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Hi. My son had an appendectomy within the passed 24 hours. Previous to that he had been sick with stomach virus type symptoms for 5 days. He now has had two loose bowel movements within the past four hours that has blood in them. Is this to be expected or do I need to take him back to the ER? Ive called the Dr.s answering service and am awaiting a response.
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Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Yes, you need to visit to the doctor immediately. It is not the virus, but it is bacterial infection. I advise you to kindly do culture and sensitivity of the stool. This will guide us possible bacteria and its sensitivity pattern. Once you start treatment according to report you will be cured rapidly. Please take curd in the diet as it replaces gut bacteria and helps you to recover the diarrhea. Please do good hand hygiene as it is equally important in maintaining the good health, and it also supports the treatment. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
hello...i have a severe gambling addiction that I would like to quit with some assistance from naltrexone. Ive done lots of research on it and am wanting to look into getting a prescription.I have also used vicodin daily for about 4 years about 20-30 mg daily. I have not had any vicodin for 5 days but see that naltrexone can assist in keeping me off the pills too. please help
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I request you, please understand that self diagnosis and self treatment can cause more harm than cure. Especially in the case psychiatric Chat Doctor. Please consult a psychiatrist for any treatment. Addiction, what ever may be the case, is addiction. Here you have an addiction of habit, and body is not involved. Therefore, altering your lifestyle and keeping your busy and having a good hobby can cure you, along with a will to succeed. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I am a female age 50 my left knee has been hurting for the last couple of weeks, past two days knee has been swollen and severe pain, at night pain gets worse and is through out my entire leg, I ve tried ice and take ibuprophen for pain. Just last night I noticed a ball on my calve area about the size of a quarter. having a very hard time walking. I am diabetic and do have high blood pressure. I am not overweight and I try to keep active (walk 3-5 miles a day). Not sure if this is something I should go to urgent care to see what is going on. I do not have health insurance so they tend to make you feel like you are not worth the time to check out thouroghly. If I go is there any questions or test I should ask them to run on me.
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Dear patient you. May be having early osteoarthritis. This means age related degenerative changes in knee. Overweight persons tend to get it early. There will be difficulty in squatting. Diagnosis can be confirmed by X-ray of the left knee anteroposterior lateral. And skyline views. Please get it done from radiology center nearby you. Meanwhile, start tab attract twice a day for pain relief. Avoid squatting and crossed leg sitting. If X-ray is abnormal please visit orthopedic surgeon nearby you.
Hello doctor,My son is 10 years old. Since one year, he has been urinating in his pants in school and often arguing with adults and sometimes with other kids. He has once threatened me that he would commit suicide. He tells people he is a "master manipulator" and that there is nothing wrong with him. He has been seeing a counselor once a week for about a year, and she has twice diagnosed him with ADHD. He has no problems paying attention and is not hyperactive or fidgety. I do not feel this diagnosis is accurate. We have been trying to have an appointment with a psychologist for the past five months and have got one recently. In the meanwhile, we are hoping to find some answers. What could be going wrong on with him?
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern. From your description, there are two things which come to my mind apart from the ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). One is ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), and the other one is a conduct disorder. But, your description does not suffice the above diagnoses. For this, I need more data and a detailed description of his behaviors. Since how long has he has been exhibiting such behavior? Such behaviors need early treatment with medications and counseling. Psychotherapies can effectively control and prevent the child from doing something dangerous. So, I suggest you continue with your current treatment and consult a psychiatrist. All the best. Regards. For more information consult a psychiatrist online
Im 13 years old, my chest hurts sometimes, from both sides. Near my heart and the right side as well but not at the same time and not always , what does it mean? , also my boobs kinda hurt when i touch them in certain areas , should I be worried and what does this mean ?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about major heart or lung related diseases as you are too young (13 years) for them. Your bilateral chest pain is mostly due to musculoskeletal pain. So apply warm water pad on affected areas. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Take painkiller like ibuprofen. For your breast tenderness, nothing to worry. At your age, hormonal changes are there. And they can cause similar kind of breast pain. Apply ice packs to breasts, and you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
hi doctor, I am sufferinf from PCOD and my gynic gave ChatDoctor injection on 10th day of my periods.She had told me that I have two helathy on both the ovaries. What are chances of my prgnancy. I am also observing white discharge and lower back pain. I am scrared that I will get periods..
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Hi, You have POD, and it causes problem in ovarian follicle maturation and problem in conceiving. Generally Chat Doctor injection should have given when follicle is sufficiently matured. Effect of Chat Doctor cause rupture of follicle and ovulation. Usually effect will be seen with in 24 hours. When ovarian follicle will reach at 18 mm then you can go for Chat Doctor injection. You have to do sexual intercourse after receiving injection. Ovarian follicles between 18-21 mm have high chance of pregnancy. So there is chance of pregnancy. You can use Chat Doctor for 2-4 cycles. If it will not respond then ovarian Chat Doctor. Along with you can take closed, metformin, progesterone pill in second half of period. So there may chance of pregnancy. Avoid stress, take healthy diet,
My 8 year old daughter has a gastric bug and has been vomiting since 1:00am on sunday. She vomited dark green bile on tuesday. this is day 6 and she had dark brown clots in her vomit today. Showed this to the gp. She had a very small nose bleed this morning which resolved very quickly and only left 3 spots of blood on the tissue. the gp states that this is the cause of the blood in her 2 episodes of vomiting 4 hours later. How does he know this is the case an it is not a gi bleed? thanks
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Generally in GI bleed the feces would have come black which you have not reported. However, there must be some lesion causing bleed shown in vomiting. If it persists, you need to get further investigation of the source of bleeding. Sometimes green vomiting is associated with Kafka humor vitiation also. To stop the bleeding from nose and vomiting give her maximum coconut water. If you can get Naagkeshar (Mesa ferret) powder, any Chat Doctor. This is the best hemostatic combo. Even if anyone of the three is available, pl start with that. Its absolutely safe n harmless. It can be found from where to get on the net. As an alternative, Himalaya herbal co.s Stepson tab may also be used, but it may not be as quick. Cynodon dactyl on or Bermuda grass or Survey grass extract may be instilled in nostrils to stop nose bleed immediately without side effects. You may not find extract in market but have to extract at home. If qty is more, it can be
Ok, I need to know what would cause a leg and foot to swell up 4 times its normal size. The foot and leg became so large, it was having eruptions of liquid like volcanos. And all this occurred within a 2 hour period. This happened to me several years ago and was diagnosed as cellulitus. I was put on 4 IVs of antibiotics overnight. The typical blood poisoning red traces were visible slowly moving up my leg. They mentioned that it could have been a spider bite or something infecting the little toe where it started. I have been researching cellulitus and brown recluse spider bites and none of the symptoms described are what I had. So now I am confused as to what may have happened to cause such a bizarre affliction. Any ideas?
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Many of the spider bites usually do not cause much harm except for some spiders like black widow spider and brown recluse spider. Your symptoms are suggestive of a brown recluse spider bite where the skin around the bite wound swells and reddens due to a local reaction. Such wounds should be cleaned thoroughly to avoid secondary bacterial infection. Based on the symptoms you have mentioned in your query, I suspect the above scenario where your wound was not attended to in time and secondary bacterial infection has occurred leading to cellulitis. Cellulitis is caused by bacteria like staphylococcus and streptococcus. You were correctly treated by broad spectrum antibiotics as cellulitis spreads very fast and cause septicemia. Hope I have helped you with this answer. Thanks.
Recently my heart has been pounding very hard immediately after standing. I am a 43 yr old man that smokes and drinks, but not heavily. I did have some anxiety from stress several months ago, but this heart pounding is not the same symptoms. I have trouble catching my breath, it feels like my heart is racing, but it isn t really, just pounding through my chest and throat. I typically can make it feel better by taking deep breaths. I was wondering if it is a lack of oxygen in my blood? Maybe not resting fully. But they I noticed below that tachycardia may be the cause? I have had ECG s and have worn a heart monitor and there is nothing seemingly wrong with my ticker. I can also almost feel when it is going to happen as my legs feel like i just ran a sprint. My quads ache like they are full of latic acid. Any suggestions? Thank you
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Hi Thereafter going through your query I understand your concern. I would like to tell you the symptoms you are telling, pounding heart and breathlessness can happen in both conditions heart diseases and stress. If you feel breathless during exertion and feel better after resting then it can be due to underlying heart disease and It's advisable to get a Treadmill test and echocardiography done for proper evaluation. And It's advisable to cease smoking for better health. Hopefully this will answer your querying you Good Luck Chat Doctor.
I received a gingival graft on my lower teeth and was prescribed Etodolac, as an anti-inflammatory, and Amoxycillin, as an antibiotic. I took the prescribed dose of Etodolac and its effect has been almost unnoticeable. My question is whether I should contact my periodontist regarding my problem or should I go to the Emergency care at a local hospital and speak with a physician immediately as the graft is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and painful.
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Hello dear,First don't worry and be relaxed. I will try to provide you my best possible advice. One thing you have not mentioned that how many days before you undergone the surgery. Etodolac is a potent anti-inflammatory agent but since it is not controlling the pain. I will advise you to visit your dentist as soon as possible so that he/she can check the healing of the gum tissue, do any needful procedure and modify the dose or change the medicine. Hope this will help you. If there is any more query or question regarding this in your mind, you are free to ask me any time. Take Disregards
Hello! Im a 26 year old man previously diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. In the last I have been aware that my head seems smaller than my peers and wondered if it is normal or should be checked out. My head circumference is 55.5 cm, my height is 190 cm and my body weight is 86.3 kg.
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Hi. I had gone through your query. Sorry to say but Asperger has no cure. Only we can do that treatment of behavior abnormalities and rehabilitation. But you have to go for re-evaluation of your diagnosis because only head circumference is not a parameter to diagnosed it. It is syn Chat Doctor. So 1st go for proper diagnosis and then treatment. Consult psychiatrist and get help. Happy to help you further. Thank you.
Hello doctor,I have developed anxiety problems due to severe work-related stress. I work in the IT services with timings from 2 PM to 11 PM. So, I go to bed by 1 AM and wake up around 6.45 AM every day. Due to stress, I am having palpitations. I had a full echo, ECG, and a treadmill test to rule out cardiac problems and the results were normal. I was advised Betacap 20 mg and Restyl 0.25 each once a day. I have been taking these medications for close to one and a half years now. However, during a Siddha camp in our office for stress, they reviewed my medications and have advised me to take Ashwagandha 400 mg twice, one in morning and night each along with my allopathy medications. Also, I have lost my sex drive due to stress. I would like to take advice on this medication and dosage. Will these ayurvedic supplements cause any interactions?
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have prescribed you the yogic ChatDoctor. After three months, you can stop Betacap. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online
Thanks. I am 41 yr old female with no problems and not overweight and no disease. This morning when i woke up there was a tearing pain on my right side so intense - like something was ripping down my insides -- I have never had pain that caused me not to be able to move -- I tried but got nauseated and sicker -- I walked to the bathroom to shower so I could go to ER but couldnt stand up...About 40 minutes of same level of intense pain ....after that it pretty quickly subsided and I felt like I needed a bm, had a normal bm, and the pain is completely gone. I don t have insurance and since the pain is gone -- will not go to dr. Any ideas what that was???
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Hello! Thank you for the query. Such sudden pain can be caused by urinary tract stones, gall stones or intestines spasm due to some obstruction. Urinary tract stones usually gives lower right or left pain radiating to the back or groin, frequent urinating can appear and burning when urinating. Gall stones give upper right pain radiating to the back, usually after a meal. Nausea and vomiting is very characteristic. Bowel obstruction can give strong abdominal pain, abdomen gets bigger due to bloating, vomiting is very characteristic. Can be associated with constipation history. It is advisable for you to have abdominal ultrasound, full blood work, liver tests, amylase, bilirubin and urinalysis. Hope this will help. Regards
hello,want to consult u,my son is 22 yrz old n he is suffrng pain n swelling in inguinal region,he had a history ov appendix sugery a few yrz bck,he had also swelling in inguinal region a few monthz bck .tat tme it vold b overcome vd antibiotc nw he is sufferng again kindly email on my id,wt should i do.wt traetment u advise
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Hello! Pain and swelling in inguinal area (or better pain and some kind of lump) may be caused by inguinal hernia. Especially when it hurts during coughing. In inguinal area there are also lymph nodes which can be painful and enlarged when inflammation process is in this lymph nodes area. It can be located on same side leg for example. If your son is having a fever this diagnoses is more probable. One more thing - by inguinal region I understand a region where an abdomen ends and a leg begins. If the pain is a little higher, there is a need to look for a disease in abdominal cavity. If it's a right side where the surgery was performed, intro abdominal adhesions are possible, and intestine partial obstruction must be ruled out. Also, there is always a probability of post-operative hernia. What should be done is: blood tests for inflammation signs, ultrasound of abdomen and inguinal area and if lymph nodes will turn out enlarged, biopsy is necessary. Take care
my right hand feels bruised although no physical impact happened with it. This has been going on for more than a year and i already went to 2 doctors (hand and bone), had 10 sessions of therapy including my neck, x-ray, etc. with no cure in sight. The pain is bearable but uncomfortable...from 1-10 scale, 10 being most painful, it is currently at 5-6, for over a year now, no subsiding...what could this possibly be?
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Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have bruises in hand. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like blunt trauma, coagulopathy, anticoagulant medications, fracture, carpel tunnel, allergy or hand injury. I would suggest you to consult apply ice pack, keep your hand elevated and give your hand proper rest. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor will check tenderness and consistency order X-ray or CT scan to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory, anti coagulant, surgical Chat Doctor. Give our hand proper rest and get physical therapy. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
18, female, weight- 49 kgs, height 5.4 feet, no medical history as such, besides depression, taken diazepam, lexapro, lorezapam, flurezapam, effexor XR. Recently I abruptly stopped taking lexapro and diazepam ( I was already off the other medications). How does this affect me? I can t sleep well. and what will happen if one pops 3 combiflams on an empty stomach everyday? and what happens if one combines some ecstacy with diazepam and effexor XR? and does stopping medication abruptly lead to a grown propensity towards drugs? and will the combiflams kill me?
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Hi, Brief answer: Always take medication as prescribed and abstain from using illicit Chat Doctor. Detailed answer: Antidepressant medications, including Learn and Effector act on various chemicals and signals in the brain. These medications help to increase the amount of the chemical serotonin in the brain. Abruptly stopping these medications can cause serious side effects, in particular antidepressant discontinuation syn
I have been extremely tired lately and my hands and knees are very painful I have been thus way for about 6 months and the pain is getting so bad it is hard to go to work what could be causing thus? My husband thinks I have lupus. I did look up lupus and I have several symptoms
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Hello, Indeed, your symptoms of feeling tired with painful hands and knees are indicating a possible hematological problem. As I cannot have a complete physical exam on you, I recommend consulting with your primary first and: - make an appointment with a rheumatologist. - run a few diagnostic tests: complete blood count, ERS, CRP, ANA test, rheumatoid factor to evaluate the related changes. For the moment, I can only advise taking: - OTC painkillers- apply analgesic cream locally-take magnesium+calcium+it. D+zinc supplement. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
What is the treatment and preventive measure for Australia antigen ? Dear doctor, god bless you and live long life to serve the humanity. sir here my concern question about the exact treatment and risk factor and how to avoid the australia antigen . Please do suggest and guide us. Thanks a lot, looking forward to hear you. regards.
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Hello there! As they say prevention is better than cure. First the best thing to do is to prevent the infection of Australia antigen which is a particle of Hepatitis B virus detected in the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis is transmitted via blood or blood products, body fluids and from mother to child. Infection can be prevented by taking Hepatitis vaccination which is freely available. A person infected with Hepatitis B and Australia antigen positive may not be symptomatic and aggressive treatment is not required except for having a healthy lifestyle. If symptomatic then treatment is accorded as per the symptoms and immunoglobulins are also used. If you are not vaccinated by now then get your blood Bag test done and if negative then get vaccinated at your earliest to prevent the risk of getting infected. Take care!
My son is 5 years old and has G6PD enzyme deficiency. He is Asian and we just returned from the beach last night. He has some type of rash all over his back and arms and is itching. His skin has gotten pretty dark this summer from the sun. He is itching a lot. I am trying to decide if he got too much sun this past week of if this is some type of symptom of his blood disorder . He is our adopted son and we are Caucasian so I have a different skin type. It s hard to tell if it is red or yellow, but the whites of his eyes don t seem to be yellow.
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor,G-6-PD does not present with rashes on the body. As you have mentioned that your son has had an exposure to sun at the beach recently, the rash is most likely due the sun exposure. The sun burn leads to red skin which later on turn itchy. Your son is also having similar symptoms. Topical application of emollient can relieve the itching. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Maintain HY Chat Doctor.
Hi, ive a very weird problem, i started masturbating at the age of 10-11. i started with my right hand, in starting it was all good then i started to get this numbness when i reach orgasm then i day i got a serious seizure my hand stuck n started twisting then i happened twice in 2002...then i started masturbating with my left hand it was good but then the same thing happened & i got 2 seizures in 2010 dec & 2011 jan upon reaching orgasm. Now i use pillow coz i cnt masturbate with my hands anymore & due to that my both hands started shaking i cant hold anything for a long time & i get this weird numbness, the same numbness i get before seizure now ive hold something in my hand like towel or handkerchief to stop that numbness. I went to the doctor he asked me to get an EEG & ct scan but they found out noting so they came to conclusion that i have anxiety & now m taking medicine for that. I m also asthmatic & i do take inhalers sometimes.
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Yah look like anxiety but cannot rule out any other possibility with this you are having asthma and allergies have many such patients who behave like this if food is causing problem like wheat or milk in your case fit for gluten or wheat as this starts like this as you rote and ultimately end u in asthma get blood test for specific antibodies for milk wheat potato and other common food you take eliminate, and you can be better in 3 months
i m a patient of jaundice now from last four months. actually i have subacute intestinal obstruction n lymph adenopathy. 2 lymph node enlage in porta hepatis area. n my mucodot is positive. then i start att drug but after 25 day i was suffering in jaundice n before jaundice in usg my gb bladder is normal but after jaundice my gb is contracted in also fasting. now usg shows common bile duct is not visualised. n now dr advised hida scan
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Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. It can't be sometimes visualized since ultrasound is nor so sensitive for bile duct which are small and covered with bowel and in obese people it is not easily seen. You should do CT scan for better disease evaluation. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. Chat Doctor.
sir i m azoospermic...i have gone for testicular biopsy,the result was germ cell aplasia and my doctor said to me that isnt any chance for us.... when i went for biopsy my harmonal reports were normal but i found my FSH level higher...what would be the beeter option for us...PLEASE HELP!!!!
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HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. Germ cell aphasia means the cells is your tested have not matured and cannot produce Sperm. I am very sorry to tell that nothing can be done for that. But I would like to go through the biopsy report and also the blood reports so that I can advise you if anything that can be done to help you. Kindly upload the reports. Contact me directly on this link. http://doctor.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (I also have 2 goiters/cysts) and a hiatal hernia w/ moderate reflux. I am on a thyroid medicine and prilosec...although I dont have/get heartburn. My question is that I have a constant fullness feeling and difficulty breathing or getting a deep breath....much worse during exercise and eating and laying down to sleep. Does this make any sense? Is it related to the hernia? By the way, Im in good shape, exercise 5x/week, so overweight is not a problem.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, hiatal hernia with moderate reflux can cause bronchitis (inflammation of airways) and this in turn causes chest tightness, breathing difficulty etc. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hi doctor,My wife had NT scan and double marker test at 12 weeks and 3 days of pregnancy. The report is as follows, CRL is 59.2 mm, NT is 1.45 mm, free beta-hCG is 84.84 IU/L, equivalent to 2.217 MoM and PAPP-A 0.712 IU/L equivalent to 0.282 MoM. Trisomy 21 is 1: 450 1:47 and trisomy 18 is 1: 5315. I wanted to know about if the risk in the first-trimester screening window is positive.
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Hi. I have read your question and understand the concerns. Hope you found the answer helpful. Regards. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis four years ago. Since then I have had pneumonia four times. Last week I was exposed to a lot of outdoor smoke and my chest and throat felt raw. I had pain in my ribs and that was made worse by touching. No fever or sweating. Saw my doctor and he xrayed two days ago. Has not said anything but i wonder if it was a bronchial attack or heart involvement. I continue to have a dry cough when outside or at night time.
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... You had bronchiectasis before 4 year. In that by obstruction and so collection of secretion chances of infection more. So you had developed pneumonia thereafter. Just now after exposure to smoke you can have bronchitis and so on cough... If wheezing and dyspnea present then bronchodilator needed.Otherwise, just Antihistamines taken... Avoid smoking and air pollution like respiratory irritant.... For congestion relief eucalyptus lozenges helpful... Echinacea herbal product that resist infection and improve immune system. Take care. If condition worsen then chest x-ray needed. Chat Doctor.
My upper back in the spine area hurts when i turn my head or try to get out of bed. I fell on my neck on a trampoline yesterday. I have no tingling sensations anywhere and everything moves fine. Could it just be a bruised or pulled or sprained "something"?
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The most obvious cause of the pain is the trauma from the fall. That is a delicate area to injure in the way you did so, any type of movement or manipulation of the neck could cause pain and discomfort. I would recommend having a doctor check it out to be sure you have not seriously damaged anything. At the very least they will be able to give you specific instructions to rehab, possibly use ice to cool the strain down, and provide temporary immobilization IF that is considered appropriate for your condition. Please rate this encounter with a 5 STAR choice and if you have further questions please contact me at: XXX
Hello, I have a few bumbs that are located on ny chest from the top, down to the bottom of my rib cage, just above my stomach. Thy dont hurt. I had them for years. But now ive found a lump right below my rib cage on the right side. Are these two things serious? How did I get them? & besides seeing a doctor what am I looking at for removal of these 5 bumbs and one lump in total?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Clinical examination is needed for diagnosis of bump on chest wall. But since you had these from years, and they are harmless, it looks like lipoma. Lipoma is benign swelling containing fat tissue only. It is rarely malignant. Most of the time surgery is not required but if cosmetic reason than remove it surgically. So consult general surgeon and get it removed if you have cosmetic reason otherwise no need to do anything.
Hi doctor, My son is 3 yrs old. Earlier he was very bright and talkative. use to be happy all the time. He use ti tell all the studies whatever has taught to him, alphabets, rhymes, numbers etc etc. He use to utter all difficult rhymes, numbers etc etc. his behaviour was very descent, very polite and obidient. Everybody use to tell abot his abilities and we use to feel proud of that. Recently from two-thee months his behaviour has become totally opposite. he dont listen anything,has become very stubborn, become very very naughty, not even studing anything, not even toched the books, not telling anything but still we know that he knows everything he is not telling anything, hiding from peoples, not mixing with peoples, not even telling hello to anyone. peoples are telling this is signs of autism. Please suggest some good doctors. Is it really that?????
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He is not having autism. 100% sure, he is probably having temper tantrums, which is quite normal for this age group child Chat Doctor. . Only parents counseling is enough. No medical treatment required. Just try to convey to you kids that this odd behavior is not acceptable. Show some love and support to your kid daily activities... mostly by age 8 to 10, they become normal. Ask how he behaves in school or with friends.
Hello, my name is Kindra, i have problems with Ovarian Cysts, and ive heard that marijuana helps with the pain and also decreases the size of the cysts. Im constantly having horrible abdominal pains, and i know in the past it has helped with the pain.
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Polycystic ovaries are related to hormone imbalance. Associated risk factor is obesity and insulin resistance. There are many reasons for pod. Symptoms are usually amenorrhea, acne, hirusitism and more. It's advisable to do a thyroid function test and serum prolactin to know the root cause. Lifestyle management weight reduction is very important. OCP are useful in patients before marriage. 21 day pill will regularize periods. Tablet metformin is highly useful in pod
I have Addison s . Type 1 Diabetes, Thalesemia , Hypo-thyroid & Neuropathy. Why do I need to carry Solu-Cortef ?The doctor said in case of emergency - if I become ill. He never explained why or when to use it. I lost the Syringe which is very different from my Insulin Syringes . How do I get e new one? I live in a small town and I can not drive myself to the Doctor - due to visual impairments. So its not easy to get one from him
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Hi and sorry about what you are going through. You carry solucortel just in case you need some more steroid hormones to cope with stressful situations. The body normally increases the production of steroid hormones during stress. Because you have Addison disease, this is impossible for you and we will need the external administration of this. You may need this in situations like an accident, loss of a dear one, going through some very difficult moments, severe illness etc. Getting a new one is best from a pharmacy. However, you may use any syringe if you must use it now and there is no other way of getting around the problem. I strongly recommend that you do all to get the advised syringe as soon as possible, too. Wish you a good health. All the best in all your endeavors to get the new syringe.
I have had lower back pain (I thought it was due to my cats not giving me much room on my side of the bed) this started 4 days ago, but has really escalated today. I now realize it isn t my back but inside and it feels like it s spreading from very low back to my mid back. I have trouble sitting, laying down or standing for any length of time today. I was barely able to drive a short distance today because I was unable to turn properly. I want to add that I am extremely active, I am definitely not over-weight, and like I mentioned this just kicked in a few days ago, today being the worst. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I plan to make a doctor appointment, but with the holidays....doc is not available. Thank you
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Dear patient You are having back spasm that is due to abnormal sleep position. I would advise X-ray of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities. If its normal or showing loss of lumbar lordosis diagnosis is confirmed. Start tab diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day for 5 days. Take tab attract one at bedtime. Avoid forward bending and weight lifting. Do hot water fomentation for 5 days. All this measures will definitely relieve you of back pain. All the best.
My dog bit me on the finger about 3 1/2 hours ago. I washed it and put on antibacterial wash and a bandage. It is still throbbing and oozing slowly through the bandage. It s not bleeding a lot, just not completely stopping. My dog has all his vaccinations and had his rabies shot updated a few months ago. Should I just blow it off or go to the doctor? Thanks!
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Dogs are known reservoir of rabies virus and can transmit to human beings by biting. Rabies is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. As there was a bleeding from the bite site, according WHO categorization it is categorized into Cat III. So cat III bite should receive following treatment.1. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.2. Active immunization with anti rabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.3. Passive immunization with anti rabies serum around the wound.4. Inj TT, 0.5 ml, IM5. A course of Antibiotics like Tab Augmenting, twice daily for 5 days. Thank you.
I have recently taken my mom s blood test since she is not feeling well and affected from viral fever tat report stated her tc. &DC level ranges 19000. Could you pls explain me about that...and she is having sever joints pain too...suggest me some good treatment.... .
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Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. Her raised Total leukocyte count of 19,000/c, mm suggests secondary bacterial infection probably of the respiratory tract following viral fever. She should take a course of broad-spectrum antibiotic preferably amoxicillin & clauvulinc acid combination (Augmenting) in standard doses for at least 05 days. Her Joint pain following viral fever is most likely due to reactive arthritis. NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. G proximal 20 mg orally daily with antacid like omeprazole 20 mg orally daily for 3-5 days will give relief. Regards
Hi my nemesis XXXXX . I woke up an a week ago with a horrible bruise on my left hip that came out of no where. I was having severe abdominal pain and went to the er . They tried to tell me it was just a bruise even did a ct scan and blood work. All of that came back ol except for a very small cyst on my ovarie. Well the bruise is almost gone.but I have a medium sized knot remaining and its tender . Should I be worried ? Could it be a hernia and if so even with a ct scan could they have missed something ?
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Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this bruise and the pain you and. I will say do not get too worried about this knot. Try some pain medications for this and let's see what happens within 3-5days. If symptoms should persist or get worse, then you may consider returning to see your treating doctor, Hernia are generally diagnosed by talking to the patient and examining. A test is rarely needed. And with a CT scan done in this case, it would have been a very rare miss not to pick up a hernia if there was any. I am sure it cannot be a hernia unless it just happened suddenly which is unlikely. I hope you find this helpful. Thank you for using our services, and please feel free to ask for more information if need be. I wish you the best of health.
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Hello Main, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to know more about you like - a. Since how long you have allergies and asthma? b. What is the frequency of your asthma episodes? c. What are your nose symptoms? d. What are the best and worst seasons for you? Above details will help me more to guide you better. At present, I would like to make suggestions as follows:1. Were I treating you, I would suggest you regular montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2-3 months.2. I would also suggest you to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms/wheezing/breathlessness.3. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances causing allergies to you and also to know the measures to avoid them. Common asthma-allergy causing substances are air-borne substances like house dust mites, cockroach proteins, molds and pollen in your environment and animal proteins (if you have pet/s). Based on the allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms in a long run.4. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.5. Regular breathing exercises (including Yoga & Panama) and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving lung capacity and immunity respectively. As you have asked about fruits, usually asthma is caused by many factors acting together, so any particular food is less likely to cause asthma. Of course, asthma attacks can be triggered by cold foods, cold Chat Doctor. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
Hi I am being treated for a uti/ kidney infection but I still have pain on my left side in the kidney area . I have pain going down my left leg .feels like a nagging tooth ache then I get like severe pain in the top part of my leg rubbing it even hurts
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Hi, Thanks for writing in. Urinary infection might vary from mild to severe. There are times when there is referred pain from a bladder and urinary infection to the lower limb. This happens due to stimulation of the nerves in the leg which transmit impulses due to urinary infection. The brain perceives it as originating from the leg and therefore the symptoms. It will also be important to know if you have a past history of nerves pinching in your lower back region. Such a condition might go unnoticed until you get investigated. Please discuss your detailed symptoms with the doctor and if required then get additional investigations done for your lower back to know if you have nerve related pain. Please do not worry.
Hi Doctor, When I was 20 I had to face a surgery. I experienced a severe pain inside left testicle with a lump. Surgeon suggested me to do a surgery on both testicles. He said it might spread to the right side too and eventually killing both of them. Now the problem is, after sometime, my left testicle stopped producing enough sperms. Now it is getting smaller and smaller. And also it looks like there is another issue. Right testicle does take more time to involve in ejaculation. Probably tighten. Even before the surgery it took like 30-40 minutes to ejaculate. But I feel it is somewhat blocked. Due to this condition at left one, I also experience some abdominal pain (not sure if it is the case) if I ejaculate often (daily) leading to some loose motion. What should I follow to recover from this? Thanks!
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HelloThanks for query. You have undergone surgery for left testicle in childhood, and it has atrophied. Your Rt testicle is functioning normally. At the outset I would like to state that Testicle does not play any role in process of Ejaculation. The semen that is being ejaculated during ejaculation is stored in ducts of seminal vesicles and ejaculatory duct before being ejaculated. It is during ejaculation it is forcefully propelled in to prostatic urethra. As regards pain in lower abdomen and loose motions it is not related to frequent ejaculation. It may be due to colitis. You may need to take antibiotics like Ofloxacin with Metronidazole for five days. Chat Doctor.
i had elevated bilirubin for more than one and half months.sometimes bilirubin is 1.7, 1.8 ,2.4 etc but my others results in LFT are normal. For quite some time in this period i had also consumed some antibiotics like levoflaxcin etc for some my UTI related problem. Now im ok and had stopped these. yesterday i had got LFT and my bilirubin is 1.47 rest all results ok. Now i m taking liv-52 2 tablets thrice in a day. is this will work and i will be fine? should i control my diet also bcz i m very fond of eating and drinking ( drink once in 2 weeks but had stopped in this period )
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Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. It depends on the cause of elevated Lots. In case of fatty liver, it will help. But in case of cirrhosis hepatitis or biliary issues it won't be helpful. The next step is to look for certain liver damage and most common case is fatty liver disease. It should be confirmed by ultrasound. Other causes are viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, medications, alcohol intake or autoimmune diseases. To verify exact cause, US, bilirubin levels and tumor markers should be additional done. Then appropriate treatment can be started. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
I have had the flu for a few days with a runny nose, sore throat and headache. As well as this, a lump has developed on my armpit... and has got bigger since Monday when I first noticed it. The lump is quite painful- even when I stretch my arm I can feel it, and when someone touches it the pain is pretty unbearable. Its under the skin and resembles a boil. Should I go to the doctor to get it seen to? Thank for your help
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Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The causes for the lump under the armpit / axillary region with pain and tenderness suggest infective etiology. 2. Most possible cause could be hair follicular infection with collection of pus within, abscess.3. If you are my patient I would have examined and if necessary ask for an ultrasound which will give me the nature of the lump its source and extensions.4. The treatment in this case is a small incision and Chat Doctor. And a good post procedural care.5. Yes you need to seek doctors help as I will not go on its own.6. Do not touch, scratch, press the area - it will complicate and delay in healing. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.
For the past 3 days, I ve been having severe chest pain with a burning sensation in the middle of my chest. It literally takes my breath away and makes my heart race, then it eases off for awhile. I ve been debating on going to the ER as it keeps recurring. If it continues, should I go to the ER?
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Hi I do care for your concern. Most of the time the pain in middle of chest and burning type suggest more of ulcer related pain. I would advise starting on antacid medication such as omeprazole low dose two times a day for two weeks. If the symptoms persist during the treatment then it is advisable to consult your physician and get an electrocardiogram done to rule out heart related causes. Hope your condition returns to normal. Hope I have answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask. Thank you.
i HAD AN alif in 2006 and after 3 month check up the L5S1 was loose. They did a screw removal anterior and posterially did percutanious screwed metal on either side of s1. I have had pain and now neuropathy in my feet and left leg. Would it help to remove the metal and screws now?
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Dear patient first I would like to know the reason for fusion surgery. Was It done for spondylolisthesis at l5s1 or for the disc prolapse surgery? If it was done for spondylolisthesis the reason for pain may be delayed fusion at l5s1 or non fusion. The reason for lower limb pain may be radiculopathy due to nerve compression by hardware. Detailed examination by expert spine surgeon is recommended. I would like to confirm diagnosis by doing X-ray of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views. This will give me idea about progress of fusion and position of hardware. If possible MRI of lumbosacral spine is also advisable if not contraindicated by presence of hardware. Meanwhile, start tab regain x 75 mg one at bedtime. Removal of screws and metal can be decided only after both investigation.
Hi Im 32 years old I recently had vesectomy done about a month ago now. My wife and I have both noticed that I have become increasingly aggressive toward her and others. I was pretty mild tempered and let alot of things go that I felt wasnt worth arguing about now if you upset me im very local about it what has changed.
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. We all are short-tempered in a sense. When we don't like something/or when something happens without our expectation, we get irritated. That irritation triggers anger. Controlling anger is not a good step. You must identify the anger provoking situations and alter those situations or alter your attitude towards them. Psychotherapy techniques are available to achieve this objective. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
Hi I have a hard vein or supply line of some kind in the shaft of my penis that ends just before the head in a lump it hurts when I get an erection and it also pulls my penis in an upside down u shape like a string is tied to the tip that is also very painful
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HelloThanks for query. You have dilated engorged tributary of Dorsal Vein of penis which is painful on erection and tends to curve your glans penis upwards during erection. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination If needed he may advise you to get it ligated and remove the vein. This is simple surgery done under local anesthesia as an out patient procedure and will help to resolve your problem for forever. Chat Doctor.
been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis , been on allot of penicillin , had a MRI, which confirmed it. feels like toothache this all started after a root canal treatment. Doc took swab as i requested a year later & she found staphylococcus!! now ive been prescribed a combination antibiotic 500mg flucloxallin that i started today...I am taking a probiotic too. Ive had a minor athrostopy that almost killed me as the recovery was so bad, & i didnt take any time off work either, im good at the moment as im positive doing yoga & on leave for a wk im also drinking organic apple cider vinagar with water throughout the day.
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Hello jay, chronic sinusitis is one of the most common prevailing disease in the modern world and is 100% curable...... Toothache is one of the effects of chronic sinusitis itself, so please consult your physician for that to that do you really need a medication for that!!!! Else, in homeopathy the treatment is permanent and quick as the medicines you are taking right now i.e. antibiotics do have loads of side effects. Consult a good classical homeopathic physician there in your area, he or she may help you to come over it successfully..... along with that, start doing some BREATHING EXERCISES and do inhale plain water steam, it will help in relaxation of nasal congestion too.... take care........
Hi Im not sure if this is normal or not but between my vagina and anus its is really hard and feels like a big lump under the skIn but only bulges out slightly so Im not sure if its just muscle but Im not sure what is is suppose to be like. I think Im just paranoid.
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Hi! Thanks for sharing your minor health issue with us! I know that you wrote this to us, but there are many more women who experience this, and they will be benefitted by your post, I hope ! As per our clinical experience this perineal lump could be:1. A skin tag2. An inclusion cyst3. A chronic abscess4. Anal fistula, healed5. Normal developmental conditionTherefore, you need to meet a gynecologist / surgeon for a perineal examination and to relieve your concerns!regards, Ther
I have had pain in neck region and shoulders for months now. I ccant turn my neck all the way to the right and I have a hard time sleeping at night. My shoulders are more painful at night and my arms go numb during sleep. Is this a shoulder issue or spinal issue? I want to make a dr appointment but not sure who to see.
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Hello, As this sounds like a cervical spine nerve root entrapment so does the symptoms. I will advise taking an MRI. Post which we can plan the treatment. Treatment included - neck stabilization by using the cervical soft collar, hot water fermentation for the neck, upper back, and shoulder. Post having this, doing simple neck stabilization exercise like static neck exercises and range of motion exercise will be helpful. Also, shoulder stabilization exercises, inter-scapular muscle strengthening exercises, upper limb strengthening exercises will help to reduce the symptoms to a greater extent. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In Chat Doctor.
I have a small patch of skin that is slightly numb directly above my right knee. There is no pain and the sensation does not get any worse if i move to a certain position. I suspected it is a pinched femoral cutaneous nerve so I have been doing foam rolling and hip extension stretches. It seems when I do the stretches the sensation comes back to being strongest. Is this a pinched nerve? Something else? What are some home treatments I can do before going to a professional and spending $$$?
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Dear Patient, it could be a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve compression in the pelvis if you are diabetic or overweight, for example. In that case, weight loss would help. Also, I would also consider a possible pinched nerve in the lower spine at the L3 level and confirm it with an MRI scan of the lower spine. In that case, consider doing some physical therapy with traction on lower back. Thank you
I am a 50 year old women healthy ha ha just ran a marathon 1 month ag before the marathon I had some chest discomfort, jaw pain, pain in the middle of my back they always seemed to subside.. for the past 10 days I have been extremely exhausted. even after I slept 7-8 hours,,, ,every day I get chest pains that come and go some last for quite a bit. aturday and Sunday I felt even more exhausted. .I tried to run, but had to stop several times. .today, I felt a bit dizzy, had the chest pains, pains in my jaw, and a slight pain in my left arm.... ince I have been home from work I still have the jaw pain and feeling a bit sick t my stomach. ..I checked my blood pressure and it was 148/75. .not so sure what to do..
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Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The chest pain should be evaluated by an electrocardiogram to exclude cardiac issues. The blood pressure is slightly elevated and should be maintained under control. If the symptoms continue, I suggest consulting a cardiologist for a specific treatment. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
I have been having palpations on or around my right pectoral muscle for over 24 hours now they happen every 3-5 seconds with 3-7 palpations each time. There is no pain or discomfort. Iam 58,male in good health. You can actually see my right pectoral muscle jumping. No other symptoms. The only medication Iam on is testosterone cyp 1 ml once a week. I started the testosterone 5 months ago.
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Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Palpitations can be seen in1. Stress, anxiety and tension2. Arrhythmia (cardiac cause)3. Anemia4. Hyperthyroidism etc. So better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done ECG and 2d echo to rule out cardiac cause. If both are normal then get done hemoglobin level and thyroid function test to rule out anemia and hyperthyroidism respectively. If all are normal then stress and anxiety can be the cause. So avoid stress and tension. Be relax and calm. Consult doctor and discuss all these.
Hi, I got bit by my friend s dog. But my skin isn t punctured, just super bruised with purple, blue and red. It wasn t bleeding either. I went to clean it with alcohol right away then with warm water and soap, then I iced it because it was swelling. My skin didn t burn with I applied the alcohol though. So do you think it s okay? Or should I get it checked out?
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Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I suggest you to get vaccinated if your friends dig is not immune to rabies. If it is immune than there is no point of worry to you. Also, you can observe the dog for 10 days if there are symptoms of the rabies in dog you should be vaccinated. I will be happy to answer your further concerned can contact me. Chat Doctor. Infectious disease specialist. Thank you.
My 3 year old son has developed red, blotchy areas on his skin. It began on his cheeks and around his mouth, and I wondered if he d eaten something he was allergic to?? Within a few days, it had spread to his triceps, and forearms, upper thighs, and lower legs. The red areas are generally warm to the touch, but there is no raised bump or roughness, rather smooth skin. It doesn t itch or hurt. He has a history of eczema (fairly mild), but this is clearly something different. Otherwise he is a healthy kid.
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestions for him as follows:1. From your provided history, I would first think of atomic dermatitis, though it should itch intensely, which is not the case with your son.2. I would also like to mention here that mild forms of atomic dermatitis may not always be due to food allergies. They can be caused by personal tendencies (genetic)/skin type (Chat Doctor. 3. I usually suggest my such patients regular use of calamine lotion or moisturizing creams, especially immediately after bathing, which improves moisture content within the skin and hence help to heal of skin.4. I also suggest my patients probiotics & vitamin D supplementation which helps to improve skin & immunity.5. If you suspect development of edematous skin lesions due to some foods, I would suggest specific IGE levels for that particular food, which help to identify whether he is allergic to that particular food. Common foods causing allergies are animal milk, egg, peanut, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish, seafoods, etc. If he is allergic to any food, avoidance is the best treatment option.6. As itching is not a major problem, I would suggest getting him examined by dermatologist, if not done previously, so he can think of alternative condition, if it is there. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your son the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Hi, my name is Sangita. Im from Malaysia. Im just 23yrs old. Currently im having a heap pain on my left. But i could identify the exact place as my main is also at infront of my heap. I also feel that my whole left leg is pain when i press my heap at back. Could you advise me for further regarding the pain.. thanks..
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Hi Santa. This type of pain usually occurs due to a disc problem bat the lower back causing pressure on the nerves that go down to the foot. Another reason for such pain is the arthritis of the sacroiliac joint. To confirm the diagnosis one needs an MRI Of the lower back or LS Spine. Presently you could take a combination of diclofenac sodium 75 mg and thiocolchicoside 4 mg twice daily, after food. Show to a nearby doc (orthopedic or pain specialist) and start your further treatment
My mother had a kidney exam and we received following statement:IMPRESSION: Prominent bilateral renal pelves. Small postvoid residual. Left renal cyst.With the above, my mothers doctor says the above condition comes with aging and that the urinary residual needs no treatment. The kidney cyst also does not need treatment.Is my mothers doctors response true? Will everything just go away naturally with my mothers kidney condition?
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, i can understand your anxiety. Kidney cysts are seen after forty to fifty years age, if they're simple cysts. Prominent renal pelvis will need evaluation, if there's associated infection. The renal cyst doesn't need treatment, but till not go away naturally. Its harmless, as long as its uncomplicated and remains a simple cyst. Similarly, dont worry about the bilateral renal pelvic prominence. Wish you well. Chat Doctor. Manga.
Hi.... I get married before 2 months still we didn t get combined physically due to some family problems. Since 8 years I am taking out sperm by hand... it causes on my marriage sexual life or not... whenever I go to take out sperm ill became little tired... plz tell me to get out of this thing
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HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been indulged in masturbation since last 8 years and worried about your sexual life. You had been indulged in masturbation since many and now facing problems related to sexual activities.First there is myth in a mind of common man that excessive masturbation is the reason of all sexual problems But I would like to state that it has been discussed in scientific forums all over the world and proved scientifically that masturbation does not have any negative effect on any organ or system in the body. All the problems that you are facing now are mind related and due to anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Do not worry and enjoy you sexual life. Chat Doctor.
Gud aftrnun sir, My husband is suffering with low grade fever from two months. He also has sore throat n swelling in the throat .doctor says Its because of infection n allergy. But the fever repeats after every week. Is there any fear of tumor doctor? Because of persistent fever. Or its just coz of sm allergic infection? Othr symptoms include swollen testis, weakness, cold, muscle fatigue.
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Hellos your husband is having fever (low grade) from last 2 months with sore throat. In my opinion however it is very difficult to establish any diagnosis with this short history, but allergy is not responsible for such type of fever. Usually allergy is another sort of problem causes bronchoconstriction, hence cough and cold may be due to allergy. If infection is there, this may cause fever. In your husband the duration of fever is very long. This is a cause of concern. As you husband is also having swollen testis, cold, weakness, fatigue. Weakness and fatigue may be due to fever. The possibilities of fever may be, these include .1 Orchids inflammation (infection)of testis sometimes develops such type of low grade fever. So consult a physician / surgeon and get his opinion because physical examination is important in this case. If there is fluid collection in sac of scrotum (testis) it don't produces fever.2 Tuberculosis, this is another most common cause of prolonged duration fever. Get in sputum examination for A F B, blood for E SR, X-ray chest, months test .3 Typhoid fever is one such cause of low grade fever. Get in Tidal test as well serology test for confirmation. There are so many other causes of fever as anemia, tumor in lungs, abdomen. But deal as mentioned above. Good luck.
My fiancee and I , are trying to get pregnant , but i think i m not able to get pregnant . i believe i was having implantation bleeding 3 days ago but it wasn t very light it wasn t heavy either it was in the middle , i looked on the internet to see what it was and some say it could have been a miscarrage.what do you think ?
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Hi, implantation bleeding is not a common finding, if usually occurs that can be seen around 1 week after fertilization, that could be minimal in quantity, so if your bleeding period correlates with the possible time of implantation, and if the bleeding subsided soon, you wait till the expected date of periods and undergo blood or urine test for pregnancy to detect the possibility, bleeding due to miscarriage will be rather heavy and usually presents with associated pain abdomen. Take care.
hi. my hands gets yellow small pus and peel it hurts it gets red and some times bleed. it is hard for me to work with my hands. i some times rap them up.i tryed all kinds of stuff but dont work. it gets on both hands and fingers.people are scared to touch my hands they think they might get it. so can you tell what it may be
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Thanks for contacting ChatDoctorYou are concerned about a rash that is causing blisters and weeping sores on your hands. From your description I would say that you have something called pustular eczema. This is a real severe eczema, but it can be controlled. In my practice I start with dexamethasone ointment twice a day. Try to reduce the amount of handwashing as this makes the skin Chat Doctor. This will take several weeks to get control. I also recommend at night before going t sleep. Put on the dexamethasone and then put on a white cotton glove. The glove keeps the medicine in contact with the skin and also prevents the ointment rubbing onto your bedsheets. Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again with your medical concerns and questions
Hi doctor,I am a 31 year old unmarried male. Over the last few months my sperm looks watery whenever I ejaculate. Will it create any problem? Also my erection is not like earlier. Kindly advise me doctor.
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Hi. I have read and understood your problem. The fluid that male organ secrete during ejaculation is called semen. Semen is a visible liquid. It contains millions of invisible microscopic male counterpart of female eggs called sperms. It does not matter if your semen is more watery, the sperm count in semen should be normal and that can be detected by semen analysis, which is done at a pathology laboratory. Erection problem appears to be due to stress or anxiety. So, do relaxation exercise. However, to exclude other cause you need to do some blood tests like sugar and hormones. Stop smoking if you smoke. Check your BP (blood pressure). If you are taking any medicine or nutritional supplement on regular basis then it may be due to side effect of that. For further information consult an an ChatDoctor. ChatDoctor/ask-a-doctor-online/an Take care.
Hi, I just came back from vacation and had been feeling a sore feeling in my neck, and its moved to my chest. Not like a sore throat, but it hurts to move my tongue and i noticed there are big bumps on the back of my tongue. My husband thinks I should see a doctor...Do you have any idea what this could be?
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A bump on back of tongue could be due to: wart, polyp, soft tissue lesion- fibrous, hematoma if the lesion is reddish purple in color, lipoma etc. A clinical assessment of the lesion is required. I would suggest you to consult your primary healthcare provider for a clinical assessment. The soreness in the neck radiating to the chest region is probably due to this lesion only. Clinical assessment will decide whether the lesion has to be removed surgically or medical treatment will suffice. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
Hi, I have a wishdom tootChatDoctoring down and it is cutting into my gums and causing it to bleed and swell. I also cant open my mouth wide as it is stretching my inflammed gums. I am going to see a dentist about it, however I cant be seen for a few days, is there anything I can do to stop my open-wounded gums getting infected?
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Hello, Please keep up with your dental home care. Rinsing, gentle brushing and flossing to reduce plaque buildup is important. Warm salt water rinses can cleanse the area. Make sure nothing gets lodged in the gum area. Do not chew on that side and consider a softer diet. Keep HY Chat Doctor. Anti-inflammatory medicine such as acetaminophen can offer relief. If pain or swelling increases this indicates the spread of an infection and antibiotics may be prescribed by your dentist. It is then more urgent, and you should contact your dentist to be seen as soon as possible and be placed on an antibiotic. I hope this advice is useful and that you will have relief soon.
my father has diagnosed with heart problem,blockage in the left and right ventricle,has a diabetes and high creatine level in kidney...and also having problems in his me what to do in regards with his diet...and i want him to be on top of his health
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Hello and thank you for using Healthcare magic. From the information you provided seems like your father has an advanced heart block which impairs normal cardiac function. His associated diseases may further complicate his heart condition. Heart block is defined as blockage of signal conduction from sing atrial node to both ventricles. If this is the case than the solution in an implantable pacemaker which will bypass the block (AV node block) and stimulate the atria to work. Which pacemaker and the technique of implementation depends on the type of block, his rhythm and will be determined by his cardiologist. I hope that my answer explained the condition and will be helpful. Please feel free to contact me again for any other question. Best regards, Chat Doctor.
hello...m dr maira..i had 2 missed abortion this year..first in jan had blighted ovum and second last month due to baby stopped growing in 6-61/2 ma second preg dr prescribed cyclogest and aspirin but again missed dr is saying i should start ascard right now before concieving..i want to ask whether i should start ascard right now or i should wait when i concieve next time??and whether it has positive effect of taking Ascard before concieving??pls answer me drs!!thanx!!
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Hi, There is no harm in taking aspirin before conceiving. But there is no proven benefit also. Starting aspirin may not solve your problem. You need some investigations to find out cause for repeated miscarriages. Though these investigations are costly, if abnormal some factors can be corrected to avoid miscarriage. You can ask your doctor about those investigations. Some basic cheap investigations are blood sugar level, V Chat Doctor. Costly investigations like karyotype can be done or deferred according to your doctors' advice. Wish you good health.
Of a night when i go to bed just as im about to drop off i wake suddenly because its like i have stopped breathing and then i have like a mini panic attack where it takes me a good few hours to get my breathing back to normal its like i have to remind my body to breath
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I want to know few things first.1. Do you have hypertension, diabetes or any cardiac disease?2. What is your weight?3. Do you snore in bed? Sudden stopping of breathing and urge to breath normal air is seen in1. Sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)2. Congestive cardiac failure (CCF)So if you are obese and have snoring then possibility of OSA is high. And if you have cardiac problems or HT or DM then possibility of CCF is high. So consult doctor and get done 2d echo and sleep study to rule out OSA and CCF. If all are normal then mostly you have panic disorder. So consult psychiatrist for this.
I was watching your video on a fib and realized that I have three of the symptoms of a fib. However, I explained these three conditions to my primary care physician and my heart doctor, but they don,t think that I have a fib. What do I need to do to convince them?
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Hello, Thanks for posting your query of ChatDoctorAtrial fibrillation produces a rapid and irregular heart beat. It may be asymptomatic or may produce Palpitations, which are sensations of a racing, uncomfortable, irregular heartbeat or a flip-flopping in your chestWeaknessReduced ability to exerciseFatigueLightheadednessDizzinessConfusionShortness of breathiest pain doctor who examines you can easily diagnose it, if it is present at the time of examination, and it can be confirmed by an EKG. If the AF is intermittent or paroxysmal, then one has to be examined at the time of its occurrence. Another method is to have a continuous recording of the hearts electrical activity with a Holder monitoring. If any episode of AF occurs during the monitoring it would be picked up. During Holder monitoring you can also mark the record if any symptom occurs and that will also help decide whether your symptom is due to AF or not. Best wishes,
Hi There, my boyfriend has a history of back problems and his back went again on Monday, he is in severe agony and cannot walk, sit or do anything without any pain. He cannt straighten his posture and has been told that his disk could have gone its his 4th disc in his life that has caused him problems. Can you tell me how serious this can be? Will be become disabled?
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After going through your query I think your friend is suffering from lumbar disc prolapse. There are two treatment options. First option is Rest in position of relief(generally lateral position with both knee bend), NUROKIND GOLD ONCE DAILY and analgesics (Diclofenac three times a day after meals is effective). Sometimes strong analgesic(such as attract three times a day after meals) is required. OMEPRAZOLE before meals prevent acidity caused by analgesics. This method needs patience as it take longer treatment times sometimes up to 6 months. Second option is go for surgical operation(Discectomy). You can discuss with his treating surgeon. Disc prolapse cause recurrent problems. He should avoid weight lifting and strenuous activity. These episodes settle down in a period of nearly two years. I think after that he will not have frequent problems. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query
I have a hard upper abdomen for about 9 mths now, my lower stomach (pouch) area has gone down loads but upper is hard and swollen.. I dont believe its ibs its hard to touch and sometimes swells so much I look 9 Mth pregnant... I cant deal with it anymore I feel so down and depressed
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Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. There is no need to get depressed without knowing what you have. This any way is not going to help you in relieving your problems. Therefore, I would advise you to take an appointment with your family physician or a general surgeon in your area or go to the ER of your nearest hospital for a definitive diagnosis after clinical examination and related investigations. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
Hi I have a pcod problem my dr has suggested me obimet 500mg nd fol123. I was having regular periods since last 3 months without any treatment but this time it almost 22 days delay. Have done upt but it came negative. Period started but with very less bleeding. I have trying for a baby since more than a year now. Pls suggest.
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Hello dairy understand your concerns would suggest consulting gynecologist and undergo reproductive hormone analysis, USG scan, ovarian follicle study for better management. You can use progesterone pill or crimson 35 to correct hormonal imbalance and regularize period. Once period will become regular, and you have patent fallopian tube then high chance of pregnancy. You can ask following medicine to conceive:Continue obimetTablet clonidine, tablet ova care, injection ChatDoctorAvoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Hope this may help noncontact further if follow up needed Best regards
Hi, i was just informed that my friend is in the hospital because she couldn t breath. I was also told that prior to the breathing problems, she took 220mg of Vyvanse within a 24-hour period.She s been prescribed 30mg once or twice a day for a couple months, though hasn t been taking it consistently. She s about 5 5 , and between 200 and 215 pounds. I need to know how likely it is that the 220mg of Vyvanse that she took lead to an overdose causing her breathing problems.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Vyvanse is central nervous system (CNS - brain) stimulant, not suppressor. So her breathing difficulty is not due to this Chat Doctor. She is very obese. So possibility of sleep apnea is more likely in her case. And this (sleep apnea) can cause breathing problems. So get done sleep study to rule out sleep apnea. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your friend. Thanks.
hello, Dr. AAAAAAA I am anjani Sharma here from Ahmedabad iwant to cht with you about the problem of my Son who age is 6 y 9months he is suffering from the very minor symptoms of epilepsy in the morning time for half a minute there any medicine in homeopathy which remove this disorder for life time
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1. what minor symptoms of epilepsy are there, please mention or specify?2. Was CT-brain and EEG of the son taken if yes what were the observation?3. What is the FREQUENCY of the symptoms to distinguish whether your son is suffering from Epilepsy or Seizures?4. At this age, going by the history, it can be labelled as petite MAL or absence type of epilepsy, unless proved otherwise.5. Any history of fever, brain development disorder? Is his Immunization schedule complete (till date)6. Avoid carboy Chat Doctor. 7. treatment will be decided by your health care provider after proper evaluation.
I have shingles and no health insurance. I still have some amoxicillan sitting in my fridge that hasnt expired. Will it help with the shingles? Ive had shingles before so Im sure the signs I have mean I have it. I have a constant headache, fatigue and a small rash that is identical to the rash I had when I had shingles last time.
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Hi, Amoxicillin wouldn't work here, as it is antibacterial not antiviral Chat Doctor. So, you have to go for acyclovir(800 mg 5 times a day for 5 days) or of acyclovir (3 times a day), start only within 3 days of symptoms, after 3 days no active treatment require. If pain still there need appropriate painkiller. Have plenty of fruit juices, water and it c. I had many patients with similar illness, and they respond very well with diet and painkillers. Fatigue will subside soon in 2-3 days on its own. Review after 5 days and in between if things wouldn't control or minimize.
Hey, I just wanted to ask whatbare the side effects of Coper t 380a ? I just had a dnc done and an Coper t fit in at the same moment, now I do have abdominal pain , pain in kegs, back . Feel really week,,, is it normal? Will I gain weight from this 5 year Coper t?
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Hi, The intrauterine contraceptive device Copper T380A is generally safe and well tolerated by most of the women. However, it may cause some of the following side effects like symptoms of pregnancy, period like cramps, abnormal vaginal bleeding, foul smell vaginal discharge, dizziness, cramps, unable to fee the strings of the device, and rarely perforation. It is unlikely to cause weight gain. Based on the history given in your query you seem to have mild side effects which may subside over a period of few hours or so. Take bed rest and plenty of oral fluids. You may please consult your doctor if the symptoms do not subside or get worse. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello doctor,Three days ago, I fell on my face and cracked my right front tooth right in the middle, horizontally. You cannot see the crack with your bare eyes, but if you shine a light from the back of my tooth, you will see it correctly. It goes from the right to the left, and it stops two millimeters before the next tooth. I was scared, so I asked many dentists before going to an actual appointment myself.They said it was fine, that it is only on the outer layer. Then, I went to an actual dentist myself, and they did an X-ray test on it. Nothing appeared, and said I would be fine, but gave me no further details. I was still left wondering, is there any way the rest of the tooth will fall out eventually because it is very slightly sensitive to change in temperature.
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is one of the most common complaints in routine dental practice. The fracture (hairline crack) might be only in the superficial structure (more likely in enamel than in dentin) of the tooth and not in the pulp (since it does not hurt). It requires minimal attention, and no specific care is mandatory. You may use desensitizing gel (with potassium nitrate) for brushing and also for a massage before having hot, cold, sweet, and sour stuff. I hope it helps.
Hello .Since birth, my son is allergic rhinitis has every season of September to end of February often presented urticaria and white and yellow spots occasionally it has been treated with any anti allergic syrups like Cetrizine but gives her a lot of other side effects .So I d like to consult a specialist doctor to treat a pondicherry Thank you for helping me .
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Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint it seems that your son has a severe allergic reaction reading to Rhinitis and Urticaria along with bumps, and it can be relieved with anti-allergic medications. It is true that anti allergic scan cause side effects and the commonest one are Chat Doctor. . I would suggest you to consult an Allergist or Allergic Medicine Specialist and get him evaluated, and he can advise you allergic tests like Patch test, LAST test etc. to rule out the exact cause of allergic reaction and treat him accordingly. Avoiding exposure to allergen can help in preventing allergic attack. He can also instill an Immunotherapy to reduce the severity of allergic reaction and also reduce the frequency of allergic attack. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.
Hello doctor, My 5 years old son has a problem in one tooth (second last on down left side ) and doctors are suggesting for RCT (root canal treatment). I have attached the pictures to this query. Here are my questions:Can RCT (root canal treatment) be done for a 5-year-old child?Will it affect his next teeth (at around 7 years of age)?Is there any alternate for RCT as he is least cooperating?
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Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This tooth is a milk tooth which will fall off in around 10 to 11 years of age (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, till then to save it, you have to do a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment can be done on a child if he is cooperative or at least parent approves. It will not affect the permanent tooth which will come out below this around 10 years of age. So do not worry. It is advised not to extract this tooth at this age as it will affect the normal growth of jaw. For more information consult a pedodontist online
I ve noticed every now and then the back of my head feels sore, like i hit it. When i go to touch the soar area there is a small bump. After about a day or two, it goes away. I ve noticed that when this does occur its usually around a time when I ve had alittle too much to drink. Do you think this is related to alcohol? I have had two falls to back of the head over the course of my life, nothing that took me to the hospital, but definately accidents that left a goose bump there for awhile. Do you think there s connection to that also?
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Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor and I will try to help you as much as I can. I don't think this is related to alcohol since alcohol cant affect soft tissues on this way. It may be related to the hit if this was at this area and then so-called traumatic fibrous may occur. However, it sounds to me more like some subcutaneous lipoma or atheroma, and you should see surgeon for further evaluation, or you can do ultrasound with needle biopsy. In every case it doesn't sound serious to me. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
hi i injured my neck 3 weeks ago while i was performing martial arts, i was rolling on the ground. i went to the hospital they said the xray is fine i sprained my neck its been 3 weeks and i feel less pain but i still have pain behind my head and a little swelling,headaches, im able to move my body
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Hello ! I read you question and understand your concern. It is very common to have headache after head concussion or trauma. It may be caused by the muscle contractions in the scalp, or by an irritated occipital nerve from the trauma. I think that it will get better spontaneously. You don't have any other symptoms like gait problems or numbness in your limbs. This is an indicative sign that there is nothing wrong with you (like an intracranial hemorrhage for example). So I would recommend having some rest. There is a high risk after a head trauma to get in a serious condition if the trauma is repeated. For this reason it is very important to be careful for a month after trauma and to avoid possible other trauma. Regarding the headache I would recommend painkillers for some days. Hope to have been helpful! Greetings !
hi, my father is suffering from Double Pnemonia with plural effusion. He was hospitalized from 10-12 days. Now hes recover from pnemonia and when hes hospitalized Approx 250 ML Fluid remove from his lungs. Now again hes suffering from Plural effusion. Please suggest what to do now?
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Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor .... Because of pneumonia you had oxidative pleural effusion...250 ml fluid is very much high amount... Now again you have pleural effusion.... For that first sputum is sent for microscopic examination... Sputum culture also need to be done....ADA estimation also done along with sputum for Tuberculosis detection. If TB present AKT need to be given... If TB not presents again pneumonia has to be treated according to culture report.... If therapeutic pleural effusion fluid removed then send it for cytological examination.... Consult pulmonologist or physician for your condition... Take care. Chat Doctor.
My daughter has left eye and left brain swelling. Her eye is noticeably larger than the other and MRI states her brain is also swollen. Eye Doc put her on prednisone tabs and also injected eye with prednisone. She experienced some relief but was only temporary. She also has headaches and is 46. Had many blood tests and is awaiting results and also must see neurologist. Any ideas?
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It may be a case of orbital cellulitis with cavernous sinus thrombosis or venous sinus thrombosis. The risk factors for such a condition are diabetes, boils over nose and adjacent area. It is an emergency case and should be dealt seriously as it carries high risk of vision loss. Take opinion from neurologist also .MRI with contrast with orbital cuts and MR venography is required for full evaluation. Rest investigations and treatment may be decided by your ophthalmologist and neurologist. Other possible diagnosis may be kept pending patient evaluation and reports. Best wishes for early recovery.
I am 43 years old male,188 tall,100kg.Medical history is only a back problem which achs a lot.Stomach problem started 5 years ago when i came home from egypt.Dull stomach achs.Thought it was mainly after yogurt products.Then from time to time i get the same symptoms .Now it has got worse.Efter eating i get dull stomach achs,no energy,tired eyes,dry mouth.It starts in the middle just under the brost bone then the dull feeling i get is in the stomach.sometimes i feel i have a slight fever thou when checking i have no fever.This lasts for 2-3 hours.At night i feel a bit acid in the stocmach .stools are fine no problem going to the toilet.Two years ago i lost 16 kgs on a quick shake diet.500 cals a day for 5 weeks.Had no problems.Have but back on 8kgs over the last two years thou. Life at home has been two young children in the last two years.not much sleep.
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Hi. The symptoms you have mentioned may be due to Acid Peptic Disease, stomach ulcer or cancer. This can give to the back problem as you have mentioned. I would advise the following in such a patient:Continue Santa 12 hourly. Pepcid every 3 to 4 hours when on empty stomach. Add Risperidone or such motility regulators. Soft bland diet. No aerated colas / soda/ Chat Doctor. Early dinner. No late nights. Treatment for anxiety (as prescribed / needs a prescription by your Doctor)Lying in a reclining positional around after dinner. Think of the factors which increased the present problem, HERD, anxiety and try to avoid. If no relief, get Upper GI endoscopy done and get prescription for added Medicines. EKG for the heart n a safer side to rule out cardiac problems. This helps all my patients and should help you, hopefully.
I have severe emetophobia. I have been having hot and cold flashes for 2 hours now. I have mild headache (which I always do) and nausea. ( I think. to me, I always feel nausous ) anyways, I have no fever and am almost in sheer panic. What s wrong with me? By the way, I am an early teenanger.
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Xenophobia is an intense, irrational fear or anxiety pertaining to vomiting. Do you have fear of vomiting or are you having food poison? Cold and hot flashes, nausea, headache are symptoms associated with anxiety as well as food poison and anxiety. You are in sheer panic because you are not able to determine what is your problem and that is no xenophobia. Please consult a physician. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
What are the side effects of NexitoForte and Risdone for a patient of 75 years . He was operated for NPH and VP Shunt was installed about 5 months back . One month after the operation suddenly he became very uneasy and started to roll over in the bed . This drug was then started by the Neurologist . But now we are witnessing deteriorating changes in his behavior. Is there any chance that these changes are due to the side effects of these drugs.?
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Welcome to Chat Doctor! I have gone through your question, and it says that your father is on next forte and risperidone. You have not mentioned the dosage of any of them. Next forte is safe in this age, except when thee is severe liver dysfunction, it has the least interaction with other medicines, but, may cause reduction in sodium levels, especially in old age. This happens more when there is already existing liver or kidney problems. One needs to get sodium and other electrolytes checked to see if that is causing disorientation/ other deteriorating symptoms. You should have mentioned the deteriorating symptoms, this would rally have helped in telling the possible cause... Risperidone is also usually safe in low dose, and actually an effective medicine. In some patients it may cause disorientation, delirium, and rigidity (tightening of limbs), increase in salivation and slurring of speech... So, whatever it is, please talk to his doctor, after evaluation and looking at the patient one can tell what is happening. I know it is troublesome, but sometimes even the right medicine may cause distress in few patients. These Chat Doctor. His doctor may go for some other safe and low potency medicine or education the dosage of these only. I hope your father gets well sooner free to ask more questions
Sir my doughter suffering from abdominal tuberculosis. daiagation done in Asra Hospital, Hyderabad. Daily my doughter suffering from fever every day alleast three times. wamtings also done by her without pain. please sugust me to treet in best hospital in Hyderabad. My doughter age is 17 years.
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Hi. Thanks for your query. Understood your concern for your daughter. The treatment of tuberculosis anywhere in the body is straight and simple. The standard protocol of 2 months of intensive phase and the next months of continuous phase have to be completed. Since this is abdominal tuberculosis called as extra-pulmonary, you have to give her 3 months of treatment. In addition to the standard treatment, you have to give her the best of proteins, correct anemia, give multivitamins. Whenever she has intestinal obstruction, she may need a surgical correction. Hyderabad - Consult any General Surgeon or Surgical Gastroenterologist.
I am a 33 year old woman who has been experiencing pain on my lower right ribs frequently for the past seven years. No doctors can seem to figure it out: I ve had ultrasounds of all the organs in that area and everything checks out, and I just had x-rays of my ribs that showed no fractures, dislocations, or problems with my heart or lungs. The ribs toward the inner front edges are extremely sensitive to the touch. When the pain happens, sitting or,lying down and taking 2 Tums are the only things that help but I would like to find out what is causing it so I can treat the underlying cause, not just the symptoms. I drink approx 3 liters of water a day, have a healthy diet of whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, and healthy fats and I m a college student so I get exercise walking around campus and I also swim and do strength exercises at home.
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Hi, The location and movement of pain give clues as to what is going on. If it is with breathing/coughing it might be the diaphragm is irritated. If it is in a line with sensitivity to touch then an irritated nerve root at the spine from scoliosis. Obviously, surface areas like muscle or skin would be immediately known. If muscles or joints or bone, aspirin-like Chat Doctor. If it is the diaphragm, actually, breathing exercises like yoga might be physical therapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi, im a 21yr old female w/a slightly swollen, yet, tender node in my right groin area (the left side has gone down but is still tender). Ive had this for about 2 1/2 wks. Approximately 3 days before this started, the condom ripped during intercourse. The swelling has gone down but its still noticable (a little hard, tender, could be easily noticed at a glance) . My doctor simply dismissed this as nothing to worry about during my pap 2wks ago; should this be considered a medical emergency?
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Welcome to Chat Doctor .1.It's not a medical emergency - but needs medical help.2. Because aim thinking in terms of lymph nodal enlargement (bilateral, painless lump in inguinal regions) seen in presence of any infection / inflammation in the body.3. If they are tender and red and pain on touch then its infective cause (bacterial).4. I would suggest seeing your GP let get examined and a course of antibiotics will help in case of bacterial infections.5. Maintain local hygiene, do not scratch the area. 6. I don't think it's something to do with your ripped condom during intercourse. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
i have had problems with my heart skipping a beat every now and then for about 4 months or so. I have had a few ECG s and an ultra sound and not mucChatDoctore up. I have now had a 48 hour ECG but I am waiting for the results to come back.I am 26 years old 6 foot 2 inches tall and weigh about 189 pounds. I do regular exercise (running about 15 miles a week). I noticed my heart was skipping a beat quite regularly 2 weeks ago so I decided to not do any exercise last week to see if it stopped and it did! I really don t want to stop exercising, my aim is to run a marathon. Is my heart skipping a beat potentially dangerous, should I stop running?
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Hi, Skipped heart beat could be simply PCs (extra contraction from a normal heart) which can occur with exercise, or it could be some other arrhythmia. Let the holder report come & further course of action will depend on its report. Holder is done when you are not exercising. I will also recommend you to undergo a TMT that will report these skipped heart beats during exercise. You can follow up with me after the report. ThanksTake care
does my wife able to conceive after an abortion of one month child Dear Doctor hai actually i was responsible for my wife abortion. I didnt want that child and she had to abort him/her as i wanted. Since then ourlife has become hell. She has irregulars periods, gain lots of weight,etc. I even thought of suicide. I dont know but when god given me i did not accept it. The doctor advised forthe test tube baby. Even my semen counts were shown low this time. I am very confused and intense. Her one tests shown our desire of becoming of Parents down. Her Fsh test shown 32%. I dont know what to do doctor. At last we have started to take homeopathy medicines.
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Homeopathy may not help as good as the allopatChatDoctoredications. Get her hormones under control and eat a well-balanced diet, avoid smoking and alcohol to increase your sperm counts. Once everything is fine, go ahead with the test tube baby thing. Abortion is known to cause infertility problems.educate other couples not to abort the first pregnancy to avoid later complications such that you are facing. Babies are Gods gift, if you refuse it, and kill it, God will not find you worthy to get blessed again.
DEAR SIR,I recently come to know that i am having kidney stone at left side .At beginning stage i used to get pain at left side which is minor. no blood in urine(urine test), i confirmed using scanning and found of size 5mm. Doctor suggested to take Crystone tablet for 1 month along with lots of water . I followed the instruction for 1 month but i m still feeling its presence at left side and and feel it movement. So how to overcome this problem.
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Hi, many thanks for the query! You should do follow up USG PUB, FT, look if stone is stuck in ureter causing obstruction to urine outflow. Take antispasmodics, diuretics, painkillers with your doctors' opinion. If Sr. Uric acid is raised, take uric acid synthesis inhibitors like allopurinol, urine alkalizing agents with your doctors' opinion. Chat Doctor. Wish you a good health. Take care. Regards.
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi, My six year old boy was up around midnight last night complaining of a sore throat and headache, I noticed he had a temp so gave him some panadol and he went back to sleep, I thought he was better this morning but then at about 8am he vomited, he has since had a temp, I just did a reading under his armpit and it was 38 degrees. I have given him more panadol and put the air con on and a wet towel on his head. Should I take him to the doc or just monitor him for a while. Its now 2.45pm and he hasn t vomited again but he is very hot.
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Dear parent, you should give acetaminophen or paradox in alternation with ibuprofen syrup every 4 hours. This means that you give him acetaminophen or paradox and then after 4 hours you give him ibuprofen and so on. You should make sure the child is adequately HY Chat Doctor. Vomiting is caused by elevation of body temperature, once his body temperature is stabilized, the vomiting will stop. You can also give an antiemetic
Hi Doctor, I am having slipped disk problem because of which my entire right leg is paining. I consulted a physio in Fortis hospital, bangalore and took the treatment for around 4 days but did not help much. Can you suggest me what to do to overcome from this issue ?
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Hello, As any slipped disc will take some 4-6 weeks of time. Undergoing, 4-5 days of physiotherapy session will never be helpful. You need to continue for some time and post that management of the same. In my clinical practice of over 12 years, most slipped disc requires 4-6 weeks of the time of therapy. It pains level is high then therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy for reducing inflammation and pain. Post which exercises like - core stability, spinal muscle strengthening exercises, hip muscle strengthening exercises, straight leg raise, static qua Chat Doctor. Patients I have seen till date in Bangalore with slipped disc have responded well to a therapeutic plan designed for individuals based on the requirements of the pathology. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
I am 53 year old and a year ago I was diagnosed with duct carcinoma breast cancer, went through surgery and radiation and was on tomoxifen and now they put me on femara due to the fact that I had a hysterectomy in May 2011. Besides taking vitamins and calcium these are the only medicine but when I go to sleep I fall asleep fast and then about an hour or two I jump out of bed and feel like something is wrong. I usually walk to the bathroom and then go back to bed and usually I fall asleep right a way or within a few minutes. Sometimes I sleep the rest of the night but sometime it comes back again within a few hours. What should I do. I
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The treatment that you have undertaken appears to be scientifically correct, and you need not worry about it. Also, none of the Chat Doctor. It is probably a result of insomnia due to the stress of the disease and the treatment that has its toll on the mind. It is best you take a sedative at bedtime for a few weeks. Meanwhile, try to occupy your mind with activities during the day. Join a meditation group. Don't sleep during the day. Eat at least 1 hour before bedtime.
I had a hip surgery after an car accident (Feb. 18, 2012) and after a month and half (April 3, 2012) I got DVT in my right leg and then I started taking Warfrain so now I am on blood thinners and keep my INR between 2-3. My question is my right foot had regular swelling although I excercise, swim and have medication on a regular basis. Do I need any medication for swelling or what else I could do? AT present I am in west coast Canada.
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Hi The legs have two sets of veins, deep veins and superficial veins (close under the skin), blood goes from the superficial to the deep veins. Clots usually form in the deep veins though they can occur in the superficial veins as well. Whereas the arteries in our bodies have thin muscle our veins do not, and they rely on the contractions of the surrounding muscles to return the blood to the heart. Some persons with a history of DVT can have a complication called post thrombotic syn Chat Doctor. Some symptoms of this include: swelling of the leg due to a build up of fluid, varicose veins, heaviness, itching or tingling, discoloration. Initial treatments include leg elevation and the use of compression stocking, in some cases medication can be used. You should speak to your doctor so he or she can assess the swelling and initiate appropriate treatment I hope this helpful to you
I am 19 years old, 5ft 1, and around 7.5 stone. 2 years ago i was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia and now receive a b12 injection every 3months. However i am still extremley tired and run down. I am affraid its starting to also effect me mentally as my lack of energy and enthusiasm can often leave me feeling depressed. My doctor pescribed me with folic acid supplements, however after one pescription he then denied my next one. I am now applying for university and concerned about finance as i find it difficult to work. Do you have any suggestions to as why im still so tired and would i be egilable for Disabled student allowance?
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HiT hanks for your query. Based on your query, my opinion is1. Your complaints may be genuinely related to pernicious anemia as vitamin B 12 deficiencies is known to cause neurological symptoms.2. However, if you are regular on your medications, then chances of pernicious anemia causing you problems is quite less. 3. You can get vitamin B 12 stores evaluated along with red cell folate levels. 4. You are also having some problems with your routine life and concerned about education. So depression is most probably related to these.5. I would suggest you to go for a psychiatric counselling as well as if depression is due to psychiatric causes, this might get in way of your routine lifestyle. Hope this helpsRegards
My 3 year old son has had fever and complains of pain in his belly which is localized to one spot about an inch above his belly button. I will point to other areas and he will say no... Right here and points to same spot again. At times he will cry and say again that his belly hurts. This is the 6th day. Fever has been as high as 102.8 under his arm. I ve been giving him ibuprofen to keep it down and ease him. Without that he lays around. With it he is able to get up and play a little bit. He is not eating. Not even finishing a sucker or Popsicle which is very unusual. He is drinking. He is not doubled over in pain. Just acts miserable and will cry/whine on occasion that it hurts
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Hi. Thanks for your query. The most probable diagnosis of such a pain in a child of 3 years can be inflamed lymph nodes at the base of mesentery (the curtain-like thing which supports the intestines and gives blood vessels, lymphatics and lymph nodes). I would suggest you to have an ultrasonography as soon as possible to find out the reason so that antibiotic treatment can be started. Continue the Ibuprofen. Get started on an antibiotics there is no relief : go for the tests of Blood, Complete blood picture, ESR, Manitou testX-ray chest blood Tidal and all other tests as may be directed by your Pediatrician or Pediatric Surgeon.
I had a root canal done about 3-4 years ago and now I m having problems with the same tooth . (My back right molar). It hurts so bad when I touch it it feels like something is under it but Icant get it out. My step mom said that my dentist probably won t see me to fix it or cure it because Istill have an open balance with them.
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Hi, Thanks for posting your query. As you said, the pain associated with root canal treated tooth is due to its re-infection. The tooth has to be either treated with reject or extracted. If you are not willing again of act, it has to be extracted and replaced with fixed or removable prosthesis. Take analgesics-antibiotics as per dentists prescription. Maintain good oral hygiene. Avoid hot/spicy /solid foods. Hope this helps.
Ive had a lump deep in the right back side of my head for maybe 3-6 months. my blood cell count was normal. i read somewhere vaccines could cause this...i had a tdap around january. would this cause it? i had no other reactions to it. the node is about a half in. in diameter or so.
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Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to My Chat Doctor Clinic. I studied your query in details and understood your health concerns.-Cause of your lump on the back of head after TRAP vaccine shot-a- Yes this appears and mostly is -post-TDAP shot lump with -reactive hyperplasia in the lymph nodes -in back of your head. The cause is -reactive hyperplasia in lymph node post vaccination. This advice would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this resolves your query. Wellcome for further query in this regard. Have a Good Day...!! With Regards
Hello, Im rather nervous to ask this question but i really need advice. The source of my problem: i have been wearing the same spacers for 10 years at least. No Im not in any pain as of yet. But recently theyve started feeling like theyre about to fall out. Why didnt i go back to get them taken off? I was traumatized by the ones that put them on and Im now terrified of dentists. I dont know what to do. And every time i think about going to the dentist, i over think every little possibility. What if i lose all my teeth? What if they want to do immediate operation to get them out? What if i somehow die because of these? But i need advice. Its getting hard to chew and honestly the looseness is downright annoying. Please help.
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Hello, I suggest that you do make an appointment to see a dentist or orthodontist specialist for evaluation. My concern is with your overall periodontal health and how you have been cleaning your teeth. When was your last professional dental cleaning? X-rays would help diagnosis your condition and determine current dental needs. The spacers will need to be removed, and I would hope this would be an easier procedure than your past unfortunate experience. Find a dentist that you are comfortable with. You can always make an appointment for an evaluation and decide not to proceed with treatment in that office if you are at all uncomfortable with the situation. Try to ad Chat Doctor. With dental care small problems are always easier to treat. I strive to provide a comfortable experience for my patients during dental treatment. There are many techniques available in the practice of today's dentistry to provide you care witChatDoctorfort. Please don't let this one experience compromise your dental health. Thank you for your inquiry. I am glad to answer additional questions and wish you good luck on your next dental visit.
Hi I m 30 yr old lady, height 5 foot 5 inch, wt. 57 Kg with no medical or surgical comorbid state with second gravida at POG 20 weeks. Suffering from pericoronitis with marked pain since 2 days. I have started taking Amoxycillin and paracetamol but still pain is marked. Do I need to add metronodazole? What is the next step as I want early relief. I visited Dental surgeon also n advised conservative management. Shani
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Hello madamThanks for the query. As it is not safe to take many medications during pregnancy due to effects on growth of fetus. It's better to follow conservative treatment for few days. Start warm salt water mouth wash 3-4 times daily for few days it helps a lot in relieving the symptoms and removes the food particles stuck beneath the periodontal flap which may cause irritation and help in reducing inflammation. You can also go for minimal scaling of that area by your dentist. If things worsen after these steps can go for operculectomy in the mid of your second trimester, with minimal trauma, after a consent from your GAEC. Take carhop tried to clarify your doubt.
My mom has been diagnosed with cancer due to the metastasis, that start on her overies going to her kidneys, liver, lungs, and brain, but she has no cancer cells. The Dr done a biopsy on the mass on her lungs and told her they couldnt say it was or was not cancer, they had not seen anything like it. How could the dr diagnose her with cancer if there is no cancer cells, and if not cancer what could it be?
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A lesion in the ovary that has spread to the lungs, liver, kidneys and brain is in all likelihood a cancer. There are a few tropical infections that can rarely mimic such a picture like tuberculosis, but that would not be my first diagnosis. Also, a needle biopsy from the lung lesion can miss the cancer cells half the time as it is technically difficult. It does not mean that she does not have cancer. There is a simple blood test called CA-125. If that is significantly raised then there is no doubt that your mom has cancer. If it is not raised then you can get a CT guided needle biopsy from the ovarian mass. If that is positive for cancer then you don't need to biopsy the other lesions. They are taken as metastasis based on the radiological picture alone.
My 14 monthed baby have some alergies in her neck. Shegot irritated all the day. All the tymseems that she had a cough. But like dry cough she sounds hmm hmmmmhmmm like. Dont understand what is that. Is that any medicns side effect?. Before smtym doctr suggested to give her azithromycin. Wht is the cure. Please help me Pooja saini
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Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
i m a woman aged 27 yrs and have been trying to concieve since 4 months all my parameters are normal .today my husband did his semen test .the total count is 52 million . morphology-occasional forms with pinhead,swollen neck and double head are seen . i want to know whether his sperms are normal and healthy?
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Normal sperm count should be at least 20 million per mL. There should be about 2 mL of semen when a man ejaculates. Around 75% of the sperm should be alive; 25% will be dead on arrival, so to speak. At least 30% should be normal shape and size, and at least 25% should be swimming rapidly forward. From the given information, first and third point are OK. I need information about second and forth point. But don't worry. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.

This dataset was formed from the three data sources from the ChatDoctor work.

100k real conversations between patients and doctors from HealthCareMagic-100k. - ADDED

10k real conversations between patients and doctors from icliniq-10k. - ADDED

5k generated conversations between patients and physicians from ChatGPT GenMedGPT-5k and disease database. - NOT ADDED (because of the data created by LLM, but you could add it manually)

data sample:

{'instruction': "If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.",
 'input': "I woke up this morning feeling the whole room is spinning when i was sitting down. I went to the bathroom walking unsteadily, as i tried to focus i feel nauseous. I try to vomit but it wont come out.. After taking panadol and sleep for few hours, i still feel the same.. By the way, if i lay down or sit down, my head do not spin, only when i want to move around then i feel the whole world is spinning.. And it is normal stomach discomfort at the same time? Earlier after i relieved myself, the spinning lessen so i am not sure whether its connected or coincidences.. Thank you doc!",
 'output': "Hi, Thank you for posting your query. The most likely cause for your symptoms is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a type of peripheral vertigo. In this condition, the most common symptom is dizziness or giddiness, which is made worse with movements. Accompanying nausea and vomiting are common. The condition is due to problem in the ear, and improves in a few days on own. Betahistine tablets would help relieve your symptoms. Doing vestibular rehabilitation or adaptation exercises would prevent the recurrence of these symptoms. An ENT evaluation would also help. I hope it helps. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. "}
  title={ChatDoctor: A Medical Chat Model Fine-Tuned on a Large Language Model Meta-AI (LLaMA) Using Medical Domain Knowledge},
  author={Li, Yunxiang and Li, Zihan and Zhang, Kai and Dan, Ruilong and Jiang, Steve and Zhang, You},
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