15 values
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Data.Attoparsec.Text.Machine where import Data.Attoparsec.Machine (processParserWith, streamParserWith) import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, parse, takeWhile) import Data.Machine (ProcessT, asParts, auto, (<~)) import Data.Text (Text) asLines :: Monad m => ProcessT m Text Text asLines = asParts <~ auto unpackLine <~ streamParser ((Data.Attoparsec.Text.takeWhile $ \w -> w /= '\n') <* "\n") where unpackLine (Right txt) = [txt] unpackLine (Left _) = [] processParser :: Monad m => Parser a -> ProcessT m Text (Either String (Text, a)) processParser p = processParserWith $ parse p streamParser :: Monad m => Parser a -> ProcessT m Text (Either String a) streamParser p = streamParserWith $ parse p
-- | -- Module : Test.QuickCheck.Util.Combinator -- -- Copyright : (C) 2010-2012 Joachim Fasting -- License : BSD-style (see COPYING) -- Maintainer : Joachim Fasting <[email protected]> -- -- Additional combinators for QuickCheck. module Test.QuickCheck.Util.Combinator ( pairOf , tripleOf , possibly ) where import Control.Applicative import Test.QuickCheck (Gen) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC -- | Create a pair generator. pairOf :: Applicative m => m a -> m (a, a) pairOf m = (,) <$> m <*> m -- | Create a triple generator. tripleOf :: Applicative m => m a -> m (a, a, a) tripleOf m = (,,) <$> m <*> m <*> m -- | Turn a value generator into a generator that _might_ generate a value. -- -- Example: -- -- @possibly $ tripleOf negative@ possibly :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a) possibly m = QC.oneof [ Just <$> m , pure Nothing ]
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module YX.Shell ( findShell , shellExePaths , ExecuteShellException(..) , module YX.Type.Shell -- * Utility functions , findExecutables ) where import Control.Applicative (pure) import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO) import Control.Monad ((>>=)) import Data.Foldable (foldlM) import Data.Function (($), (.), const, id) import Data.Functor (fmap) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing), maybe) import Data.String (String) import System.IO (FilePath, IO) import Text.Show (Show) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist , executable , findFileWith , getPermissions ) import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath) import Data.Bool.Lifted ((<&&>)) import YX.Type.Shell data ExecuteShellException = UnableToFindShellExecutable deriving Show instance Exception ExecuteShellException shellExePaths :: Shell -> [FilePath] shellExePaths = \case Bash -> [ "/bin/bash" , "/usr/bin/bash" , "/usr/local/bin/bash" -- E.g. FreeBSD , "bash" -- Try to locate it in "$PATH". ] findShell :: Maybe String -- ^ Search path. -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Preferred shell executable. -> [FilePath] -- ^ Absolute paths and executable names of shells to try, in order. -> IO FilePath findShell pathVar shellVar otherShells = findExecutables path shellPaths >>= reportError where path = maybe [] splitSearchPath pathVar shellPaths = maybe id (:) shellVar $ otherShells reportError :: Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath reportError = maybe (throwIO UnableToFindShellExecutable) pure findExecutables :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findExecutables path = go $ \case r@(Just _) -> const $ pure r Nothing -> \case fp@('/' : _) -> do isExe <- doesFileExist fp <&&> isExecutable fp pure $ if isExe then Just fp else Nothing fp -> findFileWith isExecutable path fp where go :: (Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)) -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) go f = foldlM f Nothing isExecutable = fmap executable . getPermissions
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Opaleye.Manipulation (module Opaleye.Manipulation, U.Unpackspec) where import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Sql as Sql import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Print as Print import qualified Opaleye.RunQuery as RQ import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as IRQ import qualified Opaleye.Table as T import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Table as TI import Opaleye.Internal.Column (Column(Column)) import Opaleye.Internal.Helpers ((.:), (.:.), (.::), (.::.)) import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as U import Opaleye.PGTypes (PGBool) import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql as HSql import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Print as HPrint import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Default as SD import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Generate as SG import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS import qualified Data.Profunctor.Product.Default as D import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL arrangeInsert :: T.Table columns a -> columns -> HSql.SqlInsert arrangeInsert t c = arrangeInsertMany t (return c) arrangeInsertSql :: T.Table columns a -> columns -> String arrangeInsertSql = show . HPrint.ppInsert .: arrangeInsert runInsert :: PGS.Connection -> T.Table columns columns' -> columns -> IO Int64 runInsert conn = PGS.execute_ conn . fromString .: arrangeInsertSql arrangeInsertMany :: T.Table columns a -> NEL.NonEmpty columns -> HSql.SqlInsert arrangeInsertMany (T.Table tableName (TI.TableProperties writer _)) columns = insert where (columnExprs, columnNames) = TI.runWriter' writer columns insert = SG.sqlInsert SD.defaultSqlGenerator tableName columnNames columnExprs arrangeInsertManySql :: T.Table columns a -> NEL.NonEmpty columns -> String arrangeInsertManySql = show . HPrint.ppInsert .: arrangeInsertMany runInsertMany :: PGS.Connection -> T.Table columns columns' -> [columns] -> IO Int64 runInsertMany conn table columns = case NEL.nonEmpty columns of -- Inserting the empty list is just the same as returning 0 Nothing -> return 0 Just columns' -> (PGS.execute_ conn . fromString .: arrangeInsertManySql) table columns' arrangeUpdate :: T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> HSql.SqlUpdate arrangeUpdate (TI.Table tableName (TI.TableProperties writer (TI.View tableCols))) update cond = SG.sqlUpdate SD.defaultSqlGenerator tableName [condExpr] (update' tableCols) where update' = map (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) . TI.runWriter writer . update Column condExpr = cond tableCols arrangeUpdateSql :: T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> String arrangeUpdateSql = show . HPrint.ppUpdate .:. arrangeUpdate runUpdate :: PGS.Connection -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> IO Int64 runUpdate conn = PGS.execute_ conn . fromString .:. arrangeUpdateSql arrangeDelete :: T.Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> HSql.SqlDelete arrangeDelete (TI.Table tableName (TI.TableProperties _ (TI.View tableCols))) cond = SG.sqlDelete SD.defaultSqlGenerator tableName [condExpr] where Column condExpr = cond tableCols arrangeDeleteSql :: T.Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> String arrangeDeleteSql = show . HPrint.ppDelete .: arrangeDelete runDelete :: PGS.Connection -> T.Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> IO Int64 runDelete conn = PGS.execute_ conn . fromString .: arrangeDeleteSql arrangeInsertReturning :: U.Unpackspec returned ignored -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> columnsW -> (columnsR -> returned) -> Sql.Returning HSql.SqlInsert arrangeInsertReturning unpackspec table columns returningf = Sql.Returning insert returningSEs where insert = arrangeInsert table columns TI.Table _ (TI.TableProperties _ (TI.View columnsR)) = table returningPEs = U.collectPEs unpackspec (returningf columnsR) returningSEs = Sql.ensureColumnsGen id (map Sql.sqlExpr returningPEs) arrangeInsertReturningSql :: U.Unpackspec returned ignored -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> columnsW -> (columnsR -> returned) -> String arrangeInsertReturningSql = show . Print.ppInsertReturning .:: arrangeInsertReturning runInsertReturningExplicit :: RQ.QueryRunner returned haskells -> PGS.Connection -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> columnsW -> (columnsR -> returned) -> IO [haskells] runInsertReturningExplicit qr conn t w r = PGS.queryWith_ parser conn (fromString (arrangeInsertReturningSql u t w r)) where IRQ.QueryRunner u _ _ = qr parser = IRQ.prepareRowParser qr (r v) TI.Table _ (TI.TableProperties _ (TI.View v)) = t -- This method of getting hold of the return type feels a bit -- suspect. I haven't checked it for validity. -- | @runInsertReturning@'s use of the 'D.Default' typeclass means that the -- compiler will have trouble inferring types. It is strongly -- recommended that you provide full type signatures when using -- @runInsertReturning@. runInsertReturning :: (D.Default RQ.QueryRunner returned haskells) => PGS.Connection -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> columnsW -> (columnsR -> returned) -> IO [haskells] runInsertReturning = runInsertReturningExplicit D.def arrangeUpdateReturning :: U.Unpackspec returned ignored -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> (columnsR -> returned) -> Sql.Returning HSql.SqlUpdate arrangeUpdateReturning unpackspec table updatef cond returningf = Sql.Returning update returningSEs where update = arrangeUpdate table updatef cond TI.Table _ (TI.TableProperties _ (TI.View columnsR)) = table returningPEs = U.collectPEs unpackspec (returningf columnsR) returningSEs = Sql.ensureColumnsGen id (map Sql.sqlExpr returningPEs) arrangeUpdateReturningSql :: U.Unpackspec returned ignored -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> (columnsR -> returned) -> String arrangeUpdateReturningSql = show . Print.ppUpdateReturning .::. arrangeUpdateReturning runUpdateReturningExplicit :: RQ.QueryRunner returned haskells -> PGS.Connection -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> (columnsR -> returned) -> IO [haskells] runUpdateReturningExplicit qr conn t update cond r = PGS.queryWith_ parser conn (fromString (arrangeUpdateReturningSql u t update cond r)) where IRQ.QueryRunner u _ _ = qr parser = IRQ.prepareRowParser qr (r v) TI.Table _ (TI.TableProperties _ (TI.View v)) = t runUpdateReturning :: (D.Default RQ.QueryRunner returned haskells) => PGS.Connection -> T.Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Column PGBool) -> (columnsR -> returned) -> IO [haskells] runUpdateReturning = runUpdateReturningExplicit D.def
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Horbits.UI.Camera.Internal where import Control.Lens import Data.Fixed import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Linear import Horbits.UI.Camera.Zoom -- data type data OrthoCamera a = OrthoCamera { _orthoCameraCenter :: V3 a , _orthoCameraColatitude :: a , _orthoCameraLongitude :: a , _orthoCameraScale :: a , _orthoCameraViewportWidth :: Int , _orthoCameraViewportHeight :: Int , _orthoCameraZoomModel :: ZoomModel a } deriving (Show, Eq) makeLenses ''OrthoCamera initOrthoCamera :: Num a => ZoomModel a -> OrthoCamera a initOrthoCamera z@(ZoomModel zs) = OrthoCamera zero 0 0 (NE.last zs) 1 1 z -- transform matrices orthoCameraMatrix :: (RealFloat a, Epsilon a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a orthoCameraMatrix cam = scale cam !*! rotateColat cam !*! rotateLong cam !*! translate cam invOrthoCameraMatrix :: (RealFloat a, Epsilon a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a invOrthoCameraMatrix cam = invTranslate cam !*! invRotateLong cam !*! invRotateColat cam !*! invScale cam orthoCameraZIndex :: (RealFloat a, Epsilon a) => OrthoCamera a -> V3 a -> a orthoCameraZIndex c = negate . dot (orthoCameraMatrix c ^. _z . _xyz) -- update API addColatitude :: RealFloat a => a -> OrthoCamera a -> OrthoCamera a addColatitude a cam = cam & orthoCameraColatitude %~ addClamped where addClamped b = min pi $ max 0 $ a + b addLongitude :: RealFloat a => a -> OrthoCamera a -> OrthoCamera a addLongitude a cam = cam & orthoCameraLongitude %~ addWrapped where addWrapped b = mod' (a + b) (2 * pi) addTranslation :: (RealFloat a, Epsilon a) => V2 a -> OrthoCamera a -> OrthoCamera a addTranslation v cam = cam & orthoCameraCenter %~ (^-^ v') where v' = (invOrthoCameraMatrix cam !* (zero & _xy .~ v)) ^. _xyz zoomOut :: (Ord a, Num a) => OrthoCamera a -> OrthoCamera a zoomOut cam = cam & orthoCameraScale %~ zoomModelOut (cam ^. orthoCameraZoomModel) where zoomModelOut (ZoomModel zooms) z = NE.head $ foldr NE.cons (NE.last zooms :| []) (NE.dropWhile (<= z) zooms) zoomIn :: (Ord a, Num a) => OrthoCamera a -> OrthoCamera a zoomIn cam = cam & orthoCameraScale %~ zoomModelIn (cam ^. orthoCameraZoomModel) where zoomModelIn (ZoomModel zooms) z = NE.last $ NE.head zooms :| NE.takeWhile (< z) zooms -- transformation parts orthoCameraAspectRatio :: (RealFloat a) => OrthoCamera a -> a orthoCameraAspectRatio cam = realToFrac (cam ^. orthoCameraViewportWidth) / realToFrac (cam ^. orthoCameraViewportHeight) translate :: Num a => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a translate = translate' . negate . view orthoCameraCenter scale :: RealFloat a => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a scale = scaling f where f sz ar mz = V4 0 0 0 1 & _xy .~ (1 / sz) *^ rs & _z .~ 1 / mz where rs = if ar > 1 then V2 (1/ar) (-1) else V2 1 (-ar) rotateLong :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a rotateLong = rotateZ . view orthoCameraLongitude rotateColat :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a rotateColat = rotateX . views orthoCameraColatitude (pi -) -- inverse transformation parts invTranslate :: Num a => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a invTranslate = translate' . view orthoCameraCenter invScale :: RealFloat a => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a invScale = scaling f where f sz ar mz = V4 0 0 0 1 & _xy .~ sz *^ rs & _z .~ mz where rs = if ar > 1 then V2 ar (-1) else V2 1 (-1 / ar) invRotateLong :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a invRotateLong = rotateZ . negate . view orthoCameraLongitude invRotateColat :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => OrthoCamera a -> M44 a invRotateColat = rotateX . negate . views orthoCameraColatitude (pi -) -- primitive transformations rotateZ :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => a -> M44 a rotateZ a = mkTransformation (axisAngle (V3 0 0 1) a) zero rotateX :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => a -> M44 a rotateX a = mkTransformation (axisAngle (V3 1 0 0) a) zero translate' :: (Num a) => V3 a -> M44 a translate' v = identity & column _w . _xyz .~ v scaling :: (RealFloat a) => (a -> a -> a -> V4 a) -> OrthoCamera a -> M44 a scaling f = do sz <- view orthoCameraScale ar <- orthoCameraAspectRatio mz <- view $ orthoCameraZoomModel . maxZoom return $ scaled $ f sz ar mz
module FP.Parser.SExp where import FP.Prelude import FP.Parser.Parser import FP.Pretty import qualified Prelude data SNumber = SNInteger β„€ | SNDouble 𝔻 deriving (Eq,Ord) makePrettySum ''SNumber data SLit = SLNumber SNumber | SLString π•Š deriving (Eq,Ord) makePrettySum ''SLit data SToken = STLParen | STRParen | STLit SLit | STSymbol π•Š | STWhitespace π•Š deriving (Eq,Ord) makePrettySum ''SToken makePrisms ''SToken lparenTok ∷ Parser β„‚ () lparenTok = pRender darkGray $ void $ pLit '(' rparenTok ∷ Parser β„‚ () rparenTok = pRender darkGray $ void $ pLit ')' litTok ∷ Parser β„‚ SLit litTok = pRender darkRed $ mconcat [ SLNumber ^$ pError "number" numberTok , SLString ^$ pError "string" stringTok ] where numberTok ∷ Parser β„‚ SNumber numberTok = mconcat [ SNInteger ^$ pError "integer" integerTok , SNDouble ^$ pError "double" doubleTok ] where integerTok ∷ Parser β„‚ β„€ integerTok = do sign ← signTok digits ← 𝕀 ^$ pOneOrMoreGreedy $ pSatisfies "digit" isDigit return $ $ chars $ sign β§Ί digits doubleTok ∷ Parser β„‚ 𝔻 doubleTok = do sign ← signTok digitsBefore ← 𝕀 ^$ pOneOrMoreGreedy $ pSatisfies "digit" isDigit dec ← 𝕀 ^$ mapM pLit $ chars "." digitsAfter ← 𝕀 ^$ pOneOrMoreGreedy $ pSatisfies "digit" isDigit return $ $ chars $ sign β§Ί digitsBefore β§Ί dec β§Ί digitsAfter signTok ∷ Parser β„‚ π•Š signTok = mconcat [ 𝕀 ^$ mapM pLit $ chars "-" , return "" ] stringTok ∷ Parser β„‚ π•Š stringTok = do void $ pLit '"' s ← concat ^$ pManyGreedy $ mconcat [ 𝕀 ∘ single ^$ pSatisfies "anything but '\"' or '\\'" $ \ c β†’ not $ c β‰Ÿ '"' ∨ c β‰Ÿ '\\' , pAppendError "escape sequence" $ do bslash ← 𝕀 ∘ single ^$ pLit '\\' c ← 𝕀 ∘ single ^$ pLit '\\' <β§Ί> pLit 'n' return $ bslash β§Ί c ] void $ pLit '"' return s symbolTok ∷ Parser β„‚ π•Š symbolTok = 𝕀 ^$ pOneOrMoreGreedy $ pSatisfies "letter" isLetter whitespaceTok ∷ Parser β„‚ π•Š whitespaceTok = 𝕀 ^$ pOneOrMoreGreedy $ pSatisfies "space" isSpace tok ∷ Parser β„‚ SToken tok = mconcat [ const STLParen ^$ pError "lparen" lparenTok , const STRParen ^$ pError "rparen" rparenTok , STLit ^$ pError "lit" litTok , STSymbol ^$ pError "symbol" symbolTok , STWhitespace ^$ pError "whitespace" whitespaceTok ] testSExpTokenizerSuccess ∷ IO () testSExpTokenizerSuccess = tokenizeIOMain tok $ tokens "((-1-2-1.42(\"astringwith\\\\stuff\\n\" ( " testSExpTokenizerFailure1 ∷ IO () testSExpTokenizerFailure1 = tokenizeIOMain tok $ tokens "((foo-1and0.01+bar" testSExpTokenizerFailure2 ∷ IO () testSExpTokenizerFailure2 = tokenizeIOMain tok $ tokens "()foo-1\"astring\\badescape\"" data FullContext t = FullContext { fullContextCaptured ∷ ParserContext t , fullContextFutureInput ∷ ParserInput t } instance Pretty (FullContext t) where pretty (FullContext (ParserContext pre _ display _ _) (ParserInput ss _)) = concat [ ppPun "⟬" , ppAlign $ pre β§Ί (ppUT '^' green display) β§Ί concat (map tokenRender ss) , ppPun "⟭" ] data SAtom = SALit SLit | SASymbol π•Š makePrettySum ''SAtom data TaggedFix t (f ∷ β˜… β†’ β˜…) = TaggedFix { taggedFixContext ∷ FullContext t , taggedFixValue ∷ f (TaggedFix t f) } makePrettySum ''TaggedFix data PreSExp e = SEAtom SAtom | SEExp [e] makePrettySum ''PreSExp type SExp = TaggedFix SToken PreSExp atomPar ∷ Parser SToken SAtom atomPar = pError "atom" $ mconcat [ SALit ^$ litPar , SASymbol ^$ symbolPar ] litPar ∷ Parser SToken SLit litPar = pShaped "lit" $ view sTLitL symbolPar ∷ Parser SToken π•Š symbolPar = pShaped "symbol" $ view sTSymbolL preSExpPar ∷ Parser SToken (PreSExp SExp) preSExpPar = mconcat [ SEAtom ^$ atomPar , SEExp ^$ inParensPar ] inParensPar ∷ Parser SToken [SExp] inParensPar = do void $ pLit STLParen es ← sexpsPar void $ pLit STRParen return es sexpsPar ∷ Parser SToken [SExp] sexpsPar = do void $ pOptionalGreedy $ pSatisfies "whitespace" $ shape sTWhitespaceL xs ← pManySepByGreedy (void $ pOptionalGreedy $ pSatisfies "whitespace" $ shape sTWhitespaceL) sexpPar void $ pOptionalGreedy $ pSatisfies "whitespace" $ shape sTWhitespaceL return xs sexpPar ∷ Parser SToken SExp sexpPar = do (s,cc) ← pCapture $ preSExpPar pin ← getL parserStateInputL return $ TaggedFix (FullContext cc pin) s testSExpParserSuccess ∷ IO () testSExpParserSuccess = do toks ← tokenizeIO tok input parseIOMain sexpsPar toks where input ∷ Stream (Token β„‚) input = tokens " x y ( -1-2) 0.0"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecursiveDo, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-} module Frontend.Properties.R53 ( r53Properties ) where import Prelude hiding (mapM, mapM_, all, sequence) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Reflex import Reflex.Dom.Core ------ import AWSFunction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Route53 Properties ------- calcR53ZoneF :: Text -> Text -> Text calcR53ZoneF hz tf = toText $ hosZ (readDouble hz) + (50.0 * (readDouble tf)) where hosZ hz' | hz' <= 25 = 0.50 * hz' | otherwise = (0.50 * 25) + (0.10 * (hz' - 25)) calcR53Queries :: Text -> Int -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Int -> Text calcR53Queries sq skey lbrq lkey gdq gkey = toText $ (standardQ (readDouble sq) skey) + (latencyQ (readDouble lbrq) lkey) + (geoDnsQ (readDouble gdq) gkey) where standardQ i k1 = case k1 of 1 -> 30 * standardQ' i 2 -> 4 * standardQ' i _ -> standardQ' i where standardQ' sq' | sq' <= 1000 = 0.400 * sq' | otherwise = (0.400 * 1000) + (0.200 * (sq' - 1000)) latencyQ i k2 = case k2 of 1 -> 30 * latencyQ' i 2 -> 4 * latencyQ' i _ -> latencyQ' i where latencyQ' lq' | lq' <= 1000 = 0.600 * lq' | otherwise = (0.600 * 1000) + (0.300 * (lq' - 1000)) geoDnsQ i k3 = case k3 of 1 -> 30 * geoDnsQ' i 2 -> 4 * geoDnsQ' i _ -> geoDnsQ' i where geoDnsQ' gq' | gq' <= 1000 = 0.700 * gq' | otherwise = (0.700 * 1000) + (0.350 * (gq' - 1000)) ------------------------------------- r53Properties :: (Reflex t, MonadWidget t m) => Dynamic t (Map.Map T.Text T.Text) -> m (Dynamic t Text) r53Properties dynAttrs = do result <- elDynAttr "div" ((constDyn $ idAttrs R53) <> dynAttrs <> rightClassAttrs) $ do rec r53HostZ <- r53HostedZone evReset evReset <- button "Reset" return $ r53HostZ return $ result r53HostedZone :: (Reflex t, MonadWidget t m) => Event t a -> m (Dynamic t Text) r53HostedZone evReset = do rec let resultR53ZoneF = calcR53ZoneF <$> (value r53Hz) <*> (value r53Tf) resultR53Queries = calcR53Queries <$> (value r53Sq) <*> (value ddR53Sq) <*> (value r53Lbrq) <*> (value ddR53Lbrq) <*> (value r53GeoDQ) <*> (value ddR53GeoDQ) resultR53HZone = (+) <$> (readDouble <$> resultR53ZoneF) <*> (readDouble <$> resultR53Queries) el "h4" $ text "Hosted Zone: " el "p" $ text "Hosted Zone:" r53Hz <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number" & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0" & setValue .~ (leftmost ["0" <$ evReset]) el "p" $ text "Traffic Flow:" r53Tf <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number" & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0" & setValue .~ (leftmost ["0" <$ evReset]) el "p" $ text "Standard Queries" el "p" $ text "(in Million Queries):" r53Sq <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number" & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0" & setValue .~ (leftmost ["0" <$ evReset]) ddR53Sq <- dropdown 3 (constDyn ddPerMonth) def el "p" $ text "Latency Based" el "p" $ text "Routing Queries" el "p" $ text "(in Million Queries):" r53Lbrq <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number" & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0" & setValue .~ (leftmost ["0" <$ evReset]) ddR53Lbrq <- dropdown 3 (constDyn ddPerMonth) def el "p" $ text "Geo DNS Queries" el "p" $ text "(in Million Queries):" r53GeoDQ <- textInput $ def & textInputConfig_inputType .~ "number" & textInputConfig_initialValue .~ "0" & setValue .~ (leftmost ["0" <$ evReset]) ddR53GeoDQ <- dropdown 3 (constDyn ddPerMonth) def return $ toDynText resultR53HZone
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Eval ( runEval ) where import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, runWriterT, tell) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import Text.PrettyPrint import Pretty import Syntax -- Values data Value = VInt Integer | VBool Bool | VClosure String Expr (Eval.Scope) instance Pretty Value where ppr _ (VInt x) = text $ show x ppr _ (VBool x) = text $ show x ppr p (VClosure v x env) = text "\\" <> text v <+> text "." <+> ppr (p+1) x <> if null env then text "" else text " |" <+> (hsep $ map (ppr 0) (Map.assocs env)) instance Pretty (String, Value) where ppr p (n, v) = text "(" <> text n <> text "," <+> ppr 0 v <> text ")" type Scope = Map.Map String Value emptyScope = Map.empty type Step = (Int, Expr) -- (depth, partially evaluated expression) type Eval a = WriterT [Step] (State EvalState) a -- State and logging of evaluation data EvalState = EvalState { depth :: Int } deriving (Show) inc :: Eval a -> Eval a inc m = do modify $ \s -> s { depth = depth s + 1} out <- m modify $ \s -> s { depth = depth s - 1} return out record :: Expr -> Eval () record x = do d <- gets depth tell [(d,x)] return () -- Evaluation eval :: Eval.Scope -> Expr -> Eval Value eval scope x = case x of Lam n _ body -> inc $ do return $ VClosure n body scope App a b -> inc $ do x <- eval scope a record a y <- eval scope b record b appl x y Var n -> do record x return $ scope Map.! n Lit (LInt a) -> return $ VInt (fromIntegral a) Lit (LBool a) -> return $ VBool a appl :: Value -> Value -> Eval Value appl (VClosure n e scope) x = do eval (Map.insert n x scope) e appl _ _ = error "Tried to apply non-closure" -- Interface runEval :: Expr -> (Value, [Step]) runEval x = evalState (runWriterT (eval emptyScope x)) (EvalState 0)
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module HTIG.IRCServer.Core ( IRCState(..) , IRCM , runIRCM , runIRCM' , getConn , getGlobal , setGlobal , modifyGlobal , modifyGlobal' , getLocal , setLocal , modifyLocal , modifyLocal' , liftIO ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure, (<*>))) import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar, atomically, readTVar, writeTVar) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, MonadReader, runReaderT, asks) import HTIG.IRCServer.Connection (Connection) data IRCState g l = IRCState { ircGlobal :: TVar g , ircLocal :: TVar l , ircConn :: Connection } newtype IRCM g l a = IRCM { unIRCM :: ReaderT (IRCState g l) IO a } deriving (Monad, Functor, MonadIO, MonadReader (IRCState g l)) instance Applicative (IRCM g l) where pure = return f <*> x = do f' <- f x' <- x return $ f' x' runIRCM :: IRCM g l a -> TVar g -> TVar l -> Connection -> IO a runIRCM m g l conn = runIRCM' m $ IRCState g l conn runIRCM' :: IRCM g l a -> IRCState g l -> IO a runIRCM' m s = runReaderT (unIRCM m) s getConn :: IRCM g l Connection getConn = asks ircConn getGlobal :: IRCM g l g getGlobal = mkGet ircGlobal setGlobal :: g -> IRCM g l () setGlobal g = mkSet ircGlobal g modifyGlobal :: (g -> g) -> IRCM g l () modifyGlobal f = mkModify ircGlobal $ \g -> (f g, ()) modifyGlobal' :: (g -> (g, a)) -> IRCM g l a modifyGlobal' f = mkModify ircGlobal f getLocal :: IRCM g l l getLocal = mkGet ircLocal setLocal :: l -> IRCM g l () setLocal l = mkSet ircLocal l modifyLocal :: (l -> l) -> IRCM g l () modifyLocal f = mkModify ircLocal $ \l -> (f l, ()) modifyLocal' :: (l -> (l, a)) -> IRCM g l a modifyLocal' f = mkModify ircLocal f mkGet :: (IRCState g l -> TVar a) -> IRCM g l a mkGet f = liftIO . atomically . readTVar =<< asks f mkSet :: (IRCState g l -> TVar a) -> a -> IRCM g l () mkSet f v = liftIO . atomically . flip writeTVar v =<< asks f mkModify :: (IRCState g l -> TVar a) -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IRCM g l b mkModify f f' = do tv <- asks f liftIO $ atomically $ do v <- readTVar tv let (v', r) = f' v writeTVar tv v' return r
{- | Module : Skel Description : Description Copyright : 2014, Peter Harpending. License : BSD3 Maintainer : Peter Harpending <[email protected]> Stability : experimental Portability : archlinux -} module Skel where
{- Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Johan Nordlander, Jonas DuregΓ₯rd, MichaΕ‚ PaΕ‚ka, Patrik Jansson and Josef Svenningsson All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Chalmers University of Technology nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module ARText where import Data.Map data Package = Package { packagename :: QualName, imports :: [Import], typedefsApp :: Map TypeName Type, typedefsImpl :: Map TypeName Type, mappingSets :: Map MapName Mapping, constraints :: Map ConstrName Constraint, constants :: Map ConstName Constant, interfaces :: Map IfaceName Interface, components :: Map CompName Component, behaviors :: Map BehName Behavior, implementations :: Map ImpName Implementation, modegroups :: Map GroupName ModeGroup, compositions :: Map CompName Composition, root :: CompName } type Name = Int type TypeName = Name type MapName = Name type ConstrName = Name type ConstName = Name type IfaceName = Name type CompName = Name type BehName = Name type ImpName = Name type InstName = Name type ProtName = Name type GroupName = Name type ModeName = Name type PortName = Name type ErrName = Name type OpName = Name type ElemName = Name type VarName = Name type FieldName = Name type EnumName = Name type ParName = Name type ExclName = Name type RunName = Name type ShortName = Name type ParNameOrStar = Name type ElemNameOrStar = Name type OpNameOrStar = Name type QualName = [Name] data Import = Import QualName | ImportAll QualName -- Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Type = TBool InvalidValue Extends | TInt Min Max Unit ConstraintRef InvalidValue Extends | TReal Min Max Encoding AllowNaN Unit InvalidValue Extends ConstraintRef | TString Length Encoding InvalidValue | TArray TypeName Int | TRecord (Map FieldName TypeName) | TEnum Min Max (Map EnumName (Maybe Int)) | TFixed Slope Bias Min Max Unit ConstraintRef InvalidValue Extends data Min = Min Value Interval data Max = Max Value Interval data Length = Length Int data Interval = Closed | Open | Infinite data Unit = Unit QualName | NoUnit data ConstraintRef = ConstraintRef ConstrName | NoConstraint data InvalidValue = InvalidValue Value | NoInvalid data Extends = Extends QualName | NoExtends data Encoding = EncodingDouble | EncodingSingle | Encoding String | NoEncoding data AllowNaN = AllowNaN | NoAllowNaN data Slope = Slope Double data Bias = Bias Double | NoBias -- Mappings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Mapping = MapT (Map TypeName TypeName) | MapG (Map TypeName GroupName) -- Constraints ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Constraint = Constraint [Rule] data Rule = Rule PhysInt Min Max Unit data PhysInt = Physical | Internal -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data Constant = Const TypeName Value data Value = Void -- | VBool Bool | VInt Int | VReal Double | VString String | VArray [Value] -- | VArray TypeName ArrayValue | VRecord TypeName (Map FieldName Value) | VEnum EnumName | VRef ConstName deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data ArrayValue = Init [Value] | InitAll Value deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) -- Interfaces ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Interface = SenderReceiver Service (Map ElemName Data) | ClientServer Service (Map ErrName Int) (Map OpName Operation) | Param Service (Map ParName Param) | ModeSwitch Service (Map ProtName GroupName) data Service = IsService | NotService data Data = Data TypeName Queued InitValue data Queued = Queued | UnQueued data InitValue = InitValue Value | NoInitValue data Operation = Operation [ErrName] (Map ParName Argument) data Argument = In TypeName Policy | InOut TypeName Policy | Out TypeName Policy data Policy = UseArgumentType | UseArrayBaseType | UseVoid | NoPolicy data Param = TypeName String InitValue -- Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Component = Application (Map PortName Port) | SensorActuator (Map PortName Port) Hw | Service (Map PortName Port) | Parameter (Map PortName Port) data Port = SenderProvides IfaceName (Map ElemName ComSpecS) | ReceiverRequires IfaceName (Map ElemName ComSpecR) | ClientRequires IfaceName (Map OpName ComSpec0) | ServerProvides IfaceName (Map OpName ComSpec1) | ParamProvides IfaceName | ParamRequires IfaceName data ComSpecS = QueuedComSpecS CanInvalidate InitValue E2EProtection OutOfRange | UnQueuedComSpecS E2EProtection OutOfRange data ComSpecR = QueuedComSpecR Length E2EProtection OutOfRange | UnQueuedComSpecR TimeOut ResyncTime InvalidType InitValue EnableUpdate NeverReceived E2EProtection OutOfRange data ComSpec0 = ComSpec0 data ComSpec1 = ComSpec1 Length data CanInvalidate = CanInvalidate | CannotInvalidate data E2EProtection = UsesEndToEndProtection | NoEndToEndProtection data OutOfRange = NONE | IGNORE | SATURATE | DEFAULT | INVALID data TimeOut = TimeOut Double | NoTimeOut data ResyncTime = ResyncTime Double | NoResyncTime data InvalidType = HandleInvalidTypeKeep | HandleInvalidTypeReplace | NoHandleInvalidType data EnableUpdate = EnableUpdate Bool | NoEnableUpdate data NeverReceived = HandleNeverReceived | NoHandleNeverReceived data Hw = Hw QualName data Behavior = InternalBehavior { supportsMultipleInstantiation :: Bool, forComponent :: CompName, dataTypeMappings :: [MapName], exclusiveAreas :: [ExclName], interRunnableVariables :: Map VarName Variable, calibrationParams :: Map ParName CalParam, perInstanceMemories :: Map Name PerInstMem, portAPIOptions :: [PortAPIOption], runnables :: Map RunName Runnable } data Variable = Var TypeName Explicit InitValue data Explicit = Explicit | Implicit data CalParam = InstanceParam TypeName String | SharedParam TypeName String data PerInstMem = PerInstanceMemory String String data PortAPIOption = PortAPIOption IndirectAPI TakeAddress PortName [(Type,Value)] data IndirectAPI = IndirectAPI | NoIndirectAPI data TakeAddress = EnableTakeAddress | DisableTakeAddress data Runnable = Runnable { concurrent :: Bool, minimumStartInterval :: Double, inExclusiveAreas :: [ExclName], usesExclusiveAreas :: [ExclName], symbol :: Maybe String, readVariables :: [VarName], writtenVariables :: [VarName], events :: [Event], parameterAccesses :: [ParamAccess], dataReadAccesses :: [DataRdAccess], dataReceivePoints :: [DataRcvPt], dataSendPoints :: [DataSndPt], dataWriteAccesses :: [DataWrAccess], modeSwitchPoints :: [ModeSwitchPt], modeAccessPoints :: [ModeAccessPt], serverCallPoints :: [ServerCallPt], waitPoints :: [WaitPt] } data Event = DataReceivedEvent PortName ElemName As Dis | OperationInvokedEvent PortName OpName As Dis | ModeSwitchEvent Activation PortName GroupName ModeName As Dis | InitEvent | BackgroundEvent | TimingEvent Double As Dis | DataSendCompletedEvent ShortName As Dis | DataWriteCompletedEvent PortName ElemName | AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent ServerCallPt | ModeSwitchAckEvent PortName GroupName | ReceiveErrorEvent PortName ElemName As Dis | ModeManagerErrorEvent | ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent | InternalTriggerOccurredEvent {- data WPEvent = DataSendCompleted -- Rte_Feedback(PortName,ElemName) | DataReceived -- Rte_Receive(PortName,ElemName,...) | AsynchronousServerCallReturns -- Rte_Result(PortName,OpName,...) | ModeSwitchAck -- Rte_SwitchAck(PortName,GroupName) -} data ParamAccess = ParameterAccess ParName As | ParamPortAccess PortName ParNameOrStar As data DataRdAccess = DataReadAccess PortName ElemNameOrStar As data DataRcvPt = DataReceivePoint PortName ElemNameOrStar As data DataSndPt = DataSendPoint PortName ElemNameOrStar As data DataWrAccess = DataWriteAccess PortName ElemNameOrStar As data ModeSwitchPt = ModeSwitchPoint PortName ProtName As data ModeAccessPt = ModeAccessPoint Activation PortName GroupName As data ServerCallPt = ServerCallPoint SyncOrAsync TimeOut PortName OpNameOrStar As data WaitPt = WaitPoint ShortName TimeOut [ShortName] data SyncOrAsync = Synchronous | Asynchronous data Activation = Entry | Exit data As = As ShortName | NoName data Dis = DisabledFor PortName GroupName ModeName | NoDis data Implementation = Implementation { forBehavior :: BehName, language :: Language, codeDescriptor :: String, codeGenerator :: Maybe String, requiredRTEVendor :: RTEVendor, compilers :: [Compiler] } data Language = C | Cpp | Java data RTEVendor = RTEVendor String SwVersion VendorId | NoRTEVendor data SwVersion = SwVersion Int | NoSwVersion data VendorId = VendorId Int | NoVendorId data Compiler = Compiler { compilerName :: Name, vendor :: String, version :: String } -- ModeGroups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data ModeGroup = ModeGroup Initial [ModeName] data Initial = Initial ModeName | NoInitial -- Compositions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Composition = Composition { subcomponents :: Map InstName CompPrototype, delegations :: Map PortName Delegation, connectors :: [Connector] } data CompPrototype = Prototype CompName data Delegation = DelegateRequires IfaceName [(InstName,PortName)] | DelegateProvides IfaceName [(InstName,PortName)] deriving (Eq) data Connector = Connect (InstName,PortName) (InstName,PortName) | AutoConnect InstName InstName deriving (Eq)
import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import System.Posix.IO import GHC.Event main_ :: IO () main_ = do Just em <- getSystemEventManager registerTimeout em 1000000 (print 888) registerFd em (\k e -> getLine >>= print >> print k >> print e) stdInput evtRead threadDelay 2000000 return () main :: IO () main = do c <- atomically newTChan Just em <- getSystemEventManager registerTimeout em 1000000 (print 888) forkIO . void $ registerFd em (\k e -> void $ print k >> print e >> atomically (writeTChan c ())) stdInput evtRead atomically $ readTChan c getLine >>= print threadDelay 2000000
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-} module WormLikeChain where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector.Generic import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving import Data.VectorSpace import Data.Cross import Data.AffineSpace import Data.AffineSpace.Point import Control.Newtype import Data.Random import Data.Random.Distribution.Bernoulli import Data.Number.LogFloat hiding (realToFrac) derivingUnbox "Point" [t| (V.Unbox a) => Point (a,a,a) -> (a,a,a) |] [| \(P x)->x |] [| P |] data WormLikeChain = WLC { lp :: Double , links :: Int } type Angle = Double -- ^ Angle in radians type Dist = Double type Energy = Double type Mass = Double type Charge = Double -- ^ Electric charge type PTrans = Double -- ^ Momentum transfer type Intensity = Double -- ^ Scattering Amplitude type R3 = (Double, Double, Double) type P3 = Point R3 -- | Chain parametrized by bend angles newtype ChainConfig = ChainC (V.Vector Angle) deriving (Show) instance Newtype ChainConfig (V.Vector Angle) where pack = ChainC unpack (ChainC a) = a -- | Embedding of chain parametrized by dihedral angles newtype ChainEmbedding = ChainE (V.Vector (Angle,Angle)) deriving (Show) instance Newtype ChainEmbedding (V.Vector (Angle,Angle)) where pack = ChainE unpack (ChainE a) = a -- | Position of links parametrized in Cartesian 3-space newtype ChainPos = ChainP (V.Vector P3) deriving (Show) instance Newtype ChainPos (V.Vector P3) where pack = ChainP unpack (ChainP a) = a -- | The bend angles of a Euler-angle parametrized embedding embeddingToConfig :: ChainEmbedding -> ChainConfig embeddingToConfig (ChainE v) = ChainC $ (\(Ξ±,Ξ²)->undefined) v -- | Dihedral angles to Cartesian embedding given link length embeddingToPositions :: Dist -> ChainEmbedding -> ChainPos embeddingToPositions d (ChainE e) = ChainP $ V.fromList $ reverse $ go [] (V.toList e) where go :: [P3] -> [(Angle,Angle)] -> [P3] go ps [] = ps go [] ((_,_):rest) = go [origin] rest go ps@(p1:[]) ((_,_):rest) = let p0 = p1 .+^ (1,0,0) in go (p0:ps) rest go ps@(p1:p2:[]) ((Ξ±,_):rest) = let p0 = p1 .+^ d *^ (cos Ξ±, sin Ξ±, 0) in go (p0:ps) rest go ps@(p1:p2:p3:_) ((Ξ±,Ξ²):rest) = let p0 = p1 .+^ d *^ dihedralDir p3 p2 p1 (Ξ±,Ξ²) in go (p0:ps) rest -- | Normalized vector in direction specified by dihedral angles -- relative to the three points given -- -- ...--p3--p2 dir -- \ / -- p1 dihedralDir :: P3 -> P3 -> P3 -> (Angle,Angle) -> R3 dihedralDir p3 p2 p1 (Ξ±,Ξ²) = let x = normalized $ p1 .-. p2 y = x `cross3` z z = case (p2 .-. p1) `cross3` (p3 .-. p1) of a | magnitude a < 1e-4 -> (0,0,1) a -> a in x ^* cos Ξ± ^* cos Ξ² ^+^ y ^* sin Ξ± ^* cos Ξ² ^+^ sin Ξ² *^ z -- | A straight chain straightChain :: Int -> ChainEmbedding straightChain n = ChainE $ V.replicate n (0,0) -- | Bending energy of given configuration under worm-like chain model bendEnergy :: WormLikeChain -> ChainConfig -> Energy bendEnergy (WLC lp links) (ChainC config) = V.sum $ energy config where energy ΞΈ = undefined -- | Electrostatic self-energy selfEnergy :: Charge -> Dist -> ChainPos -> Energy selfEnergy chainQ debyeL (ChainP v) = sum $ map pairEnergy $ pairsWith distance v where pairEnergy :: Dist -> Energy pairEnergy r = 2*chainQ / r * exp (-r / debyeL) -- | Zip together all combinations (not permutations) of distinct -- elements with function f pairsWith :: V.Unbox a => (a -> a -> b) -> V.Vector a -> [b] pairsWith f v = case V.toList v of x:xs -> map (f x) xs ++ pairsWith f (V.tail v) [] -> [] -- | Generate a random chain randomChain :: Int -> RVar ChainEmbedding randomChain n = (ChainE . V.fromList) <$> replicateM n randomLink where randomLink = do Ξ± <- uniform 0 (2*pi) Ξ² <- uniform 0 pi return (Ξ±, Ξ²) --- Importance sampling -- | Propose a new embedding proposal :: ChainEmbedding -> RVar ChainEmbedding proposal (ChainE e) = do n <- uniform 0 (V.length e - 1) Ξ± <- uniform 0 (2*pi) Ξ² <- uniform 0 pi return $ ChainE $ e V.// [(n,(Ξ±,Ξ²))] -- | Metropolis acceptance accept :: (a -> LogFloat) -> a -> a -> RVar a accept prob x x' | p' > p = return x' | otherwise = do a <- bernoulli $ (realToFrac $ p' / p :: Double) return $ if a then x' else x where (p, p') = (prob x, prob x') -- | Monte Carlo sampling of embedding space -- 'evolve n energy beta e0' produces 'n' configurations evolved from -- initial chain configuration 'e0' 'under energy function 'energy' at -- temperature 'T = 1 / beta / k_B' evolve :: Int -> (ChainEmbedding -> Energy) -> Energy -> ChainEmbedding -> RVar [ChainEmbedding] evolve n energy beta = iterateM n go where go e = proposal e >>= accept prob e prob x = logToLogFloat $ -energy x * beta -- | Scattering amplitude for given chain configuration scattering :: V.Vector P3 -> R3 -> Intensity scattering v q = n + 1 + 2*sum (map (\d->cos $ 2*pi * (d <.> q)) $ pairsWith (.-.) v) where n = realToFrac $ V.length v --- Observables -- | End to end distance endToEndDist :: ChainPos -> Double endToEndDist (ChainP p) = V.last p `distance` V.head p -- | Squared radius of gyration gyrationRad :: V.Vector Mass -> ChainPos -> Double gyrationRad masses (ChainP e) = weight * V.sum (V.zipWith (\m p->m * p `distanceSq` origin) masses e) - magnitudeSq cm where weight = V.sum masses cm = V.foldl1 (^+^) $ V.zipWith (\m p->m *^ (p .-. origin)) masses e iterateM :: Monad m => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m [a] iterateM 0 _ _ = return [] iterateM n f x = do x' <- f x xs <- iterateM (n-1) f x' return $ x':xs
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies ,MultiParamTypeClasses,DeriveFunctor,DeriveFoldable,DeriveGeneric ,TypeOperators#-} module Scaling.S1 where import Space.Class import Exponential.Class import Data.Foldable import Multiplicative.Class import Data.FMonoid.Class import Data.Distributive import Data.Monoid import Linear.V2 import Linear.V1 import Linear.Vector import Local import Data.Functor.Product import qualified Prelude as Prelude import Prelude hiding((*)) import SemiProduct newtype Scale a = Scale {unScale :: a} deriving(Functor,Foldable,Read,Show) instance Distributive Scale where distribute x = Scale (fmap unScale x) instance Exponential Scale where logM (Scale x) = V1 $ log x expM (V1 x) = Scale $ exp x instance Group Scale where mult (Scale x) (Scale y)= Scale (x Prelude.* y) invert (Scale x) = Scale (-x ) type instance Local Scale = V1 instance Action Scale V1 where Scale x |> v = fmap (Prelude.*x) v instance Floating a => Multiplicative (Scale a) where one = Scale 1 Scale x * Scale y = Scale $ x Prelude.* y inversion (Scale x) = Scale $ 1/x instance Space Scale where x |+| y = x * expM y x |-| y = logM $ inversion y * x
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Text.HeX.Standard.LaTeX (defaults) where import Text.HeX import Text.HeX.Standard.TeX (ctl, ch, grp) import Text.HeX.Standard.Generic (getSectionNum) defaults :: HeX () defaults = do addParser [Inline] $ basicInline ch addParser [Block] $ basicBlock toPara newCommand [Inline] "emph" emph newCommand [Inline] "strong" strong newCommand [Block] "section" (section 1) newCommand [Block] "subsection" (section 2) newCommand [Block] "subsubsection" (section 3) newCommand [Block] "paragraph" (section 4) newCommand [Block] "subparagraph" (section 5) toPara :: [Doc] -> Doc toPara xs = mconcat xs +++ "\n\n" emph :: InlineDoc -> Doc emph (InlineDoc arg) = ctl "emph" +++ grp [arg] strong :: InlineDoc -> Doc strong (InlineDoc arg) = ctl "textbf" +++ grp [arg] section :: Int -> InlineDoc -> HeX Doc section lev (InlineDoc d) = do _ <- getSectionNum lev -- we need to increment the number let secheading = case lev of 1 -> "section" 2 -> "subsection" 3 -> "subsubsection" 4 -> "paragraph" _ -> "subparagraph" return $ ctl secheading +++ grp [d] +++ "\n"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Network.Linode.Internal where import Control.Error import Control.Exception (IOException, handle) import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (^?)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B --import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T --import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) --import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import qualified Network.Wreq as W --import Network.Wreq.Lens import Network.Linode.Parsing import Network.Linode.Types diskTypeToString :: DiskType -> String diskTypeToString Ext3 = "ext3" diskTypeToString Ext4 = "ext4" diskTypeToString Swap = "swap" diskTypeToString RawDisk = "raw" paymentTermToInt :: PaymentTerm -> Int paymentTermToInt OneMonth = 1 paymentTermToInt OneYear = 12 paymentTermToInt TwoYears = 24 getWith :: FromJSON a => W.Options -> ExceptT LinodeError IO a getWith opts = ExceptT g where g = handle (\(e :: IOException) -> return (Left $ NetworkError e)) $ do --liftIO $ print (view params opts :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]) response <- W.getWith opts "" --liftIO $ traverse_ (TIO.putStrLn . decodeUtf8. B.toStrict) $ response ^? W.responseBody return $ parseResponse (fromMaybe B.empty (response ^? W.responseBody)) simpleGetter :: FromJSON a => String -> ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO a simpleGetter action apiKey = getWith opts where opts = W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack action] maybeOr :: Monad m => Maybe a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a maybeOr v p = maybe p return v fetchAndSelect :: IO (Either LinodeError [a]) -> ([a] -> Maybe a) -> String -> ExceptT LinodeError IO a fetchAndSelect fetch select name = do r <- liftIO fetch case r of Left e -> throwE $ SelectionError ("Error which fetching a " <> name <> " . " ++ show e) Right xs -> case select xs of Nothing -> throwE $ SelectionError ("Error: Selection of " <> name <> " returned no value") Just x -> return x
import Tutorial.Chapter8.Bug (Sex(..), BugColour(..), buildBug) import ALife.Creatur.Universe (store, mkSimpleUniverse) import ALife.Creatur.Genetics.BRGCBool (put, runWriter, runDiploidReader) import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (evalStateT) main :: IO () main = do let u = mkSimpleUniverse "Chapter8" "chapter8" -- Create some Bugs and save them in the population directory. let g1 = runWriter (put Male >> put Green) let (Right b1) = runDiploidReader (buildBug "Bugsy") (g1,g1) evalStateT (store b1) u let g2 = runWriter (put Male >> put Purple) let (Right b2) = runDiploidReader (buildBug "Mel") (g2,g2) evalStateT (store b2) u let g3 = runWriter (put Female >> put Green) let (Right b3) = runDiploidReader (buildBug "Flo") (g3, g3) evalStateT (store b3) u let g4 = runWriter (put Male >> put Purple) let (Right b4) = runDiploidReader (buildBug "Buzz") (g4, g4) evalStateT (store b4) u
module Main where import Control.Monad import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.Environment import L2.AbsL import L2.ParL import L2.ErrM import Liveness.Liveness main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs when (length args /= 1) $ do putStrLn "usage: filename" exitFailure ts <- liftM myLexer $ readFile (head args) case pParenListInstruction ts of Bad s -> do putStrLn "\nParse Failed...\n" putStrLn "Tokens:" print ts putStrLn s Ok (PLI is) -> putStrLn . displayLiveArray . liveness $ is
module Matterhorn.Events.ChannelListOverlay ( onEventChannelListOverlay , channelListOverlayKeybindings , channelListOverlayKeyHandlers ) where import Prelude () import Matterhorn.Prelude import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty import Matterhorn.Events.Keybindings import Matterhorn.State.ChannelListOverlay import Matterhorn.State.ListOverlay import Matterhorn.Types onEventChannelListOverlay :: Vty.Event -> MH () onEventChannelListOverlay = void . onEventListOverlay (csCurrentTeam.tsChannelListOverlay) channelListOverlayKeybindings -- | The keybindings we want to use while viewing a channel list overlay channelListOverlayKeybindings :: KeyConfig -> KeyHandlerMap channelListOverlayKeybindings = mkKeybindings channelListOverlayKeyHandlers channelListOverlayKeyHandlers :: [KeyEventHandler] channelListOverlayKeyHandlers = [ mkKb CancelEvent "Close the channel search list" (exitListOverlay (csCurrentTeam.tsChannelListOverlay)) , mkKb SearchSelectUpEvent "Select the previous channel" channelListSelectUp , mkKb SearchSelectDownEvent "Select the next channel" channelListSelectDown , mkKb PageDownEvent "Page down in the channel list" channelListPageDown , mkKb PageUpEvent "Page up in the channel list" channelListPageUp , mkKb ActivateListItemEvent "Join the selected channel" (listOverlayActivateCurrent (csCurrentTeam.tsChannelListOverlay)) ]
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine import System.Environment main = withArgs [ "-o", "test4.png", "-w", "400", "-h", "400" ] $ defaultMain $ ((text "ABCDEFGHabcdefgh" # fontSize 2 # translateX 8 <> rect 10 1 # lw 0.1) # translateX (-5)) <> rect 12 12 # lw 0.2
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module LDrive.Platforms where -- ( testPlatformParser -- , ColoredLEDs(..) -- , TestUART(..) -- , TestSPI(..) -- , TestCAN(..) -- , TestDMA(..) -- , TestPlatform(..) -- , testplatform_clockconfig -- , odrive -- , drv8301 -- , drv8301_en_gate -- , m1_ncs -- , pinOut -- ) where import Ivory.Language import Ivory.Tower.Config import Data.Char (toUpper) import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.ADC as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.ATIM18 as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.CAN as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.UART as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.GPIO as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.GPIO.AF as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.SPI as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.RNG as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.GTIM2345 as F405 import qualified Ivory.BSP.STM32F405.Interrupt as F405 import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.ADC import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.CAN import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.GPIOF4 import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.UART import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.SPI as SPI -- hiding (ActiveHigh, ActiveLow) import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.RNG import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.UART.DMA import Ivory.BSP.STM32.ClockConfig import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Config import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Interrupt import LDrive.LED as LED import Ivory.Tower.Drivers.PWM.ATIM testPlatformParser :: ConfigParser TestPlatform testPlatformParser = do p <- subsection "args" $ subsection "platform" string case map toUpper p of "ODRIVE" -> result odrive "CAN4DISCO" -> result c4d _ -> fail ("no such platform " ++ p) where result platform = do conf <- stm32ConfigParser (testplatform_stm32 platform) return platform { testplatform_stm32 = conf } data ColoredLEDs = ColoredLEDs { redLED :: LED , greenLED :: LED } data TestUART = TestUART { testUARTPeriph :: UART , testUARTPins :: UARTPins } data TestSPI = TestSPI { testSPIPeriph :: SPIPeriph , testSPIPins :: SPIPins -- TODO FIXME: move CS pins for test devices into TestSPI } data TestCAN = TestCAN { testCAN :: CANPeriph , testCANRX :: GPIOPin , testCANTX :: GPIOPin , testCANFilters :: CANPeriphFilters } data TestDMA = TestDMA { testDMAUARTPeriph :: DMAUART , testDMAUARTPins :: UARTPins } data ADC = ADC { adcId :: Uint8 , adcPeriph :: ADCPeriph , adcChan :: (Uint8, GPIOPin) , adcInjChan :: (Uint8, GPIOPin) , adcInt :: HasSTM32Interrupt } data Enc = EncTimer { encTim :: F405.GTIM16 , encChan1 :: GPIOPin , encChan2 :: GPIOPin , encAf :: GPIO_AF } data ExtInt = ExtInt { extInt :: HasSTM32Interrupt, extPin :: GPIOPin } type ADCs = (ADC, ADC, ADC) data TestPlatform = TestPlatform { testplatform_leds :: ColoredLEDs , testplatform_uart :: TestUART , testplatform_spi :: TestSPI , testplatform_can :: TestCAN , testplatform_rng :: RNG , testplatform_stm32 :: STM32Config , testplatform_enc :: Enc , testplatform_pwm :: PWMTimer , testplatform_adc1 :: ADC , testplatform_adc2 :: ADC , testplatform_adc3 :: ADC , testplatform_adcs :: ADCs } testplatform_clockconfig :: TestPlatform -> ClockConfig testplatform_clockconfig = stm32config_clock . testplatform_stm32 --testExti :: ExtInt --testExti = ExtInt (HasSTM32Interrupt F405.EXTI0) F405.pinD1 testExti :: ExtInt testExti = ExtInt (HasSTM32Interrupt F405.EXTI4) gpio3 adcint :: HasSTM32Interrupt adcint = HasSTM32Interrupt F405.ADC adc1, adc2, adc3 :: ADC adc1 = ADC 1 F405.adc1 (5, F405.pinA5) (0, F405.pinA0) adcint adc2 = ADC 2 F405.adc2 (13, F405.pinC3) (10, F405.pinC0) adcint adc3 = ADC 3 F405.adc3 (12, F405.pinC2) (11, F405.pinC1) adcint spi3_pins :: SPIPins spi3_pins = SPIPins { spiPinMiso = F405.pinC12 , spiPinMosi = F405.pinC11 , spiPinSck = F405.pinC10 , spiPinAF = F405.gpio_af_spi3 } gpio1, gpio2, gpio3, gpio4 :: GPIOPin gpio1 = F405.pinB2 gpio2 = F405.pinA5 gpio3 = F405.pinA4 gpio4 = F405.pinA3 drv8301_en_gate :: GPIOPin drv8301_en_gate = F405.pinB12 m0_dc_cal, m1_dc_cal :: GPIOPin m0_dc_cal = F405.pinC9 m1_dc_cal = F405.pinC15 m0_nCS :: GPIOPin m0_nCS = F405.pinC13 m1_nCS :: GPIOPin m1_nCS = F405.pinC14 enc0 :: Enc enc0 = EncTimer F405.tim3 F405.pinB4 F405.pinB5 F405.gpio_af_tim3 enc0Z0 :: GPIOPin enc0Z0 = F405.pinA15 enc1 :: Enc enc1 = EncTimer F405.tim4 F405.pinB6 F405.pinB7 F405.gpio_af_tim4 enc1Z0 :: GPIOPin enc1Z0 = F405.pinB3 pwm0 :: PWMTimer pwm0 = PWMTimer F405.tim1 F405.pinA8 F405.pinA9 F405.pinA10 F405.pinB13 F405.pinB14 F405.pinB15 F405.gpio_af_tim1 0 tim_period_clocks pwm1 :: PWMTimer pwm1 = PWMTimer F405.tim8 F405.pinC6 F405.pinC7 F405.pinC8 F405.pinA7 F405.pinB0 F405.pinB1 F405.gpio_af_tim8 0 tim_period_clocks drv8301M0 :: SPIDevice drv8301M0 = SPIDevice { spiDevPeripheral = F405.spi3 , spiDevCSPin = m0_nCS , spiDevClockHz = 500000 , spiDevCSActive = SPI.ActiveLow , spiDevClockPolarity = ClockPolarityLow , spiDevClockPhase = ClockPhase2 , spiDevBitOrder = MSBFirst , spiDevName = "drv8301m0" } drv8301M1 :: SPIDevice drv8301M1 = SPIDevice { spiDevPeripheral = F405.spi3 , spiDevCSPin = m1_nCS , spiDevClockHz = 500000 , spiDevCSActive = SPI.ActiveLow , spiDevClockPolarity = ClockPolarityLow , spiDevClockPhase = ClockPhase2 , spiDevBitOrder = MSBFirst , spiDevName = "drv8301m1" } tim_period_clocks :: Uint16 tim_period_clocks = 8192 currentMeasPeriod :: ClockConfig -> IFloat currentMeasPeriod cc = (2 * (safeCast tim_period_clocks) / (fromIntegral pclkhz)) where pclkbus = PClk2 pclkhz = clockPClkHz pclkbus cc currentMeasHz :: ClockConfig -> IFloat currentMeasHz cc = (fromIntegral pclkhz) / (safeCast $ 2 * tim_period_clocks) where pclkbus = PClk2 pclkhz = clockPClkHz pclkbus cc odrive :: TestPlatform odrive = TestPlatform { testplatform_leds = ColoredLEDs { redLED = LED gpio1 LED.ActiveHigh , greenLED = LED gpio2 LED.ActiveHigh } , testplatform_uart = TestUART { testUARTPeriph = F405.uart1 , testUARTPins = UARTPins { uartPinTx = F405.pinB6 , uartPinRx = F405.pinB7 , uartPinAF = F405.gpio_af_uart1 } } , testplatform_spi = TestSPI { testSPIPeriph = F405.spi3 , testSPIPins = spi3_pins } , testplatform_can = TestCAN { testCAN = F405.can1 , testCANRX = F405.pinB8 , testCANTX = F405.pinB9 , testCANFilters = F405.canFilters } , testplatform_rng = F405.rng , testplatform_enc = enc0 , testplatform_pwm = pwm0 , testplatform_adc1 = adc1 , testplatform_adc2 = adc2 , testplatform_adc3 = adc3 , testplatform_adcs = (adc1, adc2, adc3) , testplatform_stm32 = odriveSTMConfig 8 } c4d :: TestPlatform c4d = TestPlatform { testplatform_leds = ColoredLEDs { redLED = LED F405.pinD14 LED.ActiveHigh , greenLED = LED F405.pinD15 LED.ActiveHigh } , testplatform_uart = TestUART { testUARTPeriph = F405.uart2 , testUARTPins = UARTPins { uartPinTx = F405.pinA2 , uartPinRx = F405.pinA3 , uartPinAF = F405.gpio_af_uart2 } } , testplatform_spi = TestSPI { testSPIPeriph = F405.spi3 , testSPIPins = spi3_pins } , testplatform_can = TestCAN { testCAN = F405.can1 , testCANRX = F405.pinB8 , testCANTX = F405.pinB9 , testCANFilters = F405.canFilters } , testplatform_rng = F405.rng , testplatform_enc = enc0 , testplatform_pwm = pwm0 , testplatform_adc1 = adc1 , testplatform_adc2 = adc2 , testplatform_adc3 = adc3 , testplatform_adcs = (adc1, adc2, adc3) , testplatform_stm32 = odriveSTMConfig 8 } --- XXX: clock hackery, suggest upstream data Divs = Divs { div_hclk :: Integer , div_pclk1 :: Integer , div_pclk2 :: Integer } externalXtalDivs :: Integer -> Integer -> Divs -> ClockConfig externalXtalDivs xtal_mhz sysclk_mhz Divs{..} = ClockConfig { clockconfig_source = External (xtal_mhz * 1000 * 1000) , clockconfig_pll = PLLFactor { pll_m = xtal_mhz , pll_n = sysclk_mhz * 2 , pll_p = 2 , pll_q = 7 } , clockconfig_hclk_divider = div_hclk , clockconfig_pclk1_divider = div_pclk1 , clockconfig_pclk2_divider = div_pclk2 } -- STM32F405RGT6 odriveSTMConfig :: Integer -> STM32Config odriveSTMConfig xtal_mhz = STM32Config { stm32config_processor = STM32F405 , stm32config_px4version = Nothing , stm32config_clock = externalXtalDivs xtal_mhz 168 divs -- XXX: this is 192 in total (112+16+64) -- 64 is CCM (core coupled memory) -- + 4kb additional backup sram -- , stm32config_sram = 128 * 1024 , stm32config_sram = 164 * 1024 } where divs = Divs { div_hclk = 1 , div_pclk1 = 2 , div_pclk2 = 1 }
module Main ( main ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as P import Data.Attoparsec.Lazy hiding (skipWhile,take) import Data.List (intercalate,transpose) import NanoUtils.Container (normalizeByMax) import System.IO main = do xss <- parseFile let xss' = normalizeByMax.transpose $ xss contents = intercalate "\n".map (intercalate "\t".map show) $ xss' writeFile "temp" contents parseFile = do contents <- L.readFile "data/" let (Done _ lst) = parse docParser contents return lst docParser = (P.double `P.sepBy` skipTab) `P.sepBy` P.endOfLine skipTab = P.skipWhile (=='\t')
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-} module Idris.Core.Evaluate(normalise, normaliseTrace, normaliseC, normaliseAll, rt_simplify, simplify, specialise, hnf, convEq, convEq', Def(..), CaseInfo(..), CaseDefs(..), Accessibility(..), Totality(..), PReason(..), MetaInformation(..), Context, initContext, ctxtAlist, uconstraints, next_tvar, addToCtxt, setAccess, setTotal, setMetaInformation, addCtxtDef, addTyDecl, addDatatype, addCasedef, simplifyCasedef, addOperator, lookupNames, lookupTy, lookupP, lookupDef, lookupDefAcc, lookupVal, mapDefCtxt, lookupTotal, lookupNameTotal, lookupMetaInformation, lookupTyEnv, isDConName, isTConName, isConName, isFnName, Value(..), Quote(..), initEval, uniqueNameCtxt) where import Debug.Trace import Control.Monad.State -- not Strict! import qualified Data.Binary as B import Data.Binary hiding (get, put) import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Core.CaseTree data EvalState = ES { limited :: [(Name, Int)], nexthole :: Int } deriving Show type Eval a = State EvalState a data EvalOpt = Spec | HNF | Simplify | AtREPL | RunTT deriving (Show, Eq) initEval = ES [] 0 -- VALUES (as HOAS) --------------------------------------------------------- -- | A HOAS representation of values data Value = VP NameType Name Value | VV Int -- True for Bool indicates safe to reduce | VBind Bool Name (Binder Value) (Value -> Eval Value) -- For frozen let bindings when simplifying | VBLet Int Name Value Value Value | VApp Value Value | VType UExp | VErased | VImpossible | VConstant Const | VProj Value Int -- | VLazy Env [Value] Term | VTmp Int instance Show Value where show x = show $ evalState (quote 100 x) initEval instance Show (a -> b) where show x = "<<fn>>" -- THE EVALUATOR ------------------------------------------------------------ -- The environment is assumed to be "locally named" - i.e., not de Bruijn -- indexed. -- i.e. it's an intermediate environment that we have while type checking or -- while building a proof. -- | Normalise fully type checked terms (so, assume all names/let bindings resolved) normaliseC :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name normaliseC ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] env t [] quote 0 val) initEval normaliseAll :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name normaliseAll ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] env t [AtREPL] quote 0 val) initEval normalise :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name normalise = normaliseTrace False normaliseTrace :: Bool -> Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name normaliseTrace tr ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval tr ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) [] quote 0 val) initEval specialise :: Context -> Env -> [(Name, Int)] -> TT Name -> TT Name specialise ctxt env limits t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) [Spec] quote 0 val) (initEval { limited = limits }) -- | Like normalise, but we only reduce functions that are marked as okay to -- inline (and probably shouldn't reduce lets?) -- 20130908: now only used to reduce for totality checking. Inlining should -- be done elsewhere. simplify :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name simplify ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [(sUN "lazy", 0), (sUN "assert_smaller", 0), (sUN "par", 0), (sUN "prim__syntactic_eq", 0), (sUN "fork", 0)] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) [Simplify] quote 0 val) initEval -- | Simplify for run-time (i.e. basic inlining) rt_simplify :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name rt_simplify ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [(sUN "lazy", 0), (sUN "assert_smaller", 0), (sUN "par", 0), (sUN "prim__syntactic_eq", 0), (sUN "prim_fork", 0)] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) [RunTT] quote 0 val) initEval -- | Reduce a term to head normal form hnf :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name hnf ctxt env t = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) [HNF] quote 0 val) initEval -- unbindEnv env (quote 0 (eval ctxt (bindEnv env t))) finalEntry :: (Name, Binder (TT Name)) -> (Name, Binder (TT Name)) finalEntry (n, b) = (n, fmap finalise b) bindEnv :: EnvTT n -> TT n -> TT n bindEnv [] tm = tm bindEnv ((n, Let t v):bs) tm = Bind n (NLet t v) (bindEnv bs tm) bindEnv ((n, b):bs) tm = Bind n b (bindEnv bs tm) unbindEnv :: EnvTT n -> TT n -> TT n unbindEnv [] tm = tm unbindEnv (_:bs) (Bind n b sc) = unbindEnv bs sc usable :: Bool -- specialising -> Name -> [(Name, Int)] -> Eval (Bool, [(Name, Int)]) -- usable _ _ ns@((MN 0 "STOP", _) : _) = return (False, ns) usable False n [] = return (True, []) usable True n ns = do ES ls num <- get case lookup n ls of Just 0 -> return (False, ns) Just i -> return (True, ns) _ -> return (False, ns) usable False n ns = case lookup n ns of Just 0 -> return (False, ns) Just i -> return $ (True, (n, abs (i-1)) : filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ns) _ -> return $ (True, (n, 100) : filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ns) deduct :: Name -> Eval () deduct n = do ES ls num <- get case lookup n ls of Just i -> do put $ ES ((n, (i-1)) : filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ls) num _ -> return () -- | Evaluate in a context of locally named things (i.e. not de Bruijn indexed, -- such as we might have during construction of a proof) -- The (Name, Int) pair in the arguments is the maximum depth of unfolding of -- a name. The corresponding pair in the state is the maximum number of -- unfoldings overall. eval :: Bool -> Context -> [(Name, Int)] -> Env -> TT Name -> [EvalOpt] -> Eval Value eval traceon ctxt ntimes genv tm opts = ev ntimes [] True [] tm where spec = Spec `elem` opts simpl = Simplify `elem` opts runtime = RunTT `elem` opts atRepl = AtREPL `elem` opts hnf = HNF `elem` opts -- returns 'True' if the function should block -- normal evaluation should return false blockSimplify (CaseInfo inl dict) n stk | RunTT `elem` opts = not (inl || dict) || elem n stk | Simplify `elem` opts = (not (inl || dict) || elem n stk) || (n == sUN "prim__syntactic_eq") | otherwise = False getCases cd | simpl = cases_totcheck cd | runtime = cases_runtime cd | otherwise = cases_compiletime cd ev ntimes stk top env (P _ n ty) | Just (Let t v) <- lookup n genv = ev ntimes stk top env v ev ntimes_in stk top env (P Ref n ty) | not top && hnf = liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) | otherwise = do (u, ntimes) <- usable spec n ntimes_in if u then do let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt case val of [(Function _ tm, Public)] -> ev ntimes (n:stk) True env tm [(Function _ tm, Hidden)] -> ev ntimes (n:stk) True env tm [(TyDecl nt ty, _)] -> do vty <- ev ntimes stk True env ty return $ VP nt n vty [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)] | (acc /= Frozen) && null (fst (cases_totcheck cd)) -> -- unoptimised version let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in if blockSimplify ci n stk then liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) else -- traceWhen runtime (show (n, ns, tree)) $ do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns [] tree case c of (Nothing, _) -> liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) (Just v, _) -> return v _ -> liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) else liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) ev ntimes stk top env (P nt n ty) = liftM (VP nt n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty) ev ntimes stk top env (V i) | i < length env && i >= 0 = return $ snd (env !! i) | otherwise = return $ VV i ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n (Let t v) sc) = do v' <- ev ntimes stk top env v --(finalise v) sc' <- ev ntimes stk top ((n, v') : env) sc wknV (-1) sc' -- | otherwise -- = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t -- v' <- ev ntimes stk top env v --(finalise v) -- -- use Tmp as a placeholder, then make it a variable reference -- -- again when evaluation finished -- hs <- get -- let vd = nexthole hs -- put (hs { nexthole = vd + 1 }) -- sc' <- ev ntimes stk top (VP Bound (MN vd "vlet") VErased : env) sc -- return $ VBLet vd n t' v' sc' ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n (NLet t v) sc) = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env (finalise t) v' <- ev ntimes stk top env (finalise v) sc' <- ev ntimes stk top ((n, v') : env) sc return $ VBind True n (Let t' v') (\x -> return sc') ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n b sc) = do b' <- vbind env b let n' = uniqueName n (map fst env) return $ VBind True -- (vinstances 0 sc < 2) n' b' (\x -> ev ntimes stk False ((n, x):env) sc) where vbind env t -- | simpl -- = fmapMB (\tm -> ev ((MN 0 "STOP", 0) : ntimes) -- stk top env (finalise tm)) t -- | otherwise = fmapMB (\tm -> ev ntimes stk top env (finalise tm)) t ev ntimes stk top env (App f a) = do f' <- ev ntimes stk False env f a' <- ev ntimes stk False env a evApply ntimes stk top env [a'] f' ev ntimes stk top env (Proj t i) = do -- evaluate dictionaries if it means the projection works t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t -- tfull' <- reapply ntimes stk top env t' [] return (doProj t' (getValArgs t')) where doProj t' (VP (DCon _ _) _ _, args) | i >= 0 && i < length args = args!!i doProj t' _ = VProj t' i ev ntimes stk top env (Constant c) = return $ VConstant c ev ntimes stk top env Erased = return VErased ev ntimes stk top env Impossible = return VImpossible ev ntimes stk top env (TType i) = return $ VType i evApply ntimes stk top env args (VApp f a) = evApply ntimes stk top env (a:args) f evApply ntimes stk top env args f = apply ntimes stk top env f args reapply ntimes stk top env f@(VP Ref n ty) args = let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt in case val of [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)] -> let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns args tree case c of (Nothing, _) -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args (Just v, rest) -> evApply ntimes stk top env rest v _ -> case args of (a : as) -> return $ unload env f (a : as) [] -> return f reapply ntimes stk top env (VApp f a) args = reapply ntimes stk top env f (a : args) reapply ntimes stk top env v args = return v apply ntimes stk top env (VBind True n (Lam t) sc) (a:as) = do a' <- sc a app <- apply ntimes stk top env a' as wknV (-1) app apply ntimes_in stk top env f@(VP Ref n ty) args | not top && hnf = case args of [] -> return f _ -> return $ unload env f args | otherwise = do (u, ntimes) <- usable spec n ntimes_in if u then do let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt case val of [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)] | acc /= Frozen -> -- unoptimised version let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in if blockSimplify ci n stk then return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args else -- traceWhen runtime (show (n, ns, tree)) $ do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns args tree case c of (Nothing, _) -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args (Just v, rest) -> evApply ntimes stk top env rest v [(Operator _ i op, _)] -> if (i <= length args) then case op (take i args) of Nothing -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args Just v -> evApply ntimes stk top env (drop i args) v else return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args _ -> case args of [] -> return f _ -> return $ unload env f args else case args of (a : as) -> return $ unload env f (a:as) [] -> return f apply ntimes stk top env f (a:as) = return $ unload env f (a:as) apply ntimes stk top env f [] = return f -- specApply stk env f@(VP Ref n ty) args -- = case lookupCtxt n statics of -- [as] -> if or as -- then trace (show (n, map fst (filter (\ (_, s) -> s) (zip args as)))) $ -- return $ unload env f args -- else return $ unload env f args -- _ -> return $ unload env f args -- specApply stk env f args = return $ unload env f args unload :: [(Name, Value)] -> Value -> [Value] -> Value unload env f [] = f unload env f (a:as) = unload env (VApp f a) as evCase ntimes n stk top env ns args tree | length ns <= length args = do let args' = take (length ns) args let rest = drop (length ns) args when spec $ deduct n -- successful, so deduct usages t <- evTree ntimes stk top env (zip ns args') tree -- (zipWith (\n , t) -> (n, t)) ns args') tree return (t, rest) | otherwise = return (Nothing, args) evTree :: [(Name, Int)] -> [Name] -> Bool -> [(Name, Value)] -> [(Name, Value)] -> SC -> Eval (Maybe Value) evTree ntimes stk top env amap (UnmatchedCase str) = return Nothing evTree ntimes stk top env amap (STerm tm) = do let etm = pToVs (map fst amap) tm etm' <- ev ntimes stk (not (conHeaded tm)) (amap ++ env) etm return $ Just etm' evTree ntimes stk top env amap (ProjCase t alts) = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t doCase ntimes stk top env amap t' alts evTree ntimes stk top env amap (Case n alts) = case lookup n amap of Just v -> doCase ntimes stk top env amap v alts _ -> return Nothing evTree ntimes stk top env amap ImpossibleCase = return Nothing doCase ntimes stk top env amap v alts = do c <- chooseAlt env v (getValArgs v) alts amap case c of Just (altmap, sc) -> evTree ntimes stk top env altmap sc _ -> do c' <- chooseAlt' ntimes stk env v (getValArgs v) alts amap case c' of Just (altmap, sc) -> evTree ntimes stk top env altmap sc _ -> return Nothing conHeaded tm@(App _ _) | (P (DCon _ _) _ _, args) <- unApply tm = True conHeaded t = False chooseAlt' ntimes stk env _ (f, args) alts amap = do f' <- apply ntimes stk True env f args chooseAlt env f' (getValArgs f') alts amap chooseAlt :: [(Name, Value)] -> Value -> (Value, [Value]) -> [CaseAlt] -> [(Name, Value)] -> Eval (Maybe ([(Name, Value)], SC)) chooseAlt env _ (VP (DCon i a) _ _, args) alts amap | Just (ns, sc) <- findTag i alts = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc) | Just v <- findDefault alts = return $ Just (amap, v) chooseAlt env _ (VP (TCon i a) _ _, args) alts amap | Just (ns, sc) <- findTag i alts = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc) | Just v <- findDefault alts = return $ Just (amap, v) chooseAlt env _ (VConstant c, []) alts amap | Just v <- findConst c alts = return $ Just (amap, v) | Just (n', sub, sc) <- findSuc c alts = return $ Just (updateAmap [(n',sub)] amap, sc) | Just v <- findDefault alts = return $ Just (amap, v) chooseAlt env _ (VP _ n _, args) alts amap | Just (ns, sc) <- findFn n alts = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc) chooseAlt env _ (VBind _ _ (Pi s) t, []) alts amap | Just (ns, sc) <- findFn (sUN "->") alts = do t' <- t (VV 0) -- we know it's not in scope or it's not a pattern return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns [s, t']) amap, sc) chooseAlt _ _ _ alts amap | Just v <- findDefault alts = if (any fnCase alts) then return $ Just (amap, v) else return Nothing | otherwise = return Nothing fnCase (FnCase _ _ _) = True fnCase _ = False -- Replace old variable names in the map with new matches -- (This is possibly unnecessary since we make unique names and don't -- allow repeated variables...?) updateAmap newm amap = newm ++ filter (\ (x, _) -> not (elem x (map fst newm))) amap findTag i [] = Nothing findTag i (ConCase n j ns sc : xs) | i == j = Just (ns, sc) findTag i (_ : xs) = findTag i xs findFn fn [] = Nothing findFn fn (FnCase n ns sc : xs) | fn == n = Just (ns, sc) findFn fn (_ : xs) = findFn fn xs findDefault [] = Nothing findDefault (DefaultCase sc : xs) = Just sc findDefault (_ : xs) = findDefault xs findSuc c [] = Nothing findSuc (BI val) (SucCase n sc : _) | val /= 0 = Just (n, VConstant (BI (val - 1)), sc) findSuc c (_ : xs) = findSuc c xs findConst c [] = Nothing findConst c (ConstCase c' v : xs) | c == c' = Just v findConst (AType (ATInt ITNative)) (ConCase n 1 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst (AType ATFloat) (ConCase n 2 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst (AType (ATInt ITChar)) (ConCase n 3 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst StrType (ConCase n 4 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst PtrType (ConCase n 5 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst (AType (ATInt ITBig)) (ConCase n 6 [] v : xs) = Just v findConst (AType (ATInt (ITFixed ity))) (ConCase n tag [] v : xs) | tag == 7 + fromEnum ity = Just v findConst (AType (ATInt (ITVec ity count))) (ConCase n tag [] v : xs) | tag == (fromEnum ity + 1) * 1000 + count = Just v findConst c (_ : xs) = findConst c xs getValArgs tm = getValArgs' tm [] getValArgs' (VApp f a) as = getValArgs' f (a:as) getValArgs' f as = (f, as) -- tmpToV i vd (VLetHole j) | vd == j = return $ VV i -- tmpToV i vd (VP nt n v) = liftM (VP nt n) (tmpToV i vd v) -- tmpToV i vd (VBind n b sc) = do b' <- fmapMB (tmpToV i vd) b -- let sc' = \x -> do x' <- sc x -- tmpToV (i + 1) vd x' -- return (VBind n b' sc') -- tmpToV i vd (VApp f a) = liftM2 VApp (tmpToV i vd f) (tmpToV i vd a) -- tmpToV i vd x = return x instance Eq Value where (==) x y = getTT x == getTT y where getTT v = evalState (quote 0 v) initEval class Quote a where quote :: Int -> a -> Eval (TT Name) instance Quote Value where quote i (VP nt n v) = liftM (P nt n) (quote i v) quote i (VV x) = return $ V x quote i (VBind _ n b sc) = do sc' <- sc (VTmp i) b' <- quoteB b liftM (Bind n b') (quote (i+1) sc') where quoteB t = fmapMB (quote i) t quote i (VBLet vd n t v sc) = do sc' <- quote i sc t' <- quote i t v' <- quote i v let sc'' = pToV (sMN vd "vlet") (addBinder sc') return (Bind n (Let t' v') sc'') quote i (VApp f a) = liftM2 App (quote i f) (quote i a) quote i (VType u) = return $ TType u quote i VErased = return $ Erased quote i VImpossible = return $ Impossible quote i (VProj v j) = do v' <- quote i v return (Proj v' j) quote i (VConstant c) = return $ Constant c quote i (VTmp x) = return $ V (i - x - 1) wknV :: Int -> Value -> Eval Value wknV i (VV x) = return $ VV (x + i) wknV i (VBind red n b sc) = do b' <- fmapMB (wknV i) b return $ VBind red n b' (\x -> do x' <- sc x wknV i x') wknV i (VApp f a) = liftM2 VApp (wknV i f) (wknV i a) wknV i t = return t convEq' ctxt x y = evalStateT (convEq ctxt x y) (0, []) convEq :: Context -> TT Name -> TT Name -> StateT UCs (TC' Err) Bool convEq ctxt = ceq [] where ceq :: [(Name, Name)] -> TT Name -> TT Name -> StateT UCs (TC' Err) Bool ceq ps (P xt x _) (P yt y _) | x == y || (x, y) `elem` ps || (y,x) `elem` ps = return True | otherwise = sameDefs ps x y ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App y (V 0))) = ceq ps x y ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App x (V 0))) y = ceq ps x y ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App y (P Bound n' _))) | n == n' = ceq ps x y ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App x (P Bound n' _))) y | n == n' = ceq ps x y ceq ps (V x) (V y) = return (x == y) ceq ps (Bind _ xb xs) (Bind _ yb ys) = liftM2 (&&) (ceqB ps xb yb) (ceq ps xs ys) where ceqB ps (Let v t) (Let v' t') = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps v v') (ceq ps t t') ceqB ps (Guess v t) (Guess v' t') = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps v v') (ceq ps t t') ceqB ps b b' = ceq ps (binderTy b) (binderTy b') ceq ps (App fx ax) (App fy ay) = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps fx fy) (ceq ps ax ay) ceq ps (Constant x) (Constant y) = return (x == y) ceq ps (TType x) (TType y) = do (v, cs) <- get put (v, ULE x y : cs) return True ceq ps Erased _ = return True ceq ps _ Erased = return True ceq ps _ _ = return False caseeq ps (Case n cs) (Case n' cs') = caseeqA ((n,n'):ps) cs cs' where caseeqA ps (ConCase x i as sc : rest) (ConCase x' i' as' sc' : rest') = do q1 <- caseeq (zip as as' ++ ps) sc sc' q2 <- caseeqA ps rest rest' return $ x == x' && i == i' && q1 && q2 caseeqA ps (ConstCase x sc : rest) (ConstCase x' sc' : rest') = do q1 <- caseeq ps sc sc' q2 <- caseeqA ps rest rest' return $ x == x' && q1 && q2 caseeqA ps (DefaultCase sc : rest) (DefaultCase sc' : rest') = liftM2 (&&) (caseeq ps sc sc') (caseeqA ps rest rest') caseeqA ps [] [] = return True caseeqA ps _ _ = return False caseeq ps (STerm x) (STerm y) = ceq ps x y caseeq ps (UnmatchedCase _) (UnmatchedCase _) = return True caseeq ps _ _ = return False sameDefs ps x y = case (lookupDef x ctxt, lookupDef y ctxt) of ([Function _ xdef], [Function _ ydef]) -> ceq ((x,y):ps) xdef ydef ([CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ xd], [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ yd]) -> let (_, xdef) = cases_compiletime xd (_, ydef) = cases_compiletime yd in caseeq ((x,y):ps) xdef ydef _ -> return False -- SPECIALISATION ----------------------------------------------------------- -- We need too much control to be able to do this by tweaking the main -- evaluator spec :: Context -> Ctxt [Bool] -> Env -> TT Name -> Eval (TT Name) spec ctxt statics genv tm = error "spec undefined" -- CONTEXTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- {-| A definition is either a simple function (just an expression with a type), a constant, which could be a data or type constructor, an axiom or as an yet undefined function, or an Operator. An Operator is a function which explains how to reduce. A CaseOp is a function defined by a simple case tree -} data Def = Function !Type !Term | TyDecl NameType !Type | Operator Type Int ([Value] -> Maybe Value) | CaseOp CaseInfo !Type ![Type] -- argument types ![Either Term (Term, Term)] -- original definition ![([Name], Term, Term)] -- simplified for totality check definition !CaseDefs -- [Name] SC -- Compile time case definition -- [Name] SC -- Run time cae definitions data CaseDefs = CaseDefs { cases_totcheck :: !([Name], SC), cases_compiletime :: !([Name], SC), cases_inlined :: !([Name], SC), cases_runtime :: !([Name], SC) } data CaseInfo = CaseInfo { case_inlinable :: Bool, tc_dictionary :: Bool } {-! deriving instance Binary Def !-} {-! deriving instance Binary CaseInfo !-} {-! deriving instance Binary CaseDefs !-} instance Show Def where show (Function ty tm) = "Function: " ++ show (ty, tm) show (TyDecl nt ty) = "TyDecl: " ++ show nt ++ " " ++ show ty show (Operator ty _ _) = "Operator: " ++ show ty show (CaseOp (CaseInfo inlc inlr) ty atys ps_in ps cd) = let (ns, sc) = cases_compiletime cd (ns_t, sc_t) = cases_totcheck cd (ns', sc') = cases_runtime cd in "Case: " ++ show ty ++ " " ++ show ps ++ "\n" ++ "TOTALITY CHECK TIME:\n\n" ++ show ns_t ++ " " ++ show sc_t ++ "\n\n" ++ "COMPILE TIME:\n\n" ++ show ns ++ " " ++ show sc ++ "\n\n" ++ "RUN TIME:\n\n" ++ show ns' ++ " " ++ show sc' ++ "\n\n" ++ if inlc then "Inlinable\n" else "Not inlinable\n" ------- -- Frozen => doesn't reduce -- Hidden => doesn't reduce and invisible to type checker data Accessibility = Public | Frozen | Hidden deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The result of totality checking data Totality = Total [Int] -- ^ well-founded arguments | Productive -- ^ productive | Partial PReason | Unchecked deriving Eq -- | Reasons why a function may not be total data PReason = Other [Name] | Itself | NotCovering | NotPositive | UseUndef Name | BelieveMe | Mutual [Name] | NotProductive deriving (Show, Eq) instance Show Totality where show (Total args)= "Total" -- ++ show args ++ " decreasing arguments" show Productive = "Productive" -- ++ show args ++ " decreasing arguments" show Unchecked = "not yet checked for totality" show (Partial Itself) = "possibly not total as it is not well founded" show (Partial NotCovering) = "not total as there are missing cases" show (Partial NotPositive) = "not strictly positive" show (Partial NotProductive) = "not productive" show (Partial BelieveMe) = "not total due to use of believe_me in proof" show (Partial (Other ns)) = "possibly not total due to: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns) show (Partial (Mutual ns)) = "possibly not total due to recursive path " ++ showSep " --> " (map show ns) {-! deriving instance Binary Accessibility !-} {-! deriving instance Binary Totality !-} {-! deriving instance Binary PReason !-} -- Possible attached meta-information for a definition in context data MetaInformation = EmptyMI -- ^ No meta-information | DataMI [Int] -- ^ Meta information for a data declaration with position of parameters deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Contexts used for global definitions and for proof state. They contain -- universe constraints and existing definitions. data Context = MkContext { uconstraints :: [UConstraint], next_tvar :: Int, definitions :: Ctxt (Def, Accessibility, Totality, MetaInformation) } deriving Show -- | The initial empty context initContext = MkContext [] 0 emptyContext mapDefCtxt :: (Def -> Def) -> Context -> Context mapDefCtxt f (MkContext c t defs) = MkContext c t (mapCtxt f' defs) where f' (d, a, t, m) = f' (f d, a, t, m) -- | Get the definitions from a context ctxtAlist :: Context -> [(Name, Def)] ctxtAlist ctxt = map (\(n, (d, a, t, m)) -> (n, d)) $ toAlist (definitions ctxt) veval ctxt env t = evalState (eval False ctxt [] env t []) initEval addToCtxt :: Name -> Term -> Type -> Context -> Context addToCtxt n tm ty uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = addDef n (Function ty tm, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } setAccess :: Name -> Accessibility -> Context -> Context setAccess n a uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, _, t, m) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } setTotal :: Name -> Totality -> Context -> Context setTotal n t uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, a, _, m) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } setMetaInformation :: Name -> MetaInformation -> Context -> Context setMetaInformation n m uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, a, t, _) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } addCtxtDef :: Name -> Def -> Context -> Context addCtxtDef n d c = let ctxt = definitions c ctxt' = addDef n (d, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) $! ctxt in c { definitions = ctxt' } addTyDecl :: Name -> NameType -> Type -> Context -> Context addTyDecl n nt ty uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = addDef n (TyDecl nt ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } addDatatype :: Datatype Name -> Context -> Context addDatatype (Data n tag ty cons) uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ty' = normalise uctxt [] ty ctxt' = addCons 0 cons (addDef n (TyDecl (TCon tag (arity ty')) ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt) in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } where addCons tag [] ctxt = ctxt addCons tag ((n, ty) : cons) ctxt = let ty' = normalise uctxt [] ty in addCons (tag+1) cons (addDef n (TyDecl (DCon tag (arity ty')) ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt) -- FIXME: Too many arguments! Refactor all these Bools. addCasedef :: Name -> CaseInfo -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [Type] -> -- argument types [Either Term (Term, Term)] -> [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- totality [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- compile time [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- inlined [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- run time Type -> Context -> Context addCasedef n ci@(CaseInfo alwaysInline tcdict) tcase covering reflect asserted argtys ps_in ps_tot ps_inl ps_ct ps_rt ty uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt access = case lookupDefAcc n False uctxt of [(_, acc)] -> acc _ -> Public ctxt' = case (simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC argtys ps_tot, simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC argtys ps_ct, simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC argtys ps_inl, simpleCase tcase covering reflect RunTime emptyFC argtys ps_rt) of (OK (CaseDef args_tot sc_tot _), OK (CaseDef args_ct sc_ct _), OK (CaseDef args_inl sc_inl _), OK (CaseDef args_rt sc_rt _)) -> let inl = alwaysInline -- tcdict inlc = (inl || small n args_ct sc_ct) && (not asserted) inlr = inl || small n args_rt sc_rt cdef = CaseDefs (args_tot, sc_tot) (args_ct, sc_ct) (args_inl, sc_inl) (args_rt, sc_rt) in addDef n (CaseOp (ci { case_inlinable = inlc }) ty argtys ps_in ps_tot cdef, access, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } -- simplify a definition for totality checking simplifyCasedef :: Name -> Context -> Context simplifyCasedef n uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = case lookupCtxt n ctxt of [(CaseOp ci ty atys [] ps _, acc, tot, metainf)] -> ctxt -- nothing to simplify (or already done...) [(CaseOp ci ty atys ps_in ps cd, acc, tot, metainf)] -> let ps_in' = map simpl ps_in pdef = map debind ps_in' in case simpleCase False True False CompileTime emptyFC atys pdef of OK (CaseDef args sc _) -> addDef n (CaseOp ci ty atys ps_in' ps (cd { cases_totcheck = (args, sc) }), acc, tot, metainf) ctxt Error err -> error (show err) _ -> ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } where depat acc (Bind n (PVar t) sc) = depat (n : acc) (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc) depat acc x = (acc, x) debind (Right (x, y)) = let (vs, x') = depat [] x (_, y') = depat [] y in (vs, x', y') debind (Left x) = let (vs, x') = depat [] x in (vs, x', Impossible) simpl (Right (x, y)) = Right (x, simplify uctxt [] y) simpl t = t addOperator :: Name -> Type -> Int -> ([Value] -> Maybe Value) -> Context -> Context addOperator n ty a op uctxt = let ctxt = definitions uctxt ctxt' = addDef n (Operator ty a op, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in uctxt { definitions = ctxt' } tfst (a, _, _, _) = a lookupNames :: Name -> Context -> [Name] lookupNames n ctxt = let ns = lookupCtxtName n (definitions ctxt) in map fst ns lookupTy :: Name -> Context -> [Type] lookupTy n ctxt = do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) case tfst def of (Function ty _) -> return ty (TyDecl _ ty) -> return ty (Operator ty _ _) -> return ty (CaseOp _ ty _ _ _ _) -> return ty isConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool isConName n ctxt = isTConName n ctxt || isDConName n ctxt isTConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool isTConName n ctxt = or $ do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) case tfst def of (TyDecl (TCon _ _) _) -> return True _ -> return False isDConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool isDConName n ctxt = or $ do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) case tfst def of (TyDecl (DCon _ _) _) -> return True _ -> return False isFnName :: Name -> Context -> Bool isFnName n ctxt = or $ do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) case tfst def of (Function _ _) -> return True (Operator _ _ _) -> return True (CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ _) -> return True _ -> return False lookupP :: Name -> Context -> [Term] lookupP n ctxt = do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) p <- case def of (Function ty tm, a, _, _) -> return (P Ref n ty, a) (TyDecl nt ty, a, _, _) -> return (P nt n ty, a) (CaseOp _ ty _ _ _ _, a, _, _) -> return (P Ref n ty, a) (Operator ty _ _, a, _, _) -> return (P Ref n ty, a) case snd p of Hidden -> [] _ -> return (fst p) lookupDef :: Name -> Context -> [Def] lookupDef n ctxt = map tfst $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) lookupDefAcc :: Name -> Bool -> Context -> [(Def, Accessibility)] lookupDefAcc n mkpublic ctxt = map mkp $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) -- io_bind a special case for REPL prettiness where mkp (d, a, _, _) = if mkpublic && (not (n == sUN "io_bind" || n == sUN "io_return")) then (d, Public) else (d, a) lookupTotal :: Name -> Context -> [Totality] lookupTotal n ctxt = map mkt $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) where mkt (d, a, t, m) = t lookupMetaInformation :: Name -> Context -> [MetaInformation] lookupMetaInformation n ctxt = map mkm $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) where mkm (d, a, t, m) = m lookupNameTotal :: Name -> Context -> [(Name, Totality)] lookupNameTotal n = map (\(n, (_, _, t, _)) -> (n, t)) . lookupCtxtName n . definitions lookupVal :: Name -> Context -> [Value] lookupVal n ctxt = do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt) case tfst def of (Function _ htm) -> return (veval ctxt [] htm) (TyDecl nt ty) -> return (VP nt n (veval ctxt [] ty)) lookupTyEnv :: Name -> Env -> Maybe (Int, Type) lookupTyEnv n env = li n 0 env where li n i [] = Nothing li n i ((x, b): xs) | n == x = Just (i, binderTy b) | otherwise = li n (i+1) xs -- | Create a unique name given context and other existing names uniqueNameCtxt :: Context -> Name -> [Name] -> Name uniqueNameCtxt ctxt n hs | n `elem` hs = uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (nextName n) hs | [_] <- lookupTy n ctxt = uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (nextName n) hs | otherwise = n
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | @futhark py@ module Futhark.CLI.Python (main) where import Futhark.Actions (compilePythonAction) import Futhark.Compiler.CLI import Futhark.Passes -- | Run @futhark py@ main :: String -> [String] -> IO () main = compilerMain () [] "Compile sequential Python" "Generate sequential Python code from optimised Futhark program." sequentialCpuPipeline $ \fcfg () mode outpath prog -> actionProcedure (compilePythonAction fcfg mode outpath) prog
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Commands.Plugins.Spiros.Finite.Types where import Commands.Plugins.Spiros.Extra.Types import Commands.Plugins.Spiros.Edit.Types import Numeric.Natural data Finite = Finite Natural Finite0 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Generic,Data,NFData) data Finite0 = Edit0 Edit | Move0 Move -- | KeyRiff_ KeySequence --TODO | Click_ Click deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Generic,Data,NFData)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ViewPatterns #-} module Commands.Plugins.Spiros.Types where import Commands.Plugins.Spiros.Extra.Types -- import qualified Commands.Servers.Servant as Server -- import Commands.Backends.Workflow (WorkflowT,MonadWorkflow_,MonadThrow) import Commands.Parsers.Earley (EarleyParser) import Workflow.Core (WorkflowT,MonadWorkflow_,MonadThrow) -- import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath import Control.Lens (makePrisms) import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Prelude.Spiros (Default(..)) -- type SpirosConfig = Server.VConfig SpirosBackend SpirosContext -- TODO -- type SpirosGlobals = Server.VGlobals SpirosContext type SpirosBackend = SpirosMonad -- TODO type SpirosMonad_ = SpirosMonad () type SpirosParser s r = EarleyParser s r String Text newtype SpirosMonad a = SpirosMonad { getSpirosMonad :: WorkflowT IO a } deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , MonadIO , MonadThrow -- , Workflow.MonadWorkflow -- can't derive ConstraintKinds , MonadWorkflow_ -- , MonadNatlink -- , MonadVServer -- , MonadState Server.VState ) -- ================================================================ -- data SpirosContext = GlobalContext | EmacsContext | ChromeContext | IntelliJContext deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Data,Generic) instance NFData SpirosContext instance Default SpirosContext where def = GlobalContext -- instance IsString SpirosContext where fromString = -- no, depends on a mapping, unlawful like fromaeson makePrisms ''SpirosContext -- ================================================================ --
{-| Implementation of the primitives of instance allocation -} {- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.AllocatePrimitives ( allocateOnSingle , allocateOnPair ) where import Ganeti.HTools.AlgorithmParams (AlgorithmOptions(..)) import Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.AllocationSolution (AllocElement) import Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Metrics ( compCV, compCVfromStats , updateClusterStatisticsTwice) import Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Moves (setInstanceLocationScore) import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node import Ganeti.HTools.Types import Ganeti.Utils.Statistics -- | Tries to allocate an instance on one given node. allocateOnSingle :: AlgorithmOptions -> Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Ndx -> OpResult AllocElement allocateOnSingle opts nl inst new_pdx = let p = Container.find new_pdx nl new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst new_pdx Node.noSecondary force = algIgnoreSoftErrors opts in do Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst (Node.iPolicy p) (Node.exclStorage p) new_p <- Node.addPriEx force p inst let new_nl = Container.add new_pdx new_p nl new_score = compCV new_nl return (new_nl, new_inst, [new_p], new_score) -- | Tries to allocate an instance on a given pair of nodes. allocateOnPair :: AlgorithmOptions -> [Statistics] -> Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Ndx -> Ndx -> OpResult AllocElement allocateOnPair opts stats nl inst new_pdx new_sdx = let tgt_p = Container.find new_pdx nl tgt_s = Container.find new_sdx nl force = algIgnoreSoftErrors opts in do Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst (Node.iPolicy tgt_p) (Node.exclStorage tgt_p) let new_inst = Instance.setBoth (setInstanceLocationScore inst tgt_p (Just tgt_s)) new_pdx new_sdx new_p <- Node.addPriEx force tgt_p new_inst new_s <- Node.addSec tgt_s new_inst new_pdx let new_nl = Container.addTwo new_pdx new_p new_sdx new_s nl new_stats = updateClusterStatisticsTwice stats (tgt_p, new_p) (tgt_s, new_s) return (new_nl, new_inst, [new_p, new_s], compCVfromStats new_stats)
-- | -- Module : Foundation.Tuple -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Foundation.Tuple ( Tuple2(..) , Tuple3(..) , Tuple4(..) , Fstable(..) , Sndable(..) , Thdable(..) ) where import Basement.Compat.Base import Basement.Compat.Bifunctor import Foundation.Primitive -- | Strict tuple (a,b) data Tuple2 a b = Tuple2 !a !b deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic) instance (NormalForm a, NormalForm b) => NormalForm (Tuple2 a b) where toNormalForm (Tuple2 a b) = toNormalForm a `seq` toNormalForm b instance Bifunctor Tuple2 where bimap f g (Tuple2 a b) = Tuple2 (f a) (g b) -- | Strict tuple (a,b,c) data Tuple3 a b c = Tuple3 !a !b !c deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic) instance (NormalForm a, NormalForm b, NormalForm c) => NormalForm (Tuple3 a b c) where toNormalForm (Tuple3 a b c) = toNormalForm a `seq` toNormalForm b `seq` toNormalForm c -- | Strict tuple (a,b,c,d) data Tuple4 a b c d = Tuple4 !a !b !c !d deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic) instance (NormalForm a, NormalForm b, NormalForm c, NormalForm d) => NormalForm (Tuple4 a b c d) where toNormalForm (Tuple4 a b c d) = toNormalForm a `seq` toNormalForm b `seq` toNormalForm c `seq` toNormalForm d -- | Class of product types that have a first element class Fstable a where type ProductFirst a fst :: a -> ProductFirst a -- | Class of product types that have a second element class Sndable a where type ProductSecond a snd :: a -> ProductSecond a -- | Class of product types that have a third element class Thdable a where type ProductThird a thd :: a -> ProductThird a instance Fstable (a,b) where type ProductFirst (a,b) = a fst (a,_) = a instance Fstable (a,b,c) where type ProductFirst (a,b,c) = a fst (a,_,_) = a instance Fstable (a,b,c,d) where type ProductFirst (a,b,c,d) = a fst (a,_,_,_) = a instance Fstable (Tuple2 a b) where type ProductFirst (Tuple2 a b) = a fst (Tuple2 a _) = a instance Fstable (Tuple3 a b c) where type ProductFirst (Tuple3 a b c) = a fst (Tuple3 a _ _) = a instance Fstable (Tuple4 a b c d) where type ProductFirst (Tuple4 a b c d) = a fst (Tuple4 a _ _ _) = a instance Sndable (a,b) where type ProductSecond (a,b) = b snd (_,b) = b instance Sndable (a,b,c) where type ProductSecond (a,b,c) = b snd (_,b,_) = b instance Sndable (a,b,c,d) where type ProductSecond (a,b,c,d) = b snd (_,b,_,_) = b instance Sndable (Tuple2 a b) where type ProductSecond (Tuple2 a b) = b snd (Tuple2 _ b) = b instance Sndable (Tuple3 a b c) where type ProductSecond (Tuple3 a b c) = b snd (Tuple3 _ b _) = b instance Sndable (Tuple4 a b c d) where type ProductSecond (Tuple4 a b c d) = b snd (Tuple4 _ b _ _) = b instance Thdable (a,b,c) where type ProductThird (a,b,c) = c thd (_,_,c) = c instance Thdable (a,b,c,d) where type ProductThird (a,b,c,d) = c thd (_,_,c,_) = c instance Thdable (Tuple3 a b c) where type ProductThird (Tuple3 a b c) = c thd (Tuple3 _ _ c) = c instance Thdable (Tuple4 a b c d) where type ProductThird (Tuple4 a b c d) = c thd (Tuple4 _ _ c _) = c
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Version where import Version.TH import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Paths_birch as P version :: String version = showVersion P.version ++ "-" ++ $(getCommitHash)
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Llvm.Pass.RewriteUse where import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Prelude hiding (succ) import qualified Compiler.Hoopl as H import Llvm.Data.Ir import Llvm.Util.Monadic (maybeM) import Debug.Trace type MaybeChange a = a -> Maybe a f2 :: (a -> Maybe a) -> (a, a) -> Maybe (a, a) f2 f (a1, a2) = case (f a1, f a2) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (a1', a2') -> Just (fromMaybe a1 a1', fromMaybe a2 a2') f3 :: (a -> Maybe a) -> (a, a, a) -> Maybe (a, a, a) f3 f (a1, a2, a3) = case (f a1, f a2, f a3) of (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (a1', a2', a3') -> Just (fromMaybe a1 a1', fromMaybe a2 a2', fromMaybe a3 a3') fs :: Eq a => (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> Maybe [a] fs f ls = let ls' = map (\x -> (fromMaybe x (f x))) ls in if ls == ls' then Nothing else Just ls' rwIbinExpr :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (IbinExpr a) rwIbinExpr f e = let (v1, v2) = operandOfIbinExpr e t = typeOfIbinExpr e in do { (v1', v2') <- f2 f (v1, v2) ; return $ newBinExpr t v1' v2' } where newBinExpr t v1 v2 = case e of Add nw _ _ _ -> Add nw t v1 v2 Sub nw _ _ _ -> Sub nw t v1 v2 Mul nw _ _ _ -> Mul nw t v1 v2 Udiv nw _ _ _ -> Udiv nw t v1 v2 Sdiv nw _ _ _ -> Sdiv nw t v1 v2 Urem _ _ _ -> Urem t v1 v2 Srem _ _ _ -> Srem t v1 v2 Shl nw _ _ _ -> Shl nw t v1 v2 Lshr nw _ _ _ -> Lshr nw t v1 v2 Ashr nw _ _ _ -> Ashr nw t v1 v2 And _ _ _ -> And t v1 v2 Or _ _ _ -> Or t v1 v2 Xor _ _ _ -> Xor t v1 v2 rwFbinExpr :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (FbinExpr a) rwFbinExpr f e = let (v1, v2) = operandOfFbinExpr e t = typeOfFbinExpr e in do { (v1', v2') <- f2 f (v1, v2) ; return $ newBinExpr t v1' v2' } where newBinExpr t v1 v2 = case e of Fadd fg _ _ _ -> Fadd fg t v1 v2 Fsub fg _ _ _ -> Fsub fg t v1 v2 Fmul fg _ _ _ -> Fmul fg t v1 v2 Fdiv fg _ _ _ -> Fdiv fg t v1 v2 Frem fg _ _ _ -> Frem fg t v1 v2 rwBinExpr :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (BinExpr a) rwBinExpr f (Ie e) = liftM Ie (rwIbinExpr f e) rwBinExpr f (Fe e) = liftM Fe (rwFbinExpr f e) rwConversion :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (Conversion a) rwConversion f (Conversion co tv1 t) = do { tv1' <- f tv1 ; return $ Conversion co tv1' t } rwGetElemPtr :: Eq a => MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (GetElemPtr a) rwGetElemPtr f (GetElemPtr b tv1 indices) = do { tv1' <- f tv1 ; indices' <- fs f indices ; return $ GetElemPtr b tv1' indices' } rwSelect :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (Select a) rwSelect f (Select tv1 tv2 tv3) = do { (tv1', tv2', tv3') <- f3 f (tv1, tv2, tv3) ; return $ Select tv1' tv2' tv3' } rwIcmp :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (Icmp a) rwIcmp f (Icmp op t v1 v2) = do { (v1', v2') <- f2 f (v1, v2) ; return $ Icmp op t v1' v2' } rwFcmp :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (Fcmp a) rwFcmp f (Fcmp op t v1 v2) = do { (v1', v2') <- f2 f (v1, v2) ; return $ Fcmp op t v1' v2' } tv2v :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange (Typed Value) tv2v f (TypedData t x) = liftM (TypedData t) (f x) tp2p :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange (Typed Pointer) tp2p f x | trace ("tp2p " ++ (show x)) False = undefined tp2p f (TypedData t (Pointer x)) = liftM (\p -> TypedData t (Pointer p)) (f x) rwExpr :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange Expr rwExpr f (EgEp gep) = rwGetElemPtr (tv2v f) gep >>= return . EgEp rwExpr f (EiC a) = rwIcmp f a >>= return . EiC rwExpr f (EfC a) = rwFcmp f a >>= return . EfC rwExpr f (Eb a) = rwBinExpr f a >>= return . Eb rwExpr f (Ec a) = rwConversion (tv2v f) a >>= return . Ec rwExpr f (Es a) = rwSelect (tv2v f) a >>= return . Es rwExpr f (Ev x) = (tv2v f x) >>= return . Ev rwMemOp :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange Rhs rwMemOp f x | trace ("rwMemOp " ++ (show x)) False = undefined rwMemOp f (RmO (Allocate m t ms ma)) = do { ms' <- maybeM (tv2v f) ms ; return $ RmO $ Allocate m t ms' ma } rwMemOp f (RmO (Load x ptr a1 a2 a3 a4)) = do { tp <- (tp2p f) ptr ; traceM $ "tp:" ++ show tp ; return $ RmO (Load x tp a1 a2 a3 a4) } rwMemOp f (RmO (LoadAtomic _ _ (TypedData (Tpointer t _) ptr) _)) = do { tv <- (tv2v f) (TypedData t (Deref ptr)) ; return $ Re $ Ev tv } -- rwMemOp f (RmO (Free tv)) = (tv2v f) tv >>= return . RmO . Free rwMemOp f (RmO (Store a tv1 tv2 ma nt)) = do { tv1' <- (tv2v f) tv1 ; return $ RmO $ Store a tv1' tv2 ma nt } rwMemOp f (RmO (StoreAtomic at a tv1 tv2 ma)) = do { tv1' <- (tv2v f) tv1 ; return $ RmO $ StoreAtomic at a tv1' tv2 ma } rwMemOp f (RmO (CmpXchg wk b ptr v1 v2 b2 fe ff)) = do { (v1', v2') <- f2 (tv2v f) (v1, v2) ; return $ RmO $ CmpXchg wk b ptr v1' v2' b2 fe ff } rwMemOp f (RmO (AtomicRmw b ao ptr v1 b2 fe)) = do { v1' <- (tv2v f) v1 ; return $ RmO $ AtomicRmw b ao ptr v1' b2 fe } rwMemOp _ _ = error "impossible case" rwShuffleVector :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (ShuffleVector a) rwShuffleVector f (ShuffleVector tv1 tv2 tv3) = do { (tv1', tv2', tv3') <- f3 f (tv1, tv2, tv3) ; return $ ShuffleVector tv1' tv2' tv3' } rwExtractValue :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (ExtractValue a) rwExtractValue f (ExtractValue tv1 s) = f tv1 >>= \tv1' -> return $ ExtractValue tv1' s rwInsertValue :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (InsertValue a) rwInsertValue f (InsertValue tv1 tv2 s) = do { (tv1', tv2') <- f2 f (tv1, tv2) ; return $ InsertValue tv1' tv2' s } rwExtractElem :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (ExtractElem a) rwExtractElem f (ExtractElem tv1 tv2) = do { (tv1', tv2') <- f2 f (tv1, tv2) ; return $ ExtractElem tv1' tv2' } rwInsertElem :: MaybeChange a -> MaybeChange (InsertElem a) rwInsertElem f (InsertElem tv1 tv2 tv3) = do { (tv1', tv2', tv3') <- f3 f (tv1, tv2, tv3) ; return $ InsertElem tv1' tv2' tv3' } rwRhs :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange Rhs rwRhs f (RmO a) = rwMemOp f (RmO a) rwRhs _ (Call _ _) = Nothing rwRhs f (Re a) = rwExpr f a >>= return . Re rwRhs f (ReE a) = rwExtractElem (tv2v f) a >>= return . ReE rwRhs f (RiE a) = rwInsertElem (tv2v f) a >>= return . RiE rwRhs f (RsV a) = rwShuffleVector (tv2v f) a >>= return . RsV rwRhs f (ReV a) = rwExtractValue (tv2v f) a >>= return . ReV rwRhs f (RiV a) = rwInsertValue (tv2v f) a >>= return . RiV rwRhs f (VaArg tv t) = (tv2v f) tv >>= \tv' -> return $ VaArg tv' t rwRhs _ (LandingPad _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing rwComputingInst :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange ComputingInst rwComputingInst f (ComputingInst lhs rhs) = rwRhs f rhs >>= return . (ComputingInst lhs) rwComputingInstWithDbg :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange ComputingInstWithDbg rwComputingInstWithDbg f (ComputingInstWithDbg cinst dbgs) = rwComputingInst f cinst >>= \cinst' -> return $ ComputingInstWithDbg cinst' dbgs rwCinst :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange (Node e x) rwCinst f (Cinst c) = rwComputingInstWithDbg f c >>= return . Cinst rwCinst _ _ = Nothing rwTerminatorInst :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange TerminatorInst rwTerminatorInst f (Return ls) = do { ls' <- fs (tv2v f) ls ; return $ Return ls' } rwTerminatorInst f (Cbr v tl fl) = do { v' <- f v ; return $ Cbr v' tl fl } rwTerminatorInst _ _ = Nothing -- rwTerminatorInst f e = error ("unhandled case " ++ (show e)) rwTerminatorInstWithDbg :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange TerminatorInstWithDbg rwTerminatorInstWithDbg f (TerminatorInstWithDbg cinst dbgs) = rwTerminatorInst f cinst >>= \cinst' -> return $ TerminatorInstWithDbg cinst' dbgs rwTinst :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange (Node e x) rwTinst f (Tinst c) = rwTerminatorInstWithDbg f c >>= return . Tinst rwTinst _ _ = Nothing rwNode :: MaybeChange Value -> MaybeChange (Node e x) rwNode f n@(Cinst _) = rwCinst f n rwNode f n@(Tinst _) = rwTinst f n rwNode _ _ = Nothing nodeToGraph :: Node e x -> H.Graph Node e x nodeToGraph n@(Nlabel _) = H.mkFirst n nodeToGraph n@(Pinst _) = H.mkMiddle n nodeToGraph n@(Cinst _) = H.mkMiddle n nodeToGraph n@(Tinst _) = H.mkLast n
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Text.XML.Light.Cursor -- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2008 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer: Iavor S. Diatchki <[email protected]> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability: portable -- -- XML cursors for working XML content withing the context of -- an XML document. This implementation is based on the general -- tree zipper written by Krasimir Angelov and Iavor S. Diatchki. -- module Text.XML.Light.Cursor ( Tag(..), getTag, setTag, fromTag , Cursor(..), Path -- * Conversions , fromContent , fromElement , fromForest , toForest , toTree -- * Moving around , parent , root , getChild , firstChild , lastChild , left , right , nextDF -- ** Searching , findChild , findLeft , findRight , findRec -- * Node classification , isRoot , isFirst , isLast , isLeaf , isChild , hasChildren , getNodeIndex -- * Updates , setContent , modifyContent , modifyContentM -- ** Inserting content , insertLeft , insertRight , insertGoLeft , insertGoRight -- ** Removing content , removeLeft , removeRight , removeGoLeft , removeGoRight , removeGoUp ) where import Text.XML.Light.Types import Data.Maybe(isNothing) import Control.Monad(mplus) data Tag = Tag { tagName :: QName , tagAttribs :: [Attr] , tagLine :: Maybe Line } deriving (Show) getTag :: Element -> Tag getTag e = Tag { tagName = elName e , tagAttribs = elAttribs e , tagLine = elLine e } setTag :: Tag -> Element -> Element setTag t e = fromTag t (elContent e) fromTag :: Tag -> [Content] -> Element fromTag t cs = Element { elName = tagName t , elAttribs = tagAttribs t , elLine = tagLine t , elContent = cs } type Path = [([Content],Tag,[Content])] -- | The position of a piece of content in an XML document. data Cursor = Cur { current :: Content -- ^ The currently selected content. , lefts :: [Content] -- ^ Siblings on the left, closest first. , rights :: [Content] -- ^ Siblings on the right, closest first. , parents :: Path -- ^ The contexts of the parent elements of this location. } deriving (Show) -- Moving around --------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The parent of the given location. parent :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor parent loc = case parents loc of (pls,v,prs) : ps -> Just Cur { current = Elem (fromTag v (combChildren (lefts loc) (current loc) (rights loc))) , lefts = pls, rights = prs, parents = ps } [] -> Nothing -- | The top-most parent of the given location. root :: Cursor -> Cursor root loc = maybe loc root (parent loc) -- | The left sibling of the given location. left :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor left loc = case lefts loc of t : ts -> Just loc { current = t, lefts = ts , rights = current loc : rights loc } [] -> Nothing -- | The right sibling of the given location. right :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor right loc = case rights loc of t : ts -> Just loc { current = t, lefts = current loc : lefts loc , rights = ts } [] -> Nothing -- | The first child of the given location. firstChild :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor firstChild loc = do (t : ts, ps) <- downParents loc return Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = ts , parents = ps } -- | The last child of the given location. lastChild :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor lastChild loc = do (ts, ps) <- downParents loc case reverse ts of l : ls -> return Cur { current = l, lefts = ls, rights = [] , parents = ps } [] -> Nothing -- | Find the next left sibling that satisfies a predicate. findLeft :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor findLeft p loc = do loc1 <- left loc if p loc1 then return loc1 else findLeft p loc1 -- | Find the next right sibling that satisfies a predicate. findRight :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor findRight p loc = do loc1 <- right loc if p loc1 then return loc1 else findRight p loc1 -- | The first child that satisfies a predicate. findChild :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor findChild p loc = do loc1 <- firstChild loc if p loc1 then return loc1 else findRight p loc1 -- | The next position in a left-to-right depth-first traversal of a document: -- either the first child, right sibling, or the right sibling of a parent that -- has one. nextDF :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor nextDF c = firstChild c `mplus` up c where up x = right x `mplus` (up =<< parent x) -- | Perform a depth first search for a descendant that satisfies the -- given predicate. findRec :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor findRec p c = if p c then Just c else findRec p =<< nextDF c -- | The child with the given index (starting from 0). getChild :: Int -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor getChild n loc = do (ts,ps) <- downParents loc (ls,t,rs) <- splitChildren ts n return Cur { current = t, lefts = ls, rights = rs, parents = ps } -- | private: computes the parent for "down" operations. downParents :: Cursor -> Maybe ([Content], Path) downParents loc = case current loc of Elem e -> Just ( elContent e , (lefts loc, getTag e, rights loc) : parents loc ) _ -> Nothing -- Conversions ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A cursor for the given content. fromContent :: Content -> Cursor fromContent t = Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = [], parents = [] } -- | A cursor for the given element. fromElement :: Element -> Cursor fromElement e = fromContent (Elem e) -- | The location of the first tree in a forest. fromForest :: [Content] -> Maybe Cursor fromForest (t:ts) = Just Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = ts , parents = [] } fromForest [] = Nothing -- | Computes the tree containing this location. toTree :: Cursor -> Content toTree loc = current (root loc) -- | Computes the forest containing this location. toForest :: Cursor -> [Content] toForest loc = let r = root loc in combChildren (lefts r) (current r) (rights r) -- Queries --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Are we at the top of the document? isRoot :: Cursor -> Bool isRoot loc = null (parents loc) -- | Are we at the left end of the the document? isFirst :: Cursor -> Bool isFirst loc = null (lefts loc) -- | Are we at the right end of the document? isLast :: Cursor -> Bool isLast loc = null (rights loc) -- | Are we at the bottom of the document? isLeaf :: Cursor -> Bool isLeaf loc = isNothing (downParents loc) -- | Do we have a parent? isChild :: Cursor -> Bool isChild loc = not (isRoot loc) -- | Get the node index inside the sequence of children getNodeIndex :: Cursor -> Int getNodeIndex loc = length (lefts loc) -- | Do we have children? hasChildren :: Cursor -> Bool hasChildren loc = not (isLeaf loc) -- Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Change the current content. setContent :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor setContent t loc = loc { current = t } -- | Modify the current content. modifyContent :: (Content -> Content) -> Cursor -> Cursor modifyContent f loc = setContent (f (current loc)) loc -- | Modify the current content, allowing for an effect. modifyContentM :: Monad m => (Content -> m Content) -> Cursor -> m Cursor modifyContentM f loc = do x <- f (current loc) return (setContent x loc) -- | Insert content to the left of the current position. insertLeft :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor insertLeft t loc = loc { lefts = t : lefts loc } -- | Insert content to the right of the current position. insertRight :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor insertRight t loc = loc { rights = t : rights loc } -- | Remove the content on the left of the current position, if any. removeLeft :: Cursor -> Maybe (Content,Cursor) removeLeft loc = case lefts loc of l : ls -> return (l,loc { lefts = ls }) [] -> Nothing -- | Remove the content on the right of the current position, if any. removeRight :: Cursor -> Maybe (Content,Cursor) removeRight loc = case rights loc of l : ls -> return (l,loc { rights = ls }) [] -> Nothing -- | Insert content to the left of the current position. -- The new content becomes the current position. insertGoLeft :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor insertGoLeft t loc = loc { current = t, rights = current loc : rights loc } -- | Insert content to the right of the current position. -- The new content becomes the current position. insertGoRight :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor insertGoRight t loc = loc { current = t, lefts = current loc : lefts loc } -- | Remove the current element. -- The new position is the one on the left. removeGoLeft :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor removeGoLeft loc = case lefts loc of l : ls -> Just loc { current = l, lefts = ls } [] -> Nothing -- | Remove the current element. -- The new position is the one on the right. removeGoRight :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor removeGoRight loc = case rights loc of l : ls -> Just loc { current = l, rights = ls } [] -> Nothing -- | Remove the current element. -- The new position is the parent of the old position. removeGoUp :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor removeGoUp loc = case parents loc of (pls,v,prs) : ps -> Just Cur { current = Elem (fromTag v (reverse (lefts loc) ++ rights loc)) , lefts = pls, rights = prs, parents = ps } [] -> Nothing -- | private: Gets the given element of a list. -- Also returns the preceding elements (reversed) and the following elements. splitChildren :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe ([a],a,[a]) splitChildren _ n | n < 0 = Nothing splitChildren cs pos = loop [] cs pos where loop acc (x:xs) 0 = Just (acc,x,xs) loop acc (x:xs) n = loop (x:acc) xs $! n-1 loop _ _ _ = Nothing -- | private: combChildren ls x ys = reverse ls ++ [x] ++ ys combChildren :: [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a] combChildren ls t rs = foldl (flip (:)) (t:rs) ls
module Usage.Usage where import qualified Definition.Definition as D.D test :: Int test = D.D.s<caret>even + 1
{- Copyright (C) 2012-2016 John MacFarlane <[email protected]> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Slides Copyright : Copyright (C) 2012-2016 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane <[email protected]> Stability : alpha Portability : portable Utility functions for splitting documents into slides for slide show formats (dzslides, revealjs, s5, slidy, slideous, beamer). -} module Text.Pandoc.Slides ( getSlideLevel, prepSlides ) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition -- | Find level of header that starts slides (defined as the least header -- level that occurs before a non-header/non-hrule in the blocks). getSlideLevel :: [Block] -> Int getSlideLevel = go 6 where go least (Header n _ _ : x : xs) | n < least && nonHOrHR x = go n xs | otherwise = go least (x:xs) go least (_ : xs) = go least xs go least [] = least nonHOrHR (Header{}) = False nonHOrHR (HorizontalRule) = False nonHOrHR _ = True -- | Prepare a block list to be passed to hierarchicalize. prepSlides :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block] prepSlides slideLevel = ensureStartWithH . splitHrule . extractRefsHeader where splitHrule (HorizontalRule : Header n attr xs : ys) | n == slideLevel = Header slideLevel attr xs : splitHrule ys splitHrule (HorizontalRule : xs) = Header slideLevel nullAttr [Str "\0"] : splitHrule xs splitHrule (x : xs) = x : splitHrule xs splitHrule [] = [] extractRefsHeader bs = case reverse bs of (Div ("",["references"],[]) (Header n attrs xs : ys) : zs) -> reverse zs ++ (Header n attrs xs : [Div ("",["references"],[]) ys]) _ -> bs ensureStartWithH bs@(Header n _ _:_) | n <= slideLevel = bs ensureStartWithH bs = Header slideLevel nullAttr [Str "\0"] : bs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-safe #-} -- | Basic test to see if Safe warning flags compile -- Warn if module is inferred safe -- In this test the warning _shouldn't_ fire module SafeFlags23 where import System.IO.Unsafe f :: Int f = 1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="hr-HR"> <title>Directory List v2.3</title> <maps> <homeID>directorylistv2_3</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
{- Parser.hs: Parser for the Flounder interface definition language Part of Flounder: a strawman device definition DSL for Barrelfish Copyright (c) 2009, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file. If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to: ETH Zurich D-INFK, Haldeneggsteig 4, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group. -} module Parser where import Syntax import Prelude import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language( javaStyle ) import Data.Char import Numeric import Data.List import Text.Printf parse_intf predefDecls filename = parseFromFile (intffile predefDecls) filename parse_include predefDecls filename = parseFromFile (includefile predefDecls) filename lexer = P.makeTokenParser (javaStyle { P.reservedNames = [ "interface", "message", "rpc", "in", "out" ] , P.reservedOpNames = ["*","/","+","-"] , P.commentStart = "/*" , P.commentEnd = "*/" }) whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer reserved = P.reserved lexer identifier = P.identifier lexer stringLit = P.stringLiteral lexer comma = P.comma lexer commaSep = P.commaSep lexer commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer parens = P.parens lexer braces = P.braces lexer squares = P.squares lexer semiSep = P.semiSep lexer symbol = P.symbol lexer natural = P.natural lexer builtinTypes = map show [UInt8 ..] ++ ["int"] -- int is legacy -AB -- identifyBuiltin :: [(String, Declaration)] -> String -> TypeRef identifyBuiltin typeDcls typeName = do { if typeName `elem` builtinTypes then return $ Builtin $ (read typeName::TypeBuiltin) else case typeName `lookup` typeDcls of Just (Typedef (TAliasT new orig)) -> return $ TypeAlias new orig Just _ -> return $ TypeVar typeName Nothing -> do { ; pos <- getPosition -- This is ugly, I agree: ; return $ error ("Use of undeclared type '" ++ typeName ++ "' in " ++ show (sourceName pos) ++ " at l. " ++ show (sourceLine pos) ++ " col. " ++ show (sourceColumn pos)) } } intffile predefDecls = do { whiteSpace ; i <- iface predefDecls ; return i } includefile predefDecls = do { whiteSpace ; typeDecls <- typeDeclaration predefDecls ; return typeDecls } iface predefDecls = do { reserved "interface" ; name <- identifier ; descr <- option name stringLit ; decls <- braces $ do { ; typeDecls <- typeDeclaration predefDecls ; msgDecls <- many1 $ mesg typeDecls ; return ((map snd typeDecls) ++ msgDecls) } ; symbol ";" <?> " ';' missing from end of " ++ name ++ " interface specification" ; return (Interface name (Just descr) decls) } typeDeclaration typeDcls = do { ; decl <- try (do { ; x <- transparentAlias ; return $ Just x }) <|> try (do { ; x <- typedefinition typeDcls ; return $ Just x }) <|> return Nothing ; case decl of Nothing -> return typeDcls Just x -> typeDeclaration (x : typeDcls) } mesg typeDcls = do { bckArgs <- many backendParams ; def <- msg typeDcls bckArgs <|> rpc typeDcls bckArgs ; return $ Messagedef def } msg typeDcls bckArgs = do { t <- msgtype ; i <- identifier ; a <- parens $ commaSep (marg typeDcls) ; symbol ";" ; return $ Message t i a bckArgs } rpc typeDcls bckArgs= do { _ <- rpctype ; i <- identifier ; a <- parens $ commaSep (rpcArg typeDcls) ; symbol ";" ; return $ RPC i a bckArgs } rpctype = do { reserved "rpc" ; return () } rpcArg typeDcls = do { reserved "in" ; Arg b n <- marg typeDcls ; return $ RPCArgIn b n } <|> do { reserved "out" ; Arg b n <- marg typeDcls ; return $ RPCArgOut b n } backendParams = do { char '@' ; i <- identifier ; p <- parens $ commaSep backendParam ; return (i, p) } backendParam = do { name <- identifier ; symbol "=" ; do { num <- natural ; return $ (name, BackendInt num) } <|> do { arg <- identifier ; return $ (name, BackendMsgArg arg) } } msgtype = do { reserved "message"; return MMessage } <|> do { reserved "call"; return MCall } <|> do { reserved "response"; return MResponse } marg typeDcls = try (marg_array typeDcls) <|> (marg_simple typeDcls) marg_simple typeDcls = do { t <- identifier ; n <- identifier ; b <- identifyBuiltin typeDcls t ; return (Arg b (Name n)) } marg_array typeDcls = do { t <- identifier ; n <- identifier ; symbol "[" ; l <- identifier ; symbol "]" ; bType <- identifyBuiltin typeDcls t ; return (Arg bType (DynamicArray n l)) } transparentAlias = do { whiteSpace ; reserved "alias" ; newType <- identifier ; originType <- identifier ; symbol ";" ; return (newType, Typedef $ TAliasT newType (read originType::TypeBuiltin)) } typedefinition typeDcls = do { whiteSpace ; reserved "typedef" ; (name, typeDef) <- typedef_body typeDcls ; symbol ";" ; return (name, Typedef typeDef) } typedef_body typeDcls = try (struct_typedef typeDcls) <|> try (array_typedef typeDcls) <|> try enum_typedef <|> (alias_typedef typeDcls) struct_typedef typeDcls = do { reserved "struct" ; f <- braces $ many1 (struct_field typeDcls) ; i <- identifier ; return (i, (TStruct i f)) } struct_field typeDcls = do { t <- identifier ; i <- identifier ; symbol ";" ; b <- identifyBuiltin typeDcls t ; return (TStructField b i) } array_typedef typeDcls = do { t <- identifier ; i <- identifier ; symbol "[" ; sz <- integer ; symbol "]" ; b <- identifyBuiltin typeDcls t ; return (i, (TArray b i sz)) } enum_typedef = do { reserved "enum" ; v <- braces $ commaSep1 identifier ; i <- identifier ; return (i, (TEnum i v)) } alias_typedef typeDcls = do { t <- identifier ; i <- identifier ; b <- identifyBuiltin typeDcls t ; return (i, (TAlias i b)) } integer = P.integer lexer
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module T15361 where import Data.Kind import Data.Type.Equality -- Don't report (* ~ *) here foo :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) (c :: Type). a :~~: b -> a :~~: c foo HRefl = HRefl data Chumbawamba :: Type -> Type where IGetKnockedDown :: (Eq a, Ord a) => a -> Chumbawamba a -- Don't report (Eq a) here goo :: Chumbawamba a -> String goo (IGetKnockedDown x) = show x
import qualified Data.Vector as U import Data.Bits main = print . U.maximumBy (\x y -> GT) . (*2) . (`shiftL` 2) $ U.replicate (100000000 :: Int) (5::Int)
import Data.Bits ((.&.)) flags :: Int -> Int flags x | x .&. 128 > 0 = 12 | otherwise = 13 {-# NOINLINE flags #-} main :: IO () main = print (flags 255)
-- !!! Check the Read instance for Array -- [Not strictly a 'deriving' issue] module Main( main ) where import Data.Array bds :: ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)) bds = ((1,4),(2,5)) type MyArr = Array (Int,Int) Int a :: MyArr a = array bds [ ((i,j), i+j) | (i,j) <- range bds ] main = do { putStrLn (show a) ; let { b :: MyArr ; b = read (show a) } ; putStrLn (show b) }
-- !!! Test seeking import System.IO main = do h <- openFile "" ReadMode True <- hIsSeekable h hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-1) z <- hGetChar h putStr (z:"\n") hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-3) x <- hGetChar h putStr (x:"\n") hSeek h RelativeSeek (-2) w <- hGetChar h putStr (w:"\n") hSeek h RelativeSeek 2 z <- hGetChar h putStr (z:"\n") hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (0) a <- hGetChar h putStr (a:"\n") hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (10) k <- hGetChar h putStr (k:"\n") hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (25) z <- hGetChar h putStr (z:"\n") hClose h
module Main where areaTriangleTrig a b c = c * height / 2 where cosa = (b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 - a ^ 2) / (2 * b * c) sina = sqrt (1 - cosa ^ 2) height = b * sina areaTriangleHeron a b c = result where result = sqrt (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) s = (a + b + c) / 2
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | This module provides facilities for obtaining the types of -- various Futhark constructs. Typically, you will need to execute -- these in a context where type information is available as a -- 'Scope'; usually by using a monad that is an instance of -- 'HasScope'. The information is returned as a list of 'ExtType' -- values - one for each of the values the Futhark construct returns. -- Some constructs (such as subexpressions) can produce only a single -- value, and their typing functions hence do not return a list. -- -- Some representations may have more specialised facilities enabling -- even more information - for example, -- "Futhark.IR.Mem" exposes functionality for -- also obtaining information about the storage location of results. module Futhark.IR.Prop.TypeOf ( expExtType, expExtTypeSize, subExpType, subExpResType, basicOpType, mapType, -- * Return type module Futhark.IR.RetType, -- * Type environment module Futhark.IR.Prop.Scope, -- * Extensibility TypedOp (..), ) where import Futhark.IR.Prop.Constants import Futhark.IR.Prop.Reshape import Futhark.IR.Prop.Scope import Futhark.IR.Prop.Types import Futhark.IR.RetType import Futhark.IR.Syntax -- | The type of a subexpression. subExpType :: HasScope t m => SubExp -> m Type subExpType (Constant val) = pure $ Prim $ primValueType val subExpType (Var name) = lookupType name -- | Type type of a 'SubExpRes' - not that this might refer to names -- bound in the body containing the result. subExpResType :: HasScope t m => SubExpRes -> m Type subExpResType = subExpType . resSubExp -- | @mapType f arrts@ wraps each element in the return type of @f@ in -- an array with size equal to the outermost dimension of the first -- element of @arrts@. mapType :: SubExp -> Lambda rep -> [Type] mapType outersize f = [ arrayOf t (Shape [outersize]) NoUniqueness | t <- lambdaReturnType f ] -- | The type of a primitive operation. basicOpType :: HasScope rep m => BasicOp -> m [Type] basicOpType (SubExp se) = pure <$> subExpType se basicOpType (Opaque _ se) = pure <$> subExpType se basicOpType (ArrayLit es rt) = pure [arrayOf rt (Shape [n]) NoUniqueness] where n = intConst Int64 $ toInteger $ length es basicOpType (BinOp bop _ _) = pure [Prim $ binOpType bop] basicOpType (UnOp _ x) = pure <$> subExpType x basicOpType CmpOp {} = pure [Prim Bool] basicOpType (ConvOp conv _) = pure [Prim $ snd $ convOpType conv] basicOpType (Index ident slice) = result <$> lookupType ident where result t = [Prim (elemType t) `arrayOfShape` shape] shape = Shape $ sliceDims slice basicOpType (Update _ src _ _) = pure <$> lookupType src basicOpType (FlatIndex ident slice) = result <$> lookupType ident where result t = [Prim (elemType t) `arrayOfShape` shape] shape = Shape $ flatSliceDims slice basicOpType (FlatUpdate src _ _) = pure <$> lookupType src basicOpType (Iota n _ _ et) = pure [arrayOf (Prim (IntType et)) (Shape [n]) NoUniqueness] basicOpType (Replicate (Shape []) e) = pure <$> subExpType e basicOpType (Replicate shape e) = pure . flip arrayOfShape shape <$> subExpType e basicOpType (Scratch t shape) = pure [arrayOf (Prim t) (Shape shape) NoUniqueness] basicOpType (Reshape [] e) = result <$> lookupType e where result t = [Prim $ elemType t] basicOpType (Reshape shape e) = result <$> lookupType e where result t = [t `setArrayShape` newShape shape] basicOpType (Rearrange perm e) = result <$> lookupType e where result t = [rearrangeType perm t] basicOpType (Rotate _ e) = pure <$> lookupType e basicOpType (Concat i x _ ressize) = result <$> lookupType x where result xt = [setDimSize i xt ressize] basicOpType (Copy v) = pure <$> lookupType v basicOpType (Manifest _ v) = pure <$> lookupType v basicOpType Assert {} = pure [Prim Unit] basicOpType (UpdateAcc v _ _) = pure <$> lookupType v -- | The type of an expression. expExtType :: (HasScope rep m, TypedOp (Op rep)) => Exp rep -> m [ExtType] expExtType (Apply _ _ rt _) = pure $ map (fromDecl . declExtTypeOf) rt expExtType (If _ _ _ rt) = pure $ map extTypeOf $ ifReturns rt expExtType (DoLoop merge _ _) = pure $ loopExtType $ map fst merge expExtType (BasicOp op) = staticShapes <$> basicOpType op expExtType (WithAcc inputs lam) = fmap staticShapes $ (<>) <$> (concat <$> traverse inputType inputs) <*> pure (drop num_accs (lambdaReturnType lam)) where inputType (_, arrs, _) = traverse lookupType arrs num_accs = length inputs expExtType (Op op) = opType op -- | The number of values returned by an expression. expExtTypeSize :: (RepTypes rep, TypedOp (Op rep)) => Exp rep -> Int expExtTypeSize = length . feelBad . expExtType -- FIXME, this is a horrible quick hack. newtype FeelBad rep a = FeelBad {feelBad :: a} instance Functor (FeelBad rep) where fmap f = FeelBad . f . feelBad instance Applicative (FeelBad rep) where pure = FeelBad f <*> x = FeelBad $ feelBad f $ feelBad x instance RepTypes rep => HasScope rep (FeelBad rep) where lookupType = const $ pure $ Prim $ IntType Int64 askScope = pure mempty -- | Given the parameters of a loop, produce the return type. loopExtType :: Typed dec => [Param dec] -> [ExtType] loopExtType params = existentialiseExtTypes inaccessible $ staticShapes $ map typeOf params where inaccessible = map paramName params -- | Any operation must define an instance of this class, which -- describes the type of the operation (at the value level). class TypedOp op where opType :: HasScope t m => op -> m [ExtType] instance TypedOp () where opType () = pure []
{-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-} module Doppler.GHCJS.VirtualDOM.VDom ( VDom, requireVDom ) where import GHCJS.Types (JSVal) newtype VDom = VDom JSVal foreign import javascript interruptible "require(['virtual-dom'], $c);" requireVDom :: IO VDom
import Data.List import Data.Text hiding (intercalate, map) import System.Hclip import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec -- | Strip, with Strings instead of Text for arguments trim :: String -> String trim = unpack . strip . pack -- | A single cell of a matrix body :: Parser String body = many1 $ noneOf "&\\" -- | A single row of the matrix row :: Parser [String] row = sepBy body (char '&') -- | A matrix parser (excluding wrappers) matrix :: Parser [[String]] matrix = sepBy row (try (string "\\\\")) -- | A wrapped matrix parser wrappedMatrix :: Parser [[String]] wrappedMatrix = do optional (try $ string "\\begin{bmatrix}") mat <- matrix optional (try $ string "\\end{bmatrix}") return mat -- | Trim every element of the matrix cleanUp :: [[String]] -> [[String]] cleanUp (x : xs) = map trim x : cleanUp xs cleanUp [] = [] -- | Generate a wolfram array from an array of arrays of strings wolfram :: [[String]] -> String wolfram x = "{" ++ wolfram' ++ "}" where wolfram' = intercalate ",\n " (map row x) row y = "{" ++ row' y ++ "}" row' y = intercalate ", " y main :: IO () main = do input <- getClipboard putStrLn $ "Got input: \n" ++ input ++ "\n" let result = parse wrappedMatrix "matrix" $ trim input case result of Left e -> putStrLn $ "Failed to parse input:\n" ++ show e Right mat -> do let s = wolfram $ cleanUp mat setClipboard s putStrLn $ "Success! Copied result to clipboard:\n" ++ s
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test.Hspec.Wai.Internal ( WaiExpectation , WaiSession(..) , runWaiSession , runWithState , withApplication , getApp , getState , formatHeader ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.Wai.Test hiding (request) import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec import Test.Hspec.Wai.Util (formatHeader) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) import Control.Monad.Fail #endif -- | An expectation in the `WaiSession` monad. Failing expectations are -- communicated through exceptions (similar to `Test.Hspec.Expectations.Expectation` and -- `Test.HUnit.Base.Assertion`). type WaiExpectation st = WaiSession st () -- | A < WAI> test -- session that carries the `Application` under test and some client state. newtype WaiSession st a = WaiSession {unWaiSession :: ReaderT st Session a} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) , MonadFail #endif ) runWaiSession :: WaiSession () a -> Application -> IO a runWaiSession action app = runWithState action ((), app) runWithState :: WaiSession st a -> (st, Application) -> IO a runWithState action (st, app) = runSession (flip runReaderT st $ unWaiSession action) app withApplication :: Application -> WaiSession () a -> IO a withApplication = flip runWaiSession instance Example (WaiExpectation st) where type Arg (WaiExpectation st) = (st, Application) evaluateExample e p action = evaluateExample (action $ runWithState e) p ($ ()) getApp :: WaiSession st Application getApp = WaiSession (lift ask) getState :: WaiSession st st getState = WaiSession ask
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -- For HasCallStack compatibility {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} module JSDOM.Generated.SQLTransactionErrorCallback (newSQLTransactionErrorCallback, newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackSync, newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackAsync, SQLTransactionErrorCallback) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, realToFrac, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Maybe(..)) import qualified Prelude (error) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM(..), JSVal(..), JSString, strictEqual, toJSVal, valToStr, valToNumber, valToBool, js, jss, jsf, jsg, function, asyncFunction, new, array, jsUndefined, (!), (!!)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import JSDOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Lens.Operators ((^.)) import JSDOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName, unsafeEventNameAsync) import JSDOM.Enums -- | < Mozilla SQLTransactionErrorCallback documentation> newSQLTransactionErrorCallback :: (MonadDOM m) => (SQLError -> JSM ()) -> m SQLTransactionErrorCallback newSQLTransactionErrorCallback callback = liftDOM (SQLTransactionErrorCallback . Callback <$> function (\ _ _ [error] -> fromJSValUnchecked error >>= \ error' -> callback error')) -- | < Mozilla SQLTransactionErrorCallback documentation> newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackSync :: (MonadDOM m) => (SQLError -> JSM ()) -> m SQLTransactionErrorCallback newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackSync callback = liftDOM (SQLTransactionErrorCallback . Callback <$> function (\ _ _ [error] -> fromJSValUnchecked error >>= \ error' -> callback error')) -- | < Mozilla SQLTransactionErrorCallback documentation> newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackAsync :: (MonadDOM m) => (SQLError -> JSM ()) -> m SQLTransactionErrorCallback newSQLTransactionErrorCallbackAsync callback = liftDOM (SQLTransactionErrorCallback . Callback <$> asyncFunction (\ _ _ [error] -> fromJSValUnchecked error >>= \ error' -> callback error'))
module Instructions where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>)) type Coordinate = (Integer, Integer) type Region = (Coordinate, Coordinate) data Instruction = Instruction Task Region deriving (Show) data Task = TurnOn | Toggle | TurnOff deriving (Show) instructions = many instruction <* eof instruction :: GenParser Char st Instruction instruction = Instruction <$> task <* space <*> region <* eol task = try (TurnOn <$ string "turn on") <|> try (TurnOff <$ string "turn off") <|> (Toggle <$ string "toggle") region = (,) <$> coord <* string " through " <*> coord coord = (,) <$> integer <* char ',' <*> integer integer = rd <$> many1 digit where rd = read :: String -> Integer eol = (char '\n' <|> (char '\r' >> option '\n' (char '\n'))) >> return ()
module Main where import Lib import Text.Printf import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX n = 4::Int main :: IO () main = do startTime <- getPOSIXTime printf "Maximum product of %d values taken in a straight line from array 'values':\n\t%d" n $ maxStraightProduct n stopTime <- getPOSIXTime printf "\t(%s sec)\n" $ show (stopTime - startTime)
-- | This module describes the interface (as a data tyep) that some variant -- should implement. See `Variant`. -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module NetHack.Data.Variant ( Variant() , monster , allMonsterNames , commandPrefix , variant , loadVariant ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.List ( find ) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Yaml import qualified NetHack.Data.Monster as MD -- | Export a function that returns one of these to add a variant to the bot. -- See `variant`. data Variant = Variant { monster :: !(T.Text -> Maybe MD.Monster) , allMonsterNames :: ![T.Text] , commandPrefix :: T.Text } instance FromJSON Variant where parseJSON (Object v) = do prefix <- v .: "prefix" monsters <- v .: "monsters" return Variant { commandPrefix = prefix , allMonsterNames = fmap MD.moName monsters , monster = \name -> find ((==) name . MD.moName) monsters } parseJSON _ = empty -- Builds a `Variant` out of three properties. variant :: (T.Text -> Maybe MD.Monster) -- ^ Return a monster with the given -- name or `Nothing` if there is no -- such monster. -> [T.Text] -- ^ The list of all monster names. -> T.Text -- ^ The command prefix for the IRC -- bot. E.g. "u" for UnNetHack. -> Variant variant = Variant -- Loads a variant from a YAML file. loadVariant :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Variant loadVariant fpath = liftIO $ do bs <- B.readFile fpath case decodeEither bs of Left err -> error err Right var -> return var
module Euler.E9 where euler9 :: Int -> Int euler9 n = x*y*z where (x,y,z) = findTriple n genTriples :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] genTriples n = [(x,y,z) | x <- [1..n], y <- [x..n], z <- [y..n], x+y+z == n] isPythTriple :: (Int,Int,Int) -> Bool isPythTriple (x,y,z) = or [ x*x + y*y == z*z , x*x + z*z == y*y , y*y + z*z == x*x ] findTriple :: Int -> (Int,Int,Int) findTriple n = head $ filter isPythTriple $ genTriples n main :: IO () main = print $ euler9 1000
module SyntheticWeb.Client.Executor ( executeTask ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime) import SyntheticWeb.Client.Http (get, post, put) import SyntheticWeb.Client.TimedAction (timedAction) import SyntheticWeb.Counter ( ByteCounter , activatePattern , updateByteCount , updateLatencyTime , updatePatternTime , updateSleepTime ) import SyntheticWeb.Client.ExecM ( ExecM , getCounters , getActivities , getGenerator , liftIO ) import SyntheticWeb.Plan.Types ( Activity (..) , Duration (..) ) import SyntheticWeb.Statistical (Statistical (Exactly), sample) -- | Execute one task. executeTask :: ExecM () executeTask = do ((), timeItTook) <- timedAction $ do doActivatePattern mapM_ executeActivity =<< getActivities doUpdatePatternTime timeItTook -- | Execute one client activity. Counters related to the activity - -- timings and byte counters - shall be updated. executeActivity :: Activity -> ExecM () -- | Delay the task worker thread for the specified duration. executeActivity (SLEEP duration) = do delay <- sampleDelayTime duration ((), timeItTook) <- timedAction $ liftIO (threadDelay delay) doUpdateSleepTime timeItTook -- | Fetch a resource with the specfied size. executeActivity (GET headers download _) = do ((_, byteCount), timeItTook) <- timedAction (get download headers) doUpdateByteCountAndLatencyTime byteCount timeItTook -- | Upload to a resource with the specified size. executeActivity (PUT headers upload) = do ((_, byteCount), timeItTook) <- timedAction (put upload headers) doUpdateByteCountAndLatencyTime byteCount timeItTook -- | Perform a post (upload and download) with the specicied sizes. executeActivity (POST headers upload download _) = do ((_, byteCount), timeItTook) <- timedAction (post upload download headers) doUpdateByteCountAndLatencyTime byteCount timeItTook sampleDelayTime :: Duration -> ExecM Int sampleDelayTime (Usec stat) = do Exactly t <- sample stat =<< getGenerator return t sampleDelayTime (Msec stat) = do Exactly t <- sample stat =<< getGenerator return (t * 1000) sampleDelayTime (Sec stat) = do Exactly t <- sample stat =<< getGenerator return (t * 1000000) doActivatePattern :: ExecM () doActivatePattern = do c <- getCounters liftIO $ atomically (activatePattern c) doUpdateByteCountAndLatencyTime :: ByteCounter -> NominalDiffTime -> ExecM () doUpdateByteCountAndLatencyTime bc t = do c <- getCounters liftIO $ atomically $ do updateByteCount bc c updateLatencyTime t c doUpdatePatternTime :: NominalDiffTime -> ExecM () doUpdatePatternTime t = do c <- getCounters liftIO $ atomically (updatePatternTime t c) doUpdateSleepTime :: NominalDiffTime -> ExecM () doUpdateSleepTime t = do c <- getCounters liftIO $ atomically (updateSleepTime t c)
module AI where import Control.Monad import Data.Array.MArray import Data.Array.IO import Data.Word import System.Random type Index = Int type Value = Int type Weight = Value type Neurons = IOArray Index Value type Synapses = [(Index, Index, Weight)] -- src, dst, weight type Goals = [Index] type Brain = (Neurons, Synapses, Goals) type Score = Int type Population = [(Score, Brain)] newRandomBrain :: Int -> Int -> Goals -> IO Brain newRandomBrain nbNeurons nbSynapses goals = do neurons <- newArray (0, nbNeurons) 0 synapses <- replicateM nbSynapses $ do source <- randomRIO (0, nbNeurons) destination <- randomRIO (0, nbNeurons) weight <- randomRIO (minBound, maxBound) return (source, destination, weight) return (neurons, synapses, goals) think :: Brain -> [Value] -> IO [Value] think (neurons, synapses, goals) inputs = do -- Clear existing neurons (l, h) <- getBounds neurons forM_ [l..h] $ \i -> do writeArray neurons i 0 -- Write inputs forM_ (zip [1..] inputs) $ \(i, v) -> do writeArray neurons i v -- Fire the synapses again forM_ synapses $ \(src, dst, weight) -> do result <- readArray neurons src writeArray neurons dst (result + weight) -- Yield goals forM goals $ \i -> do readArray neurons i createPopulation :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Goals -> IO Population createPopulation amount nbNeurons nbSynapses goals = replicateM amount $ do brain <- newRandomBrain nbNeurons nbSynapses goals return (0, brain) testPopulation :: Population -> ([Value] -> IO Score) -> [Value] -> IO Population testPopulation population fitness inputs = forM population $ \(oldScore, brain) -> do outputs <- think brain inputs score <- fitness outputs return (oldScore + score, brain)
import Data.List isTriangular threeNumbers = x + y > z where [x, y, z] = sort threeNumbers countTrue = length . filter id parseInputLine = map (read :: String -> Integer) . words main = do input <- getContents print . countTrue . map (isTriangular . parseInputLine) . lines $ input
module Y2017.M03.D16.Solution where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set -- below imports available from 1HaskellADay git respository import Analytics.Theory.Number.Prime import Y2017.M03.D15.Solution (uniqueValuesUpTo) {-- So, yesterday, when we solved the Exercise imported above, we saw that we had 614 unique values with the max value being Just 126410606437752. That max value is quite the spicy meatball, however. But a help here is that we are looking for prime-square-free numbers, or, that is to say more precisely, numbers that are not divisible by the squares of the primes. So, let's winnow down our list a bit. --} squareFreed :: Prime -> Set Integer -> Set Integer squareFreed prime = Set.filter ((/= 0) . (`mod` (prime ^ 2))) {-- How many values in uniqueValuesUpTo 51 when that list is squareFreed of the first Prime, 2? (remember to square 2 as the factor to check against)o >>> length (squareFreed (uniqueValuesUpTo 51) (head primes)) 286 >>> fst <$> Set.maxView (squareFreed (head primes) (uniqueValuesUpTo 51)) Just 18053528883775 Boom! A marked improvement! Let's do the same for the next prime, 3. First, assign smr0 to the squareFreed 2 value: >>> let smr0 = squareFreed (head primes) (uniqueValuesUpTo 51) and repeat the above for the next prime (head (tail primes)). What is the new length and new max value you get for your newly filtered set from smr0? assign smr1 to that newer smaller subset. >>> let smr1 = squareFreed (head (tail primes)) smr0 >>> length smr1 185 >>> fst <$> Set.maxView smr1 Just 18053528883775 No change to the max, let's go a bit further. Now how about for the next prime? >>> let smr2 = squareFreed (head (drop 2 primes)) smr1 >>> length smr2 162 >>> fst <$> Set.maxView smr2 Just 9762479679106 >>> sqrt . fromIntegral <$> it Just 3124496.708128527 This shows after filtering out only 3 prime-squares we've significantly reduced the number of values we need to test against AND the maximum value prime we need to compute to test. So. Today's Haskell problem. Using the above algorithm, filter the unique values of the Pascal's Triangle up to row 51 down to only the square-free numbers, then sum the resulting set. What is the value you get? --} sqFreeSieve :: Set Integer -> Set Integer sqFreeSieve = sfs primes sfs :: [Prime] -> Set Integer -> Set Integer sfs (p:rimes) uniq = if fromMaybe 0 (fst <$> Set.maxView uniq) < p * p then uniq else sfs rimes (squareFreed p uniq) {-- >>> length (sqFreeSieve (uniqueValuesUpTo 51)) 158 Eheh! We found only four more beasties for all that work?!? ;) >>> sum (sqFreeSieve (uniqueValuesUpTo 51)) ... some value --}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} -- | -- Module : Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Edit -- License : GPL-2 -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Implements quit commands. module Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Edit (parse) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P import Yi.Editor import Yi.File import Yi.Keymap import Yi.Keymap.Vim.Common import qualified Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Commands.Common as Common import Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex.Types parse :: EventString -> Maybe ExCommand parse = Common.parse $ do tab <- P.many (P.string "tab") void $ P.try ( P.string "edit") <|> P.string "e" void $ P.many1 filename <- T.pack <$> P.many1 P.anyChar return $! edit (not (null tab)) filename edit :: Bool -> T.Text -> ExCommand edit tab f = Common.impureExCommand { cmdShow = showEdit tab f , cmdAction = YiA $ do when tab $ withEditor newTabE void . editFile $ T.unpack f , cmdComplete = (fmap . fmap) (showEdit tab) (Common.filenameComplete f) } showEdit :: Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text showEdit tab f = (if tab then "tab" else "") `T.append` "edit " `T.append` f
module Handler.Servers where import Import import Control.Exception (IOException, try) import Default (server) import Service.Interface (get_task_types) import Types.TaskTree (TaskTree) getServersR :: Handler Html getServersR = postServersR postServersR :: Handler Html postServersR = do ((result, formWidget), formEnctype) <- runFormPost $ serversForm Nothing case result of FormSuccess s -> redirect $ ServerR s _ -> return () defaultLayout $ formToWidget ServersR Nothing formEnctype formWidget serversForm :: Maybe ServerUrl -> Form ServerUrl serversForm mserver = do renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ areq serverField (withAutofocus $ bfs MsgServer) (Just $ maybe (pack server) id mserver) <* bootstrapSubmit (BootstrapSubmit MsgServerWΓ€hlen "btn-success" []) where serverField = flip checkM textField $ \ server' -> do check' <- lift $ try $ get_task_types $ unpack server' :: HandlerT Autotool IO (Either IOException [TaskTree]) case check' of Left e -> return . Left . pack . show $ e Right _ -> return $ Right server'
module MarchUp.SimpleText (module Data.Monoid, element, textual) where import qualified MarchUp.Text as T import Data.Monoid import Data.Traversable import Data.Foldable import Control.Applicative type Text = T.Text String element :: Show a => a -> Text element = T.Elem . show textual = T.Text instance Show Text where showsPrec p = T.linearize showString . fmap showString
module TAP ( planTests, planNoPlan, planSkipAll, runTests, is, isnt, like, unlike, pass, fail, ok, skip, skipUnless, toDo, diag, bailOut ) where import System.IO import System.Exit import Control.Monad.State import Control.Exception import Text.Regex.Posix data TAPState = TAPState { planSet :: Bool, noPlan :: Bool, skipAll :: Bool, testDied :: Bool, expectedTests :: Int, executedTests :: Int, failedTests :: Int, exitCode :: Int } deriving (Show) initState = TAPState { planSet = False, noPlan = False, skipAll = False, testDied = False, expectedTests = 0, executedTests = 0, failedTests = 0, exitCode = 0 } type TAP a = StateT TAPState IO a planTests :: Int -> Maybe String -> TAP Int planTests n s = do _assertNotPlanned when (n == 0) $ _die "You said to run 0 tests! You've got to run something." lift $ _printPlan n s modify (\x -> x {planSet = True, expectedTests = n}) return n planNoPlan :: TAP Int planNoPlan = do _assertNotPlanned modify (\x -> x {planSet = True, noPlan = True}) return 0 planSkipAll :: Maybe String -> TAP Int planSkipAll s = do _assertNotPlanned lift . _printPlan 0 . Just $ "Skip " ++ case s of Just s -> s otherwise -> "" modify (\x -> x {planSet = True, skipAll = True}) _exit $ Just 0 _assertNotPlanned :: TAP () _assertNotPlanned = do ts <- get when (planSet ts) $ _die "You tried to plan twice!" _assertPlanned :: TAP () _assertPlanned = do ts <- get when (not $ planSet ts) $ _die "You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan." _printPlan :: Int -> Maybe String -> IO Int _printPlan n s = do putStrLn $ "1.." ++ show n ++ case s of Just s -> " # " ++ s otherwise -> "" return n is :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe String -> TAP Bool is result expected msg = do rc <- ok (result == expected) msg when (not rc) $ do diag $ " got: '" ++ (show result) ++ "'" diag $ " expected: '" ++ (show expected) ++ "'" return rc isnt :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe String -> TAP Bool isnt result expected msg = do rc <- ok (result /= expected) msg when (not rc) $ do diag $ " got: '" ++ (show result) ++ "'" diag $ " didn't expect: '" ++ (show expected) ++ "'" return rc like :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> TAP Bool like target pattern msg = do rc <- ok (_matches target pattern) msg when (not rc) $ diag $ " '" ++ target ++ "' doesn't match '" ++ pattern ++ "'" return rc unlike :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> TAP Bool unlike target pattern msg = do rc <- ok (not $ _matches target pattern) msg when (not rc) $ diag $ " '" ++ target ++ "' matches '" ++ pattern ++ "'" return rc pass :: Maybe String -> TAP Bool pass s = ok True s fail :: Maybe String -> TAP Bool fail s = ok False s ok :: Bool -> Maybe String -> TAP Bool ok result msg = do _assertPlanned modify (\x -> x {executedTests = executedTests x + 1}) case msg of Just s -> when (_matches s "^[0-9]+$") $ do diag $ " You named your test '" ++ s ++ "'. You shouldn't use numbers for your test names." diag $ " Very confusing." otherwise -> return () when (not result) $ do lift $ putStr "not " modify (\x -> x {failedTests = failedTests x + 1}) ts <- get lift . putStr $ "ok " ++ (show $ executedTests ts) case msg of Just s -> lift . putStr $ " - " ++ s otherwise -> return () -- TODO lift $ putStrLn "" -- STACK TRACE return result _matches :: String -> String -> Bool _matches "" _ = False _matches _ "" = False _matches target pattern = target =~ pattern :: Bool _is_diag :: (Show a) => a -> a -> TAP () _is_diag result expected = do diag $ " got: '" ++ (show result) ++ "'" diag $ " expected: '" ++ (show expected) ++ "'" skip :: Int -> Maybe String -> TAP Int skip n reason = do let msg = case reason of Just s -> s otherwise -> "" forM_ [1 .. n] (\n' -> do modify (\x -> x {executedTests = executedTests x + 1}) ts <- get lift . putStrLn $ "ok " ++ (show $ executedTests ts) ++ " # skip: " ++ msg) return n skipUnless :: Bool -> Int -> Maybe String -> TAP a -> TAP Int skipUnless cond n reason tap = do if cond then do tap return 0 else do skip n reason diag :: String -> TAP () diag s = lift . putStrLn $ "# " ++ s _die :: String -> TAP a _die s = do lift $ hPutStrLn stderr s modify (\x -> x {testDied = True}) _exit $ Just 255 bailOut :: String -> TAP a bailOut s = do lift $ hPutStrLn stderr s _exit $ Just 255 _wrapup :: TAP () _wrapup = do ts <- get let s n = if (n > 1) then "s" else "" let err | not $ planSet ts = diag "Looks like your test died before it could output anything." >> return True | testDied ts = diag ("Looks like your test died just after " ++ (show $ executedTests ts)) >> return True | otherwise = return False stop <- err if stop then return () else do when ((not $ noPlan ts)&&((expectedTests ts) < (executedTests ts))) $ do let extra = (executedTests ts) - (expectedTests ts) diag $ "Looks like you planned " ++ (show $ expectedTests ts) ++ " test" ++ (s $ expectedTests ts) ++ " but ran " ++ (show extra) ++ " extra." modify (\x -> x {exitCode = -1}) when ((not $ noPlan ts)&&((expectedTests ts) > (executedTests ts))) $ do diag $ "Looks like you planned " ++ (show $ expectedTests ts) ++ " test" ++ (s $ expectedTests ts) ++ " but only ran " ++ (show $ executedTests ts) when (failedTests ts > 0) $ do diag $ "Looks like you failed " ++ (show $ failedTests ts) ++ " test" ++ (s $ failedTests ts) ++ " of " ++ (show $ executedTests ts) _exit :: Maybe Int -> TAP a _exit mrc = do case mrc of Just rc -> modify (\x -> x {exitCode = rc}) otherwise -> return () ts <- get when (exitCode ts == 0) $ do rc <- if ((noPlan ts)||(not $ planSet ts)) then return $ failedTests ts else if ((expectedTests ts) < (executedTests ts)) then return $ (executedTests ts) - (expectedTests ts) else return $ ((failedTests ts) + ((expectedTests ts) - (executedTests ts))) modify (\x -> x {exitCode = rc}) _wrapup ts <- get let rc = exitCode ts lift . exitWith $ if (rc == 0) then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure rc runTests :: TAP a -> IO (a, TAPState) -- Add exception handling here? runTests s = runStateT (s >> _exit Nothing) initState
-- Copyright (C) 2008 JP Bernardy -- | Utilities shared by various UIs module Yi.UI.Utils where import Yi.Buffer import Yi.Prelude import Prelude (Ordering(..)) import Yi.Window import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.Monoid import Yi.Style import Data.List (zip, repeat, span, dropWhile, length, zipWith, transpose, scanl, take, intercalate, takeWhile, reverse) import Yi.Syntax (Span(..)) import Data.List.Split (splitEvery) import Yi.String (padLeft) import Control.Monad.State (runState,modify) indexedAnnotatedStreamB :: Point -> BufferM [(Point, Char)] indexedAnnotatedStreamB p = do text <- indexedStreamB Forward p annots <- withSyntaxB modeGetAnnotations return $ spliceAnnots text (dropWhile (\s -> spanEnd s < p) (annots p)) applyHeights :: Traversable t => [Int] -> t Window -> t Window applyHeights heights ws = fst $ runState (mapM distribute ws) heights where distribute win = case isMini win of True -> return win {height = 1} False -> do h <- gets head modify tail return win {height = h} spliceAnnots :: [(Point,Char)] -> [Span String] -> [(Point,Char)] spliceAnnots text [] = text spliceAnnots text (Span start x stop:anns) = l ++ zip (repeat start) x ++ spliceAnnots r anns where (l,rest) = span ((start >) . fst) text (_,r) = span ((stop >) . fst) rest -- | Turn a sequence of (from,style,to) strokes into a sequence -- of picture points (from,style), taking special care to -- ensure that the points are strictly increasing and introducing -- padding segments where neccessary. -- Precondition: Strokes are ordered and not overlapping. strokePicture :: [Span (Endo a)] -> [(Point,(a -> a))] strokePicture [] = [] strokePicture wholeList@((Span leftMost _ _):_) = helper leftMost wholeList where helper :: Point -> [Span (Endo a)] -> [(Point,(a -> a))] helper prev [] = [(prev,id)] helper prev ((Span l f r):xs) | prev < l = (prev, id) : (l,appEndo f) : helper r xs | otherwise = (l,appEndo f) : helper r xs -- | Paint the given stroke-picture on top of an existing picture paintStrokes :: (a -> a) -> a -> [(Point,(a -> a))] -> [(Point,a)] -> [(Point,a)] paintStrokes f0 _ [] lx = fmap (second f0) lx paintStrokes _ x0 lf [] = fmap (second ($ x0)) lf paintStrokes f0 x0 lf@((pf,f):tf) lx@((px,x):tx) = case pf `compare` px of LT -> (pf, f x0):paintStrokes f x0 tf lx EQ -> (pf, f x ):paintStrokes f x tf tx GT -> (px, f0 x ):paintStrokes f0 x lf tx paintPicture :: a -> [[Span (Endo a)]] -> [(Point,a)] paintPicture a = foldr (paintStrokes id a . strokePicture) [] attributesPictureB :: UIStyle -> Maybe SearchExp -> Region -> [[Span StyleName]] -> BufferM [(Point,Attributes)] attributesPictureB sty mexp region extraLayers = paintPicture (baseAttributes sty) <$> fmap (fmap (fmap ($ sty))) <$> (extraLayers ++) <$> strokesRangesB mexp region attributesPictureAndSelB :: UIStyle -> Maybe SearchExp -> Region -> BufferM [(Point,Attributes)] attributesPictureAndSelB sty mexp region = do selReg <- getSelectRegionB showSel <- getA highlightSelectionA rectSel <- getA rectangleSelectionA let styliseReg reg = Span (regionStart reg) selectedStyle (regionEnd reg) extraLayers | rectSel && showSel = (:[]) . fmap styliseReg <$> blockifyRegion selReg | showSel = return [[styliseReg selReg]] | otherwise = return [] attributesPictureB sty mexp region =<< extraLayers -- | Arrange a list of items in columns over maximum @maxNumberOfLines@ lines arrangeItems :: [String] -> Int -> Int -> [String] arrangeItems items maxWidth maxNumberOfLines = take maxNumberOfLines $ snd choice where choice = maximumBy (compare `on` fst) arrangements arrangements = fmap (arrangeItems' items maxWidth) (reverse [1..maxNumberOfLines]) -- | Arrange a list of items in columns over @numberOfLines@ lines. arrangeItems' :: [String] -> Int -> Int -> (Int, [String]) arrangeItems' items maxWidth numberOfLines = (fittedItems,theLines) where columns = splitEvery numberOfLines items columnsWidth = fmap (maximum . fmap length) columns totalWidths = scanl (\x y -> 1 + x + y) 0 columnsWidth shownItems = scanl (+) 0 (fmap length columns) fittedItems = snd $ last $ takeWhile ((<= maxWidth) . fst) $ zip totalWidths shownItems theLines = fmap (intercalate " " . zipWith padLeft columnsWidth) $ transpose columns
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Tct.Method.Bounds.Automata -- Copyright : (c) Martin Avanzini <[email protected]>, -- Georg Moser <[email protected]>, -- Andreas Schnabl <[email protected]> -- License : LGPL (see COPYING) -- Maintainer : Martin Avanzini <[email protected]>, -- Andreas Schnabl <[email protected]> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- This module implements automata functionality as employed by -- the bounds processor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Tct.Method.Bounds.Automata where import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..)) import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as State import Termlib.Utils (Enumerateable(..), PrettyPrintable(..)) import Termlib.FunctionSymbol (Symbol, Signature) import Termlib.Term (Term(..)) import Termlib.Trs.PrettyPrint (pprintTrs) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (empty) -- | This datatype represents the /enrichment/ employed. data Enrichment = Match -- ^ Matchbounds. | Roof -- ^ Roofbounds. | Top -- ^ Topbounds. deriving (Typeable, Enum, Bounded, Eq) instance Show Enrichment where show Match = "match" show Roof = "roof" show Top = "top" data WeakBoundedness = WeakMayExceedBound | WeakMayNotExceedBound -- TODO:MA: which types should be strict? type Label = Int type LSym = (Symbol,Label) type State = Int data LTerm = F LSym [LTerm] | S State deriving (Eq, Ord) instance PrettyPrintable LTerm where pprint (S s) = pprint s pprint (F (f,l) ts) = text (show $ enum f) <> text "_" <> text (show l) <> parens ppts where ppts = hcat $ punctuate (text ",") [pprint ti | ti <- ts] instance Show LTerm where show = show . pprint data Rule = Collapse LSym [State] State | Epsilon State State deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) ppRule :: (Symbol -> Doc) -> Rule -> Doc ppRule _ (Epsilon p q) = text (show p) <+> text "->" <+> text (show q) ppRule ppSym (Collapse (f,l) args q) = pplhs <+> text "->" <+> text (show q) where pplhs = ppSym f <> text "_" <> text (show l) <> parens ppargs ppargs = hsep $ punctuate (text ",") [text (show ai) | ai <- args] instance PrettyPrintable (Rule, Signature) where pprint (r,sig) = ppRule (\ f -> pprint (f,sig)) r instance PrettyPrintable ([Rule], Signature) where pprint (rules, sig) = pprintTrs (\ r -> pprint (r,sig)) rules instance PrettyPrintable (Automaton, Signature) where pprint (a, sig) = pprint ((toRules a), sig) instance PrettyPrintable [Rule] where pprint rules = pprintTrs (\ r -> ppRule (text . show) r) rules instance PrettyPrintable (Automaton) where pprint = pprint . toRules -- TODO:MA: sym -> ... in beiden automaten type FwdAutomaton = IntMap (IntMap (Map [State] (Set State))) -- sym -> l -> args -> qs <=> forall q \in qs. sym_l(args) -> q \in A type BwdAutomaton = IntMap (IntMap (IntMap (Set [State]))) -- sym -> q -> l -> argss <=> forall args \in argss. sym_l(args) -> q \in A data Automaton = Automaton { fwd :: FwdAutomaton , bwd :: BwdAutomaton , fresh :: State , maxlabel :: Label} deriving (Eq, Show) size :: LTerm -> Int size (F _ ts) = 1 + sum (map size ts) size (S _) = 0 isEpsilonRule :: Rule -> Bool isEpsilonRule (Epsilon _ _) = True isEpsilonRule (Collapse _ _ _) = False lift :: Symbol -> Label -> LSym lift = (,) base :: LSym -> Symbol base = fst height :: LSym -> Label height = snd baseTerm :: LTerm -> Term baseTerm (F f ts) = Fun (base f) $ map baseTerm ts baseTerm (S _) = error "Cannot convert a labeled term with Tree automaton states back to a normal term" toRules :: Automaton -> [Rule] toRules a = [Collapse (invEnum f,l) args q | (f,m1) <- IMap.toList $ fwd a , (l,m2) <- IMap.toList m1 , (args, qs) <- Map.toList m2 , q <- Set.toList qs] fromRules :: [Rule] -> Automaton fromRules rs = foldl (\ a r -> insert r a) empty rs empty :: Automaton empty = Automaton IMap.empty IMap.empty 0 0 freshState :: Automaton -> (State, Automaton) freshState a = (fr, Automaton (fwd a) (bwd a) (fr + 1) (maxlabel a)) where fr = fresh a freshStates :: Int -> Automaton -> ([State], Automaton) freshStates 0 a = ([], a) freshStates i a = case freshStates (i - 1) a' of (qs, a'') -> ((q:qs),a'') where (q, a') = freshState a fwdInsert :: LSym -> [State] -> State -> FwdAutomaton -> FwdAutomaton fwdInsert (f,l) qs q a = IMap.alter alter1 (enum f) a where default3 = Set.singleton q default2 = Map.singleton qs default3 default1 = IMap.singleton l default2 alter1 = Just . maybe default1 (\ m1 -> IMap.alter alter2 l m1) alter2 = Just . maybe default2 (\ m2 -> Map.alter alter3 qs m2) alter3 = Just . maybe default3 (\ ps -> Set.insert q ps) bwdInsert :: LSym -> [State] -> State -> BwdAutomaton -> BwdAutomaton bwdInsert (f,l) qs q a = IMap.alter alter1 (enum f) a where default3 = Set.singleton qs default2 = IMap.singleton l default3 default1 = IMap.singleton q default2 alter1 = Just . maybe default1 (\ m1 -> IMap.alter alter2 q m1) alter2 = Just . maybe default2 (\ m2 -> IMap.alter alter3 l m2) alter3 = Just . maybe default3 (\ ps -> Set.insert qs ps) -- MA:TODO verifizieren dass fresh immer "frisch" ist insert :: Rule -> Automaton -> Automaton insert (Collapse sym args q) (Automaton f b fr l) = Automaton (fwdInsert sym args q f) (bwdInsert sym args q b) (maximum $ [fr, q + 1] ++ [a + 1 | a <- args]) (max l $ height sym) insert (Epsilon p q) (Automaton f b fr l) = Automaton f' b' (maximum [fr, p + 1, q + 1]) l where f' = ( $ addForwardRight) f addForwardRight ps = if p `Set.member` ps then Set.insert q ps else ps b' = addBackwardRight b addBackwardRight mp = case IMap.lookup p mp of Just mp' -> addBackwardRight2 mp' mp Nothing -> mp addBackwardRight2 mp' mp = IMap.insertWith addBackwardRight3 q mp' mp addBackwardRight3 = IMap.unionWith Set.union -- f'' = ( addForwardLeft) f' -- addForwardLeft mp = foldr addForwardLeft2 mp (Map.keys mp) -- addForwardLeft2 k mp = Set.fold (addForwardLeft3 k) mp (modifiedArgs k) -- addForwardLeft3 k k' mp = Map.insertWith Set.union k' (fromJust $ Map.lookup k mp) mp -- b'' = ( $ $ Set.unions . Set.toList . modifiedArgs) b' -- modifiedArgs [] = Set.singleton [] -- modifiedArgs (q':qs) | q == q' = let subresult = modifiedArgs qs in ((:) p) subresult `Set.union` ((:) q) subresult -- | otherwise = ((:) q') $ modifiedArgs qs mkFreshState :: MonadState Automaton m => m State mkFreshState = do a <- State.get let (qi,a') = freshState a State.put a' return qi mkInsertRule :: MonadState Automaton m => Rule -> m () mkInsertRule r = State.modify (insert r) step :: Automaton -> LSym -> [State] -> Set State -- q \in (step A f_l qs) <=> f_l(qs) -> q step a (f,l) qs = fromMaybe Set.empty look where look = do m1 <- IMap.lookup (enum f) (fwd a) m2 <- IMap.lookup l m1 Map.lookup qs m2 bstep :: Automaton -> LSym -> State -> Set [State] -- qs \in bstep f_l q <=> f_l(qs) -> q bstep a (f,l) q = fromMaybe Set.empty look where look = do m1 <- IMap.lookup (enum f) (bwd a) m2 <- IMap.lookup q m1 IMap.lookup l m2 bstepUL :: Automaton -> Symbol -> State -> [(Label,Set [State])] -- (l,[...,qs,...]) \in bstep f q <=> f_l(qs) -> q bstepUL a f q = fromMaybe [] look where look = do m1 <- IMap.lookup (enum f) (bwd a) m2 <- IMap.lookup q m1 return $ IMap.toList m2 rulesDefiningUL :: Automaton -> Symbol -> [(Label,[State], Set State)] -- (l,qs,[...,q,...]) \in rulesDefining f <=> f_l(qs) -> q rulesDefiningUL a f = fromMaybe [] look where look = do m1 <- IMap.lookup (enum f) (fwd a) return [(l,qs,rs) | (l, m2) <- IMap.toList m1 , (qs,rs) <- Map.toList m2] rulesDefining :: Automaton -> LSym -> [([State], Set State)] -- (qs,[...,q,...]) \in rulesDefining f_l <=> f_l(qs) -> q rulesDefining a (f,l) = fromMaybe [] look where look = do m1 <- IMap.lookup (enum f) (fwd a) m2 <- IMap.lookup l m1 return $ Map.toList m2 symbols :: Automaton -> Set LSym symbols a = IMap.foldWithKey f Set.empty (fwd a) where f fn m s = (Set.fromList [(invEnum fn,l) | l <- IMap.keys m]) `Set.union` s
module Main where import Control.Applicative import Data.Char import Data.List hiding (or) import Prelude hiding (or) import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Random import Test.QuickCheck hiding (sample) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen hiding (sample) data Regex = Charset String | Or Regex Regex | Cat Regex Regex | Star Regex | Plus Regex | Quest Regex deriving (Eq) simplify' r@(Charset _) = r simplify' (Or r1 r2) = Or (simplify' r1) (simplify' r2) simplify' (Cat r1 r2) = Cat (simplify' r1) (simplify' r2) simplify' (Star (Star r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Star (Plus r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Star (Quest r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Star r) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Plus (Star r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Plus (Plus r)) = Plus (simplify' r) simplify' (Plus (Quest r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Plus r) = Plus (simplify' r) simplify' (Quest (Star r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Quest (Plus r)) = Star (simplify' r) simplify' (Quest (Quest r)) = Quest (simplify' r) simplify' (Quest r) = Quest (simplify' r) simplify r = fst . head . dropWhile (\p -> fst p /= snd p) . zip rs $ tail rs where rs = iterate simplify' r ppRegex :: Regex -> String ppRegex (Charset [c]) = [c] ppRegex (Charset str) = "[" ++ str ++ "]" ppRegex (Or r1 r2) = bracketPair r1 r2 "|" ppRegex (Cat r1 r2) = bracketPair r1 r2 "" ppRegex (Star r) = bracket r ++ "*" ppRegex (Plus r) = bracket r ++ "+" ppRegex (Quest r) = bracket r ++ "?" bracket r@(Charset _) = ppRegex r bracket r = "(" ++ ppRegex r ++ ")" bracketPair r1 r2 sep = bracket r1 ++ sep ++ bracket r2 instance Show Regex where show = ppRegex instance Arbitrary Regex where arbitrary = sized regex regex 0 = resize 1 (sized charset) regex n = oneof [ resize (min n 10) (sized charset) , binOp Or (n `div` 2) , binOp Cat (n `div` 2) , unOp Star (n - 1) , unOp Plus (n - 1) , unOp Quest (n - 1) ] unOp op n = op <$> regex n binOp op n = op <$> regex n <*> regex n charset n = do txt <- resize (n * 2) $ listOf1 chars return . Charset . nub . sort $ txt chars = oneof [ choose ('a', 'z') , choose ('A','Z') ] sample n s (MkGen m) = do rnd <- newStdGen let rnds rnd = rnd1 : rnds rnd2 where (rnd1, rnd2) = split rnd return [(m r s) | r <- take n $ rnds rnd] rxgen :: Int -> Int -> IO [Regex] rxgen n s = sample n s $ (arbitrary :: Gen Regex) usage = do putStrLn "usage: rxgen <number of regexps to generate> <complexity (number)>" exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [count, size] -> rxgen (read count) (read size) >>= putStr . unlines . map (show . simplify) _ -> usage
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Locations.Triggers.Create -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Creates a new \`BuildTrigger\`. This API is experimental. -- -- /See:/ < Cloud Build API Reference> for @cloudbuild.projects.locations.triggers.create@. module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Locations.Triggers.Create ( -- * REST Resource ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreateResource -- * Creating a Request , projectsLocationsTriggersCreate , ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate -- * Request Lenses , pltcParent , pltcXgafv , pltcUploadProtocol , pltcAccessToken , pltcUploadType , pltcPayload , pltcProjectId , pltcCallback ) where import Network.Google.ContainerBuilder.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @cloudbuild.projects.locations.triggers.create@ method which the -- 'ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate' request conforms to. type ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreateResource = "v1" :> Capture "parent" Text :> "triggers" :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "projectId" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] BuildTrigger :> Post '[JSON] BuildTrigger -- | Creates a new \`BuildTrigger\`. This API is experimental. -- -- /See:/ 'projectsLocationsTriggersCreate' smart constructor. data ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate = ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate' { _pltcParent :: !Text , _pltcXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _pltcUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _pltcAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _pltcUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _pltcPayload :: !BuildTrigger , _pltcProjectId :: !(Maybe Text) , _pltcCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'pltcParent' -- -- * 'pltcXgafv' -- -- * 'pltcUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'pltcAccessToken' -- -- * 'pltcUploadType' -- -- * 'pltcPayload' -- -- * 'pltcProjectId' -- -- * 'pltcCallback' projectsLocationsTriggersCreate :: Text -- ^ 'pltcParent' -> BuildTrigger -- ^ 'pltcPayload' -> ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate projectsLocationsTriggersCreate pPltcParent_ pPltcPayload_ = ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate' { _pltcParent = pPltcParent_ , _pltcXgafv = Nothing , _pltcUploadProtocol = Nothing , _pltcAccessToken = Nothing , _pltcUploadType = Nothing , _pltcPayload = pPltcPayload_ , _pltcProjectId = Nothing , _pltcCallback = Nothing } -- | The parent resource where this trigger will be created. Format: -- \`projects\/{project}\/locations\/{location}\` pltcParent :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate Text pltcParent = lens _pltcParent (\ s a -> s{_pltcParent = a}) -- | V1 error format. pltcXgafv :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Xgafv) pltcXgafv = lens _pltcXgafv (\ s a -> s{_pltcXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). pltcUploadProtocol :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Text) pltcUploadProtocol = lens _pltcUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_pltcUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. pltcAccessToken :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Text) pltcAccessToken = lens _pltcAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_pltcAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). pltcUploadType :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Text) pltcUploadType = lens _pltcUploadType (\ s a -> s{_pltcUploadType = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. pltcPayload :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate BuildTrigger pltcPayload = lens _pltcPayload (\ s a -> s{_pltcPayload = a}) -- | Required. ID of the project for which to configure automatic builds. pltcProjectId :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Text) pltcProjectId = lens _pltcProjectId (\ s a -> s{_pltcProjectId = a}) -- | JSONP pltcCallback :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate (Maybe Text) pltcCallback = lens _pltcCallback (\ s a -> s{_pltcCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate where type Rs ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate = BuildTrigger type Scopes ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate = '[""] requestClient ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreate'{..} = go _pltcParent _pltcXgafv _pltcUploadProtocol _pltcAccessToken _pltcUploadType _pltcProjectId _pltcCallback (Just AltJSON) _pltcPayload containerBuilderService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ProjectsLocationsTriggersCreateResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.CloudTrail.DescribeTrails -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | Retrieves settings for the trail associated with the current region for your -- account. -- -- <> module Network.AWS.CloudTrail.DescribeTrails ( -- * Request DescribeTrails -- ** Request constructor , describeTrails -- ** Request lenses , dtTrailNameList -- * Response , DescribeTrailsResponse -- ** Response constructor , describeTrailsResponse -- ** Response lenses , dtrTrailList ) where import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request.JSON import Network.AWS.CloudTrail.Types import qualified GHC.Exts newtype DescribeTrails = DescribeTrails { _dtTrailNameList :: List "trailNameList" Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Monoid, Semigroup) instance GHC.Exts.IsList DescribeTrails where type Item DescribeTrails = Text fromList = DescribeTrails . GHC.Exts.fromList toList = GHC.Exts.toList . _dtTrailNameList -- | 'DescribeTrails' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'dtTrailNameList' @::@ ['Text'] -- describeTrails :: DescribeTrails describeTrails = DescribeTrails { _dtTrailNameList = mempty } -- | The trail returned. dtTrailNameList :: Lens' DescribeTrails [Text] dtTrailNameList = lens _dtTrailNameList (\s a -> s { _dtTrailNameList = a }) . _List newtype DescribeTrailsResponse = DescribeTrailsResponse { _dtrTrailList :: List "trailList" Trail } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Monoid, Semigroup) instance GHC.Exts.IsList DescribeTrailsResponse where type Item DescribeTrailsResponse = Trail fromList = DescribeTrailsResponse . GHC.Exts.fromList toList = GHC.Exts.toList . _dtrTrailList -- | 'DescribeTrailsResponse' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'dtrTrailList' @::@ ['Trail'] -- describeTrailsResponse :: DescribeTrailsResponse describeTrailsResponse = DescribeTrailsResponse { _dtrTrailList = mempty } -- | The list of trails. dtrTrailList :: Lens' DescribeTrailsResponse [Trail] dtrTrailList = lens _dtrTrailList (\s a -> s { _dtrTrailList = a }) . _List instance ToPath DescribeTrails where toPath = const "/" instance ToQuery DescribeTrails where toQuery = const mempty instance ToHeaders DescribeTrails instance ToJSON DescribeTrails where toJSON DescribeTrails{..} = object [ "trailNameList" .= _dtTrailNameList ] instance AWSRequest DescribeTrails where type Sv DescribeTrails = CloudTrail type Rs DescribeTrails = DescribeTrailsResponse request = post "DescribeTrails" response = jsonResponse instance FromJSON DescribeTrailsResponse where parseJSON = withObject "DescribeTrailsResponse" $ \o -> DescribeTrailsResponse <$> o .:? "trailList" .!= mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.AdvertiserGroups.Patch -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Updates an existing advertiser group. This method supports patch -- semantics. -- -- /See:/ < Campaign Manager 360 API Reference> for @dfareporting.advertiserGroups.patch@. module Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.AdvertiserGroups.Patch ( -- * REST Resource AdvertiserGroupsPatchResource -- * Creating a Request , advertiserGroupsPatch , AdvertiserGroupsPatch -- * Request Lenses , agpXgafv , agpUploadProtocol , agpAccessToken , agpUploadType , agpProFileId , agpPayload , agpId , agpCallback ) where import Network.Google.DFAReporting.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @dfareporting.advertiserGroups.patch@ method which the -- 'AdvertiserGroupsPatch' request conforms to. type AdvertiserGroupsPatchResource = "dfareporting" :> "v3.5" :> "userprofiles" :> Capture "profileId" (Textual Int64) :> "advertiserGroups" :> QueryParam "id" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] AdvertiserGroup :> Patch '[JSON] AdvertiserGroup -- | Updates an existing advertiser group. This method supports patch -- semantics. -- -- /See:/ 'advertiserGroupsPatch' smart constructor. data AdvertiserGroupsPatch = AdvertiserGroupsPatch' { _agpXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _agpUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _agpAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _agpUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _agpProFileId :: !(Textual Int64) , _agpPayload :: !AdvertiserGroup , _agpId :: !(Textual Int64) , _agpCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'AdvertiserGroupsPatch' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'agpXgafv' -- -- * 'agpUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'agpAccessToken' -- -- * 'agpUploadType' -- -- * 'agpProFileId' -- -- * 'agpPayload' -- -- * 'agpId' -- -- * 'agpCallback' advertiserGroupsPatch :: Int64 -- ^ 'agpProFileId' -> AdvertiserGroup -- ^ 'agpPayload' -> Int64 -- ^ 'agpId' -> AdvertiserGroupsPatch advertiserGroupsPatch pAgpProFileId_ pAgpPayload_ pAgpId_ = AdvertiserGroupsPatch' { _agpXgafv = Nothing , _agpUploadProtocol = Nothing , _agpAccessToken = Nothing , _agpUploadType = Nothing , _agpProFileId = _Coerce # pAgpProFileId_ , _agpPayload = pAgpPayload_ , _agpId = _Coerce # pAgpId_ , _agpCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. agpXgafv :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch (Maybe Xgafv) agpXgafv = lens _agpXgafv (\ s a -> s{_agpXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). agpUploadProtocol :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch (Maybe Text) agpUploadProtocol = lens _agpUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_agpUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. agpAccessToken :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch (Maybe Text) agpAccessToken = lens _agpAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_agpAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). agpUploadType :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch (Maybe Text) agpUploadType = lens _agpUploadType (\ s a -> s{_agpUploadType = a}) -- | User profile ID associated with this request. agpProFileId :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch Int64 agpProFileId = lens _agpProFileId (\ s a -> s{_agpProFileId = a}) . _Coerce -- | Multipart request metadata. agpPayload :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch AdvertiserGroup agpPayload = lens _agpPayload (\ s a -> s{_agpPayload = a}) -- | AdvertiserGroup ID. agpId :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch Int64 agpId = lens _agpId (\ s a -> s{_agpId = a}) . _Coerce -- | JSONP agpCallback :: Lens' AdvertiserGroupsPatch (Maybe Text) agpCallback = lens _agpCallback (\ s a -> s{_agpCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest AdvertiserGroupsPatch where type Rs AdvertiserGroupsPatch = AdvertiserGroup type Scopes AdvertiserGroupsPatch = '[""] requestClient AdvertiserGroupsPatch'{..} = go _agpProFileId (Just _agpId) _agpXgafv _agpUploadProtocol _agpAccessToken _agpUploadType _agpCallback (Just AltJSON) _agpPayload dFAReportingService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy AdvertiserGroupsPatchResource) mempty
import qualified Data.List ( )
module Model.AssetRevision.Types ( AssetRevision(..) ) where import Model.Asset.Types data AssetRevision = AssetRevision { revisionAsset :: !Asset , revisionOrig :: !Asset } -- makeAssetRevision :: Asset -> Asset -> AssetRevision -- makeAssetRevision o a = AssetRevision a o
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} -- | Parsers for 'MidiMessage' and its components, implemented as Attoparsec -- parsers. See "Data.Attoparsec.ByteString" for how to run them. In most common -- use cases, the 'decodeMidi' function in "Sound.MIDI" should suffice. module Sound.MIDI.Parser where import Control.Applicative import Sound.MIDI.Types import Data.Bits import Data.Word import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Prelude hiding (take) midiMessage :: Parser MidiMessage midiMessage = go =<< peekWord8' where go x = case x .&. 0xF0 of 0xB0 -> ChannelMode <$> channelMode <|> ChannelVoice <$> channelVoice 0xF0 -> system x _ -> ChannelVoice <$> channelVoice system x | x == 0xF0 = SystemExclusive <$> systemExclusive | x <= 0xF7 = SystemCommon <$> systemCommon | otherwise = SystemRealTime <$> systemRealTime skipToStatus :: Parser () skipToStatus = skipWhile (not . flip testBit 7) channelVoice :: Parser ChannelVoice channelVoice = go =<< peekWord8' where go x = case x .&. 0xF0 of 0x80 -> noteOff 0x90 -> noteOn 0xA0 -> aftertouch 0xB0 -> controlChange 0xC0 -> patchChange 0xD0 -> channelPressure 0xE0 -> pitchBend _ -> empty channelMessage :: Word8 -> (Word8 -> Parser a) -> Parser a channelMessage header p = do status <- anyWord8 let upper = unsafeShiftR status 4 lower = status .&. 0x0F if upper == header then p lower else empty {-# INLINE channelMessage #-} noteOff :: Parser ChannelVoice noteOff = channelMessage 0x08 $ \c -> NoteOff (Channel c) <$> pitch <*> velocity noteOn :: Parser ChannelVoice noteOn = channelMessage 0x09 $ \c -> NoteOn (Channel c) <$> pitch <*> velocity aftertouch :: Parser ChannelVoice aftertouch = channelMessage 0x0A $ \c -> Aftertouch (Channel c) <$> pitch <*> touch controlChange :: Parser ChannelVoice controlChange = channelMessage 0x0B $ \c -> ControlChange (Channel c) <$> controller <*> anyWord8 patchChange :: Parser ChannelVoice patchChange = channelMessage 0x0C $ \c -> PatchChange (Channel c) <$> patch channelPressure :: Parser ChannelVoice channelPressure = channelMessage 0x0D $ \c -> ChannelPressure (Channel c) <$> touch pitchBend :: Parser ChannelVoice pitchBend = channelMessage 0x0E $ \c -> PitchBend (Channel c) <$> anyWord14 anyWord14 :: Parser Word16 anyWord14 = go <$> take 2 where go x = let l = x `B.index` 0 m = x `B.index` 1 in unsafeShiftL (fromIntegral m) 7 + fromIntegral l channelMode :: Parser ChannelMode channelMode = channelMessage 0x0B $ \c -> anyWord8 >>= \case 0x78 -> AllSoundOff (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 0x79 -> ResetAllControllers (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 0x7A -> LocalControl (Channel c) <$> bool' 0x7B -> AllNotesOff (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 0x7C -> OmniOff (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 0x7D -> OmniOn (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 0x7E -> MonoOn (Channel c) <$> anyWord8 0x7F -> PolyOn (Channel c) <$ word8 0x00 _ -> empty where bool' = anyWord8 >>= \case 0x00 -> pure False 0x7f -> pure True _ -> empty systemCommon :: Parser SystemCommon systemCommon = peekWord8' >>= \case 0xF1 -> mtcQuarter 0xF2 -> songPosition 0xF3 -> songSelect 0xF6 -> tuneRequest 0xF7 -> eox _ -> empty mtcQuarter :: Parser SystemCommon mtcQuarter = MTCQuarter <$> (word8 0xF1 *> anyWord8) songPosition :: Parser SystemCommon songPosition = SongPosition <$> (word8 0xF2 *> (PositionPointer <$> anyWord14)) songSelect :: Parser SystemCommon songSelect = SongSelect <$> (word8 0xF3 *> anyWord8) tuneRequest :: Parser SystemCommon tuneRequest = TuneRequest <$ word8 0xF6 eox :: Parser SystemCommon eox = EOX <$ word8 0xF7 systemRealTime :: Parser SystemRealTime systemRealTime = anyWord8 >>= \case 0xF8 -> pure TimingClock 0xFA -> pure Start 0xFB -> pure Continue 0xFC -> pure Stop 0xFE -> pure ActiveSensing 0xFF -> pure SystemReset _ -> empty systemExclusive :: Parser SystemExclusive systemExclusive = Exclusive <$> (word8 0xF0 *> vendorId) <*> takeTill (`testBit` 7) vendorId :: Parser VendorId vendorId = longId <|> shortId where longId = VendorIdLong <$> (word8 0x00 *> anyWord8) <*> anyWord8 shortId = VendorIdShort <$> anyWord8 -- | Parse a 'Pitch', no check for bit 7 is performed! pitch :: Parser Pitch pitch = Pitch <$> anyWord8 -- | Parse a 'Pitch', no check for bit 7 is performed! patch :: Parser Patch patch = Patch <$> anyWord8 -- | Parse a 'Velocity', no check for bit 7 is performed! velocity :: Parser Velocity velocity = Velocity <$> anyWord8 -- | Parse a 'Touch', no check for bit 7 is performed! touch :: Parser Touch touch = Touch <$> anyWord8 -- | Parse a 'Controller', no check for bit 7 is performed! controller :: Parser Controller controller = Controller <$> anyWord8
import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Data.List (genericIndex) facs :: [Integer] facs = 1 : map fac [1..] where fac n = n * (genericIndex facs (n - 1)) factorial = genericIndex facs teams :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer teams _ 0 = 1 teams n k = div (factorial n) ((factorial k) * (factorial (n - k))) runTest :: IO Integer runTest = do s <- getLine let [n, k] = map read . take 2 $ words s return $ mod (teams n k) 100000007 main = do t <- readLn rs <- replicateM t runTest putStr . unlines $ map show rs
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} module Deprecated where -- | Docs for something deprecated deprecated :: Int deprecated = 1 {-# DEPRECATED deprecated "Don't use this" #-}
-- module Data.Complex.Gaussian.Prime where import Data.Complex.Gaussian (Gaussian (..), norm) isGaussianPrime :: Gaussian -> Bool isGaussianPrime z@(Gaussian x y) = n==2 || n`mod`4==1 && isPrime n || y==0 && abs x `mod` 4==3 && isPrime (abs x) || x==0 && abs y `mod` 4==3 && isPrime (abs y) where n = norm z isPrime m = m > 1 && foldr (\p r -> p*p > m || ((m `rem` p) /= 0 && r)) True primes primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} module Operators where (+++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] a +++ b = a ++ b ++ a ($$$) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] a $$$ b = b +++ a (***) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] (***) a [] = a (***) a (_:b) = a +++ (a *** b) (*/\*) :: [[a]] -> [a] -> [a] a */\* b = concatMap (*** b) a (**/\**) :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]] a **/\** b = zipWith (*/\*) [a +++ b] (a $$$ b) (#.#) :: a -> b -> (c -> (a, b)) a #.# b = const $ (a, b)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module Ivory.Language.Proc where import Ivory.Language.Monad import Ivory.Language.Proxy import Ivory.Language.Type import Ivory.Language.Effects import qualified Ivory.Language.Effects as E import qualified Ivory.Language.Syntax as AST -- Function Type --------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The kind of procedures. data Proc k = [k] :-> k -- | Typeclass for procedure types, parametrized over the C procedure's -- signature, to produce a value representing their signature. class ProcType (sig :: Proc *) where -- | Turn a type-level description of the signature into a (return -- type, [argument types]) value. procType :: Proxy sig -> (AST.Type,[AST.Type]) -- Base case: C procedure taking no arguments and returning an -- 'IvoryType'. instance IvoryType r => ProcType ('[] :-> r) where procType _ = (ivoryType (Proxy :: Proxy r),[]) -- Inductive case: Anything in 'ProcType' is still in 'ProcType' if it -- has another 'IvoryType' argument prepended to its signature. instance (IvoryType a, ProcType (args :-> r)) => ProcType ((a ': args) :-> r) where procType _ = (r, ivoryType (Proxy :: Proxy a) : args) where (r,args) = procType (Proxy :: Proxy (args :-> r)) -- Function Pointers ----------------------------------------------------------- -- | Procedure pointers newtype ProcPtr (sig :: Proc *) = ProcPtr { getProcPtr :: AST.Name } instance ProcType proc => IvoryType (ProcPtr proc) where ivoryType _ = AST.TyProc r args where (r,args) = procType (Proxy :: Proxy proc) instance ProcType proc => IvoryVar (ProcPtr proc) where wrapVar = ProcPtr . AST.NameVar unwrapExpr ptr = case getProcPtr ptr of AST.NameSym sym -> AST.ExpSym sym AST.NameVar var -> AST.ExpVar var procPtr :: ProcType sig => Def sig -> ProcPtr sig procPtr = ProcPtr . defSymbol -- Function Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Procedure definitions. data Def (proc :: Proc *) = DefProc AST.Proc | DefImport AST.Import deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) defSymbol :: Def proc -> AST.Name defSymbol def = case def of DefProc p -> AST.NameSym (AST.procSym p) DefImport i -> AST.NameSym (AST.importSym i) instance ProcType proc => IvoryType (Def proc) where ivoryType _ = AST.TyProc r args where (r,args) = procType (Proxy :: Proxy proc) -- Procedure Definition -------------------------------------------------------- -- | Procedure definition. proc :: forall proc impl. IvoryProcDef proc impl => AST.Sym -> impl -> Def proc proc name impl = defproc where (r,args) = procType (Proxy :: Proxy proc) (vars,def) = procDef initialClosure Proxy impl defproc = case def of Defined block -> DefProc $ AST.Proc { AST.procSym = name , AST.procRetTy = r , AST.procArgs = zipWith AST.Typed args vars , AST.procBody = blockStmts block , AST.procRequires = blockRequires block , AST.procEnsures = blockEnsures block } Imported header reqs ens -> DefImport $ AST.Import { AST.importSym = name , AST.importFile = header , AST.importRetTy = r , AST.importArgs = zipWith AST.Typed args vars , AST.importRequires = reqs , AST.importEnsures = ens } -- | Type inference can usually determine the argument types of an Ivory -- procedure, but for void procedures there's often nothing to constrain -- the return type. This function is a type-constrained version of -- 'proc' that just forces the return type to be '()'. voidProc :: IvoryProcDef (args :-> ()) impl => AST.Sym -> impl -> Def (args :-> ()) voidProc = proc newtype Body r = Body { runBody :: forall s . Ivory (E.ProcEffects s r) () } class WrapIvory m where type Return m wrap :: (forall s . Ivory (E.ProcEffects s r) (Return m)) -> m r unwrap :: m r -> (forall s . Ivory (E.ProcEffects s r) (Return m)) instance WrapIvory Body where type Return Body = () wrap = Body unwrap = runBody body :: IvoryType r => (forall s . Ivory (E.ProcEffects s r) ()) -> Body r body m = Body m data Definition = Defined CodeBlock | Imported FilePath [AST.Require] [AST.Ensure] -- | Typeclass for an Ivory procedure definition to produce ; -- the type is parametrized over: -- -- * The procedure type 'proc', encoding the C procedure's signature -- via the 'Proc' kind, -- * The implementation type 'impl' - either 'Body' for the return -- value, or else a Haskell function type whose arguments correspond -- to the C arguments and whose return type is @Body r@ on the return -- type @r@. class ProcType proc => IvoryProcDef (proc :: Proc *) impl | impl -> proc where procDef :: Closure -> Proxy proc -> impl -> ([AST.Var], Definition) -- Base case: No arguments in C signature instance IvoryType ret => IvoryProcDef ('[] :-> ret) (Body ret) where procDef env _ b = (getEnv env, Defined (snd (primRunIvory (runBody b)))) -- Inductive case: Remove first argument from C signature, and -- parametrize 'impl' over another argument of the same type. instance (IvoryVar a, IvoryProcDef (args :-> ret) k) => IvoryProcDef ((a ': args) :-> ret) (a -> k) where procDef env _ k = procDef env' (Proxy :: Proxy (args :-> ret)) (k arg) where (var,env') = genVar env arg = wrapVar var -- | A variable name supply, and the typed values that have been generated. data Closure = Closure { closSupply :: [AST.Var] , closEnv :: [AST.Var] } -- | Initial closure, with no environment and a large supply of names. initialClosure :: Closure initialClosure = Closure { closSupply = [ AST.VarName ("var" ++ show (n :: Int)) | n <- [0 ..] ] , closEnv = [] } -- | Given a type and a closure, generate a typed variable, and a new closure -- with that typed variable in it's environment. genVar :: Closure -> (AST.Var, Closure) genVar clos = (var, clos') where var = head (closSupply clos) clos' = Closure { closSupply = tail (closSupply clos) , closEnv = var : closEnv clos } -- | Retrieve the environment from a closure. getEnv :: Closure -> [AST.Var] getEnv = reverse . closEnv -- Imported Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Import a function from a C header. importProc :: forall proc. ProcType proc => AST.Sym -> String -> Def proc importProc sym file = DefImport AST.Import { AST.importSym = sym , AST.importFile = file , AST.importRetTy = retTy , AST.importArgs = args , AST.importRequires = [] , AST.importEnsures = [] } where (retTy, argTys) = procType (Proxy :: Proxy proc) args = zipWith AST.Typed argTys (closSupply initialClosure) newtype ImportFrom r = ImportFrom { runImportFrom :: forall s . Ivory (E.ProcEffects s r) FilePath } instance WrapIvory ImportFrom where type Return ImportFrom = FilePath wrap = ImportFrom unwrap = runImportFrom importFrom :: String -> ImportFrom a importFrom h = ImportFrom (return h) instance IvoryType ret => IvoryProcDef ('[] :-> ret) (ImportFrom ret) where procDef env _ b = (getEnv env, Imported header reqs ens) where (header, block) = primRunIvory (runImportFrom b) reqs = blockRequires block ens = blockEnsures block -- Call ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Direct calls. call :: forall proc eff impl. IvoryCall proc eff impl => Def proc -> impl call def = callAux (defSymbol def) (Proxy :: Proxy proc) [] -- | Indirect calls. indirect :: forall proc eff impl. IvoryCall proc eff impl => ProcPtr proc -> impl indirect ptr = callAux (getProcPtr ptr) (Proxy :: Proxy proc) [] -- | Typeclass for something callable in Ivory (and returning a -- result). Parameter 'proc' is the procedure type (encoding the -- arguments and return of the C procedure via the 'Proc' kind, as in -- 'IvoryProcDef'), parameter 'eff' is the effect context (which -- remains unchanged through the calls here), and parameter 'impl', as -- in 'IvoryProcDef', is the implementation type. class IvoryCall (proc :: Proc *) (eff :: E.Effects) impl | proc eff -> impl, impl -> eff where -- | Recursive helper call. 'proc' encodes a C procedure type, and -- this call has two main parts: -- -- * If 'proc' contains arguments, then 'impl' must be a function -- type causing this whole call to expect an Ivory value that was -- passed in to apply to the C procedure. In this case, 'proc' is -- reduced by removing the first C argument from the type itself, -- and the argument to 'impl' is accumulated onto the list of -- typed expressions. -- * If 'proc' contains no arguments, then this returns the Ivory -- effect which calls the function with all the arguments in the -- list applied to it, and captures and returns the result. callAux :: AST.Name -> Proxy proc -> [AST.Typed AST.Expr] -> impl instance IvoryVar r => IvoryCall ('[] :-> r) eff (Ivory eff r) where -- Base case ('proc' takes no arguments, 'impl' is just an Ivory -- effect): callAux sym _ args = do r <- freshVar "r" emit (AST.Call (ivoryType (Proxy :: Proxy r)) (Just r) sym (reverse args)) return (wrapVar r) instance (IvoryVar a, IvoryVar r, IvoryCall (args :-> r) eff impl) => IvoryCall ((a ': args) :-> r) eff (a -> impl) where -- Inductive case: note that 'proc' reduces from ((a ': args) :-> r) -- down to (args :-> r) in the proxy, and that 'impl' is (a -> impl) -- and we put that 'a' onto the list of arguments. callAux sym _ args a = callAux sym rest args' where rest = Proxy :: Proxy (args :-> r) args' = typedExpr a : args -- Call_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Direct calls, ignoring the result. call_ :: forall proc eff impl. IvoryCall_ proc eff impl => Def proc -> impl call_ def = callAux_ (defSymbol def) (Proxy :: Proxy proc) [] -- | Indirect calls, ignoring the result. indirect_ :: forall proc eff impl. IvoryCall_ proc eff impl => ProcPtr proc -> impl indirect_ ptr = callAux_ (getProcPtr ptr) (Proxy :: Proxy proc) [] -- | Typeclass for something callable in Ivory without a return value -- needed. This is otherwise identical to 'IvoryCall'. class IvoryCall_ (proc :: Proc *) (eff :: E.Effects) impl | proc eff -> impl, impl -> eff where callAux_ :: AST.Name -> Proxy proc -> [AST.Typed AST.Expr] -> impl instance IvoryType r => IvoryCall_ ('[] :-> r) eff (Ivory eff ()) where callAux_ sym _ args = do emit (AST.Call (ivoryType (Proxy :: Proxy r)) Nothing sym (reverse args)) instance (IvoryVar a, IvoryType r, IvoryCall_ (args :-> r) eff impl) => IvoryCall_ ((a ': args) :-> r) eff (a -> impl) where callAux_ sym _ args a = callAux_ sym rest args' where rest = Proxy :: Proxy (args :-> r) args' = typedExpr a : args -- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Primitive return from function. ret :: (GetReturn eff ~ Returns r, IvoryVar r) => r -> Ivory eff () ret r = emit (AST.Return (typedExpr r)) -- | Primitive void return from function. retVoid :: (GetReturn eff ~ Returns ()) => Ivory eff () retVoid = emit AST.ReturnVoid
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Development.Cake3.Ext.UrWeb where import Data.Data import Data.Char import Data.Typeable import Data.Generics import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.List () import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), foldl') import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString(..)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.String import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.Error import Language.JavaScript.Parser as JS import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup) import Text.Printf import Text.Parsec as P hiding (string) import Text.Parsec.Token as P hiding(lexeme, symbol) import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P import Text.Parsec.ByteString as P import qualified System.FilePath as F import System.Directory import System.IO as IO import System.FilePath.Wrapper import Development.Cake3.Monad import Development.Cake3 hiding (many, (<|>)) data UrpAllow = UrpMime | UrpUrl | UrpResponseHeader | UrpEnvVar | UrpHeader deriving(Show,Data,Typeable) data UrpRewrite = UrpStyle | UrpAll | UrpTable deriving(Show,Data,Typeable) data UrpHdrToken = UrpDatabase String | UrpSql File | UrpAllow UrpAllow String | UrpRewrite UrpRewrite String | UrpLibrary File | UrpDebug | UrpInclude File | UrpLink (Either File String) | UrpSrc File String String | UrpPkgConfig String | UrpFFI File | UrpJSFunc String String String -- ^ Module name, UrWeb name, JavaScript name | UrpSafeGet String | UrpScript String | UrpClientOnly String deriving(Show,Data,Typeable) data UrpModToken = UrpModule1 File | UrpModule2 File File | UrpModuleSys String deriving(Show,Data,Typeable) data Urp = Urp { urp :: File , uexe :: Maybe File , uhdr :: [UrpHdrToken] , umod :: [UrpModToken] } deriving(Show,Data,Typeable) newtype UWLib = UWLib Urp deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) newtype UWExe = UWExe Urp deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) instance (MonadAction a m) => RefInput a m UWLib where refInput (UWLib u) = refInput (urp u) instance (MonadAction a m) => RefInput a m UWExe where refInput (UWExe u) = refInput (urpExe u) class UrpLike x where toUrp :: x -> Urp tempfiles :: x -> [File] tempfiles = (\x -> (urpObjs x) ++ maybeToList (urpSql' x) ++ maybeToList (urpExe' x)) . toUrp instance UrpLike Urp where toUrp = id instance UrpLike UWLib where toUrp (UWLib x) = x instance UrpLike UWExe where toUrp (UWExe x) = x urpDeps :: Urp -> [File] urpDeps (Urp _ _ hdr mod) = foldl' scan2 (foldl' scan1 mempty hdr) mod where scan1 a (UrpLink (Left f)) = f:a scan1 a (UrpSrc f _ _) = (f.="o"):a scan1 a (UrpInclude f) = f:a scan1 a _ = a scan2 a (UrpModule1 f) = f:a scan2 a (UrpModule2 f1 f2) = f1:f2:a scan2 a _ = a urpSql' :: Urp -> Maybe File urpSql' (Urp _ _ hdr _) = find hdr where find [] = Nothing find ((UrpSql f):hs) = Just f find (h:hs) = find hs urpSql :: Urp -> File urpSql u = case urpSql' u of Nothing -> error "ur project defines no SQL file" Just sql -> sql urpSrcs (Urp _ _ hdr _) = foldl' scan [] hdr where scan a (UrpSrc f cfl lfl) = (f,cfl):a scan a _ = a urpObjs (Urp _ _ hdr _) = foldl' scan [] hdr where scan a (UrpSrc f _ lfl) = (f.="o"):a scan a (UrpLink (Left f)) = (f):a scan a _ = a urpLibs (Urp _ _ hdr _) = foldl' scan [] hdr where scan a (UrpLibrary f) = f:a scan a _ = a urpExe' = uexe urpExe u = case uexe u of Nothing -> error "ur project defines no EXE file" Just exe -> exe urpPkgCfg (Urp _ _ hdr _) = foldl' scan [] hdr where scan a (UrpPkgConfig s) = s:a scan a _ = a data UrpState = UrpState { urpst :: Urp , urautogen :: File } deriving (Show) defState urp = UrpState (Urp urp Nothing [] []) (fromFilePath "autogen") class ToUrpWord a where toUrpWord :: a -> String instance ToUrpWord UrpAllow where toUrpWord (UrpMime) = "mime" toUrpWord (UrpHeader) = "requestHeader" toUrpWord (UrpUrl) = "url" toUrpWord (UrpEnvVar) = "env" toUrpWord (UrpResponseHeader) = "responseHeader" instance ToUrpWord UrpRewrite where toUrpWord (UrpStyle) = "style" toUrpWord (UrpAll) = "all" toUrpWord (UrpTable) = "table" class ToUrpLine a where toUrpLine :: FilePath -> a -> String maskPkgCfg s = "%" ++ (map toUpper s) ++ "%" instance ToUrpLine UrpHdrToken where toUrpLine up (UrpDatabase dbs) = printf "database %s" dbs toUrpLine up (UrpSql f) = printf "sql %s" (up </> toFilePath f) toUrpLine up (UrpAllow a s) = printf "allow %s %s" (toUrpWord a) s toUrpLine up (UrpRewrite a s) = printf "rewrite %s %s" (toUrpWord a) s toUrpLine up (UrpLibrary f) | (takeFileName f) == "lib.urp" = printf "library %s" (up </> toFilePath (takeDirectory f)) | otherwise = printf "library %s" (up </> toFilePath (dropExtension f)) toUrpLine up (UrpDebug) = printf "debug" toUrpLine up (UrpInclude f) = printf "include %s" (up </> toFilePath f) toUrpLine up (UrpLink (Left f)) = printf "link %s" (up </> toFilePath f) toUrpLine up (UrpLink (Right lfl)) = printf "link %s" lfl toUrpLine up (UrpSrc f _ _) = printf "link %s" (up </> toFilePath (f.="o")) toUrpLine up (UrpPkgConfig s) = printf "link %s" (maskPkgCfg s) toUrpLine up (UrpFFI s) = printf "ffi %s" (up </> toFilePath (dropExtensions s)) toUrpLine up (UrpSafeGet s) = printf "safeGet %s" (dropExtensions s) toUrpLine up (UrpJSFunc s1 s2 s3) = printf "jsFunc %s.%s = %s" s1 s2 s3 toUrpLine up (UrpScript s) = printf "script %s" s toUrpLine up (UrpClientOnly s) = printf "clientOnly %s" s toUrpLine up e = error $ "toUrpLine: unhandled case " ++ (show e) instance ToUrpLine UrpModToken where toUrpLine up (UrpModule1 f) = up </> toFilePath (dropExtensions f) toUrpLine up (UrpModule2 f _) = up </> toFilePath (dropExtensions f) toUrpLine up (UrpModuleSys s) = printf "$/%s" s newtype UrpGen m a = UrpGen { unUrpGen :: StateT UrpState m a } deriving(Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState UrpState, MonadMake, MonadIO) toFile f' wr = liftIO $ do let f = toFilePath f' createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory f) writeFile f $ execWriter $ wr tempPrefix :: File -> String tempPrefix f = concat $ map (map nodot) $ splitDirectories f where nodot '.' = '_' nodot '/' = '_' nodot a = a mkFileRule pfx wr = genFile (tmp_file pfx) $ execWriter $ wr line :: (MonadWriter String m) => String -> m () line s = tell (s++"\n") uwlib :: File -> UrpGen (Make' IO) () -> Make UWLib uwlib urpfile m = do ((),s) <- runStateT (unUrpGen m) (defState urpfile) let u@(Urp _ _ hdr mod) = urpst s let pkgcfg = (urpPkgCfg u) forM_ (urpSrcs u) $ \(c,fl) -> do let flags = concat $ fl : map (\p -> printf "$(shell pkg-config --cflags %s) " p) (urpPkgCfg u) let i = makevar "URINCL" "-I$(shell urweb -print-cinclude) " let cc = makevar "URCC" "$(shell $(shell urweb -print-ccompiler) -print-prog-name=gcc)" let cpp = makevar "URCPP" "$(shell $(shell urweb -print-ccompiler) -print-prog-name=g++)" let incfl = extvar "UR_CFLAGS" rule' $ do case takeExtension c of ".cpp" -> shell [cmd| $cpp -c $incfl $i $(string flags) -o @(c .= "o") $(c) |] ".c" -> shell [cmd| $cc -c $i $incfl $(string flags) -o @(c .= "o") $(c) |] e -> error ("Unknown C-source extension " ++ e) inp_in <- mkFileRule (tempPrefix (urpfile .= "in")) $ do forM hdr (line . toUrpLine (urpUp urpfile)) line "" forM mod (line . toUrpLine (urpUp urpfile)) rule' $ do let cpy = [cmd|cat $inp_in|] :: CommandGen' (Make' IO) let l = foldl' (\a p -> do let l = makevar (map toUpper $ printf "lib%s" p) (printf "$(shell pkg-config --libs %s)" p) [cmd| $a | sed 's@@$(string $ maskPkgCfg p)@@$l@@' |] ) cpy pkgcfg shell [cmd| $l > @urpfile |] depend (urpDeps u) depend (urpLibs u) return $ UWLib u uwapp :: String -> File -> UrpGen (Make' IO) () -> Make UWExe uwapp opts urpfile m = do (UWLib u') <- uwlib urpfile m let u = u' { uexe = Just (urpfile .= "exe") } rule $ do depend urpfile produce (urpExe u) case urpSql' u of Nothing -> return () Just sql -> produce sql depend (makevar "URVERSION" "$(shell urweb -version)") unsafeShell [cmd|urweb $(string opts) $((takeDirectory urpfile)</>(takeBaseName urpfile))|] return $ UWExe u setAutogenDir d = modify $ \s -> s { urautogen = d } addHdr h = modify $ \s -> let u = urpst s in s { urpst = u { uhdr = (uhdr u) ++ [h] } } addMod m = modify $ \s -> let u = urpst s in s { urpst = u { umod = (umod u) ++ [m] } } database :: (MonadMake m) => String -> UrpGen m () database dbs = addHdr $ UrpDatabase dbs allow :: (MonadMake m) => UrpAllow -> String -> UrpGen m () allow a s = addHdr $ UrpAllow a s rewrite :: (MonadMake m) => UrpRewrite -> String -> UrpGen m () rewrite a s = addHdr $ UrpRewrite a s urpUp :: File -> FilePath urpUp f = F.joinPath $ map (const "..") $ filter (/= ".") $ F.splitDirectories $ F.takeDirectory $ toFilePath f class LibraryLike x where library :: (MonadMake m) => x -> UrpGen m () instance LibraryLike [File] where library ls = do forM_ ls $ \l -> do when ((takeExtension l) /= ".urp") $ do fail $ printf "library declaration '%s' should ends with '.urp'" (toFilePath l) addHdr $ UrpLibrary l instance LibraryLike UWLib where library (UWLib u) = library [urp u] instance LibraryLike x => LibraryLike (Make x) where library ml = liftMake ml >>= library -- | Build a file using external Makefile facility. externalMake3 :: File -- ^ External Makefile -> File -- ^ External file to refer to -> String -- ^ The name of the target to run -> Make [File] externalMake3 mk f tgt = do prebuildS [cmd|$(make) -C $(string $ toFilePath $ takeDirectory mk) -f $(string $ takeFileName mk) $(string tgt) |] return [f] -- | Build a file using external Makefile facility. externalMake' :: File -- ^ External Makefile -> File -- ^ External file to refer to -> Make [File] externalMake' mk f = do prebuildS [cmd|$(make) -C $(string $ toFilePath $ takeDirectory mk) -f $(string $ takeFileName mk)|] return [f] -- | Build a file from external project. It is expected, that this project has a -- 'Makwfile' in it's root directory. Call Makefile with the default target externalMake :: File -- ^ File from the external project to build -> Make [File] externalMake f = externalMake3 (takeDirectory f </> "Makefile") f "" -- | Build a file from external project. It is expected, that this project has a -- 'Makwfile' in it's root directory externalMakeTarget :: File -- ^ File from the external project to build -> String -> Make [File] externalMakeTarget f tgt = externalMake3 (takeDirectory f </> "Makefile") f tgt -- | Build a file from external project. It is expected, that this project has a -- (a Makefile with an unusual name) in it's root directory externalMake2 :: File -> Make [File] externalMake2 f = externalMake' ((takeDirectory f </> takeFileName f) .= "mk") f ur, module_ :: (MonadMake m) => UrpModToken -> UrpGen m () module_ = addMod ur = addMod pair f = UrpModule2 (f.="ur") (f.="urs") single f = UrpModule1 f sys s = UrpModuleSys s debug :: (MonadMake m) => UrpGen m () debug = addHdr $ UrpDebug include :: (MonadMake m) => File -> UrpGen m () include f = addHdr $ UrpInclude f link' :: (MonadMake m) => File -> String -> UrpGen m () link' f fl = do addHdr $ UrpLink (Left f) when (fl /= "") $ do addHdr $ UrpLink (Right fl) link :: (MonadMake m) => File -> UrpGen m () link f = link' f [] csrc' :: (MonadMake m) => File -> String -> String -> UrpGen m () csrc' f cfl lfl = do addHdr $ UrpSrc f cfl lfl when (lfl /= "") $ do addHdr $ UrpLink (Right lfl) csrc :: (MonadMake m) => File -> UrpGen m () csrc f = csrc' f [] [] ffi :: (MonadMake m) => File -> UrpGen m () ffi s = addHdr $ UrpFFI s sql :: (MonadMake m) => File -> UrpGen m () sql f = addHdr $ UrpSql f jsFunc m u j = addHdr $ UrpJSFunc m u j safeGet' :: (MonadMake m) => String -> UrpGen m () safeGet' uri | otherwise = addHdr $ UrpSafeGet uri safeGet :: (MonadMake m) => File -> String -> UrpGen m () safeGet m fn | (takeExtension m) /= ".ur" = fail (printf "safeGet: not an Ur/Web module name specified (%s)" (toFilePath m)) | otherwise = safeGet' (printf "%s/%s" (takeBaseName m) fn) url = UrpUrl mime = UrpMime style = UrpStyle all = UrpAll table = UrpTable env = UrpEnvVar hdr = UrpHeader requestHeader = UrpHeader responseHeader = UrpResponseHeader script :: (MonadMake m) => String -> UrpGen m () script s = addHdr $ UrpScript s guessMime inf = fixup $ BS.unpack (defaultMimeLookup (fromString inf)) where fixup "application/javascript" = "text/javascript" fixup m = m pkgconfig :: (MonadMake m) => String -> UrpGen m () pkgconfig l = addHdr $ UrpPkgConfig l type BinOptions = [ BinOption ] data BinOption = NoScan | UseUrembed deriving(Show, Eq) bin :: (MonadIO m, MonadMake m) => File -> BinOptions -> UrpGen m () bin src bo = do let ds = if NoScan `elem` bo then "--dont-scan" else "" case UseUrembed `elem` bo of False -> do c <- readFileForMake src bin' (toFilePath src) c bo True -> do a <- urautogen `liftM` get library $ do rule $ shell [cmd|urembed -o @(a </> (takeFileName src .="urp")) $(string ds) $src|] bin' :: (MonadIO m, MonadMake m) => FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> BinOptions -> UrpGen m () bin' src_name src_contents' bo = do dir <- urautogen `liftM` get let mm = guessMime src_name let mn = (mkname src_name) let wrapmod ext = (dir </> mn) .= ext let binmod ext = (dir </> (mn ++ "_c")) .= ext let jsmod ext = (dir </> (mn ++ "_js")) .= ext (src_contents, nurls) <- if not (NoScan `elem` bo) then if ((takeExtension src_name) == ".css") then do (e,urls) <- return $ runWriter $ parse_css src_contents' $ \x -> do let (url, query) = span (\c -> not $ elem c "?#") x let mn = modname (const (fromFilePath $ mkname url)) tell [ mn ] return $ "/" ++ mn ++ "/blobpage" ++ query case e of Left e -> do fail $ printf "Error while parsing css %s: %s" src_name (show e) Right b -> do return (b, L.nub urls) else return (src_contents', []) else return (src_contents', []) -- Binary module let binfunc = printf "uw_%s_binary" (modname binmod) let textfunc = printf "uw_%s_text" (modname binmod) toFile (binmod ".c") $ do line $ "/* Thanks, */" line $ "#include <urweb.h>" line $ "#include <stdio.h>" line $ printf "#define BLOBSZ %d" (BS.length src_contents) line $ "static char blob[BLOBSZ];" line $ "uw_Basis_blob " ++ binfunc ++ " (uw_context ctx, uw_unit unit)" line $ "{" line $ " uw_Basis_blob uwblob;" line $ " = &blob[0];" line $ " uwblob.size = BLOBSZ;" line $ " return uwblob;" line $ "}" line $ "" line $ "uw_Basis_string " ++ textfunc ++ " (uw_context ctx, uw_unit unit) {" line $ " char* data = &blob[0];" line $ " size_t size = sizeof(blob);" line $ " char * c = uw_malloc(ctx, size+1);" line $ " char * write = c;" line $ " int i;" line $ " for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {" line $ " *write = data[i];" line $ " if (*write == '\\0')" line $ " *write = '\\n';" line $ " *write++;" line $ " }" line $ " *write=0;" line $ " return c;" line $ " }" line $ "" let append f wr = liftIO $ BS.appendFile f $ execWriter $ wr append (toFilePath (binmod ".c")) $ do let line s = tell ((BS.pack s)`mappend`(BS.pack "\n")) line $ "" line $ "static char blob[BLOBSZ] = {" let buf = reverse $ BS.foldl (\a c -> (BS.pack (printf "0x%02X ," c)) : a) [] src_contents tell (BS.concat buf) line $ "};" line $ "" toFile (binmod ".h") $ do line $ "#include <urweb.h>" line $ "uw_Basis_blob " ++ binfunc ++ " (uw_context ctx, uw_unit unit);" line $ "uw_Basis_string " ++ textfunc ++ " (uw_context ctx, uw_unit unit);" toFile (binmod ".urs") $ do line $ "val binary : unit -> transaction blob" line $ "val text : unit -> transaction string" include (binmod ".h") csrc (binmod ".c") ffi (binmod ".urs") -- JavaScript FFI Module (jstypes,jsdecls) <- if not (NoScan `elem` bo) then if ((takeExtension src_name) == ".js") then do e <- liftMake $ parse_js src_contents case e of Left e -> do fail $ printf "Error while parsing javascript %s: %s" src_name e Right decls -> do return decls else return ([],[]) else return ([],[]) forM_ jsdecls $ \decl -> do addHdr $ UrpJSFunc (modname jsmod) (urname decl) (jsname decl) addHdr $ UrpClientOnly $ (modname jsmod) ++ "." ++ (urname decl) toFile (jsmod ".urs") $ do forM_ jstypes $ \decl -> line (urtdecl decl) forM_ jsdecls $ \decl -> line (urdecl decl) ffi (jsmod ".urs") -- Wrapper module toFile (wrapmod ".urs") $ do line $ "val binary : unit -> transaction blob" line $ "val text : unit -> transaction string" line $ "val blobpage : unit -> transaction page" line $ "val geturl : url" forM_ jstypes $ \decl -> line (urtdecl decl) forM_ jsdecls $ \d -> line (urdecl d) line $ "val propagated_urls : list url" toFile (wrapmod ".ur") $ do line $ "val binary = " ++ modname binmod ++ ".binary" line $ "val text = " ++ modname binmod ++ ".text" forM_ jsdecls $ \d -> line $ printf "val %s = %s.%s" (urname d) (modname jsmod) (urname d) line $ printf "fun blobpage {} = b <- binary () ; returnBlob b (blessMime \"%s\")" mm line $ "val geturl = url(blobpage {})" line $ "val propagated_urls = " forM_ nurls $ \u -> do line $ " " ++ u ++ ".geturl ::" line $ " []" allow mime mm safeGet (wrapmod ".ur") "blobpage" safeGet (wrapmod ".ur") "blob" module_ (pair $ wrapmod ".ur") where mkname :: FilePath -> String mkname = upper1 . notnum . map under . takeFileName where under c | c`elem`"_-. /" = '_' | otherwise = c upper1 [] = [] upper1 (x:xs) = (toUpper x) : xs notnum n@(x:xs) | isDigit x = "f" ++ n | otherwise = n modname :: (String -> File) -> String modname f = upper1 . takeBaseName $ f ".urs" where upper1 [] = [] upper1 (x:xs) = (toUpper x) : xs {- - Content parsing helpers -} data JSFunc = JSFunc { urdecl :: String -- ^ URS declaration for this function , urname :: String -- ^ UrWeb name of this function , jsname :: String -- ^ JavaScript name of this function } deriving(Show) data JSType = JSType { urtdecl :: String } deriving(Show) -- | Parse the JavaScript file, extract top-level functions, convert their -- signatures into Ur/Web format, return them as the list of strings parse_js :: BS.ByteString -> Make (Either String ([JSType],[JSFunc])) parse_js contents = do runErrorT $ do c <- either fail return (JS.parse (BS.unpack contents) "<urembed_input>") f <- concat <$> (forM (findTopLevelFunctions c) $ \f@(fn:_) -> (do ts <- mapM extractEmbeddedType (f`zip`(False:repeat True)) let urdecl_ = urs_line ts let urname_ = (fst (head ts)) let jsname_ = fn return [JSFunc urdecl_ urname_ jsname_] ) `catchError` (\(e::String) -> do err $ printf "ignoring function %s, reason:\n\t%s" fn e return [])) t <- concat <$> (forM (findTopLevelVars c) $ \vn -> (do (n,t) <- extractEmbeddedType (vn,False) return [JSType $ printf "type %s" t] )`catchError` (\(e::String) -> do err $ printf "ignoring variable %s, reason:\n\t%s" vn e return [])) return (t,f) where urs_line :: [(String,String)] -> String urs_line [] = error "wrong function signature" urs_line ((n,nt):args) = printf "val %s : %s" n (fmtargs args) where fmtargs :: [(String,String)] -> String fmtargs ((an,at):as) = printf "%s -> %s" at (fmtargs as) fmtargs [] = let pf = L.stripPrefix "pure_" nt in case pf of Just p -> p Nothing -> printf "transaction %s" nt extractEmbeddedType :: (Monad m) => (String,Bool) -> m (String,String) extractEmbeddedType ([],_) = error "BUG: empty identifier" extractEmbeddedType (name,fallback) = check (msum [span2 "__" name , span2 "_as_" name]) where check (Just (n,t)) = return (n,t) check _ | fallback == True = return (name,name) | fallback == False = fail $ printf "Can't extract the type from the identifier '%s'" name findTopLevelFunctions :: JSNode -> [[String]] findTopLevelFunctions top = map decls $ listify is_func top where is_func n@(JSFunction a b c d e f) = True is_func _ = False decls (JSFunction a b c d e f) = (identifiers b) ++ (identifiersC d) findTopLevelVars :: JSNode -> [String] findTopLevelVars top = map decls $ listify is_var top where is_var n@(JSVarDecl a []) = True is_var _ = False decls (JSVarDecl a _) = (head $ identifiers a); identifiersC x = map name $ listify ids x where ids i@(NT (JSIdentifier s) _ com) = True ids _ = False name (NT (JSIdentifier n) _ com) | not $ null $ comglue = n ++ "_as_" ++ comglue | otherwise = n where comglue = concat $ map (\c -> case c of CommentA _ c -> unwords $ filter (\c -> c /= "/*" && c /= "*/") $ words c _ -> "") com identifiers x = map name $ listify ids x where ids i@(JSIdentifier s) = True ids _ = False name (JSIdentifier n) = n err,out :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m () err = hio stderr out = hio stdout span2 :: String -> String -> Maybe (String,String) span2 inf s = span' [] s where span' _ [] = Nothing span' acc (c:cs) | L.isPrefixOf inf (c:cs) = Just (acc, drop (length inf) (c:cs)) | otherwise = span' (acc++[c]) cs hio :: (MonadIO m) => Handle -> String -> m () hio h = liftIO . hPutStrLn h transform_css :: (Stream s m Char) => ParsecT s u m [Either ByteString [Char]] transform_css = do l1 <- map Left <$> blabla l2 <- map Right <$> funs e <- try (eof >> return True) <|> (return False) case e of True -> return (l1++l2) False -> do l <- transform_css return (l1 ++ l2 ++ l) where symbol = P.symbol l lexeme = P.lexeme l string = lexeme ( between (char '\'') (char '\'') (strchars '\'') <|> between (char '"') (char '"') (strchars '"')) <|> manyTill anyChar (try (char ')')) where strchars e = many $ satisfy (/=e) fun1 = lexeme $ do symbol "url" symbol "(" s <- string symbol ")" return s blabla = do l <- manyTill anyChar (eof <|> (try (lookAhead fun1) >> return ())) case null l of True -> return [] False -> return [BS.pack l] funs = many (try fun1) l = P.makeTokenParser $ P.LanguageDef { P.commentStart = "/*" , P.commentEnd = "*/" , P.commentLine = "//" , P.nestedComments = True , P.identStart = P.letter , P.identLetter = P.alphaNum <|> oneOf "_@-" , P.reservedNames = [] , P.reservedOpNames = [] , P.caseSensitive = False , P.opStart = l , P.opLetter = l } where l = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" parse_css :: (Monad m) => BS.ByteString -> (String -> m String) -> m (Either P.ParseError BS.ByteString) parse_css inp f = do case P.runParser transform_css () "-" inp of Left e -> return $ Left e Right pr -> do b <- forM pr $ \i -> do case i of Left bs -> return bs Right u -> do u' <- f u return (BS.pack $ "url('" ++ u' ++ "')") return $ Right $ BS.concat b
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Build project(s). module Stack.Build (build ,clean) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.Either import Data.Function import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Set as S import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (HasHttpManager) import Path.IO import Prelude hiding (FilePath, writeFile) import Stack.Build.ConstructPlan import Stack.Build.Execute import Stack.Build.Installed import Stack.Build.Source import Stack.Build.Types import Stack.Constants import Stack.Fetch as Fetch import Stack.GhcPkg import Stack.Package import Stack.Types import Stack.Types.Internal {- EKB TODO: doc generation for stack-doc-server #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import System.Posix.Files (createSymbolicLink,removeLink) #endif --} type M env m = (MonadIO m,MonadReader env m,HasHttpManager env,HasBuildConfig env,MonadLogger m,MonadBaseControl IO m,MonadCatch m,MonadMask m,HasLogLevel env) -- | Build build :: M env m => BuildOpts -> m () build bopts = do menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride cabalPkgVer <- getCabalPkgVer menv (mbp, locals, sourceMap) <- loadSourceMap bopts (installedMap, locallyRegistered) <- getInstalled menv profiling sourceMap baseConfigOpts <- mkBaseConfigOpts bopts let extraToBuild = either (const []) id $ boptsTargets bopts plan <- withLoadPackage menv $ \loadPackage -> constructPlan mbp baseConfigOpts locals extraToBuild locallyRegistered loadPackage sourceMap installedMap if boptsDryrun bopts then printPlan plan else executePlan menv bopts baseConfigOpts cabalPkgVer locals plan where profiling = boptsLibProfile bopts || boptsExeProfile bopts -- | Get the @BaseConfigOpts@ necessary for constructing configure options mkBaseConfigOpts :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env, MonadThrow m) => BuildOpts -> m BaseConfigOpts mkBaseConfigOpts bopts = do snapDBPath <- packageDatabaseDeps localDBPath <- packageDatabaseLocal snapInstallRoot <- installationRootDeps localInstallRoot <- installationRootLocal return BaseConfigOpts { bcoSnapDB = snapDBPath , bcoLocalDB = localDBPath , bcoSnapInstallRoot = snapInstallRoot , bcoLocalInstallRoot = localInstallRoot , bcoBuildOpts = bopts } -- | Provide a function for loading package information from the package index withLoadPackage :: M env m => EnvOverride -> ((PackageName -> Version -> Map FlagName Bool -> IO Package) -> m a) -> m a withLoadPackage menv inner = do bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig withCabalLoader menv $ \cabalLoader -> inner $ \name version flags -> do bs <- cabalLoader $ PackageIdentifier name version -- TODO automatically update index the first time this fails readPackageBS (depPackageConfig bconfig flags) bs where -- | Package config to be used for dependencies depPackageConfig :: BuildConfig -> Map FlagName Bool -> PackageConfig depPackageConfig bconfig flags = PackageConfig { packageConfigEnableTests = False , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False , packageConfigFlags = flags , packageConfigGhcVersion = bcGhcVersion bconfig , packageConfigPlatform = configPlatform (getConfig bconfig) } -- | Reset the build (remove Shake database and .gen files). clean :: (M env m) => m () clean = do bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride cabalPkgVer <- getCabalPkgVer menv forM_ (S.toList (bcPackages bconfig)) (distDirFromDir cabalPkgVer >=> removeTreeIfExists) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- DEAD CODE BELOW HERE ---------------------------------------------------------- {- EKB TODO: doc generation for stack-doc-server (boptsFinalAction bopts == DoHaddock) (buildDocIndex (wanted pwd) docLoc packages mgr logLevel) -} {- EKB TODO: doc generation for stack-doc-server -- | Build the haddock documentation index and contents. buildDocIndex :: (Package -> Wanted) -> Path Abs Dir -> Set Package -> Manager -> LogLevel -> Rules () buildDocIndex wanted docLoc packages mgr logLevel = do runHaddock "--gen-contents" $(mkRelFile "index.html") runHaddock "--gen-index" $(mkRelFile "doc-index.html") combineHoogle where runWithLogging = runStackLoggingT mgr logLevel runHaddock genOpt destFilename = do let destPath = toFilePath (docLoc </> destFilename) want [destPath] destPath %> \_ -> runWithLogging (do needDeps ifcOpts <- liftIO (fmap concat (mapM toInterfaceOpt (S.toList packages))) runIn docLoc "haddock" mempty (genOpt:ifcOpts) Nothing) toInterfaceOpt package = do let pv = joinPkgVer (packageName package,packageVersion package) srcPath = (toFilePath docLoc) ++ "/" ++ pv ++ "/" ++ packageNameString (packageName package) ++ "." ++ haddockExtension exists <- doesFileExist srcPath return (if exists then ["-i" ,"../" ++ pv ++ "," ++ srcPath] else []) combineHoogle = do let destHoogleDbLoc = hoogleDatabaseFile docLoc destPath = toFilePath destHoogleDbLoc want [destPath] destPath %> \_ -> runWithLogging (do needDeps srcHoogleDbs <- liftIO (fmap concat (mapM toSrcHoogleDb (S.toList packages))) callProcess "hoogle" ("combine" : "-o" : toFilePath destHoogleDbLoc : srcHoogleDbs)) toSrcHoogleDb package = do let srcPath = toFilePath docLoc ++ "/" ++ joinPkgVer (packageName package,packageVersion package) ++ "/" ++ packageNameString (packageName package) ++ "." ++ hoogleDbExtension exists <- doesFileExist srcPath return (if exists then [srcPath] else []) needDeps = need (concatMap (\package -> if wanted package == Wanted then let dir = packageDir package in [toFilePath (builtFileFromDir dir)] else []) (S.toList packages)) #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS -- | Remove existing links docs for package from @~/.shake/doc@. removeDocLinks :: Path Abs Dir -> Package -> IO () removeDocLinks docLoc package = do createDirectoryIfMissing True (toFilePath docLoc) userDocLs <- fmap (map (toFilePath docLoc ++)) (getDirectoryContents (toFilePath docLoc)) forM_ userDocLs $ \docPath -> do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist docPath when isDir (case breakPkgVer (FilePath.takeFileName docPath) of Just (p,_) -> when (p == packageName package) (removeLink docPath) Nothing -> return ()) -- | Add link for package to @~/.shake/doc@. createDocLinks :: Path Abs Dir -> Package -> IO () createDocLinks docLoc package = do let pkgVer = joinPkgVer (packageName package,(packageVersion package)) pkgVerLoc <- liftIO (parseRelDir pkgVer) let pkgDestDocLoc = docLoc </> pkgVerLoc pkgDestDocPath = FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator (toFilePath pkgDestDocLoc) cabalDocLoc = parent docLoc </> $(mkRelDir "share/doc/") haddockLocs <- do cabalDocExists <- doesDirectoryExist (toFilePath cabalDocLoc) if cabalDocExists then findFiles cabalDocLoc (\fileLoc -> FilePath.takeExtensions (toFilePath fileLoc) == "." ++ haddockExtension && dirname (parent fileLoc) == $(mkRelDir "html/") && toFilePath (dirname (parent (parent fileLoc))) == (pkgVer ++ "/")) (\dirLoc -> not (isHiddenDir dirLoc) && dirname (parent (parent dirLoc)) /= $(mkRelDir "html/")) else return [] case haddockLocs of [haddockLoc] -> case stripDir (parent docLoc) haddockLoc of Just relHaddockPath -> do let srcRelPathCollapsed = FilePath.takeDirectory (FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator (toFilePath relHaddockPath)) {-srcRelPath = "../" ++ srcRelPathCollapsed-} createSymbolicLink (FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator srcRelPathCollapsed) pkgDestDocPath Nothing -> return () _ -> return () #endif /* not defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) */ -- | Get @-i@ arguments for haddock for dependencies. haddockInterfaceOpts :: Path Abs Dir -> Package -> Set Package -> IO [String] haddockInterfaceOpts userDocLoc package packages = do mglobalDocLoc <- getGlobalDocPath globalPkgVers <- case mglobalDocLoc of Nothing -> return M.empty Just globalDocLoc -> getDocPackages globalDocLoc let toInterfaceOpt pn = case find (\dpi -> packageName dpi == pn) (S.toList packages) of Nothing -> return (case (M.lookup pn globalPkgVers,mglobalDocLoc) of (Just (v:_),Just globalDocLoc) -> ["-i" ,"../" ++ joinPkgVer (pn,v) ++ "," ++ toFilePath globalDocLoc ++ "/" ++ joinPkgVer (pn,v) ++ "/" ++ packageNameString pn ++ "." ++ haddockExtension] _ -> []) Just dpi -> do let destPath = (toFilePath userDocLoc ++ "/" ++ joinPkgVer (pn,packageVersion dpi) ++ "/" ++ packageNameString pn ++ "." ++ haddockExtension) exists <- doesFileExist destPath return (if exists then ["-i" ,"../" ++ joinPkgVer (pn,packageVersion dpi) ++ "," ++ destPath] else []) --TODO: use not only direct dependencies, but dependencies of dependencies etc. --(e.g. redis-fp doesn't include @text@ in its dependencies which means the 'Text' --datatype isn't linked in its haddocks) fmap concat (mapM toInterfaceOpt (S.toList (packageAllDeps package))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Paths {- EKB TODO: doc generation for stack-doc-server -- | Returns true for paths whose last directory component begins with ".". isHiddenDir :: Path b Dir -> Bool isHiddenDir = isPrefixOf "." . toFilePath . dirname -} --}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} -- The pec embedded compiler -- Copyright 2011-2012, Brett Letner module Pec.LLVM (dModule) where import Control.Concurrent import Data.Char import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Development.Shake.FilePath import Grm.Prims import Language.LLVM.Abs import Numeric import Pec.IUtil import qualified Language.Pir.Abs as I data St = St { strings :: [(String,String)] , free_vars :: [String] , enums :: [(String,Integer)] , fields :: [(String,Integer)] , tydecls :: [(String,I.TyDecl)] , defines :: [Define] } dModule :: FilePath -> I.Module -> IO () dModule outdir m@(I.Module a _ _) = do xs <- readMVar gTyDecls let st0 = St{ strings = ss , enums = concatMap tyEnums $ universeBi xs , free_vars = map vtvar ifvs , fields = concatMap tyFields $ universeBi xs , tydecls = [ (dTypeVar y, z) | (y, z) <- xs ] , defines = [] } let ds = map (dTypeD st0) xs let st = st0{ defines = ds } writeFileBinary (joinPath [outdir, fn]) $ ppShow $ transformBi elimNoOpS $ transformBi allocasAtStart $ Module $ map dStringD ss ++ ds ++ map dBuiltin builtinTbl ++ map (dDeclare st) ifvs ++ map (dDefine st) cs where I.Module _ _ cs = transformBi inlineAtoms m ifvs = nub $ concatMap fvsIDefine cs fn = n ++ ".ll" n = case a of "" -> error "unused:dModule" _ -> init a ss = [ (s, "@.str" ++ show i) | (I.StringL s ,i) <- zip (nub $ sort $ universeBi m) [ 0 :: Int .. ]] dDeclare :: St -> I.TVar -> Define dDeclare st x = case ty of PtrT (FunT a bs) -> Declare a v bs _ -> error $ "declare not a function type:" ++ ppShow x where TVar ty v = dTVar st x dTypeD :: St -> (I.Type, I.TyDecl) -> Define dTypeD st (x,y) = TypeD (dTypeVar x) $ dTyDecl st y dTypeVar :: I.Type -> String dTypeVar x0 = '%' : loop x0 where loop x = case x of I.Type a [] -> a I.Type a xs -> a ++ "$" ++ concat (intersperse "." $ map loop xs) ++ "$" dTyDecl :: St -> I.TyDecl -> Type dTyDecl st x = case x of I.TyEnum bs -> lengthT bs I.TyRecord bs -> StructT $ map dFieldT bs I.TyTagged bs -> StructT [ lengthT bs , maximumBy (\a b -> compare (sizeT st a) (sizeT st b)) [ dType t | I.ConC _ t <- bs ] ] lengthT :: [a] -> Type lengthT = IntT . show . bitsToEncode . genericLength sizeT :: St -> Type -> Integer sizeT st x = case x of VoidT -> 0 CharT -> 8 FloatT -> 32 DoubleT -> 64 PtrT{} -> sizeofptr FunT{} -> sizeofptr IntT a -> read a StructT bs -> sum $ map (sizeT st) bs ArrayT a b -> read a * (sizeT st b) UserT a -> case lookup a $ tydecls st of Just b -> sizeT st $ dTyDecl st b Nothing -> error $ "unused:sizeT:UserT:" ++ ppShow x VarArgsT -> error $ "unused:sizeT:VarArgsT:" ++ ppShow x sizeofptr :: Integer sizeofptr = 32 dFieldT :: I.FieldT -> Type dFieldT (I.FieldT _ b) = dType b dVar :: Bool -> String -> String dVar is_free v = (if is_free then '@' else '%') : map f v where f c = case c of '~' -> '$' _ -> c dDefine :: St -> I.Define -> Define dDefine st (I.Define a b cs ds) = Define (dType a) (dVar True b) (map (dTVar st) cs) (concatMap (dStmt st) ds) dStmt :: St -> I.Stmt -> [Stmt] dStmt st x = case x of I.LetS a b -> dExp st a b I.StoreS a b -> [ StoreS (dAtom st b) (dTVar st a) ] I.CallS a b -> [ CallS (dTVar st a) (map (dAtom st) b) ] I.SwitchS a b cs -> concat [ [ SwitchS (dAtom st a) l1 $ map (dSwitchAlt st) lcs ] , [ LabelS l1 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) b , [ Br0S l0 ] , concatMap (dSwitchAltBody st l0) lcs , [ LabelS l0 ] ] where l0 = uLbl a l1 = uLbl b lcs = [ (uLbl c, c) | c <- cs ] I.IfS a b c -> concat [ [ BrS (duAtom st a) l1 l2 ] , [ LabelS l1 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) b , [ Br0S l3 ] , [ LabelS l2 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) c , [ Br0S l3 ] , [ LabelS l3 ] ] where l1 = uLbl a l2 = uLbl b l3 = uLbl c I.WhenS a b -> concat [ [ BrS (duAtom st a) l1 l2 ] , [ LabelS l1 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) b , [ Br0S l2 ] , [ LabelS l2 ] ] where l1 = uLbl a l2 = uLbl b I.WhileS a b c -> concat [ [ Br0S l0 ] , [ LabelS l0 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) a , [ BrS (duAtom st b) l1 l2 ] , [ LabelS l1 ] , concatMap (dStmt st) c , [ Br0S l0 ] , [ LabelS l2 ] ] where l0 = uLbl a l1 = uLbl b l2 = uLbl c I.ReturnS a -> [ ReturnS $ dAtom st a ] I.NoOpS -> [] uLbl :: a -> String uLbl a = uId a "Lbl" dSwitchAlt :: St -> (String, I.SwitchAlt) -> SwitchAlt dSwitchAlt st (lbl, I.SwitchAlt a _) = SwitchAlt tl lbl where tl = case dTLit st a of TLit (PtrT (FunT b _)) c -> TLit b c -- BAL: Shouldn't base report the correct type here without the need for this fixup? b -> b dSwitchAltBody :: St -> String -> (String, I.SwitchAlt) -> [Stmt] dSwitchAltBody st lbl0 (lbl, I.SwitchAlt _ b) = concat [ [ LabelS lbl ] , concatMap (dStmt st) b , [ Br0S lbl0 ] ] variantTypes :: St -> Exp -> (Type,Type) variantTypes st x = case [ (a, b) | TypeD v (StructT [a,b]) <- defines st, v == v0 ] of [y] -> y _ -> error $ "unused:variantTypes:" ++ ppShow x where IdxE (TVar (PtrT (UserT v0)) _) _ = x fldE :: TVar -> Integer -> Exp fldE a i = IdxE a $ LitA $ TLit (IntT "32") $ NmbrL $ show i bitcastE :: TVar -> Type -> Exp bitcastE = CastE Bitcast dExp :: St -> I.TVar -> I.Exp -> [Stmt] dExp st tv@(I.TVar v t) x = case x of I.CallE (I.TVar "tagv" _) [I.VarA b] -> [ LetS v1 $ fldE (dTVar st b) 0, letS $ LoadE $ TVar (PtrT $ dType t) v1 ] where v1 = uId b "%.tag" I.CallE (I.TVar "un" _) [_, I.VarA c] -> [ LetS v1 e, letS $ bitcastE (TVar (PtrT ta) v1) tb ] where v1 = uId c "" e = fldE (dTVar st c) 1 (_,ta) = variantTypes st e tb = dType t I.CallE (I.TVar "mk" a) [I.LitA (I.TLit (I.StringL b) _)] -> fst $ dTag st tv a b I.CallE (I.TVar "mk" a) [I.LitA (I.TLit (I.StringL b) _), c] -> ss0 ++ [ LetS datap0 $ fldE tv1 1 , LetS datap1 $ bitcastE (TVar (PtrT tb) datap0) (PtrT tc) , StoreS atomc (TVar (PtrT tc) datap1) , s ] where (ss,(tv1,tb)) = dTag st tv a b (ss0, s) = (init ss, last ss) datap0 = uId c "" datap1 = uId datap0 "" atomc = dAtom st c tc = tyAtom atomc I.CallE a [I.VarA b] | isJust mi -> [ letS $ fldE (dTVar st b) $ fromJust mi ] where mi = lookup (vtvar a) $ fields st I.CallE (I.TVar "idx" _) [I.VarA b, c] -> [ letS $ IdxE (dTVar st b) $ dAtom st c ] I.CallE a [b,c] | isBinOp a -> [ letS $ llvmBinOp st a b c ] I.CallE a b -> [ letS $ CallE (dTVar st a) (map (dAtom st) b) ] I.CastE a b -> [ letS $ CastE cast tva tb ] where tva@(TVar ta _) = dTVar st a tb = dType b y = ttvar a sa = sizeT st ta sb = sizeT st tb cast | isSigned y && isFloating b = Sitofp | isUnsigned y && isFloating b = Uitofp | isFloating y && isSigned b = Fptosi | isFloating y && isUnsigned b = Fptoui | isFloating y && isFloating b && sa < sb = Fpext | isFloating y && isFloating b && sa > sb = Fptrunc | isSigned y && isSigned b && sa < sb = Sext | isSigned y && isSigned b && sa > sb = Trunc | isUnsigned y && isUnsigned b && sa < sb = Zext | isUnsigned y && isUnsigned b && sa > sb = Trunc | otherwise = Bitcast I.AllocaE a -> [ letS $ AllocaE $ dType a ] I.LoadE a -> [ letS $ LoadE $ dTVar st a ] I.AtomE a -> [ letS $ AtomE $ dAtom st a ] where letS = LetS (dVar False v) dTag :: St -> I.TVar -> a -> String -> ([Stmt], (TVar, Type)) dTag st tv a b = ([ LetS v1 $ AllocaE t , LetS tagp tagfld , StoreS (LitA $ TLit ta $ dEnum st b) (TVar (PtrT ta) tagp) , LetS v0 $ LoadE tv1 ], (tv1,tb)) where TVar t v0 = dTVar st tv v1 = uId a "%.v" tv1 = TVar (PtrT t) v1 tagp = uId b "%.tag" tagfld = fldE tv1 0 (ta,tb) = variantTypes st tagfld duAtom :: St -> I.Atom -> UAtom duAtom st = uAtom . dAtom st llvmBinOp :: St -> I.TVar -> I.Atom -> I.Atom -> Exp llvmBinOp st a b c = BinOpE (f ty) (dType ty) (duAtom st b) (duAtom st c) where f = fromJust $ lookup (vtvar a) binOpTbl ty = tatom b tyAtom :: Atom -> Type tyAtom x = case x of LitA (TLit a _) -> a VarA (TVar a _) -> a uAtom :: Atom -> UAtom uAtom x = case x of LitA (TLit _ b) -> LitUA b VarA (TVar _ b) -> VarUA b dAtom :: St -> I.Atom -> Atom dAtom st x = case x of I.LitA a -> LitA $ dTLit st a I.VarA a -> VarA $ dTVar st a dLit :: St -> I.Type -> I.Lit -> Lit dLit st t x = case x of I.StringL a -> case lookup a $ strings st of Just v -> StringL (show $ length a + 1) v Nothing -> error $ "unused:dLit:string" I.NmbrL a | isFloating t -> NmbrL $ show (readNumber a :: Double) | isFloat a -> error $ "non-integral literal:" ++ a | otherwise -> NmbrL $ show (readNumber a :: Integer) I.CharL a -> NmbrL $ show $ ord a I.EnumL a -> dEnum st a I.VoidL -> VoidL dEnum :: St -> String -> Lit dEnum st x = case x of "False_" -> FalseL "True_" -> TrueL _ -> case lookup x $ enums st of Nothing -> error $ "unused:dEnum:" ++ ppShow (enums st, x) Just i -> NmbrL $ show i dTVar :: St -> I.TVar -> TVar dTVar st (I.TVar a b) = case lookup a builtinTbl of Just t -> TVar t (dVar True a) Nothing -> TVar (dType b) (dVar (a `elem` (free_vars st ++ builtins)) a) dBuiltin :: (String, Type) -> Define dBuiltin (s, PtrT (FunT a bs)) = Declare a ('@':s) bs dBuiltin x = error $ "unused:dBuiltin:" ++ ppShow x builtinTbl :: [(String, Type)] builtinTbl = [ ("printf", PtrT (FunT VoidT [PtrT CharT, VarArgsT])) ] dTLit :: St -> I.TLit -> TLit dTLit st (I.TLit a b) = TLit (dType b) (dLit st b a) dType :: I.Type -> Type dType t@(I.Type a b) = case (a,b) of ("Ptr_", [c]) -> PtrT (dType c) ("Void_", []) -> VoidT ("I_",_) -> IntT $ nCnt b ("W_",_) -> IntT $ nCnt b ("Fun_", ts) -> PtrT (FunT (dType $ last ts) (map dType $ init ts)) ("Array_", [c,d]) -> ArrayT (nCnt [c]) (dType d) ("Float_", []) -> FloatT ("Double_", []) -> DoubleT ("Char_", []) -> CharT _ -> UserT $ dTypeVar t fSOrU :: a -> a -> a -> I.Type -> a fSOrU a b c t | isFloating t = a | isSigned t = b | otherwise = c fOrN :: a -> a -> I.Type -> a fOrN a b t | isFloating t = a | otherwise = b binOpTbl :: [(String, I.Type -> BinOp)] binOpTbl = [ ("eq", \_ -> Icmp Equ) , ("ne", \_ -> Icmp Neq) , ("gt", fSOrU (Fcmp Ogt) (Icmp Sgt) (Icmp Ugt)) , ("gte", fSOrU (Fcmp Oge) (Icmp Sge) (Icmp Uge)) , ("lt", fSOrU (Fcmp Olt) (Icmp Slt) (Icmp Ult)) , ("lte", fSOrU (Fcmp Ole) (Icmp Sle) (Icmp Ule)) , ("add", fOrN Fadd Add) , ("sub", fOrN Fsub Sub) , ("mul", fOrN Fmul Mul) , ("div", fSOrU Fdiv Sdiv Udiv) , ("rem", fSOrU Frem Srem Urem) , ("shl", \_ -> Shl) , ("shr", \_ -> Lshr) , ("band", \_ -> And) , ("bor", \_ -> Or) , ("bxor", \_ -> Xor) , ("bnot", \_ -> error $ "todo:implement binary not in LLVM") -- BAL , ("and", \_ -> error $ "todo:implement boolean and in LLVM") -- BAL:doesn't this get desugared? , ("or", \_ -> error $ "todo:implement boolean or in LLVM") -- BAL:doesn't this get desugared? ] dStringD :: (String, Lident) -> Define dStringD (s,v) = StringD v (show $ 1 + length s) $ concatMap const_char s const_char :: Char -> String const_char c | c < ' ' || c > '~' || c == '\\' = encode_char c | otherwise = [c] encode_char :: Enum a => a -> String encode_char c = '\\' : (if i <= 0xf then "0" else "") ++ map toUpper (showHex i "") where i = fromEnum c allocasAtStart :: Define -> Define -- also removes unused allocas allocasAtStart (Define a b cs ds) = Define a b cs $ [ s | s@(LetS v AllocaE{}) <- universeBi ds, v `elem` universeBi ds1 ] ++ ds1 where ds1 = transformBi f ds f :: Stmt -> Stmt f s | isAllocaS s = NoOpS | otherwise = s allocasAtStart x = x isAllocaS :: Stmt -> Bool isAllocaS (LetS _ AllocaE{}) = True isAllocaS _ = False elimNoOpS :: Module -> Module elimNoOpS = transformBi (filter ((/=) NoOpS))
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.GL.EXT.PackedPixels -- Copyright : (c) Sven Panne 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Sven Panne <[email protected]> -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.GL.EXT.PackedPixels ( -- * Extension Support glGetEXTPackedPixels, gl_EXT_packed_pixels, -- * Enums pattern GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1_EXT ) where import Graphics.GL.ExtensionPredicates import Graphics.GL.Tokens
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710 {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Control.Comonad.Density -- Copyright : (C) 2008-2011 Edward Kmett -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GADTs, MPTCs) -- -- The 'Density' 'Comonad' for a 'Functor' (aka the 'Comonad generated by a 'Functor') -- The 'Density' term dates back to Dubuc''s 1974 thesis. The term -- 'Monad' genererated by a 'Functor' dates back to 1972 in Street''s -- ''Formal Theory of Monads''. -- -- The left Kan extension of a 'Functor' along itself (@'Lan' f f@) forms a 'Comonad'. This is -- that 'Comonad'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Control.Comonad.Density ( Density(..) , liftDensity , densityToAdjunction, adjunctionToDensity , densityToLan, lanToDensity ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Comonad import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class import Data.Functor.Apply import Data.Functor.Adjunction import Data.Functor.Extend import Data.Functor.Kan.Lan data Density k a where Density :: (k b -> a) -> k b -> Density k a instance Functor (Density f) where fmap f (Density g h) = Density (f . g) h {-# INLINE fmap #-} instance Extend (Density f) where duplicated (Density f ws) = Density (Density f) ws {-# INLINE duplicated #-} instance Comonad (Density f) where duplicate (Density f ws) = Density (Density f) ws {-# INLINE duplicate #-} extract (Density f a) = f a {-# INLINE extract #-} instance ComonadTrans Density where lower (Density f c) = extend f c {-# INLINE lower #-} instance Apply f => Apply (Density f) where Density kxf x <.> Density kya y = Density (\k -> kxf (fmap fst k) (kya (fmap snd k))) ((,) <$> x <.> y) {-# INLINE (<.>) #-} instance Applicative f => Applicative (Density f) where pure a = Density (const a) (pure ()) {-# INLINE pure #-} Density kxf x <*> Density kya y = Density (\k -> kxf (fmap fst k) (kya (fmap snd k))) (liftA2 (,) x y) {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} -- | The natural transformation from a @'Comonad' w@ to the 'Comonad' generated by @w@ (forwards). -- -- This is merely a right-inverse (section) of 'lower', rather than a full inverse. -- -- @ -- 'lower' . 'liftDensity' ≑ 'id' -- @ liftDensity :: Comonad w => w a -> Density w a liftDensity = Density extract {-# INLINE liftDensity #-} -- | The Density 'Comonad' of a left adjoint is isomorphic to the 'Comonad' formed by that 'Adjunction'. -- -- This isomorphism is witnessed by 'densityToAdjunction' and 'adjunctionToDensity'. -- -- @ -- 'densityToAdjunction' . 'adjunctionToDensity' ≑ 'id' -- 'adjunctionToDensity' . 'densityToAdjunction' ≑ 'id' -- @ densityToAdjunction :: Adjunction f g => Density f a -> f (g a) densityToAdjunction (Density f v) = fmap (leftAdjunct f) v {-# INLINE densityToAdjunction #-} adjunctionToDensity :: Adjunction f g => f (g a) -> Density f a adjunctionToDensity = Density counit {-# INLINE adjunctionToDensity #-} -- | The 'Density' 'Comonad' of a 'Functor' @f@ is obtained by taking the left Kan extension -- ('Lan') of @f@ along itself. This isomorphism is witnessed by 'lanToDensity' and 'densityToLan' -- -- @ -- 'lanToDensity' . 'densityToLan' ≑ 'id' -- 'densityToLan' . 'lanToDensity' ≑ 'id' -- @ lanToDensity :: Lan f f a -> Density f a lanToDensity (Lan f v) = Density f v {-# INLINE lanToDensity #-} densityToLan :: Density f a -> Lan f f a densityToLan (Density f v) = Lan f v {-# INLINE densityToLan #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This module defines our application's state type and an alias for its -- handler monad. -- module Application where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Lens import Snap.Snaplet import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import Snap.Snaplet.Heist import Snap.Snaplet.I18N import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Core import Snap.Snaplet.Session ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data App = App { _heist :: Snaplet (Heist App) , _i18n :: Snaplet I18N , _appSession :: Snaplet SessionManager , _appMongoDB :: Snaplet MongoDB , _appAuth :: Snaplet (AuthManager App) , _adminRole :: Role -- ^ Role for admin user. keep it simple for now. } makeLenses ''App instance HasHeist App where heistLens = subSnaplet heist instance HasI18N App where i18nLens = i18n instance HasMongoDB App where getMongoDB app = app ^. (appMongoDB . snapletValue) -- getMongoDB = (^& (appMongoDB . snapletValue)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type AppHandler = Handler App App
{- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 \section[RnExpr]{Renaming of expressions} Basically dependency analysis. Handles @Match@, @GRHSs@, @HsExpr@, and @Qualifier@ datatypes. In general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of free variables. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} module RnExpr ( rnLExpr, rnExpr, rnStmts ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import RnBinds ( rnLocalBindsAndThen, rnLocalValBindsLHS, rnLocalValBindsRHS, rnMatchGroup, rnGRHS, makeMiniFixityEnv) import HsSyn import TcRnMonad import Module ( getModule ) import RnEnv import RnSplice ( rnBracket, rnSpliceExpr, checkThLocalName ) import RnTypes import RnPat import DynFlags import PrelNames import BasicTypes import Name import NameSet import RdrName import UniqSet import Data.List import Util import ListSetOps ( removeDups ) import ErrUtils import Outputable import SrcLoc import FastString import Control.Monad import TysWiredIn ( nilDataConName ) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import Data.Ord import Data.Array {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsubsection{Expressions} * * ************************************************************************ -} rnExprs :: [LHsExpr RdrName] -> RnM ([LHsExpr Name], FreeVars) rnExprs ls = rnExprs' ls emptyUniqSet where rnExprs' [] acc = return ([], acc) rnExprs' (expr:exprs) acc = do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr -- Now we do a "seq" on the free vars because typically it's small -- or empty, especially in very long lists of constants ; let acc' = acc `plusFV` fvExpr ; (exprs', fvExprs) <- acc' `seq` rnExprs' exprs acc' ; return (expr':exprs', fvExprs) } -- Variables. We look up the variable and return the resulting name. rnLExpr :: LHsExpr RdrName -> RnM (LHsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnLExpr = wrapLocFstM rnExpr rnExpr :: HsExpr RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) finishHsVar :: Located Name -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) -- Separated from rnExpr because it's also used -- when renaming infix expressions finishHsVar (L l name) = do { this_mod <- getModule ; when (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name) $ checkThLocalName name ; return (HsVar (L l name), unitFV name) } rnUnboundVar :: RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnUnboundVar v = do { if isUnqual v then -- Treat this as a "hole" -- Do not fail right now; instead, return HsUnboundVar -- and let the type checker report the error return (HsUnboundVar (rdrNameOcc v), emptyFVs) else -- Fail immediately (qualified name) do { n <- reportUnboundName v ; return (HsVar (noLoc n), emptyFVs) } } rnExpr (HsVar (L l v)) = do { opt_DuplicateRecordFields <- xoptM LangExt.DuplicateRecordFields ; mb_name <- lookupOccRn_overloaded opt_DuplicateRecordFields v ; case mb_name of { Nothing -> rnUnboundVar v ; Just (Left name) | name == nilDataConName -- Treat [] as an ExplicitList, so that -- OverloadedLists works correctly -> rnExpr (ExplicitList placeHolderType Nothing []) | otherwise -> finishHsVar (L l name) ; Just (Right [f@(FieldOcc (L _ fn) s)]) -> return (HsRecFld (ambiguousFieldOcc (FieldOcc (L l fn) s)) , unitFV (selectorFieldOcc f)) ; Just (Right fs@(_:_:_)) -> return (HsRecFld (Ambiguous (L l v) PlaceHolder) , mkFVs (map selectorFieldOcc fs)); Just (Right []) -> error "runExpr/HsVar" } } rnExpr (HsIPVar v) = return (HsIPVar v, emptyFVs) rnExpr (HsOverLabel v) = return (HsOverLabel v, emptyFVs) rnExpr (HsLit lit@(HsString src s)) = do { opt_OverloadedStrings <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedStrings ; if opt_OverloadedStrings then rnExpr (HsOverLit (mkHsIsString src s placeHolderType)) else do { ; rnLit lit ; return (HsLit lit, emptyFVs) } } rnExpr (HsLit lit) = do { rnLit lit ; return (HsLit lit, emptyFVs) } rnExpr (HsOverLit lit) = do { (lit', fvs) <- rnOverLit lit ; return (HsOverLit lit', fvs) } rnExpr (HsApp fun arg) = do { (fun',fvFun) <- rnLExpr fun ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg ; return (HsApp fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) } rnExpr (HsAppType fun arg) = do { (fun',fvFun) <- rnLExpr fun ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnHsWcType HsTypeCtx arg ; return (HsAppType fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) } rnExpr (OpApp e1 op _ e2) = do { (e1', fv_e1) <- rnLExpr e1 ; (e2', fv_e2) <- rnLExpr e2 ; (op', fv_op) <- rnLExpr op -- Deal with fixity -- When renaming code synthesised from "deriving" declarations -- we used to avoid fixity stuff, but we can't easily tell any -- more, so I've removed the test. Adding HsPars in TcGenDeriv -- should prevent bad things happening. ; fixity <- case op' of L _ (HsVar (L _ n)) -> lookupFixityRn n L _ (HsRecFld f) -> lookupFieldFixityRn f _ -> return (Fixity (show minPrecedence) minPrecedence InfixL) -- c.f. lookupFixity for unbound ; final_e <- mkOpAppRn e1' op' fixity e2' ; return (final_e, fv_e1 `plusFV` fv_op `plusFV` fv_e2) } rnExpr (NegApp e _) = do { (e', fv_e) <- rnLExpr e ; (neg_name, fv_neg) <- lookupSyntaxName negateName ; final_e <- mkNegAppRn e' neg_name ; return (final_e, fv_e `plusFV` fv_neg) } ------------------------------------------ -- Template Haskell extensions -- Don't ifdef-GHCI them because we want to fail gracefully -- (not with an rnExpr crash) in a stage-1 compiler. rnExpr e@(HsBracket br_body) = rnBracket e br_body rnExpr (HsSpliceE splice) = rnSpliceExpr splice --------------------------------------------- -- Sections -- See Note [Parsing sections] in Parser.y rnExpr (HsPar (L loc (section@(SectionL {})))) = do { (section', fvs) <- rnSection section ; return (HsPar (L loc section'), fvs) } rnExpr (HsPar (L loc (section@(SectionR {})))) = do { (section', fvs) <- rnSection section ; return (HsPar (L loc section'), fvs) } rnExpr (HsPar e) = do { (e', fvs_e) <- rnLExpr e ; return (HsPar e', fvs_e) } rnExpr expr@(SectionL {}) = do { addErr (sectionErr expr); rnSection expr } rnExpr expr@(SectionR {}) = do { addErr (sectionErr expr); rnSection expr } --------------------------------------------- rnExpr (HsCoreAnn src ann expr) = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (HsCoreAnn src ann expr', fvs_expr) } rnExpr (HsSCC src lbl expr) = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (HsSCC src lbl expr', fvs_expr) } rnExpr (HsTickPragma src info srcInfo expr) = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (HsTickPragma src info srcInfo expr', fvs_expr) } rnExpr (HsLam matches) = do { (matches', fvMatch) <- rnMatchGroup LambdaExpr rnLExpr matches ; return (HsLam matches', fvMatch) } rnExpr (HsLamCase _arg matches) = do { (matches', fvs_ms) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLExpr matches -- ; return (HsLamCase arg matches', fvs_ms) } ; return (HsLamCase placeHolderType matches', fvs_ms) } rnExpr (HsCase expr matches) = do { (new_expr, e_fvs) <- rnLExpr expr ; (new_matches, ms_fvs) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLExpr matches ; return (HsCase new_expr new_matches, e_fvs `plusFV` ms_fvs) } rnExpr (HsLet (L l binds) expr) = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \binds' _ -> do { (expr',fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (HsLet (L l binds') expr', fvExpr) } rnExpr (HsDo do_or_lc (L l stmts) _) = do { ((stmts', _), fvs) <- rnStmtsWithPostProcessing do_or_lc rnLExpr postProcessStmtsForApplicativeDo stmts (\ _ -> return ((), emptyFVs)) ; return ( HsDo do_or_lc (L l stmts') placeHolderType, fvs ) } rnExpr (ExplicitList _ _ exps) = do { opt_OverloadedLists <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedLists ; (exps', fvs) <- rnExprs exps ; if opt_OverloadedLists then do { ; (from_list_n_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListNName ; return (ExplicitList placeHolderType (Just from_list_n_name) exps' , fvs `plusFV` fvs') } else return (ExplicitList placeHolderType Nothing exps', fvs) } rnExpr (ExplicitPArr _ exps) = do { (exps', fvs) <- rnExprs exps ; return (ExplicitPArr placeHolderType exps', fvs) } rnExpr (ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity) = do { checkTupleSection tup_args ; checkTupSize (length tup_args) ; (tup_args', fvs) <- mapAndUnzipM rnTupArg tup_args ; return (ExplicitTuple tup_args' boxity, plusFVs fvs) } where rnTupArg (L l (Present e)) = do { (e',fvs) <- rnLExpr e ; return (L l (Present e'), fvs) } rnTupArg (L l (Missing _)) = return (L l (Missing placeHolderType) , emptyFVs) rnExpr (RecordCon { rcon_con_name = con_id , rcon_flds = rec_binds@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd }) }) = do { con_lname@(L _ con_name) <- lookupLocatedOccRn con_id ; (flds, fvs) <- rnHsRecFields (HsRecFieldCon con_name) mk_hs_var rec_binds ; (flds', fvss) <- mapAndUnzipM rn_field flds ; let rec_binds' = HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds', rec_dotdot = dd } ; return (RecordCon { rcon_con_name = con_lname, rcon_flds = rec_binds' , rcon_con_expr = noPostTcExpr, rcon_con_like = PlaceHolder } , fvs `plusFV` plusFVs fvss `addOneFV` con_name) } where mk_hs_var l n = HsVar (L l n) rn_field (L l fld) = do { (arg', fvs) <- rnLExpr (hsRecFieldArg fld) ; return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' }), fvs) } rnExpr (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = expr, rupd_flds = rbinds }) = do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecUpdFields rbinds ; return (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = expr', rupd_flds = rbinds' , rupd_cons = PlaceHolder, rupd_in_tys = PlaceHolder , rupd_out_tys = PlaceHolder, rupd_wrap = PlaceHolder } , fvExpr `plusFV` fvRbinds) } rnExpr (ExprWithTySig expr pty) = do { (pty', fvTy) <- rnHsSigWcType ExprWithTySigCtx pty ; (expr', fvExpr) <- bindSigTyVarsFV (hsWcScopedTvs pty') $ rnLExpr expr ; return (ExprWithTySig expr' pty', fvExpr `plusFV` fvTy) } rnExpr (HsIf _ p b1 b2) = do { (p', fvP) <- rnLExpr p ; (b1', fvB1) <- rnLExpr b1 ; (b2', fvB2) <- rnLExpr b2 ; (mb_ite, fvITE) <- lookupIfThenElse ; return (HsIf mb_ite p' b1' b2', plusFVs [fvITE, fvP, fvB1, fvB2]) } rnExpr (HsMultiIf _ty alts) = do { (alts', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnGRHS IfAlt rnLExpr) alts -- ; return (HsMultiIf ty alts', fvs) } ; return (HsMultiIf placeHolderType alts', fvs) } rnExpr (ArithSeq _ _ seq) = do { opt_OverloadedLists <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedLists ; (new_seq, fvs) <- rnArithSeq seq ; if opt_OverloadedLists then do { ; (from_list_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListName ; return (ArithSeq noPostTcExpr (Just from_list_name) new_seq, fvs `plusFV` fvs') } else return (ArithSeq noPostTcExpr Nothing new_seq, fvs) } rnExpr (PArrSeq _ seq) = do { (new_seq, fvs) <- rnArithSeq seq ; return (PArrSeq noPostTcExpr new_seq, fvs) } {- These three are pattern syntax appearing in expressions. Since all the symbols are reservedops we can simply reject them. We return a (bogus) EWildPat in each case. -} rnExpr EWildPat = return (hsHoleExpr, emptyFVs) -- "_" is just a hole rnExpr e@(EAsPat {}) = patSynErr e (text "Did you mean to enable TypeApplications?") rnExpr e@(EViewPat {}) = patSynErr e empty rnExpr e@(ELazyPat {}) = patSynErr e empty {- ************************************************************************ * * Static values * * ************************************************************************ For the static form we check that the free variables are all top-level value bindings. This is done by checking that the name is external or wired-in. See the Notes about the NameSorts in Name.hs. -} rnExpr e@(HsStatic expr) = do target <- fmap hscTarget getDynFlags case target of -- SPT entries are expected to exist in object code so far, and this is -- not the case in interpreted mode. See bug #9878. HscInterpreted -> addErr $ sep [ text "The static form is not supported in interpreted mode." , text "Please use -fobject-code." ] _ -> return () (expr',fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr stage <- getStage case stage of Brack _ _ -> return () -- Don't check names if we are inside brackets. -- We don't want to reject cases like: -- \e -> [| static $(e) |] -- if $(e) turns out to produce a legal expression. Splice _ -> addErr $ sep [ text "static forms cannot be used in splices:" , nest 2 $ ppr e ] _ -> do let isTopLevelName n = isExternalName n || isWiredInName n case nameSetElems $ filterNameSet (\n -> not (isTopLevelName n || isUnboundName n)) fvExpr of [] -> return () fvNonGlobal -> addErr $ cat [ text $ "Only identifiers of top-level bindings can " ++ "appear in the body of the static form:" , nest 2 $ ppr e , text "but the following identifiers were found instead:" , nest 2 $ vcat $ map ppr fvNonGlobal ] return (HsStatic expr', fvExpr) {- ************************************************************************ * * Arrow notation * * ************************************************************************ -} rnExpr (HsProc pat body) = newArrowScope $ rnPat ProcExpr pat $ \ pat' -> do { (body',fvBody) <- rnCmdTop body ; return (HsProc pat' body', fvBody) } -- Ideally, these would be done in parsing, but to keep parsing simple, we do it here. rnExpr e@(HsArrApp {}) = arrowFail e rnExpr e@(HsArrForm {}) = arrowFail e rnExpr other = pprPanic "rnExpr: unexpected expression" (ppr other) -- HsWrap hsHoleExpr :: HsExpr id hsHoleExpr = HsUnboundVar (mkVarOcc "_") arrowFail :: HsExpr RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) arrowFail e = do { addErr (vcat [ text "Arrow command found where an expression was expected:" , nest 2 (ppr e) ]) -- Return a place-holder hole, so that we can carry on -- to report other errors ; return (hsHoleExpr, emptyFVs) } ---------------------- -- See Note [Parsing sections] in Parser.y rnSection :: HsExpr RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnSection section@(SectionR op expr) = do { (op', fvs_op) <- rnLExpr op ; (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr ; checkSectionPrec InfixR section op' expr' ; return (SectionR op' expr', fvs_op `plusFV` fvs_expr) } rnSection section@(SectionL expr op) = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr ; (op', fvs_op) <- rnLExpr op ; checkSectionPrec InfixL section op' expr' ; return (SectionL expr' op', fvs_op `plusFV` fvs_expr) } rnSection other = pprPanic "rnSection" (ppr other) {- ************************************************************************ * * Arrow commands * * ************************************************************************ -} rnCmdArgs :: [LHsCmdTop RdrName] -> RnM ([LHsCmdTop Name], FreeVars) rnCmdArgs [] = return ([], emptyFVs) rnCmdArgs (arg:args) = do { (arg',fvArg) <- rnCmdTop arg ; (args',fvArgs) <- rnCmdArgs args ; return (arg':args', fvArg `plusFV` fvArgs) } rnCmdTop :: LHsCmdTop RdrName -> RnM (LHsCmdTop Name, FreeVars) rnCmdTop = wrapLocFstM rnCmdTop' where rnCmdTop' (HsCmdTop cmd _ _ _) = do { (cmd', fvCmd) <- rnLCmd cmd ; let cmd_names = [arrAName, composeAName, firstAName] ++ nameSetElems (methodNamesCmd (unLoc cmd')) -- Generate the rebindable syntax for the monad ; (cmd_names', cmd_fvs) <- lookupSyntaxNames cmd_names ; return (HsCmdTop cmd' placeHolderType placeHolderType (cmd_names `zip` cmd_names'), fvCmd `plusFV` cmd_fvs) } rnLCmd :: LHsCmd RdrName -> RnM (LHsCmd Name, FreeVars) rnLCmd = wrapLocFstM rnCmd rnCmd :: HsCmd RdrName -> RnM (HsCmd Name, FreeVars) rnCmd (HsCmdArrApp arrow arg _ ho rtl) = do { (arrow',fvArrow) <- select_arrow_scope (rnLExpr arrow) ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg ; return (HsCmdArrApp arrow' arg' placeHolderType ho rtl, fvArrow `plusFV` fvArg) } where select_arrow_scope tc = case ho of HsHigherOrderApp -> tc HsFirstOrderApp -> escapeArrowScope tc -- See Note [Escaping the arrow scope] in TcRnTypes -- Before renaming 'arrow', use the environment of the enclosing -- proc for the (-<) case. -- Local bindings, inside the enclosing proc, are not in scope -- inside 'arrow'. In the higher-order case (-<<), they are. -- infix form rnCmd (HsCmdArrForm op (Just _) [arg1, arg2]) = do { (op',fv_op) <- escapeArrowScope (rnLExpr op) ; let L _ (HsVar (L _ op_name)) = op' ; (arg1',fv_arg1) <- rnCmdTop arg1 ; (arg2',fv_arg2) <- rnCmdTop arg2 -- Deal with fixity ; fixity <- lookupFixityRn op_name ; final_e <- mkOpFormRn arg1' op' fixity arg2' ; return (final_e, fv_arg1 `plusFV` fv_op `plusFV` fv_arg2) } rnCmd (HsCmdArrForm op fixity cmds) = do { (op',fvOp) <- escapeArrowScope (rnLExpr op) ; (cmds',fvCmds) <- rnCmdArgs cmds ; return (HsCmdArrForm op' fixity cmds', fvOp `plusFV` fvCmds) } rnCmd (HsCmdApp fun arg) = do { (fun',fvFun) <- rnLCmd fun ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg ; return (HsCmdApp fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) } rnCmd (HsCmdLam matches) = do { (matches', fvMatch) <- rnMatchGroup LambdaExpr rnLCmd matches ; return (HsCmdLam matches', fvMatch) } rnCmd (HsCmdPar e) = do { (e', fvs_e) <- rnLCmd e ; return (HsCmdPar e', fvs_e) } rnCmd (HsCmdCase expr matches) = do { (new_expr, e_fvs) <- rnLExpr expr ; (new_matches, ms_fvs) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLCmd matches ; return (HsCmdCase new_expr new_matches, e_fvs `plusFV` ms_fvs) } rnCmd (HsCmdIf _ p b1 b2) = do { (p', fvP) <- rnLExpr p ; (b1', fvB1) <- rnLCmd b1 ; (b2', fvB2) <- rnLCmd b2 ; (mb_ite, fvITE) <- lookupIfThenElse ; return (HsCmdIf mb_ite p' b1' b2', plusFVs [fvITE, fvP, fvB1, fvB2]) } rnCmd (HsCmdLet (L l binds) cmd) = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \ binds' _ -> do { (cmd',fvExpr) <- rnLCmd cmd ; return (HsCmdLet (L l binds') cmd', fvExpr) } rnCmd (HsCmdDo (L l stmts) _) = do { ((stmts', _), fvs) <- rnStmts ArrowExpr rnLCmd stmts (\ _ -> return ((), emptyFVs)) ; return ( HsCmdDo (L l stmts') placeHolderType, fvs ) } rnCmd cmd@(HsCmdWrap {}) = pprPanic "rnCmd" (ppr cmd) --------------------------------------------------- type CmdNeeds = FreeVars -- Only inhabitants are -- appAName, choiceAName, loopAName -- find what methods the Cmd needs (loop, choice, apply) methodNamesLCmd :: LHsCmd Name -> CmdNeeds methodNamesLCmd = methodNamesCmd . unLoc methodNamesCmd :: HsCmd Name -> CmdNeeds methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrApp _arrow _arg _ HsFirstOrderApp _rtl) = emptyFVs methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrApp _arrow _arg _ HsHigherOrderApp _rtl) = unitFV appAName methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrForm {}) = emptyFVs methodNamesCmd (HsCmdWrap _ cmd) = methodNamesCmd cmd methodNamesCmd (HsCmdPar c) = methodNamesLCmd c methodNamesCmd (HsCmdIf _ _ c1 c2) = methodNamesLCmd c1 `plusFV` methodNamesLCmd c2 `addOneFV` choiceAName methodNamesCmd (HsCmdLet _ c) = methodNamesLCmd c methodNamesCmd (HsCmdDo (L _ stmts) _) = methodNamesStmts stmts methodNamesCmd (HsCmdApp c _) = methodNamesLCmd c methodNamesCmd (HsCmdLam match) = methodNamesMatch match methodNamesCmd (HsCmdCase _ matches) = methodNamesMatch matches `addOneFV` choiceAName --methodNamesCmd _ = emptyFVs -- Other forms can't occur in commands, but it's not convenient -- to error here so we just do what's convenient. -- The type checker will complain later --------------------------------------------------- methodNamesMatch :: MatchGroup Name (LHsCmd Name) -> FreeVars methodNamesMatch (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms }) = plusFVs (map do_one ms) where do_one (L _ (Match _ _ _ grhss)) = methodNamesGRHSs grhss ------------------------------------------------- -- gaw 2004 methodNamesGRHSs :: GRHSs Name (LHsCmd Name) -> FreeVars methodNamesGRHSs (GRHSs grhss _) = plusFVs (map methodNamesGRHS grhss) ------------------------------------------------- methodNamesGRHS :: Located (GRHS Name (LHsCmd Name)) -> CmdNeeds methodNamesGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ rhs)) = methodNamesLCmd rhs --------------------------------------------------- methodNamesStmts :: [Located (StmtLR Name Name (LHsCmd Name))] -> FreeVars methodNamesStmts stmts = plusFVs (map methodNamesLStmt stmts) --------------------------------------------------- methodNamesLStmt :: Located (StmtLR Name Name (LHsCmd Name)) -> FreeVars methodNamesLStmt = methodNamesStmt . unLoc methodNamesStmt :: StmtLR Name Name (LHsCmd Name) -> FreeVars methodNamesStmt (LastStmt cmd _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd methodNamesStmt (BodyStmt cmd _ _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd methodNamesStmt (BindStmt _ cmd _ _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd methodNamesStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }) = methodNamesStmts stmts `addOneFV` loopAName methodNamesStmt (LetStmt {}) = emptyFVs methodNamesStmt (ParStmt {}) = emptyFVs methodNamesStmt (TransStmt {}) = emptyFVs methodNamesStmt ApplicativeStmt{} = emptyFVs -- ParStmt and TransStmt can't occur in commands, but it's not -- convenient to error here so we just do what's convenient {- ************************************************************************ * * Arithmetic sequences * * ************************************************************************ -} rnArithSeq :: ArithSeqInfo RdrName -> RnM (ArithSeqInfo Name, FreeVars) rnArithSeq (From expr) = do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (From expr', fvExpr) } rnArithSeq (FromThen expr1 expr2) = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1 ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2 ; return (FromThen expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `plusFV` fvExpr2) } rnArithSeq (FromTo expr1 expr2) = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1 ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2 ; return (FromTo expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `plusFV` fvExpr2) } rnArithSeq (FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1 ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2 ; (expr3', fvExpr3) <- rnLExpr expr3 ; return (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3', plusFVs [fvExpr1, fvExpr2, fvExpr3]) } {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsubsection{@Stmt@s: in @do@ expressions} * * ************************************************************************ -} -- | Rename some Stmts rnStmts :: Outputable (body RdrName) => HsStmtContext Name -> (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -- ^ How to rename the body of each statement (e.g. rnLExpr) -> [LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName))] -- ^ Statements -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)) -- ^ if these statements scope over something, this renames it -- and returns the result. -> RnM (([LStmt Name (Located (body Name))], thing), FreeVars) rnStmts ctxt rnBody = rnStmtsWithPostProcessing ctxt rnBody noPostProcessStmts -- | like 'rnStmts' but applies a post-processing step to the renamed Stmts rnStmtsWithPostProcessing :: Outputable (body RdrName) => HsStmtContext Name -> (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -- ^ How to rename the body of each statement (e.g. rnLExpr) -> (HsStmtContext Name -> [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] -> RnM ([LStmt Name (Located (body Name))], FreeVars)) -- ^ postprocess the statements -> [LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName))] -- ^ Statements -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)) -- ^ if these statements scope over something, this renames it -- and returns the result. -> RnM (([LStmt Name (Located (body Name))], thing), FreeVars) rnStmtsWithPostProcessing ctxt rnBody ppStmts stmts thing_inside = do { ((stmts', thing), fvs) <- rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody stmts thing_inside ; (pp_stmts, fvs') <- ppStmts ctxt stmts' ; return ((pp_stmts, thing), fvs `plusFV` fvs') } -- | maybe rearrange statements according to the ApplicativeDo transformation postProcessStmtsForApplicativeDo :: HsStmtContext Name -> [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> RnM ([ExprLStmt Name], FreeVars) postProcessStmtsForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts = do { -- rearrange the statements using ApplicativeStmt if -- -XApplicativeDo is on. Also strip out the FreeVars attached -- to each Stmt body. ado_is_on <- xoptM LangExt.ApplicativeDo ; let is_do_expr | DoExpr <- ctxt = True | otherwise = False ; if ado_is_on && is_do_expr then rearrangeForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts else noPostProcessStmts ctxt stmts } -- | strip the FreeVars annotations from statements noPostProcessStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] -> RnM ([LStmt Name (Located (body Name))], FreeVars) noPostProcessStmts _ stmts = return (map fst stmts, emptyNameSet) rnStmtsWithFreeVars :: Outputable (body RdrName) => HsStmtContext Name -> (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -> [LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName))] -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)) -> RnM ( ([(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)], thing) , FreeVars) -- Each Stmt body is annotated with its FreeVars, so that -- we can rearrange statements for ApplicativeDo. -- -- Variables bound by the Stmts, and mentioned in thing_inside, -- do not appear in the result FreeVars rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt _ [] thing_inside = do { checkEmptyStmts ctxt ; (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside [] ; return (([], thing), fvs) } rnStmtsWithFreeVars MDoExpr rnBody stmts thing_inside -- Deal with mdo = -- Behave like do { rec { ...all but last... }; last } do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs) <- rnStmt MDoExpr rnBody (noLoc $ mkRecStmt all_but_last) $ \ _ -> do { last_stmt' <- checkLastStmt MDoExpr last_stmt ; rnStmt MDoExpr rnBody last_stmt' thing_inside } ; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) } where Just (all_but_last, last_stmt) = snocView stmts rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody (lstmt@(L loc _) : lstmts) thing_inside | null lstmts = setSrcSpan loc $ do { lstmt' <- checkLastStmt ctxt lstmt ; rnStmt ctxt rnBody lstmt' thing_inside } | otherwise = do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs) <- setSrcSpan loc $ do { checkStmt ctxt lstmt ; rnStmt ctxt rnBody lstmt $ \ bndrs1 -> rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody lstmts $ \ bndrs2 -> thing_inside (bndrs1 ++ bndrs2) } ; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) } ---------------------- rnStmt :: Outputable (body RdrName) => HsStmtContext Name -> (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -- ^ How to rename the body of the statement -> LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName)) -- ^ The statement -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)) -- ^ Rename the stuff that this statement scopes over -> RnM ( ([(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)], thing) , FreeVars) -- Variables bound by the Stmt, and mentioned in thing_inside, -- do not appear in the result FreeVars rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (LastStmt body noret _)) thing_inside = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body ; (ret_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName ; (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside [] ; return (([(L loc (LastStmt body' noret ret_op), fv_expr)], thing), fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs3) } rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (BodyStmt body _ _ _)) thing_inside = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body ; (then_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt thenMName ; (guard_op, fvs2) <- if isListCompExpr ctxt then lookupStmtName ctxt guardMName else return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs) -- Only list/parr/monad comprehensions use 'guard' -- Also for sub-stmts of same eg [ e | x<-xs, gd | blah ] -- Here "gd" is a guard ; (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside [] ; return (([(L loc (BodyStmt body' then_op guard_op placeHolderType), fv_expr)], thing), fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (BindStmt pat body _ _ _)) thing_inside = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body -- The binders do not scope over the expression ; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName ; xMonadFailEnabled <- fmap (xopt LangExt.MonadFailDesugaring) getDynFlags ; let failFunction | xMonadFailEnabled = failMName | otherwise = failMName_preMFP ; (fail_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName failFunction ; rnPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat $ \ pat' -> do { (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside (collectPatBinders pat') ; return (( [( L loc (BindStmt pat' body' bind_op fail_op PlaceHolder) , fv_expr )] , thing), fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }} -- fv_expr shouldn't really be filtered by the rnPatsAndThen -- but it does not matter because the names are unique rnStmt _ _ (L loc (LetStmt (L l binds))) thing_inside = do { rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \binds' bind_fvs -> do { (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside (collectLocalBinders binds') ; return (([(L loc (LetStmt (L l binds')), bind_fvs)], thing), fvs) } } rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside = do { (return_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName ; (mfix_op, fvs2) <- lookupStmtName ctxt mfixName ; (bind_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName ; let empty_rec_stmt = emptyRecStmtName { recS_ret_fn = return_op , recS_mfix_fn = mfix_op , recS_bind_fn = bind_op } -- Step1: Bring all the binders of the mdo into scope -- (Remember that this also removes the binders from the -- finally-returned free-vars.) -- And rename each individual stmt, making a -- singleton segment. At this stage the FwdRefs field -- isn't finished: it's empty for all except a BindStmt -- for which it's the fwd refs within the bind itself -- (This set may not be empty, because we're in a recursive -- context.) ; rnRecStmtsAndThen rnBody rec_stmts $ \ segs -> do { let bndrs = nameSetElems $ foldr (unionNameSet . (\(ds,_,_,_) -> ds)) emptyNameSet segs ; (thing, fvs_later) <- thing_inside bndrs ; let (rec_stmts', fvs) = segmentRecStmts loc ctxt empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later -- We aren't going to try to group RecStmts with -- ApplicativeDo, so attaching empty FVs is fine. ; return ( ((zip rec_stmts' (repeat emptyNameSet)), thing) , fvs `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } } rnStmt ctxt _ (L loc (ParStmt segs _ _ _)) thing_inside = do { (mzip_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt mzipName ; (bind_op, fvs2) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName ; (return_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName ; ((segs', thing), fvs4) <- rnParallelStmts (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) return_op segs thing_inside ; return ( ([(L loc (ParStmt segs' mzip_op bind_op placeHolderType), fvs4)], thing) , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) } rnStmt ctxt _ (L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_form = form , trS_using = using })) thing_inside = do { -- Rename the 'using' expression in the context before the transform is begun (using', fvs1) <- rnLExpr using -- Rename the stmts and the 'by' expression -- Keep track of the variables mentioned in the 'by' expression ; ((stmts', (by', used_bndrs, thing)), fvs2) <- rnStmts (TransStmtCtxt ctxt) rnLExpr stmts $ \ bndrs -> do { (by', fvs_by) <- mapMaybeFvRn rnLExpr by ; (thing, fvs_thing) <- thing_inside bndrs ; let fvs = fvs_by `plusFV` fvs_thing used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs -- The paper (Fig 5) has a bug here; we must treat any free variable -- of the "thing inside", **or of the by-expression**, as used ; return ((by', used_bndrs, thing), fvs) } -- Lookup `return`, `(>>=)` and `liftM` for monad comprehensions ; (return_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName ; (bind_op, fvs4) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName ; (fmap_op, fvs5) <- case form of ThenForm -> return (noExpr, emptyFVs) _ -> lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt fmapName ; let all_fvs = fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4 `plusFV` fvs5 bndr_map = used_bndrs `zip` used_bndrs -- See Note [TransStmt binder map] in HsExpr ; traceRn (text "rnStmt: implicitly rebound these used binders:" <+> ppr bndr_map) ; return (([(L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts', trS_bndrs = bndr_map , trS_by = by', trS_using = using', trS_form = form , trS_ret = return_op, trS_bind = bind_op , trS_bind_arg_ty = PlaceHolder , trS_fmap = fmap_op }), fvs2)], thing), all_fvs) } rnStmt _ _ (L _ ApplicativeStmt{}) _ = panic "rnStmt: ApplicativeStmt" rnParallelStmts :: forall thing. HsStmtContext Name -> SyntaxExpr Name -> [ParStmtBlock RdrName RdrName] -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)) -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock Name Name], thing), FreeVars) -- Note [Renaming parallel Stmts] rnParallelStmts ctxt return_op segs thing_inside = do { orig_lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv ; rn_segs orig_lcl_env [] segs } where rn_segs :: LocalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> [ParStmtBlock RdrName RdrName] -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock Name Name], thing), FreeVars) rn_segs _ bndrs_so_far [] = do { let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs_so_far ; mapM_ dupErr dups ; (thing, fvs) <- bindLocalNames bndrs' (thing_inside bndrs') ; return (([], thing), fvs) } rn_segs env bndrs_so_far (ParStmtBlock stmts _ _ : segs) = do { ((stmts', (used_bndrs, segs', thing)), fvs) <- rnStmts ctxt rnLExpr stmts $ \ bndrs -> setLocalRdrEnv env $ do { ((segs', thing), fvs) <- rn_segs env (bndrs ++ bndrs_so_far) segs ; let used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs ; return ((used_bndrs, segs', thing), fvs) } ; let seg' = ParStmtBlock stmts' used_bndrs return_op ; return ((seg':segs', thing), fvs) } cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2 dupErr vs = addErr (text "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:" <+> quotes (ppr (head vs))) lookupStmtName :: HsStmtContext Name -> Name -> RnM (SyntaxExpr Name, FreeVars) -- Like lookupSyntaxName, but respects contexts lookupStmtName ctxt n | rebindableContext ctxt = lookupSyntaxName n | otherwise = return (mkRnSyntaxExpr n, emptyFVs) lookupStmtNamePoly :: HsStmtContext Name -> Name -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt name | rebindableContext ctxt = do { rebindable_on <- xoptM LangExt.RebindableSyntax ; if rebindable_on then do { fm <- lookupOccRn (nameRdrName name) ; return (HsVar (noLoc fm), unitFV fm) } else not_rebindable } | otherwise = not_rebindable where not_rebindable = return (HsVar (noLoc name), emptyFVs) -- | Is this a context where we respect RebindableSyntax? -- but ListComp/PArrComp are never rebindable -- Neither is ArrowExpr, which has its own desugarer in DsArrows rebindableContext :: HsStmtContext Name -> Bool rebindableContext ctxt = case ctxt of ListComp -> False PArrComp -> False ArrowExpr -> False PatGuard {} -> False DoExpr -> True MDoExpr -> True MonadComp -> True GhciStmtCtxt -> True -- I suppose? ParStmtCtxt c -> rebindableContext c -- Look inside to TransStmtCtxt c -> rebindableContext c -- the parent context {- Note [Renaming parallel Stmts] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renaming parallel statements is painful. Given, say [ a+c | a <- as, bs <- bss | c <- bs, a <- ds ] Note that (a) In order to report "Defined but not used" about 'bs', we must rename each group of Stmts with a thing_inside whose FreeVars include at least {a,c} (b) We want to report that 'a' is illegally bound in both branches (c) The 'bs' in the second group must obviously not be captured by the binding in the first group To satisfy (a) we nest the segements. To satisfy (b) we check for duplicates just before thing_inside. To satisfy (c) we reset the LocalRdrEnv each time. ************************************************************************ * * \subsubsection{mdo expressions} * * ************************************************************************ -} type FwdRefs = NameSet type Segment stmts = (Defs, Uses, -- May include defs FwdRefs, -- A subset of uses that are -- (a) used before they are bound in this segment, or -- (b) used here, and bound in subsequent segments stmts) -- Either Stmt or [Stmt] -- wrapper that does both the left- and right-hand sides rnRecStmtsAndThen :: Outputable (body RdrName) => (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -> [LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName))] -- assumes that the FreeVars returned includes -- the FreeVars of the Segments -> ([Segment (LStmt Name (Located (body Name)))] -> RnM (a, FreeVars)) -> RnM (a, FreeVars) rnRecStmtsAndThen rnBody s cont = do { -- (A) Make the mini fixity env for all of the stmts fix_env <- makeMiniFixityEnv (collectRecStmtsFixities s) -- (B) Do the LHSes ; new_lhs_and_fv <- rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env s -- ...bring them and their fixities into scope ; let bound_names = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst new_lhs_and_fv) -- Fake uses of variables introduced implicitly (warning suppression, see #4404) implicit_uses = lStmtsImplicits (map fst new_lhs_and_fv) ; bindLocalNamesFV bound_names $ addLocalFixities fix_env bound_names $ do -- (C) do the right-hand-sides and thing-inside { segs <- rn_rec_stmts rnBody bound_names new_lhs_and_fv ; (res, fvs) <- cont segs ; warnUnusedLocalBinds bound_names (fvs `unionNameSet` implicit_uses) ; return (res, fvs) }} -- get all the fixity decls in any Let stmt collectRecStmtsFixities :: [LStmtLR RdrName RdrName body] -> [LFixitySig RdrName] collectRecStmtsFixities l = foldr (\ s -> \acc -> case s of (L _ (LetStmt (L _ (HsValBinds (ValBindsIn _ sigs))))) -> foldr (\ sig -> \ acc -> case sig of (L loc (FixSig s)) -> (L loc s) : acc _ -> acc) acc sigs _ -> acc) [] l -- left-hand sides rn_rec_stmt_lhs :: Outputable body => MiniFixityEnv -> LStmt RdrName body -- rename LHS, and return its FVs -- Warning: we will only need the FreeVars below in the case of a BindStmt, -- so we don't bother to compute it accurately in the other cases -> RnM [(LStmtLR Name RdrName body, FreeVars)] rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L loc (BodyStmt body a b c)) = return [(L loc (BodyStmt body a b c), emptyFVs)] rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L loc (LastStmt body noret a)) = return [(L loc (LastStmt body noret a), emptyFVs)] rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L loc (BindStmt pat body a b t)) = do -- should the ctxt be MDo instead? (pat', fv_pat) <- rnBindPat (localRecNameMaker fix_env) pat return [(L loc (BindStmt pat' body a b t), fv_pat)] rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt (L _ binds@(HsIPBinds _)))) = failWith (badIpBinds (text "an mdo expression") binds) rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L loc (LetStmt (L l(HsValBinds binds)))) = do (_bound_names, binds') <- rnLocalValBindsLHS fix_env binds return [(L loc (LetStmt (L l (HsValBinds binds'))), -- Warning: this is bogus; see function invariant emptyFVs )] -- XXX Do we need to do something with the return and mfix names? rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts })) -- Flatten Rec inside Rec = rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {})) -- Shouldn't appear yet = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt (L _ EmptyLocalBinds))) = panic "rn_rec_stmt LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds" rn_rec_stmts_lhs :: Outputable body => MiniFixityEnv -> [LStmt RdrName body] -> RnM [(LStmtLR Name RdrName body, FreeVars)] rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts = do { ls <- concatMapM (rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env) stmts ; let boundNames = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst ls) -- First do error checking: we need to check for dups here because we -- don't bind all of the variables from the Stmt at once -- with bindLocatedLocals. ; checkDupNames boundNames ; return ls } -- right-hand-sides rn_rec_stmt :: (Outputable (body RdrName)) => (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -> [Name] -> (LStmtLR Name RdrName (Located (body RdrName)), FreeVars) -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name (Located (body Name)))] -- Rename a Stmt that is inside a RecStmt (or mdo) -- Assumes all binders are already in scope -- Turns each stmt into a singleton Stmt rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (LastStmt body noret _), _) = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body ; (ret_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName returnMName ; return [(emptyNameSet, fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1, emptyNameSet, L loc (LastStmt body' noret ret_op))] } rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (BodyStmt body _ _ _), _) = do { (body', fvs) <- rnBody body ; (then_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName thenMName ; return [(emptyNameSet, fvs `plusFV` fvs1, emptyNameSet, L loc (BodyStmt body' then_op noSyntaxExpr placeHolderType))] } rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (BindStmt pat' body _ _ _), fv_pat) = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body ; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName ; xMonadFailEnabled <- fmap (xopt LangExt.MonadFailDesugaring) getDynFlags ; let failFunction | xMonadFailEnabled = failMName | otherwise = failMName_preMFP ; (fail_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName failFunction ; let bndrs = mkNameSet (collectPatBinders pat') fvs = fv_expr `plusFV` fv_pat `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 ; return [(bndrs, fvs, bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs, L loc (BindStmt pat' body' bind_op fail_op PlaceHolder))] } rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt (L _ binds@(HsIPBinds _))), _) = failWith (badIpBinds (text "an mdo expression") binds) rn_rec_stmt _ all_bndrs (L loc (LetStmt (L l (HsValBinds binds'))), _) = do { (binds', du_binds) <- rnLocalValBindsRHS (mkNameSet all_bndrs) binds' -- fixities and unused are handled above in rnRecStmtsAndThen ; let fvs = allUses du_binds ; return [(duDefs du_binds, fvs, emptyNameSet, L loc (LetStmt (L l (HsValBinds binds'))))] } -- no RecStmt case because they get flattened above when doing the LHSes rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (RecStmt {}), _) = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: RecStmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {}), _) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: ParStmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {}), _) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: TransStmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt (L _ EmptyLocalBinds)), _) = panic "rn_rec_stmt: LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds" rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {}), _) = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: ApplicativeStmt" (ppr stmt) rn_rec_stmts :: Outputable (body RdrName) => (Located (body RdrName) -> RnM (Located (body Name), FreeVars)) -> [Name] -> [(LStmtLR Name RdrName (Located (body RdrName)), FreeVars)] -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name (Located (body Name)))] rn_rec_stmts rnBody bndrs stmts = do { segs_s <- mapM (rn_rec_stmt rnBody bndrs) stmts ; return (concat segs_s) } --------------------------------------------- segmentRecStmts :: SrcSpan -> HsStmtContext Name -> Stmt Name body -> [Segment (LStmt Name body)] -> FreeVars -> ([LStmt Name body], FreeVars) segmentRecStmts loc ctxt empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later | null segs = ([], fvs_later) | MDoExpr <- ctxt = segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt grouped_segs fvs_later -- Step 4: Turn the segments into Stmts -- Use RecStmt when and only when there are fwd refs -- Also gather up the uses from the end towards the -- start, so we can tell the RecStmt which things are -- used 'after' the RecStmt | otherwise = ([ L loc $ empty_rec_stmt { recS_stmts = ss , recS_later_ids = nameSetElems (defs `intersectNameSet` fvs_later) , recS_rec_ids = nameSetElems (defs `intersectNameSet` uses) }] , uses `plusFV` fvs_later) where (defs_s, uses_s, _, ss) = unzip4 segs defs = plusFVs defs_s uses = plusFVs uses_s -- Step 2: Fill in the fwd refs. -- The segments are all singletons, but their fwd-ref -- field mentions all the things used by the segment -- that are bound after their use segs_w_fwd_refs = addFwdRefs segs -- Step 3: Group together the segments to make bigger segments -- Invariant: in the result, no segment uses a variable -- bound in a later segment grouped_segs = glomSegments ctxt segs_w_fwd_refs ---------------------------- addFwdRefs :: [Segment a] -> [Segment a] -- So far the segments only have forward refs *within* the Stmt -- (which happens for bind: x <- ...x...) -- This function adds the cross-seg fwd ref info addFwdRefs segs = fst (foldr mk_seg ([], emptyNameSet) segs) where mk_seg (defs, uses, fwds, stmts) (segs, later_defs) = (new_seg : segs, all_defs) where new_seg = (defs, uses, new_fwds, stmts) all_defs = later_defs `unionNameSet` defs new_fwds = fwds `unionNameSet` (uses `intersectNameSet` later_defs) -- Add the downstream fwd refs here {- Note [Segmenting mdo] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NB. June 7 2012: We only glom segments that appear in an explicit mdo; and leave those found in "do rec"'s intact. See for the discussion leading to this design choice. Hence the test in segmentRecStmts. Note [Glomming segments] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glomming the singleton segments of an mdo into minimal recursive groups. At first I thought this was just strongly connected components, but there's an important constraint: the order of the stmts must not change. Consider mdo { x <- ...y... p <- z y <- ...x... q <- x z <- y r <- x } Here, the first stmt mention 'y', which is bound in the third. But that means that the innocent second stmt (p <- z) gets caught up in the recursion. And that in turn means that the binding for 'z' has to be included... and so on. Start at the tail { r <- x } Now add the next one { z <- y ; r <- x } Now add one more { q <- x ; z <- y ; r <- x } Now one more... but this time we have to group a bunch into rec { rec { y <- ...x... ; q <- x ; z <- y } ; r <- x } Now one more, which we can add on without a rec { p <- z ; rec { y <- ...x... ; q <- x ; z <- y } ; r <- x } Finally we add the last one; since it mentions y we have to glom it together with the first two groups { rec { x <- ...y...; p <- z ; y <- ...x... ; q <- x ; z <- y } ; r <- x } -} glomSegments :: HsStmtContext Name -> [Segment (LStmt Name body)] -> [Segment [LStmt Name body]] -- Each segment has a non-empty list of Stmts -- See Note [Glomming segments] glomSegments _ [] = [] glomSegments ctxt ((defs,uses,fwds,stmt) : segs) -- Actually stmts will always be a singleton = (seg_defs, seg_uses, seg_fwds, seg_stmts) : others where segs' = glomSegments ctxt segs (extras, others) = grab uses segs' (ds, us, fs, ss) = unzip4 extras seg_defs = plusFVs ds `plusFV` defs seg_uses = plusFVs us `plusFV` uses seg_fwds = plusFVs fs `plusFV` fwds seg_stmts = stmt : concat ss grab :: NameSet -- The client -> [Segment a] -> ([Segment a], -- Needed by the 'client' [Segment a]) -- Not needed by the client -- The result is simply a split of the input grab uses dus = (reverse yeses, reverse noes) where (noes, yeses) = span not_needed (reverse dus) not_needed (defs,_,_,_) = not (intersectsNameSet defs uses) ---------------------------------------------------- segsToStmts :: Stmt Name body -- A RecStmt with the SyntaxOps filled in -> [Segment [LStmt Name body]] -- Each Segment has a non-empty list of Stmts -> FreeVars -- Free vars used 'later' -> ([LStmt Name body], FreeVars) segsToStmts _ [] fvs_later = ([], fvs_later) segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt ((defs, uses, fwds, ss) : segs) fvs_later = ASSERT( not (null ss) ) (new_stmt : later_stmts, later_uses `plusFV` uses) where (later_stmts, later_uses) = segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later new_stmt | non_rec = head ss | otherwise = L (getLoc (head ss)) rec_stmt rec_stmt = empty_rec_stmt { recS_stmts = ss , recS_later_ids = nameSetElems used_later , recS_rec_ids = nameSetElems fwds } non_rec = isSingleton ss && isEmptyNameSet fwds used_later = defs `intersectNameSet` later_uses -- The ones needed after the RecStmt {- ************************************************************************ * * ApplicativeDo * * ************************************************************************ Note [ApplicativeDo] = Example = For a sequence of statements do x <- A y <- B x z <- C return (f x y z) We want to transform this to (\(x,y) z -> f x y z) <$> (do x <- A; y <- B x; return (x,y)) <*> C It would be easy to notice that "y <- B x" and "z <- C" are independent and do something like this: do x <- A (y,z) <- (,) <$> B x <*> C return (f x y z) But this isn't enough! A and C were also independent, and this transformation loses the ability to do A and C in parallel. The algorithm works by first splitting the sequence of statements into independent "segments", and a separate "tail" (the final statement). In our example above, the segements would be [ x <- A , y <- B x ] [ z <- C ] and the tail is: return (f x y z) Then we take these segments and make an Applicative expression from them: (\(x,y) z -> return (f x y z)) <$> do { x <- A; y <- B x; return (x,y) } <*> C Finally, we recursively apply the transformation to each segment, to discover any nested parallelism. = Syntax & spec = expr ::= ... | do {stmt_1; ..; stmt_n} expr | ... stmt ::= pat <- expr | (arg_1 | ... | arg_n) -- applicative composition, n>=1 | ... -- other kinds of statement (e.g. let) arg ::= pat <- expr | {stmt_1; ..; stmt_n} {var_1..var_n} (note that in the actual implementation,the expr in a do statement is represented by a LastStmt as the final stmt, this is just a representational issue and may change later.) == Transformation to introduce applicative stmts == ado {} tail = tail ado {pat <- expr} {return expr'} = (mkArg(pat <- expr)); return expr' ado {one} tail = one : tail ado stmts tail | n == 1 = ado before (ado after tail) where (before,after) = split(stmts_1) | n > 1 = (mkArg(stmts_1) | ... | mkArg(stmts_n)); tail where {stmts_1 .. stmts_n} = segments(stmts) segments(stmts) = -- divide stmts into segments with no interdependencies mkArg({pat <- expr}) = (pat <- expr) mkArg({stmt_1; ...; stmt_n}) = {stmt_1; ...; stmt_n} {vars(stmt_1) u .. u vars(stmt_n)} split({stmt_1; ..; stmt_n) = ({stmt_1; ..; stmt_i}, {stmt_i+1; ..; stmt_n}) -- 1 <= i <= n -- i is a good place to insert a bind == Desugaring for do == dsDo {} expr = expr dsDo {pat <- rhs; stmts} expr = rhs >>= \pat -> dsDo stmts expr dsDo {(arg_1 | ... | arg_n)} (return expr) = (\argpat (arg_1) .. argpat(arg_n) -> expr) <$> argexpr(arg_1) <*> ... <*> argexpr(arg_n) dsDo {(arg_1 | ... | arg_n); stmts} expr = join (\argpat (arg_1) .. argpat(arg_n) -> dsDo stmts expr) <$> argexpr(arg_1) <*> ... <*> argexpr(arg_n) -} -- | rearrange a list of statements using ApplicativeDoStmt. See -- Note [ApplicativeDo]. rearrangeForApplicativeDo :: HsStmtContext Name -> [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> RnM ([ExprLStmt Name], FreeVars) rearrangeForApplicativeDo _ [] = return ([], emptyNameSet) rearrangeForApplicativeDo _ [(one,_)] = return ([one], emptyNameSet) rearrangeForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts0 = do optimal_ado <- goptM Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo let stmt_tree | optimal_ado = mkStmtTreeOptimal stmts | otherwise = mkStmtTreeHeuristic stmts stmtTreeToStmts ctxt stmt_tree [last] last_fvs where (stmts,(last,last_fvs)) = findLast stmts0 findLast [] = error "findLast" findLast [last] = ([],last) findLast (x:xs) = (x:rest,last) where (rest,last) = findLast xs -- | A tree of statements using a mixture of applicative and bind constructs. data StmtTree a = StmtTreeOne a | StmtTreeBind (StmtTree a) (StmtTree a) | StmtTreeApplicative [StmtTree a] flattenStmtTree :: StmtTree a -> [a] flattenStmtTree t = go t [] where go (StmtTreeOne a) as = a : as go (StmtTreeBind l r) as = go l (go r as) go (StmtTreeApplicative ts) as = foldr go as ts type ExprStmtTree = StmtTree (ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars) type Cost = Int -- | Turn a sequence of statements into an ExprStmtTree using a -- heuristic algorithm. /O(n^2)/ mkStmtTreeHeuristic :: [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> ExprStmtTree mkStmtTreeHeuristic [one] = StmtTreeOne one mkStmtTreeHeuristic stmts = case segments stmts of [one] -> split one segs -> StmtTreeApplicative (map split segs) where split [one] = StmtTreeOne one split stmts = StmtTreeBind (mkStmtTreeHeuristic before) (mkStmtTreeHeuristic after) where (before, after) = splitSegment stmts -- | Turn a sequence of statements into an ExprStmtTree optimally, -- using dynamic programming. /O(n^3)/ mkStmtTreeOptimal :: [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> ExprStmtTree mkStmtTreeOptimal stmts = ASSERT(not (null stmts)) -- the empty case is handled by the caller; -- we don't support empty StmtTrees. fst (arr ! (0,n)) where n = length stmts - 1 stmt_arr = listArray (0,n) stmts -- lazy cache of optimal trees for subsequences of the input arr :: Array (Int,Int) (ExprStmtTree, Cost) arr = array ((0,0),(n,n)) [ ((lo,hi), tree lo hi) | lo <- [0..n] , hi <- [lo..n] ] -- compute the optimal tree for the sequence [lo..hi] tree lo hi | hi == lo = (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1) | otherwise = case segments [ stmt_arr ! i | i <- [lo..hi] ] of [] -> panic "mkStmtTree" [_one] -> split lo hi segs -> (StmtTreeApplicative trees, maximum costs) where bounds = scanl (\(_,hi) a -> (hi+1, hi + length a)) (0,lo-1) segs (trees,costs) = unzip (map (uncurry split) (tail bounds)) -- find the best place to split the segment [lo..hi] split :: Int -> Int -> (ExprStmtTree, Cost) split lo hi | hi == lo = (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1) | otherwise = (StmtTreeBind before after, c1+c2) where -- As per the paper, for a sequence, we want to find -- the split with the minimum cost, where the cost is the -- sum of the cost of the left and right subsequences. -- -- As an optimisation (also in the paper) if the cost of -- s1..s(n-1) is different from the cost of, we know -- that the optimal solution is the lower of the two. Only -- in the case that these two have the same cost do we need -- to do the exhaustive search. -- ((before,c1),(after,c2)) | hi - lo == 1 = ((StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1), (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! hi), 1)) | left_cost < right_cost = ((left,left_cost), (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! hi), 1)) | otherwise -- left_cost > right_cost = ((StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1), (right,right_cost)) | otherwise = minimumBy (comparing cost) alternatives where (left, left_cost) = arr ! (lo,hi-1) (right, right_cost) = arr ! (lo+1,hi) cost ((_,c1),(_,c2)) = c1 + c2 alternatives = [ (arr ! (lo,k), arr ! (k+1,hi)) | k <- [lo .. hi-1] ] -- | Turn the ExprStmtTree back into a sequence of statements, using -- ApplicativeStmt where necessary. stmtTreeToStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> ExprStmtTree -> [ExprLStmt Name] -- ^ the "tail" -> FreeVars -- ^ free variables of the tail -> RnM ( [ExprLStmt Name] -- ( output statements, , FreeVars ) -- , things we needed -- If we have a single bind, and we can do it without a join, transform -- to an ApplicativeStmt. This corresponds to the rule -- dsBlock [pat <- rhs] (return expr) = expr <$> rhs -- In the spec, but we do it here rather than in the desugarer, -- because we need the typechecker to typecheck the <$> form rather than -- the bind form, which would give rise to a Monad constraint. stmtTreeToStmts ctxt (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BindStmt pat rhs _ _ _),_)) tail _tail_fvs | isIrrefutableHsPat pat, (False,tail') <- needJoin tail -- WARNING: isIrrefutableHsPat on (HsPat Name) doesn't have enough info -- to know which types have only one constructor. So only -- tuples come out as irrefutable; other single-constructor -- types, and newtypes, will not. See the code for -- isIrrefuatableHsPat = mkApplicativeStmt ctxt [ApplicativeArgOne pat rhs] False tail' stmtTreeToStmts _ctxt (StmtTreeOne (s,_)) tail _tail_fvs = return (s : tail, emptyNameSet) stmtTreeToStmts ctxt (StmtTreeBind before after) tail tail_fvs = do (stmts1, fvs1) <- stmtTreeToStmts ctxt after tail tail_fvs let tail1_fvs = unionNameSets (tail_fvs : map snd (flattenStmtTree after)) (stmts2, fvs2) <- stmtTreeToStmts ctxt before stmts1 tail1_fvs return (stmts2, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) stmtTreeToStmts ctxt (StmtTreeApplicative trees) tail tail_fvs = do pairs <- mapM (stmtTreeArg ctxt tail_fvs) trees let (stmts', fvss) = unzip pairs let (need_join, tail') = needJoin tail (stmts, fvs) <- mkApplicativeStmt ctxt stmts' need_join tail' return (stmts, unionNameSets (fvs:fvss)) where stmtTreeArg _ctxt _tail_fvs (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BindStmt pat exp _ _ _), _)) = return (ApplicativeArgOne pat exp, emptyFVs) stmtTreeArg ctxt tail_fvs tree = do let stmts = flattenStmtTree tree pvarset = mkNameSet (concatMap (collectStmtBinders.unLoc.fst) stmts) `intersectNameSet` tail_fvs pvars = nameSetElems pvarset pat = mkBigLHsVarPatTup pvars tup = mkBigLHsVarTup pvars (stmts',fvs2) <- stmtTreeToStmts ctxt tree [] pvarset (mb_ret, fvs1) <- if | L _ ApplicativeStmt{} <- last stmts' -> return (unLoc tup, emptyNameSet) | otherwise -> do (ret,fvs) <- lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt returnMName return (HsApp (noLoc ret) tup, fvs) return ( ApplicativeArgMany stmts' mb_ret pat , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) -- | Divide a sequence of statements into segments, where no segment -- depends on any variables defined by a statement in another segment. segments :: [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> [[(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)]] segments stmts = map fst $ merge $ reverse $ map reverse $ walk (reverse stmts) where allvars = mkNameSet (concatMap (collectStmtBinders.unLoc.fst) stmts) -- We would rather not have a segment that just has LetStmts in -- it, so combine those with an adjacent segment where possible. merge [] = [] merge (seg : segs) = case rest of [] -> [(seg,all_lets)] ((s,s_lets):ss) | all_lets || s_lets -> (seg ++ s, all_lets && s_lets) : ss _otherwise -> (seg,all_lets) : rest where rest = merge segs all_lets = all (isLetStmt . fst) seg -- walk splits the statement sequence into segments, traversing -- the sequence from the back to the front, and keeping track of -- the set of free variables of the current segment. Whenever -- this set of free variables is empty, we have a complete segment. walk :: [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> [[(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)]] walk [] = [] walk ((stmt,fvs) : stmts) = ((stmt,fvs) : seg) : walk rest where (seg,rest) = chunter fvs' stmts (_, fvs') = stmtRefs stmt fvs chunter _ [] = ([], []) chunter vars ((stmt,fvs) : rest) | not (isEmptyNameSet vars) = ((stmt,fvs) : chunk, rest') where (chunk,rest') = chunter vars' rest (pvars, evars) = stmtRefs stmt fvs vars' = (vars `minusNameSet` pvars) `unionNameSet` evars chunter _ rest = ([], rest) stmtRefs stmt fvs | isLetStmt stmt = (pvars, fvs' `minusNameSet` pvars) | otherwise = (pvars, fvs') where fvs' = fvs `intersectNameSet` allvars pvars = mkNameSet (collectStmtBinders (unLoc stmt)) isLetStmt :: LStmt a b -> Bool isLetStmt (L _ LetStmt{}) = True isLetStmt _ = False -- | Find a "good" place to insert a bind in an indivisible segment. -- This is the only place where we use heuristics. The current -- heuristic is to peel off the first group of independent statements -- and put the bind after those. splitSegment :: [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] -> ( [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] , [(ExprLStmt Name, FreeVars)] ) splitSegment [one,two] = ([one],[two]) -- there is no choice when there are only two statements; this just saves -- some work in a common case. splitSegment stmts | Just (lets,binds,rest) <- slurpIndependentStmts stmts = if not (null lets) then (lets, binds++rest) else (lets++binds, rest) | otherwise = case stmts of (x:xs) -> ([x],xs) _other -> (stmts,[]) slurpIndependentStmts :: [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] -> Maybe ( [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] -- LetStmts , [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] -- BindStmts , [(LStmt Name (Located (body Name)), FreeVars)] ) slurpIndependentStmts stmts = go [] [] emptyNameSet stmts where -- If we encounter a BindStmt that doesn't depend on a previous BindStmt -- in this group, then add it to the group. go lets indep bndrs ((L loc (BindStmt pat body bind_op fail_op ty), fvs) : rest) | isEmptyNameSet (bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs) = go lets ((L loc (BindStmt pat body bind_op fail_op ty), fvs) : indep) bndrs' rest where bndrs' = bndrs `unionNameSet` mkNameSet (collectPatBinders pat) -- If we encounter a LetStmt that doesn't depend on a BindStmt in this -- group, then move it to the beginning, so that it doesn't interfere with -- grouping more BindStmts. -- TODO: perhaps we shouldn't do this if there are any strict bindings, -- because we might be moving evaluation earlier. go lets indep bndrs ((L loc (LetStmt binds), fvs) : rest) | isEmptyNameSet (bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs) = go ((L loc (LetStmt binds), fvs) : lets) indep bndrs rest go _ [] _ _ = Nothing go _ [_] _ _ = Nothing go lets indep _ stmts = Just (reverse lets, reverse indep, stmts) -- | Build an ApplicativeStmt, and strip the "return" from the tail -- if necessary. -- -- For example, if we start with -- do x <- E1; y <- E2; return (f x y) -- then we get -- do (E1[x] | E2[y]); f x y -- -- the LastStmt in this case has the return removed, but we set the -- flag on the LastStmt to indicate this, so that we can print out the -- original statement correctly in error messages. It is easier to do -- it this way rather than try to ignore the return later in both the -- typechecker and the desugarer (I tried it that way first!). mkApplicativeStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> [ApplicativeArg Name Name] -- ^ The args -> Bool -- ^ True <=> need a join -> [ExprLStmt Name] -- ^ The body statements -> RnM ([ExprLStmt Name], FreeVars) mkApplicativeStmt ctxt args need_join body_stmts = do { (fmap_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt fmapName ; (ap_op, fvs2) <- lookupStmtName ctxt apAName ; (mb_join, fvs3) <- if need_join then do { (join_op, fvs) <- lookupStmtName ctxt joinMName ; return (Just join_op, fvs) } else return (Nothing, emptyNameSet) ; let applicative_stmt = noLoc $ ApplicativeStmt (zip (fmap_op : repeat ap_op) args) mb_join placeHolderType ; return ( applicative_stmt : body_stmts , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } -- | Given the statements following an ApplicativeStmt, determine whether -- we need a @join@ or not, and remove the @return@ if necessary. needJoin :: [ExprLStmt Name] -> (Bool, [ExprLStmt Name]) needJoin [] = (False, []) -- we're in an ApplicativeArg needJoin [L loc (LastStmt e _ t)] | Just arg <- isReturnApp e = (False, [L loc (LastStmt arg True t)]) needJoin stmts = (True, stmts) -- | @Just e@, if the expression is @return e@, otherwise @Nothing@ isReturnApp :: LHsExpr Name -> Maybe (LHsExpr Name) isReturnApp (L _ (HsPar expr)) = isReturnApp expr isReturnApp (L _ (HsApp f arg)) | is_return f = Just arg | otherwise = Nothing where is_return (L _ (HsPar e)) = is_return e is_return (L _ (HsAppType e _)) = is_return e is_return (L _ (HsVar (L _ r))) = r == returnMName || r == pureAName -- TODO: I don't know how to get this right for rebindable syntax is_return _ = False isReturnApp _ = Nothing {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsubsection{Errors} * * ************************************************************************ -} checkEmptyStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> RnM () -- We've seen an empty sequence of Stmts... is that ok? checkEmptyStmts ctxt = unless (okEmpty ctxt) (addErr (emptyErr ctxt)) okEmpty :: HsStmtContext a -> Bool okEmpty (PatGuard {}) = True okEmpty _ = False emptyErr :: HsStmtContext Name -> SDoc emptyErr (ParStmtCtxt {}) = text "Empty statement group in parallel comprehension" emptyErr (TransStmtCtxt {}) = text "Empty statement group preceding 'group' or 'then'" emptyErr ctxt = text "Empty" <+> pprStmtContext ctxt ---------------------- checkLastStmt :: Outputable (body RdrName) => HsStmtContext Name -> LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName)) -> RnM (LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName))) checkLastStmt ctxt lstmt@(L loc stmt) = case ctxt of ListComp -> check_comp MonadComp -> check_comp PArrComp -> check_comp ArrowExpr -> check_do DoExpr -> check_do MDoExpr -> check_do _ -> check_other where check_do -- Expect BodyStmt, and change it to LastStmt = case stmt of BodyStmt e _ _ _ -> return (L loc (mkLastStmt e)) LastStmt {} -> return lstmt -- "Deriving" clauses may generate a -- LastStmt directly (unlike the parser) _ -> do { addErr (hang last_error 2 (ppr stmt)); return lstmt } last_error = (text "The last statement in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt <+> text "must be an expression") check_comp -- Expect LastStmt; this should be enforced by the parser! = case stmt of LastStmt {} -> return lstmt _ -> pprPanic "checkLastStmt" (ppr lstmt) check_other -- Behave just as if this wasn't the last stmt = do { checkStmt ctxt lstmt; return lstmt } -- Checking when a particular Stmt is ok checkStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> LStmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName)) -> RnM () checkStmt ctxt (L _ stmt) = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; case okStmt dflags ctxt stmt of IsValid -> return () NotValid extra -> addErr (msg $$ extra) } where msg = sep [ text "Unexpected" <+> pprStmtCat stmt <+> ptext (sLit "statement") , text "in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt ] pprStmtCat :: Stmt a body -> SDoc pprStmtCat (TransStmt {}) = text "transform" pprStmtCat (LastStmt {}) = text "return expression" pprStmtCat (BodyStmt {}) = text "body" pprStmtCat (BindStmt {}) = text "binding" pprStmtCat (LetStmt {}) = text "let" pprStmtCat (RecStmt {}) = text "rec" pprStmtCat (ParStmt {}) = text "parallel" pprStmtCat (ApplicativeStmt {}) = panic "pprStmtCat: ApplicativeStmt" ------------ emptyInvalid :: Validity -- Payload is the empty document emptyInvalid = NotValid Outputable.empty okStmt, okDoStmt, okCompStmt, okParStmt, okPArrStmt :: DynFlags -> HsStmtContext Name -> Stmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName)) -> Validity -- Return Nothing if OK, (Just extra) if not ok -- The "extra" is an SDoc that is appended to an generic error message okStmt dflags ctxt stmt = case ctxt of PatGuard {} -> okPatGuardStmt stmt ParStmtCtxt ctxt -> okParStmt dflags ctxt stmt DoExpr -> okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt MDoExpr -> okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt ArrowExpr -> okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt GhciStmtCtxt -> okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt ListComp -> okCompStmt dflags ctxt stmt MonadComp -> okCompStmt dflags ctxt stmt PArrComp -> okPArrStmt dflags ctxt stmt TransStmtCtxt ctxt -> okStmt dflags ctxt stmt ------------- okPatGuardStmt :: Stmt RdrName (Located (body RdrName)) -> Validity okPatGuardStmt stmt = case stmt of BodyStmt {} -> IsValid BindStmt {} -> IsValid LetStmt {} -> IsValid _ -> emptyInvalid ------------- okParStmt dflags ctxt stmt = case stmt of LetStmt (L _ (HsIPBinds {})) -> emptyInvalid _ -> okStmt dflags ctxt stmt ---------------- okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt = case stmt of RecStmt {} | LangExt.RecursiveDo `xopt` dflags -> IsValid | ArrowExpr <- ctxt -> IsValid -- Arrows allows 'rec' | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use RecursiveDo") BindStmt {} -> IsValid LetStmt {} -> IsValid BodyStmt {} -> IsValid _ -> emptyInvalid ---------------- okCompStmt dflags _ stmt = case stmt of BindStmt {} -> IsValid LetStmt {} -> IsValid BodyStmt {} -> IsValid ParStmt {} | LangExt.ParallelListComp `xopt` dflags -> IsValid | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use ParallelListComp") TransStmt {} | LangExt.TransformListComp `xopt` dflags -> IsValid | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use TransformListComp") RecStmt {} -> emptyInvalid LastStmt {} -> emptyInvalid -- Should not happen (dealt with by checkLastStmt) ApplicativeStmt {} -> emptyInvalid ---------------- okPArrStmt dflags _ stmt = case stmt of BindStmt {} -> IsValid LetStmt {} -> IsValid BodyStmt {} -> IsValid ParStmt {} | LangExt.ParallelListComp `xopt` dflags -> IsValid | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use ParallelListComp") TransStmt {} -> emptyInvalid RecStmt {} -> emptyInvalid LastStmt {} -> emptyInvalid -- Should not happen (dealt with by checkLastStmt) ApplicativeStmt {} -> emptyInvalid --------- checkTupleSection :: [LHsTupArg RdrName] -> RnM () checkTupleSection args = do { tuple_section <- xoptM LangExt.TupleSections ; checkErr (all tupArgPresent args || tuple_section) msg } where msg = text "Illegal tuple section: use TupleSections" --------- sectionErr :: HsExpr RdrName -> SDoc sectionErr expr = hang (text "A section must be enclosed in parentheses") 2 (text "thus:" <+> (parens (ppr expr))) patSynErr :: HsExpr RdrName -> SDoc -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) patSynErr e explanation = do { addErr (sep [text "Pattern syntax in expression context:", nest 4 (ppr e)] $$ explanation) ; return (EWildPat, emptyFVs) } badIpBinds :: Outputable a => SDoc -> a -> SDoc badIpBinds what binds = hang (text "Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in" <+> what) 2 (ppr binds)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStrict #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Data.IP.Builder ( -- * 'P.BoundedPrim' 'B.Builder's for general, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. ipBuilder , ipv4Builder , ipv6Builder ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as P import Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim ((>$<), (>*<)) import GHC.Exts import GHC.Word (Word8(..), Word16(..), Word32(..)) import Data.IP.Addr ------------ IP builders {-# INLINE ipBuilder #-} -- | 'P.BoundedPrim' bytestring 'B.Builder' for general 'IP' addresses. ipBuilder :: IP -> B.Builder ipBuilder (IPv4 addr) = ipv4Builder addr ipBuilder (IPv6 addr) = ipv6Builder addr {-# INLINE ipv4Builder #-} -- | 'P.BoundedPrim' bytestring 'B.Builder' for 'IPv4' addresses. ipv4Builder :: IPv4 -> B.Builder ipv4Builder addr = P.primBounded ipv4Bounded $! fromIPv4w addr {-# INLINE ipv6Builder #-} -- | 'P.BoundedPrim' bytestring 'B.Builder' for 'IPv6' addresses. ipv6Builder :: IPv6 -> B.Builder ipv6Builder addr = P.primBounded ipv6Bounded $! fromIPv6w addr ------------ Builder utilities -- Convert fixed to bounded for fusion toB :: P.FixedPrim a -> P.BoundedPrim a toB = P.liftFixedToBounded {-# INLINE toB #-} ipv4Bounded :: P.BoundedPrim Word32 ipv4Bounded = quads >$< ((P.word8Dec >*< dotsep) >*< (P.word8Dec >*< dotsep)) >*< ((P.word8Dec >*< dotsep) >*< P.word8Dec) where quads a = ((qdot 0o30# a, qdot 0o20# a), (qdot 0o10# a, qfin a)) {-# INLINE quads #-} qdot s (W32# a) = (W8# (wordToWord8Compat# ((word32ToWordCompat# a `uncheckedShiftRL#` s) `and#` 0xff##)), ()) {-# INLINE qdot #-} qfin (W32# a) = W8# (wordToWord8Compat# (word32ToWordCompat# a `and#` 0xff##)) {-# INLINE qfin #-} dotsep = const 0x2e >$< toB P.word8 -- | For each 32-bit chunk of an IPv6 address, encode its display format in the -- presentation form of the address, based on its location relative to the -- "best gap", i.e. the left-most longest run of zeros. The "hi" (H) and/or -- "lo" (L) 16 bits may be accompanied by colons (C) on the left and/or right. -- data FF = CHL Word32 -- ^ :<h>:<l> | HL Word32 -- ^ <h>:<l> | NOP -- ^ nop | COL -- ^ : | CC -- ^ : : | CLO Word32 -- ^ :<l> | CHC Word32 -- ^ :<h>: | HC Word32 -- ^ <h>: -- Build an IPv6 address in conformance with -- [RFC5952]( RFC 5952). -- ipv6Bounded :: P.BoundedPrim (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) ipv6Bounded = P.condB generalCase ( genFields >$< output128 ) ( P.condB v4mapped ( pairPair >$< (colsep >*< colsep) >*< (ffff >*< (fstUnit >$< colsep >*< ipv4Bounded)) ) ( pairPair >$< (P.emptyB >*< colsep) >*< (colsep >*< ipv4Bounded) ) ) where -- The boundedPrim switches and predicates need to be inlined for best -- performance, gaining a factor of ~2 in throughput in tests. -- {-# INLINE output128 #-} {-# INLINE output64 #-} {-# INLINE generalCase #-} {-# INLINE v4mapped #-} {-# INLINE output32 #-} generalCase :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Bool generalCase (w0, w1, w2, w3) = w0 /= 0 || w1 /= 0 || (w2 /= 0xffff && (w2 /= 0 || w3 <= 0xffff)) -- v4mapped :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Bool v4mapped (w0, w1, w2, _) = w0 == 0 && w1 == 0 && w2 == 0xffff -- BoundedPrim for the full 128-bit IPv6 address given as -- a pair of pairs of FF values, which encode the -- output format of each of the 32-bit chunks. -- output128 :: P.BoundedPrim ((FF, FF), (FF, FF)) output128 = output64 >*< output64 output64 = (output32 >*< output32) -- -- And finally the per-word case-work. -- output32 :: P.BoundedPrim FF output32 = P.condB (\case { CHL _ -> True; _ -> False }) build_CHL $ -- :hi:lo P.condB (\case { HL _ -> True; _ -> False }) build_HL $ -- hi:lo P.condB (\case { NOP -> True; _ -> False }) build_NOP $ -- P.condB (\case { COL -> True; _ -> False }) build_COL $ -- : P.condB (\case { CC -> True; _ -> False }) build_CC $ -- : : P.condB (\case { CLO _ -> True; _ -> False }) build_CLO $ -- :lo P.condB (\case { CHC _ -> True; _ -> False }) build_CHC $ -- :hi: build_HC -- hi: -- encoders for the eight field format (FF) cases. -- build_CHL = ( \ case CHL w -> ( fstUnit (hi16 w), fstUnit (lo16 w) ) _ -> undefined ) >$< (colsep >*< P.word16Hex) >*< (colsep >*< P.word16Hex) -- build_HL = ( \ case HL w -> ( hi16 w, fstUnit (lo16 w) ) _ -> undefined ) >$< P.word16Hex >*< colsep >*< P.word16Hex -- build_NOP = P.emptyB -- build_COL = const () >$< colsep -- build_CC = const ((), ()) >$< colsep >*< colsep -- build_CLO = ( \ case CLO w -> fstUnit (lo16 w) _ -> undefined ) >$< colsep >*< P.word16Hex -- build_CHC = ( \ case CHC w -> fstUnit (sndUnit (hi16 w)) _ -> undefined ) >$< colsep >*< P.word16Hex >*< colsep -- build_HC = ( \ case HC w -> sndUnit (hi16 w) _ -> undefined ) >$< P.word16Hex >*< colsep -- static encoders -- colsep :: P.BoundedPrim a colsep = toB $ const 0x3a >$< P.word8 -- ffff :: P.BoundedPrim a ffff = toB $ const 0xffff >$< P.word16HexFixed -- | Helpers hi16, lo16 :: Word32 -> Word16 hi16 !(W32# w) = W16# (wordToWord16Compat# (word32ToWordCompat# w `uncheckedShiftRL#` 16#)) lo16 !(W32# w) = W16# (wordToWord16Compat# (word32ToWordCompat# w `and#` 0xffff##)) -- fstUnit :: a -> ((), a) fstUnit = ((), ) -- sndUnit :: a -> (a, ()) sndUnit = (, ()) -- pairPair (a, b, c, d) = ((a, b), (c, d)) -- Construct fields decorated with output format details genFields (w0, w1, w2, w3) = let !(!gapStart, !gapEnd) = bestgap w0 w1 w2 w3 !f0 = makeF0 gapStart gapEnd w0 !f1 = makeF12 gapStart gapEnd 2# 3# w1 !f2 = makeF12 gapStart gapEnd 4# 5# w2 !f3 = makeF3 gapStart gapEnd w3 in ((f0, f1), (f2, f3)) makeF0 (I# gapStart) (I# gapEnd) !w = case (gapEnd ==# 0#) `orI#` (gapStart ># 1#) of 1# -> HL w _ -> case gapStart ==# 0# of 1# -> COL _ -> HC w {-# INLINE makeF0 #-} makeF12 (I# gapStart) (I# gapEnd) il ir !w = case (gapEnd <=# il) `orI#` (gapStart ># ir) of 1# -> CHL w _ -> case gapStart >=# il of 1# -> case gapStart ==# il of 1# -> COL _ -> CHC w _ -> case gapEnd ==# ir of 0# -> NOP _ -> CLO w {-# INLINE makeF12 #-} makeF3 (I# gapStart) (I# gapEnd) !w = case gapEnd <=# 6# of 1# -> CHL w _ -> case gapStart ==# 6# of 0# -> case gapEnd ==# 8# of 1# -> COL _ -> CLO w _ -> CC {-# INLINE makeF3 #-} -- | Unrolled and inlined calculation of the first longest -- run (gap) of 16-bit aligned zeros in the input address. -- bestgap :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> (Int, Int) bestgap !(W32# a0) !(W32# a1) !(W32# a2) !(W32# a3) = finalGap (updateGap (0xffff## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a3)) (updateGap (0xffff0000## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a3)) (updateGap (0xffff## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a2)) (updateGap (0xffff0000## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a2)) (updateGap (0xffff## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a1)) (updateGap (0xffff0000## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a1)) (updateGap (0xffff## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a0)) (initGap (0xffff0000## `and#` (word32ToWordCompat# a0)))))))))) where -- The state after the first input word is always i' = 7, -- but if the input word is zero, then also g=z=1 and e'=7. initGap :: Word# -> Int# initGap w = case w of { 0## -> 0x1717#; _ -> 0x0707# } -- Update the nibbles of g|e'|z|i' based on the next input -- word. We always decrement i', reset z on non-zero input, -- otherwise increment z and check for a new best gap, if so -- we replace g|e' with z|i'. updateGap :: Word# -> Int# -> Int# updateGap w g = case w `neWord#` 0## of 1# -> (g +# 0xffff#) `andI#` 0xff0f# -- g, e, 0, --i _ -> let old = g +# 0xf# -- ++z, --i zi = old `andI#` 0xff# new = (zi `uncheckedIShiftL#` 8#) `orI#` zi in case new ># old of 1# -> new -- z, i, z, i _ -> old -- g, e, z, i -- Extract gap start and end from the nibbles of g|e'|z|i' -- where g is the gap width and e' is 8 minus its end. finalGap :: Int# -> (Int, Int) finalGap i = let g = i `uncheckedIShiftRL#` 12# in case g <# 2# of 1# -> (0, 0) _ -> let e = 8# -# ((i `uncheckedIShiftRL#` 8#) `andI#` 0xf#) s = e -# g in (I# s, I# e) {-# INLINE bestgap #-} #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) word32ToWordCompat# :: Word32# -> Word# word32ToWordCompat# = word32ToWord# wordToWord8Compat# :: Word# -> Word8# wordToWord8Compat# = wordToWord8# wordToWord16Compat# :: Word# -> Word16# wordToWord16Compat# = wordToWord16# #else word32ToWordCompat# :: Word# -> Word# word32ToWordCompat# x = x wordToWord8Compat# :: Word# -> Word# wordToWord8Compat# x = x wordToWord16Compat# :: Word# -> Word# wordToWord16Compat# x = x #endif
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This module is unstable; functions are not guaranteed to be the same or even to exist in future versions -- -- It is intended primarily for use by this library itself. module Data.Bitmap.Util ( tablespoon , subStr , padByte ) where import Control.Exception import qualified Data.String.Class as S import Data.Word import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) handlers :: [Handler (Either String a)] handlers = [ Handler $ \(e :: ArithException) -> return . Left . show $ e , Handler $ \(e :: ArrayException) -> return . Left . show $ e , Handler $ \(e :: ErrorCall) -> return . Left . show $ e , Handler $ \(e :: PatternMatchFail) -> return . Left . show $ e , Handler $ \(e :: SomeException) -> throwIO e ] -- | Hack to catch "pureish" asynchronous errors -- -- This is only used as a workaround to the binary library's shortcoming of -- using asynchronous errors instead of pure error handling, and also zlib's -- same shortcoming. -- -- This function is similar to the @spoon@ package's @teaspoon@ function, -- except that it can return more information when an exception is caught. tablespoon :: a -> Either String a tablespoon x = unsafePerformIO $ (Right `fmap` evaluate x) `catches` handlers -- | Return a substring -- -- 'subStr' @index@ @length@ returns @length@ characters from the string -- starting at @index@, which starts at 0. -- -- > subStr 1 2 "abcd" == "bc" subStr :: (S.StringCells s) => Int -> Int -> s -> s subStr index length_ = S.take length_ . S.drop index padByte :: Word8 padByte = 0x00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Views.Common.SEO where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Lazy(Text) import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Text.Printf as PF import Network.URI import Text.Blaze.Html5((!)) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import qualified Utils.BlazeExtra.Attributes as EA import Utils.URI.String import Models.Schema metaProperty p v = H.meta ! property p ! A.content v where property = H.customAttribute "property" metaName n v = H.meta ! n ! A.content v keywordsAndDescription keywords description = do metaName "keywords" $ H.toValue keywords metaName "description" $ H.toValue description openGraph :: String -> String -> String -> H.Html openGraph title url description = do metaProperty "og:type" "website" metaProperty "og:title" $ H.toValue title metaProperty "og:url" $ H.toValue url metaProperty "og:description" $ H.toValue description canonical :: String -> H.Html canonical url = ! A.rel "canonical" ! A.href ( H.toValue url) gaEvent :: String-> String ->H.Attribute gaEvent ev ct = let v = (PF.printf "ga('send', 'event', '%s', '%s');" ev ct) :: String in A.onclick $ H.toValue v utmParams :: String -> String -> [(String,String)] utmParams host name = [("utm_source",host) ,("utm_campaign",name) ,("utm_medium","website")]
{-# LANGUAGE Safe, TypeFamilies #-} module Data.Logic.Atom ( Atom, atom, unit ) where import Control.Monad.Predicate import Data.Logic.Term import Data.Logic.Var -- |A constant term. newtype Atom a s = Atom a instance Eq a => Term (Atom a) where type Collapse (Atom a) = a collapse (Atom x) = return x unify (Atom x) (Atom y) = bool (x == y) occurs _ _ = return False -- |Constructs an atom. atom :: Eq a => a -> Var (Atom a) s atom = bind . Atom -- |Synonym for @atom ()@. unit :: Var (Atom ()) s unit = atom ()
{-| Module : AERN2.Utils.Bench Description : utilities for benchmarks Copyright : (c) Michal Konecny License : BSD3 Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module AERN2.Utils.Bench ( listFromGen ) where -- import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Random (mkQCGen) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen(..)) import MixedTypesNumPrelude -- import qualified Prelude as P listFromGen :: Gen a -> [a] listFromGen gen = list where list = concat $ map genSome [1..] where genSome size = unGen (sequence $ replicate 10 gen) qcGen (int size) qcGen = mkQCGen (int 148548830)
-- | The type of cave kinds. Every level in the game is an instantiated -- cave kind. module Game.LambdaHack.Content.CaveKind ( pattern DEFAULT_RANDOM , CaveKind(..), InitSleep(..), makeData #ifdef EXPOSE_INTERNAL -- * Internal operations , validateSingle, validateAll, mandatoryGroups #endif ) where import Prelude () import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude import qualified Data.Text as T import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind (ItemKind) import Game.LambdaHack.Content.PlaceKind (PlaceKind) import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind as RK import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind (TileKind) import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Core.Dice as Dice import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Random import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.ContentData import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.DefsInternal -- | Parameters for the generation of dungeon levels. -- Warning: for efficiency, avoid embedded items in any of the common tiles. data CaveKind = CaveKind { cname :: Text -- ^ short description , cfreq :: Freqs CaveKind -- ^ frequency within groups , cXminSize :: X -- ^ minimal X size of the whole cave , cYminSize :: Y -- ^ minimal Y size of the whole cave , ccellSize :: Dice.DiceXY -- ^ size of a map cell holding a place , cminPlaceSize :: Dice.DiceXY -- ^ minimal size of places; for merging , cmaxPlaceSize :: Dice.DiceXY -- ^ maximal size of places; for growing , cdarkOdds :: Dice.Dice -- ^ the odds a place is dark -- (level-scaled dice roll > 50) , cnightOdds :: Dice.Dice -- ^ the odds the cave is dark -- (level-scaled dice roll > 50) , cauxConnects :: Rational -- ^ a proportion of extra connections , cmaxVoid :: Rational -- ^ at most this proportion of rooms may be void , cdoorChance :: Chance -- ^ the chance of a door in an opening , copenChance :: Chance -- ^ if there's a door, is it open? , chidden :: Int -- ^ if not open, hidden one in n times , cactorCoeff :: Int -- ^ the lower, the more monsters spawn , cactorFreq :: Freqs ItemKind -- ^ actor groups to consider , citemNum :: Dice.Dice -- ^ number of initial items in the cave , citemFreq :: Freqs ItemKind -- ^ item groups to consider; -- note that the groups are flattened; e.g., if an item is moved -- to another included group with the same weight, the outcome -- doesn't change , cplaceFreq :: Freqs PlaceKind -- ^ place groups to consider , cpassable :: Bool -- ^ are passable default tiles permitted , clabyrinth :: Bool -- ^ waste of time for AI to explore , cdefTile :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the default cave tile , cdarkCorTile :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the dark cave corridor tile , clitCorTile :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the lit cave corridor tile , cwallTile :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the tile used for @FWall@ fence , ccornerTile :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ tile used for the fence corners , cfenceTileN :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the outer fence N wall , cfenceTileE :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the outer fence E wall , cfenceTileS :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the outer fence S wall , cfenceTileW :: GroupName TileKind -- ^ the outer fence W wall , cfenceApart :: Bool -- ^ are places touching fence banned , cminStairDist :: Int -- ^ minimal distance between stairs , cmaxStairsNum :: Dice.Dice -- ^ maximum number of stairs , cescapeFreq :: Freqs PlaceKind -- ^ escape groups, if any , cstairFreq :: Freqs PlaceKind -- ^ place groups for created stairs , cstairAllowed :: Freqs PlaceKind -- ^ extra groups for inherited , cskip :: [Int] -- ^ which faction starting positions to skip , cinitSleep :: InitSleep -- ^ whether actors spawn sleeping , cdesc :: Text -- ^ full cave description } deriving Show -- No Eq and Ord to make extending logically sound data InitSleep = InitSleepAlways | InitSleepPermitted | InitSleepBanned deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Catch caves with not enough space for all the places. Check the size -- of the cave descriptions to make sure they fit on screen. Etc. validateSingle :: RK.RuleContent -> CaveKind -> [Text] validateSingle corule CaveKind{..} = let (minCellSizeX, minCellSizeY) = Dice.infDiceXY ccellSize (maxCellSizeX, maxCellSizeY) = Dice.supDiceXY ccellSize (minMinSizeX, minMinSizeY) = Dice.infDiceXY cminPlaceSize (maxMinSizeX, maxMinSizeY) = Dice.supDiceXY cminPlaceSize (minMaxSizeX, minMaxSizeY) = Dice.infDiceXY cmaxPlaceSize in [ "cname longer than 25" | T.length cname > 25 ] ++ [ "cXminSize > RK.rWidthMax" | cXminSize > RK.rWidthMax corule ] ++ [ "cYminSize > RK.rHeightMax" | cYminSize > RK.rHeightMax corule ] ++ [ "cXminSize < 8" | cXminSize < 8 ] ++ [ "cYminSize < 8" | cYminSize < 8 ] -- see @focusArea@ ++ [ "cXminSize - 2 < maxCellSizeX" | cXminSize - 2 < maxCellSizeX ] ++ [ "cYminSize - 2 < maxCellSizeY" | cYminSize - 2 < maxCellSizeY ] ++ [ "minCellSizeX < 2" | minCellSizeX < 2 ] ++ [ "minCellSizeY < 2" | minCellSizeY < 2 ] ++ [ "minCellSizeX < 4 and stairs" | minCellSizeX < 4 && not (null cstairFreq) ] ++ [ "minCellSizeY < 4 and stairs" | minCellSizeY < 4 && not (null cstairFreq) ] -- The following four are heuristics, so not too restrictive: ++ [ "minCellSizeX < 6 && non-trivial stairs" | minCellSizeX < 6 && not (length cstairFreq <= 1 && null cescapeFreq) ] ++ [ "minCellSizeY < 4 && non-trivial stairs" | minCellSizeY < 4 && not (length cstairFreq <= 1 && null cescapeFreq) ] ++ [ "minMinSizeX < 5 && non-trivial stairs" | minMinSizeX < 5 && not (length cstairFreq <= 1 && null cescapeFreq) ] ++ [ "minMinSizeY < 3 && non-trivial stairs" | minMinSizeY < 3 && not (length cstairFreq <= 1 && null cescapeFreq) ] ++ [ "minMinSizeX < 1" | minMinSizeX < 1 ] ++ [ "minMinSizeY < 1" | minMinSizeY < 1 ] ++ [ "minMaxSizeX < maxMinSizeX" | minMaxSizeX < maxMinSizeX ] ++ [ "minMaxSizeY < maxMinSizeY" | minMaxSizeY < maxMinSizeY ] ++ [ "chidden < 0" | chidden < 0 ] ++ [ "cactorCoeff < 0" | cactorCoeff < 0 ] ++ [ "citemNum < 0" | Dice.infDice citemNum < 0 ] ++ [ "cmaxStairsNum < 0" | Dice.infDice cmaxStairsNum < 0 ] ++ [ "stairs suggested, but not defined" | Dice.supDice cmaxStairsNum > 0 && null cstairFreq ] -- | Validate all cave kinds. -- Note that names don't have to be unique: we can have several variants -- of a cave with a given name. validateAll :: [CaveKind] -> ContentData CaveKind -> [Text] validateAll _ _ = [] -- so far, always valid -- * Mandatory item groups mandatoryGroups :: [GroupName CaveKind] mandatoryGroups = [DEFAULT_RANDOM] pattern DEFAULT_RANDOM :: GroupName CaveKind pattern DEFAULT_RANDOM = GroupName "default random" makeData :: RK.RuleContent -> [CaveKind] -> [GroupName CaveKind] -> [GroupName CaveKind] -> ContentData CaveKind makeData corule content groupNamesSingleton groupNames = makeContentData "CaveKind" cname cfreq (validateSingle corule) validateAll content groupNamesSingleton (mandatoryGroups ++ groupNames)
-- | -- Module : Data.Semiring.Properties -- Copyright : Sebastian Fischer <mailto:[email protected]> -- License : BSD3 -- -- This library provides properties for the 'Semiring' type class that -- can be checked using libraries like QuickCheck or SmallCheck. -- module Data.Semiring.Properties ( module Data.Semiring, module Data.Semiring.Properties ) where import Data.Semiring -- | > a .+. b == b .+. a plus'comm :: Semiring s => s -> s -> Bool plus'comm a b = a .+. b == b .+. a -- | > zero .+. a == a left'zero :: Semiring s => s -> Bool left'zero a = zero .+. a == a -- | > (a .+. b) .+. c == a .+. (b .+. c) add'assoc :: Semiring s => s -> s -> s -> Bool add'assoc a b c = (a .+. b) .+. c == a .+. (b .+. c) -- | > one .*. a == a left'one :: Semiring s => s -> Bool left'one a = one .*. a == a -- | > a .*. one == a right'one :: Semiring s => s -> Bool right'one a = a .*. one == a -- | > (a .*. b) .*. c == a .*. (b .*. c) mul'assoc :: Semiring s => s -> s -> s -> Bool mul'assoc a b c = (a .*. b) .*. c == a .*. (b .*. c) -- | > a .*. (b .+. c) == (a .*. b) .+. (a .*. c) left'distr :: Semiring s => s -> s -> s -> Bool left'distr a b c = a .*. (b .+. c) == (a .*. b) .+. (a .*. c) -- | > (a .+. b) .*. c == (a .*. c) .+. (b .*. c) right'distr :: Semiring s => s -> s -> s -> Bool right'distr a b c = (a .+. b) .*. c == (a .*. c) .+. (b .*. c) -- | > zero .*. a == zero left'ann :: Semiring s => s -> Bool left'ann a = zero .*. a == zero -- | > a .*. zero == zero right'ann :: Semiring s => s -> Bool right'ann a = a .*. zero == zero
module Test.Cache(main) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import System.Directory import Data.Char import Test.Type main = testBuild test $ do vowels <- newCache $ \file -> do src <- readFile' file liftIO $ appendFile "trace.txt" "1" pure $ length $ filter isDigit src "*.out*" %> \x -> writeFile' x . show =<< vowels (dropExtension x <.> "txt") startCompiler <- newCache $ \() -> do liftIO $ writeFile "compiler.txt" "on" runAfter $ writeFile "compiler.txt" "off" "*.lang" %> \out -> do startCompiler () liftIO $ copyFile "compiler.txt" out -- Bug fixed in bug796_2 <- newCache $ \() -> do readFile' "bug796.2" "bug796" %> \out -> do a <- readFile' "bug796.1" b <- bug796_2 () writeFile' out $ a ++ b test build = do build ["clean"] writeFile "trace.txt" "" writeFile "vowels.txt" "abc123a" build ["vowels.out1","vowels.out2","-j3","--sleep"] assertContents "trace.txt" "1" assertContents "vowels.out1" "3" assertContents "vowels.out2" "3" build ["vowels.out2","-j3"] assertContents "trace.txt" "1" assertContents "vowels.out1" "3" writeFile "vowels.txt" "12xyz34" build ["vowels.out2","-j3","--sleep"] assertContents "trace.txt" "11" assertContents "vowels.out2" "4" build ["vowels.out1","-j3","--sleep"] assertContents "trace.txt" "111" assertContents "vowels.out1" "4" build ["foo.lang","bar.lang"] assertContents "foo.lang" "on" assertContents "compiler.txt" "off" writeFile "compiler.txt" "unstarted" build ["foo.lang","bar.lang"] assertContents "compiler.txt" "unstarted" writeFile "bug796.1" "a" writeFile "bug796.2" "b" build ["bug796", "--sleep"] assertContents "bug796" "ab" writeFile "bug796.1" "A" build ["bug796", "--sleep"] assertContents "bug796" "Ab" writeFile "bug796.2" "B" build ["bug796", "--sleep"] assertContents "bug796" "AB"
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | -- Module: $HEADER$ -- Description: TODO -- Copyright: (c) 2016 Peter TrΕ‘ko -- License: BSD3 -- -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: GHC specific language extensions. -- -- TODO module Data.DHT.DKS.Type.Message.UpdateSuccessorAck ( UpdateSuccessorAck(..) ) where import Data.Eq (Eq) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Text.Show (Show) import Data.Default.Class (Default(def)) import Data.OverloadedRecords.TH (overloadedRecord) import Data.DHT.DKS.Type.Hash (DksHash) data UpdateSuccessorAck = UpdateSuccessorAck { _requester :: !DksHash , _oldSuccessor :: !DksHash , _successor :: !DksHash } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable) overloadedRecord def ''UpdateSuccessorAck
-- -- A very simple example application using System.MIDI. -- It's a basic MIDI monitor: prints all the incoming messages. -- module Main where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import System.MIDI import System.MIDI.Utility -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the essence mythread conn = do events <- getEvents conn mapM_ print events (threadDelay 5000) mythread conn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main main = do src <- selectInputDevice "Select midi input device" Nothing conn <- openSource src Nothing putStrLn "connected" threadid <- forkIO (mythread conn) start conn ; putStrLn "started. Press 'ENTER' to exit." getLine stop conn ; putStrLn "stopped." killThread threadid close conn ; putStrLn "closed."
-- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -DPiForallInstalled #-} -- | -- Copyright : (c) Andreas Reuleaux 2015 -- License : BSD2 -- Maintainer: Andreas Reuleaux <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability: non-portable -- -- basic refactorings: renaming, -- built upon the zipper navigation in the syntax tree, {- usage renaming of simple expressions runExcept $ renameExpr "y" "YY" $ lam "y" $ V "x" * in the simpler Either monad, like so: pp $ fromRight' $ (ezipper $ Mod m) >>= navigate [Decl 1, Rhs, Binding] * or in the the Refactor monad, which has state as well pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod m) >>= navigate [Decl 1, Rhs, Binding] >>= rename "a" "b" one would just navigate to the relevant piece of the syntax tree, like -- top make the tree, list pair a zipper here (for printing the top lvl) pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod m) >>= top >>= rename "a" "b" ** next things TODO: see if renaming Zero to Z works - I doubt it - but make it work -} module Pire.Refactor.Refactor ( module Pire.Refactor.Refactor ) where import Pire.Syntax.Expr import Pire.Syntax.GetNm -- import Pire.Syntax.Binder import Pire.Syntax.MkVisible import Pire.Syntax.Smart import Pire.Syntax.Decl import Pire.Syntax.Modules import Pire.Syntax.Nm -- import Pire.Modules -- import Pire.Untie import Pire.Syntax.Telescope import Pire.Syntax.Constructor import Pire.Refactor.Navigation import Pire.Pretty.Common import Pire.Utils import Bound import Bound.Term #ifdef MIN_VERSION_GLASGOW_HASKELL #if MIN_VERSION_GLASGOW_HASKELL(7,10,3,0) -- ghc >= 7.10.3 -- import Control.Monad.Except #else -- older ghc versions, but MIN_VERSION_GLASGOW_HASKELL defined #endif #else -- MIN_VERSION_GLASGOW_HASKELL not even defined yet (ghc <= 7.8.x) import Control.Applicative #endif import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Lens -- import System.IO.Silently import Pire.Syntax.Pattern -- import Data.Bitraversable -- import Data.Bifunctor -- import Control.Monad.Trans.Either import Pire.Forget (forgetExp, forgetMatch) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Debug.Trace #ifdef PiForallInstalled -- import PiForall.Environment -- import PiForall.TypeCheck #endif #ifdef DocTest -- fromRight' import Data.Either.Combinators import Pire.Syntax.Eps import Pire.NoPos import Pire.Text2String (t2s) import Pire.Parser.ParseUtils (parse, module_) import Pire.Modules (getModules_) import Pire.Refactor.LineColumnNavigation (lineColumn) import Pire.Refactor.ForgetZipper (forgetZ) import Pire.Parser.Expr (expr) #endif -- -------------------------------------------------- -- renaming exprs {-| see if a variable is a binding variable in an expression >>> "x" `isBindingVarIn` (lam "x" $ V "y") True >>> "y" `isBindingVarIn` (lam "x" $ V "y") False The next example (cf. @samples/Nat.pi@) - seems fine to me (but test coverage is maybe not exhaustive enough, think eg. of some case, where we would have to recurse into the rhs of a match: @Zero -> \\x. n@, ie. recurse into the @lambda: \\x. n@ then, etc.) let @c@ be a case expression: @ case n of Zero -> Zero Succ n' -> n' @ >>> let c = Case (V "n") [Match (PatCon "Zero" []) (Scope (DCon "Zero" [] (Annot Nothing))),Match (PatCon "Succ" [(RuntimeP, PatVar "n'")]) (Scope (V (B 0)))] (Annot Nothing) >>> "y" `isBindingVarIn` c False OK? >>> "Succ" `isBindingVarIn` c False >>> "n'" `isBindingVarIn` c True -} -- Show a at least for debugging with Debug.Trace.trace below -- isBindingVarIn :: (Eq a, Disp (Expr a a)) => a -> Expr a a -> Bool isBindingVarIn :: (Eq a, MkVisible a, Disp (Expr a a), Show a) => a -> Expr a a -> Bool _ `isBindingVarIn` (V _) = False y `isBindingVarIn` (Ws_ v _) = y `isBindingVarIn` v -- do we really need this ? y `isBindingVarIn` (BndV _ ex) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex _ `isBindingVarIn` (Nat _) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (Nat_ {}) = False y `isBindingVarIn` (l :@ r) = y `isBindingVarIn` l || y `isBindingVarIn` r y `isBindingVarIn` (Lam y' sc) | y == y' = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V y') sc) y `isBindingVarIn` (Lam_ _ bndr _ sc) | y == y' = True -- -- | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (Ws_ (V y') $ Ws "") sc) | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V y') sc) where y' = name' bndr y `isBindingVarIn` (LamPAs ns sc) | y `elem` ns' = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate (\i -> V $ ns !! i ^. _2) sc) where ns' = (^. _2) <$> ns y `isBindingVarIn` (LamPAs_ _ ns _ sc) | y `elem` ns' = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate (\i -> V $ ns !! i ^. _2 & name') sc) where ns' = name' . (^. _2) <$> ns -- y `isBindingVarIn` (Lam' y' sc) -- | y == y' = True -- | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V y') sc) y `isBindingVarIn` (Position _ ex) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex y `isBindingVarIn` (Paren ex) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex y `isBindingVarIn` (Paren_ _ ex _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex -- TODO: rethink, if this is what we really want! y `isBindingVarIn` (Case ex matches _) | y `isBindingVarIn` ex = True -- -- | y `elem` ns' = True | y `elem` ns' = False | y `elem` ns'' = True -- -- | otherwise = False | otherwise = any (\match -> y `isThisBindingVarInMatch` match) matches where ps = [p | (Match p _) <- matches] -- scopes = [s | (Match _ s) <- matches] -- ns' eg. ["Zero", "Succ"] ns' = name' <$> ps -- ns'' eg. ["n'"] given some "Succ n'" - rethink -- ns'' = (name' <$>) $ (fst <$>) $ concat $ argPatterns <$> ps ns'' = (name' <$>) $ (snd <$>) $ concat $ argPatterns <$> ps -- instantiate the scope - cf pretty printing of Match -- maybe this helper function should be more powerful, and cover some of the case above ? -- c `isThisBindingVarInMatch` (Match p sc) = c `isBindingVarIn` instantiate (\i -> V $ (argPatterns p) !! i ^. _1 & name') sc c `isThisBindingVarInMatch` (Match p sc) = c `isBindingVarIn` instantiate (\i -> V $ (argPatterns p) !! i ^. _2 & name') sc -- is this too simple, maybe ? y `isBindingVarIn` c@(Case_ {}) = y `isBindingVarIn` (forgetExp c) -- needed, even for the Case doctest cases above -- but rethink/refine ! -- too simple ? -- y `isBindingVarIn` (TCon tm args) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (TCon {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (TCon_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (DCon {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (DCon_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (LitBool {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (LitBool_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (TyBool {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (TyBool_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (Refl {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (Refl_ {}) = False -- rethink ! y `isBindingVarIn` (Subst ex1 ex2 _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex1 || y `isBindingVarIn` ex2 y `isBindingVarIn` (Subst_ _ ex1 _ ex2 _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex1 || y `isBindingVarIn` ex2 y `isBindingVarIn` (Ann ex1 ex2) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex1 || y `isBindingVarIn` ex2 y `isBindingVarIn` (Ann_ ex) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex y `isBindingVarIn` (TyEq ex1 ex2) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex1 || y `isBindingVarIn` ex2 y `isBindingVarIn` (TyEq_ ex1 _ ex2) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex1 || y `isBindingVarIn` ex2 y `isBindingVarIn` (Let y' ex sc) | y == y' = True | y `isBindingVarIn` ex = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V y') sc) -- too simple ? y `isBindingVarIn` l@(Let_ {}) = y `isBindingVarIn` (forgetExp l) y `isBindingVarIn` (PiP _ nm ex sc) | y == nm = True | y `isBindingVarIn` ex = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V nm) sc) y `isBindingVarIn` (PiP_ _ ex _ sc) | y == nm = True | y `isBindingVarIn` ex = True | otherwise = y `isBindingVarIn` (instantiate1 (V nm) sc) where nm = name' ex -- too simple ? _ `isBindingVarIn` (InferredAnnBnd_ {}) = False -- too simple ? _ `isBindingVarIn` (WitnessedAnnBnd_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (WitnessedAnnEx_ {}) = False y `isBindingVarIn` (Brackets_ _ ex _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex _ `isBindingVarIn` (Type_ {}) = False _ `isBindingVarIn` (Type {}) = False y `isBindingVarIn` (Contra ex _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex y `isBindingVarIn` (Contra_ _ ex _) = y `isBindingVarIn` ex -- _ `isBindingVarIn` ex = error $ "isBindingVarIn, missing..." ++ ppS ex _ `isBindingVarIn` ex = trace (show ex) $ error $ "isBindingVarIn, missing..." ++ ppS ex {-| helper function, hidden in a where clause in the above @isBindingVarIn@ already, but easier to test separately here -} c `isBindingVarInMatch` (Match p sc) = c `isBindingVarIn` instantiate (\i -> V $ (argPatterns p) !! i ^. _1 & name') sc c `isBindingVarInMatch` m@(Match_ {}) = c `isBindingVarInMatch` (forgetMatch m) {-| helper function to create expressions in the @Either RefactorError@ monad, for convenience in the ghci / cabal repl, could just use @Right@ instead, but would need @-XFlexibleContexts@ then -} eexpr :: t -> Either RefactorError t eexpr t = Right t {-| renaming expressions, with the simple @renameExpr'@ function (takes just an expression): >>> renameExpr' "x" "z" $ lam "y" $ V "x" Right (Lam "y" (Scope (V (F (V "z"))))) or with @renameExpr@ in the @Refactoring@ monad (cf. below): >>> (eexpr $ lam "y" $ V "x") >>= renameExpr "x" "z" Right (Lam "y" (Scope (V (F (V "z"))))) >>> continuing with the simpler @renameExpr'@: >>> renameExpr' "a" "x" $ lam "y" $ V "x" Left (NameCaptureFV "x" "\\y . x") >>> renameExpr' "x" "y" $ lam "y" $ V "x" Left (NameCaptureBindingVar "y" "\\y . x") >>> let l = lam "a" $ lam "b" $ lam "c" $ lam "y" $ V "x" >>> pp l \a . \b . \c . \y . x no effect if @y@ is bound >>> pp $ fromRight' $ renameExpr' "y" "YY" $ l \a . \b . \c . \y . x works fine if @x@ is free >>> pp $ fromRight' $ renameExpr' "x" "zzz" $ l \a . \b . \c . \y . zzz detect name capture deep down inside >>> renameExpr' "x" "b" $ l Left (NameCaptureBindingVar "b" "\\a . \\b . \\c . \\y . x") another example: >>> let l' = lam "a" $ V "foo" :@ (lam "c" $ V "a" :@ V "c") >>> pp l' \a . foo (\c . a c) >>> renameExpr' "a" "c" $ l' Left (NameCaptureBindingVar "c" "\\a . foo (\\c . a c)") further example, similar to the above, but parsed and not desugared: @LamPAs@ >>> let l = nopos $ t2s $ parse expr "\\a b . \\c . \\y . x" >>> l LamPAs [(RuntimeP,"a",Annot Nothing),(RuntimeP,"b",Annot Nothing)] (Scope (LamPAs [(RuntimeP,"c",Annot Nothing)] (Scope (LamPAs [(RuntimeP,"y",Annot Nothing)] (Scope (V (F (V (F (V (F (V "x")))))))))))) >>> renameExpr' "a" "c" $ l Left (NameCaptureBindingVar "c" "\\a b . \\c . \\y . x") -} -- Show a at least for debugging `isBindingVar` with Debug.Trace renameExpr' :: (Disp (Expr a a), Disp a, Eq a, MkVisible a, Show a) => a -> a -> Expr a a -> Either RefactorError (Expr a a) renameExpr' old new lambda@(Lam x sc) | new `elem` fv sc = Left $ NameCaptureFV (ppS new) (ppS lambda) | new `isBindingVarIn` lambda = Left $ NameCaptureBindingVar (ppS new) (ppS lambda) | otherwise, x == old = return $ Lam new sc' | otherwise, x /= old = return $ Lam x sc' where (Lam _ sc') = substituteVar old new lambda renameExpr' old new lambda@(LamPAs_ lamtok xs dot' sc) -- | new `elem` fv sc = throwError $ NameCaptureFV $ ppS newlam | new `elem` fv sc = Left $ NameCaptureFV (ppS new) (ppS lambda) | new `isBindingVarIn` lambda = Left $ NameCaptureBindingVar (ppS new) (ppS lambda) -- -- | otherwise, old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs] = return $ LamPAs_ lamtok xsnew dot' sc' -- -- | otherwise, (not $ old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs]) = return $ LamPAs_ lamtok xs dot' sc' -- [July 2016] getting rid of this tracing -- -- | otherwise, old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs] = trace "#1" $ return $ bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) $ LamPAs_ lamtok xsnew dot' sc' -- -- | otherwise, (not $ old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs]) = trace "#2" $ return $ bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) $ LamPAs_ lamtok xs dot' sc' -- -- this would benefit from a helper function (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) I guess | otherwise, old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs] = return $ bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) $ LamPAs_ lamtok xsnew dot' sc' | otherwise, (not $ old `elem` [x ^. _2 & name' | x <- xs]) = return $ bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) $ LamPAs_ lamtok xs dot' sc' where sc' = scopepl $ substituteVar old new lambda -- using lens to short cut -- xsnew = [(eps, if name' bndr == old then bndr `replaceInBndr` new else bndr, ann) | (eps, bndr, ann) <- xs] xsnew = [over _2 (\b -> if name' b == old then b `replaceInBndr` new else b) x | x <- xs] bndr `replaceInBndr` n = fmap (\tt -> if tt==old then n else tt) bndr -- renameExpr' old new l@(Lam' x sc) -- | new `elem` fv sc = Left $ NameCaptureFV (ppS new) (ppS l) -- | new `isBindingVarIn` l = Left $ NameCaptureBindingVar (ppS new) (ppS l) -- | otherwise, x == old = return $ Lam' new sc' -- | otherwise, x /= old = return $ Lam' x sc' -- where (Lam' _ sc') = substituteVar old new l renameExpr' old new expr@(Case {}) | new `isBindingVarIn` expr = Left $ NameCaptureBindingVar (ppS new) (ppS expr) -- -- | otherwise = return $ expr' -- -- | otherwise = trace (show "# renameExpr'...(Case {}), in otherwise") $ return $ Case ex' (renameMatch old new <$> matches') annot' | otherwise = return $ Case ex' (renameMatch old new <$> matches') annot' where -- expr' = substituteVar old new expr (Case ex' matches' annot') = substituteVar old new expr renameExpr' old new expr | new `isBindingVarIn` expr = Left $ NameCaptureBindingVar (ppS new) (ppS expr) | otherwise = return $ expr' where expr' = substituteVar old new expr -- Show at least for debugging with Debug.Trace.trace below {-| we want @renameExpr@ to work in whatever monad, just requiring the @Refactoring@ interface, (so @renameZ'@/@renameZ@ can be in line with the other navigation functions) for examples of its usage cf. the simpler function @renameExpr'@ above -} -- not sure if it is a good idea (if we really need) to make renameExpr -- rely on the simpler renameExpr' function, that works just in Either ? -- anyway, it makes the doctests above simpler: -- we *can* use -- (eexpr $ V "a" :@ V "b") >>= renameExpr "a" "xx" -- but we can just as well use the simpler: -- renameExpr' "a" "xx" $ V "a" :@ V "b" renameExpr :: (Refactoring m, Disp (Expr a a), Disp a, Eq a, MkVisible a, Show a) => a -> a -> Expr a a -> m (Expr a a) renameExpr old new ex | Left l <- renameExpr' old new ex = rthrow l | Right r <- renameExpr' old new ex = rsucceed r -- -------------------------------------------------- -- renaming decls {-| rename in declarations, the @Nat@ at position 19 8 of @pitestfiles/Lec3.pi@ to @Natural@ eg., as used throughout, and in (data type) decl 18 in particular: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 19 8 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" Nat >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 19 8 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "Natural" z >>= toDecl 18 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" data Beautiful (n : Natural) : Type where B0 of [n = 0] B3 of [n = 3] B5 of [n = 5] Bsum of (m1:Natural)(m2:Natural)(Beautiful m1)(Beautiful m2)[n = plus m1 m2] <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> likewise @Zero@ occurs at position 21 3 in the context of the definition of @plus@: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" Zero >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= navigate [Up, Up, Up, Up, Up] >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" plus = \ x y. case x of Zero -> y Succ x' -> Succ (plus x' y) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> and we can rename @Nat@ to @Natural@ again (on the module level), and turn our attention to decl 3, where the naturals are actually defined, either in white space aware or abstract syntax (forgetZ): >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "Natural" z >>= toDecl 3 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" data Nat : Type where Natural Succ of (Nat) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> forgetZ z >>= renameZ old "Natural" >>= toDecl 3 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" data Nat : Type where Natural Succ of (_1 : Nat) -} -- Show at least for debugging with Debug.Trace.trace below renameDecl :: (Refactoring m, Disp (Expr a a), Disp a, Eq a, MkVisible a, Show a) => a -> a -> Decl a a -> m (Decl a a) renameDecl old new (Def x expr) | x == old = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; return $ Def new expr' } | otherwise = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; return $ Def x expr' } renameDecl old new (Def_ nm eq expr) | name' nm == old = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; return $ Def_ (Nm1_ new ws) eq expr' } | otherwise = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; return $ Def_ nm eq expr' } where (Nm1_ _ ws) = nm -- recall: -- signature decls -- eg. foo : bar renameDecl old new (Sig nm ex) | nm == old = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new ex ; return $ Sig new expr' } | otherwise = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new ex ; return $ Sig nm expr' } renameDecl old new (Sig_ nm colontok ex) | name' nm == old = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new ex ; return $ Sig_ (Nm1_ new ws) colontok expr' } | otherwise = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new ex ; return $ Sig_ nm colontok expr' } where (Nm1_ _ ws) = nm {- data type decls, eg. data Nat : Type where Zero Succ of (Nat) -} -- start out w/ no renaming at all -- renameDecl _ _ d@(Data {}) = return d -- renameDecl _ _ d@(Data_ {}) = return d renameDecl old new (Data tt tele constrdefs) = -- Data <$> (pure $ if tt == old then new else tt) <*> (renameTele old new tele) <*> pure constrdefs Data <$> (pure $ if tt == old then new else tt) <*> (renameTele old new tele) <*> pure (renameConstructorDef old new <$> constrdefs) renameDecl old new (Data_ datatok nm tele colontok ex wheretoken maybo constrdefsAndMaySemiCola maybc ) = Data_ <$> pure datatok <*> (pure $ if name' nm == old then (Nm1_ new ws) else nm) <*> (renameTele old new tele) <*> pure colontok <*> pure ex <*> pure wheretoken <*> pure maybo -- need to do renaming in constructor defs as well <*> pure [(renameConstructorDef old new cd, semi) | (cd, semi) <- constrdefsAndMaySemiCola] <*> pure maybc where (Nm1_ _ ws) = nm -- TODO to be completed for the remaining constraint constructors -- -- | ConsWildInParens_ Eps (Token 'ParenOpenTy t) (Binder t) (Expr t a) (Token 'ParenCloseTy t) (Telescope t a) -- -- | ConsInBrackets_ Eps (Token 'BracketOpenTy t) (Nm t) (Token 'ColonTy t) (Expr t a) (Token 'BracketCloseTy t) (Telescope t a) -- -- -- need this as well - cf. equal_ -- -- -- should keep = as well -- -- | Constraint_ (Token 'BracketOpenTy t) (Expr t a) (Token 'EqualTy t) (Expr t a) (Token 'BracketCloseTy t) (Telescope t a) renameTele _ _ EmptyTele = pure EmptyTele renameTele old new (Cons eps tt ex tele) = Cons <$> pure eps <*> pure (if tt==old then new else tt) <*> (renameExpr old new ex) <*> (renameTele old new tele) renameTele old new (ConsInParens_ eps po nm col ex pc tele) = ConsInParens_ <$> pure eps <*> pure po <*> (pure $ if name' nm == old then (Nm1_ new ws) else nm) <*> pure col <*> (renameExpr old new ex) <*> pure pc <*> (renameTele old new tele) where (Nm1_ _ ws) = nm renameTele old new (Constraint ex1 ex2 tele) = Constraint <$> (renameExpr old new ex1) <*> (renameExpr old new ex2) <*> (renameTele old new tele) renameConstructorDef old new cd@(ConstructorDef {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd renameConstructorDef old new cd@(ConstructorDef' {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd renameConstructorDef old new cd@(ConstructorDef_ {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd renameConstructorDef old new cd@(ConstructorDef'_ {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd {-| rename in matches, looks fine to me: >>> renameMatch "Zero" "ZZ" <$> [Match (PatCon "Zero" []) (Scope (LitBool True)),Match (PatCon "Succ" [(RuntimeP, PatVar "n")]) (Scope (LitBool False))] [Match (PatCon "ZZ" []) (Scope (LitBool True)),Match (PatCon "Succ" [(RuntimeP,PatVar "n")]) (Scope (LitBool False))] and in @Lec3.pi@, at position 21 5, there is @Zero@ >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 5 >>= focus Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" Zero this is defined at the module level (somewhere up the syntax tree ie.: @upToBinding2@), and used in the case expression of decl 5 as well: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 5 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> forgetZ z >>= toDecl 5 >>= focus Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" is_zero = \x . case x of Zero -> True (Succ n) -> False now renaming @Zero@ to @ZZ@ works fine: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 5 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> forgetZ z >>= toDecl 5 >>= renameZ old "ZZ" >>= focus Parsing File "pitestfiles/Lec3.pi" is_zero = \x . case x of ZZ -> True (Succ n) -> False -} renameMatch old new cd@(Match {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd renameMatch old new cd@(Match_ {}) = bimap (\tt -> if tt==old then new else tt) (\somea -> if somea==old then new else somea) cd -- -------------------------------------------------- -- rename in the zipper -- similar to upToBinding'/upToBinding -- two function here: -- renameZ takes an old and a new name -- renameZ' just takes a new name (and gets the old name from the state) {-| @renameZ old new z@ rename an @old@ name to a @new@ new in zipper @z@. this function does not require @MonadState (RefactorState a) m@ (but two names: the @old@ one, as well as the @new@ one) some examples, starting with the deliberatly simple @Test.pi@ module: >>> tst <- (runExceptT $ getModules_ ["samples"] "Test") >>= return . last . fromRight' Parsing File "samples/Nat.pi" Parsing File "samples/Nat.pi" Parsing File "samples/Sample.pi" Parsing File "samples/Test.pi" >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= lineColumn 21 9 >>= repr a see what @a@ we are talking about (at position 21 9), navigating there step by step: >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= navigate [Decl 6] >>= repr j = \y . a (\a . x (\a . a)) <BLANKLINE> >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= navigate [Decl 6, Rhs] >>= repr \y . a (\a . x (\a . a)) <BLANKLINE> >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= navigate [Decl 6, Rhs, Rhs] >>= repr a (\a . x (\a . a)) <BLANKLINE> >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= navigate [Decl 6, Rhs, Rhs, Lhs] >>= repr a in any case, this is the @a@ bound at the top level, thus renaming changes it throughout the module (but not the deeper locally bound instances). >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= lineColumn 21 9 >>= upToBinding >>= renameZ "a" "A" >>= focus <BLANKLINE> -- leading ws, module copied from M.pi, do not touch though: used in the doctests <BLANKLINE> module Main where <BLANKLINE> import Nat import Sample <BLANKLINE> A = \x . 2 <BLANKLINE> b = \x [ y ] z . x 2 <BLANKLINE> k = \x . frec x <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> f = \x . A x g = \x . c x <BLANKLINE> hh = \ yy . A (\a . x a) <BLANKLINE> j = \y . A (\a . x (\a . a)) frec = \y . frec (\a . x (\a . a)) <BLANKLINE> cf this very example renamed with @renameZ'@ below. as of February 2016: can now rename by means of @upToBinding2@, which works with the simpler @ezipper@ like so (rename @pred@ to @predecessor@): @pred@ can be found at position 21 3, its definition at the module level: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= focus Parsing File "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" pred >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= focus Parsing File "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" pred renaming @pred@ to @predecessor@ - throughout the module ie. (the result thus too long to be shown here, but you can try this out yourself): >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "predecessor" z >>= repr ... but cf. its usage in decl 12 (@mult@) eg. >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "predecessor" z >>= toDecl 12 >>= repr Parsing File "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" mult = \ n m . case n of Zero -> Zero Succ predecessor -> plus m (mult predecessor m) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> replace @pred@ by @predecessor@ (in both: signature + def) in the non white space aware (regular absy) case: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module' "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= toDecl 4 >>= left >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "predecessor" z >>= repr ... likewise in the whitespace aware case (same means of navigation to @pred@ - can navigate there by lineColumn as well, of course, cf. below), ie. @pred@ -> @predecessor@, in both: sig+def: >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= toDecl 4 >>= left >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "predecessor" z >>= repr ... as above, but navigate to @pred@ with lineColumn >>> (pp . fromRight' <$>) $ module_ "pitestfiles/Nat.pi" >>= \m -> return $ (ezipper $ Mod $ t2s $ nopos m) >>= lineColumn 21 3 >>= upToBinding2 >>= \(old, z) -> renameZ old "predecessor" z >>= repr ... -} -- Show at least for debugging with Debug.Trace.trace below renameZ :: (Refactoring m, Disp (Expr a a), Disp a, Eq a, MkVisible a, Show a) => a -> a -> Zipper a -> m (Zipper a) renameZ old new (Dcl decl, bs) = do { ; decl' <- renameDecl old new decl ; rsucceed (Dcl decl', bs) } renameZ old new (Exp expr, bs) = do { ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; rsucceed (Exp expr', bs) } renameZ old new z@(Aa _, _) = do { ; up z >>= \z' -> renameZ old new z' } renameZ old new (Mod (Module nm mimports mdecls mconstrs), bs) = do { ; dcls <- forM mdecls (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) ; rsucceed (Mod (Module nm mimports dcls mconstrs), bs) } renameZ old new (Mod m@(Module_ {..}), bs) = do { -- any better / simpler - in one line maybe ? -- ; dcls <- forM ((^. decls) m) (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) ; dcls <- forM (_decls) (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) ; rsucceed $ (Mod $ over (decls) (\_-> dcls) m, bs) } {-| @renameZ' new z@ rename a name a zipper @z@, to a @new@ one. this function requires MonadState (RefactorState a) m idea/requirement: the name encountered has been recorded as the old name in the state, @renamaZ'@ thus only needs the @new@ name continuing with the example above (this time just using the more convenient @module_@ for parsing the @Test@ module): moving upwards with @upToBinding@ (that records the name encountered) and then using @renameZ'@ for the renameing (that just needs the new name @AAA@) >>> tst <- module_ "samples/Test" >>= return Parsing File "samples/Nat.pi" Parsing File "samples/Nat.pi" Parsing File "samples/Sample.pi" Parsing File "samples/Test.pi" >>> pp $ fromRight' $ refactor $ (rzipper $ Mod $ t2s $ tst) >>= lineColumn 21 9 >>= upToBinding >>= renameZ' "AAA" >>= repr <BLANKLINE> -- leading ws, module copied from M.pi, do not touch though: used in the doctests <BLANKLINE> module Main where <BLANKLINE> import Nat import Sample <BLANKLINE> AAA = \x . 2 <BLANKLINE> b = \x [ y ] z . x 2 <BLANKLINE> k = \x . frec x <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> f = \x . AAA x g = \x . c x <BLANKLINE> hh = \ yy . AAA (\a . x a) <BLANKLINE> j = \y . AAA (\a . x (\a . a)) frec = \y . frec (\a . x (\a . a)) <BLANKLINE> TODO think about if it is possible at all now to get an "no old name found" error for renameZ, as there is now only * upToBinding, which does record the name * upToBinding2, which takes the old name as a param -} renameZ' :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadState (RefactorState a) m, MkVisible a, Disp a, Disp (Expr a a), Refactoring m) => a -> Zipper a -> m (Zipper a) renameZ' new (Dcl decl, bs) = do { ; Just old <- oldNmFound <$> get ; decl' <- renameDecl old new decl ; rsucceed (Dcl decl', bs) } renameZ' new (Exp expr, bs) = do { ; Just old <- oldNmFound <$> get ; expr' <- renameExpr old new expr ; rsucceed (Exp expr', bs) } renameZ' new z@(Aa _, _) = do { ; Just old <- oldNmFound <$> get ; up z >>= renameZ old new } renameZ' new (Mod (Module nm mimports mdecls mconstrs), bs) = do { ; Just old <- oldNmFound <$> get ; dcls <- forM mdecls (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) ; rsucceed (Mod (Module nm mimports dcls mconstrs), bs) } -- reworked in July 2016: consider the possibility of -- "no old name found" -- but maybe not necessary, as there is only upToBinding/upToBinding2 left -- renameZ' new (Mod m@(Module_ {..}), bs) = do { -- ; Just old <- oldNmFound <$> get -- ; dcls <- forM (_decls) (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) -- ; rsucceed $ (Mod $ over (decls) (\_-> dcls) m, bs) -- } renameZ' new (Mod m@(Module_ {..}), bs) = oldNmFound <$> get >>= \o -> maybe (rfail "renameZ' new (Mod m@(Module_ {..}), bs): no old name found") (\old -> do { ; dcls <- forM (_decls) (\decl -> renameDecl old new decl) ; rsucceed $ (Mod $ over (decls) (\_-> dcls) m, bs) }) o #ifdef PiForallInstalled -- typecheckM m -- stuff st = -- (do -- ; silence $ runExceptT $ getModules ["keepme"] "Foo.pi" -- ; return () -- ) -- typecheckM m@(Module {..}) = -- (do -- ; let m' = untie m -- ; r <- runTcMonad emptyEnv (tcModules [m']) -- ; return r -- -- ; case r of -- -- Left x -> -- -- Right y -> return y -- ) -- typecheckM_ m@(Module_ {..}) = -- (do -- ; let m' = untie m -- ; runTcMonad emptyEnv (tcModules [m']) -- ; return () -- ) #endif -- instance Rename (Zipper a) a where -- rename = renameZ' -- renameTo :: (Eq a, MonadState (RefactorState a) m, Disp a, Refactoring m) => -- a -> Zipper a -> m (Zipper a) -- renameTo new zipper@(Ex expr, bs) = -- (do -- ; st <- get -- ; case oldNmFound st of -- Nothing -> rfail $ "no old name found to rename" -- Just old -> renameZ' old new zipper >>= \renamed -> return renamed -- ) ; -- renameTo new zipper@(Mod (Module nm imports decls constrs), bs) = -- (do -- ; st <- get -- ; case oldNmFound st of -- Nothing -> rfail $ "no old name found to rename" -- Just old -> renameZ' old new zipper >>= \renamed -> return renamed -- ) -- -- rnm :: (Refactoring m, MonadWriter String m) -- -- => Module String String -> Path -> String -> m (Module String String) -- rnm mdl path new = -- (do -- ; let zipper = (Mod mdl, []) -- ; when (new `L.elem` topLevelVars mdl) -- )
module PatBind1 where main :: Int main = sum xs x :: Int xs :: [Int] (x:xs) = [1, 2, 3] y :: Int ys :: [Int] (y:ys) = [4, 5]
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Language.Fortran.Model.Op.Meta.Core where -- import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) -- import Data.Word (Word8) -- import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (MonadReader (ask)) -- import Data.SBV -- import Data.SBV.Dynamic -- import Data.SBV.Internals (SBV (..)) -- import Language.Expression -- import Language.Expression.Pretty -- import Language.Fortran.Model.EvalPrim -- import Language.Fortran.Model.Types -- import Language.Fortran.Model.MetaOp.Repr
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, PatternGuards #-} module Reflex.Dynamic.TH (qDyn, unqDyn, mkDyn) where import Reflex.Dynamic import Language.Haskell.TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Data.Data import Control.Monad.State import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs import qualified Language.Haskell.Meta.Syntax.Translate as Hs import Data.Monoid import Data.Generics -- | Quote a Dynamic expression. Within the quoted expression, you can use '$(unqDyn [| x |])' to refer to any expression 'x' of type 'Dynamic t a'; the unquoted result will be of type 'a' qDyn :: Q Exp -> Q Exp qDyn qe = do e <- qe let f :: forall d. Data d => d -> StateT [(Name, Exp)] Q d f d = case eqT of Just (Refl :: d :~: Exp) | AppE (VarE m) eInner <- d , m == 'unqMarker -> do n <- lift $ newName "dyn" modify ((n, eInner):) return $ VarE n _ -> gmapM f d (e', exprsReversed) <- runStateT (gmapM f e) [] let exprs = reverse exprsReversed arg = foldr (\a b -> ConE 'FHCons `AppE` a `AppE` b) (ConE 'FHNil) $ map snd exprs param = foldr (\a b -> ConP 'HCons [VarP a, b]) (ConP 'HNil []) $ map fst exprs [| mapDyn $(return $ LamE [param] e') =<< distributeFHListOverDyn $(return arg) |] unqDyn :: Q Exp -> Q Exp unqDyn e = [| unqMarker $e |] -- | This type represents an occurrence of unqDyn before it has been processed by qDyn. If you see it in a type error, it probably means that unqDyn has been used outside of a qDyn context. data UnqDyn -- unqMarker must not be exported; it is used only as a way of smuggling data from unqDyn to qDyn --TODO: It would be much nicer if the TH AST was extensible to support this kind of thing without trickery unqMarker :: a -> UnqDyn unqMarker = error "An unqDyn expression was used outside of a qDyn expression" mkDyn :: QuasiQuoter mkDyn = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = mkDynExp , quotePat = error "mkDyn: pattern splices are not supported" , quoteType = error "mkDyn: type splices are not supported" , quoteDec = error "mkDyn: declaration splices are not supported" } mkDynExp :: String -> Q Exp mkDynExp s = case Hs.parseExpWithMode (Hs.defaultParseMode { Hs.extensions = [ Hs.EnableExtension Hs.TemplateHaskell ] }) s of Hs.ParseFailed (Hs.SrcLoc _ l c) err -> fail $ "mkDyn:" <> show l <> ":" <> show c <> ": " <> err Hs.ParseOk e -> qDyn $ return $ everywhere (id `extT` reinstateUnqDyn) $ Hs.toExp $ everywhere (id `extT` antiE) e where TH.Name (TH.OccName occName) (TH.NameG _ _ (TH.ModName modName)) = 'unqMarker antiE x = case x of Hs.SpliceExp se -> Hs.App (Hs.Var $ Hs.Qual (Hs.ModuleName modName) (Hs.Ident occName)) $ case se of Hs.IdSplice v -> Hs.Var $ Hs.UnQual $ Hs.Ident v Hs.ParenSplice ps -> ps _ -> x reinstateUnqDyn (TH.Name (TH.OccName occName') (TH.NameQ (TH.ModName modName'))) | modName == modName' && occName == occName' = 'unqMarker reinstateUnqDyn x = x
-- Command-line based Flapjax compiler. Run without any options for usage -- information. module Main where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.List as L import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment hiding (withArgs) import System.Directory import BrownPLT.Html (renderHtml) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec(ParseError,parseFromFile) import Flapjax.HtmlEmbedding() import Flapjax.Parser(parseScript) -- for standalone mode import BrownPLT.Html.PermissiveParser (parseHtmlFromString) import Flapjax.Compiler import BrownPLT.JavaScript.Parser (parseExpression) import BrownPLT.JavaScript.Lexer import BrownPLT.JavaScript.PrettyPrint import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (getInput) import BrownPLT.Flapjax.CompilerMessage import BrownPLT.Flapjax.Interface import Text.XHtml (showHtml,toHtml,HTML) data Option = Usage | Flapjax String | Stdin | Output String | Stdout | ExprMode | WebMode deriving (Eq,Ord) options:: [OptDescr Option] options = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Usage) "shows this help message" , Option ['f'] ["flapjax-path"] (ReqArg Flapjax "URL") "url of flapjax.js" , Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "FILE") "output path" , Option [] ["stdout"] (NoArg Stdout) "write to standard output" , Option [] ["stdin"] (NoArg Stdin) "read from standard input" , Option [] ["expression"] (NoArg ExprMode) "compile a single expression" , Option [] ["web-mode"] (NoArg WebMode) "web-compiler mode" ] checkUsage (Usage:_) = do putStrLn "Flapjax Compiler (fxc-2.0)" putStrLn (usageInfo "Usage: fxc [OPTION ...] file" options) exitSuccess checkUsage _ = return () getFlapjaxPath :: [Option] -> IO (String,[Option]) getFlapjaxPath ((Flapjax s):rest) = return (s,rest) getFlapjaxPath rest = do s <- getInstalledFlapjaxPath return ("file://" ++ s,rest) getInput :: [String] -> [Option] -> IO (Handle,String,[Option]) getInput [] (Stdin:rest) = return (stdin,"stdin",rest) getInput [path] options = do h <- openFile path ReadMode return (h,path,options) getInput [] _ = do hPutStrLn stderr "neither --stdin nor an input file was specified" exitFailure getInput (_:_) _ = do hPutStrLn stderr "multiple input files specified" exitFailure getOutput :: String -> [Option] -> IO (Handle,[Option]) getOutput _ (Stdout:rest) = return (stdout,rest) getOutput _ ((Output outputName):rest) = do h <- openFile outputName WriteMode return (h,rest) getOutput inputName options = do h <- openFile (inputName ++ ".html") WriteMode return (h,options) getWebMode :: [Option] -> IO (Bool,[Option]) getWebMode (WebMode:[]) = return (True, []) getWebMode (WebMode:_) = do hPutStrLn stderr "invalid arguments, use -h for help" exitFailure getWebMode options = return (False,options) getExprMode (ExprMode:[]) = return (True, []) getExprMode (ExprMode:_) = do hPutStrLn stderr "invalid arguments, use -h for help" exitFailure getExprMode args = return (False, args) parseExpr = do whiteSpace e <- parseExpression eof return e main = do argv <- getArgs let (permutedArgs,files,errors) = getOpt Permute options argv unless (null errors) $ do mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errors exitFailure let args = L.sort permutedArgs checkUsage args (fxPath,args) <- getFlapjaxPath args (inputHandle,inputName,args) <- getInput files args (outputHandle,args) <- getOutput inputName args (isExprMode, args) <- getExprMode args (isWebMode, args) <- getWebMode args unless (null args) $ do hPutStrLn stderr "invalid arguments, use -h for help" exitFailure -- monomorphism restriction, I think let showErr :: (Show a, HTML a) => a -> String showErr = if isWebMode then showHtml.toHtml else show inputText <- hGetContents inputHandle case isExprMode of True -> case parse parseExpr "web request" inputText of Left _ -> do hPutStr outputHandle "throw \'parse error\'" exitFailure Right fxExpr -> do jsExpr <- compileExpr defaults fxExpr hPutStr outputHandle (renderExpression jsExpr) exitSuccess False -> case parseHtmlFromString inputName inputText of Left err -> do -- TODO: web mode is different hPutStrLn stderr (showErr err) exitFailure Right (html,_) -> do -- ignoring all warnings (msgs,outHtml) <- compilePage (defaults { flapjaxPath = fxPath }) html -- TODO: web mode is different mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . showErr) msgs hPutStrLn outputHandle (renderHtml outHtml) hClose outputHandle exitSuccess
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : Network.TLS.Backend -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- A Backend represents a unified way to do IO on different -- types without burdening our calling API with multiple -- ways to initialize a new context. -- -- Typically, a backend provides: -- * a way to read data -- * a way to write data -- * a way to close the stream -- * a way to flush the stream -- module Network.TLS.Backend ( HasBackend(..) , Backend(..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import System.IO (Handle, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), hFlush, hClose) #ifdef INCLUDE_NETWORK import Control.Monad import qualified Network.Socket as Network (Socket, sClose) import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Network #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_HANS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Hans.NetworkStack as Hans #endif -- | Connection IO backend data Backend = Backend { backendFlush :: IO () -- ^ Flush the connection sending buffer, if any. , backendClose :: IO () -- ^ Close the connection. , backendSend :: ByteString -> IO () -- ^ Send a bytestring through the connection. , backendRecv :: Int -> IO ByteString -- ^ Receive specified number of bytes from the connection. } class HasBackend a where initializeBackend :: a -> IO () getBackend :: a -> Backend instance HasBackend Backend where initializeBackend _ = return () getBackend = id #ifdef INCLUDE_NETWORK instance HasBackend Network.Socket where initializeBackend _ = return () getBackend sock = Backend (return ()) (Network.sClose sock) (Network.sendAll sock) recvAll where recvAll n = B.concat `fmap` loop n where loop 0 = return [] loop left = do r <- Network.recv sock left if B.null r then return [] else liftM (r:) (loop (left - B.length r)) #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_HANS instance HasBackend Hans.Socket where initializeBackend _ = return () getBackend sock = Backend (return ()) (Hans.close sock) sendAll recvAll where sendAll x = do amt <- fromIntegral `fmap` Hans.sendBytes sock (L.fromStrict x) if (amt == 0) || (amt == B.length x) then return () else sendAll (B.drop amt x) recvAll n = loop (fromIntegral n) L.empty loop 0 acc = return (L.toStrict acc) loop left acc = do r <- Hans.recvBytes sock left if L.null r then loop 0 acc else loop (left - L.length r) (acc `L.append` r) #endif instance HasBackend Handle where initializeBackend handle = hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering getBackend handle = Backend (hFlush handle) (hClose handle) (B.hPut handle) (B.hGet handle)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Yesod.WebSockets ( -- * Core API WebSocketsT , webSockets , webSocketsWith , webSocketsOptions , webSocketsOptionsWith , receiveData , receiveDataE , receiveDataMessageE , sendPing , sendPingE , sendClose , sendCloseE , sendTextData , sendTextDataE , sendBinaryData , sendBinaryDataE , sendDataMessageE -- * Conduit API , sourceWS , sinkWSText , sinkWSBinary -- * Async helpers , race , race_ , concurrently , concurrently_ -- * Re-exports from websockets , WS.defaultConnectionOptions , WS.ConnectionOptions (..) ) where import Control.Monad (forever, when) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, MonadReader, ask) import Conduit import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WaiWS import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import qualified Yesod.Core as Y import UnliftIO (SomeException, tryAny, MonadIO, liftIO, MonadUnliftIO, withRunInIO, race, race_, concurrently, concurrently_) -- | A transformer for a WebSockets handler. -- -- Since 0.1.0 type WebSocketsT = ReaderT WS.Connection -- | Attempt to run a WebSockets handler. This function first checks if the -- client initiated a WebSockets connection and, if so, runs the provided -- application, short-circuiting the rest of your handler. If the client did -- not request a WebSockets connection, the rest of your handler will be called -- instead. -- -- Since 0.1.0 webSockets :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Y.MonadHandler m) => WebSocketsT m () -> m () webSockets = webSocketsOptions WS.defaultConnectionOptions -- | Varient of 'webSockets' which allows you to specify -- the WS.ConnectionOptions setttings when upgrading to a websocket connection. -- -- Since 0.2.5 webSocketsOptions :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Y.MonadHandler m) => WS.ConnectionOptions -> WebSocketsT m () -> m () webSocketsOptions opts = webSocketsOptionsWith opts $ const $ return $ Just $ WS.AcceptRequest Nothing [] -- | Varient of 'webSockets' which allows you to specify the 'WS.AcceptRequest' -- setttings when upgrading to a websocket connection. -- -- Since 0.2.4 webSocketsWith :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Y.MonadHandler m) => (WS.RequestHead -> m (Maybe WS.AcceptRequest)) -- ^ A Nothing indicates that the websocket upgrade request should not happen -- and instead the rest of the handler will be called instead. This allows -- you to use 'WS.getRequestSubprotocols' and only accept the request if -- a compatible subprotocol is given. Also, the action runs before upgrading -- the request to websockets, so you can also use short-circuiting handler -- actions such as 'Y.invalidArgs'. -> WebSocketsT m () -> m () webSocketsWith = webSocketsOptionsWith WS.defaultConnectionOptions -- | Varient of 'webSockets' which allows you to specify both -- the WS.ConnectionOptions and the 'WS.AcceptRequest' -- setttings when upgrading to a websocket connection. -- -- Since 0.2.5 webSocketsOptionsWith :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Y.MonadHandler m) => WS.ConnectionOptions -- ^ Custom websockets options -> (WS.RequestHead -> m (Maybe WS.AcceptRequest)) -- ^ A Nothing indicates that the websocket upgrade request should not happen -- and instead the rest of the handler will be called instead. This allows -- you to use 'WS.getRequestSubprotocols' and only accept the request if -- a compatible subprotocol is given. Also, the action runs before upgrading -- the request to websockets, so you can also use short-circuiting handler -- actions such as 'Y.invalidArgs'. -> WebSocketsT m () -> m () webSocketsOptionsWith wsConnOpts buildAr inner = do req <- Y.waiRequest when (WaiWS.isWebSocketsReq req) $ do let rhead = WaiWS.getRequestHead req mar <- buildAr rhead case mar of Nothing -> return () Just ar -> Y.sendRawResponseNoConduit $ \src sink -> withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> WaiWS.runWebSockets wsConnOpts rhead (\pconn -> do conn <- WS.acceptRequestWith pconn ar WS.forkPingThread conn 30 runInIO $ runReaderT inner conn) src sink -- | Wrapper for capturing exceptions wrapWSE :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => (WS.Connection -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> m (Either SomeException ()) wrapWSE ws x = do conn <- ask liftIO $ tryAny $ ws conn x wrapWS :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => (WS.Connection -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> m () wrapWS ws x = do conn <- ask liftIO $ ws conn x -- | Receive a piece of data from the client. -- -- Since 0.1.0 receiveData :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m, WS.WebSocketsData a) => m a receiveData = do conn <- ask liftIO $ WS.receiveData conn -- | Receive a piece of data from the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result or operation -- Since 0.2.2 receiveDataE :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m, WS.WebSocketsData a) => m (Either SomeException a) receiveDataE = do conn <- ask liftIO $ tryAny $ WS.receiveData conn -- | Receive an application message. -- Capture SomeException as the result or operation -- Since 0.2.3 receiveDataMessageE :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => m (Either SomeException WS.DataMessage) receiveDataMessageE = do conn <- ask liftIO $ tryAny $ WS.receiveDataMessage conn -- | Send a textual message to the client. -- -- Since 0.1.0 sendTextData :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m () sendTextData = wrapWS WS.sendTextData -- | Send a textual message to the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result or operation -- and can be used like -- `either handle_exception return =<< sendTextDataE ("Welcome" :: Text)` -- Since 0.2.2 sendTextDataE :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m (Either SomeException ()) sendTextDataE = wrapWSE WS.sendTextData -- | Send a binary message to the client. -- -- Since 0.1.0 sendBinaryData :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m () sendBinaryData = wrapWS WS.sendBinaryData -- | Send a binary message to the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result of operation -- Since 0.2.2 sendBinaryDataE :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m (Either SomeException ()) sendBinaryDataE = wrapWSE WS.sendBinaryData -- | Send a ping message to the client. -- -- Since 0.2.2 sendPing :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> WebSocketsT m () sendPing = wrapWS WS.sendPing -- | Send a ping message to the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result of operation -- Since 0.2.2 sendPingE :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m (Either SomeException ()) sendPingE = wrapWSE WS.sendPing -- | Send a DataMessage to the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result of operation -- Since 0.2.3 sendDataMessageE :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => WS.DataMessage -> m (Either SomeException ()) sendDataMessageE x = do conn <- ask liftIO $ tryAny $ WS.sendDataMessage conn x -- | Send a close request to the client. -- -- Since 0.2.2 sendClose :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> WebSocketsT m () sendClose = wrapWS WS.sendClose -- | Send a close request to the client. -- Capture SomeException as the result of operation -- Since 0.2.2 sendCloseE :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => a -> m (Either SomeException ()) sendCloseE = wrapWSE WS.sendClose -- | A @Source@ of WebSockets data from the user. -- -- Since 0.1.0 sourceWS :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => ConduitT i a m () sourceWS = forever $ lift receiveData >>= yield -- | A @Sink@ for sending textual data to the user. -- -- Since 0.1.0 sinkWSText :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => ConduitT a o m () sinkWSText = mapM_C sendTextData -- | A @Sink@ for sending binary data to the user. -- -- Since 0.1.0 sinkWSBinary :: (MonadIO m, WS.WebSocketsData a, MonadReader WS.Connection m) => ConduitT a o m () sinkWSBinary = mapM_C sendBinaryData
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Faktor.Param where -- $Id$ import Autolib.Reader import Autolib.ToDoc import Data.Typeable import Autolib.Set data Param = Param { von :: Int , bis :: Int , anzahl :: Int } deriving ( Typeable ) p :: Param p = Param { von = 100 , bis = 1000 , anzahl = 3 } $(derives [makeReader, makeToDoc] [''Param]) instance Show Param where show = render . toDoc instance Read Param where readsPrec = parsec_readsPrec
module Layout00014 where instance Indexed (Pull sh a) where Pull ixf _ ! i = ixf i
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, GADTs #-} module CmmLayoutStack ( cmmLayoutStack, setInfoTableStackMap ) where import StgCmmUtils ( callerSaveVolatileRegs ) -- XXX layering violation import StgCmmForeign ( saveThreadState, loadThreadState ) -- XXX layering violation import BasicTypes import Cmm import CmmInfo import BlockId import CLabel import CmmUtils import MkGraph import ForeignCall import CmmLive import CmmProcPoint import SMRep import Hoopl import UniqSupply import Maybes import UniqFM import Util import DynFlags import FastString import Outputable import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.Array as Array import Data.Bits import Data.List (nub) import Control.Monad (liftM) #include "HsVersions.h" {- Note [Stack Layout] The job of this pass is to - replace references to abstract stack Areas with fixed offsets from Sp. - replace the CmmHighStackMark constant used in the stack check with the maximum stack usage of the proc. - save any variables that are live across a call, and reload them as necessary. Before stack allocation, local variables remain live across native calls (CmmCall{ cmm_cont = Just _ }), and after stack allocation local variables are clobbered by native calls. We want to do stack allocation so that as far as possible - stack use is minimized, and - unnecessary stack saves and loads are avoided. The algorithm we use is a variant of linear-scan register allocation, where the stack is our register file. - First, we do a liveness analysis, which annotates every block with the variables live on entry to the block. - We traverse blocks in reverse postorder DFS; that is, we visit at least one predecessor of a block before the block itself. The stack layout flowing from the predecessor of the block will determine the stack layout on entry to the block. - We maintain a data structure Map Label StackMap which describes the contents of the stack and the stack pointer on entry to each block that is a successor of a block that we have visited. - For each block we visit: - Look up the StackMap for this block. - If this block is a proc point (or a call continuation, if we aren't splitting proc points), emit instructions to reload all the live variables from the stack, according to the StackMap. - Walk forwards through the instructions: - At an assignment x = Sp[loc] - Record the fact that Sp[loc] contains x, so that we won't need to save x if it ever needs to be spilled. - At an assignment x = E - If x was previously on the stack, it isn't any more - At the last node, if it is a call or a jump to a proc point - Lay out the stack frame for the call (see setupStackFrame) - emit instructions to save all the live variables - Remember the StackMaps for all the successors - emit an instruction to adjust Sp - If the last node is a branch, then the current StackMap is the StackMap for the successors. - Manifest Sp: replace references to stack areas in this block with real Sp offsets. We cannot do this until we have laid out the stack area for the successors above. In this phase we also eliminate redundant stores to the stack; see elimStackStores. - There is one important gotcha: sometimes we'll encounter a control transfer to a block that we've already processed (a join point), and in that case we might need to rearrange the stack to match what the block is expecting. (exactly the same as in linear-scan register allocation, except here we have the luxury of an infinite supply of temporary variables). - Finally, we update the magic CmmHighStackMark constant with the stack usage of the function, and eliminate the whole stack check if there was no stack use. (in fact this is done as part of the main traversal, by feeding the high-water-mark output back in as an input. I hate cyclic programming, but it's just too convenient sometimes.) There are plenty of tricky details: update frames, proc points, return addresses, foreign calls, and some ad-hoc optimisations that are convenient to do here and effective in common cases. Comments in the code below explain these. -} -- All stack locations are expressed as positive byte offsets from the -- "base", which is defined to be the address above the return address -- on the stack on entry to this CmmProc. -- -- Lower addresses have higher StackLocs. -- type StackLoc = ByteOff {- A StackMap describes the stack at any given point. At a continuation it has a particular layout, like this: | | <- base |-------------| | ret0 | <- base + 8 |-------------| . upd frame . <- base + sm_ret_off |-------------| | | . vars . . (live/dead) . | | <- base + sm_sp - sm_args |-------------| | ret1 | . ret vals . <- base + sm_sp (<--- Sp points here) |-------------| Why do we include the final return address (ret0) in our stack map? I have absolutely no idea, but it seems to be done that way consistently in the rest of the code generator, so I played along here. --SDM Note that we will be constructing an info table for the continuation (ret1), which needs to describe the stack down to, but not including, the update frame (or ret0, if there is no update frame). -} data StackMap = StackMap { sm_sp :: StackLoc -- ^ the offset of Sp relative to the base on entry -- to this block. , sm_args :: ByteOff -- ^ the number of bytes of arguments in the area for this block -- Defn: the offset of young(L) relative to the base is given by -- (sm_sp - sm_args) of the StackMap for block L. , sm_ret_off :: ByteOff -- ^ Number of words of stack that we do not describe with an info -- table, because it contains an update frame. , sm_regs :: UniqFM (LocalReg,StackLoc) -- ^ regs on the stack } instance Outputable StackMap where ppr StackMap{..} = text "Sp = " <> int sm_sp $$ text "sm_args = " <> int sm_args $$ text "sm_ret_off = " <> int sm_ret_off $$ text "sm_regs = " <> ppr (eltsUFM sm_regs) cmmLayoutStack :: DynFlags -> ProcPointSet -> ByteOff -> CmmGraph -> UniqSM (CmmGraph, BlockEnv StackMap) cmmLayoutStack dflags procpoints entry_args graph0@(CmmGraph { g_entry = entry }) = do -- pprTrace "cmmLayoutStack" (ppr entry_args) $ return () -- We need liveness info. We could do removeDeadAssignments at -- the same time, but it buys nothing over doing cmmSink later, -- and costs a lot more than just cmmLocalLiveness. -- (graph, liveness) <- removeDeadAssignments graph0 let (graph, liveness) = (graph0, cmmLocalLiveness dflags graph0) -- pprTrace "liveness" (ppr liveness) $ return () let blocks = postorderDfs graph (final_stackmaps, _final_high_sp, new_blocks) <- mfix $ \ ~(rec_stackmaps, rec_high_sp, _new_blocks) -> layout dflags procpoints liveness entry entry_args rec_stackmaps rec_high_sp blocks new_blocks' <- mapM (lowerSafeForeignCall dflags) new_blocks -- pprTrace ("Sp HWM") (ppr _final_high_sp) $ return () return (ofBlockList entry new_blocks', final_stackmaps) layout :: DynFlags -> BlockSet -- proc points -> BlockEnv CmmLocalLive -- liveness -> BlockId -- entry -> ByteOff -- stack args on entry -> BlockEnv StackMap -- [final] stack maps -> ByteOff -- [final] Sp high water mark -> [CmmBlock] -- [in] blocks -> UniqSM ( BlockEnv StackMap -- [out] stack maps , ByteOff -- [out] Sp high water mark , [CmmBlock] -- [out] new blocks ) layout dflags procpoints liveness entry entry_args final_stackmaps final_sp_high blocks = go blocks init_stackmap entry_args [] where (updfr, cont_info) = collectContInfo blocks init_stackmap = mapSingleton entry StackMap{ sm_sp = entry_args , sm_args = entry_args , sm_ret_off = updfr , sm_regs = emptyUFM } go [] acc_stackmaps acc_hwm acc_blocks = return (acc_stackmaps, acc_hwm, acc_blocks) go (b0 : bs) acc_stackmaps acc_hwm acc_blocks = do let (entry0@(CmmEntry entry_lbl), middle0, last0) = blockSplit b0 let stack0@StackMap { sm_sp = sp0 } = mapFindWithDefault (pprPanic "no stack map for" (ppr entry_lbl)) entry_lbl acc_stackmaps -- pprTrace "layout" (ppr entry_lbl <+> ppr stack0) $ return () -- (a) Update the stack map to include the effects of -- assignments in this block let stack1 = foldBlockNodesF (procMiddle acc_stackmaps) middle0 stack0 -- (b) Insert assignments to reload all the live variables if this -- block is a proc point let middle1 = if entry_lbl `setMember` procpoints then foldr blockCons middle0 (insertReloads stack0) else middle0 -- (c) Look at the last node and if we are making a call or -- jumping to a proc point, we must save the live -- variables, adjust Sp, and construct the StackMaps for -- each of the successor blocks. See handleLastNode for -- details. (middle2, sp_off, last1, fixup_blocks, out) <- handleLastNode dflags procpoints liveness cont_info acc_stackmaps stack1 middle0 last0 -- pprTrace "layout(out)" (ppr out) $ return () -- (d) Manifest Sp: run over the nodes in the block and replace -- CmmStackSlot with CmmLoad from Sp with a concrete offset. -- -- our block: -- middle1 -- the original middle nodes -- middle2 -- live variable saves from handleLastNode -- Sp = Sp + sp_off -- Sp adjustment goes here -- last1 -- the last node -- let middle_pre = blockToList $ foldl blockSnoc middle1 middle2 final_blocks = manifestSp dflags final_stackmaps stack0 sp0 final_sp_high entry0 middle_pre sp_off last1 fixup_blocks acc_stackmaps' = mapUnion acc_stackmaps out -- If this block jumps to the GC, then we do not take its -- stack usage into account for the high-water mark. -- Otherwise, if the only stack usage is in the stack-check -- failure block itself, we will do a redundant stack -- check. The stack has a buffer designed to accommodate -- the largest amount of stack needed for calling the GC. -- this_sp_hwm | isGcJump last0 = 0 | otherwise = sp0 - sp_off hwm' = maximum (acc_hwm : this_sp_hwm : map sm_sp (mapElems out)) go bs acc_stackmaps' hwm' (final_blocks ++ acc_blocks) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Not foolproof, but GCFun is the culprit we most want to catch isGcJump :: CmmNode O C -> Bool isGcJump (CmmCall { cml_target = CmmReg (CmmGlobal l) }) = l == GCFun || l == GCEnter1 isGcJump _something_else = False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This doesn't seem right somehow. We need to find out whether this -- proc will push some update frame material at some point, so that we -- can avoid using that area of the stack for spilling. The -- updfr_space field of the CmmProc *should* tell us, but it doesn't -- (I think maybe it gets filled in later when we do proc-point -- splitting). -- -- So we'll just take the max of all the cml_ret_offs. This could be -- unnecessarily pessimistic, but probably not in the code we -- generate. collectContInfo :: [CmmBlock] -> (ByteOff, BlockEnv ByteOff) collectContInfo blocks = (maximum ret_offs, mapFromList (catMaybes mb_argss)) where (mb_argss, ret_offs) = mapAndUnzip get_cont blocks get_cont :: Block CmmNode x C -> (Maybe (Label, ByteOff), ByteOff) get_cont b = case lastNode b of CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l, .. } -> (Just (l, cml_ret_args), cml_ret_off) CmmForeignCall { .. } -> (Just (succ, ret_args), ret_off) _other -> (Nothing, 0) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Updating the StackMap from middle nodes -- Look for loads from stack slots, and update the StackMap. This is -- purely for optimisation reasons, so that we can avoid saving a -- variable back to a different stack slot if it is already on the -- stack. -- -- This happens a lot: for example when function arguments are passed -- on the stack and need to be immediately saved across a call, we -- want to just leave them where they are on the stack. -- procMiddle :: BlockEnv StackMap -> CmmNode e x -> StackMap -> StackMap procMiddle stackmaps node sm = case node of CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot area off) _) -> sm { sm_regs = addToUFM (sm_regs sm) r (r,loc) } where loc = getStackLoc area off stackmaps CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) _other -> sm { sm_regs = delFromUFM (sm_regs sm) r } _other -> sm getStackLoc :: Area -> ByteOff -> BlockEnv StackMap -> StackLoc getStackLoc Old n _ = n getStackLoc (Young l) n stackmaps = case mapLookup l stackmaps of Nothing -> pprPanic "getStackLoc" (ppr l) Just sm -> sm_sp sm - sm_args sm + n -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling stack allocation for a last node -- We take a single last node and turn it into: -- -- C1 (some statements) -- Sp = Sp + N -- C2 (some more statements) -- call f() -- the actual last node -- -- plus possibly some more blocks (we may have to add some fixup code -- between the last node and the continuation). -- -- C1: is the code for saving the variables across this last node onto -- the stack, if the continuation is a call or jumps to a proc point. -- -- C2: if the last node is a safe foreign call, we have to inject some -- extra code that goes *after* the Sp adjustment. handleLastNode :: DynFlags -> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv CmmLocalLive -> BlockEnv ByteOff -> BlockEnv StackMap -> StackMap -> Block CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O C -> UniqSM ( [CmmNode O O] -- nodes to go *before* the Sp adjustment , ByteOff -- amount to adjust Sp , CmmNode O C -- new last node , [CmmBlock] -- new blocks , BlockEnv StackMap -- stackmaps for the continuations ) handleLastNode dflags procpoints liveness cont_info stackmaps stack0@StackMap { sm_sp = sp0 } middle last = case last of -- At each return / tail call, -- adjust Sp to point to the last argument pushed, which -- is cml_args, after popping any other junk from the stack. CmmCall{ cml_cont = Nothing, .. } -> do let sp_off = sp0 - cml_args return ([], sp_off, last, [], mapEmpty) -- At each CmmCall with a continuation: CmmCall{ cml_cont = Just cont_lbl, .. } -> return $ lastCall cont_lbl cml_args cml_ret_args cml_ret_off CmmForeignCall{ succ = cont_lbl, .. } -> do return $ lastCall cont_lbl (wORD_SIZE dflags) ret_args ret_off -- one word of args: the return address CmmBranch{..} -> handleBranches CmmCondBranch{..} -> handleBranches CmmSwitch{..} -> handleBranches where -- Calls and ForeignCalls are handled the same way: lastCall :: BlockId -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> ( [CmmNode O O] , ByteOff , CmmNode O C , [CmmBlock] , BlockEnv StackMap ) lastCall lbl cml_args cml_ret_args cml_ret_off = ( assignments , spOffsetForCall sp0 cont_stack cml_args , last , [] -- no new blocks , mapSingleton lbl cont_stack ) where (assignments, cont_stack) = prepareStack lbl cml_ret_args cml_ret_off prepareStack lbl cml_ret_args cml_ret_off | Just cont_stack <- mapLookup lbl stackmaps -- If we have already seen this continuation before, then -- we just have to make the stack look the same: = (fixupStack stack0 cont_stack, cont_stack) -- Otherwise, we have to allocate the stack frame | otherwise = (save_assignments, new_cont_stack) where (new_cont_stack, save_assignments) = setupStackFrame dflags lbl liveness cml_ret_off cml_ret_args stack0 -- For other last nodes (branches), if any of the targets is a -- proc point, we have to set up the stack to match what the proc -- point is expecting. -- handleBranches :: UniqSM ( [CmmNode O O] , ByteOff , CmmNode O C , [CmmBlock] , BlockEnv StackMap ) handleBranches -- Note [diamond proc point] | Just l <- futureContinuation middle , (nub $ filter (`setMember` procpoints) $ successors last) == [l] = do let cont_args = mapFindWithDefault 0 l cont_info (assigs, cont_stack) = prepareStack l cont_args (sm_ret_off stack0) out = mapFromList [ (l', cont_stack) | l' <- successors last ] return ( assigs , spOffsetForCall sp0 cont_stack (wORD_SIZE dflags) , last , [] , out) | otherwise = do pps <- mapM handleBranch (successors last) let lbl_map :: LabelMap Label lbl_map = mapFromList [ (l,tmp) | (l,tmp,_,_) <- pps ] fix_lbl l = mapFindWithDefault l l lbl_map return ( [] , 0 , mapSuccessors fix_lbl last , concat [ blk | (_,_,_,blk) <- pps ] , mapFromList [ (l, sm) | (l,_,sm,_) <- pps ] ) -- For each successor of this block handleBranch :: BlockId -> UniqSM (BlockId, BlockId, StackMap, [CmmBlock]) handleBranch l -- (a) if the successor already has a stackmap, we need to -- shuffle the current stack to make it look the same. -- We have to insert a new block to make this happen. | Just stack2 <- mapLookup l stackmaps = do let assigs = fixupStack stack0 stack2 (tmp_lbl, block) <- makeFixupBlock dflags sp0 l stack2 assigs return (l, tmp_lbl, stack2, block) -- (b) if the successor is a proc point, save everything -- on the stack. | l `setMember` procpoints = do let cont_args = mapFindWithDefault 0 l cont_info (stack2, assigs) = --pprTrace "first visit to proc point" -- (ppr l <+> ppr stack1) $ setupStackFrame dflags l liveness (sm_ret_off stack0) cont_args stack0 -- (tmp_lbl, block) <- makeFixupBlock dflags sp0 l stack2 assigs return (l, tmp_lbl, stack2, block) -- (c) otherwise, the current StackMap is the StackMap for -- the continuation. But we must remember to remove any -- variables from the StackMap that are *not* live at -- the destination, because this StackMap might be used -- by fixupStack if this is a join point. | otherwise = return (l, l, stack1, []) where live = mapFindWithDefault (panic "handleBranch") l liveness stack1 = stack0 { sm_regs = filterUFM is_live (sm_regs stack0) } is_live (r,_) = r `elemRegSet` live makeFixupBlock :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> Label -> StackMap -> [CmmNode O O] -> UniqSM (Label, [CmmBlock]) makeFixupBlock dflags sp0 l stack assigs | null assigs && sp0 == sm_sp stack = return (l, []) | otherwise = do tmp_lbl <- liftM mkBlockId $ getUniqueM let sp_off = sp0 - sm_sp stack block = blockJoin (CmmEntry tmp_lbl) (maybeAddSpAdj dflags sp_off (blockFromList assigs)) (CmmBranch l) return (tmp_lbl, [block]) -- Sp is currently pointing to current_sp, -- we want it to point to -- (sm_sp cont_stack - sm_args cont_stack + args) -- so the difference is -- sp0 - (sm_sp cont_stack - sm_args cont_stack + args) spOffsetForCall :: ByteOff -> StackMap -> ByteOff -> ByteOff spOffsetForCall current_sp cont_stack args = current_sp - (sm_sp cont_stack - sm_args cont_stack + args) -- | create a sequence of assignments to establish the new StackMap, -- given the old StackMap. fixupStack :: StackMap -> StackMap -> [CmmNode O O] fixupStack old_stack new_stack = concatMap move new_locs where old_map = sm_regs old_stack new_locs = stackSlotRegs new_stack move (r,n) | Just (_,m) <- lookupUFM old_map r, n == m = [] | otherwise = [CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n) (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))] setupStackFrame :: DynFlags -> BlockId -- label of continuation -> BlockEnv CmmLocalLive -- liveness -> ByteOff -- updfr -> ByteOff -- bytes of return values on stack -> StackMap -- current StackMap -> (StackMap, [CmmNode O O]) setupStackFrame dflags lbl liveness updfr_off ret_args stack0 = (cont_stack, assignments) where -- get the set of LocalRegs live in the continuation live = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty lbl liveness -- the stack from the base to updfr_off is off-limits. -- our new stack frame contains: -- * saved live variables -- * the return address [young(C) + 8] -- * the args for the call, -- which are replaced by the return values at the return -- point. -- everything up to updfr_off is off-limits -- stack1 contains updfr_off, plus everything we need to save (stack1, assignments) = allocate dflags updfr_off live stack0 -- And the Sp at the continuation is: -- sm_sp stack1 + ret_args cont_stack = stack1{ sm_sp = sm_sp stack1 + ret_args , sm_args = ret_args , sm_ret_off = updfr_off } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note [diamond proc point] -- -- This special case looks for the pattern we get from a typical -- tagged case expression: -- -- Sp[young(L1)] = L1 -- if (R1 & 7) != 0 goto L1 else goto L2 -- L2: -- call [R1] returns to L1 -- L1: live: {y} -- x = R1 -- -- If we let the generic case handle this, we get -- -- Sp[-16] = L1 -- if (R1 & 7) != 0 goto L1a else goto L2 -- L2: -- Sp[-8] = y -- Sp = Sp - 16 -- call [R1] returns to L1 -- L1a: -- Sp[-8] = y -- Sp = Sp - 16 -- goto L1 -- L1: -- x = R1 -- -- The code for saving the live vars is duplicated in each branch, and -- furthermore there is an extra jump in the fast path (assuming L1 is -- a proc point, which it probably is if there is a heap check). -- -- So to fix this we want to set up the stack frame before the -- conditional jump. How do we know when to do this, and when it is -- safe? The basic idea is, when we see the assignment -- -- Sp[young(L)] = L -- -- we know that -- * we are definitely heading for L -- * there can be no more reads from another stack area, because young(L) -- overlaps with it. -- -- We don't necessarily know that everything live at L is live now -- (some might be assigned between here and the jump to L). So we -- simplify and only do the optimisation when we see -- -- (1) a block containing an assignment of a return address L -- (2) ending in a branch where one (and only) continuation goes to L, -- and no other continuations go to proc points. -- -- then we allocate the stack frame for L at the end of the block, -- before the branch. -- -- We could generalise (2), but that would make it a bit more -- complicated to handle, and this currently catches the common case. futureContinuation :: Block CmmNode O O -> Maybe BlockId futureContinuation middle = foldBlockNodesB f middle Nothing where f :: CmmNode a b -> Maybe BlockId -> Maybe BlockId f (CmmStore (CmmStackSlot (Young l) _) (CmmLit (CmmBlock _))) _ = Just l f _ r = r -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Saving live registers -- | Given a set of live registers and a StackMap, save all the registers -- on the stack and return the new StackMap and the assignments to do -- the saving. -- allocate :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> LocalRegSet -> StackMap -> (StackMap, [CmmNode O O]) allocate dflags ret_off live stackmap@StackMap{ sm_sp = sp0 , sm_regs = regs0 } = -- pprTrace "allocate" (ppr live $$ ppr stackmap) $ -- we only have to save regs that are not already in a slot let to_save = filter (not . (`elemUFM` regs0)) (Set.elems live) regs1 = filterUFM (\(r,_) -> elemRegSet r live) regs0 in -- make a map of the stack let stack = reverse $ Array.elems $ accumArray (\_ x -> x) Empty (1, toWords dflags (max sp0 ret_off)) $ ret_words ++ live_words where ret_words = [ (x, Occupied) | x <- [ 1 .. toWords dflags ret_off] ] live_words = [ (toWords dflags x, Occupied) | (r,off) <- eltsUFM regs1, let w = localRegBytes dflags r, x <- [ off, off - wORD_SIZE dflags .. off - w + 1] ] in -- Pass over the stack: find slots to save all the new live variables, -- choosing the oldest slots first (hence a foldr). let save slot ([], stack, n, assigs, regs) -- no more regs to save = ([], slot:stack, plusW dflags n 1, assigs, regs) save slot (to_save, stack, n, assigs, regs) = case slot of Occupied -> (to_save, Occupied:stack, plusW dflags n 1, assigs, regs) Empty | Just (stack', r, to_save') <- select_save to_save (slot:stack) -> let assig = CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n') (CmmReg (CmmLocal r)) n' = plusW dflags n 1 in (to_save', stack', n', assig : assigs, (r,(r,n')):regs) | otherwise -> (to_save, slot:stack, plusW dflags n 1, assigs, regs) -- we should do better here: right now we'll fit the smallest first, -- but it would make more sense to fit the biggest first. select_save :: [LocalReg] -> [StackSlot] -> Maybe ([StackSlot], LocalReg, [LocalReg]) select_save regs stack = go regs [] where go [] _no_fit = Nothing go (r:rs) no_fit | Just rest <- dropEmpty words stack = Just (replicate words Occupied ++ rest, r, rs++no_fit) | otherwise = go rs (r:no_fit) where words = localRegWords dflags r -- fill in empty slots as much as possible (still_to_save, save_stack, n, save_assigs, save_regs) = foldr save (to_save, [], 0, [], []) stack -- push any remaining live vars on the stack (push_sp, push_assigs, push_regs) = foldr push (n, [], []) still_to_save where push r (n, assigs, regs) = (n', assig : assigs, (r,(r,n')) : regs) where n' = n + localRegBytes dflags r assig = CmmStore (CmmStackSlot Old n') (CmmReg (CmmLocal r)) trim_sp | not (null push_regs) = push_sp | otherwise = plusW dflags n (- length (takeWhile isEmpty save_stack)) final_regs = regs1 `addListToUFM` push_regs `addListToUFM` save_regs in -- XXX should be an assert if ( n /= max sp0 ret_off ) then pprPanic "allocate" (ppr n <+> ppr sp0 <+> ppr ret_off) else if (trim_sp .&. (wORD_SIZE dflags - 1)) /= 0 then pprPanic "allocate2" (ppr trim_sp <+> ppr final_regs <+> ppr push_sp) else ( stackmap { sm_regs = final_regs , sm_sp = trim_sp } , push_assigs ++ save_assigs ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Manifesting Sp -- | Manifest Sp: turn all the CmmStackSlots into CmmLoads from Sp. The -- block looks like this: -- -- middle_pre -- the middle nodes -- Sp = Sp + sp_off -- Sp adjustment goes here -- last -- the last node -- -- And we have some extra blocks too (that don't contain Sp adjustments) -- -- The adjustment for middle_pre will be different from that for -- middle_post, because the Sp adjustment intervenes. -- manifestSp :: DynFlags -> BlockEnv StackMap -- StackMaps for other blocks -> StackMap -- StackMap for this block -> ByteOff -- Sp on entry to the block -> ByteOff -- SpHigh -> CmmNode C O -- first node -> [CmmNode O O] -- middle -> ByteOff -- sp_off -> CmmNode O C -- last node -> [CmmBlock] -- new blocks -> [CmmBlock] -- final blocks with Sp manifest manifestSp dflags stackmaps stack0 sp0 sp_high first middle_pre sp_off last fixup_blocks = final_block : fixup_blocks' where area_off = getAreaOff stackmaps adj_pre_sp, adj_post_sp :: CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x adj_pre_sp = mapExpDeep (areaToSp dflags sp0 sp_high area_off) adj_post_sp = mapExpDeep (areaToSp dflags (sp0 - sp_off) sp_high area_off) final_middle = maybeAddSpAdj dflags sp_off $ blockFromList $ map adj_pre_sp $ elimStackStores stack0 stackmaps area_off $ middle_pre final_last = optStackCheck (adj_post_sp last) final_block = blockJoin first final_middle final_last fixup_blocks' = map (mapBlock3' (id, adj_post_sp, id)) fixup_blocks getAreaOff :: BlockEnv StackMap -> (Area -> StackLoc) getAreaOff _ Old = 0 getAreaOff stackmaps (Young l) = case mapLookup l stackmaps of Just sm -> sm_sp sm - sm_args sm Nothing -> pprPanic "getAreaOff" (ppr l) maybeAddSpAdj :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> Block CmmNode O O -> Block CmmNode O O maybeAddSpAdj _ 0 block = block maybeAddSpAdj dflags sp_off block = block `blockSnoc` CmmAssign spReg (cmmOffset dflags (CmmReg spReg) sp_off) {- Sp(L) is the Sp offset on entry to block L relative to the base of the OLD area. SpArgs(L) is the size of the young area for L, i.e. the number of arguments. - in block L, each reference to [old + N] turns into [Sp + Sp(L) - N] - in block L, each reference to [young(L') + N] turns into [Sp + Sp(L) - Sp(L') + SpArgs(L') - N] - be careful with the last node of each block: Sp has already been adjusted to be Sp + Sp(L) - Sp(L') -} areaToSp :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> (Area -> StackLoc) -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr areaToSp dflags sp_old _sp_hwm area_off (CmmStackSlot area n) = cmmOffset dflags (CmmReg spReg) (sp_old - area_off area - n) -- Replace (CmmStackSlot area n) with an offset from Sp areaToSp dflags _ sp_hwm _ (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark) = mkIntExpr dflags sp_hwm -- Replace CmmHighStackMark with the number of bytes of stack used, -- the sp_hwm. See Note [Stack usage] in StgCmmHeap areaToSp dflags _ _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt _) [CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _) [ CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) x_off , CmmLit (CmmInt y_lit _)], CmmReg (CmmGlobal SpLim)]) | fromIntegral x_off >= y_lit = zeroExpr dflags -- Replace a stack-overflow test that cannot fail with a no-op -- See Note [Always false stack check] areaToSp _ _ _ _ other = other -- Note [Always false stack check] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- We can optimise stack checks of the form -- -- if ((Sp + x) - y < SpLim) then .. else .. -- -- where are non-negative integer byte offsets. Since we know that -- SpLim <= Sp (remember the stack grows downwards), this test must -- yield False if (x >= y), so we can rewrite the comparison to False. -- A subsequent sinking pass will later drop the dead code. -- Optimising this away depends on knowing that SpLim <= Sp, so it is -- really the job of the stack layout algorithm, hence we do it now. optStackCheck :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C optStackCheck n = -- Note [null stack check] case n of CmmCondBranch (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)) _true false -> CmmBranch false other -> other -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Eliminate stores of the form -- -- Sp[area+n] = r -- -- when we know that r is already in the same slot as Sp[area+n]. We -- could do this in a later optimisation pass, but that would involve -- a separate analysis and we already have the information to hand -- here. It helps clean up some extra stack stores in common cases. -- -- Note that we may have to modify the StackMap as we walk through the -- code using procMiddle, since an assignment to a variable in the -- StackMap will invalidate its mapping there. -- elimStackStores :: StackMap -> BlockEnv StackMap -> (Area -> ByteOff) -> [CmmNode O O] -> [CmmNode O O] elimStackStores stackmap stackmaps area_off nodes = go stackmap nodes where go _stackmap [] = [] go stackmap (n:ns) = case n of CmmStore (CmmStackSlot area m) (CmmReg (CmmLocal r)) | Just (_,off) <- lookupUFM (sm_regs stackmap) r , area_off area + m == off -> -- pprTrace "eliminated a node!" (ppr r) $ go stackmap ns _otherwise -> n : go (procMiddle stackmaps n stackmap) ns -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Update info tables to include stack liveness setInfoTableStackMap :: DynFlags -> BlockEnv StackMap -> CmmDecl -> CmmDecl setInfoTableStackMap dflags stackmaps (CmmProc top_info@TopInfo{..} l v g) = CmmProc top_info{ info_tbls = mapMapWithKey fix_info info_tbls } l v g where fix_info lbl info_tbl@CmmInfoTable{ cit_rep = StackRep _ } = info_tbl { cit_rep = StackRep (get_liveness lbl) } fix_info _ other = other get_liveness :: BlockId -> Liveness get_liveness lbl = case mapLookup lbl stackmaps of Nothing -> pprPanic "setInfoTableStackMap" (ppr lbl <+> ppr info_tbls) Just sm -> stackMapToLiveness dflags sm setInfoTableStackMap _ _ d = d stackMapToLiveness :: DynFlags -> StackMap -> Liveness stackMapToLiveness dflags StackMap{..} = reverse $ Array.elems $ accumArray (\_ x -> x) True (toWords dflags sm_ret_off + 1, toWords dflags (sm_sp - sm_args)) live_words where live_words = [ (toWords dflags off, False) | (r,off) <- eltsUFM sm_regs, isGcPtrType (localRegType r) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lowering safe foreign calls {- Note [Lower safe foreign calls] We start with Sp[young(L1)] = L1 ,----------------------- | r1 = foo(x,y,z) returns to L1 '----------------------- L1: R1 = r1 -- copyIn, inserted by mkSafeCall ... the stack layout algorithm will arrange to save and reload everything live across the call. Our job now is to expand the call so we get Sp[young(L1)] = L1 ,----------------------- | SAVE_THREAD_STATE() | token = suspendThread(BaseReg, interruptible) | r = foo(x,y,z) | BaseReg = resumeThread(token) | LOAD_THREAD_STATE() | R1 = r -- copyOut | jump Sp[0] '----------------------- L1: r = R1 -- copyIn, inserted by mkSafeCall ... Note the copyOut, which saves the results in the places that L1 is expecting them (see Note {safe foreign call convention]). Note also that safe foreign call is replace by an unsafe one in the Cmm graph. -} lowerSafeForeignCall :: DynFlags -> CmmBlock -> UniqSM CmmBlock lowerSafeForeignCall dflags block | (entry, middle, CmmForeignCall { .. }) <- blockSplit block = do -- Both 'id' and 'new_base' are KindNonPtr because they're -- RTS-only objects and are not subject to garbage collection id <- newTemp (bWord dflags) new_base <- newTemp (cmmRegType dflags (CmmGlobal BaseReg)) let (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs dflags load_tso <- newTemp (gcWord dflags) load_stack <- newTemp (gcWord dflags) let suspend = saveThreadState dflags <*> caller_save <*> mkMiddle (callSuspendThread dflags id intrbl) midCall = mkUnsafeCall tgt res args resume = mkMiddle (callResumeThread new_base id) <*> -- Assign the result to BaseReg: we -- might now have a different Capability! mkAssign (CmmGlobal BaseReg) (CmmReg (CmmLocal new_base)) <*> caller_load <*> loadThreadState dflags load_tso load_stack (_, regs, copyout) = copyOutOflow dflags NativeReturn Jump (Young succ) (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) res) ret_off [] -- NB. after resumeThread returns, the top-of-stack probably contains -- the stack frame for succ, but it might not: if the current thread -- received an exception during the call, then the stack might be -- different. Hence we continue by jumping to the top stack frame, -- not by jumping to succ. jump = CmmCall { cml_target = entryCode dflags $ CmmLoad (CmmReg spReg) (bWord dflags) , cml_cont = Just succ , cml_args_regs = regs , cml_args = widthInBytes (wordWidth dflags) , cml_ret_args = ret_args , cml_ret_off = ret_off } graph' <- lgraphOfAGraph $ suspend <*> midCall <*> resume <*> copyout <*> mkLast jump case toBlockList graph' of [one] -> let (_, middle', last) = blockSplit one in return (blockJoin entry (middle `blockAppend` middle') last) _ -> panic "lowerSafeForeignCall0" -- Block doesn't end in a safe foreign call: | otherwise = return block foreignLbl :: FastString -> CmmExpr foreignLbl name = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel name Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)) newTemp :: CmmType -> UniqSM LocalReg newTemp rep = getUniqueM >>= \u -> return (LocalReg u rep) callSuspendThread :: DynFlags -> LocalReg -> Bool -> CmmNode O O callSuspendThread dflags id intrbl = CmmUnsafeForeignCall (ForeignTarget (foreignLbl (fsLit "suspendThread")) (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint, NoHint] [AddrHint] CmmMayReturn)) [id] [CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg), mkIntExpr dflags (fromEnum intrbl)] callResumeThread :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> CmmNode O O callResumeThread new_base id = CmmUnsafeForeignCall (ForeignTarget (foreignLbl (fsLit "resumeThread")) (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint] [AddrHint] CmmMayReturn)) [new_base] [CmmReg (CmmLocal id)] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plusW :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> WordOff -> ByteOff plusW dflags b w = b + w * wORD_SIZE dflags data StackSlot = Occupied | Empty -- Occupied: a return address or part of an update frame instance Outputable StackSlot where ppr Occupied = ptext (sLit "XXX") ppr Empty = ptext (sLit "---") dropEmpty :: WordOff -> [StackSlot] -> Maybe [StackSlot] dropEmpty 0 ss = Just ss dropEmpty n (Empty : ss) = dropEmpty (n-1) ss dropEmpty _ _ = Nothing isEmpty :: StackSlot -> Bool isEmpty Empty = True isEmpty _ = False localRegBytes :: DynFlags -> LocalReg -> ByteOff localRegBytes dflags r = roundUpToWords dflags (widthInBytes (typeWidth (localRegType r))) localRegWords :: DynFlags -> LocalReg -> WordOff localRegWords dflags = toWords dflags . localRegBytes dflags toWords :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> WordOff toWords dflags x = x `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags insertReloads :: StackMap -> [CmmNode O O] insertReloads stackmap = [ CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot Old sp) (localRegType r)) | (r,sp) <- stackSlotRegs stackmap ] stackSlotRegs :: StackMap -> [(LocalReg, StackLoc)] stackSlotRegs sm = eltsUFM (sm_regs sm)