??chcheh?wsws s?????? 1 ?.5.?-2-??mim?lel??? b bebege?ini?nininingin? a ata?? mi m?ileil? 4 4.4????atateater???? w waw?shs?? th thehemhem m d ??wnw? h hehelhe?psps,????t t it ?????t at a a??ece??essessisitityt??? E EaEasasyas???to to??at? o ono????he he r rur????. G. ??odo?? co cononsonsisissiststet??t t a??????????l l???nernergr????ndnd nd???lecle????lyl?????. . N. ?o ?st?omomam???????ete???whw???ch ?I I a??wa?ysy?s gs gog??t wt ?/ / G ??.".""?656585??,B,B0B????RCRC5C565626??AWA?7D7?EMEMOM?6Y6?????????tat?geg?eRe?ede?ne?ckc??101?????5,5?,12,1282828262????00??HoH????????ing?erer er Cer ??hewhe?ws ws m??kek?e te th?e e de didififfffefer???ce?!,!??hehenhe?n In ??????di?ngn??????hi??????? wa w?allall ?????? m my m??le???s as ararere e je ??st? o ou o?? o of o??gagas????lylycly??ge?n)n? I ???anan an e ea???t a t a?papacackac? o of???????e ce ch?ewewsew?s a????wiw?ithithi????minminunututeut?? f fe??l ?re?lil??f ???? r??eneenew???? en ene enerergergy?! !??????
chews every 1.5-2 miles, beginning at mile 4. Water to wash them down helps, but isn't a necessity. Easy to eat on the run. Good consistent and natural energy and electrolytes. No stomach upset, which I always got w/ Gu." 6580,B002BRC562,AW7DEMO6YLCNE,PortageeRedneck,10,10,5,1282694400,Honey Stinger Chews make the difference!,When I'm riding and hit the wall where my legs are just out of gas (glycogen) I can eat a pack of these chews and within minutes feel relief and renewed energy! I nev
eerer r g gogo o??n n???riridided???iti??ououtu? t th???. .? o?h h??eae???? pe prprerete?????googo??? to tooo?..6656?818???0000202B2??C5C???,A,???TIT?7A7?6D6DXDXZX?YTY?7,7??????umu???vev?,3,???,5,5,5????????00?0,0,Y,??MMMMYMY!Y????heh?ses???rere re t?bebe ?be?????ru?itit it?chche?wsws s I I'I??ve ve???erer er h ???! ! ?Th??e fe ????????ndn????xtx?uru????s s gs grg?reareatat.t. ? M MyM?y sy ?onon on???ad ad t???????lasla?st ?????erer ???or or?? the th????rsr?st ????? w??henhe?n hn hehe he??asas as???t tt ??the the B ??y y Sy ?coc???t Rt RaR????, ,?PhP???mom??t,t?, i, inin n Nn NeN?????xix? H. HeHe,? o????ou?rs??e, e, se, ?aia???????????a a ra ?rea?? t??rea??????????e ?waw?????therthere?. ??I'?m m s ?? g?????? f???ndnd nd? th the??m om ??on Aon ????on????WeW?lll??wowor??? t??? p pr??iceic?..??a ??gregr?eatea?????ueue!e????58?2,?B0B00B002?BR??C56C562??,AX,AXYX??KKKKOK??464????????
er go on a ride without them. oh yeah...they taste pretty good too. 6581,B002BRC562,A2FTI7A6DXZYT7,A. Brumleve,3,3,5,1270944000,YUMMY!,"These are tbe best fruit chews I've ever had! The flavor and texture is great. My son had these last summer for the first time when he was at the Boy Scout Ranch, Philmont, in New Mexico. He, of course, said this as a real treat while he was there. I'm so glad I found them on Amazon! Well worth the price...a great value!" 6582,B002BRC562,AXYCKKOK46B92,Patr
??ckck k?J.J??KrK?awa??ete???3,3??,5,???????151525?000?,G,??odod d?ststut???,",?GrG?eae?? s?ele?lelere?. ?ThTheh? p ??ododuod??t ???? a ????ese??rir??ede??? T ??e e se ?elellel??r r? sh shihipi???? t ?he???ro??uc?t ?quq?????y.y. ????od?, , f ???r ?prpripr??e.e. ?HoHononen???????geg??????re re??y y fy ????ththeth??be??????raira???ingin???racra?e e de ?????ututrt??ti??on on??ouo????n n b?????? Th T?????as??e e ge ????at,at????sys??on?on ton th?the the s?totomomamaca??, ??andand ?ororgr??anianicic.ic?. ?? l ??veve e te ?thethemthe?.".""?656?838?????????????????????171???R8R8,8,J,J.????incince????LeL?ggg??2,???5,??303080??969??000000,0,B0,??estest t Tt ??in?ing ing?OnOn n Tn ??The The? Tr Trarairailrai???I ????e ??o o j juj?stst ?ece?chocho ??veverve?yo?ne?????se,se??bub??? th t?heshese? t??iningingsings<s<b<????>r>re??llllylly y Ay ARA??????? g ??oodoo??????e ?a a l??????? fo fololklksks,s???I h?ada?????<br<br r /?>h>?heahe?
ick J. Krawietz,3,3,5,1267315200,Good stuff,"Great seller. The product was as described. The seller shipped the product quickly. Good, fair price. Honey Stingers are by far the best training/race day nutrition you can buy. They taste great, easy on the stomach, and organic. I love them." 6583,B002BRC562,A2WISTRZ17G6R8,J. Vincent Legg,2,2,5,1308096000,Best Thing On The Trail,"I hate to just echo everyone else, but these things<br />really ARE that good. Like a lot of folks, I hadn't<br />hear
?d d o ofo? t tht??ses? b ???oro??????kpk????erer r???gag??ininene<e<b<brbr ??>r>???ede??aba???t t t?he????in in?ApA?rir?l l o of of f 'f ?090?.<.?<br<b?r /?????gavgave??'e'??m am ? t tr t?y y?ana??d wd wawasa????owo?????wayway.y?.<b.<????/></><b????>O>?ve?r ??thethe e ye yey??rsr?s Is ?'v'??ve fve fo??nd? t? tha th?t t It ??fifin??d fd fo??d<d?????/>-/>?-o-onon n ln ???g g h ???????leles????andand ??leslesss???ppp????????...?..<..?<br<br ?<br /><br />e>esespes?pecpeciciai?llllyly y wy whw?henhe??th?? t?em????ratra?urure? i is i???ve???9090.0??.<br.<br ????he? t??ou????t ot ????he??iningin???and????walwa?lloll?owiowin?? i????<br <br /<br />??oto??apa??eaealea?in????.<br? /??<b?<br ?<br />????ioi??sls???SOSOMOMEM??no???isi?hmh?ene?t ??? s st s?tilti????ececec?ess?????<b???????ut ut I ?I cI cac?me? t??????ada????oweowererBerBa???, ,????nd tnd ?the??n nn ???????????<br <br /?<br />t<br />tatas?????? ba bar??s ts ?????spspa?wnwnewned?. .? So S?o Io ???swisw?tctch??ed ed? to to to
d of these before Backpacker Magazine<br />raved about them in April of '09.<br />I gave 'em a try and was blown away.<br /><br />Over the years I've found that I find food<br />--on long hikes--less and less appetizing...<br />especially when the temperature is over 90.<br />The thought of chewing and swallowing is<br />not appealing.<br /><br />Obviously SOME nourishment is still necessary,<br />but I came to dread PowerBars, and then next, the<br />tastier bars they spawned. So I switched to
g??????brb? / ??bubutut t?afaftf???r ar ??hihili??? I ???ama????????eaeada???hohoso?e,? a?s s?wewel??.<.<b?r ?/>/>B/>???? th the thesese? l ?????? c???wsw?s as ararere re d??????ouousu??-I-I'I'l'?l l?????????<b<br<br <br? /> /????n n w wh w????non???ini?g g? el e??e e se ?ou????s gs gog?odod.d??br????BeBetetwt?weewe?en en??hikhi?es??, I, ??ke?epe? t? the??????t ot ?f f???ghg????bebece??ususeus?<b?<br <br /<br ?/>o/>???herhe?wiwisi?se se Ise I'??d sd sns???k k? on on n tn ??eme???t t ht hohomhome??.<b???????m m om onon ?heher?e ???? o?rdrdedererier???g ag ana????therthe?r dr ?????en fen ?oror ?????ig ig? hi,A,?1X1XLX?FAF???8F8?D8D?2,2,"2,"I"????WaWasa??denden ?""""I"Ik"Ike??"""""??????5,5,1,??868??232??0000,00?I ?ususeuse use?? the them???forfor r mr ????????s,s,"s,?"I "I c ca c?????sts??andand ??U U? an a?ymy??oreore ?e soe so ?i i? fo f?oun?????????????? m me??, i, i ??eeeelel el????e ??i gi ?gotgot t mt mumucuchc?? mo m??? e en e??ergergyg? a an and an
gels,<br />but after awhile, I came to dread those, as well.<br />But these little chews are delicious--I'll eat them<br />even when nothing else sounds good.<br />Between hikes, I keep them out of sight, because<br />otherwise I'd snack on them at home.<br />I'm on here now ordering another dozen for a big hike." 6584,B002BRC562,A1XLFA1C8FD82,"Ike Wasden ""Ike""",2,2,5,1286323200,I use them for marathons,"I can't stand GU anymore so i found these. For me, i feel like i got much more energy and
??sos? m ??chc??beb??tet?r r?tatasaststit???. .? T ????e e t ta tas??te te?????ooo?d d? as a? a??? g???mimi i?cac?ndndyd???utut t t th the?rere.e. . . ??omo??etietimi??s ??????g g? th?e ?weweeeeke??i'i'l'?l l o opo??? a a a p ??ckckak?gege ?anandand d ed eaeatat t at a a f ?ewe? e eve????????y by bebefbefoforo?? m???wow??kok?outou????????i ri re?ala??y y ny nonototi??????? e??trtrar??????gyg??totowo???dsd?s ts ?theth?e ee en?????? th?? w woworworkr?kouko??.".??656??5,5,B,B0B?020??RCR?5656262,2,A,??????5U5USUSCS?DGDGUGU,U,K,???an??alealeie???2,22,?2,52,?5,15,121252??25?60600???LoL?????????!!!!!!!,!!,",??TheThes?e ?????rerearealrea??lly lly g go g???!!????AlA????, b, ??????e e te toe to ?trtrytry ??he??ChCheher????BlB??sss?somso? f fl f????or or i?f ??ou???an? - - -?????? on onen????ast?es?????solso??uteut????y woy wonond?ererfer??l!l!!???????s d??????t ??stist??ck ck t?o o yo ??????ee??th th??t ??ll?? an and???t t ht ha???a ??verve?? p???????
so much better tasting. These taste as good as any gummi candy out there. Sometimes during the week i'll open a package and eat a few every day before my workout, and i really notice the extra energy towards the end of the workout." 6585,B002BRC562,A7OLST5USCDGU,Kahanalei,2,2,5,1256256000,Love these!!!,"These are really good!!! Also, be sure to try the Cherry Blossom flavor if you can - that one tastes absolutely wonderful!! This doesn't stick to your teeth at all and it has a very pleasant
??tatasa??????d d???enen n?sms?elelll? t?o o???? O ???e pe ???k k??as? j juj?st? e???ugu?h h???ece?eses.s. . . ?????? t? to to b brbririningn? a al alol?ng?????en en y ?ou?'r'??? tr trar??velve?????. . I. ????aveave ???meme me? to??? 7 7y7????ldl??????????????d ???? B BeBec??us???it????no?t t tt totooo???wew?etet t (t (n(nononno?ne ne? of o???hahatha??drd?reare??ede??cocoro????yryruyr??? in i??he?????????plplele ?ofof f af alallll ll???es? w wo w??ld?? ea e?asias??y y? ap a????????? t? thi thisis s -s ??I ???rtrtataita?inlinly??dodo o ao ?and? w? wou wo?ldld ??notnot not???esiesit????e te ?? r rerecre???me??nd nd t?? this thi????to eto ?????yonyo?ne!ne!"!???585??,B,?0000202B2?RCR?565??,A,A1A?7K7KZK??MFM????B4B?Y,Y?SPS??2,??2,52,?,1,121232333373797929???0,0,t,tht??????rere re gre grgre???!,!?"T"ThT???y hy ?havhave?ve ave a ???ea???frf?uiu??y ??lal???????Th?eye?y ay ???????ttttyty y sy ?swesw??t t bt ???t yt yoyouyou u???an an??as?tete te? th the th???on???? in in in?
taste and even smell to it. One pack has just enough pieces. Great to bring along when you're traveling. I gave some to a 7yr old and she loved it! Because it's not too sweet (none of that dreaded corn syrup in here), people of all ages would easily approve of this - I certainly do and would not hesitate to recommend this to everyone!" 6586,B002BRC562,A17KZ1MF2V6B4Y,SP,2,2,5,1233792000,these are great!,"They have a great fruity flavor. They are pretty sweet but you can taste the honey in t
hheh?????d d???? s swsweweeeete?nenesessss s d ???esnes???ovovev?rpr????r r? th the?he fhe ?ruruiu????lal?vovoror.r. .??????tetexextxtut?rer? i isi???ererfer?ece?t,t, ,?non?t t tt tot?? g ?umummm?? l ?iki?e ?gu???y ??eae??s ?th?ata??????hahav??????chc?hewhew w????eve?verver ??utu??ala??o o no nonotnot ??tit??k-k?to?-y-yoyouyourur-ur??eeeetee?th th l li l????shs?????es??????ndand?????????um um d????s ??andan???thether??'s'?s ls lolot?s s os ofof f?? the th?em em i??? a a????? so s?o yo ??? d do d??nt nt? fe f????? lik like like ?yo???gog??? ch c??at???. ???????inkin? I???????? the?sese ??????? tha than?? an anyny ??othothe?r ?spspoporpo????ch????s Is I ?hahavha????ririe??? T Th?eyey ?alalsal??? do don do?nt nt lnt lel????ve yve ?youyouryou???in???erser???stist?ickickyky ???teterte???hanhand???ngn??????. . . I. ??I hoI hop?e ?????y cy ??mem?e oe ou?t t wt ?itithith h? ne n?????".""?????????2B2BRB?C5C565???????PSP?9C9??N6N???5,5?KrK???,1,1,1?,1,,1??
hem and the sweetness doesnt overpower the fruit flavor. The texture is perfect, not too gummy like gummy bears that you have to chew forever but also not stick-to-your-teeth like sharkies. Kinda like gum drops and there's lots of them in a bag so you dont feel like you got cheated. I think I like these more than any other sports chews I have tried. They also dont leave your fingers sticky after handling them. I hope they come out with new flavors." 6587,B002BRC562,A3L2PS9CKN67F5,Kris,1,1,5,
???363??62?4040000,0,L,?ovovev? t tht?eseses??????gygy y c chche??s!s!,!??he??? e ???erger?? c?hehew?? a ?rere e ae aba???lulututet????dedel?ici?ioi???????eye?y hy ?????upu?????????wewel????n n y yoyou????????t t???r br ??ck?pap??k k w?he??n yn ?youyou'u?rere re?ba?ckckp??ackackiack?ingin????r mr ?ouounou????in in?????????I I? re r??allally????oulou?dnd???????gig?inein?e ee eae e?tit??ing ing? an a?????????????rgyrg??ch??w w? ev e??r ???aiainain!n??656??8,8,B,B0B00002002B2???565?62,62?ANA?QTQ?????PLP???????????H H???"Ca"Cad??H"H""?",",1,?1,11,1,?4,4,1?323????04040??????????? bu b???spspep?ciciaci?al?al? ??'m'm m n ???? so s? s?uru??????ThTheThesThe?se ????neyne?y Sy ??tinti???erser?s as ?????re??reat.reat. . I ??ve? u??sedse??ththethemthem ?a a?hah????????f f t ti t?????????unu?s s ls ??sts?tintingtin????er??????ou??. ?? Th The?y ?????????toto ?????????? som so??????ch-ch????dededde??en?enerene?rgy????
1336262400,Love these energy chews!,These energy chews are absolutely delicious! They hold up really well in your pocket or backpack when you're backpacking or mountain biking! I really couldn't imagine eating any other energy chew ever again! 6588,B002BRC562,ANQTA5J5PLIA1,"Cady H ""CadyH""",1,1,4,1329350400,"Great, but special? I'm not so sure.","These Honey Stingers are great. I've used them a handful of times on runs lasting over an hour. They do seem to provide some much-needed energy. T
h?eyey'y'r'?e e e ?asa???tot??????? t ta t???????????, d, ?ono????ststitici???inin n m ???teteete????????aka?e ?meme e ee ???rar? t????ststysty,y?, a, anandnd d???e e pe papacackckeck????? s?mamala?l l? en e??ugu??h th ?? b beb???orortortat?blb??? ?? r ??realrea??y ??????? tha th?at at? th?? i??????iei???s ?ararere re??ror?onoon???????bleble ??andand ??heaheal??thyth??en???ghgh gh??or?????ic ic???pip???a,a???canca?e e se sus?ugaug?????ruruiu???????ce,ce, , e, ?????.<.??r ??><>???r /?>H>HoH?wew??erer,r, , I, ?I dI ?dondo????ses???hoh?ow ow?? the???re?re are ????di??fefer?en?????????rgr???icic ?fr?ui?t t st snt s?ac??????likli???????e'e???bub???ieiesie?),)?, w, ?hi?ch? I I I??an??gegetet ??????chchech?eapea????????a ma ?????-p-??ckck ck??fro??m mm mymy my l lolococaoc?al al w wh?ololelesle????e ce clc?ubu??. . T ThThe? i? ing in??gredgre??enent????????utu?tritr??ioionion ???fof?ormormamatma???on on a??re ?viv??tut???lyl?y iy ididedenententient
hey're easy to chew, taste great, don't stick in my teeth or make me extra thirsty, and the packet is small enough to be portable. I really like that the ingredients are pronounceable and healthy enough (organic tapioca, cane sugar, fruit juice, etc.).<br /><br />However, I don't see how they're any different from organic fruit snacks (like Annie's bunnies), which I can get much cheaper in a multi-pack from my local wholesale club. The ingredients and nutrition information are virtually identi
??ala????FoForo? t ththahatat t r ?eae??ono?, , I ? g gagavaveve e????m m j ?usu??t 4t 4 4????rsr??????????000?2B2??C5C5656262,2,A,A3A3P3P8P?????MMM??IUI??,S,?hahanhannnnon?on on?CoCoooopopep??,1,1,1?,1,,1??,1???525?646??000000,0?,So,So o?yuy?mmmmym?????y y t????????? go g???. . E. ?as?y ?onon ?????tot?mam??h h?whwhehenhe??? a ?m ?rurununn?iningn???HeH??p p?kek???p mp ????????y ???p op ??on lon lol?ongon???ununsun?s. s. L ???????EMEM!M?!!?6656?9090,0,B0,??02?????????????5V5?XIX???2O2?6,6,M,??ariarisisas???,1,1,1,??5,?121???424252??0000,00,T,Ta,Tas??y ??rereare????onon ?ththethe e Te ?TraTr?????he??e e te tat??asteaste ?gogoo?ood ood - ? k?inindin? o of o??lil?ke????ererrer?y ?kokoo??aiaidai?? 9 ???? or o????icic c i in?grg?redre??en?????makma????????bib???he???th?ie?r ?ththath???kokookoololalailaidi?d. d. Bd. BeBete??terte???hahanhan han? th?e e Ce ?????BlB??ksk????I sI ??y y ty ththathattha?t bt ?/c/c c tc ???? co col??????f ?????s ??havha?ve ve? a a??ede????inainal
cal. For that reason, I gave them just 4 stars." 6589,B002BRC562,A3P82006MMJIUO,Shannon Cooper,1,1,5,1275264000,So yummy,They taste so good. Easy on my stomach when I am running. Help keep my energy up on long runs. LOVE THEM!!! 6590,B002BRC562,A3A1Z5VXIJT2O6,Marisa,1,1,5,1270425600,Tasty Treats on the Trail,These taste good - kind of like cherry koolaid. 95% organic ingredients make it a bit healthier than koolaid. Better than the Clif Bloks (I say that b/c the cola Clif Bloks have a medicinal
?afaftfteterer r??asastste?).)..?????,B,?000020???C5C????A9A?91Y91YPYPBP??XDXDED??????D.D???????? " ?"S"??crcrer?????iaianan n Mn MaMan? 0 ????"""""?????1,51,?,1?252525202??242?0000,00?,Aw,Awewese?omomeme!e?,","I,"? l lolovo?? t th thehes?e e te tht?????. ? U ?nln???e e oe ??thether??prp????????? th thi thisi? a ac a?????lyl? t???teteste?????????gogooo??. ?. I. ???ouo?????recre??ommommemenmendn?d td ??isis is??o o?mym?y fy ?amamimili????andand d fd ?ririei?enden?s.?""6656????B0B00B00202B02BR??C56C562?,A???2V2??7878B8??FWFWCW??,","h,"??alfalfkf?oro???????GaG?????? W ??ERE?????????!???"""??,1,,1??,1,5,1,5,???????484??00,00,S00,??weeweet????s hs ?ono??????A A? gr g??reatrea?t pt ?ici?k-k?me???????????xex???iningin? e ????gyg?. ????atat ???thestheses????ilileil????? b ??????is ???pap??renre??t it in?? th???af????-t-???stest????utut ?t ist isns??t ?ov?????owo?werwe?rinri? ?ThT?? c ????s ?????grgrerea????
after taste). 6591,B002BRC562,A91YPBRXDEAWX,"D. Nguyen ""Secret Asian Man 007""",1,1,5,1252022400,Awesome!,"I love these things. Unlike other products, this actually tastes really good. I would recommend this to my family and friends." 6592,B002BRC562,A2B2V178BOFWCG,"halfkorean ""Gadget? WHERE WHERE?!""",1,1,5,1251244800,Sweet as honey!,"A great pick-me-up when exerting energy. I eat these while biking. Honey base is apparent in the after-taste, but isn't over-powering. The chews are great-ta
??titiningng g???d d?prpror?vividi???ene?erergrgyg??wiw??hoh??t t?????eie?inein?.".""???9393,3?B0B000?2B2??C5C565??????7P7?QPQ???EGEGYG?????S,3S,??4,4??,1,121242?151??808?000000,0????ata???MyMy y ky ???s s???oveov??th?eseses?! !? T ThTheheyey ??????? g ???atat at f ??av?oror r??nd????oror or??s,s??ara?re re p pr p?refre?ferfe????d od ov?overove????????? .???My My d ???????? s sos????timtime????et?s s ss st??omaomaca?h h? ac achcheches? f??romro? f fr fru fruiuit???nan?ackac??s, s,?bub?ut ut??hashas s hs ??d ?nono o t ???ubu???e we ??????he??"??656?59459???B00B00202B02BR?C5?6262,62,A,A3,A3O3?EZE???DID?JZJ??V5V??"S"S.S??CUCUSU??MAM?? " """??eaealea??inging ?FaFacaciacili??litli??atoat?????,1,11,11,1????3,3,13,12???777747?404????oooodod ????????ut??e fe fof??or cor ??nd???bu?t ?ShShaSh?arkarki?kieskie?s as ?arear?e he heheahe??ththithiei??,","T,"?TheTheseseese e ae are are?re are ?????d ?al??terte?na?ti?????o ?ca???y,y, ??but????tilti?ll ll a a a??oto?t ot ?f f????arar ar?in?????et
sting and provide energy without caffeine." 6593,B002BRC562,AJ87PQPRIEGYS,WS,3,4,5,1241568000,Great,"My kids love these! They have a great flavor and, for us, are preferred over Sharkies. My daughter sometimes gets stomach aches from fruit snacks, but has had no trouble with these." 6594,B002BRC562,A3OEZ2FDIJZCV5,"S. CUSHMAN ""Healing Facillitator""",11,16,3,1256774400,Good substitute for candy but Sharkies are healthier,"These are a good alternative to candy, but still a lot of sugar in a bet
t?????orormr?.<.?brb?r /r ????ararkr??ese??????????pop?ortor?s s cs chc?ewe??s as ar?e e?non???ququiuitite???? s??eeeetet ?BUB????areare are???ala?ththih?ierier r br beb??asasusueue ??theth?e me ??n n??ngngrg??didie?ntn??isi??brbrobrowo?n n rn ??cec????rurupup p w ?hi??ch ch? is is s as a s a c ??????x x c ca c??????drdrar??te ?wiw?ithit??lol?ow ow?glglylycy??mimic?????ex???BeB???g g????y y hy hy?????lclce?cemicem?ic ??bro?wn???ricrice?? sy syryruyrupup up???nd nd a ag agagavave? n??ectec?arar ar a ar a????thethe the????ly ly? tw t???????ra?? s? swe sw??tnt??rsr??th?at? d ????????usu?e ?a a " """?susugsu???r cr ?ra??h"h???. S. SoSo ??????thithis? r re r????on on??hehe he???in?ingeing??s s os ?onlon?ly ???et et 3 3 3? st??arsars ?s ans andnd ?????kikieki??? ge get?et 5et ?? I IfI? y yoyouo? w?an???swswe??eteet?er er i in in in s sh s?harha??ieiesies ???t t tt th?the ?ki??????rsrsirsioi????bubutu????heyhey ?arare??lil?kek??e ste s???????- - n no n??br?????n rin r?iceic????yru??. ?OhO???????br
ter form.<br />Sharkies energy sports chews are not quite so sweet BUT are Healthier becasue the man ingredient is brown rice syrup which is a complex carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Being very hypogylcemic brown rice syrup and agave nectar are the only two natural sweetners that don't cause a ""sugar crash"". So for this reason the stingers only get 3 stars and sharkies get 5! If you want sweeter in sharkies get the kids version, but they are like stingers- no brown rice syrup. Oh, the br
???? r rir??? v ???sis??n ???llll l????upu??faf????er er???cac?usu?????eye? a ????a a c ??mpm?lelexex x c ca cararbar?ohohyhydydrd??te????d d??on?'t't t c???useuse ?blb???d ??ugugag?ar ar? fl flulucu??????ionio?s.s.".""??????B0B???BRBRCR?565626????K2K???787?WNWNIN?U7U?,C,CaCana??ic?????onronroroeo??0,0???5,5,15,????808030??0000,00,M,??stst st???ese??omeom?e t?as??iningng g E ?nen??gyg??????s s????hahavaveve ve f??unu??!,!???e de do?? a a??lotlo??ofof f? bi b?icyic?clc?? r ri ridi?in??g ig ?in in?ththethe ??heahe?at at a an???lolonlongngeng??er rer ????es es??????ll?? W We? d do don??t ???????o o??ra??h h f??romrom m l la l?ckck k????? car ca?bsbs ?inin ???? s ?ysy?stest???. O. OtOththetherthe?r er ???rgr???prpro???uctuc?s s ds ??n'n?? t ta tas?asteast????s gs ??oodood d ad ?? t th the??se se? do????he???arareare ?coconconvn?venve?????lyl?y py ??????d id ??in lin ??ttt????popou?chc?hes????o to ??theythe??y ary a?re re??asasyas??to???rarabra?? an and??? tak takeke ke????longlon?????
own rice version fill me up faster because they are a complex carbohydrate and don't cause blood sugar fluctuations." 6595,B002BRC562,AAK2X378WNIU7,Candice Monroe,0,0,5,1346803200,Most awesome tasting Energy Chews we have found!,We do a lot of bicycle riding in the heat and longer rides as well. We don't want to crash from lack of carbs in our system. Other energy products don't taste as good as these do. They are conveniently packed in little pouches so they are easy to grab and take along when
???e e r ????? G ??odo??ststutufu?f!f!!?656??6,6,B,B0B???BRBRCR??626????GZGZZZZ7Z7O7???BZBZQZQ9Q??????ghgh,h,0,????3,3,1,??444??161606?000000,?SkS??p p?tht????????ouou u d ??n'n't'???ana?t t tt tot?????k!k??"I"???m m a? h ???e ?????ofo????iningn?gerge? p prprorododuod?ctc????HoH??wevwe??????heheseses??????lel?e ge ???mym??ge????do????ththithin?g g??s ???mpm???eded ?to? t th??e Se ?StiSt?????????eye??PaPacackc??? I IfIf f yf ??u u au ar???a a r??ada??oror ???ounou????in in?bibiki??er er aer ??d d nd ???ed ed a a ??oo?d ????????f ??uiu??ck ck??ne??gyg??to?to kto ke????frf???m bm ?ononkonkionk??ing ing????? tha th????asastst st hst hihilhi?????thethes??e we ???? n?otot ot h?elelpl???InIn n fn fa???, ?, th, t?he he o on?lyl?y by beben?efe??it it t th???t It ?I (I (o(?????y y oy ?? m ?my my r??idiidin??ing bing ????ieieses)es?? ha h?ve??fof?ounoundound ??? t? tha??? th??y y my ?akake?? yo you?????outou??????? ?CoC?oncon??ivi???ly????, thi, th????
we ride. Good stuff! 6596,B002BRC562,A3GZZ7O20BZQ94,Keogh,0,0,3,1344816000,Skip this if you don't want to Bonk!,"I am a huge fan of Stinger products. However, these little gummy gels do nothing as compared to the Stinger Honey Packs. If you are a road or mountain biker and need a good burst of quick energy to keep from bonking on that last hill, these will not help. In fact, the only benefit that I (or any of my riding buddies) have found is that they make your mouth water. Conceivably, this co
??ldld d??ele???wiwiti?h h??ata??? c ?????mpmptptit??on on??he?? r ??did??????rorouougughg?h th ??? d ??ses?ertert t ( ????b,b? F ??????).)? I ItI?t it ????????esessess s ts th?at?? th t?heshese????e ???????te?ndnde?d ????r er ???ercercicisisiisiningin??. M. MaM??beb??, p, pepeoe??lel??juj?stst t ut us?e ??thethemthe???t t wt ?ororkor?????kekeee?p ??roromrom ?eaeat??ing? S ????buburu?stst st??or or?sosomo?ete???ing?ing ling le?ssss ?he??ltlththythy?y?!?!"!????9797,7,B,B0B0000202B2BRBRCR??????222252?MLM?JSJSQS??FIF?3535,5,J,????owo???0,0?0,?????????484??00,00??????FoF?or ???kikin????????d d ad ????t ?th????se fse ????? a a t tr tririari??hlhle???? wh????aiaid?? th tha th?at at tat th?????worwo??kedked ?d fad f?st?. . . ?AnAn ???id??hihik???, ?? h?av?e e ue ??usedused d od ???herhe?r er enr e??ergergygy ?geg??s s ws ??thth th l lil???iteitede?d sd susucsuccccec?ess?. ??TaT???????ou?out out 1 151? m?in?ututeteste??be??forfo?? a an a?n un ?php?????????b,??? the th???prprorovro?
uld help with water consumption when riding through the desert (Moab, Fruita). It is my guess that these are not intended for exercising. Maybe, people just use them at work to keep from eating Starburst or something less healthy?!" 6597,B002BRC562,A225MLJSQFFI35,J. Lowe,0,0,4,1344124800,Good For Hiking,"Heard about these from a triathlete who said that they worked fast. An avid hiker, I have used other energy gels with limited success. Taken about 15 minutes before an uphill climb, they provi
?ded? t tht???exe?trtrara a b ?ooo?sts????? n ?eeeede????ThT??????wsw? h ?ava??e ae ???rer?atat ?tetexextextut??? a ana?d d?????e ??iki?e e ge ??mmm?i i b be beaearea???an?dyd??. . H HiH?ghg??y y?rerecrecoc???enendndend?ed.ed.".?6656????B0B?????C5C??2,2??????L7L?YLY??M0M??G,G???ra????lulunund????"fr"f?????????????????2,???434??6060808080000,00,T,??astas??????ese??e te ?as?asteast?e ge gre gre?atat!at! !???ndnd ?????s ts ?trutr???whw???t ot oto?thetherer r rr ???iei?wew???s hs ?havhave? s sas???d ad aba?bouboutut ??he??co???isi???ncncyc????iningn????oodoo?d a?ndnd ?th?themthe???ot?????ckckikininging ???? yo y????te? H. ??we?veverve?, ,? as a???an an e ????gygy ?????st st?fof???r rur r??ninin????ththe???dod???t ?dodo do a a a? th thih?????oror or??e.e????? f?aca??, ?????y ay ac??tuatu??llyll??cac???se se a???stist?? . S. SoS? I ???usustus???eatea??t th???m wm ?????vever? I???ee???? I n I ??eded ed?? a s a su a s???????
de the extra boost you need. The chews have a great texture and taste like gummi bear candy. Highly recommended." 6598,B002BRC562,A2HT2L7YLFM0BG,"franellund ""franellund""",0,0,2,1343260800,Tasty,"These taste great! And it's true what other reviewers have said about the consistency being good and them not sticking in your teeth. However, as an energy boost for running, they don't do a thing for me. In fact, they actually cause a stitch. So I just eat them whenever I feel I need a sugary 'f
i????""?656?9999,9,B,???????565626???313????LILIYI??GHG?????UNUNTNTIT???1,1?0,0,0?,5,?,1,??414?969?484808?????STS??S S???EAE?T,T??I I???????d d t ?????? to t????se se??or? m ?ara????ono? t tr traraira???inging.g. .???hah????? s se???iti?ivi?ve ve s?tot????h,h?bub?t t??havhave???hadhad d nd non?o po ??obo??eme?s s w ?itithith h? th t??? y d ?o o go ?iv???mem??ene????y ?dud?ririninging ing t????se ???????unu????"6"666606??00,B00,??????C5C56C56262,62,A?141?41Y41Y0Y0K0???9K9KDK???,S,StStet???hanhan n Bn BrB??ggg??,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,????41???64??00,???mmmmymy,y,T,Th,The??e e oe or??ana?nicnic c?????ergyergy y by ?it????ararear???????ioi??????????orkork k???reareat??? I I I??sese ?th??? f fo f??or gor ????? to tou tour??ama????s s os oror ?lolonlo?????kek?e re ??????. ?? f????bibitbi??s s es ???ryr???halhalf???ou??? an??d yd yoy?? w?ili?? h?????e ame a?plp?? e??nernergr?gy gy???r ??ououroursours s o?f ??ctc???itityit?????
ix'." 6599,B002BRC562,A31VLTLIYAGHMZ,AUNTIE01,0,0,5,1341964800,TASTES GREAT,"I ordered these to use for marathon training. I have a sensitive stomach,but have had no problems with these. They do give me energy during those long runs!" 6600,B002BRC562,A141Y0K209KD47,Stephan Briggs,0,0,5,1341446400,Yummy,These organic energy bites are delicious and work great. I use them for golf tournaments or long bike rides. A few bites every half hour and you will have ample energy for hours of activity. 660
??,B,B0B000???RCRC5C???,A,??????2L2??O3O??V,V???????pop?????non? " ?????isists?icic c h heheae??tht? c ?oao??h"h??","??,0??5,5,1,????02??????,"N,"??t t????o so st?icickic???????eatea?t ft foforo?????g g?????!"!",","",???? n ?notno??? f faf?????????sysy y? ge g??s,s??or??ststost?ppppip???? fo f?or ??owowew?rArAdAded??dud???ingin???a ra rarac?e.e?. W. WhWhe?n n I ?? do d??mymy ?ow?n ????ng ???nsns ns o or or r ir ???I'???????ing ing?a a ha hah????, m, ???? a??d d?inincin?conco??????encen?????ctc??r ?????? I????lsols??do??'t'?t wt ??antan?t tt ??? co c?onsonsus??me me??ununkun????he?sese ??re??????anian?ic ic???d ?????taita??? ho h????y, y, a?? and and w whw?????sosof??t &t ? s?ququiu??hyhy ????mehmehohowho???????????t st ??ucuckc?? to t?????? o?th?er???hehen???????d d id ?in ??a ga ????popocpo?ckecketet et? du d?uriur??ing ??a ra rua runun.un. . T. Th. The? t?as?tete ??is is s????eleliel?????? t??hathat t mt mymy my s????trt?
1,B002BRC562,A830NL2LWO3TV,"S. Napolitano ""holistic health coach""",0,0,5,1339027200,"Not too sticky, great for long runs!","I'm not a fan of messy gels, or stopping for PowerAde during a race. When I do my own long runs or if I'm doing a half, mess and inconvenience factor aside I also don't want to consume junk. These are organic and contain honey, and while soft & squishy somehow don't get stuck to each other when shoved in a gel pocket during a run. The taste is so delicious that my son tri
e???tot???wiw?pepe e????m m????wew????""6?606?2,2??00002??RCR?565?????PGPGSG??8M8MKM??O8O??,P,???HaHatattt??n,n,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,?33333???????????tete ?tat?astas????I I t ta t?astasteastede? a? f fefewew w??f f? th the th??e ??ndnd d td ththeheyhe? a?rer??prpreretre???y gy ??odo?. . . I ????? e ?xpxpe??????????eteth???g g ag ? b ??it it f????oro???esses??anandan?d Id I ????????gigin??e he ??ppp?ili??????ckc???ing ing???? th??sese e fe ??or or a??mum?ltl?ti-ti-d-dad????ac????ng ng????e.e??. I. I ?I wiI wil?????????momororeor??e afe a??terte?? I I? ha h??e e t??ke??n tn ??????? t th??? tr t??,62,A,?????1Q1?TXTXKX??GKG??L.L??MaM??????,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,????868656??202?00,00,A00,?WEWESESOSOMO?E E ! ???,",????eded ed?? the????nknk k???momonmona????e fle f???vorvo??????y y dy dud???ngng ???y ly lol???ng rng ?unu???..u..ununbunbebeleliel????blblyly ly? aw a?weswe?om?e.e. e.???ast??d ??re??????o ???tomtoma?chch h i is i??
es to swipe them as well!" 6602,B002BRC562,ASPGSW8MK1O88,P. Hatton,0,0,5,1333324800,Quite tasty!,I tasted a few of these and they are pretty good. I was expecting something a bit flavorless and I can imagine happily snacking on these for a multi-day packing hike. I will write more after I have taken them on the trail. 6603,B002BRC562,AZ0CD1QTXKHGK,L. Manna,0,0,5,1328659200,AWESOME !!!,"Tried the pink lemonade flavor today during my long run...unbelievably awesome. Tasted great, no stomach issu
?????nono o?????kik?????o o mo mymy y???????, w, ??????????rer??uiu???d d? to to o "o ?"w"???h h i ?t ??owownw??? a ??d d md mom??? i im i??orortr?an??lyl??- -???t wt wawas? t th t?e e?beb????rurunun n???????ada????????onong?? ti timi??. .?CaC????t w?aiait?? to to to t?ryry y oy ot??????????????6??040??B0B???BRBRCR?????A3A3T3T7T?0V0?LIL?E8E848??LML??NjN?oyo?in?' '? It I?,0,0,0??,5,5,5,1,131313161??767686??00,00?EnEnen???y y +y ??"I"? s?ta??rt rt p ?poppo?pip?????? pa pacackckackaga???whw?henhen n In ??cac?an an?fef?eelee?? th tha that??wa??l l cl cocomo?in?ing ing??on.on?? T ??????ara???eae???y ty ?????ene?n wn ????e ?cyc???in?????d ??iviveve ve? a ???cec??t t bt boboooosostost ?t wit w??hih????a ra rerelre???tivti???? s?hohorortor????ririoi??d od ?f f t ti?me????AsA? a??wawaywa??? o??gag???? i is is s as ??dedefde???ititeit?e pe po???itiit??e.???NoN?ot ot????lotlot t ot of????ateaterer er? is? n??eedeede?d d td ????getge?t tt ?theth??e ?dodowdown?? an a
es, no sticking to my teeth, water not required to ""wash it down"" and most importantly - it was the best run I've had in a long time. Can't wait to try other flavors." 6604,B002BRC562,A3T70VLIE84FLM,Njoyin' It,0,0,5,1316476800,Energy +,"I start popping a package when I can feel that wall coming on. These are easy to open while cycling and give a decent boost within a relatively short period of time. As always, organic is a definite positive. Not a lot of water is needed to get these down an
?d d I ? h hahava?ene?????ada?d ad ?nyn? h???avyav????omo??chc??fefeee???ngn??????erer r???nsn???in?g g?tht???. .?????y ???ppppyp??wiw?????hihisi??pupururcrchchach?????ndnd d wd ??lll? g ?ete??mom?????he??? th?isis is c????e ie ??is gis ?on?e.e.".""???0505,5?B0B000020??RCRC5C565?2,2??131??R3R3I3????R9R9Z9?4,4??. ???. P. PaP?rkr?????????13113??474767686??00,00,G,GrG?reare??t ft ??? M ?ar?atathat??? T ???in?in?ing,ing????m m? tr tra?????ng ng? fo f?or or mor ?y y fy fifiri?st? m ????ththothonon on ion inin in N NoNovovevemvembmbeb???202010111????d d td th???se se? ch c?hewhewsws ??havha?ve ve k ??ptp????e ge ??ining??dud?uriurining???my my?lolon???181???o o??0 0 m?ili????ra???????rurunu?ns.ns?. . ? I I? di d?????veve ?th??m ???in win ??ateat?er ?rarat?heherher ?th??an an c ca car ca?ryr?y ty ?the??? as a?s cs ??ewe?? a??? s ?ipip p? st s?teate?adiadil????????r mr ??le? 8 ???????y y t???te? l?iki?ke ke??on??enententr????d ?hahawhawawaiwa?iai?an an pan pu?ncn?? a?? and and d and ???
d I haven't had any heavy stomach feelings after consuming them. Very happy with this purchase and will get more when this case is gone." 6605,B002BRC562,A13XR3IVWHR9Z4,J. Y. Park,0,0,5,1316476800,Great for Marathon Training,"I'm training for my first marathon in November 2011 and these chews have kept me going during my long 18 to 20 mile training runs. I dissolve them in water rather than carry them as chews and sip steadily after mile 8. They taste like concentrated hawaiian punch and do n
o?? u ?pspses???mym????????h h w ????sos???ere?. .??? a ???so so e ?at? t ththeh????rir?????o o? a a w wo w??kokouo?t ????? a am a?m fm fef?elelil?ngn????w w??nenerergergygy y ay ?ndn?????l l????????acackac? o ono?n tn ??emem em??in in l??eueu u? of of f cf ??andandydy.y?? S ??erierio?ususls??, , t?he?????e e?? tha thatat ??oooodo??. . I. ??ha??? t tr tririeri?d ??U U? as as s w?????asa?s Ps PoP??ererber??r ??el?s ??andand and b bob?????o ??the? t??icickc?k bk ?utut ut??rere re????heherherere ??neanear???? t ta t???y.? ??hehe he???onson??ststest??cycy y oy ?f f tf ?the?the cthe ch???s s a?rere ??slisl???tlt?ly ly????tet?er er? th tha?n ??OTOTsT?????ndyndy.??????6,6??000020?BRB?C5C??2,2??????GNG??TDTDYD??G,G??rar?d,d????,5,5,5,1,??????242??00,00?,Be,B?stst st? ta?????g ???????y by bo?oso?st,st,S,?titin?ingeinger???s ar??e be bebetettet?terte??????ining? a an a????ororeor?e ce ?conco?veven?ieienientn?t tt th?an??gegelge??? an??????ork ork j ?us????as as? we wel we??? to? p??
ot upset my stomach whatsoever. I also eat them prior to a workout if I am feeling low energy and will even snack on them in lieu of candy. Seriously, they are that good. I have tried GU as well as Powerbar gels and both do the trick but are nowhere near as tasty. The consistency of the chews are slightly softer than DOTs candy." 6606,B002BRC562,ARZIAGNKTDYGG,Brad,0,0,5,1314662400,Best tasting energy boost,Stingers are better tasting and more convenient than gels and work just as well to pro
??idi?? e enenen?rgr?y y w ?hehen? e???ercercicisisis??? o ovovev?? l ??ng? p pep???odo?s s? of o???imi??..6??070?,B,?000020???C5C565?2,2,A,A2A?YMY?ZMZ??WJWJSJ?9C9???,","S"???e Ee E.E??RaR????y y "y ?"S"Su"Sue??E.?????se?y"y""??,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?,1,131313???484??00000??????t t t??sts??ng?ng wng ?ititht???helhelplp p?kekeeeepe??inging ??eneener??? u ???,"?????????ci??ede???? t tr t??y ty ??ese????itittit??e e he hohon?????he?wsw?s ts ??o ho he???p wp ???th th??y ?????rgyrgy ????velve??s ds ???in?ing ing????ercerciercisisiis??ing ???d ???nnnnin? ? I ?I aI ??????yey???s ????d ad an?d d ad abd abob??t t 5t ?0 0 p po pouounou???????rwrwew??ghg?t.t. ???I fI fif?????it it? ha h?rdr?d td to??????p mp mymy my e??nernerg????p ???y y ay ?ftf?terter r???y ????le???runrunn?in??ing aing aning a?nd nd e? exe??ci?si?ng???????rstrst ?ofof f af ala????he?se??arareare ?sos??tatas??y y w??ithit?houho????ei??????er??y ?sus?gag???. ??. I . I? wa????sursurpr?ri?se??d t
vide energy when exercising over long periods of time. 6607,B002BRC562,A2YMZM2WJS9C0L,"Sue E. Ramsey ""Sue E. Ramsey""",0,0,5,1312848000,Great tasting with help keeping energy up.,"I was excited to try these little honey chews to help with my energy levels during exercising and running. I am 60 years old and about 50 pounds overweight. I find it hard to keep my energy up day after day while running and exercising. First of all these are so tasty without being overly sugary. I was surprised t
hhoh???h h t ?o o s ??? t???????e e ie ??????iei?ntn?? w wew???????????lyly y?????y ???d d?? the?????st???ingingr?ed??ienie?????????? wh w?ici?h h ih isis is???ppppopos?e ??? b ???whw??t ?ththehe ?e ite itetemem m???s s ts ththethe e me ??????? i is i?????ioi?caca a? sy syryrurup?. .??I I g ??esesss?s ws ???? t? the??????agagege e ce ??lll?linlingng ng??t t ht ????ey ey s??in???? I?? wa was??? thi th????ing?? th tha th????????s s ps ?urure?? ho honone??y wy wiwitwi?th ?sosomomeme ???????en???ncncec????. . S ???ll?, ,? ev e???yty????????is ois ororgr??anianic? w??ic????I sI ??????se se? sh sho?ulu????ddd?d td to????'s's s vs ???ue??. . I. ???ouounoundnd nd??????I ???ltl?t nt ??o eo en?er?gyg?y by bobooo??t t dt ????????y ??ctc?tivti??itiit?iesie?s bs bub?????ca??? sa saya?y ty ?????wiwit?ho??t ?a ?dodououboubtb?????hat hat t th??se?se mse mam???e ye ??? f?ee??? li likikeke ke?yo????an? k ???p p? go goioining??anandand d gd gog??
hough to see that the ingredients weren't mostly honey and the first ingredient listed which is suppose to be what the item has the most of is tapioca syrup. I guess with the package calling it honey stinger I was thinking that it was pure honey with some taste enhancers. Still, everything is organic which I suppose should add to it's value. I found that I felt no energy boost during my activities but I can say that without a doubt that these make you feel like you can keep going and going.
?ItI??s s?non???sos??eteththih?ngn? t th?ata?????lsl??lil??e e?yoyouo? a ara????reare?lll?????erergr?et??c c b bubutut t mt ??re? l ??keke ke? yo y?ou ou???sts???ot??? g ??????aya??????st st? an a??d ad ar?e ????????o o? ge get?? go g????. .???? do d?n'n??t lt ???e e fe ?feefe???inging ing???ikeik??????onon on????ugugagar? h ?????wiwitithth th? th thahatat at? ne n?ervervovouousous s fs fe?feelfee???? i in? m ?y y cy chc??st?????????esees?e de ???no?t ?dodo do?????. ?? I I t? thi th????? the??????ke ke yke ???u fu ????? he h??ltl????an????re?re are ????od?? ad addd?ititiit?onon ?to?? yo?urur r d?ieiet?et fet ??? e?????isi?? o on onlnly? d???wbw?aca?k ?to?????????thethe ?coc??????? th??sese e $e ?161??foforfo??121???agagsg???makma???s is ?it it???ardar???to ????stist?????????ur?????se se??s ???tet?? a as? y yo?? w wo w????d ld ????? to t???havha?e ??thethemthem.m???I I wI wiwilwill? p ??rcr?cha?se??ag??????hehenhe
It's not something that feels like you are really energetic but more like you just got a good days rest and are ready to get going. I don't like feeling like I'm on a sugar high with that nervous feeling in my chest and these do not do that. I think they make you feel healthy and are a good addition to your diet for exercising. The only drawback to me is the cost of these $16 for 12 bags makes it hard to justify the purchase as often as you would like to have them. I will purchase again when
???y y g ????????momono???y ay ??lol??????I I w ?ououluldld d?rer???????d ???????y iy ?? y ?ou??arare??lo??kikini?? f fof?r r a a a?heh?alaltalththyh??????upup p??to to k kek????yo?? g?oio??g ?al??????y a?ndnd nd???t t j jujusu???foforfo?r ar a a q ?uiu??k k b bo booooso?".?6?606???B0B?????C5C?626?,A,A1A?VRVRCRCWRCWXW?TKT?XVXVUVUWUWWWW,W,D,???. P. PaP?ul??W.W????????s,s,0,?,0????131???343???00?,H,?????y ??ec????????ThT????PrP??duducuctc?,","T"?TheTh????eneneen?ergergygy ?chchehewhews????vev?e ae ??grgregr?????la???or,or? w???ll ll g gi g?ve? y yo y????oo?d ??ene??gy? b be befe?forforefor???or or d??ririn?? a a ????kok?????????ararear??e a e a r re r?easea????blb?e e pe prpri?ce???I ??wouwo???d rd ???comcomm???d ??hihishi?s ts ????????endenduend?uraur????? at a?thlthle???????h h????a a ca ?ycy??is?t,?????ne???, t, ?????thl??tete,te, , e, etetcetc.c?. S. ??tretren?gtgth? T ??aiain?ininging ??andand d Sd ??orortor??s Ns ????ititit
my grocery money allows. I would recommend to buy if you are looking for a healthy pickup to keep you going all day and not just for a quick boost." 6608,B002BRC562,A1VRCWXTKXVUWW,Dr. Paul W. Wanlass,0,0,5,1310342400,Highly Recommend This Product,"These energy chews have a great flavor, will give you good energy before or during a workout, and are a reasonable price. I would recommend this to any endurance athlete such as a cyclist, runner, triathlete, etc. Strength Training and Sports Nutriti
oono? f ?oror r?CyC???ini?g"g??666606????????RCRC5C?626???2J2JZJZ8Z8Y8????AGAGBG?X9X??A.A. .??anandn??????0,0,0?,5,?,1,131??????202??,","G"?rereaeata?????rgr????usu???ininein?er,er? t ta?ststesteses s d dedeldelilicli???usus us & ??non?????????ine!ine?","??? d di d?????t wt waw?antant t ct ???ffeff??????????? w wa?ntn????? h ???h h c ca c?lol?oriorieieses es? & &? we w??t t t??ror?ougoughgh gh?????????es????????rg???chc???s ?????lsl?????ririn?ksks s os ??li??ne ne??o ?seseee???hah??????????e e te ?thethe ?bebesbest? o opo?titio?n ??forfo???ysy???f.f.<.?????><><b?r r /?????OVO?E E t?he?????eyey y sy ????gegerge?s!s?????o co ??????ine??, c, cacalca??ri?eses es ces ??n n bn ?be be c co c?????llllel?d ?????nd??????n ?hohowo????anyan???ie???????ou ou???keke,e, ??????oso???imi?popor?tatanta?ntlntlyl??, i, ??t lt ???tet?ed ed m??e t?hr???oughoug?h mh my?? ma m??at????n tn ????ninin???s :s ??<b?<br <br / />/></><b??<br /<br ??
on for Cycling" 6609,B002BRC562,A2JZ8Y112AGBX9,A. Sandejas,0,0,5,1308787200,"Great energy sustainer, tastes delicious & no caffeine!","I didn't want caffeine, don't want the high calories & went through MANY types of energy chews / gels / drinks online to see what would be the best option for myself.<br /><br />I LOVE the honey stingers! No caffeine, calories can be controlled depending on how many pieces you take, and most importantly, it lasted me through my marathon trainings :)<br /><br />F
???iti???mom???hyh??????elelil?cic?ouousus.s? H HaH?vev?n'n?t ?trt??ede??th?e e????ere? f flf?av?????""6666??0,0,B,??????C5C565?2,2????????AHA?A4A??KJK??InInsn????ed??SuSueu????0,?5,5,1,???606??24240400????reareata?t st ??ufufff????us????ono?????????erer er??ne?rgr???chc?hewhe????? a ??l l m ???????? di d?ististatanancn??e be ?ikikek??riridri??s.s. s.??I I?ri?rideride ??ve?r r 1r ??? m?ililel?s ????eee?k k??ndn?d ld ?lovloveve ve a?ll? t?he? d? dif di??er???t ??flaflav??rs?..??61?1,1??00002002B????562562,????9E9E5E5E5?S7S7P7??5Y5??,",??GraGraeaemememe ???. M. ??cDcDoD?onaon??d ??"e"exe?ogo?geogeolo?????????,0,0,,0?,0,??5,15,121202010?474????????weewe?t t at anandan??dedelde?lisli??,"???stst st???allal???I bI bobouougoughghth?t a?? sl s?lewle???? d di??fefer?erenerentn???rorot?eiein??babarar ?brbrar??andsand?s ts toto o s se s?ee ee w??icichic???I lI ????d ????? mo m?st?. . . ?OfO?f tf ?the???ananyany ??brabr??ands?????ri?????? mos most???
ruit smoothy is delicious. Haven't tried the other flavors." 6610,B002BRC562,A1YFIM5AHA4OKJ,Inspired Sue,0,0,5,1306022400,Great stuff,I use Honey Stinger Energy chews on all my long distance bike rides. I ride over 100 miles a week and love all the different flavors. 6611,B002BRC562,A349E5ES7P55Y6,"Graeme D. MacDonald ""exogeologist""",0,0,5,1201478400,Sweet and delish,"Last fall I bought a slew of different protein bar brands to see which I liked the most. Of the many brands I tried, most al
l? w ??rere e???ugu?hlh???ththeh?e se ???e ?ini??????e,e? t????????, e, ??c.c? B BuButut t? th theheshe?e e He HoHono???y Sy StStitiningingeg??????ooo?d d o ?????? m ?????ThT??y ??avaveve e ae ? m????? sm s?ooootooth??er er?? tex textxtuxt??????ndn?d hd ?havhaveve ve?? g grgre?atat ??we?etetnet??????? t th the themem m?? tha th??? re reaealalll?? m??kekese?s t?hehemhem m tm ???????rerea?t.t?. . I. I'I????a ha ??ugeug?e fe ???....... ..????nan???y ??a b?ununcn?ch ch??????boboxoxex??????????ckc???anandan????orkor????s.s???666????B0B?020?BRB?C5C565?2,???3O3????MNM?0303Z3Z5Z??,c,?????iei??1,1????,1,???737???000000000,00,E,????lel???t pt ?ro?dud??t t !t !!!!,!?"Y"???sos?????orrorre?????, ?y y h??e pe ????ada???? muc mu?????s tis t?pop?????e pe pre p???uc?????, e??stest???es ?el? q quq?e ?me??oror ????ulultltatadtadodo do mdo ???haha ha d?ad????6???????002002B2BR2BRC???2,???LRL?010171??SAS?6R6?OWO?,K,?eve??in in E ???,1??4,4,1?333??
l were roughly the same in taste, texture, etc. But these Honey Stingers stood out to me. They have a much smoother texture, and have a great sweetness to them that really makes them taste great. I'm a huge fan... gonna by a bunch more boxes for snacks and workouts." 6612,B002BRC562,A23OGYDMN03Z5Y,cristie,1,2,5,1287360000,Excelent product !!,"Yo soy corredora, y he probado muchos tipos de productos, este es el que mejor resultado me ha dado." 6613,B002BRC562,A2LR017WSA6ROW,Kevin E,0,1,4,13395
?454??????LoL?vev??ththeh??e,e, ,?????ono??y y g gog?t ?1111 1? of of f?1212 2???ckckek??s.s?","???he???I I??pep??eded d t th t?he he???ackac???e,e, e,? I I o?nl?y ?fof????d 1d ?11 11 p pa??ckeck???? of of of t th???????y ??????gergersrs.s. s.????????hoh????d hd hah??ve ve??eee????2.2??? I c I ???ntn?eded ed???nd nd r ??-c-?????tedte???? ti timi?es?? to t? b???sus? e pe pa?????ts ts w wewerere? i inin in??? th thi thinin ??ara?dbd?oao?ardar?????????y by bo????wrwrarapa?pe???????? se s?ala?ed??pl?asasts??c c? ba bag?, , a, ??d ???ipi?ppepped????in a? s st s??urdur??????????????oxo??. I. ?I dI ?on????re???ly???anantant t tt ??o go ?go go? th thr th???ghg???? the the h ha??sls?? o of of ???tuturtu?ninin?? t th the? the i the itite?????o o Io I ?gugueu??s ???????ut ut a? a p a ??packpack.k. ? I It I???????ninicni????f f af amamam??????hihipippippe??????? one one e me ??re?re pre ??????! ! ; ???""?666616141??B0B?002002B2BRB??56?2,2???????8Z8?FRF??
45600,"Love these, but only got 11 of 12 packets.","When I opened the package, I only found 11 packets of the Honey Stingers. There should have been 12. I counted and re-counted 4 times to be sure. The packets were in a thin cardboard display box, wrapped in a sealed plastic bag, and shipped in a sturdy cardboard box. I don't really want to go through the hassle of returning the item, so I guess I'm out a pack. It'd be nice if amazon shipped me one more packet! ;-)" 6614,B002BRC562,A1DKEE8ZFR9M
4?O,O????????nwn?????,0,???,5,5,5?,13,1313?454??????,H,HoH???? S StS??ngngeg?erser?...?????????erfer?ece?? n ??atuaturu?alal l?ene????y,y????heshe?e e ae ??e ???? m momoso?t ?awa????meme e le ?itittt??e ???er???????ckck k??????blble?? B BrBrorouo?ghg??t a? b ???????????? o?? a ? h huh??t t ft ?or?? a a?we?eke?????? s?om???bub??did?eses es f foforfor r???he he? fi firi?????imi?????????? w wi w??????bo?x x ox ??? Sh Shahar?????s. s.?PrPrir?or?????? thi th??? S Sh?ar?arkiark?iesies ies? wh w???? o ou o???????st??y y wy whw?henhen ?neneene???????? a bo a booo??????d d?????gygy ?rerepreplplal???memenme??. .??????e te toe t????ay,ay??evevevenve?n tn ??the the Sthe ShS?harha??kieki??es fes faf??n in in?????e ge grg???p p h?adad ?to? a?dmd?it??HoHonHo?????StiSt?inginge?rsrs rs??aiairai?lyl???ur?papasasss??d ???ar?arki?????????th????astastete e a??nd nd? pe pererf?or??anancan???. . W ??llll l sl ?stist?illil???ro?bab?blblybl????rinring?
4O,Northernwatch,0,1,5,1314576000,Honey Stingers....the perfect natural energy,"These are the most awesome little energy snack possible! Brought a box of these on a hunt for a week with some buddies for the first time...along with a box of Sharkies. Prior to this, Sharkies where our mainstay when needing a boost and energy replacement. Have to say, even the Sharkies fan in the group had to admit Honey Stingers fairly surpassed Sharkies in both taste and performance. Will still probably bring
bbob?tht??nen????titimimeme e f fof?r r?vavara??ete??? b ?utu???efe??niniti?ele??? tw t?ici??e ae ?? m mam??y ?HoH?ne?y ??ti??gegere?s.s?? H Ho???ney ney?ISIS S t th theh?e pe ?ererferfef?ctc??fofoofo?d!d!"!?6666???,B,???2B2BRBRCR??626???YPY?CJC??1U1UJU?6V6??U,U,R,???ondondad????????dld??y,y,0y,?,1,?,4,4,4,1??61?????000000,?MmMmmm??? mm m??mm gmm ?ooood?,I,IfIf f y yoy?u u??ava?e e be ???n n o ??t t tt ?o o P ?hih?lmlmom??t t ot ?? a a a ta trtrer?eckeck k? or o??????tat?fff???theth?sese e a??re re g ?ivi?venven ???? yo youou ou i in????urur r tr ???????ea??. . T. ????y ay ar???or??an?ic???ndnd d???adead???f f hf ??ne?ney.ney. ????hey hey? go g?oodood ??andan?d hd ?heahe??ththythy.y??????61?6,6?,B0,B??5G5?LNL????????S1S?MUMUDU??EWE??CMC?,e,???reredre?itithith5h?5,05,0,?0,0,50,??131333??454?9292020000,00?MaM???????pe?rfr???ct ct s??oupou? b??aseas???"I"???ad????ttt?tenten n an ?a ba ??? o of o?f Mf ???he??r Hr ????????s ss ?styst?lele le? sa s??cece ce??ror??? my m?y my mo??the?????nd nd??
both next time for variety, but definitely twice as many Honey Stingers. Honey IS the perfect food!" 6615,B002BRC562,AYPCJX1UJ6V0U,Rhonda R. Headley,0,1,4,1261008000,Mmmm mmm good,If you have been out to Philmont on a treck or as staff these are given to you in your trail meal. They are organic and made of honey. They good and healthy. A+ 6616,B005GLNKOQ,A2ES1MUDPEWGCM,emeredith5,0,0,5,1339459200,Makes a perfect soup base!,"I had gotten a box of Malher Hilachas style sauce from my mother and se
?????t at ??idi?? f ??r r?a a?raraia?nyn???ayay ???????, ,?totododadayday y iy itit it??aiainai?????I I??ixi?eded ed????????kak??e ?wiw??? w??tet?r,r????de?d d???cece,e, , s, ??mem????ppp??erser?, ?????on,on?????ickickekene?? an a??d pd pop?tat??oeo?????d ??ete????it sit ??mmmme?r.r. ?MyM?y ey ??titiri?e ??ama?milmilyl?y jy juj??t t lt ?ovoveveded ed ied it??- ?eve??n ??y ?pipicick?y y gy ??ranrandndsnd??n!n??NoNowo?, ??I wI waw?ntnt t tt to???inindin???or??!!!???""???171?,B,???3Y3?5V5??????1I1??5J5JTJ????????7,S7,????????,5,?,1,??808070??363?00??,Be,B?????r tr ?hahanan an i?t t lt lot l?okoksks.s...?????hehe he b ?oxo?? is i?s vs ???y y i????????? ??????ha????highi???????ctcta?ti??????es?pe??????y ????????it cit ????es es? to t??????colco???e)e).).<.??r r /r ?????e ce ????in?at?ioionio?n on ?? c ????ppepp???upu??nun??s s as an?d d sd smsmam??? p ?piepi???s ?????ararkrk k c??oc?olo?latlatete te??? b???
t it aside for a rainy day - well, today it rained. I mixed the package with water, added rice, some peppers, onion, chicken and potatoes and let it simmer. My entire family just loved it - even my picky grandson! Now, I want to find more!!!!" 6617,B003Y5VGDS,A1IG5JTJOKBZA7,Sean,0,0,5,1280793600,Better than it looks...,"The box is very impressive. So I had high expectations (especially when it comes to chocolate).<br />The combination of chopped up nuts and small pieces of dark chocolate is bril
???anantn????ununlnliliklikek? a ?anyanyty????g g?? h hah?veve ?tat????d d?beb?foforo?e.e. . A AmAmam?zizin?????avavoavor? - - -??omomem?whw?ere??? be bete??eeeene? v ??lvlvevetvet ?(c(???coc??latla??) )??ndn?d cd crcririsispspyp? ( (n(nun??s)s??. . M ????e me ?me me???eelee? a al alml??stst st?re?la???ed.ed?.... ..?we??re??????brbr r / ??YeY?ststestererder?aya???????ad ad?iti?????????aka????t,t?, i, ?insinst??ad?ad oad ofo??grg????olaola,a???itithit???ili?k.k?. I. ?t ???as as???ealea??y ????d.? I????dndn'n't't ????aveave ????????d ???di???'t? s sn snanaca??? un unt?il? m??id-id-a-??te???oooonoo???? a am a???mpmprpreresresss????????181??????LGL??454?O,O?A2A?Q2Q2A2A6A6J6JKJ???5R5??????aua??????,0,0,0?????????323??????SeS???? O ?n ????e Re RoR?ockoc?s,s??I ?ha?ve?ve tve tot????gregreeee ee w??ith? s??ve???l l ol otoththe??r rr ???iei??? h he her???e the t?hatha?t st ???te? t ?the?????he? S SwS??tct?????????????geg??inineine"e
liant - unlike anything I have tasted before. Amazing flavor - somewhere between velvet (chocolate) and crispy (nuts). Made me feel almost relaxed... weired...<br />Yesterday, I had it for breakfast, instead of granola, with milk. It was really good. I didn't crave food and I didn't snack until mid-afternoon. I am impressed." 6618,B001LG945O,A2Q2A6JKY95RTP,"Raul G,",0,0,4,1246320000,Serve On the Rocks,"I have to agree with several other reviews here that state the ""The Switch Orange Tangerine"
?" "?isi? t ?????wew?etet t o ??? it it't's's ??wnw?? I I I?????d d?????aka??ngn? a ??coc?ooloo? s su s????? d ?ririn??? ou o???ofo????e e c????tht????????rieri?? - ? s??erver?eded ed oed ?ve??r ir ??e e &e & & m?ixi?ed?ed wed ??thth th? so sodo?????????. I. ItI??wa?s s fs ?an?tat????ic!ic! !?????? sod so?? w ???er??ic?e ?mim????rere ??????s cs ??????ownown n on ?? t th the th???swesw????????????imi??ror???es es??????he he rhe ???reresre?hmhmemenme??t ft ???totorto???????????r /r />r /???lilitittittlt?e ??orore???bobouo?ut ut "ut ??????SwS??tctchch"h????.. ..??????anan an c???im?s ?ththath??? th?is? p ?proprododuod??ct ct i is i?s 1s 101??? C ??rbr?bonbonanatate?d ?JuJ????? wi witithith h???NoN?o So SuSugugag?????de???? a?????"N"NoNo No?PrP?????ervaervatatiat?vevesves"s""?? O ?nene ne? ca can ca?n in ?is is 8is ???????uidui?d od ???ce???s ans a??nd pnd ??provpro?idi??????? C??lolor?iei? T. ToTototatalta????ga?rsrs s ps pep?er er c ca can? a ar arere ??4g4g;g?????
" is too sweet on it's own. I ended up making a cool summer drink out of the can that I tried - served over ice & mixed with soda water. It was fantastic! The soda water/ice mixture helps cut down on the sweetness and improves on the refreshment factor.<br /><br />A little more about ""The Switch""... The can claims that this product is 100% Carbonated Juice with ""No Sugar Added"" and ""No Preservatives"". One can is 8.3 fluid ounces and provides 140 Calories. Total Sugars per can are 34g; 36g
??f f c ????s.s????? c??n n?prp??vividided?s s 1 101??? o ?of of?????dadaia?lyl??rerece??mmm??ndn?dedded d?dod?????????tat??inin ??.<.??? / ??<b?r ??????t t?bebeie??? s sas?????? c ca??'t'?t st ?seesee ?mym?se?lfl????in?kikining? " ?????e Se SwSwiw?????"" ""????ryrydy?dayda????vevenve????th?ououtu?t pt pr??esees?erver???ivivevesve????d ?adadddde?ded ded s???ar?s s ts ??isi?????inkink ink s?titil?l l p????s ?in????lol?t t ot ???sus??arar ar?in??ev????y cy cacancan.n. ?Th?ou?ghg? t to to o???????r,r??I ?rar??ele???????? s??da? o or o??sws???tet??ede???carcarbrborbononan?ateated?? be bev beveververa?geg? ?????l,l, , f, foforo???a na ????e ae ala?te?rnrna???ve? t to?? th the?? st?anandandaandarardar?????a ?I I rI reI rececoec??me??? " "" "?"Th"The?he She Sw?titictich?"""".""??. Th. Thehe he The ??angange???rinerin??e fle f?ava??or or???????minmini?scscecence?t ???????g.g?""6???9,9?B0B?001001L1?????O,O?A2A2525050707Z7???GMG??9B9BKBK,K???ososeosec?at?????,4,
of carbs. One can provides 100% of the daily recommended dose of Vitamin C.<br /><br />That being said, I can't see myself drinking ""The Switch"" everyday. Even without preservatives and added sugars this drink still packs in a lot of sugar in every can. Though to be fair, I rarely drink soda or sweetened carbonated beverages. Still, for a nice alternative to the standard soda I recommend ""The Swtich"". The Tangerine flavor is reminiscent of Tang." 6619,B001LG945O,A2507ZYWGMY9BK,Goosecat,0,0,4
??121?464???363???,","G"??odo? " ??nan??uru??l"l""??sosododaoda"a???????????e e??hahat??wawana?t t???mom?oreor?e "e ?????turtu?ralra??" "???????rir????? th thi th?? i ?is is??????d d od opo?tit?ono??????usu?????t ht hahasha??nono o???dedede??sus?????? I ItI?t st ??tilti?? m??anaan?gegeses ???o po pap?ckc????0 0??????ieieses es i???anan an??ozoz z???ttttlt????so so??onon'on?t ???rinri??? th thi this thi??rer??ululal?arlar????? y ?????? t???iningin?????lo???se wse ?eie?ghg??. ???e ??asast?????has has g??ood?? co c???????tyty ?bubutut t lt lil?keke e me ??st??frf????????rinkrinksk???is?is ais ?a la lilitli?ttlttle?????o so swsweweeweete????or or???y ty ???ste???I I??ou???d dd ???ininiinititeit???? dr??inkin??th?isis ??insin??steaste?d ???f af ?a ta ty?pipicica?? a??titifti?ficfi???? o ororaoran?gege ge s???a ?a tha tho??ughug????666??0,0,B0,B0B?00100?LGL????O,O???L5L?Z2Z2G2?BEBEJE?0L0LELE,E,"??????anHanHeH?eckecke?? "" ""L"???e2e?le??arnar?n Mn ??om"om???
,1246233600,"Good ""natural"" soda","For those that want a more ""natural"" soft drink, this is a good option because it has no added sugars. It still manages to pack 140 calories in an 8oz bottle so don't drink this regularly if you're trying to lose weight. The taste has good complexity but like most fruit drinks, is a little too sweet for my taste. I would definitely drink this instead of a typical artificial orange soda though." 6620,B001LG945O,AUL5Z2GBEJ0LE,"A. VanHecke ""Love2learn Mom""",
00,0??0,30,???242???333363606000??"N"NiN?cece e???ava???, , b ?utut t N NoN?????chc?????ItI?",",",???isi? s ??ara??lil?ngng g?juj??iceice ??rir?inkin??hah?s ?a a?ded???????ndn??rerefefrf??????ng ng??lalavlavo?r,??tht???????omo?ewe????????????cecencentcen?t ot ????????????d ???????e je jujuijuic?ice ice??ca?n'n't't ???mememme?beb?? t th the the ??rar???) ) I I I h ha hada?d od ond oncnce? i ?in in?awa?whiwhililele e ae ?? a a a k ????????/>/?<b?r ??/>I/>ItIt'It??s a???????idideid??????ha?veve e ae a e a? so sodo??a t?????????nono o ao ?addad?????????, ?th????? t th? the the j?uiuicuice??coc???in??titioionon n??snsn'?t ?t ast a?????re???ivi??????ththeth?e ne nanama?? m ?migmi?ghtght t st ??????????s ?be?ve??ragra??????ntant????s a?s a ms a ?mixmi? o ?of of? th the? the f the ???lol?wiwin???ju????s ?(r(re???conscon????ut??? w ?witwithth th????rk??linli??????er??? a?????, , g, ?raraprapep?, , t, ta, tanang??erier?inein????ra?ng????ndnd nd a ac a?
0,0,3,1246233600,"Nice Flavor, but Not Much To It","This sparkling juice drink has a decent and refreshing flavor, though somewhat reminiscent of the canned orange juice (can't remember the brand) I had once in awhile as a kid.<br /><br />It's a nice idea to have a soda that has no added sugar, though the juice combination isn't as impressive as the name might sound. This beverage contains a mix of the following juices (reconstituted with sparkling water): apple, grape, tangerine, orange and ace
?rorolo??. . T ?hehe e b bebevevevere?aga???ala??? i ini?clc?udu??? g ????aca????a a???d d?so?y.y?<b<?r r????<br<b??/>???espespip???e te ?he?????? t ??ata?t tt ththeth????????non?????dedde??susugugag?rsrs,s, , t??he ???lol?????e ane a?????rbr????unu??s s as ararear???uiuit????igighg? - ?? in i?? fa f??act act??????er er?? tha thanan ?anan an? av aveverve?ragra?ge ge???????AnA????3 3?ouounou?????canca?n cn coconont???insins s 1s ?4040 0? ca cal??????s as ans andnd ??6g6??? car carbrbsrbs.s???666?212??B0B??1L1??????,A,?1T1TNTNKN?6M6MPMP8P???XYXY2Y2,2,J,??mimieie ie?R.R??WiWilils??????,0,,0????????333??0000,00??? h????th??ierie?r ar ?alt????at??veve ve t???so?dada,da, ?bub???no???ovovever??????rigri??inainalal"al?,"?Th?erere? a??? n ?????rprprpri??es????re?. . T. ThThe???labla???????mi?se???s a s a? pe pererfer??ctc??????nd ?be?twt??????????e ae ane ande an?d cd ca?carbcar?ononaon?atiatioation?? a? and an?d td ?thathattha??????xax?????????? S ??it??
rola. The beverage also includes gum acacia and soy.<br /><br />Despite the fact that there are no added sugars, the calorie and carb counts are quite high - in fact higher than an average soda. An 8.3 ounce can contains 140 calories and 36g carbs." 6621,B001LG945O,A1TNK6MP89YXY2,Jamie R. Wilson,0,0,3,1246233600,"A healthier alternative to soda, but not overly original","There are no surprises here. The label promises a perfect blend between juice and carbonation, and that is exactly what Switch
? d ded????erersr?? a ????ininkn? t ????????tet?s s l ?likli?e e??ara?bob?????? o ?rarana??e ?jujuiu???? T ?hoh??e ???okokik?ingin????? a? h heh??ltl???erer er??lt?er???tit?iveiv?e te tot? s ??dada a wa ?ili?? l???? t?hahatha???wi?tctchch h? co c?ontontat?ininsins ????? j ?juijuiciceice ?wi????nono o ao ????d ????????r r? co cor co???????????ThoTh?oseos?e le loe loo???ngng ng??oror ???ta?ststysty y n ?ewe?? ca car???na??eded ed b ?eve??raragrage??????aba??y y wy wow??'t't ????imi???es??sedse?.<.<b<???/>/?<b?r ??>A>AtA????e ??imimeim?e oe ?? t???s ?wrwri??tinti?ng,ng, ,?????????sns?????ete?t st st?oco??kinkingkin?g Sg ?????h h sh soso so??????n'tn'??of????er aer ?? o?pip?????on oon onon on won whwhehethe????r or ???no????I tI ththi?nknk nk???e ??pripric?????????????I wI ???ldldnd??n't n't e ????ctc?????pap??y my ??????or??e t??hanha??or??angan?ge ???juicjuice????r ????????????, t, ?thoth?ug?h,h, ??in?cece ???ther
delivers: a drink that tastes like carbonated orange juice. Those looking for a healthier alternative to soda will like that Switch contains 100% juice with no added sugar or corn syrup. Those looking for a tasty new carbonated beverage probably won't be impressed.<br /><br />At the time of this writing, Amazon isn't yet stocking Switch so I can't offer an opinion on whether or not I think the price is fair. I wouldn't expect to pay much more than orange juice for this drink, though, since ther
e????nonoto????g g?rer??lll???oro??gigin?al????in??????ininsinsis??? t ?thethe ?cac?n.n.".??????,B,B0B000??LGLG9G???O,O??1B1?A7A??K4K????????"P"PaP???ricri????. .?CrC????tretr?e ??"T"ThThehe ???d d?GrGrorotottottotomo?asaststet???"""""?,0,0,0???4,4??242?6262362??6060000,00,B?????t t?an???efe?????ese?cecenentnt,t,","H,"HeHer????e e he hah?veve ve? a a r??efrefre?????ng ng d ??rinri?????????nene ????'d'???an?t ??? d dr d??rinkrin??th??reeree ??????n an ?? ro r?w w???t ??usustst st???????or or? a ???ckckeck?er-er-u-???erer er? or or r? to t???????h h??n ?????entent t tt tht thi??st?.<.??r ??><><b??r /???TheTh??e fle flalav??or ????an??ge-ge??an??er?in??) ) i is is ?susubu?jejecectc??t tot t?????plp?es?' '??perpe??on?alal al tal ??????? bu b?? I I I???kekede?d id iti?????y.y??ItI?'s?????t tt tht thet th???????dr???????veve ve eve eveve?r ??????? bu but bu?t it ?it'it?'s 's o's ?okaok?ay ay f ??r ???omeometeththith??ing ing d di d??????nt?. . P. PeP??
e's nothing really original going on inside the can." 6622,B001LG945O,A1BA72K4VK1UN1,"Patrick W. Crabtree ""The Old Grottomaster""",0,0,4,1246233600,Bright and effervescent,"Here we have a refreshing drink, not one you'd want to drink three of in a row but just one for a picker-upper or to quench an urgent thirst.<br /><br />The flavor (orange-tangerine) is subject to peoples' personal tastes but I liked it okay. It's not the best drink I've ever tried but it's okay for something different. Peop
??????llll l?hah????toto o m ??kek????eie?? o owo?n n?chc?????e ae asa???to to? wh w?hethe????r tr ???bubuyuy y?iti? o or o??non?t ?inin n rn reregegag??d d??o ?ththeth?e pe ??ic?e.e???r ???<b?r ??>U>??foforortrtutununanata?elelyl????eiteith?therthe?r t??? m?ananunufu?aca?????r,r, , t, ??? A AmAma??????in??e pe pee p??plp?le,le??oror or??????, g, ?ooo??il???(i(??s ts ?thethertherether?e se ?ucu???a a??or??.....?? ? i????notnot,t????jujusu??t i?nvnvevenventn?????it)it? p ??acaceac????wow???useus?????????ickicke??s s os ??? th t??he che cac???????h h c co c?ve?re????halhalfl?f of ?? t??????????ioi?on ?fa?ct???s ons o?n tn th?the ???n.n. . T ?heher????????lelenle??????of sof sps?ac???? to to??utut t tt th?themthem m? el elsl?ewe???herehere here??ut????mem?e ne noe n?on-on????inkinke?ker ker???il??ed ed?? to ?us?????? o??????r mr ?marmarkr??titinti?? s??nsn? S. SoSo ???ll ll I ?I cI ???? te tel?l ?yoy???????????????ic ic i??s t?hahat? t? the??re re? is is is? a a?1%1
le will have to make their own choice as to whether to buy it or not in regard to the price.<br /><br />Unfortunately, either the manufacturer, the Amazon Vine people, or both, goofily (is there such a word...? if not, I just invented it) placed two useless stickers on the can which covered half of the nutrition facts on the can. There was plenty of space to put them elsewhere but some non-thinker failed to use his or her marketing sense. So all I can tell you on that topic is that there is a 1%
s ?????? c coconontn?enentnt,nt, ,??????? ca cara??? a ar?e e?303???rar?msm?, ?????????e ?ar?are are 1 141?0 0 c0 cacal?oro??eses ?peper???.3.? o ??ncncec?e se ses?erverviv?ngn? ( (1(?? ca can ca??)<)<b<brb? / ??<b?r ?/>/>I/>I I w wowou?????t t???????isi?s p?ror?oduod?ctc?t bt ???????t't's'?s cs chc?ie???y ??????sese se?????ormormam???ly ly???rinrinknk k???ly???nonno?-s-?ugu??ar ar????er?aga????""???232??B0B0000101L1LGLG9G949???,A,A2A???PYP????YSY?T9T?H,H,","D"D_D_S_StStrt???sese ?""""D?????????"""""""??0,0????,1,???61614??20200??? n nin??ce ce b bl blelen??,"?NoN?? t to t?o o? sw sweweee?t,t????t ??????????????at?ede??- -? ca? can can b?? b???t t dt ?????ribribe????? a???oo??d od ?oraoran?????ununcun?? m mim????????? P ?er?ri???? A AnA?? w??hilhilele le??? i is i?s as ???? na natatuaturu???, ?it??is? a al alsl?????coconco???itituit???????<br <br? /> /><><b><br? /??AnAndAn?d td ??????? th?e e re rur?b,b?, w, ?????????
sodium content, total carbs are 30 grams, and there are 140 calories per 8.3 ounce serving (1 can.)<br /><br />I wouldn't buy this product but that's chiefly because I normally drink only non-sugar beverages." 6623,B001LG945O,A2MVPY9XVYST9H,"D_Strasse ""D_Strasse""",0,0,4,1246147200,A nice blend,"Not too sweet, not overly carbonated - can be best described as a good orange punch mixed with Perrier. And while it is all natural, it is also reconstituted.<br /><br />And that's the rub, while tast
y??(t(??ngngeg??ininen???? t ???e me ?oso?? p ?rereve?alalelene????lal???r r w ??????in?tst???? w????????apa?e ??andan? a a a???igighghtht ??gragr?apeap????? f ?in?is???????hishis s is ???babasa??cac?allal?????st? e exe???????????carcarbrbob?nan???d d jd jujuijuiciceice.e. .? C ??? s????e ie ?is ???e e se ???e ?e ase a?s as a ?ReR?d d Bd BuB?llll,l???.3.3 3?ozoz z?veverversrsus??? th?e ??ndn?usustustrt?y y sy ststastanand???d ??2 2??z z sz ses?erverviviningin?.<.?brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b??r />r />I>IsIs ??????????terte?? ? N NoNoto??ne?cec???sarsari?ly?, ???t ??thethenthe? a ag a?aia?? s??memetme?imi?mesme????ss? i?s s js ju??st ????s.s. . . ?AtA????pr??xixim?at?ele?ly ly??2 2 p2 peperpe?r cr cacanca???whwhi?chc??cacatcatetegtegog??y ??he????witwi??ch ch O OrOra????e Te TaT?angan?????ne ne? is???is??foforor or???u u t????????".??666???,B,B0B000010?LGLG9G???O,O??1F1??Z4Z?2C2CFC?F9F9IF9IAI???MeMed???hohouounoundnd,nd?????4,4,14,12???060?60860?????QuQ??te????frf??
y (tangerine is the most prevalent flavor with hints of white grape and a slight grapefuit finish), this is basically just expensive, carbonated juice. Can size is the same as a Red Bull, 8.3 oz versus the industry standard 12 oz serving.<br /><br />Is more better? Not necessarily, but then again sometimes less is just less. At approximately $2 per can, which category The Switch Orange Tangerine is, is for you to decide." 6624,B001LG945O,A1F9Z42CFF9IAY,Mediahound,0,0,4,1246060800,"Quite refres
hhihini??? g grgrer?atat t???ststet???????s s??as??teste????eaeatea???ndn? I ??lil??e e??hah?at at??t't's'??momororere re n ?????alal l t th?anan an??????ototht??? s ????as as a ava?aiaililalaba?lel????as????allallyl?, , i, it?'s?? a a??carca?bob???????juj?ic??? ? I I g???er????? p ???fef?er er a???larlargr??er ???? oz o????izizeze ?th?ouo??h.h??6666??5,5????1L1LGL?949???,A,A1A????????K5K?TRT??,","Q,"QuQ?al?????MaM?an ???ywywaw?y6y???",????0,40,???12412464?06060?????PrP?retrettttyt?y Gy GoGooo?od.od.....?,"?I ???joj?yey??d td ?thethe e t?????e..e.????t t it isi????ososese ??? o????ngenge ??sodsoda? i?ninititiitiai?????bub?t ??the?? t? the th?ereere ??is is? an anonotothot?herhe?r sr sws????t tt tat t????? at a??????en?d ?ofo???aca??????. . . ???? u ununlnli??? o??anangange? s so s??a,a, , t, ??isis is iis ?is is his ?heaheal?th?????anandan??no? a?ddd??? s?ugugaug?rsr?. ??EvEvev?????ouougou?? t? thi this??pr?od?????????????
hing, great taste","This tastes great and I like that it's more natural than most other sodas available. Basically, it's a carbonated juice. I generally prefer a larger 12 oz. size though." 6625,B001LG945O,A1RF9YK4BK5TRH,"Quality Man ""yway6""",0,0,4,1246060800,Pretty Good...,"I enjoyed the taste... It is close to orange soda initially but then there is another sweet taste at the end of each sip. But unlike orange soda, this is healthier and no added sugars. Even though this product tastes li
kkeke e???ana?geg?e se ??dada a?I I t tht???k k??? w ??ulu????? w?ele?????or or b ?rer???faf???. .???t t mt ??? e ?vev?n n????????prp??fefererrrre?d ???verve? t tr t???it?ioi?nanala?l ol ?oraoran?ge??????e e fe ??r r cr chchi??ldrld???n an ??d d fd fofor???????esesss??? t????t wt ????y y ay aba??outout ???or?????el?? l lil?fe??. . ?????theth????wnwnsnsi?ded?? t????e pre pririciceice e ie ?s s?a a la ???????????? fo for?????????smsma?????????hehenhe???uyu??ingin??242?.".?????6,6?B0B???????5O5O,O??????FKFK6K6S6S1S?5656O6O,?"K"??. H. ?ara??el?l ?""""E"EnE????yinyi?? t? the???ou??neneye?""?????,0,,0?3,3,1,121??5959797474444040000,00,N,??t t ft ??????????"I"?I tI ?thothou???t ??thithis???ououlou????havhaveve ve??????ili???? ta t??tet?e te tot?o ao ananoanot???????an?and and????ca??bobonbona??tedted d jd ????ice ice? on o?n t?hehe he???rkr?ketket,t, ??calca??eded d Id ?zzz?e,e, e, t??at?? ha h?????wewerer er c?alaloal?orioriei?es,es?, t, ??
ke orange soda I think it would do well for breakfast. It may even become preferred over traditional orange juice for children and for businesses that worry about short shelf life. On the downside, the price is a little high for such a small can when buying 24." 6626,B001LG945O,AL63PFK6S156O,"K. Harrell ""Enjoying the Journey""",0,0,3,1245974400,Not for me...,"I thought this would have a similar taste to another brand of carbonated juice on the market, called Izze, that has fewer calories, tas
?tetese? b ??tttteterter r a anandn? c ??????leles?s.s? H ???eve??r,r, , S SwSwiwiti??? h hah?s ?? w ???rdr??arartrtitifi?????? a af aftfte????astaste??. I. ?? t ??st?eses es?lil??? a? b?lelenle????et??weewe?n n o ????geg??juj???e e ae anandand ??oraor??angeang?????a,a, ??utu?t nt ????ini???a ga ??od????y.y??AlA??so,so, ???tht?h 1h 141?? c????orioriei?????er er?seser?viv?inging g ( ??.3.????ncn??es)es? a an andnd ??4 4????????? s su s?gag????????mim??????as as w??llll l dl ???inkink k??od?a-a- -????aua?se?????s ?bebevbeve?ra??ge ge i itit it n ?notno?t a?nyny y??eae??th???r ???? c ce c???taita???y y ny nonotnot not? ch cheh?eapea??r.r?""?????,B,??010?LGL?949??O,O?AIAI7I??IKIKYK?QKQ?7B7BG7BGUGU,U,","J"JoJoeo??????lstlsta??d "d """"Z"ZiZimimbmbob?""?","????,3,??121?45????40??0,"0,"T"?as???, ?, bu, b?ut ut I ?'m'? n no not? p plp??annanninininging ing t to to o??wiwit??ch"ch???IfIf ?yoyouyou ?li??ke ke t???????????? ca car ca??bonbonan?te?d ?frfrur?uituit t pt ?un?ch????at?
tes better and costs less. However, Switch has a weird artificial aftertaste. It tastes like a blend between orange juice and orange soda, but not in a good way. Also, with 140 calories per serving (8.3 ounces) and 34 grams of sugar, you might as well drink soda- because this beverage it not any healthier and certainly not cheaper." 6627,B001LG945O,AI7BIKYQK7BGU,"Joel Kolstad ""Zimbo""",0,0,3,1245974400,"Tasty, but I'm not planning to switch","If you like the sort of carbonated fruit punch that
y?ouo??geg???atat,t, ,?e.e?g.g?, , o, ??fifici??????ididadaya? p ?arartr??eses s ( ?whw??rer????coc???l l i isi???er??oto?enen)n??, y, yo?u'u??l l pl ?rorobobab?????li?kek??ThT?? S SwS??tctchc???????oeo?es es h ha havave? a? n ?????, ", ???ruruiuit?????tat??tete te? (k (kik????of?? a a " a ??shs????"""" ?ororar?ngngege ge??? p????haphapsps ????he the ta?ng??erierin??'s's s is in?flf?ueuenencen????????ou??h h???robroba?bl??y my momororeor??????e ape a??lele ??uiuicuice???????th th a????? o?? a a ????e ???ue ue??o o? th t???cacar????atatiat???? ??f f tf ?thith?? w we w??e ???e ???f mf mymy y oy ?ptp??on??s as atat,at, ?, , t, ??? M ???dusdusas??????ue ?sosododa???isispis?????erser?s fs ????nd nd??t ??-1-111???I I??????d dd dedefefi??nitnite?ly?? in i?????ge ge oge oco?cacasca??ioniona?ll?y ????d bd ?uyu?????e.?<b<brbr r / />/?<b<br<b?r /r ???utu??anan an? in ind induduldu??en?enceenc??it????.....??????th????? w??y ???? n?ot???
you get at, e.g., office holiday parties (where alcohol is verboten), you'll probably like The Switch: It does have a nice, ""fruity"" taste (kind of a ""sharp"" orange -- perhaps the tangerine's influence, although probably more the apple juice), with a bit of a bite due to the carbonation. If this were one of my options at, e.g., the Medusa-esque soda dispensers found at 7-11, I would definitely indulge occasionally and buy some.<br /><br />But an indulgence it is... and that's why I'm not pl
??nnn??ngn? o ono? p pup???????inging ??????frfror????mam?zozon??????????titici?????:<:?brbr r????<br<b???????YoY?????? pa p?yiy??ing ing n ????lyl????bubucuckc????cac?? f?or? a a a l a lil?ttttltlel????re?????n ??a ca cu??? of of f s ?odo???? P ????aseas????? d dodonon'on?t t??in?d d? pa pay pa?yinyi??? mo m?oreor??foforor ???ghg?erer-r-q-?????tyt????ododsods,s?? bu b?t t at ?t ????sts??ma??e ?it? a???ece?enentn?t vt ?alalual????oror or tor ththeth??e moe mon?eye?....... ..???keke ke i itit ????z.z?<b<br<br <br /???? C ?????ic?alallal??? it i??s s? no n?t ?t a t a?grg???? v ?????, , h, ??????????ounoundnd d hd ?halha???agagagaiain???s ??manmanyn????lolor??ese???erer er????? a as?????ca ca? Co??la la? do d? f yf ?ouou'ou??????meme ???????hoho o??an?an ean ea???????eve?erer ??youyo?????t,t???thithisi????esesnes?'t't 't? ma mat ma?ttett???.....?. b. bubutbu?t ft ???r tr ?thoth?ses??????s ???o ?ar?en?'t??????se??d wd wiw?
anning on purchasing more from Amazon. In particular:<br /><br />-- You're paying nearly a buck a can for a little more than a cup of soda. Please. I don't mind paying more for higher-quality goods, but at least make it a decent value for the money... make it 12oz.<br />-- Calorically it's not a great value, having around half-again as many calories per once as Coca Cola does. If you're some teen who can eat whatever you want, this doesn't matter... but for those of us who aren't blessed wit
?h h s ?ucu??h mh ?????ololil?smsmsm??????ele?l.l..?? t ?heh???alalolororir????ara?e e be ?et???? " ?????ntn??"" ""????ewewhwhe?re??? T ???? "" "???? su s??ar? a??dedede???"" ??????????????????e bee b?etwet?weewe?en en????noynoyiy??? a an?? d dodowo?????htht t mt mimisislis???did?inging:g: :????he "he """"a""alallall l?????rar??"""" "" s"" susugsu?gargar r tr ??atat'at?s s cs cocom?ining????omom om? th t?he ????itit it j ?uiuicuicec??????nono no b ???teterter r nr ??r ???orsor?se se??oror or?yoyouo????anan,n, ,? e. e.g.g.g.,.??re?gug?lalar??ol??d cd ?cancanene e se ?sug?arar ?lilikli??e be be??ttetter? t??radradi?????nalnal ?sos?ftft ??ri?nkn??s hs hahava?e.e.<.?brb?r /r ??<b<br<b??r />r /??????in in????efe???yey????, it, it ????quq?uitui????asaststyty,y???utu?t it itt i????re?alall?y y? no n?t t at ???ooo??????al al??????youyo???????ketke??boobo??? no??r y???????al?????nlnleleslessss s c???????d d od ????y oy ??? sp s????al?al oal ????sisioionionsns.???<br <br / />???<br ?
h such metabolisms... well... the calories are better ""spent"" elsewhere. The ""no sugar added!"" bit is somewhere between annoying and downright misleading: The ""all natural"" sugar that's coming from the fruit juices is no better nor worse for you than, e.g., regular old cane sugar like better traditional soft drinks have.<br /><br />So, in brief, yes, it is quite tasty, but it's really not a good deal for your pocketbook nor your health unless consumed only on special occasions.<br /><br /
???.S.S.S. . - ---- -?MyMy y w wiw??? t ????d d s sosomo???asa? w we w??l,l? a anandnd d dd ???n'n???lil???e ie ??t at ?as as m mum?chc?; ;? sh sheh?e te ????ed?????????? th thehe he u ununpn???asasaasan?t t "t ?"m"memetme?taltall??c"c?? t?as?asteastese???hahatat ???theth???s hs he??e ??havhavev?e me ????ioi???ed.ed.".""6?6262828,8?????LGL???5O5?,A,ANA?0N0?N05N0????IJIJEJ???crc???teterte?rs,rs?0,0??,4,????45???444404?????ryry ?di?fff?ferfererenre?nt.nt????"W"????le le S SwSwiwitwi??ch ch?OrO??angangeg??e ise i??VEVERERYRY Y???ranra???y,y?, i, it? a??so?? ta??tetestes ?of?????met??hinhi?????sese ??nt?erereeres?titinting????t't?s ????zyz???bub??????, ?, in, in n m my my y oy ???nin??n,n??exexcx????ivi???y y sy so?) )?????????y,y, y,? an?d d Id ?'d'd ??????????bu?yiy????it??. I. I . I s?????? b bu buyu?y oy ory or r??ri??? s so??t t dt dr??inkin????r ?sosodsodadasas;as; ?I I????? d???'t? c ??re??fof?????l l?? the the ????? b bu??ni??ng ??y ?nonosno?????
>P.S. -- My wife tried some as well, and didn't like it as much; she tasted some of the unpleasant ""metallic"" tastes that others here have mentioned." 6628,B001LG945O,AN0N05A9LIJEQ,critters,0,0,4,1245974400,very different...,"While Switch Orange is VERY orangey, it also tastes of something else interesting. It's fizzy (but not, in my opinion, excessively so) and tasty, and I'd consider buying it. I seldom buy or drink soft drinks or sodas; I just don't care for all the fizz burning my nose. Sw
i?tct?h h?dididi???t t d do d??????. .???rrrrarayay!y!!!?!!"!!????292?,B,??010?LGLG9G949?5O5O,O??2I2?ACACUCU8U8L8?J1J1F1?CKC??,U,?????a,a??????,1,????97974744440400???otot ???o so ??eeeete??t tht t??rsrstrst t qt quq?????ere????bbbbyb????? I I I?bob?????haharha??d d td ??e e????ngng g a?ndnd nd?????????liliki?eded ed i it??? I? r rereareala?????liklikekedke?d td thd theh?e fe ??ctc??t th??at at??he?rere re w??????o ao ?ddd?ed?ed sed susugsu?????? t? thi thisi?s ds ?ririnri?k.k. . ?ItIt't's'???? ni n?cec??coc???????ioi?n n on ?f f?flfla?vov???. . ?. I . I??ouo?ndnd nd ind ?? a???????e ??tooto?o co ????bonbonan???ed ???t ?he?? th?ou?ghg??t it ??it wit ??as as j juj?sts?t rt ??gh??t.<t.????/>/?<b?r ?r />r />I>?????ldl????y ??it ?ifif ??????meme e ie ???? a l a ??rgr?er??cacancan.n. . H. ?enencen?ce ce o on?lyly ly?????ararsar???I I tI ththithin??? th?????????s ?to?too too? sm smam???. . ??oooo o mo ???????umu?in????????wnw?n on oun o???. . I. I ??recrecycyly?? e evevev??
itch didn't do that. Hurray!!!" 6629,B001LG945O,A2IACU8LJ1FCKE,Ursula,0,0,4,1245974400,Not to sweet thirst quencher,Hubby and I both shared the dring and we both liked it. I really liked the fact that there was no added sugar in this drink. It's a nice combination of flavors. I found it a little too carbonated but he thought it was just right.<br /><br />I would buy it if it came in a larger can. Hence only 4 stars. I think this can is too small. Too much aluminum thrown out. I recyle every
???iningng g??utut t m ??sts????opoplp?? I I I k ???w w????? t ??ossos???t.t? ?OtO?theth?????e ?I I wI ????d d b?uyu?? th thi???drdrir?inkink.k?6??303?,B,?000??????5O5O,O??1U1UQU??DTD?2Q2???ENE?M,M??ici??aea?l,l,0,0,0,00,????121242??888?????0,G0,???atat ?ala??ererner?atatiativi?e ?to????ana??e e se ??dad?,","I"?I dI ?dridr??ink ink t to t?o o????? s ?sodso?da.da. ?I'I?ve????ara???d d ld ??ookoo???g ??or? a ??teterte??????ese?s as ??????e e oe ?f f t??e ?e the thihinhingngsngs ???veve ????eded ??is is? sw s?witwi?ch???? f ?irirsr??st tst ???ed????t bt ???????e we ??hilhi??? it???????e ??? o or o?ranra??nge nge s?od??? i?? it's it'???rearealallal????carcarbrbobon??ateat???????????r r?/>/><>?<br<b??/>????likli??????? /> />->-T-ThT???ca?carbcarbobonbo?natnatinat??????<br /<br ??-T??? f???vovor?<b<br??<br /><br />-??allall all j?uiu???<b???<br /><br />-<br />-n-?no no????ed?ed sed susugu???, ,?nono ?hi?ghg???rur?uctucto?se? c ?or?????????????<br />-<br />-n<br />-?????ti???
thing but most people I know just toss it. Otherwise I would buy this drink. 6630,B001LG945O,A1UQUDT2Q0YENM,Michael,0,0,5,1245888000,Great alternative to orange soda,"I drink too much soda. I've started looking for alternatives and one of the things I've tried is switch. I first tried it because while it's like an orange soda, it's really carbonated juice.<br /><br />I like:<br />-The carbonation<br />-The flavor<br />-all juice<br />-no added sugar, no high fructose corn syrup<br />-no artific
???????avavovoro?? o oror or c ?olo??orsor???????<b???/>/>I/>? d ?onon'n???lil?????<br? / /> />->-T-??? s ???allall ???? ( ???z)z)<)<b?<br ???-T???? fl f?lavlavovorvo?r tr ?ooo??????????to to g ?ete??ususes?? t?? i ?t.t. . I ???s ??a ma mimixi???rere ??f f o or orar?angan?ge,ge, , a?pppplp??????angangaang???nene,? g???pep????andand ??cec?ror?olaola ?juj??ce?. ?(A(?????ola????s a???rur?uituit ????h h? in i???it??mi?n ???, s, ???I ?asa??umu??e te tht?ata???s ws ??? i???t's t's???ed??) )???????? do d??'t???xpx?pecpe???exexaex???lyly y oy ?????????dada,a???he??fl?avavoav??or gor grg?rowro????? y yo?u ??ui?ckc?<br ??><???????f f If ??????allyall?y wy wawan??t at ?a ca cocolcolala,la?, S, SwS?ititcit??h ih ?sns?n'tn't ??oooodoo?d ed ????????? b beb?e me ??y ry re?plplapl???????t. t.???????'s????vev??y ?eae???y r??plplaplacplacecemce??mentmen??fof??or aor ?an ??????ge ge? so sodo??. ????cancan'????waiwa?? t?????????me??
ial flavors or colors<br /><br />I don't like:<br />-The small can (8oz)<br />-The flavor took a can to get used to it. It's a mixture of orange, apple, tangarene, grape, and Acerola juice. (Acerola is a fruit high in vitamin C, so I assume that's why it's used.) If you don't expect exactly orange soda, the flavor grows on you quickly.<br /><br />If I really want a cola, Switch isn't good enough to be my replacement. But it's a very easy replacement for an orange soda. I can't wait to try some o
f??tht?? o ??thetherer r?flf????rsr?? I I I u ususus?alallllyl??????lyly ly l lilikikek?????ckc???he??ryr?y dy ??ini?ksk? a ana?d d I I' I?????tet??ese????d id ?? s seseeeeie??? w ??ata?? fr frur???????????????y uy ?useuse e ie ?in ????at at???e!e!"!????313?,B,B0B??1L1?G9G?454?O,O,A,A2A??OHO???Q5Q5858W8WOW????"V"??????e ?J.J?. W. ??????"A"AuAutu?thoth?? a??? S ????tst?s Js ?ououru??al?isi?st"st""?","??,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,??45????00?0,??? T ?????, ,?EnEnjnjojoyoyay??blebl??PuPur????uiuic?????rbr?????tedted ted?DrDri?nknk"nk",","",????isis is??o o h ha??d ???o fo ????d ad a a??icicece ce j ????e e de ?dridr???k tk th?thatthat ????ei?th??????o o so ??gagar????or,or, ????? w?ororsorsese,se, , h, ??s ??ddd?it?ivive??s ls liliklike?? ar artrtit?fificficiciai?al al????eeteete??????. T. ThThe? S?wiw??chch ch??raranangangege e Te ????gergeri????e dee d??livlive???? on??????vorvor.r???f ?yoy?ou ou l???e e je ?jui???ce ace ???????t t at ?a fa ?ulu??????avoavororeor??d od ?
f the other flavors. I usually really like black cherry drinks and I'm interested in seeing what fruit juices they use in that one!" 6631,B001LG945O,A2GOHBNQ58WOKC,"Valerie J. Wood ""Author and Sports Journalist""",0,0,5,1245888000,"A Tasty, Enjoyable Pure Juice Carbonated Drink","It is so hard to find a nice juice drink that is either too sugary or, even worse, has additives like artificial sweeteners. The Switch Orange Tangerine delivers on flavor. If you like juice and want a full-flavored or
a?ngngygy-y???????ata?ede??fifizizzzzyzy y d ?rir???, ,??hihisis s o on?e e??iti???ththethe e be bibili????VeV?ryr????odo???6??3232,2??000????949??O,O????XTX?C0C????SDSDODO,O,MO,??ggggigiei??0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,????????00000?0,N0,NiN??e e De DrD?rinri????efefrf?ese?hihinhing?????d ld lil??htht.t. ? A A A?lilitli??lel???on on t?heh??sws??etet t??idi???e bue b???nonoto?t ot ????lyly ?swswesw?eetee?? ?I I?ene???yey?? t? the the ??rar?angan?e e fe ???vovoro??6????,B,B0,B00?1L1LG1L?G94G9??????WAWAEA???UUU????GPGP,P,","A"A.A????arlarlilinli?ng ng "ng ??dad???in??swsweswe"swe?"""""?????0,40,?,1?????88888808?000?,B????ly??TaT???ererier????e sle sli?????refrefrfrefr?esheshmhmemen?????????no??????e f????""""c""?cancannn??d"d???juj?????dr?????, , b, bub?? t? thi th?is is???ne ne w ??s s es exe???ptp?ioi??ala? i ?in in f???????. I. ?I aI amI a?m am ?alsal?????????bibigbig g f fa fanan an o???????ngenge ???lav?ororeor????dri?????bu??t tt th?the the t ta t??angeangerange??rinerin?e ie is?is dis ??
angy-carbonated fizzy drink, this one fits the bill. Very good!" 6632,B001LG945O,A9NXTC0HTPSDO,Maggie,0,0,5,1245888000,Nice Drink,Refreshing and light. A little on the sweet side but not overly sweet. I enjoyed the orange flavor! 6633,B001LG945O,A1WAEATUU7F3GP,"A. Darling ""darlingswe""",0,0,4,1245888000,Bubbly Tangerine slice refreshment,"I am not one for ""canned"" juice drinks, but this one was exceptional in flavor. I am also not a big fan of orange flavored drinks but the tangerine is dis
??inincn???veve e?anandn? n ?icicec?. .??ItI????indind ??? r rer?mim?ind?ede?????of???nen?e oe ofe o??mym???ava?ororir?tet???of??t dt ??rinri??? i in??tht?e e we ?ororlor??? T ?iningin?????omo????mam?icicaic?? w ??icichic?? is i???madma??e fe frfrofr?om om r re r????grg????fr?uiu?? j ?ui?cece.ce???ere??y ny ni?cece,ce, , i, ???yoy?? n ne n?eded ed????????itait???in in Cin ? i in in n??????lil?ifeife ?I I? wo w?oulou?????onson???derder ???yiy?inging ing??t.t.".??666636??,B,B0B0000101L1???454?O,O,A,??UYU?????????2626,6???shshmhmo?rere,re,0,0,0?,0,,0?3,3??24245?888?8808800000000,??us????K,K????????t ?ththithisis ??????it?h ?mymy my s ?sposp???e.????I wI ????ld ??av?????ve????it it 2it ? s??ara?s,s, , h, ?? g??ave?? it it it 3 ??. . ?NiN?iceic?e ie id?ea??, 1, 1010000%00% % c??arbar???atatetedted ?ju???ice,ice?, b, ??t ???he he the ta?stste?????prp?retrettt???mi?ld??. ???t t rt ?reare??lyl??wh?at?? I I? wo?ul???ca??l l rl re?fr?ese?? . G. ???d ??ide?a,a, , t, ??
tinctive and nice. It kind of reminded me of one of my favorite soft drinks in the world, Ting (from Jamaica) which is made from real grapefruit juice. Very nice, if you need more Vitamin C in your life I would consider buying it." 6634,B001LG945O,A2UYGOYMV73826,Rushmore,0,0,3,1245888000,Just OK,"I split this can with my spouse. I would have given it 2 stars, he gave it 3. Nice idea, 100% carbonated juice, but the taste is pretty mild. Not really what I would call refreshing. Good idea, tho
??ghgh,h? I ??wowououluldl????y y?itit t? in i???ththeh?r r f flf????rsrs.s?""??636???B0B??1L1LGLG9G?454???AYA???PKPKRKRAR???KYKY7Y7,7??. .??????????????,1,????????000000,???bbb??e e???ququiu?d,d,","A"AlA?ththothou?gh? s ?omo??e me mam??y ly liliklikek?e te ?thith?? d ??????, i, ?? w wi wili?l l n non?????e ae a a??epe??atat t bt bubuyuy ?fof?or or?? . ???? c ?ala???ieiese??fo??r ar ?n n 8n ?+ + o?z z????viv?ingin?? is i?s ts ??? m?ucu?????henhe?????? a amamom?ounountn????? or o??angangege ?juj??cece e ie isis is 1?151????AcA?tut??allallyly y ty ????s ds ?????????'t'??10100?% %????angangeang?/t/??angange????e ??uiuic???, b, ?butbu?t at ?a ma ??? o?f f jf ?juijuici?cesce?s. s. ???coc?ndndld??, , i?f ?th???? we wer??e ue ?nanalaltal?erereeredered ??juijuicjui??, , s, ???msms ???? w wo w????n'n'tn't t ht hah??e ?e toe t??????asa??corco??icic ic a?cic?id id? to t?o go ge??t 1??00%? o of? y ??uru?r dr ???ilyily ?ViV??am?in? C ????incin????ha?t t a?????t ???f of or?an?angeange ange?ju
ugh, I would try it in other flavors." 6635,B001LG945O,AY3XPKRAMKKY7,C. G. King,0,0,2,1245888000,Bubble liquid,"Although some may like this drink, it will not be a repeat buy for me. 140 calories for an 8+ oz serving is too much when that amount of orange juice is 115. Actually this drink isn't 100% orange/tangerine juice, but a mix of juices. Secondly, if this were unaltered juice, seems you wouldn't have to add ascorbic acid to get 100% of your daily Vitamin C since that amount of orange ju
i??e e n nan?tut????????ror????ese???oveov?r r?151??%.%?????hah?psp??tht?e e pe ?propr??cesce?sis?????eqe???reresres ?itit.t. ???t,t? a ??asa?, ?th????igiggggeg?????ss?ueue e fe ?oro??mem?e we waw???tat?astastete.e?. . ?ItI???tastasts?tedted d? to t???me me l ???e ????hwhwa?shs?????liliqli?quiquidid id s sms??ll?s.s.<.?brb??/>/???r ???OnO???hehe he g gog???d sd si?de???, th, t?????rbr???izi???ioi?on on? is i?s js juj?????ig??t ??ndn???the??flflalava????????bolbo?d ?????th?oso?e ??hoh?o so se?ekek k??? . . T. ThThe??re re????non?o s??gag?? a ad a?dededde?????d t??he he nhe nononno??trt????tit??na?? t????????? no notot t ot ???rlr?ly ly? sw swew?etet.?? T ThTheTh?e te ???te? m??y y ay ap????? t? to to s?omomeme,me?, b, bub?ut ut? I' I'm'm m?????t a t a? fa""???3636,6??0000101L1?G9G9494545O5?,A,?1U1UAU?Z6Z?MNMNSN???B7B?G,G,O,OnOncOnce? i???? w whwhi???????,3,3,3,1,?24245?????00000????????an an A ?-p-???? f?or?or 1or ?00???ju????e ae ?andand and
ice naturally provides over 150%. Perhaps the processing requires it. But, alas, the biggest issue for me was taste. It tasted to me like dishwashing liquid smells.<br /><br />On the good side, the carbonization is just right and the flavor is bold for those who seek that. There is no sugar added and the non-traditional taste is not overly sweet. The taste may appeal to some, but I'm not a fan." 6636,B001LG945O,A1UAZ6MNSZKB7G,Once in a while,0,0,3,1245888000,Gets an A-plus for 100% juice and
????HFH????????cacafa?fefeieini??, , n ?? h ?igi?h h?frf????????coc??? s sys??ruprup,p??101??% %?juj??cec????oto??hinhingn? a ??titifi?iciciiciai??. .?WhWhahata?'s's s n no not no? t ?? l ?????????/>/><>???r /r ????????e te ?to ???ititete ??nyn?????g g ng ne?gag??ivi?????ca??sese se??I dI dod????t wt wawan??t tt ?to ?did??co??raragageg????ve?lolopopmpmem?????f f a an a?ny ny???odo?ucuctuc?s ?th??at at a av a??????????. B. BuButu??, t, ??to bto bebe be h ho hononeon???t, t, T ThT?e e Se SwS???chch h Oh ??????e Te TaT???gerge???ne ne d do?????t ?????? v ?ververyr? g gog?od???IfI??yoyouou'u????faf??ili??ar??wiwitwi?th th A AiA????ornor?ne ??olo?d ??ememe?dyd?, ??ele??, ?????memel?lsl?s ls li????????. . I? t????????????exexpx?ecectec????? a a??raragra?ra???? l?????e Tae T??ang ang i in???an?? b bebevbevever?ag???????cerce?rtartaia???y ??diddi?n'?n't n't e ex????ct ct??t ????sm???l ??lik?????????s.s???t'??s ns ?notnot t at al
no HFCS,"No caffeine, no high fructose corn syrup, 100% juice, nothing artificial. What's not to like?<br /><br />I hate to write anything negative because I don't want to discourage development of any products that avoid HFCS. But, to be honest, The Switch Orange Tangerine doesn't smell very good. If you're familiar with Airborne Cold Remedy, well, it smells like that. I think I was expecting a fragrance like Tang instant beverage. I certainly didn't expect it to smell like it does. It's not al
????????bab??, ,?iti??s s????????t ?rer??l l gl ?ooo??.<.?brb? / ?><><b??r /r />?I I a al??o o t th t??nkn? t??isi???rorod??????ouo?ldl? a?ct????lyly y t????e e b be b??teterer ??? i???t wet w????'t'??cac????nan??ede?d.<d.<b<br<br <br / /> /><??br br??????e ce ??loloro????????e ae aba?????th??e se ????????? t ty typypip??cal??so??a.a?????? th?eyey'y??? f frf???it it j ju j???e ?e cae calaloal??ie?s s is ?insin?ste??ad ad??f ??????????? tha th??'s?? a a??igi? p ????????mym?????k.k????636373??B0B???LGLG9G949??O,O,A,?????ZEZ????UHU??A,A,J,??ustus??MeM??0,0,0?,4,?,1,121?????88088?????er?y ????ul??? a??t mt ?? h ?ouousou????EvE??ryr???e e a?t ?t myt my ????useus?? e eve???n mn my?my mmy ?????r-r?????awaw,w????????ed ed?? thi?s s ds ?ririnri?nk.nk???ItIt ??asastas???????y ??ucuchuc?????e ???ququa???????sod????bubut???? m?adadead????ithit??101?00%00??rereare?? j ju jui juic??. . ??
l that bad, it's just not real good.<br /><br />I also think this product would actually taste better if it weren't carbonated.<br /><br />The calories are about the same as a typical soda. But they're fruit juice calories instead of HFCS, so that's a big plus in my book." 6637,B001LG945O,A1B70ZEWQ6UH1A,Just Me,0,0,4,1245888000,very popular at my house,"Everyone at my house, even my mother-in-law, enjoyed this drink. It tastes very much like a quality soda, but is made with 100% real juice. Sm
a?llll l c ???? m mem?????ouou u?dodono???? co con????me me?? l ?oto?t ot ?? c ca c????iei??s as ?t ??ncncece,e, , b ?ececa?ususes?? al altlththoh??ghg????isi??isis is?hehea????ie?? t?hah????????arar ?sosodo???, y, ????????uldul?n'n'tn't t dt drdri?nkn?? to tooo?? mu mucu?h ???????s ?sts?ili?? a? l??ot ot?ofof of s ?sugsu???.".""??????B0B?010?LGL???5O5?,A,??2B2BZBZYZ?HGH???GSG?N,N??mmm??anuanueu?l ?GoG??dsdst????,0,0,0?,0,,0?????45?8888888088??????oo? m mu???? or orar?angangeg?? n ????ene????? t?anangangeangere?rinrinerine.e?.",."??WiW????alallal??nan?atuat??ralra?l il in???redre?ieienientntsts s a??? m?oso????????al al?frfruruiu?it it j ??????, I, I'I?? n no n???????ectectitintingng g t? thi this?is dis drdridrininkink ???o to ????ste ste? li liki??e se so????, p, ??nc?h,h??oror or a an a??th?thinthi??? li??ke ke t??at????utut t It I I?whw?henhe? I ???tasta?ste??d id it?, , I, I , I? fe f??????seselse?????????????????????ul?uld uld????ealleally????ststeste ????e oe or?an?
all cans mean you don't consume a lot of calories at once, because although this is healthier than regular soda, you shouldn't drink too much -- it's still a lot of sugar." 6638,B001LG945O,AW2BZYHG2MGSN,Emmanuel Goldstein,0,0,3,1245888000,"Too much orange, not enough tangerine.","With all-natural ingredients and mostly real fruit juice, I'm not expecting this drink to taste like soda, punch, or anything like that, but I when I tasted it, I felt myself wanting more. I could really taste the orang
ee-e??lalava????coc???ngng g t tht???ghgh,h???utut t????????omeom?ho????mismisss??? m?? o ??? th???tat??ngengere?ininein??sis?dede.e??TaT??geg??in?inesines s a ????vevereryery y sy sws?eeeetet,t, ?so? I ??wawasas ??xpx??ctctit???g tg th?atat t tt tot??????he??prp?redredod??ininain?????flafl???or,or??bu????insinststet??????at? I????astastetedte????as as???st????or??ang?e,e, ?wh???h h?????t at ???om?????at at sat sosouso?r/r?bibiti?????afa???erter?tasta?stest?e ie ?????????th?. ??hih??s ds drd?rinri??? wa was????t bt ?ad??, b, bu, but??gigivi?venve??a a ca chchochoio???e, e,????d rd ?????????????orora?ngngenge nge?juj??ice?? or o???tanta??ngernge??????juijuicice????ithit????ltl?zez?????????n'tn'????????? t th thi th?? d ???nknk nk?imimpm?????s s bs beb?eyoey???d td ??thattha?. . S. ?wi??chch'ch's's ??th?er?? av a?aiaililalabla??? f fl??????s ts ta?tasttaste????ucu?ch ch?? bet be??er??, s??o io in?in sin so??????ysy?s t?hi??s ws ??????did?isais?ppp?
e-flavor coming though, but they somehow missed me on the tangerine side. Tangerines are very sweet, so I was expecting that to be the predominant flavor, but instead what I tasted was mostly orange, which left a somewhat sour/bitter aftertaste in my mouth. This drink wasn't bad, but given a choice, I'd rather drink orange juice or tangerine juice with seltzer. I don't see how this drink improves beyond that. Switch's other available flavors tasted much better, so in some ways this was a disappo
i?ntn?????????636393????010?LGLG9G949??O,O?A1A1X1???WYWYLY??MRMRRRRXR?1,1???????lsls,s,0,0,0??,1,1,???45???88088???0,A0,?rtr???ici????????titinti???I I??idi??'t't t l lil?????hihisi? c ????ono?ata??? j ??iciceic?????ltl??ouougughg??itit ?apa???ararsars ?toto o b beb?e ae ??l ?????? ( ???????rtirt???iciic?ialia??flflal??oro?s)s) ) i it it ??tastast????sosomo?????? a ?artartitiftifificfi?ciaci???. ???rhrhahaphapsp?s is it? t??astaste????ororeor??li?ke?? ca c?nnnnen?? o or?????e je ?jui?????whwhiwhic??h th ?????? N ???HIHININGNG G? li l???e Re RER???? or oraranang?e ??uiuicui?ce)ce)!)! !???????llylly y?exe?pe???tedted d td ?to to l? lik li???th???? as a?s Is ?I dI dod???liklikelike e fe ?fizfi?zyz?????uituit ?????e e de ?rir?inkin?????ThThi???on?e e de die d?? n ?notno?t dt do???? f ?or? m Se SaSanandan?do,do,0,0,???4,4?,12,1???????????xcx?celce????t t ct ??hoiho?ice?,P,PePerPerfr?????
intment." 6639,B001LG945O,A1XG5WYLFMRRX1,C. Wells,0,0,1,1245888000,Artificial tasting,I didn't like this carbonated juice. Although it appears to be all juice (not artificial flavors) it tastes somewhat artificial. Perhaps it tastes more like canned orange juice (which tastes NOTHING like REAL orange juice)! I fully expected to like this as I do like fizzy fruit juice drinks. This one did not do it for me. 6640,B001LG945O,A16JMQQI19ZZ30,Steve Sando,0,0,4,1245888000,Excellent choice,Perfect s
iizizeze e?cacana??an???? r rerefe?re??hih???????inkin?. . I ??tht???k k i ?t't's'??prp?oooofof f? th thah?? s ?imi??lel?e ie isis ??????. T. ThThi?s ?wowououluldl?d bd ?? m ?? f fifiri?????hoh?ici???fof??? a a d a dr??ink? i if i?????ere????outou??an?and and? ab a?ououtout.out?6?????B0B?0101L1?G9G???O,O?A3A?757??F4F?45A45?1M1?DWDWIW??"E"E.E.S.???"p"php?hanhantn?omom_m?????e"e??????,0,,0,4,????45??88?0000000????iceic????????g ?dr?drindri?nk,nk???????e t??e e t?????e oe ofof of? th thi th?is is? dr d??nk? i??n mn mam???y wy wawayaysy????????keskes ?????aca?k ?????y ????????odod d wd ?itithit?? th the th???rar??????cece ce?lol???lielies? I I I???ede???to ??atat at a?s s i??????s as ? s si s????arar r fr ????????. T??? t?? thin thi?????ou ou s sh shohouho????d bed b??????re re ore ?of ?????thathat??alaltlth??ougoughg?????hahas? n nono o????ed????gag????becbeca???e ????t hat has?? so s?o mo ???? f?ruruiuitit ?jujui?ce?ce ice it???oeo????havha??e ae a e a
ize can and a refreshing drink. I think it's proof that simple is best. This would be my first choice for a drink if I were out and about. 6641,B001LG945O,A375NF45A1MDWI,"E.S ""phantom_horse""",0,0,4,1245888000,Nice tasting drink,I like the taste of this drink in many ways it takes me back to my childhood with the orange ice lollies I used to eat as it has a similar flavour. The thing you should be aware of is that although it has no added sugar because it has so much fruit juice it does have a
llol?t t??? c ?ala??rir??s.s? I ????soso o f fof?unu?d d????t ??thethe e c ca cana? n nen?ede?eded ed???o bo beb?e be ?igiggggeg??? as a????waw??tet??????????? th t??e ee ene??????424?,B,?000010??G9G949??????VSV???VTVTWTWEWEOEOIOIIII,I,T,??bi??thath?????,1,???242454584588888??00000??"T"??o ?sws?eeeetee?? t??o ??xpx???sis??e,e, ???????chc??papaca????ini?g"g",",","Y"YeY?aha?h ih ?t't's's ?glglul????n fn frfre????nd????hathate???r,r, , b, ?utut ut u un??esessess s ts th????s ?a a??reare?allal?y y?bibigbi????susueu????r r yr ??? a?ndnd ??youyo???? h ha?vivin?g ???ououboublblele le??in??in?ing ing??sugsugagara????ririnri?ksk??s tos to o e??joj?y y oy onon n yn ?youyouryour ??glugl?uteuten?-f-?frefreeee ee??diedi?t,? t??er???'s 's n no n?o ro rerea??? dr drar?w w t??????? d???inkin???ve?? s?ayay,y??ororaor?angan?????ant??a oa oror or? an????umu??berbe????????therther ??carca???????ed ed jed jujuiu?cec?e te ?ypy???? dri drin dri?nksnk??? I ??thoth????t ?it???asa???as?si??velvely???
lot of calories. I also found that the can needed to be bigger as I wanted more at the end! 6642,B001LG945O,A6VSWJVTWEOII,Tabitha,0,0,1,1245888000,"Too sweet, too expensive, too much packaging","Yeah it's gluten free and whatever, but unless that's a really big issue for you and you're having trouble finding sugary drinks to enjoy on your gluten-free diet, there's no real draw to this drink over say, orange fanta or any number of other carbonated juice type drinks. I thought it was massively ov
?ererlr?? s ????t,t, ,?ana?d d?? h ?ava?? s so s??et????????? a a? sw s??????ooo??????????raranangan?????avavoav??????n'n???papara?titici???larlarlrlyrly y ay aua?????ti???????????ioiouo?s,s, , a, ??d d id iti???efe???a a?? sou sourur ????ererter??astastet???I ?gogot??? a f a ?rereeee ee s sa s???le? t??hishis s? ti t???, ?, an, a?nd nd I????annan?ot?ot sot ??ee ?aca?tutuau??lyly ly p pa payayiy???g mg mom?nen?????????????his his p pr p??duducuct?? ag a??????OnO? a?n ??envenviv???nmnme?nt?al? n no?te????pacpa??????ing ing? an??d sd ?hihiphi???????the??se se?? thi thin?ingsings ?inin in t ti tin ti??????tlt??le cle ?cancansns s ms ???ese?s fs ???or mor ??re? w?asast??, ???d ?I ?dodon??'t 't a?pp????????????at at?????herhe??. N. NoNotot ?a a fa faf?""??646????????G9G949?????????YVY????????,N,N.N???. ??icichichahaehael?,0,??,0,,0???1212424545845?????0,????????ndnd ??defdefif???iteitelelyel??fuf??l l o???tatanta?ngeng???ineine e ge go????
erly sweet, and I have something of a sweet tooth. The orange flavor wasn't particularly authentic or delicious, and it left a sour aftertaste. I got a free sample this time, and I cannot see actually paying money to buy this product again. On an environmental note, packaging and shipping these things in tiny little cans makes for more waste, and I don't appreciate that either. Not a fan." 6643,B001LG945O,A1BQTYVTL2W9RN,N. S. Michael,0,0,4,1245888000,Sweet and definitely full of tangerine goodne
s?s~s~,~??SwS??tctchc? d ?efe??nin?iteit??? m ?ana?aga????toto o k kekeee?p p i ??? c ?ararbrbob?na??ed???uiu??e e??rir??k'k??s is ?intin?tente??dedded ?flf?avavov?r r f ?rerese?h.h??????????jusjustst t a ?? co c?mbm?in?atatit??on on?ofof f??pap??????? w waw????, ,????e je ??ic??e ce ??onconce??trt?????s os ??????er??l l f??ui?tsts ??inincin?lul??in?? a ap a?plplel?es,es?, g, grgra???????nd nd???ranrangnge?s)s) )?? and and,d???????????ougough???sosoyoy,y, , i, it???efefiefininiin??itelite?ly ???inint?aiaininsin??s its its?????stest??of?of tof ??????rinri?e.e?<b<brbr ?/>/????r /???'d'?d ld lolovo?? t to t??sesee? w???at at? ot o??herhe???????orsor?????itcit?ch ch?hahashas s ts ?????fef?er,er, ?????? my m?y oy on??ly ly hly heheshe???at???? c co?mim?????????"""?na?natunat???l l fl ?flaflavfla???s ??andan????????.".""? B ??t,t, , h, he?y,y, y,?I'?? w?ilillllilinli??? to????an?t t tt th??m ????????le le??leele???y ??? t??atat ?de??????enenten?t tt tht t??nkn
ss~,"Switch definitely managed to keep its carbonated juice drink's intended flavor fresh. Though just a combination of sparkling water, the juice concentrates of several fruits (including apples, grapes and oranges) and, oddly enough, soy, it definitely maintains its taste of tangerine.<br /><br />I'd love to see what other flavors Switch has to offer, with my only hesitation coming from ""natural flavors and colors."" But, hey, I'm willing to grant them a little leeway in that department thank
?? t tot? t?????O O???GHG????UCU???SES???ORO?? S ?YRY??P!P!"!??666646??????1L1LGL????O,O??252?KVKVMV??????ISI????oho?n n F?? W WrW??ghghth?????????242?45845888?88088??????ava????wiw??h h??izi????????????y y r rer???resreshs?iningn? t?o o fo ???d d???????tsts s ws wi?th?ououtu??sus?gagarar r ar ??dedede???bubut????keke ?non??mimisi?tatakakeak??, t, th?is?? ti t???y cy ??????ili?? p?acackc???a a??????d 3d ??????msms s os ofo? s su sug???, ?ene??ug?h h th ?? g??ve? y ?ouou ou a ?????er?gyg????sh? f fo f?ollol??wew?ed ed? by by ??theth??????ca????adrad??nanalal ?fafatatitig???e ce crcra?? . . ?PeP?erherhah?psp????u u c ??n ??ipip p j ??ustust ???fef?w w?????eses ???verve??? fe few??????s s ts to???avoav???? th????ra??h?h?<?<b<???/>/><>?<br<br ??>T>?he???la??vorvor r ir ?is ??ververyvery y gy ?ooo?od od a??? w????l tl ?eme?ptp?t yt ??you you???? ch chuhugug ug? th????hoholholel????????? on onen????????drd
s to the NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!" 6644,B001LG945O,A25KVM6GJBLISZ,John F. Wright,0,0,4,1245888000,Flavor with fizz,"It's very refreshing to find products without sugar added, but make no mistake, this tiny can still packs a solid 34 grams of sugar, enough to give you an energy rush followed by the typical adrenal fatigue crash. Perhaps you can sip just a few ounces every few hours to avoid the crash?<br /><br />The flavor is very good and will tempt you to chug the whole can in one quick dr
iini?????NoNoto??exe?????y y????eae?????drd????, , b bubutut ?itit't?s s???ninicicec??imimpm?ror??eme?enentn?t ot ?oveov?r r t ththethe ?ususus??? j juj????sos?ldl? a as a?s as a ?????t dt ??in????6666??????010?LGL??4545O45?,A,????LML?6T6TYTYIY??CBCBABA,A?D.D??????e,e?????4,4,1,?24245?888??????GoGooo?d ??tut?ffff,f,",??iciceic???altal?er??atatitivi??????ereryer?y ly ?igi?hth?tlytly ??ararbr?ono?natnate????. I. ?'d'?d s?aya?y iy ifi??????rmr???al cal cacarcarb?ononaonat???d dd dr???nk ?rar??gegese?s fs frf????808???? 1 101?? o onon on? th t???????y ?scs??le??, t, ththithisi?s os ononeon??'s 's??bo??ut ut??n n? 11 1???brb???><><b<br<b??r />r /??t ??6 6?grg?ramramsm?, ??it'it's???stist??l l a a ?lol???????sugsu?????mom?st??ly ly????rom rom a??plp?le le???????????ju??ice?, , I, ? t th??ink??. . ????ll ll o or ordrded????????????ustus???cucuzuz z?I I tI th?ouougu?ghtght ??t ?waw?s ????d ??andand d Id ?I'mI'?m cm ??callcal???? i it i?t 4t 4 4??tat???????
ink. Not exactly a health drink, but it's a nice improvement over the usual junk sold as a soft drink." 6645,B001LG945O,A1JXLM6TYINCBA,D. Doyle,0,0,4,1245888000,Good stuff,"Nice alternative. Very lightly carbonated. I'd say if a normal carbonated drink ranges from 80 to 100 on the fizzy scale, this one's about an 11.<br /><br />At 26 grams, it's still a lot of sugar (mostly from apple and grape juice, I think). I'll order a case just 'cuz I thought it was good and I'm calling it 4 stars - bu
?t t??ononen??tltlyly,y? I ?'d'??rarata???? h?avaveve e???t 5t ??? s ?plp???dad???r ?st?eve????????tet????????646464??????LGLG9G949454??,A,ACAC6C6L6LVLV5V?????TITIRIR,R?"M"???hihigi???on on " ?"t"???ch ch g ???k"k?"""""???,0,0,,0,2,????45??88???0,0,T0,??stste?? l ??kek???n n e en?enerenergrgyg? d ?rir?nkn???????? s???prpri?ses????at at t ?theth?e ie iningin??ededied?en?t t lt ?lisli?? a an a??????00???nan?atuatur???""? s st s?amampmpepeded ???on ton ?the? s??dede,e, ??ececac???? t??hishi?s ds ?dridr??? t?as???d ???ustust t l?ik???????mpmpempele??te??????tit???icaic?? e en ene?rgrgyrg?y dy ?dri???? T ThT??his his i is is ????????o o?be???? sh s???rt rt r????iewie???or?????? be b?ecaecau???se Ise I ??on??t ?????lyly ly hly hah?aveav?e me ?ucu????elselsese ???o so ??????I cI ?couco????babarare?ly???tel?l l??t ??waswas s os ?????ge,ge?, b?ec???????s s ws ???h h???ererger?? d dr dri????s is ?? j ?jusju??st tst ??st??? l li l?????? a
t honestly, I'd rather have it 50% splenda or stevia sweetened." 6646,B001LG945O,AC6LV5D2RKTIR,"Michigoon ""tech geek""",0,0,2,1245888000,Tastes like an energy drink,"I was surprised at the ingredient list and ""100% natural"" stamped on the side, because this drink tasted just like a compeletely artifical energy drink. This is going to be a short review for me, because I don't really have much else to say. I could barely tell it was orange, because as with energy drinks it just tastes like an a
mmamala????????n n??f f?frf?uiu?tst????y y w wiwifi??? wa wasa? e ??pep?ciciai???y y cy ??onfon???eded-d????e e ge ???ts ts s?icickck k a ?t t???he he? sm smem??l l o??f df ??????s ls lil?keke ??ononsonsts??r,r????????????d d td ?theth?e ee ???ctct ?sasamameam?e re ??ac?ti????heherhe???<b<brbr r??????r /r ??I I k knknonowo?? th thih??s is is?n'n???ana???nen???y ?dr?????, b, ?utu???????thethe the?li??fe fe o of of of m me??, I, ?I jI ?us????an?'t't 't r rerecre?conco??cilcilel??????tatas?te? w wi w??? t th?e ?iningingrg???ieien????. I. IfI??yoyouou'u'r'?? t? the????????of of?pe??sos????hoh? d dr?drindrink??s ss ??meme me??reresresh??? fru frui?t ?jujuijuiciceic??an?d ?d thd thi?nk?? " """??????all?y ?wi???sh tsh ?thith?????ast?ed? m??oreor??lilikli?ke ke a a a c co????????? a??titifti?ic?alal al? en e?negne???y d???????insin??ea??d od of?of nof ??atuatururaral?????????jui?cec???, ?th?thenthen n tn th?thisthi??s iss i??ththe?the pthe ?ror?dud??? y ?youyo????e be ??en? d?????in
malgamation of fruits. My wife was especially confused- she gets sick at the smell of drinks like Monster, and she had the exact same reaction here.<br /><br />I know this isn't an energy drink, but for the life of me, I just can't reconcile the taste with the ingredients. If you're the sort of person who drinks some fresh fruit juice and thinks ""I really wish this tasted more like a completely artifical enegry drink instead of natural fruit juice"", then this is the product you've been dreamin
g??ofo???6?6464747,7????1L1????????3U3???1717X7?????MJM???lelexexaxana?dedere??LuLucu?ara?d,d,0,??,0,,0??,1,121?45?88888???0,?NoN? p ??ini?t t i inin in????in?g g cg ??rbr?ononan?tet??????cec??????2222.2???????r ar a a p?acackck k o of o?????cacanca?? o of? S SwSwiw?tctchc?????angan?e e T ?an?angeanger??ineine,e, e,?yoy??'r'?e e pe ?aya??ing? a ?bo?????? c??nt??s ps ?er??? .?IsI??it??woworortor????it?it??No?t t rt ???llllyly.y. ?FiFiri?sts??of???llll,ll????ou ou?drdrir??k k jk ??ic????forfor r hr ??alaltal???re???ononson?. . V. ?ititait??????, f, ?rurut??ses?????er er cer cocorornor? s ?yry?????ndnd nd??theth?e le ?ikikek??. C. ??arbarbo??natna?in?ing ing bing ?eve???????s gs ????eraer??????re?n'n?t ?coconcons????reredre??gog?odod ?fofor??? you you,u???? i?t't's'??od???th??at at? th thehe he???wo wo? wo w???d ??????xex??.<.<b<brb?r /r />/????r /r />r /?????ideid??? th the th??cacar??bon???ioi???, a, anandand ?????al?umu?minmi??um um????n (n ???ic?
g of." 6647,B001LG945O,A3U0S17XYK8XMJ,Alexander Lucard,0,0,3,1245888000,No point in having carbonated juice,"At 22.99 for a pack of 24 cans of Switch orange Tangerine, you're paying about 96 cents per can. Is it worth it? Not really. First of all, you drink juice for health reasons. Vitamins, frutose over corn syrup and the like. Carbonating beverages generally aren't considered good for you, so it's odd that the two would be mixed.<br /><br />Besides the carbonation, and the aluminum can (which
? h ?asas s b ?eee??????vev?? c cac????eaeada???o o??lzlzhzheh?imimemere???? t ?he?rer??? a ??lol???????ece?epe??ivi?ve ve?mam?????tinti???gog?iningng ng o on on.n. .?ThT??? ca c?? c cl c????s ?ththath????wiw???h h?isi?s 1s ?000?% %??????, , b?utu????'s???ot???ctc???llllyl? 1 ?10010???OrOrar???? a?ndnd ?TaTan?angeang???ineine e je ju?ic?e.e. ?InI???aca????th?e ?????????s ms ?osoststlt?? a ap appp????? and an???raraprapep?e je jue j??cece.ce???ouou u c? can ca?n tn ??astas?e e te ???is is??????antan???, , a, ???ng??wi?th?? th t??????talta???ic ic????????f bf ?beibe??g ??? a a a??? can. can. ?????is iis ?is ???oneon?e be be???usu?????othoth ???? th tho th?????e juie ju???s ?ar??????????heheahe?p p i in in in? co como??ar??isois?on on t????raranrang?????d ???angange??rinri??? S ????????ly,ly, ??ouou'ou??re re g ge getettettitin??g mg ?mormore????????????at?ed? f frf?ui?uit uit p??ncn??? th the then?? an an an? or ora???? t ta?ng??ri??e e d??rin
has been proved can lead to Alzheimer's) there's a lot of deceptive marketing going on. The can claims that Switch is 100% juice, but it's not actually 100% Orange and Tangerine juice. In fact, the drink is mostly apple and grape juice. You can taste this instantly, along with the metallic tang of being in a can. This is done because both of those juices are quite cheap in comparison to orange and tangerine. So really, you're getting more a a carbonated fruit punch then an orange tangerine drin
k??<b<brbr r?/>/><>????/>/>Y/>?ouou'u?rere e???soso o??ete??ini?bgbg g???NaN?????????ava????? a?ndnd d??ololol????""? w ???chch h???????f f???lll????heh?e we ?whowh?????????? j ??iciceice"e?"" "" c"" clcla?imim.m?????????????WiWiti??? a a??asaststet?????at at i isi??bob?th????????icic ic? an?d ??ot? r rereare??allyall?? re r?seseme??li?ngn?g tg th??e fe fl??avoavou?ours? i it i?? cl cla??msms,s??????n'n?t ?rerearealrea?llyll??re???mmm???? t th t????prprorodo???t,t??Yo?u u c???? ge gene????ll????????boxbo??d d 1d 10100100%0% 0%??ui?cec?e fe foe f?r ?lel?essess,?? wh w?hichi?ch ch c?onontn?aia?insin???or????lalavlavo???, , n, nono no a??umumimininuin?? a an? and and n ?no ???rbr??nan?atiatioionon.on??6?????????????5O5O,O??3F3??3H3??F4F?2424949E9??,K,?atathat?y ?W,W???0,0,30,??121???888???000000,?OrO?ranrangngeng?-T-????????e ??ar???????? F FrFrurui?????rinri??,",????ididnd?????eae???? l li??????he he t ta??steste e oe ?? t th?
k.<br /><br />You're also gettinbg ""Natural flavours and colours"" which kind of kills the whole ""100% juice"" claim.<br /><br />With a taste that is both metallic and not really resembling the flavours it claims, I can't really recommend this product, You can generally buy boxed 100% juice for less, which contains more flavour, no aluminum and no carbonation." 6648,B001LG945O,A3FY3H6F4249E0,Kathy W,0,0,3,1245888000,Orange-Tangerine Carbonated Fruit Drink,"I didn't really like the taste of thi
ss s???????t t????h.h. . I ??t ht ?????n n???tit??????? t ????? t?????? e ???n n tn ??????????isi??juj??iceice ?????waw??terter.r????t ????? c ??????atateatede??drd?ininkn? a??d d id it??sosomomemewe????t rt rerememimin???? m?? o ofo? t???e te ta?sts?te te o?f ??ababyb? a as a?pip?ririnrin,n, ??????ougou?gh gh n ?otot t qt ????te ?th??at at???d.d?????did?d d d?ri??k ?ththethe e we wh??lel???cancan.n?????? 8 ???? oz o????an an??s ?na?rrr??????om?papar??ed ???o to th?the the 1 ??? oz?????? c ca???yoy?? a ar a???usu??ed ?ed toed to ?se??iningin????r r / ?????r /r ?????e c???an san sasayaysys ???it iit ?is is 1 10 1??? j ?juiju????, 1, ??00%00??????ViV???????C,C??, al, alll???natna?ururar?????ithit?h nh no? s su s???? a?????, ??no ?co?rnrn ?sysyryrur?p,p, , n, no, n??prprepresese?rvr?at?ivi??????? a??ti?fificfi???????lolororsrs,s, s,?????glg??te?n n fn frf?reeree.e????hehe he nhe nun?utrutri???on???oxox x??ndndind?
s product much. It has an artificial taste to me, even though it is juice and water. It is a carbonated drink and it somewhat reminded me of the taste of baby aspirin, although not quite that bad. I did drink the whole can. The 8.3 oz can is narrow, compared to the 12 oz soda can you are used to seeing.<br /><br />The can says it is 100% juice, 100% RDA Vitamin C, all natural with no sugar added, no corn syrup, no preservatives, no artificial colors, and gluten free. The nutrition box indic
???ese??(f(fof?r r t tht?? e enentn????e 8e 8.8?????????) )????g g????iuiumum,m, ,?363???ca??bsb?, ??4 4 g g ??ugu?????ViV?????n n??? 10 1000??%,%?, V?it?amamiaminin in?? 2 ?0%0?.<.??r ?/>/???r ?r />r /???? i ?ingingrg?redre?????????e e ae asas ???lll?owowsws ?s ans andn???are? l lilisists???d id in?in tin th?e ??fol???wiw??ing ing???????? 10?0%0% 0%???icicece e (e ??ili?te?ririn??ing sing ?papar????ngn?????????ufu?fif?????? t to t? r re???nsn?stist????? j????? c co c?oncon??nt?rarat???s, s,? ap a?plp??, , g, ???pep?e, e,??anangan?ererier?ineine,e, e, oe, ??an??e e a?nd? a ac ace???lala a j??iciceic?e ce co?ncnce????ratra???),)?, g, gu, g?um um?? aca ac?ciciaia,a??nan?atuaturu??l l?flf????orsors ?s an?????????s, ??????rbirbic????idid d (d ??VitVita?mi?n n Cn ?).)?? Co Con?ta???s s ss so?y.y??(F(?????? in ingngrng?red??ienie?nt nt??is?teted?? is is s s?upupp?ososes??d td ?o ??????? o?nen?e t???re? i?? t??he he mhe ?osostos?? of o??)<)??? / ?/></>??<br ?/>/>Y/>?
ates (for the entire 8.3 oz can) 15mg sodium, 36g carbs, 34 g sugar, Vitamin C 100 %, Vitamin A 20%.<br /><br />The ingredients are as follows and are listed in the following order: 100% juice (filtering sparkling water sufficient to reconstitute juice concentrates, apple, grape, tangerine, orange and acerola juice concentrates), gum acacia, natural flavors and colors, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Contains soy. (First ingredient listed is supposed to be the one there is the most of.)<br /><br />Yo
u? m mam????ono???? w????? s ?pep??? s?? m??????imi?e e o ?on on???e ??ngn?rer?did????s.s?? W ??llll,l, , i ifif f??ouo?????'t'?t rt re?ada???aba???s,s??yoyouyo????realreall?y y sy shs?ou???d sd ???rtr?. ? S ???me me???odo??uctucts? m ma m?ay ay??asast????rea??lyl?y gy ??odod od b bub????mayma??be????ll? o????????y ty ????gsgs s y????re??reall????? n ???t wt ??ntnt nt y yo???r cr chchich????renren n??o ?????????????seselelfelf)f?. . ?ThT?he he t?erermerm,m, ?glglulututeutenen en????e,e?, f, ????exe?amampm??e ?e ise is ????????mpomporortor????nt tnt ?????oso?se se w????hah?vev?e ge ?glugl?ute?n ?in??tolto???an????<b<???/>/????????ududo?s s ts ??????e me ??????ctc????er er?????mamakma?in??????????thithie?r ???od?uc????ndnd nd I I I wI wowouwo??????ve? l?ikikeked??????avaveave ?e gie givive?n ???????la???????be??tet?er er rer ?revre???w,w????t ??theth?????ste? w??as as???ot ot? th the ther the????
u may wonder why I spent so much time on the ingredients. Well, if you don't read labels, you really should start. Some products may taste really good but may be full of nasty things you really do not want your children to eat (or yourself). The term, gluten free, for example is VERY important to those who have gluten intolerance.<br /><br />Kudos to the manufacturer for making a healthier product and I would have liked to have given this flavor a better review, but the taste was not there fo
?r r???. . ???e e b ??acackck k??he???? f ??lavla?oror r hr ?asa??? l lolotot t b be b?ttt?erer r tr ????te.te.<.<b<??r /r ?><>?<br<b?r /??StS??llll,l, ,?ifif f??ouou u? ar a?e ?lo????ngng g f fo f?or or a a a?ses??????lyl?y hy he????hihiei??? be?vevereraer?gege ?toto o p ????k ik inin in??ou?r ?chchich?ildil??s ???ncn???, t, ?thith?s ?coc?oulou?d d b? be be?????th th? a a t a ?ry??? T Th T?hinhinknk k ok ?f f if itit t at ?????fl???vorvo?redred ???rbrbob???tetedted ??at?? . I. I I g ?av???????? st sta????????usu?se se i??t it ????ot????hehea???hyh?????d id ?????????t bt ????- - j juj?ustus??nonotnot not??omo?metme?thithinthing? I I ?lil?keke ?e the t?he he?????te te?of????br br / ???<br<br <br? /> /?I ?wowouwo???? so??oneon???pup?t t tt th??s s ps ?ror?duducu????? a a ?????ld'ld?????uncun??? th t???n an ????odaod?. ???y ?dad?addaddydy ?ususeus?d d td toto to??utut ut? so?dada da??n n tn ??e e ce ??r'r's's 's b's ?????eryer?y ty ?terte????nalnalsls s ts ?to ?did???solsolvl?? t? the th?e ae ?aciacidid d :d ??("(?6??494
r me. The black cherry flavor has a lot better taste.<br /><br />Still, if you are looking for a seemingly healthier beverage to pack in your child's lunch, this could be worth a try. Think of it as a flavored carbonated water. I gave it 3 stars because it is not unhealthy and it is not bad - just not something I like the taste of.<br /><br />I would sooner put this product in a child's lunch than a soda. My daddy used to put soda on the car's battery terminals to dissolve the acid :-(" 6649
?,B,?000??LGL????O,O??1C1?FUF??XJXJXJ???PVP?4,4,H,???e e????did???0,0,0,0,,0???121?45????0000000???TaTanangn?? a ????????????lyly ?""""R"ReRea????",",","A"AfA?????tat?kik??? m ??y fy fifiri??t t s si?p p??? S???tctchc???????e/e/T/????????e,e? I I I???isises???????sps??cic???us us?eyeyey??????bebececacaua?useus?e ie ??????n'n't'??ta???e ?tht???wawaya?y Iy ????pep??te??d id ?it it tit tot???ThThe?????it dit dad???eded ed? on on ??? t th t?ata?t mt ?????utu?th th??????rer???re?d ???r ?mom??e e oe ?of of a????akeak????mpm????upu????Or?????""? s so sodo?da,da?, b, ???? wh w???t It ?I wI ??was was t???tit?ing? w??as as r??????nan?atuaturura?????iciceice.e???ese?, , I, ???nenewne?w tw th??? f??romro?????????belbel,l?, b??ut ???thattha?'s's ???t ?t tht thehe he? sa s??me me ame ???ex??perperir?????ng?? it i??<b<?? / />/???r ???Th?e ????asteast?e we wae w?as ?a a na ?icice?? bl b?lenlendnd ??of ?or?????????? ta tan ta?ngengernge
,B001LG945O,A1CFU5XJXN3PV4,Home Studio,0,0,4,1245888000,"Tangy and Pleasingly ""Real""","After taking my first sip of Switch Orange/Tangerine, I raised a suspicious eyebrow because it didn't taste the way I expected it to. Then it dawned on me that my mouth was prepared for more of a fake, amped-up ""Orange"" soda, but what I was tasting was real, natural juice. Yes, I knew that from the label, but that's not the same as experiencing it.<br /><br />The taste was a nice blend of orange and tanger
???e,e, ,?non?? t totooo????eee?t,t, ?ana?????e e c ???????tit??on on?adaddddsds s?? n?????to??chch.h. .?A A b ??t ???keke ?a a??onon-on-a-ala???hoh??licli??????sas????ckc????l.l?<b<?? / />/><>??r r /r ???y y o on??????sesere?vav??io?? i isi?s ts ?????? the the e ce cacalca?oro???e c?ouo?ntn???is is?(p(pepererher???s s us ?unaun??oio?dad?blblyly)ly?? to t????igi?h h?fofor???e e t??o do ?ri??k k? th???is ois onon ?a a ra reregregug?lal?ar ar b??sis??is -is - - t? tho th??????etet et? me me ???e qe ???ickic?k tk ?to to?pop????? ou outu????at??ththith?is ????????????ugugag???????d"d?"" "" p pr prorododuducuctuct.t. ???or ????oseos????ho ho?????'t'?t ct ?couco??titintingn? c?al??oriorie???, a??? nic ni???rerefre??resreshs??ng? " ????it????"" "" f"" ??omom m s so s?ftf??drdridrin?ksk??""6666???,B,??0101L1LGLG9G?454?O,O????686??UCUCPC?TVTVOV??,",???. F?ab?brbribri i "????ababbabbrabb??"""""""",",0,?0,00,???,1,?24245?8888888088?000000,0,c0,?????onaon?ateat?? j ?ui?ce?????atsat?s ss sosod
ine, not too sweet, and the carbonation adds a nice touch. A bit like a non-alcoholic Mimosa cocktail.<br /><br />My only reservation is that the calorie count is (perhaps unavoidably) too high for me to drink this on a regular basis - though let me be quick to point out that this is a ""no sugar added"" product. For those who aren't counting calories, a nice refreshing ""Switch"" from soft drinks!" 6650,B001LG945O,ABC68JUCPTVOE,"A. Fabbri ""afabbri""",0,0,5,1245888000,carbonated juice beats sod
aasa????hih?? d ????k k????a a?nin?cece e b ???ndn? o ofo???uiuiciceicese??(m(?oso??lyly y?????geg???????????ono???eded ??at??r.r???ThTheTh?ereere ??areare e ne ?o o o ot otht?erer er i??ngrngrer?edied???tst??. . I ?t t h hahas? a? d??ce??t ??mo???nt nt????na?tuturu?ralra??susugu???s s fs ???m m???e ?ju??iceice,ice? s??o io ??t it ???nonotno??? l ?owow-w????lorlo???e de dr??????. I. ?? th thoh??ughughtht ???the the??alalal?ancan???????la???rsr???andan??????tntnen?essess s ws wa?s ?????te te n???? a an?d ????ldld d dd ?efefifininiin?iteit?lyly ly b?uyu???gagaigain???6?656??,B,B0B000??LGL?????,A,A3A???L4L4F4?????KAK??,","f,"fr??edtedtotow??wa?rdr?d "d ?"T??he he A AnAnanalna????icaicalal al?MiM???; ;??avaveve e Be BrB?raira??,0?,4,?,1,?242?45845???????SoS??a a Ja JuJ??cece ???,"??n n t??e ?e Bee Bege???ni?ngng ng t th? ther the???????FrFrur????Ju?????? an? and and?? the ther??e we ?????SodSo???PoP?p,p??an??????verve?? th???????in in?
as,"This drink is a nice blend of juices (mostly orange) and carbonated water. There are no other ingredients. It has a decent amount of natural sugars from the juice, so it is not a low-calorie drink. I thought the balance of flavors and sweetness was quite nice and would definitely buy again." 6651,B001LG945O,A3BTL4FV6ODKAT,"fredtownward ""The Analytical Mind; Have Brain...",0,0,4,1245888000,Soda Juice II,"In the Beginning there was Fruit Juice, and there was Soda Pop, and never the twain s
?hohouo?ldld d m ?eee?t.t?..?????ese?s s y ?ouou ou? mi mixi??d ?ththeh?? y?ouourou???lfl???BuB?t t t th??? s sos?????dyd? g ??t t tt th?the the?GrG???t ????? - ??????n ??recre??nsnsts?ititut???ngng g f frfrur?it??juj?uicuicec???ftf??r r?????eue???zaz?atiat?on?????y ?nonotot ot r re??on??stist??ututeut?e ie ???wiw??? c cacararbrbobonbonan??ed? w wa watate????ThT?usu?s ws wawas?????n.n.......????r /r ???<br<br r /???od?? J ?ui??e!e?<b?<br <br / />???<br ???????I I??asastastetedted ???, ?anand? i ???it wait was?as Gas GoG???! !???an?klk?y,y?, I, I ??ouounou?nd ???aca?k k?ChC?herhe????????? B?ererrer???, a, an, a?nd ?WaW????me??onon on???ra????err??y py ?reretre??????mim????r ir inin in t? tas ta???, ?OrOra?ngngeng?e Te TaTan?geg?erier?inein?????????st?stinsti?ctctltly????rtrt,t, ???? I ??enenjenjoj????ed aed ala????f f t th thehemhe?.<.<b.<?br br? /> /??br??/>??n ????the cthe cacanca?? y yo???hahava???5 5 o?th??r ?flf??vov?? c?hohoihoicice?s:s????a ha ??refre?="=???
hould meet... unless you mixed them yourself. But then somebody got the Great Idea -- when reconstituting fruit juice after Pasteurization, why not reconstitute it with carbonated water? Thus was born...<br /><br />Soda Juice!<br /><br />And I tasted it, and it was Good! Frankly, I found Black Cherry, Kiwi Berry, and Watermelon Strawberry pretty similar in taste, Orange Tangerine more distinctly tart, but I enjoyed all of them.<br /><br />In the cans you have 5 other flavor choices: <a href=""ht
t?p:p:/:?/w/??ww.ww??mamazazozono?.c.cocomom/m????prp?ododud?ctc???000?1L1???404?E"E?????? S ?wiw?tctchc?????????heherherrr??? 8 ?.3.??OuOunu????CaC?nsn? ( ??ac??k ok ofof f 2 242???/a/??, ??a a h ????????ttt????/w?ww?ww.aww.?amaam??onon.on??omom/om??????ododuod????B0?01?????2C2?""????? S Sw S?witwi?tchtc????uiu?it it??un??ch,ch, ???3 ???nc?e ?????s (s ?(Pa(P??? o ??? 24 2?4)<4)</??a>,a>?, <, <a, <a ?hrhrehr??="?"h"?htthttptp:??//w//??""??Th???Sw?it????GrG??pep???, 8., 8.3????uncunceunc??e Ca?ns???PaPacPa??? of o??2424)24????>,? < <a<a <a h hr h????????ttpttp:?////w??ww.??mamaz?on?"">?????SwSwiSwitSwi??tch tch?????? Be B???y,y, y, 8???.3 O.3 Ou?OuncOun?? C??ans??? (Pa (P?ack?ack oack ??of 2of 24??</</a??>, ?an?d d < <a <????refref=ref?=""?hthtt?p:????/www/ww?????zozon?"4"""">???e ??
tp://"">The Switch Black Cherry, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href="""">The Switch Fruit Punch, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href="""">The Switch Grape, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href="""">The Switch Kiwi Berry, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, and <a href="""">The Sw
i??chch h????erermrmemele??n n???rarawawbw????y,y? 8 ?.3.???ununcn???CaCana?s s??PaP????ofo????)<)?/a/a>a?.<.??? / ??<b???/>/>S/>?ini??e ??irirtrtutuau???y y???????g g???s as ???ede??, t, ththeth?e se sls?igi?hth? n nu n??tritrititiit?on??al al d did?ffffef???nc?ncesnce???usu????be be d du d?e ??o o??thethe the????ra???terte?isistis?ici????????e e de ?difdi?ffeff??erenerentnt ???iciceic???be?in?????ed???FrFrurui??t Pt PuP????, ??raranra?geg?e Te TaTanangan?gerge???e,e, ??andand d? Wa Wat?erermer?melmelolonlon n Sn ???rawra?wbewb?errerryerr?????e e te the thehe he??highigh?es??t ct ??aloal???eses,es, ?141??; ; K ??wiwi i????erryerry erry??????????, 13, 13535;5??BlB???k ????rrrry? i is is is n?????, 1??0;???and? G GrGrarapra?e ?hahashas ??thethe ??lowlo??estest,est??, 12, 1???? O Or Ora?rangran????TanTa?ngeng?erier??????and ????tertermterme?melomel?? S St S???awbaw??rrrryrr????aveav?e te the thee th?e h???he?????ototaotalal al cal ca?rbrbob????ra?teteste?, , 3, ??g;g?; B??laclackck ck???herherrher?ry ???and ???ui???PuPunPu???
itch Watermelon Strawberry, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>.<br /><br />Since virtually nothing is added, the slight nutritional differences must be due to the characteristics of the different juices being used. Fruit Punch, Orange Tangerine, and Watermelon Strawberry have the highest calories, 140; Kiwi Berry is next, 135; Black Cherry is next, 130; and Grape has the lowest, 125. Orange Tangerine and Watermelon Strawberry have the highest total carbohydrates, 36g; Black Cherry and Fruit Punch
a??? n ????? 3 353??; ; K KiK??i i???????isis s n????? 3?????anandn??GrG??pep??hahasa????e e le ???esests?????g.g? F ?ini?alallllyl????tet???ele??? S ?trtra????errer?ry ry h ??s s t?hehe he???ghg??st? s susugu???????35g35g;g; ???uiu?t t P PuP???? a an a????ra???e ??an?????ineine e ae ???e ne ne???, ??4g??????ckc? C ChC???rryrr????d d Kd Ki?wiwi wi B?er??y y a??? n??xt?xt, xt,???????andand and G??rapra????s ?s ths thes th?e le loe low??estes?????g.???r r / ??<b???/>??oto??: :? al all???? t ?theth??e ??re??frf??itit it?juj??????????s s ss ?? t?hoh???????th th f ?frufruiuituit ?????ce ce h???altal?????nc????????ede??toto ?bebe be? aw awawarare????f mf ??re?re tre ???????stst st tst th?the the t?it?le?? ju??iceice.e. ?AlA????conco????in in a ac ace??olo?la,la, , a????le,le?, a?nd?nd gnd ?ra?raperape ?ju?juicjui??. . I. ????ddd?it??onon on??o o to ???irir ??ititlitleitl????uic?es? K Ki K??i ??BerBerrrry????contcon?taita?insins s rs ??
are next, 35g; Kiwi Berry is next, 34g; and Grape has the lowest, 33g. Finally Watermelon Strawberry has the highest sugars, 35g; Fruit Punch and Orange Tangerine are next, 34g; Black Cherry and Kiwi Berry are next, 33g, and Grape is the lowest, 32g.<br /><br />Note: all of these are fruit juice blends so those with fruit juice health concerns need to be aware of more than just the title juice. All contain acerola, apple, and grape juice. In addition to their title juices Kiwi Berry contains ras
???ere?????????trt???be?rr??????nd nd F FrFrur?itit t??unu??h h??onontntataia??? c??er???, , l, ?eme??on,on?, a, ???d pd ??inein?apappp?le?. .??OrO????e e T ????????ine ine? al a??o o????tataita?insin???soysoy.y.<.??r r?????r ?/>/>C/>CoComompm????e ae an?and and C ????rarasrast?? a a a??imi????? p ?ror?dud???t it ??s ws wow?rtrtht???conco?????erier?ingin?: ????hrh?refre??"""??ttttpt?:/:?/w/??ww.ww?????on????m/m/g/gpgp/p????oduod???/B/???141??YYY???""???zzzzez??AlA?l l N ??tuturu?ralra??SpSpa????in?ing ing??uiuicuicec??, A, ??pplpp??, , 8, ??4-4??un?ce? C Ca Canansans ?(P(???k k?ofof f?242?)<)</<?a>a>,>????? hr h???="?"h???p:?????w.w??ma??zonzo?? ral???ar?kl??ing?????ce?, ?BlBlalacla???????? 8 ??4-?Ou??ncence ???ansans ans?(P(Pa(P???k ok ?of of??4)4)<4)?</a</a>a>,a>??, <a, <??hr?efef=?????tp???/w????amamaam??????comcom/com?/gp/gp//gp??ro?duduc??t/Bt/???
pberry and strawberry, and Fruit Punch contains cherry, lemon, and pineapple. Orange Tangerine also contains soy.<br /><br />Compare and Contrast: a similar product is worth considering: <a href="""">Izze All Natural Sparkling Juice, Apple, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href="""">Izze All Natural Sparkling Juice, Blackberry, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href=""
?4X4X5X5O5??C"C??>I>IzI??e e A AlA???NaN????????pap?????ngng g J JuJ???e,e???leleme??ntn??inein?e, e,?8.8??-O-???cece ce? Ca Cana?s s ( (P(?aca?? o ?f f 2 242???????, <, ????rer??="=?""h""??tpt???/w/?ww?.a.???zozonon.n???m/m?gpgp/p???odo???t/t?B0B000010??WYWYXY???C""C"">???ze?? Al A?ll ll? Na N?atuatururaur?al al S ????????g ??JuiJuiciceice,e, ???rapra???rur?uitui?, , 8, 8.???OuOunOuncncenc??CaC?ansan?s (s ??ac???of?? 24 2?4)<4)??a>a>,a>??an???<a? h????f="f=""""h""ht""h????////w//??w.w???mazmazozonzo?>I>Iz>Izz?e e Ae ?AllAl??Na?tu???l l S???rkrklrklilinlingng ng J??uicuice?, ???omeom??ra????e,e, e, 8e, 8.?8.4-8.4????ce????ns? ( (P (?PacPa?ck ck? of o????)<?/a/a>/a?. . ?????didifi???re?nc?????he? I Iz?IzzeIzz???proprododuoduc??s ???????rtr?tifti?ieieded ??ititht? v viv?itaitam??insin?: :??? a ??? N Ni N?acaciac?in in??in ??ddd?ditditi?onon on?tot?? C C???????????rourougughg???? th t??eee???if??thsths s ts ?????alaloalororior?iesie
4X5O1C"">Izze All Natural Sparkling Juice, Clementine, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, <a href="""">Izze All Natural Sparkling Juice, Grapefruit, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>, and <a href="""">Izze All Natural Sparkling Juice, Pomegranate, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a>. The difference? The Izze products are fortified with vitamins: B6 and Niacin in addition to C and have roughly three fifths the calories
???????l l?cac????hyhydydrdrar????, ???d d s ????arsars s o ofo??ThT?e e??wiw?tct???prp?????tst??????525?,B,?000010?LGL??4545O5?,A,A1A?BXB????QOQ?JEJ?6U6UEU??CtC?wi?nkn??0,0??,2,2,2,12,121242?4584588888??00000?0,I0,ItI??wawasa???????....,..??SwSwiSw???????ranra??e/e????gegerge??nene e ie isi??bibilillllelede??asas as???he he??atatuaturu?ralra??alaltalte???natnatitivi?e ?to? s?od???as aas anandan???r r?ar??tifti???iaial?????wew??tetente?nedne???uiuic??e de dr??inkin??s. s.??HoH????verve??, I, ???ouounu?????? to to o b bebe ??prepr??tyty y???didin?araryar??<b<brb??/>/????r /??FiF??sts?t tt ???he ghe gog??od od s?tut?ffff:f: : I ItIt It? is i?s 1s ??00%00% %????????? T???ange????? j ju??ice?, ????as nas ??o so ?swesw???ne?rsrs,rs?, i, is????0%0????natunat?uraur?al,al, ?, ha, h?as ?10?100%100?????yoyouourou?r dr ??il?y ?al??ow?an?????of ???itait??in? C ???, an, a??nd hnd ?????? ni n?ice??????bonbo?nat??onon n??an?ang ang???? it i?. . ?IfI?f yf ???? ar a?e ???????h ch ?
, total carbohydrates, and sugars of The Switch products." 6652,B001LG945O,A1BXVZSQOJE6UE,Ctwink,0,0,2,1245888000,It was - Ok...,"Switch Orange/Tangerine is billed as the natural alternative to sodas and/or artificially-sweetened juice drinks. However, I found it to be pretty ordinary.<br /><br />First the good stuff: It is 100% Orange & Tangerine juice, has no sweetners, is 100% natural, has 100% of your daily allowance of Vitamin C, and has a nice carbonation tang to it. If you are health co
n????ouo?? a ????wawan?? t ???drd??nkn? s ?omomem??hihiningin???ikikek?? a a s?ododad?? w/ w????ctctutuauala??y y d dr d?rinri??ining? a a a s a ?sodsodada,da? t??????ououlouldl?d pd prp???abablb?ly ly b ??e re ?rigrighghth?t dt dodowownw? y yoyou?r r???llell??.<.???r /r ??<b<br<br ?r />r /????eve?ere?, ?I I f ?ou???? th the the ????tete ??????? so?memewmewhw?ata?...?? o ?oddodd.d? ???coc??ouldoul??ded?fif??????ly ??tastaststest??????e tae tan??????e e ie in??itit it?mimixixex?d ?wiw?ithit?? th the the the????angangeange,e????t ?th????comco??ininain???ionion ?ofof f?????twt???? or or? th the???otottttlt????g og ???sosomso?metme?thithin?ing ?????????thisthis s Ss SwSwi?tct?h h ah ?a ta ????? a ak akikin???to to?eae??atinati?? a?n ???ranrangngeng?e t????????ALALML?OSOSTST T??ooo?o ro ??pep?. ? Y ?ouou ou??nonowow ow??????kikinkindnd ?of? f?erermer?menme??tedted ??????e oe ??of aof an? o???ang?ange ange????????? n nen????? to to e ea e?at ???W W b?ece????e ??y ?totomto??orror??w w????'l'?ll ll? ne nee???
nscious and want to drink something like a soda w/o actually drinking a soda, this would probably be right down your alley.<br /><br />However, I found the taste to be somewhat... odd. I could definitely taste the tangerine in it mixed with the orange, but the combination of the two or the bottling or something gives this Switch a taste akin to eating an orange that is ALMOST too ripe. You know that kind of fermented taste of an orange that you need to eat NOW because by tomorrow you'll need t
?o o p ?utu? o ??????r r??hehe e b ?irirdr??? ?NoNoto?t et ???ctc?lyl? s ??mem??thithini?g g???ata?t It ?'d'???ooookok k? fo f??wawarard???o ??????????<b<brbr ?????r r /?>S>?o o fo fo??r mr ????alaltlth?ouougou?h h t?????wawaswas ??somso??whwha?t ?gogoooodoo????tst?s ns ????ex??actactl??y sy so????hihin?? I I I?????d d gd ??????aia? I ??m m?nonotno?t rt ?eae????? a a h ??????????ut sut so??ifi??? w??ntntet?????????angange???ododad??, I, I'???jujusu?t ???o oo ??????d ?d ged g????an ???????e Ce CrC????.".???656?3,3,B,??010????4545O5O,O????K8K8G8???SUSUDU????"M"?ititcitchchehelhelll? M M.M?. T. ?????"m"???itchitche?hellhelltltslt?se"se?"""""?,0,???????242?????00?0,??DiD??n'n??????e e te ?thethe ???avavov??, ?afaftf??????steste,e??or??ququau??titit??",?"T"ThT???????????ono?ntent???ds ds t? to to b be b?e ae ?????????l al ???erernr??atiat?veve e t?????da?. ????hilhi?e ?it? d dedefe??iniinititeitelely?????""
o put out for the birds? Not exactly something that I'd look forward to drinking.<br /><br />So for me, although this was somewhat good, its not exactly something I would get again. I'm not really a health nut so if I wanted an orange soda, I'd just go out and get an Orange Crush." 6653,B001LG945O,APVK8GGSSUDCE,"Mitchell M. Tse ""mitchelltse""",0,0,2,1245888000,"Didn't like the flavor, aftertaste, or quantity","This drink contends to be a natural alternative to soda. While it definitely is ""
n?????alal"l??? I ? w ???ldl????t t???rer?e e? wi w??h h??thethe ?""?alaltaltet??na??ivivev?????sos?dad??"" "" a as a????t.t?? S ???cic?fif???allallyl?, , t, ththethe the???????????????h ch ?loloso??er er i ???cocono?sis?????cyc?? to to ?juj?uicuicece,e????????n fn ??ct?, , h, ??s s ms ???? s su sugugag??? th tha?????ic?????ve????0 0???ama??s ps ?????.3.? o ou?nc??s)s?. ?????e,e, e, i???????ghghth???? ca c??bob?onaonatateatede?, , b, bub?t t tt ththath????lo??e e de ????n'n't't ?mamaka?e e te the t???????inkin? a? s?ododaod????AlAlsl??, ??? y ??? w wa wanantante???????????g g? na n???????, I, I'I'd'???o o wo wiw?????anansan??n'n'sn'???sodsodadasdas,s????? a ???????er oer ofo??? nat na??ra????????, , w, ?hi??ch ch??re????????iteitelelyly ly sly ??sodasod? . . T. ThT???????inkink ink i???bab????al???y jy ??????? wit wi??? ca??bobonbo????onon.on.<.?brb??/>/??<br<br r /r />r /?Th????????er ner ??tat??lele ?is????e Ie ???
natural"", I would not agree with the ""alternative to soda"" aspect. Specifically, the liquid is much closer in consistency to juice, and in fact, has more sugar than juice (over 30 grams per 8.3 ounces). Sure, it's lightly carbonated, but that alone doesn't make this drink a soda. Also, if you wanted something natural, I'd go with Hansen's sodas, or a number of natural sodas, which are definitely sodas. This drink is basically juice with carbonation.<br /><br />The other notable issue I ha
d? w wiwiti?? t ththith?s s??asa???itsits s ss sisizizeze.e????.3.? o oooouoununcnceceses ???esesnesn'n?????t t yt yoy?? f faf?? ( ???gugulu?psps,s, ,???ybybeb??)???, a, ?ndn??coc??plp????wiwitwith? t th t?? t th thi thicickc?nen?esses?s os ???? the the ??ririni?? (?si???e ?????? j ???iceice,e???wit???quq?uitui?e ???bib???ofof of???tut??ala??susugu??ar)ar?), ),???u u?do?n'????getget t vt ?????????h th ?thi?rsr????quequ????iningin??efe???ctct ???omo??? thi??. ? T ?????000?% %? ju j?uicuicece ce??alsal?o o? ac accccocouco??tsts ??oro?r tr th??e se ?strst???g ?afa?te?rtr?as???.<.??r ??><>??r r /r />r /??in??allallyly,y??na??turtu???l sl ???gargar r ir ?is is???ili?l ??ug?ar?, ??nd??hah?as as???stst st? as as s ms ?manma?y y cy ????orior????. . T. ?????st??ffff ff w?ououlou?????? ma makakeke ??thethe the?cuc????in in??osostst ?scs????l ?vevenvendndind??ing ing???liliciciicieiesies,?? wi wit???it?its its? hi h??h ????ar?? co cono?tetentent???????nd Ind I I? wo??uldul???'t 't???veve ve t??????o
d with this was its size. 8.3 oounces doesn't get you far (3 gulps, maybe?), and coupled with the thickness of the drink (since it IS juice, with quite a bit of natural sugar), you don't get very much thirst quenching effect from this. The 100% juice also accounts for the strong aftertaste.<br /><br />Finally, natural sugar is still sugar, and has just as many calories. This stuff wouldn't make the cut in most school vending policies, with its high sugar content. And I wouldn't give this to
??y y????s.s?? I InInsn??eae?d,d??a a c coc??plp?e e?ofo???apa??iSi?unu???oao?ririnri?????te??s s j ???cec???ououcouchcheheses ??whw?ic?? e ??chch ch??avavev??????? 1 ?/4/4 4 t ththe? a?mom?ounou??????sus??arar)ar? w ???ldl? d dod?? th t?he ?????k k?foforo????eme???????><><b<br<b?r /??NoNoto?t rt ??co?mmm????eded,d, d, s?or?ryry.y?""6???4,4?B0B?010?LGL?949?5O5??A1A?1L11L?S4S4242B2?????9696,6?JoJohohnhn ??lol???,0,?,0?,5,???24245??88????0,S0,?SupSu??isi?????y ?riric?h ?flflal?avoav??,",?I'I???non?? s su s??? w?ha???I I?????ectec??????mam???e e se ??memetme??iningin??ththithinthin ?ana?nd nd b ????ly? - ?- b- ???t St SwS?iti?ch?ch dch ?delde???verve?? a??ri?rich?, ??ululll? o?rar??gege-e-t-tat???ere??rinerine e fe ???avo??.<??br br?/>????????ot ot aot a a la lo?t ??mormore?re fre ???vovor?or, or,????nd gnd ?googo?d d fd ???flavoflavor?? at at t tt ??at?, ??andand ??a ba bib??????s ??????nanat??ono?n tn ththathanthan ????herhe?r cr ca?rbrbo????eded ed??rur?
my kids. Instead, a couple of CapriSun Roaring Waters juice pouches (which each have about 1/4 the amount of sugar) would do the trick for them.<br /><br />Not recommended, sorry." 6654,B001LG945O,A1L1S42BOGPF96,John Flora,0,0,5,1245888000,Suprisingly rich flavor,"I'm not sure what I expected - maybe something thin and bubbly - but Switch delivers a rich, full orange-tangerine flavor.<br />It's got a lot more flavor, and good flavor at that, and a bit less carbonation than other carbonated frui
????rir???s.s???r r?/>/??????????e e c cac??n hn ?asas s??404??????ririeri??, , n nono o f ?ata?, ??5m5????f f?sos???umu???????rarama???ofof ??carcarbr?s,s, s,?3434 4????????? s su sugugag?r ?(t(tht??? c?lal????????ug??ar ar a ada?dededed)d?, , a, ??d d n no? p prpror?teteiein?? I ?t ????? c co conontn?ai??s s 1s 101000?% %? of of ????r ?????????quq?irire?mem?nt?? of of ????tamtamimin? C C C? an andnd ???0% 0%?mdm?dr dr o??? of Vi of Vit??amiam?in in Ain A.A???br br? /> /?I I???????itit it? ch chih?lllleled???????brbrebr??kfk???t ?t ant a?????or?ou?ghghlhly???enjen???ed?ed ied it??""?666?5555,5?????LGL??454?O,O???H8H888????6H6?M1M1B1??,C,?J-J?MOM???,0,??5,5,15,?242?4584588??00??0,R0,ReRea?ll?y y Gy GoG??od,od,",?ThT??s ?pr???????isi??lil?keke ?or?anangan??e je juj??ce? t???at at i ??? fi f?zzz???. I. ?????remiremin?dsds s ms ?? o of??an????herhe?r pr pr?????t,? I Iz I???e ,e ??bubutu???thith????proprod??????s ?slsliligli?ghtgh????sws????
t drinks.<br />An 8 ounce can has 140 calories, no fat, 15mg of sodium, 35 grams of carbs, 34 grams of sugar (they claim no sugar added), and no protein. It also contains 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C and 20% mdr of Vitamin A.<br />I tried it chilled with breakfast and thoroughly enjoyed it." 6655,B001LG945O,A1H88L8X6HM1BQ,CJ-MO,0,0,5,1245888000,Really Good,"This product is like orange juice that is fizzy. It reminds me of another product, Izze , but this product is slightly sweete
?r r?ana?? i isi??'t'???? c ???????tet???asa???zzz??. .?? w ????d ???coc?mmmmem?????hihis??prp?ododuducu?t,t, ,?juj???t mt ?????susuru????????is cis ???ld ld b beb??aua??e ??t ???astastetedte??d ald alolotot ????teterte?r cr cocol?d d td ??????ar?m.m????6565656,6??000?1L1LGLG9G?454?O,O???FHFHDH?BBBBXB?????UKU??JKJK8K?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,??121242?45845888?88088???0,T0,??ast??s ???ke??OrO??angan??e Ce CrCrur??? b???t wt ?it??ououtou??t tht t??e Se ?ugugag??/C/CoCorornrn n S ?????,",??I pI puput? m mymy y??raranrangnge???wi??chc?h ih ?????e e re rerefre?rir?gegerge?ratra?or? o ?vev?rn?igighightht ???? ma m????????icicece ?????????, , a, an?? I???adad d id ????itith????reare??faf?ast???? I I l I ???ve ve? th t?he he??????? of o? i it? - ?? mo m??stlst????????e,e?, w, wi?withwith ??? hi h?intin??ofof ?cacarca??????ioionon.on. ?????t tat t?ast??s s ss sws??etet t nt nat natatuatur?ala???? an a??nd Ind I'I?m m???ureure ????s s gs ?ooo?od od f ??or ??????. I?? wo wou?????uyuy
r and isn't as carbonated as Izze. I would recommend this product, just make sure it is cold because it tasted alot better cold than warm." 6656,B001LG945O,A3FHDBBXZFNQUK,JK8,0,0,5,1245888000,Tastes like Orange Crush but without the Sugar/Corn Syrup,"I put my Orange Switch in the refrigerator overnight to make it nice and cold, and I had it with breakfast. I love the taste of it - mostly orange, with a hint of carbonation. It tastes sweet naturally and I'm sure it's good for you. I would buy
?tht??s s???ododuducu?????-)-?????575??B0B000?1L1??949??O,O,A,AJAJLJ????ZSZ????GWG???ElE?aiaini?? C ??mpm????? " """?????rtr??DwDwewel??er??"""""?,0,??,0,,0?5,5?121242??8888888088?00000???N N E ?XTX??EMEMEMELE?Y Y P PLPLELEAEASASAS??T T C?????NAN?TET????????!,!?,"I,"????eae?ll?y y?is?! !??? a am? n ??t ?a a??anan n??? c ????ono?atatetede????ininkinksks ?bebecbeca??sese se m ???t ??? t ththeth?????? s sisimi????y ny ??t ?heh??ltlth??. . ? I I??vevene????nowno? p????lele le w ?hoh??hah???? de dev?el??opeopeded ed???????calcal ?pr?oboblb?lemlemsm?s b?ececa??sese se ose ??of tof ????mumucuchuc?? co c?onson?umu?mptmptitioi?? o??f tf ?the?m,m, ,??????iai?allally? t th t?hosho????whowh??eveve?????in??????? a as a??a ???????r r??n n tn ???? mo m???in???????/>/???r ???BUB??T TT ??????ONEONE E??? D DI D?FFFFEF?RERENRE?T.T??ItIt It h ha h??s as a s a????? f fu f??ll-ll-b-?bodbodidiei?ed ed oed ????geg??? ta t????erier?inein?????vovoror,or, ??altal?thoth?
this product :-)" 6657,B001LG945O,AJLW1DZSHOVGW,"Elaine Campbell ""Desert Dweller""",0,0,5,1245888000,AN EXTREMELY PLEASANT CARBONATED DRINK!,"It really is! I am not a fan of carbonated drinks because most of them are simply not healthy. I even know people who have developed physical problems because of too much consumption of them, especially those who even drink them as a starter in the morning.<br /><br />BUT THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT. It has a real full-bodied orange/ tangerine flavor, althou
?ghg? t ?hehe e?lalaba????sas??s s i iti? i is is s cs ?omo?bib?nen?d d?wiw???h oh otoththethere? j ???cec?e ce ?conco?????rar??eses:s? a apa?plp?e,e??grgra?pep?e ae ?ndn?d ad acace?rorolo?? j ju jui??? ( ???hah???toto o l??????ha?t t ot ??? u upu?: : : ???t it isi???the? c chcheherherrrryryly?iki??e fe frf??uitui???? a a a????lll????eee???f f tf ?the??WeW?estes???nd???es es w wh w?ic???ha?s s as ? h hi higi?? c co con???centcen??at??on??ofof of?vivit????in in???. . A AnA?ywy????, i, it?'s's ??jusjustst ??????d d gd ??oodood!d!<!??r r /r ?><>?<br<b?r /?>I>??exe??????ene?ntenteded ed a???litli?tlt?le le??????e ?be?st? w??? t???????????I ????nkn??it????ldl?d a???is?, , t, th??n ?pop????ed ?itit ?ovo??r r ar ?a ga ????s ????ic?e ????????. N. ?eieitith?er??????????? wa??? s??eemee??d ??ui???e re ri??ghtgh???. T. ThThe??n In ?I pI ?????ed ???????ve??aga???e one o?n in ic?ice,ice??le????t itt it ??oror r ar a r a?miminmi?????, t, th, the???re
gh the label says it is combined with other juice concentrates: apple, grape and acerola juice (I had to look that one up: it is the cherrylike fruit of a small tree of the West Indies which has a high concentration of vitamin C). Anyway, it's just darned good!<br /><br />I experimented a little on the best way to serve. I drank it cold as is, then poured it over a glass of ice cubes. Neither of those ways seemed quite right. Then I poured the beverage on ice, left it for a minute, then re