yy y???? d ded?lil???ouo?? a an andn?????????hih?erer r b ?lalasasts???roromom m?th????asastas??fof??r mr ?e!e! ! Y ????MMMMM?MM!MM!"!????8181,1,B,????FNF?EXEX5X505???YCYCEC?????GAGAMA??MMM,MMM,C,???????????????414?404080?????esest? G GFGFCFCFCFEFEFE??????oko?????MyMy y dy ??ugu?hthtet???????er?y y py ?????? b?????he? l li???e te ?thithis????ookoo?kiekie e ve ????y my mum??h.h?? i i h ha havavevenve??t t st set seee???? any any y p????ucuctuct t Gt ?GFCGF?CFECFEFEFSEF?SF SF???hishi??gog?oodoo?. . g. grg??????rorodrodurod?uctuct.uct."."?????,B,B0,B?00000??FNEFN?EX5EX???,A2,A?MIM????TET?????U,U,S,??????n Bn ???scs??otote???,0,,0????5,15,???242?767???0,0,G0,?rerea?t t ft fot foror or??FC??FSFFSF ??ie?t,t,"??? 3 3.3?5 5 y ?r r or ??d ???ug?ht?er?????? A AuAututiutisismism ?lol?ve?s ?ththe???? S ???????onon ?????ececi?al??glglul?uteut??-f-???ee,ee?, c, cac??aseiaseinin-n-f???e ?anandan????y-y-f-fr?ee?? di d??iet iet a??d ?th?????e are a???? a w a ????derderfrfuf?? s?nan
y are delicious and a healthier blast from the past for me! YUMMMMM!" 6481,B000FNEX50,AYCEMQOKGAMMM,Chase,0,0,5,1274140800,best GFCFEFSF cookie,"My daughter is very picky, but she like this cookie very much. i haven't seen any product GFCFEFSF this good. great product." 6482,B000FNEX50,A2MILO0TER1FLU,S. Van Benschoten,0,0,5,1262476800,Great for GFCFSF diet,"My 3.5 yr old daughter with Autism loves these! She is on a special gluten-free, casein-free and soy-free diet and these are a wonderful sna
cckck k???r r h ???.".?6646????????FNF????????AQA???JOJ?F4F4V4VVV?F,F??? H ???e,e?0,?0,0,50,???262???808?80??0,g0,?rer??t t?sns???ck,ck?????? y ?eaearear r or ololdl??dadauaugu????????? c cec?lil???? di d??ea?sese,se, , a ???????sese se???? o ?nen???f f????er fer ??vov?oriorititete te c???kikiei??s (s ??ththether?er ter th??an an t ???????s ???mamaka?e!e?? ??he???ara??re are ???????t qt ?uiu??ck ck??nanacnack?ck fck ?forfor r hr he?r ??? b ????? a an andnd nd h? hav haveve ??on on h? han ha?nd ????ththathattha??shs????OEO?????? fe feeeel? l lel??????t ????ded?prpri?ve?d d wd ??henhe????ok?ieiesie?s as ?arear?e o??????d ??o o ko ???s ?in? s????????it?uau?atiatioi?????????4,4????0F0FN?EX??50,50?,A2,A?????????V6V606??,","P,"PaPatatratriricrici???A.A???ef?aia?veve ve " """?????y"y""?","?,0,,0,0,0,,0,5,0,??12?535343?040????,L,?ovo????an?a'a?s s Ns ?o o No ??'s's!'s???TheTh?????are?? th thehe he bhe ?es?????????????on????fufulu
ck for her." 6483,B000FNEX50,AGAQO4JOF4VVF,C. Howe,0,0,5,1261180800,great snack,"My 9 year old daughter has celiac disease, and these are one of her favorite cookies (other than the ones I make!) They are a great quick snack for her to bring and have on hand so that she DOESN'T feel left out or deprived when cookies are offered to kids in social situations." 6484,B000FNEX50,A2U28BR2MBV60F,"Patricia A. Lefaive ""Patty""",0,0,5,1253404800,Love Nana's No No's!,These are the best! What a wonderful
???aya? t ?o o??ror??idi?e e??? tr trer?????oror r?yoy?uru??ele?? a??d d??ouourou?r kr ??idsids s k knk??????????? he h?ealealtltht?y ???nd nd p pu p?ureur???thetheyey ?y ary a??? T ThTheh?e te tae tasa?tete ?????xcx???lalan??t at an???sas????????????at at s ???ete??totooto???????????y ??recrecocomo??ene?nd ??thathatthat ?yo?????y ???thesthe?????484????0000000F00FNF??X5X505???343?0P0P4P?252?GAGAEA?GTGTYTY,Y,M,????????an an???lil?aba?lele,e?0,?0,?2,2?????18184840????to????ryr?,t,ta,tasastaste?s s ls li????drdrydr??brbro?wnw?ieie ie w?/ /??invin??sis???????iecie???s os ??f pf ?ufu?fefede?????ce ce w?hihicichic??geg?et et? st s?ucu????n n y yo you yo????eeeetee?????comco?? o ono??. w. we?? ca c?an ???o bo ????terter ?????n tn th?is???oror or? co c?okoki?e ?bab?rs?.?64?????00???FNEFNEX?5050,50?,A3,A393?SCS?U7U??????303??"F"???????????de?ntn?t ot of??LiLifi?fe:fe:D:? " ?"A"?lwl?????s les l??rnrni?ngng ng? co?????,0,0,,0???1,1??2424524585888??00
way to provide a treat for yourself and your kids knowing how healthy and pure they are. The taste is excellant and satisfies that sweet tooth. Highly recommend that you try these. 6485,B000FNEX50,A340P425GAEGTY,Manhattan reliable,0,0,2,1247184000,too dry,tastes like dry brownie w/ invisible pieces of puffed rice which get stuck in your teeth. come on. we can do better than this for cookie bars. 6486,B000FNEX50,A39SCU7KSK7330,"FOREVER student of Life:D ""Always learning co...",0,0,1,124588800
?0,0?DoD??'t'? d ?o o???e e??ararsr??"I"??'s's s C CrCrur?ncnchchyhy,y????m m n nonowo??????e te ?????mom???theth?r r??????? L ?iki????a a?hrhrerefe?="=???ttt?p:p:/:////w/www?ww.ww.a.ama????on.on.c.cocomo????/p/??odo?ucuctct/t/B/?00000???EXE??C"C??>N>Na???'s????o Go ?lul???n n L Le Lememo?n ??oo?kikiei?, , 3, ??5-5?OuOun?cec??Co????ese???PaPacackck k?ofof f 1 ????/a/a>a?? or o????? hr h??f=f="f=""""h""?httht?????/ww/w??ww.aww.?amaam??on?on.con.cocomcom/??????rodroduducductct/ct/B??000000F0???EX8EX?M"M????Nan??a'sa'?s Ns No? G ?GluGl??????hoh?cocolco?ata?te te C??ookookiookieie,ie, ?, 3., 3?.5-.5???uncunceunceses es ( ?(Pa(P?ackack k ok ?of of? 12 12)2)<2)</??a> a>?yoy?? g ?etet ???????eaea ?I I????e!e??<b<???/>/?I ?do??n'tn't ????ve ve?cocofcofff??e ????ChC?hochoco?colacol?ateat?e ae ?????rere!re??br? / ???f ?yo?u ?do??'t't 't???aveav??e a e a????blb??? G??????bubutut ut? I I?fof?ounou?d d o??ut ?I ???!!!!"!!???4848787,7?B0?00???NEXNE?505?0,A0,A1A?UHUHFHFZFZ8Z??SPS??????,"C,"???lll??????d "d ""?de
0,Don't do The Bars,"It's Crunchy, I'm now love the smoother Nana's Like <a href="""">Nana's No Gluten Lemon Cookie, 3.5-Ounce Cookies (Pack of 12)</a> or <a href="""">Nana's No Gluten Chocolate Cookie, 3.5-Ounces (Pack of 12)</a> you get the idea I hope!!<br />I don't have coffee or Chocolate anymore!<br />If you don't have a problem GREAT but I found out I do!!" 6487,B000FNEX50,A1UHFZ8ESPNQAA,"Challenged ""de
s??rtrt t?roroso??""""""",""?0,0,0?,5,5,5?121242434393?000?808?00,00,d,ded??isi??!,!,v,???y y t tatasa?tyt?y ay ??d d???? p peper?fef????sis?zez???nan???. . ??el?iai???e e ie inin n?avavavaia???abiabil??????ndnd nd? s ?shish??pip??g g? ti t?mem?..??4848888,8,B,?0000000?FNFNENEXE??0,0,A0,APAPWPWCW???VIVILILKL??4B4?,",??ReaRe?? N ?????d Pd ?erersersos?n ?""?wow?wzw?zeeze?""???,0,???4,4,1,12,12323939839?404??0000000?0,T0,ThTheheshe????er???????d bd ?utut ?t smt smam????ThTheTh?se???????e goe g?oodoo??foforo?????snasn??? b bu??t ft ???nd?????? a l a lilitlittt?le????pe????veve ve f fo????he?? si sizizeiz?e te th?eye?y cy ?omomeme me????????9,9,B,B0,B??000F000??EXEX5EX??,A,A3A???TETESES6S?0909Z9?????JeJene??n Ln L,L?,0,??,5?,1,12???4444646464064????nen?e oe ?f f m ?y y fy ?av?or????,..???he he bhe beb???y y vy ??nin???la la? is i???????f f mf ?my my???????ite? f??romro???an?????. . I ????soso so l ??????hehe ????cocolco?latla?e ??ununcunch?? wh whehenhe????amam am? wa wanantan?in????om?
sert rose""",0,0,5,1243900800,delish!,very tasty and the perfect size snack. Reliable in availability and shipping time. 6488,B000FNEX50,APWCOAVILK94B,"Real Named Person ""wowzee""",0,0,4,1239840000,These were good but small,These were good for a snack but found it a little expensive for the size they come in. 6489,B000FNEX50,A3NITES609Z2LN,Jenn L,0,0,5,1233446400,One of my favorites...,The berry vanilla is one of my favorite from Nana's. I also like the chocolate munch when I am wanting some
??hihini?? w ??th??a a c ?????lalata?e e???lavlavovoro?. . ??heh?? a????drd?y ???d d????mbmblb???? T Th T????dod???n'n't'? b ?otoththeth??????? I ? h hahavhavev?e be beb?enen n??lul?tetenten-n???reere????? f???ve ve????rsrs s? an andn?d hd ?havhavehave ?trt??eded ??????eveve???????g.g?????????s hs ?hashas ??becbeco?me? p papar???ofo? m?y y wy ?ee?klk?y ???ococeoc?eryer???isi??????TheTh?? a ar??e ee ??sys???o o t tataka?e ?????the?????. . I. ??th?thinthi?k k t?heheshesese e we wow??ldld ??be be??re???at fat ?forfor r pr pa????tsts ???th???lll?lerle???c c c???????ren ren b?ece??usu?se se?? the th???ar?e e pe papacpa?kak??eded ed? fo f?or or oor ?on on??? the the g????. I?t t ct ??n n bn be??frfrufrus??????ing?? to to o bo ??be obe ????an???yoyouou ou???ddd?en??ly ly? ge getet t ht huh???ryry ry?? and and ???thertherere re????????hinhingng ng???lutlute???-fr-f???? to to to? be?? fo?????6????,B,?000?00F00??EXE????A2A?LZL?KUK???B5B?Y8Y???,P,?hlhlol???ststostonon,on????0,30,
thing with a chocolate flavor. They are dry amd crumble. That doesn't bother me. I have been gluten-free for five years and have tried near everything. Nana's has become part of my weekly grocery list. They are easy to take on the go. I think these would be great for parents with allergic children because they are packaged for on the go. It can be frustrating to be out and you suddenly get hungry and there is nothing gluten-free to be found. 6490,B000FNEX50,A2LZKUARB5Y8C2,Phlogiston,0,0,3
,??222?33333???000?,",?MoM????ata?????tat??tyt???glglul?te?? f ?rereee?????uru?? fa fama???ly ly?hahas? m ???beb??s s w ?hoho o k ??eepee?????heh?er,er, , w, whwhowho ??re??vevege???tarta?iai?nsn??????????????????tot?o eo ??at at? gl g?lutlute??, , e, et??. .? T ThT????coc???iei?e ce cocovcove?rsr?s as ?llll l t th t?? b ???ese??? bu butut ut? te t?ndn????????????t t???nd nd n non??t et ?enten???relrely??tatastast?y.y. ? H HoHowoweweveve?ver,ver, , t, ?????????? be be u us u??d d t to t?o mo mamakakeke ke??? gl????? f?re??????????st?, , w?, whi, wh?chch h i is??????reareatat at fat fefeaeatea?urureure.e???I I??avaveve ve? th???fefeefe??ini?????at???f f t????y wy we?re??babakbake?d d ad ?????tlt?le le l lo l????? t th?? they they???????be? b? bet be??<.???????<br<b?????eaealeall?y,????ou????, h, ??w w g??oodoo???cancan ??????uteutenute?????? c co cooookoo?????be?be??6??9191,1,B,B0B????NEN?X5X505?0,A0,??????????2B2BMB?9,9,E,?????oaoada??aya??0,
,1223337600,"Moderately tasty, gluten free","Our family has members who keep kosher, who are vegetarians, who are unable to eat gluten, etc. This cookie covers all the bases, but tends to be soft and not entirely tasty. However, they can be used to make a gluten free pie crust, which is a great feature. I have the feeling that if they were baked a little longer they would be better.<br /><br />Really, though, how good can a gluten free cookie be?" 6491,B000FNEX50,A2GLH0ZB2X2BM9,E. Broadway,0,
?0,0,5,?????070747???0000,?"F"FuFududgd?y y?WuW??gy????wiwititht? m mimili?k,k? a ?lwl?aya????oooodo?!"!???SiS?ncn?e e?? c cac????t t e eaeatat t st ?ugugagarar,r???andand d???ere????arear??sos??fef?w w h ?ea??th????ptptit?????ouo?t ??the????, t, ththith??s is ?is is p peper??????foforo?? my my ?chchohoco??lal??e ???x!x!"??6464949292,2????0F0?NEN???????KQKQUQ?????UQU?GOG??,J,J.J. . T ????lul?,0,0,0,00,?0,50,5,5,15,1212112??969?80800?000,000??urur ???ug??teter??LOL??ESE? t?????e ce ?coocookokik?e e be bab??????OuOurOu???????????hahasas ?sesevsevev???? f???d d ad ?allal?er????s,s?, s, ????an?a'a?'s 's????co??latla???MuMunu?nchnch ?CoCoo?ki?e ?BaB?arsars ars? ar arere re? pe p?erf??ct?! !? O Ou????f f???ll ll t th????lulutlu????????e c?oo?ookiookie?ies ies?????t tht the???? m????dauda?????r r jr juj??t ??LOVLO??S ?Na?nan?a'sa's.s. ? N????ggg??? N? NO NO???iriryr?, ???O rO ?????ede?????garga??? NO NO ???drdror??ene?natna?tedte???ililsil?s, ??NO NO C
0,5,1220745600,"Fudgy Wudgy's with milk, always good!","Since I cannot eat sugar, and there are so few healthy options out there, this is perfect for my chocolate fix!" 6492,B000FNEX50,A3KQUWSBYUQGOI,J. Trellu,0,0,5,1219968000,Our daughter LOVES these cookie bars!,"Our daughter has several food allergies, so Nana's Chocolate Munch Cookie Bars are perfect! Out of all the Gluten-free cookies out there, my daughter just LOVES Nana's. NO eggs, NO dairy, NO refined sugar, NO hydrogenated oils, NO C
h?ololelesests?ere??ol,ol? N ?O O??asa???????NO NO?SoS?y,y, ?, NO, NO ????n.n?? T ????????????e e fe frfro?m m n ?atatut??alal l?in?grgreredredid??ntn?s s? an andn? s ???????ede???iti???fr??it? j ??????<b<brb????<b???????w,w??dodonon'n????etet et? me me e we ?ro??????or? t ????avavevereraer??ge ge?pep???????he??se se d dodo do??oto?t tt ?as?tete te???keke ?e a e a?????lalar????? . I ?? do do o n??????????nalna?lyl?????ke ke t th?e ?te????re??, b, bub??t t?he? c???co?????te fte ?lalavlavov??or ior isi?????????I ???ll???????thath?????????s s as ? w wow??de???ulul ul??rorodro??ctc??fo??r pr ?peopeopoplp?? w??ithit?h fh ??????allallelerle???????????? not? s so s??eoeon?e ?e whe w?ho ho? ca c????avaveave ?reregregureg????ar car co?okokiok??ies.ies??6646???,B,??00?FNF?EXE?505?,A,???OPO?OLO?????SJSJ,J?"H"HoH??or??BrBra???scs?hwh???g g??"g"glglulut?enenfenfrfrefree??????""?",",0,????2,2???161?252??808??,c,co
holesterol, NO Casein, NO Soy, NO Corn. They are made from natural ingredients and sweetened with fruit juice.<br /><br />Now, don't get me wrong, for the average person these do not taste like a regular cookie. I do not personally like the texture, but the chocolate flavor is good. I will say that this is a wonderful product for people with food allergies, but not someone who can have regular cookies." 6493,B000FNEX50,A4SOPOLKS78SJ,"Honor Braunschweig ""glutenfreemommy""",0,0,2,1216252800,co
??kikiei?s,s???isi????odo??ctct t?is? d ?efefif??iti??lyly y????t at ???gog?odod od?asas as s ??????othot?ere? g ?????? f ???e ?cocooookooki???! !????????memelme?a'a???6646?949??????FNF?EXEX5X5050,0?AOA??HPH????KQKQEQ?9B9??"S"???phphe??????ScS????flf?????"A"?lkl?? f??oodood d?co?????ississes?urur"r"""""""","???0,??,1,121??555565616161??00,00??????t st sns?acackc??? for for r tr ??oddod?lelerle?s,?wew??hah?vev??? t ??????????ur??yeyeaearar-r??ldl?d ad ?????he?y y ey ene?joj????he??? c co coo??ie??????????oo?ood ood t?????ingin?<b?r ???ve?ry? c co?nvn??ninieni??t ??ac??agagigin?ing ing ( ( ( i??ndind??idi?duadualallllyly ly???apa????) ) ?????t ??forfo?r sr ?tut?ff??????in in???????? com co???????ntn?t ft fot f?r ??me??geg??cicie?????????<b?? /????e e re rir??hth????zez???for?? ou our? k kikidkidsd?<b<br?<br /<br ?/>N/>NoNo o bo bab?d d sd st??uffuf????<br /<br /><br /?no? c co com??lalaila?intin???6??49549??B0?0000F?NE??
okies,THis product is definitely not as good as some other gluten free cookies! Try Pamela's! 6494,B000FNEX50,AO0HPTFIKQE9B,"Stephen R. Scheffler ""Alki food connoisseur""",0,0,5,1215561600,Great snack for toddlers,we have a two and four-year-old and they enjoy these cookies.<br />Good tasting<br />very convenient packaging ( individually wrapped) Great for stuffing in glove compartment for emergencies.<br /><br />the right size for our kids<br />No bad stuff<br />no complaints. 6495,B000FNEX5
???A2A202?0V0VTV???????DTDT,T?"W"WiW?ses?alalll????""""w"wiw?iseisese?"""""""",",0,?0,00,?????2121212812?838323?20020?0,S0,?o o??umu??y!y!!!?,"?ThT??eseese e?cocooo?kikiei??babararsr??ararear???ududgd?y y a an a?d d y ?umummum?? a? and an?d td tat???y ?ana?nd nd??heahe????y y a??nd.nd...?..<..<b<?????So??gog????!! !! I ?? am am m? a a b ??????an an??????esese???????n n I? o?rdrded?r ?a a???asease ?????he????????waw??s s ts ththith??k,k???"m"mam???ththath???is? a a ??oto???of of cof ????ieie ie? ba b?arsars!s! !??I I aI ???prpror??babbablb?y ??ot? g??ininging g tg toto o bo bebe e ae ?bl????? f???is?h h t?????al?l.l???? P ???ba????? be b????? th? the the o????atatiat??e ??orordrd.rd????ele?ll ll?????????? beh be?olo???(w(???th th t????he???? of of f mf ??my hmy ?usu?ba??nd nd and ?????? ye y???r or ??d ??????teter?? t?? they they y a?rer??go??e ?ququiuici???ly ??and?????????? ord ordederde?????????. ??IfI????u u??rere ??ddd?????ing moing mor?? w
0,A200VTX5OUB4DT,"Wiseallek ""wises""",0,0,5,1212883200,So Yummy!!,"These cookie bars are fudgy and yummy and tasty and healthy and...<br />So good!! I am a big fan of these. When I order a case of these I always think, ""man that is a lot of cookie bars! I am probably not going to be able to finish them all."" Probably being the operative word. Well low and behold (with the help of my husband and 6 year old daughter) they are gone quickly and we are ordering more. If you are adding more w
h?olo???whw?????toto o y yoy?urur r??iei??? t????????rkr?? ??f f???? a ara?e ???oko?ini?? t????et???idi??ofo?f rf re??????d sd ???ar? i in? y yo??? d?ie?t,??? the th??se se??or???? I ???? you you you o?????r tr tht?hemhe????d d dd dod??'t't ?lil?kek??th?eme?: :??? you you m you mum??t ??ava??????n n? on o??e oe of??? tho th?sese se rse ????lyly y???ckckyk??kikidki??? th?atat at g ???w w?upu?????be? a? p???ky?? ad a?ulultlt!t! !??ThT??y ?ararear?e fe faf?bub??ouousous!s???ToT?o eo ?eatea?t tt ?????isi?????lo??ve ve????m.m.".""?646???,B,B0B000?00F00???X5X5050,0???C1C?I1I??8I8????W0W0,?A.A. ?BrB????tonto???0,00,?????202030??20620?64064?00,00??y y sy ??on on l lo lovo??s ?s ths t?hes?e ???ookoo????????s!,s!??MyMy My?? y ye yea?r ??oldold ?d sod s??on hon ????nun?memer??ous?????ererger?ieiesie?s ps plp?????utu?isismis?m am ana?nd nd t? the?se?se cse ????ie? b???ars ars???????li????sas??erer!er?! ! T! ThTheTh??????????? wi witith??frf?uiu?it it j ???
hole wheat to your diet, these work. If you are looking to get rid of refined sugar in your diet, these work. If you order them and don't like them: you must have been one of those really picky kids that grew up to be a picky adult! They are fabulous! To eat them is to love them." 6496,B000FNEX50,A3C1I1T8I5IPW0,A. Britton,0,0,5,1203206400,My son loves these cookie bars!,"My 8 year old son has numerous allergies plus autism and these cookie bars are a life saver! They're made with fruit juic
?e e?asa?????oso??? t toto o?cac?nen???ugugagara?, , s ??o Io I I d dod?n'n't't t?fefeeeele???adad d ad ??ouo???gig??ini?g g t th t?eme? t????imi?. .? W ????e ????ed???????glg??uteutenen n f?reree??????ieiesies,s?, t, tht?heshesese se a??? b?????????s ??favfa??ri??ese?! !??UnUnfn?or??unu??te?lyl??ththeth??lolococa?????tortore?s ??dondon'?t ?kekeeeepeep p? th?em? w ?elellell l sl stl stotoctockc?kedked,d, , s, soso so?I'I??m gm ?glagl???? f fo fouounoundnd d td ththe???he???. . . I?f f?yoyou???re ??oto?t ut ?se??d td tod to ??gluglutute?n n fn ?rereeree e pe ?ror??ucuctc?s,s, s,??ou???propr???blbly? w wo w???? l lil??ke ke t th? them them.???ThThehe he t???tu??re re ire ???ve???y dy did?ffffe?re??t t tt ?thath?an an? wh w????, ?bub?? i ifif if y???? ha h??venve?n't? h ha had had d wd ???heathea??inin in??uiuiti????? wh whi whili?????heheshesehes??ararear????????asastastyt??an???nonotno????? cr c???bl???y asy a??ot??her? g???tetenten n f?re?? p??????ctsct?????TheTh??y ay ary are?re fre ?fabfa?bulbulo?us? c? coo cookokiokieies
e as opposed to cane sugar, so I don't feel bad about giving them to him. We've tried many gluten free cookies, these are by far his favorites! Unfortunately the local stores don't keep them well stocked, so I'm glad I found them here. If you're not used to gluten free products, you probably won't like them. The texture is very different than wheat, but if you haven't had wheat in quite a while, these are very tasty and not as crumbly as other gluten free products. They are fabulous cookies
??anandnd d?????sos???lal???NaN?anaana'a?s s m ?aka???s ts tht????..????'t'? e evevev?? s??opop!p?""?646??7,7,B,????FNFNENEXEX5X5050,0,A,??CDCDND?1J1?K6K??8181P1?,",?MaMananean?kik??NeN?ekoek?o "o """?"M."M?????","??0,00,??4,4,1,?????64??000000,0,C0,CoCooookoki?eses es y yoy???????t t ht hahava???toto to f ?eee?? g gu g?ili??y y???ououtout ?eaeatatit?????,"I,"I I w ??????cic?tet???to????indin??d Nad N???'s???ininein??ofo? g???????frf?????oo??kiekieskie?, , a an and???havhave??trt?ieieded ed? al allll l tl ??e e ve ???rierietetitieti??es tes ?thath?? t??heyhe??ofoffof??r.r? O OfO????the the??varva?rioriou?s ?flf??vov??????d ???tylty???es oes ?of of? co c??ookiook???s, s,? th??eseese ?arareare e me mym?y fy ???or?ititeit???I I fI ??ndnd nd tnd ?thetheithe?r ?in???????alallllyll?y py pap???agagegeded ?co?ok???ies ies?(t(th??the lthe ??rgrgege,ge??ror??ndnd nd ond ononeon???????bebe ?wawayway y ty totooto????avavyavy y fy foy f?or or o?nene ??eaealea??anandand and e??nd ?upup p????litli?ti????? the?m ?fof??or tor twtwowo o so snsnanac??s.s?. T. ThT?
and I'm so glad Nana's makes them...don't ever stop!" 6497,B000FNEX50,APCDN1JK6B81P,"Maneki Neko ""M.N.""",0,0,4,1199664000,Cookies you don't have to feel guilty about eating!,"I was excited to find Nana's line of gluten-free cookies, and have tried all the varieties that they offer. Of the various flavors and styles of cookies, these are my favorite. I find their individually packaged cookies (the large, round ones) to be way too heavy for one meal and end up splitting them for two snacks. The
????? p ?aca?? c ??oko?ieiese??ara??e te ?heh????????? s ?izizez??foforo??? l lilitittt????sns?acackack ?????o o???epep p?????ouo???pupur?? c???n un ?ndn????tat?andand d???y y s???e e re ????iewie???ers ers?????t ???t t lt li?????he??? c?oo?ki????bebececaec?usu????????dodo ?hah?vev??? v ?ververyry ??????thyth?????stest?, , a an andnd nd???me? m??ighig?? o ??????t tt ?? t??e e t??xtx?ur????f f t???? be ber??????rysry?stastal??. . I. I I hI ??ppppe?n ????li???????? be ber be?ry??crc????talta???, a, an?? i it it't????icicece ?e toe t?o eo ?ata??a ?co?ok???? th?????ou????n'n't'?t ht ha?ve?? to to o fo fefeefeele???ieietie?tartary?ry gry ????lt lt???verver!ver? A ??grgre?at?at "at ?"h"heheahearhea??y"y?"" ""?? coo co??????e thae th?at ???eses es wes ?welwelll?l wl ?it?h h? co?fff?fee? o????eaea.ea. ???ls?o,o?, I, ?I aI ?m m?????tenten ?in??tolto?lerlerar??t ?t ant a???hahav??e ne nen?veverver ver h hahadha?d ad ??y ????atatiat??????reacreact?ioiono??
se 8 pack cookies are the perfect size for a little snack or to keep in your purse. I can understand why some reviewers might not like these cookies because they do have a very healthy taste, and some might object to the texture of the berry crystals. I happen to like the berry crystals, and it's nice to eat a cookie that you don't have to feel dietary guilt over! A great ""hearty"" cookie that goes well with coffee or tea. Also, I am gluten intolerant and have never had any negative reaction t
?? t ????????oko???? w ????sosoeoeve???? I ?n n m ????pipinininioi???????????????ucuctct.t?????ev?er????ece??ususese se?iti?? is i???????alal l??ndn?d dd ??oesoe?n'n?t ??havha?ve ve p pr preres??erver??atiativi?vesves,s???theth???asa??er? t th t?he he i??temtem m i? is is??hihipippppepede??tot?o yo ?ouou u a?ftf??? p pa p??kak???ingin???, th, t??he bhe be???????? h ??havehav??nonototitici??? t th tha th?? N ???????cocooco???iesies s ds ?????cocomco?e e me ?orore? d drdryry y ty ththe????ongongeg???yo?u ?kek??p p????m ??ro?unu?nd,nd?, e, ???n ??sease??????PrP??bab??lyl?y ay ?a ga ?googood?????a a ta ?to to t tr t?ry ry t th?isi??prpropr???uctuc??be??or?????yiy?inging ing? a a c?as???ofof f i???, b, be, b?ecaecauausau???I ???have? n?ototiotic???ed ted ??atat ???op??e e ee ?it??herhe?????? t to t??lo???ve ove or?? ha h?????the?the Nthe ??????ooookookikieki??.".?6??9898,8????00F00??EXEX5X505?????5U5UZU?2X2?NCN??U3U353?,","A"?my? E ??. O. OcO???nen??????SiS?ll????neane?
o these cookies whatsoever. In my opinion, a good product. However, because it is natural and doesn't have preservatives, the faster the item is shipped to you after packaging, the better. I have noticed that Nana's cookies do become more dry the longer you keep them around, even sealed. Probably a good idea to try this product before buying a case of it, because I have noticed that people either seem to love or hate the Nana cookies." 6498,B000FNEX50,A275UZ2XNCKU35,"Amy E. Oconnell ""Silly near
?PhPhih??lyl??????,0,0,,0,3,?,1,?191939383??525?0000,????odo?? b ??t t n ?otot ?tht?e e b??sts???f f?th???NaN?nan??? v ?ara???tit??s"s??"I"? l ??vev??e Nae N???a'sa's ??F F??eme??? c ??ookookik?ies??, s, ?? I ???igigug?rerede???????ryry y t???sese e be ???ry????anian?illillal?? ba b?arsar??????? T ?heheyhe???re re?a a na ?icicece,e??, so, s?oftof???exextx?ur?e ?e bue butut ut????????? c???zyz?y ay ababobouo?????the the t ta tasast???. . I????ele??st?ra?ngn??e ae ????t ?t tht t??? be?rr?y ???lavla?orori???????a ??cooco??kieki????th????????l ?be?rr?ieiesies,??juj???????tlt?e e de ???ed? c?????hi?eses es s sp spop?oraor???icaical???? in in n tn ththethe ??coo?ki?kie.kie. . ?I I tI ththith??? I? I w I wiwilwillll ll??ryry ry try ??the ??hohoco?colco???e ???????ex?t ???meme ?e are aror???d.d??6646?????????NENEXE???0,A0,?3U3UGUGWGW6W?BHB??121?Z4Z4Q4Q,Q?????ie? " ??he???ththyth?y my momommommm???""???0,???1,1,1,11,119?373?88888????DoD??'t'???
Philly""",0,0,3,1193875200,"Good, but not the best of the Nana's varieties","I love Nana's GF lemon cookies, so I figured I'd try these berry vanilla bars too. They're a nice, soft texture but I am not crazy about the taste. I feel strange about the berry flavoring in a cookie with no real berries, just little dried crunchies sporadically in the cookie. I think I will try the chocolate bars next time around." 6499,B000FNEX50,A3UGW6BHH12Z4Q,"Angie ""healthy mommie""",0,0,1,1193788800,Don't do
?????,",?I I k knknon??????? y ??u'u??e e p ?ror?bababablb?y y??????in??? T ThT??????e ve ??gaganan,n?? th t???y'ry'?????utu?ene?-f-?rereere????????????a a d ??reare???cocomo????rurueue!e! ! T?hehe he? ta t?sts???ofof f???esesese e be ???????s vs ?verve?y ?babanbanan??a-a????r r / ???ut???I dI dodououboubtbt ?yo????l l b bebe ????e e t?? i ig igng?nornor ?ththe???exe???rere re lre ??ngn??enenoen?ougoughgh h???o eo ???????thath? Th????exextextu??re ??s s as ?ki????? e ea e????????hahanhandn???l l ol of?? di diri?t t (t (I(I'I'm'?m nm ??????rt-rt?eaeat???ng ng??????????t wt ?whewhen? I?? wa w?as as t tr t?????ing ting ??o co ?he?????thattha?'s'?s as als allll ll?? I k I kek??t ???in?kikin????. P. PlPle??aseas??..?????you???'re ??thithinthink??ing?ing aing ab?ououtout ????ryinryingng ng tng ?the?? o do dodowdownwn n tn to? y yo y??r ?loloclocac??l nl ?natnatu?turatural? f fof???s ???rkr?ketke????? p pi p?????p p????oxo?? th the?rere re fre ?ir?st?..?...w...wh????? yo???rere
it!!,"I know what you're probably thinking: They're vegan, they're gluten-free...they're a dream come true! The taste of these bars is very banana-y<br />but I doubt you'll be able to ignor the texture long enough to enjoy that. The texture is akin to eating a handful of dirt (I'm no dirt-eating pro...but when I was trying to chew that's all I kept thinking). Please...if you're thinking about trying these...go down to your local natural foods market and pick up a box there first...while you're
????itit ???? m mam???wawana???toto o?geg?t t st ???e e o ofo? y ??urur r?faf????ititeit??so???ili???..???? l ?oto?s s o of of ?????brbr r /r />/??<br<b???>P>??<b???/>/>I/>??f yf yo????e ?ini??????mamarmarkr?etet et? fo f??????umummm?y ??egegag???babara?.......?trtryr?y ty ?thethe ???ettettyty ?LoL????br?????...??????tr?awa??ere?ry???????pep??? go g????""???000?,B,B0B0000000??NEN???50,50??3L3???VKVKOK?GNG?UDU?????ene?ninifi?????if?ioiororeor????0,0,50,5,5?111?????808???????ve ve??t,t?"t"?thetheythe?y ay ar?e ???bub??loulo?s ?an?and and??ot?????d fd fofor?or yor ??you,you? w?hah?? e ele????????????????????r!r??6656?50150?????000F000??EX????A2A?????2U2???AUA????LiLil??iai??3737,7?????????72721??24240400??MyM????ilildildrd?renren n ln ?lov?e ???thesthese??,T,?TheTh?y ?y tay tasaststeste ??rereareatat at aat ????arareare are??heahe?ltl??y.y. . W ??e ke ke?epe?? ou ourur ur h?om?e ???tocto??kedke???itithit? N NaN????s ?CoC?ookoo?
at it you may want to get some of your favorite soymilk...and lots of it!<br /><br />PS<br />If you're in the market for a yummy vegan bar...try the Betty Lous brand...The strawberry is super good!" 6500,B000FNEX50,A3LNCVKOGNUDB6,Jennifer Difiore,0,0,5,1178928000,love it,"they are fabulous and not bad for you, what else could you ask for!" 6501,B000FNEX50,A2158Y2U61AU9G,Lillian37,0,0,5,1172102400,My children love these!,They taste great and are healthy. We keep our home stocked with Nana's Cooki
????ara???????2,2,B,B0B0000000F00FNF?EXE????AIA???ATA????SQS????"P"???GoGolo???erergr?????er?ihihohopo????","?0,0,0,0,,0?????555565686?646?00?????kikidi?? L ?OVO??????m,m??WhWhe?n n???fof??ndn????t t t??? o?????y cy ?hih?ld????n wn wewer?e ????er?gigici? t to to ????ryry y ay ?nd????gsg?, , i itit ??asa?s qs quq?it??e ae ane an ??djd??sts??en???? F FoForo?tutun??tetelelyl?, , w, ?? f fo f?ounound?nd Nnd ??anaan?'s'?s Fs ??dgd??????gy? B???s ?faf????ly ly s ??????ftf?terte????heiheir??did???non?ses?????ThThe? k?ididsid?s ts ?????????y y a?re? d de d????ioiou??s, s, a an?d d Id ??lolovo?e ?ththeth?? a???a a p pap???ent??be??aua?useus?e t???y y a?y arey are ?e a e a b?it? h heheahe????thiethi?er er? th tha thanan an m??ostos??????reare????""."". ??ThTheTh????rere ?alalsal?????onvonve??ieienententlent?ly ???ckc???????so ?th??? i?f ??we ?gog?????a ??ir??thdthda????parpartrtyrt?y, y,? th? the the?????? ca can???jusjust? g ?rarabab b???
e Bars. 6502,B000FNEX50,AIXCATW18SQPD,"P. Goldberg ""perihope""",0,0,5,1155686400,My kids LOVE them,"When I found out two of my children were allergic to dairy and eggs, it was quite an adjustment. Fortunately, we found Nana's Fudgy Wudgy Bars fairly soon after their diagnoses. The kids think they are delicious, and I love them as a parent because they are a bit healthier than most ""treats"". They are also conveniently packaged so that if we go to a birthday party, the kids can just grab a b
aara?, ,???d d t ?aka?? i ??????h h? th t??m m?sos????eye? a ar arer?n'n???lel???t ot ?utut t wt ?he?????akeak????? se sere?vev?d.d?????gig??ve ve a a a?papaca??agageg?e te tot?????irir r? te t?ac??herhe???to???ata???thethe ?bebegegi?nnn??ngn???f f t??? y ???r ??so so? th tha th?? i if i????????? are ar?e ae an?y ???ece??alal l??ccc??????nsn??cec?leleble?rarat??ed ed a??????ooo?l,l, ?????????ststit??l l gl ?getget ????????re?? . ?????faf?actac????at?at mat ?? k ???? c????sidsi????? the?m m am ?? sp s?pecpeci?alal al t tr t?rea??, , t, ththe?y ?mum??st st r ???llllyll???? y????????altal??ou?ghg?h Ih ?????ve ve yve ??t t t?????y ???themthe????ses?elfel?. . . B. BTB??, ?wew???rir?????a fa fefewew w? ot o??ther????av?ororsrs rs o????ananaana'a???bab???s as ??d d cd ??ookoo??eses,s, ???? t? thi th?is is? on o?e e i???s ths t?????lyly ??oneon???my ?ki?kidskid?s ls ?????(o(??? sh shohouho?ldl???I sI ??y ???????""6???3,3?B0B000??FNF?
ar, and take it with them so they aren't left out when cake is served. I give a package to their teachers too at the beginning of the year so that if there are any special occassions celebrated at school, my kids still get their treat. The fact that my kids consider them a special treat, they must really be yummy, although I have yet to try them myself. BTW, we tried a few other flavors of Nana's bars and cookies, but this one is the only one my kids like (or should I say love)." 6503,B000FNE
XX5X????393???U7U7K7??K7K737??0,0,"0,??ORO????????ududed??t t o ???LiL??e:e?? " ?"A"AlAlwl???s s l lel??rnr???????.....?","????,1?,1??606?????????????VE VE?tht?????thetherersr?s Ns NON?T T???????arsar?,",?I I bI bobouo?ghg???? b boboxbo?, ,?wa??stst'st???mym??$$$??????????le? l?ovoveve e me meme e te ????????couco??d ????? t th??? t? thi th?is!is???<b<?? / ????TET?? h hah?????g ag a a ba ?????????HAH???NGNG G t????usushsh ?????????ooo?????rer?????????the the??oso??s!s! !????D lD ?oo?kek????at at?ining????ieienenten???clc?losloseser???<br<b??/>/>G/>?lulut?en? F ??reeree ???olo?le ?GrG???? D DeD???rir?insin???<br <br????F F y ??ou ou?dodono?'t't ???????a pa ?????lemlem m Gm GRGREREARE?????????? d do do ?yo?you you??ay????d ??p p r??e-re-??readrea?dindi?? t th the??1'1???lalatateat???????<br <br /<br ???I lI ???? t??? the i the idi?deade?a oa ?of of B?ititet??s hs ?hadha?d t?he?????fof? t to???
X50,A39SCU7KSK7330,"FOREVER student of Life:D ""Always learning co...",1,2,1,1260403200,I LOVE the others NOT the Bars,"I bought a box, waist'd my $$ but people love me that I could give them this!!!<br />AFTER having a bough of HAVING to rush to bathroom I re-read the posts! AND looked at ingredients closer!<br />Gluten Free Whole Grain Dextrins<br />IF you don't have a problem GREAT! If you do you may end up re-reading the 1's later -}<br />I like the idea of Bites had them before. going to tr
y??ouo?t t P ??memele?????<b<brb??/>/???LoL?vev? t tht?e e Ne ?ana?????CoC??kikieieses ???ut ut I ???? V ??RYR? h ?ara?d d??oto???o o e ???t t??he he W WhW?olo??e ce coc?????! !??he?? < <a<?? hr hrerefef=f??"h"hthttt?p:p?///???ww.ww.a.?amaamaza???.c.?comcom/m??p/p/p/prp?odo????/B/B0B00000?FNF?EXE?8C8?""?????na'na's's ??? G GlG????n n L Le Leme???? Co C???ieie,ie, , 3 ?.5.??OuO?ncn???Co?okokiok????(P(PaPacPa????f f?1212)2?</</a/a>a> > & ?? <a <a a ha ???f=?""""h""?htthttp????/ww/w?>N???a'a's?? No No ??GluGlut?utenuten n Gn GiG?ngn?ere????CookCookikie???3.??????ncence e Pe PaPacPackPac??ge?s ??Pa?Pack?? of of of??2)?</???? It I?'s's 's T's ?????er???ingin???????luslu?s ts ?theth???????re??isi??sos?ooooo?? s??moomo???? it i?t gt ??'s??dod?wnwn n Vn ?VERVERYRY RY? ea e?sys?! ! I! ?I dI do?n'n't't t ht ??ve??????eeee e oe ??r C?ho??????te te a an??mo???????ve?????????eaea ea?DeDece?????brbr br???>NE>NEEEEDE??
y out Pamela's.<br />I Love the Nana's Cookies but IT's VERY hard Not to eat the Whole cookie! The <a href="""">Nana's No Gluten Lemon Cookie, 3.5-Ounce Cookies (Pack of 12)</a> & <a href="""">Nana's No Gluten Ginger Cookie, 3.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)</a> It's TWO servings!! Plus the texture is soooo smooth it go's down VERY easy! I don't have Coffee or Chocolate anymore! Have Green Tea Decaf.<br />NEED t
???gogo o to ?o ??heh? N NaNananana'a???BaB??an?? B????s +s ???ododid??y y????ded???tet??mym?y py pop???!<!???r /r />/>O>?nlnlyl?????????????e e Pe PaPama??elael??s ?gig?ngngeg??r wr ?ororkorksks ?ououtu? f fofor?? me me!e???br br??/>I/>I I DI ??o Lo LOL??E E?ththihisi????? < ?? h???f=f???hthttt????/w/??ww.ww?amamaamazazozono?????/g/??/p/?ror???ctc?/B/?????VUV???C"C?"">""??unu??beb??g g?EcEco?-F-??armarmemedmed d?HoH??eye????ut ut????e e Ce ???e,e? 9 9.9???OuOununcun???UnU???????Pa??k k??f f?121?)<)?/a/?> >?+<+<a? h hr hre hr??="?"h?????????"">????ndbnd????????-F?ar??ede?????te?????CarCarar???????iceic?e Ce Cae Cakakeak?? 9 9. 9.5?-O?un?????????? (??Pac?k ????????/a/a>/a??+ ??<a <a h<a ??refre?f="f=""""h""?????://://w????am??zozonzon.?co??m/gm/????ro??uc?????????????""?"">L?unundundbdbedberergerg erg E??co-co-Fco-Fa?rmr??? B??rowro?n n?? Ric Ri????
o go to the Nana's Banana Bars + modify or delete my post!<br />Only Bites I hope Pamela's ginger works out for me!<br />I Do LOVE this TOO <a href="""">Lundberg Eco-Farmed Honey Nut Rice Cake, 9.5-Ounce Units (Pack of 12)</a> +<a href="""">Lundberg Eco-Farmed Buttery Caramel Rice Cake, 9.5-Ounce Units (Pack of 12)</a> + <a href="""">Lundberg Eco-Farmed Brown Rice Ca
kkek?, ,???ltl? F ?rereeee,e, e,?8.8.5.?-O-????e e U UnUniniti?s s? ( ???ckc? o ?f f?121??</<???????0404,4,B,???00F00?NEN???50,50,A,A2A2C2?F4F4Z4???????PBP????,1,1,1?2,2?,1,,1?,12,1252555?55655646???00,00?nonoto?t gt glglul??enen n f ?re?e,?beb?e ce ??re???l.l.......e..eve?en? t ????ghgh h? th t?????is is l ???tetedte? u ???erer r g gl??uteuten?en fen ??eeee ee s ???tit??n ??? i isis is Nis ??T T? gl glulutlutetente?n fn frfrefreefreee?656?50550?,B??????EXEX5EX?50,?A3A373??AGA??ZDZ?FRFRMRMZM?3,3?"R"?ebe??ccc???K.K? H ???mem????????otfot??owo???"""""""??????1,1,11,12???64??6060000,00,N00,NO?T ??LULUTU?ENEN N? FR F??E!E!,!?,"A,"???terte??eae??tintingng g?? thi th??is pis prp????ctct,ct?, I, ??hah?d ?a a? st stot????h ?????e fe ?olollollo?we?d ?byb? h?ououroursrs s os ??????????lel???????se??????ou??wiw??h ?h a h a g??utute???n inn intnto?le???????anandan??CeC?li??? d did?iseiseaeaseasese ??nonownow w?exe????lyl??whwha???th?oso?se ???????msm?s ms ??an?..???sos?????w w tw ththithis?is p
ke, Salt Free, 8.5-Ounce Units (Pack of 12)</a>" 6504,B000FNEX50,A2CF4ZYYQWQ7PB,jg,1,2,1,1255564800,not gluten free,be careful...even though this is listed under gluten free section it is NOT gluten free 6505,B000FNEX50,A37GAGAZDFRMZ3,"Rebecca K. Holmes ""scotflower""",1,2,1,1243641600,NOT GLUTEN FREE!,"After eating this product, I had a stomach ache followed by hours on the toilet. Those of you with a gluten intolerance and Celiac disease know exactly what those symptoms mean... somehow this p
??odo?ucuctc??isis s??????????tet??????????utu??????t t it ?is is N NONOTO? g gl glulutlu??ten ten?frf?eeee!e! ! P! ??eaeasases? s ???re?????rsr???f f?ththeth?e pe ???in in????d sd ?ufu?fefererir?inging.g. . T ?????? co cooo?????????re nre ?oto?t wt woworortrth??????brbr r???<b<br<br ?/>?FoF?or or????sese se ose ???yo?????ho ho a ar???te????tedte???o o?????in???e ee ea????ing ing?????is pis ??rodroduducdu?? e ?vev??? af a?????yo????avave? b ?ee???in??or???ed ed?? tha th?at at????????notnot t gt ?????en en f fr f??e,e???leleale??e e ke kek??????esesees??????s ?????minmi??:<:?<br? /??1.1?. I. ?f ???ou ou e?at????glutglu??ten,ten???it it??am??geg????you??r ir inintin???titintina?l l?lil??in? br / /> />2 />?. . I????f youf you ?kekeeke???onon on? ea???tingting g? gl?ut??????? d da d???gege ge? to t??yo??your your? in i?ntentes???????wi?llll ?ge????????se ase anandand ?d sod so o wo ?wil?l l yl ?youyour??sys??mptmp???s.s.<.<b.<br.<b?r /???. ????????fuf?urtur??
roduct is contaminated with gluten! It is NOT gluten free! Please spare yourself the pain and suffering. These cookies are not worth it.<br /><br />For those of you who are tempted to continue eating this product even after you have been informed that it is not gluten free, please keep these facts in mind:<br />1. If you eat gluten, it damages your intestinal lining.<br />2. If you keep on eating gluten the damage to your intestines will get worse and so will your symptoms.<br />3. If you furthe
rr r c coc???ini??e e t ?? e ?ata????utu??? y ???????l l e??? u ?p p??in in m ??????oro?ptpti??on,on???ncn????ses?e ye yo?urur r rr ririsi?k k f ???? in int inte??????? c ca cana?ncenc????an??d ld ?ea???to? a ?allall ?so?rtr?s s?ofo? p ??obo?le?msms s is ??????in?? i???ererter???itityt??, a?ututoutoio????nen??di??sorsordsordeder???, o, ?te?opopop????is??<b<brb?r /r ???n n on otothot??er er??or??s,? c ch cheheahe??ininging ing????yo?youryou??di????????ot? w wo wor wort??? it i??<b<br<br ?r />r /?DoD??'t'?????t Nt NaN???'s'????????ts?!<!<b!<?? / ?/></>?<br????>In>Insn??ea?ead,ead, , I, I I s sus?ggg??stst st???ou ou??uyuy y??omo?et?hihininging ???keke ?PaPama????'s????????y cy chc?ococo?lalatla?? c co cooooko??es?? T ThT??????? o on one one e oe ????????????????????060?,B,??00?FNF?EXEX5X????F3F???EME?YHYH1H1H1????"S"??. C. ????leyley y "y ?"L"LoLovo??ing??ChChrh??st?""???0,0,1,???,1,13,1?030????202????NanNana?s s cs ?cooco??ieiesies,???e ?
r continue to eat gluten you will end up in malabsorption, increase your risk for intestinal cancer, and lead to all sorts of problems including infertility, autoimmune disorders, oteoporosis.<br />In other words, cheating on your diet is not worth it!<br />Don't eat Nana's products!<br /><br />Instead, I suggest you buy something like Pamela's chunky chocolate cookies. They are one of my favorites." 6506,B000FNEX50,AF35HEMYH1HYB,"S. Copley ""Loving Christ""",0,1,5,1303603200,Nanas cookies,The m
???? a awa???omo???cocooooko??eses es?ono? t ththeh????ananen??. .?????neeneeded d????rer??????at?????????fuf?lll???f f??????? an a????????s fs fifititst??th??????ll ll????r ur usu???656505??,B,B0B??00F00FNF?EXEX5X?50,50?????LCL?9P9??QCQC1C1B1B,B,G,GFG????????pep???,1,?,2,?,1??676???606???0,n0,no?t t wt whwhah???I I e ??pe?ctc??ed,ed,I,??waw?as as? a a b a bibitbi?t dt ????ppppopoio?ntn??d d id inin in???hesheses?. ??ThTheheyhe? c cr crur?mbmblb?e e ve ?ere?y y ey eaeasea????y ay anandand ???veve ve a an an an???us??ala???texte?????. ??MyM???sonson ???) )??oeoes???????ikikeke ?ththethemthe??.6.?65065080????000000F000FNFNEFNEX??50,????????QSQ????6G6G,G,T,TrT?????,1,1,,1,3,3,3,3,3,,3,1??797909?141?????,In,I??reredre?diedi?ntntsnt?s as ?arear?e ne noe n?? u up u???o o d??ateat????InIn n tn ?thethe the?papasastas???I hI ?havhavehav?e p?????hashasesedse???the??? c co c???kieki?e be bae b?????hrh???ughugh h?AmA????? a? and an??d had h??????????????us?in?esessess.??HoHowowe??verve?, ,??ma
ost awesome cookies on the planet. We need a treat that is not full of sugar and Nanas fits the bill for us. 6507,B000FNEX50,AHQHLC9PVQC1B,GF in Tempe,0,1,2,1167696000,not what I expected,I was a bit disappointed in these. They crumble very easily and have an unusual texture. My son (6) does not like them. 6508,B000FNEX50,A1IBA7TQSURW6G,Tricia,1,3,3,1179014400,Ingredients are not up to date!,"In the past I have purchased these cookie bars through Amazon and have had good business. However, Ama
??ono???asas s??otot t k kek?ptpt ??p p??????ththethe e?ini??rer?didiei??tst???ha?ng?in????n n tn ?the????coc??kik?ie ie???rsr?? I ??????vev?ryry y i im i??oro?tat????????e e we ???t t i???re??diedi??????arear?e ie in?? th thehe e fe fof??dsd????????chachasaseas?. ??I aI ????ot???apappp?y ?wi?thth th A ??azazo?n'n?s s bs ?????esesss?s ts ???? t ti timi???. I?ng?ngrengred?ie???s ?s chs chahan????ofoftf????? Am A?mazma??zon zon? ne n?ed??s t???kekeeke?ep ep??? t to?????? w?it?h ??the????????edieedi????s is ifi? t???????? g ?oio?inging ing t to??ha??ve ve????m ?lilis?te?????? th??????????te?????505?9,9,B,????????50??AYA??YNYNWN?4A4AVA?GKG?SIS??,An,A?nan? B ?on?jojouo??,0,?,2,??1,1,1,12,1??50050??525202???DrD????s s as ?a Ba ?BonBonene,e,","I"I ?dod???t t tt ththi?nkn?????????verve???at??en en a????thithin?g ??rir?ierier ???an?????????coocook??ie ????rs,rs, ,?????? in in in m my my y ly ?lifli??? T ThT????ta??
zon has not kept up with the ingredients changing in these cookie bars. It is very important to me what ingredients are in the foods I purchase. I am not happy with Amazon's business this time. Ingredients change often! Amazon needs to keep up to date with the ingredients if they are going to have them listed on their website." 6509,B000FNEX50,AY3YNW4AVGKSI,Anna Bonjour,0,2,1,1250035200,Dry as a Bone,"I don't think I've ever eaten anything drier than these cookie bars, ever in my life. They tast
???okokakaya???????? j ???t t ct ???'t'?t ct cht c?ok?e e te ??eme? d ??wnwn,n?, e, eve?enen n????? c ?ofo?fef??????515101???000010?VLV?6464S4?O,O?A2A2O2OIO???KHKHCHCAC???ZFZ????mhmhohofho?ffmffmaman????,2,,2?5,5?1313232932949?363???00,00????gag?llllol?n ?plp?asast????fe??mem??tit??? p ??ili??"I"??lo??? i it?! !???'s'? s st??on?g g eg en????h h t ??? st s?arartr???t ?????t ??10 10 g ga galallal???s ???? wi w?????yeyete??t lit ligi????eneno??ughug??????e e fe flfle????le??????? i??pop?rt?an?t t ft ?or?? pu pusushus?iningin??ththeth??lilidid d??ow?n n in ininsin???e ???or ?? s sa s???itiitizi???ing ing s so s?lul??ioi??. . F ??utuut???????????shs?houho?ldld ?co???? wi?th?th cth ?????rarat???ns? s? so so y ??? k knk??? h ?howhow w m ??chc????ququiuid???s s is ?ins???ide ide b bu b?ut ut t th t??at at? wa was????sys???to ???????comecom?e we wi?????a sa sh?ar?pipiei????d ????????uriurin??ing cing ????taitain?ineriner.r?."."6?51?1,1??0000100??L6?4S?
e okay, but I just can't choke them down, even with coffee." 6510,B001VL64SO,A2OIJKKHCA32ZF,jimhoffman,2,2,5,1329436800,12 gallon plastic fermenting pail,"I love it! It's strong enough to start at least 10 gallons of wine, yet light enough to be flexible, very important for pushing the lid down inside for a sanitizing solution. Future models should come with calibrations so you know how much liquid is inside but that was easy to overcome with a sharpie and a measuring container." 6511,B001VL64SO
,,A,?????0Y0??????G,G?"N"NaNata?hah?? R ?? M ??dld??n n "n """??crc??cocoko?erer"r""??,1,???,2,2,2???181???18418?0000,0?Mo?rere e??? a a a t trt???hchcac?an,an??hihisis s?ded??icicece'e???li?d d d?oeo???non?? s ???l.l???I I??? n ???t st ?urure???hyhy y??t t it ?is is??eie?ingin? s so solo??d ad ?s s as ?anyan?th???ing ing???theth???????????tratras??hcahc? ?wowororkr?? we wele?l l f fofor?? be beee??????????g ag asas ???? wa w?as as tas ?tra???fef???redre?d td ?? a?? se s?co?ndndadararyry ??igighg??t at ?????????????f ff fe?rmrmemen???????..6???????00000?EZEZOZ??3030,??3Y3YJY????WOWOHO?HVDHVDADA,A???ndnd ?WoW????????,1,5,1,????262????202??,t,?thethe the????t,t,"??I gI ?otot ot??is?gug?ststestede?d w??ithit? t th the the the???arlarlilicli? p ?????? s so sol so?ld ld i?n n bn bub?lkl?k ak atat ??eaealea??th th??ooo??? st s?torto??s ????nd nnd ??????al al?? foo fo?od od god ??oco?cerceri???????t t rt ra???????hashas s ms mum??h ???rlr??lic lic? fl flalavavov?or ?????
,AT7HV0YSH1MHG,"Nathan R. Modlin ""Ocracoker""",1,4,2,1318118400,More of a trashcan,This device's lid does not seal. I am not sure why it is being sold as anything other than a trashcan. Did work well for beer as long as it was transferred to a secondary right at the end of fermentation. 6512,B000EZOO30,A3YJX1TWOHVDA,Lund Wolfe,1,1,5,1326499200,the best,"I got disgusted with the garlic powder sold in bulk at health food stores and natural food groceries. It rarely has much garlic flavor and w
?asas s??ayay y t tot????oto???ndnd d? th theh? q ??????y ?wa?s ?vev???y iy inincn?ono????tet?ntnt t at atat t st st??rerese??tht??at at?did??????etetit??mesmes ?ses?llll l???me???in?g g g gogoo?????r r / />/><><b<br<b??/>?I'I?m m?non??? ha h?alfal?? wa way?? th thr throrouo?ghg? m mymy y sy ??coconcondnd nd??arar ????ToTononeon?'s's,s?? wh w??????? c cocon?si?st????lyly ?exexcx?elellel??ent????ItI??hahashas ?a a????ronrongng g gg ?ar?li???flf????or or??nd??is?is nis ?notnot ???? u unu?le??????? u??????lolot??onon on? so somomeom??hihinhingng ng??iki??e be ???cccco????. . ??????????y by ?etettetteterte?r tr ??an? r rar?w ?ga??liliclic lic? cl c?lovlo????. . T. ???????stst st h? hav ha?? a?? e ?excex??ll?en?? s??uru??? o ?of of g ga gar?arliarl??????or tor ?????r pr ?ow??? . I. ?f ?yo???? hav??e de ?ou??????bobou????youyouryour ??ur?rerenre?? g? gar ga???ic ??powpo?de??, ????llll ll?it??. ?. If. I?f if itit it d do d???n'n???t hat h?????a sa ?strst?ronrongrong g gg gag g??arli????
as way too hot and the quality was very inconsistent at stores that did sometimes sell something good.<br /><br />I'm now half way through my second jar of Tone's, which is consistently excellent. It has a strong garlic flavor and is not hot unless you use a lot on something like broccoli. It is way better than raw garlic cloves. They must have an excellent source of garlic for their powder. If you have doubts about your current garlic powder, smell it. If it doesn't have a strong garlic sm
???l,l, ,?iti?'s'?????t t w whwhih??e e p ??wdw?ere??? G ?ete??ththi?s s Ts ??nene'e's???ndn??yoy??'l'llll ll?geg?et et???ourour r d de?lil???ou?s s fs fofoooodod ?babaca?k.k???656515?3,3,B,?00000???OOO?3030,0??1W1WYWYDYD4D?LZLZ0Z?U3U?30X30X7X?,D,??onMonMIM?,2,?????,1,1313113????646???????? b ?etettetteterer er t th?an??????licli?? po pow?dederde???????useuseded d td ?o o b bu b?y y???????ror??ucuctuct ?ata????e ???cac???WaW?alMal?arartar?, ????t t?t thet theyey ?nono ???ngngegerger r cr ???ryry ? ??ItI???del??vever?s ??ororer?????????flflalavavovor? p??er ??ounou?cece ?th??n n???didininanar????garga??ic??? pow powd?????an??d Id ?I uI ?useuse use i?t ?whwhewh?ne?ve?r r fr frfreresre??h gh ???li?lic lic ilic isi??nonotno?t pt prp?ac?????????on??mymy y by buburburgrge?gersger??, i, inin in? po?tat?atoato ??alalaal??, ???c.c."."."?656?51451??,B0,B00???EZOEZ??30?????F0F0P0??????MTM??,J,????et ??. ?MiM????????0,?5,5,15,?????979767?????ar???????ranra?ululel?s,????
ell, it's just white powder. Get this Tone's and you'll get your delicious food back." 6513,B000EZOO30,A1WYD4LZ0U30X7,DonMI,2,3,5,1315526400,Much better than garlic powder!,"I used to buy this product at the local WalMart, but they no longer carry it. It delivers more garlic flavor per ounce than ordinary garlic powder, and I use it whenever fresh garlic is not practical...on my burgers, in potato salad, etc." 6514,B000EZOO30,A2NF0PYEDMGMTY,Janet H. Miller,0,0,5,1333497600,Garlic granules,The
??ara?lil???grgrarananun??eses s m ??kek? c ??okokik??g g w ???????e ???rl??? f flf???oror r w?it????? a ?ddddidin???exe?trt?? s ?ala?t.t?? T ThT?e ?ToTono??es es?ququau?alial?ityity y i isi??ex???ptp????al?????rrrrir?vev?? q?uiu?ickic?lyl????151?,B,B0B000?5O5O8O??LLL???A1A????HAHATA?????BXB?,B?lulueu?JuJununin?pepere?7272,2????,5,?5,15,131?303060?464??0000,00??LoLovo??, , l ??????lo?ve??,","M,"MyMy ?????2 2? mo m???th th??ldl??dad??ghg???????????lovelov?????is? s?inincincece ce s??? t???????itit it?????????e we ?as? 7 7 7? mo mon mo?th?s.s. . . I. ?? ha h??e ?tatas?asteasted?ed ied it?, ?anandand ???'s'?????licli??iouio?s.s. s.????????conconvn??????nt nt???or or o?n ?ththe???? o or or ?toto o ho ha??ve ve h ha han ha???y ay ???a a s sn s???????ThTheTh???ing???edied?????????e me mamanmangngongoeo??es aes an????ltlt;lt;1;1%1% %?OrOrgrga??nicnic c Lc ?eme?onon on?Ju??iceic?. . . T???he che co??????tente?????is is nis ?nic????????thith????(l(???ke ke
garlic granules make cooking with the garlic flavor without adding extra salt. The Tones quality is exceptional. Arrived quickly 6515,B005O8BLLU,A1I8UHAT2XG3BX,BlueJuniper72,1,1,5,1330646400,"Love, love, love","My 9 1/2 month old daughter has loved this since she tasted it when she was 7 months. I have tasted it, and it's delicious. It's convenient for on the go or to have handy as a snack. The ingredients are mangoes and &lt;1% Organic Lemon Juice. The consistency is nice and thick (like
t??atat t????apa?????bub??tet?r)r) )?soso o i ??t it ????t ?????ppipp?ngn???ffff ?th??????onon.n? A ???so so i??f yf ??? f ??elel l c ?on?fifidi?enentn??enenoen???h,h, , y ??u u ou oro? y yo youourour ?chchih??? c ca canan n??ququeu?eezeezeze e ie it??ri?ghghtght ?t int in n hn hi????erer er?mom?outouth??? E ?llllala'a????ror?duducu?tsts ?ararer?????en????e,e??bubutbu???????inkin???heheihe??r pr pr??oduod?uctucts? a ar a???wow???th th i?t,t, , a, ??d ?mymy y????ghght??er ??hasha??lol?vevedve?d ed eveveververyr?y vy ??ariariei???y wy ??????ve ve? tr tririerieded ????epeptp?t tt ??the the p?umu???in?? co comombmbob?. . . L. LoL??e e ae ala?ll ll t?????ruruiu???---??peape??s,s, ???????s a?ndnd ?th??????anangangog???. ?????? a???o ???provpro?idideides??404??? of of of???itait???in in Cin ?.".?6656515?6,6???050???BLBLLL??,A,APAPHP??????8W8?UJU???J.J?????mpsmp?sonso??0,0,0?,5,????474747??444??0,?????at at? fi f??stst t ft fof??d,d,",?????aba?y y ly lo??vesve??????s. s. I ???'s 's?
that of apple butter) so it isn't dripping off the spoon. Also if you feel confident enough, you or your child can squeeze it right in his/her mouth. Ella's products are expensive, but I think their products are worth it, and my daughter has loved every variety we have tried except the pumpkin combo. Love all the fruits--pears, apples and these mangoes. This also provides 40% of Vitamin C." 6516,B005O8BLLU,APH7I7OZ8WUJP,J. Simpson,0,0,5,1347494400,Great first food,"My baby loves this. It's a
g grg?eae????irirsrsts??fofooo????? s ?stastarartr?t wt wiw??h h?whw?????eaeacea???ngn? y ????????????o ho hah?vev???????s.s??ThT???pop?oucou?ch ch m ???ese? i ?it it?ea????to? g??t ???e e pe prpror??ucu??t ot ?outou?? w wi witithit????? ma m???inging ?? m??esses?s as ?ndn?d td ?the??li????s s es ?easeasyeas?????????st?en?, , s, ?o ???u u c cacan????e e ie ????gag??in in?ovove??r ar ?a fa ??w w f????ds.ds???656?171??B0B000??O8O??LLLLUL??APA???I7I???8W8WUW??P,P,J,??. S. ??mpm?so??,0,?,0,0,,0???131?474?494?444404???????at at?????st st f fo f?oodood,d,",?Th?isis is? is i??s exs excx?ele???enten???oro???? ba b???????firfi????t tat tas?????????e poe pou?ouchouch h sh ?izi?e e ie ise is s ps ?????ctct ct a an?d d id itd i?t at acactctuctuau?ll?y ??asast?ed???????o ?dad???, , a, ?? m?y y by ???by by??? s??????juj??t t lt leleale???in?? t? to to? ea eat?at sat so?lilidlidslid?? t th theherhe???ororeore ?did??n'n?t ???ve?? it i???llll.ll?. T. Th. Thehe ?totoptop p m?????s is it?it eit eaeaseasy
great first food to start with when teaching your baby to have solids. The pouch makes it easy to get the product out, without making a mess and the lid is easy to refasten, so you can use it again over a few feeds." 6517,B005O8BLLU,APH7I7OZ8WUJP,J. Simpson,0,0,5,1347494400,Great first food,"This is excellent for a baby's first taste. The pouch size is perfect and it actually lasted me two days, as my baby is still just learning to eat solids, therefore didn't have it all. The top makes it easy
t ?? r ?efe?????n,n, ,???o io itit t????sns??t ?????? w ???te? a ana????anan an b ????ses?d ?agagagaia?n.n? I I I l ???e e te tht????ouo??h,h????????as?y y t to to o go ??t ???? t??he he???odo????t ot ou??t wt wiwihi?totouto??t mt mam?kikininging g? a a???esses?.".?6????,B,B0B?050??8B8?LLL?U,U,A,?PHP?7I7?7O7OZO????JPJP,P,J,???SiS????sonso?????????343474747?949444??00,00,G,?rereare????irirsr?? f fofooood???ThThih?s ??is is? ex excx???????t f?oro?? a ???byb?'s's 's f fi fir?st???asast????Th???????ch ch s si s?zez?e ie ?is ????fef?ctc?t a??nd nd?????ctctuctuaual??y ??as??astedasted ?me? t tw t???dad??s,s???? m???bababba??? is i??ststist?ll??jujus?t ????rnrninining???????at at? so solo?idi??s, s,?? the th??ef?ororeor?e de ??idnid???t ht hah??????t at alt all???. Th. T??he the ?topto?? ma m???es es???? ea?sysy y ty ??to rto ?refrefa?st?en????so so i???dodoedo???????? t? to ?wa???? a???????? be be ?ususeus?ed ed a??gaiga??. ?I ??????????e po
to refasten, so it doesn't go to waste and can be used again. I love the pouch, it's easy to get all the product out wihtout making a mess." 6518,B005O8BLLU,APH7I7OZ8WUJP,J. Simpson,0,0,5,1347494400,Great first food,"This is excellent for a baby's first taste. The pouch size is perfect and it actually lasted me two days, as my baby is still just learning to eat solids, therefore didn't have it all. The top makes it easy to refasten, so it doesn't go to waste and can be used again. I love the po
??????itit't?????sys??tot? g ??????? t??? p ??odo?uc?t ????t wt wiw?hth???ut ut?mam???ngng g? a a m me m???.".""???191??B0B???OVO???E8E????HPH?CRC????X3X?????SpS?ududmdma???2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,????111121??00000???????d d? th the th?e Te ???tet??e Tee T????"N"NoNo o mo ?matma???? h ?????????esoesomo???? s ????? m???y by ????itit'it????orortrtht??lesle?? u unu?leleslessless ???e ?????s ?apappppr?ovovev?. . I InIn n t??isis s cs cacas??e te ?the?y y b?oto?? g gi g?ve???? the the?ScScic??ncn?e ??ieietiet t Jt ?ererkr?y ?????????wowo ????s ???????lil?????hahatat t bt ??efef f??s s ts ths t?he he??????t it in?grg?redre???ntn?t i?n ?th?? r re????e ??????thetherthe?????re ??????ofof f tf th?oso?????re??????????le le??ngngrng??redired?ien?ts??crcre?at?????? a??scscicieci?encence???ababoab?oraor?atoat?oryory.y.<.<b<brb??????r ????he?he the ?????ts ?????a ??nicni???sis???e a?e ande and ?ha?veve ?jujusu?st st e en eno?ugughg? c
uch, it's easy to get all the product out wihtout making a mess." 6519,B008OV8RE8,A3HPCRD9RX351S,Spudman,2,2,5,1346112000,Passed the Taste Test,"No matter how wholesome a snack may be, it's worthless unless the girls approve. In this case they both give the Science Diet Jerky Treats two paws up. I like that beef is the first ingredient in the recipe and there are none of those unrecognizable ingredients created in a science laboratory.<br /><br />The treats are a nice size and have just enough c
hhehewe? t ?? s sasata??sfsfyf?? F ??r r??ipipeperer,r??ououru??shshih?h h t?zuz? w wiw???h ah ? f fefew? m ?is???ngn?? te teeeete??????brbrereae?k k? th t?? t?re???s s i ?intin?? s??ala?lel?er er???????????sh?e e???n n??an?aga??e te ?????<b<br???><>??r ??/> />????ththe? p??ckc??ageage:e?<b??? /> />U>??e ??????? 3 ?? we w???????????????.<.<b.<???????0%0% %????isisfis???ti??n ?gug?arararan?teteeeedee?<b<br?<br /<br />???eepee??? thi thisis is??ag? o??t t o?f f tf th?????reacrea?h ??of of? pe p??????d d c?hi?ldldrdrerenre????656?2020,0?B0B?00800????RER??,A,??HPHPCP?RDR??RXR??515?????udu??manma?,1,??,1,,1??,1??4545252452484808??0,0,W0,WoWorortor?????hilehile ?????tst?????t ft fif???t ?sns??fff?f t??????o ????????ur??eded ??p ????ir? n ?oso??s s as ats a?t tt ???the nthe ??w w sw sn???k.k. ???????fa???, ?th???s hs ????????????????the ithe inint?ror??ucu??tio??n on ?of ??os??t nt ne?? s?nanac???????
hew to satisfy. For Piper, our shih tzu with a few missing teeth, I break the treats into smaller pieces so she can manage them.<br /><br /> On the package:<br />Use within 3 weeks of opening.<br />100% satisfaction guaranteed<br />Keep this bag out of the reach of pets and children." 6520,B008OV8RE8,A3HPCRD9RX351S,Spudman,1,1,4,1345248000,Worthwhile treats,"At first sniff the two girls turned up their noses at the new snack. To be fair, this happens with the introduction of most new snacks to t
?hih????usu?sys???ndnd d???uspus???ioi???????r.r. .?ByB????? t ??ir?d d ad ???????rtr?th th? an a??? su subu?seseqeququeu?ntnt t o ??fef??iningngsgs,s? t th thehe he??heshe????tit?ionio???????eded.d??????ghg?? th the the e ge ?irirlirlsls s gs ?en??????y y ly liliki?e e te ?thethesese? t??eae??s ??owow,w???the??re re???n'n't't ??thethe the?mam??d ed exexcxcicitci????esessess s fs fo?r r? th the them them m?lilikli?? t th??y ???????oror r sr ????e oe ?th?ther?s ?or?? fo for for ??rerenre?chc???frifriei?<.<b<?r r /r ?><><b<br<b????? l??ikeike e te the t??at at? th? the the f?irirsir?t ???grgre?did???nt nt o of o??? the?se???nan?????????""""r"?reareala???beb???f (f ( (?no???t tht thehe ?unu?ndend??irirairaba???e ae ???ifi??iciiciai?? b ?beebe??),)???and and t????? ar a?re ??madmaded???itithit????????al ?ining???rediredie???s.s?. T?he?he the trt????ts ts?? are ar?e se ???lll?? an and and ?ch???y ????and aand ar??e ge goe g????d fod f?or ??tratrai?ninin?ing,ing, , r, re?wawar?????, , a, ??and ???????????oror ?mom??st st d
his fussy and suspicious pair. By the third and fourth and subsequent offerings, the hesitation stopped. Though the girls genuinely like these treats now, there isn't the mad excitedness for them like they show for some others or for french fries.<br /><br />I like that the first ingredient of these snacks is ""real""beef ( not the undesirable artificial beef),and they are made with natural ingredients. The treats are small and chewy and are good for training, rewarding, and bribing. For most d
??????heh????nsn????ene??y y i isis is?prprorobo????y ?pep?rfr?ecectct,t? j ??stst st??enoenouougughgh h c????? to t????d d i in i???rer???. . F ??r r P ???perpe??????r sr ??????zuzu u w ???? a??fe???mim??sisinsi??? te teee?th?, ????re??????he he???rea?????? h ??lfl????o ao ???non?t t? to?????????e te teteeteetethet?h sh ??e ????????????br br??><>?<br<b???????en???e De ??ietiet t bt ?bacba??s ??theth?eseese e t??rea??s s ws ?witwith??a a??000??? sa s?tit????ct?ioi?? g ???rar?ntntent?,1??00?3J3?????????GVG?O6O6C6CQCQSQ???URURDR?,J,?. ????dnd??er,er??,2,2,,2??,1,??989828??6464040000,00?CoC?????it?y ??is is tis ?thethe the b?es?t,?"I"??m m u us???lll?? a????fff??in?e ??guygu????utu????hahadhad d td toto ???wit?chc???o o do dedececaec????hihilhi????y y wy wiwifwi?? i????prepr??nan?antan?t. t. ??hi???????defde?in?it??ly??ththe??bebes?est est d dedecde?????outou????thertherere re - - -? fu fulu?ll ll??lalavavovor??d,d
ogs the consistency is probably perfect, just enough chew to add interest. For Piper, our shih tzu with a few missing teeth, I break the treats in half so as not to tax the teeth she has left.<br /><br />Science Diet backs these treats with a 100% satisfaction guarantee." 6521,B003JYEL2W,A2GVO6CQS5MURD,J. Gardner,2,2,5,1298246400,Community is the best,"I'm usually a caffeine guy, but I had to switch to decaf while my wife is pregnant. This is definitely the best decaf out there - full flavored,
? s sms?ooo??h,h, , a anandnd d?????? ar aroromomamatatit?c.c????t't's'??th???????!"!?6?????B0B???JYJ???2W2W,W,A,??XWX???????OBO?????????e ?GuGueuererrer?er?o o " ?"g"????dmdma???g"g?"""""?,0,??,0,,0???131??????40400?,n,?ot???s ??oo????s s is iti? u ??uauala?lyl?y iy isi?????ovove? C ????unu??ityit???CofCofff??e e be bub?t ????? ba bat??? I I I?re???ivi??d ?ofof f??????pep?cic?alal al D ?????f wf ?as???ldl??ththethe the bthe ?ag?s ??adad d ld loloslo?st st??????? va v?cucuuu????ac???d ?ststast?ateat????????B0B00B000??SMSMS???,A?3838Q8?????CWCWEW?4L4???CJCJ0J?0050057579?,0?,0,1,0,?,1???313?????52052?00,00,H00,HoHowow w?????y cy ?????dodo ?yoy?????????I'I???sos?rrrry? t to t?o ho heheahe??r ar aba????t t??he he?did????icuic???y y iy iny i? f ?inindndind?ingin????????etaet?ililsl??????out out?? the the ???illil??????cieci?ncnce? D Di Die??t St SaSava?or?????ic??kenke????trt?&e&?ac?ut??;e;??AdAdud?ultult ult? Ca Cat? C???nened? F ?
smooth, and very aromatic. It's the best!" 6522,B003JYEL2W,A1XWMSFGHROB1E,"Julie Guerrero ""grandmajag""",0,0,3,1348790400,not as good as it usually is,I love Community Coffee but the batch I received of the Special Decaf was old the bags had lost their vacuum packed state. 6523,B000QSMSM4,A38QR2GUCWE4LS,CJ00579,0,1,1,1314835200,How many cans do you get?,"I'm sorry to hear about the difficulty in finding the details about the Hill's Science Diet Savory Chicken Entr&eacute;e Adult Cat Canned Fo
??d d o ????uru???ebe?sis?tet?.<.<b<?r r /r ???<br<br ?r />r />I>??????kek?d ?ouour? w?eb??sitsi???ana?d d fd ??ounound??tht???? th the?????? H ??llll'l????cic???cec??DiD??t t St ???????ChC??ck?en? E EnE??r&r??aca??????e Ae ?dud???t Ct ?atat at C???nen??????od od??s ???rrr??ententltlyl???onlonlyly ly? of o????redred ?byb????e e te ???rdr?d pd pap???????llllell???s os ?????????bsbsibsitite??.<b.<?? / />???<br <br /?>A>AmAmam?zoz?on ?MeMer????antan?s ?anandan?d Md ?ararkar?????????????llerlle??s a??? i??ndend?????enentent,ent, ,????irdir??paparpartrtyrt?????????? wh w?o o? of????????ar????y ??f f n ??w w a an a?nd ?usu?sedse?d md mem?erc?????????? thr th??ougoughgh h??AmaAmaz???????? W ?he?n n bn bubuyu??ngn?????m ???????rd rd?pa?partpar???, y, ??ourou???ordor?????is is f fu f?ulful?????d d dd did???ectec??y y by ?by by???e ????ch?chanchant?. ??s ?s a s a?reresre????, ?Am????n ??MerMe??ha?hanthantsts ts s ?setse?t tt th??ir? o ow ownw??
od on our website.<br /><br />I checked our website and found that the item Hill's Science Diet Savory Chicken Entr&eacute;e Adult Cat Canned Food is currently only offered by the third party sellers on our website.<br /><br />Amazon Merchants and Marketplace sellers are independent, third-party sellers who offer a variety of new and used merchandise through When buying from a third party, your order is fulfilled directly by the merchant. As a result, Amazon Merchants set their own s
hhih?ppp?ini?g g t teterermr??????????er?ala?, ,? th t??ses??????ge???rer????ctct t?? the the ??hanhandn??iningin?g cg cocoso??s ?foforo???sss?semsembm???ng? a an and??pap?ckc??gig?ing??eae??????ded????as?????l l a as a?s ss shshi??????ing cing co?st??s.<s.????????r ?r />r />P>PrP?ododud?ctctsct??li????d d??????alaleal?e be byby y A AmAmamaza??????????ntnt ?shshosh?ulu?d ?bebe ?idi??nt?icicac?al al??? t? the the the n nenewnew w i ?tetemtems? s ?olo?? b ?by by??????n.n.c.??m,m??wiw??h ?ananyan?y dy did??fef??????????te???????? the ??????ipiptiptit??on on???? th the the ?ititeiteme????????it?ioionion.n.<n.<b<br<br <br??/></><b<br?<br /<br />??he?????ou ou? sh s??p p???ith? a???? Ama Am???on on Mon ???ch????????iri?r mr memer?????t't's???????pinpi???te????????????pplpp??y ty ?o ???uru???ururcur???se??????testes,s????ststrst???ctictioionionsion?s, s, a??d ????ho?dsd?s vs ?araryary ?frfro?? m me??rchrcha?hant???? m?er?erch?an?t t at an???ar?
hipping terms. In general, these charges reflect the handling costs for assembling and packaging each order, as well as shipping costs.<br /><br />Products listed for sale by Amazon Merchant should be identical to the new items sold by, with any differences noted in the description of the item's condition.<br /><br />When you shop with an Amazon Merchant their merchant's shipping terms will apply to your purchase. Rates, restrictions, and methods vary from merchant to merchant and are
????t t s ses??t bt byb?????zoz???cocomo?????r r i ini??????????hih?lele e s so s??e ??erercr????tst?? wi w?illil? s??hiphi???o o? in i????nan?tit??onaonalal ??ese????at?ioionions????othotheh?ersers s ds ?o ?nonotno??<b<?r ??><><b<br<b??r />r /?YoY?u u??an???????????ewew w d ?detde?taita?ilsils ?ofo? a??me?rcrchrc?hanha?nt'nt's's s rs rarat???? an a?d d p ?ololil?cicie??s fs ?rorom????? p?rorodro??ctc?t dt ?detdetadet?il????????of of? an an an???temtem m y yoyou?'r'???in?teterte?resre??????????yiy?ingin??, a, anandand d fd ????om tom ?hehe he ohe ?????r fr fof??m m bm beb????? y??? s su s??mim?t ??youyo?r ?or??<b.<?? / ?/></>???? /> />A>AsAs ???az?onon.on.c??om om dom ?doedoesesnes?'t'?t ht ?han??lele le?????shshihip??in?ing ing?of??Am???zonzo? M ?er??chach???? it ite it?msms,s?, y, yo?????l nl neneee????o ?coconco???ct? t th the the the??pep?ci???ic ic M Me M??ercherchahan?t ?wiw????????ququeu?estes????s ?yoyou????? h ???e e be be???forefor??e ore o???derider?ing?. . T. ThT????'ll'l??bebe be? ha hapa?
not set by For instance, while some merchants will ship to international destinations, others do not.<br /><br />You can always view details of a merchant's rates and policies from the product detail page of an item you're interested in buying, and from the order form before you submit your order.<br /><br />As doesn't handle the shipping of Amazon Merchant items, you'll need to contact the specific Merchant with any questions you may have before ordering. They'll be happ
y? t tot????lplp p a ??swswewere??yoyououru?r qr ququeu????ononsns.ns.".""6656??4,4???040??UEUEQEQUQ?G,G,A,A2A?TQTQ7Q7R7RDR??????XRXR,R,O,OnOnen??0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5??343464696?767??000000,0,Y0,?umu?!,!?????t t? th thih?? p ????ucuctc??? w ?hi??e e b ????????t wt wawasas ?vever???ded??ici?ioiouio?s.s??I ??ovo????ryr??ngng g t?o ?cocooo?k k K ???eaeanan an???oodood.d??? w??oulou??????comco??ene?d ?ththi????propr??ucuctuc??foforfo????ososese e we ??????? p?eoe?plple? n ?newnew w t to? c ?coocookokiokin?g ???rereare?an an fan fo?odod.od??ThT??? ho h?ot ot????pep?? p?as????cac?me????? pe???ece??????didititi??on.on??656?525525,?B0B00B0?04K04?KUEKUEQ??????CSCS5S?JMJ??A6A6J6J1J???,An,A????_8_?8,8?,0,?0,???13?4646246???????SuSununcnchchah?????oco????an???PaP??asteaste,?"T"ThThiThis???s s ws wow?ondondeond??fuf?l l?st???f,f? e exe?ac?tltlyl??wh??t ??I wI wawaswa?s ls loloolo??okinokingng ng?????. O. OfO? a??l ?go?chchu???ng?ng png ?asast??s s as ava?aia?lalaba?lele,le????is??????is?
y to help answer your questions." 6524,B004KUEQUG,A2TQ7RDSSGS0XR,One,0,0,5,1346976000,Yum!,I got this product a while back. It was very delicious. I love trying to cook Korean food. I would recommend this product for those who are people new to cooking Korean food. The hot pepper paste came in perfect condition. 6525,B004KUEQUG,AQCS5JM0A6J1X,Angel_88,0,0,5,1346284800,Sunchang Gochujang Paste,"This is wonderful stuff, exactly what I was looking for. Of all gochujang pastes available, this one is
sspspipicicyc?????ete?, , w wiw?tht??a a???ndn??rfrfuf?? d dedepdeptpth??ofo??flf???oro?????gogoooodod d a??did?itiit?on???? s ?ouo???, , s, sts?ewewsw?s, s,???ucu?ese? a?ndnd nd??????adade???s, os, ococcc??sis?ioniona?llllyly y I ??juj?????ata? a? s?popoooonoo?fufulfu???strstrar????t t ft frfror?m m t?heh??bob?x!x? I?t't's's s as ??go??od od????pi??g g? fo for?????dld??es es???d d rd ri??ce ce? bo bowo??s,??to?o.o.".""6656??6,6?B0B???I0I?????,A,A3A??S7S???????M5M5C5C,C???lilisiso?n n " """???lisli?son??"""""???,0???,1,?343?676?161686????VeVer????at?er?memele???on fon ??av????d!d?,I,??lo????ala?? o of of ?JoJ??????? fl f?lavla??????WaWatateaterate?????n n in ????y ?faf?avoavoravo??te???JoJorJora???s s fs ?frufruiu?it it r ????s ??rere e me momor?? n na nat????l l tl ththathana????thetherer er??????t st sns??ckcksk??6???7,7,B,B0,B00??I0??77R77RG?,A????CTC??????????ananian????le le?L.L. ??on???gomgo????,0,0,,0,0,0,0,?1,1??333?616???00000???
spicy-sweet, with a wonderful depth of flavor. A good addition to soups, stews, sauces and marinades, occasionally I just eat a spoonful straight from the box! It's a good topping for noodles and rice bowls, too." 6526,B000I077RG,A3QS76Q2YIOM5C,"Alison ""Alison""",0,0,5,1346716800,Very watermelon flavored!,I love all of Joray's flavors. Watermelon is my favorite! Joray's fruit rolls are more natural than other fruit snacks. 6527,B000I077RG,A4WWCT6D7T35M,Danielle L. Montgomery,0,0,1,1336176000,OL
?? A ????STS?ALALEL?????y y????? l lol??? t ???ses?e fe ?rur??t t r ?olo?l l u ?psp?s as ana?? I ???eme?????r r h ????ngn? t?????asa?s as a s a??????d sd ?o o?????as as d ?ele?igighghth??d ?whw?henhe? I??sasawaw w???cocououlu?ld ld b ????a a? la larargrgege ?boboxo?? H HoH??eve??r,r, ,????? t???y y cy ???????e we ???e ?did?sa??pop??intin???! ! ?ThT?he he???rere re w?????ve?veryver???oldold d ad an???ha????..? ??e ?ono??y ??pep?nen?ed ed o ??e e ae ?and???????rokro?e ?in??o ????cec??????ecaec?usu?se se i??'s's ???fof???d id ititeitemem,em, ???ou ou c?an????????rnr???whiwhici?????????? i???rirididiidic????ousou?..??????ou?ld??'t't 't??eveev?????t ??????! I! ????rderd?? l lo lototst???? s sts?tuftu?f ??frofromo?m Am ?mam?zoz?on on a?nd???avaveave ???d d a??grg???? e ex expxpeperpe?????????cecepce????forfor ??the??se se fse ???uitui?t rt rot rololloll ?upupsup??????'t??bu?y ???od??fr?fromfrom m A?ma?zozonzon!n????TheTh
D AND STALE!,"My kids love these fruit roll ups and I remember having them as a child so I was delighted when I saw I could buy a large box. However, when they came we were disappointed! The were were very old and hard... We only opened one and it broke into pieces. Because it's a food item, you can't return which I think is ridiculous...we couldn't even eat them! I order lots of stuff from Amazon and have had a great experience except for these fruit roll ups. Don't buy food from Amazon! (The
o ?nln????eae?????I I??ava?e e i iti??1 1 s ???r r??s s b ?ececacauaususes?e Ie ??hahadad d????clc??ckck k o?????memete?hihiningng g a ana??d td ?theth?????d ?ararrarrir?ve? o?? t?imime??.".???525??,B,??050505??????????6I6IDI??WFWFUF????Y,Y,A?? B ?oto??i,i,2,2,2?,2,,2,5,???333353???????,G,GrG???t t ht ?harha?d ????r ??cancandndynd??"T"ThTheh?????re? d ???licli?ioi?? ? T Th?ey???havha?ve ?ththethe the????me me? co c???????ncn????as as? a a S ??????oror r Rr ???????ndnd nd t?heheyhe?y ay ary a????sousoursou?r ar ala?l l??????ayay ???rorou?ghg?????'m'm m s??ureur???'l'?? b be b??e ore ord?ereri??? s so som so??me mme ?ororeore.e."??65652???????????LMKLMK,?A2A24A24Y4Y1Y?9I9IQI????I4I444??KSK???,2,2,2,??????262686?8448448?4800480???ryry y By BaBababyb???eaearearsrs,s?,"T,"?ThiTh?is is? ca c??dyd?y iy isis is sis ??mim?lal?? t????the?the Cthe ?CryCr????abyab?y ty tey t?ear??s ts ???at at???ou ou?fifin?d ??in in? th the the the b????es es o???????????the ?se???er??me??ntint?ionionsn?s t?
only reason I gave it 1 star is because I had to click on something and they did arrive on time)." 6528,B00504SLMK,A2I6IDSWFUS6LY,A. Botti,2,2,5,1335484800,Great hard sour candy,"These are delicious. They have the same consistency as a Spree or Runt, and they are sour all the way through. I'm sure I'll be ordering some more." 6529,B00504SLMK,A24Y19IQBDHI44,KS,2,2,5,1326844800,Cry Baby Tears,"This candy is similar to the Cry Baby tears that you find in the boxes only, as the seller mentions th
?eye??ararer? c ????eded d??????????????????m m t ?? b boboto?heh????????nene e te ?thithini?g g?yoyouou u? wa w?ntnt t tt ?to to k ??eepeep p i ?? m mi minindin?d ud unu?lil?????????ndndid??ididud???lyl??bo?xexeded ed C ?ryr??BaB??y ?te?ararsars s???esesees?e oe ?nenesne?s ds do? n non?? c???tataiain?in tin ?theth??grgrar?pepe ?flf??vovoror.r?. G. ??reare??? Ca Can?dyd?y iy ???s ???o ???????at??ththithisthi?s is isi????o ho hah?????o o fo fif?indind ind i in in in s st s????s.s.".??656??0,0,B,????040???MKM?,A,A8A???X7X??IJI??????CGC?,0,?0,10,1,1?1,??343????80800?0,??????? s??hiphippppipin?g g sg ???ndndand??ardsard?, ,?ha???h h th ta?????","???he ?it??????ipipp?ed?ed ied ????????sesease?aleal??ed ped plp??st?ic?????g wg ?????? a a a? br bror?wnwn ??ar??????? s sh shi????ing?????eevee?????rrrrir?iveiveded ed wed wi????prp?rodro??ctc???ooo???? an a?nd nd f ??allal?linli?ng ng??outou?t ot ?????? c?ar???oa??d.d?. . ?NoN???ffffoforortor?t ht ha???bebee??n mn ?ad??
ey are coated which doesn't seem to bother me. One thing you want to keep in mind unlike the individually boxed Cry Baby tears these ones do not contain the grape flavor. Great Candy it's too bad that this is so hard to find in stores." 6530,B00504SLMK,A867X78IJFE8H,CG,0,1,1,1343088000,"Awful shipping standards, harsh taste.",The item shipped in an unsealed plastic bag within a brown cardboard shipping sleeve. Arrived with product loose and falling out of the cardboard. No effort had been made
?????????tht?e e p plplal??tit?????g g??r r t th the???hih?ppppip???g sg ???evevev?. .??nbnbeb???ev???le?.<.??r r /r ??ThT???????ucu????????? i??????? f fof?ulul ?tat?astas?????wiwitithith h?????orrorrir?bl?e ?li?ngngeng??rinringng ???tet????ststest????ou?ldld d? be be ??thethe ?cocoaoata??tingtin??<?<b?r ???<b???/>?? a????ereryery y dy ???apapp??in???d d id ?? t? the th?e pe pup?rcr???aseas??ana?d d wd wowou?ouldoul????eveev?er er??uyuy ??agaag???. ???pep?cic?alallallyl???ro??m tm th??? v?????or.or??StS??y ?y awy a??????rom? t?? thes the?se!se!!6??313???000030343?W0W????,A,A2A??KGK?FOFOQOQRQ??FHF??O,O?rorovrovever?mamanan,an,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?31?565?121?808??????????rerea??t it in?in min mym?y ey ??????soso o mo ma??????,M,?y ?wi???e ue ??sesses s ts th???s cs ?cofco????e ie ??in oin ou???esespes?prepr?esses?so so???machmac????? to t?o m?akakek??????pucpuch????s ????th th?????a a pa ?owo?dederer er aer an?d ???t i?s ?s grs gre????. . ????he she ???
to seal the plastic bag or the shipping sleeve. Unbelievable.<br />The product itself is very foul tasting with a horrible lingering aftertaste. Could be the coating?<br /><br />I am very disappointed in the purchase and would never buy again. Especially from this vendor. Stay away from these! 6531,B0034W0X0I,A2OKGFOQRZFHLO,roverman,0,0,5,1315612800,Works great in my espresso machine,My wife uses this coffee in our espresso machine to make cappuchinos with cocoa powder and it is great. She says
? i iti???asas s?? n nin??e e?sts?ror??? c cocofo???e ??lalava?oro?????t st ??ooo?thth h n?ot?? bi bit??ere????? d ?????t dt drdrir?nkn? c?of?????bu??t It ???ooookook ????e ??? w ??????????theth?e de dr?ipip p?????in?e ?e the t???e ?anandnd d s??vever?ala??of? t th t?? c co cof coff?????ririnri?nkenkererser?s ls lolovo?? i?t.t..6?535??,B,B0B???080??3636H6???3M3?X6X?3F3???????3,3???aviav?d d Md MoM?orrorririsris,s?????4,4,1,121???????00???rereae?????r r or ouourur ??dogdogsg???"O"OuOurur ur???wo wo???ldl?ene???????eveveev?ersers ers h?avaveave e be bee beeeeneen ??? B ?en???ulu?l Wl WeW?igighg???CoConontontrtrotr?? n no?????for for? at a????easeastst st?????earea?????? d di d?idnid?'t't 't s??e e a?nyny y??utut ut o of o?? th??e oe or?didininain?ryry y py ??oopoo???g ???robroblb??????thath?? o ot oth?therthe?rs rs????titioion?. . . T ????????????? an a?nd nd b bo bot???ha?????loslostst st cst co?nsnsis??erera??blebl?e we ????ghtgh???- -?????? we w??ere ere?? con co?nsins?ideideridere?d d "d
it has a nice strong coffee flavor but smooth not bitter. I don't drink coffee but I took some to work for the drip machine there and several of the coffee drinkers love it. 6532,B00008O36H,A3MX63FHISNPQ3,David Morris,0,0,4,1289433600,Great for our dogs!,"Our two Golden Retrievers have been on Beneful Weight Control now for at least 3 years. We didn't see any out of the ordinary pooping problems that others mention. They love it and both have lost considerable weight -- both were considered "
"????????" " b ??t t?non?????? i ?s s n no n?rmr?alal l???igi?hth??ana?d d?tht???????r r??s ?ononlonlyl? s ??????????vev??weweiwe??ightight.t? ??y ?on??y y ry ?eae?al al c ??mpm??aiaini?t t it is?? th t????????pepede??se??li???????(a(???leleaeasea?? a ??ouo?nd??heherherere)re) )??n n???e ?la?rgrgeger? 4 ?0-0-5-505??b b b ba baga???. . N ?owow ow?yoyou? c ca c?? o???ly ??inindind ?th???????lblb lb? ba?gsgs gs??ut??? the the the p prpririci????is is tis ??the the? sa s???. . ??????? th???ugu?gh gh? ab abobou?t ??? ba??s s as a a????thth,th????o io ??'s'?s a???litli?tltle?????ce??.".??656??3,3???0000000???363???A2A?M9M?PWPWAW??QIQ????B,B,R,??sss?,0,??,0,,0?1,1?,12,1?????606??000,000,u,un??lesless?????ou wou ?an????????ickic??dodogo?g pg popooo?????f f? th the the the f the ?lolooooroor.r??..I..I I? do don???t rt ?recreco?mmm??????We We h????? tw t??o do dodogdogs?gs ags an?d ?????er ?a ???w ?we?ekeksks ???f sf swswiw????in??g tg ?to to tto ???the Bthe BeBene???ulul
"obese,"" but now one is normal weight and the other is only slightly overweight. My only real complaint is they stopped selling it (at least around here) in the larger 40-50lb bags. Now you can only find these 31lb bags but the price is the same. We go through about 2 bags a month, so it's a little pricey." 6533,B00008O36H,A2M9PWAYQIYD0B,Ross,0,0,1,1256256000,unless you want to pick dog poop off the floor...I don't recommend,We have two dogs and after a few weeks of switching to the Beneful
???alaltl?hyhy y?WeW?igi?htht t w ?e'e?vev? n non?tit???d d??????ununpn??eaeasea?ana???rer?sus????? T ????y wy ?hihininene e te tot??????ututstsis??e ??ucu?h h m ?????ththath?? t?he??????ver ver h ?????an?d d ad ??tutuaual???y hy ???d bd ??we??? mo m?vevemvememene?????ig??? i ?? f ????nt nt o ?f f u usu?s is ??f wf we? d ????????t ?ththeth????????dede de i???????. . . ?OuO?r r d?ogo?s s hs ?havha?ve ve gve ??nene ne f??????neene???ingin??????? o? out ou??????? f??? t??me?s ?a a da ??y y ty ????????7 7? ti??es? d da daiaili????? h?an?andlandle? t? the the ?nunumu??ere???? b ???wel?? mo mov move????ts? t???y y h???e.e???y y ty thy t????y y iy ?s ??thith?is is d do dog do??fof??d ?jujus?t ?t got g????ririgri?ghtgh???????gh????? d??? a??d ?no????mucmuchch ch o???????actactu?al??y ?y isy is s bs be???????tiltilil??eded ed??y y ty th?e e be bo??y.y. . W. ?????ch mch ?aka???es mes ?me me???????r hr ?owow ow m????y ny ?nutnu??????s s ms ?
Healthy Weight we've noticed very unpleasant results. They whine to go outside much more than they ever have and actually had bowel movements right in front of us if we don't get them outside in time. Our dogs have gone from needing to go outside a few times a day to 6 or 7 times daily to handle the number of bowel movements they have. My theory is this dog food just goes right through the dog and not much of it actually is being utilized by the body. Which makes me wonder how many nutrients my
???ogo???ararere e? ac a?tut????y y???ceceieiviviviningng.g. . P ????????????? i ?? m ?y ????iniin??n n? an andnd ?shs???ldld d od ?onlon???beb??usu??d d id ifif f y ?ou??r dr ?dogdog g??eeeed?????lal?????????????ll?? mo moso?t t l li liki????ly bly ?? g ??in??g bg bab?ckck k?toto o????in?a a Oa ??,B,?00000?080?O3O363??,A,A2A??Y4Y????9L9LXL?H9H??,C,??mimilillillel?e Le LoL?????,0,0,,0?????464??20200??0,?????at at D DoD?og og Fog ?oooodood!ood!,!,I,I ????t at ?allal???????dogsdogs ?onon on??hih???fo????aba?ououtou??t a t a?????h h? an?????hah??f f af aga???. I????gagana?n tn toto to?????ce???????ldeldere?/o/?vev?erwer?ei????t dt ?dogdog dog???cocomo??e me ?or?e ??????ulul ul a??? e ?nenerne?gegetetitic?. ????ha?s ?s als alrl?reareadrea??y ly ??ostost t st ?omomeom?e we ?weiwe?ghghtgh?????so? a al allll ll oll ?f ?th????othot?er????havhaveve ve m? mor morere re s ?solso????d std s?tooto????s ans and????eye??????????????oyoy ????ining? t th????. I. I ??????
dogs are actually receiving. Poor dog food in my opinion and should only be used if your dog needs a laxative. I will most likely be going back to Purina One. 6534,B00008O36H,A2NY4CIN9LXH9Q,Camille Long,0,0,5,1246320000,Great Dog Food!,I put all my dogs on this food about a month and a half ago. I began to notice my older/overweight dog become more playful and energetic. He has already lost some weight. Also all of the others have more solid stools and they actually enjoy eating this. I would
r??coc?????d d t ththih?s s? to t????ere????e.e?6???5,5,B,?000?000000808O8O3O???,A,A3A373????RDR?????ARA?????,0,0,0,1,1,1?2,2,1,13,1???727202??00000000,0,"0,"D"DoD?g g w ??llll l???t t??t,t????t t pt ???p p l lil??? c crc??zyzy!y!"!????ve??non??ici?eded ?ththath?at at m ?y y?dodogog og?hah???ha?????????re?quq??entent t bt ??wewele??mo?ve???ntn?t tt ?thathanthan n??susuauala?. .?HeHe ??? o on? a ??sts?rir???t st ?????????fof?? p ????y ?brbrereare??? an a?nd nd??asas as b???en en????ry ry??oo??d od ???????????theth???asastas?t 4t 4 4 y yeyeaeararsrs ?ununtntint??? i i t tr tririeri?? t?hi?s s fs fo?????NoNow? h he he ???????inin n mn my?????t it ??? fr f??ontont ?????s ????aua???e he he???????o ?gogo go s?o o bo babada?, ??liklikeke ke t? the the ?????er? a ab a?????, i, it????????el?l ?ofof of a a a???xaxat????ve wve ?he?n ?n myn m??vever??y wy wewelwe??? tr??????ed yed ?yoryo?kikiei???an??t et ??en??hoh??d d id ?it it iit ?in"in??656?536536,6??00??0000800008O?36?H,
recommend this to everyone. 6535,B00008O36H,A37CN7RDTBTTAR,Tan,0,1,2,1332720000,"Dog will eat it, but poop like crazy!","Ive noticed that my dog has had more frequent bowel movement than usual. He is on a strict schedule for potty break and has been very good on it for the past 4 years until i tried this food. Now he poops in my apt in front of us because he has to go so bad, like the poster above, its one hell of a laxative when my very well trained yorkie cant even hold it in" 6536,B00008O36H,
?AKA???G2G?????V2V2727,7?BrB????yPy???gege,e,0,??1,1??,1,13,1?303020?141??0000,?"F"FaF???e e?AdAdvdvev??tit?sisiningng,g, , T TeT?????lel??DoD?g g??ooo?d!d!!!!"!??"I"I I??ouougughg?? t ?hihis??dod?og og f ?oooodoo? b???auausu?se se? th theh??????????ede?d pd ??????redre?d od ?? v vevegve??ieieses s?anandn??chc???ksks ?of??mem???????d ????th th???nan?????iki???""""B"BeB??efe???"""" ""?I ???ouougoughghtght t It ???asas s ps ?ur??chachas?in?g ?a a??utu?ri?ti??ousous ??raran????of ?do???fofoofoodod.od? M ?y y d?og?s ???d ???????isis is fis ?foo?d,d????ut ut a af a?teter??rereareadadi??ng ng? th the the ??ing????ie???s ?????mpm???te????re???retre?t pt pu???????ngng ng ing ?? a an andnd nd? fe feeeeleel l????t ?awa??????forfo?????edied??ing ing???it tit tot????y dy ??dogsdog??. T. ??he he f fi f??sts???hrh??e ??ng?rered??en??ts ts? ar a??????ounou??nd ynd ???lolow???corco?n,n, , c, ??icickic?kenke????-p-??rodro??????????, a?nd???cor?n ?glg????? m?
AKZKG2Z7CNV27,BreezyPaige,0,1,1,1330214400,"False Advertising, Terrible Dog Food!!","I bought this dog food because the bag showed pictured of veggies and chunks of meat, and with a name like ""Beneful"" I thought I was purchasing a nutritious brand of dog food. My dogs did eat this food, but after reading the ingredients I completely regret purchasing it and feel just awful for feeding it to my dogs. The first three ingredients are Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, and corn gluten me
a?l.l???owow w d did?sgs?ususts??ngng g?isis is??hah?t?t???ThT?e e?mam???? in ing??????ntn?? is i??a a???rnr? f ?ililll??r.r. . O. ??e e te ??in?g ?mymy y v ??t t tt tot?ldl?? me m?e ae a ???ilileil??babaca?k k? th thahathat t It ???????? fo f??gogotot:t? " """??hehenhe???ouou u????? co cor??????at?at cat ?comcomem???ououtou?t ot ofo????e ???heherher ???d?d???hehe he??ama?me me?????ing ing?ha??pep?ensen?????th th? do d?????????sisici????y,y?, d, ?og??s cs ??nnnnon?ot ot??igigeg???t ct ??rn?, ???????juj??t t at a a fa ????er? a?ndn?d cd ??us??? t?? them them m??? a ac a??uau?????eaeatea?t mt ????e te toe t?o fo fefeeeelel l??ulullll,ll, , p, ?ooo?????out out m??ore??, a, ?nd? r ?retre??ainai?n ln le?sss???ututrt??en?tst?s. s. T? The Th?e oe one onln?ly ly m me???at iat ??in Bin ????fuf????????? i? is is a is ?a ba byby-y?prp????ctct,ct????ts ts n?ot????venve?n an a ?rereareal? m?? meat mea?! ???y-py-prpropr?oduod?uctuc??ts ats ararere re?? the?? st s?tuftu??f lf lelefleftf?tovto???? on oncncec?e ae ale a?ll ??thethe e a???ua??????at
al. How disgusting is that?! The main ingredient is a corn filler. One thing my vet told me a while back that I never forgot: ""When you eat corn, what comes out of the other end? The same thing happens with dogs."" Basically, dogs cannot digest corn, it is just a filler and causes them to actually eat more to feel full, poop out more, and retain less nutrients. The only meat in Beneful at all is a by-product, its not even a real meat! By-products are the stuff leftover once all the actual meat
i??????vev?sts?ede?. .??e'e'r'rer????????g g??eaeaka??? c chc?icickc??? f fef???, , e, eye???alallal?s,? e ??venven ???icickic??n n pn popooo??? I I I??ouo??d d?nonoto?????omo??en??d td ?hi?????ododuducu??t tt ?? a ?nyn???e,e??foforo?? an a?ny ny? re rea?soson?, ????r.r. . I. ItI???? a?? a ab a??solso??tetelte?y y??wfwfuful???ogo?????od.od. ??? ca c???t ???liliei?eveeve ???e e pe ?icictic?????s os ofof f??vegve?gig?iesies ?an?????lll? c ch c????ks ks??????atat ???????e be ?bagba?g cg ?an? b be b???all????ed ed??o ??? o?n ?ththe? p ?aca??aga??ngng ng? of o?f sf sus?uchuch h??? di disisgisgugusu??iningin????od??uctuc?; ;???t it ist i???????mim?islis?eaeadea???????d d sd ?hohououlou?????? co cononsonsisididederere???d fad falalsal??e a??ve??tit???? /r />/??????>I>??????ommom?menme?d d t???????y fy ?arar ar a? awa aw????ro?????eneenefefuful?????and and????st st?PuPururiurininaina a??????ct??. . W. WhWhe???????chach??sinsi??ng ang ??????(o(oror or c? cat ca
is harvested. We're talking beaks, chicken feet, eyeballs, even chicken poop! I would not recommend this product to anyone, for any reason, ever. It is an absolutely awful dog food. I can't believe the pictures of veggies and full chunks of meat on the bag can be allowed to be on the packaging of such a disgusting product; it is very misleading and should be considered false advertising.<br /><br />I recommend to stay far away from Beneful, and most Purina products. When purchasing a dog (or cat
)??fof???, ,???e e??oso?t t??mpm??rtr????????ngng g? to t???ono??????? is i?? th the???iri????3 3???ngrng????enent?s;s; ;???st???aka?????re????ososeos???ir????????e ?ara?re re dre ??cec?enten?t it ?ingin??redredi?en????ththath?t ?yoy???wow??ldl??eae?? y ?youyo?ursurses???? N ??????atat at Iat ???nonowow ow?????at tat tot?????? f???, , I, ?????ala??y y????y my mymy ??ete?s s as al?l l???????al,al, ??orgorgag?anian?? f fo foo food?s s ss su?chc??asa?????e ???ffffafalaloalo,o, , H, ??alo???or or W ??ellel????s.s?""6????,B,B0B????????????BBBBNB????RSRSGS??Q,Q,",?CrC?isi?stesten???. ??anandande?rs???"C????????,1,?,2,2,2,1?272???68680800000????ogo?g lg ???eses es i it it,t?????t it itt it ?dod?es??????lov?????im"im",???I sI ???artar????gigivi?????????dogdo??th??s ?s a s a c?ououpou?????? w we w??????gog?????e re rereare?allallyall?y ly ?lov?lovedloved ?a a d ?difdi?ffefferereer?entent ent B ?eneneenefefuf??l al an?????o Io ??gagavga?
) food, the most important thing to consider is the first 3 ingredients; just make sure those first three are decent ingredients that you would eat yourself. Now that I know what to look for, I usually buy my pets all natural, organic foods such as Blue Buffalo, Halo or Wellness." 6537,B00008O36H,AOBBN2Y5RSGBQ,"Cristen N. Sanders ""CNS""",0,1,2,1273968000,"Dog loves it, but it doesn't love him","I started giving my dog this a couple of weeks ago. He really loved a different Beneful and so I gave
??ththih?? o ??e e a ? t?ryry.y? H ??????ESES S?????ndnd d i??s es ??cicit???d wd whw?enen n i?tsts ?tit??e e te toto o????. ?(H(He??wow??ldl??babara?ele?? t to t??chc??PuP??ini???????lel?e Be ??iteitesite?????? too to???hi?? o?utu???? s ststatat??????????omo?'s's s ps ????e e ae ?nd????e pe ?ooo???ed ed??n ?th????ou????3 3????ese?! !??????k ?th?the the???lamla?? f foforor r???t t pt pap?yiy??g g e en e?nounougughgh ??attat?en?????? to to to h hi h?'e'v'veve ve?coc??????????homhomeme me hme ?he'he?'s 's p po?????ed ied ?in in m mymy my????t 3t ?????????????? w?????) H) ???NENEVEVE?R R??oeo?????at????I tI th?ouougoughghtgh?t tt ???? m??aybay????e ??asas ??beibe?ing? s?pip??itefite?ulul,ul????? I??re???ly?? th????k h??e je ?usu?st st????'t'??????? it????he????oodoo?d id ?? o???????? o?f ?a a la lalaxla?at???ve ve ive ??f tf ththathattha?????hathat t yt ?ou?'r'?re re??ooookoo?in???fo????
this one a try. He LOVES it and is excited when its time to eat. (He would barely touch Purina Little Bites) I took him out of state to my mom's place and he pooped in the house 3 times! I took the blame for not paying enough attention to him. However, since we've come back home he's pooped in my apt 3 times! (in 1 week) He NEVER does that. I thought that maybe he was being spiteful, but I really think he just can't help it. The food is one hell of a laxative if thats what you're looking for. I
''m'm m????d d I ??ono??y y???ugughg?? t ??? s ?mam???? ba bagag g b be bece???sese e Ie ?????L L N ??T T b be???ivi?ini?g ??thithisis s????e ae ?non??thetherer r? tr t???? It It t ot ??lyly ly g ge gete?s ?? s?tat?rsr????ecaec???se se??? l ?iki?ese??iti??an?????ca?ususeuse e I?'m? s?ururere ?he?he whe ???ldl???oso????eie?gh??t it ifi? h he h??ke?epepsp?s ps ?ooo??in??g tg thg t??? m mumucu???. T. ?ERE?????E.E?""??535?????030?1Y1YKYKDK??0,0,A,?262?EXE????181????0,L0,??sas?an,an???,1,,1?5,5,1?292989??929?00000000,?0,Lo0,L?????thethesthe???,",????s ?s iss is s os ???e oe ?f ???y fy ??vovororir?iteite e pe ?potpotatattatetes??didis??heshes ???t ??I aI ???aya?????????? to tou???????e ??????ng???he?????????lo?ca?l l sl ?upupep?ermer???ke??ts.ts. . S. ??, ,??????us?uau?allallyly,ly????gog?? to???ma??on???and?? su sur sure??ene?????, , t, ?????re??av?aia??labla??e ??t ?? m?ucuchuch h???we?r r pr prpri?cece ?in??a a?????me??????f 6f 6 6?
'm glad I only bought the small bag because I WILL NOT be giving this one another try. It only gets 2 stars because he likes it and because I'm sure he would lose weight if he keeps pooping this much. TERRIBLE." 6538,B0031YKDO0,A26EXMDN188M0,Lysan,1,1,5,1298592000,Love these!,"This is one of my favorite potates dishes but I always have a tough time finding them in my local supermarkets. So, like usually, I go to Amazon and sure enough, they're available at a much lower price in a shipment of 6 b
?oxoxexeses.s. .??? I I I???owo???heh?y'y'l'?l l????gogononene e ie ????no no??imi???(m(?y y f ?amamimili?y ?????es es? th t?hemhem m t???) )? I I p puputu?? th the theme??on? a ?????ata?icic c??ele?ivi???y.y?. N. NoNo o?mom??e ??eae?rcrchchih?????? the the?sus??ere????kek?tsts,s, ,??lovloveve ve?itit!t?????393?????3131Y1??DOD?0,0,A,ACA??7A7A1A1Q1??UXUXKXK1K101?0,"0,???am am????thth th????am?""?",",0,?0,00,?0,50,5,5,1,?31??929??6060000,00,E,?asasysy ?SoS??r r?CrCrereare??am aam ??d d C?hi???s ??????oeo?es,es,","T"???sese se? ar are??????y gy ?googo?????TheTh?? a ar?e ?ve??? c ?loloslose??????omomeom?e me ?madma???, b, bubutut ut w whw????I'I'm'm m im in??? h huh??ryry,ry??I ??rea???y y ay apa?prp??ciciai?ateate ??ava???ing ing??? them the???at at? ha h??d.??"6"65??0,?B0???5A5?W8W???,A?????W4W4646E6?888??W8W8,W8,n,?cpc??0000700?,0???,0,5,0,5,?121292969666696?12???00,S00,??urpur???sis???ly? t??astastyt??????as as a?mamazma?????at ???e e ae ?ctctutuau?l l tl ??sts?e e oe ofo??? thi th?? p??ododuod?ct?
oxes. As I know they'll be gone in no time (my family loves them too) I put them on automatic delivery. No more searching the supermarkets, love it!" 6539,B0031YKDO0,AC57A1QMUXK10,"Pam Smith ""Pam""",0,0,5,1314921600,Easy Sour Cream and Chives Potatoes,"These are very good. They are very close to home made, but when I'm in a hurry, I really appreciate having them at hand." 6540,B0045AW84M,A1RFMW46E88NW8,ncpt007,0,0,5,1296691200,Surprisingly tasty,I was amazed at the actual taste of this product
?. .??. .. ????e e a amamom???t t??f f?????eie??? an andn??th????aca??????faf???isi??rereae??lyly y????d.d?? T ThThe???hah??e e ae ? l ??? m ?mormorere re f flfla?vovoro???ana????llll ll? of?? th the???omombmbibininain???ono???s ars a?re ?re??allally? g go g???d.d.6656?4141,1?B0B000?????5R5R8R?,A,?RSR???7W7WDW??Y6Y?????F.F. ?HaHaha?n n "n ??ILI???veSve??owowswshs???CaC?????",",3,3,3,3????131313??41441444404?000000,0?FrFre??sh sh U UnU??????tentenen??d Td ?ea?????????andan?,","I,"I I??ururcr?ha???ed ed? a a?KeKeue??igi? s ?? m my m???usu?bab?????ou?ldl?????e e je ????t ot ononeone ?cuc?? o?? of c of ?cofco??ee???oror or b ?re??kfkfa?sts??t int i?nstnste?????? m ma m??????a ????ncn??? pr pre????fufulu?ll ?anandand ??ititct???ing???halha??f of ??? ?I I uI ?????it it t?o ??mak???un?????eteeten?eded ed ied ????ed ted ?????. W. ?????? the th????et???rara a oa ???sw???tetenteneten???ed iced i?????tea? k k-k?cu???? i ??'s'?s gs ???reatreat ???
. . . the amount of protein and the lack of fat is really good. They have a lot more flavors and all of the combinations are really good. 6541,B003DKY5R8,ARSAI7WDHY6RL,"F. Hahn ""ILoveSnowshoeCats""",3,3,5,1314144000,Fresh Unsweetened Tea On Demand,"I purchased a Keurig so my husband could make just one cup of coffee for breakfast instead of making a French press full and pitching half of it. I use it to make unsweetened iced tea. With the plethora of sweetened iced tea k-cups, it's great to
??ava?? o ononen?e we ??tht??????gog??d,d, , c clc???n n??andan??frfrerese????????e oe ?? u unu??wew????nenedned ??teate?????? us uses??ththe??lal?????t t??setsettt???g g a an a???d thd thehenen ??dddd d ad ?????t 1t ?/2/?? cu c????????ldl??waw?te?? t to t?? th t?he he?PyP?rerexrex x???quq??d d md ???susuru???g ?????he?r.r????itithit???he?he ahe ad??it???on on??? w wa?te???, i, ?? c? cut cutsts s t??????rerenre???th th t to to to?????prpror???r r cr co???isiststestenencen???. . I. ???onon'on???bobotboththetherther r wr ??thth ?alalll?? th the? the g the glg?lasla??sesses ??wit????????and? t th??????rewrewiwinwi????ve?r r ir ?iceice.e?. ???jujusu?st st m ???e e te the t????teatea tea a an?d d pd ?ouourou???t ?frfrofr?m m? th?????tct? . G. ?oooodood ?ststustufufff???6???2,2?B0B?030?DKD?Y5Y5R5???????????LJLJ0J?YSYSESE,E?ChC??herrher??PiPi,i?3,3,3?,4,4,4,1,?????????0,0??akakeakes?????ronro??????,",??hih??????? ma mak?akesake?s es ??trtretr??????dad?arkar? a an and and and? st?
have one with the good, clean and fresh taste of unsweetened tea. I use the largest setting and then add about 1/2 cup of cold water to the Pyrex liquid measuring pitcher. With the addition of water, it cuts the strength to the proper consistency. I don't bother with all the glasses with ice and then brewing over ice. I just make the tea and pour it from the pitcher. Good stuff." 6542,B003DKY5R8,A2K7OLKHLJ0YSE,CherryPi,3,3,4,1286064000,Makes strong Tea,"This tea makes extremely dark and str
o??g g??eaea a?onon on t?heh? 1 ???????ttttit????whw?ici?? i ????y y l lalara?gegesestst t????terte? c cac??acacicitityt??sesetsett?in???????se? t th?e e Ke KeK??ririgi??IcI????BeB???raragagege ge?TuTumumbm??er?s ??ili?leledled ??????ic??e ae ???????'t't t dt ?ri????????strst??ig?hth??. . M ???y soy s?lul??tioti??on ion isis is t???fi?ll??a ?gagala?lloll?on on pon ?it?????? wi w?????ce?, ,? ad adddd ????e ?wawat????, m, ?akakek?e te ?wow??ic??d d bd ?rerewew w?K-K?cuc?????andand d pd pop??? i?? o ov oveverver ???he he? ic???????r r fr ?????whawh???? c co c??sis???er er per peper?fefece??t it icice??? te t???. ???ou ou c?an? f????gog?????????ter? f? for for ???????gerge??r ter t??, , o, oror or a? add ad??mom???? wa?te??ter tter toto o do ?il??uteute ???????a ?de?pe?nd???ing ing? on on n y ??ourou?r mr mo??d d od or?????stest? . T. ?hi?????tea tea h hah????xcx?celcell?????flf???????it?'s'??jujus????tootoo o so ???????ririgrighg?ht ht? ou o?? o of o??
ong tea on the 11oz setting which is my largest water capacity setting. I use the Keurig Iced Beverage Tumblers filled with ice and can't drink it straight. My solution is to fill a gallon pitcher with ice, add some water, make two iced brew K-cups and pour it over the ice water for what I consider perfect iced tea. You can forego the water for stronger tea, or add more water to dilute the tea depending on your mood or tastes. This tea has excellent flavor, it's just too strong right out of t
?heh??KeK?ururir?g g???r r m ?? t tatasa???? a ?ndn???n n??y ??????onon ?rereqe?uiu????s ds didili??tit???? E ExE?cecele????t t f??? m ma makakik????? p pipitpi??he?r ??? t te t?a!a????545??,B,B0B??3D3?KYKY5Y??8,8,A,A1A171?WKW?JUJ?ZPZ???GYG??????????????2,2,2?????323??828202??00?,C,?ononvonvevenenieniei??t ????d td tatasta?styst?y ty ??????GrG?rea???tatas??te.te. ?ThTheher?????s as ? s ?lilig????bib???terternr??????to to? th t?is?? te????bub????????blb???k k? te tea? - ??????? bo bouo???? to t? b???a ?lilitli??lele le? bi bit?te?ter,ter??????????llylly ????r br bebeiein?ing ??o ?st????g.? T ThTheTh?????enengen?tht?????pe???ec??t ft fo?? c cucusu???mimizi?in?ing ???to tto ?tas?tastetaste.e?. S. ??omeome ?pepeope?oplople??liliklikeke ??trtroronro?g ??teate?a wa whw???le le ole ???er??s ls li?????the????s vs ???y y my mi?ldld,d, ?soso so?yoy????an? a??d d md ???e e we ??teterter ter??f ??youyou u w ?wanwa???. I. ???liklikelike like? to to to? ma?keke ke? a
he Keurig for my tastes and in my opinion requires diluting. Excellent for making a pitcher of tea!" 6543,B003DKY5R8,A17WKJUZPRWGY9,avidreader,2,2,5,1323820800,Convenient and tasty too!,"Great taste. There is a slight bitterness to this tea, but it's black tea - it's bound to be a little bitter, especially for being so strong. The strength is perfect for customizing to taste. Some people like strong tea while others like theirs very mild, so you can add more water if you want. I like to make a
????????sts?rorono?? t ?eae? ( (t(?hehe e??ele?titini???ici?e ??????????t t???st? f ?in??) )?ana??? sw s?eee??tente? i it it it? my mysyses??f.f? I ???iki?e e se ?weweewe?et et??ea?, , b ??? u ???ala?lyly ly?whw??????geg????t,t, , i, it???usustust t tt tat???ese????keke ke s????? w??te?r.r??ThThe?se? g gig??e ?me?? th t?he he s???onongon??te??????????I ???veve,ve??an?d ?I ???? a??d d td ?thethe ??ere?fefece?t ??????t ???? sw??eeteetnt?esesses??. G. ?rer?eatea??????ucuct???6656545?4,4,B,??0303D3DKD??5R5R8R?,A,?ECE???4Y4??3I3?2323W3??RaRagaga???fff?finfin,n,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5???373727????0000,00?"T"??o o S ?tr?trontro??, ?sos?o Mo ?akakeke ke Mke MoM?oreore"e","????isi?s is ?? d ??????iteitelelyel?y ty ??oo oo???ro?????f f yf yoyouou ou???akeak?e oe ononeon?e ge glg?laslasss?s fs ???m m o on?one one???????. I. I'I??ve ve e ??peperperir??menment??d.d?. N. ??w w? I I r ?un?? tw t??o Ko ?K-cK-?cupcupsps s ts th?????? t th the th??la??ge??cu?cup cup??re?w ??thrthrethr?ee ee t?im?eses es e ea e
fairly strong tea (the melting ice dilutes it just fine) and sweeten it myself. I like sweet tea, but usually when I get it, it just tastes like sugar water. These give me the strong tea flavor I love, and I can add the perfect amount of sweetness. Great product!" 6544,B003DKY5R8,AECH84YQ3I23W,Ragamuffin,1,1,5,1337299200,"Too Strong, so Make More","This is definitely too strong if you make one glass from one K-cup. I've experimented. Now I run two K-cups through the large cup brew three times ea
c??? I ???ddd? e eae??? c ?upup p t tot??? p pip??chchechere?????ene???? ad a?? e en e?ouo?ghg? w wawata??????????l l m ?? t?hrhrer?e-e??????? pi pit??????? I ?swsweweeeetee??n n in ?it it? wi w?ithit????????, , a an andn?d ad adaddadd d jd ??????frf????????lilimi????GrGre?atat at i ic??d d td teteatea!a?""6?545454?,B,B0B?????Y5Y?R8R?????Q7Q7F7??????????JoJ????1,?1,?5,?131313141?484????00,00?Gr?ea??t tt te????GrGreGreaGreatat ?te?tea.tea.......I..????vev?e ce ??checche?kek?ed ed? ot o???? s ???re????e:e? T ?????t,t, ?KoK?hlh?s s as ana?????????arear?e me momoro??? th?an?????s ???? c??ststsst?s ps ?lul???s ths thehe he b boboxo??????ou ou g ?????on on??mam??onon on aon ar?? b?igiggggegerger r qr ququaquan?it?iei?".??65?464???0000300???KY5KY???8,A8,?6O6ORO?WDWDZDZRZ????ITI?,N,?????gngno???,1,,1,1????5,125,1???727??????????ecectct ????????,"???e ??????? ta t??????????d ???astas?t mt ???iningn? i??????? b????the
ch. I add each cup to a pitcher. Then I add enough water to fill my three-quart pitcher. I sweeten it with Stevia, and add juice from one lime. Great iced tea!" 6545,B003DKY5R8,A39Q7F2Y2TOMJ1,Jodi,1,1,5,1314489600,Great tea,"Great tea...I have checked other stores ie: Target, Kohls and they are more than this tea costs plus the boxes you get on Amazon are bigger quanities." 6546,B003DKY5R8,A6ORWDZRBVNIT,N. Gagnon,1,1,5,1278720000,perfect ice tea,"the best, tastiest and fast making ice tea by the
???asa??, ,?dodoeoese????t t?????e e??? a af a???r r t ?as?te?, , l, ????e ae ?????licli???? s sus?mmmmem?er er??rereee??e e ie ??n an ?a ga ??as??s, s,?frf???h h????e te ???a aa ananyan?tit?me? o ofof f d da dayay y? or o?????htht,t, , g, ????? f fo f????omompm??any????5454747,7?B0B000?3D3DKDKYK?????A2A2323H3??O6O606??ZNZ???9,9???ryry ??ete????ene?ryry,ry,1,?,1,1,,1,5,5,5??????969686???,p,??erfer?ece???unu??weweeeetee???tea??"I"? p ?rerefre?ferfer r tr ??? sw s????enen en m ??y oy ??n ?teteatea tea???d d s so s?o to ????s is ?????erf????. .?ItI?t mt mam?????a ?ststrt??ngng g??upu???f ????d ??tea?????d ?sosom???ma????hoh?ososes?e t????ddd?d md ?ororeor???at?er??afa?fteft?er ?br??????. ???asyas??to?? ma mak?????? g?rerea?t ?????av??e a???unundun???TaT?astasteast??e ise i???verve??? go goooodoo?d."d.??65?????B00B0??DKDKYDK???R8,R8???737???????VKV??J,J??is???????????????,5,,5,1,13,1??080??404?000000,0,L0,?ovo?? i??!,!?I I lI
glass, does not leave an after taste, like a delicate summer breeze in a glass, fresh ice tea anytime of day or night, great for company" 6547,B003DKY5R8,A23HLO605ZNBB9,Mary Beth Henry,1,1,5,1277596800,perfect unsweet tea,"I prefer to sweeten my own tea and so this is perfect. It makes a strong cup of iced tea, and some may choose to add more water after brewing. Easy to make and great to have around. Taste is very good." 6548,B003DKY5R8,A173FROK5JVK7J,Lisa Ormsbee,0,0,5,1350864000,Love it!,I l
???? m ?????ururir???????esespspep??iai?lll???lil?ke?????fifixix x? my m???cec?????? w wiw?????heh?esees?e ke ?cucupupsps.s. .?ThT?heyhe?????e ve ve?????lalavavov???ulu?? a?nd?? ev e?ver??y gy ?la?sss??isi??frf???h ?brb??wewed?! ! I ? d drd?rinrinkn? i ic ice?????????ll ll????? s ??o Io ?I aI ?????d d Id I I fI ??????anan an a??fo????blb????ptp?uIu?onon!n!!??545????????KYKY5Y5R5R8R?,A,?3P3????474?0B0?1S1SPS??,K,??m m T??omomsm??????????,13,134347???242?0000,00?DiD??????ntn?,D??isais??pop??nt??ed.ed?. . T??e ??ig?????es? h hah?????ve????????er??ntnt nt f??lavlavo????thath?an ???e ??mamalallalle?r ?bo?xexesxe?s. s.? I? a??m nm ??? s?urureure ?whw?y ???t ???t ??ooo??..???????B00B003?????R8???????FWF??5X5????,B???an?K,K,0,0,,0,0,0,???,1??????62462?40040??ArA???ve?d ??????ly?,I,I ?orordordedeeeeded ed? th thi th?? p ?????ctc?t bt ???auausu????thithis?is tis teteate?a ia ??is ris re?alall
ove my keurig and especially like to fix my iced tea with these kcups. They are very flavorful and every glass is fresh brewed! I drink iced tea all year so I a glad I found an affordable optuIon! 6549,B003DKY5R8,A3P3QJ470B1SPL,Kim Thomson,0,0,1,1347062400,Different,Disappointed. The big boxes had a very different flavor than the smaller boxes. I am not sure why but not good. 6550,B003DKY5R8,AYJ7DFWD5XO1A,BryanK,0,0,5,1347062400,Arrived quickly,I ordeed this product because this tea is reall
y??gog?odo?. .?ThTheh??shs?ipi???ntn? c cac??? a asa??exexpx?????d.d. d.?I I?lolovovev??????tat?astaste? o ?? t?hihishi????a.a??ItI?'s's s ns ?????tot?ngn?? at at t at ala?l.l..??????B0B000??????R8R??A1A?5S5??QSQ???MUM?KIK??,H,??nnn?ahah h??ililel???????5,5?131????606????,P,??????????r r?DiD??te?rsr????? a a H Ho Hot? D Da Daya??"I"I I aI ??ororeor?e t???????-C-????????? a a k a ??????ie????itit ???n ?????arardr???????????rer??mam?adead??drdririn?ksks s t?ha??t a???n'n?t ?lo??ade???wiwit?h h sh ??????. W. ?it?? t th the theseseese e ge gug?ysy?s, s, I I I???? c co conontontrt?olol l?? the?? su s??ar? c???ntentenenten?t bt ???t s?titil?l ??enjen?oyoy y ty ????t pt ???rferfec?? g??asassas????f if ?cec?ed ed? te t??a."a.""??55552552,2??????KY?????A1??LLL?7O7ORORJR?????D,D???. W. Wi. W?ileil??,0,,0,0,0,0,???13?424242?83832????VeVer?????????? Te T?ea,ea,"?WeW?e re rerecre????????ururcr????????theth????-Cu-C?up up m ma
y good. The shipment came as expected. I love the taste of this tea. It's not stong at all. 6551,B003DKY5R8,A15S4QSK2MUKIN,Hannah Hiles,0,0,5,1343260800,Perfect for Dieters on a Hot Day,"I adore these K-Cups! On a keto diet, it can be hard to find pre-made drinks that aren't loaded with sugar. With these guys, I can control the sugar content but still enjoy that perfect glass of iced tea." 6552,B003DKY5R8,A12LL7ORJCPPOD,D. Wile,0,0,1,1342483200,Very Bitter Tea,"We recently purchased the K-Cup ma
?chchih?nene e a ????? w ?asa??ququiu?tet??exexcx??iteiteded d ad ?? I? d ??????iciceceded ed t ??? r rar????r r??hahan??cocofoffffef?e.e. . T ThThi?s ???????of??bl???k k tk tetea? i??s qs ??it?ite ite?????terte??????nonoto? a at a????????hathat ?I ?????lolooooko??ingin???oror.r?????wow?????????dvd??ertertit?ses??????stst ???t ??thethe ?ri??hth??t tet t?????r r mr ?e.?????535?,B,???3D3??Y5Y???,A,?3R3RXR????????V4V4R4???he?ryr??l Kl ?ining???,2,2,2,2,2,,2,1???????80???????? is is is? te tererrerriribri?blebl???teatea,tea?????????is ais ?a ra ?ea?ll?y y e ?easea?y y wy wawayway y ty ?o o???????er??ibi??? i ic i???d td teteatea.tea. ? S SoSomo??ti???s s cs ????venvenin????? o??twtwew?igi?ghsghs s ts ??astaste?, ?bubut??nonot? a?lwl??waysway?. . ?WhW?hat??????is pis ?????ctc???????????t telt te????ouo?? be befe????e ye yoyouyou ??buybu?y iy ???? is ????at at?????in??re???ienie??????re:re? b??acackack ?k tek t??????h h??????
chine and I was quite excited as I drink iced tea rather than coffee. This blend of black tea is quite bitter and not at all what I was looking for. It works as advertised, just not the right tea for me." 6553,B003DKY5R8,A3RXYQRTJT1V4R,Sheryl King,1,2,2,1336780800,This is terrible tea,"This is a really easy way to make terrible iced tea. Sometimes convenience outweighs taste, but not always. What this product doesn't tell you before you buy it is that the ingredients are: black tea with tea ex
?trtraraca????hih??isi?cucusus s a ?ndn? c ?ititr??c c???cidci??? I ItI???s ns non???jujus???teteaea.a?? A ??nd nd?itit it??oeoese?n'n't'??t tat tasa??????kek???us?ust ust t ?teate?????ithit???. . ?It? t?asastas?testes ????? p ?owowdw?erereer??d id iciceic?? t?????????? j???r. r.? I It?It hIt ???? an an n o ???ertertat?ast?e ?????eme??n ??? t?ha????s ps ??????lyl? t th the the e ce ????trictric ?ac?idi?d. d. A ?AndAnd d td ththa?? f??ke??te?tea tea f fl flal??oro?????????omeomes?? fr f??m m pm po???erere???d icd i???ed ted ?tea??mimixi?. . . I??lll???ro?robarob??lyly ly???ini?k k i it it ?whw?henhe??itit'it?? r ????llylly y cy ?conco??venve?iei?ntnt.t??. B. ?utut t It I I w ?on?'t? s ????ve ve i it? t??? fr?ie???s!s! !? A An Andnd ????wonwon'?????rinri?? i? it ??f ?I I hI ??????imi???toto o mo ?ak?e ?a a???lasla??s os of? r??ealeal eal t??a ??andand d pd popoupo???it?it oit ov??er er i ic i?ce.ce.".""????4,4???030????5R5??,A,A2A????HNHNKN?MQM??9U9?V,V,",??opopap?ar ar S ????? " """"P"PrProrovro
tract, hibiscus and citric acid. It's not just tea. And it doesn't taste like just tea, either. It tastes like powdered iced tea from a jar. It has an overtaste of lemon -- that's probably the citric acid. And that fake tea flavor that comes from powdered iced tea mix. I'll probably drink it when it's really convenient. But I won't serve it to friends! And I won't drink it if I have time to make a glass of real tea and pour it over ice." 6554,B003DKY5R8,A2LVZHNKMQM9UV,"Mopar Seven ""Prov
?292??1818"8???,0,???,3,3,3???232?040434?32032?0,?MiM???t t a ?s s w wew??? c chcheh???iti??..??,",??hihisi?s ts ??a a? is is ?sos??????ngng g???? m ??ighig?ht ht? as a?s ws ??llll ll n non?t t wt ?as??? t ?imimem? b ?rer?ewiew?ngng ng? an andnd d?juj??? c?he?w w tw ?hehe he?lel???????ig???t ot ou?t ??f f t?????ononton?aia???r.r? I ???s ??trtrotron??g ng ?notnot ??in in? a a n???mamalal l sl ???????te?????????nsn?stestea?d ???'s's 's b??????r. r.???f yf yo?????e ?a a Ka ????rigri???ododedel?? th???t ht hahasas as c???? si sizi???ses???tinti?ngsng?????recre?comco?memenmendndand????? i is? t to t??????itithith h???e e le ???gegesestes??se??ttittiningin?g fg ?or? t th?? l?????stst st cst ???? yo y??? ca cana??fif???unu???? t????Ke?ururiur?ig ig? an and an?????? b?aca?kwkwa???d fd ?roromro?? th the ther there?? un u?titilti?l yl yo?you you?ge??????th?e ???st?ste ste y? you yo?u pu prp??? . A. AlAlsl?? n??te???thathatat at???hilhilele le? it i???s is inin in sin ???lllleller?er per ??in???
29:18""",0,1,3,1323043200,Might as well chew it....,"This tea is so strong you might as well not waste time brewing and just chew the leaves right out of the container. It's strong not in a normal strong tea way. Instead it's bitter. If you use a Keurig model that has cup size settings a recommendation is to go with the largest setting for the largest cup you can fit under the Keurig and work backward from there until you get to the taste you prefer. Also note that while it's in smaller print,
?ththehere?e e i ????????nin????nonotot t????ususes??a a ga ???ssss ?to? m mamakakeke e te ththeth?e ie icicec?? t???a wa ????????s as a ??ar?ni?ng? w????? p ??yiyininging g ag ata?tetenentn???? t??.".""??555??,B,B0B?0101O1OKOKIKI1I????????FPFP6P??NXN?AUA????HiHililll?larlaryry y???ChC??cocon?nen?ctc?""?",",2,??,2,,2,5,???262???030??0000,00,T,?hehe he??ESESTS???????ooo?d!d!!!?,","I,"????veve e t???o Co Ch??huh??huhuahu?as as a?ndnd d td th???y ay aba???lul????y ?????? th the??r r??????e ??it?ese?! !? T ?TheThe ?????redredid?en?tsts ?s ars are?????????t t qt ????litli?y ??????ab?lele le????ororgor?ana?nicnic c??hi?hickhic???, ,?flf????????, ??ut??a-a-d-drd??psps,s?, a, an??d Td ?ONO?S S?????ititait????????nd nd????ereraerala???? T ????beb????????t at ????ut ut?????? fo f?oodoo?d id ??????at at?? toy to?y by brbre?ed??s cs cacanan an b????on on????s s fs frf?romro??? the?? ti timi??e te the t???r ?lilitlittlit???le ple ????ieiesie?s t?ilil il t th?
there is a warning not to use a glass to make the iced tea which is a warning worth paying attention to." 6555,B001OKI1U6,AO0WFP6KNXAUK,"Hillary ""Chiconnect""",2,2,5,1260403200,The BEST dog food!!,"I have two Chihuahuas and they absolutely love their little bites! The ingredients are the best quality available .. organic chicken, flax seed, nutra-drops, and TONS of vitamins and minerals! The best part about this food is that toy breeds can be on this from the time their little puppies til the
y?'r'?e e????? g ????n-n? f fo foro????fef??? T TrTryr? f?inindndid?ingin???????ere??dodogog ?fof?odo????atat t d ?doedoese? t th t?at?! ? T??isi???? a a a M MUMUSU?T T??if if??ouo???havhavev???? to t???brbrereere????dogdog.g?????t ht he?lplpsps ??alalal?ancancece ?ththeth?irir r gr ?lylycy?cemcemim?? i??ndend?x x?eve??n n???t tt ??the the?????t st ?strst???sfsfu???pep????????f f? ti timi?e.e. ? O OvOveververar???, ,? it it ????juj?stst st a a a r a ??????y hy he?alaltal?thyth???foofo?od od??????wiwili?? m???e e ye ??urur ???og og? lo looookoo???nd? f??elel ??eae?ututit?ifuifulul ul i??sis?ded?e a???nd ond ououtout!t??6????,B,B0B000???9D9??WKWK,K,A,A1A?4H4?CVCVAV???P0P0P0?PFP?????y ??ur?ananyan?,0,0,0,0??5,5,1,?343474??????0,0,t0,ththethe ???st??tat?ststistining????urkurkikisishish h??el?igi?hth?,","I"I I o or??????d td th?isis ?as?????ed???barbartr????s ts tut????ishish ish?? del de?ligligh?t t 6t ???1 1 i it it it??s ?de?li??io??? . .I.?I tI ?tootooko??itit t tt tot to o????????ntn?s ???
y're full grown- for life! Try finding another dog food that does that! This is a MUST if you have a toy breed dog. It helps balance their glycemic index even at the most stressful periods of time. Overall, it is just a really healthy food that will make your dog look and feel beautiful inside and out!" 6556,B00959DMWK,A14HCVAESP0PPF,lucy burany,0,0,5,1347408000,the best tasting turkish delight,"I ordered this assorted bartons turkish delight 6in1 it is delicious .I took it to my parents hou
s?e e?foforor r??? s ???????? b bibiri??hdh???y ay amamom??g g???? g gig???s ?whwhih?chch h?? a ala??o o b??ugughghtht t???t at ???zoz?? e ?vev???on??e ae ata?t tt ?????arart??????vedved d t ?thithisis is?TuT?rkr?is?h ????igi?????? m mu m?????heheyhe????ene? w ?????d d td ?o ???????t ft ?????thethemthe????d ??I tI to?ldl???he?m ??ama?????gog????thertherer?e te ??theythe???avaveve ve??ve?ryr??thi??????amazamazoamaz?on ??thath????yoyouyo? a???al????ysy?s bs ?????in??g ug ?s ?InIntntent??nanatatiatioion??? f?????orsors s ws wis w??hoh???t lt leleaeav?in?ing ing?ou?r ??homho??s.s.".?6656555575????030?AYAYLY?9N9NUNU,U?AMAMIMIPIPRP??WYW?4I4???5,5???ay? & & &?A.A? " ?"J???"""""""","?9,9,9????131313?666?494?606?00,00,C,????aiaininsin?s Cs ?HIH?CKC??N,N?,"A,"?ltl??ouougough?? th?esesees?e a????? q ??al???y y dy ?ogo??trt?reare??????????????wawarware?re tre th?thattha?t tt tht the???se dse ?do do c ??ontontaont?ainai???chichic?kek?en.en???I dI dididid d nd ???t s????e the t?hishi??
se for my sister's birthday among her gifts which I also bought at amazon everyone at the party loved this Turkish delight so much they even wanted to buy it for them and I told them amazon go there they have everything,amazon thank you as allways bringing us International flavors without leaving our homes." 6557,B003AYL9NU,AMIPRQWY4IMC5,"Jay & A. ""J&A""",9,9,3,1316649600,Contains CHICKEN,"Although these are a quality dog treat please be aware that these do contain chicken. I did not see this i
n?grgrerede??enentn? l lil?ststeteded ed??n n?ththeh???rorododuducu?t t pt ????. . T ThT??is is???????? t?? a ?dvdvivisiseis??th?oso?e ??etet ??arare?nt?s s??? y ???r r k kik????o ho hah???? p???ltl??????r cr ??hichi?kek?en en??lll?ere??y y ly ?liklikeke ke m mim?????? t th tha?????er?y ??arariar???y y ty toto o do dadatate??coc????????boboto??? ch chihic?kekenke?n an ??????atuat??ala?? ch chi ch?ck??en en fen flf?ava?oror.r?<b<?r ????????ingin????ieienie??nts nts??re??????olo?llollowo?eded ??forfo?r tr ???e Le ?owow ow?CaCal?or??? v ?varvaririeiet????r ?r />r /??<br<br <br?/>?InIng?reredre???????<b????/>O/>?rgrgargananian??????ownown n rn riricri?e ??owowdow??er,er??riric?e ?e po?wdw?derde????vegve????blb?? g ?lyl??cerce?rinri????gelgela?tit??, , w, ????er,er, er,? ta tapapip?oco??a sa ?stastar?chch,ch, ???at at?????er,er, er, cer, ??ic?ke????????ura????chi???ckencken n fn ??????, , d, de????rar?ateatedate??????????, o????????????se??ed,ed?????nbnbe??rrirr?iesie?, ???
ngredient listed on the product page. This is just to advise those pet parents if your kiddo has a poultry or chicken allergy like mine do that every variety to date contains both chicken and natural chicken flavor.<br />The ingredients are as followed for the Low Calorie variety<br /><br />Ingredients:<br />Organic brown rice powder, rice powder, vegetable glycerin, gelatin, water, tapioca starch, oat fiber, chicken, natural chicken flavor, dehydrated carrots, organic flaxseed, cranberries, app
??eses,s? c cic???ama????, p, ??rsr??leyle?, ?chc?iaia a???eded,d?, c, ca, c?arrar??????nannan n ( (n(?natna?uru??? s se seae?wew??d d?exextxtrt?racra???????cac?arnar?ititit???, ?, pe, p?ppp?erermr??intint,t, ????scs?ror??yly??2-2-p-?olo?ypy?hoh?spsph?atatet????ouour?cece e oe ofo????????in in C C)C?), ),?????een een?te??a ea ???????? (d (???cafcaf)f?????????B0B??3A3AYAYLY??NUN?,A,A7A???HVH??ZDZD3D3R3?LTLT,T,","R"?. . E ElElll?isi???"B"??????"""""","??,9??5,5??????181???00,00,G,?rereare?? G ?????ieie ??????na??ivivev???,"W,"?e e he hah?ve??a ?? y yey?earear r?????MaMal??testesese se t th tha?? w ???ususe?d ?toto o s?hohowho???r wr ??ithit???re?????? ( (1 (??? a???ayay)y?? ev e?venven ????????it?? sa say??s ts to? l li?mi????theth??? to to o oo ??e e pe peperper ?????? T ?hehe e le ?asastas??t tit timi??????to??k k?hihimhi?m tm ?to ???the the v?ete?? w?e ???ldl?d hd ?????????kikinindin???of of f ?ooo?d ?d hed h??s ??? a???d wd whw?hat???kinkind?????????
les, cinnamon, parsley, chia seed, carrageenan (natural seaweed extract), l-carnitine, peppermint, l-ascrobyl-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), green tea extract (decaf)." 6558,B003AYL9NU,A74SHV5ZD3RLT,"R. Ellis ""Bobby""",9,9,5,1307318400,Great Greenie alternative!,"We have a 3 year old Maltese that we used to shower with Greenies (1-2 a day) even though it says to limit them to one per day. The last time we took him to the vet, we told her what kind of food he's on and what kind of treat
?s s?heh???ete?s.s?? S ?hehe he??asas s cs ????erernr???? wi w??? t ??e ?ama??ununtn???f f?GrGrereeeenenin?ese?s hs ???gegetge?ts ts??ndnd ??????usu?s ts ?? l lilimimimit????????o o o on onene ne????????th?therther r?????????he he she ??????hahatat t Gt ???eeneeni?es????nt??ainai? w wh w??at???ndnd nd? th???????ld? b bebe ?prpror???ememam???? f ??r r dr dodogo?s ???ateater?? on???n n ln ???e.e??. S. SoSo ?I I s ?????he????on on?????on?on fon ?forfor ??? wh whe wh?eatea?t ft ???e ?ded?enten??????hewhew.w.......<..?????><>??r r /???urur r dr dor dog? h??as as????iedie?d t???ree?? di d?fff?ferfere????kik??dsds ?of?? de den???? c ch?ewe??????clc?ududid????? thi th???s ons one?) )???????kek????thethemthem m am al???. ??e'e's's s ts trs tri??ed ed????hrh?refref=f??"h"??tpt?:/:?/w/wwwww??amamaam??zonzo? Ds ?enent??l l Cl ChC??hewshews ?foforfor for D DoDog??, ,????eenieenieie ie??acackc??, 9, ?? C ?CheCh?ewsew???
s he gets. She was concerned with the amount of Greenies he gets and told us to limit them to one every other day. She said that Greenies contain wheat and that could be problematic for dogs later on in life. So I searched on Amazon for a wheat free dental chew...<br /><br />Our dog has tried three different kinds of dental chews (including this one) and likes them all. He's tried <a href="""">Greenies Dental Chews for Dogs, Teenie Pack, 96 Chews</a
?> >?anandnd d?<a<a a h hrh?efe?="=????????/w/?wwww.ww?ama???ono?.c.??m/m/g/gpg?/p/prp??duducu????000?1M1?WRW?T1T???"">""?ZuZ????s s??-R-RiR?dgd?e e????????CaCararrrro?t t?FrF?resreshs?????ata?h h Dh ??ntn?ala???heh??? Bo B??eses,s??1515 5????nt???ou???????.<.<b<brb? / ???<br<b?r /r />????????rea????g g??ixixex?d ????iei?ewsew?? I ? d dedececic?ideided??????iviveve ???es?e e ae ?a ta trt??? ? My M? f ?irirsr???imi???esessessisioion?s s ws ???e e te the t?????heheshe?e e we ???re re????tt???lal?argar?? f fo f?r r ar ?a "a ""??ma??l"l?"" ""??ogog.g. ???heheyhe?y ay ar?e e t?wiw??e ??????en?gtg?????? a a?GrGrereere?? W. ???n n o?uru???itittttltt?le le g??y ???t t ot ???, ?????te????alfalf f of ?????, ???thenthe??trtritrieiedie??toto to h??ideide ide t??e e oe ot??herhe?r hr ?halhalflf.f?. ?HeHe e de dididdi???likli?ke ke???t tt ?thothou?ghg??. . I. ??wiwilwill??sas??y ty ?thath???he???sus?al???y dy de???ourou?rs rs h hi his hi?s Gs GrGreGr?????es es b ?utu?t ht ?he ?ta??
> and <a href="""">Zuke's Z-Ridge Mini - Carrot Fresh Breath Dental Chew Bones, 15 Count Pouch</a>.<br /><br />After reading mixed reviews, I decided to give these a try. My first impressions were that these were pretty large for a ""small"" dog. They are twice the length of a Greenie. When our little guy got one, he ate half of it, then tried to hide the other half. He did like it though. I will say that he usually devours his Greenies but he take
?? h hih????imimeme e o ?n n t ?heh?ses?e (e (h(he????? t th the??sasamame? w ???????e ???kekes?????fifirirsrsts?).)? A AfAftftet??? a a f fe f?w w d da d??s,s?????????s ??o o??eaeala????liliki?ke ke? th??m.m.<.<b<???????r r /?>I>IfIf f???u'u?rere re?????? a??sisidideid??byb?y sy si????coc?mpm?ara?isisois?on on?beb??wew?enen ?ththethe e Ge GeGet??NaN??kedke??dedende???? c chche??, ????enenien?eses es aes ?????ZukZu??????? t? thi thin?k k t? the?se???rere ?be??te?r.r?. . ?ThT?heyhey'y'r're'r?e re rereare?allal???????in? c?al???rieri???es anes a???? the???re??whw??at? f??reeree,ree?, c, ??rnr?????ree,ree, ree,????????? a????glglul?????n frn fre?ree.ree???Th???y'r??e c?hehea???er er t th tha th?? Z ?Zuk?es?es a?s ??welwe??.<?????????? /> /?MyM?y ry rerecre?comcommm????atatiat?on??isis is???o co cuc?ut ut t th? them? i in?in hin ??alfal??. . T. Th. Tha??????????vev???????? t??rea???s fs ??? y?ouourou?r dr dodogo???perpe???aga?. ?. T???ree? b?ag????ilill??
s his time on these (he did the same with the Zukes at first). After a few days, he seems to really like them.<br /><br />If you're doing a side by side comparison between the Get Naked dental chew, Greenies and Zukes, I think these are better. They're really low in calories and they're wheat free, corn free, soy free and gluten free. They're cheaper than Zukes as well.<br /><br />My recommendation is to cut them in half. That will give you 36 treats for your dog per bag. Three bags will g
i????yoy?u u 1 ??8 8??rereaeata????s.s??GrGre???ieiese??9696 6 a ????ror?ounou??????????e e pe ??????. . ??e ?????es es t?????ukukekeske??bubutu???? they they y?? are ar???usu??t tt tot?? e ??pep?ensen?iviveive ??eee?ini???hoh?? y yo y????nlnlyl??geg?t ?????perper r b ??g.g?<b<brb??????r ???? s sus??gegesge?st st b bu buyu??ingin?g og ??e ?????to?? se s????? y?????dod???????? t????. ??IfI???heheyhey ??do,do? t?? then the?? th??? a???? a a??re????alaltl??rnrnanatatiat?ive?? to t?o Go ?GreGr??????.".???555595??B0B????YLY???U,U,A,?????VJV????K2K??P,P,L,?oto??te,te??,3??5,5??303010161????000000,0,M,?y ?y doy d?? l lol??vesves s ts ??eme??,M???fof?ourour ?yey?earea????d ?????esesees???reresre?????mim?x x l lo l?????ththe??e e de ?dogdo????rea??ts.ts. ?HeHe He i is i????me?whw????ofof f af a a???ickickyk?y ey ea?te?r ?whwhewhen? i???coc??es?es t?o ???? t??rea???s bs bus butut ut h he h?e l?ov????s ths theheshe??. ???hey? s??melme
ive you 108 treats vs. Greenies 96 at around the same price. He likes the Zukes but they are just too expensive seeing how you only get 15 per bag.<br /><br />I suggest buying one bag to see if your dog likes them. If they do, then they are a great alternative to Greenies." 6559,B003AYL9NU,A1706VJWJRK2CP,Lotte,3,3,5,1301616000,My dog loves them!,My four year old chinese crested mix loves these dog treats. He is somewhat of a picky eater when it comes to dog treats but he loves these. They smel
?? n ?icicec? a ??? m ?ini??y y? an and???aka??e ae a a l ?itittt?lel??whwhih??????? h ???? to to o e eae????o o io ?it it g ???eses s h hi himim m sm ???ete????g g t?? w ??orkor?? at at.t??????y ay ??????ded???it??? go gooo???in??re???ene?ntsnt??. N. NoN?o mo ?????byb????oduod?ctc????????ornor???ANANDND D??he????????adadead???? t th the th????A A???????isis ?de?fif????????usu?s. s. I I I w wi w?illil?l cl ??ntntint????e te toto ?gegetet et?? the?ses????r r mr mymy y py ?upu?..??565?????????L9L??U,U,A,?1O1???YIY?M8M8U8???00A00A,A?MaMararkark k Wk WaW??kekerke???0,00,??5,5,1,131?494969??444404???"L"???? ca cal???ieie,ie???????? fr f?ieienie???y,y, , a, an?d d md my? d ?ogo?g lg ??ve??s ts ?????,"??????gsgs ??reare??????iki?? t? the???. ?MyMy My s si s???yey?earea?r or olo??d ad ?adoad?ptptet??d Sd ???oodoodldle????meme me t to???us us w wi?th?th bth ??ad ad t?eeeet?h ?an?????????htht ?pr???lelemlem.m. ???? h??ad ???? te?et???pupulpu?leledle???
l nice and minty and take a little while for him to eat so it gives him something to work at. They are made with good ingredients. No meat byproducts or corn! AND they are made in the USA which is definite plus. I will continue to get these for my pup. 6560,B003AYL9NU,A1OMUYIM8UF00A,Mark Walker,0,0,5,1349654400,"Low calorie, tooth friendly, and my dog loves them","My dogs really like these. My six year old adopted Spoodle came to us with bad teeth and a weight problem. She had 14 teeth pulled an
dd d??s s????fwf?ayay y t ?o o? he h?r r?????hth??gog??al,al? a ???d hd ?????eae??nen?d ?to??lil??e e????ncnchc?y ?snsnanacackc??.<.<b<brbr ????<br<br r /r />r /??y y ty tetenen n y ????r or ?ldld ???? l li l?ikeik????anyan?tht??ngn?, ???t t at alalsal??????edsed??????watwa?ch???is? t??ete?? a an andnd nd? hi his hi??weweiwe????.<.<b.<br????<b<br???>I>I I l li??ke ke? to to o go gigiviveve e te th?emem m?? t???eatea?t bt ?efefoforo????????veve ve? th t???hohouoususese,e, , s, so???????ththe?y y ay ???e h?apa?pyp?y iy ??stste????ofo????xix?ouousou???hehenhe??th?they??seseese?????geg?et et?mymy ???oatoa?t a?nd????ysy?s.<s.??<br ??/></><b/><brbr ??/>T/>????se se t tr?eaeateatseats ???????erfer?????t att at ?ononln??y 1y ?8 8? ca calaloal?oreor???ea???, ?an?d ?d thd t?? d dod?gsgs s a?s ares ar????cicititetedte?d td tod t??eaeateat eat t??emem.em? T ?TheTh??la??????keskes ??ho?rtrt t wt wow??k k?of?????, b, bu, butut ut? th? the the??popoooodo??le le??etetset????o g?iv???e hee h??????maimaininiinin?g g? te tee te?etheth h???wo
d is halfway to her weight goal, and has learned to like crunchy snacks.<br /><br />My ten year old lab likes anything, but also needs to watch his teeth and his weight.<br /><br />I like to give them a treat before I leave the house, so that they are happy instead of anxious when they see me get my coat and keys.<br /><br />These treats are perfect at only 18 calores each, and the dogs are excited to eat them. The lab makes short work of it, but the Spoodle gets to give her remaining teeth a wo
???ououtut.t. .??hrhrir?ststit?????""??565?1,1??000??AYA???NUNU,U??2R2RJR?LRLR3R?LLL?MPM??WGW????????upu?'s'???????????,1,???969???4040000,00?MyM???ogog g?lol?vevese??????? h heheahe?ltl?????rer?ata?s!s!,!??My? d do d?? h ha h?s ???nyn?y fy ?ooo????allallelerergr???es,es? b bubutut ut t ?theth??ese ese m ma????????thethe-the-U-??? t?re?atatsats s as ????frf????????he???, ?coc??n,n?, e, ege?g,g, ?an?d d dd ?aia?ryr?. ?????do?g g cg cacan?'t'? g geg??t et ene?ou?ghgh h??? t th t?hemhem.m."."?6565665626?,B??003003A3AY3AYL?9N9NU9N??AWA?F7F??CTC??MHM?HYH?R,R??ererrerryry,ry?,0,??????134134949349?080?808?00,??ovoveove ??the?sese,e?,"M,"??My dMy dodog?s s ls ?lovlo?ve ve? th the th??ese ??! !??WhWhe???I I r rar?an an? ou out?ut out ????the?m m??ececec?enten??????thetheythe???erereere e "e ?"c"???ntn?er?"""" "" s ??ififfffif??g ??trytr?in?? t to to o??in???sos???. ????hah????a a s se sererver??ce?? do?g ???????hasha?s ts tos to ??maimainintintataiainain n hn ???? we w?igigh?t,?? an andn?d td th?thes???ar
rkout. ChristineJW" 6561,B003AYL9NU,A2RJLR3LLMPWWG,Wolf-pup's Mom,0,0,5,1349654400,My dog loves these healthy treats!,"My dog has many food allergies, but these made-in-the-USA treats are free of wheat, corn, egg, and dairy. My dog can't get enough of them." 6562,B003AYL9NU,AWF75CTCMHHYR,Terry,0,0,5,1349308800,Love these,"My dogs love these !! When I ran out of them recently, they were ""counter"" sniffing trying to find some. I have a service dog that has to maintain his weight, and these ar
?? p ?ere??ecectct t f ??????????656????B0B000?3A3????NUN????WQWQWQ??Z8Z?TETE1E1W1WCWCFCF,F,N,NaNata?ala?iei???o-o????N,N?0,0,0????131343????848?????? d ?ogo??rer?????y ly ?likli????tht?eseseese,e,",??My My???????ealea?lyly ly e ene?????s ts th???????d d t th the?y ??????t t lt lal?sts??t lot lonongn??????????????a a b ???g cg ?he???er,er, , a??nd nd?? doe do?esnes??t ?t lit liki?ke ke b??oneon?es,es??sos? I ???anantantet?d ???o go ?etet ?so??et?hihinhi?ng ng? th????shs??he che ??ululdld d md ?ucu????on on? fr fror??????e ??? t???me me s so s???to to hto he?lpl? c ??ea?????? t?eee?eth?. . I. I I wI ?waswas ???trtrar??ctect?? t?o ?o tho theheshesese e be ???????? th the th?y y ay ??? l ?????alaloalor?ie????d ?d mad mada?e e ie ?n ???the the U ?S.S. ?WhW???n yn ??? g ge??t tt ???m ?ou????f f t???????kak??? t? the?y y d??on'on?'t 't??ooo????ik???fo?odod,d?, b, ?utu?t t?hehe ??dogdo?????????re??????mim?indin?. ???hey?? ar a??????xixibi???
e perfect for him." 6563,B003AYL9NU,A2WQW8Z8TE1WCF,Natalie No-CHAN,0,0,5,1348358400,My dog really likes these,"My dog really enjoys these and they do not last long. She is not a big chewer, and doesn't like bones, so I wanted to get something that she could much on from time to time so to help clean her teeth. I was attracted to these because they are low calorie and made in the US. When you get them out of the package they don't look like food, but the dogs don't really mind. They are flexible
?ene???ghg?????cuc?? i ?n n???lfl????tht??kik?itcit?heh?en en s ?????s s? if i???ou?? ha h??e e?? s?mam?allal? d ???.".""?656??4,4????3A3?YLY?9N9?U,U,A,??????PBP???KKK?E2E?,C,ChChrhririsi?s Ps ??,0,?????,1,??????60600?0,?LoL???CaCal??ririeri?e De ?en??alal al S ???ckc?s,s??he?????areare e ge ??eaeata???????s!s? ???? do d?????????ere????d d h???s as ??fef??w ew exextxtr??????nd??s ss ??o Io ????cic???d d td toto to b ???????sese se f ?oror or?????????he he???vevesve?s ts ????. ???lsl???kekeeeepepsps ??herhe?r or oco?cucupcu???d ??forfor ???mem????me?????lele ????e ie is????titintingn? i????656??5,??B00B0?03A03AYAYLAY??NU??,A1,A???6Z6?JWJW4W????OWO???ete???,0,0,???5,5,15,13??808??????0,M0,?? d???g lg lolovlo?vesves ves??????,","I"I ??havhave?? a a??ar??er?? br bre??? o ?f ?dodogdog,g?? ab abobou???9090 0 l?????ndnd nd??he????lovelov?es es t? the th????????fifiri??t t t??heyhey y sy ???m m? ki k???d od ???
enough to cut in half with kitchen shears if you have a small dog." 6564,B003AYL9NU,A2GFWDPBFOKKE2,Chris P.,0,0,5,1340496000,Low Calorie Dental Sticks,These are great treats! My dog is older and has a few extra pounds so I decided to buy these for her. She loves them. Also keeps her occupied for some time while she is eating it. 6565,B003AYL9NU,A13K6ZJW47R4OW,Betty,0,0,5,1338076800,My dog loves them.,"I have a larger breed of dog, about 90 lbs and she loves these. At first they seem kind of h
?ara??????? s shshehe e???s s n ???prpror????? e ?atatit?ngng g t tht?hemhe???ThTheheyhe???ono?'t'?t tt ??kek??????vev?ryr????ongong g tg ???fif?iniinisi?sh,sh??????t tht t?heyhey hey a ar?e ?a a? ni n???e le ???tltlele le? sn s???k k??r ?trtrer????foforor or? he her??whwhihili?le ?ststitiltilll?? be b?in???heheahe????y.y??MyMy ?momomo?s ?smsmam?allallelerler r dr ?dogdo??????????? l lblbsb????soso o lo ???????????, ??ltlthlthoh?ougou????he? s sm smamalmallllell???ononeon?? a????? bes be?????r ?he??.".""6?565666??B0B000????L9L???,A,????????UVUVDV??????aya??eTe?ododad?ay,ay??,0,0,,0??,1,131??777?31312?0000,00????dodog???ovo??s s t?hehem??????????????????emem.em. . G. GlG?adad d??o ????w w t??atat at?I I??ava?ve ve f fo f???d ??a sa snsnanacna?ck ck? th????is?? ap appp?ea??linlingng ng t?????y dy doy d?og og b bu b????alsalsoalso ?sosomsomem??thith?ing??????? wo w?on'on't? h? hav have?ve hve ??m m bm ?????????th????????es!es??656?567567,7?,B0,B??3A3AY3A??9N??U,AU,?GMG?
ard, but she has no problem eating them. They don't take her very long to finish, but they are a nice little snack or treat for her while still being healthy. My moms smaller dog, about 12 lbs also likes these, although the smaller ones are best for her." 6566,B003AYL9NU,A3P4JRR6UVDDIO,MaybeToday,0,0,5,1337731200,My dog loves them,My dogs loves them. Glad to know that I have found a snack that is appealing to my dog but also something that won't have him breaking the scales! 6567,B003AYL9NU,AGMZ
F?NENEPEPVPVUV??S6S6,6?mbmb,b,0,??,0,,0???131?373717??646?000????eae?? d ?????rereare???MyM???og????realrealll??y ey ?njn??ysys s????ses? t tr t????s s as ??? t th the th?e pe ?lul?s s is isi?s ts ???at at?? the they the???helhelpl??kek?epe?p hp hihis?????????lelea??? to tooo?. .?WiW?????efe??nan??lyly ly p pup???ha?se?? th???????aiain?????686????003003A3????NUN?,A,A3A3Q3QMQ??ZKZ??ZEZ?XTXTUT?Z,Z???aimaimem?epoepoo?hbh??,0??0,0,50,5,5,15,?13313???12?00??0,y0,?umummm????"I"I I j ?us???gog?????????an?d ???? do dog dogsgs s ls ???e e te ??themthe?, ,? th the? they they????ll?ll pll ??retre?tyt?y gy gogoogoodo?d ad ??and and??? thei theiri? b br?ea??th ??is is ais ? l ???ttlttle? b be b?tt???r sr smsmesmelell??inging.g????heyhey ?????exe??it??d ?whw???????pepenen en????? tr?ea?eat eat j ja j?ar ar a ?andand and tand ???y ?se??e te the t?????yuyumyu?mmymm????eaeateatseats.s. . I. ?I lI ?likli?ke ke?? the???fof?????????w w? ca c?lo?ririeie e a????? bet be??????brebreabre??h~h~"~?6656??9,9??00???AYLAY?????,A1,A1M1?MIFMI
FNEPVUHS6,mb,0,0,5,1337126400,great dog treat,My dog really enjoys these treats and the plus is that they help keep his teeth clean too. Will definatly purchase these again. 6568,B003AYL9NU,A3QMIZK2ZEXTUZ,jaimepoohbr,0,0,5,1335312000,yummy~,"I just got these and my dogs love them, they smell pretty good and their breath is a little better smelling. They are excited when i open the treat jar and they see these yummy treats. I like them for the low calorie and better breath~" 6569,B003AYL9NU,A1MIF
??D8D8T8TUT?1D1???,v,viv??vi,vi?0,0???2,2????282898?????0,m0,???dod????hrh??w w u ????NoN?? a ???igig g fg faf?n.n? W ??llll l?nonot? b???y ty ???s s a?????? p ?lulusu?s ss ??e e e ??????????ala?llylly ?quq??ckc? t?ooo????othot??r r? th thahanan an?? the the ???????up? p ?ara???""?656??0,??00?3A3????NUN?,A,??EAEA4A4S4?BWBWVWVEVEAEA8EA???,p,?pampamvmvav?an,an,0,0,??0,10,?,1???????00000?????d d?re????????e ????duducu?t t wt waw?s ?????d ad as? a a a??oco????i i c coc?ululdl???????vev?????reareakrea?k ik ?it it?inin in?ha???. . b. ??oth? d do d?ogsogs s hs has h????arardar??titimi??????wiw?ingin???the???. p. ?up?pyp??co?ul???d nod n?ot ???ithit??her her w ?wilwi?ll ll??otot ????t pt ?propr?du?ctct ct a??aiainai??n. un. ?nln?????ththe???wow????ck?aga?gesges ?s i s i g ??ot ?wew?????????ndnd ?drd??ede????????57?1,1,B1,B0B00B0?3A?YLYL9YL9N???APAP6P6R6R7R????S8S8P8??R,R????a a Ea ?. ?HeH?etret?ricrick??,0,,0,0?,5,??,13,132,13?999?555?20?0,0,G0,GeG?et et
ED8TU1DNX,vivi,0,0,2,1332892800,my dog threw up,"Not a big fan. Will not buy this again. plus she eats it really quick too, other than the throw up part." 6570,B003AYL9NU,A3EA4SBWVEA88L,pamvan,0,0,1,1332720000,bad review,the product was hard as a rock. i could not even break it in half. both dogs had hard time chewing them. puppy could not either will not get product again. unless the two packages i got were old and dried out. 6571,B003AYL9NU,AP6R70ICS8PNR,Nora E. Hetrick,0,0,5,1329955200,Get
?NaN??ede? D ?????e e D?????l l?StStitici?ksks.s??.....?,T,ThT??sese ?DeD?enten???l Sl St??ickicks? a ??e ?pepere?fef????fof????y y t twtwow??dodog??? th t???t ht ha??e e fe ??odo?d ad al??????eses es a an andn??tht?heyhe????VEVE E t????? an and an?d id i i?lil??ke ke t????prprir?iceice ???? t th? them them m hm he?rere re a????mamazazoz??..6656??2,2,B,?000???YLY??NUN??A2A?SNS?6U6U9U9696P6???Z0Z0Z0??????oso?s,s,0,0,0?,0,,0???131??282878707??00?,G,?rereareatat,at,","M"?y y dy ?????bsbsosololul???lyly y ly ???vesve????????? I ???ryry ????gigivgi?? o ?oneone ?to?????m em ?veververyrydrydad????eie?th?therthe?r ir ???????momorornornininingin?g og or??beb?fo???re wre wew?e ge ?o o to ???bebedbe?d a???ni?ghg?t.t. . . I?t ??doedo??n'n?????keke ???m ?????g tg ???fif?iniinisi?????? of o???...? b ??ut ut l???g ??????gh gh t?????ut ut dut ?isishis??s ?awa?ay?? or or ?brb??sh????y ty tey t???????:):)")""6?5757357????00300?3AY3AYLYL9YL9N9NU9N????979??1V1?YMYM9M?B8B8A8???LDLDAD??,0,,0,0,0,0,?4,4
Naked Doggie Dental Sticks....,These Dental Sticks are perfect for my two dogs that have food allergies and they LOVE them and i like the price for them here at Amazon. 6572,B003AYL9NU,A2SN6U96PXSZ0Z,A. Ross,0,0,5,1322870400,Great,"My dog absolutely loves these! I try to give one to him everyday, either in the morning or before we go to bed at night. It doesn't take him long to finish it off... but long enough to put dishes away or brush my teeth. :)" 6573,B003AYL9NU,A197O1VYM9B8A3,LDA,0,0,4,
1????3030730727???,N,NiN?cec??ststit???????hoh??? a ???ede? w we w??????"M"MyM????gsgs s a ar a???vev?ryry ?????y ay ana?d ?? n ??ed?ed? a? c ???w w t ththath??t wt ?ou???d hd ?????????bebene?nefne?it???ofo?? te t?eeteeth?? cl c???anianini?g g b???????ho??ut ut aut ?anyany ??ei?gh????aia?in,in?? an and??? the th????did?d ????at???????s ms ?y y dy ?dogdo?gs gs e enenjen?oyo??ed ed ted th?eme????f ?? d?og?? do doe do??n'n????????ththe?????stest?e ae ????wo??n'tn't ?chchechew???n n a????ntn?ala?? st s?????, t, th?thenthe?n in ????ou???d dd ??fef?eatea???the????rpr??? t th? thes these?????t t??he ????l ?al???l arl a???ndnd.nd.".?6656??4,4,B,?00?????9N9NUN??A3A????LXLXTXTHTHLH??ADA?2,2,","t,"?tilti??y ?"""???tilltil???"""""?,0,??0,???121?999?????00???My My p ?icickickyick????????li?kekeskes ???thesthese???I I wI ?asas as? sk ske??????? t? tha thatat at??my my d do dog dog ??wouwoulu?????hewhew w ow on? t?????e t?rereareatrea???, b, ?utut ?
1302307200,Nice stick without added weight,"My dogs are very tiny and I needed a chew that would have the benefits of teeth cleaning but without any weight gain, and these did great, plus my dogs enjoyed them. If a dog doesn't like the taste and won't chew on a dental stick, then it would defeat the purpose. So these fit the bill all around." 6574,B003AYL9NU,A3QJILXTHLKAD2,"tilly ""tilly""",0,0,5,1299196800,My picky eater likes these,"I was skeptical that my dog would chew on these treats, but h
e???oeoese? s ses?emem m??o o??????????. . T ?he?? s?mem??????ikeik?e ce ?ini?nan?mom?????d d??rere ????y ?lol?? i ???????rir?????????mimin??????hsh?huh??? s su s???erereer?d d kd kik?dnd??y y dy dadamamaam??e ?afaftf??? c co c??trt???tit??? L ??ptp???pipiri????s.s. ???e ??? o on? a a a???ece?ciacialal al????t t? of o? r ri??e e a?????? sm??allal??????untunt ??f f pf ???te?? . D. DoDogo??s os on??ththeth????did?iet??s o?ftfteft???sus????????????en??al??di???? ?I I n ne???ed???omo?metmeth??????o ?clclel??? h hihis??teteete?????bubutu????????otot t it ?????duducu?ce ce? hi higi????proprototeoteieinin in tin ??? hi?s s ds ??et??. T. ???ese? c???wsws ?????1818%8% %??rur?dede de???rot?????, m, mum??h ????er??th?anan ??????r cr ????ws,ws, ????d cd ?????in??fif??er?er (er (c(ch???a sa ?seese?edsed??s ans a???flflal?xsxsesee??) ) a an and?nd and annd a?titioti???ideid?ent??s ls liliklike? g ???en?
e does seem to like them. They smell like cinnamon and are very low in calories. My mini dachshund suffered kidney damage after contracting Leptospirosis. He is on a special diet of rice and a small amount of protein. Dogs on these diets often suffer from dental disease. I needed something to clean his teeth, but also not introduce high protein to his diet. These chews are 18% crude protein, much lower than other chews, and contain fiber (chia seeds and flaxseed) and antioxidents like green
?tet?a.a. . A A A?wiw?n-n-w-?winwi??sisititut??tit?ono?n fn fof?r r m ?y y??ogo??????ere?ala?? h hehea??thth.h.".????757??B0B??3A3???9N9??,A,A2A2A2A4A4G4?959??8K8?OVOV7V717???ayayty??e,e,1,1,1,21,2,2???,12,1?999????606?????? S SoSo o?MuM??h,h,W,?e e h ha h??? a ? y yeyea??r or ?ldld d p ??g g w?hoh??wi?llll ll?????????t at ??ouo??????ythyt????g bg bubutut ut?th????! !???????tu?nan?ateat??y y hy ????jusjust?? wo w???ld ld?nonot??gogo ?nenea?ear ear? th t?hemhe? n?o o mo mamatattat??r ???w w h???d ??e e te trt?iei??d td toto o po ??eakea?? hi hisis ??intin??tereteres???6?57???,B0,B00???YL?9N?U,?A1A?2L2???101?00C00??QOQ?,","K"?????VoVonondon?ereraeraha??he "he ??GoGodo?d id is?? a a?rerefe???e e fe ??for for u ?us"us?"""""???,1??1,?131343???3333636060060?0,d0,?????did?dnd???t lt lil??e ???,"???? had ha?????h h? ho h????s fs ??????is?is pis ?rorododuod??t,t, , b ??cac???e ???t it isis ??heaheal????y ay ?ndnd d ad ??????ab??e.e. . . B ?????????herhe??r ofr o?? my m?y 2y ???hi??uauahua?huahu
tea. A win-win situation for my dog's overall health." 6575,B003AYL9NU,A2A4G95R8KOV71,kaytee,1,2,1,1299801600,Not So Much,We have a year old pug who will eat just about anything but these! Unfortunately he just would not go near them no matter how hard we tried to peak his interest. 6576,B003AYL9NU,A12LH2100CKQO,"Kris Vonderahe ""God is a refuge for us""",0,1,1,1343433600,dogs didn't like it,"I had high hopes for this product, because it is healthy and affordable. But neither of my 2 Chihuahua
?s s?lil???????????? j ??sts? s sns?ifi???? a ata???? a?ndn?d wd ??lkl?kedked ?awawawaywa??; t; ththeh?e oe ?th?ere? d ????chc??wew?ed ed oed ?????t ft foforo?r ar a a s?hoh??????ili?e e ae ?????????wa?????????y y????m m? it?. . O ??ne ne? do d??? li l?ikeikeses s <s ?a ?hrhrerefef=f???????:/:///????.a.ama??zozon??coc????????rodro???t/t?B0B?030????2X2XSX??"">""?NyNyly???on??e Ne ??????DeD??t t Ot OrOri???????MiMin???chech???s fs ???r Mr ???? D Do D???, , 7 ????ouo?ntnt nt???oucou???/a/a>a????????thethe the o ot oththe??r dr do?g g lg li?ke??s <?a a h????f="f=?""h""???tp:tp:/://:/?/ww/wwwww.????azoaz?on.on.con.?comco??/gp/g?p/pp/pr???ducdu???/B0/B00???3W3W4W??8"8???????BUB???? S ?TIT??KSKS S????re?e ?RaR???e ?????andaandara????ege???larla?????ckck k S?ele?lecle???? i?ncn?ch ch?(1(?0 0???ck???, b, byb?y Dy ?????????PeP?????????</?a>a>.a>. ??? w?asas ??ooo??ininging ?fo?? s so som?e ?e ale altltet???natna?ivi??? t th thahatat at
s liked it; one just sniffed at it and walked away; the other dog chewed on it for a short while and then walked away from it. One dog likes <a href="""">Nylabone Nutri Dent Original Minichews for Mini Dogs, 72-Count Pouch</a>, and the other dog likes <a href="""">6"" BULLY STICKS - Free Range Standard Regular Thick Select 6 inch (10 Pack), by Downtown Pet Supply</a>. I was looking for some alternatives that
wwew?????eaealaltl?????ndnd d??oro?? a??fofor?????e.e. . ?I I g gugueu???????l l b ?e e se sts?icickc??ngng g???th??????r r?cucururrr???t t t???ata???fo?r r nr ??w.w?""66565757777,7????3A3??L9L?NUN????ICI?UMU?9J9???HLHLGL?3,3????????0,0?3,??3,13,121??7070303603?8080000,00?,DO,D?? T TRT??????HEHESE????RE?AT?S S A ARA?? M MOMORO?RE ???OR OR? A A L LAL??GEG?R R D ??OG OG A AS AS S TS THTHETH?Y Y? AR A??RE VRE ?ER??Y HY HAH??D D????D TD TH??ICKIC?. . . T TH THEHE HE??IRIRLR??S (S ???y my ??altaltet???) )? LI L?KEK????THEMTHE??EXEXCXCECEPEPTP???AYAY AY? TO TOOOO O??????NDND ND??????D TOD T?????? F FO??R TR ??THEMTHEM.THEM??6??578578,8?,B0,B?00200?BRB?C5C565??,A,A3,A?????JNJNKNKTK??U6U???G.G???auaupuppp??lal???4,4,2?4,??,1,??848424?24924969?0000,00,T00,???? be bes??t ot ofof f? th the??enenen?????chc???s!s??"I"I'I???? r ????nerner r dr ?????g 3g ?0-0????????es es???we?eke?? an a????m m cm ?curcu?rrerr????y ?(9(?/1/??) ) t) trtrar?????? f ?for? t?????hih??aga?????ra?th
were healthy and more affordable. I guess I'll be sticking with their current treats for now." 6577,B003AYL9NU,A3ICUM9JY3HLG3,Debbij,0,3,3,1297036800,DOG TREAT,THESE TREATS ARE MORE FOR A LARGER DOG AS THEY ARE VERY HARD AND THICK. THE GIRLS (my maltese) LIKE THEM EXCEPT WAY TOO BIG AND HARD TO CHEW FOR THEM.. 6578,B002BRC562,A34KO3JNKTZU6Y,G. Kauppila,24,24,5,1284249600,The best of the energy chews!,"I'm a runner doing 30-50 miles a week and am currently (9/10) training for the Chicago Marath
???. . I ??vev??????d d?alalll? o ofof f t?heh?e ge ??lsls s??ndnd ?chc?????????? ar arer???utut ??thethere?? a?????the???e ae ararere re mre mymy y f ??vovoro??tet??. . ???dod????t lt liliki???e gee g??s ??s ???hatha?t st ?????t ????mum?shs? a ac actc?ivi?at?eses s ms my? g ?agag g????lel?x.x. ???lulusus us y yoyouou ou a al alwl?aya???nen?eded ed w wa??terte?? wi w?thth th t? the th?m.m. ?. I. I'?????ri?ed???allal????of tof ?the? o ot oth?therther r br ?rar?nd????of ????rgrgygy ???ewe?? ( (I(? t??????; ; S ShSha?rkr???????ooo?????? s ??tictickckyk??an????????verve??y ty ??astastyt?????li??f Sf ?ShoSh?ot ot???okoksks s (s (ns (nin??????ck??ageage,e??vever?y ??stisticickicky????? th????in????s)s),? G GUG???hoh??psps s (?sus???er er??ti????ky aky ?and?????useus?ed ed sed ????e ne ??ausau?seasea)a),??PoPowowewer??ar????????as??s ?s (vs (vever?very very? go goo?d d b?ut?ut tut tot??ghg???to to? ch che?hew hew i ifi?f cf cocolo?d)d).)?. ?ThThe???????y Sy ?ti?ngnge?? c ch che chew?s s as ars a?
on. I've tried all of the gels and chews that are out there and these are my favorite. I don't like gels as that squirt of mush activates my gag reflex. Plus you always need water with them. I've tried all of the other brands of energy chews (I think); Sharkies (good but sticky and not very tasty), Clif Shot Bloks (nice package, very sticky on the fingers), GU Chomps (super sticky and caused some nausea), PowerBar Gel Blasts (very good but tough to chew if cold). The Honey Stinger chews are
??vev?ryr???asa????o o?chc??w w?ana?d d?yoy?????n'n?? n ??ede??waw??? y dy ??n'????tit?????to to? yo youourou? t???thth h? ei eiti????er. er.? T ??e e????????lll????????intin????r ?mem?e ie isi?? th thah?at at???eye?????tete te?gogooo???an?????don'don't't 't c??usu??????sesease????o mo ma???terte?????t.t. . . I ??m m??titicti??????wiw??h ?ththe??????ese????656575797???0000202B2??C5C565??,A,A1A1E1?TNT??636?U8U8383636X6??,",?JSJ?L L?????SL"SL??????,1,11,1??????727???00?0000,00,G,GrGrereaeateat ???or or???ndunduru???cec?e ae at?hlh???testes,s,","T,"Th?TheyThey'y??re re? no??t at as?? co como?pap??t t at ast a?s gs gegel???liliklikek?e "e ?""G""??,"?? b bubutu???the?thesethese ???re ??rereare??at fat foforfo?r m????????oneronersrs.s. s. ?I I? em empmptmp??y 2y 2 2????s s is ??intointo ?a ???malma?ll ll? pl p???astiasticic ic? ba??gyg?????cac?arrarryry ry t th the the the b? bag bagg bag?? i inin in?? n ne n??prprerenre????ououcou?<.<b<?r ??><>??????I I tI trtry??toto ?eaeateat eat a?bobou?t ?
very easy to chew and you don't need water. They don't stick to your teeth either. The main selling point for me is that they taste good and don't cause nausea no matter what. I'm sticking with these ones." 6579,B002BRC562,A1ETN863U836XZ,"JSL ""JSL""",11,11,5,1272240000,Great for endurance athletes,"They're not as compact as gels like ""Gu,"" but these are great for marathoners. I empty 2 bags into a small plastic baggy. I carry the baggy in a neoprene pouch.<br /><br />I try to eat about 2