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Hi im nancy from australia im 43 single no children Ive been on marvelon for 20 years Ive stopped taking it approx 1 year ago n my stomach feels bloated n gained weight around abdomen n mid section I experience sharp pain in my lower abdomen as well.I always feel tired n being a small framed woman never been over 54kg now im 62kg!! Im thinking to get back on marvelon and get thyroid tested ??????
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Hi Nancy! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Getting back to Marvel on might not solve your problem of gaining weight and feeling tired. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for a thyroid function test along with a serum lipid profile, a blood sugar, and a complete blood count followed by an ultrasound of the abdomen to see the state of your pelvic organs specially the ovaries. I would decide on starting any medications only after the investigations reports were ready. At the same time, I would advise you to go for a routine aerobic exercise program depending on your medical fitness. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
Hi Ive been diagnosed with an impression of the cerebral sulci of the fronto parietal lobes . Im 45 years of age . Is this common with my age group , im a smoker , for 35 yearsv. Is there a natural remedy for this . Is it serious & what should I do to get my health back , Will u b able to provide me with a response now or u need my email ?
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Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your details seem to be incomplete- "cerebral such of the frontoparietal lobes". If it is possible to upload the complete MRI/CT brain report, it would be helpful. If the report meant "widening or deepening" of cerebral such, then, it would mean cerebral atrophy (shrinkage of brain), which would require further evaluation. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
I am having this problem for about 5 minutes now. It is driving me crazy. Everytime I breathe. My left chest (seems like its around my nipple) hurts. Everytime I inhale deep and exhale deep out too. I tried burping but nothing works. Im also very warm. Please help
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Left sided chest discomfort should be first evaluated for cardiac diseases. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If all these are normal than get done chest x-ray to rule out lung infection. Lung infection causes pleurisy (inflammation of pleura). Pleurisy can cause chest pain on coughing and deep breathing. You are also having fever (warm feeling). So possibility of lung Infection is also high in your case. So get done chest x-ray to rule out lung infection. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hello sir, My father-in-law diagonised with pancreatic cancer on august 2011.He had made a surgery to remove the growth.But couldn t remove the growths.Bcoz it had spread over through the pancreas from head to tail .After that made radiation for six weeks.And ompleted the chemotherapy treatment.After scanning doctor said that no new growth but earlier stands itself without any change.Please tell what is his condition?
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Normally pancreatic cancer is a very deadly kind of cancer and has a very dismal outcome in the absence of curative surgery. By your description, I assume that the cancer has not spread to any other part of the body, but has involved the entire pancreas. The response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is also not very encouraging as it has not caused any decrease in size of the tumor. This is called stable disease. Even now, surgery cannot be done. The only option left with you is Tab erlotinib which is a kind of targeted therapy used for pancreatic cancer. The outcome is not favorable and the probable survival is from 3-6 months.
My child is 2 1/2 years old and the last couple nights I have layed my head on his chest to listen to his heart beat. I am concerned because his heart beats fast for a few seconds the slows down then skips a beat or two. What could this be! Is it dangerous??
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Hi I appreciate your efforts and concern regarding the issue. Usually in normal circumstances heart rate varies with breathing. With inspiration heart rate decreases and with expiration it increases. If your baby is otherwise asymptomatic then don't worry. If your baby is gaining weight, no history of repeated infection, and development with age then it is unlikely to be an underlying pathological condition. I will advise you to do ECG of the baby to know about the same. Hope this helps you. Hit thanks if useful.
about 2-3 months ago i noticed a small bump under my penis, i wasn t to worried because me and my partner at the time were both clean and she always got check ups, but it has bin there for a long time now and i m getting worried. a few days ago i remembered i had it and i started squeezing it and very little clear liquid came out.. i think it was normal. today i looked at it and there was pimple like white stuff that came out, but the bump was still there. there is only 1 on the line going down the back of my penis.
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Hello, thank you for consulting, few things are not clear have u undergone circumcision? That is cutting of foreskin if not does your fore skin goes back freely over the shaft of penis, do u keep it clean regularly? Yiur age not mentioned in the question can u please mention age many conditions can be ruled out by knowing age itself. Where exactly swelling situated glans of shaft? Does the swelling cause pain? Plase send information about this or else u can consult a nearby an Chat Doctor. Thank you
Hi I been having problem with trying to figure out what s been going on I missed two period n had two period in on month ... I thought I was pregnant I feel the baby move n side me so I they gave me a alter sound n found out that my endometrail thickness is 1cm what does that mean n .. if I feel the baby move in side me how did they not know I was pregnant...
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Hello, A sonogram of the pelvis preferably in the transvaginal route is useful to know the status of the pelvic organs and also to confirm/exclude a pregnancy. The fact that you are experiencing altered menstrual pattern suggests hormone imbalance. The thin endometrium supports this. Bowel movement can be felt as fetal movement through a thin abdominal wall. Also, when you wish for a pregnancy very badly, you may develop pseudocyesis, where you tend to experience all symptoms of pregnancy. Please get proper evaluation and plan further management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
my husband was rushed to the hospital with blood in his urine cat scan showed no kidney stone today he was rushed back with suvere back pain which he was given pain med for and seemed to pass he was told it may have been a blood clote that passed through again cat scan showed no kidney stone. my question what if any are the interactions between red yeast rice he has been on for 2 yrs with wararin sod 4 mg which he was just put on for afib
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Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! Red yeast rice is made by fermenting a type of yeast called Monarchs purposes over red rice and used both as a food and medicine. Since, your husband has been consuming red yeast rice for the last 2 years, and recently he was started on Warfarin 4 mg for his atrial fibrillation. The persistent bleeding that occurred is due to the interaction between the red yeast rice and warfarin. Red yeast rice is known to increase the bleeding in patients who are receiving warfarin. Your husband must undergo the following lab tests PT and INR then he must consult his doctor to see the change in the dose or use of other Chat Doctor. Regards!
Hi, I am a 26 year old female. I am active, exercising 3 to 4 times a week and eat a healthy diet. I was hospitalized in July for 5 days with an infectious colitis I brought back from Mexico. I believe the bacteria was Clostridium Jejunum. I was on metronidazole and cipro in the hospital. I also had pylonephritis about 4 years ago in my right kidney for which I was also hospitalized for 5 days. Since my recent hospitalization in July of 2012 I have had right back/flank pain. The pain started when I was in the hospital and hasn t let up. It is progressively getting worse. I asked my doctor in the hospital how my kidney function was and she said rock solid so I was convinced it would go away. Finally, 3 months later I made an appointment because it wasn t getting any better. The cytology report came back as follows: Clinical Information and/or Impression: A) 40Ml Cloudy yellow fluid Specimen is received unfixed and labeled with the patient s name. ____________________________________________________________________________ DIAGNOSIS: A) Urine (ThinPrep preparation): Benign urothelial and squamous cells. No evidence of malignancy identified. They also did a creatine level whicChatDoctore back 0.9. I have no other levels so it is really hard to tell if it is trending up or not, but I think I remember asking in the hospital in July and it was 0.8 (not positive though). There was also trace amounts of blood in my urine. She sent me for a CT that came back normal for my kidneys and bladder. No stones or anything they could see. However, she did say there was an ovarian cyst on the right side 3.9cm by 2.5cm. She wants to watch this and does not seem concerned about my kidney. Could this be causing my back pain and the blood/cells in my urine? Should I see a urologist for my flank pain or continue taking IBU to help the pain?
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Hi, I did review your concern. Generally ovarian cysts cause back pain but usually do not cause blood in urine. Hence, I would advise you to go see a urologist. I would recommend not to take ibuprofen, since long term ibuprofen can itself damage your kidneys and cause analgesic nephropathy. If you have fever, night sweats or other problems it could be infection. Another cause could be something in the kidney causing hematuria. So consult a urologist and see how it goes from there. Better be earlier than late in cases of kidney.I hope this help swish you a super healthy life ahead.
I am not able to walk upon waking my you lower back willl not support me. I slide to the floor and inch upon to standing position. Een then I am afraid towalk too quickly, as my legs haven given way before. Takingstairs is impossibe. If I sleep in the lazy boy with pillow s under my legs in zero gravity position, I am able to sleep thru the night and get better. Please advise
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Hello, Thank you for writing to us, As you had described I could found that you may have some injuries or something like jerk or anything. But as you are not described that from when this problem you are facing. So that first is to take rest. Because it allows injured tissue and even nerve roots to begin to heal, which in turn will help relieve lower back pain. However, more than a few days of rest can lead to a weakening of the muscles. So, if by resting it not happens than you should have to concern doctor. Suggestion -Take rest if not solved, Concern good physician with your query they will help you after check up physically. Hope you will found details helpful. Thanks &
So Wednesday I started to get a stiff neck and it got worse. by Friday I had ear ache and a head ache now Sunday I also have popping and cracking in my nose and my balance is off. When I bend or turn I am dizzy and feel sick. Please help I don t want to be like this for Christmas !!
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Hi I am Chat Doctor. . You may avoid bad sleeping postures, vigorous movements and try spinal straightening exercises. For my patients I may recommend NSAIDs or painkillers like Advil tabs when needed, hot gentle massages with topical gels of anti-inflammatory, B12 vitamin supplements and muscle relaxants will be effective for most of the cases. If pain persist I recommend MRI for proper evaluation and management and follow up with her physician. Please click and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
headache..pressure at the sternum..easily winded..sporatic cough..mild fever (100.00 F) no noticeable chest congestion..fatigue..been going on two radiating pain or jaw pain or left arm numbness...any thoughts? should I be see more urently or can it wait till Monday if it hasnt gone away or gotten worse?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should definitely consult doctor for your symptoms. Your symptoms, fever, chest pressure, breathlessness, coughs etc. are more suggestive of lung infection (pneumonia). So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x-ray. You will need higher antibiotics, painkiller and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor.
, I am a 38 year old woman, married for the last 10 years. We had undergone some infertility treatments earlier.Now my periods are regular.My husbands seman motility very low ( 5 - 15),but count is normal. Is there any chance to conceive at this age without any treatments.
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Hi, Thanks for the query. Usually for natural conception at-least 40 to 50% motile sperms with 15 to 25% of rapidly motile sperms are needed. So he can use some medicines to improve the motility for few months. After that once go for semen analysis. If the motility improves, it is good. If not you can choose artificial methods like Intrauterine insemination etc. For more details you can ask me through: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
my semen analysis state as follow, volume,2.5mL, consistency liquid,color, light yellow,liquefaction time 30 mins sperm count 49 mil/ml motility 50% activity grade 2% sperm morphology 30% pus cells 1-2/HPF, i m diagnosed with mild asthenospermia, should i worry about it.
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Hi, Fertility cases, women age is an important factor. Your sperm cont is normal, but active motility is poor, according to new WHO standards it should be more than 15%. Please check for Varicocele, it is a major cause for reduction in motility. If no varicocele, Take L- carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, zinc combination Chat Doctor. Repeat the semen Analysis after 3 months. If your partner age is above 30, Meet a Reproductive Specialist and try some Artificial fertility methods. Hope you got the Answers.
My hair has been falling out, my consentrantion is very bad,having skin problems, getting confused,feeling very low,crying,i know i have a problem but do not know what it is.. The doctors says its stress but i am not stressed.and just say i have to put up with it and hair will grow back in time. my email address is
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Hi there,,,,welcome to ChatDoctor-Beautiful skin and hairs are like the fruits of a tree... Our skin and hairs are a reflection of our overall health...-Stress is a subjective thing we cannot measure it, but there are certain physical symptoms which points towards it like low moods, frequent mood swings, sleep deprivation or excess of sleep etc...-Hairball may itself leads to stress and further accentuate the hairball...-First start to think positive this will increase your energy level.-Eat healthy and exercise daily...-Increase Protein intake for healthy hairs,,,you may take hair vitamin supplement like Tab VB7...-Give frequent hair message with lukewarm olive and coconut oil with tips of your fingers,this will increase the scalp circulation and also help to distress yourself...-If the hairball is excessive than use minoxidil 2% lotion over the scalp twice a day for 3-6 weeks... Hope this will help
54 year old woman, first experienced a tingling feeling or electric shock feeling or a feeling as if I had been hit by a shot rubber band, followed by numbness in that spot 12 years ago while pregnant . Occurs in both thighs off and on - it went away for quite a while after pregnancy and then was back earlier this year and now is gone agian
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Hi, This feeling of tingling and numbness along both thighs is due to pressure on a nerve near the pelvic bone close to the lower abdomen. This nerve runs down the front of the thigh. One gets a feeling of tingling and numbness on and off. This is known to start off in pregnancy when there is stretch of the abdomen wall and also of the pelvic ligaments which in turn stretches this nerve. You need to avoid wearing tight clothes, underclothes which can press upon the lower waist. If its disturbing then your doctor can prescribe certain medication effective for nerve pains. A local steroid injection is sometimes used if the condition is too troublesome. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I have this ache in my left arm. i feel it in the muscles in front and behind the arm down to my elbow. It is excruciating if i extend my arm backwards (like getting something off the back seat of a car while in the front seat). It is a dull ache otherwise. I first noticed it in March. It has gotten really uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. I think i hear some sort of creeky sound in my actual shoulder. Just don t know. otherwise i am in pretty good shape. i am 62 - a woman - and in pretty good shape otherwise.
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Hi, Considering your symptoms likely cause may be 1. Biceps tendon inflammation 2. Subscapularis tear. Both muscles lie in the anterior part of the shoulder joint and may be affected. Diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of the shoulder joint. Please get it done from the radiology center nearby you. MRI of affected shoulder is more sensitive than ultrasound. Meanwhile, start tab Attract p twice a day for pain relief. Visit orthopedic surgeon for detailed clinical Examination is recommended. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Finding no improvment in depression and anxiety despite being on Miratz 30 mg and Clonotrril .25 mg. Before that I was kept on Nexito 20 mg and Lonazep .5 mg. I am really worried if this medicine is working or not. I notified this to my doctor as well but doctor says, it will take time. It already 4 months now. Please advise
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Being on medicines for depression stop thinking whether the Chat Doctor. Practice yoga, meditation, and other diversion procedures to divert your self from the surrounding tensions. If you can explain the problem, try to explain the problems you are facing. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses,sprouts, and protein rich foods to have good health and resistance. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
I have a friend that has had a headache for about a week now. Along with vomiting, dizziness, and at some points forgetting what they are doing. Such as changing a garbage bag and then forgetting what exactly it is they are doing. Should they be concerned?
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Hi dear, your friend who is having headache vomiting dizziness and forgetting. But you didn't mention that such symptoms occur episodically or continuous. If such symptoms occur episodically then think for the seizure as in post seizure phenomena such signs and symptoms occur. otherwise think for some brain related pathology. So first go for MRI brain. And first start with simple analgesic and antacid then see for the cause. Such features also occur in migraine. For that Tab amitriptyline 25 mg HS and also Tab Propranolol 40 mg sustained release. Also Tristan for SOS pain tenement
My question is can I get pregnant if me and my boyfriend had sex several times then in the middle of it my period came. We are currently trying to get pregnant. We started having sex Saturday and I started bleeding when he hit too hard. Then my period came yesterday. Is there a chance at all? Or will we have to try again after my period is over?
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Hello dear! I am happy to hear such people want to be parents, and it is a pleasure to help them. First, I would say that menstruation days are not the days when you have to search for a pregnancy because the chances are really low. In a regular cycle you have to search almost in the middle of the cycle, which means especially in the 14th, 15th, 16th days of the cycle, because it is supposed that an egg is available. If you have more 1 year that are looking for a baby regularly, you have to do a consult with your gynecologist. Otherwise, try to have sexual contact during the days that I mentioned. Good luck,
My husbands elbow started swelling yesterday. It looks like tennis elbow but its soft and feels like its full of water just like a blister. Its about 6 diameter. He hasnt banged his elbow or injured it in anyway. He is getting pain down his arm and his fingers keep twitching.
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Hi there. It looks as though he has developed a fluid collection possibly because of arthritis of the elbow. Pain down the arm and shooting sensation is due to possible compression of the ulnar nerve behind the elbow which could be due to the swelling. I advise you to perform cold sponging in the area. He can take anti-inflammatory like Tablet Ibuprofen 200 mg twice a day after a meal. Kindly get him seen by an Orthopaedician or Hematologist who may need to aspirate the fluid and check for the cause like Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout etc.
Hi,i would like to know what i could possibly be suffering a19yr old girl and after i had malaria have had strange body fellings for 3months now...i dnt feel hungry or full,i cnt feel mybody no more..i am losing so much weight and my whole body feels stiff.and i am also having vision problems...what can it be?and what should i do?
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Hello I have gone through your question and understand your concern. In my opinion, it is better to take a complete blood picture to rule out deficiency anemia. Weakness and fatigue can be experienced by any individual recovering from illness, as body fights with the infection throughout the illness making one feel tired without any apparent physical activity. Malaria can even cause iron deficiency anemia with weakness, fatigue as malaria causing parasite feeds on and break down red blood cells, leading to anemia. If the test results show anemia, consult a doctor or update the reports at Chat Doctor or start with iron supplements available over the counter. Get vision checked by optometrist. Weight loss is common after recovering from sickness, nothing to worry eat fresh and nutritious food, take ample of rest and take a multivitamin for quick recovery. Good luck. Hope your concern is answered. Thank you.
my husband had a quarter size knot on the back of his head at the crown and another dime size to the right, then a rather large baseball size behind his right ear on Friday. Saturday he had general malaise and then Sunday he developed vomiting. Last night he suffered with night sweats, restless. Today no vomiting but severe headache, pressure behind eyes. He had no po intake in 2 days. fever 96.2, gen bodyaches. he has been in bed all day and says it hurts to sit up due to the pressure. the bumps are gone though
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Hi, Thank you for posting your query. It is difficult to ascertain the cause of these bumps without examination. However, possibilities include infection or hematoma (collection of blood). In view of malaise, it could be infection. You should show him to a GP, and do routine investigations such as blood counts, serum electrolytes, blood sugar, etc. He would get better with proper treatment. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
I am an African American woman mid thirties with dark pigment spots all over my foot and thighs, caused from sun exposure. I have spent a lot of money over the years on products claiming to help clear pigmentation to not avail. I just want to know what product is recommended for someone with my skin condition
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Hi.dear user., welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for query., Middle age, dark pigmented spots on foot thighs... It may be... Sentiments, Freckles,and Chat Doctor. . So go for...1) Sunscreen lotion on affected part while going outside... better cover face and neck also......... B.cos...UAB rays - produce these type of lesions.,2) Topical application of mild steroids like. Momentasome on the spots daily...3) Orally take Lycopene and It A combination capsules daily for 21 days.will give very good result ok.good luck.,
Hi I notice when I cut back on sugar intake or wait too long to eat I experience a headache I also got hit hard from behind ,back of left ear on head, neck area where I recently been feeling pain and also repeatedly right turning of head an neck causing pain up middle back of neck an head whats the cause
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Hello, The symptoms are consistent witChatDoctormon causes like migraine or tension headache, as first-line management, you can try analgesics like diclofenac or tramadol for pain relief. If symptoms persist, better to consult a neurologist and plan for an MRI brain to rule out possible intracranial (inside the brain) causes. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
We have received the following semen analysis and are slightly confused by what we are reading online v what we have been told. Can you advise if it is normal or if you think we may need asssistance as we have been trying for 18 months. Appearance - NormalConsistancy - Abnormal Volume - 3.2 mlLiquefaction - completed within 1 hourPH - 7.7Sperm count - 53 millionMotility 34% rapid progression / 25% slow / sluggish / >1 non progressive / 41% InmortilityMorphology - 18% Normal formm / 82% Abormal formRound cells <1 ,illion
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor.I have gone through your question. As semen analysis shows liquefaction time 1 hour is abnormal, motility is normal, morphology is below normal. Count 53 million/ml ? Then is normal (20 million/ml) should be at least. I would advise going for ultrasound color Doppler to see vascularity of testes and to rule out varicocele. Consult urologist with these reports. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
My mother is 85 years old. She is been using Concor Cor 2.5 mg for the last five years. Recently she is been very forgetful , well something runs in her family around that age. Recently she is suffering some sort of waves of hallucinations . The hallucination periods seem to start or / and intensify after taking Concor. I ve been watching her for a while to reach such assumption . She does not suffer from anything else but her heart problem. She also uses Lasix . Lasix 40 mg not a daily dose nor a whole dosage, something to be decided by her care giver.I m VERY concerned about the confusion/ hallucinations waves she is suffering. Please advice. Thanks
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Hi there! Looking at the patient profile, what you have give, I can strongly think the possibility of Dementia, which presents like this.i don't see a strong connection with Bisoprolol i.e. Concord 2.5 MG.I would suggest you to get her evaluated by a psychiatrist/neurologist, for Dementia and behavioral disturbances associated with it, medicines can definitely benefit her and can slow down the process of same.
Hey, I m a 37 year old male on blood pressure meds, BP stays consistantly now around 130 s over 80 s. Recently having numbness in my left leg only, origionating in my foot, then moving upwards to around my knee. Dizzy spells have started also, to the point of loosing my balance, a headache in the lower back portion of my head has also started. Went to my MD yesterday she said it was tension????? Any ideas?? Thank you !!!
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Hello, Anyway, the numbness in your leg could be related to a pinched nerve. For this reason, I recommend performing nerve conduction studies and a lumbar X-ray study. High blood pressure values could be related to anxiety. Anyway, I would recommend performing some tests in order to exclude other secondary causes underlying high blood pressure (complete blood count, PCR, ESR, thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests). You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
i have severe distension of my stomach that never goes down, i look 8 months pregnant and i am 5:5 140 lbs its been going on for more than 6 months. i am now having sharp pains on both sides and this is new a symptom sharp pain when i eat across the top and both sides. i have had a colonoscopy, came back normal. a endoscopy said i have some stomach ulcers to take prillosec, which i took for a week and quit because it made me constipated. i have even swallowed a camera capsule, came back normal. i had a abdominal and pelvis ct, came back normal. have had one blood test not sure what they checked for but it was normal. and this is a new symptom, i use the elliptical 30 min. 4/5 days a week, last couple of times upon reaching about 20 min i get sharp pains all over my stomach and my toes go numb on both feet.. help please...
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Hi, Thanks for posting your query. With the available described details, there appears to be possibility of dyspepsia with decreased gastrointestinal motility. Dyspepsia is a collection of symptoms consisting of acidic belching, abdominal heaviness and bloating, gargling sound, excessive flatulence. Dyspepsia could be due to peptic ulcer disease, bile reflux disease and functional in nature. You should consult with internal medicine specialist/ gastroenterologist and should go for thorough check up. You should also go for complete blood count, blood sugar, thyroid profile, and renal function test. Furthermore, you should also go for urea breathe test for H. Pylori. If Urea breathe test is found to be positive then you have to take complete eradication therapy for H. Pylori bacteria. Meanwhile, you should also take proton pump inhibitors along with prokinetics and advised antidepressants. Take care,
i am 29 years sgpt is 142, sgot is 66.height 5.8 inch,weight 84 kgs.i am taking herbel medicine jigarine for one months.sgpt reduced first from 134 to 114 but last day suddenly it increased to 142 .i want to mention last three days i also took liv52 may i know what is my problem and how can i reduce sgpt within 1 week.
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Reclothe most common cause for high SGPT are ObesityHigh triglyceridesAlcoholismDiabetesHerbal medicines,painkillers, antibiotics etc. Stop taking herbal medicines and reduce your weight and triglycerides, if high. Stop alcohol, if taking. You should be alright in 2 months. Get yourself investigated for other causes, if you don't become alright in 2 months.Nobody can do miracles in one week. Thanks
has got fever in last month i.e. from 3rd oct.10. She had fever as well as headech. we had done all the reports for malariya, typhoid and dengue but all the reports are negative. We took the treatment for 3 doctors, There r 2 doctors they had given tablets from their own dispensary but it did not affected. and the 3rd doctor he had given off-200 tablets that is 14 tablets and one tablet is for malariya fever. when we started this tablets headeches stopped with malariyan tablets, but fever was there he told to take off-200 DT for 4 days more. after that she recovered. Now again she has started the same problem headech with fever since 30th Oct. Pls advice it is because of cold and cough or any other our family doctor has given medicine from his disp. and opox- 6 tab.
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Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you're suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Any history of TB in past or exposure to TB? Are u running fever? Any other lymph node swelling in your body? In my opinion you should record your temperature. If it is more than 100 then best approach is to take acetaminophen 500 mg to relieve pain. No antibiotics should be taken Do get your blood and urine culture testing so that exact bug can be identified. In the light of this report treatment can be started. Meet your physician and discuss about it. Meanwhile, stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve pain Get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor.
I have had hep c for 13 years. I now for a long time had an ache in my upper right abdomen , serious fatigue , don t ever sleep well or long, and for months on end, every day had loose stools . I ve never had jaundice , though. Could this be symptoms of something else such as gall bladder problems? Why the side pain and stools? I ve read that the liver problem wouldnt cause pain. This gnawing ache and daily diarreah is just terrible. Whath else could it be? I have also had small painful mouth ulcers in the past.I get hungry, but no fod seems good to me, and when I do eat, I can t seem to eat very much at all.
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Dear batsman, You say you were diagnosed 13 years ago. Were you ever treated for this? There are highly effective treatments to clear the virus from your system and achieve "Remission" or cure of this condition, preventing complications from Help. C virus damage to the liver, such as liver coma or even cirrhosis(Scarred liver) or liver cancer. You do need to follow up with a digestive disease specialist or a liver specialist. Good luck.
dear doc, am a chartered acountant of age 26...ive been married for an yr now..but i never seem to get any praise or appreciatin from my in laws nad my husband.. instead they always pin point my faults, and fight for mundane things line food, cloth line, hangers etc..ive been brought up in a well to do family not used to all this haggling... i just cant tolerate it anymore and am even contemplating suicide or bp has fallen to 70-90 and i was also diaganoised with vertigo ... wht must i do?
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Hello, Changes in environment after marriage can lead to adjustment problems. Before taking a major decision of divorce, you must discuss your problems of adapting with new family with your husband. You must share your feelings with your husband. If he does not co-operate, discuss your problem with your parents. Involve them in your every decision. Thinking of suicide is not a solution. Stay strong. Thanks.
Male married having one kid.pressure sugaar and cholestrol(TGL-387) normal weight 57kg.while doning sex lot of lubricating fluid secreting.In one minute 1 drop.It is secreting from the feel of sex.Scanning result is i have to take too much care on to my erection otherwise I will loose. please suggest
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Hi, Thanks for writing in. You might be having sexual performance anxiety leading to pre-mature ejaculation. This is because your penis scan is normal and there is no organic or physical cause for your problem. Constant worry over your appearance or ability in bed can make sex stressful leading to pre-mature ejaculation. It is all in the mind, and you need to relax your mind and be more emotionally close to your partner. There are certain brain chemicals which regulate ejaculation in males. In fact, deficient amounts of GAZA and serotonin are responsible for Norman Chat Doctor. The end result can cause premature ejaculations for men, producing embarrassing, often debilitating side effects such as creating more fear and nervousness toward intimacy. To overcome premature ejaculation please have sex with a free mind probably at the end of the day or early in the morning. Also spend a good amount of time having foreplay with your partner. You may also practice the start stop technique where when you feel that your penis is becoming erect then take rest and then again try to get arousal after some time. The subsequent erection will be stronger and help you delay ejaculation. You can also practice yoga to get stress-free.
I have noticed that I have a hard lump on my sternum. It doesnt hurt but it seems to be getting larger. Also, I have arthritis that is getting worse and I am having pain in most of my joints, including hands, arm, hips and shoulders. I am taking tramidol and hydrocodone for pain.
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Respected user, thanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* Seems sebaceous cyst or lipoma over sternum region Needs confirmation by clinical examination or at least high resolution clinical photograph of the same to evaluate it in depth with further treatment guidelines.* Till then continue painkillers. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for further assistance. Regards.
I have been married for 7 yrs but not able to conceive. i m seeing an infertility specialist . did all the tests which are negative. now, the doc has started AKT3 medicine for 2 months. my query is, if all my tests are normal, even TB tests are normal, im under medication . is it right? will the medicine have side effects if in case i dont have TB.
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Hello MonicaThank you for getting in touch with us. As I see, your Doctor has started you on AKT3 for 2 months. Tuberculosis is a common cause of infertility and your Doctor must have had a valid reason for starting you with these medicines. Many people have TB present in them in the dormant form, and it manifests itself only when the levels of immunity fall. As you have not mentioned the tests that were conducted on you, I am assuming that the Doctor must have conducted PPD test to screen for TB. Although, TB medicines do have side effects, but you need not worry about it much as you have been prescribed these medicines for only 2 months. Please follow up with your Doctor and check if he conducted any specific tests for TB. Hope this help Chat Doctor.
2 years ago my spleen showed up enlarged 14cm, my blood was ok just my white blood count was a liitle low but still within the norm. I have been under observation since then going for blood test and ultrasound. As off 6 months ago my spleen went down to 12.7cm and my blood is ok according to my hematologist. Should I be getting additional testing or is this method sufficient. I have another appointment scheduled in a couple of weeks to check spleen and blood again.
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Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your spleen is enlarged. It may be due to your infection. You are going on right tract. Just monitoring of spleen size and blood count is sufficient. If you don't recover then you should go for bone marrow examination. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
hi i am 27 year old. it has been more than 5 months i am having very light pain in the left side of my lower abdomen and burning sensation after passing urine and urge to urine. whenever i vomit blood comes out within water. i had a endoscopy , ultrasound and urine examination done. reports are normal. but problem is the same.
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Hi, I have read about your problem of vomiting blood. Blood is not normally seen in vomit without any underlying problem like ulcers. As your endoscopy is normal that means you had a mild tear in the mucosa which can produce blood in forceful vomiting or when try to hold the vomiting. Regarding your pain, burning urine and urgency to urine is because of urinary tract infection secondary to stones sometimes are not visible in tests(radiolucent).please contact your physician, who can prescribe antibiotics.i hope this will help you take care, have a good day bye.
hello sir, it have been six year for marriage i have been diagnosed with azoospermia and under went biopsy test with following result right testicular biopsy - partial atrophy with associated maturation arrest please help me with further line of treatment
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Hi dear. I had gone through your query. Maturation arrest with atrophy means there no sperm maturation, so it will lead to azoospermia. There is no line of treatment to increase sperm. You have gone with artificial method of insemination. There are various methods like IVF or artificial insemination from donor etc. You need infertility counselling. So consult gynecologist or infertility specialist for better assistance. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Happy to help you further. Thank you.
Hi, I have constant belching, RUQ pain, and sternum/midback (under bra strap) pain. Was off/on for a few months, now constant. Had abdominal ultrasound (normal), two liver function panels (normal), chest Xray (normal). Take 40 mgs of Prilosec twice daily. Am getting endoscopy next month (already know I have a hiatal hernia from a previous endoscopy). Had chest CT scan which showed lungs clear, but a 4 cm liver mass. Then had contrast enhanced CT scan of liver only and no mass (reviewed by 3 docs, nothing there, think it was "fat infiltration". Getting liver MRI next month to double check). Also had AFP test (neg) and Hep tests (neg). Totally confused now. GI doc thinks I am exaggerating RUQ/back pain, but it is daily and getting worse. Could this be liver, gallbladder, GERD, hernia?
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you may be having HERD which gives many varied symptoms. All that is to be done is to take Prilosec and have light diet, small frequent meals, avoid fats, spices,alcohol, take foods which are easily digestible.However, have an upper GI endoscopy done to confirm hiatal hernia current status and follow all precautions for HERD. You gastroenterologist doesn't consider liver, GB, then trust him, He may rule out Pancreatic disease also by serum amylase levels and endoscopy for GI symptoms Best wishes regards
my brother is in the hospital right now and they were about to put a temporary catheder but i told him to wait and get a second opinion they say his kidneys are working at 30% i was hoping there were some natural herbs and foods he could eat to help restore his kidneys and
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Hai, As your brother got kidney related problem(renal failure)will not allow him to take some foodstuffs like potassium rich vegetables and fruits and high protein content.50 to 10 gm of simple protein diet will be allowed(depends on renal function amount differs.). As complex protein like chicken,seafoods will lead to increase in urea and creatinine level that will damage the kidney function. Less potassium containing fruits and vegetables allowed. Herbs like punarnava(Moravia diffuse), corn silk, asparagus,tributes, phyllanthus cirri are effective in kidney failure. Certain herbal combination powder with above mention herbs will be available in market. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic specialist for further management. Thank you Hope I answered your query.
Hi Doctor, age 26, doc suggested for follicular study, 10th day scan reported as left ovary is normal but right ovary has 6mm dominant follicle,my question is, is it difficult to conceive with one normal ovary and is follicle length increases as day by day.....
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Hello, It's not so difficult to conceive with one normal ovary, but the chances decreases as in our two ovaries only one ovulates in each menstrual cycle. Mostly it alternates if right ovulates in this menstrual cycle then mostly left ovulates in the next menstrual cycle and then right in next cycle and usually this follows. But it depends on individual basis in some cases only left ovulates consecutively for few cycles and then right ovulates and in very few cases both ovaries ovulate in the same cycle. In one ovary many follicles are formed, but only one attains the maximum size and ovulates and other follicles regresses. Size of follicles increase from 1st day of cycle and gradually increases up to day of ovulation and after ovulation regresses. Ovulation occurs 14 days prior to the start of next menstruation if cycle is regular. Having sex 4 days before and 4 days after ovulation regularly has maximum chances of fertilization and getting pregnant.
ive got severe kidney pains all in my back taking pain killers to take of the egde been to the doctors and they gave me some tablets to get rid of any infection its been 3 days and im not feeling any better ive got darkish stools and blood in them any help would be apprieciated
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have kidney infection and pain. You are taking analgesic which can leads to gastritis and marbles to bleeding. Furthermore, you should check for stool occult blood test. Furthermore, you should take proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole or esmoprazol. Furthermore, you should also check for urine culture and sensitivity test. It will give exact idea about antibiotics effectiveness. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
I have been breastfeeding for 6 months and am going back to work soon. I need to start my son on a formula but I have no idea which one to use? When I was a baby I only drank isomil and my husband only drank lactaigin. What should I give my son? I don t really want to buy one of each as there are so many options these days! Please help.
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Hi dear welcome to the Chat Doctor. Baby is 6 month old. Please immediately think of weaning the child. High time to start semisolid. Frequent, Small, Semisolid feed, to be tried. Tasty food/acceptable food for the child to be preferred. Any milk even dairy milk /formula milk will be ok. But when you are at home especially in nights you should continue the breastfeeding.(And baby should not be deprived of the priceless necessity which is his birth right. Hope the query is answered.thanks.
Dear on 11th of feb 2012 dog of ma landlord had bited me which is a street dog but since last 3 year , dog is living with ma landlord,but they had not given any vaccination to that dog., blood had not came out , but it is clearly visible.on the same day i went to the hospital and taken a injection of Rabipur & TT i.e on 11th Feb, i had taken the 2nd dose on 14th feb, doctor had refered me to another hospital for serum injection, but mistakenly i had not heard within the 7 days, today when i went to that hospital Dr said me that, time has crossed, he cannot inject that serum after 7 days. today i have taken the 3rd dose of rabipur. now i am worried of not taking that there a chances of any problem.Thanks & RegardsSmreeti
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you were bitten by a street dog which was not vaccinated against rabies. As you have mentioned in your history you have been given three doses of vaccine on days 0,3, and 7. Your concern is you have not given anti rabies serum. As your doctor has referred you to the higher center for the purpose of getting anti rabies serum. But the doctor has denied you the same quoting that you don't require the serum after 7 days of dog bite. If it is a Cat III bite (If Bleeding from that site), According to WHO guidelines it is mandatory to take anti rabies serum up to 15 days of bite. So I would have given the anti rabies serum on day 7 also. Thank you.
my self is a heart patient from last 7 years & regularly using metolar exr 50 mg od, cardece 2.5 od & zintac od but i have taken echospirin within 7 days but now a days these medicines never relief me now i m taking betacad 50 od this also not suit me after 15 months plz suggest what to now
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Hi Thrive read your query and understanding your concern. I would like to tell you, the meds you were taking, all are good. You haven't mentioned what problem are you experiencing now. If you are experiencing gastritis, hyperactive then you can take low dose of aspirin or alternative of aspirin like clopidogrel or erasure. If you are feeling any chest tightness, dyspnea chest pain then need to consult your treating cardiologist so that he can investigate and can give you proper treatment. It might need titration of medicines and few tests. And I want to add atenolol is not being used nowadays according to recent guidelinesHopefully I've answered all your Queries. Wish you Good Luck
Hi, my 2.5 year old daughter has tested positive for sugar in her urine but blood sugar is normal, all other blood tests at our local hospital have also come back normal. We are now being referred to a specialist to figure out why her kidney is leaking glucose into her urine. Any idea what would cause this? Thanks
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Hi...the possibilities could be a test being taken after exercise too. Sugar in the urine is usually checked only as a back-up to checking blood sugar, or to screen other family members. A urine check showing no sugar means that when the urine was made the blood sugar level was below the renal (kidney) threshold (about 8.0 to 12.0 MML/L, or 145 to 220 mg/DL). A urine check showing sugar means that when the urine was made, the blood sugar was above the renal threshold. These urine checks are not a direct measure of blood sugar, because the urine collected for the test may have been produced over a number of hours. Regards -
I inhaled fumes from cutting steel with a torch that had fireproofing behind it.the fumes took my breath away and stopped me from breathing for a second.when I got home my nostrils were a little burnt feeling.Now my chest feel tight.What can I do to get this out of my system?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Sudden inhalation of toxic fumes can cause bronchospasm. And thus spasm causes tightness in chest. Best treatment is inhalation of fresh air. You can also take antihistamine like levocetrizine or fexofenadine. In severe cases inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) are also beneficial. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I have little white bumps on my penis and I m worried it might be an std.They hurt very little when i squeeze them.I have not had sex with any one either. I have been dry humping by myself and the only thing that touches my penis is my hand and pillow.What is it and what should I do?
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HelloThanks for query, White bumps on glans penis are due to infection of Glans Penis (Atlantis).secondary to contamination while masturbating. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Lifetime along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Along with topical antibiotic ointment like Newsprint twice daily. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.
Hello! I have what seems to be an enlarged lymph node in the back of my neck, where back, shoulder and neck meet. Not really big, I dont think its bigger than 1 cm, 1.5 cm at most, but pretty hard. It pops out more when my back is tender. Its been there for almost a year, I went to my doctor when I found it and he said it was nothing, blood work was ok. But its still there. Should I concern?
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Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I have read your query in detail. Furthermore, I understand your concern. The lymph node can be due to bacterial infection if it is single. In such conditions, I advise following:To take antibiotic like Augmenting for a week. If the lymph nodes settle, it's good. If it doesn't then a FNAC would be required. So, you may observe this and after 1 week, if it doesn't settle, get following:1. FNAC of the Lymph Node2. ESR3. X-ray Chest4. Sputum For This is my best advise for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me. Stay Healthy. ChatDoctor, MD
I m having a lot of pains all over my body. My scalp hurts to the touch, it also feels like I have a pressure headache, my stomach and back hurts to the touch and a lot of my joints are aching. I m also having a difficult time staying awake and holding temperature (hot flashes and cold spells).
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Hi, There is a possibility of a viral infection where the patients feel body aches, hot flushes and coldness. It leads to muscle cramps all over the body and the patients suddenly become restless and are unable to stand. These symptoms can last for 1 to 2 weeks. You are advised to visit a nearby hospital for a general checkup. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
About 3 weeks ago I came done with a virus, coughing, runny nose and chest/ throat pain I still have the cough but now I get cramps in my feet legs hand and ribs and I m extremely tired now all the time. I could sleep all day. I m I still recovering from the virus or should I see a doctor for other concerns?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult doctor. Viral infection is usually self limiting in 1-2 weeks time. You still not improving even after 3 weeks of time. So you need medicines for recovery. Possibility of rhinitis and bronchitis is more. Inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol), antibiotics and intranasal steroid (fluticasone) spray are needed. Since all these are prescribed Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
when my husbank was eating dinner, he suddenly had trouble swallowing and a large pain in his chest, below the breast section, in the middle. He tried drinking water, and couldn t swallow, then he tried to take little sips of 7 up, and was able to get that down. After, he was able to drink water in sips. What would have caused this?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your husbands situation and problem. Sudden onset dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) and central chest pain, are seen in esophageal spasm, Andalusia cardiac, esophageal perforation or severe HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). So better to consult gastroenterologist immediately and get done barium swallow and upper GIs copy. Treatment is based on diagnosis. So first diagnose himself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your husband. Thanks.
My dear friend had a big op for pancreatic cancer a couple of years ago. She is 80 and has just had the bad news it is back and she has lost control of her bladder. She is on morhine for the pain and now waiting to see an oncologist. How long do you think we have here at this stage.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your friend s situation and problem. Honestly speaking, pancreatic cancer is having very poor prognosis. Loss of urine control suggest spinal cord involvement. So better go for MRI spine to rule out spinal metastasis. If spinal metastasis is present then she is having stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Stage 4 pancreatic cancer has life expectancy of less than 1 year. So better to first rule out spinal metastasis in your friend s case.
My daughter developed a condition when she was about ten years old wherein the back part of her neck is swollen and painful to the touch. She has been checked at the Texas Children s Hospital but they could not diagnose her. She has no tumors but has constant pain which flares when she s under stress. Any idea on what she may have?
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I have gone through your case history. The swelling over the wrist can be due to injury to the soft tissue ligament and tendons or a bone around wrist. Sound clinical examination is needed to get a better overview. You need to get a radiograph done to confirm the diagnosis of fracture. However, fracture can be confirmed on a radiograph. So Better you consult an orthpedician at earliest and get a X-ray Done. Can use ice or crêpe and NSAIDs bandage to reduce swelling and alleviate intake care.
Yes. My doctor of 22 yrs. recently retired and sadly died shortly thereafter. I could always count on him for any question that might concern me. The dr. I have now only sees me once every 4 months. I have asked his medical assistant who receives his calls from his patient s. I was told, as of my last blood work, that I have become very anemic. This happened once before a few years ago, but with a small change in diet and a medicine, the name of which escapes me at the moment, and in a short time I was no longer anemic. Can you suggest what I can do to get rid of this anemia? I m 66 and will be 67 in 3 mo s. My health is fairly good, so what would one of you suggest I do?
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Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. You have to be regular on iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements.2. Improve on your nutrition by taking heme rich foods like cereals, pulses and meat. Also have citrus fruits as it increases absorption of whatever iron is available.3. Avoid excess intake of tea as it inhibits iron absorption.4. You can keep a check on Hemoglobin say once in a month, also get a reticulocyte count done to know the improving status of hemoglobin. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
Hi, My Mummy went for a chest xray and found there was a patch, she was recomended for a CT Scan and they found that there was a "Cavitating nodular lesion seen in the perihery of the left lower lobe. It displays irregular margins. It is approx 3.2 x 2.1 x 2.1 cm, Rest of the lung is clear". Now we had gone for a CT guided Biopsy, now it is 14 days and still the report is not clear. The doctor is telling us to wait for the report, does it take so long to detect Cancer :(
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Cavitary lung lesion with irregular margin is commonly seen with 1. Tuberculosis 2. Cavitary pneumonia 3. Lung abscess. 4. Cavitary carcinoma (lung cancer). So bronchoscopy with BAD (bronchoalveolar lavage) and lung Biopsy are needed for confirmation of the diagnosis. Usually 3-4 days are needed for Biopsy report. I don't know why they are taking so much time for report. In my opinion, you should consult different pulmonologist and recheck Biopsy report. 14 days time is too much for this. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks.
My aunt is suffering from anemia believed to be caused by bleeding ulcers. Being treated - over a month ago, but blood cell counts still low. She has a transfusion and is close to needing another one. In addition she is losing eight at a rapid pace. Her body is not absorbing nutrients. She had bile duct cancer and had Whipple surgery about 3 years ago. Cancer markers all clear. Most concerning is weight loss and controlling the anemia. Any thoughts/recommendations on supplements that could help her body absorb/retain nutrients and iron?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. The problem in her case is malabsorption. It is very common complication after Whipple operation. In Whipple operation many of the abdominal organs are resected, so the total surface area of gut which is important In absorption also decreased. So orally given nutritional supplements are not absorbed properly. So deficiency occurred. Best treatment in this patient is parenteral nutrition. In this intravenous infusion containing carboy Chat Doctor. So discuss these things with your doctor and start parenteral nutrition.
Hello Sir, I had done CT scan of chest. which shows - Accentuation of the Bronchovascular marking seen in bothe the lung fields with small consolidation in the left upper zone with well defined hypodense mass in the left lower zone with calcified margins measuring 4.4 cmX5.7 mm in size. Please suggest
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Hi, Your having pneumonia in the left upper part of lung and a mass in the lower part of lung. It may be pulmonary nodule (benign or malignant) or hydrated cyst or aspergilli, etc. Until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is. Please consult your pulmonologist/oncologist they will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I tested positive for the gene factor five leiden B and I would like to start taking a diet drop called ChatDoctor diet which is 125 iu s (3 drops under the tongue a day) of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin . I only will be on the diet for 16 days. Will I throw a clot? I was on the birth control pill for 8 years and I never threw a blood clot but I was advised to be taken off birth control to be proactive.
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Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, Chat Doctor diet is a hormone based medication that you will be using to reduce your weight. As your factor laden b positive you have a higher chance of developing a clot, hormone based medication are a risk factor to throw a clot at any part of the body. Yes you have a higher chance of throwing a clot if you will be on Chat Doctor diet, i would suggest choose another way of reducing weight, don't take risks. Would suggest visit your gynecologist for change of medication. Hope to have answered your querytakecare.
Why do I keep having sharp chest pains? I went to the doctor and had an EKG and chest x-ray, both were normal. But I got no answer to why my chest hurts. He just said anxiety. But I keep having sharp chest pains. Anywhere from left to center to right sides. When this happens I get very anxious and worried and my heart races. Sometimes the pain will also be dull like in the muscle or spasms. But this sharp chest pain scares me. Please help.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Sharp pain in chest is mostly due to heart diseases. But since you are having normal ECG, possibility of heart diseases is less. But normal ECG can show abnormality when heart is any stress. And hence get done 2d echo and stress test. If these are also normal, no need to worry about heart diseases. Stress and anxiety can cause similar kind of sharp chest pain. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
My sister has suffering from ivdp between l4-l5
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor !! It means that the intervertebral disc that is the disc between two bones in the spinal cord which acts like a cushion has been displaced and has been pushed out it can lead to compression of the nerve root which is exiting through the concerned area. It is better that she take adequate rest, make sure no stressful work lifting heavy objects sudden bending, and also she can take muscle relaxants and undergo physiotherapy you can consult a spinal surgeon or an orthopaedician to see if the condition requires surgery.
hello, i have had asthma for over 32 years now, since 3 y/o. over the past year my symptoms have continued to worsen, i have been hospitalized 3 times in less than 6 months....i am dependant on oral steroids now, as well as the largest dose of inhaled steroids (Symbicort) I take neb txs with xoponex and atrovent 6 times daily, I have steroid induced diabetes, and was just d/cd today from hospital on home 02 at 2L via NC, my sats were 79-82% on room air with question is once you are home 02 what are the chances of every coming off ? my CT of the chest was negative and my CXRs continue to only show bronchitis....I watched my mother die a horrible death with emphysema in november...just wanting to know what my chances are of ever leading a normal life again....should I go on disability as I have a job which requires a lot of running around....any advice would be greatly appreciated....I also have RA if this makes any difference at all....Thanks
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The requirement for oxygen can be assessed ideally by arterial blood gas analysis done at an interval of 2 weeks twice to say whether you will require long term oxygen or not. Your history of frequent admissions suggests that either your asthma has worsened or your RA has started affecting your lung function. I would also like to know what was your latest lung function test like to tell you more about your prognosis.
My 5 year old has a middle ear infection. Due to a yeast problem in his gut (hes currently on nystatin), we are waiting to see if the ear infection may be viral and resolve on its own. So weve postponed the antibiotics for a few days. But now he also has a lot of eye drainage in both eyes. Does that mean its a bacterial infection? If so, will that ever go away without antibiotics?
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has ear infection with some Chat Doctor. It can be bacterial infection. He should take antibiotics. Ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin is helpful. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello, my daughter had chicken pox about 10 days ago, despite being fine up until now she has now come down with a strange flu. Temperature reaches a high of about 39.6 and at times seems delirious. It goes down when I give her paracetamol. She is complaining of a headache and the front of her neck near her collar bone is pulsating. A she is also asthmatic I am rather concerned about this. I spoke to her doctor today and he told me to continue giving her paracetamol. She is also feeling very nauseus and although she hasnt vomited today she was very sick during the night.
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Hello welcome to Chat Doctor .you didn't mention here that how old is your daughter?I think she is under 10 yrs right?regarding your query she had got complications like bacterial infections(39.6 degree Celsius is a high grade temperature)and you are telling that she is delirious sometimes, ...., so mam/sir don't do delay consult pediatrician(if she is below 14)/general physician.if the fever goes to head that is encephalitis it is too dangerous.hope you understand my suggestion.have a speedy recovery. Thank you Chat Doctor.
I have been to the doctor several times for recurring pain in my chest. Its right in the middle sternum and it feels tender to the touch and comes and goes for months now. It hurts when I move like standing up from sitting down. What else do I say to get some kind of response ?
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Hello, Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms are not typical of any cardiac disorders. A musculoskeletal pain (including Costco Chat Doctor. Coming to this point, I would recommend taking ibuprofen for the pain. If the chest pain persists, I would recommend performing some tests: - a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound- a chest X-ray study-complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
hello! I have beautiful teeth! never had a cavity in my life! but I do suffer from bleeding gums and my fron two bottem teeth have a darker line betwteen the teeth and gum line. im aware is could be Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease but before I go to the dentist (no insurance) what are some things I can do to help my situation and prevent tooth lose! thanks so much
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Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have bleeding gums because of inflammation and ulceration of gingival mucosa. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Do brushing and flossing regularly. You should avoid excessive use of tea, coffee as it will cause stains on teeth. Visit dentist once and get it examined. Go for qua Chat Doctor. Use Listerine and Betadine mouth wash. Do gargles after every meal to prevent bacterial accumulation. Go for curettage. Rinse mouth after every meal to prevent bacterial accumulation. You should Use 0.2%chlorhex mouthwash once daily half an hour after brushing Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
Sometimes I feel like my breath is being taken away and my heart feels starts to beat no particuar pattern and very slowly. It doesnt hurt and it only last a few seconds. Can you explain this please? Should I be concern? I have Acid Reflux and am on Prilosec OTC for it. (just fyi)
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Hi. As you are patient of Acid Reflux, the stomach acid can cause irritation causing symptoms which you are experiencing. But if these symptoms are persistent despite taking treatment of Acid Reflux you need to undergo EKG(ECG). It will rule out any Irregular Heart Rhythm or Irregular Heartbeats. If such a patient comes to my clinic I advise him medicine for Acid Peptic disease and if he still has these symptoms despite treatment I go for ECG following the saying Better to be safe than Sorry Hope you have found answer to your query. If you have more questions you are free to ask in followup questions. Wish you good health.
Hello doctor, I am a 65 year old lady , 5.2 in height, weighing 56kg. Have mild diabetis that is under control through medication. Currently my BP fluctuates between 142/80 to 150/90. Recently had red patches in the left eye (painless) which the ophthalmologist diagnosed as a minor superficial blood vessel rupture - conjunctival haemmorage of minor superficial blood vessel , as it was completely painless, he diagnosed it as harmless. It has healed now. However he advised taking Olmesar 20mg to control BP as a precautionary measure. Took a 2nd opinion from another medicine specialist, he prescribed Targit 40 mg. Is it recommended to start HBP medicines with this kind of readings in BP? Which is a better medicine without any side effects? Is it advisable to rely on Natural Supplements like Systolex instead of taking these medicines? Please advice. Regards, SM
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Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. You are only mildly hypertensive. 140/90 is normal for your age.2. The blood pressure would not have caused eye problems. It is more due to injury.3. Try low salt and fat diet, high fiber diet along with moderate exercises. No supplements necessary. Medication necessary if it is constantly above 150. Mild fluctuation is common. Relax. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
Yes Dad just told me he has non cancerous m spikes...and will be monitored for the next 2 years via blood test and they did an full skelital x ray of him. What does this really mean and what are the chances of this becoming cancerous...and if it is, is it treatable? Thanks! Lori Kiel
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. M spike on electrophoresis is the diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma. This is due to high levels of immunoglobulin (protein s), which gives positive spike on electrophoresis. But when the level of immunoglobulin s are high but not very high as seen in multiple myeloma, it gives non-specific (non-cancerous) M spike. It is seen commonly in infection and inflammation. So this is not cancer. So no need to worry much for non-cancerous spike. Very fewer chances of it to turn into malignancy. Regular follow up with electrophoresis and bone scan is needed to diagnose multiple myeloma in such cases.
Hello doctor,The last week two weeks I have been getting peeling in my mouth like on my cheeks. And I wanted to know if that is from loose fitting dentures or if I have not been cleaning them properly.
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Hello. Usually, vitamin B complex deficiency causes such peeling of the oral mucosa. If you are using dentures for a long time, then it may be the reason for this.Take a multivitamin once a day and eat a good healthy wholesome diet.
Hi doctor,My son is five years old. Recently, he lost his front bottom teeth and now the other front bottom tooth is also loose. Is it good or bad? Before four months, all his molar teeth were removed due to decay.
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Exfoliation of primary teeth is not bad at five years of age. Mostly, the primary teeth fall due to the clear eruption of the permanent teeth. There will be a formation of roots of the permanent teeth to erupt. The roots of the primary teeth get resorbed by the crown of erupting one and the teeth become loose or fall. It is normal. In case, if you are not using a space maintainer on the posterior teeth (molars), you need to use it. For more information consult a dentist online
I had a baby six months ago.. I am on zoloft for ppd.. About two months ago i started having itchy face nose and lips coughing up drainage and itchy eyes. People perfume makes me sneeze and sometimes i can smell a skunk per say in my house.. When there is no skunk.. My regular doctor ran bloodwork to test allergy for mold grasses trees dust dogs cats etc... And all came back super negative!! ?? Is this hormonal.. Im on zyrtec daily and still sneeze at peoples perfume and my nose itches and my lips itch pretty constantly too!!?? Im beyond frustrated!! Any ideas?!!
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Hi, you are surly allergic to perfumes. I would suggest you to go to an immunologist or allergy specialist. He would do a test called skin prick test. This test will identify most of the allergens your allergic to. This test is better than blood test since it can recognize many allergens at 2 to 3 sitting itself. Once the allergen s identified you can either avoid the allergen or take immunotherapy for that allergen. Immunotherapy can reduce the symptoms by 80 - 90 percent thank you Chat Doctor.
hi Dr. i want to know that my doctor prescribed me PREGVIT , it is instructed that i should take one tablet in morning with empty stomach and one in evening within 1 hr. of my meal. what can i do if after taking the morning tablet i feel nausea? and what is mean by evening meal ? thanx
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Hi, pre-VIP is and multivitamin and mineral supplement commonly prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Its common side effects include vomiting, stomach upset, and diarrhea. The recommended dose of this medication is taken 1 pink tablet in the morning and 1 blue/dark blue tablet at least 4 hours afterward or in the evening (within one hour after dinner). Since you are experiencing nausea following the morning dose. To prevent nausea with the morning dose, the pink tablet may be taken 2 hours after a meal/breakfast. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
Ive been feeling generally bad for 2 weeks. I almost feel like I have a fever at least once a day. I have muscle soreness, no nausea or vomitting, im unusually tired all the time, and have had headaches pretty bad, also i had a lot of blood in my mucous for a few days. My wife just told me that she was diagnosed with a yeast infection today. Is it possible that I am reacting to a yeast infection also? Thanks
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Hi thanks for asking question. Here are few possibilities in your case.1. First you have body ache and cough mostly suggestive generalized viral infection lead to such constitutional symptom. It is treated symptomatically with more water and decongestant for block nose like antihistamines.2. Second you have blood in mucus, if blood in cough present along with fever then pneumonitis or bronchitis could be thought. Chest x-ray and spirometry along witChatDoctorplete blood examination useful for it.3. If you have low immunity and fever present then yes yeast like fungal infection could because. Sputum for fungus culture done with chest x-ray.4. If you have anorexia, abdominal pain and yellow urine liver enzyme estimation done to rule out early hepatitis. I hope my suggestion will be helpful to you. Chat Doctor.
The FNAC investigation reported the presence of mature sperms and spermatoza. Further, very recently (just around 22 days back) I had undergone testicular biopsy procedure, the embryologist reported nil sperm in tissues extracted from left and right testis and sent the sample for histopathology in the same hospita where the pathologist reported mature spermatozoa in more than 90% tubules. Why the embryologist could not find sperms in the same tissues she investigated and whay Pathologist succeeded? Can testicular biopsy be repeated for freeze of sperm to use ICSI? Exactly after how many days gap, the testicular biopsy be repeated for extraction of sperm?
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HIF your testicular biopsy showed mature sperms you will be likely to get it again but most of the Chat Doctor. Your pathologist would have found the sperm because both the ways of looking for sperm is different. Pathologist can make multiple biopsies of your testis sample which may not be possible with the embryologist .you can discuss with an IVF consultant and if sperm freezing is available can undergo test and freeze your sperm and stimulate wife's ovulation for IVF. But preferably after 6 months of first biopsy
Hello I had a fall while in the Army back in1978 was operated on in Germany and was left to heal from inside out been having problems with the skin breaking open and bleeds where the inscision is have had a ct with contrast it shows no drainable fluid collection/abscessess they want to operate saying to get a abscesse out. having lower back pain buttock hurts and runs down my leg it shows L5-S1 intervertebral disc disease
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Hi Hope this message finds you in good health. I have gone through your query and understand your concern. If the CT contrast study shows no Chat Doctor. I do not feel personally, that you need a surgery at the moment. Intervertebral disc disease can be treated by non-operative means like Physiotherapy, lumbar traction Laser therapy...etc. I hope this answer was useful. Get back to me for any FOLLOW-UP QUERIES anytime. Wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you.
hi, glad that i found this site, my 2 year old son suffered dengue DHF last week not once but twice the first is on July 13-18 and the 2nd was Aug. 13-17, we were at the stage of recovery right now. yesterday i saw some welt on his left foot and suspected that it was bitten by the aedes aegypti mosquito again. now, what can I do to prevent the dengue fever I red a lot of and found out that 5-7 days dengue symptoms may appear after being bitten. I want to control it before symptoms may occur. hope you will help me. thanks a lot.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. dengue fever, rather than platelet count...most important things are - 1. Swelling and water accumulation all over the body.2. Decreased urine output3. Respiratory distress4. Seizures5. Regarding lab tests - PCV or Hematocrit is more important than platelet count. If it is above 38 and the kid is not Chat Doctor. What you need to do is - watch for the above danger signs and if they develop rush to the nearest emergency room. Regards -
An 8 year old boy from my church was taken to the hospital today with chest pains. They found that he has a mass putting pressure on his heart and are transporting him, via helicoptor, to a childrens hospital. I had asked his mother last week about his face looking a bit swollen. Do you have any idea what the mass might be?
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Hi, Yes, it's possible if mass is causing compression over and surrounding blood vessels it may lead swelling of face. Mass can have the number of causes. Common cause is lymphoma is a type of blood cancer. However, we cannot say the unless we do biopsy of the mass. So It's unwise to discuss regarding diagnosis until CT scan and biopsy is done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
My xray shown tha I have opacity in the upper right zone of the lungs. I have done my sputum smears and its negative. Im still waiting for the result of my sputum culture. Is it possible that my sputum culture become positive even my smears is negative? How many percent? Thank you.
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Hello, Sputum smear and Culture will show positive results only in active Tuberculosis infection. But X-Ray chest may show opacity and calcification in healed and old tuberculous lesion in lungs and lymph nodes. If you have active Tuberculosis symptoms like evening rise in temperature, persistent cough with sputum and weight loss, we initially recommend sputum smear examination for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it sometimes gives a negative result even in people with TB disease, so a negative result cannot be relied upon. If it comes negative, then we refer for Sputum culture. It is not necessary to have smear always positive. In sputum culture technique, growing of live TB bacteria in media in laboratory. This is a reliable method for detecting active TB disease as long as a suitable sample containing the TB bacteria can be obtained. Hope this helps. Please write back for further queries. Wishing you good health.
Hi, I have recently noticed a lump approx. the size of the end of my thumb on the lateral right side of my neck. it is somewhat hard to the touch and sore. The only things different in my diet recently are removing wheat products and an OTC Testosterone Booster. I m a bit nervous, I also have had a bulging spot in the right front of my throat for years, a physician s diagnosis was that it was just a fat deposit. The one in the front is not painful at all just not very attractive. The lump on the side I painful though.
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Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some enlarged cervical lymph node in neck. It may be due to some infection in upper respiratory tract or nearby Chat Doctor. Your front of neck lump may be lipoma. So no need to worry about that. Just take a course of antibiotics accordingly for your cervical lymph node. If lump doesn't respond to treatment then biopsy diagnosis is advisable. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
my partner had a helicobacter pylori blood test done which botChatDoctoring up as 50 my partner had a helicobacter pylori blood test done which both times come back 50/50 PLEASE PLEASE I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY HELP I M SO DESPERATE My partner for 5months almost been suffering with stomach pain burning in the upper stomach a metal taste in her mouth feeling nausea no appetite causing her to loose weight eating food makes her pain worsen she had a blood test twice for helicobacter pylori and it come back 50/50 what does that actually mean that its present???? the doctor prescribed her 3diffrent types of medcine for 7day course 8tablets a day including antibotics She has a endoscopy coming up I m worried so much and i want the answer really to what does 50/50 mean?? for a hp blood test thankyou so much for any infomation
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Just cool down Chanel, don worry so much or else u will start having ulcers in your innards. So it's fine that she is undergoing an Upper Gastrointestinal endoscopy. These symptoms are related to acid peptic disorder and u know what she could possibly have an ulcer too ....It's very likely...during endoscopy they will c how much damage the acid has caused to her stomach, they will also take biopsies and will send samples for HP culture, so u will be absolutely sure if there is HP. Even if she has HP and ulcer it is no big deal in today sage these are very easily curable. Till then keep taking tablet Antacid DSR twice daily
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Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. You have tooth abscess and doctor prescribed you antibiotic and painkiller which is right choice of medication. Swelling on face is because infection can spread to other parts of the oral cavity like floor of the mouth or tongue and leads to swelling. Chances of allergic reaction is rare. I would suggest you to :-- Give warm compresses 2-3 times a day.- Ask her to do warm saline rinses several times a day.- Take proper rest.- Chat Doctor. Doctor may prescribe stronger antibiotics (cephalexin), extend the period of antibiotic course, or may order X-ray of abscess tooth to find out other cause if there is any. If there is any irritant that is not letting the swelling come down then doctor will remove that. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,
Hello doctor,I have to get a spectacles removal surgery but because of a thin cornea, I cannot have LASIK. So, the doctor suggested SMILE. But now I have read some disadvantages of SMILE. There is one more called Contoura Vision which is considered to be the best. Can you please guide me that with a thin cornea, what should I opt? SMILE or Contoura Vision? I do not want ICL.
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Hello. Each procedure has its own pros and cons. SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is a good technique with good results. I did in many patients and the result was very nice. It does not correct any imperfections of the cornea which can be done by the Contoura vision. So first it has to be clear whether your cornea apart from thin has any other issues? From my side, you can opt any one. For more information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doc. i want to get pregnant but i havent. i had aborted last year with pills and than with surgery also. hi doc. i m 24 yrs old. i had aborted last year with pills because of early pregnancy after merrieg. than i also aborted in hospital because of heavy blooding after taking pills. now days i have regular period. but i used to get dark blooding (blooding color is black). now days i try for baby but every time failed. i tried since 6 months. me and my husband are very depress. what we do? plz give ur ans......and help us......
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Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor . I do understand your should elaborate a little about duration and regularity of your menstrual cycles. And do you mean D&E by surgery?? As of now according to your history there may be hormonal disturbance or just lack of timing of can try timed intercourse(during most fertile period) calculated according to the cycle or get investigated for your condition from your gynecologist.
A couple of years back i got my ears pierced and since that day they were very itchy,and i noticed that a bump formed, its hard and when i squeeze it nothing comes out. So when i got my 3rd ear piercing it did the same thing. So i took them out for about 8 months already, and they haven t technically closed. How can i get rid of the bump? I really want to get rid of it and re-pierce my ears so i can wear earring for my wedding...please helpp!:(
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Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion it is hyperplastic healing tissue. You should tell this problem to doctor before piercing the ear. Because once the problem started it will be very difficult to contain them. I advise you to start using steroid before the piercing has happened. Right now the treatment will not affect much to your lesion. But you can try the injection triamcinolone in the bump. It will slowly digest the bump, and it gradually disappears. If you start using the injection before piercing nothing will happen. I advise you to take above treatment under your doctors' guidance. Please maintain local hygiene by cleanliness and frequent Chat Doctor. This will aid in your routine healing process. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on
hi sir am santosh.i have masturbated my pennis in my hands with 24 times wit semen coming outside.buuut yesterday ialso i did d same process but my pennis colour hav been changed to brown in the region of glan and i have pain now.please tell me the effects of this and also tell me if i had a sexual matter with my wife will leads to pregnancy with my masturbated pennis r not
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Hello, Masturbation is usually safe and never unhealthy. The pain and discoloration you are experiencing could be due to the pressure you have applied during the masturbation process. Do not masturbate for a week. Masturbation will not hamper your sexual health. Therefore, I suggest consulting a skin specialist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I feel this pulsating feeling just below the left side of my chest closer to my side. Its been going on now for 7days. I am thirsty every night also for years. Very fatigued for a long time also. Have had hemmorhoids for a couplenof years too. My urine smells bad too.
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Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms may be related to a metabolic disorder or a chronic infection. I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, a chest x-ray and some lab tests: - complete blood count (for chronic anemia)- blood fasting glucose-kidney and liver function tests-blood electrolytes- PCR and sedimentation rate-blood and urine osmolarity-cortisol plasma levels (for the Chat Doctor. Meanwhile, I would advise to closely monitor your blood pressure (for possible hypotension), take plenty of fluids (water and juices) and avoid straining physical activity. Hope to have been helpful! Best regards,
Hi Doctor, My dad is suffering with Spine tuberculosis .... we just came to know a week ago . it initially started with low back pain . Now after all the tests are doen like MRI, bone scan, CT guided biopsy it was discovered that he is having spine TB.. Now he is suffering with pain which is un bearable. i Need to know is their a surgery needed. what medication needs to be taken. As of now he is taking AKT4 along with Benadon. please guide me.
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Hi Anusha, Thank you for writing about your dads' problem. Generally, spine TB does not require surgery. Surgery is indicated if there is pressure over spinal cord (which can be seen on the MRI) with impending paralysis of hands and feet. Also, if there is an abscess (collection of pus), it needs to be Chat Doctor. However, in other cases of spine TB, 18 months of Anti-TB treatment will be enough. Best wishes,
Yesterday a pecan sized lump appeared on the back lower right side of my head. Its tender but not painful. I had been having right upper abdomen pain and was recently diagnosed with erosive gastritis and ulcers. Should I be concerned about this knot? It is hard and immovable. I also have been getting really bad headaches for the last few months. They start midday and continue to get worse through out the rest of the day.
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I, Dear,Good Morning, and Thanks for your query to my virtual Clinic At Chat Doctor. I studied your query in depth and understood your concerns. Causes for lumps at the back of head are as follows-a-Mostly they are boils as they are painless. AS its infective origin and could be treated, Don't worry of this lump. Headaches with them -are not associated with them in reality, but may be due to the high BP which you may have simultaneously.Don't worry of them, as they could be relieved with proper treatment. Hope above reply would help you to relieve of the issue you have. Welcome for any further query to ME and Chat Doctor. Write Good review for the benefit of my new patients. Click thanks ASAP after this. Have A Good Day. With Regards Chat Doctor.
im 28 yrs and my doctor advised to take fertyl-M 25 mg from day 5 of my period till the day 9.for how many days need to be in physical relationship.will it i able to become pregnant?in how many days after using this tablets i may conceive.plz reply me soon.
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Hallow Dear, Fertyl-M is a Camphene citrate product. It is given to induce ovulation in women who fail to ovulate normally, but have sufficient ovarian reserve of the follicles. You are very rightly taking these tablets for day 5 to day 9 of the cycle. After day 9, you should ideally submit yourself for ovulation monitoring by ultrasonography. It has got two advantages:1. You can locate the day of egg release (ovulation). Thus, you can plan your sexual intercourse accordingly. The egg has a life of 24 hours while the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, from just before the day of ovulation daily or alternate days' intercourse is advised. 2. Ultrasonography will reveal at what size did the follicle ruptured to release the egg. Eggs released for the follicles between 18 mm to 21 mm size are the most healthy eggs, and they have high chance of successful pregnancy. 3. Also, ultrasonography measures the thickness of the endometrium (uterine lining) at the time of ovulation. Endometrium of 9 mm to 14 mm thickness is most conducive for implantation of the fertilized ovum. Alternatively you can locate the day of ovulation by home kit. However, it has limited advantages. Considering these facts, you can plan the days of intercourse. In short, utilize the day of ovulation and then have sex at least on alternate days for next 3 days. If you do not want to go for ovulation monitoring at all (which is not advisable), you may start the intercourse 4 days after the last tablet of Ferry and continue to have at least alternate days' intercourse for next week. I hope this helps you.
Hi, im 18 and have recently found in my groin that I have a swollen glan, its not a massive lump but I can definetlty feel it, its a little sensitive to touch but not massivley painful at all, i think i am suffering from hayfever or possibly a cold, could this cause my glans to swell? Thanks!
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged inguinal lymph node. Mostly it is due to some infection and reactive hyperplasia. You should go for a course of antibiotics. If it doesn't respond to treatment then biopsy diagnosis is advisable. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello doctor, my name is riddhi and Im married last two year and my age is 24 and my husbvands age is is 31. Actually when I get newly married. We dont want any baby so ee are using condom bt last 7 months we were trying for a baby bt no result will come. I think that this problem is arise because of Im using condom thats y Im not conceive a baby . Plz help me what can I do, we both are physically fit and heathy. Im also get checkup with doctor, adoctor told u are absoulty fit and fine plzcdf help when I conceive a baby when I get good news.
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Dear customer, If you want to have a baby and trying to conceive then you should try unprotected sex and do not use any more condoms, pills or any other birth control method for at least 2 years continuously. The best time to conceive baby is 14 days prior to the start of next menstrual cycle, and you should have more sex during this time. You may have the ovulation kit purchased to know the exact time of ovulation and have sex at this period. If you fail to conceive in 2 years then you should have the various tests done after consulting your doctor. Thank you
Hi.I started taking folic acid and zinc vitamin at the beginning of Sept..My period was suppose to come on on the 15th but it came on on the here it is Oct.I had all symptoms of my period coming on...but nothing...I m trying too get pregnant just wondering what should I do?
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today. If you last had your period on September 12th, and today is October 5th, your period is not yet late for October. Most women have a 25-35 day cycle, so until you actually miss your period for October, there is no reason to assume you are pregnant. The folic acid and zinc you are taking are just extra vitamins that provide health to a growing pregnancy; these should not affect or change your menstrual cycle or its symptoms. If your period is late in October, you should purchase and perform an over-the-counter pregnancy test. Modern pregnancy tests are very accurate and can be positive even 10 days after conception. If you do find out you are pregnant, there is nothing that needs to be done immediately as pregnancy is not a disease- it is a normal state for women in the reproductive phase of their lives. So it is important only to keep taking your vitamins, get plenty of rest, eat a balanced diet and avoid alcohol, caffeine and Chat Doctor. If your period is mate, but you are not pregnant, the delay in your cycle can have a number of causes, including hormonal imbalances, certain medical conditions like thyroid disease, and even the stress of worrying about pregnancy. If you miss more than 2 months of your cycle (no bleeding for 3 months) and your pregnancy test is negative, you should see a physician for a hormonal evaluation. So in summary, a late menstrual cycle can be caused by pregnancy, but there are other causes as well. I suggest you perform a pregnancy test if you are late, and if it is negative, try to be patient, and you will likely get it before another month goes by. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
My child Abhimanyu Kundu,1yr 1mn, suffering sardi-kasi for a long days. I am from malda, W.B. I am continuing his treatment in Malda. But here Doctors are telling me that because of my Asthama problem, there is no chance to cure my baby.......I want your suggesionb. I agree to come in Kolkata......
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your children history and would like to know more details about Abhimanyu such as - Since when he has problems? Does he have more of nose symptoms or more of chest symptoms or both? Does he have any skin allergies like atomic dermatitis? Does he have any food intolerance/allergy? From your given history, I would like to make following suggestions to your son:1. Were I treating him, I would suggest him regular montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2-3 months, which will improve his symptoms.2. Should he develop breathing difficulty in between, I would suggest consulting a pediatrician who will examine his chest and may suggest nebulization.3. I would suggest him allergy testing which will help you identify the substances/foods causing trouble to him. Avoidance of the substances/foods causing allergies is the best strategy for allergy/asthma.4. Please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution to him as much as possible. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will help him in a long run. I would like to mention here that although asthma in parents make a child more prone to develop asthma, childhood asthma behaves differently as compared to adult asthma. With proper use of medications, nutrition and environment changes, it can be very well controlled. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your son the best of the health and bright future ahead. Thank you & Regards. son is currently taking 800 mg of Tegretol daily to treat his seizure disorder. He also has symptoms of ODD and ADHD (no diagnosis). My husband and I have discussed various medications to help withi his cognition, implusivenss and comprehension. Our doctor recently gave us samples of Intuniv. What should I be conncered about? What s your opinion of this drug?
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The details you gave here is not enough to provide a proper diagnosis. You have mentioned seizure disorder, OCD, ADD (no diagnosis). I request you to consult a clinical psychologist who shall be able to make your son undergo psychometric tests to diagnose these problems. Once diagnosed, medicine as well as psychotherapy should be started. You should work with your psychiatrist / psychologist for better result. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I started taking the cholesterol drug Trilipix a couple weeks ago. On Friday I had abdominal pain (severe) for app. 6 hours. It finally went away. On Saturday evening I had it again from about 8:30 p.m. till 4:00 a.m. I stopped taking the drug yesterday and went for lab tests today. My doctor phoned and said my liver enzymes are very high and my liver is inflamed due to the medicine. My urine was very dark and doctor said enzymes were spilling into my urine as well. I have to have an ultrasound on Wed. and see a specialist that day as well. I am not showing any jaundice in my eyes or skin. What is the likelihood I will have any more severe pain now I am off the medication and what can I expect toward recovery. My stomach muscles are very sore as well either from the medication or tightening up during the pain. What can I do to help myself to recover faster and how soon can I expect to feel better? Mostly I just feel muscle pain in my stomach muscles.
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Hi. Thanks for your query. The cholesterol Chat Doctor. You have to go further for tests related to the liver and see if there are other causes of Hepatitis, which I am sure you may have. Anyway stopping the medicines was a good choice as it may cause such problems. I would advise you to undergo the further tests, ultrasonography and MRCP if required. About recovery:The first thing of the treatment is to get a full bed-rest. Take Hepato-protective medicines. If the liver counts and enzymes are growing fast, get admitted getting an appropriate treatment. IT may take 3 weeks to 3 months for a complete recovery. The stomach can be sore due to weakness, lodging of liver enzymes in the tissues, toxemia and so on.
I am a 45 y/o female in good health with an ALT that has gone from 36 in 2009 to 47 in 2011. I understand it is due to a fatty liver. What does having an elevated ALT mean to my overall health and likelihood of it developing into cirrhosis? Thanks.
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have slightly high alpine transaminase level. It is a liver enzyme in its level increase in liver damage. Your level is changed slightly which is not significant clinically. It is common in fatty liver. Risk of cirrhosis depends on alcohol consumption and many other factors. You should avoid high fat diet and go for regular exercise. Avoid smoking and alcohol. Nothing to worry much about fatty changes in liver. It is very common condition. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello doctor,I am 21 years old and I have always been a shy person. When I was younger I used to sweat a lot because of it and I could barely speak with anyone. As I got older, I became more and more sociable, now I have got friends, I am getting along with everyone at work and I am feeling quite good about myself. I have never been depressed and I am a really happy person. The problem that I am facing is that whenever I talk to somebody, with anyone at all, my heart starts to rush and my face becomes red in just one second. I blush like I have done some dumb thing and it is intense and very very red, anyone can notice it. I have tried to manage it by going out as much as possible and I have learned that when I get comfortable with someone, the blush and red face thing disappears (but it took two years to get comfortable with my boss for example). I am aware the problem might be associated with anxiety, but I have never taken pills for it. I just want the blushing to go away, as that will make me less awkward and better in general. I have got a mitral valve prolapse and a ventricular hypertrophy.
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The problems you have mentioned like the history of shyness, palpitations and flushing of the face on talking with any new person, etc., are occurring most likely due to anxiety. This could be due to social anxiety. You are facing these problems in day to day routine too and to get rid of these symptoms you should consult a psychiatrist for help. ChatDoctor. Sertraline can be tried. The
Hi, I have had a constant pain and lately a lot of sharp stabbing pain on the Right side of my abdomen , the pain extends to my back and to my groin . No matter it I sit, lie down it hurts... Even more so when I walk around. I have had my gallbladder removed and a total hysterectomy so there is not much more that can be removed. I have been getting regular UTI s which I have been given antibiotics each time. My urine sample has come back fine but that was tested during me taking antibiotics for a week.. I have had a blood test for everything and I was told by the health visitor that my results were all normal apart from one which was Renal Abnormality... I was asked if I have been asked to see a dr and I said no.. and advised to see the dr... I received the results today... I ve also been into hospital with this pain who admitted me and then discharged me on the same day to go to my GP for a referral which I have done but still awaiting. I m really fed up of the pain and constant UTI s and now I have Renal Abnormality and my doctor does not know what is wrong with me? Would you please give me advice as to what is happening to me... This pain is horrific and at times unbearable... Thank you in advance
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Hi, many thanks for the query! Pain can be due to several causes more commonly due to stones, infection of the urinary tract. You need to do- CBC, FT, Urine (Culture & Sensitivity), Random blood sugar level, USG PUB. Start appropriate antibiotic as per report, take antispasmodics, painkillers, diuretics with your Urologists opinion. Chat Doctor. If diabetic, blood sugar levels must be in good control. Wish you a good health. Take care. Regards.