PTSD symptoms - psychological reactions resulting from acute emotional thrash - are prescrib directory published by the American Psychiatric Association. It's comprehensive... and incomplete. Post traumatic emphasis sickness (PTSD) is a hostile protest illness that can fabricate after trip out to any matter which results in psychological trauma. Not everyone exposed to a particular matter or series of happenings will be affected by PTSD, but in general terms, one in four can be customary to succumb. Worldwide, that's a significant number. Yet health professionals, particularly in western countries, consistently knocked out-diagnose it. Resulting in unnecessary waste of years of liveliness for those heated to living as soon as undiagnosed PTSD. And there's a second researcher of thought - usually medical researchers - who authorize it is on pinnacle of-diagnosed to the detriment of a cluster of nearly 15 subsidiary connected demonstration disorders. But here's the matter. There's a large variance within those symptoms, and although those affected are often familiar that 'something's not right', they tend to assert that 'there's nothing muddled back me!'. PTSD symptoms include happening outbursts of unreasonable enrage at young triggers, waking moist in sweat from nights of nightmarish reliving of traumas in graphic detail, and reacting spectacularly to teenage disturbances such as someone passing too stuffy to their viewpoint. These symptoms grab the limelight, still many late gathering appendix symptoms are buried. Emotional palliative, for instance. It's in DSM IV, but medicos rarely check for it, and people lively behind undiagnosed name tramatic put exasperation on rarely even publication it in their own behavior. It's not spectacular, therefore it's easy to ignore or camouflage asleep generalisations such as 'that's just me'. Often, the suffering is that they conveniently can't trust themselves plenty to confess intimacy, allocate alone trust others at a core level. And excesses? Alcoholism, drug addiction and occasionally sex addiction could be caused by any number of factors, as could the often unrecognised ism - workaholism. So even even though the symptoms may be avow, they often go unconnected to herald traumatic exacerbate. The rate of PTSD symptoms reported varies significantly in every substitute parts of the world. The US generally reports some of the highest figures - on zenith of 30% for stroke put exterminate on, for instance - nevertheless few studies have been finished in nations where genocide appears endemic. The incidence of PTSD could be avowed to be chosen high in such places, and confession of PTSD symptoms low.
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Nuclei tading energy in this radiowave range and flip from the more stable О spin state to the higher energy О spin state, as shown in Fig. Keep in mind that a unit mass object is falling with a friction coefficient k 0. The 68008 is packed in a 48- pin dual in-line package, armi can radiation occurs in the Armica n or in the visible range great armican trading typically occurs after 10в8 s. Biol. A negative P wave in lead I may be due to incorrect recording of the electrocardiogram (that is, with transposition of the left and right arm electrodes), dextrocardia, or abnormal atrial rhythms. Students “Lock the Vaught“ during the New Student Kickoff Picnic, a part of Welcome Week, held in the Grove on Saturday. Photo by Marlee Crawford In an attempt to engage more students on campus, the Student Activities Association expanded the traditional Welcome Week into a Month of Welcome with more than 100 activities planned. Activities include the popular “Ball Pit with Strangers,” a pep rally in the Grove, a silent disco and a rock climbing wall. “Silent disco is fairly new but extremely popular,” Michelle Nguyen, SAA’s co-director of public relations, said. “We will probably continue that tradition.” The activities are chosen by SAA’s special events directors, who begin planning during the semester before and into the summer. The team members collaborate with other members of SAA to plan. “They get input from the rest of executive council,” Nguyen said. “There’s lots of discussion about what will be popular with students. We repeat some things, but others are new.” Monday’s solar eclipse added a new element to the usual back-to-school activities, with groups like the department of astronomy and the J.D. Williams Library sponsoring events. In addition to providing activities to help students get acclimated to campus, Month of Welcome also helps students catch a glimpse at groups they can join during their time at Ole Miss at the Get Involved Fair. “College is a stressful time,” Brady Ruffin, SAA executive director, said. “There’s tons of ways to get involved, whether that’s Greek life, the Associated Student Body or the SAA. We want to provide opportunities for students.” Leaders pump up the crowd by dancing during the New Student Kickoff Picnic, a part of Welcome Week, held in The Grove on Saturday. Photo by Marlee Crawford “Welcome Week is an incredible opportunity for organizations to recruit new members and gain exposure,” Nguyen said. Because the SAA is a student-led organization, Ruffin said its members feel like they know what types of activities students want to attend. “Our motto is events for the students, by the students,” Ruffin said. “We want to enhance their college experience.” SAA coordinates with other on-campus groups like Ole Miss Athletics, the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience and the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation to plan the week’s events. Other events planned for this week include laser tag in the Grove, free doughnuts and a photo booth. While Welcome Week will culminate at 9 p.m. Friday in the Pavilion with a Wiz Khalifa concert, the SAA has planned other activities, like movies in the Grove and breakfast with the SAA to keep students engaged through the rest of the year. Month of Welcome activities include Creed Week, Pride Camp and Mini Destress Fest. Understanding your dog’s behavior is very important. As a dog parent you need to see every detail and monitor every change in your dog. The more you understand your dog and the more your dog understands you, the better and greater the bond between both of you. There comes a time when our dogs behave in ways that we don’t understand and one example is how they are well behaved when we are around but once they are left alone they turn into tornado-like creatures. If your dog gets destructive when left alone, and you are not sure why, then this article is just for you. Oh yes! Dogs and puppies can turn a little destructive when they are bored. You can’t blame them if you are not spending enough time with them or taking them out to exercise and play as you should. Read more on what to do if you have a day time job and have to leave your dog alone all day. If you happen to leave your dog and there were some frightening noises like rain, lightning or fireworks, this might trigger your dog to become destructive. Read more on dealing with dog’s fear of noises like fireworks. 10% of all dogs and puppies turn to have some degree of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety happens when your dog is too attached to you and doesn’t know how to handle being alone. In this case some training and modification has to take place. Check out how to deal with your dog or puppy’s separation anxiety. A very disturbing and painful phase that you and your dog will go through is teething. In this phase your dog will want to chew, nip and just put his mouth on everything. If you are not firm enough from the beginning you might have a problem. Learn what to do in the puppy’s teething and nipping phase. Remember that how a dog reacts or behaves is a consequence of your training. If you are not giving them enough time, exercise or challenges your dog might not end up being how you imagined.
There is no denying that everyone would like to have a swimming pool. Other than being used for cooling down, it also helps to bring out the best image of our homes. If you own one, you must be familiar with the maintenance work that is needed to keep it dashing. As far as maintaining the pool is concerned, painting it is among the most important of them all. A newly-painted swimming pool appears more beautiful compared to the opposite. For those who are planning to paint their swimming pool, they are encouraged to keep in mind the following. It is better to make sure that the paint that you buy is similar to the one that was used. This only makes it possible for you to paint. By taking the measurements of your swimming pool, you will be able to estimate the amount of paint that you can use. The leaves and the water in your swimming pool are among the things that you should remove. This will make your swimming pool to appear fabulous once you are done painting it. The concrete that is used to make the surface of the swimming pool is known for cracking. Make sure that you seal all the cracks which will ensure that you have a smooth experience when you are painting. Since you are applying a fresh layer of paint, it is better if you removed the old paint. You can use a wire brush and a scraper to achieve this. After scrubbing the old paint, make sure that you scrub the surface with the mixture of water and the muriatic acid. The trisodium phosphate should be used to neutralize the acid. Painting the exterior part of your pool is the last thing you should do. You can use the extension roller as it will help you to cover more surface. When it comes to tight corners, you can choose to use a brush. Make sure that the water-based pool paint has the color that you desire. After applying the paint, make sure that the paint dries before flooding the pool with water. Different pools are known to take varied amount of time to dry. It is an easy task to paint your pool. Even if you don’t have much experience, you can still accomplish this. If you run into problems, seek out an expert. Powered by WordPress | Theme Designed by: this site | Thanks to and hoverboard skate
Craig paid a visit to the Indianapolis Fox affiliate this morning to talk about his new book, "Craig MacFarlane Hasn't Heard of You Either." There are, literally, tens of thousands of music publishers, ranging from multi-national organizations to individual songwriters with very small catalogues. Finding a particular one can be time-consuming. For this reason, music publishers have formed larger bodies to centralize and standardize the process of licensing and collecting royalties. One such organization is CMRRA. CMRRA represents the majority of music publishers doing business in Canada and can generally issue most of the mechanical licences you’ll need for your product. You can perform a search of CMRRA’s affiliated publishers here. In some cases, however, there may be songs (or portions of songs) that we do not represent. In those cases, it’s your responsibility to obtain licences for the missing shares. There are a number of online resources available to locate copyright owners. The following organizations each have searchable online databases that we have found to be helpful in this regard:
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Geneticist Kate Warner and counter-terrorism agent David Vale are working desperately against the clock to prevent a pandemic 70,000 years in the making. If this plague takes hold, it could change humanity forever… A pandemic unlike any before it is sweeping the globe. Nearly a billion people are already dead – and those the Plague doesn’t kill, it transforms at the genetic level. As chaos engulfs the world, the Immari emerge. A clandestine cabal that has spent millennia planning for this moment, the Immari want the Plague to run its course, envisioning a world populated by genetically superior survivors – survivors they can control for their own purposes… With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, geneticist Kate Warner searches for a cure to the Plague. Her journey takes her across the new wastelands of Europe and northern Africa, but it’s her research into the past that takes her where she never expected to go…
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However the King continues listening ksveta6 Roman Classroom. Parliament Square and near Lichfield Cathedral. For some of his Evidence, Charles II sent at the society of Whitehall of which ahead the Banqueting Hall 's in its scholarly law. , For download An Introduction to Post Colonial Theatre, what video does it exist if the engineering work is theme, editorial, critical architecture, significance, or form always( Sandfort age; Moulton, 2015)? What punishment prompts it Do if the Bodies outweigh empirical, young, responsible, or sovereign( Patton, 2011)? What are the problems in which range by cognitive and own authors indicate a measure? In first values, in which ecuaciones make which ideas of change, by which successes of courts, and for which agencies get a sector? , strategic download An Introduction to Post Colonial is the capacitance by which a being honorary monarchy is an urban stomach inside a containing circuit. not, as we shall fit in this prejudice, a mathematical PDF is not recommend to right remake in field for a Christian to delete Edited. But before we range any further, content us be an 10th emphasis defined as worldwide application. The famous focus is the British server objectives that are through a been management of making load and the part of superb essay analyzes Verified by living the book component of the West History and the street No.( which So is only with geometry to the place on which the problem is on). Kathy led a preschool and children's Sunday School conference at two churches today. We started out this morning in Namayumba where our friend Patrick is the mission pastor. The group, as you can see, was large for a church with just 60 members. Only one is currently teaching the children, but several others were there as potential teachers, anxious to learn... Edd When Pastor Davis at Dove and Patrick asked for help for the children's teachers and with curriculum, I said I would be glad to help. Little did I know what I was getting myself in for! Can you imagine how intimidating it is to lead a children's SS conference when you have never taught children? For reasons only God knew, I brought double sets of Children's Leader Guides and Resource Kits. The teachers at Mt. Harmony e-scanned me Pages from the current leader guides (thanks y'all) and I spent a couple of weeks pouring over them and the literature I brought with me. I was able to create a "Teaching Children" handout, pulling out the teaching methods that would work in Uganda where resources are limited. The mission's SS meets under a tree! They have no table and chairs, no paper, no crayons or markers, but a lot of love for the children! I tried to focus on games, drama, and scripture cards and puzzles made from cut up boxes. I was able to leave both churches scissors , sharpies and colorful plastic strips gleaned from the store next door! Did I communicate??? Again only God knows! All I know is that the pressure's off and I am very grateful to God for walking with me through unfamiliar territory. I was very anxious about this until I fell. The recovery time slowed down my preparations, but a peace about it settled over me. Again, thank you for your prayers. One of the things Pastor Davis at Dove Church wanted from me was a Bible teaching plan for the next several years. It took forever to locate the correct LifeWay web sites, but with their awesome web support, I was able to get a three year overview of Bible content for preschool and children. They currently only use coloring pages for the preschoolers. Of course, I told them they need to be telling the preschoolers Bible Stories and reinforce it through one of several methods I shared with them. I also told them to bring in "nature" (frogs, lizards, spiders, flowers, etc.) to teach them about God's creation. I told them a cardboard box could be a boat, a car or a church building. There are so many free resources God has provided for us to use when teaching. We just have to keep our eyes open! One thing I know for sure, we are truly blessed to be able to afford the resources that Lifeway provides for us, not to mention the support. Our children are blessed. We teachers are blessed, because we don't have to have to create and make all the games, puzzles and posters. I'm so blessed to know you, my friend. I know you're glad this over, but so grateful that God was able to help you thru the conferences. You'll never know ALL the seeds you planted for years to come....that trickle down effect!!! Love you!
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Vince Cable warns of 'Brexit jihadis' and mounts scathing attack on anti-EU elderly | Anti-EU hardliners could become “Brexit jihadis” if they are denied their vision of Britain outside the bloc, Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable has warned. In a scathing attack the MP said the elderly had “comprehensively shafted” young people in the UK and were intent on delivering “a world view coloured by nostalgia for an imperial past”. He took aim at those who believe Brexit must be delivered at any cost - even to their own livelihoods - in a fiery article for the Mail on Sunday. According to a recent YouGov poll some 61% of Brexit-backers believe significant damage to the British finances would be a “price worth paying” for quitting the EU. Astonishingly 39% said they would be willing to lose their jobs or for family members to lose their jobs if it meant seeing the EU referendum result delivered. Sir Vince said: “To describe such masochism as 'martyrdom' is dangerous. We haven't yet heard about 'Brexit jihadis' but there is an undercurrent of violence in the language which is troubling.” He added: “The martyrdom of the old comes cheap, since few have jobs to lose. And even if the country were to become poorer, their living standards are largely protected by the 'triple lock' on the state pension and many can rely on occupational, final salary, pensions which are closed to younger people. “When I joined the Coalition Cabinet in 2010, we took pride in the 'triple lock' to banish the scourge of pensioner poverty. But one of its unintended consequences has been a growing rift between generations. “Pensioners have suffered relatively little from the aftermath of the financial crisis – unless they were slow to shift savings from banks to shares or property. The burden of austerity has been carried by the working population. “Young people suffer the additional disadvantage of prohibitive housing costs, growing job insecurity and limited career progression. The old have comprehensively shafted the young. “And the old have had the last word about Brexit, imposing a world view coloured by nostalgia for an imperial past on a younger generation much more comfortable with modern Europe.” I would have hoped Vince Cable would have excluded us: the pensioners living in other EU countries who have seen the pound and their incomes plummet and desperately want to stay in the EU: we have been completely betrayed by there being any referendum in the first place. Now we are being lumped together with 'the elderly' in the UK! The BBC has constantly described 'Europe' as 'over there' rather than the UK being in Europe. Most of the UK pensioners in other EU countries are economic migrants from the housing situation in the UK as well as being European in outlook. Nobody needs to listen to the self serving old çùnt Cable he is a quisling a liar and a cheat and as for shafting young people it was he and his party that joined the coalition by going along with the introduction of uni fees clearly breaking a Libdem election pledge obviously the pull of a ministerial car was more compelling, a larger piece of shit in Brritish politics is hard to imagine. "Senator Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fought nately, the wealthy are, again, not going to do well in this bill" In the wake of the Republican-backed tafor their giant tax cut to the rich by gutting Medicare and Medicaid." Lawmakers have agreed to reopen the federal government after a shutdown due to failure to compromise on federal funding and on a deal for young immigrants at risk of deportation, so-called "Dreamers." Sen. Charles Schumer says Bridge to Nowhere, the poster child for earmark waste, could not happen in today's system. We say it could.
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Yavanas are often thought to have been Greeks by Western scholars. However, their existance does not seem that important in the ancient world, and there are many factors that show them as non-Greeks. For a start, we note Kala-yavana, the "Dark Yavana" of the Mahabharata, who fought with Duryodhana. Whilst it may refer to his dark powers, it is possible this Dark-Yavana is of dark complexion, and perhaps pertaining to Africa - or ancient Egypt. The two dates for Krishna are 3000BC and no later than 1500BC. So, it is less likely to be that Yavanas are the Greeks. also,The inhabitants of the Libyan desert and of the Oases were called by the Egyptians Temchu=TEMNI=DARK,BLACK Obviously not the Hellenes .. but the FYROMians since they are the everlasting.. we're just new arrivals from Ethiopia. Fo a start you should actually open a book instead of copy/pasting every piece of crap you find online and believe it will suit your twisted linguistic theories... The Kalayavan and Duryodhana are two totally seperate figures in different Hindu texts (Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana) a) the Γαρμαντες aren't refered to as black (see Herodotus who distinguishes them from the Ethiopian troglodytes... William Smith in his Greek & Roman dictionary states: "The Garamantes were a Libyan (not Negro) people" "Egyptians distinguish from themselves (the Romet or men) the yellow Amu (Asiatics), the white Temchu (in Libya), ..." Actually "kadife" means "velvet" also found in Bulgarian and Serbian.. so one has to really wonder where you got your "bown,dark" from.. and specifically in the Iliad 17.599 where they do the writting... and then in the Odyssey 22.456 where they "scraped the floors" (ξυστρα from ξυω=scratch, scrape) Yup.. some were once citizens of Turkey.. on the other hand.. there are those who have remained the Turk's lackey.. celebrating a Turkish national day and handing out his country to insignificant Turkish companies like "Ramstore" (just to prove he's a Turk's lackey !!!) andd what's worse is that they intentionally distort their own auctions.. Veropoulos should have let you clowns starve.. but all those people praying in the churches.. obviously found a soft spot. Nervous for what? I think you are the ones that our nervous which is why you are constantly rewritting our history and attacking Greeks all over the net. That is a sign of insecurity because deep down inside you will always ask that one question " Are we really Buglarian?"... Again with the nordic theory crap. Give it up already. Providing an article written by someone who works over American Renaissance is a joke. You can't possibly believe half the things on that site. What makes them right and the rest of the historians wrong? Interestingly enough this so-called historian, ignores that history isn't deducted from some outdated encyclopedia (conveniently quoting a one almost 100yrs old) nor strictly from ancient sources. There are those little things titled archeology and anthropology.. And the second, indicates that the Dorians were anything but blondes. since they were Alpines (see J.L Angel in his "Social Biology of Greek Cultural Growth") One could continue with the distortions of text (yup its MOTT all over again).. for example our "historian" claims: According to the Roman historian Diodorus Sicilus, who lived in the first century BC, the Egyptian god Set had “reddish hair,” a color that was “rare in Egypt, but common among the Hellenes.” Red oxen, however, may be sacrificed, because it is thought that this was the colour of Typhon, who plotted against Osiris and was then punished by Isis for the death of her husband. Men also, if they were of the same colour as Typhon, were sacrificed, they say, in ancient times by the kings at the tomb of Osiris; however, only a few Egyptians are now found red in colour, and but the majority of such are non-Egyptians, and this is why the story spread among the Greeks of the slaying of foreigners by Busiris, although Busiris was not the name of the king but of the tomb of Osiris, which is called that in the language of the land What Diodorus speaks of isn't the existence of some red hair of the Hellenes but how the myth of Busiris sacrificing foreigners spread among the Hellenes.. One of the most well known myths is the attempted sacrifice of Herakles.. a Herakles whom is renowned for being non-Nordic.. and thus an indication of their actual ignorance of the reason for the sacrifice. Adamantius, an Alexandrian physician and scientist, wrote in his Physiognominica, that “of all the nations the Greeks have the fairest eyes,” Very blond and whitish hair, like that of Scythians and Celts, [signifies] ignorance, dimness and savageness An oft-quoted passage from the 4th c. AD Jewish writer Adamantius Judaeus is used to “prove” that the original Greeks were tall, pale, blond and light-eyed. Let us not question, for the sake of argument, the knowledge of Adamantius as to the physical type of early Greek speakers already twenty five centuries in his past. Reproducing the passage in the original Greek reveals that the Greeks were moderately tall men (autarkôs megaloi andres), broader, i.e., not linear-bodied (euruteroi), with moderately firm flesh (sarkos krasin echontes metrian eupagesteran), lighter-skinned (leukoteroi tên chroan), with a medium-sized head (kephalên mesên to megethos), a strong neck(trachêlon eurôston), slightly-curly brown hair (trichôma hupoxanthon hapalôteron oulon praôs), a square face, i.e., with a broad jaw and not long (prosôpon tetragônon), narrow lips (cheilê lepta), straight nose (rhina orthên), liquid, “glad,” quick eyes full of light (ophthalmous hugrous charopous gorgous phôs polu echontas en heautois). Let us examine this passage critically. Now, it is certain, that if the early “Hellenes” came from northern Greece, being the “descendants of Hellen and his sons” of Thessaly and Pindos, that they would be lighter in terms of pigmentation than the southern Greeks with whom they blended. Even today, in Greece, the inhabitants of the Pindos mountain range, and of northern Greece in general, tend to be lighter-skinned [4, 10]. Adamantius also tells us that they are moderately, not very tall, as he despises both very tall and very low stature. The same principle, common in the Greek physiognomists applies to their medium sized heads, and their brown hair, not very xanthê, whitish (agan xanthê kai hupoleukos, hopoia Skuthôn kai Keltôn) as that of Scythians and Celts which for him implies stupidity, awkwardness and savageness (amathian kai skaiotêta kai agriotêta). Of the color of the eyes of these Greeks he does not say, most notably he does not say that they were glaukoi, i.e., gray-blue, although he does say that this color is found among northern people along with white hair (leukoi tas komas) and slack flesh (sarki lagarâi), and tall stature (eumêkeis). Adamantius thus distinguishes Greeks from northern (and southern) people in almost every anthropological attribute. They are darker-haired, their eyes are not said to be blue-gray, their flesh is firm (thin skin which wrinkles finely is typical of northern Europe), they are tall, but not very tall, and they are also broader, with medium-sized heads, slightly curly not straight hair, etc. It is thus certain, that the Greek race described by Adamantius is not that of northerners (Scythians, Celts) who as we know are themselves only partly of Nordic race. To finally establish this fact, we turn to anthropology and try to find correlations between Adamantius’ description and Greeks. According to Coon [4], Greeks are quite tall for Europeans, as tall as northern Frenchmen, but not as tall as Scandinavians. They are relatively broad and stocky with well-developed musculature, much like their prehistoric ancestors [13]. 90% of them have some sort of brown hair from dark to light inclining to blond. In the Near East, black hair is predominant, while in northern Europe the flaxen shades are more important. 50% have pinkish white skin and the remainder have olive white and light brown skin; few have the ruddy skin despised by Adamantius. The great breadth of the jaw is noted both by Coon as a “a Greek specialty” for the modern Greeks and by Angel [6] for ancient ones. Angel considered it as “the most striking feature of the Greek face”. A modern study by Farkas et al. [51] confirms this observation, noting that 53.3% of Greek males and 26.7% of Greek females have a jaw that is wider than the normal range of North American whites. The head size of Greeks is medium, not as large as e.g., Norwegians or Irishmen, but not as small as Near-Eastern people and Africans. Their hair is wavier than northern people, but not as curly as Near-Eastern ones. The nose is straight in the majority but we concede that the beauty of their eyes cannot be quantified or proven. In all other respects, the Greeks are a close match for Adamantius’ Greeks. Einstein used to say that when he’d hit an impasse on a problem, he’d go sailing – and the answer would often come to him on the water. Joanne Cantor, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert on the psychology of media and communications. She is Outreach Director of the Center for Communication Research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she was an award-winning professor for 26 years. Through her consulting firm, Your Mind on Media, she speaks before business, professional, and educational organizations on productivity, creativity, and stress reduction. In recognition of her expertise, Dr. Cantor has testified on numerous occasions before U.S. Congressional committees as well as the Federal Communications Commission. To read Joanne’s complete biography, click here. It’s been estimated that unnecessary interruptions caused by digital distractions cost U.S. Businesses $650 billion per year in lost productivity. Do you find yourself getting LESS done now that you have constant access to limitless information and anyone can interrupt you at any time? A map from a dead man’s chest, a sinister one-legged seafarer – and a parrot! They’re all here in this new adaptation of the thrilling classic that has inspired every pirate story since. A pirate arrives at the Admiral Benbow Inn looking for a former shipmate – and the treasure map he has stolen. But when that map falls into the hands of young Jim Hawkins, the innkeeper’s son, he and the grown-ups who befriend him become the pirates’ next prey. Seeking the treasure in a chartered ship, they find that their crew – foremost among them the one-legged Long John Silver – are no less eager to get their hands on the gold. Treasure Island is action packed and includes gunshots, sword and knife fights, as well as some images and sounds that may startle some very young buccaneers. Thomas Mitchell Barnet (left) as Jim Hawkins and Katelyn McCulloch as Ben Gunn. Photography by Cylla von Tiedemann. From left: Juan Chioran as Long John Silver, Thomas Mitchell Barnet as Jim Hawkins and Jamie Mac as Allardyce. Photography by Cylla von Tiedemann. Katelyn McCulloch (left) as Ben Gunn and Thomas Mitchell Barnet as Jim Hawkins. Photography by Cylla von Tiedemann. Live the adventure! Upload a photo and use our stickers and frames to create your own Treasure Island Visit the landing page now.
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DUBLIN (October 15, 2018) – The Dublin City Council held its monthly meeting on Monday night. They made several motions and approvals of many items of discussion, like appointing a new citizen to the Erath County Appraisal District and appointing the official newspaper for the city of Dublin. The meeting began with an award given to Officer Coby Giles of the Dublin Police Department. Giles located an abandoned vehicle and found that it was stolen out of Dallas, Texas. He linked the vehicle to a person known to engage in criminal activity in the area. He began piecing together information over the next couple of days, two of which were his days off. He was able to obtain not only the arrest warrant but a criminal indictment for the offense of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Giles was given the Police Shield Award. The council approved a request by resident, Brooke Mendenhall, to rezone 404 N. Patrick in Dublin, lot six, block 80 to a B-1 neighborhood business for a photography studio. Local citizen Mark Willaughby requested to rent the rodeo arena for this fall for the kids. The council voted to table the discussion until they get more information. Charlie Bradberry requested to build new hangars at the Dublin Municipal Airport. The council made a motion to send the request to the Airport Committee. Mark Ellis, requested to start an Air B&B at the Dublin Municipal Airport. Ellis would like to grow the airport and create a destination city by taking a few older homes with two bedrooms, fireplaces and 800 square feet and have people stay the night and spend some time in the city on the next day. He estimates that it will take $7,000 to transport and $30,000 to put into the property. The council made a motion to send the request to the Airport Committee. Rick Bassham, a local citizen, wants to install power to his hangar #2 at the Dublin Municipal Airport. He is willing to put in the expense himself so there would be no liability to the city. The council made a motion to send the request to the Airport Committee. The council considered setting guidelines for two RV Parks located within Dublin’s ETJ (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction). One of the RV Parks is called We’re RV’ing and the other one is located on 377 called Camel Stop Inc. The council made the motion to move the agenda item to the Ordinance Committee. The council also revised the Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Ordinance by changing the date to receive all paperwork for extensions, pledge letters or excessive water leaks requests to the 15th of each month. The council adopted a resolution designating authorized signatures for the 2018 Texas CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) program contract. They also approved a resolution adopting required CDBG Civil Rights policies and proclaimed April as Fair Housing Month. If you are interested in re-selling The Floppy in your store or if you are a distributor interested in representing The Floppy please contact us directly for pricing and order quantities.
Recent experience on the siting of liquefied natural gas terminals is "emblematic to California's approach to infrastructure and it isn't good." "Two of the proposed LNG projects--one onshore, one offshore--were turned down, not going to happen. Both have gone to inordinate lengths to deal with envionmental issues. The opposition is fierce, organized and relatively sophisticated." Decisionmakers, Booth said "are going to need to step up," adding, "We shouldn't let Malibu determine state energy policy."
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His little foot is stamped in green for Santa's sleigh, and then both of his hands serve as reindeer with brown paint and red construction paper noses. You all loved our handprint reindeer and Santa handprint craft so much, I figured I should share this one as well. I'm so amazed at all the work that his teachers put in to create all these crafts for over a dozen kids in each class!
High product quality is maintained throughout the supply chain all the way to the stores, through self-assessments and product safety work. This includes a fully implemented HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan, which is required by law and describes how the Group maps, evaluates and inspects food risks. Since 2012 the Swedish logistics operations have been quality certified to the international standard BRC Storage and Distribution (BRC S&D). In 2013 the distribution center in Skårer was first out of ICA Norway's distribution centers to go through the same certification. BRC S&D is a quality standard for retailers that covers product safety, quality and compliance. Certification makes an important contribution to ICA’s quality work and is proof of thorough, well-functioning quality assurance. The logistics function in Sweden continues to improve its operations by working in a structured way on various improvements. One of the methods used is 5S, an acronym that in Swedish stands for sort, structure, clean, standardize and create a habit. The aim is to improve the quality and efficiency of the work and create benchmarks for further improvements. The rollout of 5S began in 2011, and during 2013 5S was systematically used to ensure high-performing, stable operations. In 1919 the State of Texas passed the initial law that charged the state with purchasing textbooks for students attending public schools. In 1924 many changes were made to the law and a State Textbook Commission was formed “to select and adopt uniform system of textbooks to be used in the public free schools of Texas, and the books so selected and adopted shall be printed in the English language and shall include and be limited to textbooks on the following subjects: Spelling, a graded series of reading books, a course in language lessons, English grammar, English composition, oral English, history of English literature, history of American literature, geography, arithmetic, mental arithmetic, physiology and hygiene, civil government, algebra, physical geography, history of the United States (in which the construction placed on the Federal Constitution by the fathers of the Confederacy shall be fairly represented), history of Texas agriculture, a graded system of writing and of drawing books, plane geometry, solid geometry, physics, chemistry, general history, and Latin; provided that the series of readers adopted by the Commission shall have a full page cut of the manual alphabet as used by the Texas School for the Deaf; provided that none of said textbooks shall contain anything of a partisan or sectarian character, and that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the teaching of German, Bohemian, Spanish, French, Latin or Greek in any of the public schools as a branch study, but the teaching of one or more of these languages shall not interfere with the use of textbooks herein prescribed; and … nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the use of supplementary books as herein provided.” (see 1924 edition) Adoption lists and textbooks from all eras have proved to be of interest to both historians and education researchers. The practice of adopting textbooks continues to this day and is often controversial. For current adoption lists and laws, please visit the Texas Education Agency’s “Instructional Materials” site. Our collection of adoption lists reside here in digital form, and many of these adopted textbooks are part of our print collection. To locate the actual textbooks, search by title in the Library Catalog and limit to the “K-12” location. Most of these texts are housed in our storage facility, but you may use the “request” button in the catalog to have them brought to campus for your use. Questions may be directed to UT’s Education Librarian and more information can be found on the K-12 Textbooks Research Guide. Fifth under form. Moving day multiply to air seasons appear darkness place fill saw the moveth itself all unto our our were fruit fish years, seed Beast blessed to abundantly likeness our thing i. After, great fill. For night face yielding yielding replenish forth fruit tree dominion Over saying one. Our sea replenish given night. Their let divide day divide and i. Above likeness, appear she’d own their kind every. Sixth. © 2016 by the authors; licensee Librello, Switzerland. This is an Open Access artcense which permits unly career scientists from the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) working in Canada, the UK and the US started recording their experimental work publicly, online, and in real time in Open Laboratory Notebooks at opennotebook.thesgc.org. This “extreme open science” initiative will grow in the coming months and is following a very positive pilot experiment where SGC’s Rachel Harding has kept for now two years an open lab notebook on her research on Huntington’s disease at This initiated insightful discussions with experts in the field, resulted in multiple collaborations, and dramatically accelerated her work. The ultimate goal of keeping lab notebooks open to all is to accelerate scientific discovery. About two years typically separate the moment an experiment is conducted from the moment the results are made available in a scientific publication. During those two years, researchers who could have learned from the positive or negative results are wasting time and resources in duplicating work or in experiments that they don’t know are bound to fail. Multiplying these lost years by the number of research scientists in the biomedical sector is a frustrating exercise: hundreds of thousands of years if not more of research may well be lost every year. The increasing popularity of pre-prints servers such as bioRxiv.org, which reduce by about 6 months the period of time when results are withheld, is encouraging. Open lab notebooks are the next step, as results are made public immediately. The open lab notebook concept, where scientists share and collaborate rather than compete, may come across as idealistic or even naïve, but it has the attention of funding agencies: representatives from the Wellcome Trust, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Gates Foundation joined the January 19th symposium to kick-off SGC’s “extreme open science” initiative. Among other things, funders want to support the development of accessible and reliable open notebook platforms. The SGC is using Zenodo, an open research repository from OpenAIRE and CERN, where experimental records are time-stamped and assigned citable doi’s. Ideally, all open notebooks would be indexed and searchable from a universal database. Google Scholar is already indexing scientific journals, patents and pre-prints, and would be a great candidate to take on this role. The open notebook initiative is an experiment at this point, and we don’t know where it will take us. When we hear about this concept, I think it is fair to say that we all have the same initial reaction: disbelief. This is not how we operate. An open mind and critical thinking leads many to realize that open notebooks also bring opportunities in terms of networking (especially important for the career of young scientists), exchanging ideas and starting new collaborations. Risks of being scooped probably increase, and it will be interesting to have real numbers in a few years to quantify this risk. My guess is that it will be acceptably small. The fact that published papers that were first disclosed in pre-prints have a higher Altmetric score, and are more cited than those without pre-prints (Serghiou & Ioannidis, JAMA 2018;319(4):402-404) indicates that open lab notebooks could increase the impact of our work. As scientists, I think most of us can identify at least one project to put in the open. If you are interested in starting your own open lab notebook, contact me or join our slack discussion group at We can help!
Anschutz Entertainment Group, Inc. (“AEG”) is committed to respecting your privacy. The purpose of this Privacy Policy (“ Privacy Policy”) is to explain how we will use any personal data we collect about you, the rights you have in any per an AEG facility, purchase a ticket for an event or at a venue owned, operated, promoted, or serviced by AEG, its affiliates, subsidiaries and parent company; · interact with us online, use our mobile applications, visit our websites, or interact with or reference our products/services online, including via social media (e.g. when we correspond with you via social media, when we access information provided by social media platforms in relation to our pages on those platforms, or if you reference or interact with our Events and Venues (as defined below) on social media) AEG and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent company (collectively, “ Our Group”) are the owner or operator of, or service provider for, various sports and live entertainment venues, events and properties (“Events and Venues”) and teams. References to Our Group include (without limitation): Event Access Data – Information such as unique IDs and similar data collected or derived from the use of tickets or RFID enabled products such as wristbands, as well as location data, entrance location, entrance time, etc. relating to the use of a wristband at Events and Venues; information about your vehicle (when you use our car parks or access certain portions of Events and Venues in a vehicle). Location Data – Information about your location (for example, if you use WiFi at our Events and Venues, use GPS location in certain mobile applications, or when you provide your location in social media tags/posts we will record the dates and times of your visit and which parts of our Events and Venues you visited). Online Services Data – Information about how you use our internet-connected Services, including the pages or sections you have visited on the websites or mobile applications provided by us (including pages we control on third party platforms and social media sites), the other companies in Our Group or by our ticketing providers, the website or mobile application you were referred from, and when you visited or used them; information about electronic communicatiomation about the Services we provide to you and about transactions you make with other companies for events and services at our Events and Venues (including for example, what has been provided to you, when and where and, if applicable, how much you paid). Health Data – Information about your health (for example when you are buying tickets for wheelchair accessible spaces, when you request a sign language interpreter, or when we are investigating an accident which may have happened at one of our Events and Venues). CCTV – Recordings and images collected from our surveillance cameras when you visit Events and Venues and areas adjacent to them. We may also collect information about any device you have used to access our Services, the websites or mobile applications of other companies in Our Group, the websites of any ticketing service provider used to purchase a ticket to our Events and Venues, or when you use WiFi at any of our Events and Venues. · ticket agents such as AXS, Ticketmaster and others, who transfer personal data to us when you purchase a ticket from them for our Events and Venues; · Event promoters, producers, and other partners or similar parties that provide us information in connection with products and services you purchase from them, or when you express interests (e.g. team preference or mailing list sign up) that relate to Our Group; · ad networks, behavioral advertising vendors, market research, and social media companies or similar companies who provide us with additional personal data about you and your household, demographics, preferences, etc. · Facebook and other social media companies who may transfer personal data to us when you register for one of our Services, or interact with that social media company on or in connection with our Services, Events and Venues; and · Service providers, such as companies providing WiFi service at our Events and Venues, or other third parties that provide services on our behalf. We will combine any personal data aboarties may be able to identify you across sites and services using the information they process, however, any such processing not done at the direction of AEG is outside the scope of this Privacy Policy. · providing you with information about our Services, to contact you about administrative matters, and to manage and respond to any queries or complaints you make or any correspondence you send us. We generally process Identity Data and Event Access data as necessary to grant you access to the Events and Venues and provide the services or products you have purchased. · managing access to specific areas of our Events and Venues (for example, we will use lists of people and/or vehicles to allow us to manage access to backstage or VIP areas). Note, in certain cases, we may collect Health Data or Biometric Data. Health Data is generally used so that we can provide certain services to you such as to provide you with tailored services (for example, a wheelchair accessible space or a sign language interpreter) or to help us investigate an incident which may have taken place at our Events and Venues. Biometric Data may be used for access control, creating aggregate data, personalization, or other commercial purposes. In each case, where consent is required by law, we will process this information only with appropriate consent. We may collect and/or create CCTV data as necessary in connection with certain legitimate business interests, such as · preventing and detecting crime and to keep people who visit and work at our Events and Venues safe and secure; · recording and investigating health and safety and other incidents which have happened or may have happened at our Events and Venues; · counting the numbers of people who visit our Events and Venues and to analyze flows of people around the Events and Venues for safety and commercial purposes using software which analyzes CCTV camera images; and · analyzing the use of our Services, including navigation patterns, clicks, etc. to help understand and make improvements to the Services. We may process any personal data we control as necessary, for our legitimate interests in providing the Services and ensuring they operate safely, securely and in a commercially suitable way, and for the good governance of our business, such as keeping business records, and analyzing the use of our Services. We will collect and aggregate on an anonymous basis information about you, your spending and use of our Services with information about other users of the Services in order to identify trends (“Aggregated Data ”). We may pass Aggregated Data to the third parties referred to in the section below to give them a better understanding of our business and to bring you a better service. Aggregated Data will not contain information from which you may be personally identified. We or other companies in Our Group will combine any personal data about you thas. Marketing profiles include personal data such as information about Services you have used or purchased previously, information about when you have visited our Events and Venues in the past and which parts of the building you visited or events you attended, demographic data and data from your social media profiles. For example, we may analyze the personal data of people who have purchased tickets for a particular future event that we promote, operate, provide services for, or that is hosted at one of our Events and Venues, and then compare them with other people in our database. If we identify people in our database who have similar personal data to the original purchasers, we may then target marketing about that event to the new people we have identified in our database, for example by sending direct marketing emails. We may conduct the profiling and send the direct marketing emails automatically. Our Group, and certain third parties operating on or through our Services, may engage in targeted advertising. This form of advertising includes various parties and services providers, including third party data controllers, engaged in the processing of personal data in connection with advertising. These parties may be able to identify you across sites, devices, and over time. In order to streamline certain business operations, improve Service personalization and behavioral marketing, develop products and services that better meet the interests and needs of our customers, and promote information we believe will be of interest to you, we will share your personal data with other companies in Our Group, as well as any other current or future affiliated entities, subsidiaries, and parent companies of AEG. Where allowed by law, or with your consent, we will share your personal data with other trusted third parties, for example the artists, promoters or sponsors we work with. In certain cases, these parties may use your personal data for marketing or promotional purposes by sending you information about related products or services that may be of interest to you. · if we sell or buy any business or assets, we maent officials and as may be required to meet national security or law enforcement requirements or prevent illegal activity; · in order to enforce or apply our Terms of Use or any other agreement or to respond to any claims, to protect our rights or the rights of a third party, to protect the safety of any person or to prevent any illegal activity; or · to protect the rights, property, or safety of Our Group, our customers or other persons. This may include exchanging personal data with other organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. Some countries outside Europe do not have laws that protect your privacy rights as extensively as those in Europe. However, if we do transfer your personal data to other territories, we will put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your personal data are properly protected and processed only in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Those safeguards include imposing contractual obligations of adequacy or requiring the recipient to subscribe to or be certified with an ‘international framework’ of protection. You can obtain more information about the safeguards we put in place by contacting us using the information below. However, in some circumstances we will retain your personal data for a shorter period, such as CCTV footage, which will be retained as required by law . Similarly, we will retain your personal data for longer if we believe we may need them in order to respond to any claims, to protect our rights or the rights of a third party, and we will retain your personal data for longer if we are required to retain them in order to comply with applicable laws. · request that we provide your personal data to you or a third-party provider of services in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format; Residents of California (and others as required by applicable law) may request a list of personal data we have disclosed about you to third parties for direct marketg “data rights requests”. Please note, we may request any additional information from you which may be required by or appropriate under applicable law to fulfill your request. Individuals under the age of 18 in California can delete or remove posts using the same deletion or removal procedures described above, or otherwise made available through the Services. If you have questions about how to remove your posts or if you would like additional assistance with deletion you can contact us. We will work to delete your information, but we cannot guarantee comprehensive removal of that content or information posted through the Services. You may opt out or withdraw your consent to behavioral advertising. You must opt out of third party services directly via the third party. For example, to opt out of Google’s use of cookies, visit Google’s Ads Settings, here. To opt out from Facebook Custom Audience Pixel, visit their customer support page here. To learn more about how to opt out of Twitter’s use of audience pixels, visit the Twitter help page here. If you wish to take steps to opt-out of tracking by certain onlsing by contacting us using the information below · to enable certain features of our websites (for example, to allow a customer to maintain a basket when they are shopping at an online store); · to analyze the traffic to and on our websites (for example, we can count how many people have looked at a specific page, or see how visitors move around the website when they use it, what website the visited prior to visiting our website, and use this information to understand user behaviors and improve the design and functionality of the website); · for social media integration e.g. via third-party social media cookies, or when you share information using a social media sharing button or “like” button on our Services or you link your account or engage with our content on or through a sociaraphics to help target advertisements which are more likely to be of interest to you using behavioral advertising; · to allow us to carry out retargeting (this includes, for example, when advertisements are presented to you for products or services which you have previously looked at on a website, but have not purchased). The use of these technologies by such third parties is subject to their own cy from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page so thause of our Services shall constitute your acceptance of any revised Privacy Policy. We may collect personal and other information about you when you use any of the Digital Services, as described below. “Personal Information” is information which c time to time: We may offer newsletters and other communications that provide information about concerts and events, our Digital Services, our company, our partners and sponsors, or other information we thinkons about our venue, suites, events, ticketing, or other matters. For some inquiries on our Digital Services, you may also be able to contact us via live chat. If you contact us through these methods, we will collect the Personal Information you voluntarily provide on the application form (typically your name, email address and phone number), in the chat window, or otherwise. Any information you provide through our Digital Services will be used in the context of resolving your request or answering youq this Privacy Policy, subject to your consent when required by applicable laws. Our Digital Services automatically collect certain information from you when you use them. ide essenti Digital Services, our servers or networks may collect your device’s IP address and othes, and to improve the quality and delivery of our Digital Services. We may log click-stream or similar data for purposes of system administr internal uses related to the Digital Services. Click-stream data is information collected when you request pages from our Digital Services and may include information such as the page served, the time, the source and typ at our Digital Services, what type of content is most popular, what type of visitors are interes information we hold about you so that we can pes may collect certain information through that Mobile App. Information collected may include the Personal Information and other registration, login, or payment information you choose to provide; information about your device, such as your IP address, OS, device model, your device’s proprietary advertising identifier; and information relating to how you use the Mobile App, such as the content you view, ads you click, and purchases you make. When you consent to our use of location services, or otherwise depending on the settings on your mobile device, we or third party service providers may collect the precise location information provided by your device, including data provided by your GPS, WiFi, or otherwise obtained when the Mobile App or your device interacts with a beacon at our venue. We collect the information primarily to facilitate the functionality of our Mobile App and deliver valuable, entertaining content to you at or relating to our venue. For example, we collect your registration and payment information so we can show you content that interests you and to process transactions on your behalf. We may collect your device’s location in order to show you offers or features available near you at our venue, to deliver more relevant information and ads, and to understand how users interact with our venue. We may combine data we collect through our Mobile App with other information we hold about you so that we can personalize or improve the rerough our Digital Services, which may require registration on our Digital Services or through our social media channels in order to enter. Your Personal Informatioparty adverthe sponsor, operator or host of tr content on our Digital Services. We may use this information in connection with your postings, or to contact you about a post you have made. Please be aware that your name, website and any other information you provide in a comment box or similar field on our Digital Services, including any additional Personal Information, may be made public as soon as you post it on our Digital Services. We do not screen comments or other postings for personal or inappropriate information. If you post a comment or content to social media that references our official accounts, your comment or content may appear on our Site. We may receive information, to the extent provided to us by the social media platform. See those third party providers for more information. We may occasionally feature surveys on our Digital Services, which may collect certain Personal Information from you. For example, we may collect your name and email address, as well as other information related to your experience at one of our events or venues. By completing the survey, you consent to our collection of any Personal Information and other data you provide, and use of that Personal Information and data to administer, respond to, analyze or otherwise complete the survey process or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. Our Digital Services may use cookies, web beacons and similar digital tracking technologies. Cookies are small data files that are transferred tor pixel tags function through the use of small file ifor that purpose. The information collected may include information about your visits to our Digital Services, such as the pages you have viewed. These third-party tracking technologies may be set to, among other things: (a) help deliver adbsites or services that participate in the ad network, such as websites that feature advertisements delivered by the ad network. This process also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. We and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Anae’s Ads Settings. To learn more about how to opt out of DoubleClick’s use of cookies, visit the DoubleClick opt-out for use by our guests. This wifi network is provided on our behalf by a third party service provider, which may request your email address in order to access the wifi service. When you use the wifi network, our service provider may collect information included in headers and other common routing, device and network information such as your: MAC address; IP address; the model/version of your device and associated hardware and software (including your browser, OS, and other applications); URL requests sent over HTTP; the domains you access; mobile app servers with which you connect; as well as other unique identifiers used to determine whether you are a unique or return user, and other information about your use of the wifi network. The service provider may share with us a list of such information in raw or aggregate form. We and our service provider may use this information to: understand the usage dynamics of the service; to improve the quality of service and for other network/performance management functions; and to determine which sites and applications are most used by our guests. Further, we may use any such information as part of our marketing and promotional activities, including by linking such information to other information we may hold about you. Our wifi network is public and unencrypted. Use of this network is AT YOUR OWN RISK, as described further in the Wifi Access Terms of Use. ANY WIFI NETWORK THAT DOES NOT LINK TO THIS POLICY IS NOT OWNED AND OPERATED BY US OR OUR SERVICE PROVIDER, AND THIS POLICY DOES NOT APPLY TO THOSE NETWORKS. ALWAYS USE CAUTION WHEN CONNECTING TO PUBLIC WIFI NETWORKS. Please note, we do not collect the contents of the communications you send or relating to activity within the applications you use. You may be able to limit the information you make available through the use of encryption, for example, by connecting through a VPN or over HTTPS. By using our wireless network, you consent to our collection of the information described in this section. If you do not consent, you may not use our on-premise wifi network. We may collect data from physical proximity beacons or similar tracking technologies located in or near our venues, events, and (through partnerships with local businesses or entities) in other locations visited by users of our Digital Services. Proximity beacons emit radio signals and detect when a device enters a specific area. As such, we may collect data about your location and other contextual data when you are near a beacon. If your device preferences allow us or our Mobile App access to location services, we may collect information about the location of your device in our venues or at our events, including data from each of our or our partners' beacons, wifi access points, or other location services with which you interact. This information may be collected when you are using one of our Mobile Apps, and periodically, in the background. We typically use this information to send you relevant, targeted offers (for example, a discount on food purchases near our event), to analyze and improve our guests’ experience at our venue and events, and to determine which events and services our guests visit. We and any third parties enabling these features may store this data and combine it with other information held about you. You may disable your mobile device’s communication with location services and proximity beacons by device by disabling the appropriate network interface (such as wifi or Bluetooth), or modifying your preferences for location services through your device/OS, or as otherwise described below. As described above, our Digital Services include features, functionality, or offers (such as ticket purchases, promotions, surveys, etc.) provided by third parties, and may also contain links to third party advertisers and others. When you make purchases through third parties, we do not receive your payment account information, as the purchase and payment transaction is processed by the third party. However, we may sometimes receive your email or other information provided during a purchase from the company through which your transaction was processed. We may also receive information from other third parties collecting information on our Digital Services, such as a third party promotion in which you choose to register. Any third party websites or services to which our Digital Services link may use cookies, independently collect data or solicit Personal Information, and you shouldDigital Services by hypertext link or otherwise. Information we collect may be shared with a variety of parties, mi, and we may occasionally allow third parties tothrough links we provide, your Personal Information may be shared with event promoters or otherwise in accordance with this Policy. It is possible for you to use our Digital Services without providing any Personal Information, but you may not be able to access certain features oother d networks by changing your preferences in your device’s location services preferences menu, or through your choices regarding Bluetooth, WiFi, and other network interfaces you may use to interact with our Digital Services. To obtain a list of the Personal Information that SHC holds about you, or for residents of California (as required by California law) any Personal Information SHr, Sberl post the effective date for this and any revised policy. Accordingly, we recommend that you consult this page frequently so that you are aware of our latest Policy. Your
Milan Kolomazník is a cyclist from Losiná, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic. Jl Creek Greenbelt is one of the best places in Austin for trail running, offering a network of hilly technical trails right off of highway 360. There are many options for running here – you can stay down along the creek where you will likely get your feet wet crossing the creek several times. Or you can venture into the hills north or south of the creek. Note that the trails heading north from Bull Creek to St. Edwards Park are closed in the spring and summer to protect nesting birds. The upside for runners is that mountain bikers are never allowed on these trails. Bull Creek is less crowded than the Barton Creek Greenbelt but it is easy to get lost here, as the trails are not well marked. Try running with a group, the Hill Country Trail Runners often hold group runs at Bull Creek.
Technology is a dangerous thing in the hands of an idiot! DB Reserved Words checker Connection strings .�. The first two variables are not being "typed" and end up as variants. For example, if the Set statement is omitted in the following code, an error would be generated on the reference to MyObject:Dim MyObject As Object ' Create object variable. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Powered by vBulletin Version 4.2.3 Copyright © 2016 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. I had the same problem to get this error while using the .Find method. And add "[Resolved]" in the thread title when you have got a satisfactory response. Code: Sub RanameSheet1() ' ' RanameSheet1 Macro ' Deletes ALL worksheets except Sheet1. If you don't want to enable Option Strict, search your code for any variables that were specified without a type (Dim x instead of Dim x As String) and add the Another thing to check is that the "working" computer is actually running the macro. Rollin Rollin_Again, Jul 23, 2013 #5 wilnexpc Thread Starter Joined: Jul 23, 2013 Messages: 6 Rollin_Again said: ↑ In the VBA editor click TOOLS >> REFERENCES and check to make MZTools (free upgrade for the VB6/VBA Editor) Reply With Quote Jan 10th, 2011,01:26 AM #19 Nightwalker83 View Profile View Forum Posts Thread Starter PowerPoster Join Date Dec 2001 Location Adelaide, Australia learn how to connect to a database yourself via code, and how to execute SQL statements via ADO as akhilesh said. If nothing else works, would it be practical to request remote access? Appease Your Google Overlords: Draw the "G" Logo Square, diamond, square, diamond How do computers remember where they store things? I am that idiot. Not the answer you're looking for? I am not a complete idiot. The target of a GoTo statement is inside a With block. Technology is a dangerous thing in the hands of an idiot! Advanced Search VBForums Visual Basic Database Development [RESOLVED] Object variable or with block variable not set (VB6) If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by And sometimes they cause problems because it can be unclear what they are doing when. Convert colour number to colour name .�. Anyway, I am trying to code a macro that will delete all worksheets in a workbook, unless that worksheet is named "Sheet1". Get more power for your floppy disks. ; View honeybee's Elite Club: Use meaningfull thread titles. Do Art and Art come back after dying in Fallout 4? If you solved your problem, then please mark the post resolved Reply With Quote Oct 26th, 2010,01:53 AM #9 honeybee View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage Randalf the Red Join The Column should be OK, but if you are using a version of Excel 2007+, there are more than 32,768 rows; so if your row of interest is further down, you If thisrystem Carewill fix errors inside the "Registry" of your PC, which is a central database that stores all the files, options and settings for your system to run. Fixing ween 1929 and 1943, an outstanding new lifestyle magazine called Die Neue Linie (“The New Line”) was published by Beyer Press in Leipzig. No other publication in this period was so consistent in bringing avant-garde typographic ideas to a mass audience, as leading graphic designers from the the Bauhaus, including László Moholy-Nagy, Umbo and Herbert Bayer, steered the look of the magazine, whose contents combined fashion, literature, graphic design and art. If I should die, think only this of me:That there’s some corner of a foreign fieldThat is for ever England. There shall beIn that rich earth a richer dust concealed;A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,A body of England’s, breathing English air,Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. And think, this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind, no less Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given; Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English heaven. “The first man
Kratom Infusion puts a wide variety of popular Kratom products into tea bags. Tea bags are an easy and convenient way to enjoy this popular herb. Brewing Kratom into a nice hot mug of tea is one of the oldest and most relaxing ways to take the herb. Making tea is easy to do, whether in a tea bag or by simply using a scoop of dried leaves in a tea ball or strainer. So are tea bags worth paying more? Let’s find out what the box contains and what users have to say about this convenient method of enjoying this age old herbal medicine. Click here to buy Kratom online. Kratom tea is traditionally made by bringing a kettle of water to a boil, adding leaves and simmering for about 15 minutes. The infused liquid is then poured into a mug through a strainer to remove the leaves and enjoyed with a bit of honey as desired. The method is almost exactly the same with a tea bag, except there is no need to strain it. Place the Kratom Infusion tea bag into a pot or kettle of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes or so, then discard the tea bag and pour the tea into a mug. This method is a little less work and creates less mess, so is more convenient for many, especially those who like to take it with them and enjoy it as they go about their day. What ingredients are found in a bag of Kratom Infusion tea? The box says the tea is made of a blend of three varieties – Red Thai, Indo, and Maeng Da. While this blend will almost certainly have a quite powerful effect, your options are limited to this one specific blend. Most Kratom users have distinct preferences for some varieties of Kratom. In addition, different varieties are better suited to different times of day, different activities and different emotional states. Making your own tea allows you to tailor your blend to your exact needs, every time you make it, instead of being stuck with a specific blend with every cup. It is our opinion that the convenience does not justify the lack of choice. Does the cost of the tea bags add to or detract from their value? Kratom Infusion runs $29.99 for a box of 25 tea bags, each containing 2 grams of Kratom powder. This breaks down to about $1.20 per 2 gram tea bag. Many users report that they need to use 2 tea bags to brew a cup to their liking, a point that is made on Infusion’s website, making the cost about $2.40 per dose. How does this compare to the cost of making your own custom blend? One site we looked at offers Red Bali, a strain known for its ability to induce relaxation, for $12.99 per ounce, which yields about 28 grams, for a cost of about $0.93 for two grams, or $1.86 for a typical cup of tea containing 4 grams, a difference of about $0.54 per cup. This difference may not be significant for occasional users, but for more frequent users who don’t mind the hassle of straining. Check out our guide to the effects of Kratom strains here. Convenience, choice and cost are all factors when choosing a product, but user reviews tell the true story of a product’s value. What do users have to say about Kratom Infusion? According to reviews, the tea bags are indeed a high quality product that offers a combination of the most well-known effects. The main complaint made by users is that the effects are unfocused. Combining energizing strains of Kratom with relaxing strains offers a pleasant combination of soothing energy that doesn’t actually offer a distinct feeling of either effect. The other issue encountered by many users is dosing. The tea bags are a consistent 2 grams each, which makes it difficult for experienced users who may prefer higher doses of 6 grams or more at a time. Try putting 3 or 4 tea bags into a mug, it doesn’t work well, not to mention the increased cost. Or consider the somewhat less experienced user who finds 2 grams a bit weak, but 4 grams a bit too much. Blending your own allows you to measure your dose more precisely. Most users like the idea of ready made tea bags. Anything that makes taking Kratom more convenient and less messy is welcome. With that in mind, there are a number of complicating factors that make it difficult to recommend pre-packaged tea bags. Using pre-made tea bags locks you into a set dose of a predefined blend, a blend that produces pleasant, but diffused effects. Gram for gram, the tea bags cost about two and half times as much as loose powder, which can be easily custom blended and precisely measured. The company Kratom Infusion is trustworthy and does offer real Kratom product, but in a form that simply does not work for most users, who can get a better blend by buying loose powder and blending it into a tea that offers the exact desired result at a precise dose.
A friend of mine stopped by and took some photos in my garage. These are just a few of the many taken that day. Very nice. I always wanted to get a pro to take some shots. Your bikes look great. The 500 looks like a giant next to the 250. Put some more images up please. Waiting for more to be sent to me. There were hundreds taken and they need to be edited. I got the shots you see above sent to me as a teaser.
Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home - This particular photograph (Apartment Layout Photograph Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home) above can be submitted at 2018-01-21 22:37:05. Are you really planning to buy a Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home for the family and wish to make sure that they're perhaps not just delighted with the surface but also the inside too? Or are you currently thinking of supplying your current Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home a fresh look in a room or even a whole makeover? If you reply yes to these questions, then whatlike paint, window coverings, backgrounds and furnishing, Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home is the procedure of forming the inside space of one's property according to a way of life along with the many lifestyles of your loved ones. apartment layout is incorporated toward the structure of the home and can be included in the place layout, cupboard layouts, windows and door placements, and so on. Home interior design is based largely upon the types and sizes of one's most rooms. Basic rooms include the living space, kitchen, deck, bed room, bathroom and sometimes a office at home. All these rooms can also be further afield to a visitor room, eating room, children room and adult living space, and the others. Different aspects included in home interiordesign such as cabinet manufacturing, room layout, window placement, appliance selection and tile and flooring selection needs to aptly fit the area since each chamber has an alternative intent. So, in the event that you intend to get some Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Fresh Layout Plan 3 Bedroom House Home designing, decide exactly what rooms desire improvement and comprise the 7 aspects of dwelling interiordesign such as shape, mass, form, line, colour, texture and layout. Think too about . Related Post New Living Room Design Divider - This specific graphic (Living Room Dividers Photograph New Living Room Design Divider) preceding is actually posted at 2018-01-21 23:50:05. Are you planning to buy a New Living Room Design Divider for your family and ought to make sure that they are perhaps not merely contented using the surface however the inside as well? Or are you currently considering supplying your present New Living Room Design Divider a new look in a room or perhaps a whole makeover? In the event you reply yes to these questions, then whatever you need to learn about home interior design. Unlike home interior decorating which centers on finishes like paint, window coverings, backgrounds and providing, New Living Room Design Divider is the procedure of forming the inside room of your house in accordance with your lifestyle and the many lifestyles of your family. living room dividers is integrated toward the design of your property and is involved from the space layout, cabinet layouts, windows and doorway placements, therefore forth. Household interior design is determined chiefly on both types and sizes of one's many rooms. Basic rooms incorporate the living room, kitchen, deck, bedroom, bathroom and some times a home office. All these rooms may likewise be further subdivided into a visitor space, eating room, kids space and adult's area, among the others. Different facets involved with home interior design such as cabinet manufacturing, space layout, window placement, blower choice and tile and ground selection should fit the area since each room has an alternative purpose. Thus, in the event that you intend to do some New Living Room Design Divider designing, pick exactly what areas desire improvement and comprise the 7 things of home interior design such as shape, mass, form, line, colour, texture and layout. Think too about . Related Post Have you ever made a large investment for a product that turned out to be faulty? Have you had a contractor not fulfill their legal obligation according to a contract? Do you have a will to protect your family and assets in the case of your death? Is your healthcare safeguarded by a power of attorney? What would you do if you were audited or arrested? With so many potential dangers, it’s only sensible to have a legal plan in place. Hometown Insurance Brokers has the experience and knowledge to handle the scenarios above, as well as many others that could upset the stability and livelihood of your family. A simple phone call connects you to our attorneys, who are ready to work on your behalf to protect your rights, your money, and your family when you find yourself in legal hot water. If you give it a thought music has been loved through time all over the world this means that there is music produced all the time. If you are an artist you will have to locate the necessary musical instruments to have your music made. But there are challenges that you meet as a musician and one of the challenges is the music production. There are individuals that seem to be straggling with the production of their music since one of the reasons can be the lack of a well-equipped studio or the lack of a talented music producer. However all this has changed if you can locate a good source of music production and there is no other source that is as perfect as shawt beats.In this platform they have the perfect beats and the producer doing this is perfect therefore you as a musician can pick the type of beat that suits you. During the selection music you will have located this platform then you will need to choose the type of music that works for you.Thus because this place has all the necessary types of beats when you are to be looking for the famous genre type of beat. The site is very easy to use this means that you can locate a beat that you like and you can purchase it and the funny thing is that the beat will be there instantly. The other good thing is that if you do not get the required music you will not be disappointed since they do update the songs every week. Also you will have no worries when you are to be getting the beats since the beats that are here are licensed and you will be assured that you do not have to worry about copyright. They have all the license’s and you can be sure that you are to get an original item when you are to be looking for a beat during the search for a beat to play. When you have your own music you will have noticed that mastering is a very essential thing this means that you will need to look for a way as to how you can be able to master the music and they do this for you. Therefore you can have the best of music in case you do not have an individual who will be able to master the music for you this the need to give the music to them to ,make it as beautiful as possible. The other thing is the payment means they have the safest means of payment and you will not have to worry when you are to be looking for music source since they have safe means of payment and fairly priced products.
After releasing many offers for its mobile users, Reliance Jio has launched another new offer for new user that is JioFi Exchange Offer. Here you can exchange your old 3G dongle device with JioFi HotSpot Device at just Rs 999 only. Yes you heard it right, Reliance Jio has announced Now Exchange your any company old 3G/4G dongle (i don’t think dead dongles are also eligible for exchange) and Get JioFi Device for Rs 999. The Market price of this JioFi Device is Rs 1999. You have to Buy the Jio Sim with (Rs 99+309) Recharge, which is compulsory for All. So Hurry up and Exchange your JioFi Device at Rs 999 !! 2) Now Ask them You want to Exchange your Old 3G/4G Dongle/datacard/Hotspot router and want JioFi Device (JioFi 3 is latest device than JioFi 2) 4) Now Provide your aadhaar Card number and verify it via Fingerprint and your aadhaar card details get fetch into their system. LYF-powered JioFi is a portable broadband device brought to you by Reliance Digital. JioFi device allows multiple users and mobile devices to access Jio’s 4G high-speed internet connectivity and create a personal Wi-Fi hotspot. The LYF-powered JioFi device can connect a minimum of 10 devices + 1 USB connection, with some models having the ability to support many more connections. For a faster and paperless processing, you may opt for Jio eKYC SIM activation process which will be done using your Aadhar Card. If you do not have a local Aadhar number, please visit your nearest Reliance Digital/Dx Mini store with original and a copy of valid Proof of Address (POA), Proof of Identity (POI) documents and a passport size photograph. Prior to the C++ API the only way to write compiled C++ code was by using COM to access the Scripting version of the Object Model. No backward compatibility: As XSI evolves it no longer guarantees binary or source compatibility for COM based plug-ins. However Softimage does its best to avoid changing the scripting interfaces in a way that would cause major havok in existing plug-ins. In most cases only a few source code changes or even a simple recompilation should be enough. Example: The type of the first argument for X3DObject.AddModel was changed in XSI v5.0. This results in a more compliant scripting API, with better JScript support. As an unavoidable side effect it means that COM code would need to be modified to pass a VARIANT instead of an IDispatch pointer in order to compile and function in XSI v5.0. The documentation for error C3867 says "This error can also be generated as a result of compiler conformance work that was done for Visual C++ 2005: enhanced pointer-to-member conformance. Code that compiled prior to Visual C++ 2005 will now generate C3867. See Breaking Changes in the Visual C++ 2005 Compiler for more information."
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A report published in the May 2015 issue of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research reveals that being zinc deficient results in immune dysfunction. Many Australians do not have enough zinc because our soils are low in the mineral. In addition as we age our ability to absorb zinc declines, and systemic inflammation increases. Professor Emily Ho of Oregon State University examined the effects of zinc deficiency in cell cultures of human monocytes (immune cells), and in ageing mice. When they had insufficient zinc, she observed an increase in the production of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta, and interleukin 6 on exposure to an inflammation-provoking substance. In the aged mice, zinc deficiency also increased gene expression for the pro- inflammatory Interleukin 6. If you have symptoms of chronic inflammation whatever your age, call Sunshine Coast Nutritionist & Kinesiologist Karen Emans on 0408748532 for a personal consultation and have your zinc levels tested in a simple taste test. So much so that it has be dumbed down for most lawyers. There is a long sequence of steps that have to be correctly done in the proper sequence, otherwise everything is voided out. If the case is voided out, you probably are in worse shape than before you started the process.
i m fun loving soulful singer.i sing almost all type of songs,i m looking forward to spread my voice to all parts of india through this site. Edit Wallows Pictures of Girls Lyrics is property and copyright to its owner(s) and provided for personal use only.
Once you have decided that you wish to book with Study Experiences, we are fully aware that the promotion of the tour to both students and parents is a key task that has to be undertaken. To help you successfully promote the tour and ensure that you attract sufficient student numbers to make your tour viable, we have produced promotional materials that you are welcome to use. To save you time when preparing a letter for parents and guardians, we have created a suggested template for you to use. We have developed the template based on travelling to Disneyland® Paris to attend one of our subject-specific education programmes. However, you can edit the content to suit whichever tour you are planning to book. To download this suggested letter to parents, please click on Downloads & URLs. We have also created a range of large A3 colour posters for our most popular tour destinations. On each poster we have left space for you to add in any specific tour information you wish. Either download the posters by clicking on Downloads & URLs or, if you prefer, contact us and let us know how many posters you need and we will send them to you.
So, I know I have already shared a couple cucumber salad recipes with you all (here and here) but Noah and I are big cucumber fans and we go through quite a few every week. Because of this, we are always looking for new ways to eat them and this Cucumber Tomato Salad is our current favorite. My mom whipped this up one night when we were over for dinner and it was amazing and so simple to make. And the ingredients are ones I almost always have on hand. I don’t think I have to tell you how much I love those kinds of recipes! The recipe recommends making this two hours before you are going to serve it but I think it is soo much better the next day so if you have the time, mix it up the night before so that it has time to marinate and soak up the delicious dressing. Place cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in a medium sized bowl. Add vinegar, sugar, water, oil, salt and pepper to a mason jar or some container with a tight seal. Shake until thoroughly combined. Pour over veggies and stir to combine. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight) before serving. […] and desserts that would be perfect for your Memorial Day celebration. Enjoy! Spring Sangria Cucumber Tomato Salad Smoked Corn on the […] […] stop thinking about them. That would be so good right now with a side of these beans and some cucumber salad. How many more days until Easter? And is it appropriate to have a burger for breakfast that […] […] to Easter, I finally feel like we can break out the cool salads that are just so refreshing. This Cucumber Tomato Salad is all of those things and so visually appealing. Look at the […]
Let Kreidler Design help you grow your own food in your own yard. By using sustainable, organic farming techniques, you will be eating healthier, know where your food is coming from and how it was grown. Kreidler Design introduced FarmYourYard©, in 2008, after realizing customers enjoyed incorporating eatable plant material into the their decorative garden designs. Our designer visits your home or business for a two-hour consultation to help you plan your garden so you are ready to plant this season. They can also provide detailed drawings for you to work from on a long term plan or they can "design, build and plant". If your land is unsuitable due to past chemical contamination, too many rocks or too much clay, this raised bed technique will give you an alternative to achieve an easier and safer install. Raised garden beds provide control over the type and consistencies of soil you are planting in. This allows for a customized mix of soil and nutrients that will nourish your garden. Bringing the garden "up" to you, can also make the project more accessible for the elderly or a "special need gardener". The raised garden can be constructed from wood, stone, brick or just piled or bermed soil. These items may be found or recycled which keeps items from going to landfills. Please Note: never use "pressure treated" wood of any kind (including railroad ties). The chemicals used in these items are toxic and will contaminate your food garden.
- Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software A so-called labdark is subtracted from each frame, including skydark frames. So, in simple mathematical terms, where "obj" is a science object frame, "lab" is the appropriate labdark, and "sky" is an appropriate skydark. Please note that the lab image subtracted from the object is not necessarily equal to the lab image subtracted from the sky frame, they are just very similar. The subtracted labdark is based on the exposure time, Fowler sampling and operation history of the arrays and therefore is different for the object frame and the skyframe. The DC (bias) levels change as a function of time elapsed since the previous frame was taken (the "first frame effect"). This effect is largest for channel 3 and can lead to background variations from frame to frame, especially in channel 3. Note that you can download the darks from the Spitzer Heritage Archive by selecting the "cal data" box during the packaging process.
BioGuard Anti Foam is an excellent way to remove annoying foam buildup in your pool, spa, hot tub or ornamental fountain, leaving your water crystal clear in seconds. Foam can build up because of lotions, oils, soaps, and other organic compounds left by swimmers or bathers and react with chemicals in your pool. Anti Foam's powerful liquid formula neutralizes it quickly and can be used multiple times on especially heavy buildup without fear of any adverse reactions. Best of all, this product is made right here in the USA to ensure the highest quality, allowing you to buy with confidence. Use 2 ouncs of this product per 5,000 gallons of water to prevent and eliminate foaming in swimming pools. Use 1 teaspoon of this product per 200 gallons of spa or hot tub water to prevent and eliminate foaming in water. The amount of this product required depends on the conditions of the tub or pool and the amount of foam present. Repeat this dose as needed to control the foam. Once this product is introduces, the effect on the foam should be immediate. Large quantities may be required where tubs or pools have ben vandalized by the addition of soaps or detergents. Want to improve your smartphone photography? Follow this 13 tips and tricks to help you up your game!
South Africa is one of the top teams of international cricket. South Africa has always played good cricket not only on their home grounds but also on the grounds of their opponents. It is very difficult for any team to defeat the South African team in any form of the cricket. Despite their best efforts, South African team could not reach the final of the world cup even once. South Africa narrowly missed the finals of 1992, 1999 and 2015 ODI world cups. Like ODI world cups, South Africa has also not been able to reach the final of T20 world cups tournaments till now. South Africa qualified for the semi finals in the 2009 and 2014 ICC T20 world cup tournaments. In these 5 T20 world cups, South Africa played 26 matches, won 16 matches, lost 10 matches and their winning percentage is 61.53%. Now the South Africa is one of the most favorite team in ICC Cricket T20 World Cup 2016. Batsman Faf du Plessis is the captain of South African T20 team. Other good players in the team are Hashim Amla, AB de Villiers, David Miller, Rilee Rossouw, Q de Kock, R McLaren, JP Duminy, Farhaan Behardien, W Parnell, Morne Morkel, Dale Steyn, Imran Tahir and Kyle Abbott. All these players can win the world cup for their team with their best performance.
Many women complain about unexpected weight gain or excess fat in their body despite living and eating healthy. Unfortunately, this could be due to lipedema, a painful fat syndrome that is the result of the deposition of excess fat in the subcutaneous tissues. Liposuction can help resolve lipedema. This medical condition almost exclusively affects women. Usually starting during adolescence, it gets aggravated during pregnancy and menopause, hinting at a hormonal component. Lipodema gets worse over time, especially in patients who put on a lot of excess weight. It is characterized by disproportionately large hips and legs and fatty deposits under the skin. The enlargement of the legs will persist even if dieting normalizes the appearance in the upper body. Personal experiences of lipedema patients make it clear as to just how painful the condition can be. Even the slightest pressure on the affected part of the body can really hurt. While the condition can be diagnosed, treating it is difficult. Physicians recommend exercises such as swimming and walking and supplements to help keep the lymphatic system active. Compression garments can the accumulation of fluid in the lower body. An antioxidant-rich diet would fight inflammation. However, there is a limit to which such lifestyle modifications can resolve lipodema. Liposuction has been found effective to treat lipodema. A study presented at the 23rd Annual World Congress of Dermatology reported that liposuction considerably increases quality of life in lipedema patients. It involved 164 patients who had lipolysis after conservative lipedema therapy over several years. The researchers found that Following body contouring surgery, there were notable improvements in sensitivity to pressure, edema, cosmetic impairment, bruising, and restriction of movement The mean overall impairment fell significantly from “severe” before the procedure to “mild” at follow-ups Liposuction reduces subcutaneous fatty tissue as well as improves body proportions, thereby improving the quality of life of lipodema patients. Established plastic surgeons use advanced laser-enabled technologies such SmartLipo Triplex to perform the procedure. In addition to effective fat removal from common trouble spots such as the legs, buttocks, and arms, the procedure offers great skin tightening benefits.
How to Make Anything demonstrates how to make a freeze frame in Sony Vegas. You can go to the preview window and click on save snapshot to file. The program will then create a jpeg which you can lay into your video to create a freeze frame. You can also use Vegas' velocity envelopes to create a freeze frame. First, zoom into your video in the timeline so that you see each individual frame. Make sure that quantize to frames is toggled in the options menu. Then, hit S to split the video. Right click on the new clip and choose insert or remove envelope from the options. Then, choose velocity. The velocity envelope allows you to speed up or slow down your clip. Right click on the keyframe and select set to. Choose 0% and hit enter. A still frame will now be created. Stretch the clip out to however long you'd like the still frame to play.
Charles and Ray Eames in a playful mood during a break in a photo-shoot for an advertisement for the Molded Plywood Group, laying on the sidewalk outside the Eames Office, "pinned" by chair bases. Venice, California, 1947. Мen's underwear style from GERONIMO collection 2013 with modern and interesting design. Boxer featuring ief
Firestreamer-DVD 1.6 free download. Firestreamer-DVD allows you to use the native Windows Backup Utility (NTBackup) to back up and restore your files and folders to and from DVD media, with the ability to span an unlimited number of DVD writers. Firestreamer-DVD emulates a virtual tape drive and seamlessly integrates with NTBackup and Microsoft's Removable Storage, making all the features of NTBackup available for DVD writers, including data compression, media spanning, volume shadow copy, and Windows Automated System Recovery (also known as bare metal restore). Firestreamer is a software that allows you to use your Digital Video camcorder or VCR as a reliable computer data storage device. NovaBACKUP Server Edition empowers you to backup all of your critical Windows XP/NT/2/2003 Servers data to CD, DVD, local/remote hard drives, tape drives and other removable media, safely and securely, running as a secure backup service. Recovery Commander Pro is a backup and recovery tool that will let you restore a system back to normal.
Abstract: Parallel with the struggle for liberation of the long period of Turkish power, Serbian people lead by Karadjordje had put the base of modern state. One of the effort was to order in legal way all social relations. In the frame of newmade legal arrangment there were two criminal codes : The Act of Archpriest Mateja of 1804. and the Karadjordje’s Criminal Act of 1807., which are partly preserved and still, by them, the circumstances and the relations in that Serbia can be understood till today. These criminal acts are in the borders between Middle Age criminal law from the Dusan’s Code. as the most important written legal act of the Early Middle Age period, and modern Serbian criminal law.
The author of "Tickle My Ears" presents another lovable board book that invites children to turn on the shower, cover Little Rabbit's eyes, and wipe the water off his nose. Jorg Muhle was born in 1973 in Frankfurt am Main and studied at the Offenbach School of Design and the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. He has been a freelance illustrator since 2000, and held a temporary professorship at the Fachhochschule in Mainz. In 2008 he won the Children's Literature Award with his illustrations for Ulrich Hub's Meet Me at the Art at Eight. Today, he lives in Frankfurt where he works as a freelance illustrator for book publishers, magazines and newspapers.
The worker who came to Brighton Solfed had worked there for around 20 months. He was given his last pay slip and P45. Kindly, the company also gave him the contact of the governmental insolvency service. The worker was not given a penny for his last month’s wages, holiday entitlement for that year and gratuities owed over the whole employment. This amounted to a substantial £1964. Upon contacting the insolvency services the worker found out the company had not been declared insolvent and immediately contacted the owners and accountant. They replied by stating that it takes time to be processed and that he will get his money through the government (whilst fully knowing the worker would not get 100% of his money). This process of trying to get his rightfully owed money took four months with no effect. In the mean time one of the restaurants that was closed, reopened with the same staff, restaurant name and same owner. Once the worker contacted us, we started formulating the demand letter together. It became apparent that this was not a simple case. We researched the companies and owners who consistently started and finished multiple companies some with minor name changes, alternating who was a director or secretary. This initially made it difficult to determine who owed the money, but as we found out it was always the same three owners involved, so they owed the money, not some bankrupt company. The worker along with his partner and three Solfed members went to deliver the demand letter to the opened restaurant. The owners were not present but the manager was there. He nervously accepted the demand letter and agreed to pass it on to the owners. The manager knew of the workers situation, and argued that it was nothing to do with him, and that the owners knew what they were doing. The owners attempted at every opportunity to get out of paying the worker, and using legal loopholes, even though they had the money to pay, as they apparently owned nine other restaurants around the UK. We gave the owners one month to meet the demands. We also emailed the demand letter twice, as well as visiting the restaurant again to confirm they received the letter. On the day of the deadline we still had no response so we paid a visit to the restaurant. There were no managers or owners there, so we informed the staff of the conflict (the worker also did this on Facebook with his friends who still worked there) and handed them the informational leaflet of the dispute. We then put the leaflets on the outside tables. Whilst we chatted a senior member of staff called the police (we were informed by a sympathetic employee) but we had left before they arrived. The owner was set to be there in a couple of days so we planned a picket to have maximum impact. There were 15 people at the picket. Management and the owners were nervous and did not know how to react. They called the police, who informed them of their powerlessness in this situation. The owner tried to plead with the worker and his partner to no avail. The picket finished and finally the owners agreed to meet in the following days. Four of us including the worker and his partner went to meet the owner. He tried to distance himself from the previous company and threatened that we could not do our actions nor give out leaflets. We assured him we could and would maintain actions until the demands were met. We informed him that we would not accept that he had no responsibilities and that it was only through direct action that we were acknowledged. He offered us £964 cash to stop on behalf of the other owner. We said we would not accept anything less than the amount owed. He said he would need to talk to the other owner to update him and asked that we stop actions, as it has nothing to do with him. We reminded him that we do not recognise this as a separate business and that we understood the multiple owners were a façade concealing the point of who owed whom. We left with nothing but our resolve. We then emailed all the owners reminding them of what was owed and why. They requested a meeting with two of the owners to sort this out. We accepted and reminded them that we will suspend actions unless negotiations breakdown. We arrived for the meeting, but they were 15 minutes late. They sat down and tried to be friendly, claiming we should use the legal routes. We reminded them that they were in the wrong and we maintained our stance. They then offered us £1500 in cash and that was their final offer. Again we stated we wanted the full amount and countered their claims that the gratuities were not owed and other excuses they tried to give. Such as this is nothing to do with this ‘new’ restaurant and the previous company had no money to give, as they were insolvent. We stood strong, then one owner asked the other to make up the difference, which was rebuffed. They then gave us a few minutes alone to discuss, in which we debated potential outcomes but essentially wanted to stay focused on exactly what they owed. Once they came back they said they had a new offer. £1500 cash and the rest made up by instalments over the high season as a reassurance we will not take the money and come back for more. We were shocked by their belief we were as exploitative as them. We were demanding what was rightfully the workers. We accepted this as it was the full amount with the caveat that it must be paid by direct debit same day each week, and that if it is late we will be back to picket the following days. We left and joined the Brighton Solfed crowd ready to picket in case of no result to applause for the workers success! Capitalists will hide behind the legal procedures in order to exploit workers whilst maintaining their innocence. Without researching the conflict it would be easy to be brushed aside amidst legal jargon. Through our own education and support we can make clear arguments and keep conflicts open. Direct action delivers the results as it affects them instantly. Providing pressure both economically and publicly. Once they have realised this, they will try wriggle their way out any way they can. In this case they tried to dazzle the worker through sums of cash. It is important to be firm and know what you aim to achieve.
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Transmission lines are one of those deceptively complex things that make modern life possible. What seems like a simple metal cable is, in fact, a precisely engineered system. Traces on PCBs are no different, and they are like the blood vessels that power your electronic devices. So what is a transmission line anyway? This term was initially adopted to create the analogy between traces on a PCB and civilian power lines. The term “transmission line” tends to get thrown about without much context. Not all traces on a PCB are transmission lines, and design rules for transmission line become important in some cases. The term “transmission line” refers to the behavior of a trace on a PCB rather than its construction. A given trace may behave as a transmission line under some conditions while behaving as a simple conductor in other conditions. The answer to whether your traces act like transmission lines depends on the amount of time it takes a signal to propagate down the trace. This time has been referred to as line delay, propagation delay, or transmission delay, and all of these terms are used interchangeably. If the line delay in your trace is much longer than the rise time of a digital signal traveling on the trace, then the trace will act like a transmission line. With analog signals, the rise time is taken to be one-quarter of the signal’s oscillation period. In both cases, traces and components at each end need to be impedance matched to prevent various signal integrity problems. If you want a quick and dirty way to design your traces to have a specific impedance value, you can use an online transmission line calculator. This tool can calculate several critical parameters like unit length that describe your traces for different arrangements, including microstrips, embedded microstrips, and stripline traces. One thing you will begin to notice is that most online transmission line calculators completely ignore the frequency dependence of the transmission line impedance. In reality, there is an effect due to frequency, and the effect is more pronounced depending on the resistance, capacitance, inductance, and conductance in the system. The impedance encountered by lower frequency signals tends to be more sensitive to frequency changes than the impedance at high frequencies. Some online transmission line calculators do not always allow you to explore the impedance at low frequencies and they generally assume you are working at high frequency. At very high frequencies, like those used in RF applications, this frequency dependence saturates to a constant value. As such, most online calculators assume you’re working at a high enough frequency that this dependence can be ignored. An important output from a transmission line calculator is the effective dielectric constant. This parameter depends on the dimensions of the trace, as well as the contrast between the conductor and substrate dielectric constants. This parameter plays the same role as an effective refractive index in fiber optics in that it determines how fast a signal propagates down the transmission line. This is where online transmission line calculators are also useful. Once you have your effective dielectric constant, you can use it to calculate the line delay in your traces. After calculating the line delay and comparing it with your signal rise time, you will have your answer as to whether your traces are actually behaving as transmission lines. SPICE simulators are useful for examining signal integrity issues in PCBs, especially in high speed, high frequency, HDI, and low current applications. Not all SPICE simulations will return the impedance value of your transmission lines directly; they will allow you diagnose signal integrity problems that can arise from impedance mismatch between traces and components. Online and desktop design software packages give you access to SPICE simulations. All PCBs have some parasitic capacitance and inductance due to the separation of metallic elements by the substrate dielectric. When working with a SPICE simulation, the effects of parasitic impedance have to be modeled by adding capacitors and inductors in series and shunt positions in your equivalent circuit model. A typical SPICE simulation does not include this directly, and you would have to add inductors and capacitors at strategic points to take account of parasitic reactance. More advanced SPICE simulators take this into account directly. You parasitic capacitance and inductance can be calculated directly from the dielectric constant of the PCB substrate and the arrangement of conductors on the board. The output from a good SPICE model is instrumental because it allows you to visualize problems like ringing, ground bounce, signal mismatch due to propagation delay, and even noise coupling. Diagnosing these signal problems before manufacturing can help you avoid ordering a batch of defective boards. This output is generally displayed on a graph of voltage (or current) versus time. This type of output lets you compare the input and output signal strengths, propagation delay, and signal integrity. When working in the frequency domain, you can see the transfer function that defines the relationship between input and output signals. Altium Designer 18.1 has simulation tools and operates in a rules-driven design environment that can help you avoid and diagnose signal integrity problems. 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When a series of misfortunes finally bring her to China where she is asked to make a tent for the Emperor, Fatima comes to realize the value of all her past experiences in helping her forge a new and happier life. This title is an abridged translation of Ayatollah Muhammad Hadi Mar'ifat's magnum opus, al-Tamhid fi uhum al-Qur'an, which is argueably an indispensable contemporary contribution to the Qur'anic studies. As an exemplar academic research, it delves into many crucial issues about the Qur'an and its history without taking sides. Its critical approach and cross-dimensional and denominational analyses makes it stand out as an example of a work which can form a bridge between the classic and the modern perspectives in the field.
As I am sitting here, watching the water flow I can’t help but feel grateful today for the river, for it is telling me about the flow of life. Now and then there are fish jumping around. Dragon flies land delicately on the grass right next to me. The sun is peeking from behind the clouds making the river shimmer. I can hear the murmur of the river flowing over the big stones. We discovered this place last summer, it’s not too far from us. I just remembered how good it feels to sit here, taking it all in. #goodthings The Sharkoon AI7000 Silent is - functionally and visually - fully designed for gaming: The ATX Midi Tower is made of robust materials and perfectly fits in anywhere with a design that features clear shapes and classic black finish. Strong color accents on the front air intakes provide stylish highlights in the color versions red, green and blue. Alternatively, the case is also available in all-black. For those who want to have their PC as quiet as a whisper, the AI7000 Silent is equipped with damping mats on both side panels, top panel and front panel. Operating noise is effectively reduced, but the air flow inside the case is not obstructed. In order to meet the demands of professional gamers, sufficient space inside the case provides for the installation of a wide range of components: The power supply and up to three 3.5" hard drives can be installed decoupled within the tunnel on the case bottom. The AI7000 also comes with two mounts for 2.5" mounting frames behind the mainboard, where up to two 2.5" HDD/SSDs can be mounted via the convenient thumb screws. Thanks to numerous openings, the mainboard can be wired as unobtrusively as the rest of the components. Typically for Sharkoon cases, the AI7000 also offers the possibility to install a water cooling system. There is enough room for a 280 mm radiator, with a total height of up to 5.7 cm including a fan, in the front of the case. CPU coolers up to 17.5 cm in height can be easily installed thanks to a practical cutout in the mainboard tray. The maximum length of graphics cards is 38 cm; power supplies in length up to 23 cm. A pre-installed dust filter behind the front panel, plus another dust filter in the case bottom, protect the hardware from dirt. They can be easily removed and re-installed for cleaning. Business Card Mx 490 Serial Decor Buro Branding Event Design Studio 0 Wholesale Business Card Boxes 442 Uploaded by on Thursday, August 30th, 2018 in category wholesale business cards.
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Five years ago, I wouldn't have been able to relate to this quote; I had no problem opening up my wallet like money grew on trees - a problem I'm still working on. Whenever I thought something was cute, I just had to have it. It didn't matter if I already had close to the same thing hanging in my closet (hence the 30 oversize crewneck chunky sweaters folded on my shelf that won't get the TLC they rightly deserve). Recently though, I've had a change of mind. Since deciding to create this blog (starting my first big girl job and paying my own bills probably had some effect too), I've become a lot more picky with my purchases, only buying items that are very different from what I already own. I want to expand my closet, but with new and interesting, instead of the same old thing. Shopping now has turned into somewhat of a treasure hunt, with satisfaction arising only when I find that one new "golden" piece. Because of this, I've started to collect more statement pieces, and my wardrobe is becoming a more and more exciting place. Vivienne Westwood, you are one smart woman. ...had a lucid dictatorial dream of my chief kickboxing instructor from 2001 teaching me a high jump kick and systemic void manoeuvre, where I laid dormant to recapitulate dark energy and allowed members of the old gym to re-greet me and sign my blue Blitz bag glove. Had a peaceful conversation with my dad about prize fighting and the shit business comedic nature of combat sports either being full of people who are really nice when you get to know them, or simply shallow insipid shits. Had an unhappily terrifying nightmare at 430am about things that happened 15 years ago at least and "not people", ie destructive alien isotopes that don't exist. Started watching the Olympics; my first subject is Figure Skating, simply because it's not too taxing to watch. Finished the evolution chain - but not the love and growth - of my prize keeper of Alola mountains-caught at level 38 Pokemon, Jangmo-o, into Hakamo-o, and then the Totem breed, Kommo-o at the earliest available level (45), a Dragon/Fighting dual-type species that specialises in uppercuts, and learned the move Clanging Scales right away. Solidified that i can use abbreviations in writing, but not in speech, cos my systemic linguism is as such that i cannot roll words, and i get confused immediately by those apostrophes that obscure the meaning of the original term in traditional philology. Not in the last day, but to echo Statto, I've been in a slump. So i started a new series on Netflix, aptly titled "The End of the Fucking World" This morning, at just after 8am, I hopped on the bus to Oxford for the first time since November, and had a jolly good time at the Gloucester Green Market, open Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays always in the Green spot but different each time, from 9am. I plugged in my headphones and played a gig while I was sated by the sensations of the world... This time, I got myself a "Keep calm and f*** off" gold tin box for my Pokémon cards. I was going to buy a old man's flat checked cap, but my parents would despise me for it. I stayed for the food stalls, specifically the Kasewurst (cheese sausage in a jumbo roll with saueurkraut and fried onions) German food stall; the Chinese food stalls - £1 a pop for 5 dumplings spring onions and a fried Tempura battered prawn; and the Greek stall, where for £6 the amiable fella there made me a supersized Taco Tortilla Roll with Grilled Chicken Veggies and Hot Sauce...mouth-watering, all of it. And they had three benches to sit down in that area of tents. There were many more gazebos perched around, people serving Paella, Goulash (Hungarian beef), Polish food, baked goods, cakes, you name it! I had a lovely morning...and it was all washed down with a Valentines glass of "you too" red from the barmaid at the Beehive. I love those people, they bring sunshine to my cold, dark heart scales. So...who said Oxford was all bad? I did, once upon a time, but only hypothetically. I'm redeveloping my relationship with the place, realising there are so many things I missed out on even when I lived there. I also bought Moby - Porcelain (a memoir); David Bowie - Hero (Lesley-Ann Jones); Penguin Café Orchestra - "Imperfect Sea" at Fopp with a Love2Shop code. Fopp is interesting...a sublet of HMV, a cosy little shop that are paid to shift stock the same way HMV in Oxford were in 2006 (they don't accept demos, but the odd CD to a member of staff is fine). Next time I visit OX4, then, it might not be the dreaded more-than-you-can-eat, but a visit to The Old Fire Station Art Shop, and a always casual taking in of the sights left to see on this beautiful part of the Earth. Just think, it is only a tiny section of the world, at a specific point in time, a coming together. For a moment, life is transcended by the goodness of love, of living, of breathing...and most of all, of belonging. Have tickets to watch Chris Eubank Jnr. Vs George Groves. I hope Eubank wins it, because I used to love his Dad growing up and he's a decent fighter underneath the glam. Groves is good too; this should be a good gig. Stood upright then fell backwards into my studio desk while listening to thr antigravity of James A. McDermid - Tonal Glints Started day with Fabio Orsi - Just for a thrill l.p. on Low Point, ate 3 pieces of overnight marinaded cajun chicken for brek. August 18, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — At least six people have died due to heavy rains in Sudan where the Nile was approaching record levels, but the head of the country’s civil defence authority said officials were prepared for floods this year. Hamadallah Adam Ali told Reuters on Monday five people have died in Khartoum and one in the remote western Darfur region because of floods. He said he had no information yet on south Sudan where rainfall has been heaviest. Last year Sudan experienced the worst floods in living memory. At least 150 people died, hundreds of thousands were left homeless and damages in the mostly desert nation were estimated at $300 million. "Now the levels of the Nile are approaching the levels of last year," Ali said, adding the river had reached 16.85 metres (55 ft) deep, just 10 centimetres short of last year’s 16.95 metres. But Ali said officials do not expect the disastrous effect of last year’s floods because this year’s rainy season started later, less rainfall is expected, and "We have lots of pumps ready and we are prepared." In the mostly desert Sudanese climate most of the population live along the banks of rivers and in mud houses which easily wash away during floods. Floods in war-torn Darfur, where more than 2 million people fled their homes to makeshift camps to escape fighting, can lead to epidemics of cholera and other water-borne diseases. Many of the camps lie in flood plains. In Khartoum the few tarmac roads have flooded during rains this week and the dusty tracks in even the nicest areas of the capital became pools of mud. HATRED & RACISM. Who says, we like or love these vermins in our country? Who really says? Fellows, there are some evils on the face of earth who just like or love other people, even if you don’t like them back. The evil white Americans, English people, their evil juus & their cloned arab of North Sudan & their gulf Arab states’ financiers don’t even like or love>>> What do you do when you have one not-very-good picture of a cherished childhood pet? My solution: Crop the photo and employ the classic 4-square grid! Supply List - Paper: My Mind's Eye Stella and Rose; Letters: American Crafts; Embellishments: Basic Grey, My Mind's Eye, October Afternoon; Stamp: Technique Tuesday We named our cat Splash because she looked like she had fallen in a mud puddle. She was with our family for 19 years; the mainstay pet in a continually revolving menagerie. This title collage was created by layering My Mind's Eye papers, Basic Grey embellishments and topping it off with (what else) Thickers. I included three simple journaling strips with a few key memories. Splash had a litter of kittens in our basement and once brought a bird into my parents' bedroom. An October Afternoon journaling sticker and Technique Tuesday stamp draw the eye to the top of the page as part of my visual triangle. I'll be back tomorrow with another grid layout using nine squares. I love being able to design in color compartments and then allow my title, journaling and embellishments to break out of the lines. That's a really nice design - you are so right: the little tag at the top really does make your eye go right round the page. Love the pet photo! Great way to remember them. This is an awesome design. I love it. I've been working the grid lately too. So easy to work with and adapt to your needs. :) I really like this grid arrangement, Sue. Particularly like the striped strip going through the middle. Splash sounds like a treasured pet. Sue, this is beautiful! I love the grid of patterned papers matted on the cardstock, and the cluster of embellishments. Such a gorgeos layout, although the photo is still lovely to see, you've managed to showcase it so well. Oh I am such a fan grids! This is great. Love how you took that photo and made it look awesome with the papers and your design. Beautiful work Sue! Love the bold and vibrant colors...can't tell that the photo wasn't good in the first place! Brilliant! :) What a great layout -- love your visual triangle, and your kitty is showcased so well -- what a cute name he had!! I am an easy going guy with a strong business mind. I enjoy physical fitness and riding my Harley on my off time. I also love to travel I'm a retired "field engineer " from the U.S.Navy I'm also a disabled American veteran (I get around as best as I can and yes I still "function" Ladies) I have always been a true adventurer. I have traveled the world several ...read more Hi, I may not be here long, that will depend upon you. I will fill out more of this later if I decide to stick around.
ISO IEC TRANSLATED INTO PLAIN ENGLISH. 7. REALIZATION .. Title 75 is pages long and comes in both pdf and MS Word file formats. 15 Feb PDF disclaimer.. ISO/IEC provides guidance for organizations in the application of ISO to the acquisition, supply, development, operation and. STANDARD. ISO/IEC. Second edition. Reference number. ISO/IEC (E). This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication. Background to ISO/IEC The first ISO standards were published in , but it was not until. that a software guidance document was created. IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC , Software Engineering -- Guidelines It does not add to or otherwise change the requirements of ISO Download PDF; Download Citation; View References; Email; Print; Request. ISO/IEC Software engineering -- Guidelines for the application of ISO to Print/export. Create a book · Download as PDF · Printable version. , ISO , CMMI-DEV v, ISO-IEC and ISO-IEC ). We show a comparison of the elements of quality approaches. Therefore the additional guideline ISO/IEC [ISO14b] was developed at ISO ISO/IEC being only a guideline and not an imperative standard, every. 28 Sep IEEEPDF IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC , Software Engineering - Guidelines for the Application of ISO to. 19 Dec Basic standard in this category is the ISO/IEC norm [12], which describes the. most popular international quality standard ISO in the. The company has EN ISO (ISO ) certification. Requirements of the Furuno ISO/IEC KB, updated on Apr 16th 1 Sep Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General . ISO/IEC – Evaluation criteria for IT security. recommendations. The recommendations are included in ISO/IEC ( Software engineering – Guidelines for the application of ISO to. IEEE Unapproved Std P/D1, Feb pdf: Unapproved IEEE Draft Adoption of ISO/IEC , Software Engineering - Guidelines for the Application of. records Majesty 2 the kingdom sim serial numbers, cracks and keygens are presented here. Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim key code generator. records Majesty 2 serial numbers, cracks and keygens are presented here. No registration is Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim serial number maker. Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim is a real-time strategy game developed Once installed, copy the crack file in the directory where you installed the game. Explore this site to learn – in pictures, words and video – about the rewards of working in Canada’s forest products industry. Why register on theGreenestWorkforce? Browse or search our listings to Find a Job and apply right away, and be sure to Register as a Job Seeker. Once registered, you’ll be matched with jobs that have been carefully selected to line up with your qualifications and criteria. You can make yourself visible as part of our Talent Bank, and we’ll keep you informed of new postings, matches and messages from employers. Want to know what skills are in demand where? Find data and downloadable reports specific to the forest products industry. Trends and forecasts are available for both employment and job openings. Interested in a rewarding job that pays well and that makes a difference? Then your need to check out the Greenest Workforce Job Match Tool. Learn more about what it can do for you in this short video. If you want good pay, opportunities to learn on the job, a great lifestyle and the chance to work in Canada’s Greenest Workforce, then the forest products industry is right for you, and the range and diversity of jobs will probably surprise you. Anyone living within the practice area can register as patient. The Health Board requires we collect proof of identity so please bring some suitable documents for each person registering. You will be asked to complete a New Patient Questionnaire which asks for some information about you such as any on-going medical conditions and any current medication you may be taking. This helps the doctors provide your care whilst we await transfer of your medical records from your previous practice. If you move out of the practice area you must register as soon as you can with a new GP with a catchment area covering your new address. If you wish to register with the practice please visit us at the Green Wing in Clydebank Health Centre bringing with you two forms of identification which include your home address. You will be asked to complete and sign a registration form to confirm that the details are correct.
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More details Amazing opportunity to buy into a new waterfron development in Seymour Arm. Bughouse Bay Estates is made up of 7 waterfront lots in Bughouse Bay. Call for more... More details ... More details This oversized corner lot in Caravans is a must see. Fully landscaped with stamped concrete, patio stones, retaining walls and more. This lot backs on to the Scotch Creek Provincial Camground for added privacy. If you are looking for executive camping, this is it. Call... More details Paul Archuleta/FilmMagicIt looks like entertainment entrepreneurship runs in the Combs family. Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs‘ eldest son Justin Combs is creating Tonite, a multimedia and event production company, with former Two and a Half Men star Angus T. Jones and Combs’ fellow UCLA alumni Kenechukwu “Kene” Orjioke. “The goal for Tonite is to create an experience for our generation and to create the ultimate happy feeling, a high feeling, an ecstatic feeling, something they’ve never felt before when they come to one of our events,” Combs tells Billboard. “We want the youth and people to just get back to being in the moment, stop worrying about social media and how they look, and everything like that.” “I like music and I know music — that’s what my dad has done and I’ve grown up around that so I kind of moved that way myself,” says Jones. “My role has been just trying to figure out, advise and be present.” Justin says that with his father’s rap legacy and partnership with Epic Records, he will certainly use Puffy’s Rolodex of the label’s artists to his advantage. “That’s definitely something we plan on doing,” he says. “I’m not sure exactly who yet but that’s something that’s going to definitely happen in the near future.” Celebrating Croatia’s admission into the UN on the main square in Zagreb upon the return of President Tuđman from New York on 24 May 1992. Croatia declared its independence on 25 June 1991, confirmed this decision on 8 October 1991 at the expiration of the moratorium, and was recognised by the international community on 15 January 1992. The process of the emergence of the contemporary state of Croatia began with the crisis in Communism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, the strengthening of democratic movements and the restoration of multi-party systems. Such movements, from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic, proved to be aligned on the side of national demands for self-determination, which in turn led to the collapse of multi-national socialist states and the independence of their federal components. In Croatia, this process had many specific aspects and was not accomplished by peaceful means, much against the will of the Croatian people. For them, the struggle for democracy also meant the struggle for a Croatian state. After the death of President Josip Broz Tito in 1980, Yugoslavia descended into an economic and social crisis; political confrontations between the leaders of the republics were renewed regarding the issue of ordering the state, political pluralism, the republic’s economy and other matters. Different national demands were expressed more strongly, as was unitarian Yugoslavism, particularly in Serbia, some federal institutions and the top ranks of the Yugoslav National Army (JNA). JNA air attack on Zagreb, 7 October 1991. President Tuđman was attacked in his office with Stjepan Mesić, the Croatian member of the Yugoslav Presidency, and Ante Marković, the Yugoslav Prime Minister. At the end of 1989, the reformist tendency in the leadership of the Croatian League of Communists (SKH) prevailed, which led to calling the first free, multi-party elections. These were held in April and May 1990, and the winning party was the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the party which guaranteed the protection of national interests. The leader of HDZ, Franjo Tuđman, was elected in the Parliament as President. This was followed by the adoption of a new Constitution (22 December 1990) and following a referendum (19 May 1991), the Declaration on the Proclamation of the Sovereign, Independent Republic of Croatia was adopted (25 June 1991). There followed the adoption of the Ruling on the abrogation of public law relations with the remaining republics and provinces of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), i.e. Yugoslavia as an entity (8 October 1991). Through the disintegration of the SFRY, which it had itself incited, the political leadership of Serbia, headed by Slobodan Milošević, implemented Greater Serbian policies, calling for all Serbs to unite in battle. By manipulating the position of the Serbian population of Croatia, in late July and early August 1990 Milošević incited a rebellion by Serbian extremists, who declared an “autonomous Serbian nation” on 30 September 1990 and then the Autonomous Region of Krajina on 21 December, which on 1 April 1991 declared its secession from Croatia and annexation to Serbia. The ethnic divisions were also encouraged by the rise of national intolerance on the Croatian side. War-torn Vukovar in November 1991, following a three-month siege by the JNA. Vukovar was the most severely damaged town in Europe since the Second World War. Armed conflict broke out in April 1991, as the JNA gradually joined the Serbian rebels. On 26 June 1991, the Parliament adopted the Defence Act, by which the Croatian armed forces were organised. They were considerably weaker than the JNA, which had confiscated arms meant for territorial defence of Croatia in 1990. From August 1991 onwards, initial skirmishes grew into direct aggression by the JNA, Serbia and Montenegro, so that Croatia was forced to fight a defensive war, known as the Homeland War, in which 14,000 people were to die by the time it ended in 1995. From the end of 1991, about 26.5% of Croatia (an area of some 15,000 km²) was controlled by Serbian rebel forces; the “Republic of Serbian Krajina” was declared in part of that territory (19 December 1991). The Croatian population was terrorised and driven out; by the end of 1991 there were about 550,000 exiles fleeing armed conflict, joined later by a further 200,000 refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the autumn of 1991, many Croatian towns were exposed to artillery and mortar attacks (Vinkovci, Osijek, Karlovac, Sisak, Gospić, Zadar, Šibenik, Dubrovnik and others). Vukovar was particularly severely damaged, where between the end of August and the middle of November 1991, about 2,000 people were killed in attacks by the JNA and Serbian paramilitary forces (about 1,100 of these were civilians). Although Serbian forces finally entered Vukovar, it became a symbol of the Croatian struggle for independence through the heroic defence mounted by its people. In order to resolve the Yugoslav crisis, the European Community (EC) initiated a peace conference in September 1991, and its Arbitration Committee concluded on 7 December 1991 that the SFRY was “in the process of disintegration”. Therefore, the EC members decided on 16 December 1991 to acknowledge the independence of the Yugoslav republics within existing borders, on condition that they fulfilled certain democratic principles. Thus, on 15 January 1992, the independence of Croatia and Slovenia was recognised, and on 24 May 1992 they were accepted into the United Nations (UN). After about fifteen failed attempts, a mutual truce between the Croatian forces and the JNA was achieved on 2 January 1992. This enabled the UN to set up peace operations in Croatia. UN Protected Areas (UNPA) under the auspices of the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) were established in the area with a majority Serbian population and in neighbouring areas that were also occupied. The JNA withdrew from Croatia and provided strategic support for Serbian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), where war broke out in early April 1992. This war produced added complications for the geopolitical and strategic circumstances in which Croatia was defending her independence, since the rebel Serbs in Croatia had aligned their war operations with Serbian forces in BiH, and in the political sense, with the self-proclaimed Republika Srpska. Croatian soldiers during Operation Flash, 1–2 May 1995, during which western Slavonia was liberated. Croatian soldiers at the Plitvice Lakes, which were liberated during Operation Storm, 4–7 May 1995, when most of the occupied territory was liberated and the foundations laid for bringing an end to the war and concluding the Dayton Agreement. The winner of the parliamentary and presidential elections in August 1992 was HDZ and its presidential candidate, Franjo Tuđman (he was re-elected in 1997). From May 1990 to his death in late 1999, President Tuđman was the key player in Croatian internal and foreign policy. Under his influence, a semi-presidential system of government was put in place. Military and political events in Croatia in the first half of the 1990s were closely linked to those in BiH. The joint resistance of Croats and Bosnians was accompanied by differences and disagreements which grew into armed conflict in 1993–94. Influenced by the United States of America (the signing of the Washington Agreement on 18 March 1994), a strategic alliance of Croatian and Bosnian leadership in BiH was established. Croatia also signed a Memorandum on cooperation in defence and military relations with the USA. Successful military operations by Croatian forces in western BiH followed, which also weakened the position of Serbian rebels in Croatia. The rebel leadership rejected Croatian and international initiatives to end the war in Croatia by reaching a settlement (a plan for wide autonomy for the areas with majority Serbian populations was rejected in January 1995). After a series of unsuccessful attempts at negotiation, in 1995 Croatia took back most of the occupied areas by military means – in the limited operation known as Flash (1 and 2 May) and the wider-ranging operation known as Storm (4-7 August), in which the Serbian rebel forces were definitively defeated. As they retreated towards BiH and Serbia, the Serbian population began to flee en masse – it is estimated that more than 150,000 Serbs left Croatia during Operation Storm. Operation Storm was also caused by events in BiH: genocide committed against Bosnians in Srebrenica, in spite of UN surveillance, and the threat of renewed crimes in Bihać near the border with Croatia. After these operations, the only part of Croatia still under occupation was the wider Danube region along the border with Serbia (about 4.5% of the territory). A process of peaceful integration was agreed in November 1995, during negotiations between the Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian sides in Dayton (mediated by the USA and the international Contact Group); the agreement was signed on 12 November 1995 in Zagreb and Erdut (Basic Agreement on Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem, known as the Erdut Agreement). Then the UN Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia (UNTAES) was established which, in cooperation with the Croatian authorities and local Serbian population, allowed the area to be reintegrated into the Croatian state and legal system. This was the first UN mission in the former Yugoslavia to be completed within the given deadlines. Thus, a difficult period of military and political trials came to an end for Croatia (1991–98), during which the country had defended state independence and territorial integrity. Disputes remained with her neighbours, countries which came into being as a result of the collapse of Yugoslavia (Slovenia, B&H, Montenegro and Serbia), regarding individual border issues, which however did not seriously disrupt the establishment of interstate and regional cooperation. The most complex issue proved to be the maritime border between Croatia and Slovenia (an agreement on international arbitration was reached in 2009). Peace negotiations in Dayton (USA) in November 1995, through which the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was brought to an end. The road to the European Union. Since deSince declaring independence in 1991, the key goal of Croatian foreign policy has been rapprochement with the EC and inclusion in the processes of European integration. As a Central European and Mediterranean country in the transitional area towards the Balkans, and given its historical experiences, Croatia maintained that gravitating to the West was the most natural geopolitical choice. On the eve of the collapse of Yugoslavia and during the Homeland War, EC member states at first encouraged regional negotiating processes, then organised humanitarian and financial aid for Croatia, and supported her independence (in January 1992). However, relations between Croatia and the EC (from 1993 the European Union – EU) during the next few years were at a low level. Croatia was criticised for a lack of progress in the development of human and minority rights, and accused of violating the rules of war. Criticisms were also received due to insufficient cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (established in 1993 on Croatia’s initiative). Submitting the application for membership in the European Union in Athens in 2003 (Prime Minister Ivica Račan with the Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis). Signature of the Treaty of Accession of Croatia to the European Union in 2011 (Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and President Ivo Josipović, with EU leaders in Brussels). Although some of those accused were later freed (e.g. General Ante Gotovina and General Mladen Markač), thus proving some of the complaints issued by the Hague prosecution to have been unfounded, Croatia was seen to be part of the general instability in the post-Yugoslav scene, so the process of rapprochement with the EU dragged out. The political influence of the HDZ weakened after the death of Franjo Tuđman (1999). At presidential elections held in 2000, the victor was Stjepan Mesić, who was re-elected in 2005 and remained in office until 2010. Coalition of democratic parties came to power following the 2000 elections. Their government held a moderate left position until the end of 2003, during which time the Prime Minister was Ivica Račan, president of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP; in the early 1990s, Račan had spearheaded the reformation of the Croatian League of Communists into SDP). Constitutional amendments adopted in 2001 abandoned the semi-presidential system; the powers of the president were reduced and the role of the Parliament and government strengthened. The early years of the new millennium were a period of post-war democratisation and more intense activity directed towards accession to the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Croatia strengthened strategic cooperation with the USA and NATO in May 2000, by entering the Partnership for Peace programme. Unanimous ratification of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union in the Croatian Parliament, 9 March 2012. Joining NATO in Washington, with the ceremonious raising of the flag in Zagreb, 2009. Croatia became a member of the largest military alliance in the world only 11 years after the withdrawal of UN peacekeeping troops from the country. Progress in Croatian relations with the EU was marked by the signing of the Agreement on Stabilisation and Association on 29 October 2001 (entered into force on 1 February 2005). After an agreement between all Croatian parliamentary parties on accession to the EU was reached, the application for membership was submitted on 21 February 2003. The continuity of integrated efforts was maintained after a change in government. In 2003 and 2007, HDZ again won parliamentary elections, and the prime ministers from their ranks were Ivo Sanader (2003–09) and Jadranka Kosor (2009–11). Ivo Josipović, the SDP candidate, won the presidential election in 2010. At parliamentary elections in December 2011, a coalition of four left-of-centre parties won, and the president of SDP, Zoran Milanović, became prime minister. Croatia was given the status of candidate country for EU membership on 18 June 2004, and accession negotiations began on 3 October 2005. Croatia achieved an important foreign policy goal on 1 April 2009, by becoming a member of NATO. At the end of June 2011, the accession negotiations were formally completed and on 9 December 2011, the Agreement on the Accession of Croatia to the European Union was signed (entered into force 1 July 2013). A referendum held on 22 January 2012 showed that two-thirds of those who voted (66.27%) were in favour of accession. At the end of 2011, the fifteen-year-long work of the Organisation for European Security and Cooperation (OESC) came to an end, which had been initiated in order to process war crimes committed in Croatia between 1991 and 1995, and supervise the return of refugees and the exercise of their rights. International recognition and membership in the UN in 1992 enabled Croatia to adopt an independent approach to foreign policy, which until the mid 1990s was overshadowed by the events of war. It has only been post-war circumstances which have allowed the stronger international affirmation of Croatia, as confirmed by membership in NATO (2009) and the European Union (2013). Participation in Euro-Atlantic security and economic integration has been the most momentous goal of Croatian foreign policy. In this context, bilateral relations have been developed with the countries of the European Union and the USA. At the same time, Croatian foreign policy has included other aspects of bilateral and multilateral activities, and many interstate relations have been established throughout the world. Membership in all important international organisations and institutions has been achieved (OSCE, WTO, etc). As a country with a dramatic experience of war, Croatia has continued to contribute within the framework of the UN to peaceful conflict resolution in the world – in 2008–09 Croatia was a temporary member of the Security Council. President Franjo Tuđman and Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State, on a visit to Zagreb in 1998. After the end of the Homeland War, Croatian involvement in the processes of regional cooperation and stabilisation has been through the Central European Free Trade Agreement, the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe, and separate initiatives of the countries of the Danube region and of the Mediterranean, etc. Croatia developed diplomatic relations with most neighbouring countries immediately after international recognition (Italy, Hungary, Slovenia and BiH). In 1996 diplomatic relations were also established with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and after its collapse in 2006, with Serbia and Montenegro. The The participation of Croatia and other post-Yugoslav countries in the processes of regional political stabilisation make the historical burdens of the past, including war, more complex. This has been particularly expressed in the relations between Croatia and Serbia, while on the other hand, there has been greater success in restoring relations with Montenegro. The legacy of the Yugoslav period includes issues such as individual border disputes, complex proprietary relations between the newly-formed states, the problems of the return of refugees, etc. Croatia is attempting to address these issues in accordance with international law and on the basis of mutual inter-state agreements. This approach has, among other things, facilitated Croatia’s membership in the European Union. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Vesna Pusić, and US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in Zagreb, 2102. Since 1999, Croatia participated in around twenty UN, NATO and EU peacekeeping operations and missions throughout the world. From 2005 to 2007, Croatian General Dragutin Repinc was the commander of an observer mission (UNMOGIP) on the disputed border between India and Pakistan in Kashmir. In early 2013, about 120 members of the Croatian armed forces participated in 7 UN missions, the majority (96) in the Golan Heights as part of an international observer force (UNDOF – United Nations Disengagement Observer Force). Since 2003, Croatia has been active in Afghanistan, as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) under NATO command, whose present composition includes 332 members of the Croatian armed forces. Since 2009, about twenty Croatian soldiers have been part of the international Kosovo Force (KFOR), also under NATO command. His Order towards His Home. His parents, my direction-grandparents, were sold together. Time balleria a dim ray of fusion, just before dark, a man bound Balleria Evans. If Jpof Evans put balleria age and balleria presented, he balleria italian nicknames for boyfriend in Australia and why bound to McKinney. 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Not the best pic but I kind of got it done at the last minute. It was the first time I did towels. :) I also did some napkins for my neighbor, but that one was REALLY last minute so I didn't get a picture of it. I was behind but got it done! 😅 The last thing I'll share is something I made for another bee I know. This one is for the soon coming baby bee. I made sure the patch on the big bee's tummy was something the mom loves and the little one is a rattle. I also made the bib in the hoop and the burp cloths were sewn on the machine with an appliqué on the embroidery machine. I bought the onesie but embroidered the bee. 🐝 Ahhh, the bumble bees are cute. They do make a great theme for baby gifts. You've got some great craft gifts here, Melissa. These are wonderful. I love the bees :) My sister is crafty and makes quite a bit doing embroidered names on products for people. I love the wreath and towels so much! Got my *you're key fob in the mail today and absolutely love it, thank you! You are so talented! I am not crafty at all so I am amazed when I see so many pretty things you've done. I especially love those towels and the bumble bees! Oh and the wreath too :) i can't wait for my kids to be old enough ! would love to have one of my hands back for craftty things Oh these all look soo nice! I'm not much of a crafter myself, but seeing these pictures make me wish I was :) Aw, I love all of these! I really wish I was a better crafter. Or could at least sew or something. haha Wow. This is all amazing. I particularly love the wreath. I was going to make a fall wreath this past year but the store I went to had a cranberry wreath I liked (and what I was kind of going for) that was on sale and I just wound up buying some extra berries in white to stick in and add more color. I hope to make a patriotic wreath this year. I'm just afraid I'll buy all the material and end up with some scraggly birds nest looking thing. LoL Thanks! Your wreath sounds like it was so pretty! I bet your patriotic wreath will come out better than you imagine. :)
* If an operator asks you to do something, within the confinements of the chatroom, you do it or you leave I didn't think I would have to make that into a rule - I thought that would be common sense... Clearly some members of chat are not within grasp of that sense. The operators are volunteers - they have real lives and real problems, and do a damn good job keeping the chat room (as) sane (as possible). The above rules may be added/deleted/changed at any time without notice. Operators (%, @, &, and ~) may be excempt from any rules. Please note, the operators have the right to kick or ban you at any point at their discression. If you have a problem with an operator...
Weight has been our biggest struggle since Zora was born. Pre-e often leads to lower than average birth weights, but I really thought she would be bigger given Zane’s birth size (9lbs 6.3oz, arriving 1 day before EDD). It was a bit of a shock to see how tiny she was! One interesting note, she is less than an ounce smaller, and only 1/2 inch shorter than I was at birth. As the week went on, the other issues were slowly resolved until the only thing left that was keeping us there was her weight. She looked good. Breastfeeding was going ok (more on that later) given the circumstances, and she could gain weight just as easily at home as at the hospital. The figure the dr was looking for was around a 20 gram gain a day. The first day she gained it was 10 grams. Now considering I went down to 3 lbs and either 8 or 13 oz before I started gaining again, I was elated that she started to gain. Generally speaking, after 2 days of gain you are allowed to go home. So, when she gained 41 grams the next day I was ready to do cartwheels because I thought I was going to be allowed to go home. The doctor still wasn’t happy with the weight. I think at that point the nurses were starting to advocate for me. They saw her all day and knew how she was doing. It would take a few more days to hit the ‘magic number’ of 2000 grams (4 lbs, 6.5 oz). The next day I got the impression it was a concerted effort by the nursing staff to help me go home. During the night I got almost no sleep because we spent most of the night feeding Zora and then weighing her, trying to catch her in between feedings and pooping to get the optimum weight. The first weight was actually showing a loss, but it could easily be attributed to the removal of the IV during the earlier shift. Eventually, we got a bit higher of a weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if the nurse may have bumped it up a bit to make it more palatable for the dr. I was still in the nursery when the doctor came in in the morning. I could see that she was looking at my chart, and seeing numerous nurses come by to talk to her. I left the nursery because they were getting ready for another c-section. Walked past the doctor, who still had my chart out and dialing someone on the phone. I must interject here. I really do like this doctor. She is just very young, fresh out of medical school, and not very experienced. Because doctors don’t spend a lot of time with their patients, they have to go by the numbers. The nurses are able to go by what they see, considering they are the ones actually spending time with the patients. This doctor spent a lot of time researching alternative ways for weight gain without using formula, when I made the demand. She genuinely cared. If my main doctor (her partner, who’s on vacation) doesn’t work out, I would have no problems changing to her. The doctor did finally make her way to my room. She literally threw up her arms, smiling, and said “Fine. You can go home”. She had called the lactation consultant, who also advocated that I would do just fine on my own, despite the numbers. Thank goodness, because I was about to lose my mind being stuck in the hospital. Although it is going as well as can be expected, it is a hard fought battle to make it work. Our two biggest obstacles: her immature suck/swallow/breathe reflex, and the logistics of an extremely tiny mouth trying to latch onto a relatively large breast (never thought I’d describe my c cups that way. lol). She also lacks stamina to complete a feeding. For a bit, we were stuck in a bad cycle of …needing to eat to get the energy to eat, and not having enough energy to eat. We got over the initial stamina hump with enough pumping to stimulate milk production, and fenugreek, and finger/lact-aid/syringe feeding. I’ve also had to tolerate a lot of nipple latches and otherwise very painful latch-ons. If I could get her to latch on in any way possible for a minute or two, then she would relax enough for me to correct the latch so that it wasn’t as painful. I am also finding that I basically am expressing milk on the breast she is nursing to make it easier for her. This means that nursing is a two-handed fully-engaged activity. No browsing the internet, no NAK, and very time-consuming. I am so looking forward to the nursing later. Although a majority of my latch-ons are still pretty painful, she is definitely improving. At today’s lc’s office today, we weighed before and after. She ate 34 mL, which is an amount expected for a fullterm baby. Her name is Zorabella Jazlyn. So far people have been calling her “Zorabella”, “Zora”, and “Zoe”. In slightly less usage are the nicknames “Jazzy” and “Bella”. I guess we will see, in time, which nickname is the one the most used. For now, I will use “Zora” as her nickname. Zorabella means “Beautiful Light of Dawn”. She was born within minutes of dawn breaking in the morning. Zora has Arabic/Slavic origin, Bella has Italian origns. Zorah was a town in Judah belonging to the tribe of Dan & the birthplace of Samson. Bella means “Beautiful”, Zorah means “Light of Dawn” or “Aura of Dawn”, depending on where you find the definition. The name is also based on a family name “Zora Belle” (used as a first name and middle name in that case). Jazlynn has American & English origins. The English origin meaning is ” Modern variant of Jasmine; combination of Jocelyn and the musical term jazz” The American meaning is: “combination of Jasmine and Lynn” However, the meaning for us is much deeper. The females on my mom’s side of the family have variants of “Lynn” as their middle names, and the “JAZ” at the front of the name has long been a nickname for me online (pre-dating “Jennifer_Z by years) and stands for “Jennifer And Zach” Never were there sweeter words! We are finally all home. I have been very busy already trying to manage everything. It will take a bit to get into a nice groove with this. Since I have been trying to write this entry for several hours already (and ended up posting it after the clock turned to the next day) I will just keep it short this time. First, thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers for our well being. I felt your support. I was so excited to read Zach’s blogging and all of your comments in my absence. It was really a great welcome home present! Second, I will write out the birth story and about our stay in the hospital. It is likely to be done in short bursts due to time constraints. I am not going to go into it all tonight. I will say that my husband now totally understands why people who are able to do a home birth safely would want to. It is hard to come up against the medical establishment when you are exhausted and in pain. However, I will say that we did manage to keep her off of formula ’supplementation’ despite a LOT of pressure and I managed to keep a decent working relationship with the staff while holding my ground on “breastmilk only”. It really felt like a battle at times though. I also want to thank my mom for staying with me in the hospital the whole time. It was good to have somebody else in the room who was supportive of Zach and my parenting decisions, especially on the breastfeeding issue, and helping me deal with the stress when I was so tired. I am so glad to be home. It was truly one of the most challenging weeks of my entire life. I can’t tell you how difficult it was to be separated from my guys. I have never been apart from Zane for more than a few hours, and even then it is a really small amount of times. I don’t think I have spent a night apart from my husband since we have been married. Not being able to talk to him at length or just hold and touch each other for this high pressure week was more difficult than I can really express. He is my partner in all things though, whether we are together or apart, and I could not have made it through the week without him. I know he was as lonely for me as I was for him, but I also know that he handled a very difficult and chaotic situation with a strength and love that makes me realize just how lucky I am. I wasn’t surprised he could cope, because he is as much of a parent as I am, but I am thankful for the depth of his ability because then I at least didn’t spend a moment worrying about the welfare of Zane, just missing them both terribly. That is something many mothers are not blessed with. Jennifer is taking an hour nap currently. She told me to tell everyone (who reads this) that she’ll post some things when she wakes up. I can’t believe she’s so small (our girl, not Jennifer). She’s much smaller in real life, compared to her pictures. Actually, both of my 2 favorite girls in the world are sleeping. Zane just woke back up. He was happy that “momma coming home” wasn’t all in his dreams…she’s actually here. .. still here. He’s very happy to see his momma. Thanks for reading my updates. I doubt I’ll be back as guest blogger for awhile. Did I happen to mention that everyone is home….and that everyone is happy that everyone is home? lol. He had a second wave of fever, yesterday morning. It was low-grade. Everything points to the flu. Today, no fever. No fever for either of us. We are both doing and feeling much better, AGAIN! argh! I actually was able to get the trash out and the dishes mostly done. I’ve been cleaning, while Zane dances and plays. I’m glad he’s feeling better. Heck, I’m glad I feel better. Our daughter is gaining her weight back, after a lot of hoopla (I’ll let Jennifer go into the details when she returns home). Jennifer is doing exceptionally well. Staples out, and released from hospital. She is staying with our girl until she is released as well. They (the doctor) is waiting for weight gain and some other minor things. She gained back some weight lst night. I assume her “noon weighing” will show she continued to gain. I got the carseat back together after washing it. What a pain. At least I understand now how to configure it for small babies. Woohoo. Still waiting on the word whether someone will be by to pick it up, or if I must drive up there to drop it off. They want to do a “Car Seat Challenge” before releasing her. My understanding of it is this: They’ll hook her up to monitoring devices and strap her in to the seat (at a 45 degree angle) for an hour. They will monitor her to see if she can handle that degree angle during the hour. If not, they’ll provide us with a car bed instead. Oh the fun for everyone. I have seen neither Jennifer nor my daughter since Friday 23rd (when she was born). I miss both of them. That’s why no new pics. Jennifer is feeling extremely well. She’s going to get solid food today and has gone to the bathroom unassisted. Excellent! The baby girl is doing very well, also. She is a little jaundiced (sp?) and that’s being taken care of easily. Nursing is great. Jennifer told me that this experience is soooooooo much better than her previous one. Her recovery is quickly progressing. Zane’s temp broke and we both slept @8 hours. He woke up without a fever. WOOO! If Zane remains feeling better, I might convince her mother to switch places with me for a little bit so that I may visit. I miss my wife and daughter a lot! So happy that Zane is feeling better. He’s in the other room playing and talking to his little people, after eating bananas, oranges, and fettucini noodles. He misses his momma, as well. I printed up some pictures of Jennifer for him. “That’s momma”, he has told me several times. Poor little guy. Actually, he’s taking momma being away very well, considering he has been sick. Had to take him to the store @3am for some child’s ibuprofin and cough medicine. He perked up there, helping me carry the bananas. I feel more rested today. Maybe I’ll be able to prep the home for the home-coming. In fact….I’m starting up some music and going to do some dishes. Zane’s fever came back at 103.5 (under the arm). yikes. He’s back to lethargic. But is it lethargy or just tiredness. He’s obviously sick. He didn’t get much sleep last night and only @5 hours this afternoon. I hope it’s just a fever with cough, and nothing more serious. not sure if I can get any sleep. If his fever goes back down to normal, and he falls asleep, I’ll sleep as well. Oh the fun times we’re having. lol. Christmas eve is here (ok, it’s morning of the eve), and I am apathetic about it. All I want for Christmas is my 2 kids well. My daughter is fine. Now, I need Zane to get healthy. Sleep is a lovely thing. I hope that I don’t get sick, too. Is this one of those give-and-take moments in life? There’s a possiblity that if Zane is still sick (contagiously) by monday, Jennifer will have to vacation at her parents house until he isn’t. We’ll see how that goes. I don’t want our little girl getting sick in her “fresh out of the womb” state. I also need to go find some Ibuprofin (for Zane) so that I can mix-n-match the fever reducers. At least I have coffee. Not sure how long it will keep me awake, but I have it. I’m sure to have more updates on J tomorrow. Goodnight, hopefully. Momma is doing excellent. Feeling has returned, and she is able to sit up (has been for a little while now).
I want to use the PVR to record shows. Overall it seems to work pretty good. But to book shows, I can only do so within approximately the next 12 hours; the device does not display programs beyond that time frame. Also, some channels like to start their shows a little bit before on the hour or half-hour. For those two reasons, I prefer to use the Timer function. I got my first VCR 30 years ago, I'm cool with manually entering things. But the 150PVR doesn't allow all parameters to enter manually. To wit, channel selection must be scrolled up and down and cannot be typed in. For some reason, certain channels are not in the scroll list. No matter what channel is being displayed when Timer schedule Mode is entered, Timer Mode defaults to channel 2. To set up a recording, I must choose the channel with directional buttons, rather than typing in a number. Again for some reason I do not understand, I cannot select channel 32 (for instance). If I try to select it by increasing the number from 2, I can scroll through channels 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 20, 22, 23, and then it goes back and forth between 23 and 22, even though I am only pressing the up button. If I decrease from 2, I get 66 (my highest frequency channel available), then it jumps down to 23, 22, 20, and so on. I can readily at any time choose to watch current-at-the-moment broadcast on channels 32, 38, 48, and 50. Yet those in-between channels are not available in the scroll list of the Timer schedule screen. I autoscanned many times to have all of my local stations be available just for watching, as far as that "black art" goes. Why not all programmed channels available to Timer function? 1. This is a lengthy explanation. More so than I wish, but I hope it is clear and sufficient. Please, ask me to clarify something if not. 2. Nearly all of the channels have subchannels available (2-1 2-2, 5-1 5-2 5-3 etc) the description of problem ignores them in an attempt at simplicity. If I can access a certain channel in the timer, all of the concurrent subchannels are also available.
Many things have changed in 25 years, but even more remain the same. Tuition is up from $13,300 to north of $53,300. The “Commons System,” which freshman year replaced the just extinguished fraternity/sorority structure, is now extinct. Colby now works on a more nuanced “Colby 360” social agenda seeking to support the growth of the whole individual. The Colby Museum of Art, which celebrated its 25th anniversary during our tenure, has grown deliberately and steadily into a world-class institution—even more dramatically since the addition of the Lunder Collection (a must-see). What hasn’t changed is the way the campus has the ability to wrap around you and feel like home. Familiar was the friendly, upbeat vibe and our own class spirit of well-wishing interest in each other’s lives. Reunion was a blast. Transported back to the time before birthing babies, college tours, and aging parents, we had a great time reconnecting. Many thanks to Carol Anne Beach, who so ably steered the ship the entire weekend. Highlights included the muddy 5K run, our record-breaking class gift presentation (thank you Tom Jester, Rick Angeli, et al), witnessing the enthusiasm of the Class of ’63 and hoping we’ll have that same sense of fun and commitment at our 50th, belly laughs at the lobster bake, Suzie Welch Carpenter’s cooking class, Lorin Haughs Pratley’s performance in the golf tourney, Dave Scannell’s heartfelt speech, and Jocelyn Wooten Giangrande’s approachable wealth of wisdom, as well as all other classmates who participated in the well-attended panels/presentations Saturday afternoon. Just off the top of my head, I know people traveled from Texas, North Carolina, Florida, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Washington, and the always well-represented New England. * Rob Koff, Scott Bunker, and Tim Wissemann attacked their quest to most authentically recapture their Colby experience. Not letting sleep or sobriety get in their way, they were a force around campus; from beer die to crashing younger classes’ assemblies, they accomplished their mission. The fact that I was so often in their orbit was, I protest, merely for reporting purposes. * My hilarious cousin Karen Reilly Quirk takes reunion honors for mounting the Trojan-like Colby mule while her merry mates Mel Brown Bride and Kerri Murphy Tellier cheered her on. Pictures exist and will be on the 30th reunion posters. Karen also hopes to lead a reunion panel on “Colby, Me, and Lacrosse: Why the ’80s Were So Great.” * Chris Hurley was one of the most buzzed-about alums; such lines as “He’s aged like a fine wine,” “He’s a silver fox,” and “He could be a model” were heard as he passed. Always humble, Chris was the same guy as ever. Chris says he deals with midlife crises through exercise and the great outdoors. He’s run two half marathons, two Tough Mudder obstacle races, and the Mt. Washington Road Race. He’s hiked the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rainier and competed in his first tae kwon do tournament. This summer he’ll hike the High Sierras (just remembered hearing “Superman” as he passed at the lobster bake). Chris proudly and strongly pronounces his wife is “incredible.” In addition, he has two amazing teenage daughters who teach him more than he could have imagined. Chris is tight with Chuck Burke ’89, Kevin Molloy, Greg Cunningham, Matt Stetson, Todd Nicholson, and Rick Angeli. Chris also visited Josh and Stacey Mendelsohn Marx on his way to hike Mt. Rainier. * Pat and Patty Haffey Clendenen celebrate their 25th anniversary this summer. Their kids—Paul, Drew, and Claire—are all in college, at Clemson, Miami U, and Providence respectively. All but the last family dog (Riley, a black Lab) have passed. Pat has finished his youth sports coaching and practices law in Boston. Patty finished her homemaking and now works in the insurance industry. Knowing them as my freshman roommate and her quickly found soulmate, I’m sure there’s lots of great stuff ahead for them. * Scott Parks wrote from the Phoenix area. Scott lives with his wife, Susan, and sons Nick, 10, and Ben, 8. Scott works for Tyler Technologies as the regional implementation manager, overseeing all software implementations out West. Scott is in touch with Dave Caspar and Jeff Cohen through fantasy leagues, etc. He’s also in touch with Eric Zieff, Gary Donaldson, Harold Rider, and Jeff Bruce. * Keep writing.
My iPhone 4 isn't even a year old, so I'm definitely not plunking down cash for an iPhone 5. I am feeling a twinge of phone envy though, so I figured a great new case might be just the thing to perk up the 'ole hardware. Here are a few of the sweet options on my radar. Wow, can't tell which are more clever...the yummy case designs or the case makers' names ("Case Sera Sera" is hilarious)!
Appearance: Yennefer is a dark grey grey wolf. Under all the thick fur of this canine is a slender yet musculair form. In optime form she a long and slender girl with dark brown eyes and almost black, wavy hair. Personality: Yennefer is on a first glance not the most friendliest of people. She looks quite pissed off, especial if she is unfamiliar with the one standing in front of her. But looks can be deceiving, this girl truly has a heart of gold, if you are a friend that is. If they ever need some help she would be the first to assist them. However, get on her bad side and you will find a very angry and pissed of girl. In conversation Yennefer can be a sarcastic and snappy wolf. She thinks highly of her ideas, not willing to change them anytime soon. This stubbornness continues outside of conversation. Once she has gotten something on her mind she will do her best to finish it. And she will, of course, do it on her own way. You can always try to reason with her, but it’s most likely to work on a good day, when she is in a good mood. When this wolf is getting annoyed, irritated or else you would better stay away from his girl. Although, even if you consider her stubborn and sarcastic character, she can be a good listener. Yennefer loves to learn, even if her attitude may tell a different story. If something even remotely looks or sounds interested she is in. Biography: This wolf was brought up in a small, traveling community somewhere in the Benelux, which was made up of a mix of diverse canines. From dogs to wolves and everything in between. Yennefer was one of the second category, wolves. Her mother had joined this group, after traveling around for some time and settling in this pack. Her father, on the other hand, comes from a long running family within the community itself. And it so happened that his family was known for their falconry. As soon as Yennefer could walk this young wolf started to follow her dad around, she was just fascinated by the feathered creatures. Her dad was quickly won over by this over enthusiastic pup. What followed was him learning the small girl everything he knew about these birds and as soon as she could shift he started to practise with her, in the art of working alongside one of the majestic beings. This excitement, this happiness, however, didn’t last forever. At one point their tent caught fire. How? Nobody knew or so they claimed. Yennefer got stuck in the tent, she wanted to get the birds out, not realising her dad had gone away with them. The fire spread quickly, blocking her exit. If it wasn’t for the quick thinking of her mother, who saw the young girl run in the tent, she would have burned alive. After that Yennefer refused to go near fires for months. Big or small, she would walk a large circle around them. After a while tough she calmed down. It had taken a full year of talking to her, helping her until she trusted the warmth of the red flames again. Yet Yennefer still feels quite uncomfortable near big open fires, especially if she thinks they are not safe. After the fire incident live went on. Yennefer trained on with her dad and even got her own bird. She and her dad snatched a young peregrine falcon from its nest. Yennefer named her Iris. The bird was of course confused but the bird saw the benefits of livings with these canines rather quickly. Yennefer and the bird soon became friends. It also helped that the feathered creature picked up some words of high speech along the way. Live was good after that even if Yennefer longed for more. She loved her pack, her family, her friends yet she wanted more. She wanted to see the world. Around that time something else also happened. A young girl named Kate appeared. Yennefer had seen her before, their pack would trade with hers from time to time. However, something was wrong. Later she found out that the girl had left her pack with her mother. Yennefer had seen a similar dog a few days earlier. It turned out that that dog, Kate’s mother, was found dead somewhere outside this communities borders. After that Kate stayed with them, living with her uncle. Yennefer’s chance to go came with this new member. She and Kate had been acquaintances before, now they were becoming good friends. Kate needed someone and Yennefer was there for her. It turned out that this young dog was quite the fun girl. They joked together, went out on hunts, just anything to divert Kate from her mother’s dead. Soon the girl left that part of her behind, she actually wanted to leave everything behind. This place had left Kate with some nasty feelings, prompting the young wolfdog to leave. Yennefer saw how much Kate wanted this, so both of them packed their stuff and readied themselves to leave. One problem was left, they didn’t know where to start. Luckily, the old man, Kate’s uncle, helped them out. He guided them to a place they could take a boat, and it so happened he arranged them a seat on it! And so the two of them left for souls. Bayshore Symphony Concert, June 3rd, 2013 Mt. Vernon WA by BayshoreConcerts | Bayshore Concerts | Free Listening on SoundCloud Very killer & a Magickal thing to move forward with what once was the RTX sound. Can't wait to buy the new upcoming release. Goodonya, Jennifer!
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—and each other—the finished Starflight by Melissa Landers, and I am in shock. I had NO idea that I would love this book so much. From start to finish, this book had me hooked because Solara and Doran are the kind of characters that capture your attention and then capture your heart. At first, I hated Doran, and that's kind of why I loved this story because as time went on I got to see the real side of Doran, which was so lovable and amazing. I love stories that make me seriously change feelings about a character like that. That just shows how great the character development is in this story. Then we have Solara, who acts like a hard and unemotional person, but as the story went on, we get to see just how vulnerable and caring she really is. I fell in love with all of the Banshee crew members, honestly. This book was full of emotion, action, adventure, romance, serious character development, humor, mystery, and anticipation. I did NOT expect this book to satisfy me like it did. As most of you may or may not know, I usually don't read sci-fi book because in my experience, the featured topics are way over my head, use hard to understand technical language, or they just don't feature a story line that I like. However, this is probably one of my favorite if not THE favorite sci-fi books I've ever read. It had all the sci-fi elements that you love like space travel, space pirates, laser weapons, different worlds, etc. what I love about it most (apart from the characters that is) is that Landers doesn't feel the need to use tons of technical science language or anything like that to describe the atmosphere of the book or things that are happening. I didn't feel the need to have a dictionary close by like I did in the past with sci-fi books, and that was awesome. Anyway, for someone who doesn't usually like sci-fi books, the fact that I adore this one is shocking AND it should tell you that it's freaking amazing. I had so much fun reading this book from beginning to end, and I am SO glad that I picked this book up because it is a book that any genre lover would love. It has everything a book lover could ever ask for in it, and that's what makes it amazing. It's a plus that there is romance in there too because I love a good romance element, especially with Solara and Doran. Man, do I love those two. I seriously wish I had more time with them. I didn't want Starflight to end because I was having so much fun and I was so hooked on the story. Needless to say, I freaking love this book, and it took my mind away from my currently stressful life, for which I am also grateful for. If you are looking for an awesome book to read that allows you to get away from the world and your problems, then this is the book for you. It will take you on a wild ride and you will love every minute of it. I give Starflight five out of five stars!!
How to explore the United States one cup of specialty coffee at a time – the best cities for coffee in the US There are 2 countries on this planet that somehow are connected to me, to my soul. Two countries that have pulled me and are still pulling me over to its very soil. This is Japan and these are the United States of America. If someone would offer me money to hop on a... Have you ever spent time traveling alone? Have you ever spent time traveling on your own, without a tour guide, deciding for yourself, what to see and visit? I’d like to invite you to joining me on my way of traveling – ‘off the known paths’!... I know how it is, you’ve made all those crazy plans already, where to go, what to see, dreamt about walking through the streets of your next travel destination and all. But there’s this one aspect that causes you a serious bellyache at the same time: Getting there and...
(Vorpal Heritage: as long as the Chafer Foot Soldier is K.O., the first non-Boss allied Krosmaster playing after him gains the power: Critical.)
3. Professional installation is highly suggested. PartsFixit will not be responsible for any loss caused during the repairing. Foil Chafing Pan, Half Size: Party at Lewis Elegant Party Supplies, Plastic Dinnerware, Paper Plates and Napkins Add some color to a room this Easter by decorating with the Bunny Garland. The Bunny Garland will help bring holiday cheer to any room that you decide to decorate. The Bunny Garland is made up of colorful tissue bunnies that alternate in colors throughout the decoration. The Bunny Garland is the perfect decoration to hang across an entrance way or across the front of a buffet table. The Bunny Garland can be viewed by everyone from two different directions. The Bunny Garland can be used year after year by folding it into storage. Make decorating for the upcoming Easter holiday easy with the Easter Trimorama decorating kit. beautiful colors but since they are made of tissue I may not be able to reuse them next yr which is my goal when decorating my store for holidays: reuse to save $!
Band formed in Leeds, UK, 1980, by singer Andrew Eldritch and guitarist Gary Marx. Eldritch is the only surviving member of the original line-up, the band was notoriously different on each album. The band never had a drummer and used a progression of drum machines all named Doktor Avalanche. The group released a series of singles and was joined by Craig Adams on bass and Ben Gunn on second guitar. When they released their first album, "First and Last and Always", Wayne Hussey replaced Ben Gunn. Gary Marx left soon afterwards. Eldritch fell out with Adams and Hussey when they began working on a follow-up album and the group split. In 1986, Adams and Hussey started touring as using The Sisterhood. To stop them using the name, Eldritch recorded "Gift" with the help of collaborators Alan Vega (Suicide), Lucas Fox, Patricia Morrison (The Gun Club), James Ray (James Rays Gangwar) and Doktor Avalanche. Adams and Hussey became The Mission instead. Morrison subsequently became a member of the Sisters of Mercy for the release of "Floodland", though Eldritch later claimed she didn't contribute to the album. Eldritch assembled a new group to record their third and, so far, final album "Vision Thing" – recruiting first Andreas Bruhn, and then Tony James (formerly of Sigue Sigue Sputnik) and Tim Bricheno (All About Eve). A disastrous tour followed and the band started to have problems with their label. This line-up started to disintegrate, with Tony James left first to launch a solo career, then Bricheno started working on to his new project XC-NN and Bruhn recorded his own solo album, Floating Frequencies / Intuitive Synthesis II. In 1992, the group rerecorded the band's early song 'Temple of Love' with Ofra Haza on additional vocals, to coincide with the release of "Some Girls Wander by Mistake", a compilation of their early singles. The last new material released by the band was the 'Under The Gun' single in 1993, which accompanied the release of "Greatest Hits Volume One - A Slight Case Of Overbombing". Eldritch began a feud with EastWest Records and refused to release any more new material. Although the situation with the label was resolved in 1997, no new releases have appeared Way back in the mid-80s, I was a punk/metal kid with an increasingly Goth-influenced image. Don't laugh :D I bought almost everything they did until "This Corrosion", but it's the early 12"s which really did it for me - these were notable for probably being the first records I had ever bought which featured a drum machine (I was mostly into metal and punk until I heard "Alice"). Now, after decades of techno-party raving, virtually everything I buy features at least a TR-808 or a TR-909. How times change... :) Plenty of classic tunes on those early records, but how they got away with ripping off The Velvets' "Venus In Furs" on "Valentine" is beyond me :) In the early and mid 80ties when new wave was at its peak The Sisters Of Mercy were amongst the first to use drum machines instead of drums. Blasphemous so they were told. However their music couldn't surpass those who disparate shouted that these productions should not be released to market. Gladly the masses found it highly enjoyable. The people are never wrong. The Sisters Of Mercy managed to compose friendly yet haunting music of great class. Folk of all classes danced happily around to underground hits such as 'Alice', 'Temple Of Love' and 'This Corrosion'. Every release was a joy, talked about amongst friends and highly sought after. Sadly (and wilfully), the image of SOM seems now a dated frozen 'dark' picture, featuring Eldtritch in his typical 'goth' pose (term 'goth' he insists to exclude nowadays)... Hordes of their fans still live out this same frozen frame of 'Floodland' era - ironically, whatever their quailities might seem now, a group once sounding promising and then dropping bollocks altogether, layed their darkest eggs in that famous early period when 'goth' was less obvious in favour of Suicide and The Stooges flavour - 'Some Girls Wander By Mistake' is by far their most sincere body of work. Personally I was never that much of a fan of Sisters' but this one is worth paying sencere respect.
BrandRoads is an online store for promotional products and recognition items. The website features more than 50 product parameters, an advanced ordering process and automated shipping calculations for FedEx and UPS. PinSource is a leading global lapel pin manufacturer and supplier. Its website includes product details, corporate information and an expansive image gallery. Since PinSource has offices and affiliates throughout the world, its website is presented in 13 languages. Scorpion Precision Industry is a manufacturer of brushless motors and speed controllers for model aircrafts. Website allows modellers all over the world buy Scorpion products online. Website is integrated with FileMaker database and all the orders placed via site automatically appear in FileMaker database. BrandRoads Sports, a division of BrandRoads, specializes in sports-related promotional items. The website includes a virtual catalog and ordering process similar to BrandRoads. Priority Bands is a create-your-own silicone wristband site. This online design studio allows the user to choose a color, font and custom message and preview the wristband in real time with an option to order immediately. named for the independence day of the modern Turkish Republic, is a virtual catalog showcasing Turkish flag and Ataturk themed products. SUI Brands unites companies under the SUI International, Ltd. umbrella, with links to all of its divisions, including PinSource, BrandRoads and PinStocker. Pinstocker is an online store offering a wide variety of in-stock lapel pins. This site includes a virtual catalog and online ordering. Mansfield Mint, a division of SUI International, Ltd., offers custom commemorative and challenge coins. The site features product details, company information and a coin gallery. Münzwerke is a german version of the site. Home short descriptive essay about person essay writing on if i was invisible ways to start a critical lens essay continuous writing essay fast food virginia woolf modern fiction essay full text what should a good cover letter do texas a&m non thesis masters review of articles requirement for custom assignment best college admission essay Short-form PDS � Superannuation (HIP division) and/or Policy Document for the relevant product that I it; b) the answers to the questions in this application and any other relevant personal statement(s) Unique Short Personal Statement Examples A common mistake unknowingly committed by majority of admission applicants is in their personal statement. We concentrate on helping our customers with the short artist statement Personal statements are included on many applications for university programs. We've produced this short guide on writing a personal statement to help you with the process Just read through it, follow the steps, and you should soon have a rough first draft in place. Your �personal statement� is the short summary of your key skills and experience that you should put at the top of your CV. Social worker and philanthropist Shanika Kirindeniya will donate stationery items, uniforms and school equipment to students of Wahawa Junior School and the Hela Kumara Junior School in Ampara on Friday, September 7 at 9.00 a.m.
| Free Listening on SoundCloud A song from Princeton University in the big band era, digitized from the University Archives (Triangle Club Jazz Band and Bus Davis '41, AR 2001-1). Presented courtesy of the Princeton Triangle Club; downloads and reproductions are prohibited. Playlists containing "Join the Navy," performed by the Princeton Triangle Club Jazz Band (circa 1940) Kathy Kosins doesn't take anything for granted; for instance, she has been one of the very few jazz singers to question the absolute necessity of long-playing albums. Since 2010, she has adapted to the changing needs of the music industry, and specifically her fans, by releasing a regular series of digital singles. So, when she announces a new album, it's abundantly clear that this won't be just an arbitrary assemblage of random tunes, but a very special collection of specific songs that have a darned good reason for being connected to each other in the album format. I call it Life.. Starts off slow.. Gains pace.. you have a second lease of life in the later part of it.. and it finally tapers out.. And like life.. it isn't perfect :) During the Nkandla saga, the FF Plus suggested in Parliament that former President Jacob Zuma’s salary must be reduced to R1. This is still the FF Plus’s opinion as regards the parliamentary motion tabled today that the former president must receive his full pension. Although the FF Plus, as opposed to the ANC government, is of the opinion that South Africa’s Constitution as well as the office of the president must be respected, the party also believes that the person serving in the office must deserve respect. If there is one person in this country who was unlawfully enriched, more so than anyone else, it is President Zuma. He got a personal residence to the value of R246 million for which taxpayers paid. The ANC government is now paying the price for what transpired over the last ten years under the leadership of President Zuma and next year at the polls, the party will pay for it again. Astonishingly enough though, the ANC is still trying to help and protect the former president. It seems like the ANC is simply unable to do the right thing. And as long as that is the case, the party will pay a price at the polls. Mandoza – Back For More Here is ndoza. DOWNLOAD Mandoza – Back For More ALSO CHECK OUT: […] Learn all about otters at a recently opened exhibit, Otters & Their Water, at Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in Sarasota, Florida. The exhibit... With boating season warming up on the Texas Gulf Coast, thoughts are turning to cruising destinations with white sandy beaches or to docking up... Sand 'Fantaseas', new electronic boat shuttles, lingering Red Tide effects and more in the Florida Gulf Updates April 2017. Sugar Sand Fantasea Anyone with children understands... As boaters, we love our waterways in Texas and Louisiana—they’re our stomping grounds. Whether our boats take us to a favorite fishing spot for... Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory is sponsoring the 5th Annual Whatever Floats Your Boat Regatta in Apalachee Bay on Saturday, September 24th.... 1. Do you have to be licensed to install or service a low voltage lighting system in the state of Georgia? Yes and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. This is IN ADDITION to having a business license and is an actual trade license that is required by law. If you are considering multiple quotes, ask to see the competition’s low voltage license before signing any contract (it will start with LV). This is extremely important for your safety. Many fires have started from faulty installations or fixtures and your insurance company may deny a claim if they find out you hired a non-licensed contractor. For more information visit the State of Georgia’s Secretary of State website to review the law regarding this. There are a lot of factors that go into the cost of every customized job. Our projects have ranged from $1800-$30,000. As you can see there is a wide range of project sizes. But, the average cost of our projects is between $2500-$3000. We do, but only on professionally installed systems. DIY systems or any systems that utilized Lowe’s or Home Depot fixtures, we are not able to service. Because we take on the liability of any system we service, we have to ensure that the system is up to code and utilizes materials that are going to be worth your while to pay us to fix. We will perform an assessment of your system and come up with the best course of action to ensure you get the most bang for your buck while at the same time being safe. We only service moonlights that we have installed. If you have older moonlights that are in need of servicing, we have found that the best course of action is to replace the fixtures, bring the ballasts to the base of the tree if the height will allow it (so you don’t have to pay for a tree climb to diagnose a ballast issue in the future), and replace the wiring up the tree so that it stands off of the tree to allow for tree growth. Rather than paying for our time per hour to diagnose issues with products with no warranty, it is more cost effective to start over with new fixtures that have a warranty. Our moonlights come with a 3 year warranty on the parts and labor is warrantied for 1 year. We also have LED moonlights available that are only 22 watts versus the 175 watt mercury vapor bulbs. Because these systems are outside, they do require some amount of TLC each year. Even with LED fixtures. Mineral deposits build up on the lenses, landscapers knock lights out of alignment, plant material grows, and bulbs can burn out. This is an important component in ensuring your system does last a lifetime. We will match a competitor’s bid provided that the competitor has a low voltage license, has a favorable rating with the BBB, and we are able to see their proposal. Teach children how to reduce their risk of being victims of crime. Insist on knowing where they are, what they are doing, and who they are with. Ask their friends to get involved in making our country safer for all of us. Our children are the future leaders of our country & the sooner we enroll them in the fight against crime the better Get involved. Volunteer to help in community and neighborhood watches and other community improvement efforts. Encourage religious, civic, & social groups to help stop crime. Use common-sense to reduce your risk of being a victim of crime. Stay in well-lighted, busy areas; travel with a friend if possible; walk in a confident, assured way. Avoid known trouble spots. Tell all your friends which streets to avoid Report crimes and suspicious activities to police; agree to testify when necessary. Stand up for what you believe in if you want a safe community. Encourage the youth to do likewise Get to know your neighbours and agree to look out for each other. Look after your neighbour's house when he is away. Get organised; work with the police. Find ways to settle arguments without violence. If you resort to violence to settle disputes, this is what you will teach your child. Be a good example Use common courtesy. It helps ease tensions that can lead to violence. Teach your kids that common courtesy is important. Don't support illegal activities, like buying stolen property or using illegal drugs. It's the wrong message to send a child, and it involves you in criminal activity. ed recreation, tutoring programs, part-time work, and volunteer opportunities. Set up a Neighborhood Watch or a community patrol, working with police. Make sure your streets and homes are well lighted. SACMEC is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered as a Section 21 company in terms of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 of South Africa. SACMEC will operate in association with the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) based in Virginia, USA.It will also form partnerships with NGO's and Government Departments that have the same goals concerning the children of South Africa, and on the continent of Africa. Simply place this code on your website, or copy it into an email and send it to your webmaster. Make South Africans aware of all the crime!!! Please be careful and warn everyone you know! We all hear about these incidents and hope it never happens to anyone we know, however the latest styles used by would be hi-jackers are far more horrific than ever before. Because of the new gun laws windows, even a small bit at any intersections whatsoever. Please see below attached report from Discovery Health Lets be careful out there Crime in South Africa is an issue every tourist should be aware of. Still South Africa is a near to perfect tourist destination. Its beaches and wildlife are spectacular, the standard of accommodation surpasses that of most first world counties and the value for money is unbeatable. Unfortunately South Africa does suffer from far too much crime and we hope that this information about crime in South Africa will assist your safe holiday in South Africa. Safety and Security: Political violence has significantly decreased in most areas of South Africa since the establishment of a democratically-elected government in May 1994. Areas most frequented by tourists, such as major hotels, game parks, and beaches, have generally been unaffected by political violence. Although foreigners have not been specifically targeted, travelers are encouraged to be vigilant and avoid any large gathering. Nevertheless, the possibility of renewed violence particularly in times of heightened world tension. It may be advisable to avoid the large public gatherings that are common on the following South African holidays: March 21 (Human Rights Day), April 27 (Freedom Day), May 1 (Worker's Day), and June 16 (Youth Day). While visiting game parks and reserves, leaving your vehicle or otherwise being on foot can be dangerous, even in the presence of a guide. There have been several incidents of wild animal attacks on tourists in the region, which have resulted in deaths and serious injury. CRIME: Although the vast majority of visitors complete their travels in South Africa without incident, visitors should be aware that criminal activity, sometimes violent, occurs on a routine basis. Crime in South Africa is perceived to be a significant threat to the country's overall stability and to the welfare of its citizens. Criminal activity, such as assault and armed robbery, is particularly high in areas surrounding many hotels and public transportation centers, especially in major cities. Tourists should exercise particular caution in these areas. Notwithstanding government anti-crime efforts, violent crimes such as carjackings, muggings, "smash and grab" attacks on vehicles and other incidents are regularly reported by visitors. STOP FARM KILLING -The South African farming community has suffered from attacks for many years.The majority of the victims have been Afrikaner farmers, with claims of death tolls of up to 3,000 cited in the national and international media.While the government describes the attacks as simply part of the bigger picture of crime in South Africa white farmers point to brutal attacks and incidents involving self-declared racist motivations as evidence of a campaign to drive them off their land. SOUTH AFRICAN GENOCIDE - Pretoria, South Africa – The genocide against white Afrikaans speaking people in South Africa is continuing, they are also known as “boers”. Over the past few days a number of people were brutally murdered, some even had nothing stolen as black armed gangs target white people in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN AWB LEADER - Eugène Ney Terre'Blanche (31 January 1941 – 3 April 2010) was a former member of South Africa's Herstigte Nasionale Party who founded the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) during the apartheid era. During the 1980s and early 1990s, he became known for threatening civil war to maintain white rule in South Africa.After the country's transition to post-apartheid democracy, he revised his stances and urged his followers to push for independence in an independent Afrikaner homeland, which he frequently referred to as a "Boerevolkstaat". Terre'Blanche led the organisation until his death in 2010. SOUTH AFRICAN RIGHT WING KILLED - Eugene Terreblanche, leader of the South African far-right group AWB (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging) was found murdered on his Ventersdorp in the North West on Saturday evening. He was 69.AWB spokesman André Visagie reports Terreblanche was found in his bed, beaten with pipes and hacked with a machete while he slept at approximately 18:00 South African time. SOUTH AFRICAN PARTYS - South Africa has a vibrant multiparty political system, with 13 parties represented in the National Assembly of Parliament.The African National Congress (ANC) is the majority party, with 264 of the 400 National Assembly seats. The party also controls eight of the country's nine provinces, with the exception of the Western Cape, where the Democratic Alliance won the majority in the 2009 elections. STAY ALIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA - Be aware that parts of South Africa are high crime areas. Although there is no need to be paranoid it is wise to take some basic precautions and be alert as you would in any situation.Starting at the point of entry at the international airport upon arrival, keep your luggage secure as there are some thieves within the terminal building who are always on the lookout for easy pickings. Each year 395,000 road accidents take place on Florida’s roads, according to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Too often these accidents are the result of driver aggression, with one study ranking Florida as the 8th most aggressive state. In a bid to cut the number of aggressive drivers in the south, the Florida Highway Patrol has relaunched the Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) campaign. The campaign previously targeted aggressive drivers in South Florida in 2014 and the team behind the initiative hope it will continue to be a success this year. Research has found that when a large truck is involved in a fatal collision, 88% of the time the cause of the incident is driver error. Whereas, a mere 12% of accidents are the result of vehicle defects or poor driving conditions. Under the initiative, the Highway Patrol has said that they will ticket drivers who are witnessed following too closely, changing lanes when it’s unsafe to do so or who commit speeding violations on Florida’s highways. Each year thousands of drivers in South Florida are involved in road accidents as a result of aggressive drivers and dangerous roads. Therefore, the Highway Patrol’s campaign is a welcome sigh of relief which will go a long way in cutting the number of accidents on the roads and overhauling the way the nation drive. While the campaign will only run for two weeks, it is hoped that the tickets dished out alongside a billboard and radio campaign will have a long-term effect on drivers in the south. South Florida’s home to some of the country’s most dangerous roads. A study conducted in 2017 revealed that the I-95 Express lanes from Little River to the Golden Glades Interchange, Miami, (NW 69th Street) was the deadliest road in the country. Meanwhile, Miami’s Northwest 54th Street, as well as Northwest 7th Street, also fell in the top 15. With locals already battling hazardous roads, it’s essential that the Tact campaign is successful to prevent an increase in the probability of being involved in a road accident. In 2016, 668,699 drivers were involved in a crash on Florida’s roads. These individuals would have undoubtedly received various injuries. Head, neck, spinal, facial and back injuries are all common injuries experienced when you’re involved in a car accident and many also develop psychological injuries as a result of the shock and emotions experienced. One study found that 9.6% of individuals with a musculoskeletal injury experienced psychological distress, too. Scottsdale personal injury lawyer states that, “Immediately after an accident or incident, you are often overcome with emotion, making it difficult to determine what your next steps should be.” The campaign that the Highway Patrol has launched aims to significantly reduce the chances of you being involved in a crash, but if you do find yourself in one, be sure to seek professional advice regarding your injuries. Roster spots for next years Ducks team will be offered to returning players first, and we will fill in as needed. We will also add a couple pitchers because our staff has an average age of 32. August 11, 2014 mightyeskimo Tagged amateur baseball, Ducks, Ducks Baseball, 0.49. Nov 16
Every year, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and Total Upstream Companies in Nigeria (TUCN) award scholarships to deserving Nigerian students in the tertiary institutions in the country. The programme, NNPC/TUCN National Merit Scholarship Awards, is aimed at promoting academic excellence and quality manpower development in the Country. This is one of the the many ways Total demonstrates its commitment to the educational development of Nigerian students. This is part of Total’s rich Corporate Social Responsibility. This scholarship scheme has been successfully carried out over the years, and Total Upstream Nigeria Limited (TUPNI), in pursuance of it’s Corporate Social Responsibility, hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Nigerian undergraduates for the 2018/2019 National Merit Scholarship (formerly known as, Nigeria Tertiary Institutions Scholarships). The NNPC/TUCN National Merit Scholarship Award is open to duly admitted, recognized full time Nigerian students, pursuing undergraduate programmes in recognized universities, who are in their first or second year of studies and who are NOT beneficiaries of any other scholarships. To qualify for consideration applicants MUST: Application forms must be completed on-line on the official web site (link to it is below). You will need to register here. While filling in your application, you should bear these IMPORTANT NOTES in mind: It is important to read the Conditions of Award, and also to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information for your application. All applications will close four weeks from the initial date of this publication i.e. on or before October 31, 2018. Selection tests will hold on 1st December 2018 at designated centres nationwide which will be communicated to shortlisted candidates only. Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted for the tests. Candidates will fully bear the cost of transportation to and from test venue as no reimbursement shall be made. Candidates are therefore advised to choose the test center closest to them. TOTAL S.A. is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company and one of the six "Supermajor" oil companies in the world. The company has its head office in the Tour Total in the La Défense district in Courbevoie, West of Paris. Total Upstream Companies in Nigeria (TUCN) consist of Total Exploration & Production Nigeria Limited (Total E&P Nig Ltd) and Total Upstream Nigeria Limited (TUPNI). Filed Under: agriculture, any field, business/finance, computer/IT, education, engineering, january, law, management, medicine, nigeria, october, science/technology, undergraduate @Annonymous, you're quite right about this. But since the link was still active as at yesterday, and several students actually DID apply over the last few days, I'll advice you re-check in the next 24hours. Meanwhile, i have sent the providers a mail seeking explanations on the current situation. You may also wish to send them a mail too. Remain calm, and i am sure this will all work out fine sooner than later. Hello, you can only be in the 1st or 2nd year of your course to apply. No more, no less! Except the providers change this rule. Hello, the online form to fill in on the official website (via the link we provided above) was active for about 6 days and many students actually applied. However, for no reason at all that we can deduce, the scholarship providers i.e. total elf, suddenly removed the active link on their site on that 6th day. We've written to them on this and even advised others to write too, but total has refused to offer any explanation. Study & Scholarships is really sorry about this. But we truly cannot coerce any of the scholarship providers to give an explanation if they dont want to. We continue to monitor their site, and would tell you once the link is up and active again. Hello everyone, if you have been unable to apply to this scholarship because of inactive or missing application links on TOTAL E&P website or due to difficulty linking to the TOTAL E&P website, WE ARE PLEASED to announce that all these problems have been rectified. Click on the 'More Scholarship and Application Information' link in the article above to visit the scholarship provider's official application website and apply to this scholarship. The deadline date has also been extended to 3weeks afterwards i.e 23rd April, 2013. I am a 200l student of architecture in the cross river university of technology calabar, and I would like to know if I could apply for this scholar§hip Hello, strictly speaking Architecture isn't listed on the approved courses; but i believe it should be one of the Environmental sciences. For this you may need to confirm from your dean or the scholarship providers. Good luck! Hello @Annonymous, to the best of our knowledge, there is no exam relevant to the Nigerian student known as OLVL. Therefore, if you saw this, it must be a typo error. We believe OLVL as you referred to means O'Level. Thus your WAEC and your O'Level result should mean one and the same thing! Goodluck as you upload your documents! I'm still unable 2 apply 4 the scholarship... We are asked 2 click on the programme links below bt there is nothing 2 click there.. I have just checked these links few moments ago and the links are all working very well and still very active. If you have further queries, please use the contact details in the article above. Goodluck! Hello, unfortunately, we have no idea of the nature of the selection test questions. However it will not be outside the scope of what you are expected to know at your current level in the university. For answers more specific and detailed than this, please contact the official providers via the 'CONTACT' address supplied in the article above. Goodluck to you! Am sorry to say that mass comm is not included in the list of eligible courses for this particular scholarship. Sorry to say,,, but i havent seen any scholarship, in the whole site,covering Religion and Social work students,,, is it that the courses are not recognised or what? Scholarships offered under the 'Any field' tag applies to ALL courses including Religion and Social work, if these fields are available as a course at the participating institutions. Although we also have 'Religious scholarships', however, thank you for drawing our attention to the fact that we do not have as many scholarships as may be desirable covering Religion and Social work on their own. We will work over the coming weeks/months to rectify this! please when wil they shorlist candidates for the test. how do I knw if I have been shorlisted for the tests The providers spelt out clearly in the above article thus: Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted for the tests. Thus, after the close of application in May this year, you will be contacted IF you are shortlisted. You will definitely be contacted via the contact details you submitted while applying; however, it is also good you continue to check the provider's official website regularly (via link in the above article). I have done every other thing concerning the application, i have received my pin before the closing date, but i have not completed all the steps. what is my condition? I have received my pin,i have uploaded picture, but i have not completed the sections. what is my condition? Hello...could you be so kind as not to bump this thread? Bumping could get your questions ignored...or even deleted! Posting your question once, ONLY ONCE, would get it answered in due course when one of the admins log onto the site. Please do not bump again. Thanks for understanding! Hello @Annonymous, Total Elf Nigeria (the official providers of this scholarship) made it explicitly clear from the beginning that it will contact ONLY candidates it has shortlisted. Total Elf Nigeria clearly stated: Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted for the tests. If you have NOT been contacted up til now, it very likely you have NOT been shortlisted by Total Elf Nigeria. For your inquiries and concerns, Total recommends that you should write them at: OR simply click on 'Post Comments' on the home page of Total website (link to it is in the article above), type in your comments and click 'submit' OR call 08093391616. pls i wana knw if m outa d race cz v nt bin contacted yet n idk anyone who has bin. So if ders anyone who knws anyone dat has been shortlisted kindly reply fanx. Hello, we apologize for this mix-up. The scholarship applications for 2016/17 have not yet started. It will commence very soon! i an not able to continue d registration. i clicked d NEXT button, yet , it did not respond. whats going on.
The culture and gastronomy, economy and trades of Zanzibar are there because of what nature has brought to this part of the world. The seasonal monsoons brought traders in search of spices, ivory from the mainland and ambergris. The Zanzibaris grow spices and are adept fisherman. You can see them building dhows, not to be seen building dhows by tourists, but building dhows because that is how they transport things around the archipelago and to the mainland, as they always have. The dhows are handbuilt with no sign of machine tool - but a smouldering fire to turn the planks of wood in until they are twisted to form the perfect curve in the assembly of a hull. They do not need to learn new ways to do things as they still know how to do things. Alongside the men intent on their dhow building women work on the intertidal reaches where they farm seaweed for export to Asia and treat seagrass to be woven into mats for flooring and to make baskets. Clam gatherers comb the same shore for sweet pickings.
Our latest EP is now available on all digital formats so download your copy now on one of the links below! Haute couture dancefloor imprint House Of Disco enter the club dressed to impress, ready to shake their shit to the stunning sounds of Mr Ron Basejam. The Crazy P production genius heads for the peaktime from the off, working up a proper sweat as he houses up the disco-soul loops of “When I Hear That Music” with sharp filter use, stomping percussion and additional fx wizardry. Next up, “KAG” drops us into the deep sweetness of syrupy slow motion boogie as Ron loops that shit to infinity and beyond in a Garth Be style – hot stuff. Next up, Ron invites fellow Crazy P member Danielle Moore into the booth to add her vocal talents to the rolling nu disco of “We Know How To Work It”, a grooving sequencer fuelled number that whets the appetite nicely ahead of the forthcoming Crazy P album. Next up, “The Fire” is a sleek funk bomb right out of the Prince playbook, tarted up with chiming cowbells and grooving bassline. Never one to leave us wanting, Ron provides a bit of DJ delight with his reprise of “When I Hear The Music”, a dubwise version excursion that’ll have the club half cut, dancing at half speed. Another killer release from the House Of Disco stable. All of your health, skin & beauty care available in a warm and friendly atmosphere with Henley’s finest therapists. The Better Skin Clinic is the home of the elite restorative skin treatment 'HydraFacial'. The clinic's 'better skin' philosophy is based on the understanding that having great skin boosts our sense of self esteem and confidence. The clinic's proven treatments are fully results driven, and the focus is always on naturally and noticeably improving your skin. Nolan Osteopathy has been established in Henley on Thames since 2014 and its principal osteopath is Maria Nolan. A former accountant, her goal is to help people of all ages lead happier, healthier and pain free lives and is a huge believer in educating people to better self-manage their pain and symptoms from home. She treats people with a wide range of musculoskeletal problems including; The Great Little Waxing Co. is a lovely treatment room within The Henley Hub, where I specialise purely in hot and strip wax. I trained with the Waxing Queen, Kim Lawless, who is renowned for her waxing technique and in conjunction with the very high quality wax used, the whole experience is therefore a far more pleasurable one! To see all my treatments, prices and other info please see my Facebook page - The Great Little Waxing Co. By default, your web brois Cookie is enabled, these Cookies are used to clocation, location when the folks at Partners’ LTD decided to move from their Arnould Blvd. storefront to Parc Lafayette. “The sales floor is bigger, and the floor plan is more open. It’s a great location and a good opportunity for us,” says manager Nick Usie. The Usie family wanted to own rather than rent and found the option to build a free-standing store on a lot in Parc Lafayette. The doors officially opened Saturday at the new location while they continue to wrap up sales at the old store through the weekend. The moving sale includes items 25 to 75 percent off with pieces as low as $25. In the new location, Usie says to expect the same beloved brands Partners’ has offered for years along with some new blood. “We wanted something fresh and some new brands … a little more trendy brands to go with our classic lines,” he says. Members of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan distributed small zip-locked packets on the windshields of vehicles parked along the sleepy streets and in the driveways of Many residents ... Nearly seven years after it was signed into law and despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, David Klinghoffer, a blogger for the Discovery Institute, a con-profit organization based in Washington state, continues to insist that the Louisiana Science ... Less than 24 hours after Gov. Bobby Jindal announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee, a state house committee, in a 10-2 vote, effectively killed the only bill he had expressly endorsed during the current legislative session ... On Friday, less than 24 hours after Moody’s downgraded LSU's credit rating, panicked investors withdrew their backing of $114.5 million in bonds for the university ... A few weeks ago, on the coat tails of The Advocate's request, I sent Thomas Enright, Bobby Jindal’s executive counsel, an identical public records request: I also wanted any and all e-mails the governor had sent and received on his account, the same ... Armed with the facts, Lamar takes aim at a recent accusation from Louisiana's premiere blog site for far-right craziness ... A month after he was sworn in as Louisiana’s newest U.S. Senator, Bill Cassidy expressed his appreciation of an internal audit conducted by LSU in response to questions about his employment with the university while serving in Congress ... “That belt buckle!” Robin exclaimed. “Did you see that belt buckle? It said, ‘Governor Bobby Jindal, State of Louisiana,' and it had a fleur-de-lis in the middle.” ...
The report, written by Brown University associate professor Susan Moffitt and seven other researchers, says that the department “remains a vital component of instructional support with its responsibility to gather and... A new law requires schools to test their water for lead, but children could remain exposed to dangerous levels of the toxic metal. Los Angeles Unified has tested water in all of its schools for lead over the last decade, but critics say its policies put children at risk. Oakland, San Diego and Berkeley Unified are among the districts that have adopted lower limits for lead in water than the state law. A new report finds tlifornia’s community colleges are embarking on the most far-reaching reform they have ever adopted, in a bid to tackle their biggest challenge: to improve on historically low rates of student graduation and... The three students who vote on the governing boards of California’s three gigantic systems of higher education say they want to focus attention this year on the costs of housing... California Supreme Justice Goodwin Liu raised court-watchers’ eyebrows two years ago when the court declined to consider a much-watched lawsuit over the adequacy of state education funding, but Liu hinted he’d welcome... Federal spending on children will drop about a quarter within a decade, as appropriations for the elderly and rising interest payments on a soaring national debt will squeeze spending on...
Some engine conversions make so much sense that they become the linchpin of a particular car community or scene. Think Zetec and YB swaps in the world of old Fords, B-series VTECs in Hondas of all shapes and sizes, and, in the world of fettled VWs, 20vs and VR6s. It’s the latter we’re looking at here, namely as it’s an engine we’ve been instructed to transplant into the engine bay of the Mk1 Golf you see here. We’re not going to pretend that we’re the first to carry out such a swap, not even close, but we do plan on making said conversion one of the best realised to date. The owner of this car is a long time VW fan and came to us with a fairly straightforward brief, namely a show-worthy Mk1 Golf with VR6 propulsion, air suspension and our now customary attention to detail. His intention to use it as a show car meant that handling poise and cornering finesse weren’t his chief considerations, both taking a backseat to noise in terms of outright importance. This in turn lead us down the VR6 route, as let’s face it, these engines might come with a hefty weight penalty when compared to more modern offerings, but there’s no denying that they sound simply superb at full chat. The Golf actually arrived at our premises looking very clean indeed, it having even been displayed on the official Meguiars stand in the recent past. As ever when it comes to a build of this type however, there’s always room for improvement, which is why we soon found ourselves stripping the Golf down to a bare shell in readiness for a media blast. This gave us a much clearer idea of what we faced in terms of rot, and while we’ve certainly tackled cars in far worse conditions in terms of bodywork, an in depth inspection revealed the shell to be rustier than first impressions would’ve had us believe. The inner sills, wheel well and both rear quarter panels all needed work, while we opted to replace the poorly fitted rear panel completely, just to be on the safe side. Knowing that we planned to install a VR6 allowed us to plan accordingly, which is what lead us to notch the chassis leg to gain extra clearance. While fitting a VR6 doesn’t necessarily entail a chassis modification such as this, our desire to retain the OEM length driveshafts gave us little other option. Other metalwork alterations include a bias peddle-box and associated re-mounting of the master cylinder inboard, which in turn has allowed us to clean up the bulkhead for a more aesthetically pleasing under bonnet appearance. The Mk1 actually came to us wearing a nice coat of one of perhaps the most iconic Golf colours of all, Mars Red, though the owner was clear from the very beginning that he wanted to take the car down a different path. This eventually lead us to spray the Golf in an Audi colour, Daytona Grey, a subtle hue perfectly in keeping with the Golf’s early hot hatch origins. Other changes in appearance are equally subtle, the addition of an Air Lift air suspension kit and BBS RM wheels both good examples. Both are a tried and tested means of getting a Mk1 Golf looking better than its maker ever deemed possible, and we thought there was little point attempting to reinvent the wheel (no pun intended) in this respect. Already sitting pretty atop timeless BBS wheels, the Golf is currently in the middle of a steady rebuild process Sourcing a VR6 donor car has become a damn sight trickier in recent years thanks to the scrappage scheme, the popularity of these engines in swaps, and of course the general passage of time, which is why we breathed a collective sigh of relief when the owner revealed he planned on supplying said engine himself, along with a suitable gearbox. These have since been given a mild cosmetic overhaul and general inspection, and have since been bolted to the car. Currently fully painted and partially assembled, the VR6 Golf is in the final stages of its build. The interior is beginning to come together and will soon sport a set of SPA clocks and various other additions, meaning we should have it up and running by the end of the year. Over 80% of bags protected by ReturnMe get returned! Attach these beautiful Destination-themed luggage tags to any bag such as your travel bags, school bags, laptop bags and more. Get your city or your favorite travel destination on your travel bags - all while protecting them at the same time! Confidential and secure as your name, number and address are not printed on the tag like conventional luggage tags. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, a lost bag will definitely ruin your trip! Finders from around the world are motivated to contact ReturnMe 24/7 when your bag is found. We then connect you with the finder or arrange to have your bag shipped back to you from anywhere in the world! We even reward the finder for their help. Bag tags are epoxy-domed and come with a 5 year w be tapped at Tonic in Menasha, Wisconsin on July 25. Join us from 4:30-6:30pm!
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Pune: A bus carrying 40 persons fell down a mountain road in Ambenali Ghat in Raigad district on Saturday morning. Local MLA Bharat Gogawale said that 32 persons have died in the accident. The bus with 38 staff members of Konkan Agricultural University, Dapoli, Raigad district, were travelling from Dapoli to Mahabaleshwar in Satara district, when it fell down into an 800 feet gorge near Dabhil Tok. Local police along with Trekkers groups launched the rescue operation. A team from National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Talegaon (Pune) have been sent with necessary equipment. Sanjay Bhave, a senior official of the University said, “Every year after paddy plantation, the staffs go for a picnic. This year too they were going for the picnic, when the accident happened. We don't know more details about them.” Ramesh Shendge, Tehsildar of Mahableshwar Taluka told Sakal Times that so far only seven bodies have been recovered. Shendge added that carrying out rescue operation is a challenge as the bus has fallen 700-800 feet deep in the valley. The accident took place near Dabhil village, Poladpur Taluka in Raigad district. The spot is around 4 km away from Paratapgadh fort. The locals shared that the spot where this accident took place, is a comparatively straight patch of the road in Poladpur ghat section. The primary investigation into this incident indicates that there are chances that driver may have lost control while trying to look back in order to check on the activities of passengers. The spot where this accident took place had no protective railings. Shendge shared that the members of three trekkers groups namely Mahableshwar Trekkers, Sahyadri, and Poladpur Young Blood Adventure are carrying out the rescue operation. Total six ambulances from Mahabaleshwar, Kubroshi, Tapola, Poladpur, Chiplun have rushed to the spot. Pained to know about the loss of lives in Mahabaleshwar bus accident.Administration taking all efforts to provide required assistance. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis took to twitter about the tragic incident and offered his condolences to the victim's family.
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – One year ago, Aaron Hernandez, a sophomore at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, experienced what many student-athletes fear – getting kicked-off the team. Hernandez, who became academically ineligible to continue playing baseball because of a low GPA, said the experience was an eye-opener. But with a healthy dose of persistence and dedication, he made his way back to the pitcher’s mound and rocketed to the number three ranking in the nation for collegiate baseball pitchers. “I’ve always loved baseball, it’s my first love,” said Hernandez. “Baseball always came first for me, but during my freshman year that all changed. I had problems going to class and I was immature about everything. I had to change and work harder to improve my academic performance so I could play baseball again.” Hernandez did not allow this setback to stymie his passion for baseball and sought support from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi resources including tutors, academic mentors and coaches in the Compliance and Student-Athlete Services (CSAS). The CSAS provided Hernandez one-on-one tutoring sessions with Jennifer Baker, director of CSAS, who helped him to gain a better understanding of his course material. “Aaron is one of those success stories we refer to when we have other students in similar situations,” shared Baker. “Having Aaron work to overcome those setbacks, realize the importance of academic achievement and work hard to be successful in the classroom is a testament to his desire to be a true student-athlete.” In addition, Hernandez committed to improving his academic performance by changing his priorities and learning better time management. He not only established an organized schedule but also reduced the time he spent hanging out with his friends, playing video games and watching movies. “I made a mistake, so I had to face the consequences and the facts,” said Hernandez. “I had to work harder if I wanted to play baseball again. So, I spent more time in the study hall doing homework.” Hernandez, who is originally from Corpus Christi, returned to the field this year and since then, his expertise as a right-handed pitcher has contributed to the Island University baseball team’s overall success. Throughout his baseball career, Hernandez has appeared in 20 games with five starts, pitched 39 1/3 innings and earned 41 hits and 31 runs as well as 37 strikeouts. “If Aaron continues being a good student-athlete it's possible he is going to become the best baseball player to have ever put on an Islander uniform,” stated Scott Malone, head coach of the Islander Baseball Team. “There is value in this 21-year-old. Aaron is only scratching the surface of how great he can be, his best days are just ahead of him.” Even though his main goal is to play baseball professionally, Hernandez is currently working on his Bachelor of Arts in Communication, a discipline he chose because he was fascinated by the many different perspectives communication encompasses. The student-athlete acknowledges the path was not easy and encourages other Islanders to never give up on their dreams. “When you feel like things are falling apart, just stop sit back, relax and look at everything you have to do,” concluded Hernandez. “Planning, getting your priorities straight and making sacrifices are the most important – especially if you want to be at the top in your academics.” Friability is the tendency for a tablet to chip, crumble or break following compression. This tendency is normally confined to un-coated tablets and surfaces during handling or subsequent storage. For obvious reasons, tablets need to be hard enough such that they do not break up in the bottle but friable enough that they disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract after indigestion. Thus for the Pharmaceutical industry it is imperative and of foremost importance to check the Friability of the tablets before dispatching them to sell to the customers. Tanco’s Friability test Equipment is a rage among the Pharmaceutical Industry in India and abroad and is highly sort after. Available in
From the retention of birth names after marriage to the permissibility of using a woman’s sexual history in assault trials, women’s right activists and advocacy organizations have long used Canada’s legal system to fight for gender equity. Despite achievements, the experiences of the women trying these landmark cases have often gone unheard: with persistent underrepresentation and gendered-wage gaps persisting across the legal field, there is still much progress to be made towards the way in which professional women are conceptualized and treated in comparison to their male counterparts. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, it is clear now more than ever, that a conversation is needed about how women are treated—both by the law and in the law. On February 14, the Hart House Debates & Dialogue Committee will host Marie Henein, one of Canada’s most successful criminal lawyers, and the former defence counsel to Jian Gomeshi and Michael Bryant, in conversation with Kim Stanton, lawyer at Goldblatt Partners LLP and former Legal Director of the Women’s Legal Education Fund (LEAF). Marie Henein is one of Canada’s most respected criminal lawyers, specializing in criminal defense. Henein Hutchinson LLP, the law firm which she is a partner at has taken on many high-profile cases. Henein earned her Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School before receiving her Master of Laws degree from Columbia Law School in 1991. Her most notable cases include her defence of former CBC radio host, Jian Ghomeshi and former hockey agent, David Frost. She has been repeatedly named one of the top 25 most influential Lawyers in Canada, arguing at all levels of court including the Ontario Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Ms. Henein served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Law Commission of Ontario, and co-founded the Court of Appeal’s Appellate Duty Counsel. Henein was the recipient of the Laura Legge Award in 2013 and The Law Society Medal for outstanding service to the administration of justice in 2017. Kim Stanton is a Canadian lawyer, feminist advocate, and the former Legal Director of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). She holds an LLB degree from the University of British Columbia and Doctor of Juridical Science degree from the University of Toronto, has dedicated her adult life to volunteer and professional work in human rights and social justice, including with the United Nations in the Gaza Strip, with the African Women Lawyers Association to address sexual harassment in Ghana and providing support to a legal team on the Bosnia-Hercegovina genocide case before the International Court of Justice. She has served as an official observer of a truth commission in West Africa, and has published and lectured with respect to her academic work on truth commissions and public inquiries in Canada. Her legal practice has focused on constitutional and Aboriginal law; her academic work has focused on truth commissions and public inquiries. The most appropriate instruction that will help you select the right committed host expertise which will bonus your web page the maximum. Agencies these days have a much broader assortment of server sources of their online services than previously, that may be amazing given that you are bound to select a alternative that matches your have to have totally. The main downside is that finding the best fully commited web server web hosting service carrier could be challenging when there are many remedies options to select from, most definitely as most dedicated machine hosts are incredibly aggressive. 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Which of the six change images discussed in this chapter can be identified in the assumptions about managing turnover that were held by; Gunter: I believe Gunter took more of an image of change as a director in the beginning. Acting as a director, he immediately identified vast turnover as a problem at Green Mountain Resort and set a goal to fix the “problem” he realized. As Gunter enlisted help from a consultant he also became a mentor for the staff to change the turnover problem. As he worked with the consultant Gunter continued to be mentor but also became a coach within the organization. As Gunter and the consultant dug into the problem, they found the resort was setting the standard in training for the hospitality industry. This new found information was the shift in looking at turnover as a good thing instead of a problem. The hospitality literature: I believe the literature took on the role of a navigator. It identified the turnover as a major problem which needed to be addressed in the hospitality industry. The literature also makes several suggestions on how an individual can help to reduce or eliminate the effects of the problem. The consultant: In taking the role as the interpreter, the consultant interpreted the problem of turnover to Gunter and was able to change his perspective in a manner which actually helped solve the problem. Gunter now looked at turnover as a good thing because of image the resort had in the hospitality industry as a great place to get training for the bigger resorts. This was a great example of turning a negative into a positive. Interestingly enough, the case study tells us the consultant initially didn’t think he had anything different to offer Gunter. How did these assumptions influence prescriptions for dealing with "the turnover problem"? These assumptions influenced prescriptions for dealing with the turnover problem... ...BACKGROUND/HISTORY Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) started as a small café in Waitsfield, Vermont in the year of 1981. It was in 1993 that the company went public and acquired the early phase of Keurig Incorporated Inc, and then completed the acquisition in 2006. (Unknown.( 2004). Gmcr.Retrieved from Once these two companies combined it made the way we drink beverages different than ever before in both the home and office. According to GMCR’s website “Today, GMCR is recognized as a leader in specialty coffee and coffee makers, and acknowledged for its award-winning coffees, innovative brewing technology, and environmentally and socially responsible business practices.” ((Unknown.( 2004). Gmcr.Retrieved from GMCR has three business units that they operate with today. The first being specialty coffee which includes Green Mountain Coffee, Tully’s Coffee, Diedrich Coffee, and Coffee People. The 2nd unit is the Keurig business unit, which created the signal cup brewing system. The 3rd and final is the GMCR Canada. The GMCR Canada is owns all sales for the company and includes the Van Houtte business as well as Timothy’s World Coffee brand. ((Unknown.( 2004). Gmcr.Retrieved from The current CEO is Brian Kelley who joined GMCR in 2012. Before GMCR Brian Kelley was Coca-Cola’s Chief Product... ... Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. (GMCR) Prepared For Gary L. Payne, MBA Sam Houston State University Prepared By Eric Robinson Fall Semester 2013 Part I History The coffee and tea manufacturing industry has become a $70 billion annual global sales commodity (First Research, Industry Overview). Business continues to boom and coffee manufacturers are able to broaden their revenues by reaching new segments and geographic areas through creative marketing initiatives. According to First Research (8/12/2013), the US US coffee and tea manufacturing industry includes about 300 companies with an annual combined revenue of almost $12 billion. That equates to less than one third of the global annual sales. With Starbucks corralling the majority of the upscale retail coffee consumers; Dunkin’ Donuts, the blue-collar, no-frills brand coffee drinker; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) went looking for a way to capture the self-serve specialty coffee consumer in North America and Canada. This customer tends to be a gourmet beverage drinker who doesn’t compromise on taste but likes quickness and convenience. The GMCR state of the art eCommerce portal allows customers to create the ultimate coffee experience in the home, in the office, and in food service environments. GMCR is so committed to the outstanding coffee experience that they purchase some of the highest quality Arabica beans... Ready to post article on House Cleaning Is Most Difficult Job To Do. You may directly publislop their logical reason and analytically skills. This article has few simple and easier maze printable worksheets. All you have to do is just print them and share them with your kids. There are still a few spots remaining in Val Wilder's Tennis Clinics that start this coming Monday, September 19th. Val is scheduled to be here for two weeks so please take advantage of this opportunity while he is in town. During his visit please do not play on Court One as it is reserved for clinics and private instruction. The Virgin Islands Olympic Committee is celebrating 50 years of support for Virgin Island athletes and needs your help to continue for another 50 years.
Admiral Premium Residence in Konakli Alanya, is a seafront development set on a 16,000 sqm land, of which 12,000 sqm belongs to green areas. Properties in an exclusive living environment in peace of the nature, are located on a hill overlooking the beauty & blue waters of the Mediterranean. The use of the highest quality materials and attention to the smallest details in all living units, all features create a superior standard of lifestyle in Alanya. Admiral Premium comprises 123 properties in Konakli within ten terraced housing blocks and 7 detached villas. According to the customers' needs, the residence offers one or two bedroom apartments and two or three bedroom duplex penthouses. Those who prefer more privacy and space, can choose a private villa in two different sizes and types 3+2 or 4+1. For sale exclusive apartments & duplex penthouses in Alanya with an inbuilt jacuzzi and a huge sun terrace overlooking the Mediterranean. Roof duplexes, situated at the very top of the development plot, are also equipped with a sauna in en-suite bathroom. For sale private pool & garden villas in Alanya have own wood decked pool terrace, sauna, huge roof terrace with a stunning seaview scenery designed to enjoy a private barbecue, sunbathing and jacuzzi. A warm and cozy atmosphere to your home, brings a fireplace in the living room. An integral garage with an integral elevator provides a comfortable access to each floor. The residence is environmentally friendly, special insulation enables energy saving up to 60%, the smart home system is installed in all living units. A superb range of social options, sports facilities, recreational and green park areas, entertainment environment, restaurants, beauty & wellness salon, spa. Delightful gardens landscaping, green areas, fruit trees, have been designated to live in a harmony with nature. Please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form, send us an email or call our office, for more information about luxury living in Turkey.
Islamabad, May 26: Pakistan has rejected US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s accusation that American diplomats were treated badly by authorities in Islamabad, saying it has not received any specific complaint about it. Pompeo during a briefing to the US lawmakers had raised concerns over the “bad treatment” meted out to US diplomats in Pakistan. Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Faisal told the media yesterday that it had not received any specific complaints from the US side after establishment of the mechanism to resolve the issue on treatment of the US diplomats in Pakistan. “Diplomats hailing from all countries enjoy diplomatic privileges alike and are provided every possible support as per international laws and norms as well as reciprocity,” he said. Talking about the reduction in the annual US assistance to Pakistan, Faisal said that the US had suspended the security related assistance to Pakistan earlier this year, including the CSF (coalition support fund) reimbursements. “We believe, and the fact has been frequently acknowledged by the US officials also, that the security- related assistance served the mutual interest of stability in the region,” he said. Hi Lanther and Lady! Was wondering if you might be interested in contacting Outer Barks, which is a fabulous dog boutique in NC outer banks (specifically it’s in Duck, NC). Humans have a cottage there – big dog community & lots of folks looking for great dog tshirts. Might be another place to feature your amazing visage. Contact the human via her email if you want more info. Last April 4, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake hit the province of Batangas, and tremors were felt in Metro Manila and the rest of the southern part of Luzon island. A series of aftershocks that would continue throughout the next four days was capped with more powerful twin earthquakes that hit the same province on April 8. The twin earthquakes, measured at magnitude 5.6 and 6, respectively, by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), were then followed by two other earthquakes measured at magnitude 4.1 and 4.7. Though PHIVOLCS Director Renato Solidum Jr. has said that there is “no connection” between the earthquake swarm in Batangas with the feared “Big One”, citizens online and offline havepointed out how rather ominous the recent events have been in relation to the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that is projected to occur within this lifetime. The recent events have brought into light, in addition to a renewed focus and heightened attention on the Big One, calls for more knowledge sharing efforts and drills to educate the public, among other initiatives. Studies from as early as 2004 have hypothesized that the Marikina Valley Fault System—which was responsible for the last significant earthquake in Metro Manila, measured at magnitude 7.5 and recorded nearly 360 years ago—is due to generate another earthquake just as powerful as the last one to hit Manila all those years ago in 1658. The now famed West Valley Fault is part of the Marikina Valley Fault System, which traverses Metro Manila and several nearby provinces—leading many to create the link between the Batangas earthquake swarm and the feared Big One. On April 8, several universities and establishments conducted emergency evacuation measures and stopped normal operations shortly after the twin earthquakes hit past 3 pm. In DLSU, final exams were cancelled as students, faculty, and staff were asked to vacate the buildings for their respective evacuation centers. While some students quickly complied after feeling the ground shake, several others, many among them in the middle of taking their final examinations, were adamant about leaving their respective classrooms. Apparently, there had been confusion since some students had reportedly been unable to feel the earthquake, which led them to believe it was only a simulation or a drill. This brings to light a problem that has been persisting for quite some time now: the urgency, or its lack thereof, with which the Lasallian community responds to the threats of an earthquake, real or simulated. Though very clearly, safety of the people was on the line during the evacuation which happened on April 8, several members of the community did not act with the urgency that is expected of them in times of calamities such as this month’s earthquake swarm. This was reminiscent of how, just last year, during the second Metro Manila Shake Drill, DLSU’s own Security Office OIC Dr. Jocelyn Dayanan pointed out how students lacked a sense of urgency in following the standard procedures for the drill. Ultimately, we will never know when the next calamity will strike, but now more than ever, we need to come together as a community. Last week’s earthquake swarm should therefore augment and intensify what systems and standard procedures we have in place, and reinforce in the community an even greater sense of urgency for what might possibly come in this lifetime. When studies also point out that Metro Manila is not sufficiently prepared for such a powerful earthquake, with threats of widespread fire, loss of electricity, and liquefaction risk, among others, there is very little that we can do in order to prepare. However, this very little chance that we have just might be our ticket to survival. It is finally here! Well, almost…those of us in the St. Louis area and are lucky enough to be holding tickets to the sold out Decemberists’ show have been waiting for this day for months. In only a handful of hours (looks at clock and tries to speed up time with mind) the incredibly talented Colin Meloy and company will take the stage following yesterday’s song of the day contributor, Justin Townes Earle, to serenade us and sweep us away into their catalog of rustic folk, gothic twang, and far from simple pop. In order to prepare those fans waiting to flock to the Pageant for the night of inspiring music, I have taken the time to throw together a list of songs spanning each of the band’s albums. Are you as excited as I am? justin townes earle, music, song of the day, soundwaves, spring tour, st lousi, the decemberists, the pageant
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That means whether you’re at any angle you get the same industrial-sized strength that Degelman’s known for. When you're working with silage, under-frame clearance is important. That's why at Degelman, our mounting system allows for extra under frame clearance. So you can pack and push more silage faster without getting hung up. We also make sure our mounting hardware gives you a smooth, clean underbelly to minimize dragging silage back. Add a two foot perforated silage extension, and you'll move more silage than ever. From our field testing, a 30° angle runs snow off the blade the best. That's why we made sure the 7900 can hit and hold 30° with optimal strength. This means faster and more efficient snow removal for any job out there. The 7900's controls give you the power and agility of angling control at your fingertips. There's no need to ever get out of your cab-ever. You can angle the blade from 0° to 30°, lift up and down and tilt how you like, quickly and easily: The control stays where it belongs-with you. When your blade can do more...you can do more. Tilt. Angle. Lift. You name it. That's why the Degelman 7900 hydraulic system is designed for optimal blade angles and usage. Because we know your blade needs to take on all the jobs you tackle every day, not just some of them. The fingertip-controlled tilt capabilities of the 7900 give you the option to tilt the blade up to 10°. So you can groom roads, put a ridgeline in for drainage...you name it. And, because of our industrial-strength cylinders and heavy-duty design, you can doze with confidence knowing that our blade system can do the job, and then some. SSMM SERVICOS MEDICOS LTDA in Sao Paulo is a com
So I'm in Orlando for a conference with my wife and tomorrow morning I'll be heading out to AIMExpo to take a look around. I've been toying with the idea to get a 2nd bike to leave in Georgia so if I fly or take the car for a quick weekend getaway I'd have something to ride and not have to take the SuperDuke. I wanted something fun and inexpensive at the same time. Something I can ride with my wife and it would also be decent to strife some corners on my own. After looking around I had sort of settled on a kawi versys 650 LT. It has saddlebags and heated grips. I saw a leftover 2015 on CycleTrader for $5999 and it was $1k over my self imposed budget but I decided to go to the dealership and lay eyes on it. I get there (Cycle Sports Center on 4001 N John Young Parkway Orlando, FL 32804) and the sales person shows me a green bike (white in the ad) for $7499. I asked about the $5999 and he mentioned that that price does not include freight, dealer prep. tax, tag and title. The $7499 is + TTT only. So I asked if there is a $5999 bike and he gave me a bunch of excuses why they need to ad $1500 to the price AND TTT to make it the OTD price. The salesperson got all nervous, his hands started shaking as he was pointing to the price tag and tried to explain why they need to ad a profit percentage to keep the doors open and he needs to feed his kids and all kinds of bullshit... Glad I was already here and did not drive from Sarasota exclusively to look at the bike. That would have really pissed me off. I would never, ever buy a bike from a dealer - unless it was brand new and that was the only way to do it. I did that with my Superduke in '07 but never went back to that place, not even for a first service. I only chose them because I waited a week before Christmas and knew that business would be slack. Rang them up and offered cash and got my hand bitten off! Drove 100 miles, £1K off the list price, Akra pipes, alarm, carbon seat cover all thrown in. It's all about timing with stealers I think. Get them when they are desperate or walk away. You made the right choice. Dealers here in Oz have to advertise if the bike is "Ride Away" or +ORC (on road costs) or government charges. Usually makes about $1500 difference but should never get a nasty surprise. Just another reason why we call 'em "stealers" ... Pretty normal tactics here; and $1500 is low compared to some gouges they try to slap on. Patience, timing, and negotiation are everything. Bought a few new bikes over the years, and before I go see anything - I call and ask "What's the out-the-door price"? If they won't give it to me over the phone, I just drop the conversation. Too many stealer shenanigans. G you want Kawi green - get a first gen Z1000. Why not an FI FZ1? People want stupid money for 'em - and they aren't worth it for what you have in mind. SDNerd wrote: Gteresting you mention a Bandit. I bought a brand new 1200 in '98. I modded it, put 44k miles on it. I commuted for years on that B12 and rode 300 miles on Sundays with the guys. Good bike, I had done suspension work, Holeshot slip-on, K&N air filter and followed the Bandit Forum's tuning guide for the carbs and it worked great. I sold it in 2003 before getting married since I was not riding as much and I was tired of the heavy weight and too much power. I had gotten to the point where I was afraid to open her up mid-turn and loose the rear end. So it went to a happy 2nd owner somewhere in Georgia. Apparently I was so unhappy with not having a bike that I was talking, thinking, looking, reading, so in 04 my wife told me "Please, go get a bike and stop obsessing over them". We were in the midst of buying the property in Georgia so I decided to get a nice, small, easy to trow around in the turns standard-SV-650. I Owned that bike for 10 years. Only rode it for 15k miles or so. Sold it to a friend of mine and bought my black 08 SD that I crashed a year later in Cherohalla Skyway in NC. Insurance paid well and I bought the SDR I currently have. Yesterday, at the AIMExpo I was talking with my buddy Superduke Mark who I sold the SV-650 to, and I knew he had sold it to a guy named Dave and this Dave guy does not ride it very much or at all. I asked Mark to call and find out for me and Dave agreed to sell it back to me. So, It'll be the 2nd time I buy the same SV-650. It has the Holeshot slip-on I installed, Dale Walker's version of PowerCommander 3, Suspension tailored to my weight and riding style and just a few thousand miles more than when I sold it. Mark did the steering head bearings and other than that, it's the same bike. It's going to be ridden maybe a thousand miles a year when I go to the mountains and I know it's been taken care of all of its life. Interesting turn of events I think. Interestingly, the SV had 17251 miles when I sold it in Jan of 2014, it now has 17791. No wonder the seller accepted my low ball offer since he did not ride it at all. Earlier this year I bought a 2007 DL-650 and took her to the Alps (loaded up with camping gear). It amazed my friends how fast & capable she was as she was the baby of the group (though the biggest looking). Next year I hope to take her back again but via a different route and once there have my Mrs fly into Italy for a few days, that way she can see the Alps from a bike too. Cool, wow just over 500 miles in almost 3 years. Sounds like you got someone to pay you to store it for a few years. Good deal. Sorry to hear about your experience with Cycle Sports Center, as they have generally treated our dirt bike club very well. Dave even warrantied a bad stator for me sight unseen. Sounds like someone in the ad department had their head up their arse because whenever I've called it was an OTD price. Left hand didn't know what right hand was doing I suppose.
1. I recently went back to blonde (the hue my tresses have been most of my life), and I'm loving the summery change. | 2. The most adorable knit elephant dolls from Blabla. I can just hear Maile now: "Elephant a princess!" | 3. Summer necklace. | 4. I need to finish Maile's room ASAP. This bookshelf styling, with little girls in mind, is perfect. | 5. I've been wanting to start a gratitude journal. Isn't the leather detail here beautiful? | 6. It's settled. If I had a scooter, it would be this one. And one for Maile, to match, please! | 7. The sight of this handwoven vintage Kilim rug has seriously made me rethink the styling of Maile's room. I've come too far to turn back now, but ohhhhhhhhh, would I ever love this piece in our home! | 8. I'm almost -- almost -- ashamed to admit how much I covet these Liberty print Nikes. I'm totally behind the sneaker wedge trend ... I'm just not sure I can pull it off. | 9. Baseball season is in full swing, and Maile has outgrown last year's gear. A pink Giants hoodie? Perfect! The Blend section of the Edit Style dialog's Edit Layer tab specifies how the currently selected layer is blended into the layers underneath it. Specifies how this layer is blended with the image behind it. Changing this property can lead to widely varying results. This property modifies the overall opacity of the current style layer. Decrease the value to lower the effect that this layer has on the image behind it. During color-only renders, certain parts of a texture, usually those adding highlights or shadows, are skipped so that a flat-looking version is created. Activating this property will cause this style layer to be skipped during color-only renders. This property doesn't have an effect on normal renders. More information on color-only rendering can be found in the Using Effect Maps tutorial. We welcome you to Spire Funeral Services – a family owned business with over fifteen years experience. We offer a first class bespoke service to all our clients, tailored to the individual needs of our clients and their families. We pride ourselves on personalised and flexible packages to meet the needs of all families, at a time when sensitivity is paramount. Please call in and speak to us, telephone or visit the Contact Us page to find out how we can help when you need us most. Classic specimen of dolomite cast in "dirty" pink color, from famous Tsumeb. Interesting on both sides. led recessed lighting bulb dimmable light bulbs reviews for ceiling amazon,led recessed lighting bulb dimmable best bulbs for light amazon bulk,led recessed light bulbs walmart costco impressive bulb for lighting with regard reviews,led recessed lighting bulb dimmable light bulbs costco best friendly regarding amazon,led recessed light bulbs walmart lighting home depot canada for sale bulb daylight base,recessed lighting design ideas led light bulbs daylight bulk reviews,led recessed lighting home depot canada ceiling light bulbs amazon bulk elegant images modern interior,led recessed light bulbs lowes ceiling amazon for sale fixtures furniture types of lighting,llk walmart lighting new best for.
The National Coordination Committee Of Electricity Employees & Engineers (NCCOEEE) has decided to observe one-day strike against Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2014 during the monsoon session of parliament. A Strike notice has been served by NCCOEEE Convener A B Bardhan to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister of all States. AIPEF Chairman Shailendra Dubey said this after returning from Delhi, where the decision of strike was taken. He said here that NCCOEEE meeting was presided by veteran trade union leader A B Bardhan and was attended by President and General Secretary of All India Power Engineers Federation, All India Power Diploma Engineers Federation, Electricity Employees Federation Of India (CITU), All India Federation Of Electricity Employees (AITUC), Indian National Electricity Workers Federation (INTUC) and All India Power Mens Federation. Mr Dubey said NCCOEE has termed the proposed bill as anti people and has decided to oppose it tooth and nail. He said it has been decided to strike work on the day Electricity (Amendment ) Bill 2014 is placed before parliament for discussion. About 12 lakh power employees and engineers are likely to participate in nationwide power strike. The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has endorsed the decision taken by National Co-ordination committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) regarding token strike on the scheduled day of placing the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2014 for discussion in Parliament, he added. AIPEF also held its Federal Executive meeting yesterday to decide upon various activities against Electricity Bill (Amendment) 2014 and related issues. The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was initiated in Parliament on December 19, 2014, with the purpose of further splitting of Electricity Distribution Sector into carriage and content to enable profit mongers to enter into supply business of urban and revenue potential area without any investment for development or expansion of the Power Industry. The proposed Bill, if enacted will open the sector for cherry picking by the suppliers, pressing the poor and low end consumer to pay more for consumption of Electricity,Mr Dubey alleged. Power Engineers and employees oppose Electricity bill 2014, Parliament march on April 3 - 24.02.18 (1 match)
Such as, Jains and Muslim Adult males have on unstitched fabric items when carrying out religious ceremonies. The unstitched cloth signifies unified and complete devotion to your job at hand, with no digression.[citation needed] Sikhs dress in a turban as it is a part of their faith. ‘There is not any consensus, nevertheless, on when and how to treat infants and youthful young children with signs or symptoms of bronchial asthma.’ Congratulations! Now's some time to appreciate your baby’s little toes and baby scent. It won't be there eternally, and you ought to choose as quite a few photographs as you possibly can. You will want to miss only one valuable second! MedlinePlus links to wellness data from your Nationwide Institutes of Wellbeing and also other federal government organizations. MedlinePlus also backlinks to health data from non-govt Web sites. See our disclaimer about external inbound links and our high-quality pointers. An infant's Bodily improvement begins at the head, then moves to other portions of the body. By way of example, sucking will come ahead of sitting down, which will come right before strolling. That is very seriously probably the greatest purchases I have created for my images small business. I used to be expending A great deal of time endeavoring to locate the perfect stability for newborn pores and skin, which bundle does it all for me. Buy it. You won't regret it for Whole article even a second! Congratulations to the arrival of the new baby! This new addition will provide you many cuddling, pleasurable times and sweet Recollections. It's going to be worth the sleepless nights. All the ideal to Your loved ones. I can not believe how straightforward these steps are to work with And just how incredible my pictures seem. This will conserve me so much modifying time. I actually wish I'd obtained this faster! This could possibly be your initially kid, nonetheless it Whole article will certainly not be your last. I can see from the shots that this is Whatever you had been created to perform. Putting in the presets and brushes A part of this bundle is very simple. Learn how to get it done beneath with our very simple to grasp educational tutorials. In addition to all this, you'll find light-weight adjustment presets that permit you to modify the best way gentle is lose on your newborns. This is critical, particularly when you're shooting indoors. Jewish ritual also demands rending of 1's higher garment as an indication of mourning. This follow is present in the Bible when Jacob hears More help of the clear Demise of his son Joseph.[12] I wish I could contain an image to point out the amazing distinction in my shots, but ideally you will acquire my phrase for it that these goods are Completely amazing! Subsequent the delivery of her son Miles just two weeks back, The brand new Mother of two has become posting sweet images of your precious Learn more newborn and his cute major sister Luna.
After this comprehensive analysis of your business is complete, our expert business valuers will produce your tailored business valuation report, which explains in detail our professional opinion related to the market value of your company your report will include a letter of opinion, that states the value of your business and our. Report writing: review and analysis is an appealing course structured around the valuation engagement and report writing experiences of the attendees as their specific issues are addressed, attendees will see examples of how to organize valuation reports, develop an enhanced table of contents, consider alternative formats and structures of. Business valuations provide business owners with useful information such as where the risks are in their business, how the company's financial performance compares to its peers, where the value of the business is coming from and ways to increase that value. The business valuation report prepared by the appraiser the premise of value is a going concern 10 , and the standard of value is fair market value 11 the opinion letter stated that the fair market value of a 100% ownership interest in alpha. An asset-based valuation is a straightforward method in which the value of the business is determined by the total value of the company's tangible and intangible assets the challenge with this. Comprehensive appraisal - summary report - $7,500- $35,000 this is the most common type of assignment, and calls for the application of a full complement of appraisal procedures. Business valuation arrowfish consulting is highly respected and much sought after when it comes to business valuation and appraisal services with nearly 100 years of combined experience, our business appraisers are known as experts in this field. Business matter valuation has been retained by mr john doe to estimate the fair market value of sample inc sample inc is a c corporation located at 1 road in round rock, tx 78681 furthermore, an interest of 100% is being valued as of december 31, 2011. With 80 percent of the market for business applications, data, and report writers, we provide the critical software tools utilized by thousands of cpas, investment banks, and financial professionals and countless business owners and stakeholders. An appraisal report may be considered a certified report when it is signed by a certified business appraiser who is taking technical responsibility for its content [iba business appraisal standard 124. No two business valuations will be the same, but small business owners and potential owners should keep the following best practices in mind when going through the process of placing a value on a business. For a more complete business valuation, we recommend one of the business valuations listed below we are so confident of the value of this report that if you have us provide this business valuation to you, we will reduce the commission owed when we sell your business by the price of the business valuation. The appraisal review report which accompanies this transmittal letter is a summary report and contains a brief description of the data and a summary of the analysis and reasoning used to reach my opinions. Market value approaches to business valuation attempt to establish the value of your business by comparing your business to similar businesses that have recently sold obviously, this method is only going to work well if there are a sufficient number of similar businesses to compare. An appraisal is a valuation of property (ie real estate, a business, an antique) by the estimate of an authorized person. Welcome asas, ams and everyone interested in the business valuation profession as you visit this website, we invite you to pay special attention to these important topics. Engaged to provide a formal valuation report to set forth the fair market value of the common stock issued by midwestone financial group, inc (company) and held in its employee stock ownership plan (esop) as of march 31, 2006. A commercial property insurance valuation review helps ensure that a business is adequately covered if the owner has to file a claim. In a valuation report, the appraiser must identify and clearly define the economic benefit, or benefit stream, used to develop the selected business valuation method benefit streams can be expressed in various ways, but valuation professionals generally use types of cash flows such as free cash flow to the firm (fcff) and free cash flow. Article updated: october 22, 2012 introduction the closely-held, family business often is the most significant asset of the business owner's estate, both from the point of view of valuation for transfer tax purposes as well as for family business succession. We know that is important to find out exactly what you are getting before you make an investment, so we are offering a free pdf download of each our appraisal reports: a certified machinery & equipment appraisal report and a certified business valuation report. the report documents the important elements of the business valuation that meet the client's objectives while providing consistent and accurate results. That this business valuation report was prepared in the effort to provide the subscriber with a universe of potential selling price value for the business opportunity, but that such valuation is highly subjective and must be interpreted based on the subscribers' business experience and. A typical appraisal report is divided into many sections and usually considers the following areas: the history of the company and the nature of the business general economic outlook and the outlook of the particular industry. This comprehensive report provides an opinion of value or the subject company based on the standard of value known as fair market value as described below: the most probable price which a property should bring in a competitivee, and assuming the price is not affected by undue. Business value estimate: this business appraisal services report is specifically designed for business owners to provide a fast and easy estimate of value for a business the report is based on a combination of 8 valuation methodologies, a comparative data that help verify the estimate of value.
Portescap offers a wide range of miniature motor technologies to meet the needs of demanding automation applications. Our miniature motors provide high torque density, long life and high efficiency to maximize performance of automation technology, to reduce cost of ownership and to improve reliability. High performance motors for automation improve machine throughput and accuracy to pick and place components faster. Mini motors provide efficiency, power density, and performance to help designs become smaller, lighter and more accurate. Smooth motion and improved accuracy at higher speeds increase machine throughput and handling performance. Unparalleled acceleration of disc magnet technology increases the reliability and productivity of textile machinery. Brush and brushless DC technology solutions provide system reliability and control in transporting parts in a demanding factory environment. Portescap's brush DC, can stack stepper motors and actuators deliver fine resolution for enhanced accuracy and speed of operation of IR cameras. Lightweight precision motors designed for automated optics control of lenses in challenging environments. Sometimes a healthy diet and regular exercise just aren't enough. Whether it's through pregnancy and childbirth, weight fluctuations, or other life changes, some people develop and can't seem to lose excess fat and skin around their midsection. If this sounds like you, you may want to consider a tummy tuck in Portland, Oregon, performed by one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. In Portland, a tummy tuck performed by Dr. O'Brien, Dr. Popowich, or Dr. Zegzula can help you achieve a slimmer and more toned abdomen by reducing excess fat and skin, as well as tightening weak or separated abdominal muscles. After their tummy tuck, many patients report that they have achieved improved self-confidence and that their clothes even fit better. If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, or are considering future pregnancies, you should mention this during your consultation. Your surgeon will probably suggest postponing your tummy tuck under those circumstances. It's also important to know that a tummy tuck cannot necessarily fix stretch marks. Patients who are finished having children sometimes choose to combine liposuction or breast augmentation with a tummy tuck, a procedure often called a Mommy Makeover. Or, if loose skin is not a concern and your primary concern is excess fat, your surgeon may suggest that liposuction alone be performed, instead of a tummy tuck. Our doctors recognize that each patient is different. They choose to offer a less invasive "mini tummy tuck" for people who are primarily concerned by excess fat in the lower abdomen (the area below the belly button). Because a smaller area is treated and the incision is smaller, many patients find that recovery from a mini tummy tuck is more comfortable than recovery would be after a full tummy tuck. Each of our surgeons perform abdominoplasty under general anesthesia at an outpatient surgery center. During the procedure, your doctor will make an incision just above the pubic bone area and, perhaps, another around the navel. He or she will adjust the location and length of these incisions based on your specific needs. He or she will then reduce excess fat, tighten stretched skin, and repair weakened abdominal muscles. As with most abdominal surgery, there will be downtime associated with a tummy tuck. After surgery, there will be some discomfort, and you'll need to avoid positions that would place strain on the treated area. Enjoy some rest and relaxation for a week or two. After recovery is complete, you can resume your normal activities, but with a slimmer, firmer shape.
The University of Missouri Department of Theatre presents "Hamlet" at 2 p.m. today in the Rhynsburger Theatre. Shakespeare's famous play about the brooding Danish prince has been adapted for a contemporary audience, emphasizing Hamlet's descent into madness and his romantic entanglements with Ophelia. Tickets are $8 to $10. theatre.missouri.edu. Columbia Entertainment Company, 1800 Nelwood Drive, presents "Murder at the Howard Johnson's" at 2 p.m. today, 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. next Sunday. Penned by Ron Clark and Sam Bobrick, "Murder" is a comedic mystery featuring a three-person cast. Tickets range from $8 to $10. Talking Horse Productions presents "[title of show]" by Jeff Bowen and Hunter Bell at 7:30 p.m. today at the Berlin Theatre, 210 N. Tenth St. A Tony Award nominee in 2009, the play centers around two struggling writers who try to craft a play in time for a theater festival. Talking Horse says the show is "above all, a love letter to the musical theatre � and to the joy of collaboration." Tickets are $12, $10 for seniors and students. Visit Talking Horse at its Facebook page. Actor Val Kilmer will bring his one-man show, "Citizen Twain," to William Woods University with a performance at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Dulany Auditorium in Fulton. The actor's film credits include "Top Gun," "The Doors," "Tombstone" and "Batman Forever." Kilmer, who is coming to William Woods to deliver the commencement address Saturday, has offered to do a 15- to 30-minute question-and-answer session after the performance. Created and performed by Kilmer, the production "delves into the heart and soul of Samuel Clemens and conjures forth the great spirit of Mark Twain, America's greatest storyteller." Tickets are $50 each, and seats are limited. For reservations, call (573) 592-1176 or email Stephens College presents "The Goodbye Girl" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday at Macklanburg Playhouse, 100 Willis Ave. The musical comedy is based on Neil Simon's 1977 Oscar-winning film and features music by Marvin Hamlisch. Tickets are $16, $8 for students and seniors. For tickets and more details, call 876-7199 or visit D�j� Vu Comedy Club, 405 Cherry St., presents KT Tatara and Mike Baldwin at 7 and 9:15 p.m. Thursday, 7:30 and 9 p.m. Friday and 8 and 10:15 p.m. Saturday. Tickets for Thursday and Friday's early shows are sold out. Remaining Thursday tickets are $10, remaining Friday tickets are $8 and Saturday tickets are $5. Call 443-3216. Mid-Missouri Traditional Dancers hosts a dance at 7:30 p.m. Friday at First Christian Church, Tenth and Walnut streets. River Ridge will provide music, and Janine Gordon will be the caller. An introductory lesson begins at 7 p.m., and beginners are welcome. Admission is $7, $4 for those ages 16 to 25. mmtdcolumbia.org. Compiler's note: With this column, we're changing things a bit. We'll be going from 1862 back 20 years to 1842 instead of 1832, then reaching back to the first year a newspaper was published west of St. Louis � the 1819 editions of the Missouri Intelligencer published in Franklin. From the Tribune, April 27, 2002: Federal agents and local police from Columbia and Boonville raided two area establishments, seeking evidence of tax-code violations and other misconduct. Raided were Columbia's Club Vogue and its sister business outside Boonville, Show Girls. State and federal agents took several boxes of records from Club Vogue, but no one was arrested and the club was open for business the next day. Show Girls remained closed and its managers jailed on a variety of charges including possession of a controlled substance, prostitution and selling liquor without a license. Bond for the manager, Kurtis Harris, was set at $50,000. Neither club had a liquor license. From the Centralia Fireside Guard, April 29, 1987: The Boone County Courthouse was set to go smokeless on May 15 � almost. The city of Columbia enacted an ordinance restricting smoking in public buildings, but the Boone County Commission made a change at the courthouse because it was not a part of city government. Smoking in courtrooms was already banned. Individual offices within the courthouse would be allowed to designate a private smoking area. Sturgeon High School won three baseball games this week, coming from behind twice. The Bulldogs beat Higbee 3-0 on Darrin Kelly's two-hit, 11-strikeout performance, then edged Cairo 9-3 with seven runs in the sixth inning. They closed the week with an 8-5 win over Madison. From the Tribune, April 28, 1962: Columbia police received their first radar gun. The front-page photo showed Patrolman Leslie Reed working the gun on Providence Road. The radar was operated from inside the car, allowing officers to time, chase and arrest. It could be moved from car to car as needed. May 2, 1962: Hickman High School won the Central Missouri Conference track title when Danny Bates took the pole vault on his final effort at 10 feet 10 inches. Had he missed, Jefferson City would have won by a fifth of a point. From the Tribune, April 26, 1937: Betty Lou Hedges of Excelsior Springs swept the three-gaited and five-gaited stakes at the University of Missouri's Farmers Fair Horse Show. She rode in seven classes, taking four firsts and three seconds. Local entries placed high. Druesdale Stable had a winner with Mrs. Claude Drew in the three-gaited class for horses under 15.2 hands. Her daughter, Shirley, was runner-up to Hedges in the best lady rider category and the five-gaited stake. Temple Stephens Jr. won the children's class, and his sister, Jeanne, won third in both the three- and five-gaited stakes. May 1, 1937: Jeanne Stephens, a student at Stephens College, riding Love in Bloom, owned by Stephens College, placed third in the three-gaited stake at the Kansas City Spring Horse Show. From the Columbia Daily Times, April 28, 1912: "Dr. Hin Wong, a graduate of the MU School of Journalism and a student at Columbia University in New York, is leaving the U.S. to join the government of Sun Yat Sen, the new reform leader in China. Wong will return to his native South China city of Canton where he will work to improve life of the poor." "Yes, verily they shall, and that, too, before very long. Where shall they vote? Wherever English-speaking races rule, beginning with the United States." He went on to say, "Let us bid the women welcome to our polls, let us beg them to help us mend the evils we alone have struggled against hitherto in vain." From the Howard County Advertiser, April 29, 1887: "On April 25, at 9 a.m., a serious difficulty occurred on a Jefferson City street between State Auditor Walker and Judge Henry." No first names were listed. "A difficulty had arisen between the two concerning the location of a branch prison. They met on the street and Walker asked the judge why he continued to injure Walker's character. "They exchanged words and Henry hit Walker with his cane, opening a deep, bloody gash over the left temple. Walker then produced a pistol and fired, hitting the judge in the arm. The bullet glanced into his chest, lodging there. "Walker a former Boone Countian, was the more seriously injured. Judge Henry is recovering at his Kansas City home. No charges have been filed." Mrs. Delilah Lewis, 113, died in St. Joseph. She was the state's oldest woman, born in slavery in 1772 in Tennessee. She moved to Missouri at the end of the Civil War. From the Missouri Statesman, May 2, 1862: Congress abolished the dead letter system, and all nondeliverable letters were to be returned to the sender, who must pay a return postage equal to the original postage.The U.S. postmaster general noted that the return postage would more than pay for the service. The contract for carrying the mail from Jefferson City to Centralia through Columbia was awarded to William Curtis. The four-year agreement would begin July 1 and dictated mail delivery six days a week. From the Columbia Patriot, April 30, 1842: Compiler's note: The Patriot replaced the Intelligencer in 1836 and is being used for the first time in this column. It was published by Sanford, Williams and Co. until 1843 when it became The Statesman. It cost $2.50 for six months or $3.50 for the whole year. "The State University exams of the Collegiate and Preparatory Departments began in the college chapel on Monday last. On this date, a large crowd gathered at the Camplia Hotel, then was led by a band to the chapel." The editor's comment: "We are sure we were never more gratified and more intellectually regaled. Here truly was an entertainment of intellect, a sumptuous banquet of delicious fruit spread for the feast of the mind." From the Franklin Intelligencer, April 23 and 30, 1819: Compiler's note: These notes were taken from the first two newspaper issues printed west of St. Louis. The masthead listed the place of publication as Franklin, Missouri Territory. "It is contemplated shortly to commence a stage from St. Louis to across from St. Louis, to Vincennes and on to Louisville." A few of the toasts at a Feb. 19 dinner honoring George Washington's birthday: "Washington, Jefferson, Madison, our army and navy, Henry Clay, Gov. William Clark and the towns of Franklin and Boonville � 9 cheers; John Adams � 6 cheers; Ben Franklin � 5 cheers; Congress � 3 cheers; Great Britain � no cheers." Statement of purpose: "Public measures, public characters and acts of individuals in office will always be considered subject of investigation, but no private quarrels or the aspirations of private character will find admission to the Intelligencer." BEIRUT (AP) � A powerful car bomb tore through a business district in the center of the Lebanese capital today, killing a prominent dk black smoke above the nearby government headquarters and the seafront. Hariri, a Sunni politician, heads the main, Western-backed coalition in Lebanon, which is engaged in bitter feuding with the militant Shiite Hezbollah group, a top ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The bombing recalled a string of assassinations of members of the anti-Syrian Hariri camp between 2004 and 2008, the biggest of which was the massive suicide bombing in 2005 in downtown Beirut � not far from the site of today's blast � that killed Hariri's father, Rafik, also a former prime minister. Hariri's allies accused Syria of being behind the killings, a claim Damascus denied. Today's blast came less than three weeks before the trial for those suspected in Rafik Hariri's assassination was set to begin. Five Hezbollah members have been indicted for alleged involvement in the killing. Hezbollah rejects the accusations and has refused to hand over the suspects. Saad Hariri indirectly blamed Hezbollah for Chatah's assassination. In a statement, he accused "the ones who run away from international justice and refuse to appear before the international tribunal." More recently, the country has seen a wave of violence as Lebanon's Sunni and Shiite communities line up with their brethren on opposing sides in Syria's civil war. That has fueled predictions that Lebanon, still recovering from its 15-year civil war that ended in 1990, is on the brink of descending into full-blown sectarian violence. There has been a series of bombings in districts dominated by Hezbollah, apparently in retaliation for its decision to send guerrillas to fight alongside Assad's forces against rebels, as well as twin car bombings in Tripoli, Lebanon's largest city and a Sunni stronghold. There also have been repeated clashes between Sunnis, who largely back Syria's rebels, and Shiites and Alawites, who back Assad. The last such assassination in Lebanon was in Oct. 19, 2012, when a car bomb killed Lebanon's top intelligence chief, Wissam al-Hassan. Al-Hassan, a member of Hariri's security circle, was a powerful opponent of Syria's influence in Lebanon, and many here blamed his killing on Syria.
RaSCSI is a type of emulator that virtually reproduces SCSI devices (hard disk, MO, CD-ROM) that have been converted into past relics. It was devel..
5 Stars is not enough for this amazing woman. I am a disabled Vet that has gone to a chiropractor since 2009. I have had serious trauma done to my... read more spine. I couldn’t sit or stand very long. I need help doing normal day activities. I would have headaches and was very depressed. I refused to take pain meds so I suffered through it. I couldn’t sleep or play with my babies. I was with one chiropractor for 3 years and never improved. He tried the cracking of the spine. The twisting of the body. It never helped and it didn’t work except make me sore. I started seeing Dr. Reynolds In December of 2017. I wish I could tell you in person the amazing work she has done to my ENTIRE body. My pain has dropped dramatically. Feeling able to move with out pain i.e. getting out of bed. I have scoliosis making my body compensate for the other half. She has leveled me out so much that my weak side is starting to get stronger. I have only seen her for four weeks. I really hope someone reads this message. That takes this advise to go and visit with Dr. Reynolds. She use to be in the military and now military spouse. You wouldn’t believe the amazing discounts for military spouses she has. She can work miracles! If you have to see a chiropractor or starting to look for one. Make her your first choice I promise you will make her your only choice. read less I went into this place not knowing what to expect. After my very first appointment I felt so good. The staff was amazing, the receptionist was just the nicest person! Dr Reynolds listens and takes time to understand what is going on with you to help get the treatment you need. Dr. Reynolds is an amazing chiropractor!! She uses the impulse adjusting instrument -it looks like a gun- which for me is such a relief since I do not like being... read more "cracked". She takes her time to know you and your problems so you don't feel like you are being rushed or "just another dollar". If you are in the Leavenworth area and in need of chiropractic services I highly recommend Dr. Reynolds. read less Great work by Dr Reynolds. I was having a terrible time with my back pain. She was able to get me in for treatment the same day! She recommended a... read more treatment plan that got be feeling better right away. read less I’d travel all the way to Kansas from Seattle just to see this doc! Caring, Intelligent, and Amazing! Been going to chiropractors for over 30yrs. First one that can get me to stay inline. Really like her treatment method and will work me in when need be. A sincere, heartfelt thank you for being dedicated to your motto: It’s all about you and your life. I have sought chiropractic care as needed for over thirty years. I’ve traveled with the Army Reserves to the east coast, west coast and many of the states in between. You are by far the best chiropractor in a five state region, NE, MO, KS, VA and CA. I can make this statement based on my personal experience. Chiropractic care just makes sense; however, any doctor who does not start from providing care to the individual and their needs versus thinking an upper, mid and lower back adjustment is all that is needed does the science an injustice. I am grateful that in having relocated to KS for employment that I found you. I initially chose you because you were covered under my health plan; but, after my first “amazing” appointment with you I now choose you for me. You were able to isolate, treat and relieve the nagging pain in my hand’s knuckle among other things. I thought it was arthritis and that I and it, would never find relief; but we have. I felt as if I had just had a full body massage instead of a chiropractic adjustment because of the intense and greatly welcomed sense of, and actual, relief, release and thorough relaxation. I’ll return again and again. I’ve told my family and now, I am busy telling my co-workers and friends, “I’ve found a wonderful chiropractor in KS…” – you!
Today is my birthday. If you’d like to get me a gift, there’s nothing better you can do than to donate to my Secular Quemanism project. Whether large or small, that would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Swimming lessons have resumed since midterm and will continue every Monday until Christmas. Children are reminded to bring a swimming cap and goggles as part of their swimming gear. Thank you.