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If this song doesn't make your heart race then you might need to get it checked by your Doc. I wish I could of seen how he puts you in a dream state and hypnotizes every single girl in the audience.
I agree it was one of his best songs ever he's had a few out there I always have been intrigued with Elvis my brother had all his Elvis albums and then I was intrigued after he passed away I read all his books I got from the library this man was freaking awesome he was handsome he made history he was just so millions and millions of Records awesome rest in peace Elvis Presley
not nostalgia
Tomorrow will be to late.... so true! I was named after this dude and his twin that died at birth...apparently him anyone seen Jesse the gospel singer?? Striking resemblence... we all go back to the Gospel in the end
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To be honest, old songs were the best. The songs nowadays just gives the elders headache!
Popular, lot of air play the summer before my senior year. Great song. Great memories.
not nostalgia
You know I'm not gonna be rude about this go to the new music that I here today sounds like crap like Gucci gang or Rolex what is that wait let me think GARBAGE Elvis is the KING and no can replace this magnificent person seriously this is music if you agree people please like because I think I"m right!!
not nostalgia
I wanna listen to this song when I get to Hawaii and dance with my partner to this song at the beach... Such a dream
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Did you know that this song is the 4th best selling single worldwide?
I get flashbacks from this song when I was a child living in southern Italy, where every street was filled with lovers, compassionate for each other, and confessing there feelings
my dad loved this song so much,he used to sung this song when I was a kid. I miss my dad in heaven .... :)
not nostalgia
the only thing i dont like about listening on youtube is that the comment section is always a circle jerk of "born in the wrong generation" kids that think they're the only smart ones because they listen to old music.
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Wow you guys sure are special for listening to one of the most recognizable artists of the 20th century. When do you want your medal to come in the mail?
not nostalgia
this kind of music is way better than the music now and if you listen carefully this kind of music tells a story thank God for that.
Remind me of when I am 7 years old listening to this song on my way to school in my dad's car
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So glad I was brought up on this guy. The best musician that ever lived and still lives on in our hearts. The king of music he was and still is
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I'm from Naples, so I speak the mother tongue of the original version of this song, but I must say I think this is much, much more charming than the original :-)
not nostalgia
I'd love for people of my age group to realise that music from the past isn't as historic as fossils and that it's a much more basic and illicit alternative to what they currently listen to. As a 17 I have come to the conclusion that my music taste, compared to others my age, has been bold and at some points non existent. However, pretty much all music I here from the 40s, 50s, and 60s (in my experience) is never as explicit or profane as modern music.
Love this song , so many memories . Glen sang it brilliantly , but take a listen to george benson singing it . Pure awesomeness
not nostalgia
2019 is just another milestone in evolution of music as was the 80s...I am sure in the year 2040 it will still evoke similar response....
Every party when we were young..we played this song. Will love it forever. happy memories
not nostalgia
Very beautiful and so romantic love song. The music is so sweet and very melodious. Thank you so much for this very wonderful and so evergreen creation.
I remember when i was teenager, i recorded this song from the radio to my cassette recorder. Quality was horrible but i listened to it for years
80's music are the best! I remembered my childhood.
not nostalgia
This song is so good that no matter how many times the same lyrics repeated you just don't get tired of it.
not nostalgia
If you came here M I'm here if you decide to stop running ! You broke my heart but being with you made me dizzy with fear and excitement everytime I got to see you. You don't have to be that person anymore ! Yes you are crazy exciting but I've seen what's there behind it and I love that more. Yes I see the star it's all I can see when I look up at night. I love you
Why there is no singer today who can sing this innocent way so pure so gentle, Why it always have to be about sexuality or violence? I wish i was born in those times....
not nostalgia
Nothings gonna change my love for you! If you read this wuv remember were almost 6 months strong I have a got feeling you will read this :)
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I send this song to my husband for the last Valentine Day, he loved it. We are together since 1998, my first boyfriend, I was 15 years old and him 22 years old.
not nostalgia
That's what's wrong with today!! Songs, aren't written from the heart. Now, it just materialistic bullshit!! Where's the love in that? Will they give their life for you? That is true love...
not nostalgia
I want to know who gave a thumbs down, really, in person!! What is wrong with you?! One of the most romantic songs of all time. Love it!
not nostalgia
True this track but have you ever thought about if: If her love is going to change for you because it may very might be?! Be ready for it just incase especially in this era nothing's sacred as it's not 1988 anymore!! Still otherwise a great song but don't be a fool without having a backup plan!! Still appreciated via this upload.
Such a good song, love it, the old music of 80's & 90's is the best music ever, always brings back great memories from my youth
played that song during my sister's wedding during their first dance....brings back a lot of memories. This song is so good it has lasted all these years.....
not nostalgia
A romantic late afternoon walk on a the sand of a California beach, refreshing breeze, faded white levis,, cool linen summer shirt and the lady in a floaty cool summer dress! Suggestive of anyone, have a good think!
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this song says it all when you have a true lady to say how much the love you have for her x
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Someone should do a new version of this. Fantastic little song.
not nostalgia
Gone are the days when people sing real music, today they sing about nothing
I swear this song was released in 1985 until I looked into it. Loved it in the 80s it brings back find memories.
Memories I had at this time of this song 18 years, that it goes fast, but always beautiful to listen to
not nostalgia
This video outbeats Despecio and Taylor swift by a trillion light years, it deserves more views, it makes me wonder if something is wrong with the brains of most humans.
I was 17 years old just like him back then "1987" this brings back so much memories! A Beautiful song!!
I remember learning to slow dance to this song in my best friend is backyard, the summer 1988
not nostalgia
I have a certain man on my mind, omg his hugs are the best. It takes my breath away just thinking about the hug I gave him, he held me tight.
not nostalgia
He must've been getting laid so fucking much back then! In 1987 he looked a lot like Shawn Mendes now
Wow..,this song takes me back to my childhood,beautiful years beautiful music,,hahaha it makes me .So happy to had experienced the 80s..ONE LOVE
not nostalgia
Okay lets look at this The man changes his shirt three times and you know got a crucifix on
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Where would we be without soft focus?! Certainly not in the 1980's, that's for sure
not nostalgia
what's not love about this song??? it's perfect!! They were just so overplayed in the 80s especially during weddings.....
Brings back so much memories of the 80's and 90's when I was in my teenager years. So glad I got to experience that era. Sad now that I'm in my mid 40's.
This was our song I messed up and I'll live the rest of my life knowing it. You was the best thing in my life. I just wish I could turn the clock back. We was so happy I'll never get that with anyone else never...
not nostalgia
This is what's missing in this world. LOVE..REAL LOVE. ..this is a banger no matter what year we in best believe
Can someone build a time machine please? We need/ must bring this music back
not nostalgia
That's what I call a thing deserver of being called 'EVERGREEN'. It's not just a song. It has got happiest moment of a thousand people's life. It's priceless
damn takes me back to Jr high school dances working up the nerve to ask someone to dance.
not nostalgia
Makes me think of the love I feel for someone so bad and they do not believe it. Nothing is going to change how I feel....god I am crying now...
not nostalgia
No question. That is one of the Best love Song forever. This is My favorite love Song. This Song Touch my heart everytime when hear in Radio. Wow.
Met my first love and this song was mine to her after 32 years we reconnected so many memories never stopped loving her.
nothing gonna change my love for this song, its the same feeling as back in the 80's
not nostalgia
These songs make me feel so proud and lucky to have been born in an era of beautiful music. Nowadays, I play these songs to my kids and they really like them. I am 42 now.
This song makes me think about a lady I love in the 1980's and she was kill in car wreak. I will never forget about her and she me so happy when we were together. I miss her!
not nostalgia
Since he's a teacher now, I wonder if he sings "Nothing's gonna change detention for you. You'll never ever know how bad I caught you!" lol
A time when romance and love actually mattered. Boys would call a girl on the phone for a date. Seemed like love and marriage was the path to a happy life. Now money and jobs have taken the place of love and marriage. How sad that we no longer value the things that make life worth living.
One of timeless classics.. This is my favorite song and it reminds me of those days
not nostalgia
I feel like he could've been a huge movie star. He was pinup boy attractive, had a soft romantic side (not typical for a teenage dude) and seemed natural on screen.
not nostalgia
i love this song ,lovely .its all about love.i still have the same feeling for the wife i married 18 years ago. This song truly says all,nothing gonna change my love for my ever loving wife.
not nostalgia
ALL these years, I had no idea this was sung by a kid! Didn't find out until a couple weeks ago (May 2018). It seems to add an honest innocence to it.
What a beautiful song The first time I heard him I met the woman I love the most that today is my wife The song brings up beautiful memories
I love this song brings back good childhood memories.
Great song. All my memories is coming to my brain. My Childhood, my Youth and my all life
not nostalgia
Now if George Benson had sang this song he'd been classified as a "one" hit wonder, still a great song and it's a pretty good tune, and overall Glen sang this song with emotion and feelings, better than some of these so called "popstars".
This was my wedding song in 1987...brings back some awesome memories...we lasted 17 years, raised 3 awesome kids...and when I hear this song, I wonder why we aren`t still together.
not nostalgia
My uncle was listening this song and it snatched my attention and create love inside my heart...It taught me how to live and love
not nostalgia
Although not in front of a blue screen this is probably the lowest budget music video I've ever seen LOL
not nostalgia
Sad that he looks like a typical middle-aged guy now. Wish he still looked more like this, but I guess when you're so handsome/cute when young, you almost naturally go downhill. He should've worked harder to preserve his looks though
I'm 18 again. It's the summer of 1988 and the sixth form leaving party. Fond memories.
One of the best love songs EVER !!! I remember when i was young boy in 80's , we are dancing this magic song with the girls at the parties . Wonderfull time and era ...
This brings back some great memories. I didn't know it then but it would be the last time my family and friends were all together.Many moved or past away. A heart-felt song.
That is a beautiful song and i still cry. When I listening that song and i close my eyes i have flashback to the most beautiful memories i had. I LOVE THAT SONG
I was 12 when this song was released. I recorded it on a tape and gave it to a 12 year old girl who I swore at the time I'd stay forever with. Oh man... the beauty and serenity of innocence of puppy love.
I was 19 in 1987 and watching this video brought to my mind so many beautiful memories, it was such a wonderful time and I was so young and my girlfriend who was 17 years old, we did exactly the same as in this video, running on the beach in love with each other, now almost 50 years old gives me a lot of nostalgia, it is incredible how 30 years of this song have passed.
not nostalgia
Why can't we have music like this anymore?! What's wrong with this day & ages music?
i really miss the 80's and 90's best years of my life
it makes me nostalgic especially the school days
not nostalgia
I really love this song. I love music from the 80's and 90's. Even though I wasn't born yet when this song came out
not nostalgia
I wanna very much in love never thought feel this way again feel like the first time I've love I lost but I feel so much in love just can't stop thinking of him his Walker and Love so much world melts with thoughts of him his love send moon his heart sweet face send stars wait too be with him I'm so blessed I thank god I may think its hard but brightens my heart with a song I just believe
Beautiful song. It brings me good memories when I was younger. I am very thankful for that kind of music
I remember going on holiday in Italy when I was about 5 or 6 and this came on on the TV in a restaurant and ever since I've always loved this song. I'm 17 now and although at the time I didn't really know what the song was about
not nostalgia
Stop complaining guys!! Go make music as good as this one if you can! And i'll be the first to listen to it!
not nostalgia
this music make up my day ,I real love listening to this kind of music
Man I miss those days !! When I heard this song my stomach turned !! Memories.... memories
I wish these days were back again!
not nostalgia
One of the best romantic pop songs to emerge from an era chock full of great ones. For the curious, Mr. Mederios went on to reinvent himself as an educator and now is the president of a college prep school in HI. Pretty cool, IMHO.
not nostalgia
I think songs that are about how you gonna take her from behind etc and other modern music is much better:)
love this song, got it on my phone brings me back when I was a young chick and in love were are the old school gone hats of to your love song live it to bits never ever for get this song
I fell in love with this innocent boy and never knew his name. His song always seemed to come on tv after school.And I would watch him doe-eyed. This song brought back memories of a time when I was still optimistic about the future. He must be old now, because I am 40 years, time flies.
not nostalgia
Great music that actually meant something these days its all about looks in music videos.
not nostalgia
I do not have a girlfriend but this song makes me cry everytime! Its funny and sad at the same time. I hope you have a great 2017
back with my first True love my high school sweetheart after 30 years.... was 18 30 years ago..... he used to sing this and now singing it to me again.... nothing is better than our music in the 80's they can try but never succeed ....
not nostalgia
Where can I find these kind of innocent love song with video
not nostalgia
one of the beat romantic song of the millennium .its a classic of all time,excellent song,i just love love love it