?????????e e????tat?ururar?ntn????icicec??????????????????????????QTQ???????ono???????????????????131?????????,d,??????????r r?yoy?????????mom???? a ????re????di?????? h ?ava??????????? t???t t dt ??????ot???ititete ???????st??????????imimpm???y ay ?an an????????lel????????. ?dzdzz???????00???????????P6P????????PZP??,B?????????te te??????lil??????????????????????????othot?? to to to???????astas?????????hih??????????o ??is is d???liclicic?????????????strst???????????notno?t tt ???????????????????????????????and iand ????????ri??ic????? m ??ki???ng cng ????????? . ??????????????is pis ?????ablably?????????????e."e.????????,B00,B0????5E????A1A?????BBBBDB????AMA???
nding the restaurant price! 8885,B001EQ5EQE,AFJPNDNQTTC91,Donald Zeboski,0,0,5,1320710400,decaaff for you,Very smooth and rewarding to have a decaff that does not bite the taste buds. Simply an enjoyable coffee. dz 8886,B001EQ5EQE,A3P64EVP39YPZ8,Bernadette Cirigliano,0,0,5,1313798400,Smooth to the last drop,"This espresso is delicious. It's strong, but not too strong, and full-bodied and it's terrific for making cappuccino. This brand is probably my favorite." 8887,B001EQ5EQE,A1Q4UTBBDW6SAM,"E
?????ttt??e e?"""?SAS????ofo??????,0,????????????202????DeDece??ntn?,",?ThT?isi???ec?????????????? i ????????iui?m m R ?????? n ???t at ???????ror???????????????????????????utu???????????e ?de????????????????????????????????????he??? re r???ewe??????????nkn???????????s ?grgro??undun?????????inein???????????????????,A,????C6C??????????????le?????????reere??????? "" "??MarMa?le????????????????,12,1???494??404???PeP?????t ???????cuc??????ava????????????y ??? t???????aza??????len??s ?????????? h ha???????mom???in??????????????an?d ??canca??t ??? w ?it????ut ut? a a g gog??d ??sps?reresresss??????lend??????y hy ?????y o?????????????????f af ?????e ????????
. Kittle ""SAHM of 3""",0,0,3,1296432000,Decent,"This decaf is OK. It is a Medium Roast, not a dark roast (says it on the can, but not in the description here). Also, unlike another reviewer, I think that it is ground very fine." 8888,B001EQ5EQE,A1UDC6QRUN4BOK,"Marlene W. Greenberg ""Marlene G.""",0,0,5,1293494400,Perfect every cup,I have tried many of the Lavazza blends as I MUST have my morning cappuccino and can't be without a good espresso blend. My hubby only drinks decaf and we have fou
????ththih??????????o o??????????s ??ooo???????hehe ???gug??????????????????. .? M ???? t?imi???s Is ???????????????????1/?2 2 f2 ??????la??e e de ????????-m-??-u-?p.p?????ul?dndn'n??t bt beb??????????it??????9,9????????EQ????2I2IHI???UAU??HMH???W,W??????iscis?????mpm??r,r?0,0??????292????808??????????valva?????forfo???????????I aI ?m m?non???an???espes?re????o so ?no????????? r ???????y ???????an??????????????????????????????'m'm ????????????es???????????eneen????lyl??????????? a a??????????mim?????????????s.s???r r /r ??????????????chach??????theth???????zzazza ??????????????as oas ?????f f???e e Ae ??????????cafca?????d pd ???????asedased d a?????? s ????e ?????????????
nd this blend to be just as good as the regular blend Lavazza. Many times I blend it 1/2 and 1/2 for a late day pick-me-up. Wouldn't be without it. 8889,B001EQ5EQE,A2IH8UUAUHMGLW,J. Wischkaemper,0,0,4,1293408000,Good value for money.,"I am not an espresso snob. I may roast my own beans for drip coffee, but when I'm making espresso it's generally going in a bunch of milk and syrups.<br /><br />I purchased the Lavazza because I was out of the Alessi decaf I'd purchased at the store and the Lavaz
zzaz????s s a ?????????ala???????mym????rpr????????????is???????????y ???????????????????????nen?????????? th t??e se ??mem???????I I???aca????????????derde??, I, ??alalsal???????????????????aza??za za????????afa?????re?????????????????ly??????n'n?t ?????? to t????e ae as????????????????ly???????????????ingin???Fo??????????? p?????, ??????????? ca c?????ob?aba??????????????????????e de ?dec??reare???ed ed qed ????iti?y.y???r ????<br<b?????????ou'ou???? dr d???nkink????it??????igighghtgh???pr?????????????a g??oodood ??????????If If???u'u???e me ?ixi?????it???????s ms ?????????????????????888898????000?1E1???????A1A???VLV??????????RuRunu?????GiG???????????????????
za was a good deal. For my purposes, this is completely adequate and does a fine job. At the same time I placed this order, I also ordered some Lavazza non-decaf espresso, which frankly doesn't seem to be as good as the Illy I've been using. For half the price, though, I can probably suffer through the decreased quality.<br /><br />If you're drinking it straight, probably not a good choice. If you're mixing it, it's more than adequate." 8890,B001EQ5EQE,A18SVL5RCBIR4G,RunningGirl,0,0,5,1289779200
?,B,???? c ?ofofff?????????,I,? r ???????????????? P ?????????????? I I ?????????k k???? th t?he he???ata???????ouo????????ri???k tk ??he ??????????????fof????????????????bsb???? t??????ada????me?????atat ???an???????t it ????????????????????? l ??? t???????????????????????????????????of? t????ItI???????? cof coff???es es?on??????????????????sitesit??????? I f I ????????????????????zoz????????non?????ca???????????celce???nt? e es e?prp??????fo????????????????????! T! ?ha???????????????????????,B0,B000??????????353585?A1A?GEG??????????????er??????????88?222???????BetBettt?terte?r tr ??anan ????ce???co?????????p p????????????usu????useused????????to to
,Best coffee ever!,I recently visited Paris and when I came back to the States I couldn't drink the coffee. So I found a French website that had some great brands but it cost and arm and a leg to send them here. LavAzza was one of the Italian coffees on the French website and I found it here on Amazon!! So now I can have excellent espresso for a decent price!!! Thank you Amazon!!! 8891,B001EQ5EQE,A358A1GEYJG7CD,J. Greer,0,0,5,1288224000,Better than pricey coffee shop coffee!,I just used this to
????e e??????? a ????sps????sos??????itit t?????ono?????f tf ???????????astas??????f cf ?of??????thathata?t It ????????????????I I????? ab a?????te?lyl??????????????ut ut??t ?????so?ooo???????????????????????ntn????????????????????I c??? h ha h??????????????? ( ??? t???????YuY???????????????5E5?EQEEQ??????0B0BQB????????????a a???????geg?????????121???434?????,G,?????? it it' it??????matma??????? t ta t???e.e???,",????????av???zaz?a ra ??gug???ar ar???sprsp??sss??????th???????? c ?????????y ??????ararlar?????s ??I c???sis?ded???? it it??????momoomo?????t ?????????of??ala????????????pep???????????r ?????isis is?de???????in tin ???????????can????????????????????????????
make myself an espresso and it was one of the best tastes of coffee that I've ever had. I was absolutely surprised but it was sooo good. I can't wait until the morning so I can have another cup (or two). Yum! 8892,B001EQ5EQE,A1MH0BQU601U4H,Vera C. Karger,0,0,5,1282435200,Guess it's a matter of taste...,"I buy Lavazza regular espresso in the black can pretty regularly, as I consider it the smoothest tasting of all in the supermarket.<br />This decaf in the green can is just as good, but lacks
????????????????????????? / ??<b??????ne? r rer????wewere????????????????????????'s's ???mam?????r or ??????????I I?fof????????tetelte?????????hah?????????????????antan???????>C>?'e'es???lal????????????,B,??????5E5??E,E??1B1???G8G????????,A???????rir?????????????,1,?282???????????reare?????offof?????..?????hih??s is ??????????????????????r fr frf??ene??s,s? w wh w???????????????llyll????omo? I????????useuse ???????????. . ???eyey ???ghg??????coc?????d ??????Th????alalsal?????????ava???zaz??CrC?remre?ma ma??????????of?????????s,??2.2?2-2??????????????????ve ve?????????????????e ???at tat ???????????use ause ???????h ??kinki??nds nds??????xcx????????????e ge ??????????
the kick of caffeine.<br /><br />One reviewer loves Bustelo; well it's a matter of taste. I found Bustelo to be harsh and unpleasant.<br />C'est la vie." 8893,B001EQ5EQE,A1B3YG8RXGIN2T,A. S. Primavera,0,0,5,1281052800,Great coffee.....,"This is the coffee that our friends, who are originally from Italy, use every day. They highly recommend it. They also use Lavazza Crema e Aroma Coffee Beans, 2.2-Pound Bag. I have had both of these at their house and both kinds are excellent. We get it usin
?g g?tht?e e??ububsb?crc?ipi???ono???opo???????????????????????????????isisc????????? f ?re???????????????????B0B????Q5Q????,A,?????JTJTCT??X2X?????CRC???????????5,5????????606???????????afaf f?????????????lol????????l l???verve????wnw?????????ldl???t ft ????????? de?????exe??prepr?????????????atateat?lyly,y??AmA??zoz??????????? m ??e we ???? t?????????????????????????????????asa???a ta tatas?tyt?????????co????????erier??????????????n ??????????????????????t ft fit f???er???????????prodprodud??????????ty?. . ???'s'??????in-in?????sis??????ion????. I . I??????????????menme?????????????ecaec?affaffef??????d ?grg????????????????88988959???B00B001??????????Q7Q??????M7M??
g the Subscription option which gives you a great discount AND free shipping." 8894,B001EQ5EQE,A1EO8JTCUX2B0U,CR Kevo,0,0,5,1259625600,good decaf espresso,"I looked all over town and could't find any decaf expresso. Fortunately, Amazon provided me with the Lavazza alternative, and it was a tasty and welcome experience. The can is pop top, so no cut fingers. The product is tasty. It's a win-win situation. I highly recommend Lavazza Decaffeinated ground coffee." 8895,B001EQ5EQE,AVQ7O2ZXPM7UW
,,",??????????????""?","????????????????????????????esessessos?,"???'v'?????lyl????ede????isi??????? b ????iti????????????akake??????t ot ???????nin?????? W ?????re? s ??rpr?????? b?ececaec?????????????cafcaf,f???butbu???? c ???ldl?????????ep ep?fof??????rsr?????????????? to t??? bed be????????????oooodod,d???thoth?ougou????????6,6??00?1E1????????161??????????????ava???d,0d,?????,1???????00???????t nt ??t ???ala?? es e?sprsp???????I I? wa w????????????????le????t unt u???tit????iedie??????????oror or????????????? gr g?????s ???ysy???????l;l???????ht?????wnw?????t tt th?? t?????calca???????????????????ckc???????realrea????????essoess??????????decadec????????????????? a???? od o????no?not not??
,"Addie ""Addie""",0,2,3,1261958400,decaf espresso,"We've only used this once, but it kept us awake most of the night. We were surprised because it's decaf, but we couldn't sleep for hours after going to bed. Tastes good, though." 8896,B001EQ5EQE,A16TUVM8A3DV9C,David,0,4,1,1273536000,Just not real espresso,"I was hopeful, but left unsatisfied. The color of the bean grounds says it all; a light brown not the typical dark brown to black of real espresso, even decaf. Taste is weak and odd, not ri
??? a ??? s ???????????aiaini????non?????????????exe?trt???$$$??????????????afa???BuB?sts????????stest?????8??979?????????????????9K9??PXP????????????x,x????????,12,1????080??????ot?hih?ingin? l ????e Se ???????????????e,e????????????ordor???ede????????cof??????????eadea????????????oth??????????AmA????????nd ?on???th??????teteste???? I I u ????????ie???erser???????????tot????????????????on???? p pup?rcrch?????????????m m????????????????????????????so?????????ofoffof?????. I. I . I???????????????rev?revilrevi?lele ?????????so mso ??????????t ht ??????. I??????e be bebeee??? us u????? St S???????s s fs ????????????MyM?????az????????????????????????I wI ??????????
ch and solid. Certainly not worth the extra $$. Recommend Cafe Bustelo instead." 8897,B001EQ5EQE,A2L79K9PXZISP9,S. Cox,3,11,1,1217808000,Nothing like Starbucks coffee,"Before I ordered this coffee, I read reviews both here at Amazon and on other sites. I used reviewers comments to base my decision to purchase it. I am a lover of Starbucks Espresso Decaf coffee. I have my own Breville espresso machine at home. I have been using Starbucks for years. My Lavazzo coffee arrived and I was eager t
oo o????? i ???? t ???? ?????????????e te ???????????d bd brb?????????????????????I aI ??rer?ada?y y????????????????e de ???????in?tet?ed ed??????ses??????????dy dy??non???? I p I ???????????k k???ff???????nsn??????ro?????????????t pt ?ul???d d ad ??????????????????????? I p??t ?it?????mymy ?????? o??????????????? d ???d nd ?????ata????????????????????? s ??? w?????????? it t it ?????fof?????????hah???????of?f f t??? to my to m??????????????????????di???????re re??????????ou ou??re????kek???me me??nd? e en??oyo???nl???blb????????????off???????NONOTO???????????pr??????????f ??????????fer fer b????n ????an ?co??????, g, ????? it it ??????????989???000???????E,E,A,A3A???
o give it a try. I opened the tin to find brown coffee - while I already knew I would be disappointed because I already know I prefer Black coffee beans to brown. While it pulled a decent looking cup, I put it to my mouth only to find it did not match my tastebuds. One sip was all it took for me to hand it off to my husband. So. My verdict here is, if you are like me and enjoy only black bean coffee DO NOT buy this product. If you prefer brown bean coffee, give it a go." 8898,B001EQ5EQE,A3JJV
??????G7G???,",????ana? C ?. .???ivivevere??????ava??mam??????????????????373????0,0,D,???????e e?????????? t ?????????????ese???,"???ma?y ??????pr??????????????????f f y ?ouo?????? ex e??ece????????????????? a??????????????????r r???ourou???????????????????hi?nkn????????????tet??????????unu???????????MaM??gigin?????????????wh?????omombom????ed ed????? m?ili??k ik ??????pupucu???????I I????oulou??da da???owo?????????""?888?999???0000900??????????IUI?7S7????????????an?nan???an??????,2,,2,2????????9289289??????????????????an an r ????????Th????ele????????ly ??????? a???????????????????icicocorco?????in??????????ell????????. ???TherThe?re ??s ????ualua??????ly
5N6JSG7PT,"Susan C. Chivers ""javamaven""",1,8,2,1170374400,Don't be fooled by the word Espresso,"t may be expresso grind, but if you are expecting lovely dark aromatic coffee for your espresso maker: think again. Bitter when drunk on own. Marginally better when combined with milk in cappuchino. I shoulda known betta!" 8899,B0092X7OGY,A1IU7S4HCK1XK0,Joanna Daneman,2,2,5,1109289600,The black bean rules!,"The Jelly Belly people actually put real licorice in these jelly beans. There is usually only
??????????heh???ici????iceic?????nsn???n n?? b bab?g g?????????????????????? i??f yf ?????????????????, ??youyo????an an??uyu?? th t??????lo?????????????e aue a?ththethene????? ta t??????g ag ??d ?????????????????????'t'?? be bea be?????????????? f ??? f?????or.or.".???????????2X2????????????GHG???????,M,??. B. ????hih??ll,ll,1,?,1????,11,1???????????ThiThisis ?isis is????????????Je??lly??????,",?????aveave ???t ????? cr cre???or?/i/?????????ofo????????????????lly ?????????????pop?????????????????????????, t, ????? th?isis ?is?is ois ??????astas????ic????????????????????????????y Be???????????ll????????an Jan ???????ea???s as ???????t t it ???????????aldal????eagea???an lan li??ed? t???????
one of the licorice beans in a bag of assorted beans, so if you love licorice, you can buy them solo. These are authentic tasting and really good. You can't beat Jelly Belly for flavor." 8900,B0092X7OGY,A2SIPYGHXKDRPR,M. Barnhill,1,1,5,1134518400,This is an amazing Jelly Bean,"I have met the creator/inventor of the Jelly Belly and I can report with full confidence, that this is one tasty Licorice Jelly Bean. A Jelly Belly is smaller than Jelly Beans and that is why Ronald Reagan liked them so
??????????????sos???????vov????? f???????isi? L ?????????????STS???S!S??8??010?????929??????????????????W4W???,An,A????2,2????????09609?515??00???oto???????????????t,t???????e je ?????????????er?e ?vevereryer????usu????????? t th the????????d d u ????????????meme ????a a???????e ???ithit??utu???????llyll????ellel?? l lol????? th??????????????????????????????????jel?ly?????lly??????????????????????????????????? th??y y wy ???? a ac actc????????jel?????y bely be??llyslly???. I. ??????th?themthe?? as a????gig?????soso so?????dnd?'t??????????ofo?f tf ??????bub??????wawasa?????d gd gi??in??????gifgift? w???ere???????idnid??????emem em??????ththe?????ere?ere aere ?????????????iai????????e Ie ????babag
much. My personal favorite flavor is Licorice. 5 STARS!" 8901,B0092X7OGY,A1O1C1RWAZCW4S,AnGC,2,3,1,1309651200,Not what I thought,"These jelly beans were very unusual when they showed up. They came in a package without a jelly belly logo, the jelly beans themselves had no jelly belly logo, and I don't really know if they were actually jelly bellys. I got them as a gift, so I didn't try any of them, but it was odd giving a gift where it didn't seem like they were anything special, like I'd bag
????????sos?????????ic???????? b ???????????????grg?????y y sy ?tot?oreor???or or????ete????????igi?????????????? wa w?s ??isi??????????. .????d ???????e ??theth?????????????? I???????????????????????y ty ??????????????????werwerer???????re?ala??y ?jejelje??? b??????? ????????????????????????ll?????????g tg ???m m? th t??????????020????????7O7???,A,????????????F9F?????. C. ??rrr? " ?"t"tit????????????","???,0,,0??,1,???????606?00,00??el?ellyell?y By ??????,"J,"?us???be?????? I? I s I ??????an an???????ofo?? th?ese??se jse ??????????????????to to????????st? s?????n ??????????????gi?????????rar???????????a ?????t ant a?? e ???????a ????ckc????????????????????????d<d?
ged up some licorice jelly beans from the grocery store or something, big I was disappointed. And because they were a gift I had no idea what they tasted like. So were they really jelly bellys? Who knows? I felt silly giving them though." 8902,B0092X7OGY,A2DJFN6DQQ8WF9,"E. Carr ""tinkerbelle""",0,0,5,1244937600,Jelly Belly,"Just because I sent an order of these jelly beans<br />to my oldest son in Roswell, Georgia. He travels<br />a lot and enjoys a snack while he is driving and<b
?? / ??????????? li l??oro????e je ????y y b ???nsn?.<.??????????r />r /??hihisis ???????????????ic?????????or??????sps??????????sos???<br?????n n????????????8????????????R9R??,A,?2V2????????ERE?????????ma??ofo???3,23,???2,52,???323???????00,00????eatea?????????y y fy faf???lilieli?es,es??I I h hah???? 3 3 c chc??ld?rerenre?????ere???he???geg?????????????rkr?? fu ful??????, ,????????????lwl???????????e ge ???? T ???e He ?apa???????????????ucu?????????hasha????lpl?????? i ??????el????????juj??t t it ???????????????????t t ft fot f????ft?????????????s ????s wes w??l.l???????????????? w wa w?ay ay???or ??????????????????????????????ck???hi?hilehil?????plp????????omo??????????????????us???
r />he loves licorice jelly beans.<br /><br />This would make a nice gift for any special person<br />in your life." 8903,B0054TWR9O,A2V9INB3YNERSI,NC Mama of 3,2,2,5,1328054400,Great for busy families,"I have 3 children under the age of 8 and work fulltime, so we are always on the go. The Happymorning product line has helped us immensely, not just in the mornings, but for afternoon snacks as well. It is an easy way for my kids to grab a healthy snack while completing homework before we rush o
???????????r r????????????n n??????????????t ?isi?????????????y y?????k k??? t???s s is ??????iri??????????es? a?ndn???????????hah?vev???????orror???????? w ??????????????????????????e ae ????????? b ?????????he?????????not not?gogoio?????? t??radra????????????????????????????? T ?????????????an???????ara?ti?????????s ms ?y ?????????s's?????avoravorir???e -e - -????????fteft???fif??hth?????r ?????????????????????B0B??????R9R??????????3U3?VLV??646??"M"???ti?? K ??"""?????????????????5,5???????11211???????????ornornin??????upeup????BanBa???????BabBa????????????????lavla????? and an?????at?????????????????an??? a an?????????? i?????. ??????????
ut the door to afternoon practices. It is also an easy snack to toss in their lunchboxes and I do not have to worry about what they are eating while at school because they are not going to trade away their favorite snack! The Super Banana in particular is my childrens' favorite - they often fight over the last one!" 8904,B0054TWR9O,A2L1NQB3UVLU64,"Martin K ""Martin K""",0,0,5,1311811200,Happymorning Super Banana,"Baby loves this flavor and great because all organic and no crap in it. I give thi
?? t ????ere???????????????????r ??ininnnnener?????????stst st????????????.".???909????????P1P??6O6??AGA??????U2U???????????????,1??5,5,15,??4141212712???00???????ctc???? m????iti??????????ThT???e e te ??????s as ????????ec??????or mor ??????????????????????????he he????????????????s,s?????d id ?it it??as?? to t????ucuch?? fo f????isi????????????????????? T ??????lanla?? tr???ts????re ???rfr?????. . ??????ononln?????-1-?????????????esese???????? tr????s ??????????????????????s ????e.e??????useus???????un?????t bt ????????'d'????????berbe????to bto ??y ?????????so Iso ???????????AmA????????????????be be??????av???? N ?o ?????????ri??? a?????????ni??? o????????
s to her breakfast lunch or dinner, not just for morning." 8905,B0043P126O,AG08SJ3U2ZV6J,Face426,1,1,5,1341273600,Perfect fo my little dog,"These treats are perfect for my little dog. I tried the assorted flavors, and it was too much for his sensitive stomach. The plan treats are perfect. He's only 10-11 lbs, so these small treats are just right for his size. I used to run out before I'd remember to buy more, so I am doing Amazon's subscribe and save. No more worries about running out." 890
?????????????,A,????JRJ????6U6??KIK?????????e e????unu???,0,?????????????606?????mam?lll?????cuc???,b,??????vev?","??MyM? t ????????????e le ?lovlo?????????e be ???????.H.HeHe ???????????????????? h hih??is cis ????????????es? t to t?????????????????p p?????????????????????????????????????????????or uor ?untun????? he h??????????? t th???????y ???re ??easea?????????s s ss ?ma??????ut??????????????? he?????ves?????????????d ?????flf????oreor?????nesne???ut? h????????????????????????????????????? a?????????????lil?ikeik????themthe???it??her??????usu?se ??? t th the?????????????????????did? y ???? ta t?ke?ke tke ?the????????????????????????ve?? ? M ?????????
6,B0043P126O,A3GZJRI6F6ULKI,Lorraine Rotundo,0,0,5,1348617600,"Small biscuit,big love","My tiny Maltese loves these biscuts.He is always ready for his cookie.He goes to the place I keep them in and stands there looking at the door untill he gets 2 of them.They are easy for his small mouth to chew and he loves them.I tried the flavored ones but he did not like them as much as these and I didn't like them either because of the colors.Amazon why did you take these off Subscribe and Save? My furbaby
??????otot t?????????????tht?????????? I ????lel?asases??????????se se???????????????ibi?e ???? S?ava??.".?????????????121???,A,??V2V???P9P?2E2????????????????????ololelemle?????GuG????",",0,0,0??????343424??42?????????ogog g??ovo????????????y d???? lo l???? t??es??e se ?ma?lll? b??????????????????????????????in?????ithit? t? the th?????d ????????????? th?????i i??????????????cyc?y fy ???????ed ed? on o?????and???shesh???????ed ???????????ll???cacara?re re f ??? t th tho th?se????????? b?ou??????omo???????re ore ofo?? th??????????smasm???????iscuisc???????????????as as?????? a???ain??????????????ee?????????????????? a? and an??????re??????????brb??????. t???????????12 12 m ??????
is not happy about that,nor am I! Please put these back on Subscribe and Save." 8907,B0043P126O,AZV26LP92E6WU,"M. Hammond ""ColemanFlGuy""",0,0,5,1342742400,my dog loves these,my dog loves these small biscuits plain. she loves playing with them and then eating them. i tried the fancy flavored ones and she seemed to not really care for those. then i bought some more of the plain small biscuits and she was happy again. they help keep the teeth clean and to freshen the breath. they have 12 mineral
s??ana????????ini??. .??????????sos??e e???????????????????t.t?????????????apa??????ithit??????????????????????????????S,S???YDY??8I8I5I5K5KVK?NFN??????????????aca?e ?""""K"?????oro????",",0,??????131???????00???????DiD??????. ?????????MyM??????aga????asa???????d ?????1s1???????re?????ed???n n????????????????ece?ct ct???????ioi??. ??????ap? f ?????? the the????? wi w?ith??non????????le le????????????????????? e ??sys??y toy t????perperaratatete.e?????????? fe f?w w????st?????? I ?????il????????rerec?eie???ed ??ns???erser????????????????nen???????he 1he ???????n ??????f f s ?????? is is is m ?????sms????????????????ou?????itit ????????????bo????? the???izi??????????
s and vitamins. they add some variety to her diet. i am very happy with this product. 8908,B009D668KS,A1YDQ8I5KVNF8P,"Rangermenace ""Kinglord""",0,0,5,1349308800,real Diet Dr. Pepper,"My package was mailed out 1st and received on the 3rd in perfect condition. The tap fit the BIB with no trouble or leaks and is very easy to operate. I had a few questions; I emailed and received answers fast by the owner. The 1 gallon box of syrup is much smaller than I thought it would be, about the size of a med
????????????????????. .???????????????????????????????? w ????????utu??????????????????????????d sd ?????????in????? f ?rir?????. T. ThT???????st??????????????????????????????? in in???, ,?????????sesecse??nd????nd ?to????????to??? ci?rc??le le???s 2s ?? oz o??????????????d ????????? to to ???????????eses ?juj?st???remre???beb????????er cer ??????????g g????????er???????eme??vev?e 4e ???????? wa wat wa?terte??????theth???????terter ter???????????l l ol ????er fer ????????????????????he 6he ??? oz. oz?????????????1 g1 ?????????BsBs ???????????? wa???????es???t ift i???thith????????????fof????????????????????ing hing ???? p ?ri??????for for? th?e ????galga????????????????????
ium cheese cake box. What I do is drain syrup into a washed out Sodastream container and store it in the fridge. The Sodastream syrup cap has 3 circles in it, bottom, second and top. The top circle is 2 oz. so you would fill it to that 3 times just remember after carbonating you water you remove 4 oz of water or the 1 liter bottle will over flow when adding the 6 oz. of syrup. 1 gallon BIBs are a good way to test if this is right for you before paying high price for the 5 gallon BIBs." 8909,B000
????????A3A?????????464??J,J,",????????????rt? " ???ob?????????1,1??????282??????????? c ?ata?s s????????isi????rodro???????????non??t ct ???????? p ???obaob??????????????ov???prpripr?cecede???????t ??verve??y hy ???? q ???????????????ene??????? m mem????byb????????????????????????????????????????????rt???????????0,???????????686?????WeW?????????cancannnne???????????, ,????????VeV????r r????????? pr p????????????????????????????????in??????????t ????ndind?????????????????? ex extx??????? w wew??????????????uct??????????????o o?????????????s.s??????? t??????????se se? th t??? en e?????????????notnot ??no????ing ing i ?? m?????????????inerine
S9K0IA,A3SLCKFO3R46XJ,"Robert Robert ""roberto""",1,1,5,1286150400,my cats love this product,It is not cheap... probably a little overpriced... but very high quality ingredients. NO meat by products 8910,B000S9K0IA,A3PPGYCSQXK1GI,Bart A. Smith,0,0,4,1316476800,"Wellness canned cat food, case","Vendor shipped promptly and the product arrived in excellent condition. This is an extremely well made product containing no grain fillers. I had to purchase the entire case, not knowing if my feline diner
?? w wow????????????kek??????????ou???????? b ?????????????????????????????????????ama????????????????f ????lecle???????????s ????????????????????????????""8??????????IQI?????????????EEE????5,5?????????rlr????????????26?????????????ininan????????????????????'t'????rkr? f ??????e p?????na????????????????????y y???isi?s ps pap?artar???ululaul???YoY????TeT?? a ????in in?????????????????????????????????????????????? Th T??????vov???????the?????????????????ennen??l l s??????? v ??????dom?????ant,ant????????????a ???rtr????of sof ???klk???????????????????????????t ?????? I ????? ho h??in???????or wior w?ithit?h mh ??????nininni???th?
s would even like it. It would have been nice if the vendor would allow sample purchases of select varieties rather than an entire case." 8911,B000PIQ1HS,A3RLMRU7EE8595,PerchTwirl,1,2,2,1268265600,One dominant flavor that didn't work for me personally,"I would not buy this particular Yogi Tea again because I hate the taste of licorice/anise. The flavor of the licorice and fennel seed is very dominant, making it a sort of sickly sweet flavor which wasn't what I was hoping for with my burning thr
???t.t?? I I I?????? a ???ete??????????????????be be??omo???hi?????iti????oro?????????????iki???gig??geg??? w wh whi?chc???? w? why wh??? u usu??ala?lyl???????????????CoC??????????????????????? t th t?????me???uru?pop??????r ?/>/?????r />r /????????so??re re???ror????, i, ??s ??????????????????fef??? th???ougou?h ?? y ???????????or ??f f i it i??????????????????bl?e ???????????? bu butu??th?is?? te t????diddi?n'n't't ???o to ???????????????????WAW???????????????????????????????????????00??,",??????????????????non??????ut???????er???gog?????????????????thoth???e we ???????????????????????a ga ???????????????????andan????apa????????????????or ??faf?????????
oat. I think a better blend would be something with more ""heat"" like ginger, which is why I usually drink Yogi's Cold Season instead, for the same purpose.<br /><br />With a sore throat, its reasonable to suffer through a yucky flavor if it makes a discernible difference but this tea didn't do that." 8912,B004OVCWAW,A3OFZFLLURJNVZ,P David,4,4,5,1339200000,"These are NOT granola, but are very good","Oats, for those who may not know, are a grain with a size and shape like barley or 'fat rice'.
?????????????????????????ysy??????? th??e oe ????grgror?oatoatst????e ????pap?are????????eded,d????????cuc????????????????????????????????????oatsoat??s ars a??????e pe pre p??dod?mim?????t ft ????? an a?? a????????????????????in in???????????????????x x??or or????anoan????????el???ut?? oa o??????????????????????????????????????? b ????????? o???ts ts??????ha?vev???????chc??????????????venve???????????????????????oa???????????????d wd ???? S ??????????????juj????????????????und und????????????????????????????????????crc?????rsr??s ar????????????????ounou?????ats???????????????????at fat ??????????????????????????????????s,s???
There are three basic ways that the oat groats are prepared: rolled, steel cut, and ground. In the US, rolled oats are the predominant form and are the type found in the Quaker Oats box or granola. Steel cut oats are associated with Ireland and are basically oats that have been chopped into even sized pieces. Ground oats, associated with Scotland, are just that - ground into relatively fine pieces. These crackers are made with ground oats, olive oil, wheat flour, wheat bran, skim milk solids, sa
l?????????aka???g g???????????????? t???rere ?isi? n ??? su s????????????????????is is?????????at at tat ?????nd?????heshe?????e ??notno????? k ?kinki??nd ond ??????????? th????????????plp?aiain???al??thoth?????? e??????? the themem m?????????????????????????re???ese?????????o bo ?e ??????d asd a????????????r ar ?????????, o, ????er??????iti??????it?????????????????????????????????he?????????simsi????e oe ?atat ???????th?at????????? a?ppp?????????????????ca??????????udu??s a?ccc?usustus?tomto?????????????? fl f?lavla?or?eded,ed?, s, ??alt?????ac?????????eye??arareare are??ele???????????nd wnd ????es??me???????????????od????????????????????????W,W????????????RMRMGM?,L,??uru????
lt, and baking soda. Note that there is no sugar and that salt is listed at the end. These are not the kind of cracker that you eat plain (although I enjoy them that way), but instead are designed to be used as a base for a canape, or served with a bit of jam if you want sweetness. These are simple oat cakes that may not appeal to the American taste buds accustomed to sweet, flavored, salty crackers. They are delicious and wholesome and make a good snack." 8913,B004OVCWAW,A1PHFW8IB5MRMG,Laura R.
??????????242?515????00,00????????ardar???InIn n?geg???????????keke e???????'s'?????dud???????????????o o??????d od oro?rderd????g g?cocooo??????tht???s ys ?eae??????????????????cacaka????????????en?????????????????e ????avoav?????????ery ery???ldld ???heahe????mam???e ?li???????ri???uiu?t?t??? b ??t ?????tet????rer??is??????????????????????re re? ch chehewhe?????nd nd? ma m???????????k k??of of e ??????????ardbard?boabo???????????????????????????, , w, ????????ese???, a, ?????wit?????eanea?ut?? bu b????????. The. Th??????????????blb?????ith???????????ttt?terte??????????????ne? e??se? h ???????????re???? b?ete??????????????? t??????????????00400?????AWA????4U4???????????JoJ???n Wn ?????
,3,3,2,1324512000,Cardboard,"In general I like Walker's products. I tried to avoid ordering cookies this year and try the oatcakes. They aren't very good. The flavor is very mild wheat (maybe like a triscuit?), but the texture is off-putting. They are chewy and make me think of eating cardboard. I tried them with soup, with cheese, and with peanut butter. They were tolerable with peanut butter. Maybe someone else has discovered a better way to eat them?" 8914,B004OVCWAW,AA4U8RXXOLEEK,John Wiley,
???0,???131?484???????0,O0,??tct??????,?????????????kik?inging g?ofo?????????in?????????????cakca???????????????????????????theth??????redre????tst???I ?????t t s ses???Oa?ts????????. ???re re?? the thes??????ca????????thoth??t ??????<b<???/>/????r /r ????????FlFlol??????ege???aba?????ili??s, s,?????r,???WheWh???t Bt BrB????????????Su??garga???????s,??????????????????ilkil????owdow?????????????????nt"nt????????0000000???????????QXQ??????????????GrG??????????????949????606????WheWheeWhe?-D-??ggg???????s ??????? o on o????????????ryr???is?????IfI?f yf ?????tatartart????oko??????it???yoyouyo??? fi firire???tooto????ghg?????????????wilwi??????t gt ??????????????yiy??ing ????n n???arkar?????Th???fi??
0,0,3,1348963200,Oatcakes?,"I was thinking of purchasing these Oakcakes. However, in reading the ingredients, I don't see Oats listed. Are these Oakcakes without Oats?<br /><br />Wheat Flour, Vegetable Oils, Sugar, Wheat Bran, Invert Sugar Syrups, Salt, Skimmed Milk Powder, Raising Agent" 8915,B000LLIVKO,A3UQXHI88S7XAX,D. Greene,0,0,5,1294617600,Whee-Doggy,"This is the only way to fry fish. If you start cooking with your fire too high, the fish will not get those annoying burn marks. The fish
??????????ene???????nin????gogololdlded????????? ?????????????? t th t??????h h???lll???????oeo?es ????????????????????????ini?????????????herhe???idi??. ?????????????????. ?? a ad????????chch ?????oldol?d bd ??? s?????????? an?d ???pi??????f ????????????????? th???mimixi??????????? the?????????????ishis????????ak????????. ??WeWe e he ?????????en uen usu???????????tu?ff? f???????rsr???????????? p????????????? ev e??ryr???????""???????000??LLL??????ATATST??WVW?????????"A"?mbm??? F ?????????????","??,0????121??767??00??00,00?LoLovo???????,"I,"InI???????????????????dud?????????????medmed d "d ?????unu?????lel??,"","??????????????t wt ??????????????????ing?
fries evenly, a nice golden brown. It adheres to the fish well and does not come off when flipping to the other side. It tastes good. I add a pinch of old bay seasoning and a pinch of sugar, shake up the mixture and then add the fish and shake again. We have been using this stuff for years and I make perfect fish every time." 8916,B000LLIVKO,ATSAWVR11NPPS,"Amber Fox ""Amber""",0,0,5,1237680000,Love It!,"In spite of this product being named ""Cajun Style,"" please don't worry about it being
????????oto???"" ""???? h ????jujusu??????????????????????????vov??; ; n ??ot ot????????rprpop??????g g??????????too???la????????????????????????????????????nd?? a a?????????????????????????as as??he????st? f?isi???????????????ed??????/>/?????r />r /????ugu??????ono?? fo f?? t??oso????ho?????e ??????ly ly???????y fy ?is?h h ih ??????coc?ombom???e ?th???prp???ucu??t wt ???th th? co c???????????fof????????? it i?????????y ???????????on on???????monmo??y-y?????????????? o ??? th?????????????in??????????azoaz????s gs grg??at????????????sa?????????????.2.????????????????redre?????????????it ?????? th???
too ""hot."" It has just the right amount of flavor; not too overpowering and not too bland. I fried some whiting with it and a family friend said it was the best fish he ever tasted.<br /><br />A suggestion for those who like really crispy fish is to combine the product with corn meal before frying. I use a 50/50 ratio.<br /><br />Buying it this way from Amazon is a money-saver because of the free shipping and Amazon's great price. I saved about $1.25 a box (compared to buying it from the s
?upu????????t)t).)??????????avaviv??g g?iti???????????????????????????????nvn????????<b<brb? / ??????/>?I I?fuf???y y r ????????d d Gd GoG????? D ???????juj?? F ?isi????ryr??????. . I ??????????????????????????????yiyin????????????ma????.".""??????B0B??????N2N????1O1???6E6????????????t ???????????????,0,,0??,1,???????404?00,00????????????geg?e oe ?????in????????, b, ???t st ????????????mim?issis??ing?","??????de???????????or? m???bib???????????????t bit bir?????????nen?????????????????nd??? o ????????a a c ????le? o??f gf ???did?iesie??????????, ????nd tnd ?thi??????????????ovo????????choch??????????, and, an????m m am ????aysay?????????????????????s s ts ??? tr t???????
upermarket). Also, having it shipped to me is much more convenient.<br /><br />I fully recommend Golden Dipt Cajun Fish Fry Mix. I believe you'll be pleased buying it from Amazon." 8917,B002BUEN2S,A1OEN6ELBDFLI,Light by the Moon,0,0,2,1314230400,"On the verge of being good, but something's missing","I ordered this for my birthday. I got birthday money from family, and I ordered a couple of goodies, perfume, and this cocoa. I love hot chocolate, and I'm always looking for new ones to try. Bas
??? o ????heh??fifiri????rer?vivieiewe????ded?cic?????tot??gog????heaheada????????dederde?? ????ili?l l????bab???? n ??????orordor???. . . ???????????????f f????????? w wa wata????????????? to t?????? t???ck?nenese???????t at ???o o ho ???????o mo ???? o??????ara?tit??ficfici??al al?????????????????????lil???e He ?er???????s Bs ????? R ???????ry?????coc??latlate?????? b???teterte?? ??????????????iningin??????sps??on????l ol ??????????bl?????ne????????en en???????re???????co????? to? to g to ???ve ve??? a??????????ry ry bry ???? ???????????????????it it? do d?????ot????an????p p?????????????????????????????????????????????????????g cg ?????ovo?verver r tr ?timti??????usu??ing?ing iing ????? a???stistir???n ??
ed on the first review I decided to go ahead and order. I will probably not reorder. Mixed by itself into hot water it seems to lack thickness. It also has too much of an artificial raspberry taste. I like Hershey's Bliss Raspberry Chocolate much better. I've been adding one spoonful of the Cobblestone Kitchen to my regular cocoa to give it a raspberry boost. But, by itself, it does not stand up to the test. I plan on finishing the three remaining cans over time by using it as a stir in ad
??????? t tot?????????????????????????BUB??????A2A????M8M????????S,JS,???????????,0,??????????656???????he???????gog?????ndn??????n tn ?the?????is is?wow??ndender??????????????tonto??e Ke ??itcit?????s ?IrI?is???????????????ocooc?? m ??????????? t???????????????lul?xux??????s ts ???ti?ngng g????????????????????????????rigri????????????hth????????cocco?????? u ????????????e ??????rar??????????os os???????????? d ded??????d id ?it it w???as was ??????????????????????????????????e ??lal??????????ch??????????????????????????????t at ???????????ur?????????? do d????????be?d ????? p ???????ureure ???? a c a ????????f ?cuc??s ??ogo?et?????????juj??t ?
ditive to other cocoa." 8918,B002BUEN2S,A21C1M8B8DG17S,John Abbott,0,0,5,1302652800,There is good and then there is wonderful,"Cobblestone Kitchen's Irish Creme Hot Cocoa mix has got to be the most luxurious tasting cocoa on the market. We originally bought this cocoa to use as a base for Frappuccinnos but quickly decided it was way to good to waste in a mix. The flavor is rich and smooth. We have made it a part of our winding down for bed time procedure - a couple of cups together and just r
??lalaxa????? / ??????????bbb???????? K ???chc??????????????????????????as as?????eliel????usu???ndn??De??????????????????? a?re??????g g??????mem??????????????????B0B???????????????YMY?M1M??????????in,in???,0,,0,5,5,5????????606?????????????????ete? w ?????????antan????????????????????????ccccec?????????ewe?????????uru????????????????????????tht??s ???????????????x.????????????s is ?????????y ????asy asy t???????????????????????????? wi w??ith ith??imi???le le?????????????????y ???????y ??as?ic??????????????????????le ile ??????????????? way wa???? c???ki?ng?????????????im???.<???? />?????ghg???it it i is???y ??hi????opophp?y y t?ha
elax.<br /><br />Cobblestone Kitchen refers to the cocoas as ""Delicious and Decadent"" and they are being extremely modest." 8919,B0011ULFVG,A39A0YMM15P5ZI,Shin,0,0,5,1347321600,Very easy to get what I want,"After several less successful stews with curry powder, I turned to this curry sauce mix.<br />It is incredibly easy to get delicious curry stew with simple food stuffs, only with my basic cooking skills while imitating the way of cooking curry in animes.<br />Though it is my philosophy tha
tt t??????cuc???ini?? s ??????????????????m m???????????????????????????stst ????????derde???????????????????encen?????????????ctc????????????????waw???????????????? si sim?plp???prp???????????/>/?????????? p ??obo???????is tis ?hah??????is????? m ??????????me me?? tho th????h ih ???????????ledle????????m hm ho?????898???,B,????????????2T2???????7U7?????"M"???????????de? " ????????idideid???","???2,2?????474???????0,W0,???????wa??????th?ici?????ucuckuc??,"?????????????????????????ryr?y Ry ??????br????<b???????? b?????I ???ookoo?????hi??????????????tlytl????w w???ou'ou??re re? su????????d tod t?????????br??/>???????....w..wa..w???????????, I , I? gu g????, ?a ??itittittl
t good cuisine should be made from scratch, but his time I just surrendered to its convenience to get exactly the taste I want with such a simple process.<br />One small problem is that it is too mild for me though it is labeled medium hot." 8920,B0011ULFVG,A2T8NBMC87UAOV,"Mike Kilbride ""Mkilbride""",0,2,2,1347235200,Whew...way to thick. Yuck.,"My first time having Curry Rice.<br /><br />But boy, I cooked this stuff exactly how you're supposed to.<br /><br />Taste...wasn't bad, I guess, a littl
???????ror??????tht????h.h.<.??r r?????????ITI? w ???????????lil?????iceic?????????.i.iti??????????-b-??ara???????? t??????????????prp???????????sese.e?????????????/>I />I?dod?????th??????????geg?et et???t at ?gag????????????s ????s ????d ????fff?, ?????????????????cuc????y my ?????? v ??dedeoe??????useus????ftf?????bub???...?non?t ?????me??????it? i???????????????icickic??.<b?????????????????????to??es,es???onion????????nd nd p ????k pk ??????ed?????????ece?tit???n mn mim????????????..????????coc?oulou????notno??t tat t?????????????t a??ll.ll?????couco?????????asast??????????k,???????yty?thi?????????y ty thy t?????ucucece.?""???212????????X2X?????FVF??????????N,N??. ???uttut?????
e ""Strong"" though.<br /><br />IT was thick, like ice was over-bearing and the spice was pretty intense.<br /><br />I don't think I'll get it again...I guess it's good stuff, seen it in some curry making videos...used often, but...not for me, as it it is way to thick.<br /><br />I had potatoes, onions, and pork prepared to perfection mixed with it...and I could not taste them, at all. I could not taste the pork, or anything. Only the Sauce." 8921,B004FZX2YC,AFV1DRHE0S4NN,D. Mutti,0,0
????????13?6060000000,00?DiD????oio?ntn????????????? t??????????????ece????e ????????????????????????????????? n ?oto???ava????????????? is i???????????t lt ????tosto?????????????.<.????????? fo f?unu?d d?????????????lsl?s bs ?ada??????????ot ot??ixix x?????????????????????????????????d ?????drd??????????????????????????2Y2?C,C?A1A???????EDE?????????????????ropro???????????????404???ItI???idi????????????????????????????hasha??????t diet died????????r ???<b???/>/>I/>IfI?????r ???babybaby ?y hay h????????ala??er????????? y????????????prp??????????ththi?????ufu????? a????????lol????? you????ab???????????erter?????y ?????? e ????????nnn?????s s es exe
,2,1349136000,Disapointed,"We tried this formula because it is lactose free, my baby does not have any other issues, just lactose intolerant.<br />We found that it smells bad, does not mix well into water and my baby would not drink a drop." 8922,B004FZX2YC,A16I9RP5EDWM57,J. P. Lathrop,0,0,5,1340582400,It didn't kill my baby,"My baby hasn't died yet.<br /><br />If your baby has food allergies and your doctor prescribes this stuff... and you love your baby, it's certainly worth every penny. As ex
?pep?ctctet???????????hth??? i ????titili?? a ????????????e'e??s ds ?oio?ngn??wew????????232?????1D1??????????????????????DaD???????????????,0,0,,0????343???????00,00???y ???????NoN??????TheTh????????????beb?????????lal??????ipi????????????????????????????fef?. .????????theth?????????ici?????utu?t it ???????????????????ec???????the?y ?????t ft ?????????????ouo??????aba???t ??????th?the the????ounou?t ??????????gug??ar????eses es????e t?o o??????????nesnessss ??????eme?. ?? So S?????????ooo?????????????ovo???????ol??????????????l ll ?lovlo??ve tve ??????ch?ipipsip??????92492?,B?????WEW?????????YSY????????????????5,?????636??????"A"????al???8 8????ce???????lt????
pected, my daughter is still alive and she's doing well." 8923,B001DGH03A,A2LJVBPN91XW7H,Daniela Shultz,0,0,5,1344643200,Buy These Now!,"These are the best chocolate chips I've ever tasted in my life. Yes, they are pricey but it doesn't matter because they last forever and you use about half the amount of the regular ones due to the richness of them. So so so good. If you love chocolate, you will love these chips." 8924,B000JWEE74,A2HTYS3T1F7F2Z,J,4,4,5,1238630400,"Ate all 8 pieces in &lt;48
?hoh???????iti??????sps??t ?foforor r c ????ini????? st s???????nonot???????ppp????.."..?,",??????t ?th?eyey y??????????????tyt????he???????????? b ????? sof so????????? w wa w?as as?????????????????????????t.t. ?????ene????????????????? a???d wd ?????????risri????????howho???????it????s.?????????y Iy ?I aI ??????????ana???????esses??????????????? fr fre??e pe ?????ctc???????????????it???????sposp?????????fi?veve ve??????es?. ???????????? c?????????????????iei????????????on??e we ???????st st??????????????????????ur??th th????llollowo?????pre???????????? a??????????? y yoy????iki?e ??youyo?? c?????????su???????????????? sof???????????????????????????
hours. Hit the spot for cravings, stomach not so happy...","...but they were very tasty. They arrived a bit soft, which was fine, as it is warmer out. I opened the first one and was surprised by how good it was. Usually I am less than impressed with sugar free products. But these hit the spot...for five minutes. Then, I was craving another piece. Second one was just as good. Third and fourth followed pretty quickly as well. If you like your caramels super chewy and soft, then you don't need to r
e???????????????e.e???????n'n??????ri??????te te t???????????????????????????????ndn???????????????????? i ?n n t? the?????????ovo????????. ?????????t mt mom?????????I hI ?????oneon???????????co???eee????aca?????I cI ?????dn'dn?????????usu????????t t at ?????e ?e ane a?? I I ??????y y? se sececoecon?d d od ond o????????????????. The. Th??re??????eraer????????????ereer???????????????????yoy??????????????ara?ramra??????????tlt?e ??????????????????????????????????carcarfr??d ?????????s s bs ??????? fa f?????my? s??????????s ns ????????y y wy wiw?????????????????????????????I h?ava??ve nve no? m mo m????ca????ele??????f yf ?you???re? c???????????????s,s????????wawanantn??ththeth??
efrigerate these. I didn't refrigerate the first four pieces. The second four, I stuck them in the fridge overnight. The next morning, I had one as a pre-coffee snack. I couldn't have just one at a time and I ate my second one soon after. The refrigerated ones were just as good, if you like your caramels a little harder. Unfortunately, since I scarfed down this bag so fast, my stomach is not happy with me. And I am unhappy as I have no more caramels. If you are craving caramels, don't want the s
????r,r???????????????e e?????iti??????????s,s??anand???????????????????????oneon???araraar?????a a??aya?????en????????????fof??????????929???B0B?????EEE?747???1A1????ZRZ?DBD????????? L ????maman??"""??????????????????727242???????????ug??? F ??????an?andyand??"J"?????????kek?????????st?????ugaruga??frf?????e cane ca??????????blb??. ???o o????y ??????????????and????es aes ????????????????????????????e,e???ndnd ??thath?????s ????????????????te?????????s.s?????????do???t.t."???????,B0,B?????????????????????MCMC,C????,1,???????333363???????????,W,?????ounou??????hese????????????? ca????????????e ?lul?????ou??????????????????pip?incin?h ?????????
ugar, don't mind the maltitol effects, and can be content with one caramel a day, then these are for you." 8925,B000JWEE74,A1A99RZRDB9DUN,"H. Landman ""HLL""",3,3,5,1257724800,Best Sugar Free Candy,"Judy's makes the best sugar free candy available. So many sugar free candies are overloaded with aspertane, and that has its side and after effects. These don't." 8926,B000JWEE74,AE3IVYC5L4PMC,DMH,1,1,5,1336003200,Yum,We found these sugar-free caramels to be luxuriously delicious! a pinch of sea sa
?????????tet????????????te?????????????????????????????????????ttltt????????????????? i??????????????li?tyt?!!?????,B,B0B???E1E??????A3A???0X0?????????????r,r???????????656???00????ry??????h ??teate?????he q??????y ???????? t?eae????is 5is ? s????????????n n????le?? b???????????? tr t?????????????????????????????ou??????lsl??? s sk s??????????????????????????????????W,W??dadama?????????27?????????"G"?re??????ricri???????reatrea??gig????,",?????12??????????a ?????????????ded????????sese e Oe ?mam??????????????????? t??????????wo wo????????????????????makma???es ies it??????pep?????????????? pa p???k ik ifif if??ouou ou???????????
lt heightenes the buttery sweet flavor.<br />Price is a little high but worth it for the quality! 8927,B001E1AKMM,A3UX0X2KM95YN3,Barr,0,0,5,1349654400,Very fresh tea,The quality of this tea is 5 star-it is in sealed bags. We're trying it out to see if helps our nails & skin. 8928,B009AVDFCK,A2PQT2JE8ZUR8W,Adam,2,3,5,1270425600,"Great price, great gift","The 12 pack is a great gift idea because Omaha Steaks packages them in two boxes of 6. This makes it cheaper than the 6 pack if you are buying
????????ana?????e qe ????tit?????????????? a ?????????sts????????????? t to t???. . ????????I'I???????? ot o?theth???????ha ha Sha StS?eae?????????????????havha?ve ve???????????hasha????????????s gs ????ts,ts???? I??????t ????mem???t ot ??????te?.".?????????????DFD??K,K?????????????Y,Y???????rsr??le? " ???or?i"i""?????????121????????????????????????????t ???co????oeo???????ava???mum?????????or"or?","",?????e ?st??eakeakseak????me???ut????????????d,d, ???t ???????acoac????doedoes??????hav???mu??????av?avoravo???????????'t????eme???????????o to ???the sthe ?stesteaste??s.s???Th?????zez???f f??????????????????????????????? an a?????wow???d ??recre??mm?en???it?????????yoy?? a??? l ?oo??
more than one quantity. Omaha is always fast at shipping too. Though I've had other Omaha Steaks products, I have only purchased these as gifts, so I can't comment on taste." 8929,B009AVDFCK,ANIXLKPOLYWUY,"cleversole ""Lori""",2,4,3,1239321600,"Steaks are OK, but bacon doesn't have much flavor","These steaks came out really good, but the bacon doesn't have much flavor and doesn't seem to add to the steaks. The size of the steaks are perfect though and I would recommend it unless you are looki
?ngn????????????ofo?????????lal???????????????????FCF??,A,???HZH????????YQYQ,Q???? D ?or?????????"""""?????,5,??121????222242?????????tat?????ng ng? an a?????eae????ifi????????????????????????ese??????????????????????? f??unu?? t th t????????????o eo ???y y????????????nd ??er???ta?ststysty ??hehen??????d.d?. I?????????d td ???????? t??????????????ama???y ?an??????????????gi?ft?????? they the?????????????d thd the????????????????????????????J3J????E,E?????????????0,?????????????????????????????an,an?????? i ???????t ?????co???ananyan????????????e a??????er??????????pop??nd??? M MaMaya????dad?rkrkeker?. ????????????????telte?????f tf ?the??? soi so??il iil isi
ng for a lot of bacon flavor." 8930,B009AVDFCK,A3AHZYRP1R90YQ,"K. Dora ""KDD""",3,6,5,1230422400,Good tasting and great gift.,"After purchasing these steaks for myself. I found then to be so easy to store and very tasty when BBQ'd. I decided to share them with my family and friends as gifts, they just loved them." 8931,B002OKW5GQ,AHQXHYFJ30HZE,Godzilla415,0,0,1,1325030400,Plant in a Can,"Good idea but the company should use a better soil compound. Maybe darker. It's hard to tell if the soil is
???t t????????????eseses???????pop???? b blb???? a ?wawaya? w wh w?en?????ata?erer r ir ????????????????ou?te????ndnd nd???????????????t tt tot?????????????????????????????????????????????leleae???t wt wiwit?? s??oiloi????ou???????ele?ll ??????it??????????RiR???????ow,ow, , I, ?????ll ll gll ????? it i???mam???????????s os ?f f???te?r ??????ly ly???????????????pep??s.s??????????sas?pp?????????witwitht??????????????t."t.??898939??????606???????A3A??????????????????????????????????? H ??it!it???????????????dr???en Len ??????????sousouru????mmmmym?y vy ??????????ThT?????????y y ly ???ed?????????ur ur?????????????????????, ????????as,as?, I?????????????th????????????werwe??? a
wet or dry. Present compound blows away when I water it. Finally sprouted and I'll transpant to a regular top soil when it grows more. At least with soil, you can tell when it's dry. Right now, I will give it small amounts of water weekly until that happens. Very disappointed with this product." 8932,B0060AOSGG,A3BI6M7UY4T0ZS,EW,0,0,5,1344816000,A Hit!,"My grandchildren LOVE the sour gummy vitamins. They really liked the sour gummy worms by Rhino, but alas, I can't find them. These were a
????? s ????????????e.e? T ThT????igig g p ????????isi??kek????????????frfro????ata???g ?mom?rer?e te ??????????939???????UFU?VXV?????????????GYG????????mama,a?0,0???5,5?121?????686808?00,00???ce?????t t????????????wawasa???????tot?????????????????on on??as?? th t?????ro???????in in? th??iri??????cerce????s ss ?????????????????????????????????? wa was????did?vi??duadu????????ice???????????no???whw?????er er????re? w??????????????????????? th?????????jaj???.<???????????y,y????lil??kedke????he he?faf?????????????????????????767?USU???????????????????????????"""?NaN???????er?d"d""???????5,????19?585?????????????l l???????????rom? t??ast????????????????io
good second choice. The big problem is keeping them from eating more than 2!" 8933,B002UFVXPE,AFA00OWUPGY71,Kusuma,0,0,5,1281916800,Excellent service,"I was glad to know that amazon has this product in their groceries section.<br />Though the shipping was individually priced, don't know whether there was any option to pack the glass jars.<br />Anyway, I liked the fast service." 8934,B001EO76US,AJMKEM6LRUHN3,"Manzanita ""Nature Nerd""",0,0,5,1261958400,Wonderful pasta!,"From taste to texture, Bio
??????????aka?????heh??beb?estes????????I I????????verve????????????????nen???r ??uyu?????????ror????????oro???e bre b???d d??as??ta ta a ???????8???????????0A0???,A,???SHS?V5V?ZDZ??RLRLTL??????ElE??isi?????obo?????????5,15,????5,1?303??868??404????he?? pr p?ici??????ri?????????????? a a?lil??tlt?????????e ????at at????????il il t?????o eo ??d.d????????? tr t??at?????re re t?????????ctct t st sisizi????????imi????nd nd????????s ?????????????????????????be?? a ?????le???????????mom?????????????????????????GrG??????????d ??????????e foe fouo??nd ?th??ses?????Am??zoz?on,on??????'s'??????????????alsal?????I wI ???? s sasaya?????????? tr tri tr??d ???????fff??rerenre???????????????ng ng????? t
naturae makes the best pasta I have ever eaten. I will never buy cheap grocery store brand pasta again." 8935,B0007A0AP8,A74SHV5ZD3RLT,"R. Ellis ""Bobby""",15,15,5,1303862400,The price is right,"We have a little Maltese that we spoil to no end. These treats are the perfect size for him and he loves them.<br /><br />He can be a little picky. Among his daily treats are Greenies and since we found these on Amazon, Zuke's Jerky Naturals. I will say that we tried two different kinds. Along with t
?heh????????????????? < ??????f=f???hth??????????????ono???omo?/g/?????????t/t?????????????????????????ll??????????ckc???????d Vd ???isi?????????????????????, ?????ncn???PoP?uc???/a/?????????????/>????????????ara?????????????????? W???????????penpe??????????, y, ?youyo???????? a a b ??g ???hifhi?f f??????????trotr?????thetheyey ????????he??????prpropr???????re???????vov????l l????????????????? d ??dndn'n?t t t??y ??????. ???e ?WeWel?ln???? t??????????????????????????????????????????ttltt??le gle ?????likli????bob???h oh ????the?? tr??at????????Zu?ke??????n ??vev?????e ???ellel??????. . P. PlP??us us??????????chechea????????????????ve?n ???????. ?
hese, we tried the <a href="""">Wellness WellBites Chicken and Venison Recipe Dog Treats, 8-Ounce Pouch</a>.<br /><br />The Zuke's are really potent. When you open the bag, you catch a big whiff of how strong they are. They're probably real flavorful because of it (I didn't try one). The Wellness treats seem a little dryer. While our little guy likes both of the treats, the Zuke's win over the Wellness. Plus they're cheaper so that's even better.
HHeH? c ??????geg???????ghg???f f?tht??????? / ?><>?????????????? tr t???? t???????hrh?????"h"??????/w/???????????????????ror?dud?ctc????????????""??ZuZ?kek???????????????? - ???????t ??????????????????????????BoB?????????????????????/a/?????????y y????????????????????????????oso??????mum??h ?????theth???re??????????? /> /><?br??????wow????????????? t??????????????is is??????of of??????es??t wt ?e ????????forfo?r or ????????????usu?s ws ?? w we w??????lel???o ?????ke ake ??????tagta?????????????? s sus?pep??????????????????????????????heshe?se se??rere ????????re??????enden?????????????<br /<br ?/>[/>?EdE?????AuA???????????01?????<br ???><b><br><b?r /?????
He can't get enough of them.<br /><br />We also tried the <a href="""">Zuke's Z-Ridge Mini - Carrot Fresh Breath Dental Chew Bones, 15 Count Pouch</a> made by Zuke's. He doesn't like those as much as the Greenies.<br /><br />I would say that this product is one of the best we found for our dog. Plus we were able to take advantage of the free super saver shipping as well. These are highly recommended.<br /><br />[Edit: August 14, 2011]<br /><br />He s
t?ili?l l?lol???s s?tht??m!m??brb? / />/???????????????d d???????rtr??????ngng g??????????e e? gu g????????ele??????? l li lit????e se ??????????????????????????????????????????it?????l ???sys????o go ?givgi?ve ???? t?he???????. . S ?in???e te ???????? mo m?isi???????????????t tt ???????? i??sis??de de??ndn???re???s is ???????ar??ounou??????????ll.ll????ThaTh??t wt ????????????????vevenve???????????????in???it??. ????????????????hi?m ??????????? t th? the the W We?????esses?s t??reare?????????'t?????? s??????? s?in???????????????ere????<br <br? /> /????? />??EdEdidit?: :????tet??beb???292?????????????/></>???????????ne ne???se??no?????????at at t?????se??? d ?????????????????????st cst ?ou?
till loves them!<br /><br />We've had to start giving our little guy Remedel for a little shoulder injury he had. These Zukes make it real easy to give him the pill. Since they're moist, we just put the pill inside and press it all around the pill. That way he doesn't even know he's taking it. Trying to give him pills with the Wellness treats doesn't work so well since they're dryer.<br /><br />[Edit: September 29, 2012]<br /><br />Anyone else notice that they seem different?? The last coup
????????s s?wew???????? w??rer?e de drd???er er???d d?brb????le????ThT??y y? al a??????re???????s ps pop?tet?????????he he o ???herhe?????s ??werwe??????e ????????????m m????????????????????????????re?re. re.?????onon'?????????????????????e ??ou??????wer?e ????tit??????????????so so?? the they???ri?ed? o????byb????????mem????he ???were????li?vev?????or?? if i????????????pe???chach??????. ???????????????????? an?????????ow ow t????????n n??????. A. ????tt????????ppp?????????????939??????????APA????????TUT???FQF????????lal???? the the????rmr?????,9?????????????????????????y y t???????????????????????????,"I,"??????? a a?ge????trt???????????odo???le. le.??????an??
le packs we bought were dryer and brittle. They also weren't as potent as the other ones were. He doesn't seem to like them as much any more. I don't know if the bags we bought were partially opened so they dried out by the time the were delivered or if their recipe changed. I'll buy some more and see how they turn out. A little disappointed..." 8936,B0007A0AP8,A1RLLTUBCFQV22,Paula the Gourmet,9,9,5,1292630400,"Safe, easy to chew, tasty (for dogs)","I have a geriatric mini poodle. He can't
????????????????oro???awawhw?????????????,b,?????????e te ????????????????enenon????? an a?? s????l l?????????so??????????????????????????????eme????????????????r ?/>/??????????at????????????th?at??????????????????ar???dod???ststi?c c?? and an??itit it??????nun????ctucturureur?d ???? th?????????939????????????????????8F8???595??U,U????sense????????se???ch???????????????606???00,00????wyw???????????????????????????er er????eses es? th the?????ouou ou? ca c???????? th??????????????????????????????ma???er????eaeatatsat?????93893???????????????LVL???GFG?????4A4???udu???th th???????ll????,3??????????202????,Be,B????r ??????de???????????????????
chew biscuits or rawhide textures,but these treats are soft enough and still provide some workout for his gums and remaining teeth.<br />I appreciate the fact that the ingredients are domestic and it is manufactured in the US." 8937,B0007A0AP8,A3NWHK8FRD594U,essential researcher,9,9,5,1224460800,chewy treats,My golden retriever loves them. You can chop them into squares if you want smaller treats. 8938,B0007A0AP8,A2LVQ1GFITAW4A,Judith Bellville,3,3,5,1315872000,Better than dessicated liver or p
e???????????ThTheh??????e ??oto????????ugu??? d ??rar???e ???erker?y y????????waw?????????????????t st ???????sos??t,t????????sqs????????????y ????????? e????lyl??????????????????????????s (s ?????????????? sq squ?????? an a?????y py pup?uppup??????il????????????NGN????????eme???????????ng ng???????????????????????marma?kek???""?898939?????00?7A7??APA?8,8??????8G8?HWH???????,"T,"?????????icic c????????????2,52,5,5?????????00?????????y ty tat????????????MyM????????????ththe? h ???????se????ea???????ll?? an??????????? th the???????????iai??????????????he???????????? he hea??????, m, ?????????ewe????lo????????ie?? tr? trea?ts????????????perfper????????
epperoni!,"These are not the tough, durable jerky that I was expecting, but small, soft, chewy squares. They break up easily into tiny BB sized balls (maybe 12 per square) and my puppies will do ANYTHING for them! Best dang training aide on the market!" 8939,B0007A0AP8,A134M8GHW35L42,"Tomboy Chic ""SJ""",2,2,5,1309651200,Healthy tasty treat,"My dog loves the how these treats smell and taste - they are special treats for her. They're healthy, mildly chewy, low calorie treats so it's perfect. The
?? a ?rer?? a a g ???d d????plp?imimem????????????????ar??????????????????reare???????????????n n??re??? R ???chc???????????usu??ala?????????????????????????r 4r ????????????lel????aia??????""??949???????????????????????????8,8,H8,???pyp???retre????????,2,,2,5,??????212?????????? d dod??????????"M"?y ???????????????????????ea????en ten teterte??????????????he????????????????y ?????????""""s"????????????ea??????? b ???????hi?????ackac??????????????????????n w?????????im???????????00000??????P8,P8,A??????????????,S,???????,2,2,??????????????00,?OnOn n tn ?????????????? do dog????????????e ?e hee h???th?y ?y try t?rea??????????? t th the????ececaec??
y are a good compliment to her regular chicken jerky treats (from Canyon Creek Ranch.)<br />I usually divide each into 2 or 4 pieces while training." 8940,B0007A0AP8,A1D4BY1MP53AR8,Happy retiree,2,2,5,1283212800,good dog treats,"My Murphy (soft-coated wheaten terrier) loves these treats. They are his ""special"" treat that brings him back in a heated run when we call him!" 8941,B0007A0AP8,A3HPCRD9RX351S,Spudman,2,2,5,1225929600,On the Lamb,"Our dogs love these healthy treats. I like them becaus
?e e????????????o o?whw?????????? o ??????????????????? s???????????? m ?aka??????????????? t???????????????itittt??????????????iciceic?????????the the? fi f??sts?t it ???????ene????????????ana?????????n ??uxu??uryur???????a da ????????????898??????????0A0APA???????????????YCYC,C??NomNo? d ???PlP?lumlumem??????,1,??????606????????????????????e, e,? co como??????????????????????????????????,"I,"????oug??t ??????????????????????in???????it it??asa?????????????ododud??t ????????????d td ??????????????ferfe????????kak???????li???t ????????????????e-e-t-??????????og og? sh s??pep???gagaia???????gr?as???????????????ou?????. U. ?nfn??????????????it ??
e they have no wheat, corn or soy in them. The soft squares make a nice sized treat for our little girls. Notice that the first ingredient is lamb, an uncommon luxury for a dog treat." 8942,B0007A0AP8,A1N839CM5GMCYC,Nom de Plume,1,1,1,1341360000,"Tough, brittle, completely dehydrated, and unsafe.","I bought two bags of these, thinking it was the same product that I used to buy in different packaging (light blue, with a see-through dog shape against a grass green background). Unfortunately, it wa
?s s????????????????????????e te ?????????????e tre t?????s ws ???? a ??tutuau???ly ly?lil??????erker??---? t to t?????????????tlt?le.le??????????y ???? s so s??t ???reare??????????? h ?????????????????????????????????????he??????kedked ????????e ?hoh?rrr?ribriblb?le le??? thin thing?s;s??????d ???? to???????m m?????????????????????????? t?????????ke'ke???????????atuatururar???""?????????the the???the???????????? ( ?hth?ttptt??????ww.ww?am?aza??on.on????????????JerJe?ky?????????s-s-Bs-??????????0000000????PYP?) )???ve????????s b??????????t at ???? so??????????'v'??ve nve ?????????????ror?????m wm ???? t?????????????????????????is is??????? wa w???????ne???pa????gi????, a, as, a???I hI ??? t????
s completely not the same thing! These treats were actually like jerky-- tough and brittle. I give my dog soft treats because he doesn't chew the damn things, and he choked on these horrible things; I had to toss them out.<br /><br />Note that the ""Zuke's Jerky Naturals"" with the other packaging ( have always been moist and soft, and I've never had a problem with those. I suspect that this batch was not new packaging, as I had thoug
???????????ryr????????????ini??? t ????? m mam????????????mem???????s s?????uau????y fy fef??d ??y ????, ?????????????????ono????????????r r??????? I???ananyn?y cy ???????the??? w wew??e ????PLP???????????ferfere???t tt ???at????????non?t ???????? f??eedee????????????949???????????P8P???2P2P6P6Q6???8V8????5E5??????????1,1???5,5,1????737????00,00,L,LaL?? l ??????????,",??'m'??????tat?antantlt??????kik??? f?or??????th????????tretr???? t??hatha????re re n ?notno????aza??????ene??ivi??. ??????se ?????????e ofe o?f tf ???? be b?????????lsl??I ?co?ulu?????indin???????????????????????/o/?ununcn???????y Ly ?????absab????????????????????an???????????????????????????oo.oo??. T. ????????eatseats ?
ht, but very old packaging; these may be the same treats I usually feed my dog, just having sat on a shelf for years. In any case, these were COMPLETELY different treats, and not safe to feed my dog." 8943,B0007A0AP8,A2P6QIM8V4Q35E,Ryan F.,1,1,5,1337731200,Lab loves them,"I'm constantly looking for healthy dog treats that are not crazy expensive. These are one of the better deals I could find when considering cost/ounce. My Lab absolutely loves them and they are good for him too. The treats a
??? s ???????????????????????is is?????????????y y??ogo????????????????????y ??????????????????????????ece???????????geg????al?ly????????ivi????y y dy ?????????????nen?????????????es es??omo????hinhi????????. . ???????????t kt ??????????????? p???????????us?????????????melmell???????????t't?s s ns ???????????ly????fef?????? s?????, ??ut?? st s?????????????????t yt ?????????t wt ?????to????rrr?y ??? a?????? w?it???yo????????????????????????I dI ?efe?ini???el?y y ry re???????????thesthe??????r ar ???????s.s??????4,4?????????P8P?????707????????????????rlrl1rl?????????131333?727????????????????????"T"?????????????????????????
re soft and moist, which is a plus for my dog. They could easily be broken into smaller pieces, but I generally just give my dog a whole one when he does something good. I wouldn't keep them in my pocket because they do smell a bit. It's not an overly offensive smell, but strong enough that you don't want to carry it around with you all day.<br /><br />I definitely recommend these for all dogs." 8944,B0007A0AP8,A2770QFX87C5W5,vetgirl12,1,1,4,1337299200,Great treat!,"These treats are one of my
???ogo??s s?????????????????? t ?????cocomo???nyn?, ,?????????? a ??????ofo?????????????????andan????????????????????re re???om?? th? the the?????????????000???A0A????????X2X?????717???????????????oko?ie???????""?????????13????202????????????????????????e ??????????????t ???y y ey ?????????? tr tre???????????tot?????????o ????y by ????uiu??????bu???????????? thes the??e fe ???? al a?????????? fa f????????????????oco????????ufu??ere??????????risrist????????????werwe?????????????????r ?do???????il??????????? a???th???????magma??inain?????????????nen???????? these these.e?????????????d'd's?????, ????o to ?totto???llyll????oio??s ?heherhe????????????????t st
dog's favorites! I like this company, they make a lot of great treats, and the ingredients are from the U.S." 8945,B0007A0AP8,A1NX28NAP713YX,"MichiganHokie ""AAB""",1,1,5,1332720000,Dogs love these!,"We normally don't buy expensive treats (tend to stick to dry biscuits), but we got these for all of the family dogs as stocking stuffers for Christmas. They were a huge hit! Our dog is willing to do anything imaginable to get one of these. My boyfriend's mom, who totally spoils her Portie, hadn't s
????????ses????????????????? d ?ogo??lol??ede??th?es??????e ????zyzy y??? w wew?lll???sos?????? we w??????t ????????? b?unu??h h????e e we ?????????????n on ?outou???????????????????tut??????ndnd nd t??herhereher?????re nre ????????y iy ?ngn??????????????ththe?????????????forfo??????r pr ???ch??????????????JuJ????tot???lal????y,y?????se???ono???????????y ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????s ??of of????????oko???li??ke ke??re?????????? p?????ct?. ????????y, y,???????????do do?????cac?????????on?onsuons?me??????????????????t et ??enthent??usius?????????????????????????? r ????????????????464??????????P8P?,A,?????2D2?????????????tet????
een these before, and her dog loved these like crazy as well, so she went out bought a bunch more when they ran out. Also, they're natural and there are no shady ingredients, so they are good for your pooch!<br /><br />Just to clarify, these don't actually have the consistency of jerky. They are little squares of what looks like pressed meat product. Clearly, our dogs do not care and consume these with great enthusiasm, so still very highly recommended!" 8946,B0007A0AP8,A2F4M2D86E6F4A,smontes,1,
????????959??32??0,0???????lyly y????ata?????lll????e.e.,.???????????????????exe???ll????????????e ae a a???ihi?uau??????hoh????s ??on?e ??beb??????? t? tra tr????????????s ????? in i?? ag a??????y ty ??aiainai???????????????????eatea?ts ts??????????ithit??????????????? as a??????????e ee ????y t??o bo ???reakrea???????????? p ?ie??????????????enoen????h fh ??????e te ?? c?ar?ryry ??? m???????et????? g grg???????????????????r ???????????????VEV????????????sis???????????????????????y hey h???at????????ing ?????????ngng ng???esses???????d ???????????????????? NU N??S S???en? h??e h?????s ms ???????en ten ???????????????br???????????????????????smsmasm????? s?????ed ted ??
1,5,1329523200,The only treats I'll use.,"These treats are excellent. I have a chihuahua who has done obedience training and is now in agility training. I use the treats to aid with his training as they are easy to break into small pieces yet big enough for me to carry in my pocket and grab easily.<br /><br />They have NEVER made him sick no matter how many he eats during a training session and he goes absolutely NUTS when he hears me open the bag.<br /><br />I've purchased the smaller sized tre
????????????s,s?????????????eme????? be be e h ?????r r????????e te ????bibigi?? to??ofo???? a a a s ??ala???dod??????? t??reare?????????tooto??did???????????o so ?plp?iti??ini??????????????????? S ????? f ??indin???????????????hapha???d od ?????????????chc????asias????to?to uto ???????????in??????brbr r /r ???<br<b????????????????? ha h????if????????g g ig ??????????????????? n ??eded ed??????ke????re?????????????????????????at???????????????????????ostos?????????on????at??pup???in????????? p???perper ?r tor t??????? t?????????ili???reresre???????????????ur?????o to ??the ?trt?????????????ll ??????e to??????th??at ??if ??????????????????????bagba??????????????penspen?
ats by Zukes, but they seem to be harder and are too big to offer a small dog as a treat, yet too difficult to split into smaller pieces. So, I find the square shaped ones to be much easier to use for training.<br /><br />They CAN get hard if the bag is left open so you need to make sure to close the bag immediately. I read another poster mention that putting a damp paper towel in the bag will restore the moisture to the treats, so I'll have to try that if I forget to close a bag, which happens.
?<b<??????<br<b??/>???????? a ??heh????hyh???ndn??prpraracra????????????????? r ???allal?y ?glg???????????????ses?.".???????????????????2V2?TUT???????SRS????? M ???????????5,5???????????????dyd???forfor ?DoD?gsg???!!,!!?"E"ErE???????????ocochc?????VEV???????????rea?tst??? H ??'l'????? t????????r cr coc?????? j ??stst t?????ete??hih????????<b<br?????????????, ????????????????ll?ll mll ?????????r dr ??????????ththith??g.g???????????????o bo ??gs???????????00007007A007A0????8,A8,????????????IXI??????eve?ti?c,c??????5,15,?????????00,???ftf???and???umu?????????????????ct,ct????????newne???????? b brbrabr?????butbu??t hat hava?ve ve f????????????ve?????? t??????????????. . N. ???t a???????????
<br /><br />Overall a healthy and practical treat! I'm really glad I found these." 8947,B0007A0AP8,A2VTUS9BSEESRH,S. McLane,1,1,5,1324339200,Candy for Dogs!!!,"Ernie, my pooch, LOVES these treats. He'll do trick or command just to get his Zuke!<br />Seriously, these things will make your dog do, buy two bags!" 8948,B0007A0AP8,A203H6NXA2O9IX,P. Jevtic,1,1,5,1322352000,soft and yummy,"Great product, I am new to the brand but have fallen in love with these products. Not as soft as o
?????????wew????????s s?toto o??????????????????ckckek??. .??????hah???????fif????in? s st s????s,s???????e e be ????? pl p?????? to to????y iy ?s ??????""8???9,9????????APA?????????????9494694????????????ackac?????,5,5,5,1,13,1????????????????????ogo???ovo?es???????e te trtre?at????????????????????????????to to?????????lel????????'s'?s ss ??????cuc???????t ?????????y pi???? a ???ut?????????. H????ono?????eatea?t at ??y ?????????, ??doedo?esnes???????? m ???st st???ke?ke "ke ?????eat"eat""?????eat??? a??nd nd???????ea??????????BeB??auausu??????? thi th?????he he???as as??????mam????an????geg??????????? e???plopl??????s fs ?????ngn?????owo??????????????????????????????WeW??juj????????te?
ne reviewer states to replace a pill pocket. Very hard to findbin stores, so the best place to buy is here." 8949,B0007A0AP8,A3IVKHFJTX946Q,Pepper Jack,1,1,5,1320019200,My picky dog loves these treats!,"My dog is very picky, to say the least. He's super cute, but is very picky about treats. He won't eat any biscuits, doesn't like most fake ""meat"" treats, and won't eat bacon. Because of this, he has hurt many an eager pet shop employee's feelings. However, he LOVES these treats. We just adopted
??imi? f ??omo??????shs????ere?????d d h???????????????????????????????h h? hi him him ??ucuch???ThT??ses??trt???tsts ?ara?????kik???? tr trar?????????????????sis??????e'e???????????stst ?????????? fo f?? t???m.m???????????????????????????????, ????????cac????????????????????????? sm s??????????????. T. ??TheyThe?????? d?????????f f????ou lou ???vev?e t??he he? pa pac??aga?????????, so, s??th?????????????e e se se??aleal????eacea????????????????????I I???????????????????mosmo?? o ?????? o?th???r rr ?????wsws s ws whw?henhe?????aya??th????????t tt ?the????????faf???????c c????eateats??""?????,B,B0B?00?????????????YYY???????P,P?????v,v?????????????525???????????????????????
him from the shelter, and his previous owners didn't teach him much. These treats are making training so much easier. He'll do almost anything for them.<br /><br />They're pretty big, so you can rip them up into much smaller pieces. They will dry out if you leave the package open, so they have to be sealed each time.<br /><br />I know I'm echoing most of the other reviews when I say this, but these are fantastic treats." 8950,B0007A0AP8,A1Z1MYYU3P2V5P,Cdenv,1,1,5,1314835200,My dog's favorite tr
??????????ogo?????????heh?esees? t tr t??????????????????????? ??????????ea??????????????n ???alfal??????????. . ?????????????lel????g ???s as a a??????8??????????A0A???8,8?????????O0O????O,O??ifi???ofo???e,e????,3,?????????202????oto????ppppyp??????t t tt th?is???????????og?????????????????????enen ???????????he ???????????????????ItI????????d ad ana??d sd ???????mesme??mym???????ili?ll ll???????????????????????????ll jll ??ustust ?????????????t'st'?s qs ??iti?????ardar??8????,B???070???????,A2,A272???8V8?4O4?L2L??????????????????????000?,t,??rea???,G,???reat?????????????dog?????????????????????c c?????????????????????????????????????r ???
eats,My dog loves these treats in all varieties. They are easy to break in half as well. The resealable bag is a plus. 8951,B0007A0AP8,A2Z5RSZZO0GWLO,Lifesofine,0,0,3,1349395200,Not happy about this,If your dog likes Naked bars then this is the same consistency. It's hard and sometimes my dog will eat it sometimetimes he'll just leave it. It's quite hard. 8952,B0007A0AP8,A27ZB8V4OL2JMT,KC,0,0,5,1346976000,treats,Great! I have a dog who is very allergic to lots of stuff and this is safe for him
??bebece???????f f????grg?aia?? c ???????eae???ete?????????????ogogsg????vev?????????????? u ??e ??????fof?????rairain????????????????5353,3?????7A7????????????????H1H???kuk??????,0,??,0,,0,4,?,1,???292????00???rer??t ????????,T,????s is is???????? p ???oduod????wiw?????????? pr p?????????????????d td ??? t??ea??? an andn???????verve?????????d ?d wid w??????????????????d ?papacpa?????????95495??????????????????????????????se? J ?????0,??????????????????????????t dt ??????????????????is ?a ?????????????????shshe???????indin?d od ??? ou outu???in in? th??e we ?????s ls lo?tst?s ss ??????????????????gog??????????ngn????ooloo????????????????????????shash?????? them the??????
because of no grain corn wheat etc.... the dogs love the taste I use them for training<br />... 8953,B0007A0AP8,ALCNWWMHU8H1Q,kulnipa,0,0,4,1342915200,treat for dog,This is a good product with great price. I received the treat and was very pleased with the product and package. 8954,B0007A0AP8,AR32T3627EWQ0,Jesse JJ,0,0,5,1342224000,Very exalant dog treat,My dog is a service dog and she is kind of out in the woods lots so this is a very good training tool and treat Plus I can share them with
????ere??dod?g'g?s s?ifi???????????8898959???????7A7??APA???A1A1Y1?V4V?ESESGS?????XYX??MeM?????????????????????404??????????????????? do d????????s fs ???????????re???????????????????o o? se s?ee ee????lel???? i?????he he??or?nin???????????????e he ?imi?????ewe?????95695????00000??7A07A??P8??????????9B9??D2D????????????0,50,5,?????????????????????mbm??????????ea?????????awa?????????????LamLa???????????ftf??????eatseats ?ara?re re???????????????????????????????????????? ???????er????a ba ???g hg ????an?d ??????????e toe t???e ?on???????y ??????? s?????od???????????????????????????????t ??er?erky???????es??(a(????oxo?????????an an?????lyly ??????lilit??
other dog's if I see fit 8955,B0007A0AP8,A1YV4ESG5YZ3XY,MezzoMom,0,0,5,1341878400,Great Treats,My dog lives for these treats! Can't wait to see us leave in the morning when I give him a few. 8956,B0007A0AP8,AY9Q2GOI9BZD2,Kellie,0,0,5,1340841600,Zuke's Lamb Jerky Treats: 2 paws up!,"The Lamb Jerky soft treats are the first product we tried from Zuke's. They were a big hit and continue to be one of my little schnoodle's favorite treats.<br />Soft jerky squares (approx 1"") can easily be split i
???o o 3 ?-4-? p ???????????????????????????r ?????????????y y???????????????????????????????eciec????y ???????t t????n n t ???????ara?d ???s ts ths t?he he Zhe ????????????????????kyky.y??brb?????????ugu?? s??????????msm????????????????? w??????hehe ?re???????????????????????????:/:???????mamaza?????omo?????/pr/p?odo???t/t???020???BMB?7C7??"">""??????'s 's 1 ??????????????????s ??????re???????????t ?BuB?uttut????????lul????errer??????????????????e'??s Ms Mi?ni??????? C ??ici?????????he?????. . ??????gug????? we w????? st s?ic???in'in????????Zuk???????898???????????????A3A?????????MDM??????axa???ll??????in????rgr?g "g ??DrD??????????????131????????
nto 3-4 pieces. We use them for her training/play sessions and she seems to especially love it when the reward is the Zuke's soft lamb jerky.<br />Although she performs just as eagerly when the reward is the <a href="""">Zuke's 16-Ounce Mini Bakes Dog Treats, Peanut Butter n' Blueberryz</a> or the Zuke's Mini Bakes Chicken n' Cherry. So I guess we're stickin' with Zuke's." 8957,B0007A0AP8,A3S3L24L3MMDXR,"Maxwell I. Ginsburg ""Dr. G""",0,0,5,1338768000
?????????????S,S?????????????ici???????????ata????al al?????ucu???????mym????usu?ehe????????????????s ds ?ou?blb?e e???????y dy ?dogdo??. . ??heh????????????r mr ????????????????????????????bub????????do??????t mt ?eae?n ?I ????t ???o to ??kek?????y cy ch???cec? t. th?????se?eme??lil?????uau??????tr????ts ts?????????rer??ll?????jojoyo????????. I. ??????????????????????????????????????????????s t????????. ?????????????iteit?????????he?? a?????????????B0B?00?7A7A0A???????????X1X???J5J????????he??,0,???????333383?424??????????ts dts ??????????????????????WeW?????e e te ??o ???atsats ????????ur ur???gsgs.s???hehe he??catca????????d ?to????ikeik??e the t??????????bubutbu?
,GREAT TREATS,"I try to stick to all natural products in my household. That goes double for my dog. she is a super mutt with a strong stomach, but that doesn't mean I want to take any chances. these seem like quality treats and she really enjoys them. I have purchased several flavors and she loves them all. will definitely buy them again." 8958,B0007A0AP8,A1KAPGX1EPJ5VN,Stephen,0,0,1,1338422400,Pets don't like this one.,"We have two cats and four dogs. The cats seemed to like this treat but
???????gsg????rnr????????he??????????????????????? t? the th??, ,???ChC?iwiwew???????eaeat?s ?juj???????????vevere???thith???????d hd ?????????????????????????e te ????? i??????????????????????ono????? f ???????8???????00??A0A??????????5X5?SWS????????coc?ttt?????????????5,5,1,?333?????????????s ls ???????????"T"?????????????????????????????? w wa w???'t'?t st ?ur?e e me ??????? w??????????? th??????????????e re ?????????????????????ButBu?t t?he????ovoveve ????m.m?????????????????ed ????e!e??"8"89????????????AP8AP?8,A8,A1?RJRJ4J?WFW????????????bab??????????????????no???comco??????????5,15,??????????????????andan??????d fd ??? y ?ou??r dr ?dog???MyM?????
the dogs turned up their noses at it. One of them, a Chiweenee, eats just about everything and he would not touch it. He tried it and left it laying on the floor." 8959,B0007A0AP8,A1OI15XSWJ8FFX,Scott Butler,0,0,5,1337644800,Dogs love them!,"They smell rather smokey, so I wasn't sure my dogs would like them. They are rather particular. But they love them. Just re-ordered more!" 8960,B0007A0AP8,A1RJ4WFMUJAY6,"greban ""[email protected]""",0,0,5,1337385600,Tasty and good for your dog,"My Bost
??????rrr??????????????esees????ThT?????rer? g ?????????g g????????????? B ?esesies??es? b ?eie????tatasa????????y ??????ada?? i in? A ?????cac??????????? they the?y a????non?uru????in???? H ?????????????menme??!"!""8???1,1????00700?????8,8??2D2???????DJD?151?????o,o?????5,5??????????00,00???????????t,t??????g ???????ZuZ???'s'??trt????s ??nd?????????e ??is is????????ptp???????????????????lil???? th??? a??s ms ?????????? the the?ch????????utu????????stist????ke?ep??hi?s ?????????. ??????? b???cuc?????? t??? them them???????????atat ????????lal??????????????????e oe ononlon???????ng ng ong ????????????????????????wi???????t ht ?his?? at a???????on.on.on.8???????????????????TUTUTUTPT?
on terrier loves these! They are great Kong toy fillers. Besides being tasty, they are made in America... and they are nourishing. Highly recommend!" 8961,B0007A0AP8,A2DDKFU4NDJ15K,sao,0,0,5,1334102400,great treat,My dog loves Zuke's treats and this one is no acceptation. He did not like them as much as the chicken but they still keep his interest. I will be cutting them up to use at puppy class. Zukes are the only thing other than hotdogs that will get his attention. 8962,B0007A0AP8,A25TUTPH
?Y9Y?2T2???????gag?????????????33833?????????????????oro???rar????????????? t ??????? t???????????g g??ndn? w whw????e he ???is? a??????????????er,er???he he????????y ly ???????????. . T????????a a?????????????ooo??sis???????brb???????????????????cesce????????????070??????????686????SIS???????re???????????,1???????????OuO?????????chc?na????er ?????????????s Js ?er???????????????????? mo m???????????????????????es????an?d ?????????n ln ??ar?nen?????w w?? to to????go go? to???ed??? i?????????????????????????on?????? Z????????????????a ?????sissists??ntn??????????????ur?ur pur ?????ovoveov????????????????e he hae h???????ghg???????????
Y92TQ6,Lungard,0,0,4,1333843200,Terrific for Training,"I use this to train my dog and while he is a picky snacker, he usually likes these. They go a longer way too since I break them into pieces." 8963,B0007A0AP8,A1468YZWSIX2,Lauren R.,0,0,5,1330646400,Our mini Schnauzer LOVES Zuke's Jerky Naturals!,"My 4 month old puppy loves these, and has even learned how to ""go to bed"" in order to get his paws on one! Zuke's is quite a consistent brand, and our pup loves everything we have bought by this c
?????????? f faf???????huh?sbsbab??????and and?????????????ngn??wew???????viv?inging ???????????y ????????????????????????????????s ?mamada????????ererir???. ?????????????????as?????????oror r????litli??lel??????chc????er???????mom??????? th????petpe????????????ouo?ur ur???????????? i is i????????????""??????????7A7??????ADA???OHOHTH??XTX????????nnn?nyRny???,0??5,5????040?737363??????????????es??tht???se!se????????????????????????ing ing??hehelhe?te?????????????????tl??e pe ??????????hishi?????in?????????me??. ?????? tr t???????????of?? fo f???????????, a??nd nd? so s?????????s ??????on'on??t et eaeateat eat? at at t at ??????????????erger?gicgi? t??????????????ha?s ?no?? pr p????lemle
ompany so far. My husband and I like knowing we're giving him a tasty treat that's also natural and is made in America. Amazon usually has these for a little bit cheaper than most of the pet stores in our area, which is also nice!" 8964,B0007A0AP8,ADIQOHTOXTDBZ,JohnnyR,0,0,5,1330473600,Buster loves these!,"Buster is a recovering shelter dog, and a little picky in his eating sometimes. I've tried a lot of food/treats, and some things he won't eat at all or is allergic to. (Note: he has no problem
??????????????????????????????????????????r ?/>/>T/>???????????lil?????? p prp??dud??????????owo? h ?????ava?oro??iteit?s;s????'ve'v?e te trt??eded d???ve????????????in in??he? Z ???ke'ke????ininein?, , a, ????????lovlovevesve????????????????????ere?kyk? N ?at?uru???s ????? h?asa????????ngn????ele?????th????????????????avoav??? to t?o,o??I I???esesses????andan??d hed h?????allal????oeo?????????thattha???????><?br??????A A??????????, s, ?????? i??????????????????omo???nd????????656?????00700?A0A?APA???????Z0Z????????0,0??????????y ???an???????"""""","??????5,15,131??999?????????oodoo?d h?????thyth???ogo??????t,t,I,???????pr????ed???it?????e ?????it????????????????g trg t?????????????????????
s with steak that I've seen, lol)<br /><br />The Zuke's line of products are now his favorites; I've tried several items in the Zuke's line, and he loves all of them. The Jerky Naturals Lamb has a strong smell, (thus a strong flavor too, I guess) and he really goes for that.<br /><br />USA made too, so all in all, highly recommended!" 8965,B0007A0AP8,A1MFZ0FW6B4760,"A. Murray ""annetxa""",0,0,5,1329955200,Good healthy dog treat,I am impressed with the quality of these dog treats. Amazon seems t
????ele?l l????????rer?????fof?r r??he???????prp??cec??ana????????? c ????ini??????o oo ???????????????????fuf?????. .???? d dod????????????????????lal?mbm??????????????th?????????l vl ??eryer?y gy ??????????ece????????????????????????imimam??????????898???,B,?00000????????????????????C9C??????????????????????777?606?00,00,Y,YuYumu?????????????OuOur?????????????????????????s ts ???sese!se? S ???he whe ?ouo???????????thith?????????????????????????he ?????????nt????? and an?????????????? I?????????????????g sg ??omeom????ing??????? fo f?? h ?????wew????????????he bhe ???g fg ??r ??????? da d???????w aw ??and and?? the they the??re????tilti?????s ss so?????? e ????, , w, ????? i ???
o sell these treats for the best price and I will continue to order these in the future. My dog really likes the lamb variety and they smell very good. I reccommend these to any animal lover! 8966,B0007A0AP8,A2D2T87EKVDPC9,PuppyMom,0,0,5,1329177600,Yummy Treats!,"Our 3 month old puppy loves these! She would do anything to get one. I love the ingredients, and knowing that I'm giving my dog something good for her. we've had the bag for a few days now and they're still as soft as ever, which is g
??eae?t.t??ThT??????????? d ???????s ??????????????hah????????? m me???? th??????????????????o ????????????? : ?????969????000?????APA???A3A?RGR????0X0X1X?????7,A7,??. H. ????????ellel??????????????646????????????????es?? th??????????????????rea?t ????eatea??s!,s!???lovlo??????at ????????areare ????????????? ?????????????????????th??????e ??f f??????ea????????????????????8989689????B00B0??007A007???AP8AP????????5MJ5M?????ADA?,h,??????????,0,,0,0,0,??5,???272787????00?????????at???ralra????????????s.s.L.??mbm???????????? i ?????????????????????????ur?????????????lov???????????t ?????????????ititet?. ???????????eme?is???????o to ??? o ???er??? dog do
reat. These treats do kinds smell...but that should mean they're delicious to a dog right? :)" 8967,B0007A0AP8,A3RG5M10X1TPN7,A. Houdashell,0,0,5,1328486400,My puppy loves this!,"These are great treats!, love that these are all natural! Plus my puppy loves the size of them easy for him to eat" 8968,B0007A0AP8,A249A5MJ3O7MAD,hotshot11,0,0,5,1327881600,Jerky Naturals Dog Treats.Lamb 6oz.,"This is very good dog treat. Our Chihauhua loves them. It is her favorite. They are semisoft,so the older dog
?? w ??????ewe??tet???th th c ??? e ???????????????696?,B,B0B??????APA????????BGB???????????????????????????686????00,00???????omomem???ununnn?????????????? d ?????jujusu?t t???????????e t??eae???????nen?e oe ????????ono?????????????t t bt ???????? a???????. . ???????deder???????s ts ????h ????en'en??t tt th?? b ??????ThTheTh????????ts???re?re ere ???y y fy ??????????o co chc???????????em???lil?????????youyo?????????????lll??????????whw??oleol???he'he?'s 's?sos?o eo ????r r tr tot?o go ???????????OhO?????????????????r fr ??????s ????????89??????00???A0AA0AP?8,???????????0H0????20??2a2???????????5,????????20???????????????!,!,D!,?DogDogs???ovoveov?????!!!???????? t??e ????????in?? th???
s with few teeth can enjoy them." 8969,B0007A0AP8,A3MGVBGYQAZ7PA,Granny9,0,0,5,1324684800,Dogs come running!,"Our two dogs just love these treats. One old and one younger but both are active. The older dog's teeth aren't the best. These treats are easy for him to chew. It seems like the younger one swallows them whole he's so eager to get them! Oh, and watch your fingers too:)" 8970,B0007A0AP8,A205U9VCA30HQE,2012avalon,0,0,5,1311379200,Great treats!,Dogs love 'em!! I mix the treats in their
??????????????d td tht???????????????? w?itithit????????????..??979??????007007A7???????2O2OLO????????????????????????????????????????in??rer???ene????????????????????s es ???????????re re c ???????sks???????GrGrereareat???????????ntsnt???andan?d md mym?y d???????????????e. e.???he'he?????????ckck ?flf?????????em??? v ?verve??y gy ?????????at???????????????????00?070????P8??,A2,A??????????????????nan??E.E?????nen??????????agageg????ve????",",0,0,????????????404?00,??????do???????t!t???????????????s ars a?????obo???????????heahe????????t tt ?tretr?????????????????ven???????gsg?? T ??eyey ey?????ll ll??????ood?? I I??????allal??? wa w????????????hehemhe??????? ha h???en'en????
dog food and they wolf it down within a minute. 8971,B0007A0AP8,A2OLIJAR21U6DS,Nikki,0,0,5,1311379200,Good ingredients and my dog loves em,What more can I ask for? Great ingredients and my dog loves these. She'll do back flips for em.. very good. great price too. 8972,B0007A0AP8,A2ZJ1DD9860K2J,"Donna E. Poyner ""Mortgage Maven""",0,0,5,1311206400,Best dog treat!,These treats are probably the healthiest treat I've ever given my dogs! They smell so good I actually want to try them (but haven't do
?????t.t??.....??yey??!)!).)???y y????ogo?s s???sosololul?tet?lyl???ovoveve ?ththeh?????????????????????1313Q3?????????????DeD????????????0,0??????????????00,00?,Ba,B???eye??s ????????e ?????t,t?????????e tree tr?eatea?????? a????nan?atuat?rar?????????????gog???? ab a???ut ut?????????? m ??????????? o ??????????????ra??????????shshehe he a?ppp?????s ts ????????y ?????????e ???zez??ana?? t ththe??????????e ase a????ellel????????he the ????te te? of o????KEK???????97?????00?007A007A0???8,?????K9K????????Y,Y???????????ulu???????,0,????????212?13413?404?00,???????????lovlo???????????????????????????????????????????th?????ukuke???mam?ke????...h...hoh????ere?? I????????? the th???????????????s t??????
ne it.....yet!). My 3 dogs absolutely love them. 8973,B0007A0AP8,A13QW5FDZ1EQPE,"Dee ""Dee""",0,0,4,1303689600,Bailey's favorite treat,"These treats are all natural so I feel good about rewarding my one year old yellow labrador, and she appears to really enjoy the size and the texture as well as the taste of ZUKE'S." 8974,B0007A0AP8,A29DK9VBXKNB6Y,Angela Mccullough,0,0,5,1302134400,My girls love them,"My 2 doxies have liked everything that Zukes makes...however, I think the lamb jerky is their f
?????????????cec? a ana?? s ?memelellllyl???juj?????hah??????ogo?????tst?.".????757??B0B?0000700????????????P2P????????????usaus?an an??????????????nd?????????????????,0,0,0??????2929429??636?????,Bi,B?g ????????????????????dordo???,"L,"??????rerene??????????????e ?????????ateat???????oso????????ersters??????????????????????????, t, ??ese???ZuZ??????ara??????????? top to????? th t?heihe?r r "?????????o ?ananyan??thith?ngn?????????le???????an ???????????????????. .?????????????ufufff??in??????, ????itheith??????97???,B0,B????????P8,P8??DGD????PJP????9Y9??SeS???????????0,????282???????00,???????at at F FiF??????it??,M,?y ???iniin???????????????er er???ustus?t lt ??vevesve?s ts ??thesthe?se ???reare??????ha??
avorite...nice and smelly, just what a dog wants." 8975,B0007A0AP8,A2XB5P29LJ8Y6S,"Susan Royce ""K9 handler/Lab lover""",0,0,5,1294963200,Big hit with the Labradors,"Labs aren't known to be picky eaters (gross understatement, I know) but wow, these Zuke's are at the top of their ""we'll do anything, just please can we have one"" list. No toxic stuff in them, either." 8976,B0007A0AP8,ADGNULPJEIO9Y,September,0,0,5,1280448000,Love at First Bite,My Miniature Schnauzer just loves these treats! That'
???????beb?????????????cac???????????????re???????979?????????????????????????????FlFlol????????????nsn?,0,?????,1,??????848???,P,??ckc??dodogdo? p pip???,I,??????a a? re r??????????????? w?hoho ho? re????es?? an anyn?????????? bi b?????????pep?e te ??????of???????????????????ea???????????ftft t tt trt t??reatreatsreat?????????vesves s ts ??esesees?.?????????????AP???????????????Z2Z???he???yay?b b?????nnn?ny1ny??????????5,15,??????686????????????eme??MyM?y my ?????uru??????????????lovlovelov?es ?????se se????????????sosomso??????????????he he m ?????????atsat?s is in????????en en??????ca?????ve??????????w ???ror?ugu??houhoutu???????????????????????? I I???o no ????????????????????t ovt ove
s the best review I can give doggy treats. 8977,B0007A0AP8,A123G253XL4O17,Flower w/ thorns,0,0,5,1277078400,Pick dog pick,I had a really picky dog who refuses any kind of biscuit type treat offered to him. He eats some soft treats and loves these. 8978,B0007A0AP8,A1V7ZIOCCGFLZ2,"henryab ""henny1""",0,0,5,1271116800,Loves them,My minature schnauzer loves these treats! I sometimes get the mini treats in chicken so I can give him a few throughout the day or on walks - I do not want him to get ove
?????????????e e??????????????????? ????????????????rer?coc??????????m:m?))?898979????????A0A????,A,??2U2??P2P?????SCS?????????a Va ????SoS??oso???????????????????121262?999???????????t ?????ksks,s????????????????es???????????????thetheythe?????'t'????????????????????grg????????????????<br<b????????????????????resre?eae??????????????ichic???s ?????d -d ???hehey???do do????????iti??t hat hara????if if t???????e e ne ??????????????????..???????????????????????????G7G???,"???????????????????????""???,0,????????717?????00,00,L00,???vesves ???????????????????LovLo????????? t???reatreats?????????es es??????????????????????th????? the they the???????
rweight since he is a small boy. I would highly recommend them:) 8979,B0007A0AP8,A32U8P2FZETSC7,"Laura Von Solos ""Laura""",0,0,5,1269907200,Great snacks,My dog loves these snacks and they don't have artificial ingredients.<br /><br />They come in a resealable bag which is good - they do get a bit hard if they are not kept sealed up. 8980,B0007A0AP8,A2ARINJE5QG7SL,"R. Cresci ""babeebluez""",0,0,5,1267142400,Loves it!,"Our Bischon Loves these treats, so does our cat! And we love that they have f
??ese????rur???? a ???????gig?es? i ?? t ????? Y ????!"!????818????00??A0A???8,8,A,?????606?OJO????5V5?,J,?? K ????ara??,0,??????????????00?,L,??ve???hih?????reareata???????????wiw???????juj??????ouo??t at an????????????????????????????????????????t ct ?anan an?bebe e???ut ut???sis??y ???toto ???r ???????pip??????fo?????????????InI???redre???????????????arear??gog????????????????????o o io ??l ???????ts ????? g ?givgi??ing? t????????g.g??????? wa w?? t? the the ????????I I???rcrchchach?aseas???????s t????????828?,B??????0A?P8?????????????KOK???KaK?are?????????????????5,15,?????????600,600????og og? tr???????????????????????in????????ere?????eemee?????????????thethe ???ck?????????
resh fruits and veggies in them! Yeah!" 8981,B0007A0AP8,A3AQ260OJPMF5V,J. K. Carr,0,0,5,1267056000,Love this treat!,"My dog will do just about anything for this treat. Also, each treat can be cut easily into for small pieces for training. Ingredients listed are good quality. I had no ill effects from giving to my dog. Beef was the flavor I purchased this time" 8982,B0007A0AP8,A3CN2DYTFKCKOG,Karen L. Brown,0,0,5,1264809600,"Dog treats , Lamb","My Min Pin, Snickers seems to enjoy the heck out of t
?heh??????????trt???tst?? T ???y y????? th t????ere?????????????? h hihisi?? ti tini??y ly ?????????????????nkn???ou??????838?????????APA???????????8S8????????????0,0????????????????????ovo???????????????????ede???????????ogo?????? Z ????'s'???in????????????s ps ?????????????????w w?????????he ihe ??????????????e ne ???edsed???????????????????al??? tre tr???ts ts?????????lyl?????sidsi?????????????oyo????ndnd ????? the th?e m???dld????????her her??ve?rlr??astas????????????????????????? h???????????????????????. . W. We??????????nd nd Z?????????????eryer?yonyone????y ??????lol????th?????ndnd ??????ar????adadede de??it???outou????????????????????????dud??ctsct?
hese small treats. They are the perfect size for his tiny little mouth. Thank you." 8983,B0007A0AP8,A3NEMVXL8S9FWW,DenaC,0,0,5,1252713600,We Love Zukes!,"We started off our dog with Zuke's Mini treats as puppy rewards. Now that she is bigger, she needs more. These natural treats fit easily inside her kong toys and in the middle of her everlasting treat balls and give her something different. We recommend Zuke's to everyone. My dogs love them and they are made without corn fillers or by-products,
?????????rer???????????I I????????oro???????????????ng?????? tr t???????????????????????????????????1SW1S?D,D???????????0,0????,1,121232373797?393?20200??????????????????????ThT???e e te trt????ts ts????? o ??er??rerea???y ??????????? ou o?ur ur???????do????????y'y??re re?????????in?chch ch?sqsquq???????????????? th?ey??'re'r?????ooo???????????????r lr lal??geg?er ????s.??? a????o ro ???????????e te the thah??? th???????????????????ityit??in??re??????ts ???d ????'t'??????????????dogs dogs t? the????el?li???????? M ?????bonbonen??es des ????8???5,???????????????LDL???QHQ???8Z8?H,H,O,??lyNly????????????12??????????OnO????????????????faf????ititeit???re?reat????????????go go c cr c?????y why w
which are 2 things I check for when purchasing any treats." 8984,B0007A0AP8,A1S2636G5V1SWD,Seravieve,0,0,5,1237939200,My dogs love these,"These treats went over really well with our three dogs. They're about 1 inch square pieces, so they're a good size for our larger dogs. I also really like that they have high quality ingredients and don't give our dogs the smellies like Milkbones do." 8985,B0007A0AP8,A26LD9FQHTM8ZH,OlyNomad,0,0,5,1218240000,One of the dog's favorite treats,My dogs go crazy wh
????????????lll????heshe???? T ?he???????????????r r??????in?? t to t??. ????puputu???theth????in in t????r ??????????????????????????????s ts ?????????y fy fo?r r ar ?????????898?????????????8,8??????????SRSRUR???????rir??to?????????AnA?totonto???auau u?"""?Th?ri???????y"y???????,5,?????????????????????ana????????????el????y ?dod?????????s tos t???iki?????????????????????LeLetet't's'?????????????ononeon????an an???fef??????e ???????????????thesthese??????????????0A?P8?????Z3Z???????QJQ???ar?k,k???4,4????323????969?????NoN?t ??????????JeJ????????????s ???ff?????t ???????????om???? the the p???????s ????d td ??????scs????????, ,?????t tht t????e ae ????????????
en they smell these. They are great for training too. I put them in their kong toys also and that keeps them busy for a while. 8986,B0007A0AP8,A2SDX3T7BSRUXJ,"Christopher N. Antonneau ""Thrifty Guy""",0,0,5,1206748800,Dorkie want a treat,Well my dog seems to like these very much. Let's see if someone can offer free shipping on these. 8987,B0007A0AP8,ASLZ3DF5OC9QJ,Mark,2,4,4,1327449600,"Not Really ""Jerky""","It's difficult to tell from the pictures and the description, but these aren't really
????rkr??????????sts???psp???f f?????????? a ara??? sm s????isi????????????????????eatea???ma??e ???omo?? me mea?eat eat????d od ??he???????????????- -?I I??upu???ses???????gog????????medme?????????????????????? P ????nglng??e ve ?s.s????po????o ?????. ????ywywaw???, o, ououru????? s????s ???????????e -e ?????????re re? it i?????????ucu???ed ed??he?????desde?????TheThe ?????????mbm? a????sas?almal????vavar?ie?tit??????????ie?????????????ea????in in????e b???????????????? ?? t??????????at ???r ??????r dor d????ma??????in tin ???????, ??????usu?????t ???????????? w ?????op?in?g ????????????B0B000?????APA???????????????????re??????????????????????????????00,00????b ???
jerky (dried strips of meat) but are smallish, moist, chewy treats made from meat and other ingredients - I suppose meat goop formed into a shape. Think Pringle vs. a potato chip. Anyway, our dog seems to approve - not sure it even touched the sides! The beef, lamb and salmon varieties she tried all disappear in the blink of an eye. A tasty treat for your dog, made in the USA, but just not the jerky I was hoping for." 8988,B0007A0AP8,A1UVI5ZUG7C3M8,Gregory Hatfield,1,4,1,1332547200,Lamb Not
??????????ini???????????????rir????????????????r r?ththeh????odo???????????es????t st ??aysay? a ?????ea?tsts ????e se ?ou???eded ed??????????????????????? La Lama????????icice???er?kyk???????? an and an???????ays? o ???????pap??????e te ???????b ?????????????ewe?????lal??nd.nd???????s ???huhugu??????????????tat???????????????ro????ct ct???n t???he phe ???????t pt ???????er?????????????????898?89?????????????????8D8????7B7??????????????????oeo?erierin?g,g?1,1????,1????????????????bub????????somso???????? th??????????ithit??en?????ia??????????chchih????????s ls ?ikikeik????hishis ????at???bu????he?y y d????????eat?????????????hu??????. ???hey???????????an??d ld
Sourced in USA Like Description Says,Under the product features it says all meats are sourced in the USA. I got the Lamb and Rice jerky today and it says on the package the Lamb comes from New Zealand. That's a huge misrepresentation of this product on the product page. Very disappointed. 8989,B0007A0AP8,A2BO8DD8L7BP7C,William A. Koering,1,4,2,1314489600,"Ok, but not something they eat with enthusiasm.","My chihuahuas like this treat, but they do not eat it with enthusiasm. They hesitate and l
??t t????????????????????????909???????????C,C????ZBZ???????989????ooo??????????????333?33433414???00?,E,??????en???????,",????????ueu????????ndn??????ll??????? is i??exe??elellel?lenle?t!t?????ovo?e ???????????????????????frf?????d gd ??????e ????me me??? t????????????rryrr?????????il??a ?(a(???? a a?????le????heh?er er D ????????ara??????????????????e a????grg????, ????????his his?? is is????????mym???????it?itesite?????????????????????nilnill??? ta t????????ded?eliel?cic??ousou????????????er?????????. ?????sus?????????????? a? and and ??sugsu???? to t? m?y ?????????ut tut ???????????ese?????ne???????????????????recre?????????it!it??????????????????,A????????XVX?
et it sit quite often." 8990,B005CT9GMC,A1LZBJLZLXX98Q,bookworm,0,0,5,1333411200,Excellent tea!,"This blueberry and vanilla tea is excellent! I love all kinds of tea, and friend gave me some of this blueberry and vanilla (and a couple other Dilmah varieties). They're all great, but this is one of my favorites. The blueberry vanilla taste is delicious but not overpowering. I usually add milk and sugar to my tea, but this one doesn't need it. I highly recommend it!" 8991,B001QED11E,A19Q2E54XVE
??????dnd???ShS?ata???ckc??????5,5???????080808?????????????????ce? f ??? m ?? d dod??'s'??'s'sp's???iai??????????????????ththrh????gh gh??????????????p-p-B-BiB??????re re????fif??ulultl???????????????t ??tot???s.s????y ???? i???????????t ??????????onlon?????eaeatea?????????????????arear???????????ioioso?, ,?????y cy cac?????ts ??????????????????????es es????d ???????e ????????eme????nd??ic?e ???????? S?na????????s ars a???he?r ??????a sa ????????????????d ???she she????wsws ?whw??????????????n ??????and??. ????e re ??????????????? w ??????????????????on???th???????????or ?????????????????er? a????????p p??t ???wnw???8?999??????1Q1??D1D1111E1??????33U33??
77T,Edna Shattuck,0,0,5,1334620800,excellent choice for my dog's 'special' treat,"Bought through Amazon as Snap-Bits are difficult to find in pet stores. My dog is on a diet and the only treats she can have are few Cheerios, baby carrots cut into little pieces (and yes she eats them) and ice cubes. Snap-bits are her extra special treat and she knows when they are in my hand. She really likes it when I roll one along the floor for her to chase after and chomp it down." 8992,B001QED11E,A1533UHM
????????????ici?iai??????????"""""??0,0?,0,,0????292???????????oto????????idi?????????????????gsg???ovo??,T,?????????????e ???ttt??????????ngng g t tr?eae???sis????????kik????????? ca c???????????????????d ???????????????????????? I ??????ininen????????????????????????or?????????????????gs gs??s ?a ?????e re ?regre?????????ed?????? ay ???e a?????t tt ???e se ????????? n ????el???aca???????3,3,B,??00100????????????????????D5D??????????????????????????????????er????ligli?hth??????????????????????giogi????????????o,o, ?ve?????asastas??t set s?erver????! ??????????????yey??????????????????????????ordor???????is is????????????
87FNCQ,"Felicia ""ohai!""",0,0,5,1294185600,Another Canidae product my dogs love,These are nice little training treat sized cookies that can easily be gobbled by my 50 and 75lb dogs. I imagine they'd work good too for the smaller dogs as a more regular sized treat. They are about the size of a nickel each. 8993,B001AG9X6K,A1K0U6C1X2EHD5,whinny06,0,0,5,1341014400,Tea,"Very light in taste, but very giood, ty! Also, very fast service! I really enjoyed this prodect! I would order this again! Ty!"
??999??????????????A5A?????WHW??????????????,1,?????????????0000000????????????????????usus s c ?ofo????!,!,",????????huh??? c??offoffe?????????????????ovo????????????s ???r r m ????ingin??????????quq?????? b ??fo?????eae??ininging ing??for? w ?????in? t ??e e me mom?ornornin?? W ????? t?????????????y ????ic??????I pI ??refre???r ar ???ol??????ror????co????????????? thi th????in?in tin ???????????ing. ing.??????gag????PuPucuckc???rerenre?ch???????????aba?????????ly dly de??????us????????????????t t a?t ?????????terter,? a an??? ma mak??? a??grg????????????????f f c? cof co???????I ???ulu??????????????????????????????????????? dr d??nknkenk???????89989??????06N06??IG?4K?????????????????
8994,B006N3IG4K,A5U24IWH64IFF,Kimdoll,1,1,5,1302480000,Absolutely delicious coffee!,"I am a huge coffee drinker, and love the k-cups for making one cup quickly before leaving for work in the morning. While there are many choices, I prefer a bold, strong coffee first thing in the morning. Wolfgang Puck French Roast is absolutely delicious, strong and not at all bitter, and makes a great first cup of coffee. I would highly recommend to all bold coffee drinkers!" 8995,B006N3IG4K,A1RVCWFP3SC3GU,C
a????????????5,5???????363????????????????aya?s s?drd?????TiT??mom???y'y's'?????EmEmem????????????ghg????e ?????d d????????????ingin?? di d?????enentn???NoNot??????mam?????ececac?????????hooho??????om?. ??We We? we w????plp??asa??????y sy ???prp??????????????s s hs ??????grg???t ??????e w????? a a????l l?bob????? f????????????????????ff??e ????????mim????er er???de?? so s???????????????????cuc???????? 1 ? K ??????????????????????????????RQR???PRP???ThT?????????????????????","?,1,????,1??99??010?60?0,0?GoG??????ufu??????ood ood?????tletl??e fle f???????d cd ??ff????????????????af???rnr???????ckc????????. A. A A????????????????s ????hohouho??t bt ????ing ing o?????????????
akediva,1,1,5,1300233600,YUMMY,We always drink Timmothy's or Emeril's. Thought we would try something different. Not too many decafs to choose from. We were pleasantly surprised that this had a great taste with a full bodied flavor. I like my coffee on the milder side so I can even get 2 cups from 1 Kcup. 8996,B006N3IG4K,A12SO47JRQGUPR,"Thomas Smith ""tjaye""",1,1,4,1299801600,Good Stuff,Good subtle flavored coffee for the mid-afternoon pick me up. A bit of sweetness without being overdone. Wish
? i ??????????????????? w wh whoh??????ana??????????????????????? t ????????????rir?????? c??????????t.t..8?999???B0B?????????????????D2D????????oto?????????eee???????????,1??5,5??292????????????livli??????????????prp??????????????an??????????ChC??f'f????es??????CoC????????an (an ????????????????????????y y w??at???he??????d d?????ilillil? b??? D ??????????, ,? bu b????????????tr???????????????is is??? a?? lo l???????????????????????y ???? pl p????anantan?????asteast?e. e.??????????????????????? can ca?????nknk nk? th??is is cis co?ff???????ckck ck? w/ w????the??????????????????????er??????????????. T. ??????of???e ?????????urour?????????di???
it was available in whole bean as I like it stronger then the Keurig cup can make it. 8997,B006N3IG4K,A86RUZGD22FDR,Another coffee drinker,1,1,5,1299110400,Delivers what was promises,"Wolfgang Puck's Chef's Reserve Colombian (Dark Roast) is basically what they said it will be. Dark roast, but not too strong. Acidity is on a low side, but with plenty of pleasant taste. At the same time you can drink this coffee black w/o the need for the sweetener and/or milk. This coffee is in European traditio
n????????????????????anyan? p?eoe??????? w??????rer??????????????tet?r r???????????????t ??f f?????????????????????????yoyouyo???p.p????????????N3N??G4G??????????K2K??BIB??????. L. ??m,m,1,?,1?????2929898398??????????y my mom????????tht??????s ??????????ava??rfr???? as as ???????????trt???BoB??dsd??"""""?????????????e ?mo?????SES???L L i????????? wi w???l el ?????????????knk????????t ?????????an?????? t???????oko??????????????????????????brb???><>?<br<b?r /r />r />B>??ld?????tratr?????? c ??fff??e e ie ??????msm?????????????oeo????ot??????????????????coffcof??????????????????????er, er,??t ??????????s ??thath????????in???ududed?ed ed???oreor??????d ??????the the? cu c?
n and will please many people. I would recommend it after dinner, but not if you need a jolt to wake you up." 8998,B006N3IG4K,A3LQS08K2OBI5Z,J. Lim,1,1,3,1298332800,"My mom said this was not as flavorful as other ""Extra Bolds""","This is the most USEFUL info you will ever need to know about K-Cups, and one that took me forever to discover:<br /><br />Bold/Extra Bold coffee in terms of k-cups does not mean that the coffee itself is stronger, it only means that they included more grind in the cup
?????????viv??????????tht?????????????coc????e.e??????><><b???????erereer?? N ??????ou ou??????.<b.<?????<b???????????????s ????????e Ee ?????a Ba ???dsds ?????????????e se ??he he??asa????????ddd???tet????????????????forfo?????er er???? ye y???????w,w????????e'e???s frs f???ala? a??????????????????????????????????k k f ??for for h???????ck ck ( (o(???????????in????????????bu????????????????????????????????????????????????? al a????????????????????cuc???????'s?????????, sh, s??he che ???imi????????ththe???????ganga????uc???????s thes th????eakea?esestes?????????????he'he???tr????????????????????memed????????mam??l ?se????????????????????????????????
s to provide you with a stronger coffee.<br /><br />There! Now you know.<br /><br />My mom goes for the Extra Bolds only because she has been addicted to caffeine for over 40 years now, and she's frugal and thinks this gives her more back for her buck (or rather mine, since I buy it for her).<br /><br />Unfortunately, out of all the Extra Bold k-cups she's tried, she claims that the Wolfgang Puck is the weakest tasting. She's tried it in both the medium & small serving sizes format, and both hav
???????????????s-s????n-n?fuf?????????????ini????????/>/????????f f???u u??rer?e le ??????????or or???????????lavlavovorvo??????sts???ngn??-ta-t???????coc?????????? t ???e <e ??????????????:/:???ww??????ono????m/m??????ododuod??????????????""????????????????fe fe????????as as????iuiumum m?RoR?????, E, ?????a Ba BoBolo?d ??????e,????????ntn???????? f??or ??eue?ri???????ere?s ???aca?????? 2) 2?</</a/???????99?,B,??060????G4G4K4????L2L??LOL??535??969????uiu????????????????????"W"??aka?, ?????????????ll ll?????ses?????ing"ing?,T,??isi???cofco???ee ee???ewe?????ryr????ak?????iki?????????ht ht r?????. . W ??????????????????? p????????????????????ala???????. ???????????? s?cac?????
e produced less-than-full-flavor drinks.<br /><br />If you are looking for a rich, flavorful, strong-tasting coffee, try the <a href="""">Van Houtte Cafe Honduras Medium Roast, Extra Bold Coffee, 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)</a>." 8999,B006N3IG4K,A4L2ALOJ53R96,Squib,1,1,2,1297728000,"Weak, even on small cup setting",This coffee brews very weak - like a light roast. W.P. Chef's reserve pods are just over half full. Put pod on scale an
dd d???????????ese??????????wgw?t t???anan n??????l l?pop???????????????h h???ormor????????????????? b ??????????? l li liki????cofco???ee ee???hatha?t tt ?????????e ????????9??00?,B,?????????????????W0W???ZGZGFG????. ????geg?ttt????????lyl?????"""""?????????????828??????eae??lyly ly????????????d,d??????????? to t?? li?ke?????????????????????????vev?e te ????????????????????????? K ????psp?s as an?d ???????????????asaas???ly???uru???is?????ThT?????????????????imi??prepr???s us ??????ittit????????????stest????????t ?????s ans a??????????ic?ke??in???????????a ?????????????lsl??????????????????in???????????st ???eses es????????????????????n ????? cu c
d it's 15% less coffee wgt than normal pods. Stick with normal pods or extra bold if you like coffee that taste like coffee. 9000,B006N3IG4K,AQ6SHOW0VMZGF,"K. Padgett ""familyof5""",1,1,2,1297382400,Really Disappointed,"I wanted to like this coffee, I did. We've tried other Wolfgang Puck K-Cups and have been pleasantly surprised. This just did not impress us. Bitter aftertaste, and it has an almost sickeningly vanilla flavor. Smells great while brewing, but just does not live up to it in the cu