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सु॑प॒र्णस्त्वान्व॑विन्दत्सूक॒रस्त्वा॑खनन्न॒सा । प्राशं॒ प्रति॑प्राशो जह्यर॒सान्कृ॑ण्वोषधे ॥ (२)
O herb called guarpatha! Garuda with beautiful wings had discovered and got you to remove poison. Adi Varah dug you up with his snout. Defeat the opponents who ask me questions. O medicine! Dry the throats of my opposing speakers so that they cannot speak. (2)
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इन्द्रो॑ ह चक्रे त्वा बा॒हावसु॑रेभ्य॒ स्तरी॑तवे । प्राशं॒ प्रति॑प्राशो जह्यर॒सान्कृ॑ण्वोषधे ॥ (३)
O root called gwarapatha! Indra held you in his arms to do violence to the asuras. Defeat the opponents who ask me questions and dry the throats of my opposing speakers so that they cannot speak. (3)
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पा॒टामिन्द्रो॒ व्या॑श्ना॒दसु॑रेभ्य॒ स्तरी॑तवे । प्राशं॒ प्रति॑प्राशो जह्यर॒सान्कृ॑ण्वोषधे ॥ (४)
Indra had eaten a herb named Guarpatha to commit violence against the asuras. O guar patha! Defeat the opponents who ask me questions and dry the throats of my opposing speakers, so that they cannot speak. (4)
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तया॒हं शत्रू॑न्त्साक्ष॒ इन्द्रः॑ सालावृ॒काँ इ॑व । प्राशं॒ प्रति॑प्राशो जह्यर॒सान्कृ॑ण्वोषधे ॥ (५)
By wearing or eating a guarpatha, I will neutralize my opposing speakers in the same way that Indra defeated the asuras who took the form of wild dogs. O God! Defeat the opponents who question me and dry the throats of my opposing speakers so that they cannot speak. (5)
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रुद्र॒ जला॑षभेषज॒ नील॑शिखण्ड॒ कर्म॑कृत् । प्राशं॒ प्रति॑प्राशो जह्यर॒सान्कृ॑ण्वोषधे ॥ (६)
O Rudra with happy herbs, with blue fragments i.e. crowns of peacock feathers and cutting the misdeeds of his worshippers! Make the jadi called Guarpatha consumed by me despise my opposing speakers. O guar patha! Defeat the opponents who ask me the counter-question and dry the mouths of the speakers opposing me so that they cannot speak. (6)
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तस्य॒ प्राशं॒ त्वं ज॑हि॒ यो न॑ इन्द्राभि॒दास॑ति । अधि॑ नो ब्रूहि॒ शक्ति॑भिः प्रा॒शि मामुत्त॑रं कृधि ॥ (७)
O Indra! The opposing speaker who despises me with his tactics, you put an end to that question which is contrary to me. Make me more spoken with your powers and make me the one who asks questions better than the one who answers. (7)
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तुभ्य॑मे॒व ज॑रिमन्वर्धताम॒यम्मेमम॒न्ये मृ॒त्यवो॑ हिंसिषुः श॒तं ये । मा॒तेव॑ पु॒त्रं प्रम॑ना उ॒पस्थे॑ मि॒त्र ए॑नं मि॒त्रिया॑त्पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ (१)
O God of agni being praised! It is for your service that this Kumar should grow free from disease etc. Those who are innumerable violent diseases and vampires should also not do violence to this child. Just as the mother protects the son by taking him in her lap, in the same way, the god named Friend should protect this child from sin. (1)
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मि॒त्र ए॑नं॒ वरु॑णो वा रि॒शादा॑ ज॒रामृ॑त्युं कृणुतां संविदा॒नौ । तद॒ग्निर्होता॑ व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान्विश्वा॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मा विवक्ति ॥ (२)
Friends and Varun, who eat violent, should be one and make this child die through old age. Agni Dev, who invokes the gods and knows the children who knows the known children, should find all the places of origin and promise a long life for this, that is, increase its life. (2)
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त्वमी॑शिषे पशू॒नां पार्थि॑वानां॒ ये जा॒ता उ॒त वा॒ ये ज॒नित्राः॑ । मेमं प्रा॒णो हा॑सीन्मो अपा॒नो मेमं मि॒त्रा व॑धिषु॒र्मो अ॒मित्राः॑ ॥ (३)
O God of Agni! You are the master of the animals that have been born on earth and those that are about to be born. Do not give up this child by life and apana air. Friends and enemies should not kill him. (3)
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द्यौष्ट्वा॑ पि॒ता पृ॑थि॒वी मा॒ता ज॒रामृ॑त्युं कृणुतां संविदा॒ने । यथा॒ जीवा॒ अदि॑तेरु॒पस्थे॑ प्राणापा॒नाभ्यां॑ गुपि॒तः श॒तं हिमाः॑ ॥ (४)
O boy! Dyau is your father and the earth is your mother. May these two be unanimous and give you a long life, so that you can live for a hundred years by being safe from life and your air in the lap of the earth. (4)
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इ॒मम॒ग्न आयु॑षे॒ वर्च॑से नय प्रि॒यं रेतो॑ वरुण मित्र राजन् । मा॒तेवा॑स्मा अदिते॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ॒ विश्वे॑ देवा ज॒रद॑ष्टि॒र्यथास॑त् ॥ (५)
O God of Agni! Give this child a long life and make him bright. O stunning Varuna and friend Dev! Provide it with son-producing semen. Hey Aditi! Give happiness to this child like a mother. O all gods! It should be such that its body attains old age. (5)
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पार्थि॑वस्य॒ रसे॑ देवा॒ भग॑स्य त॒न्वो॑३ बले॑ । आ॑यु॒ष्य॑म॒स्मा अ॒ग्निः सूर्यो॒ वर्च॒ आ धा॒द्बृह॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ (१)
Make a man who drinks the juice of earth-related substances as strong as Indra Adi Dev Dev Bhag Devta. May the Sun give this man a long life. May Aditya and Jupiter, the motivators of all, give it a sharp. (1)
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आयु॑र॒स्मै धे॑हि जातवेदः प्र॒जां त्व॑ष्टरधि॒निधे॑ह्य॒स्मै । रा॒यस्पोषं॑ सवित॒रा सु॑वा॒स्मै श॒तं जी॒वाति॑ श॒रद॒स्तवा॒यम् ॥ (२)
O jataved agni! Give it a long life of a hundred years. O God of Tvashta! Set up more offspring for this. O inspiration of all Savita Dev! This motivates an excess of wealth. This son of all of you lived for a hundred years. (2)
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आ॒शीर्ण॒ ऊर्ज॑मु॒त सौ॑प्रजा॒स्त्वं दक्षं॑ धत्तं॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ सचे॑तसौ । जयं॒ क्षेत्रा॑णि॒ सह॑सा॒यमि॑न्द्र कृण्वा॒नो अ॒न्यानध॑रान्त्स॒पत्ना॑न् ॥ (३)
May our blessings be true. O earth! Give it food and make it good children. Both of you agree and give it strength and money. O Indra Dev! This man should defeat his enemies by conquering the enemies and taking possession of the fields with his own strength. (3)
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इन्द्रे॑ण द॒त्तो वरु॑णेन शि॒ष्टो म॒रुद्भि॑रु॒ग्रः प्रहि॑तो नो॒ आग॑न् । ए॒ष वां॑ द्यावापृथिवी उ॒पस्थे॒ मा क्षु॑ध॒न्मा तृ॑षत् ॥ (४)
It has come to us after getting life from Indra, taking the permission of Varuna and getting strength from the Maruts. O earth! This present man in your lap should never be hungry or disturbed by thirst. (4)
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ऊर्ज॑मस्मा ऊर्जस्वती धत्तं॒ पयो॑ अस्मै पयस्वती धत्तम् । ऊर्ज॑म॒स्मै द्याव॑पृथि॒वी अ॑धातां॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वा म॒रुत॒ ऊर्ज॒मापः॑ ॥ (५)
O powerful earth! Give this hungry food. O water-rich earth! Provide water for the retirement of this thirsty person. On praying, give it food. May Vishwa Dev, Marudagan and Water God give strength to it. (5)
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शि॒वाभि॑ष्टे॒ हृद॑यं तर्पयाम्यनमी॒वो मो॑दिषीष्ठाः सु॒वर्चाः॑ । स॑वा॒सिनौ॑ पिबतां म॒न्थमे॒तम॒श्विनो॑ रू॒पं प॑रि॒धाय॑ मा॒याम् ॥ (६)
O thirsty man! I satisfy your dull heart with pleasant waters. After this, you will be disease-free, well-radiant and happy. Ashwinikumar, who holds one opinion, should make mayarup and prepare power to drink this sattu. (6)
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इन्द्र॑ ए॒तां स॑सृजे वि॒द्धो अग्र॑ ऊ॒र्जां स्व॒धाम॒जरां॒ सा त॑ ए॒षा । तया॒ त्वं जी॑व श॒रदः॑ सु॒वर्चा॒ मा त॒ आ सु॒स्रोद्भि॒षज॑स्ते अक्रन् ॥ (७)
In ancient times, Indra, who was injured by Vritrasura, was disturbed by thirst and made this sattu that destroys strong food and old age. The same food and sattu are being given to you. Through this, you should live for a hundred years by becoming the best bright. May the drunk sattu stay in your house and give strength. The Aschinikumaras , the physicians of the gods , prepared this medicine for you . (7)
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यथे॒दं भूम्या॒ अधि॒ तृणं॒ वातो॑ मथा॒यति॑ । ए॒वा म॑थ्नामि ते॒ मनो॒ यथा॒ मां का॒मिन्यसो॒ यथा॒ मन्नाप॑गा॒ असः॑ ॥ (१)
Oh woman! Just as the wind confuses the straw lying on the earth, I will make your mind fickle in the same way. With this, you will become a lover of me and you will not be able to go anywhere else near me. (1)
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सं चेन्नया॑थो अश्विना का॒मिना॒ सं च॒ वक्ष॑थः । सं वां॒ भगा॑सो अग्मत॒ सं चि॒त्तानि॒ समु॑ व्र॒ता ॥ (२)
O Ashwinikumaro! Bring my desired woman to me and meet me. May the fate of both of us get together. Our mind and deeds should also be the same. (2)
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यत्सु॑प॒र्णा वि॑व॒क्षवो॑ अनमी॒वा वि॑व॒क्षवः॑ । तत्र॑ मे गछता॒द्धवं॑ श॒ल्य इ॑व॒ कुल्म॑लं॒ यथा॑ ॥ (३)
Birds like pigeons with beautiful wings, which are willing to say things about women, disease-free companions also want to say the same thing. May my call on that subject be like a scum-filled arrow for that Kamini. That is, he should listen to me and become subdued by me. (3)
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यदन्त॑रं॒ तद्बाह्यं॒ यद्बाह्यं॒ तदन्त॑रम् । क॒न्या॑नां वि॒श्वरू॑पाणां॒ मनो॑ गृभायौषधे ॥ (४)
The meaning that is in the mind is revealed by speech. What is said by speech outside remains in the mind of man. O herb! Accept the mind of a girl with all qualities. That is, by coating you, the mind of that girl becomes in my control. (4)
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एयम॑ग॒न्पति॑कामा॒ जनि॑कामो॒ऽहमाग॑मम् । अश्वः॒ कनि॑क्रद॒द्यथा॒ भगे॑ना॒हं स॒हाग॑मम् ॥ (५)
This woman came close to me, wishing for her husband. I also received it from my wife's wish. Just as a horse goes to the mare, I have met this woman. (5)
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इन्द्र॑स्य॒ या म॒ही दृ॒षत्क्रिमे॒र्विश्व॑स्य॒ तर्ह॑णी । तया॑ पिनष्मि॒ सं क्रिमी॑न्दृ॒षदा॒ खल्वाँ॑ इव ॥ (१)
Through the same rock that kills all the insects, which is the rock of Indra, I kill the germs located inside the body in the same way as gram is drunk from the silbata. (1)
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दृ॒ष्टम॒दृष्ट॑मतृह॒मथो॑ कु॒रूरु॑मतृहम् । अ॒ल्गण्डू॒न्त्सर्वा॑न्छ॒लुना॒न्क्रिमी॒न्वच॑सा जम्भयामसि ॥ (२)
I kill visible and non-visible germs from the eyes. In addition to this, I also destroy the germs located inside the body like a net. I destroy germs called alagendu and shalga and all other germs with the strength of my mantra. (2)
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अ॒ल्गण्डू॑न्हन्मि मह॒ता व॒धेन॑ दू॒ना अदू॑ना अर॒सा अ॑भूवन् । शि॒ष्टानशि॑ष्टा॒न्नि ति॑रामि वा॒चा यथा॒ क्रिमी॑णां॒ नकि॑रु॒च्छिषा॑तै ॥ (३)
I slaughter germs called Alagandu, which contaminate blood and meat, through food and herbs as a means of havan. Those germs, which are afflicted or unsaturated by my herbs and my mantra, become inanimate. I kill the remaining and previously undead germs with my mantra in such a way that not a single one of the many types of germs is left. (3)
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अन्वा॑न्त्र्यं॒ शीर्ष॒ण्य॑१मथो॒ पार्ष्टे॑यं॒ क्रिमी॑न् । अ॑वस्क॒वं व्य॑ध्व॒रं क्रिमी॒न्वच॑सा जम्भयामसि ॥ (४)
In order, I destroy the germs in the intestines, in the head, and in the ribs through mantras. These germs enter the body and pass through the paths of various types. (4)
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ये क्रिम॑यः॒ पर्व॑तेषु॒ वने॒ष्वोष॑धीषु प॒शुष्व॒प्स्व॑१न्तः । ये अ॒स्माकं॑ त॒न्व॑माविवि॒शुः सर्वं॒ तद्ध॑न्मि॒ जनि॑म॒ क्रिमी॑णाम् ॥ (५)
The germs that are located in the mountains, in the forests, in the medicines, in animals and in the water, they have entered our body through wounds or through food. I end up dying of all these types of germs. (5)
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उ॒द्यन्ना॑दि॒त्यः क्रिमी॑न्हन्तु नि॒म्रोच॑न्हन्तु र॒श्मिभिः॑ । ये अ॒न्तः क्रिम॑यो॒ गवि॑ ॥ (१)
While rising and setting, the sun, through its spreading rays, destroys the germs that are located within the cow's body. (1)
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वि॒श्वरू॑पं चतुर॒क्षं क्रिमिं॑ सा॒रङ्ग॒मर्जु॑नम् । शृ॒णाम्य॑स्य पृ॒ष्टीरपि॑ वृश्चामि॒ यच्छिरः॑ ॥ (२)
I destroy germs of different sizes, four eyes, mottled and bright in colour. I also destroy the back and head of those germs. (2)
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अ॑त्रि॒वद्वः॑ क्रिमयो हन्मि कण्व॒वज्ज॑मदग्नि॒वत् । अ॒गस्त्य॑स्य॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ सं पि॑नष्म्य॒हं क्रिमी॑न् ॥ (३)
O germs! I destroy you not to be born again in the same way as the sage Agni, Kanva and Jamdagni destroyed you with the power of mantras. I destroy all germs by the mantra of Agastya Rishi. (3)
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ह॒तो राजा॒ क्रिमी॑णामु॒तैषां॑ स्थ॒पति॑र्ह॒तः । ह॒तो ह॒तमा॑ता॒ क्रिमि॑र्ह॒तभ्रा॑ता ह॒तस्व॑सा ॥ (४)
The king of germs was killed and his secretary was also killed. The germs that were also killed by mothers, brothers and sisters were destroyed. (4)
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ह॒तासो॑ अस्य वे॒शसो॑ ह॒तासः॒ परि॑वेशसः । अथो॒ ये क्षु॑ल्ल॒का इ॑व॒ सर्वे॒ ते क्रिम॑यो ह॒ताः ॥ (५)
The habitat of the clan of these germs was destroyed and the houses around their houses were also destroyed. Apart from this, the germs that were in the seed state were also destroyed. (5)
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प्र ते॑ शृणामि॒ शृङ्गे॒ याभ्यां॑ वितुदा॒यसि॑ । भि॒नद्मि॑ ते कु॒षुम्भं॒ यस्ते॑ विष॒धानः॑ ॥ (६)
O germ! I break your horns by which you cause suffering. I also scatter your particular organ called Kushumbha, which is going to contain poison. (6)
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अ॒क्षीभ्यां॑ ते॒ नासि॑काभ्यां॒ कर्णा॑भ्यां॒ छुबु॑का॒दधि॑ । यक्ष्मं॑ शीर्ष॒ण्यं॑ म॒स्तिष्का॑ज्जि॒ह्वाया॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ (१)
O man suffering from tuberculosis! I take tuberculosis out of your eyes, nose, ears and chin. I take tuberculosis out of your head, from the brain and from the tongue. (1)
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ग्री॒वाभ्य॑स्त उ॒ष्णिहा॑भ्यः॒ कीक॑साभ्यो अनू॒क्या॑त् । यक्ष्मं॑ दोष॒ण्यमंसा॑भ्यां बा॒हुभ्यां॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ (२)
O man suffering from tuberculosis! I take tuberculosis out from your neck, from blood-filled veins, from the clavicle and chest bones, from the joints, from the shoulders and arms. I also destroy tuberculosis in the arms. (2)
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हृद॑यात्ते॒ परि॑ क्लो॒म्नो हली॑क्ष्णात्पा॒र्श्वाभ्या॑म् । यक्ष्मं॒ मत॑स्नाभ्यां प्ली॒ह्नो य॒क्नस्ते॒ वि वृ॑हामसि ॥ (३)
O patient! I remove tuberculosis from your heart, from the flesh body close to the heart, from the flesh body called halkshan related to the branch, from the kidneys on both sides, from the spleen and from the liver adjacent to the heart. (3)
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आ॒न्त्रेभ्य॑स्ते॒ गुदा॑भ्यो वनि॒ष्ठोरु॒दरा॒दधि॑ । यक्ष्मं॑ कु॒क्षिभ्या॑म्प्ला॒शेर्नाभ्या॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ (४)
O man suffering from tuberculosis! I take tuberculosis out from your eyes, from the anus, from the large intestine, from the stomach, from both wombs, from the rectum with many holes and from the navel. (4)
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ऊ॒रुभ्यां॑ ते अष्ठी॒वद्भ्यां॒ पार्ष्णि॑भ्यां॒ प्रप॑दाभ्याम् । यक्ष्मं॑ भस॒द्यं श्रोणि॑भ्यां॒ भास॑दं॒ भंस॑सो॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ (५)
O patient man! I get tuberculosis out of your thighs, from the knees, from the lower parts of the knees, from the toes of the feet, from the waist, from the buttocks and in the kidneys. (5)
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अ॒स्थिभ्य॑स्ते म॒ज्जभ्यः॒ स्नाव॑भ्यो ध॒मनि॑भ्यः । यक्ष्म॑म्पा॒णिभ्या॑म॒ङ्गुलि॑भ्यो न॒खेभ्यो॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ (६)
O patient man! I get tuberculosis out from bones, fat, veins, arteries, hands, fingers and nails. (6)
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अङ्गेअ॑ङ्गे॒ लोम्नि॑लोम्नि॒ यस्ते॒ पर्व॑णिपर्वणि । यक्ष्मं॑ त्वच॒स्यं॑ ते व॒यं क॒श्यप॑स्य वीब॒र्हेण॒ विष्व॑ञ्चं॒ वि वृ॑हामसि ॥ (७)
O man with tuberculosis! I take out the tuberculosis disease in your angang, romrom and joint joint, through the sukta of kashyap maharishi's mantras. (7)
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य ईशे॑ पशु॒पतिः॑ पशू॒नां चतु॑ष्पदामु॒त यो द्वि॒पदा॑म् । निष्क्री॑तः॒ स य॒ज्ञियं॑ भा॒गमे॑तु रा॒यस्पोषा॒ यज॑मानं सचन्ताम् ॥ (१)
Pashupati Rudra, who is the swami of four-legged animals and two-legged humans, should be part of the yagya and the host should get the prosperity of wealth. (1)
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प्र॑मु॒ञ्चन्तो॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ रेतो॑ गा॒तुं ध॑त्त॒ यज॑मानाय देवाः । उ॒पाकृ॑तं शशमा॒नं यदस्था॑त्प्रि॒यम्दे॒वाना॒मप्ये॑तु॒ पाथः॑ ॥ (२)
O God! Leaving this killed animal, make it a way for the host to go to the virtuous worlds through semen. It should also get the meat that is dear to the gods in this animal. (2)
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ये ब॒ध्यमा॑न॒मनु॒ दीध्या॑ना अ॒न्वैक्ष॑न्त॒ मन॑सा॒ चक्षु॑षा च । अ॒ग्निष्टानग्रे॒ प्र मु॑मोक्तु दे॒वो वि॒श्वक॑र्मा प्र॒जया॑ संररा॒णः ॥ (३)
The animals of this sacrificial animal group who are sad to see it being killed and see it with a sad heart with loving eyes, May Agni Dev open the noose of love for all of them. Vishwakarma should also free it while doing words with his creation. (3)
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ये ग्रा॒म्याः प॒शवो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पा॒ विरू॑पाः॒ सन्तो॑ बहु॒धैक॑रूपाः । वा॒युष्टानग्रे॒ प्र मु॑मोक्तु दे॒वः प्र॒जाप॑तिः प्र॒जया॑ संररा॒णः ॥ (४)
The rural animals which are of all forms and various forms, but are often of one form, may the Air God first free them. Being unanimous with his subjects, Prajapati should also free this animal later. (4)
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प्र॑जा॒नन्तः॒ प्रति॑ गृह्णन्तु॒ पूर्वे॑ प्रा॒णमङ्गे॑भ्यः॒ पर्या॒चर॑न्तम् । दिवं॑ गछ॒ प्रति॑ तिष्ठा॒ शरी॑रैः स्व॒र्गं या॑हि प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानैः॑ ॥ (५)
O animal! In this yajna, knowing your greatness, the god located in space, while serving your organs, come out from all sides and take your life. After this, you become accepted by the gods and go to heaven and be situated there towards divine enjoyments. After this yajna, you go to heaven through the path of gods. (5)
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ये भ॒क्षय॑न्तो॒ न वसू॑न्यानृ॒धुर्यान॒ग्नयो॑ अ॒न्वत॑प्यन्त॒ धिष्ण्याः॑ । या तेषा॑मव॒या दुरि॑ष्टिः॒ स्वि॑ष्टिं न॒स्तां कृ॑णवद्वि॒श्वक॑र्मा ॥ (१)
We have buried the rich in the earth while eating food. Knowing the agni in holy places, Vishwakarma should make our yagna a success. Those who do not perform havana or perform faulty yajna, mourn the success of my yajna. (1)
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य॒ज्ञप॑ति॒मृष॑यः॒ एन॑साहु॒र्निर्भ॑क्तं प्र॒जा अ॑नुत॒प्यमा॑नम् । म॑थ॒व्या॑न्त्स्तो॒कानप॒ यान्र॒राध॒ सं न॒ष्टेभिः॑ सृजतु वि॒श्वक॑र्मा ॥ (२)
The sages have described such a host as sinful, who is miserable and whose people are unhappy along with him. The crime committed by that host by stealing the drops of Somers, mix our host with those drops of Vishwakarma Someras. (2)
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अ॑दा॒न्यान्त्सो॑म॒पान्मन्य॑मानो य॒ज्ञस्य॑ वि॒द्वान्त्स॑म॒ये न धीरः॑ । यदेन॑श्चकृ॒वान्ब॒द्ध ए॒ष तं वि॑श्वकर्म॒न्प्र मु॑ञ्चा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ (३)
Fascinated by the pride of knowing the nature of yajna and considering the pandits who drink soma in addition to himself as ignorant, the one who considers himself as a great sacrifice in the battle and who despises the enemy warriors suffers as a prisoner. O Vishwakarma! Redeem that sinner from sin to get welfare. (3)
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घो॒रा ऋष॑यो॒ नमो॑ अस्त्वेभ्य॒श्चक्षु॒र्यदे॑षां॒ मन॑सश्च स॒त्यम् । बृह॒स्पत॑ये महिष द्यु॒मन्नमो॒ विश्व॑कर्म॒न्नम॑स्ते पा॒ह्यस्मान् ॥ (४)
Salutations to those who are cruel sages i.e. prana, eyesight etc. Salutations are also to those who are real eyes between these souls and conscience. There is also a similar radiant and important greeting for Jupiter. O Vishwakarma, salutations to you, you protect us. (4)
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य॒ज्ञस्य॒ चक्षुः॒ प्रभृ॑ति॒र्मुखं॑ च वा॒चा श्रोत्रे॑ण॒ मन॑सा जुहोमि । इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं वित॑तं वि॒श्वक॑र्म॒णा दे॒वा य॑न्तु सुमन॒स्यमा॑नाः ॥ (५)
I perform havan through speech, ears and mind towards the eyes of yajna, the beginning form of yajna and the face form of agni. In this yajna spread by Vishwakarma, all the gods should come unanimously. (5)
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आ नो॑ अग्ने सुम॒तिं सं॑भ॒लो ग॑मेदि॒मां कु॑मा॒रीं स॒ह नो॒ भगे॑न । जु॒ष्टा व॒रेषु॒ सम॑नेषु व॒ल्गुरो॒षं पत्या॒ सौभ॑गमस्त्व॒स्यै ॥ (१)
O God of Agni! According to our belief, we should get a groom with all the characteristics and want a girl and due to good luck, this kumari of ours should get a groom, this kumari should be happy to find a groom with the same heart and please him too. The place of residence with the husband is fortunate for this. (1)
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सोम॑जुष्टं॒ ब्रह्म॑जुष्टमर्य॒म्णा संभृ॑तं॒ भग॑म् । धा॒तुर्दे॒वस्य॑ स॒त्येन॑ कृ॒णोमि॑ पति॒वेद॑नम् ॥ (२)
According to the command of the gods, I receive the fate of the girl in the form of a girl, served by Somdev, with Brahma or Gandharva, accepted by the agni of marriage, to man, i.e. the groom. (2)
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इ॒यम॑ग्ने॒ नारी॒ पतिं॑ विदेष्ट॒ सोमो॒ हि राजा॑ सु॒भगां॑ कृ॒णोति॑ । सुवा॑ना पु॒त्रान्महि॑षी भवाति ग॒त्वा पतिं॑ सु॒भगा॒ वि रा॑जतु ॥ (३)
May this girl of ours get her husband, so that Som Raja makes her lucky. After marriage, she should prove to be the best wife giving birth to sons. In this way, she is fortunate and beautified to have a husband. (3)
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यथा॑ख॒रो म॑घवं॒श्चारु॑रे॒ष प्रि॒यो मृ॒गाणां॑ सु॒षदा॑ ब॒भूव॑ । ए॒वा भग॑स्य जु॒ष्टेयम॑स्तु॒ नारी॒ संप्रि॑या॒ पत्यावि॑राधयन्ती ॥ (४)
Just as this region, full of praiseworthy food items, adornment and animal housing, is dear and pleasant, in the same way, this girl should get happiness and prosperity by making happy things with her husband. (4)
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भग॑स्य॒ नाव॒मा रो॑ह पू॒र्णामनु॑पदस्वतीम् । तयो॑प॒प्रता॑रय॒ यो व॒रः प्र॑तिका॒म्यः॑ ॥ (५)
O girl! You ride on a boat full of means of luck and without destruction. With the help of this boat, you get your desired husband. (5)
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आ क्र॑न्दय धनपते व॒रमाम॑नसं कृणु । सर्वं॑ प्रदक्षि॒णं कृ॑णु॒ यो व॒रः प्र॑तिका॒म्यः॑ ॥ (६)
O Rich Kubera! Make your husband say that this girl should become my wife. Turn this groom towards the girl and make all beings working according to her marriage. This girl should get her desired husband. (6)
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इ॒दं हिर॑ण्यं॒ गुल्गु॑ल्व॒यमौ॒क्षो अ॑थो॒ भगः॑ । ए॒ते पति॑भ्य॒स्त्वाम॑दुः प्रतिका॒माय॒ वेत्त॑वे ॥ (७)
Gold ornaments, incense, google, coating and ornaments have been given to you by God, the founder of ornaments, to receive a husband who is blessed by Gandharva and Agni. (7)
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आ ते॑ नयतु सवि॒ता न॑यतु॒ पति॒र्यः प्र॑तिका॒म्यः॑ । त्वम॑स्यै धेहि ओषधे ॥ (८)
O girl! Everyone's motivator Savita Dev bring the desired groom for you. He should also marry you and take you home. O herb! You provide husband for this virgin. (8)
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अ॒ग्निर्नः॒ शत्रू॒न्प्रत्ये॑तु वि॒द्वान्प्र॑ति॒दह॑न्न॒भिश॑स्ति॒मरा॑तिम् । स सेनां॑ मोहयतु॒ परे॑षां॒ निर्ह॑स्तांश्च कृणवज्जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ (१)
Fascinate the army of violent enemies and make it unable to lift the Jatveda i.e. agni weapon. Agni Dev, who represents the Devas army in the Devasur war, proceed, devouring the organs of the enemies. (1)
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यू॒यमु॒ग्रा म॑रुत ई॒दृशे॑ स्था॒भि प्रेत॑ मृ॒णत॒ सह॑ध्वम् । अमी॑मृण॒न्वस॑वो नाथि॒ता इ॒मे अ॒ग्निर्ह्ये॑षां दू॒तः प्र॒त्येतु॑ वि॒द्वान् ॥ (२)
O Maruto! You stay close to me to help in the struggle and go to attack my enemies. Vasu Devgan should also proceed to destroy the enemy on my prayer. Among the Vasus, the chief agni should also move forward like an angel knowing the enemies. (2)
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अ॑मित्रसे॒नां म॑घवन्न॒स्मान्छ॑त्रूय॒तीम॒भि । यु॒वं तानि॑न्द्र वृत्रहन्न॒ग्निश्च॑ दहतं॒ प्रति॑ ॥ (३)
O Indra! Go before the army that behaves like an enemy towards the innocent. O Indra, the destroyer of trees! Both you and agni become adversarial and consume the enemy army. (3)
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प्रसू॑त इन्द्र प्र॒वता॒ हरि॑भ्यां॒ प्र ते॒ वज्रः॑ प्रमृ॒णन्ने॑तु॒ शत्रू॑न् । ज॒हि प्र॒तीचो॑ अ॒नूचः॒ परा॑चो॒ विष्व॑क्स॒त्यं कृ॑णुहि चि॒त्तमे॑षाम् ॥ (४)
O Indra! Sitting in a chariot with tears named Hari, you should go towards the enemy army, wearing your thunderbolt through the flat path. Destroy the enemies by coming from the front and behind and running away from the war. Make their minds, who are determined to destroy us, completely disorder. (4)
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इन्द्र॒ सेनां॑ मोहया॒मित्रा॑णाम् । अ॒ग्नेर्वात॑स्य॒ ध्राज्या॒ तान्विषू॑चो॒ वि ना॑शय ॥ (५)
O Indra! Make the army of our enemies void of duty knowledge. With the help of agni and air, destroy the enemy army by forcing them to flee from the war at their own speed. (5)
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इन्द्रः॒ सेनां॑ मोहयतु म॒रुतो॑ घ्न॒न्त्वोज॑सा । चक्षूं॑ष्य॒ग्निरा द॑त्तां॒ पुन॑रेतु॒ परा॑जिता ॥ (६)
Indra, the ruler of the gods, should make the enemy army abyss and kill it with his glory. May Agni Dev take away the power to see from their eyes. Thus the defeated enemy army should go back. (6)
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अ॒ग्निर्नो॑ दू॒तः प्र॒त्येतु॑ वि॒द्वान्प्र॑ति॒दह॑न्न॒भिश॑स्ति॒मरा॑तिम् । स चि॒त्तानि॑ मोहयतु॒ परे॑षां॒ निर्ह॑स्तांश्च कृणवज्जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ (१)
May the agni of the angels, who know everything, burn our enemies and make the minds of violent enemies coming from the front. Jatveda Agni should not keep them worthy that they can take up arms by hand. (1)
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अ॒यम॒ग्निर॑मूमुह॒द्यानि॑ चि॒त्तानि॑ वो हृ॒दि । वि वो॑ धम॒त्वोक॑सः॒ प्र वो॑ धमतु स॒र्वतः॑ ॥ (२)
O shanruo! May the Agni God fascinate your hearts by ending the thoughts that are in your hearts about attacking us. They will completely drive you out of your dwelling and destroy your places. (2)
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इन्द्र॑ चि॒त्तानि॑ मो॒हय॑न्न॒र्वाङाकू॑त्या चर । अ॒ग्नेर्वात॑स्य॒ ध्राज्या॒ तान्विषू॑चो॒ वि ना॑शय ॥ (३)
O Indra! You go before the enemy, confusing the hearts of our enemies and resolving to destroy them in your mind. You destroy the enemy army by forcing it to flee from the war with your speed, which is fierce to consume with the help of agni and air. (3)
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व्या॑कूतय एषामि॒ताथो॑ चि॒त्तानि॑ मुह्यत । अथो॒ यद॒द्यैषां॑ हृ॒दि तदे॑षां॒ परि॒ निर्ज॑हि ॥ (४)
O rebellious resolutions! You go into the hearts of enemies. O hearts of enemies! You get confused. Completely destroy the work that is in the hearts of our enemies who are eager to fight. (4)
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अ॒मीषां॑ चि॒त्तानि॑ प्रतिमो॒हय॑न्ती गृहा॒णाङ्गा॑न्यप्वे॒ परे॑हि । अ॒भि प्रेहि॒ निर्द॑ह हृ॒त्सु शोकै॒र्ग्राह्या॒मित्रां॒स्तम॑सा विध्य॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ (५)
O sin goddess named Apya, who destroys pleasures and souls! You confuse the hearts of our enemies and pervade their bodies. Turn your back on us and go to our enemies and afflict their hearts with sorrows caused by disease, fear, etc. You kill the enemies who want to harm us with the help of the ignorant form Pishachi. (5)
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अ॒सौ या सेना॑ मरुतः॒ परे॑षाम॒स्मानैत्य॒भ्योज॑सा॒ स्पर्ध॑माना । तां वि॑ध्यत॒ तम॒साप॑व्रतेन॒ यथै॑षाम॒न्यो अ॒न्यं न जा॒नात् ॥ (६)
O Maruto! This army of enemies is coming towards us, struggling with us due to the excess of its force. Destroy it by making it void of duty by Maya inspired by you. Make these enemies such that none of them can recognize each other. (6)
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अचि॑क्रदत्स्व॒पा इ॒ह भु॑व॒दग्ने॒ व्य॑चस्व॒ रोद॑सी उरू॒ची । यु॒ञ्जन्तु॑ त्वा म॒रुतो॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दस॒ आमुं न॑य॒ नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्यम् ॥ (१)
O agni! This king, who has been removed from his kingdom, is praying to you to get the kingdom again. By your grace, he should become the guardian of the people in his kingdom. O incandescent agni! For this reason, you pervad the earth and the sky. May Vishwa Dev and forty-nine dead help you. Restore his kingdom to this king who greets you and gives you havi. (1)
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दू॒रे चि॒त्सन्त॑मरु॒षास॒ इन्द्र॒मा च्या॑वयन्तु स॒ख्याय॒ विप्र॑म् । यद्गा॑य॒त्रीं बृ॑ह॒तीम॒र्कम॑स्मै सौत्राम॒ण्या दधृ॑षन्त दे॒वाः ॥ (२)
O Ritvijo! You people call the meritorious Indra, who lives in heaven, to help the king. The devas have made Indra very powerful through Gayatri and Brihati verses and Indra's Sautramani Yagya. (2)
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अ॒द्भ्यस्त्वा॒ राज॒ वरु॑णो ह्वयतु॒ सोम॑स्त्वा ह्वयतु॒ पर्व॑तेभ्यः । इन्द्र॑स्त्वा ह्वयतु वि॒ड्भ्य आ॒भ्यः श्ये॒नो भू॒त्वा विश॒ आ प॑ते॒माः ॥ (३)
O King! Your kingdom has been taken away by enemies. To establish you on your kingdom, call Varuna to enter your kingdom through your respective waters, Soma from your shelter from the mountains and Indra through your subjects. You come at the same speed as an eagle while being undefeated by enemies and obey these people. (3)
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श्ये॒नो ह॒व्यं न॑य॒त्वा पर॑स्मादन्यक्षे॒त्रे अप॑रुद्धं॒ चर॑न्तम् । अ॒श्विना॒ पन्थां॑ कृणुतां सु॒गं त॑ इ॒मं स॑जाता अभि॒संवि॑शध्वम् ॥ (४)
God living in heaven, bring you captive in a foreign kingdom by enemies to your country. Ashwinikumar, make your path zero from enemies. O bind! Serve this king who has re-entered your kingdom. (4)
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ह्वय॑न्तु त्वा प्रतिज॒नाः प्रति॑ मि॒त्रा अ॑वृषत । इ॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी विश्वे॑ दे॒वास्ते॑ वि॒शि क्षेम॑मदीधरन् ॥ (५)
O king! Those who were opposed to you till now, they should also be affectionate to you and become obedient to you. May Indra, Agni and Vishwa Dev instill in you the ability to follow prajapalan. (5)
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यस्ते॒ हवं॑ वि॒वद॑त्सजा॒तो यश्च॒ निष्ट्यः॑ । अपा॑ञ्चमिन्द्र॒ तं कृ॒त्वाथे॒ममि॒हाव॑ गमय ॥ (६)
O king! As powerful as you, higher than you and inferior to you, an enemy who does not agree with you, Indra should expel him from that nation and establish the king there. (6)
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आ त्वा॑ गन्रा॒ष्ट्रं स॒ह वर्च॒सोदि॑हि॒ प्राङ्वि॒शां पति॑रेक॒राट्त्वं वि रा॑ज । सर्वा॑स्त्वा राजन्प्र॒दिशो॑ ह्वयन्तूप॒सद्यो॑ नम॒स्यो॑ भवे॒ह ॥ (१)
O king! The kingdom of you reclaimed you. For this reason, you should become famous again with glory and become a democrat and enemy destroyer. God of all directions and the people living in him should accept you as their master. All residents of your state serve you and greet you. (1)
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त्वां विशो॑ वृणतां रा॒ज्या॑य॒ त्वामि॒माः प्र॒दिशः॒ पञ्च॑ दे॒वीः । वर्ष्म॑न्रा॒ष्ट्रस्य॑ क॒कुदि॑ श्रयस्व॒ ततो॑ न उ॒ग्रो वि भ॑जा॒ वसू॑नि ॥ (२)
O King! People should call upon you for state government. The four directions of the east and the fifth direction of the middle should become tejaswini for you. May you sit on the high throne of your country. After that, you should provide proper money to our servants while remaining undefeated by the enemies. (2)
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अच्छ॑ त्वा यन्तु ह॒विनः॑ सजा॒ता अ॒ग्निर्दू॒तो अ॑जि॒रः सं च॑रातै । जा॒याः पु॒त्राः सु॒मन॑सो भवन्तु ब॒हुं ब॒लिं प्रति॑ पश्यासा उ॒ग्रः ॥ (३)
O king! Your other kings of homogeneous come on your call. Your messenger should roam freely like agni. May your wives and sons be happy with your recovery. You should be powerful enough to see many types of measures i.e. the things that have come in front of you. (3)
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अ॒श्विना॒ त्वाग्रे॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णो॒भा विश्वे दे॒वा म॒रुत॒स्त्वा ह्व॑यन्तु । अधा॒ मनो॑ वसु॒देया॑य कृणुष्व॒ ततो॑ न उ॒ग्रो वि भ॑जा॒ वसू॑नि ॥ (४)
O king! Call Ashwinikumar, both friends Varuna, Vishwe Dev and Marut aap to enter the kingdom. Put your mind in donating money. After this, you should provide proper money to the servants while remaining undefeated from the enemies. (4)
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आ प्र द्र॑व पर॒मस्याः॑ परा॒वतः॑ शि॒वे ते॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी उ॒भे स्ता॑म् । तद॒यं राजा॒ वरु॑ण॒स्तथा॑ह॒ स त्वा॒यम॑ह्व॒त्स उ॑पे॒दमेहि॑ ॥ (५)
O king in a distant country! Come to your state soon from a distant country. At the time of entering your kingdom, both the earth and the sky should be auspicious for you. Varun is calling you. You come to your nation. (5)
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इन्द्रे॑न्द्र मनु॒ष्याः परे॑हि॒ सं ह्यज्ञा॑स्था॒ वरु॑णैः संविदा॒नः । स त्वा॒यम॑ह्व॒त्स्वे स॒धस्थे॒ स दे॒वान्य॑क्ष॒त्स उ॑ कल्पया॒द्विशः॑ ॥ (६)
O Supreme O Swami Indra! We come close to humans. O king! Indra is calling you unanimously with Varuna, so you enter your kingdom and stay there and perform yagna for Indra etc. gods and put the subjects in your own work. (6)
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प॒थ्या॑ रे॒वती॑र्बहु॒धा विरू॑पाः॒ सर्वाः॑ सं॒गत्य॒ वरी॑यस्ते अक्रन् । तास्त्वा॒ सर्वाः॑ संविदा॒ना ह्व॑यन्तु दश॒मीमु॒ग्रः सु॒मना॑ वशे॒ह ॥ (७)
Wealthy and beneficial goddesses on the way should benefit you. O king! Water goddesses of many forms come together and be better for you and unanimously call you to your nation. There you should be strong and happy and live a hundred years of life. (7)
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आयम॑गन्पर्णम॒णिर्ब॒ली बले॑न प्रमृ॒णन्त्स॒पत्ना॑न् । ओजो॑ दे॒वानां॒ पय॒ ओष॑धीनां॒ वर्च॑सा मा जिन्व॒त्वप्र॑यावन् ॥ (१)
May I get this parnamani, which destroys enemies with the excess of my power and gives the essence and best results of all medicines. O God! This oz form makes me stunning with its sharpness. (1)
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मयि॑ क्ष॒त्रं प॑र्णमणे॒ मयि॑ धारयताद्र॒यिम् । अ॒हं रा॒ष्ट्रस्या॑भीव॒र्गे नि॒जो भू॑यासमुत्त॒मः ॥ (२)
O leaf made of palash! Give strength and wealth to me, the one who holds the gem. Because of holding you, I will be the best than not taking anyone's help in liberating my kingdom. (2)
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यं नि॑द॒धुर्वन॒स्पतौ॒ गुह्यं॑ दे॒वाः प्रि॒यं म॒णिम् । तम॒स्मभ्यं॑ स॒हायु॑षा दे॒वा द॑दतु॒ भर्त॑वे ॥ (३)
Indra etc. devs had hidden this beloved gem secretly in the Palash tree due to giving the desired results. May the gods increase my life and give me that leafy for the sake of maintenance. (3)
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सोम॑स्य प॒र्णः सह॑ उ॒ग्रमाग॒न्निन्द्रे॑ण द॒त्तो वरु॑णेन शि॒ष्टः । तं प्रि॑यासं ब॒हु रोच॑मानो दीर्घायु॒त्वाय॑ श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥ (४)
May I get Som Mani, who gives me the power to defeat others. I may wear that beloved gem given by Indra and allowed by Varuna to attain a long life of a hundred years, (4)
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आ मा॑रुक्षत्पर्णम॒णिर्म॒ह्या अ॑रिष्ट॒तात॑ये । यथा॒हमु॑त्त॒रोऽसा॑न्यर्य॒म्ण उ॒त सं॒विदः॑ ॥ (५)
May I get this foliage for my welfare for a long time. By wearing this gem, I become capable, more powerful and better in destroying the enemy by the grace of Aryama. (5)
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ये धीवा॑नो रथका॒राः क॒र्मारा॒ ये म॑नी॒षिणः॑ । उ॑प॒स्तीन्प॑र्ण॒ मह्यं॑ त्वं॒ सर्वा॑न्कृण्व॒भितो॒ जना॑न् ॥ (६)
O swami! Present all of you fishing, charioteers, carpenters, blacksmiths and intellectuals around me to serve me. (6)
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ये राजा॑नो राज॒कृतः॑ सू॒ता ग्रा॑म॒ण्य॑श्च॒ ये । उ॑प॒स्तीन्प॑र्ण॒ मह्यं॒ त्वं सर्वा॑न्कृण्व॒भितो॒ जना॑न् ॥ (७)
O leafy queen! Present all those who are capable of making kings, the secretaries capable of making kings, the yarn that drives the chariots and the head of the village, all around me to serve me. (7)
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प॒र्णोऽसि॑ तनू॒पानः॒ सयो॑निर्वी॒रो वी॒रेण॒ मया॑ । सं॑वत्स॒रस्य॒ तेज॑सा॒ तेन॑ बध्नामि त्वा मणे ॥ (८)
O leafy queen! Being made from the leaves of Somlata, you are going to protect the body. You are born like Shaktishalini and me veer. Like the sun, I want to tie tejaswini your parnamani to get radiance. (8)
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पुमा॑न्पुं॒सः परि॑जातोऽश्व॒त्थः ख॑दि॒रादधि॑ । स ह॑न्तु॒ शत्रू॑न्माम॒कान्यान॒हं द्वेष्मि॒ ये च॒ माम् ॥ (१)
When I wear ashwattha mani made from the very powerful tree Peepal and with the support generated from the essence of Gayatri, destroy my enemies whom I hate and who hate me. (1)
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तान॑श्वत्थ॒ निः शृ॑णीहि॒ शत्रू॑न्वैबाध॒दोध॑तः । इन्द्रे॑ण वृत्र॒घ्ना मे॒दी मि॒त्रेण॒ वरु॑णेन च ॥ (२)
O Ashwatthamani made from peepal produced in the Khadir tree! You destroy my enemies completely. You have a friendship with Indra and Varuna, who destroyed Vritra. (2)
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यथा॑श्वत्थ नि॒रभ॑नो॒ऽन्तर्म॑ह॒त्य॑र्ण॒वे । ए॒वा तान्त्सर्वा॒न्निर्भ॑ङ्ग्धि॒ यान॒हं द्वेष्मि॒ ये च॒ माम् ॥ (३)
O Gem's upadankaran ashwata! Just as you were born by penetrating the coat of the khadir tree, so destroy all my enemies. (3)
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यः सह॑मान॒श्चर॑सि सासहा॒न इ॑व ऋष॒भः । तेना॑श्वत्थ॒ त्वया॑ व॒यं स॒पत्ना॑न्त्सहिषीमहि ॥ (४)
Peepal grows by defeating other trees in the same way that bull defeats other animals with its help. O people! Let us destroy the enemies who wear the gem made of you. (4)
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सि॒नात्वे॑ना॒न्निरृ॑तिर्मृ॒त्योः पाशै॑रमो॒क्यैः । अश्व॑त्थ॒ शत्रू॑न्माम॒कान्यान॒हं द्वेष्मि॒ ये च॒ माम् ॥ (५)
O Ashwattha! Bind my enemies with the unforeseen noose of death, the goddess of sin, whom I hate and who hate me. (5)
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यथा॑श्वत्थ वानस्प॒त्याना॒रोह॑न्कृणु॒षेऽध॑रान् । ए॒वा मे॒ शत्रो॑र्मू॒र्धानं॒ विष्व॑ग्भिन्द्धि॒ सह॑स्व च ॥ (६)
O Ashwattha! Just as you rise up leaving down all the vegetation, that is, the trees, so crush the glasses of my enemies from all sides and destroy them. (6)
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तेऽध॒राञ्चः॒ प्र प्ल॑वन्तां छि॒न्ना नौरि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नात् । न वै॑बा॒धप्र॑णुत्तानां॒ पुन॑रस्ति नि॒वर्त॑नम् ॥ (७)
After opening the boat tied to the trees of the coast with the help of rope, just as it flows down along the stream of the river instead of getting the shore, in the same way, my enemies should face down and flow in the flow of the river, because the enemies under the influence of peepal produced in the khadir tree are not saved. (7)
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प्रैणा॑न्नुदे॒ मन॑सा॒ प्र चि॒त्तेनो॒त ब्रह्म॑णा । प्रैणा॑न्वृ॒क्षस्य॒ शाख॑याश्व॒त्थस्य॑ नुदामहे ॥ (८)
I exalt my enemies through strong mental strength and influence of smell. I destroy enemies through the branch of peepal tree affected by mantras. (8)
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