chain /= 3 context "when parsing an alternative of chains" $ prop "freezes only those chains" "1,3,9" $ \chain _ -> chain `elem` [1, 3, 9] context "when parsing a nested expression" $ prop "freezes only those chains" "!(1,7)" $ \chain _ -> chain `notElem` [1, 7] context "when parsing a complex alternative" $ prop "freezes only those chains" "1,2,3-5:4,9:6-8" $ \chain index -> or [ chain `elem` [1, 2] , chain `elem` [3..5] && index == 4 , chain == 9 && index `elem` [6..8] ] incorrectSpec :: Spec incorrectSpec = do context "when parsing a non-integer" $ it "fails" $ isLeft (run "helloworld") `shouldBe` True context "when parsing an unterminated range" $ it "fails" $ isLeft (run "1-") `shouldBe` True spec :: Spec spec = describe "the FreezePredicate parser" $ do context "when parsing correct ranges" correctSpec context "when parsing incorrect ranges" incorrectSpec
-- "Treealize" expression terms module OperationExtension2 where import Data.Tree import DataBase import DataExtension class ToTree x where toTree :: x -> Tree String instance ToTree Lit where toTree (Lit i) = Node "Lit" [] instance (Exp x, Exp y, ToTree x, ToTree y) => ToTree (Add x y) where toTree (Add x y) = Node "Add" [toTree x, toTree y] instance (Exp x, ToTree x) => ToTree (Neg x) where toTree (Neg x) = Node "Neg" [toTree x]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the License can be -- found in the file "license.txt" at the root of this distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Map constructor names to constructor info. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Kind.Constructors( -- * Constructors Constructors, ConInfo(..) , constructorsEmpty , constructorsExtend, constructorsLookup, constructorsFind , constructorsIsEmpty , constructorsFindScheme , constructorsSet , constructorsCompose, constructorsFromList , extractConstructors -- * Pretty , ppConstructors ) where import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Common.NameMap as M import qualified Common.NameSet as S import Lib.PPrint import Common.Failure( failure ) import Common.Name import Common.Syntax ( Visibility(..)) import Kind.Pretty ( kindColon ) import Type.Type import Type.Pretty import qualified Core.Core as Core {-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newtype map --------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Constructors: a map from newtype names to newtype information newtype Constructors = Constructors (M.NameMap ConInfo) constructorsEmpty :: Constructors constructorsEmpty = Constructors M.empty constructorsIsEmpty :: Constructors -> Bool constructorsIsEmpty (Constructors m) = M.null m constructorsExtend :: Name -> ConInfo -> Constructors -> Constructors constructorsExtend name conInfo (Constructors m) = Constructors (M.insert name conInfo m) constructorsFromList :: [ConInfo] -> Constructors constructorsFromList conInfos = Constructors (M.fromList [(conInfoName info, info) | info <- conInfos]) constructorsCompose :: Constructors -> Constructors -> Constructors constructorsCompose (Constructors cons1) (Constructors cons2) = Constructors (M.union cons2 cons1) -- ASSUME: left-biased union constructorsLookup :: Name -> Constructors -> Maybe ConInfo constructorsLookup name (Constructors m) = M.lookup name m constructorsFind :: Name -> Constructors -> ConInfo constructorsFind name syn = case constructorsLookup name syn of Nothing -> failure ("Kind.Constructors.constructorsFind: unknown constructor: " ++ show name) Just x -> x constructorsFindScheme :: Name -> Constructors -> Scheme constructorsFindScheme conname cons = conInfoType (constructorsFind conname cons) constructorsSet :: Constructors -> S.NameSet constructorsSet (Constructors m) = S.fromList (M.keys m) {-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty printing --------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Show Constructors where show = show . pretty instance Pretty Constructors where pretty syns = ppConstructors Type.Pretty.defaultEnv syns ppConstructors showOptions (Constructors m) = vcat [fill 8 (pretty name) <> kindColon (colors showOptions) <+> ppType showOptions (conInfoType conInfo) | (name,conInfo) <- L.sortBy (\(n1,_) (n2,_) -> compare (show n1) (show n2)) $ M.toList m] -- | Extract constructor environment from core extractConstructors :: Bool -> Core.Core -> Constructors extractConstructors publicOnly core = Constructors (M.unions ( (extractTypeDefGroup isVisible) (Core.coreProgTypeDefs core))) where isVisible Public = True isVisible _ = not publicOnly extractTypeDefGroup isVisible (Core.TypeDefGroup tdefs) = M.unions ( (extractTypeDef isVisible) tdefs) extractTypeDef :: (Visibility -> Bool) -> Core.TypeDef -> M.NameMap ConInfo extractTypeDef isVisible tdef = case tdef of Core.Data dataInfo vis conViss | isVisible vis -> let conInfos = dataInfoConstrs dataInfo in M.fromList [(conInfoName conInfo,conInfo) | (conInfo,vis) <- zip conInfos conViss, isVisible vis] _ -> M.empty
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Database.HXournal.Store.Config where import Data.Configurator as C import Data.Configurator.Types import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import System.Environment import System.Directory import System.FilePath data HXournalStoreConfiguration = HXournalStoreConfiguration { hxournalstore_base :: FilePath } deriving (Show) emptyConfigString :: String emptyConfigString = "# hxournal-store configuration\n# base = \"blah\"\n" loadConfigFile :: IO Config loadConfigFile = do homepath <- getEnv "HOME" let dothxournalstore = homepath </> ".hxournal-store" doesFileExist dothxournalstore >>= \b -> when (not b) $ do writeFile dothxournalstore emptyConfigString threadDelay 1000000 config <- load [Required "$(HOME)/.hxournal-store"] return config getHXournalStoreConfiguration :: Config -> IO (Maybe HXournalStoreConfiguration) getHXournalStoreConfiguration c = do mbase <- C.lookup c "base" return (HXournalStoreConfiguration <$> mbase )
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} import Control.Applicative hiding (many) import qualified Data.Attoparsec as P import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 -- as P8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B hiding (map) import HEP.Parser.LHEParser import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Iteratee as Iter import qualified Data.ListLike as LL iter_parseoneevent :: Iter.Iteratee B.ByteString IO (Maybe LHEvent) iter_parseoneevent = Iter.Iteratee step where step = undefined ------------------------------- hline = putStrLn "---------------------------------" main = do hline putStrLn "This is a test of attoparsec parser." hline putStrLn " I am reading test.lhe " bytestr <- B.readFile "test.lhe" let r = parse lheheader bytestr s = case r of Partial _ -> onlyremain (feed r B.empty) Done _ _ -> onlyremain r Fail _ _ _ -> trace "Test failed" $ onlyremain r putStrLn $ show $ B.take 100 s let r' = parse eachevent s s' = case r' of Partial _ -> onlyresult (feed r' B.empty) Done _ _ -> onlyresult r' Fail _ _ _ -> trace "Test failed" $ onlyresult r' putStrLn $ show s' onlyresult (Done _ r) = r onlyremain (Done s _) = s somestring (Fail a _ message ) = (Prelude.take 100 $ show $ B.take 100 a ) ++ " : " ++ message somestring (Done a b ) = (Prelude.take 100 $ show $ B.take 100 a ) ++ " : " ++ (Prelude.take 100 (show b))
import Data.List (nub) main = print $ length $ nub [ a^b | a <- [2 .. 100], b <- [2 .. 100] ]
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, CPP #-} -- | Simple interface for shell scripting-like tasks. module Control.Shell ( -- * Running Shell programs Shell, ExitReason (..) , shell, shell_, exitString -- * Error handling and control flow , (|>), capture, captureStdErr, capture2, capture3, stream, lift , try, orElse, exit , Guard (..), guard, when, unless -- * Environment handling , withEnv, withoutEnv, lookupEnv, getEnv, cmdline -- * Running external commands , MonadIO (..), Env (..) , run, sudo , unsafeLiftIO , absPath, shellEnv, getShellEnv, joinResult, runSh -- * Working with directories , cpdir, pwd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, inDirectory, isDirectory , withHomeDirectory, inHomeDirectory, withAppDirectory, inAppDirectory , forEachFile, forEachFile_, forEachDirectory, forEachDirectory_ -- * Working with files , isFile, rm, mv, cp, input, output , withFile, withBinaryFile, openFile, openBinaryFile -- * Working with temporary files and directories , FileMode (..) , withTempFile, withCustomTempFile , withTempDirectory, withCustomTempDirectory , inTempDirectory, inCustomTempDirectory -- * Working with handles , Handle, IOMode (..), BufferMode (..) , hFlush, hClose, hReady , hGetBuffering, hSetBuffering , getStdIn, getStdOut, getStdErr -- * Text I/O , hPutStr, hPutStrLn, echo, echo_, ask, stdin , hGetLine, hGetContents -- * Terminal text formatting , module Control.Shell.Color -- * ByteString I/O , hGetBytes, hPutBytes, hGetByteLine, hGetByteContents -- * Convenient re-exports , module System.FilePath , module Control.Monad ) where import qualified System.Environment as Env import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Shell.Base hiding (getEnv, takeEnvLock, releaseEnvLock, setShellEnv) import qualified Control.Shell.Base as CSB import Control.Shell.Handle import Control.Shell.File import Control.Shell.Directory import Control.Shell.Temp import Control.Shell.Control import Control.Shell.Color import Control.Monad hiding (guard, when, unless) import System.FilePath -- | Convert an 'ExitReason' into a 'String'. Successful termination yields -- the empty string, while abnormal termination yields the termination -- error message. If the program terminaged abnormally but without an error -- message - i.e. the error message is empty string - the error message will -- be shown as @"abnormal termination"@. exitString :: ExitReason -> String exitString Success = "" exitString (Failure "") = "abnormal termination" exitString (Failure s) = s -- | Get the complete environment for the current computation. getShellEnv :: Shell Env getShellEnv = CSB.getEnv insert :: Eq k => k -> v -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)] insert k' v' (kv@(k, _) : kvs) | k == k' = (k', v') : kvs | otherwise = kv : insert k' v' kvs insert k v _ = [(k, v)] delete :: Eq k => k -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)] delete k' (kv@(k, _) : kvs) | k == k' = kvs | otherwise = kv : delete k' kvs delete _ _ = [] -- | The executable's command line arguments. cmdline :: [String] cmdline = unsafePerformIO Env.getArgs -- | Run a computation with the given environment variable set. withEnv :: String -> String -> Shell a -> Shell a withEnv k v m = do e <- CSB.getEnv inEnv (e {envEnvVars = insert k v (envEnvVars e)}) m -- | Run a computation with the given environment variable unset. withoutEnv :: String -> Shell a -> Shell a withoutEnv k m = do e <- CSB.getEnv inEnv (e {envEnvVars = delete k (envEnvVars e)}) m -- | Get the value of an environment variable. Returns Nothing if the variable -- doesn't exist. lookupEnv :: String -> Shell (Maybe String) lookupEnv k = lookup k . envEnvVars <$> CSB.getEnv -- | Get the value of an environment variable. Returns the empty string if -- the variable doesn't exist. getEnv :: String -> Shell String getEnv key = maybe "" id `fmap` lookupEnv key -- | Run a command with elevated privileges. sudo :: FilePath -> [String] -> Shell () sudo cmd as = run "sudo" (cmd:"--":as) -- | Performs a command inside a temporary directory. The directory will be -- cleaned up after the command finishes. inTempDirectory :: Shell a -> Shell a inTempDirectory = withTempDirectory . flip inDirectory -- | Performs a command inside a temporary directory. The directory will be -- cleaned up after the command finishes. inCustomTempDirectory :: FilePath -> Shell a -> Shell a inCustomTempDirectory dir m = withCustomTempDirectory dir $ flip inDirectory m -- | Get the standard input, output and error handle respectively. getStdIn, getStdOut, getStdErr :: Shell Handle getStdIn = envStdIn <$> CSB.getEnv getStdOut = envStdOut <$> CSB.getEnv getStdErr = envStdErr <$> CSB.getEnv
module Network.Kontiki.SerializationSpec where import Data.Binary (Binary, decode, encode) import Network.Kontiki.Raft import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck serializationSpec :: Spec serializationSpec = do describe "Messages" $ do it "Message Int" $ property (prop_serialization :: Message Int -> Bool) it "RequestVote" $ property (prop_serialization :: RequestVote -> Bool) it "RequestVoteResponse" $ property (prop_serialization :: RequestVoteResponse -> Bool) it "AppendEntries Int" $ property (prop_serialization :: AppendEntries Int -> Bool) it "AppendEntriesResponse" $ property (prop_serialization :: AppendEntriesResponse -> Bool) describe "State" $ do it "SomeState" $ property (prop_serialization :: SomeState -> Bool) it "Follower" $ property (prop_serialization :: Follower -> Bool) it "Candidate" $ property (prop_serialization :: Candidate -> Bool) it "Leader" $ property (prop_serialization :: Leader -> Bool) describe "Entry Int" $ do it "Entry Int" $ property (prop_serialization :: Entry Int -> Bool) prop_serialization :: (Eq a, Binary a) => a -> Bool prop_serialization a = decode (encode a) == a
module Language.GhcHaskell.Parser where import Control.Monad import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser as P import Language.Haskell.AST.HSE import Language.GhcHaskell.AST parsePat :: String -> ParseResult (Parsed Pat) parsePat = P.parse >=> fromHsePat parseExp :: String -> ParseResult (Parsed Exp) parseExp = P.parse >=> fromHseExp parseType :: String -> ParseResult (Parsed Type) parseType = P.parse >=> fromHseType parseDecl :: String -> ParseResult (Parsed Decl) parseDecl = P.parse >=> fromHseDecl parseModule :: String -> ParseResult (Parsed Module) parseModule = P.parse >=> fromHseModule
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} module Maybe1 where instance Functor Maybe' where fmap f m = m >>= pure . f instance Applicative Maybe' where pure = Just' f1 <*> f2 = f1 >>= \v1 -> f2 >>= (pure . v1) data Maybe' a = Nothing' | Just' a instance Monad Maybe' where return = pure Nothing' >>= _ = Nothing' Just' x >>= f = f x fail _ = Nothing'
module Main where import ImageFlatten import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Options.Applicative import System.IO import System.Environment import System.FilePath data Options = Options { input :: String, output :: String, combine :: Bool, remove :: Bool, avg :: Bool, thresh :: Maybe Float, quality :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show) main :: IO () main = do opt <- execParser $ info (helper <*> optParser) description let validated = validateOptions opt case validated of Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr e Right (op, inp, out) -> flatten op inp out description :: InfoMod Options description = fullDesc <> progDesc "Flatten DIRECTORY into OUTPUT" <> header "image-flatten - flatten multiple images into a single image, combining or hiding differences" optParser :: Parser Options optParser = Options <$> strOption (long "input" <> short 'i' <> metavar "DIRECTORY" <> help "A directory containing images to flatten") <*> strOption (long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "OUTPUT" <> help "File path to save result image to") <*> switch (long "combine" <> short 'c' <> help "Specifies that differences in images should be combined") <*> switch (long "remove" <> short 'r' <> help "Specifies that differences in images should be removed") <*> switch (long "average" <> short 'a' <> help "Specifies that images should be averaged") <*> optional (option auto (long "threshold" <> short 't' <> help "Adjust the sensitivity for detecting features. A low number is required to detect subtle differences eg a green jumper on grass. A high number will suffice for white stars against a black sky. Default is 10.")) <*> optional (option auto (long "quality" <> short 'q' <> help "If output is a JPEG, this specifies the quality to use when saving")) validateOptions :: Options -> Either String (Operation, InputSource, OutputDestination) validateOptions (Options i o c r a t q) | q' < 0 || q' > 100 = Left "Jpeg quality must be between 0 and 100 inclusive" | not (isPng || isJpg) = Left "Output file must be a .png or .jpg" | length (filter id [c,r,a]) > 1 = Left "Only one of remove (-r), combine (-c) and average (-a) can be specified" | otherwise = Right ( case (c,r,a) of (True,_,_) -> CombineDifferences t' (_,_,True) -> Average _ -> HideDifferences, Directory i, output) where isPng = extension == ".png" isJpg = extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" output = if isJpg then JpgFile o q' else PngFile o q' = fromMaybe 100 q extension = map toLower $ takeExtension o t' = fromMaybe 10 t
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, PatternGuards #-} module Idris.AbsSyntaxTree where import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Core.Evaluate import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..)) import Idris.Core.Typecheck import Idris.Docstrings import IRTS.Lang import IRTS.CodegenCommon import Util.Pretty import Util.DynamicLinker import Idris.Colours import System.Console.Haskeline import System.IO import Prelude hiding ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Trans (lift) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (universe, children) import Data.List hiding (group) import Data.Char import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Either import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Word (Word) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList) import Data.Traversable (Traversable) import Data.Typeable import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import Debug.Trace import Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.Leijen data ElabWhat = ETypes | EDefns | EAll deriving (Show, Eq) -- Data to pass to recursively called elaborators; e.g. for where blocks, -- paramaterised declarations, etc. -- rec_elabDecl is used to pass the top level elaborator into other elaborators, -- so that we can have mutually recursive elaborators in separate modules without -- having to muck about with cyclic modules. data ElabInfo = EInfo { params :: [(Name, PTerm)], inblock :: Ctxt [Name], -- names in the block, and their params liftname :: Name -> Name, namespace :: Maybe [String], elabFC :: Maybe FC, rec_elabDecl :: ElabWhat -> ElabInfo -> PDecl -> Idris () } toplevel :: ElabInfo toplevel = EInfo [] emptyContext id Nothing Nothing (\_ _ _ -> fail "Not implemented") eInfoNames :: ElabInfo -> [Name] eInfoNames info = map fst (params info) ++ M.keys (inblock info) data IOption = IOption { opt_logLevel :: Int, opt_typecase :: Bool, opt_typeintype :: Bool, opt_coverage :: Bool, opt_showimp :: Bool, -- ^^ show implicits opt_errContext :: Bool, opt_repl :: Bool, opt_verbose :: Bool, opt_nobanner :: Bool, opt_quiet :: Bool, opt_codegen :: Codegen, opt_outputTy :: OutputType, opt_ibcsubdir :: FilePath, opt_importdirs :: [FilePath], opt_triple :: String, opt_cpu :: String, opt_cmdline :: [Opt], -- remember whole command line opt_origerr :: Bool, opt_autoSolve :: Bool, -- ^ automatically apply "solve" tactic in prover opt_autoImport :: [FilePath], -- ^ e.g. Builtins+Prelude opt_optimise :: [Optimisation], opt_printdepth :: Maybe Int, opt_evaltypes :: Bool, -- ^ normalise types in :t opt_desugarnats :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultOpts = IOption { opt_logLevel = 0 , opt_typecase = False , opt_typeintype = False , opt_coverage = True , opt_showimp = False , opt_errContext = False , opt_repl = True , opt_verbose = True , opt_nobanner = False , opt_quiet = False , opt_codegen = Via "c" , opt_outputTy = Executable , opt_ibcsubdir = "" , opt_importdirs = [] , opt_triple = "" , opt_cpu = "" , opt_cmdline = [] , opt_origerr = False , opt_autoSolve = True , opt_autoImport = [] , opt_optimise = defaultOptimise , opt_printdepth = Just 5000 , opt_evaltypes = True , opt_desugarnats = False } data PPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl :: Bool -- ^^ whether to show implicits , ppopt_desugarnats :: Bool , ppopt_pinames :: Bool -- ^^ whether to show names in pi bindings , ppopt_depth :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show) data Optimisation = PETransform -- partial eval and associated transforms deriving (Show, Eq) defaultOptimise = [PETransform] -- | Pretty printing options with default verbosity. defaultPPOption :: PPOption defaultPPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl = False, ppopt_desugarnats = False, ppopt_pinames = False, ppopt_depth = Just 200 } -- | Pretty printing options with the most verbosity. verbosePPOption :: PPOption verbosePPOption = PPOption { ppopt_impl = True, ppopt_desugarnats = True, ppopt_pinames = True, ppopt_depth = Just 200 } -- | Get pretty printing options from the big options record. ppOption :: IOption -> PPOption ppOption opt = PPOption { ppopt_impl = opt_showimp opt, ppopt_pinames = False, ppopt_depth = opt_printdepth opt, ppopt_desugarnats = opt_desugarnats opt } -- | Get pretty printing options from an idris state record. ppOptionIst :: IState -> PPOption ppOptionIst = ppOption . idris_options data LanguageExt = TypeProviders | ErrorReflection deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord) -- | The output mode in use data OutputMode = RawOutput Handle -- ^ Print user output directly to the handle | IdeMode Integer Handle -- ^ Send IDE output for some request ID to the handle deriving Show -- | How wide is the console? data ConsoleWidth = InfinitelyWide -- ^ Have pretty-printer assume that lines should not be broken | ColsWide Int -- ^ Manually specified - must be positive | AutomaticWidth -- ^ Attempt to determine width, or 80 otherwise deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The global state used in the Idris monad data IState = IState { tt_ctxt :: Context, -- ^ All the currently defined names and their terms idris_constraints :: S.Set ConstraintFC, -- ^ A list of universe constraints and their corresponding source locations idris_infixes :: [FixDecl], -- ^ Currently defined infix operators idris_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg], idris_statics :: Ctxt [Bool], idris_classes :: Ctxt ClassInfo, idris_records :: Ctxt RecordInfo, idris_dsls :: Ctxt DSL, idris_optimisation :: Ctxt OptInfo, idris_datatypes :: Ctxt TypeInfo, idris_namehints :: Ctxt [Name], idris_patdefs :: Ctxt ([([Name], Term, Term)], [PTerm]), -- not exported -- ^ list of lhs/rhs, and a list of missing clauses idris_flags :: Ctxt [FnOpt], idris_callgraph :: Ctxt CGInfo, -- name, args used in each pos idris_calledgraph :: Ctxt [Name], idris_docstrings :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring DocTerm)]), idris_moduledocs :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm), -- ^ module documentation is saved in a special MN so the context -- mechanism can be used for disambiguation idris_tyinfodata :: Ctxt TIData, idris_fninfo :: Ctxt FnInfo, idris_transforms :: Ctxt [(Term, Term)], idris_autohints :: Ctxt [Name], idris_totcheck :: [(FC, Name)], -- names to check totality on idris_defertotcheck :: [(FC, Name)], -- names to check at the end idris_totcheckfail :: [(FC, String)], idris_options :: IOption, idris_name :: Int, idris_lineapps :: [((FilePath, Int), PTerm)], -- ^ Full application LHS on source line idris_metavars :: [(Name, (Maybe Name, Int, [Name], Bool))], -- ^ The currently defined but not proven metavariables. The Int -- is the number of vars to display as a context, the Maybe Name -- is its top-level function, the [Name] is the list of local variables -- available for proof search and the Bool is whether :p is -- allowed idris_coercions :: [Name], idris_errRev :: [(Term, Term)], syntax_rules :: SyntaxRules, syntax_keywords :: [String], imported :: [FilePath], -- ^ The imported modules idris_scprims :: [(Name, (Int, PrimFn))], idris_objs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)], idris_libs :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)], idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)], -- ^ Imported ibc file names, whether public proof_list :: [(Name, (Bool, [String]))], errSpan :: Maybe FC, parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)], lastParse :: Maybe Name, indent_stack :: [Int], brace_stack :: [Maybe Int], lastTokenSpan :: Maybe FC, -- ^ What was the span of the latest token parsed? idris_parsedSpan :: Maybe FC, hide_list :: [(Name, Maybe Accessibility)], default_access :: Accessibility, default_total :: Bool, ibc_write :: [IBCWrite], compiled_so :: Maybe String, idris_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib], idris_language_extensions :: [LanguageExt], idris_outputmode :: OutputMode, idris_colourRepl :: Bool, idris_colourTheme :: ColourTheme, idris_errorhandlers :: [Name], -- ^ Global error handlers idris_nameIdx :: (Int, Ctxt (Int, Name)), idris_function_errorhandlers :: Ctxt (M.Map Name (S.Set Name)), -- ^ Specific error handlers module_aliases :: M.Map [T.Text] [T.Text], idris_consolewidth :: ConsoleWidth, -- ^ How many chars wide is the console? idris_postulates :: S.Set Name, idris_externs :: S.Set (Name, Int), idris_erasureUsed :: [(Name, Int)], -- ^ Function/constructor name, argument position is used idris_whocalls :: Maybe (M.Map Name [Name]), idris_callswho :: Maybe (M.Map Name [Name]), idris_repl_defs :: [Name], -- ^ List of names that were defined in the repl, and can be re-/un-defined elab_stack :: [(Name, Bool)], -- ^ Stack of names currently being elaborated, Bool set if it's an instance -- (instances appear twice; also as a funtion name) idris_symbols :: M.Map Name Name, -- ^ Symbol table (preserves sharing of names) idris_exports :: [Name], -- ^ Functions with ExportList idris_highlightedRegions :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], -- ^ Highlighting information to output idris_parserHighlights :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] -- ^ Highlighting information from the parser } -- Required for parsers library, and therefore trifecta instance Show IState where show = const "{internal state}" data SizeChange = Smaller | Same | Bigger | Unknown deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary SizeChange deriving instance NFData SizeChange !-} type SCGEntry = (Name, [Maybe (Int, SizeChange)]) type UsageReason = (Name, Int) -- fn_name, its_arg_number data CGInfo = CGInfo { argsdef :: [Name], calls :: [(Name, [[Name]])], scg :: [SCGEntry], argsused :: [Name], usedpos :: [(Int, [UsageReason])] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary CGInfo deriving instance NFData CGInfo !-} primDefs = [sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO", sUN "mkLazyForeignPrim", sUN "mkForeignPrim", sUN "void"] -- information that needs writing for the current module's .ibc file data IBCWrite = IBCFix FixDecl | IBCImp Name | IBCStatic Name | IBCClass Name | IBCRecord Name | IBCInstance Bool Bool Name Name | IBCDSL Name | IBCData Name | IBCOpt Name | IBCMetavar Name | IBCSyntax Syntax | IBCKeyword String | IBCImport (Bool, FilePath) -- True = import public | IBCImportDir FilePath | IBCObj Codegen FilePath | IBCLib Codegen String | IBCCGFlag Codegen String | IBCDyLib String | IBCHeader Codegen String | IBCAccess Name Accessibility | IBCMetaInformation Name MetaInformation | IBCTotal Name Totality | IBCFlags Name [FnOpt] | IBCFnInfo Name FnInfo | IBCTrans Name (Term, Term) | IBCErrRev (Term, Term) | IBCCG Name | IBCDoc Name | IBCCoercion Name | IBCDef Name -- i.e. main context | IBCNameHint (Name, Name) | IBCLineApp FilePath Int PTerm | IBCErrorHandler Name | IBCFunctionErrorHandler Name Name Name | IBCPostulate Name | IBCExtern (Name, Int) | IBCTotCheckErr FC String | IBCParsedRegion FC | IBCModDocs Name -- ^ The name is the special name used to track module docs | IBCUsage (Name, Int) | IBCExport Name | IBCAutoHint Name Name deriving Show -- | The initial state for the compiler idrisInit :: IState idrisInit = IState initContext S.empty [] emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext emptyContext [] [] [] defaultOpts 6 [] [] [] [] emptySyntaxRules [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Nothing [] Nothing [] [] Nothing Nothing [] Hidden False [] Nothing [] [] (RawOutput stdout) True defaultTheme [] (0, emptyContext) emptyContext M.empty AutomaticWidth S.empty S.empty [] Nothing Nothing [] [] M.empty [] [] [] -- | The monad for the main REPL - reading and processing files and updating -- global state (hence the IO inner monad). --type Idris = WriterT [Either String (IO ())] (State IState a)) type Idris = StateT IState (ExceptT Err IO) catchError :: Idris a -> (Err -> Idris a) -> Idris a catchError = liftCatch catchE throwError :: Err -> Idris a throwError = Trans.lift . throwE -- Commands in the REPL data Codegen = Via String -- | ViaC -- | ViaJava -- | ViaNode -- | ViaJavaScript -- | ViaLLVM | Bytecode deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance NFData Codegen !-} data HowMuchDocs = FullDocs | OverviewDocs -- | REPL commands data Command = Quit | Help | Eval PTerm | NewDefn [PDecl] -- ^ Each 'PDecl' should be either a type declaration (at most one) or a clause defining the same name. | Undefine [Name] | Check PTerm | Core PTerm | DocStr (Either Name Const) HowMuchDocs | TotCheck Name | Reload | Load FilePath (Maybe Int) -- up to maximum line number | ChangeDirectory FilePath | ModImport String | Edit | Compile Codegen String | Execute PTerm | ExecVal PTerm | Metavars | Prove Bool Name -- ^ If false, use prover, if true, use elab shell | AddProof (Maybe Name) | RmProof Name | ShowProof Name | Proofs | Universes | LogLvl Int | Spec PTerm | WHNF PTerm | TestInline PTerm | Defn Name | Missing Name | DynamicLink FilePath | ListDynamic | Pattelab PTerm | Search [String] PTerm | CaseSplitAt Bool Int Name | AddClauseFrom Bool Int Name | AddProofClauseFrom Bool Int Name | AddMissing Bool Int Name | MakeWith Bool Int Name | MakeCase Bool Int Name | MakeLemma Bool Int Name | DoProofSearch Bool -- update file Bool -- recursive search Int -- depth Name -- top level name [Name] -- hints | SetOpt Opt | UnsetOpt Opt | NOP | SetColour ColourType IdrisColour | ColourOn | ColourOff | ListErrorHandlers | SetConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth | SetPrinterDepth (Maybe Int) | Apropos [String] String | WhoCalls Name | CallsWho Name | Browse [String] | MakeDoc String -- IdrisDoc | Warranty | PrintDef Name | PPrint OutputFmt Int PTerm | TransformInfo Name -- Debugging commands | DebugInfo Name | DebugUnify PTerm PTerm data OutputFmt = HTMLOutput | LaTeXOutput data Opt = Filename String | Quiet | NoBanner | ColourREPL Bool | Idemode | IdemodeSocket | ShowLibs | ShowLibdir | ShowIncs | ShowPkgs | NoBasePkgs | NoPrelude | NoBuiltins -- only for the really primitive stuff! | NoREPL | OLogging Int | Output String | Interface | TypeCase | TypeInType | DefaultTotal | DefaultPartial | WarnPartial | WarnReach | EvalTypes | NoCoverage | ErrContext | ShowImpl | Verbose | Port String -- REPL TCP port | IBCSubDir String | ImportDir String | PkgBuild String | PkgInstall String | PkgClean String | PkgCheck String | PkgREPL String | PkgMkDoc String -- IdrisDoc | PkgTest String | PkgIndex FilePath | WarnOnly | Pkg String | BCAsm String | DumpDefun String | DumpCases String | UseCodegen Codegen | CodegenArgs String | OutputTy OutputType | Extension LanguageExt | InterpretScript String | EvalExpr String | TargetTriple String | TargetCPU String | OptLevel Int | AddOpt Optimisation | RemoveOpt Optimisation | Client String | ShowOrigErr | AutoWidth -- ^ Automatically adjust terminal width | AutoSolve -- ^ Automatically issue "solve" tactic in interactive prover | UseConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth | DumpHighlights | DesugarNats deriving (Show, Eq) data ElabShellCmd = EQED | EAbandon | EUndo | EProofState | EProofTerm | EEval PTerm | ECheck PTerm | ESearch PTerm | EDocStr (Either Name Const) deriving (Show, Eq) -- Parsed declarations data Fixity = Infixl { prec :: Int } | Infixr { prec :: Int } | InfixN { prec :: Int } | PrefixN { prec :: Int } deriving Eq {-! deriving instance Binary Fixity deriving instance NFData Fixity !-} instance Show Fixity where show (Infixl i) = "infixl " ++ show i show (Infixr i) = "infixr " ++ show i show (InfixN i) = "infix " ++ show i show (PrefixN i) = "prefix " ++ show i data FixDecl = Fix Fixity String deriving Eq instance Show FixDecl where show (Fix f s) = show f ++ " " ++ s {-! deriving instance Binary FixDecl deriving instance NFData FixDecl !-} instance Ord FixDecl where compare (Fix x _) (Fix y _) = compare (prec x) (prec y) data Static = Static | Dynamic deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Static deriving instance NFData Static !-} -- Mark bindings with their explicitness, and laziness data Plicity = Imp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pparam :: Bool, pscoped :: Maybe ImplicitInfo -- Nothing, if top level } | Exp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pparam :: Bool } -- this is a param (rather than index) | Constraint { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static } | TacImp { pargopts :: [ArgOpt], pstatic :: Static, pscript :: PTerm } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Plicity deriving instance NFData Plicity !-} is_scoped :: Plicity -> Maybe ImplicitInfo is_scoped (Imp _ _ _ s) = s is_scoped _ = Nothing impl = Imp [] Dynamic False Nothing forall_imp = Imp [] Dynamic False (Just (Impl False)) forall_constraint = Imp [] Dynamic False (Just (Impl True)) expl = Exp [] Dynamic False expl_param = Exp [] Dynamic True constraint = Constraint [] Static tacimpl t = TacImp [] Dynamic t data FnOpt = Inlinable -- always evaluate when simplifying | TotalFn | PartialFn | CoveringFn | Coinductive | AssertTotal | Dictionary -- type class dictionary, eval only when -- a function argument, and further evaluation resutls | Implicit -- implicit coercion | NoImplicit -- do not apply implicit coercions | CExport String -- export, with a C name | ErrorHandler -- ^^ an error handler for use with the ErrorReflection extension | ErrorReverse -- ^^ attempt to reverse normalise before showing in error | Reflection -- a reflecting function, compile-time only | Specialise [(Name, Maybe Int)] -- specialise it, freeze these names | Constructor -- Data constructor type | AutoHint -- use in auto implicit search | PEGenerated -- generated by partial evaluator deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary FnOpt deriving instance NFData FnOpt !-} type FnOpts = [FnOpt] inlinable :: FnOpts -> Bool inlinable = elem Inlinable dictionary :: FnOpts -> Bool dictionary = elem Dictionary -- | Type provider - what to provide data ProvideWhat' t = ProvTerm t t -- ^ the first is the goal type, the second is the term | ProvPostulate t -- ^ goal type must be Type, so only term deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) type ProvideWhat = ProvideWhat' PTerm -- | Top-level declarations such as compiler directives, definitions, -- datatypes and typeclasses. data PDecl' t = PFix FC Fixity [String] -- ^ Fixity declaration | PTy (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC FnOpts Name FC t -- ^ Type declaration (last FC is precise name location) | PPostulate Bool -- external def if true (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC FnOpts Name t -- ^ Postulate, second FC is precise name location | PClauses FC FnOpts Name [PClause' t] -- ^ Pattern clause | PCAF FC Name t -- ^ Top level constant | PData (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts (PData' t) -- ^ Data declaration. | PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t] -- ^ Params block | PNamespace String FC [PDecl' t] -- ^ New namespace, where FC is accurate location of the -- namespace in the file | PRecord (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts Name -- Record name FC -- Record name precise location [(Name, FC, Plicity, t)] -- Parameters, where FC is precise name span [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- Param Docs [((Maybe (Name, FC)), Plicity, t, Maybe (Docstring (Either Err t)))] -- Fields (Maybe (Name, FC)) -- Optional constructor name and location (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- Constructor doc SyntaxInfo -- Constructor SyntaxInfo -- ^ Record declaration | PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] -- constraints Name -- class name FC -- accurate location of class name [(Name, FC, t)] -- parameters and precise locations [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- parameter docstrings [(Name, FC)] -- determining parameters and precise locations [PDecl' t] -- declarations (Maybe (Name, FC)) -- instance constructor name and location (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- instance constructor docs -- ^ Type class: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, -- class name, class name location, parameters, method declarations, optional constructor name | PInstance (Docstring (Either Err t)) -- Instance docs [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] -- Parameter docs SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] -- constraints Name -- class FC -- precise location of class [t] -- parameters t -- full instance type (Maybe Name) -- explicit name [PDecl' t] -- ^ Instance declaration: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source -- location, constraints, class name, parameters, full instance -- type, optional explicit name, and definitions | PDSL Name (DSL' t) -- ^ DSL declaration | PSyntax FC Syntax -- ^ Syntax definition | PMutual FC [PDecl' t] -- ^ Mutual block | PDirective Directive -- ^ Compiler directive. | PProvider (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC (ProvideWhat' t) Name -- ^ Type provider. The first t is the type, the second is the term. The second FC is precise highlighting location. | PTransform FC Bool t t -- ^ Source-to-source transformation rule. If -- bool is True, lhs and rhs must be convertible | PRunElabDecl FC t [String] -- ^ FC is decl-level, for errors, and -- Strings represent the namespace deriving Functor {-! deriving instance Binary PDecl' deriving instance NFData PDecl' !-} -- | The set of source directives data Directive = DLib Codegen String | DLink Codegen String | DFlag Codegen String | DInclude Codegen String | DHide Name | DFreeze Name | DAccess Accessibility | DDefault Bool | DLogging Integer | DDynamicLibs [String] | DNameHint Name FC [(Name, FC)] | DErrorHandlers Name FC Name FC [(Name, FC)] | DLanguage LanguageExt | DUsed FC Name Name -- | A set of instructions for things that need to happen in IState -- after a term elaboration when there's been reflected elaboration. data RDeclInstructions = RTyDeclInstrs Name FC [PArg] Type | RClausesInstrs Name [([Name], Term, Term)] | RAddInstance Name Name -- | For elaborator state data EState = EState { case_decls :: [(Name, PDecl)], delayed_elab :: [(Int, Elab' EState ())], new_tyDecls :: [RDeclInstructions], highlighting :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] } initEState :: EState initEState = EState [] [] [] [] type ElabD a = Elab' EState a highlightSource :: FC -> OutputAnnotation -> ElabD () highlightSource fc annot = updateAux (\aux -> aux { highlighting = (fc, annot) : highlighting aux }) -- | One clause of a top-level definition. Term arguments to constructors are: -- -- 1. The whole application (missing for PClauseR and PWithR because they're within a "with" clause) -- -- 2. The list of extra 'with' patterns -- -- 3. The right-hand side -- -- 4. The where block (PDecl' t) data PClause' t = PClause FC Name t [t] t [PDecl' t] -- ^ A normal top-level definition. | PWith FC Name t [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] | PClauseR FC [t] t [PDecl' t] | PWithR FC [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] deriving Functor {-! deriving instance Binary PClause' deriving instance NFData PClause' !-} -- | Data declaration data PData' t = PDatadecl { d_name :: Name, -- ^ The name of the datatype d_name_fc :: FC, -- ^ The precise location of the type constructor name d_tcon :: t, -- ^ Type constructor d_cons :: [(Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [(Name, Docstring (Either Err PTerm))], Name, FC, t, FC, [Name])] -- ^ Constructors } -- ^ Data declaration | PLaterdecl { d_name :: Name, d_name_fc :: FC, d_tcon :: t } -- ^ "Placeholder" for data whose constructors are defined later deriving Functor -- | Transform the FCs in a PData and its associated terms. The first -- function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms -- those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be -- treated specially. mapPDataFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PData -> PData mapPDataFC f g (PDatadecl n nfc tycon ctors) = PDatadecl n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g tycon) (map ctorFC ctors) where ctorFC (doc, argDocs, n, nfc, ty, fc, ns) = (doc, argDocs, n, g nfc, mapPTermFC f g ty, f fc, ns) mapPDataFC f g (PLaterdecl n nfc tycon) = PLaterdecl n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g tycon) {-! deriving instance Binary PData' deriving instance NFData PData' !-} -- Handy to get a free function for applying PTerm -> PTerm functions -- across a program, by deriving Functor type PDecl = PDecl' PTerm type PData = PData' PTerm type PClause = PClause' PTerm -- | Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the -- general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used -- for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially. mapPDeclFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PDecl -> PDecl mapPDeclFC f g (PFix fc fixity ops) = PFix (f fc) fixity ops mapPDeclFC f g (PTy doc argdocs syn fc opts n nfc ty) = PTy doc argdocs syn (f fc) opts n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g ty) mapPDeclFC f g (PPostulate ext doc syn fc nfc opts n ty) = PPostulate ext doc syn (f fc) (g nfc) opts n (mapPTermFC f g ty) mapPDeclFC f g (PClauses fc opts n clauses) = PClauses (f fc) opts n (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) clauses) mapPDeclFC f g (PCAF fc n tm) = PCAF (f fc) n (mapPTermFC f g tm) mapPDeclFC f g (PData doc argdocs syn fc opts dat) = PData doc argdocs syn (f fc) opts (mapPDataFC f g dat) mapPDeclFC f g (PParams fc params decls) = PParams (f fc) (map (\(n, ty) -> (n, mapPTermFC f g ty)) params) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PNamespace ns fc decls) = PNamespace ns (f fc) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PRecord doc syn fc opts n nfc params paramdocs fields ctor ctorDoc syn') = PRecord doc syn (f fc) opts n (g nfc) (map (\(pn, pnfc, plic, ty) -> (pn, g pnfc, plic, mapPTermFC f g ty)) params) paramdocs (map (\(fn, plic, ty, fdoc) -> (fmap (\(fn', fnfc) -> (fn', g fnfc)) fn, plic, mapPTermFC f g ty, fdoc)) fields) (fmap (\(ctorN, ctorNFC) -> (ctorN, g ctorNFC)) ctor) ctorDoc syn' mapPDeclFC f g (PClass doc syn fc constrs n nfc params paramDocs det body ctor ctorDoc) = PClass doc syn (f fc) (map (\(constrn, constr) -> (constrn, mapPTermFC f g constr)) constrs) n (g nfc) (map (\(n, nfc, pty) -> (n, g nfc, mapPTermFC f g pty)) params) paramDocs (map (\(dn, dnfc) -> (dn, g dnfc)) det) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) body) (fmap (\(n, nfc) -> (n, g nfc)) ctor) ctorDoc mapPDeclFC f g (PInstance doc paramDocs syn fc constrs cn cnfc params instTy instN body) = PInstance doc paramDocs syn (f fc) (map (\(constrN, constrT) -> (constrN, mapPTermFC f g constrT)) constrs) cn (g cnfc) (map (mapPTermFC f g) params) (mapPTermFC f g instTy) instN (map (mapPDeclFC f g) body) mapPDeclFC f g (PDSL n dsl) = PDSL n (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) dsl) mapPDeclFC f g (PSyntax fc syn) = PSyntax (f fc) $ case syn of Rule syms tm ctxt -> Rule syms (mapPTermFC f g tm) ctxt DeclRule syms decls -> DeclRule syms (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PMutual fc decls) = PMutual (f fc) (map (mapPDeclFC f g) decls) mapPDeclFC f g (PDirective d) = PDirective $ case d of DNameHint n nfc ns -> DNameHint n (g nfc) (map (\(hn, hnfc) -> (hn, g hnfc)) ns) DErrorHandlers n nfc n' nfc' ns -> DErrorHandlers n (g nfc) n' (g nfc') $ map (\(an, anfc) -> (an, g anfc)) ns mapPDeclFC f g (PProvider doc syn fc nfc what n) = PProvider doc syn (f fc) (g nfc) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) what) n mapPDeclFC f g (PTransform fc safe l r) = PTransform (f fc) safe (mapPTermFC f g l) (mapPTermFC f g r) mapPDeclFC f g (PRunElabDecl fc script ns) = PRunElabDecl (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g script) ns -- | Get all the names declared in a declaration declared :: PDecl -> [Name] declared (PFix _ _ _) = [] declared (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n fc t) = [n] declared (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [n] declared (PClauses _ _ n _) = [] -- not a declaration declared (PCAF _ n _) = [n] declared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a declared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PLaterdecl n _ _)) = [n] declared (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) declared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn cd) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap declared ms) declared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] declared (PDSL n _) = [n] declared (PSyntax _ _) = [] declared (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap declared ds declared (PDirective _) = [] declared _ = [] -- get the names declared, not counting nested parameter blocks tldeclared :: PDecl -> [Name] tldeclared (PFix _ _ _) = [] tldeclared (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = [n] tldeclared (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [n] tldeclared (PClauses _ _ n _) = [] -- not a declaration tldeclared (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) tldeclared (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a tldeclared (PParams _ _ ds) = [] tldeclared (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds tldeclared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds tldeclared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap tldeclared ms) tldeclared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] tldeclared _ = [] defined :: PDecl -> [Name] defined (PFix _ _ _) = [] defined (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = [] defined (PPostulate _ _ _ _ _ _ n t) = [] defined (PClauses _ _ n _) = [n] -- not a declaration defined (PCAF _ n _) = [n] defined (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PDatadecl n _ _ ts)) = n : map fstt ts where fstt (_, _, a, _, _, _, _) = a defined (PData _ _ _ _ _ (PLaterdecl n _ _)) = [] defined (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn) defined (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap defined ms) defined (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = [] defined (PDSL n _) = [n] defined (PSyntax _ _) = [] defined (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap defined ds defined (PDirective _) = [] defined _ = [] updateN :: [(Name, Name)] -> Name -> Name updateN ns n | Just n' <- lookup n ns = n' updateN _ n = n updateNs :: [(Name, Name)] -> PTerm -> PTerm updateNs [] t = t updateNs ns t = mapPT updateRef t where updateRef (PRef fc fcs f) = PRef fc fcs (updateN ns f) updateRef t = t -- updateDNs :: [(Name, Name)] -> PDecl -> PDecl -- updateDNs [] t = t -- updateDNs ns (PTy s f n t) | Just n' <- lookup n ns = PTy s f n' t -- updateDNs ns (PClauses f n c) | Just n' <- lookup n ns = PClauses f n' (map updateCNs c) -- where updateCNs ns (PClause n l ts r ds) -- = PClause (updateN ns n) (fmap (updateNs ns) l) -- (map (fmap (updateNs ns)) ts) -- (fmap (updateNs ns) r) -- (map (updateDNs ns) ds) -- updateDNs ns c = c data PunInfo = IsType | IsTerm | TypeOrTerm deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable) -- | High level language terms data PTerm = PQuote Raw -- ^ Inclusion of a core term into the high-level language | PRef FC [FC] Name -- ^ A reference to a variable. The FC is its precise source location for highlighting. The list of FCs is a collection of additional highlighting locations. | PInferRef FC [FC] Name -- ^ A name to be defined later | PPatvar FC Name -- ^ A pattern variable | PLam FC Name FC PTerm PTerm -- ^ A lambda abstraction. Second FC is name span. | PPi Plicity Name FC PTerm PTerm -- ^ (n : t1) -> t2, where the FC is for the precise location of the variable | PLet FC Name FC PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ A let binding (second FC is precise name location) | PTyped PTerm PTerm -- ^ Term with explicit type | PApp FC PTerm [PArg] -- ^ e.g. IO (), List Char, length x | PAppImpl PTerm [ImplicitInfo] -- ^ Implicit argument application (introduced during elaboration only) | PAppBind FC PTerm [PArg] -- ^ implicitly bound application | PMatchApp FC Name -- ^ Make an application by type matching | PIfThenElse FC PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ Conditional expressions - elaborated to an overloading of ifThenElse | PCase FC PTerm [(PTerm, PTerm)] -- ^ A case expression. Args are source location, scrutinee, and a list of pattern/RHS pairs | PTrue FC PunInfo -- ^ Unit type..? | PResolveTC FC -- ^ Solve this dictionary by type class resolution | PRewrite FC PTerm PTerm (Maybe PTerm) -- ^ "rewrite" syntax, with optional result type | PPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm -- ^ A pair (a, b) and whether it's a product type or a pair (solved by elaboration). The list of FCs is its punctuation. | PDPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm PTerm -- ^ A dependent pair (tm : a ** b) and whether it's a sigma type or a pair that inhabits one (solved by elaboration). The [FC] is its punctuation. | PAs FC Name PTerm -- ^ @-pattern, valid LHS only | PAlternative [(Name, Name)] PAltType [PTerm] -- ^ (| A, B, C|). Includes unapplied unique name mappings for mkUniqueNames. | PHidden PTerm -- ^ Irrelevant or hidden pattern | PType FC -- ^ 'Type' type | PUniverse Universe -- ^ Some universe | PGoal FC PTerm Name PTerm -- ^ quoteGoal, used for %reflection functions | PConstant FC Const -- ^ Builtin types | Placeholder -- ^ Underscore | PDoBlock [PDo] -- ^ Do notation | PIdiom FC PTerm -- ^ Idiom brackets | PReturn FC | PMetavar FC Name -- ^ A metavariable, ?name, and its precise location | PProof [PTactic] -- ^ Proof script | PTactics [PTactic] -- ^ As PProof, but no auto solving | PElabError Err -- ^ Error to report on elaboration | PImpossible -- ^ Special case for declaring when an LHS can't typecheck | PCoerced PTerm -- ^ To mark a coerced argument, so as not to coerce twice | PDisamb [[T.Text]] PTerm -- ^ Preferences for explicit namespaces | PUnifyLog PTerm -- ^ dump a trace of unifications when building term | PNoImplicits PTerm -- ^ never run implicit converions on the term | PQuasiquote PTerm (Maybe PTerm) -- ^ `(Term [: Term]) | PUnquote PTerm -- ^ ~Term | PQuoteName Name Bool FC -- ^ `{n} where the FC is the precise highlighting for the name in particular. If the Bool is False, then it's `{{n}} and the name won't be resolved. | PRunElab FC PTerm [String] -- ^ %runElab tm - New-style proof script. Args are location, script, enclosing namespace. | PConstSugar FC PTerm -- ^ A desugared constant. The FC is a precise source location that will be used to highlight it later. deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable) data PAltType = ExactlyOne Bool -- ^ flag sets whether delay is allowed | FirstSuccess | TryImplicit deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable) -- | Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the -- general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used -- for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially. mapPTermFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PTerm -> PTerm mapPTermFC f g (PQuote q) = PQuote q mapPTermFC f g (PRef fc fcs n) = PRef (g fc) (map g fcs) n mapPTermFC f g (PInferRef fc fcs n) = PInferRef (g fc) (map g fcs) n mapPTermFC f g (PPatvar fc n) = PPatvar (g fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PLam fc n fc' t1 t2) = PLam (f fc) n (g fc') (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PPi plic n fc t1 t2) = PPi plic n (g fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PLet fc n fc' t1 t2 t3) = PLet (f fc) n (g fc') (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PTyped t1 t2) = PTyped (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PApp fc t args) = PApp (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) args) mapPTermFC f g (PAppImpl t1 impls) = PAppImpl (mapPTermFC f g t1) impls mapPTermFC f g (PAppBind fc t args) = PAppBind (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) args) mapPTermFC f g (PMatchApp fc n) = PMatchApp (f fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PIfThenElse fc t1 t2 t3) = PIfThenElse (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PCase fc t cases) = PCase (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) (map (\(l,r) -> (mapPTermFC f g l, mapPTermFC f g r)) cases) mapPTermFC f g (PTrue fc info) = PTrue (f fc) info mapPTermFC f g (PResolveTC fc) = PResolveTC (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PRewrite fc t1 t2 t3) = PRewrite (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) t3) mapPTermFC f g (PPair fc hls info t1 t2) = PPair (f fc) (map g hls) info (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PDPair fc hls info t1 t2 t3) = PDPair (f fc) (map g hls) info (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (mapPTermFC f g t3) mapPTermFC f g (PAs fc n t) = PAs (f fc) n (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PAlternative ns ty ts) = PAlternative ns ty (map (mapPTermFC f g) ts) mapPTermFC f g (PHidden t) = PHidden (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PType fc) = PType (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PUniverse u) = PUniverse u mapPTermFC f g (PGoal fc t1 n t2) = PGoal (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) n (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PConstant fc c) = PConstant (f fc) c mapPTermFC f g Placeholder = Placeholder mapPTermFC f g (PDoBlock dos) = PDoBlock (map mapPDoFC dos) where mapPDoFC (DoExp fc t) = DoExp (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPDoFC (DoBind fc n nfc t) = DoBind (f fc) n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPDoFC (DoBindP fc t1 t2 alts) = DoBindP (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) (map (\(l,r)-> (mapPTermFC f g l, mapPTermFC f g r)) alts) mapPDoFC (DoLet fc n nfc t1 t2) = DoLet (f fc) n (g nfc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPDoFC (DoLetP fc t1 t2) = DoLetP (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t1) (mapPTermFC f g t2) mapPTermFC f g (PIdiom fc t) = PIdiom (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PReturn fc) = PReturn (f fc) mapPTermFC f g (PMetavar fc n) = PMetavar (g fc) n mapPTermFC f g (PProof tacs) = PProof (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) tacs) mapPTermFC f g (PTactics tacs) = PTactics (map (fmap (mapPTermFC f g)) tacs) mapPTermFC f g (PElabError err) = PElabError err mapPTermFC f g PImpossible = PImpossible mapPTermFC f g (PCoerced t) = PCoerced (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PDisamb msg t) = PDisamb msg (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PUnifyLog t) = PUnifyLog (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PNoImplicits t) = PNoImplicits (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PQuasiquote t1 t2) = PQuasiquote (mapPTermFC f g t1) (fmap (mapPTermFC f g) t2) mapPTermFC f g (PUnquote t) = PUnquote (mapPTermFC f g t) mapPTermFC f g (PRunElab fc tm ns) = PRunElab (f fc) (mapPTermFC f g tm) ns mapPTermFC f g (PConstSugar fc tm) = PConstSugar (g fc) (mapPTermFC f g tm) mapPTermFC f g (PQuoteName n x fc) = PQuoteName n x (g fc) {-! dg instance Binary PTerm deriving instance NFData PTerm !-} mapPT :: (PTerm -> PTerm) -> PTerm -> PTerm mapPT f t = f (mpt t) where mpt (PLam fc n nfc t s) = PLam fc n nfc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) mpt (PPi p n nfc t s) = PPi p n nfc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) mpt (PLet fc n nfc ty v s) = PLet fc n nfc (mapPT f ty) (mapPT f v) (mapPT f s) mpt (PRewrite fc t s g) = PRewrite fc (mapPT f t) (mapPT f s) (fmap (mapPT f) g) mpt (PApp fc t as) = PApp fc (mapPT f t) (map (fmap (mapPT f)) as) mpt (PAppBind fc t as) = PAppBind fc (mapPT f t) (map (fmap (mapPT f)) as) mpt (PCase fc c os) = PCase fc (mapPT f c) (map (pmap (mapPT f)) os) mpt (PIfThenElse fc c t e) = PIfThenElse fc (mapPT f c) (mapPT f t) (mapPT f e) mpt (PTyped l r) = PTyped (mapPT f l) (mapPT f r) mpt (PPair fc hls p l r) = PPair fc hls p (mapPT f l) (mapPT f r) mpt (PDPair fc hls p l t r) = PDPair fc hls p (mapPT f l) (mapPT f t) (mapPT f r) mpt (PAlternative ns a as) = PAlternative ns a (map (mapPT f) as) mpt (PHidden t) = PHidden (mapPT f t) mpt (PDoBlock ds) = PDoBlock (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ds) mpt (PProof ts) = PProof (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ts) mpt (PTactics ts) = PTactics (map (fmap (mapPT f)) ts) mpt (PUnifyLog tm) = PUnifyLog (mapPT f tm) mpt (PDisamb ns tm) = PDisamb ns (mapPT f tm) mpt (PNoImplicits tm) = PNoImplicits (mapPT f tm) mpt (PGoal fc r n sc) = PGoal fc (mapPT f r) n (mapPT f sc) mpt x = x data PTactic' t = Intro [Name] | Intros | Focus Name | Refine Name [Bool] | Rewrite t | DoUnify | Induction t | CaseTac t | Equiv t | Claim Name t | Unfocus | MatchRefine Name | LetTac Name t | LetTacTy Name t t | Exact t | Compute | Trivial | TCInstance | ProofSearch Bool Bool Int (Maybe Name) [Name] -- allowed local names [Name] -- hints -- ^ the bool is whether to search recursively | Solve | Attack | ProofState | ProofTerm | Undo | Try (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | TSeq (PTactic' t) (PTactic' t) | ApplyTactic t -- see Language.Reflection module | ByReflection t | Reflect t | Fill t | GoalType String (PTactic' t) | TCheck t | TEval t | TDocStr (Either Name Const) | TSearch t | Skip | TFail [ErrorReportPart] | Qed | Abandon | SourceFC deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary PTactic' deriving instance NFData PTactic' !-} instance Sized a => Sized (PTactic' a) where size (Intro nms) = 1 + size nms size Intros = 1 size (Focus nm) = 1 + size nm size (Refine nm bs) = 1 + size nm + length bs size (Rewrite t) = 1 + size t size (Induction t) = 1 + size t size (LetTac nm t) = 1 + size nm + size t size (Exact t) = 1 + size t size Compute = 1 size Trivial = 1 size Solve = 1 size Attack = 1 size ProofState = 1 size ProofTerm = 1 size Undo = 1 size (Try l r) = 1 + size l + size r size (TSeq l r) = 1 + size l + size r size (ApplyTactic t) = 1 + size t size (Reflect t) = 1 + size t size (Fill t) = 1 + size t size Qed = 1 size Abandon = 1 size Skip = 1 size (TFail ts) = 1 + size ts size SourceFC = 1 size DoUnify = 1 size (CaseTac x) = 1 + size x size (Equiv t) = 1 + size t size (Claim x y) = 1 + size x + size y size Unfocus = 1 size (MatchRefine x) = 1 + size x size (LetTacTy x y z) = 1 + size x + size y + size z size TCInstance = 1 type PTactic = PTactic' PTerm data PDo' t = DoExp FC t | DoBind FC Name FC t -- ^ second FC is precise name location | DoBindP FC t t [(t,t)] | DoLet FC Name FC t t -- ^ second FC is precise name location | DoLetP FC t t deriving (Eq, Functor, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary PDo' deriving instance NFData PDo' !-} instance Sized a => Sized (PDo' a) where size (DoExp fc t) = 1 + size fc + size t size (DoBind fc nm nfc t) = 1 + size fc + size nm + size nfc + size t size (DoBindP fc l r alts) = 1 + size fc + size l + size r + size alts size (DoLet fc nm nfc l r) = 1 + size fc + size nm + size l + size r size (DoLetP fc l r) = 1 + size fc + size l + size r type PDo = PDo' PTerm -- The priority gives a hint as to elaboration order. Best to elaborate -- things early which will help give a more concrete type to other -- variables, e.g. a before (interpTy a). data PArg' t = PImp { priority :: Int, machine_inf :: Bool, -- true if the machine inferred it argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PExp { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PConstraint { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getTm :: t } | PTacImplicit { priority :: Int, argopts :: [ArgOpt], pname :: Name, getScript :: t, getTm :: t } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Data, Typeable) data ArgOpt = AlwaysShow | HideDisplay | InaccessibleArg | UnknownImp deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) instance Sized a => Sized (PArg' a) where size (PImp p _ l nm trm) = 1 + size nm + size trm size (PExp p l nm trm) = 1 + size nm + size trm size (PConstraint p l nm trm) = 1 + size nm +size nm + size trm size (PTacImplicit p l nm scr trm) = 1 + size nm + size scr + size trm {-! deriving instance Binary PArg' deriving instance NFData PArg' !-} pimp n t mach = PImp 1 mach [] n t pexp t = PExp 1 [] (sMN 0 "arg") t pconst t = PConstraint 1 [] (sMN 0 "carg") t ptacimp n s t = PTacImplicit 2 [] n s t type PArg = PArg' PTerm -- | Get the highest FC in a term, if one exists highestFC :: PTerm -> Maybe FC highestFC (PQuote _) = Nothing highestFC (PRef fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PInferRef fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPatvar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PLam fc _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPi _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing highestFC (PLet fc _ _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PTyped tm ty) = highestFC tm <|> highestFC ty highestFC (PApp fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAppBind fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PMatchApp fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PCase fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PIfThenElse fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PTrue fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PResolveTC fc) = Just fc highestFC (PRewrite fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PPair fc _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PDPair fc _ _ _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAs fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PAlternative _ _ args) = case mapMaybe highestFC args of [] -> Nothing (fc:_) -> Just fc highestFC (PHidden _) = Nothing highestFC (PType fc) = Just fc highestFC (PUniverse _) = Nothing highestFC (PGoal fc _ _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PConstant fc _) = Just fc highestFC Placeholder = Nothing highestFC (PDoBlock lines) = case map getDoFC lines of [] -> Nothing (fc:_) -> Just fc where getDoFC (DoExp fc t) = fc getDoFC (DoBind fc nm nfc t) = fc getDoFC (DoBindP fc l r alts) = fc getDoFC (DoLet fc nm nfc l r) = fc getDoFC (DoLetP fc l r) = fc highestFC (PIdiom fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PReturn fc) = Just fc highestFC (PMetavar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PProof _) = Nothing highestFC (PTactics _) = Nothing highestFC (PElabError _) = Nothing highestFC PImpossible = Nothing highestFC (PCoerced tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PDisamb _ opts) = highestFC opts highestFC (PUnifyLog tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PNoImplicits tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PQuasiquote _ _) = Nothing highestFC (PUnquote tm) = highestFC tm highestFC (PQuoteName _ _ fc) = Just fc highestFC (PRunElab fc _ _) = Just fc highestFC (PConstSugar fc _) = Just fc highestFC (PAppImpl t _) = highestFC t -- Type class data data ClassInfo = CI { instanceCtorName :: Name, class_methods :: [(Name, (FnOpts, PTerm))], class_defaults :: [(Name, (Name, PDecl))], -- method name -> default impl class_default_superclasses :: [PDecl], class_params :: [Name], class_instances :: [(Name, Bool)], -- the Bool is whether to include in instance search, so named instances are excluded class_determiners :: [Int] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary ClassInfo deriving instance NFData ClassInfo !-} -- Record data data RecordInfo = RI { record_parameters :: [(Name,PTerm)], record_constructor :: Name, record_projections :: [Name] } deriving Show -- Type inference data data TIData = TIPartial -- ^ a function with a partially defined type | TISolution [Term] -- ^ possible solutions to a metavariable in a type deriving Show -- | Miscellaneous information about functions data FnInfo = FnInfo { fn_params :: [Int] } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary FnInfo deriving instance NFData FnInfo !-} data OptInfo = Optimise { inaccessible :: [(Int,Name)], -- includes names for error reporting detaggable :: Bool } deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary OptInfo deriving instance NFData OptInfo !-} -- | Syntactic sugar info data DSL' t = DSL { dsl_bind :: t, dsl_return :: t, dsl_apply :: t, dsl_pure :: t, dsl_var :: Maybe t, index_first :: Maybe t, index_next :: Maybe t, dsl_lambda :: Maybe t, dsl_let :: Maybe t, dsl_pi :: Maybe t } deriving (Show, Functor) {-! deriving instance Binary DSL' deriving instance NFData DSL' !-} type DSL = DSL' PTerm data SynContext = PatternSyntax | TermSyntax | AnySyntax deriving Show {-! deriving instance Binary SynContext deriving instance NFData SynContext !-} data Syntax = Rule [SSymbol] PTerm SynContext | DeclRule [SSymbol] [PDecl] deriving Show syntaxNames :: Syntax -> [Name] syntaxNames (Rule syms _ _) = mapMaybe ename syms where ename (Keyword n) = Just n ename _ = Nothing syntaxNames (DeclRule syms _) = mapMaybe ename syms where ename (Keyword n) = Just n ename _ = Nothing syntaxSymbols :: Syntax -> [SSymbol] syntaxSymbols (Rule ss _ _) = ss syntaxSymbols (DeclRule ss _) = ss {-! deriving instance Binary Syntax deriving instance NFData Syntax !-} data SSymbol = Keyword Name | Symbol String | Binding Name | Expr Name | SimpleExpr Name deriving (Show, Eq) {-! deriving instance Binary SSymbol deriving instance NFData SSymbol !-} newtype SyntaxRules = SyntaxRules { syntaxRulesList :: [Syntax] } emptySyntaxRules :: SyntaxRules emptySyntaxRules = SyntaxRules [] updateSyntaxRules :: [Syntax] -> SyntaxRules -> SyntaxRules updateSyntaxRules rules (SyntaxRules sr) = SyntaxRules newRules where newRules = sortBy (ruleSort `on` syntaxSymbols) (rules ++ sr) ruleSort [] [] = EQ ruleSort [] _ = LT ruleSort _ [] = GT ruleSort (s1:ss1) (s2:ss2) = case symCompare s1 s2 of EQ -> ruleSort ss1 ss2 r -> r -- Better than creating Ord instance for SSymbol since -- in general this ordering does not really make sense. symCompare (Keyword n1) (Keyword n2) = compare n1 n2 symCompare (Keyword _) _ = LT symCompare (Symbol _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2) = compare s1 s2 symCompare (Symbol _) _ = LT symCompare (Binding _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Binding _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (Binding b1) (Binding b2) = compare b1 b2 symCompare (Binding _) _ = LT symCompare (Expr _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (Expr _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (Expr _) (Binding _) = GT symCompare (Expr e1) (Expr e2) = compare e1 e2 symCompare (Expr _) _ = LT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Keyword _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Symbol _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Binding _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr _) (Expr _) = GT symCompare (SimpleExpr e1) (SimpleExpr e2) = compare e1 e2 initDSL = DSL (PRef f [] (sUN ">>=")) (PRef f [] (sUN "return")) (PRef f [] (sUN "<*>")) (PRef f [] (sUN "pure")) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where f = fileFC "(builtin)" data Using = UImplicit Name PTerm | UConstraint Name [Name] deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) {-! deriving instance Binary Using deriving instance NFData Using !-} data SyntaxInfo = Syn { using :: [Using], syn_params :: [(Name, PTerm)], syn_namespace :: [String], no_imp :: [Name], imp_methods :: [Name], -- class methods. When expanding -- implicits, these should be expanded even under -- binders decoration :: Name -> Name, inPattern :: Bool, implicitAllowed :: Bool, maxline :: Maybe Int, mut_nesting :: Int, dsl_info :: DSL, syn_in_quasiquote :: Int } deriving Show {-! deriving instance NFData SyntaxInfo deriving instance Binary SyntaxInfo !-} defaultSyntax = Syn [] [] [] [] [] id False False Nothing 0 initDSL 0 expandNS :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> Name expandNS syn n@(NS _ _) = n expandNS syn n = case syn_namespace syn of [] -> n xs -> sNS n xs -- For inferring types of things bi = fileFC "builtin" inferTy = sMN 0 "__Infer" inferCon = sMN 0 "__infer" inferDecl = PDatadecl inferTy NoFC (PType bi) [(emptyDocstring, [], inferCon, NoFC, PPi impl (sMN 0 "iType") NoFC (PType bi) ( PPi expl (sMN 0 "ival") NoFC (PRef bi [] (sMN 0 "iType")) (PRef bi [] inferTy)), bi, [])] inferOpts = [] infTerm t = PApp bi (PRef bi [] inferCon) [pimp (sMN 0 "iType") Placeholder True, pexp t] infP = P (TCon 6 0) inferTy (TType (UVal 0)) getInferTerm, getInferType :: Term -> Term getInferTerm (Bind n b sc) = Bind n b $ getInferTerm sc getInferTerm (App _ (App _ _ _) tm) = tm getInferTerm tm = tm -- error ("getInferTerm " ++ show tm) getInferType (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (toTy b) $ getInferType sc where toTy (Lam t) = Pi Nothing t (TType (UVar 0)) toTy (PVar t) = PVTy t toTy b = b getInferType (App _ (App _ _ ty) _) = ty -- Handy primitives: Unit, False, Pair, MkPair, =, mkForeign primNames = [inferTy, inferCon] unitTy = sUN "Unit" unitCon = sUN "MkUnit" falseDoc = fmap (const $ Msg "") . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "The empty type, also known as the trivially false proposition." ++ "\n\n" ++ "Use `void` or `absurd` to prove anything if you have a variable " ++ "of type `Void` in scope." falseTy = sUN "Void" pairTy = sNS (sUN "Pair") ["Builtins"] pairCon = sNS (sUN "MkPair") ["Builtins"] upairTy = sNS (sUN "UPair") ["Builtins"] upairCon = sNS (sUN "MkUPair") ["Builtins"] eqTy = sUN "=" eqCon = sUN "Refl" eqDoc = fmap (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "The propositional equality type. A proof that `x` = `y`." ++ "\n\n" ++ "To use such a proof, pattern-match on it, and the two equal things will " ++ "then need to be the _same_ pattern." ++ "\n\n" ++ "**Note**: Idris's equality type is potentially _heterogeneous_, which means that it " ++ "is possible to state equalities between values of potentially different " ++ "types. However, Idris will attempt the homogeneous case unless it fails to typecheck." ++ "\n\n" ++ "You may need to use `(~=~)` to explicitly request heterogeneous equality." eqDecl = PDatadecl eqTy NoFC (piBindp impl [(n "A", PType bi), (n "B", PType bi)] (piBind [(n "x", PRef bi [] (n "A")), (n "y", PRef bi [] (n "B"))] (PType bi))) [(reflDoc, reflParamDoc, eqCon, NoFC, PPi impl (n "A") NoFC (PType bi) ( PPi impl (n "x") NoFC (PRef bi [] (n "A")) (PApp bi (PRef bi [] eqTy) [pimp (n "A") Placeholder False, pimp (n "B") Placeholder False, pexp (PRef bi [] (n "x")), pexp (PRef bi [] (n "x"))])), bi, [])] where n a = sUN a reflDoc = annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "A proof that `x` in fact equals `x`. To construct this, you must have already " ++ "shown that both sides are in fact equal." reflParamDoc = [(n "A", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type at which the equality is proven"), (n "x", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the element shown to be equal to itself.")] eqParamDoc = [(n "A", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type of the left side of the equality"), (n "B", annotCode (const (Left $ Msg "")) . parseDocstring . T.pack $ "the type of the right side of the equality") ] where n a = sUN a eqOpts = [] -- | The special name to be used in the module documentation context - -- not for use in the main definition context. The namespace around it -- will determine the module to which the docs adhere. modDocName :: Name modDocName = sMN 0 "ModuleDocs" -- Defined in builtins.idr sigmaTy = sNS (sUN "Sigma") ["Builtins"] sigmaCon = sNS (sUN "MkSigma") ["Builtins"] piBind :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm piBind = piBindp expl piBindp :: Plicity -> [(Name, PTerm)] -> PTerm -> PTerm piBindp p [] t = t piBindp p ((n, ty):ns) t = PPi p n NoFC ty (piBindp p ns t) -- Pretty-printing declarations and terms -- These "show" instances render to an absurdly wide screen because inserted line breaks -- could interfere with interactive editing, which calls "show". instance Show PTerm where showsPrec _ tm = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . prettyImp defaultPPOption) tm instance Show PDecl where showsPrec _ d = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showDeclImp verbosePPOption) d instance Show PClause where showsPrec _ c = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showCImp verbosePPOption) c instance Show PData where showsPrec _ d = (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . showDImp defaultPPOption) d instance Pretty PTerm OutputAnnotation where pretty = prettyImp defaultPPOption -- | Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names -- in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a -- terminal. annotationColour :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> Maybe IdrisColour annotationColour ist _ | not (idris_colourRepl ist) = Nothing annotationColour ist (AnnConst c) = let theme = idris_colourTheme ist in Just $ if constIsType c then typeColour theme else dataColour theme annotationColour ist (AnnData _ _) = Just $ dataColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnType _ _) = Just $ typeColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnBoundName _ True) = Just $ implicitColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnBoundName _ False) = Just $ boundVarColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist AnnKeyword = Just $ keywordColour (idris_colourTheme ist) annotationColour ist (AnnName n _ _ _) = let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist theme = idris_colourTheme ist in case () of _ | isDConName n ctxt -> Just $ dataColour theme _ | isFnName n ctxt -> Just $ functionColour theme _ | isTConName n ctxt -> Just $ typeColour theme _ | isPostulateName n ist -> Just $ postulateColour theme _ | otherwise -> Nothing -- don't colourise unknown names annotationColour ist (AnnTextFmt fmt) = Just (colour fmt) where colour BoldText = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False colour UnderlineText = IdrisColour Nothing True True False False colour ItalicText = IdrisColour Nothing True False False True annotationColour ist _ = Nothing -- | Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names -- in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended -- information on a terminal. Note that strings produced this way will -- not be coloured on Windows, so the use of the colour rendering -- functions in Idris.Output is to be preferred. consoleDecorate :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> String -> String consoleDecorate ist ann = maybe id colourise (annotationColour ist ann) isPostulateName :: Name -> IState -> Bool isPostulateName n ist = S.member n (idris_postulates ist) -- | Pretty-print a high-level closed Idris term with no information about precedence/associativity prettyImp :: PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to pretty-print -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyImp impl = pprintPTerm impl [] [] [] -- | Serialise something to base64 using its Binary instance. -- | Do the right thing for rendering a term in an IState prettyIst :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyIst ist = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist) [] [] (idris_infixes ist) -- | Pretty-print a high-level Idris term in some bindings context with infix info pprintPTerm :: PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the currently-bound names and whether they are implicit -> [Name] -- ^^ names to always show in pi, even if not used -> [FixDecl] -- ^^ Fixity declarations -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to pretty-print -> Doc OutputAnnotation pprintPTerm ppo bnd docArgs infixes = prettySe (ppopt_depth ppo) startPrec bnd where startPrec = 0 funcAppPrec = 10 prettySe :: Maybe Int -> Int -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettySe d p bnd (PQuote r) = text "![" <> pretty r <> text "]" prettySe d p bnd (PPatvar fc n) = pretty n prettySe d p bnd e | Just str <- slist d p bnd e = depth d $ str | Just n <- snat ppo d p e = depth d $ annotate (AnnData "Nat" "") (text (show n)) prettySe d p bnd (PRef fc _ n) = prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd n prettySe d p bnd (PLam fc n nfc ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $ text "\\" <> prettyBindingOf n False <+> text "=>" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PLet fc n nfc ty v sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group . align $ kwd "let" <+> (group . align . hang 2 $ prettyBindingOf n False <+> text "=" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd v) </> kwd "in" <+> (group . align . hang 2 $ prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc) prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Exp l s _) n _ ty sc) | n `elem` allNamesIn sc || ppopt_impl ppo && uname n || n `elem` docArgs || ppopt_pinames ppo && uname n = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group $ enclose lparen rparen (group . align $ prettyBindingOf n False <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty) <+> st <> text "->" <$> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc | otherwise = depth d . bracket p startPrec . group $ group (prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd ty <+> st) <> text "->" <$> group (prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, False):bnd) sc) where uname (UN n) = case str n of ('_':_) -> False _ -> True uname _ = False st = case s of Static -> text "[static]" <> space _ -> empty prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Imp l s _ fa) n _ ty sc) | ppopt_impl ppo = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ lbrace <> prettyBindingOf n True <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> st <> text "->" </> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc | otherwise = depth d $ prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc where st = case s of Static -> text "[static]" <> space _ -> empty prettySe d p bnd (PPi (Constraint _ _) n _ ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd ty <+> text "=>" </> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PPi (TacImp _ _ (PTactics [ProofSearch _ _ _ _ _ _])) n _ ty sc) = lbrace <> kwd "auto" <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> text "->" </> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc prettySe d p bnd (PPi (TacImp _ _ s) n _ ty sc) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ lbrace <> kwd "default" <+> prettySe (decD d) (funcAppPrec + 1) bnd s <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <> rbrace <+> text "->" </> prettySe (decD d) startPrec ((n, True):bnd) sc -- This case preserves the behavior of the former constructor PEq. -- It should be removed if feasible when the pretty-printing of infix -- operators in general is improved. prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) [lt, rt, l, r]) | n == eqTy, ppopt_impl ppo = depth d . bracket p eqPrec $ enclose lparen rparen eq <+> align (group (vsep (map (prettyArgS (decD d) bnd) [lt, rt, l, r]))) | n == eqTy = depth d . bracket p eqPrec . align . group $ prettyTerm (getTm l) <+> eq <$> group (prettyTerm (getTm r)) where eq = annName eqTy (text "=") eqPrec = startPrec prettyTerm = prettySe (decD d) (eqPrec + 1) bnd prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ f) args) -- normal names, no explicit args | UN nm <- basename f , not (ppopt_impl ppo) && null (getShowArgs args) = prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd f prettySe d p bnd (PAppBind _ (PRef _ _ f) []) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) = text "!" <> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd f prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ op) args) -- infix operators | UN nm <- basename op , not (tnull nm) && (not (ppopt_impl ppo)) && (not $ isAlpha (thead nm)) = case getShowArgs args of [] -> opName True [x] -> group (opName True <$> group (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd (getTm x))) [l,r] -> let precedence = maybe (startPrec - 1) prec f in depth d . bracket p precedence $ inFix (getTm l) (getTm r) (l@(PExp _ _ _ _) : r@(PExp _ _ _ _) : rest) -> depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec $ enclose lparen rparen (inFix (getTm l) (getTm r)) <+> align (group (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) rest))) as -> opName True <+> align (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) as)) where opName isPrefix = prettyName isPrefix (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd op f = getFixity (opStr op) left = case f of Nothing -> funcAppPrec + 1 Just (Infixl p') -> p' Just f' -> prec f' + 1 right = case f of Nothing -> funcAppPrec + 1 Just (Infixr p') -> p' Just f' -> prec f' + 1 inFix l r = align . group $ (prettySe (decD d) left bnd l <+> opName False) <$> group (prettySe (decD d) right bnd r) prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ hd@(PRef fc _ f) [tm]) -- symbols, like 'foo | PConstant NoFC (Idris.Core.TT.Str str) <- getTm tm, f == sUN "Symbol_" = annotate (AnnType ("'" ++ str) ("The symbol " ++ str)) $ char '\'' <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd (PRef fc [] (sUN str)) prettySe d p bnd (PApp _ f as) = -- Normal prefix applications let args = getShowArgs as fp = prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd f shownArgs = if ppopt_impl ppo then as else args in depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec . group $ if null shownArgs then fp else fp <+> align (vsep (map (prettyArgS d bnd) shownArgs)) prettySe d p bnd (PCase _ scr cases) = align $ kwd "case" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd scr <+> kwd "of" <$> depth d (indent 2 (vsep (map ppcase cases))) where ppcase (l, r) = let prettyCase = prettySe (decD d) startPrec ([(n, False) | n <- vars l] ++ bnd) in nest nestingSize $ prettyCase l <+> text "=>" <+> prettyCase r -- Warning: this is a bit of a hack. At this stage, we don't have the -- global context, so we can't determine which names are constructors, -- which are types, and which are pattern variables on the LHS of the -- case pattern. We use the heuristic that names without a namespace -- are patvars, because right now case blocks in PTerms are always -- delaborated from TT before being sent to the pretty-printer. If they -- start getting printed directly, THIS WILL BREAK. -- Potential solution: add a list of known patvars to the cases in -- PCase, and have the delaborator fill it out, kind of like the pun -- disambiguation on PDPair. vars tm = filter noNS (allNamesIn tm) noNS (NS _ _) = False noNS _ = True prettySe d p bnd (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = depth d . bracket p funcAppPrec . group . align . hang 2 . vsep $ [ kwd "if" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd c , kwd "then" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd t , kwd "else" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd f ] prettySe d p bnd (PHidden tm) = text "." <> prettySe (decD d) funcAppPrec bnd tm prettySe d p bnd (PResolveTC _) = kwd "%instance" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ IsType) = annName unitTy $ text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ IsTerm) = annName unitCon $ text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PTrue _ TypeOrTerm) = text "()" prettySe d p bnd (PRewrite _ l r _) = depth d . bracket p startPrec $ text "rewrite" <+> prettySe (decD d) (startPrec + 1) bnd l <+> text "in" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd r prettySe d p bnd (PTyped l r) = lparen <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd l <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd r <> rparen prettySe d p bnd pair@(PPair _ _ pun _ _) -- flatten tuples to the right, like parser | Just elts <- pairElts pair = depth d . enclose (ann lparen) (ann rparen) . align . group . vsep . punctuate (ann comma) $ map (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd) elts where ann = case pun of TypeOrTerm -> id IsType -> annName pairTy IsTerm -> annName pairCon prettySe d p bnd (PDPair _ _ pun l t r) = depth d $ annotated lparen <> left <+> annotated (text "**") <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec (addBinding bnd) r <> annotated rparen where annotated = case pun of IsType -> annName sigmaTy IsTerm -> annName sigmaCon TypeOrTerm -> id (left, addBinding) = case (l, pun) of (PRef _ _ n, IsType) -> (bindingOf n False <+> text ":" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd t, ((n, False) :)) _ -> (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd l, id) prettySe d p bnd (PAlternative ns a as) = lparen <> text "|" <> prettyAs <> text "|" <> rparen where prettyAs = foldr (\l -> \r -> l <+> text "," <+> r) empty $ map (depth d . prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd) as prettySe d p bnd (PType _) = annotate (AnnType "Type" "The type of types") $ text "Type" prettySe d p bnd (PUniverse u) = annotate (AnnType (show u) "The type of unique types") $ text (show u) prettySe d p bnd (PConstant _ c) = annotate (AnnConst c) (text (show c)) -- XXX: add pretty for tactics prettySe d p bnd (PProof ts) = kwd "proof" <+> lbrace <> ellipsis <> rbrace prettySe d p bnd (PTactics ts) = kwd "tactics" <+> lbrace <> ellipsis <> rbrace prettySe d p bnd (PMetavar _ n) = annotate (AnnName n (Just MetavarOutput) Nothing Nothing) $ text "?" <> pretty n prettySe d p bnd (PReturn f) = kwd "return" prettySe d p bnd PImpossible = kwd "impossible" prettySe d p bnd Placeholder = text "_" prettySe d p bnd (PDoBlock dos) = bracket p startPrec $ kwd "do" <+> align (vsep (map (group . align . hang 2) (ppdo bnd dos))) where ppdo bnd (DoExp _ tm:dos) = prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd tm : ppdo bnd dos ppdo bnd (DoBind _ bn _ tm : dos) = (prettyBindingOf bn False <+> text "<-" <+> group (align (hang 2 (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd tm)))) : ppdo ((bn, False):bnd) dos ppdo bnd (DoBindP _ _ _ _ : dos) = -- ok because never made by delab text "no pretty printer for pattern-matching do binding" : ppdo bnd dos ppdo bnd (DoLet _ ln _ ty v : dos) = (kwd "let" <+> prettyBindingOf ln False <+> (if ty /= Placeholder then colon <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd ty <+> text "=" else text "=") <+> group (align (hang 2 (prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd v)))) : ppdo ((ln, False):bnd) dos ppdo bnd (DoLetP _ _ _ : dos) = -- ok because never made by delab text "no pretty printer for pattern-matching do binding" : ppdo bnd dos ppdo _ [] = [] prettySe d p bnd (PCoerced t) = prettySe d p bnd t prettySe d p bnd (PElabError s) = pretty s -- Quasiquote pprinting ignores bound vars prettySe d p bnd (PQuasiquote t Nothing) = text "`(" <> prettySe (decD d) p [] t <> text ")" prettySe d p bnd (PQuasiquote t (Just g)) = text "`(" <> prettySe (decD d) p [] t <+> colon <+> prettySe (decD d) p [] g <> text ")" prettySe d p bnd (PUnquote t) = text "~" <> prettySe (decD d) p bnd t prettySe d p bnd (PQuoteName n res _) = text start <> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) bnd n <> text end where start = if res then "`{" else "`{{" end = if res then "}" else "}}" prettySe d p bnd (PRunElab _ tm _) = bracket p funcAppPrec . group . align . hang 2 $ text "%runElab" <$> prettySe (decD d) funcAppPrec bnd tm prettySe d p bnd (PConstSugar fc tm) = prettySe d p bnd tm -- should never occur, but harmless prettySe d p bnd _ = text "missing pretty-printer for term" prettyBindingOf :: Name -> Bool -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyBindingOf n imp = annotate (AnnBoundName n imp) (text (display n)) where display (UN n) = T.unpack n display (MN _ n) = T.unpack n -- If a namespace is specified on a binding form, we'd better show it regardless of the implicits settings display (NS n ns) = (concat . intersperse "." . map T.unpack . reverse) ns ++ "." ++ display n display n = show n prettyArgS d bnd (PImp _ _ _ n tm) = prettyArgSi d bnd (n, tm) prettyArgS d bnd (PExp _ _ _ tm) = prettyArgSe d bnd tm prettyArgS d bnd (PConstraint _ _ _ tm) = prettyArgSc d bnd tm prettyArgS d bnd (PTacImplicit _ _ n _ tm) = prettyArgSti d bnd (n, tm) prettyArgSe d bnd arg = prettySe d (funcAppPrec + 1) bnd arg prettyArgSi d bnd (n, val) = lbrace <> pretty n <+> text "=" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace prettyArgSc d bnd val = lbrace <> lbrace <> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace <> rbrace prettyArgSti d bnd (n, val) = lbrace <> kwd "auto" <+> pretty n <+> text "=" <+> prettySe (decD d) startPrec bnd val <> rbrace annName :: Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Doc OutputAnnotation annName n = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) opStr :: Name -> String opStr (NS n _) = opStr n opStr (UN n) = T.unpack n slist' :: Maybe Int -> Int -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Maybe [Doc OutputAnnotation] slist' (Just d) _ _ _ | d <= 0 = Nothing slist' d _ _ e | containsHole e = Nothing slist' d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nil) _) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) && nsroot nil == sUN "Nil" = Just [] slist' d p bnd (PRef _ _ nil) | not (ppopt_impl ppo) && nsroot nil == sUN "Nil" = Just [] slist' d p bnd (PApp _ (PRef _ _ cons) args) | nsroot cons == sUN "::", (PExp {getTm=tl}):(PExp {getTm=hd}):imps <- reverse args, all isImp imps, Just tl' <- slist' (decD d) p bnd tl = Just (prettySe d startPrec bnd hd : tl') where isImp (PImp {}) = True isImp _ = False slist' _ _ _ tm = Nothing slist d p bnd e | Just es <- slist' d p bnd e = Just $ case es of [] -> annotate (AnnData "" "") $ text "[]" [x] -> enclose left right . group $ x xs -> enclose left right . align . group . vsep . punctuate comma $ xs where left = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text "[")) right = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text "]")) comma = (annotate (AnnData "" "") (text ",")) slist _ _ _ _ = Nothing pairElts :: PTerm -> Maybe [PTerm] pairElts (PPair _ _ _ x y) | Just elts <- pairElts y = Just (x:elts) | otherwise = Just [x, y] pairElts _ = Nothing natns = "Prelude.Nat." snat :: PPOption -> Maybe Int -> Int -> PTerm -> Maybe Integer snat ppo d p e | ppopt_desugarnats ppo = Nothing | otherwise = snat' d p e where snat' :: Maybe Int -> Int -> PTerm -> Maybe Integer snat' (Just x) _ _ | x <= 0 = Nothing snat' d p (PRef _ _ z) | show z == (natns++"Z") || show z == "Z" = Just 0 snat' d p (PApp _ s [PExp {getTm=n}]) | show s == (natns++"S") || show s == "S", Just n' <- snat' (decD d) p n = Just $ 1 + n' snat' _ _ _ = Nothing bracket outer inner doc | outer > inner = lparen <> doc <> rparen | otherwise = doc ellipsis = text "..." depth Nothing = id depth (Just d) = if d <= 0 then const (ellipsis) else id decD = fmap (\x -> x - 1) kwd = annotate AnnKeyword . text fixities :: M.Map String Fixity fixities = M.fromList [(s, f) | (Fix f s) <- infixes] getFixity :: String -> Maybe Fixity getFixity = flip M.lookup fixities -- | Strip away namespace information basename :: Name -> Name basename (NS n _) = basename n basename n = n -- | Determine whether a name was the one inserted for a hole or -- guess by the delaborator isHoleName :: Name -> Bool isHoleName (UN n) = n == T.pack "[__]" isHoleName _ = False -- | Check whether a PTerm has been delaborated from a Term containing a Hole or Guess containsHole :: PTerm -> Bool containsHole pterm = or [isHoleName n | PRef _ _ n <- take 1000 $ universe pterm] -- | Pretty-printer helper for names that attaches the correct annotations prettyName :: Bool -- ^^ whether the name should be parenthesised if it is an infix operator -> Bool -- ^^ whether to show namespaces -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the current bound variables and whether they are implicit -> Name -- ^^ the name to pprint -> Doc OutputAnnotation prettyName infixParen showNS bnd n | (MN _ s) <- n, isPrefixOf "_" $ T.unpack s = text "_" | (UN n') <- n, T.unpack n' == "_" = text "_" | Just imp <- lookup n bnd = annotate (AnnBoundName n imp) fullName | otherwise = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) fullName where fullName = text nameSpace <> parenthesise (text (baseName n)) baseName (UN n) = T.unpack n baseName (NS n ns) = baseName n baseName (MN i s) = T.unpack s baseName other = show other nameSpace = case n of (NS n' ns) -> if showNS then (concatMap (++ ".") . map T.unpack . reverse) ns else "" _ -> "" isInfix = case baseName n of "" -> False (c : _) -> not (isAlpha c) parenthesise = if isInfix && infixParen then enclose lparen rparen else id showCImp :: PPOption -> PClause -> Doc OutputAnnotation showCImp ppo (PClause _ n l ws r w) = prettyImp ppo l <+> showWs ws <+> text "=" <+> prettyImp ppo r <+> text "where" <+> text (show w) where showWs [] = empty showWs (x : xs) = text "|" <+> prettyImp ppo x <+> showWs xs showCImp ppo (PWith _ n l ws r pn w) = prettyImp ppo l <+> showWs ws <+> text "with" <+> prettyImp ppo r <+> braces (text (show w)) where showWs [] = empty showWs (x : xs) = text "|" <+> prettyImp ppo x <+> showWs xs showDImp :: PPOption -> PData -> Doc OutputAnnotation showDImp ppo (PDatadecl n nfc ty cons) = text "data" <+> text (show n) <+> colon <+> prettyImp ppo ty <+> text "where" <$> (indent 2 $ vsep (map (\ (_, _, n, _, t, _, _) -> pipe <+> prettyName True False [] n <+> colon <+> prettyImp ppo t) cons)) showDecls :: PPOption -> [PDecl] -> Doc OutputAnnotation showDecls o ds = vsep (map (showDeclImp o) ds) showDeclImp _ (PFix _ f ops) = text (show f) <+> cat (punctuate (text ",") (map text ops)) showDeclImp o (PTy _ _ _ _ _ n _ t) = text "tydecl" <+> text (showCG n) <+> colon <+> prettyImp o t showDeclImp o (PClauses _ _ n cs) = text "pat" <+> text (showCG n) <+> text "\t" <+> indent 2 (vsep (map (showCImp o) cs)) showDeclImp o (PData _ _ _ _ _ d) = showDImp o { ppopt_impl = True } d showDeclImp o (PParams _ ns ps) = text "params" <+> braces (text (show ns) <> line <> showDecls o ps <> line) showDeclImp o (PNamespace n fc ps) = text "namespace" <+> text n <> braces (line <> showDecls o ps <> line) showDeclImp _ (PSyntax _ syn) = text "syntax" <+> text (show syn) showDeclImp o (PClass _ _ _ cs n _ ps _ _ ds _ _) = text "class" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> text (show ps) <> line <> showDecls o ds showDeclImp o (PInstance _ _ _ _ cs n _ _ t _ ds) = text "instance" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> prettyImp o t <> line <> showDecls o ds showDeclImp _ _ = text "..." -- showDeclImp (PImport o) = "import " ++ o getImps :: [PArg] -> [(Name, PTerm)] getImps [] = [] getImps (PImp _ _ _ n tm : xs) = (n, tm) : getImps xs getImps (_ : xs) = getImps xs getExps :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getExps [] = [] getExps (PExp _ _ _ tm : xs) = tm : getExps xs getExps (_ : xs) = getExps xs getShowArgs :: [PArg] -> [PArg] getShowArgs [] = [] getShowArgs (e@(PExp _ _ _ tm) : xs) = e : getShowArgs xs getShowArgs (e : xs) | AlwaysShow `elem` argopts e = e : getShowArgs xs | PImp _ _ _ _ tm <- e , containsHole tm = e : getShowArgs xs getShowArgs (_ : xs) = getShowArgs xs getConsts :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getConsts [] = [] getConsts (PConstraint _ _ _ tm : xs) = tm : getConsts xs getConsts (_ : xs) = getConsts xs getAll :: [PArg] -> [PTerm] getAll = map getTm -- | Show Idris name showName :: Maybe IState -- ^^ the Idris state, for information about names and colours -> [(Name, Bool)] -- ^^ the bound variables and whether they're implicit -> PPOption -- ^^ pretty printing options -> Bool -- ^^ whether to colourise -> Name -- ^^ the term to show -> String showName ist bnd ppo colour n = case ist of Just i -> if colour then colourise n (idris_colourTheme i) else showbasic n Nothing -> showbasic n where name = if ppopt_impl ppo then show n else showbasic n showbasic n@(UN _) = showCG n showbasic (MN i s) = str s showbasic (NS n s) = showSep "." (map str (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ showbasic n showbasic (SN s) = show s fst3 (x, _, _) = x colourise n t = let ctxt' = fmap tt_ctxt ist in case ctxt' of Nothing -> name Just ctxt | Just impl <- lookup n bnd -> if impl then colouriseImplicit t name else colouriseBound t name | isDConName n ctxt -> colouriseData t name | isFnName n ctxt -> colouriseFun t name | isTConName n ctxt -> colouriseType t name -- The assumption is that if a name is not bound and does not exist in the -- global context, then we're somewhere in which implicit info has been lost -- (like error messages). Thus, unknown vars are colourised as implicits. | otherwise -> colouriseImplicit t name showTm :: IState -- ^^ the Idris state, for information about identifiers and colours -> PTerm -- ^^ the term to show -> String showTm ist = displayDecorated (consoleDecorate ist) . renderPretty 0.8 100000 . prettyImp (ppOptionIst ist) -- | Show a term with implicits, no colours showTmImpls :: PTerm -> String showTmImpls = flip (displayS . renderCompact . prettyImp verbosePPOption) "" -- | Show a term with specific options showTmOpts :: PPOption -> PTerm -> String showTmOpts opt = flip (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 10000000 . prettyImp opt) "" instance Sized PTerm where size (PQuote rawTerm) = size rawTerm size (PRef fc _ name) = size name size (PLam fc name _ ty bdy) = 1 + size ty + size bdy size (PPi plicity name fc ty bdy) = 1 + size ty + size fc + size bdy size (PLet fc name nfc ty def bdy) = 1 + size ty + size def + size bdy size (PTyped trm ty) = 1 + size trm + size ty size (PApp fc name args) = 1 + size args size (PAppBind fc name args) = 1 + size args size (PCase fc trm bdy) = 1 + size trm + size bdy size (PIfThenElse fc c t f) = 1 + sum (map size [c, t, f]) size (PTrue fc _) = 1 size (PResolveTC fc) = 1 size (PRewrite fc left right _) = 1 + size left + size right size (PPair fc _ _ left right) = 1 + size left + size right size (PDPair fs _ _ left ty right) = 1 + size left + size ty + size right size (PAlternative _ a alts) = 1 + size alts size (PHidden hidden) = size hidden size (PUnifyLog tm) = size tm size (PDisamb _ tm) = size tm size (PNoImplicits tm) = size tm size (PType _) = 1 size (PUniverse _) = 1 size (PConstant fc const) = 1 + size fc + size const size Placeholder = 1 size (PDoBlock dos) = 1 + size dos size (PIdiom fc term) = 1 + size term size (PReturn fc) = 1 size (PMetavar _ name) = 1 size (PProof tactics) = size tactics size (PElabError err) = size err size PImpossible = 1 size _ = 0 getPArity :: PTerm -> Int getPArity (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) = 1 + getPArity sc getPArity _ = 0 -- Return all names, free or globally bound, in the given term. allNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] allNamesIn tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where -- TODO THINK added niTacImp, but is it right? ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) = [n] ni 0 env (PPatvar _ n) = [n] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map snd os) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = ni 0 env c ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env f ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PLet _ n _ ty val sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 env val ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) Placeholder r) = n : ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a ls) = concatMap (ni 0 env) ls ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i+1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return all names defined in binders in the given term boundNamesIn :: PTerm -> [Name] boundNamesIn tm = S.toList (ni 0 S.empty tm) where -- TODO THINK Added niTacImp, but is it right? ni :: Int -> S.Set Name -> PTerm -> S.Set Name ni 0 set (PApp _ f as) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set f) (map getTm as) ni 0 set (PAppBind _ f as) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set f) (map getTm as) ni 0 set (PCase _ c os) = niTms 0 (ni 0 set c) (map snd os) ni 0 set (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = niTms 0 set [c, t, f] ni 0 set (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) sc ni 0 set (PLet fc n nfc ty val sc) = S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) val) sc ni 0 set (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 (S.insert n $ ni 0 (ni 0 set ty) sc) p ni 0 set (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PTyped l r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set l) r ni 0 set (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 (ni 0 set t) r ni 0 set (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 (ni 0 (ni 0 set l) t) r ni 0 set (PAlternative ns a as) = niTms 0 set as ni 0 set (PHidden tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 set tm ni 0 set (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 set tm ni i set (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) set tm `S.union` maybe S.empty (ni i set) ty ni i set (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) set tm ni i set tm = foldr S.union set (map (ni i set) (children tm)) niTms :: Int -> S.Set Name -> [PTerm] -> S.Set Name niTms i set [] = set niTms i set (x : xs) = niTms i (ni i set x) xs niTacImp i set (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i set scr niTacImp i set _ = set -- Return names which are valid implicits in the given term (type). implicitNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] implicitNamesIn uvars ist tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of [] -> [n] _ -> if n `elem` uvars then [n] else [] ni 0 env (PApp _ f@(PRef _ _ n) as) | n `elem` uvars = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) | otherwise = concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ -- names in 'os', not counting the names bound in the cases (nub (concatMap (ni 0 env) (map snd os)) \\ nub (concatMap (ni 0 env) (map fst os))) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = concatMap (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = concatMap (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) -- Return names which are free in the given term. namesIn :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] namesIn uvars ist tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | not (n `elem` env) = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of [] -> [n] _ -> if n `elem` (map fst uvars) then [n] else [] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ -- names in 'os', not counting the names bound in the cases (nub (concatMap (ni 0 env) (map snd os)) \\ nub (concatMap (ni 0 env) (map fst os))) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = concatMap (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n nfc ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = concatMap (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return which of the given names are used in the given term. usedNamesIn :: [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] usedNamesIn vars ist tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm where -- TODO THINK added niTacImp, but is it right? ni 0 env (PRef _ _ n) | n `elem` vars && not (n `elem` env) = case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of Nothing -> [n] _ -> [] ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map getTm as) ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) (map snd os) ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = concatMap (ni 0 env) [c, t, f] ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc ni 0 env (PRewrite _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a as) = concatMap (ni 0 env) as ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i + 1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm) niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr) = ni i env scr niTacImp _ _ _ = [] -- Return the list of inaccessible (= dotted) positions for a name. getErasureInfo :: IState -> Name -> [Int] getErasureInfo ist n = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_optimisation ist) of Just (Optimise inacc detagg) -> map fst inacc Nothing -> []
module Yesod.Helpers.Yaml ( module Yesod.Helpers.Yaml , DefaultEnv(..) ) where import Prelude import Data.Yaml import Yesod import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Aeson (withObject) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.List (find) import Yesod.Default.Config (DefaultEnv(..)) import Yesod.Helpers.Aeson -- | check whether a string is in the list identified by a key string -- some special strings: -- __any__ will match any string -- -- example yaml like this -- Develpment: -- dangerous-op: foo bar -- simple-op: -- - foo -- - bar -- safe-op: __any__ checkInListYaml :: (Show config, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => FilePath -> config -- ^ config section: Develpment/Production/... -> Text -- ^ the key -> Text -- ^ the name looking for -> m Bool checkInListYaml fp c key name = do checkInListYaml' fp c key (== name) checkInListYaml' :: (Show config, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => FilePath -> config -- ^ config section: Develpment/Production/... -> Text -- ^ the key -> (Text -> Bool) -- ^ the name looking for -> m Bool checkInListYaml' fp c key chk_name = do result <- liftIO $ decodeFileEither fp case result of Left ex -> do $(logError) $ T.pack $ "failed to parse YAML file " ++ show fp ++ ": " ++ show ex return False Right v -> do case parseEither look_for_names v of Left err -> do $(logError) $ T.pack $ "YAML " ++ show fp ++ " contains invalid content: " ++ show err return False Right names -> return $ isJust $ find match names where look_for_names = withObject "section-mapping" $ \obj -> do obj .:? (T.pack $ show c) >>= maybe (return []) (\section -> do section .:? key >>= maybe (return []) (parseWordList' "words") ) match x = if x == "__any__" then True else chk_name x
module QueryArrow.Control.Monad.Logger.HSLogger where import Control.Monad.Logger import System.Log.FastLogger import System.Log.Logger import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding instance MonadLogger IO where monadLoggerLog loc logsource loglevel msg = do let priority = case loglevel of LevelDebug -> DEBUG LevelInfo -> INFO LevelWarn -> WARNING LevelError -> ERROR LevelOther _ -> NOTICE logM (show logsource) priority (T.unpack (decodeUtf8 (fromLogStr (toLogStr msg)))) instance MonadLoggerIO IO where askLoggerIO = return monadLoggerLog
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | Wiki page view. module HL.V.Wiki where import HL.V import HL.V.Code import HL.V.Template import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Text (unpack,pack) import Language.Haskell.HsColour.CSS (hscolour) import Prelude hiding (readFile) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML -- | Wiki view. wikiV :: (Route App -> Text) -> Either Text (Text,Pandoc) -> FromSenza App wikiV urlr result = template ([WikiHomeR] ++ [WikiR n | Right (n,_) <- [result]]) (case result of Left{} -> "Wiki error!" Right (t,_) -> t) (\_ -> container (row (span12 [] (case result of Left err -> do h1 [] "Wiki page retrieval problem!" p [] (toHtml err) Right (t,pan) -> do h1 [] (toHtml t) writeHtml writeOptions (cleanup urlr pan))))) where cleanup url = highlightBlock . highlightInline . relativize url writeOptions = def { writerTableOfContents = True } -- | Make all wiki links use the wiki route. relativize :: (Route App -> Text) -> Pandoc -> Pandoc relativize url = walk links where links asis@(Link is (ref,t)) | isPrefixOf "http://" ref || isPrefixOf "https://" ref = asis | otherwise = Link is (unpack (url (WikiR (pack ref))),t) links x = x -- | Highlight code blocks and inline code samples with a decent -- Haskell syntax highlighter. highlightBlock :: Pandoc -> Pandoc highlightBlock = walk codes where codes (CodeBlock ("",["haskell"],[]) text) = RawBlock "html" (hscolour False text) codes x = x -- | Highlight code blocks and inline code samples with a decent -- Haskell syntax highlighter. highlightInline :: Pandoc -> Pandoc highlightInline = walk codes where codes (Code ("",["haskell"],[]) text) = RawInline "html" (preToCode (hscolour False text)) codes x = x
module Yesod.Helpers.Auth where import Prelude import Yesod import Yesod.Auth import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow) import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T yesodAuthIdDo :: (YesodAuth master, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => (AuthId master -> HandlerT master m a) -> HandlerT master m a yesodAuthIdDo f = do liftHandlerT maybeAuthId >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "Login Required")) return >>= f yesodAuthIdDoSub :: (YesodAuth master, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => (AuthId master -> HandlerT site (HandlerT master m) a) -> HandlerT site (HandlerT master m) a yesodAuthIdDoSub f = do (lift $ liftHandlerT maybeAuthId) >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "Login Required")) return >>= f yesodAuthEntityDo :: (YesodAuthPersist master, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ((AuthId master, AuthEntity master) -> HandlerT master m a) -> HandlerT master m a yesodAuthEntityDo f = do user_id <- liftHandlerT maybeAuthId >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "Login Required")) return let get_user = #if MIN_VERSION_yesod_core(1, 4, 0) getAuthEntity #else runDB . get #endif user <- liftHandlerT (get_user user_id) >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "AuthEntity not found")) return f (user_id, user) yesodAuthEntityDoSub :: (YesodAuthPersist master, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ((AuthId master, AuthEntity master) -> HandlerT site (HandlerT master m) a) -> HandlerT site (HandlerT master m) a yesodAuthEntityDoSub f = do let get_user = #if MIN_VERSION_yesod_core(1, 4, 0) getAuthEntity #else runDB . get #endif user_id <- lift (liftHandlerT maybeAuthId) >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "Login Required")) return user <- lift (liftHandlerT $ get_user user_id) >>= maybe (permissionDeniedI $ (T.pack "AuthEntity not found")) return f (user_id, user) -- | 用于实现一种简单的身份认证手段:使用 google email 作为用户标识 newtype GoogleEmail = GoogleEmail { unGoogleEmail :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, PathPiece) -- | used to implement 'authenticate' method of 'YesodAuth' class authenticateGeImpl :: (MonadHandler m, AuthId master ~ GoogleEmail) => Creds master -> m (AuthenticationResult master) authenticateGeImpl creds = do setSession "authed_gmail" raw_email return $ Authenticated $ GoogleEmail raw_email where raw_email = credsIdent creds -- | used to implement 'manybeAuthId' method of 'YesodAuth' class maybeAuthIdGeImpl :: MonadHandler m => m (Maybe GoogleEmail) maybeAuthIdGeImpl = do liftM (fmap GoogleEmail) $ lookupSession "authed_gmail" eitherGetLoggedInUserId :: YesodAuth master => HandlerT master IO (Either AuthResult (AuthId master)) eitherGetLoggedInUserId = do m_uid <- maybeAuthId case m_uid of Nothing -> return $ Left AuthenticationRequired Just uid -> return $ Right uid
module Main where import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations import Language.ECMAScript3.Parser import Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Data (Data) --import System.IO import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data import Data.List main :: IO () main = getContents >>= parseJavaScript >>= (print . apiAnalysis) parseJavaScript :: String -> IO (JavaScript SourcePos) parseJavaScript source = case parse parseScript "stdin" source of Left perr -> fail $ show perr Right js -> return js data APIAnalysisResults = APIAnalysisResults {apiElements :: Set APIElement ,warnings :: [Warning]} instance Show APIAnalysisResults where show r = "The following API methods and fields are used: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show $ Set.toList $ apiElements r) ++ ".\n" ++ if null $ warnings r then "No warnings to report" else "Warning, the analysis results might not be sound: " ++ intercalate "\n" (map show $ warnings r) data APIElement = APIElement [String] deriving (Eq, Ord) data Warning = Warning SourcePos String instance Show APIElement where show (APIElement elems) = intercalate "." elems instance Show Warning where show (Warning pos msg) = show pos ++ ": " ++ msg topLevelAPIVars = ["window", "document", "XMLHttpRequest", "Object" ,"Function", "Array", "String", "Boolean", "Number", "Date" ,"RegExp", "Error", "EvalError", "RangeError" ,"ReferenceError", "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "URIError" ,"Math", "JSON"] -- | The API analysis function. Returns a 'Set' of API -- functions/fields and a list of warnings apiAnalysis :: JavaScript SourcePos -> APIAnalysisResults apiAnalysis script = APIAnalysisResults (Set.fromList $ genApiElements script) (genWarnings script) genApiElements :: JavaScript SourcePos -> [APIElement] genApiElements = map toAPIElement . filter isAnAPIAccessor . universeBi where isAnAPIAccessor :: Expression SourcePos -> Bool isAnAPIAccessor e = case e of DotRef _ o _ -> isAnAPIAccessor o BracketRef _ o _ -> isAnAPIAccessor o VarRef _ (Id _ v) -> v `elem` topLevelAPIVars _ -> False toAPIElement e = case e of DotRef _ o (Id _ fld) -> toAPIElement o `addElement` fld BracketRef _ o (StringLit _ s) -> toAPIElement o `addElement` s VarRef _ (Id _ vn) -> APIElement [vn] _ -> APIElement [] addElement :: APIElement -> String -> APIElement addElement (APIElement elems) elem = APIElement (elems ++ [elem]) genWarnings :: JavaScript SourcePos -> [Warning] genWarnings script = concatMap warnAliased topLevelAPIVars ++warnEvalUsed where warnAliased varName = [Warning (getAnnotation e) $ varName ++ " is aliased (in " ++ renderExpression e ++ ")" |e@(AssignExpr _ _ _ (VarRef _ (Id _ vn))) <- universeBi script, vn == varName]++ [Warning (getAnnotation vd) $ varName ++ " is aliased (in " ++ show vd ++ ")" |vd@(VarDecl _ _ (Just (VarRef _ (Id _ vn)))) <- universeBi script, vn == varName] warnEvalUsed = [Warning (getAnnotation e) "Eval used" |e@(CallExpr _ f _) <- universeBi script, isEvalRef f] isEvalRef e = case e of VarRef _ (Id _ "eval") -> True DotRef _ (VarRef _ (Id _ "window")) (Id _ "eval") -> True _ -> False -- | returns true if inside the expression there is a reference to the -- variable usesVariable :: (Data a) => String -> Expression a -> Bool usesVariable v e = and [v' == v | VarRef _ (Id _ v') <- universe e]
module Main where import MenuIO main :: IO () main = menu []
module OutputDirectory (outdir) where outdir = "_data"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module WFF where import qualified Data.Map as M import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.||.), (==>), (.&&.)) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Data import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data import Data.List hiding (lookup, union) import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) data WFF = Var String | And WFF WFF | Or WFF WFF | Not WFF | Impl WFF WFF | Eqv WFF WFF deriving (Data) instance Show WFF where show (Var s) = s show (And x y) = "("++(show x) ++ " && "++(show y)++")" show (Or x y) ="("++(show x) ++ " || "++(show y)++")" show (Not x) = "~"++(show x) show (Impl x y) = "("++(show x) ++ "=>" ++ (show y)++")" show (Eqv x y) = "("++(show x) ++ "=" ++ (show y) ++ ")" instance Arbitrary WFF where arbitrary = sized myArbitrary where myArbitrary 0 = do s <- oneof (map (return . show) [1..30]) return (Var s) myArbitrary n = oneof [ binary n And, binary n Or, binary n Impl, binary n Eqv, fmap Not (myArbitrary (n-1)), var ] where var = do s <- oneof (map (return . show) [1..30]) return (Var s) binary n f = do s <- myArbitrary (div n 2) t <- myArbitrary (div n 2) return (f s t) t `xor` t' = (t .|| t') .&& (n (t .&& t')) t .&& t' = And t t' t .|| t' = Or t t' t ==> t' = Impl t t' t <=> t' = Eqv t t' n t = Not t v s = Var s variables wff = [v | Var v <- universe wff] fromJust (Just x) = x fromJust _ = undefined eval :: M.Map String Bool -> WFF -> Bool eval m (Var s) = fromJust $ M.lookup s m eval m (And x y) = (&&) (eval m x) (eval m y) eval m (Or x y) = (||) (eval m x) (eval m y) eval m (Not y) = not (eval m y) eval m (Impl x y) = (not (eval m x)) || (eval m y) eval m (Eqv x y) = (==) (eval m x) (eval m y)
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-| The Sphere Online Judge is a collection of problems. One problem, problem 450, came up on the mailing list as a sensible benchmark for fast integer parsing. -} {- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slow IO? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -} import Data.List import Prelude hiding (drop, take) import System.IO (stdin, stdout, stderr, Handle, putStrLn) import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString hiding (putStrLn, foldl') import Data.ByteString.Nums.Careless main = do (n, k) <- breakByte 0x20 `fmap` hGetLine stdin count <- show `fmap` obvious (int n) (int k) putStrLn count obvious n k = sum `fmap` sequence (numbers n stdin) where sum = foldl' (check k) 0 numbers :: Int -> Handle -> [IO Int] numbers n h = const (int `fmap` hGetLine h) `fmap` [1..n] check :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int check k acc n | n `mod` k == 0 = acc + 1 | otherwise = acc
squareM = #x -> `(,x * ,x) -- `#` indicates macro-lambda unittest "squareM" [ (squareM 3, 9), (let a = 3 in squareM a, 9), ] a = "a" unittest "macro_expand" [ (macro_expand {squareM 3}, (*) 3 3), (macro_expand {(squareM 3) + 1}, (+) ((*) 3 3) 1), (macro_expand {squareM a}, (*) a a), (macro_expand {let a = 1 in squareM a}, (\a.(*) a a) 1), (macro_expand {let a = 1 in squareM (a+1)}, (\a.(*) ((+) a 1) ((+) a 1)) 1), ] evalN 0 ((squareM 3) + 1) evalN 1 ((squareM 3) + 1) evalN 2 ((squareM 3) + 1) evalN 3 ((squareM 3) + 1) evalN 4 ((squareM 3) + 1) -- (+) ((*) 3 3) 1 -- (+) ((3 *) 3) 1 -- (+) 9 1 -- (9 +) 1 -- 10 lazyevalN 0 ((squareM 3) + 1) lazyevalN 1 ((squareM 3) + 1) lazyevalN 2 ((squareM 3) + 1) lazyevalN 3 ((squareM 3) + 1) lazyevalN 4 ((squareM 3) + 1) -- (+) ((*) 3 3) 1 -- (+) ((*) 3 3) 1 -- (+) 9 1 -- (9 +) 1 -- 10
import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (join) {-- snippet adler32 --} import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.&.), (.|.)) base = 65521 adler32 xs = helper 1 0 xs where helper a b (x:xs) = let a' = (a + (ord x .&. 0xff)) `mod` base b' = (a' + b) `mod` base in helper a' b' xs helper a b _ = (b `shiftL` 16) .|. a {-- /snippet adler32 --} {-- snippet adler32_try2 --} adler32_try2 xs = helper (1,0) xs where helper (a,b) (x:xs) = let a' = (a + (ord x .&. 0xff)) `mod` base b' = (a' + b) `mod` base in helper (a',b') xs helper (a,b) _ = (b `shiftL` 16) .|. a {-- /snippet adler32_try2 --} {-- snippet adler32_foldl --} adler32_foldl xs = let (a, b) = foldl step (1, 0) xs in (b `shiftL` 16) .|. a where step (a, b) x = let a' = a + (ord x .&. 0xff) in (a' `mod` base, (a' + b) `mod` base) {-- /snippet adler32_foldl --} adler32_golf = uncurry (flip ((.|.) . (`shiftL` 16))) . foldl f (1,0) where f (a,b) x = join (***) ((`mod` base) . (a + (ord x .&. 0xff) +)) (0,b)
{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} module Lec02 where import Text.Printf (printf) import Debug.Trace (trace) incr :: Int -> Int incr x = x + 1 zincr :: Int -> Int zincr = \x -> x + 1 eleven = incr (10 + 2) -- sumList xs = case xs of -- [] -> 0 -- (x:xs) -> x + sumList xs sumList :: [Int] -> Int sumList [] = 0 sumList (x:xs) = x + sumList xs isOdd x = x `mod` 2 == 1 oddsBelow100 = myfilter isOdd [0..100] myfilter f [] = [] myfilter f (x:xs') = if f x then x : rest else rest where rest = myfilter f xs' neg :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) neg f = \x -> not (f x) isEven = neg isOdd partition p xs = (myfilter p xs, myfilter (neg p) xs) sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = sort ls ++ [x] ++ sort rs where ls = [ y | y <- xs, y < x ] rs = [ z | z <- xs, x <= z ] quiz = [x * 10 | x <- xs, x > 3] where xs = [0..5] data Expr = Number Double | Plus Expr Expr | Minus Expr Expr | Times Expr Expr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) eval :: Expr -> Double eval e = case e of Number n -> n Plus e1 e2 -> eval e1 + eval e2 Minus e1 e2 -> eval e1 - eval e2 Times e1 e2 -> eval e1 * eval e2 ex0 :: Expr ex0 = Number 5 ex1 :: Expr ex1 = Plus ex0 (Number 7) ex2 :: Expr ex2 = Minus (Number 4) (Number 2) ex3 :: Expr ex3 = Times ex1 ex2 fact :: Int -> Int fact n = trace msg res where msg = printf "Fact n = %d res = %d\n" n res res = if n <= 0 then 0 else n * fact (n-1) {- -- fact :: Int -> Int let rec fact n = let res = if n <= 0 then 0 else n * fact (n-1) in let _ = Printf.printf "Fact n = %d res = %d\n" n res in res -} ----
module Main where comb :: [([Char], [Char])] color = ["blue", "red", "green"] comb = [(x, y) | x <- color, y <- color, x < y]
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {- | Module : Network.MPD.Applicative.Internal Copyright : (c) Simon Hengel 2012 License : MIT Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : stable Portability : unportable Applicative MPD command interface. This allows us to combine commands into command lists, as in > (,,) <$> currentSong <*> stats <*> status where the requests are automatically combined into a command list and the result of each command passed to the consumer. -} module Network.MPD.Applicative.Internal ( Parser(..) , liftParser , getResponse , emptyResponse , unexpected , Command(..) , runCommand ) where import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Network.MPD.Core hiding (getResponse) import qualified Network.MPD.Core as Core import Control.Monad.Except import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail -- | A line-oriented parser that returns a value along with any remaining input. newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: [ByteString] -> Either String (a, [ByteString]) } deriving Functor instance Monad Parser where return a = Parser $ \input -> Right (a, input) p1 >>= p2 = Parser $ \input -> runParser p1 input >>= uncurry (runParser . p2) instance Fail.MonadFail Parser where fail = instance Applicative Parser where pure = return (<*>) = ap -- | Convert a regular parser. liftParser :: ([ByteString] -> Either String a) -> Parser a liftParser p = Parser $ \input -> case break (== "list_OK") input of (xs, ys) -> fmap (, drop 1 ys) (p xs) -- | Return everything until the next "list_OK". getResponse :: Parser [ByteString] getResponse = Parser $ \input -> case break (== "list_OK") input of (xs, ys) -> Right (xs, drop 1 ys) -- | For commands returning an empty response. emptyResponse :: Parser () emptyResponse = do r <- getResponse unless (null r) $ unexpected r -- | Fail with unexpected response. unexpected :: [ByteString] -> Parser a unexpected = fail . ("unexpected Response: " ++) . show -- | A compound command, comprising a parser for the responses and a -- combined request of an arbitrary number of commands. data Command a = Command { commandParser :: Parser a , commandRequest :: [String] } deriving Functor instance Applicative Command where pure a = Command (pure a) [] (Command p1 c1) <*> (Command p2 c2) = Command (p1 <*> p2) (c1 ++ c2) -- | Execute a 'Command'. runCommand :: MonadMPD m => Command a -> m a runCommand (Command p c) = do r <- Core.getResponse command case runParser p r of Left err -> throwError (Unexpected err) Right (a, []) -> return a Right (_, xs) -> throwError (Unexpected $ "superfluous input: " ++ show xs) where command = case c of [x] -> x xs -> unlines ("command_list_ok_begin" : xs) ++ "command_list_end"
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002 -- -- Binary I/O library, with special tweaks for GHC -- -- Based on the nhc98 Binary library, which is copyright -- (c) Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman, University of York, 1998. -- Under the terms of the license for that software, we must tell you -- where you can obtain the original version of the Binary library, namely -- module Binary ( {-type-} Bin, {-class-} Binary(..), {-type-} BinHandle, openBinIO, openBinIO_, openBinMem, -- closeBin, seekBin, tellBin, castBin, writeBinMem, readBinMem, isEOFBin, -- for writing instances: putByte, getByte, putSharedString, getSharedString, -- lazy Bin I/O lazyGet, lazyPut, #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__<610 -- GHC only: ByteArray(..), getByteArray, putByteArray, #endif getBinFileWithDict, -- :: Binary a => FilePath -> IO a putBinFileWithDict, -- :: Binary a => FilePath -> ModuleName -> a -> IO () ) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=604 #include "ghcconfig.h" #else #include "config.h" #endif import FastMutInt import Map (Map) import qualified Map as Map #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=707 import Data.HashTable.Class as HashTable (HashTable) import Data.HashTable.IO as HashTable (BasicHashTable, toList, new, insert, lookup) # else import Data.HashTable as HashTable # endif #endif import Data.Array.IO import Data.Array import Data.Bits import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.IORef import Data.Char ( ord, chr ) import Data.Array.Base ( unsafeRead, unsafeWrite ) import Control.Monad ( when, liftM ) import System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO ) import System.IO.Error ( mkIOError, eofErrorType ) import GHC.Real ( Ratio(..) ) import GHC.Exts # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=612 import GHC.IO (IO(IO)) #else import GHC.IOBase (IO(IO)) #endif import GHC.Word ( Word8(..) ) # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__<602 import GHC.Handle ( hSetBinaryMode ) # endif -- for debug import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime) import Numeric (showFFloat) #define SIZEOF_HSINT SIZEOF_VOID_P type BinArray = IOUArray Int Word8 --------------------------------------------------------------- -- BinHandle --------------------------------------------------------------- data BinHandle = BinMem { -- binary data stored in an unboxed array bh_usr :: UserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-) off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset sz_r :: !FastMutInt, -- size of the array (cached) arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1)) } -- XXX: should really store a "high water mark" for dumping out -- the binary data to a file. | BinIO { -- binary data stored in a file bh_usr :: UserData, off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset (cached) hdl :: !IO.Handle -- the file handle (must be seekable) } -- cache the file ptr in BinIO; using hTell is too expensive -- to call repeatedly. If anyone else is modifying this Handle -- at the same time, we'll be screwed. getUserData :: BinHandle -> UserData getUserData bh = bh_usr bh setUserData :: BinHandle -> UserData -> BinHandle setUserData bh us = bh { bh_usr = us } --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bin --------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Bin a = BinPtr Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded) castBin :: Bin a -> Bin b castBin (BinPtr i) = BinPtr i --------------------------------------------------------------- -- class Binary --------------------------------------------------------------- class Binary a where put_ :: BinHandle -> a -> IO () put :: BinHandle -> a -> IO (Bin a) get :: BinHandle -> IO a -- define one of put_, put. Use of put_ is recommended because it -- is more likely that tail-calls can kick in, and we rarely need the -- position return value. put_ bh a = do put bh a; return () put bh a = do p <- tellBin bh; put_ bh a; return p putAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> a -> IO () putAt bh p x = do seekBin bh p; put bh x; return () getAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO a getAt bh p = do seekBin bh p; get bh openBinIO_ :: IO.Handle -> IO BinHandle openBinIO_ h = openBinIO h openBinIO :: IO.Handle -> IO BinHandle openBinIO h = do r <- newFastMutInt writeFastMutInt r 0 return (BinIO noUserData r h) openBinMem :: Int -> IO BinHandle openBinMem size | size <= 0 = error "Data.Binary.openBinMem: size must be >= 0" | otherwise = do arr <- newArray_ (0,size-1) arr_r <- newIORef arr ix_r <- newFastMutInt writeFastMutInt ix_r 0 sz_r <- newFastMutInt writeFastMutInt sz_r size return (BinMem noUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r) tellBin :: BinHandle -> IO (Bin a) tellBin (BinIO _ r _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix) tellBin (BinMem _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix) seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO () seekBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) (BinPtr p) = do writeFastMutInt ix_r p hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral p) seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) (BinPtr p) = do sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r if (p >= sz) then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p else writeFastMutInt ix_r p isEOFBin :: BinHandle -> IO Bool isEOFBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) = do ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r return (ix >= sz) isEOFBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) = hIsEOF h writeBinMem :: BinHandle -> FilePath -> IO () writeBinMem (BinIO _ _ _) _ = error "Data.Binary.writeBinMem: not a memory handle" writeBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) fn = do h <- openFile fn WriteMode hSetBinaryMode h True arr <- readIORef arr_r ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r hPutArray h arr ix hClose h readBinMem :: FilePath -> IO BinHandle -- Return a BinHandle with a totally undefined State readBinMem filename = do h <- openFile filename ReadMode hSetBinaryMode h True filesize' <- hFileSize h let filesize = fromIntegral filesize' arr <- newArray_ (0,filesize-1) count <- hGetArray h arr filesize when (count /= filesize) (error ("Binary.readBinMem: only read " ++ show count ++ " bytes")) hClose h arr_r <- newIORef arr ix_r <- newFastMutInt writeFastMutInt ix_r 0 sz_r <- newFastMutInt writeFastMutInt sz_r filesize return (BinMem noUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r) -- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO () expandBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) off = do sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r let sz' = head (dropWhile (<= off) (iterate (* 2) sz)) arr <- readIORef arr_r arr' <- newArray_ (0,sz'-1) sequence_ [ unsafeRead arr i >>= unsafeWrite arr' i | i <- [ 0 .. sz-1 ] ] writeFastMutInt sz_r sz' writeIORef arr_r arr' #ifdef DEBUG hPutStrLn stderr ("Binary: expanding to size: " ++ show sz') #endif return () expandBin (BinIO _ _ _) _ = return () -- no need to expand a file, we'll assume they expand by themselves. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Low-level reading/writing of bytes putWord8 :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO () putWord8 h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) w = do ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r -- double the size of the array if it overflows if (ix >= sz) then do expandBin h ix putWord8 h w else do arr <- readIORef arr_r unsafeWrite arr ix w writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1) return () putWord8 (BinIO _ ix_r h) w = do ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r hPutChar h (chr (fromIntegral w)) -- XXX not really correct writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1) return () getWord8 :: BinHandle -> IO Word8 getWord8 (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) = do ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r when (ix >= sz) $ ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "Data.Binary.getWord8" Nothing Nothing) arr <- readIORef arr_r w <- unsafeRead arr ix writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1) return w getWord8 (BinIO _ ix_r h) = do ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r c <- hGetChar h writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1) return $! (fromIntegral (ord c)) -- XXX not really correct putByte :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO () putByte bh w = put_ bh w getByte :: BinHandle -> IO Word8 getByte = getWord8 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Primitve Word writes instance Binary Word8 where put_ = putWord8 get = getWord8 instance Binary Word16 where put_ h w = do -- XXX too slow.. inline putWord8? putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8)) putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff)) get h = do w1 <- getWord8 h w2 <- getWord8 h return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral w2) instance Binary Word32 where put_ h w = do putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff)) get h = do w1 <- getWord8 h w2 <- getWord8 h w3 <- getWord8 h w4 <- getWord8 h return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 24) .|. (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 16) .|. (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 8) .|. (fromIntegral w4)) instance Binary Word64 where put_ h w = do putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 40) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff)) putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff)) get h = do w1 <- getWord8 h w2 <- getWord8 h w3 <- getWord8 h w4 <- getWord8 h w5 <- getWord8 h w6 <- getWord8 h w7 <- getWord8 h w8 <- getWord8 h return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 56) .|. (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 48) .|. (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 40) .|. (fromIntegral w4 `shiftL` 32) .|. (fromIntegral w5 `shiftL` 24) .|. (fromIntegral w6 `shiftL` 16) .|. (fromIntegral w7 `shiftL` 8) .|. (fromIntegral w8)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Primitve Int writes instance Binary Int8 where put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word8) get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word8)) instance Binary Int16 where put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word16) get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word16)) instance Binary Int32 where put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word32) get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word32)) instance Binary Int64 where put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word64) get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word64)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances for standard types instance Binary () where put_ bh () = return () get _ = return () -- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 0 p of (_,b) -> ((),b) instance Binary Bool where put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b)) get bh = do x <- getWord8 bh; return $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x)) -- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 1 p of (x,b) -> (toEnum x,b) instance Binary Char where put_ bh c = put_ bh (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8) get bh = do x <- get bh; return $! (chr (fromIntegral (x :: Word8))) -- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 8 p of (x,b) -> (toEnum x,b) instance Binary Int where #if SIZEOF_HSINT == 4 put_ bh i = put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int32) get bh = do x <- get bh return $! (fromIntegral (x :: Int32)) #elif SIZEOF_HSINT == 8 put_ bh i = put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int64) get bh = do x <- get bh return $! (fromIntegral (x :: Int64)) #else #error "unsupported sizeof(HsInt)" #endif -- getF bh = getBitsF bh 32 instance Binary a => Binary [a] where put_ bh list = do put_ bh (length list) mapM_ (put_ bh) list get bh = do len <- get bh let getMany :: Int -> IO [a] getMany 0 = return [] getMany n = do x <- get bh xs <- getMany (n-1) return (x:xs) getMany len instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (a,b) where put_ bh (a,b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b get bh = do a <- get bh b <- get bh return (a,b) instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c) => Binary (a,b,c) where put_ bh (a,b,c) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c get bh = do a <- get bh b <- get bh c <- get bh return (a,b,c) instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (a,b,c,d) where put_ bh (a,b,c,d) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d get bh = do a <- get bh b <- get bh c <- get bh d <- get bh return (a,b,c,d) instance Binary a => Binary (Maybe a) where put_ bh Nothing = putByte bh 0 put_ bh (Just a) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh a get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh case h of 0 -> return Nothing _ -> do x <- get bh; return (Just x) instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Either a b) where put_ bh (Left a) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh a put_ bh (Right b) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh b get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh case h of 0 -> do a <- get bh ; return (Left a) _ -> do b <- get bh ; return (Right b) instance (Binary a, Binary i, Ix i) => Binary (Array i a) where put_ bh arr = do put_ bh (Data.Array.bounds arr) put_ bh (Data.Array.elems arr) get bh = do bounds <- get bh elems <- get bh return $ listArray bounds elems instance (Binary key, Ord key, Binary elem) => Binary (Map key elem) where -- put_ bh fm = put_ bh (Map.toList fm) -- get bh = do list <- get bh -- return (Map.fromList list) put_ bh fm = do let list = Map.toList fm put_ bh (length list) mapM_ (\(key, val) -> do put_ bh key lazyPut bh val) list get bh = do len <- get bh let getMany :: Int -> IO [(key,elem)] getMany 0 = return [] getMany n = do key <- get bh val <- lazyGet bh xs <- getMany (n-1) return ((key,val):xs) -- printElapsedTime "before get Map" list <- getMany len -- printElapsedTime "after get Map" return (Map.fromList list) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__<610 instance Binary Integer where put_ bh (S# i#) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh (I# i#) put_ bh (J# s# a#) = do p <- putByte bh 1; put_ bh (I# s#) let sz# = sizeofByteArray# a# -- in *bytes* put_ bh (I# sz#) -- in *bytes* putByteArray bh a# sz# get bh = do b <- getByte bh case b of 0 -> do (I# i#) <- get bh return (S# i#) _ -> do (I# s#) <- get bh sz <- get bh (BA a#) <- getByteArray bh sz return (J# s# a#) putByteArray :: BinHandle -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> IO () putByteArray bh a s# = loop 0# where loop n# | n# ==# s# = return () | otherwise = do putByte bh (indexByteArray a n#) loop (n# +# 1#) getByteArray :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ByteArray getByteArray bh (I# sz) = do (MBA arr) <- newByteArray sz let loop n | n ==# sz = return () | otherwise = do w <- getByte bh writeByteArray arr n w loop (n +# 1#) loop 0# freezeByteArray arr data ByteArray = BA ByteArray# data MBA = MBA (MutableByteArray# RealWorld) newByteArray :: Int# -> IO MBA newByteArray sz = IO $ \s -> case newByteArray# sz s of { (# s, arr #) -> (# s, MBA arr #) } freezeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> IO ByteArray freezeByteArray arr = IO $ \s -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr s of { (# s, arr #) -> (# s, BA arr #) } writeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> Word8 -> IO () #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 503 writeByteArray arr i w8 = IO $ \s -> case word8ToWord w8 of { W# w# -> case writeCharArray# arr i (chr# (word2Int# w#)) s of { s -> (# s , () #) }} #else writeByteArray arr i (W8# w) = IO $ \s -> case writeWord8Array# arr i w s of { s -> (# s, () #) } #endif #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 503 indexByteArray a# n# = fromIntegral (I# (ord# (indexCharArray# a# n#))) #else indexByteArray a# n# = W8# (indexWord8Array# a# n#) #endif instance (Integral a, Binary a) => Binary (Ratio a) where put_ bh (a :% b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b get bh = do a <- get bh; b <- get bh; return (a :% b) #else instance Binary Integer where put_ h n = do put h ((fromIntegral $ signum n) :: Int8) when (n /= 0) $ do let n' = abs n nBytes = byteSize n' put h (fromIntegral nBytes :: Word64) mapM_ (putByte h) [ fromIntegral ((n' `shiftR` (b * 8)) .&. 0xff) | b <- [ nBytes-1, nBytes-2 .. 0 ] ] where byteSize n = let f b = if (1 `shiftL` (b * 8)) > n then b else f (b + 1) in f 0 get h = do sign :: Int8 <- get h if sign == 0 then return 0 else do nBytes :: Word64 <- get h n <- accumBytes nBytes 0 return $ fromIntegral sign * n where accumBytes nBytes acc | nBytes == 0 = return acc | otherwise = do b <- getByte h accumBytes (nBytes - 1) ((acc `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral b) #endif #endif instance Binary (Bin a) where put_ bh (BinPtr i) = put_ bh i get bh = do i <- get bh; return (BinPtr i) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lazy reading/writing lazyPut :: Binary a => BinHandle -> a -> IO () lazyPut bh a = do -- output the obj with a ptr to skip over it: pre_a <- tellBin bh put_ bh pre_a -- save a slot for the ptr put_ bh a -- dump the object q <- tellBin bh -- q = ptr to after object putAt bh pre_a q -- fill in slot before a with ptr to q seekBin bh q -- finally carry on writing at q lazyGet :: Binary a => BinHandle -> IO a lazyGet bh = do p <- get bh -- a BinPtr p_a <- tellBin bh a <- unsafeInterleaveIO (getAt bh p_a) seekBin bh p -- skip over the object for now return a -- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main wrappers: getBinFileWithDict, putBinFileWithDict -- -- This layer is built on top of the stuff above, -- and should not know anything about BinHandles -- -------------------------------------------------------------- initBinMemSize = (1024*1024) :: Int binaryInterfaceMagic = 0x1face :: Word32 getBinFileWithDict :: Binary a => FilePath -> IO a getBinFileWithDict file_path = do bh <- Binary.readBinMem file_path -- Read the magic number to check that this really is a GHC .hi file -- (This magic number does not change when we change -- GHC interface file format) magic <- get bh when (magic /= binaryInterfaceMagic) $ error "magic number mismatch: old/corrupt interface file?" -- Read the dictionary -- The next word in the file is a pointer to where the dictionary is -- (probably at the end of the file) dict_p <- Binary.get bh -- Get the dictionary ptr data_p <- tellBin bh -- Remember where we are now seekBin bh dict_p dict <- getDictionary bh seekBin bh data_p -- Back to where we were before -- Initialise the user-data field of bh let bh' = setUserData bh (initReadState dict) -- At last, get the thing get bh' putBinFileWithDict :: Binary a => FilePath -> a -> IO () putBinFileWithDict file_path the_thing = do -- hnd <- openBinaryFile file_path WriteMode -- bh <- openBinIO hnd bh <- openBinMem initBinMemSize put_ bh binaryInterfaceMagic -- Remember where the dictionary pointer will go dict_p_p <- tellBin bh put_ bh dict_p_p -- Placeholder for ptr to dictionary -- Make some intial state usr_state <- newWriteState -- Put the main thing, put_ (setUserData bh usr_state) the_thing -- Get the final-state j <- readIORef (ud_next usr_state) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 fm <- HashTable.toList (ud_map usr_state) #else fm <- liftM Map.toList $ readIORef (ud_map usr_state) #endif dict_p <- tellBin bh -- This is where the dictionary will start -- Write the dictionary pointer at the fornt of the file putAt bh dict_p_p dict_p -- Fill in the placeholder seekBin bh dict_p -- Seek back to the end of the file -- Write the dictionary itself putDictionary bh j (constructDictionary j fm) -- And send the result to the file writeBinMem bh file_path -- hClose hnd -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UserData -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data UserData = UserData { -- This field is used only when reading ud_dict :: Dictionary, -- The next two fields are only used when writing ud_next :: IORef Int, -- The next index to use #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=707 ud_map :: BasicHashTable String Int -- The index of each string # else ud_map :: HashTable String Int -- The index of each string # endif #else ud_map :: IORef (Map String Int) #endif } noUserData = error "Binary.UserData: no user data" initReadState :: Dictionary -> UserData initReadState dict = UserData{ ud_dict = dict, ud_next = undef "next", ud_map = undef "map" } newWriteState :: IO UserData newWriteState = do j_r <- newIORef 0 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=707 out_r <- # else out_r <- (==) HashTable.hashString # endif #else out_r <- newIORef Map.empty #endif return (UserData { ud_dict = error "dict", ud_next = j_r, ud_map = out_r }) undef s = error ("Binary.UserData: no " ++ s) --------------------------------------------------------- -- The Dictionary --------------------------------------------------------- type Dictionary = Array Int String -- The dictionary -- Should be 0-indexed putDictionary :: BinHandle -> Int -> Dictionary -> IO () putDictionary bh sz dict = do put_ bh sz mapM_ (put_ bh) (elems dict) getDictionary :: BinHandle -> IO Dictionary getDictionary bh = do sz <- get bh elems <- sequence (take sz (repeat (get bh))) return (listArray (0,sz-1) elems) constructDictionary :: Int -> [(String,Int)] -> Dictionary constructDictionary j fm = array (0,j-1) (map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) fm) --------------------------------------------------------- -- Reading and writing memoised Strings --------------------------------------------------------- putSharedString :: BinHandle -> String -> IO () putSharedString bh str = case getUserData bh of UserData { ud_next = j_r, ud_map = out_r, ud_dict = dict} -> do #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 entry <- HashTable.lookup out_r str #else fm <- readIORef out_r let entry = Map.lookup str fm #endif case entry of Just j -> put_ bh j Nothing -> do j <- readIORef j_r put_ bh j writeIORef j_r (j+1) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=602 HashTable.insert out_r str j #else modifyIORef out_r (\fm -> Map.insert str j fm) #endif getSharedString :: BinHandle -> IO String getSharedString bh = do j <- get bh return $! (ud_dict (getUserData bh) ! j) {- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Reading and writing FastStrings --------------------------------------------------------- putFS bh (FastString id l ba) = do put_ bh (I# l) putByteArray bh ba l putFS bh s = error ("Binary.put_(FastString): " ++ unpackFS s) -- Note: the length of the FastString is *not* the same as -- the size of the ByteArray: the latter is rounded up to a -- multiple of the word size. {- -- possible faster version, not quite there yet: getFS bh@BinMem{} = do (I# l) <- get bh arr <- readIORef (arr_r bh) off <- readFastMutInt (off_r bh) return $! (mkFastSubStringBA# arr off l) -} getFS bh = do (I# l) <- get bh (BA ba) <- getByteArray bh (I# l) return $! (mkFastSubStringBA# ba 0# l) instance Binary FastString where put_ bh f@(FastString id l ba) = case getUserData bh of { UserData { ud_next = j_r, ud_map = out_r, ud_dict = dict} -> do out <- readIORef out_r let uniq = getUnique f case lookupUFM out uniq of Just (j,f) -> put_ bh j Nothing -> do j <- readIORef j_r put_ bh j writeIORef j_r (j+1) writeIORef out_r (addToUFM out uniq (j,f)) } put_ bh s = error ("Binary.put_(FastString): " ++ show (unpackFS s)) get bh = do j <- get bh return $! (ud_dict (getUserData bh) ! j) -} printElapsedTime :: String -> IO () printElapsedTime msg = do time <- getCPUTime hPutStr stderr $ "elapsed time: " ++ Numeric.showFFloat (Just 2) ((fromIntegral time) / 10^12) " (" ++ msg ++ ")\n"
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies , TypeApplications #-} module DumpTypecheckedAst where import Data.Kind data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano type family Length (as :: [k]) :: Peano where Length (a : as) = Succ (Length as) Length '[] = Zero data T f (a :: k) = MkT (f a) type family F (a :: k) (f :: k -> Type) :: Type where F @Peano a f = T @Peano f a main = putStrLn "hello"
-- | Settings are centralized, as much as possible, into this file. This -- includes database connection settings, static file locations, etc. -- In addition, you can configure a number of different aspects of Yesod -- by overriding methods in the Yesod typeclass. That instance is -- declared in the Foundation.hs file. module Settings where import Prelude import Text.Shakespeare.Text (st) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Database.Persist.Sqlite (SqliteConf) import Yesod.Default.Config import Yesod.Default.Util import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Yaml import Control.Applicative import Settings.Development import Data.Default (def) import Text.Hamlet -- | Which Persistent backend this site is using. type PersistConf = SqliteConf -- Static setting below. Changing these requires a recompile -- | The location of static files on your system. This is a file system -- path. The default value works properly with your scaffolded site. staticDir :: FilePath staticDir = "static" -- | The base URL for your static files. As you can see by the default -- value, this can simply be "static" appended to your application root. -- A powerful optimization can be serving static files from a separate -- domain name. This allows you to use a web server optimized for static -- files, more easily set expires and cache values, and avoid possibly -- costly transference of cookies on static files. For more information, -- please see: -- -- -- If you change the resource pattern for StaticR in Foundation.hs, you will -- have to make a corresponding change here. -- -- To see how this value is used, see urlRenderOverride in Foundation.hs staticRoot :: AppConfig DefaultEnv x -> Text staticRoot conf = [st|#{appRoot conf}/lab/nom/static|] -- | Settings for 'widgetFile', such as which template languages to support and -- default Hamlet settings. -- -- For more information on modifying behavior, see: -- -- widgetFileSettings :: WidgetFileSettings widgetFileSettings = def { wfsHamletSettings = defaultHamletSettings { hamletNewlines = AlwaysNewlines } } -- The rest of this file contains settings which rarely need changing by a -- user. widgetFile :: String -> Q Exp widgetFile = (if development then widgetFileReload else widgetFileNoReload) widgetFileSettings data Extra = Extra { extraCopyright :: Text , extraAnalytics :: Maybe Text -- ^ Google Analytics } deriving Show parseExtra :: DefaultEnv -> Object -> Parser Extra parseExtra _ o = Extra <$> o .: "copyright" <*> o .:? "analytics"
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude , RecordWildCards , BangPatterns , NondecreasingIndentation , RankNTypes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.IO.Handle.Internals -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2001 -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable -- -- This module defines the basic operations on I\/O \"handles\". All -- of the operations defined here are independent of the underlying -- device. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.IO.Handle.Internals ( withHandle, withHandle', withHandle_, withHandle__', withHandle_', withAllHandles__, wantWritableHandle, wantReadableHandle, wantReadableHandle_, wantSeekableHandle, mkHandle, mkFileHandle, mkDuplexHandle, openTextEncoding, closeTextCodecs, initBufferState, dEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE, flushBuffer, flushWriteBuffer, flushCharReadBuffer, flushCharBuffer, flushByteReadBuffer, flushByteWriteBuffer, readTextDevice, writeCharBuffer, readTextDeviceNonBlocking, decodeByteBuf, augmentIOError, ioe_closedHandle, ioe_EOF, ioe_notReadable, ioe_notWritable, ioe_finalizedHandle, ioe_bufsiz, hClose_help, hLookAhead_, HandleFinalizer, handleFinalizer, debugIO, ) where import GHC.IO import GHC.IO.IOMode import GHC.IO.Encoding as Encoding import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types (CodeBuffer) import GHC.IO.Handle.Types import GHC.IO.Buffer import GHC.IO.BufferedIO (BufferedIO) import GHC.IO.Exception import GHC.IO.Device (IODevice, SeekMode(..)) import qualified GHC.IO.Device as IODevice import qualified GHC.IO.BufferedIO as Buffered import GHC.Conc.Sync import GHC.Real import GHC.Base import GHC.Exception import GHC.Num ( Num(..) ) import GHC.Show import GHC.IORef import GHC.MVar import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Foreign.Safe import System.Posix.Internals hiding (FD) import Foreign.C c_DEBUG_DUMP :: Bool c_DEBUG_DUMP = False -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creating a new handle type HandleFinalizer = FilePath -> MVar Handle__ -> IO () newFileHandle :: FilePath -> Maybe HandleFinalizer -> Handle__ -> IO Handle newFileHandle filepath mb_finalizer hc = do m <- newMVar hc case mb_finalizer of Just finalizer -> addMVarFinalizer m (finalizer filepath m) Nothing -> return () return (FileHandle filepath m) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Working with Handles {- In the concurrent world, handles are locked during use. This is done by wrapping an MVar around the handle which acts as a mutex over operations on the handle. To avoid races, we use the following bracketing operations. The idea is to obtain the lock, do some operation and replace the lock again, whether the operation succeeded or failed. We also want to handle the case where the thread receives an exception while processing the IO operation: in these cases we also want to relinquish the lock. There are three versions of @withHandle@: corresponding to the three possible combinations of: - the operation may side-effect the handle - the operation may return a result If the operation generates an error or an exception is raised, the original handle is always replaced. -} {-# INLINE withHandle #-} withHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO (Handle__,a)) -> IO a withHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle' fun h m act withHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act = withHandle' fun h m act withHandle' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Handle__ -> IO (Handle__,a)) -> IO a withHandle' fun h m act = mask_ $ do (h',v) <- do_operation fun h act m checkHandleInvariants h' putMVar m h' return v {-# INLINE withHandle_ #-} withHandle_ :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a withHandle_ fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle_' fun h m act withHandle_ fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act = withHandle_' fun h m act withHandle_' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a withHandle_' fun h m act = withHandle' fun h m $ \h_ -> do a <- act h_ return (h_,a) withAllHandles__ :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO Handle__) -> IO () withAllHandles__ fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle__' fun h m act withAllHandles__ fun h@(DuplexHandle _ r w) act = do withHandle__' fun h r act withHandle__' fun h w act withHandle__' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Handle__ -> IO Handle__) -> IO () withHandle__' fun h m act = mask_ $ do h' <- do_operation fun h act m checkHandleInvariants h' putMVar m h' return () do_operation :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> MVar Handle__ -> IO a do_operation fun h act m = do h_ <- takeMVar m checkHandleInvariants h_ act h_ `catchException` handler h_ where handler h_ e = do putMVar m h_ case () of _ | Just ioe <- fromException e -> ioError (augmentIOError ioe fun h) _ | Just async_ex <- fromException e -> do -- see Note [async] let _ = async_ex :: SomeAsyncException t <- myThreadId throwTo t e do_operation fun h act m _otherwise -> throwIO e -- Note [async] -- -- If an asynchronous exception is raised during an I/O operation, -- normally it is fine to just re-throw the exception synchronously. -- However, if we are inside an unsafePerformIO or an -- unsafeInterleaveIO, this would replace the enclosing thunk with the -- exception raised, which is wrong (#3997). We have to release the -- lock on the Handle, but what do we replace the thunk with? What -- should happen when the thunk is subsequently demanded again? -- -- The only sensible choice we have is to re-do the IO operation on -- resumption, but then we have to be careful in the IO library that -- this is always safe to do. In particular we should -- -- never perform any side-effects before an interruptible operation -- -- because the interruptible operation may raise an asynchronous -- exception, which may cause the operation and its side effects to be -- subsequently performed again. -- -- Re-doing the IO operation is achieved by: -- - using throwTo to re-throw the asynchronous exception asynchronously -- in the current thread -- - on resumption, it will be as if throwTo returns. In that case, we -- recursively invoke the original operation (see do_operation above). -- -- Interruptible operations in the I/O library are: -- - threadWaitRead/threadWaitWrite -- - fillReadBuffer/flushWriteBuffer -- - readTextDevice/writeTextDevice augmentIOError :: IOException -> String -> Handle -> IOException augmentIOError ioe@IOError{ ioe_filename = fp } fun h = ioe { ioe_handle = Just h, ioe_location = fun, ioe_filename = filepath } where filepath | Just _ <- fp = fp | otherwise = case h of FileHandle path _ -> Just path DuplexHandle path _ _ -> Just path -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper for write operations. wantWritableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a wantWritableHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = wantWritableHandle' fun h m act wantWritableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ _ m) act = wantWritableHandle' fun h m act -- we know it's not a ReadHandle or ReadWriteHandle, but we have to -- check for ClosedHandle/SemiClosedHandle. (#4808) wantWritableHandle' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a wantWritableHandle' fun h m act = withHandle_' fun h m (checkWritableHandle act) checkWritableHandle :: (Handle__ -> IO a) -> Handle__ -> IO a checkWritableHandle act h_@Handle__{..} = case haType of ClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle SemiClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle ReadHandle -> ioe_notWritable ReadWriteHandle -> do buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer when (not (isWriteBuffer buf)) $ do flushCharReadBuffer h_ flushByteReadBuffer h_ buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer writeIORef haCharBuffer buf{ bufState = WriteBuffer } buf <- readIORef haByteBuffer buf' <- Buffered.emptyWriteBuffer haDevice buf writeIORef haByteBuffer buf' act h_ _other -> act h_ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper for read operations. wantReadableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO (Handle__,a)) -> IO a wantReadableHandle fun h act = withHandle fun h (checkReadableHandle act) wantReadableHandle_ :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a wantReadableHandle_ fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = wantReadableHandle' fun h m act wantReadableHandle_ fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act = wantReadableHandle' fun h m act -- we know it's not a WriteHandle or ReadWriteHandle, but we have to -- check for ClosedHandle/SemiClosedHandle. (#4808) wantReadableHandle' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a wantReadableHandle' fun h m act = withHandle_' fun h m (checkReadableHandle act) checkReadableHandle :: (Handle__ -> IO a) -> Handle__ -> IO a checkReadableHandle act h_@Handle__{..} = case haType of ClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle SemiClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle AppendHandle -> ioe_notReadable WriteHandle -> ioe_notReadable ReadWriteHandle -> do -- a read/write handle and we want to read from it. We must -- flush all buffered write data first. bbuf <- readIORef haByteBuffer when (isWriteBuffer bbuf) $ do when (not (isEmptyBuffer bbuf)) $ flushByteWriteBuffer h_ cbuf' <- readIORef haCharBuffer writeIORef haCharBuffer cbuf'{ bufState = ReadBuffer } bbuf <- readIORef haByteBuffer writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf{ bufState = ReadBuffer } act h_ _other -> act h_ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper for seek operations. wantSeekableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a wantSeekableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ _ _) _act = ioException (IOError (Just h) IllegalOperation fun "handle is not seekable" Nothing Nothing) wantSeekableHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle_' fun h m (checkSeekableHandle act) checkSeekableHandle :: (Handle__ -> IO a) -> Handle__ -> IO a checkSeekableHandle act handle_@Handle__{haDevice=dev} = case haType handle_ of ClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle SemiClosedHandle -> ioe_closedHandle AppendHandle -> ioe_notSeekable _ -> do b <- IODevice.isSeekable dev if b then act handle_ else ioe_notSeekable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handy IOErrors ioe_closedHandle, ioe_EOF, ioe_notReadable, ioe_notWritable, ioe_cannotFlushNotSeekable, ioe_notSeekable :: IO a ioe_closedHandle = ioException (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "handle is closed" Nothing Nothing) ioe_EOF = ioException (IOError Nothing EOF "" "" Nothing Nothing) ioe_notReadable = ioException (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "handle is not open for reading" Nothing Nothing) ioe_notWritable = ioException (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "handle is not open for writing" Nothing Nothing) ioe_notSeekable = ioException (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "handle is not seekable" Nothing Nothing) ioe_cannotFlushNotSeekable = ioException (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "cannot flush the read buffer: underlying device is not seekable" Nothing Nothing) ioe_finalizedHandle :: FilePath -> Handle__ ioe_finalizedHandle fp = throw (IOError Nothing IllegalOperation "" "handle is finalized" Nothing (Just fp)) ioe_bufsiz :: Int -> IO a ioe_bufsiz n = ioException (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "hSetBuffering" ("illegal buffer size " ++ showsPrec 9 n []) Nothing Nothing) -- 9 => should be parens'ified. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper for Handle encoding/decoding. -- The interface for TextEncoding changed so that a TextEncoding doesn't raise -- an exception if it encounters an invalid sequnce. Furthermore, encoding -- returns a reason as to why encoding stopped, letting us know if it was due -- to input/output underflow or an invalid sequence. -- -- This code adapts this elaborated interface back to the original TextEncoding -- interface. -- -- FIXME: it is possible that Handle code using the haDecoder/haEncoder fields -- could be made clearer by using the 'encode' interface directly. I have not -- looked into this. streamEncode :: BufferCodec from to state -> Buffer from -> Buffer to -> IO (Buffer from, Buffer to) streamEncode codec from to = fmap (\(_, from', to') -> (from', to')) $ recoveringEncode codec from to -- | Just like 'encode', but interleaves calls to 'encode' with calls to 'recover' in order to make as much progress as possible recoveringEncode :: BufferCodec from to state -> CodeBuffer from to recoveringEncode codec from to = go from to where go from to = do (why, from', to') <- encode codec from to -- When we are dealing with Handles, we don't care about input/output -- underflow particularly, and we want to delay errors about invalid -- sequences as far as possible. case why of InvalidSequence | bufL from == bufL from' -> do -- NB: it is OK to call recover here. Because we saw InvalidSequence, by the invariants -- on "encode" it must be the case that there is at least one elements available in the output -- buffer. Furthermore, clearly there is at least one element in the input buffer since we found -- something invalid there! (from', to') <- recover codec from' to' go from' to' _ -> return (why, from', to') -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handle Finalizers -- For a duplex handle, we arrange that the read side points to the write side -- (and hence keeps it alive if the read side is alive). This is done by -- having the haOtherSide field of the read side point to the read side. -- The finalizer is then placed on the write side, and the handle only gets -- finalized once, when both sides are no longer required. -- NOTE about finalized handles: It's possible that a handle can be -- finalized and then we try to use it later, for example if the -- handle is referenced from another finalizer, or from a thread that -- has become unreferenced and then resurrected (arguably in the -- latter case we shouldn't finalize the Handle...). Anyway, -- we try to emit a helpful message which is better than nothing. -- -- [later; 8/2010] However, a program like this can yield a strange -- error message: -- -- main = writeFile "out" loop -- loop = let x = x in x -- -- because the main thread and the Handle are both unreachable at the -- same time, the Handle may get finalized before the main thread -- receives the NonTermination exception, and the exception handler -- will then report an error. We'd rather this was not an error and -- the program just prints "<<loop>>". handleFinalizer :: FilePath -> MVar Handle__ -> IO () handleFinalizer fp m = do handle_ <- takeMVar m (handle_', _) <- hClose_help handle_ putMVar m handle_' return () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Allocating buffers -- using an 8k char buffer instead of 32k improved performance for a -- basic "cat" program by ~30% for me. --SDM dEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE :: Int dEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048 -- 8k/sizeof(HsChar) getCharBuffer :: IODevice dev => dev -> BufferState -> IO (IORef CharBuffer, BufferMode) getCharBuffer dev state = do buffer <- newCharBuffer dEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE state ioref <- newIORef buffer is_tty <- IODevice.isTerminal dev let buffer_mode | is_tty = LineBuffering | otherwise = BlockBuffering Nothing return (ioref, buffer_mode) mkUnBuffer :: BufferState -> IO (IORef CharBuffer, BufferMode) mkUnBuffer state = do buffer <- newCharBuffer dEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE state -- See [note Buffer Sizing], GHC.IO.Handle.Types ref <- newIORef buffer return (ref, NoBuffering) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flushing buffers -- | syncs the file with the buffer, including moving the -- file pointer backwards in the case of a read buffer. This can fail -- on a non-seekable read Handle. flushBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushBuffer h_@Handle__{..} = do buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer case bufState buf of ReadBuffer -> do flushCharReadBuffer h_ flushByteReadBuffer h_ WriteBuffer -> do flushByteWriteBuffer h_ -- | flushes the Char buffer only. Works on all Handles. flushCharBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushCharBuffer h_@Handle__{..} = do cbuf <- readIORef haCharBuffer case bufState cbuf of ReadBuffer -> do flushCharReadBuffer h_ WriteBuffer -> when (not (isEmptyBuffer cbuf)) $ error "internal IO library error: Char buffer non-empty" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Writing data (flushing write buffers) -- flushWriteBuffer flushes the buffer iff it contains pending write -- data. Flushes both the Char and the byte buffer, leaving both -- empty. flushWriteBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushWriteBuffer h_@Handle__{..} = do buf <- readIORef haByteBuffer when (isWriteBuffer buf) $ flushByteWriteBuffer h_ flushByteWriteBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushByteWriteBuffer h_@Handle__{..} = do bbuf <- readIORef haByteBuffer when (not (isEmptyBuffer bbuf)) $ do bbuf' <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice bbuf writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf' -- write the contents of the CharBuffer to the Handle__. -- The data will be encoded and pushed to the byte buffer, -- flushing if the buffer becomes full. writeCharBuffer :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO () writeCharBuffer h_@Handle__{..} !cbuf = do -- bbuf <- readIORef haByteBuffer debugIO ("writeCharBuffer: cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf ++ " bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf) (cbuf',bbuf') <- case haEncoder of Nothing -> latin1_encode cbuf bbuf Just encoder -> (streamEncode encoder) cbuf bbuf debugIO ("writeCharBuffer after encoding: cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf' ++ " bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf') -- flush if the write buffer is full if isFullBuffer bbuf' -- or we made no progress || not (isEmptyBuffer cbuf') && bufL cbuf' == bufL cbuf -- or the byte buffer has more elements than the user wanted buffered || (case haBufferMode of BlockBuffering (Just s) -> bufferElems bbuf' >= s NoBuffering -> True _other -> False) then do bbuf'' <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice bbuf' writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf'' else writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf' if not (isEmptyBuffer cbuf') then writeCharBuffer h_ cbuf' else return () -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flushing read buffers -- It is always possible to flush the Char buffer back to the byte buffer. flushCharReadBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushCharReadBuffer Handle__{..} = do cbuf <- readIORef haCharBuffer if isWriteBuffer cbuf || isEmptyBuffer cbuf then return () else do -- haLastDecode is the byte buffer just before we did our last batch of -- decoding. We're going to re-decode the bytes up to the current char, -- to find out where we should revert the byte buffer to. (codec_state, bbuf0) <- readIORef haLastDecode cbuf0 <- readIORef haCharBuffer writeIORef haCharBuffer cbuf0{ bufL=0, bufR=0 } -- if we haven't used any characters from the char buffer, then just -- re-install the old byte buffer. if bufL cbuf0 == 0 then do writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf0 return () else do case haDecoder of Nothing -> do writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf0 { bufL = bufL bbuf0 + bufL cbuf0 } -- no decoder: the number of bytes to decode is the same as the -- number of chars we have used up. Just decoder -> do debugIO ("flushCharReadBuffer re-decode, bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf0 ++ " cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf0) -- restore the codec state setState decoder codec_state (bbuf1,cbuf1) <- (streamEncode decoder) bbuf0 cbuf0{ bufL=0, bufR=0, bufSize = bufL cbuf0 } debugIO ("finished, bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf1 ++ " cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf1) writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf1 -- When flushing the byte read buffer, we seek backwards by the number -- of characters in the buffer. The file descriptor must therefore be -- seekable: attempting to flush the read buffer on an unseekable -- handle is not allowed. flushByteReadBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO () flushByteReadBuffer h_@Handle__{..} = do bbuf <- readIORef haByteBuffer if isEmptyBuffer bbuf then return () else do seekable <- IODevice.isSeekable haDevice when (not seekable) $ ioe_cannotFlushNotSeekable let seek = negate (bufR bbuf - bufL bbuf) debugIO ("flushByteReadBuffer: new file offset = " ++ show seek) haDevice RelativeSeek (fromIntegral seek) writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf{ bufL=0, bufR=0 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Making Handles mkHandle :: (IODevice dev, BufferedIO dev, Typeable dev) => dev -> FilePath -> HandleType -> Bool -- buffered? -> Maybe TextEncoding -> NewlineMode -> Maybe HandleFinalizer -> Maybe (MVar Handle__) -> IO Handle mkHandle dev filepath ha_type buffered mb_codec nl finalizer other_side = do openTextEncoding mb_codec ha_type $ \ mb_encoder mb_decoder -> do let buf_state = initBufferState ha_type bbuf <- Buffered.newBuffer dev buf_state bbufref <- newIORef bbuf last_decode <- newIORef (error "codec_state", bbuf) (cbufref,bmode) <- if buffered then getCharBuffer dev buf_state else mkUnBuffer buf_state spares <- newIORef BufferListNil newFileHandle filepath finalizer (Handle__ { haDevice = dev, haType = ha_type, haBufferMode = bmode, haByteBuffer = bbufref, haLastDecode = last_decode, haCharBuffer = cbufref, haBuffers = spares, haEncoder = mb_encoder, haDecoder = mb_decoder, haCodec = mb_codec, haInputNL = inputNL nl, haOutputNL = outputNL nl, haOtherSide = other_side }) -- | makes a new 'Handle' mkFileHandle :: (IODevice dev, BufferedIO dev, Typeable dev) => dev -- ^ the underlying IO device, which must support -- 'IODevice', 'BufferedIO' and 'Typeable' -> FilePath -- ^ a string describing the 'Handle', e.g. the file -- path for a file. Used in error messages. -> IOMode -- The mode in which the 'Handle' is to be used -> Maybe TextEncoding -- Create the 'Handle' with no text encoding? -> NewlineMode -- Translate newlines? -> IO Handle mkFileHandle dev filepath iomode mb_codec tr_newlines = do mkHandle dev filepath (ioModeToHandleType iomode) True{-buffered-} mb_codec tr_newlines (Just handleFinalizer) Nothing{-other_side-} -- | like 'mkFileHandle', except that a 'Handle' is created with two -- independent buffers, one for reading and one for writing. Used for -- full-duplex streams, such as network sockets. mkDuplexHandle :: (IODevice dev, BufferedIO dev, Typeable dev) => dev -> FilePath -> Maybe TextEncoding -> NewlineMode -> IO Handle mkDuplexHandle dev filepath mb_codec tr_newlines = do write_side@(FileHandle _ write_m) <- mkHandle dev filepath WriteHandle True mb_codec tr_newlines (Just handleFinalizer) Nothing -- no othersie read_side@(FileHandle _ read_m) <- mkHandle dev filepath ReadHandle True mb_codec tr_newlines Nothing -- no finalizer (Just write_m) return (DuplexHandle filepath read_m write_m) ioModeToHandleType :: IOMode -> HandleType ioModeToHandleType ReadMode = ReadHandle ioModeToHandleType WriteMode = WriteHandle ioModeToHandleType ReadWriteMode = ReadWriteHandle ioModeToHandleType AppendMode = AppendHandle initBufferState :: HandleType -> BufferState initBufferState ReadHandle = ReadBuffer initBufferState _ = WriteBuffer openTextEncoding :: Maybe TextEncoding -> HandleType -> (forall es ds . Maybe (TextEncoder es) -> Maybe (TextDecoder ds) -> IO a) -> IO a openTextEncoding Nothing ha_type cont = cont Nothing Nothing openTextEncoding (Just TextEncoding{..}) ha_type cont = do mb_decoder <- if isReadableHandleType ha_type then do decoder <- mkTextDecoder return (Just decoder) else return Nothing mb_encoder <- if isWritableHandleType ha_type then do encoder <- mkTextEncoder return (Just encoder) else return Nothing cont mb_encoder mb_decoder closeTextCodecs :: Handle__ -> IO () closeTextCodecs Handle__{..} = do case haDecoder of Nothing -> return (); Just d -> Encoding.close d case haEncoder of Nothing -> return (); Just d -> Encoding.close d -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- closing Handles -- hClose_help is also called by lazyRead (in GHC.IO.Handle.Text) when -- EOF is read or an IO error occurs on a lazy stream. The -- semi-closed Handle is then closed immediately. We have to be -- careful with DuplexHandles though: we have to leave the closing to -- the finalizer in that case, because the write side may still be in -- use. hClose_help :: Handle__ -> IO (Handle__, Maybe SomeException) hClose_help handle_ = case haType handle_ of ClosedHandle -> return (handle_,Nothing) _ -> do mb_exc1 <- trymaybe $ flushWriteBuffer handle_ -- interruptible -- it is important that hClose doesn't fail and -- leave the Handle open (#3128), so we catch -- exceptions when flushing the buffer. (h_, mb_exc2) <- hClose_handle_ handle_ return (h_, if isJust mb_exc1 then mb_exc1 else mb_exc2) trymaybe :: IO () -> IO (Maybe SomeException) trymaybe io = (do io; return Nothing) `catchException` \e -> return (Just e) hClose_handle_ :: Handle__ -> IO (Handle__, Maybe SomeException) hClose_handle_ h_@Handle__{..} = do -- close the file descriptor, but not when this is the read -- side of a duplex handle. -- If an exception is raised by the close(), we want to continue -- to close the handle and release the lock if it has one, then -- we return the exception to the caller of hClose_help which can -- raise it if necessary. maybe_exception <- case haOtherSide of Nothing -> trymaybe $ IODevice.close haDevice Just _ -> return Nothing -- free the spare buffers writeIORef haBuffers BufferListNil writeIORef haCharBuffer noCharBuffer writeIORef haByteBuffer noByteBuffer -- release our encoder/decoder closeTextCodecs h_ -- we must set the fd to -1, because the finalizer is going -- to run eventually and try to close/unlock it. -- ToDo: necessary? the handle will be marked ClosedHandle -- XXX GHC won't let us use record update here, hence wildcards return (Handle__{ haType = ClosedHandle, .. }, maybe_exception) {-# NOINLINE noCharBuffer #-} noCharBuffer :: CharBuffer noCharBuffer = unsafePerformIO $ newCharBuffer 1 ReadBuffer {-# NOINLINE noByteBuffer #-} noByteBuffer :: Buffer Word8 noByteBuffer = unsafePerformIO $ newByteBuffer 1 ReadBuffer -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Looking ahead hLookAhead_ :: Handle__ -> IO Char hLookAhead_ handle_@Handle__{..} = do buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer -- fill up the read buffer if necessary new_buf <- if isEmptyBuffer buf then readTextDevice handle_ buf else return buf writeIORef haCharBuffer new_buf peekCharBuf (bufRaw buf) (bufL buf) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- debugging debugIO :: String -> IO () debugIO s | c_DEBUG_DUMP = do _ <- withCStringLen (s ++ "\n") $ \(p, len) -> c_write 1 (castPtr p) (fromIntegral len) return () | otherwise = return () -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Text input/output -- Read characters into the provided buffer. Return when any -- characters are available; raise an exception if the end of -- file is reached. -- -- In uses of readTextDevice within base, the input buffer is either: -- * empty -- * or contains a single \r (when doing newline translation) -- -- The input character buffer must have a capacity at least 1 greater -- than the number of elements it currently contains. -- -- Users of this function expect that the buffer returned contains -- at least 1 more character than the input buffer. readTextDevice :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO CharBuffer readTextDevice h_@Handle__{..} cbuf = do -- bbuf0 <- readIORef haByteBuffer debugIO ("readTextDevice: cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf ++ " bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf0) bbuf1 <- if not (isEmptyBuffer bbuf0) then return bbuf0 else do (r,bbuf1) <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer haDevice bbuf0 if r == 0 then ioe_EOF else do -- raise EOF return bbuf1 debugIO ("readTextDevice after reading: bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf1) (bbuf2,cbuf') <- case haDecoder of Nothing -> do writeIORef haLastDecode (error "codec_state", bbuf1) latin1_decode bbuf1 cbuf Just decoder -> do state <- getState decoder writeIORef haLastDecode (state, bbuf1) (streamEncode decoder) bbuf1 cbuf debugIO ("readTextDevice after decoding: cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf' ++ " bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf2) -- We can't return from readTextDevice without reading at least a single extra character, -- so check that we have managed to achieve that writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf2 if bufR cbuf' == bufR cbuf -- we need more bytes to make a Char. NB: bbuf2 may be empty (even though bbuf1 wasn't) when we -- are using an encoding that can skip bytes without outputting characters, such as UTF8//IGNORE then readTextDevice' h_ bbuf2 cbuf else return cbuf' -- we have an incomplete byte sequence at the end of the buffer: try to -- read more bytes. readTextDevice' :: Handle__ -> Buffer Word8 -> CharBuffer -> IO CharBuffer readTextDevice' h_@Handle__{..} bbuf0 cbuf0 = do -- -- copy the partial sequence to the beginning of the buffer, so we have -- room to read more bytes. bbuf1 <- slideContents bbuf0 -- readTextDevice only calls us if we got some bytes but not some characters. -- This can't occur if haDecoder is Nothing because latin1_decode accepts all bytes. let Just decoder = haDecoder (r,bbuf2) <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer haDevice bbuf1 if r == 0 then do -- bbuf2 can be empty here when we encounter an invalid byte sequence at the end of the input -- with a //IGNORE codec which consumes bytes without outputting characters if isEmptyBuffer bbuf2 then ioe_EOF else do (bbuf3, cbuf1) <- recover decoder bbuf2 cbuf0 debugIO ("readTextDevice' after recovery: bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf3 ++ ", cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf1) writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf3 -- We should recursively invoke readTextDevice after recovery, -- if recovery did not add at least one new character to the buffer: -- 1. If we were using IgnoreCodingFailure it might be the case that -- cbuf1 is the same length as cbuf0 and we need to raise ioe_EOF -- 2. If we were using TransliterateCodingFailure we might have *mutated* -- the byte buffer without changing the pointers into either buffer. -- We need to try and decode it again - it might just go through this time. if bufR cbuf1 == bufR cbuf0 then readTextDevice h_ cbuf1 else return cbuf1 else do debugIO ("readTextDevice' after reading: bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf2) (bbuf3,cbuf1) <- do state <- getState decoder writeIORef haLastDecode (state, bbuf2) (streamEncode decoder) bbuf2 cbuf0 debugIO ("readTextDevice' after decoding: cbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer cbuf1 ++ " bbuf=" ++ summaryBuffer bbuf3) writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf3 if bufR cbuf0 == bufR cbuf1 then readTextDevice' h_ bbuf3 cbuf1 else return cbuf1 -- Read characters into the provided buffer. Do not block; -- return zero characters instead. Raises an exception on end-of-file. readTextDeviceNonBlocking :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO CharBuffer readTextDeviceNonBlocking h_@Handle__{..} cbuf = do -- bbuf0 <- readIORef haByteBuffer when (isEmptyBuffer bbuf0) $ do (r,bbuf1) <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer0 haDevice bbuf0 if isNothing r then ioe_EOF else do -- raise EOF writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf1 decodeByteBuf h_ cbuf -- Decode bytes from the byte buffer into the supplied CharBuffer. decodeByteBuf :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO CharBuffer decodeByteBuf h_@Handle__{..} cbuf = do -- bbuf0 <- readIORef haByteBuffer (bbuf2,cbuf') <- case haDecoder of Nothing -> do writeIORef haLastDecode (error "codec_state", bbuf0) latin1_decode bbuf0 cbuf Just decoder -> do state <- getState decoder writeIORef haLastDecode (state, bbuf0) (streamEncode decoder) bbuf0 cbuf writeIORef haByteBuffer bbuf2 return cbuf'
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Language.LSP.Server ( module Language.LSP.Server.Control , VFSData(..) , ServerDefinition(..) -- * Handlers , Handlers(..) , Handler , transmuteHandlers , mapHandlers , notificationHandler , requestHandler , ClientMessageHandler(..) , Options(..) , defaultOptions -- * LspT and LspM , LspT(..) , LspM , MonadLsp(..) , runLspT , LanguageContextEnv(..) , type (<~>)(..) , getClientCapabilities , getConfig , getRootPath , getWorkspaceFolders , sendRequest , sendNotification -- * VFS , getVirtualFile , getVirtualFiles , persistVirtualFile , getVersionedTextDoc , reverseFileMap , snapshotVirtualFiles -- * Diagnostics , publishDiagnostics , flushDiagnosticsBySource -- * Progress , withProgress , withIndefiniteProgress , ProgressAmount(..) , ProgressCancellable(..) , ProgressCancelledException -- * Dynamic registration , registerCapability , unregisterCapability , RegistrationToken , setupLogger , reverseSortEdit ) where import Language.LSP.Server.Control import Language.LSP.Server.Core
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.Modable.Tests where import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Data.Modable import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck testModable :: forall a b. ( Eq a, Show a, Arbitrary a , Eq (Relative a), Show (Relative a), Arbitrary (Relative a) , Relative a ~ Maybe b , Modable a ) => a -> Test testModable _ = testGroup "maybe math" [ testProperty "plus→minus" (\(a::a) (b::Relative a) -> minus (plus a b) b == a) , testProperty "minus→plus" (\(a::a) (b::Relative a) -> plus (minus a b) b == a) , testProperty "clobber" (\(a::a) (b::Relative a) -> if isNothing b then clobber a b == a else clobber a b `like` b) , testProperty "absify relify" (\(a::a) -> absify (relify a) == Just a) , testProperty "like" (\(a::a) -> a `like` relify a) ]
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module HttpApp.BotKey.Api.Types where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import HttpApp.BotKey.Types (BotKey, Label, Secret) data BKNewResp = BKNewResp { _nrespBotKey :: BotKey } deriving (Generic, ToJSON) data BKAllResp = BKAllResp { _arespBotKeys :: [BotKey] } deriving (Generic, ToJSON) data BKSetLabelRq = BKSetLabelRq { _slrqSecret :: Secret , _slrqLabel :: Label } deriving (Generic, FromJSON) data BKSetLabelResp = BKSetLabelResp { _slrespLabel :: Label } deriving (Generic, ToJSON) data BKDeleteRq = BKDeleteRq { _drqSecret :: Secret } deriving (Generic, FromJSON)
module Main.DB ( session, oneRow, unit, integerDatetimes, serverVersion, ) where import Main.Prelude hiding (unit) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString; import Data.ByteString (ByteString) type Session = ExceptT ByteString (ReaderT LibPQ.Connection IO) session :: Session a -> IO (Either ByteString a) session m = do c <- connect initConnection c r <- runReaderT (runExceptT m) c LibPQ.finish c return r oneRow :: ByteString -> [Maybe (LibPQ.Oid, ByteString, LibPQ.Format)] -> LibPQ.Format -> Session ByteString oneRow statement params outFormat = do Just result <- result statement params outFormat Just result <- liftIO $ LibPQ.getvalue result 0 0 return result unit :: ByteString -> [Maybe (LibPQ.Oid, ByteString, LibPQ.Format)] -> Session () unit statement params = void $ result statement params LibPQ.Binary result :: ByteString -> [Maybe (LibPQ.Oid, ByteString, LibPQ.Format)] -> LibPQ.Format -> Session (Maybe LibPQ.Result) result statement params outFormat = do result <- ExceptT $ ReaderT $ \connection -> fmap Right $ LibPQ.execParams connection statement params outFormat checkResult result return result checkResult :: Maybe LibPQ.Result -> Session () checkResult result = ExceptT $ ReaderT $ \connection -> do case result of Just result -> do LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagMessagePrimary >>= maybe (return (Right ())) (return . Left) Nothing -> do m <- LibPQ.errorMessage connection return $ Left $ maybe "Fatal PQ error" (\m -> "Fatal PQ error: " <> m) m integerDatetimes :: Session Bool integerDatetimes = lift (ReaderT getIntegerDatetimes) serverVersion :: Session Int serverVersion = lift (ReaderT LibPQ.serverVersion) -- * ------------------------- connect :: IO LibPQ.Connection connect = LibPQ.connectdb bs where bs = ByteString.intercalate " " components where components = [ "host=" <> host, "port=" <> (fromString . show) port, "user=" <> user, "password=" <> password, "dbname=" <> db ] where host = "localhost" port = 5432 user = "postgres" password = "" db = "postgres" initConnection :: LibPQ.Connection -> IO () initConnection c = void $ LibPQ.exec c $ mconcat $ map (<> ";") $ [ "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING", "SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'", "SET intervalstyle = 'postgres'" ] getIntegerDatetimes :: LibPQ.Connection -> IO Bool getIntegerDatetimes c = fmap parseResult $ LibPQ.parameterStatus c "integer_datetimes" where parseResult = \case Just "on" -> True _ -> False
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Entry point to the Post Correspondence Programming Language module Language.PCPL ( module Language.PCPL.Syntax , module Language.PCPL.Pretty , module Language.PCPL.CompileTM -- * Execute PCPL programs , runProgram -- * Utility , topString -- * Examples , unaryAdder , parensMatcher ) where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Language.UTM.Syntax import Language.PCPL.Syntax import Language.PCPL.Pretty import Language.PCPL.Solver import Language.PCPL.CompileTM -- | Run a PCPL program on the given input, producing a PCP match. runProgram :: Program -> Input -> [Domino] runProgram pgm w = map (dss !!) indices where dss@(d : ds) = (startDomino pgm w) : dominos pgm Just initialConfig = updateConf (Top []) d indices = reverse $ search (zip [1..] ds) [Node [0] initialConfig] -- | Return the string across the top of a list of Dominos. -- Useful after finding a match. topString :: [Domino] -> String topString ds = concat [ s | Domino xs _ <- ds, Symbol s <- xs] -- | Turing machine that adds unary numbers. -- For example: @1+11@ becomes @111@. unaryAdder :: TuringMachine unaryAdder = TuringMachine { startState = "x" , acceptState = "a" , rejectState = "reject" , blankSymbol = "_" , inputAlphabet = ["1", "+"] , transitionFunction = Map.fromList [ (("x", "1"), ("x", "1", R)) , (("x", "+"), ("y", "1", R)) , (("y", "1"), ("y", "1", R)) , (("y", "_"), ("z", "_", L)) , (("z", "1"), ("a", "_", R)) , (("z", "+"), ("a", "_", R)) ] } -- | Turing machine that accepts strings of balanced parentheses. -- Note: due to the restrictions described in 'compileTM', the input must -- start with a @$@ symbol. For example: the input @$(())()@ is accepted. -- This Turing machine is based on: -- <>. parensMatcher :: TuringMachine parensMatcher = TuringMachine { startState = "S" , acceptState = "Y" , rejectState = "N" , blankSymbol = "_" , inputAlphabet = syms "$()A" , transitionFunction = Map.fromList [ (("S", "$"), ("0", "$", R)) , (("0", "("), ("0", "(", R)) , (("0", ")"), ("1", "A", L)) , (("0", "A"), ("0", "A", R)) , (("0", "_"), ("2", "_", L)) , (("1", "("), ("0", "A", R)) , (("1", "A"), ("1", "A", L)) , (("2", "A"), ("2", "A", L)) , (("2", "$"), ("Y", "$", R)) ] }
module Ch2 where import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Hspec ch2 :: IO () ch2 = hspec $ do describe "_______________________Chapter 2 tests_______________________" $ do it "should have tests" $ do True
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-| Module : Data.Nat.Peano Description : Peano natural numbers Copyright : (c) Lars Brünjes, 2016 License : MIT Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : portable Defines Peano natural numbers, i.e. natural numbers with unary representation. They are far less efficient than binary natural numbers, but much easier to reason about. -} module Data.Nat.Peano ( Peano(..) ) where import Data.Constraint import Data.Logic import Data.Ordered -- | Peano natural numbers: @Z = 0@, @S Z = 1@, @S S Z = 2@ and so on. data Peano = Z -- ^ zero | S !Peano -- ^ successor deriving (Show, Read, Eq) infix 4 ??? type family (m :: Peano) ??? (n :: Peano) :: Ordering where 'Z ??? 'Z = 'EQ 'Z ??? _ = 'LT 'S _ ??? 'Z = 'GT 'S m ??? 'S n = m ??? n instance Ordered Peano where type m ?? n = m ??? n data Sing Peano n where SZ :: Sing Peano 'Z SS :: Sing Peano n -> Sing Peano ('S n) dec SZ SZ = DecEQ Dict dec SZ (SS _) = DecLT Dict dec (SS _) SZ = DecGT Dict dec (SS m) (SS n) = case dec m n of DecLT Dict -> DecLT Dict DecEQ Dict -> DecEQ Dict DecGT Dict -> DecGT Dict {-# INLINE dec #-} symm SZ SZ = Dict symm SZ (SS _) = Dict symm (SS _) SZ = Dict symm (SS m) (SS n) = using (symm m n) Dict {-# INLINE symm #-} eqSame SZ SZ = Dict eqSame (SS m) (SS n) = using (eqSame m n) Dict {-# INLINE eqSame #-} instance Nat Peano where type Zero Peano = 'Z type Succ Peano n = 'S n zero = SZ {-# INLINE zero #-} succ' = SS {-# INLINE succ' #-} toSING 0 = SING SZ toSING n = case toSING (pred n) of SING n' -> SING (SS n') {-# INLINE toSING #-} toNatural SZ = 0 toNatural (SS n) = succ $ toNatural n {-# INLINE toNatural #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-} {-| This library provides a collection of monad transformers that can be combined to produce various monads. -} module MonadLibMorph ( -- * Types -- $Types Id, Lift, ReaderT, WriterT, StateT, ExceptionT, ContT, -- * Lifting -- $Lifting MonadT(..), BaseM(..), -- * Effect Classes -- $Effects ReaderM(..), WriterM(..), StateM(..), ExceptionM(..), ContM(..), Label, labelCC, jump, -- * Execution -- ** Eliminating Effects -- $Execution runId, runLift, runReaderT, runWriterT, runStateT, runExceptionT, runContT, -- ** Nested Execution -- $Nested_Exec RunReaderM(..), RunWriterM(..), RunStateM(..), RunExceptionM(..), -- * Miscellaneous version, module Control.Monad ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.Monoid -- | The current version of the library. version :: (Int,Int,Int) version = (3,1,0) -- $Types -- -- The following types define the representations of the -- computation types supported by the library. -- Each type adds support for a different effect. -- | Computations with no effects. newtype Id a = I a -- | Computation with no effects (stritc). data Lift a = L a -- | Add support for propagating a context. newtype ReaderT i m a = R (i -> m a) -- | Add support for collecting values. newtype WriterT i m a = W (m (a,i)) -- | Add support for threading state. newtype StateT i m a = S (i -> m (a,i)) -- | Add support for exceptions. newtype ExceptionT i m a = X (m (Either i a)) -- | Add support for jumps. newtype ContT i m a = C ((a -> m i) -> m i) -- $Execution -- -- The following functions eliminate the outermost effect -- of a computation by translating a computation into an -- equivalent computation in the underlying monad. -- (The exception is 'Id' which is not a monad transformer -- but an ordinary monad, and so, its run operation simply -- eliminates the monad.) -- | Get the result of a pure computation. runId :: Id a -> a runId (I a) = a -- | Get the result of a pure strict computation. runLift :: Lift a -> a runLift (L a) = a -- | Execute a reader computation in the given context. runReaderT :: i -> ReaderT i m a -> m a runReaderT i (R m) = m i -- | Execute a writer computation. -- Returns the result and the collected output. runWriterT :: WriterT i m a -> m (a,i) runWriterT (W m) = m -- | Execute a stateful computation in the given initial state. -- The second component of the result is the final state. runStateT :: i -> StateT i m a -> m (a,i) runStateT i (S m) = m i -- | Execute a computation with exceptions. -- Successful results are tagged with 'Right', -- exceptional results are tagged with 'Left'. runExceptionT :: ExceptionT i m a -> m (Either i a) runExceptionT (X m) = m -- | Execute a computation with the given continuation. runContT :: (a -> m i) -> ContT i m a -> m i runContT i (C m) = m i -- $Lifting -- -- The following operations allow us to promote computations -- in the underlying monad to computations that support an extra -- effect. Computations defined in this way do not make use of -- the new effect but can be combined with other operations that -- utilize the effect. class MonadT t where -- | Promote a computation from the underlying monad. lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a -- It is interesting to note that these use something the resembles -- the non-transformer 'return's. instance MonadT (ReaderT i) where lift m = R (\_ -> m) instance MonadT (StateT i) where lift m = S (\s -> liftM (\a -> (a,s)) m) instance (Monoid i) => MonadT (WriterT i) where lift m = W (liftM (\a -> (a,mempty)) m) instance MonadT (ExceptionT i) where lift m = X (liftM Right m) instance MonadT (ContT i) where lift m = C (m >>=) class (Monad m, Monad n) => BaseM m n | m -> n where -- | Promote a computation from the base monad. inBase :: n a -> m a instance BaseM IO IO where inBase = id instance BaseM Maybe Maybe where inBase = id instance BaseM [] [] where inBase = id instance BaseM Id Id where inBase = id instance BaseM Lift Lift where inBase = id instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ReaderT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (StateT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase instance (BaseM m n,Monoid i) => BaseM (WriterT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ExceptionT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ContT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase instance Monad Id where return x = I x fail x = error x m >>= k = k (runId m) instance Monad Lift where return x = L x fail x = error x L x >>= k = k x -- For the monad transformers, the definition of 'return' -- is completely determined by the 'lift' operations. -- None of the transformers make essential use of the 'fail' method. -- Instead they delegate its behavior to the underlying monad. instance (Monad m) => Monad (ReaderT i m) where return x = lift (return x) fail x = lift (fail x) m >>= k = R $ \r -> runReaderT r m >>= \a -> runReaderT r (k a) instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT i m) where return x = lift (return x) fail x = lift (fail x) m >>= k = S $ \s -> runStateT s m >>= \ ~(a,s') -> runStateT s' (k a) instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => Monad (WriterT i m) where return x = lift (return x) fail x = lift (fail x) m >>= k = W $ runWriterT m >>= \ ~(a,w1) -> runWriterT (k a) >>= \ ~(b,w2) -> return (b,mappend w1 w2) instance (Monad m) => Monad (ExceptionT i m) where return x = lift (return x) fail x = lift (fail x) m >>= k = X $ runExceptionT m >>= \a -> case a of Left x -> return (Left x) Right a -> runExceptionT (k a) instance (Monad m) => Monad (ContT i m) where return x = lift (return x) fail x = lift (fail x) m >>= k = C $ \c -> runContT (\a -> runContT c (k a)) m instance Functor Id where fmap = liftM instance Functor Lift where fmap = liftM instance (Monad m) => Functor (ReaderT i m) where fmap = liftM instance (Monad m) => Functor (StateT i m) where fmap = liftM instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => Functor (WriterT i m) where fmap = liftM instance (Monad m) => Functor (ExceptionT i m) where fmap = liftM instance (Monad m) => Functor (ContT i m) where fmap = liftM -- $Monadic_Value_Recursion -- -- Recursion that does not duplicate side-effects. -- For details see Levent Erkok's dissertation. -- -- Monadic types built with 'ContT' do not support -- monadic value recursion. instance MonadFix Id where mfix f = let m = f (runId m) in m instance MonadFix Lift where mfix f = let m = f (runLift m) in m instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (ReaderT i m) where mfix f = R $ \r -> mfix (runReaderT r . f) instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (StateT i m) where mfix f = S $ \s -> mfix (runStateT s . f . fst) instance (MonadFix m,Monoid i) => MonadFix (WriterT i m) where mfix f = W $ mfix (runWriterT . f . fst) instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (ExceptionT i m) where mfix f = X $ mfix (runExceptionT . f . fromRight) where fromRight (Right a) = a fromRight _ = error "ExceptionT: mfix looped." instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (ReaderT i m) where mzero = lift mzero mplus (R m) (R n) = R (\r -> mplus (m r) (n r)) instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (StateT i m) where mzero = lift mzero mplus (S m) (S n) = S (\s -> mplus (m s) (n s)) instance (MonadPlus m,Monoid i) => MonadPlus (WriterT i m) where mzero = lift mzero mplus (W m) (W n) = W (mplus m n) instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (ExceptionT i m) where mzero = lift mzero mplus (X m) (X n) = X (mplus m n) -- $Effects -- -- The following classes define overloaded operations -- that can be used to define effectful computations. -- | Classifies monads that provide access to a context of type @i@. class (Monad m) => ReaderM m i | m -> i where -- | Get the context. ask :: m i instance (Monad m) => ReaderM (ReaderT i m) i where ask = R return instance (ReaderM m j,Monoid i) => ReaderM (WriterT i m) j where ask = lift ask instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (StateT i m) j where ask = lift ask instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j where ask = lift ask instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (ContT i m) j where ask = lift ask -- | Classifies monads that can collect values of type @i@. class (Monad m) => WriterM m i | m -> i where -- | Add a value to the collection. put :: i -> m () instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => WriterM (WriterT i m) i where put x = W (return ((),x)) instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ReaderT i m) j where put = lift . put instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (StateT i m) j where put = lift . put instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ExceptionT i m) j where put = lift . put instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ContT i m) j where put = lift . put -- | Classifies monads that propagate a state component of type @i@. class (Monad m) => StateM m i | m -> i where -- | Get the state. get :: m i -- | Set the state. set :: i -> m () instance (Monad m) => StateM (StateT i m) i where get = S (\s -> return (s,s)) set s = S (\_ -> return ((),s)) instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ReaderT i m) j where get = lift get set = lift . set instance (StateM m j,Monoid i) => StateM (WriterT i m) j where get = lift get set = lift . set instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ExceptionT i m) j where get = lift get set = lift . set instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ContT i m) j where get = lift get set = lift . set -- | Classifies monads that support raising exceptions of type @i@. class (Monad m) => ExceptionM m i | m -> i where -- | Raise an exception. raise :: i -> m a instance (Monad m) => ExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i where raise x = X (return (Left x)) instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (ReaderT i m) j where raise = lift . raise instance (ExceptionM m j,Monoid i) => ExceptionM (WriterT i m) j where raise = lift . raise instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (StateT i m) j where raise = lift . raise instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (ContT i m) j where raise = lift . raise -- The following instances differ from the others because the -- liftings are not as uniform (although they certainly follow a pattern). -- | Classifies monads that provide access to a computation's continuation. class Monad m => ContM m where -- | Capture the current continuation. callCC :: ((a -> m b) -> m a) -> m a instance (ContM m) => ContM (ReaderT i m) where callCC f = R $ \r -> callCC $ \k -> runReaderT r $ f $ \a -> lift $ k a instance (ContM m) => ContM (StateT i m) where callCC f = S $ \s -> callCC $ \k -> runStateT s $ f $ \a -> lift $ k (a,s) instance (ContM m,Monoid i) => ContM (WriterT i m) where callCC f = W $ callCC $ \k -> runWriterT $ f $ \a -> lift $ k (a,mempty) instance (ContM m) => ContM (ExceptionT i m) where callCC f = X $ callCC $ \k -> runExceptionT $ f $ \a -> lift $ k $ Right a instance (Monad m) => ContM (ContT i m) where callCC f = C $ \k -> runContT k $ f $ \a -> C $ \_ -> k a -- $Nested_Exec -- -- The following classes define operations that are overloaded -- versions of the @run@ operations. Unlike the @run@ operations, -- functions do not change the type of the computation (i.e, they -- do not remove a layer). However, they do not perform any -- side-effects in the corresponding layer. Instead, they execute -- a computation in a ``separate thread'' with respect to the -- corresponding effect. -- | Classifies monads that support changing the context for a -- sub-computation. class (ReaderM m i) => RunReaderM m i | m -> i where -- | Change the context for the duration of a computation. local :: i -> m a -> m a instance (Monad m) => RunReaderM (ReaderT i m) i where local i m = lift (runReaderT i m) instance (RunReaderM m j,Monoid i) => RunReaderM (WriterT i m) j where local i (W m) = W (local i m) instance (RunReaderM m j) => RunReaderM (StateT i m) j where local i (S m) = S (local i . m) instance (RunReaderM m j) => RunReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j where local i (X m) = X (local i m) -- | Classifies monads that support collecting the output of -- a sub-computation. class WriterM m i => RunWriterM m i | m -> i where -- | Collect the output from a computation. collect :: m a -> m (a,i) instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (ReaderT i m) j where collect (R m) = R (collect . m) instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => RunWriterM (WriterT i m) i where collect (W m) = lift m instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (StateT i m) j where collect (S m) = S (liftM swap . collect . m) where swap (~(a,s),w) = ((a,w),s) instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (ExceptionT i m) j where collect (X m) = X (liftM swap (collect m)) where swap (Right a,w) = Right (a,w) swap (Left x,_) = Left x -- NOTE: If the local computation fails, then the output -- is discarded because the result type cannot accommodate it. -- | Classifies monads that support separate state threads. class (StateM m i) => RunStateM m i | m -> i where -- | Modify the state for the duration of a computation. -- Returns the final state. runS :: i -> m a -> m (a,i) instance (RunStateM m j) => RunStateM (ReaderT i m) j where runS s (R m) = R (runS s . m) instance (RunStateM m j,Monoid i) => RunStateM (WriterT i m) j where runS s (W m) = W (liftM swap (runS s m)) where swap (~(a,s),w) = ((a,w),s) instance (Monad m) => RunStateM (StateT i m) i where runS s m = lift (runStateT s m) instance (RunStateM m j) => RunStateM (ExceptionT i m) j where runS s (X m) = X (liftM swap (runS s m)) where swap (Left e,_) = Left e swap (Right a,s) = Right (a,s) -- NOTE: If the local computation fails, then the modifications -- are discarded because the result type cannot accommodate it. -- | Classifies monads that support handling of exceptions. class ExceptionM m i => RunExceptionM m i | m -> i where -- | Exceptions are explicit in the result. try :: m a -> m (Either i a) instance (RunExceptionM m i) => RunExceptionM (ReaderT j m) i where try (R m) = R (try . m) instance (RunExceptionM m i,Monoid j) => RunExceptionM (WriterT j m) i where try (W m) = W (liftM swap (try m)) where swap (Right ~(a,w)) = (Right a,w) swap (Left e) = (Left e, mempty) instance (RunExceptionM m i) => RunExceptionM (StateT j m) i where try (S m) = S (\s -> liftM (swap s) (try (m s))) where swap _ (Right ~(a,s)) = (Right a,s) swap s (Left e) = (Left e, s) instance (Monad m) => RunExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i where try m = lift (runExceptionT m) -- Some convenient functions for working with continuations. -- | An explicit representation for continuations that store a value. newtype Label m a = Lab ((a, Label m a) -> m ()) -- | Capture the current continuation. -- This function is like 'return', except that it also captures -- the current continuation. Later we can use 'jump' to go back to -- the continuation with a possibly different value. labelCC :: (ContM m) => a -> m (a, Label m a) labelCC x = callCC (\k -> return (x, Lab k)) -- | Change the value passed to a previously captured continuation. jump :: (ContM m) => a -> Label m a -> m b jump x (Lab k) = k (x, Lab k) >> return unreachable where unreachable = error "(bug) jump: unreachable" newtype Morph m n = M (forall a. m a -> n a) -- indexed monad on the category of monads class (MonadT (t i), MonadT (t j), MonadT (t k)) => TMon t i j k | t i j -> k where bindT :: (Monad m) => Morph m (t i m) -> t j m a -> t k m a instance TMon ReaderT i j (i,j) where bindT (M f) m = do ~(i,j) <- ask lift (runReaderT i (f (runReaderT j m))) instance TMon StateT i j (i,j) where bindT (M f) m = do ~(i,j) <- get ~(~(a,i'),j') <- lift (runStateT i (f (runStateT j m))) set (i,j) return a instance (Monoid i, Monoid j) => TMon WriterT i j (i,j) where bindT (M f) m = do ~(~(a,j),i) <- lift (runWriterT (f (runWriterT m))) put (i,j) return a instance TMon ExceptionT i j (Either i j) where bindT (M f) m = do x <- lift (runExceptionT (f (runExceptionT m))) case x of Left i -> raise (Left i) Right (Left j) -> raise (Right j) Right (Right a) -> return a {- Continuation are tricky: C i (C j m) a = (a -> C j m i) -> C j m i = (a -> (i -> m j) -> m j) -> (i -> m j) -> m j = (uncurry) (a -> (i -> m j) -> m j, i -> m j) -> m j = (uncurry) ((a,i -> m j) -> m j, i -> m j) -> m j = (sum) (Either (a,i -> m j) i -> m j) -> m j = C j m (Either (a,i -> m j) i) -}
import Data.Char (digitToInt) main = print problem40Value problem40Value :: Int problem40Value = d1 * d10 * d100 * d1000 * d10000 * d100000 * d1000000 where d1 = digitToInt $ list !! 0 d10 = digitToInt $ list !! 9 d100 = digitToInt $ list !! 99 d1000 = digitToInt $ list !! 999 d10000 = digitToInt $ list !! 9999 d100000 = digitToInt $ list !! 99999 d1000000 = digitToInt $ list !! 999999 list = concat $ map show [1..]
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Arith where import Control.Exception import Data.Int import Data.Text as T type T = Int64 zero :: T zero = 0 neg :: T -> T neg x | x == minBound = throw Overflow | otherwise = -x add :: T -> T -> T add x y = if | p x && p y && n sum -> throw Overflow | n x && n y && p sum -> throw Underflow | otherwise -> sum where sum = x + y p x = x > 0 n x = x < 0 sub x y = add x (neg y) fromText :: Int -> Text -> T fromText scale txt = case splitOn "." txt of [i] -> read . unpack $ T.concat [i, padding scale] [i, d] -> if T.any (/= '0') post then throw LossOfPrecision else read . unpack $ T.concat [i, pre, padding $ scale - T.length pre] where (pre, post) = T.splitAt scale d _ -> error "no parse" where padding n = T.replicate n "0" -- TODO: can we simplify this? Sounds very complex toText :: Int -> T -> Text toText 0 x = pack $ show x toText scale x = if | x == 0 -> "0" | x > 0 -> toTextPos x | otherwise -> T.concat ["-", toTextPos $ neg x] where toTextPos x = case T.splitAt (T.length textPadded - scale) textPadded of ("", d) -> T.concat ["0.", d] (i, d) -> T.concat [i, ".", d] where text = pack $ show x textPadded = T.concat [padding $ scale - T.length text, text] padding n = T.replicate n "0"
module TestLib (mkTestSuite, run, (<$>)) where import Test.HUnit import AsciiMath hiding (run) import Prelude hiding ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) unComment :: [String] -> [String] unComment [] = [] unComment ("":ss) = "" : unComment ss unComment (('#':_):ss) = unComment ss unComment (s:ss) = s : unComment ss readSrc :: String -> IO [String] readSrc = (unComment . lines <$>) . readFile . ("tests/spec/"++) mkTest :: String -> String -> Test mkTest inp out = case compile inp of Right s -> TestCase $ assertEqual ("for " ++ inp ++ ",") out s Left err -> TestCase $ assertFailure $ "Error while compiling \"" ++ inp ++ "\":\n" ++ renderError err ++ ".\n" mkTestSuite :: String -> String -> IO Test mkTestSuite name filename = do { inp <- readSrc $ filename ++ ".txt"; out <- readSrc $ filename ++ ".latex"; return $ TestLabel name . TestList $ zipWith mkTest inp out } run :: Test -> IO () run t = do { c <- runTestTT t; if errors c == 0 && failures c == 0 then return () else error "fail"; }
module Language.Egison.Typing where import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Language.Egison.Types -- I will deprecate this synonym type EgisonType = EgisonTypeExpr type TypeVar = String type ConsName = String data TypeCons = TCons ConsName -- Name Int -- Arity type ClassName = String type TypeContext = [(ClassName, TypeVar)] type TypeVarEnv = Set TypeVar type TypeConsEnv = Map TypeCons Int type
-- | Utility functions for dealing with the conversion of Output to Xml module Util.Xml.Output ( outputToXmlString, stringToXmlString, xmlStringToOutput, outputToXOutput ) where import qualified Util.Xml.OutputDTD as X import qualified Autolib.Output as O import Util.Xml.Representation -- import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (style) import qualified Autolib.Multilingual as M import qualified Autolib.Multilingual.Html as H -- import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String -- import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 import qualified Autolib.Multilingual.Doc as D import Data.String ( fromString ) -- import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as C import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as BB import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import System.FilePath import Control.Applicative import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (unpack) import Util.Png outputToXOutput :: M.Language -> O.Output -> IO X.Output outputToXOutput lang o = case o of O.Empty -> return $ X.OBeside $ X.Beside [] O.Doc doc -> outputToXOutput lang $ O.Pre doc O.Pre doc -> return $ X.OPre $ X.Pre $ D.render_for lang doc O.String txt -> return $ X.OText $ X.Text txt O.Text txt -> return $ X.OText $ X.Text $ Data.Text.unpack txt O.Image file (O.Hidden contents) -> do let ext = drop 1 $ snd $ splitExtension file contents' <- contents let (w, h) = case ext of "png" -> (pngSize contents') _ -> (0, 0) img = BC.unpack $ BB.encode contents' return $ X.OImage $ X.Image (X.Image_Attrs { X.imageType = ext, X.imageAlt = "<image>", X.imageUnit = "px", X.imageWidth = show w, X.imageHeight = show h }) img O.Link uri -> outputToXOutput lang (O.Named_Link uri uri) O.Named_Link txt uri -> return $ X.OLink $ X.Link (X.Link_Attrs { X.linkHref = uri }) txt O.HRef uri o1 -> do -- FIXME -- outputToXOutput $ O.Above ( O.Link uri ) o1 outputToXOutput lang o1 O.Above o1 o2 -> X.OAbove . X.Above <$> mapM (outputToXOutput lang) (aboves o1 ++ aboves o2) O.Beside o1 o2 -> X.OBeside . X.Beside <$> mapM (outputToXOutput lang) (besides o1 ++ besides o2) O.Itemize os -> X.OItemize . X.Itemize <$> mapM (outputToXOutput lang) os O.Nest o' -> X.OBeside . X.Beside <$> sequence [return nestSpacing, outputToXOutput lang o'] O.Figure a b -> X.OFigure <$> (X.Figure <$> outputToXOutput lang a <*> outputToXOutput lang b) xoutputToOutput :: X.Output -> O.Output xoutputToOutput o = case o of X.OPre (X.Pre txt) -> O.Pre (D.text txt) X.OText (X.Text txt) -> O.String txt X.OImage (X.Image _ img) -> O.Image (mkData img) (O.Hidden $ return $ BB.decodeLenient $ fromString img) X.OLink (X.Link (X.Link_Attrs { X.linkHref = uri }) txt) -> O.Named_Link txt uri X.OAbove (X.Above []) -> O.Empty X.OAbove (X.Above xs) -> foldl1 O.Above $ map xoutputToOutput xs X.OBeside (X.Beside []) -> O.Empty -- handle special shape that is produce by outputToXOutput (Nest this) X.OBeside (X.Beside [ X.OSpace{}, this ]) -> O.Nest $ xoutputToOutput this X.OBeside (X.Beside xs) -> foldl1 O.Beside $ map xoutputToOutput xs X.OItemize (X.Itemize xs) -> O.Itemize $ map xoutputToOutput xs X.OSpace _ -> O.Empty -- FIXME X.OFigure (X.Figure a b) -> O.Figure (xoutputToOutput a) (xoutputToOutput b) mkData = ("data:image/png;base64," ++) wrapXOutput :: X.Output -> Document () wrapXOutput o = let [CElem e _] = toContents o in Document (Prolog (Just (XMLDecl "1.0" Nothing Nothing)) [] Nothing []) emptyST e [] -- FIXME: this should go to Bytestring or Text instead xmlToString :: Document () -> String xmlToString = renderDocument_via_Doc outputToXmlString :: M.Language -> O.Output -> IO String outputToXmlString lang = fmap (xmlToString . wrapXOutput) . outputToXOutput lang xmlStringToOutput :: String -> O.Output xmlStringToOutput = xoutputToOutput . either error id . readXml stringToXmlString :: String -> String stringToXmlString = xmlToString . wrapXOutput . X.OText . X.Text -- helpers for outputToXOutput nestSpacing :: X.Output nestSpacing = X.OSpace $ X.Space { X.spaceWidth = "4", X.spaceHeight = "0", X.spaceUnit = "em" } besides :: O.Output -> [O.Output] besides (O.Beside a b) = besides a ++ besides b besides a = [a] aboves :: O.Output -> [O.Output] aboves (O.Above a b) = aboves a ++ aboves b aboves a = [a]
-- | -- Module : Setup -- Copyright : (C) 2007-2008 Bryan O'Sullivan -- (C) 2012-2014 Jens Petersen -- -- Maintainer : Jens Petersen <[email protected]> -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Command line option processing for building RPM -- packages. -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. module Setup ( RpmFlags(..) , parseArgs , quiet ) where import Control.Monad (unless, when) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerId) import Distribution.Text (simpleParse) import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagName (..)) import Distribution.ReadE (readEOrFail) import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity, flagToVerbosity, normal, silent) import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr (..), ArgOrder (..), OptDescr (..), getOpt', usageInfo) import System.Environment (getProgName) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitSuccess, exitWith) import System.IO (Handle, hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout) import Distro (Distro(..), readDistroName) import Paths_cabal_rpm (version) import SysCmd ((+-+)) data RpmFlags = RpmFlags { rpmConfigurationsFlags :: [(FlagName, Bool)] , rpmForce :: Bool , rpmHelp :: Bool , rpmBinary :: Bool , rpmStrict :: Bool , rpmRelease :: Maybe String , rpmCompilerId :: Maybe CompilerId , rpmDistribution :: Maybe Distro , rpmVerbosity :: Verbosity , rpmVersion :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) emptyRpmFlags :: RpmFlags emptyRpmFlags = RpmFlags { rpmConfigurationsFlags = [] , rpmForce = False , rpmHelp = False , rpmBinary = False , rpmStrict = False , rpmRelease = Nothing , rpmCompilerId = Nothing , rpmDistribution = Nothing , rpmVerbosity = normal , rpmVersion = False } quiet :: RpmFlags quiet = emptyRpmFlags {rpmVerbosity = silent} options :: [OptDescr (RpmFlags -> RpmFlags)] options = [ Option "h?" ["help"] (NoArg (\x -> x { rpmHelp = True })) "Show this help text", Option "b" ["binary"] (NoArg (\x -> x { rpmBinary = True })) "Force Haskell package name to be base package name", Option "f" ["flags"] (ReqArg (\flags x -> x { rpmConfigurationsFlags = rpmConfigurationsFlags x ++ flagList flags }) "FLAGS") "Set given flags in Cabal conditionals", Option "" ["force"] (NoArg (\x -> x { rpmForce = True })) "Overwrite existing spec file.", Option "" ["strict"] (NoArg (\x -> x { rpmStrict = True })) "Fail rather than produce an incomplete spec file.", Option "" ["release"] (ReqArg (\rel x -> x { rpmRelease = Just rel }) "RELEASE") "Override the default package release", Option "" ["compiler"] (ReqArg (\cid x -> x { rpmCompilerId = Just (parseCompilerId cid) }) "COMPILER-ID") "Finalize Cabal files targetting the given compiler version", Option "" ["distro"] (ReqArg (\did x -> x { rpmDistribution = Just (readDistroName did) }) "DISTRO") "Choose the distribution generated spec files will target", Option "v" ["verbose"] (ReqArg (\verb x -> x { rpmVerbosity = readEOrFail flagToVerbosity verb }) "n") "Change build verbosity", Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg (\x -> x { rpmVersion = True })) "Show version number" ] -- Lifted from Distribution.Simple.Setup, since it's not exported. flagList :: String -> [(FlagName, Bool)] flagList = map tagWithValue . words where tagWithValue ('-':name) = (FlagName (map toLower name), False) tagWithValue name = (FlagName (map toLower name), True) printHelp :: Handle -> IO () printHelp h = do progName <- getProgName let info = "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [OPTION]... COMMAND [PATH|PKG|PKG-VERSION]\n" ++ "\n" ++ "PATH can be a .spec file, .cabal file, or pkg dir.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Commands:\n" ++ " spec\t\t- generate a spec file\n" ++ " srpm\t\t- generate a src rpm file\n" ++ " prep\t\t- unpack source\n" ++ " local\t\t- build rpm package locally\n" ++ " builddep\t- install dependencies\n" ++ " install\t- install packages recursively\n" ++ " depends\t- list Cabal depends\n" ++ " requires\t- list package buildrequires\n" ++ " missingdeps\t- list missing buildrequires\n" ++ " diff\t\t- diff current spec file\n" ++ " update\t- update spec file package to latest version\n" -- ++ " mock\t\t- mock build package\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Options:" hPutStrLn h (usageInfo info options) parseCompilerId :: String -> CompilerId parseCompilerId x = fromMaybe err (simpleParse x) where err = error (show x ++ " is not a valid compiler id") parseArgs :: [String] -> IO (RpmFlags, String, Maybe String) parseArgs args = do let (os, args', unknown, errs) = getOpt' Permute options args opts = foldl (flip ($)) emptyRpmFlags os when (rpmHelp opts) $ do printHelp stdout exitSuccess when (rpmVersion opts) $ do putStrLn $ showVersion version exitSuccess unless (null errs) $ error $ unlines errs unless (null unknown) $ error $ "Unrecognised options:" +-+ unwords unknown when (null args') $ do printHelp stderr exitWith (ExitFailure 1) when (head args' `notElem` ["builddep", "depends", "diff", "install", "missingdeps", "prep", "requires", "spec", "srpm", "build", "local", "rpm", "update", "refresh"]) $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unknown command:" +-+ head args' printHelp stderr exitWith (ExitFailure 1) when (length args' > 2) $ error $ "Too many arguments:" +-+ unwords args' return (opts, head args', listToMaybe $ tail args')
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Fixed -- Copyright : (c) Ashley Yakeley 2005, 2006, 2009 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Ashley Yakeley <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This module defines a \"Fixed\" type for fixed-precision arithmetic. -- The parameter to Fixed is any type that's an instance of HasResolution. -- HasResolution has a single method that gives the resolution of the Fixed type. -- -- This module also contains generalisations of div, mod, and divmod to work -- with any Real instance. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Fixed ( div',mod',divMod', Fixed(..), HasResolution(..), showFixed, E0,Uni, E1,Deci, E2,Centi, E3,Milli, E6,Micro, E9,Nano, E12,Pico ) where import Prelude -- necessary to get dependencies right import Data.Typeable import Data.Data import GHC.Read import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec import Text.Read.Lex default () -- avoid any defaulting shenanigans -- | generalisation of 'div' to any instance of Real div' :: (Real a,Integral b) => a -> a -> b div' n d = floor ((toRational n) / (toRational d)) -- | generalisation of 'divMod' to any instance of Real divMod' :: (Real a,Integral b) => a -> a -> (b,a) divMod' n d = (f,n - (fromIntegral f) * d) where f = div' n d -- | generalisation of 'mod' to any instance of Real mod' :: (Real a) => a -> a -> a mod' n d = n - (fromInteger f) * d where f = div' n d -- | The type parameter should be an instance of 'HasResolution'. newtype Fixed a = MkFixed Integer -- ^ /Since: deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- We do this because the automatically derived Data instance requires (Data a) context. -- Our manual instance has the more general (Typeable a) context. tyFixed :: DataType tyFixed = mkDataType "Data.Fixed.Fixed" [conMkFixed] conMkFixed :: Constr conMkFixed = mkConstr tyFixed "MkFixed" [] Prefix instance (Typeable a) => Data (Fixed a) where gfoldl k z (MkFixed a) = k (z MkFixed) a gunfold k z _ = k (z MkFixed) dataTypeOf _ = tyFixed toConstr _ = conMkFixed class HasResolution a where resolution :: p a -> Integer withType :: (p a -> f a) -> f a withType foo = foo undefined withResolution :: (HasResolution a) => (Integer -> f a) -> f a withResolution foo = withType (foo . resolution) instance Enum (Fixed a) where succ (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (succ a) pred (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (pred a) toEnum = MkFixed . toEnum fromEnum (MkFixed a) = fromEnum a enumFrom (MkFixed a) = fmap MkFixed (enumFrom a) enumFromThen (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromThen a b) enumFromTo (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromTo a b) enumFromThenTo (MkFixed a) (MkFixed b) (MkFixed c) = fmap MkFixed (enumFromThenTo a b c) instance (HasResolution a) => Num (Fixed a) where (MkFixed a) + (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (a + b) (MkFixed a) - (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (a - b) fa@(MkFixed a) * (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (div (a * b) (resolution fa)) negate (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (negate a) abs (MkFixed a) = MkFixed (abs a) signum (MkFixed a) = fromInteger (signum a) fromInteger i = withResolution (\res -> MkFixed (i * res)) instance (HasResolution a) => Real (Fixed a) where toRational fa@(MkFixed a) = (toRational a) / (toRational (resolution fa)) instance (HasResolution a) => Fractional (Fixed a) where fa@(MkFixed a) / (MkFixed b) = MkFixed (div (a * (resolution fa)) b) recip fa@(MkFixed a) = MkFixed (div (res * res) a) where res = resolution fa fromRational r = withResolution (\res -> MkFixed (floor (r * (toRational res)))) instance (HasResolution a) => RealFrac (Fixed a) where properFraction a = (i,a - (fromIntegral i)) where i = truncate a truncate f = truncate (toRational f) round f = round (toRational f) ceiling f = ceiling (toRational f) floor f = floor (toRational f) chopZeros :: Integer -> String chopZeros 0 = "" chopZeros a | mod a 10 == 0 = chopZeros (div a 10) chopZeros a = show a -- only works for positive a showIntegerZeros :: Bool -> Int -> Integer -> String showIntegerZeros True _ 0 = "" showIntegerZeros chopTrailingZeros digits a = replicate (digits - length s) '0' ++ s' where s = show a s' = if chopTrailingZeros then chopZeros a else s withDot :: String -> String withDot "" = "" withDot s = '.':s -- | First arg is whether to chop off trailing zeros showFixed :: (HasResolution a) => Bool -> Fixed a -> String showFixed chopTrailingZeros fa@(MkFixed a) | a < 0 = "-" ++ (showFixed chopTrailingZeros (asTypeOf (MkFixed (negate a)) fa)) showFixed chopTrailingZeros fa@(MkFixed a) = (show i) ++ (withDot (showIntegerZeros chopTrailingZeros digits fracNum)) where res = resolution fa (i,d) = divMod a res -- enough digits to be unambiguous digits = ceiling (logBase 10 (fromInteger res) :: Double) maxnum = 10 ^ digits fracNum = div (d * maxnum) res instance (HasResolution a) => Show (Fixed a) where show = showFixed False instance (HasResolution a) => Read (Fixed a) where readPrec = readNumber convertFixed readListPrec = readListPrecDefault readList = readListDefault convertFixed :: forall a . HasResolution a => Lexeme -> ReadPrec (Fixed a) convertFixed (Number n) | Just (i, f) <- numberToFixed e n = return (fromInteger i + (fromInteger f / (10 ^ e))) where r = resolution (undefined :: Fixed a) -- round 'e' up to help make the 'read . show == id' property -- possible also for cases where 'resolution' is not a -- power-of-10, such as e.g. when 'resolution = 128' e = ceiling (logBase 10 (fromInteger r) :: Double) convertFixed _ = pfail data E0 = E0 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E0 where resolution _ = 1 -- | resolution of 1, this works the same as Integer type Uni = Fixed E0 data E1 = E1 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E1 where resolution _ = 10 -- | resolution of 10^-1 = .1 type Deci = Fixed E1 data E2 = E2 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E2 where resolution _ = 100 -- | resolution of 10^-2 = .01, useful for many monetary currencies type Centi = Fixed E2 data E3 = E3 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E3 where resolution _ = 1000 -- | resolution of 10^-3 = .001 type Milli = Fixed E3 data E6 = E6 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E6 where resolution _ = 1000000 -- | resolution of 10^-6 = .000001 type Micro = Fixed E6 data E9 = E9 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E9 where resolution _ = 1000000000 -- | resolution of 10^-9 = .000000001 type Nano = Fixed E9 data E12 = E12 deriving (Typeable) instance HasResolution E12 where resolution _ = 1000000000000 -- | resolution of 10^-12 = .000000000001 type Pico = Fixed E12
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numerical.Petsc.Internal.Mutable -- Copyright : (c) Marco Zocca 2015 -- License : LGPL3 -- Maintainer : zocca . marco . gmail . com -- Stability : experimental -- -- | Mutable containers in the IO monad -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numerical.PETSc.Internal.Mutable where import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST (runST, ST) import Foreign.Storable import qualified Control.Monad.Primitive as P type family MutContainer (mc :: * -> *) :: * -> * -> * class MContainer c a where type MCSize c type MCIdx c basicSize :: c s a -> MCSize c basicUnsafeSlice :: MCIdx c -> MCIdx c -> c s a -> c s a -- basicUnsafeThaw :: P.PrimMonad m => c s a -> m (MutContainer c (P.PrimState m) a) basicInitialize :: P.PrimMonad m => c (P.PrimState m) a -> m () -- | Yield the element at the given position. This method should not be -- called directly, use 'unsafeRead' instead. basicUnsafeRead :: P.PrimMonad m => c (P.PrimState m) a -> MCIdx c -> m a -- | Replace the element at the given position. This method should not be -- called directly, use 'unsafeWrite' instead. basicUnsafeWrite :: P.PrimMonad m => c (P.PrimState m) a -> MCIdx c -> a -> m () -- instance G.Vector Vector a where -- basicUnsafeFreeze (MVector i n marr) -- = Vector i n `liftM` unsafeFreezeArray marr -- basicUnsafeThaw (Vector i n arr) -- = MVector i n `liftM` unsafeThawArray arr -- basicLength (Vector _ n _) = n -- basicUnsafeSlice j n (Vector i _ arr) = Vector (i+j) n arr -- basicUnsafeIndexM (Vector i _ arr) j = indexArrayM arr (i+j) -- basicUnsafeCopy (MVector i n dst) (Vector j _ src) -- = copyArray dst i src j n -- class Mutable v where -- newVar :: a -> IO (v a) -- readVar :: v a -> IO a -- writeVar :: v a -> a -> IO () -- modifyVar :: v a -> (a -> a) -> IO () -- modifyVar' :: v a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IO b -- instance Mutable MVar where -- newVar = newMVar -- readVar = takeMVar -- writeVar = putMVar -- modifyVar v f = modifyMVar_ v (return . f) -- modifyVar' v f = modifyMVar v (return . f) -- instance Mutable TVar where -- newVar = newTVarIO -- readVar = readTVarIO -- writeVar v x = atomically $ writeTVar v x -- modifyVar v f = atomically $ do x <- readTVar v -- writeTVar v (f x) -- modifyVar' v f = atomically $ do x <- readTVar v -- let (x', y) = f x -- writeTVar v x' -- return y
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Compute.SecurityPolicies.GetRule -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Gets a rule at the specified priority. -- -- /See:/ < Compute Engine API Reference> for @compute.securityPolicies.getRule@. module Network.Google.Resource.Compute.SecurityPolicies.GetRule ( -- * REST Resource SecurityPoliciesGetRuleResource -- * Creating a Request , securityPoliciesGetRule , SecurityPoliciesGetRule -- * Request Lenses , spgrPriority , spgrProject , spgrSecurityPolicy ) where import Network.Google.Compute.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @compute.securityPolicies.getRule@ method which the -- 'SecurityPoliciesGetRule' request conforms to. type SecurityPoliciesGetRuleResource = "compute" :> "v1" :> "projects" :> Capture "project" Text :> "global" :> "securityPolicies" :> Capture "securityPolicy" Text :> "getRule" :> QueryParam "priority" (Textual Int32) :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] SecurityPolicyRule -- | Gets a rule at the specified priority. -- -- /See:/ 'securityPoliciesGetRule' smart constructor. data SecurityPoliciesGetRule = SecurityPoliciesGetRule' { _spgrPriority :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32)) , _spgrProject :: !Text , _spgrSecurityPolicy :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'SecurityPoliciesGetRule' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'spgrPriority' -- -- * 'spgrProject' -- -- * 'spgrSecurityPolicy' securityPoliciesGetRule :: Text -- ^ 'spgrProject' -> Text -- ^ 'spgrSecurityPolicy' -> SecurityPoliciesGetRule securityPoliciesGetRule pSpgrProject_ pSpgrSecurityPolicy_ = SecurityPoliciesGetRule' { _spgrPriority = Nothing , _spgrProject = pSpgrProject_ , _spgrSecurityPolicy = pSpgrSecurityPolicy_ } -- | The priority of the rule to get from the security policy. spgrPriority :: Lens' SecurityPoliciesGetRule (Maybe Int32) spgrPriority = lens _spgrPriority (\ s a -> s{_spgrPriority = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Project ID for this request. spgrProject :: Lens' SecurityPoliciesGetRule Text spgrProject = lens _spgrProject (\ s a -> s{_spgrProject = a}) -- | Name of the security policy to which the queried rule belongs. spgrSecurityPolicy :: Lens' SecurityPoliciesGetRule Text spgrSecurityPolicy = lens _spgrSecurityPolicy (\ s a -> s{_spgrSecurityPolicy = a}) instance GoogleRequest SecurityPoliciesGetRule where type Rs SecurityPoliciesGetRule = SecurityPolicyRule type Scopes SecurityPoliciesGetRule = '["", "", ""] requestClient SecurityPoliciesGetRule'{..} = go _spgrProject _spgrSecurityPolicy _spgrPriority (Just AltJSON) computeService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy SecurityPoliciesGetRuleResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.BigQuery.Models.Patch -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Patch specific fields in the specified model. -- -- /See:/ < BigQuery API Reference> for @bigquery.models.patch@. module Network.Google.Resource.BigQuery.Models.Patch ( -- * REST Resource ModelsPatchResource -- * Creating a Request , modelsPatch , ModelsPatch -- * Request Lenses , mpModelId , mpPayload , mpDataSetId , mpProjectId ) where import Network.Google.BigQuery.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @bigquery.models.patch@ method which the -- 'ModelsPatch' request conforms to. type ModelsPatchResource = "bigquery" :> "v2" :> "projects" :> Capture "projectId" Text :> "datasets" :> Capture "datasetId" Text :> "models" :> Capture "modelId" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] Model :> Patch '[JSON] Model -- | Patch specific fields in the specified model. -- -- /See:/ 'modelsPatch' smart constructor. data ModelsPatch = ModelsPatch' { _mpModelId :: !Text , _mpPayload :: !Model , _mpDataSetId :: !Text , _mpProjectId :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ModelsPatch' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'mpModelId' -- -- * 'mpPayload' -- -- * 'mpDataSetId' -- -- * 'mpProjectId' modelsPatch :: Text -- ^ 'mpModelId' -> Model -- ^ 'mpPayload' -> Text -- ^ 'mpDataSetId' -> Text -- ^ 'mpProjectId' -> ModelsPatch modelsPatch pMpModelId_ pMpPayload_ pMpDataSetId_ pMpProjectId_ = ModelsPatch' { _mpModelId = pMpModelId_ , _mpPayload = pMpPayload_ , _mpDataSetId = pMpDataSetId_ , _mpProjectId = pMpProjectId_ } -- | Required. Model ID of the model to patch. mpModelId :: Lens' ModelsPatch Text mpModelId = lens _mpModelId (\ s a -> s{_mpModelId = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. mpPayload :: Lens' ModelsPatch Model mpPayload = lens _mpPayload (\ s a -> s{_mpPayload = a}) -- | Required. Dataset ID of the model to patch. mpDataSetId :: Lens' ModelsPatch Text mpDataSetId = lens _mpDataSetId (\ s a -> s{_mpDataSetId = a}) -- | Required. Project ID of the model to patch. mpProjectId :: Lens' ModelsPatch Text mpProjectId = lens _mpProjectId (\ s a -> s{_mpProjectId = a}) instance GoogleRequest ModelsPatch where type Rs ModelsPatch = Model type Scopes ModelsPatch = '["", ""] requestClient ModelsPatch'{..} = go _mpProjectId _mpDataSetId _mpModelId (Just AltJSON) _mpPayload bigQueryService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ModelsPatchResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | 'Ktx' is the only format can handle all sorts of textures available -- among OpenGL [ES] implementations. This library holds any Texture as 'Ktx' -- internally. module Graphics.TextureContainer.KTX where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Packer import Data.Word -- | Khronos Texture Container Format -- -- Spec: <> data Ktx = Ktx { ktxName :: FilePath -- ^ Debug purpose , ktxContent :: B.ByteString -- ^ Holding the original ForeignPtr. , ktxGlType :: Word32 , ktxGlTypeSize :: Word32 , ktxGlFormat :: Word32 , ktxGlInternalFormat :: Word32 , ktxGlBaseInternalFormat :: Word32 , ktxPixelWidth :: Word32 , ktxPixelHeight :: Word32 , ktxPixelDepth :: Word32 , ktxNumElems :: Word32 , ktxNumFaces :: Word32 , ktxNumMipLevels :: Word32 , ktxMap :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -- ^ \[(utf8 string, any)] -- Note that if the value is utf8, it includes NULL terminator. , ktxImage :: [[B.ByteString]] } deriving Show -- | 'Unpacking' instance. unpackKtx :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Unpacking Ktx unpackKtx name orig = do let w = getWord32 -- '«', 'K', 'T', 'X', ' ', '1', '1', '»', '\r', '\n', '\x1A', '\n' (0x58544BAB, 0xBB313120, 0x0A1A0A0D) <- (,,) <$> w <*> w <*> w -- Endianness -- Assuming Big-endian is a loser of history, just ignore it. -- Note: All modern platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, ...) -- runs Little-endian nevertheless the processor is bi-endian. 0x04030201 <- getWord32 ktx <- Ktx name orig <$> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w bytesOfKeyValueData <- getWord32 let getKVP 0 = return [] getKVP i = do keyAndValueByteSize <- getWord32 x <- getBytes (fromIntegral keyAndValueByteSize) let padding = 3 - (keyAndValueByteSize + 3) `mod` 4 unpackSkip (fromIntegral padding) xs <- getKVP (i - keyAndValueByteSize - padding) return (x:xs) kvp <- map (B.breakByte 0) <$> getKVP bytesOfKeyValueData let Ktx{..} = ktx kvp [] imgs <- forM [1..max 1 ktxNumMipLevels] $ \_ -> do imageSize <- getWord32 forM [1..max 1 ktxNumFaces] $ \_ -> do img <- getBytes (fromIntegral imageSize) unpackSkip $ fromIntegral (3 - (imageSize + 3) `mod` 4) return img return $ ktx kvp imgs -- | Build 'Ktx' from given path. ktxFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Ktx ktxFromFile path = B.readFile path >>= return . readKtx path -- | Build 'Ktx' with arbitrary resource name and actual data. readKtx :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Ktx readKtx path bs = runUnpacking (unpackKtx path bs) bs -- | Same as 'readKtx' except error handling is explicit. tryKtx :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Either SomeException Ktx tryKtx path bs = tryUnpacking (unpackKtx path bs) bs {- type MipmapData = [Face or ArrayElements] type ArrayElements = B.ByteString type Face = B.ByteString KTX Spec --------- Byte[12] identifier UInt32 endianness UInt32 glType UInt32 glTypeSize UInt32 glFormat Uint32 glInternalFormat Uint32 glBaseInternalFormat UInt32 pixelWidth UInt32 pixelHeight UInt32 pixelDepth UInt32 numberOfArrayElements UInt32 numberOfFaces UInt32 numberOfMipmapLevels UInt32 bytesOfKeyValueData for each keyValuePair that fits in bytesOfKeyValueData UInt32 keyAndValueByteSize Byte keyAndValue[keyAndValueByteSize] Byte valuePadding[3 - ((keyAndValueByteSize + 3) % 4)] end for each mipmap_level in numberOfMipmapLevels* UInt32 imageSize; for each array_element in numberOfArrayElements* for each face in numberOfFaces for each z_slice in pixelDepth* for each row or row_of_blocks in pixelHeight* for each pixel or block_of_pixels in pixelWidth Byte data[format-specific-number-of-bytes]** end end end Byte cubePadding[0-3] end end Byte mipPadding[3 - ((imageSize + 3) % 4)] end * Replace with 1 if this field is 0. ** Uncompressed texture data matches a GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT of 4. -}
-- | To represent a "package-name.cabal" file. -- We only care about the dependencies, but we also need to preserve -- everything else (including the whitespace!) because we will write the file -- back to disk and we don't want to obliterate the user's indentation style. module CabalFile.Types where import Data.Either import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Version -- The Cabal library already has the type Distribution.PackageDescription, and -- it already has a parser and a pretty-printer. However, we cannot use that -- representation because we need to keep the whitespace information intact. type Cabal = [Either String Dependency] dependencies :: Cabal -> [Dependency] dependencies = rights packages :: Cabal -> [PackageName] packages = map package . dependencies where package :: Dependency -> PackageName package (Dependency p _) = p -- Replace the given dependencies (//) :: Cabal -> [(PackageName, VersionRange)] -> Cabal [] // _ = [] (Left s:xs) // ds = Left s : (xs // ds) (Right (Dependency p v):xs) // ds = case lookup p ds of Nothing -> Right (Dependency p v) : (xs // ds) Just v' -> Right (Dependency p v') : (xs // ds)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Spark.Core.GroupsSpec where import Test.Hspec import Data.Text(Text) import Spark.Core.Context import Spark.Core.Functions import Spark.Core.ColumnFunctions import Spark.Core.Column import Spark.Core.IntegrationUtilities import Spark.Core.CollectSpec(run) import Spark.Core.Internal.Groups sumGroup :: [MyPair] -> [(Text, Int)] -> IO () sumGroup l lexp = do let ds = dataset l let keys = ds // myKey' let values = ds // myVal' let g = groupByKey keys values let ds2 = g `aggKey` sumCol l2 <- exec1Def $ collect (asCol ds2) l2 `shouldBe` lexp spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Integration test - groups on (text, int)" $ do run "empty" $ sumGroup [] [] run "one" $ sumGroup [MyPair "x" 1] [("x", 1)] run "two" $ sumGroup [MyPair "x" 1, MyPair "x" 2, MyPair "y" 1] [("x", 3), ("y", 1)]
sequence' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m:ms) = m >>= \ a -> do as <- sequence' ms return (a: as) sequence'' ms = foldr func (return []) ms where func :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a] func m acc = do x <- m xs <- acc return (x: xs) sequence''' [] = return [] sequence''' (m : ms) = do a <- m as <- sequence''' ms return (a:as) {-- sequence'''' [] = return [] sequence'''' (m : ms) = m >>= \ a -> do as <- sequence'''' ms return (a : as) --} mapM' :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] mapM' f as = sequence' (map f as) mapM'' f [] = return [] mapM'' f (a : as) = f a >>= \ b -> mapM'' f as >>= \ bs -> return (b : bs) sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m () sequence_' [] = return () sequence_' (m : ms) = m >> sequence_' ms --mapM''' :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] --mapM''' f as = sequence_' (map f as) mapMM f [] = return [] mapMM f (a : as) = do b <- f a bs <- mapMM f as return (b : bs) mapMM' f [] = return [] mapMM' f (a : as) = f a >>= \ b -> do bs <- mapMM' f as return (b : bs) mapMM'' f [] = return [] mapMM'' f (a : as) = f a >>= \ b -> do bs <- mapMM'' f as return (bs ++ [b]) filterM' :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a] filterM' _ [] = return [] filterM' p (x : xs) = do flag <- p x ys <- filterM' p xs if flag then return (x: ys) else return ys foldLeftM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a foldLeftM f a [] = return a foldLeftM f a (x: xs) = do z <- f a x foldLeftM f z xs foldRightM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b foldRightM f a [] = return a foldRightM f a as = do z <- f (last as) a foldRightM f z $ init as liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b liftM f m = do a <- m return (f a) liftM' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b liftM' f m = m >>= \ a -> return (f a) liftM'' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b liftM'' f m = m >>= \ a -> m >>= \ b -> return (f a) liftM''' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b liftM''' f m = m >>= \ a -> m >>= \ b -> return (f b) --liftMM f m = mapM f [m]
import Controller (withOR) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Debug (debug) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) main :: IO () main = do let port = 3000 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Application launched, listening on port " ++ show port withOR $ run port . debug
-- |Interactions with the user. module Ovid.Interactions ( tell , options ) where import Ovid.Prelude import qualified System.Console.Editline.Readline as R -- |Prompt the user. tell s = liftIO (putStrLn s) -- |Asks the user to pick an item from a list. options :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => [a] -> m a options xs = do let numOptions = length xs let showOption (n,x) = tell $ show n ++ " - " ++ show x mapM_ showOption (zip [1..] xs) tell $ "Select one (1 .. " ++ show numOptions ++ ") >" let makeSelection = do ch <- liftIO $ R.readKey case tryInt "ch" of Nothing -> do tell $ "Enter a number between 1 and " ++ show numOptions makeSelection Just n -> if n >= 1 && n <= numOptions then return (xs !! (n-1)) else do tell $ "Enter a number between 1 and " ++ show numOptions makeSelection makeSelection
-- | Helper functions for dealing with text values module Language.Terraform.Util.Text( template, show ) where import Prelude hiding(show) import qualified Prelude(show) import qualified Data.Text as T show :: (Show a) => a -> T.Text show = T.pack . -- | `template src substs` will replace all occurences the string $i -- in src with `substs !! i` template :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> T.Text template t substs = foldr replace t (zip [1,2..] substs) where replace (i,s) t = T.replace (T.pack ('$' i)) s t
module Validations.Types ( module Validations.Types.Checker ) where import Validations.Types.Checker
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Futhark.Compiler ( runPipelineOnProgram , runCompilerOnProgram , runPipelineOnSource , interpretAction' , FutharkConfig (..) , newFutharkConfig , dumpError ) where import Data.Monoid import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Maybe import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(..)) import System.IO import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Prelude import Language.Futhark.Parser import Futhark.Internalise import Futhark.Pipeline import Futhark.Actions import qualified Language.Futhark as E import qualified Language.Futhark.TypeChecker as E import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Representation.AST import qualified Futhark.Representation.SOACS as I import qualified Futhark.TypeCheck as I data FutharkConfig = FutharkConfig { futharkVerbose :: Maybe (Maybe FilePath) } newFutharkConfig :: FutharkConfig newFutharkConfig = FutharkConfig { futharkVerbose = Nothing } dumpError :: FutharkConfig -> CompileError -> IO () dumpError config err = do T.hPutStrLn stderr $ errorDesc err case (errorData err, futharkVerbose config) of (s, Just outfile) -> maybe (T.hPutStr stderr) T.writeFile outfile $ s <> "\n" _ -> return () runCompilerOnProgram :: FutharkConfig -> Pipeline I.SOACS lore -> Action lore -> FilePath -> IO () runCompilerOnProgram config pipeline action file = do res <- runFutharkM compile $ isJust $ futharkVerbose config case res of Left err -> liftIO $ do dumpError config err exitWith $ ExitFailure 2 Right () -> return () where compile = do source <- liftIO $ T.readFile file prog <- runPipelineOnSource config pipeline file source when (isJust $ futharkVerbose config) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Running action " ++ actionName action actionProcedure action prog runPipelineOnProgram :: FutharkConfig -> Pipeline I.SOACS tolore -> FilePath -> FutharkM (Prog tolore) runPipelineOnProgram config pipeline file = do source <- liftIO $ T.readFile file runPipelineOnSource config pipeline file source runPipelineOnSource :: FutharkConfig -> Pipeline I.SOACS tolore -> FilePath -> T.Text -> FutharkM (Prog tolore) runPipelineOnSource config pipeline filename srccode = do parsed_prog <- parseSourceProgram filename srccode (tagged_ext_prog, namesrc) <- typeCheckSourceProgram parsed_prog putNameSource namesrc res <- internaliseProg tagged_ext_prog case res of Left err -> compileErrorS "During internalisation:" err Right int_prog -> do typeCheckInternalProgram int_prog runPasses pipeline pipeline_config int_prog where pipeline_config = PipelineConfig { pipelineVerbose = isJust $ futharkVerbose config , pipelineValidate = True } parseSourceProgram :: FilePath -> T.Text -> FutharkM E.UncheckedProg parseSourceProgram filename file_contents = do parsed <- liftIO $ parseFuthark filename file_contents case parsed of Left err -> compileError (T.pack $ show err) () Right prog -> return prog typeCheckSourceProgram :: E.UncheckedProg -> FutharkM (E.Prog, VNameSource) typeCheckSourceProgram prog = case E.checkProg prog of Left err -> compileError (T.pack $ show err) () Right prog' -> return prog' typeCheckInternalProgram :: I.Prog -> FutharkM () typeCheckInternalProgram prog = case I.checkProg prog of Left err -> compileError (T.pack $ "After internalisation:\n" ++ show err) prog Right () -> return () interpretAction' :: Action I.SOACS interpretAction' = interpretAction parseValues' where parseValues' :: FilePath -> T.Text -> Either ParseError [I.Value] parseValues' path s = fmap concat $ mapM internalise =<< parseValues path s internalise v = maybe (Left $ ParseError $ "Invalid input value: " ++ I.pretty v) Right $ internaliseValue v
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,GADTs,DeriveDataTypeable,DeriveFunctor,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,MultiParamTypeClasses,QuasiQuotes,TemplateHaskell,TypeFamilies,PackageImports,NamedFieldPuns,RecordWildCards,TypeSynonymInstances,FlexibleContexts #-} module Main where import Data.Crawler import Data.CrawlerParameters import Misc import WWW.SimpleTable import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception as Ex import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AP import Data.ByteString (ByteString,empty,writeFile) import qualified Data.ByteString as B (empty,writeFile) import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Read as T import Data.Time import Data.Word import Database.Persist import qualified Database.Persist.MongoDB as Mongo import Database.Persist.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Type(ConT)) import Network (PortID (PortNumber)) import Network.Curl import Network.Socket (PortNumber(..)) import "network" Network.URI import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit import System.Exit (ExitCode(..),exitWith) import System.FilePath.Posix import Text.HTML.TagSoup import qualified Text.Pandoc as P import Text.Poppler main :: IO () main = do (mongoP,crawlP) <- processParams docs <- crawlBisBcbsPublications (courtesyPeriod crawlP) (publishedFrom crawlP) (publishedUntil crawlP) Ex.catch (do Mongo.withMongoDBConn (db mongoP) (host mongoP) (port mongoP) (auth mongoP) (dt mongoP) $ \pool -> do Mongo.runMongoDBPool Mongo.master (writeDocs (courtesyPeriod crawlP) docs (pdfPath crawlP)) pool) gobalExceptionHandler gobalExceptionHandler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO () gobalExceptionHandler e = do putStrLn $ "gobalExceptionHandler: Got an exception --> " ++ show e writeDocs :: Int -> [BisDoc] -> FilePath -> Mongo.Action IO () writeDocs ct docs pdfPath = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Insert publications..." forM_ docs (\d -> writeOneDoc d ct pdfPath) writeDocsHandler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO (Either (Int, String) Text) writeDocsHandler e = do putStrLn $ "writeDocsHandler: Got an exception --> " ++ show e return $ Left (-1,show e) writeOneDoc :: BisDoc -> Int -> FilePath -> Mongo.Action IO () writeOneDoc d ct pdfPath = do let title = T.unpack $ bisDocTitle d liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Download and process '"++title++"'" case bisDocDetails d of Just det -> case bisDocumentDetailsFullTextLink det of Just url -> do mFullPdf <- liftIO $ getFile ct url case mFullPdf of Just fullPdf -> do fullHtml <- liftIO $ Ex.handle writeDocsHandler $ do let fname = snd (splitFileName (uriPath (fromJust (parseURI url)))) B.writeFile (pdfPath++fname) fullPdf fullHtml <- pdfToHtmlTextOnly [] fullPdf return fullHtml case fullHtml of Right html -> do let fullMd = htmlToMarkdown html let det' = det{bisDocumentDetailsFullTextMarkdown=Just fullMd} Mongo.insert_ (d {bisDocDetails=Just det'}) Left (e,stderr) -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error: "++show e liftIO $ putStrLn stderr Mongo.insert_ d Nothing -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error: Could not load pdf file." Mongo.insert_ d Nothing -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "No file to download for '"++title++"'" Mongo.insert_ d Nothing -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "No details for '"++title++"'" Mongo.insert_ d type TTag = Tag Text getFile :: Int -> URLString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) getFile ct url = Ex.catch (do resp <- curlGetResponse_ url [] :: IO (CurlResponse_ [(String,String)] ByteString) threadDelay ct return $ Just $ respBody resp) handler where handler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO (Maybe ByteString) handler e = do putStrLn $ "getFile: Got an exception --> " ++ show e return Nothing openUrlUtf8 :: Int -> URLString -> IO Text openUrlUtf8 ct url = Ex.catch (do resp <- curlGetResponse_ url [] :: IO (CurlResponse_ [(String,String)] ByteString) threadDelay ct return (T.decodeUtf8 (respBody resp))) handler where handler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO Text handler e = do putStrLn $ "openUrlUtf8: Got an exception --> " ++ show e return "" collectWhile :: Monad m => Maybe t -> (t -> m [a]) -> (t -> m (Maybe t)) -> [a] -> m [a] collectWhile (Just jx) process next bag = do x1 <- next jx new <- process jx collectWhile x1 process next (bag++new) collectWhile Nothing _ _ bag = return bag ppTags tags = putStrLns (map showT tags) bisSite :: URLString bisSite = "" crawlBisBcbsPublications :: Int -> Maybe Day -> Maybe Day -> IO [BisDoc] crawlBisBcbsPublications ct t0 t1 = withCurlDo $ do putStrLn $ "Start with page "++startingPoint src <- openUrlUtf8 ct startingPoint if src=="" then do T.putStrLn "Cannot get page." return [] else do let tags = parseTags src collectWhile (Just tags) (processBISDocPage ct t0 t1) (getNextBISDocPage ct) [] where startingPoint = bisSite++"/bcbs/publications.htm" processBISDocPage :: Int -> Maybe Day -> Maybe Day -> [TTag] -> IO [BisDoc] processBISDocPage ct t0 t1 tags = do let ts = simpleTables tags if null ts then do T.putStrLn "No table found on page." return [] else do let ts1 = head ts docs <- catMaybes <$> mapM (processDoc ct t0 t1) (rows ts1) T.putStrLn "Found: " T.putStrLn $ T.intercalate "\n" (map (\ d -> "-- " `T.append` (bisDocTitle d)) docs) return docs processDoc :: Int -> Maybe Day -> Maybe Day -> TableRow -> IO (Maybe BisDoc) processDoc ct t0 t1 row = do let es = elements row dt = getDateFromRow es typ = getTypeFromRow es lnk = getLinkFromRow es ttl = getTitleFromRow es if not (between dt t0 t1) then return Nothing else do details <- case lnk of Nothing -> return Nothing Just l -> if "pdf" `isSuffixOf` l then do resp <- curlGetResponse_ l [] :: IO (CurlResponse_ [(String,String)] ByteString) threadDelay ct return $ Just BisDocumentDetails { bisDocumentDetailsDocumentTitle=ttl, bisDocumentDetailsSummary = "", bisDocumentDetailsFullTextLink = Just l, bisDocumentDetailsFullTextMarkdown = Nothing, bisDocumentDetailsLocalFile = Just $ filenameFromUrl l, bisDocumentDetailsOtherLinks = []} else analyzeBisSingleDocPage ct l return $ Just $ BisDoc dt typ lnk ttl details getDateFromRow tags = let ds = deleteAll ["\n","\t","\r"] $ fromTagText (head (head tags)) in case AP.parseOnly parseDate ds of Left m -> error $ "Parse error while processing a date: "++m Right d -> d getTypeFromRow tags = let tag = (tags!!1)!!3 in if isTagOpen tag then let attr = fromAttrib "title" tag in if attr=="" then Nothing else Just attr else Nothing getLinkFromRow :: [[TTag]] -> Maybe URLString getLinkFromRow tags = let tag = (tags!!2)!!3 in if isTagOpen tag then Just $ bisSite++(T.unpack $ fromAttrib "href" tag) else Nothing getTitleFromRow tags = let tag = (tags!!2)!!4 in if isTagText tag then deleteAll ["\t","\r","\n"] $ fromTagText tag else "" getNextBISDocPage :: Int -> [TTag] -> IO (Maybe [TTag]) getNextBISDocPage ct tags = do let nextLink = getNextDocLink tags case nextLink of Just lnk -> do putStrLn $ "Follow link: "++lnk src <- openUrlUtf8 ct lnk let tags1 = parseTags src return (Just tags1) Nothing -> return Nothing getNextDocLink :: [TTag] -> Maybe URLString getNextDocLink tags = let s = sections (~== (TagOpen ("a"::Text) [("class","next")])) tags in if null s then Nothing else let t = head (head s) in let href = fromAttrib "href" t in if href=="" then Nothing else Just (if T.head href=='/' then bisSite++(T.unpack href) else T.unpack href) analyzeBisSingleDocPage :: Int -> URLString -> IO (Maybe BisDocumentDetails) analyzeBisSingleDocPage ct url = do putStrLn $ "Analyse "++url allTags <- return . partitionIt =<< (return . parseTags) =<< openUrlUtf8 ct url if not (null allTags) then if length allTags==3 then do let contentTags = allTags!!0 annotationTags = allTags!!1 docTitle = fromTagText (contentTags!!1) docSummary = let divSections = sections (~== (TagClose ("div"::Text))) contentTags summaryHtml = if length divSections>=2 then purgeHtmlText $ tail (divSections!!1) else error "Cannot parse page because structure has changed." in T.pack $ P.writeMarkdown P.def $ P.readHtml P.def $ T.unpack $ renderTags summaryHtml fullTextLink = let fBox = sections (~==divFullText) annotationTags in if not (null fBox) then let aTag = sections (~==aLinkTag) (head fBox) link = T.unpack $ fromAttrib "href" (head $ head aTag) in if "/" `isPrefixOf` link then Just $ bisSite++link else Just link else Nothing let otherBoxes = partitions (~== otherBox) annotationTags let others = map processOtherBox otherBoxes return $ Just $ BisDocumentDetails docTitle docSummary fullTextLink Nothing (fmap filenameFromUrl fullTextLink) others else do putStrLn $ "Cannot parse page because structure has changed. " ++"Content:\n" ++show allTags return Nothing else do putStrLn "No input. Probably You are not connected to the internet." return Nothing where tagContent = TagOpen "h1" [] :: TTag tagAnnotations = TagOpen "div" [("id","right"), ("class","column"), ("role","complementary")] :: TTag tagFooter = TagOpen "div" [("id","footer"),("role","contentinfo")] :: TTag partitionIt = partitions (\tag -> tag~==tagContent || tag~==tagAnnotations || tag~==tagFooter) divFullText = TagOpen "div" [("class","list_box full_text")] :: TTag otherBox = TagOpen "div" [("class","list_box")] :: TTag processOtherBox :: [Tag Text] -> DocumentLink processOtherBox tags = let t1 = sections (~== (TagOpen "h4" [] :: TTag)) tags typ = fromTagText ((head t1)!!1) t2 = partitions (~==aLinkTag) tags link tags = if null tags then "" else let lnk' = T.unpack $ fromAttrib "href" (head tags) lnk = if lnk'=="" then "" else if "/" `isPrefixOf` lnk' then bisSite++lnk' else lnk' in lnk links = map link t2 in (DocumentLink typ links)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main where import System.Remote.Monitoring import Web.Auth.OAuth2 import Web.Auth.Service import Web.Orion import Web.Scotty.Trans import Web.Template import Web.Template.Renderer import Web.Session import Database import Text.Blaze.Html import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (param, object, map, b) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB import qualified Data.Map as Map main :: IO () main = do _ <- forkServer "localhost" 9989 orion $ do createUserDatabaseIfNeeded get "/" $ (blaze $ authdWrapper "Home" "Home") `ifAuthorizedOr` (blaze $ wrapper "Home" "Home") get "/authCheck" $ do mU <- readUserCookie blaze $ wrapper "Auth Check" $ do h3 "Auth Check" pre $ toHtml $ show mU get "/user" $ withAuthUser $ \u -> blaze $ authdWrapper "User" $ userTable u get "/error/:err" $ do err <- fmap errorMessage $ param "err" blaze $ wrapper "Error" err get "/login" $ do dest <- defaultParam "redirect" "" (blaze $ authdWrapper "Login" $ loginOptions $ Just dest) `ifAuthorizedOr` (blaze $ wrapper "Login" $ loginOptions $ Just dest) get "/logout" $ do expireUserCookie blaze $ wrapper "Logout" $ p "You have been logged out." get "/login/:service" $ do service <- param "service" let Just key = oauth2serviceKey service url <- prepareServiceLogin service key redirect url get "/login/:service/complete" $ do dest <- popRedirectDestination eUser <- oauthenticate case eUser of Left err -> blaze $ wrapper "OAuth Error" $ do h3 "Authentication Error" p $ toHtml $ LB.unpack err Right u -> do c <- futureCookieForUser u writeUserCookie c redirect dest --get "/link/:service" $ withAuthUser $ \u -> do -- service <- param "service" -- if service `elem` linkedServices u -- then blaze $ wrapper "Link Service" $ do -- h3 "Blarg" -- p "You've already linked that service." -- else do let key = serviceKey service -- baseUrl <- readCfg getCfgBaseUrl -- let call = concat [ baseUrl -- , "/link/" -- , serviceToString service -- , "/complete" -- ] -- call' = B.pack call -- key' = key{oauthCallback= Just call'} -- url <- prepareServiceLogin service key' -- redirect url --get "/link/:service/complete" $ withAuthUser $ \OrionUser{..} -> do -- dest <- popRedirectDestination -- service <- param "service" -- eUdat <- fetchRemoteUserData -- case eUdat of -- Left err -> blaze $ authdWrapper "Link Error" $ do -- h3 $ toHtml $ "Error linking " ++ serviceToString service -- p $ toHtml $ LB.unpack err -- Right udat -> do mUser <- addAccountToUser service _ouId udat -- case mUser of -- Nothing -> blaze $ authdWrapper "Link Error" $ do -- h3 $ toHtml $ "Error linking " ++ serviceToString service -- p $ "Failed to add account." -- Just _ -> redirect dest popRedirectDestination :: ActionOM LT.Text popRedirectDestination = do state <- param "state" states <- readAuthStates modifyAuthStates $ Map.delete state case Map.lookup state states of Nothing -> redirect "error/stateMismatch" Just dest -> return dest
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} module Data.Queue ( Queue , empty, singleton, fromList , toList, enqueue, dequeue, enqueueAll ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import GHC.Generics (Generic) data Queue a = Q [a] [a] deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, NFData, Generic) empty ∷ Queue a empty = Q [] [] singleton ∷ a → Queue a singleton a = Q [a] [] fromList ∷ [a] → Queue a fromList as = Q as [] toList ∷ Queue a → [a] toList (Q h t) = h ++ reverse t enqueue ∷ Queue a → a → Queue a enqueue (Q h t) a = Q (a:h) t enqueueAll ∷ Queue a → [a] → Queue a enqueueAll (Q h t) as = Q (as ++ h) t dequeue ∷ Queue a → Maybe (Queue a, a) dequeue (Q [] []) = Nothing dequeue (Q h []) = let (h':t) = reverse h in Just (Q [] t, h') dequeue (Q h (h':t)) = Just (Q h t, h')
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-} #endif module Text.RE.PCRE.ByteString ( -- * Tutorial -- $tutorial -- * The Match Operators (*=~) , (?=~) , (=~) , (=~~) -- * The Toolkit -- $toolkit , module Text.RE -- * The 'RE' Type -- $re , module Text.RE.PCRE.RE ) where import Prelude.Compat import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Typeable import Text.Regex.Base import Text.RE import Text.RE.Internal.AddCaptureNames import Text.RE.PCRE.RE import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as PCRE -- | find all matches in text (*=~) :: B.ByteString -> RE -> Matches B.ByteString (*=~) bs rex = addCaptureNamesToMatches (reCaptureNames rex) $ match (reRegex rex) bs -- | find first match in text (?=~) :: B.ByteString -> RE -> Match B.ByteString (?=~) bs rex = addCaptureNamesToMatch (reCaptureNames rex) $ match (reRegex rex) bs -- | the regex-base polymorphic match operator (=~) :: ( Typeable a , RegexContext PCRE.Regex B.ByteString a , RegexMaker PCRE.Regex PCRE.CompOption PCRE.ExecOption String ) => B.ByteString -> RE -> a (=~) bs rex = addCaptureNames (reCaptureNames rex) $ match (reRegex rex) bs -- | the regex-base monadic, polymorphic match operator (=~~) :: ( Monad m , Functor m , Typeable a , RegexContext PCRE.Regex B.ByteString a , RegexMaker PCRE.Regex PCRE.CompOption PCRE.ExecOption String ) => B.ByteString -> RE -> m a (=~~) bs rex = addCaptureNames (reCaptureNames rex) <$> matchM (reRegex rex) bs instance IsRegex RE B.ByteString where matchOnce = flip (?=~) matchMany = flip (*=~) regexSource = reSource -- $tutorial -- We have a regex tutorial at <>. These API -- docs are mainly for reference. -- $toolkit -- -- Beyond the above match operators and the regular expression type -- below, "Text.RE" contains the toolkit for replacing captures, -- specifying options, etc. -- $re -- -- "Text.RE.PCRE.RE" contains the toolkit specific to the 'RE' type, -- the type generated by the gegex compiler.
module SlaeGauss where import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.Matrix as Mx import qualified Data.Vector as Vec import Library compute :: Matrix -> Either ComputeError Vector compute = fmap backtrackPermuted . triangulate where backtrackPermuted (mx, permutations) = (backtrack mx Vec.!) permutations triangulate :: Matrix -> Either ComputeError (Matrix, Permutations) triangulate mx = first Mx.fromRows <$> go 0 permutations rows where rows = Mx.toRows mx permutations = Vec.fromList [0..(length rows - 1)] go :: Int -> Permutations -> [Vector] -> Either ComputeError ([Vector], Permutations) go _ ps [] = Right ([], ps) go j ps m@(as:ass) | isLastCol = Right (m, ps) | isZeroPivot = Left SingularMatrix | otherwise = first (as':) <$> go (j + 1) ps' (map updRow ass') where isLastCol = j + 2 >= Vec.length as isZeroPivot = nearZero as'j as'j = as' Vec.! j (as':ass', ps') = permuteToMax j ps m updRow bs = Vec.zipWith op as' bs where k = bs Vec.! j / as'j op a b = b - a * k permuteToMax :: Int -> Permutations -> [Vector] -> ([Vector], Permutations) permuteToMax col ps m = ( Mx.toRows $ permuteRows 0 i $ permuteCols col j $ Mx.fromRows m , swapComponents col j ps ) where (i, j, _) = foldr imax (0, 0, 0) $ zip [0..] m imax :: (Int, Vec.Vector Double) -> (Int, Int, Double) -> (Int, Int, Double) imax (i, v) oldMax@(_, _, max) | rowMax > max = (i, j + col, rowMax) | otherwise = oldMax where (j, rowMax) = Vec.ifoldl vimax (0, 0) (Vec.drop col $ Vec.init v) vimax :: (Int, Double) -> Int -> Double -> (Int, Double) vimax (i, max) k a | a > max = (k, a) | otherwise = (i, max) permuteRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix -> Matrix permuteRows i k = Mx.fromColumns . map (swapComponents i k) . Mx.toColumns permuteCols :: Int -> Int -> Matrix -> Matrix permuteCols i k = Mx.fromRows . map (swapComponents i k) . Mx.toRows swapComponents :: Int -> Int -> Vec.Vector a -> Vec.Vector a swapComponents i k v = Vec.imap cmpSelector v where cmpSelector j el | j == i = v Vec.! k | j == k = v Vec.! i | otherwise = el backtrack :: Matrix -> Vector backtrack = foldr eqSolver Vec.empty . Mx.toRows eqSolver :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector eqSolver as xs = Vec.cons ((Vec.last as' - Vec.sum (resolveKnown as' xs)) / Vec.head as') xs where as' = Vec.dropWhile nearZero as resolveKnown :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector resolveKnown as xs = Vec.zipWith (*) xs (Vec.tail $ Vec.init as)
module Paths_variants ( version, getBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getDataFileName, getSysconfDir ) where import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Data.Version (Version(..)) import System.Environment (getEnv) import Prelude catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a catchIO = Exception.catch version :: Version version = Version [0,1,0,0] [] bindir, libdir, datadir, libexecdir, sysconfdir :: FilePath bindir = "/Users/jo/.cabal/bin" libdir = "/Users/jo/.cabal/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.10.2/varia_5wCMPNeYlGhAk0qTYbHvsm" datadir = "/Users/jo/.cabal/share/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.10.2/variants-" libexecdir = "/Users/jo/.cabal/libexec" sysconfdir = "/Users/jo/.cabal/etc" getBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "variants_bindir") (\_ -> return bindir) getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "variants_libdir") (\_ -> return libdir) getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "variants_datadir") (\_ -> return datadir) getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "variants_libexecdir") (\_ -> return libexecdir) getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "variants_sysconfdir") (\_ -> return sysconfdir) getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath getDataFileName name = do dir <- getDataDir return (dir ++ "/" ++ name)
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSignatures #-} module Main where import GHC.Conc import Control.Exception import Foreign.StablePtr import System.IO import GHC.Conc.Sync (atomicallyWithIO) inittvar :: STM (TVar String) inittvar = newTVar "Hello world" deadlock0 :: STM String deadlock0 = retry deadlock1 :: TVar String -> STM String deadlock1 v1 = do s1 <- readTVar v1 retry atomically_ x = atomicallyWithIO x (\x -> putStrLn "IO" >> return x) -- Basic single-threaded operations with retry main = do newStablePtr stdout putStr "Before\n" t1 <- atomically ( newTVar 0 ) -- Atomic block that contains a retry but does not perform it r <- atomically_ ( do r1 <- readTVar t1 if (r1 /= 0) then retry else return () return r1 ) putStr ("Survived unused retry\n") -- Atomic block that retries after reading 0 TVars s1 <- Control.Exception.catch (atomically_ retry ) (\(e::SomeException) -> return ("Caught: " ++ (show e) ++ "\n")) putStr s1 -- Atomic block that retries after reading 1 TVar t1 <- atomically ( inittvar ) s1 <- Control.Exception.catch (atomically_ ( deadlock1 t1 )) (\(e::SomeException) -> return ("Caught: " ++ (show e) ++ "\n")) putStr s1 return ()
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main (main) where import GeoLabel (toString, fromString') import GeoLabel.Strings (format, parse) import GeoLabel.Strings.Wordlist (wordlist) import GeoLabel.Geometry.QuadTree (Subface(A,B,C,D)) import GeoLabel.Geometry.Point (lengthOf, (<->)) import GeoLabel.Geometry.Conversion (cartesian) import GeoLabel.Geometry.Polar (Polar(..)) import GeoLabel.Geodesic.Earth (earthRadius) import GeoLabel.Unit.Location (Location(..), idOf, fromId) import Numeric.Units.Dimensional ((*~), one) import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.SIUnits (meter) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheckResult, Result(..), forAll, vector, vectorOf, elements, choose) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import GeoLabel.Real (R) import Data.Number.BigFloat (BigFloat, Prec50, Epsilon) import System.Random (Random, randomR, random) instance Epsilon e => Random (BigFloat e) where randomR (a,b) g = (c,g') where (d,g') = randomR (realToFrac a :: Double, realToFrac b) g c = realToFrac d random g = (realToFrac (d :: Double), g') where (d,g') = random g main :: IO () main = do print "testing location -> bits -> location" try $ quickCheckResult idTest print "testing location -> String -> location" try $ quickCheckResult locTest print "testing coordinate -> String -> coordinate" try $ quickCheckResult coordTest try :: (IO Result) -> IO () try test = do result <- test case result of Failure{..} -> exitFailure _ -> return () idTest = forAll (choose (0,19)) $ \face -> forAll (vectorOf 25 (elements [A,B,C,D])) $ \subfaces -> let loc = Location face subfaces in loc == (fromJust . fromId . idOf $ loc) locTest = forAll (choose (0,19)) $ \face -> forAll (vectorOf 25 (elements [A,B,C,D])) $ \subfaces -> let loc = Location face subfaces in loc == (fromJust . parse . format $ loc) coordTest = forAll (choose (0.0, pi)) $ \lat -> forAll (choose (0.0, pi)) $ \lon -> acceptableError (lat, lon) (fromString' . toString $ (lat, lon)) acceptableError :: (R, R) -> (R, R) -> Bool acceptableError (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = difference <= 0.2 *~ meter where point1 = cartesian (Polar earthRadius (a1 *~ one) (b1 *~ one)) point2 = cartesian (Polar earthRadius (a2 *~ one) (b2 *~ one)) difference = lengthOf (point1 <-> point2) -- Infinite loop? -- 1.1477102348032477 -- 2.5287052457281303 -- toString (1.1477102348032477, 2.5287052457281303) -- It's resulting in a lot of kicks -- It's landing really far away -- V3 -1615695.0421316223 m 3918971.9410642236 m 582344.6221676043 m --0.5342809894312989 --2.434338807577105 -- V3 2089283.5979154985 m 1236191.1378369904 m -2840087.204665418 m
{-| Module : Reactive.DOM.Children.MonotoneList Description : Definition of the MonotoneList children container. Copyright : (c) Alexander Vieth, 2016 Licence : BSD3 Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable (GHC only) -} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Reactive.DOM.Children.MonotoneList where import Data.Semigroup import Data.Functor.Compose import Reactive.DOM.Internal.ChildrenContainer import Reactive.DOM.Internal.Mutation newtype MonotoneList t inp out f = MonotoneList { runMonotoneList :: [f t] } deriving instance Semigroup (MonotoneList t inp out f) deriving instance Monoid (MonotoneList t inp out f) instance FunctorTransformer (MonotoneList inp out t) where functorTrans trans (MonotoneList fts) = MonotoneList (trans <$> fts) functorCommute (MonotoneList fts) = MonotoneList <$> sequenceA (getCompose <$> fts) instance ChildrenContainer (MonotoneList inp out t) where type Change (MonotoneList t inp out) = MonotoneList t inp out getChange get (MonotoneList news) (MonotoneList olds) = let nextList = MonotoneList (olds <> news) mutations = AppendChild . get <$> news in (nextList, mutations) childrenContainerList get (MonotoneList ts) = get <$> ts