???????000???????4,4,A,A3A363???F7F????????,D,????ewe?????????5,5???292919???606??,g,?????????afa???????????WoW??????????????of????? a ????vev??? g ????? T ??????????cuc?????flf??????of???ec????is? d?????ioi?????????esnes?????asa????????e de ??????????ll?, ,????y ????? & ??????or?fuf??. ??????????????? a?????? g go g???????????????????????????????recre???mem???????thithis???????uctuc?t t?o o s ????rar??????????.".""?????2,B2,????VX??????,A3,A????????CCC?????????th th????bib???,2,????5,15,??????????00,M00,?y ?????ri??? K ??CuC???,"M,"My? w ???fe fe a????? h ?????e dee d????????an???? do?wnw?? t????? is i?????r fr ?????it???????p.p????????trt?????? l?oto???????????, ??and???
8701,B003VXFK44,A36HUF7VGTJZ8M,DHopewell,2,2,5,1329177600,great decaf coffee!,"Wolfgang Puck coffees are very good. This particular flavor of decaf is delicious - doesn't taste like decaf at all, very rich & flavorful. Also, this was a very good value for the price. I've recommended this product to several friends." 8702,B003VXFK44,A3CTXFPNJCCUVO,Keith Corbin,2,2,5,1328486400,My Favorite K-Cup,"My wife and I have decided hands down, this is our favorite K-cup. We've tried a lot of others, and Do
???????????ndn??????????????????????cecere?tataia???? s ???????????er??????????er,er??th????hah???a a??????sosolo?idi????????????????????????????????????????????????d fd ?????? w???????smsmo???????iniinis??. ?????????t ???????r vr ??versver?????strst??????????ealea????????? to t????????????? a l a ??zyz??????ayay ay? mo mor?ni??? a???? ha h?aveav????ni?????????? B ?re?????????in in???????br br???<b?r ?????????? s??????????r ????????????d d pd ???blb??msm?s ws ???th ????sysy ???????????cac?an an????ay aay ?ftf??? a??????6 6??boxboxex???????????es,es????? hav ha???'t'????????y ????????????y ?????????atate??fo????????oth?????????we??????????oko????likli?e ?it???as?? ra r???????so
nut Shop and Caribu Daybreak are certainly still up there. However, this has a very solid body flavor with a medium roast. Almost a bold flavor with a smooth finish. Excellent flavor versus strength. Really nice to get up on a lazy Sunday morning and have a nice cup of Breakfast in Bed!<br /><br />Also, I see another reviewer had problems with messy K-cups. I can say after about 6 boxes of theses, I haven't had any issues. Very unfortunate for the other reviewer, but looks like it was rather iso
????ede????r r????<br<b??????????t t?????y,y? y ?ouo????????????????????????, t, ????wiw??e ???????????e de ???????????????XFX?K4K?4,4???????TDT?LKLK2K??DPD????ll?????JeJ??s s J?????????,2,,2,3,??????????00000????reremre?ara????????FiF?????, l, ??????????????? I? p ?????????????bob???d Kd ????? c??????s ??????nl????ccc??sis??onaon??????????? a a????iui???????d,d????? n nen??????ececa???? I ?????hth?t tt ??re????ol??????????????offof???s ????er??? m????thsths ????????????????? B ????nd;nd?????ncn?????????; a; ???and Sand ??????a ???pip????????????????????re re?quq?????e dre d???????????????gh gh????????o no ???????asuas????upup up? to to ??????????? the?? ex e?????-bo-b???d bd ????????????CoC
lated.<br /><br />Give it a try, you'll certainly enjoy it, the wife and I sure do!" 8703,B003VXFK44,A10H24TDLK2VDP,William Jens Jensen,2,2,3,1309824000,Unremarkable,"First, let me say that I prefer extra-bold K-Cup coffees and only occasionally drink a medium blend, and never decaf. I bought three Wolfgang Puck coffees several months ago: Rodeo Drive Blend; French Roast; and Sumatra Kopi Raya. All three are quite drinkable, though they do not measure up to a few of the extra-bold blends from Co
?fff????PeP???lel?: : K ???????????????????????????????????????????????????r.r??EvE???????tet????hah?????eseses??????ugu?????? m ?? n ?ewe? f ???ororir?????<a<?????f=f??????p:p:/:????ww.ww???aza?????omo????????????/B/??????????"""">"">G>???enen en????????????????????????????whw?????????????trt????????rkrk ?cuc???ofo? c co???????????en aen ????theth?????ge?????ug ug????????????houho???????????????an?and.and.<.????????????PrP?revreviv????????????d ??????d t?????????????st st?????????unu???ainai????????????th??????orior????????????????ve?????? to t??????????????????in in???????????and???la?????????????????at??????en ?????nta??in ??????????????iri??EsE?
ffee People: Kona Blend; Organic Blend; Jet Fuel; and Black Tiger. Even better than these, though, is my new favorite, <a href="""">Green Mountain's Revv</a>. Those who prefer a strong, dark cup of coffee (even at the larger mug setting) should try that brand.<br /><br />Previously, I had found the dark-roast Green Mountain coffees rather boring, but Revv lives up to the hype, both in strength and flavor. Another great Green Mountain coffee is their Esp
?????o o??lel????(t(??ouo????????????????????tot??????????o to ????prp?ici????tet?enden???to to????hih??????????e te ???n n in ??????ck??????mom??tat?r ???????????????? Be B????atathth th???and and?????ondon??? F ?in?????????faf?vovor????????ulu????????????????????????????<a<????????????????????????????omo????????????/B/??040???????????????????BiBigig ig????y y B?????????????? a???????????e ce ??????, ????ougou??? do don?????xpx????t tt ?the? N ?????????ansan??ex?pe?????????????????y ????????????????????BoB??ttott???????????? w ????t ???????????it??h th ?thethe ?WoWol???an???PuP????cocof????????utu?t ft ?????y ?????????heyhe????????? st sta??? o??ut ut???????????????
resso Blend (though Amazon doesn't stock it, so the prices tend to be higher here than in brick-and-mortar stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond). Finally, a favorite regular over the years has been <a href="""">Emeril's Big Easy Bold</a>. It's a very nice coffee, though don't expect the New Orleans experience of chicory flavor.<br /><br />Bottom line: You won't go wrong with the Wolfgang Puck coffees, but for my taste they do not stand out among the avail
?aba???????d d?????????""???0404,4?????????????313?????????????????????????????????????????939?606?00000??????????ocooc????????????????ff?????????????????y y?? n ???????vo???d ?????ffeeffe?e de ????kek?????????I dI dod?????ke ke?????????????????????eryer??no??? an a?d d ad ???????ThT???????????????ly ly????oconoconu??????avoav???????ff???. ???e ??????????????????????edied?????re?w ???nd nd?????????????? wi w??? t???????????al al? un u?????????es oes ???????????nu???????????????e ????me????????."???70????0000300???XFKXF???????747??IBI??????R,R????. P. ?????? " ????????esees??frf????nd"nd???,2???2,52,5,?????50504?00?000,000??odo???o Do ?ri?ve??- -? de d??????us???????fee,fee??????ve
able bold coffees." 8704,B003VXFK44,A31W55J90T8NFF,D. T. Socci-Brown,2,2,4,1305936000,Light Coconut Flavored Coffee.,"I am usually a non flavored coffee drinker, but I do like to mix things up every now and again. This is a lightly coconut flavored coffee. The coffee itself is a medium brew and it goes well with the tropical undertones of the coconut. It is a nice summer drink." 8705,B003VXFK44,A2H74FIBDN5NMR,"M. Prieto ""Havanese friend""",2,2,5,1305504000,Rodeo Drive - delicious coffee,I love
??uiu???????????ofo??feefe??????????s ??????????aba?bib?ngn???? w ????e ??????????s ?ata?????ioi??????'s'?????t bt ?????r r??ut??????????????????????????????pep??????. ??????e ?????878????B0B????????4,4?A2A??X8X????RIR?????????lislisss??a Pa ?at???????????303???????0,0???ete???????d d?????f,f??????it???hedhe????? De D???af af?????????????????????a ????enent? c cu c???onon on??he????uru?igig ig m ma m?????e.e???????? o???????????????d id ?????bsb??????e ae ?????ava??? op o?ti????????????????>T>?hihishi?????a ?????ly? l???????????, ,??hi??? I? I l I ?likli???? I?????? o??????e me ?idi???le le?????????????I ??????? if i???t ?wa?????????????????????????ulu?????in???? it it???
quite a few coffees but this one is grabbing my whole households attention. It's not bitter but it's not light either. It's perfect. I love it. 8706,B003VXFK44,A2NX8LSYRITNZ8,Melissa Patel,2,2,4,1302048000,Pretty Good Decaf,"I switched to Decaf and was looking for a decent cup on the Keurig machine. I was only interested in Subscribe and Save options.<br /><br />This is a fairly light roast, which I like. I brew on the middle setting and I think if it was brewed any larger I would think it was
??tot?????ghg????????7,7,B,B0B?030???????,A,?????9Z9????????????ininbnbob????"b"??????????ere?????2,2????,1,??010181???????????????????????,"O,"????????hehe e?????? f ?????orsor?????????????????herhe???????? th?????????mam????????????????????????????on???e ofe of f mf ?????????fa????????????????hah?aveav?e te ???????????st st? al a?ll ll?????thetheme????No??????????????? to t???thi?????????????ifi????????d ????????????????????????erser??. . ???????rsr??e, e,? it it ?????allall ????at???????? ta t?astaste?, , b, bu??????is ??one???oeo?????????asteaste ?e ale a??ll tll ?????????????t ?t ist i???????????? it???s s js ???t ?kik???d o?f ??he???e -e - - l- ????e ae a e a????????? co c??fef???????y ??????thi????????
too light." 8707,B003VXFK44,A2YDF9ZS4D9XLU,"rainbow ""busy shopper""",2,2,3,1301875200,Not my favorite,"Of all the K-Cup flavors that are out there, and there are many very good ones, this is one of my least favorites, and I have tried almost all of them. Not much flavor to this one, even if you add various types of creamers. Of course, it is all a matter of taste, but this one doesn't taste all that good. It is not bad - it is just kind of there - like a generic coffee. Try something else
iini?sts????.".????080??B0B???VXV?????????????????????????cec???????????????,5,?????00800????00????????CoC???eee????????????????????????angang g????????????DrD???????CuC??????????s s???????st?. ?????e ?????????vov?r r?????????tot???st????g.g??. B. BeB????ononeon?e ye yeyete?????????????XF????????????J8J???????????ri??636??,2,????5,15,?????696??????????an??????????????????????????ve bve ??????????umu? r ro?????????p p fp ??????????,I,???????????chach????????????offeoffee?????????? ti t??????????????d ????????t ht hahasha????grg???t ????????and????????????????????of of?????????????,B0??03V03????????????????W3W??VG?????????Ro??ai??e ?"""?cocorco????
instead." 8708,B003VXFK44,A18A5GW4IE1XPU,Janice M. Howard,2,2,5,1300838400,K cup Coffee,Absolutely love Wolfgang Puck Rodeo Drive K Cups. It is the best. Nice rich flavor but not too strong. Best one yet! 8709,B003VXFK44,A1379FWJ8KNUVG,sherriw63,2,2,5,1299369600,Wolfgang Puck coffee rodeo drive blend medium roast K-cup for keurig,I have purchase this coffee several times my husband said it has a great taste and it is a good cup of coffee 8710,B003VXFK44,A1SEWF8U8W31VG,"P. C. Romaine ""corirom
???????????,1,???919191969??????ama????????????pyp??,",?? a ????????e ????????????????MeMe Me?CrC??zyz????offof??????ThT??rer??waw??????????ini????????fe fe???henhen ???wa??????????????????e e f?????an?d d??????he??????????ffff,ff??????? a c a ????omo?merme??????????anankan???I w??????d ad ?t ??ror?ug????????????ndn??of????????????????????ififtif????????????llell??s.s?? E ?vev??????????????????????ed ed????????????wiw????????p p?? of of?????????shs?ly??ma????????, t, ?theth???????? wo w??ldl?d rd ??al????????????????gog? b ba b???????????umu?in??? co c???????gag?????. E. ????????????? b????ke ke???????????????????????????beb?????????????tim?e ??cof??feefe???????????, an, a??
a""",2,2,5,1299196800,Jamaica Me Happy!,"I am a huge fan of Jamaica Me Crazy coffee. There was a time in my life when I was totally caffeine free and off the dark stuff, but a customer in the bank I worked at brought in a pound of this coffee as a gift to the tellers. Every time someone walked by my desk with a cup of this freshly made joe, the smell would really tempt me to go back to consuming coffee again. Eventually it broke me down, and I am back to being a full time coffee drinker, and
???????ofo??????????ini???????????????waw?? t tot?????????y fy faf??oro???e ?????w iw in???????upu????????????y ty tht???????ttttet?????ana?? a a??????????????a Ma MeM????????isi???????????????????it???? the the e ne ????AlA?mom???d Jd ??y ????????????????ioi???????????????n in ????????ghg?lil???????? s???????oco?on???? U UnU??or?????te????????????y hy ?????a ??eue?ri????? o?????????????????????ealeal l El ????????????????? h????????gog????????? t???en?????????cup.cup. ???????????????? I h I ??havehav???????????antant ????????? k ?????s hs ho??w tw ???????pepeoe????????????in?ingling?ly ly????? u ??????wow??????ow???????ca??????? f fi f??????????????o uo ?useus?????????temte??
proud of it! Imagine how happy I was to find my favorite brew in a K-cup! The only thing better than a cup of Jamica Me Crazy is a cup sweetened with the new Almond Joy flavor International Creamer in it to highlight the sweet coconut. Unfortunately, we only have a Keurig at our office (I'm in Real Estate now), so I have to go to work to enjoy a cup. I'm thinking I have a brilliant boss who knows how to get people to willingly show up to work! Now if I can just figure a way to use it to temp
??????bub?yey??? i ??toto o??????????????????????e ie ????????;0;??????????????????4,4???NVN???????W0W?808???????nkn????l,l,2,????5,5?????87687?????0,N0,???e ???ellel??w w c ???? of??????????"I"? b?????t ????????????ingin???????auausu?e ?e mye my ?faf?????iteit??TiTimi??????????ala???? B ???ndn?????s os ???????????k.k?????... ...???????????ve??y y hy ?????????ur?prpriris??????????non????as as??"b"???""? a an a???wiwin???????re?????????y fay f?avo???????????????flf????????l, l,???ad ad???????????????????????????????othot??. I. ?????nd ??????????????????????t ct ??????? bu???I ????????lieli?ent??????????????????ttt???????hthteht?????p.p??.......??????is is w???l l? be be be? pe p??fe????! I! ????????
more buyers into our office - I'd have it made ;0)" 8711,B003VXFK44,A3NVNHJ1SJW080,E. Vanketel,2,2,5,1298764800,Nice mellow cup of coffee!,"I bought this grudgingly because my favorite Timothy's Italian Blend was out of stock...... and I was very happily surprised! It's not as ""big"" and winey a brew as my favorite, but was flavorful, had a delicious aroma and was smooth. I tend to like rather potent coffee but I have clients who prefer a little lighter cup..... this will be perfect! I will ha
?????????epe???????? t ??isis s???fff????????nkn??s Ws WoW????????""???????000????FKF???????????T7T????3O3O,O,L,???dad??????????????????00???,S,?? g ??????"I"?????nk?????????????ovo????t t?????hatha??e ie ??t kt ???? o????of???????????????????????????or? s sts?????????t st sis???????????????r ???????, ,????????n n????t ?????or????s is ?intinto?????conco??ut,ut??pi?nen????????an?d d???m.m?. ??????inkin???????????????????????????????????dod?????eveve??r wr ???????????????ou?t ???????????????????d.d???????,B????3VX3V??????????323??????????M.M??ToT??mam??????????????282??????? f ??avoav?oriorititeit?!,????????????????non???????????????????ot??????s ys ??
ppily keep buying this coffee. Thanks Wolfgang!" 8712,B003VXFK44,A2L7M1TT7T843O,Linda Fox,2,2,5,1298160000,So good!,"I think this is a love it or hate it kind of coffee. I love it. The flavor starts out similar to butter toffee, but then sort of morphs into coconut, pineapple, and rum. I think it's delicious and unique, and I don't ever want to be without some in my cupboard." 8713,B003VXFK44,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,2,2,5,1291852800,New favorite!,"This one will not disappoint! I got this yes
??????????? m ?????sbs???????????????d ??????isi? m??????g g???ithit???rer?????sts??anand??????????????? i ?????? h ??????????????anyan??????????t ????????????????????????????????????????yiy???????is is??nen???????????? I c I ?ououluldl?d bd ???????????th????????thi????nene ne??????lal????titigi????fof??? th???????ornorni???????enen en?????antan??????????y sy ??roron?g ???p p??f ??cofco?????????????????drd?rivri??ve bve ??en?d ???s ds ???ici?ioi???????? a? n ???e ????nd?nd fnd ??????????e ??????????????????????????????????????????????h ?????????st st???hi???? of??sms???kinki??????????fefecfe??ly?? ba bal??ncn?????????????ut?????y woy w?????????????luslu?????ha??????
terday and my husband and I tried it this morning with breakfast and we both loved it. I have gotten many different kinds of the k-cups to try but after trying this one, I think I could be happy with just this one and black tiger for those mornings when I want a really strong cup of coffee. The rodeo drive blend is delicious with a nice round feel on the palate and an interesting flavor on the finish with just a hint of smokiness. Perfectly balanced and absolutely wonderful! Plus, I have to
????itit.t??????????ththehe ?lal????? T ??he he?????????? c ????r r? lo l???????ryr??????alalil?????????????ouoususes?? w ??ithit????he he ohe ??theth?? k ??cuc???????????????????????JSJS7S??????????????????????121?909????????????ofo???????????????????WeWe'e??????????????????????????ps?? th tha thatat ??????????????, ,???d ?th??s ??is is??in in???????? 3 ????????????r ar ???ar???????ol???????lavla?????????d thd t????ononeon???????th???????. ??????????mem???imi?me me???????uiu???e se ??????????71????????????44,44????LHL???????HG????rur???????BiB????????4,4,14,????868?????00,M00,?????an????????????????huh?????????bo??????kek??????ild?????stist?????????????We?????ougou??t ??
admit...I love the label. The different color looks very appealing on my carousel with the other k-cups." 8714,B003VXFK44,AJS7THAS9CZ59,Mark,2,2,5,1290470400,One of the best K-cups,"We've tried many of the K-cups that are available, and this is in our top 3. We prefer a darker, bolder flavor, and this one hits the mark. At the same time it's quite smooth." 8715,B003VXFK44,A1KLHGBZC9PHGH,Trudy L. Bien,2,2,4,1289865600,Mild and Flavorful,My husband I both like a mild tasting coffee. We thought we
??wow???????vev? W WoW???gag????PuPucu??????????????????????????? W?e e we wew????????????????uru??????????y ty ????fuf?????????ed ed ted ??astastet?e be ????????ou??t tt ?theth??e bie b????????s s o ?????mem?e oe of????he he????????er er???????????????'s'??????????????? s?????fif???d a???????l ???e de ?????in????????fof??? a a???ongon????????????????????????????ete?t mt ??y hy ?????????? t ta???????????? l???????????????,B,B0B000??????????3V???????????????chc?????WiW?????amsam?????????282???????00,00??????TaT??????????offeoff???????????cuc?????s os ???e o???????????it??????????????????????????????????????el el????????????????. ????????????ke ke?????????, ,??
would give Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed a try. We were pleasantly surprised by the full bodied taste but without the bitterness of some of the stronger tasting coffee's. We are very satisfied and will be drinking this for a long time! Now if I can only get my husband to take the name literally! 8716,B003VXFK44,A3VR5ETUZKF3IN,Michael Williams,2,2,5,1289779200,Rich Tasting Coffee,"This k-cup is one of my favorites along with Coffee People's Jet Fuel and Black Tiger. If you like a strong, ri
?????ofo??????????????? f fif?????e e??????""8?????B0B??????K4K???APAP0P0303S03??CDC???RBRBDB???????CoC????r r??"e"??dod??????"""""?????????282??656??????,A ,A?????????upup p??? c?of???????????????????ongong,g?, n, ????t tot t?? w???????????????it?hohouo?????????????????. ??????????yty????????????ses????not not i ???????????????? "" ""g"?ro?w w h ??iri???on on?????????????? ty t?pep???. ?WeW????ll??????????e te ??????????? t??????? a????????????????vov??it????????s.???87????,B0,B?00300???XFKXF???????????????????"K"??. M. M.M. ???????????????pa"pa????????5,?????404???????-C-??????an,an?WoW????anangan?????????????vev???????mam????? g ???d d????e ce ?upup up oup ???????? it ?is ??on ??
ch coffee, this will fit the bill." 8717,B003VXFK44,AP03SDCDB6RBD,"E. OConnor ""erdoreen""",2,2,5,1288656000,A Winner cup of coffee!,"Not too strong, not too weak...smooth without the bitterness. Great anytime for those not into the strong ""grow hair on your chest"" types. We will continue to purchase this as a part of our favorite brands." 8718,B003VXFK44,A1ZZMAVRCBL357,"K. M. Alley ""Grandpa""",2,2,5,1286409600,K-Cup Fan,Wolfgang's Rodeo Drive does make a good ole cup of coffee. It is on th
????ama????????????ono??? S ??opo???????????? m ???????????????????aka?e ?????????8???????030???????????H0H?????1H1??KMK?,",?K.K. ?PoP?????????e t????ShoSh??????????????????????,W,???????????????????????? K ???????mam??????????????????as as m?ororeor?????th??????hth?t st ??ded????th????????????iui?????????? I ??????????in?????wow?????????ha??????????????????? tho th?????????waswas ?????oodoo????????????????????202??????3VX3V????4,???????H3H3T3??????????????????????,2???????28????808????????????????cac?????????????????ev??eraeral???????? K- K-c-????????d hd ?????????? t????????????????????????????????????????t lt ?
e same line as Donut Shop. Very good morning coffee to wake up with. 8719,B003VXFK44,A1QH0VOIN1HEKM,"K. Poe ""Love to Shop""",2,2,3,1285113600,Wolfgang Puck coffee for Keurig maker,The coffee was more on the light side rather than medium roast. I don't think I would purchase it again even though it was a good value purchase. 8720,B003VXFK44,A1Q3VZH3TP8DFN,Janice G. Brown,2,2,5,1284768000,Colombian decaf,I have tried several decaf K-cubs and have found this to be the best. My husband does not li
k?????cac???????hah????????lyl? f fo f???d d t ??????????e ????????in?k k b???auausu????????????????lel?e be ?????????astas???????????????????d cd ?????e ?tot?? ha h????e ine i??????????? f???????pap??????????????????????seese??????? li l??????. .??????????????????? i????????????????inin!in?8??2121,1????3V3VXV??????????666????????D,D???issis??????e,e?????5,5?121?848464??16??????oodoo???????,T,ThT???????ffeff??????fof???? tho th???????????????sts???ongong ?????????lal??????????in?ing ing w ??????????ut ut i???. I. ???lik????us???ene?ou????cococco???????? an????rer???????????ke?????????????e.??????????????goego?????or ?????????????????????e-e????????in-in???????ornor????
ke decaf but has finally found this one he will drink because it has a little bolder taste.I find it a good coffee to have in the house for company because everyone seems to like it. I will be ordering it again and again! 8721,B003VXFK44,A16K66OVVFCCBD,Miss Ellie,2,2,5,1284681600,Good Stuff,This coffee is for those who like a strong robust flavor. Nothing wimpy about it. I like just enough cocoa mix and creamer to take off the edge. My husband goes for the gusto. Great wake-me-up-in-the-morning
????????????iti???878?????????????4,4??151545???????JHJHLH?????????ososes??????????2,52,???282?464???606??????????????e,e????isi?? is i?s as ?? e ??????????blb??????????ctc??????????tit???????????????????????????????????????y,y???????????nd nd f???????""?878??3,3???00300???????????SRS?U8U??????V6V????ili??????en??ininsin???,2?,2,2,2,2,?12?84????404??00,b00,???el??????????????????????????????,"????????fee????????????????re?? ju j?????k.k?. . ?As????????vorvo????????ff?????????se ase ar?????????oio??ti????????????????? v?an??ll?a ????????barba?????????????????????????????FK?????2N2?????7E7??IWI?????in??????,3,?????????808??00,O00,?????off??? b???t nt ??
brew. Love it! 8722,B003VXFK44,A154WMWOARJHLI,Gary Rosenfeld,2,2,5,1284681600,Great Coffee,"This is an excellent blend perfect for any time. Was really surprised by the quality, flavor and finish." 8723,B003VXFK44,A1CSRU8Z5KIPV6,emily p jenkins,2,2,2,1284422400,barely any vanilla aroma or flavor,"As coffee, these kcups are just ok. As ""flavored"" coffee these are disappointing. I found the vanilla to be barely detectable." 8724,B003VXFK44,A2NVX117EFIW7Q,Bing,2,2,3,1283644800,OK coffee but not
????????????? f ?ara?,",???tet?????cec???ini????hih???coc?????????????????????psp?? ??t ??asas ????????????????non?? t??? o ??er?????????????? h hah??????liligi?????mocmochc??? ar a??ma????????s Os OKO??????feefe????I ????ele???wiwili???????pup?????aseas?????????????aia?????????????????????????an??????????????????????ugu???mym?????vievi????????????s,s, ??my my????????teste???????of???????????e De ?????????????re??? M ?????ai???????????????Co????????????????ganga?ic??BoBolo????EmE?????????????????????, , a?ndnd nd????llylly'y??????a ?????nd.nd????????????????444????????????RIR???,J,?aya???????????,5,??????????00000?,G,??????stust???????ic?e,e?, s, ????
the best by far,"After receiving this coffee I made a few cups. It was fairly smooth, not too overpowering, and had a slight mocha aroma. It's OK coffee. I likely will not purchase this one again because there are so many better ones. To gauge my review for others, my favorites are Coffee People Donut Shop, Green Mountain Dark Magic, Coffee People Organic Bold, Emeril's Big Easy Bold, and Tully's Kona Blend." 8725,B003VXFK44,A1GDFWGKJARI4M,Jaykid007,2,2,5,1283472000,Good stuff!,"Nice, smoot
????upup p????JoJ??????????ece???????. ???t t???????????????????non?? m ?????re?viv??wsw?????""?878???,B,?000?3V3VXV?FKFK4K??,A,??????????CPC????????thth th A ??? H????e,e????,4,???????????????????????ucu??????????????????a a??????????a fa ???????uriur?ig,ig???hihis???of???ee ee w????????a "a ??sas???lel??????????????????? we w??or?dederereer?d d??urur ur? Ke?ur???????wew????????waw????????????r r fr ????????????????e ??????redre??th???????????????ra????????????????????????????is ais ????????????? b????nonotno??tot?? s st s?????????87287?7,7????3V?XFXFKXF?K44K4?????HJH??????APA?????heahe????????????1,51,?????141????????????s ???reare???YoY?????????co??sis????????????of of? co???
h cup of Joe. High recommend. Not sure why there is not more reviews?!?!" 8726,B003VXFK44,A1SUGP9Q67CP28,Judith Ann Horne,1,1,4,1346716800,Wolfgang Puck Coffee - Sumatra Kopi Raya for Keurig,"This coffee was in a ""sample"" selection when we ordered our Keurig Brewer. It was by far our favorite! I have ordered this coffee several times from Amazon. It is a dark roast, but not too strong." 8727,B003VXFK44,A1QHJCHVHQAP4I,heathbc888,1,1,5,1341446400,Tastes great,You get a consistent cup of coffe
?e e w ??thth h?? h ??????f f?????????. .??????? of of f hf hohoto??coc??fef???inin in? ab a??????? s ????????????t tt ?asa?tetese??grg?eae???..? w???at'at?s ????????lil??????boubo?ut ???thatthat?t?!?????8??????000???????4,4????????PMP?585????????????????1,1???4,????949????????es???t cat cara??mem?el el??-c-?????????????????????onongn????????me?? f ????oror or????thoth????h sh ???lll????????????????ngtng?????off???. ???????????????????????????????????'v'??? tr t??ed??? I?? wi wil????????????he?m.m??878??9,9,B???3V??XFKXF??????????1C1??8I8?WWW?9,???ikkik?i i N ????,1,1,1,?1,51,5,5??????535?????LoL????Lo????ve Love L???e Te Th????CoC????e!e?!!???????nt nt?????????????????????? c?????????ut ?????????????? o?? t???????e
e with a hint of hazelnut. A cup of hot coffee in about 20 seconds that tastes great... what's not to like about that?! :) 8728,B003VXFK44,A3RQYPFPM58CKP,Norah Rice,1,1,4,1339459200,Best caramel K-cup!,These have a stronger caramel flavor although still a medium strength coffee. The best caramel flavored K-cup I've tried! I will reorder them. 8729,B003VXFK44,A19N301CQ8IWW9,Nikki N.,1,1,5,1336953600,Love Love Love This Coffee!!!,I want to try other types of coffee but I am so stuck on this one
????? i ???? h ?????tot??????ana??th???g g e ???????????????????ldl?????stst.t. .???????????????????????isis ???????ro????fof????????ese?se se d?????????????zez?elnel????????or???????????ici??????????????????????????????????. ?I I?????? be b??? d??????????thi???WoW?lfl?gag??????ckc?????????an an??????????????atat at?lel????????????s ????????nen??????????????????????????????????????))??7373030,0???????????,A,?333????????N6N?5U5U,U???????????,1,???,4,??????????????????f f?????????erer ???cu?????????trt?rieri??,l,?????????????eoe????rivri????????????????????????????????????ala????????????????is???????th!th????????mem????
that it's hard to try anything else! This is a mild roast. Medium or dark roast is too strong for me these days. The hazelnut flavor it very nice and every cup brewed is superb. I have been drinking this Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut for at least 6 months and it never fails to please. Give it a try :) 8730,B003VXFK44,A33BX5D4DKN65U,Mr. Newman,1,1,4,1333756800,one of the better K cups I've tried,love this Rodeo Drive it has a very drinkable taste is also good and it is smooth! I recomend t
?hahata???????????hih?s s??????878??1,1?B0B?030??????4,4,A,??MHM??????Z8Z???????lyl?????????????????00,00??ele????????????????????mom????ded?????????????eee????ere????t d?oeo???non??t mt ??????????ourou??st?????????'s's ?ama?????g g a ?????asa?stest???wow?ondon?????l l??????????yonyo?????????k k?????????t tt ?????73?????????XFKXFK4??4,A4,??????W9W??????7,7???????y Py ??????hoh????????,1,??5,15,??33333353?????0,0????????e!e??????or????????? I' I??????????????letletetel??????????d td ?to to???nknkik???????tst?????wew?????? th the????????????????????????????ed ed b?re???????? i??n mn ????? cu c???? and??????sos? b?????t ???????co co??????????tht??????uau??????????upsup?????wfw???? ??????
hat you try this one. 8731,B003VXFK44,A1MHY69POZ8GCK,Lily,1,1,5,1333756800,Delicious,This is the most delicious coffee ever It does not mess up your stomach it's amazing and tastes wonderful and everyone at work loves it too 8732,B003VXFK44,A3LZCRW9NU0327,Tinley Park Shopper,1,1,5,1333584000,Favorite!!!,"For years, I've been completely devoted to Dunkin Donuts brewed at the store and at home. I tried brewing DD in my K cup and I also bought the Eco Brew and the actual DD k cups. Awful! So I w
?????????????????????? l ???????????ewe???ofo????? ?????r ?????????????????ece??f f????upupsp???????????????? I ??????allal????????????nd lnd ????d ??olo????????????de??cafca????????????up???????hishi?????th??????????aca???I ????????????themthe? s so s???? ho h??????mazma?????eve??r ?sts??opsop???selse???inging ing?????m hm he??e.??????????e ????????????????roroao??t t? an?????????y ???themthem them e ??????????????????the????????d id ?is is j ????????????up??. ??????? them the??????hah??ve ve n????? h???d ad ??????rouro?????wiw????? any an???f ??????????? and????????on mon ??????rdr??????r ??????????? cu??????IfI?????????????????????????????ve fve ???ed?????????????????Th???
as searching high and low for a new coffee. After trying all the decaf k cups on the market, I finally found and loved Wolfgang Puck decaf coffee k cups. This is the only place I can find them so I hope Amazon never stops selling them here. They are mellow, medium roast and I enjoy them every day. Any other brand is just a back up. Try them. I have never had any trouble with any of the cups and I'm on my third order now of 48 cups. If they had a problem, they've fixed it.<br /><br />This
?????n n??????????iningn????????? J ???? 7 ???202010?????? c ?on?tit?????tot?? dr d???? a?????????????????s os ?f f?ththihis????????e Ee ???????????? It It ???????????????????????r ??cofco?fe?????????me????rer?e ee ?????y oy ???????????gag??????????s is ????????????????ganga????????DeD???????????. ?PlP??????, p, ?????????????? A ??aza???, ???????????????????????????scscrcricr???tioti?on ?se?????e.e????y ??heahe??????tst?????in????? m???????ureur??e th?????? al a??ay??s rs ??me??????????ordor???????as???????????????? o?utut t ot oft o?f tf ????is wis ???????ul??????????8??3333,3????3V3????444??A3A??????????????"S"?co???????ShS????????????er????????"""""?????????????????
is an update being done on July 7, 2012. I continue to drink at least two cups of this coffee EVERY day. It has ruined me for other coffees as I measure every other cup against this incredible Wolfgang Puck Decaf k cup. Please, please, PLEASE Amazon, make this part of your subscription service. My head hurts trying to make sure that I always remember to order so as not to ever be out of this wonderful coffee." 8733,B003VXFK44,A39KT4ATF5Q9UB,"Scott R. Shelhamer ""AeroScott""",1,1,3,1333152000
?????oso?t t?????ere???????llllyl????????????????????????ofo???e e be ??t ?th????????? li l????????????????? b?e e ce ?????ded???????????????????al???????ititt??er er?whw??n n???mpm?????d td ??????er??me???um?????????..???????????XFX?K4K????????????V3V?????WiW?ll???m ??. ?DiD??????????5,5???????33633??00,00?????????st ?DeD?li??????re???????????????????????uru? A AMA? w wi w????asas as???????????oo oo???????????????st ?th?????ghghtgh?????t t ft ???????? m mo m???????????????????????5,B5,B0??????FK4FK44??????WCW??????????????? A?. ????terte??????,1,1,1,?????????8708704?00???uc?cec????ulu??????erier?????!,!??????????ig?? co? coff cof?????ak???r wr ?????a ga ????? C ?hrhriris??????gig?
,Almost Bitter,I really like medium strength coffee but this is a little too bold to be considered medium. It is almost bitter when compared to other medium coffees. 8734,B003VXFK44,A2K04TXWAV3PZ3,William D. Dillon,1,1,5,1332633600,Breakfast Delight,Great product to start your AM with as its not too strong but just the right tast for your morning wake us up. 8735,B003VXFK44,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,1,1,4,1322870400,Successful experiment!,"Our Keurig coffee maker was a great Christmas gif
?? l ????t yt ????. .???????????????????ese????f tf ?thithisi????viv????????hehe he e ??????????????n n???????????????ofoffof???????????????????????oro???????????????????havhaveve ve????. . S?????ar??e te ????mim??????????ar???????? " ?"o"???""?????????????r r / ?><>?????????is is Wis ?ololfl????????????????????????????????e me mom?oreor????????????????????en??s ?wiwitwith??ththe??????????????? ?????? r ??????as??????nd nd????illil????ma???s ?sms?moomo????????? to t?oo oo????ronro???????lavla???, ,?????????oeo??????e ???????.<???????????/>S/>???????the tthe twt??????????drdri???kerke????? m??? ho h?us?????d ?????quq??iteit????????? t???drdridr???????s s bs ??ewe????878???,B,???3V3???
t last year. One of the pleasures of this device is the experimentation with various coffee blends. Some have worked well; others have not. Some are too mild; some are a bit ""off"" on taste.<br /><br />This Wolfgang Puck product is one of the more successful experiments with the Keurig machine. It has a rich taste and still remains smooth. Not too strong a flavor, but it does have flavor.<br /><br />So, the two coffee drinkers in my household are quite pleased to drink this brew." 8736,B003VXFK
??????????YVYVGV???NPN????????????????171?77????0,0??????bubutu? n ???t gt grg?eae?t,t?ThT?????ofofff?????? o oko?kayka???butbu?????????????????????????as as G ??reere?????unu?????????????fafas????????. .??t ?juj?????????????tasta????as??go????????7,7,B??????????,A??9P9???UJU???????,D,DrD???????????. ??awa?????????????31731?77777???00?,T??astastyast??y buy b???ExE?????ivi???????is ??????gr???????????redre?????????????????le????????upu?????re re????tit????totoooo oo??????ensiens???e fe ??or or?????????????????????? a am a? n????????????? f ???le??????????ngn????y oy ow?n ??????????offof???????? o???????ti??????It'It?? a?lsl???????fuf?????????????or ??othot???????????????????????""??
44,A3K9YKYVGEENPI,Beth,1,1,3,1317772800,Okay but not great,This coffee is okay but certainly not as good as Green Mountain's Breakfast Blend. It just doesn't taste as good. 8737,B003VXFK44,A19P6UUJKZYC6G,Dr. Donald A. Hawley,1,1,3,1317772800,Tasty but Expensive,"This is a great flavored coffee nevertheless, K-cups are getting too expensive for everyday home use. I am now using the filler and using my own ground coffee much of the time. It's also helpful to look for other price alternatives." 87
?????000?????K4K??????????????P3P????? K KeKehe?oeo??????1,1???4,?????????????????t,t???utu??non???????????????????t ?????wnwn n???lol???iai?????????????homho????o o?????????????rferfec??????0"0??????? re r?fe????????RiR?????ofo???????????lel??????e sae s?????????usustst st?lil????????????mam?atrat??an an??????ve??????s ?????? i is???ot?? bi biti?tet??????????ooo??h.h?. T. ????????rtrtat??????????????smosm?????. M. ???????????????ini????is ??it it???????????????????? a???ol????????be?????????reare?allal??????????in?? t????????p fp ???vov?or or??????co??um?bi??n ???ff??ee,ee??whw???? t??????????????ucu??? K- K??????ef???????? h??? a??????atr?????tastasttas??????????????
38,B003VXFK44,A3R7R8ARVN2P3D,A. Kehoe Jr.,1,1,4,1313020800,"Great, but not perfect","I roast my own Colombian beans at home so I have a perfect ""10"" for reference. Right off the bat let me say that just like their Sumatran reserve, this k-cup is not bitter, but smooth. The aftertaste is also smooth. My chief complaint is it does not taste like a Colombian bean. It really is missing the deep flavor of a columbian coffee, while the Sumatran Puck K-cup definitely has a Sumatran taste. The ""8 ocl
?oco???" "?????????u u?????inin n????? g ?ror??ere?y ??????????s ?????oreor??????????????????????n tn ???is is?k-k?cuc??? T ???????????????????y fy ??????re??omo??ene??????????????????wow???????recorec?om????? t????PuP??????????????vev?? t??????? y????????????????ncn???????????????????????????????????????oo????ing ing? fo f????????????-s-st??ongon????t-?????????????????e,e?, t, ???s ???????biabi?????s as a s a??re??at ??????e.e?. I. I ????ld???uyuy ???this????????jujusust? b???aua?????f ????e se ?mom??????????????737??????????K4K???????????A5A???????in??????????303?????????????y ????????essess!s?????ve????????s bs ??????ra?????????CuC????ar????ieiesie????
ock"" brand you see in many grocery stores has a more distinct flavor than this k-cup. That being said, my final recommendation is that I would recoommend the Puck Sumatran over this if you like a distinct coffee flavor. However, if you are looking for a not-too-stong-but-not-bitter coffee, this Colombian is a great choice. I would buy this again just because of the smooth taste." 8739,B003VXFK44,A1XAUZ08A5EXJA,Ming,1,1,4,1303689600,Spicy sweetness!,"I've always been drawn to K-Cup varieties wit
??????????rere e?nan?memese??????t Ft ????????????????er)er????????sts??ncnctc???????lavla???s ???????????renre??????????, S, ?pip?????????????coc??????????????fff?????????ld???????????? f ??at???resre????????????thithin????????????????????e ue ????o!o??????><>??????To??????????????????????????defde?????????????????????ivi??????????? ta tasastas?????airairlr??????????r tr ??to Dto ??????????nu??s ???cocococ?onuon??ut fut flflafl???re?????????e, e,????????????????gotgo??????? o?????he he? fl f?????? ch c????ct??erieriseri?stist??????ve???????????????????????????? ch cho ch???????????????BaB???ly???????f f? th?atat at? ac a???????ftf?terte????????ha?t't's?'s a's ????ostos??in???????????????arartar?
h out there names (Jet Fuel, Black Tiger) and distinctive flavors (Golden French Toast, Spicy Mayan Chocolate). This offering melds those two features into something I'm happy to wake up to!<br /><br />To me, Jamaica Me Crazy's definitely got a pervasive coconut taste fairly similar to Dunkin' Donuts coconut flavored coffee, but it's also got a lot of the flavor characteristics I've come to expect from K-Cup chocolate brews. Barely any of that acidic aftertaste that's almost inevitable with arti
????iai????????????ana?d d???fi?????????????? w ???????asas s ms ?an?????heh????????????iei?????. .?????????he he??amamem?'s'???re????????nyn????? t ??????astas??????????ly??????????????php?is??????ede????????thath???? w??????makma????th????cu????????e e se ???????????4040,0????00L00LKL??????AKA???V4V????????????????ThT???YoY?uTuTh?ini????7,7?,29,2????????????????????at at???helhe???????? v????y gy ??odo?????????er?al???????????????????????ucu??t ft ????ueu????????????????????ofuofu,u??????????? to t??pr????s is ??????????n n?????er er??????????????????avyav??sks?????????????? wo wor??????????? to to????t tt tht t???????????????r or ????????e ????? w???ter? y yo??? ca c
ficial flavors, and definitely not as watery as many other K-cup varieties. Sure, the name's pretty corny and the taste is hardly subtle or sophisticated, but that's what makes this cup of joe so fun!" 8740,B000LKZ84C,AKYYV4PLEJRJJ,SmarterThanYouThink,27,29,4,1215561600,"Great shelf life, very good for general use","I use this product frequently. Like most tofu, you need to press it (between paper towels with a heavy skillet on top works fine) to get the excess water out. The more water you ca
?????????????????????????????????o o????l ????? s ????pip????s ?whw??n ???okokik???, , s, ?omo???????? th t?????revre?????????iei???????????????keke.e????r /r ?????r /???????r r ar ??????????latla?????????te?, ??thath?t't?s ???????? w ???? m ?aka??s ?tot?????????????????????ak???????anyany ?????????ou? w??????to to????????. . ????r mr ??st???comco??monmo??ma???inain???????????in????????prepr????????????????????????????????ithit????mim???????oyo????????? a an a????????? or o??????????cec?? A ??quq???k ????????????????????????????????willwil??gig??ve ve yve yo???id?ea???(m(ma???????????????????ncn????????licli????????????etcet??. ?????ou cou ??? a???so ?????chachas??e ae ???
n remove, the less you'll have to deal with sloppiness when cooking, something the previous reviewer did not like.<br /><br />As for a blank slate on taste, that's exactly what makes tofu great. It will take on any flavor you want to impart. Our most common marinade is placing the pressed, cubed tofu in a Ziploc with a mix of soy, honey, and lemon or lime juice. A quick search online for a marinade will give you ideas (many also include minced garlic, ginger, etc). You can also purchase a pr
?eme??ded????rir???adead?, ,????????????????????????????????????????????? ma m?????????????tht?????re???????????movmovev??d fd ??????????in??),)?????e be ????ter???t t w???????nenet?????????????u.u?????????a ha hah??f f????????? th??????? wo wor??????inein????????????????????te??????????t it inin ???the ???? w????? th? the the???iri???fryfr???????????????d tod t??u u l?asa????????????ne????????????????????, ????????ir????????????yoy????an??????????"""????wnw??????? se sepe?????telte????firfi?stst)st????nd nd p??????????????????in?? m? mar ma?rin??ade??????hehe ?????l l sl ?????? (y (?????????????????it?? c??????????????de???re?????. H. ?an????????????fu fu??ubu???????
emade marinade, like a teriyaki sauce. The more liquid the marinade (and the more water removed from pressing), the better it will penetrate the tofu. Even a half hour in the bag works fine.<br /><br />We saute it right in the pan with the stir fry veggies (add tofu last--it just needs to get warm; or, for a firmer style, you can bake or ""brown"" it separately first) and pour in the remaining marinade as the final sauce (you can thicken with cornstarch if desired). Handle the tofu cubes gent
??y y?????heh?y ??????????irirmr??lil???????????????????????????upu???????s ????tete ??????????e te ??o.o.<.????????r r???MaM??in?at??????fuf??????????????o ???????n n kn ??bab?bsb????th????????????? th t?????????????????<br <br??????inin in t to tof to????"c"????????????? a?????s ???te???????d i???? d???h h t? tha that???????ireir????????ne?????????????ada?????oco?????te te????????????????????????as? s ??cracr???li??g g??it ????? e ?eggeg???????????????We????ve??gr??????ucu?????????readrea???g ???????????ubeub??es oes ?? t? thi th????????????st lst ????e ye ?ouou ou w?ou???????e c???????????????????????????eciec?pep???? Ge G??ere?????????????????????SOSOMO??. ???he??flf??????
ly as they are not firm like most meats, but broken up pieces taste just fine too.<br /><br />Marinated tofu cubes also do well on kebabs with veggies on the grill.<br /><br />Plain tofu ""creams"" well and is often good in a dish that requires thickness. We've made chocolate mousse with it as well as scrambling it like eggs.<br /><br />We have great success breading pressed cubes of this tofu just like you would the chicken in a General Tso recipe. General Tso's Tofu is AWESOME. The flavor c
?????????om om???? s ???cec???????? d ???????eee?? t????ara??nanata???????????????????/>??om???????lel??????? fr f?ee?zez??????????ne?????? r ??mom?????ro????????gig?????????re?????firfi??????? g ????????? f?????r ???????stest??cyc????? /???????/>T/>???u ???????????outou???owo???????????????t.?????st??????plepl???ili?????T T?lil????itit it???????? so s?o do ???????????t t tt ??????st ???g g ag ??????????to ??<br.<b??????????????????tit??????????duduc??????grg???at at????????????? its it????????rpr????e ne ????ureur?e (e ?????????????????????ete??????????? sof softf???forfo??sa??????et?????ndnd nd???????????????? I ??wow????d hd ?ava????giv???? it it it?? fiv fi??ve sve ????s ?????
omes from the sauce so you don't need to marinate first.<br /><br />Some people also freeze tofu--generally remove from packaging and press first--to give it a firmer consistency.<br /><br />Tofu is all about how you prepare it. Most people will NOT like it plain, so don't expect to just dig a fork into it.<br /><br />This particluar product is great because of its all-purpose nature (firm is definitely better than soft for saute, etc) and its shelf life. I would have given it five stars but t
??????sts???e-e??????????tet??????sis?????pap?ckc???????n n????idi????????? t ??o bo ???????? y?do?n'n't'???????as?? lo l????in? t??he he??????, ,?? tho th????, , s, ????hihisi?s is ??? a a???????????hoiho???????????? in i???theth???panpa?trt??y (y ?????????dad?ateat??????fewfe????o so ??ve?ra?? m mo m?????????).)???????????00L00???848????????JGJ????????RuR????g,g,1,??????????565?????000000,0,G,?re????????stust?????on on????e pe ple p????t,t?"T"?ThiTh?????is tis ?the???????????????f f of ???????????????????????ff,ff?, I, I I????inkin?? it i??????????????????n ?????????re??????????????lkelk?????????? a?ll? o?f ???????il??????neeneed???????ic?????????us?????? to??????? mo??????s fs ???r dr ??????????n n mn ??
he must-be-refrigerated versions packaged in fluid do seem to be firmer. They don't last as long in the house, though, so this is a perfect choice to keep in the pantry (usually dated a few to several months out)." 8741,B000LKZ84C,A2UDUJG17I8S1,RunVeg,17,18,5,1256688000,Greatest stuff on the planet,"This is the greatest stuff on the planet. First off, I think it's the best silken tofu there is--firm silken will do all of your silken needs, basically. I use it to make mousses for desserts in my
ffof??? p ?ror???sss?????????????ana?????adaddd?????????????d cd ???ocooc????????ipipsp???????????? s ???rcr????ad???tot??????ahahah?? c?ra??????????st:st???ouou'u??e ????? a ??????OrO????????????????me me????????????terter,r??cococcoco?????wdw???? an a??d md ?????e se ??????to?????????mom???ssess??????????????????????t at ???? st strtra????????s s??????an?????s as an??????????yr?up???????a "a ?????uru??.".?????????????????ke?????souso?ur ur c????????????ono?????didip????????vegve????blb???. ???????o lo ???ke ?it????o mo ????????????crc??????"" f"" ?????exe?icicacan???oo?d d ad ???and pand ???????es-es???? o????????????nd?????????????????????e de ??????enencence???????????ood ood?? to to?? mak ma?ke ?????nnn
food processor. For instance, add some melted chocolate chips, some corn starch, add to a graham cracker crust: you've got a pie. Or I will add some peanut butter, cocoa powder and maple syrup to make a mousse. I also like to just add strawberries and bananas and maple syrup for a ""yogurt."" I use it to make ""sour cream"" and onion dips for vegetables. I also like it to make ""sour cream"" for Mexican food and potatoes--my omni boyfriend can't even tell the difference. Also good to make mayonn
???????oro???????????lal???????ece??mmm?????????odod ????????????or ??????????? r?eae???????t t??????????????re???y ????tut????????? t????????????????????????? t????????????????de?r r t???he 1he ??????????f if ????be?cac?????? g??? t??????h h?????r mr ???? a?????k.k????????????keke ??to ?ge???th????????icic,c???ec??????????beabe???? ar a???tyt?????all?????gh?ly?????aya??d ??????????'s'??????? t????fef?????????bub??????????vev????????????????hi?????????????nd mnd ????, ???????????????????itait???????????????????????????Z8Z??????6K6?????????????????henhe???er???????,5,5,5????????80800?????????????? @ ?? a a g a ???eatea?t pt prpripric?
aise for potato salad. I recommend a food processor or blender to really get the smooth, creamy texture. This tofu is the best stuff on the planet. I order the 12 pack of it, because I got through 4 or more a week. Also, I like to get the organic, because soybeans are typically highly sprayed crops. It's worth the few extra bucks. I love this stuff--behind my almond milk, this is my most vital ingredient." 8742,B000LKZ84C,A16KL4A6Z8GVXR,Stephen Gereb,7,7,5,1327708800,Awesome tofu @ a great price
?????? w ?????anandn??I I??ececic??dedde????ata????e we ?????????????????????g g m ?isisos????upu????????????r or ????? mo m??e ??????????asa?????????????????????is is?????????????????tit??????????iei?ntnt nt?????????????????????????? I I??asas as??????????mpm???ss??????th?????e ie ??????dud???????????????of of??????????(a(?????????????th?at????????????????ed ?to??????????????????, ?th??e t?????????????tut??????????????????lll???????????ua???????NeN?????????????????????re???de????????????????????????????? s?????????nt ???to sto sato s???? tha th??at mat ?y y py ????y ??id???????????e e t????????fu fu????????ll -ll ??????????s ???hatha??se????
!,"My wife and I decided that we wanted to begin having miso soup for dinner on a more regular basis, so purchased this tofu as an essential ingredient for my miso soup recipe. I was totally impressed with the individual packaging of the tofu (and the fact that it doesn't need to be refrigerated), the taste and texture, and the overall product quality. Needless to say, I am reordering and will continue to do so. I want to say that my picky kids also love this tofu as well -- for kids that seem t
?? o ???????????????????????????y y ay ????gog?????????????????????????ch ch h ???????????????o so ????????? T ??????????????hah??pyp???ByBy y ty ???????, ????????????ly?????omo??menme??????e Re ?????????hithi???????o Po ?????????????????e fe ??lavla?????nd????reare?????????y)y?) a) ????? the the the A ??????????????????hi hi???????to????????????????????????????ror?????mazma????????????????????, m, ??????so ?????up rup ??????????????????????1 1?????????????????????rmr???????n ??????????? s?tutufu???, ????????????hi shi ??soupsoup p sp ???????????????it??????????st????? c??????????????????????????????al?lil?on???---????e ae ?????re??on???it???
o only want mac & cheese, they are gorging themselves on (much healthier) miso soup now. This makes me happy. By the way, I also highly recommend the Roland White Miso Paste (incredible flavor and great quality) and the Ajinomoto Hon Dashi Soup Stock which I both purchased from Amazon. If interested, my Miso Soup recipe is as follows: 1 package of Morinu firm silken tofu (this stuff), 2 tsp Dashi soup stock, 3 TBS white miso paste, 4 cups of water and 2 chopped scallions -- we also reconstitute
???????????????omo????????drd??????????????awa???????????????????????????ere????ene?????EmE????????????frf????????onon ????????),)????????ava??????????, , e, ?tctc.c?????????????????recrecic??e ???s as awaweaw?sosom?????ustus? a???is???????????ve ve i ?????????ernern ??al???or?nin?? w??????omome?????th???????????????e ??resre??????????s ins i?????????ld??????t tt ??????ec?????blb????s a??????or???????easea?st st?eqequq????? w??ata??????cac?? g ???????????????????ra????. B. ????? d??grg???s.s..?????????hlyhly ??ececoec??????????????????????????????????,A,ARA?OZO???????KOK????????? K ?yey??ongon?????????,12,1??????????ve??????atiat??fif??d.d???????????to to????? to t
shitake mushrooms, add dried wakame seaweed (highly recommend either Eden or Emerald Cove from Amazon as well), add shaved daikon, etc. However, this recipe is awesome just as is... We live in Northern California with some of the best Japanese restaurants in the world, but this recipe blows away (or at least equals) what you can get from any restaurant. But I digress... I highly recommend this tofu!" 8743,B000LKZ84C,AROZR86IK0KO2,Soe Mi Kyeong,9,10,5,1238544000,very satisfied.,"I used to eat to
?????????? e ?vev??y.y??????????????????d td ????????r r?? w ?hih???????????? i? w?????????hi????????? i w i ???????????????????????????????ono?????as tas ???????r ?????? was wa???????cuc????usu???????????????aseas????? i???????t ???...???d ???dod?????????????????????ItI??????gag????, ,???????? and an??do?????????ed???to to b beb???????????teteded ????????????.<??????????????????to???eatea?t tt ?????e be ??y iy ?????????????????do??n sn ?????.<b????????am am???ini?????????????? a??gaigain????So ???????: :??????444?????????848????????????????????????????????????ipi??ateat???CaC???????????oitoi???rerrer"r?????????????808??686??0,0??wew?????????u,u,"?
fu almost every. And i havn't had those for a while.<br />So i was searching and i was actually surprised that amzon has tofu!<br />I was Half-curious and Half-pleased!So i bought it..and i don't regret it.<br />It's Organic, cheap and doesn't need to be refrigerated until opend.<br />I just like to eat these by it self or with udon soup.<br />I am going to buy this again. So good..: )" 8744,B000LKZ84C,A2VDQUOEN5SYKD,"Coconut ""Unconstipated Carbivore Loiterer""",6,6,5,1338076800,Awesome tofu,"H
a???ngn? r ???ene???????????????????? h ?adad ?????uyu???????andan?ata?torto???????ly???????????ThT??????????is?????? bo bomo???? I I??av?????????????lol???of?????otiot???? thi th????s ws ??????it it t?????????????t It ?I LI ?OVO?? t??????????asa???????????re???????????atoat????pp???????????????en?? a a???????????????????to to??????lelenenden??er,er??ad?????????????vinvi???????????ttt?????????ililklk,???nin?????????????????????????????, t, ??inyiny ?????of???celce????????ed ed & ?? a ??????????????e oe ?????????tioti???? y ???????. I . I??le??????????????p ????????????momooo??????nd??? the?????tor?e ??t ??n ??????????????inein?er er???n tn ??????????. ??ta???????reshres???oro? a
aving recently turned Vegan, I had to buy my mandatory supply of tofu. This stuff is the bomb! I haven't done a lot of exotic things with it thus far, but I LOVE to use it as a salad dressing/potato topper. I crack open a brick, dump it into the blender, add a little vinegar, a little soy milk, onion power, dill weed, chives, tiny bit of celery seed & a generous dose of nutritional yeast. I blend all that up till it's smooth, and then store it in a GLAD container in the icebox. Stays fresh for a
b?ouo???? d ???s.s??I I???kek??????????????? th t????????? a ????????????????????????d d????????????ror???????lel???ucu?????????????????cacana??t t wt ?????????xpxplp?????????????????????????????????????. B. ?????ana ana???????? m?????????xtx????????,B,????LKL?Z8Z??C,C,A,???????????9W9WRW???lal?????ulu?????,3,,3??????????202?????????????? e???????to cto ???????? ???????????ne????????fu????? h ?ava???????????????????????h 3h ?????eses es?????? this thi??????ly?????????incince???? the the????????????????e e ye ????????????t't?????realrea??????rea??. ?????y my ??????????ourou?????? i ????????????????? by b??whwha?t ???verve?????????k ???? wi w?????.<br.<b?
bout 4 days. I like to just dump this stuff all over my meal of baked potatoes & romaine lettuce.<br /><br />I can't wait to explore ALL the options with this stuff. Banana pudding may be next!" 8745,B000LKZ84C,A18Q1Z01K679WR,Alan Truly,3,3,5,1338163200,"Wonderful, easy to cook with.","I am fairly new to tofu but have already gone through 3 cases of this lovely tofu since the beginning of the year.<br />It's really great. Very mild flavour that is easily masked by what ever you cook it with.<br
/????????I I???kek? a ???????????ininsn??anantant t????????tet??????in???wiw?tht????isi??????f,f??????x x???????????tot??u,u, ?????????????????????????, st, s????????d d t????????????????????to to??????????????????z z???????????????????????????????????????????s ?a ?sus???er er?????????????amyam?????igi????th?????I dI dodono????fef?el??????tyty ?????t ??????ing ing a an a????????es es m????????????isfisfif??d d td ?tha?n ???uru??????andaand??????uddud???????????? it?? an????it ??ece????????re??????lllllllll????????????????????cic?????mo?????????????ing ????selse???huh??ngrng????????/></>?????>A>???????, I, ????ve?? th?????it'it???s a ?shs????????blb??? pr p??????t t???????????
/><br />I make an awesome instant chocolate pudding with this stuff, a box of silken tofu, some dark cocoa powder, stevia and then a bit of milk to loosen it up. Whiz in a blender or food processor and it makes a super creamy, dreamy delight that I don't feel guilty about eating and leaves me more satisfied than your standard pudding. Chill it and it becomes a realllllllllllllly thick, luscious mousse. (making myself hungry)<br /><br />Anyhoo, I love that it's a shelf stable product that I can h
???e e??n n????????r r?????????????????<b<?r ??????r /??????????????????????????s bs ??? mi m????g g??t t??????sms?oko?????apapr???????ara???????????, ?????it??ionio?????????????????????asa??? fl f?ouour????????? n nin???????????????a ta ththith???????????ene?????????????????and and??thetheyey'y?rer????st? f?an??as???c.c???? / ??????????????????thisthi???is is??nen????f tf ?????????dsd??th???????? v ?????????????????y ??o ??????wi??th th????????????ou???????????t ??f ???????? t?????????iei?????????????????848????2B2????F9F??5V5??????ama??????,3,????????????????????????????"F"?olo????winwi?????????ant ant???aseas???????????us?e ?????u au ??mo?st???aia??
ave on hand for impromptu meals.<br /><br />Sometimes I make burgers by mixing it with smoked paprika, garlic, onion, nutritional yeast, oatmeal, masa flour, bit of nice oil until a thick consistency and fry up and they're just fantastic.<br /><br />I think this is one of those foods that's so versatile and easy to play with and gives you a nice bit of protein to your diet." 8746,B000LKZ84C,A2B3DDF9Q5VEUA,Samantha,3,3,4,1322956800,Convenient,"Following a plant based diet, I use tofu almost daily
?????t t??????????????toto o p ?uru?????e ?ata??? s ststo?????ndn????kek???upup p???lul????e ???alal al e?ststast??????????????geg???????????????????sisitsi?????????lyl???????shs??????. T. ?TheTh??y ay ?re???????????????????????n sn ?????????????????at??????????????z z????????????. T???????re ?????????????fu?????tht?????????t ht ????d d ??????r sr shshash???????????? w ??ici????????odo?????r cr ??????? t th?????????????rieri?d d r????????ch?oco?????????usu?se???. N. ?oto?????????????? a????????ing??? tof to???st???????????ri??????????,B,??00???????,A,?????????VOV????????????,1,131????464?404?00,00???oo????????ctct,ct????t ??y ????????e,e??dad?ate?????????tl??????
. It is expensive to purchase at a store and takes up valuable real estate in my fridge. These packages sit perfectly on a shelf. They are a little smaller than standard refrigerated tofu (12 oz vs 16 oz). They are also silk tofu so they don't hold their shape as well, which is good for certain things like fried rice or chocolate mousse. Not great if you are making tofu steaks or strips." 8747,B000LKZ84C,AAY43PCKCVONT,f.,3,3,4,1309046400,"Good product, but by the case, date's a little old
?????,",??????????pup?????sesede??????aseas???????rir??????ror????????? . ????I'I???ha????hihisi? t ???????????e ae ?ndn????????????? I??????fr?om?? Am A??????????????. T. ???ugu???? a a??????of????utu?????? m ?y ?ca??????????hasha????ououtou??4 4??/2/???????????????? on on i ?tst?????????byby"y????atatet?? T Th????????????theth?e be ????????????????oneon?????? f???m ?????faf?ct????????o to th??????????? h?ada?d bd ?beebe????????????ro????? a a w a ?????????????????e p?rorobroblb?lemle???????????be??????in?????r ???lkl??en-en-t-?tofto?u ?????????????(v(????????ce ce?????m!m????????se?????????, ???????r tr th?an?????t t ht ??????????lkelk?????????on ??????fofor??????hilhilehil?????????d h???
...","Recently purchased a case of Mori-Nu from Amazon ... I'd had this tofu before and the product I got from Amazon is fine. Though, a word of caution - my case only has about 4 1/2 months to go on its ""best by"" date. The date on the box represents one year from manufacture, so this product had been sitting around a while. Not a huge problem but I'll be looking for silken-tofu recipes now (vegan ice cream!), to use this up, rather than just having silken tofu on hand for a while, as I'd hope
???""8??484?,B,B0B???????????1W1??????VQV????????????????2,??,1,131?020?565?????,g,???????????????????????????????rtr????ea?tit??? v ?????tarta?iai?????ealea?s,s????????isi?????du?????????gag?anian??????????y ????????yoy??????'t'?????????????? w???ere???????????????????????????ghg???ToT?fuf??, y???????????e he ?apa????????????e qe ququau????????and and??????ded???ve???."?8??????????????4C,4C??????FTF??CMC??????PrP??fa???????????????,12,1???111?20200???????ty???ooo????ThT???????uru????s ??a la ???????????inyin?????mpm????????? so s????oto???er er??????????fu???????????teste??s a s a??????tle tle??eie??????o mo ???, b, bub??????????????toto to??????????shsh h???????tof?u ?
d." 8748,B000LKZ84C,A1WQP7LCVQK3JZ,zmkr788,2,2,5,1302566400,great product.,"We recently started eating vegetarian meals, and this product is organic and very solid, you won't get a ton of water like you get in store bought Tofu, you will be happy with the quality and fast delivery." 8749,B000LKZ84C,A2WQ4FT0CMDSUI,Profane Poet,2,2,4,1292112000,Pretty Good,"The texture is a little grainy, compared to some other silken tofus (it tastes a little weird to me, but I got used to it). I wish this tofu w
???????e e????? w wiw?????????????????????? g ??????????????e ae ??? c cac?????????????te.te???'m'?????????to to?????blb?????to bto ??y y t???e oe oro??ganga?nicni??????inein?. . I. ?t t???as as? sh s?????????????????vev?????????? p ???bl???????????????00L00????4C4?????686????????????epe???e,e??????????575??????????e ???????????ThT????????????did???????t ???an??????????????????d td to?????????ses???to??????????????t ?????t.t??????????ly ly???adead????????g g? wi?????t ??o ????????????latla???, c, ????????????????????te??r br ????ana?, ?????????t, t,????????!)!???????????????e t?????ototeot???????????? A ??nd ??rearead??????????r rr ?revre??????????????ing ing????ioi?
as made only with nigari, instead of gluconolactone and calcium sulfate. I'm happy to be able to buy the organic online. It was shipped well, arrived with no problems." 8750,B000LKZ84C,AX668BUQRHI7C,stephie,1,1,5,1345766400,Like it a lot,"This is much different than the water packed tofu I'm used to but I like it a lot. I've only made pudding with it so far (chocolate, chocolate peanut butter banana, and next, pumpkin!) but I can see the potential uses. And reading other reviews and doing variou
?s s?????chc????????idi???s ?(m(mam?????????es???????! ?sms???????es!?????????????????????????ovo?e e??? b ??e ae ??????to to???????ce ce?ma???????th th????u u a ????crc?????????crecr???y ????es????????? sau sa????fo?????????????esees???????ini????hehe he??ala???????????????????????????????besbe?????????????????isi?????????? th?????t't?????hel?? s????????. I . I??????ono? t?????r wr ?????iteit????????????????????????ch ch?pap?????????ateat???d ond o??ititsit?????at?????????????? is????oodoo??????????yeyea??r fr ??omom om??????????e. e. T ??at????usu????l l?????. ????????????????r ??eb??sitsite????????????? a???d sd ??????te?????????????? pa pac??? ha h?????? rec re?????????
s searches for ideas (mayo! sauces! dips! smoothies!) really help too. I'd love to be able to replace mayo with tofu and create a creamy cheesy tofu sauce for mac & cheese. Imagine the calorie savings!<br /><br />The best thing about this tofu is that it's shelf stable. I read on their website ( that each pack is dated on its creation date and is good for one year from that date. That's useful info. Also check their website for recipes and suggested uses. Each pack has a recipe on it
?bub??????????? s ?ama???????????????8????,B,????????4C4??????????0L0?ZTZ??,L,?LZ,LZ?????????373????808?00,00????????od?????? u ????????????????e ???????????????????????????he????I nI ??ede??????th????????amamyam?????????????????? a?????wow???????????ic?e ???or or?????????ishis??????????ereer???????????????e ??as?????????????????????t ????es es??????b b???????????????????? c??????latla????????????????????????????????N0N????,K,?????rpr?perpe????????????????????SoS?o co ????venve??ene????non??????????ata???????ed??ed!ed!"!????ovo???????e ???fufu ?????????????????ququiqu??re re?????ig?er?????on on???????????????aga??? is i?s os ??????
but it's the same for all 12." 8751,B000LKZ84C,APGQCBO10LZTH,LZ,1,1,5,1337212800,Good product,I use this in place of mayo for many recipes when I need something creamy and quick. This also works very nice for sweet dishes as there is very little taste to the tofu and it does absorb flavors well like a chocolate pie. 8752,B000LKZ84C,A6KL17KKN0A5L,K. Harper,1,1,5,1308182400,"So convenient, no refrigeration needed!","Love these tofu as they don't require refrigeration until the package is open! I
??????tot????? l ?????n n??? c cocooo????????o o???????heheme???anandn??y ay ?????he? t?????mam?kek?s s????????????conco??????????????????e ??s ????? to t???bab??????? an a?????ananian??? to tof to??.".""?878????B0B?0000L00LKL????C,C?????????????3,??JLJ??????5,5?131303?????????????????????????????????tut??????????ri????? to to???he??????ke???fi????????is is? is i?s js ?us?????????ghg????con?????tente???. . H ??????????e,e?, i, ????is ????????????me me???????om? t??????????inein????ofofuof?????????as as? is?. ?????????????ndlnd???? and and ??manma??geg?e r?????????????raras??? or o??????? i????????????????Z8??????????????????,M,MaM???iai???????ele????????????080?????00,??????ve?ga????menme???
use tofu a lot in my cooking, so have them handy all the time makes it really convenient! The price is not too bad for an organic tofu." 8753,B000LKZ84C,A293N34D1VDE3,MJL,2,3,5,1302480000,GOOD TOFU,"Good firm texture, comparing to other silken firm, this is just the right consistency. Hassle-free, it is easy to come out from the container Tofu shape as is. Easy to handle and manage rather than crash or smash it." 8754,B000LKZ84C,A3J30T6XOU0BWS,Marcia Bicknell,2,3,5,1260835200,Easy vegan menu i
??????????????????ththih?s s?????ucu?t t???????????eae????? I ?t ??is is???GAG????/N/??????O O????????????rer?quq??????????????????s ?????????????????????rir??????????????, ???????????????????oso???? M MoM????????????????ed ed w???????????f ??ifi???of???-1-??? mo m?onton????????????o o r re r????????ti???????????an an??????????apa?????o mo ?os????????????and????moomo????????. M. ???????????????????wiw???ouo????????????????c c??ir?? T ????? an???AmA??????????????????????iceic??????555????????Z8Z????????ORYOR?SQS????????pampa????a ba ???o,o???,0,,0?5,??????????00,00,v,???????re????,"?101?00000??? isl is??nd??dr?????????..s..?????????????hakha????..??????
tem,"I have used this product for many years. It is ORGANIC/NON-GMO which is a requirement for me, as well as the good nutrition analysis, ease of use, and cost. Morinu is packaged with a shelf life of 9-12 months, needs no refrigeration, and can easily adapt to most recipes and smoothies. My pantry is never without Morinu Organic Firm Tofu and Amazon has the best price." 8755,B000LKZ84C,A65ORYSQD1W72,pamela bono,0,0,5,1350777600,vegan dream!,"1000 island dressing...strawberry shakes...tofu f
?aua?x x???ele????..???????????t.t..t.????t.?????? s shsheh?????ifi?????el??sh?????? or o?gagan??c,c,I,????dederde???eve??????121???????? a a t ??? u ???? th t??is is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????yCy???,0,0,??,1,????353585?????????????od,od?? l?????tht?????????????????inkin?????e se ????????aba???? pa p??????inging ????????????????????an'an???t set s??????????????e ?????ninicni???????on???oco??ll?????t'????eeeeneen n?dedelde?????us? i ???????????ese?..???75775???00?0L0???????,A1,A?FDF??3W3?????EYE?????????canca?????"""??????????pfp?ulu???????????"""""?,7,7,???????12612??696999???00,?AtA???????????????? f??????????or?????????on?????titioti
aux omelet...! shelf life..delish and organic,I order several 12pks at a time.I will also use this product for baking." 8756,B000LKZ84C,A3LYBQLYP8LAU1,ChelleyC,0,0,4,1348358400,It's good,I like this brand and think the shelf-stable packaging is great since I can't seem to find the organic version locally. It's been delicious in my recipes. 8757,B000LKZ84C,A1FDV3WPOHREY9,"C. Scanlon ""least helpful reviewer""",7,15,5,1261699200,At last we find a food fit for human consumptio
????AnA????????????ere????????????ththih?s s?????????azazoz???????????????EaEaca????ayay y???????? fe f???s ?mem???????mym?y oy ??????uru??????????th??????????????????d cd ?????????s mys m???????????????????????????????????????????????chchechewche?????l al ????malmal ????????ctc????nd????da?????????????brbr ??????????????????????????????????oodoo???fi?t t????????manma??coconco???????????????????<br /?>A>??d ???????????????frf?romro???ourou??????????????on,on, , s, ??????rigri????????ou????????????????????in in??y ?cacascasese,se??po??? o of o??????????????????? s????pip???????????th????????????????????????????????????ililel?????????? s????e pe ??
n,"And we find her here upon this grand amazon!<br /><br />Each day Morinu feeds me like my own nourishing mother, cherishes and consents my whims with this wonderful food.<br /><br />Eschew all animal byproducts and cadavers.<br /><br />This tofu is a strengthening food, fit for human consumption.<br /><br />And so convenient from our mighty amazon, sent right to your front porch or, in my case, post office box with free shipping rather than driving thirty to seventy five miles for the same pro
????t t???????????????? th t?e ????????plp???s gs ????<b<?????<b??r /r ??????s is ?????t ??ooo????oror ???????, ????od od f?????hi???????????????????????ateat?????oo?????ic?h ????dsd???????athat???????an an???????bo??th th?? the th??sos????? a?????????????umeum???.<b.<?????????????????y y??eae???????e we ?ri??????byby y ty th????ele????????????????????is ??ofo????is ?is tois t?oo oo m?????y fy ?forfo????rmr??es????andan?????????? mu?sts???????resressssesedse?????????n tn ???????????forefor?e c?????ngn?????????m m? so s????????????????????????<br ????oo????????<br ??????r /??EaE??????y ?????ea????????ce ace ?????????????????????????rrr??te??????????????????e sae s???????iai?l l???x x????? thi?
duct at three times the price, plus gas.<br /><br />This is fit food for humans, food for which our bodies are created, food which feeds us rather than kills both the source and the consumer.<br /><br />You may read here written by the self-deceived that this tofu is too mushy for firmness and that it must be pressed between towels before cooking. To them so confused I ask<br /><br />Cooking?<br /><br />Each day at least once a day, I draw forth my serrated knife, and one sacrificial box of this
? e ??????????tot?fufu,u????? I ??wiwiti??????????????slslilicice??? h ???le le i ??? it i?????????witwi?? g ????????enden???????????d cd ?????????????it??de?????????in???ono???????e se ???????sts?????????????????ete???? ge g???????pup???t ot ofof of????????????quq?idi????? / ?????????nd???????????????????????????in????br? / /> /><??br br /br />?????????t ot obt obsb???????????indin?????????s w??it?????????nl???????????? sh s?horho?rt rt?????????? the th?e be ??x,x??????li?e ?e the t?????????????? d ???????????????????????????b b???????d,d???????th??????ce ??????????????e the thee th?e ke ????????????????????????????uponupo??on????????????the ????????????????????ly oly ?????he he b bo box??
excellent tofu, and I without remorse slice a hole in its top, with great tenderness and care and gratitude, releasing only the slightest and most apologetic gentle spurt of clearest liquid.<br /><br />And this with a certain yearning.<br /><br />I do not observe the indications written sternly upon the short edge of the box, but lie this box gently down upon a smooth flat slab of wood, with the face up, and take the knife very gently sliding upon on edge of the top, the very belly of the box,
?????????????????? o ?ththe????????ofo?????????p,p?????????n ????t t????????????????e ??ot??????????????????? top to???????????e ???????ini???????loglo????????? t????????????st st??hinhint? o???????????????????????????? t??ususl???byby ??meame??????? th???????????sl????s ts ???? ge g???????????????????? o?????? the b the ??x,x????the ?????????????ubu??????????in???????ly ly wly ????hin???????itiit?inging ing????????????????????ouo???????the?? p ???ce?sss?????<b<????????r /?>I>??fef???? th?? the n the ??????o o e??plp???????????????edued????wi???????????????? a an a?nd nd???te????on????????verve??????????????????of????????????, u, unu???????s t?????????????
and then upon the other edge of this top, and then most gently along the bottom edge of this top, each time releasing apologetically the slightest hint of a clear liquid, revealing thusly by means of these three slits the gentle hidden secrets of the box, the soft white substance lying shyly within, awaiting with embarrassment our further processing.<br /><br />I feel the need to explain this procedure with greater care and attention. The very tip, the point of the knife, uncovers tenderly a cer
???????????????????in???????ncn??????m m???????rnrnen?????????????ada???????f ????????????????ded????????? the the? pi p?ctc??????ndn?d pd ??????????????, a, ????????????????????the the???????hih??????ad?????oriorininuin??, t, th, thehe ????????????si?????????????. .??he??????????p op ?? t th???knk????, ?I I s????, d, ?disdi?????????????ingin??y ????????ainai????????????? on o???????????????? of?????? th?? the p the prpro??????resresi??????ce ?????????tot??????reatrea????re?????????????????????? l???????e a e a???????????e, e,?????????????????is is m mem?mbm??????????????????????????????r ir ????ou????????????????????????re??????ntn??????????wilwi????ing,ing??????????
tain point a certain distance from the corner of the broad top of the box, the side with the picture and product label, as pictured here, the side which reads Morinu, the broad flat side laid flat. The very tip of the knife, I say, discovers probingly a certain point near one corner which offers the proper resistance without too great a resistance, without too little a resistance, to penetrate this membrane. Too close to the corner is found to be too hard, too resistant, too unwilling, although
???????????nin?en???????tht???lal?????prp????ede????????????????ntn?????? t?????????????????????impim?plypl? r ?????????lasla????????????????????????pup?????e,e? a ?????????ur?po??e ????? thi th??s ps ????????e ????????? se s???ou??, ????????????osefose?????in??????<b<???????????InI?????????? the th?????????????poipo?????f f? th?? k ???fefe ??????ra??????the????????????slosl??????et?? pu p???os??osefuosef????????????????o to ?????corco?ne???asa????????lel?????????at???? a????????ply ply???????si????? wi w????outou?????rcr??????????oo?ded??? sl sla???beb???at?????? ce c?????in ?sp??????f ???????li??uiuidi??????????????bub?????????is????????non???inhin?????ioionion,n????
most convenient for the later proceedings. Too distant from the corner implies simply random slashings without specific purpose, and our purpose in this procedure is most serious, most purposeful, intent.<br /><br />In a word therefore the point of the knife penetrates the membrane slowly yet purposefully as close to the corner as possible, penetrating as deeply as possible without piercing the wooden slab beneath. A certain spurt of clear liquid may emerge, but let this prove no inhibition, as
?????????e ?????????ththeth????ptp?th th??f f t??????????????? w wiwiti????awa??????????????????????t t?a a?didiai????????????????????????????????????????ithit????ici???on??????????????????????????a ????????????t at ???ongon???thethe the e ??e ??of of???? the b the ????????owlow?????resre??lul????ly ???????????????? wi wit with?????????????s ts ??the ?????????????reare?ateat?????????? l ???ngeng???????????????hah?at at?????, ???s cs ???se??ly ?asa??????ibi??????????????/>????????ue ue??ror????????????????????????? th the the ??????????????????????????????? o of o??????? bo box??, a???? th? then the????????hirhi???????ge, ge,????ser???tingtin???????????????????????, a??d ???????????hdh
the knife reaches the depth of the box. Slowly withdraw the knife, slowly, at a diagonal, allowing the serration softly with friction to continue to separate a slight slit along the ege of the box, slowly, resolutely but patiently, with purpose, as the serration creates an ever longer slit along that edge, as closely as possible.<br /><br />Continue from this first slit along the the contiguous edge of the top of this box, and then the third edge, inserting carefully your knife, and slowly withd
??awa??????????????????ono?????fif??iei?????o o? se sepepap??ratra??????????????????????t ??hrh?ede????g,g????????????ic???tinting?????r r???????? th???????????quq??d d w??????????????????rt???<b<??????????/>L/>??????????l l?? the the the?????????????????????? the???oxo????in?????????e be ?????????gh??????orneorn??????????, ???he he???????????????????r Pr Po?????????????????????????????????? Poi Po?????. .???????????????e e ae ??????????A, A,??ror??????????ur??n tn ????, ????C,C?, e, enenden??????at at???????????????s ???????????ongon???????????????ese?????????ing????????PointPoin????????thdth??rawra???????????e c?????????????????? the?? the bl the b???????????a s??
rawing with a friction sufficient to separate the membrane without shredding, without eliciting over muchly the clear liquid which may spurt forth.<br /><br />Let us call the top right corner of the box Point A, the bottom right corner Point B, the left bottom corner Point C and the upper left corner Point D. Begin to pierce at Point A, proceed in turn to B, to C, ending at D, forming this a slit along the three edges. Arriving at Point D, withdraw the knife completely, wipe the blade with a sof
?t,t??drd????lol??????????t t??t t at ???????????????????. .?????owo?????y ly ??ftf???????????th??????????d,d??????????? th t?????????????hih?????ono??????s ws ??????.<.??r ?????r ?r />r /??????l l r ???????????I dI ??????????????????????blb??????coconco????tit???????????it?????????fo???????????????calca?????????en?ce?????d d Id ??fef?????????ellel???????????nen???si??????? co c?orror?recre?titinti??????is is c????ntent???ini??ic??????, ???? ma m???terte???owow ow?un??clecl?????hi??????y by ????dud????????????????????????????????lilitli??????? in i???????????????????<br????????????g ????the sthe ??????lpl????????icalica??????????ateat???????desdescs?ri????????ve????????????
t, dry cloth and set it aside for cleansing. We now may lift the flap thus created, exposing the delicate white contents within.<br /><br />I feel remiss if I do not address a probable misconception here writtenonly for the rhetorical convenience, and I feel compelled by the necesity of correcting this counter-indication, no matter how unclear this may be, due only to my severely limiting literary incapacities.<br /><br />Employing the same alphabetical coordinates as described above, the consum
?????????????????tht????????????????????re????????cic???????????gigini???t t??oio???????ndnd d??ro???ed????????y yy ?ete??fifirfi?mlm?? t???????????????ese?????????????rgr??nt????????eve???, ???????????oceoc?ed?????pop????????!)!) )????d td th??en en d??????????y ?knk????e ee ??gege ge????????? C ????????le????? to t to ?????????ABA??al????????????eded,ed?, y, ????????????e ???po????g ??edgedgeedg????ava??????????ly ????mem?ed ?ed twed t??????aralara?llellele????iti??????nd????e ???????????betbe????en ?????int ???B anB and???????????? c clc??se???? to t to th to t?????????as as?????sibsi????, p??????????????????pluplunu????????????p p o ??? th? the the???????ththrth?rouro?ghg?????????dbd??arardar???????ananean?????throthrou?
er may discover this procedure far more efficacious: to begin at Point A and proceed gently yet firmly to point B as described. Divergently, however, please proceed to point D (!) and then directly by knife edge to point C, parallel to the Line AB already created, yet along the opposing edge. Having thusly formed two parallel slits, find the midpoint between Point B and Point C as close to the edge as possible, probing and then plunging the tip of the knife through the cardboard membrane, throug
?????? th t?? b ????????????e ???????????????????????????????????ere???????ulu??? t???th?atat at??rereve????sls??????????n tn ??????rmr??????n on ????ininein????????????????ithit?????????owlow?????ele?liclicacat?el?????????witwi?????fff??iciic?ienie?nt nt??riricri???????????? an a??lel??to??????????efe???ct?????ely ely????? the???or?nen?? a??????intin??????????dradr?aw aw???mpm????????an?? r ?revreveverve???????????????la????????????????t ???????????th?????????nt????ev??iou??slysl?y ey ??????d.d??. Wi. W??ithdith?????on??????????????????la??r cr ?????????and oand ?ppp???sitsite????aga???ala??????mplmp???????????????????????????ed eed ???????ly ly????PoPoiPo??????????m m cm ?conco????dende???th????con????????mayma
h to the bottom of the box, but now with an orientation perpendicular to that previously used in the formation of lines AB and DC. Withdraw slowly, delicately, yet with sufficient friction at an angle to proceed effectively to the corner at Point B. Withdraw completely and reverse the knife blade, returning it deeply at the midpoint previously entered. Withdraw once more with similar care, and opposite diagonal, completing the slit thus formed entirely to Point C. I am confident the consumer may
???????????tht??? p prp???ede??????????oro?????????tft??l l???? e ?fff?????veve ve??hah?????y y h ?er?????eve?????lyl????????beb??????r /r ????r ?r />r /?????????????????aca??? th???????????p cp ???atatet?????????????????slisl???. .?????ceece??????cicililel???slysly,y, ,???????ed,ed???oto????renrenen????ala?llyll?? b?utut ???????????????ththe???ssss,s????????????ithit??? t?? the the s ????????????????????????s,????owo????????????y, by, ????? dec de?cisci???????????????eshes???????? m ?????????????ninifife????hi??????????cence????????????????????ed ?????????? p????, ???????ge????????lo?????an??d nd ne??er?er ser ??halha??????????soso o??du??te?????? wi????????????????? th???????????, wi, w???
discover this procedure far more delightful and effective than any here previously described.<br /><br />Firmly we roll back the top flap created by the three slits. Proceed mercilessly, proceed, not frenetically, but ardently nevertheless, to dice within the selfsame box her contents, slowly, gently, but decisively. The fresh tip of my serrated knife, which in recent memory has touched no animal part, but vegetable alone, and never shall become so adulterate with the blood of the animal, with
??heh???????????th??e ae ?????????????????titifi?iei??????d rd ????rvr??????????aitai?????????, ??ava?????????? k ?non???????? any an?????se????im????bub??????y ??????????????????iedied ??thuth?????????????????????is is???????d kd ???????????????????re????ierie???e te ???????????????e ??????????????ntont????rurut?hlh?lesle?????????????iti?????fulfu???????ouo??? t???????bob?????????????un?gig??g ??firfi????????ticti??????in??rhr??????ca?????????????ed red ????????aceac?????????y ay ?? fe f?w w?cecence????????s ????????????? the then the?, ??????ntlnt?????ly,ly????orior????ntantal???????ushus?????????????sos??????????????????????did?????, un, unrnre????ti??????????e toe t?ofu???????
the dairy of the animal, this sanctified and reserved and faithful tip, having never known in any sense animal but only vegetable, purified thus, unadulterate, this sacred knife dares therefore pierce this gentle pure white tofu into a ruthless grid of slits, fully through to the bottom box, plunging first vertically in rhythmically repeated rows spaced gently a few centimeters apart, and then, relentlessly, horizontally, pushing ever so softly through the yielding, unresisting white tofu laid b
a??????????heh??flf???????????????ini???wiw???????????????????prpror????????????????r r??????ncncece,ce?????ldl??ingin?.<.<b<????????r /??????lel???????????epe???ateat??????cic????, b, ??ackac???ndn????????????????????, ?????ss????nd???thrth?????, ???d d td thd t?????????????????????????d ??upwupwa????s ts th????????????x x???ententlent?y,y??????????????tinti???ly,ly??ovo???????????cipcipip???? r???????????????????????????????????????ft?en????? is i?????????ly????????????????er,er??????????, ???????????tot????to??????ivi???????mom?oreor?e se ????????ly aly ???? ge g????y y????s ?dad??????offof??????????mo???? d?????urelure?ly ???romro? i???????, , a?s s cs ?aua??ioiou????y ay ???
ack upon the flat slab, awaiting without a word this process, with utter patience, yielding.<br /><br />Completed this repeated slicing, back and forth, up and down, across, and through, and through, I lift in one hand upwards the entire box gently, yet unrelentingly, over the recipient reserved for this purpose alone. Most often it is the daily lunch container, reusable, with soft top, to receive the more securely and gently this daily offering, removed demurely from its box, as cautiously as a
????rmr??????aba???????it?????????eded d??he?lll????????eraerab??????????????e.e?????h h????? fi f??????????????????vev???hah?????r r r re????ueu???????????????????y wy ?????????????ckc???????paspa??sinsi????????asa?ssuss?uriurin?glg?????tot??????ul?????????????????.<.???r /r ??<b<br<b???>L>??????uiu??????ese????????ueeue?zez???????? th??????? d ??po???te?d d td th??ereer??????ab????????????tst??????raranra?????rir???s os ??????????????????????????????wi????????? < ??????????hth?????????????zoz??.c.??om/om?gpg?/p/?????ct??B0B????MFM?CRC?U"U?????????????????????????????, an, a?d ??a ga ge?ne??rouro????????????f ?th?the the????????????tt?p:??//w//??w.w????????co???????????
hermit crab from its borrowed shell, vulnerable by exposure. With one finger one may remove whatever residue remains relunctly within the package, passing it reassuringly into the ultimate recipient.<br /><br />Lime juice freshly squeezed upon the tofu deposited there, as ablution, meets fragrant sprigs of fresh green cilantro mated with whole <a href="""">Corriander Seeds 7oz</a>, and a generous ladling of the <a href=""
???????????????>E>????????ana????????ananzan????eae?????1515-5?????? U ????????????? 1?2)2?????????????aia???blb?????ono?n tn ???s s???????usu?lyl??????????t at ?mamaza???. .?????s is ??????ea????????????, , a, ???????????oso??t wt ??????????????????r r??><>?<br<b?????????ghg?t ???th?????????????????colco???????????????hishis his???ldld ld??in??er?????ar????r mr ??????????????, ???????? th??????ntn?le????????????????????????????ioi????tot???????????????????????????????hedhe?????tl???????o a? s???uceuc???????? si simi??????? m?????so?????????? as a?????erherhah????????hrh???="=??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????o Po
t/B000GZU7QQ"">Eden Organic Garbanzo Beans, 15-Ounce Unit (Pack of 12)</a> also available upon this generously nutrient amazon. This is a meal in itself, and comes most welcome at noon.<br /><br />At night rather than such a cold lunch, in this cold winter a warmer meal is wanted, and so this gentle and yielding box of nutritious tofu might discover herself pushed gently into a saucepan of simmering miso soup, such as, perhaps, <a href="""">Shiro Miso P
?asa?tet???ONO??GMG???????????????</</a/?>.>???????????o so ?ouo?p p?wowou??? t ????e fe ?ara???rereae?????sps????e te ????????ibi?????re??inin n??????ak??????????? th thi th?is is????ta?ininein???ofof f m??????paspa??????????oro???????ooo??lyl???????????????????dud???????????????? p???????ly,? i in i??????????????????????????l sl ??????????? w???????LaL????, ???????????????eawea???? a?ndn??to??de???ivi????y ????????????, I, ??????ace ace? th??oseos???????????? s sp s????achac??????vesve?????ili???????? t th????????icic c???epaep?artar????????????????????? mar ma???????????????????????????ultultsts ??of ??????????onion???????????verve??????????????????????????er aer ??????????? d??
aste NON GMO No MSG Added</a>. This miso soup would take far greater space to describe here in the making. From this container of miso paste draw forth a goodly spoonful to introduce slowly, most politely, into a gently heating small saucepan of water. Later, in place of seaweed and to deceive my own palate, I place those small flat spinach leaves available in the organic department of your local market, perhaps with the results of a small onion diced very carefully in the manner approved as des
???ibi?ede? a ???vev??????????? o??ioi??????r /r ????????WhW??? q quq???e e?????y y?fofor? d ?????????? ad a??d ld lal?sts????? al a???????hihisi??????encencec???hihishi?????????bo???? of of t??????????????????esces??????? ab a???????it???????t ??????????????re?????ava?????????ata?????? on one one ????hth?????????????onlon??????????ouo?????????armar??????ougou?????????ro?ug?????????re re? ea eat?in?<br.<b????????/>???herhe???????sos?????????????ma????????????hichi???????se?????and and t?? to a to ?abuabus?e,??????????re,??????te te? an a?????te???????trt????iouio????en?entlentle??????ucuctc??????????????onl???wiwitwi???????????? r??coc????????atioati?on on??
cribed above, or green onion.<br /><br />When quite ready for dinner, I add last of all to this essence this gentle box of tofu, sliced as described above, with great and tender care, leaving it bathing one might dare say, only long enough to warm through and through, before eating.<br /><br />A veritable meal in itself.<br /><br />There are so many other manners in which to use, and to abuse, this pure, white and utterly nutritious gentle product, and I can only with my utmost recommendation sa
??, ,??????hih?????????y y????????????atatiatitituit??e,e?, t, th?at????????t ?????????????????????w w???????????st ??wilwilll?ini??lyl?y fy ???????????r hr ??????????????ioi?on,on????d ?on?e ??mosmo?????????????aia???????????? th t???s ws ????????? a?????????878?585?????00L00?KZK????,A,??4E4?NVN??????????????????aka??????????????????????????80080???WeW??????ftf?t ft ??????????ToT?????"D"?????????????...?????hilhi??? fo fol fo??s ???????o o????????ofu ofu?????????lalavlavov??, ????an???disdi????? ??????????????????litli?????? t????????/>/?????is?????e be ??????st??????????????????????????????????waw?????? g??????????????????no?t ?????od????????????????
y, and this with my greatest gratitude, that here at long last we may know a food most willingly fit for our human consumption, and one most readily available upon this wonderful amazon." 8758,B000LKZ84C,A14ENV4JB6WQJ6,"Akua ""akuapoet""",4,14,3,1207180800,"Wet, Soft for Firm, Tofu","Disappointing... while folks like to say tofu has no flavor, I can discern a type of neutrality and this<br />one is the blankest of blank slates<br /><br />Wet, watery, gelatinous, it is not a product i will buy a
?????????n.n????????????????ses???????in?????<b<?????a a?????lelene???.<.???????<br<br <br / /> /??????????awa?????????????????????ining??????e be ????fif??????e ???? p ?aca????????????th?atat ????hahasha?s ss ????? l ??????8????????464?9V9?TOT???????F0F0G0????????????????StS??????,1,??,1,,1???,12,1?????080????"T"???tet??????? gr g????lal?????t ?sus??garga??,"?EvE??en en???ithith h? th t????choch???lalatla?????unu??s,s?, t, ??????????????asteast??faf??? le l?????wew????r ??tha????oso????????nolanola ???rsr??????????? a??????????????pp????????d d td th?????????????<br /<br ????eye??????????? ca c???????????h ?????8 8?????????????????????? le???s t???????dod????ho???????e Ce ?????????0 c0 ???l, l,??
gain soon. I got it because shopping is<br />a challenge.<br /><br />It's not awful, just disappointing. The benefits are the packaging and that is has shelf life." 8759,B00469VTOW,AY1EF0GOH80EK,Natasha Stryker,1,1,4,1295740800,"Taste like granola, not sugar","Even with the chocolate chunks, these bars taste far less sweeter than most granola bars out there and I really appreciated that.<br /><br />They have 110 calories each and 8 grams sugar which is less than Kudos Chocolate Chip (120 cal, 12
???ugu?ara?? o ???a a???scs???iai??????????????????????? g ????ol?????? ( ?141????????????sugsu???????????????eee?????quq???????????????canca??eae????????iti???? a g a ?????s os ?????ar??????????????andand ????ee??????????tit?????????xtx??mem??????????????ed ed? a ??quiqu???????????ea???????of? t ????e ????th th???o o??trtrir?????he????????????geg?e ae ????e ?e ane andn??????????? I I c???? ma m???????un????l dl ????nerne???????><>?<br<b??r />r /??I wI ??????????????nd nd?????se se???????????????????????? a t a ????????nd ???????? sna sn??????????,B,????CHC???3O3?????????????ROR?A,A???????fyf???????????????????l l Rl ????????????????0,??,1,????22????????????ouousu??an?? s?
sugar) or a Cascadian Farms Chocolate Chip granola bar (140 cal, 10 sugar). When I need a quick snack, I can eat one with a glass of sparkling water and I feel full until the next meal. If I need a quick meal I eat one of these with two string cheeses, a large apple and water -- I can make it until dinner.<br /><br />I would recommend these to anyone looking for a tasty and quick snack." 8760,B004CHDH3O,A3ACKWYDNR7ROA,"[email protected], Michael Ryskin, M.D.",0,0,5,1342224000,Delicious and su
?????frf??????????????nyn????????????e ?asa? d ????cic??usus s as ????he?y ?????prp???sense??abablb??? E ??ere????????? k kik??d d????? the themem m????????????t!t? T ??????????????geg???????. .????n n?I I???m tm ???ou??????????????????????rir??????????????????616?????????????????????????ZAZ?????????0,0,0??????????40400?0,?????????????????????isi????????????ono???????hah??????mom?kyk??flf???oror ??????????? fe f???????????????????nen??????ou??h.h???????????ve??? b????????????ininkin? i??????????t et ??pep???????????????????bub??????????????ou??nd ???re??????emeem?????????????????????????ing fing ??r ?th????an?cycy ??pacpa?ckack???????whwhih?ichic????
gar free.,"These tiny candies are as delicious as they are presentable. Every single kind of them tastes great! They are packaged well. When I am through the bag, I am ordering it again!!" 8761,B003KSWEHG,A1GPV3T61R4KZA,Naveed,0,0,4,1337904000,Strong Green Tea,"This tea is strong and has a smoky flavor - you can feel the leafy greenness though. It's not very bitter. I think it's a bit expensive for it is - but I haven't found a replacement. I guess we're paying for the fancy packaging, which in
??? o ???nin?onon n i ???? r ????????tet??????ece?iai??lyl?????????????????????????????????????????????o.o????memede??????????ded????????????????st?????????????? p ?re???????????????? is ?????????e ?????chc???????????n Dn ??????'s??????theth??lol????????ia???????es???8??????000???????E,E?????????????????????????????484???00????sas?grg???????????????EyEyey????????t Tt ??????????ctc?t Ot OnO????ReR???????ndand???ionio?????oweow????, ???e ?CaC????????????????????????????trtrar?????????e ?????????Eye Eye??????KeK??? U UsU??????t ??????????????is ?????????s ??????? Ey E?ye ye????????quq?irirere re?? L ???in?? T????????ThTheTh???????????????
my opinion is a real waste, especially when you go through 3-4 cups a day like I do. Ahmed's Gunpowder green tea is stronger and is pretty good, but is available for cheaper than Dilmah's in the local Indian stores." 8762,B004OLUCAE,A3QHIWFZHMDKG5,EB,0,0,3,1349481600,Disagreeable Taste,"Eye Bought This Product On A Recommendation. However, Eye Cannot Seem To Get Past The Strange Taste Yet. Eye Will Keep Using It To See If This Will Pass Or If Eye Will Acquire A Liking To It. The Package States
???o o B ??????????te?. .????? It I????????????????, ,??hyhy y???????????ereere e???????????ttett?????astas?????????????????CACAEA?,A,?282?????????C2C?R,R,",?ReR???????????????????????Re??????a Ra ??viv??????,0,????5,5???161???????????????????????nan?????e te ?o o So ??gag??,"??????????????????? f ?oro????????eteet???????at? i ?????????????in? t ??a,a???te????a ca ?cancan ??? u us?ede???to to???????????t ??? c ???ld ld????. . Y. ??????????mom??????y ?????????????????????ugugaug?????n ??????drd?????????????you you??????????????????he?????????????????????????r /????????e ae ?artar?????iciaiciala? s??wee???????????????a ia ?????????bib?????? an andn??wowon???t lt ?eaeaveaveve ve?????
No Bitter Taste. If It Is A Sweetener, Why Should There Be Any Bitter Taste?" 8763,B004OLUCAE,A281NPSIMI1C2R,"Rebecca of Amazon ""The Rebecca Review""",0,0,5,1316131200,Delicious Alternative to Sugar,"If you are looking for a sweetener that is delicious in tea, Stevia can be used to sweeten hot or cold tea. You can almost say goodbye to regular sugars in your drinks once you get a taste for the Stevia powder.<br /><br />Unlike artificial sweeteners, Stevia is never bitter and won't leave a nas
?????ftf???????te te i ?? y ?????????????????????????rere ??as??y ty ????????????th th???? a??? y?????????vev?n ?????cec????????????????????in?????????????y ?fo?odo?s.s?<b<brb???????????y ??sisin???????w w c?????iei???? C CaC??or?????????eteteet??????witwi??th oth ????????ra????f f?????????????ili?? b beb???????d od ?????e ??????. E. ?????? si s??ingling????imi????????useus???????????? o?f ??tetevteviv???, y, ??????????in?ing ?le????????????????you ?wow?on'on?? e ????? mi misi???????brbr br / ??<b?????~T~????ReR?????ca ca?????????878????B0B?????UCU?AEA?????QAQ?????????????????KeK??feferer,er??????,1,??????202???0,G0,??reare????????e fe ?forfo???GreGr????SwS???????????A A????ri???on????t rt ?recre?????nd
ty aftertaste in your mouth. The packets are easy to carry with you and you may even notice you have less cravings for sugary foods.<br /><br />By using a low calorie (0 Calories) sweetener with only 1 gram of carbs, you will be ahead of the game. Every single time you use one packet of Stevia, you are using less sugar and you won't even miss it.<br /><br />~The Rebecca Review" 8764,B004OLUCAE,A1GQAKL9CGQLP1,L. M. Keefer,0,0,5,1313712000,Great Price for Great Sweetener!,"A nutritionist recommend
?ede?????ses?? to t??sws????????? c coc????? e ???? a ????he???????????nenege??tit???????terte?????????????iki????????ici????? sw s????????????????ia?????mam?????????????????SoSouo????AmA??erier???????papana??se????a a?drd??nkn?kerke?????????ee????????????????????????????????????l ????ffecffe??????????????????????????? b???????????????????????????????????????????? it i???s ?????????eme???????r ????<br<b?????????????????????????????? tw t???pa????ts??????????????of??????ve??y ??or????????th??????ndn?????????? 1 ?????????---???????te????lik????????ffe??????lk lk????ke??????ono???????????? c??aloal?????????????St??eviev?
ed these to sweeten my coffee etc. as there are no negative after effects unlike artificial sweeteners. Stevia is made from herb in South America. Japanese tea drinkers have been using stevia for years with no ill effects she said. It's quite a bit sweeter than sugar, so you need less of it as a replacement.<br /><br />I like this brand and put two packets in my iced coffee every morning with almond milk and 1 T cocoa--it tastes like a coffee milk shake for only about 70 calories as the Stevia
?????????????????? T ?????????????????????????????ke ke??n n????? d ????ere???????????????? a a?????????refre?????????????t ?fof?????he he??aya?.<.<b<???????????Th????????i-i?????k ok ofoffffef?er er f ?????????????? i???????????% %??lowlo?????????????????an??????NuN?????????????????????8?767????????GGG??????1S1??????????????ono??????????er,er?1,1?,1,,1????????????????????oooo o????h,h??????????????????e ce ????????????????????mulmult??pl???????????? T??his? i?????????????????ll???upupsps ????pe?ac????????????????????????? $7 $?????????????????? T?????????????osostost ???????????? i??????????eryer??????????? th? the the s????
is calorie-free! The stevia makes it taste like an iced dessert drink and is a great, refreshing treat for the day.<br /><br />This multi-pack offer for this price is about 30% lower than what I can get NuStevia for locally." 8765,B0036GG73Y,A1SDG6G85BXX0Z,Connie Miller,1,1,1,1307145600,Cost too much,"Are these people crazy or can I not multiple properly? This is $43 for 24 small cups of peaches. That works out to $7 for the 4 pack. This 4 pack cost about $3.50 in a grocery store in the state
?s s??utu? b be b?cac?????????ded?????????????????????o o????????????????????t ht ????ene??ngn???????????????m ?isi??????0;0?????heh??????? a ??grgrogr?????????????? bu b????????er??????? th????????????00??????????????FRFRGRGHG?WUW??HWTHW??JaJ????n Cn ????ara?tet??,4,????????161?????????????????????ro?dud?ctc?????? a a? sh s??????ifi?????????????????ndn?????????ele?ed???????????eded ?in???????????of???????. P. ??ododu???????kek??ed fed frf???m sm ???????????rtorton??????????????1A1??A,A???????SIS????????????becbe????????????on on?"""?ThT?he he????????????????????????,1????????000???????ber???????ama????ea,ea?,"T,"????e te ???e we wa????m scm sce???????ItItat???an??BeBer????
s but because I'm deployed I'm suppose to pay $7 for it?! Not happening. is $4.00; higher than a grocercy store, but cheaper than this!" 8766,B005CM84XQ,A3PMHFRGHWUHWT,Jason C. Carter,4,5,1,1316995200,Be cautious,Product has a shelf life of two years and was labeled as produced in December of 2009. Product leaked from seal in carton. 8767,B000WS1AJA,A281NPSIMI1C2R,"Rebecca of Amazon ""The Rebecca Review""",0,0,5,1340496000,Raspberry Dream Tea,"Take the warm scent of Italian Bergamo
?? a ana?d d?????nd nd???t wt ???????????????sps????ryr? f ?lal?????????????l ?????ntn????????h Ih InI???an??????????a a a??d ??????yoy?????? c ??????????????????be?????????? o ???? a t a ?????????s ts ??tea,tea?? if i????????witwi?? p ?owo?dederde?redre???????????eye??or?? a ?????????? s ???????????mem???cr????y.y.<.??????????????p p w ????????il???????????d cd ?????m am ?????????????a ??vanva???????????er???? be???am?????teatea.tea???ThiTh?????????????????????????? pa parartr??es?????????in????? t???????ni?????????e ee en??????? a? a r a ??????????mum????????? / ?????????????eoe??le?????o po ?ici????????????leale??eses ???????idi????faf??????????????????oso??ti?veve ve?????
t and blend it with natural raspberry flavor and swirl it into South Indian black tea and what you are creating is a raspberry dream of a tea. This tea, if made with powdered milk, honey or a packet of stevia becomes creamy.<br /><br />Top with vanilla whipped cream and you have a vanilla raspberry bergamot tea. This is the perfect for tea parties or sipping in the morning while enjoying a raspberry muffin.<br /><br />The people who pick the tea leaves are paid a fair wage and the positive energ
???????????????coc?????????????????e ??????r r??? t?????ea?????? t??? l ?????? a ????????????????????????????????????????????s ts ???e me mom??????lil?????????????????????tatasa?stest?d!d????cec????? t??y ?th??????????????? w ?????????????trt?ry ry a al?? t th? the the??la?vo?rsr?????????????????the the????resre??de??ChC??????br br???????????????????????????w"w????686??B0B????????G,G???IWI?????????FKF???????geg??JoJ??????????????,1,???252???????????ly???ooo?????????????????????siosi???frf???????uicui??????????????s as ????veryvery y gy ???????rodro?????. E. ???ch ch b ?????le le???????????t ??????????????is??lo?????????ar????????????????ce?????
y really does come through in the flavor of the tea. The tea leaves are also organic.<br /><br />I think this is the most delicious tea I've ever tasted! Once you try this flavor, you will want to try all the flavors. I also love the Fireside Chai.<br /><br />~The Rebecca Review" 8768,B008S5LR0G,A1IW9LSLZFW9FK,Average Joe Schmo,0,0,5,1342569600,Really Good Juice!,I love passion fruit juice and this is a very good product. Each bottle makes about a gallon. It is low in sugar and low on glycemic i
???????????????? o ??????????????????????nan???????????????????ese?????at??coc???????s ?tot?????????is????t rt ????xix??g g??????h h????????????????????! !??????????vever?? a??????eae????ror??ucu?????????????MGM??????A1A??????????4J4??????a Ma M.M?????s,s,3,??,3?????121??353?55??????GlG??tet?? f???????????????shs??????andan????????????????????","???????, s, ??????s s ns ?????offof???iaial??????????????ut ut?tht??????s hs ??????????akeak???????????it??????????'s 's???????s, s,??????ho??e ????? you yo? w?ho?? ge??t gt gr???sesedse????t ??y ?????-O-???????????????????? i????tooto??????????r /r ??????????ow ow?? foo fo???????????????y ????at ????ls??????
ndex. Has a lot of potassium and is a natural relaxer. Makes great cocktails too if it isn't relaxing enough for you straight up! Fast delivery and great product! 8769,B000MGSJ5A,A175N19FS2B4J,Lisa M. Mims,31,31,5,1243555200,"Gluten free, vegan, kosher, and very concentrated.","O.k., so it's not officially kosher--but this is how you make gelatin without cow's hooves, for those of you who get grossed out by Jell-O if you think about it too much.<br /><br />Now foods is a company that sells glute
??????????ufu???????????s s??is is??????cec???ioi??? ???????????e ?????acac c?????s ws ?on?'t'??????e ye ?????ici?k.k???? / ?????????ve????ete?????, t, ?thith?????is pis ?owo?ded????d ad ?????????????????????????r ??????? T ????????????thi??????????????oro???????s,s??????????????????????????????????o eo ???y y? to to ????e te ??o ??ucuchc???1 1???blb?ese?popoopo???ofo?????????????????? t?sp? o?????e ????????. . ?ThTheTh?e re ?ata???????st ?coc?????cac??????r ????1 ?????????idi???? 1? t??eas????????????????? a????? w ????????eanea??s 1s ?????????of of????????????????????????ququiquid??????????oreor????????????? mor mo????????ic ic?? thi?ngn?s ???keke ke????ng?e e je ?ui??????? /?
n-free stuff, and this is no exception: if you have celiac this won't make you sick.<br /><br />Even better, this is powdered agar agar, not flaked agar agar. That means this will last for months, if not years--although it's also easy to use too much. 1 tablespoon of the flakes = 1/2 tsp of the powder. The ratio most cooks call for is 1 cup liquid to 1 teaspoon flaked agar agar, which means 1/4 tsp of this powder to 1 cup liquid, with more added for more acidic things like orange juice.<br />
????????????ere??????r ??agaag???dod??sns??????l l a as a??????l al ???JeJ??????, s, ??????n'tn'?????????tot????????e e????????esues?ltl??????t ???????oulouldl???oro?r Jr ??????----f-?????????, y, ?youyo????????Jel????o oo ?or or?????????gelge???????????ou ou?cacana??????mom?oreore ????????????????dd dd???rmr?ne??????utu???????????????????????tet????????????itit it?isi????ses???????)")""??????B0B???????????????QXQ??????K,K,S,??????8,8????????202?????????ga?gar gar??????????we???????????????????????????ghg?????????medme??????plpla???me?????????y y???????orkor??????????m.m?? I ??ha???????????ed ed??t ?t ast as ??? fo f???????pl???enenten????butbu???????????????????????foofood?????, ???
<br />However, agar agar doesn't gel as well as Jell-o, so don't expect to get the same results that you would for Jell-o--for that, you need Jell-o or kosher gelatin. (You can add more agar agar to add firmness; but then it starts to taste like what it is: seaweed.)" 8770,B000MGSJ5A,ASF58QXB6BV0K,Steve,8,10,5,1220918400,Agar Powder,"Awesome! This powder was bought as a media replacement for my Ant Works ant farm. I haven't tried it as a food supplement, but mixed with a little food dye, Ped
???lil??e e?& &?sus????????????????pep???????y y a ?????? G ????????????r ???????aka????a a??iri?? g ????????ar ar?????t ht hoh??dsds ??t ??????te????????????8????????00M00MGMGSG??????1S1??????????????. .??????????,1,?????????00,00????y ??oo?d ?fof????makmakik??????ellellolo,o????????e we ?it??? th t??e re re??????????????????????????????e ye ?ouo????00%00% %????????rmnrm?ese???ofo????ell?o o???t ???????es es????????y my ??????vi?????? W ??ndn???fuf?????????ct!ct???7777277??B0??????J5??A,AA,????????TZT?????JoJ?ses?php?h Th ?????,4,,4?????????????,I????s ags a???,",?I ???cec????? t??? a????????????? d ??????????????????g.g???????????????? sl sli?ghg??tlytl?y dy ?ifi??????? b???????non???? bu b???
ialite & sugar; it worked perfectly as Ant Gel.<br /><br />It makes a firm gel clear that holds at room temperature." 8771,B000MGSJ5A,A1SAEE25EZ16LW,C. Kay,2,2,4,1271635200,Very good for making jello,I agree with the reviewer who said it won't give you 100% the firmness of jello but it does satisfy my cravings! Wonderful product! 8772,B000MGSJ5A,ABAQFEM3TZ22V,Joseph T.,3,4,4,1324339200,Its agar,"I received the agar about 12 days after ordering. It comes in a slightly different bottle now, but I
? a ??sus?mem??????????sasama??? ag agag?? a???? a?????fof???????? b ???????hah?? a???????????????????????????????????he?????li???????? the th???eae?? s???? k ?????th???????r ar agagaag???????n ????????t ?coc????????????t ??as ?????????????????????t ?plp???????ea????????y ????? thi th??? b??ut ut????????????d td th??????????ssfss??????wiw???????colco?ogo?????????me?????inin in?????? d ????????????? aga???????????????ugu?? t??o so ?ee???veververyr???thinthi????elell?? in i????????shs??? so??it?????ksk????reare?t ?fo????thath???????????????????A,A,A,?KKK???FXFXFX?OSOS9S???C.C?????gangan,n?????5,5???444?????????????t Vt ?VegVe??????tet??na?????????gar?? is i??s bas b?asias??????y gy ???????in fin ????
assume its the same agar agar as before. The bottle has a snap lid (I'm not so sure about the quality of the seal so I keep the agar agar in an airtight container just as a precaution). I dont plan on eating any of this, but I have used this successfully with mycology experiments in petri dishes (the agar is light enough to see everything well in the dish) so it works great for that." 8773,B000MGSJ5A,AKKM0FXFOS96,C. Vegan,0,0,5,1344384000,Great Vegan Alternative,"Agar is basically gelatin for v
?????s,s????????egeeg???rir????.).??????????geg????ini???????????y y????????????d,d, ???????????? f frf????lelefe???ve???bob???????????f f??ninim????????????????????rwr???????????rowro????????????ndn?d ad apa??????in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????at at? ai a????????mem??e a e a???icickc????? c???????????????re??uiu?????????al??ly ly???????????. I. I I u? use us????is??????ma???? cr cre cr??m ??iei???????????????????????se?????""?878??4,4??????????A,A?A3A3U3??????????????????????????131343?303???00?????????????????I bI ????htht ?th?? 2 ???? b ????lele le f??or ?us????? m???????o o?exe????????????????havha?venve????rerea??llyll???eatea??????
egans, (or vegetarians.) Regular gelatin is usually animal-based, and is made from leftover body parts of animals that would otherwise be thrown away. Sound appetizing? Agar is a cruelty-free alternative, and is a great aid anytime a thickened creamy base is required, usually in baking. I use this for many cream pies as well as other desserts." 8774,B000MGSJ5A,A3U6YB5B59TQRS,Hamsta,0,0,5,1343088000,Works well.,"I bought the 2 lb bottle for use in microbio experiments & I haven't really eaten any
? o ????t.t?????????????????????mmm????t ot ????????asa????????anyan?th?ini?g g???kek????ata??????????t ?fof??????wiwin??g tg ?????s,s, ?????? gr g??? />r /???incin?e ??it'?s ?????????????it's it's???????????????? o????? u ???????lilikli???????se se??????????????y ??????.<b.<???/>???????th???aga???????????????quq???????????????????????e.e?""?878???????00M00???J5J?????7V7????6A6???P5P?5,???????????131??252????????101????????????????????????orkorke?d ??ele?????????oo???st?aba?????????NoNotot ??reare?????????????????????????the the? pr??oduod?????th????????? it? a ar a?????????????r ?????as as??????????????d wod w??orksork?s a?s ??????????. ?????????it it???????at??
of it...yet, so I can't comment on the taste or anything like that.<br />But for growing things, it's great.<br />Since it's a powder it's easy to measure out & use, unlike those annoying flaky bars.<br />After the agar sets, it's quite clear which is nice." 8775,B000MGSJ5A,A27VHQL6AH9P55,Dan,0,0,5,1332547200,"100% Agar. Good price, worked well as a food stablizer.",Not really much to say about the product other than it arrived similar to as pictured and works as described. I used it as a natur
?ala?????bibili?????????????????? i ??????whwhih???? wa w????????????? A ?????icaic????hoholole????????t ?????? m ?? i in i?????????. I. ?????????ede???????. U. USU???????????8????,B,??????SJS??A,A,A,A3A??????ODO?????????????? L ??????elyel???????,1,?????????00,00????? ~ ??"I"???????ed ed??????fo???? n ???????????eesee????????????????n'n????se?? ge g??atatit?????in???ofof f??????s ???me ome ou??????ut ut??????????????l ?fo???????t It ??I neI n????????e ???????to to r re?adad ??????????s.???????????0M0?????5A,5A????ILI??YHY???MWM???????rir?? A?????????????lol??????anian?mamal??""?????????,13,1?????????????????enten?!,!,","I,"?????venve?????ri?????????????????bob????t ???????????
al stabilizer for doughnut icing which was excellent. American Wholesale got it to me in 4 days. I purchased 2 oz. USA product. 8776,B000MGSJ5A,A3AKNHPODAQWCJ,Jessica L. Neely,0,0,4,1316390400,Good ~,"I needed this for a no-bake cheese cake and I don't use gelatin, kind of creeps me out. But it worked well for what I needed, be sure to read directions." 8777,B000MGSJ5A,A1ZIL7YH0VMW7C,"April Ames ""april_loves_animals""",1,3,5,1326931200,Excellent!,"I haven't tried eating it. I bought it to make
v?ege??????Y Y????e e??????s.s. . I ????????lyl??wow?orkor?????????y!y?????idi??????ava???mum??????uckuc?? wh w??n ???crc?owo???????????????????ouo??????? it i????kek???it it? sa s?aysay?????tht???? bot bo?tlt????????????????????e ne ninic??ly?????????????indin????youyo???????????????????k tk ?? m???????????re????tritr???? T ??he ?aga????sis???????????n'tn'??????e te ??????ililiil?????????????ownow??""8??????????????????DKDKKK???D1D????????????????e ?A.A?????????"J"??????????""??????????,11,1??????6060000,00???ri?? in??CA??,"P,"??rodro?uc??t wt wa????????????????????ereer????????id id?fof?or or?????s.??..????????vedve???onlon??ly 2ly 2 ????. . ???????ve bve ????????ablable???????????????????????ro????
vegan DIY pore strips. It totally works! Hooray! I didn't have much luck when microwaving it, but if you boil it like it says on the bottle it firms up quite nicely. Bear in mind, you must add soy milk to make the pore strips. The agar simply doesn't have the ability on it's own." 8778,B000MGSJ5A,A3DKKQ4D1A5TDL,"Geraldine A. Engel ""Jeri in CA""",7,15,4,1168473600,Jeri in CA,"Product was great, but I ordered & paid for 2 lbs.... received only 2 oz. I have been unable to get any response from cu
s????????viv??e.e? ????????s s??? w ??? t ????????? th t?he he???????y y by ?y y py ?????????????st st?????? thi th?is is?????iti????????????????on????????????????????????????????????????stistili??? wa w???t mt ???????s.s????????,B,?????GSG????,A,????????3O3???????????????erer,er???????????474??????????,V,?er??????????ltlt ??????rkr?? wi w???????ene?????to ????n n????????????ckck ?evevev??????????ollol?????????rerecre??????s -s ??tat??stest??is????sss??s ths t?an? d????????????808??????X8X???666????????XFXFNF?????,R,??????????????????????404?00,??????????an?????osos,s??????havha???????en len ?????ng? f ??????????????ocooc?olaol??? s????????????ki???????ce ce??????? a?re???
stom service. There is no way to reach the company by phone. I just put this credit card transaction into ""DISPUTED""! :-( :-( :-( I still want my 2 lbs.!" 8779,B000MGSJ5A,AFO4RO1C3OHI4,Pam Sweitzer,0,7,2,1168473600,AGAR,Very difficult to work with - tends to turn to solid rock even when following directions - taste is less than desirable 8780,B004X8TE66,AQF1ZTXFNAQBP,Rockin-U,0,0,5,1341446400,Better than Oreos,"We have been looking for a good chocolate sandwich cookie since Hydrox are no
????ngn????bebeie???????e e??????????ana??????ouo?s s?????s fs ??????heh?????????????? be b????er er???????????????????????pep??, ?it???????eee??, ??????choch??????te te???????tit???? a?????he????????g g i is is is?????tot??????????????????????????????????????r.r?????he he Ahe ????????????e ie ?is is tis ??????sts????ubu????????? and and ???????s ?nen?????????????????he phe ??ic?????????????an ian ????????ibiblb??e b?????????h ???is eis ?ve?n ?mo???????????? si s?????th????????kik??es es? ar a?re ??????lwlwaw??s ????????grgror??er?y"y???7878181,1?????343??TDT?M,M???949???????????????an ????????manma???????????????404??????????????d cd ch?????n ??????????ogo?gregr???????ch????kenken ?n gun g
longer being made or sold, and Famous Amos fits the bill. Much better than Oreos or other types, it is sweet, the chocolate is distinct and the filling is not too sweet as if it is made of only sugar. The Amazon price is the best, subscribe and save is new and brings the price down to an irresistible buy, which is even more special since these cookies are not always at the grocery" 8781,B00434FTDM,A294SHLWPSG1BP,Ryan Winkleman,2,2,4,1290038400,Pretty good chicken gumbo,"Progresso's chicken gu
m?????ouo???dod?ese?n'n??????tet??????????????????????????????????t ot ?? t???e me ?????????????? of o?????????ovo??????f t??????????????????bub?????????te?s ?prp??ttt?????odo??????ha?s ?wh????e m????t ct cht chih????????idi??eye?????nsn?????????rir?iceic???????????????rotrot,t?, t, ???at????ana??????d bd ??????????????n in ?????????u u?cac?? s??e ??????? the?????????? on o????e ?ca????????? t????????ur???????lol??????to?????e we wh??at ?th?? s????????tu?????* *??????s ls ???ke ke????n thn t??he bhe ??wlw??. T. ThT??????????????????????????m am ??????????igighg????????y ?????l. l.???????mb?????st???????????????ou?????????ee??l ll ?????????re???? L ????????? o???
mbo soup doesn't taste all that great when it comes out of the microwave (or off the stove, if that's your way), but it tastes pretty good. It has white meat chicken, kidney beans, okra, rice, celery, carrot, tomato, and red bell pepper in it, as you can see from the picture on the can. Check the picture I uploaded to see what the soup *actually* looks like in the bowl. The chicken was pretty firm and just right, in my bowl. The gumbo taste isn't bad. You won't feel like you're in Louisiana or M

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