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not nostalgia
He was a singer with a golden voice that I love to hear all the time. I was his great fan at the age of 16years in those days and still now. Although we have many singers now, but, I can vouch for Jim Reeves all the time. You feel relaxed, emotional and loving. Thank you Lord for his life.
The mist beautiful voice ever I listened to him when I was a kid and still love his singing Never forgotten The voice of an angel
I have most of Mr. Reeves songs. Always love his smooth voice, so comforting and sounds like the people I grew up around. They were so gentle and sweet, but I had to leave my little town to find a job at age 17. I graduated early. I never forgot how great it was to grow up with simple people who had no pretensions -- just loving and gentle, like I think Jesus is.
not nostalgia
30 day leave from 1st tour in Viet Nam to convince my Mary Lou to "marry me" when I came back from my 2nd tour. Now, 47 years later this December God granted the greatest blessing a man can receive. This song is for the hope of life all who have served pray for and some are granted that hope to be reality. Thank you my Mary Lou.
listening to his songs reminds me of my mum who played him everyday
Every time I heard this song as a child, I used to cry....because it reminded me of funerals. Now I got over that fear of death, I appreciate this song. RIP Jim Reeves, your voice still touches many souls.
My dad loved listening to Jim Reeves, when I was a teenager back in the 70's didn't do it for me then, but how Time changes things.
i HAVE ALSO LISTENED TO Jim Reeves since childhood and I am 71 now and a nostalgic feeling comes with his tunes to me . I love the feeling he puts in his music.
not nostalgia
Wherever you are you always in my heart
not nostalgia
Elvis will always be number one no one can come close to taking his place the king will always be the king
not nostalgia
ill bet if they begin to play this song on the radio to a new generation it could be still a hit ,,that goes for anytime in the future
this song came out my senior year in high school-1966 in girlfriend and I loved it but with a foreboding knowledge that I might not make it back to marry her..inducted into USMC as a driver/gunner of an APC-just 18 years old-took a RPG was laid up in Hawaii for months but able to walk down the aisle for our wedding in June '67 - 47 years later still married to Dianne ... we both cry like babies when we hear it
A few years back picked up at a charity shop a rare colour dvd of Jim in concert in Norway in June 1964 only weeks before his death. He was also interviewed at length.
I am 47 and grew up on songs of this type. I am a Muslim. His songs some are a universal praise of the One and only God can be seen in many Places, and Jim Reeves praises our lord so well, and for sure my heart follow his words and its contents.
not nostalgia
I remember my father used to listen to Jim Reeves when I was young. I am now 64.
not nostalgia
This song/singer has very special meaning as it was my late father's top all time favorites. As I coffin beared him into the Crematorium it was played in tribute to him.
not nostalgia
Sir. Jim Reeves!! I love him. I'm 29 years old man from Myanmar. I was presented albums of his songs by Mr. Eric (Australia) of which I guess I could sing along at least 100 songs by now! I heard him he's a boxer as well in his college years! He's no.1 top singer of my grandpa & grandma, my daddy& mummy, and of mine, maybe next to the generation to come :) I love him, he is wonderful!
It is a memory lane, I grew up listening to Jim Reeves
My Grandparents had a pub in the 1970's, this was one of my favourites on the Jukebox, I used to dance to this with my wonderful Grandfather - it makes me cry every time I hear it, but love hearing it
A fine tune from Gentleman Jim. The tunes on my childhood when my Parents played this on our record player
So many happy memories of the Jim reeves album from my childhood can drift away listening to him now I'm 44yr old
I listened to a lot of Jim Reeves in the early '60's in England. This takes me back! Great singer, wonderful voice and fantastic memories. John
not nostalgia
As for entertainment there was nothing, and then there was Elvis and now there is nothing again.
not nostalgia
He is the best there was best there ever will be is the heart and soul of rock and roll country rhythm and blues if there were no Elvis there would be no music
not nostalgia
I like the part I'm a steam roller baby guaranteed to blow your mind!
not nostalgia
The Lord was really showing off when he made Elvis I absolutely will love him forever
coming up he always in my heart when i was young always remember i was 7 in 1966
Brings back memories of listening to Jim Reeves' great voice as a kid when my father played the Jim Reeves' LPs in his favorite record player!!
This song was number one in 1966 the years I was born a great song from a singer well loved and well missed by everyone
So many memories when i hear this
remembering the good old days
My parents loved this too. Listening to the music they loved/played when we were children brings me a lot of comfort.
I remember my Mom listening to Jim over and over...these oldies bring back such fond memories of my childhood. I miss you Momma from Candy
not nostalgia
It's great to hear the different generations of familys enjoy true quality
not nostalgia
My favorite singer of all time... could listen to him forever???
not nostalgia
reminds me of my dad..... if only i had known how much i would miss him.
I remember as a small child in my grandparents house listening to these great songs being played from a beautiful Gramaphone, made of rose wood with the vacuum valves it was a piece of furniture in itself, such a beautiful sound a tone that somehow cannot be replicated today Jim's voice suited it so well.
not nostalgia
My Mother loved this man and played his music so much that I think I know every word to every song he ever made.Beautiful sounds that will never die.
My late mom's favorite when I was a young boy.I still can remember the way her hums the song away everytime it was played on the radio. Miss her each time I hear this song. Miss you too dad ! God be with you both.
What great memories this song brings back. I'm almost 59 and Jim Reeves was one of my favorite country singers. His untimely death in a plane crash shattered my world, but his music will live forever.
not nostalgia
one of the best country singers of all time .lovey to voice of all time
not nostalgia
I usually prepare the rocker sound of the 60's - but this melts my heart !
reminds me of my childhood my mum always played jim reeves on our record player she would play them till they wore out.she played this to me when I left to join the army and told me to make sure I came home in one piece . miss my mum now
not nostalgia
Absolutely Brilliant, thanks for posting this video for people who appreciate good music, yes I'm older now, but at least I can boast that I enjoyed the days when Jim was in his element..
we never get over a loved one mum still thinking of you you were amazing mum all my love Peter this song will remind me of you while I served my country
not nostalgia
First time I've come across a thread that is united in their appreciation. And rightly so. Great voice, beautiful music and I think it reminds us all of a more innocent time for music. Long live the great Jim Reeves.
when ever we had a house party and my dad had few drinks this was song he would sing i was only 9 at the time that was 40years ago boy it brings back memories long live jim reeves
Thank you so much to everyone who shares Jim. I have spent the last 7 hrs reliving my mum's favourite. Sadly she's now died but memories will always be captured, such happy memories...thank you all
If I remember correctly, this song came out after Mr. Reeves passed away. I was about 10 years old when the disc jockey said that the news just came over the wire that he died in a plane crash.
not nostalgia
Someone says it' about a tom girl. That is a plausible interpretation, but I think it's about a boy whose three elder sisters and mother treat and raise him as a girl. "Put this wig on, little boy". Great number, one of my very favorites by the Who.
not nostalgia
When I was 4, I knew a boy who was brought up to think he was a girl. That was in the early 1960s.
not nostalgia
They have so many great songs. But "I'm a Boy" is still one of my favorite.
not nostalgia
I'm reading Pete's autobiography now (well, listening to the audio book version rather) and I'm right around 1967. Fantastic! Pete is very erudite and well spoken. I'd recommend it to anyone.
i am 47 from Western Australia. My husband just started to whilst this song out of the blue and I caught on straight away and sung the words from hearing my Dad sing as a child. I have not heard it in 30 years. Just beautiful.
my mother and father in law loved this song. Her name was Mary and he was going into world war 2. and asked her to Mary him. They are both gone but I miss them so much. They were beautiful loving people.
I was young but remember those days well and my name is Mary. I have always loved this - and I love Gentleman Jim too.
not nostalgia
Oh dear. Another of my mum's favorite Jim Reeves songs. Takes on a different meaning now that she's gone. She heard the sound of distant drums calling her away. Tears now flowing.
A great voice taken too soon. Loved listening to his music when I was a kid. So much more he had to give.
I have listened to Distant Drums since my teens many years ago Jims a awesome singer love his songs God bless Jim , from Inverness
not nostalgia
Amazing drumming. Always lifts my heart. This is a little known classic- it???s a sensational song.
not nostalgia
never heard this song before... WOW What an amazing rhythm, what a voice???
This song always reminds me of the genesis of punk rock.
not nostalgia
This song is about controlling parents, like mine who changed my name when I was three or four???
not nostalgia
I seen my childhood friends mom today and this is the song she started to sing and asked me to listen to. It's now something I just can't stop singing.
not nostalgia
classic Classic music that along with the beatles Stones Dylan and so on will played over and over even 100 years from now the Best
not nostalgia
Tommy, No doubt, its just so weird, has a unbelievable story that could only be the work of the who, its single handedly the greatest album ever for me.
my mom played this all the time in her little cafe brings back great memories.
Hearing him makes me want to cry. He was my Grandmother's favorite singer, and I listened quite frequently to his music with her. His music brings back so many good memories since she passed away in September 2006. Thinking of you always Grandmother.
Reminds me of my parents... in happy times..
Gosh does this bring back memories. Nearly every Sunday morning my dad would put on some Jim Reeves, Hank Williams, and/or Jones and fix us all a big breakfast of pancakes and Jimmy Dean sausage. Wish I could go back to the late 60s / early 70s again for one Sunday.
Always reminds me of my granddad who liked listening to jim reeves and johnny cash.
not nostalgia
Such a brilliant's like a mix of Motown & Barry White's Love Unlimited Orchestra. Reminds me of Robert Palmer too...would've been so nice if he had done a version of it.
I remember this record very well and it makes me smile knowing I was lucky enough to live during this great era of beautifully written, produced and arranged music..The kind of music that was a real labor of love. And how sad it is to know we will never see it again..
not nostalgia
One of my favorites of all time. It builds to a magnificent crescendo rarely matched back then or today.
Takes me back to my childhood..Loved this track.... Very beautiful
not nostalgia
I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it. I was on the road with a band and broken hearted, it really hit home for me.
not nostalgia
never heard this song before... WOW What an amazing rhythm, what a voice???
How good it was back then we had it all !The Memories this song an so many other awesome music around at that time where wonderful . Thank you so much 4 my trip down memory lane an the Grin on me face . Long live the memories . Cheer's all !
not nostalgia
Uhh man, music like this was alive back in the day. I appreciate music like this. The 60s through the 90s I'm talking about grown folks music that magic 95.9 hardly ever play. But when they do get around playing grown folks music they wanna short cut it then play something that don't have no meaning to it like we have to be enthusiastic to enjoy it. Oh God!!
This throw back classic is still hanging on in there......sure do miss those days, so much!
not nostalgia
Love that beat, does anyone know who the drummer was on this classic? I can???t find it! Thanks
My god,,, My husbands use to sing this to me brings back beautiful memories. love you babe... RIP My's been 8 months since you passed.. I will always love you 31 yrs. is no joke to me???
brilliant song always remind me wen i was in my last year at school in 1974
Oh gosh just fell back to my youth... memories, sweet memories. Loved it then and still love it. Tune!
not nostalgia
Probably one of the most dramatic and powerful songs of my youth. The background music arrangements never got the credit they deserved. The arrangers and orchestrators did AMAZING work on these dramatic pop classics! LOVE IT!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING!
not nostalgia
I found this song a week before don't let go trailer dropped
not nostalgia
I am here cause i like this song , not like any of them other phones . You all parents must not listen to good music
not nostalgia
I always hear this song at my job and wondered what it was called till I saw the trailer don???t let go It makes me think of the desert and camels and the Middle East or parts of that side of the world lol
I remember listening to this classic song on KOOL-FM 94.5 in Phoenix, AZ on Wolfman Jack's Graffiti Gold Weekend show back in the '70's. Great memories. Thanks for posting it.
Great song I remember that day I heard it for the first time I thought it was the most beautiful song of all time.
Brings back some of my best memories. Watching the sunset on the north shore of Oahu, with my special lady.
I remember competing for a young ladies attention growing up and she turned me on to this song! Broke my heart because she choose the other guy. We reconnected after 42 years!
not nostalgia
Great words great song....Its sad we don't hears these songs now a days.
not nostalgia
My mom told me to look him up and listen to this song so here I am
not nostalgia
Why many of the great great singers never live long . Elvis the world will miss you forever.
When I was young did not like Elvis,loved the Beatles after my wife and I broke. I was at work in the guardhouse listening to the radio this song came on I just bawled my eyes out not a good sight when your checking people in and out of the gate,always play this when I am on youtube still get a lump in my throat that was 1990,but we are back together again for good
not nostalgia
this song makes me cry every single time -so much emotion ,along with those beautiful pics of his family - Long Live The King
not nostalgia
I wish I lived in this song's generation.... I just prefer this than my generations music

Dataset Summary

  • The dataset is a collection of Youtube Comments and it was captured using the YouTube Data API.
  • The data set consists of 1500 nostalgic and non-nostalgic comments in English.


The language of the data is English.


If you find this dataset usefull for your study, please cite the paper as followed:

  title={Comparison of Neural Network Models for Nostalgic Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Comments},
  author={Postalcioglu, Seda and Aktas, Senem},
  journal={Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering},
  publisher={Hitit University}
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